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I. Background

Business is a form that can make money and can increase between people's lives to be
better. A business entity that we run can generate profits, or income that is as much as possible,
we conduct business that is beneficial and beneficial in the welfare of life. In addition, in
carrying out business must follow rational economic laws and norms of practice in the business
world so that they can help the development that is being carried out by the government.

One of the businesses that is currently growing rapidly is the property business, the need for
people to live in makes this business opportunity sought by the public. Currently property
business opportunities are not only focused on building houses and selling them. There are still
many opportunities in the property business that can be tried, one business that supports
property needs such as the building materials business also has considerable market prospects.
Because during the construction of houses, offices, schools, and other buildings, building
materials such as iron, cement, paint, ceramics and wood will continue to be needed by the

II. Vision and Mission

a. Vision : Providing the best service for consumers and providing complete and
quality tools and building materials.
b. Mission :
1) Selling quality tools and materials and affordable prices
2) Building relationships between employees and consumers
3) Serve with good ethics
4) Our highest customer satisfaction
5) Continue to innovate with existing recipes.

III. Business Goals :

The purpose of the selection of building materials store businesses is:

1) Getting profit so that business is sustainable.

2) Open opportunities for people who need employment.
3) Providing services in realizing customer dreams or desires in the field of construction

1. Company name : Sumber Jaya Bangunan

2. Business Field : Building Shop
3. Types of Products / Services : Building materials
4. Company Address : Jl. Segara Windu no. 7 Tanjung Benoa
5. Tel / Fax : 081558153270


Our shop sells building materials such as :

1. Sand 9. Share various types of doors

2. Stone 10. Various types of wood

3. Brick 11. Various types Pipes

4. Various Kinds of Paint 12. Ceramics

5. Tile 13. Lean

6. Various types of cement 14. Power Tools

7. Various sizes of iron 15. Carpentry tools

8. Various Agricultural Tools 16. And Others

The marketing strategies we can do are:

1. Conduct promotions by distributing brochures and pamphlets in public places

2. Choosing a strategic location to be easily accessible by many people.
3. Using social media as a promotional theme such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
and others.
4. Make a member card for consumers so that at the next shopping time they will get
a discount.

1. Venture Capital
The initial capital to set up a building shop business Is Rp.100.000.000,00
2. Fixed Cost

Number Kind Unit Price Qty Total Price

1 Pickup Rp. 35.000.000,00 1 Rp. 35.000.000,00

2 Truck Rp. 45.000.000,00 2 Rp. 90.000.000,00
3 Employee Salary Rp. 2.100.000,00 3 Rp. 6.300.000,00

3. Variabel Cost

Number Name of goods Unit Unit Price

1 Coral reef m3 210,000.00

2 River stone m3 350,000.00

3 Concrete coral m3 225,000.00

4 Red brick bj 1,155.00

5 Limestone m3 160,000.00

6 Portland Cement zak 62,000.00

7 Granite tile 60x60 cm ex. Niro Granite m2 235,000.00

8 Granite alam solid m2 2,100,000.00

9 Granite glue kg 45,000.00

10 Teak wood (0,9x2,20) m2 lbr 84,500.00

11 Teak wood (1,20x2,40) m2 lbr 94,900.00

12 Multiplek 6 mm (1,20x2,40) m2 lbr 68,000.00

13 Multiplek 12 mm (1,20x2,40) m2 lbr 136,000.00

14 Multiplek 18 mm (1,20x2,40) m2 lbr 241,500.00

15 Plywood 4 mm setara meranti Lbr 59,325.00

16 Plywood 9 mm lbr 117,600.00

17 Hollow Galvanis 20x20x1.10 mm btg 65,000.00

18 Hollow Galvanis 30x30x1.10 mm btg 95,000.00

19 Rolling Door Aluminium 0.6 mm m2 450,000.00

20 Wiremess M6 2,1 x 5,5 lbr 3,120,000.00

21 Waterproofing kg 75,000.00

22 Clear doft solvent kg 53,000.00

23 Thiner A Spesial ltr 33,000.00

24 Wallpapper m2 80,000.00

25 Tee dos 20 mm bh 6,300.00

26 Downlight 18 watt set 145,000.00

27 Glass LED lights 18 watt bh 185,000.00

28 Screw 6 x 1 bh 150.00

29 Concrete nail bh 400.00

30 Dinabold Ø 10 - 65 kg 3,000.00

31 Gypsum Board (120x240x9) lbr 65,799.00

32 List Gypsum 7 cm m1 37,500.00

33 Textile Tape m1 7,500.00

34 Cornice adhesive kg 13,200.00

35 Hollow Galvanis 40x40x0,35mm btg 30,750.00

36 Hollow Galvanis 20x40x0,35mm btg 40,000.00

37 Paving 10x20 Tebal 8 cm K-225 m2 80,850.00


Every customer can enjoy our services in a variety of ways that will make it easier for
customers and feel our excellent service. Our product purchase flow is:

1. Come Directly
Customers can come directly to our store during working hours, from 08.00 to 21.00
WITA to process transactions. If consumers make transactions in large quantities, they
will be offered services by the shop.

2. Ordering Via Telephone

Customers can contact us by telephone that we have by conveying the identity and also
the order to be transacted along with the date of collection.

For new customers we are looking forward to your cooperation, but it's good for
customers to come directly to the place of business so that transactions can be done better.


Sumber Jaya Bangunan customers will get complementary free, namely:

1. Free delivery every purchase of iron, sand, cement.

2. We will always provide special services for you without us telling us what is our
special service.
3. Promotion or Discount will be given according to our policy.
4. Your difficulties and busyness do not become a burden for your needs as long as
there is a Sumber Jaya Bangunan.


I hope that in the future, it is not impossible for me to open and develop this building
material business. This has become part of my dream, and with an independent spirit of
entrepreneurship, one day if capital has been collected, I will open a business building shop in
developing cities and can expand outside other areas. Along with the rapid communication
media technology, it is not impossible to advance remote areas in the field of communication
media. Thus employment opportunities also increase in the area, thus reducing the
unemployment rate.

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