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Written test Cutting Edge Elementary Module 1 to Module 7

First name and last name ________________________________________________________________

1. Write the questions and answers.

1. What _______________________________? – 2. Her ___________________________. (Nicole Kidman)
3. Where ______________________________? – 4. She ____________________________. (Australia)

2. Complete the sentences with is or are.

1. My name _________ Martino. 2. Where ____________ you from?
3. _______ Walter from Germany? 4. _______ Ross and Jennifer married?

3. Make the sentences negative.

1. I'm from Ireland. _____________________________
2. My mother and father are English. ________________________________
3. Brazil is a small country. ____________________________________

4. Write a, an or - (no article)..

1. ___actor 2. ___businesswoman 3. __keys 4. ___e-mail address 5. ___lesson 6. __photos 7. ___English teacher

5. Rearrange the mixed-up letters to make words for jobs. The first letter is underlined.
1. r a c t o _______ 2. s u r e n ________ 3. p o s h s t i t a n s s a _______________ 4. r a w y e l ________

6. Fill in the blanks using this, that, these or those.

1. ___________ car (near) 2. ___________ shoes (far) 3. _________ boy (far) 4. ___________chairs (near)

7. Complete the sentences with 's got, hasn't got, 've got or haven't got and complete the questions.
1. Silvia ___________ a dog - his name's Rex.
2. She ______________a computer. (not)
3. Martin and Inge _______________ a pet. (not)
4. They ___________ two cars.
5. ________ she ________ a car? – Yes, ____________.
6. ________ Martin and Inge ________ a pet? – No, ________________.
7. ____ Alfonso ______ a car? – No, _______________.
8. ________ they _______ a computer? – Yes, ________________.

8. Put the adjective in the correct place in the sentences.

1. We've got two cats at home. (black) _____________________________________________
2. I've got a computer game - Crash 5!!! (fantastic) ____________________________________________
3. My friend Al is a musician. (professional) ________________________________________
4. Lauren Bacall is my actress. (favourite) ___________________________________________

9. Write's in the correct place in the sentences.

1. Is that Michael car? _______________________________
2. It's Tessa birthday on Saturday. ____________________________
3. What's your mother name? _______________________________
4. Where's Philip desk? ___________________________________

10. Write the plural of the words (regular and irregular).

1. dictionary _____________ 2. box __________ 3. baby ___________ 4. key _______ 5. match ___________
6. watch ___________ 7. house ____________ 8. wife _____________ 9. life _________ 10. person ____________

11. Choose the correct preposition.

1. Have you got your diary for / with you?
2. John is a student at / for Cambridge University.
3. We've got cable TV at / to home.
4 I've got a pen in / on my bag.

12. Make one sentence using and and pronouns.

1. My father's 42. My father's a lawyer. ______________________________________________
2. My cousin Steve is 33. Steve isn't married. __________________________________________
3. My parents have got a new car. The new car is fantastic! __________________________________________
4. Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic. Prague is very beautiful. _____________________________________

13. Rearrange the letters to make opposites.

1. morning ____________________ v i n e n e g 2. go to bed _______________ t e g p u
3. open ________ s o l c e 4. go out _________ m o c e m e h o 5. snack _______________a gib lame

14. Complete the sentences with in, at or on.

1. I get up ____ six o'clock. 2. We work from eight to twelve ____ the morning. 3. Do you have a big lunch ___
15. Correct the pronouns in bold.
1. Is that letter for I? __________________
2. A: What time is your bus? B: I catch her at half past seven. ____________________
3. A: Is that your brother? B: Yes, it is, but who's that with he? _____________________
4. A: My favourite TV programme is ER. Do you watch them? __________________ B: No, I don't.

16. Complete the sentences with: both, neither or too.

1. A: I don't understand this film. B: Me ____________.
2. A: We're here on holiday. How about you? B: Yes, me _____________.
3. Paula and her sister are ___________ teachers.

17. Make these sentences negative.

1. It rains in summer. ___________________________________________________________
2. My brother likes getting up at seven o'clock. _______________________________________
3. The restaurant closes on Sunday evening. _________________________________________
4. Carla drives to work. ________________________________

18. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present simple.

Malcolm ___________(live) in a large house near London. He _________ (get up) at about eight o'clock in the
morning, and __________ (have) breakfast with his family. After breakfast, he __________ (drive) his children to
school, and ________ (read) the newspaper in the garden until lunchtime.

19. Replace the words in bold with a pronoun: it, him, they, them
1. A: Do you like cats? B: Yes, I love cats. ______
2. I love flying - I think flying is great. ______
3. I've got twelve brothers and sisters and my brothers and sisters are all married. _______
4. John doesn't like me and I hate John! ______

20. Choose the correct alternative.

1. Children never / don't often / usually like sweets.
2. In the game of chess, black always / never / usually starts.
3. Monday always / often / usually comes before Tuesday.
4. A year always / never / usually has 364 days.

21. Complete the sentences with the given verbs: play, watch, study, visit.
1. My mother and father always __________a video on a Friday night.
2. My brother Hector loves sport: he _________ rugby, basketball, tennis and chess!!
3. I always __________ my friend Roger when I'm in London.
4. A: I'm at Edinburgh University. B: What do you ________? A: Law.

22. Put the words in brackets in the correct places in the sentences.
1. Caroline eats fish. (never)
2. I get up late on a Sunday morning. (usually)
3. It's very hot in August in my city. (always)

23. Complete the sentences with by, to, on, off, for, in, from, or at.
1. We arrived at the hotel ______ about eleven o’clock.
2. Most people go to work______ car.
3. The economic situation in our country became much better __________ the 1990s.
4. It's not possible to drive to the beach: go ______foot.
5. My journey ______work takes about 30 minutes.
6. This is where you wait ______ a bus to the railway station.
7. This bus goes ______ the airport to the city centre.
8. Please wait for people to get ______ the bus before you get on.

24. Complete the questions with the given verbs: Can, Is, Has, Are, are, do, does.
1. ______trains crowded in Lisbon?
2. What time ______ people travel to work in Hong Kong?
3. What time ______ the train leave in the morning?
4. _____ the traffic bad in Istanbul?
5. _____ Beijing got two airports?
6. _____ you drive from Moscow to St Petersburg in one day?
7. What colour ______ taxis in Singapore?
25. Complete the sentences with the correct form of there is or there are.
1. __________ there any milk in the fridge?
2. How many students __________ in your class?
3. __________ a very good beach near our hotel.
4. I'm sorry, but __________ any shops open at this time.

26. Complete the sentences with some or any.

1. Have you got __________orange juice?
2. There are __________ letters for you.
3. We haven't got __________ eggs.
4. Are there __________ knives on the table?

27. Complete the questions about the recipe, using How much or How many.
1. A: ______________ potato do you use in the recipe? B: 500g.
2. A: ______________ tablespoons of herbs do you need? B: Two.

28. Complete the sentences with was or were.

1. My grandparents __________ married for more than fifty years.
2. It __________very nice to meet you, Mr Brown.
3. How many people __________ there at the party?
4. __________ George at school today?

29. Complete the sentences with the Past simple of the verbs: graduate; study; try; walk
1. My brother __________ last year. He was at Glasgow University.
2. There were no more buses, so I __________ home.
3. I __________ French when I was at school, but I don 't remember very much now.
4. I __________to phone you last night, but there was no answer.

30. Complete the sentences with the past forms of the verbs in brackets.
1. Mozart __________ (leave) home when he was only twelve years old;
2. He __________ (go) to live in Vienna when he was 25 years old.
3. He __________ (sing) with his five brothers in the Osmond Brothers;
4. Shirley Temple __________ (win) an Oscar in 1934;

Exercise 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Points 4 4 3 7 4 4 12 4 4 10 4 4 5 3 4
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Exercise 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Points 3 4 5 4 4 4 3 8 7 4 4 2 4 4 4
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Maximum points Total points won


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