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These bright and bold natural events are awe -inspiring. Just make sure you
get the timing right.
COLORFUL TRAVEL MIGHT conjure up images of larger-than-life street
murals or pastel towns, but when it comes to truly unique and vibrant
spectacles, nature displays the most awe -inspiring moments.
Whether it's thanks to bioluminescence, annual migration patterns, or just
heavy rainfall, these phenomena can often be devilishly tricky to predict
and timing your trip to catch a glimpse can be unpredictable.

Millions of monarch butterflies make the annual migration south from

Canada to Mexico for the winter, where they turn the fir trees of Michoacán
into a living, breathing natural art installation.
However, the true burst of colour comes when they rise from their pine tree
slumber, fluttering through the air, transforming their richly pigmented
orange and black wings into a tangerine blur.
When to See the Butterflies: Best visited between January and March, on
calm, warm days.
Once a year as part of their mating rituals, fireflies in the Smoky Mountains
put on one of nature’s most dazzling and frustratingly impossible -to-
predict-in-advance light show.
While most fireflies cannot synchronise the glow of their bioluminescent
bellies, this species has it down to a fine art, giving visitors a masterclass in
harmonious radiance which ripples around the mountains.
Once determined, dates are announced on the official website, but
competition to attend is high as you apply for a parking pass.
When to See the Fireflies: From late May to mid-June.

At least 19 species of fireflies call Great Smoky Mountains National Park

home, but only one of those species can synchronize their hypnotising light


In northern Colombia, this stunning river has a riot of aquatic -plant
produced colour to thank for that title.
Kaleidoscope shades blanket the Caño Cristales riverbed, giving the
impression that the water is flowing over an artist’s palette of naturally -
produced Pantone hues. With colours ranging from earthy red to mustard
yellow and muted lilac, it must be seen to be believed.
When to See the River: From June to November.
These plants live in the riverbed year -round, but only show their bright
colours when conditions are just right.


Every year during mating season, Christmas Island’s red crab population
scuttles out of the metaphorical woodwork and heads for the coast,
navigating roads and the accompanying traffic along the way.
Recently, bridges and underpasses have been specially constructed to help
the crabs avoid an accidental flattening, but predicting the actual
dates during which these scarlet-shelled crustaceans will make their move
is notoriously finnicky, tied as they are to no t only the lunar calendar, but
also the wet season and unusually heavy rainfall.
When to See the Crabs: Around the start of the wet season, in October or

Thousands of juvenile crabs cover rocks near Christmas Island.

Superblooms make scheduled appearances all over the world, whether in
the canola fields of China or the deserts of Namaqualand.
On the other hand, in the Chilean Atacama —the world’s driest desert—
flowering superblooms are less than predictable. In fact, o nly when
rainfall is unseasonably high (usually thanks to El Niño), do the normally
barren plains erupt into life with an array of multicoloured flowers.
When to See the Superblooms: From September to November, but only
when rainfall is unseasonably high.

This superbloom is unique in its rarity, making year's of heavy rainfall a

great reason to book a trip to experience the desert in full color.


Australia’s coral reefs are possibly one of the world’s most colourful natural
phenomena in and of themselves, but these underwater worlds have an
even more impressive trick up their sleeve —coral spawning.
Described as a weightless underwater snowstorm, each year the coral reefs
beneath the waves of Ningaloo in Western Australia spawn in synchronicity,
releasing tiny orbs that float up to the surface of the water.
When to See the Coral Spawning: Up to a week after the full moon, typically
in the autumn.
Each year, the coral reefs beneath the waves of Ningaloo in Western
Australia spawn in synchronicity, releasing tiny orbs that float up to the
surface of the water.


If you were to name any natural phenomena as electric -blue, it would surely
be the impressive bioluminescent display of firefly squid in Toyama Bay,
A swirling mass of almost unbelievably neon colour is formed when the
squid rise from the murky depths during mating season, and while up close
these petite 7 centimetre long creatures look like Pointillist masterpieces,
they have strength in numbers when it comes to putting on an arresting
underwater light show.
When to See the Glowing Squid: From March to June, around 3am.

Picture of Firefly squid close to beach during mating season in Toyama

Bay, Japan
During mating season, the firefly squid rise to the water's surface and put
on a show, just before sunrise.

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