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Centre Name: ACE-HCMC-2-FPT.

Address: 590 Cach Mang Thang 8, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.

Game Store

Batch No:
Group No:
Order: Full name Roll No.
2. Nguyễn Ahn Seung Student981907
Design Plan: BBS Document Name: Problem Definition Document SWD/Form No. 1
Effective Date:20-2-2019 Version: 1 Page no.1/36

Month: 4 Year: 2019

I. 3
II. Error! Bookmark not defined.
1. Error! Bookmark not defined.
2 Error! Bookmark not defined.
III. 7
1. 7
2. Sofware requiments 10
Task Sheet Review 1 11
I. Error! Bookmark not defined.
1. Error! Bookmark not defined.
2. Error! Bookmark not defined.
3. Error! Bookmark not defined.
II. Error! Bookmark not defined.
1. Error! Bookmark not defined.
2. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Task Sheet Review 2 21
A. Error! Bookmark not defined.
1. Error! Bookmark not defined.
2. Error! Bookmark not defined.
3. Error! Bookmark not defined.
4. Error! Bookmark not defined.
A. Error! Bookmark not defined.
1. Error! Bookmark not defined.
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2. Error! Bookmark not defined.

3. Error! Bookmark not defined.
4. Error! Bookmark not defined.
5. 11
6. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Task Sheet Review 3 33

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I. Problem definition:
1 Set the prolem
- Due to the current technological advances, more and more hightech game
are emerging and the need to buy and learn about the game of everyone
also increase. As a result, Game Shop was born to solve this problem.
- Game Shop is an online shopping application provided the newest game
for customers.Game Shop helps customers to view information and
purchase plenty of populars game anytime, anywhere with just a phone or
a laptop connected to the internet.

2 Determine customer requirements:

- Customers can view the list and information of products and manufacturers.
Customers can search for products easily with keywords.
- When registering to become a member of the website, members can edit
personal information registered with the web, send feedback on services on the
web. Members can order products directly on the web
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II. Require Function:

❖ Login to the system
● Input
o email, password, role
● Output
o Show message of login status
o Logged in successfully
● Validation
o Email and password must be valid
o Email required
o Password required
❖ Change the password
● Input
o Old password and new password
● Output
o Show message success
● Validation
o New password and old password must equal
o New password required
❖ Search Product
● Input
○ game name , game price
● Output
○ game information
A . Admin
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❖ See product
● Show
o All games information
❖ See customer
● Show
o All customer information

❖ Create, edit, delete Game

● Input
○ Game id, game name, game price, game description, game image, game
discount if it has, game category , game brand
● Validation:
○ Game id is not blank and must have format G + six numbers (example:
○ Game name is not blank and length must larger than 5
○ Game price is a number and cannot lower than 0
○ Game description is not blank and length must larger than 5
○ Game image is a file must have format png, jpg and can’t null
○ Game discount can not larger than 50
○ Game category cannot be null
○ Game brand cannot be null
● Output:
○ Show message to confirm create, edit game successful
❖ Search Customer
● Input
○ customer name
● Output
○ customer information
B . Customer
❖ Registration
● Input
o First name, Last name, gender, address , email, password, phone, avatar
● Output
o Show message success
o Go to the home page
● Validation
o First name and last name can not be blank and length must larger than 5
o Gender is required
o Address cannot be blank and length must larger than 5 characters
o Customer email cannot be blank and have a format
o Password is required
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o Phone can not be blank and must have 10-12 digits

o Avatar is a file must have format png, jpg and can’t null
❖ See row
● Show
o All game information
❖ Search product
● Input
o Game name, brand name, price
● Output
o Show the selected item information
● Validation
o Already exhausted or not available
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I. System requirements

1. Hardware requirements
- Pentium IV 1.4 Ghz or higher.
- Ram 512 MB or higher.
- HDD 200MB or higher.

2. Sofware requiments

- Window 7 or higher( Recommend).
- Glassfish Server 1.4.2
- SQL server 2014
- Netbeans 7.4
- Window XP or higher( Recommend).
- IE 9.0 or higher.

Range :
- Provide information about products and other services
- Allows users to feedback
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Task Sheet Review 1

Members Group Date Preparation Of Activity Plan

No Name Description Start Date End Date Status


1 Nguyễn Ahn Set the problem, 12/04/2019 12/04/2019 Completed

Seung Man determine

2 Lưu Trung Tú Require 12/04/2019 12/04/2019 Completed


3 Lâm Thiện Quang System 12/04/2019 12/04/2019 Completed


Teacher Team Leader

Lưu Trung Tú
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Level 0
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Level 1

Products Management
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Use case and Sequence Diagram

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Register Customer

Author Luu Trung Tu

Use Case Register

Actor Guest

Description Guest registers an account on the website and becomes

a member (customer)

Post- Success: Guest creates a Customer account in this

Condition website
Fail : Refill Information

Pre-Condition N/A

Actors Action : System’s responses:

1. Actor clicks ‘Register’ 2. System redirects to

Basic flows link on Home Page. Register page and
displays Registration
form with the following
- ‘First Name’ text field
- ‘Last Name’ text field
3. Actor inputs register’s - ‘Email’ text field
information and click - ‘Address’ text field
‘Register’ button. -‘Gender’ select
-‘Phone’ text field
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-‘avatar’ Link
- ‘Register’ button

4. System validates the

5. System inserts the
account into database
6. System show success

Exception Actor’s actions: System’s responses:

- Actor left ‘Phone’ text System displays message

field blank. to actor:
- Input phone is not - ‘Name cannot be blank’.
numeric format or phone - ‘Phone is invalid’.
length is not between 8 - ‘The phone number
and 14 characters. should be numeric only
- Actor left ‘Email’ text and must be between 8
field blank or input an and 14 digits’.
invalid email address. - ‘Email is invalid’.
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Login as Customer

Author Luu Trung Tu

Use Case Login

Actor Customer

Description Customer login into website with registered account

Post- Success: Guest creates a Customer account in this

Condition website
Fail : Refill Information

Pre-Condition Customer must register an account

Customer had provide email and password

Actors Action : System’s responses:

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1. Actor clicks ‘Login’ 2. System redirects to

button Login Page with the
Basic flows
following controls
- Email text field
- 'Password' text field
- 'Login' button

3. Actor inputs Email and

Password, then click the 4. System checks the
‘Login’ button. information.
5. System redirects to
User’s dashboard.

6. System show success


Exception Actor’s actions: System’s responses:

1. Actor inputs invalid System redirects to Login

Email and password page with the following
- ‘Email text field
- ‘Password’ text field
- ‘Login’ button.
System shows message:
“Invalid Username and
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1.3 Forgot Password

Author Luu Trung Tu
Use Case Change Password
Actors Customer
Description Customer can change the password
Pre- Actor must be logged on
Success: Actor can change their password
Post- Fail: Refill information
Actor’s actions: System’s responses:
1. Actor clicks on ‘Forgot 2. System redirects to
Password’ button. Password Page with the
following controls:
- 'Email' text field
3. Actor inputs Email and - 'Submit' button
clicks ‘Submit’. 4. System checks the
informaedirects to
Passwortion and sends a reset
5. Actor inputs reset token in
token to user.
Basic flow Password Page and click
6. System rd form with the
following controls:
- ‘New Password’ text field
- ‘Confirm Password’ text field
- ‘Save’ button
8. System
validates password
7. Actor inputs new
password and click then updates password in
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‘Save’. database.
9. Systemshows message:
‘Your password has been
changed successfully’.

Actor’s actions: System’s responses:

1. Actor inputs an email System shows messages:
Exceptions which does not exist in - ‘Invalid email’.
- ‘Invalid code’.
2. Actorinputs code
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2.1 Search Product

Author Luu Trung Tu
Use Case
Search products by name
Actors Guest/Customer
Description Guest/Customer wants to search for products by name
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Post- Success: Show products that matches search keywords

conditions Fail: No product is shown
Actor’s actions: System’s responses:
1. Actor inputs search 2. System show list of products
product. that match the search product.

3. Actor clicks product’s

name in list or view every 4. The system allows to search
product that matches search for products by Category and
Basic flow product. Brands
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Filter Product

Product Filter
Use Case
Guest/Customer wants to filter products by one
Description or multiple Price
Success: Products that matches Price are shown
Post- Fail: No product is shown
Actor’s actions: System’s responses:
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1. Actor input price want to

2. System show products
that satisfy the
Basic flow
3. System allows actor to
sort products by:
- Lowest Price
- Highest Price
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3. Admin


Chapter 2
Author Luu Trung Tu
Use case Add categories
Actors Admin
Description When admin wants to add a new category in the database
Requireme Actor provides category’s information
Pre- Actor is logged in as admin
Success: category is added in the database
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Post- Fail: refill information

Actor’s actions: System’s responses:
1. Actor click Category Tab on 2. System redirects to
menu. 'Category List' page and
Basic flow display a list of existing
3. Actor clicks ‘Create new
Category’. 4. System displays a form with
the following fields.
- Category’s Name
- Button ‘Choose image’
5. Actor inputs
information to create 6. System validates inputs.
7. Systemcreate category into
8. System
confirmation message or
error message.
Actor’s actions: System’s responses:
1. Actor left ‘Category’s Name’ System displays messages:

Exceptions field blank. - ‘Category’s Name cannot be

2. Category’s Name existed in
- ‘Category’s Name must be

Disable Category
Author Luu Trung tu
Use case Disable category
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Actors Admin
Description When a admin wants to Disable a category
Pre- Actor is logged in as admin
Success: category is Disable
Post- Fail: category is not disable
Actor’s actions: System’s responses:
1. Actor chooses Category Tab 2. System redirects to
on menu. 'Category List' page and
Basic flow display a list of existing
3. Actor clicks on ‘Disable’
4. System Disable category.
button and confirm.

4.1 View Product Report
Author Luu Trung Tu
Use case View Product Report
Actors Admin
Description When admin wants to view report on products
Requireme N/A
Pre- Actor is logged in as admin
Post- Success: Display a report on products
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Actor’s actions: System’s responses
Basic flow 1. Actor chooses 2. System redirects to ‘Product Report’
‘Product Report’ page.
in menu.
4.2 View Customer Report
Author Luu Trung Tu
Use case View Customer Report
Actors Admin
Description When admin wants to view report on customers
Requireme N/A
Pre- Actor is logged in as admin
Post- Success: Display a report on customers
Actor’s actions: System’s responses
Basic flow 1. Actor chooses 2. System redirects to ‘Customer Report’
‘Customer Report’ page.
in menu.
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Tables Definition
1. Admins

Table Admins
No. Column Name Date Type Constraint Description
1 AdminID Varchar(10) Not Null ID of Admin
2 Email Varchar(100) Not null Email of Admin
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3 [Password] Varchar(30) Not null Password of Admin

4 FullName Nvarchar(30) Not null FullName of Admin
5 Avatar Varchar(200) Not null Avatar Of Admin
6 CreatedDate Date Default Stores
7 IsStatus Bit Default(1) The Status of Admin

2 Customer

Table Customer
No. Column Name Date Type Constraint Description
1 cusId Varchar(10) Not null ID of Customer
2 cusFirstName Varchar(200) Not null First Name of Customer
3 cusLastName Varchar(200) Not null Last Name of Customer
4 cusGender Bit Default(1) Gender of Customer
5 cusAddress Varchar(200) Not null Address of Customer
6 cusEmail varchar(200) Default(1) Email of Customer
7 cusPass Varchar(200) not null Pass of Customer
8 cusPhone Nvarchar(max) not null Phong of Customer
9 Avatar Varchar(200) Not null Avatar of Customer
10 CreateDate Date Default The date at create
11 IsStatus Bit Default(1) The Status of Customer
1.3 Products

Table Products
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No. Column Name Date Type

Constraint Description
1 productId Varchar(10)
Not null Id of Products
2 productName Nvarchar(100) Not null Name of Products
3 productPrice Int Not null Price of product
4 productDescriptio Int Not null Descriptions
5 productImage Varchar(max) Not null Image of Product
6 productStatus Bit Default(1) Status of Product
7 productDiscount int Default Discount of Product
8 cate_id int Not null Category of Product
9 brand_id int Not null Brands of Product

Table Order
No. Column Name Date Type Constraint Description
1 orderId Varchar(10) Not null Id of Order
2 totalPrice int Not null Total Price of Order
3 OrderDate date Not null Date of Order
4 ProcessStatus varchar(50) Not null Process of Order
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5 OrderStatus bit default(1) Status of Order

6 cus_id varchar(10) Not null Id of Customer Order

1.5 Orders Details

Table Orders Details

No. Column Name Date Type Constraint Description
1 OdID Int Not null ID of Order Details
Identity(1,1) Primary
2 OrderID Varchar(10) Not null ID of Orders
3 ProductID Varchar(10) Not null ID of product
4 SellingPrice Int Not null Selling price of product
5 Quantity Int Not null Quantity of product
6 IsStatus bit Default(1) IsStatus of Order Details
1.6 Ratings

Table Ratings
No. Column Date Type Constraint Description
1 RatingID Int Not null ID of Rating
Identity(1,1) Primary key
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2 ProductID Varchar(10) Not null ID of Products

Foreign Key
3 CustomerID Varchar(10) Not null Id of Customer
Foreign Key
4 Rate Int Not null Rating of product
5 Content Nvarchar(max) Null Content of Rating
6 RatingDate Date Default(date) Date of rating

Table Categories
No. Column Name Date Type Constraint Description
1 cate_id int identity Id of category
2 cate_name Nvarchar(200) Not null Name of category
3 IsStatus Bit default IsStatus of category

Table Brands
No. Column Name Date Type Constraint Description
1 brandId Varchar(10) Not nul Id of brand
2 brandName Nvarchar(200) Not null Name of brand
3 brandImage Nvarchar(max) Null Image of brand
4 IsStatus Bit Default(1) IsStatus of Brand

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