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Course Content:

Class Topics Discussion Point

Class 1 Self Introduction a) Ice breaker
b) Getting to know one another
c) Introduction to course outline
d) Alphabet; numbers 0-50; self-introduction

Class 2 Greetings in a) Introduction to German language

German b) German greetings and expressions.
c) German pronunciation tips.
d)days of the Week & Name of the month
Class 3 Conjugation of a) Listening and reading: Self introduction,
verbs b) introducing a third person and greet people
c) Grammar: Conjugation of to be verb (Sein)
and to have (haben) verb & Exercise of sein
& haben verb.
d) Numbers 50-100

Class 4 Affirmative & a) Grammar: conjugation of verbs

Negative sentences heißen,kommen, & wohnen. & exercicse of
complete sentences.
b) Listening: affirmative and interrogative
c) (W-fragen & Ja/Nein fragen)
d) Speaking: Getting to know one another
asking questions and answering questions
in German
Pop quiz 1
Class 5 Definite & a) Listening and reading: to identify a person
Indefinite Article b) Grammar: Introducing definite &
Indefinite article
c) gender of nouns and adjectives
d) Subject pronouns and their uses

Class 6 Accusative & a) Introducing Accusative

Making questions b) Introducing essential expressions.
c) Speaking: asking questions and answering
d) Do exercises

Class 7 Country & a) Listening & Reading: numbers; masculine,

language name feminine & neutral. understanding visiting
b) professions and pronunciation practice,
countries name & language name
c) Grammar: preposition used before country,
city and places & conjugation of gehen,
fahren & fliegen verb.
d) Exercise: complete sentences

Class 8 Professions & a) Speaking: practice professions

Nationality b) country names
c) nationality
d) Group activities
Pop quiz 2

Class 9 Possessive a) Listening and reading: asking address

pronouns b) How to ask telephone numbers, age etc;
approach someone
c) Grammar: possessive pronouns
(mein,dein,sein,ihr etc)
d) Do exercises

Class 10 Dative a) Introducing Dative

b) Difference between « Akkusativ » and
« Dative »
c) Different moments of whole day.
d) Do exercises

Class 11 Telephone a) Listening: numbers(0-100);

numbers b) understanding telephone numbers
c) Grammar: interrogative sentences
with(wie,was,wo,woher,wohin ,warum etc)
d) Exercise-complete sentences.

Class 12 Conversation a) Introducing useful vocabulary

b) Introducing expression
c) Speaking: making a dialogue between two
old friends
d) practice through pair work
pop quiz 3

Class 13 How to write a a) Reading: understand someone’s profile and

informal letter likings; discover German speaking
countries in the world
b) Grammar: conjugation of modal
c) Writing: how to write a letter to a pen
d) Do exercises

Class 14 German Music & a) Listening: video clip and German music on
Culture German culture and language
b) Name seasons of Germany & Bangladesh
c) Asking time & Introducing preposition
d) Do exercises

Class 15 Hobby a)what is your hobby

&TV.programme b)Introducing useful expressions of
c) what is your favourite programme
d) pair work activities
Mid term
Class 16 Preposition a) Listening : video on discovering Berlin and
meeting someone
b) Speaking practice: locate objects using
prepositions(an,auf,unter etc)
c) Do exercises
d) dictation
pop quiz 4
Class 17 Furniture & pet a) Listening and reading: describing bed room
animals ,furniture
b) Introducing pet animals
c) Grammar: plural of definite and indefinite
articles; preposition; uses of Es gibt (There
is/There are)
d) Pair work activities

Class 18 Description of a a) Listening: to identify a person; singular,

person plural and negative sentences
b) Grammar: interrogative sentences
with “ was ist das”
c) Listening and reading: to describe a
person, physique, clothes, colours etc
d) Do exercises

Class 19 Separable verbs a) Grammar: Separable verbs

b) Asking questions with verbs and answers
c) Listening: pronunciation practice
d) Grammar: plural form of possessive
pronouns; agreement between noun and

Class 20 Shopping a) Listening and reading: numbers(100-1000);

dialogue on shopping; asking price; colour;
size and likings etc
b) Grammar: interrogative sentences( was ist
das? wie viel kostet/kosten )& conjugation
of verbs (essen,trinken,kaufen)
c) interrogative (welcher,welche,welches &
d) Listening: number for asking price and
pronunciation, video clip on shopping

Class 21 Role Play a) linking between two words

b) Grammar: Demonstrative
conjugation of finden verb
c) Introducing useful vocabularies for role
d) Speaking: role play ( shop keeper and
Pop quiz 5
Class 22 Description of a a) Reading and writing: Describe a person
Apartment ,picture and room
b) Listening and reading: Describe an
apartment, understand an email
c) describe a lay out of an apartment and
understand a small advertisement
d) Conjugation of
den etc
Class 23 Irregular Verbs a) Introducing irregular verbs
b) Introducing imperative.
c) Exercise-complete sentences.

d) Speaking: Describe own apartment with

picture, practice for speaking test.

Class 24 Weather a)Introducing weather verbs

b)how to make noun from verbs
c)how is the weather of Bangladesh
d)do exercises
Class 25 Renting a a) How to start conversation to rent an
Apartment apartment
b) Introducing useful verbs
c) defining polite form of verbs
d) role play
Class 26 Direction a) Understanding a location on the map
b) Giving direction
c) Useful verbs
c) Finding a particular place
Class 27 Time a) Asking time
b) Activities with real clock
c) dictation
d) Do Exercises
Pop quiz 6
Class 28 Daily Activates a) Listening: video clips on daily activities.
b) Introducing required verbs of daily activates
c) Do Exercises
d) Present your daily routine

Class 29 Dialogue practice Simulated dialogue practice on

1)Shopping a)useful vocabularies b)Pair
work activities
2)buying train ticket a)useful vocabularies
b)pair work activities
Class 30 Dialogue practice Simulated dialogue practice of ordering
foods in restaurant
a)Introducing vocabulary of foods
b)Introducing vocabulary of beverages
c)useful expressions
d)role play

Class 31 Revision a)preparation for speaking test

b)listening exercises
c)reading text
d)review of writing informal letter

Class 32 Revision a)revision of all previous grammar

b)revision of article
c)revision of verbs with conjugation

Class 33 presentation Power point presentation of your own

Class 34 Presentation Power point presentation on five famous
cities in Germany
Class 35 Presentation Power point presentation of five famous
personalities in Germany.

Class 36
Speaking test

Final exam
Referrence Books :

1. TANGRAM 1 & 2 aktuell

2. Wir 1& 2, Wir 3 & 4

3. German Dictionary
4. Studio Deutsch A1

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