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APEURO Life Skills Unit

Date Agenda
5/13 Watch Movie
Discuss Survey results
5/14- Finish Movie
5/15 Emergency Preparedness
5/16- Finish Emergency Preparedness
5/17 Discuss Financial Literacy
-credit score
5/20 Civic preparedness
“Know Your Rights” worksheet
Introduce website
5/21- Business Writing
5/22 Tieing Ties
Work on “portfolio”
5/23- Goal Setting
5/24 Work on “Portfolio”
5/28- Interviews
5/30- Interviews
5/31 Portfolio DUE
6/3 Watch Movie
6/4-6/5 Watch Movie
6/6-6/7 Watch Movie
6/10- “Final”
Rubric for Portfolio:

Emergency Preparedness (20pts possible) Total

Selfie-List (14pts)
o Gas Line
o Water Main
o Breaker Box
o Fire Extinguisher
o Water valve (sink/toilet)
o Checking Oil (car)
o “Where is the Spare?”
Step-by-step (6pts)
o “How to jump a car battery.”
o “How to change a tire.”
Financial Literacy/Awareness (25pts possible)
o Credit Score Worksheet, completed (5pts)
o Compounding Interest worksheet, completed (5pts)
Budgets (on excel, or sheets) (15pts)
o Weekly budget
o Semester Budget (College)
o Job Simulation Monthly (future)
Citizenship (10 pts possible)
o Student’s Vision
o Where to Register
o Where is Courthouse (for Jury Duty)
o “I know my rights!” worksheet
o Power of Volunteering
Professional Preparedness (25pts possible)
o Cover Letter
o Resume
o References
o Interview Skills (5pts)
o Handshake
o Tie-tying
o Papotta Points
Goal Setting (20 pts possible)
o Family Goals (5, 10, 20 year plans) (5pts)
o Professional Goals (5, 10, 20 year plans) (5pts)
o Legacy Goals (what mark will you leave?) (5pts)
o How to get there… (5pts)

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