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Questions 1 – 15
Choose the best word to fill in the blanks

1 My elder sister wipes herself with a ____________ after bathing

A doormat
B bedsheet
C blanket
D towel

2 Ahmad saw many _______ when he visited Kuala Lumpur

A palaces
B pagodas
C stadiums
D skyscrappers

3 The lioness and its cubs _____________ walking to the river now.

A is
B are
C was
D were

4 Jenny has done her homework, ____________ she?

A has
B have
C had
D hasn’t

5 Mr. Ramesh ______________ a movie last night.

A watch
B watches
C watched
D watching

6 Siew Leng leaned ____________ the wall.

A against
B below
C along
D over

7 There was not _____________ water in the kettle when I looked at it just now

A little
B some
C many
D much

8 My father is a businessman. He __________ busy every day.

A is
B was
C are
D were

9 My sister _______________ at Tun Fatimah Hospital as a nurse.

A work
B working
C works
D worked

10 Aunt Lily is an artist. She ____________ me to draw and paint.

A teaches
B teaching
C taught
D teach

11 _________ 5 o’clock, I meet my friends to play badminton together.

A On
B At
C In
D Before

12 Seafood like fish, prawns and ______________ have protein. Protein helps us to grow.

A chicken
B papaya
C goat
D crabs

13 Fini has ___________________ every morning. She likes toast and milk.

A breakfast
B dinner
C lunch
D supper

14 Kumar went to the ____________ to check his teeth

A nurse
B doctor
C dentist
D surgeon

15 Aiman ____________ to school every day.

A walks
B walk
C walking
D walked

Questions 16 – 25
Choose the best answer for each blank

Good morning friends. To be healthy, I ______ (16) balanced meals and I exercise.
I drink plenty of water and get enough sleep. I usually eat bread or boiled eggs for breakfast.
For lunch and ______________ (17), I usually eat rice, fish and vegetables. I also eat a lot of
fruits like papayas, apples and __________________ (18).

16 A eat
B do
C drink
D like

17 A breakfast
B dinner
C tea break
D supper

18 A sandwich
B butter
C carrot
D mangoes

Yesterday, Chee Fai went to his grandparents’ house in Pahang. His parents __________(19)
his grandfather to clean the house. Chee Fai’s sister baked some cookies. She put them
________________ (20). His little sister was ____________(21) in the garden.

19 A helped
B help
C helping
D helps

20 A on the table
B in the table
C under the table
D near the table

21 A playing
B play
C plays
D played

Mia is my cousin. __________ (22) is seven years old. She is cute and kind. Mia
_____________ (23) to read. Her favourite story is “Four Friends”. Mia also likes to sing.
Her favourite song is “Bapaku Pulang”. We ___________(24) to the same school in the
morning. During weekends, Mia helps her mother to ________________ (25) the house. Mia
is a hardworking and helpful girl.

22 A He
B She
C They
D We

23 A likes
B like
C hate
D doing

24 A goes
B go
C went
D going

25 A wash
B bath
C carry
D clean

Questions 26– 30
Study the pictures carefully. Then, choose the best answer.

26 A A man is combing his hair.

B A young boy is getting a haircut.
C The boy’s mother is talking to the barber.
D The old barber is reading the newspaper.

27 A The librarian is arranging the books on the shelf.

B The boy is asking the librarian to help him.
C Hadi is taking a book from the top shelf
D The boy is reading a book at the table.

28 A Siti is not feeling well today.

B My sister wakes up early every day.
C Salina says good night to her mother.
D Mother switches off the light for my sister.

29 A The man and the boys are buying some fruits.

B The boy is eating some durians.
C The man and the boys are selling some durians.
D The man and the boys are picking up some durians.

30 A The man is welcoming his guests.

B The man and the woman are leaving the feast.
C The man is waving goodbye to his guests.
D The people are busy cooking at the feast.

Questions 31-35
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follows.

Seahorses are small fishes named for the shape of their head. Their head looks like a
horse. Seahorses swim in upright direction.
The seahorses have two common patterns, zebra stripes and spots. The seahorses have
a pouch to carry their babies just like a kangaroo. They eat shrimps and plankton.
Male seahorses give birth and care for their young, and not the females. The baby
seahorses are about the size of a 10 cent coin.

31 Seahorses are named for the ________________

A shape of their head.

B shape of a horse.
C shape of a kangaroo
D shape of a chicken

32 The two common patterns of a seahorse are ______________

A kangaroo stripes and spots

B zebra circles and spots.
C zebra stripes and spots
D kangaroo circles and spots

33 What is the similarity between a seahorse and a kangaroo?

A Both of the animals have a pouch to carry their babies.

B Both are small animals.
C Both live in the sea.
D Both live on land.

34 _____________ seahorses give birth to their young.

A Baby
B Female
C Male
D Young

35 Baby seahorses are very ___________.

A big
B small
C huge
D tall

Questions 36-40
Study the advertisement below. Then choose the best answers

Great Discounts
31st May 2007 : 9.00 a.m. till 9.00 p.m.
All items will be sold at a discount of between 20% - 70%

Rainbow Plaza is having a Fashion Show at 8.00p.m. Join us and do not miss the chance to
pick some bargains on the way.

36 This passage is

A a page from a diary

B an essay in a magazine
C an advertisement
D a page from a book

37 The sale will be held on

A 31st May 2007

B 13th May 2007
C 13th March 2007
D 13st May 2007

38 What can you see at 8.00 p.m.?

A Variety show
B A fashion show
C A grand sale
D Singing competition

39 Which of this is not mentioned in the passage?

A Stationary
B Clothing
C Footwear
D Household

40 The sale will be held for __________

A 2 hours
B 12 hours
C 5 hours
D 9 hours

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