Beatriz Moreira Parada - Research Paper Reflection 2

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When I was going to choose my subject I did not have any ideas to talk about, but the teacher

gave us a web page to everyone in the class so that we could choose a topic and it would not be

difficult for us to think about what to talk about. When I went to the website, I found it

interesting, the issue of prostitution when I read all the consequences I had when dealing with

several men.

When I read the story of Brenda Bryers I was very sad about everything that happened in her life

as she lost her mother six months after birth, she never knew her mother's death, they all think it

was due to natural causes but she believes that because her mom was only 16 years old when she

died, since that day her grandmother took care of her but she could not keep it because she had

more grandchildren, and at the age of 14 she started to prostitute herself to take money home, but

one night her life changed because they kidnapped some men and took her to rape and prostitute

her, then she saw that she did not want to do that because they forced her to have sex with

several men a day and when you want to start a family no one will take you seriously because

you were a prostituta, or they see you as nothing in society no one takes you into account she

almost died when she was with a client and told her that she was forty years old when she pulled

her car and dragged her for several blocks, and when she arrived at the hospital and the police

that was going to interrogate her. When he saw her she said she is a prostitute and the

nursemaids laughed at her, no one attended her for what she did as a job, that's why she chose

this topic to talk about the dangers they face when engaging in prostitution, and diseases that can

transmit to you having sexual relations without protection, I realized how much is the percentage

of prostitution in some countries like China that is 73%, and how it can affect you when you

have sex with a person you do not know without protection you can get infected of HIV or

AIDS, I do not regret choosing it because I can say the dangers if you do this you do not know
that you can meet people like groups that are dedicated to kidnapping and prostitute minors, to

make easy money with them.

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