Quiz R

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NAME:___________________________ NAME:___________________________

SECTION:________________________ SECTION:________________________
STUDENT NUMBER:_______________ STUDENT NUMBER:_______________
DATE:___________________________ DATE:___________________________
SCORE:_________________________ SCORE:_________________________


1. What was Rizal’s last poem? 1. What was Rizal’s last poem?
2. Farewell poem of Rizal. 2. Farewell poem of Rizal.
3. Name of Rizal’s bodyguard in Calamba in 1887. 3. Name of Rizal’s bodyguard in Calamba in 1887.
4. Chosen by Rizal to be his defender. 4. Chosen by Rizal to be his defender.
5. He is the military commander of Barcelona who ordered Rzal’s banishment to 5. He is the military commander of Barcelona who ordered Rzal’s banishment to
Dapitan in July 1892. Dapitan in July 1892.
6. What are the first eight provinces that proclaimed war against Spain? (8 pts) 6. What are the first eight provinces that proclaimed war against Spain? (8 pts)
7. He is also known as The Great Plebeian. 7. He is also known as The Great Plebeian.
8. What were the last words uttered by Jose Rizal before he died? 8. What were the last words uttered by Jose Rizal before he died?
9. Give 1 Community projects of Jose Rizal for Dapitan (5pts) 9. Give 1 Community projects of Jose Rizal for Dapitan (5pts)
10. Motto of The Liga Filipina. (5pts) 10. Motto of The Liga Filipina. (5pts)
1. Unfortunate Philippines
2. Mi Ultimo Adios (Last Farewell)
3. Lt. Jose Taviel de Andrade
4. Don Luis Taviel de Andrade
5. General Eulogio Despujol
6. Manila (as a province)
7. Bulacan
8. Cavite
9. Batangas
10. Laguna
11. Pampanga
12. Nueva Ecija
13. Tarlac
14. Andres Bonifacio
15. Consummatum est.
16. Constructing the town’s first water system
Draining the marshes in order to get rid of malaria that infested Dapitan
Equip the town with its lighting system—this lighting system consisted of
coconut oil lamps placed in the dark streets of Dapitan
Beautification of Dapitan—remodeled the town plaza in order to enhance its
17. Unus Instar Omnium (One Like All)

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