Noise Pollution

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Noise is a Sound that is unwanted or disrupts one’s quality of life is called as noise.

Noise pollution is the propagation of noise with harmful impact on the activity of
human or animal life.

Types of Noise Pollution:

 Industrial Noise
 Transport Noise
 Neighborhood Noise

Industrial Noise:
Industrial noise is caused by some high intensity decibels that is the result of
industry machines and other such appliances. Sources of such noise pollution is caused
by machines from machines in various factories, industries and mills.

Decibel a unit used to measure the intensity of a sound or the power level of an electrical signal
by comparing it with a given level on a logarithmic scale.

A sound level meter is used for acoustic measurements. It is

commonly a hand-held instrument with a microphone. The
diaphragm of the microphone responds to changes in air pressure
caused by sound waves. That is why the instrument is sometimes
referred to as a Sound Pressure Level Meter.
Transport Noise:
Mainly consists of traffic noise from road, rail, and aircraft. Automobiles on roads
like motors, scooters, cars, motorcycles, buses etc. are mainly responsible for transport

Neighborhood Noise:
Gadgets, electrical appliances like the grinder and mixer are the prime
contributors to noise pollution. Loud loudspeakers in the name of wedding, political
parties and other such events call for a significant amount of noise pollution. In the long
run, they become difficult to bear posing problems to the health of humans.

Causes of Noise Pollution

Most of the industries use big machines which are capable of producing large
amount of noise. Apart from that various equipment like compressors, generators,
exhaust fans, grinding mills also participate in producing big nose.
Poor Urban Planning
In most of developing countries, poor urban planning also plays a vital role.
Congested houses, large families sharing small space, fight over parking, frequent fight
over basic amenities leads to a noise pollution which may disrupt the environment of
Social events
Noise is at its peak in most of the social events. Whether it is marriage, parties,
pub, disc or place of worship, people normally flout rules set by the local administration
and create nuisance in the area

Large number of vehicle on roads, airplanes flying over houses, underground
trains produce heavy noise and people get it difficult to get accustomed to that.
Construction Activities
Under construction activities like mining, construction of bridges, dams, building,
stations, roads flyovers take place in almost every part of the world.
Household Chores
We people are surrounded by gadgets and use them extensively in our daily life.
Gadgets like TV, mobiles, Mix grinder, pressure cooker, vacuum cleaner washing
machine and dryer, cooler etc. are minor contributors to the amount of noise that is
produced but it affects the quality of life of your neighbor in a bad way.

Effects of Noise Pollution

Hearing problems
Any unwanted sound that our ears have not been built to filter can cause
problems within the body. Our ears can take in a certain range of sounds without
getting damaged. Constant exposure to loud levels of noise can easily result in the
damage of our ear drums and loss of hearing

Health issues
Excessive noise pollution in working areas such as offices, construction sites, bars
and even in our homes can influence psychological health. These in return can cause
more severe and chronic health issues late in life
Sleeping Disorders
Loud noise can certainly hamper your sleeping pattern and may lead to irritation
and uncomfortable situations. Without a good night sleep, it may lead to problems
related to fatigue and your performance may go down in office as well as in home
Cardiovascular Issues
Blood pressure levels, cardio vascular disease and stress released heart problems
are on the rise. Studies suggest that high intensity noise causes high blood pressure and
increases heart beat rate as it disrupts the normal blood flow.
Trouble Communicating
High decibel noise can put trouble and may not allow two people to
communicate freely. This may lead to misunderstanding and you may get difficult
understanding the other person. Constant sharp noise can give your severe headache
and disturb your emotional balance
Effect on Wildlife
Wildlife faces far more problems than humans because noise pollution since they
are more dependent on sound. Animals develop a better sense of hearing than us since
their survival depends on it
They become disoriented more easily and face many behavioral problems in
nature, animals may suffer from hearing loss. Which make them easy prey and leads to
dwindling populations others become inefficiency at hunting, disturbing the balance of
the ecosystem.

Noise Control or Noise Mitigation

Noise control or noise mitigation is a set of strategies to reduce noise pollution or
to reduce the impact of the noise, whether outdoors or indoors.
1. Planting bushes and trees is around sound generating sources is an effective
solution for noise pollution
2. Regular servicing and tuning of automobiles can effectively reduce the noise
3. buildings can be designed with suitable noise absorbing material for the walls,
windows and ceilings
4. Regulation should be imposed to restrict the usage of play loudspeakers in
crowded areas and public place.
5. Factories and industries should be located far from the residential areas.
Name: Yr. and sec.
I. Identification:

True 1. Noise pollution is the propagation of noise with harmful impact on the activity of
human or animal life.
False 2. Decibel used for acoustic measurements. It is commonly a hand-held instrument
with a microphone
True 3. Noise mitigation is a set of strategies to reduce noise pollution or to reduce the
impact of the noise, whether outdoors or indoors.
False 4. High decibel noise can put trouble and may allow two people to communicate
True 5. Planting bushes and trees is around sound generating sources is an effective
solution for noise pollution
True 6. Large number of vehicle on roads, airplanes flying over houses, underground
trains produce heavy noise and people get it difficult to get accustomed to that.
True 7. Noise is an unwanted or unpleasant sound.
False 8. If a sound reaches 120 dB it can cause permanent hearing damage.
False 9. Regulation should be imposed to restrict the usage of play loudspeakers in
crowded areas and public place.
False 10. Regular servicing and tuning of automobiles can effectively reduce the noise

II. Define the following:

Pollution- Substance or thing that has harmful/ poisonous effects to human and
Noise pollution- Noise pollution is the propagation of noise with harmful impact
on the activity of human or animal life.
Decibel- a unit used to measure the intensity of a sound or the power level of an
electrical signal by comparing it with a given level on a logarithmic scale.
Sound level meter- is used for acoustic measurements. It is commonly a hand-
held instrument with a microphone. The diaphragm of the microphone responds to
changes in air pressure caused by sound waves.
Noise mitigation- is a set of strategies to reduce noise pollution or to reduce the
impact of the noise, whether outdoors or indoors.

III. Enumeration:
Other name for noise pollution (2)
 Environmental Noise
 Sound pollution
Types of noise pollution (3)
 Industrial Noise
 Transport Noise
 Neighborhood Noise
Effects of noise pollution (6)
 Industrialization
 Poor Urban Planning
 Social events
 Transportation
 Construction Activities
 Household Chores
Causes of noise pollution (6)
 Hearing problems
 Health issues
 Sleeping Disorders
 Cardiovascular Issues
 Trouble Communicating
 Effect on Wildlife
Name: Yr. and sec.
II. Identification:

1. Noise pollution is the propagation of noise with harmful impact on the activity
of human or animal life.
2. Decibel used for acoustic measurements. It is commonly a hand-held
instrument with a microphone
3. Noise mitigation is a set of strategies to reduce noise pollution or to reduce the
impact of the noise, whether outdoors or indoors.
4. High decibel noise can put trouble and may allow two people to communicate
5. Planting bushes and trees is around sound generating sources is an effective
solution for noise pollution
6. Large number of vehicle on roads, airplanes flying over houses, underground
trains produce heavy noise and people get it difficult to get accustomed to that.
7. Noise is an unwanted or unpleasant sound.
8. If a sound reaches 120 dB it can cause permanent hearing damage.
9. Regulation should be imposed to restrict the usage of play loudspeakers in
crowded areas and public place.
10. Regular servicing and tuning of automobiles can effectively reduce the noise

II. Define the following:

Noise pollution-
Sound level meter-
Noise mitigation-

III. Enumeration:
Other name for noise pollution (2)
Types of noise pollution (3)
Effects of noise pollution (6)
Causes of noise pollution (6)

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