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Heart rate/pulse rate

 Normocardic – normal heart rate
 Bradycardic – low heart rate
 Tachycardic – high/elevated heart rate
 Regular, irregular, strong, weak, bonding

Blood pressure
 Normotensive – normal blood pressure
 Hypotensive – low BP
 Hypertensive – high BP

Oxygen saturation – 100%ra (room air)

Temperature (36-38deg Celsius normal)

 Auxiliary – under the arm
 Tympanic – ear
 Rectal
 Febrile – 38 degrees Celsius and above

Respiratory rate
 Tachypneic – increased resp rate

GCS 15

Pain assessment – out of 10

BGL – blood glucose level – less than 4
 Hypoglycemic – low sugar level
 Hyperglycemic – high sugar level (10)

Neuro assessment
 Pupils – PEARL (pupils are equal and reactive)
 Grip strength – arms and legs

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