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Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc.

MKT 315 – A Promotions

February 2016 – December 2016
Neumann University
Sheer Beauty
Professor John K. Wong
Maryam Ahmadi, Jordan DeJesse, and Kaitlyn Firmani
May 2, 2016
Table of Contents:
Agency Philosophy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
Executive Summary --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4, 5
Industry/Company Review ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4, 5
Consumer/Buyer Analysis ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
SWOT Analysis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6, 7
Competitive Review ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6, 7, 8
Marketing Goals ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
Promotional Program Situation Analysis ------------------------------------------------------------------ 8
IMC Objectives and Strategies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9
Creative Recommendations ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9, 10
Direct Marketing Recommendations --------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
Internet/Interactive Recommendations -------------------------------------------------------------- 10, 11
Public Relations Recommendations ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
Personal Selling Recommendations ------------------------------------------------------------------ 11, 12
Campaign Flowchart --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
Measurement and Evaluation ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12, 13
Budget Summary --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13, 14
Timetable ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
Conclusion ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14, 15
Appendices ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15, 16
References --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
Agency Philosophy
Mary Kay Ash in 1963, had her own money to spend within the families and homes were
considered independence. Today, Millennial women attain independence and autonomy through
educational attainment. Vehicle ownership is down in the Millennial generation, they do not want
to own things, they want to rent and have less responsibility. Often, many are choosing not to have
children. If Mary Kay wants to resonate on this level it needs to understand the Millennial
generation’s lifestyles, its habits, its clichés hope and dreams. In doing this it can make sure that
Mary Kay has a finger on the pulse of this generation and pervades the Millennial psyche as the
TV dinner, the Cadillac and Television itself did for the Baby Boom Generation.
In order to accomplish this goal there are two things that Mary Kay needs to understand.
First and foremost, the Millennials are a generation of digital natives. They are on social media
constantly and social media pervades every aspect of their lives to the same degree. Social Media
is by its very nature of excitement that demands that we engage, that we like and be liked at all
hours of the day and night, that we watch, and be watched as we live out our lives.
The baby boom generation did not want to just be rich, they wanted to be seen being rich
so they bought big houses and luxury cars. That was considered to be the good life. In this
generation; the new hip is being socially responsible, but just like the baby boomers and even more
so Millennials are narcissists because they do not just want to be socially responsible, they want
to be seen being socially responsible. Therefore, the way to get Millennials to buy Mary Kay is to
convince them, not only, that it is the nice thing to do but it is also the responsible thing to do.
The Millennial generation has consistently been rewarded not for their performance, but
for their participation. Thus, many of them believe that just being there is enough. They need these
type of rewards in order to get them to consume, rather than heating up the quality of the products
we make them believe that they get more. My group and I propose that this be done through a
points based system which grant free samples or free products to frequent buyers in a timely
Executive Summary
Mary Kay is an established brand; however, it is direct selling company. This means that
it operates in a relatively email portion of its industry, in somewhat of a niche market. The
challenge for the Mary Kay brand as we see it, is that Mary Kay was started by a stay at home
mom, Mary Kay, Ash. The company relies on direct selling, and people generally buy from those
who can establish connections with them. The reason that Mary Kay has low brand awareness
among 18 to 25 year olds is that people who are directly selling Mary Kay are demographically
different from Mary Kay’s target buyers. The average independent beauty consultant is 42.7 years
old, with the most reported age being 42 years. While the case states that the main objective is to
sell Mary Kay’s at Play product line to 18 to 25 year olds, we believe that the company is putting
the cart before the horse. We believe that by increasing 18 to 25-year-old women’s awareness and
consideration of Mary Kay, and specifically, increasing the number of 18 to 25-year-old women
in Mary Kay’s sales force, we can increase buying behavior in the 18 to 25-year-old age group.
In order to do this, we want to take Mary Kay to college. Millennials women are going to
college at a higher rate than any other generation in history. College campuses are full of people
between eighteen and 24, and women are the majority on many college campuses now. This means
that if we market May Kay on large college campuses, we will have a captive audience for our
Another major benefit of this course of action is that college students often do not have
steady full time work, and thus will jump at the opportunity to earn some extra money. One of the
major challenges that Mary Kay has faced; however, is the universal way that the sales strategies
are destructive, and that Mary Kay is dishonest about the actual prospects of making money. In
order to combat this idea, we want to encourage participation by offering on the spot
encouragement, and also offer encouragement for sales that are appealing to those in college. These
would be things like book money, and scholarships.
We have selected ten schools that we believe would be most advantageous for Mary Kay
to begin marketing too. While the schools span a wide geographic area, they have the added benefit
of large student populations. Overwhelmingly people do not trust advertising, so what we are
trying to do is similar to what was done by Facebook, start on college campuses and then branch
out because college students are opinion leaders who go to school, and then often leave and travel
large distances to go home, many of them have friends in two or more geographically separate
places, and this means that by interacting with them, word of mouth spreads far and wide. Also,
Millennials are digital natives who are on social media constantly. We want to use promotional
events for the sales force opportunity to generate earned media coverage; this would be things like
“likes” on Facebook, tweets, and pins on Pinterest.
The budget we are requesting is ten million dollars. We are requesting five million dollars
for traditional media coverage, this would include bus advertising, billboards, train station ads near
the target schools, Pandora Internet Radio ads, and a television spot on America’s Next Top Model.
The other five million dollars will cover activities related to personal selling of the Mary Kay
businesses opportunity and Mary Kay products on the target campuses. This will include a sales
contest between the ten campuses, prizes for said contest, promotional items to be given to those
who sign up to sell, as well as flyers on campus, and by IBC’s to buyers of Mary Kay.
Industry/Company Review
Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc., was founded in 1963 by Mary Kay Ash. Mary Kay Cosmetics
is a privately – owned company. Its headquarters corporation is located in Dallas, Texas. Mary
Kay Ash started her company from her own life savings which she only had $5000. When starting
her company Mary Kay Ash had a few founding principles that she believed in which were treating
others as if you would like to be treated, life’s priorities placed in proper order, make the customers
feel important, and the willingness to help one another knowing that this spirit creates positive
reciprocity. Mary Kay Cosmetics is one of the hugest direct sellers of color cosmetics and skin
care in the world today with having about 3 million Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultants.
The company has been developing tests and manufacturing of color cosmetics, skin care, fragrance
for men and women and etc. Mary Kay Cosmetics spends over millions of dollars and performs
many tests to ensure that all of their products does not have any defects. It also performs tests to
meet their highest standards of performance, quality, and safety. Furthermore, as of today Mary
Kay Cosmetics are being sold in over 35 countries worldwide with a revenue of $3 billion. The
top five countries that are being served by Mary Kay Cosmetics is Brazil, China, Mexico, Russia,
and the United States. Overall, Mary Kay Cosmetics produces more than 200 products that its
corporation headquarters in Dallas, Texas in which it supplies many of its global markets in its
other overseas facility in Hangzhou, China.
Consumer/Buyer Analysis
Mary Kay Cosmetics wants all women to look and feel incredibly beautiful. Mary Kay
Cosmetics has made an amazing color and an innovative facial skin care that has helped women
across the globe enhance their inner and out beauty. There has therefore, been a sales force selling
tool of 44% in the skin care products, a 36% in color products, a 15% in body care products and a
5% in the fragrance line collection. Mary Kay also has a product portfolio that shows of having an
entry level, core, and premium of different collections of their package products deals. In their
entry level collection, they have accessible, affordable, bold, impulse, simple, and trendy products
that consumers can purchase. In their core collection, they have approachable, authentic, benefit –
driven, credible, everyday essentials, and fresh new products that consumers can choose from.
Lastly, there is a third collection called the premium collection which has innovative,
sophisticated, and stylish products that buyers can select from. Overall, the market size of Mary
Kay Cosmetics is seen to be in billions of dollars and slowly moving up in all of their products
that Mary Kay is selling. In 2012, Mary Kay Cosmetics ranked number two in the beauty and
personal care market, number six in skin care, number nine in color, and number twelve in
fragrance. In order to continue to keep Mary Kay Cosmetics in ranking Mary Kay has to enhance
their website and needs to include the younger generation which is the Millennial generation. The
Millennial generation ranges from age 18 to 25 years. Mary Kay also has to ensure to not to lose
their older customers it has to maintain a balance with the younger generation and the older
generation. It has to think and broaden its mental state that this Millennial generation is all about
social media and that they shop more through online websites. Therefore, Mary Kay Cosmetics
can make their website more efficient and useful and produce more ads on social media sites such
Facebook, Instagram, Pandora, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube. In using all of these social media sites
Mary Kay Cosmetics would increase in their sales and have newer buyers each and every time.
The one main key factor that Mary Kay Cosmetics needs to consider is that the Millennial
generation is all about social media and that they buy through online shopping and seeing online
advertising throughout the social media sites that they use. The Millennial generation is the
consumer and buyer in this day and age they are tech savvy people and they can decision for
themselves if they want to purchase Mary Kay Cosmetics instead of the other competitor
companies. Hence, Mary Kay Cosmetics needs to broaden its horizon and make it easier on
themselves and for the Millennial generation in purchasing their products through advertising on
all social media sites available to them.
SWOT Analysis
 Able to customize your beauty products in any which way.
 It has an easy to navigate website for consumers to find their beauty products.
 It has very strong values and a prominent history.
 It provides many different quality selections of cosmetics.
 Many years of experience as a very established brand.
 It has a competitive market with consumers buying their products at other stores or on
another website.
 Little to no social media engagement in enhancing Mary Kay Cosmetics.
 Mary Kay Cosmetics seems to be a brand for older women and not younger women.
 Not available in store because it only sells online.
 There are many outdated notions on Mary Kay’s website.
 Able to improve and expand their social media components.
 Having a very diverse Mary Kay Cosmetic marketing programs.
 It has a growing demand in the cosmetics industry.
 It has a growing economy.
 There are many new services and products that can be offered.
 Consumers may seem to think Mary Kay Cosmetics has been out of style for some time
 Seeming to be an overwhelming cosmetics market.
 The prices or Mary Kay Cosmetics could increase by a huge amount.
 There is a growing competition between Mary Kay Cosmetics and other companies that
could force Mary Kay out of business.
 Young women can buy their essential beauty products from somewhere else.

Competitive Review
The direct and indirect competitors of Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc. are Avon, Covergirl,
Maybelline, Olay, and Revlon.
Core Products: Anti – aging cream, color cosmetics, fragrance, hair care, personal care and
skin care.
Market Share: Roughly about 2% to 5%.
Target Market: Avon focuses on women mainly ranging between the ages of 25 to 50 years
Strengths: 1) Avon has been attracting new customers in the leading position that they have
had. 2) Avon has a steady revenue for the most part. 3) Avon has a differentiated business
model which has been emerging into becoming a prominent player in the cosmetic world.
Weaknesses: 1) Avon does not have the Millennial generation’s attention of the products that
they can offer to them. 2) Avon has been declining in North American operations. 3) Avon has
a relatively low market share.
Where They Compete: Avon mainly competes through beauty retailers, drug stores, grocery
stores, and other beauty stores.

Core Products: Cover up, eyeliner, eye shadow, lipstick, mascara, nail polish, and more.
Market Share: Roughly about 17% to 20%.
Target Market: Covergirl focuses on women mainly ranging between the ages of 13 to 45
years old.
Strengths: 1) Covergirl has a 20% of market share growth. 2) Covergirl has become one of the
leading brands in the cosmetic industry. 3) Covergirl has affordable pricing. 4) Covergirl has
been a high quality makeup brand for over 50 years now. 5) Covergirl is the second highest
ranked color beauty product
Weaknesses: 1) Covergirl has a distributed organizational structure. 2) Covergirl does not have
more formal ways in launching their new products. 3) The consumers seem to prefer other
beauty brands then Covergirl.
Where They Compete: Covergirl competes in against a global market through beauty retailers,
drug stores, and websites.

Core Products: Cover up, eyeliner, eye shadow, lipstick, mascara, nail polish, and more.
Market Share: Roughly about 7.4% to 18.8%.
Target Market: Maybelline focuses on inspiring women from all ages and ethnicities to feel
beautiful just the way they are. There market focus is mainly women ranging from 18 to 50
years old.
Strengths: 1) Known as being the number one cosmetic company. 2) Many different products
to buy from. 3) Offers many varieties of buying options. 4) Very affordable pricing.
Weaknesses: 1) Maybelline has cheap prices so consumers might seem to think it has poor
quality. 2) Most consumers are criticizing Maybelline for product testing on animals. 3) The
marketing efforts are becoming costly for Maybelline.
Where They Compete: The way Maybelline competes is through a huge variety of markets
which allow them to reach consumers. All Maybelline products are sold at beauty stores, club
stores, drug stores, grocery stores, and local stores.

Core Products: Anti – aging cream, body lotion, soap, cleanser, eye skin care, face oil, facial
hair remover, moisturizers, and skin care.
Market Share: Roughly 10%
Target Market: Olay focuses on women ranging between the ages of 33 to 55 years old and
Strengths: 1) Olay has a strong brand name that is well known to the older audience. 2) Olay
has a widely spread distribution networks.
Weaknesses: 1) Olay is mainly for older women and not for the Millennial generation. 2) Olay
does not have any beauty products such as eye shadow, eyeliner and etc. 3) Olay mainly sells
at Walmart. 4) Olay’s products are a little costly than most other brands.
Where They Compete: Olay mainly competes through selling their products through Walmart
or Target.

Core Products: Beauty products and tools, color cosmetics, deodorant, fragrances, hair color,
and skin care.
Market Share: 28.58%.
Target Market: Revlon focuses on reaching different target markets while having many ads
that they showcase both younger and older women.
Strengths: 1) Revlon is the biggest in being a famous female brand. 2) Revlon has strong
profound research and development. 3) Revlon has a strong quality advertising. 4) Revlon is a
strong supporter of women health programs.
Weaknesses: 1) Revlon has a weak company financial status. 2) Revlon’s quarterly revenue
has been declining significantly. 3) Revlon has an ever – changing organizational structure.
Where They Compete: Revlon competes through a mass volume retailers and chain drug
stores such as Bed Bath and Beyond, CVS, Rite Aid, Target, Walgreens, and Walmart.

Marketing Goals
The marketing goals of our campaign is to do the following. First, is to increase the number
of all of the independent beauty consultants that are ranging from 18 to 25 years old. Second, is to
increase the positive perception of Mary Kay among consumers ranging from 18 to 25 years old.
Lastly, to increase the product revenue among 18 to 25 years old.
Promotional Program Situation Analysis
The target market for this campaign would be to have hosting events, person marketing,
network marketing, and online marketing. In all these potential events that Mary Kay Cosmetics
can host all of the consumers that come out either through network marketing or other person
interactions they can all receive free samples of Mary Kay products. Also, any given referrals that
the consumers provide at these events the consumers can receive $5 gift cards to Mary Kay
Cosmetics Inc.’s website. If they then become a member, then all of their products that the
consumers purchase will have free shipping and handling. In doing this, we would attract more
potential consumers in purchasing Mary Kay Cosmetics. Therefore, our positioning strategy would
be through confidence, empowering and an energetic community, and personalized experience.
First, confidence is key to Mary Kay Cosmetics. Confidence shows Mary Kay Cosmetics that
when any female wears their cosmetics that they feel confident and determined. Second, Mary Kay
Cosmetics demands that their product become more customized, interactive, and personalized.
This would not only become a more personalized experience but also can and would build unique
relationships with using the Mary Kay brand. Third, Mary Kay Cosmetics want to become more
connected through the mass media and through any social outlets.
IMC Objectives and Strategies
The objectives of our campaign is to do the following. First, is to improve the quality
perception of the Mary Kay brand name among 18 to 25 – year – old women to the top 15% of the
cosmetic brands by the end of the first year. Second, is to increase Mary Kay’s product revenue
through the Millennial generation buyers to the top 20% by the end of the first year. Lastly, is to
increase the number of Millennial generation buyers to 25% by the end of the first year.
Furthermore, the strategies of our campaign is to do the following. First, is to encourage interaction
with the Mary Kay brand name and showcase its success through multiple social medias. Second,
is to focus on the message that will relate to the Millennial generation. Third, is to make sure Mary
Kay’s value is distributed in all of the messaging that will be viewed by the Millennial generation.
Lastly, is to making it more appealing and to have more experience in the messaging toward
attracting the Millennial generation. In achieving our campaign objectives, we need to spend about
ten million dollars. The budgeting method that will be implemented is through splitting the ten
million dollars in half. We are putting the first five million dollars in traditional media coverage
advertising While, the other five million dollars would cover activities related to personal selling
of the Mary Kay business opportunity.
Creative Recommendations
USP – Our USP is “It is our duty to help you feel Beauty.” Our goal is to make women feel
beautiful with the cosmetic products that the consumers would be using. This would engage
women to buy more and more of our products day by day in order to increase our growth and
revenue of our company.
Slogan – Our slogan for Sheer Beauty is “Sheer beauty – the best products for the best women.”
We want to prove to all of the women in the world that our product is the best for them.

Source and Message – We want to connect with our clients and customers. We want them to know
that we care about them and want to make them feel even more beautiful than they already are.

Newspaper Ad – We want to welcome a new makeup company in the making, Sheer Beauty. Sheer
Beauty is the “Best products for the best women.” This company aims to work with the clients for
their needs. They want women to feel even more beautiful than they already are. Sheer Beauty is
the new company in the making and you do not want to miss out on it!
Radio Script – Hello Listeners! Today in Studio 85.4, we have a new company here to tell us what
their goal is. Welcome the founders of Sheer Beauty Make-up, Maryam, Jordan, and Kaitlyn. So
girls, tell us a little about your products.
Jordan: Hello! We are a new makeup company. We want to work with our clients for their needs.
Maryam: We want to make women feel even more beautiful. We have different contests and games
to help win some samples.
Kaitlyn: At Sheer Beauty, it is our duty to make you feel beauty.
Radio: There you have it listeners! Thank you so much to Sheer Beauty for introducing their new
company to us! Best of luck to you three and your company, Sheer Beauty.
Social Media – Sheer Beauty will have a Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, Twitter, and
YouTube pages. We plan to make our own hashtags and pages to spread the name of our brand
which is Sheer Beauty.
Games – Sheer Beauty will have "makeup runs" where the boyfriends, brothers, and husbands, of
the women dress like a woman and wear heels and race to the finish line. The winner will win a
free month membership for $100.
Contest – Sheer Beauty will have a giveaway which you would have to enter through our website.
We will randomly pick a winner. The winner gets a free month membership and also samples of
our products.
Couponing – We are offering 20% to sign up for our products. After, that we will release the
coupons which will be up to $50 when you spend $150. Also, there will be monthly memberships
for $10, $50, and $100. Depending on how much you would pay to get a certain amount of

Video Blog/Links – We would have a blog on our website that connects to our YouTube page. We
will make makeup tutorials and post them daily. We will also have open blog to talk with our
customers to see what they like and dislike about our products
Direct Marketing Recommendations
Sheer Beauty will have a Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, Twitter, and YouTube
pages. We plan to make our own hashtags and pages to spread the name of our brand which is
Sheer Beauty. The planning and timing for this direct marketing to occur would be right from the
beginning of campaigning for Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc. We would have a couple of our
representatives to start making Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, Twitter, and YouTube
pages to promote Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc. From there, as time goes by we would hashtag
everything to Sheer Beauty and Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc. This would then capture the consumer’s
attention of our campaign for Mary Kay Cosmetics. The audience would notice our pages, start
following our pages, and even commenting and liking and sharing our pages to either friends and
families. This would then enhance Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc. by consumers buying and viewing
the cosmetics that Mary Kay is offering to sell to its audience. The budget that we have to spend
in order to achieve this goal would be roughly about one million dollars.
Internet/Interactive Recommendations
We would have a blog on our website that connects to our YouTube page. We will make
makeup tutorials and post them daily. We will also have open blog to talk with our customers to
see what they like and dislike about our products. The strategies that would be in place for this
objective would be to first plan out how we would want to make a YouTube page. The second
would be to promote our YouTube pages through advertising through the YouTube videos. We
would then also promote our YouTube page through our other pages which are our Facebook,
Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter pages. From there, after the page has gained a few followers we
would ask them to please refer their friends and families to subscribe to our channel for the best
makeup tutorial videos. This would then capture the audience’s attention to view our makeup
tutorial videos. By our audience doing this, this would make our views and subscription followers
to grow for Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc. Consumers from all over the world would have access to
view the videos this would enhance Mary Kay Cosmetic Inc. profit to grow and accelerate. The
budget that we would have to spend in order to achieve this goal would be about three million
Public Relations Recommendations
We are offering 20% to sign up our products. After, that we will release the coupons which
will be up to $50 when you spend $150. Also, there will be monthly memberships for $10, $50,
and $100. Depending on how much you would pay to get a certain amount of products. The
strategies that would be in place for this objective would be posting all these deals and offers to
all of social media pages. The next step would be to use our YouTube page and a make a video
announcing the deals and offers that we are going to offer to our consumers because these deals
last for that given time period only. From there, we would tell our consumers that by just signing
up by using their email that they would get a 20% coupon to use on any product of their choosing
from our website. This would then enhance the audience to refer to their friends and families with
the amazing deal and offer that Sheer Beauty is giving away for just signing up on our website.
The scheduling and planning for this to occur would be during the busiest times of the year which
are Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Christmas, and any other times of the month that we think that
consumers would buy our Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc. products. This would then capture the
audience’s attention by the amazing deal that we are offering to our consumers. In making this
offer happen we know that Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc. will have plenty of revenue growth in the
next coming months. We believe that consumers love these couponing deals because what
consumer does not love couponing. This is why this offer is a great way in promoting Mary Kay
Cosmetics Inc. to our Sheer Beauty audience. The budget that we would have to spend in order to
achieve this goal would be about three million dollars.

Personal Selling Recommendations

Sheer Beauty will have a giveaway which you would have to enter through our website.
We will randomly pick a winner. The winner gets a free month membership and also samples of
our products. The strategies that would be in place for this objective to occur would be to first plan
out how we would first make this giveaway happen. Would we promote it through our Facebook
page or through our Instagram page or even simply through just our YouTube page. The second
step would be when and what time of month would be give out this giveaway as well as how we
would select our winner. Would it be through how many times can the consumer share our link or
to simply make a video blog of themselves with using five of our different cosmetic products of
Mary Kay Cosmetics. From there, we would go ahead with the giveaway and pick a winner and
give them a free month membership as well as a few samples of our products that we would give
away. This would then capture the audience’s attention by them looking our YouTube videos, and
other social media pages to see that we are offering a giveaway to one potential winner of the
giveaway. This would attract more and more consumers to participate in our giveaway and to also
sign up and get that 20% for any product for just simply signing up on our website. This would
give us the opportunity for having a more competitive edge against other cosmetics companies.
The budget that would have to spend in order to achieve this goal would be about two million
Campaign Flowchart
In order to have an effective marketing mix, you must understand the details and facts of
how your integrated marketing communication mix are used. Our reach when it comes to
billboards, we will pick billboards on the major highways and roads that lead in and out of the
surrounding colleges and as well as around all college campuses. The reach for buses will be that
the buses will be driving all around the campuses which then gets the word out about the sales
competition. We plan on having a stand and even a sales person recruiting for the sales
competition. This person will be handing out flyers and putting them around campuses. The reach
for that will be limited due to the local closeness of where Mary Kay representatives can be at.
When it comes to Pandora, we are going to localize the college campuses and have the ads run
only in those college zone locations. The reach for the television commercials is going to be a
national television ad.
The frequency of which we are going to do things are as followed. Television ads will be
done twice every episode of a single reason of America’s Next Top Model. This happens to be a
show that is run weekly. The flyers are to be handed out and distributed for one week at the
beginning of the semester. The billboards will start on February because we want them up before
the flyers are posted and distributed. The buses will run on the same frequency. The reasoning
behind this is to keep awareness and the billboard running the active sales leaders. The Pandora
ads will run pulsing starting when the flyers are being handed out and running every other week
opposite of the television commercial ads.
The weight of running in Pandora is going to be heavy. The reason behind this is the constant
branding of Mary Kay will bring plenty of brand awareness. This will bring the idea of looking
into Mary Kay as a possible next cosmetic brand. Transit ads will be weighted heavy in the
billboards and buses around college campuses. The weight of the television ads will be light due
to the fact of only having around twenty – six commercials run over a four – month period.
We are planning on having a Facebook style of a campaign. The meaning of Facebook
style is by starting out the competition in ten colleges as an exclusive event that is going on. These
ten colleges are selected for various reasons. Those reasons include the business school national
ranking, rivalry, and the student population size.
Measurement and Evaluation
In order to have an effective integrated marketing communication appraisal. We first need
to identify the monitoring, the evaluation, and the communication program elements that were
used in the evaluation program. First, for the billboards that we had put up around the highways
and around the college campuses. We have planned on asking around if people have noticed our
signs and also how they may felt about them. The reason for this is to survey people on how many
people actually notice our billboards and actually go on our website and browse through the many
products that we offer for Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc. Another, survey we would do is survey how
many Pandora listeners have heard about our campaign for Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc. If the survey
has a sufficient amount of people, then great we would continue to advertise throughout the
Pandora channels. However, if there were little too few people that have not been listening to our
ad or not interested in our campaign for Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc. Then, we would have to
discontinue our services with Pandora and try a different path in enhancing our campaign for Mary
Kay Cosmetics Inc. From there, we would have different test groups to see if people have been
paying attention to our ads, billboards, flyers, and etc. We would get the feedback we need and if
its great then we will keep doing what we are doing. Now, if the feedback is terrible then we would
most definitely change the way we are campaigning and promoting Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc. We
would then be surveying on most college campuses and in their local towns to see the comparison
between the college students and the towns people. The comparison would be this to view which
group listeners to Pandora more and viewers are advertising on Pandora. These survey tests should
then be completed at least every two to three weeks to ensure our campaigning and promoting is
effective and is succeeding. The survey tests would occur in all different states, college campuses,
in their local towns and in all surrounding areas where the billboards are posted up. There would
also be a monthly monitoring of the competition results by the different groups of people whom
have been looking or listeners to our advertising for Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc. Therefore, we would
measure all of our overall process through writing down everyone’s information on a sheet of
paper and keeping a score on how the survey tests are going. From there, we would keep track of
our process and keep our success in campaigning and promoting for our Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc.
Budget Summary
The budgeting for this campaigning that we are requesting is ten million dollars. The direct
marketing budget that we would need would be $1,000,000. The reason for this is to ensure that
all the social media pages are made in an orderly timely fashion as well as pay for the advertisement
ads that have been posted in all the social media pages. The internet and interactive budget that we
would need would be $3,000,000. The reason for this is to ensure that our YouTube blogs and
advertisements are gaining subscribes. Therefore, our advertisement ads are then being shown in
other YouTube videos to promote our YouTube page that we have made. The public relations
budget that we would need would be $3,000,000. The reason for this is to ensure that we pay for
the extreme couponing that would be happening just for people signing up and as well as when we
have the amazing deals and offers that we would be offering in the given days of the year. We
would be covering the cost that we would be losing since we are giving away these great deals and
offers to our consumers. The personal selling budget that we would need would be $2,000,000.
The reason for this is to ensure that our giveaway goes accordingly to plan and to cover the cost
of the free month membership along with the free samples that we would be giving out to the
winner. The billboard ads that we are using is $550. The Facebook ads that we are using is $140.
The flyer ads that we are using is $140. The Pandora ads that we are using is $550. The television
ads that we are using is $120. Now, the budget for the billboard ads, Facebook ads, flyer ads,
Pandora ads, and the television ads are all $1,000,000. The reason for this is to ensure that we
accomplish all five of these ads that we are promoting and ensuring that these ads will enhance the
growth of Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc.
The summary of the key dates that would be occurring:
Newspaper Ad  The first day of the week beginning in the month of February 2016.
Radio Ad  The first day of the week beginning in the month of February 2016.
Direct Marketing  In the month of February 2016.
Public Relations  In the month of February 2016 it will begin. The other days to
consider would be Valentine’s Day, The First Day of Spring,
Easter, Mother’s Day, The First Day of Summer, Fourth of July
Special, The End of Summer, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and lastly
a Christmas special to finish off the year.
Internet/Interactive  In the month of February 2016.
Personnel Selling  In the middle of the month of June 2016.
Billboard Ads  Beginning from February 2016 to December 2016.
Pandora Ads  Beginning from February 2016 to December 2016.
Facebook Ads  Beginning from March 2016 to December 2016.
Flyer Ads  Beginning from March 2016 to December 2016.
Television Ads  Every other week which would begin on February 2016 to
December 2016.

In conclusion, the plan that we have made for our client Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc. has met
all the needs that it could have met. The reason why we believe that our plan is the one that would
get the job done is because we believe that we can enhance Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc. and make it
better so that it could have a high brand awareness rather than a low brand awareness. We also
believe that we could increase the positive perception and increase the consideration for the
product purchase of the age group that Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc. wants to gain attention from. The
age group that Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc. wants to attract to buy from there company is the age
group between 18 to 25 – year – olds. The reason being is that the people from these age groups
are the Millennial generation and Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc. wants to have a high brand awareness.
However, as of right now the only people Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc. has is the older generation and
in this day and age the Millennial generation is transitioning and growing. Therefore, Mary Kay
Cosmetics believe that this Millennial generation is new and is all about the tech – savvy
technology so why not advertise their cosmetics to them because this generation is always on social
media sites and always purchasing things from online websites. This is why our team, Sheer
Beauty is campaigning and promoting Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc. to its audience which is the
Millennial generation. We want to get the word out that Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc. is brand new
and improved and is doing all it can to show the Millennial generation to start purchasing their
cosmetic products from Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc. The way Sheer Beauty wants to promote Mary
Kay Cosmetics Inc. is through the direct marketing recommendations, internet/interactive
recommendations, public relations recommendations, and the personnel selling recommendations.
Sheer Beauty is then emphasizing to perform survey tests to monitor and evaluate if these
recommendations in promoting Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc. is effective and successful. If the
recommendations seem to start going downhill, then Sheer Beauty will change the way it
campaigns and promotes Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc. Therefore, Sheer Beauty values the morals of
Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc. and uses its standards to believe that Sheer Beauty can gain the attention
from the Millennial generation. The values of Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc. are the following. First,
is the golden rule meaning that treating others as you would like to be treated. Second, is that all
life’s priorities are placed in proper order meaning that faith first, family second and career third.
Third, is to imagine everyone is wearing a sign that reads “Make me feel important. Lastly, is the
go – go spirit meaning that the willingness to help one another knowing that this spirit creates
positive reciprocity. Thus, the values of Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc. are simply and straight
forwarded. This is the main reason why our team Sheer Beauty believes that we could promote
and enhance Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc. to the Millennial generation. Hence, Sheer Beauty believes
that we could get the job done in campaigning and promoting Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc. to not
only to the Millennial generation but to all and everyone who is interested in purchasing any
cosmetic products of their choosing.
Graph 1: The Favorite Makeup Brands Compared to Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc.
Graph 2: The Price Comparison between Mary Kay Cosmetics and Other Cosmetic Companies.

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