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TABLE "ABCCode" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Used to classify parts in inventory

based on usage and cost crite ria. At least one ABCCode must be set up if you want
to use cycle counts in physical inventory processing."
FIELD "Company" OF "ABCCode": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ABCCode" OF "ABCCode": character DESCRIPTION "ABC Code. Valid values are
""A"" through ""Z""." LABEL "ABC Code"
FIELD "Obsolete900-MinDollarVolume" OF "ABCCode": decimal DESCRIPTION "The minimum
total cost volume of activity (issues and receipts) t hat must have taken place
within the last 30 days to qualify a part for this ABC classification. A value of
zero(0) means to ignore this criteria." LABEL "Minimum Dollar Volume" COLUMN-LABEL
"Min. $ Volume"
FIELD "Obsolete900-MinUnitCost" OF "ABCCode": decimal DESCRIPTION "The minimum Unit
Cost that will qualify a part for this level. A value of zero(0) means to ignore
this criteria." LABEL "Min. Unit Cost"
FIELD "CountFreq" OF "ABCCode": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates how often parts in
the classification are to be counted expressed in number of days" LABEL "Count
Frequency" COLUMN-LABEL "Count Freq."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ABCCode": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ABCCode": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "ExcludeFromCC" OF "ABCCode": logical DESCRIPTION "This flag is set to true
prevent items that should only be counte d during physical inventory from being
selected for cycle counting. This setting can be overridden in PlantConfABC and/or
WarehseABC." LABEL "Exclude from Cycle Count"
FIELD "StockValPcnt" OF "ABCCode": decimal DESCRIPTION "Stock Valuation Percent.
Used by Calculate ABC Codes to determine what ABC code to assign to a
part/warehouse record. This setting can be overrid den in PlantConfABC and/or
WarehseABC." LABEL "Stock Value Percent"
FIELD "PcntTolerance" OF "ABCCode": decimal DESCRIPTION "Percent Tolerance. Entered
as a positive number, Used to define t he default percent tolerance for parts for
which no percent tolerance is set up in PartWhse, PartPlant, WarehseABC or
PlantConfABC. Zero indicates that any quan tity variance is considered out of
tolerance. A number greater than zero indicat es that a percentage difference
between the count quantity and the frozen quanti ty by more than the percent
tolerance figure is considered out of tolerance. Cal culated as ?adjustment qty /
frozen qty? expressed as a percent." LABEL "Percent Tolerance"
FIELD "CalcPcnt" OF "ABCCode": logical DESCRIPTION "False = there is no percent
tolerance consideration and any perce nt variance is considered within tolerance.
True = percent tolerance is active f or this ABC code and the value in
PcntTolerance will be used to determine if the count variance is within tolerance."
LABEL "Calculate Percent"
FIELD "CalcQty" OF "ABCCode": logical DESCRIPTION "False = there is no quantity
tolerance consideration and any quan tity variance is considered within tolerance.
True = quantity tolerance is activ e for this ABC code and the value in
QtyTolerance will be used to determine if t he count variance is within tolerance."
LABEL "Calculate Quantity"
FIELD "CalcValue" OF "ABCCode": logical DESCRIPTION "False = there is no value
tolerance consideration and any value v ariance is considered within tolerance.
True = value tolerance is active for thi s ABC code and the value in ValueTolerance
will be used to determine if the coun t variance is within tolerance." LABEL
"Calculate Value"
FIELD "QtyTolerance" OF "ABCCode": decimal DESCRIPTION "Quantity tolerance. Entered
as a positive whole number, Used to d efine the default quantity tolerance for
parts for which no quantity tolerance i s set up in PartWhse, PartPlant, WarehseABC
or PlantConfABC. Zero indicates that any quantity variance is considered out of
tolerance. A number greater than zer o indicates that a count quantity that varies
from the frozen quantity by more t han the quantity tolerance figure is considered
out of tolerance." LABEL "Quantity Tolerance"
FIELD "ValueTolerance" OF "ABCCode": decimal DESCRIPTION "Value tolerance. Entered
as a positive number. Used to define the default value tolerance for parts for
which no value tolerance is set up in Par tWhse, PartPlant, WarehseABC or
PlantConfABC An entry of zero will indicate tha t any value variance will be
considered out of tolerance for this part. Value va riance is calculated as the
difference in cost between the counted quantity and the frozen quantity." LABEL
"Value Tolerance"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ABCCode": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ShipToCustNum" OF "ABCCode": integer DESCRIPTION "Ship To Customer Number.
This along with ShipToNum provides the f oreign key field to a given ShipTo.
Normally this has the same value as the Cust Num field. However, if the customer
allows 3rd party shipto (Customer.AllowShipT o3) then this could be a different

TABLE "ABTAmount" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table stores list of ABT
amounts related to the ABT document line."
FIELD "ACTTypeUID" OF "ABTAmount": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to the ACT type."
FIELD "ACTRevisionUID" OF "ABTAmount": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to the ACT
Revision." LABEL "ACT Revision UID"
FIELD "ABTDocLineUID" OF "ABTAmount": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to the ABT
document line." LABEL "ABT Doc Line UID"
FIELD "ABTAmountUID" OF "ABTAmount": integer DESCRIPTION "Amount UID. Technical
identifier." LABEL "ABT Amount UID"
FIELD "Qualifier" OF "ABTAmount": character DESCRIPTION "Qualifier of the Amount."
LABEL "Qualifier"
FIELD "Description" OF "ABTAmount": character DESCRIPTION "Detailed description of
the Amount." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "IsDefault" OF "ABTAmount": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates default Amounts
for ABT templates." LABEL "Is Default"
FIELD "Company" OF "ABTAmount": character DESCRIPTION "Reference to the Company."
LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ABTAmount": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ABTAmount": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ABTAmount": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "PrimIdx" ON "ABTAmount" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary table

TABLE "ABTDocLine" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table stores ABT Document
Lines and their descriptions."
FIELD "ACTTypeUID" OF "ABTDocLine": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to the ACT
type." LABEL "ACT Type UID"
FIELD "ACTRevisionUID" OF "ABTDocLine": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to the ACT
Revision." LABEL "ACT Revision UID"
FIELD "ABTDocLineUID" OF "ABTDocLine": integer DESCRIPTION "Document Line UID.
Technical identifier." LABEL "ABT Doc Line UID"
FIELD "Qualifier" OF "ABTDocLine": character DESCRIPTION "Qualifier of the field."
LABEL "Qualifier"
FIELD "IsDefault" OF "ABTDocLine": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates default entities
for ABT templates." LABEL "Is Default"
FIELD "DataSource" OF "ABTDocLine": character DESCRIPTION "Associated with the
document line database table name." LABEL "Data Source" COLUMN-LABEL "Data Source"
FIELD "Description" OF "ABTDocLine": character DESCRIPTION "Detailed description of
the document line." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "ParentABTDocLineUID" OF "ABTDocLine": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to the
Parent document line." LABEL "Parent ABT Doc Line UID"
FIELD "SequenceNumber" OF "ABTDocLine": integer DESCRIPTION "An order number
indicating the document line place in the sequenc e of lines." LABEL "Sequence
FIELD "DocLinePath" OF "ABTDocLine": character DESCRIPTION "Path in ABT structure."
LABEL "DocLinePath"
FIELD "Company" OF "ABTDocLine": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
"Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ABTDocLine": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ABTDocLine": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ABTDocLine": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
INDEX "PrimIdx" ON "ABTDocLine" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary table
INDEX "SeqIdx" ON "ABTDocLine" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Sequence index."

TABLE "ABTHead" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "ABTHead" DESCRIPTION "Internal Table, PE
internal data"
FIELD "ABTUID" OF "ABTHead": character DESCRIPTION "Reference to the ABT, it is
FIELD "ACTRevisionUID" OF "ABTHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to the
ActRevision" LABEL "ACTRevisionUID" COLUMN-LABEL "ACTRevisionUID"
FIELD "Company" OF "ABTHead": character DESCRIPTION "Reference to the Company"
LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "GroupID" OF "ABTHead": character DESCRIPTION "Reference to the Group of
document" LABEL "GroupID" COLUMN-LABEL "GroupID"
FIELD "InHistory" OF "ABTHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Records can be in History."
LABEL "InHistory" COLUMN-LABEL "InHistory"
FIELD "DocUID" OF "ABTHead": character DESCRIPTION "Key of document"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ABTHead": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ABTHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "ACTTypeUID" OF "ABTHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to the ACT type."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ABTHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "ABTHist" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Internal table, PE internal data "
FIELD "ABTUID" OF "ABTHist": character DESCRIPTION "Guid, reference to the ABT"
FIELD "DocLineIndex" OF "ABTHist": integer DESCRIPTION "Index of Document Line in
ABT" LABEL "Doc Line Index" COLUMN-LABEL "Doc Line Index"
FIELD "DocLinePath" OF "ABTHist": character DESCRIPTION "Full path of current
document in ABT" LABEL "Doc Line Path" COLUMN-LABEL "Doc Line Path"
FIELD "Path" OF "ABTHist": character DESCRIPTION "Additional path" LABEL "Path"
FIELD "DataValue" OF "ABTHist": character DESCRIPTION "Data value" LABEL
"DataValue" COLUMN-LABEL "DataValue"
FIELD "DataType" OF "ABTHist": character DESCRIPTION "Data Type" LABEL "DataType"
FIELD "DocLineUID" OF "ABTHist": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to the Doc Line in
ABT" LABEL "Document Line UID" COLUMN-LABEL "Document Line UID"
FIELD "AmountIndex" OF "ABTHist": integer DESCRIPTION "Index of Amount in ABT"
LABEL "Amount Index" COLUMN-LABEL "Amount Index"
FIELD "Level" OF "ABTHist": integer DESCRIPTION "Document Line Level" LABEL
"Document Line Level" COLUMN-LABEL "Document Line Level"
FIELD "Company" OF "ABTHist": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
"Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ABTHist": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ABTHist": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ABTHist": integer
DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit
Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "ABTPostCode" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table stores Posting
FIELD "ACTTypeUID" OF "ABTPostCode": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to the ACT
type." LABEL "ACT Type UID"
FIELD "ACTRevisionUID" OF "ABTPostCode": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to the ACT
Revision." LABEL "ACT Revision UID"
FIELD "ABTDocLineUID" OF "ABTPostCode": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to the
document line UID." LABEL "ABT Doc Line UID"
FIELD "ABTPostEntityUID" OF "ABTPostCode": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to the
ABT Post Entity." LABEL "ABT Post Entity UID"
FIELD "ABTPostCodeUID" OF "ABTPostCode": integer DESCRIPTION "Posting Code UID.
Technical identifier." LABEL "ABT Post Code UID"
FIELD "PopulationMethod" OF "ABTPostCode": integer DESCRIPTION "Population method
for the user-defined field" LABEL "Population Method"
FIELD "Qualifier" OF "ABTPostCode": character DESCRIPTION "Qualifier of the field."
LABEL "Qualifier"
FIELD "Description" OF "ABTPostCode": character DESCRIPTION "Detailed description
of the Posting Code." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "DataSource" OF "ABTPostCode": character DESCRIPTION "Associated with the
Posting Code database table name." LABEL "Data Source"
FIELD "DataField" OF "ABTPostCode": character DESCRIPTION "Name of the BAQ or Table
field from where the field will be popul ated in case it is user-defined field"
LABEL "Data Field"
FIELD "IsDefault" OF "ABTPostCode": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates default entities
for ABT templates." LABEL "Is Default"
FIELD "CodeType" OF "ABTPostCode": character DESCRIPTION "This field stores Posting
Code datatype." LABEL "Code Type"
FIELD "Company" OF "ABTPostCode": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
"Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ABTPostCode": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ABTPostCode": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ABTPostCode": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "PrimIdx" ON "ABTPostCode" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary table

TABLE "ABTPostEntity" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table stores Posting
Code groups."
FIELD "ACTTypeUID" OF "ABTPostEntity": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to the ACT
type." LABEL "ACT Type UID"
FIELD "ACTRevisionUID" OF "ABTPostEntity": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to the
ACT Revision." LABEL "ACT Revision UID"
FIELD "ABTDocLineUID" OF "ABTPostEntity": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to the ABT
document line." LABEL "ABT Doc Line UID"
FIELD "ABTPostEntityUID" OF "ABTPostEntity": integer DESCRIPTION "Post Entity UID.
Technical identifier." LABEL "ABT Post Entity UID"
FIELD "Qualifier" OF "ABTPostEntity": character DESCRIPTION "Qualifier of the
field." LABEL "Qualifier"
FIELD "Description" OF "ABTPostEntity": character DESCRIPTION "Detailed description
of the Post Entity." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "IsDefault" OF "ABTPostEntity": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates default
entities for ABT templates." LABEL "Is Default"
FIELD "SequenceNumber" OF "ABTPostEntity": integer DESCRIPTION "An order number
indicating the Post Entity place in the sequence of Post Entyties." LABEL "Sequence
FIELD "IsReference" OF "ABTPostEntity": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
entity stores keys for reference GLControl." LABEL "Is Reference"
FIELD "DataSource" OF "ABTPostEntity": character DESCRIPTION "Associated with the
Post Entity database table name." LABEL "Data Source" COLUMN-LABEL "Data Source"
FIELD "Company" OF "ABTPostEntity": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ABTPostEntity": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ABTPostEntity": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ABTPostEntity": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "PrimIdx" ON "ABTPostEntity" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary table
INDEX "SeqIdx" ON "ABTPostEntity" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Sequence index."

TABLE "ABTQParam" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "parameters for ABTQuery"

FIELD "BAQParamLinkUID" OF "ABTQParam": integer DESCRIPTION "BAQ Param Link UID."
FIELD "ABTQueryUID" OF "ABTQParam": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to ABT Query
FIELD "ACTRevisionUID" OF "ABTQParam": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to the parent
account transaction revision." LABEL "ACT Revision UID" COLUMN-LABEL "ACT Revision
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ABTQParam": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ABTQParam": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "ACTTypeUID" OF "ABTQParam": integer DESCRIPTION "Account transaction type
UID. Technical identifier." LABEL "ACT Type UID" COLUMN-LABEL "ACT Type UID"
FIELD "Company" OF "ABTQParam": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ABTQParam": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "BAQParam" OF "ABTQParam": character DESCRIPTION "paremeter in BAQ"
FIELD "ABTBAQParam" OF "ABTQParam": character DESCRIPTION "parameter from current
FIELD "ABTDocLineUID" OF "ABTQParam": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to the
document line UID." LABEL "ABT Doc Line UID"


FIELD "ABTQueryUID" OF "ABTQuery": integer DESCRIPTION "ABT Query UID. Technical
FIELD "ACTRevisionUID" OF "ABTQuery": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to account
transaction revision UID." LABEL "ACT Revision UID" COLUMN-LABEL "ACT Revision UID"

FIELD "BAQID" OF "ABTQuery": character DESCRIPTION "Reference to business activity

FIELD "ACTTypeUID" OF "ABTQuery": integer DESCRIPTION "Account transaction type
UID. Technical identifier." LABEL "ACT Type UID" COLUMN-LABEL "ACT Type UID"
FIELD "Company" OF "ABTQuery": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
"Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ABTQuery": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ABTQuery": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ABTQuery": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "IsDefault" OF "ABTQuery": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates default Queries for
ABT templates." LABEL "Is Default"
FIELD "ABTDocLineUID" OF "ABTQuery": integer DESCRIPTION "Document Line UID.
Technical identifier." LABEL "ABT Doc Line UID"

TABLE "ABTWork" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Internal table, PE internal data"
FIELD "ABTUID" OF "ABTWork": character DESCRIPTION "Reference to ABT, GUID." LABEL
FIELD "DocLineIndex" OF "ABTWork": integer DESCRIPTION "Index of Doc Line in ABT"
LABEL "Doc Line Index" COLUMN-LABEL "Doc Line Index"
FIELD "DocLinePath" OF "ABTWork": character DESCRIPTION "Path of Doc Line in ABT"
LABEL "Doc Line Path" COLUMN-LABEL "Doc Line Path"
FIELD "Path" OF "ABTWork": character DESCRIPTION "Additional path" LABEL "Path"
FIELD "DataValue" OF "ABTWork": character DESCRIPTION "Data value" LABEL
"DataValue" COLUMN-LABEL "DataValue"
FIELD "DataType" OF "ABTWork": character DESCRIPTION "Data type" LABEL "DataType"
FIELD "DocLineUID" OF "ABTWork": integer DESCRIPTION "Refrence to the DocLine"
FIELD "AmountIndex" OF "ABTWork": integer DESCRIPTION "Amount Index" LABEL "Amount
Index" COLUMN-LABEL "Amount Index"
FIELD "Level" OF "ABTWork": integer
DESCRIPTION "Document Line Level" LABEL "Document Line Level" COLUMN-LABEL
"Document Line Level"
FIELD "Company" OF "ABTWork": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
"Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ABTWork": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ABTWork": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ABTWork": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "ACTBook" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Books for each revision, used in
FIELD "Company" OF "ACTBook": character DESCRIPTION "Reference to the Company"
FIELD "BookID" OF "ACTBook": character DESCRIPTION "Reference to Book"
FIELD "Description" OF "ACTBook": character DESCRIPTION "Description of Book"
FIELD "BookCurrency" OF "ACTBook": character DESCRIPTION "Currency of the book"
FIELD "BOOKType" OF "ACTBook": character DESCRIPTION "Type of Book"
FIELD "COAID" OF "ACTBook": character DESCRIPTION "Reference to the COA"
FIELD "ACTRevisionUID" OF "ACTBook": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to ACT
Revision" LABEL "ACTRevisionUID" COLUMN-LABEL "ACTRevisionUID"
FIELD "ActiveFlag" OF "ACTBook": integer DESCRIPTION "if Book is Active"
FIELD "DefaultBook" OF "ACTBook": logical DESCRIPTION "If the book is default"
FIELD "MapBookID" OF "ACTBook": character DESCRIPTION "Reference to the book, that
transaction will be used." LABEL "MapBookID" COLUMN-LABEL "MapBookID"
FIELD "COAMapUID" OF "ACTBook": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to the COA map."
FIELD "UseMapFlag" OF "ACTBook": logical DESCRIPTION "If mapping will be used.If
no- booking rules will be used for cre ation of transaction." LABEL "Use Map Flag"
FIELD "ACTTypeUID" OF "ACTBook": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to the ACT Type."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ACTBook": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ACTBook": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "Summarize" OF "ACTBook": integer DESCRIPTION "0) Summarize (default) 1)
Summarize debit and credits separately 2) No summarization 3) Override "
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ACTBook": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "IsDefault" OF "ACTBook": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates default books for
ABT templates." LABEL "Is Default"
FIELD "MapType" OF "ACTBook": integer DESCRIPTION "Shows what will be used for
transaction creating, 0 - Booking Rul es, 1 - COA Mapping, 2 - Direct "
FIELD "TranCurr" OF "ACTBook": integer DESCRIPTION "Transactional currency, [0] -
is document , [1] is source book' s currency, used in book mapping."

TABLE "ACTRevision" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table would store the list
of all ACT type revisions registe red in the system. Each ACT type revision record
belongs to a single ACT type."
FIELD "RevisionCode" OF "ACTRevision": character DESCRIPTION "A user-defined code
of revision (unique within one account transa ction type)." LABEL "Revision Code"
COLUMN-LABEL "Revision Code"
FIELD "RevisionStatus" OF "ACTRevision": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
revision. Allowed values are: ""Active"", ""Debug"" , ""Draft"", ""Blocked"".
Active ? indicates that exactly this revision of an ACT type will be used when f
unctional module initiates a corresponding business event. As soon as a revision
becomes ""Active"", it should become read-only for user. Only one revision for each
ACT type may be ""Active"". Debug ? indicates that exactly this revision of an ACT
type will be used when cr eation of a ""test"" transaction is requested. This
status is used by system adm inistrators to test the changes in the booking logic.
""Debug"" revision is open for editing. Only one revision for each ACT type may be
""Debug"". Draft ? indicates a newly created revision, which will not be used in
any run-ti me processing. Each newly created revision should automatically be put
into ""Dr aft"" status. ""Draft"" revision is open for editing. Each ACT type may
have any number of draft revisions. Blocked ? indicates a revision which was
previously ""Active"" but is not anymor e and is stored for traceability purposes.
The ""Blocked"" revision should be re ad-only. " LABEL "Revision Status" COLUMN-
LABEL "Revision Status"
FIELD "Description" OF "ACTRevision": character DESCRIPTION "Revision description."
LABEL "Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "ACTRevisionUID" OF "ACTRevision": integer DESCRIPTION "Account transaction
revision UID. Technical identifier." LABEL "ACT Revision UID" COLUMN-LABEL "ACT
Revision UID"
FIELD "ACTTypeUID" OF "ACTRevision": integer
DESCRIPTION "Account transaction type UID. Technical identifier. Reference to an
account transaction type." LABEL "ACT Type UID" COLUMN-LABEL "ACT Type UID"
FIELD "SendToReviewJournal" OF "ACTRevision": logical DESCRIPTION "Yes- then all
transaction will leave in Review Journal. User must confirm it manually, No -
transaction will be created in GLJournal or left in R eview Journal if the
transaction is not valid." LABEL "Send to Review Journal" COLUMN-LABEL "Send to
Review Journal"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ACTRevision": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "EffFromDate" OF "ACTRevision": date DESCRIPTION "Is used if
ActType.SingleRevision = false. Set to find active Re vision by Apply date."
FIELD "Company" OF "ACTRevision": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
"Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ACTRevision": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ACTRevision": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "IsDefault" OF "ACTRevision": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates default
Revisions for ABT templates." LABEL "Is Default"
FIELD "RType" OF "ACTRevision": character DESCRIPTION "Standard or Exteded" LABEL
"Revision Type"
FIELD "ABTVer" OF "ACTRevision": character DESCRIPTION "Version of ABT, if version
is changed , ABT merge process will be started during conversion." LABEL "ABT
FIELD "VersionUID" OF "ACTRevision": integer DESCRIPTION "Version of build, is used
to save time and don't recompile reviso n each time."
INDEX "RevTypeCode" ON "ACTRevision" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Uniquley
identfies a ACTRevision table record within a ACTRevisio

TABLE "ACTType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table would store the list of
all the accounting transaction types registered in the system. Each ACT type record
will be linked to a templa te of an incoming ABT document and to a corresponding
set of booking rules."
FIELD "DisplayName" OF "ACTType": character DESCRIPTION "Acount transaction name to
be displayed in the tree view navigati on control." LABEL "Display Name" COLUMN-
LABEL "Display Name"
FIELD "Company" OF "ACTType": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
"Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "DetailedDescription" OF "ACTType": character DESCRIPTION "Account
transaction detailed description." LABEL "Detailed Description" COLUMN-LABEL
"Detailed Description"
FIELD "ACTTypeUID" OF "ACTType": integer DESCRIPTION "Account transaction type UID.
Technical identifier." LABEL "ACT Type UID" COLUMN-LABEL "ACT Type UID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ACTType": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SingleActive" OF "ACTType": logical DESCRIPTION "Yes- user can use just one
active revision for posting, No - the n ActRevison.EffFromDate is used to find
active revision by Apply date of docume nt"
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ACTType": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ACTType": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "Limited" OF "ACTType": logical DESCRIPTION "yes - if the transaction type
has not ABT and Booking Rules,has j ust one Active Revision. Posting in this case
is hard coded."
INDEX "ACTTypeUID" ON "ACTType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Uniquley identfies
a ACTType table record within a ACTTypeUID."
INDEX "TypeNameComp" ON "ACTType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Uniquley
identfies a ACTType table record within a ACTTypeUID/Dis playName/Company."

TABLE "AgingRptFmt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Format definitions for A/R and
A/P aging reports"
FIELD "FmtCode" OF "AgingRptFmt": character DESCRIPTION "Code the uniquely
identifies an aging format."
FIELD "Description" OF "AgingRptFmt": character DESCRIPTION "Aging report format
description." LABEL "Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "DefaultFmt" OF "AgingRptFmt": logical DESCRIPTION "Default Format" LABEL
FIELD "Company" OF "AgingRptFmt": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "AgeDays1" OF "AgingRptFmt": integer DESCRIPTION "An array which establishes
the number of days to be used when cal culating the aging category of an invoice.
This is user maintainable. The values must all be entered and be in ascending
value. Elements represent the # of day s in which an invoice delinquent days must
be ""Greater than"" in order to fall into this elements category. For example if
you want to define categories of ""F uture, 0 - 30 days, 31 - 60, 61 - 90, 91 - 120
and 120+. The array would have va lues of 0, 30, 60, 90, 120."
FIELD "AgeLabels2" OF "AgingRptFmt": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the column
heading labels used to describe the invoice a ging categories."
FIELD "AgeLabels3" OF "AgingRptFmt": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the column
heading labels used to describe the invoice a ging categories."
FIELD "AgeLabels4" OF "AgingRptFmt": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the column
heading labels used to describe the invoice a ging categories."
FIELD "AgeLabels6" OF "AgingRptFmt": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the column
heading labels used to describe the invoice a ging categories."
FIELD "AgeLabels5" OF "AgingRptFmt": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the column
heading labels used to describe the invoice a ging categories."
FIELD "AgeLabels1" OF "AgingRptFmt": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the column
heading labels used to describe the invoice a ging categories."
FIELD "AgeDays2" OF "AgingRptFmt": integer DESCRIPTION "An array which establishes
the number of days to be used when cal culating the aging category of an invoice.
This is user maintainable. The values must all be entered and be in ascending
value. Elements represent the # of day s in which an invoice delinquent days must
be ""Greater than"" in order to fall into this elements category. For example if
you want to define categories of ""F uture, 0 - 30 days, 31 - 60, 61 - 90, 91 - 120
and 120+. The array would have va lues of 0, 30, 60, 90, 120."
FIELD "AgeDays4" OF "AgingRptFmt": integer DESCRIPTION "An array which establishes
the number of days to be used when cal culating the aging category of an invoice.
This is user maintainable. The values must all be entered and be in ascending
value. Elements represent the # of day s in which an invoice delinquent days must
be ""Greater than"" in order to fall into this elements category. For example if
you want to define categories of ""F uture, 0 - 30 days, 31 - 60, 61 - 90, 91 - 120
and 120+. The array would have va lues of 0, 30, 60, 90, 120."
FIELD "AgeDays5" OF "AgingRptFmt": integer DESCRIPTION "An array which establishes
the number of days to be used when cal culating the aging category of an invoice.
This is user maintainable. The values must all be entered and be in ascending
value. Elements represent the # of day s in which an invoice delinquent days must
be ""Greater than"" in order to fall into this elements category. For example if
you want to define categories of ""F uture, 0 - 30 days, 31 - 60, 61 - 90, 91 - 120
and 120+. The array would have va lues of 0, 30, 60, 90, 120."
FIELD "AgeDays3" OF "AgingRptFmt": integer DESCRIPTION "An array which establishes
the number of days to be used when cal culating the aging category of an invoice.
This is user maintainable. The values must all be entered and be in ascending
value. Elements represent the # of day s in which an invoice delinquent days must
be ""Greater than"" in order to fall into this elements category. For example if
you want to define categories of ""F uture, 0 - 30 days, 31 - 60, 61 - 90, 91 - 120
and 120+. The array would have va lues of 0, 30, 60, 90, 120."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AgingRptFmt": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AgingRptFmt": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AgingRptFmt": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "AlcAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Allocation GL Accounts"

FIELD "Company" OF "AlcAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "AllocID" OF "AlcAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Code." LABEL
"Allocation Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Code"
FIELD "BookID" OF "AlcAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier" LABEL
"Book ID"
FIELD "AllocGLAcct" OF "AlcAcct": character DESCRIPTION "GL Account or GL Account
mask" LABEL "GL Account" COLUMN-LABEL "GL Account"
FIELD "AllocSegValue1" OF "AlcAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 1" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 1" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment Value
FIELD "AllocSegValue2" OF "AlcAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 2" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 2" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment Value
FIELD "AllocSegValue3" OF "AlcAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 3" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 3" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment Value
FIELD "AllocSegValue4" OF "AlcAcct": character
DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment Value 4" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 4" COLUMN-
LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 4"
FIELD "AllocSegValue5" OF "AlcAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 5" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 5" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment Value
FIELD "AllocSegValue6" OF "AlcAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 6" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 6" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment Value
FIELD "AllocSegValue7" OF "AlcAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 7" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 7" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment Value
FIELD "AllocSegValue8" OF "AlcAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 8" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 8" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment Value
FIELD "AllocSegValue9" OF "AlcAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 9" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 9" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment Value
FIELD "AllocSegValue10" OF "AlcAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 10" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 10" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment
Value 10"
FIELD "AllocSegValue11" OF "AlcAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 11" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 11" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment
Value 11"
FIELD "AllocSegValue12" OF "AlcAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 12" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 12" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment
Value 12"
FIELD "AllocSegValue13" OF "AlcAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 13" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 13" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment
Value 13"
FIELD "AllocSegValue14" OF "AlcAcct": character
DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment Value 14" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 14"
COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 14"
FIELD "AllocSegValue15" OF "AlcAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 15" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 15" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment
Value 15"
FIELD "AllocSegValue16" OF "AlcAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 16" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 16" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment
Value 16"
FIELD "AllocSegValue17" OF "AlcAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 17" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 17" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment
Value 17"
FIELD "AllocSegValue18" OF "AlcAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 18" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 18" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment
Value 18"
FIELD "AllocSegValue19" OF "AlcAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 19" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 19" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment
Value 19"
FIELD "AllocSegValue20" OF "AlcAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 20" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 20" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment
Value 20"
FIELD "COACode" OF "AlcAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID" LABEL
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AlcAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AlcAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AlcAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ParamNbr" OF "AlcAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "Intended for internal use only
to keep the records unique. The P aramNbr value is 0 when tied to a source account
(AlcHed). When tied to a parameter criteria (AlcParams) it inherits its value from
AlcPara ms table. " LABEL "Parameter Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Parameter Number"
INDEX "AllocParm" ON "AlcAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
AllocID By ParamNbr By AllocGLAcct"
INDEX "AllocGLAcct" ON "AlcAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
INDEX "BookAllocID" ON "AlcAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BookID By AllocID"

TABLE "AlcAcctCat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Allocation Account Categories"

FIELD "Company" OF "AlcAcctCat": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BookID" OF "AlcAcctCat": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier"
FIELD "AllocID" OF "AlcAcctCat": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Code." LABEL
"Allocation Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Code"
FIELD "CategoryID" OF "AlcAcctCat": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of
this category of accounts. " LABEL "Category"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AlcAcctCat": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AlcAcctCat": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AlcAcctCat": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ParamNbr" OF "AlcAcctCat": integer DESCRIPTION "Intended for internal use
only to keep the records unique. The P aramNbr value is 0 when tied to a source
account (AlcHed). When tied to a parameter criteria (AlcParams) it inherits its
value from AlcPara ms table. " LABEL "Parameter Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Parameter
FIELD "COACode" OF "AlcAcctCat": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID" LABEL
"COA Code"
INDEX "AllocParamCat" ON "AlcAcctCat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
AllocID By ParamNbr By CategoryID"
INDEX "BookAllocID" ON "AlcAcctCat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BookID By AllocID"
INDEX "Category" ON "AlcAcctCat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By

TABLE "AlcBatch" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Allocation Batch. An allocation

batch is a group of allocation c odes that are processed together and their
FIELD "Company" OF "AlcBatch": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BatchID" OF "AlcBatch": character DESCRIPTION "The batch code is the
identifier of a group of allocation codes s cheduled to run together." LABEL "Batch
Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Code"
FIELD "BookID" OF "AlcBatch": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier" LABEL
"Book ID"
FIELD "Reverse" OF "AlcBatch": logical
DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not reversing transactions are generated at the
time a journal entry is allocated. Yes indicates reversing entries are gene rated.
No indicates reversing entries are not generated." LABEL "Reverse" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AlcBatch": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AlcBatch": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AlcBatch": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "Description" OF "AlcBatch": character DESCRIPTION "Description" LABEL
"Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "JournalCode" OF "AlcBatch": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the
journal used to group entries. This is t he journal code used during allocation
processing." LABEL "Journal"
FIELD "Cycle" OF "AlcBatch": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the allocation batch
is allocated in a cyclical mann er until a specific threshold." LABEL "Cycle"
INDEX "BatchID" ON "AlcBatch" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By company By
INDEX "BookBatch" ON "AlcBatch" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BookID By BatchID"

TABLE "AlcBatchAcct" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "AlcBatchAcct" DESCRIPTION

"Allocations Batch Cycle account selection criteria."
FIELD "Company" OF "AlcBatchAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BatchID" OF "AlcBatchAcct": character DESCRIPTION "The batch code is the
identifier of a group of allocation codes s cheduled to run together." LABEL "Batch
Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Code"
FIELD "CycleUID" OF "AlcBatchAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "Cycle unique ID. This is
not intended for external use." LABEL "Cycle ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Cycle ID"
FIELD "BookID" OF "AlcBatchAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier"
FIELD "BatchSegValue1" OF "AlcBatchAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Batch Segment
Value 1" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 1" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Segment Value 1"
FIELD "BatchSegValue2" OF "AlcBatchAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Batch Segment
Value 2" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 2" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Segment Value 2"
FIELD "BatchSegValue3" OF "AlcBatchAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Batch Segment
Value 3" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 3" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Segment Value 3"
FIELD "BatchSegValue4" OF "AlcBatchAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Batch Segment
Value 4" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 4" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Segment Value 4"
FIELD "BatchSegValue5" OF "AlcBatchAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Batch Segment
Value 5" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 5" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Segment Value 5"
FIELD "BatchSegValue6" OF "AlcBatchAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Batch Segment
Value 6" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 6" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Segment Value 6"
FIELD "BatchSegValue7" OF "AlcBatchAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Batch Segment
Value 7" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 7" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Segment Value 7"
FIELD "BatchSegValue8" OF "AlcBatchAcct": character DESCRIPTION "BatchSegment Value
8" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 8" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Segment Value 8"
FIELD "BatchSegValue9" OF "AlcBatchAcct": character DESCRIPTION "BatchSegment Value
9" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 9" COLUMN-LABEL "BatchSegment Value 9"
FIELD "BatchSegValue10" OF "AlcBatchAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Batch Segment
Value 10" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 10" COLUMN-LABEL "BatchSegment Value 10"
FIELD "BatchSegValue11" OF "AlcBatchAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Batch Segment
Value 11" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 11" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Segment Value 11"
FIELD "BatchSegValue12" OF "AlcBatchAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Batch Segment
Value 12" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 12" COLUMN-LABEL "BatchSegment Value 12"
FIELD "BatchSegValue13" OF "AlcBatchAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Batch Segment
Value 13" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 13" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Segment Value 13"
FIELD "BatchSegValue14" OF "AlcBatchAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Batch Segment
Value 14" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 14" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Segment Value 14"
FIELD "BatchSegValue15" OF "AlcBatchAcct": character DESCRIPTION "BatchSegment
Value 15" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 15" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Segment Value 15"
FIELD "BatchSegValue16" OF "AlcBatchAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Batch Segment
Value 16" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 16" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Segment Value 16"
FIELD "BatchSegValue17" OF "AlcBatchAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Batch Segment
Value 17" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 17" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Segment Value 17"
FIELD "BatchSegValue18" OF "AlcBatchAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Batch Segment
Value 18" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 18" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Segment Value 18"
FIELD "BatchSegValue19" OF "AlcBatchAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Batch Segment
Value 19" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 19" COLUMN-LABEL "BatchSegment Value 19"
FIELD "BatchSegValue20" OF "AlcBatchAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Batch Segment
Value 20" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 20" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Segment Value 20"
FIELD "COACode" OF "AlcBatchAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AlcBatchAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AlcBatchAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AlcBatchAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "BatchGLAcct" OF "AlcBatchAcct": character DESCRIPTION "GL Account or GL
Account mask" LABEL "GL Account" COLUMN-LABEL "GL Account"
INDEX "PrimaryIdx" ON "AlcBatchAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BatchID By CycleUID By BatchGLAcct"
INDEX "Book" ON "AlcBatchAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By BookID
By BatchID By CycleUID"

TABLE "AlcBatchCat" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "AlcBatchCat" DESCRIPTION "Allocation

batch categories."
FIELD "Company" OF "AlcBatchCat": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BatchID" OF "AlcBatchCat": character DESCRIPTION "The batch code is the
identifier of a group of allocation codes s cheduled to run together." LABEL "Batch
Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Code"
FIELD "CycleUID" OF "AlcBatchCat": integer DESCRIPTION "Cycle unique ID. This is
not intended for external use." LABEL "Cycle ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Cycle ID"
FIELD "BookID" OF "AlcBatchCat": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier"
FIELD "CategoryID" OF "AlcBatchCat": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of
this category of accounts. " LABEL "Category"
FIELD "COACode" OF "AlcBatchCat": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID" LABEL
"COA Code"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AlcBatchCat": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AlcBatchCat": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AlcBatchCat": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "PrimaryIdx" ON "AlcBatchCat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BatchID By CycleUID By CategoryID"
INDEX "Book" ON "AlcBatchCat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By BookID
By BatchID By CycleID"

TABLE "AlcBatchCD"
AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Allocation Batch Code. List of Allocation Codes
assigned to an a llocation Batch ID."
FIELD "Company" OF "AlcBatchCD": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BatchID" OF "AlcBatchCD": character DESCRIPTION "The batch code is the
identifier of a group of allocation codes s cheduled to run together." LABEL "Batch
Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Code"
FIELD "AllocID" OF "AlcBatchCD": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Code." LABEL
"Allocation Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Code"
FIELD "Tier" OF "AlcBatchCD": integer DESCRIPTION "Allocation tier." LABEL "Tier"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AlcBatchCD": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AlcBatchCD": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AlcBatchCD": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "BatchAlloc" ON "AlcBatchCD" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BatchID By AllocID"
INDEX "AllocID" ON "AlcBatchCD" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
INDEX "BatchTier" ON "AlcBatchCD" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BatchID By Toer"

TABLE "AlcBatchSched" AREA "Schema Area"

DESCRIPTION "Allocation Batch Schedule"
FIELD "Company" OF "AlcBatchSched": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BatchID" OF "AlcBatchSched": character DESCRIPTION "The batch code is the
identifier of a group of allocation codes s cheduled to run together." LABEL "Batch
Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Code"
FIELD "SchedNum" OF "AlcBatchSched": integer DESCRIPTION "Internal next number used
to keep the schedule records unique." LABEL "Schedule Number" COLUMN-LABEL
"Schedule Number"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "AlcBatchSched": character DESCRIPTION "The unique
identifier of the fiscal calendar." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal
Calendar ID"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "AlcBatchSched": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year." LABEL
"Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "AlcBatchSched": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year
suffix. Allows for additional breakdown/definiti on of fiscal years, for example,
by quarters." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "AlcBatchSched": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal period
number in the fiscal year." LABEL "Fiscal Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Period"
FIELD "BookID" OF "AlcBatchSched": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier"
FIELD "ApplyDate" OF "AlcBatchSched": date DESCRIPTION "Apply Date" LABEL "Apply
Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Apply Date"
FIELD "ApplyDateRev" OF "AlcBatchSched": date DESCRIPTION "Reverse Apply Date"
LABEL "Reverse Apply Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Reverse Apply Date"
FIELD "SchedDate" OF "AlcBatchSched": date DESCRIPTION "Date when the allocation
batch is due to be run." LABEL "Schedule Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Schedule Date"
FIELD "AllocStatus" OF "AlcBatchSched": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the status
of the batch schedule." LABEL "Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Status"
FIELD "LastSchedDate" OF "AlcBatchSched": date DESCRIPTION "Last date this schedule
was allocated. If null the schedule has not yet been allcoated. If not null it
identifies to the 'Run Allocations' proc dess that the allocation was previously
run." LABEL "Last Schedule Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Last Schedule Date"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AlcBatchSched": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AlcBatchSched": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AlcBatchSched": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "ScheduleNum" ON "AlcBatchSched" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By BatchID By SchedNum"
INDEX "FiscalPeriod" ON "AlcBatchSched" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By BatchID By FiscalCalendarID By FiscalYear by Fiscal YearSuffix By FiscalPeriod"
INDEX "PeriodStatus" ON "AlcBatchSched" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By company
By bookid By FiscalCalendarID by FiscalYear By FiscalY earSuffix By FiscalPeriod By

TABLE "AlcBRange" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "AlcBRange" DESCRIPTION "Allocation

batch range selection critieria."
FIELD "Company" OF "AlcBRange": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BatchID" OF "AlcBRange": character DESCRIPTION "The batch code is the
identifier of a group of allocation codes s cheduled to run together." LABEL "Batch
Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Code"
FIELD "CycleUID" OF "AlcBRange": integer DESCRIPTION "Cycle unique ID. This is not
intended for external use." LABEL "Cycle ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Cycle ID"
FIELD "BookID" OF "AlcBRange": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier" LABEL
"Book ID"
FIELD "SegmentNbr" OF "AlcBRange": integer DESCRIPTION "System generated number
from 1 through 20." LABEL "Segment Number"
FIELD "COACode" OF "AlcBRange": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID" LABEL
"COA Code"
FIELD "MinValue" OF "AlcBRange": character DESCRIPTION "Minimum vale for range
selection." LABEL "Minimum Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Minimum Value"
FIELD "MaxValue" OF "AlcBRange": character DESCRIPTION "Maximum value for range
selection." LABEL "Maximum Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Maximum Value"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AlcBRange": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AlcBRange": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AlcBRange": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "PrimaryIdx" ON "AlcBRange"
AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By BatchID By CycleUID By SegmentNbr"
INDEX "Book" ON "AlcBRange" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By BookID By
BatchID By CycleUID"

TABLE "AlcCycles" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "AlcCycles" DESCRIPTION "Allocation

Cycle Definintion"
FIELD "Company" OF "AlcCycles": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BatchID" OF "AlcCycles": character DESCRIPTION "The batch code is the
identifier of a group of allocation codes s cheduled to run together." LABEL "Batch
Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Code"
FIELD "CycleDesc" OF "AlcCycles": character DESCRIPTION "Description" LABEL
"Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "BookID" OF "AlcCycles": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier" LABEL
"Book ID"
FIELD "CycleUID" OF "AlcCycles": integer DESCRIPTION "Cycle unique ID. This is not
intended for external use." LABEL "Cycle ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Cycle ID"
FIELD "ThresholdAmt" OF "AlcCycles": decimal DESCRIPTION "The required final
balance the accounts must be less than or equa l to before the allocation batch
stops cycling." LABEL "Threshold Amount" COLUMN-LABEL "Threshold Amount"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AlcCycles": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AlcCycles": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AlcCycles": integer
DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit
Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "PrimaryIdx" ON "AlcCycles" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BatchID By CycleUID"
INDEX "Book" ON "AlcCycles" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By Book By
BatchID By CycleUID"
INDEX "ThresholdAmt" ON "AlcCycles" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BatchID By ThresholdAmt"

TABLE "AlcHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Allocation Code Header table."
FIELD "Company" OF "AlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "AllocID" OF "AlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Code." LABEL
"Allocation Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Code"
FIELD "Description" OF "AlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation code
description." LABEL "Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "BookID" OF "AlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier" LABEL
"Book ID"
FIELD "Tier" OF "AlcHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Allocation tier." LABEL "Tier"
FIELD "PriorTgtStamp" OF "AlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the allocation
stamp to which this allocation is to be applied." LABEL "Prior Target Allocation
Stamp" COLUMN-LABEL "Prior Target Allocation Stamp"
FIELD "TgtStamp" OF "AlcHed": character
DESCRIPTION "Identifies the allocation stamp that is to to be stamped on the G
LJrnDtls." LABEL "Target Allocation Stamp" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Allocation Stamp"
FIELD "SrcAllocStamp" OF "AlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the allocation
stamp that was processed by this alloca tion." LABEL "Source Allocation Stamp"
COLUMN-LABEL "Source Allocation Stamp"
FIELD "OffsetAcct" OF "AlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "The general ledger account
the allocation is to be written off." LABEL "Offset GL Account" COLUMN-LABEL
"Offset GL Account"
FIELD "OffsetSegVal1" OF "AlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value 1"
LABEL "Offset Segment Value 1" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 1"
FIELD "OffsetSegVal2" OF "AlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value 2"
LABEL "Offset Segment Value 2" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 2"
FIELD "OffsetSegVal3" OF "AlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value 3"
LABEL "Offset Segment Value 3" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 3"
FIELD "OffsetSegVal4" OF "AlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value 4"
LABEL "Offset Segment Value 4" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 4"
FIELD "OffsetSegVal5" OF "AlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value 5"
LABEL "Offset Segment Value 5" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 5"
FIELD "OffsetSegVal6" OF "AlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value 6"
LABEL "Offset Segment Value 6" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 6"
FIELD "OffsetSegVal7" OF "AlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value 7"
LABEL "Offset Segment Value 7" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 7"
FIELD "OffsetSegVal8" OF "AlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value 8"
LABEL "Offset Segment Value 8" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 8"
FIELD "OffsetSegVal9" OF "AlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value 9"
LABEL "Offset Segment Value 9" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 9"
FIELD "OffsetSegVal10" OF "AlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value 10"
LABEL "Offset Segment Value 10" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 10"
FIELD "OffsetSegVal11" OF "AlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value 11"
LABEL "Offset Segment Value 11" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 11"
FIELD "OffsetSegVal12" OF "AlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value 12"
LABEL "Offset Segment Value 12" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 12"
FIELD "OffsetSegVal13" OF "AlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value 13"
LABEL "Offset Segment Value 13" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 13"
FIELD "OffsetSegVal14" OF "AlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value 14"
LABEL "Offset Segment Value 14" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 14"
FIELD "OffsetSegVal15" OF "AlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value 15"
LABEL "Offset Segment Value 15" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 15"
FIELD "OffsetSegVal16" OF "AlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value 16"
LABEL "Offset Segment Value 16" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 16"
FIELD "OffsetSegVal17" OF "AlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value 17"
LABEL "Offset Segment Value 17" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 17"
FIELD "OffsetSegVal18" OF "AlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value 18"
LABEL "Offset Segment Value 18" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 18"
FIELD "OffsetSegVal19" OF "AlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value 19"
LABEL "Offset Segment Value 19" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 19"
FIELD "OffsetSegVal20" OF "AlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value 20"
LABEL "Offset Segment Value 20" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 20"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AlcHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AlcHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "AllocationType" OF "AlcHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifies whether or not
the allocaiton is balance or transactio n based. 1 = Transaction and is the default
value. 2 = Balance based." LABEL "Allocation Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Type"
FIELD "COACode" OF "AlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID" LABEL "COA
FIELD "AllocOption" OF "AlcHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifies how allocations
are applied. 1 = Fixed ratio value. 2 = Formula." LABEL "Allocation Option" COLUMN-
LABEL "Allocation Option"
FIELD "PercentToAlloc" OF "AlcHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Postive, fractional value
indicating how much of a source is allo cated. Default value is 100.00. " LABEL
"Percent To Allocate" COLUMN-LABEL "Percent To Allocate"
FIELD "UseAllocUnits" OF "AlcHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the allocation
units are used." LABEL "Use Allocation Units" COLUMN-LABEL "Use Allocation Units"
FIELD "IgnoreStamp" OF "AlcHed": logical DESCRIPTION "When Yes the Allocation
Engine ignores the allocation stamp assig ned to the GLJrnDtl when determining if a
entry is subject to allocations for th e current allocation code." LABEL "Ignore
Stamp" COLUMN-LABEL "Ignore Stamp"
FIELD "UseAllStamps" OF "AlcHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Yes indicates that all
allocation stamps are valid for the alloca tion code." LABEL "Use All Stamps"
COLUMN-LABEL "Use All Stamps"
INDEX "AllocID" ON "AlcHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By AllocID"
INDEX "BookTier" ON "AlcHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By BookID
By Tier"
INDEX "OurAllocMarkIdx" ON "AlcHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BookID By OutAllocMark By Tier"
INDEX "ProcAllocMarkIdx" ON "AlcHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BookID By ProcAllocMark By Tier"
INDEX "SrcAllocMarkIdx" ON "AlcHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BookID By SrcAllocMark By Tier"
INDEX "Tier" ON "AlcHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By AllocID By

TABLE "AlcHist" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Allocation History "

FIELD "Company" OF "AlcHist": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BatchID" OF "AlcHist": character DESCRIPTION "The batch code is the
identifier of a group of allocation codes s cheduled to run together." LABEL "Batch
Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Code"
FIELD "AllocID" OF "AlcHist": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Code." LABEL
"Allocation Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Code"
FIELD "RunNbr" OF "AlcHist": integer DESCRIPTION "System generated next number used
to keep data unique for allocat ion batch runs." LABEL "Run Number" COLUMN-LABEL
"Run Number"
FIELD "RunDate" OF "AlcHist": date DESCRIPTION "Date the batch was run." LABEL "Run
Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Run Date"
FIELD "RunTime" OF "AlcHist": integer DESCRIPTION "Time the allocaiton batch run
started." LABEL "Run Time" COLUMN-LABEL "Run Time"
FIELD "RunType" OF "AlcHist": integer DESCRIPTION "1 = General Ledger, 2 =
Simulation" LABEL "Run Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Run Type"
FIELD "DcdUserID" OF "AlcHist": character DESCRIPTION "User ID" LABEL "User ID"
FIELD "BookID" OF "AlcHist": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier" LABEL
"Book ID"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "AlcHist": character DESCRIPTION "The id of the fiscal
calendar this record is related to." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "AlcHist": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year." LABEL
"Fiscal Year"
COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "AlcHist": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year
suffix. Allows for additional breakdown/definiti on of fiscal years, for example,
by quarters." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "StartDate" OF "AlcHist": date DESCRIPTION "Starting date for record
selection. Defaults to the fiscal perio d start date." LABEL "Start Date" COLUMN-
LABEL "Start Date"
FIELD "EndDate" OF "AlcHist": date DESCRIPTION "Ending date for record seletion.
Defaults to fiscal period end d ate." LABEL "End Date" COLUMN-LABEL "End Date"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "AlcHist": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal period number in
the fiscal year." LABEL "Fiscal Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Period"
FIELD "ApplyDate" OF "AlcHist": date DESCRIPTION "Apply Date for journal
transactions." LABEL "Apply Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Apply DAte"
FIELD "ApplyDateRev" OF "AlcHist": date DESCRIPTION "Date used for reversing
entries." LABEL "Reverse Apply Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Reverse Apply Date"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AlcHist": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AlcHist": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AlcHist": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "Simulation" OF "AlcHist": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this is
simulation history record or General Ledger history record."
LABEL "Simulation" COLUMN-LABEL "simulation"
FIELD "BatchDesc" OF "AlcHist": character DESCRIPTION "Batch Description" LABEL
"Batch Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Description"
FIELD "SchedDate" OF "AlcHist": date DESCRIPTION "Date when the allocation batch is
due to be run." LABEL "Schedule Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Schedule Date"
FIELD "Tier" OF "AlcHist": integer DESCRIPTION "Allocation tier." LABEL "Tier"
FIELD "SchedNum" OF "AlcHist": integer DESCRIPTION "Internal next number used to
keep the schedule records unique." LABEL "Schedule Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Schedule
FIELD "Reverse" OF "AlcHist": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not
reversing transactions are generated at the time a journal entry is allocated. Yes
indicates reversing entries are gene rated. No indicates reversing entries are not
generated." LABEL "Reverse" COLUMN-LABEL "Reverse"
FIELD "YTDAlloc" OF "AlcHist": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the allocation run
started at the beginning of the c urrent fiscal year." LABEL "Year To Date
Allocations" COLUMN-LABEL "Year To Date Allocations"
FIELD "AllocReversed" OF "AlcHist": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
allocation run has been reversed. "
FIELD "PriorTgtStamp" OF "AlcHist": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the
allocation stamp to which this allocation is to be applied." LABEL "Prior Target
Allocation Stamp" COLUMN-LABEL "Prior Target Allocation Stamp"
FIELD "TgtStamp" OF "AlcHist": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the allocation
stamp that is to to be stamped on the G LJrnDtls." LABEL "Target Allocation Stamp"
COLUMN-LABEL "Target Allocation Stamp"
FIELD "SrcAllocStamp" OF "AlcHist": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the
allocation stamp that was processed by this alloca tion." LABEL "Source Allocation
Stamp" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Allocation Stamp"
FIELD "AllocOption" OF "AlcHist": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifies how allocations
are applied. 1 = Fixed ratio value. 2 = Formula." LABEL "Allocation Option" COLUMN-
LABEL "Allocation Option"
FIELD "PercentToAlloc" OF "AlcHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Postive, fractional value
indicating how much of a source is allo cated. Default value is 100.00. " LABEL
"Percent To Allocate" COLUMN-LABEL "Percent To Allocate"
FIELD "UseAllocUnits" OF "AlcHist": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
allocation units are used." LABEL "Use Allocation Units" COLUMN-LABEL "Use
Allocation Units"
FIELD "IgnoreStamp" OF "AlcHist": logical DESCRIPTION "When Yes the Allocation
Engine ignores the allocation stamp assig ned to the GLJrnDtl when determining if a
entry is subject to allocations for th e current allocation code." LABEL "Ignore
Stamp" COLUMN-LABEL "Ignore Stamp"
FIELD "UseAllStamps" OF "AlcHist": logical DESCRIPTION "Yes indicates that all
allocation stamps are valid for the alloca tion code." LABEL "Use All Stamps"
COLUMN-LABEL "Use All Stamps"
INDEX "PrimaryIdx" ON "AlcHist" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BatchID By RunNbr By AllocID"
INDEX "AllocReversed" ON "AlcHist" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
RunNbr By AllocRevesed"
INDEX "BookFiscalYear" ON "AlcHist" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BookID by RunType By FiscalYear By FiscalYearSuffi x By FiscalPeriod"
INDEX "BookStartEnd" ON "AlcHist"
AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By BookID By RunType By FiscalYear By
FiscalYearSuffix By StartDate By EndDate"
INDEX "RunBatchAlloc" ON "AlcHist" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
RunNbr By BatchID By AllocID"
INDEX "RunDateTime" ON "AlcHist" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
INDEX "RunNbr" ON "AlcHist" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By RunNbr"
INDEX "RunTypeBatch" ON "AlcHist" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
RunType By BatchID by AllocID By RunNbr"
INDEX "RunTypeRunDate" ON "AlcHist" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
RunType By RunDate"
INDEX "RunTypeRunNbr" ON "AlcHist" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
RunType By RunNbr"

TABLE "AlcHistAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Allocation History Account"

FIELD "Company" OF "AlcHistAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BatchID" OF "AlcHistAcct": character DESCRIPTION "The batch code is the
identifier of a group of allocation codes s cheduled to run together." LABEL "Batch
Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Code"
FIELD "AllocID" OF "AlcHistAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Code." LABEL
"Allocation Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Code"
FIELD "ParamNbr" OF "AlcHistAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "Intended for internal use
only to keep the records unique. Source selection criteria are identified by a 0.
Parameter selection criteria have a
parameter number equal to the parameter they are defined for." LABEL "Parameter
Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Parameter Number"
FIELD "RunNbr" OF "AlcHistAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "System generated next number
used to keep data unique for allocat ion batch runs." LABEL "Run Number" COLUMN-
LABEL "Run Number"
FIELD "BookID" OF "AlcHistAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier"
FIELD "RunType" OF "AlcHistAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "1 = General Ledger, 2 =
Simulation" LABEL "Run Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Run Type"
FIELD "AllocGLAcct" OF "AlcHistAcct": character DESCRIPTION "GL Account or GL
Account mask" LABEL "GL Account" COLUMN-LABEL "GL Account"
FIELD "AllocSegValue1" OF "AlcHistAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 1" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 1" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment Value
FIELD "AllocSegValue2" OF "AlcHistAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 2" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 2" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment Value
FIELD "AllocSegValue3" OF "AlcHistAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 3" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 3" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment Value
FIELD "AllocSegValue4" OF "AlcHistAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 4" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 4" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment Value
FIELD "AllocSegValue5" OF "AlcHistAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 5" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 5" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment Value
FIELD "AllocSegValue6" OF "AlcHistAcct": character
DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment Value 6" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 6" COLUMN-
LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 6"
FIELD "AllocSegValue7" OF "AlcHistAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 7" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 7" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment Value
FIELD "AllocSegValue8" OF "AlcHistAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 8" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 8" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment Value
FIELD "AllocSegValue9" OF "AlcHistAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 9" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 9" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment Value
FIELD "AllocSegValue10" OF "AlcHistAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 10" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 10" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment
Value 10"
FIELD "AllocSegValue11" OF "AlcHistAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 11" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 11" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment
Value 11"
FIELD "AllocSegValue12" OF "AlcHistAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 12" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 12" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment
Value 12"
FIELD "AllocSegValue13" OF "AlcHistAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 13" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 13" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment
Value 13"
FIELD "AllocSegValue14" OF "AlcHistAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 14" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 14" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment
Value 14"
FIELD "AllocSegValue15" OF "AlcHistAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 15" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 15" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment
Value 15"
FIELD "AllocSegValue16" OF "AlcHistAcct": character
DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment Value 16" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 16"
COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 16"
FIELD "AllocSegValue17" OF "AlcHistAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 17" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 17" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment
Value 17"
FIELD "AllocSegValue18" OF "AlcHistAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 18" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 18" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment
Value 18"
FIELD "AllocSegValue19" OF "AlcHistAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 19" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 19" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment
Value 19"
FIELD "AllocSegValue20" OF "AlcHistAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Segment
Value 20" LABEL "Allocation Segment Value 20" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Segment
Value 20"
FIELD "COACode" OF "AlcHistAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID" LABEL
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AlcHistAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AlcHistAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AlcHistAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "PrimaryIdx" ON "AlcHistAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BatchID By RunNbr By AllocID By ParamNbr By AllocGL Acct"
INDEX "BatchRun" ON "AlcHistAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BatchID By AllocID By RunNbr By ParamNbr By AllocGL Acct"
INDEX "Book" ON "AlcHistAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By BookID
By BatchID By AllocID By RunNbr By ParamNbr AllocGLAcct"
INDEX "RunType" ON "AlcHistAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
RunType By BatchID By AllocID By RunNbr By ParamNbr By AllocGLAcct"

TABLE "AlcHistActCat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Allocation history account

FIELD "Company" OF "AlcHistActCat": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BatchID" OF "AlcHistActCat": character DESCRIPTION "The batch code is the
identifier of a group of allocation codes s cheduled to run together." LABEL "Batch
Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Code"
FIELD "AllocID" OF "AlcHistActCat": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Code." LABEL
"Allocation Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Code"
FIELD "ParamNbr" OF "AlcHistActCat": integer DESCRIPTION "Intended for internal use
only to keep the records unique. Source selection criteria are identified by a 0.
Parameter selection criteria have a parameter number equal to the parameter they
are defined for." LABEL "Parameter Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Parameter Number"
FIELD "RunNbr" OF "AlcHistActCat": integer DESCRIPTION "System generated next
number used to keep data unique for allocat ion batch runs." LABEL "Run Number"
FIELD "BookID" OF "AlcHistActCat": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier"
FIELD "RunType" OF "AlcHistActCat": integer DESCRIPTION "1 = General Ledger, 2 =
Simulation" LABEL "Run Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Run Type"
FIELD "CategoryID" OF "AlcHistActCat": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of
this category of accounts. " LABEL "Category"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AlcHistActCat": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AlcHistActCat": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AlcHistActCat": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "COACode" OF "AlcHistActCat": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID"
INDEX "PrimaryIdx" ON "AlcHistActCat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BatchID By RunNbr By AllocID By ParamNbr By Categor yID"
INDEX "BatchRun" ON "AlcHistActCat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BatchID By AllocID By RunNbr By ParamNbr By Categor yID"
INDEX "Book" ON "AlcHistActCat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BookID By BatchID By AllocID By RunNbr By ParmNbr"
INDEX "RunType" ON "AlcHistActCat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
RunType By BatchID By AllocID By RunNbr By ParamNbr "

TABLE "AlcHistBAcct" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "alchistbacct" DESCRIPTION

"Allocation history account selection for a batch."
FIELD "Company" OF "AlcHistBAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BatchID" OF "AlcHistBAcct": character DESCRIPTION "The batch code is the
identifier of a group of allocation codes s cheduled to run together." LABEL "Batch
Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Code"
FIELD "RunNbr" OF "AlcHistBAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "System generated next number
used to keep data unique for allocat ion batch runs." LABEL "Run Number" COLUMN-
LABEL "Run Number"
FIELD "BatchGLAcct" OF "AlcHistBAcct": character DESCRIPTION "GL Account or GL
Account mask" LABEL "GL Account" COLUMN-LABEL "GL Account"
FIELD "BookID" OF "AlcHistBAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier"
FIELD "BatchSegValue1" OF "AlcHistBAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Batch Segment
Value 1" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 1" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Segment Value 1"
FIELD "BatchSegValue2" OF "AlcHistBAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Batch Segment
Value 2" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 2" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Segment Value 2"
FIELD "BatchSegValue3" OF "AlcHistBAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Batch Segment
Value 3" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 3" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Segment Value 3"
FIELD "BatchSegValue4" OF "AlcHistBAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Batch Segment
Value 4" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 4" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Segment Value 4"
FIELD "BatchSegValue5" OF "AlcHistBAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Batch Segment
Value 5" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 5" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Segment Value 5"
FIELD "BatchSegValue6" OF "AlcHistBAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Batch Segment
Value 6" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 6" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Segment Value 6"
FIELD "BatchSegValue7" OF "AlcHistBAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Batch Segment
Value 7" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 7" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Segment Value 7"
FIELD "BatchSegValue8" OF "AlcHistBAcct": character DESCRIPTION "BatchSegment Value
8" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 8" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Segment Value 8"
FIELD "BatchSegValue9" OF "AlcHistBAcct": character DESCRIPTION "BatchSegment Value
9" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 9" COLUMN-LABEL "BatchSegment Value 9"
FIELD "BatchSegValue10" OF "AlcHistBAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Batch Segment
Value 10" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 10" COLUMN-LABEL "BatchSegment Value 10"
FIELD "BatchSegValue11" OF "AlcHistBAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Batch Segment
Value 11" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 11" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Segment Value 11"
FIELD "BatchSegValue12" OF "AlcHistBAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Batch Segment
Value 12" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 12" COLUMN-LABEL "BatchSegment Value 12"
FIELD "BatchSegValue13" OF "AlcHistBAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Batch Segment
Value 13" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 13" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Segment Value 13"
FIELD "BatchSegValue14" OF "AlcHistBAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Batch Segment
Value 14" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 14" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Segment Value 14"
FIELD "BatchSegValue15" OF "AlcHistBAcct": character DESCRIPTION "BatchSegment
Value 15" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 15" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Segment Value 15"
FIELD "BatchSegValue16" OF "AlcHistBAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Batch Segment
Value 16" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 16" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Segment Value 16"
FIELD "BatchSegValue17" OF "AlcHistBAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Batch Segment
Value 17" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 17" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Segment Value 17"
FIELD "BatchSegValue18" OF "AlcHistBAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Batch Segment
Value 18" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 18" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Segment Value 18"
FIELD "BatchSegValue19" OF "AlcHistBAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Batch Segment
Value 19" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 19" COLUMN-LABEL "BatchSegment Value 19"
FIELD "BatchSegValue20" OF "AlcHistBAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Batch Segment
Value 20" LABEL "Batch Segment Value 20" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Segment Value 20"
FIELD "COACode" OF "AlcHistBAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AlcHistBAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AlcHistBAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AlcHistBAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "CycleUID" OF "AlcHistBAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "Cycle unique ID. This is
not intended for external use." LABEL "Cycle ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Cycle ID"
INDEX "PrimaryIdx" ON "AlcHistBAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BatchID By RunNbr By CycleUID By BatchGLAcct"
INDEX "Book" ON "AlcHistBAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By BookID
By BatchID By RunNbr"
INDEX "RunNbr" ON "AlcHistBAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
RunNbr By BatchID"

TABLE "AlcHistBatch" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "AlcHistBatch" DESCRIPTION

"Allocations History Batch"
FIELD "Company" OF "AlcHistBatch": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BatchID" OF "AlcHistBatch": character DESCRIPTION "The batch code is the
identifier of a group of allocation codes s cheduled to run together." LABEL "Batch
Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Code"
FIELD "RunNbr" OF "AlcHistBatch": integer DESCRIPTION "System generated next number
used to keep data unique for allocat ion batch runs." LABEL "Run Number" COLUMN-
LABEL "Run Number"
FIELD "RunDate" OF "AlcHistBatch": date DESCRIPTION "Date the batch was run." LABEL
"Run Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Run Date"
FIELD "RunTime" OF "AlcHistBatch": integer DESCRIPTION "Time the allocaiton batch
run started." LABEL "Run Time" COLUMN-LABEL "Run Time"
FIELD "RunType" OF "AlcHistBatch": integer DESCRIPTION "1 = General Ledger, 2 =
Simulation" LABEL "Run Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Run Type"
FIELD "DcdUserID" OF "AlcHistBatch": character DESCRIPTION "User ID" LABEL "User
FIELD "BookID" OF "AlcHistBatch": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier"
FIELD "Reverse" OF "AlcHistBatch": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not
reversing transactions are generated at the time a journal entry is allocated. Yes
indicates reversing entries are gene rated. No indicates reversing entries are not
generated." LABEL "Reverse" COLUMN-LABEL "Reverse"
FIELD "JournalCode" OF "AlcHistBatch": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of
the journal used to group entries. This is t he journal code used during allocation
processing." LABEL "Journal"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AlcHistBatch": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AlcHistBatch": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AlcHistBatch": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "LastCycleNbr" OF "AlcHistBatch": integer DESCRIPTION "Last cycle number for
this batch. Intended for internal use." LABEL "Cycle ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Cycle ID"
INDEX "PrimaryIdx" ON "AlcHistBatch" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BatchID By RunNbr"
INDEX "Book" ON "AlcHistBatch" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By BookID
By BatchID By RunNbr"
INDEX "RunNbr" ON "AlcHistBatch" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
RunNbr By BatchID"
INDEX "RunType" ON "AlcHistBatch" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
RunType By BatchID By RunNbr"

TABLE "AlcHistBCat" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "alchistbcat" DESCRIPTION "Allocation

history batch category selection."
FIELD "Company" OF "AlcHistBCat": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BatchID" OF "AlcHistBCat": character DESCRIPTION "The batch code is the
identifier of a group of allocation codes s cheduled to run together." LABEL "Batch
Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Code"
FIELD "RunNbr" OF "AlcHistBCat": integer DESCRIPTION "System generated next number
used to keep data unique for allocat ion batch runs." LABEL "Run Number" COLUMN-
LABEL "Run Number"
FIELD "CycleUID" OF "AlcHistBCat": integer DESCRIPTION "Cycle unique ID. This is
not intended for external use." LABEL "Cycle ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Cycle ID"
FIELD "CategoryID" OF "AlcHistBCat": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of
this category of accounts. " LABEL "Category"
FIELD "BookID" OF "AlcHistBCat": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier"
FIELD "COACode" OF "AlcHistBCat": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID" LABEL
"COA Code"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AlcHistBCat": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AlcHistBCat": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AlcHistBCat": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "PrimaryIdx" ON "AlcHistBCat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BatchID By RunNbr By CycleUID By CategoryID"
INDEX "Book" ON "AlcHistBCat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By BookID
By BatchID By RunNbr"
INDEX "RunNbr" ON "AlcHistBCat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
RunNbr By BatchID"

TABLE "AlcHistBRange" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "alchistbrange" DESCRIPTION

"Allocation history batch range selection criteria."
FIELD "Company" OF "AlcHistBRange": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BatchID" OF "AlcHistBRange": character DESCRIPTION "The batch code is the
identifier of a group of allocation codes s cheduled to run together." LABEL "Batch
Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Code"
FIELD "RunNbr" OF "AlcHistBRange": integer DESCRIPTION "System generated next
number used to keep data unique for allocat ion batch runs." LABEL "Run Number"
FIELD "CycleUID" OF "AlcHistBRange": integer DESCRIPTION "Cycle unique ID. This is
not intended for external use." LABEL "Cycle ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Cycle ID"
FIELD "SegmentNbr" OF "AlcHistBRange": integer DESCRIPTION "System generated number
from 1 through 20." LABEL "Segment Number"
FIELD "BookID" OF "AlcHistBRange": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier"
FIELD "COACode" OF "AlcHistBRange": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID"
FIELD "MinValue" OF "AlcHistBRange": character DESCRIPTION "Minimum vale for range
selection." LABEL "Minimum Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Minimum Value"
FIELD "MaxValue" OF "AlcHistBRange": character DESCRIPTION "Maximum value for range
selection." LABEL "Maximum Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Maximum Value"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AlcHistBRange": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AlcHistBRange": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AlcHistBRange": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "PrimaryIdx" ON "AlcHistBRange" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BatchID By RunNbr By CycleUID By SegmentNbr"
INDEX "Book" ON "AlcHistBRange" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BookID By BatchID By RunNbr"
INDEX "RunNbr" ON "AlcHistBRange" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
RunNbr By BatchID"

TABLE "AlcHistCycAccts" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "alchistcycaccts" DESCRIPTION

"Allocation History Accounts by Cycle"
FIELD "Company" OF "AlcHistCycAccts": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BatchID" OF "AlcHistCycAccts": character DESCRIPTION "The batch code is the
identifier of a group of allocation codes s cheduled to run together." LABEL "Batch
Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Code"
FIELD "RunNbr" OF "AlcHistCycAccts": integer DESCRIPTION "System generated next
number used to keep data unique for allocat ion batch runs." LABEL "Run Number"
FIELD "CycleNumber" OF "AlcHistCycAccts": integer DESCRIPTION "Cycle number." LABEL
"Cycle Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Cycle Number"
FIELD "CycleUID" OF "AlcHistCycAccts": integer DESCRIPTION "Cycle unique ID. This
is not intended for external use." LABEL "Cycle ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Cycle ID"
FIELD "SegValue3" OF "AlcHistCycAccts": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 3. See
COASegment segment number 3 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue4" OF "AlcHistCycAccts": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 4. See
COASegment segment number 4 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue5" OF "AlcHistCycAccts": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 5. See
COASegment segment number 5 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue6" OF "AlcHistCycAccts": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 6. See
COASegment segment number 6 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue7" OF "AlcHistCycAccts": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 7. See
COASegment segment number 7 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue8" OF "AlcHistCycAccts": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 8. See
COASegment segment number 8 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue9" OF "AlcHistCycAccts": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 9. See
COASegment segment number 9 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue10" OF "AlcHistCycAccts": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 10.
See COASegment segment number 10 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 10"
FIELD "SegValue11" OF "AlcHistCycAccts": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 11.
See COASegment segment number 11 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 11"
FIELD "SegValue12" OF "AlcHistCycAccts": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 12.
See COASegment segment number 12 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 12"
FIELD "SegValue13" OF "AlcHistCycAccts": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 13.
See COASegment segment number 13 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 13"
FIELD "SegValue14" OF "AlcHistCycAccts": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 14.
See COASegment segment number 14 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 14"
FIELD "SegValue15" OF "AlcHistCycAccts": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 15.
See COASegment segment number 15 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 15"
FIELD "SegValue16" OF "AlcHistCycAccts": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 16.
See COASegment segment number 16 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 16"
FIELD "SegValue17" OF "AlcHistCycAccts": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 17.
See COASegment segment number 17 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 17"
FIELD "SegValue18" OF "AlcHistCycAccts": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 18.
See COASegment segment number 18 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 18"
FIELD "SegValue19" OF "AlcHistCycAccts": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 19.
See COASegment segment number 19 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 19"
FIELD "SegValue20" OF "AlcHistCycAccts": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 20.
See COASegment segment number 20 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 20"
FIELD "GLAccount" OF "AlcHistCycAccts": character DESCRIPTION "Full GL account
containing the controlled segment valid combinati ons up to 200 characters
including the internal segment separator. This is the unique identifier for the GL
Account and is stored in physical segment number se quence with the vertical bar as
its separator. This field is not intended for e nd user display. It is used
internally as a unique identifier. The display for mat GL Account is found in table
GLAcctDisp." LABEL "GL Account"
FIELD "SegValue1" OF "AlcHistCycAccts": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 1. See
COASegment segment number 1 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue2" OF "AlcHistCycAccts": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 2. See
COASegment segment number 2 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "BookID" OF "AlcHistCycAccts": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier"
FIELD "COACode" OF "AlcHistCycAccts": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AlcHistCycAccts": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AlcHistCycAccts": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AlcHistCycAccts": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "PrimaryIdx" ON "AlcHistCycAccts" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By BatchID By RunNbr By CycleUID By CycleNumber By GLA ccount"
INDEX "Book" ON "AlcHistCycAccts" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BookID By BachID By RunNbr By CycleUID By CycleNumb er By GLAccount"
INDEX "RunNbr" ON "AlcHistCycAccts" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
RunNbr By BatchID"

TABLE "AlcHistCycles" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "alchistcycles" DESCRIPTION

"Allocation History Cycles."
FIELD "Company" OF "AlcHistCycles": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BatchID" OF "AlcHistCycles": character DESCRIPTION "The batch code is the
identifier of a group of allocation codes s cheduled to run together." LABEL "Batch
Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Code"
FIELD "RunNbr" OF "AlcHistCycles": integer DESCRIPTION "System generated next
number used to keep data unique for allocat ion batch runs." LABEL "Run Number"
FIELD "ThresholdAmt" OF "AlcHistCycles": decimal DESCRIPTION "The required final
balance the accounts must be less than or equa l to before the allocation batch
stops cycling." LABEL "Threshold Amount" COLUMN-LABEL "Threshold Amount"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AlcHistCycles": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AlcHistCycles": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AlcHistCycles": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "CycleDesc" OF "AlcHistCycles": character DESCRIPTION "Description" LABEL
"Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "CycleUID" OF "AlcHistCycles": integer DESCRIPTION "Cycle unique ID. This is
not intended for external use."
FIELD "CycleNumber" OF "AlcHistCycles": integer DESCRIPTION "Cycle number." LABEL
"Cycle Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Cycle Number"
FIELD "CycleBalance" OF "AlcHistCycles": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the balance
remaining for the selected accounts at the en d of the current cycle. If this value
is less than or equal to the threshold am ount then processing ends." LABEL "Cycle
Balance" COLUMN-LABEL "Cycle Balance"
FIELD "BookID" OF "AlcHistCycles": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier"
INDEX "PrimaryIdx" ON "AlcHistCycles" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BatchID By RunNbr By CycleUID By CycleNumber"
INDEX "Book" ON "AlcHistCycles" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BookID By BatchID By RunNbr"
INDEX "CycleUID" ON "AlcHistCycles" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
CycleUID By BatchID By RunNbr"
INDEX "RunNbr" ON "AlcHistCycles" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
RunNbr By BatchID"

TABLE "AlcHistDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Allocation History Detail"

FIELD "Company" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BatchID" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The batch code is the
identifier of a group of allocation codes s cheduled to run together." LABEL "Batch
Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Code"
FIELD "AllocID" OF "AlcHistDtl": character
DESCRIPTION "Allocation Code." LABEL "Allocation Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation
FIELD "RunNbr" OF "AlcHistDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "System generated next number
used to keep data unique for allocat ion batch runs." LABEL "Run Number" COLUMN-
LABEL "Run Number"
FIELD "AllocTgtNbr" OF "AlcHistDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Internal next number
sequence used to keep the records unique. N ot intended for display or use by the
end user." LABEL "Allocation Target Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Target Number"

FIELD "BookID" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier"

FIELD "RunType" OF "AlcHistDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "1 = General Ledger, 2 =
Simulation" LABEL "Run Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Run Type"
FIELD "JournalNum" OF "AlcHistDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Number that is assigned by
the system. The Journal number is a wa y of relating the detail entries into a
group that would normally balance. The system assigns this number by finding the
journalnum of the last record for the fiscal year and adding one. " LABEL "Journal"

FIELD "JournalLine" OF "AlcHistDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "A system assigned number

to which is used along with the company, FiscalYear and JournalNum to uniquely
identify the record. System determines n umber by reading last record for a
specific Company/FiscalYear/JournalNum combin ation and adding 1." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "JournalCode" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "A code that defines a
journal. A journal Identifies/groups entr ies together. See JrnlCode table." LABEL
FIELD "WriteOff" OF "AlcHistDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Yes indicates this record
contains information about the amount w ritten off against the source account. NO
indicates this record contains inform ation about the amount allocated." LABEL
"Write Off" COLUMN-LABEL "Write Off"
FIELD "SourceInitBalance" OF "AlcHistDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Initial balance of
the write off account. Only updated when Writ eOff = yes." LABEL "Source Init
Balance" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Init Balance"
FIELD "SourceAccount" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Source GL Account or
Balance Account." LABEL "Source GL Account" COLUMN-LABEL "Source GL Account"
FIELD "TargetAccount" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Account the source
amount was allocated to." LABEL "Target GL Account" COLUMN-LABEL "Target GL
FIELD "ResolvedAccount" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "REsolved GL
Account. This is the same as the target account if t he target account does not
have any mask characters." LABEL "Resolved GL Account" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved GL
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The id of the
fiscal calendar this record is related to." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "AlcHistDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year." LABEL
"Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year
suffix. Allows for additional breakdown/definiti on of fiscal years, for example,
by quarters." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "AlcHistDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal period number
in the fiscal year." LABEL "Fiscal Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Period"
FIELD "AllocOption" OF "AlcHistDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifies how
allocations are applied. 1 = Fixed ratio value. 2 = Formula." LABEL "Allocation
Option" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Option"
FIELD "RatioFormula" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Formula entered by the
user used to calculate the allocation amou
nt. Only valid if the allocation option = 2." LABEL "Formula" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "RatioValue" OF "AlcHistDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Postive, fractional value
indicating how much of an allocation is applied to this target." LABEL "Ratio"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AlcHistDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AlcHistDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "COACode" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID" LABEL
FIELD "TgtSegVal1" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value 1"
LABEL "Target Segment Value 1" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 1"
FIELD "TgtSegVal2" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value 2"
LABEL "Target Segment Value 2" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 2"
FIELD "TgtSegVal3" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value 3"
LABEL "Target Segment Value 3" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 3"
FIELD "TgtSegVal4" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value 4"
LABEL "Target Segment Value 4" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 4"
FIELD "TgtSegVal5" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value 5"
LABEL "Target Segment Value 5"
COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 5"
FIELD "TgtSegVal6" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value 6"
LABEL "Target Segment Value 6" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 6"
FIELD "TgtSegVal7" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value 7"
LABEL "Target Segment Value 7" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 7"
FIELD "TgtSegVal8" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value 8"
LABEL "Target Segment Value 8" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 8"
FIELD "TgtSegVal9" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value 9"
LABEL "Target Segment Value 9" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 9"
FIELD "TgtSegVal10" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value
10" LABEL "Target Segment Value 10" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 10"
FIELD "TgtSegVal11" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value
11" LABEL "Target Segment Value 11" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 11"
FIELD "TgtSegVal12" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value
12" LABEL "Target Segment Value 12" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 12"
FIELD "TgtSegVal13" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value
13" LABEL "Target Segment Value 13" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 13"
FIELD "TgtSegVal14" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value
14" LABEL "Target Segment Value 14" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 14"
FIELD "TgtSegVal15" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value
15" LABEL "Target Segment Value 15"
COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 15"
FIELD "TgtSegVal16" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value
16" LABEL "Target Segment Value 16" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 16"
FIELD "TgtSegVal17" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value
17" LABEL "Target Segment Value 17" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 17"
FIELD "TgtSegVal18" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value
18" LABEL "Target Segment Value 18" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 18"
FIELD "TgtSegVal19" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value
19" LABEL "Target Segment Value 19" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 19"
FIELD "TgtSegVal20" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value
20" LABEL "Target Segment Value 20" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 20"
FIELD "SrcSegVal1" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Source Segment Value 1"
LABEL "Source Segment Value 1" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Segment Value 1"
FIELD "SrcSegVal2" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Source Segment Value 2"
LABEL "Source Segment Value 2" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Segment Value 2"
FIELD "SrcSegVal3" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Source Segment Value 3"
LABEL "Source Segment Value 3" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Segment Value 3"
FIELD "SrcSegVal4" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Source Segment Value 4"
LABEL "Source Segment Value 4" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Segment Value 4"
FIELD "SrcSegVal5" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Source Segment Value 5"
LABEL "Source Segment Value 5"
COLUMN-LABEL "Source Segment Value 5"
FIELD "SrcSegVal6" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Source Segment Value 6"
LABEL "Source Segment Value 6" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Segment Value 6"
FIELD "SrcSegVal7" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Source Segment Value 7"
LABEL "Source Segment Value 7" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Segment Value 7"
FIELD "SrcSegVal8" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Source Segment Value 8"
LABEL "Source Segment Value 8" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Segment Value 8"
FIELD "SrcSegVal9" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Source Segment Value 9"
LABEL "Source Segment Value 9" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Segment Value 9"
FIELD "SrcSegVal10" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Source Segment Value
10" LABEL "Source Segment Value 10" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Segment Value 10"
FIELD "SrcSegVal11" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Source Segment Value
11" LABEL "Source Segment Value 11" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Segment Value 11"
FIELD "SrcSegVal12" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Source Segment Value
12" LABEL "Source Segment Value 12" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Segment Value 12"
FIELD "SrcSegVal13" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Source Segment Value
13" LABEL "Source Segment Value 13" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Segment Value 13"
FIELD "SrcSegVal14" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Source Segment Value
14" LABEL "Source Segment Value 14" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Segment Value 14"
FIELD "SrcSegVal15" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Source Segment Value
15" LABEL "Source Segment Value 15"
COLUMN-LABEL "Source Segment Value 15"
FIELD "SrcSegVal16" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Source Segment Value
16" LABEL "Source Segment Value 16" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Segment Value 16"
FIELD "SrcSegVal17" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Source Segment Value
17" LABEL "Source Segment Value 17" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Segment Value 17"
FIELD "SrcSegVal18" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Source Segment Value
18" LABEL "Source Segment Value 18" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Segment Value 18"
FIELD "SrcSegVal19" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Source Segment Value
19" LABEL "Source Segment Value 19" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Segment Value 19"
FIELD "SrcSegVal20" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Source Segment Value
20" LABEL "Source Segment Value 20" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Segment Value 20"
FIELD "ResSegVal1" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved Segment Value
1" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 1" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 1"
FIELD "ResSegVal2" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved Segment Value
2" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 2" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 2"
FIELD "ResSegVal3" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved Segment Value
3" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 3" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 3"
FIELD "ResSegVal4" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved Segment Value
4" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 4" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 4"
FIELD "ResSegVal5" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved Segment Value
5" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 5"
COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 5"
FIELD "ResSegVal6" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved Segment Value
6" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 6" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 6"
FIELD "ResSegVal7" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved Segment Value
7" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 7" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 7"
FIELD "ResSegVal8" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved Segment Value
8" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 8" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 8"
FIELD "ResSegVal9" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved Segment Value
9" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 9" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 9"
FIELD "ResSegVal10" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved Segment Value
10" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 10" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 10"
FIELD "ResSegVal11" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved Segment Value
11" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 11" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 11"
FIELD "ResSegVal12" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved Segment Value
12" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 12" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 12"
FIELD "ResSegVal13" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved Segment Value
13" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 13" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 13"
FIELD "ResSegVal14" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved Segment Value
14" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 14" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 14"
FIELD "ResSegVal15" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved Segment Value
15" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 15"
COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 15"
FIELD "ResSegVal16" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved Segment Value
16" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 16" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 16"
FIELD "ResSegVal17" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved Segment Value
17" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 17" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 17"
FIELD "ResSegVal18" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved Segment Value
18" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 18" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 18"
FIELD "ResSegVal19" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved Segment Value
19" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 19" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 19"
FIELD "ResSegVal20" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved Segment Value
20" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 20" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 20"
FIELD "ResolvedFormula" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved Formula
based upon the Ratio Formula. Only valid if the allocation option = 2." LABEL
"Resolved Formula" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Formula"
FIELD "ReversingEntry" OF "AlcHistDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Yes indicates this
entry is a reversing entry. No indicates it i s not a reversing entry." LABEL
"Reversing Entry" COLUMN-LABEL "Reversing Entry"
FIELD "AllocTgtSeq" OF "AlcHistDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Internal next number
sequence used to keep the records unique. N ot intended for display or use by the
end user." LABEL "Allocation Target Sequence" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Target
FIELD "ReverseFY" OF "AlcHistDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The reversed fiscal year.
This is updated by reverse allocation run logic." LABEL "Reverse Fiscal Year"
COLUMN-LABEL "Reverse Fiscal Year"
FIELD "ReverseFYS" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The reversed fiscal year
suffix. Allows for additional breakdown /definition of fiscal years, for example,
by quarters. This is updated by reverse allocation run logic." LABEL "Reverse
Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Reverse Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "ReverseJournalNum" OF "AlcHistDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Number that is
assigned by the system. The Journal number is a wa y of relating the detail entries
into a group that would normally balance. The system assigns this number by finding
the journalnum of the last record for the fiscal year and adding one. This is
updated by reverse allocation run logic." LABEL "Reversed Journal"
FIELD "ReverseJournalLine" OF "AlcHistDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "A system assigned
number to which is used along with the company, FiscalYear and JournalNum to
uniquely identify the record. System determines n umber by reading last record for
a .specific Company/FiscalYear/JournalNum combination and adding 1.This is updated
by reverse allocation run logic" LABEL "Reversed Line Number"
FIELD "AllocUnits" OF "AlcHistDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The relative number of
units used to allocate to this account. Allocation units / Total Allocation units
is used to distribute the amount. Tota l Allocation units are calculated for a
given AllocID and not stored." LABEL "Allocation Units"
FIELD "SrcDebitAmount" OF "AlcHistDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Source amount applied
to the formula/percentage during an allocat ion. " LABEL "Source Debit Amount"
FIELD "SrcCreditAmount" OF "AlcHistDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Source amount applied
to the formula/percentage during an allocat ion." LABEL "Source Credit Amount"
FIELD "RevEntryFY" OF "AlcHistDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The reversed entry fiscal
year. This is updated when an allocati on batch has the reversing entry option set
to yes and a reversing journal entry is created." LABEL "Reversing Entry Fiscal
Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Reversing Entry Fiscal Year"
FIELD "RevEntryFYS" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The reversed fiscal
year suffix. Allows for additional breakdown /definition of fiscal years, for
example, by quarters. This is updated when an allocation batch has the reversing
entry option set to y es and a reversing journal entry is created."
LABEL "Reversing Entry Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Reversing Entry Fiscal
Year Suffix"
FIELD "RevEntryJrnlNum" OF "AlcHistDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Number that is
assigned by the system. The Journal number is a wa y of relating the detail entries
into a group that would normally balance. The system assigns this number by finding
the journalnum of the last record for the fiscal year and adding one. This is
updated when an allocation batch has the reversing entry option set to y es and a
reversing journal entry is created." LABEL "Reversing Entry Journal Number"
FIELD "RevEntryJrnlLine" OF "AlcHistDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "A system assigned
number to which is used along with the company, FiscalYear and JournalNum to
uniquely identify the record. System determines n umber by reading last record for
a .specific Company/FiscalYear/JournalNum combi nation and adding 1. This is
updated when an allocation batch has the reversing entry option set to y es and a
reversing journal entry is created." LABEL "Reversing Entry Line Number"
FIELD "RevReverseFY" OF "AlcHistDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The reversed entry
reversing fiscal year. This is updated when a n allocation batch has the reversing
entry option set to yes and the reversing j ournal entry is reversed." LABEL
"Reverse Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Reversing Fiscal Year"
FIELD "RevReverseFYS" OF "AlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The reversed
reversing entry fiscal year suffix. Allows for addi tional breakdown/definition of
fiscal years, for example, by quarters. This is updated when an allocation batch
has the reversing entry option set to y es and a reversing journal entry is
reversed." LABEL "Reverse Entry Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Reverse Entry
Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "RevReverseJrnlNum" OF "AlcHistDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Number that is
assigned by the system. The Journal number is a wa y of relating the detail entries
into a group that would normally balance. The system assigns this number by finding
the journalnum of the last record for the fiscal year and adding one. This is
updated when an allocation batch has the reversing entry option set to y es and a
reversing journal entry is reversed." LABEL "ReverseEntry Journal Number"
FIELD "RevReverseJrnlLine" OF "AlcHistDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "A system assigned
number to which is used along with the company, FiscalYear and JournalNum to
uniquely identify the record. System determines n umber by reading last record for
a .specific Company/FiscalYear/JournalNum combi nation and adding 1. This is
updated when an allocation batch has the reversing entry option set to y es and a
reversing journal entry is reversed." LABEL "Reverse Entry Line Number"
FIELD "CycleUID" OF "AlcHistDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Cycle unique ID. This is not
intended for external use." LABEL "Cycle ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Cycle ID"
FIELD "CycleNumber" OF "AlcHistDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Cycle number." LABEL
"Cycle Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Cycle Number"
INDEX "PrimaryIdx" ON "AlcHistDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Copmany By
BatchID By RunNbr By AllocID By AllocTgtNbr By Allo cTgtSeqNbr"
INDEX "BatchAlloc" ON "AlcHistDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BatchID By AllocID By RunNbr By AllocTgtNbr By Allo cTgtSeq"
INDEX "Cycle" ON "AlcHistDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By BatchID
By RunNbr By CycleUID By CycleNumber"
INDEX "Journal" ON "AlcHistDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By company By
BookID By FiscalYear By FiscalYearSuffix By FiscalP eriod By JournalCode By
JournalNum By JournalLine"
INDEX "ResolvedAccount" ON "AlcHistDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By ResolvedAccount By FiscalYear By FiscalYearSuffix B y FiscalPeriod, By BatchID
By AllocID By RunNbr"
INDEX "RunType" ON "AlcHistDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
RunType By BatchID By AllocID By RunNbr By AllocTgt Nbr"
INDEX "RunTypeNbr" ON "AlcHistDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By company By
RunType By RunNbr"
INDEX "SourceAccount" ON "AlcHistDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
SourceAccount By FiscalYear By FiscalYearSuffix By FiscalPeriod By BatchID By
AllocID By RunNbr"
INDEX "TargetAccount" ON "AlcHistDtl"
AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By TargetAccount By FiscalYear by
FiscalYearSuffix By FiscalPeriod By BatchId By AllocID By RunNbr"

TABLE "AlcHistJrnCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Allocation History Journal

FIELD "Company" OF "AlcHistJrnCd": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BatchID" OF "AlcHistJrnCd": character DESCRIPTION "The batch code is the
identifier of a group of allocation codes s cheduled to run together." LABEL "Batch
Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Code"
FIELD "AllocID" OF "AlcHistJrnCd": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Code." LABEL
"Allocation Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Code"
FIELD "ParamNbr" OF "AlcHistJrnCd": integer DESCRIPTION "Intended for internal use
only to keep the records unique. Source selection criteria are identified by a 0.
Parameter selection criteria have a parameter number equal to the parameter they
are defined for." LABEL "Parameter Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Parameter Number"
FIELD "RunNbr" OF "AlcHistJrnCd": integer DESCRIPTION "System generated next number
used to keep data unique for allocat ion batch runs." LABEL "Run Number" COLUMN-
LABEL "Run Number"
FIELD "BookID" OF "AlcHistJrnCd": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier"
FIELD "RunType" OF "AlcHistJrnCd": integer DESCRIPTION "1 = General Ledger, 2 =
Simulation" LABEL "Run Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Run Type"
FIELD "JournalCode" OF "AlcHistJrnCd": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of
the journal used to group entries. The user can create their own journal codes to
be used instead of the default codes." LABEL "Journal"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AlcHistJrnCd": character
DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AlcHistJrnCd": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AlcHistJrnCd": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "PrimaryIdx" ON "AlcHistJrnCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BatchID By RunNbr By AllocID By ParamNbr By Journal Code"
INDEX "BatchRun" ON "AlcHistJrnCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BatchID By AllocID By RunNbr By ParamNbr By Journal Code"
INDEX "Book" ON "AlcHistJrnCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By BookId
By BatchID By AllocID By RunNbr By ParamNbr By JournalCode"
INDEX "RunType" ON "AlcHistJrnCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
RunType By BatchID By AllocID By RunNbr By ParamNbr By JournalCode"

TABLE "AlcHistNFSrc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Allocation History Non-

Financial Data"
FIELD "Company" OF "AlcHistNFSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BatchID" OF "AlcHistNFSrc": character DESCRIPTION "The batch code is the
identifier of a group of allocation codes s cheduled to run together." LABEL "Batch
Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Code"
FIELD "AllocID" OF "AlcHistNFSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Code." LABEL
"Allocation Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Code"
FIELD "ParamNbr" OF "AlcHistNFSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "Intended for internal use
only to keep the records unique. The va lue of ParamNbr identifies the parameter
number the record is defined for." LABEL "Parameter Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Parameter
FIELD "RunNbr" OF "AlcHistNFSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "System generated next number
used to keep data unique for allocat ion batch runs." LABEL "Run Number" COLUMN-
LABEL "Run Number"
FIELD "BookID" OF "AlcHistNFSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier"
FIELD "LookupTblMapUID" OF "AlcHistNFSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "Map unique ID."
LABEL "Lookup Table Map UID" COLUMN-LABEL "Lookup Table Map UID"
FIELD "TgtSeqNbr" OF "AlcHistNFSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "Target Field sequence
number." LABEL "Target Sequence Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Sequence Number"
FIELD "LinkUID" OF "AlcHistNFSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "Source Link unique ID."
LABEL "Source Link UID" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Link UID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AlcHistNFSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AlcHistNFSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AlcHistNFSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "RunType" OF "AlcHistNFSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "1 = General Ledger, 2 =
Simulation" LABEL "Run Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Run Type"
FIELD "SrcFieldName" OF "AlcHistNFSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Source field name."
LABEL "Source Field Name" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Field Name"
FIELD "ParamOpt" OF "AlcHistNFSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifes the option for
the non-financial parameter. 1 = Use Target Account Segment. 2 = Use Source Account
Segment 3 = Use Allocation Run Start Date 4 = Use allocation Run End Date" LABEL
"Parameter Option" COLUMN-LABEL "Parameter Option"
FIELD "ParamSegmentNbr" OF "AlcHistNFSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifies the
segment number to use to determine the segment cod e that will be used to look up
the result value in the lookup table." LABEL "Param Segment Number" COLUMN-LABEL
"Param Segment Nbr"
FIELD "COACode" OF "AlcHistNFSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID"
FIELD "EntryType" OF "AlcHistNFSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifies if the
parameter is an actual value or an option." LABEL "Entry Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Entry
INDEX "PrimaryIdx" ON "AlcHistNFSrc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BatchID By RunNbr By AllocID By ParamNbr By LookupT blMapUID By TgtSeqNbr"
INDEX "BatchRun" ON "AlcHistNFSrc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BatchID By AllocID By RunNbr By ParamNbr By LookupT blMapUID By TgtSeqNbr"
INDEX "Book" ON "AlcHistNFSrc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By BookID
By BatchID By AllocID By ParamNbr By RunNbr"
INDEX "RunType" ON "AlcHistNFSrc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
RunType By BatchID By AllocID By ParamNbr By RunNbr "

TABLE "AlcHistParams" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Allocation History

FIELD "Company" OF "AlcHistParams": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BatchID" OF "AlcHistParams": character DESCRIPTION "The batch code is the
identifier of a group of allocation codes s cheduled to run together." LABEL "Batch
Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Code"
FIELD "AllocID" OF "AlcHistParams": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Code." LABEL
"Allocation Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Code"
FIELD "RunNbr" OF "AlcHistParams": integer DESCRIPTION "System generated next
number used to keep data unique for allocat ion batch runs." LABEL "Run Number"
FIELD "ParamNbr" OF "AlcHistParams": integer DESCRIPTION "Intended for internal use
only to keep the records unique." LABEL "Parameter Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Parameter
FIELD "ParamName" OF "AlcHistParams": character DESCRIPTION "The name assigned to a
parameter. This name must be unique." LABEL "Param Name" COLUMN-LABEL "Param Name"
FIELD "ParamType" OF "AlcHistParams": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifies the type of
parameter used in the allocation logic. 1 = Account Balances, 2 = Summarized
balances and 3 = BAQ." LABEL "ParamType" COLUMN-LABEL "Param Type"
FIELD "ParamDesc" OF "AlcHistParams": character DESCRIPTION "Text that describes
the parameter." LABEL "Parameter Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Parameter Description"
FIELD "AcctBalAcct" OF "AlcHistParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account balance
account. Only valid when the formula type = 1." LABEL "GL Account" COLUMN-LABEL "GL
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal1" OF "AlcHistParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment
Value 1" LABEL "Account Segment Value 1" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 1"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal2" OF "AlcHistParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment
Value 2" LABEL "Account Segment Value 2" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 2"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal3" OF "AlcHistParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment
Value 3" LABEL "Account Segment Value 3" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 3"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal4" OF "AlcHistParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment
Value 4" LABEL "Account Segment Value 4" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 4"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal5" OF "AlcHistParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment
Value 5" LABEL "Account Segment Value 5" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 5"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal6" OF "AlcHistParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment
Value 6" LABEL "Account Segment Value 6" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 6"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal7" OF "AlcHistParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment
Value 7" LABEL "Account Segment Value 7" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 7"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal8" OF "AlcHistParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment
Value 8" LABEL "Account Segment Value 8" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 8"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal9" OF "AlcHistParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment
Value 9" LABEL "Account Segment Value 9" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 9"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal10" OF "AlcHistParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment
Value 10" LABEL "Account Segment Value 10" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 10"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal11" OF "AlcHistParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment
Value 11" LABEL "Account Segment Value 11" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 11"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AlcHistParams": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "BookID" OF "AlcHistParams": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier"
FIELD "RunType" OF "AlcHistParams": integer DESCRIPTION "1 = General Ledger, 2 =
Simulation" LABEL "Run Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Run Type"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AlcHistParams": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AlcHistParams": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "COACode" OF "AlcHistParams": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID"
FIELD "UseTgtAcct" OF "AlcHistParams": logical DESCRIPTION "Yes indictes the target
account's balance is taken and the AcctBa lAcct is set equal to the
AlcTarget.TgtGLAcct. This only only valid when the fo rmula type = Account
Balances." LABEL "Use Target Account" COLUMN-LABEL "Use Target Account"
FIELD "BAQExportID" OF "AlcHistParams": character DESCRIPTION "BAQ ID, the unique
identifier for the query table within the com pany" LABEL "BAQ ID" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "AcctParamValSrc" OF "AlcHistParams": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the
source data for the value of a parameter value when the parameter is of type
Account Balance." LABEL "Account Param Value"
FIELD "SumParamValSrc" OF "AlcHistParams": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the
source data for the value of a parameter value when the parameter is of type
Summarized." LABEL "Summarized Param Value"
FIELD "Reversed" OF "AlcHistParams": logical
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the allocation run was reversed." LABEL "Reversed"
FIELD "ReversedDate" OF "AlcHistParams": date DESCRIPTION "Date used to reverse the
allocation run." LABEL "Reversed Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Reversed Date"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal12" OF "AlcHistParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment
Value 12" LABEL "Account Segment Value 12" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 12"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal13" OF "AlcHistParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment
Value 13" LABEL "Account Segment Value 13" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 13"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal14" OF "AlcHistParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment
Value 14" LABEL "Account Segment Value 14" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 14"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal15" OF "AlcHistParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment
Value 15" LABEL "Account Segment Value 15" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 15"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal16" OF "AlcHistParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment
Value 16" LABEL "Account Segment Value 16" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 16"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal17" OF "AlcHistParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment
Value 17" LABEL "Account Segment Value 17" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 17"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal18" OF "AlcHistParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment
Value 18" LABEL "Account Segment Value 18" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 18"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal19" OF "AlcHistParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment
Value 19" LABEL "Account Segment Value 19" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 19"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal20" OF "AlcHistParams": character
DESCRIPTION "Account Segment Value 20" LABEL "Account Segment Value 20" COLUMN-
LABEL "Account Segment Value 20"
INDEX "PrimaryIdx" ON "AlcHistParams" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By company By
BatchID By RunNbr By AllocID By ParamNbr"
INDEX "BatchRun" ON "AlcHistParams" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BatchID By AllocID By RunNbr By ParmNbr"
INDEX "Book" ON "AlcHistParams" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BookID By RunNbr By BatchID By AllocID By ParamNbr"
INDEX "RunType" ON "AlcHistParams" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
RunType By BatchID By AllocID By RunNbr By ParamNbr "

TABLE "AlcHistParamsBAQ" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Allocation History

Parameters BAQ"
FIELD "Company" OF "AlcHistParamsBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BatchID" OF "AlcHistParamsBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "The batch code is the
identifier of a group of allocation codes s cheduled to run together." LABEL "Batch
Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Code"
FIELD "AllocID" OF "AlcHistParamsBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Code."
LABEL "Allocation Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Code"
FIELD "ParamNbr" OF "AlcHistParamsBAQ": integer DESCRIPTION "Intended for internal
use only to keep the records unique." LABEL "Parameter Number" COLUMN-LABEL
"Parameter Number"
FIELD "RunNbr" OF "AlcHistParamsBAQ": integer DESCRIPTION "System generated next
number used to keep data unique for allocat ion batch runs." LABEL "Run Number"
FIELD "ParamSegmentNbr" OF "AlcHistParamsBAQ": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifies the
segment number to use to determine the segment cod e that will be used to look up
the result value in the lookup table." LABEL "Param Segment Number" COLUMN-LABEL
"Param Segment Nbr"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AlcHistParamsBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AlcHistParamsBAQ": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AlcHistParamsBAQ": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ParamOpt" OF "AlcHistParamsBAQ": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifes the option
for the non-financial parameter. 1 = Use Target Account Segment. 2 = Use Source
Account Segment 3 = Use Allocation Run Start Date 4 = Use allocation Run End Date"
LABEL "Parameter Option" COLUMN-LABEL "Parameter Option"
FIELD "BAQParamCode" OF "AlcHistParamsBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "Specific baq
parameter value." LABEL "BAQ Param Code" COLUMN-LABEL "BAQ Param Code"
FIELD "COACode" OF "AlcHistParamsBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID"
FIELD "BAQExportID" OF "AlcHistParamsBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "BAQ ID, the
unique identifier for this Query table within the com pany" LABEL "BAQ ID" COLUMN-
FIELD "BAQParamValNbr" OF "AlcHistParamsBAQ": integer DESCRIPTION "Intended for
internal use only to keep the records unique." LABEL "BAQ Parameter Number" COLUMN-
LABEL "BAQ Parameter Number"
FIELD "EntryType" OF "AlcHistParamsBAQ": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifies if the
parameter is an actual value or an option."
LABEL "Entry Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Entry Type"
FIELD "RunType" OF "AlcHistParamsBAQ": integer DESCRIPTION "1 = General Ledger, 2 =
Simulation" LABEL "Run Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Run Type"
FIELD "BookID" OF "AlcHistParamsBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book
Identifier" LABEL "Book ID"
INDEX "PrimaryIdx" ON "AlcHistParamsBAQ" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By BatchID By RunNbr By AllocID By ParamNbr By BAQExpo rtID By BAWParamValNbr"
INDEX "BatchAlloc" ON "AlcHistParamsBAQ" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By BatchID By AllocID By RunNbr By ParamNbr By BAQExpo rtID By BAQParamValNbr"
INDEX "Runtype" ON "AlcHistParamsBAQ" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
RunTyp By BatchID By AllocID By RunNbr By ParamNbr By BAQExportID"

TABLE "AlcHistRange" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Allocation History Range"

FIELD "Company" OF "AlcHistRange": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BatchID" OF "AlcHistRange": character DESCRIPTION "The batch code is the
identifier of a group of allocation codes s cheduled to run together." LABEL "Batch
Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Code"
FIELD "AllocID" OF "AlcHistRange": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Code." LABEL
"Allocation Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Code"
FIELD "ParamNbr" OF "AlcHistRange": integer DESCRIPTION "Intended for internal use
only to keep the records unique. Source selection criteria are identified by a 0.
Parameter selection criteria have a parameter number equal to the parameter they
are defined for." LABEL "Parameter Number"
COLUMN-LABEL "Parameter Number"
FIELD "RunNbr" OF "AlcHistRange": integer DESCRIPTION "System generated next number
used to keep data unique for allocat ion batch runs." LABEL "Run Number" COLUMN-
LABEL "Run Number"
FIELD "BookID" OF "AlcHistRange": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier"
FIELD "RunType" OF "AlcHistRange": integer DESCRIPTION "1 = General Ledger, 2 =
Simulation" LABEL "Run Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Run Type"
FIELD "SegmentNbr" OF "AlcHistRange": integer DESCRIPTION "System generated number
from 1 through 20." LABEL "Segment Number"
FIELD "COACode" OF "AlcHistRange": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID"
FIELD "MinValue" OF "AlcHistRange": character DESCRIPTION "Minimum vale for range
selection." LABEL "Minimum Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Minimum Value"
FIELD "MaxValue" OF "AlcHistRange": character DESCRIPTION "Maximum value for range
selection." LABEL "Maximum Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Maximum Value"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AlcHistRange": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AlcHistRange": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AlcHistRange": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "PrimaryIdx" ON "AlcHistRange" AREA "Schema Area"
DESCRIPTION "By Company By BatchID By RunNbr By AllocID By ParamNbr By Segment Nbr"

INDEX "BatchRun" ON "AlcHistRange" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By

BatchID By AllocID By RunNbr By ParamNbr By Segment NBr"
INDEX "Book" ON "AlcHistRange" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By BookID
By BatchID By AllocID By RunNbr By ParamNbr By SegmentNbr"
INDEX "RunType" ON "AlcHistRange" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
RunType By BatchID By AllocID By RunNbr By ParamNbr By SegmentNbr"

TABLE "AlcHistResParams" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Allocation History

Resolved Parameters"
FIELD "Company" OF "AlcHistResParams": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BatchID" OF "AlcHistResParams": character DESCRIPTION "The batch code is the
identifier of a group of allocation codes s cheduled to run together." LABEL "Batch
Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch Code"
FIELD "AllocID" OF "AlcHistResParams": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Code."
LABEL "Allocation Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Code"
FIELD "RunNbr" OF "AlcHistResParams": integer DESCRIPTION "System generated next
number used to keep data unique for allocat ion batch runs." LABEL "Run Number"
FIELD "AllocTgtNbr" OF "AlcHistResParams": integer DESCRIPTION "Internal next
number sequence used to keep the records unique. N ot intended for display or use
by the end user." LABEL "Allocation Target Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Target
FIELD "ResBalAcct" OF "AlcHistResParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account balance
account. Only valid when the formula type = 1.
This is the gl account with all mask characters resolved." LABEL "Resolved GL
Account" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved GL Account"
FIELD "ResBalSegVal1" OF "AlcHistResParams": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved
Segment Value 1" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 1" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment
Value 1"
FIELD "ResBalSegVal2" OF "AlcHistResParams": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved
Segment Value 2" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 2" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment
Value 2"
FIELD "ResBalSegVal3" OF "AlcHistResParams": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved
Segment Value 3" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 3" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment
Value 3"
FIELD "ResBalSegVal4" OF "AlcHistResParams": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved
Segment Value 4" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 4" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment
Value 4"
FIELD "ResBalSegVal5" OF "AlcHistResParams": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved
Segment Value 5" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 5" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment
Value 5"
FIELD "ResBalSegVal6" OF "AlcHistResParams": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved
Segment Value 6" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 6" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment
Value 6"
FIELD "ResBalSegVal7" OF "AlcHistResParams": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved
Segment Value 7" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 7" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment
Value 7"
FIELD "ResBalSegVal8" OF "AlcHistResParams": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved
Segment Value 8" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 8" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment
Value 8"
FIELD "ResBalSegVal9" OF "AlcHistResParams": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved
Segment Value 9" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 9" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment
Value 9"
FIELD "ResBalSegVal10" OF "AlcHistResParams": character
DESCRIPTION "Resolved Segment Value 10" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 10" COLUMN-
LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 10"
FIELD "ResBalSegVal11" OF "AlcHistResParams": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved
Segment Value 11" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 11" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment
Value 11"
FIELD "ResBalSegVal12" OF "AlcHistResParams": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved
Segment Value 12" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 12" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment
Value 12"
FIELD "ResBalSegVal13" OF "AlcHistResParams": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved
Segment Value 13" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 13" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment
Value 13"
FIELD "ResBalSegVal14" OF "AlcHistResParams": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved
Segment Value 14" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 14" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment
Value 14"
FIELD "ResBalSegVal15" OF "AlcHistResParams": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved
Segment Value 15" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 15" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment
Value 15"
FIELD "ResBalSegVal16" OF "AlcHistResParams": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved
Segment Value 16" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 16" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment
Value 16"
FIELD "ResBalSegVal17" OF "AlcHistResParams": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved
Segment Value 17" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 17" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment
Value 17"
FIELD "ResBalSegVal18" OF "AlcHistResParams": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved
Segment Value 18" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 18" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment
Value 18"
FIELD "ResBalSegVal19" OF "AlcHistResParams": character DESCRIPTION "Resolved
Segment Value 19" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 19" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolved Segment
Value 19"
FIELD "ResBalSegVal20" OF "AlcHistResParams": character
DESCRIPTION "Resolved Segment Value 20" LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 20" COLUMN-
LABEL "Resolved Segment Value 20"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AlcHistResParams": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AlcHistResParams": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AlcHistResParams": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "AllocTgtSeq" OF "AlcHistResParams": integer DESCRIPTION "Internal next
number sequence used to keep the records unique. N ot intended for display or use
by the end user." LABEL "Allocation Target Sequence" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation
Target Sequence"
FIELD "ParamNbr" OF "AlcHistResParams": integer DESCRIPTION "Intended for internal
use only to keep the records unique." LABEL "Parameter Number" COLUMN-LABEL
"Parameter Number"
FIELD "ActualValue" OF "AlcHistResParams": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual calculated
value." LABEL "Actual Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Actual Value"
FIELD "COACode" OF "AlcHistResParams": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID"
FIELD "RunType" OF "AlcHistResParams": integer DESCRIPTION "1 = General Ledger, 2 =
Simulation" LABEL "Run Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Run Type"
FIELD "BookID" OF "AlcHistResParams": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book
Identifier" LABEL "Book ID"
FIELD "CycleUID" OF "AlcHistResParams": integer DESCRIPTION "Cycle unique ID. This
is not intended for external use." LABEL "Cycle ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Cycle ID"
FIELD "CycleNumber" OF "AlcHistResParams": integer DESCRIPTION "Cycle number."
LABEL "Cycle Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Cycle Number"
INDEX "PrimaryIdx" ON "AlcHistResParams" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By Batch By RunNbr By AllocID By AllocTgtNbr By AllocT gtSeq By ParamNbr"
INDEX "BatchAlloc" ON "AlcHistResParams" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By BatchId By AllocId By RunNbr By AllocTgtNbr By Allo cTgtSeq By ParamNbr"
INDEX "Cycle" ON "AlcHistResParams" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
Batch By RunNbr By CycleUID By CycleNbr"
INDEX "RunType" ON "AlcHistResParams" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
RunType By BatchID By AllocID By RunNbr By ParamNbr "

TABLE "AlcJrnCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Allocation Journal Code "
FIELD "Company" OF "AlcJrnCd": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "AllocID" OF "AlcJrnCd": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Code." LABEL
"Allocation Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Code"
FIELD "BookID" OF "AlcJrnCd": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier" LABEL
"Book ID"
FIELD "JournalCode" OF "AlcJrnCd": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the
journal used to group entries. The user can create their own journal codes to be
used instead of the default codes." LABEL "Journal"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AlcJrnCd": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AlcJrnCd": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AlcJrnCd": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ParamNbr" OF "AlcJrnCd": integer DESCRIPTION "Intended for internal use only
to keep the records unique. The P aramNbr value is 0 when tied to a source account
(AlcHed). When tied to a parameter criteria (AlcParams) it inherits its value from
AlcPara ms table. " LABEL "Parameter Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Parameter Number"
INDEX "AllocParamJrnl" ON "AlcJrnCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
AllocID By ParamNbr By JournalCode"
INDEX "BookAlloc" ON "AlcJrnCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BookID By AllocID"
INDEX "JournalCode" ON "AlcJrnCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By

TABLE "AlcNFSrc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Allocation Non-Financial Source"

FIELD "Company" OF "AlcNFSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "AllocID" OF "AlcNFSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Code." LABEL
"Allocation Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Code"
FIELD "ParamNbr" OF "AlcNFSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "Intended for internal use only
to keep the records unique. The v alue is inherited from the AlcParams table."
LABEL "Parameter Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Parameter Number"
FIELD "BookID" OF "AlcNFSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier"
FIELD "LookupTblMapUID" OF "AlcNFSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "Map unique ID." LABEL
"Lookup Table Map UID" COLUMN-LABEL "Lookup Table Map UID"
FIELD "TgtSeqNbr" OF "AlcNFSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "Target Field sequence
number." LABEL "Target Sequence Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Sequence Number"
FIELD "LinkUID" OF "AlcNFSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "Source Link unique ID." LABEL
"Source Link UID" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Link UID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AlcNFSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AlcNFSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AlcNFSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ParamOpt" OF "AlcNFSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifes the option for the
BAQ parameter. 1 = Use Target Account Segment. 2 = Use Source Account Segment 3 =
Use Allocation Run Start Date 4 = Use allocation Run End Date" LABEL "Parameter
Option" COLUMN-LABEL "Parameter Option"
FIELD "ParamSegmentNbr" OF "AlcNFSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifies the segment
number to use to determine the segment cod e that will be used to look up the
result value in the lookup table." LABEL "Param Segment Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Param
Segment Nbr"
FIELD "COACode" OF "AlcNFSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID" LABEL
"COA Code"
FIELD "EntryType" OF "AlcNFSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifies if the parameter
is an actual value or an option."
LABEL "Entry Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Entry Type"
INDEX "PrimaryIdx" ON "AlcNFSrc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
AllocID By ParamNbr By LookupTblMapUID By TgtSeqNbr "
INDEX "BookAlloc" ON "AlcNFSrc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BookID By AllocID"
INDEX "LookupTbl" ON "AlcNFSrc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
INDEX "ParamType" ON "AlcNFSrc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
AllocID By ParamType"
INDEX "TgtSeq" ON "AlcNFSrc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By

TABLE "AlcParams" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "AllocationParams"

FIELD "Company" OF "AlcParams": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "AllocID" OF "AlcParams": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Code." LABEL
"Allocation Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Code"
FIELD "BookID" OF "AlcParams": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier" LABEL
"Book ID"
FIELD "ParamName" OF "AlcParams": character DESCRIPTION "The name assigned to a
parameter. This name must be unique." LABEL "Param Name" COLUMN-LABEL "Param Name"
FIELD "ParamType" OF "AlcParams": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifies the type of
parameter used in the allocation logic. 1 = Account Balances, 2 = Summarized
balances, 3 = BAQ and 4 = Non Financial Dat a."
LABEL "ParamType" COLUMN-LABEL "Param Type"
FIELD "ParamDesc" OF "AlcParams": character DESCRIPTION "Text that describes the
parameter." LABEL "Parameter Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Parameter Description"
FIELD "AcctBalAcct" OF "AlcParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account balance account.
Only valid when the formula type = 1." LABEL "GL Account" COLUMN-LABEL "GL Account"

FIELD "AcctBalSegVal1" OF "AlcParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment Value

1" LABEL "Account Segment Value 1" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 1"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal2" OF "AlcParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment Value
2" LABEL "Account Segment Value 2" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 2"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal3" OF "AlcParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment Value
3" LABEL "Account Segment Value 3" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 3"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal4" OF "AlcParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment Value
4" LABEL "Account Segment Value 4" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 4"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal5" OF "AlcParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment Value
5" LABEL "Account Segment Value 5" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 5"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal6" OF "AlcParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment Value
6" LABEL "Account Segment Value 6" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 6"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal7" OF "AlcParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment Value
7" LABEL "Account Segment Value 7" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 7"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal8" OF "AlcParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment Value
LABEL "Account Segment Value 8" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 8"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal9" OF "AlcParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment Value
9" LABEL "Account Segment Value 9" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 9"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal10" OF "AlcParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment
Value 10" LABEL "Account Segment Value 10" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 10"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal11" OF "AlcParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment
Value 11" LABEL "Account Segment Value 11" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 11"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal12" OF "AlcParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment
Value 12" LABEL "Account Segment Value 12" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 12"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal13" OF "AlcParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment
Value 13" LABEL "Account Segment Value 13" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 13"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal14" OF "AlcParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment
Value 14" LABEL "Account Segment Value 14" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 14"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal15" OF "AlcParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment
Value 15" LABEL "Account Segment Value 15" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 15"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal16" OF "AlcParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment
Value 16" LABEL "Account Segment Value 16" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 16"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal17" OF "AlcParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment
Value 17" LABEL "Account Segment Value 17" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 17"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal18" OF "AlcParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment
Value 18"
LABEL "Account Segment Value 18" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 18"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal19" OF "AlcParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment
Value 19" LABEL "Account Segment Value 19" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 19"
FIELD "AcctBalSegVal20" OF "AlcParams": character DESCRIPTION "Account Segment
Value 20" LABEL "Account Segment Value 20" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Segment Value 20"
FIELD "UseTgtAcct" OF "AlcParams": logical DESCRIPTION "Yes indictes the target
account's balance is taken and the AcctBa lAcct is set equal to the
AlcTarget.TgtGLAcct. This only only valid when the fo rmula type = Account
Balances." LABEL "Use Target Account" COLUMN-LABEL "Use Target Account"
FIELD "BAQExportID" OF "AlcParams": character DESCRIPTION "BAQ ID, the unique
identifier for this Query table within the com pany" LABEL "BAQ ID" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AlcParams": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AlcParams": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AlcParams": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ParamNbr" OF "AlcParams": integer DESCRIPTION "Intended for internal use
only to keep the records unique." LABEL "Parameter Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Parameter
FIELD "COACode" OF "AlcParams": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID" LABEL
"COA Code"
FIELD "AcctParamValSrc" OF "AlcParams": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the source
data for the value of a parameter value when the parameter is of type Account
LABEL "Account Param Value"
FIELD "SumParamValSrc" OF "AlcParams": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the source
data for the value of a parameter value when the parameter is of type Summarized."
LABEL "Summarized Param Value"
INDEX "ParamNbr" ON "AlcParams" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
AllocID By ParamNbr"
INDEX "BookAllocID" ON "AlcParams" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BookID By AllocID"
INDEX "ParamName" ON "AlcParams" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
AllocID By ParamName"
INDEX "ParamType" ON "AlcParams" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
Parameter Type By AllocID"

TABLE "AlcParamsBAQ" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Allocations BAQ parameters"

FIELD "Company" OF "AlcParamsBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BookID" OF "AlcParamsBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier"
FIELD "AllocID" OF "AlcParamsBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Code." LABEL
"Allocation Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Code"
FIELD "ParamNbr" OF "AlcParamsBAQ": integer DESCRIPTION "Intended for internal use
only to keep the records unique." LABEL "Parameter Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Parameter
FIELD "BAQParamValNbr" OF "AlcParamsBAQ": integer DESCRIPTION "Intended for
internal use only to keep the records unique." LABEL "BAQ Parameter Number" COLUMN-
LABEL "BAQ Parameter Number"
FIELD "BAQExportID" OF "AlcParamsBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "BAQ ID, the unique
identifier for this Query table within the com pany" LABEL "BAQ ID" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "ParamOpt" OF "AlcParamsBAQ": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifes the option for
the BAQ parameter. 1 = Use Target Account Segment. 2 = Use Source Account Segment 3
= Use Allocation Run Start Date 4 = Use allocation Run End Date" LABEL "Parameter
Option" COLUMN-LABEL "Parameter Option"
FIELD "ParamSegmentNbr" OF "AlcParamsBAQ": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifies the
segment number to use to determine the segment cod e that will be used to look up
the result value in the lookup table." LABEL "Param Segment Number" COLUMN-LABEL
"Param Segment Nbr"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AlcParamsBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AlcParamsBAQ": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AlcParamsBAQ": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "COACode" OF "AlcParamsBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID"
FIELD "BAQParamCode" OF "AlcParamsBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "Specific baq
parameter value." LABEL "BAQ Param Code" COLUMN-LABEL "BAQ Param Code"
FIELD "EntryType" OF "AlcParamsBAQ": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifies if the
parameter is an actual value or an option." LABEL "Entry Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Entry
INDEX "PirmaryIndex" ON "AlcParamsBAQ" AREA "Schema Area"
DESCRIPTION "By Company By AllocID By ParamNbr By BAQExportID By BAQParamValNb r"
INDEX "ParamOpt" ON "AlcParamsBAQ" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
AllocID By ParamNbr By ParamOpt"

TABLE "AlcRange" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Allocation Range"

FIELD "Company" OF "AlcRange": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "AllocID" OF "AlcRange": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Code." LABEL
"Allocation Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Code"
FIELD "BookID" OF "AlcRange": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier" LABEL
"Book ID"
FIELD "SegmentNbr" OF "AlcRange": integer DESCRIPTION "System generated number from
1 through 20." LABEL "Segment Number"
FIELD "COACode" OF "AlcRange": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID" LABEL
"COA Code"
FIELD "MinValue" OF "AlcRange": character DESCRIPTION "Minimum vale for range
selection." LABEL "Minimum Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Minimum Value"
FIELD "MaxValue" OF "AlcRange": character DESCRIPTION "Maximum value for range
selection." LABEL "Maximum Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Maximum Value"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AlcRange": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AlcRange": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AlcRange": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ParamNbr" OF "AlcRange": integer DESCRIPTION "Intended for internal use only
to keep the records unique. The P aramNbr value is 0 when tied to a source account
(AlcHed). When tied to a parameter criteria (AlcParams) it inherits its value from
AlcPara ms table. " LABEL "Parameter Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Parameter Number"
INDEX "AllocIDParamSegment" ON "AlcRange" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By
Company By AllocID By ParamNbr By SegmentNbr"
INDEX "BookAllocID" ON "AlcRange" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BookID By AllocID"
INDEX "COASegment" ON "AlcRange" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
COACode By SegmentNbr"

TABLE "AlcTarget" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Allocation Target"

FIELD "Company" OF "AlcTarget": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "AllocID" OF "AlcTarget": character DESCRIPTION "Allocation Code." LABEL
"Allocation Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Code"
FIELD "AllocTgtNbr" OF "AlcTarget": integer DESCRIPTION "Internal next number
sequence used to keep the records unique. N ot intended for display or use by the
end user." LABEL "Allocation Target Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Target Number"

FIELD "RatioFormula" OF "AlcTarget": character DESCRIPTION "Formula entered by the

user used to calculate the allocation amou nt. Only valid if the allocation option
= 2." LABEL "Formula" COLUMN-LABEL "Formula"
FIELD "AllocOption" OF "AlcTarget": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifies how allocations
are applied. 1 = Fixed ratio value. 2 = Formula." LABEL "Allocation Option" COLUMN-
LABEL "Allocation Option"
FIELD "RatioValue" OF "AlcTarget": decimal DESCRIPTION "Postive, fractional value
indicating how much of an allocation is applied to this target." LABEL "Ratio"
FIELD "BookID" OF "AlcTarget": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier" LABEL
"Book ID"
FIELD "TgtGLAcct" OF "AlcTarget": character DESCRIPTION "The GL Account an amount
is allocated to. This may be an actual GL Account or a masked account where each
mask character is swapped with the cor responding character from the source GL
Account." LABEL "Target GL Account" COLUMN-LABEL "Target GL Account"
FIELD "TgtSegVal1" OF "AlcTarget": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value 1"
LABEL "Target Segment Value 1" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 1"
FIELD "TgtSegVal2" OF "AlcTarget": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value 2"
LABEL "Target Segment Value 2" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 2"
FIELD "TgtSegVal3" OF "AlcTarget": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value 3"
LABEL "Target Segment Value 3" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 3"
FIELD "TgtSegVal4" OF "AlcTarget": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value 4"
LABEL "Target Segment Value 4" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 4"
FIELD "TgtSegVal5" OF "AlcTarget": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value 5"
LABEL "Target Segment Value 5" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 5"
FIELD "TgtSegVal6" OF "AlcTarget": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value 6"
LABEL "Target Segment Value 6"
COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 6"
FIELD "TgtSegVal7" OF "AlcTarget": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value 7"
LABEL "Target Segment Value 7" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 7"
FIELD "TgtSegVal8" OF "AlcTarget": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value 8"
LABEL "Target Segment Value 8" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 8"
FIELD "TgtSegVal9" OF "AlcTarget": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value 9"
LABEL "Target Segment Value 9" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 9"
FIELD "TgtSegVal10" OF "AlcTarget": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value 10"
LABEL "Target Segment Value 10" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 10"
FIELD "TgtSegVal11" OF "AlcTarget": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value 11"
LABEL "Target Segment Value 11" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 11"
FIELD "TgtSegVal12" OF "AlcTarget": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value 12"
LABEL "Target Segment Value 12" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 12"
FIELD "TgtSegVal13" OF "AlcTarget": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value 13"
LABEL "Target Segment Value 13" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 13"
FIELD "TgtSegVal14" OF "AlcTarget": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value 14"
LABEL "Target Segment Value 14" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 14"
FIELD "TgtSegVal15" OF "AlcTarget": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value 15"
LABEL "Target Segment Value 15" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 15"
FIELD "TgtSegVal16" OF "AlcTarget": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value 16"
LABEL "Target Segment Value 16"
COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 16"
FIELD "TgtSegVal17" OF "AlcTarget": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value 17"
LABEL "Target Segment Value 17" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 17"
FIELD "TgtSegVal18" OF "AlcTarget": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value 18"
LABEL "Target Segment Value 18" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 18"
FIELD "TgtSegVal19" OF "AlcTarget": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value 19"
LABEL "Target Segment Value 19" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 19"
FIELD "TgtSegVal20" OF "AlcTarget": character DESCRIPTION "Target Segment Value 20"
LABEL "Target Segment Value 20" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Segment Value 20"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AlcTarget": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AlcTarget": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AlcTarget": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "COACode" OF "AlcTarget": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID" LABEL
FIELD "AllocUnits" OF "AlcTarget": decimal DESCRIPTION "The relative number of
units used to allocate to this account. Allocation units / Total Allocation units
is used to distribute the amount. Tota l Allocation units are calculated for a
given AllocID and not stored." LABEL "Allocation Units"
INDEX "AllocTgtNbr" ON "AlcTarget" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
AllocID By AllocTgtNbr"
INDEX "BookAllocID" ON "AlcTarget" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BookID By AllocID"
INDEX "TgtGLAccount" ON "AlcTarget" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
AllocID By TgtGLAcct"

TABLE "AlertGroup" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Alert Group" DESCRIPTION "An alert
group which defines a list of global alerts and shop war nings to be received."
FIELD "Company" OF "AlertGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "Description" OF "AlertGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Description of Alert
GroupID." LABEL "Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "AlertList" OF "AlertGroup": character DESCRIPTION "A LIST-DELIM delimited
list of global alerts to be received by gr oup." LABEL "Alert List" COLUMN-LABEL
"Alert List"
FIELD "WarningList" OF "AlertGroup": character DESCRIPTION "A LIST-DELIM delimited
list of warnings to be received by group" LABEL "Warning List" COLUMN-LABEL
"Warning List"
FIELD "GroupID" OF "AlertGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Work Center Group ID" LABEL
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AlertGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AlertGroup": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AlertGroup": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
TABLE "AlertLog" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Log of Email that Global alerts
failed to send."
FIELD "Company" OF "AlertLog": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "Alertnum" OF "AlertLog": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifies the record" LABEL
"Alert Number"
FIELD "ErrLogNum" OF "AlertLog": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier - created
by finding the last GlbAlrtLog with t he same company and alert number and adding 1
to its ErrLogNum" LABEL "Error Log Number"
FIELD "ErrorType" OF "AlertLog": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the type of
error that caused the e-mail to fail, 'mail' - E-Mail not running, 'recp' - A
recipient was not in the e-mail list" LABEL "Error Type"
FIELD "Description" OF "AlertLog": character DESCRIPTION "Description for the alert
from GlbAlert" LABEL "Description"
FIELD "EMailAddr" OF "AlertLog": character DESCRIPTION "E-Mail address list
including additional mail to names like salesperson" LABEL "E-Mail Address" COLUMN-
LABEL "E-Mail Address"
FIELD "EMailCC" OF "AlertLog": character DESCRIPTION "E-Mail address list" LABEL
FIELD "Sender" OF "AlertLog": character DESCRIPTION "The ID of the person that
attempted to Send the e-mail. Defaults to current DCD-UserID when the record is
created." LABEL "Sender"
FIELD "SentDate" OF "AlertLog": date DESCRIPTION "Date when the E-mail was sent. "
LABEL "Date Sent"
FIELD "SentTime" OF "AlertLog": integer DESCRIPTION "Time of day when the e-mail
was sent. (seconds since midnight format)"
FIELD "AlertText" OF "AlertLog": character DESCRIPTION "Alert text " LABEL "Text"
FIELD "EmailFromAddr" OF "AlertLog": character DESCRIPTION "The email address to be
used as the ""From"" portion of the email ." LABEL "Email From Address"
FIELD "EmailFromLabel" OF "AlertLog": character DESCRIPTION "The label used for the
""From"" email address. If blank then jus t the email address will be used." LABEL
"Email From Label"
FIELD "MimeHeader" OF "AlertLog": character DESCRIPTION "The Mime Header sent with
the email." LABEL "Mime Header"
FIELD "ErrorText" OF "AlertLog": character DESCRIPTION "Error text returned through
SMTP." LABEL "Error Text"
FIELD "AlertDate" OF "AlertLog": date DESCRIPTION "Date this alert was created."
FIELD "AlertTime" OF "AlertLog": integer DESCRIPTION "Time of day when the alert
was created. (seconds since midnight format)"
FIELD "Plant" OF "AlertLog": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of this plant
assigned by the user." LABEL "Plant" COLUMN-LABEL "Plant"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AlertLog": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AlertLog": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AlertLog": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
TABLE "AlertQue" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "A queue of email alerts"
FIELD "Company" OF "AlertQue": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "Alertnum" OF "AlertQue": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifies the alert record"
LABEL "Alert Number"
FIELD "QueueNum" OF "AlertQue": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier - created by
finding the last AlertQue with the same company and alert number and adding 1 to
its QueueNum" LABEL "Queue Number"
FIELD "Sender" OF "AlertQue": character DESCRIPTION "The ID of the person sending
the email. Defaults to current DCDUserID when the record is created." LABEL
FIELD "EMailAddr" OF "AlertQue": character DESCRIPTION "E-Mail address list" LABEL
"E-Mail Address" COLUMN-LABEL "E-Mail Address"
FIELD "EMailCC" OF "AlertQue": character DESCRIPTION "E-Mail carbon-copy address
list" LABEL "E-Mail CC" COLUMN-LABEL "E-Mail CC"
FIELD "AlertText" OF "AlertQue": character DESCRIPTION "Alert text " LABEL "Text"
FIELD "Subject" OF "AlertQue": character DESCRIPTION "The email subject line"
FIELD "LinkParameters" OF "AlertQue": character DESCRIPTION "A delimited list of
parameters used to create the email link." LABEL "Email Link Parameters"
FIELD "EmailFrom" OF "AlertQue": character DESCRIPTION "The email that will appear
in the FROM portion of the email. Thi s has a format of: "";Text
Name""" LABEL "Email From"
FIELD "MimeHeader" OF "AlertQue": character
DESCRIPTION "The Mime Header sent with the email." LABEL "Mime Header"
FIELD "BodyType" OF "AlertQue": character DESCRIPTION "The body type of the email."
LABEL "Body Type"
FIELD "SendAttempts" OF "AlertQue": integer DESCRIPTION "The number of attempts
that have been made to send the email." LABEL "Send Attempts"
FIELD "AlertDate" OF "AlertQue": date DESCRIPTION "Date this alert was created."
FIELD "AlertTime" OF "AlertQue": integer DESCRIPTION "Time of day when the alert
was created. (seconds since midnight format)"
FIELD "Plant" OF "AlertQue": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of this plant
assigned by the user." LABEL "Plant" COLUMN-LABEL "Plant"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AlertQue": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AlertQue": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AlertQue": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "AltCenter" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Alternate WorkCenter cross

reference master. An alternate workce nter is a center that has the same/like
capabilities as its parent workcenter. This is similar in concept to the Part with
substitute parts. Maintained as a function within workcenter maintenance." FOREIGN-
NAME "n/a"
FIELD "Company" OF "AltCenter": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ResourceGrpID" OF "AltCenter": character DESCRIPTION "The Resource Group ID
that has the alternate workcenters. You ca n think of this as the Parent work
center. "
LABEL "ResourceGrpID"
FIELD "AltResourceGrpID" OF "AltCenter": character DESCRIPTION "The code of the
ResourceGroup that is an alternate of the parent ResourceGroup
(AltCenter.ResourceGrpID). This must be valid in the ID of the Res ourceGroup that
is considered as an alternate for the parent ResourceGroup. " LABEL "Alt. Resource
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AltCenter": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AltCenter": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AltCenter": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "AltCenter" ON "AltCenter" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index used to
establish unique alternate workcenter master record s."

TABLE "AnalysisCd" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Analysis Code" DESCRIPTION "Analysis
Codes for Projects."
FIELD "Company" OF "AnalysisCd": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "AnalysisCode" OF "AnalysisCd": character DESCRIPTION "The unique anlysis
code identifier." LABEL "Analysis Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Analysis Code"
FIELD "Description" OF "AnalysisCd": character DESCRIPTION "Description" LABEL
"Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "InActive" OF "AnalysisCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not
this code appears in drop-down selection lists in quotes and jobs." LABEL
"InActive" COLUMN-LABEL "InActive"
FIELD "JobAsm" OF "AnalysisCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not this
code can be assigned to assemblies ." LABEL "Job/Assembly" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "operation" OF "AnalysisCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not
this code can be assigned to operations ." LABEL "operation" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "material" OF "AnalysisCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not
this code can be assigned to materials. " LABEL "material" COLUMN-LABEL "material"
FIELD "Active" OF "AnalysisCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not this
code appears in drop-down selectio n lists to be assigned to new assemblies,
operations or materials. "
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AnalysisCd": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AnalysisCd": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AnalysisCd": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalAnalysisCd" OF "AnalysisCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this
AnalysisCd as global, available to be sent out to othe r companies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "AnalysisCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."

TABLE "Annotation" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Contains user defined Help
FIELD "Company" OF "Annotation": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "HelpPageRef" OF "Annotation": character
DESCRIPTION "html help page that annotation is associated with" LABEL "Help Page
FIELD "LangNameID" OF "Annotation": character DESCRIPTION "Annotation Language "
FIELD "AnnotationType" OF "Annotation": character DESCRIPTION "'C'ompany or 'U'ser"
LABEL "Type"
FIELD "CreateDate" OF "Annotation": date DESCRIPTION "The date that this serial
numbered was created." LABEL "Creation Date"
FIELD "CreatedBy" OF "Annotation": character DESCRIPTION "Created By" LABEL
"Created By" COLUMN-LABEL "Created By"
FIELD "CreateTime" OF "Annotation": integer DESCRIPTION "Creation Time" LABEL
"Creation Time"
FIELD "ModifiedBy" OF "Annotation": character DESCRIPTION "Modified By" LABEL
"Modified By"
FIELD "ModifiedDate" OF "Annotation": date DESCRIPTION "Modification Date" LABEL
"Modified Date"
FIELD "ModifiedTime" OF "Annotation": integer DESCRIPTION "Modification Time" LABEL
"Modified Time"
FIELD "AnnotationText" OF "Annotation": character DESCRIPTION "Annotation Text"
LABEL "Annotation Text"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "Annotation": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "Annotation": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "Annotation": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "APAlcDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "AP Invoice GL Allocation detail"
FIELD "Company" OF "APAlcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "AllocID" OF "APAlcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique set of characters
entered by the user to identify the allo cation master within the company. " LABEL
FIELD "AllocLine" OF "APAlcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "An internally assigned
integer which is used as part of the key t o uniquely identify the record. "
FIELD "OBS900-GLDiv" OF "APAlcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Division component of
G/L account that is to be allocated to. Th e full G/L account number is made up of
GLDiv, GLChart and GLDept. These indiv idual fields are indirectly entered via a
G/L account fill-in widget. "
FIELD "OBS900-GLDept" OF "APAlcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Department component of
G/L account that is to be allocated to. See GLDiv field description for related
info. "
FIELD "OBS900-GLChart" OF "APAlcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account
component of G/L account that is to be allocat ed to. See GLDiv field description
for related info. "
FIELD "AllocationUnits" OF "APAlcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The relative number of
units used to allocate to this account. Allocation units / Total Allocation units
is used to distribute the amount to th e G/L account." LABEL "Allocation Units"
FIELD "RefCode" OF "APAlcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Reference Code"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "APAlcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "APAlcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "APAlcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "APAlcHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "AP Invoice GL Allocation header "
FIELD "Company" OF "APAlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "AllocID" OF "APAlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Unique set of characters
entered by the user to identify the allo cation master within the company. " LABEL
FIELD "Description" OF "APAlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the
allocation. Used as the default journal entry description. "
FIELD "Basis" OF "APAlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "What the allocation unit are
based on. For reference purposes on ly. Ex: Sq. Feet, Percentage,... " LABEL
FIELD "OBS900-GLDiv" OF "APAlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Division component of
default G/L account that is to be allocated from. The full G/L account number is
made up of GLDiv, GLChart and GLDept. T hese individual fields are indirectly
entered via a G/L account fill-in widget. "
FIELD "OBS900-GLDept" OF "APAlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Department component of
default G/L account that is to be allocat ed from. See GLDiv field description for
related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-GLChart" OF "APAlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account
component of default G/L account that is to be allocated from. See GLDiv field
description for related info. "
FIELD "LastDate" OF "APAlcHed": date DESCRIPTION "Last date on which journal
entries were created with this alloca tion.. " LABEL "Last Used"
FIELD "LastUser" OF "APAlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "User ID that last created
journal entries with this allocation." LABEL "Last User"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "APAlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "APAlcHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "APAlcHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "APChkGrp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Accounts Payable Check processing
group control file. DELETE: not allowed if there are any related unposted CheckHed
FIELD "Company" OF "APChkGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GroupID" OF "APChkGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Before allowing invoices to
be entered, the user establishes a Gr oup ID. All invoices belong to a group until
the group is posted. The Group ID i s assigned by the user. The Group ID is used to
selectively print and post the transactions and establishes the invoice date and
fiscal period defaults for inv oices assigned to the Group. " LABEL "Group"
FIELD "CreatedBy" OF "APChkGrp": character DESCRIPTION "The user ID that created
this batch." LABEL "Created By"
FIELD "ActiveUserID" OF "APChkGrp": character DESCRIPTION "The user ID that is
currently logged into this Group. This is dis played on the Group browser so that
users may know which Groups are available." LABEL "In Use By"
FIELD "BankAcctID" OF "APChkGrp": character DESCRIPTION "The ID of the BankAcct
master which for the bank account from whi ch the transactions in this group will
be paid. This is a mandatory entry and mu st be valid. It can be changed at check
print time. Check printing uses this as a default account to pay from. " LABEL
"Bank Account ID"
FIELD "CheckDate" OF "APChkGrp": date DESCRIPTION "Default Check date to be used
when printing checks for this group
. Default to current system date. During the check print process the check date is
overridable; this is date is used as a default. This date must be found in t he
Fiscal file. The Fiscal file provides the Fiscal Year and Period, which is de
faulted based on this date." LABEL "Check Date"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "APChkGrp": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the currency." LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "Cashbook" OF "APChkGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "if this group is created by
the Cashbook then other programs can not select this group." LABEL "Cashbook"
FIELD "PostInProcess" OF "APChkGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Field to lock the InvcGrp
record while the Post Process is runnin g." LABEL "Post in Process"
FIELD "PostErrorLog" OF "APChkGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Contains error messages
returned by the Post process." LABEL "Post Error Log"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "APChkGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "APChkGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "APChkGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Rate Group Code" LABEL
"Rate Group Code"
FIELD "PromissoryNote" OF "APChkGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Promissory Note" LABEL
"Promissory Note"
FIELD "EIPaymSent" OF "APChkGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Yes if group having payment
method with type ?Electronic Interfac e? was successfully processed"
FIELD "PMUID" OF "APChkGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the payment
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "APChkGrp": integer
DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit
Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GrpCreationVia" OF "APChkGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the group
was created by AP Payment Instrument Entry or AP Invoice Entry.

TABLE "APElecPy" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "* A/P Electronic Payment TEMPORARY


FIELD "CheckNum" OF "APElecPy": integer DESCRIPTION "Check Number." LABEL "Check
FIELD "CheckDate" OF "APElecPy": date DESCRIPTION "Check Date is assigned during
the printing process for system pri nted checks or entered by the user for hand
written checks." LABEL "Check Date"
FIELD "CheckAmt" OF "APElecPy": decimal DESCRIPTION "Check Amount or electronic
payment amount in base currency" LABEL "Check Amt"
FIELD "DocCheckAmt" OF "APElecPy": decimal DESCRIPTION "Check Amount or electronic
payment amount in the check/payment cu rrency" LABEL "Check Amt"
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "APElecPy": integer DESCRIPTION "The VendorNum that ties back
to the Vendor master file. This fie ld is not directly maintainable, instead its
assigned via selection list process ing. " LABEL "Supplier"
FIELD "VendorName" OF "APElecPy": character DESCRIPTION "Vendors name. " LABEL
FIELD "VendorAddress1" OF "APElecPy": character DESCRIPTION "First Address line of
the supplier." LABEL "Address"
FIELD "VendorAddress2" OF "APElecPy": character DESCRIPTION "Second Address line of
the Supplier." LABEL "" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "VendorAddress3" OF "APElecPy": character DESCRIPTION "Third Address line of
the Supplier." LABEL "" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "VendorCity" OF "APElecPy": character DESCRIPTION "City of the Supplier."
LABEL "City"
FIELD "VendorState" OF "APElecPy": character DESCRIPTION "Can be blank." LABEL
"State/Prov" COLUMN-LABEL "State/Province"
FIELD "VendorPostalCode" OF "APElecPy": character DESCRIPTION "Postal code or zip
code of the supplier." LABEL "Postal Code"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "APElecPy": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the currency." LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "ExchangeRate" OF "APElecPy": decimal DESCRIPTION "Exchange rate that will be
used for this invoice. Defaults from CurrRate.CurrentRate. Conversion rates will be
calculated as System Base = Forei gn value * rate, Foreign value = system base *
(1/rate). This is the dollar in f oreign currency from the exchange rate tables in
the newspapers." LABEL "Exchange Rate"
FIELD "Obsolete900-DocToRef" OF "APElecPy": logical DESCRIPTION "The direction of
the exchange rate is determined by this field. I f DocToRef is true then the rate
is expressed as ""1 document currency is X refe rence currency"". If DocToRef is
false then the rate is expressed as ""1 refere nce currency is X document
currency"". " LABEL "Document to Reference"
FIELD "Obsolete900-RefToBase" OF "APElecPy": logical DESCRIPTION "The direction of
the RefToBaseRate is determined by this field. I f RefToBase is true then the rate
is expressed as ""1 reference currency is X Ba se currency"". If RefToBase is false
then the rate is expressed as ""1 Base cur rency is X reference currency"". " LABEL
"Reference to Base"
FIELD "VendorCountryNum" OF "APElecPy": integer DESCRIPTION "Country part of
address. This field is in sync with the Country f ield. It must be a valid entry in
the Country table." LABEL "Country Number"
FIELD "VendorBankID" OF "APElecPy": character DESCRIPTION "ID of the vendor's
LABEL "Supplier's Bank ID"
FIELD "VendorBankName" OF "APElecPy": character DESCRIPTION "Bank Name of the
Supplier Bank" LABEL "Bank Name"
FIELD "VendorBankAddress1" OF "APElecPy": character DESCRIPTION "First Address line
of the supplier Bank." LABEL "Address"
FIELD "VendorBankAddress2" OF "APElecPy": character DESCRIPTION "Second Address
line of the Supplier Bank." LABEL "" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "VendorBankAddress3" OF "APElecPy": character DESCRIPTION "Third Address line
of the Supplier Bank." LABEL "" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "VendorBankCity" OF "APElecPy": character DESCRIPTION "City of the Supplier
Bank." LABEL "City"
FIELD "VendorBankState" OF "APElecPy": character DESCRIPTION "Can be blank." LABEL
"State/Prov" COLUMN-LABEL "State/Province"
FIELD "VendorBankPostalCode" OF "APElecPy": character DESCRIPTION "Postal code or
zip code of the supplier Bank." LABEL "Postal Code"
FIELD "VendorBankCountryNum" OF "APElecPy": integer DESCRIPTION "Country part of
address. This field is in sync with the Country f ield. It must be a valid entry in
the Country table." LABEL "Country Number"
FIELD "VendorBankAcctNumber" OF "APElecPy": character DESCRIPTION "The Bank account
number for the Vendor. Used with Electronic pay ments." LABEL "Bank Account"
COLUMN-LABEL "Bank Account"
FIELD "VendorBankCountry" OF "APElecPy": character DESCRIPTION "Country name" LABEL
FIELD "VendorCountry" OF "APElecPy": character
DESCRIPTION "Country name" LABEL "Supplier Country"
FIELD "HeadNum" OF "APElecPy": integer DESCRIPTION "Internal unique ID of a check."

FIELD "FromBankAcctID" OF "APElecPy": character DESCRIPTION "The Bank Account ID

the payment is paid from." LABEL "From Bank Account ID"
FIELD "VendorAccountRef" OF "APElecPy": character DESCRIPTION "Defaulted from the
Vendor. Identifies your account with the vend or. This is an optional field which
is included on any payments the system gene rates to this vendor."
FIELD "FromBankRoutingNum" OF "APElecPy": character DESCRIPTION "The Routing Number
of the Bank Account the payment is paid from." LABEL "From Bank Routing Number"
FIELD "FromBankCheckDigit" OF "APElecPy": integer DESCRIPTION "The Account Check
Digit of the Bank Account the payment is paid f rom." LABEL "From Bank Check Digit"

FIELD "FromBankName" OF "APElecPy": character DESCRIPTION "The Name of the Bank

Account the payment is paid from." LABEL "From Bank Name"
FIELD "FromBankServClassCode" OF "APElecPy": character DESCRIPTION "The Service
Class of the Bank Account the payment is paid from." LABEL "Service Class Code"
FIELD "FromBankEntryClassCode" OF "APElecPy": character DESCRIPTION "The Entry
Class of the Bank Account the payment is paid from." LABEL "From Bank Entry Class
FIELD "VendorBankNameOnAccount" OF "APElecPy": character DESCRIPTION "Name on the
Bank Account. " LABEL "Name"
FIELD "VendorBankSwiftNum" OF "APElecPy": character DESCRIPTION "Swift number of
the bank. (Data is copied from the CheckHed.Swift Num field). " LABEL "Swift
FIELD "FromBankCompID" OF "APElecPy": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Company ID of Bank
Account the payment is paid from." LABEL "From Bank's Company ID"
FIELD "Rpt1CheckAmt" OF "APElecPy": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Check Amt"
FIELD "Rpt2CheckAmt" OF "APElecPy": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Check Amt"
FIELD "Rpt3CheckAmt" OF "APElecPy": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Check Amt"
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "APElecPy": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier" LABEL
"Rate Group Code"
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "APElecPy": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "APElecPy": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "APElecPy": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "APInvDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Accounts Payable Invoice Detail"
FIELD "Company" OF "APInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "APInvDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "VendorNum duplicated from the
corresponding APInvHed record. Not directly maintainable by the operator." LABEL
FIELD "InvoiceNum" OF "APInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Invoice Number from
corresponding APInvHed record." LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "InvoiceLine" OF "APInvDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "This field along with
Company, VendorNum and InvoiceNum make up t he unique key to the table. The system
generates this number during entry of new detail records. The system determines
next available number by finding the APIn
vDtl record for the Invoice and the adding 1 to it. " LABEL "Line"
FIELD "IUM" OF "APInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unit of Measure code for invoiced
quantity in our unit of measure . Defaulted in the following hierarchy: from the
RcvDel.IUM if packing slip is r eferenced, from PODetail.IUM if PO is referenced,
from Part.IUM if valid part or finally from XaSyst.DefaultUM. " LABEL "U/M"
FIELD "PUM" OF "APInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unit of Measure code for the
vendor's quantity. Defaulted in the following hierarchy: from the RcvDel.PUM if
packing slip is referenced, from POD etail.PUM if PO is referenced, from Part.PUM
if valid part or finally from XaSys t.DefaultUM. " LABEL "U/M"
FIELD "UnitCost" OF "APInvDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "item's unit cost in the
vendors unit of measure. Default can be obtained from the PODetail.UnitCost if
related." LABEL "Unit Cost"
FIELD "LineComment" OF "APInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Used to establish invoice
comments about the invoice line."
FIELD "PartNum" OF "APInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Part number used to identify
line item part." LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "LineType" OF "APInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the type of
invoice line. ""R"" = Invoiced for Receipt of goods, ""A"" - Advance Billing, ""M""
- Misc. Billing, ""U"" - Unreceived go ods, ""J"" - Job Miscellaneous charge A/P
invoice, ""S"" - Asset Invoice Line. Not directly entered, set by invoice entry by
the user selecting the appropriat e menu option."
FIELD "JobSeq" OF "APInvDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Seq # of specific material or
subcontract operation record to whi ch this line item is costed against. Defaults
from the RcvDtl.JobSeq. Only appli cable for a receipts to job." LABEL "Seq"
FIELD "PONum" OF "APInvDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Purchase Order Number that this
invoice line item is related to. If packing slip is referenced then it is set = to
RcvDtl.PONum and can't be chan ged. If entered it must be a valid POHeader record.
A reference is made to the purchase order using PONUM, POLine and PORelNum field s.
If any one of these fields are entered then they all must be entered and be v
alid." LABEL "PO"
FIELD "POLine" OF "APInvDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The PO line # that invoice is
for. Defaulted from the RvcDtl if r eferenced to packing slip document.. Only
applicable when PO is referenced. " LABEL "Line"
FIELD "Description" OF "APInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Invoice line
description." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "JobNum" OF "APInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Job that this invoice is
related to. Set to the RcvDtl.JobNum. " LABEL "Job"
FIELD "AssemblySeq" OF "APInvDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Job Assembly Sequence that
this invoice line is related to. Set t o RcvDtl.AssemblySeq. " LABEL "Asmbly"
FIELD "JobSeqType" OF "APInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this invoice
line is related to a job material (jobm tl) or job subcontract (JobOper) record.
Valid values are ""M"" = material or "" S"" = subcontract. This is set to
RvcDtl.JobSeqType." LABEL "Matl/Subc."
FIELD "PORelNum" OF "APInvDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Purchase Order Release # which
is being invoiced. Defaulted from RcvDtl if related to a packing slip. If entered
it Must be valid. " LABEL "Rel"
FIELD "ExtCost" OF "APInvDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Extended Cost for the invoice
line item. Calculated as the (Vendo rQty/CostPer) * UnitCost or can be directly
maintained in which case it recalcul ates the UnitCost value. " LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "VendorQty" OF "APInvDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Invoiced Quantity for
the line item. This is stored in the Vendors Unit of Measure. Can be defaulted from
the packing slip detail if refe renced (RcvDtl.POReceiptQty)" LABEL "Supplier Qty"
FIELD "OurQty" OF "APInvDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Invoiced Quantity for the line
item in our unit of measure. This can be defaulted from the packing slip detail if
referenced (RcvDtl.ReceiptQty)" LABEL "Our Qty"
FIELD "TotalMiscChrg" OF "APInvDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Non-Maintainable. Rolled
up total of all misc. charge records fo r this invoice detail line."
LABEL "Misc. Chrgs."
FIELD "PackSlip" OF "APInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Vendor's packing slip that
this A\P invoice detail line is associ ated with. This Along with PackLine provides
a relationship to the receipt docum ent detail (RcvDtl)" LABEL "Packing Slip"
FIELD "PackLine" OF "APInvDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The Pack Slip line of the
RcvDtl record to which this A\P detail record is related to." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "CostPerCode" OF "APInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the costing per
quantity. It can be ""E"" = per each, ""C"" = per hundred, ""M"" = per thousand.
Used to calculate the extended unit cost for the line item. The logic is to divide
the APInvDtl.VendorQty by the app ropriate ""per"" value and then multiply by unit
cost. Use the PODetail.CostPer Code if related to a PO else use Part.PricePerCode
if valid part. Else default a s ""E"". Valid database values are ""E"" = Each,
""C"" = per 100 or ""M"" = per 1,000." LABEL "Cost Per"
FIELD "VenPartNum" OF "APInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Vendor's part number.
Optional, defaults from the RcvDtl, PODetai l or blank. " LABEL "Supplier Part"
COLUMN-LABEL "Supplier Part"
FIELD "PurPoint" OF "APInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The Vendor's purchase point
ID. This is used as part of the forei gn key to reference the RcvHead/RcvDtl
records." LABEL "Purchase Point"
FIELD "DocUnitCost" OF "APInvDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "item's unit cost in the
vendors unit of measure and currency. De fault can be obtained from the
PODetail.DocUnitCost if related." LABEL "Unit Cost"
FIELD "DocExtCost" OF "APInvDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Extended Cost for the
invoice line item in Vendors currency. Calc ulated as the (VendorQty/CostPer) *
UnitCost or can be directly maintained in wh ich case it recalculates the UnitCost
value. " LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "DocTotalMiscChrg" OF "APInvDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Non-Maintainable.
Rolled up total of all misc. charge records fo r this invoice detail line in
vendors currency." LABEL "Misc. Chrgs."
FIELD "OBS900-CAMatchDiv" OF "APInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of the G/L Clearing Account. Only applies when the Invoice/Receipt matching program
(APE70) is configured to generate G/L entr ies for the Clearing account. This
occurs when Inventory is not interfaced with G/L (GLSyst.PostInvyWipCos = No) and
LineType = ""U"" (Unreceived Line). Under this condition AP Invoice Posting process
(APE10) will update these fields wit h the proper clearing account.. The
Receipt/Invoice Match program (APE70) genera tes an offsetting entry to this
account. This account pulled from APAcct of v endor if defined else from XASyst.
FYI: If interfaced then the Receipts credit t his account via JCP80-GN). A/P
Invoice debits this account. "
FIELD "OBS900-CAMatchChart" OF "APInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component
of the G/L Clearing Account. (See CaMatchingDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-CAMatchDept" OF "APInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the G/L Clearing Account. (See CAMatchingDiv description)"
FIELD "MatchDate" OF "APInvDtl": date DESCRIPTION "Mirror image of related
RCVHead.ReceiptDate. Only applies to Lin eType = U. Updated during the
Invoice/Receipt match posting process if GLSyst.Po stInvtyWipCos = No. This date is
used as the journal date and to determine the fiscal period when the
Invoice/Receipt process is responsible for generating the GL entries. (See
CaMatchingDiv description) " LABEL "Date"
FIELD "MatchFiscalYear" OF "APInvDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Applies only to
UnReceived Lines (LineType = U). Update via the I nvoice/Receipt Match program when
Inventory is NOT interfaced to G/L. " LABEL "Fiscal Year"
FIELD "MatchFiscalPeriod" OF "APInvDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Applies only to
UnReceived Lines (LineType = U). Update via the I nvoice/Receipt Match program when
Inventory is NOT interfaced to G/L. " LABEL "Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Period"
FIELD "TaxExempt" OF "APInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this item is
exempt from sales tax for this line ite m. If field is non-blank it is considered
exempt. This code is totally user de finable and no validation is required. This
field is intended to be used for an alysis purposes. When the value is changed from
blank to non-blank or vice vers a tax calculation logic kicks in to calculate the
sales tax info. " LABEL "Tax Exempt"
FIELD "TaxCatID" OF "APInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Tax Category
for this line item. Defaults from the Part Master. " LABEL "Category ID"
FIELD "AdvancePayAmt" OF "APInvDtl": decimal
DESCRIPTION "The amount this line item that is reduced by due to prior advance d
payments. It is defaulted from the PODetail.AdvancePayBal. This value redu ces the
PODetail.AdvancePayBal. " LABEL "Advance Pay Amt"
FIELD "DocAdvancePayAmt" OF "APInvDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The amount this line
item that is reduced by due to prior advance d payments. It is defaulted from the
PODetail.AdvancePayBal. This value reduc es the PODetail.AdvancePayBal. " LABEL
"Advance Pay Amt"
FIELD "OBS900-AdvpayDiv" OF "APInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of Advance Payment G/L account for a this Pay ables Account. The full G/L account
number is made up of AdvPayDiv, AdvPayChart and AdvPayDept. These individual fields
are never directly entered, rather it i s entered as part of a field that
represents the full G/L account number. All t hree components MUST be entered and
valid in the GLAcct.
FIELD "OBS900-AdvPayDept" OF "APInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The Department
component of the Advance Payment G/L account for t his payables account. See
AdvPayDiv field description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-AdvPayChart" OF "APInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component
for the Advance payment G/L account for this paya bles account. See APDiv field
description for related info. "
FIELD "PurchCode" OF "APInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Purchase Code." LABEL
"Purchase Type Code"
FIELD "LineDiscAmt" OF "APInvDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Discount amount for this
line" LABEL "Discount"
FIELD "DocLineDiscAmt" OF "APInvDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Discount amount (Vendors
Currency) for this line" LABEL "Discount"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "APInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Global Company identifier.
Used in Consolidated Purchasing."
FIELD "GlbInvoiceNum" OF "APInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Global Invoice
identifier. Used in Consolidated Purchasing."
FIELD "GlbInvoiceLine" OF "APInvDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Global Invoice Line
identifier. Used in Consolidated Purchasing. "
FIELD "GlbVendorNum" OF "APInvDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Global Vendor identifier.
Used in Consolidated Purchasing."
FIELD "AdvGainLoss" OF "APInvDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Wherever the Less Advanced
or Less Deposited is calculated, put a ny gain-loss difference into this field."
LABEL "Advance Gain Loss"
FIELD "MultiCompany" OF "APInvDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate that G/L
entries appearing under this invoice li ne will have multi-company journals entered
at the target external company." LABEL "Multi-Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Multi-Company"

FIELD "RevChargeMethod" OF "APInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates what VAT

Reverse Charge method needs to be applied for this invoice line. The possible
values are: ""RCT"" - ""Reverse Charge with Threshold""; ""RCN"" - ""Reverse Charge
with No Threshold"" Leave this field blank if no Reverse Charge should be applied
in the AP invoice line." LABEL "Reverse Charge Method" COLUMN-LABEL "RevCharge
FIELD "OverrideReverseCharge" OF "APInvDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
user overrides the Reverse Charge Method." LABEL "Override Reverse Charge" COLUMN-
LABEL "OverrideRevChrg"
FIELD "RevChargeApplied" OF "APInvDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if Reverse
Charge tax line has been applied." LABEL "Rev Charge Applied" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "Rpt1AdvancePayAmt" OF "APInvDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Advance Pay Amt"
FIELD "Rpt2AdvancePayAmt" OF "APInvDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Advance Pay Amt"
FIELD "Rpt3AdvancePayAmt" OF "APInvDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Advance Pay Amt"
FIELD "Rpt1ExtCost" OF "APInvDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2ExtCost" OF "APInvDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3ExtCost" OF "APInvDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1LineDiscAmt" OF "APInvDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Discount"
FIELD "Rpt2LineDiscAmt" OF "APInvDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Discount"
FIELD "Rpt3LineDiscAmt" OF "APInvDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Discount"
FIELD "Rpt1TotalMiscChrg" OF "APInvDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Misc. Chrgs."
FIELD "Rpt2TotalMiscChrg" OF "APInvDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Misc. Chrgs."
FIELD "Rpt3TotalMiscChrg" OF "APInvDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Misc. Chrgs."
FIELD "Rpt1UnitCost" OF "APInvDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Unit Cost"
FIELD "Rpt2UnitCost" OF "APInvDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Unit Cost"
FIELD "Rpt3UnitCost" OF "APInvDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Unit Cost"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "APInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "DocAdvPayAppld" OF "APInvDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount of advance
payment applied" LABEL "Adv Pay Applied Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2AdvGainLoss" OF "APInvDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Wherever the Less
Advanced or Less Deposited is calculated, put a ny gain-loss difference into this
field." LABEL "Advance Gain Loss"
FIELD "Rpt3AdvGainLoss" OF "APInvDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Wherever the Less
Advanced or Less Deposited is calculated, put a ny gain-loss difference into this
field." LABEL "Advance Gain Loss"
FIELD "Rpt1AdvGainLoss" OF "APInvDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Wherever the Less
Advanced or Less Deposited is calculated, put a ny gain-loss difference into this
field." LABEL "Advance Gain Loss"
FIELD "MatchFiscalYearSuffix" OF "APInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Applies only to
UnReceived Lines (LineType = U). Update via the I nvoice/Receipt Match program when
Inventory is NOT interfaced to G/L. " LABEL "Match Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL
"Match Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "MatchFiscalCalendarID" OF "APInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal
calendar year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Match Fiscal Calendar"
COLUMN-LABEL "Match Fiscal Calendar"
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "APInvDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "TaxRegionCode" OF "APInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The Tax Region for this
invoice." LABEL "Tax Region"
FIELD "ContainerID" OF "APInvDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The Supplier Shipment ID
(also known as the ContainerID)." LABEL "Shipment ID"
FIELD "DropShipPackLine" OF "APInvDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Drop Shipment Pack
Line" LABEL "Line"
FIELD "DropShipPackSlip" OF "APInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Drop shipment
Packing Slip." LABEL "Packing Slip"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "APInvDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "CorrectionDtl" OF "APInvDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Will be set to Yes if the
AP Invoice Dtl was created by the Corre ction (Reversing) logic." LABEL "Correction
FIELD "TaxConnectCalc" OF "APInvDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "If true, the InvcTax
records tied to this line are calculated usi ng Tax Connect logic. If false, taxes
are calculated using the standard calc me thods." LABEL "Tax Connect Calc"
FIELD "AdditionNum" OF "APInvDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Addition Number or sequence
of the linked Asset Addition transact ion."
FIELD "AssetNum" OF "APInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Asset number of the linked
Asset Addition transaction." LABEL "AssetNum" COLUMN-LABEL "AssetNum"
FIELD "InvoiceLineRef" OF "APInvDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Used in a correction
invoice to store reference to the original i nvoice line." LABEL "Line" COLUMN-
FIELD "IncomeTaxCode" OF "APInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Income Tax Code" LABEL
"Income Tax Code"
FIELD "DocAssetInvoiceBal" OF "APInvDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the current
invoice line balance (in vendor currency) lef t to be consumed in the asset
addition process. An asset invoice line can be li nked to one or more assets and
each asset addition linking to this invoice line will reduce the balance of this
DocAssetInvoiceBal. When this field reaches zer o then this invoice line cannot be
linked in the asset addition anymore." LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "AssetBalOurQty" OF "APInvDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the Invoiced
Quantity balance left to be consumed in the asset addition process. An asset
invoice line can be linked to one or more asse ts and each asset addition linking
to this invoice line will reduce the balance qty of this AssetBalOurQty. When this
field reaches zero then this invoice line cannot be linked in the asset addition
anymore. This qty is expressed in our u nit of measure."
LABEL "Our Qty"
FIELD "AssetQtyIUM" OF "APInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unit of Measure code for
asset invoiced quantity balance in our u nit of measure. " LABEL "U/M"
FIELD "DMRNum" OF "APInvDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The DMR Number that requires
supplier credit." LABEL "DMR Number"
FIELD "DMRActionNum" OF "APInvDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The Action Number for the
DMR that requires supplier credit." LABEL "DMR Action Number"
FIELD "CreatedFromExpense" OF "APInvDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
invoice line was created from an EmpExpense rec ord." LABEL "Created From Expense"

TABLE "APInvExp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "A/P Invoice Line item G/L expense
distribution. Related to APInvD tl in a many-to-one relationship. "
FIELD "Company" OF "APInvExp": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "APInvExp": integer DESCRIPTION "VendorNum duplicated from the
corresponding APInvHed record. Not directly maintainable by the operator." LABEL
FIELD "InvoiceNum" OF "APInvExp": character DESCRIPTION "Invoice Number to which
this record is related." LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "InvoiceLine" OF "APInvExp": integer DESCRIPTION "InvoiceLine to which this
record is related." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "InvExpSeq" OF "APInvExp": integer DESCRIPTION "An internally assigned number
used as part of the unique key to t he record. "
FIELD "ExpAmt" OF "APInvExp": decimal DESCRIPTION "G/L expense distribution Amount.
" LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "OBS900-ExpDivision" OF "APInvExp": character DESCRIPTION "The Division
component of the expense G/L account. G/L account is made up of ExpDivision,
ExpGLDept and ExpChart. The G/L Account is MANDATORY a nd MUST be valid in the
GLAcct master file. Defaulted in the following hierarch y for line items: from
PODetail, else from Part.ExpDiv, else from Vendor, if no ne then finally from
APAcct.ExpenseDiv G/L for Miscellaneous charges are default ed as follows...
ExpChart is from the PurMisc master record. If related to PO then first attempt s
to use the PODetail.ExpDivision and ExpDept to find a valid GLAcct. If not fo und
then use the Division and Dept from the PurMisc, if not valid then use the e xpense
account from the APAcct.ExpenseDiv. "
FIELD "OBS900-ExpGLDept" OF "APInvExp": character DESCRIPTION "The Department
component of the G/L account. (see ExpDivision) "
FIELD "OBS900-ExpChart" OF "APInvExp": character DESCRIPTION "The Chart ID
component of the G/L account. (see ExpDivision) "
FIELD "RefType" OF "APInvExp": character DESCRIPTION "Link to the related
GLRefTyp.RefType. Not displayed." LABEL "Ref. Type"
FIELD "RefCode" OF "APInvExp": character DESCRIPTION "Link to the related Code in
GLRefCod.RefCode" LABEL "Ref. Code"
WITH SONOMA! GL Reference Code description ." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "OBS900-RefDispAcct" OF "APInvExp": character DESCRIPTION "(THIS SHOULD BE
FIELDS) character string made up of Division, GLDept and Chart fiel ds concatenated
using the user defined configuration options found in XaSyst fil e. This should be
formatted exactly how the user expects to see their account n umbers (including
separators). This field is generated via the maintenance prog ram. " LABEL "G/L
Account Mask"
FIELD "Obs900-RefAcctDiv" OF "APInvExp": character DESCRIPTION "Foreign Key
Division component to the GLRefAct. Not directly main tainable. The system sets
this field by finding the GLRefAct which has the close st mask to the gl account
that is entered. The Company, RefAcctDiv, RefAcctCha rt, RefAcctDept comprise the
set of foreign key fields to the GLRefAct table."
FIELD "Obs900-RefAcctDept" OF "APInvExp": character DESCRIPTION "Foreign Key
Department component to the GLRefAct. (See RefAcctDiv )"
FIELD "Obs900-RefAcctChart" OF "APInvExp": character DESCRIPTION "Foreign Key Chart
component to the GLRefAct. (See RefAcctDiv)"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "APInvExp": character DESCRIPTION "Global Company identifier.
Used in Consolidated Purchasing."
FIELD "GlbVendorNum" OF "APInvExp": integer DESCRIPTION "Global Vendor identifier.
Used in Consolidated Purchasing."
FIELD "GlbInvoiceNum" OF "APInvExp": character DESCRIPTION "Global Invoice
identifier. Used in Consolidated Purchasing."
FIELD "GlbInvoiceLine" OF "APInvExp": integer DESCRIPTION "Global Invoice Line
identifier. Used in Consolidated Purchasing. "
FIELD "GlbInvExpSeq" OF "APInvExp": integer DESCRIPTION "Global Invoice Expense
identifier. Used in Consolidated Purchasi ng."
FIELD "ExtCompanyID" OF "APInvExp": character DESCRIPTION "Global Company
identifier. Used in Multi-Company Journal." LABEL "External Company"
FIELD "OBS900-ExtGLDiv" OF "APInvExp": character DESCRIPTION "Division component of
the Multi-Company G/L Account from an exter nal company. This is used by the Multi-
Company Journal."
FIELD "OBS900-ExtGLDept" OF "APInvExp": character DESCRIPTION "Department component
of the Multi-Company G/L Account from an ext ernal company. This is used by the
Multi-Company Journal."
FIELD "OBS900-ExtGLChart" OF "APInvExp": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account
component of the Multi-Company G/L Account from an external company. This is used
by the Multi-Company Journal."
FIELD "ExtRefType" OF "APInvExp": character DESCRIPTION "Multi-Company G/L
Reference Type from the external company. This is used by the Multi-Company
Journal." LABEL "External Ref Type"
FIELD "ExtRefCode" OF "APInvExp": character DESCRIPTION "Multi-Company G/L
Reference Code from the external company. This is used by the Multi-Company
LABEL "External Ref Code"
FIELD "MultiCompany" OF "APInvExp": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate that a
separate journal entry will be created at the target company for the Multi-Company
G/L Account entered in this journal li ne." LABEL "Multi-Company" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "Rpt1ExpAmt" OF "APInvExp": decimal DESCRIPTION "G/L expense distribution
Amount. " LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2ExpAmt" OF "APInvExp": decimal DESCRIPTION "G/L expense distribution
Amount. " LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3ExpAmt" OF "APInvExp": decimal DESCRIPTION "G/L expense distribution
Amount. " LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "APInvExp": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "APInvExp": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "APInvExp": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "DocExpAmt" OF "APInvExp": decimal DESCRIPTION "G/L expense distribution
Amount. " LABEL "Document Amount"
INDEX "RefTypCod" ON "APInvExp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Created to support
Referential Integrity checking when deleting G LRefTyp and GLRefCod records "

TABLE "APInvGrp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Accounts Payable Invoice Entry
Group control file. "
FIELD "Company" OF "APInvGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GroupID" OF "APInvGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Before allowing invoices to
be entered the user establishes a Gro up ID. All invoices belong to a group until
the group is posted. The GroupID is assigned by the user. The GroupID is used to
Selectively print and post the tra nsactions and establishes the invoice date and
fiscal period defaults for invoic es assigned to the Group. " LABEL "Group"
FIELD "CreatedBy" OF "APInvGrp": character DESCRIPTION "The user ID that created
this batch." LABEL "Created By"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "APInvGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal Year. This is
defaulted based on the finding the Fiscal ma ster for the current system date. User
can override this. This value is used as the default to APInvHed.FiscalYear for
records created within this group." LABEL "Fiscal Yr"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "APInvGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal period to be used
as a default to APInvHed.FiscalPeriod fi eld when creating invoices in this group.
Defaulted based on the Fiscal master w hich contains the current system date. "
LABEL "Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal!Period"
FIELD "ActiveUserID" OF "APInvGrp": character DESCRIPTION "The user ID that is
currently logged into this Group. This is dis played on the Group browser so that
users may know which Groups are available." LABEL "In Use By"
FIELD "PostErrorLog" OF "APInvGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Contains posting error
messages. Possible messages are; ""Invoice with no detail"", ""Invoice Total does
not agree with vendor 's total""...."
FIELD "PostInProcess" OF "APInvGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Field to lock the InvcGrp
record while the Post Process is runnin g." LABEL "Post in Process"
FIELD "ApplyDate" OF "APInvGrp": date DESCRIPTION "Apply date for all invoices
within this batch. Apply date is the date in which invoices will be applied to the
gl books when posted." LABEL "Apply Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Apply Date"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "APInvGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal Year Suffix.
This is defaulted based on the finding the F iscal Period for the current system
date and compan calendar. This value is use d as the default to
APInvHed.FiscalYearSuffix for records created within this gr oup."
LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "APInvGrp": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal calendar
year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "APInvGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "APInvGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "APInvGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "APInvHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Accounts Payable Invoice Header.
DELETE: Not allowed if Posted."
FIELD "Company" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "APInvHed": integer DESCRIPTION "The Internal VendorNum that
ties back to the Vendor master file. This field is not directly maintainable,
instead it is assigned from the Vendor .VendorNum using VendorID to find the Vendor
record." LABEL "Supplier Number"
FIELD "InvoiceNum" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "Vendor's invoice number. "
LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "DebitMemo" OF "APInvHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates the type of
document. Yes = Debit Memo, No= Invoice. T his value can't be changed after the
record has been created. Debit memos affect the way detail quantities and amounts
are stored in the datab ase. They will always be stored with a negative sign, but
are entered as a posit ive. The system uses this field to test for Debit Memos,
indicated by ""DM"" followi ng the invoice number. " LABEL "Debit Memo" COLUMN-
FIELD "InvoiceDate" OF "APInvHed": date
DESCRIPTION "Invoice date. " LABEL "Invoice Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Inv Date"
FIELD "TermsCode" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the foreign key to
the PurTerms master file. Defaulted from Vendor.TermsCode. This is MANDATORY ENTRY.
User maintainable via a combo-b ox for terms description. " LABEL "Terms"
FIELD "DueDate" OF "APInvHed": date DESCRIPTION "The due date of the earliest
unpaid scheduled payment amount. Nor mally invoices only have a single due date and
amount. However we provide for in stallment payments which have multiple due dates
and associated amounts. When in voices are first created this date will always be
equal to the first entry in th e DateDueList. Then as transactions are applied this
""Current"" Due Date is ref reshed by figuring out which is the earliest unpaid
scheduled payment." LABEL "Due Date"
FIELD "Obs900-APAcctID" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "The A/P Account ID
that this invoice is assigned to. This links t he invoice to a specific APAcct
record which supplies the G/L account of the app ropriate payables. Defaulted from
the Vendor.APAcctID at time of entry. Entered via a Combo-box. " LABEL "Account ID"

FIELD "DiscountDate" OF "APInvHed": date DESCRIPTION "Prompt payment discount due

date. The date according to the terms when you are allowed to take the prompt
payment discount (if any) given by the vendor. This date is NOT directly
maintainable. It is calculated using the Invoi ceDate + PurTerms.DiscountDays. If
DebitMemo = Yes or PurTerms.NumberOfPayments > 1 then this is not applicable and is
set to ? (null value). " LABEL "Discount Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Disc Date"
FIELD "PayDates" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the ""list"" of due
dates for the scheduled payments. De limited by the character defined in the
""List-Delim"" variable. "
FIELD "DiscountAmt" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Discount amount that can be
taken if paid by the DiscountDate. T his is calculated by the System via APInvHed
write trigger. Formula ((PurTerms.D iscountPercent/100)*APInvHed.InvoiceBal on AIn.
If DebitMemo = Yes or PurTerms. NumberOfPayments > 1 then it is not applicable and
is set to zero." LABEL "Discount"
FIELD "PayAmounts" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "The scheduled payment
amounts. Corresponds with the PayDates list . Delimited by the character defined in
the ""list-delim"" variable. "
FIELD "Description" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "A short description that
can be used to explain what this invoice
is for. Ex: Rent, Auto Lease Payment. This description is defaulted into the A
PTran.Description field when payments are made against the invoice."
FIELD "OpenPayable" OF "APInvHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this is an
""open"" Payable."
FIELD "GroupID" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "The Group that the invoice
was associated with during the data e ntry process. This field is not directly
maintainable, it is assigned by the inv oice entry program using the GroupID of the
""current"" group that the user is w orking with. It is used as a selection
criteria during the posting process." LABEL "Group"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "APInvHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal Year is duplicated
from the related APInvGrp. This is also refreshed if the InvoiceDate is changed."
LABEL "Fiscal Year"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "APInvHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal period of invoice.
This is duplicated in from the APInvGrp or when the invoice date is changed. It is
overridable. " LABEL "Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Period"
FIELD "GLPosted" OF "APInvHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Bad name. Actually this
indicates if the invoice was created by the open invoice load program. " LABEL
"Open Load" COLUMN-LABEL "Open Load"
FIELD "Obsolete900-APDiv" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "The Division
component of default A/P G/L account for a the invoi ce. The full G/L account
number is made up of APDiv, APChart and APDept. For in voices this is the account
that will be credited. For debit memos this account will be debited. These
individual fields are never directly entered. They dupl icated from the APAcct
record during invoice entry. Defaulted from the APAcct f ile. "
FIELD "Obsolete900-APDept" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "The Department
component of the default A/P G/L account the invoi ce line item. See APDiv field
description for related info. "
FIELD "Obsolete900-APChart" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "The Chart
component for the default A/P G/L account for the invoi ce line item. See APDiv
field description for related info. "
FIELD "StartUp" OF "APInvHed": logical DESCRIPTION "An internal flag to indicate if
this invoice was created by the O
pen Invoice Load program. These records are not maintainable/viewable via invoi ce
entry. "
FIELD "InvoiceRef" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "This field is
maintainable/viewable only for Debit Memos. It repr esents the invoice # that this
debit memo relates to. It can be left blank. If e ntered it must be a valid
APInvHed record where the InvcHead.DebitMemo = No. Thi s field is also used to
order the invoices when printing aging reports. The idea is to be able to print the
debit memos next to their corresponding invoice. The refore, this field will always
have a value. For Invoices it is equal to the InvoiceNum. For Debit memos where
they are not related to an invoice it is also set equal to the Debit memo's
InvoiceNum. In this later case when InvcHead.DebitMemo = Yes a nd
InvcHead.InvoiceNum = InvcHead.InvoiceRef the InvoiceRef is reset to zero bef ore
being displayed, then when written back to the database it is set = to the I
nvoiceNum if the user did not enter a related invoice." LABEL "Ref. Invoice"
FIELD "Posted" OF "APInvHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this invoice has
been Posted to the open payables fi le. Only invoices that have been Posted (true)
will be included as part of th e open payables, that is they will not appear on
reports or inquiries other than those used within invoice entry. Otherwise they are
considered as still being i n data entry. This field is always ""no"" when the
invoice is created. It is set to ""yes"" by the ""Post function"". Once an invoice
is posted it can't be ma intained via data entry."
FIELD "EntryPerson" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "User ID that entered the
invoice. This is not maintainable by the user. " LABEL "Entered By"
FIELD "InvoiceComment" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "Used to establish
invoice comments about the overall invoice. "
FIELD "InvoiceAmt" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total invoice Amount. This
field is an accumulation of the extend ed net amounts of the detail line items
(APInvDtl) and of the miscellaneous char ges/credits (APInvMsc) records. This field
has a true sign. (debit memos are ne gative)." LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "InvoiceBal" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current outstanding balance.
Carries a true sign. (Credit memos a re negative)." LABEL "Balance"
FIELD "UnpostedBal" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current outstanding balance
which includes the unposted cash rece ipt amounts. This balance is updated
immediately as cash is applied to the invoi ce, while the InvoiceBal field is not
updated until the cash is posted. Used by cash receipts to validate online that an
invoice is not over paid. Carries a t rue sign. (Credit memos are negative)."
LABEL "New Balance"
FIELD "InvoiceHeld" OF "APInvHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Invoices that are within a
data entry group can be put on ""Hold" ". They will not be posted until
InvoiceHeld=No. This flag can be used for whate ver the reason the user may wish to
keep an invoice in a data entry group from b eing posted. This is NOT the same
thing as putting an invoice on PaymentHold. " LABEL "Hold Invoice"
FIELD "PayHold" OF "APInvHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this invoice
should be held from having any further payments made against it. If ""yes"" then
invoice can't be selected in check processing." LABEL "Hold Payments"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the currency." LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "ExchangeRate" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Exchange rate that will be
used for this invoice. Defaults from CurrRate.CurrentRate. Conversion rates will be
calculated as System Base = Forei gn value * rate, Foreign value = system base *
(1/rate). This is the dollar in f oreign currency from the exchange rate tables in
the newspapers." LABEL "Exchange Rate" COLUMN-LABEL "Exchange Rate"
FIELD "LockRate" OF "APInvHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Used with the currency module.
When TRUE the currency rate can b e changed by the user and cannot be changed by
the system. This will also be th e default for the invoice." LABEL "Lock"
FIELD "REFPONum" OF "APInvHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference PO number(optional
when CM is present). Used to identif y the PO that this Invoice is for. If the
Reference PO has a lock exchange rate then that is the rate that will be used on
this AP invoice, " LABEL "Ref PO"
FIELD "DocDiscountAmt" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Discount amount(Vendors
Currency) that can be taken if paid by th e DiscountDate. This is calculated by the
System via APInvHed write trigger. Fo rmula
((PurTerms.DiscountPercent/100)*APInvHed.InvoiceBal on AIn. If DebitMemo = Yes or
PurTerms.NumberOfPayments > 1 then it is not applicable and is set to z ero." LABEL
FIELD "DocPayAmounts" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "The scheduled payment
amounts.(Vendors Currency) Corresponds with the PayDates list. Delimited by the
character defined in the ""list-delim"" var iable. "
FIELD "DocInvoiceAmt" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total invoice Amount.
(Vendors Currency) This field is an accumula tion of the extended net amounts of
the detail line items (APInvDtl) and of the miscellaneous charges/credits
(APInvMsc) records. This field has a true sign. ( debit memos are negative)." LABEL
FIELD "DocInvoiceBal" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current outstanding
balance.(Vendors currency) Carries a true si gn. (Credit memos are negative)."
LABEL "Balance"
FIELD "DocUnpostedBal" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current outstanding
balance which includes the unposted cash rece ipt amounts(Vendors currency). This
balance is updated immediately as cash is ap plied to the invoice, while the
InvoiceBal field is not updated until the cash i s posted. Used by cash receipts to
validate online that an invoice is not over paid. Carries a true sign. (Credit
memos are negative)." LABEL "New Balance"
FIELD "TaxRegionCode" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "The Tax Region for this
invoice." LABEL "Tax Region"
FIELD "TaxAmt" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total sales tax amount for this
invoice. Totals the TaxAmt from t he APInvTax records of this invoice." LABEL "Tax
FIELD "DocTaxAmt" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total sales tax amount for
this invoice. Totals the DocTaxAmt fro m the APInvTax records of this invoice."
LABEL "Tax Amt"
FIELD "Obsolete900-DocToRef" OF "APInvHed": logical DESCRIPTION "The direction of
the exchange rate is determined by this field. I f DocToRef is true then the rate
is expressed as ""1 document currency is X refe rence currency"". If DocToRef is
false then the rate is expressed as ""1 refere nce currency is X document
currency"". " LABEL "Document to Reference" COLUMN-LABEL "Document to Reference"
FIELD "Obsolete900-RefToBase" OF "APInvHed": logical DESCRIPTION "The direction of
the RefToBaseRate is determined by this field. I f RefToBase is true then the rate
is expressed as ""1 reference currency is X Ba se currency"". If RefToBase is false
then the rate is expressed as ""1 Base cur rency is X reference currency"". " LABEL
"Reference to Base" COLUMN-LABEL "Reference to Base"
FIELD "JournalNum" OF "APInvHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Journal number that invoice
was posted to. This can also be thou ght of as the Voucher Number. Note: applicable
only when posted to G/L." LABEL "Journal"
FIELD "JournalCode" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "Journal that invoice was
posted to." LABEL "Journal"
FIELD "DocInvoiceVendorAmt" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "A user entered
verification amount. DOCUMENT CURRENCY ONLY, a co rresponding base currency field
exists but is only used for external G/L interfa cing. This field is sign flipped
for debit memos. The calculated Invoice Amoun t (DocInvoiceAmt) must match this
amount before the invoice can be posted." LABEL "Invoice Amount"
FIELD "UpdateTax" OF "APInvHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Controls the running of the
Tax calculation logic which is found in the InvcHead write trigger. "
FIELD "InvoiceVendorAmt" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "For use by external
G/L interfacing. This field is sign flipped for debit memos." LABEL "Invoice
FIELD "ExternalID" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "External Identification of
the Invoice."
FIELD "LegalNumber" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "The Legal Number for the
record. This number is created based on setup parameters in table LegalNumber."
LABEL "Legal Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Legal Number"
FIELD "FixedAmt" OF "APInvHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Allows user to control
discount amount manually or automatically" LABEL "Fixed Discount Amt"
FIELD "XRefInvoiceNum" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "Cross reference
invoice number used when converting data from ano ther ERP system when the previous
system data has alphanumeric content. This fi eld is not used by MfgSys. This field
can be used in searches and can be added to screens through customization."
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "Global Company identifier.
Used in Consolidated Purchasing."
FIELD "GlbVendorNum" OF "APInvHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Global Vendor identifier.
Used in Consolidated Purchasing."
FIELD "GlbInvoiceNum" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "Global Invoice
identifier. Used in Consolidated Purchasing."
FIELD "DepGainLoss" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Wherever the Less Advanced
or Less Deposited is calculated, put a ny gain-loss difference into this field."
LABEL "Deposit Gain Loss"
FIELD "CPayLinked" OF "APInvHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate if the
invoice is linked from the source company invoice flagged for Central Payment."
LABEL "CPay Linked"
FIELD "CPayLegalNumber" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "This is the original
Legal Number from the source invoice. This is used in the Centralized Payment
process." LABEL "CPay Legal Number"
FIELD "CPayCheckNum" OF "APInvHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference Check number of
the latest payment made by the Central Payment Parent Company for this invoice."
LABEL "CPay Check"
FIELD "CPayCheckDate" OF "APInvHed": date DESCRIPTION "Reference Check Date of the
latest payment made by the Central Pa yment Parent Company for this invoice." LABEL
"CPay Check Date"
FIELD "CPayInvoiceBal" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current outstanding
balance of the corresponding invoice created at the Central Payment Parent Company.
Carries a true sign. (Credit memos are ne gative)." LABEL "CPay Balance"
FIELD "CPayDocInvoiceBal" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current outstanding
balance of the corresponding invoice created at the Central Payment Parent Company
(Vendors currency). Carries a true sign. (Credit memos are negative)." LABEL "CPay
FIELD "CPay" OF "APInvHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate if the invoice
should be paid at the Central Pay ment Parent Company. Used in Centralized Payment
process." LABEL "Central Payment"
FIELD "Rounding" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Rounding is occurred if
multiplier or rule for Total amount is di fferent with multiplier or rule for Total
line amount, it is included in the 'Am ount to Pay' and it is booked to the
rounding account specified in the company s
etup when the invoice is posted"
FIELD "GLControlType" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "The GL Control Type
this invoice is assigned to. This combined w ith GLControlCode links the invoice to
a specific GLControl record which supplie s the G/L account of the appropriate
payables. Defaults to value 'APAcct'." LABEL "GL Control Type" COLUMN-LABEL "GL
Control Type"
FIELD "GLControlCode" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "The GL Control Code
this invoice is assigned to. This combined w ith GLControlType links the invoice to
a specific GLControl record which supplie s the G/L account of the appropriate
payables. Defaults to EntityGLC type of 'AP Acct' assigned to the supplier." LABEL
"GL Control Code" COLUMN-LABEL "GL Control Code"
FIELD "DocRounding" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Rounding is occurred if
multiplier or rule for Total amount is di fferent with multiplier or rule for Total
line amount, it is included in the 'Am ount to Pay' and it is booked to the
rounding account specified in the company s etup when the invoice is posted"
FIELD "Rpt1DiscountAmt" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Discount"
FIELD "Rpt2DiscountAmt" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Discount"
FIELD "Rpt3DiscountAmt" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Discount"
FIELD "Rpt1InvoiceAmt" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2InvoiceAmt" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3InvoiceAmt" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1InvoiceBal" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Balance"
FIELD "Rpt2InvoiceBal" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Balance"
FIELD "Rpt3InvoiceBal" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Balance"
FIELD "Rpt1InvoiceVendorAmt" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Invoice Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2InvoiceVendorAmt" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Invoice Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3InvoiceVendorAmt" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Invoice Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1PayAmounts" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt PayAmounts"
FIELD "Rpt2PayAmounts" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt PayAmounts"
FIELD "Rpt3PayAmounts" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt PayAmounts"
FIELD "Rpt1Rounding" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Rounding"
FIELD "Rpt2Rounding" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Rounding"
FIELD "Rpt3Rounding" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Rounding"
FIELD "Rpt1TaxAmt" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt"
FIELD "Rpt2TaxAmt" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt"
FIELD "Rpt3TaxAmt" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt"
FIELD "Rpt1UnpostedBal" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt New Balance"
FIELD "Rpt2UnpostedBal" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt New Balance"
FIELD "Rpt3UnpostedBal" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt New Balance"
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier" LABEL
"Rate Group Code"
FIELD "Rpt1CPayInvoiceBal" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current outstanding
balance of the corresponding invoice created at the Central Payment Parent Company
(Report currency). Carries a true sign. ( Credit memos are negative)." LABEL "CPay
FIELD "Rpt2CPayInvoiceBal" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current outstanding
balance of the corresponding invoice created at the Central Payment Parent Company
(Report currency). Carries a true sign. ( Credit memos are negative)." LABEL "CPay
FIELD "Rpt3CPayInvoiceBal" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current outstanding
balance of the corresponding invoice created at the Central Payment Parent Company
(Report currency). Carries a true sign. ( Credit memos are negative)." LABEL "CPay
FIELD "AllowOverrideLI" OF "APInvHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Identifies whether or
not the amounts on a logged invoice can be overridden during AP Invoice Entry. If
set to false, the AP Invoice and Tax val ues must match the values on the Logged
Invoice. If set to true, the logged inv oice is voided." LABEL "Allow Override of
Logged Invoice" COLUMN-LABEL "Allow Override of Logged Invoice"
FIELD "MatchedFromLI" OF "APInvHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Identifies if an invoice
was matched from a logged invoice. If y es, the invoice was matched. If no, the
invoice was not matched." LABEL "Matched From Logged Invoice" COLUMN-LABEL "Matched
From Logged Invoice"
FIELD "ApplyDate" OF "APInvHed": date DESCRIPTION "The date this invoice will get
applied to the books when it is po sted." LABEL "Apply Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Apply
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal Year Suffix
is duplicated from the related APInvGrp. This is also refreshed if the ApplyDate is
changed." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal calendar
year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "APInvHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "TaxPoint" OF "APInvHed": date DESCRIPTION "Tax Point" LABEL "Tax Point"
FIELD "TaxRateDate" OF "APInvHed": date DESCRIPTION "Date Used to calculate Tax
Rates" LABEL "Tax Rate Date"
FIELD "ReadyToCalc" OF "APInvHed": logical DESCRIPTION "This flag will be used to
indicate if the invoice is ready for ca lculations. When set to true, tax
calculations will take place whenever a save t akes place for any tables tied to
the invoice which could affect taxes (InvcDtl, InvcHead, InvcMisc, etc). It
defaults from ARSyst.InvcReadyToCalcDflt field whe n an invoice is created. " LABEL
"ReadyToCalc" COLUMN-LABEL "ReadyToCalc"
FIELD "RecalcBeforePost" OF "APInvHed": logical DESCRIPTION "used to force the
recalc of an invoice before posting due to chan
ges in tax connect data that could not be resolved at the time the change was ma de
to the Vantage data."
FIELD "GetDfltTaxIds" OF "APInvHed": logical DESCRIPTION "If set to true, the tax
calculation logic will retrieve the defau lt SalesTax ids for the line before
calculating taxes. It will also be reset to true if the TaxConnectCalc flag
switches from true to false."
FIELD "PMUID" OF "APInvHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the payment
FIELD "PayDiscDays" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the ""list"" of
pay discount days for the scheduled disc ounts. Delimited by the character defined
in the ""List-Delim"" variable. " LABEL "Disc Days" COLUMN-LABEL "Disc Days"
FIELD "PayDiscPer" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "The discount percents.
Corresponds with the PayDisDays list. Deli mited by the character defined in the
""list-delim"" variable. " LABEL "Disc Per" COLUMN-LABEL "Disc Per"
FIELD "WithholdAmt" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount. "
LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "DocWithholdAmt" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount.
" LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1WithholdAmt" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount.
" LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2WithholdAmt" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount.
" LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3WithholdAmt" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount.
" LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "PayDiscPartPay" OF "APInvHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Field to define when
apply the discount percentage, can be when i nvoice is paid in full or Cash amount"
LABEL "PartPayment"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "APInvHed": integer
DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit
Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "PIPayment" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the invoice
has been paid by a Payment Instrument. Values: blank = Not linked to a Payment
Instrument ""O"" = Paid by outstanding Payment Instrument ""C"" = Paid by colledted
Payment instument" LABEL "Payment Instrument Payment"
FIELD "CorrectionInv" OF "APInvHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Will be set to Yes if the
AP Invoice was created by the Correctio n (Reversing) logic." LABEL "Correction
FIELD "TaxRateGrpCode" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "Tax Rate Group Code"
LABEL "Tax Rate Group Code"
FIELD "LockTaxRate" OF "APInvHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Locks Tax Rate and allows
user to edit the tax exchange rate" LABEL "Lock Tax Rate"
FIELD "SEBankRef" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "Sweden and Finland
Localization Field - Banking Reference" LABEL "Banking Reference" COLUMN-LABEL
"Banking Reference"
FIELD "SEPayCode" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "Sweden and Finland
Localization Field - Payment Code" LABEL "Payment Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Payment Code"

FIELD "GUIFormatCode" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "Government Uniform

Invoice Format Code (Taiwan Localization field )" LABEL "GUI Format Code"
FIELD "GUITaxTypeCode" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "Government Uniform
Invoice Tax Type Code (Taiwan Localization fie ld)" LABEL "GUI Tax Type Code"
FIELD "GUIDeductCode" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "Government Uniform
Invoice Deduct Code (Taiwan Localization field )" LABEL "GUI Deduct Code"
FIELD "GUIWineCigarette" OF "APInvHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag Wine/Cigarette
(Taiwan Localization field)" LABEL "GUI Wine Cigarette"
FIELD "TaxDestination" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "Tax Destination
(Mexico Localization field)" LABEL "Tax Destination"
FIELD "PrePayment" OF "APInvHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that this is pre-
payment invoice." LABEL "Pre-Payment" COLUMN-LABEL "Pre-Payment"
FIELD "APLOCID" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "Letter of Credit ID." LABEL
"Letter of Credit ID"
FIELD "Plant" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "Plant ID (Used Primary for
Thailand Localization)" LABEL "Plant" COLUMN-LABEL "Plant"
FIELD "GUIImportTaxBasis" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Taiwan Localization
Tax Amount Basis" LABEL "Import Tax Basis"
FIELD "DocGUIImportTaxBasis" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Taiwan
Localization Tax Amount Basis in document currrency" LABEL "Doc Import Tax Basis"
FIELD "Rpt1GUIImportTaxBasis" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Taiwan
Localization Tax Amount Basis in Rpt1 currency" LABEL "Rpt1 Import Tax Basis"
FIELD "Rpt2GUIImportTaxBasis" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Taiwan
Localization Tax Amount Basis in Rpt2 currency" LABEL "Rpt2 Import Tax Basis"
FIELD "Rpt3GUIImportTaxBasis" OF "APInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Taiwan
Localization Tax Amount Basis in Rpt3 currency" LABEL "Rpt3 Import Tax Basis"
FIELD "OvrDefTaxDate" OF "APInvHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate if the
DefTaxDate will be overwritten when Tax P oint change on Invoice Header."
FIELD "Linked" OF "APInvHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Linked flag" LABEL "Linked"
FIELD "ClaimRef" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "The claim reference from the
expense group that generated the inv oice." LABEL "Claim Reference" COLUMN-LABEL
"Claim Reference"
FIELD "EmpID" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "The employee from the group of
expenses that created the invoice. " LABEL "Employee ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Employee ID"

FIELD "InBankFile" OF "APInvHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that Invoice has

been selected for payment in a bankfil e" LABEL "In Bank File"
FIELD "CNConfirmDate" OF "APInvHed": date DESCRIPTION "Credit Note Confirmation
Date" LABEL "Confirmation Date"
FIELD "BankID" OF "APInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "Unique ID of the vendor's
bank." LABEL "Bank"
INDEX "VendorInvcNum" ON "APInvHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Uniquely
identifies a Vendors invoice. "

TABLE "APInvJob" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "APInvJob" DESCRIPTION "Table that holds
information linking a misc AP invoice and a JobM tl record with an amount from the
AP invoice."
FIELD "Company" OF "APInvJob": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "APInvJob": integer DESCRIPTION "VendorNum duplicated from the
corresponding APInvDtl record. Not directly maintainable by the operator." LABEL
FIELD "InvoiceNum" OF "APInvJob": character DESCRIPTION "Invoice Number from
corresponding APInvDtl record." LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "InvoiceLine" OF "APInvJob": integer DESCRIPTION "Copied from the related
APINDtl record." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "ExtCost" OF "APInvJob": decimal DESCRIPTION "item's ext. cost in the vendors
unit of measure. The sum of all APInvJob.ExtCost must equal the total cost of the
related APInvDtl." LABEL "Unit Cost"
FIELD "JobNum" OF "APInvJob": character DESCRIPTION "Job Number." LABEL "Job
FIELD "AssemblySeq" OF "APInvJob": integer DESCRIPTION "Assembly sequence number
that this record is associated with." LABEL "Seq"
FIELD "MtlSeq" OF "APInvJob": integer DESCRIPTION "The MtlSeq of the JObMtl record
that this is related to." LABEL "Mtl"
FIELD "OBS900-JobDivision" OF "APInvJob": character DESCRIPTION "The Division
component of the APInvJob G/L account. G/L account i s made up of JobDivision,
JobGLDept and JobChart. The G/L Account is MANDATORY and MUST be valid in the
GLAcct master file. Defaulted in the following hierarc hy : from JobMtl.Prodgrup,
else from xasyst"
FIELD "OBS900-JobGLDept" OF "APInvJob": character DESCRIPTION "The Department
component of the G/L account. (see JobDivision) "
FIELD "OBS900-JobChart" OF "APInvJob": character DESCRIPTION "The Chart ID
component of the G/L account. (see JobDivision) "
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "APInvJob": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "APInvJob": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "APInvJob": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "Rpt1ExtCost" OF "APInvJob": decimal DESCRIPTION "item's ext. cost in the
vendors unit of measure. The sum of all APInvJob.ExtCost must equal the total cost
of the related APInvDtl." LABEL "Unit Cost"
FIELD "Rpt2ExtCost" OF "APInvJob": decimal DESCRIPTION "item's ext. cost in the
vendors unit of measure. The sum of all APInvJob.ExtCost must equal the total cost
of the related APInvDtl." LABEL "Unit Cost"
FIELD "Rpt3ExtCost" OF "APInvJob": decimal DESCRIPTION "item's ext. cost in the
vendors unit of measure. The sum of all APInvJob.ExtCost must equal the total cost
of the related APInvDtl." LABEL "Unit Cost"
FIELD "DocExtCost" OF "APInvJob": decimal DESCRIPTION "item's ext. cost in the
vendors unit of measure. The sum of all APInvJob.ExtCost must equal the total cost
of the related APInvDtl." LABEL "Unit Cost"
FIELD "ProjectID" OF "APInvJob": character DESCRIPTION "Project ID, entered for
miscellaneous invoice lines only.. " LABEL "Project ID"
FIELD "PhaseID" OF "APInvJob": character DESCRIPTION "Project Phase, entered for
miscellaneous invoice lines only." LABEL "Project Phase" COLUMN-LABEL "Project
FIELD "MiscCode" OF "APInvJob": character DESCRIPTION "The purchasing misc charge
code used to link to the Job Misc Char ge entry to a WBS Phase JobMtl sequence."
LABEL "Miscelleneous Charge"
FIELD "ProjProcessed" OF "APInvJob": logical DESCRIPTION "Logical field to indicate
if this record has been read by project analysis process."
FIELD "AsOfSeq" OF "APInvJob": integer DESCRIPTION "Used By Project Analysis
FIELD "AsOfDate" OF "APInvJob": date DESCRIPTION "Used By Project Analysis Process"

TABLE "APInvMsc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Account Payable Invoice

FIELD "Company" OF "APInvMsc": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "APInvMsc": integer DESCRIPTION "The Internal VendorNum that
ties back to the Vendor master file. Duplicated from the related APInvHed record."
LABEL "Supplier Number"
FIELD "InvoiceNum" OF "APInvMsc": character DESCRIPTION "Invoice Number from
corresponding APInvHed record." LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "InvoiceLine" OF "APInvMsc": integer DESCRIPTION "This field along with
Company and InvoiceNum make up the unique k ey to the table. The system generates
this number during entry of new detail rec ords. The system determines next
available number by finding the InvcDetl record for the Invoice and the adding 1 to
it. " LABEL "Line"
FIELD "MscNum" OF "APInvMsc": integer DESCRIPTION "Number automatically assigned by
invoice entry which is used alon g with VendorNum, InvoiceNum and InvoiceLine to
uniquely identify the miscellane ous record within the invoice." LABEL "Seq. Num"
FIELD "MiscCode" OF "APInvMsc": character DESCRIPTION "Code that relates this
invoice miscellaneous charge to the PurMis c master. Entered via a DDSL widget. "
LABEL "Charge Code"
FIELD "Description" OF "APInvMsc": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the
miscellaneous charge. Defaulted from PurMisc.D escription." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "MiscAmt" OF "APInvMsc": decimal DESCRIPTION "miscellaneous amount. " LABEL
FIELD "PONum" OF "APInvMsc": integer DESCRIPTION "Purchase order number that this
miscellaneous record is related t o. " LABEL "PO"
FIELD "POLine" OF "APInvMsc": integer DESCRIPTION "PO line number that this
miscellaneous record is related to. If r elated to the PO Header then this field is
zero. "
LABEL "Line"
FIELD "SeqNum" OF "APInvMsc": integer DESCRIPTION "Sequence number of the
Miscellaneous Charge" LABEL "Seq" COLUMN-LABEL "Num"
FIELD "DocMiscAmt" OF "APInvMsc": decimal DESCRIPTION "miscellaneous amount in the
vendor currency. " LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "TaxCatID" OF "APInvMsc": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies Tax Category for
this Misc. item. Defaults from PurMisc.TaxCatID. " LABEL "Category ID"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "APInvMsc": character DESCRIPTION "Global Company identifier.
Used in Consolidated Purchasing."
FIELD "GlbVendorNum" OF "APInvMsc": integer DESCRIPTION "Global Vendor identifier.
Used in Consolidated Purchasing."
FIELD "GlbInvoiceNum" OF "APInvMsc": character DESCRIPTION "Global Invoice
identifier. Used in Consolidated Purchasing."
FIELD "GlbInvoiceLine" OF "APInvMsc": integer DESCRIPTION "Global Invoice Line
identifier. Used in Consolidated Purchasing. "
FIELD "GlbMscNum" OF "APInvMsc": integer DESCRIPTION "Global Invoice Miscellaneous
Charge identifier. Used in Consolid ated Purchasing."
FIELD "Rpt1MiscAmt" OF "APInvMsc": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2MiscAmt" OF "APInvMsc": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3MiscAmt" OF "APInvMsc": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "InvExpSeq" OF "APInvMsc": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to the APInvExp
record that contains the gl distributio n for this charge."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "APInvMsc": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "APInvMsc": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "LCFlag" OF "APInvMsc": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the AP
Miscellaneous Charge is for Landed Cost." LABEL "Landed Cost"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "APInvMsc": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ContainerID" OF "APInvMsc": integer DESCRIPTION "The Container Shipment ID
(also known as the ContainerID)." LABEL "Shipment ID"
FIELD "PackSlip" OF "APInvMsc": character DESCRIPTION "Vendors Packing Slip # of
the associated receipt's indirect cost. " LABEL "Packing Slip"
FIELD "PurPoint" OF "APInvMsc": character DESCRIPTION "The Vendors purchase point
ID of the associated receipt's indirec t cost." LABEL "Purchase Point"
FIELD "Percentage" OF "APInvMsc": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field will be used to
define the percentage of the extended amount that will be applied as the
'Miscellaneous charge'." LABEL "Percentage" COLUMN-LABEL "Percentage"
FIELD "Type" OF "APInvMsc": character DESCRIPTION "This field will define if the
miscellaneous charge is calculated as a flat amount or if is calculated as a
percentage of the extended price." LABEL "Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Type"
FIELD "IncomeTaxCode" OF "APInvMsc": character DESCRIPTION "Income Tax Code" LABEL
"Income Tax Code"
FIELD "LCVendorNum" OF "APInvMsc": integer DESCRIPTION "The internal key that is
used to tie back to the Vendor master fi
le. This field, together with the PackSlip and PurPoint, is used to link the AP
InvMsc to the RcvMisc record that references this misc charge as a Landed Cost's
Indirect Cost." LABEL "Supplier Num"
FIELD "LCDisburseMethod" OF "APInvMsc": character DESCRIPTION "Like
PurMisc.LCDisburseMethod. Identifies how the landed cost wil l be disbursed among
the receipt details. Valid options are Volume (only for po releases tied to a
container), Weight, Value, Quantity and Manual." LABEL "Disburse Method"

TABLE "APInvPB" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Holds the Project Billing
information for an AP Invoice Detail li ne that was for a PO Subcontract line. This
information has no effect on the inv oice itself, and is used only used for Project
Billing. It is a child table of A PInvDtl."
FIELD "Company" OF "APInvPB": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "APInvPB": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer assigned by
the system to new vendors by the m aintenance program. This field is used as the
foreign key to identify the vendor in other files such as CheckHed, or POHeader.
The end user should never need to know about the value of this field. " LABEL
"Supplier Number"
FIELD "InvoiceNum" OF "APInvPB": character DESCRIPTION "Vendor's invoice number. "
LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "InvoiceLine" OF "APInvPB": integer DESCRIPTION "This field along with
Company, VendorNum and InvoiceNum make up t he unique key to the table. The system
generates this number during entry of new detail records. The system determines
next available number by finding the APIn vDtl record for the Invoice and the
adding 1 to it. " LABEL "Line"
FIELD "RoleCd" OF "APInvPB": character DESCRIPTION "Project Role Code" LABEL
"Project Role Code"
FIELD "ProjectID" OF "APInvPB": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code assigned by
the user to uniquely identify the Jo bs, Orders, POs, and Tasks in a Project.
Cannot be blank. " LABEL "Project ID"
FIELD "PhaseID" OF "APInvPB": character DESCRIPTION "Project Phase ID"
LABEL "Project Phase" COLUMN-LABEL "Project Phase"
FIELD "HoursChg" OF "APInvPB": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the hours that the
subcontract supplier is charging for t he work." LABEL "Hours Charged"
FIELD "MtlChg" OF "APInvPB": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the material costs
associated with the subcontract operat ion. In base currency." LABEL "Material
FIELD "DocMtlChg" OF "APInvPB": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the material costs
associated with the subcontract operat ion. In document currency." LABEL "Material
FIELD "Rpt1MtlChg" OF "APInvPB": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the material costs
associated with the subcontract operat ion. In In Reportable currency 1." LABEL
"Material Charges"
FIELD "Rpt2MtlChg" OF "APInvPB": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the material costs
associated with the subcontract operat ion. In In Reportable currency 2." LABEL
"Material Charges"
FIELD "Rpt3MtlChg" OF "APInvPB": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the material costs
associated with the subcontract operat ion. In In Reportable currency 3." LABEL
"Material Charges"
FIELD "InvDtlValue" OF "APInvPB": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the amount of the
invoice line total that applies to this Project Role code. In Base currency" LABEL
"Invoice Value"
FIELD "DocInvDtlValue" OF "APInvPB": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the amount of the
invoice line total that applies to this Project Role code. In document currency"
LABEL "Invoice Value"
FIELD "Rpt1InvDtlValue" OF "APInvPB": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the amount of
the invoice line total that applies to this Project Role code. In Reportable
currency 1." LABEL "Material Charges"
FIELD "Rpt2InvDtlValue" OF "APInvPB": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the amount of
the invoice line total that applies to this
Project Role code. In Reportable currency 2." LABEL "Material Charges"
FIELD "Rpt3InvDtlValue" OF "APInvPB": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the amount of
the invoice line total that applies to this Project Role code. In Reportable
currency 3." LABEL "Material Charges"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "APInvPB": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "APInvPB": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "APInvPB": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "PBInvNum" OF "APInvPB": integer DESCRIPTION "The Project Billing Invoice
Number where these charges were proce ssed." LABEL "Project Billing Invoice"
INDEX "PrimIdx" ON "APInvPB" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "APInvDtl prim +
INDEX "Project" ON "APInvPB" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Company / Project ID"

TABLE "APInvSel" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Accounts Payable Invoice Selection
for payment. This is a layout of the APInvSel ""TEMP"" file used during the A/P
Check Entry Mass Invoice selec tion process. This DOES NOT EXIST as a true database
file. All the fields (excep tAPInvSel.Selected) in this file are all generated from
the APInvHed record, and are not user maintainable."
FIELD "Name" OF "APInvSel": character DESCRIPTION "Vendors name. Duplicated from
the Vendor.Name. Used as part of th e index to organize by name order." LABEL
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "APInvSel": integer DESCRIPTION "VendorNum an element of the
foreign key that relates this selecti on record to the Vendor and APInvHed master
files. Duplicated from APInvHed.Vend orNum. Also used as an element of the unique
file index. "
LABEL "Supplier"
FIELD "Company" OF "APInvSel": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "InvoiceNum" OF "APInvSel": character DESCRIPTION "Invoice Number. An element
of the foreign key that relates this selection record back to the APInvHed record.
Duplicated from the APInvHed.Invoi ceNum. " LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "GrossPay" OF "APInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Gross Payment that is to
be paid against this invoice. When S elected this is set to APInvSel.AmtDue +
APInvSel.DiscAvailable as the default." LABEL "Gross Payment"
FIELD "DiscAmt" OF "APInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Prompt Payment discount to be
taken. When selected this field is set to APInvSel.DiscAvailable as a default."
LABEL "Disc. Taken"
FIELD "DueDate" OF "APInvSel": date DESCRIPTION "Payment due date of this invoice.
Set to APInvHed.DueDate." LABEL "Due Date"
FIELD "Selected" OF "APInvSel": logical DESCRIPTION "Logical flag indicating if
this record is or is not selected to b e written to the check files. "
FIELD "NetPay" OF "APInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Net Payment that is to be
made against this invoice. Set as GrossPay - DiscAmt. " LABEL "Net Payment"
FIELD "InvoiceAmt" OF "APInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total original invoice
Amount. Duplicated from InvcHead.InvoiceAmt."
FIELD "InvoiceBal" OF "APInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current outstanding balance.
Carries a true sign. (Credit memos a re negative). Duplicated from
InvcHead.InvoiceBal." LABEL "Balance"
FIELD "AmtDue" OF "APInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current payment amount due. This
is calculated as the payment sch edule amounts that are due - prior payments."
LABEL "Amount Due"
FIELD "LastPayDate" OF "APInvSel": date
DESCRIPTION "Last date that a payment was made against this invoice. This is s et
by finding the last APTran for this invoice." LABEL "Last Date Paid"
FIELD "DiscAvailable" OF "APInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Available Prompt Payment
discount. Set during the build selection process. The system can be configured to
""Always take discount"" or allow the system to determine if discount is only taken
when the APInvHed.DiscDate is <= t he check date. In either case Discounts are only
taken if this is the first paym ent against this invoice (APInvHed.InvoiceAmt =
InvoiceBa). If Discounts are tak en then this field is set to APInvHed.DiscAmt."
LABEL "Avail. Disc."
FIELD "DebitMemo" OF "APInvSel": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates the type of
document. Yes = Debit Memo, No= Invoice. T his value can't be changed after the
record has been created. Debit memos affect the way detail quantities and amounts
are stored in the datab ase. They will always be stored with a negative sign but
will entered as a posit ive. The system uses this field to test for Debit Memos,
indicated by ""DM"" followi ng the invoice number. " LABEL "Debit Memo" COLUMN-
FIELD "DiscountDate" OF "APInvSel": date DESCRIPTION "Prompt payment discount due
date. The date according to the terms when you are allowed to take the prompt
payment discount (if any) given by the vendor. This date is NOT directly
maintainable. It is calculated using the Invoi ceDate + PurTerms.DiscountDays. If
DebitMemo = Yes or PurTerms.NumberOfPayments > 1 then this is not applicable and is
set to ? (null value). Copied from APInv Hed." LABEL "Discount Date" COLUMN-LABEL
"Disc Date"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "APInvSel": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the currency." LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "ExchangeRate" OF "APInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Exchange rate that will be
used for this invoice. Defaults from CurrRate.CurrentRate. Conversion rates will be
calculated as System Base = Forei gn value * rate, Foreign value = system base *
(1/rate). This is the dollar in f oreign currency from the exchange rate tables in
the newspapers." LABEL "Exchange Rate" COLUMN-LABEL "Exchange Rate"
FIELD "LockRate" OF "APInvSel": logical DESCRIPTION "Used with the currency module.
When TRUE the currency rate can b e changed by the user and cannot be changed by
the system. This will also be th e default for the invoice." LABEL "Lock"
FIELD "DocGrossPay" OF "APInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Gross Payment that is
to be paid against this invoice(Vendor Currency). When Selected this is set to
APInvSel.AmtDue + APInvSel.DiscAvailable as the default." LABEL "Gross Payment"
FIELD "DocDiscAmt" OF "APInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Prompt Payment discount to
be taken(Vendor Currency). When select ed this field is set to
APInvSel.DiscAvailable as a default." LABEL "Disc. Taken"
FIELD "DocNetPay" OF "APInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Net Payment that is to be
made against this invoice(Vendor Cu rrency). Set as GrossPay - DiscAmt. " LABEL
"Net Payment"
FIELD "DocInvoiceAmt" OF "APInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total original invoice
Amount(Vendor Currency). Duplicated from InvcHead.InvoiceAmt."
FIELD "DocInvoiceBal" OF "APInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current outstanding
balance(Vendor Currency). Carries a true sign . (Credit memos are negative).
Duplicated from InvcHead.InvoiceBal." LABEL "Balance"
FIELD "DocAmtDue" OF "APInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current payment amount
due(Vendor Currency). This is calulate as the payment schedule amounts that are due
- prior payments." LABEL "Amount Due"
FIELD "DocDiscAvailable" OF "APInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Available Prompt
Payment discount(Vendor Currency). Set during th e build selection process. The
system can be configured to ""Always take discoun t"" or allow the system to
determine if discount is only taken when the APInvHed .DiscDate is <= the check
date. In either case Discounts are only taken if this is the first payment against
this invoice (APInvHed.InvoiceAmt = InvoiceBa). If Discounts are taken then this
field is set to APInvHed.DiscAmt." LABEL "Avail. Disc."
FIELD "Obsolete900-DocToRef" OF "APInvSel": logical DESCRIPTION "The direction of
the exchange rate is determined by this field. I f DocToRef is true then the rate
is expressed as ""1 document currency is X refe rence currency"". If DocToRef is
false then the rate is expressed as ""1 refere nce currency is X document
currency"". " LABEL "Document to Reference" COLUMN-LABEL "Document to Reference"
FIELD "Obsolete900-RefToBase" OF "APInvSel": logical DESCRIPTION "The direction of
the RefToBaseRate is determined by this field. I f RefToBase is true then the rate
is expressed as ""1 reference currency is X Ba se currency"". If RefToBase is false
then the rate is expressed as ""1 Base cur rency is X reference currency"". "
LABEL "Reference to Base" COLUMN-LABEL "Reference to Base"
FIELD "Rpt1AmtDue" OF "APInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount Due"
FIELD "Rpt2AmtDue" OF "APInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount Due"
FIELD "Rpt3AmtDue" OF "APInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount Due"
FIELD "Rpt1DiscAmt" OF "APInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Disc. Taken"
FIELD "Rpt2DiscAmt" OF "APInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Disc. Taken"
FIELD "Rpt3DiscAmt" OF "APInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Disc. Taken"
FIELD "Rpt1DiscAvailable" OF "APInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Avail. Disc."
FIELD "Rpt2DiscAvailable" OF "APInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Avail. Disc."
FIELD "Rpt3DiscAvailable" OF "APInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Avail. Disc."
FIELD "Rpt1GrossPay" OF "APInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Gross Payment"
FIELD "Rpt2GrossPay" OF "APInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Gross Payment"
FIELD "Rpt3GrossPay" OF "APInvSel": decimal
DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Gross Payment"
FIELD "Rpt1InvoiceAmt" OF "APInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt InvoiceAmt"
FIELD "Rpt2InvoiceAmt" OF "APInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt InvoiceAmt"
FIELD "Rpt3InvoiceAmt" OF "APInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt InvoiceAmt"
FIELD "Rpt1InvoiceBal" OF "APInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Balance"
FIELD "Rpt2InvoiceBal" OF "APInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Balance"
FIELD "Rpt3InvoiceBal" OF "APInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Balance"
FIELD "Rpt1NetPay" OF "APInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Net Payment"
FIELD "Rpt2NetPay" OF "APInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Net Payment"
FIELD "Rpt3NetPay" OF "APInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Net Payment"
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "APInvSel": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier" LABEL
"Rate Group Code"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "APInvSel": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "APInvSel": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "APInvSel": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "PrePayment" OF "APInvSel": logical DESCRIPTION "Prepayment flag" LABEL
"PrePayment" COLUMN-LABEL "PrePayment"
INDEX "SelectName" ON "APInvSel" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index that splits
the file into Selected/Unselected by vendor nam e. "

TABLE "APInvTax" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Contains Sales Tax data for A/P
invoices. This file contains tota ls on tax information for one specific percentage
of sales tax for the invoice."
FIELD "Company" OF "APInvTax": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "APInvTax": integer DESCRIPTION "Internal Supplier Number."
LABEL "Supplier Number"
FIELD "InvoiceNum" OF "APInvTax": character DESCRIPTION "AP Invoice Number." LABEL
FIELD "TaxCode" OF "APInvTax": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code assigned by
user which uniquely identifies a Sal es Tax master record. Can't be blank. This is
used as a foreign key in other fi les and may be used in displays/reports where
space for the full description is limited." LABEL "Tax ID"
FIELD "Percent" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "The tax percentage rate that is
used for this invoice. This is de faulted from the SalesTax.Percent." LABEL
FIELD "TaxableAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Taxable amount for this
invoice. Manually entered if APInvTax.Ma nual = Yes else set equal to
SysCalcTaxableAmt." LABEL "Taxable Amt"
FIELD "TaxAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Sales Tax amount for the
corresponding taxable sales amount. Manually entered if APInvTax.Manual = Yes. "
LABEL "Tax Amt"
FIELD "DocTaxableAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Taxable amount for this
invoice in foreign currency. Manually ent ered if APInvTax.Manual = Yes else it is
set equal to SysCalcDocTaxableAmt." LABEL "Taxable Amt"
FIELD "DocTaxAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Sales Tax amount for the
corresponding taxable sales amount in fo reign currency." LABEL "Tax Amt"
FIELD "ReportableAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "The reportable sales
amount to the tax jurisdiction. Set the valu e as follows; first determine if the
item needs to be reported to the tax jurisd iction. This is done by using the
APInvDtl.TaxCode and APInvDtl/APInvMisc.TaxC at to find a record in the SalesTxC.
If a record is not found or SalesTxC.Report able = Yes then add in the line item
extended amount or if this is for a InvcMis c record InvcMisc.Amount. Manually
entered if APInvTax.Manual = Yes else set equ al to SysCalcReportableAmt." LABEL
FIELD "DocReportableAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "The reportable sales
amount to the tax jurisdiction expressed in the Vendor's currency. Manually entered
if APInvTax.Manual = Yes else set equal to SysCalcDocTaxableAmt." LABEL
FIELD "Manual" OF "APInvTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the tax
calculations are to be performed manually. When this field is set the Reportable,
Taxable, and TaxAmount fields are enabled . When it is NOT set these fields are
DISABLED and the system will perform all of the Reportable, Taxable, and TaxAmount
calculations. Defaults from the Sales Tax.Manual field." LABEL "Manual Tax
Calculation" COLUMN-LABEL "Manual"
FIELD "SysCalcTaxableAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "System calculated
Taxable amount for this invoice." LABEL "Taxable Amt"
FIELD "SysCalcDocTaxableAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "System calculated
Taxable amount for this invoice in foreign curr ency. " LABEL "Taxable Amt"
FIELD "SysCalcReportableAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "System calculated
reportable sales amount to the tax jurisdiction
. Set the value as follows; first determine if the item needs to be reported to the
tax jurisdiction. This is done by using the APInvDtl.TaxCode and APInvDtl/
APInvMisc.TaxCat to find a record in the SalesTxC. If a record is not found or S
alesTxC.Reportable = Yes then add in the line item extended amount or if this is
for a InvcMisc record InvcMisc.Amount." LABEL "Reportable"
FIELD "SysCalcDocReportableAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "System
calculated reportable sales amount to the tax jurisdiction expressed in the
Vendor's currency." LABEL "Reportable"
FIELD "ECAcquisitionSeq" OF "APInvTax": integer DESCRIPTION "Used to allow a second
tax record using the same tax code on an i nvoice. When the sales tax field
EcAquisition is checked then 2 invoice tax rec ords are created. NOTE: This field
is now used in VAT Reverse Charge logic. If an invoice line i s marked for Reverse
Charge, a second line is created just like in the ECAcquisi tion logic. To
distinguish the two scenarios, the ReverseCharge flag will be set to true if the
second line is for Reverse Charge."
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "APInvTax": character DESCRIPTION "Global Company identifier.
Used in Consolidated Purchasing."
FIELD "GlbVendorNum" OF "APInvTax": integer DESCRIPTION "Global Vendor identifier.
Used in Consolidated Purchasing."
FIELD "GlbInvoiceNum" OF "APInvTax": character DESCRIPTION "Global Invoice
identifier. Used in Consolidated Purchasing."
FIELD "GlbTaxCode" OF "APInvTax": character DESCRIPTION "Global Invoice Tax
identifier. Used in Consolidated Purchasing."
FIELD "GlbECAcquisitionSeq" OF "APInvTax": integer DESCRIPTION "Global
ECAcquisitionSeq identifier. Used in Consolidated Purchas ing."
FIELD "ReverseCharge" OF "APInvTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this tax
line is for a Reverse Charge." LABEL "Reverse Charge" COLUMN-LABEL "RevChrg"
FIELD "Rpt1ReportableAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Reportable"
FIELD "Rpt2ReportableAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Reportable"
FIELD "Rpt3ReportableAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Reportable"
FIELD "Rpt1TaxableAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Taxable Amt"
FIELD "Rpt2TaxableAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Taxable Amt"
FIELD "Rpt3TaxableAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Taxable Amt"
FIELD "Rpt1TaxAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt"
FIELD "Rpt2TaxAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt"
FIELD "Rpt3TaxAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt"
FIELD "Rpt1SysCalcTaxableAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "System calculated
Taxable amount for this invoice." LABEL "Taxable Amt"
FIELD "Rpt1SysCalcReportableAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "System
calculated reportable sales amount to the tax jurisdiction . Set the value as
follows; first determine if the item needs to be reported to the tax jurisdiction.
This is done by using the APInvDtl.TaxCode and APInvDtl/ APInvMisc.TaxCat to find a
record in the SalesTxC. If a record is not found or S alesTxC.Reportable = Yes then
add in the line item extended amount or if this is for a InvcMisc record
InvcMisc.Amount." LABEL "Reportable"
FIELD "Rpt2SysCalcTaxableAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "System calculated
Taxable amount for this invoice." LABEL "Taxable Amt"
FIELD "Rpt2SysCalcReportableAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "System
calculated reportable sales amount to the tax jurisdiction . Set the value as
follows; first determine if the item needs to be reported to the tax jurisdiction.
This is done by using the APInvDtl.TaxCode and APInvDtl/
APInvMisc.TaxCat to find a record in the SalesTxC. If a record is not found or S
alesTxC.Reportable = Yes then add in the line item extended amount or if this is
for a InvcMisc record InvcMisc.Amount." LABEL "Reportable"
FIELD "Rpt3SysCalcTaxableAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "System calculated
Taxable amount for this invoice." LABEL "Taxable Amt"
FIELD "Rpt3SysCalcReportableAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "System
calculated reportable sales amount to the tax jurisdiction . Set the value as
follows; first determine if the item needs to be reported to the tax jurisdiction.
This is done by using the APInvDtl.TaxCode and APInvDtl/ APInvMisc.TaxCat to find a
record in the SalesTxC. If a record is not found or S alesTxC.Reportable = Yes then
add in the line item extended amount or if this is for a InvcMisc record
InvcMisc.Amount." LABEL "Reportable"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "APInvTax": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "APInvTax": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "RateCode" OF "APInvTax": character DESCRIPTION "Tax Rate Code." LABEL "Rate
FIELD "CollectionType" OF "APInvTax": integer DESCRIPTION "Collection Type." LABEL
"Collection Type"
FIELD "Timing" OF "APInvTax": integer DESCRIPTION "Timing of when to report taxes"
LABEL "Timing"
FIELD "ExemptType" OF "APInvTax": integer DESCRIPTION "Exemption Type" LABEL "Type"

FIELD "ExemptPercent" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Exemption Percent" LABEL

FIELD "ResolutionNum" OF "APInvTax": character DESCRIPTION "Resolution Number"
LABEL "Resolution Number"
FIELD "ResolutionDate" OF "APInvTax": date DESCRIPTION "Resolution date." LABEL
"Resolution Date"
FIELD "TaxRateDate" OF "APInvTax": date DESCRIPTION "Date to determine the tax
rate." LABEL "TaxRateDate"
FIELD "DefTaxableAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Balance of the Taxable
amount that has been deferred until paymen t" LABEL "Taxable Amt"
FIELD "DocDefTaxableAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Balance of the Taxable
amount that has been deferred until paymen t" LABEL "Taxable Amt"
FIELD "Rpt1DefTaxableAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Taxable Amt"
FIELD "Rpt2DefTaxableAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Taxable Amt"
FIELD "Rpt3DefTaxableAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Taxable Amt"
FIELD "DefTaxAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Balance of the Tax amount
that has been deferred until payment" LABEL "Tax Amt"
FIELD "DocDefTaxAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Balance of the Tax amount
that has been deferred until payment" LABEL "Tax Amt"
FIELD "Rpt1DefTaxAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt"
FIELD "Rpt2DefTaxAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt"
FIELD "Rpt3DefTaxAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt"
FIELD "ManAdd" OF "APInvTax": logical DESCRIPTION "This record was manually added
(not in Liability) but will use th e standard calculations" LABEL "Manual Added"
FIELD "DedTaxAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Deducatable Tax Amount" LABEL
"Tax Amt"
FIELD "DocDedTaxAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Deducatable Tax Amount"
LABEL "Tax Amt"
FIELD "Rpt1DedTaxAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt"
FIELD "Rpt2DedTaxAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt"
FIELD "Rpt3DedTaxAmt" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt"
FIELD "FixedAmount" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Fixed Tax Amount" LABEL
FIELD "DocFixedAmount" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Document Fixed Tax
Amount" LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1FixedAmount" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2FixedAmount" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3FixedAmount" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "APInvTax": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record."
LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlbRateCode" OF "APInvTax": character DESCRIPTION "Global RateCode
identifier. Used in Consolidated Purchasing." LABEL "Rate Code"
FIELD "TextCode" OF "APInvTax": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Identifier for Legal
Text" LABEL "Text Code"
FIELD "TaxAmtVar" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Difference between tax
calculated in document rate less tax calcu lated in tax rate" LABEL "Tax Amt
FIELD "DocTaxAmtVar" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Difference between tax
calculated in document rate less tax calcu lated in tax rate" LABEL "Tax Amt
FIELD "Rpt1TaxAmtVar" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Difference between tax
calculated in document rate less tax calcu lated in tax rate" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt
FIELD "Rpt2TaxAmtVar" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Difference between tax
calculated in document rate less tax calcu lated in tax rate" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt
FIELD "Rpt3TaxAmtVar" OF "APInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Difference between tax
calculated in document rate less tax calcu lated in tax rate" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt
FIELD "DefTaxDate" OF "APInvTax": date DESCRIPTION "Deferred tax date for Service
Tax Point " LABEL "DefTaxDate" COLUMN-LABEL "DefTaxDate"
FIELD "TaxFuture" OF "APInvTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate for posting
engine and tax updates whether being treated as current or future" LABEL
"TaxFuture" COLUMN-LABEL "TaxFuture"
FIELD "STPProcessed" OF "APInvTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate if the
Service Tax Line is already processed"
TABLE "APIRMtch" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "A/P Invoice to Receipt matching "
FIELD "Company" OF "APIRMtch": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "APIRMtch": integer DESCRIPTION "VendorNum duplicated from the
corresponding APInvHed record. Not directly maintainable by the operator." LABEL
FIELD "InvoiceNum" OF "APIRMtch": character DESCRIPTION "Invoice Number from
corresponding APInvHed record." LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "InvoiceLine" OF "APIRMtch": integer DESCRIPTION "This field along with
Company, VendorNum and InvoiceNum make up t he unique key to the table. InvoiceLine
of the related APInvDtl. " LABEL "Line"
FIELD "PurPoint" OF "APIRMtch": character DESCRIPTION "The Vendors purchase point
ID. This is used as part of the foreig n key to reference the RcvHead/RcvDtl
records." LABEL "Purchase Point"
FIELD "PackSlip" OF "APIRMtch": character DESCRIPTION "Vendor's packing slip that
this A\P invoice detail line is associ ated with. This Along with PackLine provides
a relationship to the receipt docum ent detail (RcvDtl)" LABEL "Packing Slip"
FIELD "PackLine" OF "APIRMtch": integer DESCRIPTION "The Pack Slip line of the
RcvDtl record to which this A\P detail record is related to." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "APIRMtch": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "APIRMtch": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "APIRMtch": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
TABLE "APLOC" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Stores AP Letter of Credit records."
FIELD "Company" OF "APLOC": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "LCID" OF "APLOC": character DESCRIPTION "Letter of Credit ID."
FIELD "BankAcctID" OF "APLOC": character DESCRIPTION "BankAcct ID."
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "APLOC": integer DESCRIPTION "The Internal VendorNum that ties
back to the Vendor master file. This field is not directly maintainable, instead it
is assigned from the Vendor .VendorNum using VendorID to find the Vendor record."
LABEL "Supplier Number"
FIELD "LCValue" OF "APLOC": decimal DESCRIPTION "Monetary value of the Letter of
Credit." LABEL "Value"
FIELD "Rpt1LCValue" OF "APLOC": decimal DESCRIPTION "Letter of Credit Value for
report currency 1." LABEL "Value"
FIELD "Rpt2LCValue" OF "APLOC": decimal DESCRIPTION "Letter of Credit Value for
report currency 2." LABEL "Value"
FIELD "Rpt3LCValue" OF "APLOC": decimal DESCRIPTION "Letter of Credit Value for
report currency 3." LABEL "Value"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "APLOC": character DESCRIPTION "Letter of Credit Currency
code" LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "ExchangeRate" OF "APLOC": decimal DESCRIPTION "Exchange Rate." LABEL "Rate"
FIELD "RateLocked" OF "APLOC": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates a locked exchange
rate." LABEL "Rate Locked"
FIELD "IssueDate" OF "APLOC": date DESCRIPTION "Date that Letter of Credit was
issued." LABEL "Issue Date"
FIELD "FromDate" OF "APLOC": date DESCRIPTION "Valid From date." LABEL "From Date"
FIELD "ToDate" OF "APLOC": date DESCRIPTION "Valid To date." LABEL "To Date"
FIELD "Description" OF "APLOC": character DESCRIPTION "Letter of Credit
Description." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "BTCustNum" OF "APLOC": integer DESCRIPTION "Bill to customer." LABEL "Bill
To Customer"
FIELD "TermsCode" OF "APLOC": character DESCRIPTION "Letter of Credit Terms." LABEL
"Terms Code"
FIELD "ShipComplete" OF "APLOC": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether shipments
linked to the Letter of Credit needs to be shipped complete." LABEL "Ship Complete"

FIELD "Inactive" OF "APLOC": logical DESCRIPTION "If true, no more commitments to

this Letter of Credit." LABEL "Inactive"
FIELD "InactiveReason" OF "APLOC": character DESCRIPTION "Reason Letter of Credit
was marked Inactive (entered by user)." LABEL "Inactive Reason"
FIELD "Closed" OF "APLOC": logical DESCRIPTION "If true, Letter of Credit is
closed." LABEL "Closed"
FIELD "IssuanceType" OF "APLOC": character DESCRIPTION "Free form text." LABEL
"Issuance Type"
FIELD "PackListCopies" OF "APLOC": character DESCRIPTION "Free form text." LABEL
"Pack List Copies"
FIELD "PlaceOfLoading" OF "APLOC": character DESCRIPTION "Free form text." LABEL
"Place of Loading"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "APLOC": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "APLOC": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this row.
It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "APLOC": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this row.
The value is a GUID."
FIELD "Comment" OF "APLOC": character DESCRIPTION "Free form text comments." LABEL
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "APLOC": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier." LABEL
"Rate Group Code"
FIELD "DocLCValue" OF "APLOC": decimal DESCRIPTION "Monetary value of the Letter of
Credit in bank's currency." LABEL "Value"

TABLE "APPNDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "AP Promissory Note detail file"
FIELD "Company" OF "APPNDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "APPNDtlLine" OF "APPNDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Line" LABEL "Line"
FIELD "BankAcctID" OF "APPNDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Bank Account ID of the
promissoiry note." LABEL "Bank Account ID"
FIELD "DiscAmt" OF "APPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Discount Amount in base
currency." LABEL "Discount Amount"
FIELD "DocDiscAmt" OF "APPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Discount Amount in invoice
currency." LABEL "Discount Amount"
FIELD "DocTaxAmt" OF "APPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Tax amount in invoice
currency." LABEL "Tax Amount"
FIELD "DocTranAmt" OF "APPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Transaction amount in invoice
currency." LABEL "Transaction Amount"
FIELD "EntryPerson" OF "APPNDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Entry Person" LABEL "Entry
FIELD "GLPosted" OF "APPNDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the promissory
note is posted to the GL." LABEL "GL Posted"
FIELD "InvoiceNum" OF "APPNDtl": character DESCRIPTION "AP Invoice Number linked to
the promissory note." LABEL "Invoice Number"
FIELD "RoundDiff" OF "APPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Rounding Differences" LABEL
"Rounding Difference"
FIELD "Rpt1DiscAmt" OF "APPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Discount Amount in report
currency 1." LABEL "Discount Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1TaxAmt" OF "APPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Tax amount in report currency
1." LABEL "Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1TranAmt" OF "APPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Transaction amount in report
currency 1." LABEL "Transaction Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2DiscAmt" OF "APPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Discount Amount in report
currency 2." LABEL "Discount Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2TaxAmt" OF "APPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Tax amount in report currency
2." LABEL "Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2TranAmt" OF "APPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Transaction amount in report
currency 2." LABEL "Transaction Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3DiscAmt" OF "APPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Discount Amount in report
currency 3." LABEL "Discount Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3TaxAmt" OF "APPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Tax amount in report currency
3." LABEL "Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3TranAmt" OF "APPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Transaction amount in report
currency 3." LABEL "Transaction Amount"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "APPNDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "APPNDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "TaxAmt" OF "APPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Tax amount in base currency."
LABEL "Tax Amount"
FIELD "TaxRegionCode" OF "APPNDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Tax Liability" LABEL
"Tax Region Code"
FIELD "TranAmt" OF "APPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Transaction Amount in base
currency." LABEL "Transaction Amount"
FIELD "TranDate" OF "APPNDtl": date DESCRIPTION "Transaction date." LABEL
"Transaction Date"
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "APPNDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Supplier" LABEL "Vendor
FIELD "HeadNum" OF "APPNDtl": integer
DESCRIPTION "If TranType = ""Pay"" or ""ADJ"" for a currency gain/loss then t his
is a duplicate of the related CheckHed.HeadNum, otherwise it is set to zero ."
FIELD "Voided" OF "APPNDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the promissory node
is voided." LABEL "Void"
FIELD "GroupID" OF "APPNDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Group ID" LABEL "Group"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "APPNDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal calendar
year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "APPNDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "G\L fiscal period that this
transaction is posted to. Updated by the check printing process for system printed
checks or by the user for manually printed checks. If entered must be valid in the
Fiscal master." LABEL "Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal!Period"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "APPNDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal Year that transaction
will be posted to. For check payment s this is duplicated from CheckHed.FiscalYear
during check posting. Void Check entry and adjustment entry assigns the proper
fiscal year to each rec ord on the TranDate" LABEL "Fiscal Year"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "APPNDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal Year Suffix
that transaction will be posted to. For check payments this is duplicated from
CheckHed.FiscalYearSuffix during check posting. Void Check entry and adjustment
entry assigns the proper fiscal year suffix to e ach record on the TranDate" LABEL
"FiscalYearSuffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "LegalNumber" OF "APPNDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The Legal Number for the
record. " LABEL "Legal Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Legal Number"
FIELD "Posted" OF "APPNDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "An internal flag which indicates
if this check has been Posted. If ""NO"" then it is considered as still being in
the data entry mode. In which case it is still accessible by the check entry
programs. It is set to ""Yes"" b y the group posting process. This is only
applicable for TranType = ""Pay""." LABEL "Posted"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "APPNDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "Description" OF "APPNDtl": character DESCRIPTION "In the case of payment
details this description is printed on the check stub. If referencing a invoice the
APInvHed.Description is used as a defa ult. " LABEL "Description"
FIELD "TranType" OF "APPNDtl": character DESCRIPTION "An internal flag which
identifies the type of transaction. Valid types are ""Pay"" or ""Adj""."
FIELD "DocSelfAssessAmt" OF "APPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Self Assessment Tax
Amount. " LABEL "Self Assessment Tax Amount"
FIELD "DocWithholdAmt" OF "APPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount. "
LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "SelfAssessAmt" OF "APPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Self Assessment Tax
Amount. " LABEL "Self Assessment Tax Amount"
FIELD "WithholdAmt" OF "APPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount. "
LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1SelfAssessAmt" OF "APPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Self Assessment Tax
Amount. " LABEL "Self Assessment Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1WithholdAmt" OF "APPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount.
" LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2SelfAssessAmt" OF "APPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Self Assessment Tax
Amount. " LABEL "Self Assessment Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2WithholdAmt" OF "APPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount.
" LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3SelfAssessAmt" OF "APPNDtl": decimal
DESCRIPTION "Self Assessment Tax Amount. " LABEL "Self Assessment Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3WithholdAmt" OF "APPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount.
" LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "ReverseGL" OF "APPNDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if it's a reversing
Gain/Loss adjustment" LABEL "Reverse Gain/Loss"
FIELD "RevalueDate" OF "APPNDtl": date DESCRIPTION "Revaluation date that generated
the gain/loss record" LABEL "Revaluation Date"
FIELD "RevalueBal" OF "APPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "PI Balance at the time of
revaluation" LABEL "Revaluation Balance"
FIELD "FirstHeadNum" OF "APPNDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Link To first checkhed
record" LABEL "FirstHeadNum"
FIELD "Rpt1RevalueBal" OF "APPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency PI
Balance at the time of revaluation" LABEL "Rpt1 Revalue Balance"
FIELD "Rpt2RevalueBal" OF "APPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency PI
Balance at the time of revaluation" LABEL "Rpt2 Revalue Balance"
FIELD "Rpt3RevalueBal" OF "APPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency PI
Balance at the time of revaluation" LABEL "Rpt3 Revalue Balance"
FIELD "GainLossType" OF "APPNDtl": character DESCRIPTION """R"" for realized or
""U"" for unrealized Gain/Loss" LABEL "Gain/Loss Type"
FIELD "DocRevalueBal" OF "APPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Document currency PI
Balance at the time of revaluation" LABEL "Doc Revaluation Balance"

TABLE "APPNHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "AP Promissory Notes header file."
FIELD "AppliedAmount" OF "APPNHead": decimal
DESCRIPTION "Applied Amount. Base Currency." LABEL "Applied Amount"
FIELD "BankAcctID" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Bank Account of the
promissory note." LABEL "Bank Account ID"
FIELD "BankAmount" OF "APPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Bank Amount" LABEL "Bank
FIELD "BankSlip" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Bank Slip Number of the
promissory note." LABEL "Bank Slip"
FIELD "BankTotalAmt" OF "APPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Bank Total Amount." LABEL
"Bank Total Amount"
FIELD "CashBookNum" OF "APPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Cash book Number." LABEL
"Cashbook Number"
FIELD "Company" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CompBankAcctID" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Bank Account ID of the
company." LABEL "Bank Account ID"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Currency code of the
promissory note." LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "Description" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Description" LABEL
FIELD "DiscountAmt" OF "APPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Discount amount in base
currency." LABEL "Discount Amount"
FIELD "DocPNAmt" OF "APPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Promissory Note amount in
document currency." LABEL "Note Amount"
FIELD "DueDate" OF "APPNHead": date DESCRIPTION "Due date of the promissory note."
LABEL "Due Date"
FIELD "EntryPerson" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Entry Person." LABEL
"Entry Person"
FIELD "ExchangeRate" OF "APPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Exchange Rate of the
promissory note." LABEL "Exchange Rate"
FIELD "Paid" OF "APPNHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the promissory node
is fully paid." LABEL "Paid"
FIELD "PNAmt" OF "APPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Promissory note amount in base
currency." LABEL "Note Amount"
FIELD "Posted" OF "APPNHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the promissory
note is posted." LABEL "Posted"
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Rate Group Code." LABEL
"Rate Group Code"
FIELD "Rpt1PNAmt" OF "APPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Promissory Note Amount in
Report Currency 1." LABEL "Note Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1Discountamt" OF "APPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Promissory Note
Discount Amount in Report Currency 1." LABEL "Discount Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1BankTotalAmt" OF "APPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Promissory Note Bank
Total Amount in Report Currency 1." LABEL "Bank Total Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2PNAmt" OF "APPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Promissory Note Amount in
Report Currency 2." LABEL "Note Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2DiscountAmt" OF "APPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Promissory Note
Discount Amount in Report Currency 2." LABEL "Discount Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2BankTotalAmt" OF "APPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Promissory Note Bank
Total Amount in Report Currency 2."
LABEL "Bank Total Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3PNAmt" OF "APPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Promissory Note Amount in
Report Currency 3." LABEL "Note Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3DiscountAmt" OF "APPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Promissory Note
Discount Amount in Report Currency 3." LABEL "Discount Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3BankTotalAmt" OF "APPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Promissory Note Bank
Total Amount in Report Currency 3." LABEL "Bank Total Amount"
FIELD "Signed" OF "APPNHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the promissory
note is signed." LABEL "Signed"
FIELD "TotalAPAmt" OF "APPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total AP Amount" LABEL
"Total AP Amount"
FIELD "TransDate" OF "APPNHead": date DESCRIPTION "Transaction date." LABEL
"Transaction Date"
FIELD "VendBankAcctID" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Supplier Bank Account
ID" LABEL "Bank Account ID"
FIELD "VendorID" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Supplier ID" LABEL "Vendor
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "APPNHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Supplier number" LABEL
"Vendor Number"
FIELD "Voided" OF "APPNHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Voided Flag" LABEL "Voided"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "APPNHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "HeadNum" OF "APPNHead": integer DESCRIPTION "An integer automatically
assigned by the system using the databas e sequence called ""CheckHedSeq"". Which
along with company and GroupID creates a unique key for the record. This is for
internal control only the user never ne eds to reference. "
FIELD "GroupID" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Before allowing invoices to
be entered, the user establishes a Gr oup ID. All invoices belong to a group until
the group is posted. The Group ID i s assigned by the user. The Group ID is used to
selectively print and post the transactions and establishes the invoice date and
fiscal period defaults for inv oices assigned to the Group. " LABEL "Group"
FIELD "APPromNoteID" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "AP Promissory Note ID"
LABEL "Promissory Note ID"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "APPNHead": integer DESCRIPTION "G\L fiscal period that
this check is posted to. Updated by the ch eck printing process for system printed
checks. For hand written checks it updat ed by check entry program based on the
check date." LABEL "Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal!Period"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "APPNHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal Year that the check
is posted to. Updated during the check printing process for system printed checks
or updated based on the Check date f or hand written checks. " LABEL "Fiscal Year"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year suffix"
LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "CompanyAddr1" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "First company address
FIELD "CompanyAddr2" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Second company address
FIELD "CompanyAddr3" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Third company address
FIELD "CompanyCity" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Company City portion of
the address."
FIELD "CompanyCountry" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Company Country
portion of the address."
FIELD "CompanyName" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Company Name" LABEL
FIELD "CompanyPostalCode" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Company Postal Code
or Zip Code portion of the address."
FIELD "CompanyState" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Company State portion of
the address."
FIELD "SupplierAddr1" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "First supplier address
line." LABEL "Addr1"
FIELD "SupplierAddr2" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Second supplier address
line." LABEL "Addr2"
FIELD "SupplierAddr3" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Third supplier address
line." LABEL "Addr3"
FIELD "SupplierCity" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Company City portion of
the address." LABEL "City"
FIELD "SupplierState" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Supplier State portion
of the address." LABEL "State"
FIELD "SupplierPostalCode" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Supplier Postal
Code or Zip Code portion of the address." LABEL "Postal Code"
FIELD "SupplierName" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Supplier Name" LABEL
FIELD "SupplierCountry" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Supplier Country
portion of the address." LABEL "Country"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "APPNHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "PIStatus" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Payment Instrument Status
Values are: Empty string - not linked to a Payment Instrument ""O"" (letter o) -
Paid by outstanding Payment Instrument ""C"" - Paid by collected Payment
Instrument" LABEL "PI Status"
FIELD "Type" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Promissory Note Type" LABEL
FIELD "IssueDate" OF "APPNHead": date DESCRIPTION "Issue Date" LABEL "Issue Date"
FIELD "CompIBANCode" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "IBAN Code for company's
bank." LABEL "Company IBAN Code"
FIELD "CompBankBranchCode" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Bank/Branch Code
for company's bank." LABEL "Company Bank/Branch Code"
FIELD "CustBankBranchCode" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Bank/Branch Code
for customer's bank." LABEL "Customer Bank/Branch Code"
FIELD "CustIBANCode" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "IBAN Code for customer's
bank." LABEL "Customer IBAN Code"
FIELD "ForceDiscount" OF "APPNHead": logical DESCRIPTION "When selected, this field
will force the best discount percentage , according to the invoice?s terms
definition, to be used. " LABEL "Force Disc"
FIELD "PaymentTotal" OF "APPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total paid amount in Base"
LABEL "Payment Total in Base"
FIELD "Variance" OF "APPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Variance in Base currency -
difference between the sum of the pay ments and the entered Payment Total" LABEL
"Variance in Base"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal calendar
year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "IsEnterTotal" OF "APPNHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Enter Totals flag" LABEL
"Enter Totals"
FIELD "Rpt1Variance" OF "APPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Variance in Rpt1 currency
- difference between the sum of the pay ments and the entered Payment Total" LABEL
FIELD "Rpt2Variance" OF "APPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Variance in Rpt2 currency
- difference between the sum of the pay ments and the entered Payment Total" LABEL
FIELD "Rpt3Variance" OF "APPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Variance in Rpt3 currency
- difference between the sum of the pay ments and the entered Payment Total" LABEL
FIELD "DocVariance" OF "APPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Variance in payment
currency - difference between the sum of the payments and the entered Payment
Total" LABEL "Variance"
FIELD "DocPaymentTotal" OF "APPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total paid amount in
payment currency" LABEL "Payment Total"
FIELD "PaymentBankRate" OF "APPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Exchange rate from the
payment currency to the Bank currency" LABEL "Payment->Bank Rate" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "ReadyToCalc" OF "APPNHead": logical DESCRIPTION "This flag will be used to
indicate if the invoice is ready for ca lculations. When set to true, tax
calculations will take place whenever a save t akes place for any tables tied to
the invoice which could affect taxes (InvcDtl, InvcHead, InvcMisc, etc). It
defaults from ARSyst.InvcReadyToCalcDflt field whe n an invoice is created. " LABEL
"ReadyToCalc" COLUMN-LABEL "ReadyToCalc"
FIELD "RecalcBeforePost" OF "APPNHead": logical DESCRIPTION "used to force the
recalc of an invoice before posting due to chan ges in tax connect data that could
not be resolved at the time the change was ma de to the Vantage data."
FIELD "Rpt1PaymentTotal" OF "APPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total paid amount in
Rpt1 currency" LABEL "Payment Total Rpt1"
FIELD "Rpt2PaymentTotal" OF "APPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total paid amount in
Rpt2 currency" LABEL "Payment Total Rpt2"
FIELD "Rpt3PaymentTotal" OF "APPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total paid amount in
Rpt3 currency" LABEL "Payment Total Rpt3"
FIELD "ClearedAmt" OF "APPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount that the bank cleared
the payment instrument for." LABEL "Cleared Amount"
FIELD "ClearedDate" OF "APPNHead": date DESCRIPTION "Date that the payment
instrument was cleared in the system (Syste m Set)." LABEL "Cleared Date"
FIELD "ClearedPending" OF "APPNHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the
payment instrument is in the process of being cleared. When the Bank Statement is
posted all Pending Transactions and Checks are flagged as Cleared and any variances
are posted to the Bank Account s Cash and Cleared Variance Accounts." LABEL
"Cleared Bank" COLUMN-LABEL "Cleared"
FIELD "ClearedPerson" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Person who cleared the
payment instrument (System Set)." LABEL "Cleared By"
FIELD "ClearedStmtEndDate" OF "APPNHead": date DESCRIPTION "End Date of the
Statement that the payment instrument was cleared on." LABEL "Cleared Stmt Date"
FIELD "ClearedTime" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Time that the payment
instrument was cleared in the system - in H H:MM:SS format (System Set)." LABEL
"Cleared Time"
FIELD "ClearedPI" OF "APPNHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Payment
Instrument's cleared status. When the Bank Statement is posted all Pending
Transactions and Payment Instruments are flagge d as Cleared and any variances are
posted to the Bank Account s Cash and Cleared Va riance Accounts." LABEL "Cleared"
FIELD "DocClearedAmt" OF "APPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount that the bank
cleared the check for.(Vendors Currency)" LABEL "Cleared Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1ClearedAmt" OF "APPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Cleared Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2ClearedAmt" OF "APPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Cleared Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3ClearedAmt" OF "APPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Cleared Amount"
FIELD "CashbookLine" OF "APPNHead": integer DESCRIPTION "When creating a new
CashBdtl, the next available # is assigned by the system. The system generates a
number by finding the last CashBdtl of a ca shbhed and uses its CashBookLine + 1.
Not directly entered by the user." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "LegalNumber" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "The Legal Number for the
record. This number is created based on setup parameters in table LegalNumber."
LABEL "Legal Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Legal Number"
FIELD "TranDocTypeID" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Transaction document
type id." LABEL "Transaction Document Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Transaction Document
FIELD "DocumentPrinted" OF "APPNHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
document has been printed." LABEL "Document Printed" COLUMN-LABEL "Document
FIELD "FirstHeadNum" OF "APPNHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to the first
checkhed" LABEL "FirstHeadNum"
FIELD "Manual" OF "APPNHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if manually printed.
If manual then user must enter th e APPRomNoteID" LABEL "Manual"
FIELD "ChgComment" OF "APPNHead": character
DESCRIPTION "Reason to change the Customer or Company information" LABEL "Change
FIELD "PymtCntr" OF "APPNHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates APPRomNoteID was
generated using AP CheckHed numbering" LABEL "Payment Counter"
FIELD "PIStage" OF "APPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Payment Instrument Stage"
LABEL "Stage"
FIELD "LockRate" OF "APPNHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Lock Exchange Rate" LABEL
"Lock Rate"

TABLE "APPNMove" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "AR Promissory Note Movement"
FIELD "Company" OF "APPNMove": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "HeadNum" OF "APPNMove": integer DESCRIPTION "An integer automatically
assigned by the system using the databas e sequence called ""CheckHedSeq"". Which
along with company and GroupID creates a unique key for the record. This is for
internal control only the user never ne eds to reference. "
FIELD "GroupID" OF "APPNMove": character DESCRIPTION "Before allowing invoices to
be entered, the user establishes a Gr oup ID. All invoices belong to a group until
the group is posted. The Group ID i s assigned by the user. The Group ID is used to
selectively print and post the transactions and establishes the invoice date and
fiscal period defaults for inv oices assigned to the Group. " LABEL "Group"
FIELD "Seq" OF "APPNMove": integer DESCRIPTION "Movement Order" LABEL "Sequence"
FIELD "CurGroupID" OF "APPNMove": character DESCRIPTION "Current Group ID" LABEL
"Current Group ID"
FIELD "PIStatus" OF "APPNMove": character DESCRIPTION "Status" LABEL "Status"
FIELD "PIStage" OF "APPNMove": character
FIELD "Posted" OF "APPNMove": logical DESCRIPTION "Posted" LABEL "Posted"
FIELD "CreateDate" OF "APPNMove": date DESCRIPTION "Date created" LABEL "Created"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "APPNMove": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "APPNMove": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "APPNMove": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "CreateUser" OF "APPNMove": character DESCRIPTION "Created By User" LABEL
"Created By"
FIELD "LegalNumber" OF "APPNMove": character DESCRIPTION "The Legal Number for the
record. This number is created based on setup parameters in table LegalNumber."
LABEL "Legal Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Legal Number"
FIELD "Type" OF "APPNMove": character DESCRIPTION "Move Type" LABEL "Type"
FIELD "Comment" OF "APPNMove": character DESCRIPTION "Comment" LABEL "Comment"
FIELD "TranDate" OF "APPNMove": date DESCRIPTION "Transaction date." LABEL
"Transaction Date"
FIELD "CreateTime" OF "APPNMove": integer DESCRIPTION "Creation Time" LABEL "Time"
TABLE "AprvMfg" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "AprvMfg" DESCRIPTION "Approved
Manufacturer Part Number Table"
FIELD "Company" OF "AprvMfg": character DESCRIPTION "Company identifier" LABEL
FIELD "MfgNum" OF "AprvMfg": integer DESCRIPTION "Manufacturer Part Number" LABEL
FIELD "PartNum" OF "AprvMfg": character DESCRIPTION "Part Number" LABEL "PartNum"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AprvMfg": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AprvMfg": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AprvMfg": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalAprvMfg" OF "AprvMfg": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this AprvMfg as
global, available to be sent out to other c ompanies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "AprvMfg": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."

TABLE "AprvVend" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Approved Vendors"

FIELD "OpCode" OF "AprvVend": character DESCRIPTION "Operation Master Code - Links
record with a OpMaster record. nly pertains when APVType = ""Sub"". " LABEL
"Operation" COLUMN-LABEL "Oper"
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "AprvVend": integer

DESCRIPTION "The internal key used to tie back to the Vendor master file." LABEL
FIELD "Company" OF "AprvVend": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "PartNum" OF "AprvVend": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field identifies
the Part and is used as the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "ClassID" OF "AprvVend": character DESCRIPTION "Inventory class. Only
pertains when APVType = ""MTL"". The Class field can be blank or must be valid in
the PartClass master file. "
FIELD "CustNum" OF "AprvVend": integer DESCRIPTION "The unique key of the Parent
Customer record for the ShipTo. " LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "APVType" OF "AprvVend": character DESCRIPTION """MTL"" Material Suppliers or
""Sub"" Subcontractors." LABEL "Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Type"
FIELD "Obsolete900-ManPartNum" OF "AprvVend": character DESCRIPTION "The
Manufacturer PartNum field identifies the Part." LABEL "Mfg Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Mfg
FIELD "Obsolete900-Manufacturer" OF "AprvVend": character DESCRIPTION "Name of the
Manufacturer" LABEL "Mfg" COLUMN-LABEL "Mfg"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AprvVend": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AprvVend": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AprvVend": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "PrimaryIndex" ON "AprvVend"
AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary Index"
INDEX "TypCusClsOpPar" ON "AprvVend" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Finds out if a
level of approved vendor has been defined. "

TABLE "APSyst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Accounts payable system

configuration parameters and defaults. "
FIELD "Company" OF "APSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "SaveReceipts" OF "APSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if Receipt
transactions are to be used to create invoic es. This flag is used by the Receipt
entry program to set the value of the RcvHe ad.SaveForInvoicing. Invoice entry
pulls in receipt details Receipt.SaveForInv oicing = Yes and Receipt.Invoiced = No.
" LABEL "Save Receipts for Invoicing"
FIELD "Obs900-APAcctID" OF "APSyst": character DESCRIPTION "ID of the default
payables account. Used as default to Vendor.AP ACCTID by vendor maintenance. This
is field is updated during A/P Account mainte nance via the user indicating which
APACCT record is the default." LABEL "Account ID"
FIELD "AlwaysDiscount" OF "APSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Configures the A/P
automatic invoice payment selection process to unconditionally take any available
discount amount. " LABEL "Always Take Discount"
FIELD "AutoNumChk" OF "APSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Creates automatically non-
overwrittable numbers for AP checks."
FIELD "DefaultFmtCode" OF "APSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Stores the FmtCode of
the AgingRptFmt record that is to be consid ered the A/P default. "
FIELD "FmtCode" OF "APSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies default aging
format, the details of which is stored i n the AgingRptFmt table."
FIELD "CheckPerforationLineNum" OF "APSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Used by AP Check
printing. It is the line # at which the check p erforation is. " LABEL "Check stub
perforation line number" COLUMN-LABEL "Check stub perforation line number" HELP
"Enter check stub perforation line number."
FIELD "RptFormDir" OF "APSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Field used by system. Please
don't change field usage" LABEL "Report Forms Directory"
FIELD "CPayParent" OF "APSyst": character DESCRIPTION "For internal use only. Used
with CPayCompany to enforce security of the Centralized Payment Parent company."
FIELD "CPayCompany" OF "APSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Company that is the Parent
of Centralized Payment process. More than one company can be attached to a serial
number that has the Centralized Pay ment module entered. This field designates
which of those companies is the Cent ral Payment Parent Company and can therefore
create invoices flagged for central ized payment." LABEL "Parent Company"
FIELD "AllowReverseCharges" OF "APSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if user is
allowed to override the Reverse Charge Metho d in the AP invoice line." LABEL
"Allow RevCharges"
FIELD "OBS900-RoundGainsDept" OF "APSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of Account used for rounding difference Gain s in AP Invoices that might
occur based on tolerance, it happens when invoices i n one currency are settled in
another currency."
FIELD "OBS900-RoundGainsDiv" OF "APSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of Account used for rounding difference Gains in AP Invoices that might occur based
on tolerance, it happens when invoices in one currency are settled in another
FIELD "OBS900-RoundLossChart" OF "APSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component
of Account used for rounding difference Looses in AP Invoices that might occur
based on tolerance, it happens when invoices in on e currency are settled in
another currency."
FIELD "OBS900-RoundLossDept" OF "APSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of Account used for rounding difference Loos es in AP Invoices that might
occur based on tolerance, it happens when invoices in one currency are settled in
another currency."
FIELD "OBS900-RoundLossDiv" OF "APSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of Account used for rounding difference Looses in AP Invoices that might occur
based on tolerance, it happens when invoices in one currency are settled in another
FIELD "RoundInvoice" OF "APSyst": logical
DESCRIPTION "If it s true and in case the total balance of an invoice transaction
is within the total rounding setup for the currency of the invoice the balance is
automatically accepted and booked as a rounding difference, if it s false the us
er has to balance the transaction manually."
FIELD "OBS900-RoundingChart" OF "APSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component of
Account used to book difference that arise fro m the rounding of Total amount in AP
FIELD "OBS900-RoundingDept" OF "APSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of Account used to book difference that aris e from the rounding of Total
amount in AP Invoice"
FIELD "OBS900-RoundingDiv" OF "APSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of Account used to book difference that arise from the rounding of Total amount in
AP Invoice"
FIELD "RoundTolerance" OF "APSyst": decimal DESCRIPTION "It used to catch rounding
differences that might occur when vendo r invoices are settled in a currency
different from the invoice currency"
FIELD "OBS900-RoundGainsChart" OF "APSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component
of Account used for rounding difference Gains in AR Invoices that might occur based
on tolerance, it happens when invoices in one currency are settled in another
FIELD "AuthAdmins" OF "APSyst": character DESCRIPTION "List of authorized
administrators who are able to mark a logged a ction as complete." LABEL
"Authorized Aministrators" COLUMN-LABEL "Authorized Aministrators"
FIELD "LogInvAccting" OF "APSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Determines how a logged
invoice is processed through the accounti ng system. TR = Authorization Tracking.
Logged invoices are not processed by the Posting E ngine. Logging invoices is done
for tracking purposes. Full accounting is done when the AP Invoice is created. TA -
Account for Taxes. When logged invoices are posted, accounts payable and t ax
amounts are booked directly to the respective accounts, the invoice net amoun t is
posted to a Logged Invoice Suspense Account. The entry is removed from the suspense
account when the logged invoice is converted to an AP Invoice. S - Book All to a
Suspense Account. When the logged invoice is posted the tax i nvoice and net amount
are posted to a Logged Invoice Suspense Account. The entr y is removed from the
suspense account when the logged invoice is voided or conv erted to a regular AP
Invoice. " LABEL "Logged Invoice Accounting" COLUMN-LABEL "Logged Invoice
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "APSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "APSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "LogInvAutoAprv" OF "APSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if Logged
Invoices are created in an Aprpoved state or if they must be manually approved. If
the Accounting Option is 'Authorization T racking' logged invoices can not be auto
approved." LABEL "Auto Approve Logged Invoices" COLUMN-LABEL "Auto Approve Logged
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "APSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "InvPerCheckStub" OF "APSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of invoices per
Check Stub"
FIELD "ConsInvPmt" OF "APSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Consolidate invoice printing"
FIELD "GLStage" OF "APSyst": character DESCRIPTION "First G/L Update Stage" LABEL
"First G/L Update Stage"
FIELD "NextPINum" OF "APSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Next available number in PI
numbering sequence" LABEL "Next PI Number"
FIELD "NumDigit" OF "APSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of digits allowed for PI
Numbering" LABEL "Number of Digits"
FIELD "NextExpInvSeq" OF "APSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Next available number
sequence for ap invoices created from emplo yee expenses." LABEL "Next Expense
Invoice Seq"
FIELD "InvcReadyToCalcDflt" OF "APSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "This flag will be
used to default the InvcHead.ReadyToCalc field when an Account Payable invoice is
created. Defaults to No." LABEL "Inv Ready to Calc Dflt"
INDEX "Company" ON "APSyst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies an
APSyst record for a specific company"
TABLE "APTran" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Accounts Payable invoice transaction
details. This file contains two types of transactions; payment and adjustment. The
Payment records are rela ted to a CheckHed record the Adjustments are not."
FIELD "OBS900-DiscountDiv" OF "APTran": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of Prompt Payment Discount G/L account when a discount is taken. Check entry
derives this from the APAcct table related to the APInvHed record that is being
FIELD "OBS900-DiscountDept" OF "APTran": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the default Discount G/L account for this payables account. See
DiscountDiv field description for related info. "
FIELD "Company" OF "APTran": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "Description" OF "APTran": character DESCRIPTION "In the case of payment
details this description is printed on the check stub. If referencing a invoice the
APInvHed.Description is used as a defa ult. " LABEL "Description"
FIELD "DiscAmt" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Prompt Payment discount. Only
applicable if related to a valid AP InvHed record. In which case it can be
defaulted. This would carry a positive si gn except in the case of void checks."
LABEL "Discount"
FIELD "OBS900-DiscountChart" OF "APTran": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account
component for the default Discount G/L account for this payables account. See
DiscountDiv field description for related info. "
FIELD "TranAmt" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Transaction Amount. Represents
the amount to be applied against t he related invoice balance. In the case of
payments, this amount excludes any di scount, considered as gross payment. TranAmt
with a positive sign REDUCES payabl es while negative INCREASES payables. Example,
check detail payments of expenses are positive, unless they are referencing a debit
memo. The logic used is that these records are subtracted from the invoice balance.
The adjustment entry pro gram flips the signs of these fields between the user
interface and the database . That is to say, the user enters a positive to increase
the related invoice or debit memo or a credit to decrease but it is flip when going
to/from the databas e. " LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "InvoiceNum" OF "APTran": character DESCRIPTION "Invoice Number that is being
paid or adjusted. This is blank in t
he case of paying a non-payables expense. Otherwise it DOES have to be valid in the
APInvHed file. " LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "OBS900-PXDiv" OF "APTran": character DESCRIPTION "Depending on the
transaction this may represent the Payables acco unt or an expense account. If it's
a payment or adjustment that references a in voice (InvoiceNum <> """") then it is
set to the APInvHed.APDiv. Otherwise it r epresents the expense account for payment
of a non-payables expense. In this cas e it is defaulted from the
Vendor.ExpenseDiv..., else from APAcct.ExpenseDiv... Use the APAcctID established
for the Vendor (Vendor.APacctID), if it's blank use the system default APAcctID
(APSyst.APAcctID) to find the APAcct master. The full G/L account number is made up
of ExpenseDivision, ExpenseChart and Expe nseDept. The expense account is only used
for a non-payables expense. It is th en a MANDATORY entry. Default from the Vendor
else from the APAcct.MtlExpDiv. "
FIELD "OBS900-PXChart" OF "APTran": character DESCRIPTION "Chart number component
of G/L account . (see PXDiv)"
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "APTran": integer DESCRIPTION "Vendor number. The foreign key
that relates the record to the Ven dor master record. For TranType = ""Pay"" it is
set equal to CheckHed.VendorNum. For TranType = ""Adj"" it is captured from the
Vendor.VendorNum field. " LABEL "Supplier"
FIELD "OBS900-PXDept" OF "APTran": character DESCRIPTION "Department number for the
G/L account. (see PXDiv)"
FIELD "Posted" OF "APTran": logical DESCRIPTION "An internal flag which indicates
if this check has been Posted. If ""NO"" then it is considered as still being in
the data entry mode. In which case it is still accessible by the check entry
programs. It is set to ""Yes"" b y the group posting process. This is only
applicable for TranType = ""Pay""." LABEL "Posted"
FIELD "TranType" OF "APTran": character DESCRIPTION "An internal flag which
identifies the type of transaction. Valid types are ""Pay"" or ""Adj""."
FIELD "HeadNum" OF "APTran": integer DESCRIPTION "If TranType = ""Pay"" or ""ADJ""
for a currency gain/loss then t his is a duplicate of the related CheckHed.HeadNum,
otherwise it is set to zero ."
FIELD "APTranNo" OF "APTran": integer DESCRIPTION "Integer assigned by the system
which is used as one of the fields to uniquely identify the APTran record. If
(TranType = ""Pay"" and InvoiceNum = """") or (TranType = ""Adj"") it is assigned a
unique # using the database s equence ""APTranNo"", for Void checks it is a
duplicate of the related APTran.AP TranNo, else it is set to zero. "
FIELD "BankAcctID" OF "APTran": character DESCRIPTION "BankAcctID of the BankAcct
master that this check was drawn agai nst. This field is updated during the check
printing process for system printed checks or entered by the user for manually
printed checks. It must be entered an d valid for manual checks. It is invalid if
not found or BankAcct.Active = No." LABEL "Bank Account ID"
FIELD "CheckNum" OF "APTran": integer DESCRIPTION "Check number of the related
CheckHed." LABEL "Check"
FIELD "TranDate" OF "APTran": date DESCRIPTION "Transaction Date. This may be the
CheckDate, Void date, or adjust ment date. Check dates are duplicated from the
CheckHed.CheckDate during the Che ck printing process. Void date is entered by the
user and the void check program duplicates it into each APTran record it generates
for the check. Adjustment da tes are directly entered by the user." LABEL "Date"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "APTran": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal Year that transaction
will be posted to. For check payment s this is duplicated from CheckHed.FiscalYear
during check posting. Void Check entry and adjustment entry assigns the proper
fiscal year to each rec ord on the TranDate" LABEL "Fiscal Year"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "APTran": integer DESCRIPTION "G\L fiscal period that this
transaction is posted to. Updated by the check printing process for system printed
checks or by the user for manually printed checks. If entered must be valid in the
Fiscal master." LABEL "Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal!Period"
FIELD "GLPosted" OF "APTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this transaction
has been posted to the General Ledg er. This is set during the G/L transfer
process. " LABEL "Posted-G/L" COLUMN-LABEL "G/L"
FIELD "Voided" OF "APTran": logical DESCRIPTION "An internal flag indicating if
this is a Void payment transaction . This is set by the A/P void check program.
Void payments are duplicates of their original APTran payment record with the
exception of having the signs on TranAm t and DiscAmt fields flipped. " LABEL
FIELD "OBS900-CADiv" OF "APTran": character DESCRIPTION "The Division component of
the G/L account. Depending on the trans action this may either represent the Cash
Account (of the corresponding Bank Ac
count master) or the offsetting account to payables for adjustments. For payment s
this is assigned from the BankAcct master during check posting process. The f ull
G/L account number is made up of CADiv, CAChart and CADept. These individu al
fields are never directly entered, rather it is entered as part of a field th at
represents the full G/L account number. All three components must be entered and
valid in the GLAcct. See the GLSyst record layout for more detail on structure and
usage of G/L accou nt numbers. "
FIELD "OBS900-CADept" OF "APTran": character DESCRIPTION "The Department component
of the default G/L account. See CADiv f ield description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-CAChart" OF "APTran": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account
component for the default G/L account. See th e CADiv field description for related
info. "
FIELD "EntryPerson" OF "APTran": character DESCRIPTION "UserID that created this
APTran record."
FIELD "Comment" OF "APTran": character DESCRIPTION "Allows user to enter comments
about the transaction. This is only applicable with TranType = ""Adj"". "
FIELD "DocTranAmt" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Transaction Amount in the
vendor's currency. Represents the amoun t to be applied against the related invoice
balance. In the case of payments, th is amount excludes any discount, considered as
gross payment. TranAmt with a pos itive sign REDUCES payables while negative
INCREASES payables. Example, check de tail payments of expenses are positive,
unless they are referencing a debit memo . The logic used is that these records are
subtracted from the invoice balance. The adjustment entry program flips the signs
of these fields between the user i nterface and the database. That is to say, the
user enters a positive to increas e the related invoice or debit memo or a credit
to decrease but it is flip when going to/from the database. " LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "DocDiscAmt" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Prompt Payment discount in
Vendors currency. Only applicable if r elated to a valid APInvHed record. In which
case it can be defaulted. This would carry a positive sign except in the case of
void checks." LABEL "Discount"
FIELD "TaxRegionCode" OF "APTran": character DESCRIPTION "The Tax Region for this
payment." LABEL "Tax Region"
FIELD "TaxAmt" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Sales Tax Amount. "
LABEL "Tax Amount"
FIELD "DocTaxAmt" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Tax Amount in the vendors
currency. " LABEL "Tax Amount"
FIELD "RefType" OF "APTran": character DESCRIPTION "Link to the related
GLRefTyp.RefType." LABEL "Ref. Type"
FIELD "RefCode" OF "APTran": character DESCRIPTION "Link to the related Code in
GLRefCod.RefCode" LABEL "Ref. Code"
FIELD "OBS900-RefDispAcct" OF "APTran": character DESCRIPTION "(THIS SHOULD BE
FIELDS) A character string made up of Division, GLDept and Chart fi elds
concatenated using the user defined configuration options found in XaSyst f ile.
This should be formatted exactly how the user expects to see their account numbers
(including separators). This field is generated via the maintenance pr ogram. "
LABEL "G/L Account Mask"
WITH SONOMA!) GL Reference Code descripti on." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "OBS900-RefAcctDiv" OF "APTran": character DESCRIPTION "Foreign Key Division
component to the GLRefAct. Not directly main tainable. The system sets this field
by finding the GLRefAct which has the close st mask to the gl account that is
entered. The Company, RefAcctDiv, RefAcctCha rt, RefAcctDept comprise the set of
foreign key fields to the GLRefAct table."
FIELD "OBS900-RefAcctDept" OF "APTran": character DESCRIPTION "Foreign Key
Department component to the GLRefAct. (See RefAcctDiv )"
FIELD "OBS900-RefAcctChart" OF "APTran": character DESCRIPTION "Foreign Key Chart
component to the GLRefAct. (See RefAcctDiv)"
FIELD "RoundDiff" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Rounding difference arises when
invoice in one currency are settl ed in another currency"
FIELD "Rpt1DiscAmt" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Discount"
FIELD "Rpt2DiscAmt" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Discount"
FIELD "Rpt3DiscAmt" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Discount"
FIELD "Rpt1TaxAmt" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2TaxAmt" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3TaxAmt" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1TranAmt" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2TranAmt" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3TranAmt" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "APTran": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal Year Suffix
that transaction will be posted to. For check payments this is duplicated from
CheckHed.FiscalYearSuffix during check posting. Void Check entry and adjustment
entry assigns the proper fiscal year suffix to e ach record on the TranDate" LABEL
"FiscalYearSuffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "APTran": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal calendar
year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "APTran": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "APTran": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "GetDfltTaxIds" OF "APTran": logical DESCRIPTION "If set to true, the tax
calculation logic will retrieve the defau lt SalesTax ids for the line before
calculating taxes. It will also be reset to true if the TaxConnectCalc flag
switches from true to false."
FIELD "LegalNumber" OF "APTran": character DESCRIPTION "The Legal Number for the
record. " LABEL "Legal Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Legal Number"
FIELD "WithholdAmt" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount. "
LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "DocWithholdAmt" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount. "
LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1WithholdAmt" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount. "
LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2WithholdAmt" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount. "
LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3WithholdAmt" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount. "
LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "SelfAssessAmt" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Self Assessment Tax Amount.
" LABEL "Self Assessment Tax Amount"
FIELD "DocSelfAssessAmt" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Self Assessment Tax
Amount. " LABEL "Self Assessment Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1SelfAssessAmt" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Self Assessment Tax
Amount. " LABEL "Self Assessment Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2SelfAssessAmt" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Self Assessment Tax
Amount. "
LABEL "Self Assessment Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3SelfAssessAmt" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Self Assessment Tax
Amount. " LABEL "Self Assessment Tax Amount"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "APTran": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "RedStorno" OF "APTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Red Storno Flag" LABEL "Red
Storno Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Red Storno Flag"
FIELD "IncomeTaxCode" OF "APTran": character DESCRIPTION "Income Tax Code" LABEL
"Income Tax Code"
FIELD "ContractRef" OF "APTran": character DESCRIPTION "Free form Reference (e.g.
Contract Number or other reference spec ified by user) In case Ref PO is specified,
default reference is 'PO: 99999', bu t can be changed by user." LABEL
"Contract/Reference" COLUMN-LABEL "Contract/Reference"
FIELD "ContractRefDate" OF "APTran": date DESCRIPTION "Reference Date (e.g.
Contract Date, PO Date or other related date ) In case Ref PO is specified, default
is PO date, and but be changed by user." LABEL "Contract/Reference Date" COLUMN-
LABEL "Contract/Reference Date"
FIELD "PrePayment" OF "APTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that this is
prepayment." LABEL "Pre-Payment" COLUMN-LABEL "Pre-Payment"
FIELD "TaxReceiptDate" OF "APTran": date DESCRIPTION "Tax Receipt Date (Thailand
Localization)" LABEL "Tax Receipt Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Tax Receipt Date"
FIELD "TaxReceiptNo" OF "APTran": character DESCRIPTION "Tax Receipt Number
(Thailand Localization)" LABEL "Tax Receipt No." COLUMN-LABEL "Tax Receipt No."
FIELD "WHTCertificateDate" OF "APTran": date DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax
Certificate Date (Thailand Localization)"
LABEL "Withholding Tax Certificate Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Withholding Tax Certificate
FIELD "WHTCertificateNo" OF "APTran": character DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax
Certificate Number (Thailand Localization)" LABEL "Withholding Tax Certificate No."
COLUMN-LABEL "Withholding Tax Certificate No."
FIELD "RefPONum" OF "APTran": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference Purchase Order Number
for Prepayments." LABEL "RefPONum" COLUMN-LABEL "RefPONum"
FIELD "Rpt1RevalueBal" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency Invoice
Balance at the time of revaluation" LABEL "Rpt1 Revalue Balance"
FIELD "Rpt2RevalueBal" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency Invoice
Balance at the time of revaluation" LABEL "Rpt2 Revalue Balance"
FIELD "Rpt3RevalueBal" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency Invoice
Balance at the time of revaluation" LABEL "Rpt3 Revalue Balance"
FIELD "GainLossType" OF "APTran": character DESCRIPTION """R"" for realized or
""U"" for unrealized Gain/Loss" LABEL "Gain/Loss Type"
FIELD "ReverseGL" OF "APTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if it's a reversing
Gain/Loss adjustment" LABEL "Reverse Gain/Loss"
FIELD "RevalueDate" OF "APTran": date DESCRIPTION "Revaluation date that generated
the gain/loss record" LABEL "Revaluation Date"
FIELD "RevalueBal" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Invoice Balance at the time of
revaluation" LABEL "Revaluation Balance"
FIELD "DocRevalueBal" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Document currency Invoice
Balance at the time of revaluation" LABEL "Doc Revaluation Balance"
FIELD "BankID" OF "APTran": character DESCRIPTION "Unique ID of the vendor's bank."
LABEL "Bank"
FIELD "BankPaidAmt" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount Bank Paid" LABEL "Bank
Paid Amount"
FIELD "DocBankPaidAmt" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount Bank Paid" LABEL
"Doc Bank Paid Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1BankPaidAmt" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount Bank Paid" LABEL
"Rpt Bank Paid Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2BankPaidAmt" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount Bank Paid" LABEL
"Rpt Bank Paid Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3BankPaidAmt" OF "APTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount Bank Paid" LABEL
"Rpt Bank Paid Amount"
FIELD "PCashDeskID" OF "APTran": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of Petty
Cash Desk" LABEL "Petty Cash Desk ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Petty Cash Desk ID"
FIELD "PCashRefNum" OF "APTran": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference Number, unique
identifier of Petty Cash Document" LABEL "Petty Cash Reference No" COLUMN-LABEL
"Petty Cash Reference No"
INDEX "ChkRelation" ON "APTran" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Unique key for
APTran.Sort pay dtl by invoice#,adjmts by phys ent ry seq."
INDEX "AgeSelect" ON "APTran" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Used to find activity
after a certain date. Used by Aged invoice report."
INDEX "RefTypCod" ON "APTran" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Created to support
Referential Integrity checking when deleting G LRefTyp and GLRefCod records "
INDEX "VendorInvoice" ON "APTran" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Used to list the
details for a specific vendor-invoice. "
TABLE "ARLOC" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "AR Letter of Credit Table"
FIELD "Company" OF "ARLOC": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "LCID" OF "ARLOC": character DESCRIPTION "Letter of Credit ID." LABEL "LCID"
FIELD "CustNum" OF "ARLOC": integer DESCRIPTION "Customer Number" LABEL "Customer
FIELD "LCValue" OF "ARLOC": decimal DESCRIPTION "Monetary value of the Letter of
Credit." LABEL "Value"
FIELD "Rpt1LCValue" OF "ARLOC": decimal DESCRIPTION "Monetary value of the Letter
of Credit. Report Currency 1." LABEL "Value"
FIELD "Rpt2LCValue" OF "ARLOC": decimal DESCRIPTION "Monetary value of the Letter
of Credit. Report Currency 2." LABEL "Value"
FIELD "Rpt3LCValue" OF "ARLOC": decimal DESCRIPTION "Monetary value of the Letter
of Credit. Report Currency 3." LABEL "Value"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "ARLOC": character DESCRIPTION "Currency Code" LABEL
"Currency Code"
FIELD "ExchangeRate" OF "ARLOC": decimal DESCRIPTION "Exchange Rate" LABEL "Rate"
FIELD "RateLocked" OF "ARLOC": logical DESCRIPTION "Exchange Rate Lock flag" LABEL
"Rate Locked"
FIELD "IssueDate" OF "ARLOC": date DESCRIPTION "Date that Letter of Credit was
issued." LABEL "Issue Date"
FIELD "FromDate" OF "ARLOC": date DESCRIPTION "Valid From date." LABEL "From Date"
FIELD "ToDate" OF "ARLOC": date DESCRIPTION "Valid To date." LABEL "To Date"
FIELD "Description" OF "ARLOC": character DESCRIPTION "Letter of Credit
Description." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "BTCustNum" OF "ARLOC": integer DESCRIPTION "Bill To Customer Number" LABEL
"Bill To Customer Number"
FIELD "GuarantorName" OF "ARLOC": character DESCRIPTION "Name of the Letter of
Credit Guarantor." LABEL "Guarantor Name"
FIELD "TermsCode" OF "ARLOC": character DESCRIPTION "Terms code" LABEL "Terms Code"

FIELD "ShipComplete" OF "ARLOC": logical DESCRIPTION "Ship Complete flag" LABEL

"Ship Complete"
FIELD "Inactive" OF "ARLOC": logical DESCRIPTION "If true, no more commitments to
this Letter of Credit." LABEL "Inactive"
FIELD "InactiveReason" OF "ARLOC": character DESCRIPTION "Reason Letter of Credit
was marked Inactive (entered by user)." LABEL "Inactive Reason"
FIELD "Closed" OF "ARLOC": logical DESCRIPTION "If true, Letter of Credit is
closed." LABEL "Closed"
FIELD "IssuanceType" OF "ARLOC": character DESCRIPTION "Free form text." LABEL
"Issuance Type"
FIELD "PackListCopies" OF "ARLOC": character DESCRIPTION "Free form text." LABEL
"Pack List Copies"
FIELD "PlaceOfLoading" OF "ARLOC": character DESCRIPTION "Free form text." LABEL
"Place of Loading"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ARLOC": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ARLOC": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this row.
It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ARLOC": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this row.
The value is a GUID."
FIELD "Comment" OF "ARLOC": character DESCRIPTION "Free form text comments." LABEL
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "ARLOC": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier." LABEL
"Rate Group Code"
FIELD "Type" OF "ARLOC": character DESCRIPTION "LC = Letter of Credit, ECG = Export
Credit Guarantee" LABEL "Type"
FIELD "DocLCValue" OF "ARLOC": decimal DESCRIPTION "Monetary value of the Letter of
Credit in bank's currency." LABEL "Value"

TABLE "ARPNDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "AR Promissory Note detail file."
FIELD "Company" OF "ARPNDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CustNum" OF "ARPNDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Customer Number" LABEL "Customer
FIELD "DiscountAmt" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal
DESCRIPTION "Discount Amount. Base Currency." LABEL "Discount Amount"
FIELD "DocDiscountAmount" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Discount Amount.
Document Currency." LABEL "Discount Amount"
FIELD "DocTranAmt" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Transaction Amount. Document
Currency." LABEL "Transaction Amount"
FIELD "ExchangeRate" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Exchange Rate" LABEL
"Exchange Rate"
FIELD "GetDfltTaxIds" OF "ARPNDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Get Default Tax ID's
FIELD "GLPosted" OF "ARPNDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Posted to GL flag" LABEL "GL
FIELD "InvoiceNum" OF "ARPNDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to invchead" LABEL
"Invoice Number"
FIELD "LegalNumber" OF "ARPNDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Legal Number" LABEL "Legal
FIELD "Posted" OF "ARPNDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Posted flag" LABEL "Posted"
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "ARPNDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Rate Group code" LABEL
"Rate Group Code"
FIELD "RoundDiff" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Rounding Difference" LABEL
"Rounding Difference"
FIELD "Rpt1DiscountAmt" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Discount Amount. Report
Currency 1." LABEL "Discount Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1TranAmt" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Transaction Amount. Report
Currency 1."
LABEL "Transaction Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2DiscountAmt" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Discount Amount. Report
Currency 2." LABEL "Discount Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2TranAmt" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Transaction Amount. Report
Currency 2." LABEL "Transaction Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3DiscountAmt" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Discount Amount. Report
Currency 3." LABEL "Discount Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3TranAmt" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Transaction Amount. Report
Currency 3." LABEL "Transaction Amount"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ARPNDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ARPNDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "TaxRegionCode" OF "ARPNDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Tax Liability" LABEL
"Tax Region Code"
FIELD "TranAmt" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Transaction Amount" LABEL
"Transaction Amount"
FIELD "TranDate" OF "ARPNDtl": date DESCRIPTION "Transaction Date" LABEL
"Transaction Date"
FIELD "GroupID" OF "ARPNDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Before allowing transaction
entry the user establishes a ""Group ID"". All transactions belong to a group. This
current GroupID is assigned by th e user. Once created, it cannot be changed. The
Group ID is used to Selectivel y print and post the transactions. " LABEL "Group"
FIELD "HeadNum" OF "ARPNDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The foreign key that relates
this detail record to a ARPNHead rec ord. Duplicated from ARPNHead.HeadNum when
record is created. Not applicable to user interface."
FIELD "InvoiceRef" OF "ARPNDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Applicable to CMemo
transaction types only. The ""Apply Credit Me mo"" program creates two CashDtl
records for each invoice that a credit memo is applied to. One record for the
<credit> to the invoice and a second record for t he debit to the credit memo. In
the first record this field is the InvoiceNum of the Credit memo. In the second
record it is the InvoiceNum of the invoice that the credit memo was applied to."
LABEL "Invoice Ref."
FIELD "DNAmount" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The total debit note value
applied for the invoice selected for t he payment during the payment transaction."
FIELD "DocDnAmount" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The total debit note value
applied for the invoice selected for t he payment during the payment transaction."
FIELD "Rpt1DnAmount" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt DN Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2DnAmount" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt DN Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3DnAmount" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt DN Amount"
FIELD "TranType" OF "ARPNDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the type of
transaction. Adjust = Adjustment, CMemo = Credit Memo Transfer, PrePay = Pre
Payment, MisPay = Misc Payment, PayInv = Paym ent on Invoices. This is duplicated
from the CashHead.TranType, not user mainta inable. Note: For currency gain/loss it
will be ""Adjust"". Both the Debit/Credit GL# wi ll be used. Debit is A/R account.
Credit is gain/loss account." LABEL "Type"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "ARPNDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The unique identifier
of the fiscal calendar." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Calendar
FIELD "DocSelfAssessAmt" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Self Assessment Tax
Amount. " LABEL "Self Assessment Tax Amount"
FIELD "DocTaxAmt" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Tax Amount in the vendors
currency. " LABEL "Tax Amount"
FIELD "DocWithholdAmt" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount. "
LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "ARPNDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal period for the
transaction. Not directly entered by the us er. Duplicated from the
CashBatc.FiscalPeriod at time of posting. " LABEL "Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal!
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "ARPNDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal Year. This is not
entered by the user on each record. Inst ead as part of the posting process it is
duplicated in from the CashBatc.FiscalY ear. Therefore each batch is posted to a
single fiscal period." LABEL "Fiscal Yr"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "ARPNDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal Year Suffix. "
LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "Reference" OF "ARPNDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Allows user to enter a short
descriptive reference for the transa ction. This is useful with Miscellaneous Cash
Receipts. "
FIELD "Rpt1SelfAssessAmt" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Self Assessment Tax
Amount. " LABEL "Self Assessment Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1TaxAmt" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1WithholdAmt" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount.
" LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2SelfAssessAmt" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Self Assessment Tax
Amount. " LABEL "Self Assessment Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2TaxAmt" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2WithholdAmt" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount.
" LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3SelfAssessAmt" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Self Assessment Tax
Amount. " LABEL "Self Assessment Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3TaxAmt" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3WithholdAmt" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount.
" LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "SelfAssessAmt" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Self Assessment Tax
Amount. " LABEL "Self Assessment Tax Amount"
FIELD "TaxAmt" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Tax Amount. " LABEL "Tax
FIELD "WithholdAmt" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount. "
LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ARPNDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "RevalueDate" OF "ARPNDtl": date DESCRIPTION "Revaluation date that generated
the gain/loss record" LABEL "Revaluation Date"
FIELD "RevalueBal" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "PI Balance at the time of
revaluation" LABEL "Revaluation Balance"
FIELD "DocRevalueBal" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Document currency PI
Balance at the time of revaluation" LABEL "Doc Revaluation Balance"
FIELD "Rpt1RevalueBal" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency PI
Balance at the time of revaluation"
LABEL "Rpt1 Revalue Balance"
FIELD "Rpt2RevalueBal" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency PI
Balance at the time of revaluation" LABEL "Rpt2 Revalue Balance"
FIELD "Rpt3RevalueBal" OF "ARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency PI
Balance at the time of revaluation" LABEL "Rpt3 Revalue Balance"
FIELD "GainLossType" OF "ARPNDtl": character DESCRIPTION """R"" for realized or
""U"" for unrealized Gain/Loss" LABEL "Gain/Loss Type"
FIELD "ReverseGL" OF "ARPNDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if it's a reversing
Gain/Loss adjustment" LABEL "Reverse Gain/Loss"

TABLE "ARPNHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "AR Promissory Notes header file."
FIELD "Company" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "TranAmt" OF "ARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Transaction Amount" LABEL
"Transaction Amount"
FIELD "AppliedAmt" OF "ARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Applied Amount" LABEL
"Applied Amount"
FIELD "BankAcctID" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Bank Account ID" LABEL
"Bank Account ID"
FIELD "BankAmount" OF "ARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Bank Amount" LABEL "Bank
FIELD "BankSlip" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Bank Slip Number of the
promissory note." LABEL "Bank Slip"
FIELD "BaseAmount" OF "ARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Base Amount" LABEL "Base
FIELD "CashbookLine" OF "ARPNHead": integer DESCRIPTION "When creating a new
CashBdtl, the next available # is assigned by the system. The system generates a
number by finding the last CashBdtl of a ca shbhed and uses its CashBookLine + 1.
Not directly entered by the user." LABEL "Cashbook Line"
FIELD "CompBankAcctID" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Company Bank Account
ID" LABEL "Company Bank Acct ID"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Currency Code" LABEL
"Currency Code"
FIELD "CustBankAcctID" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Customer Bank Account
ID" LABEL "Customer Bank Acct ID"
FIELD "CustID" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Customer ID" LABEL "Customer
FIELD "CustNum" OF "ARPNHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Customer Number" LABEL
"Customer Number"
FIELD "Description" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Description" LABEL
FIELD "DiscountAmt" OF "ARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Discount Amount. Base
Currency." LABEL "Discount Amount"
FIELD "DocAppliedAmt" OF "ARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Applied Amount. Document
Currency." LABEL "Applied Amount"
FIELD "DocUnAppliedAmt" OF "ARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Unapplied Amount.
Document Currency." LABEL "Unapplied Amount"
FIELD "DocTaxAmt" OF "ARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Tax Amount. Document
Currency." LABEL "Tax Amount"
FIELD "DocTranAmt" OF "ARPNHead": decimal
DESCRIPTION "Transaction Amount. Document Currency." LABEL "Transaction Amount"
FIELD "DocWithholdAmt" OF "ARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Amount.
Document Currency." LABEL "Withholding Amount"
FIELD "ExchangeRate" OF "ARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Exchange Rate" LABEL
"Exchange Rate"
FIELD "GetDfltTaxIds" OF "ARPNHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Get Default Tax ID's
FIELD "GLPosted" OF "ARPNHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Posted to GL flag" LABEL "GL
FIELD "LegalNumber" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Legal Number" LABEL
"Legal Number"
FIELD "Paid" OF "ARPNHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Paid flag" LABEL "Paid"
FIELD "Posted" OF "ARPNHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Posted flag" LABEL "Posted"
FIELD "ProcessCard" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Process Card" LABEL
"Process Card"
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Rate Group code" LABEL
"Rate Group Code"
FIELD "RecalcBeforePost" OF "ARPNHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Recalculated before
FIELD "Rpt1AppliedAmt" OF "ARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Applied Amount. Report
Currency 1." LABEL "Applied Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1TaxAmt" OF "ARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Tax Amount. Report Currency
1." LABEL "Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1TranAmt" OF "ARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Transaction Amount. Report
Currency 1." LABEL "Transaction Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1UnappliedAmt" OF "ARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Unapplied Amount.
Report Currency 1." LABEL "Unapplied Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1WithholdAmt" OF "ARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Amount.
Report Currency 1." LABEL "Withholding Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2AppliedAmt" OF "ARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Applied Amount. Report
Currency 2." LABEL "Applied Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2TaxAmt" OF "ARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Tax Amount. Report Currency
2. " LABEL "Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2TranAmt" OF "ARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Transaction Amount. Report
Currency 2." LABEL "Transaction Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2UnappliedAmt" OF "ARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Unapplied Amount.
Report Currency 2." LABEL "Unapplied Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2WithholdAmt" OF "ARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Amount.
Report Currency 2." LABEL "Withholding Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3AppliedAmt" OF "ARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Applied Amount. Report
Currency 3." LABEL "Applied Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3TaxAmt" OF "ARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Tax Amount. Report Currency
3." LABEL "Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3TranAmt" OF "ARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Transaction Amount. Report
Currency 3." LABEL "Transaction Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3UnappliedAmt" OF "ARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Unapplied Amount.
Report Currency 3." LABEL "Unapplied Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3WithholdAmt" OF "ARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Amount.
Report Currency 3." LABEL "Withholding Amount"
FIELD "Signed" OF "ARPNHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Signed flag" LABEL "Signed"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ARPNHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "TaxAmt" OF "ARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Tax Amount. Base Currency."
LABEL "Tax Amount"
FIELD "TaxRegionCode" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Tax Liability" LABEL
"Tax Region Code"
FIELD "TotalARAmt" OF "ARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total AR Amount" LABEL
"Total AR Amount"
FIELD "TransDate" OF "ARPNHead": date DESCRIPTION "Transaction Date" LABEL
"Transaction Date"
FIELD "UnappliedAmt" OF "ARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Unapplied Amount. Base
Currency." LABEL "Unapplied Amount"
FIELD "Voided" OF "ARPNHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Voided Flag" LABEL "Voided"
FIELD "WithholdAmt" OF "ARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Amount. Base
Currency." LABEL "Withholding Amount"
FIELD "CompanyName" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Company Name" LABEL
FIELD "CompanyAddr1" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "First company address
FIELD "CompanyAddr2" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Second company address
FIELD "CompanyAddr3" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Third company address
FIELD "CompanyCity" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Company City portion of
the address."
FIELD "CompanyState" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Company State portion of
the address."
FIELD "CompanyPostalCode" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Company Postal Code
or Zip Code portion of the address."
FIELD "CompanyCountry" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Company Country
portion of the address."
FIELD "CustomerName" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Company Name"
FIELD "CustomerAddr1" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "First customer address
FIELD "CustomerAddr2" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Second customer address
FIELD "CustomerAddr3" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Third customer address
FIELD "CustomerState" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Customer Stateportion
of the address."
FIELD "CustomerPostalCode" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Customer City
portion of the address."
FIELD "CustomerCity" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Customer Postal Code or
Zip Code portion of the address."
FIELD "GroupID" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Before allowing transaction
entry the user establishes a ""Group ID"". All transactions belong to a group. This
current GroupID is assigned by th
e user. Once created, it cannot be changed. The Group ID is used to Selectivel y
print and post the transactions. " LABEL "Group" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "HeadNum" OF "ARPNHead": integer DESCRIPTION "An integer automatically
assigned by the system using the databas e sequence called ""CashHeadSeq"". Which
along with company and BatchID creates a unique key for the record. This is for
internal control only the user never ne eds to reference. "
FIELD "InvoiceNum" OF "ARPNHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to invchead" LABEL
FIELD "ARPromNoteID" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "AR Promissory Note ID"
LABEL "Promissory Note ID"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "ARPNHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal Year. This is not
entered by the user on each record. Dupl icated in from the CashGroup.FiscalYear.
Therefore each batch is posted to a sin gle fiscal period." LABEL "Fiscal Year"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year suffix."
LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "ARPNHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal period for the
transaction. Not directly entered by the us er. Duplicated from the
CashGroup.FiscalPeriod. " LABEL "Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal!Period"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "The unique
identifier of the fiscal calendar." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal
Calendar ID"
FIELD "ReadyToCalc" OF "ARPNHead": logical DESCRIPTION "This flag will be used to
indicate if the invoice is ready for ca lculations. When set to true, tax
calculations will take place whenever a save t akes place for any tables tied to
the invoice which could affect taxes (InvcDtl, InvcHead, InvcMisc, etc). It
defaults from ARSyst.InvcReadyToCalcDflt field whe n an invoice is created. " LABEL
"ReadyToCalc" COLUMN-LABEL "ReadyToCalc"
FIELD "TranType" OF "ARPNHead": character
DESCRIPTION "Transaction Type" LABEL "Type"
FIELD "Sent" OF "ARPNHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Sent Flag" LABEL "Sent"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ARPNHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "Type" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Type" LABEL "Type"
FIELD "IssueDate" OF "ARPNHead": date DESCRIPTION "Issue Date" LABEL "Issue Date"
FIELD "DueDate" OF "ARPNHead": date DESCRIPTION "Due date of the promissory note."
LABEL "Due Date"
FIELD "CompBankBranchCode" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Bank/Branch Code
for company's bank." LABEL "Company Bank/Branch Code"
FIELD "CompIBANCode" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "IBANCode for company's
bank." LABEL "Company IBAN Code"
FIELD "CustBankBranchCode" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Bank/Branch Code
for customer's bank." LABEL "Customer Bank/Branch Code"
FIELD "CustIBANCode" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "IBAN Code for customer's
bank." LABEL "Customer IBAN Code"
FIELD "AutoGenerated" OF "ARPNHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether Payment
Instrument was auto-generated from AR I nvoice Entry." LABEL "Auto Generated"
FIELD "DirectDeposit" OF "ARPNHead": logical DESCRIPTION "If true, indicates that
Customer is flagged as Direct Deposit. Co mes from field Customer.DirectDeposit."
LABEL "Direct Deposit Customer"
FIELD "ClearedAmt" OF "ARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount that the bank cleared
the payment instrument for." LABEL "Cleared Amount"
FIELD "ClearedDate" OF "ARPNHead": date DESCRIPTION "Date that the payment
instrument was cleared in the system (Syste m Set)." LABEL "Cleared Date"
FIELD "ClearedPending" OF "ARPNHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the
payment instrument is in the process of being cleared. When the Bank Statement is
posted all Pending Transactions and Checks are flagged as Cleared and any variances
are posted to the Bank Account s Cash and Cleared Variance Accounts." LABEL
"Cleared Bank" COLUMN-LABEL "Cleared"
FIELD "ClearedPerson" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Person who cleared the
payment instrument (System Set)." LABEL "Cleared By"
FIELD "ClearedPI" OF "ARPNHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Payment
Instrument's cleared status. When the Bank Statement is posted all Pending
Transactions and Payment Instruments are flagge d as Cleared and any variances are
posted to the Bank Account s Cash and Cleared Va riance Accounts." LABEL "Cleared"

FIELD "ClearedStmtEndDate" OF "ARPNHead": date DESCRIPTION "End Date of the

Statement that the payment instrument was cleared on." LABEL "Cleared Stmt Date"
FIELD "ClearedTime" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Time that the payment
instrument was cleared in the system - in H H:MM:SS format (System Set)." LABEL
"Cleared Time"
FIELD "DocClearedAmt" OF "ARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount that the bank
cleared the check for.(Vendors Currency)" LABEL "Cleared Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2ClearedAmt" OF "ARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Cleared Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3ClearedAmt" OF "ARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Cleared Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1ClearedAmt" OF "ARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Cleared Amount"
FIELD "CashBookNum" OF "ARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field identifies a
bankslip." LABEL "CashBookNum"
FIELD "TranDocTypeID" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Transaction document
type id." LABEL "Transaction Document Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Transaction Document
FIELD "DocumentPrinted" OF "ARPNHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
document has been printed." LABEL "Document Printed" COLUMN-LABEL "Document
FIELD "CustCountryCode" OF "ARPNHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Customer's country
code" LABEL "Country"
FIELD "CustomerCountry" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Customer country
portion of the address." LABEL "Country"
FIELD "PIStatus" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Promissory Note Status"
FIELD "PIStage" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Stage" LABEL "Stage"
FIELD "ChgComment" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Reason to change Company
or Customer information" COLUMN-LABEL "Drawee Comment"
FIELD "CurGroupID" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Current Group" LABEL
"Current Group"
FIELD "HoldReason" OF "ARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Hold from Application
reason" LABEL "Hold Reason"
FIELD "LockRate" OF "ARPNHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Lock Exchange Rate"
LABEL "Lock Rate"
FIELD "ReverseDate" OF "ARPNHead": date DESCRIPTION "Reverse Date" LABEL "Date of
FIELD "ReferseRef" OF "ARPNHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to reversed PI"

TABLE "ARPNMove" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "AR Promissory Notes Movement
FIELD "Company" OF "ARPNMove": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "HeadNum" OF "ARPNMove": integer DESCRIPTION "An integer automatically
assigned by the system using the databas e sequence called ""CheckHedSeq"". Which
along with company and GroupID creates a unique key for the record. This is for
internal control only the user never ne eds to reference. "
FIELD "GroupID" OF "ARPNMove": character DESCRIPTION "Before allowing invoices to
be entered, the user establishes a Gr oup ID. All invoices belong to a group until
the group is posted. The Group ID i s assigned by the user. The Group ID is used to
selectively print and post the transactions and establishes the invoice date and
fiscal period defaults for inv oices assigned to the Group. " LABEL "Group"
FIELD "Seq" OF "ARPNMove": integer DESCRIPTION "Movement Order" LABEL "Sequence"
FIELD "CurGroupID" OF "ARPNMove": character DESCRIPTION "Current Group ID" LABEL
"Current Group ID"
FIELD "PIStatus" OF "ARPNMove": character DESCRIPTION "Status" LABEL "Status"
FIELD "PIStage" OF "ARPNMove": character DESCRIPTION "Stage" LABEL "Stage"
FIELD "Posted" OF "ARPNMove": logical DESCRIPTION "Posted" LABEL "Posted"
FIELD "CreateDate" OF "ARPNMove": date DESCRIPTION "Date created" LABEL "Created"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ARPNMove": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ARPNMove": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ARPNMove": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "CreateUser" OF "ARPNMove": character DESCRIPTION "Created By User" LABEL
"Created By"
FIELD "LegalNumber" OF "ARPNMove": character DESCRIPTION "The Legal Number for the
record. This number is created based on setup parameters in table LegalNumber."
LABEL "Legal Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Legal Number"
FIELD "Type" OF "ARPNMove": character DESCRIPTION "Move Type" LABEL "Type"
FIELD "Comment" OF "ARPNMove": character DESCRIPTION "Comment" LABEL "Comment"
FIELD "TranDate" OF "ARPNMove": date DESCRIPTION "Transaction Date" LABEL
"Transaction Date"
FIELD "CreateTime" OF "ARPNMove": integer DESCRIPTION "Creation Time" LABEL "Time"

TABLE "ARSyst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Accounts Receivable System control
parameters and defaults."
FIELD "Company" OF "ARSyst": character
DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
2.70. Division component of default A/R G/L account for a the invoice. The full G/L
a ccount number is made up of ARDiv, ARChart and ARDept. For invoices this is the
account that will be debited. For credit memos this account will be credited. These
individual fields are never directly entered, rather it is entered as par t of a
field that represents the full G/L account number. All three components must be
entered and valid in the GLAcct. See the GLSyst record layout for more detail on
structure and usage of G/L account numbers. Default from the ArSyst f ile. "
2.70. Department component of the default A/R G/L account the invoice line item.
See ARDiv field description for related info. "
2.70. Chart component for the default A/R G/L account for the invoice line item.
See ARDiv field description for related info. "
COMMERCIAL 2.70. Division component of default Sales G/L account for the invoice
line items. Thi s default is used when one is not provided by the ProdGrup file.
The full G/L a ccount number is made up of SalesDiv, SalesChart and SalesDept.
These individua l fields are never directly entered, rather it is entered as part
of a field tha t represents the full G/L account number. If any one of these three
components a re entered then it must be valid in the GLAcct. See the GLSyst record
layout for more detail on structure and usage of G/L accou nt numbers. "
COMMERCIAL 2.70. Department component of the default Sales G/L account for invoice
line items. S ee SalesDiv field description for related info. "
COMMERCIAL 2.70. Chart of Account component for the default Sales G/L account. See
SalesDiv field description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-DiscountDiv" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "OBSOLETE WITH
COMMERCIAL 2.70. Division component of default Discount G/L account for invoice
line items. Thes e discount G/L components are used when one is not available from
the ProdGrup f
ile. The full G/L account number is made up of DiscountDiv, DiscountChart and D
iscountDept. These individual fields are never directly entered, rather it is e
ntered as part of a field that represents the full G/L account number. If any o ne
of these 3 components is entered then, it must be valid in the GLAcct. See t he
GLSyst record layout for more detail on structure and usage of G/L account nu
mbers. "
FIELD "OBS900-DiscountDept" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "OBSOLETE WITH
COMMERCIAL 2.70. Department component of the default Discount G/L account for
invoice line item. See DiscountDiv field description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-DiscountChart" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "OBSOLETE WITH
COMMERCIAL 2.70. Chart component for the default Discount G/L account for invoice
line items. Se e DiscountDiv field description for related info. "
COMMERCIAL 2.70. Division component of default payments on deposit liability G/L
account used b y cash receipts entry and ""Deposit"" type invoices. The full G/L
account numbe r is made up of DepositDiv, DepositChart and DepositDept. These
individual fiel ds are never directly entered, rather it is entered as part of a
field that repr esents the full G/L account number. If any one of these three
components are ent ered then it must be valid in the GLAcct. See the GLSyst record
layout for more detail on structure and usage of G/L account numbers. "
FIELD "OBS900-DepositDept" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "OBSOLETE WITH
COMMERCIAL 2.70. Department component of the default deposit payments liability G/L
account. See DepositDiv field description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-DepositChart" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "OBSOLETE WITH
COMMERCIAL 2.70. Chart component for the default deposit payments G/L account. See
DepositDiv field description for related info. "
2.70. Division component of default Unapplied Cash Receipts liability G/L account
use d by cash receipts entry. The full G/L account number is made up of URDiv, URCh
art and URDept. These individual fields are never directly entered, rather it i s
entered as part of a field that represents the full G/L account number. See t he
GLSyst record layout for more detail on structure and usage of G/L account nu
mbers. "
Department component of the default Unapplied cash Receipts liability G/L accoun t.


2.70. Chart component for the default Unapplied cash Receipts G/L account. See
SalesD iv field description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-PayDiscountDiv" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "OBSOLETE WITH
COMMERCIAL 2.70. Division component of default Prompt Payment discount G/L account
used by cash receipts entry. The full G/L account number is made up of
PayDiscountDiv, PayDi scountChart and PayDiscountDept. These individual fields are
never directly ent ered, rather it is entered as part of a field that represents
the full G/L accou nt number. "
FIELD "OBS900-PayDiscountDept" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "OBSOLETE WITH
COMMERCIAL 2.70. Department component of the default cash receipts prompt payment
discount G/L a ccount. "
FIELD "OBS900-PayDiscountChart" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "OBSOLETE WITH
COMMERCIAL 2.70. Chart of Account component for the default cash receipts Prompt
payment discoun t G/L account "
COMMERCIAL 2.70. Division component of default Returns G/L account for a credit
memo. The full G /L account number is made up of ReturnsDiv, ReturnsChart and
ReturnsDept. These individual fields are never directly entered, rather it is
entered as part of a field that represents the full G/L account number. All three
components must b e entered and valid in the GLAcct. See the GLSyst record layout
for more detai l on structure and usage of G/L account numbers. Default from the
ARSyst file. "
FIELD "OBS900-ReturnsDept" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "OBSOLETE WITH
COMMERCIAL 2.70. The Department component of the default Returns G/L account of the
credit memo l ine item. See ARDiv field description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-ReturnsChart" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "OBSOLETE WITH
COMMERCIAL 2.70. Chart component for the default Returns G/L account for the credit
memo line ite m. See ARDiv field description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-DefRevDiv" OF "ARSyst": character
DESCRIPTION "OBSOLETE WITH COMMERCIAL 2.70. Division component of default deferred
revenue G/L account. Used by invoice ent ry for ""Progress Billing"" which are
marked as ""Deferred Revenue"". Think of this account as the replacement for the
sales account that normal invoices cred it. "
COMMERCIAL 2.70. Department component of default deferred revenue G/L account. (See
DefRevDiv for more info)"
COMMERCIAL 2.70. Chart Number component of default deferred revenue G/L account.
(See DefRevDiv for more info)"
FIELD "CreditOrderAction" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Order Entry action to
a Credit Held customer. Valid values are " "WARN"" or ""STOP"". WARN means that the
user is given a warning, but allowed t o proceed (or cancel) with the order and
customer placed on credit hold. STOP m eans that the order line addition/change to
the order is not accepted and the or der and customer are not placed on credit
hold." LABEL "Sales Order Credit Limit Action"
FIELD "CreditShipAction" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Shipping Entry action
to a Credit Held order. Valid values are " "WARN"" or ""STOP"". WARN means that the
user is warned that the order is on cr edit hold, but allowed to proceed (or
cancel) with the shipment. STOP means tha t the shipment for that order is not
accepted." LABEL "Shipment Credit Limit Action"
FIELD "OBS900-ARAcctID" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "ID of the default
receivables account. Used as default to Custom er.ARACCTID. This is field is
updated during A/R Account maintenance when user c hecks the ""default"" toggle
box." LABEL "Account ID"
FIELD "StartInvoiceNum" OF "ARSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Used to establish the
beginning Invoice #. When the system genera tes a new InvcHead it will assign the
greater of (StartInvoiceNum) or (the last Invoice # on file + 1) as the invoice
number." LABEL "Starting Invoice "
FIELD "SaveShipments" OF "ARSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if Shipment
transactions are to be used to create invoi ces. This flag is used by the Shipping
entry program to set the value of the "" Invoiced"" flag field. (see
ShipHead.Invoiced). Invoice entry generates invoice s for Shipments which contain
""Invoiced"" flag = No. " LABEL "Save shipments for invoicing"
FIELD "Obsolete900-TaxMethod" OF "ARSyst": character
DESCRIPTION "Tax calculation per line or invoice. It can be ""L"" = per line or
""I"" = per invoice. Default is ""L""." LABEL "Tax Method" COLUMN-LABEL "Tax
FIELD "SJJournalCode" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "The Journal Code of the
Journal that will be used for A/R invoice s. Normally this would be called Sales
Journal. " LABEL "Sales Journal"
FIELD "AJJournalCode" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "The Journal Code of the
Journal that will be used for A/R adjustm ents and application of credit memos.
Normally this would be called the Adjustments Journal. " LABEL "Adj Journal"
FIELD "UseShipDateForInvDate" OF "ARSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Use Shipment date
for Invoice Date" LABEL "Use Shipment Date for Invoice Date"
FIELD "CreditContractAction" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Service Contract
Entry action to a Credit Held customer. Valid v alues are ""WARN"" or ""STOP"".
WARN means that the user is given a warning, bu t allowed to proceed (or cancel)
with the Service Contract and customer placed o n credit hold. STOP means that the
Service Contract line addition/change to the Service contract is not accepted and
the Service Contract and customer are not placed on credit hold." LABEL "Service
Contract Credit Limit Action"
FIELD "OBS900-IntPayDiv" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component of
default Integration G/L account for payment s. This default is used when importing
payments to an invoice. The full G/L ac count number is made up of IntPayDiv,
IntPayChart and IntPayDept. These individ ual fields are never directly entered,
rather it is entered as part of a field t hat represents the full G/L account
number. If any one of these three components are entered then it must be valid in
the GLAcct. See the GLSyst record layout for more detail on structure and usage of
G/L accou nt numbers. "
FIELD "OBS900-IntPayDept" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department component
of the default Integration G/L account for p ayments. See IntPayDiv field
description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-IntPayChart" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component of
the default Integration G/L account for paymen ts. See IntPayDiv field description
for related info. "
FIELD "AutoNumChk" OF "ARSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Creates automatically non-
overwrittable numbers for AR checks."
FIELD "DefaultFmtCode" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Stores the FmtCode of
the AgingRptFmt record that is to be consid ered the A/R default. "
FIELD "FmtCode" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies default aging
format, the details of which is stored i n the AgingRptFmt table."
FIELD "RptFormDir" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Field used by system. Please
don't change field usage" LABEL "Report Forms Directory"
FIELD "OBS900-RebateDept" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department component
of the default Rebate G/L account for a Prod uct Group. See SalesDiv field
description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-RebateChart" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account
component for the default Rebate G/L account fo r a Product Group. See SalesDiv
field description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-RebateDiv" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "The Division component
of default Rebate G/L account for a produc t group. The full G/L account number is
made up of RebateDiv, RebateChart and R ebateDept. These individual fields are
never directly entered, rather it is ent ered as part of a field that represents
the full G/L account number. If any one of these three components are entered then
it must be valid in the GLAcct. See the GLSyst record layout for more detail on
structure and usage of G/L accou nt numbers."
FIELD "InvcReadyToCalcDflt" OF "ARSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "This flag will be
used to default the InvcHead.ReadyToCalc field when an invoice is created. Defaults
to No" LABEL "Invc Ready To Calc Dflt" COLUMN-LABEL "Invc Ready To Calc Dflt"
FIELD "AllowReverseCharges" OF "ARSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if user is
allowed to override the Reverse Charge Metho d in the AR invoice line." LABEL
"Allow RevCharges"
FIELD "OBS900-RoundingDept" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of Account used to book difference that aris e from the rounding of Total
amount in Sales Order, Quote, AR Invoice"
FIELD "OBS900-RoundingDiv" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of Account used to book difference that arise from the rounding of Total amount in
Sales Order, Quote, AR Invoice"
FIELD "OBS900-WriteOffChart" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component of
Account used to book amounts difference betwee n the paid amount and the invoice
amount in Cash Receipts according to the accep ted difference, defined in the
currency setup"
FIELD "OBS900-WriteOffDept" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of Account used to book amounts difference b etween the paid amount and
the invoice amount in Cash Receipts according to the accepted difference, defined
in the currency setup"
FIELD "OBS900-WriteOffDiv" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of Account used to book amounts difference bet ween the paid amount and the invoice
amount in Cash Receipts according to the ac cepted difference, defined in the
currency setup"
FIELD "RoundTolerance" OF "ARSyst": decimal DESCRIPTION "It is used to catch
rounding differences that might occur when cu stomer invoices are settled in a
currency different from the invoice currency."
FIELD "OBS900-RoundGainsChart" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component
of Account used for rounding difference Gains in AR Invoices that might occur based
on tolerance, it happens when invoices in one currency are settled in another
FIELD "OBS900-RoundGainsDept" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of Account used for rounding difference Gain s in AR Invoices that might
occur based on tolerance, it happens when invoices i n one currency are settled in
another currency"
FIELD "OBS900-RoundGainsDiv" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of Account used for rounding difference Gains in AR Invoices that might occur based
on tolerance, it happens when invoices in one currency are settled in another
FIELD "OBS900-RoundLossChart" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component
of Account used for rounding difference Looses in AR Invoices that might occur
based on tolerance, it happens when invoices in on e currency are settled in
another currency"
FIELD "OBS900-RoundLossDept" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of Account used for rounding difference Loos es in AR Invoices that might
occur based on tolerance, it happens when invoices in one currency are settled in
another currency"
FIELD "OBS900-RoundLossDiv" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of Account used for rounding difference Looses in AR Invoices that might occur
based on tolerance, it happens when invoices in one currency are settled in another
FIELD "TaxARCustomRules" OF "ARSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "if Yes it means that tax
rounding and calculation level (line or total) are performed according to rules set
on each customer, if NO - according to company setup"
FIELD "OBS900-RoundingChart" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component of
Account used to book difference that arise fro m the rounding of Total amount in AR
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ARSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "RlsClassReport" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Reporting relationship
class" LABEL "Reporting class"
FIELD "RlsClassPayerSold" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Payer-sold to
relationship, lets payer customer pays for the sold to customer, who is billed in
the invoice " LABEL "Payer-sold class"
FIELD "AcrossNatAcc" OF "ARSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Accepts payments from any
customer within the same national accou nt, regardless of parent-child status"
LABEL "Across Acc"
FIELD "RlsClassCredit" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Credit checking
relationship" LABEL "Credit class"
FIELD "ProrateDiscToLine" OF "ARSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "This field is used to
enable ability in Cash Receipts to prorate the discount amount back to the original
sales accounts instead of the Discount Account of the module or group part. " LABEL
"Prorate Discount" COLUMN-LABEL "Prorate Discount"
FIELD "LNReqForInvc" OF "ARSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if legal numbers
are required for invoices." LABEL "Require Legal Number for Invoice" COLUMN-LABEL
"Require Legal Number for Invoice"
FIELD "OncePerInvoice" OF "ARSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if finance
charge shall only be applied once per invoic e. In case it?s not checked, finance
charges shall be calculated each time the p
rocess is executed." LABEL "Once per invoice"
FIELD "CombWReminder" OF "ARSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the system
will generate a combined reminder lette r and finance charge invoice." LABEL
"Combine With Reminder Letter"
FIELD "ChargeMethod" OF "ARSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates how finance/late
charges are calculated and charged wit h these two options: Percentage on Invoice
Amount (Default) or Percentage on Amo unt Overdue." LABEL "Charge Method" COLUMN-
LABEL "ChrgMtd"
FIELD "ARClearing" OF "ARSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "A/R Clearing Accounting" LABEL
"A/R Clearing Accounting" COLUMN-LABEL "A/R Clearing Accounting"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ARSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "AllowSettlementInDiffCurr" OF "ARSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
user is allowed to set Invoice Settlement in Differe nt Currency for Cash Receipts
and Credit Memo." LABEL "AllowSettlementInDiffCurr" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "ARDefApplyDate" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Field to default the
Apply Date on AR Invoices." LABEL "Default Apply Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Default Apply
FIELD "ARDefShipDate" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Field to default the
Shipment Date on AR Invoices." LABEL "Default Ship Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Default Ship
FIELD "ARDefTaxPDate" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Field to default the Tax
Point Date on AR Invoices." LABEL "Default Tax Point Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Default
Tax Point Date"
FIELD "ARDefCurrDate" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Field to default the
Currency Date on AR Invoices." LABEL "Default Currency Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Default
Currency Date"
FIELD "ARDefTaxRateD" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Field to default the Tax
Rate Date on AR Invoices." LABEL "Default Tax Rate Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Default Tax
Rate Date"
FIELD "ARLinkApplyDate" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Field to link the Apply
Date on AR Invoices." LABEL "Link Apply Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Link Apply Date"
FIELD "ARLinkShipDate" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Field to link the
Shipment Date on AR Invoices." LABEL "Link Shipment Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Link
Shipment Date"
FIELD "ARLinkTaxPDate" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Field to link the Tax
Point Date on AR Invoices." LABEL "Link Tax Point Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Link Tax
Point Date"
FIELD "ARLinkCurrDate" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Field to link the
Currency Date Date on AR Invoices." LABEL "Link Currency Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Link
Currency Date"
FIELD "ARLinkTaxRateD" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Field to link the Tax
Rate Date on AR Invoices." LABEL "Link Tax Rate Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Link Tax Rate
FIELD "ARAmdApplyDate" OF "ARSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Field to Allow Amend the
Apply Date on AR Invoices." LABEL "Amend Apply Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Amend Apply
FIELD "ARAmdShipDate" OF "ARSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Field to Allow Amend the
Shipment Date on AR Invoices." LABEL "Amend Shipment Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Amend
Shipment Date"
FIELD "ARAmdTaxPDate" OF "ARSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Field to Allow Amend the
Tax Point Date on AR Invoices." LABEL "Amend Tax Point Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Amend
Tax Point Date"
FIELD "ARAmdCurreDate" OF "ARSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Field to Allow Amend the
Currency Date on AR Invoices." LABEL "Amend Currency Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Amend
Currency Date"
FIELD "ARAmdTaxRateD" OF "ARSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Field to Allow Amend the
Tax Rate Date on AR Invoices." LABEL "Amend Tax Rate Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Amend Tax
Rate Date"
FIELD "DatesSetUp" OF "ARSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Field to enable funcionality
of Dates Set Up" LABEL "Dates Set Up" COLUMN-LABEL "Dates Set Up"
FIELD "ARDefTaxRCrD" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Field to default the Tax
Rate Date for cancellation or adjusment credit on AR Invoices." LABEL "Default Tax
Rate Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Default Tax Rate Date"
FIELD "ARAmdTaxRCrD" OF "ARSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Field to Allow Amend the Tax
Rate Date for cancellation or adjusm ent credit on AR Invoices." LABEL "Amend Tax
Rate Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Amend Tax Rate Date"
FIELD "UseAltBillToAddr" OF "ARSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "This field will hold the
default value for InvcHead.UseAltBillTo which indicates if the Alternate Bill To
address should be used for taxing inste ad of the ship to address." LABEL "Use Alt
Bill To Address"
FIELD "CopyExchangeRate" OF "ARSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate if the
Exchange Rate should be copied from the o riginal Invoice for a Correction
Invoice." LABEL "Copy Exchange Rate"
FIELD "GLStage" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates first PI stage that
updates the G/L" LABEL "First G/L Update Stage"
FIELD "EndorseAP" OF "ARSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Endorse AP" LABEL "Endorse to
FIELD "GLStatus" OF "ARSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "GL Status" LABEL "Create G/L
Journal for Status Changes"
FIELD "UnapprovedStatus" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Unapproved Status"
LABEL "Unapproved"
FIELD "PortfolioStatus" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Portfolio Status" LABEL
FIELD "BankStatus" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Bank Status" LABEL "Apply To
FIELD "SettledStatus" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Settled Status" LABEL
FIELD "NextPINum" OF "ARSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Next available number in PI
numbering sequence" LABEL "Next PI Number"
FIELD "NumDigit" OF "ARSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of digits allowed for PI
Numbering" LABEL "Number of Digits"
FIELD "PreferredBank" OF "ARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Cash Receipts from sale
preferred bank." LABEL "Preferred Bank" COLUMN-LABEL "Preferred Bank"

TABLE "AttrBin" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Defines the list of valid Warehouse
Bin attirbutes. These can be linked to the Warehouse Bin via the WhseBinAttr table"

FIELD "AttrDescription" OF "AttrBin": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the

attribute" LABEL "Description"
FIELD "Inactive" OF "AttrBin": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not this
attribute can be assigned to a cus tomer." LABEL "Inactive"
FIELD "Company" OF "AttrBin": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "AttrCode" OF "AttrBin": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code assigned by
user which uniquely identifies an at tribute master record. This is used as a
foreign key in other files and may be used in displays/reports where space for the
full description is limited." LABEL "Attr Code"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AttrBin": character
DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AttrBin": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AttrBin": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalAttrBin" OF "AttrBin": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this AttrBin as
global, available to be sent out to other c ompanies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "AttrBin": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."

TABLE "Attribut" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table enables multiple
attributes like SIC codes to be linke d to the customer table"
FIELD "Company" OF "Attribut": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "AttrCode" OF "Attribut": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code assigned by
user which uniquely identifies an at tribute master record. This is used as a
foreign key in other files and may be used in displays/reports where space for the
full description is limited." LABEL "Attr Code"
FIELD "AttrDescription" OF "Attribut": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the
attribute" LABEL "Description"
FIELD "Inactive" OF "Attribut": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not this
attribute can be assigned to a cus tomer." LABEL "Inactive"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "Attribut": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "Attribut": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "Attribut": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "Attribut": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."
FIELD "GlobalAttribut" OF "Attribut": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this Attribut as
global, available to be sent out to other companies."

TABLE "AttrWhseGroup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Defines the list of valid
Warehouse Group Attributes. These can be linked to the Warehouse Group via the
WhseGroupAttr table."
FIELD "AttrDescription" OF "AttrWhseGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Description of
the Warehouse Group Attribute." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "Inactive" OF "AttrWhseGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not
this attribute can be assigned to a cus tomer." LABEL "Inactive"
FIELD "Company" OF "AttrWhseGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "AttrCode" OF "AttrWhseGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code
assigned by user which uniquely identifies an at tribute master record. This is
used as a foreign key in other files and may be used in displays/reports where
space for the full description is limited." LABEL "Attr Code"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AttrWhseGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AttrWhseGroup": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AttrWhseGroup": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "AutoRpt" AREA "Schema Area"

DESCRIPTION "Maintain relationships between tables that can enable the Auto-Pr int
action for BAMs and the Reports that each of those tables will use for
FIELD "TableName" OF "AutoRpt": character DESCRIPTION "Valid table to enable Auto-
Print action. (PK)" LABEL "Table Name"
FIELD "ReportID" OF "AutoRpt": character DESCRIPTION "Report Identifier (PK)" LABEL
FIELD "SystemDef" OF "AutoRpt": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the record is
predefined on the system, to prevent i t from being edited or deleted." LABEL
"System Defined"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "AutoRpt": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "AutoRpt": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "AutoRpt": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "BackLog" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "* Sales Order BackLog. NO ACTUAL
DATA EXISTS. This table is used to document the temp table that is use d for the
Sales Order BackLog Report."
FIELD "OrderNum" OF "BackLog": integer DESCRIPTION "Copied from OrderRel.OrderNum."
LABEL "Order"
FIELD "OrderLine" OF "BackLog": integer DESCRIPTION "Sales order Line number that
this order release is linked to. Cop ied from OrderRel.OrderLine " LABEL "Line"
FIELD "OrderRelNum" OF "BackLog": integer DESCRIPTION "Copied from
OrderRel.OrderRelNum." LABEL "Rel"
FIELD "ReqDate" OF "BackLog": date
DESCRIPTION "The customers requested due date for the shipment release. Copied from
OrderDtl.ReqDate. This can be blank (actually undefined ""?"") indicating an
unknown date. Undefined dates appear at the end of lists when sorted by date. "
LABEL "Req. Date"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "BackLog": character DESCRIPTION "Part Number. Copied from
OrderRel.PartNum" LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "CustID" OF "BackLog": character DESCRIPTION "Copied from Customer.CustID.
Customer is the customer for the sa les order." LABEL "Cust. ID"
FIELD "Name" OF "BackLog": character DESCRIPTION "Copied from Customer.Name for the
customer of the sales order. " LABEL "Name"
FIELD "TerritoryID" OF "BackLog": character DESCRIPTION "RENAMED Region ID The
sales territory this customer belongs to." LABEL "Territory"
FIELD "CustGroup" OF "BackLog": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the Customer Group
code for the customer of the sales or der. Copied from Customer.GroupCode using
OrderHed.CustNum to find the customer master." LABEL "CGrp"
FIELD "ProdGroup" OF "BackLog": character DESCRIPTION "Product Group Code. Copied
from OrderDtl.ProdCode. " LABEL "PGrp"
FIELD "ReleaseValue" OF "BackLog": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Outstanding Release
Value is the value of the unshipped p ortion remaining on a release. This DOES NOT
include any miscellaneous charges/ credits. Calculated as the (OrderRel.ReqQty -
(max(OrderRel.JobShippedQty + Ord erRel.StockShippedQty),0) / Price per factor) X
FIELD "LineDesc" OF "BackLog": character DESCRIPTION "Line Item description. Copied
from OrderDtl.LineDesc. " LABEL "Desc"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BackLog": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BackLog": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BackLog": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "BAMRule" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Maintains rules to fire a BAM only
if they evaluate to TRUE."
FIELD "Company" OF "BAMRule": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier. (PK)"
FIELD "AlertNum" OF "BAMRule": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique Alert Number for the
ChhgLogGA record which will be the pa rent of the rules. (PK)" LABEL "Alert Num"
FIELD "Seq" OF "BAMRule": integer DESCRIPTION "Auto generated sequence. (PK)" LABEL
FIELD "OnRecordState" OF "BAMRule": character DESCRIPTION "Options to fire action
depending on record state. Valid values a re: {OnNew, OnChange, OnAll} Default =
OnChange." LABEL "On Record State"
FIELD "AndOr" OF "BAMRule": character DESCRIPTION "Boolean operator to evaluate
rules. Possible values: {"""", ""and"", ""or""}" LABEL "And/Or"
FIELD "RuleField" OF "BAMRule": character DESCRIPTION "Name of field used to
evaluate rule." LABEL "Field"
FIELD "CompOper" OF "BAMRule": character DESCRIPTION "Operator to compare FieldName
against a constant or another field . Possible values: For strings: {"">"",
<"",""="","">="",""<="",""<>"",""BEGINS"",""MATCHES""} For numbers: {"">"",?
<"",""="","">="",""<="",""<>""} For booleans: {""="",""<>""}" LABEL "Operator"
FIELD "CompConst" OF "BAMRule": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag that indicates if the
value used for the comparison will be a constant." LABEL "Constant"
FIELD "CompField" OF "BAMRule": character DESCRIPTION "Name of field to compare
to." LABEL "Compare to" COLUMN-LABEL "Field Name"
FIELD "CompValue" OF "BAMRule": character DESCRIPTION "Constant value (except
dates)." LABEL "Value"
FIELD "CompDate" OF "BAMRule": date DESCRIPTION "Constant date." LABEL "Date"
FIELD "UseFromToday" OF "BAMRule": logical DESCRIPTION "Use delta of days from
today." LABEL "From Today"
FIELD "FromTodayDelta" OF "BAMRule": integer DESCRIPTION "Delta of days from
today." LABEL "Days From Today"
FIELD "ApplyToLog" OF "BAMRule": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if we want to apply
a specific rule to Create Log." LABEL "For Log"
FIELD "ApplyToAlert" OF "BAMRule": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if we want to
apply a specific rule to Send Alert." LABEL "For Alert"
FIELD "ApplyToPrint" OF "BAMRule": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if we want to
apply a specific rule to Auto-Print." LABEL "For Print"
FIELD "RuleTable" OF "BAMRule": character DESCRIPTION "Name of table used to
evaluate rule." LABEL "Table Name"
FIELD "CompTable" OF "BAMRule": character DESCRIPTION "Name of table for field to
compare to." LABEL "Table Name"
FIELD "LParens" OF "BAMRule": character DESCRIPTION "Left parentheses for nesting
conditions." LABEL "("
FIELD "RParens" OF "BAMRule": character DESCRIPTION "Right parentheses for nesting
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BAMRule": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BAMRule": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BAMRule": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "BankAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Defines the valid Bank Accounts
for a company. DELETE: not allowe d if referenced in CheckHed or PRCheck."
FIELD "Company" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BankAcctID" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the
bank account assigned by the user." LABEL "Bank"
FIELD "Description" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Full description of the
bank account. " LABEL "Description"
FIELD "OBS900-BankFeeDiv" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "The Division
component of the default GL account number for bank charges/credits for the Bank
Account. The full GL account number is made up of B ankFeeDiv, BankFeeChart and
BankFeeDept. The account will be used as a default by the Check Reconciliation
entry process when entering adjustments. "
FIELD "OBS900-BankFeeDept" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "The department
component of the default GL account number for ban k charges/credits for the Bank
Account. The full GL account number is made up of BankFeeDiv, BankFeeChart and
BankFeeDept.(See BankFeeDiv for additional informa tion)."
FIELD "OBS900-BankFeeChart" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "The Chart
component of the default GL account number for bank cha rges/credits for the Bank
Account. The full GL account number is made up of Bank FeeDiv, BankFeeChart and
BankFeeDept.(See BankFeeDiv for additional information) ."
FIELD "OBS900-CashDiv" OF "BankAcct": character
DESCRIPTION "The Division component of the default Cash GL account number for the
Bank Account. The full GL account number is made up of CashDiv, CashChart a nd
CashDept. This account will be debited by cash receipts and credited for paym ents
made against the bank account."
FIELD "OBS900-CashDept" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "The Department
component of the default Cash GL account number fo r the Bank Account. The full GL
account number is made up of CashDiv, CashChart and CashDept. (See CashDiv for
additional information)."
FIELD "OBS900-CashChart" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "The Chart component
of the default Cash GL account number for the Bank Account. The full GL account
number is made up of CashDiv, CashChart and C ashDept. (See CashDiv for additional
information). "
FIELD "CheckingAccount" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "The account number
for the bank account. Used for reference only. " LABEL "Bank Account"
FIELD "Closed" OF "BankAcct": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not the
bank account is an active account."
FIELD "OBS900-ClearedVarDiv" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "The Division
component of the default Cleared Variance GL account number for the Bank Account.
The full GL account number is made up of ClearedV arDiv, ClearedVarChart and
ClearedVarDept. This account will be used by the bank reconciliation routine for
any variances between the amount of a payment or rec eipt and the amount cleared
during the reconciliation process."
FIELD "OBS900-ClearedVarDept" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "The Department
component of the default Cleared Variance GL accou nt number for the Bank Account.
The full GL account number is made up of Cleare dVarDiv, ClearedVarChart and
ClearedVarDept. (See ClearedVarDiv for additional i nformation)."
FIELD "OBS900-ClearedVarChart" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "The Chart
component of the default Cleared Variance GL account nu mber for the Bank Account.
The full GL account number is made up of ClearedVarD iv, ClearedVarChart and
ClearedVarDept. (See ClearedVarDiv for additional inform ation).."
FIELD "OpeningBalance" OF "BankAcct": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Opening Balance of
the Bank Account. When a bank reconciliati on is posted, this field is set to the
posted reconciliation's closing balance a nd becomes the opening balance for the
next statement." LABEL "Opening Balance"
FIELD "OpeningDate" OF "BankAcct": date DESCRIPTION "The Opening Date of the Bank
Account. When a bank reconciliation is posted, the next statement's opening date is
set to the posted reconciliatio
n's Closing Date + 1 and becomes the opening date for the next statement." LABEL
"Opening Date"
FIELD "ClosingBalance" OF "BankAcct": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Closing Balance of
the Bank Account. When a bank reconciliati on is posted, this field is set to the
posted reconciliation's closing balance." LABEL "Closing Balance"
FIELD "ClosingDate" OF "BankAcct": date DESCRIPTION "The Closing Date of the Bank
Account. When a bank reconciliation is posted, this field is set to the posted
reconciliation's closing date." LABEL "Closing Date"
FIELD "BankRoutingNum" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "The bank's routing
number." LABEL "Company's Bank Routing Number"
FIELD "BankCheckDigit" OF "BankAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "The check digit for the
bank." LABEL "Company's Bank Check Digit"
FIELD "BankName" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "The Bank's full name." LABEL
"Company's Bank Name"
FIELD "ServClassCode" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Service Class Code 200
= Mixed debit or credit entries and pre-no tification entries.
FIELD "EntryClassCode" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "PPD - Prearranged
Payments and Deposits for consumer items. CCD - Cash concentration and
disbursements for non-consumer items. REV - Reversal Items.
FIELD "CDJournalCode" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "The
JrnlCode.JournalCode value of the Journal that will be used f or A/P checks.
Normally this would be called Cash Disbursements Journal. " LABEL "Cash
Disbursement Journal"
FIELD "PRJournalCode" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "The
JrnlCode.JournalCode value of the Journal that will be used f or P/R checks.
Normally this would be called Payroll Journal. " LABEL "Cash Disbursement Journal"
FIELD "CRJournalCode" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "The
JrnlCode.JournalCode value of the Journal that will be used f or A/R cash receipts.
Normally this would be called the Cash Receipts Journal. " LABEL "Cash Receipts
FIELD "BKJournalCode" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "The
JrnlCode.JournalCode value of the Journal that will be used f or Bank transactions
made in the check reconciliation process." LABEL "Bank Tran Journal"
FIELD "OBS900-TransferDiv" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "The Division
component of the default Bank Transfer clearing GL a ccount number. The full GL
account number is made up of TransferDiv, TransferCha rt and TransferDept. Bank
transfers will create a four lines entry in the genera l ledger. Credit the source
Bank's cash account, Debit the source bank's clearin g account, debit the target
bank's cash account, credit the source bank's cleari ng account. "
FIELD "OBS900-TransferDept" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "The Department
component of the Bank Transfer clearing GL account number. The full GL account
number is made up of TransferDiv, TransferChart and TransferDept. (See TransferDiv
for additional information)."
FIELD "OBS900-TransferChart" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "The Chart
component of the Bank Transfer clearing GL account numb er. The full GL account
number is made up of TransferDiv, TransferChart and Tran sferDept. (See TransferDiv
for additional information)."
FIELD "BankSlip" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "The identifier of the Bank
Slip document (bank statement.) The us er enters a bank slip during the bank
reconciliation process. This is then writ ten into the related GLJrnDtl records.
Pertains to transactions related to a ban k (checks, receipts, transfers,
adjustments) " LABEL "Bank Slip"
FIELD "OBS905-ElecPmntExpProg" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "The program
used to perform the actual export of A/P electronic p ayments from the APElecPy
temporary table. The user does not see the program nam e. Instead a predefined
drop-down list is used to set which program is run durin g the export." LABEL
"Electronic Payment Export Program"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Currency.CurrencyCode of
the currency that the bank account is de nominated in." LABEL "Currency Code"
COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "OBS900-PendDiv" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "The Division component
of the default Pending Cash GL account num ber. The full GL account number is made
up of PendDiv, PendChart and PendDept. This account is optional. If an account is
entered, this account will be credi ted by payment processing instead of the cash
account. When the payment is clear ed during the bank reconciliation process, the
Pending Cash account will be debi ted and the Cash account will be credited."
FIELD "OBS900-PendDept" OF "BankAcct": character
DESCRIPTION "The Department component of the default Pending Cash GL account n
umber. The full GL account number is made up of PendDiv, PendChart and PendDept.
(See PendDiv for additional information). "
FIELD "OBS900-PendChart" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "The Chart component
of the default Pending Cash GL account number . The full GL account number is made
up of PendDiv, PendChart and PendDept. (See PendDiv for additional information). "
FIELD "ExportDecimalPoint" OF "BankAcct": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
decimal point in decimal fields should be export ed when exporting electronic
payments. For example, if this is set to no then 10 .00 it would be exported as
1000. " LABEL "Decimal Point"
FIELD "BankCompID" OF "BankAcct": decimal DESCRIPTION "Assigned by the bank.
Uniquely identifies your company to the ba nk." LABEL "Company's Bank's Company ID"

FIELD "DebNoteOnly" OF "BankAcct": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not

the bank account is for Debit Notes only . If this flag is yes the bank could be
used in Cash Receipts only."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BankAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "ReconciledBalance" OF "BankAcct": logical DESCRIPTION "This field will
allow/deny the ability to keep reconcilied balanc es" LABEL "Reconciled Balance"
FIELD "UsePendAcct" OF "BankAcct": logical DESCRIPTION "its is true, If user wants
to use Pending Cash Account."
FIELD "BankIdentifier" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Swift Number or ABA
Routing Number" LABEL "Bank Identifier" COLUMN-LABEL "Bank Identifier"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BankAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "BankBranchCode" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Bank Branch Code"
LABEL "Bank/Branch Code"
FIELD "IBANCode" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "IBAN Code" LABEL "IBAN Code"

FIELD "APPaymentUseBankAvg" OF "BankAcct": logical DESCRIPTION "Use the bank

average value as the rate for payments from this acc ount." LABEL "Use Bank
FIELD "PayerRef" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Payer Reference" LABEL
"Payer Reference" COLUMN-LABEL "Payer Reference"
FIELD "NextPINum" OF "BankAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "Future Use - Starting Number
for Bank level PI Numbering" LABEL "Next PI Number"
FIELD "NumPIDigits" OF "BankAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "Future Use - Number of
digits allowed in PI Numbering" LABEL "Number of Digits"
FIELD "CorrespAccount" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Correspondence
Account" LABEL "Correspondent Bank Account" COLUMN-LABEL "Corr Bank Acct"
FIELD "LocalBIC" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Local BIC" LABEL "Bank
Identification Code" COLUMN-LABEL "BIC Code"
FIELD "TaxPayerID" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Tax Payer ID" LABEL "Tax
Payer ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Tax Payer ID"
FIELD "TaxRegReason" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Tax Payer Registration
Reason Code " LABEL "Tax Payer Registration Reason Code (used in Russian fin
reports)" COLUMN-LABEL "Tax Reg Reason"
FIELD "TypeCode" OF "BankAcct": character
DESCRIPTION "Free Form Type Code. Used in localizations." LABEL "Type Code"
FIELD "TransferPersonName" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Free Form Person
Name. Used in localizations." LABEL "Transfer Person Name"
FIELD "TransferPersonCode" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Free Form Person
code. Used in localizations." LABEL "Transfer Person Code"
FIELD "AccountType" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Account Type." LABEL
"Account Type"
FIELD "LOCLimit" OF "BankAcct": decimal DESCRIPTION "Letter of Credit Limit." LABEL
"Letter of Credit Limit"
FIELD "LegalName" OF "BankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Legal Name of Bank, which
is consistent with Legal Names field fo r trading partners." LABEL "Legal Name"
FIELD "DocLOCLimit" OF "BankAcct": decimal DESCRIPTION "Letter of Credit Limit in
bank's currency." LABEL "Letter of Credit Limit"
FIELD "Rpt1LOCLimit" OF "BankAcct": decimal DESCRIPTION "Letter of Credit Limit in
reporting currency 1." LABEL "Letter of Credit Limit"
FIELD "Rpt2LOCLimit" OF "BankAcct": decimal DESCRIPTION "Letter of Credit Limit in
reporting currency 2." LABEL "Letter of Credit Limit"
FIELD "Rpt3LOCLimit" OF "BankAcct": decimal DESCRIPTION "Letter of Credit Limit in
reporting currency 3." LABEL "Letter of Credit Limit"
FIELD "FloatAmt" OF "BankAcct": decimal DESCRIPTION "Float amount for the bank
account." LABEL "Float"
INDEX "BankAcctID" ON "BankAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
of a Bank Account master within a specific comp any"
INDEX "Description" ON "BankAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Used to
Search/Find BankAcct records by their description."

TABLE "BankBal" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Bank Balance"

FIELD "Company" OF "BankBal": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "BankBal": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year. " LABEL
"Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal!Year"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "BankBal": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal Period Number. "
LABEL "Period"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "BankBal": character DESCRIPTION "Currency Code." LABEL
"Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "BankAcctID" OF "BankBal": character DESCRIPTION "The ID of the BankAcct
master which for the bank account from whi ch the transactions in this group will
be paid. This is a mandatory entry and mu st be valid. It can be changed at check
print time. Check printing uses this as a default account to pay from. " LABEL
"Bank Account ID"
FIELD "ExchangeRate" OF "BankBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "Exchange rate that will be
used for this bank account. " LABEL "Exchange Rate" COLUMN-LABEL "Exchange Rate"
FIELD "Obsolete900-DocToRef" OF "BankBal": logical DESCRIPTION "The direction of
the exchange rate is determined by this field. I f DocToRef is true then the rate
is expressed as ""1 document currency is X refe rence currency"". If DocToRef is
false then the rate is expressed as ""1 refere nce currency is X document
currency"". " LABEL "Document to Reference"
FIELD "Obsolete900-RefToBase" OF "BankBal": logical DESCRIPTION "The direction of
the RefToBaseRate is determined by this field. I f RefToBase is true then the rate
is expressed as ""1 reference currency is X Ba se currency"". If RefToBase is false
then the rate is expressed as ""1 Base cur rency is X reference currency"". "
LABEL "Reference to Base"
FIELD "DbBalance" OF "BankBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "Debit balance of the fiscal
period. " LABEL "Debit" COLUMN-LABEL "Debit Balance"
FIELD "CrBalance" OF "BankBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "Credit balance of the fiscal
period. " LABEL "Credit" COLUMN-LABEL "Credit Balance"
FIELD "DocDbBalance" OF "BankBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "Debit balance of the fiscal
period in the currency of the bank ac count. " LABEL "Debit" COLUMN-LABEL "Debit
FIELD "DocCrBalance" OF "BankBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "Credit balance of the
fiscal period in the currency of the bank a ccount. " LABEL "Credit" COLUMN-LABEL
"Credit Balance"
FIELD "OpeningBalance" OF "BankBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "Opening balance of the
fiscal period. " LABEL "Opening Balance" COLUMN-LABEL "Opening Balance"
FIELD "DocOpeningBalance" OF "BankBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "Opening balance of the
fiscal period in the currency of the bank account. " LABEL "Opening Balance"
COLUMN-LABEL "Opening Balance"
FIELD "Rpt1CrBalance" OF "BankBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Credit"
FIELD "Rpt2CrBalance" OF "BankBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Credit"
FIELD "Rpt3CrBalance" OF "BankBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Credit"
FIELD "Rpt1DbBalance" OF "BankBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Debit"
FIELD "Rpt2DbBalance" OF "BankBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Debit"
FIELD "Rpt3DbBalance" OF "BankBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Debit"
FIELD "Rpt1OpeningBalance" OF "BankBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Opening Balance"
FIELD "Rpt2OpeningBalance" OF "BankBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Opening Balance"
FIELD "Rpt3OpeningBalance" OF "BankBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Opening Balance"
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "BankBal": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier" LABEL
"Rate Group Code"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "BankBal": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year suffix."
LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "BankBal": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal calendar
year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BankBal": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BankBal": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BankBal": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "BankBrnch"
AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Bank Branch Table"
FIELD "Company" OF "BankBrnch": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BankBranchCode" OF "BankBrnch": character DESCRIPTION "Bank Branch Code"
LABEL "Bank/Branch Code"
FIELD "Description" OF "BankBrnch": character DESCRIPTION "Bank Branch Description"
LABEL "Description"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BankBrnch": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BankBrnch": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BankName" OF "BankBrnch": character DESCRIPTION "The Bank's full name."
LABEL "Company's Bank Name"

TABLE "BankFee" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Bank Fee" DESCRIPTION "Table to strore
the Bank Fees"
FIELD "Company" OF "BankFee": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
FIELD "BankFeeID" OF "BankFee": character DESCRIPTION "Unique ID of the Fee" LABEL
"Bank Fee ID"
FIELD "Description" OF "BankFee": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the Bank
Fee" LABEL "Description"
FIELD "TaxCode" OF "BankFee": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code assigned by
user which uniquely identifies a Sal es Tax master record." LABEL "Tax ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BankFee": character
DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BankFee": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "RateCode" OF "BankFee": character DESCRIPTION "Rate Code" LABEL "Rate Code"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BankFee": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "IncomeTaxCode" OF "BankFee": character DESCRIPTION "Income Tax Code" LABEL
"Income Tax Code"
FIELD "GlobalBankFee" OF "BankFee": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this BankFee as
global, available to be sent out to other c ompanies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "BankFee": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."
INDEX "BankFeeID" ON "BankFee" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Principal Index"

TABLE "BankGrp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Bank Transaction Entry Group"
FIELD "Company" OF "BankGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GroupID" OF "BankGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Before allowing transaction
entry the user establishes a ""Group ID"". All transactions belong to a group. This
current GroupID is assigned by th e user. Once created It can not be changed. The
Group ID is used to Selectivel y print and post the transactions. " LABEL "Group"
FIELD "TranDate" OF "BankGrp": date DESCRIPTION "Transaction Date. The user enters
the single date that will be u sed for posting of all the transaction within this
batch. This date must be foun d in the Fiscal file. The Fiscal file provides the
Fiscal Year and Period, which
should be displayed for reference." LABEL "Tran Date"
FIELD "CreatedBy" OF "BankGrp": character DESCRIPTION "The user ID that created
this batch." LABEL "Created By"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "BankGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal Year. This is
defaulted based on the finding the Fiscal ma ster for the corresponding TranDate.
User can override this. " LABEL "Fiscal Year"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "BankGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal period for all the
transactions in this batch. Defaulted based on the Fiscal master which contains the
TranDate period. " LABEL "Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal!Period"
FIELD "ActiveUserID" OF "BankGrp": character DESCRIPTION "The user ID that is
currently logged into this Group. This is dis played on the Group browser so that
users may know which Groups are available." LABEL "In Use By"
FIELD "BankAcctID" OF "BankGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Related record to a
BankAcct." LABEL "Bank Account ID"
FIELD "Cashbook" OF "BankGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "if this group is created by the
Cashbook then other programs can not select this group." LABEL "Cashbook" COLUMN-
LABEL "Cashbook"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "BankGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal Year Suffix.
This is defaulted based on the finding the Fi scal period using the company
calendar for the corresponding TranDate." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "BankGrp": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal calendar
year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BankGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BankGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BankGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "RedStorno" OF "BankGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Red Storno Flag" LABEL "Red
Storno Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Red Storno Flag"

TABLE "BankPayMethod" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Bank Payment Method Table"
FIELD "Company" OF "BankPayMethod": character DESCRIPTION "Company"
FIELD "BankAcctID" OF "BankPayMethod": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of
the bank account"
FIELD "PMUID" OF "BankPayMethod": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the
payment method"
FIELD "IsDefault" OF "BankPayMethod": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag for default payment
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BankPayMethod": character DESCRIPTION "System row ID - GUID"
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BankPayMethod": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BankPayMethod": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "PMSource" OF "BankPayMethod": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicated the source of
payment method 0 = AP payment method 1 = AR payment method " LABEL "Scope" COLUMN-
LABEL "Scope"

TABLE "BankTran"
AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Bank Reconciliation Noncheck Transactions"
FIELD "Company" OF "BankTran": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BankAcctID" OF "BankTran": character DESCRIPTION "Relates record to a
BankAcct." LABEL "Bank Account ID"
FIELD "TranDate" OF "BankTran": date DESCRIPTION "Date that the transaction took
place." LABEL "Date"
FIELD "TranAmt" OF "BankTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount of the Transaction"
LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "TranRef" OF "BankTran": character DESCRIPTION "Transaction Reference" LABEL
FIELD "GLPosted" OF "BankTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the Transaction
(not cleared variance) has been po sted to G/L. When the Bank Statement is posted
all Non-G/L Posted adjustments f or the bank are posted to G/L using the Bank
Account s Cash and Bank Fee Accounts. G/L Posted Transactions cannot be deleted.
(System Set)" LABEL "G/L Posted"
FIELD "EntryPerson" OF "BankTran": character DESCRIPTION "Person who entered the
transaction (System Set)." LABEL "Entered By"
FIELD "EntryDate" OF "BankTran": date DESCRIPTION "Date that the Transaction was
entered into the system (System Set )." LABEL "Entry Date"
FIELD "EntryTime" OF "BankTran": character DESCRIPTION "Time that the transaction
was entered into the system - in HH:MM: SS format (System Set)." LABEL "Entry Time"

FIELD "TranClearedAmt" OF "BankTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount that the

Transaction was cleared for." LABEL "Cleared Amount"
FIELD "TranClearedPerson" OF "BankTran": character DESCRIPTION "Person who cleared
the transaction (System Set)."
LABEL "Cleared By"
FIELD "TranClearedDate" OF "BankTran": date DESCRIPTION "Date that the Transaction
was cleared in the system (System Set). " LABEL "Cleared Date"
FIELD "TranClearedTime" OF "BankTran": character DESCRIPTION "Time that the
transaction was cleared in the system - in HH:MM:SS format (System Set)." LABEL
"Cleared Time"
FIELD "TranCleared" OF "BankTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates the transaction's
cleared status. When the Bank Statem ent is posted all Pending Transactions and
Checks are flagged as Cleared and any variances are posted to the Bank Account s
Cash and Cleared Variance Accounts." LABEL "Cleared"
FIELD "TranNum" OF "BankTran": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique ID of the Transaction."
LABEL "Tran. Number"
FIELD "TranClearPending" OF "BankTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the
transaction is in the process of being cleared . When the Bank Statement is posted
all Pending Transactions and Checks are fla gged as Cleared and any variances are
posted to the Bank Account s Cash and Cleared Variance Accounts." LABEL "Cleared
Bank" COLUMN-LABEL "Cleared"
FIELD "OBS900-AdjDiv" OF "BankTran": character DESCRIPTION "Division component of
the G/L account used for Bank adjustment tr ansaction. G/L account is made up of
AdjDiv, AdjDept and AdjChart. If this is bl ank the system uses the BankFee account
defined in the BankAcct master "
FIELD "OBS900-AdjDept" OF "BankTran": character DESCRIPTION "Department component
of the G/L account. (see AdjDiv) "
FIELD "OBS900-AdjChart" OF "BankTran": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component of
the G/L account. (see AdjDiv) "
FIELD "BankSlip" OF "BankTran": character DESCRIPTION "The identifier of the Bank
Slip document (bank statement) on whic h this transaction was cleared by the bank.
This is updated via the bank reconci liation process. This is also written to the
related GLJrnDtl records. " LABEL "Bank Slip"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "BankTran": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year that entry
applies to. " LABEL "Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal!Year"
FIELD "JournalNum" OF "BankTran": integer DESCRIPTION "Journal Number of related
GLJrnDtl." LABEL "Journal"
FIELD "JournalCode" OF "BankTran": character DESCRIPTION "Journal Code of the
related GLJrnDtl." LABEL "Journal"
FIELD "DocTranAmt" OF "BankTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Document amount of the
Transaction" LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "BankTran": character DESCRIPTION "Currency Code" LABEL
"Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "ExchangeRate" OF "BankTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Exchange rate that is used
for this bank transaction. " LABEL "Exchange Rate" COLUMN-LABEL "Exchange Rate"
FIELD "Obsolete900-DocToRef" OF "BankTran": logical DESCRIPTION "The direction of
the exchange rate is determined by this field. I f DocToRef is true then the rate
is expressed as ""1 document currency is X refe rence currency"". If DocToRef is
false then the rate is expressed as ""1 refere nce currency is X document
currency"". " LABEL "Document to Reference"
FIELD "Obsolete900-RefToBase" OF "BankTran": logical DESCRIPTION "The direction of
the RefToBaseRate is determined by this field. I f RefToBase is true then the rate
is expressed as ""1 reference currency is X Ba se currency"". If RefToBase is false
then the rate is expressed as ""1 Base cur rency is X reference currency"". " LABEL
"Reference to Base"
FIELD "DocTranClearedAmt" OF "BankTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Document amount that
the Transaction was cleared for." LABEL "Cleared Amount"
FIELD "GroupID" OF "BankTran": character DESCRIPTION "The data entry ""group"" that
the transaction is assigned to. Al l transactions belong to a ""Group."" It is
assigned to the record during creat ion using the ""current group"" that the user
is signed into. It cannot be chan ged. The GroupID is used to selectively print and
post the transactions. "
LABEL "Group"
FIELD "CashBookNum" OF "BankTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field identifies a
bankslip." LABEL "CashBookNum"
FIELD "CashbookLine" OF "BankTran": integer DESCRIPTION "This field identifies a
line of a bankslip." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "BankTran": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal period the
transaction was posted to. Only pertains to whe n posted to GL." LABEL "Period"
COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal!Period"
FIELD "OBS900-CashDiv" OF "BankTran": character DESCRIPTION "The Division component
of the G/L Cash account for this Bank. "
FIELD "OBS900-CashDept" OF "BankTran": character DESCRIPTION "Department component
of the G/L Cash account. "
FIELD "OBS900-CashChart" OF "BankTran": character DESCRIPTION "The Chart component
for the G/L Cash account. "
FIELD "GLRefType" OF "BankTran": character DESCRIPTION "Link to the related
GLRefTyp.RefType." LABEL "Ref. Type"
FIELD "GLRefCode" OF "BankTran": character DESCRIPTION "Link to the related Code in
GLRefCod.RefCode" LABEL "Ref. Code"
FIELD "OBS900-RefDispAcct" OF "BankTran": character DESCRIPTION "(THIS SHOULD BE
FIELDS) A character string made up of Division, GLDept and Chart fi elds
concatenated using the user defined configuration options found in XaSyst f ile.
This should be formatted exactly how the user expects to see their account numbers
(including separators). This field is generated via the maintenance pr ogram. "
LABEL "G/L Account Mask"
WITH SONOMA!) GL Reference Code descripti on." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "OBS900-RefAcctDiv" OF "BankTran": character DESCRIPTION "Foreign Key
Division component to the GLRefAct. Not directly main tainable. The system sets
this field by finding the GLRefAct which has the close st mask to the gl account
that is entered. The Company, RefAcctDiv, RefAcctCha rt, RefAcctDept comprise the
set of foreign key fields to the GLRefAct table."
FIELD "OBS900-RefAcctDept" OF "BankTran": character DESCRIPTION "Foreign Key
Department component to the GLRefAct. (See RefAcctDiv )"
FIELD "OBS900-RefAcctChart" OF "BankTran": character DESCRIPTION "Foreign Key Chart
component to the GLRefAct. (See RefAcctDiv)"
FIELD "Rpt1TranAmt" OF "BankTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2TranAmt" OF "BankTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3TranAmt" OF "BankTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1TranClearedAmt" OF "BankTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Cleared Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2TranClearedAmt" OF "BankTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Cleared Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3TranClearedAmt" OF "BankTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Cleared Amount"
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "BankTran": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier" LABEL
"Rate Group Code"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "BankTran": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year suffix
that entry applies to. " LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "BankTran": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal calendar
year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID"
COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BankTran": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BankTran": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BankFeeID" OF "BankTran": character DESCRIPTION "Unique ID of the Fee" LABEL
"Bank Fee ID"
FIELD "BankFeeAmt" OF "BankTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Fee amount; this amount
plus the Fee tax amount will compose the total of the charge on the statement"
LABEL "Fee Amount"
FIELD "BankFeeTaxAmt" OF "BankTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Tax Amount that has
been charged to the fee" LABEL "Fee Tax Amount"
FIELD "DocBankFeeAmt" OF "BankTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Fee amount in Base
Currency" LABEL "Fee Amount"
FIELD "DocBankFeeTaxAmt" OF "BankTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Tax Amount that
has been charged to the fee in Base Currency" LABEL "Fee Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1BankFeeAmt" OF "BankTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Fee Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2BankFeeAmt" OF "BankTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Fee Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3BankFeeAmt" OF "BankTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Fee Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1BankFeeTaxAmt" OF "BankTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Fee Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2BankFeeTaxAmt" OF "BankTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field"
LABEL "Rpt Fee Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3BankFeeTaxAmt" OF "BankTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Fee Tax Amount"
FIELD "SourceModule" OF "BankTran": character DESCRIPTION "Used for Bank Fee
Functionality, indicates the module that create d this BankFee. This is assigned by
the system. Values can be; AR, AP and BA." LABEL "Module"
FIELD "HeadNum" OF "BankTran": integer DESCRIPTION "Consecutive from the AP and AR
transactions, this field is used t o identify the AP or AR transaction that created
this Bank Fee"
FIELD "PCashDeskID" OF "BankTran": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of
Petty Cash Desk" LABEL "Petty Cash Desk ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Petty Cash Desk ID"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BankTran": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "Voided" OF "BankTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Indiates if the BankTran has
been voided. The TranNum field will be the same as the original transaction" LABEL
"Voided" COLUMN-LABEL "Voided"
FIELD "GainLossType" OF "BankTran": character DESCRIPTION """R"" for realized or
""U"" for unrealized Gain/Loss" LABEL "Gain/Loss Type"
FIELD "ReverseGL" OF "BankTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if it's a reversing
Gain/Loss adjustment" LABEL "Reverse Gain/Loss"
FIELD "RevalueDate" OF "BankTran": date DESCRIPTION "Revaluation date that
generated the gain/loss record" LABEL "Revaluation Date"
FIELD "RevalueBal" OF "BankTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Bank Balance at the time of
revaluation" LABEL "Revaluation Balance"
FIELD "DocRevalueBal" OF "BankTran": decimal
DESCRIPTION "Document currency Bank Balance at the time of revaluation" LABEL "Doc
Revaluation Balance"
FIELD "Rpt1RevalueBal" OF "BankTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency Bank
Balance at the time of revaluation" LABEL "Rpt1 Revalue Balance"
FIELD "Rpt2RevalueBal" OF "BankTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency Bank
Balance at the time of revaluation" LABEL "Rpt2 Revalue Balance"
FIELD "Rpt3RevalueBal" OF "BankTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency Bank
Balance at the time of revaluation" LABEL "Rpt3 Revalue Balance"
FIELD "PCashRefNum" OF "BankTran": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference Number, unique
identifier of Petty Cash Document" LABEL "Petty Cash Reference No" COLUMN-LABEL
"Petty Cash Reference No"
INDEX "RefTypCod" ON "BankTran" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Created to support
Referential Integrity checking when deleting G LRefTyp and GLRefCod records "

TABLE "BAQReport" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Contains the definition of the
Business Activity Report"
FIELD "BAQRptID" OF "BAQReport": character DESCRIPTION "BAQ Report ID, the unique
identifier for this report within the c ompany" LABEL "BAQ Report ID"
FIELD "ExportID" OF "BAQReport": character DESCRIPTION "The unique export
identifier. " LABEL "Export ID"
FIELD "Description" OF "BAQReport": character DESCRIPTION "Description " LABEL
FIELD "SystemFlag" OF "BAQReport": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates the report is a
system deliver report." LABEL "System"
FIELD "ReportTitle" OF "BAQReport": character DESCRIPTION "Title for this report"
FIELD "FormTitle" OF "BAQReport": character DESCRIPTION "Title for the report form"
LABEL "Form Title"
FIELD "GlobalReport" OF "BAQReport": logical DESCRIPTION "true if this report is
available to all companies" LABEL "Global" COLUMN-LABEL "Global"
FIELD "Completed" OF "BAQReport": logical DESCRIPTION "true if this report is
completed, false if work in process"
FIELD "IsCrystalReport" OF "BAQReport": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates it is a
crystal report." LABEL ""
FIELD "ReportID" OF "BAQReport": character DESCRIPTION "Report ID."
FIELD "CrystalReportName" OF "BAQReport": character DESCRIPTION "Crystal Report
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BAQReport": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BAQReport": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BAQReport": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "CGCCode" OF "BAQReport": character DESCRIPTION "Country Group Code / Country
Code for CSF"

TABLE "BAQRptFilter" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Contains the filter fields of
the Business Activity Report"
FIELD "BAQRptID" OF "BAQRptFilter": character DESCRIPTION "BAQ Report ID, the
unique identifier for this report within the c ompany" LABEL "BAQ Report ID"
FIELD "DataTableID" OF "BAQRptFilter": character DESCRIPTION "BAQ Data Table" LABEL
"DataTable ID" COLUMN-LABEL "DataTable ID"
FIELD "FieldName" OF "BAQRptFilter": character DESCRIPTION "BAQ Field Name" LABEL
"Field Name" COLUMN-LABEL "Field Name"
FIELD "AdapterName" OF "BAQRptFilter": character DESCRIPTION "Adapter Name of the
business object "
FIELD "Seq" OF "BAQRptFilter": integer DESCRIPTION "Sequence of the Filter" LABEL
FIELD "LookupField" OF "BAQRptFilter": character DESCRIPTION "The code field for a
FIELD "FilterLabel" OF "BAQRptFilter": character DESCRIPTION "Label of the filter."

FIELD "TabLabel" OF "BAQRptFilter": character DESCRIPTION "Label that used on the

filter panel."
FIELD "DisplayName" OF "BAQRptFilter": character DESCRIPTION "Display name of the
filter" LABEL "" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "EpiGuid" OF "BAQRptFilter": character DESCRIPTION "GUID of the UI object"
FIELD "IsVisible" OF "BAQRptFilter": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the filter
is visible on the UI."
FIELD "FilterField" OF "BAQRptFilter": character DESCRIPTION "Field holding the
filter value"
FIELD "SystemFlag" OF "BAQRptFilter": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the filter
is a system delivered filter." LABEL "System"
FIELD "DispOrder" OF "BAQRptFilter": integer DESCRIPTION "Display order number"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BAQRptFilter": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BAQRptFilter": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BAQRptFilter": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "BAQRptOptionFld" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Contains the option fields
of the Business Activity Report"
FIELD "BAQRptID" OF "BAQRptOptionFld": character DESCRIPTION "BAQ Report ID, the
unique identifier for this report within the c ompany" LABEL "BAQ Report ID"
FIELD "DataTableID" OF "BAQRptOptionFld": character DESCRIPTION "BAQ Data Table"
LABEL "DataTable ID" COLUMN-LABEL "DataTable ID"
FIELD "FieldName" OF "BAQRptOptionFld": character DESCRIPTION "BAQ Field Name"
LABEL "Field Name" COLUMN-LABEL "Field Name"
FIELD "CompOp" OF "BAQRptOptionFld": character DESCRIPTION "Operator to use for
relation between left value and right value." LABEL "Compare Operator"
FIELD "Seq" OF "BAQRptOptionFld": integer DESCRIPTION "Sequence of the option"
FIELD "DefaultValue" OF "BAQRptOptionFld": character DESCRIPTION "Default value for
the option." LABEL "Default" COLUMN-LABEL "Default"
FIELD "FieldLabel" OF "BAQRptOptionFld": character
DESCRIPTION "Option field label."
FIELD "DisplayName" OF "BAQRptOptionFld": character DESCRIPTION "Display Name of
the option" LABEL "" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "FieldFormat" OF "BAQRptOptionFld": character DESCRIPTION "Field format"
FIELD "EpiGuid" OF "BAQRptOptionFld": character DESCRIPTION "GUID of the UI object"
FIELD "IsVisible" OF "BAQRptOptionFld": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
option is visible on the UI."
FIELD "DataType" OF "BAQRptOptionFld": character DESCRIPTION "Data type of the
option field." LABEL "Data Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Data Type"
FIELD "SystemFlag" OF "BAQRptOptionFld": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
option is a system delivered option." LABEL "System"
FIELD "DispOrder" OF "BAQRptOptionFld": integer DESCRIPTION "Display order of the
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BAQRptOptionFld": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BAQRptOptionFld": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BAQRptOptionFld": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "BAQRptSort" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Contains the sort options of the
Business Activity Report"
FIELD "BAQRptID" OF "BAQRptSort": character DESCRIPTION "BAQ Report ID, the unique
identifier for this report within the c ompany"
FIELD "SortID" OF "BAQRptSort": character DESCRIPTION "The ID for this sort by"
FIELD "SystemFlag" OF "BAQRptSort": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the sort is a
system delivered sort." LABEL "System"
FIELD "IsDefault" OF "BAQRptSort": logical DESCRIPTION "true if this sort by is the
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BAQRptSort": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BAQRptSort": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BAQRptSort": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "BAQRptSortFld" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Contains the sort fields of
the sort options of the Business Acti vity Report"
FIELD "BAQRptID" OF "BAQRptSortFld": character DESCRIPTION "BAQ Report ID, the
unique identifier for this report within the c ompany" LABEL "BAQ Report ID"
FIELD "SortID" OF "BAQRptSortFld": character DESCRIPTION "The ID for this sort by"
FIELD "SystemFlag" OF "BAQRptSortFld": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the sort
field is a system delivered sort field." LABEL "System"
FIELD "DataTableID" OF "BAQRptSortFld": character DESCRIPTION "BAQ Data Table"
LABEL "DataTable ID" COLUMN-LABEL "DataTable ID"
FIELD "Seq" OF "BAQRptSortFld": integer DESCRIPTION "Sequence of the Sort Field"
FIELD "FieldName" OF "BAQRptSortFld": character DESCRIPTION "BAQ Field Name" LABEL
"Field Name" COLUMN-LABEL "Field Name"
FIELD "IsAscending" OF "BAQRptSortFld": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates Ascending
sort order when true" LABEL "Ascending" COLUMN-LABEL "Ascending"
FIELD "DisplayName" OF "BAQRptSortFld": character DESCRIPTION "Display name" LABEL
FIELD "DispOrder" OF "BAQRptSortFld": integer DESCRIPTION "Display order of the
sort field"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BAQRptSortFld": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BAQRptSortFld": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BAQRptSortFld": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "BdnCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The purpose of the Burden Code is to
provide a consistent list of codes that will be used within the Activity Labor Rate
process and the Project Contract process. These codes also determine which Activity
Codes (ABActCd) that the Burden is applied to."
FIELD "Company" OF "BdnCd": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BdnCd" OF "BdnCd": character DESCRIPTION "Burden Code" LABEL "Burden Code"
FIELD "Description" OF "BdnCd": character DESCRIPTION "The description of the
Burden Code" LABEL "Description"
FIELD "InActive" OF "BdnCd": logical DESCRIPTION "When set to true the burden code
cannot be used. " LABEL "Inactive"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BdnCd": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this row.
The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BdnCd": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this row.
It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BdnCd": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ActBdnPcnt" OF "BdnCd": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the current actual
burden percent." LABEL "Actual Percent"
FIELD "ActEffDte" OF "BdnCd": date DESCRIPTION "This is the current effective date
for the actual percentage." LABEL "Effective Date"
FIELD "UseAllPrjRole" OF "BdnCd": logical DESCRIPTION "If yes, then all Project
Role codes will be used for this burden rate and no BdnCdRole records will exist
for this Burden Code."
FIELD "GlobalBdnCd" OF "BdnCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this BdnCd as global,
available to be sent out to other com panies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "BdnCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."
INDEX "PrimIdx" ON "BdnCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Company / BdnCd"

TABLE "BdnCdHist" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This is a new table to hold
historical data of the changes done f or the burden code actual percentage. If
either the actual burden percentage or
the effective date is changed then the old data will be written to the burden co de
actual percentage history table. There can be many historical records for eac h
burden code."
FIELD "Company" OF "BdnCdHist": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BdnCd" OF "BdnCdHist": character DESCRIPTION "Burden Code" LABEL "Burden
FIELD "SysDate" OF "BdnCdHist": date DESCRIPTION "System date at time that record
was created." LABEL "Sys Date"
FIELD "SysTime" OF "BdnCdHist": integer DESCRIPTION "System time (hr-min-sec) when
transaction was created." LABEL "Sys Time"
FIELD "Seq" OF "BdnCdHist": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number which is used to
allow create a unique key for the record." LABEL "Sequence"
FIELD "ActBdnPcnt" OF "BdnCdHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the current actual
burden percent." LABEL "Actual Percent"
FIELD "ActEffDte" OF "BdnCdHist": date DESCRIPTION "This is the current effective
date for the actual percentage." LABEL "Effective Date"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BdnCdHist": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BdnCdHist": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BdnCdHist": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "PrimIdx" ON "BdnCdHist" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The primary index"
TABLE "BdnCdRole" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This is a new table to hold the
Project Role Codes tied to a Burd en Code, used within the Progress Billing module.
The table defines which Projec t Role Codes (PrjRoletCd) will incur burden costs
when the parent burden code is associated with a Burden Set (BdnSet). An project
role code can be associated t o multiple Burden Codes."
FIELD "Company" OF "BdnCdRole": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BdnCd" OF "BdnCdRole": character DESCRIPTION "Burden Code" LABEL "Burden
FIELD "RoleCd" OF "BdnCdRole": character DESCRIPTION "Role Code" LABEL "Role Code"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BdnCdRole": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BdnCdRole": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BdnCdRole": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "PrimIndex" ON "BdnCdRole" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Company / BdnCd /

TABLE "BdnSet" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This is a new table to hold the
Burden Sets used within the Advan ced Billing module. The purpose of the Burden Set
is to control the burden rates that are to be applied to the advanced billing
invoice. It has a child table BS BdnCd."
FIELD "Company" OF "BdnSet": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BdnSetID" OF "BdnSet": character DESCRIPTION "Burden Set ID." LABEL "Burden
FIELD "Description" OF "BdnSet": character DESCRIPTION "The description of the
Burden Set." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "InActive" OF "BdnSet": logical DESCRIPTION "When set to true the burden set
cannot be used." LABEL "Inactive"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BdnSet": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BdnSet": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BdnSet": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalBdnSet" OF "BdnSet": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this BdnSet as global,
available to be sent out to other co mpanies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "BdnSet": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."
INDEX "PrimIdx" ON "BdnSet" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The primary index"

TABLE "BinSize" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Defines sets of Size attributes
(Length, Width, Height, and Volu me that can be assigned to specific bins in the
warehouse. "
FIELD "Company" OF "BinSize": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "SizeID" OF "BinSize": character DESCRIPTION "User entered value to uniquely
indentify a bin size. Examples; Standard, 4'x8'x12', Small, Large, X-Large." LABEL
FIELD "BinLength" OF "BinSize": decimal DESCRIPTION "Length of the Warehouse bin."
LABEL "Length"
FIELD "BinWidth" OF "BinSize": decimal DESCRIPTION "Width of the Warehouse bin."
LABEL "Width"
FIELD "BinHeight" OF "BinSize": decimal DESCRIPTION "Height of the Warehouse bin."
LABEL "Height"
FIELD "SizeUOM" OF "BinSize": character DESCRIPTION "Unit of measure used to
qualify the BinLenth, Height, Width. Must be valid in the standard ""Length"" UOMs
(UOMClass.ClassType = ""Length"") "
FIELD "BinVolume" OF "BinSize": decimal DESCRIPTION "Calculated as Length * Width *
Height." LABEL "Volume"
FIELD "VolumeUOM" OF "BinSize": character DESCRIPTION "Unit of measure used to
qualify the BinVolume. If entered, must be valid in the standard ""Volume"" UOMs
(UOMClass.ClassType = ""Volume"")" LABEL "Volume UOM"
FIELD "Inactive" OF "BinSize": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the BinSize record
is active." LABEL "Inactive"
FIELD "Description" OF "BinSize": character DESCRIPTION "Mandatory" LABEL
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BinSize": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BinSize": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BinSize": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "BMSyst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Bill of Materials configuration

parameters and defaults."
FIELD "Company" OF "BMSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "UnapproveRevOnCheckout" OF "BMSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Unapprove part
revisions when checked out to ECO." LABEL "Unapprove Revision On Checkout"
FIELD "VerifyPassword" OF "BMSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user's
password will be verified during operatio ns such as Rev approve/unapprove,
checkout, checkin." LABEL "Verify Password"
FIELD "WorkflowRequired" OF "BMSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "If TRUE then a workflow
group and task set is required on ECO Gro up records." LABEL "Workflow Required"
FIELD "NextECONumber" OF "BMSyst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The value in this field
represents the next default ECO sequence number. The number of digits that can be
entered is controlled by BMSyst.ECOSeq Length. Example of how the system uses these
fields to generate a number that i s inserted as part of the ECO Group ID when the
user requests ""Next ECO Number" " while creating a new ECO Group would be:
ECOSeqLength = 6 and NextECONumber = 100. Then the system would should return
""000100"" for the ECO number. " LABEL "Next"
FIELD "ECOSeqLength" OF "BMSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the maximum number
of digits to be entered into the BMS yst.NextECONumber field. This also controls
the number of digits that the syste m will generate when the user requests a ""Next
ECO Number"" while creating a ne w ECO number. " LABEL "Length" COLUMN-LABEL "ECO!
FIELD "SingleUser" OF "BMSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "If TRUE then the Engineering
Workbench is limited to one user per ECO Group. If FALSE then individual revisions
within a group can be locked." LABEL "Single User" COLUMN-LABEL "Single User"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BMSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BMSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BMSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
TABLE "BOLDetail" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Bill of Lading detail"
FIELD "Company" OF "BOLDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BOLNum" OF "BOLDetail": integer DESCRIPTION "When user creates a new BOL,
the next available # is assigned by the system. The system generates a number by
finding the last BOLHead on file a nd uses its BOLNum + 1." LABEL "BOL Number"
FIELD "BOLLine" OF "BOLDetail": integer DESCRIPTION "Bill of Lading line" LABEL
"BOL Line"
FIELD "Packages" OF "BOLDetail": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of Packages (boxes,
skids, drums...)" LABEL "Number of Packages"
FIELD "PkgCode" OF "BOLDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Packaging Code ( ""box""
""skd"" ""drm"" ...)" LABEL "Packaging"
FIELD "Weight" OF "BOLDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "Weight Per Package." LABEL
FIELD "Rate" OF "BOLDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "NMFC Rate" LABEL "Rate"
FIELD "ClassRate" OF "BOLDetail": character DESCRIPTION "NMFC Rate Classification "
LABEL "Class Rate"
FIELD "PkgClass" OF "BOLDetail": character DESCRIPTION "NMFC Packaging
Classification code." LABEL "Classification"
FIELD "ChangedBy" OF "BOLDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Userid of user who made
the last change to this record." LABEL "Changed By"
FIELD "ChangeDate" OF "BOLDetail": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the record was
last changed" LABEL "Change Date"
FIELD "ChangeTime" OF "BOLDetail": integer DESCRIPTION "The time that the record
was last change (seconds since midnight) "
FIELD "WeightUOM" OF "BOLDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Unit of Measure of the
Weight Class that qualifies the weight." LABEL "Weight UOM"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BOLDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BOLDetail": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BOLDetail": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "BOLHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Bill of Lading Header"

FIELD "Company" OF "BOLHead": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BOLNum" OF "BOLHead": integer DESCRIPTION "When user creates a new BOL, the
next available # is assigned by the system. The system generates a number by
finding the last BOLHead on file a nd uses its BOLNum + 1." LABEL "BOL Number"
FIELD "ShipDate" OF "BOLHead": date DESCRIPTION "The actual ship date for the BOL.
Default as system date." LABEL "Ship Date"
FIELD "CustNum" OF "BOLHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains the system internal
customer number. Not user maintaina ble, Duplicated from the related Packing Slip.
Used to relate this record to th e customer master. " LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "ShipToNum" OF "BOLHead": character DESCRIPTION "The ShipTo ID to be used
that this BOL was for. This can only be one of the ShipToNum that exist on one of
the Packing Slip records. " LABEL "Ship To"
FIELD "Carrier" OF "BOLHead": character DESCRIPTION "Carrier Name" LABEL "Carrier
FIELD "ShipperNum" OF "BOLHead": character DESCRIPTION "Shipper Number" LABEL
"Shipper Number"
FIELD "ProNumber" OF "BOLHead": character DESCRIPTION "Pro Number" LABEL "Pro
FIELD "CODAmount" OF "BOLHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Collect On Delivery Amount"
LABEL "COD Amount"
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "BOLHead": integer DESCRIPTION "The Vendor to which this
shipment is being made. This is the inte rnal key that is used to tie back to the
Vendor master file." LABEL "Supplier Num"
FIELD "CommentText" OF "BOLHead": character DESCRIPTION "Editor widget for project
comments. "
FIELD "BOLType" OF "BOLHead": character DESCRIPTION "Bill of Lading Type" LABEL
"BOL Type"
FIELD "Plant" OF "BOLHead": character DESCRIPTION "Plant Identifier for shipping
origination." LABEL "Plant" COLUMN-LABEL "Plant"
FIELD "EntryPerson" OF "BOLHead": character DESCRIPTION "Initials (user ID) of
person who did the data entry. This defaul ts as the current user ID, but can be
changed. " LABEL "Entry Person"
FIELD "PurPoint" OF "BOLHead": character DESCRIPTION "The Vendors purchase point
ID." LABEL "Purchase Point"
FIELD "ToPlant" OF "BOLHead": character DESCRIPTION "Plant Identifier. Used for
Transfer Orders." LABEL "Plant" COLUMN-LABEL "Plant"
FIELD "ChangedBy" OF "BOLHead": character
DESCRIPTION "Userid of user who made the last change to this record." LABEL
"Changed By"
FIELD "ChangeDate" OF "BOLHead": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the record was
last changed" LABEL "Change Date"
FIELD "ChangeTime" OF "BOLHead": integer DESCRIPTION "The time that the record was
last change (seconds since midnight) "
FIELD "AutoPrintReady" OF "BOLHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Field to use for the BAM
to Auto-Print the Crystal Report or Bart ender Labels associated to this table."
LABEL "Auto-Print Ready"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BOLHead": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BOLHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "UseOTS" OF "BOLHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the One Time ShipTo
information should be used inste ad of the standard ShipTo. One Time ShipTo info is
stored in this record in the fields prefixed with ""OTS"" Note: This can only be
true when if the OTSName is not blank. UI disables this when Customer.AllowQTS =
False, " LABEL "Use OTS"
FIELD "OTSName" OF "BOLHead": character DESCRIPTION "One Time Shipto Name of the
ShipTo. " LABEL "Name"
FIELD "OTSAddress1" OF "BOLHead": character DESCRIPTION "One Time Shipto first line
of the ShipTo address." LABEL "Address"
FIELD "OTSAddress2" OF "BOLHead": character DESCRIPTION "One Time Shipto second
line of the ShipTo address." LABEL "" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "OTSAddress3" OF "BOLHead": character DESCRIPTION "One Time Shipto third line
of the ShipTo address." LABEL "" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "OTSCity" OF "BOLHead": character DESCRIPTION "City portion of the One Time
Shipto address." LABEL "City"
FIELD "OTSState" OF "BOLHead": character DESCRIPTION "The state or province portion
of the One Time Shipto address." LABEL "State/Prov" COLUMN-LABEL "State/Province"
FIELD "OTSZIP" OF "BOLHead": character DESCRIPTION "The zip or postal code portion
of the One Time ShipTo address." LABEL "Postal Code"
FIELD "OTSResaleID" OF "BOLHead": character DESCRIPTION "The State Tax
Identification Number of the One Time Shipto. " LABEL "Tax ID"
FIELD "OTSTaxRegionCode" OF "BOLHead": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the
TaxRgn.TaxRegionCode value of the One Time ShipTo ta x region for purposes of Sales
Tax calculations." LABEL "Tax Region"
FIELD "OTSContact" OF "BOLHead": character DESCRIPTION "Full name of the contact. "
LABEL "Contact"
FIELD "OTSFaxNum" OF "BOLHead": character DESCRIPTION "Fax number for the One Time
ShipTo. " LABEL "Fax"
FIELD "OTSPhoneNum" OF "BOLHead": character DESCRIPTION "Phone number for the One
Time ShipTo " LABEL "Phone"
FIELD "OTSCountryNum" OF "BOLHead": integer DESCRIPTION "One Time Shipping Country
Number" LABEL "Country Number"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BOLHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ShipToCustNum" OF "BOLHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Ship To Customer Number.
This along with ShipToNum provides the f oreign key field to a given ShipTo.
Normally this has the same value as the Cust Num field. However, if the customer
allows 3rd party shipto (Customer.AllowShipT o3) then this could be a different
FIELD "EDIReady" OF "BOLHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Defines if this document is
marked as EDI Ready" LABEL "EDI Ready"
FIELD "CounterASN" OF "BOLHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of times the bill of
lading has been printed, that means i t changed from Non EDI Ready status to EDI
Ready" LABEL "ASN Counter"
INDEX "BOLDec" ON "BOLHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Like BOLNum but

TABLE "BOMRpt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "* Advanced Bill of Materials Report
parameters. This table is fo r definitional purposes only. It does not contain any
actual data. It defines the format of the temp table used for specific part
selections made b y the ABOM report prompt programs."
FIELD "PartNum" OF "BOMRpt": character DESCRIPTION "Part Number" LABEL "Part"
COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "BOMRpt": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number which is
used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part. " LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "EffectiveDate" OF "BOMRpt": date DESCRIPTION "Effective Date" LABEL
FIELD "ProdQty" OF "BOMRpt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Production Quantity" LABEL "Prod.
Quantity" COLUMN-LABEL "Prod. Qty"
FIELD "Company" OF "BOMRpt": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "AltMethod" OF "BOMRpt": character DESCRIPTION "Alternate Routing method for
the part revision." LABEL "Alternate Method"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BOMRpt": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BOMRpt": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BOMRpt": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "BookDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Booked Orders Detail. SubFile to
BookOrd file. Captures changes to the OrderDtl records for use in bo oking types of
output. Note: Updating of this file is conditioned on XASyst.BookOrders "
FIELD "Company" OF "BookDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "OrderNum" OF "BookDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Order Number of the related
OrderHed record." LABEL "Order"
FIELD "OrderLine" OF "BookDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "OrderLine of the related
OrderDtl record." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "OurBookQty" OF "BookDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "An accumulation of the
unshipped order quantity. max((OrderRel - (OurJobShippedQty +
OurStockShippedQty)),0) on Open order releas es at the time of the change. " LABEL
"Our Quantity"
FIELD "ProdCode" OF "BookDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Product Group Code from the
related OrderDtl. " LABEL "Group"
FIELD "BookDate" OF "BookDtl": date DESCRIPTION "System date at time that record
was created." LABEL "Book date"
FIELD "BookTime" OF "BookDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "System Time (seconds since
midnight) when transaction was created ." LABEL "Book Time"
FIELD "RecType" OF "BookDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record
decreases bookings (D = Decrease) or inc reases them (I = Increase). Decreases are
created when a sales order line is cha
nged, deleted or voided. Increases are created when a order line is created or
changed. This field is used as part of the key, allowing the system to capture a
before/after image of a sales order line for each change that affects the book ing
value. Note: ""Decreases"" carry a negative Price and Quantity."
FIELD "BookType" OF "BookDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates order entry
activity for which this record was created. ""New"" - added new order line item.
""Chg"" - change to order line item that affected bookings. ""Del"" - deleted sales
order line items. ""Void"" - voided line items. Note: When an item is voided the
""outstanding"" qty and value are used. "
FIELD "BookValue" OF "BookDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Represents the decrease or
increase value to sales order bookings . Calculated as (Outstanding quantity /
PricePerFactor )* UnitPrice. Note: This does not include discounts or miscellaneous
FIELD "DCDUserID" OF "BookDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The DCD User ID that made
the change in Order entry which generat ed this booking record." LABEL "User ID"
FIELD "SellingBookQty" OF "BookDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "An accumulation of the
unshipped order quantity. max((OrderRel - (SellingJobShippedQty +
SellingStockShippedQty)),0) on pen order releases at the time of the change. "
LABEL "Selling Quantity"
FIELD "IUM" OF "BookDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Our Unit Of Measure (how it is
sold/issued). Use the default Part .IUM if it's a valid Part." LABEL "U/M"
FIELD "SalesUM" OF "BookDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Selling Unit of measure (how
it is sold/issued). Use the default Part.SUM if its a valid Part else use the
global variable Def-UM which is estab lished from XaSyst.DefaultUM. " LABEL "U/M"
FIELD "SellingFactor" OF "BookDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This value is used to
convert quantity when there is a difference in the customers unit of measure and
how it is stocked in inventory. Example is sold in pounds, stocked in sheets.
FIELD "SellingFactorDirection" OF "BookDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates how
Factor is used in calculations. If M (multiply), t he Factor is multiplied, if D
(divide) the factor is divided." LABEL "Selling Factor Direction" COLUMN-LABEL
"Selling Factor Direction"
FIELD "TranNum" OF "BookDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "TranNum, key field" LABEL
"TranNum" COLUMN-LABEL "TranNum"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BookDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BookDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BookDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "ProdTime" ON "BookDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Organizes the booking
detail by Product group/time stamp."
INDEX "TimeStamp" ON "BookDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index to organize
the booking detail by date/time."

TABLE "BookingRule" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table would store the list
of all the booking rules belongin g to account transaction type revision."
FIELD "DisplayName" OF "BookingRule": character DESCRIPTION "Booking rule name to
be displayed in the tree view navigation con trol." LABEL "Display Name" COLUMN-
LABEL "Display Name"
FIELD "DetailedDescription" OF "BookingRule": character DESCRIPTION "Booking rule
detailed description." LABEL "Detailed Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Detailed
FIELD "SelectionCriteria" OF "BookingRule": character DESCRIPTION "Text field to
store the selection criteria expression ." LABEL "Selection Criteria" COLUMN-LABEL
"Selection Criteria"
FIELD "ACTRevisionUID" OF "BookingRule": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to the
parent account transaction revision." LABEL "ACT Revision UID" COLUMN-LABEL "ACT
Revision UID"
FIELD "RuleUID" OF "BookingRule": integer DESCRIPTION "Technical identifier." LABEL
FIELD "BookID" OF "BookingRule": character DESCRIPTION "Reference to the Book."
FIELD "ACTTypeUID" OF "BookingRule": integer DESCRIPTION "Account transaction type
UID. Technical identifier." LABEL "ACT Type UID" COLUMN-LABEL "ACT Type UID"
FIELD "IsPost" OF "BookingRule": logical DESCRIPTION "It is Rule for Posting
process or special for GLControl calculati on."
FIELD "ForEach" OF "BookingRule": character DESCRIPTION "Text field to store the
For Each criteria expression ." LABEL "For Each Criteria" COLUMN-LABEL "For Each
FIELD "Company" OF "BookingRule": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
"Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "IsHeader" OF "BookingRule": logical DESCRIPTION "Rule run once, usual it is
used for calculation Book variables or Header variables (that can be calculated
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BookingRule": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BookingRule": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "DebitContext" OF "BookingRule": character DESCRIPTION "String identifier of
the debit account context." LABEL "DebitContext" COLUMN-LABEL "DebitContext"
FIELD "IsActive" OF "BookingRule": logical DESCRIPTION "if flag is false , the the
rule will not work in posting engine." LABEL "Is Active"
FIELD "CreditContext" OF "BookingRule": character DESCRIPTION "String identifier of
the credit account context." LABEL "Credit Context" COLUMN-LABEL "Credit Context"
FIELD "RefContext" OF "BookingRule": character DESCRIPTION "Reference Context is
used for pre-Posting rules" LABEL "Reference Context" COLUMN-LABEL "Reference
FIELD "GLControlType" OF "BookingRule": character DESCRIPTION "Outgoing GLControl"
LABEL "GL Control Type" COLUMN-LABEL "GL Control Type"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BookingRule": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "IsDefault" OF "BookingRule": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates default Rules
for ABT templates." LABEL "Is Default"
FIELD "Entity" OF "BookingRule": character DESCRIPTION "Primary key from the Entity
is a source of keys for TranGLC table that save Reference control of the Booking

TABLE "BookOrd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Booked Orders Header. This file is
used to capture specific data about a Sales Order to be used for Booking Report
types of output. The data it contains is a mirror image of corresponding OrderHed
fields. A separate file is used so that if a sales order is deleted we can still
have some basic informati on available. Note: Updating of this file is conditioned
on XASyst.BookOrders "
FIELD "Company" OF "BookOrd": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "OrderNum" OF "BookOrd": integer DESCRIPTION "Order Number of the related
OrderHed record." LABEL "Order"
FIELD "CustNum" OF "BookOrd": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains the Customer number
that the sales order is for. Duplica ted from OrderHed.CustNum" LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "PONum" OF "BookOrd": character DESCRIPTION "Customers Purchase Order Number.
Duplicated from OrderHed.PONum. " LABEL "PO"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BookOrd": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BookOrd": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BookOrd": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "CustNum" ON "BookOrd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Organizes "

TABLE "BookRel" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Booked Orders Releases. SubFile to
BookDtl file. Captures changes to the OrderRel records for use in bo oking types of
output. Note: Updating of this file is conditioned on XASyst.BookOrders "
FIELD "Company" OF "BookRel": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "OrderNum" OF "BookRel": integer DESCRIPTION "Order Number of the related
OrderHed record." LABEL "Order"
FIELD "OrderLine" OF "BookRel": integer DESCRIPTION "OrderLine of the related
OrderDtl record." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "OrderRelNum" OF "BookRel": integer DESCRIPTION "OrderRelNum of the related
OrderRel record." LABEL "Rel"
FIELD "BookDate" OF "BookRel": date DESCRIPTION "System date at time that record
was created." LABEL "Book date"
FIELD "BookTime" OF "BookRel": integer DESCRIPTION "System Time (seconds since
midnight) when transaction was created ." LABEL "Book Time"
FIELD "RecType" OF "BookRel": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record
decreases bookings (D = Decrease) or inc reases them (I = Increase). Decreases are
created when a sales order line is cha nged, deleted or voided. Increases are
created when a order line is created or changed. This field is used as part of the
key, allowing the system to capture a before/after image of a sales order line for
each change that affects the book ing value. Note: ""Decreases"" carry a negative
Price and Quantity."
FIELD "TranNum" OF "BookRel": integer DESCRIPTION "TranNum, key field" LABEL
"TranNum" COLUMN-LABEL "TranNum"
FIELD "BookType" OF "BookRel": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates order entry
activity for which this record was created. ""New"" - added new order release item.
""Chg"" - change to order release item that affected bookings. ""Del"" - deleted
sales order release items. ""Void"" - voided release items. Note: When an item is
voided the ""outstanding"" qty and value are used. "
FIELD "DCDUserID" OF "BookRel": character DESCRIPTION "The DCD User ID that made
the change in Order entry which generat ed this booking record." LABEL "User ID"
FIELD "ReqDate" OF "BookRel": date DESCRIPTION "Date which the item needs to be
shipped by in order to meet the c ustomers due date. Initially defaulted as
OrderHed.ReqDate. " LABEL "Ship By"
FIELD "OurReqQty" OF "BookRel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Quantity ,using Our U/M, that
is requested to be shipped for this release. This MUST BE > ZERO." LABEL "Our
Requested Qty" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "ShipToNum" OF "BookRel": character DESCRIPTION "The ShipTo ID to be used for
this scheduled release record. This MUST BE VALID IN THE SHIPTO file. Use the
OrderHead.ShiptoNum as the default whe n creating new records." LABEL "Ship To"
FIELD "ShipViaCode" OF "BookRel": character DESCRIPTION "Ship Via ID that is used
for this shipment release. THIS CAN BE B LANK or MUST BE VALID IN THE SHIPVIA
master file. Use the OrderHead.ShipViaCode as the default. "
LABEL "Ship Via"
FIELD "WarehouseCode" OF "BookRel": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the inventory
warehouse. This field is only relevant if this line references a valid Part record.
Use the PrimWhse in the Part table as a default." LABEL "Warehouse"
FIELD "NeedByDate" OF "BookRel": date DESCRIPTION "Date customer needs the item to
be delivered. Defaulted as OrderH ed.NeedByDate." LABEL "Need By"
FIELD "Plant" OF "BookRel": character DESCRIPTION "Plant Identifier. " LABEL
"Plant" COLUMN-LABEL "Plant"
FIELD "SellingReqQty" OF "BookRel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Quantity ,using Selling
U/M, that is requested to be shipped for this release. This MUST BE > ZERO." LABEL
"Selling Requested Qty" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "OurJobQty" OF "BookRel": decimal DESCRIPTION "The planned production
quantity, using Our U/M, for the Job. This is not maintainable in order entry. It
gets updated via Job Entry." LABEL "Our Job Qty"
FIELD "OurJobShippedQty" OF "BookRel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual quantity, using
our U/M, shipped from the Job. Updated vi a the shipping process. " LABEL "Our Job
Shipped Qty"
FIELD "OurStockQty" OF "BookRel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Quantity, using Our U/M, of
the Sales Order release that is plann ed to be filled (pulled) from stock. This
quantity is assigned = to the ReqQty w hen this item is not manufactured (Make =
No). For manufactured items this quan tity can be updated by job entry when the
user decides to pull some from stock a nd manufacture some. This value is used to
allocate to the designated warehouse . " LABEL "Our Pull Qty"
FIELD "OurStockShippedQty" OF "BookRel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual quantity,
using our U/M, shipped from Stock. Updated via the shipping process. " LABEL "Our
Stock Shipped Qty"
FIELD "SellingJobQty" OF "BookRel": decimal DESCRIPTION "The planned production
quantity, using selling U/M, for the Job. This is not maintainable in order entry.
It gets updated via Job Entry."
LABEL "Selling Job Qty"
FIELD "SellingJobShippedQty" OF "BookRel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual quantity,
using selling U/M, shipped from the Job. Update d via the shipping process. " LABEL
"Selling Job Shipped Qty"
FIELD "SellingStockQty" OF "BookRel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Quantity, using selling
U/M, of the Sales Order release that is p lanned to be filled (pulled) from stock.
This quantity is assigned = to the ReqQ ty when this item is not manufactured (Make
= No). For manufactured items this quantity can be updated by job entry when the
user decides to pull some from sto ck and manufacture some. This value is used to
allocate to the designated wareh ouse. " LABEL "Selling Pull Qty"
FIELD "SellingStockShippedQty" OF "BookRel": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual quantity,
using selling U/M, shipped from Stock. Updated via the shipping process. " LABEL
"Selling Stock Shipped Qty"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BookRel": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BookRel": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BookRel": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ShipToCustNum" OF "BookRel": integer DESCRIPTION "Ship To Customer Number.
This along with ShipToNum provides the f oreign key field to a given ShipTo.
Normally this has the same value as the Cust Num field. However, if the customer
allows 3rd party shipto (Customer.AllowShipT o3) then this could be a different

TABLE "BookVar" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "BookVar" DESCRIPTION "Book variables"
FIELD "ACTTypeUID" OF "BookVar": integer DESCRIPTION "Account transaction type UID.
Technical identifier." LABEL "ACT Type UID" COLUMN-LABEL "ACT Type UID"
FIELD "ACTRevisionUID" OF "BookVar": integer
DESCRIPTION "Account transaction revision UID. Technical identifier." LABEL "ACT
Revision UID" COLUMN-LABEL "ACT Revision UID"
FIELD "BookID" OF "BookVar": character DESCRIPTION "Reference to the Book"
FIELD "BookVarUID" OF "BookVar": integer DESCRIPTION "BookVar unique ID." LABEL
FIELD "VarName" OF "BookVar": character DESCRIPTION "Variable Name" LABEL "VarName"
FIELD "VarType" OF "BookVar": character DESCRIPTION "Variable Type" LABEL "VarType"
FIELD "vType" OF "BookVar": character DESCRIPTION "Variable context, possible
values: Global, Book, Rule, Function." LABEL "vType" COLUMN-LABEL "vType"
FIELD "vUID" OF "BookVar": integer DESCRIPTION "ID of context, for example if vType
= Function then vUID = Functi onUID." LABEL "vUID" COLUMN-LABEL "vUID"
FIELD "Company" OF "BookVar": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
"Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BookVar": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BookVar": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BookVar": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "IsDefault" OF "BookVar": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates default Variables
for ABT templates." LABEL "Is Default"

TABLE "BorderPct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This is the Percent To Border
table where percentage at border is defined. This is used in the Intrastat to
calculate the freight at the border of the destination country."
FIELD "Company" OF "BorderPct": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "DestCountryNum" OF "BorderPct": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer
assigned by the system to new countries by the maintenance program. This field is
used as the foreign key to identify the coun try in other files such as Customer,
or vendor. The end user should never need t o know about the value of this field. "
LABEL "Dest. Country"
FIELD "PctAtBorder" OF "BorderPct": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is used to calculate
the percentage of the miscellaneous cha rge to be applied in the Intrastat." LABEL
"% At Border" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BorderPct": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BorderPct": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BorderPct": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "BpAction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "All existing Actions by

FIELD "Company" OF "BpAction": character DESCRIPTION "Company identifier"
FIELD "BpActionGroupNum" OF "BpAction": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM Action group
FIELD "BpActionNum" OF "BpAction": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM Action Number."
FIELD "Order" OF "BpAction": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM Action order sequence number"

FIELD "TypeName" OF "BpAction": character DESCRIPTION "BPM Action Type"

FIELD "TerminateOnErr" OF "BpAction": logical DESCRIPTION "Terminate on Error
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BpAction": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BpAction": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BpAction": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "BpActionData" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "All Action data per Action by
FIELD "Company" OF "BpActionData": character DESCRIPTION "Company identifier"
FIELD "BpActionGroupNum" OF "BpActionData": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM Action group
FIELD "BpActionNum" OF "BpActionData": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM Action Number."
FIELD "BpActionDataNum" OF "BpActionData": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM Action Data
FIELD "Data" OF "BpActionData": character DESCRIPTION "BPM Data"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BpActionData": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BpActionData": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BpActionData": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "BpActionGroup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Main Action group table.
Includes source code to run before Actio n"
FIELD "Company" OF "BpActionGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Company identifier"
FIELD "BpActionGroupNum" OF "BpActionGroup": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM Action group
FIELD "SourceCode" OF "BpActionGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Holds the Source code
of the BPM"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BpActionGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BpActionGroup": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BpActionGroup": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "BpActionQueue" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "BpActionQueue" DESCRIPTION "BPM

actions queued for their processing"
FIELD "Company" OF "BpActionQueue": character DESCRIPTION "Company identifier"
FIELD "QueueNum" OF "BpActionQueue": integer DESCRIPTION "Defines order of queue
FIELD "ActionType" OF "BpActionQueue": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the queued
action type"
FIELD "SessionID" OF "BpActionQueue": character DESCRIPTION "ID of user session
which initiated the queued action"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BpActionQueue": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BpActionQueue": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BpActionQueue": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "BpActionQueueData" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "BpActionQueueData" DESCRIPTION

"Startup data for queued BPM actions"
FIELD "Company" OF "BpActionQueueData": character DESCRIPTION "Company identifier"
FIELD "QueueNum" OF "BpActionQueueData": integer DESCRIPTION "Queued BPM action ID"

FIELD "Order" OF "BpActionQueueData": integer DESCRIPTION "Order startup data

portions for queued BPM action"
FIELD "Data" OF "BpActionQueueData": character DESCRIPTION "Portion of startup data
for queued BPM action"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BpActionQueueData": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BpActionQueueData": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BpActionQueueData": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "BpActionSrc" AREA "Schema Area"

DESCRIPTION "Source code associated with Action"
FIELD "Company" OF "BpActionSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Company identifier"
FIELD "BpActionGroupNum" OF "BpActionSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM Action group
FIELD "BpActionNum" OF "BpActionSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM Action Number."
FIELD "BpActionSrcNum" OF "BpActionSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM Action Source
code number"
FIELD "Src" OF "BpActionSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Holds the Source code of the
FIELD "BpActionSrcBlockNum" OF "BpActionSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM Action
Source code block number"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BpActionSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BpActionSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BpActionSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "BpArgument" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Holds method arguments for all
business object methods."
FIELD "Company" OF "BpArgument": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BpMethodCode" OF "BpArgument": character DESCRIPTION "BPM Method code"
FIELD "BpArgumentName" OF "BpArgument": character DESCRIPTION "BPM Argument Name"
FIELD "Type" OF "BpArgument": character
FIELD "Order" OF "BpArgument": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM Argument Order sequence
FIELD "Direction" OF "BpArgument": character DESCRIPTION "BPM Argument Direction:
input, output"
FIELD "Source" OF "BpArgument": character DESCRIPTION "BPM Agument Source"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BpArgument": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BpArgument": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BpArgument": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "BpArgumentTypeDef" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "BpArgumentTypeDef" DESCRIPTION

"Detailed definition of argument type"
FIELD "Company" OF "BpArgumentTypeDef": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."

FIELD "BpMethodCode" OF "BpArgumentTypeDef": character DESCRIPTION "BPM Method

FIELD "BpArgumentName" OF "BpArgumentTypeDef": character DESCRIPTION "BPM Argument
FIELD "ChunkNum" OF "BpArgumentTypeDef": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM Argument Type
Chunk number"
FIELD "Data" OF "BpArgumentTypeDef": character DESCRIPTION "BPM Argument Type Chunk
FIELD "Source" OF "BpArgumentTypeDef": character DESCRIPTION "BPM Argument Type
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BpArgumentTypeDef": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BpArgumentTypeDef": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BpArgumentTypeDef": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "BpBaseProcDirective" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Directive definitions

for Base processing replacement"
FIELD "Company" OF "BpBaseProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "Company
FIELD "Source" OF "BpBaseProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "BPM base procedure
FIELD "BpMethodCode" OF "BpBaseProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "BPM base
procedure method"
FIELD "BpBaseProcDirectiveNum" OF "BpBaseProcDirective": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM
base procedure directive number"
FIELD "Name" OF "BpBaseProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "BPM base procedure
FIELD "Scope" OF "BpBaseProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "BPM base procedure
FIELD "Order" OF "BpBaseProcDirective": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM base procedure
order sequence number"
FIELD "IsEnabled" OF "BpBaseProcDirective": logical DESCRIPTION "BPM base procedure
enabled flag"
FIELD "ReenterMax" OF "BpBaseProcDirective": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM base
procedure maximum loop"
FIELD "PreventDeadloops" OF "BpBaseProcDirective": logical DESCRIPTION "BPM base
procedure prevent dead loops flag"
FIELD "BpConditionGroupNum" OF "BpBaseProcDirective": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM base
procedure condition number"
FIELD "ConditionText" OF "BpBaseProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "BPM base
procedure condition text"
FIELD "BpActionGroupNum" OF "BpBaseProcDirective": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM base
procedure action group number"
FIELD "ActionText" OF "BpBaseProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "BPM base
procedure action text"
FIELD "CompanyIndependent" OF "BpBaseProcDirective": logical DESCRIPTION "Company
independent flag"
FIELD "DirectiveGroup" OF "BpBaseProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "BPM base
procedure directive group"
FIELD "IsUpToDate" OF "BpBaseProcDirective": logical DESCRIPTION "BPM base
procedure valid flag"
FIELD "GlobalID" OF "BpBaseProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "Directive
globally unique identifier"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BpBaseProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BpBaseProcDirective": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BpBaseProcDirective": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "CGCCode" OF "BpBaseProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "Country Group /
Country Code for CSF"

TABLE "BpCondition" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "All existing Conditions by

FIELD "Company" OF "BpCondition": character DESCRIPTION "Company identifier"
FIELD "BpConditionNum" OF "BpCondition": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM Condition
FIELD "BpConditionGroupNum" OF "BpCondition": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM Condition
group Number."
FIELD "Order" OF "BpCondition": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM Condition order sequence
FIELD "Operator" OF "BpCondition": character DESCRIPTION "BPM Condition operator"
FIELD "Prefix" OF "BpCondition": character DESCRIPTION "BPM Condition prefix"
FIELD "TypeName" OF "BpCondition": character DESCRIPTION "BPM Condition Type"
FIELD "Postfix" OF "BpCondition": character DESCRIPTION "BPM Condition Postfix"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BpCondition": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BpCondition": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BpCondition": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "BpConditionData" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "All Condition data per
Condition by bpConditionGroup"
FIELD "Company" OF "BpConditionData": character DESCRIPTION "Company identifier"
FIELD "Data" OF "BpConditionData": character DESCRIPTION "BPM Data"
FIELD "BpConditionGroupNum" OF "BpConditionData": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM
Condition group Number."
FIELD "BpConditionNum" OF "BpConditionData": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM Condition
FIELD "BpConditionDataNum" OF "BpConditionData": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM Condition
Data Number."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BpConditionData": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BpConditionData": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BpConditionData": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "BpConditionGroup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Main Condition group

table. Includes source code to run before Co ndition"
FIELD "Company" OF "BpConditionGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Company identifier"
FIELD "BpConditionGroupNum" OF "BpConditionGroup": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM
Condition group Number."
FIELD "SourceCode" OF "BpConditionGroup": character DESCRIPTION "BPM Condition
source code"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BpConditionGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BpConditionGroup": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BpConditionGroup": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "BpConditionSrc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Source code associated with
FIELD "Company" OF "BpConditionSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Company identifier"
FIELD "BpConditionGroupNum" OF "BpConditionSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM Condition
group Number."
FIELD "BpConditionNum" OF "BpConditionSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM Condition
FIELD "BpConditionSrcNum" OF "BpConditionSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM Condition
source Number."
FIELD "Src" OF "BpConditionSrc": character DESCRIPTION "BPM Condition source code"
FIELD "BpConditionSrcBlockNum" OF "BpConditionSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM
Condition Source Block Number."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BpConditionSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BpConditionSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BpConditionSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "BpConfig" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "BPM configuration"

FIELD "PropertyId" OF "BpConfig": character DESCRIPTION "Property Identifier."
FIELD "PropertyValue" OF "BpConfig": character DESCRIPTION "Property Value"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BpConfig": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BpConfig": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BpConfig": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "BpHoldAttachHist" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Contains the list of the
already removed hold attachements"
FIELD "HoldHistoryID" OF "BpHoldAttachHist": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique ID of the
archived hold attachment" LABEL "HoldHistoryID" COLUMN-LABEL "HoldHistoryID"
FIELD "HoldTypeID" OF "BpHoldAttachHist": character DESCRIPTION "Unique ID of the
hold type" LABEL "HoldTypeID" COLUMN-LABEL "HoldTypeID"
FIELD "CreateUserID" OF "BpHoldAttachHist": character DESCRIPTION "user, created
the hold attachment" LABEL "User ID" COLUMN-LABEL "User ID"
FIELD "CreateDate" OF "BpHoldAttachHist": date DESCRIPTION "Date of the attachement
creation" LABEL "Creation Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Creation Date"
FIELD "CreateTime" OF "BpHoldAttachHist": integer DESCRIPTION "Time of the
attachment creation" LABEL "Creation time" COLUMN-LABEL "Creation time"
FIELD "Comment" OF "BpHoldAttachHist": character DESCRIPTION "Comment" LABEL
"Comment" COLUMN-LABEL "Comment"
FIELD "RemoveUserID" OF "BpHoldAttachHist": character DESCRIPTION "user, removed
the hold attachment" LABEL "Removal User ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Removal User ID"
FIELD "RemoveDate" OF "BpHoldAttachHist": date DESCRIPTION "Date of the attachement
removal" LABEL "Removal Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Removal Date"
FIELD "RemoveTime" OF "BpHoldAttachHist": integer DESCRIPTION "Time of the
attachment removal" LABEL "Removal time" COLUMN-LABEL "Removal time"
FIELD "Company" OF "BpHoldAttachHist": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "Key1" OF "BpHoldAttachHist": character DESCRIPTION "1st component of the BO
main table's PK" LABEL "Key1"
FIELD "Key2" OF "BpHoldAttachHist": character DESCRIPTION "2nd component of the BO
main table's PK" LABEL "Key2"
FIELD "Key3" OF "BpHoldAttachHist": character DESCRIPTION "3rd component of the BO
main table's PK"
FIELD "Key4" OF "BpHoldAttachHist": character DESCRIPTION "4th component of the BO
main table's PK" LABEL "Key4"
FIELD "Key5" OF "BpHoldAttachHist": character DESCRIPTION "5th component of the BO
main table's PK" LABEL "Key5"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BpHoldAttachHist": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BpHoldAttachHist": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BpHoldAttachHist": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "BpHoldAttachment" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Contains the list of

current hold attachments"
FIELD "HoldAttachID" OF "BpHoldAttachment": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique ID of the
hold attachment" LABEL "HoldAttachID" COLUMN-LABEL "HoldAttachID"
FIELD "HoldTypeID" OF "BpHoldAttachment": character DESCRIPTION "Unique ID of the
hold type" LABEL "HoldTypeID" COLUMN-LABEL "HoldTypeID"
FIELD "CreateUserID" OF "BpHoldAttachment": character DESCRIPTION "user, created
the hold attachment" LABEL "User ID" COLUMN-LABEL "User ID"
FIELD "CreateDate" OF "BpHoldAttachment": date DESCRIPTION "Date of the attachement
creation" LABEL "Creation Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Creation Date"
FIELD "CreateTime" OF "BpHoldAttachment": integer DESCRIPTION "Time of the
attachment creation" LABEL "Creation time" COLUMN-LABEL "Creation time"
FIELD "Comment" OF "BpHoldAttachment": character DESCRIPTION "Comment" LABEL
"Comment" COLUMN-LABEL "Comment"
FIELD "Company" OF "BpHoldAttachment": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "Key1" OF "BpHoldAttachment": character DESCRIPTION "1st component of the BO
main table's PK" LABEL "Key1"
FIELD "Key2" OF "BpHoldAttachment": character DESCRIPTION "2nd component of the BO
main table's PK" LABEL "Key2"
FIELD "Key3" OF "BpHoldAttachment": character DESCRIPTION "3rd component of the BO
main table's PK"
FIELD "Key4" OF "BpHoldAttachment": character DESCRIPTION "4th component of the BO
main table's PK" LABEL "Key4"
FIELD "Key5" OF "BpHoldAttachment": character DESCRIPTION "5th component of the BO
main table's PK" LABEL "Key5"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BpHoldAttachment": character
DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BpHoldAttachment": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BpHoldAttachment": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "BpHoldType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Contains the list of the
attachable holds' types"
FIELD "HoldTypeID" OF "BpHoldType": character DESCRIPTION "Unique ID of the hold
type" LABEL "HoldTypeID" COLUMN-LABEL "HoldTypeID"
FIELD "ClassName" OF "BpHoldType": character DESCRIPTION "Hold Class Name" LABEL
"Name" COLUMN-LABEL "Name"
FIELD "ObjectNS" OF "BpHoldType": character DESCRIPTION "Hold Namespace" LABEL
"Namespace" COLUMN-LABEL "Namespace"
FIELD "DataTableID" OF "BpHoldType": character DESCRIPTION "Data Table" LABEL
"DataTable ID" COLUMN-LABEL "DataTable ID"
FIELD "Description" OF "BpHoldType": character DESCRIPTION "Hold Description" LABEL
"Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "Company" OF "BpHoldType": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BpHoldType": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BpHoldType": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BpHoldType": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "HistoryLength" OF "BpHoldType": integer DESCRIPTION "Defines how many holds
are stored in history"

TABLE "BpInstanceCounter" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "BPM instance counter

FIELD "BpMethodCode" OF "BpInstanceCounter": character DESCRIPTION "BPM Method
FIELD "BpDirectiveNum" OF "BpInstanceCounter": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM Directive
FIELD "UserCode" OF "BpInstanceCounter": character DESCRIPTION "User code"
FIELD "Company" OF "BpInstanceCounter": character DESCRIPTION "Company identifier"
FIELD "Number" OF "BpInstanceCounter": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM Instance Number"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BpInstanceCounter": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BpInstanceCounter": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BpDirectiveType" OF "BpInstanceCounter": character DESCRIPTION "BPM
Directive Type"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BpInstanceCounter": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "BpMethod" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Referenced BPM Methods"

FIELD "Company" OF "BpMethod": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BpMethodCode" OF "BpMethod": character DESCRIPTION "BPM Method code"
FIELD "BusinessObject" OF "BpMethod": character DESCRIPTION "Referenced Business
FIELD "Name" OF "BpMethod": character DESCRIPTION "BPM Method Name"
FIELD "Description" OF "BpMethod": character DESCRIPTION "BPM Method Description"
FIELD "Version" OF "BpMethod": character DESCRIPTION "Version"
FIELD "HasRootTransaction" OF "BpMethod": logical DESCRIPTION "Root Transaction
FIELD "IsSignatureValid" OF "BpMethod": logical DESCRIPTION "Valid signature flag"
FIELD "Source" OF "BpMethod": character DESCRIPTION "BPM source"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BpMethod": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BpMethod": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BpMethod": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "BpPostProcDirective" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Directive definitions

for pre processing directives"
FIELD "Company" OF "BpPostProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "Company
FIELD "BpMethodCode" OF "BpPostProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "BPM Method
FIELD "BpPostProcDirectiveNum" OF "BpPostProcDirective": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM
Post Process Directive Number"
FIELD "Name" OF "BpPostProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "BPM Post Process
Directive Name"
FIELD "Scope" OF "BpPostProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "BPM Post Process
Directive Scope"
FIELD "Order" OF "BpPostProcDirective": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM Post Process
Directive Order Sequence Number"
FIELD "IsEnabled" OF "BpPostProcDirective": logical DESCRIPTION "Enabled flag"
FIELD "ReenterMax" OF "BpPostProcDirective": integer DESCRIPTION "Renenter Maximum"

FIELD "PreventDeadloops" OF "BpPostProcDirective": logical DESCRIPTION "Prevent

Endless loops"
FIELD "BpConditionGroupNum" OF "BpPostProcDirective": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM
Condition Group Number."
FIELD "ConditionText" OF "BpPostProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "BPM
Condition Text"
FIELD "BpActionGroupNum" OF "BpPostProcDirective": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM Action
group Number."
FIELD "ActionText" OF "BpPostProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "BPM Action
FIELD "CompanyIndependent" OF "BpPostProcDirective": logical DESCRIPTION "Company
Independent flag"
FIELD "DirectiveGroup" OF "BpPostProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "BPM
Directive Group"
FIELD "IsUpToDate" OF "BpPostProcDirective": logical DESCRIPTION "Valid flag"
FIELD "GlobalID" OF "BpPostProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "Directive
globally unique identifier"
FIELD "Source" OF "BpPostProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "BPM Source"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BpPostProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BpPostProcDirective": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BpPostProcDirective": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "CGCCode" OF "BpPostProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "Country Group /
Country Code for CSF"

TABLE "BpPreProcDirective" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Directive definitions

for post processing directives"
FIELD "Company" OF "BpPreProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "Company
FIELD "Source" OF "BpPreProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "BPM Source"
FIELD "BpMethodCode" OF "BpPreProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "BPM Method
FIELD "BpPreProcDirectiveNum" OF "BpPreProcDirective": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM Pre
Process Directive Number"
FIELD "Name" OF "BpPreProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "BPM Pre Process
Directive Name"
FIELD "Scope" OF "BpPreProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "BPM Pre Process
Directive Scope"
FIELD "Order" OF "BpPreProcDirective": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM Pre Process
Directive Order Sequence Number"
FIELD "IsEnabled" OF "BpPreProcDirective": logical DESCRIPTION "Enabled flag"
FIELD "ReenterMax" OF "BpPreProcDirective": integer DESCRIPTION "Renenter Maximum"
FIELD "PreventDeadloops" OF "BpPreProcDirective": logical DESCRIPTION "Prevent
Endless loops"
FIELD "BpConditionGroupNum" OF "BpPreProcDirective": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM
Condition Group Number."
FIELD "ConditionText" OF "BpPreProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "BPM Condition
FIELD "BpActionGroupNum" OF "BpPreProcDirective": integer DESCRIPTION "BPM Action
group Number."
FIELD "ActionText" OF "BpPreProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "BPM Action Text"

FIELD "CompanyIndependent" OF "BpPreProcDirective": logical DESCRIPTION "Company

Independent flag"
FIELD "DirectiveGroup" OF "BpPreProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "BPM
Directive Group"
FIELD "IsUpToDate" OF "BpPreProcDirective": logical DESCRIPTION "Valid flag"
FIELD "GlobalID" OF "BpPreProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "Directive globally
unique identifier"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BpPreProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BpPreProcDirective": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BpPreProcDirective": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "CGCCode" OF "BpPreProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "Country Group /
Country Code for CSF"

TABLE "BpTextStorage" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Stores BPM text"

FIELD "Company" OF "BpTextStorage": character DESCRIPTION "Company identifier"
FIELD "BpTextStorageGroupCode" OF "BpTextStorage": character DESCRIPTION "BPM Text
Storage Group Code"
FIELD "BpTextStorageCode" OF "BpTextStorage": character DESCRIPTION "BPM Text
Storage Code"
FIELD "Data" OF "BpTextStorage": character DESCRIPTION "BPM Text data"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BpTextStorage": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BpTextStorage": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BpTextStorage": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "BRFuncArgs" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Table contains function

arguments description."
FIELD "FunctionUID" OF "BRFuncArgs": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to the Parent
function UID."
FIELD "ArgName" OF "BRFuncArgs": character DESCRIPTION "Name of function argument"
FIELD "ArgType" OF "BRFuncArgs": character DESCRIPTION "Type of function argument"
FIELD "PRGName" OF "BRFuncArgs": character DESCRIPTION "Technical name"
FIELD "PRGType" OF "BRFuncArgs": character DESCRIPTION "Technical type"
FIELD "ACTRevisionUID" OF "BRFuncArgs": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to a
revision of ACT type to which the whole ABT templa te belongs." LABEL "ACT Revision
FIELD "ACTTypeUID" OF "BRFuncArgs": integer DESCRIPTION "Account transaction type
UID. Technical identifier." LABEL "ACT Type UID" COLUMN-LABEL "ACT Type UID"
FIELD "ArgumentUID" OF "BRFuncArgs": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique Argument
FIELD "Company" OF "BRFuncArgs": character DESCRIPTION "Reference to the company"
LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BRFuncArgs": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BRFuncArgs": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BRFuncArgs": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "IsDefault" OF "BRFuncArgs": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates default Function
Arguments for ABT templates." LABEL "Is Default"
INDEX "PrmInd" ON "BRFuncArgs" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary index."

TABLE "BRFuncOperation" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table would store the
list of all the operations belonging t o each user function."
FIELD "ControlFlowOperator" OF "BRFuncOperation": character
DESCRIPTION "The identifier of the control flow operator." LABEL "Control Flow
Operator" COLUMN-LABEL "Control Flow Operator"
FIELD "Container" OF "BRFuncOperation": character DESCRIPTION "The identifier of
the target container." LABEL "Container" COLUMN-LABEL "Container"
FIELD "Formula" OF "BRFuncOperation": character DESCRIPTION "The name of formula."
LABEL "Formula" COLUMN-LABEL "Formula"
FIELD "SequenceNumber" OF "BRFuncOperation": integer DESCRIPTION "An order number
indicating the operation?s place in the sequence of execution ? for the whole set
of ruleset?s operations." LABEL "Sequence Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Sequence Number"
FIELD "ChildSequenceNumber" OF "BRFuncOperation": integer DESCRIPTION "An order
number indicating the operation?s place in the sequence of execution ? for a single
block of operations on a single hierarchy level." LABEL "Child Sequence Number"
COLUMN-LABEL "Child Sequence Number"
FIELD "OperationUID" OF "BRFuncOperation": integer DESCRIPTION "Operation unique
ID. Technical identifier." LABEL "Operation UID" COLUMN-LABEL "Operation UID"
FIELD "ParentOperationUID" OF "BRFuncOperation": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to
the parent operation (necessary to support the hiera rchical operations structure;
references the OperationUID field in the same tabl e)." LABEL "Parent Operation
UID" COLUMN-LABEL "Parent Operation UID"
FIELD "ACTRevisionUID" OF "BRFuncOperation": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to a
revision of ACT type to which the whole ABT templa te belongs." LABEL "ACT Revision
FIELD "ACTTypeUID" OF "BRFuncOperation": integer DESCRIPTION "Account transaction
type UID. Technical identifier." LABEL "ACT Type UID" COLUMN-LABEL "ACT Type UID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BRFuncOperation": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "FunctionUID" OF "BRFuncOperation": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to the
FIELD "PRGText" OF "BRFuncOperation": character DESCRIPTION "Technical text of the
FIELD "FuncOperUID" OF "BRFuncOperation": integer DESCRIPTION "Related User fuction
FIELD "Company" OF "BRFuncOperation": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "PRGContainer" OF "BRFuncOperation": character DESCRIPTION "The identifier of
the target container." LABEL "Container" COLUMN-LABEL "Container"
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BRFuncOperation": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BRFuncOperation": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "IsDefault" OF "BRFuncOperation": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates default
Function Operations for ABT templates." LABEL "Is Default"
INDEX "PRMInd" ON "BRFuncOperation" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary index."

TABLE "BRFunction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table contains functions
FIELD "FunctionUID" OF "BRFunction": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique Function
FIELD "Name" OF "BRFunction": character DESCRIPTION "Name of the function."
FIELD "PRGName" OF "BRFunction": character DESCRIPTION "Technical name of function"

FIELD "IsSystem" OF "BRFunction": logical DESCRIPTION "If the function is system."

FIELD "Description" OF "BRFunction": character DESCRIPTION "Detail description for
FIELD "ResultType" OF "BRFunction": character DESCRIPTION "Type of function
result." LABEL "Result Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Result Type"
FIELD "PRGPattern" OF "BRFunction": character DESCRIPTION "Technical text of
FIELD "Formula" OF "BRFunction": character DESCRIPTION "Text of function"
FIELD "Company" OF "BRFunction": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
"Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "ACTRevisionUID" OF "BRFunction": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to a
revision of ACT type to which the whole ABT templa te belongs." LABEL "ACT Revision
FIELD "ACTTypeUID" OF "BRFunction": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to the Account
transaction type UID." LABEL "ACT Type UID" COLUMN-LABEL "ACT Type UID"
FIELD "BookID" OF "BRFunction": character DESCRIPTION "Reference to Book."
FIELD "DocLinePath" OF "BRFunction": character DESCRIPTION "Text field to store the
For Each criteria expression ." LABEL "For Each Criteria" COLUMN-LABEL "For Each
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BRFunction": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BRFunction": integer
DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."

FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BRFunction": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,

etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "IsDefault" OF "BRFunction": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates default Functions
for ABT templates." LABEL "Is Default"

TABLE "BROperation" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table would store the list
of all the operations belonging t o each booking rule."
FIELD "ControlFlowOperator" OF "BROperation": character DESCRIPTION "The identifier
of the control flow operator." LABEL "Control Flow Operator" COLUMN-LABEL "Control
Flow Operator"
FIELD "Container" OF "BROperation": character DESCRIPTION "The identifier of the
target container." LABEL "Container" COLUMN-LABEL "Container"
FIELD "Formula" OF "BROperation": character DESCRIPTION "The operation?s main
formula." LABEL "Formula" COLUMN-LABEL "Formula"
FIELD "SequenceNumber" OF "BROperation": integer DESCRIPTION "An order number
indicating the operation?s place in the sequence of execution ? for the whole set
of ruleset?s operations." LABEL "Sequence Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Sequence Number"
FIELD "ChildSequenceNumber" OF "BROperation": integer DESCRIPTION "An order number
indicating the operation?s place in the sequence of execution ? for a single block
of operations on a single hierarchy level." LABEL "Child Sequence Number" COLUMN-
LABEL "Child Sequence Number"
FIELD "OperationUID" OF "BROperation": integer DESCRIPTION "Operation unique ID.
Technical identifier." LABEL "Operation UID" COLUMN-LABEL "Operation UID"
FIELD "RuleUID" OF "BROperation": integer
DESCRIPTION "Reference to the parent booking rule." LABEL "Rule UID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Rule UID"
FIELD "ParentOperationUID" OF "BROperation": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to the
parent operation (necessary to support the hiera rchical operations structure;
references the OperationUID field in the same tabl e)." LABEL "Parent Operation
UID" COLUMN-LABEL "Parent Operation UID"
FIELD "ACTRevisionUID" OF "BROperation": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to a
revision of ACT type to which the whole ABT templa te belongs." LABEL "ACT Revision
FIELD "ACTTypeUID" OF "BROperation": integer DESCRIPTION "Account transaction type
UID. Technical identifier." LABEL "ACT Type UID" COLUMN-LABEL "ACT Type UID"
FIELD "FunctionUID" OF "BROperation": integer DESCRIPTION "Function unique ID.
Technical identifier."
FIELD "PRGText" OF "BROperation": character DESCRIPTION "Progress Code for
FIELD "Company" OF "BROperation": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
"Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "PRGContainer" OF "BROperation": character DESCRIPTION "The identifier of the
target container." LABEL "Container" COLUMN-LABEL "Container"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BROperation": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BROperation": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BookID" OF "BROperation": character DESCRIPTION "Reference to the Book."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BROperation": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "IsDefault" OF "BROperation": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates default
Operations for ABT templates." LABEL "Is Default"
INDEX "PRMInd" ON "BROperation" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary index."

TABLE "BrwsDefs" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Browse Defaults. This table
contains the run time attibute setti ngs pertaining to browses. These attibutes are
specific to a program/widget/user . Attributes currently supported are: Default
SortBy Column Order"
FIELD "Procedure" OF "BrwsDefs": character DESCRIPTION "Name of procedure that
these attibutes pertain to. Example om/omi10.w "
FIELD "Type" OF "BrwsDefs": character DESCRIPTION "Type of attribute that the
record defines. Values are ""Sort"", ""Columns"""
FIELD "WidgetName" OF "BrwsDefs": character DESCRIPTION "Name of widget that the
attributes pertain to."
FIELD "Attribute" OF "BrwsDefs": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the setting of the
attribute. For ""sort"" it contains the default sort by value. For ""Columns"" it
contains a the order of the columns."
FIELD "DcdUserID" OF "BrwsDefs": character DESCRIPTION "The User ID to which these
browse default attributes apply." LABEL "User ID" COLUMN-LABEL "User ID"
FIELD "Company" OF "BrwsDefs": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BrwsDefs": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BrwsDefs": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BrwsDefs": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "BSBdnCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This is a new table to define the
Burden Codes associated to a Bu rden Set used within the Advanced Billing module.
It is a child table of the Bdn Set table. It has BSBdnRt as a child table."
FIELD "Company" OF "BSBdnCd": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BdnSetID" OF "BSBdnCd": character DESCRIPTION "Burden Set ID." LABEL "Burden
FIELD "BdnCd" OF "BSBdnCd": character DESCRIPTION "Burden Code." LABEL "Burden
FIELD "ProcSeq" OF "BSBdnCd": integer DESCRIPTION "The invoicing process will use
this sequence to determine the seq uence that the burden is calculated. When
burdens are applied to other burden am ounts then the sequence is important so that
the correct values are very importa nt for the correct calculations of burdens."
LABEL "Processing Sequence"
FIELD "ApplyLbr" OF "BSBdnCd": logical DESCRIPTION "If set to true this indicates
the burden percentage is to be appl ied to the labor value." LABEL "Labor"
FIELD "ApplyMtl" OF "BSBdnCd": logical DESCRIPTION "If set to true this indicates
the burden percentage is to be appl ied to the material value." LABEL "Materials"
FIELD "ApplySubcon" OF "BSBdnCd": logical DESCRIPTION "If set to true this
indicates the burden percentage is to be appl ied to the subcontract value." LABEL
FIELD "ApplyConLbr" OF "BSBdnCd": logical DESCRIPTION "If set to true this
indicates the burden percentage is to be appl ied to the labor value booked by an
employee that is flagged as a contract emplo yee." LABEL "Contract Labor"
FIELD "ApplyODC" OF "BSBdnCd": logical DESCRIPTION "If true the invoice process
will calculate burden on costs that h ave been applied to the project from the AP
Invoice Entry process." LABEL "Other Direct Costs"
FIELD "ApplyFees" OF "BSBdnCd": logical DESCRIPTION "If true Fees can be applied to
the burden amount calculated for t his burden code." LABEL "Apply Fees to Burden
FIELD "BdnOnBdnList" OF "BSBdnCd": character DESCRIPTION "A delimited list of the
Burden Codes in this Burden Set whose cal culated amount will be used in the
calculation of the burden for the current bur den code. If no other burden codes
are selected then the burden for this burden code will be calculated as the Cost *
the burden provisional percentage. If othe r burden codes are selected then the
calculation will be the (Cost + the burden calculated for the selected burden
codes) * prov pcnt." LABEL "BdnOnBdnList"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BSBdnCd": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BSBdnCd": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BSBdnCd": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ActEffDte" OF "BSBdnCd": date DESCRIPTION "This is the current effective
date for the actual percentage." LABEL "Effective Date"
FIELD "ActBdnPcnt" OF "BSBdnCd": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the current actual
burden percent." LABEL "Actual Burden Percent"
FIELD "GlobalBSBdnCd" OF "BSBdnCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this BSBdnCd as
global, available to be sent out to other c ompanies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "BSBdnCd": logical
DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from receiving global updates."
INDEX "PrimIdx" ON "BSBdnCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The primary index"

TABLE "BSBdnRt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This is a new table to hold the
provisional percentages and effec tive dates for the Burden Codes assigned to a
Burden Set. These are used within the Advanced Billing module. It is a child table
of the BSBdnCd table."
FIELD "Company" OF "BSBdnRt": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BdnSetID" OF "BSBdnRt": character DESCRIPTION "Burden Set ID." LABEL "Burden
FIELD "BdnCd" OF "BSBdnRt": character DESCRIPTION "Burden Code." LABEL "Burden
FIELD "EffDte" OF "BSBdnRt": date DESCRIPTION "The effective date of the burden
code provisional percent." LABEL "Effective Date"
FIELD "ProvPcnt" OF "BSBdnRt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The provisional percent for
burden code for this burden set." LABEL "Provisional Percent"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BSBdnRt": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BSBdnRt": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BSBdnRt": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "PrimIdx" ON "BSBdnRt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The primary index"

TABLE "BusEntities"
AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "List of valid business entities that can be
associated with a COA Segment or a GL Control Code"
FIELD "Company" OF "BusEntities": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
FIELD "BusinessEntity" OF "BusEntities": character DESCRIPTION "Database TableID or
code specific to the GL Control Codes." LABEL "Business Entity"
FIELD "Description" OF "BusEntities": character DESCRIPTION "Text describing the
business entity" LABEL "Description"
FIELD "COAEntity" OF "BusEntities": logical DESCRIPTION "Indictes if this business
entity can be used as a COASegment refe rence entity. Yes indicates it may be used
in COA Maintenance and associated wi th a COASetgment. No indicates it can not be
associated with a COASegment." LABEL "COA Entity"
FIELD "SegValueField" OF "BusEntities": character DESCRIPTION "Only valid for
COAEntities. This is the field in the table liste d in the BusinessEntity field
where the COASegValues originate from." LABEL "Segment Value Field"
FIELD "DescFieldName" OF "BusEntities": character DESCRIPTION "Only valid for
COAEntities. This is the field in the BusinessEnt ity source table that contains
the value of the COASegVal.Description." LABEL "Description Field Name"
FIELD "EntityType" OF "BusEntities": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the entity
as a system supplied or user defined entity . System supplied entities cannot be
deleted/modified. Valid values: S - System UD - User Defined" LABEL "Entity Type"
FIELD "GLControlEntity" OF "BusEntities": logical DESCRIPTION "Indictes if this
business entity can be used as a GL Control Type reference entity. Yes indicates it
may be used in GL Control Type Maintenance and associated with a GLCntrlType. No
indicates it can not be associated with a GLCntrlType." LABEL "GL Control Entity"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BusEntities": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BusEntities": integer
DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."

FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BusEntities": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,

etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "BusinessEntity" ON "BusEntities" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By BusinessEntity"
INDEX "COAEntity" ON "BusEntities" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By

TABLE "BVRule" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Table to store validation rules used
in posting engine."
FIELD "BVRuleUID" OF "BVRule": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique value.Primary key" LABEL
"Validation Rule UID"
FIELD "VRuleUID" OF "BVRule": integer DESCRIPTION "Technical key of Validation Rule
" LABEL "Rule UID"
FIELD "Description" OF "BVRule": character DESCRIPTION "Validation rule
description" LABEL "Description"
FIELD "Action" OF "BVRule": character DESCRIPTION "Error, Ignor, Warning,
Autocorrect, Autocorrect with warning" LABEL "Action"
FIELD "VLevel" OF "BVRule": character DESCRIPTION "Validation level : Book, Booking
Rule, Company etc" LABEL "Level"
FIELD "Company" OF "BVRule": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
"Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "BookID" OF "BVRule": character DESCRIPTION "Reference to Book." LABEL "Book
FIELD "ACTTypeUID" OF "BVRule": integer DESCRIPTION "Account transaction type UID.
Technical identifier." LABEL "ACT Type UID" COLUMN-LABEL "ACT Type UID"
FIELD "ACTRevisionUID" OF "BVRule": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to the parent
account transaction revision." LABEL "ACT Revision UID" COLUMN-LABEL "ACT Revision
FIELD "RuleUID" OF "BVRule": integer DESCRIPTION "Technical identifier." LABEL
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "BVRule": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "BVRule": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "BVRule": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "IsDefault" OF "BVRule": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates default validation
rules for ABT templates." LABEL "Is Default"
INDEX "srch1" ON "BVRule" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "search index 1"
INDEX "srch2" ON "BVRule" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "search index 2"

TABLE "CallType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Used to idenify the type of
communication used in a CRM Call. Fo r example e-mail, phone , meeting etc."
FIELD "Company" OF "CallType": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CallTypeCode" OF "CallType": character
DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for a call type assigned by the user." LABEL "Type
FIELD "CallTypeDesc" OF "CallType": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the type
of communication. For example email, phon e, fax etc." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "Inactive" OF "CallType": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not this
Call Type appears in drop-down sele ction lists to be added to a CRM Call." LABEL
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CallType": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CallType": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CallType": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalCallType" OF "CallType": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this CallType as
global, available to be sent out to other companies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "CallType": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."

TABLE "Capability" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "defines the capabilities that
are available in the manufacturing facility. It is an action, such as drilling,
cutting, or painting, but usually will be more specific, such as Drill8Inch."
FIELD "Company" OF "Capability": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CapabilityID" OF "Capability": character DESCRIPTION "A code which uniquely
identifies a capability."
FIELD "Description" OF "Capability": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the
capability." LABEL "" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "Inactive" OF "Capability": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag which indicates if the
Capability is considered as ""Active" ". This flag will be used to exclude
Capabilities from certain searches and reports . To maintain database integrity,
once a Capability has been used in cannot be del eted. But it can be set to
Inactive=yes, which will exclude the record from mos t searches."
FIELD "PrimaryResourceGrpID" OF "Capability": character DESCRIPTION "Defines the
primary Resource Group for this Capability, but it ca n be blank. If not blank, it
must be valid in the ResourceGroup table."
FIELD "AdditionalResourceRequired" OF "Capability": logical DESCRIPTION "When TRUE
an error message will be generated when the routing is created an no additional
resources have been defined."
FIELD "SetupGroupRequired" OF "Capability": logical DESCRIPTION "When TRUE will
cause a warning message when the routing is create d and no setup group is
FIELD "CapType" OF "Capability": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies if this
capability should pull costs (from either the ResourceGroup or Resource) for ""L""
= Labor, ""R"" = Burden, or ""B"" = both La bor and Burden."
FIELD "OpCode" OF "Capability": character DESCRIPTION "Establishes the default
operation used when referencing this Capa bility. This is optional, but if entered
it must be valid in the OpMaster. Required if a Capability is going to be used to
create a JobOper record."
FIELD "OpStdID" OF "Capability": character DESCRIPTION "Defines a default Operation
standard master ID for this Capabilit y. If entered then this along with the
ResourceGrpID, OpCode must be valid in t he OpStd master file. Required if the
Capability is going to be used to create a JobOper."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "Capability": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "Capability": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "Capability": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "CapIdx" ON "Capability" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary index for
the Capabilty table."

TABLE "CapAddl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Additional Capabilities. A

mechanism for linking multiple capabi lities to a capability. However, Additional
Capabilities cannot have Additional Capabilities."
FIELD "Company" OF "CapAddl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CapabilityID" OF "CapAddl": character DESCRIPTION "A code which uniquely
identifies a capability."
FIELD "Description" OF "CapAddl": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the
capability." LABEL "" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "CapAddID" OF "CapAddl": character DESCRIPTION "Additional Capability ID"
FIELD "ProductionCap" OF "CapAddl": logical DESCRIPTION "This Additional Capability
is required for Production."
FIELD "SetupCap" OF "CapAddl": logical DESCRIPTION "This Additional Capability is
required for Setup."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CapAddl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CapAddl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CapAddl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "CapResLnk" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Capability Resource Links.

Capabilities and Resources are relate d to one another in a many-to-many
relationship. This table provides the mechan ism to establish that relationship."
FIELD "Company" OF "CapResLnk": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CapabilityID" OF "CapResLnk": character DESCRIPTION "A code which uniquely
identifies the Capability this link applies to."
FIELD "ResourceID" OF "CapResLnk": character DESCRIPTION "The ResourceID the
Capability is being linked to."
FIELD "ResourcePriority" OF "CapResLnk": integer DESCRIPTION "A tie breaker. If two
Resources are equal, but a user would pref er to keep one busy, then the one with
the highest priority will be selected fir st. "
FIELD "ProductionFactor" OF "CapResLnk": decimal DESCRIPTION "A Production Factor
for the link."
FIELD "SetupFactor" OF "CapResLnk": decimal DESCRIPTION "A Setup Factor for the
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CapResLnk": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CapResLnk": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CapResLnk": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "Carrier" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Holds valid carrier codes"
FIELD "Company" OF "Carrier": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "Carrier" OF "Carrier": character DESCRIPTION "The unique identifier for the
FIELD "Description" OF "Carrier": character DESCRIPTION "The description for the
FIELD "Active" OF "Carrier": logical DESCRIPTION "To identify if a carriers is
active/inactive. If a carrier is mar ked as inactive then the user will not be able
to use it on ship via. "
FIELD "SCAC" OF "Carrier": character DESCRIPTION "The Standard Carrier Alpha Code
used to identify the carrier. "
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "Carrier": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "Carrier": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "Carrier": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalCarrier" OF "Carrier": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this Carrier as
global, available to be sent out to other c ompanies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "Carrier": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."

TABLE "CartonStage" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "CartonStage" DESCRIPTION "Table used
to track the stage numbers containing unshipped carton s ( active stages) . The new
stage number will be inserted into the carton stag e table along with the carton
number when the carton is staged."
FIELD "Company" OF "CartonStage": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "PackNum" OF "CartonStage": integer DESCRIPTION "When creating a new packing
slip, the user is prompted for a pack ing slip number. If the field is left blank,
the next available # is assigned b y the system. The system generates a number by
finding the last ShipHead on fil e and uses its PackNum + 1." LABEL "Packing Slip"
FIELD "StageNumber" OF "CartonStage": character DESCRIPTION "Alpha-numeric. The
user can enter any alpha-numeric stage number to create a new stage. " LABEL "Stage
Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Stage Number"
FIELD "ShipmentType" OF "CartonStage": character DESCRIPTION "different types of
cartonized shipments; Sales Order, Transfer, S ubcontracter, Misc" LABEL "Shipment
Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Shipment Type"
FIELD "Shipped" OF "CartonStage": logical DESCRIPTION "Shipped Status of the stage
for the cartion . " LABEL "Shipped" COLUMN-LABEL "Shipped"
FIELD "ShipViaCode" OF "CartonStage": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code
assigned by user which uniquely identifies a shi pping method (carrier) master
record. " LABEL "Ship Via"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CartonStage": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CartonStage": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CartonStage": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "CartonTrkDtl" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "CartonTrkDtl" DESCRIPTION "Tracking

numbers and associated data for a shipped pack"
FIELD "Company" OF "CartonTrkDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Company ID" LABEL
"Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "ShipmentType" OF "CartonTrkDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Defines the type of
shipment the tracking number is for. Shipmen t type is either Misc for
miscellaneous, Sales for Customer shipments, Sub for s ubcontractor shipments
Transfer for Transfer order shipment or Master for Master pack Shipments." LABEL
"ShipmentType" COLUMN-LABEL "ShipmentType"
FIELD "PackNum" OF "CartonTrkDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The pack number associated
with the tracking number." LABEL "Packing Slip"
FIELD "PkgLength" OF "CartonTrkDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Length dimension for the
packaging used to ship this shipment." LABEL "Length"
FIELD "PkgHeight" OF "CartonTrkDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Height dimension for the
packaging used to ship this shipment." LABEL "Height"
FIELD "PkgWidth" OF "CartonTrkDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Width dimension for the
packaging used to ship this shipment." LABEL "Width"
FIELD "TrackingNumber" OF "CartonTrkDtl": character DESCRIPTION "This optional
field is the shipper's tracking number. This can b e used to look up status
information from the shipper." LABEL "Tracking Number"
FIELD "CaseNum" OF "CartonTrkDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "An integer that uniquely
identifies a detail record within a Pack ing slip. This is assigned by the system.
Read last CartonTrkDtl record for Pack Num and add 1. This number is not displayed
to the user. The case number the us er sees is the concatenation of the Packnum and
this number separated by a dash. " LABEL "Case Number"
FIELD "PkgWeight" OF "CartonTrkDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Package Weight" LABEL
"Gross Weight"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CartonTrkDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CartonTrkDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CartonTrkDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "CODFlag" OF "CartonTrkDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Prefer COD delivery.
Reserved for future development." LABEL "COD"
FIELD "CODCheck" OF "CartonTrkDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Cashier's Check or Money
order is required on COD Delivery Reserved for future development." LABEL
"Cashier's Check/Money Order Required"
FIELD "CODAmount" OF "CartonTrkDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount due on Cashier's
check or money order. Reserved for futur e development." LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "DeclaredValueFlag" OF "CartonTrkDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate
that an insurance value was declared on delivery . Reserved for future
development." LABEL "Declared Value"
FIELD "DeclaredValue" OF "CartonTrkDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Declared Insurance
Amount. Reserved for future development." LABEL "Insurance Value"
FIELD "CODValue" OF "CartonTrkDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Collect On Delivery Value"
FIELD "ManifestSizeUOM" OF "CartonTrkDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unit of Measure
the Manifest system expects the pack sizet to be measured in." LABEL "Manifest Size
FIELD "ManifestWtUOM" OF "CartonTrkDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unit of Measure of
the Manifest system expects the pack to be wei ghed in." LABEL "Manifest Weight
FIELD "ManifestWeight" OF "CartonTrkDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Package Weight in
the Manifest System's unit of measure." LABEL "Manifest Weight"
FIELD "ManifestLength" OF "CartonTrkDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The pack length in
the Manifest Unit of Measure." LABEL "Manifest Length"
FIELD "ManifestWidth" OF "CartonTrkDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The pack width in the
manifest unit of measure." LABEL "Manifest Width"
FIELD "ManifestHeight" OF "CartonTrkDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The pack height in
the manifest unit of measure." LABEL "Manifest Height"
INDEX "ShipPackCase" ON "CartonTrkDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By Shipment Type By Pack Num By CaseNum"
INDEX "TrackingNumber" ON "CartonTrkDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By ShipmentType By PackNum By Tracking Number"

TABLE "CashBDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Cashbook Detail Lines"

FIELD "Company" OF "CashBDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BankAcctID" OF "CashBDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Relates record to a
BankAcct." LABEL "Bank Account ID"
FIELD "CashBookNum" OF "CashBDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "When creating a new
CashBHed, the next available # is assigned by the system. The system generates a
number by finding the last CashBHed and use s its CashBookNum + 1. Not directly
entered by the user." LABEL "CashBookNum"
FIELD "LineNum" OF "CashBDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "This is Line number that is
visible for the user." LABEL "Line" COLUMN-LABEL "Line"
FIELD "TranType" OF "CashBDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the type of
transaction. Possible values are 'Banktran ' for bank adjustments, 'manual' for
manual A/P payments, 'appay' for A/P paymen ts, 'prpay' for P/R payments, 'crpay'
for cashreceipts which are entered in the Cash Receipt Entry program, 'payinv' for
invoice cash receipts, 'deposit' for de posit cash receipts and 'mispay' for
miscellaneous cash receipts." LABEL "Type"
FIELD "Posted" OF "CashBDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "A flag that indicates if this
transaction has been posted. A post ed transaction can not be maintained, it is
considered as being committed. This flag is not directly set by the user for each
transaction. Instead it is set via a ""post function"" which processes all the
transactions in the batch." LABEL "Posted" COLUMN-LABEL "Posted"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "CashBDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal Year. This is not
entered by the user on each record. " LABEL "Fiscal Yr"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "CashBDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal period for the
transaction. Not directly entered by the us er. " LABEL "Period" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "TranDate" OF "CashBDtl": date DESCRIPTION "Transaction Date." LABEL "Date"
FIELD "TranAmt" OF "CashBDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount of transaction that is
being applied. " LABEL "Amount" COLUMN-LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "DocTranAmt" OF "CashBDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount of transaction that
is being applied. " LABEL "Amount" COLUMN-LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "Description" OF "CashBDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Description" LABEL
"Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "CashbookLine" OF "CashBDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "When creating a new
CashBdtl, the next available # is assigned by the system. The system generates a
number by finding the last CashBdtl of a ca shbhed and uses its CashBookLine + 1.
Not directly entered by the user." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "Rpt1TranAmt" OF "CashBDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2TranAmt" OF "CashBDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3TranAmt" OF "CashBDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "CashBDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal Year Suffix.
This is not entered by the user on each recor d. " LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "CashBDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal calendar
year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CashBDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CashBDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CashBDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "LinkedTranType" OF "CashBDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Used on Bank Fees
created from Bank Reconciliation, Identifies th e type of transaction from was
created. Possible values are 'Manual' for Manual A/P payments and ?PayInv? for
Invoice Cash Receipt." LABEL "Linked Tran Type"
FIELD "LinkedHeadNum" OF "CashBDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Used on Bank Fees, this
field will be used to link Checks or AR P ayments created from Bank
Reconciliation." LABEL "Linked Head Num"

TABLE "CashBHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "CashBook Header"

FIELD "Company" OF "CashBHed": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CashBookNum" OF "CashBHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "When creating a new
CashBHed, the next available # is assigned by the system. The system generates a
number by finding the last CashBHed and use s its CashBookNum + 1. Not directly
entered by the user." LABEL "CashBookNum"
FIELD "BankAcctID" OF "CashBHed": character DESCRIPTION "Relates record to a
BankAcct." LABEL "Bank Account ID"
FIELD "Description" OF "CashBHed": character DESCRIPTION "Your Description of the
Bank Account master. " LABEL "Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "OpeningBalance" OF "CashBHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Opening Balance of
the Bank Account. When a Reconciliation i s Posted this field is set to the Closing
Balance." LABEL "Opening Balance"
FIELD "OpeningDate" OF "CashBHed": date DESCRIPTION "The Opening Date of the Bank
Account. When a Reconciliation is P osted this field is set to the Closing Date +
1." LABEL "Opening Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Date"
FIELD "ClosingBalance" OF "CashBHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Closing Balance of
the Bank Account." LABEL "Closing Balance"
FIELD "ClosingDate" OF "CashBHed": date DESCRIPTION "The Closing Date of the Bank
Account." LABEL "Closing Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Date"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "CashBHed": character DESCRIPTION "The currency of the Bank
Account" LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "GroupID" OF "CashBHed": character DESCRIPTION "The data entry ""group"" that
the transaction is assigned to. Al l transactions belong to a ""Group."" It is
assigned to the record during creat ion using the ""current group"" that the user
is signed into. It cannot be chan ged. The GroupID is used to selectively print and
post the transactions. " LABEL "Group" COLUMN-LABEL "Group"
FIELD "Posted" OF "CashBHed": logical DESCRIPTION "A flag that indicates if this
transaction has been posted. A post ed transaction can not be maintained, it is
considered as being committed. This flag is not directly set by the user for each
transaction. Instead it is set via a ""post function"" which processes all the
transactions in the batch." LABEL "Posted" COLUMN-LABEL "Posted"
FIELD "ExchangeRate" OF "CashBHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Exchange rate that will be
used for this Check. Defaults from CurrRate.CurrentRate. Conversion rates will be
calculated as System Base = Forei gn value * rate, Foreign value = system base *
(1/rate). This is the dollar in f oreign currency from the exchange rate tables in
the newspapers." LABEL "Exchange Rate" COLUMN-LABEL "Exchange Rate"
FIELD "Obsolete900-RefToBase" OF "CashBHed": logical DESCRIPTION "The direction of
the RefToBaseRate is determined by this field. I f RefToBase is true then the rate
is expressed as ""1 reference currency is X Ba se currency"". If RefToBase is false
then the rate is expressed as ""1 Base cur rency is X reference currency"". " LABEL
"Reference to Base"
COLUMN-LABEL "Reference to Base"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "CashBHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal Year. This is not
entered by the user on each record. Dupl icated in from the CashGroup.FiscalYear.
Therefore each batch is posted to a sin gle fiscal period." LABEL "Fiscal Year"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "CashBHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal period for the
transaction. Not directly entered by the us er. Duplicated from the
CashGroup.FiscalPeriod. " LABEL "Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal!Period"
FIELD "Bankslip" OF "CashBHed": integer DESCRIPTION "When creating a new CashBHed,
the next available # is assigned by the system. The system generates a number by
finding the last CashBHed of a Ba nk Account and a Fiscal Year and uses its
Bankslip + 1. The user can override th is number when no cashbook lines are
available for this bankslip." LABEL "Bankslip" COLUMN-LABEL "Bankslip"
FIELD "Obsolete900-DocToRef" OF "CashBHed": logical DESCRIPTION "The direction of
the exchange rate is determined by this field. I f DocToRef is true then the rate
is expressed as ""1 document currency is X refe rence currency"". If DocToRef is
false then the rate is expressed as ""1 refere nce currency is X document
currency"". " LABEL "Document to Reference" COLUMN-LABEL "Document to Reference"
FIELD "DocOpeningBalance" OF "CashBHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Opening Balance
of the Bank Account. When a Reconciliation i s posted this field is set to the
Closing Balance." LABEL "Opening Balance"
FIELD "DocClosingBalance" OF "CashBHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Closing Balance
of the Bank Account." LABEL "Closing Balance"
FIELD "Rpt1ClosingBalance" OF "CashBHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Closing Balance"
FIELD "Rpt2ClosingBalance" OF "CashBHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Closing Balance"
FIELD "Rpt3ClosingBalance" OF "CashBHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Closing Balance"
FIELD "Rpt1OpeningBalance" OF "CashBHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Opening Balance"
FIELD "Rpt2OpeningBalance" OF "CashBHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Opening Balance"
FIELD "Rpt3OpeningBalance" OF "CashBHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Opening Balance"
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "CashBHed": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier" LABEL
"Rate Group Code"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "CashBHed": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal Year Suffix.
This is not entered by the user on each recor d. Duplicated in from the
CashGroup.FiscalYearSuffix. Therefore each batch is po sted to a single fiscal
period." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "CashBHed": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal calendar
year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CashBHed": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CashBHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "ApplyDate" OF "CashBHed": date DESCRIPTION "The date to apply the
transaction to GL." LABEL "Apply Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Apply Date"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CashBHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "CashDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Cash Receipts Detail records. This
is a sub-file to the CashHead record. It is also a subset to InvcHead for records
which are related to invoice
s. This file not only contains payments on invoices but also has Invoice adjustm
ents, credit memo transfers. "
FIELD "Company" OF "CashDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GroupID" OF "CashDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The data entry ""Group"" to
which is transaction is assigned. Thi s is not user maintainable. It is duplicated
from the corresponding CashHead rec ord." LABEL "Group"
FIELD "HeadNum" OF "CashDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The foreign key that relates
this detail record to a CashHead rec ord. Duplicated from CashHead.HeadNum when
record is created. Not applicable to user interface."
FIELD "Posted" OF "CashDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "A flag that indicates if ed
transaction cannot be maintained; it lag is not directly set by the user for a
""post function"" which processes all LABEL "Posted"

this transaction has been posted. A post is considered as being committed. This f
each transaction. Instead it is set via the transactions in the batch."

FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "CashDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal Year. This is not

entered by the user on each record. Inst ead as part of the posting process it is
duplicated in from the CashBatc.FiscalY ear. Therefore each batch is posted to a
single fiscal period." LABEL "Fiscal Yr"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "CashDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal period for the
transaction. Not directly entered by the us er. Duplicated from the
CashBatc.FiscalPeriod at time of posting. " LABEL "Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal!
FIELD "GLPosted" OF "CashDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this transaction
has been posted to the General Ledg er Module. " LABEL "Posted-G/L" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "TranDate" OF "CashDtl": date DESCRIPTION "Transaction Date. Duplicated from
the CashBatc.TranDate. Not user maintainable. This is refreshed as part of the post
process. " LABEL "Date"
FIELD "TranType" OF "CashDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the type of
transaction. Adjust = Adjustment, CMemo =
Credit Memo Transfer, PrePay = Pre Payment, MisPay = Misc Payment, PayInv = Paym
ent on Invoices. This is duplicated from the CashHead.TranType, not user mainta
inable. Note: For currency gain/loss it will be ""Adjust"". Both the Debit/Credit
GL# wi ll be used. Debit is A/R account. Credit is gain/loss account." LABEL "Type"

FIELD "CheckRef" OF "CashDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The customer's Check number

of the receipt transaction. Duplicate d from CashHead.CheckRef. This is a mandatory
field used only for Cash Receipt t ype of translations. Primarily used as a
reference. The only validation is that it can't be blank. This is used when
TranType = PrePay, MisPay or PayInv." LABEL "Check/Ref"
FIELD "InvoiceNum" OF "CashDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The open A/R invoice # that
the transaction applies against. Not used by the MisPay trantype. In the case of
PayInv, or CMemo transaction this mu st be a valid InvcHead record where
InvcHead.CreditMemo = No. In case of ""Adjus t"" transactions this can be either a
invoice or a credit memo reference. Note: The ""Apply Credit Memo"" program
automatically creates an additional CashDtl re cords for each invoice to which the
credit memo is applied. In this additional record this field contains the credit
memo's number." LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "TranAmt" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount of transaction that is
being applied. Default as the less er of IncvHead.InvoiceBal or
CashHead.Outstanding. Notes on sign of field: For Cash receipt transaction it
carries a positive sign. For Adjustments it carries the sign entered by the user
(negatives reduce A/R). For disbursement of a credit memo against invoices (CMEMO)
the transactions aga inst the invoice carry a negative sign and the transactions
generated against th e credit memo carry a positive sign. For records based in
Debit Note applied it carries a negative sign. " LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "CustNum" OF "CashDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains the Customer number
that the transaction is for. This m ust be valid in the Customer table. Not entered
for miscellaneous receipts. " LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "Discount" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Prompt Payment Discount given
for this invoice. Only applicable f or PayInv trantype. The (TranAmt - Discount)
reduces the Outstanding amount of the CashHead.TranAmt left to be applied. This
can't be > TranAmt. "
FIELD "InvoiceRef" OF "CashDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Applicable to CMemo
transaction types only. The ""Apply Credit Me mo"" program creates two CashDtl
records for each invoice that a credit memo is applied to. One record for the
<credit> to the invoice and a second record for t he debit to the credit memo. In
the first record this field is the InvoiceNum of the Credit memo. In the second
record it is the InvoiceNum of the invoice that the credit memo was applied to."
LABEL "Invoice Ref."
FIELD "OBS900-DebitDiv" OF "CashDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Division component of
G/L account. Only applicable for prompt pa yment discounts and ""Adjustments"". For
Prompt Payments it is the account that will be debited. Defaulted using the
accounts in the ARSyst or ARAcct depending on the ARAcct of the invoice. Not
directly entered. Instead it is entered as a fill-in field comprised of Div.Chart
and Dept. If CashDtl.Discount is <> 0 the n this must be entered and be valid in
the GLAcct file. For Adjustments it is s et to the A/R account of the invoice that
is being adjusted (InvcHead.ARDiv). N ote that the adjustment may actually credit
this account, based on the sign. "
FIELD "OBS900-DebitChart" OF "CashDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component of
G/L account. See DebitDiv for more info. "
FIELD "OBS900-DebitDept" OF "CashDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Department component
of G/L account. See DebitDiv for more info. "
FIELD "OBS900-CreditDiv" OF "CashDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Division component of
G/L account that will be credited. For Pay ments on invoices it is not maintainable
and is assigned the InvcHead.ARDiv. No t used for unapplied receipts. For applied
Credit Memos it is the InvcHead.ARDi v of the Invoice being applied to. For
""Adjustments"" it is the offsetting acc ount to the A/R account to which the
Adjustment is being made. Note - normally this is a credit to this account, but in
the case of a negative adjustments this account would be debited (it's based on the
sign, not the name of the field) T he full G/L account number is made up of
CreditDiv, CreditChart and CreditDept. These individual fields are never directly
entered, rather it is entered as par t of a field that represents the full G/L
account number. These components must be valid in the GLAcct master. "
FIELD "OBS900-CreditChart" OF "CashDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component of
G/L account that will be credited. See Credi tDiv for more info. "
FIELD "OBS900-CreditDept" OF "CashDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Department component
of G/L account that will be credited. See CreditDiv for more info. "
FIELD "Comment" OF "CashDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Allows user to enter comments
about the transaction. This is only applicable with TranType = ""Adjust"". "
FIELD "Reference" OF "CashDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Allows user to enter a short
descriptive reference for the transa ction. This is useful with Miscellaneous Cash
Receipts. "
FIELD "ExchangeRate" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Exchange rate that will be
used for this CashDtl, only differs fr om cashead when the invoice is locked.
Defaults from CurrRate.CurrentRate. Conversion rates will be calculated as System
Base = Forei gn value * rate, Foreign value = system base * (1/rate). This is the
dollar in f oreign currency from the exchange rate tables in the newspapers." LABEL
"Exchange Rate" COLUMN-LABEL "Exchange Rate"
FIELD "DocTranAmt" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount of transaction that is
being applied. Default as the less er of IncvHead.InvoiceBal or
CashHead.Outstanding. Notes on sign of field: For Cash receipt transaction, it
carries a positive sign . For Adjustments it carries the sign entered by the user
(negatives reduce A/R) . For disbursement of a credit memo against invoices (CMEMO)
the transactions ag ainst the invoice carry a negative sign and the transactions
generated against t he credit memo carry a positive sign." LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "DocDiscount" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Prompt Payment Discount
given for this invoice. Only applicable f or PayInv trantype. The (TranAmt -
Discount) reduces the Outstanding amount of the CashHead.TranAmt left to be
applied. This can't be > TranAmt. "
FIELD "Obsolete900-DocToRef" OF "CashDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "The direction of
the exchange rate is determined by this field. I f DocToRef is true then the rate
is expressed as ""1 document currency is X refe rence currency"". If DocToRef is
false then the rate is expressed as ""1 refere nce currency is X document
currency"". " LABEL "Document to Reference" COLUMN-LABEL "Document to Reference"
FIELD "Obsolete900-RefToBase" OF "CashDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "The direction of
the RefToBaseRate is determined by this field. I f RefToBase is true then the rate
is expressed as ""1 reference currency is X Ba se currency"". If RefToBase is false
then the rate is expressed as ""1 Base cur rency is X reference currency"". " LABEL
"Reference to Base" COLUMN-LABEL "Reference to Base"
FIELD "LegalNumber" OF "CashDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The Legal Number for the
record. This number is created based on setup parameters in table LegalNumber."
LABEL "Legal Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Legal Number"
FIELD "GLRefType" OF "CashDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Link to the related
GLRefTyp.RefType." LABEL "Ref. Type"
FIELD "GLRefCode" OF "CashDtl": character
DESCRIPTION "Link to the related Code in GLRefCod.RefCode" LABEL "Ref. Code"
FIELD "OBS900-RefAcctDiv" OF "CashDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Foreign Key Division
component to the GLRefAct. Not directly main tainable. The system sets this field
by finding the GLRefAct which has the close st mask to the gl account that is
entered. The Company, RefAcctDiv, RefAcctCha rt, RefAcctDept comprise the set of
foreign key fields to the GLRefAct table."
FIELD "OBS900-RefAcctDept" OF "CashDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Foreign Key
Department component to the GLRefAct. (See RefAcctDiv )"
FIELD "OBS900-RefAcctChart" OF "CashDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Foreign Key Chart
component to the GLRefAct. (See RefAcctDiv)"
FIELD "DebitNote" OF "CashDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "The internally set flag to
indicate if this detail line of the Ca sh payment is Debit Note type." LABEL "Debit
FIELD "DNComments" OF "CashDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Debit Note Detail
FIELD "DNAmount" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The total debit note value
applied for the invoice selected for t he payment during the payment transaction."
FIELD "DocDnAmount" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The total debit note value
applied for the invoice selected for t he payment during the payment transaction."
FIELD "DNCustNbr" OF "CashDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The Debit Note Number
assigned by the customer. " LABEL "Debit Note Nbr"
FIELD "RoundDiff" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Rounding difference arises
when invoice in one currency are settl ed in another currency"
FIELD "Rpt1Discount" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Discount"
FIELD "Rpt2Discount" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Discount"
FIELD "Rpt3Discount" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Discount"
FIELD "Rpt1DnAmount" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt DN Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2DnAmount" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt DN Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3DnAmount" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt DN Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1TranAmt" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2TranAmt" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3TranAmt" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "CashDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier" LABEL
"Rate Group Code"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "CashDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal Year Suffix. "
LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "CashDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal calendar
year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CashDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CashDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "TaxRegionCode" OF "CashDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The Tax Region for this
payment." LABEL "Tax Region"
FIELD "GetDfltTaxIds" OF "CashDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "If set to true, the tax
calculation logic will retrieve the defau lt SalesTax ids for the line before
calculating taxes. It will also be reset to true if the TaxConnectCalc flag
switches from true to false."
FIELD "WithholdAmt" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount. "
LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "DocWithholdAmt" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount. "
LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1WithholdAmt" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount.
" LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2WithholdAmt" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount.
" LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3WithholdAmt" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount.
" LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "SelfAssessAmt" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Self Assessment Tax
Amount. " LABEL "Self Assessment Tax Amount"
FIELD "DocSelfAssessAmt" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Self Assessment Tax
Amount. " LABEL "Self Assessment Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1SelfAssessAmt" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Self Assessment Tax
Amount. " LABEL "Self Assessment Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2SelfAssessAmt" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Self Assessment Tax
Amount. " LABEL "Self Assessment Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3SelfAssessAmt" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Self Assessment Tax
Amount. " LABEL "Self Assessment Tax Amount"
FIELD "TaxAmt" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Tax Amount. " LABEL "Tax
FIELD "DocTaxAmt" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Tax Amount in the vendors
currency. " LABEL "Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1TaxAmt" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2TaxAmt" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3TaxAmt" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amount"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CashDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ReverseGL" OF "CashDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if it's a reversing
Gain/Loss adjustment" LABEL "Reverse Gain/Loss"
FIELD "RevalueDate" OF "CashDtl": date DESCRIPTION "Revaluation date that generated
the gain/loss record" LABEL "Revaluation Date"
FIELD "RevalueBal" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Invoice Balance at the time
of revaluation" LABEL "Revaluation Balance"
FIELD "RedStorno" OF "CashDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Red Storno Flag" LABEL "Red
Storno Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Red Storno Flag"
FIELD "Rpt1RevalueBal" OF "CashDtl": decimal
DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency Invoice Balance at the time of revaluation" LABEL
"Rpt1 Revalue Balance"
FIELD "IncomeTaxCode" OF "CashDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Income Tax Code" LABEL
"Income Tax Code"
FIELD "TaxReceiptDate" OF "CashDtl": date DESCRIPTION "Tax Receipt Date (Thailand
Localization)" LABEL "Tax Receipt Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Tax Receipt Date"
FIELD "TaxReceiptNo" OF "CashDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Tax Receipt No. (Thailand
Localization)" LABEL "Tax Receipt No." COLUMN-LABEL "Tax Receipt No."
FIELD "WHTCertificateDate" OF "CashDtl": date DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax
Certificate Date (Thailand Localization)" LABEL "Withholding Tax Certificate Date"
COLUMN-LABEL "Withholding Tax Certificate Date"
FIELD "WHTCertificateNo" OF "CashDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax
Certificate No. (Thailand Localization)" LABEL "Withholding Tax Certificate No."
COLUMN-LABEL "Withholding Tax Certificate No."
FIELD "GainLossType" OF "CashDtl": character DESCRIPTION """R"" for realized or
""U"" for unrealized Gain/Loss" LABEL "Gain/Loss Type"
FIELD "DocRevalueBal" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Document currency Invoice
Balance at the time of revaluation" LABEL "Doc Revaluation Balance"
FIELD "Rpt2RevalueBal" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
Invoice Balance at the time of revaluation" LABEL "Rpt2 Revalue Balance"
FIELD "Rpt3RevalueBal" OF "CashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
Invoice Balance at the time of revaluation" LABEL "Rpt3 Revalue Balance"
FIELD "PCashRefNum" OF "CashDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference Number, unique
identifier of Petty Cash Document" LABEL "Petty Cash Reference No" COLUMN-LABEL
"Petty Cash Reference No"
FIELD "PCashDeskID" OF "CashDtl": character
DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of Petty Cash Desk" LABEL "Petty Cash Desk ID"
COLUMN-LABEL "Petty Cash Desk ID"
INDEX "GrpHeadInvc" ON "CashDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Uniquely
identifies a CashDtl record. Sorts by group/header#/invo ice#."
INDEX "LastTranDate" ON "CashDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Finds the latest
CashDtl on file for update to the InvcHead.Close Date."
INDEX "RefTypCode" ON "CashDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Created to support
Referential Integrity checking when deleting G LRefTyp and GLRefCod records "

TABLE "CashGrp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Cash Receipts Entry control file. A
Parent file of CashHead file. Used to group transactions together for edit report
selection, totaling, and po sting activities. This allows user to establish the
transaction date and fiscal period for the detail transactions that will be entered
in as a related group."
FIELD "Company" OF "CashGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GroupID" OF "CashGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Before allowing transaction
entry the user establishes a ""Group ID"". All transactions belong to a group. This
current GroupID is assigned by th e user. Once created, it cannot be changed. The
Group ID is used to Selectivel y print and post the transactions. " LABEL "Group"
FIELD "TranDate" OF "CashGrp": date DESCRIPTION "Transaction Date. The user enters
the single date that will be u sed for posting of all the transaction within this
batch. This date must be foun d in the Fiscal file. The Fiscal file provides the
Fiscal Year and Period, which should be displayed for reference." LABEL "Tran Date"

FIELD "CreatedBy" OF "CashGrp": character DESCRIPTION "The user ID that created

this batch." LABEL "Created By"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "CashGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal Year. This is
defaulted based on the finding the Fiscal ma ster for the corresponding TranDate.
User can override this. This value is then
duplicated into the CashHead and CashDtl as part of the Post process. Therefore
each batch is posted to a single fiscal period." LABEL "Fiscal Year"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "CashGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal period for all the
transactions in this batch. Defaulted based on the Fiscal master which contains the
TranDate period. This is then dupl icated into the CashHead and CashDtl during
posting process." LABEL "Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal!Period"
FIELD "BankAcctID" OF "CashGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Related record to a
BankAcct." LABEL "Bank Account ID"
FIELD "Cashbook" OF "CashGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "if this group is created by the
Cashbook then other programs can not select this group." LABEL "Cashbook" COLUMN-
LABEL "Cashbook"
FIELD "ActiveUserID" OF "CashGrp": character DESCRIPTION "The user ID that is
currently logged into this Group. This is dis played on the Group browser so that
users may know which Groups are available." LABEL "In Use By"
FIELD "DebNoteOnly" OF "CashGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not the
bank account assigned for the Cash R eceipt group is for Debit Notes only. If this
flag is yes the new Deposit and new Misc payment options will be not available."
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "CashGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year suffix."
LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "CashGrp": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal calendar
year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CashGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CashGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "PromissoryNote" OF "CashGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "If yes, indicates that
the group is for Promissory Notes."
LABEL "Promissory Note"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CashGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "PIStatus" OF "CashGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Payment Instrument Status"
LABEL "PI Status"
FIELD "PIType" OF "CashGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Payment Instrument Type" LABEL
FIELD "PMUID" OF "CashGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the payment
FIELD "EIPaymSent" OF "CashGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag indicating payments were
FIELD "PIStatusGrp" OF "CashGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates its a PI Status
Change group" LABEL "PI Status Group"

TABLE "CashHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Cash Receipts Header. A Sub-Set of
the CashGrp file. A parent fi le to CashDtl. Each record represents a ""Check"" or
a credit memo to be applie d. The disbursement detail of the check or credit memo
is stored in the CashDtl file. DELETION: Delete all related CashDtl records. Note:
In the Case of ""TranType"" = ""CMemo"" there is no related CashGrp record . "
FIELD "Company" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GroupID" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "The data entry ""group"" that
the transaction is assigned to. Al l transactions belong to a ""Group."" It is
assigned to the record during creat ion using the ""current group"" that the user
is signed into. It cannot be chan ged. The GroupID is used to selectivly print and
post the transactions. " LABEL "Group"
FIELD "HeadNum" OF "CashHead": integer DESCRIPTION "An integer automatically
assigned by the system using the databas e sequence called ""CashHeadSeq"". Which
along with company and BatchID creates a unique key for the record. This is for
internal control only the user never ne eds to reference. "
FIELD "Posted" OF "CashHead": logical DESCRIPTION "A flag that indicates if this
transaction has been posted. A post ed transaction can not be maintained, it is
considered as being committed. This flag is not directly set by the user for each
transaction. Instead it is set via a ""post function"" which processes all the
transactions in the batch." LABEL "Posted"
FIELD "GLPosted" OF "CashHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this transaction
has been posted to the General Ledg er Module." LABEL "Posted-G/L" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "CheckRef" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "The Check number that is
being entered. This is an mandatory fiel d used only for Cash Receipt type of
translations. Primarily used as a referenc e. The only validation is that it can't
be blank. This is used when TranType = PrePay, MisPay or PayInv." LABEL "Check/Ref"

FIELD "TranType" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the type of

transaction. Adjust = Adjustment, CMemo = Credit Memo Transfer, Deposit = Deposit
Payment, MisPay = Misc Payment, PayInv = Payment on Invoices." LABEL "Type"
FIELD "OrderNum" OF "CashHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Sales Order #. This is only
used by the PrePay transaction. It m ust be a valid order found in OrderHed. "
LABEL "Order"
FIELD "InvoiceNum" DESCRIPTION "The redit memo that is or Adjust. It must LABEL
"Invoice" OF "CashHead": integer invoice # that is to be adjusted or the invoice
number of a c to be applied. This field is only used when TranType = CMemo be a
valid open invoice memo found in the InvcHead file."

FIELD "TranAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount of check, credit memo,

or adjustment depending on the tran saction type. For CMemo this is the total
amount of the credit memo that was app lied, in this case it is not entered by the
user, instead it is updated as the c redit memo is applied to invoices. For all
other transactions the user enters th is amount and then it is used as a
limit/control when applying it to the invoice s. " LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "CustID" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "The Customer ID field. This is
displayed within the transaction browser for visual verification. The user does not
enter this. The system copies it from the Customer master." LABEL "Cust. ID"
FIELD "TranDate" OF "CashHead": date DESCRIPTION "Transaction Date. Duplicated from
the CashBatc.TranDate. Not user maintainable. This is refreshed as part of the post
process. " LABEL "Date"
FIELD "CustNum" OF "CashHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains the Customer number
that the transaction is for. This m ust be valid in the Customer table. Not entered
for miscellaneous receipts. " LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "UnAppliedAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount of check that is
Outstanding (yet to be applied to invoice s). This is only applicable to TranType
""PayInv"" or ""CMemo"". As the detail r ecords (CashDtl) are entered and update
the CashHead.AppliedAmt this field is re freshed as CashHead.TranAmt - AppliedAmt).
" LABEL "Unapplied Amt"
FIELD "AppliedAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount of check that has
been applied to invoices. This is only a pplicable to TranType ""PayInv"" or
""CMemo"". As the detail records (CashDtl) a re entered the CashHead.AppliedAmt is
updated. " LABEL "Applied"
FIELD "CreditMemoNum" OF "CashHead": integer DESCRIPTION "The invoice number that
was used to create the credit memo for th e unapplied cash receipt. This is updated
during the cash receipt posting proces s and is used to link to the invchead. "
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "CashHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal Year. This is not
entered by the user on each record. Dupl icated in from the CashGroup.FiscalYear.
Therefore each batch is posted to a sin gle fiscal period." LABEL "Fiscal Year"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "CashHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal period for the
transaction. Not directly entered by the us er. Duplicated from the
CashGroup.FiscalPeriod. " LABEL "Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal!Period"
FIELD "OBS900-DebitDiv" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "Division component of
G/L account that will be debited. For Pay ments defaulted from
theCashGroup.DebitDiv. For applied Credit Memos it is the InvcHead.ARDiv of the
Credit Memo. The full G/L account number is made up of De bitDiv, DebitChart and
DebitDept. These individual fields are never directly en tered, rather it is
entered as part of a field that represents the full G/L acco unt number. These
components must be valid in the GLAcct master. "
FIELD "OBS900-DebitChart" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "The Chart component
of G/L account that will be debited. For Pay ments defaults from
CashGroup.DebitChart. For applied Credit Memos it is the In vcHead.ARChart of the
Credit Memo. The full G/L account number is made up of De bitDiv, DebitChart and
DebitDept. These individual fields are never directly en tered, rather it is
entered as part of a field that represents the full G/L acco unt number. These
components must be valid in the GLAcct master. "
FIELD "OBS900-DebitDept" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "The Department
component of G/L account that will be debited. F or Payments defaults from the
CashGroup.CashDept. For applied Credit Memos it i s the InvcHead.ARDept of the
Credit Memo. The full G/L account number is made u p of DebitDiv, DebitChart and
DebitDept. These individual fields are never dire ctly entered, rather it is
entered as part of a field that represents the full G /L account number. These
components must be valid in the GLAcct master. "
FIELD "OBS900-CreditDiv" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "The Division
component of G/L account that will be credited. App licable only for PrePayments.
This is defaulted based on the Customer.ARAcctID i f blank then from ARSyst else
from ARAcct. The full G/L account number is made up of CreditDiv, CreditChart and
CreditDept. These individual fields are never directly entered, rather it is
entered as part of a field that represents the fu ll G/L account number. These
components must be valid in the GLAcct master. "
FIELD "OBS900-CreditChart" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "The Chart
component of G/L account that will be credited. See Cr editDiv for related info."
FIELD "OBS900-CreditDept" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "The Department
component of G/L account that will be credited. S ee CreditDiv for related info."
FIELD "Reference" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "Allows user to enter a
short descriptive reference for the transa ction. This is useful with Miscellaneous
Cash Receipts. "
FIELD "OBS900-URDiv" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "The Division component
of G/L account that will be credited. App licable only for Unapplied Receipts. For
unapplied receipts use ARSyst.URDiv. T he full G/L account number is made up of
DebitDiv, DebitChart and DebitDept. Th ese individual fields are never directly
entered, rather it is entered as part o f a field that represents the full G/L
account number. These components must be valid in the GLAcct master."
FIELD "OBS900-URChart" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "The Chart component of
G/L account that will be credited. See UR Div for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-URDept" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "The Department
component of G/L account that will be credited. S ee URDiv for related info. "
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the currency." LABEL "Cust. Currency" COLUMN-LABEL "Cust. Currency"
FIELD "DocTranAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount of check, credit
memo, or adjustment depending on the tran saction type. For CMemo this is the total
amount of the credit memo that was app lied, in this case it is not entered by the
user, instead it is updated as the c redit memo is applied to invoices. For all
other transactions the user enters th is amount and then it is used as a
limit/control when applying it to the invoice s. " LABEL "Cust. Amount"
FIELD "DocUnAppliedAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount of check that is
Outstanding (yet to be applied to invoice s). This is only applicable to TranType
""PayInv"" or ""CMemo"". As the detail r ecords (CashDtl) are entered and update
the CashHead.AppliedAmt this field is re freshed as CashHead.TranAmt - AppliedAmt).
" LABEL "Unapplied Amt"
FIELD "DocAppliedAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount of check that has
been applied to invoices. This is only a pplicable to TranType ""PayInv"" or
""CMemo"". As the detail records (CashDtl) a re entered the CashHead.AppliedAmt is
updated. " LABEL "Applied"
FIELD "ExchangeRate" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Exchange rate that will be
used for this Check. Defaults from CurrRate.CurrentRate. Conversion rates will be
calculated as System Base = Forei gn value * rate, Foreign value = system base *
(1/rate). This is the dollar in f oreign currency from the exchange rate tables in
the newspapers." LABEL "Exchange Rate" COLUMN-LABEL "Exchange Rate"
FIELD "Obsolete900-DocToRef" OF "CashHead": logical DESCRIPTION "The direction of
the exchange rate is determined by this field. I f DocToRef is true then the rate
is expressed as ""1 document currency is X refe rence currency"". If DocToRef is
false then the rate is expressed as ""1 refere nce currency is X document
currency"". " LABEL "Document to Reference" COLUMN-LABEL "Document to Reference"
FIELD "Obsolete900-RefToBase" OF "CashHead": logical DESCRIPTION "The direction of
the RefToBaseRate is determined by this field. I f RefToBase is true then the rate
is expressed as ""1 reference currency is X Ba se currency"". If RefToBase is false
then the rate is expressed as ""1 Base cur rency is X reference currency"". "
LABEL "Reference to Base" COLUMN-LABEL "Reference to Base"
FIELD "TaxRegionCode" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "The Tax Region for this
payment." LABEL "Tax Region"
FIELD "TaxAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Tax Amount. " LABEL "Tax
FIELD "DocTaxAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Tax Amount in the vendors
currency. " LABEL "Tax Amount"
FIELD "CashBookNum" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field identifies a
bankslip." LABEL "CashBookNum"
FIELD "CashbookLine" OF "CashHead": integer DESCRIPTION "This field identifies a
line of a bankslip." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "LegalNumber" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "The Legal Number for the
record. This number is created based on setup parameters in table LegalNumber."
LABEL "Legal Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Legal Number"
FIELD "ExternalID" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "External ID"
FIELD "GLRefType" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "Link to the related
GLRefTyp.RefType." LABEL "Ref. Type"
FIELD "GLRefCode" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "Link to the related Code in
GLRefCod.RefCode" LABEL "Ref. Code"
FIELD "OBS900-RefAcctDiv" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "Foreign Key
Division component to the GLRefAct. Not directly main tainable. The system sets
this field by finding the GLRefAct which has the close st mask to the gl account
that is entered. The Company, RefAcctDiv, RefAcctCha rt, RefAcctDept comprise the
set of foreign key fields to the GLRefAct table."
FIELD "OBS900-RefAcctDept" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "Foreign Key
Department component to the GLRefAct. (See RefAcctDiv )"
FIELD "OBS900-RefAcctChart" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "Foreign Key Chart
component to the GLRefAct. (See RefAcctDiv)"
FIELD "CardMemberName" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "The member's name on
the credit card." LABEL "Name"
FIELD "CardNumber" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "The credit card account
identifier. " LABEL "Card Number"
FIELD "CardType" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "A code assigned by the user
to uniquely identify a Credit Card Ty pe master. This can't be blank. " LABEL "Card
FIELD "ExpirationMonth" OF "CashHead": integer DESCRIPTION "The expiration month of
the credit card. " LABEL "Exp. Month" COLUMN-LABEL "Expiration Month"
FIELD "ExpirationYear" OF "CashHead": integer DESCRIPTION "The expiration year of
the credit card." LABEL "Exp. Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Expiration Year"
FIELD "CardID" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "Optional field, a 4-digit,
non-embossed code on face of American Express Card assigned for fraud prevention. "
FIELD "CardmemberReference" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "Up to 17
alphnumeric characters provided by customer. This is use d to track information on
customer spending (e.g., cost center, project code). T his field is especially
critical, since inaccurate information will affect the g eneral ledger. If no
reference number is provided, leave this field blank. " LABEL "Cardmember Ref."
FIELD "ProcessCard" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "Stores the encrypted
credit card number" LABEL "ProcessCard"
FIELD "CCAmount" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Credit Transaction Amount,
makes up part of CCTotal" LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "CCFreight" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Credit Card transaction
freight amount, part of CCTotal" LABEL "Freight"
FIELD "CCTax" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Credit Card Transaction Tax
amount, part of CCTotal" LABEL "Tax"
FIELD "CCTotal" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total amount being sent to the
credit card processor" LABEL "Credit Card Total"
FIELD "CCDocAmount" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "See CCAmount" LABEL
FIELD "CCDocFreight" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "See CCFreight" LABEL
FIELD "CCDocTax" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "See CCTax" LABEL "Tax"
FIELD "CCDocTotal" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "See CCTotal" LABEL "Credit
Card Total"
FIELD "CCStreetAddr" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "Address used during AVS
validation for credit transactions" LABEL "Street Address"
FIELD "CCZip" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "Zip used during AVS validation
in credit transactions" LABEL "Postal Code"
FIELD "DebNoteOnly" OF "CashHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not
the bank account assigned for the Cash R eceipt group is for Debit Notes only. If
this flag is yes the new Deposit and new Misc payment options will be not
available. If this flag is yes the check am ount is 0 (no cash processed) and the
check number is not assigned by the user."
FIELD "Rpt1AppliedAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Applied"
FIELD "Rpt2AppliedAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field"
LABEL "Rpt Applied"
FIELD "Rpt3AppliedAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Applied"
FIELD "Rpt1TaxAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2TaxAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3TaxAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1TranAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Cust. Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2TranAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Cust. Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3TranAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Cust. Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1UnAppliedAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Unapplied Amt"
FIELD "Rpt2UnAppliedAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Unapplied Amt"
FIELD "Rpt3UnAppliedAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Unapplied Amt"
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier" LABEL
"Rate Group Code"
FIELD "DocDepApplied" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount of deposit
LABEL "Deposit Applied Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1CCAmount" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "See CCAmount" LABEL
FIELD "Rpt2CCAmount" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "See CCAmount" LABEL
FIELD "Rpt3CCAmount" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "See CCAmount" LABEL
FIELD "Rpt1CCFreight" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "See CCFreight" LABEL
FIELD "Rpt2CCFreight" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "See CCFreight" LABEL
FIELD "Rpt3CCFreight" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "See CCFreight" LABEL
FIELD "Rpt1CCTax" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "See CCTax" LABEL "Tax"
FIELD "Rpt2CCTax" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "See CCTax" LABEL "Tax"
FIELD "Rpt3CCTax" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "See CCTax" LABEL "Tax"
FIELD "Rpt1CCTotal" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "See CCTotal" LABEL "Credit
Card Total"
FIELD "Rpt2CCTotal" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "See CCTotal" LABEL "Credit
Card Total"
FIELD "Rpt3CCTotal" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "See CCTotal"
LABEL "Credit Card Total"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year suffix."
LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal calendar
year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CashHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "ReadyToCalc" OF "CashHead": logical DESCRIPTION "This flag will be used to
indicate if the invoice is ready for ca lculations. When set to true, tax
calculations will take place whenever a save t akes place for any tables tied to
the invoice which could affect taxes (InvcDtl, InvcHead, InvcMisc, etc). It
defaults from ARSyst.InvcReadyToCalcDflt field whe n an invoice is created. " LABEL
"ReadyToCalc" COLUMN-LABEL "ReadyToCalc"
FIELD "RecalcBeforePost" OF "CashHead": logical DESCRIPTION "used to force the
recalc of an invoice before posting due to chan ges in tax connect data that could
not be resolved at the time the change was ma de to the Vantage data."
FIELD "GetDfltTaxIds" OF "CashHead": logical DESCRIPTION "If set to true, the tax
calculation logic will retrieve the defau lt SalesTax ids for the line before
calculating taxes. It will also be reset to true if the TaxConnectCalc flag
switches from true to false."
FIELD "Rpt2WithholdAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount.
" LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3WithholdAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount.
" LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "WithholdAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount. "
LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "DocWithholdAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount.
" LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1WithholdAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount.
" LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "DocSelfAssessAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Self Assessment Tax
Amount. " LABEL "Self Assessment Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1SelfAssessAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Self Assessment Tax
Amount. " LABEL "Self Assessment Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2SelfAssessAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Self Assessment Tax
Amount. " LABEL "Self Assessment Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3SelfAssessAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Self Assessment Tax
Amount. " LABEL "Self Assessment Tax Amount"
FIELD "SelfAssessAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Self Assessment Tax
Amount. " LABEL "Self Assessment Tax Amount"
FIELD "ReceiptCurrencyCode" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "The unique code
of Receipt Currency." LABEL "Receipt Currency" COLUMN-LABEL "Receipt Currency"
FIELD "ReceiptAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount of Receipt in Receipt
Currency." LABEL "Receipt Amount" COLUMN-LABEL "Receipt Amount"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CashHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "SettlementExchangeRate" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Exchange rate
that will be used for the Receipt from Receipt Curr ency to Settlement Currency."
LABEL "Settlement Exchange Rate"
FIELD "CMCurrencyCode" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "The unique Currency
code for Credit Memo." LABEL "CM Currency" COLUMN-LABEL "CM Currency"
FIELD "CMAmount" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount of Credit Memo in CM
Currency." LABEL "Credit Memo Amount"
FIELD "BankRcptExchangeRate" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Exchange rate that
will be used for the Receipt from Receipt Curr ency to Bank Currency." LABEL "Bank
Receipt Exchange Rate"
FIELD "ReverseDate" OF "CashHead": date DESCRIPTION "Date when cash receipt had
been reversed"
FIELD "ReverseRef" OF "CashHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to cash receipt
which had been reversed."
FIELD "BankAcctID" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "Bank Account ID"
FIELD "PCashDeskID" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of
Petty Cash Desk" LABEL "Petty Cash Desk ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Petty Cash Desk ID"
FIELD "IncomeTaxCode" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "Income Tax Code" LABEL
"Income Tax Code"
FIELD "TaxWhld" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withhold Tax" LABEL "TaxWhld"
FIELD "DiscountDate" OF "CashHead": date DESCRIPTION "Dsicount Date" LABEL
FIELD "TaxWhldCalc" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Calculate Withhold Tax"
LABEL "TaxWhldCalc"
FIELD "Plant" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "Plant ID (Used Primary for
Thailand Localization)" LABEL "Plant" COLUMN-LABEL "Plant"
FIELD "Rpt3UnallocatedAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used for deposit
payments. It is not equal zero if there is no sa les order for the particular
deposit payment. Rpt3 currency. " LABEL "Rpt3Unallocated Amount" COLUMN-LABEL
"Rpt3Unallocated Amount"
FIELD "UnallocatedAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used for deposit
payments. It is not equal zero if there is no sa les order for the particular
deposit payment. Base currency. " LABEL "Unallocated Amount" COLUMN-LABEL
"Unallocated Amount"
FIELD "DocUnallocatedAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used for deposit
payments. It is not equal zero if there is no sa les order for the particular
deposit payment. Document currency. " LABEL "DocUnallocated Amount" COLUMN-LABEL
"DocUnallocated Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1UnallocatedAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used for deposit
payments. It is not equal zero if there is no sa les order for the particular
deposit payment. Rpt1 currency. " LABEL "Rpt1Unallocated Amount" COLUMN-LABEL
"Rpt1Unallocated Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2UnallocatedAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used for deposit
payments. It is not equal zero if there is no sa les order for the particular
deposit payment. Rpt2 currency. " LABEL "Rpt2Unallocated Amount" COLUMN-LABEL
"Rpt2Unallocated Amount"
FIELD "ContractDate" OF "CashHead": date DESCRIPTION "Addition to Contract" LABEL
"ContractDate" COLUMN-LABEL "ContractDate"
FIELD "PMUID" OF "CashHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Payment Method Unique Identifier"
LABEL "Payment Method Unique Identifier"
FIELD "BankTranID" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "ID Given by the Bank
assigned during matching" LABEL "Bank Transaction ID"
FIELD "ApplyHeadNum" OF "CashHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of the unallocated
deposit payment to be apply." LABEL "HeadNum To Apply" COLUMN-LABEL "HeadNum To
FIELD "AllocatedAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used during the allocation
process of the unallocated deposit pay
ment. Base currency. " LABEL "Allocated Amount" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocated Amount"
FIELD "DocAllocatedAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used during the
allocation process of the unallocated deposit pay ment. Document currency. " LABEL
"DocAllocated Amount" COLUMN-LABEL "DocAllocated Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1AllocatedAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used during the
allocation process of the unallocated deposit pay ment. Rpt1 currency. " LABEL
"Rpt1Allocated Amount" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt1Allocated Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2AllocatedAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used during the
allocation process of the unallocated deposit pay ment. Rpt2 currency. " LABEL
"Rpt2Allocated Amount" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt2Allocated Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3AllocatedAmt" OF "CashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used during the
allocation process of the unallocated deposit pay ment. Rpt3 currency. " LABEL
"Rpt3Allocated Amount" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt3Allocated Amount"
FIELD "Comment" OF "CashHead": character DESCRIPTION "Comments related to the cash
receipt." LABEL "Comments"
FIELD "PCashRefNum" OF "CashHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference Number, unique
identifier of Petty Cash Document" LABEL "Petty Cash Reference No" COLUMN-LABEL
"Petty Cash Reference No"
INDEX "BatchNum" ON "CashHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Uniquely indentifies
record within a batch. Displayed in Last In order."
INDEX "RefTypeCode" ON "CashHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Created to
support Referential Integrity checking when deleting G LRefTyp and GLRefCod records

TABLE "CCDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Holds the cycle count cycle detail
data. It will be a child table of CCHdr with one record part that is set up for the
sequence. "
FIELD "Company" OF "CCDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "WarehouseCode" OF "CCDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
warehouse assigned by the user. " LABEL "Warehouse"
FIELD "Plant" OF "CCDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The plant (Plant.Plant) that the
warehouse is associated with. If a warehouse is shared between multiple plants, the
PlantShared table will be ut ilized to associate additional plants with this
warehouse. " LABEL "Plant" COLUMN-LABEL "Plant"
FIELD "CCYear" OF "CCDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Calendar year that this cycle count
control record is for." LABEL "Year"
FIELD "CCMonth" OF "CCDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "CCPeriodDefn.CycleSeq that this
cycle count control record is for . " LABEL "Cycle Period"
FIELD "FullPhysical" OF "CCDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the count
cycle is either a cycle count cycle or a full physical inventory count cycle. Full
Physical Inventory cycles are for th e entire set of parts in the warehouse(s) and
this record was created by Initial ize Physical Inventory process. Cycle Counts are
only for a limited number of p arts at one time and this record was created by the
Cycle Count Schedule Mainten ance process. Required as part of the primary key
because full physical and cycl e count cycles can be set for the same
whs/monthy/year" LABEL "Full Physical"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CCDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this row.
The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CCDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this row.
It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "CycleSeq" OF "CCDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Cycle sequence number, used to
keep the primary index unique sinc e there can be multiple cycles set up for the
same date." LABEL "Cycle Sequence"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "CCDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Part Number selected for
counting. " LABEL "Part"
COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "TotFrozenVal" OF "CCDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total cost of the part at the
time the inventory quantity was fro zen, based on the frozen bin/lot quantity and
the frozen cost of each bin/lot. U pdated at the time the counts are posted." LABEL
"Snapshot Value"
FIELD "TotFrozenQOH" OF "CCDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total quantity on hand in the
warehouse at the time the inventory was frozen . Updated at the time the counts are
posted. This quantity is expres sed in the Part base UOM" LABEL "Inventory
FIELD "PostStatus" OF "CCDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The posting status of the part.
1 = the count for this part has b een processed by the post final counts process,
inventory adjustments were made. 2= the count for this part has been processed by
the post final counts process a nd inventory adjustments were not made (no
differences between count and frozen, or part was within Quantity Adjustment
Tolerance) 3= part was removed from the cycle after tags were generated, no posting
requir ed. Code/Desc: 0 ? Not posted 1 ? Adjustment posted 2 = No Adjustment
required 3 = Voided " LABEL "Posting Status"
FIELD "CDRCode" OF "CCDtl": character DESCRIPTION "If the count/recount of the part
is outside of tolerance, this re ason code is required before the counts will be
posted. " LABEL "Count Discrepancy Reason Code"
FIELD "TotCountVal" OF "CCDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total cost of the part at the
time the final count was posted, ba sed on the counted bin/lot quantity and the
frozen cost of each bin/lot." LABEL "Total Count Value"
FIELD "TotCountQOH" OF "CCDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "New on hand in the warehouse
after the final count was posted Thi s quantity is expressed in the Part base UOM."
LABEL "Total Count Quantity"
FIELD "DateRemoved" OF "CCDtl": date DESCRIPTION "The date the part was removed
from the cycle. (PostStatus=3)" LABEL "Date Removed"
FIELD "RemovedBy" OF "CCDtl": character DESCRIPTION "This is the user id of the
person that removed the part from the
cycle (PostStatus=3)" LABEL "User ID" COLUMN-LABEL "User ID"
FIELD "MoveToCycle" OF "CCDtl": character DESCRIPTION "There will be data here only
if PostStatus =3 and the part was mo ved to another cycle at the time the tags were
voided. The format will be YYYY*M M*CycleSeq where CycleSeq is the cycle the part
was moved to." LABEL "Move To Cycle"
FIELD "PcntTolerance" OF "CCDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the percent
tolerance that was used for this part for thi s cycle cycle if PcntToleranceUsed =
true. This data is created by the cycle cou nt variance report process." LABEL
"Percent Tolerance"
FIELD "ABCCode" OF "CCDtl": DESCRIPTION "ABC Code for ethod only to help with the
unt for an ABC code exceeds LABEL "ABC Code" character the part. Used in during
Part Selection for Random m ?randomizing? if the number of pats due for cycle co
the CCWhsABC.QtyToSelect for the CCWhsCtrl"

FIELD "QtyToleranceUsed" OF "CCDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "This is the quantity

tolerance that was used for this part for th is cycle if QtyToleranceUsed = true.
This data is created by the cycle count var iance report process. " LABEL "Quantity
Tolerance Used"
FIELD "PcntToleranceUsed" OF "CCDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether a
PcntTolerance was used by the cycle count var iance report." LABEL "Percent
Tolerance Used"
FIELD "ValToleranceUsed" OF "CCDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether a
ValtTolerance was used by the cycle count var iance report." LABEL "Value Tolerance
FIELD "QtyAdjTolerance" OF "CCDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the quantity
adjustment tolerance that was used for this part for this cycle. If zero all
quantity adjustments will be posted. This data is created by the cycle count
variance report process." LABEL "Quantity Adjustment Tolerance"
FIELD "VarToleranceStat" OF "CCDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Variance tolerance
status. Indicates whether the counted qty for the part is within all variance
tolerance parameters. 0 = tolerance has not yet been evaluated by the variance
process. 1= the item is in tolerance. 2 = the item is out of tolerance This data is
created by the cycle count variance report process. It is cleared i f the part is
selected for recount. The data is used by the posting process to d
etermine if a CDR is required before posting. The posting process will not proce ss
this part if the value is zero. Code/Desc: 0 = Not yet evaluated 1 = In tolerance 2
= Out of tolerance" LABEL "Value Tolerance Status"
FIELD "PostAdjustment" OF "CCDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "This data is created by the
cycle count variance report process. It is cleared if the part is selected for
recount. The data is used by the post ing process to determine whether to post
adjustments to inventory. 0 = tolerance has not yet been evaluated by the variance
process. 1 = the part is within tolerance per the qty adjustment tolerance and no
quantit y adjustments should be posted. 2 = the part is outside of qty adjustment
tolerance and adjustments should be po sted
FIELD "QtyTolerance" OF "CCDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the quantity
tolerance that was used for this part for th is cycle if QtyToleranceUsed = true.
This data is created by the cycle count var iance report process. " LABEL "Quantity
FIELD "ValueTolerance" OF "CCDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the value tolerance
that was used for this part for this cycle if ValToleranceUsed = trueThis data is
created by the cycle count variance report process." LABEL "Value Tolerance"
FIELD "BaseUOM" OF "CCDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The Base UOM for this part. All
qty fields in this record are exp ressed in this UOM.Part onhand and allocation
quantities are tracked by this uom . The quantities can also be tracked by other
uoms (see PartUOM table) but trac king at this uom is mandatory. Use
UOMClass.DefUOMCode of the system default U OMClass when creating new part records
(see XASyst.DefUOMClassID). " LABEL "Base UOM"
FIELD "TotActivityBeforeCount" OF "CCDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total
ActivityBeforeCount for related CCTag records. Updated at t he time the counts are
posted. This quantity is expressed in the Part base UOM." LABEL "Total Activity
Before Count"
FIELD "TotActivityBeforeVal" OF "CCDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total
ActivityBeforeValue for related CCTag records. Updated at t he time the counts are
posted.." LABEL "Total Activity Before Value"
FIELD "AllocationVariance" OF "CCDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "If the count of this
part has a variance, and the part is allocat ed to a sales order, job or transfer
order, this Allocation Variance flag will b e set to TRUE."
LABEL "Allocation Variance"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CCDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "PrimaryIdx" ON "CCDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION
INDEX "ActiveCycle" ON "CCDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION
"company/warehouse/part/fullPhysical/PostStatus, finds a CCDtl for a particular
whs/part for a non-physical count that is not posted"
INDEX "PostStatus" ON "CCDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index on PostStatus -
to get all CCDtl with a particular PostStat us for a CCHdr "
INDEX "PostVarTol" ON "CCDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index including the
PostStatus and VarToleranceStat to get all CC Dtl for a CCHdr with a particular
PostStatus and VarToleranceStat"

TABLE "CCHdr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Holds the cycle count cycle header
data. It is a child table of C CWhsCtrl with one record per cycle that is set up
for the warehouse/year/month"
FIELD "Company" OF "CCHdr": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "WarehouseCode" OF "CCHdr": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
warehouse assigned by the user. " LABEL "Warehouse"
FIELD "Plant" OF "CCHdr": character DESCRIPTION "The plant (Plant.Plant) that the
warehouse is associated with. If a warehouse is shared between multiple plants, the
PlantShared table will be ut ilized to associate additional plants with this
warehouse. " LABEL "Plant" COLUMN-LABEL "Plant"
FIELD "CCYear" OF "CCHdr": integer DESCRIPTION "Calendar year that this cycle count
control record is for." LABEL "Year"
FIELD "CCMonth" OF "CCHdr": integer DESCRIPTION "CCPeriodDefn.CycleSeq that this
cycle count control record is for . " LABEL "Cycle Period"
FIELD "FullPhysical" OF "CCHdr": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the count
cycle is either a cycle count cycle or a full physical inventory count cycle. Full
Physical Inventory cycles are for th e entire set of parts in the warehouse(s) and
this record was created by Initial ize Physical Inventory process. Cycle Counts are
only for a limited number of p arts at one time and this record was created by the
Cycle Count Schedule Mainten ance process. Required as part of the primary key
because full physical and cycl e count cycles can be set for the same
whs/monthy/year" LABEL "Full Physical"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CCHdr": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this row.
The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CCHdr": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this row.
It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "CycleSeq" OF "CCHdr": integer DESCRIPTION "Cycle sequence number, used to
keep the primary index unique sinc e there can be multiple cycles set up for the
same date." LABEL "Cycle Sequence"
FIELD "CycleDate" OF "CCHdr": date DESCRIPTION "The date the cycle is scheduled to
begin. This data is initialize d in the warehouse cycle count scheduling process. "
LABEL "Cycle Date"
FIELD "CycleStatus" OF "CCHdr": integer DESCRIPTION "This code will indicate the
status of the cycle. When status is z ero the cycle is scheduled but not started.
Inventory is frozen at sequence star t. Code/Desc: 0 = scheduled 1 = tags generated
2 = Count started 3 = counts entered 4 = recount tags generated 5 = (not used) 6 =
completed 7= canceled. " LABEL "Cycle Status"
FIELD "TagGenDate" OF "CCHdr": date DESCRIPTION "This is the date the tags were
generated" LABEL "Date Tags Generated"
FIELD "SeqStartDate" OF "CCHdr": date
DESCRIPTION "This is the date the cycle sequence was started. This is when the
inventory counts were frozen." LABEL "Start Count Sequence Date"
FIELD "TimeSeqStarted" OF "CCHdr": integer DESCRIPTION "This is the time the cycle
sequence was started and inventory cou nts were frozen." LABEL "Start Count Seq
FIELD "CompleteDate" OF "CCHdr": date DESCRIPTION "This is the date the cycle was
completed or cancelled." LABEL "Complete Date"
FIELD "CompleteTime" OF "CCHdr": integer DESCRIPTION "This is the time the cycle
was completed or cancelled." LABEL "Complete Time"
FIELD "AdjustPosted" OF "CCHdr": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicated whether adjustments
have been posted to inventory. True = the count posting process has been run at
least once for this cycle. False = no adjustments have been posted to inventory."
LABEL "Adjustments Posted"
FIELD "SheetOrTag" OF "CCHdr": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether sheets or
tags were printed for this cycle. Code/desc: 0 = no tags have been printed for the
cycle 1 = tags 2 = sheets " LABEL "Sheets Or Tags"
FIELD "TotalParts" OF "CCHdr": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the total number of
parts scheduled for this cycle at the time the count sequence was started." LABEL
"Total Parts"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CCHdr": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "LegalNumber" OF "CCHdr": character DESCRIPTION "The Legal Number of the
record." LABEL "Legal Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Legal Number"
FIELD "TranDocTypeID" OF "CCHdr": character DESCRIPTION "Transaction Document Type"
LABEL "Transaction Document Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Transaction Document Type"
INDEX "PrimaryIdx" ON "CCHdr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION
INDEX "CycleStatus" ON "CCHdr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION
INDEX "OpenCycleDate" ON "CCHdr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Sorts CCHdr for a
particular warehouse and status by Cycle Date"

TABLE "CCPeriodDefn" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table holds the detail
cycle count definitions for a given p lant/year"
FIELD "Company" OF "CCPeriodDefn": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company"
FIELD "Plant" OF "CCPeriodDefn": character DESCRIPTION "Plant" LABEL "Plant"
FIELD "PeriodYear" OF "CCPeriodDefn": integer DESCRIPTION "Year for this period
definition" LABEL "Year"
FIELD "PeriodSeq" OF "CCPeriodDefn": integer DESCRIPTION "System assigned sequence
number used to keep the records unique. Format needs to stay compatible with the
CCWhsCtrl. CCMonth " LABEL "Cycle Period"
FIELD "PeriodDesc" OF "CCPeriodDefn": character DESCRIPTION "Unique period
description assigned by the user. " LABEL "Cycle Period Description"
FIELD "PeriodStart" OF "CCPeriodDefn": date DESCRIPTION "Defines the start date of
the count period" LABEL "Period Start Date"
FIELD "PeriodEnd" OF "CCPeriodDefn": date DESCRIPTION "Defines the end date of the
period" LABEL "Period End Date"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CCPeriodDefn": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CCPeriodDefn": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CCPeriodDefn": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "PrimIdx" ON "CCPeriodDefn" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary index:
company, plant, year, seq"

TABLE "CCQuickListDtl" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Quick List Detail" DESCRIPTION
"Quick List Detail Table"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "CCQuickListDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field
identifies the Part and is used as the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL
"Part Number"
FIELD "OrderQty" OF "CCQuickListDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Order Quantity for
the line item. This quantity must always be kept in sync with the scheduled ship
quantities stored in the OrderRel table . Normally this field is directly
maintainable. However when multiple shipping r eleases have been established for
this line ( more than one OrderRel record) the OrderQty is not maintainable. As the
user modifies the quantities in the indivi dual release lines the OrderQty field
will get adjusted. This ensures that Order quantity and scheduled ship quantity are
always in sync. " LABEL "Order Qty"
FIELD "Name" OF "CCQuickListDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Quick List Name" LABEL
"Name" COLUMN-LABEL "Name"
FIELD "Company" OF "CCQuickListDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CustNum" OF "CCQuickListDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The unique internal
number assigned to the customer for which the contact is related to. " LABEL
FIELD "ConNum" OF "CCQuickListDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "A system generated number
used to uniquely identify the contact r ecord for the related customer or ship to.
When creating new contacts the system reads the last existing contact record for
the customer or ship to being proces sed and then uses its number plus one as the
number for the new contact." LABEL "Contact Num" COLUMN-LABEL "Num"
FIELD "ShipToNum" OF "CCQuickListDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The number that the
user assigned to the ship to that this contac t is related to. Note that this field
is blank for contacts related to the cust omer only. " LABEL "Ship To"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CCQuickListDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CCQuickListDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CCQuickListDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ShipToCustNum" OF "CCQuickListDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Ship To Customer
Number. This along with ShipToNum provides the f oreign key field to a given
ShipTo. Normally this has the same value as the Cust Num field. However, if the
customer allows 3rd party shipto (Customer.AllowShipT o3) then this could be a
different custnum."

TABLE "CCQuickListHdr" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Quick List Header" DESCRIPTION
"Quick List Header Table"
FIELD "Name" OF "CCQuickListHdr": character DESCRIPTION "Quick List Name" LABEL
"Name" COLUMN-LABEL "Name"
FIELD "Description" OF "CCQuickListHdr": character DESCRIPTION "Quick List
Description" LABEL "Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "Company" OF "CCQuickListHdr": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CustNum" OF "CCQuickListHdr": integer DESCRIPTION "The unique internal
number assigned to the customer for which the contact is related to. " LABEL
FIELD "ConNum" OF "CCQuickListHdr": integer DESCRIPTION "A system generated number
used to uniquely identify the contact r ecord for the related customer or ship to.
When creating new contacts the system reads the last existing contact record for
the customer or ship to being proces sed and then uses its number plus one as the
number for the new contact." LABEL "Contact Num" COLUMN-LABEL "Num"
FIELD "CrtDate" OF "CCQuickListHdr": date DESCRIPTION "Quick List Header Creation
Date" LABEL "Date Created" COLUMN-LABEL "Date Created"
FIELD "ShipToNum" OF "CCQuickListHdr": character DESCRIPTION "The number that the
user assigned to the ship to that this contac t is related to. Note that this field
is blank for contacts related to the cust omer only. " LABEL "Ship To"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CCQuickListHdr": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CCQuickListHdr": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CCQuickListHdr": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ShipToCustNum" OF "CCQuickListHdr": integer DESCRIPTION "Ship To Customer
Number. This along with ShipToNum provides the f oreign key field to a given
ShipTo. Normally this has the same value as the Cust Num field. However, if the
customer allows 3rd party shipto (Customer.AllowShipT o3) then this could be a
different custnum."

TABLE "CCRfqHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Contains the Customer Connect
Request For Quote header informatio n"
FIELD "CustNum" OF "CCRfqHed": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer assigned by
the system to new customers by the customer maintenance program. This field is used
as the foreign key to identify the customer in other files such as OrderHed or
InvcHead. The end user should n
ever need to know about the value of this field. " LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "Company" OF "CCRfqHed": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "Descr" OF "CCRfqHed": character DESCRIPTION "Description" LABEL
"Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "Comment" OF "CCRfqHed": character DESCRIPTION "Comments are intended to be
internal comments about a specific cu stomer. These do get pulled into other
programs. They are mainly intended as an online storage facility. To be view-as
EDITOR widget."
FIELD "DueDate" OF "CCRfqHed": date DESCRIPTION "Due date " LABEL "Due Date"
FIELD "ShipToNum" OF "CCRfqHed": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates which customer
ship to is to be used as the default for the Order release records for this order.
It can be blank or it must be valid in the SHIPTO table. Use the CUSTOMER.SHIPTONUM
as the default on new orders or when the ORDERHED.CUSTNUM is changed. " LABEL "Ship
FIELD "ConNum" OF "CCRfqHed": integer DESCRIPTION "A system generated number used
to uniquely identify the contact r ecord for the related customer or ship to. When
creating new contacts the system reads the last existing contact record for the
customer or ship to being proces sed and then uses its number plus one as the
number for the new contact." LABEL "Contact Num" COLUMN-LABEL "Num"
FIELD "Seq" OF "CCRfqHed": integer DESCRIPTION "This sequence makes the record
unique within a company." LABEL "Sequence" COLUMN-LABEL "Sequence"
FIELD "Synchronized" OF "CCRfqHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates this CCRfqHed
has been processed by the first phase of transfer to the Vantage database" LABEL
"Syncronized" COLUMN-LABEL "Sync"
FIELD "QuoteNum" OF "CCRfqHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Quote number is an integer
which is used to uniquely identify a q uote within the system. "
LABEL "Quote"
FIELD "AttachmentDir" OF "CCRfqHed": character DESCRIPTION "This is a string unique
to this RFQ to be used in the directory p ath for storing attached documents. Full
path would be something like \\%websev erMachineName%\epicor\drawings\%companyName
%\%Customer%\%ConNum%\%AttachmentDir% "
FIELD "ReadyToSend" OF "CCRfqHed": logical DESCRIPTION "The Customer Contact sets
this to TRUE to signal they are done bu ilding their request (RFQ), including
attachment of documents, and the RFQ shoul d be sent to MfgSys during the next
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CCRfqHed": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CCRfqHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CCRfqHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ShipToCustNum" OF "CCRfqHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Ship To Customer Number.
This along with ShipToNum provides the f oreign key field to a given ShipTo.
Normally this has the same value as the Cust Num field. However, if the customer
allows 3rd party shipto (Customer.AllowShipT o3) then this could be a different

TABLE "CCSheet" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "define the sheet numbers generated
for a particular CCHdr cycle. This table is required so that the user can select to
reprint by sheet in the Re print Tags process. The CCTag records assigned to this
sheet will identified by the CCTag.SheetNum field. "
FIELD "Company" OF "CCSheet": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "WarehouseCode" OF "CCSheet": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this warehouse assigned by the user. " LABEL "Warehouse"
FIELD "Plant" OF "CCSheet": character DESCRIPTION "The plant (Plant.Plant) that the
warehouse is associated with. If a warehouse is shared between multiple plants, the
PlantShared table will be ut ilized to associate additional plants with this
warehouse. " LABEL "Plant"
FIELD "CCYear" OF "CCSheet": integer DESCRIPTION "Calendar year that this cycle
count control record is for." LABEL "Year"
FIELD "CCMonth" OF "CCSheet": integer DESCRIPTION "CCPeriodDefn.CycleSeq that this
cycle count control record is for . " LABEL "Cycle Period"
FIELD "FullPhysical" OF "CCSheet": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the count
cycle is either a cycle count cycle or a full physical inventory count cycle. Full
Physical Inventory cycles are for th e entire set of parts in the warehouse(s) and
this record was created by Initial ize Physical Inventory process. Cycle Counts are
only for a limited number of p arts at one time and this record was created by the
Cycle Count Schedule Mainten ance process. Required as part of the primary key
because full physical and cycl e count cycles can be set for the same
whs/monthy/year" LABEL "Full Physical"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CCSheet": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CCSheet": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "CycleSeq" OF "CCSheet": integer DESCRIPTION "Cycle sequence number, used to
keep the primary index unique sinc e there can be multiple cycles set up for the
same date." LABEL "Cycle Sequence"
FIELD "SheetNum" OF "CCSheet": decimal DESCRIPTION "Sheet number" LABEL "Sheet
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CCSheet": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "CycleIndex" ON "CCSheet" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION

TABLE "CCTag" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Holds the count cycle tag data"
FIELD "Company" OF "CCTag": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "WarehouseCode" OF "CCTag": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
warehouse assigned by the user. " LABEL "Warehouse"
FIELD "Plant" OF "CCTag": character DESCRIPTION "The plant (Plant.Plant) that the
warehouse is associated with. If a warehouse is shared between multiple plants, the
PlantShared table will be ut ilized to associate additional plants with this
warehouse. " LABEL "Plant" COLUMN-LABEL "Plant"
FIELD "CCYear" OF "CCTag": integer DESCRIPTION "Calendar year that this cycle count
control record is for." LABEL "Year"
FIELD "CCMonth" OF "CCTag": integer DESCRIPTION "CCPeriodDefn.CycleSeq that this
cycle count control record is for . " LABEL "Cycle Period"
FIELD "FullPhysical" OF "CCTag": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the count
cycle is either a cycle count cycle or a full physical inventory count cycle. Full
Physical Inventory cycles are for th e entire set of parts in the warehouse(s) and
this record was created by Initial ize Physical Inventory process. Cycle Counts are
only for a limited number of p arts at one time and this record was created by the
Cycle Count Schedule Mainten ance process. Required as part of the primary key
because full physical and cycl e count cycles can be set for the same
whs/monthy/year" LABEL "Full Physical"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CCTag": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this row.
The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CCTag": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this row.
It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "CycleSeq" OF "CCTag": integer DESCRIPTION "Cycle sequence number, used to
keep the primary index unique sinc e there can be multiple cycles set up for the
same date." LABEL "Cycle Sequence"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "CCTag": character DESCRIPTION "Part Number selected for
counting. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "TagNum" OF "CCTag": character DESCRIPTION "Tag number. This will be
generated from Warehse and will be in th e format of tagNum.countseq where countSeq
is the count/recount sequence. First count for example would be tag 000000001.1
recount generate tag 000000001.2 from tag 000000001.1, second recount would
generate tag 000000001.3 the same part, etc." LABEL "Tag"
FIELD "BinNum" OF "CCTag": character DESCRIPTION "Bin number for the tag" LABEL
FIELD "CountedBy" OF "CCTag": character DESCRIPTION "Person that counted the parts
on the Count Tag." LABEL "Counted By"
FIELD "CountedQty" OF "CCTag": decimal DESCRIPTION "Quantity counted for the tag.
Like PartBin.OnHandQty except no ne gative allowed. This is expressed in the qty
per the CCTag.UOM unit of measure, which may not be the Part base UOM. " LABEL
"Counted Qty"
FIELD "CountedTime" OF "CCTag": character DESCRIPTION "Optional field that
Indicates when the count took place to aid in determining what activity took place
before the actual count." LABEL "Counted Time" COLUMN-LABEL "Time"
FIELD "TagNote" OF "CCTag": character DESCRIPTION "Tag Note" LABEL "Note"
FIELD "EntryPerson" OF "CCTag": character DESCRIPTION "This field is set equal to
the Login ID variable. System Set whe n a user enters a counted amount for the tag
or voids the tag." LABEL "Entry Person"
FIELD "TagPrinted" OF "CCTag": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the Count Tag
has been printed. Manually entered tags are set to ""Printed"" when they are
entered. System Set."
FIELD "TagReturned" OF "CCTag": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Count Tag has
been returned and the results entered into the count. This is set when during Tag
Entry when the user keys in a coun ted amount (or voids the tag). System Set."
LABEL "Returned"
FIELD "CountedDate" OF "CCTag": date DESCRIPTION "Date the count was performed."
LABEL "Date Counted"
FIELD "TagStatus" OF "CCTag": integer DESCRIPTION "Tag status. Code/Desc: 0 = open
1 = posted 2 = voided 3=Closed/Recount. " LABEL "Tag Status"
FIELD "BlankTag" OF "CCTag": logical DESCRIPTION "True = this tag was generated as
a blank tag. This will control w hether bin/lot/serial data can be changed on the
tag and whether the tag can be voided independent of other tags generated for an
part." LABEL "Blank Tag"
FIELD "LotNum" OF "CCTag": character DESCRIPTION "LotNum for the tag" LABEL "Lot
Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Lot Number"
FIELD "SerialNumber" OF "CCTag": character DESCRIPTION "Serial number. " LABEL
"Serial Number"
FIELD "UOM" OF "CCTag": character DESCRIPTION "The PartBin Unit of measure for this
tag." LABEL "UOM"
FIELD "FrozenQOH" OF "CCTag": decimal DESCRIPTION "QOH in PartBin at the time the
inventory was frozen. This is expr essed in the qty per the CCTag.UOM unit of
measure, which may not be the Part ba se UOM. For blank tags this will be zero."
LABEL "Inventory Snapshot"
FIELD "FrozenCost" OF "CCTag": decimal DESCRIPTION "The per unit part cost at the
time the quantity was frozen, based on the costing method for the part/plant. This
is the unit cost based on the pa rt base UOM, which might not be the CCTag.UOM so
to get total frozen cost for th is tag, the CCTag quantities will require
conversion to the Part base UOM before multiplying by this FrozenCost figure."
LABEL "Snapshot Cost"
FIELD "EntryDate" OF "CCTag": date DESCRIPTION "The date the count was entered or
tag was voided" LABEL "Entry Date"
FIELD "EntryTime" OF "CCTag": integer DESCRIPTION "The time the count was entered
or tag was voided" LABEL "Entry Time"
FIELD "SheetNum" OF "CCTag": decimal DESCRIPTION "The sheet number the tag is
assigned to. If the sheet is being ac cessed by enter count by sheet, tags tied to
that sheet cannot be accessed indiv idually until the sheet record is unlocked."
LABEL "Sheet Number"
FIELD "FrozenTranDate" OF "CCTag": date DESCRIPTION "The PartTran.SysDate for the
last PartTran for this part when th e quantity was frozen, used with FrozentTranNum
and FrozenTranTime to determine what activity has taken place after the freeze."
LABEL "Frozen Tran Date"
FIELD "FrozenTranTime" OF "CCTag": integer DESCRIPTION "The PartTran.SysTime for
the last PartTran for this part when th e quantity was frozen, used with
FrozentTranDate and FrozenTranNum to determine what activity has taken place after
the freeze." LABEL "Frozen Tran Time"
FIELD "ActivityBeforeCount" OF "CCTag": decimal DESCRIPTION "Manually entered by
the user to account for ongoing activity that took place during the count.
Inventory activity that took place AFTER the star t of the count FrozenQOH), but
BEFORE the actual count. This number is used to adjust the ""FrozenQOH"" when
determining the variance between the Frozen Quanti ty and the Actual Counted
Quantity. Example: At 1:00 the count is started and the computer has 250 units on
hand for part XYZ. At 1:30 75 units are issued to a job. At 2:30 John counts 175
units. The variance report would report a vari ance of 75 units and show the issue
as activity. The user could then decide tha t the issue took place before the count
took place and enter 75 units into the A ctivity Before Count field in Tag
Maintenance. The variance report would then " "expect"" 175 units and have a count
of 175 units for a variance of zero(0)." LABEL "Activity Before Count"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CCTag": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "PrimaryIdx" ON "CCTag" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION
INDEX "CycleIndex" ON "CCTag" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION
INDEX "FrozenTran" ON "CCTag" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION
tNum/FrozenTranDate/FrozenTranTime (FrozenTranIdx - used to get all CCTag for a
particular CCDtl sorted by frozen date and time)"
"company/plant/warehouseCode/Year/Month//FullPhysical/cycleSeq/par tNum (gets all
CCTag for a particular CCDtl)"
INDEX "UnusedTags" ON "CCTag" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "CCHdr primary index +
TagStatus + BlankTag + PartNum (gets all un used blank tags for a CCHdr"

TABLE "CCWhsABC" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Holds cycle count control details
for a warehouse for a particula r month, year and ABC Code. This is a child table
of CCWhsCtrl"
FIELD "Company" OF "CCWhsABC": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "WarehouseCode" OF "CCWhsABC": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this warehouse assigned by the user. " LABEL "Warehouse"
FIELD "Plant" OF "CCWhsABC": character DESCRIPTION "The plant (Plant.Plant) that
the warehouse is associated with. If a warehouse is shared between multiple plants,
the PlantShared table will be ut ilized to associate additional plants with this
warehouse. " LABEL "Plant" COLUMN-LABEL "Plant"
FIELD "CCYear" OF "CCWhsABC": integer DESCRIPTION "Calendar year that this cycle
count control record is for." LABEL "Year"
FIELD "CCMonth" OF "CCWhsABC": integer DESCRIPTION "CCPeriodDefn.CycleSeq that this
cycle count control record is for . " LABEL "Cycle Period"
FIELD "FullPhysical" OF "CCWhsABC": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the count
cycle is either a cycle count cycle or a full physical inventory count cycle. Full
Physical Inventory cycles are for th e entire set of parts in the warehouse(s) and
this record was created by Initial ize Physical Inventory process. Cycle Counts are
only for a limited number of p arts at one time and this record was created by the
Cycle Count Schedule Mainten ance process. Required as part of the primary key
because full physical and cycl e count cycles can be set for the same
whs/monthy/year" LABEL "Full Physical"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CCWhsABC": character
DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CCWhsABC": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "ABCCode" OF "CCWhsABC": character DESCRIPTION "ABC Code. Valid values are
""A"" through ""Z""." LABEL "ABC Code"
FIELD "QtyToSelect" OF "CCWhsABC": decimal DESCRIPTION "For the random selection
method, this is the number of parts to b e selected for this ABC code for this
month by the monthly selection process. No t used by the repetitive selection
method." LABEL "Quantity To Select"
FIELD "TotalSelected" OF "CCWhsABC": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total number of parts
with this ABC code that have been selected to be counted for the month. This data
is initialized during the monthly selecti on process." LABEL "Total Selected"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CCWhsABC": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "CCWhsCtrl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Holds cycle count control details
for a warehouse for a particula r month and year. "
FIELD "Company" OF "CCWhsCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "WarehouseCode" OF "CCWhsCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this warehouse assigned by the user. " LABEL "Warehouse"
FIELD "Plant" OF "CCWhsCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "The plant (Plant.Plant) that
the warehouse is associated with. If a warehouse is shared between multiple plants,
the PlantShared table will be ut ilized to associate additional plants with this
warehouse. " LABEL "Plant" COLUMN-LABEL "Plant"
FIELD "CCYear" OF "CCWhsCtrl": integer DESCRIPTION "Calendar year that this cycle
count control record is for." LABEL "Year"
FIELD "CCMonth" OF "CCWhsCtrl": integer DESCRIPTION "CCPeriodDefn.CycleSeq that
this cycle count control record is for . " LABEL "Cycle Period"
FIELD "FullPhysical" OF "CCWhsCtrl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the count
cycle is either a cycle count cycle or a full physical inventory count cycle. Full
Physical Inventory cycles are for th e entire set of parts in the warehouse(s) and
this record was created by Initial ize Physical Inventory process. Cycle Counts are
only for a limited number of p arts at one time and this record was created by the
Cycle Count Schedule Mainten ance process. Required as part of the primary key
because full physical and cycl e count cycles can be set for the same
whs/monthy/year" LABEL "Full Physical"
FIELD "ExcludeInactive" OF "CCWhsCtrl": logical DESCRIPTION "This flag will
indicate if the user chose to exclude inactive par ts when doing the monthly
selection. " LABEL "Exclude Inactive"
FIELD "ExcludeOnHold" OF "CCWhsCtrl": logical DESCRIPTION "This flag will indicate
if the user chose to exclude parts on hol d when doing the monthly selection. "
LABEL "Exclude On Hold"
FIELD "ExcludeNegQOH" OF "CCWhsCtrl": logical DESCRIPTION "This flag will indicate
if the user chose to exclude parts with n egative QOH when doing the monthly
selection. " LABEL "Exclude Negative QOH"
FIELD "ExcludeNoActivity" OF "CCWhsCtrl": logical DESCRIPTION "This flag will
indicate if the user chose to exclude items with n o activity since the last count.
Used by the random selection method only." LABEL "Exclude No Activity"
FIELD "PartsSelected" OF "CCWhsCtrl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the
part selection has been run for this month. Set by the cycle count item selection
process. " LABEL "Parts Selected"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CCWhsCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CCWhsCtrl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri
FIELD "ExcludeZeroQOH" OF "CCWhsCtrl": logical DESCRIPTION "This flag will indicate
if the user chose to exclude parts with z ero QOH when doing the monthly selection.
" LABEL "Exclude Zero QOH"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CCWhsCtrl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "CCProdCal" OF "CCWhsCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the production
calendar to use for creating the default cycles when a new CCWhsCtrl is saved. "
LABEL "Calendar"
INDEX "PrimaryIdx" ON "CCWhsCtrl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION

TABLE "CheckHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Accounts Payable Check Headers.
Parent to APTrans, which contains the check details."
FIELD "Name" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "Vendors name. " LABEL "Name"
FIELD "Address1" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "First Address line" LABEL
FIELD "Posted" OF "CheckHed": logical DESCRIPTION "An internal flag which indicates
if this check has been Posted. If ""NO"" then it is considered as still being in
the data entry mode. In which case it is still accessible by the check entry
programs. It is set to ""Yes"" by the group posting process." LABEL "Posted"
FIELD "CheckDate" OF "CheckHed": date DESCRIPTION "Check Date is assigned during
the printing process for system pri nted checks or entered by the user for hand
written checks." LABEL "Check Dt"
FIELD "CheckNum" OF "CheckHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Check number is assigned
during the check printing process for ch ecks that are printed by the system or
entered by the user for hand written chec ks. NOTE: Posting of the group is not
allowed if any CheckHed record exits with
a zero check. Note: As of version 5.0 electronic payments begin with 50,000,000 "
LABEL "Check"
FIELD "CheckSrc" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "1=AP Disbursements, 2=AP
Manual 3=AP User 4=PR, 5=PR Manual 6=PR User." LABEL "Source"
FIELD "Address2" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "Second Address Line" LABEL
FIELD "ClearedAmt" OF "CheckHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount that the bank cleared
the check for." LABEL "Cleared Amount"
FIELD "ClearedCheck" OF "CheckHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates the check's
cleared status. When the Bank Statement is posted all Pending Transactions and
Checks are flagged as Cleared and any varia nces are posted to the Bank Account s
Cash and Cleared Variance Accounts." LABEL "Cleared"
FIELD "Company" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "Address3" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "Third Address Line" LABEL ""
FIELD "EmployeeNum" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "employee # for payroll
checks" LABEL "Employee"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "CheckHed": integer DESCRIPTION "G\L fiscal period that
this check is posted to. Updated by the ch eck printing process for system printed
checks. For hand written checks it updat ed by check entry program based on the
check date." LABEL "Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal!Period"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "CheckHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal Year that the check
is posted to. Updated during the check printing process for system printed checks
or updated based on the Check date f or hand written checks. " LABEL "Fiscal Year"
FIELD "EntryPerson" OF "CheckHed": character
DESCRIPTION "UserID that created the Check. Assign by the system using the cur rent
UserID at the time the record was created." LABEL "Entry Person"
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "CheckHed": integer DESCRIPTION "The VendorNum that ties back
to the Vendor master file. This fie ld is not directly maintainable, instead its
assigned via selection list process ing. " LABEL "Supplier"
FIELD "City" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "City portion of address" LABEL
FIELD "State" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "Can be blank." LABEL
"State/Prov" COLUMN-LABEL "State/Province"
FIELD "Voided" OF "CheckHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Voided flag" LABEL "Void"
FIELD "ZIP" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "Zip code or Postal code portion
of address" LABEL "Postal Code"
FIELD "CheckAmt" OF "CheckHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Check Amount. Base Currency."
LABEL "Check Amt"
FIELD "HeadNum" OF "CheckHed": integer DESCRIPTION "An integer automatically
assigned by the system using the databas e sequence called ""CheckHedSeq"". Which
along with company and GroupID creates a unique key for the record. This is for
internal control only the user never ne eds to reference. "
FIELD "GroupID" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "The data entry ""group"" that
the transaction is assigned to. All transactions belong to a ""Group"". It is
assigned to the record during creati on using the ""current group"" that the user
is signed into. It can not be chan ged. The GroupID is used to selectively print
and post the transactions. " LABEL "Group"
FIELD "BankAcctID" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "BankAcctID of the BankAcct
master that this check was drawn agai nst. This field is updated during the check
printing process for system printed checks or entered by the user for manually
printed checks. It must be entered an d valid for manual checks. It is invalid if
not found or BankAcct.Active = No." LABEL "Bank Account ID"
FIELD "ManualPrint" OF "CheckHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this check is
printed by the system or manually by t he user. If ""Yes"" then the user must enter
the BankAcctID,CheckNum and CheckDa te otherwise these fields are not available
during entry and will be updated dur ing check printing. "
FIELD "Country" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "Country Name. Printed as last
line of mailing address. Can be bla nk." LABEL "Country"
FIELD "ClearedPerson" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "Person who cleared the
check (System Set)." LABEL "Cleared By"
FIELD "ClearedDate" OF "CheckHed": date DESCRIPTION "Date that the check was
cleared in the system (System Set)." LABEL "Cleared Date"
FIELD "ClearedTime" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "Time that the check was
cleared in the system - in HH:MM:SS forma t (System Set)." LABEL "Cleared Time"
FIELD "ClearedStmtEndDate" OF "CheckHed": date DESCRIPTION "End Date of the
Statement that the check was cleared on." LABEL "Cleared Stmt Date"
FIELD "ClearedPending" OF "CheckHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the check
is in the process of being cleared. Whe n the Bank Statement is posted all Pending
Transactions and Checks are flagged a s Cleared and any variances are posted to the
Bank Account s Cash and Cleared Varia nce Accounts." LABEL "Cleared Bank" COLUMN-
LABEL "Cleared"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the currency." LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "ExchangeRate" OF "CheckHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Exchange rate that will be
used for this invoice. Defaults from CurrRate.CurrentRate. Conversion rates will be
calculated as System Base = Forei gn value * rate, Foreign value = system base *
(1/rate). This is the dollar in f oreign currency from the exchange rate tables in
the newspapers." LABEL "Exchange Rate" COLUMN-LABEL "Exchange Rate"
FIELD "DocClearedAmt" OF "CheckHed": decimal
DESCRIPTION "Amount that the bank cleared the check for.(Vendors Currency)" LABEL
"Cleared Amount"
FIELD "DocCheckAmt" OF "CheckHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Check Amount. Document
Currency." LABEL "Check Amt"
FIELD "Obsolete900-DocToRef" OF "CheckHed": logical DESCRIPTION "The direction of
the exchange rate is determined by this field. I f DocToRef is true then the rate
is expressed as ""1 document currency is X refe rence currency"". If DocToRef is
false then the rate is expressed as ""1 refere nce currency is X document
currency"". " LABEL "Document to Reference" COLUMN-LABEL "Document to Reference"
FIELD "Obsolete900-RefToBase" OF "CheckHed": logical DESCRIPTION "The direction of
the RefToBaseRate is determined by this field. I f RefToBase is true then the rate
is expressed as ""1 reference currency is X Ba se currency"". If RefToBase is false
then the rate is expressed as ""1 Base cur rency is X reference currency"". " LABEL
"Reference to Base" COLUMN-LABEL "Reference to Base"
FIELD "CountryNum" OF "CheckHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Country part of address.
This field is in sync with the Country f ield. It must be a valid entry in the
Country table." LABEL "Country Number"
FIELD "BankSlip" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "The identifier of the Bank
Slip document (bank statement) on whic h this transaction was cleared by the bank.
This is updated via the bank reconci liation process. This is also written to the
related GLJrnDtl records. " LABEL "Bank Slip"
FIELD "VendorBankID" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "ID of the vendor's
bank." LABEL "Supplier's Bank ID"
FIELD "ElecPayment" OF "CheckHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Payment by electronic funds
transfer. Default from the Vendor." LABEL "Electronic Payment" COLUMN-LABEL
"Electronic Payment"
FIELD "VendorBankName" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "Supplier Bank Name"
LABEL "Bank Name"
FIELD "VendorBankAddress1" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "First address line
of supplier bank." LABEL "Bank Address"
FIELD "VendorBankAddress2" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "Second address
line of supplier bank." LABEL "" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "VendorBankAddress3" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "Third address line
of supplier bank." LABEL "" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "VendorBankCity" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "City portion of
address of supplier bank." LABEL "Bank City"
FIELD "VendorBankState" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "Can be blank." LABEL
"Bank State/Prov"
FIELD "VendorBankPostalCode" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "Postal Code or
zip code portion of address of supplier bank." LABEL "Bank Postal Code"
FIELD "VendorBankCountryNum" OF "CheckHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Country part of
address. This field is in sync with the Country f ield. It must be a valid entry in
the Country table." LABEL "Bank Country Number"
FIELD "VendorBankAcctNumber" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "The Bank account
number for the Vendor. Used with Electronic pay ments." LABEL "Bank Account Number"

FIELD "CashBookNum" OF "CheckHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field identifies a

bankslip." LABEL "CashBookNum"
FIELD "CashbookLine" OF "CheckHed": integer DESCRIPTION "This field identifies a
line of a bankslip." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "VendorBankNameOnAccount" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "Name on the
Bank Account. " LABEL "Name"
FIELD "VendorBankSwiftNum" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "Swift number of
the bank. (Data is copied from the VendBank.Swift Num field). " LABEL "Swift
FIELD "XRefCheckNum" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "Cross reference check
number used when converting data from anoth er ERP system when the previous system
data has alphanumeric content. This fiel d is not used by MfgSys. This field can be
used in searches and can be added to screens through customization."
FIELD "Rpt1CheckAmt" OF "CheckHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Check Amt"
FIELD "Rpt2CheckAmt" OF "CheckHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Check Amt"
FIELD "Rpt3CheckAmt" OF "CheckHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Check Amt"
FIELD "Rpt1ClearedAmt" OF "CheckHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Cleared Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2ClearedAmt" OF "CheckHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Cleared Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3ClearedAmt" OF "CheckHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Cleared Amount"
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier" LABEL
"Rate Group Code"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year suffix"
LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal calendar
year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CheckHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "PaymentTotal" OF "CheckHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total paid amount in Base"
LABEL "Payment Total in Base"
FIELD "DocPaymentTotal" OF "CheckHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total paid amount in
payment currency" LABEL "Payment Total"
FIELD "Rpt1PaymentTotal" OF "CheckHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total paid amount in
Rpt1 currency" LABEL "Payment Total Rpt1"
FIELD "Rpt2PaymentTotal" OF "CheckHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total paid amount in
Rpt2 currency" LABEL "Payment Total Rpt2"
FIELD "Rpt3PaymentTotal" OF "CheckHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total paid amount in
Rpt3 currency" LABEL "Payment Total Rpt3"
FIELD "Variance" OF "CheckHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Variance in Base currency -
difference between the sum of the pay ments and the entered Payment Total" LABEL
"Variance in Base"
FIELD "DocVariance" OF "CheckHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Variance in payment
currency - difference between the sum of the payments and the entered Payment
Total" LABEL "Variance"
FIELD "Rpt1Variance" OF "CheckHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Variance in Rpt1 currency
- difference between the sum of the pay ments and the entered Payment Total" LABEL
FIELD "Rpt2Variance" OF "CheckHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Variance in Rpt2 currency
- difference between the sum of the pay ments and the entered Payment Total" LABEL
FIELD "Rpt3Variance" OF "CheckHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Variance in Rpt3 currency
- difference between the sum of the pay ments and the entered Payment Total" LABEL
FIELD "PaymentBankRate" OF "CheckHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Exchange rate from the
payment currency to the Bank currency" LABEL "Payment->Bank Rate" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "BankTotalAmt" OF "CheckHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total amount in Bank
currency" LABEL "Total in Bank currency"
FIELD "IsEnterTotal" OF "CheckHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Total entered flag" LABEL
"Enter Totals"
FIELD "LockRate" OF "CheckHed": integer DESCRIPTION "0 ? System Defaultl; 1 ?
Locked; 2 ? Overridden by user " LABEL "Lock Rate"
FIELD "ReadyToCalc" OF "CheckHed": logical DESCRIPTION "This flag will be used to
indicate if the invoice is ready for ca lculations. When set to true, tax
calculations will take place whenever a save t akes place for any tables tied to
the invoice which could affect taxes (InvcDtl, InvcHead, InvcMisc, etc). It
defaults from ARSyst.InvcReadyToCalcDflt field whe n an invoice is created. " LABEL
"ReadyToCalc" COLUMN-LABEL "ReadyToCalc"
FIELD "RecalcBeforePost" OF "CheckHed": logical DESCRIPTION "used to force the
recalc of an invoice before posting due to chan ges in tax connect data that could
not be resolved at the time the change was ma de to the Vantage data."
FIELD "UsePendAcct" OF "CheckHed": logical DESCRIPTION "it is true, if
CheckHed.ManualPrint is false and related BankAcct .UsePendAcct is true."
FIELD "ForceDiscount" OF "CheckHed": logical DESCRIPTION "When selected, this field
will force the best discount percentage , according to the invoice's terms
definition, to be used. " LABEL "Force Disc"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CheckHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ApplyingPayment" OF "CheckHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Identifies that record
is created by 'Apply Debit Memo'." LABEL "Applying Payment" COLUMN-LABEL "Applying
FIELD "FirstHeadNum" OF "CheckHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to first
checkhed" LABEL "FirstHeadNum"
FIELD "InvoiceNum" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "AP Invoice Number for
Apply Debit Memo Process." LABEL "Invoice" COLUMN-LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "Plant" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "Plant ID (Used Primary for
Thailand Localization)" LABEL "Plant" COLUMN-LABEL "Plant"
FIELD "PMUID" OF "CheckHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Payment Method Unique Identifier"
LABEL "Payment Method Unique Identifier"
FIELD "BankTranID" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "ID Given by the Bank
assigned during matching" LABEL "Bank Transaction ID"
FIELD "BankPaidAmt" OF "CheckHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount Bank Paid" LABEL
"Bank Paid Amount"
FIELD "DocBankPaidAmt" OF "CheckHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount Bank Paid" LABEL
"Doc Bank Paid Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1BankPaidAmt" OF "CheckHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount Bank Paid" LABEL
"Rpt Bank Paid Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2BankPaidAmt" OF "CheckHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount Bank Paid" LABEL
"Rpt Bank Paid Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3BankPaidAmt" OF "CheckHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount Bank Paid" LABEL
"Rpt Bank Paid Amount"
FIELD "PCashDeskID" OF "CheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of
Petty Cash Desk" LABEL "Petty Cash Desk ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Petty Cash Desk ID"
FIELD "PCashRefNum" OF "CheckHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference Number, unique
identifier of Petty Cash Document" LABEL "Petty Cash Reference No" COLUMN-LABEL
"Petty Cash Reference No"
INDEX "PrimKey" ON "CheckHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Unique key for
checkhed. This is the link to the APChkDtl files."
INDEX "PostGroup" ON "CheckHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Sort by unposted
checks for a group in descending entry sequence. "

TABLE "CheckList" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Defines a implementation Check

List. The Implementation checklist is flexible tool designed to guild the user
through a sequential series of steps with links to Help, eLearning URLs and menu
option s. Parent of CheckListDtl "
FIELD "Company" OF "CheckList": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ListID" OF "CheckList": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code assigned by
the user to uniquely identify the Jo bs, Orders, POs, and Tasks in a Project.
Cannot be blank."
FIELD "Description" OF "CheckList": character DESCRIPTION "Full description "
FIELD "Active" OF "CheckList": logical DESCRIPTION "Active flag" LABEL "Active"
FIELD "CommentText" OF "CheckList": character DESCRIPTION "Comment text"
FIELD "LinkListID" OF "CheckList": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates that another
checklist is linked to this list" LABEL "Linked List ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CheckList": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CheckList": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CheckList": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "CheckListDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Hold the Check List Details.
Child of CheckList table."
FIELD "Company" OF "CheckListDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ListID" OF "CheckListDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code assigned
by the user to uniquely identify the Jo bs, Orders, POs, and Tasks in a Project.
Cannot be blank."
FIELD "Description" OF "CheckListDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Full description of
Assignment "
FIELD "CommentText" OF "CheckListDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Comment text"
FIELD "ItemID" OF "CheckListDtl": character DESCRIPTION "A user assigned code used
to uniquely identify a check list detai l item within the check list. Cannot be
blank. "
FIELD "DueDate" OF "CheckListDtl": date DESCRIPTION "Due date " LABEL "Due"
FIELD "StartDate" OF "CheckListDtl": date DESCRIPTION "Start date" LABEL "Start"
FIELD "PercentComplete" OF "CheckListDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Percent Complete"
FIELD "DateComplete" OF "CheckListDtl": date DESCRIPTION "Date this step was
complete. "
FIELD "StepStatus" OF "CheckListDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Valid values are ""N""
= Not started, ""I"" = In Process, ""C"" =
Completed. "
FIELD "DcdUserID" OF "CheckListDtl": character DESCRIPTION "User ID" LABEL "User
FIELD "Phase" OF "CheckListDtl": character DESCRIPTION "User entered phaseID - Not
validated "
FIELD "MenuID" OF "CheckListDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Menu ID of related program
FIELD "HelpID" OF "CheckListDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Help ID of related help
topic "
FIELD "TutorialID" OF "CheckListDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Tutorial ID of related
tutorial "
FIELD "TraningURL" OF "CheckListDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The Epicor's Education
website URL. "
FIELD "LinkListID" OF "CheckListDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Link list ID"
FIELD "OrderSeq" OF "CheckListDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the order in
which the detail lines should be processed . " LABEL "Order"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CheckListDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CheckListDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CheckListDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
TABLE "ChgLog" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Generic Change Log" DESCRIPTION "Generic
Change Log"
FIELD "Company" OF "ChgLog": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "Identifier" OF "ChgLog": character DESCRIPTION "The identifier is used to
group the changes made to related table s together. This value is assigned by the
system using the value found in ZDataF ield.ChgLogID. For example: Customer,
ShipTo, CustBillTo, CustCnt, are all rela ted and will have a ChgLogID =
""Customer"". " LABEL "Identifier"
FIELD "Key1" OF "ChgLog": character DESCRIPTION "Major component of the foreign key
of the related master record. For example: For a ""PO"" change record this field
would contain the related PO Number, for a ""SO"" change record it would contain
the related SO Number." LABEL "Key 1"
FIELD "Key2" OF "ChgLog": character DESCRIPTION "tilde separated list of key values
of the changed record For Example a ChgLog for POREL might be something like
301~2~1. 301 is the PONum , 2 is the LineNum and 1 is the ReleaseNum" LABEL "Key 2"

FIELD "Key3" OF "ChgLog": character DESCRIPTION "Third component of the foreign key
of the related master record. For example: For a ""PORel"" change record this field
would contain the related PO Release Number. The usage of this field is dependent
on the type of record the change record is related to. For example: changes to
""POHeader"" and ""POD etail"" do not use this field while changes to ""PORel""
do." LABEL "Key 3"
FIELD "DateStamp" OF "ChgLog": date DESCRIPTION "Date this log record was created."
LABEL "Date Stamp"
FIELD "LogText" OF "ChgLog": character DESCRIPTION "Log message text. This text may
be in the following formats: 1) ""New Record"" 2) UserID Time FieldLabel/Name
OldValue ""->"" NewValue" LABEL "Log Text"
FIELD "TableName" OF "ChgLog": character DESCRIPTION "Name of the table which was
changed" LABEL "Table Name"
FIELD "Key4" OF "ChgLog": character
DESCRIPTION "Fourth component of the foreign key of the related master record. For
example: For a ""PORel"" change record this field would contain the relate d PO
Release Number. The usage of this field is dependent on the type of record the
change record is related to. For example: changes to ""POHeader"" and ""PO Detail""
do not use this field while changes to ""PORel"" do." LABEL "Key 4"
FIELD "Key5" OF "ChgLog": character DESCRIPTION "Fifth component of the foreign key
of the related master record. For example: For a ""PORel"" change record this field
would contain the related PO Release Number. The usage of this field is dependent
on the type of record the change record is related to. For example: changes to
""POHeader"" and ""POD etail"" do not use this field while changes to ""PORel""
do." LABEL "Key 5"
FIELD "Key6" OF "ChgLog": character DESCRIPTION "Sixth component of the foreign key
of the related master record. " LABEL "Key 6"
FIELD "Key7" OF "ChgLog": character DESCRIPTION "Seventh component of the foreign
key of the related master record . " LABEL "Key 7"
FIELD "Key8" OF "ChgLog": character DESCRIPTION "Eigth component of the foreign key
of the related master record. " LABEL "Key 8"
FIELD "Key9" OF "ChgLog": character DESCRIPTION "Ninth component of the foreign key
of the related master record. " LABEL "Key 9"
FIELD "Key10" OF "ChgLog": character DESCRIPTION "Tenth component of the foreign
key of the related master record. " LABEL "Key10"
FIELD "LogNum" OF "ChgLog": integer DESCRIPTION "This field allows one record to
have more than one change log for a day. This is to fix the issue of storing more
than 32K in logtext field" LABEL "Log Number"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ChgLog": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ChgLog": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ChgLog": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "TimeStamp" OF "ChgLog": integer DESCRIPTION "Time (number of seconds from
midnight) this log record was writte n."
FIELD "DCDUserID" OF "ChgLog": character DESCRIPTION "The User ID that created this
log." LABEL "User ID" COLUMN-LABEL "User ID"
FIELD "ChgLogMethod" OF "ChgLog": character DESCRIPTION "Possible values D & U
(Described in XbSyst.ChgLogMethod). For value D (Daily), the DCDUserID value is
blank. For value U (User), the DCDUs erID is populated." LABEL "Collection Method"
FIELD "ChgLogSeq" OF "ChgLog": integer DESCRIPTION "For future use.

TABLE "ChgLogGA" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Holds the Change Log/User Defined
Global Alerts. Each record can be a change log and/or a user defined global alert.
The log/alert is initiated if the list of fields matches those changed on a
FIELD "Company" OF "ChgLogGA": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "TableName" OF "ChgLogGA": character DESCRIPTION "The name of the table that
will have it changes logged." LABEL "Table"
FIELD "UseFieldList" OF "ChgLogGA": character DESCRIPTION "A list-delimited list of
fields that will be tracked for changes. " LABEL "Fields"
FIELD "AlertNum" OF "ChgLogGA": integer DESCRIPTION "The unique Alert Num of the
record. The AlertNum should be great er than or equal to 2000 to avoid conflicts
with standard global alerts." LABEL "Alert Num"
FIELD "CreateLog" OF "ChgLogGA": logical DESCRIPTION "If TRUE then create a change
LABEL "Create Change Log"
FIELD "SendEmail" OF "ChgLogGA": logical DESCRIPTION "If TRUE then send an alert
email." LABEL "Send Alert Email"
FIELD "AlertText" OF "ChgLogGA": character DESCRIPTION "The text sent in an alert's
email." LABEL "Alert Text" COLUMN-LABEL "Alert Text"
FIELD "Description" OF "ChgLogGA": character DESCRIPTION "The description of the
alert/change log" LABEL "Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "EmailAddr" OF "ChgLogGA": character DESCRIPTION "The email addresses to
which the alert will be sent. These are t he addresses that will appear in the TO
portion of the email." LABEL "Email Addresses"
FIELD "EmailCC" OF "ChgLogGA": character DESCRIPTION "The email addresses to which
the alert will be carbon-sopied. Th ese are the addresses that will appear in the
CC portion of the email." LABEL "Email CC" COLUMN-LABEL "Email CC"
FIELD "RelatedRecipients" OF "ChgLogGA": character DESCRIPTION "Table specific
recipients for alert email. The email addresses w ill be looked up according to the
relationship." LABEL "Related Recipients"
FIELD "AppendLogText" OF "ChgLogGA": logical DESCRIPTION "If TRUE then the text
that would go into a change log will be app ended to the alert." LABEL "Append Log
FIELD "IncludeLink" OF "ChgLogGA": logical DESCRIPTION "If TRUE then a link will be
attached to the alert that can be use d to take the user to the associated record
in the appropriate tracker." LABEL "Include Link"
FIELD "AlertProgram" OF "ChgLogGA": character DESCRIPTION "An external Progress
procedure that is run during an alert. The program is used to perform custom logic
and return additional alert text and/or email recipients. If the program returns an
ERROR then the alert will no be sen t." LABEL "Alert Program"
FIELD "EmailFromAddr" OF "ChgLogGA": character
DESCRIPTION "The email address to be used as the ""From"" portion of the email ."
LABEL "Email From Address"
FIELD "EmailFromLabel" OF "ChgLogGA": character DESCRIPTION "The label used for the
""From"" email address. If blank then jus t the email address will be used." LABEL
"Email From Label"
FIELD "AutoPrint" OF "ChgLogGA": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag that indicates if the
Auto-Print action is enabled for a BAM ." LABEL "Auto-Print"
FIELD "ReportID" OF "ChgLogGA": character DESCRIPTION "The Report that will be
fired when the Auto-Print action is enabl ed." COLUMN-LABEL "Report"
FIELD "RulesValidated" OF "ChgLogGA": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the child
BAM Rules were already tested to comply wi th the format of a where clause." LABEL
"Rules Validated"
FIELD "RptDefID" OF "ChgLogGA": character DESCRIPTION "The Data Definition used by
the Report that will be fired when th e Auto-Print action is enabled." LABEL "Data
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ChgLogGA": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ChgLogGA": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ChgLogGA": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "CGCCode" OF "ChgLogGA": character DESCRIPTION "Country Group Code / Country
Code for CSF"
INDEX "AlertNum" ON "ChgLogGA" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The primary unique
index of the table"

AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Holds the names of the tables that Change log logic
work with. Al so holds the list of fields that are tracked by the change log. The
user cannot modify the table list, only the field list can be modified. No fields
means no logging of changes."
FIELD "Company" OF "ChgLogTB": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "TableName" OF "ChgLogTB": character DESCRIPTION "The name of the table that
will have it changes logged." LABEL "Table"
FIELD "UseFieldList" OF "ChgLogTB": character DESCRIPTION "A list-delimited list of
fields that will be tracked for changes. " LABEL "Fields"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ChgLogTB": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ChgLogTB": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ChgLogTB": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "CnvProgs" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Contains data about conversion
programs. This table is loaded wi th records from cv\cnvprgs.dcd file. This loading
occurs when MainMenu detects t hat the Software and Database are at different
version levels. "
FIELD "RunSequence" OF "CnvProgs": integer DESCRIPTION "Used as the key to the
table. Controls the order in which convers ion programs are called."
FIELD "Program" OF "CnvProgs": character DESCRIPTION "Name of Program to be
executed." LABEL "Program"
FIELD "Description" OF "CnvProgs": character DESCRIPTION "Description of conversion
program. "
FIELD "AutoRun" OF "CnvProgs": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this conversion
program is run automatically as part
of the version update process. The conversion program is executed during the update
process when AutoRun = Yes and Status = blank. "
FIELD "UserRun" OF "CnvProgs": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this conversion
program can be manually selected by the user for execution. These types of
conversion programs will be selectable f rom the system utilities conversion
browser. "
FIELD "ReCoverable" OF "CnvProgs": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the conversion
program makes ""recoverable"" changes to the database. That is, in the event of
early program termination, the chan ges can be recreated without requiring a
restore of the database. If the system detects a CnvProgs record where Recoverable
= No and Status = Started then the s ystem signals the user that the database is
corrupt and requires to be restored from backup. " LABEL "Recoverable"
FIELD "ReRunable" OF "CnvProgs": logical DESCRIPTION "Applicable only when
conversion program can be manually executed by the user ( UserRun = Yes). This
indicates the program can be run more than on ce. The user will only be able to
select conversion programs where UserRun = Ye s and ReRunAble = Yes OR UserRun =
Yes and ReRunable = No and Status <> Complete " LABEL "Rerunable"
FIELD "ProgStatus" OF "CnvProgs": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the current
processing status of this conversion progra m. Possible values are "" "",
""Started"" or ""Completed"""
FIELD "RunDate" OF "CnvProgs": date DESCRIPTION "Last date that conversion program
was run. "
FIELD "RunTime" OF "CnvProgs": integer DESCRIPTION "The Time of day when the
conversion was last run."
FIELD "RunUserID" OF "CnvProgs": character DESCRIPTION "User ID that last ran the
FIELD "RunLog" OF "CnvProgs": character DESCRIPTION "This field stores a history of
all run information." LABEL "Run Log"
FIELD "RunLevel" OF "CnvProgs": integer DESCRIPTION "Programs with a RunLevel less
than the current(i.e. old) Database Level are not loaded into the Conversion
Programs Table." LABEL "Run Level"
FIELD "InitialRun" OF "CnvProgs": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this conversion
program is run as part of an initial database startup. "
FIELD "RunInDisconnectedCRM" OF "CnvProgs": logical DESCRIPTION "Most Conversion
programs should NOT run in Disconnected CRM, they will be run in the Base database
and the changes forwarded via Initialization o r Synchronization to the
Disconnected CRM database. "
FIELD "RunPatchLevel" OF "CnvProgs": character DESCRIPTION "Run Level combined with
Run Patch Level determine whether this Co nversion Program should be executed."
LABEL "Run Patch Level"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CnvProgs": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CnvProgs": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
INDEX "Sequence" ON "CnvProgs" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies
a record and controls the process seq during runs."

TABLE "COA" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Chart of Accounts header table. It is
the entry point into the d atabase structure for the chart of accounts definition.
A company can have many COA definitions."
FIELD "Company" OF "COA": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
FIELD "COACode" OF "COA": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID" LABEL "COA
FIELD "Description" OF "COA": character DESCRIPTION "The description or Name of
this Chart of Accounts. " LABEL "Name"
FIELD "PerBalFmt" OF "COA": character DESCRIPTION "Internally used field. Not
intended for end-user use. Tilde del imited string indicating the segments used in
the period balance account. Examp le: 1~2~5 indicates segments 1, 2 and 5 are used
to construct the balance accoun t number." LABEL "Period Balance Format"
FIELD "TBBalFmt" OF "COA": character
DESCRIPTION "Internally used field. Not intended for end-user use. Tilde del imited
string indicating the segments used in the trial balance account. Example : 1~3~4
indicates segments 1, 3 and 4 are used to construct the balance account number."
LABEL "Trial Balance Format"
FIELD "SeparatorChar" OF "COA": character DESCRIPTION "This is the character that
is displayed between each segment of t he GL Accounts. Tilde (~~), Tick (`) and
Vertical Bar ( ) are invalid separator s." LABEL "Separator"
FIELD "FmtChgDate" OF "COA": date DESCRIPTION "Internal field used by the GL
Account Control to identify when ca che needs to be updated with the new COA
structure. This is updated by the COAS egment write and delete triggers. It is not
intended for end user use. Only ch anges important to the GL Account control
updates this field's value." LABEL "Format Change Date"
FIELD "FmtChgTime" OF "COA": integer DESCRIPTION "Internal field used by the GL
Account Control to identify when ca che needs to be updated with the new COA
structure. This is updated by the COAS egment write and delete triggers. It is not
intended for end user use. Only ch anges important to the GL Account control
updates this field's value." LABEL "Format Change Time"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "COA": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this row.
The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "COA": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this row.
It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "CtrlSegList" OF "COA": character DESCRIPTION "Internally used field. Not
intended for end-user use. Tilde del imited string indicating the controlled
segments. Example: 1~2~5 indicates segm ents 1, 2 and 5 are controlled. This field
is to be used in those situations wh ere reading all of the COASegements via the
Dynamic index is too much overhead." LABEL "Controlled Segment List"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "COA": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc. exist
for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "COA" ON "COA" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By COACode "
INDEX "FmtChange" ON "COA" AREA "Schema Area"
DESCRIPTION "By Company By FmtChgDate By FmtChgTime"

TABLE "COAActCat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Defines the chart of account
FIELD "Company" OF "COAActCat": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
FIELD "COACode" OF "COAActCat": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID" LABEL
"COA Code"
FIELD "CategoryID" OF "COAActCat": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of this
category of accounts. " LABEL "Category"
FIELD "Description" OF "COAActCat": character DESCRIPTION "Text describing this
category" LABEL "Description"
FIELD "Type" OF "COAActCat": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this cateory is
reatled to a balance shee account or income statement account. Valid values are: B
- Balance Sheet I - Income Statement" LABEL "Type"
FIELD "NormalBalance" OF "COAActCat": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the balance
for this account is usually a Debit or Cred it amount. Valid values are: D - Debit
C - Credit" LABEL "Normal Balance"
FIELD "ParentCategory" OF "COAActCat": character DESCRIPTION "The value of the
parent category ID. Parent/Child category relat ionships are used by the Fincancial
Report Designer. For example, Assets as the parent category and Current Assets as
the child." LABEL "Parent Category"
FIELD "Sequence" OF "COAActCat": integer DESCRIPTION "This number idicates the
point at which this child cateogry is pl aced under its parent category." LABEL
FIELD "ConsolidationType" OF "COAActCat": character DESCRIPTION "Value of the
Parent category's ID." LABEL "Consolidation Type"
FIELD "NetIncome" OF "COAActCat": logical DESCRIPTION "When Net Income equals Yes
this cateogry reflects the summarized balance of all Income Accounts. It is
recommended that one category be marked a s NetIncome = Yes to be used for Balance
Sheet purposes." LABEL "Net Income"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "COAActCat": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "COAActCat": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "COAActCat": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "MatchingEnabled" OF "COAActCat": logical DESCRIPTION "This flag determines
if new natural account segment values are cr eated with journal detail matching
enabled." LABEL "Matching Enabled" COLUMN-LABEL "Matching Enabled"
INDEX "ChartCategory" ON "COAActCat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
COACode By CategoryID"

TABLE "COAMap" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "COAMap" DESCRIPTION "Table to store COA
FIELD "DisplayName" OF "COAMap": character DESCRIPTION "Display name" LABEL
"Display Name" COLUMN-LABEL "Display Name"
FIELD "DetailedDescription" OF "COAMap": character DESCRIPTION "Detailed
Description" LABEL "Detailed Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Detailed Description"
FIELD "SourceCOA" OF "COAMap": character DESCRIPTION "type of COA for company"
FIELD "TargetCOA" OF "COAMap": character DESCRIPTION "type of COA for company"
FIELD "MapType" OF "COAMap": integer DESCRIPTION "Map type: ""Accounting Segment
Map"" = 0 ""Accounting String Map"" = 1" LABEL "Map Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Map Type"
FIELD "Company" OF "COAMap": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "COAMap": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "COAMap": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "TgtCompany" OF "COAMap": character DESCRIPTION "Target Company Identifier."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "COAMap": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "COAMapHistory" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "COA Map History" DESCRIPTION "COA
Map History"
FIELD "COAMapUID" OF "COAMapHistory": integer DESCRIPTION "COA map unique ID."
FIELD "DisplayName" OF "COAMapHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Display name" LABEL
"Display Name" COLUMN-LABEL "Display Name"
FIELD "DetailedDescription" OF "COAMapHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Detailed
Description" LABEL "Detailed Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Detailed Description"
FIELD "SourceCOA" OF "COAMapHistory": character DESCRIPTION "type of COA for
company" LABEL "Source COA" COLUMN-LABEL "Source COA"
FIELD "TargetCOA" OF "COAMapHistory": character DESCRIPTION "type of COA for
company" LABEL "Target COA" COLUMN-LABEL "Target COA"
FIELD "MapType" OF "COAMapHistory": integer DESCRIPTION "Map type: ""Accounting
Segment Map"" = 0 ""Accounting String Map"" = 1" LABEL "Map Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Map
FIELD "Company" OF "COAMapHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "COAMapHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "COAMapHistory": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "COAMapHistory": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "COASegAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Chart of Accounts Segment Values
Currency Account information"
FIELD "Company" OF "COASegAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
FIELD "COACode" OF "COASegAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID" LABEL
"COA Code"
FIELD "SegmentNbr" OF "COASegAcct": integer
DESCRIPTION "System generated number from 1 through 20." LABEL "Segment Number"
FIELD "SegmentCode" OF "COASegAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Segment value used to
construct the GL Account." LABEL "Code"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "COASegAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Unique code
identifying the currency. Only those values defined in the CurrencyMaster are
allowed." LABEL "Currency"
FIELD "Allowed" OF "COASegAcct": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates the currency can be
used as a transactional currency." LABEL "Allowed"
FIELD "Revalue" OF "COASegAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the transaction
currency amount can be revalued. Va lid values are: 0 - no revalulation (deafult) 1
- only profits 2 - only losses 3 - both profit and losses" LABEL "Revalue Option"
FIELD "GainAccount" OF "COASegAcct": character DESCRIPTION "The natural account
used for booking currency gains." LABEL "Gain Account"
FIELD "LossAccount" OF "COASegAcct": character DESCRIPTION "The natural account
used for booking currency losses." LABEL "Loss Account"
FIELD "AccrualAccount" OF "COASegAcct": character DESCRIPTION "The natural account
used as the accrual account." LABEL "Accural Account"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "COASegAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "COASegAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "COASegAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "ByCurrency" ON "COASegAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
COACode By SegmentNbr By SegmentCode By Currency Co de"

TABLE "COASegment" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account Segment

Definitions. Each COA is allowed up to 20 segments. The sum of the lengths must be
less than or equal to 200. The seg ment number is unique and assigned by the
FIELD "Company" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
FIELD "COACode" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID" LABEL
"COA Code"
FIELD "SegmentNbr" OF "COASegment": integer DESCRIPTION "System generated number
from 1 through 20." LABEL "Segment Number"
FIELD "SegmentName" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Name of Segment" LABEL
FIELD "Abbreviation" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Short name of
segment." LABEL "Abbreviation"
FIELD "MaxLength" OF "COASegment": integer DESCRIPTION "Maximum length of the code
used for this segment. Valid values a re between 1 and 50. This value must be at
least the value of the minimum lengt h. The minimum length is the default value. If
a segment is tied to a referenc e entity the maximum length cannot be less then the
length of the reference enti ty's field." LABEL "Max Length"
FIELD "MinLength" OF "COASegment": integer DESCRIPTION "Minimum length of the code
to be used for this segment. Must be a value between 1 and the maximum length. If
the segment is tied to a reference entity the minimum length cannot be greater than
the length of the reference en tity field." LABEL "Minimum Length"
FIELD "Dynamic" OF "COASegment": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if accounts with
this segment can be created on the fly when posting transactions. If Yes, the
GLAccount table does not have to contai n entries with this field populated. If No,
then all valid combinations of segm ent values (COASegVal) must be defined in the
GLAccount table before the account
can be used." LABEL "Dynamic"
FIELD "UseRefEntity" OF "COASegment": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
segment is related to another business entity. This is only available if the
Dynamic field equals Yes." LABEL "Use Reference Entity"
FIELD "RefEntity" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "This is the reference
entity where the COASegVals are generated f rom. Valid values are found in the
BusEntities table. This option is NOT valid for the natural account (segment number
1)" LABEL "Reference Entity"
FIELD "AllowAlpha" OF "COASegment": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if alpha
characters are allowed in the code. The defa ult value is yes. If UseRefEntity
equals yes then this field must equal yes. I f no, then only numeric characters are
allowed as segment values." LABEL "Allow Alphanumeric"
FIELD "EntryControl" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates what causes
the entry of segment values for this segmen t. Valid values are: 0 (zero):
Mandatory - the segment is always entered. 1 (o ne) Natrual account - The option on
the natural account determines if this segme nt is mandatory, optional or not used.
This value is found on the COASegOpt tab le. 2 (two) - GL Reference Account Mask -
only valid for segments defined as Use Ref Entity where the reference entity =
'Reference Entity'. 3 (three) - Optional. The segment is not required to be
entered." LABEL "Entry Control"
FIELD "SegSelfBal" OF "COASegment": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if journal
entries are automatically balanced." LABEL "Self Balancing"
FIELD "Level" OF "COASegment": integer DESCRIPTION "The level indicates the order
segments will be balanced in case m ultiple segments are defined as self balancing.
This field can only be updated when SegSelfBal equals yes. Two self balancing
segments cannot have the same le vel. Valid values are 1 thorugh the number of
segments defined for the COA." LABEL "Level"
FIELD "SummaryBal" OF "COASegment": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this segment
is included in the summary balance GL A ccount. Only those segments that are
flagged as detail balance segments are eli gible to be included as a summary
balance segment." LABEL "Trial Balance"
FIELD "DetailBal" OF "COASegment": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if balance
records are maintained by the system for thi s segment. If Yes, this segment is
used as part of the GL Account for balance p urposes."
LABEL "Store Balances"
FIELD "KeepOpenBal" OF "COASegment": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if opening
balances are kept for expense and revenue ac counts. This is typically used for
project accounting where you want to keep th e project date balance independent of
the financial year." LABEL "Keep Opening Balance"
FIELD "DisplayOrder" OF "COASegment": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the order in
which this segment is displayed when prese nting the GL Account to the user. Valid
values are 1 through 20." LABEL "Display Order"
FIELD "AutoCreateSegVals" OF "COASegment": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
segment values for segments defined as reference ent ity are to be created each
time a new record is created. Only valid if UseRefEn tity equals yes and a
reference entity is entered. " LABEL "Auto Create Segment Values"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "COASegment": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "COASegment": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "SelfBalAcct" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Account used when
creating balancing transactions for this segme nt." LABEL "Balance Account" COLUMN-
LABEL "Balance Account"
FIELD "BalSegValue1" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value 1"
LABEL "Balance Seg Value 1" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 1"
FIELD "BalSegValue2" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value 2"
LABEL "Balance Seg Value 2" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 2"
FIELD "BalSegValue3" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value 3"
LABEL "Balance Seg Value 3"
COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 3"
FIELD "BalSegValue4" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value 4"
LABEL "Balance Seg Value 4" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 4"
FIELD "BalSegValue5" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value 5"
LABEL "Balance Seg Value 5" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 5"
FIELD "BalSegValue6" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value 6"
LABEL "Balance Seg Value 6" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 6"
FIELD "BalSegValue7" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value 7"
LABEL "Balance Seg Value 7" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 7"
FIELD "BalSegValue8" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value 8"
LABEL "Balance Seg Value 8" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 8"
FIELD "BalSegValue9" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value 9"
LABEL "Balance Seg Value 9" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 9"
FIELD "BalSegValue10" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value 10"
LABEL "Balance Seg Value 10" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 10"
FIELD "BalSegValue11" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value 11"
LABEL "Balance Seg Value 11" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 11"
FIELD "BalSegValue12" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value 12"
LABEL "Balance Seg Value 12" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 12"
FIELD "BalSegValue13" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value 13"
LABEL "Balance Seg Value 13"
COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 13"
FIELD "BalSegValue14" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value 14"
LABEL "Balance Seg Value 14" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 14"
FIELD "BalSegValue15" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value 15"
LABEL "Balance Seg Value 15" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 15"
FIELD "BalSegValue16" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value 16"
LABEL "Balance Seg Value 16" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 16"
FIELD "BalSegValue17" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value 17"
LABEL "Balance Seg Value 17" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 17"
FIELD "BalSegvalue18" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value 18"
LABEL "Balance Seg Value 18" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 18"
FIELD "BalSegValue19" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value 19"
LABEL "Balance Seg Value 19" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 19"
FIELD "BalSegValue20" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value 20"
LABEL "Balance Seg Value 20" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 20"
FIELD "SelfOffAcct" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "The Self Balance offset
account used when balancing this segment. " LABEL "Self Offset Account" COLUMN-
LABEL "Self Offset Account"
FIELD "OffSegValue1" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value
1" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 1" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 1"
FIELD "OffSegValue2" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value
LABEL "Offset Segment Value 2" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 2"
FIELD "OffSegValue3" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value
3" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 3" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 3"
FIELD "OffSegValue4" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value
4" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 4" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 4"
FIELD "OffSegValue5" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value
5" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 5" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 5"
FIELD "OffSegValue6" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value
6" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 6" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 6"
FIELD "OffSegValue7" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value
7" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 7" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 7"
FIELD "OffSegValue8" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value
8" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 8" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 8"
FIELD "OffSegValue9" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value
9" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 9" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 9"
FIELD "OffSegValue10" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value
10" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 10" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 10"
FIELD "OffSegValue11" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value
11" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 11" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 11"
FIELD "OffSegValue12" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value
LABEL "Offset Segment Value 12" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 12"
FIELD "OffSegValue13" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value
13" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 13" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 13"
FIELD "OffSegValue14" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value
14" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 14" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 14"
FIELD "OffSegValue15" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value
15" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 15" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 15"
FIELD "OffSegValue16" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value
16" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 16" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 16"
FIELD "OffSegValue17" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value
17" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 17" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 17"
FIELD "OffSegValue18" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value
18" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 18" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 18"
FIELD "OffSegValue19" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value
19" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 19" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 19"
FIELD "OffSegValue20" OF "COASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment Value
20" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 20" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 20"
INDEX "SegmentNbr" ON "COASegment" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
COA By SegmentNbr By SegmentCode"
INDEX "BySummaryBal" ON "COASegment" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
COACode By SummaryBal"
INDEX "DetailBal" ON "COASegment" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
COACode By DetailBal"
INDEX "DisplayOrder" ON "COASegment" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
COA Code By DisplayOrder"
INDEX "DynamicDisplay" ON "COASegment" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By COACode By Dynamic By DisplayOrder"
INDEX "DynamicSeg" ON "COASegment" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
COACode By Dynamic"
INDEX "EntryControl" ON "COASegment" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company, By
COACode, By SegmentNbr, By EntryControl"
INDEX "ReferenceEntity" ON "COASegment" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By COACode By RefEntity"
INDEX "SegmentAbbrev" ON "COASegment" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
COACode By Abbreviation"
INDEX "SegmentName" ON "COASegment" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
COACode By SegmentName"
INDEX "SelfBalanceLevel" ON "COASegment" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By COAcode By SelfBalancing By Level"

TABLE "COASegOpt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account Segment Value
FIELD "Company" OF "COASegOpt": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
FIELD "COACode" OF "COASegOpt": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID" LABEL
"COA Code"
FIELD "SegmentNbr" OF "COASegOpt": integer DESCRIPTION "System generated number
from 1 through 20." LABEL "Segment Number"
FIELD "SegmentCode" OF "COASegOpt": character DESCRIPTION "Segment value used to
construct the GL Account." LABEL "Code"
FIELD "SubSegmentNbr" OF "COASegOpt": integer DESCRIPTION "System generated
sequence number" LABEL "Sub Segment Number"
FIELD "ValOption" OF "COASegOpt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if a segment is
used for the natural account. Valid va lues are: M - Mandatory O - Optional N - Not
Used" LABEL "Option"
FIELD "DefaultSegment" OF "COASegOpt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the default
segment value to be used for this natural a ccount." LABEL "Default Segment Value"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "COASegOpt": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "COASegOpt": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "COASegOpt": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "BySubSegment" ON "COASegOpt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
COACode By SegmentNbr By Segment Code By SubSegment Nbr"

TABLE "COASegRes" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Chart of Accounts Segment Values
FIELD "Company" OF "COASegRes": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company"
FIELD "COACode" OF "COASegRes": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID" LABEL
"COA Code"
FIELD "SegmentNbr" OF "COASegRes": integer DESCRIPTION "System generated number
from 1 through 20." LABEL "Segment Number"
FIELD "SegmentCode" OF "COASegRes": character DESCRIPTION "Segment value used to
construct the GL Account." LABEL "Code"
FIELD "RestrictID" OF "COASegRes": character DESCRIPTION "Application DLL name"
LABEL "Restricted Function"
FIELD "RestrictText" OF "COASegRes": character DESCRIPTION "Application name text."
LABEL "Description"
FIELD "FctBlocked" OF "COASegRes": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if GL Account
entry is prohibited" LABEL "Blocked"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "COASegRes": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "COASegRes": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "COASegRes": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "SegmentRestrict" ON "COASegRes" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By COACode By SegmentNbr By SegmentCode By RestrictID"

TABLE "COASegValues" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Contains all of the valid
values for a given COASegment definitio n."
FIELD "Company" OF "COASegValues": character
DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL "Company"
FIELD "COACode" OF "COASegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID"
FIELD "SegmentNbr" OF "COASegValues": integer DESCRIPTION "System generated number
from 1 through 20." LABEL "Segment Number"
FIELD "SegmentCode" OF "COASegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Segment value used to
construct the GL Account." LABEL "Code"
FIELD "SegmentName" OF "COASegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Name of Segment
Value" LABEL "Name"
FIELD "SegmentDesc" OF "COASegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Segment description."
LABEL "Description"
FIELD "SegmentAbbrev" OF "COASegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Short name of the
segment value." LABEL "Abbreviation"
FIELD "ActiveFlag" OF "COASegValues": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the segment
is active. Transactions cannot be poste d to inactive segments." LABEL "Active"
FIELD "EffectiveFrom" OF "COASegValues": date DESCRIPTION "Date the segment begins
to be used. It must be less than or equa l to the EffectiveTo date." LABEL
"Effective From"
FIELD "EffectiveTo" OF "COASegValues": date DESCRIPTION "Date the segment is no
longer used. It must be greater than or e qual to the EffectiveFrom date, if a
value was entered in that field." LABEL "Effective Thru"
FIELD "Category" OF "COASegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Required for the Natrual
Account (segment number 1). Identifies t he account category that is used to
determine other characteristics." LABEL "Category"
FIELD "StatisticalFlag" OF "COASegValues": logical DESCRIPTION "This field will be
updated by the Non Financial Data Project"
LABEL "Statistical"
FIELD "DefaultUOM" OF "COASegValues": character DESCRIPTION "This will be updated
by the Non Financial Data project" LABEL "Default UOM"
FIELD "NormalBalance" OF "COASegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
account is a debit or credit and is only valid f or the natural account (segment
1). Valid values are D for Debit and C for Cred it." LABEL "Normal Balance"
FIELD "DebitRateType" OF "COASegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Rate type used for
debit balances." LABEL "Debit Rate Type"
FIELD "CreditRateType" OF "COASegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Rate type used for
credit balances" LABEL "Credit Rate Type"
FIELD "Obsolete905-CurrencyCode" OF "COASegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Currency
code associated with this segment value and is the ID fo r the COACurrAcct table.
Only valid for natural accounts (segment 1) where the CurrencyAccount equals Yes."
LABEL "Currency"
FIELD "CurrAcct" OF "COASegValues": logical DESCRIPTION "Curency Account" LABEL
"Curency Account" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Account"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "COASegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "COASegValues": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "RefEntityType" OF "COASegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Reference Entity
type assigned to this COASegValue. Only valid w hen the COASegment.RefEntity =
""GLCOARefType""." LABEL "Type"
FIELD "Summarization" OF "COASegValues": integer DESCRIPTION "0) Summarize
(default) 1) Summarize debit and credits separately 2) No summarization "
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "COASegValues": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "MatchingEnabled" OF "COASegValues": logical DESCRIPTION "This flag
determines if journal detail records with this natural account are allowed to be
matched." LABEL "Matching Enabled" COLUMN-LABEL "Matching Enabled"
INDEX "SegmentNbrCode" ON "COASegValues" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By COACode By SegmentNbr By SegmentCode"
INDEX "Active" ON "COASegValues" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
COACode By SegmentNbr By ActiveFlag"
INDEX "CategoryID" ON "COASegValues" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
COACode By Category"
INDEX "EffectiveTo" ON "COASegValues" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
COACode By SegmentNbr By EffectiveTo"
INDEX "SegmentAbbrev" ON "COASegValues" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By COACode By SegmentNbr By Abbreviation"
INDEX "SegmentEffFrom" ON "COASegValues" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By COACode By SegmentNbr By EffectiveFrom"
INDEX "WordDesc" ON "COASegValues" AREA "Schema Area" WORD DESCRIPTION "By

TABLE "Company" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Active company file." FOREIGN-NAME
FIELD "Company" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "Name" OF "Company": character
DESCRIPTION "Company Name" LABEL "Company Name" COLUMN-LABEL "Company Name"
FIELD "Address1" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "First company address line."
LABEL "Address"
FIELD "Address2" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "Second company address line."
FIELD "City" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "City portion of company address."
LABEL "City"
FIELD "Country" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "Country portion of company
address." LABEL "Country"
FIELD "FaxNum" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "Company fax number" LABEL "Fax"

FIELD "PhoneNum" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "Company phone number" LABEL

FIELD "State" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "State portion of company
address." LABEL "State/Prov" COLUMN-LABEL "State/Province"
FIELD "Zip" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "Postal code or zip code portion of
company address." LABEL "Postal Code"
FIELD "FEIN" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "Federal Income Tax Number" LABEL
FIELD "StateTaxID" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "State Tax ID" LABEL "Tax
FIELD "CurrentFiscalYear" OF "Company": integer
DESCRIPTION "Current fiscal year" LABEL "Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Current!Fiscal
FIELD "Address3" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "Third company address line."
FIELD "EDICode" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "This is the Trading Partner ID
that is used for incoming and outg oing EDI."
FIELD "TaxRegionCode" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "The Tax Region Code for
this company. This tax region is used to define the 'interior'. It is used as a
default tax region in Vendor Maintenance. " LABEL "Tax Region"
FIELD "CountryNum" OF "Company": integer DESCRIPTION "Country part of address. This
field is in sync with the Country f ield. It must be a valid entry in the Country
table." LABEL "Country Number"
FIELD "Number" OF "Company": integer DESCRIPTION "Added for FRx Integration which
requires that the company is iden tified by a unique positive integer, as opposed
to a character string. FRx call s this the entity number. It is maintained on the
General Ledger configuration screen." LABEL "FRx Number" COLUMN-LABEL "FRx Number"
FIELD "FRxDSN" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "Data Source Name for the FRx
database for this company. Must be linked to a SQL Server 7.0 database to allow
exporting of data for financial rep orting using FRx. This field is maintained on
the General Ledger configuration screen for each company." LABEL "FRx DSN" COLUMN-
FIELD "EschedFileSet" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "The file set where the
eScheduling XML messages will be sent. It must be a valid DOS file name. If
eScheduling is being used with the Manufactu ring System this field is required. "
LABEL "eScheduling File Set"
FIELD "EMailLinkPort" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "Email link port number"
LABEL "EMail Link Port" COLUMN-LABEL "EMail Link Port"
FIELD "MfgSys" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "MfgSys"
FIELD "ExternalID" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier from and
external G/L interface" LABEL "External ID"
FIELD "SerialNum" OF "Company": decimal DESCRIPTION "Customer's License Serial
Number" LABEL "Serial #"
FIELD "EmailFromAddr" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "The default email
address to be used as the ""From"" portion of t he Alert emails." LABEL "Email From
FIELD "EmailFromLabel" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "The default label used
for the ""From"" email address. If blank then just the email address will be used."
LABEL "Email From Label"
FIELD "SMTPServer" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "The SMTP server used for
sending SMTP emails such as global alert s." LABEL "SMTP Server"
FIELD "SMTPPort" OF "Company": integer DESCRIPTION "The port number used for
sending SMTP emails. The default is the standard STMP port of 25." LABEL "SMTP
FIELD "LogoFile" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "Name of file that contains
the company's logo image. This can be blank (no logo available). This is used for
Customer/Sales/Supplier Connect." LABEL "Logo File"
FIELD "EmpPhotoPath" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "Path the Employee Photos
are stored in." LABEL "Employee Photo Path" COLUMN-LABEL "Employee Photo Path"
FIELD "CalendarID" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive Code assigned
by the user which uniquely identifies t he Calendar. If this equals """", then the
ProdCal record is the Company Level production calendar. A Production Calendar can
be attached to a Resource Group, a Resource, or a Vend or."
FIELD "AuxMailAddr" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "Field used by system.
Please don't change field usage"
LABEL "Auxiliary Mail Address"
FIELD "FrxUserid" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "The User ID for FRx. " LABEL
"FRx User ID"
FIELD "FRxPassWord" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "FRxUserID password" LABEL
"FRx Password"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal calendar
id for the company." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "Company": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "AttachNetworkRoot" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "The root location of
file system storage" LABEL "Attach Network Root" COLUMN-LABEL "Attach Network Root"

FIELD "AttachSharePointRoot" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "The root location

of SharePoint storage" LABEL "Attach SharePoint Root" COLUMN-LABEL "Attach
SharePoint Root"
FIELD "AttachDefaultMechanism" OF "Company": integer DESCRIPTION "The default
storage mechanism to use" LABEL "Attach Default Mechanism" COLUMN-LABEL "Attach
Default Mechanism"
FIELD "EnableFileSys" OF "Company": logical DESCRIPTION "Enable File System Flag
for document management" LABEL "Enable File System" COLUMN-LABEL "Enable File
FIELD "EnableSharePoint" OF "Company": logical DESCRIPTION "Enable sharepoint Flag
for document management" LABEL "Enable SharePoint" COLUMN-LABEL "Enable SharePoint"

FIELD "AllowDefaultDoc" OF "Company": logical DESCRIPTION "Allow attachments to be

draged on attachment nodes"
LABEL "Allow Default Document" COLUMN-LABEL "Allow Default Document"
FIELD "MetadataPath" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "Defines the directory
location used by this company to receive me tadata." LABEL "Metadata Path" COLUMN-
LABEL "Metadata Path"
FIELD "WinWebURL" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "Web Access URL for this
company" LABEL ""
FIELD "TrackSysActivity" OF "Company": logical DESCRIPTION "Track System Activity
FIELD "TrackPersonalizationChg" OF "Company": logical DESCRIPTION "Track
Personalization changes flag"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "Company": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "LegalName" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "Company legal name" LABEL
"Company Legal Name" COLUMN-LABEL "Company Legal Name"
FIELD "TaxRegReason" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "Tax Payer Registration
Reason Code " LABEL "Tax Payer Registration Reason Code (used in Russian fin
reports)" COLUMN-LABEL "Tax Reg Reason"
FIELD "ActTypeCode" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "Economic Activity Type"
LABEL "Economic Activity Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Act Type Code"
FIELD "OrgRegCode" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "Organization Registration
Code" LABEL "Organization Registration Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Org Reg Code"
FIELD "ManagerName" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "Chief Executive Officerr
name" LABEL "General Manager name" COLUMN-LABEL "Manager Name"
FIELD "ChiefAcctName" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "Chief Financial Officer
Name" LABEL "Chief Account name" COLUMN-LABEL "Chief Acct Name"
FIELD "ReportTypePref" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "Type of report" LABEL
"Report Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Report Type"
FIELD "MobileURL" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "URL for Mobile client" LABEL
"Mobile URL"
FIELD "MobileMetaPath" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "Metadatapath for Mobile
Client" LABEL "Mobile Metadata Path" COLUMN-LABEL "Mobile Metadata Path"
FIELD "WorkstationMethod" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "Workstation Method"
LABEL "Workstation Method" COLUMN-LABEL "Workstation Method"
FIELD "EntSearchURL" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "Enterprise Search URL"
LABEL "Enterprise Search URL" COLUMN-LABEL "Enterprise Search URL"
FIELD "SMTPAcct" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "SMTP Account" LABEL "SMTP
FIELD "SMPTAcctPW" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "SMTP Account Password"
LABEL "SMPT Acct Password"
FIELD "CountryGroupCode" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "Country Specific
Functionality" LABEL "Country Group Code"
FIELD "CountryCode" OF "Company": character DESCRIPTION "Country Specific
Functionality" LABEL "Country Code"
TABLE "COMXref" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Contains cross reference data
between Clientele and the Manufactu ring System records."
FIELD "Company" OF "COMXref": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "File" OF "COMXref": character DESCRIPTION "The name of the table that this
record pertains to. "
FIELD "Key1" OF "COMXref": character DESCRIPTION "Major component of the primary
key to the record. For example: Fo r a ""Part"" table this field would contain the
related Part Number, for a ""Cu stomer"" it contains the CustNum value."
FIELD "Key2" OF "COMXref": character DESCRIPTION "2nd component of the primary key
to the related record. For example: For a ""OrderDtl"" this field would contain the
OrderLine # of th e related Order detail record. The usage of this field is
dependant on the type of record. For example ""Part"" references do not use this
field while PartRev would."
FIELD "Key3" OF "COMXref": character DESCRIPTION "3rd component of the primary key
to the related record. For example: For a ""OrderRel"" this field would contain the
Order Line Releas e # of the related Order Release record. The usage of this field
is dependant o n the type of record referenced."
FIELD "foreignKey1" OF "COMXref": character DESCRIPTION "1st component of primary
key in Clientele"
FIELD "foreignKey2" OF "COMXref": character DESCRIPTION "2nd component of primary
key in Clientele"
FIELD "foreignKey3" OF "COMXref": character DESCRIPTION "3rd component of primary
key in Clientele"
FIELD "foreignKey4" OF "COMXref": character DESCRIPTION "4th component of primary
key in Clientele"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "COMXref": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "COMXref": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "COMXref": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "ConsImport" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Consolidation Import table"

FIELD "Company" OF "ConsImport": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GenID" OF "ConsImport": integer DESCRIPTION "Internal system calcualted
sequence number not inteneded for exte rnal use." LABEL "Generation ID" COLUMN-
LABEL "Generation ID"
FIELD "Description" OF "ConsImport": character DESCRIPTION "Description" LABEL
"Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Desscription"
FIELD "BookID" OF "ConsImport": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier This
is the book the import file is being loaded to." LABEL "Book ID"
FIELD "ImportDate" OF "ConsImport": date DESCRIPTION "Date the input file was
imported" LABEL "Import Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Import Date"
FIELD "ApplyDate" OF "ConsImport": date DESCRIPTION "Date used on the GLJrnDtl"
LABEL "Apply Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Apply Date"
FIELD "JrnlHeadDesc" OF "ConsImport": character DESCRIPTION "Journal Header
Description" LABEL "Journal Header Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Journal Header
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ConsImport": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ConsImport": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "ConsImport": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year." LABEL
"Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "ConsImport": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year
suffix. Allows for additional breakdown/definiti on of fiscal years, for example,
by quarters." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "ConsImport": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal period number
in the fiscal year." LABEL "Fiscal Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Period"
FIELD "GroupID" OF "ConsImport": character DESCRIPTION "The data entry Group that
the journal entry is assigned to. This field is not directly maintainable, it is
assigned by the entry program using th e GroupID of the ""current"" group that the
user is working with. It is used as a selection criteria during the posting
process." LABEL "Group"
FIELD "GenerationLog" OF "ConsImport": character DESCRIPTION "The consolidation
generation log." LABEL "Generation Log"
FIELD "ImportFileName" OF "ConsImport": character DESCRIPTION "Import/Export file
name." LABEL "File Name"
FIELD "ImportStatus" OF "ConsImport": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the status
of the Import from Subsidiary. C = Complete " LABEL "Import Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Import Status"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "ConsImport": character DESCRIPTION "The unique
identifier of the fiscal calendar." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal
Calendar ID"
FIELD "JournalCode" OF "ConsImport": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of
the journal used to group entries. The user can create their own journal codes to
be used instead of the default codes." LABEL "Journal"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ConsImport": integer
DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit
Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "GenID" ON "ConsImport" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By GenID"
INDEX "ApplyDate" ON "ConsImport" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
INDEX "BookFiscal" ON "ConsImport" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BookID By FiscaYear By FiscalYearSuffix By FiscalPe riod"
INDEX "SysIndex" ON "ConsImport" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Sys Row ID"
INDEX "worddesc" ON "ConsImport" AREA "Schema Area" WORD DESCRIPTION "description"

TABLE "ConsSrcAcctBal" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Conslidation Source Account

Balance. Store the balances that are transmitted to the target."
FIELD "Company" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "SourceBook" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book
Identifier This is the book that is being consolidat ed into a target book." LABEL
"Source Book" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Book"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year."
LABEL "Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal
year suffix. Allows for additional breakdown/definiti on of fiscal years, for
example, by quarters." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal period
number in the fiscal year." LABEL "Fiscal Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Period"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal
calendar year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-
LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "SrcGLAccount" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "Full GL account
containing the controlled segment valid combinati ons up to 200 characters
including the internal segment separator. This is the unique identifier for the GL
Account and is stored in physical segment number se quence with the vertical bar as
its separator. This field is not intended for e nd user display. It is used
internally as a unique identifier. The display for mat GL Account is found in table
GLAcctDisp." LABEL "GL Account"
FIELD "SegValue1" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 1. See
COASegment segment number 1 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue2" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 2. See
COASegment segment number 2 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue3" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 3. See
COASegment segment number 3 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue4" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 4. See
COASegment segment number 4 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue5" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 5. See
COASegment segment number 5 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue6" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 6. See
COASegment segment number 6 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue7" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 7. See
COASegment segment number 7 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue8" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 8. See
COASegment segment number 8 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue9" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 9. See
COASegment segment number 9 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue10" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 10. See
COASegment segment number 10 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 10"
FIELD "SegValue11" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 11. See
COASegment segment number 11 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 11"
FIELD "SegValue12" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 12. See
COASegment segment number 12 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 12"
FIELD "SegValue13" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 13. See
COASegment segment number 13 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 13"
FIELD "SegValue14" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 14. See
COASegment segment number 14 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 14"
FIELD "SegValue15" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 15. See
COASegment segment number 15 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 15"
FIELD "SegValue16" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 16. See
COASegment segment number 16 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 16"
FIELD "SegValue17" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 17. See
COASegment segment number 17 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 17"
FIELD "SegValue18" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 18. See
COASegment segment number 18 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 18"
FIELD "SegValue19" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 19. See
COASegment segment number 19 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 19"
FIELD "SegValue20" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 20. See
COASegment segment number 20 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 20"
FIELD "CurrencyBalance" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "Currency Balance"
LABEL "Currency Balance"
FIELD "CurrencyMovement" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "currency
Movement" LABEL "Currency Movement"
FIELD "BasePostedBalance" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used for
consolidation. The posted amount in the base currency." LABEL "Base Posted Balance"

FIELD "MappedGLAccount" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "Full GL account

containing the controlled segment valid combinati ons up to 200 characters
including the internal segment separator. This is the unique identifier for the GL
Account and is stored in physical segment number se quence with the vertical bar as
its separator. This field is not intended for e nd user display. It is used
internally as a unique identifier. The display for mat GL Account is found in table
GLAcctDisp." LABEL "Mapped GL Account"
FIELD "MapSegValue1" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 1.
See COASegment segment number 1 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Mapped
Segment Value 1"
FIELD "MapSegValue2" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 2.
See COASegment segment number 2 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Map
Segment Value 2"
FIELD "MapSegValue3" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 3.
See COASegment segment number 3 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Map
Segment Value 3"
FIELD "MapSegValue4" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 4.
See COASegment segment number 4 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Map
Segment Value 4"
FIELD "MapSegValue5" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 5.
See COASegment segment number 5 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Map
Segment Value 5"
FIELD "MapSegValue6" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 6.
See COASegment segment number 6 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Map
Segment Value 6"
FIELD "MapSegValue7" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 7.
See COASegment segment number 6 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Map
Segment Value 7"
FIELD "MapSegValue8" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 8.
See COASegment segment number 8 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Map
Segment Value 8"
FIELD "MapSegValue9" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 9.
See COASegment segment number 8 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Map
Segment Value 9"
FIELD "MapSegValue10" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 10.
See COASegment segment number 10 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Map
Segment Value 10"
FIELD "MapSegValue11" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 11.
See COASegment segment number 11 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Map
Segment Value 11"
FIELD "MapSegValue12" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 12.
See COASegment segment number 12 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Map
Segment Value 12"
FIELD "MapSegValue13" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 13.
See COASegment segment number 13 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Map
Segment Value 13"
FIELD "MapSegValue14" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 14.
See COASegment segment number 14 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Map
Segment Value 14"
FIELD "MapSegValue15" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 15.
See COASegment segment number 15 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Map
Segment Value 15"
FIELD "MapSegValue16" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 16.
See COASegment segment number 16 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Map
Segment Value 16"
FIELD "MapSegValue17" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 17.
See COASegment segment number 17 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Map
Segment Value 17"
FIELD "MapSegValue18" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 18.
See COASegment segment number 18 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Map
Segment Value 18"
FIELD "MapSegValue19" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 19.
See COASegment segment number 19 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Map
Segment Value 19"
FIELD "MapSegValue20" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 20.
See COASegment segment number 20 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Map
Segment Value 20"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "TgtCompany" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "Target Company"
LABEL "Target Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Company"
FIELD "TgtBookID" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book
Identifier" LABEL "Target Book ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Book ID"
FIELD "ConsDefID" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifer for
the consolidation definition"
FIELD "GenID" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": integer DESCRIPTION "Internal system calculated
sequence number not inteneded for exte rnal use." LABEL "Generation ID" COLUMN-
LABEL "Generation ID"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ConsSrcAcctBal": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "TargetSourceDef" ON "ConsSrcAcctBal" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By
Company By ConsDefID By TgtCompany By TgtBook By SrcBook By Fi scalYear By
FiscalYearSuffix by FiscalPeriod By SrcGLAccount"
INDEX "ConsTgtGenID" ON "ConsSrcAcctBal" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By ConsTgtGen GenID"
INDEX "FiscalAccount" ON "ConsSrcAcctBal" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By
Company By Source Book By Fiscal Year By Fiscal Period By SrcG LAccount"
INDEX "SourcAcct" ON "ConsSrcAcctBal" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
Sourcebook by SrcGLAccount By FiscalYear By Fiscal Year Suffix By Fiscal Period"
INDEX "SysIndex" ON "ConsSrcAcctBal" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "SysRowId"

TABLE "ConsSrcCtrl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Conslidation Source Control.

Records conslidation cycles."
FIELD "Company" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "SourceBook" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier
This is the book that is being consolidat ed into a target book." LABEL "Source
Book" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Book"
FIELD "GenID" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": integer DESCRIPTION "Internal system calcualted
sequence number not inteneded for exte rnal use." LABEL "Generation ID" COLUMN-
LABEL "Generation ID"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year." LABEL
"Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year
suffix. Allows for additional breakdown/definiti on of fiscal years, for example,
by quarters." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal period
number in the fiscal year." LABEL "Fiscal Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Period"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal
calendar year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-
LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "PostedDate" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": date DESCRIPTION "Posted Date" LABEL "Posted
FIELD "PostedTime" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": integer DESCRIPTION "(secounds since
midnight)" LABEL "Posted Time"
FIELD "PostedBy" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "User ID of person that
posted this period." LABEL "Posted By"
FIELD "DiffOnExchangeAcct" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "Account Number
where rounding differences will be posted"
LABEL "Exchange Variances Account"
FIELD "GenStatus" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the current
status of the generation. G = Generated. PI = Posted to the Intermediate book. P =
consolidated and Posted to the targe t." LABEL "Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Status"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "Bypassed" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if consolidation
was bypassed" LABEL "Bypassed" COLUMN-LABEL "Bypassed"
FIELD "DiffExSegValue1" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 1.
See COASegment segment number 1 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 1"
FIELD "DiffExSegValue2" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 2.
See COASegment segment number 1 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 2"
FIELD "DiffExSegValue3" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 3.
See COASegment segment number 3 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 3" COLUMN-LABEL "Segment Value 3"
FIELD "DiffExSegValue4" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 4.
See COASegment segment number 4 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 4" COLUMN-LABEL "Segment Value 4"
FIELD "DiffExSegValue5" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 5.
See COASegment segment number 5 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 5"
FIELD "DiffExSegValue6" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 6.
See COASegment segment number 6 for a descriptio
n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value 6"
FIELD "DiffExSegValue7" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 7.
See COASegment segment number 7 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 7"
FIELD "DiffExSegValue8" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 8.
See COASegment segment number 8 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 8"
FIELD "DiffExSegValue9" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 9.
See COASegment segment number 9 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 9"
FIELD "DiffExSegValue10" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 10.
See COASegment segment number 10 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 10"
FIELD "DiffExSegValue11" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 11.
See COASegment segment number 11 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 11"
FIELD "DiffExSegValue12" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 12.
See COASegment segment number 12 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 12"
FIELD "DiffExSegValue13" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 13.
See COASegment segment number 13 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 13"
FIELD "DiffExSegValue14" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 14.
See COASegment segment number 14 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 14"
FIELD "DiffExSegValue15" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 15.
See COASegment segment number 15 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 15"
FIELD "DiffExSegValue16" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 16.
See COASegment segment number 16 for a descript
ion of this field." LABEL "Segment Value 16"
FIELD "DiffExSegValue17" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 17.
See COASegment segment number 17 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 17"
FIELD "DiffExSegValue18" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 18.
See COASegment segment number 18 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 18"
FIELD "DiffExSegValue19" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 19.
See COASegment segment number 19 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 19"
FIELD "DiffExSegValue20" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 20.
See COASegment segment number 20 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 20"
FIELD "RemoteAcct" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "The free form Diff on
Exchange Acct for a Remote Parent that is n ot a Vantage Database " LABEL "Diff On
Exchange Remote Acct"
FIELD "BalanceSheetDefType" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "The related
ConsType ID" LABEL "Bal Sheet Default Consolidation Type"
FIELD "IncomeStmtDefType" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "The related
ConsType ID" LABEL "Income Stmt Default Consolidation Type"
FIELD "ClosingPeriods" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": integer DESCRIPTION "The number of closing
periods to be processed during consolidatio n. The default value is zero which
indicates that closing periods are not conso lidated." LABEL "Closing Periods"
COLUMN-LABEL "Closing Periods"
FIELD "ExcludeOpenPrds" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": logical DESCRIPTION "Applies to Periodic
Consolidation only. Logical indicating if op en periods are excluded from
consolidation. If yes, any balance records written against a source book in a
period that is still open is not sent to the target company. If no, all balance
records are sent. Note: The fiscal calendar is def ined on the GLBook table for the
source company and book." LABEL "Exclude Open Periods"
COLUMN-LABEL "Exclude Open Periods"
FIELD "TgtJrnlCode" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "The journal code to
use when posting the consolidation records in the target company book." LABEL
FIELD "ReverseDBCR" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": logical DESCRIPTION "This option is only
avaialble when 'Use Intermediate Book' equals yes. Indicates if debit and credit
amounts are swapped before the data is tran sferred. " LABEL "Reverse Debits and
Credits" COLUMN-LABEL "Reverse Debits and Credits"
FIELD "COAMapUID" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": integer DESCRIPTION "Accounting segments
mapping ID to use when calling the mapping en gine. Must be a valid entry in the
COAMap table. This is NOT available when re mote parent is set to true. The source
COA on the mapping record must be the sa me as the COA assigned to the source book.
If the source company equals the tar get company then the target COA on this
mapping record must be the COA assigned to the target book." LABEL "COA Map UID"
FIELD "IntermediateJrnlCode" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "Only
available when 'Use Intermediate Book' equals yes. This is the the journal code to
use when posting consolidated entries to the intermediat e book." LABEL
"Intermediate Journal Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Journal Code"
FIELD "ConsDefID" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifer for the
consolidation definition"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ConsSrcCtrl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "GenIDSource" ON "ConsSrcCtrl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
GenID By SourceBook"
INDEX "GenSource" ON "ConsSrcCtrl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company, By
GenID, By Source Book, By FiscalYear, By FiscalYea rSuffix, By FiscalPeriod"
INDEX "Posted" ON "ConsSrcCtrl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company, By
PostedDate, By PostedTime"
INDEX "SourceFiscal" ON "ConsSrcCtrl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
Sourcebook By Fiscal Year By Fiscal Year Suffix By Fiscal Period"
INDEX "SysIndex" ON "ConsSrcCtrl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "SysRowID"

TABLE "ConsSrcRates" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Conslidation Source Rates.

Stores the exchange rates used by the consolidate to target/parent process."
FIELD "Company" OF "ConsSrcRates": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "SourceBook" OF "ConsSrcRates": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier
This is the book that is being consolidat ed into a target book." LABEL "Source
Book" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Book"
FIELD "GenID" OF "ConsSrcRates": integer DESCRIPTION "Internal system calcualted
sequence number not inteneded for exte rnal use." LABEL "Generation ID" COLUMN-
LABEL "Generation ID"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "ConsSrcRates": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year." LABEL
"Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "ConsSrcRates": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year
suffix. Allows for additional breakdown/definiti on of fiscal years, for example,
by quarters." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "ConsSrcRates": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal period
number in the fiscal year." LABEL "Fiscal Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Period"
FIELD "RateTypeID" OF "ConsSrcRates": character DESCRIPTION "Rate Type id of
related RateType." LABEL "Rate Type"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "ConsSrcRates": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal
calendar year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-
LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "ExchangeRate" OF "ConsSrcRates": decimal DESCRIPTION "Exchange Rate that
will be used for this Rate Type. "
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ConsSrcRates": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ConsSrcRates": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "UserModified" OF "ConsSrcRates": logical DESCRIPTION "Internal field used to
indicate whether or not the user modified the rates." LABEL "User Modified" COLUMN-
LABEL "User Modified"
FIELD "RateError" OF "ConsSrcRates": logical DESCRIPTION "Internal field used to
indicate if the system was unable to calcu ate the rates. If yes, the rates are in
error. If no, the rates are okay." LABEL "Rate Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Rate Error"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ConsSrcRates": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "CalcDate" OF "ConsSrcRates": date DESCRIPTION "Calculation Date" LABEL
INDEX "GenSourceFY" ON "ConsSrcRates" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company,
By GenID, By SourceBook, By FiscalYear, By FiscalYear Suffix, By FiscalPeriod, By
INDEX "SysIndex" ON "ConsSrcRates" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "SysRowID"

TABLE "ConsTgtDef" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Consolidation Target Definition.

Defines the target into which s
ources are consolidated."
FIELD "Company" OF "ConsTgtDef": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ConsDefID" OF "ConsTgtDef": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifer for the
consolidation definition"
FIELD "TgtCompany" OF "ConsTgtDef": character DESCRIPTION "Target Company
Identifier." LABEL "Target Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Company"
FIELD "TgtBook" OF "ConsTgtDef": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier This
is the book the source book is conso lidated to." LABEL "Target Book" COLUMN-LABEL
"Target Book"
FIELD "RemoteParent" OF "ConsTgtDef": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to notify the
consolidation routine whether or not the Paren t company is in the same database as
the subsidiary's data." LABEL "Remote Parent"
FIELD "VantageDB" OF "ConsTgtDef": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to notify the
consolidation routine whether or not the Paren t company is running a Vantage
database." LABEL "Vantage Database"
FIELD "OutputFile" OF "ConsTgtDef": character DESCRIPTION "Import/Export file
name." LABEL "Output File Name" COLUMN-LABEL "Output File Name"
FIELD "ConsolidationType" OF "ConsTgtDef": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies how
data is consolidated. P = Periodic. C = Continuo us.

FIELD "TargetCOA" OF "ConsTgtDef": character DESCRIPTION "Target Chart of Accounts.
Can only be entered when remote parent is set to true or when the source and target
companies are not the same and the target book is null. This must be a vlaid entry
in the GLBCOA table." LABEL "Target COA Code"
FIELD "IntermediateBookID" OF "ConsTgtDef": character DESCRIPTION "Only available
when 'Use Intermediate Book' equals true. Must be
a valid GLBook in the source company whose BookType = 2 (Consolidation). The i
ntermediate book must have the same COA and currency as the target book." LABEL
"Intermediate Book" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Book"
FIELD "ImmediateTrans" OF "ConsTgtDef": logical DESCRIPTION "Logical indicating if
the data written to the intermediate book i s automatically transferred to the
target company. If yes, the data is automati cally transferred. If not, the user
has the opportunity to review the intermedi ate books and is responsible for
submitting the process that transfers the data. This option is only available when
'Use Intermediate Book' equals yes." LABEL "Immediate Transaction" COLUMN-LABEL
"Immediate Transaction"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ConsTgtDef": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ConsTgtDef": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "Description" OF "ConsTgtDef": character DESCRIPTION "Free form text that
describes the target that sources are consoli dated into." LABEL "Description"
COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "ConsTgtDef": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the currency." LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "RemoteAcct" OF "ConsTgtDef": character DESCRIPTION "The free form Diff on
Exchange Acct for a Remote Parent that is n ot a Vantage Database " LABEL "Diff On
Exchange Remote Acct"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ConsTgtDef": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "ConsDefID" ON "ConsTgtDef" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company, By
INDEX "ConsType" ON "ConsTgtDef" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
Consolidation type"
INDEX "OutputFile" ON "ConsTgtDef" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company, By
INDEX "SysIndex" ON "ConsTgtDef" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Sys Row ID"
INDEX "Target" ON "ConsTgtDef" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company, By
TgtCompany, By TgtBook, By TargetCOA"
INDEX "WordDesc" ON "ConsTgtDef" AREA "Schema Area" WORD DESCRIPTION "By

TABLE "ConsTgtGen" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Conslidated Target Generation.

Defines the parameters used by a conslidation to parent target."
FIELD "Company" OF "ConsTgtGen": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GenID" OF "ConsTgtGen": integer DESCRIPTION "Internal system calculated
sequence number not inteneded for exte rnal use." LABEL "Generation ID" COLUMN-
LABEL "Generation ID"
FIELD "Description" OF "ConsTgtGen": character DESCRIPTION "Generation Description"
LABEL "Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "GenStatus" OF "ConsTgtGen": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the current
status of the generation. O = Open generat ion and consolidation have not occurred.
G = Generated. PI = Posted to the In termediate book. P = consolidated and Posted
to the target." LABEL "Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Status"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ConsTgtGen": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ConsTgtGen": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "ConsDefID" OF "ConsTgtGen": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifer for the
consolidation definition"
FIELD "TgtCompany" OF "ConsTgtGen": character DESCRIPTION "Target Company
Identifier." LABEL "Target Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Company"
FIELD "TgtBook" OF "ConsTgtGen": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier This
is the book the source book is conso lidated to." LABEL "Target Book" COLUMN-LABEL
"Target Book"
FIELD "TargetCOA" OF "ConsTgtGen": character DESCRIPTION "Target Chart of Accounts.
Can only be entered when remote parent is set to true or when the source and target
companies are not the same and the target book is null. This must be a vlaid entry
in the GLBCOA table." LABEL "Target COA Code"
FIELD "IntermediateBookID" OF "ConsTgtGen": character DESCRIPTION "Only available
when 'Use Intermediate Book' equals true. Must be a valid GLBook in the source
company whose BookType = 2 (Consolidation). The i ntermediate book must have the
same COA and currency as the target book." LABEL "Intermediate Book" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Book"
FIELD "ImmediateTrans" OF "ConsTgtGen": logical DESCRIPTION "Logical indicating if
the data written to the intermediate book i s automatically transferred to the
target company. If yes, the data is automati cally transferred. If not, the user
has the opportunity to review the intermedi ate books and is responsible for
submitting the process that transfers the data. This option is only available when
'Use Intermediate Book' equals yes." LABEL "Immediate Transaction" COLUMN-LABEL
"Immediate Transaction"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "ConsTgtGen": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the currency." LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "RemoteParent" OF "ConsTgtGen": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to notify the
consolidation routine whether or not the Paren t company is in the same database as
the subsidiary's data." LABEL "Remote Parent"
FIELD "VantageDB" OF "ConsTgtGen": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to notify the
consolidation routine whether or not the Paren t company is running a Vantage
database." LABEL "Vantage Database"
FIELD "OutputFile" OF "ConsTgtGen": character DESCRIPTION "Import/Export file
name." LABEL "Output File Name" COLUMN-LABEL "Output File Name"
FIELD "RemoteAcct" OF "ConsTgtGen": character DESCRIPTION "The free form Diff on
Exchange Acct for a Remote Parent that is n ot a Vantage Database " LABEL "Diff On
Exchange Remote Acct"
FIELD "ConsolidationType" OF "ConsTgtGen": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies how
data is consolidated. P = Periodic. C = Continuo us.

FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ConsTgtGen": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "GenID" ON "ConsTgtGen" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company, By GenID"

INDEX "ConsDefID" ON "ConsTgtGen" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company, By

ConsDefID, By GenID"
INDEX "ConsType" ON "ConsTgtGen" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By company By
ConsType By GenID"
INDEX "GenConsID" ON "ConsTgtGen" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By company, By
GenID, By ConsID"
INDEX "GenStatus" ON "ConsTgtGen" AREA "Schema Area"
DESCRIPTION "By Company By ConsDefID By GenStatus By GenID"
INDEX "SysIndex" ON "ConsTgtGen" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "SysRowID"
INDEX "Target" ON "ConsTgtGen" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company, By
TargetCompany, By TargetBook, By TargetCOA"

TABLE "ConsTgtSrc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Conslidation Target Source.

Describes the source books that are consolidated into a target."
FIELD "Company" OF "ConsTgtSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ConsDefID" OF "ConsTgtSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifer for the
consolidation definition"
FIELD "SourceBook" OF "ConsTgtSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier
This is the book that is being consolidat ed into a target book." LABEL "Source
Book" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Book"
FIELD "BalanceSheetDefType" OF "ConsTgtSrc": character DESCRIPTION "The related
ConsType ID" LABEL "Bal Sheet Default Consolidation Type"
FIELD "IncomeStmtDefType" OF "ConsTgtSrc": character DESCRIPTION "The related
ConsType ID" LABEL "Income Stmt Default Consolidation Type"
FIELD "ClosingPeriods" OF "ConsTgtSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "The number of closing
periods to be processed during consolidatio n. The default value is zero which
indicates that closing periods are not conso lidated." LABEL "Closing Periods"
COLUMN-LABEL "Closing Periods"
FIELD "ExcludeOpenPrds" OF "ConsTgtSrc": logical DESCRIPTION "Applies to Periodic
Consolidation only. Logical indicating if op en periods are excluded from
consolidation. If yes, any balance records written against a source book in a
period that is still open is not sent to the target company. If no, all balance
records are sent. Note: The fiscal calendar is def ined on the GLBook table for the
source company and book." LABEL "Exclude Open Periods" COLUMN-LABEL "Exclude Open
FIELD "TgtJrnlCode" OF "ConsTgtSrc": character DESCRIPTION "The journal code to use
when posting the consolidation records in the target company book." LABEL "Journal"

FIELD "ReverseDBCR" OF "ConsTgtSrc": logical DESCRIPTION "This option is only

avaialble when 'Use Intermediate Book' equals yes. Indicates if debit and credit
amounts are swapped before the data is tran sferred. " LABEL "Reverse Debits and
Credits" COLUMN-LABEL "Reverse Debits and Credits"
FIELD "COAMapUID" OF "ConsTgtSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "Accounting segments mapping
ID to use when calling the mapping en gine. Must be a valid entry in the COAMap
table. This is NOT available when re mote parent is set to true. The source COA on
the mapping record must be the sa me as the COA assigned to the source book. If the
source company equals the tar get company then the target COA on this mapping
record must be the COA assigned to the target book." LABEL "COA Map UID" COLUMN-
FIELD "IntermediateJrnlCode" OF "ConsTgtSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Only available
when 'Use Intermediate Book' equals yes. This is the the journal code to use when
posting consolidated entries to the intermediat e book." LABEL "Intermediate
Journal Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Journal Code"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ConsTgtSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ConsTgtSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "DiffOnExchangeAcct" OF "ConsTgtSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Account Number
where rounding differences will be posted" LABEL "Exchange Variances Account"
FIELD "DiffExSegValue1" OF "ConsTgtSrc": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 1. See
COASegment segment number 1 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "DiffExSegValue2" OF "ConsTgtSrc": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 2. See
COASegment segment number 1 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "DiffExSegValue3" OF "ConsTgtSrc": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 3. See
COASegment segment number 3 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
3" COLUMN-LABEL "Segment Value 3"
FIELD "DiffExSegValue4" OF "ConsTgtSrc": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 4. See
COASegment segment number 4 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
4" COLUMN-LABEL "Segment Value 4"
FIELD "DiffExSegValue5" OF "ConsTgtSrc": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 5. See
COASegment segment number 5 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "DiffExSegValue6" OF "ConsTgtSrc": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 6. See
COASegment segment number 6 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "DiffExSegValue7" OF "ConsTgtSrc": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 7. See
COASegment segment number 7 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "DiffExSegValue8" OF "ConsTgtSrc": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 8. See
COASegment segment number 8 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "DiffExSegValue9" OF "ConsTgtSrc": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 9. See
COASegment segment number 9 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "DiffExSegValue10" OF "ConsTgtSrc": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 10.
See COASegment segment number 10 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 10"
FIELD "DiffExSegValue11" OF "ConsTgtSrc": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 11.
See COASegment segment number 11 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 11"
FIELD "DiffExSegValue12" OF "ConsTgtSrc": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 12.
See COASegment segment number 12 for a descript ion of this field."
LABEL "Segment Value 12"
FIELD "DiffExSegValue13" OF "ConsTgtSrc": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 13.
See COASegment segment number 13 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 13"
FIELD "DiffExSegValue14" OF "ConsTgtSrc": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 14.
See COASegment segment number 14 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 14"
FIELD "DiffExSegValue15" OF "ConsTgtSrc": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 15.
See COASegment segment number 15 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 15"
FIELD "DiffExSegValue16" OF "ConsTgtSrc": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 16.
See COASegment segment number 16 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 16"
FIELD "DiffExSegValue17" OF "ConsTgtSrc": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 17.
See COASegment segment number 17 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 17"
FIELD "DiffExSegValue18" OF "ConsTgtSrc": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 18.
See COASegment segment number 18 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 18"
FIELD "DiffExSegValue19" OF "ConsTgtSrc": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 19.
See COASegment segment number 19 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 19"
FIELD "DiffExSegValue20" OF "ConsTgtSrc": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 20.
See COASegment segment number 20 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 20"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ConsTgtSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "ConsIDSource" ON "ConsTgtSrc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company, By
ConsID, By SourceBook"
INDEX "SourceBook" ON "ConsTgtSrc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
Source Book"
INDEX "SysIndex" ON "ConsTgtSrc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Sys Row"

TABLE "ConsType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Consolidation Type"

FIELD "Company" OF "ConsType": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ConsTypeID" OF "ConsType": character DESCRIPTION "Consolidation Type
Identifier" LABEL "Consolidation Type ID"
FIELD "Description" OF "ConsType": character DESCRIPTION "Consoldation Type
FIELD "CalcType" OF "ConsType": character DESCRIPTION "B-Balance, P-Period End"
LABEL "Calculation Type"
FIELD "RateTypeID" OF "ConsType": character DESCRIPTION "Rate Type id of related
RateType." LABEL "Rate Type"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ConsType": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ConsType": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ConsType": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "ContainerClass" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Master File defining the
containers tracked via ContainerTracking ."
FIELD "Company" OF "ContainerClass": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company"
FIELD "ClassCode" OF "ContainerClass": character DESCRIPTION "Container Class Code
ID" LABEL "Class Code"
FIELD "Description" OF "ContainerClass": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive text
identifying the Container Class" LABEL "Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "ContainerCost" OF "ContainerClass": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total cost to ship
this container" LABEL "Container Cost"
FIELD "ShippingDays" OF "ContainerClass": integer DESCRIPTION "Lead time it takes
for this container to reach its destination. This is a buffer amount used to offset
the shipping date to identify when a ship ment is due to arrive. For example if the
shipping days is 30 and the ship date of the container is January 1, the expected
arrival date of the container is Ja nuary 31." LABEL "Shipping Days"
FIELD "Volume" OF "ContainerClass": decimal DESCRIPTION "Container volume,
frequently specified in cubic sq feet." LABEL "Volume"
FIELD "CostPerVolume" OF "ContainerClass": decimal DESCRIPTION "Volume cost of the
container. This is calculated by dividing the container cost by the Volume." LABEL
"Cost Per Volume"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "ContainerClass": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the currency." LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "VolumeUOM" OF "ContainerClass": character DESCRIPTION "Unit of measure used
to qualify the Volume. If entered, must be valid in the standard ""Volume"" UOMs
(UOMClass.ClassType = ""Volume"")" LABEL "Volume UOM"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ContainerClass": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ContainerClass": integer
DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."

FIELD "LoadPortID" OF "ContainerClass": character DESCRIPTION "Valid Loading Port

ID where goods are loaded on the vessel." LABEL "Loading Port ID"
FIELD "DechargePortID" OF "ContainerClass": character DESCRIPTION "Valid port
location where goods are unloaded." LABEL "Discharge Port ID"
FIELD "ShipViaCode" OF "ContainerClass": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code
assigned by user which uniquely identifies a shi pping method (carrier) master
record." LABEL "Ship Via"
FIELD "FOB" OF "ContainerClass": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code assigned
by user which uniquely identifies the f ob record." LABEL "FOB"
FIELD "ContainerCount" OF "ContainerClass": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of
Containers in this shipment." LABEL "Container Count"
FIELD "PackageCount" OF "ContainerClass": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of Packages
in this shipment." LABEL "Package Count"
FIELD "Weight" OF "ContainerClass": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Weight of the
shipment." LABEL "Weight"
FIELD "WeightUOM" OF "ContainerClass": character DESCRIPTION "Qualifies the unit of
measure of the Weight field. Must be a UOMConv of the UOMClass with ClassType of
""weight"". Use UOMClass.D efUOMCode of the ""weight"" UOMClass as a default if
Part.NetWeightUOM is not k nown. " LABEL "Weight UOM"
FIELD "UpliftPercent" OF "ContainerClass": decimal DESCRIPTION "Uplift Percent is
used to calculate additional landed cost amount on top of the given indirect cost."
LABEL "Uplift %"
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "ContainerClass": integer DESCRIPTION "This key links the
record to the Vendor file." LABEL "Carrier"
FIELD "ConNum" OF "ContainerClass": integer DESCRIPTION "Carrier (Supplier) Contact
number. Unique identifier for the con tact record." LABEL "Contact Num" COLUMN-
FIELD "PurPoint" OF "ContainerClass": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the key of
the Purchase Point (VendorPP) record that sho uld be used as a default for the
vendor. Purchase points are used in Purchase Or ders like Customer Shipto are used
in Sales Orders. A blank value signifies that the default should be the vendor
itself. This field is updated via a toggle box in purchase point maintenance. When
the user checks this box the key of the Pur chase Point record (PurPoint) is placed
into this field. This method insures tha t only one Purchase point can exist as the
default. Also if the toggle box is cl eared then this field should be updated to
blanks." LABEL "Pur Point"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ContainerClass": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalContainerClass" OF "ContainerClass": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this
ContainerClass as global, available to be sent out to other companies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "ContainerClass": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record
from receiving global updates."
INDEX "CompanyClassCode" ON "ContainerClass" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By
Company By Class Code"
INDEX "CompanyDesc" ON "ContainerClass" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By Description"

TABLE "ContainerDetail" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Container Detail records

link the container to each of the relate d PO Releases."
FIELD "Company" OF "ContainerDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company"
FIELD "ContainerID" OF "ContainerDetail": integer DESCRIPTION "Autogenerated
container ID. Maintained by using the ContainerIDS eq." LABEL "Container ID"
FIELD "ContainerShipQty" OF "ContainerDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "The quantity of
the PO Release that is shipped on this container. " LABEL "Ship Qty"
FIELD "Comment" OF "ContainerDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Free form text
describing the container detail." LABEL "Comments"
FIELD "PONum" OF "ContainerDetail": integer DESCRIPTION "Purchase order number that
uniquely identifies the purchase order on this container." LABEL "PO Num" COLUMN-
FIELD "POLine" OF "ContainerDetail": integer DESCRIPTION "The line number of the
detail record on the purchase order. This number uniquely identifies the record
within the Purchase Order number on this container" LABEL "PO Line" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "PORelNum" OF "ContainerDetail": integer DESCRIPTION "Purchase order release
number uniquely identifies a purchase rele ase requirement record for a specific
line item on an order on this container." LABEL "PO Release" COLUMN-LABEL "Release"

FIELD "PackSlip" OF "ContainerDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Vendors Packing Slip

#. " LABEL "Packing Slip"
FIELD "Volume" OF "ContainerDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount of space consumed
in the container by this detail line, of ten specified in cubic square feet. "
LABEL "Cubic Sq Feet"
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "ContainerDetail": integer DESCRIPTION "The internal key that
is used to tie back to the Vendor master fi le. " LABEL "Supplier Num"
FIELD "PurPoint" OF "ContainerDetail": character DESCRIPTION "The Vendors purchase
point ID." LABEL "Purchase Point"
FIELD "LCAmt" OF "ContainerDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "The total amount of
disbursed landed cost for this container deta il. This amount includes the duties
and indirect costs per container shipment l
ine. The total disbursed LCAmt is the sum of LCIndCost, LCDutyAmt, LCUpliftIndCo st
and LCSpecLineDutyAmt." LABEL "Landed Cost Amt"
FIELD "Weight" OF "ContainerDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "Nett Weight" LABEL
FIELD "OurUnitCost" OF "ContainerDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "Unit cost based on
our unit of measure." LABEL "Our Unit Cost"
FIELD "DocOurUnitCost" OF "ContainerDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "Unit cost based
on our unit of measure in document currency." LABEL "Doc Our Unit Cost"
FIELD "Rpt1OurUnitCost" OF "ContainerDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting
currency value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Our Unit Cost"
FIELD "Rpt2OurUnitCost" OF "ContainerDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting
currency value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Our Unit Cost"
FIELD "Rpt3OurUnitCost" OF "ContainerDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting
currency value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Our Unit Cost"
FIELD "NetWeightUOM" OF "ContainerDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Qualifies the
unit of measure of the Weight field. Must be a UOMConv of the UOMClass with
ClassType of ""weight"". Use UOMClass.D efUOMCode of the ""weight"" UOMClass as a
default if Part.NetWeightUOM is not k nown. " LABEL "Weight UOM"
FIELD "VolumeUOM" OF "ContainerDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Qualifies the unit
of measure of the Volume field. Must be a UOMConv of the UOMClass with ClassType of
""volume"". Use UOMClass.D efUOMCode of the ""volume"" UOMClass as a default if
Part.NetVolumeUOM is not k nown. " LABEL "UOM"
FIELD "ShipQtyUOm" OF "ContainerDetail": character DESCRIPTION "UOM of Shipment
Quantity." LABEL "UOM"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ContainerDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ContainerDetail": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "OrderNum" OF "ContainerDetail": integer DESCRIPTION "Order Num related to
the purchase order that is being received. U sed only for Buy To Order POs." LABEL
FIELD "OrderLine" OF "ContainerDetail": integer DESCRIPTION "The line number of the
sales order related to the purchase order that is being received. Used only for Buy
To Order POs." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "OrderRelNum" OF "ContainerDetail": integer DESCRIPTION "The release number
of the sales order line related to the purchas e order that is being received. Used
only for Buy To Order POs." LABEL "Rel"
FIELD "ArrivedQtyUOM" OF "ContainerDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Unit of Measure
of the Arrived Qty." LABEL "UOM"
FIELD "ReceivedQty" OF "ContainerDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "Received Quantity as
reported in the receipt line." LABEL "Received Qty"
FIELD "ReceivedQtyUOM" OF "ContainerDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Unit of Measure
of the Received Qty" LABEL "UOM"
FIELD "ShipStatus" OF "ContainerDetail": character DESCRIPTION "The current status
of the container shipment. Valid values are: Ordered, Shipped, Imported, Arrived
and Received." LABEL "Status"
FIELD "UpliftPercent" OF "ContainerDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "Uplift Percent is
used to calculate additional landed cost amount on top of the given indirect cost."
LABEL "Uplift %"
FIELD "LCDutyAmt" OF "ContainerDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "The total Duty Amount
portion of the landed cost for this contain er detail. The total disbursed LCAmt is
the sum of LCIndCost, LCDutyAmt, LCUplif tIndCost and LCSpecLineDutyAmt." LABEL "LC
Duty Amt"
FIELD "LCIndCost" OF "ContainerDetail": decimal
DESCRIPTION "The total Indirect Cost portion of the landed cost for this conta iner
detail. The total disbursed LCAmt is the sum of LCIndCost, LCDutyAmt, LCUpl
iftIndCost and LCSpecLineDutyAmt." LABEL "LC Indirect Cost"
FIELD "POTransValue" OF "ContainerDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is by default
the PO release value (including discounts, exc luding VAT/Sales Tax) but can be
overriden by the user. It is a system option a llowing the user to update this base
transaction value manually." LABEL "PO Trans Value"
FIELD "ExtTransValue" OF "ContainerDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the PO
Base Transaction Value plus all indirect costs whi ch are marked to include as
transaction value costs." LABEL "Extended Trans Value"
FIELD "OrigCountryNum" OF "ContainerDetail": integer DESCRIPTION "Country Number of
the Origin Country from the PO?s Supplier Purch ase Point." LABEL "Country of
FIELD "ContainerLineRef" OF "ContainerDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Container
shipment line reference or name." LABEL "Container Line Reference"
FIELD "ArrivedQty" OF "ContainerDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "Arrived Quantity as
reported in the receipt line." LABEL "Arrived Qty"
FIELD "ReceivedDate" OF "ContainerDetail": date DESCRIPTION "The date the container
shipment detail is received. Defaults as c urrent system date." LABEL "Received
FIELD "CommodityCode" OF "ContainerDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Harmonized
System (HS) goods classification code." LABEL "Commodity Code" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "ArrivedDate" OF "ContainerDetail": date DESCRIPTION "The date the container
shipment detail arrived. Defaults as curre nt system date." LABEL "Arrived Date"
FIELD "LCSpecLineDutyAmt" OF "ContainerDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the
prorated portion of the Specific Duty Amount based on the line tariffs as factor.
The total disbursed LCAmt is the sum of LCIndCost, LCDutyAmt, LCUpliftIndCost and
LCSpecLineDutyAmt." LABEL "Specific Line Duty Amount"
FIELD "AppliedRcptLCAmt" OF "ContainerDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "The total
Landed Cost Amount received for this container shipment line." LABEL "Applied
Receipt LC Amount"
FIELD "LCUpliftIndCost" OF "ContainerDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "The total Uplift
Indirect Cost Amount of the container shipment l ine. The total disbursed LCAmt is
the sum of LCIndCost, LCDutyAmt, LCUpliftIndCo st and LCSpecLineDutyAmt." LABEL
"Uplift Line Indirect Cost"
FIELD "AppliedLCVariance" OF "ContainerDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field
holds the applied variance amount for the landed costs ."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ContainerDetail": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GrossWeight" OF "ContainerDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "Gross Weight" LABEL
"Gross Weight"
FIELD "GrossWeightUOM" OF "ContainerDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Qualifies the
unit of measure of the GrossWeight field. Must be a UOMConv of the UOMClass with
ClassType of ""weight"". Use UOMClass.D efUOMCode of the ""weight"" UOMClass as a
defaul t if Part.NetWeightUOM is not known. " LABEL "Gross Weight UOM"
INDEX "ContainerPORelease" ON "ContainerDetail" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By
Company By Container By PoNum By POLine By PORelease"
INDEX "PoPoline" ON "ContainerDetail" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
PO Number By PO Line"
INDEX "PORelease" ON "ContainerDetail" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By PONum By PO Line By PO Release"
INDEX "VendPack" ON "ContainerDetail" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
VendorNum By Purpoint By Packslip"

TABLE "ContainerDuty" AREA "Schema Area"

DESCRIPTION "This table holds the Container Shipment Duty information needed t o
calculate the tariff or duty for each shipment line. This is a child table of
ContainerDetail table."
FIELD "Company" OF "ContainerDuty": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company"
FIELD "ContainerID" OF "ContainerDuty": integer DESCRIPTION "Autogenerated
container ID. Maintained by using the ContainerIDS eq." LABEL "Container ID"
FIELD "PONum" OF "ContainerDuty": integer DESCRIPTION "Purchase order number that
uniquely identifies the purchase order on this container." LABEL "PO Num" COLUMN-
FIELD "POLine" OF "ContainerDuty": integer DESCRIPTION "The line number of the
detail record on the purchase order. This number uniquely identifies the record
within the Purchase Order number on this container" LABEL "PO Line" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "PORelNum" OF "ContainerDuty": integer DESCRIPTION "Purchase order release
number uniquely identifies a purchase rele ase requirement record for a specific
line item on an order on this container." LABEL "PO Release" COLUMN-LABEL "Release"

FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ContainerDuty": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for

this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ContainerDuty": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "DutySeq" OF "ContainerDuty": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique Number
automatically assigned which is used along with Con tainerID, PONum, POLine and
PORelNum to uniquely identify the Duty record within the Container Shipment Line."
FIELD "TariffCode" OF "ContainerDuty": character DESCRIPTION "Tariff Code must be
for a Preference Scheme that is linked to the Country of Origin." LABEL "Tariff
FIELD "DutyAmt" OF "ContainerDuty": decimal DESCRIPTION "Duty Amount is calculated
based on PO Release Value, Shipment Qty , Tariff Rate, Tariff Percent and Tariff
Specific Amount. Formula: (Total Shipment Qty * Tariff Rate) + (Total Shipment
Value * Tariff Per cent) + Specific Duty Amount " LABEL "Duty Amount"
FIELD "CommentText" OF "ContainerDuty": character DESCRIPTION "Container Duty
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ContainerDuty": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "ContainerHeader" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Header file for shipments
being tracked via Container Tracking. Identifies and describes the shipment and
receipt data for a given container."
FIELD "Company" OF "ContainerHeader": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company"
FIELD "ContainerID" OF "ContainerHeader": integer DESCRIPTION "Autogenerated
container ID. Maintained by using the ContainerIDS eq." LABEL "Container ID"
FIELD "ShipDate" OF "ContainerHeader": date DESCRIPTION "Date the container is to
ship. " LABEL "Ship Date"
FIELD "Shipped" OF "ContainerHeader": logical DESCRIPTION "Logical indicating if
the container has shipped." LABEL "Shipped"
FIELD "ContainerClass" OF "ContainerHeader": character DESCRIPTION "Class of this
container. Must be a valid entry in the ContainerC lass master file." LABEL
"Container Class"
FIELD "ContainerCost" OF "ContainerHeader": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total cost to ship
this container. This is defaulted to the valu e on the ContainerClass but can be
overridden by the end user. The total Contain erCost is the sum of
ContainerIndCost, ContainerDutyAmt, UpliftIndCost and SpecD utyAmt." LABEL
"Container Cost"
FIELD "ContainerComments" OF "ContainerHeader": character DESCRIPTION
"Notes/comments about the container shipment." LABEL "Comment"
FIELD "ShippingDays" OF "ContainerHeader": integer DESCRIPTION "Lead time it takes
for this container to reach its destination. This is a buffer amount used to offset
the shipping date to identify when a ship ment is due to arrive. For example if the
shipping days is 30 and the ship date of the container is January 1, the expected
arrival date of the container is Ja nuary 31.
FIELD "ContainerDescription" OF "ContainerHeader": character DESCRIPTION "Free form
text that describes this particular container." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "NewPoRelAtReceipt" OF "ContainerHeader": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines if
a new PO release is created at receipt when the qua ntity received is less than the
quantity shipped. The new PO Rel quantity is th e difference between the ship
quantity and the receipt quantity. " LABEL "PO Rel At Receipt"
FIELD "Volume" OF "ContainerHeader": decimal DESCRIPTION "Container volume,
frequently specified in cubic sq feet." LABEL "Volume"
FIELD "CostPerVolume" OF "ContainerHeader": decimal DESCRIPTION "Volume cost of the
container. This is calculated by dividing the container cost by the Volume." LABEL
"Cost Per Volume"
FIELD "ContainerReference" OF "ContainerHeader": character DESCRIPTION "The
container reference is typically the shipping company's assig ned container ID. "
LABEL "Reference" COLUMN-LABEL "Reference"
FIELD "OBS900-LCChart" OF "ContainerHeader": character DESCRIPTION "The Chart
component of the GL account. "
FIELD "OBS900-LCGlDept" OF "ContainerHeader": character DESCRIPTION "The Department
component of the GL account. "
FIELD "OBS900-LCAcctDiv" OF "ContainerHeader": character DESCRIPTION "The Division
component of the GL account. "
FIELD "LCReference" OF "ContainerHeader": character DESCRIPTION "Reference
information for landed cost."
FIELD "LCComment" OF "ContainerHeader": character DESCRIPTION "Landed Cost
FIELD "LCVariance" OF "ContainerHeader": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field holds the
variance amount for the landed costs."
FIELD "LCDisburseMethod" OF "ContainerHeader": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies
how the landed cost (container cost) was disbursed amo ng the container details.
Valid options are Volume (default), Weight, Value and Manual." LABEL "Disburse
Method" COLUMN-LABEL "LCDisburesMethod"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "ContainerHeader": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code
that identifies the currency." LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "Obsolete900-RefToBase" OF "ContainerHeader": logical DESCRIPTION "The
direction of the RefToBaseRate is determined by this field. I f RefToBase is true
then the rate is expressed as ""1 reference currency is X Ba se currency"". If
RefToBase is false then the rate is expressed as ""1 Base cur rency is X reference
currency"". " LABEL "Reference to Base" COLUMN-LABEL "Reference to Base"
FIELD "Obsolete900-DocToRef" OF "ContainerHeader": logical DESCRIPTION "The
direction of the exchange rate is determined by this field. I f DocToRef is true
then the rate is expressed as ""1 document currency is X refe rence currency"". If
DocToRef is false then the rate is expressed as ""1 refere nce currency is X
document currency"". " LABEL "Document to Reference" COLUMN-LABEL "Document to
FIELD "LockRate" OF "ContainerHeader": logical DESCRIPTION "Used with the currency
module. When TRUE the currency rate can b e changed by the user and cannot be
changed by the system. This will also be th e default for the invoice." LABEL
FIELD "ExchangeRate" OF "ContainerHeader": decimal DESCRIPTION "Exchange rate that
will be used for this order. Defaults from CurrRate.CurrentRate. Conversion rates
will be calculated as System Base = Forei gn value * rate, Foreign value = system
base * (1/rate). This is the dollar in f oreign currency from the exchange rate
tables in the newspapers." LABEL "Exchange Rate" COLUMN-LABEL "Exchange Rate"
FIELD "CurrencyDate" OF "ContainerHeader": date DESCRIPTION "Currency Date" LABEL
"Currency Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Date"
FIELD "DocContainerCost" OF "ContainerHeader": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total cost to
ship this container in the doc currency." LABEL "Container Cost"
FIELD "PORelShipOption" OF "ContainerHeader": character DESCRIPTION "Valid values =
""Short"" and ""Create"". At the time a containe r is shipped, if this option is
set to ""Short"", the PO release quantity is red uced. If this option is set to
""Create"" the PO release quantity is reduced to the shipping quantity and a new PO
release is created for the difference between the original po release quantity and
the ship quantity. This is an optional fi eld." LABEL "PO Rel Ship Option"
FIELD "Rpt1ContainerCost" OF "ContainerHeader": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting
currency value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Container Cost"
FIELD "Rpt2ContainerCost" OF "ContainerHeader": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting
currency value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Container Cost"
FIELD "Rpt3ContainerCost" OF "ContainerHeader": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting
currency value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Container Cost"
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "ContainerHeader": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier"
LABEL "Rate Group Code"
FIELD "VolumeUOM" OF "ContainerHeader": character DESCRIPTION "Qualifies the unit
of measure of the Volume field. Must be a UOMConv of the UOMClass with ClassType of
""volume"". Use UOMClass.D efUOMCode of the ""volume"" UOMClass as a default.
Having a Volume UOM will provides the ability to calculate total volume" LABEL
"Volume UOM"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ContainerHeader": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ContainerHeader": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "LoadPortID" OF "ContainerHeader": character DESCRIPTION "Valid Loading Port
ID where goods are loaded on the vessel." LABEL "Loading Port ID"
FIELD "DechargePortID" OF "ContainerHeader": character
DESCRIPTION "Valid port location where goods are unloaded." LABEL "Discharge Port
FIELD "ShipViaCode" OF "ContainerHeader": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code
assigned by user which uniquely identifies a shi pping method (carrier) master
record." LABEL "Ship Via"
FIELD "FOB" OF "ContainerHeader": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code assigned
by user which uniquely identifies the f ob record." LABEL "FOB"
FIELD "ContainerCount" OF "ContainerHeader": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of
Containers in this shipment." LABEL "Container Count"
FIELD "PackageCount" OF "ContainerHeader": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of Packages
in this shipment." LABEL "Package Count"
FIELD "Weight" OF "ContainerHeader": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Weight of the
shipment." LABEL "Weight"
FIELD "WeightUOM" OF "ContainerHeader": character DESCRIPTION "Qualifies the unit
of measure of the Weight field. Must be a UOMConv of the UOMClass with ClassType of
""weight"". Use UOMClass.D efUOMCode of the ""weight"" UOMClass as a default if
Part.NetWeightUOM is not k nown. " LABEL "Weight UOM"
FIELD "UpliftPercent" OF "ContainerHeader": decimal DESCRIPTION "Uplift Percent is
used to calculate additional landed cost amount on top of the given indirect cost."
LABEL "Uplift %"
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "ContainerHeader": integer DESCRIPTION "This key links the
record to the Vendor file." LABEL "Carrier"
FIELD "ConNum" OF "ContainerHeader": integer DESCRIPTION "Carrier (Supplier)
Contact number. Unique identifier for the con tact record." LABEL "Contact Num"
FIELD "BOLading" OF "ContainerHeader": character DESCRIPTION "Bill of Lading
LABEL "Bill of Lading"
FIELD "BOExchange" OF "ContainerHeader": character DESCRIPTION "Bill of Exchange
Number" LABEL "Bill of Exchange"
FIELD "ShipStatus" OF "ContainerHeader": character DESCRIPTION "The current status
of the container shipment. Valid values are: Ordered, Shipped, Imported, Arrived
and Received." LABEL "Status"
FIELD "PORelRcptOption" OF "ContainerHeader": character DESCRIPTION "Valid values =
""Short"" and ""Create"". When the container arr ives, if this option is set to
""Short"", the PO release quantity is reduced. If this option is set to ""Create""
the PO release quantity is reduced to the arri ved quantity and a new PO release is
created for the difference between the orig inal po release quantity and the
arrived quantity. This is an optional field." LABEL "PO Rel Arrive Option"
FIELD "ImportNum" OF "ContainerHeader": character DESCRIPTION "Stores the number of
the import document." LABEL "Import Number"
FIELD "Vessel" OF "ContainerHeader": character DESCRIPTION "Name of the vessel
containing the shipment." LABEL "Vessel"
FIELD "SpecDutyAmt" OF "ContainerHeader": decimal DESCRIPTION "This value overrides
any tariffs on the duty lines. The Specific Duty Amount is prorated among the
shipment lines using the line tariffs as a fa ctor." LABEL "Specific Duty Amount"
FIELD "AppliedLCAmt" OF "ContainerHeader": decimal DESCRIPTION "The total Landed
Cost Amount disbursed or applied to this contain er shipment." LABEL "Applied LC
FIELD "ContainerDutyAmt" OF "ContainerHeader": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the
total Duty Amount of all container shipment lines. Th e total ContainerCost is the
sum of ContainerIndCost, ContainerDutyAmt, UpliftIn dCost and SpecDutyAmt." LABEL
"Container Duty Amt"
FIELD "ApplyToLC" OF "ContainerHeader": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate if
all of the shipment duties and indirect costs needs to be applied or disbursed."
LABEL "Apply to LC"
FIELD "ContainerIndCost" OF "ContainerHeader": decimal
DESCRIPTION "This is the total Indirect Cost Amount of the container shipment. The
total ContainerCost is the sum of ContainerIndCost, ContainerDutyAmt, Upli
ftIndCost and SpecDutyAmt." LABEL "Container Indirect Cost"
FIELD "ArrivedDate" OF "ContainerHeader": date DESCRIPTION "The date the container
shipment arrived. Defaults as current syst em date." LABEL "Arrived Date"
FIELD "ReceivedDate" OF "ContainerHeader": date DESCRIPTION "The date the container
shipment is received. Defaults as current system date." LABEL "Received Date"
FIELD "PurPoint" OF "ContainerHeader": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the key of
the Purchase Point (VendorPP) record that sho uld be used as a default for the
vendor. Purchase points are used in Purchase Or ders like Customer Shipto are used
in Sales Orders. A blank value signifies that the default should be the vendor
itself. This field is updated via a toggle box in purchase point maintenance. When
the user checks this box the key of the Pur chase Point record (PurPoint) is placed
into this field. This method insures tha t only one Purchase point can exist as the
default. Also if the toggle box is cl eared then this field should be updated to
blanks." LABEL "Pur Point"
FIELD "AppliedRcptLCAmt" OF "ContainerHeader": decimal DESCRIPTION "The total
Landed Cost Amount received for this container shipment ." LABEL "Applied Receipt
LC Amount"
FIELD "UpliftIndCost" OF "ContainerHeader": decimal DESCRIPTION "The total Uplift
Indirect Cost Amount of the container shipment. The total ContainerCost is the sum
of ContainerIndCost, ContainerDutyAmt, Uplift IndCost and SpecDutyAmt." LABEL
"Uplift Indirect Cost"
FIELD "DueDate" OF "ContainerHeader": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the Container
Shipment is due to arrive." LABEL "Due Date"
FIELD "AppliedLCVariance" OF "ContainerHeader": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field
holds the applied variance amount for the landed costs ."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ContainerHeader": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ImportedFrom" OF "ContainerHeader": integer
DESCRIPTION "Stores the Country from which the document is imported." LABEL
"Imported From"
FIELD "ImportedFromDesc" OF "ContainerHeader": character DESCRIPTION "Location
description from which the document is imported." LABEL "Imported From"
FIELD "TranDocTypeID" OF "ContainerHeader": character DESCRIPTION "Transaction
Document Type" LABEL "Transaction Document Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Transaction Document
FIELD "LegalNumber" OF "ContainerHeader": character DESCRIPTION "The Legal Number
of the record." LABEL "Legal Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Legal Number"
INDEX "ContainerID" ON "ContainerHeader" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By Container ID"
INDEX "ContainerClass" ON "ContainerHeader" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By
Company By Container Class"
INDEX "ContainerDesc" ON "ContainerHeader" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By
Company By Container Description"
INDEX "ContainerReference" ON "ContainerHeader" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By
Company By Container Reference"
INDEX "ShipDate" ON "ContainerHeader" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By

TABLE "ContainerMisc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table holds the
Container Shipment Miscellaneous Charge info rmation needed to calculate the
Indirect Costs of the shipment. This is a child table of ContainerHeader table."
FIELD "Company" OF "ContainerMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company"
FIELD "ContainerID" OF "ContainerMisc": integer DESCRIPTION "Autogenerated
container ID. Maintained by using the ContainerIDS
eq." LABEL "Container ID"
FIELD "MiscSeq" OF "ContainerMisc": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique Number
automatically assigned within the ContainerID to un iquely identify each Indirect
Costs for this container shipment." LABEL "Seq. Num" COLUMN-LABEL "Num"
FIELD "MiscCode" OF "ContainerMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Miscellaneous Charge ID
that is flagged for Landed Cost" LABEL "Charge ID"
FIELD "EstimateAmt" OF "ContainerMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "Estimated Amount used
in landed cost calculation if actual amount is not available." LABEL "Estimate
FIELD "ActualAmt" OF "ContainerMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual Amount coming
from the posted AP invoice miscellaneous cha rge." LABEL "Actual Amount"
FIELD "CommentText" OF "ContainerMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Container Indirect
Cost Comments"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ContainerMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ContainerMisc": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "DocEstimateAmt" OF "ContainerMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "Estimated Amount in
currency specified." LABEL "Doc Estimate Amount"
FIELD "DocActualAmt" OF "ContainerMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual Amount in
currency specified." LABEL "Doc Actual Amount"
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "ContainerMisc": integer DESCRIPTION "The Internal VendorNum
that ties back to the Vendor master file. " LABEL "Supplier Number"
FIELD "InvoiceNum" OF "ContainerMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Invoice Number from
corresponding APInvMsc record." LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "InvoiceLine" OF "ContainerMisc": integer DESCRIPTION "Invoice Line from
corresponding APInvMsc record." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "MscNum" OF "ContainerMisc": integer DESCRIPTION "The unique sequence number
identifying the AP invoice miscellaneo us charge." LABEL "Seq. Num" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "ExcludeFromLC" OF "ContainerMisc": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate if
the Indirect Cost is to be excluded from the Landed Cost calculation. Disabled when
IncTransValue is checked." LABEL "Exclude From LC"
FIELD "IncTransValue" OF "ContainerMisc": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate if
the Indirect Cost is to be included in the Tr ansaction Value (statistical value)
which is used to calculate duties. Disabled when the ExcludeFromLC is checked."
LABEL "Trans Value"
FIELD "LCDisburseMethod" OF "ContainerMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies how
the landed cost will be disbursed among the receip t details. Valid options are
Volume (only for po releases tied to a container), Weight, Value, Quantity and
Manual." LABEL "Disburse Method"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "ContainerMisc": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the currency." LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "LockRate" OF "ContainerMisc": logical DESCRIPTION "Used with the currency
module. When TRUE the currency rate can b e changed by the user and cannot be
changed by the system. This will also be th e default for the invoice." LABEL
FIELD "Rpt1EstimateAmt" OF "ContainerMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of the Estimated Amount." LABEL "Rpt Estimate Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2EstimateAmt" OF "ContainerMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of the Estimated Amount." LABEL "Rpt Estimate Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1ActualAmt" OF "ContainerMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of the Actual Amount." LABEL "Rpt Actual Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2ActualAmt" OF "ContainerMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of the Actual Amount." LABEL "Rpt Actual Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3EstimateAmt" OF "ContainerMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of the Estimated Amount." LABEL "Rpt Estimate Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3ActualAmt" OF "ContainerMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of the Actual Amount." LABEL "RptActual Amount"
FIELD "ApplyDate" OF "ContainerMisc": date DESCRIPTION "The date that will be used
to get the exchange rate if the indire ct cost is not associated with an invoice
miscellaneous charge." LABEL "Apply Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Apply Date"
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "ContainerMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of
the currency rate group." LABEL "Rate Group Code"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ContainerMisc": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "ContClassMisc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table stores the valid
Landed Cost Miscellaneous Charges for a given Container Shipment Class. This is a
child table of Container Shipment Class table."
FIELD "Company" OF "ContClassMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company"
FIELD "ClassCode" OF "ContClassMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Container Shipment
Class ID" LABEL "Class Code"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ContClassMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ContClassMisc": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "MiscCode" OF "ContClassMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code
assigned by user which uniquely identifies a Pur chasing Misc charge/credit master
record. Can't be blank. This is used as a for eign key in other files and may be
used in displays/reports where space for the full description is limited." LABEL
"Charge ID"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ContClassMisc": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "ControlSetting" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "ControlSetting" DESCRIPTION "This

is a child table of NamedSearch. It holds the value for eac h Control associated
with the named search."
FIELD "Company" OF "ControlSetting": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "SearchForm" OF "ControlSetting": character DESCRIPTION "Search Form"
FIELD "NSId" OF "ControlSetting": character DESCRIPTION "Namespace ID"
FIELD "DcdUserID" OF "ControlSetting": character DESCRIPTION "User ID" LABEL "User
FIELD "CalledFrom" OF "ControlSetting": character DESCRIPTION "Called From"
FIELD "ControlGuid" OF "ControlSetting": character DESCRIPTION "Control GUID"
FIELD "ControlValue" OF "ControlSetting": character DESCRIPTION "Control Value"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ControlSetting": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ControlSetting": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ControlSetting": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "CostBurden" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Contains the burden rates using
in the costing process."
FIELD "Company" OF "CostBurden": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GroupID" OF "CostBurden": character DESCRIPTION "A Cost Set Group ID is
required for each cost set. A Cost Set wo rks with a copy of the costs for all
parts. " LABEL "Group"
FIELD "RateSourceTableName" OF "CostBurden": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the
source table name of the labor rates. "
FIELD "SourceID" OF "CostBurden": character DESCRIPTION "The source id of the
record the rates came from. Will be either ResourceGrpID or ResourceID."
FIELD "Description" OF "CostBurden": character DESCRIPTION "The description of
SourceID. Will be the description from Resour ce or ResourceGroup." LABEL
"Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "BurdenType" OF "CostBurden": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
BurdenRate fields are either a flat hourly dolla r rate or a percentage of
LaborRate. Default is Hourly dollar rate. Set to ""F "" (flat) or ""P"" (percent)."
LABEL "Rate Type"
FIELD "ProdBurRate" OF "CostBurden": decimal DESCRIPTION "The burden rate for
production. " LABEL "Prod. Burden Rate" COLUMN-LABEL "P-Burden"
FIELD "SetupBurRate" OF "CostBurden": decimal DESCRIPTION "Default burden rate for
Setup time." LABEL "Setup Burden Rate" COLUMN-LABEL "S-Burden"
FIELD "Linked" OF "CostBurden": logical DESCRIPTION "For display purposes only.
Indicates if the record is linked to any of the manufactured parts in the CostPart
table (CostPart.TypeCode = M). Co
stPart, CostBurden, and CostLabor records are created based on the method of man
ufacturing of a part, but they can also be created regardless of the method of m
anufacturing. A record is considered linked if it is used in the method of manu
facturing structure of a manufactured part. "
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CostBurden": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CostBurden": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CostBurden": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "CostGrp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Used to track each unique cost
group. Used for Cost Set adjustme nts. "
FIELD "Company" OF "CostGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GroupID" OF "CostGrp": character DESCRIPTION "A Cost Set Group ID is
required for each cost set. A Cost Set wo rks with a copy of the costs for all
parts. " LABEL "Group"
FIELD "BOMRollupDate" OF "CostGrp": date DESCRIPTION "Used as the effectivity date
that will include the BOM revision t hat is in effect as of that date. " LABEL
"Effectivity Date"
FIELD "CreatedBy" OF "CostGrp": character DESCRIPTION "The user ID that created
this cost group." LABEL "Created By"
FIELD "CostMethod" OF "CostGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Defines the Costing method
to be associated with this Cost Group. When using this cost group all the Cost Set
Parts will use this field to dete rmine which one of the four sets of cost fields
should be used. A = Use Average , L= Use Last, S = Use Standard, C = Costing method
for the part, T = Use Lot." LABEL "Costing Method"
FIELD "Comment" OF "CostGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Cost Group Comments that can
be used to define this cost set. Vi ew as an EDITOR widget. To be view-as EDITOR
FIELD "Description" OF "CostGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Description" LABEL
FIELD "LastPartRefresh" OF "CostGrp": date DESCRIPTION "The date the Cost group
parts were last refreshed. This is saved since only the parts available at the time
the group is created or last refresh ed will be part of the cost part set. " LABEL
"Last Part Refresh"
FIELD "Burden" OF "CostGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Specifies the Burden Rate to be
used when geting work center cost s for this Cost Group. C = Cost, Q = Quoting. "
LABEL "Burden Rate"
FIELD "LastWCRefresh" OF "CostGrp": date DESCRIPTION "The date the Cost group work
centers were last refreshed. This i s saved since only the parts available at the
time the group is created or last refreshed will be part of the cost part set."
LABEL "Last Work Center Refresh"
FIELD "Posted" OF "CostGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicated the group has been
FIELD "PostedBy" OF "CostGrp": character DESCRIPTION "The user ID that posted this
cost group." LABEL "Posted By"
FIELD "PostedDate" OF "CostGrp": date DESCRIPTION "Group posted date. " LABEL
"Posted Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Posted Date"
FIELD "Labor" OF "CostGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Specifies the Labor Rate to be
used when geting operation costs f or this Cost Group. C = Cost, Q = Quoting. "
LABEL "Labor Rate"
FIELD "LastOPRefresh" OF "CostGrp": date DESCRIPTION "The date the Cost group
operations were last refreshed. This is saved since only the operations available
at the time the group is created or la st refreshed will be part of the cost
operation set." LABEL "Last Operation Refresh"
FIELD "PrimaryPlant" OF "CostGrp": character DESCRIPTION "The primary plant for the
cost group." LABEL "Primary Plant" COLUMN-LABEL "Primary Plant"
FIELD "LoadAltMethod" OF "CostGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Load Alternate Method"
LABEL "Load Alternate Method"
FIELD "LoadCostLot" OF "CostGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Load Costing Lot Sizes"
LABEL "Load Costing Lot Sizes"
FIELD "CopyFromPlantCostID" OF "CostGrp": character DESCRIPTION "The Plant Cost ID
to copy costs from" LABEL "Copy From Plant Cost ID"
FIELD "CopyFromGroupID" OF "CostGrp": character DESCRIPTION "The Cost Group to copy
costs from" LABEL "Copy From Group"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CostGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CostGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CostGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "CostLabor" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Contains the labor rates using in
the costing process."
FIELD "Company" OF "CostLabor": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GroupID" OF "CostLabor": character DESCRIPTION "A Cost Set Group ID is
required for each cost set. A Cost Set wo rks with a copy of the costs for all
parts. " LABEL "Group"
FIELD "SetupLRate" OF "CostLabor": decimal DESCRIPTION "The labor rate used for
setup time. " LABEL "Setup Labor Rate"
FIELD "ProdLRate" OF "CostLabor": decimal DESCRIPTION "Labor rate used for
production time on an operation." LABEL "Prod. Labor Rate"
FIELD "RateSourceTableName" OF "CostLabor": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the
source table name of the labor rates. "
FIELD "SourceID" OF "CostLabor": character DESCRIPTION "The source id of the record
the rates came from. Will be either ResourceGrpID or ResourceID."
FIELD "Description" OF "CostLabor": character DESCRIPTION "The description of
SourceID. Will be the description from Resour ce or ResourceGroup." LABEL
"Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "Linked" OF "CostLabor": logical DESCRIPTION "For display purposes only.
Indicates if the record is linked to any of the manufactured parts in the CostPart
table (CostPart.TypeCode = M). Co stPart, CostBurden, and CostLabor records are
created based on the method of man ufacturing of a part, but they can also be
created regardless of the method of m anufacturing. A record is considered linked
if it is used in the method of manu facturing structure of a manufactured part. "
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CostLabor": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CostLabor": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CostLabor": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "CostPart" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table contains a copy of all
of the part records available a t the time a cost group is created. Each record
contains the CostGrp.GroupID as a unique identifier for the cost group to which the
cost part set belongs. "
FIELD "Company" OF "CostPart": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "PartNum" OF "CostPart": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field identifies
the Part and is used as the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "GroupID" OF "CostPart": character
DESCRIPTION "A Cost Set Group ID is required for each cost set. A Cost Set wo rks
with a copy of the costs for all parts. " LABEL "Group"
FIELD "SearchWord" OF "CostPart": character DESCRIPTION "An abbreviated part
description field by which the user can searc h the Part file. During Part
maintenance a change to the Part.Description field causes this field to be updated
with the first 8 bytes of the Part.Description." LABEL "Search"
FIELD "PartDescription" OF "CostPart": character DESCRIPTION "Describes the Part.
This field can not be blank." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "ProdCode" OF "CostPart": character DESCRIPTION "Product Group ID for the
Cost Part. This can be blank or must be valid in the ProdGrup file. This will be
used for report sorting and selection. " LABEL "Group"
FIELD "ClassID" OF "CostPart": character DESCRIPTION "The Inventory class that this
Part belongs to. The Class field ca n be blank or must be valid in the PartClass
master file. Classes could be set up for different type of raw materials." LABEL
FIELD "TypeCode" OF "CostPart": character DESCRIPTION "Classifies Parts into the
following... M = Manufactured Part. P = Purchased Part This type code does limit
referencing any part in any way. For example a type "" P"" can be entered on a
sales order, or a type ""M"" can be referenced in a Purc hase Order. This field
will also be used as a selection parameter in certain reports, such a s Time Phase
Requirements." LABEL "Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Typ"
FIELD "StdLaborCost" OF "CostPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "Standard Unit Labor Cost.
Standard costs are directly maintainabl e via the Part Maintenance Program or
indirectly by Bill of Material cost rollup program.
FIELD "StdBurdenCost" OF "CostPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "Standard Burden Unit
FIELD "StdMaterialCost" OF "CostPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "Standard Material Unit
FIELD "StdSubContCost" OF "CostPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "Standard Subcontract
Unit cost.
( see StdLaborCost for more info). " LABEL "Std. Subcontract"
FIELD "StdMtlBurCost" OF "CostPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "Standard Material Burden
Unit cost. ( see StdLaborCost for more info). " LABEL "Std. Material Burden"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "CostPart": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number which is
used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part. This was the revision used
when the rollup was run. If this field is blank the part is not part of the rollup
processing and will not be posted. " LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "TLRBurdenCost" OF "CostPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Unit Burden
Cost calculated by the BOM Cost rollup rou tine. ""This level cost"" excludes costs
from sub assemblies. Rolled up Burden cost. Calculated by the BOM cost rollup
routine" LABEL "TL Rolled Burden"
FIELD "TLRMaterialCost" OF "CostPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Unit
Material Cost calculated by the BOM Cost rollup r outine. ""This level"" cost
excludes costs from sub assemblies. " LABEL "TL Rolled Material"
FIELD "TLRSubcontractCost" OF "CostPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Unit
Subcontract Cost calculated by the BOM Cost rollu p routine. ""This level"" cost
excludes costs from sub assemblies. " LABEL "TL Rolled Subcontract"
FIELD "TLRMtlBurCost" OF "CostPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Unit Material
Burden Cost calculated by the BOM Cost r ollup routine. ""This level"" cost
excludes costs from sub assemblies. " LABEL "TL Rolled Material Burden"
FIELD "TLRSetupLaborCost" OF "CostPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Setup
Labor Cost calculated by the BOM Cost rollup rou tine. This level cost excludes
costs from sub assemblies. " LABEL "TL Rolled Setup Labor"
FIELD "TLRSetupBurdenCost" OF "CostPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Setup
Burden Cost calculated by the BOM Cost rollup ro utine. ""This level cost""
excludes costs from sub assemblies. Rolled up Burden cost. Calculated by the BOM
cost rollup routine" LABEL "TL Rolled Setup Burden"
FIELD "LLRLaborCost" OF "CostPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lower Level Unit Labor
Cost calculated by the BOM Cost rollup rou tine. Lower level cost excludes costs
from sub assemblies. " LABEL "LL Rolled Labor"
FIELD "LLRBurdenCost" OF "CostPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lower Level Unit Burden
Cost calculated by the BOM Cost rollup ro utine. ""Lower level cost"" excludes
costs from sub assemblies. Rolled up Burden cost. Calculated by the BOM cost rollup
routine" LABEL "LL Rolled Burden"
FIELD "LLRMaterialCost" OF "CostPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lower Level Unit
Material Cost calculated by the BOM Cost rollup routine. ""Lower level"" cost
excludes costs from sub assemblies. " LABEL "LL Rolled Material"
FIELD "LLRSubcontractCost" OF "CostPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lower Level Unit
Subcontract Cost calculated by the BOM Cost roll up routine. ""Lower level"" cost
excludes costs from sub assemblies. " LABEL "LL Rolled Subcontract"
FIELD "LLRMtlBurCost" OF "CostPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lower Level Unit Material
Burden Cost calculated by the BOM Cost rollup routine. ""Lower level"" cost
excludes costs from sub assemblies. " LABEL "LL Rolled Material Burden"
FIELD "LLRSetupLaborCost" OF "CostPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lower Level Setup
Labor Cost calculated by the BOM Cost rollup ro utine. Lower level cost excludes
costs from sub assemblies. " LABEL "LL Rolled Setup Labor"
FIELD "LLRSetupBurdenCost" OF "CostPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lower Level Setup
Burden Cost calculated by the BOM Cost rollup r outine. ""Lower level cost""
excludes costs from sub assemblies. Rolled up Burden cost. Calculated by the BOM
cost rollup routine" LABEL "LL Rolled Setup Burden"
FIELD "EffectiveDate" OF "CostPart": date DESCRIPTION "Date at which this revision
is considered effective. This date i s used to control the pulling of subassembly
revisions." LABEL "Effective"
FIELD "TLRLaborCost" OF "CostPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Unit Labor Cost
calculated by the BOM Cost rollup rout ine. This level cost excludes costs from sub
assemblies. " LABEL "TL Rolled Labor"
FIELD "RollupDate" OF "CostPart": date DESCRIPTION "Date that this part cost was
last rolled up. Updated by the BOM Cost Roll up routine." LABEL "Rollup Date"
FIELD "AltMethod" OF "CostPart": character DESCRIPTION "Alternate Routing method to
be used for this revision." LABEL "Alternate Method"
FIELD "Linked" OF "CostPart": logical DESCRIPTION "For display purposes only.
Indicates if the record is linked to any of the manufactured parts in the CostPart
table (CostPart.TypeCode = M). Co stPart, CostBurden, and CostLabor records are
created based on the method of man ufacturing of a part, but they can also be
created regardless of the method of m anufacturing. A record is considered linked
if it is used in the method of manu facturing structure of a manufactured part. "
FIELD "MfgLotSize" OF "CostPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the lot size that is
used when performing a BOM cost roll up to distribute setup costs." LABEL "Costing
Lot Size"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CostPart": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CostPart": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CostPart": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "Country" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Country"

FIELD "Company" OF "Country": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CountryNum" OF "Country": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer assigned by
the system to new countries by the maintenance program. This field is used as the
foreign key to identify the coun try in other files such as Customer, or vendor.
The end user should never need t o know about the value of this field. " LABEL
"Country Number"
FIELD "FiscalCode" OF "Country": character DESCRIPTION "Country code used for
fiscal reporting (e.g. VAT)" LABEL "Fiscal Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Fisc"
FIELD "ISOCode" OF "Country": character DESCRIPTION "ISO alpha-2 Country code"
FIELD "IStatCode" OF "Country": character DESCRIPTION "Free form Country code used
for Intrastat reporting" LABEL "Intrastat Code" COLUMN-LABEL "IStat"
FIELD "Description" OF "Country": character DESCRIPTION "Country name" LABEL
"Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "BorderCrossing" OF "Country": character DESCRIPTION "Default area/city code
from where goods cross the border. This fi eld is intended for Intrastat
reporting." LABEL "Default Entry/Exit Point" COLUMN-LABEL "Border"
FIELD "ShipViaCode" OF "Country": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the default
ShipVia to/from a country. This is an option al field, it can be left blank or it
must be valid in the ShipVia master file. " LABEL "Ship Via"
FIELD "TaxRegionCode" OF "Country": character DESCRIPTION "Default Tax Region for
customers." LABEL "Customer Tax Region" COLUMN-LABEL "AR Tax Rgn"
FIELD "LangNameID" OF "Country": character DESCRIPTION "Default language for this
country." LABEL "Language ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Lang ID"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "Country": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the currency. Must be ""BASE"" or a valid entry in the currency table."
LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "FormatStr" OF "Country": character DESCRIPTION "Optional Custom address
format. Controls the address format used on crystal forms. "
FIELD "ISOrigCountry" OF "Country": character DESCRIPTION "Intrastat Country of
Origin Code" LABEL "Country of Origin" COLUMN-LABEL "Country of Origin"
FIELD "APTaxRegionCode" OF "Country": character DESCRIPTION "Default Tax Region for
suppliers." LABEL "Supplier Tax Region" COLUMN-LABEL "AP Tax Rgn"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "Country": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "Country": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "Country": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "MXCountryCode" OF "Country": character DESCRIPTION "Country Code (Field for
Mexico Localization)" LABEL "Country Code"
FIELD "GlobalCountry" OF "Country": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this Country as
global, available to be sent out to other c ompanies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "Country": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."

TABLE "CountryPort" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Country Port table. This is a
child table of Country with a prim ary unique index of Company/CountryNum/PortID.
But this table is also unique by Company/PortID and can be used to show all unique
ports within the Company."
FIELD "Company" OF "CountryPort": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CountryNum" OF "CountryPort": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer assigned
by the system to new countries by the maintenance program. This field is used as
the foreign key to identify the count ry in other files such as Customer, or
vendor. The end user should never need to know about the value of this field. "
LABEL "Country Number"
FIELD "Description" OF "CountryPort": character DESCRIPTION "Country Port
Description. This must be a unique port description within the Company." LABEL
"Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CountryPort": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CountryPort": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "PortID" OF "CountryPort": character DESCRIPTION "A unique PortID within the
Company and must always be associated with a Country." LABEL "Port ID"
FIELD "DefaultPort" OF "CountryPort": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this Port
is the default Port for a given Country." LABEL "Default Port"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CountryPort": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalCountryPort" OF "CountryPort": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this
CountryPort as global, available to be sent out to oth er companies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "CountryPort": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."

TABLE "CountryRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Country Restriction

FIELD "Company" OF "CountryRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Company
Identifier." LABEL "Company"
FIELD "CountryNum" OF "CountryRestriction": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer
assigned by the system to new countries by the maintenance program. This field is
used as the foreign key to identify the coun try in other files such as Customer,
or vendor. The end user should never need t o know about the value of this field. "
LABEL "Country Number"
FIELD "RestrictionTypeID" OF "CountryRestriction": character DESCRIPTION
"Restriction Type identification." LABEL "Restriction Type"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CountryRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CountryRestriction": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CountryRestriction": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "CountryRestriction" ON "CountryRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION
"Primary Key."

TABLE "Course" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table would hold the Training
Courses that are supported by the company."
FIELD "Company" OF "Course": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CourseID" OF "Course": character DESCRIPTION "The user defined training
course ID." LABEL "Course ID"
FIELD "Description" OF "Course": character DESCRIPTION "The description of the
Training Course." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "Course": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "Course": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "Course": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
TABLE "CourseRevision" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table would hold the
Revisions of the Training Courses. All the details about the Training Course are
held by revision which will allow mult iple versions of the same course to be
FIELD "Company" OF "CourseRevision": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CourseID" OF "CourseRevision": character DESCRIPTION "The Training Course
ID." LABEL "Course ID"
FIELD "RevisionCode" OF "CourseRevision": character DESCRIPTION "The user defined
training course revision code." LABEL "Course Revision"
FIELD "Description" OF "CourseRevision": character DESCRIPTION "The description of
the training course revision." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "RevDate" OF "CourseRevision": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the revision
was created. When a new revision is cr eated this will default to the current
date." LABEL "Revision Date"
FIELD "EffDate" OF "CourseRevision": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the training
course revision will become effective. When a new revision is created this will
default to the current date." LABEL "Effective Date"
FIELD "Duration" OF "CourseRevision": integer DESCRIPTION "The duration of the
course. When a new revision is created this w ill default to 1." LABEL "Duration"
FIELD "DurationType" OF "CourseRevision": character DESCRIPTION "The duration type.
Default = D. Possible values: H = Hours, D = D ays, W = Weeks, M = Months." LABEL
"Duration Type"
FIELD "ExpiresIn" OF "CourseRevision": integer DESCRIPTION "The number which
indicates the expiration period. This will defau lt to 0 which indicates that the
training course never expires. " LABEL "Expires In"
FIELD "ExpirationType" OF "CourseRevision": character DESCRIPTION "The expiration
type. Default = Y. Possible values: M = Months, Y = Years."
LABEL "Expiration Type"
FIELD "Syllabus" OF "CourseRevision": character DESCRIPTION "The free-format
details of the syllabus for the course." LABEL "Syllabus"
FIELD "Prerequisites" OF "CourseRevision": character DESCRIPTION "The free-format
details of the prerequisites of the course." LABEL "Prerequisites"
FIELD "Materials" OF "CourseRevision": character DESCRIPTION "The free-format
details of the course materials." LABEL "Materials"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CourseRevision": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CourseRevision": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CourseRevision": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "MatInd" ON "CourseRevision" AREA "Schema Area" WORD DESCRIPTION "Word index
for revision materials."
INDEX "PreqInd" ON "CourseRevision" AREA "Schema Area" WORD DESCRIPTION "Word index
for revision prerequisites."
INDEX "SyllInd" ON "CourseRevision" AREA "Schema Area" WORD DESCRIPTION "Word index
for revision syllabus."

TABLE "CourseSch" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table would hold the
Schedule of the Training Course Revisio ns."
FIELD "Company" OF "CourseSch": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CourseID" OF "CourseSch": character DESCRIPTION "The Training Course ID."
LABEL "Course ID"
FIELD "RevisionCode" OF "CourseSch": character DESCRIPTION "The Course Revision
Code." LABEL "Course Revision"
FIELD "StartDate" OF "CourseSch": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the training
course is due to start. When a new sch edule is created this will default to the
current date." LABEL "Start Date"
FIELD "EndDate" OF "CourseSch": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the training course
will end. This will default to a date that is calculated using the Duration and the
Duration Type from the Cour seRevision." LABEL "End Date"
FIELD "ActStartDate" OF "CourseSch": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the training
course actually started. This will def ault to the Start Date." LABEL "Actual Start
FIELD "ActEndDate" OF "CourseSch": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the training
course actually ended. This will defau lt to the End Date." LABEL "Actual End Date"

FIELD "Location" OF "CourseSch": character DESCRIPTION "The free format text to

describe where the course will take place ." LABEL "Location"
FIELD "MaxAttendees" OF "CourseSch": integer DESCRIPTION "The number that specifies
the maximum number of attendees. If it is 0 then there is no limit to the number of
attendees." LABEL "Max Attendees"
FIELD "CourseCost" OF "CourseSch": decimal DESCRIPTION "The cost of the course per
employee." LABEL "Course Cost"
FIELD "InstrType" OF "CourseSch": character DESCRIPTION "The instructor type.
Default = E. Possible values: E = Employee, S = Supplier, C = Customer." LABEL
"Instructor Type"
FIELD "EmpID" OF "CourseSch": character
DESCRIPTION "The employee ID. Must be specified if InstrType = E." LABEL "Employee
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "CourseSch": integer DESCRIPTION "The supplier ID. Must be
specified if InstrType = S."
FIELD "CustNum" OF "CourseSch": integer DESCRIPTION "The customer ID. Must be
specified if InstrType = C."
FIELD "Comments" OF "CourseSch": character DESCRIPTION "The training course
schedule comments." LABEL "Comments"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CourseSch": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CourseSch": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CourseSch": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "CourseSchAttd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table would hold the
attendees of the scheduled training cou rse revisions."
FIELD "Company" OF "CourseSchAttd": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CourseID" OF "CourseSchAttd": character DESCRIPTION "The Training Course
ID." LABEL "Course ID"
FIELD "RevisionCode" OF "CourseSchAttd": character DESCRIPTION "The Course Revision
Code." LABEL "Course Revision"
FIELD "StartDate" OF "CourseSchAttd": date DESCRIPTION "The start date." LABEL
"Start Date"
FIELD "EndDate" OF "CourseSchAttd": date DESCRIPTION "The end date." LABEL "End
FIELD "EmpID" OF "CourseSchAttd": character DESCRIPTION "The employee ID attending
the course." LABEL "Employee ID"
FIELD "MaterialCost" OF "CourseSchAttd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The cost of the
training course materials for the employee." LABEL "Material Cost"
FIELD "Expenses" OF "CourseSchAttd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The employee's expenses
whilst attending the course." LABEL "Course Expenses"
FIELD "CostReimbursed" OF "CourseSchAttd": logical DESCRIPTION "This flag is used
to indicate if the expenses have been reimburse d. Setting this field to true does
NOT automatically pay the employee expenses." LABEL "Cost Reimbursed"
FIELD "CourseResult" OF "CourseSchAttd": character DESCRIPTION "This will contain
any Reason Code that has a Reason Code Type set to U - Course Result." LABEL
"Course Result"
FIELD "Passed" OF "CourseSchAttd": logical DESCRIPTION "This will default to value
defined against the selected Course Re sult. If no Course Result is selected then
this field will be set to false." LABEL "Passed"
FIELD "Comments" OF "CourseSchAttd": character DESCRIPTION "The employee training
course results comments." LABEL "Result Comments"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CourseSchAttd": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CourseSchAttd": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CourseSchAttd": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "CreditCardProc" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Credit Card Processor" DESCRIPTION
"Contains information to allow the company to connect to a Credit card Processor"
FIELD "Company" OF "CreditCardProc": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ProcInterfaceCode" OF "CreditCardProc": character DESCRIPTION "Processor
Interface code" LABEL "Processor Interface"
FIELD "ProcInterfaceDesc" OF "CreditCardProc": character DESCRIPTION "Processor
Interface Description" LABEL "Processor Interface Name"
FIELD "HostAddress" OF "CreditCardProc": character DESCRIPTION "Host Address" LABEL
FIELD "HostPort" OF "CreditCardProc": integer DESCRIPTION "Host Port number" LABEL
FIELD "TimeOut" OF "CreditCardProc": integer DESCRIPTION "Time Out" LABEL "Time
FIELD "Verbosity" OF "CreditCardProc": character DESCRIPTION "L = Low, M = Medium"
LABEL "Verbosity"
FIELD "Partner" OF "CreditCardProc": character DESCRIPTION "Partner" LABEL
FIELD "PartnerPwd" OF "CreditCardProc": character DESCRIPTION "Partner Password"
LABEL "Partner Password"
FIELD "PartnerVendor" OF "CreditCardProc": character DESCRIPTION "Partner Vendor"
LABEL "Partner Vendor"
FIELD "PartnerUser" OF "CreditCardProc": character DESCRIPTION "Partner User" LABEL
"Partner User"
FIELD "ProxyAddress" OF "CreditCardProc": character DESCRIPTION "Proxy Address"
LABEL "Proxy Address"
FIELD "ProxyPort" OF "CreditCardProc": integer DESCRIPTION "Proxy Port number"
LABEL "Proxy Port"
FIELD "ProxyLogon" OF "CreditCardProc": character DESCRIPTION "Proxy Logon" LABEL
"Proxy Logon"
FIELD "ProxyPwd" OF "CreditCardProc": character DESCRIPTION "Proxy Password" LABEL
"Proxy Password"
FIELD "AllowDepPay" OF "CreditCardProc": logical DESCRIPTION "Allow Deposit
Payments on Sales Orders" LABEL "Allow Deposit Payments"
FIELD "FailDepToSalesTrans" OF "CreditCardProc": logical DESCRIPTION "Failed
DEPOSIT becomes SALE transaction" LABEL "Failed Deposit becomes Sale"
FIELD "FailStopsShip" OF "CreditCardProc": logical DESCRIPTION "Credit card failure
stops shipment" LABEL "Fail Stop Ship"
FIELD "ReauthRemaining" OF "CreditCardProc": logical DESCRIPTION "Reauthorize
remaining balance on back order" LABEL "Reauthorize remaining balance"
FIELD "DaysToRetainInfo" OF "CreditCardProc": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of days
to retain credit card information" LABEL "Days to Keep Info"
FIELD "ReauthBeforePick" OF "CreditCardProc": logical DESCRIPTION "Reauthorize
before picking" LABEL "Reauthorize before Picking"
FIELD "ReauthAfterDays" OF "CreditCardProc": integer DESCRIPTION "Reauthorize
credit card after number of days as passed" LABEL "Reauthorize After Days"
FIELD "ReauthAbove" OF "CreditCardProc": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reauthorize if Above
value" LABEL "Reauthorize if Above value"
FIELD "UseCSC" OF "CreditCardProc": logical DESCRIPTION "Validate using CSC Code"
LABEL "Use CSC Code"
FIELD "IgnoreCSCFail" OF "CreditCardProc": logical DESCRIPTION "Ignore CSC
validation failure" LABEL "Ignore CSC Failure"
FIELD "UseAVS" OF "CreditCardProc": logical DESCRIPTION "Use Address + Zip to
verify credit card" LABEL "Use Address Verification"
FIELD "IgnoreAVSFail" OF "CreditCardProc": logical DESCRIPTION "Ignore address
validation failure" LABEL "Ignore AVS failure"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CreditCardProc": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CreditCardProc": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CreditCardProc": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "IsTest" OF "CreditCardProc": logical DESCRIPTION "Test flag" LABEL "Test

TABLE "CreditCardType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Credit Card Type Master
FIELD "Company" OF "CreditCardType": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CardType" OF "CreditCardType": character DESCRIPTION "A unique identifier
for a specific credit card type assigned by t he user." LABEL "Card ID"
FIELD "Description" OF "CreditCardType": character DESCRIPTION "The credit card
description. For example, American Express, Visa, Master Card, Discover, etc."
LABEL "Description"
FIELD "Mask" OF "CreditCardType": character DESCRIPTION "Mask used to obfuscate the
credit card number" LABEL "Mask"
FIELD "CardNumberLength" OF "CreditCardType": integer DESCRIPTION "Length of the
credit card number, used to validate the credit car d number" LABEL "Card Number
FIELD "MOD10Validation" OF "CreditCardType": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether
to use Mod 10 validation on the credit card num ber" LABEL "MOD 10 Validation"
FIELD "Prefix" OF "CreditCardType": character DESCRIPTION "Prefix used to validate
credit card number" LABEL "Credit Card Prefix"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CreditCardType": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CreditCardType": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CreditCardType": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalCreditCardType" OF "CreditCardType": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this
CreditCardType as global, available to be sent out to other companies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "CreditCardType": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record
from receiving global updates."
INDEX "Description" ON "CreditCardType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Used to
find the credit card by description."

TABLE "CreditPoolDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Details of Credit Pool of

National Account"
FIELD "Company" OF "CreditPoolDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "RlsClassCode" OF "CreditPoolDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for the Relationship Class" LABEL "Class Code"
FIELD "TopCustNum" OF "CreditPoolDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique code of
Customer on the Top" LABEL "Top Customer"
FIELD "CrdPoolCode" OF "CreditPoolDtl": character DESCRIPTION "unique identifier
for the credit pool" LABEL "Credit Pool Code"
FIELD "ShareCustNum" OF "CreditPoolDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Customer from NA
which has access to credit pool" LABEL "Share Customer"
FIELD "PrcShare" OF "CreditPoolDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Maximum percentage of
the credit pool amount that the custome r could use" LABEL "Max Percent"
FIELD "CreditUsed" OF "CreditPoolDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Credit used by this
customer in base currency" LABEL "Credit Used"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CreditPoolDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CreditPoolDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CreditPoolDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "PRInd" ON "CreditPoolDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary index"
INDEX "ShareCustNum" ON "CreditPoolDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Customer
shared "
INDEX "SysIndex" ON "CreditPoolDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "SysRowID"

TABLE "CreditPoolHead" AREA "Schema Area"

DESCRIPTION "Credit Pool Header for National Account"
FIELD "Company" OF "CreditPoolHead": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "RlsClassCode" OF "CreditPoolHead": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for the Relationship Class" LABEL "Class Code"
FIELD "TopCustNum" OF "CreditPoolHead": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique code of
Customer on the Top" LABEL "Top Customer"
FIELD "CrdPoolCode" OF "CreditPoolHead": character DESCRIPTION "unique identifier
for the credit pool" LABEL "Credit Pool Code"
FIELD "PoolAmount" OF "CreditPoolHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Credit amount that
could be used by the customers with access to the credit pool - in base currency"
LABEL "Credit amount"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CreditPoolHead": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CreditPoolHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "AmtAvailable" OF "CreditPoolHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Available Credit
amount that could be used by the customers with access to the credit pool - in base
currency" LABEL "Available Amount"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CreditPoolHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "PRInd" ON "CreditPoolHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary index"

TABLE "CreditTran" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Credit Card Transactions" DESCRIPTION
"Credit Card Processing Transaction History"
FIELD "Company" OF "CreditTran": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "OrderNum" OF "CreditTran": integer DESCRIPTION "When creating a new order
the user is prompted for an order numbe r. If the field is left blank, the next
available # is assigned by the system. T he system generates a number by finding
the order # of the last record on file a nd then a 1 to it. " LABEL "Order"
FIELD "TranNum" OF "CreditTran": integer DESCRIPTION "Transaction Number" LABEL
"Transaction Number"
FIELD "TranDate" OF "CreditTran": date DESCRIPTION "Transaction Date" LABEL
"Transaction Date"
FIELD "TranType" OF "CreditTran": character DESCRIPTION "Transaction Type" LABEL
"Transaction Type"
FIELD "TranTotal" OF "CreditTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Transaction Total in base
currency." LABEL "Total Amount"
FIELD "PNRef" OF "CreditTran": character DESCRIPTION "Processing company's
Reference ID, unique to each transaction" LABEL "PNRef"
FIELD "AuthCode" OF "CreditTran": character DESCRIPTION "Autherisation Code" LABEL
"Authorization Code"
FIELD "Result" OF "CreditTran": character DESCRIPTION "Error code returned by
processing company" LABEL "Result"
FIELD "ResponseMsg" OF "CreditTran": character DESCRIPTION "Response Message" LABEL
"Response Message"
FIELD "AVSAddr" OF "CreditTran": character DESCRIPTION "result of the address
verification" LABEL "AVS Address Response"
FIELD "AVSZip" OF "CreditTran": character DESCRIPTION "Result of the address zip
LABEL "AVS Zip Response"
FIELD "InvoiceNum" OF "CreditTran": integer DESCRIPTION "If this field is left
blank the system assigns the next available #. The next available # is the greater
of last # on file plus one or the XaSyst .StartInvNum." LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "CSCMatch" OF "CreditTran": character DESCRIPTION "Result of the credit
security code check" COLUMN-LABEL "CSC Check"
FIELD "CustNum" OF "CreditTran": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer assigned by
the system to new customers by the customer maintenance program. This field is used
as the foreign key to identify the customer in other files such as OrderHed or
InvcHead. The end user should never see this field in the application but can use
it for reporting purposes. " LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CreditTran": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CreditTran": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "CreatedBy" OF "CreditTran": character DESCRIPTION "Userid of user who made
the credit transaction" LABEL "Created By"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CreditTran": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "StrId" OF "CreditTran": character DESCRIPTION "STLink Identifier" LABEL "St
FIELD "CardType" OF "CreditTran": character DESCRIPTION "A unique identifier for a
specific credit card type assigned by t he user." LABEL "Card Type"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "CreditTran": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the currency." LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "TranTypeDesc" OF "CreditTran": character DESCRIPTION "Transaction Type
Description" LABEL "Transaction Type Description"
FIELD "CardMemberName" OF "CreditTran": character DESCRIPTION "The member's name on
the credit card." LABEL "Name"
FIELD "ExpMonth" OF "CreditTran": integer DESCRIPTION "The expiration month of the
credit card. " LABEL "Exp. Month" COLUMN-LABEL "Expiration Month"
FIELD "ExpYear" OF "CreditTran": integer DESCRIPTION "The expiration year of the
credit card." LABEL "Exp. Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Expiration Year"
FIELD "CardmemberReference" OF "CreditTran": character DESCRIPTION "Up to 17
alphnumeric characters provided by customer. This is use d to track information on
customer spending (e.g., cost center, project code). T his field is especially
critical, since inaccurate information will affect the g eneral ledger. If no
reference number is provided, leave this field blank. " LABEL "Cardmember Ref."
FIELD "CardNumber" OF "CreditTran": character DESCRIPTION "The credit card account
identifier. " LABEL "Card Number"
FIELD "StAddress" OF "CreditTran": character DESCRIPTION "ST Link Address" LABEL
FIELD "Zip" OF "CreditTran": character DESCRIPTION "The zip or postal code portion
of the customer's main address." LABEL "Postal Code"
FIELD "ReferencePNRef" OF "CreditTran": character DESCRIPTION "PNRef number
referred to in the transaction. If Deposit transact ion must referenece prior
Authorization using the PNRef" LABEL "ReferencePNRef"
FIELD "AuthUsed" OF "CreditTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate that a
prior process has used this authorization " LABEL "Authorization Used"
FIELD "CardStore" OF "CreditTran": character
DESCRIPTION "Encrypted Credit Card Number" LABEL "Stored Credit Card Number"
FIELD "HeadNum" OF "CreditTran": integer DESCRIPTION "An integer automatically
assigned by the system using the databas e sequence called ""CashHeadSeq"". Which
along with company and BatchID creates a unique key for the record. This is for
internal control only the user never ne eds to reference. "
FIELD "TranTime" OF "CreditTran": integer DESCRIPTION "Part of the unique key"
LABEL "Transaction Time"
FIELD "DocTranTotal" OF "CreditTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Transaction Total in
document currency." LABEL "Document Transaction Total"
FIELD "Freight" OF "CreditTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Freight Charges in base
currency" LABEL "Freight"
FIELD "DocFreight" OF "CreditTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Freight Charges in
document currency" LABEL "Document Freight"
FIELD "Tax" OF "CreditTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Tax amount in base currency."
FIELD "DocTax" OF "CreditTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Tax amount in document
currency." LABEL "Document Tax"
FIELD "Amount" OF "CreditTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Transaction Amount in base
currency." LABEL "Order Amount"
FIELD "DocAmount" OF "CreditTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Transaction Amount in
document currency." LABEL "Document Order Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1Amount" OF "CreditTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Order Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2Amount" OF "CreditTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Order Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3Amount" OF "CreditTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Order Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1Freight" OF "CreditTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Freight"
FIELD "Rpt2Freight" OF "CreditTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Freight"
FIELD "Rpt3Freight" OF "CreditTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Freight"
FIELD "Rpt1Tax" OF "CreditTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax"
FIELD "Rpt2Tax" OF "CreditTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax"
FIELD "Rpt3Tax" OF "CreditTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax"
FIELD "Rpt1TranTotal" OF "CreditTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Transaction Total"
FIELD "Rpt2TranTotal" OF "CreditTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Transaction Total"
FIELD "Rpt3TranTotal" OF "CreditTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Transaction Total"
FIELD "CVNCode" OF "CreditTran": integer DESCRIPTION "Result of CVN checl" LABEL
"CVN Code"
FIELD "CVNMessage" OF "CreditTran": character DESCRIPTION "SVN verification
message" LABEL "CVN Message"
FIELD "ReferrerCode" OF "CreditTran": character DESCRIPTION "Referrer Code" LABEL
"Referrer Code"
FIELD "PTOrderNum" OF "CreditTran": character DESCRIPTION "Order Number created by
PaymentTrust if not supplied by process" LABEL "PT Order Number"
FIELD "AuthEntity" OF "CreditTran": character DESCRIPTION "Authorisation Entity"
LABEL "Authorizing Entity"
FIELD "TranSuccess" OF "CreditTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if transaction
was successful or not" LABEL "Successful"

Initially used with the CRM module. Used to record an d summarize communication
events that relate to the sales process. In the future this table can be used to
record and summarize communication event s for other Manufacturing System modules."

FIELD "Company" OF "CRMCall": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."

FIELD "RelatedToFile" OF "CRMCall": character DESCRIPTION "The master file to which
the PCE is related to. This field is us ed to properly isolate PCE's to the master
table they are related to. records. "
FIELD "Key1" OF "CRMCall": character DESCRIPTION "Major component of the foreign
key of the related master record. For example: For a ""QuotHed"" PCE this field
would contain the related Quote N umber, for a ""Customer"" PCE it contains the
Customers CustNum value."
FIELD "Key2" OF "CRMCall": character DESCRIPTION "2nd component of the foreign key
to the related master record. For example: For a ""QuoteDtl"" memo this field would
contain the Quote Line # of the related Quote detail record. The usage of this
field is dependent on the type of record the memo is related to. For example
""QuoteHed"" memo's do not use this field."
FIELD "Key3" OF "CRMCall": character DESCRIPTION "3rd component of the foreign key
to the related master record. For example: For a ""OrderQty"" memo this field would
contain the Quote Qty # o f the related Quote Qty record. The usage of this field
is dependent on the typ e of record the memo is related to."
FIELD "CallSeqNum" OF "CRMCall": integer DESCRIPTION "Used to uniquely identify the
record. Used so more than 1 PCE ca n exist for a given record. The next sequence is
found by finding the last PCE with the same key fields then adding 1 to its
seqnum." LABEL "Sequence"
FIELD "CallDesc" OF "CRMCall": character DESCRIPTION "An abbreviated description of
what the Call is about. " LABEL "Description"
FIELD "CallText" OF "CRMCall": character DESCRIPTION "Call Text contains the
textual content of the Call. Intended to b e used as internal online storage of
text information related to a specific mast er. They do get pulled into other
database records. "
FIELD "SalesRepCode" OF "CRMCall": character DESCRIPTION "The Salesperson that owns
this PCE" LABEL "Rep."
FIELD "CallTypeCode" OF "CRMCall": character DESCRIPTION "CallType code from the
CallType table. Identifies what type of c ommunication this is. For example e-mail,
phone, visit, etc." LABEL "Media"
FIELD "CallContactType" OF "CRMCall": character DESCRIPTION "indicates if the
contact is a ""Customer"", ""Vendor"" or ""Sales Rep"". Default is based on related
to field. If its a QOL then Customer will default. If its a Marketing event then
vendor. Values can be ""Customer"", ""Vendor"", ""SalesRep""" LABEL "Contact Type"
FIELD "CallCustNum" OF "CRMCall": integer DESCRIPTION "The unique internal number
assigned to the customer for which the contact is related to. Used when
CallContactType is ""Customer""" LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "CallShipToNum" OF "CRMCall": character DESCRIPTION "The number that the user
assigned to the ship to that this contac t is related to. Note that this field is
blank for contacts related to the cust omer only. Blank when there is no ship to."
FIELD "CallConNum" OF "CRMCall": integer DESCRIPTION "A system generated number
used to uniquely identify the contact r ecord for the related customer or ship to.
" LABEL "Contact" COLUMN-LABEL "Num"
FIELD "CallVendorNum" OF "CRMCall": integer
DESCRIPTION "This key links the record to the Vendor file." LABEL "Vendor"
FIELD "CallPurPoint" OF "CRMCall": character DESCRIPTION "Purchase point of linked
Vendor" LABEL "Purchase Point"
FIELD "CallVConNum" OF "CRMCall": integer DESCRIPTION "Used to uniquely identify
the contact record for the related vend or or purchase point." LABEL "Contact Num"
FIELD "OrigDcdUserID" OF "CRMCall": character DESCRIPTION "The DCD user ID that
created the record" LABEL "Created By" COLUMN-LABEL "Created By"
FIELD "LastDcdUserID" OF "CRMCall": character DESCRIPTION "The DCD user ID that
last updated the record" LABEL "Updated By" COLUMN-LABEL "Updated By"
FIELD "OrigDate" OF "CRMCall": date DESCRIPTION "The date the PCE was created."
LABEL "Date"
FIELD "OrigTime" OF "CRMCall": integer DESCRIPTION "The time the PCE was created."
LABEL "Create Time"
FIELD "LastDate" OF "CRMCall": date DESCRIPTION "The date the PCE was last
modified." LABEL "Create Date"
FIELD "LastTime" OF "CRMCall": integer DESCRIPTION "The time the PCE was last
modified." LABEL "Create Time"
FIELD "CallQuoteNum" OF "CRMCall": integer DESCRIPTION "The Quote that this call is
related to." LABEL "Quote"
FIELD "CallQuoteLine" OF "CRMCall": integer DESCRIPTION "The Quote line that this
Call is related to." LABEL "Quote Line"
FIELD "ChangeTime" OF "CRMCall": integer DESCRIPTION "The time that the record was
last change (seconds since midnight)
FIELD "ChangedBy" OF "CRMCall": character DESCRIPTION "Userid of user who made the
last change to this record." LABEL "Changed By"
FIELD "ChangeDate" OF "CRMCall": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the record was
last changed" LABEL "Change Date"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CRMCall": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CRMCall": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CRMCall": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "CallBuyerID" OF "CRMCall": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the
primary Buyer contact." LABEL "Buyer ID"
FIELD "CallEmpID" OF "CRMCall": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the
primary Employee contact." LABEL "ID"
FIELD "CallInvoiceNum" OF "CRMCall": integer DESCRIPTION "The invoice the call is
related to." LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "CallRMANum" OF "CRMCall": integer DESCRIPTION "The RMA this call is related
to." LABEL "RMA"
FIELD "CallFSCallNum" OF "CRMCall": integer DESCRIPTION "The field service call
this CRM call is related to." LABEL "Call"
FIELD "CallOrderNum" OF "CRMCall": integer DESCRIPTION "The sales order the call is
related to." LABEL "Order"
INDEX "CallBuyer" ON "CRMCall" AREA "Schema Area"
DESCRIPTION "Buyer index"
INDEX "CallEmp" ON "CRMCall" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Employee index"

TABLE "CRMCallCnt" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "CRM Call Contact" DESCRIPTION "A
subtable of CRMCall that shows all the primary contact of CRMCa ll plus any number
of additional ones."
FIELD "Company" OF "CRMCallCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "RelatedToFile" OF "CRMCallCnt": character DESCRIPTION "The master file to
which the PCE is related to. This field is use d to properly isolate PCE's to the
master table they are related to. records. "
FIELD "Key1" OF "CRMCallCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Major component of the foreign
key of the related master record. For example: For a ""QuotHed"" PCE this field
would contain the related Quote N umber, for a ""Customer"" PCE it contains the
Customers CustNum value."
FIELD "Key2" OF "CRMCallCnt": character DESCRIPTION "2nd component of the foreign
key to the related master record. For example: For a ""QuoteDtl"" memo this field
would contain the Quote Line # of the related Quote detail record. The usage of
this field is dependent on the type of record the memo is related to. For example
""QuoteHed"" memo's do not use this field."
FIELD "Key3" OF "CRMCallCnt": character DESCRIPTION "3rd component of the foreign
key to the related master record. For example: For a ""OrderQty"" memo this field
would contain the Quote Qty # o f the related Quote Qty record. The usage of this
field is dependent on the typ e of record the memo is related to."
FIELD "CallSeqNum" OF "CRMCallCnt": integer DESCRIPTION "Used to uniquely identify
the record. Used so more than 1 PCE ca n exist for a given record. The next
sequence is found by finding the last PCE with the same key fields then adding 1 to
its seqnum." LABEL "Sequence"
FIELD "PerConLnkRowID" OF "CRMCallCnt": character DESCRIPTION "The SysRowId of the
linked PerConLnk."
FIELD "Primary" OF "CRMCallCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "Primary contact for each
Context type. Only one allowed per conte xt type. The primary contact for each
context type is shown on the detail sheet
FIELD "Comment" OF "CRMCallCnt": character DESCRIPTION "User entered comments."
LABEL "Comment"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CRMCallCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CRMCallCnt": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CRMCallCnt": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "PrimaryIdx" ON "CRMCallCnt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary key

TABLE "CRMComp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "CRM Competitition. Stores

information about the sales competitio n for the company."
FIELD "Company" OF "CRMComp": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CompID" OF "CRMComp": character DESCRIPTION "A unique identifier of a
specific competitor assigned by the user . This ID may be used in certain screen
displays or reports where a full Comp etitor name is inappropriate. Therefore users
should use meaningful characters a s they would in any other master file. This
master file key is a little differen t in that the user can change. This change is
allowed because the system is not using the CustID as a foreign key in any other
file. Rather it uses the CompNum field which is assigned to the competitor by the
system." LABEL "Competitor ID"
FIELD "CompNum" OF "CRMComp": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer assigned by the
system to new Competitors by th e Competitor maintenance program. This field is
used as the foreign key to ident ify the customer in other files . The end user
should never need to know about the value of this field. " LABEL "Competitor"
FIELD "Name" OF "CRMComp": character DESCRIPTION "Competitor's business name."
LABEL "Name"
FIELD "Address1" OF "CRMComp": character DESCRIPTION "Competitor's address (line
1)." LABEL "Address"
FIELD "Address2" OF "CRMComp": character DESCRIPTION "Competitor's address (line
FIELD "Address3" OF "CRMComp": character DESCRIPTION "Competitor's address (line
FIELD "City" OF "CRMComp": character DESCRIPTION "Competitor's city." LABEL "City"
FIELD "State" OF "CRMComp": character DESCRIPTION "Competitor's state." LABEL
"State/Prov" COLUMN-LABEL "State/Province"
FIELD "Zip" OF "CRMComp": character DESCRIPTION "Competitor's zip/postal code."
LABEL "Postal Code"
FIELD "Country" OF "CRMComp": character DESCRIPTION "Country is used as part of the
mailing address. It can be left bl ank. " LABEL "Country"
FIELD "Comment" OF "CRMComp": character DESCRIPTION "Comments are intended to be
internal comments about a specific co mpetitor. These do get pulled into other
programs. They are mainly intended as a n online storage facility. To be view-as
EDITOR widget."
FIELD "FaxNum" OF "CRMComp": character DESCRIPTION "Competitor's fax number." LABEL
FIELD "PhoneNum" OF "CRMComp": character DESCRIPTION "Competitor's phone number."
LABEL "Phone"
FIELD "CountryNum" OF "CRMComp": integer DESCRIPTION "Country part of address. This
field is in sync with the Country f
ield. Must be a valid entry in the Country table." LABEL "Country Number"
FIELD "EMailAddress" OF "CRMComp": character DESCRIPTION "Competitor's email
FIELD "CompURL" OF "CRMComp": character DESCRIPTION "Competitors Website URL."
LABEL "Website"
FIELD "Inactive" OF "CRMComp": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not this
competitor can be associated with o pportunities. " LABEL "Inactive"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CRMComp": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CRMComp": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CRMComp": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalCRMComp" OF "CRMComp": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this CRMComp as
global, available to be sent out to other c ompanies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "CRMComp": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."

TABLE "CrossDock" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Cross Dock Transactions."

FIELD "Company" OF "CrossDock": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "PartNum" OF "CrossDock": character DESCRIPTION "Part number that the cross
dock is for." LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "WarehouseCode" OF "CrossDock": character DESCRIPTION "Warehouse that is
quantity cross docked is being supplied from."
LABEL "Warehouse"
FIELD "SupplyJobNum" OF "CrossDock": character DESCRIPTION "Job that is supplying
the cross docked quantity" LABEL "Supply Job"
FIELD "OrderNum" OF "CrossDock": integer DESCRIPTION "Order number of the order
release that is cross docked." LABEL "Order"
FIELD "OrderLine" OF "CrossDock": integer DESCRIPTION "Order line number of the
order release that is cross docked." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "OrderRelNum" OF "CrossDock": integer DESCRIPTION "Order release number of
the order release that is cross docked." LABEL "Rel"
FIELD "JobNum" OF "CrossDock": character DESCRIPTION "Job number of the
JobMtl/JobAsmbl that is cross docked." LABEL "Job Number"
FIELD "AssemblySeq" OF "CrossDock": integer DESCRIPTION "Assembly number of the
JobMtl/JobAsmbl that is cross docked." LABEL "Seq"
FIELD "MtlSeq" OF "CrossDock": integer DESCRIPTION "Material sequence number of the
JobMtl that is cross docked." LABEL "Mtl"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CrossDock": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CrossDock": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "CrossDockedQty" OF "CrossDock": decimal DESCRIPTION "Quantity that is
""Cross Docked"" for the Allocation (sales order , job or transfer order
requirement)." LABEL "Cross Docked"
FIELD "CreateDate" OF "CrossDock": date DESCRIPTION "Creation date"
FIELD "FromPlant" OF "CrossDock": character DESCRIPTION "The From Plant for a
Transfer Order Cross Dock." LABEL "From Plant"
FIELD "TFOrdNum" OF "CrossDock": character DESCRIPTION "Transfer Order that is
cross docked." LABEL "Order"
FIELD "TFOrdLine" OF "CrossDock": integer DESCRIPTION "Transfer Order Line that is
cross docked." LABEL "Order Line"
FIELD "CrossDockedUM" OF "CrossDock": character DESCRIPTION "Unit of measure (how
it is cross docked)." LABEL "Cross Docked UOM"
FIELD "CustNum" OF "CrossDock": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer assigned by
the system to new customers by the customer maintenance program. This field is used
as the foreign key to identify the customer in other files such as OrderHed or
InvcHead. The end user should never see this field in the application but can use
it for reporting purposes. " LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "CustID" OF "CrossDock": character DESCRIPTION "A user defined external
customer ID. This must be unique within the file. This ID may be used in certain
screen displays or reports where a ful l customer name is inappropriate. Therefore
users should use meaningful characte rs as they would in any other master file.
This master file key is a little diff erent in that the user can change. This
change is allowed because the system is not using the CustID as a foreign key in
any other file. Rather it uses the Cus tNum field which is assigned to the customer
by the system." LABEL "Cust. ID"
FIELD "Priority" OF "CrossDock": integer DESCRIPTION "Cross Dock Priority. When
inventory increases, Cross Dock transa ctions are consumed. This field is used to
determine the priority (order) in wh ich they are consumed. One is the highest
priority." LABEL "Priority"
FIELD "BinNum" OF "CrossDock": character DESCRIPTION "Warehouse Bin number" LABEL
FIELD "ToPlant" OF "CrossDock": character DESCRIPTION "The To Plant for a Transfer
Order Cross Dock." LABEL "To Plant" COLUMN-LABEL "To Plant"
FIELD "CreateTime" OF "CrossDock": integer DESCRIPTION "Creation Time"
FIELD "BuyToOrder" OF "CrossDock": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this Cross Dock
transaction a result of a Buy To Order transac tion?" LABEL "Buy To Order"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CrossDock": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "CRSyst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Contains system defaults for the CRM
FIELD "Company" OF "CRSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "DefTaskSetID" OF "CRSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Company default Task set.
Used to assign to new lead/opportunity /quote when there isn't a task set for the
Sales Territory for the Quote." LABEL "Task Set"
FIELD "DefMktgCampaignID" OF "CRSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Company default
Marketing Campaign. Used to assign to a new lead /opportunity/quote. " LABEL "Mktg
FIELD "DefWebMktgCampaignID" OF "CRSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Company default
Web Marketing Campaign. Used to assign to a new lead/opportunity/quote." LABEL "Web
Mktg Campaign"
FIELD "WinReasonCode" OF "CRSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Default ""win"" reason
Code. From Reason table with Code type of ""w""" LABEL "Win Reason"
FIELD "LossReasonCode" OF "CRSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Default ""Loss"" reason
Code. From Reason table with Code type o f ""L""" LABEL "Loss Reason"
FIELD "TaskReasonCode" OF "CRSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Default ""Task
Completion"" reason Code. From Reason table with Code type of ""T""" LABEL "Task
FIELD "CloseTasksWin" OF "CRSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the win
Function will close all open tasks on the LOQ"
LABEL "Close Tasks - Win"
FIELD "CloseTasksLose" OF "CRSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the Lose
Function will close all open tasks on the LOQ" LABEL "Close Tasks - Lose"
FIELD "TerritoryID" OF "CRSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Company default Sales
territory" LABEL "Territory ID"
FIELD "DefICMktgCampaignID" OF "CRSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Company default
Inter-Company Marketing Campaign. Used to assign to a new lead/opportunity/quote."
LABEL "Inter-Company Mktg Campaign"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CRSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CRSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CRSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "DefWFGroupID" OF "CRSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Company default Workflow
Group. Used to assign to new lead/opport unity/quote." LABEL "Workflow Group"

TABLE "CrystalServer" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "CrystalServer" DESCRIPTION "Allow

Vantage customers to set use Vantage with Crystal Embedded Server In process and
Crystal Enterprise Server."
FIELD "Company" OF "CrystalServer": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "ServerName" OF "CrystalServer": character DESCRIPTION "The Name of Crystal
Server" LABEL "ServerName" COLUMN-LABEL "ServerName"
FIELD "Description" OF "CrystalServer": character DESCRIPTION "Crystal Server
Description" LABEL "Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "IsActive" OF "CrystalServer": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if Crystal
Server is active or not" LABEL "Active" COLUMN-LABEL "Active"
FIELD "IsDefault" OF "CrystalServer": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the Crystal
Server will be using as the default serv er if user does not specify a server."
LABEL "Default" COLUMN-LABEL "Default"
FIELD "CrystalType" OF "CrystalServer": character DESCRIPTION "For now we only
support (RAS) Crystal Embedded Server, (CES) Crys tal Enterprise Server." LABEL
"Crystal Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Crystal Type"
FIELD "DBServerName" OF "CrystalServer": character DESCRIPTION "Database Server
Name. This field only available when the Crystal Type is (CES) Crystal Enterprise
Server." LABEL "DB Server Name" COLUMN-LABEL "DB Server Name"
FIELD "CrystalUserID" OF "CrystalServer": character DESCRIPTION "The User ID to log
on to Crystal database." LABEL "Crystal User ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Crystal User ID"
FIELD "Password" OF "CrystalServer": character DESCRIPTION "This is a password to
sign on Crystal Database which is use with Crystal User ID" LABEL "Crystal Database
FIELD "DBCrystalName" OF "CrystalServer": character DESCRIPTION "The Name of the
database that Crystal Enterprise Server used." LABEL "DB Name" COLUMN-LABEL "DB
FIELD "ServerNum" OF "CrystalServer": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer
assigned by the system to new Crystal Server by the maintenance program. This field
is used as the foreign key to identify the CrystalServer in other files such as
User or RptTable. The end user should neve r need to know about the value of this
field. " LABEL "Crystal Server Num" COLUMN-LABEL "Crystal Server Num"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CrystalServer": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CrystalServer": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CrystalServer": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "CSFSyst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Country Specific Functionality

system constants and default value s."
FIELD "Company" OF "CSFSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CSFSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CSFSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CSFSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "CurrConvRule" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Currency Conversion Rules"

FIELD "Company" OF "CurrConvRule": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "SourceCurrCode" OF "CurrConvRule": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the source currency." LABEL "Source Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL
"Currency Code"
FIELD "TargetCurrCode" OF "CurrConvRule": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the target currency." LABEL "Target Currency Code"
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "CurrConvRule": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier"
LABEL "Rate Group Code"
FIELD "UseBaseRate" OF "CurrConvRule": logical DESCRIPTION "Determine if the user
should use the base rate group defined in C urrRateGrp" LABEL "Use Base Rate"
FIELD "RuleCode" OF "CurrConvRule": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the type of
conversion rule. Direct, Inverse, Cross Rat e, Reverse Cross Rate, Double Cross
Rate or Reverse Double Cross Rate" LABEL "Rule Code"
FIELD "FixedRate" OF "CurrConvRule": logical DESCRIPTION "Indiates if the exchange
rate is fixed and cannot be updated" LABEL "Fixed"
FIELD "DisplayMode" OF "CurrConvRule": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates which
exchange rate to display/update on the transactio n" LABEL "Display Mode"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CurrConvRule": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CurrConvRule": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CurrConvRule": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "Currency" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Currency defintions"

FIELD "Company" OF "Currency": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "Currency": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the currency." LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "CurrDesc" OF "Currency": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the currency"
LABEL "Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "CurrSymbol" OF "Currency": character DESCRIPTION "A symbol that identifies
the currency. Used on Forms and displays " LABEL "Currency Symbol" COLUMN-LABEL
"Currency Symbol"
FIELD "Note" OF "Currency": character DESCRIPTION "Notes the about the Currency. "
FIELD "DocumentDesc" OF "Currency": character DESCRIPTION "An extended description
that can be used on documents such as POs and invoices." LABEL "Document
Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Document Description"
FIELD "OBS900-GainLossDiv" OF "Currency": character DESCRIPTION "The Division
component of default Gain G/L account for a Currency . The full G/L account number
is made up of GainDiv, GainChart and GainDept. T hese individual fields are never
directly entered, rather it is entered as part of a field that represents the full
G/L account number. If any one of these thr ee components are entered then it must
be valid in the GLAcct. See the GLSyst record layout for more detail on structure
and usage of G/L accou nt numbers."
FIELD "OBS900-GainLossDept" OF "Currency": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the default Gain G/L account for a Curren cy. See GainDiv field
description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-GainLossChart" OF "Currency": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account
component for the default Gain G/L account for a Currency. See GainDiv field
description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-RealGainDiv" OF "Currency": character DESCRIPTION "The Division
component of default Realized Gain G/L account for a Currency. The full G/L account
number is made up of RealGainDiv, RealGainChart and RealGainDept. These individual
fields are never directly entered, rather i t is entered as part of a field that
represents the full G/L account number. If any one of these three components are
entered then it must be valid in the GLAc ct. See the GLSyst record layout for more
detail on structure and usage of G/L accou nt numbers."
FIELD "OBS900-RealGainDept" OF "Currency": character
DESCRIPTION "Department component of the default Realized Gain G/L account for a
Currency. See RealGainDiv field description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-RealGainChart" OF "Currency": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account
component for the default Realized Gain G/L acc ount for a Currency. See
RealGainDiv field description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-RealLossDiv" OF "Currency": character DESCRIPTION "The Division
component of default Realized Loss G/L account for a Currency. The full G/L account
number is made up of RealLossDiv, RealLossChart and RealLossDept. These individual
fields are never directly entered, rather i t is entered as part of a field that
represents the full G/L account number. If any one of these three components are
entered then it must be valid in the GLAc ct. See the GLSyst record layout for more
detail on structure and usage of G/L accou nt numbers."
FIELD "OBS900-RealLossDept" OF "Currency": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the default Realized Loss G/L account for a Currency. See RealLossDiv
field description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-RealLossChart" OF "Currency": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account
component for the default Realized Loss G/L acc ount for a Currency. See
RealLossDiv field description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-UnRealGainDiv" OF "Currency": character DESCRIPTION "The Division
component of default Unrealized Gain G/L account for a Currency. The full G/L
account number is made up of UnRealGainDiv, UnRealGai nChart and UnRealGainDept.
These individual fields are never directly entered, rather it is entered as part of
a field that represents the full G/L account num ber. If any one of these three
components are entered then it must be valid in the GLAcct. See the GLSyst record
layout for more detail on structure and usage of G/L accou nt numbers."
FIELD "OBS900-UnRealGainDept" OF "Currency": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the default Unrealized Gain G/L account f or a Currency. See
UnRealGainDiv field description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-UnRealGainChart" OF "Currency": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of
Account component for the default Unrealized Gain G/L a ccount for a Currency. See
UnRealGainDiv field description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-UnRealLossDiv" OF "Currency": character DESCRIPTION "The Division
component of default Unrealized Loss G/L account for a Currency. The full G/L
account number is made up of UnRealLossDiv, UnRealLos
sChart and UnRealLossDept. These individual fields are never directly entered,
rather it is entered as part of a field that represents the full G/L account num
ber. If any one of these three components are entered then it must be valid in the
GLAcct. See the GLSyst record layout for more detail on structure and usage of G/L
accou nt numbers."
FIELD "OBS900-UnRealLossDept" OF "Currency": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the default Unrealized Loss G/L account f or a Currency. See
UnRealLossDiv field description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-UnRealLossChart" OF "Currency": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of
Account component for the default Unrealized Loss G/L a ccount for a Currency. See
UnRealLossDiv field description for related info. "
FIELD "CurrName" OF "Currency": character DESCRIPTION "Used to print as the suffix
to the word amount line printed on ch ecks. For example: One Hundred and 00/100
Dollars. In this case ""Dollars"" is the CurrName"
FIELD "CurrencyID" OF "Currency": character DESCRIPTION "This is the updatable
version of CurrencyCode. This currency can not be a record already in the currency
table. " LABEL "Currency ID"
FIELD "Inactive" OF "Currency": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the currency is
active" LABEL "Inactive"
FIELD "MaintRate" OF "Currency": logical DESCRIPTION "Can only maintain exchange
rates for currencies with this flag ch ecked" LABEL "Maintain Rates"
FIELD "BaseCurr" OF "Currency": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this is the base
currency. Only one base currency i s allowed" LABEL "Base Currency"
FIELD "ReportCurr" OF "Currency": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this is a
reporting currency" LABEL "Reporting Currency"
FIELD "RoundMltpUnitTax" OF "Currency": decimal DESCRIPTION "Define multiple that
Unit Tax for sales related documents shall b e rounded to, 0- no rounding." LABEL
"Rounding Unit Tax" COLUMN-LABEL "Rounding Unit Tax"
FIELD "RoundMltpExtPrice" OF "Currency": decimal DESCRIPTION "Define multiple that
Extended Prices (total line amount) for sale s related documents shall be rounded
to, 0- no rounding." LABEL "Rounding Extended Price" COLUMN-LABEL "Rounding
Extended Price"
FIELD "RoundMltpExtTax" OF "Currency": decimal DESCRIPTION "Define multiple that
Extended Tax (total line tax) for sales rela ted documents shall be rounded to, 0-
no rounding." LABEL "Rounding Extended Tax" COLUMN-LABEL "Rounding Extended Tax"
FIELD "GlobalCurr" OF "Currency": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not
this currency is shared between more th an one company." LABEL "Global Currency"
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "Currency": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not
this currency record will receive globa l updates." LABEL "Global Lock"
FIELD "ScaleFactor" OF "Currency": integer DESCRIPTION "Display factor for exchange
rates" LABEL "Scale"
FIELD "CountryNum" OF "Currency": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer assigned by
the system to new countries by the maintenance program. This field is used as the
foreign key to identify the coun try in other files such as Customer, or vendor.
The end user should never need t o know about the value of this field. " LABEL
"Country Number"
FIELD "ReportCurrPos" OF "Currency": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates which reporting
amount field (Rpt1, Rpt2, or Rpt3) stor es this currency. System field." LABEL
"Report Currency Position"
FIELD "RoundRuleExtTax" OF "Currency": integer DESCRIPTION "Define the rule how
Extended Tax (total tax amount) for sales rel ated documents shall be rounded to
the defined multiplier: 0 - no rounding, 1 Round up, 2 - Round down, 3 - Rounding
to the nearest." LABEL "Rounding Rule Extended Tax" COLUMN-LABEL "Rounding Rule
Extended Tax"
FIELD "RoundRuleTotalAmt" OF "Currency": integer DESCRIPTION "Define the rule how
total amount for sales related documents shal l be rounded to the defined
multiplier: 0 - no rounding, 1 - Round up, 2 - Round down, 3 - Rounding to the
nearest." LABEL "Rounding Rule Total Amount" COLUMN-LABEL "Rounding Rule Total
FIELD "RoundRuleTotalTax" OF "Currency": integer DESCRIPTION "Define the rule how
total tax amount for sales related documents shall be rounded to the defined
multiplier: 0 - no rounding, 1 - Round up, 2 - R ound down, 3 - Rounding to the
nearest." LABEL "Rounding Rule Total Tax" COLUMN-LABEL "Rounding Rule Total Tax"
FIELD "RoundTolerance" OF "Currency": decimal DESCRIPTION "It used in AP Invoice,
if the rounding amount remaining is less o r equal to the tolerance, the remaining
amount is automatically booked." LABEL "Rounding Tolerance" COLUMN-LABEL "Rounding
FIELD "DecimalsGeneral" OF "Currency": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of decimals used
for any types of amounts where they enter ed, printed, displayed, except unit price
and unit cost, according to the table zFieldDecimal where ValueType = ""G""" LABEL
"General Decimals" COLUMN-LABEL "General Decimals"
FIELD "DecimalsPrice" OF "Currency": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of decimals used
for any unit prices where they entered, p rinted, displayed, according to the table
zFieldDecimal where ValueType = ""P""" LABEL "Unit Prices Decimals" COLUMN-LABEL
"Unit Prices Decimals"
FIELD "DecimalsCost" OF "Currency": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of decimals used
for any cost prices where they entered, p rinted, displayed, according to the table
zFieldDecimal where ValueType = ""C""" LABEL "Unit Cost Decimals" COLUMN-LABEL
"Unit Cost Decimals"
FIELD "RoundMltpUnitPrice" OF "Currency": decimal DESCRIPTION "Define multiple that
Unit Prices for sales related documents shal l be rounded to, 0- no rounding."
LABEL "Rounding Unit Price" COLUMN-LABEL "Rounding Unit Price"
FIELD "RoundMltpTotalAmt" OF "Currency": decimal DESCRIPTION "Define multiple that
Total amount for sales related documents sha ll be rounded to, 0- no rounding."
LABEL "Rounding Total Amount" COLUMN-LABEL "Rounding Total Amount"
FIELD "RoundMltpTotalTax" OF "Currency": decimal DESCRIPTION "Define multiple that
Total Tax amount for sales related documents shall be rounded to, 0- no rounding."
LABEL "Rounding Total Tax" COLUMN-LABEL "Rounding Total Tax"
FIELD "RoundRuleUnitPrice" OF "Currency": integer DESCRIPTION "Define the rule how
Unit Price for sales related documents shall be rounded to the defined multiplier:
0 - no rounding, 1 - Round up, 2 - Round d own, 3 - Rounding to the nearest." LABEL
"Rounding Rule Unit Price" COLUMN-LABEL "Rounding Rule Unit Price"
FIELD "RoundRuleUnitTax" OF "Currency": integer DESCRIPTION "Define the rule how
Unit Tax for sales related documents shall be rounded to the defined multiplier: 0
- no rounding, 1 - Round up, 2 - Round dow n, 3 - Rounding to the nearest." LABEL
"Rounding Rule Unit Tax" COLUMN-LABEL "Rounding Rule Unit Tax"
FIELD "RoundRuleExtPrice" OF "Currency": integer DESCRIPTION "Define the rule how
Extended Prices (total line amount) for sales related documents shall be rounded to
the defined multiplier: 0 - no rounding, 1 - Round up, 2 - Round down, 3 - Rounding
to the nearest." LABEL "Rounding Rule Extended Price" COLUMN-LABEL "Rounding Rule
Extended Price"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "Currency": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "Currency": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "StoreID" OF "Currency": character DESCRIPTION "Store ID for Credit Card
Processing" LABEL "Store ID"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "Currency": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ISONumber" OF "Currency": integer DESCRIPTION "ISO unique identifier" LABEL
"ISO Number"

TABLE "CurrExChain" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Currency Exchange Rate

Conversion Chain information for transacti onal tables (i.e. InvcHead, OrderHed)"
FIELD "Company" OF "CurrExChain": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "TableName" OF "CurrExChain": character
DESCRIPTION "Name of the table which was changed" LABEL "Table Name"
FIELD "Key1" OF "CurrExChain": character DESCRIPTION "Major component of the
foreign key of the related master record. For example: For a ""PO"" change record
this field would contain the related PO Number, for a ""SO"" change record it would
contain the related SO Number." LABEL "Key 1"
FIELD "Key2" OF "CurrExChain": character DESCRIPTION "tilde separated list of key
values of the changed record For Example a ChgLog for POREL might be something like
301~2~1. 301 is the PONum , 2 is the LineNum and 1 is the ReleaseNum" LABEL "Key 2"

FIELD "Key3" OF "CurrExChain": character DESCRIPTION "Third component of the

foreign key of the related master record. For example: For a ""PORel"" change
record this field would contain the related PO Release Number. The usage of this
field is dependent on the type of record the change record is related to. For
example: changes to ""POHeader"" and ""POD etail"" do not use this field while
changes to ""PORel"" do." LABEL "Key 3"
FIELD "Key4" OF "CurrExChain": character DESCRIPTION "Fourth component of the
foreign key of the related master record. For example: For a ""PORel"" change
record this field would contain the relate d PO Release Number. The usage of this
field is dependent on the type of record the change record is related to. For
example: changes to ""POHeader"" and ""PO Detail"" do not use this field while
changes to ""PORel"" do." LABEL "Key 4"
FIELD "Key5" OF "CurrExChain": character DESCRIPTION "Fifth component of the
foreign key of the related master record. For example: For a ""PORel"" change
record this field would contain the related PO Release Number. The usage of this
field is dependent on the type of record the change record is related to. For
example: changes to ""POHeader"" and ""POD etail"" do not use this field while
changes to ""PORel"" do." LABEL "Key 5"
FIELD "Key6" OF "CurrExChain": character DESCRIPTION "Sixth component of the
foreign key of the related master record. " LABEL "Key 6"
FIELD "Key7" OF "CurrExChain": character DESCRIPTION "Seventh component of the
foreign key of the related master record . " LABEL "Key 7"
FIELD "Key8" OF "CurrExChain": character DESCRIPTION "Eigth component of the
foreign key of the related master record. "
LABEL "Key 8"
FIELD "TargetCurrCode" OF "CurrExChain": character DESCRIPTION "Final Target
Currency" LABEL "Target Currency"
FIELD "Step" OF "CurrExChain": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates order for conversion
chain" LABEL "Step"
FIELD "FromCurrCode" OF "CurrExChain": character DESCRIPTION "Source Currency code
for this step" LABEL "From Currency"
FIELD "ToCurrCode" OF "CurrExChain": character DESCRIPTION "Target Currency for
this step" LABEL "To Currency"
FIELD "RuleCode" OF "CurrExChain": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether direct
(1) or inverse (2) rate calculation need ed" LABEL "Rule"
FIELD "ExchangeRate" OF "CurrExChain": decimal DESCRIPTION "Exchange rate that will
be used for this step" LABEL "Exchange Rate" COLUMN-LABEL "Exchange Rate"
FIELD "Round" OF "CurrExChain": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether rounding is
required for this step" LABEL "Round"
FIELD "RoundDec" OF "CurrExChain": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of decimals to round
to if rounding on this step" LABEL "Rounding Decimals"
FIELD "DisplayStep" OF "CurrExChain": logical DESCRIPTION "This is the step to
expose as the Exchange Rate on UIs" LABEL "Display Rate"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CurrExChain": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CurrExChain": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CurrExChain": integer
DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit
Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "CurrExRate" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Currency Exchange Rates"

FIELD "Company" OF "CurrExRate": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "SourceCurrCode" OF "CurrExRate": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the source currency." LABEL "Source Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL
"Currency Code"
FIELD "EffectiveDate" OF "CurrExRate": date DESCRIPTION "This rate is effective as
of this date." LABEL "Effective Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Effective Date"
FIELD "CurrentRate" OF "CurrExRate": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Rate will be the
default used by the system. Conversion rates will be calculated as System Base =
Foreign value * rate, Forei gn value = system base * (1/rate). This is the dollar
in foreign currency from t he exchange rate tables in the newspapers." LABEL
"Current Rate" COLUMN-LABEL "Current Rate"
FIELD "SysDate" OF "CurrExRate": date DESCRIPTION "System date at time that record
was modified." LABEL "Sys Date"
FIELD "SysTime" OF "CurrExRate": integer DESCRIPTION "System Time (hr-min-sec) when
transaction was modified." LABEL "Sys Time"
FIELD "EntryPerson" OF "CurrExRate": character DESCRIPTION "This is used as a
selection parameter for reporting and browsing. The intent is for users to be able
to select transactions that they have entere d for hard copy edit. This field is
set equal to the Login ID variable. It can not be overridden." LABEL "Entry Person"

FIELD "Reference" OF "CurrExRate": character DESCRIPTION "Can be used to hold a

short comment. In some cases the Manufactu ring System uses this field to make a
comment about the source of the transactio n, as in the case of ""backflush""
process." LABEL "Reference"
FIELD "TargetCurrCode" OF "CurrExRate": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the target currency." LABEL "Target Currency Code"
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "CurrExRate": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier"
LABEL "Rate Group Code"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CurrExRate": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CurrExRate": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CurrExRate": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "CurrRateDisp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Currency Display Options"

FIELD "Company" OF "CurrRateDisp": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "CurrRateDisp": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier"
LABEL "Rate Group Code"
FIELD "Seq" OF "CurrRateDisp": integer DESCRIPTION "Order in which the currencies
should be displayed in the matrix g rids" LABEL "Sequence"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "CurrRateDisp": character DESCRIPTION "Currency code to be
displayed" LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "ScaleFactor" OF "CurrRateDisp": integer DESCRIPTION "Display factor for
exchange rates" LABEL "Scale"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CurrRateDisp": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CurrRateDisp": integer
DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."

FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CurrRateDisp": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,

etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "CurrRateGrp" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Currency Rate Group" DESCRIPTION
"Groups Currency Exchange Rates and rules "
FIELD "Company" OF "CurrRateGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "CurrRateGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier"
LABEL "Rate Group Code"
FIELD "Description" OF "CurrRateGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Description" LABEL
FIELD "Inactive" OF "CurrRateGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines if the record is
inactive" LABEL "Inactive"
FIELD "BaseRateGrpCode" OF "CurrRateGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Determins if there
is a base rate group to use if no rules or rat es are defined for a currency "
LABEL "Base Rate Group"
FIELD "CrossCurrCode" OF "CurrRateGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Currency to use
during single or double currency conversions" LABEL "Cross Currency Code"
FIELD "CrossRound" OF "CurrRateGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Determine if rounding
should be done after conversion " LABEL "Rounding"
FIELD "CrossRoundDec" OF "CurrRateGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of decimals to
use during rounding " LABEL "Rounding decimals"
FIELD "AltCrossCurrCode" OF "CurrRateGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Currency used for
double currency conversions" LABEL "Alternate Cross Currency Code"
FIELD "AltCrossRound" OF "CurrRateGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Determine if rounding
should be done after conversion " LABEL "Alt Rounding"
FIELD "AltCrossRoundDec" OF "CurrRateGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of decimals
to use during rounding " LABEL "Alt Rounding Decimals"
FIELD "GlobalGrp" OF "CurrRateGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not
this rate group is shared between more than one company." LABEL "Global Rate Group"

FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "CurrRateGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not

this record will receive global updates ." LABEL "Global Lock"
FIELD "RateNumDec" OF "CurrRateGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of decimals for
the exchange rates" LABEL "Number of Rate Decimals"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CurrRateGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CurrRateGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CurrRateGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "CustAttr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table enables multiple
attributes like SIC codes to be linke d to the customer table"
FIELD "Company" OF "CustAttr": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CustNum" OF "CustAttr": integer DESCRIPTION "The Customer.CustNum value of
the customer that the record is rel ated to." LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "AttrCode" OF "CustAttr": character
DESCRIPTION "The Attribut.AttrCode of the attribute that is assigned to the cu
stomer." LABEL "Attr Code"
FIELD "ChangedBy" OF "CustAttr": character DESCRIPTION "Userid of user who made the
last change to this record." LABEL "Changed By"
FIELD "ChangeDate" OF "CustAttr": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the record was
last changed" LABEL "Change Date"
FIELD "ChangeTime" OF "CustAttr": integer DESCRIPTION "The time that the record was
last change (seconds since midnight) "
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CustAttr": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CustAttr": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CustAttr": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "CustBank" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Holds Bank data related to a
Customer. It is a child of Customer. "
FIELD "Company" OF "CustBank": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CustNum" OF "CustBank": integer DESCRIPTION "The Customer.CustNum value of
the customer that the record is rel ated to." LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "BankID" OF "CustBank": character DESCRIPTION "Customer Bank ID" LABEL "Bank
FIELD "BankName" OF "CustBank": character DESCRIPTION "Customer Bank Name" LABEL
"Bank Name"
FIELD "BankAcctNumber" OF "CustBank": character DESCRIPTION "Bank Account Number
for the Customer." LABEL "Bank Account Number"
FIELD "BankIdentifier" OF "CustBank": character DESCRIPTION "Swift Number or ABA
Routing Number" LABEL "Bank Identifier"
FIELD "PrimaryBank" OF "CustBank": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates primary bank for
Customer." LABEL "Primary Bank"
FIELD "NameOnAccount" OF "CustBank": character DESCRIPTION "Name on the Bank
Account" LABEL "Name On Account"
FIELD "Address1" OF "CustBank": character DESCRIPTION "Customer address, line 1"
LABEL "Address1"
FIELD "Address2" OF "CustBank": character DESCRIPTION "Customer address, line 2"
LABEL "Address2"
FIELD "Address3" OF "CustBank": character DESCRIPTION "Customer address, line 3"
LABEL "Address3"
FIELD "City" OF "CustBank": character DESCRIPTION "Customer city" LABEL "City"
FIELD "State" OF "CustBank": character DESCRIPTION "Bank state or province" LABEL
FIELD "PostalCode" OF "CustBank": character DESCRIPTION "Customer postal code (zip
code)" LABEL "Postal Code"
FIELD "Country" OF "CustBank": integer DESCRIPTION "Customer country code." LABEL
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CustBank": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CustBank": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CustBank": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "BankBranchCode" OF "CustBank": character DESCRIPTION "Customer Bank Branch
Code" LABEL "Bank/Branch Code"
FIELD "IBANCode" OF "CustBank": character DESCRIPTION "IBAN Code" LABEL "IBAN Code"

FIELD "AgreeRef" OF "CustBank": character DESCRIPTION "Agreement Reference" LABEL

"Agreement Reference" COLUMN-LABEL "Agreement Reference"
FIELD "AgreeExpDate" OF "CustBank": date DESCRIPTION "A date field, indicating when
the agreement to withdraw money fro m the customer expires."
FIELD "PMUID" OF "CustBank": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the payment
FIELD "LegalName" OF "CustBank": character DESCRIPTION "Customer Legal Name" LABEL
"Legal Name"
FIELD "CorrespAccount" OF "CustBank": character DESCRIPTION "Correspondence
Account" LABEL "Correspondent Bank Account" COLUMN-LABEL "Corr Bank Acct"
FIELD "LocalBIC" OF "CustBank": character DESCRIPTION "Local BIC" LABEL "Bank
Identification Code" COLUMN-LABEL "BIC Code"
FIELD "BankPersonCode" OF "CustBank": character DESCRIPTION "Free Form Bank Person
Code. Used in localizations." LABEL "Bank Person Code"

TABLE "CustBillTo" AREA "Schema Area"

DESCRIPTION "Identifies the alternate Bill-To customers which are valid for a
particular customer."
FIELD "Company" OF "CustBillTo": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CustNum" OF "CustBillTo": integer DESCRIPTION "The Customer.CustNum value of
the customer that the record is rel ated to." LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "DefaultBillTo" OF "CustBillTo": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether this
Alt Bill To is the default record or not." LABEL "Default Bill To"
FIELD "InvoiceAddress" OF "CustBillTo": logical DESCRIPTION "If checked, the
invoice print routine will use the address from t his alternate customer as the
invoice address." LABEL "Invoice Address"
FIELD "BTCustNum" OF "CustBillTo": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the CustNum of
the alternate Bill To Customer." LABEL "BillTo Customer"
FIELD "ChangedBy" OF "CustBillTo": character DESCRIPTION "Userid of user who made
the last change to this record." LABEL "Changed By"
FIELD "ChangeDate" OF "CustBillTo": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the record was
last changed" LABEL "Change Date"
FIELD "ChangeTime" OF "CustBillTo": integer DESCRIPTION "The time that the record
was last change (seconds since midnight) "
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CustBillTo": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CustBillTo": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CustBillTo": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "TaxRegReason" OF "CustBillTo": character DESCRIPTION "Tax Payer Registration
Reason Code " LABEL "Tax Payer Registration Reason Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Tax Reg
FIELD "OrgRegCode" OF "CustBillTo": character DESCRIPTION "Organization
Registration Code" LABEL "Organization Registration Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Org Reg
FIELD "OurBankCode" OF "CustBillTo": character DESCRIPTION "Our Bank Code" LABEL
"Our Bank Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Our Bank Code"
FIELD "BTLegalName" OF "CustBillTo": character DESCRIPTION "Full Legal name"

TABLE "CustBT" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Customer Billing Types. This table
is a child of the Customer tab le, but allows multiple records to be created for
each customer record."
FIELD "Company" OF "CustBT": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CustNum" OF "CustBT": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer assigned by the
system to new customers by the customer maintenance program." LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "BTCustNum" OF "CustBT": integer DESCRIPTION "The customer number for this
billing type." LABEL "Billing Customer"
FIELD "BillingTypeCD" OF "CustBT": character DESCRIPTION "The customer billing
type." LABEL "Billing Type"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CustBT": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CustBT": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CustBT": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record."
LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "PrimIdx" ON "CustBT" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The primary index"

TABLE "CustCnAttr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Contains attributes related to a

customer contact."
FIELD "Company" OF "CustCnAttr": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CustNum" OF "CustCnAttr": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifies the Customer
related to this record LABEL "Customer"


FIELD "ShipToNum" OF "CustCnAttr": character DESCRIPTION "The number that the user
assigned to the ship to that this contac t is related to. Note that this field is
blank for contacts related to the cust omer only. " LABEL "Ship To"
FIELD "ConNum" OF "CustCnAttr": integer DESCRIPTION "A system generated number used
to uniquely identify the contact r ecord for the related customer or ship to. When
creating new contacts the system reads the last existing contact record for the
customer or ship to being proces sed and then uses its number plus one as the
number for the new contact." LABEL "Contact Num" COLUMN-LABEL "Num"
FIELD "AttrCode" OF "CustCnAttr": character DESCRIPTION "The attribute Code related
to this record." LABEL "Attr Code"
FIELD "ChangedBy" OF "CustCnAttr": character DESCRIPTION "Userid of user who made
the last change to this record." LABEL "Changed By"
FIELD "ChangeDate" OF "CustCnAttr": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the record was
last changed" LABEL "Change Date"
FIELD "ChangeTime" OF "CustCnAttr": integer DESCRIPTION "The time that the record
was last change (seconds since midnight) "
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CustCnAttr": character
DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CustCnAttr": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CustCnAttr": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "CustCnt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Customer Contacts File. This file
contains customer and customer ship to contact information. It is a subset to both
the Customer and ShipTo file . DELETING - Not allowed if the contact is referenced
in any OrderHed record. Also if the deleted contact was designated as a primary
type. Then update the co rresponding field in either the Customer or ShipTo master
to zeros. This indicat es there is ""No"" primary contact." FOREIGN-NAME "n/a"
FIELD "Company" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CustNum" OF "CustCnt": integer DESCRIPTION "The Customer.CustNum value of
the customer that the contact is re lated to." LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "ShipToNum" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "The ShipTo.ShipToNum of the
Ship To that the customer" LABEL "Ship To"
FIELD "ConNum" OF "CustCnt": integer DESCRIPTION "A system generated number used to
uniquely identify the contact r ecord for the related customer or ship to. When
creating new contacts the system reads the last existing contact record for the
customer or ship to being proces sed and then uses its number plus one as the
number for the new contact." LABEL "Contact Num" COLUMN-LABEL "Num"
FIELD "Name" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Full name of the contact. " LABEL
FIELD "FaxNum" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "The contact's fax number. When
displaying phone numbers of contac ts the system will use the phone number found in
the Customer or Shipto file if the contact's number is blank. " LABEL "Fax"
FIELD "PhoneNum" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "The contact's business
telephone number. When displaying phone nu mbers of contacts the system will use
the phone number found in the Customer or Shipto file if the contacts number is
blank. " LABEL "Phone"
FIELD "Func" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Used to enter a short description
that should indicate what the c ontacts main function is. Ex: Shipping, Buyer,
Engineer. This is an optional fie ld." LABEL "Function"
FIELD "Address1" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Line 1 of the contact's
mailing address if different from that of the customer. The contacts associated
with a customer (not ship to) are allowed to have address, city, state, zip and
country fields that are different from th at of their associated customer. If not
blank, these address fields are printed on the Quote form; otherwise the customer
address is used. " LABEL "Address"
FIELD "Address2" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Line 2 of the contact's
mailing address if different from that of the customer. (See Address1 for
additional information)." LABEL "" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "Address3" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Line 3 of the contact's
mailing address if different from that of the customer. (See Address1 for
additional information)." LABEL "" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "City" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "The city portion of the contact's
mailing address. (See Address1 for additional information)." LABEL "City"
FIELD "State" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "The state or province portion of
the contact's mailing address. ( See Address1 for additional information)." LABEL
"State/Prov" COLUMN-LABEL "State/Province"
FIELD "Zip" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "The zip or postal code portion of
the contact's mailing address. (See Address1 for additional information)." LABEL
"Postal Code"
FIELD "Country" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "The Country portion of the
contact's mailing address. (See Addres
s1 for additional information)." LABEL "Country"
FIELD "SpecialAddress" OF "CustCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "A logical flag that
indicates if this contact has a mailing addre ss different from the one found in
the associated Customer master. This flag is only applicable to contacts related to
the Customer. That is where CustCnt.ShipT oNum = """". During maintenance if this
flag is Yes then access is allowed to th e Address, City, State, Zip and Country
fields. Otherwise those fields are prote cted. During maintenance when
SpecialAddress is toggled to Yes and the address1 field is blank the program
defaults all the address fields equal to the customer s, thinking that much of it
will be the same, saving keying time. When it's togg led to ""No"", then program
sets all the address field to blank. " LABEL "Special Mailing Address"
FIELD "CorpName" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "The company name of the
contact's mailing address. (See Address1 for additional information)." LABEL
"Company Name"
FIELD "EMailAddress" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "The contact's email
address." LABEL "E-Mail Address" COLUMN-LABEL "EMail Address"
FIELD "CountryNum" OF "CustCnt": integer DESCRIPTION "The Country.CountryNum value
of the country selected for the cont act's mailing address." LABEL "Country Number"

FIELD "SFPortalPassword" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Customer Connect

password for this contact." LABEL "SF/Portal Password"
FIELD "SFUser" OF "CustCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if able to create
Orders" LABEL "SF User"
FIELD "PortalUser" OF "CustCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if ""Order
History"" is functional" LABEL "Portal User"
FIELD "RoleCode" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "RoleCD.RoleCode value of the
role assigned to the contact." LABEL "Role Code"
FIELD "CellPhoneNum" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "The contact's cell phone
number." LABEL "Cell Phone"
FIELD "PagerNum" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "The contact's pager number."
LABEL "Pager"
FIELD "HomeNum" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "The contact's Home number."
LABEL "Home"
FIELD "AltNum" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "The contact's alternate phone
number." LABEL "Alternate"
FIELD "ContactTitle" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "The contact's title."
LABEL "Title"
FIELD "ReportsTo" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "The name of the person this
contact reports to." LABEL "Reports To"
FIELD "Comment" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Comments are intended to be
internal comments about a specific co ntact. "
FIELD "NoContact" OF "CustCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not this
contact should be included in marke ting lists." LABEL "No contact"
FIELD "CreateDate" OF "CustCnt": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the contact was
entered into the database." LABEL "Created"
FIELD "CreateDcdUserID" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "The UserFile.DCDUserID
of the user that entered the contact into the database." LABEL "User ID" COLUMN-
FIELD "ChangeDate" OF "CustCnt": date DESCRIPTION "**NOTE cannot find any code that
maintains this field." LABEL "Changed"
FIELD "ChangeDcdUserID" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "**NOTE cannot find any
code that maintains this field." LABEL "User ID" COLUMN-LABEL "User ID"
FIELD "Inactive" OF "CustCnt": logical
DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not this contact can be referenced on a quo te,
order, packing slip or invoice." LABEL "Inactive"
FIELD "FirstName" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Contact's first name." LABEL
"First Name"
FIELD "MiddleName" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Contact's middle name."
LABEL "Middle Name"
FIELD "LastName" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Contact's last name." LABEL
"Last Name"
FIELD "Prefix" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Contact's prefix." LABEL
FIELD "Suffix" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Contact's suffix." LABEL
FIELD "Initials" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Contact's initials." LABEL
FIELD "ExternalID" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "External ID"
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "CustCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not
this record receives global updates" LABEL "Global Lock"
FIELD "ShowInputPrice" OF "CustCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "If TRUE then the input
prices will be shown in the Customer Conne ct Configuration Review." LABEL "Show
Input Price" COLUMN-LABEL "Show Input Price"
FIELD "ChangedBy" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Userid of user who made the
last change to this record." LABEL "Changed By"
FIELD "ChangeTime" OF "CustCnt": integer DESCRIPTION "The time that the record was
last change (seconds since midnight) "
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CustCnt": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CustCnt": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "MasterCustNum" OF "CustCnt": integer DESCRIPTION "Pertains to Alternate
Shipto. Contains the CustNum of the CustCnt record that is the ""Master"". Changes
made to the Master, are replicated to th e alternates. "
FIELD "MasterShipToNum" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Pertains to Alternate
Shipto. Contains the ShipToNum of the CustC nt record that is the ""Master"".
Changes made to the Master, are replicated to the alternates. "
FIELD "MasterConNum" OF "CustCnt": integer DESCRIPTION "Pertains to Alternate
Shipto. Contains the ConNum of the CustCnt record that is the ""Master"". Changes
made to the Master, are replicated to the alternates. "
FIELD "PerConID" OF "CustCnt": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for a PerCon
record." LABEL "PerConID"
FIELD "SyncNameToPerCon" OF "CustCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "Default to True. If
unchecked then changes to the Name fields on PerCon won't affect this record and
vice versa."
FIELD "SyncAddressToPerCon" OF "CustCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "Default to True. If
unchecked then changes to the Address fields on PerCon won't affect this record and
visa versa."
FIELD "SyncPhoneToPerCon" OF "CustCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "Default to True. If
unchecked then changes to the Phone fields on PerCon won't affect this record and
vice versa."
FIELD "SyncEmailToPerCon" OF "CustCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "Default to True. If
unchecked then changes to the email fields on PerCon won't affect this record and
vice versa."
FIELD "SyncLinksToPerCon" OF "CustCnt": logical
DESCRIPTION "Default to True. If unchecked then changes to the Web link fields on
PerCon won't affect this record and vice versa."
FIELD "WebSite" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Contact's Website." LABEL
FIELD "IM" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Contact's IM." LABEL "IM"
FIELD "Twitter" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Contact's Twitter." LABEL
FIELD "LinkedIn" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Contact's LinkedIn." LABEL
FIELD "FaceBook" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Contact's FaceBook." LABEL
FIELD "WebLink1" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "User defined Link 1." LABEL
FIELD "WebLink2" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "User defined Link 2." LABEL
FIELD "WebLink3" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "User defined Link 3." LABEL
FIELD "WebLink4" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "User defined Link 4." LABEL
FIELD "WebLink5" OF "CustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "User defined Link 5." LABEL
FIELD "PerConAddress" OF "CustCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
Person/Contact address should be used as the Spe cial Quoting Address." LABEL "User
Person/Contact Address"
INDEX "MasterContact" ON "CustCnt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "index needed to
find the Alternate Shipto Contacts of a ?Master? Shipto Contact. This is used in
the process of keeping the Alternate in sync wit h the Master."

TABLE "CustCntImport" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table is used for
importing customer contacts into CRM."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CustCntImport": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CustCntImport": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CustCntImport": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "CustCntSLS" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Customer Contact. This table is
a child of the Customer Contact t able, but with a one to one relationship. Ideally
a new CustCntSLS record is cr eated when you create the CustCnt record."
FIELD "Company" OF "CustCntSLS": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CustNum" OF "CustCntSLS": integer DESCRIPTION "The Customer.CustNum value of
the customer that the contact is re lated to." LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "ShipToNum" OF "CustCntSLS": character DESCRIPTION "The ShipTo.ShipToNum of
the Ship To." LABEL "Ship To"
FIELD "ConNum" OF "CustCntSLS": integer DESCRIPTION "A system generated number used
to uniquely identify the contact r ecord for the related customer or ship to."
LABEL "Contact Num" COLUMN-LABEL "Num"
FIELD "BillingCustNum" OF "CustCntSLS": integer DESCRIPTION "The customer number
for this contact." LABEL "Billing Customer"
FIELD "ECSeqNum" OF "CustCntSLS": integer DESCRIPTION "Emergency Contact Sequence."
LABEL "Sequence"
FIELD "SeqNum" OF "CustCntSLS": integer DESCRIPTION "Contact Sequence" LABEL
FIELD "Enquirer" OF "CustCntSLS": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the
contact is an enquirer." LABEL "Enquirer"
FIELD "IsEmergency" OF "CustCntSLS": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the
contact is an emergency contact." LABEL "Emergency"
FIELD "OvrSalutation" OF "CustCntSLS": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether
override salutation for the contact." LABEL "Override Salutation"
FIELD "ContactType" OF "CustCntSLS": character DESCRIPTION "This is used to
indicate the contact types or relationships for t his contact. The relationship is
between the contact and the client." LABEL "Contact Type"
FIELD "Salutation" OF "CustCntSLS": character DESCRIPTION "The salutation for the
contact." LABEL "Salutation"
FIELD "DOB" OF "CustCntSLS": date DESCRIPTION "Date of birth for the contact."
LABEL "Date of Birth"
FIELD "Ethnicity" OF "CustCntSLS": character DESCRIPTION "Ethnicity of the
contact." LABEL "Ethnicity"
FIELD "BirthCountry" OF "CustCntSLS": character DESCRIPTION "Country where the
contact was born." LABEL "Country of Birth"
FIELD "PrefLanguage" OF "CustCntSLS": character DESCRIPTION "The primary language
spoken by the contact." LABEL "Preferred Language"
FIELD "Carer" OF "CustCntSLS": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates the contact is a
carer." LABEL "Carer"
FIELD "MultipleCarer" OF "CustCntSLS": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the
client cares for more than one person. Vali d values are Y (yes), N (no) and U
(unknown)." LABEL "Care of Multiple People"
FIELD "CarerReside" OF "CustCntSLS": character DESCRIPTION "Carer lives with the
client. Valid values are Y (yes), N (no) and U (unknown)." LABEL "Carer Resides"
FIELD "Remote" OF "CustCntSLS": character DESCRIPTION "Details of a carer living in
a remote area." LABEL "Remote"
FIELD "Org" OF "CustCntSLS": character DESCRIPTION "Organization of the contact
person." LABEL "Organization"
FIELD "SLKStatus" OF "CustCntSLS": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not
the carer's letters of name, date of bir th and gender have been substituted for
client's or vice versa." LABEL "SLK Status"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CustCntSLS": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CustCntSLS": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CustCntSLS": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "DOBEstimated" OF "CustCntSLS": logical DESCRIPTION "Date of birth is an
estimate" LABEL "DOB Estimated"
INDEX "PrimIdx" ON "CustCntSLS" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The primary index"

TABLE "CustComm" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Customer Communication Methods.

This table is a child of the Cust omer table, with a many to one relationship. It
is used to record the communica tion methods a client uses."
FIELD "Company" OF "CustComm": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CustNum" OF "CustComm": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer assigned by
the system to new customers by the customer maintenance program." LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "CommMethod" OF "CustComm": character DESCRIPTION "Effective communication
methods used by the client." LABEL "Communication Method"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CustComm": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CustComm": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CustComm": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "CustDfltDocType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Customer default document

types for invoices."
FIELD "Company" OF "CustDfltDocType": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CustNum" OF "CustDfltDocType": integer DESCRIPTION "The Customer.CustNum
value of the customer that the contact is re lated to." LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "InvoiceType" OF "CustDfltDocType": character DESCRIPTION "The invoice type
the default document type is for.." LABEL "Invoice Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Invoice
FIELD "TranDocTypeID" OF "CustDfltDocType": character DESCRIPTION "The id of the
default transaction type." LABEL "Transaction Document" COLUMN-LABEL "Transaction
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CustDfltDocType": character
DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CustDfltDocType": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CustDfltDocType": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "CustEDI" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Details for exchanging EDI
transactions with the associated Custo mer."
FIELD "Company" OF "CustEDI": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CustNum" OF "CustEDI": integer DESCRIPTION "The Customer.CustNum value of
the customer that the record is rel ated to." LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "Test" OF "CustEDI": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not EDI
transactions for this customer are being run in a test or production mode."
FIELD "UseCustDefault" OF "CustEDI": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not
EDI will use customer defaults from the customer master file for inbound orders?
(For example - discounts, sales rep, e tc. " LABEL "Use Customer Defaults"
FIELD "CheckForPart" OF "CustEDI": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not
EDI will allow orders for part numbers that are not in the part master file." LABEL
"Check for Part"
FIELD "MapID" OF "CustEDI": character DESCRIPTION "A specific EDI map id for the
customer. Non-editable, updated by custom programming."
FIELD "UsePriceList" OF "CustEDI": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not
EDI will use the standard Price List lo gic to find the appropriate price." LABEL
"Use Price List"
FIELD "UseCustPart" OF "CustEDI": logical
DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not EDI will use only the customer part num ber
to create orders." LABEL "Use Customer Part"
FIELD "EDIDocIN" OF "CustEDI": character DESCRIPTION "Comma delimited list of
inbound EDI documents. (For example, 830, 850, 860, 862). For the 830 document,
will be '830F' for forecast, '830S' for s ales order."
FIELD "EDIDocOut" OF "CustEDI": character DESCRIPTION "Comma delimited list of
outbound EDI documents. (For example - 85 5, 865, 856, 810)
FIELD "PrintInv" OF "CustEDI": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not the
system will print invoices for an E DI customer when an invoice group is printed."
FIELD "PrintASN" OF "CustEDI": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not and
ASN will be printed for the custome r."
FIELD "UseDftShipTo" OF "CustEDI": logical DESCRIPTION "Use default Ship To if
inbound EDIShipToNum not found."
FIELD "AutoPost" OF "CustEDI": logical DESCRIPTION "Import and Post at the same
FIELD "HoldOrders" OF "CustEDI": logical DESCRIPTION "Import orders ""On Hold""."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CustEDI": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CustEDI": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CustEDI": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "CustGrup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Establishes the valid Customer
Groups that will used in the Syste m. Removing...not allowed if referenced in the
Customer file. " FOREIGN-NAME "n/a"
FIELD "GroupCode" OF "CustGrup": character DESCRIPTION "A code to signify a
grouping of Customers." LABEL "Group"
FIELD "GroupDesc" OF "CustGrup": character DESCRIPTION "The description of a code
to signify a grouping of Customers." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "Company" OF "CustGrup": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "SalesCatID" OF "CustGrup": character DESCRIPTION "A Cod which uniquely
identfies SalesCat record. Can't be blank." LABEL "Sales Cat"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CustGrup": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CustGrup": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CustGrup": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalCustGrup" OF "CustGrup": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this CustGrup as
global, available to be sent out to other companies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "CustGrup": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."

TABLE "CustGrupDiscPriceLst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Customer Group

Discount Price Lists"
FIELD "Company" OF "CustGrupDiscPriceLst": character DESCRIPTION "Company
FIELD "GroupCode" OF "CustGrupDiscPriceLst": character DESCRIPTION
"CustGrup.GroupCode value of the customer group that this price li st is associated
with." LABEL "Group"
FIELD "SeqNum" OF "CustGrupDiscPriceLst": integer DESCRIPTION "This is the sequence
or hierarchy of the price list codes associa ted with the Customer Group. The lower
the number the higher the priority is in the hierarchy." LABEL "Seq" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "ListCode" OF "CustGrupDiscPriceLst": character DESCRIPTION
"PriceLst.ListCode value of the price list that is associated with this customer
group." LABEL "Code"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CustGrupDiscPriceLst": character DESCRIPTION "Unique
identifier for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CustGrupDiscPriceLst": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision
identifier for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CustGrupDiscPriceLst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "CustGrupPriceLst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Customer Group Price

FIELD "Company" OF "CustGrupPriceLst": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GroupCode" OF "CustGrupPriceLst": character DESCRIPTION "CustGrup.GroupCode
value of the customer group that this price li st is associated with." LABEL
FIELD "ListCode" OF "CustGrupPriceLst": character DESCRIPTION "PriceLst.ListCode
value of the price list that is associated with this customer group." LABEL "Code"
FIELD "SeqNum" OF "CustGrupPriceLst": integer DESCRIPTION "This is the sequence or
hierarchy of the price list codes associa ted with the Customer Group. The lower
the number the higher the priority is in the hierarchy." LABEL "Seq" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CustGrupPriceLst": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CustGrupPriceLst": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CustGrupPriceLst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "ListGroup" ON "CustGrupPriceLst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index by
ListCode then GroupCode"

TABLE "CustIC" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Customer Industry Class File. This
file contains customer and cus tomer ship to industry class information. It is a
subset to both the Customer an d ShipTo file."
FIELD "Company" OF "CustIC": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CustNum" OF "CustIC": integer DESCRIPTION "The Customer.CustNum value of the
customer that the industry clas s is related to." LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "ShipToNum" OF "CustIC": character DESCRIPTION "Foreign key to the Ship To
table. Empty if the Industry Class is not related to a ShipTo." LABEL "Ship To"
FIELD "ICTypeID" OF "CustIC": character DESCRIPTION "Foreign key to the ICType
table. A short name, acronym or identif ier for the Industry Class Type." LABEL
FIELD "ICCode" OF "CustIC": character DESCRIPTION "Foreign key to the ICCode table.
Represents the SIC/ISIC/NAICS/NA CE code for the current industry class." LABEL
"Industry Class Code"
FIELD "Primary" OF "CustIC": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the current class
code is the primary for the type." LABEL "Primary"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CustIC": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CustIC": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CustIC": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "CustICIdx" ON "CustIC" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary field index."

INDEX "SysIndex" ON "CustIC" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "SysRowID index."

TABLE "CustMFBill" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Customer Manifest Billing table"

FIELD "Company" OF "CustMFBill": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."

FIELD "PayTypeDesc" OF "CustMFBill": character DESCRIPTION "Describes the billing
type. Valid values and their description a re: 1 - Shipper 2 - FedEx Collect 3 -
Third Party 4 - UPS Prepaid 5 - FedEx Recipient 6 - UPS Consignee 7 - UPS Freight
Collect 8 - UPS Free On Board 9 - UPS Cost and Freight 10 - UPS Delivery Duty Paid
11 - UPS Shpping Duty and Tax Consignee" LABEL "Billing Type Description" COLUMN-
FIELD "PayAccount" OF "CustMFBill": character DESCRIPTION "Shipping Pay Flag
Account Number. Required when Pag Flag is colle ct or Third party" LABEL "Pay Flag
Account Number" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "PayBTAddress1" OF "CustMFBill": character DESCRIPTION "Shipping Billing
Address" LABEL "Address"
FIELD "PayBTAddress2" OF "CustMFBill": character DESCRIPTION "Shipping biling
address line 2" LABEL "" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "PayBTAddress3" OF "CustMFBill": character DESCRIPTION "Shipping biling
address line 3." LABEL "" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "PayBTCity" OF "CustMFBill": character DESCRIPTION "Shipping billing city"
FIELD "PayBTState" OF "CustMFBill": character DESCRIPTION "Shipping Billing state
or province" LABEL "State/Prov" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "PayBTCountry" OF "CustMFBill": character DESCRIPTION "Shipping biling
country" LABEL "Country" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "PayBTCountryNum" OF "CustMFBill": integer DESCRIPTION "Internal field used
to store the country number." LABEL "Country Number" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "PayBTPhone" OF "CustMFBill": character DESCRIPTION "Shipping billing phone
number" LABEL "Phone Number" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "PayBTZip" OF "CustMFBill": character DESCRIPTION "Manifest Billing Postal
Code." LABEL "Pay BT Postal Code"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CustMFBill": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "CustNum" OF "CustMFBill": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer assigned by
the system to new customers by the customer maintenance program. This field is used
as the foreign key to identify the customer in other files such as OrderHed or
InvcHead. The end user should never see this field in the application but can use
it for reporting purposes. " LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "PayBTFlag" OF "CustMFBill": character DESCRIPTION "For Shipping; Bill
Shipper, Bill Recipient, Bill Third Party, Bil l Consignee" LABEL "Pay Flag"
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CustMFBill": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CustMFBill": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "CustBillType" ON "CustMFBill" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
Customer By PayBTFlag"

TABLE "Customer" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Customer Master. This is the
primary file to the Shipto, and Cust Cnt files. DELETING - Not allowed if any
invoices (InvcHead), Sales Orders (OrderHed), reco rds exist for the specific
customer. Be sure to delete all the ShipTo and CustCn t records associated with the
specific customer. " FOREIGN-NAME "n/a"
FIELD "CustNum" OF "Customer": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer assigned by
the system to new customers by the customer maintenance program. This field is used
as the foreign key to identify the customer in other files such as OrderHed or
InvcHead. The end user should never see this field in the application but can use
it for reporting purposes. " LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "TerritoryID" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "The SalesTer.TerritoryID
value of the territory assigned to the c ustomer. " LABEL "Territory"
FIELD "SalesRepCode" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "The
SalesRep.SalesRepCode of the default salesperson for the cust omer. This field is
used to supply defaults to Order Entry and Invoice entry for invoices that do not
reference a sales orders. " LABEL "Sales Rep"
FIELD "PrimPCon" OF "Customer": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains the CustCnt.ConNum
value of the Primary Purchasing conta ct for the customer. This field is not
directly maintainable. Instead it is set during contact maintenance by having the
user mark a check box indicating primar
y Purchaser. This is the contact that is used as a default in Order Entry and Q
uoting. " LABEL "Primary Pur. Contact"
FIELD "TermsCode" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "The Terms.TermsCode value
of the default sales terms associated w ith the customer. A default may be supplied
by XaSyst.TermsCode if not blank. Th e terms will default into quotes and orders
for this customer. For invoices not related to a sales order, these terms will also
default into th e invoice." LABEL "Terms"
FIELD "Name" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "The full name of the customer."
LABEL "Name"
FIELD "PrintStatements" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Controls whether or not
this customer's statement will print when printing of customer statements. " LABEL
"Print Statements" COLUMN-LABEL "STMTS"
FIELD "PrintLabels" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Only customers that are
PrintLabels = Yes will be selected for pr inting of mailing labels." LABEL "Labels"
FIELD "Address1" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "The first line of the
customer's main address." LABEL "Address"
FIELD "GroupCode" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the
CustGrup.GroupCode value of the customer group that the customer has been assigned
to. This field is used by the application for sor ting or filtering on reports and
can also be associated with price lists." LABEL "Group"
FIELD "DiscountPercent" OF "Customer": decimal DESCRIPTION "An optional field used
to establish a default purchasing discount percentage for any order placed by
customer. This value is supplied to order en try as a default for line item
discount percent." LABEL "Discount %" COLUMN-LABEL "Disc %"
FIELD "Address2" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "The second line of the
customer's main address." LABEL "" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "City" OF "Customer": character
DESCRIPTION "The city portion of the customer's main address." LABEL "City"
FIELD "State" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "The state or province portion
of the customer's main address." LABEL "State/Prov" COLUMN-LABEL "State/Province"
FIELD "Zip" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "The zip or postal code portion of
the customer's main address." LABEL "Postal Code"
FIELD "PrintAck" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Allows the user to establish
whether or not a specific customer r equires Sales Order Acknowledgements. This
does not force or limit the printing of sales acknowledgments directly from within
Order Entry. Order entry display s this setting to the user so that they know if
they should print the acknowledg ment. For batch mode printing, (where ranges of
sales orders are selected...future rel ease) this setting will be used to exclude
orders from printing." LABEL "Acknowledgements"
FIELD "FinCharges" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Controls whether or not the
customer will be included in the fina nce charge calculation process. " LABEL
"Finance Charges"
FIELD "CreditHold" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if customer has
been placed into a ""Credit Hold"" stat us. A ""yes"" will trigger notification of
this condition in Order Entry and Shi pping." LABEL "Credit Hold" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "CustID" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "A user defined external
customer ID. This must be unique within the file. This ID may be used in certain
screen displays or reports where a ful l customer name is inappropriate. Therefore
users should use meaningful characte rs as they would in any other master file.
This master file key is a little diff erent in that the user can change. This
change is allowed because the system is not using the CustID as a foreign key in
any other file. Rather it uses the Cus tNum field which is assigned to the customer
by the system." LABEL "Cust. ID"
FIELD "Address3" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "The third line of the
customer's main address." LABEL "" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "Comment" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Comments are intended to be
internal comments about a specific cu stomer. These do get pulled into other
programs. They are mainly intended as an
online storage facility. To be view-as EDITOR widget."
FIELD "Country" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "The country of the main
customer address." LABEL "Country"
FIELD "ResaleID" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Optional field used to
record the customer's State Tax Identifica tion number, which is displayed on Sales
Acknowledgments." LABEL "Tax ID"
FIELD "ShipViaCode" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the
ShipVia.ShipViaCode value of the default ShipVia for the customer. " LABEL "Ship
FIELD "Company" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ShipToNum" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the key of the
default ship to for the customer. A blank value indicates that the name and address
in the Customer file is considered th e default ship to. This field is updated when
the user marks the check box in sh ip to maintenance indicating that the ship to is
to be designated as the default . This default will be used in areas such as Sales
Order entry. " LABEL "Ship To"
FIELD "PrimBCon" OF "Customer": integer DESCRIPTION "The same as the PrimPCon
except that this is the Primary Billing Contact and this is used as a default in
invoice entry." LABEL "Primary Billing Contact"
FIELD "PrimSCon" OF "Customer": integer DESCRIPTION "Same as PrimPCon except that
this the Primary Shipping Contact an d is used as a default in Packing Slip entry.
" LABEL "Primary Shipping Contact"
FIELD "EstDate" OF "Customer": date DESCRIPTION "The date when the customer was
established as a customer. Use the system date as a default when creating new
customers. " LABEL "Est. Date"
FIELD "FaxNum" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "The Fax Number for the
customer. Optional field. Field is display ed in Order entry when no contact is
specifically given or the contact has a bla nk fax number. " LABEL "Fax"
FIELD "PhoneNum" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "The general Business Phone
Number for the customer. Displayed in Order entry when no contact is given or when
contact has a blank phone number." LABEL "Phone"
FIELD "TaxExempt" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the reason why
the customer is normally exempt from sal es tax. Used as a default in invoice
entry. If field is non-blank it is conside red exempt. " LABEL "Tax Exempt"
FIELD "Obs900-ARAcctID" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "The ARAcct.ARAcctID
value of the specific set of AR accounts that will be used by the invoice and
payment transactions related to the customer. I f left blank then the default AR
accounts are used. (see ARSyst.ArAcctID)." LABEL "Account ID"
FIELD "MarkUpID" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "The QMarkup.MarkupID value
of the quote markup table which will b e used to provide default markup percents in
quote entry for this customer. If l eft blank the quote module will use the default
quote markup table for the custo mer. (See EQSyst.MarkupID)." LABEL "MarkUp ID"
FIELD "BillDay" OF "Customer": integer DESCRIPTION "Represents the day of the week
or month that this customer is inv oiced on. The possible choices are determined by
the Customer.Bill-Frequency fie ld value.
FIELD "OneInvPerPS" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not
packing slips for the same Sales Order and Fiscal Period will combined into a
single invoice or not. If the packing sli ps are for different sales orders for the
customer or fall in different fiscal p eriods, seperate invoices will be created
even when this field is set to Yes.
FIELD "DefaultFOB" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the default
FOB.FOB value of the FOB policy for this cu stomers orders. Default used in sales
order entry for this customer." LABEL "FOB"
FIELD "CreditIncludeOrders" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether
or not Open Sales Orders are to be included in the credit limit checking process
for the customer. This checkbox will also inc lude open service contracts." LABEL
"Include Open Orders in Credit Limit"
FIELD "CreditReviewDate" OF "Customer": date DESCRIPTION "Date on which the next
credit review should be conducted for the customer." LABEL "Credit Review Date"
COLUMN-LABEL "Review Date"
FIELD "CreditHoldDate" OF "Customer": date DESCRIPTION "Date on which the customer
was last placed on credit hold. This f ield is maintained by the system." LABEL
"Credit Hold Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Hold Date"
FIELD "CreditHoldSource" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates how the
customer was placed on credit hold. Valid valu es are ""MANUAL"", ""INVOICES"",
""ORDERS"",""CONTRACTS"". ""MANUAL"" means tha t the user placed the customer on
hold. INVOICES means that the customer s open A/ R balance exceeded the credit
limit. LABEL "Credit Hold Source" COLUMN-LABEL "Hold Source"
FIELD "CreditClearUserID" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "The
UserFile.DCDUSERID value of the user that last cleared the cu stomer s credit
hold. This field is maintained by the system." LABEL "Cleared Credit Hold User"
COLUMN-LABEL "Cleared User"
FIELD "CreditClearDate" DESCRIPTION "The date field is maintained by LABEL "Cleared
Credit COLUMN-LABEL "Cleared OF "Customer": date that the user last cleared the
customer s credit hold. This the system." Hold Date" Date"

FIELD "CreditClearTime" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "The time that the

user last cleared the customer s credit hold in HH :MM:SS format. This field is
maintained by the system." LABEL "Cleared Credit Hold Time" COLUMN-LABEL "Cleared
FIELD "EDICode" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "The Trading Partner ID that
is used for incoming and outgoing EDI transactions."
FIELD "Date01" OF "Customer": date DESCRIPTION "Contains the Currency.CurrencyCode
value of the customer's base c urrency." LABEL "Date01" COLUMN-LABEL "Date01"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the
Currency.CurrencyCode value of the customer's base c urrency." LABEL "Currency
Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "LangNameID" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the
LangName.LangNameID value of the customer's language . This controls which language
will be selected when extracting part description
s from PartLangDesc table and report labels for customer related forms such as o
rders, packing slips and invoices." LABEL "Language ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Lang ID"
FIELD "CountryNum" OF "Customer": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains the
Country.CountryNum value of the country the customer is located in." LABEL "Country
FIELD "FormatStr" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Optional custom address
format used to format the customer's main address. "
FIELD "BorderCrossing" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Area/City code from
where goods cross the border. This field is i ntended for Intrastat reporting. The
field can be blank to indicate the value fr om the Country table. This field is
only visible if ISSyst.EnableHarbour is set to yes." LABEL "Exit Point" COLUMN-
LABEL "Border"
FIELD "TaxRegionCode" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the
TaxRgn.TaxRegionCode value of the customer's tax reg ion for purposes of Sales Tax
calculations." LABEL "Tax Region"
FIELD "BTName" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "The Bill To name of this
customer. Will be used by the AR module for Invoices. This defaults to the
Customer.Name but can be overrode by the user ." LABEL "Name"
FIELD "BTAddress1" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "The first line of the
customer's Bill To address." LABEL "Address"
FIELD "BTAddress2" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "The second line of the
customer's Bill To address." LABEL "" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "BTAddress3" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "The second line of the
customer's Bill To address." LABEL "" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "BTCity" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "The city portion of the
customer's Bill To address." LABEL "City"
FIELD "BTState" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "The state or province portion
of the customer's Bill To address." LABEL "State/Prov" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "BTZip" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "The zip or postal code portion
of the customer's Bill To address. " LABEL "Postal Code"
FIELD "BTCountryNum" OF "Customer": integer DESCRIPTION "The Country.Countrynum
value of the Country portion of the custom er's Bill To address." LABEL "Country
FIELD "BTCountry" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the
Country.Description value of the Country portion of the customer's Bill To
address." LABEL "Country"
FIELD "BTPhoneNum" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "The phone number related
to the customer's Bill To Address." LABEL "Phone"
FIELD "BTFaxNum" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "The fax number of the
customer's Bill To address." LABEL "Fax"
FIELD "BTFormatStr" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Optional custom address
format used to format the customer's Bill To address. "
FIELD "ParentCustNum" OF "Customer": integer DESCRIPTION "The Customer.CustNum
value of the customer's parent company." LABEL "Parent"
FIELD "ICCust" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not this
customer is an inter-company custo mer." LABEL "Inter-Company"
FIELD "ContBillDay" OF "Customer": integer DESCRIPTION "The day of the month that
service contracts for the customer mark ed for recurring invoicing are billed on.
If the invoice group's invoice date i s greater than or equal to this date then the
invoice will be generated." LABEL "Contract Bill Day"
FIELD "EMailAddress" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Default email address
for the customer."
FIELD "ShippingQualifier" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Determines whether
or not the customer will accept partial shipme nts at the line or order level. This
functionality is only available with the Ad vanced Material Management module."
FIELD "AllocPriorityCode" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the
AllocPri.PriorityCode value of the priority that thi s customer's orders receive.
This functionality is only available with the Advan ced Material Management
module." LABEL "Alloc Pri" COLUMN-LABEL "Alloc Pri"
FIELD "LinkPortNum" OF "Customer": integer DESCRIPTION "Used with Global alerts"
LABEL "Link Port Number"
FIELD "WebCustomer" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this customer
will be able to access Customer Connec t. Only Customers with this equal to YES
will be synchronized between the Manuf acturing System DB and Customer Connect DB."

FIELD "TerritoryLock" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not

the customer's territory can be changed by system processes that could potentially
change the territory from its curren t value." LABEL "Territory Locked"
FIELD "CustomerType" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Used to define the type
of the customer record. " LABEL "Type"
FIELD "NoContact" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not this
customer will be included in market ing lists." LABEL "Inactive"
FIELD "CustURL" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "The Customer's website URL."
LABEL "Website"
FIELD "PendingTerritoryID" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "The pending sales
territory that the customer will be assigned to based on changes to the territory
boundaries. This functionality is only avail able with the CRM module." LABEL
"Territory ID"
FIELD "ExternalID" OF "Customer": character
FIELD "ConsolidateSO" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not
shipments to this customer for differen t sales orders within the same fiscal
period wil be consolidated into one invoic e. (See Customer.OneInvPerPS - for the
shipments from the same sales order are h andled). " LABEL "Consolidate Sales
Orders" COLUMN-LABEL "Consolidate Sales Orders"
FIELD "Bill-Frequency" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Used in conjunction
with the Customer.BillDay field to determine on what days the customer can be
invoiced on. See Customer.BillDay description f or additional information.
FIELD "CreditIncludePI" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that Payment
Instruments (bank drafts, post dated check s) are to be included in the credit
limit checking. " LABEL "Include PI in Credit Limit"
FIELD "GlobalCust" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not
this customer is shared between more th an one company." LABEL "Global"
FIELD "ICTrader" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this customer
participates in the Inter-Company Trad ing." LABEL "Inter-Company Trader"
FIELD "TaxAuthorityCode" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Establishes the tax
authority for this customer. " LABEL "Tax Authority Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Tax
Authority Code"
FIELD "ExternalDeliveryNote" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether
or not an external delivery note is required f or the customer. This field is
available only when ExtCompany.SendShip is set t o Yes. This will provide the
default for the ShipHead record. " LABEL "External Delivery Note" COLUMN-LABEL
"External Delivery Note"
FIELD "GlobalCredIncOrd" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or
not Open Orders are to be included in the g lobal credit limit checking process.
This checkbox will also include open servic e contracts." LABEL "Include Open
Orders in Global Credit Limit"
FIELD "GlobalCredIncPI" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or
not Payment Instruments (bank drafts, post d ated checks) are to be included in the
credit limit checking process. "
LABEL "Include PI in Global Credit Limit"
FIELD "RfqAttachAllow" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether RFQ
Attachments are allowed for this Customer"
FIELD "DiscountQualifier" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "The discount
qualifier is primarily used when applying order valu e based discounts to the
customer's sales orders. The value of this field affec ts the discount percent
given to the customer. Here's the rule: ""MIN"" = means that the default order
discount percent is the minimum discount the customer could get as compared to the
order value based discount. ""MAX"" = means that the default order discount percent
is the maximum discount the customer could get as compared to the order value based
discount. ""ADD"" = means that the customer could get the order value based
discount in ad dition to the default order discount. " LABEL "Discount Qualifier"
FIELD "GlobalCurrencyCode" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Holds the
Currency.CurrencyCode value of that the global customer will exchange data in."
LABEL "Global Currency Code"
FIELD "ExtID" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "External Company ID"
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not
this customer record will receive globa l updates." LABEL "Global Lock"
FIELD "CheckDuplicatePO" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or
not the system should check existing orders for this customer to insure that the
same PO number is not used twice by the cu stomer." LABEL "Check Duplicate PO"
COLUMN-LABEL "Check Duplicate PO"
FIELD "CreditLimit" OF "Customer": decimal DESCRIPTION "An optional field that
allows user to enter a monetary value to b e used as a Credit limit. A credit limit
of zero is considered as having unlimi ted credit." LABEL "Credit Limit"
FIELD "CustPILimit" OF "Customer": decimal DESCRIPTION "An optional field that
allows user to enter a monetary value to b e used as a credit limit for payment
instruments such as post dated checks or ba nk drafts. A credit limit of zero is
considered as having unlimited credit. " LABEL "PI Credit Limit"
FIELD "GlobalCreditHold" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Determines whether
or not the customer has been placed into a ""G
lobal Credit Hold"" status. Any non-blank value will trigger notification of th is
condition in Order Entry and Shipping." LABEL "Global Credit Hold"
FIELD "GlobalPILimit" OF "Customer": decimal DESCRIPTION "An optional field that
allows user to enter a monetary value to b e used as a credit limit for payment
instruments such as post dated checks or ba nk drafts. A credit limit of zero is
considered as having unlimited credit. " LABEL "Global PI Credit Limit"
FIELD "DocGlobalCreditLimit" OF "Customer": decimal DESCRIPTION "An optional field
that allows user to enter a monetary value to b e used as a Global Credit limit.
Credit limit of zero is considered as having u nlimited credit. Stored in Global
Currency." LABEL "Doc Global Credit Limit"
FIELD "DocGlobalPILimit" OF "Customer": decimal DESCRIPTION "An optional field that
allows user to enter a monetary value to b e used as a Credit limit for payment
instruments such as post dated checks or ba nk drafts. Credit limit of zero is
considered as having unlimited credit. Store d in Global currency" LABEL "Doc
Global PI Credit Limit"
FIELD "GlobalCreditLimit" OF "Customer": decimal DESCRIPTION "An optional field
that allows user to enter a monetary value to b e used as a Global Credit Limit. A
credit limit of zero is considered as having unlimited credit. " LABEL "Global
Credit Limit"
FIELD "AllowAltBillTo" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Specifies the current
customer can be an alternate bill to custom er." LABEL "AllowAltBillTo"
FIELD "DemandQtyChangeAction" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates what
type of action to take if the quantity change lead time is breeched. Options are B
(reject the change) or W (warning - alert that the lead time has been breeched but
allow the record to be accepted). " LABEL "Quantity Change Action" COLUMN-LABEL
"Quantity Change Action"
FIELD "DemandChangeDateLeadTime" OF "Customer": integer DESCRIPTION "The number of
days from today to give a warning when changing the date on an order release record
from an incoming shipping schedule." LABEL "Change Date Lead Time" COLUMN-LABEL
"Change Date Lead Time"
FIELD "DemandChangeDateAction" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates what
type of action to take if the change date lead tim e is breeched. Options are B
(reject the change) or W (warning - alert that the lead time has been breeched but
allow the record to be accepted). " LABEL "Change Date Action"
COLUMN-LABEL "Change Date Action"
FIELD "TradingPartnerName" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "The trading
partner name." LABEL "Trading PartnerName" COLUMN-LABEL "Trading PartnerName"
FIELD "DemandDeliveryDays" OF "Customer": integer DESCRIPTION "Days to use in
calculating the Order Detail Ship By date from the incoming need by date." LABEL
"Delivery Days" COLUMN-LABEL "Delivery Days"
FIELD "DemandDateType" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates incoming
date type. Values are: S - Shipping Date N - Need By Date " LABEL "Incoming Date
Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming Date Type"
FIELD "DemandAddLeadTime" OF "Customer": integer DESCRIPTION "The number of days
from today to give a warning when adding a new order release record from an
incoming shipping schedule." LABEL "Add Lead Time" COLUMN-LABEL "Add Lead Time"
FIELD "DemandAddAction" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates what type
of action to take if the add lead time is bre eched. Options are B (reject the
change) or W (warning - alert that the lead ti me has been breeched but allow the
record to be accepted). " LABEL "Add Lead Time Action" COLUMN-LABEL "Add Lead Time
FIELD "DemandChangeLeadTime" OF "Customer": integer DESCRIPTION "The number of days
from today to give a warning when changing an order release record from an incoming
shipping schedule. This does not include changes to quantity or dates." LABEL
"Change Lead Time" COLUMN-LABEL "Change Lead Time"
FIELD "DemandChangeAction" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates what
type of action to take if the change lead time is breeched. Options are B (reject
the change) or W (warning - alert that the lead time has been breeched but allow
the record to be accepted). " LABEL "Change Action" COLUMN-LABEL "Change Action"
FIELD "DemandCancelLeadTime" OF "Customer": integer DESCRIPTION "The number of days
from today to give a warning when canceling an order release record from an
incoming shipping schedule." LABEL "Cancel Lead Time" COLUMN-LABEL "Cancel Lead
FIELD "DemandCancelAction" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates what
type of action to take if the cancel lead time is breeched. Options are B (reject
the change) or W (warning - alert that the lead time has been breeched but allow
the record to be accepted). " LABEL "Cancel Action" COLUMN-LABEL "Cancel Action"
FIELD "DemandNewLineLeadTime" OF "Customer": integer DESCRIPTION "The number of
days from today to give a warning when adding a new order line record from an
incoming shipping schedule." LABEL "New Line Lead Time" COLUMN-LABEL "New Line Lead
FIELD "DemandNewLineAction" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates what
type of action to take if the new line lead time i s breeched. Options are B
(reject the change) or W (warning - alert that the le ad time has been breeched but
allow the record to be accepted). " LABEL "New Line Action" COLUMN-LABEL "New Line
FIELD "DemandQtyChangeLeadTime" OF "Customer": integer DESCRIPTION "The number of
days from today to give a warning when changing the quantity on an order release
record from an incoming shipping schedule." LABEL "Quantity Change Lead Time"
COLUMN-LABEL "Quantity Change Lead Time"
FIELD "COD" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Prefer COD delivery" LABEL "COD"
FIELD "CODFreight" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Add Freight COD Amount owed"
LABEL "Add Freight to Amount"
FIELD "CODCheck" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Cashier's Check or Money order
is required on COD Delivery" LABEL "Cashier's Check/Money Order Required"
FIELD "CODAmount" OF "Customer": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount due on Cashier's check
or money order" LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "GroundType" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Valid Values are blank,
""Any"" (Any Payment), ""GF"" (Guaranteed Funds), or ""Cash"" (Currency)" LABEL
"Ground Collection Type"
FIELD "ResDelivery" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this a residential
LABEL "Residential Delivery"
FIELD "SatDelivery" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Is a Saturday delivery
acceptable" LABEL "Saturday Delivery"
FIELD "SatPickup" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Is a Saturday pickup
available" LABEL "Saturday Pickup"
FIELD "Hazmat" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Hazmat or Dangerous Goods
delivery" LABEL "Hazmat/DG"
FIELD "DocOnly" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Documents Only delivery" LABEL
"Documents Only"
FIELD "RefNotes" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Reference Notes for the
delivery" LABEL "Reference Notes"
FIELD "ApplyChrg" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Apply Handling Charge to
shipment" LABEL "Apply Charge"
FIELD "ChrgAmount" OF "Customer": decimal DESCRIPTION "Handling Charge Amount"
LABEL "Charge Amount"
FIELD "NotifyFlag" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether to send an
e-mail notification of delivery" LABEL "Notification"
FIELD "NotifyEMail" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "The list of email address
to notify about a delivery" LABEL "E-Mail Addresses" COLUMN-LABEL "EMail Addresses"

FIELD "DeclaredIns" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate that an

insurance value was declared on delivery " LABEL "Declared Value"
FIELD "DeclaredAmt" OF "Customer": decimal DESCRIPTION "Declared Insurance Amount"
LABEL "Insurance Value"
FIELD "PeriodicityCode" OF "Customer": integer DESCRIPTION "Periodicity Code. Must
be a valid code in the Periodicity table. "
FIELD "ServRef1" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Service Reference 1" LABEL
"Reference 1"
FIELD "ServRef2" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Service Reference 2" LABEL
"Reference 2"
FIELD "ServRef3" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Service Reference 3" LABEL
"Reference 3"
FIELD "ServRef4" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Service Reference 4" LABEL
"Reference 4"
FIELD "ServRef5" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Service Reference 5" LABEL
"Reference 5"
FIELD "ServSignature" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Service delivery requires
signature" LABEL "Signature required"
FIELD "ServAlert" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Service Priority Alert flag"
COLUMN-LABEL "Priority Alert"
FIELD "ServHomeDel" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Service Home Delivery
allowed" LABEL "Home Delivery"
FIELD "DeliveryType" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Service Home Delivery
Type Code" LABEL "Delivery Type Code"
FIELD "ServDeliveryDate" OF "Customer": date DESCRIPTION "Service Home Delivery
date" LABEL "Date"
FIELD "ServPhone" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Home delivery phone number"
LABEL "Phone"
FIELD "ServInstruct" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Service Delivery
Instructions" LABEL "Instructions"
FIELD "ServRelease" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Service Signature release
is on file" LABEL "Release on File"
FIELD "ServAuthNum" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Service Signature Release
authorization number" LABEL "Authorization Number"
FIELD "EarlyBuffer" OF "Customer": integer DESCRIPTION "Used to calculate on-time
delivery performance rating" LABEL "Early Buffer" COLUMN-LABEL "Early Buffer"
FIELD "LateBuffer" OF "Customer": integer DESCRIPTION "Used to calculate on-time
delivery performance rating" LABEL "Late Buffer" COLUMN-LABEL "Late Buffer"
FIELD "DemandUnitPriceDiff" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
unit price between the demand and the contract s hould be validated. If this flag
is checked, and the prices are different, when the demand is accepted a record will
be written to the DemandLog table." LABEL "Unit Price Difference"
FIELD "DemandUnitPriceDiffAction" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
what type of action to take if the unit price between t he demand and the contract
is different. Options are B (reject the change) or W (warning - alert that the unit
price is different but allow the record to be ac cepted). " LABEL "Unit Price
Action" COLUMN-LABEL "Unit Price Action"
FIELD "ExcFromVal" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "A flag that indicates
whether this address should be validated by the tax service. " LABEL "Exc.
FIELD "AddressVal" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "A flag indicating that an
address has already been validated. Thi s helps improve the performance of the bulk
address validation process by allowi ng address that have already been validated to
be skipped. This flag is set anyt ime a successful validation is performed, either
by the bulk address validation or validation from the Customer form." LABEL
"Address Validated"
FIELD "RebateVendorNum" OF "Customer": integer DESCRIPTION "This is the Vendor ID
to be used when generating a Rebate for the
customer" LABEL "Supplier Number"
FIELD "RebateForm" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the rebate
should be a Check or a Credit Memo" LABEL "RebateForm"
FIELD "CreditCardOrder" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the order
should default as a credit card order. Ca n be overriden at the order level." LABEL
"Credit Card Order"
FIELD "DemandCheckForPart" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Check for the part
in the Part master." LABEL "Check for Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Check for Part"
FIELD "DemandCheckForPartAction" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
what type of action to take if the Check for Part optio ns is selected and the part
is not in the part master file. Options are B (reje ct the change) or W (warning -
alert that the part is not in the part master but allow the record to be accepted).
" LABEL "Check for Part Action" COLUMN-LABEL "Check for Part Action"
FIELD "ChangedBy" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Userid of user who made the
last change to this record." LABEL "Changed By"
FIELD "ChangeDate" OF "Customer": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the record was
last changed" LABEL "Change Date"
FIELD "ChangeTime" OF "Customer": integer DESCRIPTION "The time that the record was
last change (seconds since midnight) "
FIELD "ChargeCode" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Identifier for the
Finance Charges" LABEL "Charge Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Chrg Cd"
FIELD "FFState" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Freight Forwarder state
portion of address." LABEL "Freight Forwarder State/Province"
FIELD "FFZip" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Freight Forwarder postal code
or zip code portion of address." LABEL "Freight Forwarder Postal Code"
FIELD "FFCountry" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Freight Forwarder country
portion of address." LABEL "Freight Forwarder Country"
FIELD "FFCountryNum" OF "Customer": integer DESCRIPTION "Freight Forwarder country
number portion of address." LABEL "Country Number"
FIELD "FFPhoneNum" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Freight Forwarder phone
Number." LABEL "Freight Forwarder Phone"
FIELD "NonStdPkg" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Non Standard Package flag.
Used in manifesting." LABEL "Non Standard Package"
FIELD "DeliveryConf" OF "Customer": integer DESCRIPTION "Determines the level of
delivery confirmation. 1 - No Signature Required 2 - Adult Signature Required 3 -
Confirmation Required 4 - Verbal Confirmation Required" LABEL "Delivery
FIELD "AddlHdlgFlag" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Additional Handling flag.
Used in manifesting." LABEL "Additional Handling Required"
FIELD "IndividualPackIDs" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Individual Pack
ID'srequired. Used in manifesting." LABEL "Individual Pack IDs"
FIELD "IntrntlShip" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION " International Shipment
flag. Used in manifesting." LABEL "International Shipment"
FIELD "CertOfOrigin" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Certificates of Origin
required flag. Used in manifesting." LABEL "Certificate Of Origin"
FIELD "CommercialInvoice" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Commercial Invoice
required flag. Used in manifesting." LABEL "Commercial Invoice"
FIELD "ShipExprtDeclartn" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Ship Export
Declaration required flag. Used in manifesting." LABEL "Ship Export Declaration"
FIELD "LetterOfInstr" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Letter of Instruction
required. Used in manifesting." LABEL "Letter Of Instruction"
FIELD "FFID" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Freight Forwarder ID." LABEL
"Freight Forward ID"
FIELD "FFCompName" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Freight Forwarder Company
Name" LABEL "Freight Forwarder Company"
FIELD "FFAddress1" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Freight Forwarder first
address line." LABEL "Freight Forwarder Address"
FIELD "FFAddress2" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Freight Forwarder second
address line."
FIELD "FFAddress3" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Freight Forwarder third
address line."
FIELD "FFCity" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Freight Forwarder city portion
of address." LABEL "Freight Forwarder City"
FIELD "UPSQuantumView" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "UPS Quantum View" LABEL
"UPS Quantum View"
FIELD "UPSQVShipFromName" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "UPS Quantum View
From Name" LABEL "UPS QV Ship From"
FIELD "UPSQVMemo" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "UPS Quantum View Memo"
FIELD "UPSQVEmailType" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Always equal to
Customer. Used to link the customer table to the UPSQVEmail table." LABEL
"Transaction Type"
FIELD "FFContact" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "International Shipping.
Frieght Forwarder Contact"
FIELD "ETCAddrChg" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to determine if an
address changed because of the tax integr
ation. If true, the tax integration changed the address." LABEL "ETCAddrChg"

FIELD "TaxRoundRule" OF "Customer": integer DESCRIPTION "Define the rule how Tax
amount from for sales related documents s hall be rounded to the general number of
decimals from the Currency: 0 Â Use round ing rules from Currency; 1 Â Round up; 2
 Round down; 3  Normal rounding; Used when Co pany parameter - Customer specific
Tax Rounding is set."
FIELD "TaxMethod" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Tax calculation per line or
invoice. It can be ""L"" = per line or ""I"" = per invoice. Default is ""L""."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "Customer": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "ValidPayer" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Remit cash receipts in AR.
No cash receipts will be accepted from customers without this authorization" LABEL
"Valid Payer"
FIELD "ValidSoldTo" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Sold to customer in the AR
Invoice Entry. The user will not be ab le to enter invoices for customers without
this authorization" LABEL "Valid Sold To"
FIELD "ValidShipTo" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Receive shipments for
orders entered in OE. Unless the user selec ts this option, the user must enter a
Ship-to address in the Order Entry form." LABEL "Valid ShipTo"
FIELD "OverrideRlsClass" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Children are allowed
to pay for their parents" LABEL "Override Class"
FIELD "AcrossNatAcc" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Accept payments from any
customer within the national account, re gardless of parent-child status" LABEL
"Across Acc"
FIELD "NAParentCreditIsUsed" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "allow use Parent
Credit in National Account" LABEL "Use Parent"
FIELD "AllowOTS" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if One Time Shipto
information can be entered for this customer. OTS, are entered in Quote, Sales
Order, RMA, Service Contract and Ser vice Call. In Shipping and Invoicing the OTS
infomation is used." LABEL "One Time Shipto's"
FIELD "NACreditIsShare" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "allow/deny to a
customer share his own credit with other customer s within the National account"
LABEL "Share own Credit"
FIELD "ManagedVendID" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "VendID of the
associated supplier. Only populated if ManagedCust flag = true. Entered through
Supplier Entry" LABEL "Managed VendID"
FIELD "NACreditPreferenceList" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "define what
type of credit will be used first when the customer" LABEL "Credit Preference"
FIELD "NAParentCreditPrc" OF "Customer": decimal DESCRIPTION "Max Percent of Parent
Credit to Use" LABEL "Prc Parent Credit"
FIELD "NACreditSharedPrc" OF "Customer": decimal DESCRIPTION "Percentage of the
customer credit shared to his Children." LABEL "Percent for Children"
FIELD "ThirdPLCust" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag indicating that this
is a 3PL customer." LABEL "ThirdPLCust"
FIELD "ManagedVendNum" OF "Customer": integer DESCRIPTION "VendNum associated with
VendID of associated supplier. Only popu lated if ManagedCust flag = true." LABEL
"Managed VendNum"
FIELD "NARlsClassCode" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Code of Overriden
Relationship Class " LABEL "Class Code"
FIELD "DirectDebiting" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Direct Debiting flag for
use with Promissory Notes." LABEL "Direct Debiting" COLUMN-LABEL "Direct Debiting"
FIELD "Obs905-AutoGenPromNotes" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Autogenerate
flag for use with Promissory Notes." LABEL "Autogenerate Promissory Notes" COLUMN-
LABEL "Autogenerate Promissory Notes"
FIELD "ReservePriorityCode" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the
ReservePri.PriorityCode value of the priority that t his customer's orders receive.
This functionality is only available with the Adv anced Material Management
module." LABEL "Reservation Priority" COLUMN-LABEL "Reservation Priority"
FIELD "ReminderCode" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Identifier for
the Reminder Group."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "Customer": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlbNAParentCreditPrc" OF "Customer": decimal DESCRIPTION "Max Percent of
Global Parent Credit to Use" LABEL "Global Prc Parent Credit"
FIELD "GlbNACreditSharedPrc" OF "Customer": decimal DESCRIPTION "Percentage of the
customer credit shared to his Global Children." LABEL "Global Percent for Children"

FIELD "GlbNAParentCreditIsUsed" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "allow use

Global Parent Credit in National Account" LABEL "Use Global Parent Credit"
FIELD "GlbNACreditIsShare" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "allow/deny to a
customer share his own credit with other customer s within the Global National
account" LABEL "Global Share own Credit with"
FIELD "AllowShipTo3" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "When yes, a ShipTo CustID
on certain forms will be enabled. This allows a shipto of a different customer to
be referenced as a 3rd party for a do cument." LABEL "Allow Shipto 3rd Party"
FIELD "OTSSaveAs" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "The default value used on
One Time Ship To panels. Valid values b lank = None, C = Customer, P = Prospect, S
= Suspect T = Ship To "
FIELD "CustPartOpts" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Determines print options
for any customer parts related to this c ustomer.
FIELD "HasBank" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "If yes, indicates that Customer
has at least one associated CustB
ank record." LABEL "Has Bank"
FIELD "PMUID" OF "Customer": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the payment
FIELD "DemandCheckForRev" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Check for Revision"
LABEL "Check for Revision" COLUMN-LABEL "Check for Revision"
FIELD "OrderHoldForReview" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Hold for Review"
LABEL "Hold for Review" COLUMN-LABEL "Hold for Review"
FIELD "DemandCheckForRevAction" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Check for
Revision Action" LABEL "Check for Revision Action" COLUMN-LABEL "Check for Revision
FIELD "ShipToTerrList" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "List of all ship to
territories for the customer" LABEL "ShipTo Terr List"
FIELD "AcctRefNumber" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "The Banking Reference
number to be used on AR Invoice sent to the customer"
FIELD "ARInvoiceAdjITCode" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Default Income Tax
Code for AR Invoice Adjustments" LABEL "AR Invoice Adjustments IT Code"
FIELD "ARInvoiceITCode" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Default Income Tax
Code for AR Invoices" LABEL "AR Invoices IT Code"
FIELD "CreditMemoITCode" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Default Income Tax
Code for Credit Memos" LABEL "Credit Memos IT Code"
FIELD "MiscCashRecITCode" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Default Income Tax
Code for Miscellaneous Cash Receipts" LABEL "Miscellaneous Cash Receipts IT Code"
FIELD "InvPerPackLine" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "If this flag it?s turned
on then one invoice per packing line wil l be created when invoicing a packing slip
at the ?Get Shipments? action on the AR Invoice entry."
LABEL "InvPerPackLine"
FIELD "DmdCheckShipAction" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Flag to Check
Partial Shipments Action B = Stop W = Warning" LABEL "Check Partial Shipments
FIELD "DemandCheckCUMM" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to check for
cummulative info."
FIELD "DemandCheckCUMMAction" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Flag to Check
what action should the system take the options are B = Stop and W Warning" LABEL
"Check For CUMM Action"
FIELD "DemandCloseRejSkd" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Define if at the
moment of processing a demand the process should also close those rejected
schedules that remain at demand entry" LABEL "Close Reject Schedules"
FIELD "DemandCloseNoMatch" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag that indicates
if the Demand non matched will be closed." LABEL "Close Non Match"
FIELD "DmdCheckPartialShip" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to Check
Partial Shipments" LABEL "Check Partial Shipments"
FIELD "TaxRegReason" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Tax Payer Registration
Reason Code " LABEL "Tax Payer Registration Reason Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Tax Reg
FIELD "LegalName" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Full Legal name" COLUMN-
LABEL "Legal Name"
FIELD "OrgRegCode" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Organization Registration
Code" LABEL "Organization Registration Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Org Reg Code"
FIELD "OurBankCode" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Our Bank Code" LABEL "Our
Bank Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Our Bank Code"
FIELD "DemandPricing" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Defines if Internal
Pricing or Customer Pricing will be used for checking price differences"
LABEL "Pricing"
FIELD "PriceTolerance" OF "Customer": decimal DESCRIPTION "Defines the tolerance
for price difference validations" LABEL "Price Tolerance"
FIELD "PreferredBank" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Preferred bank for cash
receipts from sale to customer." LABEL "Preferred Bank" COLUMN-LABEL "Preferred
FIELD "CheckUpdateCapPromise" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "If checked,
Updates the date in Demand Entry" LABEL "Check Update Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Check
Update Date"
FIELD "DemandCapPromiseDate" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "This field will
define the dates that will be validated as a part of the demand to order process.
The valid values for this combo will be: Need By (N), Ship By (S) and Both (B)"
LABEL "Update Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Update Date"
FIELD "DemandCapPromiseAction" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "The value on
this field will define the action to be taken when v alidating CTP. The valid
values for this combo box will be: Warning (W) and Stop (S)" LABEL "CTP Action"
FIELD "DemandCapPromiseUpdate" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "This field
will define the dates that will be updated as a part o f the demand to order
process. The valid options will be: Need By (N), Ship By (S) and Both (B) NOTE .-In
all the cases above the update of date will only be done if the CTP dates are
beyond the dates on the file. " LABEL "Replace Dates" COLUMN-LABEL "Replace Dates"
FIELD "CheckDateCapPromise" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "If this flags is
turned on then Demand CTP will automatically be executed as a part of the demand to
order process." LABEL "Check Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Chech Date"
FIELD "CheckConfirmCapPromise" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Confirm or not
the Capable to Promise jobs from Demand Entry" LABEL "Confirm" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "PeriodicBilling" OF "Customer": logical
DESCRIPTION "Status of the Periodic Billing" LABEL "Periodic Billing"
FIELD "DueDateCriteria" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Criteria used for the
calculation of the due date. Only enable if Periodic Billing status is active."
LABEL "Due Date Criteria"
FIELD "PBTerms" OF "Customer": integer DESCRIPTION "Periodic Billing Terms. A
period between the billing or summarizi ng date and the due date (for example: 30
days, 45 days, 60 days)." LABEL "Periodic Billing Terms"
FIELD "ERSOrder" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Evaluated Receipt Settlement
Order. This flag will be used as a d efault when the user creates a Demand Entry PO
or a Sales Order" LABEL "ERS Order"
FIELD "DemandSplitSched" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "This checkbox
indicates if the Demand schedule could be splited w hen there are not enough stock
for a part, from the CTP." LABEL "Demand Split"
FIELD "OTSmartString" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "When set to TRUE the
smart string functionality will only be proc essed when the incoming demand is new.
After it has been processed and saved, if a retransmission is sent the smart string
values will be ignored." LABEL "One Time Smart String"
FIELD "RACode" OF "Customer": character DESCRIPTION "Revenue Amortization Code."
LABEL "Revenue Amortization Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Revenue Amortization Code"
FIELD "DeferredRev" OF "Customer": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if revenue is
deferred for contracts assigned to this g roup." LABEL "Deferred Revenue" COLUMN-
LABEL "Deferred Revenue"
INDEX "CustNum" ON "Customer" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This key is assigned
by the system. "
INDEX "GroupCode" ON "Customer" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Used in referential
integrity check when deleting a CustGrup reco rd."
INDEX "Name" ON "Customer"
AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index by full name."
INDEX "SalesRepCode" ON "Customer" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Used primarly
for RI check when deleting a SalesRep record."

TABLE "CustomerDiscPriceLst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Customer Discount

Price Lists"
FIELD "Company" OF "CustomerDiscPriceLst": character DESCRIPTION "Company
FIELD "CustNum" OF "CustomerDiscPriceLst": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer
assigned by the system to new customers by the customer maintenance program. "
LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "ShipToNum" OF "CustomerDiscPriceLst": character DESCRIPTION "This is the
ShipToNum of the Customer Ship To. " LABEL "Ship To"
FIELD "SeqNum" OF "CustomerDiscPriceLst": integer DESCRIPTION "This is the sequence
or hierarchy of the price list codes associa ted with the ship to. The lower the
number the higher the priority is in the hi erarchy." LABEL "Seq" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "ListCode" OF "CustomerDiscPriceLst": character DESCRIPTION "Unique set of
characters entered by the user to identify the Pric e List master within the
company." LABEL "Code"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CustomerDiscPriceLst": character DESCRIPTION "Unique
identifier for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CustomerDiscPriceLst": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision
identifier for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CustomerDiscPriceLst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "CustomerDocs"
AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Customer document parameters. Contains information
about how cus tomer documents are structured. Used primarily by Service Connect to
determine how to process incoming data. Can be linked to the Customer table and
ShipTo ta ble."
FIELD "Company" OF "CustomerDocs": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CustNum" OF "CustomerDocs": integer DESCRIPTION "The Customer.CustNum value
of the customer that the contact is re lated to." LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "ShipToNum" OF "CustomerDocs": character DESCRIPTION "The ShipTo.ShipToNum of
the Ship To that the customer" LABEL "Ship To"
FIELD "DocumentName" OF "CustomerDocs": character DESCRIPTION "The document name
the parameters are for. For example, incoming and outgoing data is via EDI, the
value in this field would be the various docum ent types/names found in EDI such as
830, 850, 862, etc." LABEL "Document Name" COLUMN-LABEL "Document Name"
FIELD "DocumentType" OF "CustomerDocs": character DESCRIPTION "The type of
document. Values are: InForecast - Forecast InUnfirm - Unfirm Releases InShSched -
Incoming Shipping Schedule ASN - Advance Shipping Notice Inv - Invoice SOAck -
Sales Order Acknowledgement ChgResp - Response to a Sales Order change Status -
Order Status" LABEL "Document Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Document Type"
FIELD "AltTradingPartnerName" OF "CustomerDocs": character DESCRIPTION "An
alternate trading partner name for this document." LABEL "Alternate Trading Partner
Name" COLUMN-LABEL "Alternate Trading Partner Name"
FIELD "TestRecord" OF "CustomerDocs": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or
not this record is in test mode (true) or p roduction mode (false). " LABEL "Test
Record" COLUMN-LABEL "Test Record"
FIELD "UseCustomerDefaults" OF "CustomerDocs": logical DESCRIPTION "Use customer
master defaults for inbound orders. This would be i nformation such as discount,
sales reps, etc."
LABEL "Use Customer Defaults" COLUMN-LABEL "Use Customer Defaults"
FIELD "CheckForPart" OF "CustomerDocs": logical DESCRIPTION "On incoming
DemandDetail records, indicates if the Part master sh ould be checked for the
existance of the part. If true, a warning will be writt en to the DemandLog table
if the part does not exist." LABEL "Check for Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Check for Part"
FIELD "UseCustPart" OF "CustomerDocs": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates of only
customer parts are to be used when creating ord ers." LABEL "Use Customer Part"
COLUMN-LABEL "Use Customer Part"
FIELD "OutBoundDocReq" OF "CustomerDocs": logical DESCRIPTION "Identifies whether
or not an outbound XML document is created dur ing the Accept Inbound Demand
process." LABEL "Outbound Document Required" COLUMN-LABEL "Outbound Document
FIELD "MapID" OF "CustomerDocs": character DESCRIPTION "Specific Map ID for the
customer or ship to. Non-editable, updat ed by custom programming." LABEL "Map ID"
FIELD "UserChar1" OF "CustomerDocs": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined character
field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrdertUserChar1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserChar2" OF "CustomerDocs": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined character
field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserChar2Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserChar3" OF "CustomerDocs": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined character
field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserChar3Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserChar4" OF "CustomerDocs": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined character
field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserChar4Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserDate1" OF "CustomerDocs": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date field.
Actual label used is defined in the XaSy st record. This Field is only accessible
if XaSyst.OrderUserDate1Label
is non blank."
FIELD "UserDate2" OF "CustomerDocs": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date field.
Actual label used is defined in the XaSy st record. This Field is only accessible
if XaSyst.OrderUserDate2Label is non bl ank."
FIELD "UserDate3" OF "CustomerDocs": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date field.
Actual label used is defined in the XaSy st record. This Field is only accessible
if XaSyst.OrderUserDate3Label is non bl ank."
FIELD "UserDate4" OF "CustomerDocs": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date field.
Actual label used is defined in the XaSy st record. This Field is only accessible
if XaSyst.OrderUserDate4Label is non bl ank."
FIELD "UserDecimal1" OF "CustomerDocs": decimal DESCRIPTION "User Defined Decimal
field. Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserDec1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserDecimal2" OF "CustomerDocs": decimal DESCRIPTION "User Defined Decimal
field. Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserDec2Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserInteger1" OF "CustomerDocs": integer DESCRIPTION "User Defined Integer
field. Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserInt1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserInteger2" OF "CustomerDocs": integer DESCRIPTION "User Defined Integer
field. Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserInt2Label is non blank."
FIELD "AcceptType" OF "CustomerDocs": character DESCRIPTION "The type of action to
take for incoming demands. Values are: ALW - Always accept the demand automatically
ANE - Accpet the demand automatically if no errors ASD - Always stop at demand.
User will accept demands manually." LABEL "Accept Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Accept Type"
FIELD "DocDirection" OF "CustomerDocs": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
document an inbound document or outbound docume nt. Values are: I - Inbound O -
Outbound" LABEL "Document Direction"
COLUMN-LABEL "Document Direction"
FIELD "OutboundDocName" OF "CustomerDocs": character DESCRIPTION "The outbound
document name. Used when OutBoundDocReq is true. N ot required." LABEL "Outbound
Document Name" COLUMN-LABEL "Outbound Document Name"
FIELD "DeleteCurrentReleases" OF "CustomerDocs": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
Order Releases that have not been shipped and do not have a job will be deleted
when receiving this document type." LABEL "Delete Current Releases"
FIELD "UsePartUPC" OF "CustomerDocs": logical DESCRIPTION "Use the UPC in the Part
table" LABEL "Use Part UPC" COLUMN-LABEL "Use Part UPC"
FIELD "OutboundManual" OF "CustomerDocs": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
OutboundDocName document is manual." LABEL "Outbound Manual" COLUMN-LABEL "Outbound
FIELD "OutboundAutomatic" OF "CustomerDocs": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
OutboundDocName document is automatic." LABEL "Outbound Automatic" COLUMN-LABEL
"Outbound Automatic"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CustomerDocs": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CustomerDocs": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CustomerDocs": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "CustomerExtRef" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "External Reference Numbers

for the customer. External references are numbers allocated to the client by
different government departments etc. We use a separate table since there are
hundreds of different IDs that might be in use, and a lot of these need to be
reported back to different government depart ment."
FIELD "Company" OF "CustomerExtRef": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CustNum" OF "CustomerExtRef": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer assigned
by the system to new customers by the customer maintenance program." LABEL
FIELD "ReferenceID" OF "CustomerExtRef": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique ID for this
external reference." LABEL "Reference ID"
FIELD "ReferenceCode" OF "CustomerExtRef": character DESCRIPTION "Reference code
for this reference type." LABEL "Reference Code"
FIELD "ReferenceType" OF "CustomerExtRef": character DESCRIPTION "Reference type
for this reference code." LABEL "Reference Type"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CustomerExtRef": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CustomerExtRef": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CustomerExtRef": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "PrimIdx" ON "CustomerExtRef" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The primary

TABLE "CustomerFSPriceList" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Table to maintain price

lists for the Mobile Field Service integr ation for a customer."
FIELD "Company" OF "CustomerFSPriceList": character DESCRIPTION "Company
FIELD "CustNum" OF "CustomerFSPriceList": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer
assigned by the system to new customers by the customer maintenance program." LABEL
FIELD "ShipToNum" OF "CustomerFSPriceList": character
DESCRIPTION "This is the ShipToNum of the Customer Ship To." LABEL "Ship To"
FIELD "SeqNum" OF "CustomerFSPriceList": integer DESCRIPTION "This is the sequence
or hierarchy of the price list codes associa ted with the ship to. The lower the
number the higher the priority is in the hie rarchy." LABEL "Seq" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "ListCode" OF "CustomerFSPriceList": character DESCRIPTION "Unique set of
characters entered by the user to identify the Pric e List master within the
company." LABEL "Code"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CustomerFSPriceList": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CustomerFSPriceList": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CustomerFSPriceList": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "PrimIdx" ON "CustomerFSPriceList" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The
primary index."

TABLE "CustomerImport" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table is used for
importing customer records into CRM."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CustomerImport": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CustomerImport": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CustomerImport": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "CustomerPriceLst" AREA "Schema Area"

DESCRIPTION "Customer/ShipTo Price List table. All the price list codes assoc iated
with the customer/shipto will be stored as separate record. When ShipToNu m is
blank then price list is for customer. Price list is specific for ShipTo wh en
ShipToNum is supplied."
FIELD "ListCode" OF "CustomerPriceLst": character DESCRIPTION "Unique set of
characters entered by the user to identify the Pric e List master within the
company." LABEL "Code"
FIELD "Company" OF "CustomerPriceLst": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CustNum" OF "CustomerPriceLst": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer
assigned by the system to new customers by the customer maintenance program. "
LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "ShipToNum" OF "CustomerPriceLst": character DESCRIPTION "This is the
ShipToNum of the Customer Ship To. " LABEL "Ship To"
FIELD "SeqNum" OF "CustomerPriceLst": integer DESCRIPTION "This is the sequence or
hierarchy of the price list codes associa ted with the ship to. The lower the
number the higher the priority is in the hi erarchy." LABEL "Seq" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CustomerPriceLst": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CustomerPriceLst": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CustomerPriceLst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "ListCust" ON "CustomerPriceLst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index by
ListCode then CustNum"

TABLE "CustomerSLS" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Customer SLS Details. This
table is a child of the Customer table , but with a one to one relationship.
Ideally a new CustomerSLS record is creat
ed when you create the Customer record. "
FIELD "Company" OF "CustomerSLS": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CustNum" OF "CustomerSLS": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer assigned by
the system to new customers by the customer maintenance program." LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "Alert" OF "CustomerSLS": character DESCRIPTION "An alert to highlight to
staff important information about the cl ient." LABEL "Alert"
FIELD "AltNum" OF "CustomerSLS": character DESCRIPTION "Alternate phone number for
the client." LABEL "Alternate"
FIELD "CellPhoneNum" OF "CustomerSLS": character DESCRIPTION "Cell phone number for
the client." LABEL "Cell Phone"
FIELD "DOB" OF "CustomerSLS": date DESCRIPTION "Date of birth for the client."
LABEL "Date of Birth"
FIELD "Ethnicity" OF "CustomerSLS": character DESCRIPTION "Ethnicity of the
client." LABEL "Ethnicity"
FIELD "BirthCountry" OF "CustomerSLS": character DESCRIPTION "Country where the
client was born." LABEL "Country of Birth"
FIELD "InterpreterServices" OF "CustomerSLS": character DESCRIPTION "Interpreter
services required by the client." LABEL "Interpreter Services"
FIELD "PrefLanguage" OF "CustomerSLS": character DESCRIPTION "The primary language
spoken by the client." LABEL "Preferred Language"
FIELD "LivingArrange" OF "CustomerSLS": character DESCRIPTION "The living
arrangements of the client. For example: living alone ,with family/friends." LABEL
"Living Arrangements"
FIELD "LivingSetting" OF "CustomerSLS": character DESCRIPTION "The type of place in
which the client lives." LABEL "Living Setting"
FIELD "Carer" OF "CustomerSLS": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates the client is a
carer." LABEL "Carer"
FIELD "MultipleCarer" OF "CustomerSLS": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether
the client cares for more than one person. Vali d values are Y-Yes, N-No and U-
Unknown." LABEL "Care of Multiple People"
FIELD "CarerReside" OF "CustomerSLS": character DESCRIPTION "Carer lives with the
client. Valid values are Y-Yes, N-No and U-U unknown." LABEL "Carer Resides"
FIELD "Remote" OF "CustomerSLS": character DESCRIPTION "Details of a client living
in a remote area." LABEL "Remote"
FIELD "InformalCare" OF "CustomerSLS": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies whether a
client receives informal care assistance fro m another person or not, such as a
family member, friend etc." LABEL "Informal Care"
FIELD "SLKStatus" OF "CustomerSLS": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not
the client's letters of name, date of bi rth and gender have been substituted for
carer's or vice versa." LABEL "SLK Status"
FIELD "ExternalID" OF "CustomerSLS": character DESCRIPTION "External ID for the
client. This is used by external (3rd party) systems, so should not be changed by
users." LABEL "External ID"
FIELD "FirstName" OF "CustomerSLS": character DESCRIPTION "The client's first
name." LABEL "First Name"
FIELD "LastName" OF "CustomerSLS": character DESCRIPTION "The client's last name."
LABEL "Last Name"
FIELD "MiddleName" OF "CustomerSLS": character DESCRIPTION "The client's middle
name." LABEL "Middle Name"
FIELD "Gender" OF "CustomerSLS": character DESCRIPTION "The client's gender. Valid
values are M-Male, F-Female and N-Not stated." LABEL "Gender"
FIELD "ImageName" OF "CustomerSLS": character DESCRIPTION "Link to the client's
photo. The photo is stored in bitmap format ." LABEL "Image"
FIELD "OvrSalutation" OF "CustomerSLS": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or
not the client's salutation has been overrid den." LABEL "Override Salutation"
FIELD "PrefName" OF "CustomerSLS": character DESCRIPTION "The name that the client
prefers to be called." LABEL "Preferred Name"
FIELD "MaritalStatus" OF "CustomerSLS": character DESCRIPTION "The client's marital
status." LABEL "Marital Status"
FIELD "Nationality" OF "CustomerSLS": character DESCRIPTION "The nationality of the
client." LABEL "Nationality"
FIELD "Religion" OF "CustomerSLS": character DESCRIPTION "The religion of the
client." LABEL "Religion"
FIELD "CustTitle" OF "CustomerSLS": character DESCRIPTION "The title of the
client." LABEL "Title"
FIELD "Salutation" OF "CustomerSLS": character DESCRIPTION "The salutation of the
client." LABEL "Salutation"
FIELD "AssetAssess" OF "CustomerSLS": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the
client has been asset assessed." LABEL "Asset Assessment Received"
FIELD "ClassType" OF "CustomerSLS": character DESCRIPTION "The classification of
the client. Valid values are A-Assisted, C -Concessional, S-Supported." LABEL
FIELD "PensionType" OF "CustomerSLS": character
DESCRIPTION "The pension type of the client. Valid values are FP-Full Pension er,
NP-Non-Pensioner, PP-Part Pensioner." LABEL "Pension Type"
FIELD "RespTakenDays" OF "CustomerSLS": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of days of
respite the client has taken." LABEL "Respite Taken Days"
FIELD "RespReqdDays" OF "CustomerSLS": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of days of
respite the client requires." LABEL "Respite Required Days"
FIELD "RespAsAtDate" OF "CustomerSLS": date DESCRIPTION "Date that the respite days
were updated." LABEL "Respite As At Date"
FIELD "ChargeExemptSup" OF "CustomerSLS": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether
the client is paid the charge exempt supplement ." LABEL "Charge Exempt Supplement"

FIELD "NetAssets" OF "CustomerSLS": decimal DESCRIPTION "Net assets of the client."

LABEL "Net Assets"
FIELD "Bond" OF "CustomerSLS": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the client
has a bond." LABEL "Bond"
FIELD "PrevFacility" OF "CustomerSLS": character DESCRIPTION "The facility that the
client was previously residing." LABEL "Previous Facility"
FIELD "PrevExitDate" OF "CustomerSLS": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the client
exited their previous facility." LABEL "Previous Exit Date"
FIELD "BondAmt" OF "CustomerSLS": decimal DESCRIPTION "The bond amount for the
client in their previous facility." LABEL "Bond Amount"
FIELD "DailyAccomCharge" OF "CustomerSLS": decimal DESCRIPTION "The amount of the
daily accommodation charge for the client in t heir previous facility." LABEL
"Daily Accom Charge"
FIELD "NoMthsPaid" OF "CustomerSLS": integer DESCRIPTION "The number of months of
bond paid for the client in their previou s facility."
LABEL "No of Months Paid"
FIELD "RetAmtMthly" OF "CustomerSLS": decimal DESCRIPTION "The amount of the
monthly retention for the client in their prev ious facility." LABEL "Retention
Amount Monthly"
FIELD "PredADL" OF "CustomerSLS": character DESCRIPTION "The predicted ACFI
Activities of Daily Living score for the clien t. Valid values are N-None, L-Low,
M-Medium, H-High." LABEL "Predicted ADL"
FIELD "PredBEH" OF DESCRIPTION "The are N-None, L-Low, LABEL "Predicted
"CustomerSLS": character predicted ACFI Behaviour score for the client. Valid
values M-Medium, H-High." BEH"

FIELD "PredCHC" OF "CustomerSLS": character DESCRIPTION "The predicted ACFI Complex

Health Care score for the client. Val id values are N-None, L-Low, M-Medium, H-
High." LABEL "Predicted CHC"
FIELD "PrimaryCommMethod" OF "CustomerSLS": character DESCRIPTION "The primary
communication method used by the customer." LABEL "Primary Comm Method"
FIELD "PrimaryBTCustNum" OF "CustomerSLS": integer DESCRIPTION "The primary Billing
Type Customer for this customer." LABEL "Primary Billing Customer"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CustomerSLS": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CustomerSLS": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CustomerSLS": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "PrevEntryDate" OF "CustomerSLS": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the client
entered their previous facility." LABEL "Previous Entry Date"
FIELD "DOBEstimated" OF "CustomerSLS": logical DESCRIPTION "Date of birth is an
estimate." LABEL "DOB Estimated"
INDEX "PrimIdx" ON "CustomerSLS" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The primary index"

TABLE "CustRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Customer Restriction Type."

FIELD "Company" OF "CustRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."

FIELD "CustNum" OF "CustRestriction": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer
assigned by the system to new customers by the customer maintenance program. This
field is used as the foreign key to identify the customer in other files such as
OrderHed or InvcHead. The end user should never see this field in the application
but can use it for reporting purposes. " LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "RestrictionTypeID" OF "CustRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Restriction
Type identification." LABEL "Restriction Type"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CustRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CustRestriction": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CustRestriction": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "CustRestriction" ON "CustRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION
"Primary Key."

TABLE "CustRpt" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Custom Report" DESCRIPTION "Custom Report
FIELD "CustReportID" OF "CustRpt": character DESCRIPTION "Custom Report ID." LABEL
"Report ID"
FIELD "Description" OF "CustRpt": character DESCRIPTION "Description" LABEL
FIELD "RBLibraryFileName" OF "CustRpt": character DESCRIPTION "Report Builder
Library File Name." LABEL "Library"
FIELD "ReportName" OF "CustRpt": character DESCRIPTION "Report Name inside the
Report Builder Library." LABEL "Report Name"
FIELD "ChangeRptFilter" OF "CustRpt": logical DESCRIPTION "Change Report Filter"
LABEL "Change Report Filters"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CustRpt": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CustRpt": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CustRpt": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "CustUPSEmail" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Used by the Freight

Manifesting system to store UPS Quantum View Email requirements."
FIELD "Company" OF "CustUPSEmail": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "EmailAddress" OF "CustUPSEmail": character DESCRIPTION "Email address to
notify for a UPS shipment" LABEL "EMail Address"
FIELD "ShipmentNotify" OF "CustUPSEmail": logical DESCRIPTION "Logical indicating
if the EmailAddress is to be updated at shippi ng." LABEL "Shipment Notification"
FIELD "FailureNotify" OF "CustUPSEmail": logical DESCRIPTION "Logical indicating if
the Email Address is to be notified of a fa iled shipment." LABEL "Failure
FIELD "DeliveryNotify" OF "CustUPSEmail": logical DESCRIPTION "Logical indicating
if the Email Address is to be notified of deli very." LABEL "Delivery Notification"

FIELD "UPSQVSeq" OF "CustUPSEmail": integer DESCRIPTION "UPS Quantum View Sequence"

FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CustUPSEmail": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "CustNum" OF "CustUPSEmail": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer assigned
by the system to new customers by the customer maintenance program. This field is
used as the foreign key to identify the customer in other files such as OrderHed or
InvcHead. The end user should never see this field in the application but can use
it for reporting purposes. " LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CustUPSEmail": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CustUPSEmail": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
INDEX "CustUPSSeq" ON "CustUPSEmail" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
CustNum By UPSSeq"

TABLE "CustWebPart" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "NOTE: For Customer Connect

tin Customer, set sfdbcfg.useCustWebPart to TRUE."

FIELD "Company" OF "CustWebPart": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CustNum" OF "CustWebPart": integer DESCRIPTION "The unique key of the Parent
Customer record for the ShipTo. " LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "ShipToNum" OF "CustWebPart": character DESCRIPTION "The ID assigned by the
user which makes this record unique for th e customer. When a Customer is created a
ShipTo record is automatically created by the system for that customer, and the
ShipToNum on that record is NULL. Thi s is the default ShipTo for the customer."
LABEL "Ship To"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "CustWebPart": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field
identifies the Part and is used as the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL
"Part Number"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CustWebPart": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CustWebPart": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CustWebPart": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "CustShiptoPart" ON "CustWebPart" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Company +
Customer + ShipTo + Part"

TABLE "CustXPrt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Cross Reference file between ""Our
Part"" and ""Customers Part"". This file is not directly updated by the user. It is
automatically updated by the system as order lines are entered."
FIELD "Company" OF "CustXPrt": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "PartNum" OF "CustXPrt": character DESCRIPTION "Our Part number used to
identify this part." LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "CustNum" OF "CustXPrt": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains the Customer number of
this part cross reference record " LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "XPartNum" OF "CustXPrt": character DESCRIPTION "Part Number that the
customer uses to identify the Part."
LABEL "Cust Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Cust Part"
FIELD "XRevisionNum" OF "CustXPrt": character DESCRIPTION "Customers Part Revision
Number. " LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "PartDescription" OF "CustXPrt": character DESCRIPTION "Description Customer
uses to describes the Part." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "SourceDBRecid" OF "CustXPrt": character DESCRIPTION "Recid of this record in
the source database. This is necessary b ecause this table does not have a unique
index that can be used to find the reco rd in another database."
FIELD "BasePartNum" OF "CustXPrt": character DESCRIPTION "The part number used to
identify the configured part number initi ally entered on the line." LABEL "Part"
COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "BaseRevisionNum" OF "CustXPrt": character DESCRIPTION "The revision number
used to identify the configured part/revision number initially entered on the
line." LABEL "Rev" COLUMN-LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "ChangedBy" OF "CustXPrt": character DESCRIPTION "Userid of user who made the
last change to this record." LABEL "Changed By"
FIELD "ChangeDate" OF "CustXPrt": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the record was
last changed" LABEL "Change Date"
FIELD "ChangeTime" OF "CustXPrt": integer DESCRIPTION "The time that the record was
last change (seconds since midnight) "
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "CustXPrt": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "CustXPrt": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "SNMask" OF "CustXPrt": character DESCRIPTION "If the SNBaseDataType is Mask
this is the Serial Mask ID assigned
for format validation/generation. " LABEL "Serial Mask"
FIELD "SNMaskExample" OF "CustXPrt": character DESCRIPTION "BL-generated example of
the serial number mask if SNBaseDataType = Mask."
FIELD "SNMaskSuffix" OF "CustXPrt": character DESCRIPTION "A standard suffix that
will be attached to all serial numbers gen erated for the PartPlant currently used
only by SNBaseStructure Mask types" LABEL "Mask Suffix"
FIELD "SNMaskPrefix" OF "CustXPrt": character DESCRIPTION "The prefix that was used
to construct the serial number currently used only by SNBaseStructure Mask types"
LABEL "Mask Prefix"
FIELD "SNLastUsedSeq" OF "CustXPrt": character DESCRIPTION "This is the last used
serial sequence. It is used only for the Ma sk Generate type to determine the next
logical serial number to generate for thi s part/plant. It can be altered by the
user and several PartPlants can have the same counter values defined, but when
generating serial numbers using this count er the BL will ensure no
duplicates/overwrites are created in SerialNo. Although it is used as a counter
would be used, it can contain alphanumeric characters d epending on the mask."
LABEL "Starting Sequence"
FIELD "SNOverride" OF "CustXPrt": logical DESCRIPTION "Override serial mask
settings? SN fields are ignored unless this is true." LABEL "SNOverride"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "CustXPrt": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalCustXPrt" OF "CustXPrt": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this CustXPrt as
global, available to be sent out to other companies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "CustXPrt": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."
INDEX "XPartNum" ON "CustXPrt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Used to find ""Our
Part Number"" when the customers part number i s known."

AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "DashBoard Business Activity Query. Parent Table:
FIELD "Company" OF "DashBdBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "DefinitionID" OF "DashBdBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "Dashboard Definition
FIELD "ProductID" OF "DashBdBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "VN - Vantage, VS - Vista"
LABEL "Product ID"
FIELD "QueryID" OF "DashBdBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "Query ID" LABEL "Query ID"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "DashBdBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "Global Company
identifier. Used in identify from whch company th is BAQ originated."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "DashBdBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "DashBdBAQ": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "DashBdBAQ": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "CGCCode" OF "DashBdBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "Country Group / Country Code
for CSF"

TABLE "DashBdChunk" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "DashBoard Chunk - Much of the
detail for a dashboard is stored a s XML files. This table is used to store that
data. The large datastream is "" chunked"" up into chunks of data which are 30K
(Progress limit) or less. Then ea ch ""chunk"" is stored as a individual record.
Parent Table: DashBdDef."
FIELD "Company" OF "DashBdChunk": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "DefinitionID" OF "DashBdChunk": character DESCRIPTION "Dashboard Definition
FIELD "ProductID" OF "DashBdChunk": character DESCRIPTION "VN - Vantage, VS -
Vista" LABEL "Product"
FIELD "SeqNum" OF "DashBdChunk": integer DESCRIPTION "Chunk Sequence Number." LABEL
"Seq Num"
FIELD "Chunk" OF "DashBdChunk": character DESCRIPTION "Contains a ""Chunk"" of
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "DashBdChunk": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "DashBdChunk": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "DashBdChunk": character DESCRIPTION "Global Company
identifier. Used in identify from whch company th is BAQ originated."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "DashBdChunk": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "CGCCode" OF "DashBdChunk": character DESCRIPTION "Country Group Code /
Country Code for CSF"

TABLE "DashBdDef" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "DashBoard Definition"

FIELD "Company" OF "DashBdDef": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "DefinitionID" OF "DashBdDef": character DESCRIPTION "Dashboard Definition
FIELD "ProductID" OF "DashBdDef": character DESCRIPTION "VN - Vantage, VS - Vista"
LABEL "Product"
FIELD "Description" OF "DashBdDef": character DESCRIPTION "Description"
FIELD "LastUpdated" OF "DashBdDef": date DESCRIPTION "Last Updated Date" LABEL
"Last Updated"
FIELD "LastUpdatedBy" OF "DashBdDef": character DESCRIPTION "Last Update By"
FIELD "DashBdVersion" OF "DashBdDef": character DESCRIPTION "Dashboard Version"
LABEL "Dash Board Version"
FIELD "DataBaseVersion" OF "DashBdDef": integer DESCRIPTION "Database Version"
FIELD "Delivered" OF "DashBdDef": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates this dashboard is
a system dashboard and any changes wi ll be wiped with the next service pack. "
LABEL "Delivered" COLUMN-LABEL "Delivered"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "DashBdDef": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "DashBdDef": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "DashBdDef": character DESCRIPTION "Global Company
identifier. Used in identify from whch company th is BAQ originated."
FIELD "GlobalDB" OF "DashBdDef": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicating if this dashboard
is a global dashboard. Global dashboards are synchronized across other companies
configured" LABEL "Global Dashboard" COLUMN-LABEL "Global Dashboard"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "DashBdDef": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "MobileAccess" OF "DashBdDef": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether this
Dashboard is available on the mobile menu. " LABEL "Mobile Access"
FIELD "CGCCode" OF "DashBdDef": character DESCRIPTION "Country Group Code / Country
Code for CSF"

TABLE "DashBdLike" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "DashBoard Like records. Parent
Table: DashBdDef."
FIELD "Company" OF "DashBdLike": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "DefinitionID" OF "DashBdLike": character DESCRIPTION "Dashboard Definition
FIELD "ProductID" OF "DashBdLike": character DESCRIPTION "VN - Vantage, VS - Vista"
LABEL "Product"
FIELD "LikeField" OF "DashBdLike": character DESCRIPTION "Like Field" LABEL "Like"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "DashBdLike": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "DashBdLike": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "DashBdLike": character DESCRIPTION "Global Company
identifier. Used in identify from whch company th is BAQ originated."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "DashBdLike": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "CGCCode" OF "DashBdLike": character DESCRIPTION "Country Group / Country
Code for CSF"

TABLE "DashBdRev"
AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Contains the dashboard revision information"
FIELD "Company" OF "DashBdRev": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ProductID" OF "DashBdRev": character DESCRIPTION "The product ID of this
dashboard, this is part of the primary key of the DashBdDef parent table. "
FIELD "RevisionDate" OF "DashBdRev": date DESCRIPTION "Date that the revision was
created. " LABEL "Date"
FIELD "RevisionTime" OF "DashBdRev": integer DESCRIPTION "System time when the
revision was created. Stored in progress fo rmat, seconds since midnight." LABEL
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "DashBdRev": integer DESCRIPTION "An integer assigned by the
system to uniquely identify the revisi on under a certail parent DashBeDef record.
This integer is created by using the find next method. "
FIELD "RevisionUserID" OF "DashBdRev": character DESCRIPTION "User Id that created
the revision. DCDUserID. Default is the curr ent login user" LABEL "User ID"
FIELD "Notify" OF "DashBdRev": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this another
persion needs to be notified when this revision is created. The user can set this
flag to indicate that there is someth ing about the revision that they wish to be
notified of at a later date." LABEL "Notify"
FIELD "NotifyUserID" OF "DashBdRev": character DESCRIPTION "User Id that is to be
Notified about this revision. Defaults to C urrent DCDUserID. " LABEL "Notify User
FIELD "NotifyDate" OF "DashBdRev": date DESCRIPTION "Date that the user is to be
notified about this revision." LABEL "Notify Date"
FIELD "RevisionDesc" OF "DashBdRev": character DESCRIPTION "An abbreviated
description of what the memo is about. This will
be shown in browses of revision." LABEL "Revision Description"
FIELD "RevisionText" OF "DashBdRev": character DESCRIPTION "RevisionText contains
the textual content of the revision. Intend ed to be used as internal online
storage of text information related to a specif ic master. "
FIELD "CategoryID" OF "DashBdRev": character DESCRIPTION "Category ID that this
revision is assigned to ."
FIELD "DefinitionID" OF "DashBdRev": character DESCRIPTION "Dashboard Definition
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "DashBdRev": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "DashBdRev": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "DashBdRev": character DESCRIPTION "Global Company
identifier. Used in identify from whch company th is BAQ originated."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "DashBdRev": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "CGCCode" OF "DashBdRev": character DESCRIPTION "Country Group / Country Code
for CSF"

TABLE "DataTriggerTest" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Used for testing of Data
Directives and Replication."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "DataTriggerTest": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "DataTriggerTest": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "CharField01" OF "DataTriggerTest": character DESCRIPTION "Character Field
FIELD "TextField01" OF "DataTriggerTest": character DESCRIPTION "Text Field 01"
FIELD "IntField01" OF "DataTriggerTest": integer DESCRIPTION "Integer Field 01"
FIELD "LogicField01" OF "DataTriggerTest": logical DESCRIPTION "Logical Field 01"
FIELD "DecimalField" OF "DataTriggerTest": decimal DESCRIPTION "Decimal Field 01"
FIELD "DateField01" OF "DataTriggerTest": date DESCRIPTION "Date Field 01"
FIELD "Company" OF "DataTriggerTest": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "DataTriggerTest": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "DCRMComp" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Disconnected CRM Company" DESCRIPTION
"Disconnected CRM Company information"
FIELD "DeviceID" OF "DCRMComp": character DESCRIPTION "An identifier for the Device
where a Disconnected CRM License(s) is installed." LABEL "Disconnected CRM Device"
COLUMN-LABEL "Disconnected CRM Device"
FIELD "Company" OF "DCRMComp": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "SonicLANHostName" OF "DCRMComp": character DESCRIPTION "The name of the
machine where the Disconnected CRM Database resid es when connected via a LAN which
will synchronize data back to the base databas e." LABEL "Sonic LAN Host Name"
FIELD "SonicWANHostName" OF "DCRMComp": character DESCRIPTION "The name of the
machine where the Disconnected CRM Database resid es when connected via a WAN which
will synchronize data back to the base databas e." LABEL "Sonic WAN Host Name"
FIELD "SonicSessionPort" OF "DCRMComp": integer DESCRIPTION "Sonic Session Port
FIELD "SonicBrokerPort" OF "DCRMComp": integer DESCRIPTION "Sonic Broker Port
FIELD "UseLANorWAN" OF "DCRMComp": character DESCRIPTION "Use SonicLANHostName or
SonicWANHostName to create a Sonic Sessio n Connection? "
FIELD "SonicWaitForTime" OF "DCRMComp": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of seconds to
pause in WAIT-FOR statement that is waiting for messages from the Sonic broker."
FIELD "DCRMCharacter01" OF "DCRMComp": character DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only" LABEL "Character01" COLUMN-LABEL "Character01"
FIELD "DCRMCharacter02" OF "DCRMComp": character DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only" LABEL "Character02" COLUMN-LABEL "Character02"
FIELD "DCRMCharacter03" OF "DCRMComp": character DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only" LABEL "Character03" COLUMN-LABEL "Character03"
FIELD "DCRMCharacter04" OF "DCRMComp": character DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only" LABEL "Character04" COLUMN-LABEL "Character04"
FIELD "DCRMNumber01" OF "DCRMComp": decimal DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development Use
Only" LABEL "Number01" COLUMN-LABEL "Number01"
FIELD "DCRMNumber02" OF "DCRMComp": decimal DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development Use
Only" LABEL "Number02" COLUMN-LABEL "Number02"
FIELD "DCRMNumber03" OF "DCRMComp": decimal DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development Use
Only" LABEL "Number03" COLUMN-LABEL "Number03"
FIELD "DCRMNumber04" OF "DCRMComp": decimal DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development Use
Only" LABEL "Number04" COLUMN-LABEL "Number04"
FIELD "DCRMDate01" OF "DCRMComp": date DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development Use
Only" LABEL "Date01" COLUMN-LABEL "Date01"
FIELD "DCRMDate02" OF "DCRMComp": date DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development Use
Only" LABEL "Date02" COLUMN-LABEL "Date02"
FIELD "DCRMDate03" OF "DCRMComp": date DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development Use
Only" LABEL "Date03" COLUMN-LABEL "Date03"
FIELD "DCRMDate04" OF "DCRMComp": date DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development Use
Only" LABEL "Date04" COLUMN-LABEL "Date04"
FIELD "DCRMLogical01" OF "DCRMComp": logical DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development
Use Only"
FIELD "DCRMLogical02" OF "DCRMComp": logical DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development
Use Only"
FIELD "DCRMLogical03" OF "DCRMComp": logical DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development
Use Only"
FIELD "DCRMLogical04" OF "DCRMComp": logical DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development
Use Only"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "DCRMComp": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "DCRMComp": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "DCRMComp": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "DCRMDev" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Disconnected CRM Device" DESCRIPTION
"Disconnected CRM Device information"
FIELD "DeviceID" OF "DCRMDev": character DESCRIPTION "An identifier for the Device
where a Disconnected CRM License(s) is installed." LABEL "Disconnected CRM Device"
COLUMN-LABEL "Disconnected CRM Device"
FIELD "DeviceAddress" OF "DCRMDev": character DESCRIPTION "The Address used to
identify this Device." LABEL "Device Address" COLUMN-LABEL "Device Address"
FIELD "LastFullSyncDate" OF "DCRMDev": date DESCRIPTION "The date this Device last
completed a Full Synchronization to the base database." LABEL "Last Full
Synchronization Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Last Full Synchronization Date"
FIELD "LastFullSyncTime" OF "DCRMDev": integer DESCRIPTION "The time this Device
last completed a Full Synchronization to the base database." LABEL "Last Full
Synchronization Time" COLUMN-LABEL "Last Full Synchronization Time"
FIELD "LastSyncDate" OF "DCRMDev": date DESCRIPTION "The date this Device last
completed a Synchronization of transact ional information (Light or Full) to the
base database." LABEL "Last Synchronization Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Last
Synchronization Date"
FIELD "LastSyncTime" OF "DCRMDev": integer DESCRIPTION "The time this Device last
completed a Synchronization of transact ional information (Light or Full) to the
base database." LABEL "Last Synchronization Time" COLUMN-LABEL "Last
Synchronization Time"
FIELD "DeviceUserLimit" OF "DCRMDev": integer DESCRIPTION "Device User Limit" LABEL
"User Limit" COLUMN-LABEL "User Limit"
FIELD "LastInitializeTime" OF "DCRMDev": integer DESCRIPTION "The time this Device
was last Initialized from the base database. " LABEL "Last Initialization Time"
COLUMN-LABEL "Last Initialization Time"
FIELD "DatabaseName" OF "DCRMDev": character DESCRIPTION "The physical name of the
database." LABEL "Physical Name"
FIELD "HostName" OF "DCRMDev": character DESCRIPTION "Name of server machine on the
network. Please see network adminis trator for the names of available servers."
LABEL "Host Name"
FIELD "NetworkType" OF "DCRMDev": character DESCRIPTION "Type of network such as
TCP, AS400SNA or None(blank). Please ask your network administrator for the type of
network you use." LABEL "Network"
FIELD "ServiceName" OF "DCRMDev": character DESCRIPTION "Service name for the
database. This entry must match the entries in the services file." LABEL "Service
FIELD "OtherParams" OF "DCRMDev": character DESCRIPTION "Parameters other than
Services, Hostname or Network needed to con nect to the database." LABEL "Other
CONNECT Statement Parameters"
FIELD "LastInitializeDate" OF "DCRMDev": date DESCRIPTION "The date this Device was
last Initialized from the base database. " LABEL "Last Initialization Date" COLUMN-
LABEL "Last Initialization Date"
FIELD "QuoteNumBlockReorderPoint" OF "DCRMDev": integer DESCRIPTION "When a
Disconnected CRM Device synchronizes, if the unused portio n of their
QuoteHed.QuoteNum block is less than this Reorder Point, create a new block and
send it out." LABEL "QuoteNum Reorder Point"
FIELD "CustNumBlockSize" OF "DCRMDev": integer DESCRIPTION "Size of blocks for
Customer.CustNum to be generated for this Disc onnected CRM Device." LABEL "CustNum
Block Size"
FIELD "CustNumBlockReorderPoint" OF "DCRMDev": integer DESCRIPTION "When a
Disconnected CRM Device synchronizes, if the unused portio n of their
Customer.CustNum block is less than this Reorder Point, create a new block and send
it out." LABEL "CustNum Reorder Point"
FIELD "ConNumBlockSize" OF "DCRMDev": integer
DESCRIPTION "Size of the CustCnt.ConNum block to be generated for this Disconn
ected CRM Device." LABEL "ConNum Block Size"
FIELD "CallSeqNumBlockSize" OF "DCRMDev": integer DESCRIPTION "Size of the
CRMCall.CallSeqNum block to be generated for this Dis connected CRM Device." LABEL
"CallSeqNum Block Size"
FIELD "QuoteNumBlockSize" OF "DCRMDev": integer DESCRIPTION "Size of blocks for
QuoteHed.QuoteNum to be generated for this Dis connected CRM Device." LABEL
"QuoteNum Block Size"
FIELD "CustNumBlockWarnPoint" OF "DCRMDev": integer DESCRIPTION "When a
Disconnected CRM user creates a Customer and the number of allocated CustNum values
drops below this warning point, message the user to in form them." LABEL "CustNum
Warning Point"
FIELD "QuoteNumBlockWarnPoint" OF "DCRMDev": integer DESCRIPTION "When a
Disconnected CRM user creates a Quote and the number of al located QuoteNum values
drops below this warning point, message the user to info rm them." LABEL "QuoteNum
Warning Point"
FIELD "SalesEngineerDevice" OF "DCRMDev": logical DESCRIPTION "Does this Device
allow access to functions limited to a Sales Eng ineer? Quote Manufacturing Details
and Quote Worksheet are examples of function s that a Sales Engineer may perform,
but a Salesperson may not." LABEL "Sales Engineer Device" COLUMN-LABEL "Sales
Engineer Device"
FIELD "SonicWANHostName" OF "DCRMDev": character DESCRIPTION "The name of the
machine where the Disconnected CRM Database resid es when connected via a WAN which
will synchronize data back to the base databas e." LABEL "Sonic WAN Host Name"
FIELD "SonicSessionPort" OF "DCRMDev": integer DESCRIPTION "Sonic Session Port
FIELD "SonicBrokerPort" OF "DCRMDev": integer DESCRIPTION "Sonic Broker Port
FIELD "SonicLANHostName" OF "DCRMDev": character DESCRIPTION "The name of the
machine where the Disconnected CRM Database resid es when connected via a LAN which
will synchronize data back to the base databas e." LABEL "Sonic LAN Host Name"
FIELD "SendOrder" OF "DCRMDev": logical DESCRIPTION "Send Order Functional Group as
defined in ExtSysTable."
FIELD "SendFinancial" OF "DCRMDev": logical DESCRIPTION "Send Financial Functional
Group as defined in ExtSysTable."
FIELD "SendProduction" OF "DCRMDev": logical DESCRIPTION "Send Production
Functional Group as defined in ExtSysTable."
FIELD "UseLANorWAN" OF "DCRMDev": character DESCRIPTION "Use SonicLANHostName or
SonicWANHostName to create a Sonic Sessio n Connection? "
FIELD "SonicWaitForTime" OF "DCRMDev": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of seconds to
pause in WAIT-FOR statement that is waiting for messages from the Sonic broker."
FIELD "LogicalName" OF "DCRMDev": character DESCRIPTION "The logical name of the
database." LABEL "Logical Name"
FIELD "MultipleUsers" OF "DCRMDev": logical DESCRIPTION "Connect the database in
multi-user mode." LABEL "Multiple Users"
FIELD "DCRMCharacter01" OF "DCRMDev": character DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development
Use Only" LABEL "Character01" COLUMN-LABEL "Character01"
FIELD "DCRMCharacter02" OF "DCRMDev": character DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development
Use Only" LABEL "Character02" COLUMN-LABEL "Character02"
FIELD "DCRMCharacter03" OF "DCRMDev": character DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development
Use Only" LABEL "Character03" COLUMN-LABEL "Character03"
FIELD "DCRMCharacter04" OF "DCRMDev": character DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development
Use Only" LABEL "Character04" COLUMN-LABEL "Character04"
FIELD "DCRMNumber01" OF "DCRMDev": decimal DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development Use
Only" LABEL "Number01"
FIELD "DCRMNumber02" OF "DCRMDev": decimal DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development Use
Only" LABEL "Number02" COLUMN-LABEL "Number02"
FIELD "DCRMNumber03" OF "DCRMDev": decimal DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development Use
Only" LABEL "Number03" COLUMN-LABEL "Number03"
FIELD "DCRMNumber04" OF "DCRMDev": decimal DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development Use
Only" LABEL "Number04" COLUMN-LABEL "Number04"
FIELD "DCRMDate01" OF "DCRMDev": date DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development Use Only"
LABEL "Date01" COLUMN-LABEL "Date01"
FIELD "DCRMDate02" OF "DCRMDev": date DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development Use Only"
LABEL "Date02" COLUMN-LABEL "Date02"
FIELD "DCRMDate03" OF "DCRMDev": date DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development Use Only"
LABEL "Date03" COLUMN-LABEL "Date03"
FIELD "DCRMDate04" OF "DCRMDev": date DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development Use Only"
LABEL "Date04" COLUMN-LABEL "Date04"
FIELD "DCRMLogical01" OF "DCRMDev": logical DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development Use
FIELD "DCRMLogical02" OF "DCRMDev": logical DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development Use
FIELD "DCRMLogical03" OF "DCRMDev": logical DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development Use
FIELD "DCRMLogical04" OF "DCRMDev": logical DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development Use
FIELD "SonicPassword" OF "DCRMDev": character DESCRIPTION "Sonic Password"
FIELD "HDCaseNumBlockWarnPoint" OF "DCRMDev": integer DESCRIPTION "When a
Disconnected CRM user creates a Quote and the number of al located HDCase.HDCaseNum
values drops below this warning point, message the user to inform them." LABEL
"HDCaseNum Warning Point"
FIELD "HDCaseNumBlockSize" OF "DCRMDev": integer DESCRIPTION "Size of blocks for
HDCase.HDCaseNum to be generated for this Disc onnected CRM Device." LABEL
"HDCaseNum Block Size"
FIELD "HDCaseNumBlockReorderPoint" OF "DCRMDev": integer DESCRIPTION "When a
Disconnected CRM Device synchronizes, if the unused portio n of their
HDCase.HDCaseNum block is less than this Reorder Point, create a new block and send
it out." LABEL "HDCaseNum Reorder Point"
FIELD "SendHelpDesk" OF "DCRMDev": logical DESCRIPTION "Send Help Desk Functional
Group as defined in ExtSysTable."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "DCRMDev": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "DCRMDev": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "DCRMDev": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "DCRMLic" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Disconnected CRM License" DESCRIPTION
"Disconnected CRM License Allocation information"
FIELD "SerialNum" OF "DCRMLic": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Serial Number from which
the Disconnected CRM users being all ocated for this Device." LABEL "Serial #"
FIELD "DeviceID" OF "DCRMLic": character DESCRIPTION "An identifier for the Device
where a Disconnected CRM License(s) is installed." LABEL "Disconnected CRM Device"
COLUMN-LABEL "Disconnected CRM Device"
FIELD "SerialNumSeq" OF "DCRMLic": integer DESCRIPTION "Serial Number Sequence"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "DCRMLic": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "DCRMLic": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."

TABLE "DCRMSubs" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Disconnected CRM Subscription"

DESCRIPTION "Disconnected CRM Sonic Durable Subscription information"
FIELD "DeviceID" OF "DCRMSubs": character DESCRIPTION "An identifier for the Device
where a Disconnected CRM License(s) is installed." LABEL "Disconnected CRM Device"
COLUMN-LABEL "Disconnected CRM Device"
FIELD "SubscriptionSeq" OF "DCRMSubs": integer DESCRIPTION "Subscription Sequence"
FIELD "SubscriptionName" OF "DCRMSubs": character DESCRIPTION "Subscription Name"
LABEL "Sonic Durable Subscription Name" COLUMN-LABEL "Sonic Durable Subscription
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "DCRMSubs": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "DCRMSubs": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "DCRMSubs": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "DCRMTerr" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Disconnected CRM Territory" DESCRIPTION
"Disconnected CRM Territory information"
FIELD "DeviceID" OF "DCRMTerr": character DESCRIPTION "An identifier for the Device
where a Disconnected CRM License(s) is installed." LABEL "Disconnected CRM Device"
COLUMN-LABEL "Disconnected CRM Device"
FIELD "Company" OF "DCRMTerr": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "TerritoryID" OF "DCRMTerr": character DESCRIPTION "Records related to this
Territory are to be initialized and synch ronized to this Disconnected CRM Device."
LABEL "Territory"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "DCRMTerr": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "DCRMTerr": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "DCRMTerr": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "DCRMUser" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Disconnected CRM User information"

FIELD "DeviceID" OF "DCRMUser": character DESCRIPTION "An identifier for the Device
where a Disconnected CRM License(s) is installed." LABEL "Disconnected CRM Device"
COLUMN-LABEL "Disconnected CRM Device"
FIELD "DcdUserID" OF "DCRMUser": character DESCRIPTION "User ID" LABEL "User ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "DCRMUser": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "DCRMUser": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "DCRMUser": integer
DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit
Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "DebNote" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The DebNote file contains the
details of customer debit notes."
FIELD "Company" OF "DebNote": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
FIELD "DebitNoteID" OF "DebNote": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer assigned by
the system to new debit note ." LABEL "DebitNoteID"
FIELD "CustNum" OF "DebNote": integer DESCRIPTION "The customer number of the
customer associated with this Debit No te." LABEL "Cust Num"
FIELD "DNCustNbr" OF "DebNote": character DESCRIPTION "The Debit Note Number
assigned by the customer. This number is supposed to be unique for the customer."
LABEL "Debit Note Nbr"
FIELD "DNAmount" OF "DebNote": decimal DESCRIPTION "The debit note value." COLUMN-
LABEL "Debit Note Amt"
FIELD "DocDNAmount" OF "DebNote": decimal DESCRIPTION "Customer Debit Note Amount."
LABEL "Cust Debit Note Amount"
FIELD "DNInvNbr" OF "DebNote": integer DESCRIPTION "The invoice number associated
with this Debit Note." LABEL "Invoice to Apply"
FIELD "DNApplied" OF "DebNote": logical DESCRIPTION "A flag to indicate if this
debit note was applied to Unapplied ca sh balance or invoice." LABEL "Applied"
FIELD "DNAppliedTo" OF "DebNote": character DESCRIPTION "If a Debit Note was
applied this field is ""Cash"" or ""Invoice"" ." COLUMN-LABEL "Applied To"
FIELD "CashHeadNum" OF "DebNote": integer
DESCRIPTION "The HeadNum of the CashHead record associated with this Debit Not e."
LABEL "Cash Header"
FIELD "GroupID" OF "DebNote": character DESCRIPTION "The Group ID of the Cash
Payment this Debit Note is associated wi th." LABEL "Group ID"
FIELD "PmtPosted" OF "DebNote": logical DESCRIPTION "If a Debit note is entered as
a part of Cash Receipt payment this flag indicates if the Cash Receipts group is
posted. If this flag is yes the Debit Note can not be changed or deleted."
FIELD "DNComments" OF "DebNote": character DESCRIPTION "Debit Note Comments" LABEL
FIELD "DNDueDate" OF "DebNote": date DESCRIPTION "Debit Note Due Date. " LABEL "Due
FIELD "DNDate" OF "DebNote": date DESCRIPTION "Date when this Debit Note is
FIELD "InvcChanged" OF "DebNote": logical DESCRIPTION "A flag to indicate if the
invoice balance is supposed to be chang ed after the debit note is applied and
posted." LABEL "Invoice changed"
FIELD "InvNbrAssigned" OF "DebNote": integer DESCRIPTION "Invoice Number assigned
to the Debit Note type invoice created wh en the Debit Note is posted with the Cash
Receipt Group." LABEL "Invoice Number"
FIELD "Rpt1DNAmount" OF "DebNote": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Cust Debit Note Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2DNAmount" OF "DebNote": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Cust Debit Note Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3DNAmount" OF "DebNote": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Cust Debit Note Amount"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "DebNote": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "DebNote": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "DebNote": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "DebitNote" ON "DebNote" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index that uniquely
identifies a Debit Note record."

TABLE "DeliveryType" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Delivery Type" DESCRIPTION "Home
Delivery Type Maintenance"
FIELD "Company" OF "DeliveryType": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "DeliveryType" OF "DeliveryType": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Identifier"
LABEL "Delivery Type Code"
FIELD "Description" OF "DeliveryType": character DESCRIPTION "Description of
delivery type" LABEL "Descriptionq"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "DeliveryType": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "DeliveryType": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "DeliveryType": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalDeliveryType" OF "DeliveryType": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this
DeliveryType as global, available to be sent out to ot her companies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "DeliveryType": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record
from receiving global updates."
TABLE "DemandContractDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The demand contract
detail information. This table will contain the parts that are for the contract."
FIELD "Company" OF "DemandContractDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "DemandContractNum" OF "DemandContractDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "System
assigned internal number to uniquely identify the demand c ontract record. Is the
link to the DemandContractHdr table." LABEL "Demand Contract Number" COLUMN-LABEL
"Demand Contract Number"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "DemandContractDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The user's Internal
Part number used to identify line item part. It cannot be blank. It does not have
to exist in the Part table. A default should be made when the
DemandContractDtl.XPartNum is changed. The Pa rtNum and XPartNum fields work
together in providing defaults for each other. De fault when a valid record is
found in the PartXRef table. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "XPartNum" OF "DemandContractDtl": character DESCRIPTION "An optional field
that is used if the customer has a different P art number than the users internal
part number. The XPartNum and PartNum can p rovide defaults for each other via the
PartXref table.. The XPartNum can be blan k, does not have to exist in the PartXref
table. " LABEL "Cust Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Cust Part"
FIELD "TestRecord" OF "DemandContractDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether
or not this contract line is being run in a te st mode. When contracts are first
set up for EDI it is useful to send all docume nts in test mode so trading partners
can verify the data before going into produ ction mode." LABEL "Test Record"
COLUMN-LABEL "Test Record"
FIELD "SellingTotalContractQty" OF "DemandContractDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The
total selling quantity expected to be ordered for this line o ver the life of the
contract." LABEL "Total Selling Contract Quantity" COLUMN-LABEL "Total Selling
Contract Quantity"
FIELD "LineDesc" OF "DemandContractDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Line Item
description. The Part.Description can be used as a defa ult. " LABEL "Desc"
FIELD "IUM" OF "DemandContractDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unit Of Measure (how it
is sold/issued). Use the default Part.IUM if it's a valid Part." LABEL "U/M"
FIELD "DiscountPercent" OF "DemandContractDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The line item
discount percent. It has nothing to do with price b reak discounts. It is a flat
discount percent that defaults from the Customer.Di scountPercent." LABEL "Discount
%" COLUMN-LABEL "Disc %"
FIELD "UnitPrice" OF "DemandContractDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "If it's a valid item
in the Part table the unit price is defaulte d using the following logic: -
Determine if a price break is effective. The basic idea is to see if you can f ind
a record in the OPrice table and then adjust the unit price retrieved from t he
Part table. Price breaks can exist with the following configurations:

ound and it has an EndDate of zeros or the EndDate is >= OrderDate then consider
that a price break has been found and the search quits. Use the Order quantity to
determine which element of the QtyBreak array should be used. Then either a f ixed
unit price is selected (unitprices) or a discount percent is selected (disc
ountPercents) and applied to the Unit Price retrieved from the Part table. " LABEL
"Unit Price"
FIELD "PricePerCode" OF "DemandContractDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the
pricing per quantity. It can be ""E"" = per each, " "C"" = per hundred, ""M"" = per
thousand. Used to calculate the extended unit p rice for the line item. Use the
Part.PricePerCode as a default. If Part record does not exist then default as
""E""." LABEL "Price Per"
FIELD "ProjectID" OF "DemandContractDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Project ID of the
Project table record for this DemandContractDtl record. Can be blank." LABEL
"Project ID"
FIELD "PriceGroupCode" OF "DemandContractDtl": character DESCRIPTION "This is the
Price Group ID used to price the order line with." LABEL "Price Group" COLUMN-LABEL
"Price Group"
FIELD "DemandContractLine" OF "DemandContractDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "This field
along with Company and DemandContractNum make up the u nique key to the table. The
system should generate this number during entry of n ew detail records. The system
determines next available number by finding the la st DemandContractDtl record for
the contract and the adding 1 to it."
FIELD "UserChar1" OF "DemandContractDtl": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined
character field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This Field is
only accessible if XaSyst.OrdertUserChar1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserChar2" OF "DemandContractDtl": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined
character field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This Field is
only accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserChar2Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserChar3" OF "DemandContractDtl": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined
character field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This Field is
only accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserChar3Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserChar4" OF "DemandContractDtl": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined
character field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This Field is
only accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserChar4Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserDate1" OF "DemandContractDtl": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date
field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSy st record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserDate1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserDate2" OF "DemandContractDtl": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date
field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSy st record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserDate2Label is non bl ank."
FIELD "UserDate3" OF "DemandContractDtl": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date
field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSy st record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserDate3Label is non bl ank."
FIELD "UserDate4" OF "DemandContractDtl": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date
field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSy st record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserDate4Label is non bl ank."
FIELD "UserDecimal1" OF "DemandContractDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "User Defined
Decimal field. Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is
only accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserDec1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserDecimal2" OF "DemandContractDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "User Defined
Decimal field. Actual label used is defined in the X
aSyst record. This Field is only accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserDec2Label is non
FIELD "UserInteger1" OF "DemandContractDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "User Defined
Integer field. Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is
only accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserInt1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserInteger2" OF "DemandContractDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "User Defined
Integer field. Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is
only accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserInt2Label is non blank."
FIELD "SalesUM" OF "DemandContractDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unit of measure (how
it is sold/issued). Use the default Part.SU M if its a valid Part else use the
global variable Def-UM which is established f rom XaSyst.DefaultUM. " LABEL "U/M"
FIELD "SellingFactor" OF "DemandContractDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This value is
used to convert quantity when there is a difference in the customers unit of
measure and how it is stocked in inventory. Example is sold in pounds, stocked in
FIELD "TotalContractQty" OF "DemandContractDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The total
quantity expected to be ordered for this line over the life of the contract." LABEL
"Total Contract Quantity" COLUMN-LABEL "Total Contract Quantity"
FIELD "SellingFactorDirection" OF "DemandContractDtl": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates how Factor is used in calculations. If M (multiply), t he Factor is
multiplied, if D (divide) the factor is divided." LABEL "Selling Factor Direction"
COLUMN-LABEL "Selling Factor Direction"
FIELD "DetailComments" OF "DemandContractDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Comments
about the demand detail line. " LABEL "Comments" COLUMN-LABEL "Comments"
FIELD "UsePriceList" OF "DemandContractDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Use standard
Vantage Price matrix/logic" LABEL "Use Price List" COLUMN-LABEL "Use Price List"
FIELD "Plant" OF "DemandContractDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Plant Identifier. "
FIELD "TotalInvoiceAmt" OF "DemandContractDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total invoice
amount of orders lines invoiced for this contract l ine in base currency. This
field has a true sign. (credit memos are negative)." LABEL "Invoice Amount"
FIELD "TotalOrderAmt" OF "DemandContractDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total amount of
orders for this contract line in base currency. This field has a true sign. (credit
memos are negative)." LABEL "Order Amount"
FIELD "TotalOrderedQty" OF "DemandContractDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The total
actual quantity ordered for this contract line." LABEL "Total Ordered Quantity"
COLUMN-LABEL "Total Ordered Quantity"
FIELD "TotalShippedQty" OF "DemandContractDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The total
actual quantity shipped for this contract line." LABEL "Total Shipped Quantity"
COLUMN-LABEL "Total Shipped Quantity"
FIELD "TotalInvoicedQty" OF "DemandContractDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The total
actual quantity invoiced for this contract line." LABEL "Total Invoiced Quantity"
COLUMN-LABEL "Total Invoiced Quantity"
FIELD "DeleteCurrentReleases" OF "DemandContractDtl": logical DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if current open Order Releases that have not been shipp ed and do not
have a job should be deleted when processing the demand. Provides the default value
for DemandDetail." LABEL "Delete Current Releases" COLUMN-LABEL "Delete Current
FIELD "MktgCampaignID" OF "DemandContractDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The related
Marketing Campaign ID. Mirror image of the QuoteHed.M kthCampaignID. Maintainable
via Demand Contract entry if the CRM module is insta lled." LABEL "ID"
FIELD "MktgEvntSeq" OF "DemandContractDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Link to the
marketing event associated with this record. The related Marketing Event Sequence.
Mirror image of the QuoteHed.MktgEventSeq. Maintainable via demand contract entry
if the CRM module is installed. " LABEL "Event"
FIELD "MinCallOffQty" OF "DemandContractDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The mininum
quantity that should be for each individual demand sc hedule record. If the
schedule quantity is less than the minimum call off quanti ty, a warning will be
issued but processing can continue." LABEL "Mininum Call Off Quantity" COLUMN-LABEL
"Minimum Call Off Quantity"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "DemandContractDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "DemandContractDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "DemandContractDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "DemandContractDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Optional field
that contains the part revision. " LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "XRevisionNum" OF "DemandContractDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Optional field
that contains the customers revision. " LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "DemandPricing" OF "DemandContractDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Defines if
Internal Pricing or Customer Pricing will be used for checking price differences"
LABEL "Pricing"
FIELD "DocUnitPrice" OF "DemandContractDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Same as Unit
price except that this field contains the unit price in the customer currency
(converted using the exchange rate on OrderHed. If it's a valid item in the Part
table the unit price is defaulted using the fol lowing logic: - Determine if a
price break is effective. The basic idea is to see if you can f ind a record in the
OPrice table and then adjust the unit price retrieved from t he Part table. Price
breaks can exist with the following configurations:

ound and it has an EndDate of zeros or the EndDate is >= OrderDate then consider
that a price break has been found and the search quits. Use the Order quantity to
determine which element of the QtyBreak array should be used. Then either a f ixed
unit price is selected (unitprices) or a discount percent is selected (disc
ountPercents) and applied to the Unit Price retrieved from the Part table. " LABEL
"Doc Unit Price"
FIELD "Rpt1UnitPrice" OF "DemandContractDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Same as Unit
price except that this field contains the unit price in a report currency " LABEL
"Rpt Unit Price"
FIELD "Rpt2UnitPrice" OF "DemandContractDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Same as Unit
price except that this field contains the unit price in a report currency" LABEL
"Rpt Unit Price"
FIELD "Rpt3UnitPrice" OF "DemandContractDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Same as Unit
price except that this field contains the unit price in a report currency " LABEL
"Rpt Unit Price"
FIELD "OTSmartString" OF "DemandContractDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "When set to TRUE
the smart string functionality will only be proc essed when the incoming demand is
new. After it has been processed and saved, if a retransmission is sent the smart
string values will be ignored." LABEL "One Time Smart String"

TABLE "DemandContractHdr" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Demand Contract Header"

DESCRIPTION "The Demand Contract Header table. This table will contain the he ader
information for demand contracts."
FIELD "Company" OF "DemandContractHdr": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "CustNum" OF "DemandContractHdr": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains the Customer
number that the demand contract is for. Th is must be valid in the Customer table.
" LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "DemandContract" OF "DemandContractHdr": character DESCRIPTION "The unique
identifier of the demand contract. This must be uniqu e for a customer." LABEL
"Demand Contract" COLUMN-LABEL "Demand Contract"
FIELD "StartDate" OF "DemandContractHdr": date DESCRIPTION "The start date of the
demand contract." LABEL "Start Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Start Date"
FIELD "EndDate" OF "DemandContractHdr": date DESCRIPTION "The end date of the
contract." LABEL "End Date" COLUMN-LABEL "End Date"
FIELD "FirmDays" OF "DemandContractHdr": integer DESCRIPTION "The number of days
from today for which a scheduled quantity is c onsidered firm."
LABEL "Firm Days" COLUMN-LABEL "Firm Days"
FIELD "Obsolete90MinCallOffQty" OF "DemandContractHdr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The
mininum quantity that should be for each individual demand sc hedule record. If the
schedule quantity is less than the minimum call off quanti ty, a warning will be
issued but processing can continue." LABEL "Mininum Call Off Quantity" COLUMN-LABEL
"Minimum Call Off Quantity"
FIELD "TradingPartnerName" OF "DemandContractHdr": character DESCRIPTION "The
trading partner name." LABEL "Trading Partner Name" COLUMN-LABEL "Trading Partner
FIELD "CUMMSetting" OF "DemandContractHdr": character DESCRIPTION "The setting for
reconciling cumulative shipping quantities. Valu es are: PART - By Part PO - By
Part/PO POST - By Part/PO/Ship To ST - By Part/Ship To" LABEL "CUMM Setting"
FIELD "FOB" OF "DemandContractHdr": character DESCRIPTION "An optional field that
describes the FOB policy." LABEL "FOB"
FIELD "ShipViaCode" OF "DemandContractHdr": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the key
value of the record in the ""SHIPVIA"" table. It can be left blank or must be valid
in the 'SHIPTO"" table. Use the CUSTOMER.SHIPVIA as the default when the
ORDER.CUSTNUM field is changed and the ORDERHED.SHIPTO is blank. Use SHIPTO.SHIPVIA
when ORDER.CUSTNUM or ORDE RHED.SHIPTO fields are changed and the ORDERHED.SHIPTO
is not blank. " LABEL "Ship Via"
FIELD "TermsCode" OF "DemandContractHdr": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the key
value of the record in the TERMS table which ind icates the sales terms established
for this order. On change of DemandContractHd r.CUSTNUM use the CUSTOMER.TERMS
field as the default. " LABEL "Terms"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "DemandContractHdr": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code
that identifies the currency." LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "LockRate" OF "DemandContractHdr": logical DESCRIPTION "Used with the
currency module. When TRUE the currency rate can b
e changed by the user and cannot be changed by the system. " LABEL "Lock"
FIELD "AllocPriorityCode" OF "DemandContractHdr": character DESCRIPTION "Code used
to relate a AllocPri record to the order. Defaulted fr om
Customer.AllocPriorityCode. " LABEL "Alloc Pri"
FIELD "ShipOrderComplete" OF "DemandContractHdr": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
the order must be shipped complete. That is, as an orders release are selected for
picking during the Auto Pick process of the Orde r Allocation program, the all
releases with a ship date <= the given cutoff date alos have to be picked complete
otherwise they will not be selected. This is de faulted to Yes when
Customer.ShippingQualifier = ""O"" (Ship Order 100% complete ) " LABEL "SC"
FIELD "UserChar1" OF "DemandContractHdr": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined
character field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This Field is
only accessible if XaSyst.OrdertUserChar1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserChar2" OF "DemandContractHdr": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined
character field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This Field is
only accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserChar2Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserChar3" OF "DemandContractHdr": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined
character field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This Field is
only accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserChar3Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserChar4" OF "DemandContractHdr": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined
character field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This Field is
only accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserChar4Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserDate1" OF "DemandContractHdr": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date
field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSy st record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserDate1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserDate2" OF "DemandContractHdr": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date
field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSy st record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserDate2Label is non bl ank."
FIELD "UserDate3" OF "DemandContractHdr": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date
field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSy st record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserDate3Label is non bl ank."
FIELD "UserDate4" OF "DemandContractHdr": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date
field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSy st record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserDate4Label is non bl ank."
FIELD "UserDecimal1" OF "DemandContractHdr": decimal DESCRIPTION "User Defined
Decimal field. Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is
only accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserDec1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserDecimal2" OF "DemandContractHdr": decimal DESCRIPTION "User Defined
Decimal field. Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is
only accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserDec2Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserInteger1" OF "DemandContractHdr": integer DESCRIPTION "User Defined
Integer field. Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is
only accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserInt1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserInteger2" OF "DemandContractHdr": integer DESCRIPTION "User Defined
Integer field. Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is
only accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserInt2Label is non blank."
FIELD "DemandContractNum" OF "DemandContractHdr": integer DESCRIPTION "System
assigned internal number to uniquely identify the demand c ontract record. The
number comes from Sequence DemandContractNum." LABEL "Demand Contract Number"
COLUMN-LABEL "Demand Contract Number"
FIELD "ContractComments" OF "DemandContractHdr": character DESCRIPTION "Comments
about the demand contract. " LABEL "Comments" COLUMN-LABEL "Comments"
FIELD "ContractDate" OF "DemandContractHdr": date DESCRIPTION "Mandatory entry and
must be valid. Default as the system date." LABEL "Contract Date" COLUMN-LABEL
"Contract Date"
FIELD "ProjectID" OF "DemandContractHdr": character DESCRIPTION "Project ID of the
Project table record for this DemandContractHdr record. Can be blank." LABEL
"Project ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Project ID"
FIELD "OpenContract" OF "DemandContractHdr": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
contract is in an ""open"" status. When a cont
ract is closed, all DemandHead records that are associated with the contract wil l
also be set to closed." LABEL "Status"
FIELD "EntryPerson" OF "DemandContractHdr": character DESCRIPTION "The user that
entered the contract. On new demand contracts use the users login ID as the
default. They can override this if they wish to enter something more meaningful. "
LABEL "Entry Person"
FIELD "AutoOrderBasedDisc" OF "DemandContractHdr": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if order based discounting should be applied automatica lly or manually triggered
by user as menu option."
FIELD "BTCustNum" OF "DemandContractHdr": integer DESCRIPTION "Bill To Customer
Number" LABEL "Bill To Customer Number"
FIELD "TotalInvoiceAmt" OF "DemandContractHdr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total invoice
amount of orders invoiced for this contract in base currency. This field has a true
sign. (credit memos are negative)." LABEL "Invoice Amount"
FIELD "TotalOrderAmt" OF "DemandContractHdr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total amount of
orders for this contract in base currency. This field has a true sign. (credit
memos are negative)." LABEL "Order Amount"
FIELD "MatchByRef" OF "DemandContractHdr": logical DESCRIPTION "When matching,
match demands to order releases by reference numbe r." LABEL "Match By Reference"
COLUMN-LABEL "Match By Reference"
FIELD "MatchByReqDate" OF "DemandContractHdr": logical DESCRIPTION "When matching,
match demands to order releases by ship by (reqdat e) date." LABEL "Match By Ship
By Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Match By Ship By Date"
FIELD "MatchByQty" OF "DemandContractHdr": logical DESCRIPTION "When matching,
match demands to order releases by quantity." LABEL "Match By Quantity" COLUMN-
LABEL "Match By Quantity"
FIELD "MatchByOpen" OF "DemandContractHdr": logical DESCRIPTION "When matching,
match demands to order releases by matching the fi rst open demand and the first
open release. All subsequent open demands and rel eases not already matched will be
matched. Subsequent demands and releases are determined by querying the tables by
LABEL "Match By Open" COLUMN-LABEL "Match By Open"
FIELD "MatchSeqRef" OF "DemandContractHdr": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates where
reference matching falls in the matching heirarch y of the MatchBy options
selected. Valid values are 1-4, may be zero when Match ByRef is false." LABEL
"Reference Match Sequence" COLUMN-LABEL "Reference Match Sequence"
FIELD "MatchSeqReqDate" OF "DemandContractHdr": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates
where date matching falls in the matching heirarchy of the MatchBy options
selected. Valid values are 1-4, may be zero when MatchByReq Date is false." LABEL
"Ship By Date Match Sequence" COLUMN-LABEL "Ship By Date Match Sequence"
FIELD "MatchSeqQty" OF "DemandContractHdr": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates where
quantity matching falls in the matching heirarchy of the MatchBy options selected.
Valid values are 1-4, may be zero when MatchB yQty is false." LABEL "Quantity Match
Sequence" COLUMN-LABEL "Quantity Match Sequence"
FIELD "MatchSeqOpen" OF "DemandContractHdr": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates where
open matching falls in the matching heirarchy of the MatchBy options selected.
Valid values are 1-4, may be zero when MatchByOpe n is false." LABEL "Open Match
Sequence" COLUMN-LABEL "Open Match Sequence"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "DemandContractHdr": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "DemandContractHdr": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "ReservePriorityCode" OF "DemandContractHdr": character DESCRIPTION "Code
used to relate a ReservePri record to the order. Defaulted from
Customer.ReservePriorityCode. " LABEL "Reservation Priority"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "DemandContractHdr": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "OrderHoldForReview" OF "DemandContractHdr": logical DESCRIPTION "Hold for
Review" LABEL "Hold for Review"
COLUMN-LABEL "Hold for Review"
FIELD "DemandCloseNoMatch" OF "DemandContractHdr": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to
decide if the non matched schedules needs to be closed." LABEL "Close Non Match"
FIELD "WFLockByLine" OF "DemandContractHdr": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag that state
if the work flow error will be checked in every l ine." LABEL "WF Lock By Line"
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "DemandContractHdr": character DESCRIPTION "rate group code
" LABEL "Rate Group Code"

TABLE "DemandDetail" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The demand detail table. This
table contains records that are de mands on contract line fulfillment. Sales orders
or Forecasts will be created o r updated from records in this table."
FIELD "Company" OF "DemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "DemandContractNum" OF "DemandDetail": integer DESCRIPTION "The demand
contract this demand is for." LABEL "Demand Contract Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Demand
Contract Number"
FIELD "DemandHeadSeq" OF "DemandDetail": integer DESCRIPTION "The sequence from the
DemandHead record this DemandDetail is rela ted to." LABEL "Demand Head Sequence"
COLUMN-LABEL "Demand Head Sequence"
FIELD "DemandDtlSeq" OF "DemandDetail": integer DESCRIPTION "This field along with
Company, DemandContractNum and DemandHeadSe q make up the unique key to the table.
The system should generate this number du ring entry of new detail records. The
system determines next available number by finding the last DemandDetail record for
the DemandHead and the adding 1 to it. " LABEL "Detail Sequence" COLUMN-LABEL
"Detail Sequence"
FIELD "TestRecord" OF "DemandDetail": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or
not this line is being run in a test mode. " LABEL "Test Record" COLUMN-LABEL "Test
FIELD "OrderLine" OF "DemandDetail": integer DESCRIPTION "The OrderDtl record this
demand detail is linked to." LABEL "Order Line" COLUMN-LABEL "Order Line"
FIELD "DoNotShipBeforeDate" OF "DemandDetail": date DESCRIPTION "The date before
which the order cannot be shipped." LABEL "Do Not Ship Before" COLUMN-LABEL "Do Not
Ship Before"
FIELD "DoNotShipAfterDate" OF "DemandDetail": date DESCRIPTION "The date after
which the order cannot be shipped." LABEL "Do Not Ship After" COLUMN-LABEL "Do Not
Ship After"
FIELD "DemandReference" OF "DemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "The reference
from the incoming demand source. Can be used to lo cate other sales order detail
records that have been created by this demand." LABEL "Demand Reference" COLUMN-
LABEL "Demand Reference"
FIELD "LineDesc" OF "DemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Line Item description.
The Part.Description can be used as a defa ult. " LABEL "Desc"
FIELD "IUM" OF "DemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Unit Of Measure (how it is
sold/issued). Use the default Part.IUM if it's a valid Part." LABEL "U/M"
FIELD "DiscountPercent" OF "DemandDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "The line item
discount percent. It has nothing to do with price b reak discounts. It is a flat
discount percent that defaults from the Customer.Di scountPercent." LABEL "Discount
%" COLUMN-LABEL "Disc %"
FIELD "UnitPrice" OF "DemandDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "If it's a valid item in
the Part table the unit price is defaulte d using the following logic: - Determine
if a price break is effective. The basic idea is to see if you can f ind a record
in the OPrice table and then adjust the unit price retrieved from t he Part table.
Price breaks can exist with the following configurations:

ound and it has an EndDate of zeros or the EndDate is >= OrderDate then consider
that a price break has been found and the search quits. Use the Order quantity to
determine which element of the QtyBreak array should be used. Then either a f
ixed unit price is selected (unitprices) or a discount percent is selected (disc
ountPercents) and applied to the Unit Price retrieved from the Part table. " LABEL
"Unit Price"
FIELD "PricePerCode" OF "DemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the
pricing per quantity. It can be ""E"" = per each, " "C"" = per hundred, ""M"" = per
thousand. Used to calculate the extended unit p rice for the line item. Use the
Part.PricePerCode as a default. If Part record does not exist then default as
""E""." LABEL "Price Per"
FIELD "ProjectID" OF "DemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Project ID of the
Project table record for this DemandContractDtl record. Can be blank." LABEL
"Project ID"
FIELD "PriceGroupCode" OF "DemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "This is the Price
Group ID used to price the order line with." LABEL "Price Group" COLUMN-LABEL
"Price Group"
FIELD "QuoteNum" OF "DemandDetail": integer DESCRIPTION "Quote number to which the
line item detail record is associated w ith. This is part of the foreign key to
QuoteHed file. " LABEL "Quote"
FIELD "QuoteLine" OF "DemandDetail": integer DESCRIPTION "Quote Line number to
which this line was related. This field alon g with Company and QuoteNum make up
the link to the QuoteDtl file." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "UserChar1" OF "DemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined character
field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrdertUserChar1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserChar2" OF "DemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined character
field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserChar2Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserChar3" OF "DemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined character
field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserChar3Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserChar4" OF "DemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined character
field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserChar4Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserDate1" OF "DemandDetail": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date field.
Actual label used is defined in the XaSy st record. This Field is only accessible
if XaSyst.OrderUserDate1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserDate2" OF "DemandDetail": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date field.
Actual label used is defined in the XaSy st record. This Field is only accessible
if XaSyst.OrderUserDate2Label is non bl ank."
FIELD "UserDate3" OF "DemandDetail": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date field.
Actual label used is defined in the XaSy st record. This Field is only accessible
if XaSyst.OrderUserDate3Label is non bl ank."
FIELD "UserDate4" OF "DemandDetail": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date field.
Actual label used is defined in the XaSy st record. This Field is only accessible
if XaSyst.OrderUserDate4Label is non bl ank."
FIELD "UserDecimal1" OF "DemandDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "User Defined Decimal
field. Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserDec1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserDecimal2" OF "DemandDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "User Defined Decimal
field. Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserDec2Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserInteger1" OF "DemandDetail": integer DESCRIPTION "User Defined Integer
field. Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserInt1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserInteger2" OF "DemandDetail": integer DESCRIPTION "User Defined Integer
field. Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserInt2Label is non blank."
FIELD "SalesUM" OF "DemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Unit of measure (how it
is sold/issued). Use the default Part.SU M if its a valid Part else use the global
variable Def-UM which is established f rom XaSyst.DefaultUM. " LABEL "U/M"
FIELD "POType" OF "DemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "The PO Type. This is set
by Service Connect when the record is c reated. Reference only."
FIELD "AcknowledgementType" OF "DemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "The type of
acknowledgement that is expected by the trading partn er. Values are: OutSOAck -
Outgoing Acknowledgement OutChgRsp - Outgoing Response to Change OutStatus -
Outgoing Order Status" LABEL "Acknowledgement Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Acknowledgement
FIELD "ScheduleType" OF "DemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "The schedule type
from the trading partner. Reference only." LABEL "Schedule Type" COLUMN-LABEL
"Schedule Type"
FIELD "SellingFactor" OF "DemandDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "This value is used to
convert quantity when there is a difference in the customers unit of measure and
how it is stocked in inventory. Example is sold in pounds, stocked in sheets.
FIELD "SellingFactorDirection" OF "DemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
how Factor is used in calculations. If M (multiply), t he Factor is multiplied, if
D (divide) the factor is divided." LABEL "Selling Factor Direction" COLUMN-LABEL
"Selling Factor Direction"
FIELD "CustNum" OF "DemandDetail": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains the Customer
number that the demand is for. This must b e valid in the Customer table. " LABEL
FIELD "PONum" OF "DemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "This is an optional field
used to enter the customers Purchase Or der Number. " LABEL "PO"
FIELD "OrderNum" OF "DemandDetail": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains the Order Number
that ties this detail record back to an OrderDtl record. " LABEL "Order"
FIELD "DemandContractLine" OF "DemandDetail": integer DESCRIPTION "The contract
line this demand line is for." LABEL "Line" COLUMN-LABEL "Line"
FIELD "RejectedByUser" OF "DemandDetail": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
DemandDetail has been rejected by the user."
LABEL "Rejected" COLUMN-LABEL "Rejected"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "DemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "The user's Internal Part
number used to identify line item part. It cannot be blank. It does not have to
exist in the Part table. A default should be made when the
DemandContractDtl.XPartNum is changed. The Pa rtNum and XPartNum fields work
together in providing defaults for each other. De fault when a valid record is
found in the PartXRef table. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "XPartNum" OF "DemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "An optional field that
is used if the customer has a different P art number than the users internal part
number. The XPartNum and PartNum can p rovide defaults for each other via the
PartXref table.. The XPartNum can be blan k, does not have to exist in the PartXref
table. " LABEL "Cust Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Cust Part"
FIELD "UsePriceList" OF "DemandDetail": logical DESCRIPTION "Use standard Vantage
Price matrix/logic" LABEL "Use Price List" COLUMN-LABEL "Use Price List"
FIELD "Posted" OF "DemandDetail": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record has
been written to an OrderDtl." LABEL "Posted" COLUMN-LABEL "Posted"
FIELD "RejectedBySystem" OF "DemandDetail": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
DemandDetail has been rejected by the system." LABEL "Rejected by System" COLUMN-
LABEL "Rejected by System"
FIELD "OverrideSystemReject" OF "DemandDetail": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
the system rejection should be overridden so the rec ord can be accepted." LABEL
"Override System Reject" COLUMN-LABEL "Override System Reject"
FIELD "Plant" OF "DemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Plant Identifier. " LABEL
"Plant" COLUMN-LABEL "Plant"
FIELD "OpenLine" OF "DemandDetail": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
DemandDetail record is in a ""open or closed"" s tatus. " LABEL "Status"
FIELD "POLine" OF "DemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Optional field used to
enter the customers Purchase Order line it em reference number. " LABEL "PO Line"
FIELD "DemandCharacter04" OF "DemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only" LABEL "Character04" COLUMN-LABEL "Character04"
FIELD "DemandNumber01" OF "DemandDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only" LABEL "Number01" COLUMN-LABEL "Number01"
FIELD "DemandNumber02" OF "DemandDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only" LABEL "Number02" COLUMN-LABEL "Number02"
FIELD "DemandNumber03" OF "DemandDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only" LABEL "Number03" COLUMN-LABEL "Number03"
FIELD "DemandNumber04" OF "DemandDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only" LABEL "Number04" COLUMN-LABEL "Number04"
FIELD "DemandDate01" OF "DemandDetail": date DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development
Use Only" LABEL "Date01" COLUMN-LABEL "Date01"
FIELD "DemandDate02" OF "DemandDetail": date DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development
Use Only" LABEL "Date02" COLUMN-LABEL "Date02"
FIELD "DemandDate03" OF "DemandDetail": date DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development
Use Only" LABEL "Date03" COLUMN-LABEL "Date03"
FIELD "DemandDate04" OF "DemandDetail": date DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development
Use Only" LABEL "Date04" COLUMN-LABEL "Date04"
FIELD "DemandLogical01" OF "DemandDetail": logical DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only"
FIELD "DemandLogical02" OF "DemandDetail": logical DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only"
FIELD "DemandLogical03" OF "DemandDetail": logical DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only"
FIELD "DemandLogical04" OF "DemandDetail": logical DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only"
FIELD "DemandCharacter01" OF "DemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only" LABEL "Character01" COLUMN-LABEL "Character01"
FIELD "DemandCharacter02" OF "DemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only" LABEL "Character02" COLUMN-LABEL "Character02"
FIELD "DemandCharacter03" OF "DemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only" LABEL "Character03" COLUMN-LABEL "Character03"
FIELD "DeleteCurrentReleases" OF "DemandDetail": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
current open Order Releases that have not been shipp ed and do not have a job
should be deleted when processing the demand." LABEL "Delete Current Releases"
COLUMN-LABEL "Delete Current Releases"
FIELD "MktgEvntSeq" OF "DemandDetail": integer DESCRIPTION "Link to the marketing
event associated with this record. The related Marketing Event Sequence. Mirror
image of the QuoteHed.MktgEventSeq. Maintainable via demand entry if the CRM module
is installed. " LABEL "Event"
FIELD "MktgCampaignID" OF "DemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "The related
Marketing Campaign ID. Mirror image of the QuoteHed.M kthCampaignID. Maintainable
via Demand entry if the CRM module is installed." LABEL "ID"
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "DemandDetail": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "DemandDetail": character
DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "DemandDetail": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "XRefPartNum" OF "DemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Cross Reference Part
Num. Only used for audit purposes for EDI." LABEL "XRefPartNum"
FIELD "XRefPartType" OF "DemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Cross Reference Part
Type. Only used for audit purposes for EDI.
FIELD "XRefCustNum" OF "DemandDetail": integer DESCRIPTION "Customer Number
XRefPartNum is related to if it is a customer par t. Only used for audit purposes
for EDI." LABEL "XRefCustNum"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "DemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Optional field that
contains the part revision. " LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "XRevisionNum" OF "DemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Optional field that
contains the customers revision. " LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "EDIUnitPrice" OF "DemandDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Incoming EDI Unit
Price." LABEL "EDI Unit Price"
FIELD "CumulativeQty" OF "DemandDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "The total quantity
that has been received according to the traini ng partner data" LABEL "Cumulative
FIELD "CumulativeDate" OF "DemandDetail": date DESCRIPTION "The date when the
trading partner calculated the cumulative quant ity field" LABEL "Cumulative Date"
FIELD "StartCumQty" OF "DemandDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "A qty that will create
a new reconciliation adjustment." LABEL "Starting Cum Qty"
FIELD "StartCumDate" OF "DemandDetail": date DESCRIPTION "The date since the
trading partner has been accumulating the quan tities." LABEL "Starting Cum Date"
FIELD "LastShipmentID" OF "DemandDetail": integer DESCRIPTION "The pack id of the
last trading partner information received by t he trading partner." LABEL "Last
Ship ID"
FIELD "LastShipmentQty" OF "DemandDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "The quantity
received in the last shipment according to the tradi ng partner information" LABEL
"Last Ship Qty"
FIELD "LastShipmentDate" OF "DemandDetail": date DESCRIPTION "The date when of the
last shipment according to the trading partn er information" LABEL "Last Ship Date"

FIELD "ScheduleNumber" OF "DemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "The current

schedule number of the file where the cumulative info was received" LABEL "Schedule
FIELD "LastMasterPack" OF "DemandDetail": integer DESCRIPTION "Last Master Pack ID"
LABEL "Master Pack Number"
FIELD "DocUnitPrice" OF "DemandDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "Contains the internal
system unit price in a foreign currency" LABEL "Doc Unit Price"
FIELD "DocEDIUnitPrice" OF "DemandDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "Contains the
Customer Price in a foreign currency" LABEL "Doc Customer Price"
FIELD "InternalPrice" OF "DemandDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the Internal
Price assigned by the system calculated from the part sales price or a price list.
It will be used when the Demand Contract is using Internal Pricing." LABEL
"Internal Price"
FIELD "DocInternalPrice" OF "DemandDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "The doc currency
value of the internal price " LABEL "Internal Price"
FIELD "SmartStringProcessed" OF "DemandDetail": logical DESCRIPTION "If TRUE then
this field will mean that the smart string has alrea dy been processed" LABEL
"Smart String Processed"
FIELD "SmartString" OF "DemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Original smart string
passed in for configuration" LABEL "Smart String"
FIELD "BasePartNum" OF "DemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "The part number used
to identify the configured part number initi ally entered on the line." LABEL
"Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "LastConfigDate" OF "DemandDetail": date DESCRIPTION "The date when the
configuration was completed for the assembly." LABEL "Last Config Date" COLUMN-
LABEL "Last Config Date"
FIELD "LastConfigTime" OF "DemandDetail": integer DESCRIPTION "The system time when
the configuration was completed for the asse mbly." LABEL "Last Config Time"
COLUMN-LABEL "Last Config Time"
FIELD "LastConfigUserID" OF "DemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "The User ID of
the last user to complete the configuration of the assembly." LABEL "Last Config
UserID" COLUMN-LABEL "Last Config UserID"
FIELD "ConfigUnitPrice" OF "DemandDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "Same as Unit price
except that this field contains the unit price computed from the input based
pricing in a configuration. If price breaks exist this price should be used as the
base price instead of the one found in the part table." LABEL "Configuration Unit
FIELD "ConfigBaseUnitPrice" OF "DemandDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the
base price for inputs based pricing of a configuratio n. The price of inputs are
added to this price to get the ConfigUnitPrice." LABEL "Configuration Base Unit
FIELD "BaseRevisionNum" OF "DemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "The revision
number used to identify the configured part/revision number initially entered on
the line." LABEL "Rev" COLUMN-LABEL "Rev"

TABLE "DemandHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The demand header table. This
table contains records that are de mands on contract fulfillment. Sales orders or
Forecasts will be created from d etail records related to the DemandHead."
FIELD "Company" OF "DemandHead": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
"Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "DemandHeadSeq" OF "DemandHead": integer DESCRIPTION "This field along with
Company and DemandContractNum make up the u nique key to the table. The system
should generate this number during entry of n ew header records. The system
determines next available number by finding the la st DemandHead for the
DemandContractNum and adding 1. " LABEL "Demand Head Sequence" COLUMN-LABEL "Demand
Head Sequence"
FIELD "DemandContractNum" OF "DemandHead": integer DESCRIPTION "The demand contract
this demand is for." LABEL "Demand Contract Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Demand Contract
FIELD "OrderNum" OF "DemandHead": integer DESCRIPTION "The OrderHed record this
demand is linked to." LABEL "Order"
FIELD "CustNum" OF "DemandHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains the Customer number
that the demand is for. This must b e valid in the Customer table. " LABEL
FIELD "PONum" OF "DemandHead": character DESCRIPTION "This is a mandatory field
used to enter the customers Purchase Or der Number. " LABEL "PO"
FIELD "DoNotShipBeforeDate" OF "DemandHead": date DESCRIPTION "The date before
which the order cannot be shipped." LABEL "Do Not Ship Before" COLUMN-LABEL "Do Not
Ship Before"
FIELD "DoNotShipAfterDate" OF "DemandHead": date DESCRIPTION "The date after which
the order cannot be shipped." LABEL "Do Not Ship After" COLUMN-LABEL "Do Not Ship
FIELD "CancelAfterDate" OF "DemandHead": date DESCRIPTION "The date after which the
sales order should be canceled." LABEL "Cancel After" COLUMN-LABEL "Cancel After"
FIELD "FOB" OF "DemandHead": character DESCRIPTION "An optional field that
describes the FOB policy."
FIELD "ShipViaCode" OF "DemandHead": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the key value
of the record in the ""SHIPVIA"" table. It can be left blank or must be valid in
the 'SHIPTO"" table. Use the CUSTOMER.SHIPVIA as the default when the ORDER.CUSTNUM
field is changed and the ORDERHED.SHIPTO is blank. Use SHIPTO.SHIPVIA when
ORDER.CUSTNUM or ORDE RHED.SHIPTO fields are changed and the ORDERHED.SHIPTO is not
blank. " LABEL "Ship Via"
FIELD "TermsCode" OF "DemandHead": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the key value of
the record in the TERMS table which ind icates the sales terms established for this
order. On change of DemandContractHd r.CUSTNUM use the CUSTOMER.TERMS field as the
default. " LABEL "Terms"
FIELD "AllocPriorityCode" OF "DemandHead": character DESCRIPTION "Code used to
relate a AllocPri record to the order. Defaulted fr om Customer.AllocPriorityCode.
" LABEL "Alloc Pri"
FIELD "ShipOrderComplete" OF "DemandHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
order must be shipped complete. That is, as an orders release are selected for
picking during the Auto Pick process of the Orde r Allocation program, the all
releases with a ship date <= the given cutoff date alos have to be picked complete
otherwise they will not be selected. This is de faulted to Yes when
Customer.ShippingQualifier = ""O"" (Ship Order 100% complete ) " LABEL "SC"
FIELD "OrderComment" OF "DemandHead": character DESCRIPTION "Contains comments
about the overall order. These will be printed on the Sales Acknowledgements. "
FIELD "InvoiceComment" OF "DemandHead": character DESCRIPTION "Used to establish
invoice comments about the overall order. These will copied into the Invoice detail
file as defaults. "
FIELD "AutoOrderBasedDisc" OF "DemandHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if order
based discounting should be applied automatica lly or manually triggered by user as
menu option."
FIELD "UserChar1" OF "DemandHead": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined character
field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrdertUserChar1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserChar2" OF "DemandHead": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined character
field. Actual label used is defined in the
XaSyst record. This Field is only accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserChar2Label is non
FIELD "UserChar3" OF "DemandHead": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined character
field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserChar3Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserChar4" OF "DemandHead": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined character
field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserChar4Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserDate1" OF "DemandHead": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date field.
Actual label used is defined in the XaSy st record. This Field is only accessible
if XaSyst.OrderUserDate1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserDate2" OF "DemandHead": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date field.
Actual label used is defined in the XaSy st record. This Field is only accessible
if XaSyst.OrderUserDate2Label is non bl ank."
FIELD "UserDate3" OF "DemandHead": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date field.
Actual label used is defined in the XaSy st record. This Field is only accessible
if XaSyst.OrderUserDate3Label is non bl ank."
FIELD "UserDate4" OF "DemandHead": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date field.
Actual label used is defined in the XaSy st record. This Field is only accessible
if XaSyst.OrderUserDate4Label is non bl ank."
FIELD "UserDecimal1" OF "DemandHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "User Defined Decimal
field. Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserDec1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserDecimal2" OF "DemandHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "User Defined Decimal
field. Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserDec2Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserInteger1" OF "DemandHead": integer DESCRIPTION "User Defined Integer
field. Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserInt1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserInteger2" OF "DemandHead": integer DESCRIPTION "User Defined Integer
field. Actual label used is defined in the X
aSyst record. This Field is only accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserInt2Label is non
FIELD "TestRecord" OF "DemandHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not
this line is being run in a test mode. " LABEL "Test Record" COLUMN-LABEL "Test
FIELD "POType" OF "DemandHead": character DESCRIPTION "The PO Type. This is set by
Service Connect when the record is c reated. Reference only." LABEL "PO Type"
FIELD "AcknowledgementType" OF "DemandHead": character DESCRIPTION "The type of
acknowledgement that is expected by the trading partn er. Values are: OutSOAck -
Outgoing Acknowledgement OutChgRsp - Outgoing Response to Change OutStatus -
Outgoing Order Status" LABEL "Acknowledgement Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Acknowledgement
FIELD "AcceptType" OF "DemandHead": character DESCRIPTION "The type of action to
take for this demand. Values are: ALW - Always accept the demand automatically ANE
- Accpet the demand automatically if no errors ASD - Always stop at demand. User
will accept demands manually." LABEL "Accept Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Accept Type"
FIELD "ScheduleNumber" OF "DemandHead": character DESCRIPTION "An internal
identifier to group demand schedules together. This will be changed every time a
demand is received via EDI or changed manually. Th is number will carry over to the
DemandSchedule table. This number can be manua lly entered, generated by the
system, or come from EDI." LABEL "Schedule Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Schedule Number"
FIELD "ScheduleNumberSeq" OF "DemandHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Holds the value of
the last sequence used for ScheduleNumber. Wh en generating ScheduleNumbers, this
field is incremented by 1 and is used to pop ulate ScheduleNumber." LABEL "Schedule
Number Sequence" COLUMN-LABEL "Schedule Number Sequence"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "DemandHead": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the currency." LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "LockRate" OF "DemandHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Used with the currency
module. When TRUE the currency rate can b e changed by the user and cannot be
changed by the system. " LABEL "Lock"
FIELD "Accepted" OF "DemandHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this demand has
been accepted or not." LABEL "Accepted" COLUMN-LABEL "Accepted"
FIELD "RejectedByUser" OF "DemandHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
DemandHead has been rejected by the user." LABEL "Rejected" COLUMN-LABEL "Rejected"

FIELD "OpenDemand" OF "DemandHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this demand

is in an ""open"" status. A demand is c losed when the the Demand Contract is
closed. It can also be set if it is tied to an OrderHed and the OrderHed record is
closed." LABEL "Status"
FIELD "Posted" OF "DemandHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record and
it's children (DemandDetail and Dema ndSchedule) have been written to the Forecast
table or Order tables. This can b e toggled back on by the system as new demand
schedules are created." LABEL "Posted" COLUMN-LABEL "Posted"
FIELD "RejectedBySystem" OF "DemandHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
DemandDetail has been rejected by the system." LABEL "Rejected by System" COLUMN-
LABEL "Rejected by System"
FIELD "OverrideSystemReject" OF "DemandHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
system rejection should be overridden so the rec ord can be accepted." LABEL
"Override System Reject" COLUMN-LABEL "Override System Reject"
FIELD "DemandCharacter03" OF "DemandHead": character DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only" LABEL "Character03" COLUMN-LABEL "Character03"
FIELD "DemandCharacter04" OF "DemandHead": character DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only" LABEL "Character04" COLUMN-LABEL "Character04"
FIELD "DemandNumber01" OF "DemandHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development
Use Only"
LABEL "Number01" COLUMN-LABEL "Number01"
FIELD "DemandNumber02" OF "DemandHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development
Use Only" LABEL "Number02" COLUMN-LABEL "Number02"
FIELD "DemandNumber03" OF "DemandHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development
Use Only" LABEL "Number03" COLUMN-LABEL "Number03"
FIELD "DemandNumber04" OF "DemandHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development
Use Only" LABEL "Number04" COLUMN-LABEL "Number04"
FIELD "DemandDate01" OF "DemandHead": date DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development Use
Only" LABEL "Date01" COLUMN-LABEL "Date01"
FIELD "DemandDate02" OF "DemandHead": date DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development Use
Only" LABEL "Date02" COLUMN-LABEL "Date02"
FIELD "DemandDate03" OF "DemandHead": date DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development Use
Only" LABEL "Date03" COLUMN-LABEL "Date03"
FIELD "DemandDate04" OF "DemandHead": date DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development Use
Only" LABEL "Date04" COLUMN-LABEL "Date04"
FIELD "DemandLogical01" OF "DemandHead": logical DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only"
FIELD "DemandLogical02" OF "DemandHead": logical DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only"
FIELD "DemandLogical03" OF "DemandHead": logical DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only"
FIELD "DemandLogical04" OF "DemandHead": logical DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only"
FIELD "DemandCharacter01" OF "DemandHead": character DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only" LABEL "Character01" COLUMN-LABEL "Character01"
FIELD "DemandCharacter02" OF "DemandHead": character DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only" LABEL "Character02" COLUMN-LABEL "Character02"
FIELD "BTCustNum" OF "DemandHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Bill To Customer Number"
LABEL "Bill To Customer Number"
FIELD "EDIOrder" OF "DemandHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Order created from EDI."
FIELD "SelectedForProcessing" OF "DemandHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates the
demand has been selected for processing. The value will be set back to false when
processing has been done." LABEL "Selected for Processing" COLUMN-LABEL "Selected
for Processing"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "DemandHead": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "DemandHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "ReservePriorityCode" OF "DemandHead": character DESCRIPTION "Code used to
relate a ReservePri record to the order. Defaulted from
Customer.ReservePriorityCode. " LABEL "Reservation Priority"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "DemandHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "SCProcessing" OF "DemandHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Do Not Process" LABEL
"Do Not Process" COLUMN-LABEL "Do Not Process"
FIELD "ReadyToProcess" OF "DemandHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag at the Header
Level that indicate that the demand can be pro
cess." LABEL "Ready to Process"
FIELD "ResetCums" OF "DemandHead": logical DESCRIPTION "If turned on, this flag
will rest the accumulative quantities sto red in Epicor applications" LABEL "Reset
Cum Info"
FIELD "ShipToNum" OF "DemandHead": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates which customer
ship to is to be used as the default for the Demand records. It can be blank or it
must be valid in the SHIPTO table. U se the CUSTOMER.SHIPTONUM as the default on
new demands." LABEL "Ship To"
FIELD "CancelPO" OF "DemandHead": logical DESCRIPTION "It will be displayed when
the user ask to cancel the whole order. There is a field in the inbound EDI message
to ask for this." LABEL "Cancel PO"
FIELD "ERSOrder" OF "DemandHead": logical DESCRIPTION "It will be used to identify
POs that will generate an invoice at the shipment. If the order is created manually
the default for this order will be taken from the customer master file. If the
order is created via EDI, the def ault will be taken from the value in the inbound
file." LABEL "ERS Order"
FIELD "LinkedOrders" OF "DemandHead": character DESCRIPTION "Sales Order linked to
this Demand" LABEL "Linked Orders"
FIELD "CreateNewOrder" OF "DemandHead": logical DESCRIPTION "new orders will be
created when it is set to true" LABEL "Create New Order"

TABLE "DemandLog" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table will store errors and
warnings that occurred while pro cessing a demand. This table will contain errors
for the DemandHead, DemandDeta il, and DemandSchedule tables."
FIELD "Company" OF "DemandLog": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
"Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "DemandHeadSeq" OF "DemandLog": integer DESCRIPTION "The sequence from the
DemandHead, DemandDetail, or DemandSchedule record this DemandLog is related to."
LABEL "Demand Head Sequence" COLUMN-LABEL "Demand Head Sequence"
FIELD "DemandDtlSeq" OF "DemandLog": integer DESCRIPTION "The detail line sequence
from the DemandDetail or DemandSchedule record this DemandLog is related to. If
this value is zero, the record is relat ed to DemandHead." LABEL "Detail Sequence"
COLUMN-LABEL "Detail Sequence"
FIELD "DemandScheduleSeq" OF "DemandLog": integer DESCRIPTION "The demand schedule
sequence from the DemandSchedule record this DemandLog is related to. If this and
DemandDetailSeq are zero, this record is r elated to DemandHead. If this field is
zero but DemandDetailSeq is not, this re cord is related to DemandDetail. Otherwise
this record is related to DemandSche dule." LABEL "Demand Schedule Seq" COLUMN-
LABEL "Demand Schedule Seq"
FIELD "TranNum" OF "DemandLog": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for the
error log record. The value is obtaine d from the DemandLogSeq sequence." LABEL
"Tran Num" COLUMN-LABEL "Tran Num"
FIELD "SysDate" OF "DemandLog": date DESCRIPTION "The system date the record was
created." LABEL "Log Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Log Date"
FIELD "SysTime" OF "DemandLog": integer DESCRIPTION "System Time (hr-min-sec) when
transaction was created." LABEL "Log Time" COLUMN-LABEL "Log Time"
FIELD "LogText" OF "DemandLog": character DESCRIPTION "The warning or error text."
LABEL "Log Text" COLUMN-LABEL "Log Text"
FIELD "DemandContractNum" OF "DemandLog": integer DESCRIPTION "The Demand Contract
this record is for." LABEL "Demand Contract Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Demand Contract
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "DemandLog": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "DemandLog": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "DemandLog": integer
DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit
Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "Action" OF "DemandLog": character DESCRIPTION "The action that was taken
when the demand log entry was created. The valid values are ?Stop? and ?Warning?"
LABEL "Action"
FIELD "LogCode" OF "DemandLog": character DESCRIPTION "Code for the Log Action."
LABEL "Log Code"

TABLE "DemandMiscChg" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The Demand miscellaneous

charges. Can be linked to a DemandHead or DemandDetail record."
FIELD "Company" OF "DemandMiscChg": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "DemandHeadSeq" OF "DemandMiscChg": integer DESCRIPTION "The DemandHead this
charge is for." LABEL "Demand Header Seq" COLUMN-LABEL "Demand Header Seq"
FIELD "DemandDtlSeq" OF "DemandMiscChg": integer DESCRIPTION "Demand Detail
sequence that this miscellaneous record is related to. If related to the DemandHead
then this field is zero. This number is not dir ectly entered by the user; rather
it is carried through from the header or detai l line that user was on when
miscellaneous maintenance was requested. " LABEL "Line"
FIELD "SeqNum" OF "DemandMiscChg": integer DESCRIPTION "This along with Company,
DemandHeadSeq and DemandDetailSeq make u p the unique keys for this record." LABEL
FIELD "MiscCode" OF "DemandMiscChg": character DESCRIPTION "The Miscellaneous
Charge Code. This must be valid in the MiscChrg master file. " LABEL "Charge ID"
FIELD "Description" OF "DemandMiscChg": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the
miscellaneous charge. The default is provided by MiscChrg.Description, but it's
overridable by the user. This can't be blank." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "MiscAmt" OF "DemandMiscChg": decimal
DESCRIPTION "The amount of the Miscellaneous Charge/Credit. Can't be zero. Use
MiscChrg.MiscAmt as a default." LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "DocMiscAmt" OF "DemandMiscChg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The amount of the
Miscellaneous Charge/Credit(display value). Can 't be zero. Use MiscChrg.MiscAmt as
a default. " LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "FreqCode" OF "DemandMiscChg": character DESCRIPTION "Sets the frequency of
when this miscellaneous charge should be ap plied. The options are F - First
shipment, L = Last shipment, E = every shipment . This defaults from the
MiscChrg.FreqCode." LABEL "Freq"
FIELD "Quoting" OF "DemandMiscChg": character DESCRIPTION "An internally used flag
which indicates that this record was crea ted from a Quote via the ""Get Quote""
function. ""Q"" = related to the QuoteQty record, ""L"" = related to the overall
QuoteDtl record. This flag is used so th at the OrderMsc file can be refreshed from
the QuoteMsc when Quantity or Quote/L ine # changes occur. The logic is that if a
change in order quantity of a order line that is linked to a quote causes a
different price break to be selected the n all the existing all OrderMsc records
where Quoting = ""Q"" are deleted and th en re-pulled in based on the new qty. If
the Quote # or QuoteLine are changed th en all OrderMsc records where Quoting is
either a ""Q"" or ""L"" are deleted the n re-pulled in from the newly referenced
FIELD "DemandContractNum" OF "DemandMiscChg": integer DESCRIPTION "The demand
contract this demand misc charge is for." LABEL "Demand Contract Number" COLUMN-
LABEL "Demand Contract Number"
FIELD "Rpt1MiscAmt" OF "DemandMiscChg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2MiscAmt" OF "DemandMiscChg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3MiscAmt" OF "DemandMiscChg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "DemandMiscChg": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "DemandMiscChg": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "DemandMiscChg": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "Percentage" OF "DemandMiscChg": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field will be used
to define the percentage of the extended amount that will be applied as the
'Miscellaneous charge'." LABEL "Percentage" COLUMN-LABEL "Percentage"
FIELD "Type" OF "DemandMiscChg": character DESCRIPTION "This field will define if
the miscellaneous charge is calculated as a flat amount or if is calculated as a
percentage of the extended price." LABEL "Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Type"

TABLE "DemandQtyRef" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Demand Quantity Reference"

DESCRIPTION "Contains order quantity reference information supplied by EDI."
FIELD "Company" OF "DemandQtyRef": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "DemandContractNum" OF "DemandQtyRef": integer DESCRIPTION "The demand
contract this demand schedule is for." LABEL "Demand Contract Number" COLUMN-LABEL
"Demand Contract Number"
FIELD "DemandHeadSeq" OF "DemandQtyRef": integer DESCRIPTION "The sequence from the
DemandHead record this DemandSchedule is re lated to." LABEL "Demand Head Sequence"
COLUMN-LABEL "Demand Head Sequence"
FIELD "DemandDtlSeq" OF "DemandQtyRef": integer DESCRIPTION "The sequence from the
DemandDetail record this DemandSchedule is related to." LABEL "Detail Sequence"
COLUMN-LABEL "Detail Sequence"
FIELD "DemandScheduleSeq" OF "DemandQtyRef": integer DESCRIPTION "This field along
with Company, DemandContractNum, DemandHeadSeq, and DemandDetailSeq make up the
unique key to the table. The system should gener ate this number during entry of
new detail records. The system determines next a vailable number by finding the
last DemandSchedulel record for the DemandDetail and the adding 1 to it. "
LABEL "Schedule Sequence" COLUMN-LABEL "Schedule Sequence"
FIELD "OrderNum" OF "DemandQtyRef": integer DESCRIPTION "Sales order number of the
OrderRel record this DemandSchedule is linked to. " LABEL "Order"
FIELD "OrderLine" OF "DemandQtyRef": integer DESCRIPTION "Sales order Line number
of the OrderRel record this DemandSchedul e is linked to. " LABEL "Line"
FIELD "OrderRelNum" OF "DemandQtyRef": integer DESCRIPTION "Sales order release
number of the OrderRel record this DemandSche dule is linked to. " LABEL "Rel"
FIELD "Seq" OF "DemandQtyRef": integer DESCRIPTION "sequence number. When
quantities are shipped partially then for t he remaining quantities a new record is
created with a higher sequence number." LABEL "Seq" COLUMN-LABEL "Seq"
FIELD "Quantity" OF "DemandQtyRef": decimal DESCRIPTION "Selling quantity related
to this reference." LABEL "Quantity" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "CustReference" OF "DemandQtyRef": character DESCRIPTION "customer reference
for this quantity. The reference can be used f or one packaging unit or for
multiple packing units depending on the customer pr eference." LABEL "Reference"
FIELD "RoutingCode" OF "DemandQtyRef": character DESCRIPTION "The routing code is
used by customers to track part numbers in va rious packaging units." LABEL
"RoutingCode" COLUMN-LABEL "RoutingCode"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "DemandQtyRef": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field
identifies the Part." LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "LotNum" OF "DemandQtyRef": character DESCRIPTION "Unique lot number for the
part." LABEL "Lot Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Lot Number"
FIELD "PackNum" OF "DemandQtyRef": integer DESCRIPTION "Packing slip number of the
ShipHead record that this record is re lated to." LABEL "Packing Slip"
FIELD "PackLine" OF "DemandQtyRef": integer DESCRIPTION "The packing slip line
number of the ShipDtl record that this reco rd is related to. NOTE: This is always
zero. Currently ShipMisc records are only related to the S hipHead record." LABEL
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "DemandQtyRef": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "DemandQtyRef": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "DemandQtyRef": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "DemandReconcile" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Demand Reconciliation

table. Used to reconcile shipped quantitie s for demands with trading partner
FIELD "Company" OF "DemandReconcile": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ReconcileNum" OF "DemandReconcile": integer DESCRIPTION "A number which is
used to allow create a unique key for the file. The value for this field comes from
database Sequence DemandReconcileSeq." LABEL "Tran"
FIELD "DemandContractNum" OF "DemandReconcile": integer DESCRIPTION "The demand
contract this reconcilliation is for." LABEL "Demand Contract Number" COLUMN-LABEL
"Demand Contract Number"
FIELD "CustNum" OF "DemandReconcile": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains the Customer
number that the reconcilliation is for. Th is must be valid in the Customer table.
" LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "PONum" OF "DemandReconcile": character DESCRIPTION "The customers Purchase
Order Number the reconcilliation is for.
FIELD "PartNum" OF "DemandReconcile": character DESCRIPTION "The part number the
reconcilliation is for." LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "ShipToNum" OF "DemandReconcile": character DESCRIPTION "The ShipTo the
reconcilliation is for." LABEL "Ship To"
FIELD "ShippedCUMMQty" OF "DemandReconcile": decimal DESCRIPTION "The total shipped
quantity for the reconcilliation. This field i s populated when a demand order is
shipped." LABEL "Shipped Cumulative Quantity" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "TPCUMMQty" OF "DemandReconcile": decimal DESCRIPTION "The trading partner's
cumulative quantity for the reconcilliation . This is the quantity the trading
partner states they have received." LABEL "Trading Partner Cumulative Quantity"
FIELD "ReconcileCUMMQty" OF "DemandReconcile": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the
reconciled shipped quantity. This will typically hav e the same quantity as
TPCUMMQty, but it can be different." LABEL "Reconciled Cumulative Quantity" COLUMN-
FIELD "ShippedCUMMDate" OF "DemandReconcile": date DESCRIPTION "The date the
ShippedCUMMQty field was last updated." LABEL "Last Ship Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Last
Ship Date"
FIELD "TPCUMMDate" OF "DemandReconcile": date DESCRIPTION "The date the TPCUMMQty
field was last updated." LABEL "Trading Partner Cumulative Date"
FIELD "UserChar1" OF "DemandReconcile": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined
character field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This Field is
only accessible if XaSyst.OrdertUserChar1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserChar2" OF "DemandReconcile": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined
character field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This Field is
only accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserChar2Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserChar3" OF "DemandReconcile": character
DESCRIPTION "User Defined character field. Actual label used is defined in the
XaSyst record. This Field is only accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserChar3Label is non
FIELD "UserChar4" OF "DemandReconcile": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined
character field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This Field is
only accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserChar4Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserDate1" OF "DemandReconcile": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date field.
Actual label used is defined in the XaSy st record. This Field is only accessible
if XaSyst.OrderUserDate1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserDate2" OF "DemandReconcile": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date field.
Actual label used is defined in the XaSy st record. This Field is only accessible
if XaSyst.OrderUserDate2Label is non bl ank."
FIELD "UserDate3" OF "DemandReconcile": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date field.
Actual label used is defined in the XaSy st record. This Field is only accessible
if XaSyst.OrderUserDate3Label is non bl ank."
FIELD "UserDate4" OF "DemandReconcile": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date field.
Actual label used is defined in the XaSy st record. This Field is only accessible
if XaSyst.OrderUserDate4Label is non bl ank."
FIELD "UserDecimal1" OF "DemandReconcile": decimal DESCRIPTION "User Defined
Decimal field. Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is
only accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserDec1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserDecimal2" OF "DemandReconcile": decimal DESCRIPTION "User Defined
Decimal field. Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is
only accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserDec2Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserInteger1" OF "DemandReconcile": integer DESCRIPTION "User Defined
Integer field. Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is
only accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserInt1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserInteger2" OF "DemandReconcile": integer DESCRIPTION "User Defined
Integer field. Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is
only accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserInt2Label is non blank."
FIELD "DemandCharacter01" OF "DemandReconcile": character
DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development Use Only" LABEL "Character01" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "DemandCharacter02" OF "DemandReconcile": character DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only" LABEL "Character02" COLUMN-LABEL "Character02"
FIELD "DemandCharacter03" OF "DemandReconcile": character DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only" LABEL "Character03" COLUMN-LABEL "Character03"
FIELD "DemandCharacter04" OF "DemandReconcile": character DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only" LABEL "Character04" COLUMN-LABEL "Character04"
FIELD "DemandNumber01" OF "DemandReconcile": decimal DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only" LABEL "Number01" COLUMN-LABEL "Number01"
FIELD "DemandNumber02" OF "DemandReconcile": decimal DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only" LABEL "Number02" COLUMN-LABEL "Number02"
FIELD "DemandNumber03" OF "DemandReconcile": decimal DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only" LABEL "Number03" COLUMN-LABEL "Number03"
FIELD "DemandNumber04" OF "DemandReconcile": decimal DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only" LABEL "Number04" COLUMN-LABEL "Number04"
FIELD "DemandDate01" OF "DemandReconcile": date DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development
Use Only" LABEL "Date01" COLUMN-LABEL "Date01"
FIELD "DemandDate02" OF "DemandReconcile": date DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development
Use Only" LABEL "Date02" COLUMN-LABEL "Date02"
FIELD "DemandDate03" OF "DemandReconcile": date
DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development Use Only" LABEL "Date03" COLUMN-LABEL "Date03"
FIELD "DemandDate04" OF "DemandReconcile": date DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development
Use Only" LABEL "Date04" COLUMN-LABEL "Date04"
FIELD "DemandLogical01" OF "DemandReconcile": logical DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only"
FIELD "DemandLogical02" OF "DemandReconcile": logical DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only"
FIELD "DemandLogical03" OF "DemandReconcile": logical DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only"
FIELD "DemandLogical04" OF "DemandReconcile": logical DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "DemandReconcile": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "DemandReconcile": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "DemandReconcile": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ShipToCustNum" OF "DemandReconcile": integer DESCRIPTION "Ship To Customer
Number. This along with ShipToNum provides the f oreign key field to a given
ShipTo. Normally this has the same value as the Cust Num field. However, if the
customer allows 3rd party shipto (Customer.AllowShipT o3) then this could be a
different custnum."
FIELD "TPLastShipmentID" OF "DemandReconcile": integer DESCRIPTION "The pack id of
the last trading partner information received by t he trading partner." LABEL "TP
Last Ship ID"
FIELD "TPLastShipmentQty" OF "DemandReconcile": decimal DESCRIPTION "The quantity
received in the last shipment according to the tradi ng partner information" LABEL
"TP Last Ship Qty"
FIELD "TPLastShipmentDate" OF "DemandReconcile": date DESCRIPTION "The date when of
the last shipment according to the trading partn er information" LABEL "TP Last
Ship Date"
FIELD "TPScheduleNumber" OF "DemandReconcile": character DESCRIPTION "The current
schedule number of the file where the cumulative info was received" LABEL "TP
Schedule Number"
FIELD "CILastShipmentQty" OF "DemandReconcile": decimal DESCRIPTION "The quantity
received in the last shipment according to the tradi ng partner information" LABEL
"CI Last Ship Qty"
FIELD "CILastShipmentDate" OF "DemandReconcile": date DESCRIPTION "The date when of
the last shipment according to the trading partn er information" LABEL "CI Last
Ship Date"
FIELD "RestartDate" OF "DemandReconcile": date DESCRIPTION "Date when the Restart
process is executed on this Reconcile recor d." LABEL "Restart Date"
FIELD "RestartSchedNum" OF "DemandReconcile": character DESCRIPTION "Last Schedule
Number before restart Cumulative Information." LABEL "Restart Schedule Number"
FIELD "RestartPONum" OF "DemandReconcile": character DESCRIPTION "PO Number that
executed the Restart Cumulative Information proces s." LABEL "Restart PO"
FIELD "TPLastMasterPack" OF "DemandReconcile": integer DESCRIPTION "Trading partner
Last Master Pack." LABEL "TP Last Master Pack"
FIELD "CILastMasterPack" OF "DemandReconcile": integer DESCRIPTION "Company
Information Last Master Pack." LABEL "CI Last Master Pack"
FIELD "StartCumQty" OF "DemandReconcile": decimal DESCRIPTION "Starting Cumulative
Quantity." LABEL "Starting Cum Qty"
FIELD "CILastShipmentID" OF "DemandReconcile": integer DESCRIPTION "The pack id of
the last trading partner information received by t he trading partner."
LABEL "CI Last Ship ID"

TABLE "DemandSchedule" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The demand schedule table.
This table contains records that are demands on contract line fulfillment. Sales
orders releases or Forecasts will b e created or updated from records in this
FIELD "Company" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "DemandContractNum" OF "DemandSchedule": integer DESCRIPTION "The demand
contract this demand schedule is for." LABEL "Demand Contract Number" COLUMN-LABEL
"Demand Contract Number"
FIELD "DemandHeadSeq" OF "DemandSchedule": integer DESCRIPTION "The sequence from
the DemandHead record this DemandSchedule is re lated to." LABEL "Demand Head
Sequence" COLUMN-LABEL "Demand Head Sequence"
FIELD "DemandDtlSeq" OF "DemandSchedule": integer DESCRIPTION "The sequence from
the DemandDetail record this DemandSchedule is related to." LABEL "Detail Sequence"
COLUMN-LABEL "Detail Sequence"
FIELD "DemandScheduleSeq" OF "DemandSchedule": integer DESCRIPTION "This field
along with Company, DemandContractNum, DemandHeadSeq, and DemandDetailSeq make up
the unique key to the table. The system should gener ate this number during entry
of new detail records. The system determines next a vailable number by finding the
last DemandSchedulel record for the DemandDetail and the adding 1 to it. " LABEL
"Schedule Sequence" COLUMN-LABEL "Schedule Sequence"
FIELD "OurReqQty" OF "DemandSchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "Quantity ,using Our
U/M, that is requested to be shipped for this release. This MUST BE > ZERO." LABEL
"Our Requested Qty" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "ShipToNum" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "The ShipTo ID to be
used for this scheduled release record. This MUST BE VALID IN THE SHIPTO file. Use
the OrderHead.ShiptoNum as the default whe n creating new records." LABEL "Ship To"
FIELD "ShipViaCode" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "Ship Via ID that is
used for this shipment release. THIS CAN BE B LANK or MUST BE VALID IN THE SHIPVIA
master file. Use the OrderHead.ShipViaCode as the default. " LABEL "Ship Via"
FIELD "SellingReqQty" OF "DemandSchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "Quantity ,using
Selling U/M, that is requested to be shipped for this release. This MUST BE >
ZERO." LABEL "Selling Requested Qty" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "ReqDate" OF "DemandSchedule": date DESCRIPTION "Date which the item needs to
be shipped by in order to meet the c ustomers due date. Initially defaulted as
OrderHed.ReqDate. " LABEL "Ship By"
FIELD "NeedByDate" OF "DemandSchedule": date DESCRIPTION "Date customer needs the
item to be delivered. Defaulted as OrderH ed.NeedByDate." LABEL "Need By"
FIELD "MarkForNum" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "The Mark For to be
used for this scheduled release record. This M UST BE VALID IN THE SHIPTO file."
FIELD "DeliveryDays" OF "DemandSchedule": integer DESCRIPTION "The delivery days
required for the shipment to reach its destinat ion. Defaults from
Customer.DemandDeliveryDays or ShipTo.DemandDeliveryDays." LABEL "Transit Lead
Time" COLUMN-LABEL "Transit Lead Time"
FIELD "UserChar1" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined
character field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This Field is
only accessible if XaSyst.OrdertUserChar1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserChar2" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined
character field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This Field is
only accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserChar2Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserChar3" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined
character field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This Field is
only accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserChar3Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserChar4" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined
character field. Actual label used is defined in the
XaSyst record. This Field is only accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserChar4Label is non
FIELD "UserDate1" OF "DemandSchedule": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date field.
Actual label used is defined in the XaSy st record. This Field is only accessible
if XaSyst.OrderUserDate1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserDate2" OF "DemandSchedule": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date field.
Actual label used is defined in the XaSy st record. This Field is only accessible
if XaSyst.OrderUserDate2Label is non bl ank."
FIELD "UserDate3" OF "DemandSchedule": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date field.
Actual label used is defined in the XaSy st record. This Field is only accessible
if XaSyst.OrderUserDate3Label is non bl ank."
FIELD "UserDate4" OF "DemandSchedule": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date field.
Actual label used is defined in the XaSy st record. This Field is only accessible
if XaSyst.OrderUserDate4Label is non bl ank."
FIELD "UserDecimal1" OF "DemandSchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "User Defined Decimal
field. Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserDec1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserDecimal2" OF "DemandSchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "User Defined Decimal
field. Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserDec2Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserInteger1" OF "DemandSchedule": integer DESCRIPTION "User Defined Integer
field. Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserInt1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserInteger2" OF "DemandSchedule": integer DESCRIPTION "User Defined Integer
field. Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserInt2Label is non blank."
FIELD "ScheduleNumber" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "An internal
identifier to group demand schedules together. This will be changed every time a
demand is received via EDI or changed manually. Th is number will carry over to the
DemandSchedule table. This number can be manua lly entered, generated by the
system, or come from EDI." LABEL "Schedule Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Schedule Number"
FIELD "DemandType" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "The type of demand
this line represents. Values are: InForecast - Incoming Forecast (Forecasts)
InUnfirm - Incoming Unfirm Releases (Unfirm OrderRel) InShSched - Incoming Shipping
Schedule (Firm OrderRel)" LABEL "Demand Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Demand Type"
FIELD "OrderRelNum" OF "DemandSchedule": integer DESCRIPTION "Sales order release
number of the OrderRel record this DemandSche dule is linked to. " LABEL "Rel"
FIELD "OrderNum" OF "DemandSchedule": integer DESCRIPTION "Sales order number of
the OrderRel record this DemandSchedule is linked to. " LABEL "Order"
FIELD "OrderLine" OF "DemandSchedule": integer DESCRIPTION "Sales order Line number
of the OrderRel record this DemandSchedul e is linked to. " LABEL "Line"
FIELD "Obsolete90-DropShipName" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "Full
name for the drop shipment. " LABEL "Name"
FIELD "Obsolete90-DropShipAddress1" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION
"Line 1 of the drop ship's mailing address " LABEL "Address"
FIELD "Obsolete90-DropShipAddress2" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION
"Line 2 of the drop ship's mailing address." LABEL "" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "Obsolete90-DropShipAddress3" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION
"Line 3 of the drop ship's mailing address." LABEL "" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "Obsolete90-DropShipCity" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "The
city portion of the drop ship's mailing address. " LABEL "City"
FIELD "Obsolete90-DropShipState" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "The
state or province portion of the drop ship'smailing address." LABEL "State/Prov"
COLUMN-LABEL "State/Province"
FIELD "Obsolete90-DropShipZip" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "The zip
or postal code portion of the drop ship's mailing address . " LABEL "Postal Code"
FIELD "Obsolete90-DropShipCountry" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "The
Country portion of the drop ship's mailing address. " LABEL "Country"
FIELD "Obsolete90-DropShipCountryNum" OF "DemandSchedule": integer DESCRIPTION "The
Country.CountryNum value of the country selected for the drop ship's mailing
address." LABEL "Country Number"
FIELD "RejectedByUser" OF "DemandSchedule": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
DemandSchedule has been rejected by the user." LABEL "Rejected" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "RAN" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "RAN Number. Used for
informational purposes and to aide in match ing demand schedules with existing
OrderRel records. Supplied by EDI." LABEL "RAN" COLUMN-LABEL "RAN"
FIELD "DemandReference" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "Demand
Reference. Used for informational purposes and to aide in matching demand schedules
with existing OrderRel records. Supplied by EDI." LABEL "Demand Reference" COLUMN-
LABEL "Demand Reference"
FIELD "Posted" OF "DemandSchedule": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record
has been written to an OrderDtl." LABEL "Posted" COLUMN-LABEL "Posted"
FIELD "RejectedBySystem" OF "DemandSchedule": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
DemandDetail has been rejected by the system." LABEL "Rejected by System" COLUMN-
LABEL "Rejected by System"
FIELD "OverrideSystemReject" OF "DemandSchedule": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
the system rejection should be overridden so the rec ord can be accepted." LABEL
"Override System Reject" COLUMN-LABEL "Override System Reject"
FIELD "Plant" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "Plant Identifier. " LABEL
FIELD "OpenSchedule" OF "DemandSchedule": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
schedule is open." LABEL "Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Status"
FIELD "DemandCharacter01" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only" LABEL "Character01" COLUMN-LABEL "Character01"
FIELD "DemandCharacter02" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only" LABEL "Character02" COLUMN-LABEL "Character02"
FIELD "DemandCharacter03" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only" LABEL "Character03" COLUMN-LABEL "Character03"
FIELD "DemandCharacter04" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only" LABEL "Character04" COLUMN-LABEL "Character04"
FIELD "DemandNumber01" OF "DemandSchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only" LABEL "Number01" COLUMN-LABEL "Number01"
FIELD "DemandNumber02" OF "DemandSchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only" LABEL "Number02" COLUMN-LABEL "Number02"
FIELD "DemandNumber03" OF "DemandSchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only" LABEL "Number03" COLUMN-LABEL "Number03"
FIELD "DemandNumber04" OF "DemandSchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only" LABEL "Number04" COLUMN-LABEL "Number04"
FIELD "DemandDate01" OF "DemandSchedule": date DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development
Use Only" LABEL "Date01"
FIELD "DemandDate02" OF "DemandSchedule": date DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development
Use Only" LABEL "Date02" COLUMN-LABEL "Date02"
FIELD "DemandDate03" OF "DemandSchedule": date DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development
Use Only" LABEL "Date03" COLUMN-LABEL "Date03"
FIELD "DemandDate04" OF "DemandSchedule": date DESCRIPTION "For Epicor Development
Use Only" LABEL "Date04" COLUMN-LABEL "Date04"
FIELD "DemandLogical01" OF "DemandSchedule": logical DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only"
FIELD "DemandLogical02" OF "DemandSchedule": logical DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only"
FIELD "DemandLogical03" OF "DemandSchedule": logical DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only"
FIELD "DemandLogical04" OF "DemandSchedule": logical DESCRIPTION "For Epicor
Development Use Only"
FIELD "DocumentName" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "The document that
initiated the demand. Will be blank when the d emand is manually entered." LABEL
"Document Name" COLUMN-LABEL "Document Name"
FIELD "ForecastEndDate" OF "DemandSchedule": date DESCRIPTION "Date until this
forecast is considered effective. for information purposes only. for future use."
FIELD "DockingStation" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "The
dockingstation of the shipto address. For future use." LABEL "Docking Station"
COLUMN-LABEL "Docking Station"
FIELD "Location" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "The location within
the customer shipto address. For future use. "
LABEL "Location" COLUMN-LABEL "Location"
FIELD "TransportID" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "The code of the
transport routing/time. For future use." LABEL "TransportID" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "ShipbyTime" OF "DemandSchedule": integer DESCRIPTION "Ship the good by this
time." LABEL "ShipByTime"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "DemandSchedule": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "DemandSchedule": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "UseOTS" OF "DemandSchedule": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the One
Time ShipTO information defined for this r elease should be used. " LABEL "Use OTS"

FIELD "OTSName" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "One Time Shipto Name of

the ShipTo. " LABEL "Name"
FIELD "OTSAddress1" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "One Time Shipto
first line of the ShipTo address." LABEL "OTS Addr1"
FIELD "OTSAddress2" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "One Time Shipto
second line of the ShipTo address." LABEL "OTS Addr2" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "OTSAddress3" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "One Time Shipto
third line of the ShipTo address." LABEL "OTS Addr3" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "OTSCity" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "City portion of the One
Time Shipto address."
LABEL "City"
FIELD "OTSState" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "The state or province
portion of the One Time Shipto address." LABEL "State/Prov" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "OTSZIP" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "The zip or postal code
portion of the One Time ShipTo address." LABEL "Postal Code"
FIELD "OTSResaleID" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "The State Tax
Identification Number of the One Time Shipto. " LABEL "Tax ID"
FIELD "OTSContact" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "One Time Ship To
Contact Name" LABEL "Contact"
FIELD "OTSFaxNum" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "Fax number for the
One Time ShipTo. " LABEL "Fax"
FIELD "OTSPhoneNum" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "Phone number for
the One Time ShipTo " LABEL "Phone"
FIELD "OTSCountryNum" OF "DemandSchedule": integer DESCRIPTION "One Time Shipping
Country Number" LABEL "OTS Country#"
FIELD "SubShipTo" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "Free form. Can be
used to further identify the shipping destinati on. Example, ship to a distribution
site, this could contain a store description . Will be printed on the packing slip"

FIELD "ShipRouting" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "Free form. Can be

used to further identify the shipping destinati on. Example, ship to a distribution
site, this could contain a routing descripti on. Will be printed on the packing
slip" LABEL "Routing"
FIELD "ShipToCustNum" OF "DemandSchedule": integer DESCRIPTION "Ship To Customer
Number. This along with ShipToNum provides the f oreign key field to a given
ShipTo. Normally this has the same value as the Cust Num field. However, if the
customer allows 3rd party shipto (Customer.AllowShipT o3) then this could be a
different custnum."
FIELD "OTSTaxRegionCode" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the
TaxRgn.TaxRegionCode value of the One Time ShipTo ta x region for purposes of Sales
Tax calculations." LABEL "Tax Region"
FIELD "CreateDate" OF "DemandSchedule": date DESCRIPTION "Last update to the demand
schedule record " LABEL "Last Update Date"
FIELD "ProcessDate" OF "DemandSchedule": date DESCRIPTION "Bookdate of the related
bookrel by the sales order releases on th e demand schedule " LABEL "Book Date"
FIELD "ProcessTime" OF "DemandSchedule": integer DESCRIPTION "Booktime of the
related bookrel by the sales order releases on th e demand schedule " LABEL "Book
FIELD "MFCustNum" OF "DemandSchedule": integer DESCRIPTION "Mark For Customer
Number. This along with Mark For ShipToNum prov ides the foreign key field to a
given ShipTo." LABEL "MF Customer"
FIELD "UseOTMF" OF "DemandSchedule": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the One
Time Mark For information defined for this record should be used. " LABEL "Use
FIELD "OTMFName" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "One Time Mark For Name
of the ShipTo. " LABEL "OTMF Name"
FIELD "OTMFAddress1" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "One Time Mark For
first line of the ShipTo address." LABEL "OTMF Addr1"
FIELD "OTMFAddress2" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "One Time Mark For
second line of the ShipTo address." LABEL "OTMF Addr2" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "OTMFAddress3" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "One Time Mark For
third line of the ShipTo address." LABEL "OTMF Addr3" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "OTMFCity" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "City portion of the
One Time Mark For address." LABEL "OTMF City"
FIELD "OTMFState" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "The state or province
portion of the One Time Mark For address." LABEL "OTMF State/Prov" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "OTMFZIP" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "The zip or postal code
portion of the One Time Mark For address." LABEL "OTMF Postal Code"
FIELD "OTMFContact" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "One Time Mark For
Contact Name" LABEL "OTMF Contact"
FIELD "OTMFFaxNum" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "Fax number for the
One Time Mark For. " LABEL "OTMF Fax"
FIELD "OTMFPhoneNum" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "Phone number for
the One Time Mark For" LABEL "OTMF Phone"
FIELD "OTMFCountryNum" OF "DemandSchedule": integer DESCRIPTION "Country number for
the One Time Mark For" LABEL "OTMF Country#"
FIELD "GroupID" OF "DemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "All invoices belong to
a group until the group is closed. The Gro upID is assigned by the user. " LABEL

TABLE "DemandSegment" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table carries many
various pieces of EDI information and wil l be used mainly for custom mapping. This
can link to DemandHead, DemandDetail, or DemandSchedule."
FIELD "Company" OF "DemandSegment": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "DemandHeadSeq" OF "DemandSegment": integer DESCRIPTION "The sequence from
the DemandHead, DemandDetail, or DemandSchedule record this DemandSegment is
related to." LABEL "Demand Head Sequence"
COLUMN-LABEL "Demand Head Sequence"
FIELD "DemandDtlSeq" OF "DemandSegment": integer DESCRIPTION "The detail line
sequence from the DemandDetail or DemandSchedule record this DemandSegment is
related to." LABEL "Detail Sequence" COLUMN-LABEL "Detail Sequence"
FIELD "DemandScheduleSeq" OF "DemandSegment": integer DESCRIPTION "The demand
schedule sequence from the DemandSchedule record this DemandSegment is related to."
LABEL "Demand Schedule Seq" COLUMN-LABEL "Demand Schedule Seq"
FIELD "UserChar1" OF "DemandSegment": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined character
field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrdertUserChar1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserChar2" OF "DemandSegment": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined character
field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserChar2Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserChar3" OF "DemandSegment": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined character
field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserChar3Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserChar4" OF "DemandSegment": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined character
field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserChar4Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserDate1" OF "DemandSegment": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date field.
Actual label used is defined in the XaSy st record. This Field is only accessible
if XaSyst.OrderUserDate1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserDate2" OF "DemandSegment": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date field.
Actual label used is defined in the XaSy st record. This Field is only accessible
if XaSyst.OrderUserDate2Label is non bl ank."
FIELD "UserDate3" OF "DemandSegment": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date field.
Actual label used is defined in the XaSy st record. This Field is only accessible
if XaSyst.OrderUserDate3Label is non bl ank."
FIELD "UserDate4" OF "DemandSegment": date
DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSy st
record. This Field is only accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserDate4Label is non bl ank."

FIELD "UserDecimal1" OF "DemandSegment": decimal DESCRIPTION "User Defined Decimal

field. Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserDec1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserDecimal2" OF "DemandSegment": decimal DESCRIPTION "User Defined Decimal
field. Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserDec2Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserInteger1" OF "DemandSegment": integer DESCRIPTION "User Defined Integer
field. Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserInt1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserInteger2" OF "DemandSegment": integer DESCRIPTION "User Defined Integer
field. Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.OrderUserInt2Label is non blank."
FIELD "SegmentSeq" OF "DemandSegment": integer DESCRIPTION "The sequence for the
table and record the segment is linked to. The next sequence is determined by
finding the last DemandSegment for the TableN ame, DemandHeadSeq, DemandDtlSeq,
DemandScheduleSeq and adding 1." LABEL "Segment Sequence" COLUMN-LABEL "Segment
FIELD "DemandContractNum" OF "DemandSegment": integer DESCRIPTION "The Demand
Contract this segment is related to." LABEL "Demand Contract Number" COLUMN-LABEL
"Demand Contract Number"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "DemandSegment": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "DemandSegment": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "DemandSegment": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "Device" AREA "Schema Area"

LABEL "Device" DESCRIPTION "List of Devices linked to a WorkStation"
FIELD "Company" OF "Device": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "WorkStationID" OF "Device": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the
WorkStations" LABEL "WorkStationID"
FIELD "Comport" OF "Device": integer DESCRIPTION "Comport setting for scale
interface" LABEL "Comport" COLUMN-LABEL "Comport"
FIELD "BaudRate" OF "Device": integer DESCRIPTION "BaudRate setting for scale"
LABEL "BaudRate" COLUMN-LABEL "BaudRate"
FIELD "DataBits" OF "Device": integer DESCRIPTION "DataBits setting for scales"
LABEL "DataBits" COLUMN-LABEL "DataBits"
FIELD "Parity" OF "Device": integer DESCRIPTION "Parity setting for scales" LABEL
"Parity" COLUMN-LABEL "Parity"
FIELD "StopBits" OF "Device": integer DESCRIPTION "StopBits setting for scales"
LABEL "StopBits" COLUMN-LABEL "StopBits"
FIELD "TimeOut" OF "Device": integer DESCRIPTION "TimeOut setting for scales" LABEL
"TimeOut" COLUMN-LABEL "TimeOut"
FIELD "InquireMsg" OF "Device": character DESCRIPTION "InquireMsg for scales" LABEL
"InquireMsg" COLUMN-LABEL "InquireMsg"
FIELD "AppendCR" OF "Device": logical DESCRIPTION "AppendCR to append carrage
return to scale interface" LABEL "AppendCR" COLUMN-LABEL "AppendCR"
FIELD "PrinterID" OF "Device": character DESCRIPTION "PrinterID for printer " LABEL
"PrinterID" COLUMN-LABEL "PrinterID"
FIELD "PrinterUsage" OF "Device": character DESCRIPTION "PrinterUseage - Use
defined for this printer at a WorkStation. Va lid values are Forms, Reports and
Labels." LABEL "PrinterUseage" COLUMN-LABEL "PrinterUseage"
FIELD "Type" OF "Device": character DESCRIPTION "Device Type - valid values are
Scale or Printer" LABEL "Device Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Device Type"
FIELD "Description" OF "Device": character DESCRIPTION "A Device Description that
uniquely describes a device within a wo rkstation" LABEL "Device Description"
COLUMN-LABEL "Device Description"
FIELD "DefaultDevice" OF "Device": logical DESCRIPTION "This checkbox will
designate the device to use when there are mul tiple devices of the same type
within a workstation." LABEL "Default Device" COLUMN-LABEL "Default Device"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "Device": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "Device": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "Device": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "DeviceUOM" OF "Device": character DESCRIPTION "Unit of Measure of the Device
(Scale) that is used at the time a pack is weighed." LABEL "Device UOM"

TABLE "DmdMassGrp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "DemandMassReview Entry Group

control file. "
FIELD "Company" OF "DmdMassGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GroupID" OF "DmdMassGrp": character DESCRIPTION "All Demand Reviews belong
to a group until the group is posted. T he GroupID is assigned by the user. " LABEL
FIELD "CreatedBy" OF "DmdMassGrp": character DESCRIPTION "The user ID that created
this batch." LABEL "Created By"
FIELD "ActiveUserID" OF "DmdMassGrp": character DESCRIPTION "The user ID that is
currently logged into this Group. This is dis played on the Group browser so that
users may know which Groups are available." LABEL "In Use By"
FIELD "ApplyDate" OF "DmdMassGrp": date DESCRIPTION "Apply date for all demands
within this batch. " LABEL "Apply Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Apply Date"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "DmdMassGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "DmdMassGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "GrpLocked" OF "DmdMassGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Field that identifies
locked Groups." LABEL "Group Locked"

TABLE "DMRActn" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "DMR(Discrepant Material Report)

detail action file. Contains the detail information for a DMR process. Child of
FIELD "Company" OF "DMRActn": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "DMRNum" OF "DMRActn": integer DESCRIPTION "DMR Number to identify the DMR
record. Auto assign/increment sta rting at 1000. Cannot be blank." LABEL "DMR
FIELD "ActionNum" OF "DMRActn": integer DESCRIPTION "DMR action number. Auto
assign/increment starting at 1 for each DMR record."
LABEL "Action Number"
FIELD "ActionDate" OF "DMRActn": date DESCRIPTION "DMR Action Date." LABEL "Date"
FIELD "ActionType" OF "DMRActn": character DESCRIPTION "DMR Action Type. ""R"" is
Reject Material, ""A"" is Accept Materi al, ""D"" is Debit Memo Request, ""C"" is
Require Supplier Credit." LABEL "Action Type"
FIELD "Quantity" OF "DMRActn": decimal DESCRIPTION "DMR Action quantity in base
unit of measure. Must be > ZERO." LABEL "Quantity"
FIELD "DestinationType" OF "DMRActn": character DESCRIPTION "DMR Destination Type.
""S"" is Stock, ""M"" is Material, ""O"" i s Operation. Only maintainable when
Action Type is ""A"" or Accept type only." LABEL "Destination Type"
FIELD "WarehouseCode" OF "DMRActn": character DESCRIPTION "ID for the
warehouse .... assigned by the user. Only maintainabl e when the Action Type is
""A"" or Accept type only." LABEL "Warehouse"
FIELD "BinNum" OF "DMRActn": character DESCRIPTION "The user defined bin number
within the warehouse. able when Action Type is ""A"" or Accept type only." LABEL

Only maintain

FIELD "JobNum" OF "DMRActn": character DESCRIPTION "Job Number that this DMR Action
record is related to. Only maint ainable when Action Type is ""A"" or Accept type
only." LABEL "Job Number"
FIELD "AssemblySeq" OF "DMRActn": integer DESCRIPTION "Assembly Sequence # that
this DMR is associated with. Only maint ainable when the Action Type is ""A"" or
Accept type only." LABEL "Seq"
FIELD "DMRSeqNum" OF "DMRActn": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number which
uniquely identifies the operation record within the Job/lot/level. Only
maintainable when the Action Type is ""A"" or Ac cept type only. " LABEL "Opr"
FIELD "UnitCredit" OF "DMRActn": decimal DESCRIPTION "DMR item's unit cost in the
vendors unit of measure. Default can be obtained from the PODetail.UnitCost(Base
currency) if related. Only maintai
nable if Action Type is ""D"" or Debit type only." LABEL "Unit Credit"
FIELD "CreditUM" OF "DMRActn": character DESCRIPTION "Unit of Measure code for the
vendor's quantity. Defaulted in the following hierarchy: from the RcvDtl.PUM if
packing slip is referenced, from POD etail.PUM if PO is referenced, from Part.PUM
if valid part or finally from XaSys t.DefaultUM. Optional. Only maintainable if
Action Type is ""D"" or Debit type only." LABEL "U/M"
FIELD "DebitMemoNum" OF "DMRActn": character DESCRIPTION "DMR Debit Memo Number to
for the DMR record. Only used when Acti on Type is ""D"" (Debit) or ""C"" (Credit).
Zero means that a debit memo has no t been created yet. It will be assigned with
the APInvHed.InvoiceNum once the AP InvHed record is created." LABEL "Debit Memo"
FIELD "DebitMemoLine" OF "DMRActn": integer DESCRIPTION "The line number of a Debit
memo in the DMR record. This number un iquely identifies the debit memo record
within a Debit memo. Only used when Act ion Type is ""D"" (Debit) or ""C""
(Credit). Zero means that a debit memo has n ot been created yet. It will be assign
with the APInvDtl.InvoiceLine once the A PInvHed record is created." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "VendRMANum" OF "DMRActn": character DESCRIPTION "Vendors Return Merchandise
Authorization number for a returned pr oduct. Only used when the Action type is
Reject or ""R"" type only. " LABEL "Supplier RMA"
FIELD "ActionUserID" OF "DMRActn": character DESCRIPTION "A User ID that created
the DMR. Assign by the system using the cu rrent UserID at the time the record was
created. Just like the Entry Person fie ld." LABEL "User ID"
FIELD "SysDate" OF "DMRActn": date DESCRIPTION "System date at time that record was
created. System maintained, set to today's date value(SysDate = Today)." LABEL
"System Date"
FIELD "SysTime" OF "DMRActn": integer DESCRIPTION "System Time (hr-min-sec) when
transaction was created. System ma intained, set to the current time that this
record was created." LABEL "System Time"
FIELD "CommentText" OF "DMRActn": character DESCRIPTION "Contains comments about
the detail DMR action line item. These wi ll be printed on the DMR Status Report. "
FIELD "ReasonCode" OF "DMRActn": character DESCRIPTION "DMRs use Reason type ""D"".
Required for all actions." LABEL "Reason Code"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "DMRActn": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the currency." LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "ExchangeRate" OF "DMRActn": decimal DESCRIPTION "Exchange rate that will be
used for this invoice. Defaults from CurrRate.CurrentRate. Conversion rates will be
calculated as System Base = Fore ign value * rate, Foreign value = system base *
(1/rate). This is the dollar in foreign currency from the exchange rate tables in
the newspapers." LABEL "Exchange Rate" COLUMN-LABEL "Exchange Rate"
FIELD "LockRate" OF "DMRActn": logical DESCRIPTION "Used with the currency module.
When TRUE the currency rate can b e changed by the user and cannot be changed by
the system. This will also be th e default for the invoice." LABEL "Lock"
FIELD "DocUnitCredit" OF "DMRActn": decimal DESCRIPTION "DMR item's unit cost in
the vendors unit of measure. Default can be obtained from the
PODetail.UnitCost(Base currency) if related. Only maintai nable if Action Type is
""D"" or Debit type only." LABEL "Unit Credit"
FIELD "Obsolete900-DocToRef" OF "DMRActn": logical DESCRIPTION "The direction of
the exchange rate is determined by this field. I f DocToRef is true then the rate
is expressed as ""1 document currency is X refe rence currency"". If DocToRef is
false then the rate is expressed as ""1 refere nce currency is X document
currency"". " LABEL "Document to Reference" COLUMN-LABEL "Document to Reference"
FIELD "Obsolete900-RefToBase" OF "DMRActn": logical DESCRIPTION "The direction of
the RefToBaseRate is determined by this field. I f RefToBase is true then the rate
is expressed as ""1 reference currency is X Ba se currency"". If RefToBase is false
then the rate is expressed as ""1 Base cur rency is X reference currency"". " LABEL
"Reference to Base" COLUMN-LABEL "Reference to Base"
FIELD "FldWarehouseCode" OF "DMRActn": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the
Warehouse code of where this bin exists. This must b e valid in the WareHouse
table. " LABEL "Warehouse"
FIELD "FldBinNum" OF "DMRActn": character DESCRIPTION "The user defined bin number
within the warehouse.

FIELD "LegalNumber" OF "DMRActn": character DESCRIPTION "The Legal Number for the
record. This number is created based on setup parameters in table LegalNumber."
LABEL "Legal Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Legal Number"
FIELD "Rpt1UnitCredit" OF "DMRActn": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Unit Credit"
FIELD "Rpt2UnitCredit" OF "DMRActn": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Unit Credit"
FIELD "Rpt3UnitCredit" OF "DMRActn": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Unit Credit"
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "DMRActn": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier" LABEL
"Rate Group Code"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "DMRActn": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "DMRActn": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "DMRActn": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "Resolution" OF "DMRActn": character DESCRIPTION "The resolution of this
rejected material (Code/Description): DEBIT/Request Debit Memo CREDIT/Require
Supplier Credit NONE/No Further Action " LABEL "Resolution"
FIELD "ReturnToSupplier" OF "DMRActn": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag indicating that
the part will be returned to the supplier." LABEL "Return to Supplier"
FIELD "PackSlip" OF "DMRActn": character
DESCRIPTION "This is the supplier's packing slip number for the original recei pt
of the part." LABEL "PackSlip"
FIELD "PackLine" OF "DMRActn": integer DESCRIPTION "An integer that uniquely
identifies a detail record within a Pack ing slip." LABEL "Line"

TABLE "DMRCorAct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Corrective actions file. Contains
information of the corrective actions of the Non-Conformances."
FIELD "Company" OF "DMRCorAct": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ActionID" OF "DMRCorAct": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique id for the
corrective action"
FIELD "Description" OF "DMRCorAct": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the
corrective action." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "CommentText" OF "DMRCorAct": character DESCRIPTION "Contains comments about
the corrective action."
FIELD "NonConfNum" OF "DMRCorAct": integer DESCRIPTION "Non Conformance number"
LABEL "Non-Conformance Number"
FIELD "AsigndTo" OF "DMRCorAct": character DESCRIPTION "Assigned To" LABEL
"Assigned To"
FIELD "DateOpen" OF "DMRCorAct": date DESCRIPTION "Date Open"
FIELD "ActionComp" OF "DMRCorAct": date DESCRIPTION "Action Completion Date"
FIELD "DuDate" OF "DMRCorAct": date DESCRIPTION "Due date "
FIELD "AuditBy" OF "DMRCorAct": character DESCRIPTION "Auditted By" LABEL "Audited
FIELD "AuditDt" OF "DMRCorAct": date DESCRIPTION "Audit Date"
FIELD "AuditCmts" OF "DMRCorAct": character DESCRIPTION "Audit Comments" LABEL
"Audit Comments"
FIELD "CauseInv" OF "DMRCorAct": character DESCRIPTION "Root Cause Investigation"
LABEL "Root Cause Investigation"
FIELD "Dept" OF "DMRCorAct": character DESCRIPTION "Department" LABEL "Department"
FIELD "DMRNum" OF "DMRCorAct": integer DESCRIPTION "DMR Number to identify the DMR
record. Auto assign/increment sta rting at 1000. Cannot be blank." LABEL "DMR
FIELD "CauseReasonCode" OF "DMRCorAct": character DESCRIPTION "Corrective Actions
use Reason Type ""Q""." COLUMN-LABEL "Cause Reason"
FIELD "CorrectiveActionReasonCode" OF "DMRCorAct": character DESCRIPTION
"Corrective Actions use Reason Type ""Q""." COLUMN-LABEL "Corrective Action Reason"

FIELD "VendorNum" OF "DMRCorAct": integer DESCRIPTION "Supplier linked to this

Corrective Action LABEL "Supplier"


FIELD "ConNum" OF "DMRCorAct": integer DESCRIPTION "Supplier contact linked to this

Corrective Action" LABEL "Contact Num" COLUMN-LABEL "Num"
FIELD "Obsolete905-PostToWeb" OF "DMRCorAct": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates the
Supplier will respond via Suppliers workbench" LABEL "Post to Web"
FIELD "Obsolete905-PostDate" OF "DMRCorAct": date DESCRIPTION "Date Buyer posted
the RFQ" LABEL "Post"
FIELD "Obsolete905-RespondDate" OF "DMRCorAct": date DESCRIPTION "Date Supplier
responded to the RFQ" LABEL "Respond"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "DMRCorAct": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "DMRCorAct": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "DMRCorAct": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "DMRHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "DMR(Discrepant Material Report)

Master Header file. Contains all the header information such as Pack Slip info,
Quantities, Vendor, Dim info and Lot Number. Parent of DMRActn."
FIELD "Company" OF "DMRHead": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "DMRNum" OF "DMRHead": integer DESCRIPTION "DMR Number to identify the DMR
record. Auto assign/increment sta rting at 1000. Cannot be blank." LABEL "DMR
FIELD "OpenDMR" OF "DMRHead": logical DESCRIPTION "DMR Open or Close flag. Default
value is TRUE. User cannot clos e a DMR with quantity remaining on it." LABEL "Open
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "DMRHead": integer DESCRIPTION "The internal key used to tie
back to the Vendor master file. Mai ntainable only if NOT attached to a receipt."
LABEL "Supplier"
FIELD "PurPoint" OF "DMRHead": character DESCRIPTION "Vendor Purchase Point.
Maintainable only if NOT attached to a re ceipt." LABEL "Purchase Point"
FIELD "AvgMtlUnitCost" OF "DMRHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Average Material Unit
Cost." LABEL "Material Cost"
FIELD "AvgLbrUnitCost" OF "DMRHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Average Labor Unit cost."
LABEL "Labor Cost"
FIELD "AvgBurUnitCost" OF "DMRHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Average Burden unit
cost." LABEL "Burden Cost"
FIELD "AvgSubUnitCost" OF "DMRHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Average Subcontract unit
cost" LABEL "Subcontract Cost"
FIELD "CommentText" OF "DMRHead": character DESCRIPTION "Contains comments about
the detail DMR line item. These will be p rinted on the DMR Status Report. "
FIELD "TotDiscrepantQty" OF "DMRHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "The total amount of
discrepant material moved into the DMR in bas e inventory unit of measure(IUM)."
LABEL "Total Discrepant Qty"
FIELD "TotRejectedQty" OF "DMRHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "The total amount of
rejected material from this DMR in base inven tory unit of measure(IUM)." LABEL
"Total Rejected Qty"
FIELD "TotAcceptedQty" OF "DMRHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "The total amount of
accepted material that was accepted from this DMR in base inventory unit of
measure(IUM)." LABEL "Total Accepted Qty"
FIELD "DimCode" OF "DMRHead": character DESCRIPTION "Unique dimension code for the
part. Set from the receipt or must match a referenced receipt's dimension. NOT user
modifiable." LABEL "Dimension Code"
FIELD "LotNum" OF "DMRHead": character DESCRIPTION "Lot Number for this DMR to be
received into. Set from the receip t or must match a referenced receipt's lot
number. NOT user modifiable." LABEL "Lot Number"
FIELD "CheckOff1" OF "DMRHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Optional DMR check off # 1.
The label for this field is found in XASyst. If the label field is blank then field
should be invisible. These ""check offs"" will be used for DMR processes. " LABEL
FIELD "CheckOff2" OF "DMRHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Optional DMR check off # 2.
The label for this field is found in XASyst. If the label field is blank then field
should be invisible. These ""check offs"" will be used for DMR processes. " LABEL
FIELD "CheckOff3" OF "DMRHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Optional DMR check off # 3.
The label for this field is found in XASyst. If the label field is blank then field
should be invisible. These ""check offs"" will be used for DMR processes. " LABEL
FIELD "CheckOff4" OF "DMRHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Optional DMR check off # 4.
The label for this field is found in XASyst. If the label field is blank then field
should be invisible. These ""check offs"" will be used for DMR processes. " LABEL
FIELD "CheckOff5" OF "DMRHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Optional DMR check off # 5.
The label for this field is found in XASyst. If the label field is blank then field
should be invisible. These ""check offs"" will be used for DMR processes. " LABEL
FIELD "PartNum" OF "DMRHead": character DESCRIPTION "Parrt Number" LABEL "Part"
COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "PartDescription" OF "DMRHead": character DESCRIPTION "Describes the Part.
System maintained, not user modifiable." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "IUM" OF "DMRHead": character DESCRIPTION "Base Inventory Unit of Measure.
System maintained, not user modi fiable." LABEL "Invty U/M"
FIELD "ConNum" OF "DMRHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Contact Person Number" LABEL
"Contact Num" COLUMN-LABEL "Num"
FIELD "JobNum" OF "DMRHead": character DESCRIPTION "Job Number. Associates the
assembly record back its parent JobHe ad record. Not directly maintainable." LABEL
"Job Number"
FIELD "AssemblySeq" OF "DMRHead": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number that
uniquely identifies the JobAsmbl record wi thin the JobNum. This can be user
assigned or assigned by the system. The syst em assigns the next available number
during add mode if its left blank."
FIELD "MtlSeq" OF "DMRHead": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number that uniquely
defines the Material (JobMtl) rec ord within a specific Job/Assembly. This is
system assigned. The next availabl e number is determined by reading last JobMtl
record on the Job/Assembly and the n adding ten to it." LABEL "Mtl"
FIELD "OprSeq" OF "DMRHead": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number which uniquely
identifies the operation record within the Job/lot/level. The sequence can be
system generated or assigned by us er. System generated numbers are determined by
reading last JobOper for the job/ lot/level and then figures out what the next
number that is divisible by 10. If this number is within 3 of the last Number on
file it will be bumped up another 10. This keeps a minimum of 2 available sequences
between records. For example i f last = 18 Next would be 30, If last = 17 next =
20. " LABEL "Opr"
FIELD "ResourceID" OF "DMRHead": character DESCRIPTION "The ID of the Resource that
was used to do the work. This field w ill be used to run reports using LaborDtl
records to show how much work has been done on a specific Resource. This ID is
directly entered in labor entry and Lab or collection. It is only prompted for if
the JcSyst.MachinePrompt = Yes/" LABEL "Resource ID"
FIELD "WarehouseCode" OF "DMRHead": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the Warehouse
code of where this part exists. This must be valid in the WareHouse table. " LABEL
FIELD "BinNum" OF "DMRHead": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the Bin location
that contains an On hand quantity for this Part within a warehouse. The
PartBin.BinNum can be blank (indicating bin t racking is not used for this part) or
it must be valid in the WhseBin table. " LABEL "Bin" COLUMN-LABEL "Bin"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "DMRHead": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number which is
used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part. " LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "AvgMtlBurUnitCost" OF "DMRHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Average Mtl Burden
unit cost" LABEL "Mtl Burden Cost"
FIELD "MaterialMtlCost" OF "DMRHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Mtl Mtl unit cost
to date." LABEL "Material Mtl. Cost"
FIELD "MaterialLabCost" OF "DMRHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Mtl Lab unit cost
to date" LABEL "Material Lab. Cost"
FIELD "MaterialSubCost" OF "DMRHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Mtl Sub unit cost
to date" LABEL "Material Sub. Cost"
FIELD "MaterialBurCost" OF "DMRHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Material Bur unit
component cost to date" LABEL "Material Bur. Cost"
FIELD "ReqDMR" OF "DMRHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates this requires a Vendor
RMA number" LABEL "Req"
FIELD "VendRMANum" OF "DMRHead": character DESCRIPTION "Vendors RMA number.
Defaults to DMR Number." LABEL "RMA"
FIELD "Obsolete905-PostToWeb" OF "DMRHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates the
Supplier will respond via Suppliers workbench" LABEL "Post to Web"
FIELD "Obsolete905-PostDate" OF "DMRHead": date DESCRIPTION "Date Buyer posted the
FIELD "Obsolete905-RespondDate" OF "DMRHead": date DESCRIPTION "Date Supplier
responded to the RFQ" LABEL "Respond"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "DMRHead": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "DMRHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "DMRHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "TranDocTypeID" OF "DMRHead": character DESCRIPTION "Transaction Document
Type" LABEL "Transaction Document Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Transaction Document Type"
FIELD "LegalNumber" OF "DMRHead": character DESCRIPTION "The Legal Number of the
record." LABEL "Legal Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Legal Number"
INDEX "DMRNumber" ON "DMRHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "DMR unique and
primary index."
INDEX "OpenDMR" ON "DMRHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Organize the DMR
records by the Open flag and the DMR number."
INDEX "VendorNum" ON "DMRHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Organize the DMR
records by Vendor Number order."

TABLE "DOCAssoc" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Document Associations" DESCRIPTION

"Document Associations"
FIELD "DocExtension" OF "DOCAssoc": character DESCRIPTION "The file extension that
will associated with the view and print c ommands." LABEL "Extension"
FIELD "ViewCommand" OF "DOCAssoc": character DESCRIPTION "The command used to view
a document with the extension entered in the DocExtension field. It should contain
a ""&1"" where the document's file n ame should be inserted." LABEL "View Command"
FIELD "PrintCommand" OF "DOCAssoc": character DESCRIPTION "The command used to
print a document with the extension entered i n the DocExtension field. It should
contain a ""&1"" where the document's file name should be inserted." LABEL "Print
FIELD "Description" OF "DOCAssoc": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the
association assigned by the user." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "DefaultPath" OF "DOCAssoc": character DESCRIPTION "The default path for the
document association." LABEL "Default Path"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "DOCAssoc": character
DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "DOCAssoc": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "DOCAssoc": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "DocType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Document Type Master. User
definable records describing the purpose and use of a document. Such as (CO
C)Certificate of Compliance or (COA) Certificate of Analysis. Attachments can be
assigned a Document Type."
FIELD "Company" OF "DocType": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "DocTypeID" OF "DocType": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of a
DocType. Assigned by the user. Cannot be blank." LABEL "Type ID"
FIELD "Description" OF "DocType": character DESCRIPTION "Full description of the
DocType." LABEL "Description" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "Receipt" OF "DocType": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the document type
is one that would fullfill the rul e that receipt documents be attached for
inventory receipts of a Part Lot for a Part that has Part.RecDocReq = Yes Defaults
as No. These required documents are duplicate from the receipt detail to the part
lot." LABEL "Receipt"
FIELD "Shipment" OF "DocType": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the document type
is one that would fullfill the rul e that shipping documents be attached before
allowing the user to set the ShipDocAvail flag on the PartLot or Job. (See
Part.ShipDocAvail) " LABEL "Shipment"
FIELD "BaseURL" OF "DocType": character DESCRIPTION "Optional. But if given, used
as intial default to the attachement filename field. Note this is expressed in the
CLient OS format (MS Windows). Us ually using UNC naming convention or common
mapped drive " LABEL "Base URL"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "DocType": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "DocType": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "SharePointID" OF "DocType": character DESCRIPTION "The unique ID assigned by
the Sharepoint system to attachments. Field not required" LABEL "SharePoint ID"
FIELD "StorageType" OF "DocType": integer DESCRIPTION "Storage Type" LABEL "Storage
Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Storage Type"
FIELD "ImageName" OF "DocType": character DESCRIPTION "Image Name" COLUMN-LABEL
"Image Name"
FIELD "SpecificTables" OF "DocType": logical DESCRIPTION "Specific Tables"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "DocType": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalDocType" OF "DocType": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this DocType as
global, available to be sent out to other c ompanies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "DocType": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."

TABLE "DropShipDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Table where Drop Shipments
details records are stored."
FIELD "Company" OF "DropShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "PackSlip" OF "DropShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The unique identifier for
the drop shipment." LABEL "Packing Slip"
FIELD "PackLine" OF "DropShipDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "An integer that uniquely
identifies a detail record within a Pack ing slip. This is assigned by the system."
LABEL "Line"
FIELD "PONum" OF "DropShipDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Purchase order being drop
FIELD "POLine" OF "DropShipDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The line number of the
purchase order being drop shipped." LABEL "Line" COLUMN-LABEL "Line"
FIELD "PORelNum" OF "DropShipDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The release number of the
purchase order being drop shipped." LABEL "Release" COLUMN-LABEL "Release"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "DropShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Part Num defaulted from
the PO release." LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "DropShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Part revision number."
FIELD "VenPartNum" OF "DropShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Supplier's part num.
Defaulted from the PO release." LABEL "Supplier Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Vendor Part"
FIELD "OrderNum" OF "DropShipDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Defaulted from the PO
release." LABEL "Order"
FIELD "OrderLine" OF "DropShipDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Defaulted from the PO
release." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "OrderRelNum" OF "DropShipDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Defaulted from the PO
release." LABEL "Rel"
FIELD "XPartNum" OF "DropShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "An optional field that is
used if the customer has a different Pa rt number than the users internal part
number. Defaulted from the SO release."
LABEL "Cust Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Cust Part"
FIELD "XRevisionNum" OF "DropShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Field that contains
the customer's revision." LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "OurQty" OF "DropShipDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field will be
automatically defaulted to the remaining quant ity to be drop shipped. Receipt
quantity in our unit of measure." LABEL "Our Quantity"
FIELD "IUM" OF "DropShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unit of Measure." LABEL "U/M"
FIELD "LotNum" OF "DropShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique lot number for the
part." LABEL "Lot Number"
FIELD "ShipComment" OF "DropShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Holds any comments
about the order line being shipped. This gets duplicated from the
FIELD "InvoiceComment" OF "DropShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "These comments will
be copied into the Invoice detail."
FIELD "HeaderShipComment" OF "DropShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Packing slip
comments. These are comments off of the invoice hea der."
FIELD "ChangeDate" OF "DropShipDtl": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the record was
last changed" LABEL "Change Date"
FIELD "ChangedBy" OF "DropShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Userid of user who made
the last change to this record." LABEL "Changed By"
FIELD "ChangeTime" OF "DropShipDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The time that the record
was last change (seconds since midnight) "
FIELD "Complete" OF "DropShipDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "This flag will be
automatically set if the remaining quantity to be drop shipped equals to zero and
will be automatically turned off if the remai ning quantity is greater than zero."
LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "DropShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "DropShipDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "DropShipDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The supplier that drops
shipped the good from their inventory to our customer." LABEL "Supplier Number"
FIELD "PurPoint" OF "DropShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The supplier purchase
point ID." LABEL "Purchase Point"
FIELD "LineDesc" OF "DropShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Defaults from PODetail
LineDesc." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "OurUnitCost" OF "DropShipDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Unit cost base on our
unit of measure. Default can be obtained fr om PODetail.UnitCost." LABEL "Our Unit
FIELD "DocUnitCost" OF "DropShipDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Item's unit cost in the
vendors unit of measure and currency. De fault can be obtained from the
PODetail.DocUnitCost." LABEL "Unit Cost"
FIELD "VendorQty" OF "DropShipDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Quantity received against
a purchase order in the vendors unit of measure." LABEL "Supplier Qty"
FIELD "PUM" OF "DropShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Vendor's selling Unit of
Measure." LABEL "U/M"
FIELD "VendorUnitCost" OF "DropShipDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Purchase Order
Receipt actual unit cost in the vendors unit of me asure. This is defaulted from
the POdetail record." LABEL "Supplier Unit Cost"
FIELD "ReceiptDate" OF "DropShipDtl": date DESCRIPTION "Receipt date. Mirror image
of related DropShipHead.ReceiptDate." LABEL "Date"
FIELD "APInvoiced" OF "DropShipDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "A\P invoice entry sets
this to ""Yes"" when the drop ship detail line is invoiced." LABEL "AP Invoiced"
FIELD "ARInvoiced" OF "DropShipDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "A\R invoice entry sets
this to ""Yes"" when the receipt detail li ne is invoiced." LABEL "AR Invoiced"
FIELD "APInvoiceNum" OF "DropShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Invoice Number from
corresponding APInvHed record." LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "APInvoiceLine" OF "DropShipDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Invoice Number Line
from corresponding APInvDtl record." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "ARInvoiceNum" OF "DropShipDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Invoice Number from
corresponding InvcHead record." LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "ARInvoiceLine" OF "DropShipDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Invoice Number Line
from corresponding InvcDtl record." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "CostPerCode" OF "DropShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the costing
per quantity. This is copied from the PODe tail.CostPerCode at time of receipt
entry. A/P Invoice entry uses it when creati ng the invoice line item for the
receipt. Values are ""E"" = per each, ""C"" = p er hundred, ""M"" = per thousand. "
LABEL "Cost Per"
FIELD "TranReference" OF "DropShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "A generic fill-in
field that could be used to allow the user to e nter data such as Heat, Lot #'s. "
LABEL "Reference"
FIELD "OBS900-ExpDivision" OF "DropShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Division
component of the drop ship G/L account. G/L account is m ade up of ExpDivision,
ExpGLDept and ExpChart. "
FIELD "OBS900-ExpGLDept" OF "DropShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the G/L account."
FIELD "OBS900-ExpChart" OF "DropShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Chart ID component
of the G/L account."
FIELD "RefType" OF "DropShipDtl": character
DESCRIPTION "Link to the related GLRefTyp.RefType. Not displayed." LABEL "Ref.
FIELD "PurchCode" OF "DropShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "If the
ExtCompany.APPurchType field is yes, then this field canno t be blank (EuroFin)"
LABEL "Purchase Type Code"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "DropShipDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ReceivedShipped" OF "DropShipDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Identifies a drop
shipment line that is complete and ready to be invoiced." LABEL "Received/Shipped"
FIELD "EffectiveDate" OF "DropShipDtl": date DESCRIPTION "For Warranty drop
shipments. Defaults as DropShipHead.ReceiptDat e. But can be maintained from the
Service Call center." LABEL "Effective"
FIELD "LabCovered" OF "DropShipDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is Labor Cost Covered"
LABEL "Labor Covered"
FIELD "LaborDuration" OF "DropShipDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The # of days, months,
years the Labor is covered by warranty"
FIELD "LaborExpiration" OF "DropShipDtl": date DESCRIPTION "The date the Labor
portion of the warranty expires. Calculates f rom the effective date using the
duration and modifier fields." LABEL "Labor Expiration"
FIELD "LaborMod" OF "DropShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Whether the duration of
warranty is ""Days"","" Months"","" year s""."
FIELD "LastExpiration" OF "DropShipDtl": date DESCRIPTION "The latest of the 3
warranty expiration dates" LABEL "Warranty Expiration"
FIELD "MatCovered" OF "DropShipDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Are Material cost
covered" LABEL "Material Covered"
FIELD "MaterialDuration" OF "DropShipDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The # of days,
months, years the material is covered by warranty"
FIELD "MaterialExpiration" OF "DropShipDtl": date DESCRIPTION "The date the
material portion of the warranty expires. Calculate s from the effective date using
the duration and modifier fields." LABEL "Material Expiration"
FIELD "MaterialMod" OF "DropShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Whether the duration
of warranty is for ""Days"", "" Months"", " "years""."
FIELD "MiscCovered" OF "DropShipDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Are misc. Costs Covered"
LABEL "Misc. Covered"
FIELD "MiscDuration" OF "DropShipDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The # of days, months,
years the Misc. Charges are covered by war ranty"
FIELD "MiscExpiration" OF "DropShipDtl": date DESCRIPTION "The date the Misc
portion of the warranty expires. Calculates fr om the effective date using the
duration and modifier fields." LABEL "Misc. Expiration"
FIELD "MiscMod" OF "DropShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Whether the duration of
warranty is for ""Days"","" Months"","" years""."
FIELD "Onsite" OF "DropShipDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "This warranty covers On site
visits" LABEL "Misc."
FIELD "WarrantyCode" OF "DropShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique code for the
Warranty that ties this record to a type of w arranty. Found on either the Part or
ProdGrup table."
FIELD "WarrantyComment" OF "DropShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Warranty comments.
FIELD "CustNum" OF "DropShipDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Duplicated from
DropShipHead.CustNum." LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "ShipToNum" OF "DropShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Duplicated from
DropShipHead.ShipTotNum." LABEL "Ship To"
FIELD "ShipToCustNum" OF "DropShipDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Duplicated from
LABEL "Customer"
INDEX "PrimIdx" ON "DropShipDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary Index"
INDEX "PurchaseOrderIdx" ON "DropShipDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Purchase
Order Index"
INDEX "SalesOrderIdx" ON "DropShipDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Sales Order

TABLE "DropShipHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Table where Drop Ship header
records are stored."
FIELD "Company" OF "DropShipHead": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "PackSlip" OF "DropShipHead": character DESCRIPTION "The unique identifier
for the drop shipment." LABEL "Packing Slip"
FIELD "PONum" OF "DropShipHead": integer DESCRIPTION "The number of the purchase
order that corresponds with the drop s hipped goods." LABEL "PO" COLUMN-LABEL "PO"
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "DropShipHead": integer DESCRIPTION "The supplier that drops
shipped the good from their inventory to our customer." LABEL "Supplier Number"
FIELD "PurPoint" OF "DropShipHead": character DESCRIPTION "The supplier purchase
point ID." LABEL "Purchase Point"
FIELD "ShipToNum" OF "DropShipHead": character DESCRIPTION "The ship to num related
to this drop shipment." LABEL "Ship To"
FIELD "ReceivedShipped" OF "DropShipHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Identifies a drop
shipment that is complete and ready to be invoi ced." LABEL "Received/Shipped"
FIELD "EntryPerson" OF "DropShipHead": character DESCRIPTION "The user who created
the drop shipment. This field will be auto p opulated when a user saves a new drop
shipment." LABEL "Entry Person"
FIELD "EntryDate" OF "DropShipHead": date DESCRIPTION "The date when the drop
shipment was created. This field will be a uto populated when a user saves a new
drop shipment." LABEL "Entry Date" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "ReceivePerson" OF "DropShipHead": character DESCRIPTION "The user who marked
the drop shipment as Received/Shipped. This f ield will be auto populated when a
user turns on the received/shipped flag." LABEL "Receiving/Shipping Person"
FIELD "ReceiptDate" OF "DropShipHead": date DESCRIPTION "Date when the drop
shipment was marked as Received/Shipped. This field will be auto populated. This
field will be auto populated when a user turn s on the received/shipped flag."
LABEL "Receiving/Shipping Date"
FIELD "ShipViaCode" OF "DropShipHead": character DESCRIPTION "The ship via used to
ship the goods from our supplier to our cust omer. This field will be defaulted
from the PO selected in the above." LABEL "Ship Via"
FIELD "TrackingNumber" OF "DropShipHead": character DESCRIPTION "The tracking
number used to track the shipment from our supplier to our customer." LABEL
"Tracking Number"
FIELD "APInvoiced" OF "DropShipHead": logical DESCRIPTION "This flag will be set
once the packing slip has been invoiced in AP Invoice." LABEL "AP Invoiced"
FIELD "ARInvoiced" OF "DropShipHead": logical DESCRIPTION "This flag will be set on
once the packing slip has been invoiced in AR Invoice." LABEL "AR Invoiced"
FIELD "ShipmentPackNum" OF "DropShipHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Pack Num of the
regular shipment created when flag ReceivedShippe d is set." LABEL "Pack Num"
FIELD "ReceiptPackSlip" OF "DropShipHead": character DESCRIPTION "Packing Slip of
the regular receipt created when flag ReceivedShi pped is set."
LABEL "Packing Slip"
FIELD "ShipComment" OF "DropShipHead": character DESCRIPTION "Pack comments." LABEL
FIELD "ReceiptComment" OF "DropShipHead": character DESCRIPTION "Contains comments
about the overall Receipt." LABEL "Comment"
FIELD "ChangeDate" OF "DropShipHead": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the record
was last changed" LABEL "Change Date"
FIELD "ChangedBy" OF "DropShipHead": character DESCRIPTION "Userid of user who made
the last change to this record." LABEL "Changed By"
FIELD "ChangeTime" OF "DropShipHead": integer DESCRIPTION "The time that the record
was last change (seconds since midnight) " LABEL "Change Time"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "DropShipHead": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "DropShipHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "CustNum" OF "DropShipHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Customer associated to the
Drop Shioment." LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "BTCustNum" OF "DropShipHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Bill To Customer Number"
LABEL "Bill To Customer Number"
FIELD "BTConNum" OF "DropShipHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Bill To Customer primary
billing contact." LABEL "Bill To Contact Number"
FIELD "Plant" OF "DropShipHead": character DESCRIPTION "The Plant that drop
shipment was made from/to" LABEL "Plant" COLUMN-LABEL "Plant"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "DropShipHead": integer
DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit
Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ShipToCustNum" OF "DropShipHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Ship To Customer
Number. This along with ShipToNum provides the f oreign key field to a given
ShipTo. Normally this has the same value as the Cust Num field. However, if the
customer allows 3rd party shipto (Customer.AllowShipT o3) then this could be a
different custnum."
INDEX "PrimaryIdx" ON "DropShipHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary Index"

INDEX "ChangeIdx" ON "DropShipHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Change Index"

TABLE "DynQueryDiagram" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table contains diagram
representation for DynamicQuery"
FIELD "ExportID" OF "DynQueryDiagram": character DESCRIPTION "The unique export
identifier. " LABEL "Export ID"
FIELD "Seq" OF "DynQueryDiagram": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifies record number "
LABEL "Seq Number"
FIELD "Company" OF "DynQueryDiagram": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "DcdUserID" OF "DynQueryDiagram": character DESCRIPTION "The userid of the
user who created the export." LABEL "User ID" COLUMN-LABEL "User ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "DynQueryDiagram": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "DynQueryDiagram": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "DynQueryDiagram": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "Data" OF "DynQueryDiagram": character DESCRIPTION "Chunk of data "

TABLE "EADComp" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "EADComp" DESCRIPTION "Earliest Apply Date
definition for the company. Earliest apply d ate is the earliest date a transaction
can be posted to GL."
FIELD "Company" OF "EADComp": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "DefineBy" OF "EADComp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates how the earliest
apply date is defined. D = Date F = Fiscal year" LABEL "Define By" COLUMN-LABEL
"Define By"
FIELD "EarliestApplyDate" OF "EADComp": date DESCRIPTION "The earliest apply date
value. This field will be populated rega rdless of the value of DefineBy. When
DefineBy = F, the date value will be the ending date of the fiscal period the date
falls in based on the company calendar ." LABEL "Earliest Apply Date" COLUMN-LABEL
"Earliest Apply Date"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "EADComp": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "EADComp": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "EADComp": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "EADType" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "EADType" DESCRIPTION "The earliest apply
date definition by type. For the type of tran saction, this will supercede the
earliest apply date setup in EAComp."
FIELD "Company" OF "EADType": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "DefineBy" OF "EADType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates how the earliest
apply date is defined. D = Date F = Fiscal year" LABEL "Define By" COLUMN-LABEL
"Define By"
FIELD "EarliestApplyDate" OF "EADType": date DESCRIPTION "The earliest apply date
value. This field will be populated rega rdless of the value of DefineBy. When
DefineBy = F, the date value will be the ending date of the fiscal period the date
falls in based on the company calendar ." LABEL "Earliest Apply Date" COLUMN-LABEL
"Earliest Apply Date"
FIELD "EADType" OF "EADType": character DESCRIPTION "The type of transaction or
module the earliest apply date applies to. Valid values are: GJ - General Journal
CM - Cash Management AR - Accounts Receivable AP - Accounts Payable IP - Inventory
and Production AS - Asset Management PR - Payroll" LABEL "EAD Type" COLUMN-LABEL
"EAD Type"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "EADType": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "EADType": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "EADType": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "EAQChannels" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "EAQ Channels" DESCRIPTION "The
records in this table are pre-populated by Epicor. The users can change the value
of input and output channels. "
FIELD "Company" OF "EAQChannels": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
"Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "DataID" OF "EAQChannels": character DESCRIPTION "This along with Company is
the unique key to the table." LABEL "Data ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Data ID"
FIELD "InputChannelURL" OF "EAQChannels": character DESCRIPTION "This field will
hold the URL to the folder for this data elements input channel used in Service
Connect." LABEL "Input Folder URL for Service Connect" COLUMN-LABEL "Input Folder
URL for Service Connect"
FIELD "OutputChannelURL" OF "EAQChannels": character DESCRIPTION "This field will
hold the URL to the folder for this data elements output channel used in Service
Connect." LABEL "Output Folder URL for Service Connect" COLUMN-LABEL "Output Folder
URL for Service Connect"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "EAQChannels": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "EAQChannels": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "EAQChannels": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "ECOCOPart" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Contains the list of companion
Part Numbers which are built along with the Primary part. Child of ECORev "
FIELD "Company" OF "ECOCOPart": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GroupID" OF "ECOCOPart": character DESCRIPTION "The Group ID for the ECO
Group to which this ECORev belongs." LABEL "Group ID" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "PartNum" OF "ECOCOPart": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field identifies
the Part and is used as the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "ECOCOPart": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number which is
used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part. " LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "CoPartNum" OF "ECOCOPart": character DESCRIPTION "Companion PartNum
identifies the Part that is manufactured along with the main part (ex: Right and
Left parts)" LABEL "Co Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Co Part"
FIELD "CoRevisionNum" OF "ECOCOPart": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number which
is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the companion part, and is used as
part of the primary key " LABEL "CO Rev"
FIELD "PartsPerOp" OF "ECOCOPart": integer DESCRIPTION "Part Per Operation. Active
only for Concurrent process Jobs. Otherwise set to 1. " LABEL "Parts Per Op"
FIELD "LbrCostBase" OF "ECOCOPart": integer DESCRIPTION "Defines an integer value
which is used to calculate a ratio for prorating the labor costs to the end part.
For example a job produces parts A and B, and you want part B to have cost 2 times
that of the cost of Part A. Part A CostBase would be 1 and B would be 2. "
FIELD "MtlCostBase" OF "ECOCOPart": integer DESCRIPTION "Defines an integer value
which is used to calculate a ratio for prorating the material costs to the end
part. For example a job produc es parts A and B, and you want part B to have cost 2
times that of the cost of P art A. Part A CostBase would be 1 and B would be 2. "
FIELD "PartDescription" OF "ECOCOPart": character DESCRIPTION "Describes the Part."
LABEL "Description"
FIELD "IUM" OF "ECOCOPart": character DESCRIPTION "Defines the Unit of Measure used
when part is issued, this is als o how it is stocked. Use the value from XaSyst.UM
as a default when creating ne w part records." LABEL "Invty U/M"
FIELD "Character01" OF "ECOCOPart": character DESCRIPTION "Character01" LABEL
"Character01" COLUMN-LABEL "Character01"
FIELD "Date01" OF "ECOCOPart": date DESCRIPTION "not used" LABEL "Date01" COLUMN-
LABEL "Date01"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ECOCOPart": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ECOCOPart": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ECOCOPart": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "ECOGroup" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "ECO Group" DESCRIPTION "This table
contains the group level information for an Engineerin g Change Order."
FIELD "GroupID" OF "ECOGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The Group ID is the unique
identifier for the ECO Group" LABEL "Group ID" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "Description" OF "ECOGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The text description of
the ECO Group" LABEL "Description"
FIELD "Company" OF "ECOGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GroupClosed" OF "ECOGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines if the ECO group
is closed or open." LABEL "Status"
FIELD "CommentText" OF "ECOGroup": character DESCRIPTION "ECO Group comments. "
FIELD "EffectiveDate" OF "ECOGroup": date DESCRIPTION "Date at which this ECO Group
will become effective." LABEL "Effective"
FIELD "CompletionDate" OF "ECOGroup": date
DESCRIPTION "Date which this ECO Group was completed."
FIELD "DueDate" OF "ECOGroup": date DESCRIPTION "Date which this ECO group is due
to be completed."
FIELD "CreatedDate" OF "ECOGroup": date DESCRIPTION "Date which this ECO group was
created. Not maintainable by the u ser."
FIELD "CreatedBy" OF "ECOGroup": character DESCRIPTION "UserID who created the ECO
group. Not maintainable by the user." LABEL "Created By"
FIELD "ClosedDate" OF "ECOGroup": date DESCRIPTION "Date which this ECO group was
closed. Not maintainable by the us er." LABEL "Closed Date"
FIELD "ClosedBy" OF "ECOGroup": character DESCRIPTION "UserID who closed the ECO
group. Not maintainable by the user." LABEL "Closed By"
FIELD "CreatedTime" OF "ECOGroup": integer DESCRIPTION "The time (in milliseconds)
that the ECO group was created." LABEL "Create Time"
FIELD "ClosedTime" OF "ECOGroup": integer DESCRIPTION "The time (in milliseconds)
that the ECO group was closed." LABEL "Close Time"
FIELD "ECO" OF "ECOGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Engineering Change Order Number.
An optional field for reference. " LABEL "ECO"
FIELD "CurrentWFStageID" OF "ECOGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The identifier of
the workflow stage." LABEL "Stage ID"
FIELD "ActiveTaskID" OF "ECOGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The Currently active
milestone task" LABEL "Active Task"
FIELD "LastTaskID" OF "ECOGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The Last Complete
Milestone task" LABEL "Last Task"
FIELD "CheckInAllowed" OF "ECOGroup": logical
DESCRIPTION "If FALSE then revisions in this group may not be checked in." LABEL
"Check In Allowed"
FIELD "PrimeSalesRepCode" OF "ECOGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The primary
workflow person associated with the group. The peopl e are stored in the SalesRep
table." LABEL "Rep. ID"
FIELD "TaskSetID" OF "ECOGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the
task set." LABEL "Task Set ID"
FIELD "CheckOutAllowed" OF "ECOGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "If false then check
outs to the ECO Group are not allowed. This is modified by workflow." LABEL "Check
Out Allowed"
FIELD "WFGroupID" OF "ECOGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The identifier of the
workflow group" LABEL "Workflow Group"
FIELD "WFComplete" OF "ECOGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "This indicates if the
workflow for this group is complete." LABEL "Workflow Complete"
FIELD "SingleUser" OF "ECOGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "If TRUE then the Engineering
Workbench is limited to one user per ECO Group. If FALSE then individual revisions
within a group can be locked." LABEL "Single User" COLUMN-LABEL "Single User"
FIELD "GrpLockedBy" OF "ECOGroup": character DESCRIPTION "UserID that has the
ECOGroup record locked" LABEL "Locked By"
FIELD "GrpLocked" OF "ECOGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this ECO Group
is locked." LABEL "Locked"
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ECOGroup": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ECOGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ECOGroup": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "CompletionDate" ON "ECOGroup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index by ECO
Group completion date"
INDEX "Description" ON "ECOGroup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Group desription
INDEX "DueDate" ON "ECOGroup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index by ECO group
due date"
INDEX "ECO" ON "ECOGroup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index by ECO Group ECO
INDEX "EffectiveDate" ON "ECOGroup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index by ECO
group effective date"

TABLE "ECOGrpMbr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "ECO Group Member"

FIELD "Company" OF "ECOGrpMbr": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GroupID" OF "ECOGrpMbr": character DESCRIPTION "ECO Group identifier" LABEL
FIELD "SalesRepCode" OF "ECOGrpMbr": character DESCRIPTION "The Salesrep code from
the SalesRep table" LABEL "Rep. ID"
FIELD "RoleCode" OF "ECOGrpMbr": character DESCRIPTION "The role of the member.
This code is found in the RoleCd table" LABEL "Role Code"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ECOGrpMbr": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ECOGrpMbr": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ECOGrpMbr": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "ECOMtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "ECO Bill Of Materials. Child of
ECORev file."
FIELD "Company" OF "ECOMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "PartNum" OF "ECOMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Parent Part number to which
this material item is a component of" LABEL "Parent Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Parent
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "ECOMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number of the part
that this material item is a componen t of." LABEL "Parent Rev"
FIELD "MtlSeq" OF "ECOMtl": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number that uniquely
defines the Material record withi n a specific Job/Lot/Assembly. This is system
assigned. The next available # is determined by reading last JobMtl record on the
Job/Lot/Assembly and then adding one to it." LABEL "Mtl"
FIELD "QtyPer" OF "ECOMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Quantity Per Parent" LABEL
FIELD "MtlPartNum" OF "ECOMtl": character DESCRIPTION "The Part Number of the
component material record for the related Parent Part." LABEL "Material Part"
FIELD "FindNum" OF "ECOMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Characters used on the drawing
to show where material is used." LABEL "Find Number"
FIELD "FixedQty" OF "ECOMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the QtyPer field
represents a ""Fixed Quantity"". I f Yes, then the required quantity = QtyPer. That
is, the quantity does not chan ge as the number of pieces being produced changes.
This can be used to enter To oling or Fixture type of requirements." LABEL "Fixed
FIELD "RelatedOperation" OF "ECOMtl": integer DESCRIPTION "A material record can be
related to a specific operation. This fi eld contains the JobOper.OprSeq of the
operation that it is related to. It can be left as zero meaning that this material
is required at the very beginn ing of the production job. The related operation is
also used to calculate the J obMtl.ReqDate based on the operations scheduled start
date and materials lead ti me. " LABEL "Rel Opr."
FIELD "OverRideMfgComments" OF "ECOMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if these
comments should override the comments defined in the part master. It controls how
the MfgComments are created when this record is pulled into a Job or Quote. If
""Yes"" then the comments that are defined i n the Part master are NOT copied. If
""No"" then the ECOMtl.MfgComments will be appended on to the Part.MfgComments when
written to the Job/Quote material recor d." LABEL "Override Part"
FIELD "SalvagePartNum" OF "ECOMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Part number for
Salvageable scrap from this material record. An optional field. This does not have
to be valid in the Part master. Salvage info is mainly to allow the credit back to
a job for this type of scrap via Salvage r eceipt process. " LABEL "Salvage Part
FIELD "SalvageDescription" OF "ECOMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Description of
Salvageable material. Use Part.Description for a d efault. " LABEL "Description"
COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "SalvageQtyPer" OF "ECOMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "A factor that multiplied by
the QtyPer results in the expected to tal salvage quantity. " LABEL "Salvage Qty
FIELD "SalvageUM" OF "ECOMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Default Unit of measure for
the Salvaged Part. Default from the P art.IUM. " LABEL "U/M"
FIELD "SalvageUnitCredit" OF "ECOMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Estimated Salvage Unit
Credit. Use the appropriate cost from the Part master as a default. " LABEL "Unit
FIELD "MfgComment" OF "ECOMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Material comments specific
to this manufacturing process. These c omments copied to Jobs/Quotes when pulled
from BOM."
FIELD "OverRidePurComments" OF "ECOMtl": logical
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if these comments should override the comments defined in
the part master. It controls how the PurComments are created when this record is
pulled into a Job or Quote. If ""Yes"" then the comments that are defined i n the
Part master are NOT copied. If ""No"" then the ECOMtl.PurComments will be appended
on to the Part.PurComments when written to the Job/Quote material recor d." LABEL
"Override Part"
FIELD "PurComment" OF "ECOMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Material comments specific
to a manufacturing process. These comm ents (and optionally the comments from Part
Master) are copied to Jobs/Quotes w hen the BOM is pulled. ( See
OverRidePurComments ) "
FIELD "EstScrap" OF "ECOMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Estimated Scrap" LABEL "Scrap"
FIELD "EstScrapType" OF "ECOMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Qualifies the ScrapQty
entry as being a fixed quantity or a perce ntage of required quantity." LABEL
"Scrap Type"
FIELD "PullAsAsm" OF "ECOMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "This is relevant for assemblies
(Part.Method = Yes). Indicates th at if this assembly should be pulled from stock
or manufactured as part of the j ob it is pulled into. If PullAsAsm = No only the
assembly record will be pulled into the job/quote (as a material), the related
material and operations will not be pulled over. " LABEL "Pull as Assembly"
FIELD "ViewAsAsm" OF "ECOMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "This is relevant for assemblies
(Part.Method = Yes). Indicates th at if this assembly when shown in ABOM indented
views or on reports it should be shown either as a subassembly or material
requirement. If Yes then the assembl ies components will be shown else it is shown
as a single material requirement l ine. Similar to the PullAsAsm flag however this
is used to control how subassemb lies appear in the ABOM module. NOTE:: OF 2.70.400
this function is not implemented. Pending further analysis. It has been added to
the schema to make it easier to implement when decision has been reached." LABEL
"View as Assembly"
FIELD "APSSchedulerName" OF "ECOMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates which APS
Scheduler module the assembly is scheduled in . "
FIELD "APSSLDate" OF "ECOMtl": date DESCRIPTION "APS Start Limit date. Prevents APS
from scheduling before this d ate."
FIELD "APSSLTime" OF "ECOMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "APS Start Limit time. Time, in
decimal hours, that APS will not schedule before. Only valid if APSSLDate is
FIELD "APSInsertDirection" OF "ECOMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Schedule direction.
Valid options are: F=Forward, B=Backward, C= dynamic Constraint based, W=minimum
WIP, E=End of work, S=Split longest duration , X=use the direction specified in
task entry in APS."
FIELD "APSInsertCriteria" OF "ECOMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Method of insertion
into schedule. Valid values are: T=best Time , G=same Group, N=uNscheduled, F=Force
Insert, I=without resource assignment."
FIELD "APSAttrib1" OF "ECOMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to calculated setup time
during optimization."
FIELD "APSAttrib2" OF "ECOMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to calculated setup time
during optimization."
FIELD "APSAttrib3" OF "ECOMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to calculated setup time
during optimization."
FIELD "APSAttrib4" OF "ECOMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to calculated setup time
during optimization."
FIELD "APSAddResType" OF "ECOMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Advanced Planning and
Scheduling Additional Resource Type. Indic ates whether the Part should be treated
as an AdditionalResourceType by eSchedul er. 'I' to ignore in eScheduler 'M' to
treat at Material in eScheduler 'A' to treat as AddResType in eScheduler "
FIELD "SalvageMtlBurRate" OF "ECOMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The salvage material
burden rate for this Part Material. " LABEL "Salvage Mtl Burden Rate" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "SalvageEstMtlBurUnitCredit" OF "ECOMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Estimated
salvage Mtl Burden Unit Credit. " LABEL "Salvage Mtl. Bur Unit Credit"
FIELD "MtlBurRate" OF "ECOMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The material burden rate for
this Part Material. " LABEL "Mtl Burden Rate" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "EstMtlBurUnitCost" OF "ECOMtl": decimal
DESCRIPTION "Estimated Mtl Burden Unit Cost." LABEL "Mtl. Bur Unit Cost"
FIELD "RFQNeeded" OF "ECOMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "A flag to indicate that this
part material requires an RFQ. If i t does require an RFQ, the user must enter the
number of vendor quotes that are required." LABEL "RFQ Needed" COLUMN-LABEL "RFQ"
FIELD "RFQVendQuotes" OF "ECOMtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The number of vendor quotes
that are required for this part mater ial. Can be zero if RFQ(s) are not required."
LABEL "Quotes Req" COLUMN-LABEL "VendQuotes" HELP "Enter the number of vendor
quotes required"
FIELD "GroupID" OF "ECOMtl": character DESCRIPTION "The Group ID is the unique
identifier for the ECO Group" LABEL "Group ID" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "OrigMtlSeq" OF "ECOMtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The original material sequence
number from the PartMtl record at the time of check out. If this record was not
created during check out this shou ld remain 0." LABEL "Mtl"
FIELD "AnalysisCode" OF "ECOMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Analysis Code" LABEL
"Analysis Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Analysis Code"
FIELD "AltMethod" OF "ECOMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Alternate Routing method for
the part revision." LABEL "Alternate Method"
FIELD "RelatedStage" OF "ECOMtl": character DESCRIPTION "A material record can be
related to a specific operation by stage . This field contains the StageNumber of
the operation that it is related to." LABEL "Related Stage"
FIELD "BaseMethodOverridden" OF "ECOMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
base revision method was overridden. Applies on ly when the AltMethod field is not
FIELD "ParentAltMethod" OF "ECOMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Parent Alternate
Routing method for the part material." LABEL "Alternate Method"
FIELD "ParentMtlSeq" OF "ECOMtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the parent
material sequence. Applies specifically to alternate methods that inherit from a
parent alternate method." LABEL "Mtl"
FIELD "UOMCode" OF "ECOMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unit of Measure code of the
Material requirement. Mandatory, and must be a valid UOM of the Part's UOMClass. "
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ECOMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ECOMtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "Weight" OF "ECOMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Material Weight defaulted from
Part Master." LABEL "Material Weight"
FIELD "WeightUOM" OF "ECOMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Material Weight UOM defaulted
from Part Master." LABEL "Weight UOM"
FIELD "RuleTag" OF "ECOMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Rule Tag. Used in the
configurator." LABEL "Rule Tag"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ECOMtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ReqRefDes" OF "ECOMtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Required number of designators"
LABEL "Require Ref Designators"
FIELD "PlanAsAsm" OF "ECOMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "This is relevant for assemblies
(Part.Method = Yes). Indicates if the sub-assemby can be spawned off to a different
job. Can be true only if Pul lAsAsm = true." LABEL "Plan As Assembly" COLUMN-LABEL
"Plan As Assembly"

TABLE "ECOMtlInsp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This is a child table to the
ECOMtl table. This table contains i nspection plan and specification definitions
for ECO material records."
FIELD "Company" OF "ECOMtlInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GroupID" OF "ECOMtlInsp": character DESCRIPTION "The Group ID is the unique
identifier for the ECO Group" LABEL "Group ID" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "PartNum" OF "ECOMtlInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Parent Part number to which
this material item is a component of" LABEL "Parent Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Parent
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "ECOMtlInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number of the
part that this material item is a componen t of." LABEL "Parent Rev"
FIELD "MtlSeq" OF "ECOMtlInsp": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number that
uniquely defines the Material record withi n a specific Job/Lot/Assembly. This is
system assigned. The next available # is determined by reading last JobMtl record
on the Job/Lot/Assembly and then adding one to it." LABEL "Mtl"
FIELD "AltMethod" OF "ECOMtlInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Alternate Routing method
for the part revision." LABEL "Alternate Method"
FIELD "PlanSeq" OF "ECOMtlInsp": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number that
uniquely identifies the ECOMtlInsp record within the ECO material" LABEL "Plan Seq"

FIELD "InspPlanPartNum" OF "ECOMtlInsp": character DESCRIPTION "The inspection plan

part number (configurator part number)." LABEL "Insp Plan Num"
FIELD "SpecID" OF "ECOMtlInsp": character DESCRIPTION "The specification ID. Must
be valid in the SpecHed table." LABEL "Spec ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ECOMtlInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ECOMtlInsp": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ECOMtlInsp": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "OrigMtlSeq" OF "ECOMtlInsp": integer DESCRIPTION "The original material
sequence number at the time of check out. I f this record was not created during
check out this should remain 0." LABEL "Mtl"

TABLE "ECOMtlRefDes" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Hold the reference designators
for a ECO Part Material."
FIELD "Company" OF "ECOMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company"
FIELD "GroupID" OF "ECOMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "The Group ID is the
unique identifier for the ECO Group" LABEL "Group ID" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "PartNum" OF "ECOMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "A unique part number that
identifies this part. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "ECOMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number which
is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part, and is used as part of the
primary key " LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "AltMethod" OF "ECOMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "Alternate Routing
method to be used for this revision, and is use d as part of the primary key" LABEL
"Alternate Method"
FIELD "MtlSeq" OF "ECOMtlRefDes": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number that
uniquely defines the Material (JobMtl) rec ord within a specific Job/Assembly. This
is system assigned. The next availabl e number is determined by reading last JobMtl
record on the Job/Assembly and the n adding ten to it." LABEL "Mtl"
FIELD "RefDes" OF "ECOMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of Reference
Designator" LABEL "Reference Designator"
FIELD "RefDesSeq" OF "ECOMtlRefDes": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique identifies the
reference designator with the material sequ ence. " LABEL "RefDes Seq"
FIELD "Side" OF "ECOMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "Free form side location.
(Top, Bottom, Both, Level, etc)" LABEL "Side"
FIELD "XLocation" OF "ECOMtlRefDes": decimal DESCRIPTION "X Coordinate of the
reference designator" LABEL "X"
FIELD "YLocation" OF "ECOMtlRefDes": decimal DESCRIPTION "Y Coordinate of the
reference designator" LABEL "Y"
FIELD "ZLocation" OF "ECOMtlRefDes": decimal DESCRIPTION "Z Coordinate of the
reference designator" LABEL "Z"
FIELD "Rotation" OF "ECOMtlRefDes": decimal DESCRIPTION "Rotation of the reference
designator. Max value = 360.000" LABEL "Rotation"
FIELD "Description" OF "ECOMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "Designator
Description" LABEL "Description"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ECOMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ECOMtlRefDes": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ECOMtlRefDes": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "MtlPartNum" OF "ECOMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "The Part Number of the
component material record for the related Parent Part." LABEL "Material Part"
FIELD "OrigMtlSeq" OF "ECOMtlRefDes": integer
DESCRIPTION "The original material sequence number at the time of check out. I f
this record was not created during check out this should remain 0." LABEL "Mtl"
INDEX "ECOMtlRefDes" ON "ECOMtlRefDes" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary
INDEX "MtlPartNumRefDes" ON "ECOMtlRefDes" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Locate
Reference Designator from Part Master"
INDEX "ValRefDes" ON "ECOMtlRefDes" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Makes the
reference designator unique within the revision."

TABLE "ECOMtlRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Material Restriction

FIELD "Company" OF "ECOMtlRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company"
FIELD "GroupID" OF "ECOMtlRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "The Group ID is the
unique identifier for the ECO Group" LABEL "Group ID" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "PartNum" OF "ECOMtlRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "A unique part number
that identifies this part. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "ECOMtlRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number
which is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part, and is used as part
of the primary key " LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "AltMethod" OF "ECOMtlRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Alternate Routing
method to be used for this revision, and is use d as part of the primary key" LABEL
"Alternate Method"
FIELD "MtlSeq" OF "ECOMtlRestriction": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number that
uniquely defines the Material (JobMtl) rec ord within a specific Job/Assembly. This
is system assigned. The next availabl e number is determined by reading last JobMtl
record on the Job/Assembly and the n adding ten to it."
FIELD "RestrictionTypeID" OF "ECOMtlRestriction": character DESCRIPTION
"Restriction Type identification." LABEL "Restriction Type"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ECOMtlRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ECOMtlRestriction": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "MtlPartNum" OF "ECOMtlRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "The Part Number
of the component material record for the related Parent Part." LABEL "Material
FIELD "OrigMtlSeq" OF "ECOMtlRestriction": integer DESCRIPTION "The original
material sequence number at the time of check out. I f this record was not created
during check out this should remain 0." LABEL "Mtl"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ECOMtlRestriction": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "ECOMtlRestriction" ON "ECOMtlRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION
"Primary Key."
INDEX "MtlPartNumRestriction" ON "ECOMtlRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION
"Locate Restriction Type from Part Master"

TABLE "ECOMtlRestrictSubst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Restricted Substances

per Material/Restriction Type"
FIELD "Company" OF "ECOMtlRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Company
Identifier." LABEL "Company"
FIELD "GroupID" OF "ECOMtlRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "The Group ID is
the unique identifier for the ECO Group" LABEL "Group ID" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "PartNum" OF "ECOMtlRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "A unique part
number that identifies this part. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "ECOMtlRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Revision
number which is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part, and is used as
part of the primary key " LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "AltMethod" OF "ECOMtlRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Alternate
Routing method to be used for this revision, and is use d as part of the primary
key" LABEL "Alternate Method"
FIELD "MtlSeq" OF "ECOMtlRestrictSubst": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number
that uniquely defines the Material (JobMtl) rec ord within a specific Job/Assembly.
This is system assigned. The next availabl e number is determined by reading last
JobMtl record on the Job/Assembly and the n adding ten to it." LABEL "Mtl"
FIELD "RestrictionTypeID" OF "ECOMtlRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION
"Restriction Type identification." LABEL "Restriction Type"
FIELD "SubstanceID" OF "ECOMtlRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Substance
identification." LABEL "Substance"
FIELD "Weight" OF "ECOMtlRestrictSubst": decimal DESCRIPTION "Default weight of the
substance per primary part of UOM" LABEL "Substance Weight"
FIELD "WeightUOM" OF "ECOMtlRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "By default the
primary UOM of the part." LABEL "Weight UOM"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ECOMtlRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ECOMtlRestrictSubst": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "OrigMtlSeq" OF "ECOMtlRestrictSubst": integer DESCRIPTION "The original
material sequence number at the time of check out. I f this record was not created
during check out this should remain 0."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ECOMtlRestrictSubst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "ECOMtlRestrictSubst" ON "ECOMtlRestrictSubst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION
"Primary key."

TABLE "ECOOpDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Contains the manufacturing details
for the ECOOpr record."
FIELD "Company" OF "ECOOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GroupID" OF "ECOOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The Group ID is the unique
identifier for the ECO Group" LABEL "Group ID" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "PartNum" OF "ECOOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field identifies
the Part and is used as the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "ECOOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number which is
used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part." LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "OprSeq" OF "ECOOpDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number which uniquely
identifies the operation record within the Job/lot/level. The sequence can be
system generated or assigned by us er. System generated numbers are determined by
reading last JobOper for the job/ lot/level and then figures out what the next
number that is divisible by 10. If this number is within 3 of the last Number on
file it will be bumped up another 10. This keeps a minimum of 2 available sequences
between records. For example i f last = 18 Next would be 30, If last = 17 next =
20. " LABEL "Opr"
FIELD "OpDtlSeq" OF "ECOOpDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies an OpDtl.
System assigned."
FIELD "CapabilityID" OF "ECOOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The user can select the
capability the operation is to perform. The system will select the resource."
FIELD "ResourceGrpID" OF "ECOOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The user can select a
Resource Group for the operation to be perf ormed on. The system will select the
actual resource."
FIELD "ResourceID" OF "ECOOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code assigned
by the user to uniquely identify the Re source for this operation to be performed
on. "
FIELD "SetupHours" OF "ECOOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The standard setup hours for
the operation. ime required for each machine."

This is the setup t

FIELD "ProdHours" OF "ECOOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Production hours for this

operation. It is the total hours, as t hough the operation were running on a single
FIELD "NumResources" OF "ECOOpDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "This is the number of
resources the operation can run on. If mul tiple resources can perform the required
Capability, then up to this many will b e employed. This determines the number of
setups the system will allow for the operation. However, the number of setups
cannot exceed the number of operations . The idea being that once a part is on a
machine you will complete the operati on on that resource."
FIELD "SetupOrProd" OF "ECOOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies which part of
the production, setup or production, the resource is required for. Valid values are
""S"", indicating the resource is RequiredFor the Setup phase of this operation,
""P"" for Production phase, or "" B"" meaning Both setup and production phase."
FIELD "AltMethod" OF "ECOOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Alternate Routing method
for the part revision." LABEL "Alternate Method"
FIELD "OpDtlDesc" OF "ECOOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Description is initially
created when the ECOOpDtl is created. If the ECOOpDtl is created from a Resource it
will be the Resource.Description, if it's created from an ResourceGroup it will be
the ResourceGroup.Description. Once set it is not changed by the system."
FIELD "ParentAltMethod" OF "ECOOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Parent Alternate
Routing method of this part operation." LABEL "Parent Alternate Method"
FIELD "ParentOprSeq" OF "ECOOpDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the parent
operation sequence. Applies specifically to alternate methods that inherit from a
parent alternate method." LABEL "Parent Opr"
FIELD "ParentOpDtlSeq" OF "ECOOpDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the parent
operation detail sequence. "
FIELD "BaseMethodOverridden" OF "ECOOpDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
base revision method was overridden. Applies on ly when the AltMethod field is not
FIELD "OrigOpDtlSeq" OF "ECOOpDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The original sequence
number of the record at the time of check o ut. If this record was not created due
to a check out then it will be 0." LABEL "OpDtl"
FIELD "OrigOprSeq" OF "ECOOpDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The original sequence number
of the record at the time of check o ut. If this record was not created due to a
check out then it will be 0." LABEL "Opr"
FIELD "ConcurrentCapacity" OF "ECOOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Concurrent Capacity
is a constraint that prevents a Resource from being overloaded because it has, at a
given time, this much capacity. For exam ple, a Resource has 4 racks, and they can
be reused, but once they've been selec ted for an operation, they're tied up until
the operation is complete."
FIELD "DailyProdRate" OF "ECOOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Daily Prod rate
contains the rate required to make 1. This is multiplied with the mfg qty of the
job to get the total production qty. This to tal is then compared to the resource's
daily production quantity and with any u sage stored in the Shopload record. Once
the production limit for a resource h as been reached, the Resource has been
consumed for that day.
FIELD "ProdCrewSize" OF "ECOOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Duplicated from
ECOOpr.ProdCrewSize. The # of people it physicall y takes to perform the production
on this operation per machine that it is run o n. CrewSize * JobOper.EstProdHours =
Est. Prod. Labor Hours. Note this can be a fraction for operations that do not
require full time attention of an employee. See also SetUpCrewSize" LABEL "Crew
Size" COLUMN-LABEL "Crew!Size"
FIELD "SetUpCrewSize" OF "ECOOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Duplicated from
ECOOpr.SetupCrewSize. Its the number of people it physically takes to se tup this
operation. It is used as a multiplier in the e stimated labor hours calculation.
JobOper.EstSetHours * JobOper.SetUpCrewSize = Estimated Labor hours for the
operation. This also affects the estimated labor cost. Est Cost = Est Labor Hours *
SetUpLaborRate" LABEL "Crew Size" COLUMN-LABEL "Crew!Size"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ECOOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ECOOpDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ECOOpDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "ECOOpr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "ECO Part Operation. Contains the
operations that are required fo r the final assembly of the part revision. Child of
ECORev file."
FIELD "Company" OF "ECOOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "PartNum" OF "ECOOpr": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field identifies
the Part and is used as the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "ECOOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number which is
used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part." LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "OprSeq" OF "ECOOpr": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number which uniquely
identifies the operation record within the Job/lot/level. The sequence can be
system generated or assigned by us er. System generated numbers are determined by
reading last JobOper for the job/ lot/level and then figures out what the next
number that is divisible by 10. If this number is within 3 of the last Number on
file it will be bumped up another 10. This keeps a minimum of 2 available sequences
between records. For example i f last = 18 Next would be 30, If last = 17 next =
20. " LABEL "Opr"
FIELD "OpCode" OF "ECOOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Operation Master Code - Links
the JobOper record with a OpMaster record. Default is given from WrkCenter.OpCode.
Must be valid in the OpMaster file. " LABEL "Operation" COLUMN-LABEL "Oper"
FIELD "OpStdID" OF "ECOOpr": character DESCRIPTION "The Operation standard ID. This
links the JobOPer to the OpStd ma ster file. This can be blank or if entered must
be valid if entered. When this field is changed the ProdStandard, StdFormat and
StdBasis should be refreshed wi
th the new defaults. Valid for ""inside operations"" only." LABEL "Std ID"
FIELD "EstSetHours" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The estimated set up hours.
This can be zero only if the ProdStan dard is greater than zero. Default from
OpStd.SetupHours." LABEL "Hours" COLUMN-LABEL "Est. Setup Hours"
FIELD "EstProdHours" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The estimated Production run
hours for internal operations (Subco ntract = No) . This is not directly
maintainable. It exists so that it will be e asier to display than always having to
recalculate it when it is needed. It is calculated using the ProdStandard,
StdFormat, StdBasis, OpsPerPart, QtyPer, Est Scrap and EstScrapType. FORMULAS: If
StdFormat = ""HR"" then EstProdHours = ProdStandard. If StdFormat = ""PH"" then
(RunQty / Std). If StdFormat = ""PM"" then (RunQty / Std ) / 60. If StdFormat =
""OH"" then (RunQty/OpsPerPart) / Std. If StdFormat = ""OM"" then
((RunQty/OpsPerPart) / Std) / 60. If StdFormat = ""HP"" then (RunQty/Basis) X Std.
If StdFormat = ""MP"" then ((RunQty/Basis) X Std) / 60. " LABEL "Hours" COLUMN-
LABEL "Est. Prod Hrs"
FIELD "ProdStandard" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The production standard for
the operation. It can be expressed as Hours, Minutes per piece, Pieces per Time,
Operations per Minute or Operations per hour. This along with the StdFormat,
StdBasis, OpsPer and fields are used to calculate the operations estimated
production hours. A value can be defaulted from the OpStd master. NOTE: The
ProdStandard can only be zero if the EstSetHours are greater than zero ." LABEL
"Prod. Std"
FIELD "StdFormat" OF "ECOOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Qualifier for the Production
Standard field. This is used as a de fault to the qualifier field in operation
details. The valid qualifiers are; ""HP"" - Hours/Piece, ""MP"" - minutes/piece,
""PH"" - pieces/hour, ""PM"" - Pieces/Minute, ""OH"" - Operations/Hour, ""OM"" -
Operations/minute, HR - Fixed Hours. " LABEL "Std. Format" COLUMN-LABEL "Std-F"
FIELD "StdBasis" OF "ECOOpr": character DESCRIPTION "A standard basis is to be used
to with standards that are time pe r piece (HP & MP). The basis is a Divisor. Valid
codes are E-Eaches, C=100's, M= 1000's, T=10,000. This field is used in the formula
for calculating the estimated production hours . The operation quantity is divided
by the basis value and then multiplied by th e standard to result in hours. " LABEL
"Std Basis"
FIELD "OpsPerPart" OF "ECOOpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of operations per part.
This is used in the calculation of the estimated production hours when the
StdFormat is ""OM"" or ""OH"". This sh ould not be accessible if StdFormat is not
""OM"" or ""OH"". It MUST BE > 0 if StdFormat is ""OM"" or ""OH""." LABEL
FIELD "QtyPer" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Production Quantity per one of the
Parent Item. " LABEL "Qty/Parent"
FIELD "Machines" OF "ECOOpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Defaulted from the
WrkCenter.SchMachines field. This is the numbe r of machines that this operation
will run on at the same time. Logically though t of as a ""Squeeze factor"" to
scheduling. That is the more machines, the short er the schedule. This affects how
much of the total daily workcenter capacity th at the operation will consume. For
example; Center has 4 machines, 8 Hours per d ay and operation 2 machines. This
operation would consume 16 hours of capacity p er day. So if it had 32 hours of
estimated production it would schedule as takin g 2 days. NOTE THIS ONLY APPLIES TO
GET THE NUMBER OF HOURS TO BE SCHEDULED. I t is however used to calculate the total
setup hours on the operation. " LABEL "Machines"
FIELD "SetUpCrewSize" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Defaulted from the
WrkCenter.SetUpCrewSize field. Its the number of people it physically takes to se
tup this operation. It is used as a multipl ier in the estimated labor hours
calculation. JobOper.EstSetHours * JobOper.Set UpCrewSize = Estimated Labor hours
for the operation. This also affects the esti mated labor cost. Est Cost = Est
Labor Hours * SetUpLaborRate" LABEL "Crew Size" COLUMN-LABEL "Crew!Size"
FIELD "ProdCrewSize" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Defaults from the
WrkCenter.ProdCrewSize. The # of people it phys ically takes to perform the
production on this operation per machine that it is run on. CrewSize *
JobOper.EstProdHours = Est. Prod. Labor Hours. Note this can be a fraction for
operations that do not require full time attention of an empl oyee. See also
SetUpCrewSize" LABEL "Crew Size" COLUMN-LABEL "Crew!Size"
FIELD "EstScrap" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Estimated Scrap" LABEL "Scrap"
FIELD "EstScrapType" OF "ECOOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Qualifies the ScrapQty
entry as being a fixed quantity or a perce ntage of run quantity." LABEL "Scrap
FIELD "SubContract" OF "ECOOpr": logical
DESCRIPTION "This flags the operation as being a ""SubContract"" or an ""Inter
nal"" operation. This also controls what fields are allowed to be updated for t his
record. For example, an internal operation will not have a PartNum." LABEL
"Subcontract" COLUMN-LABEL "Typ"
FIELD "IUM" OF "ECOOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Inventory UOM" LABEL "U/M"
FIELD "EstUnitCost" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Estimated Unit Cost for the
SubContract operation. Defaults from the Part table if valid PartNum." LABEL "Unit
FIELD "DaysOut" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Hours required is calculated as
days * 8." LABEL "Days Out" COLUMN-LABEL "Days"
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "ECOOpr": integer DESCRIPTION "The SubContractors VendorNum
that ties back to the Vendor master file. This is only valid for ""SubContract""
operations. This field is not dir ectly maintainable, instead its assigned by
having the user either enter the ""V endorID"" and then finding the VendorNum in
the Vendor file or by selection lis t processing. This is a mandatory entry for
subcontract operations." LABEL "Supplier Number"
FIELD "PurPoint" OF "ECOOpr": character DESCRIPTION "The Vendors purchase point ID.
This field is only for the ""Subco ntract"" operations. Along with the VendorNum is
used to tie back to the VendorP P master file. Use the default Purchase point
defined in the Vendor file." LABEL "Purchase Point"
FIELD "CommentText" OF "ECOOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Editor widget for Job
operation comments. "
FIELD "SchedRelation" OF "ECOOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the scheduling
relationship between this and the preced ing operation. Possible values are ""SS""
- Start to Start, ""FS"" Finish to Sta rt or ""FF"" Finish to Finish. A ""SS"" can
start when the preceding operation starts. A ""FS"" starts when the preceding
operation is finished. A ""FF"" can finish when the preceding operation finishes.
These relationships do not span between levels of assemblies. The first operatio n
on an assembly is always treated as being ""FS"" relationship. A ""FF"" finishes
when the preceding operation is finished. " LABEL "Schedule Relationship"
FIELD "RunQty" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The total operation quantity. This
is a calculated field. Calcul ated as (Assembly Required Qty X QtyPer) + Scrap. The
assembly qty is either the
JobHead.ProdQty if JobOPer.AssemblySeq = 0 or (JobAsmbl.RequireQty - JobAsmbl.
PullQty) if JobOPer.AssemblySeq > 0. This value is refreshed when maintenance is
performed on the operation record or an assemblies production qty is changed "
LABEL "Run Qty"
FIELD "SubPartNum" OF "ECOOpr": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum to be shipped to
the subcontract. Defaults as the Par t number of the method to which it belongs
(ECOOpr.PartNum). " LABEL "Part"
FIELD "AddlSetupHours" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Additional Setup Hours
that will be required after a certain quan tity has been run for this operation.
The quantity at which this occurs is estab lished in AddSetupQty field. The system
determines the setup hours as SetupHrs + (Max((RunQty -
AddlSetupQty,0))/AddlSetUpQty) * AddlSetupHours. Any fractional results of the
AddlSetUpQty calculations are rounded up to the next whole number before
multiplying by the AddlSetUpHours." LABEL "Addl Setup Hrs"
FIELD "AddlSetUpQty" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Additional Setup quantity
indicates the quantity at which additio nal setup time will be incurred. " LABEL
"Addl Setup Qty"
FIELD "APSPrepOp" OF "ECOOpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the operation that
must precede this operation. Mainly used to model one to many routing structures."
FIELD "APSNextOp" OF "ECOOpr": integer DESCRIPTION "This is the next operation in
the routing. -1 makes this operati on the last one in the routing so far; -2 makes
it the first one in the routing so far; 0 means no successor."
FIELD "APSAltOp" OF "ECOOpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Specifies the operation for
which this is an alternate."
FIELD "APSSpecificResource" OF "ECOOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Used to assign an
operation to a specific resource so that APS do es not schedule it elsewhere.
Overrides APSCapability."
FIELD "APSCycleTime" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Cycles per minute. SQL:
IIF(CINT(JobOper.RunQty) = 0 OR JobOper.SubContract = TRUE, ""0"", JobOper
.EstProdHours * 60 / JobOper.RunQty)"
FIELD "APSConstantTime" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Fixed time, in decimal
minutes, to be added to the operation. Ca n be used to represent cleanup time or
model outsource time. SQL: IFF(JobOper.SubContract = TRUE, (JobOper.DaysOut *
1440), ""0"")"
FIELD "APSSetupGroup" OF "ECOOpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Used to group operations to
save on setups."
FIELD "APSMakeFactor" OF "ECOOpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Quantity of Part per
FIELD "APSContainerSize" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Quantity that must be
completed before the next operation can sta rt (for overlap); quantity per batch
(for batch resources); Auxiliary resource q uantity."
FIELD "APSSchedulerName" OF "ECOOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Name of the APS
Scheduler Module in which to schedule this operat ion."
FIELD "APSMaxLength" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "If the scheduled time
exceeds this value then the operation is sp lit into operations which do not exceed
this length."
FIELD "APSTransferTime" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Time between the end of
this operation and the start time of the successor operation."
FIELD "APSEffectiveness" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Cycle time and constant
times are divided by this value to get sc hedule times. Zeros disable this
FIELD "APSOperationClass" OF "ECOOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Type of Operation: P
for Prep, D for Processing (Dispatchable in APS terminology)."
FIELD "APSAuxResource" OF "ECOOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Auxiliary resource
requirements. This is a comma and tilde deli mited list of APSAuxResource.Name,
Quantity, and Durations. Example: ""Setup cr ew,2.5,1~Bins,3.2,5"". There are two
Resources specified in this list, Setup cr ew and Bins. The tilde seperates the
FIELD "APSAddResource" OF "ECOOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Additional resource
requirements. This is a comma and tilde del imited list of APSAddResource.Name,
Quantity, and Durations. Example: ""Setup c rew,2.5,1~Bins,3.2,5"". There are two
Resources specified in this list, Setup c rew and Bins. The tilde seperates the
entries. For Additional Resources the Du ration = 5 (entire Operation)."
FIELD "LaborEntryMethod" OF "ECOOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Method
for Labor Entry. Can be ""T"" - Time and Qu antity, ""Q"" - Quantity Only (Time is
estimated) or ""B"" - Backflush." LABEL "Labor Entry"
FIELD "FAQty" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The quantity requested for first
article inspection." LABEL "First Article Quantity"
FIELD "RFQNeeded" OF "ECOOpr": logical DESCRIPTION "A flag to indicate that this
part operation requires an RFQ. If it does require an RFQ, the user must enter the
number of vendor quotes that are required. This only applies to subcontract
operations." LABEL "RFQ Needed" COLUMN-LABEL "RFQ"
FIELD "RFQVendQuotes" OF "ECOOpr": integer DESCRIPTION "The number of vendor quotes
that are required for this part subco ntract operation. Can be zero if RFQ(s) are
not required." LABEL "Quotes Req" COLUMN-LABEL "VendQuotes" HELP "Enter the number
of vendor quotes required"
FIELD "GroupID" OF "ECOOpr": character DESCRIPTION "The Group ID is the unique
identifier for the ECO Group" LABEL "Group ID" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "OrigOprSeq" OF "ECOOpr": integer DESCRIPTION "The original sequence number
of the record at the time of check o ut. If this record was not created due to a
check out then it will be 0." LABEL "Opr"
FIELD "SetupGroup" OF "ECOOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Used to group operation to
save on setups." LABEL "Setup Group"
FIELD "AnalysisCode" OF "ECOOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Analysis Code" LABEL
"Analysis Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Analysis Code"
FIELD "PrimarySetupOpDtl" OF "ECOOpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifies the primary
ECOOpDtl to be used for setup. The setup time for the operation is determined on
the ECOOpDtl. If <> 0, must identify a valid ECOOpDtl. The ECOOpDtl needs to have a
RequiredF or = S or B."
FIELD "PrimaryProdOpDtl" OF "ECOOpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifies the primary
ECOOpDtl to be used for production. The p roduction run time for the operation is
determined on the ECOOpDtl. If <> 0, must identify a valid ECOOpDtl. The ECOOpDtl
needs to have a RequiredF or = P or B."
FIELD "AltMethod" OF "ECOOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Alternate Routing method for
the part revision."
LABEL "Alternate Method"
FIELD "OpDesc" OF "ECOOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Operation Description."
FIELD "StageNumber" OF "ECOOpr": character DESCRIPTION "The stage number of the
operations. Entered only when the relate d PartRev.UseStaging flag is true." LABEL
"Stage Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Stage Number"
FIELD "BaseMethodOverridden" OF "ECOOpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
base revision method was overridden. Applies on ly when the AltMethod field is not
FIELD "ParentAltMethod" OF "ECOOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Parent Alternate
Routing method of this part operation." LABEL "Parent Alternate Method"
FIELD "ParentOprSeq" OF "ECOOpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the parent
operation sequence. Applies specifically to alternate methods that inherit from a
parent alternate method." LABEL "Parent Opr"
FIELD "BrkQty01" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Price Break/Production Break
Quantities. This is an array of 5 as cending quantities at which a price break
occurs for subcontracting or a Product ion Break occurs for internal operations.
The quantities represent the minimum q ty that is needed to obtain the
corresponding price/standard established in PBCo st or PBStdRate arrays. Not all 5
elements need to be entered. However they must be entered consecutively in
ascending order. Quoting selects the unit cost/Stan dard to use by first
calculating the Required Qty based on the quote quantity. Then searches the
BreakQty array finding the element which is less than and clos est to the required
qty. If one is found then the corresponding PBCost/PBStdRate is used else,
EstUnitCost for subcontract ProdStandard is used for internal o perations." LABEL
"Break Qty"
FIELD "BrkQty02" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Price Break/Production Break
Quantities. This is an array of 5 as cending quantities at which a price break
occurs for subcontracting or a Product ion Break occurs for internal operations.
The quantities represent the minimum q ty that is needed to obtain the
corresponding price/standard established in PBCo st or PBStdRate arrays. Not all 5
elements need to be entered. However they must be entered consecutively in
ascending order. Quoting selects the unit cost/Stan dard to use by first
calculating the Required Qty based on the quote quantity. Then searches the
BreakQty array finding the element which is less than and clos est to the required
qty. If one is found then the corresponding PBCost/PBStdRate is used else,
EstUnitCost for subcontract ProdStandard is used for internal o perations." LABEL
"Break Qty"
FIELD "BrkQty03" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Price Break/Production Break
Quantities. This is an array of 5 as cending quantities at which a price break
occurs for subcontracting or a Product ion Break occurs for internal operations.
The quantities represent the minimum q ty that is needed to obtain the
corresponding price/standard established in PBCo st or PBStdRate arrays. Not all 5
elements need to be entered. However they must be entered consecutively in
ascending order. Quoting selects the unit cost/Stan dard to use by first
calculating the Required Qty based on the quote quantity. Then searches the
BreakQty array finding the element which is less than and clos est to the required
qty. If one is found then the corresponding PBCost/PBStdRate is used else,
EstUnitCost for subcontract ProdStandard is used for internal o perations." LABEL
"Break Qty"
FIELD "BrkQty04" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Price Break/Production Break
Quantities. This is an array of 5 as cending quantities at which a price break
occurs for subcontracting or a Product ion Break occurs for internal operations.
The quantities represent the minimum q ty that is needed to obtain the
corresponding price/standard established in PBCo st or PBStdRate arrays. Not all 5
elements need to be entered. However they must be entered consecutively in
ascending order. Quoting selects the unit cost/Stan dard to use by first
calculating the Required Qty based on the quote quantity. Then searches the
BreakQty array finding the element which is less than and clos est to the required
qty. If one is found then the corresponding PBCost/PBStdRate is used else,
EstUnitCost for subcontract ProdStandard is used for internal o perations." LABEL
"Break Qty"
FIELD "BrkQty05" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Price Break/Production Break
Quantities. This is an array of 5 as cending quantities at which a price break
occurs for subcontracting or a Product ion Break occurs for internal operations.
The quantities represent the minimum q ty that is needed to obtain the
corresponding price/standard established in PBCo st or PBStdRate arrays. Not all 5
elements need to be entered. However they must be entered consecutively in
ascending order. Quoting selects the unit cost/Stan dard to use by first
calculating the Required Qty based on the quote quantity. Then searches the
BreakQty array finding the element which is less than and clos est to the required
qty. If one is found then the corresponding PBCost/PBStdRate is used else,
EstUnitCost for subcontract ProdStandard is used for internal o perations." LABEL
"Break Qty"
FIELD "BrkQty06" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Price Break/Production Break
Quantities. This is an array of 5 as cending quantities at which a price break
occurs for subcontracting or a Product ion Break occurs for internal operations.
The quantities represent the minimum q ty that is needed to obtain the
corresponding price/standard established in PBCo st or PBStdRate arrays. Not all 5
elements need to be entered. However they must be entered consecutively in
ascending order. Quoting selects the unit cost/Stan dard to use by first
calculating the Required Qty based on the quote quantity. Then searches the
BreakQty array finding the element which is less than and clos est to the required
qty. If one is found then the corresponding PBCost/PBStdRate is used else,
EstUnitCost for subcontract ProdStandard is used for internal o perations." LABEL
"Break Qty"
FIELD "BrkQty07" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Price Break/Production Break
Quantities. This is an array of 5 as cending quantities at which a price break
occurs for subcontracting or a Product ion Break occurs for internal operations.
The quantities represent the minimum q ty that is needed to obtain the
corresponding price/standard established in PBCo st or PBStdRate arrays. Not all 5
elements need to be entered. However they must be entered consecutively in
ascending order. Quoting selects the unit cost/Stan dard to use by first
calculating the Required Qty based on the quote quantity. Then searches the
BreakQty array finding the element which is less than and clos est to the required
qty. If one is found then the corresponding PBCost/PBStdRate is used else,
EstUnitCost for subcontract ProdStandard is used for internal o perations." LABEL
"Break Qty"
FIELD "BrkQty08" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Price Break/Production Break
Quantities. This is an array of 5 as cending quantities at which a price break
occurs for subcontracting or a Product ion Break occurs for internal operations.
The quantities represent the minimum q ty that is needed to obtain the
corresponding price/standard established in PBCo st or PBStdRate arrays. Not all 5
elements need to be entered. However they must be entered consecutively in
ascending order. Quoting selects the unit cost/Stan dard to use by first
calculating the Required Qty based on the quote quantity. Then searches the
BreakQty array finding the element which is less than and clos est to the required
qty. If one is found then the corresponding PBCost/PBStdRate is used else,
EstUnitCost for subcontract ProdStandard is used for internal o perations." LABEL
"Break Qty"
FIELD "BrkQty09" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Price Break/Production Break
Quantities. This is an array of 5 as cending quantities at which a price break
occurs for subcontracting or a Product ion Break occurs for internal operations.
The quantities represent the minimum q ty that is needed to obtain the
corresponding price/standard established in PBCo st or PBStdRate arrays. Not all 5
elements need to be entered. However they must be entered consecutively in
ascending order. Quoting selects the unit cost/Stan dard to use by first
calculating the Required Qty based on the quote quantity. Then searches the
BreakQty array finding the element which is less than and clos est to the required
qty. If one is found then the corresponding PBCost/PBStdRate is used else,
EstUnitCost for subcontract ProdStandard is used for internal o perations." LABEL
"Break Qty"
FIELD "BrkQty10" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Price Break/Production Break
Quantities. This is an array of 5 as cending quantities at which a price break
occurs for subcontracting or a Product ion Break occurs for internal operations.
The quantities represent the minimum q ty that is needed to obtain the
corresponding price/standard established in PBCo st or PBStdRate arrays. Not all 5
elements need to be entered. However they must be entered consecutively in
ascending order. Quoting selects the unit cost/Stan dard to use by first
calculating the Required Qty based on the quote quantity. Then searches the
BreakQty array finding the element which is less than and clos est to the required
qty. If one is found then the corresponding PBCost/PBStdRate is used else,
EstUnitCost for subcontract ProdStandard is used for internal o perations." LABEL
"Break Qty"
FIELD "PBrkCost01" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "if Subcontract then this is
Unit Costs for the corresponding pric e break quantities. (BreakQty)" LABEL "Unit
FIELD "PBrkCost02" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "if Subcontract then this is
Unit Costs for the corresponding pric e break quantities. (BreakQty)" LABEL "Unit
FIELD "PBrkCost03" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "if Subcontract then this is
Unit Costs for the corresponding pric e break quantities. (BreakQty)" LABEL "Unit
FIELD "PBrkCost04" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "if Subcontract then this is
Unit Costs for the corresponding pric e break quantities. (BreakQty)" LABEL "Unit
FIELD "PBrkCost05" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "if Subcontract then this is
Unit Costs for the corresponding pric e break quantities. (BreakQty)" LABEL "Unit
FIELD "PBrkCost06" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "if Subcontract then this is
Unit Costs for the corresponding pric e break quantities. (BreakQty)" LABEL "Unit
FIELD "PBrkCost07" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "if Subcontract then this is
Unit Costs for the corresponding pric e break quantities. (BreakQty)" LABEL "Unit
FIELD "PBrkCost08" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "if Subcontract then this is
Unit Costs for the corresponding pric e break quantities. (BreakQty)" LABEL "Unit
FIELD "PBrkCost09" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "if Subcontract then this is
Unit Costs for the corresponding pric e break quantities. (BreakQty)" LABEL "Unit
FIELD "PBrkCost10" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "if Subcontract then this is
Unit Costs for the corresponding pric e break quantities. (BreakQty)" LABEL "Unit
FIELD "PBrkStdRate01" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "If Internal operation
(SubContract = no) then this is Production Standards for the corresponding break
quantities." LABEL "Production Rate Standard"
FIELD "PBrkStdRate02" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "If Internal operation
(SubContract = no) then this is Production Standards for the corresponding break
quantities." LABEL "Production Rate Standard"
FIELD "PBrkStdRate03" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "If Internal operation
(SubContract = no) then this is Production Standards for the corresponding break
quantities." LABEL "Production Rate Standard"
FIELD "PBrkStdRate04" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "If Internal operation
(SubContract = no) then this is Production Standards for the corresponding break
quantities." LABEL "Production Rate Standard"
FIELD "PBrkStdRate05" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "If Internal operation
(SubContract = no) then this is Production Standards for the corresponding break
quantities." LABEL "Production Rate Standard"
FIELD "PBrkStdRate06" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "If Internal operation
(SubContract = no) then this is Production Standards for the corresponding break
quantities." LABEL "Production Rate Standard"
FIELD "PBrkStdRate07" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "If Internal operation
(SubContract = no) then this is Production Standards for the corresponding break
quantities." LABEL "Production Rate Standard"
FIELD "PBrkStdRate08" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "If Internal operation
(SubContract = no) then this is Production Standards for the corresponding break
quantities." LABEL "Production Rate Standard"
FIELD "PBrkStdRate09" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "If Internal operation
(SubContract = no) then this is Production Standards for the corresponding break
quantities." LABEL "Production Rate Standard"
FIELD "PBrkStdRate10" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "If Internal operation
(SubContract = no) then this is Production Standards for the corresponding break
quantities." LABEL "Production Rate Standard"
FIELD "SNRequiredOpr" OF "ECOOpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether serial
numbers are required form this operation . When true the system will prompt in
labor entry processes for the serial numbe rs that have been completed on this
operation." LABEL "Operation"
FIELD "SNRequiredSubConShip" OF "ECOOpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether
serial numbers are required on subcontract ship for a subcontract operation." LABEL
"Serial Numbers Required When Shipping"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ECOOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ECOOpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "Weight" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Operation Weight defaulted from
Part Master." LABEL "Operation Weight"
FIELD "WeightUOM" OF "ECOOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Operation Weight UOM
defaulted from Part Master." LABEL "Weight UOM"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ECOOpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "SendAheadType" OF "ECOOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Determines the scheduling
offset for the secondary start-to-start operation, offset which will be either
FIELD "SendAheadOffset" OF "ECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Scheduling offset for the
secondary start-to-start operation. The offset time can be calculated by pieces,
FIELD "PrjRoleList" OF "ECOOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Delimited list of PrjRoleCd
codes that are allowed for this opera tion."
FIELD "UseAllRoles" OF "ECOOpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Allow use all Roles" LABEL
"Use all Roles"
INDEX "XOpStd" ON "ECOOpr" AREA "Schema Area"
DESCRIPTION "To find ECOOpr records by Operation/Standard ID."

TABLE "ECOOprInsp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This is a child table to the
ECOOpr table. This table contains i nspection plan and specification definitions
for ECO operation records."
FIELD "Company" OF "ECOOprInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GroupID" OF "ECOOprInsp": character DESCRIPTION "The Group ID is the unique
identifier for the ECO Group" LABEL "Group ID" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "PartNum" OF "ECOOprInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Parent Part number to which
this material item is a component of" LABEL "Parent Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Parent
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "ECOOprInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number of the
part that this material item is a componen t of." LABEL "Parent Rev"
FIELD "AltMethod" OF "ECOOprInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Alternate Routing method
for the part revision." LABEL "Alternate Method"
FIELD "OprSeq" OF "ECOOprInsp": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number which
uniquely identifies the operation record within the Job/lot/level. The sequence can
be system generated or assigned by us er. System generated numbers are determined
by reading last JobOper for the job/ lot/level and then figures out what the next
number that is divisible by 10. If this number is within 3 of the last Number on
file it will be bumped up another 10. This keeps a minimum of 2 available sequences
between records. For example i f last = 18 Next would be 30, If last = 17 next =
20. " LABEL "Opr"
FIELD "PlanSeq" OF "ECOOprInsp": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number that
uniquely identifies the ECOOprInsp ecord w ithin the ECO operation" LABEL "Plan
FIELD "InspPlanPartNum" OF "ECOOprInsp": character DESCRIPTION "The inspection plan
part number (configurator part number)." LABEL "Insp Plan Num"
FIELD "SpecID" OF "ECOOprInsp": character DESCRIPTION "The specification ID. Must
be valid in the SpecHed table."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ECOOprInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ECOOprInsp": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ECOOprInsp": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "OrigOprSeq" OF "ECOOprInsp": integer DESCRIPTION "The original sequence
number of the record at the time of check o ut. If this record was not created due
to a check out then it will be 0." LABEL "Opr"

TABLE "ECOOprRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Operation Restriction

FIELD "Company" OF "ECOOprRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company"
FIELD "GroupID" OF "ECOOprRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "The Group ID is the
unique identifier for the ECO Group" LABEL "Group ID" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "PartNum" OF "ECOOprRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field
identifies the Part and is used as the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL
"Part Number"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "ECOOprRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number
which is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part." LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "AltMethod" OF "ECOOprRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Alternate Routing
method for the part revision." LABEL "Alternate Method"
FIELD "OprSeq" OF "ECOOprRestriction": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number which
uniquely identifies the operation record
within the Job/lot/level. The sequence can be system generated or assigned by us
er. System generated numbers are determined by reading last JobOper for the job/
lot/level and then figures out what the next number that is divisible by 10. If
this number is within 3 of the last Number on file it will be bumped up another 10.
This keeps a minimum of 2 available sequences between records. For example i f last
= 18 Next would be 30, If last = 17 next = 20. " LABEL "Opr"
FIELD "RestrictionTypeID" OF "ECOOprRestriction": character DESCRIPTION
"Restriction Type identification." LABEL "Restriction Type"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ECOOprRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ECOOprRestriction": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "OpCode" OF "ECOOprRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code
assigned by user which uniquely identifies a Ope ration master record. Can't be
blank. This is used as a foreign key in other fi les and may be used in
displays/reports where space for the full description is limited." LABEL "Operation
FIELD "OrigOprSeq" OF "ECOOprRestriction": integer DESCRIPTION "The original
sequence number of the record at the time of check o ut. If this record was not
created due to a check out then it will be 0." LABEL "Opr"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ECOOprRestriction": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "ECOOprRestriction" ON "ECOOprRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION
"Primary key."
INDEX "OpCodeRestriction" ON "ECOOprRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION
"Locate Restriction Type from OpMaster."

TABLE "ECOOprRestrictSubst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Restricted Substances

per Operation/Restriction Type."
FIELD "Company" OF "ECOOprRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Company
LABEL "Company"
FIELD "GroupID" OF "ECOOprRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "The Group ID is
the unique identifier for the ECO Group" LABEL "Group ID" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "PartNum" OF "ECOOprRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "A unique part
number that identifies this part. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "ECOOprRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Revision
number which is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part, and is used as
part of the primary key " LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "AltMethod" OF "ECOOprRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Alternate
Routing method to be used for this revision, and is use d as part of the primary
key" LABEL "Alternate Method"
FIELD "OprSeq" OF "ECOOprRestrictSubst": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number
that uniquely defines the Material (JobMtl) rec ord within a specific Job/Assembly.
This is system assigned. The next availabl e number is determined by reading last
JobMtl record on the Job/Assembly and the n adding ten to it." LABEL "Opr"
FIELD "RestrictionTypeID" OF "ECOOprRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION
"Restriction Type identification." LABEL "Restriction Type"
FIELD "SubstanceID" OF "ECOOprRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Substance
identification." LABEL "Substance"
FIELD "Weight" OF "ECOOprRestrictSubst": decimal DESCRIPTION "Defaulted from
Operation Master Substances." LABEL "Substance Weight"
FIELD "WeightUOM" OF "ECOOprRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Defaulted from
Operation Master Substances." LABEL "Weight UOM"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ECOOprRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ECOOprRestrictSubst": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "OrigOprSeq" OF "ECOOprRestrictSubst": integer DESCRIPTION "The original
sequence number of the record at the time of check o ut. If this record was not
created due to a check out then it will be 0." LABEL "Opr"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ECOOprRestrictSubst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "ECOOprRestrictSubst" ON "ECOOprRestrictSubst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION
"Primary Key."

TABLE "ECORev" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "ECO Part Revision. Establishes the
revisions of a part within an ECO Group. Child of ECOGroup file."
FIELD "Company" OF "ECORev": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "PartNum" OF "ECORev": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field identifies
the Part and is used as the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "RevShortDesc" OF "ECORev": character DESCRIPTION "Short description of the
revision. This is NOT the Part descripti on. " LABEL "Description"
FIELD "RevDescription" OF "ECORev": character DESCRIPTION "Used to enter a full
description of the revision."
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "ECORev": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number which is
used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part. " LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "Approved" OF "ECORev": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the methods of
manufacturing have been approved for this revision. Only approved methods can be
pulled into jobs/quotes. " LABEL "Approved"
FIELD "ApprovedDate" OF "ECORev": date DESCRIPTION "Date which this revision was
approved for use by manufacturing/qu oting. This is set to the system date when the
user marks the revision Approved . It is not maintainable by the user."
FIELD "ApprovedBy" OF "ECORev": character DESCRIPTION "UserID who approved the
revision. Not maintainable by the user." LABEL "Approved By"
FIELD "EffectiveDate" OF "ECORev": date DESCRIPTION "Date at which this revision is
considered effective. This date i s used to control the pulling of subassembly
revisions." LABEL "Effective"
FIELD "AutoRecOpr" OF "ECORev": integer DESCRIPTION "The operation number
ECOOpr.OprSeq) that is marked to do the Auto matic Receipt to inventory. Note: Zero
= no operation is set to perform the aut o receive into inventory function. This
field is not directly maintainable. Instead it is set during operation main tenance
by having the user mark a check box indicating ""Auto Receive"" which th en updates
this field with the operations sequence number. " LABEL "Auto Receive Into
FIELD "TLRLaborCost" OF "ECORev": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Unit Labor Cost
calculated by the BOM Cost rollup rout ine. This level cost excludes costs from sub
assemblies. " LABEL "TL Rolled Labor"
FIELD "TLRBurdenCost" OF "ECORev": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Unit Burden Cost
calculated by the BOM Cost rollup rou tine. ""This level cost"" excludes costs from
sub assemblies. Rolled up Burden cost. Calculated by the BOM cost rollup routine"
LABEL "TL Rolled Burden"
FIELD "TLRMaterialCost" OF "ECORev": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Unit Material
Cost calculated by the BOM Cost rollup r outine. ""This level"" cost excludes costs
from sub assemblies. " LABEL "TL Rolled Material"
FIELD "TLRSubcontractCost" OF "ECORev": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Unit
Subcontract Cost calculated by the BOM Cost rollu p routine. ""This level"" cost
excludes costs from sub assemblies. " LABEL "TL Rolled Subcontract"
FIELD "TLRSetupLaborCost" OF "ECORev": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Setup Labor
Cost calculated by the BOM Cost rollup rou tine. This level cost excludes costs
from sub assemblies.
" LABEL "TL Rolled Setup Labor"
FIELD "TLRSetupBurdenCost" OF "ECORev": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Setup
Burden Cost calculated by the BOM Cost rollup ro utine. ""This level cost""
excludes costs from sub assemblies. Rolled up Burden cost. Calculated by the BOM
cost rollup routine" LABEL "TL Rolled Setup Burden"
FIELD "LLRLaborCost" OF "ECORev": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Unit Labor Cost
calculated by the BOM Cost rollup rout ine. This level cost excludes costs from sub
assemblies. " LABEL "LL Rolled Labor"
FIELD "LLRBurdenCost" OF "ECORev": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Unit Burden Cost
calculated by the BOM Cost rollup rou tine. ""This level cost"" excludes costs from
sub assemblies. Rolled up Burden cost. Calculated by the BOM cost rollup routine"
LABEL "LL Rolled Burden"
FIELD "LLRMaterialCost" OF "ECORev": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Unit Material
Cost calculated by the BOM Cost rollup r outine. ""This level"" cost excludes costs
from sub assemblies. " LABEL "LL Rolled Material"
FIELD "LLRSetupLaborCost" OF "ECORev": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Setup Labor
Cost calculated by the BOM Cost rollup rou tine. This level cost excludes costs
from sub assemblies. " LABEL "LL Rolled Setup Labor"
FIELD "LLRSetupBurdenCost" OF "ECORev": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Setup
Burden Cost calculated by the BOM Cost rollup ro utine. ""This level cost""
excludes costs from sub assemblies. Rolled up Burden cost. Calculated by the BOM
cost rollup routine" LABEL "LL Rolled Setup Burden"
FIELD "RollupDate" OF "ECORev": date DESCRIPTION "Date that this part cost was last
rolled up. Updated by the BOM Cost Roll up routine." LABEL "Rollup Date"
FIELD "LLRSubcontractCost" OF "ECORev": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Unit
Subcontract Cost calculated by the BOM Cost rollu p routine. ""This level"" cost
excludes costs from sub assemblies. " LABEL "LL Rolled Subcontract"
FIELD "DrawNum" OF "ECORev": character
DESCRIPTION "Engineering Drawing Number. An optional field. LABEL "Draw"


FIELD "Method" OF "ECORev": logical DESCRIPTION "An internal flag which indicates
that this part revision contains Method of Manufacture details (ECOMtl/ECOOpr
records). We use this to avoid pr ocessing raw material part records during
processes such as BOM Cost roll up, In dented BOM lists, etc... "
FIELD "ECO" OF "ECORev": character DESCRIPTION "Engineering Change Order Number. An
optional field for reference. " LABEL "ECO"
FIELD "FinalOpr" OF "ECORev": integer DESCRIPTION "The sequence of the operation
that is to be considered as the ope ration which indicates the quantity complete
for the Job/Assembly. In other wor ds this operations completed quantity =
Job/Assembly completed. Note: Zero = n o operation is set and that the system
should use the last operation to determin e quantity complete. This field is not
directly maintainable. Instead it is set during operation main tenance by having
the user mark a check box indicating ""Final Operation"" which then updates this
field with the operations sequence number. " LABEL "Final Operation"
FIELD "TLRMtlBurCost" OF "ECORev": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Unit Material
Burden Cost calculated by the BOM Cost r ollup routine. ""This level"" cost
excludes costs from sub assemblies. " LABEL "TL Rolled Material Burden"
FIELD "LLRMtlBurCost" OF "ECORev": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Unit Material
Burden Cost calculated by the BOM Cost r ollup routine. ""This level"" cost
excludes costs from sub assemblies. " LABEL "LL Rolled Material Burden"
FIELD "GroupID" OF "ECORev": character DESCRIPTION "The Group ID for the ECO Group
to which this ECORev belongs." LABEL "Group ID" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "CheckInRevisionNum" OF "ECORev": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number
which will be used to check in the part. This wi ll only be used if the CheckIn
Revision Number is different from the main Revisi onNum field. " LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "CheckInDate" OF "ECORev": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the revision is
checked in."
LABEL "Check In Date"
FIELD "CheckedOut" OF "ECORev": logical DESCRIPTION "This flag determines if the
ECORev record is currently checked ou t. There should only be one checked out
ECORev record for each Company-Part-Rev ." LABEL "Checked Out"
FIELD "CheckOutDate" OF "ECORev": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the Part-Rev was
last checked out to the group." LABEL "Check Out Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Check Out
FIELD "SearchWord" OF "ECORev": character DESCRIPTION "An abbreviated part
description field from the Part table to be u sed for ECO Part searches. This is
copied over during a checkout. The write tr igger on the Part table will sync this
field for any currently checked out ECOPa rtRev." LABEL "Search"
FIELD "PartDescription" OF "ECORev": character DESCRIPTION "The PartDescription
from the Part table to be used for ECO Part s earches. This is copied over during a
checkout. The write trigger on the Part table will sync this field for any
currently checked out ECOPartRev." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "CheckedOutBy" OF "ECORev": character DESCRIPTION "UserID who checked out the
revision. Not maintainable by the use r." LABEL "Checked Out By"
FIELD "PDMObjID" OF "ECORev": character DESCRIPTION "Holds the internal object id
of pdm parts."
FIELD "RevLocked" OF "ECORev": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this ECO Revision
is locked." LABEL "Locked"
FIELD "RevLockedBy" OF "ECORev": character DESCRIPTION "UserID that has the ECORev
record locked." LABEL "Locked By"
FIELD "AltMethod" OF "ECORev": character DESCRIPTION "Alternate Routing method for
the part revision." LABEL "Alternate Method"
FIELD "Plant" OF "ECORev": character DESCRIPTION "Plant Identifier. This field
cannot be blank."
FIELD "ParentAltMethod" OF "ECORev": character DESCRIPTION "The alternate method of
the parent this method inherits from. " LABEL "Parent Alt Method"
FIELD "UseStaging" OF "ECORev": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this revision is
to use stage number or operations o n materials. If false, operation sequences are
to be used. If true, staging nu mbers are to be used." LABEL "Use Staging"
FIELD "RevLockedInfo" OF "ECORev": character DESCRIPTION "Control field that keeps
the group ID and session that are lockin g the revision." LABEL "Revision Locked
FIELD "UseAltRevForParts" OF "ECORev": logical DESCRIPTION "UseAltRevForParts: Flag
to indicate if the Use Alternate method f or parts option is selected, this flag
affects directly the creation and loading of data inside EngWorkbench, because it
will control the Alternate Method used. " LABEL "Use Alt Rev for Parts"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ECORev": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ECORev": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ECORev": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ValRefDes" OF "ECORev": logical DESCRIPTION "Validate Reference
Designators." LABEL "Validate Ref Designators"
INDEX "EffectiveDate" ON "ECORev" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Sorts by
Effective Date.Used to determine which revision should b e used "
INDEX "Method" ON "ECORev" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Divides the records into
ones with mfg dtl (ECOOpr,ECOMtl) and wi thout."
INDEX "WordDescription" ON "ECORev"
AREA "Schema Area" WORD DESCRIPTION "Word index for part description"

TABLE "ECSalesReport" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "European Sales List Report"
FIELD "Company" OF "ECSalesReport": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ECSalesReportID" OF "ECSalesReport": character DESCRIPTION "European Sales
List ID" LABEL "EU Sales Rpt ID"
FIELD "EndDate" OF "ECSalesReport": date DESCRIPTION "Report End Date" LABEL "End
FIELD "RangeOption" OF "ECSalesReport": character DESCRIPTION "VAT`Tax
Period~DATE`Date Range" LABEL "Range Option"
FIELD "RoundAmounts" OF "ECSalesReport": logical DESCRIPTION "Round Amounts option"
LABEL "Round Amounts"
FIELD "StartDate" OF "ECSalesReport": date DESCRIPTION "Start Date Report" LABEL
"Start Date"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ECSalesReport": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ECSalesReport": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ECSalesReport": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "EFTHeadUID" OF "ECSalesReport": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of
the EFT. Related to EFTHead.EFTHeadUID."
FIELD "OutputFile" OF "ECSalesReport": character DESCRIPTION "This will be the
default filename for the output file created by
the electronic interface"
FIELD "ManualXML" OF "ECSalesReport": logical DESCRIPTION "Field to identify manual
changes on XML info." LABEL "ManualXML"


FIELD "Company" OF "ECSLXMLDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ECSLXMLDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ECSLXMLDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ECSLXMLDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ECSalesReportID" OF "ECSLXMLDtl": character DESCRIPTION "European Sales List
ID" LABEL "EU Sales Rpt ID"
FIELD "SysIndicator" OF "ECSLXMLDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Enter code ?0? for B2B
Goods Enter code ?2? if the supplier is an intermediary in a triangular
transaction. Enter code ?3? for B2B Services" LABEL "Indicator"
FIELD "UsrIndicator" OF "ECSLXMLDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Enter code ?0? for B2B
Goods Enter code ?2? if the supplier is an intermediary in a triangular
transaction. Enter code ?3? for B2B Services" LABEL "Indicator"
FIELD "CreateUser" OF "ECSLXMLDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Create User" LABEL
"Create User"
FIELD "ModifyUser" OF "ECSLXMLDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Modify User" LABEL
"Modify User"
FIELD "CreateDate" OF "ECSLXMLDtl": date DESCRIPTION "Create Date" LABEL "Create
FIELD "ModifyDate" OF "ECSLXMLDtl": date DESCRIPTION "Modify Date" LABEL "Modify


FIELD "Company" OF "ECSLXMLHed": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ECSLXMLHed": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ECSLXMLHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ECSLXMLHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ECSalesReportID" OF "ECSLXMLHed": character DESCRIPTION "European Sales List
ID" LABEL "EU Sales Rpt ID"
FIELD "SysTraderVRN" OF "ECSLXMLHed": character DESCRIPTION "UK VAT Registration
Number (VRN)."
FIELD "UsrTraderVRN" OF "ECSLXMLHed": character DESCRIPTION "UK VAT Registration
Number (VRN)." LABEL "Trader VRN"
FIELD "SysBranch" OF "ECSLXMLHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Sys Branch" LABEL "Sys
FIELD "UsrBranch" OF "ECSLXMLHed": integer DESCRIPTION "User Branch" LABEL "Usr
FIELD "CreateUser" OF "ECSLXMLHed": character
DESCRIPTION "Create User" LABEL "Create User"
FIELD "ModifyUser" OF "ECSLXMLHed": character DESCRIPTION "Modify User" LABEL
"Modify User"
FIELD "CreateDate" OF "ECSLXMLHed": date DESCRIPTION "Create Date" LABEL "Create
FIELD "ModifyDate" OF "ECSLXMLHed": date DESCRIPTION "Modify Date" LABEL "Modify


FIELD "Company" OF "ECSYST": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "autoPost" OF "ECSYST": logical DESCRIPTION "auto post " LABEL "Auto Post"
FIELD "UseDftShipTo" OF "ECSYST": logical DESCRIPTION "use default ship to" LABEL
"Use Default ShipTo"
FIELD "HoldOrders" OF "ECSYST": logical DESCRIPTION "Hold Orders" LABEL "Hold
FIELD "ImportFile" OF "ECSYST": character DESCRIPTION "The location where Vantage
will look to find import files from th is translator."
FIELD "ExportFile" OF "ECSYST": character DESCRIPTION "The location the export file
[exported from Vantage] will be writ ten."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ECSYST": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ECSYST": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ECSYST": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "EDIASN" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "ASN table for EDI transactions."
FIELD "Company" OF "EDIASN": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "Test" OF "EDIASN": logical DESCRIPTION "Test or production record." LABEL
FIELD "PackNum" OF "EDIASN": integer DESCRIPTION "When creating a new packing slip,
the user is prompted for a pack ing slip number. If the field is left blank, the
next available # is assigned b y the system. The system generates a number by
finding the last ShipHead on fil e and uses its PackNum + 1." LABEL "Packing Slip"
FIELD "OrderNum" OF "EDIASN": integer DESCRIPTION "When creating a new order the
user is prompted for an order numbe r. If the field is left blank, the next
available # is assigned by the system. T he system generates a number by finding
the order # of the last record on file a nd then a 1 to it. " LABEL "Order"
FIELD "CustNum" OF "EDIASN": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer assigned by the
system to new customers by the customer maintenance program. This field is used as
the foreign key to identify the customer in other files such as OrderHed or
InvcHead. The end user should n ever need to know about the value of this field. "
LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "DateCreated" OF "EDIASN": date DESCRIPTION "Creation Date"
FIELD "Exported" OF "EDIASN": logical DESCRIPTION "Exported Flag"
FIELD "DateExported" OF "EDIASN": date DESCRIPTION "Export Date"
FIELD "Resend" OF "EDIASN": logical
FIELD "DateLastResend" OF "EDIASN": date DESCRIPTION "Last Resend Date"
FIELD "TradingPartID" OF "EDIASN": character DESCRIPTION "Trading partner ID."
LABEL "Trading Partner ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "EDIASN": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "EDIASN": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "EDIASN": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "EDIDemandDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "EDI Demand Schedule"

FIELD "Company" OF "EDIDemandDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company"
FIELD "EdiHedSeq" OF "EDIDemandDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "An integer assigned by
the system to uniquely identify the EdiDem andHed record. This integer is created
by the import. "
FIELD "EdiLineSeq" OF "EDIDemandDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique sequence to
identify the demand line records."
FIELD "EdiDtlSeq" OF "EDIDemandDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Detail Sequence Number"
FIELD "OrderNum" OF "EDIDemandDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Sales Order Number" LABEL
"Order Number"
FIELD "OrderLine" OF "EDIDemandDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Sales Order Line " LABEL
"Order Line"
FIELD "OrderRelNum" OF "EDIDemandDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Sales Order Release
Number" LABEL "Order Rel Number"
FIELD "PONum" OF "EDIDemandDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Purchase Order Contract
Number. This is the customer PO number of the Sales Order." LABEL "PO Number"
FIELD "ReqDate" OF "EDIDemandDtl": date DESCRIPTION "Required Date" LABEL "Required
FIELD "ReqQty" OF "EDIDemandDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Required Quantity" LABEL
"Required Qty"
FIELD "ShipToNum" OF "EDIDemandDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Customer Ship To
Number" LABEL "Ship To"
FIELD "ShipViaCode" OF "EDIDemandDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Ship Via Code" LABEL
"Ship Via"
FIELD "OpenRelease" OF "EDIDemandDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Open Release Flag"
LABEL "Open"
FIELD "FirmRelease" OF "EDIDemandDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Firm Release Flag"
LABEL "Firm"
FIELD "Make" OF "EDIDemandDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Make Flag" LABEL "Make"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "EDIDemandDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Part Number" LABEL "Part
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "EDIDemandDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number"
LABEL "Revision"
FIELD "TaxExempt" OF "EDIDemandDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Tax Exempt" LABEL "Tax
FIELD "ShpConNum" OF "EDIDemandDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Shipping contact person
number" LABEL "Shipping Contact"
FIELD "NeedByDate" OF "EDIDemandDtl": date DESCRIPTION "Date customer needs the
item to be delivered" LABEL "Need By"
FIELD "Reference" OF "EDIDemandDtl": character DESCRIPTION "EDI Reference" LABEL
FIELD "ShippedQty" OF "EDIDemandDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Shipped Quantity" LABEL
"Shipped Qty"
FIELD "CumeQty" OF "EDIDemandDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Cummulative Quantity" LABEL
"Cum Qty"
FIELD "CumeDate" OF "EDIDemandDtl": date DESCRIPTION "Cummulative Date" LABEL "CUM
FIELD "JobNum" OF "EDIDemandDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Job number" LABEL "Job
FIELD "Post" OF "EDIDemandDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this record marked to be
posted." LABEL "Post"
FIELD "Posted" OF "EDIDemandDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Has this been posted."
FIELD "PostedDate" OF "EDIDemandDtl": date DESCRIPTION "Date of when record was
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "EDIDemandDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "EDIDemandDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "EDIDemandDtl": integer
DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit
Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "EDIDemandHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "EDI Demand Header"

FIELD "Company" OF "EDIDemandHed": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company"
FIELD "DemandType" OF "EDIDemandHed": character DESCRIPTION "Demand Type - F =
Forecast, O = Sales Order." LABEL "Demand Type"
FIELD "Test" OF "EDIDemandHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Test or production record."
LABEL "Test"
FIELD "OrderNum" OF "EDIDemandHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Order number, none if 830
into Forecast." LABEL "Order Number"
FIELD "CustNum" OF "EDIDemandHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Customer number." LABEL
FIELD "TradingPartID" OF "EDIDemandHed": character DESCRIPTION "Trading partner
ID." LABEL "Trading Partner ID"
FIELD "PONum" OF "EDIDemandHed": character DESCRIPTION "PO Number." LABEL "PO
FIELD "OrderHeld" OF "EDIDemandHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Order held?" LABEL "On
FIELD "ShipToNum" OF "EDIDemandHed": character DESCRIPTION "Ship to number." LABEL
"Ship To"
FIELD "EDIShipToNum" OF "EDIDemandHed": character DESCRIPTION "EDI ship to number.
link to customer N1/STrecord." LABEL "EDI Ship To Number"
FIELD "RequestDate" OF "EDIDemandHed": date DESCRIPTION "Request date. Available
for map but not required for Vantage." LABEL "Request Date"
FIELD "OrderDate" OF "EDIDemandHed": date DESCRIPTION "Inbound order date." LABEL
"Order Date"
FIELD "AckDate" OF "EDIDemandHed": date DESCRIPTION "Acknowledge creation date."
LABEL "Acknowledge Created"
FIELD "AckDateExp" OF "EDIDemandHed": date DESCRIPTION "Acknowledgement export
date." LABEL "Acknowledge Exported"
FIELD "ChgOrderDate" OF "EDIDemandHed": date DESCRIPTION "Change Order Date." LABEL
"Change Order Date"
FIELD "ChgOrdSeq" OF "EDIDemandHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Change Order Seq." LABEL
"Change Order Seq"
FIELD "ShipViaCode" OF "EDIDemandHed": character DESCRIPTION "Ship via code" LABEL
"Ship Via"
FIELD "TermsCode" OF "EDIDemandHed": character DESCRIPTION "terms ID" LABEL "Terms"

FIELD "DiscountPercent" OF "EDIDemandHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Discount Percent"

LABEL "Discount Percent"
FIELD "ProConNum" OF "EDIDemandHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Purch contact number."
LABEL "Purchasing Contact Num"
FIELD "ShpConNum" OF "EDIDemandHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Shipping contact number."
LABEL "Shipping Contact Num"
FIELD "SalesRepList" OF "EDIDemandHed": character DESCRIPTION "Sales reps" LABEL
"Sales Rep"
FIELD "OrderComment" OF "EDIDemandHed": character DESCRIPTION "Order comment" LABEL
"Order Comment" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "ShipComment" OF "EDIDemandHed": character DESCRIPTION "Shipping comment."
LABEL "Shipping Comment"
FIELD "InvoiceComment" OF "EDIDemandHed": character DESCRIPTION "Invoice comment."
LABEL "Invoice Comment"
FIELD "PickListComment" OF "EDIDemandHed": character DESCRIPTION "Pick list
comment." LABEL "Pick List Comment"
FIELD "NeedByDate" OF "EDIDemandHed": date DESCRIPTION "Need by date." LABEL "Need
FIELD "ImportDate" OF "EDIDemandHed": date DESCRIPTION "Import Date" LABEL "Import
FIELD "PostedDate" OF "EDIDemandHed": date DESCRIPTION "Posted Date" LABEL "Posted
FIELD "Posted" OF "EDIDemandHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Posted Flag" LABEL "Posted"
FIELD "Send" OF "EDIDemandHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Send the outbound (yes/no)
record? Use this flag to mark what the user wants sent." LABEL "Send"
FIELD "Post" OF "EDIDemandHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Post this inbound record? Use
this to mark what gets posted on th e inbound." LABEL "Post"
FIELD "EdiHedSeq" OF "EDIDemandHed": integer DESCRIPTION "An integer assigned by
the system to uniquely identify the EdiDem
andHed record. This integer is created by the import. "
FIELD "EDIDocNum" OF "EDIDemandHed": character DESCRIPTION "EDI Document Number
such as 850, 850, 850 and so forth."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "EDIDemandHed": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "EDIDemandHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "EDIDemandHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "CustOrder" ON "EDIDemandHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Customer Order"

INDEX "CustPO" ON "EDIDemandHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Customer PO"

INDEX "Order" ON "EDIDemandHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "OrderNum"

TABLE "EDIDemandLine" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Edi detail line similar to
FIELD "Company" OF "EDIDemandLine": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company"
FIELD "OrderNum" OF "EDIDemandLine": integer DESCRIPTION "Order number, none if 830
into Forecast." LABEL "Order Number"
FIELD "OrderLine" OF "EDIDemandLine": integer DESCRIPTION "Order Line" LABEL "Line"

FIELD "ChgLineType" OF "EDIDemandLine": character DESCRIPTION "Change line type for

LABEL "Change Line Type"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "EDIDemandLine": character DESCRIPTION "Part Number" LABEL "Part
FIELD "LineDescription" OF "EDIDemandLine": character DESCRIPTION "Line
Description" LABEL "Description"
FIELD "Reference" OF "EDIDemandLine": character DESCRIPTION "EDI Reference" LABEL
FIELD "VendUM" OF "EDIDemandLine": character DESCRIPTION "Vendor UM" LABEL "UM"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "EDIDemandLine": character DESCRIPTION "Revision Number"
LABEL "Revision"
FIELD "PONum" OF "EDIDemandLine": character DESCRIPTION "Customer PO Number" LABEL
"PO Number"
FIELD "POLineNum" OF "EDIDemandLine": character DESCRIPTION "Customer PO Line
Number" LABEL "PO Line"
FIELD "UnitPrice" OF "EDIDemandLine": decimal DESCRIPTION "Unit Price in base
currency" LABEL "Unit Price"
FIELD "LineQty" OF "EDIDemandLine": decimal DESCRIPTION "Line Quantity" LABEL "Qty"

FIELD "RequestDate" OF "EDIDemandLine": date DESCRIPTION "Request Date" LABEL

"Request Date"
FIELD "XPartNum" OF "EDIDemandLine": character DESCRIPTION "Customer Cross Part
Number" LABEL "Customer Part Number"
FIELD "XRevisionNum" OF "EDIDemandLine": character DESCRIPTION "Customer Cross Part
Revision Number"
LABEL "X Revision"
FIELD "XPartDesc" OF "EDIDemandLine": character DESCRIPTION "Customer Cross Part
FIELD "PricePerCode" OF "EDIDemandLine": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the
pricing per quantity."
FIELD "OrderComment" OF "EDIDemandLine": character DESCRIPTION "Sales Order
Comment" LABEL "Order Comment"
FIELD "ShipComment" OF "EDIDemandLine": character DESCRIPTION "Shipping Comment"
LABEL "Ship Comment"
FIELD "InvoiceComment" OF "EDIDemandLine": character DESCRIPTION "Invoice Comment"
LABEL "Invoice Comment"
FIELD "PickListComment" OF "EDIDemandLine": character DESCRIPTION "Pick List
Comment" LABEL "Pick List Comment"
FIELD "QuoteNum" OF "EDIDemandLine": integer DESCRIPTION "Quote Number" LABEL
"Quote Number"
FIELD "QuoteLine" OF "EDIDemandLine": integer DESCRIPTION "Quote Line" LABEL "Quote
FIELD "NeedByDate" OF "EDIDemandLine": date DESCRIPTION "Need By Date" LABEL "Need
By Date"
FIELD "CustNum" OF "EDIDemandLine": integer DESCRIPTION "Customer number" LABEL
"Customer Number"
FIELD "BasePartNum" OF "EDIDemandLine": character DESCRIPTION "Base Part Number.
Used in the configurator to identify the config urator part Number." LABEL "Base
FIELD "SalesUM" OF "EDIDemandLine": character DESCRIPTION "Sales UOM" LABEL "Sales
FIELD "SalesFactor" OF "EDIDemandLine": decimal DESCRIPTION "Sales Factor" LABEL
"Sales Factor"
FIELD "SalesQuantity" OF "EDIDemandLine": decimal DESCRIPTION "Sales Quantity"
LABEL "Sales Qty"
FIELD "CUMQuantity" OF "EDIDemandLine": decimal DESCRIPTION "Summary of the total
CUM quantities from the related EDIDemandDtl records." LABEL "CUM Qty"
FIELD "MiscCode" OF "EDIDemandLine": character DESCRIPTION "Miscellaneous Charge
FIELD "Description" OF "EDIDemandLine": character DESCRIPTION "Description" LABEL
"Misc Description"
FIELD "MiscAmt" OF "EDIDemandLine": decimal DESCRIPTION "Miscellaneous Amount"
FIELD "EdiHedSeq" OF "EDIDemandLine": integer DESCRIPTION "An integer assigned by
the system to uniquely identify the EdiDem andHed record. This integer is created
by the import. "
FIELD "EDILineSeq" OF "EDIDemandLine": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique sequence to
identify the demand line records."
FIELD "SalesFactorDirection" OF "EDIDemandLine": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
how Factor is used in calculations. If M (multiply), t he Factor is multiplied, if
D (divide) the factor is divided." LABEL "Sales Factor Direction" COLUMN-LABEL
"Sales Factor Direction"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "EDIDemandLine": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "EDIDemandLine": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "EDIDemandLine": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "EDIHist" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "An EDIHist record exists for each
EDI document that was sent. Th is is to prevent EDI documents from being resent. "
FIELD "Company" OF "EDIHist": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "DocType" OF "EDIHist": character DESCRIPTION "The EDI Document Type. Valid
values are defined in EDIDEFS.I. "
FIELD "DocNum" OF "EDIHist": integer DESCRIPTION "The document number. If the
document type is an 810 (an Invoice) , the DocNum is the InvcHead.InvoiceNum. If
the document type is an 856 (a Ship ping Notice), the DocNum is the
FIELD "LineNum" OF "EDIHist": integer DESCRIPTION "If the DocType = 856 then this
is the ShipDtl.PackLine, else it i s 0. "
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "EDIHist": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "EDIHist": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "EDIHist": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "EDIINV" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Used by the EDI interface. "
FIELD "Company" OF "EDIINV": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "InvoiceNum" OF "EDIINV": integer DESCRIPTION "If this field is left blank
the system assigns the next available #. The next available # is the greater of
last # on file plus one or the XaSyst .StartInvNum." LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "OrderNum" OF "EDIINV": integer DESCRIPTION "When creating a new order the
user is prompted for an order numbe r. If the field is left blank, the next
available # is assigned by the system. T he system generates a number by finding
the order # of the last record on file a nd then a 1 to it.
FIELD "CustNum" OF "EDIINV": integer DESCRIPTION "The CustNum field is the internal
# that is used to link the invo ice to the Customer master file. This field is not
directly maintained by the u ser. In most cases it will be duplicated from the
referenced OrderHed. For ""Mi scellaneous"" invoices the user can enter either a
Sales Order Number or a Custo mer ID which will supply the CustNum. " LABEL
FIELD "Date810Created" OF "EDIINV": date DESCRIPTION "Creation Date 810 "
FIELD "Exported" OF "EDIINV": logical DESCRIPTION "Exported Flag"
FIELD "DateExported" OF "EDIINV": date DESCRIPTION "Date Exported"
FIELD "Send" OF "EDIINV": logical DESCRIPTION "Send flag"
FIELD "DateLastSent" OF "EDIINV": date DESCRIPTION "Last Sent Date"
FIELD "InvoiceDate" OF "EDIINV": date DESCRIPTION "Invoice date is duplicated from
the InvcGrp record. " LABEL "Invoice Date"
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "EDIINV": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "EDIINV": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "EDIINV": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "EDITrnsl" AREA "Schema Area"

DESCRIPTION "Details for implementing an EDI translator. At least one EDI tra
nslator must be defined for any EDI to occur."
FIELD "Company" OF "EDITrnsl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "Name" OF "EDITrnsl": character DESCRIPTION "Name of the EDI translator. This
is the name that will be displa yed in the DDSL. Generally the name of the product
being used for the translati on of the EDI document to the Manufacturing System
FIELD "TranslatorID" OF "EDITrnsl": character DESCRIPTION "A character code which
identifies an EDI translator. Used for se lecting the program files which are
unique to a specific EDI translator. The na ming convention is EDx999yy, where x is
either I or E (Import or Export), 999 is the document number (ex: 810), and the yy
is the code defined in this field." LABEL "Translator"
FIELD "ExportProgram" OF "EDITrnsl": character DESCRIPTION "This command will be
executed to export the system documents to t he EDI translator."
FIELD "ImportFile" OF "EDITrnsl": character DESCRIPTION "The location where the
system will look to find import files from this translator."
FIELD "CustSupportNum" OF "EDITrnsl": character DESCRIPTION "Customer support
telephone number for the Translator software."
FIELD "Contact" OF "EDITrnsl": character DESCRIPTION "Vendor contact for the
Translator software."
FIELD "SerialNumber" OF "EDITrnsl": character DESCRIPTION "Serial number for this
translator supplier's software. Often use ful for getting customer support."
FIELD "ExportFile" OF "EDITrnsl": character DESCRIPTION "The location the export
file exported from the system will be wri tten to."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "EDITrnsl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "EDITrnsl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "EDITrnsl": integer
DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit
Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "EDIIDX" ON "EDITrnsl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The primary index for
the EDITrnsl table."

TABLE "EduLicense" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Education License Table"

FIELD "EduLicenseID" OF "EduLicense": integer DESCRIPTION "Education License ID"
FIELD "LicenseKey" OF "EduLicense": character DESCRIPTION "Education License Key"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "EduLicense": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "EduLicense": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "Company" OF "EduLicense": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."

TABLE "EduLicenseToken" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Education License Token"

FIELD "EduLicenseID" OF "EduLicenseToken": integer DESCRIPTION "Education License
FIELD "SessionID" OF "EduLicenseToken": character DESCRIPTION "Session ID" LABEL
"Session ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Session ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "EduLicenseToken": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "EduLicenseToken": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "Company" OF "EduLicenseToken": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."

TABLE "EFTHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Table to store main information for
the export file template"
FIELD "EFTHeadUID" OF "EFTHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the EFT"

FIELD "Name" OF "EFTHead": character DESCRIPTION "Short name of the interface, it

should be unique"
FIELD "Type" OF "EFTHead": integer DESCRIPTION "The type of interface with the
following options: ? 0 = Bank Interface AP ? 1 = Tax Reporting ? 2 = IntraStat
Reporting ? 3 = EU Sales List Reporting ? 4 = Bank Interface AR ? 5 = Bank
Interface Payroll "
FIELD "Program" OF "EFTHead": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the plug-in program
name that shall be used for this in terface."
FIELD "Description" OF "EFTHead": character DESCRIPTION "Internal description of
the interface, only shown in interface ma intenance form."
FIELD "IsSystem" OF "EFTHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that it?s an
interface delivered with the system. Syste m interfaces shall be read-only"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "EFTHead": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "EFTHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "Company" OF "EFTHead": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "EFTHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalEFTHead" OF "EFTHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this EFTHead as
global, available to be sent out to other c ompanies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "EFTHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."

TABLE "EFTProp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "to store information about
properties of the export file template "
FIELD "EFTHeadUID" OF "EFTProp": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the EFT"

FIELD "EFTPropUID" OF "EFTProp": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the EFT

FIELD "Name" OF "EFTProp": character DESCRIPTION "Short name of the property, it
should be unique for the particula r template"
FIELD "Type" OF "EFTProp": character DESCRIPTION "This is the type of the property
and we need to support some of t he most common types as: String Decimal List (List
of values defined in separate table) Logical (will show a check box for true or
false) Date "
FIELD "MaxLength" OF "EFTProp": integer DESCRIPTION "The total length of the field"

FIELD "MinLength" OF "EFTProp": integer DESCRIPTION "The minimum length"

FIELD "NumDec" OF "EFTProp": integer DESCRIPTION "The number of decimals"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "EFTProp": character DESCRIPTION "System row ID - GUID"
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "EFTProp": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "Company" OF "EFTProp": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "EFTProp": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalEFTProp" OF "EFTProp": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this EFTProp as
global, available to be sent out to other c ompanies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "EFTProp": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."

TABLE "EFTPropVal" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Table to store information about
properties values of the export file template"
FIELD "EFTHeadUID" OF "EFTPropVal": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the
FIELD "EFTPropValUID" OF "EFTPropVal": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of
the EFT property value"
FIELD "EFTPropUID" OF "EFTPropVal": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the
EFT property."
FIELD "PropValue" OF "EFTPropVal": character DESCRIPTION "Property Value, always
defined as string value"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "EFTPropVal": character DESCRIPTION "System row ID - GUID"
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "EFTPropVal": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "Company" OF "EFTPropVal": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "EFTPropVal": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
TABLE "EKeyLog" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Encryption Key Log" DESCRIPTION "The
table contains a log of every attempt to change the encryptio n key"
FIELD "Company" OF "EKeyLog": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "LogNum" OF "EKeyLog": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique Key for table" LABEL "Log
FIELD "LastRunDate" OF "EKeyLog": date DESCRIPTION "Date the encryption process was
last run" LABEL "Last Run Date"
FIELD "RunStatus" OF "EKeyLog": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the re-
encryption process was sucessful or not" LABEL "Status"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "EKeyLog": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "EKeyLog": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "EKeyLog": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "ElectronicReport" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Table to store information

about the electronic reports setting."
FIELD "Company" OF "ElectronicReport": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "EFTHeadUID" OF "ElectronicReport": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of
the EFT. Related to EFTHead.EFTHeadUID."
FIELD "OutputFile" OF "ElectronicReport": character DESCRIPTION "This will be the
default filename for the output file created by the electronic interface"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ElectronicReport": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ElectronicReport": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ElectronicReport": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "ElectronicReportProp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Table to store

properies values for the specified electronic inte rface."
FIELD "Company" OF "ElectronicReportProp": character DESCRIPTION "Company
FIELD "EFTHeadUID" OF "ElectronicReportProp": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique
identifier of the EFT. Related to EFTHead.EFTHeadUID."
FIELD "EFTPropUID" OF "ElectronicReportProp": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique
identifier of the EFT property. Related to EFTProp.EFTProp UID."
FIELD "PropValue" OF "ElectronicReportProp": character DESCRIPTION "Property Value,
always defined as string value"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ElectronicReportProp": character DESCRIPTION "Unique
identifier for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ElectronicReportProp": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision
identifier for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ElectronicReportProp": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "EmpBasic" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Basic Employee Master Information
used by Job Costing.
FIELD "Company" OF "EmpBasic": character
DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "EmpID" OF "EmpBasic": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code assigned by
user which uniquely identifies a sho pfloor employee master record. Can't be blank.
This is used as a foreign key in other files and may be used in displays/reports
where space for the full descri ption is limited. " LABEL "ID"
FIELD "Name" OF "EmpBasic": character DESCRIPTION "This is the employee's full
name. This is not directly maintainab le. It is a concatenation of the FirstName +
MiddleInitial + LastName fields. It exists so that it can be used in browses or
where ever the complete name in a f irst, middle, last fashion is required. " LABEL
FIELD "Address" OF "EmpBasic": character DESCRIPTION "First Address Line" LABEL
FIELD "City" OF "EmpBasic": character DESCRIPTION "City portion of address"
FIELD "ZIP" OF "EmpBasic": character DESCRIPTION "Postal Code or Zip code portion
of address" LABEL "Postal Code"
FIELD "Phone" OF "EmpBasic": character DESCRIPTION "Home phone number"
FIELD "EmgPhone" OF "EmpBasic": character DESCRIPTION "Emergency Phone number"
LABEL "Emg Phone"
FIELD "Shift" OF "EmpBasic": integer DESCRIPTION "Normal work shift. "
FIELD "LaborRate" OF "EmpBasic": decimal DESCRIPTION "Labor rate that is used for
Job Costing. " LABEL "Labor Rate"
FIELD "Payroll" OF "EmpBasic": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this employee is
should be paid through the Manufact uring System payroll module. This does not mean
they have been setup in payroll , only that they should be. Once setup in payroll
(existence of corresponding PREmpMas record) this field ca nnot be changed. "
FIELD "EmpStatus" OF "EmpBasic": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the employment
status. Can be A-Active, I-InActive or T -Terminated." LABEL "Status"
FIELD "State" OF "EmpBasic": character DESCRIPTION "Home State. Can be blank."
LABEL "State/Prov" COLUMN-LABEL "State/Province"
FIELD "ExpenseCode" OF "EmpBasic": character DESCRIPTION "The default expense code
that will be for direct labor hours repo rted by this employee. This must be valid
in the LabExpCd master file. This will be used unless labor is reported where the
JobHead.ExpenseCode is not blank." LABEL "Direct Labor Expense"
FIELD "FirstName" OF "EmpBasic": character DESCRIPTION "First name of employee."
LABEL "First Name"
FIELD "MiddleInitial" OF "EmpBasic": character DESCRIPTION "Middle name of
employee." LABEL "Middle Name"
FIELD "LastName" OF "EmpBasic": character DESCRIPTION "Last name of employee "
LABEL "Last Name"
FIELD "Country" OF "EmpBasic": character DESCRIPTION "Country is used as part of
the mailing address. It can be left bl ank. " LABEL "Country"
FIELD "PRSetupReq" OF "EmpBasic": logical DESCRIPTION "An internally assigned flag
that Indicates if the employee needs to be established in payroll. (Existence of
PREmpMas). This flag is used to allo w payroll employee maintenance view new
employees created by job costing that we re flagged as being ""Payroll""
FIELD "PhotoFile" OF "EmpBasic": character DESCRIPTION "Name of file that contains
the employee's photo image. This can be blank (no photo available). Employee photos
are stored in the following dire ctory structure ManufacturingSystem\Emphoto\
(Company ID). directory " LABEL "Photo File"
FIELD "JCDept" OF "EmpBasic": character DESCRIPTION "The Job Department in which
the employee works work was done. An optional field. If entered must be valid in
JCDept table. Used by data collection in the ""Work Que"" window to provide a
default departme nt to view. "
LABEL "Dept"
FIELD "EmgContact" OF "EmpBasic": character DESCRIPTION "Emergency contact name."
LABEL "Emg Contact"
FIELD "Address2" OF "EmpBasic": character DESCRIPTION "Second Address Line" LABEL
"Address 2"
FIELD "SupervisorID" OF "EmpBasic": character DESCRIPTION "The ID of the Supervisor
for the employee. The Supervisor ID is actually the EmpID used for supervisor's
PREmpMas record. Validation: Can't be blank, if entered must be found in the
PREmpMas file. " LABEL "Supervisor ID"
FIELD "CountryNum" OF "EmpBasic": integer DESCRIPTION "Country part of address.
This field is in sync with the Country f ield. It must be a valid entry in the
Country table." LABEL "Country Number"
FIELD "ServTech" OF "EmpBasic": logical DESCRIPTION "This person usually goes out
on service calls" LABEL "Service Technician"
FIELD "EMailAddress" OF "EmpBasic": character DESCRIPTION "E-mail address of the
FIELD "DcdUserID" OF "EmpBasic": character DESCRIPTION "Links the employee to a
UserID. This link is used by the Shop Fl oor Menu(SFM). In the SFM, the user signs
on with their employee id instead of a User id. This link grants the menu security
authorizations of the User to the employee. It also defines the language to be
used. Note: An employee can only be related to one UserFile record. Each UserFile,
can be related to many employees. Therefore, you might set up a few generic Users
per language, or based on security levels or you might set up a user for each em
ployee. Note: Many transactions, are stamped with the UserID, thus if you use ge
neric users you will be tracking to the individual employee. This field is
OPTIONAL. However, employee will not be allowed to login to the SF M without a
being linked to a UserID. Also, the company of the employee must be an authorized
company of the user. This is validated by the finding a record in UserComp table,
using EmpBasic.Company, EmpBasic.DCDUserID." LABEL "User ID" COLUMN-LABEL "User ID"

FIELD "ProductionWorker" OF "EmpBasic": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this

employee works on the manufacturing line. This must be checked for employee to use
the Shop Floor Menu production options." LABEL "Production Worker"
FIELD "MaterialHandler" OF "EmpBasic": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
employee is a material handler. This must be ch ecked for employee to use the Shop
Floor Menu material handler options." LABEL "Material Handler"
FIELD "ShopSupervisor" OF "EmpBasic": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
employee is a shop supervisor. This must be che cked for employee to use the Shop
Floor Menu Supervisor options." LABEL "Shop Supervsior"
FIELD "CanReportQty" OF "EmpBasic": logical DESCRIPTION "Pertains to Data
Collection only. Indicates if the employee is allowed report completed quantities."
LABEL "Report Quantity"
FIELD "CanOverrideJob" OF "EmpBasic": logical DESCRIPTION "Pertains to Data
Collection only. Indicates if the job/asm/opr can be overriden when reporting
completed quantity. If NO, then they will only be allowed to report against a
job/asm/opr that the y are currently working on (active labordtl record ) or where
the job is open an d the operation is marked as ""quantity only"" reporting . If
YES, they can ent er the quantity for any open job without first having to do a
start activity fun ction. ( See also EmpBasic.CanReportQty ) " LABEL "Override Job"

FIELD "CanRequestMaterial" OF "EmpBasic": logical DESCRIPTION "Pertains to Data

Collection/Advanced Material Management only. Indicates if the employee is allowed
make requests for materials." LABEL "Request Material"
FIELD "CanReportScrapQty" OF "EmpBasic": logical DESCRIPTION "Pertains to Data
Collection only. Indicates if the employee is allowed report scrap quantities."
LABEL "Report Scrap Quantity"
FIELD "CanReportNCQty" OF "EmpBasic": logical DESCRIPTION "Pertains to Data
Collection only. Indicates if the employee is allowed report nonconformance
quantities." LABEL "Report Non-Conf Quantity"
FIELD "ShipRecv" OF "EmpBasic": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this employee is
a Shipping/Receiving worker. This m ust be checked for employee to use the Shop
Floor Menu Shipping/Receiving option s." LABEL "Shipping/Receiving"
FIELD "CnvEmpID" OF "EmpBasic": DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code pfloor employee
master record. other files and may be used in ption is limited. " character
assigned by user which uniquely identifies a sho Can't be blank. This is used as a
foreign key in displays/reports where space for the full descri
LABEL "Conversion Emp ID"
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "EmpBasic": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "EmpBasic": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "CanOverrideAllocations" OF "EmpBasic": logical DESCRIPTION "Employee is able
to override a hard allocation against inventory and select it from another Bin
during the process of picking and packing orders, as long as it is not allocated to
another Sales Order, Job or Transfer Order." LABEL "Can Override Allocation Bin"
FIELD "WarehouseManager" OF "EmpBasic": logical DESCRIPTION "A warehouse manager
has the access to the Manager's Queue tab in the Material Request Queue." LABEL
"Warehouse Manager"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "EmpBasic": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "AllowDirLbr" OF "EmpBasic": logical DESCRIPTION "If false the shop employee
will not be allowed to book time to ma nufacturing jobs." LABEL "Allowed to Book to
Direct Jobs"
FIELD "ContractEmp" OF "EmpBasic": logical DESCRIPTION "True indicates that the
shop employee is on contract rather than paid via the payroll. This flag is then
used in the advanced billing invoice pre paration process. " LABEL "Contract
FIELD "ResourceGrpID" OF "EmpBasic": character DESCRIPTION "Resource Group ID for
this employee, only allowed if the Project Billing module licensed." LABEL
"Resource Group"
FIELD "ResourceID" OF "EmpBasic": character DESCRIPTION "Resource D for this
employee, only allowed if the Project Billing module licensed." LABEL "Resource"
FIELD "TimeWFGroupID" OF "EmpBasic": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of
the workflow group for this employee's Time transactions."
LABEL "Time Workflow Group"
FIELD "ExpenseWFGroupID" OF "EmpBasic": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of
the workflow group for this employee's Expen se transactions." LABEL "Expense
Workflow Group"
FIELD "PerConID" OF "EmpBasic": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for a PerCon
record." LABEL "PerConID"
FIELD "SyncNameToPerCon" OF "EmpBasic": logical DESCRIPTION "Default to True. If
unchecked then changes to the Name fields on PerCon won't affect this record and
vice versa."
FIELD "SyncAddressToPerCon" OF "EmpBasic": logical DESCRIPTION "Default to True. If
unchecked then changes to the Address fields on PerCon won't affect this record and
visa versa."
FIELD "SyncPhoneToPerCon" OF "EmpBasic": logical DESCRIPTION "Default to True. If
unchecked then changes to the Phone fields on PerCon won't affect this record and
vice versa."
FIELD "SyncEmailToPerCon" OF "EmpBasic": logical DESCRIPTION "Default to True. If
unchecked then changes to the email fields on PerCon won't affect this record and
vice versa."
FIELD "ExpenseEntryAllowed" OF "EmpBasic": logical DESCRIPTION "This value will be
true if the Employee is allowed to enter Expen se." LABEL "Expense Entry"
FIELD "ExpenseVendorNum" OF "EmpBasic": integer DESCRIPTION "The Supplier Number
associated to the Employee for Expense entry. " LABEL "Supplier Number"
FIELD "CanEnterIndirectTime" OF "EmpBasic": logical DESCRIPTION "Pertains to Time
Management. Maintains whether the employee is allowed to enter Indirect time."
LABEL "Indirect Time"
FIELD "CanEnterSetupTime" OF "EmpBasic": logical DESCRIPTION "Pertains to Time
Management. Maintains whether the employee is allowed to enter Setup time." LABEL
"Setup Time"
FIELD "CanEnterProjectTime" OF "EmpBasic": logical DESCRIPTION "Pertains to Time
Maintains whether the employee is allowed to enter Project time." LABEL "Project
FIELD "CanEnterProductionTime" OF "EmpBasic": logical DESCRIPTION "Pertains to Time
Management. Maintains whether the employee is allowed to enter Production time."
LABEL "Production Time"
FIELD "CanEnterServiceTime" OF "EmpBasic": logical DESCRIPTION "Pertains to Time
Management. Maintains whether the employee is allowed to enter Service time." LABEL
"Service Time"
FIELD "TimeAutoApprove" OF "EmpBasic": logical DESCRIPTION "Time transactions for
the employee requiring employee approval lo gic will automatically be approved."
LABEL "Time Auto Approve" COLUMN-LABEL "Time Auto Approve"
FIELD "ExpenseAutoApprove" OF "EmpBasic": logical DESCRIPTION "Expense transactions
for the employee requiring employee approval logic will automatically be approved."
LABEL "Expense Auto Approve" COLUMN-LABEL "Expense Auto Approve"
FIELD "MobileUserPassword" OF "EmpBasic": character DESCRIPTION "Mobile Password"
LABEL "Mobile Device Password"
INDEX "FirstName" ON "EmpBasic" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Organizes the
Employee master file by First Name ... used in sear ches..."
INDEX "LastName" ON "EmpBasic" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index that organizes
the employees by last name."

TABLE "EmpCal" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Relates a Production (Work) Calendar
to an Employee and is a chil d table of EmpBasic. "
FIELD "Company" OF "EmpCal": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "EmpID" OF "EmpCal": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code assigned by user
which uniquely identifies a sho pfloor employee master record. Can't be blank. This
is used as a foreign key in other files and may be used in displays/reports where
space for the full descri
ption is limited. " LABEL "ID"
FIELD "CalendarID" OF "EmpCal": character DESCRIPTION "Epmloyee Calendar ID" LABEL
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "EmpCal": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "EmpCal": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "EmpCal": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ToEffectiveDate" OF "EmpCal": date DESCRIPTION "To Effective Date of this
Calendar for this Employee. Value is n ot required." LABEL "To Effective Date"
FIELD "FromEffectiveDate" OF "EmpCal": date DESCRIPTION "From Effective Date of
this Calendar for this Employee. The valu e must be unique per
Company/Employee/Calendar. This value cannot be changed af ter the initial save."
LABEL "From Effective Date" COLUMN-LABEL ""

TABLE "EmpCourse" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table would hold the courses
that an employee have requested or attended."
FIELD "Company" OF "EmpCourse": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "EmpCourseID" OF "EmpCourse": integer DESCRIPTION "The technical identifier."

FIELD "CourseID" OF "EmpCourse": character DESCRIPTION "The Training Course ID."

LABEL "Course ID"
FIELD "RevisionCode" OF "EmpCourse": character DESCRIPTION "The Course Revision
Code." LABEL "Course Revision"
FIELD "StartDate" OF "EmpCourse": date DESCRIPTION "The start date." LABEL "Start
FIELD "EndDate" OF "EmpCourse": date DESCRIPTION "The end date." LABEL "End Date"
FIELD "EmpID" OF "EmpCourse": character DESCRIPTION "The employee ID attending the
course." LABEL "Employee ID"
FIELD "CourseStatus" OF "EmpCourse": character DESCRIPTION "The employee course
status. Default = R. Possible values: R = Req uested, P = Planned, F = Firm, A =
Attended." LABEL "Course Status"
FIELD "MaterialCost" OF "EmpCourse": decimal DESCRIPTION "The cost of the training
course materials for the employee." LABEL "Material Cost"
FIELD "Expenses" OF "EmpCourse": decimal DESCRIPTION "The employee's expenses
whilst attending the course." LABEL "Course Expenses"
FIELD "CostReimbursed" OF "EmpCourse": logical DESCRIPTION "This flag is used to
indicate if the expenses have been reimburse d. Setting this field to true does NOT
automatically pay the employee expenses." LABEL "Cost Reimbursed"
FIELD "CourseResult" OF "EmpCourse": character DESCRIPTION "This will contain any
Reason Code that has a Reason Code Type set to U - Course Result." LABEL "Course
FIELD "Passed" OF "EmpCourse": logical DESCRIPTION "This will default to value
defined against the selected Course Re sult. If no Course Result is selected then
this field will be set to false." LABEL "Passed"
FIELD "Comments" OF "EmpCourse": character DESCRIPTION "The employee training
course results comments." LABEL "Result Comments"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "EmpCourse": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "EmpCourse": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "EmpCourse": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "PrimInd" ON "EmpCourse" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The primary index."

TABLE "EmpExpense" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "EmpExpense" DESCRIPTION "Employee

Expense table"
FIELD "Company" OF "EmpExpense": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "EmpID" OF "EmpExpense": character DESCRIPTION "The employee the expense
record is for." LABEL "Employee ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Employee ID"
FIELD "ExpenseDate" OF "EmpExpense": date DESCRIPTION "The date of the expense."
LABEL "Expense Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Expense Date"
FIELD "ClaimRef" OF "EmpExpense": character DESCRIPTION "Brief description of the
expense. Can be used to group expense e ntries together, for example, all time
entries incurred on the same trip can be assigned the same reference." LABEL "Claim
Reference" COLUMN-LABEL "Claim Reference"
FIELD "QuickEntryCode" OF "EmpExpense": character DESCRIPTION "Quick entry code.
Reference to the QuickEntry table. Can be use d to default information into the
expense record." LABEL "Quick Entry Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Quick Entry Code"
FIELD "Indirect" OF "EmpExpense": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the expense is
related to a project. A value of tru e indicates the record is not related to a
project." LABEL "Indirect" COLUMN-LABEL "Indirect"
FIELD "ProjectID" OF "EmpExpense": character DESCRIPTION "The project the expense
is related to." LABEL "Project ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Project ID"
FIELD "PhaseID" OF "EmpExpense": character DESCRIPTION "The project phase the
expense is related to." LABEL "Project Phase" COLUMN-LABEL "Project Phase"
FIELD "PMUID" OF "EmpExpense": integer DESCRIPTION "The payment method of the
expense." LABEL "Pay Method UID" COLUMN-LABEL "Pay Method UID"
FIELD "Units" OF "EmpExpense": decimal DESCRIPTION "The number of units of this
expense." LABEL "Units" COLUMN-LABEL "Units"
FIELD "UnitRate" OF "EmpExpense": decimal DESCRIPTION "Rate per unit of the
expense." LABEL "Unit Rate" COLUMN-LABEL "Unit Rate"
FIELD "ExpCurrencyCode" OF "EmpExpense": character DESCRIPTION "The currency the
expense occurred in." LABEL "Expense Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Expense Currency
FIELD "TaxRegionCode" OF "EmpExpense": character DESCRIPTION "The Tax Region for
this expense." LABEL "Tax Region"
FIELD "DocExpenseTaxAmt" OF "EmpExpense": decimal DESCRIPTION "The tax of the
expense in the expense currency." LABEL "Tax Amt"
FIELD "DocExpenseAmt" OF "EmpExpense": decimal DESCRIPTION "The amount of the
expense in the expense currency." LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "TaxIncluded" OF "EmpExpense": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the expense
amount includes tax." LABEL "Tax Included" COLUMN-LABEL "Tax Included"
FIELD "DocTotalExpenseAmt" OF "EmpExpense": decimal DESCRIPTION "The total amount
of the expense in the expense currency. This va lue includes taxes."
LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "ExpenseStatus" OF "EmpExpense": character DESCRIPTION "The status of the
expense. Values are: Blank E - Entered S - Submitted P - Partially Approved A -
Approved R - Rejected" LABEL "Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Status"
FIELD "ChargeCurrencyCode" OF "EmpExpense": character DESCRIPTION "The charge
currency. This is derived from the currency on the re lated project." LABEL "Charge
Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Charge Currency Code"
FIELD "ChargeExchangeRate" OF "EmpExpense": decimal DESCRIPTION "The charge
exchange rate. This is derived from the exchange rate on the related project."
LABEL "Charge Exchange Rate" COLUMN-LABEL "Charge Exchange Rate"
FIELD "ChargeRateGrpCode" OF "EmpExpense": character DESCRIPTION "The charge rate
group code. This is derived from the rate group code on the related projec.t" LABEL
"Charge Rate Group Code"
FIELD "DocChargeAmt" OF "EmpExpense": decimal DESCRIPTION "The charge amount of the
expense in the charge currency." LABEL "Charge Amount"
FIELD "ApprovedDate" OF "EmpExpense": date DESCRIPTION "The date the expense
received final approval." LABEL "Approved Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Approved Date"
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "EmpExpense": integer DESCRIPTION "The supplier number used on
the employee of the expense." LABEL "Supplier Number"
FIELD "InvoiceNum" OF "EmpExpense": character DESCRIPTION "The ap invoice number
the expense was invoiced on." LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "InvoiceLine" OF "EmpExpense": integer DESCRIPTION "The invoice line created
for this expense." LABEL "Invoice Line"
FIELD "TaskSetID" OF "EmpExpense": character DESCRIPTION "Link to Task set" LABEL
"Task Set"
FIELD "IsReversal" OF "EmpExpense": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this expense
is a reversal (full or partial) of an e xisting expense." LABEL "Reversal" COLUMN-
LABEL "Reversal"
FIELD "CreatedBy" OF "EmpExpense": character DESCRIPTION "Userid of the user who
created the record." LABEL "Created By" COLUMN-LABEL "Created By"
FIELD "CreateDate" OF "EmpExpense": date DESCRIPTION "The date the record was
created." LABEL "Create Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Create Date"
FIELD "CreateTime" OF "EmpExpense": integer DESCRIPTION "The time the record was
created (in seconds since midnight)" LABEL "Create Time" COLUMN-LABEL "Create Time"

FIELD "ChangedBy" OF "EmpExpense": character DESCRIPTION "Userid of the user who

made the last change to this record." LABEL "Changed By" COLUMN-LABEL "Changed By"
FIELD "ChangeDate" OF "EmpExpense": date DESCRIPTION "The date the record was last
changed." LABEL "Change Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Change Date"
FIELD "ChangeTime" OF "EmpExpense": integer DESCRIPTION "The time the record was
last changed (in seconds since midnight)" LABEL "Change Time" COLUMN-LABEL "Change
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "EmpExpense": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "EmpExpense": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "EmpExpense": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record."
LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "UBFromEffectiveDate" OF "EmpExpense": date DESCRIPTION "The
FromEffectiveDate from ExpenseTypeUnitBased that was used to determine default
values for Units and UnitRate. This combined with ExpenseType Code point to a
unique ExpenseTypeUnitBased record." LABEL "Unit Based From Effective Date" COLUMN-
FIELD "EmpExpenseNum" OF "EmpExpense": integer DESCRIPTION "Internal identifier of
the EmpExpense record. This with EmpID ma kes the record unique." LABEL "Employee
Expense Num"
FIELD "ReversedExpenseNum" OF "EmpExpense": integer DESCRIPTION "Reversed Expense
Number" LABEL "Reversed Expense Num"
FIELD "ActiveTaskID" OF "EmpExpense": character DESCRIPTION "The Currently active
Stage changing task" LABEL "Active Task"
FIELD "LastTaskID" OF "EmpExpense": character DESCRIPTION "The Last Complete
Milestone task" LABEL "Last Task"
FIELD "ClaimCurrencyCode" OF "EmpExpense": character DESCRIPTION "The currency the
claim amounts are in." LABEL "Claim Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Claim Currency
FIELD "ClaimExchangeRate" OF "EmpExpense": decimal DESCRIPTION "The exchange rate
between the claim currency and the base currenc y based on expense date." LABEL
"Claim Exchange Rate" COLUMN-LABEL "Claim Exchange Rate"
FIELD "ClaimLockRate" OF "EmpExpense": logical DESCRIPTION "Used with the currency
module. When TRUE the claim currency rate can be changed by the user and cannot be
changed by the system. " LABEL "Lock"
FIELD "ClaimRateGrpCode" OF "EmpExpense": character DESCRIPTION "The claim rate
group code." LABEL "Rate Group Code"
FIELD "DocClaimTaxAmt" OF "EmpExpense": decimal DESCRIPTION "The tax of the claim
in the claim currency." LABEL "Tax Amt"
FIELD "DocClaimAmt" OF "EmpExpense": decimal DESCRIPTION "The amount of the claim
in the claim currency." LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "DocTotalClaimAmt" OF "EmpExpense": decimal DESCRIPTION "The total amount of
the claim in the claim currency. This value includes taxes." LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "MiscCode" OF "EmpExpense": character DESCRIPTION "The miscellaneous charge
code for this expense." LABEL "Charge ID"
FIELD "SubmittedBy" OF "EmpExpense": character DESCRIPTION "The user who submitted
the expense" LABEL "Submitted By" COLUMN-LABEL "Submitted By"
FIELD "CurrentWFStageID" OF "EmpExpense": character DESCRIPTION "The identifier of
the workflow stage." LABEL "Stage ID"
FIELD "WFGroupID" OF "EmpExpense": character DESCRIPTION "The identifier of the
workflow group" LABEL "Workflow Group"
FIELD "WFComplete" OF "EmpExpense": logical DESCRIPTION "This indicates if the
workflow for this group is complete." LABEL "Workflow Complete"
FIELD "ApprovalRequired" OF "EmpExpense": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
approval is required for this transaction." LABEL "Approval Required"
FIELD "TaxExempt" OF "EmpExpense": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the record
is tax exempt. If field is non-blank it is considered exempt. " LABEL "Tax Exempt"
COLUMN-LABEL "Exempt!Reason"
FIELD "GetDfltTaxIds" OF "EmpExpense": logical DESCRIPTION "If set to true, the tax
calculation logic will retrieve the defau lt SalesTax ids for the expense before
calculating taxes. It will also be reset to true if the TaxConnectCalc flag
switches from true to false."
FIELD "TaxConnectCalc" OF "EmpExpense": logical DESCRIPTION "If true, the
EmpExpenseTax records tied to this release are calcu lated using Tax Connect logic.
If false, taxes are calculated using the standar
d calc methods."
FIELD "DocExpWithholdAmt" OF "EmpExpense": decimal DESCRIPTION "Expense Withholding
Tax Amount. " LABEL "Expense Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "DocClaimWithholdAmt" OF "EmpExpense": decimal DESCRIPTION "Claim Withholding
Tax Amount. " LABEL "Claim Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "Reimbursable" OF "EmpExpense": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the expense
is reimbursable." LABEL "Reimbursable"
FIELD "DocChargeTaxAmt" OF "EmpExpense": decimal DESCRIPTION "The tax of the claim
in the charge currency." LABEL "Tax Amt"
FIELD "DocTotalChargeAmt" OF "EmpExpense": decimal DESCRIPTION "The total charge
amount in the charge currency. This value inclu des taxes." LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "ClaimToBaseExchangeRate" OF "EmpExpense": decimal DESCRIPTION "The exchange
rate between the claim currency and the base currenc y." LABEL "Claim To Base
Exchange Rate" COLUMN-LABEL "Claim To Base Exchange Rate"
FIELD "JobNum" OF "EmpExpense": character DESCRIPTION "Job Number of the misc
charge jobmtl record" LABEL "Job Number"
FIELD "AssemblySeq" OF "EmpExpense": integer DESCRIPTION "Assembly sequence number
of the misc charge jobmtl record" LABEL "Seq"
FIELD "MtlSeq" OF "EmpExpense": integer DESCRIPTION "Material sequence of the misc
charge jobmtl record" LABEL "Mtl"
FIELD "Invoiced" OF "EmpExpense": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the expense has
been invoiced." LABEL "Invoiced" COLUMN-LABEL "Invoiced"
FIELD "ExpCommentText" OF "EmpExpense": character DESCRIPTION "Expense Comment"
COLUMN-LABEL "Expense Comment"
FIELD "ExpCommentInstr" OF "EmpExpense": character DESCRIPTION "Expense Comment
Instruction" LABEL "Expense Comment Instruction"

TABLE "EmpExpenseComment" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "EmpExpenseComment" DESCRIPTION

"Employee Expense Comment table. Stores comments related to an Em pExpense record."

FIELD "Company" OF "EmpExpenseComment": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."

FIELD "CommentNum" OF "EmpExpenseComment": integer DESCRIPTION "Internal identifier

of the comment record. Used in conjunction w ith EmpExpenseNum to make the record
unique." LABEL "Comment Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Comment Number"
FIELD "CommentType" OF "EmpExpenseComment": character DESCRIPTION "The comment type
of this record. Values are: ""SUB"" Submit ""APP"" Approve ""REJ"" Reject" LABEL
"Comment Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Comment Type"
FIELD "CommentText" OF "EmpExpenseComment": character DESCRIPTION "The comment
text." LABEL "Comment Text" COLUMN-LABEL "Comment Text"
FIELD "CreatedBy" OF "EmpExpenseComment": character DESCRIPTION "Userid of the user
who created the record." LABEL "Created By" COLUMN-LABEL "Created By"
FIELD "CreateDate" OF "EmpExpenseComment": date DESCRIPTION "The date the record
was created." LABEL "Create Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Create Date"
FIELD "CreateTime" OF "EmpExpenseComment": integer DESCRIPTION "The time the record
was created (in seconds since midnight)" LABEL "Create Time" COLUMN-LABEL "Create
FIELD "ChangedBy" OF "EmpExpenseComment": character DESCRIPTION "Userid of the user
who made the last change to this record."
LABEL "Changed By" COLUMN-LABEL "Changed By"
FIELD "ChangeDate" OF "EmpExpenseComment": date DESCRIPTION "The date the record
was last changed." LABEL "Change Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Change Date"
FIELD "ChangeTime" OF "EmpExpenseComment": integer DESCRIPTION "The time the record
was last changed (in seconds since midnight)" LABEL "Change Time" COLUMN-LABEL
"Change Time"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "EmpExpenseComment": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "EmpExpenseComment": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "EmpExpenseComment": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "EmpID" OF "EmpExpenseComment": character DESCRIPTION "The employee the
expense comment record is for." LABEL "Employee ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Employee ID"
FIELD "EmpExpenseNum" OF "EmpExpenseComment": integer DESCRIPTION "Internal
identifier of the EmpExpense record. This with EmpID li nks the comment to a
specific EmpExpense record." LABEL "Employee Expense Num"
FIELD "TaskSeqNum" OF "EmpExpenseComment": integer DESCRIPTION "The identifier of
the Task record the comment is related to. Can be zero, which indicates the comment
is not related to a specific task." LABEL "Task Sequence"

TABLE "EmpExpenseGroup" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "empexpensegroup" DESCRIPTION

"Stores the expense group claim reference. Used to be able to lin k attachments to
one or more EmpExpense records."
FIELD "Company" OF "EmpExpenseGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "EmpID" OF "EmpExpenseGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The employee the expense
record is for." LABEL "Employee ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Employee ID"
FIELD "ClaimRef" OF "EmpExpenseGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Brief description of
the expense. Can be used to expenses togeth er, for example, all expenses incurred
on the same trip can be assigned the same reference." LABEL "Claim Reference"
COLUMN-LABEL "Claim Reference"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "EmpExpenseGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "EmpExpenseGroup": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "EmpExpenseGroup": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "EmpExpenseTax" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "EmpExpenseTax" DESCRIPTION

"Employee Expense Taxes"
FIELD "Company" OF "EmpExpenseTax": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "EmpID" OF "EmpExpenseTax": character DESCRIPTION "The employee the expense
record is for." LABEL "Employee ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Employee ID"
FIELD "EmpExpenseNum" OF "EmpExpenseTax": integer DESCRIPTION "Internal identifier
of the EmpExpense record. This with EmpID ma kes the record unique." LABEL
"Employee Expense Num"
FIELD "TaxCode" OF "EmpExpenseTax": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code
assigned by user which uniquely identifies a Sal es Tax master record. Can't be
blank. This is used as a foreign key in other fi les and may be used in
displays/reports where space for the full description is limited." LABEL "Tax ID"
FIELD "RateCode" OF "EmpExpenseTax": character
DESCRIPTION " Rate code" LABEL "Rate Code"
FIELD "ECAcquisitionSeq" OF "EmpExpenseTax": integer DESCRIPTION "Used to allow a
second tax record using the same tax code on an e xpense. When the sales tax field
EcAquisition is checked then 2 expense tax rec ords are created. NOTE: This field
is now used in VAT Reverse Charge logic. If an invoice line i s marked for Reverse
Charge, a second line is created just like in the ECAcquisi tion logic. To
distinguish the two scenarios, the ReverseCharge flag will be set to true if the
second line is for Reverse Charge."
FIELD "ExpReportableAmt" OF "EmpExpenseTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "The reportable
amount to the tax jurisdiction in the expense curr ency. " LABEL "Expense
FIELD "ClaimReportableAmt" OF "EmpExpenseTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "The reportable
amount to the tax jurisdiction in the claim curren cy." LABEL "Claim Reportable"
FIELD "ExpTaxableAmt" OF "EmpExpenseTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Taxable Amount for
this expense in the expense currency" LABEL "Taxable Amt"
FIELD "ClaimTaxableAmt" OF "EmpExpenseTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Taxable Amount for
this expense in the claim currency." LABEL "Taxable Amt"
FIELD "Percent" OF "EmpExpenseTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "The tax percentage rate
that is used for this expense. This is de faulted from the SalesTax.Percent. "
LABEL "Percent"
FIELD "ExpTaxAmt" OF "EmpExpenseTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Sales Tax amount for the
corresponding taxable sales amount in th e expense currency." LABEL "Expense Tax
FIELD "ClaimTaxAmt" OF "EmpExpenseTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Sales Tax amount for
the corresponding taxable sales amount in th e claim currency" LABEL "Claim Tax
FIELD "Manual" OF "EmpExpenseTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the tax
calculations are to be performed manually. When this field is set the Reportable,
Taxable, and TaxAmount fields are enabled . When it is NOT set these fields are
DISABLED and the system will perform all of the Reportable, Taxable, and TaxAmount
calculations. Defaults from the Sales Tax.Manual field."
LABEL "Manual Tax Calculation" COLUMN-LABEL "Manual"
FIELD "ChangedBy" OF "EmpExpenseTax": character DESCRIPTION "Userid of user who
made the last change to this record." LABEL "Changed By"
FIELD "ChangeDate" OF "EmpExpenseTax": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the record
was last changed" LABEL "Change Date"
FIELD "ChangeTime" OF "EmpExpenseTax": integer DESCRIPTION "The time that the
record was last change (seconds since midnight) "
FIELD "ReverseCharge" OF "EmpExpenseTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Reverse Charge."
LABEL "Reverse Charge" COLUMN-LABEL "RevChrg"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "EmpExpenseTax": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "EmpExpenseTax": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "CollectionType" OF "EmpExpenseTax": integer DESCRIPTION "Collection Type"
LABEL "Collection Type"
FIELD "Timing" OF "EmpExpenseTax": integer DESCRIPTION "Timing of when to report
taxes" LABEL "Timing"
FIELD "ExemptType" OF "EmpExpenseTax": integer DESCRIPTION "Exemption Type" LABEL
FIELD "ExemptPercent" OF "EmpExpenseTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Exemption Percent"
LABEL "Percent"
FIELD "ResolutionNum" OF "EmpExpenseTax": character DESCRIPTION "Resolution number"
LABEL "Resolution Number"
FIELD "ResolutionDate" OF "EmpExpenseTax": date
DESCRIPTION "Resolution Date" LABEL "Resolution Date"
FIELD "TaxRateDate" OF "EmpExpenseTax": date DESCRIPTION "Tax Rate Date" LABEL
FIELD "ExpDefTaxableAmt" OF "EmpExpenseTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Balance of the
Taxable amount that has been deferred until paymen t. In expense currency" LABEL
"Expense Taxable Amt"
FIELD "ClaimDefTaxableAmt" OF "EmpExpenseTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Balance of the
Taxable amount that has been deferred until paymen t. In claim currency." LABEL
"Claim Taxable Amt"
FIELD "ExpDefTaxAmt" OF "EmpExpenseTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Balance of the Tax
amount that has been deferred until payment. In expense currency." LABEL "Expense
Tax Amt"
FIELD "ClaimDefTaxAmt" OF "EmpExpenseTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Balance of the Tax
amount that has been deferred until payment. In claim currency" LABEL "Claim Tax
FIELD "ManAdd" OF "EmpExpenseTax": logical DESCRIPTION "This record was manually
added (not in Liability) but will use th e standard calculations" LABEL "Manual
FIELD "ExpDedTaxAmt" OF "EmpExpenseTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Deducatable Tax
Amount in expense currency" LABEL "Expense Tax Amt"
FIELD "ClaimDedTaxAmt" OF "EmpExpenseTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Deducatable Tax
Amount in claim currency" LABEL "Claim Tax Amt"
FIELD "ExpFixedAmount" OF "EmpExpenseTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Fixed Tax Amount in
expense currency" LABEL "Expense Amount"
FIELD "ClaimFixedAmount" OF "EmpExpenseTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Document Fixed
Tax Amount in claim currency " LABEL "Claim Amount"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "EmpExpenseTax": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "TextCode" OF "EmpExpenseTax": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Identifier for
Legal Text" LABEL "Text Code"
FIELD "ExpTaxAmtVar" OF "EmpExpenseTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Difference between
tax calculated in document rate less tax calcu lated in tax rate in expense
currency" LABEL "Tax Amt Variance"
FIELD "ClaimTaxAmtVar" OF "EmpExpenseTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Difference between
tax calculated in document rate less tax calcu lated in tax rate in claim currency"
LABEL "Claim Tax Amt Variance"
FIELD "SysCalcClaimTaxableAmt" OF "EmpExpenseTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "System
calculated Taxable amount for this expense in the claim cu rrency" LABEL "Claim
Taxable Amt"
FIELD "SysCalcExpTaxableAmt" OF "EmpExpenseTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "System
calculated Taxable amount for this expense in the expense currency. " LABEL
"Expense Taxable Amt"
FIELD "SysCalcExpReportableAmt" OF "EmpExpenseTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "System
calculated reportable amount to the tax jurisdiction in th e expense currency"
LABEL "Expense Reportable"
FIELD "SysCalcClaimReportableAmt" OF "EmpExpenseTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "System
calculated reportable sales amount to the tax jurisdiction expressed in the claim
currency." LABEL "Claim Reportable"
FIELD "CreatedBy" OF "EmpExpenseTax": character DESCRIPTION "Userid of the user who
created the record." LABEL "Created By" COLUMN-LABEL "Created By"
FIELD "CreateDate" OF "EmpExpenseTax": date DESCRIPTION "The date the record was
created." LABEL "Create Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Create Date"
FIELD "CreateTime" OF "EmpExpenseTax": integer
DESCRIPTION "The time the record was created (in seconds since midnight)" LABEL
"Create Time" COLUMN-LABEL "Create Time"

TABLE "EmpRole" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Holds the Project Role codes
assigned to an employeeand define th e primary role for the employee, it is a child
table of EmpBasic. It has a child table EmpRoleRt. "
FIELD "Company" OF "EmpRole": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "EmpID" OF "EmpRole": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code assigned by
user which uniquely identifies a sho pfloor employee master record. Can't be blank.
This is used as a foreign key in other files and may be used in displays/reports
where space for the full descri ption is limited. " LABEL "ID"
FIELD "RoleCd" OF "EmpRole": character DESCRIPTION "Project Role Code" LABEL
"Project Role Code"
FIELD "Primary" OF "EmpRole": logical DESCRIPTION "Setting this to true defines
this role code as the primary Proje ct Role for the employee.ONLY one role code can
be defined as primary. " LABEL "Primary"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "EmpRole": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "EmpRole": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "EmpRole": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "TimeApprover" OF "EmpRole": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines if this Employee
is a Time Approver through this Role. " LABEL "Time Approver"
FIELD "ExpenseApprover" OF "EmpRole": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines if this
Employee is a Expense Approver through this Ro le."
LABEL "Expense Approver"
INDEX "PrimIdx" ON "EmpRole" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Compmany / EmpID /

TABLE "EmpRoleRt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Holds the rates for the Project
Role codes assigned to an employe e, it is a child table of EmpRole. "
FIELD "Company" OF "EmpRoleRt": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "EmpID" OF "EmpRoleRt": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code assigned by
user which uniquely identifies a sho pfloor employee master record. Can't be blank.
This is used as a foreign key in other files and may be used in displays/reports
where space for the full descri ption is limited. " LABEL "ID"
FIELD "RoleCd" OF "EmpRoleRt": character DESCRIPTION "Project Role Code" LABEL
"Project Role Code"
FIELD "RateEffDte" OF "EmpRoleRt": date DESCRIPTION "The effective date of the
project role code rate." LABEL "Rate Effective Date"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "EmpRoleRt": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the currency." LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "TimeTypCd" OF "EmpRoleRt": character DESCRIPTION "Time Type Code" LABEL
"Time Type Code"
FIELD "Rate" OF "EmpRoleRt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The charge rate for project role
code expressed in the designated currency code." LABEL "Project Role Rate"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "EmpRoleRt": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "EmpRoleRt": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "EmpRoleRt": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "RateEndDte" OF "EmpRoleRt": date DESCRIPTION "The end date of the project
role code rate." LABEL "End Date"
FIELD "Seq" OF "EmpRoleRt": integer DESCRIPTION "Sequence field used to keep the
primary key unique" LABEL "Seq"
INDEX "PrimaryIdx" ON "EmpRoleRt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Company / Emp
ID / PrjRoleCd"
INDEX "RateEffAndEnd" ON "EmpRoleRt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Comp / EmpID /
Role Cd / Eff Dte / End Dte / Curr / Time Type"

TABLE "EntityGLC" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Entity GL Control" DESCRIPTION

"Contains the list of GL Controls assigned to a business entity su ch a Customer
record or a PartClass record."
FIELD "Company" OF "EntityGLC": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "RelatedToFile" OF "EntityGLC": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the master
file to which the GL Control is related to. This field is used to properly isolate
controls to the masters they are relate d to. For example; Customer, PartClass
identifies controls that are related to Custome rs and Part Classes "
FIELD "Key1" OF "EntityGLC": character DESCRIPTION "Major component of the foreign
key of the related master record. For example: For a ""Part"" control this field
would contain the related Part N umber, for a ""Customer"" it contains the
FIELD "Key2" OF "EntityGLC": character DESCRIPTION "2nd component of the foreign
key to the related master record. The usage of this field is dependent on the type
of record. "
FIELD "Key3" OF "EntityGLC": character DESCRIPTION "3rd component of the foreign
key to the related master record.
The usage of this field is dependent record type."
FIELD "Key4" OF "EntityGLC": character DESCRIPTION "4th component of the foreign
key to the related master record. The usage of this field is dependent record
FIELD "Key5" OF "EntityGLC": character DESCRIPTION "5th component of the foreign
key to the related master record. The usage of this field is dependent record
FIELD "Key6" OF "EntityGLC": character DESCRIPTION "6th component of the foreign
key to the related master record. The usage of this field is dependent record
FIELD "GLControlType" OF "EntityGLC": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the GL
Control Type." LABEL "GL Control Type" COLUMN-LABEL "GL Control Type"
FIELD "GLControlCode" OF "EntityGLC": character DESCRIPTION "GL Control
Identifier." LABEL "GL Control Code" COLUMN-LABEL "GL Control Code"
FIELD "BusinessEntity" OF "EntityGLC": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the
entity. Reference only. Used for integrity valid ation when deleting a GLCTEntity
record." LABEL "Business Entity" COLUMN-LABEL "Business Entity"
FIELD "ExtCompanyID" OF "EntityGLC": character DESCRIPTION "Global Company
identifier. Used in Multi-Company Journal." LABEL "External Company"
FIELD "IsExternalCompany" OF "EntityGLC": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate the
account in this record is for an external co mpany." LABEL "Is External Company"
COLUMN-LABEL "Is External Company"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "EntityGLC": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "EntityGLC": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "EntityGLC": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record."
LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalEntityGLC" OF "EntityGLC": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this EntityGLC
as global, available to be sent out to other companies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "EntityGLC": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."

TABLE "EPFileContents" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Export Package File Contents
FIELD "PackageID" OF "EPFileContents": character DESCRIPTION "Export Package ID"
LABEL "Package ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Package ID"
FIELD "SourcePath" OF "EPFileContents": character DESCRIPTION "Source Path" LABEL
"Source Path" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Path"
FIELD "FileContentType" OF "EPFileContents": integer DESCRIPTION "File Content
Type" LABEL "File Content Type" COLUMN-LABEL "File Content Type"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "EPFileContents": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "EPFileContents": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "Description" OF "EPFileContents": character DESCRIPTION "Description"

TABLE "EPHistory" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Export Package History Table"
FIELD "PackageID" OF "EPHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Export Package ID" LABEL
"Package ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Package ID"
FIELD "ActionNum" OF "EPHistory": integer DESCRIPTION "Action Number" LABEL "Action
Num" COLUMN-LABEL "Action Num"
FIELD "DcdUserID" OF "EPHistory": character DESCRIPTION "User ID" LABEL "User ID"
FIELD "ActionDate" OF "EPHistory": date DESCRIPTION "Action Date"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "EPHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "EPHistory": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "Description" OF "EPHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Description"

TABLE "EPUserDefinedTable" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Export Package User

Define Table"
FIELD "PackageID" OF "EPUserDefinedTable": character DESCRIPTION "EP Package ID"
LABEL "Package ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Package ID"
FIELD "TableName" OF "EPUserDefinedTable": character DESCRIPTION "Table Name"
FIELD "Selected" OF "EPUserDefinedTable": logical DESCRIPTION "Selection flag"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "EPUserDefinedTable": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "EPUserDefinedTable": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."

TABLE "EQSyst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Estimating/Quoting system parameters

file. One record per company
containing configuration parameters used by EQ module."
FIELD "Company" OF "EQSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "StartQuoteNum" OF "EQSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Used to establish the
beginning Sales Order #. When the system ge nerates a new order it will assign the
greater of (StartOrderNum) or (the last o rders # on file + 1) as the order
number." LABEL "Starting Quote"
FIELD "FollowUpDays" OF "EQSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "A integer that express the #
of days from the date quoted that so meone should follow up with the customer
concerning the quote. This is used by q uote entry to calculate a default follow up
date (QuoteHed.FollowUpDate). Defaul t follow up date is QuoteHed.DateQuoted +
EQSyst.FollowUpDays" LABEL "Follow up days"
FIELD "ExpirationDays" OF "EQSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "An integer that express
the # of days from the quoted date when q uotes will expire. This is used by quote
entry to calculate the QuoteHed.Expirat ionDate"
FIELD "QuoteDueDays" OF "EQSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "An integer that defines the
# of days in which the quoting proces s needs to be completed in. Quote entry uses
this in calculating the QuoteHed.Du eDate. " LABEL "Days to Quote"
FIELD "CheckOff1Label" OF "EQSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Label used for the
QuoteHed.CheckOff1 field. There are 5 CheckOf fLabel fields. They are all optional.
If entered then the corresponding QuoteHed .CheckOff fields become active. " LABEL
"Check1" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "CheckOff2Label" OF "EQSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Label used for the
QuoteHed.CheckOff2 field. " LABEL "Check2" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "CheckOff3Label" OF "EQSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Label used for the
QuoteHed.CheckOff3 field. " LABEL "Check3" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "CheckOff4Label" OF "EQSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Label used for
theQuoteHed.CheckOff4 field. " LABEL "Check4" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "CheckOff5Label" OF "EQSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Label used for the
QuoteHed.CheckOff5 field. " LABEL "Check5" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "MarkUpID" OF "EQSyst": character DESCRIPTION "The ID that establishes link
to the default QMarkUp record which was indicated as the System Wide default.
Provides default markup percents used by quote entry when none are associated to
the specific customer. This ID is not directly entered. Instead it is updated by
the user checking a toggle box durin g QMarkUp maintenance indicating ""System
Default"". This may be left blank, whi ch indicates there are no defaults." LABEL
"Markup ID"
FIELD "Message1" OF "EQSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Footer message for bottom of
quote form"
FIELD "Message2" OF "EQSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Footer message for bottom of
quote form"
FIELD "PreventQQChange" OF "EQSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "If set to Yes, the user
must change the Quote ""Quoted"" flag to No before they are allowed to make any
changes." LABEL "Prevent Changes to Quoted Quotes"
FIELD "LogChanges" OF "EQSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "If this is Yes, then when
Quotes are set to ""Quoted"" or any he ader flag is changed on a ""Planned"" job
the user will be prompted to enter a d escription of the changes. This option is
only available when ""PreventQQChange "" = Yes."
FIELD "GenQuoteQtys" OF "EQSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "System Option to generate
all the quantities from the price break s in quote detail entry." LABEL "Generate
Quote Quantities From Price Breaks"
FIELD "QuoReadyToCalcDflt" OF "EQSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "This flag will be used
to default the QuoteHed.ReadyToCalc field when an invoice is created. Defaults to
No" LABEL "QuoReadyToCalcDflt" COLUMN-LABEL "QuoReadyToCalcDflt"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "EQSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "EQSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "EQSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "Equip" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Defines a piece of Equipment for
which maintenace schedules and m aintenance jobs can be created."
FIELD "Company" OF "Equip": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "EquipID" OF "Equip": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code assigned by the
user to uniquely identify the Eq uipment. Cannot be blank." LABEL "Equipment ID"
FIELD "InActive" OF "Equip": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag which indicates if Equipment
is considered as ""Inactive"". " LABEL "Inactive"
FIELD "Description" OF "Equip": character DESCRIPTION "Full description of
Equipment. Cannot be blank."
FIELD "OEM" OF "Equip": character DESCRIPTION "OEM Number" LABEL "OEM"
FIELD "SerialNum" OF "Equip": character DESCRIPTION "Serial Number of equipment"
FIELD "Brand" OF "Equip": character DESCRIPTION "Brand of equipment"
FIELD "Model" OF "Equip": character DESCRIPTION "Model Number" LABEL "Model"
FIELD "InServiceDate" OF "Equip": date DESCRIPTION "Date that equipment was first
put into service. Required field." LABEL "In Service Date"
FIELD "WarrantyExpDate" OF "Equip": date DESCRIPTION "Warrenty Expiration Date"
LABEL "Warrenty Expiration Date"
FIELD "TypeID" OF "Equip": character DESCRIPTION "Equipment Type ID. Foreign key
component of EquipType. Required and must be valid in EquipType table." LABEL
"Equipment Type"
FIELD "Plant" OF "Equip": character DESCRIPTION "Plant in which the equipment is
currently located."
FIELD "ResourceGrpID" OF "Equip": character DESCRIPTION "A code that identifies the
Resource Group that the resource belon gs to."
FIELD "ResourceID" OF "Equip": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code assigned by
the user to uniquely identify the Re source."
FIELD "SellingVendorNum" OF "Equip": integer DESCRIPTION "VendorNum of the Supplier
that sold equipment. Optional field, bu t if entered must be valid. Informational
only. Foreign key component to VendorP P table. Not directly maintainable, instead
user enters ""VendorID"", system ass igns he VendorNum of the Vendor that has this
VendorID. " LABEL "Purchased From"
FIELD "SellingPurPoint" OF "Equip": character DESCRIPTION "The Selling Vendors
Purchase Point ID. Along with the VendorNum is used to tie back to the VendorPP
master file. Foreign key component to Vend orPP table. "
FIELD "ServiceVendorNum" OF "Equip": integer DESCRIPTION "VendorNum of the Supplier
that services the equipment. Optional f ield, but if entered must be valid.
Informational only. Foreign key component to VendorPP table. Not directly
maintainable, instead user enters ""VendorID"", sy stem assigns he VendorNum of the
Vendor that has this VendorID. " LABEL "Service Supplier"
FIELD "ServicePurPoint" OF "Equip": character DESCRIPTION "The Service Suppliers
Purchase Point ID. Along with the VendorNu m is used to tie back to the VendorPP
master file. Foreign key component to Ve ndorPP table. "
FIELD "AssetNum" OF "Equip": character DESCRIPTION "Foreign Component key to the
FAsset table." LABEL "AssetNum" COLUMN-LABEL "AssetNum"
FIELD "Comments" OF "Equip": character DESCRIPTION "Comments about the Equipment."
LABEL "Comments"
FIELD "Specs" OF "Equip": character
DESCRIPTION "Allows entry of freeform equipment specifications." LABEL
FIELD "MeterUOM" OF "Equip": character DESCRIPTION "Qualifies the MeterFreq value.
This can be blank, which indicates that Maintenance is not based a meter nor can
meter readings be entered for thi s equipment. If not blank it must be valid in the
UOM table and be a UOM belongi ng to the UOMClass assigned to the Equip." LABEL
"Meter UOM"
FIELD "CurrentMeter" OF "Equip": integer DESCRIPTION "Current Meter reading. A
readonly field, indirectly updated via the Meter Reading process." LABEL "Current
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "Equip": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this row.
The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "Equip": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this row.
It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "Equip": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "StatusID" OF "Equip": character DESCRIPTION "The User Defined status
assigned to the Equipment. A foreign key to EquipStatus. Optional, but if entered
must be valid in EquipStatus" LABEL "Status ID"
FIELD "LocID" OF "Equip": character DESCRIPTION "Location of the Equipment. A
foreign key component to EquipLoc ta ble. It not blank must be valid in EquipLoc
table. " LABEL "Location ID"
FIELD "ReadingComment" OF "Equip": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the latest Meter
Reading Comment. As the Meter Reading UI updates the Equip record a record is also
created in EquipMeter. EquipMeter. ReadingComment is set to this value." LABEL
"Reading Comment"
FIELD "ParentEquipID" OF "Equip": character DESCRIPTION "The EquipID that is
considered the Parent Equipment. Can be blan k. If entered must be valid in the
Equip table and cannot be = to the current Eq uip.EquipID. Used primarly for
grouping equipement together for reporting." LABEL "Parent" COLUMN-LABEL "Parent"
FIELD "LaborMeterOpt" OF "Equip": character DESCRIPTION "Indicate if/how equipment
meter values can be updated from labor entry. Valid options are; ""No"" ""Hrs""
(Hours), ""Qty"" (Quantity), ""Mtr"" (Current Meter Value) No - Labor does NOT
update Equipment Meter values. Qty - Quantity is +/- against Equip.CurrentMeter
( no uom conversion, just straight usage of field value) Hrs -Hours are +/- against
Equip.CurrentMeter Mtr - Meter value is entered directly Only updates the Equipment
when the Labor Date/Time i s > latest Meter Reading Date/Time.
FIELD "ReadingDate" OF "Equip": date DESCRIPTION "Read only, set by the system, set
as current system date when upd ated from Meter Entry. Uses Labor Clock Out Date
when updated via Labor Entry. This value is used to set EquipMeter.ReadingDate"
LABEL "Date"
FIELD "ReadingTime" OF "Equip": integer DESCRIPTION "Read only, Read only, set by
the system, set as current system ti me when updated from Meter Entry. Uses Labor
Clock Out Time when updated via Lab or Entry. This value is used to set
EquipMeter.ReadingTime. Represented in mill iseconds since midnight." LABEL "Time"
FIELD "InspPlanPartNum" OF "Equip": character DESCRIPTION "The inspection plan part
number (configurator part number) to be used for inspection results entry process.
Must be a valid part number in the P art master table." LABEL "Insp Plan Part
FIELD "SpecID" OF "Equip": character DESCRIPTION "The specification ID to be used
for inspection results entry proc ess. Must be a valid SpecID in the SpecHed master
table." LABEL "Specification ID"
FIELD "LastCalDate" OF "Equip": date DESCRIPTION "This field will be automatically
populated when the item has been calibrated using the Inspection Data Entry
process" LABEL "Last Calibration"
FIELD "InspPlanRevNum" OF "Equip": character DESCRIPTION "The inspection plan
revision number (configurator revision number )." LABEL "Insp Plan Rev"
FIELD "SpecRevNum" OF "Equip": character DESCRIPTION "The specification revision
number. Must be valid in the SpecRev table." LABEL "Spec Rev"
FIELD "ProjectID" OF "Equip": character DESCRIPTION "Associates the Equip with a
project in the Project table. This c an be blank. Provides default when a Job is
created for this Equip." LABEL "Project ID"
FIELD "UOMClassID" OF "Equip": character DESCRIPTION "The UOM Class that will be
used for the Equip. The UOM Class esta blishes the list of unit of measures that
can be used for the MeterUOM Must be valid in the UOMClass table."
FIELD "PhaseID" OF "Equip": character DESCRIPTION "Project Phase ID" LABEL "Project
Phase" COLUMN-LABEL "Project Phase"
FIELD "PriorMeter" OF "Equip": integer DESCRIPTION "Prior Meter reading. " LABEL
"Prior Meter"
FIELD "Lineage" OF "Equip": character DESCRIPTION "Stores the keys (EquipID) of the
records ancestors, as a tilde de limited list (... Great GrandParent~
GrandParent~ParentKey~ChildKey) This field is word indexed providing searches using
the Contains phrase."
FIELD "TemplateJobNum" OF "Equip": character DESCRIPTION "Template Job to be used
when creating a Maintenace Job for Mainte nance Request / Maintenance Plan. If
entered, it must be a valid Job with JobHea d.Template = Yes, JobType = ""MM"" and
JobHead.Plant must be this plant. System uses hierarchy when determining the
template. Takes the first template defined i n this order: 1.
EquipPlan.TemplateJobNum 2. Equip.TemplateJobNum, 3. Plant.Main tTmpJob, 4. Company
(MMSyst.TemplateJobNum) " LABEL "Template Job"
FIELD "GlobalEquip" OF "Equip": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this Equip as global,
available to be sent out to other com panies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "Equip": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."

TABLE "EquipLoc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Equipment Locations Master.

Defines locations that will be used in Equipment Maintenance. A location may con
tain 1 or more pieces of Equipment. They are user defined. Could be very specif ic
or general locations, such as Office, Warehouse, Production. Each piece of
Equipment is assigned to a location. (See Equip.LocID)
FIELD "Company" OF "EquipLoc": character
DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "LocID" OF "EquipLoc": character DESCRIPTION "Location ID. User defined value
to uniquely define an EquipLoc re cord. Cannot be blank." LABEL "Location ID"
FIELD "InActive" OF "EquipLoc": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag which indicates if
Location is considered as ""Inactive"". " LABEL "Inactive"
FIELD "Description" OF "EquipLoc": character DESCRIPTION "Description the Location.
Cannot be blank."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "EquipLoc": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "EquipLoc": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "EquipLoc": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "EquipMeter" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Equipment Meter Reading. "
FIELD "Company" OF "EquipMeter": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "Plant" OF "EquipMeter": character DESCRIPTION "Plant Identifier. "
FIELD "EquipID" OF "EquipMeter": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code assigned
by the user to uniquely identify the Eq uipment. Cannot be blank." LABEL "Equipment
FIELD "TransNum" OF "EquipMeter": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifies a speicifc
reading transaction for a piece of Equipmen t. Automatically assigned by the
system, as the Equipments last ReadingNum + 1. " LABEL "Transaction #"
FIELD "MeterReading" OF "EquipMeter": integer DESCRIPTION "Meter reading value, in
the terms of Equip.MeterUOM" LABEL "Meter Reading"
FIELD "Comment" OF "EquipMeter": character DESCRIPTION "Optional comment from the
meter reading person." LABEL "Comment"
FIELD "ReadingDate" OF "EquipMeter": date DESCRIPTION "Read only, set as current
system date when record is created." LABEL "Date"
FIELD "ReadingTime" OF "EquipMeter": integer DESCRIPTION "Read only, set as current
system time when record is created. Rep resented as milliseconds since midnight."
LABEL "Time"
FIELD "DcdUserID" OF "EquipMeter": character DESCRIPTION "Read only, set as current
user when the record is created." LABEL "User ID" COLUMN-LABEL "User ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "EquipMeter": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "EquipMeter": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "EquipMeter": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "EquipPlan" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Equipment Maintenance Plan.

Parent Table: Equip Defines one or more preventative maintenance plans related to a
specific piece o f equipment.
FIELD "Company" OF "EquipPlan": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "EquipID" OF "EquipPlan": character DESCRIPTION "EquipID that this EquipPlan
record is for. A foreign key componen t to parent Equip record." LABEL "Equipment
FIELD "InActive" OF "EquipPlan": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag which indicates if
Equipment is considered as ""Inactive"". " LABEL "Inactive"
FIELD "Description" OF "EquipPlan": character DESCRIPTION "Description of
maintenance plan. Cannot be blank. Example: ""30,000 Mile Checkup"". Note: Will be
used as the JobHead.PartDescription when the maintenance job is cr eated."
FIELD "PlanNum" OF "EquipPlan": integer DESCRIPTION "A number which uniquely
identifies a preventative maintenance pla n for a specific piece of equipment.
Generated by the system as PlanNum of last EquipPlan of a specific Company/EquipID
+ 1. " LABEL "Plan Number"
FIELD "TimeFreq" OF "EquipPlan": integer DESCRIPTION "Time Based Frequency.
Examples Days, Weeks, Months" LABEL "Frequency"
FIELD "TimeUOM" OF "EquipPlan": character DESCRIPTION "Qualifies the TimeFreq value
as ""Days, Weeks, or Months""" LABEL "Time UOM"
FIELD "MeterFreq" OF "EquipPlan": integer DESCRIPTION "A metered value, that when
reached triggers the maintenance plan. Example: At 5000 miles this Maintenance is
required. The Equip.MeterUOM qualif ies this value." LABEL "Meter Frequency"
FIELD "Recurs" OF "EquipPlan": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if Plan is to be
performed at every occurance or only t he first occurance of the defined
frequencies. Example of a Recurring Plan would be ""Change oil every 5000 miles"".
An example of a non recurring plan would be ""Initial Break in checkup""." LABEL
FIELD "NextDate" OF "EquipPlan": date DESCRIPTION "Next Date that this Maintenance
Plan should be relevant only to a ""time based"" maintenance plan (TimeFreq is null
and not maintainable. If TimeFreq, TimeUOM changes or ted, it is set as today +
time frequency (in days). Note; can d allowing the user to control the next time
based event. " LABEL "Next Date"

performed. This is > 0) otherwise it when Plan is execu be manually update

FIELD "NextMeter" OF "EquipPlan": integer DESCRIPTION "Next Meter Reading at which

this Maintenance Plan should be perfo rmed. This is relevant only to a ""meter
based"" maintenance plan (MeterFreq > 0
) otherwise it is zero and not maintainable. If MeterFreq changes or when Plan i s
executed, it is set as CurrentMeter + MeterFreq. Note; can be manually update d
allowing the user to control the next meter event. For example, the frequency is
3000 Miles, however, you set NextMeter to 500 Miles for the Initial Break In
Checkup. " LABEL "Next Meter"
FIELD "TemplateJobNum" OF "EquipPlan": character DESCRIPTION "Template Job to be
used when creating a Maintenace Job for Mainte nance Request / Maintenance Plan. If
entered, it must be a valid Job with JobHea d.Template = Yes, JobType = ""MM"" and
JobHead.Plant must be this plant. System uses hierarchy when determining the
template. Takes the first template defined i n this order: 1.
EquipPlan.TemplateJobNum 2. Equip.TemplateJobNum, 3. Plant.Main tTmpJob, 4. Company
(MMSyst.TemplateJobNum) " LABEL "Template Job"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "EquipPlan": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "EquipPlan": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "EquipPlan": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ActionStatus" OF "EquipPlan": character DESCRIPTION "Internal field
indicating if it is time current action being take n. Used by the PMPP (Preventive
Maintenance Plan Processor) to quickly find Plan s which need to be performed. Set
to ""P"" (Pending), when the Maintenance Job i s closed or deleted. Set to ""Q""
(Queued) when the Plans frequencies are met. That is, NextMeter > 0 and <= Current
or NextDate <> ? and <= Today. Setting bas ed on meter occurs as part of the Meter
Reading process. Setting based on Date, is done, periodically by the PMPP. Set to
""I"" (Initiated) by the PMPP when a J ob is generated. " LABEL "Action Status"
FIELD "IssueTopicID4" OF "EquipPlan": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Issue
Topic 4. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID3. " LABEL "Issue 4"
FIELD "IssueTopicID5" OF "EquipPlan": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Issue
Topic 5. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID4. " LABEL "Issue 5"
FIELD "IssueTopicID6" OF "EquipPlan": character
DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Issue Topic 6. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID5. " LABEL
"Issue 6"
FIELD "IssueTopicID7" OF "EquipPlan": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Issue
Topic 7. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID6. " LABEL "Issue 7"
FIELD "IssueTopicID8" OF "EquipPlan": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Issue
Topic 8. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID7. " LABEL "Issue 8"
FIELD "IssueTopicID9" OF "EquipPlan": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Issue
Topic 9. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID8. " LABEL "Issue 9"
FIELD "IssueTopicID10" OF "EquipPlan": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Issue
Topic 10. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID9. " LABEL "Issue 10"
FIELD "IssueTopicID1" OF "EquipPlan": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Issue
Topic 1. Foreign Key to HDTopic table. Must b e a top level topic (HDTopic.TopLevel
= Yes) and HDTopic.MaintIssue = Yes " LABEL "Issue 1"
FIELD "IssueTopicID2" OF "EquipPlan": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Issue
Topic 2. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID1. " LABEL "Issue 2"
FIELD "IssueTopicID3" OF "EquipPlan": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Issue
Topic 3. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID2. " LABEL "Issue 3"
FIELD "MaintBuffer" OF "EquipPlan": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of days prior to
the actual maintenance event that the sy stem should create the Maintenance Job.
This applies to both time based and m eter based plans. Defaults to
MMSyst.MaintBuffer value." LABEL "Maintenance. Buffer"

TABLE "EquipStatus" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Equipment Status. User defined
Status that can be assigned to a piece of equipment (see Equip.Stat usID) DELETION:
Cannot be deleted if reference any Equip record. Note: Default EquipStatus is
defined by MMSyst.DefaultStatusID"
FIELD "Company" OF "EquipStatus": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "StatusID" OF "EquipStatus": character DESCRIPTION "Status ID.User defined
value to uniquely define an Equipment Stat us record. Cannot be blank." LABEL
"Status ID"
FIELD "InActive" OF "EquipStatus": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag which indicates if
Equipment is considered as ""Inactive"". " LABEL "Inactive"
FIELD "Description" OF "EquipStatus": character DESCRIPTION "Description of
Equipment Status. Cannot be blank."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "EquipStatus": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "EquipStatus": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "EquipStatus": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalEquipStatus" OF "EquipStatus": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this
EquipStatus as global, available to be sent out to oth er companies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "EquipStatus": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."

TABLE "EquipType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Equipment Type Master. Used to
group equipment together by a common user defined type code. Each piec e of
Equipment is assigned a single EquipTypeID. Example: Auto, Truck, Press, Cu tter,
Mold, Mixer...
FIELD "Company" OF "EquipType": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "InActive" OF "EquipType": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag which indicates if
Equipment is considered as ""Inactive"". " LABEL "Inactive"
FIELD "Description" OF "EquipType": character DESCRIPTION "Description of Equipment
Type. Cannot be blank."
FIELD "TypeID" OF "EquipType": character DESCRIPTION "Type ID.User defined value to
uniquely define an Equipment Type r ecord. Cannot be blank." LABEL "Type ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "EquipType": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "EquipType": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "EquipType": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalEquipType" OF "EquipType": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this EquipType
as global, available to be sent out to other companies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "EquipType": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."

TABLE "Exports" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table is also referred to as
FIELD "ExportID" OF "Exports": character DESCRIPTION "The unique export identifier.
" LABEL "Export ID"
FIELD "Description" OF "Exports": character DESCRIPTION "Description " LABEL
FIELD "QueryPhrase" OF "Exports": character DESCRIPTION "Query phrase for the
export definition" LABEL "Query Phrase"
FIELD "SelFields" OF "Exports": character DESCRIPTION "Selected Fields to be
exported" LABEL "Selected Fields"
FIELD "Company" OF "Exports": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "FileName" OF "Exports": character DESCRIPTION "Output File Name"
FIELD "FileTypID" OF "Exports": integer DESCRIPTION "Defines the DEFAULT output
file type. This number directly corre sponds to the number used by the OpenExchange
Dlls. This is indirectly maintained via a DDSL of output file types."
FIELD "Foreground" OF "Exports": logical DESCRIPTION "Run the generated export
program in the foreground or launch anot her process?" LABEL "Run in foreground"
FIELD "OutputLabels" OF "Exports": logical DESCRIPTION "Output field labels instead
of field names?" LABEL "Output Labels"
FIELD "TextDelim" OF "Exports": character DESCRIPTION "Field delimiter for ASCII
text files." LABEL "Text Delimiter"
FIELD "DcdUserID" OF "Exports": character DESCRIPTION "The userid of the user who
created the export." LABEL "User ID" COLUMN-LABEL "User ID"
FIELD "GeneratedQueryPhrase" OF "Exports": character DESCRIPTION "Generate Query
FIELD "FileType" OF "Exports": character DESCRIPTION "Output file type. Ex: ASCII,
FIELD "IsFreeForm" OF "Exports": logical DESCRIPTION "Free Form Query flag"
FIELD "Approved" OF "Exports": logical DESCRIPTION "no = this exports is a work-in-
process one Since 9.0 there should be only approved BAQs. "
FIELD "IsShared" OF "Exports": logical DESCRIPTION "Shared Query flag" LABEL
FIELD "Delivered" OF "Exports": logical DESCRIPTION "System Delivered flag" LABEL
FIELD "GlobalQuery" OF "Exports": logical DESCRIPTION "Global Query flag"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "Exports": character DESCRIPTION "Global Company identifier.
Used in identify from whch company th is BAQ originated."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "Exports": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "Exports": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "Exports": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "Updatable" OF "Exports": logical DESCRIPTION "Updatable query support"
FIELD "AllowAddNew" OF "Exports": logical DESCRIPTION "Updatable BAQ allows
addition of new record"
FIELD "SupportMDR" OF "Exports": logical DESCRIPTION "If multiple query rows can be
updated simultaneously "
FIELD "AddNewLabel" OF "Exports": character DESCRIPTION "Label for AddNew action"
FIELD "UpdatableBO" OF "Exports": character DESCRIPTION "Business Object for the
updatable query"
FIELD "UpdateMethod" OF "Exports": character DESCRIPTION "Business Method for the
updatable query"
FIELD "CGCCode" OF "Exports": character DESCRIPTION "Country Group Code / Country
Code for CSF"

TABLE "ExtCompany" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This file contains the company
specific information for each exte rnal system they want to integrate with"
FIELD "ExtSystemID" OF "ExtCompany": character
DESCRIPTION "Code for the external package to be interfaced with" LABEL "External
FIELD "TransferMethod" OF "ExtCompany": character DESCRIPTION "Option of how to
transfer the data to the package (e.g. direct co nnect, ascii, xml) and will
identify the specific programs to run" LABEL "Transfer Method"
FIELD "ExtCompanyID" OF "ExtCompany": character DESCRIPTION "The ID of the
interfaced company" LABEL "Ext. Company ID"
FIELD "SendCustomer" OF "ExtCompany": logical DESCRIPTION "Customers will be sent .
CustomerType = ""CUS"". Init YES" LABEL "Send Customer"
FIELD "SendProspect" OF "ExtCompany": logical DESCRIPTION "Prospects will be sent .
CustomerType = ""PRO"". Init YES" LABEL "Send Prospect"
FIELD "SendSuspect" OF "ExtCompany": logical DESCRIPTION "Suspects will be sent.
CustomerType = ""SUS"". Init NO" LABEL "Send Suspect"
FIELD "SendVend" OF "ExtCompany": logical DESCRIPTION "Vendors will be sent . Init
YES" LABEL "Send Vendor"
FIELD "SendPart" OF "ExtCompany": logical DESCRIPTION "Parts will be sent. Init NO
(Future USE)" LABEL "Send Part"
FIELD "SendShip" OF "ExtCompany": logical DESCRIPTION "Shipments will be sent .
Init YES" LABEL "Send Packing Slip"
FIELD "SendARInv" OF "ExtCompany": logical DESCRIPTION "AR Invoices will be sent .
Init YES" LABEL "Send AR Invoice"
FIELD "RcvARInv" OF "ExtCompany": logical DESCRIPTION "AR Invoices will be received
. Init YES" LABEL "Receive AR Invoices"
FIELD "SendAPInv" OF "ExtCompany": logical DESCRIPTION "AP Invoices will be sent .
Init YES" LABEL "Send AP Invoices"
FIELD "RcvAPInv" OF "ExtCompany": logical DESCRIPTION "AP Invoices will be received
. Init YES" LABEL "Receive AP Invoices"
FIELD "Company" OF "ExtCompany": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "IncomingDir" OF "ExtCompany": character DESCRIPTION "Directory that holds
the incoming ASCII files" LABEL "Incoming Directory"
FIELD "OutgoingDir" OF "ExtCompany": character DESCRIPTION "Directory to hold the
outgoing ASCII files" LABEL "Outgoing Directory"
FIELD "APPurchType" OF "ExtCompany": logical DESCRIPTION "If box is checked, then
the AP Invoice system will enable the API nvDtl.PurchCode field for European
Financial postings" LABEL "AP Purchase Type"
FIELD "Obsolete905-EnablePI" OF "ExtCompany": logical DESCRIPTION "This would allow
the user to receive non traditional payment info rmation (such as post dated checks
and bank drafts) and use it in calculating a customer's credit limit" LABEL "Enable
FIELD "ListDelimiter" OF "ExtCompany": character DESCRIPTION "The character to use
as a List Delimiter for interfacing with an external system." LABEL "List
Delimiter" COLUMN-LABEL "List Delimiter"
FIELD "SendAckToQue" OF "ExtCompany": logical DESCRIPTION "For this interface,
should acknowledgments be sent back to the in terfaced software when a record is
received into the intermediate tables?" LABEL "Send Acknowledgements" COLUMN-LABEL
"Send Acknowledgements"
FIELD "ICTrading" OF "ExtCompany": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this external
company setup supports Inter-Company T rading." LABEL "Inter-Company Trading"
FIELD "ICVendorNum" OF "ExtCompany": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer assigned
by the system to identify the Vendor p articipating in the Inter-Company Trading."
LABEL "Vendor Number"
FIELD "ICCustNum" OF "ExtCompany": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer assigned
by the system to identify the Customer
participating in the Inter-Company Trading." LABEL "Customer Number"
FIELD "ExtCustID" OF "ExtCompany": character DESCRIPTION "A user defined external
customer ID. Identifies the External Cus tomer participating in the Inter-Company
Trading." LABEL "Ext. Cust. ID"
FIELD "ExtVendorID" OF "ExtCompany": character DESCRIPTION "A user defined external
vendor ID. Identifies the External Vendo r participating in the Inter-Company
Trading." LABEL "Ext. Vendor ID"
FIELD "APDiscount" OF "ExtCompany": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the
discount amount by line needs to be captured t o be sent to the Financials package"

FIELD "AuxPrgmType" OF "ExtCompany": character DESCRIPTION "The type of program

being called (ProgressProgram or WindowsProgr am)"
FIELD "AuxPrgmName" OF "ExtCompany": character DESCRIPTION "Name of Auxiliary
program to run to alert external system that th ere are records ready for
FIELD "SendPOSugg" OF "ExtCompany": logical DESCRIPTION "New PO Suggestions will be
sent." LABEL "Send PO Suggestions"
FIELD "LastFailedDate" OF "ExtCompany": date DESCRIPTION "last date the connection
was attempted and failed" LABEL "Last Failed Date"
FIELD "LastFailedTime" OF "ExtCompany": integer DESCRIPTION "Last time the
connection was tried and failed" LABEL "Last Failed Time"
FIELD "LastConDate" OF "ExtCompany": date DESCRIPTION "Last date the connection was
made successfully" LABEL "Last Connection Date"
FIELD "LastConTime" OF "ExtCompany": integer DESCRIPTION "Last Time the connection
was made successfully" LABEL "Last Connection Time"
FIELD "TransferDays" OF "ExtCompany": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of days it will
take to transfer an order from one company to the other. Only for Inter-Company
traders. Will subtract this number from the po need by date to get the correct need
by date on the order side. Controll
ed on the Order side (po due-date - transfertime = orderdate)" LABEL "Transfer Days
To Ext. Co."
FIELD "OBS900-ARIntercompanyChart" OF "ExtCompany": character DESCRIPTION
"Intercompany A/R Chart. Intercompany A/R involves money owed to this company by
another company for Purchasing done in this company. Used for C onsolidated
FIELD "OBS900-APIntercompanyDiv" OF "ExtCompany": character DESCRIPTION
"Intercompany A/P Division. Intercompany A/P involves money owed to the
Consolidated Purchasing company by this company for Purchasing done in th e
Consolidated Purchasing company. Used for Consolidated Purchasing."
FIELD "OBS900-APIntercompanyDept" OF "ExtCompany": character DESCRIPTION
"Intercompany A/P Department. Intercompany A/P involves money owe d to the
Consolidated Purchasing company by this company for Purchasing done in the
Consolidated Purchasing company. Used for Consolidated Purchasing."
FIELD "OBS900-APIntercompanyChart" OF "ExtCompany": character DESCRIPTION
"Intercompany A/P Chart. Intercompany A/P involves money owed to the Consolidated
Purchasing company by this company for Purchasing done in the C onsolidated
Purchasing company. Used for Consolidated Purchasing."
FIELD "OBS900-ARIntercompanyDiv" OF "ExtCompany": character DESCRIPTION
"Intercompany A/R Division. Intercompany A/R involves money owed to this company by
another company for Purchasing done in this company. Used fo r Consolidated
FIELD "OBS900-ARIntercompanyDept" OF "ExtCompany": character DESCRIPTION
"Intercompany A/R Department. Intercompany A/R involves money owe d to this company
by another company for Purchasing done in this company. Used for Consolidated
FIELD "PONumBlockWarnPoint" OF "ExtCompany": integer DESCRIPTION "When a
Consolidated Purchasing Company creates a Purchase Order a nd the number of
allocated PONum values drops below this warning point, message the user to inform
them." LABEL "PONum Warning Point"
FIELD "PONumBlockSize" OF "ExtCompany": integer DESCRIPTION "Size of blocks for
POHeader.PONum to be generated for this Consol idated Purchasing Company." LABEL
"PONum Block Size"
FIELD "PONumBlockReorderPoint" OF "ExtCompany": integer DESCRIPTION "When a
Consolidated Purchasing Company requests a new block becau se their portion of
their POHeader.PONum block is less than this Reorder Point, create a new block and
send it out." LABEL "PONum Reorder Point"
FIELD "NameServerHost" OF "ExtCompany": character DESCRIPTION "Name Server Host"
LABEL "NameServer Host" COLUMN-LABEL "NameServer Host"
FIELD "NameServerService" OF "ExtCompany": character DESCRIPTION "Name Server
Service port number" LABEL "NameServer Service" COLUMN-LABEL "NameServer Service"
FIELD "AppServerName" OF "ExtCompany": character DESCRIPTION "Application Server
Name" LABEL "AppServer Name" COLUMN-LABEL "AppServer Name"
FIELD "AppServerURL" OF "ExtCompany": character DESCRIPTION "Application Server
FIELD "DefaultPlant" OF "ExtCompany": character DESCRIPTION "Establishes the
default ExtPlant.ExtPlantID to be used as the def ault for a Plant field during
creation of a Consolidated Purchase Order Release. "
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "ExtCompany": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the currency." LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "OBS900-GJIntercompanyDept" OF "ExtCompany": character DESCRIPTION
"Intercompany G/L Department used by Multi-Company Journal."
FIELD "OBS900-GJIntercompanyChart" OF "ExtCompany": character DESCRIPTION
"Intercompany G/L Chart used by Multi-Company Journal."
FIELD "ExtCompanyName" OF "ExtCompany": character DESCRIPTION "Name or description
of the external company." LABEL "External Company Name" COLUMN-LABEL "External
Company Name"
FIELD "SendGLAccounts" OF "ExtCompany": logical DESCRIPTION "Send G/L Accounts for
Multi-Company Journal." LABEL "Send GL Accounts"
FIELD "AllowGJAlloc" OF "ExtCompany": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the current
company is allowed to send Multi-Company General Journals to this external
company." LABEL "Allow GJ Allocations"
FIELD "AllowAPAlloc" OF "ExtCompany": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the current
company is allowed to send Multi-Company AP G/L entries to this external company."
LABEL "Allow AP Allocations"
FIELD "JrnGroupPrefix" OF "ExtCompany": character DESCRIPTION "The Journal Group
prefix to use when determining the group ID for the Multi-Company Journals coming
from this external company." LABEL "Journal Group Prefix"
FIELD "AutoPostGJ" OF "ExtCompany": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate if the
Multi-Company Journals coming from this e xternal company needs to be posted
automatically." LABEL "Auto Post GJ"
FIELD "JournalCode" OF "ExtCompany": character DESCRIPTION "The Journal Code to use
to enter Multi-Company Journals from this external company." LABEL "Journal"
FIELD "OBS900-GJIntercompanyDiv" OF "ExtCompany": character DESCRIPTION
"Intercompany G/L Division used by Multi-Company Journal."
FIELD "CPayGroupPrefix" OF "ExtCompany": character DESCRIPTION "The default Invoice
Group Prefix that will be used by Centralized Payment process." LABEL "CPay Group
FIELD "CPayAutoPost" OF "ExtCompany": logical DESCRIPTION "The flag to indicate if
invoices flagged for Centralized Payment from external company will be posted
automatically." LABEL "Auto Post CPay"
FIELD "CPayLegalNum" OF "ExtCompany": character DESCRIPTION "This field will
indicate how Legal Number will be generated. The valid options are: 'O' - Use
Original Legal Number from the source invoice prefixed with the Sour ce Company ID;
'N' - Generate New Legal Number using the current company's Legal Number rules ."
LABEL "Legal Number Option"
FIELD "AutoLoadPart" OF "ExtCompany": logical DESCRIPTION "When receiving Global
Parts, try to create/link a Part without hu man intervention" LABEL "Auto Load
FIELD "AutoLoadCust" OF "ExtCompany": logical DESCRIPTION "When receiving global
customers, try to create/link the Part with out human intervention"
LABEL "Auto Load Customer"
FIELD "AutoLoadVend" OF "ExtCompany": logical DESCRIPTION "When receiving global
vendors, try to create/link a vendor withou t human intervention" LABEL "Auto Load
FIELD "InactivateLogging" OF "ExtCompany": logical DESCRIPTION "Inactivate the
logging of outbound records for this External Comp any."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ExtCompany": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ExtCompany": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ExtCompany": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "SendRev" OF "ExtCompany": logical DESCRIPTION "Part revisions will be sent.
Init NO (Future USE)" LABEL "Send Revision"
FIELD "SendPerCon" OF "ExtCompany": logical DESCRIPTION "PerCon will be sent."

TABLE "ExtPlant" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This file contains the plant
specific information for each extern al system."
FIELD "Company" OF "ExtPlant": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier"
FIELD "ExtSystemID" OF "ExtPlant": character DESCRIPTION "Code for the external
package to be interfaced with" LABEL "External System"
FIELD "TransferMethod" OF "ExtPlant": character DESCRIPTION "Option of how to
transfer the data to the package (e.g. direct co nnect, ascii, xml) and will
identify the specific programs to run" LABEL "Transfer Method"
FIELD "ExtCompanyID" OF "ExtPlant": character
DESCRIPTION "The ID of the interfaced company" LABEL "Ext. Company ID"
FIELD "ExtPlantID" OF "ExtPlant": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of this
plant assigned by the user." LABEL "Plant" COLUMN-LABEL "Plant"
FIELD "Name" OF "ExtPlant": character DESCRIPTION "The Plant name. Used on shipping
reports." LABEL "Name" COLUMN-LABEL "Name"
FIELD "Address1" OF "ExtPlant": character DESCRIPTION "Plant address line 1." LABEL
FIELD "Address2" OF "ExtPlant": character DESCRIPTION "Plant address line 2." LABEL
FIELD "Address3" OF "ExtPlant": character DESCRIPTION "Plant address line 3." LABEL
FIELD "City" OF "ExtPlant": character DESCRIPTION "City" LABEL "City"
FIELD "State" OF "ExtPlant": character DESCRIPTION "State/Province" LABEL
"State/Prov" COLUMN-LABEL "State/Province"
FIELD "Zip" OF "ExtPlant": character DESCRIPTION "Zip/Postal Code" LABEL "Postal
FIELD "PhoneNum" OF "ExtPlant": character DESCRIPTION "Main phone number of the
plant." LABEL "Phone"
FIELD "FaxNum" OF "ExtPlant": character DESCRIPTION "Main fax number of the plant."
FIELD "CountryNum" OF "ExtPlant": integer
DESCRIPTION "Country part of the address. This field is in sync with the Count
ry.Country field. Must be a valid entry in the Country table." LABEL "Country
FIELD "DefaultWhse" OF "ExtPlant": character DESCRIPTION
"ExtWarehouse.ExtWarehouseID as the default external warehouse for this external
plant." LABEL "Default Warehouse ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Def Whse"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ExtPlant": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ExtPlant": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ExtPlant": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "ExtSysStatus" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "External System Status table"
FIELD "ExtSystemId" OF "ExtSysStatus": character DESCRIPTION "External System
FIELD "RLSequenceId" OF "ExtSysStatus": decimal DESCRIPTION "Sequence ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ExtSysStatus": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ExtSysStatus": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ExtSysStatus": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "ExtSysTable" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "External System Table List"
DESCRIPTION "A list of tables that are involved in each External System. Used to
determine which records to be sent to and deleted from the Intermediate tabl
FIELD "ExtSystemID" OF "ExtSysTable": character DESCRIPTION "Code for the external
package to be interfaced with" LABEL "External System"
FIELD "TableName" OF "ExtSysTable": character DESCRIPTION "Name of the table
involved in the integration with this External System."
FIELD "IMTableName" OF "ExtSysTable": character DESCRIPTION "Name of the
Intermediate table involved in the integration with t his External System."
FIELD "InOutNeitherBoth" OF "ExtSysTable": character DESCRIPTION "If this table in
the External System supports (I)ncoming, (O)utgo ing, (N)either, or (B)oth." LABEL
FIELD "DCRMTerrProgram" OF "ExtSysTable": character DESCRIPTION "The name of the
program that the Disconnected CRM Sync runs to de cide whether or not a record
should be sent to a Disconnected CRM Device based o n its Territory."
FIELD "IncludeBeforeImage" OF "ExtSysTable": logical DESCRIPTION "When the trigger
fires and the IntQueOut and IM After-Image are g enerated, for this External System
and Table Name combination, should the IM Bef ore-Image be recorded and sent to the
External System?"
FIELD "TransferMethod" OF "ExtSysTable": character DESCRIPTION "External System
Transfer Method"
FIELD "DCRMEngineerOnly" OF "ExtSysTable": logical DESCRIPTION "Should data from
this table only be sent to Disconnected CRM if i t is a Sales Engineer device?"
FIELD "DCRMFunctionalGroup" OF "ExtSysTable": character DESCRIPTION "The Functional
Group to which this table belongs for Disconnected CRM purposes."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ExtSysTable": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ExtSysTable": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ExtSysTable": integer
DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit
Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "ExtSystem" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "List of available external

packages to integrate with"
FIELD "ExtSystemID" OF "ExtSystem": character DESCRIPTION "Code for the external
package to be interfaced with" LABEL "External System"
FIELD "ExtSystemName" OF "ExtSystem": character DESCRIPTION "Full Name of external
package" LABEL "External System Name"
FIELD "TransferMethod" OF "ExtSystem": character DESCRIPTION "Option of how to
transfer the data to the package (e.g. direct co nnect, ascii, xml) and will
identify the specific programs to run" LABEL "Transfer Method"
FIELD "FinancialInt" OF "ExtSystem": logical DESCRIPTION "Financial Integration
flag" LABEL "Financial Integration"
FIELD "SonicLANHostName" OF "ExtSystem": character DESCRIPTION "The name of the
machine where the Base Database resides to which the Disconnected CRM Device will
synchronize data when connected via a LAN." LABEL "Sonic LAN Host Name"
FIELD "SonicWANHostName" OF "ExtSystem": character DESCRIPTION "The name of the
machine where the Base Database resides to which the Disconnected CRM Device will
synchronize data when connected via a WAN." LABEL "Sonic WAN Host Name"
FIELD "SonicSessionPort" OF "ExtSystem": integer DESCRIPTION "Sonic Session Port
number." HELP "Sonic v5.0 Default Value is 5162"
FIELD "SonicBrokerPort" OF "ExtSystem": integer DESCRIPTION "Sonic Broker Port
number." HELP "Sonic v5.0 Default Value is 2506"
FIELD "SonicWaitForTime" OF "ExtSystem": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of seconds to
pause in WAIT-FOR statement that is waiting for messages from the Sonic broker."
FIELD "SonicSessionType" OF "ExtSystem": character DESCRIPTION "If this field is
left blank, the Sonic connection will be TCP whi
ch is the Sonic default. Possible values are TCP, SSL, HTTP, or HTTPS."
FIELD "SonicPassword" OF "ExtSystem": character DESCRIPTION "Password for Sonic"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ExtSystem": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ExtSystem": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ExtSystem": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "ExtWarehouse" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This file contains the plant
specific information for each extern al system."
FIELD "Company" OF "ExtWarehouse": character DESCRIPTION "Company identifier"
FIELD "ExtSystemID" OF "ExtWarehouse": character DESCRIPTION "Code for the external
package to be interfaced with" LABEL "External System"
FIELD "TransferMethod" OF "ExtWarehouse": character DESCRIPTION "Option of how to
transfer the data to the package (e.g. direct co nnect, ascii, xml) and will
identify the specific programs to run" LABEL "Transfer Method"
FIELD "ExtCompanyID" OF "ExtWarehouse": character DESCRIPTION "The ID of the
interfaced company" LABEL "Ext. Company ID"
FIELD "ExtPlantID" OF "ExtWarehouse": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of
this external plant assigned by the user." LABEL "External Plant" COLUMN-LABEL
"External Plant"
FIELD "ExtWarehouseID" OF "ExtWarehouse": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
of this warehouse assigned by the user." LABEL "Warehouse" COLUMN-LABEL "Warehouse"
FIELD "Name" OF "ExtWarehouse": character DESCRIPTION "The Plant name. Used on
shipping reports." LABEL "Name" COLUMN-LABEL "Name"
FIELD "Address1" OF "ExtWarehouse": character DESCRIPTION "Plant address line 1."
LABEL "Address"
FIELD "Address2" OF "ExtWarehouse": character DESCRIPTION "Plant address line 2."
FIELD "Address3" OF "ExtWarehouse": character DESCRIPTION "Plant address line 3."
FIELD "City" OF "ExtWarehouse": character DESCRIPTION "City" LABEL "City"
FIELD "State" OF "ExtWarehouse": character DESCRIPTION "State/Province" LABEL
"State/Prov" COLUMN-LABEL "State/Province"
FIELD "Zip" OF "ExtWarehouse": character DESCRIPTION "Zip/Postal Code" LABEL
"Postal Code"
FIELD "CountryNum" OF "ExtWarehouse": integer DESCRIPTION "Country part of the
address. This field is in sync with the Count ry.Country field. Must be a valid
entry in the Country table." LABEL "Country Number"
FIELD "Country" OF "ExtWarehouse": character DESCRIPTION "Country" LABEL "Country"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ExtWarehouse": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ExtWarehouse": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ExtWarehouse": integer
DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit
Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "FAAddition" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Asset Addition" DESCRIPTION "The Fixed
Asset Addition table contains information about any add ition to the asset starting
with the acquisition of the Asset. Additions can be like upgrades and lifetime
influencing maintenance. "
FIELD "Company" OF "FAAddition": character DESCRIPTION "Company of the Addition."
LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL "company"
FIELD "AssetNum" OF "FAAddition": character DESCRIPTION "Asset number of the
Addition." LABEL "AssetNum" COLUMN-LABEL "AssetNum"
FIELD "AdditionNum" OF "FAAddition": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique number to identify
the Addition of an asset."
FIELD "Added" OF "FAAddition": date DESCRIPTION "The date of Addition"
FIELD "AdditionCost" OF "FAAddition": decimal DESCRIPTION "The cost added to the
asset." LABEL "Addition Cost" COLUMN-LABEL "Addition Cost"
FIELD "Depreciation" OF "FAAddition": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation already
applied to this addition in another syst em in previous years. Applies to inter-
group transfers only." LABEL "Depreciation" COLUMN-LABEL "Depreciation"
FIELD "OBS905-BookValue" OF "FAAddition": decimal DESCRIPTION "Bookvalue of the
addition is a calculated field. Addition Cost mi nus Addition Depreciation minus
Addition Current Year Depreciation is the Additi on Book Value." LABEL "Book Value"
FIELD "Description" OF "FAAddition": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "FAAddition": integer
DESCRIPTION "The vendor of the Addition. Defaulted from the asset." LABEL "Supplier
Num" COLUMN-LABEL "VendorNum"
FIELD "VendorName" OF "FAAddition": character DESCRIPTION "The Vendorname of the
vendor of the addtion. The Vendor name can be entered without entering a vendor.
Defaulted from the asset." LABEL "Supplier Name" COLUMN-LABEL "VendorName"
FIELD "InvoiceNum" OF "FAAddition": character DESCRIPTION "The Vendors invoice
number. Defaulted from the Asset." LABEL "InvoiceNum" COLUMN-LABEL "InvoiceNum"
FIELD "PONum" OF "FAAddition": integer DESCRIPTION "The vendors PO number of the
Addition. Defaulted from the asset." LABEL "PONum" COLUMN-LABEL "PONum"
FIELD "JobNum" OF "FAAddition": character DESCRIPTION "The jobnumber that created
the Addition. Defaulted from the asset ." LABEL "Job Number"
FIELD "WarehouseCode" OF "FAAddition": character DESCRIPTION "The warehouse where
the addition is stored. This is for informati on purposes only. In the warehouse
tracker no assets can be tracked." LABEL "Whse" COLUMN-LABEL "Whse"
FIELD "BinNum" OF "FAAddition": character DESCRIPTION "The bin where the addition
is stored. This is for information pur poses only. In the bin tracker no assets can
be tracked." LABEL "BinNum" COLUMN-LABEL "BinNum"
FIELD "Location" OF "FAAddition": character DESCRIPTION "A freeform field to
indicate the location of the addition." LABEL "Location" COLUMN-LABEL "Location"
FIELD "Manufacturer" OF "FAAddition": character DESCRIPTION "The original
manufacturer of the addition." LABEL "Manufacturer" COLUMN-LABEL "Manufacturer"
FIELD "Model" OF "FAAddition": character DESCRIPTION "The model number of
addition." LABEL "Model" COLUMN-LABEL "Model"
FIELD "Serialno" OF "FAAddition": character DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the
addition." LABEL "Serialno" COLUMN-LABEL "Serialno"
FIELD "NewAsset" OF "FAAddition": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicator to express if this
addition is bought new." LABEL "Acquisition" COLUMN-LABEL "Acquisition"
FIELD "Posted" OF "FAAddition": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate that the
addition is posted to the GL. After pos ting modification of the addition is not
allowed." LABEL "Posted" COLUMN-LABEL "Posted"
FIELD "PostDate" OF "FAAddition": date DESCRIPTION "Posting date of the addition to
the GL." LABEL "PostDate" COLUMN-LABEL "PostDate"
FIELD "PostedBy" OF "FAAddition": character DESCRIPTION "The addition is posted by
the user."
FIELD "JournalCode" OF "FAAddition": character DESCRIPTION "The GL journal to which
the addition is posted." LABEL "JournalCode" COLUMN-LABEL "JournalCode"
FIELD "JournalNum" OF "FAAddition": integer DESCRIPTION "The GL journal number to
which the addition is posted." LABEL "Journal" COLUMN-LABEL "Journal"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "FAAddition": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year of posting
of the addition to the GL." LABEL "FiscalYear" COLUMN-LABEL "FiscalYear"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "FAAddition": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal period of
posting of the addition to the GL." LABEL "FiscalPeriod" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "ReadyToPost" OF "FAAddition": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicat that the
addition is allowed to be posted to the GL."
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "FAAddition": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year
suffix" LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "CurrentDep" OF "FAAddition": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation already
applied to this addition in another syst em witin the same holding company in this
year. this amount is only posted to th e balance sheet and not as charge to the
P&L, because the the charge has already been charged in a sister company."
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "FAAddition": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal
calendar year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-
LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FAAddition": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FAAddition": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FAAddition": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GrantAmt" OF "FAAddition": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Grant Amount awarded to
an asset to reduce the depreciation c harge." LABEL "Grant Amount" COLUMN-LABEL
"Grant Amount"
FIELD "AdditionType" OF "FAAddition": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the type of
asset addition activity. Valid values are: ""PURCHASE"", ""TRANSFER"" or ""MISC""."
LABEL "Addition Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Addition Type"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "FAAddition": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the currency." LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "FAAddition": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of
the currency rate group." LABEL "Rate Group Code"
FIELD "InvoiceLine" OF "FAAddition": integer
DESCRIPTION "The Invoice Line of the related or linked AP Invoice." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "FAAddition": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the part number
transferred from stock to asset. This field is only required if the Addition Type
is ""Transfer""." LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "TransferQty" OF "FAAddition": decimal DESCRIPTION "Transferred Quantity
reported for this addition transfer." LABEL "Quantity"
FIELD "TransferUOM" OF "FAAddition": character DESCRIPTION "Unit of Measure for the
transferred quantity. " LABEL "U/M"
FIELD "LotNum" OF "FAAddition": character DESCRIPTION "Lot Number of the
transferred part." LABEL "Lot Number"
FIELD "DocAdditionCost" OF "FAAddition": decimal DESCRIPTION "The cost added to the
asset in the currency specified." LABEL "Doc Addition Cost" COLUMN-LABEL "Doc
Addition Cost"
FIELD "DocGrantAmt" OF "FAAddition": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Grant Amount awarded
to an asset to reduce the depreciation c harge in the currency specified." LABEL
"Doc Grant Amount" COLUMN-LABEL "Doc Grant Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1AdditionCost" OF "FAAddition": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of the Addition Cost." LABEL "Rpt Addition Cost"
FIELD "Rpt1GrantAmt" OF "FAAddition": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of the Grant Amount." LABEL "Rpt Grant Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2AdditionCost" OF "FAAddition": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of the Addition Cost." LABEL "Rpt Addition Cost"
FIELD "Rpt2GrantAmt" OF "FAAddition": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of the Grant Amount." LABEL "Rpt Grant Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3AdditionCost" OF "FAAddition": decimal
DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of the Addition Cost." LABEL "Rpt Addition
FIELD "Rpt3GrantAmt" OF "FAAddition": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of the Grant Amount." LABEL "Rpt Grant Amount"
FIELD "InterGroup" OF "FAAddition": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
miscellaneous addition is for an Inter-Group add ition." LABEL "Inter-Group"
FIELD "LocID" OF "FAAddition": character DESCRIPTION "Location ID." LABEL "Location
FIELD "EquipID" OF "FAAddition": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code to
uniquely identify the Equipment." LABEL "Equipment ID"
FIELD "Brand" OF "FAAddition": character DESCRIPTION "Brand of equipment" LABEL
FIELD "TransferUnits" OF "FAAddition": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the equivalent
number of units for the transferred qty fo r this asset addition. There is no unit
of measure conversion involved during u pdate of this field. The user is
responsible for the ""conversion"" of transfer red qty to asset units." LABEL

TABLE "FAAddReg" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Asset Addition Register" DESCRIPTION
"The Fixed Asset Addition Register table contains information abou t any Inter-
Group addition to the asset. This is a child table to the FAAdditio n table. This
table is used during inter-group miscellaneous addition activity. "
FIELD "Company" OF "FAAddReg": character DESCRIPTION "Company of the Addition."
LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL "company"
FIELD "AssetNum" OF "FAAddReg": character DESCRIPTION "Asset number of the
Addition." LABEL "AssetNum" COLUMN-LABEL "AssetNum"
FIELD "AdditionNum" OF "FAAddReg": integer
DESCRIPTION "Unique number to identify the Addition of an asset."
FIELD "PrevDepreciation" OF "FAAddReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation
already applied to this addition in another syst em in previous years. Applies to
inter-group transfers only." LABEL "BOY Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "BOY Dep"
FIELD "CurrDepreciation" OF "FAAddReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation
already applied to this addition in another syst em within the same holding company
for this year. This amount is only posted to the balance sheet and not as charge to
the P&L, because the the charge has alrea dy been charged in a sister company."
FIELD "BookValue" OF "FAAddReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Book Value of the addition is
a calculated field. It is Addition Cost minus previous years Addition Depreciation
minus current year Addition Depr eciation." LABEL "Book Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Book
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FAAddReg": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FAAddReg": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FAAddReg": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GrantBookValue" OF "FAAddReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant Book Value of the
addition is a calculated field. It is Gra nt Amount minus previous years Addition
Grant Depreciation minus current year Ad dition Grant Depreciation." LABEL "Grant
Book Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Grant Book Value"
FIELD "PrevGrantDep" OF "FAAddReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Grant Depreciation
already applied to the grant addition from another system for previous years.
Applies to inter-group transfers only." LABEL "Grant BOY Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Grant
BOY Dep"
FIELD "CurrGrantDep" OF "FAAddReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Grant Depreciation
already applied to the grant addition from another system for the current year.
Applies to inter-group transfers only."
LABEL "Grant CY Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Grant CY Dep"
FIELD "AssetRegID" OF "FAAddReg": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the Asset
Register." LABEL "Register ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Register ID"
FIELD "DocPrevDepreciation" OF "FAAddReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation
already applied to this addition in another syst em in previous years in the
specified currency. Applies to inter-group transfers only." LABEL "Doc BOY Dep"
FIELD "DocCurrDepreciation" OF "FAAddReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation
already applied to this addition in another syst em within the same holding company
for this year in the specified currency." LABEL "Doc CY Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Doc CY
FIELD "DocBookValue" OF "FAAddReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the Addition Book
Value in the specified currency." LABEL "Doc Book Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Doc Book
FIELD "DocGrantBookValue" OF "FAAddReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant Book Value of
the addition is a calculated field. It is Gra nt Amount minus previous years
Addition Grant Depreciation minus current year Ad dition Grant Depreciation." LABEL
"Doc Grant Book Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Doc Grant Book Value"
FIELD "DocPrevGrantDep" OF "FAAddReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The previous years
grant depreciation for this addition in the sp ecified currency." LABEL "Doc Grant
FIELD "DocCurrGrantDep" OF "FAAddReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The current year grant
depreciation for this addition in the spec ified currency." LABEL "Doc Grant CY
Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Doc Grant CY Dep"
FIELD "Rpt1PrevDepreciation" OF "FAAddReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of the previous years addition depreciat ion." LABEL "Rpt BOY Dep" COLUMN-
FIELD "Rpt1CurrDepreciation" OF "FAAddReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of the current year addition depreciatio n." LABEL "Rpt CY Dep" COLUMN-LABEL
"Rpt CY Dep"
FIELD "Rpt1BookValue" OF "FAAddReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of the addition book value." LABEL "Rpt Book Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Book Value"
FIELD "Rpt1GrantBookValue" OF "FAAddReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant Book Value of
the addition is a calculated field. It is Gra nt Amount minus previous years
Addition Grant Depreciation minus current year Ad dition Grant Depreciation." LABEL
"Rpt Grant Book Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Grant Book Value"
FIELD "Rpt1PrevGrantDep" OF "FAAddReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of the previous years addition grant dep reciation." LABEL "Rpt Grant BOY
Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Grant BOY Dep"
FIELD "Rpt1CurrGrantDep" OF "FAAddReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of the current year addition grant depre ciation." LABEL "Rpt Grant CY Dep"
FIELD "Rpt2PrevDepreciation" OF "FAAddReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of the previous years addition depreciat ion." LABEL "Rpt BOY Dep" COLUMN-
FIELD "Rpt2CurrDepreciation" OF "FAAddReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of the current year addition depreciatio n." LABEL "Rpt CY Dep" COLUMN-LABEL
"Rpt CY Dep"
FIELD "Rpt2BookValue" OF "FAAddReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of the addition book value." LABEL "Rpt Book Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Book Value"
FIELD "Rpt2GrantBookValue" OF "FAAddReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant Book Value of
the addition is a calculated field. It is Gra nt Amount minus previous years
Addition Grant Depreciation minus current year Ad dition Grant Depreciation." LABEL
"Rpt Grant Book Value"
COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Grant Book Value"
FIELD "Rpt2PrevGrantDep" OF "FAAddReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of the previous years addition grant dep reciation." LABEL "Rpt Grant BOY
Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Grant BOY Dep"
FIELD "Rpt2CurrGrantDep" OF "FAAddReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of the current year addition grant depre ciation." LABEL "Rpt Grant CY Dep"
FIELD "Rpt3PrevDepreciation" OF "FAAddReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of the previous years addition depreciat ion." LABEL "Rpt BOY Dep" COLUMN-
FIELD "Rpt3CurrDepreciation" OF "FAAddReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of the current year addition depreciatio n." LABEL "Rpt CY Dep" COLUMN-LABEL
"Rpt CY Dep"
FIELD "Rpt3BookValue" OF "FAAddReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of the addition book value." LABEL "Rpt Book Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Book Value"
FIELD "Rpt3GrantBookValue" OF "FAAddReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant Book Value of
the addition is a calculated field. It is Gra nt Amount minus previous years
Addition Grant Depreciation minus current year Ad dition Grant Depreciation." LABEL
"Rpt Grant Book Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Grant Book Value"
FIELD "Rpt3PrevGrantDep" OF "FAAddReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of the previous years addtion grant depr eciation." LABEL "Rpt Grant BOY Dep"
FIELD "Rpt3CurrGrantDep" OF "FAAddReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of the current year addition grant depre ciation." LABEL "Rpt Grant CY Dep"

AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The Fixed Asset Class provides a description for
the asset class and allows user to set up G/L divisions and G/L departments for the
asset charge accounts to be used during posting process of the asset transactions.
FIELD "Company" OF "FAClass": character DESCRIPTION "Company of the asset class."
LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL "company"
FIELD "ClassCode" OF "FAClass": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the asset
class." LABEL "Class" COLUMN-LABEL "Class"
FIELD "Description" OF "FAClass": character DESCRIPTION "Class description." LABEL
"Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "OBS900-Division" OF "FAClass": character DESCRIPTION "The overide division
for the cost accounts and charge accounts of the asset group." LABEL "Division"
FIELD "OBS900-GlDept" OF "FAClass": character DESCRIPTION "The overide department
for the charge accounts of the asset group ." LABEL "G/L Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "G/L
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FAClass": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FAClass": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FAClass": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalFAClass" OF "FAClass": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this FAClass as
global, available to be sent out to other c ompanies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "FAClass": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."
TABLE "FADisposal" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Asset Disposal" DESCRIPTION "The Fixed
Asset Disposal table contains information about any dis posal of the asset ending
with the final sell of the Asset."
FIELD "Company" OF "FADisposal": character DESCRIPTION "Company of the Disposal."
LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL "company"
FIELD "AssetNum" OF "FADisposal": character DESCRIPTION "Asset number of the
Disposal." LABEL "AssetNum" COLUMN-LABEL "AssetNum"
FIELD "DisposalCost" OF "FADisposal": decimal DESCRIPTION "The cost disposed from
the asset." LABEL "Disposal Cost" COLUMN-LABEL "Disposal Cost"
FIELD "OBS905-Depreciation" OF "FADisposal": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation
amount that is substracted from the Asset deprec iation cost account for the posted
depreciations of previous years." LABEL "Depreciation" COLUMN-LABEL "Depreciation"
FIELD "OBS905-BookValue" OF "FADisposal": decimal DESCRIPTION "A calculated field.
The bookvalue of a disposal is calculated as the disposal cost minus disposal
depreciation minus disposal current year deprec iation." LABEL "Book Value" COLUMN-
LABEL "Book Value"
FIELD "DisposalNum" OF "FADisposal": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique number to identify
the Disposal of an asset." LABEL "DisposalNum" COLUMN-LABEL "DisposalNum"
FIELD "Description" OF "FADisposal": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the
FIELD "InvoiceNum" OF "FADisposal": integer DESCRIPTION "Invoice number of the
customer." LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "CustNum" OF "FADisposal": integer DESCRIPTION "Internal customer number."
FIELD "InvoiceLine" OF "FADisposal": integer DESCRIPTION "The invoice line of the
customer invoice."
FIELD "Disposed" OF "FADisposal": date DESCRIPTION "The date of Disposal."
FIELD "Manufacturer" OF "FADisposal": character DESCRIPTION "The orignal
manufacturer of the disposal." LABEL "Manufacturer" COLUMN-LABEL "Manufacturer"
FIELD "Model" OF "FADisposal": character DESCRIPTION "The model number of the
disposal." LABEL "Model" COLUMN-LABEL "Model"
FIELD "Serialno" OF "FADisposal": character DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the
disposal." LABEL "Serialno" COLUMN-LABEL "Serialno"
FIELD "Posted" OF "FADisposal": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate that the
disposal is posted to the gL." LABEL "Posted" COLUMN-LABEL "Posted"
FIELD "PostDate" OF "FADisposal": date DESCRIPTION "The post date of the posting to
the GL." LABEL "PostDate" COLUMN-LABEL "PostDate"
FIELD "PostedBy" OF "FADisposal": character DESCRIPTION "The user that posted the
disposal to the GL."
FIELD "JournalCode" OF "FADisposal": character DESCRIPTION "The GL journal to which
the disposal is posted." LABEL "JournalCode" COLUMN-LABEL "JournalCode"
FIELD "JournalNum" OF "FADisposal": integer DESCRIPTION "The journal number to
which the disposal is posted." LABEL "Journal" COLUMN-LABEL "Journal"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "FADisposal": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year in which
the disposal is posted." LABEL "FiscalYear" COLUMN-LABEL "FiscalYear"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "FADisposal": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal period in
which the disposal is posted." LABEL "FiscalPeriod" COLUMN-LABEL "FiscalPeriod"
FIELD "CustName" OF "FADisposal": character DESCRIPTION "The name of the customer
that bought the disposal. The customer n ame can be entered even when no customer
is selected." LABEL "CustName" COLUMN-LABEL "CustName"
FIELD "OrderNum" OF "FADisposal": integer DESCRIPTION "The sales order that is used
to sell the disposal." LABEL "Order"
FIELD "JobNum" OF "FADisposal": character DESCRIPTION "The job that built the
disposal." LABEL "Job Number"
FIELD "ReadyToPost" OF "FADisposal": logical DESCRIPTION "flag to indicate that the
disposal is allowed to be posted."
FIELD "Proceed" OF "FADisposal": decimal DESCRIPTION "The sales amount of the
FIELD "OBS905-CurrentDep" OF "FADisposal": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation
amount that is substracted from the Asset deprec iation cost account for the posted
depreciations of current year."
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "FADisposal": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year
suffix." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "FADisposal": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal
calendar year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-
LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FADisposal": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FADisposal": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FADisposal": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record."
LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "WarehouseCode" OF "FADisposal": character DESCRIPTION "The warehouse where
the disposal came from. This is for informati on purposes only. In the warehouse
tracker no assets can be tracked." LABEL "Whse" COLUMN-LABEL "Whse"
FIELD "BinNum" OF "FADisposal": character DESCRIPTION "The bin where the disposal
came from. This is for information pur poses only. In the bin tracker no assets can
be tracked." LABEL "BinNum" COLUMN-LABEL "BinNum"
FIELD "DisposalType" OF "FADisposal": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the type of
asset disposal activity. Valid values are: ""SALE"", ""TRANSFER"" or ""MISC""."
LABEL "Disposal Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Disposal Type"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "FADisposal": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the currency." LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "FADisposal": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of
the currency rate group." LABEL "Rate Group Code"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "FADisposal": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the part number
transferred from asset to stock. This field is only required if the Disposal Type
is ""Transfer""." LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "TransferQty" OF "FADisposal": decimal DESCRIPTION "Transferred Quantity
reported for this disposal transfer." LABEL "Quantity"
FIELD "TransferUOM" OF "FADisposal": character DESCRIPTION "Unit of Measure for the
transferred quantity. " LABEL "U/M"
FIELD "LotNum" OF "FADisposal": character DESCRIPTION "Lot Number of the
transferred part." LABEL "Lot Number"
FIELD "PartDescription" OF "FADisposal": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the
transferred asset to stock."
FIELD "DocDisposalCost" OF "FADisposal": decimal DESCRIPTION "The cost disposed
from the asset in the currency specified." LABEL "Doc Disposal Cost" COLUMN-LABEL
"Doc Disposal Cost"
FIELD "Rpt1DisposalCost" OF "FADisposal": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of the cost disposed from the asset." LABEL "Rpt Disposal Cost" COLUMN-LABEL
"Rpt Disposal Cost"
FIELD "Rpt2DisposalCost" OF "FADisposal": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of the cost disposed from the asset." LABEL "Rpt Disposal Cost" COLUMN-LABEL
"Rpt Disposal Cost"
FIELD "Rpt3DisposalCost" OF "FADisposal": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of the cost disposed from the asset." LABEL "Rpt Disposal Cost" COLUMN-LABEL
"Rpt Disposal Cost"
FIELD "DocProceed" OF "FADisposal": decimal DESCRIPTION "The sales amount of the
disposal in the currency specified."
FIELD "Rpt1Proceed" OF "FADisposal": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of the proceed cost from the asset."
FIELD "Rpt2Proceed" OF "FADisposal": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of the proceed cost from the asset."
FIELD "Rpt3Proceed" OF "FADisposal": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of the proceed cost from the asset."
FIELD "LocID" OF "FADisposal": character DESCRIPTION "Location ID." LABEL "Location
FIELD "EquipID" OF "FADisposal": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code to
uniquely identify the Equipment." LABEL "Equipment ID"
FIELD "Brand" OF "FADisposal": character DESCRIPTION "Brand of equipment" LABEL
FIELD "TransferUnits" OF "FADisposal": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the equivalent
number of units for the transferred qty fo r this asset disposal. There is no unit
of measure conversion involved during u
pdate of this field. The user is responsible for the ""conversion"" of transfer red
qty to asset units." LABEL "Units"

TABLE "FADispReg" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Asset Disposal Register" DESCRIPTION
"The Fixed Asset Disposal Register table contains information abou t any disposal
of the asset specific for a Register. This is a child table of t he FADisposal
FIELD "Company" OF "FADispReg": character DESCRIPTION "Company of the Disposal."
LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "AssetNum" OF "FADispReg": character DESCRIPTION "Asset number of the
Disposal." LABEL "AssetNum" COLUMN-LABEL "AssetNum"
FIELD "DisposalNum" OF "FADispReg": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique number to identify
the Disposal of an asset." LABEL "Seq"
FIELD "AssetRegID" OF "FADispReg": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the Asset
Register." LABEL "Register ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Register ID"
FIELD "PrevDepreciation" OF "FADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation
amount that is substracted from the Asset deprec iation cost account for the posted
depreciations of previous years." LABEL "BOY Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "BOY Dep"
FIELD "CurrDepreciation" OF "FADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation
amount that is substracted from the Asset deprec iation cost account for the posted
depreciations of current year." LABEL "CY Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "CY Dep"
FIELD "BookValue" OF "FADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Book Value of a disposal
is calculated as the disposal cost m inus disposal depreciation minus disposal
current year depreciation." LABEL "Book Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Book Value"
FIELD "DocPrevDepreciation" OF "FADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation
amount that is substracted from the Asset deprec iation cost account for the posted
depreciations of previous years in the specif
ied currency." LABEL "Doc BOY Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Doc BOY Dep"
FIELD "DocCurrDepreciation" OF "FADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation
already applied to this addition in another syst em within the same holding company
for this year in the specified currency." LABEL "Doc CY Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Doc CY
FIELD "DocBookValue" OF "FADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the Book Value of
a disposal in the specified currency." LABEL "Doc Book Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Doc
Book Value"
FIELD "Rpt1PrevDepreciation" OF "FADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting
currency of the previous years disposal depreciation." LABEL "Rpt BOY Dep" COLUMN-
FIELD "Rpt1CurrDepreciation" OF "FADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting
currency value of the current year disposal depreciatio n." LABEL "Rpt CY Dep"
FIELD "Rpt1BookValue" OF "FADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of the disposal book value." LABEL "Rpt Book Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Book Value"
FIELD "Rpt2PrevDepreciation" OF "FADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting
currency value of the previous years disposal depreciat ion." LABEL "Rpt BOY Dep"
FIELD "Rpt2CurrDepreciation" OF "FADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting
currency value of the current year disposal depreciatio n." LABEL "Rpt CY Dep"
FIELD "Rpt2BookValue" OF "FADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of the disposal book value." LABEL "Rpt Book Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Book Value"
FIELD "Rpt3PrevDepreciation" OF "FADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting
currency value of the previous years disposal depreciat ion."
FIELD "Rpt3CurrDepreciation" OF "FADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting
currency value of the current year disposal depreciatio n." LABEL "Rpt CY Dep"
FIELD "Rpt3BookValue" OF "FADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of the disposal book value." LABEL "Rpt Book Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Book Value"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FADispReg": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FADispReg": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FADispReg": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GrantBookValue" OF "FADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant Book Value of the
disposal is a calculated field. It is Gra nt Amount minus previous years disposal
Grant Depreciation minus current year di sposal Grant Depreciation." LABEL "Grant
Book Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Grant Book Value"
FIELD "PrevGrantDep" OF "FADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The disposed portion of
the total Grant Depreciation already post ed for previous years." LABEL "Grant BOY
FIELD "CurrGrantDep" OF "FADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The disposed portion of
the total Grant Depreciation already post ed for the current year." LABEL "Grant CY
Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Grant CY Dep"
FIELD "DocGrantBookValue" OF "FADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant Book Value of
the disposal is a calculated field. It is Gra nt Amount minus previous years
disposal Grant Depreciation minus current year di sposal Grant Depreciation." LABEL
"Doc Grant Book Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Doc Grant Book Value"
FIELD "DocPrevGrantDep" OF "FADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The disposed portion
of the total Grant Depreciation already post ed for previous years." LABEL "Doc
Grant BOY Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Doc Grant BOY Dep"
FIELD "DocCurrGrantDep" OF "FADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The disposed portion
of the total Grant Depreciation already post ed for the current year." LABEL "Doc
Grant CY Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Doc Grant CY Dep"
FIELD "Rpt1GrantBookValue" OF "FADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant Book Value of
the disposal is a calculated field. It is Gra nt Amount minus previous years
disposal Grant Depreciation minus current year di sposal Grant Depreciation." LABEL
"Rpt Grant Book Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Grant Book Value"
FIELD "Rpt1PrevGrantDep" OF "FADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The disposed portion
of the total Grant Depreciation already post ed for previous years." LABEL "Rpt
Grant BOY Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Grant BOY Dep"
FIELD "Rpt1CurrGrantDep" OF "FADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The disposed portion
of the total Grant Depreciation already post ed for the current year." LABEL "Rpt
Grant CY Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Grant CY Dep"
FIELD "Rpt2GrantBookValue" OF "FADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant Book Value of
the disposal is a calculated field. It is Gra nt Amount minus previous years
disposal Grant Depreciation minus current year di sposal Grant Depreciation." LABEL
"Rpt Grant Book Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Grant Book Value"
FIELD "Rpt2PrevGrantDep" OF "FADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The disposed portion
of the total Grant Depreciation already post ed for previous years." LABEL "Rpt
Grant BOY Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Grant BOY Dep"
FIELD "Rpt2CurrGrantDep" OF "FADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The disposed portion
of the total Grant Depreciation already post ed for the current year." LABEL "Rpt
Grant CY Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Grant CY Dep"
FIELD "Rpt3GrantBookValue" OF "FADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant Book Value of
the disposal is a calculated field. It is Gra nt Amount minus previous years
disposal Grant Depreciation minus current year di sposal Grant Depreciation." LABEL
"Rpt Grant Book Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Grant Book Value"
FIELD "Rpt3PrevGrantDep" OF "FADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The disposed portion
of the total Grant Depreciation already post ed for previous years." LABEL "Rpt
Grant BOY Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Grant BOY Dep"
FIELD "Rpt3CurrGrantDep" OF "FADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The disposed portion
of the total Grant Depreciation already post ed for the current year." LABEL "Rpt
Grant CY Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Grant CY Dep"
FIELD "GrantAmt" OF "FADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Grant Amount awarded to
an asset to reduce the depreciation c harge." LABEL "Grant Amount" COLUMN-LABEL
"Grant Amount"
FIELD "DocGrantAmt" OF "FADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Grant Amount awarded
to an asset to reduce the depreciation c harge in the currency specified." LABEL
"Doc Grant Amount" COLUMN-LABEL "Doc Grant Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1GrantAmt" OF "FADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of the Grant Amount." LABEL "Rpt Grant Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2GrantAmt" OF "FADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of the Grant Amount." LABEL "Rpt Grant Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3GrantAmt" OF "FADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of the Grant Amount." LABEL "Rpt Grant Amount"

TABLE "FAGroup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The Fixed Asset group provides a
description for the asset group and allows user to set up G/L accounts and a G/L
Journal for an asset group to b e used during the posting process of additions,
disposals and asset transactions . Finalspread and addition spread are refinements
to the depreciation method of the asset."
FIELD "Company" OF "FAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Company of the Asset Group."
LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL "company"
FIELD "GroupCode" OF "FAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Indentifier of the asset
group." LABEL "GroupCode" COLUMN-LABEL "GroupCode"
FIELD "Description" OF "FAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The description of the
asset group." LABEL "Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "JournalCode" OF "FAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The journal to which the
assets of this group are posted to." LABEL "JournalCode" COLUMN-LABEL "JournalCode"

FIELD "OBS900-DepProvisionChart" OF "FAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The chart of

the balance sheet depreciation account. This account is credited by the
depreciation posting process." LABEL "DepProvisionChart" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "OBS900-DepProvisionDiv" OF "FAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The division of
the balance sheet depreciation account. This acco unt is credited by the
depreciation posting process. It will be superseded if th e Asset Class of the
Asset has a division attached." LABEL "DepProvisionDiv" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "OBS900-DepProvisionDept" OF "FAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The department
of the balance sheet depreciation account. This ac count is credited by the
depreciation posting process." LABEL "DepProvisionDept" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "OBS900-DepChargeChart" OF "FAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The chart of the
P&L depreciation charge account. This account is debited by the depreciation
posting process." LABEL "DepChargeChart" COLUMN-LABEL "DepChargeChart"
FIELD "OBS900-DepChargeDiv" OF "FAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The division of
the P&L depreciation charge account. This account is debited by the depreciation
posting process. It will be superseded if the As set Class of the Asset has a
division attached." LABEL "DepChargeDiv" COLUMN-LABEL "DepChargeDiv"
FIELD "OBS900-DepChargeDept" OF "FAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The department of
the P&L depreciation charge account. This accou nt is debited by the depreciation
posting process. It will be superseded if the Asset Class of the Asset has a
department attached." LABEL "DepChargeDept" COLUMN-LABEL "DepChargeDept"
FIELD "OBS900-AdditionChart" OF "FAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The chart of the
balance sheet addition cost account. This accoun t is debited during the posting of
an addition." LABEL "AdditionChart" COLUMN-LABEL "AdditionChart"
FIELD "OBS900-AdditionDiv" OF "FAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The division of the
balance sheet addition cost account. This acc ount is debited during the posting of
an addition." LABEL "AdditionDiv" COLUMN-LABEL "AdditionDiv"
FIELD "OBS900-AdditionDept" OF "FAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The department of
the balance sheet addition cost account. This a ccount is debited during the
posting of an addition." LABEL "AdditionDept" COLUMN-LABEL "AdditionDept"
FIELD "OBS900-DispPLChart" OF "FAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The chart of the
profit/loss account. "
FIELD "OBS900-DispPLDiv" OF "FAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The division of the
profit/loss account. "
FIELD "OBS900-DispPLDept" OF "FAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The department of
the profit/loss account. "
FIELD "OBS900-DisposalChart" OF "FAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The chart of the
balance sheet disposal cost account. This accoun t is credited during the posting
of a disposal." LABEL "DisposalChart" COLUMN-LABEL "DisposalChart"
FIELD "OBS900-DisposalDiv" OF "FAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The division of the
balance sheet disposal cost account. This acc ount is credited during the posting
of a disposal." LABEL "DisposalDiv" COLUMN-LABEL "DisposalDiv"
FIELD "OBS900-DisposalDept" OF "FAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The department of
the balance sheet disposal cost account. This a ccount is credited during the
posting of a disposal." LABEL "DisposalDept"
COLUMN-LABEL "DisposalDept"
FIELD "Finalspread" OF "FAGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate that the
total of depreciations in the last year of depreciation should be distributed over
all fiscal periods of the last year. " LABEL "Finalspread" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "OBS900-AddProvChart" OF "FAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The chart of the
Addition provision account. This account is cred ited during the posting process of
an addition."
FIELD "OBS900-AddProvDiv" OF "FAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The division of the
Addition provision account. This account is c redited during the posting process of
an addition."
FIELD "OBS900-AddProvDept" OF "FAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The department of
the Addition provision account. This account is credited during the posting process
of an addition."
FIELD "OBS900-AddCostChart" OF "FAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The chart of the
Addition cost account. This account is debited d uring the posting process of an
FIELD "OBS900-AddCostDiv" OF "FAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The division of the
Addition cost account. This account is debite d during the posting process of an
FIELD "OBS900-AddCostDept" OF "FAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The department of
the Addition cost account. This account is debi ted during the posting process of
an addition."
FIELD "OBS900-DispCostDept" OF "FAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The department of
the disposal cost account. This account is cred ited during the posting process of
a disposal."
FIELD "OBS900-DispCostChart" OF "FAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The chart of the
disposal cost account. This account is credited during the posting process of a
FIELD "OBS900-DispCostDiv" OF "FAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The division of the
disposal cost account. This account is credit ed during the posting process of a
FIELD "OBS900-DispProvChart" OF "FAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The chart of the
disposal provision account. This account is debi ted during the posting process of
a disposal."
FIELD "OBS900-DispProvDiv" OF "FAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The division of the
disposal provision account. This account is d ebited during the posting process of
a disposal."
FIELD "OBS900-DispProvDept" OF "FAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The department of
the disposal provision account. This account is debited during the posting process
of a disposal."
FIELD "AdditionSpread" OF "FAGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate that
calculated depreciation between the fiscal period of asset commission date and the
first open fiscal period should be distr ibuted over all open remaining periods of
the first depreciation year or when fa lse then the calculated depreciation will be
applied to the first open fiscal pe riod." LABEL "Addition Spread"
FIELD "AssetMethod" OF "FAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Indentifier of the
depreciation methods table." LABEL "Method" COLUMN-LABEL "Method"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FAGroup": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FAGroup": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalFAGroup" OF "FAGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this FAGroup as
global, available to be sent out to other c ompanies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "FAGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."

TABLE "FAGroupReg" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The Asset Group Register Master
provides the default depreciation parameters per asset register."
FIELD "Company" OF "FAGroupReg": character DESCRIPTION "Company identifier." LABEL
"Company" COLUMN-LABEL "company"
FIELD "GroupCode" OF "FAGroupReg": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the asset
group." LABEL "GroupCode" COLUMN-LABEL "GroupCode"
FIELD "AssetRegID" OF "FAGroupReg": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the Asset
Register." LABEL "Register ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Register ID"
FIELD "AdditionSpread" OF "FAGroupReg": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate that
calculated depreciation between the fiscal period of asset commission date and the
first open fiscal period should be distr ibuted over all open remaining periods of
the first depreciation year or when fa lse then the calculated depreciation will be
applied to the first open fiscal pe riod." LABEL "Addition Spread"
FIELD "SpreadCode" OF "FAGroupReg": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the spread
code table that will be used for the Add ition Spread option." LABEL "Code" COLUMN-
LABEL "Code"
FIELD "LifeModifier" OF "FAGroupReg": character DESCRIPTION "In case of life
depreciation method the life modifier expresses t he unit of measure of life.
Values are: Periods and Years." LABEL "Life Modifier"
FIELD "AnnualDepRate" OF "FAGroupReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Depreciation Rate
that will be used to calculate the Annual C harge." LABEL "Percent" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "AssetLife" OF "FAGroupReg": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of periods or years
- unit defined in the Life Modifier." LABEL "Life" COLUMN-LABEL "Life"
FIELD "AssetMethod" OF "FAGroupReg": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the
depreciation method table." LABEL "Method" COLUMN-LABEL "Method"
FIELD "BookID" OF "FAGroupReg": character DESCRIPTION "The G/L Book that will be
used when posting asset depreciations a gainst this register." LABEL "Book ID"
FIELD "CalendarID" OF "FAGroupReg": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the Asset
Calendar used when posting asset activities. This calendar could be different from
the G/L Book Fiscal Calendar." LABEL "Asset Calendar" COLUMN-LABEL "Asset Calendar"

FIELD "DepConvention" OF "FAGroupReg": character DESCRIPTION "Convention used for

the depreciation calculation of the asset. T his will determine how depreciation is
prorated for the year in which the asset is placed in service. Valid values are:
""HY"" (Half Year); ""MM"" (Mid Month); ""QR"" (Quarter); ""MQ"" (Mid Quarter);
""FM"" (Full Month); ""EM"" (Entire Mon th); ""SD"" (Service Date), ""NM"" (Next
Month), and ""AD"" (Acquisition Date). This field can be blank." LABEL "Convention"
COLUMN-LABEL "Convention"
FIELD "RetroAdjust" OF "FAGroupReg": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate if the
changes in asset depreciation costs, due to an adjustment of asset cost or
depreciation parameters, will affect the curre nt year depreciation calculation."
LABEL "Retro Adjust"
FIELD "ProdUnitSpread" OF "FAGroupReg": character DESCRIPTION "Production Unit
Spread Code." LABEL "Prod Unit Spread"
FIELD "TotalProdUnit" OF "FAGroupReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Production Units.
This could be the total production units per Year or per Period depending on the
depreciation charge basis of the asset depreciation method." LABEL "Total Prod
FIELD "AnnualFixedValue" OF "FAGroupReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Fixed Value that
will be used as the Annual Charge amount dur ing the asset depreciation
calculation. This field is only used if the deprecia tion method is set up to 'Use
Fixed Value' for the annual charge calculation. " LABEL "Annual Charge" COLUMN-
LABEL "Annual Charge"
FIELD "AnnualSpread" OF "FAGroupReg": character DESCRIPTION "Annual Charge Spread
Code" LABEL "Annual Spread" COLUMN-LABEL "Annual Spread"
FIELD "PeriodFixedValue" OF "FAGroupReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Fixed Value that
will be used as the Period Charge amount dur ing the asset period depreciation
calculation. This field is only used if the d epreciation method is set up to 'Use
Fixed Value' for the period charge calculat ion. " LABEL "Period Charge" COLUMN-
LABEL "Period Charge"
FIELD "PeriodSpread" OF "FAGroupReg": character DESCRIPTION "Period Charge Spread"
LABEL "Period Spread" COLUMN-LABEL "Period Spread"
FIELD "PeriodRateSpread" OF "FAGroupReg": character DESCRIPTION "Spread Code used
to determine the spread values used when prorati ng Annual Charge." LABEL "Period
Rate Spread" COLUMN-LABEL "Period Rate Spread"
FIELD "FinalSpread" OF "FAGroupReg": character DESCRIPTION "Final Spread Code"
LABEL "Final Spread" COLUMN-LABEL "Final Spread"
FIELD "AltAssetMethod" OF "FAGroupReg": character DESCRIPTION "Alternate
Depreciation Method" LABEL "Alt Method" COLUMN-LABEL "Alt Method"
FIELD "UseFinalSpread" OF "FAGroupReg": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate that
the total of depreciations in the last year of depreciation should be distributed
over all fiscal periods of the last year. " LABEL "Use Final Spread" COLUMN-LABEL
"Use Final Spread"
FIELD "Depreciate" OF "FAGroupReg": logical DESCRIPTION "Depreciation Flag. When
true then the asset register will be proc essed in the depreciation recalculation
process and the depreciation posting pro cess. If set to false then all
depreciation parameters are blank and not updata ble." LABEL "Depreciate" COLUMN-
LABEL "Depreciate"
FIELD "RateFactor" OF "FAGroupReg": integer DESCRIPTION "The Rate Factor is used as
a multiplier when calculating Annual D epreciation Charge using the Declining
Balance formula." LABEL "Factor" COLUMN-LABEL "Factor"
FIELD "ResidualValue" OF "FAGroupReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Residual value of the
asset" LABEL "Residual" COLUMN-LABEL "Residual"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FAGroupReg": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FAGroupReg": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FAGroupReg": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalFAGroupReg" OF "FAGroupReg": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this
FAGroupReg as global, available to be sent out to othe r companies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "FAGroupReg": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."

TABLE "FAImpairment" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Asset Impairment" DESCRIPTION "The
Fixed Asset Impairment table contains information about any a sset impairment
FIELD "Company" OF "FAImpairment": character DESCRIPTION "Company of the Addition."
LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL "company"
FIELD "AssetNum" OF "FAImpairment": character DESCRIPTION "Asset number of the
Addition." LABEL "AssetNum" COLUMN-LABEL "AssetNum"
FIELD "ImpairNum" OF "FAImpairment": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique number to identify
the Impairment of an asset." LABEL "Seq"
FIELD "ImpairmentCost" OF "FAImpairment": decimal DESCRIPTION "The impairment cost
recorded against the asset." LABEL "Impairment Cost" COLUMN-LABEL "Impairment Cost"

FIELD "Description" OF "FAImpairment": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the

FIELD "Posted" OF "FAImpairment": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate that the
impairment is posted to the GL. After p osting modification of the impairment is
not allowed." LABEL "Posted" COLUMN-LABEL "Posted"
FIELD "PostDate" OF "FAImpairment": date DESCRIPTION "Posting date of the
impairment to the GL." LABEL "PostDate" COLUMN-LABEL "PostDate"
FIELD "ReadyToPost" OF "FAImpairment": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicat that
the impairment is allowed to be posted to th e GL."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FAImpairment": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FAImpairment": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FAImpairment": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "FAImpairment": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the currency." LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "ApplyDate" OF "FAImpairment": date DESCRIPTION "The Impairment Date that
will be used to get the exchange rate." LABEL "Apply Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Apply
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "FAImpairment": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of
the currency rate group." LABEL "Rate Group Code"
FIELD "DocImpairmentCost" OF "FAImpairment": decimal DESCRIPTION "The impairment
cost recorded against the asset in the currency sp ecified." LABEL "Doc Impairment
Cost" COLUMN-LABEL "Doc Impairment Cost"
FIELD "Rpt1ImpairmentCost" OF "FAImpairment": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting
currency value of the Impairment Cost." LABEL "Rpt Impairment Cost"
FIELD "Rpt2ImpairmentCost" OF "FAImpairment": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting
currency value of the Impairment Cost." LABEL "Rpt Impairment Cost"
FIELD "Rpt3ImpairmentCost" OF "FAImpairment": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting
currency value of the Impairment Cost." LABEL "Rpt Impairment Cost"
FIELD "PostedBy" OF "FAImpairment": character DESCRIPTION "The addition is posted
by the user."
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "FAImpairment": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year of
posting of the addition to the GL." LABEL "FiscalYear" COLUMN-LABEL "FiscalYear"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "FAImpairment": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal period of
posting of the addition to the GL." LABEL "FiscalPeriod" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "FAImpairment": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year
suffix" LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "FAImpairment": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal
calendar year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-
LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "JournalCode" OF "FAImpairment": character DESCRIPTION "The GL journal to
which the impairment is posted." LABEL "JournalCode" COLUMN-LABEL "JournalCode"
FIELD "JournalNum" OF "FAImpairment": integer DESCRIPTION "The GL journal number to
which the impairment is posted." LABEL "Journal" COLUMN-LABEL "Journal"

TABLE "FAMacrs" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The Fixed Asset Macrs table is the
master file for the Macrs depr eciation methods. The intention is however to allow
the user to enter the appro priate Macrs data manually (or by import)."
FIELD "Company" OF "FAMacrs": character DESCRIPTION "Company of the Macrs table."
LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL "company"
FIELD "MacrsCode" OF "FAMacrs": character
DESCRIPTION "Indentifier of the Macrs table. For future use" LABEL "Macrs" COLUMN-
LABEL "Macrs"
FIELD "Description" OF "FAMacrs": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the Macrs.
For future use"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FAMacrs": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FAMacrs": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FAMacrs": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "FAMacrYr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The Fixed Asset Macr Year table.
Each Macrs depreciation year (no t a fiscal year) has it own depreciation rate."
FIELD "Company" OF "FAMacrYr": character DESCRIPTION "Company of the Macrs year
rates table." LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL "company"
FIELD "MacrsCode" OF "FAMacrYr": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the Macrs
table. For future use." LABEL "Macrs" COLUMN-LABEL "Macrs"
FIELD "YearNum" OF "FAMacrYr": integer DESCRIPTION "Year number. It is sequential
numer not related to fiscal periods .For future use."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FAMacrYr": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FAMacrYr": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "Rate" OF "FAMacrYr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Macrs percent rate. This rate of
the asset cost will be used to c alculate the year depreciation amount.For future
use." LABEL "Rate"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FAMacrYr": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "FAMethod" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The Fixed Asset Method holds
information about the depreciation m ethod currently stored in the asset master.
This table allows the user to setup standard methods across assets. This table is
prepared for the US Macrs deprec iation methods. "
FIELD "Company" OF "FAMethod": character DESCRIPTION "Company of the depreciation
methods table." LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL "company"
FIELD "AssetMethod" OF "FAMethod": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the
depreciation method." LABEL "Method" COLUMN-LABEL "Method"
FIELD "DepreciationMethod" OF "FAMethod": character DESCRIPTION "The depreciation
method description. These are the pre-defined de preciation methods provided for
this release: Rate Straight-Line; Life StraightLine; Declining Balance; Declining
Balance to Straight-Line; Sum of the Years Di gits; Fixed Amount Per Year; and
Fixed Amount Per Month." LABEL "Method" COLUMN-LABEL "Method"
FIELD "OBS905-SpreadCode" OF "FAMethod": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the
FA Spread table. A spread distributes the year depreciation amout over the fiscal
periods using day factor of the fiscal period s. " LABEL "Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Code"

FIELD "AdditionSpread" OF "FAMethod": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate that

calculated depreciation between the fiscal period of asset commission date and the
first open fiscal period should be distr ibuted over all open remaining periods of
the first depreciation year or when fa lse then the calculated depreciation will be
applied to the first open fiscal pe riod." LABEL "Addition Spread"
FIELD "Finalspread" OF "FAMethod": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate that the
total of depreciations in the last year of depreciation should be distributed over
all fiscal periods of the last year. " LABEL "Final Spread"
COLUMN-LABEL "Final Spread"
FIELD "OBS905-MacrsCode" OF "FAMethod": character DESCRIPTION "Indentifier of the
Macrs table. For future use." LABEL "Macrs" COLUMN-LABEL "Macrs"
FIELD "OBS905-HalfYear" OF "FAMethod": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate that
the half year convention is used. When an a sset is commisioned then the year
depreciation of that year is divided by 2 rega rdless the date of commissioning."
LABEL "Half Year"
FIELD "OBS905-MidQuarter" OF "FAMethod": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate that
the mid quarter convention is used. When ap plied the depreciation that can be
deducted in the year commissioning depends on the quarter in which the asset is
placed in service." LABEL "Mid Quarter" COLUMN-LABEL "Mid Quarter"
FIELD "OBS905-MidMonth" OF "FAMethod": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate that
the mid month convention is used. When appl ied the depreciation that can be
deducted for the first year depends on the mont h in which the asset is placed in
service. If an asset is commissioned in july then five full months plus a hlf for
July are depreciated (5.5 / 12 * full year depreciation amount)." LABEL "Mid Month"
FIELD "OBS905-Manual" OF "FAMethod": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate that the
asset depreciation is calculated manual ly. Manually depreciated assets are not
processed in the depreciation recalculat ion process." LABEL "Manual" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FAMethod": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FAMethod": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FAMethod": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "InUse" OF "FAMethod": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this depreciation
method is used by an asset registe r."
FIELD "AllowSwitch" OF "FAMethod": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
depreciation method is allowed to switch to ano ther method." LABEL "Allowed"
FIELD "AltAssetMethod" OF "FAMethod": character DESCRIPTION "Alternate Depreciation
Method" LABEL "Alt Method" COLUMN-LABEL "Alt Method"
FIELD "DepChargeBasis" OF "FAMethod": character DESCRIPTION "Depreciation Charge
Basis. Valid values are: ""ANNUAL"" or ""PER IOD""." LABEL "Dep. Charge Basis"
COLUMN-LABEL "Dep. Charge Basis"
FIELD "AnnualChargeType" OF "FAMethod": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates how Annual
Charge amount needs to be calculated. Valid values are: ""RATE"", ""LIFE"",
""SUMYEAR"", ""DECBAL"", ""BALTOLN"", ""FORMULA" "; ""SPREAD"" or ""FIXED"". If
Rate is selected then Annual Charge is calculate d using the pre-defined formula
for ""Rate Straight Line"" depreciation calculat ion. If Life is selected then
Annual Charge is calculated using the pre-defined formula for ""Life Straight
Line"" depreciation calculation. If SumYear is selec ted then Annual Charge is
calculated using the pre-defined formula for ""Sum of Year Digits"" depreciation
calculation. If DecBal is selected then Annual Charge is calculated using the pre-
defined formula for ""Declining Balance"" depreciat ion calculation. If BalToLn is
selected then Annual Charge is calculated using t he pre-defined formula for
""Declining Balance to Straight Line"" depreciation c alculation. If Formula is
selected then Annual Charge will be calculated using a user-maintainable formula.
If Spread is selected then Annual Charge is taken f rom the value stored from the
Spread Code table. If Fixed is selected then the A nnual Charge is manually entered
by the user through Asset Maintenance." LABEL "Annual Charge" COLUMN-LABEL "Annual
FIELD "AnnualFormula" OF "FAMethod": character DESCRIPTION "Formula used to
calculate the asset annual depreciation charge. Only valid if AnnualChargeType is
NOT ""SPREAD"" nor ""FIXED""." LABEL "Formula" COLUMN-LABEL "Formula"
FIELD "PeriodChargeType" OF "FAMethod": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates how Period
Charge amount needs to be calculated. Valid values are: ""FORMULA"", ""SPREAD"" or
""FIXED"". If Formula is selected then Period Charge is derived using the period
formula. If Spread is selected then Pe riod Charge is taken from the value stored
from the Spread Code table. If Fixed is seleted then the Period Charge is manually
entered by the user through Asset Maintenance." LABEL "Period Charge" COLUMN-LABEL
"Period Charge"
FIELD "ProrateType" OF "FAMethod": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates how the Annual
Charge Amount will be distributed over p eriods. Valid values are: ""EQUAL"";
""SPREAD""; or ""NUMDAYS"". If Equal then Annual Charge will be divided equally
among fiscal periods. If Spread then Ann ual Charge will be prorated using the
Spread Code values. If NumDays then Annual Charge will be prorated using the Number
of Days per period." LABEL "ProrateType" COLUMN-LABEL "Prorate Type"
FIELD "Description" OF "FAMethod": character DESCRIPTION "The depreciation method
description. These are the pre-defined de preciation methods provided for this
release: Rate Straight-Line; Life StraightLine; Declining Balance; Declining
Balance to Straight-Line; Sum of the Years Di gits; Fixed Amount Per Year; and
Fixed Amount Per Month." LABEL "Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "SystemFlag" OF "FAMethod": logical DESCRIPTION "System maintained field.
Indicates that this depreciation method uses a pre-defined formula in calculating
depreciation costs." LABEL "System"
FIELD "SwitchMethod" OF "FAMethod": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates when to apply
the automatic switching of depreciation m ethod from the original method to the
alternate method. Valid values of this fi eld are: ""NEVER"" (Never), ""EXPENSE""
(On Greater Expense) and ""BOOKVAL"" (On Book Value Reaching % of Asset Cost)."
LABEL "Switch Method"
FIELD "SwitchPercent" OF "FAMethod": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Percentage that will
be used to check if an automatic switchi ng of depreciation method is necessary. If
SwitchMethod is ""BOOKVAL"" then an automatic switch of depreciation method will
occur if the Book Value becomes <= SwitchPercent (%) of Asset Cost." LABEL
"Percent" COLUMN-LABEL "Percent"
FIELD "PeriodFormula" OF "FAMethod": character DESCRIPTION "Formula used to
calculate the asset period depreciation charge. Only valid if PeriodChargeType is
""FORMULA""." LABEL "Formula" COLUMN-LABEL "Formula"

TABLE "FAMethodParams" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Holds the custom parameters
that will be available for use in the Depreciation Method's Formula builder. This
table will link to a lookup table/ link to get the actual target value for the
FIELD "Company" OF "FAMethodParams": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ParamName" OF "FAMethodParams": character DESCRIPTION "The name assigned to
a parameter. This name must be unique." LABEL "Param Name" COLUMN-LABEL "Param
FIELD "ParamDesc" OF "FAMethodParams": character DESCRIPTION "Text that describes
the parameter." LABEL "Parameter Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Parameter Description"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FAMethodParams": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FAMethodParams": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FAMethodParams": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "MapUID" OF "FAMethodParams": integer DESCRIPTION "Lookup Table's Map unique
ID." LABEL "Lookup Table Map UID" COLUMN-LABEL "Lookup Table Map UID"
FIELD "TgtSeqNbr" OF "FAMethodParams": integer DESCRIPTION "Target Field sequence
number." LABEL "Target Sequence Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Sequence Number"
FIELD "LinkUID" OF "FAMethodParams": integer DESCRIPTION "Source Link unique ID."
LABEL "Source Link UID" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Link UID"
FIELD "InActive" OF "FAMethodParams": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate an
asset custom parameter to be inactive. Inacti ve parameter is not included in the
list of valid parameters for the formula bui lder." LABEL "InActive" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "AssetMethod" OF "FAMethodParams": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the
depreciation method." LABEL "Method" COLUMN-LABEL "Method"
FIELD "ParamNbr" OF "FAMethodParams": integer DESCRIPTION "Intended for internal
use only to keep the records unique." LABEL "Parameter Number" COLUMN-LABEL
"Parameter Number"
FIELD "ParamType" OF "FAMethodParams": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifies the type of
parameter used in the formula logic. 1 = Lookup Table Data and 2 = BAQ." LABEL
"ParamType" COLUMN-LABEL "Param Type"
FIELD "BAQExportID" OF "FAMethodParams": character DESCRIPTION "BAQ ID, the unique
identifier for this Query table within the com pany" LABEL "BAQ ID" COLUMN-LABEL

TABLE "FAMethodParamsBAQ" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Depreciation Method

Formula BAQ Parameters"
FIELD "Company" OF "FAMethodParamsBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."

FIELD "ParamNbr" OF "FAMethodParamsBAQ": integer DESCRIPTION "Intended for internal

use only to keep the records unique." LABEL "Parameter Number" COLUMN-LABEL
"Parameter Number"
FIELD "BAQParamValNbr" OF "FAMethodParamsBAQ": integer DESCRIPTION "Intended for
internal use only to keep the records unique." LABEL "BAQ Parameter Number" COLUMN-
LABEL "BAQ Parameter Number"
FIELD "BAQExportID" OF "FAMethodParamsBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "BAQ ID, the
unique identifier for this Query table within the com pany" LABEL "BAQ ID" COLUMN-
FIELD "ParameterName" OF "FAMethodParamsBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "BAQ Parameter
Name" LABEL "Parameter Name" COLUMN-LABEL "Parameter Name"
FIELD "BAQParamCode" OF "FAMethodParamsBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "Specific baq
parameter value." LABEL "BAQ Param Code" COLUMN-LABEL "BAQ Param Code"
FIELD "ParamOpt" OF "FAMethodParamsBAQ": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifes the option
for the BAQ parameter." LABEL "Parameter Option" COLUMN-LABEL "Parameter Option"
FIELD "ParamSegmentNbr" OF "FAMethodParamsBAQ": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifies the
segment number to use to determine the segment cod e that will be used to look up
the result value in the lookup table." LABEL "Param Segment Number" COLUMN-LABEL
"Param Segment Nbr"
FIELD "EntryType" OF "FAMethodParamsBAQ": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifies if the
parameter is an actual value or an option." LABEL "Entry Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Entry
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FAMethodParamsBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FAMethodParamsBAQ": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FAMethodParamsBAQ": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "AssetMethod" OF "FAMethodParamsBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of
the depreciation method." LABEL "Method" COLUMN-LABEL "Method"

TABLE "FAMethodParamsSrc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Depreciation Method

Formula Parameter Source"
FIELD "Company" OF "FAMethodParamsSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."

FIELD "ParamNbr" OF "FAMethodParamsSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "Intended for internal

use only to keep the records unique. The v alue is inherited from the
FAMethodParams table." LABEL "Parameter Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Parameter Number"
FIELD "LookupTblMapUID" OF "FAMethodParamsSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "Map unique
ID." LABEL "Lookup Table Map UID"
COLUMN-LABEL "Lookup Table Map UID"
FIELD "TgtSeqNbr" OF "FAMethodParamsSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "Target Field
sequence number." LABEL "Target Sequence Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Target Sequence
FIELD "LinkUID" OF "FAMethodParamsSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "Source Link unique
ID." LABEL "Source Link UID" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Link UID"
FIELD "ParamOpt" OF "FAMethodParamsSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifes the option
for the BAQ parameter." LABEL "Parameter Option" COLUMN-LABEL "Parameter Option"
FIELD "ParamSegmentNbr" OF "FAMethodParamsSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifies the
segment number to use to determine the segment cod e that will be used to look up
the result value in the lookup table." LABEL "Param Segment Number" COLUMN-LABEL
"Param Segment Nbr"
FIELD "EntryType" OF "FAMethodParamsSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifies if the
parameter is an actual value or an option." LABEL "Entry Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Entry
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FAMethodParamsSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FAMethodParamsSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FAMethodParamsSrc": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "AssetMethod" OF "FAMethodParamsSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of
the depreciation method." LABEL "Method" COLUMN-LABEL "Method"

TABLE "FAPerDep" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The Fixed Asset Period
Depreciation table holds the scheduled dep reciation for certain fiscal period.
Intended to allow the user to enter or impo rt a manual depreciation schedule. "
FIELD "Company" OF "FAPerDep": character DESCRIPTION "Company of the periodical
depreciation" LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL "company"
FIELD "AssetNum" OF "FAPerDep": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the asset"
LABEL "AssetNum" COLUMN-LABEL "AssetNum"
FIELD "AssetSeq" OF "FAPerDep": integer DESCRIPTION "The asset sequence allows for
multiple fiscal instances of the as set. When greater than zero it is a fiscal
instance of the asset. Currently only 0 is supported." LABEL "Seq" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "FAPerDep": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year." LABEL
"FiscalYear" COLUMN-LABEL "FiscalYear"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "FAPerDep": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal Period." LABEL
"FiscalPeriod" COLUMN-LABEL "FiscalPeriod"
FIELD "Depreciation" OF "FAPerDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciation amount for
the period." LABEL "Depreciation" COLUMN-LABEL "Depreciation"
FIELD "YearNum" OF "FAPerDep": integer DESCRIPTION "Sequential year number. Not
related to a fiscal year."
FIELD "PerNum" OF "FAPerDep": integer DESCRIPTION "Periodical sequence number. Not
related to the fiscal period."
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "FAPerDep": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year suffix."
LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "FAPerDep": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal calendar
year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FAPerDep": character
DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FAPerDep": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FAPerDep": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "AssetRegID" OF "FAPerDep": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the Asset
Register." LABEL "Register ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Register ID"
FIELD "PostedDep" OF "FAPerDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "The posted depreciation
amount of the asset for this period." LABEL "Posted Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Posted Dep"
FIELD "BookValue" OF "FAPerDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "The bookvalue of the asset
for this period." LABEL "BookValue" COLUMN-LABEL "BookValue"
FIELD "GrantDep" OF "FAPerDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "The grant depreciation value
of the asset for this period." LABEL "Grant Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Grant Dep"
FIELD "PostedGrantDep" OF "FAPerDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "The posted grant
depreciation value of the asset for this period. " LABEL "Posted Grant Dep" COLUMN-
LABEL "Posted Grant Dep"
FIELD "DocDepreciation" OF "FAPerDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciation amount for
the period in the specified currency." LABEL "Doc Depreciation" COLUMN-LABEL "Doc
FIELD "DocPostedDep" OF "FAPerDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "The posted depreciation
amount of the asset for this period in th e specified currency." LABEL "Doc Posted
Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Doc Posted Dep"
FIELD "DocBookValue" OF "FAPerDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "The bookvalue of the asset
for this period in the specified curre
ncy." LABEL "Doc BookValue" COLUMN-LABEL "Doc BookValue"
FIELD "DocGrantDep" OF "FAPerDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "The grant depreciation
value of the asset for this period in the specified currency." LABEL "Doc Grant
Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Doc Grant Dep"
FIELD "DocPostedGrantDep" OF "FAPerDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "The posted grant
depreciation value of the asset for this period in the specified currency." LABEL
"Doc Posted Grant Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Doc Posted Grant Dep"
FIELD "Rpt1Depreciation" OF "FAPerDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of the Depreciation amount for the perio d." LABEL "Rpt Depreciation" COLUMN-
LABEL "Rpt Depreciation"
FIELD "Rpt1PostedDep" OF "FAPerDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of the posted depreciation amount of the asset for this period." LABEL "Rpt Posted
Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Posted Dep"
FIELD "Rpt1BookValue" OF "FAPerDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of the bookvalue of the asset for this p eriod." LABEL "Rpt BookValue" COLUMN-LABEL
"Rpt BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt1GrantDep" OF "FAPerDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of the grant depreciation value of the a sset for this period." LABEL "Rpt Grant
Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Grant Dep"
FIELD "Rpt1PostedGrantDep" OF "FAPerDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of the posted grant depreciation value o f the asset for this period." LABEL
"Rpt Posted Grant Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Posted Grant Dep"
FIELD "Rpt2Depreciation" OF "FAPerDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of the Depreciation amount for the perio d." LABEL "Rpt Depreciation" COLUMN-
LABEL "Rpt Depreciation"
FIELD "Rpt2PostedDep" OF "FAPerDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of the posted depreciation amount of the asset for this period." LABEL "Rpt Posted
Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Posted Dep"
FIELD "Rpt2BookValue" OF "FAPerDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of the bookvalue of the asset for this p eriod." LABEL "Rpt BookValue" COLUMN-LABEL
"Rpt BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt2GrantDep" OF "FAPerDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of the grant depreciation value of the a sset for this period." LABEL "Rpt Grant
Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Grant Dep"
FIELD "Rpt2PostedGrantDep" OF "FAPerDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of the posted grant depreciation value o f the asset for this period." LABEL
"Rpt Posted Grant Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Posted Grant Dep"
FIELD "Rpt3Depreciation" OF "FAPerDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of the Depreciation amount for the perio d." LABEL "Rpt Depreciation" COLUMN-
LABEL "Rpt Depreciation"
FIELD "Rpt3PostedDep" OF "FAPerDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of the posted depreciation amount of the asset for this period." LABEL "Rpt Posted
Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Posted Dep"
FIELD "Rpt3BookValue" OF "FAPerDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of the bookvalue of the asset for this p eriod." LABEL "Rpt BookValue" COLUMN-LABEL
"Rpt BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt3GrantDep" OF "FAPerDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of the grant depreciation value of the a sset for this period." LABEL "Rpt Grant
Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Grant Dep"
FIELD "Rpt3PostedGrantDep" OF "FAPerDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of the posted grant depreciation value o f the asset for this period."
LABEL "Rpt Posted Grant Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Posted Grant Dep"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "FAPerDep": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the currency." LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "ApplyDate" OF "FAPerDep": date DESCRIPTION "The Depreciation Date that will
be used to get the exchange rate. " LABEL "Apply Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Apply Date"
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "FAPerDep": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the
currency rate group." LABEL "Rate Group Code"
FIELD "AssetMethod" OF "FAPerDep": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the
depreciation method table." LABEL "Method" COLUMN-LABEL "Method"
FIELD "BookID" OF "FAPerDep": character DESCRIPTION "The G/L Book that will be used
when posting asset depreciations a gainst this register." LABEL "Book ID"
FIELD "MethodSwitched" OF "FAPerDep": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this asset
register detail has already switched or u sed the alternate depreciation method. An
asset register is only allowed to swit ch to an alternate depreciation method once
and cannot switch back to original m ethod." LABEL "Method Switched"
FIELD "AltAssetMethod" OF "FAPerDep": character DESCRIPTION "Alternate Depreciation
Method" LABEL "Alt Method" COLUMN-LABEL "Alt Method"

TABLE "FASchedule" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The Fixed Asset Schedules are
the records containing information about the periodical depreciation and
revaluation of the asset per register. Th is is the parent table for the FATran
records where multiple FATran records can exist to one FASchedule record."
FIELD "Company" OF "FASchedule": character DESCRIPTION "company of asset
transactions" LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL "company"
FIELD "AssetNum" OF "FASchedule": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the asset"
LABEL "AssetNum" COLUMN-LABEL "AssetNum"
FIELD "DetailNum" OF "FASchedule": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique sequence number of
the asset trransactions" LABEL "DetailNum" COLUMN-LABEL "DetailNum"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "FASchedule": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year of last
posted gl entry of this transaction." LABEL "FiscalYear" COLUMN-LABEL "FiscalYear"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "FASchedule": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal period of
last posted gl entry of this transaction." LABEL "FiscalPeriod" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "Depreciation" OF "FASchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation amount
of the asset for this transaction." LABEL "Depreciation" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "BookValue" OF "FASchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The bookvalue of the asset
after posting this treansaction." LABEL "BookValue" COLUMN-LABEL "BookValue"
FIELD "PostDate" OF "FASchedule": date DESCRIPTION "The date of the last posting to
the gl of this transaction. Trans action can be posted multiple times." LABEL
"PostDate" COLUMN-LABEL "PostDate"
FIELD "Posted" OF "FASchedule": logical DESCRIPTION "flag to indicate the
transaction is posted at least once." LABEL "Posted" COLUMN-LABEL "Posted"
FIELD "ClassCode" OF "FASchedule": character DESCRIPTION "The class of the asset."
FIELD "PostedDepreciation" OF "FASchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation
value posted to the GL. If the depreciation valu e varies from the posted
depreciation then the difference will be posted during
the next posting process."
FIELD "Closed" OF "FASchedule": logical DESCRIPTION "The transaction is closed when
the fiscal period is closed for a ssets."
FIELD "Modified" OF "FASchedule": logical DESCRIPTION "for future use."
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "FASchedule": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year
suffix." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "FASchedule": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal
calendar year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-
LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FASchedule": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FASchedule": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FASchedule": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "AssetRegID" OF "FASchedule": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the Asset
Register." LABEL "Register ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Register ID"
FIELD "BookID" OF "FASchedule": character DESCRIPTION "The G/L Book that will be
used when posting asset depreciations a gainst this register." LABEL "Book ID"
FIELD "DocDepreciation" OF "FASchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation
amount of the asset for this transaction in the document currency." LABEL "Doc
Depreciation" COLUMN-LABEL "Doc Depreciation"
FIELD "DocBookValue" OF "FASchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The bookvalue of the
asset after posting this transaction in the
document currency." LABEL "Doc BookValue" COLUMN-LABEL "Doc BookValue"
FIELD "DocPostedDepreciation" OF "FASchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The
depreciation value in the document currency posted to the GL. If the depreciation
value varies from the posted depreciation then the differen ce will be posted
during the next posting process."
FIELD "Rpt1Depreciation" OF "FASchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation
amount of the asset for this transaction in repo rting currency." LABEL "Rpt
Depreciation" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Depreciation"
FIELD "Rpt1BookValue" OF "FASchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The bookvalue of the
asset after posting this treansaction in rep orting currency." LABEL "Rpt
BookValue" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt1PostedDepreciation" OF "FASchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The
depreciation value in reporting currency posted to the GL. If the depreciation
value varies from the posted depreciation then the difference will be posted during
the next posting process."
FIELD "Rpt2Depreciation" OF "FASchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation
amount of the asset for this transaction in repo rting currency." LABEL "Rpt
Depreciation" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Depreciation"
FIELD "Rpt2BookValue" OF "FASchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The bookvalue of the
asset after posting this transaction in repo rting currency." LABEL "Rpt BookValue"
COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt2PostedDepreciation" OF "FASchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The
depreciation value in the reporting currency posted to the GL . If the depreciation
value varies from the posted depreciation then the differe nce will be posted
during the next posting process."
FIELD "Rpt3Depreciation" OF "FASchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation
amount of the asset for this transaction in repo rting currency." LABEL "Rpt
Depreciation" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Depreciation"
FIELD "Rpt3BookValue" OF "FASchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The bookvalue of the
asset after posting this treansaction in rep
orting currency." LABEL "Rpt BookValue" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt3PostedDepreciation" OF "FASchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The
depreciation value in reporting currency posted to the GL. If the depreciation
value varies from the posted depreciation then the difference will be posted during
the next posting process."
FIELD "YearNum" OF "FASchedule": integer DESCRIPTION "Year number not related to
the fiscal year."
FIELD "GrantDepreciation" OF "FASchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation
amount of the asset for this transaction." LABEL "Depreciation" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "GrantBookValue" OF "FASchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The bookvalue of the
asset after posting this treansaction." LABEL "BookValue" COLUMN-LABEL "BookValue"
FIELD "PostedGrantDepn" OF "FASchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation
value posted to the GL. If the depreciation valu e varies from the posted
depreciation then the difference will be posted during the next posting process."
FIELD "DocGrantDepreciation" OF "FASchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation
amount of the asset for this transaction in the document currency." LABEL "Doc
Depreciation" COLUMN-LABEL "Doc Depreciation"
FIELD "DocGrantBookValue" OF "FASchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The bookvalue of
the asset after posting this transaction in the document currency." LABEL "Doc
BookValue" COLUMN-LABEL "Doc BookValue"
FIELD "DocPostedGrantDepn" OF "FASchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation
value in the document currency posted to the GL. If the depreciation value varies
from the posted depreciation then the differen ce will be posted during the next
posting process."
FIELD "Rpt1GrantDepreciation" OF "FASchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The
depreciation amount of the asset for this transaction in repo rting currency."
LABEL "Rpt Depreciation" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Depreciation"
FIELD "Rpt1GrantBookValue" OF "FASchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The bookvalue of
the asset after posting this treansaction in rep orting currency." LABEL "Rpt
BookValue" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt1PostedGrantDepn" OF "FASchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation
value in reporting currency posted to the GL. If the depreciation value varies from
the posted depreciation then the difference will be posted during the next posting
FIELD "Rpt2GrantDepreciation" OF "FASchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The
depreciation amount of the asset for this transaction in repo rting currency."
LABEL "Rpt Depreciation" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Depreciation"
FIELD "Rpt2GrantBookValue" OF "FASchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The bookvalue of
the asset after posting this transaction in repo rting currency." LABEL "Rpt
BookValue" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt2PostedGrantDepn" OF "FASchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation
value in the reporting currency posted to the GL . If the depreciation value varies
from the posted depreciation then the differe nce will be posted during the next
posting process."
FIELD "Rpt3GrantDepreciation" OF "FASchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The
depreciation amount of the asset for this transaction in repo rting currency."
LABEL "Rpt Depreciation" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Depreciation"
FIELD "Rpt3GrantBookValue" OF "FASchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The bookvalue of
the asset after posting this treansaction in rep orting currency." LABEL "Rpt
BookValue" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt3PostedGrantDepn" OF "FASchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation
value in reporting currency posted to the GL. If the depreciation value varies from
the posted depreciation then the difference will be posted during the next posting
FIELD "DepRecalcDate" OF "FASchedule": date DESCRIPTION "The last depreciation
recalculation apply date. This is the date used to get the exchange rate for the
depreciation calculation process." LABEL "Last Recalc Date"

AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The working days within a fiscal period to be used
a factor distr ibute the annual depreciation."
FIELD "Company" OF "FASprdDy": character DESCRIPTION "Company of the spread code
spread days." LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL "company"
FIELD "SpreadCode" OF "FASprdDy": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the spread
code table." LABEL "Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Code"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "FASprdDy": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year of the spread
code." LABEL "Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal!Year"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "FASprdDy": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal period of the
spread day." LABEL "Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Period"
FIELD "Days" OF "FASprdDy": integer DESCRIPTION "Day factor. The factor is used to
calculate the fiscal periods de preciation amount from the year depreciation
amount. When there are 200 working days in a year and 15 working days in a fiscal
period then the depreciation amou nt of the fiscal period is 15 / 200 * year
depreciation amount." LABEL "Days" COLUMN-LABEL "Days"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "FASprdDy": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year suffix."
LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "FASprdDy": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal calendar
year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FASprdDy": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FASprdDy": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FASprdDy": integer
DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit
Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "SpreadValue" OF "FASprdDy": decimal DESCRIPTION "This could be the number of
days, annual charge, period charge or any value that will be used to calculate the
fiscal periods depreciation amount . This factor could be used in multiple
scenarios but one common usage would be to calculate period depreciations from the
year depreciation amount. When there are 200 working days in a year and 15 working
days in a fiscal period then the d epreciation amount of the fiscal period is 15 /
200 * year depreciation amount." LABEL "Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Value"
FIELD "GlobalFASprdDy" OF "FASprdDy": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this FASprdDy as
global, available to be sent out to other companies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "FASprdDy": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."

TABLE "FASpread" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The Fixed Asset Spread is a method
to redistribute the annual dep reciation over fiscal periods by defining a weight
factor for each period."
FIELD "Company" OF "FASpread": character DESCRIPTION "Company of the spread code
table." LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL "company"
FIELD "SpreadCode" OF "FASpread": character DESCRIPTION "identifier of the spread
code table." LABEL "Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Code"
FIELD "Description" OF "FASpread": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the spread
code." LABEL "Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FASpread": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FASpread": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FASpread": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record."
LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "SpreadType" OF "FASpread": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the type of
Spread Code. This will define whether the spread will be done over years or
periods. Valid values are: ""PERIOD"" or ""A NNUAL""" LABEL "Spread Type" COLUMN-
LABEL "Spread Type"
FIELD "CalendarID" OF "FASpread": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the Asset
Calendar used when posting asset activities. " LABEL "Asset Calendar" COLUMN-LABEL
"Asset Calendar"
FIELD "DepRecalcNeeded" OF "FASpread": logical DESCRIPTION "System maintained
field. Indicates that asset depreciation needs to be recalculated for this spread
code." LABEL "Dep. Recalc. Needed"
FIELD "GlobalFASpread" OF "FASpread": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this FASpread as
global, available to be sent out to other companies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "FASpread": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."

TABLE "FAsset" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The Fixed Asset Master table
contains information about the asset . This file is the Parent to the Asset
Additions, Asset Disposals, and Asset (d epreciation) transaction files. The Asset
master table is not creating GL postin gs at any time. The master table contains
also the tracker statistical summary i nformation of the current year and the
previous year."
FIELD "Company" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "Company of the asset." LABEL
"Company" COLUMN-LABEL "company"
FIELD "InActive" OF "FAsset": logical DESCRIPTION "flag to indicate an asset to be
inactive. Inactive assets are not depreciated or recalculated." LABEL "InActive"
FIELD "GroupCode" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "The code of the mandatory
asset group." LABEL "GroupCode" COLUMN-LABEL "GroupCode"
FIELD "AssetDescription" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "Mandatory description
of the asset." LABEL "Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "Acquire" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "The amount the asset is acquired
for." LABEL "Acquire" COLUMN-LABEL "Acquire"
FIELD "ResidualValue" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Residual value of the
asset" LABEL "Residual" COLUMN-LABEL "Residual"
FIELD "OBS905-BookValue" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current book value."
LABEL "Book Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Book Value"
FIELD "AssetLife" OF "FAsset": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of periods or years -
unit defined in the Life Modifier." LABEL "Life" COLUMN-LABEL "Life"
FIELD "AcquiredDate" OF "FAsset": date DESCRIPTION "Date of acquisition of the
asset." LABEL "Acquired" COLUMN-LABEL "Acquired"
FIELD "CommissionedDate" OF "FAsset": date DESCRIPTION "Date of placing the asset
in service. Also the start date of depr eciation." LABEL "Commissioned" COLUMN-
LABEL "Commissioned"
FIELD "Serialno" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the
asset." LABEL "Serialno" COLUMN-LABEL "Serialno"
FIELD "DepreciationMethod" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "Method of
depreciation. Values are: rate straight line, life stra ight line and rate reducing
balance." LABEL "Method" COLUMN-LABEL "Method"
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "FAsset": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the vendor of the
LABEL "Supplier Num" COLUMN-LABEL "VendorNum"
FIELD "InvoiceNum" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "The invoice number of asset
invoice. " LABEL "InvoiceNum" COLUMN-LABEL "InvoiceNum"
FIELD "DepnPercent" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciation percentage rate"
LABEL "Percent" COLUMN-LABEL "Percent"
FIELD "ClassCode" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the asset
class." LABEL "Class" COLUMN-LABEL "Class"
FIELD "VendorName" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "The name of the vendor. The
name can be entered without entering a vendor." LABEL "Supplier Name" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "NewAssetFlag" OF "FAsset": logical DESCRIPTION "Informational indication of
a newly bought asset." LABEL "New" COLUMN-LABEL "New"
FIELD "WarehouseCode" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "The warehouse where the
asset is stored. This is for information purposes only. In the warehouse tracker no
assets can be tracked." LABEL "Whse" COLUMN-LABEL "Whse"
FIELD "BinNum" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "The bin where the addition is
stored. This is for information pur poses only. In the bin tracker no assets can be
tracked." LABEL "BinNum" COLUMN-LABEL "BinNum"
FIELD "Location" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "Freeform field for the
location of tha aaset." LABEL "Location" COLUMN-LABEL "Location"
FIELD "Manufacturer" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "The original manufacturer
of the asset." LABEL "Manufacturer" COLUMN-LABEL "Manufacturer"
FIELD "Model" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "The model of the asset." LABEL
"Model" COLUMN-LABEL "Model"
FIELD "InsurancePolicy" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "Insurance policy for
the asset." LABEL "Policy" COLUMN-LABEL "Policy"
FIELD "InsuranceCompany" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "The insurance
company." LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "InsurancePremium" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Insurance premium" LABEL
"Premium" COLUMN-LABEL "Premium"
FIELD "LeaseFlag" OF "FAsset": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag the asset as leased."
LABEL "Leased" COLUMN-LABEL "Leased"
FIELD "LeaseValue" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lease amount" LABEL "Lease"
FIELD "LeaseMileage" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Mileage limit of lease"
LABEL "Mileage" COLUMN-LABEL "Mileage"
FIELD "LeaseEndDate" OF "FAsset": date DESCRIPTION "End date of lease." LABEL
"Enddate" COLUMN-LABEL "Enddate"
FIELD "PONum" OF "FAsset": integer DESCRIPTION "The po number the asset purchase
FIELD "ReplaceValue" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Replacement value of the
asset. For information purposes only." LABEL "Replacement" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "ResourceGroupID" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the
Resource Group of the asset. For informational purposes only." LABEL "Resource
Group ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Resource Group ID"
FIELD "InsuranceRenewalDate" OF "FAsset": date DESCRIPTION "Insurance RenewalDate"
LABEL "RenewalDate" COLUMN-LABEL "RenewalDate"
FIELD "AssetNum" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the asset" LABEL
"AssetNum" COLUMN-LABEL "AssetNum"
FIELD "ParentAsset" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "Asset parent of this asset"
LABEL "Parent" COLUMN-LABEL "Parent"
FIELD "Depreciate" OF "FAsset": logical DESCRIPTION "Depreciation Flag. When true
then the asset will processed in the depreciation recalculation process and the
depreciation posting process." LABEL "Depreciate" COLUMN-LABEL "Depreciate"
FIELD "SpreadCode" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the spread
code table." LABEL "Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Code"
FIELD "LifeModifier" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "In case of life
depreciation method the life modifier expresses t he unit of measure of life.
Values are: Periods and Years."
FIELD "JobNum" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "The job that created the asset."
LABEL "Job Number"
FIELD "ResourceID" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "The Resource identifier of
the asset. For informational purposes only." LABEL "Resource ID"
FIELD "InsuranceInsurer" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "The insurer." LABEL
"Insurer" COLUMN-LABEL "Insurer"
FIELD "OverideCost" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "The overide cost is cost
amount which is used instead of the asse t cost amount for the calculation of a
year depreciation."
FIELD "CYAdditionCost" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Addition Cost is
the addition cost added to the asset t his year." LABEL "Addition Cost"
FIELD "OBS905-CYAdditionBookvalue" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Addition Bookvalue is the addition bookvalue added t o the asset this year." LABEL
"Addition Bookvalue"
FIELD "CYDisposalCost" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year disposal cost
is the disposal cost disposed from th e asset this year." LABEL "Disposal Cost"
FIELD "OBS905-CYDisposalBookvalue" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
disposal bookvalue is the disposal bookvalue dispose d from the asset this year."
LABEL "Disposal BookValue"
FIELD "OBS905-CYAdditionCurrYearDepn" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current
year depreciation" LABEL "Current Year Depn"
FIELD "OBS905-CurrentBookvalue" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "The current
bookvalue." LABEL "Current Bookvalue"
FIELD "CurrentCostvalue" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current cost value of
the asset." LABEL "Current Cost"
FIELD "OBS905-CYOpeningCost" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year opening
cost" LABEL "Opening Cost"
FIELD "OBS905-CYOpeningDepn" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year opening
depreciation" LABEL "Opening Depreciation"
FIELD "OBS905-CYOpeningBookValue" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening bookvalue" LABEL "Opening Bookvalue"
FIELD "OBS905-CurrentPrevYearDepn" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciated in
previous years" LABEL "Previous year depn"
FIELD "OBS905-CurrentUnpostedDepn" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciations
open for this year." LABEL "Unposted Depn"
FIELD "OBS905-CYDisposalProfit" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Disposal
profit/loss amount." LABEL "Disposal Profit"
FIELD "OBS905-CurrentYEBookvalue" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "The projected
bookvalue at the end of this year." LABEL "Year-End Bookvalue"
FIELD "CYDisposalProceeds" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Disposal proceed
amount." LABEL "Disposal Proceeds"
FIELD "OBS905-CurrentPostedDepn" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciated (and
posted) in the current year." LABEL "Current Year Posted"
FIELD "AssetSeq" OF "FAsset": integer DESCRIPTION "The asset sequence allows for
multiple fiscal instances of the as set. When greater than zero it is a fiscal
instance of the asset. Currently only 0 is supported." LABEL "Seq" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "AssetMethod" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the
depreciation method table." LABEL "Method" COLUMN-LABEL "Method"
FIELD "OBS905-LYAdditionCost" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Last Addition Cost
is the addition cost added to the asset this year." LABEL "Addition Cost"
FIELD "OBS905-LYAdditionBookvalue" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Last year
Addition Bookvalue is the addition bookvalue added to t he asset this year." LABEL
"Addition Bookvalue"
FIELD "OBS905-LYDisposalCost" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Last year disposal
cost is the disposal cost disposed from the a sset this year." LABEL "Disposal
FIELD "OBS905-LYDisposalPrevYearDepn" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Last years
previous year depreciation amount." LABEL "Disposal Provision"
FIELD "OBS905-LYDisposalBookvalue" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Last year
disposal bookvalue is the disposal bookvalue disposed f rom the asset this year."
LABEL "Disposal BookValue"
FIELD "OBS905-LYAdditionCurrYearDepn" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Last year
depreciation" LABEL "Last Year Depn"
FIELD "OBS905-LYDisposalCurrYearDepn" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Last years
current year depreciation" LABEL "Last Year"
FIELD "OBS905-LYOpeningCost" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Last year opening
cost" LABEL "Opening Cost"
FIELD "OBS905-LYOpeningDepn" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Last year opening
depreciation" LABEL "Opening Depreciation"
FIELD "OBS905-LYOpeningBookValue" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Last year
opening bookvalue" LABEL "Opening Bookvalue"
FIELD "OBS905-LYDisposalProceeds" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Last years
disposal proceed amount." LABEL "Disposal Proceeds"
FIELD "OBS905-LYDisposalProfit" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Last years
disposal profit/loss" LABEL "Disposal Profit"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FAsset": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FAsset": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "Rpt1ResidualValue" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Residual value of the
asset" LABEL "Residual" COLUMN-LABEL "Residual"
FIELD "Rpt1ReplaceValue" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Replacement value of the
asset. For information purposes only." LABEL "Replacement" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "Rpt1CYAdditionCost" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Addition Cost
is the addition cost added to the asset t his year." LABEL "Addition Cost"
FIELD "Rpt1CYDisposalCost" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year disposal
cost is the disposal cost disposed from th e asset this year." LABEL "Disposal
FIELD "Rpt1AcquisitionCost" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the very
first Addition Cost recorded for this asset." LABEL "Acquisition Cost"
FIELD "Rpt1CurrentGrantAmt" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "The total Grant
amount recorded for this Asset in reporting curre ncy." LABEL "Rpt Grant" COLUMN-
LABEL "Rpt Grant"
FIELD "Rpt2ResidualValue" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Residual value of the
asset" LABEL "Residual" COLUMN-LABEL "Residual"
FIELD "Rpt2ReplaceValue" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Replacement value of the
asset. For information purposes only." LABEL "Replacement" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "Rpt2CYAdditionCost" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Addition Cost
is the addition cost added to the asset t his year." LABEL "Addition Cost"
FIELD "Rpt2CYDisposalCost" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year disposal
cost is the disposal cost disposed from th e asset this year."
LABEL "Disposal Cost"
FIELD "Rpt2AcquisitionCost" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the very
first Addition Cost recorded for this asset." LABEL "Acquisition Cost"
FIELD "Rpt2CurrentGrantAmt" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "The total Grant
amount recorded for this Asset in reporting curre ncy." LABEL "Rpt Grant" COLUMN-
LABEL "Rpt Grant"
FIELD "Rpt3ResidualValue" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Residual value of the
asset" LABEL "Residual" COLUMN-LABEL "Residual"
FIELD "Rpt3ReplaceValue" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Replacement value of the
asset. For information purposes only." LABEL "Replacement" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "Rpt3CYAdditionCost" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Addition Cost
is the addition cost added to the asset t his year." LABEL "Addition Cost"
FIELD "Rpt3CYDisposalCost" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year disposal
cost is the disposal cost disposed from th e asset this year." LABEL "Disposal
FIELD "Rpt3AcquisitionCost" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the very
first Addition Cost recorded for this asset." LABEL "Acquisition Cost"
FIELD "Rpt3CurrentGrantAmt" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "The total Grant
amount recorded for this Asset in reporting curre ncy." LABEL "Rpt Grant" COLUMN-
LABEL "Rpt Grant"
FIELD "ImageFileName" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "Path and filename of
asset image file." LABEL "Image File" COLUMN-LABEL "Image File"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the Company currency." LABEL "Currency Code"
COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "AssetStatus" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "Current Status of the
asset. Valid values are: 'NEW'; 'ACTIVE'; ' DISPOSED' or 'INACTIVE'." LABEL
"Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Status"
FIELD "AcquisitionCost" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the very first
Addition Cost recorded for this asset." LABEL "Acquisition Cost"
FIELD "ProjectID" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "Associates the Asset with a
project in the Project table. This c an be blank." LABEL "Project ID"
FIELD "TagNum" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "Tag number. This will keep the
asset label." LABEL "Tag"
FIELD "CurrentGrantAmt" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "The total Grant amount
recorded for this Asset." LABEL "Grant" COLUMN-LABEL "Grant"
FIELD "DocResidualValue" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Residual value of the
asset" LABEL "Residual" COLUMN-LABEL "Residual"
FIELD "DocReplaceValue" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Replacement value of the
asset. For information purposes only." LABEL "Replacement" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "DocCYAdditionCost" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Addition Cost
is the addition cost added to the asset t his year." LABEL "Addition Cost"
FIELD "DocCYDisposalCost" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year disposal
cost is the disposal cost disposed from th e asset this year." LABEL "Disposal
FIELD "DocCurrentCostValue" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current cost value of
the asset in document currency." LABEL "Doc Current Cost"
FIELD "DocAcquisitionCost" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the very first
Addition Cost recorded for this asset." LABEL "Acquisition Cost"
FIELD "DocCurrentGrantAmt" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "The total Grant amount
recorded for this Asset in document curren cy." LABEL "Doc Grant" COLUMN-LABEL "Doc
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the
currency rate group." LABEL "Rate Group Code"
FIELD "MXTaxCode" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "Tax Code (Mexico Localization
field)" LABEL "Tax ID"
FIELD "MXTaxRate" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "Tax Rate (Mexico Localization
field)" LABEL "Rate Code"
FIELD "MXInvestAmount" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION " Investment Value (Mexico
Localization field)" LABEL "Invest Amount"
FIELD "MXTaxAmount" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Mexico Tax Amount (Mexico
Localization field)" LABEL "Tax Amount"
FIELD "MXAnnualDepre" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Annual depreciation
Percentage (Mexico Localization field)" LABEL "Annual Depreciation"
FIELD "InvoiceLine" OF "FAsset": integer DESCRIPTION "Invoice Line (Mexico
Localization field)" LABEL "Invoice Line"
FIELD "MXAssetLife" OF "FAsset": integer DESCRIPTION "Mexico Asset Life (Mexico
Localization field)" LABEL "Asset Life"
FIELD "Rpt3CYImpairCost" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year impairment
cost is the cost subtracted from the asse t this year." LABEL "Rpt Impairment Cost"

FIELD "Rpt1CurrentCostvalue" OF "FAsset": decimal

DESCRIPTION "Current cost value of the asset in reporting currency." LABEL "Rpt
Current Cost"
FIELD "Rpt2CurrentCostvalue" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current cost value
of the asset in reporting currency." LABEL "Rpt Current Cost"
FIELD "Rpt3CurrentCostValue" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current cost value
of the asset in reporting currency." LABEL "Rpt Current Cost"
FIELD "CYImpairCost" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year impairment cost
is the cost subtracted from the asse t this year." LABEL "Impairment Cost"
FIELD "DocCYImpairCost" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year impairment
cost is the cost subtracted from the asse t this year." LABEL "Doc Impairment Cost"

FIELD "Rpt1CYImpairCost" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year impairment

cost is the cost subtracted from the asse t this year." LABEL "Rpt Impairment Cost"

FIELD "Rpt2CYImpairCost" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year impairment

cost is the cost subtracted from the asse t this year." LABEL "Rpt Impairment Cost"

FIELD "LocID" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "Location ID." LABEL "Location ID"

FIELD "DocCYDisposalProceeds" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Disposal proceed

amount." LABEL "Disposal Proceeds"
FIELD "Rpt1CYAdditionGrant" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Addition Cost
is the addition cost added to the asset t his year." LABEL "Addition Cost"
FIELD "Rpt2CYAdditionGrant" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Addition Cost
is the addition cost added to the asset t his year." LABEL "Addition Cost"
FIELD "Rpt1CYDisposalProceeds" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Disposal proceed
amount." LABEL "Disposal Proceeds"
FIELD "SpecID" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "The specification ID to be used
for inspection results entry proc ess. Must be a valid SpecID in the SpecHed master
table." LABEL "Specification ID"
FIELD "LastCalDate" OF "FAsset": date DESCRIPTION "This field will be automatically
populated when the item has been calibrated using the Inspection Data Entry
process" LABEL "Last Calibration"
FIELD "Rpt2CYDisposalProceeds" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Disposal proceed
amount." LABEL "Disposal Proceeds"
FIELD "DepRecalcNeeded" OF "FAsset": logical DESCRIPTION "System maintained field.
Indicates that asset depreciation needs to be recalculated for this asset." LABEL
"Dep. Recalc. Needed"
FIELD "EquipID" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code to uniquely
identify the Equipment." LABEL "Equipment ID"
FIELD "Rpt3CYDisposalProceeds" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Disposal proceed
amount." LABEL "Disposal Proceeds"
FIELD "CYAdditionGrant" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Addition Cost is
the addition cost added to the asset t his year." LABEL "Addition Cost"
FIELD "DocCYAdditionGrant" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Addition Cost
is the addition cost added to the asset t his year." LABEL "Addition Cost"
FIELD "Rpt3CYAdditionGrant" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Addition Cost
is the addition cost added to the asset t his year." LABEL "Addition Cost"
FIELD "InspPlanPartNum" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "The inspection plan
part number (configurator part number) to be used for inspection results entry
process. Must be a valid part number in the P art master table."
LABEL "Insp Plan Part Number"
FIELD "InspPlanRevNum" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "The inspection plan
revision number (configurator revision number )." LABEL "Insp Plan Rev"
FIELD "SpecRevNum" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "The specification revision
number. Must be valid in the SpecRev table." LABEL "Spec Rev"
FIELD "Brand" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "Brand of equipment" LABEL "Brand"

FIELD "AssetUnits" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the total number of

units recorded for this asset. This is not directly maintained by user. This is
increased when you add/transfer ass et ""qty"" from the Asset Addition Entry. This
is decreased when you dispose/tr ansfer asset ""qty"" from the Asset Disposal
Entry. This field is not a true qu antity field since we do not perform any unit of
measure conversion when we upda te AssetUnits based on the transferred qty." LABEL
FIELD "Lineage" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "Stores the keys (assetnum) of
the records ancestors, as a tilde d elimited list (... Great GrandParent~
GrandParent~ParentKey~ChildKey) This fiel d is word indexed providing searches
using the Contains phrase."
FIELD "Rpt3LeaseValue" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lease amount in Reporting
Currency." LABEL "Lease" COLUMN-LABEL "Lease"
FIELD "InsuranceValue" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Insurance Value" LABEL
"Insurance Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Insurance Value"
FIELD "DocInsuranceValue" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Insurance Value in
document currency." LABEL "Insurance Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Insurance Value"
FIELD "Rpt1InsuranceValue" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Insurance Value in
Reporting Currency." LABEL "Insurance Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Insurance Value"
FIELD "Rpt2InsuranceValue" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Insurance Value in
Reporting Currency." LABEL "Insurance Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Insurance Value"
FIELD "Rpt3InsuranceValue" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Insurance Value in
Reporting Currency." LABEL "Insurance Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Insurance Value"
FIELD "InsPremiumModifier" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "The premium modifier
expresses if the Insurance Premium is per Pe riod or per Year. Values are: Periods
and Years." LABEL "Premium Modifier"
FIELD "LeaseModifier" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "The lease value modifier
expresses if the Lease Value is per Peri od or per Year. Values are: Periods and
Years." LABEL "Lease Modifier"
FIELD "PhaseID" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "The Project Phase ID of this
asset." LABEL "Project Phase" COLUMN-LABEL "Project Phase"
FIELD "LeaseNum" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "Lease Number of the asset."
LABEL "Lease Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Lease Number"
FIELD "LeaseCompany" OF "FAsset": character DESCRIPTION "The Leasing Company."
LABEL "Leasing Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Leasing Company"
FIELD "DocInsurancePremium" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Insurance premium in
document currency." LABEL "Premium" COLUMN-LABEL "Premium"
FIELD "Rpt1InsurancePremium" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Insurance premium in
Reporting Currency." LABEL "Premium" COLUMN-LABEL "Premium"
FIELD "Rpt2InsurancePremium" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Insurance premium in
Reporting Currency." LABEL "Premium" COLUMN-LABEL "Premium"
FIELD "Rpt3InsurancePremium" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Insurance premium in
Reporting Currency." LABEL "Premium" COLUMN-LABEL "Premium"
FIELD "DocLeaseValue" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lease amount in document
currency." LABEL "Lease" COLUMN-LABEL "Lease"
FIELD "Rpt1LeaseValue" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lease amount in Reporting
Currency." LABEL "Lease" COLUMN-LABEL "Lease"
FIELD "Rpt2LeaseValue" OF "FAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lease amount in Rocument
Currency." LABEL "Lease" COLUMN-LABEL "Lease"

TABLE "FAssetDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The Fixed Asset Detail table
contains information about the asset register. This file is the Child to the Asset
Master table. This is also the P arent to the Asset Depreciation transaction files.
The Asset Detail table is not creating GL postings at any time. This table contains
the tracker statistical d epreciation summary information of the current year and
the previous year."
FIELD "Company" OF "FAssetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Company of the asset." LABEL
"Company" COLUMN-LABEL "company"
FIELD "AssetNum" OF "FAssetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the asset"
LABEL "AssetNum" COLUMN-LABEL "AssetNum"
FIELD "AdditionSpread" OF "FAssetDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate that
calculated depreciation between the fiscal period of asset commission date and the
first open fiscal period should be distr ibuted over all open remaining periods of
the first depreciation year or when fa lse then the calculated depreciation will be
applied to the first open fiscal pe riod." LABEL "Addition Spread"
FIELD "SpreadCode" OF "FAssetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the spread
code table that will be used for the Add ition Spread option." LABEL "Code" COLUMN-
LABEL "Code"
FIELD "LifeModifier" OF "FAssetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "In case of life
depreciation method the life modifier expresses t he unit of measure of life.
Values are: Periods and Years." LABEL "Life Modifier"
FIELD "AnnualDepRate" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Depreciation Rate
that will be used to calculate the Annual C harge." LABEL "Percent" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "AssetLife" OF "FAssetDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of periods or years -
unit defined in the Life Modifier." LABEL "Life" COLUMN-LABEL "Life"
FIELD "CYOpenGrantDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year opening
grant depreciation" LABEL "CY Open Grant Depn"
FIELD "CYOpenBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year opening
bookvalue" LABEL "CY Open Book Value"
FIELD "CYAddPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciation applied in
previous years through addition this year ." LABEL "Addition PY Depreciation"
FIELD "CYAddCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
depreciation" LABEL "Addition CY Depreciation"
FIELD "CYAddBookvalue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year Addition
Bookvalue is the addition bookvalue added t o the asset this year." LABEL "Addition
CY Book Value"
FIELD "CYDispPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciation applied in
previous years through disposal this year ." LABEL "Disposal PY Provision"
FIELD "CYDispCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciation applied
this year through addition this year." LABEL "Disposal CY Provision"
FIELD "CYDispBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year disposal
bookvalue is the disposal bookvalue dispose
d from the asset this year." LABEL "Disposal CY BookValue"
FIELD "CurrentPrevYearDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciated in
previous years" LABEL "Current PY Depn"
FIELD "CurrentPostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciated (and
posted) in the current year." LABEL "Current Posted Depn"
FIELD "CurrentBookvalue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The current
bookvalue." LABEL "Current Book Value"
FIELD "CurrentUnpostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciations open
for this year." LABEL "Current Unposted Depn"
FIELD "CurrentYEBookvalue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The projected
bookvalue at the end of this year." LABEL "Current Year-End Book Value"
FIELD "AssetMethod" OF "FAssetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the
depreciation method table." LABEL "Method" COLUMN-LABEL "Method"
FIELD "AssetRegID" OF "FAssetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the Asset
Register." LABEL "Register ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Register ID"
FIELD "BookID" OF "FAssetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The G/L Book that will be
used when posting asset depreciations a gainst this register." LABEL "Book ID"
FIELD "CalendarID" OF "FAssetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the Asset
Calendar used when posting asset activities. This calendar could be different from
the G/L Book Fiscal Calendar." LABEL "Asset Calendar" COLUMN-LABEL "Asset Calendar"

FIELD "DepConvention" OF "FAssetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Convention used for

the depreciation calculation of the asset. T his will determine how depreciation is
prorated for the year in which the asset is placed in service. Valid values are:
""HY"" (Half Year); ""MM"" (Mid Month); ""QR"" (Quarter); ""MQ"" (Mid Quarter);
""FM"" (Full Month); ""EM"" (Entire Mon th); ""SD"" (Service Date), ""NM"" (Next
Month), and ""AD"" (Acquisition Date).
This field can be blank." LABEL "Convention" COLUMN-LABEL "Convention"
FIELD "RetroAdjust" OF "FAssetDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate if the
changes in asset depreciation costs, due to an adjustment of asset cost or
depreciation parameters, will affect the curre nt year depreciation calculation."
LABEL "Retro Adjust"
FIELD "ProdUnitSpread" OF "FAssetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Production Unit
Spread Code." LABEL "Prod Unit Spread"
FIELD "TotalProdUnit" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Production Units.
This could be the total production units per Year or per Period depending on the
depreciation charge basis of the asset depreciation method." LABEL "Total Prod
FIELD "AnnualFixedValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Fixed Value that
will be used as the Annual Charge amount dur ing the asset depreciation
calculation. This field is only used if the deprecia tion method is set up to 'Use
Fixed Value' for the annual charge calculation. " LABEL "Annual Charge" COLUMN-
LABEL "Annual Charge"
FIELD "AnnualSpread" OF "FAssetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Annual Charge Spread
Code" LABEL "Annual Spread" COLUMN-LABEL "Annual Spread"
FIELD "PeriodFixedValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Fixed Value that
will be used as the Period Charge amount dur ing the asset period depreciation
calculation. This field is only used if the d epreciation method is set up to 'Use
Fixed Value' for the period charge calculat ion. " LABEL "Period Charge" COLUMN-
LABEL "Period Charge"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FAssetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FAssetDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FAssetDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "PeriodSpread" OF "FAssetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Period Charge Spread"
LABEL "Period Spread" COLUMN-LABEL "Period Spread"
FIELD "PeriodRateSpread" OF "FAssetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Spread Code used to
determine the spread values used when prorati ng Annual Charge." LABEL "Period Rate
Spread" COLUMN-LABEL "Period Rate Spread"
FIELD "FinalSpread" OF "FAssetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Final Spread Code" LABEL
"Final Spread" COLUMN-LABEL "Final Spread"
FIELD "MethodSwitched" OF "FAssetDtl": DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this asset sed the
alternate depreciation method. ch to an alternate depreciation method ethod." LABEL
"Method Switched" logical register detail has already switched or u An asset
register is only allowed to swit once and cannot switch back to original m

FIELD "AltAssetMethod" OF "FAssetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Alternate

Depreciation Method" LABEL "Alt Method" COLUMN-LABEL "Alt Method"
FIELD "DocCurrentPrevYearDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciated in
previous years" LABEL "Doc Current PY Depn"
FIELD "DocCurrentPostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciated (and
posted) in the current year." LABEL "Doc Current Posted Depn"
FIELD "DocCurrentBookvalue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The current
bookvalue." LABEL "Doc Current Book Value"
FIELD "DocCurrentUnpostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciations
open for this year." LABEL "Doc Current Unposted Depn"
FIELD "DocCurrentYEBookvalue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The projected
bookvalue at the end of this year." LABEL "Doc Current Year-End Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt1CurrentPrevYearDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciated in
previous years" LABEL "Rpt Current PY Depn"
FIELD "Rpt1CurrentPostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciated (and
posted) in the current year." LABEL "Rpt Current Posted Depn"
FIELD "Rpt1CurrentBookvalue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The current
bookvalue." LABEL "Rpt Current Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt1CurrentUnpostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciations
open for this year." LABEL "Rpt Current Unposted Depn"
FIELD "Rpt1CurrentYEBookvalue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The projected
bookvalue at the end of this year." LABEL "Rpt Current Year-End Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt2CurrentPrevYearDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciated in
previous years" LABEL "Rpt Current PY Depn"
FIELD "Rpt2CurrentPostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciated (and
posted) in the current year." LABEL "Rpt Current Posted Depn"
FIELD "Rpt2CurrentBookvalue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The current
bookvalue." LABEL "Rpt Current Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt2CurrentUnpostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciations
open for this year." LABEL "Rpt Current Unposted Depn"
FIELD "Rpt2CurrentYEBookvalue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The projected
bookvalue at the end of this year." LABEL "Rpt Current Year-End Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt3CurrentPrevYearDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciated in
previous years" LABEL "Rpt Current PY Depn"
FIELD "Rpt3CurrentPostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciated (and
posted) in the current year." LABEL "Rpt Current Posted Depn"
FIELD "Rpt3CurrentBookvalue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The current
bookvalue." LABEL "Rpt Current Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt3CurrentUnpostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciations
open for this year." LABEL "Rpt Current Unposted Depn"
FIELD "Rpt3CurrentYEBookvalue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The projected
bookvalue at the end of this year." LABEL "Rpt Current Year-End Bookvalue"
FIELD "UseFinalSpread" OF "FAssetDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate that
the total of depreciations in the last year of depreciation should be distributed
over all fiscal periods of the last year. " LABEL "Use Final Spread" COLUMN-LABEL
"Use Final Spread"
FIELD "DepRecalcNeeded" OF "FAssetDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "System maintained
field. Indicates that asset depreciation needs to be recalculated for this
depreciation method." LABEL "Dep. Recalc. Needed"
FIELD "CurrentGrantPYDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant Depreciation
in previous years" LABEL "Current Grant PY Depn"
FIELD "CurrentGrantPostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant
Depreciation (and posted) in the current year." LABEL "Current Grant Posted Depn"
FIELD "CurrentGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The current
grant book value." LABEL "Current Grant Book Value"
FIELD "CurrentGrantUnpostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant
Depreciations open for this year." LABEL "Current Grant Unposted Depn"
FIELD "CurrentGrantYEBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The projected
grant bookvalue at the end of this year." LABEL "Current Year-End Grant Book Value"

FIELD "DocCurrentGrantPYDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant

Depreciation in previous years" LABEL "Doc Current Grant PY Depn"
FIELD "DocCurrentGrantPostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal
DESCRIPTION "Grant Depreciation (and posted) in the current year." LABEL "Doc
Current Grant Posted Depn"
FIELD "DocCurrentGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The current
grant book value." LABEL "Doc Current Grant Book Value"
FIELD "DocCurrentGrantUnpostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant
Depreciations open for this year." LABEL "Doc Current Unposted Grant Depn"
FIELD "DocCurrentGrantYEBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The
projected grant bookvalue at the end of this year." LABEL "Doc Current Year-End
Grant Book Value"
FIELD "Rpt1CurrentGrantPYDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant
Depreciation in previous years" LABEL "Rpt Current Grant PY Depn"
FIELD "Rpt1CurrentGrantPostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant
Depreciation (and posted) in the current year." LABEL "Rpt Current Grant Posted
FIELD "Rpt1CurrentGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The current
grant book value." LABEL "Rpt Current Grant Book Value"
FIELD "Rpt1CurrentGrantUnpostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant
Depreciations open for this year." LABEL "Rpt Current Unposted Grant Depn"
FIELD "Rpt1CurrentGrantYEBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The
projected grant bookvalue at the end of this year." LABEL "Rpt Current Year-End
Grant Book Value"
FIELD "Rpt2CurrentGrantPYDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant
Depreciation in previous years" LABEL "Rpt Current Grant PY Depn"
FIELD "Rpt2CurrentGrantPostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant
Depreciation (and posted) in the current year." LABEL "Rpt Current Grant Posted
FIELD "Rpt2CurrentGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The current
grant book value." LABEL "Rpt Current Grant Book Value"
FIELD "Rpt2CurrentGrantUnpostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal
DESCRIPTION "Grant Depreciations open for this year." LABEL "Rpt Current Unposted
Grant Depn"
FIELD "Rpt2CurrentGrantYEBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The
projected grant bookvalue at the end of this year." LABEL "Rpt Current Year-End
Grant Book Value"
FIELD "Rpt3CurrentGrantPYDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant
Depreciation in previous years" LABEL "Rpt Current Grant PY Depn"
FIELD "Rpt3CurrentGrantPostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant
Depreciation (and posted) in the current year." LABEL "Rpt Current Grant Posted
FIELD "Rpt3CurrentGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The current
grant book value." LABEL "Rpt Current Grant Book Value"
FIELD "Rpt3CurrentGrantUnpostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant
Depreciations open for this year." LABEL "Rpt Current Unposted Grant Depn"
FIELD "Rpt3CurrentGrantYEBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The
projected grant bookvalue at the end of this year." LABEL "Rpt Current Year-End
Grant Book Value"
FIELD "DocCYOpenBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening bookvalue" LABEL "Doc CY Open Book Value"
FIELD "DocCYAddPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Previous years
addition depreciation" LABEL "Doc Addition PY Depn"
FIELD "DocCYAddCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year addition
depreciation" LABEL "Doc Addition CY Depn"
FIELD "DocCYAddBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Addition Bookvalue is the addition bookvalue added t o the asset this year." LABEL
"Doc Addition CY Bookvalue"
FIELD "DocCYDispPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Previous years
Disposal depreciation" LABEL "Doc Disposal PY Provision"
FIELD "DocCYDispCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Disposal depreciation" LABEL "Doc Disposal CY Provision"
FIELD "DocCYDispBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
disposal bookvalue is the disposal bookvalue dispose d from the asset this year."
LABEL "Doc Disposal CY BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt1CYOpenBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening bookvalue" LABEL "Rpt CY Open Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt1CYAddPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Previous years
Addition depreciation" LABEL "Rpt Addition PY Depn"
FIELD "Rpt1CYAddCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Addition depreciation" LABEL "Rpt Addition CY Depn"
FIELD "Rpt1CYAddBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Addition Bookvalue is the addition bookvalue added t o the asset this year." LABEL
"Rpt Addition CY Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt1CYDispPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Previous years
Disposal depreciation" LABEL "Rpt Disposal PY Provision"
FIELD "Rpt1CYDispCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Disposal depreciation" LABEL "Rpt Disposal CY Provision"
FIELD "Rpt1CYDispBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
disposal bookvalue is the disposal bookvalue dispose d from the asset this year."
LABEL "Rpt Disposal CY BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt2CYOpenBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening bookvalue" LABEL "Rpt CY Open Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt2CYAddPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Previous years
Addition depreciation" LABEL "Rpt Addition PY Depn"
FIELD "Rpt2CYAddCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Addition depreciation"
LABEL "Rpt Addition CY Depn"
FIELD "Rpt2CYAddBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Addition Bookvalue is the addition bookvalue added t o the asset this year." LABEL
"Rpt Addition CY Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt2CYDispPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Previous years
Disposal depreciation" LABEL "Rpt Disposal PY Provision"
FIELD "Rpt2CYDispCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Disposal depreciation" LABEL "Rpt Disposal CY Provision"
FIELD "Rpt2CYDispBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
disposal bookvalue is the disposal bookvalue dispose d from the asset this year."
LABEL "Rpt Disposal CY BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt3CYOpenBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening bookvalue" LABEL "Rpt CY Open Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt3CYAddPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Previous years
Addition depreciation" LABEL "Rpt Addition PY Depn"
FIELD "Rpt3CYAddCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Addition depreciation" LABEL "Rpt Addition CY Depn"
FIELD "Rpt3CYAddBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Addition Bookvalue is the addition bookvalue added t o the asset this year." LABEL
"Rpt Addition CY Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt3CYDispPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Previous years
Disposal depreciation" LABEL "Rpt Disposal PY Provision"
FIELD "Rpt3CYDispCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Disposal depreciation" LABEL "Rpt Disposal CY Provision"
FIELD "Rpt3CYDispBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
disposal bookvalue is the disposal bookvalue dispose d from the asset this year."
LABEL "Rpt Disposal CY BookValue"
FIELD "DocCYOpenGrantDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening grant depreciation" LABEL "Doc CY Open Grant Depn"
FIELD "Rpt1CYOpenGrantDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening grant depreciation" LABEL "Rpt CY Open Grant Depn"
FIELD "Rpt2CYOpenGrantDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening grant depreciation" LABEL "Rpt CY Open Grant Depn"
FIELD "Rpt3CYOpenGrantDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening grant depreciation" LABEL "Rpt CY Open Grant Depn"
FIELD "DepRecalcDate" OF "FAssetDtl": date DESCRIPTION "The last depreciation
recalculation apply date. This is the date used to get the exchange rate for the
depreciation calculation process." LABEL "Last Recalc Date"
FIELD "InitBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the initial book
value of the entire asset depreciation s chedule." LABEL "Initial Book Value"
FIELD "DocInitBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the Initial
book value of the entire asset depreciation s chedule." LABEL "Doc Initial Book
FIELD "Rpt1InitBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the Initial
book value of the entire asset depreciation s chedule." LABEL "Rpt Initial Book
FIELD "Rpt2InitBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the Initial
book value of the entire asset depreciation s chedule." LABEL "Rpt Initial Book
FIELD "Rpt3InitBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the Initial
book value of the entire asset depreciation s chedule." LABEL "Rpt Initial Book
FIELD "InitGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the Initial
grant book value of the entire asset deprecia
tion schedule." LABEL "Initial Grant Book Value"
FIELD "DocInitGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the
Initial grant book value of the entire asset deprecia tion schedule." LABEL "Doc
Initial Grant Book Value"
FIELD "Rpt1InitGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the
Initial grant book value of the entire asset deprecia tion schedule." LABEL "Rpt
Initial Grant Book Value"
FIELD "Rpt2InitGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the
Initial grant book value of the entire asset deprecia tion schedule." LABEL "Rpt
Initial Grant Book Value"
FIELD "Rpt3InitGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the
Initial grant book value of the entire asset deprecia tion schedule." LABEL "Rpt
Initial Grant Book Value"
FIELD "CYOpenDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year opening
depreciation" LABEL "CY Open Depn"
FIELD "CYOpenGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening grant bookvalue" LABEL "CY Open Grant Book Value"
FIELD "CYImpBookValue" DESCRIPTION "Current tracted from the asset LABEL
"Impairment CY OF "FAssetDtl": decimal year Impairment Bookvalue is the impairment
bookvalue sub this year." Book Value"

FIELD "CYDispGrantPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Previous years

Disposal Grant depreciation" LABEL "Disposal Grant PY Provision"
FIELD "CYDispGrantCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Disposal Grant depreciation" LABEL "Disposal Grant CY Provision"
FIELD "CYDispGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
disposal grant bookvalue is the disposal grant bookv alue disposed from the asset
this year." LABEL "Disposal Grant CY BookValue"
FIELD "DocCYOpenGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening grant bookvalue" LABEL "Doc CY Open Grant Bookvalue"
FIELD "DocCYImpBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Impairment Bookvalue is the impairment bookvalue sub tracted from the asset this
year." LABEL "Doc Impairment CY Bookvalue"
FIELD "DocCYDispGrantPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Previous years
Disposal Grant depreciation" LABEL "Doc Disposal Grant PY Provision"
FIELD "DocCYDispGrantCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Disposal Grant depreciation" LABEL "Doc Disposal Grant CY Provision"
FIELD "DocCYDispGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
disposal grant bookvalue is the disposal grant bookv alue disposed from the asset
this year." LABEL "Doc Disposal Grant CY BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt1CYOpenGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening grant bookvalue" LABEL "Rpt CY Open Grant Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt1CYImpBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Impairment Bookvalue is the impairment bookvalue sub tracted from the asset this
year." LABEL "Rpt Impairment CY Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt1CYDispGrantPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Previous years
Disposal Grant depreciation" LABEL "Rpt Disposal Grant PY Provision"
FIELD "Rpt1CYDispGrantCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Disposal Grant depreciation" LABEL "Rpt Disposal Grant CY Provision"
FIELD "Rpt1CYDispGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
disposal grant bookvalue is the disposal grant bookv alue disposed from the asset
this year." LABEL "Rpt Disposal Grant CY BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt2CYOpenGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening grant bookvalue" LABEL "Rpt CY Open Grant Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt2CYImpBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal
DESCRIPTION "Current year Impairment Bookvalue is the impairment bookvalue sub
tracted from the asset this year." LABEL "Rpt Impairment CY Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt2CYDispGrantPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Previous years
Disposal Grant depreciation" LABEL "Rpt Disposal Grant PY Provision"
FIELD "Rpt2CYDispGrantCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Disposal Grant depreciation" LABEL "Rpt Disposal Grant CY Provision"
FIELD "Rpt2CYDispGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
disposal grant bookvalue is the disposal grant bookv alue disposed from the asset
this year." LABEL "Rpt Disposal Grant CY BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt3CYOpenGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening grant bookvalue" LABEL "Rpt CY Open Grant Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt3CYImpBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Impairment Bookvalue is the impairment bookvalue sub tracted from the asset this
year." LABEL "Rpt Impairment CY Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt3CYDispGrantPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Previous years
Disposal Grant depreciation" LABEL "Rpt Disposal Grant PY Provision"
FIELD "Rpt3CYDispGrantCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Disposal Grant depreciation" LABEL "Rpt Disposal Grant CY Provision"
FIELD "Rpt3CYDispGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
disposal grant bookvalue is the disposal grant bookv alue disposed from the asset
this year." LABEL "Rpt Disposal Grant CY BookValue"
FIELD "DocCYOpenDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year opening
depreciation" LABEL "Doc CY Open Depn"
FIELD "Rpt1CYOpenDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year opening
depreciation" LABEL "Rpt CY Open Depn"
FIELD "Rpt2CYOpenDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year opening
LABEL "Rpt CY Open Depn"
FIELD "Rpt3CYOpenDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year opening
depreciation" LABEL "Rpt CY Open Depn"
FIELD "CurrentActPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual posted
depreciation recorded for the previous years. This depreciation amount is not
affected by the disposal depreciation." LABEL "Actual PY Depn"
FIELD "CurrentActPostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual posted
depreciation recorded for the current year. This d epreciation amount is not
affected by the disposal depreciation." LABEL "Actual CY Posted Depn"
FIELD "DocCurrentActPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual posted
depreciation recorded for the previous years. This depreciation amount is not
affected by the disposal depreciation." LABEL "Doc Actual PY Depn"
FIELD "DocCurrentActPostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual posted
depreciation recorded for the current year. This d epreciation amount is not
affected by the disposal depreciation." LABEL "Doc Actual CY Posted Depn"
FIELD "Rpt1CurrentActPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual posted
depreciation recorded for the previous years. This depreciation amount is not
affected by the disposal depreciation." LABEL "Rpt Actual PY Depn"
FIELD "Rpt1CurrentActPostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual posted
depreciation recorded for the current year. This d epreciation amount is not
affected by the disposal depreciation." LABEL "Rpt Actual CY Posted Depn"
FIELD "Rpt2CurrentActPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual posted
depreciation recorded for the previous years. This depreciation amount is not
affected by the disposal depreciation." LABEL "Rpt Actual PY Depn"
FIELD "Rpt2CurrentActPostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual posted
depreciation recorded for the current year. This d epreciation amount is not
affected by the disposal depreciation." LABEL "Rpt Actual CY Posted Depn"
FIELD "Rpt3CurrentActPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual posted
depreciation recorded for the previous years. This depreciation amount is not
affected by the disposal depreciation." LABEL "Rpt Actual PY Depn"
FIELD "Rpt3CurrentActPostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual posted
depreciation recorded for the current year. This d epreciation amount is not
affected by the disposal depreciation." LABEL "Rpt Actual CY Posted Depn"
FIELD "CYAddGrantPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Previous years
Addition Grant depreciation" LABEL "Addition Grant PY Depn"
FIELD "CYAddGrantCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Previous years
Addition Grant depreciation" LABEL "Addition Grant CY Depn"
FIELD "CYAddGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
addition grant bookvalue is the addition grant bookv alue added to the asset this
year." LABEL "Addition Grant CY BookValue"
FIELD "DocCYAddGrantPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Previous years
Addition Grant depreciation" LABEL "Doc Addition Grant PY Depn"
FIELD "DocCYAddGrantCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Addition Grant depreciation" LABEL "Doc Addition Grant CY Depn"
FIELD "DocCYAddGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
addition grant bookvalue is the addition grant bookv alue added to the asset this
year." LABEL "Doc Addition Grant CY BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt1CYAddGrantPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Previous years
Addition Grant depreciation" LABEL "Rpt Addition Grant PY Depn"
FIELD "Rpt1CYAddGrantCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Addition Grant depreciation" LABEL "Rpt Addition Grant CY Depn"
FIELD "Rpt1CYAddGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
addition grant bookvalue is the addition grant bookv alue added to the asset this
year." LABEL "Rpt Addition Grant CY BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt2CYAddGrantPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Previous years
Addition Grant depreciation" LABEL "Rpt Addition Grant PY Depn"
FIELD "Rpt2CYAddGrantCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Addition Grant depreciation" LABEL "Rpt Addition Grant CY Depn"
FIELD "Rpt2CYAddGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
addition grant bookvalue is the addition grant bookv alue added to the asset this
year." LABEL "Rpt Addition Grant CY BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt3CYAddGrantPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Previous years
Addition Grant depreciation" LABEL "Rpt Addition Grant PY Depn"
FIELD "Rpt3CYAddGrantCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Addition Grant depreciation" LABEL "Rpt Addition Grant CY Depn"
FIELD "Rpt3CYAddGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
addition grant bookvalue is the addition grant bookv alue added to the asset this
year." LABEL "Rpt Addition Grant CY BookValue"
FIELD "Depreciate" OF "FAssetDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Depreciation Flag. When
true then the asset register will be proc essed in the depreciation recalculation
process and the depreciation posting pro cess. If set to false then all
depreciation parameters are blank and not updata ble." LABEL "Depreciate" COLUMN-
LABEL "Depreciate"
FIELD "CYOpenGrant" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year opening grant
amount" LABEL "CY Open Grant"
FIELD "DocCYOpenGrant" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year opening
cost" LABEL "Doc CY Open Grant"
FIELD "Rpt1CYOpenGrant" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year opening
cost" LABEL "Rpt CY Open Grant"
FIELD "Rpt2CYOpenGrant" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year opening
cost" LABEL "Rpt CY Open Grant"
FIELD "Rpt3CYOpenGrant" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year opening
cost" LABEL "Rpt CY Open Grant"
FIELD "CYAddCost" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Addition Cost is the
addition cost added to the asset t his year." LABEL "CY Addition Cost"
FIELD "DocCYAddCost" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Addition Cost is
the addition cost added to the asset t his year." LABEL "Doc CY Addition Cost"
FIELD "Rpt1CYAddCost" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Addition Cost is
the addition cost added to the asset t his year." LABEL "Rpt CY Addition Cost"
FIELD "Rpt2CYAddCost" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Addition Cost is
the addition cost added to the asset t his year." LABEL "Rpt CY Addition Cost"
FIELD "Rpt3CYAddCost" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Addition Cost is
the addition cost added to the asset t his year." LABEL "Rpt CY Addition Cost"
FIELD "CYImpCost" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year impairment cost
is the cost subtracted from the asse t this year." LABEL "CY Impairment Cost"
FIELD "DocCYImpCost" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year impairment
cost is the cost subtracted from the asse t this year." LABEL "Doc CY Impairment
FIELD "Rpt1CYImpCost" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year impairment
cost is the cost subtracted from the asse t this year." LABEL "Rpt CY Impairment
FIELD "Rpt2CYImpCost" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year impairment
cost is the cost subtracted from the asse t this year." LABEL "Rpt CY Impairment
FIELD "Rpt3CYImpCost" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year impairment
cost is the cost subtracted from the asse t this year." LABEL "Rpt CY Impairment
FIELD "CYDispCost" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year disposal cost
is the disposal cost disposed from th e asset this year." LABEL "CY Disposal Cost"
FIELD "DocCYDispCost" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year disposal
cost is the disposal cost disposed from th e asset this year." LABEL "Doc CY
Disposal Cost"
FIELD "Rpt1CYDispCost" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year disposal
cost is the disposal cost disposed from th e asset this year." LABEL "Rpt CY
Disposal Cost"
FIELD "Rpt2CYDispCost" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year disposal
cost is the disposal cost disposed from th e asset this year." LABEL "Rpt CY
Disposal Cost"
FIELD "Rpt3CYDispCost" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year disposal
cost is the disposal cost disposed from th e asset this year." LABEL "Rpt CY
Disposal Cost"
FIELD "CYDispProceeds" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Disposal proceed
amount." LABEL "CY Disposal Proceeds"
FIELD "DocCYDispProceeds" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Disposal proceed
amount." LABEL "Doc CY Disposal Proceeds"
FIELD "Rpt1CYDispProceeds" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Disposal proceed
amount." LABEL "Rpt CY Disposal Proceeds"
FIELD "Rpt2CYDispProceeds" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Disposal proceed
amount." LABEL "Rpt CY Disposal Proceeds"
FIELD "Rpt3CYDispProceeds" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Disposal proceed
amount." LABEL "Rpt CY Disposal Proceeds"
FIELD "CYDispProfit" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Disposal profit/loss
amount." LABEL "CY Disposal Profit"
FIELD "DocCYDispProfit" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Disposal profit/loss
amount." LABEL "Doc CY Disposal Profit"
FIELD "Rpt1CYDispProfit" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Disposal profit/loss
amount." LABEL "Rpt CY Disposal Profit"
FIELD "Rpt2CYDispProfit" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Disposal profit/loss
amount." LABEL "Rpt CY Disposal Profit"
FIELD "Rpt3CYDispProfit" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Disposal profit/loss
amount." LABEL "Rpt CY Disposal Profit"
FIELD "CYAddGrant" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Addition Grant is
the grant amount added to the asset th is year." LABEL "CY Addition Grant"
FIELD "DocCYAddGrant" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Addition Grant
is the grant amount added to the asset th is year." LABEL "Doc Addition Grant"
FIELD "Rpt1CYAddGrant" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Addition Grant
is the grant amount added to the asset th is year." LABEL "Rpt CY Addition Grant"
FIELD "Rpt2CYAddGrant" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Addition Grant
is the grant amount added to the asset th is year." LABEL "Rpt CY Addition Grant"
FIELD "Rpt3CYAddGrant" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Addition Grant
is the grant amount added to the asset th is year." LABEL "Rpt CY Addition Grant"
FIELD "CurrentCostvalue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current cost value of
the asset." LABEL "Current Cost"
FIELD "DocCurrentCostvalue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current cost value
of the asset." LABEL "Doc Current Cost"
FIELD "Rpt1CurrentCostvalue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current cost
value of the asset." LABEL "Rpt Current Cost"
FIELD "Rpt2CurrentCostvalue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current cost
value of the asset." LABEL "Rpt Current Cost"
FIELD "Rpt3CurrentCostvalue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current cost
value of the asset." LABEL "Rpt Current Cost"
FIELD "CurrentGrantAmt" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Grant Amount
of the asset." LABEL "Current Grant Amount"
FIELD "DocCurrentGrantAmt" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Grant
Amount of the asset." LABEL "Doc Current Grant Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1CurrentGrantAmt" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Grant
Amount of the asset." LABEL "Rpt Current Grant Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2CurrentGrantAmt" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Grant
Amount of the asset." LABEL "Rpt Current Grant Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3CurrentGrantAmt" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Grant
Amount of the asset." LABEL "Rpt Current Grant Amount"
FIELD "CYOpenCost" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year opening cost"
LABEL "CY Open Cost"
FIELD "DocCYOpenCost" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year opening
cost" LABEL "Doc CY Open Cost"
FIELD "Rpt1CYOpenCost" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year opening
cost" LABEL "Rpt CY Open Cost"
FIELD "Rpt2CYOpenCost" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year opening
cost" LABEL "Rpt CY Open Cost"
FIELD "Rpt3CYOpenCost" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year opening
cost" LABEL "Rpt CY Open Cost"
FIELD "Rpt1ResidualValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Residual value of
the asset in reporting currency" LABEL "Residual" COLUMN-LABEL "Residual"
FIELD "Rpt1ReplaceValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Replacement value of
the asset in reporting currency. For informa tion purposes only." LABEL
"Replacement" COLUMN-LABEL "Replacement"
FIELD "Rpt2ResidualValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Residual value of
the asset in reporting currency" LABEL "Residual" COLUMN-LABEL "Residual"
FIELD "Rpt2ReplaceValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Replacement value of
the asset in reporting currency. For informa tion purposes only." LABEL
"Replacement" COLUMN-LABEL "Replacement"
FIELD "Rpt3ResidualValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Residual value of
the asset in reporting currency" LABEL "Residual" COLUMN-LABEL "Residual"
FIELD "Rpt3ReplaceValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Replacement value of
the asset in reporting currency. For informa tion purposes only." LABEL
"Replacement" COLUMN-LABEL "Replacement"
FIELD "BookValueDate" OF "FAssetDtl": date DESCRIPTION "The end date of the last
posted depreciation period that has affe cted the book value of this asset register
detail." LABEL "Book Value Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Book Value Date"
FIELD "RateFactor" OF "FAssetDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The Rate Factor is used as
a multiplier when calculating Annual D epreciation Charge using the Declining
Balance formula." LABEL "Factor" COLUMN-LABEL "Factor"
FIELD "ResidualValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Residual value of the
asset" LABEL "Residual" COLUMN-LABEL "Residual"
FIELD "ReplaceValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Replacement value of the
asset. For information purposes only." LABEL "Replacement" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "DocResidualValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Residual value of the
asset in document currency" LABEL "Residual" COLUMN-LABEL "Residual"
FIELD "DocReplaceValue" OF "FAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Replacement value of
the asset in document currency. For informat ion purposes only." LABEL
"Replacement" COLUMN-LABEL "Replacement"
FIELD "DateSwitched" OF "FAssetDtl": date DESCRIPTION "This is the starting date of
the fiscal year or fiscal period whe n the actual switch of the depreciation method
to the alternative method happene d." LABEL "Date Switched"

TABLE "FAssetDtlHist" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table holds the history
of FAssetDtl summarizing the asset c osts, additions, disposals, impairments, book
values and depreciations per fisca l year."
FIELD "Company" OF "FAssetDtlHist": character DESCRIPTION "Company of the asset."
LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL "company"
FIELD "AssetNum" OF "FAssetDtlHist": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the
asset" LABEL "AssetNum" COLUMN-LABEL "AssetNum"
FIELD "AssetRegID" OF "FAssetDtlHist": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the
Asset Register." LABEL "Register ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Register ID"
FIELD "NotDepreciate" OF "FAssetDtlHist": logical DESCRIPTION "Do Not Depreciate
Flag. When true then the asset detail will not be included in the depreciation
recalculation process and the depreciation posti
ng process." LABEL "Not Depreciate" COLUMN-LABEL "Not Depreciate"
FIELD "AdditionSpread" OF "FAssetDtlHist": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate
that calculated depreciation between the fiscal period of asset commission date and
the first open fiscal period should be distr ibuted over all open remaining periods
of the first depreciation year or when fa lse then the calculated depreciation will
be applied to the first open fiscal pe riod." LABEL "Addition Spread"
FIELD "SpreadCode" OF "FAssetDtlHist": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the
spread code table that will be used for the Add ition Spread option." LABEL "Code"
FIELD "LifeModifier" OF "FAssetDtlHist": character DESCRIPTION "In case of life
depreciation method the life modifier expresses t he unit of measure of life.
Values are: Periods and Years." LABEL "Life Modifier"
FIELD "AnnualDepRate" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Depreciation
Rate that will be used to calculate the Annual C harge." LABEL "Percent" COLUMN-
LABEL "Percent"
FIELD "AssetLife" OF "FAssetDtlHist": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of periods or
years - unit defined in the Life Modifier." LABEL "Life" COLUMN-LABEL "Life"
FIELD "CYOpenCost" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year opening
cost" LABEL "Opening Cost"
FIELD "CYOpenDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year opening
depreciation" LABEL "Opening Depreciation"
FIELD "CYOpenBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening bookvalue" LABEL "Opening Bookvalue"
FIELD "CYAddPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciation applied
this year through disposal this year." LABEL "Addition Depreciation"
FIELD "CYAddCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
depreciation" LABEL "Current Year Depn"
FIELD "CYAddBookvalue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Addition Bookvalue is the addition bookvalue added t o the asset this year." LABEL
"Addition Bookvalue"
FIELD "CYDispPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciation
applied in previous years through addition this year . Base currency." LABEL
"Disposal Provision"
FIELD "CYDispCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciation
applied in previous years through disposal this year . Base Currency." LABEL
"Current Year"
FIELD "CYDispBookvalue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
disposal bookvalue is the disposal bookvalue dispose d from the asset this year."
LABEL "Disposal BookValue"
FIELD "CYDispProceeds" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Disposal proceed
amount." LABEL "Disposal Proceeds"
FIELD "CYDispProfit" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Disposal profit/loss
amount." LABEL "Disposal Profit"
FIELD "CurrentCostvalue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current cost
value of the asset." LABEL "Current Cost"
FIELD "CurrentPrevYearDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciated in
previous years" LABEL "Previous year depn"
FIELD "CurrentPostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciated (and
posted) in the current year." LABEL "Current Year Posted"
FIELD "CurrentBookvalue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "The current
bookvalue." LABEL "Current Bookvalue"
FIELD "CurrentUnpostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal
DESCRIPTION "Depreciations open for this year." LABEL "Unposted Depn"
FIELD "CurrentYEBookvalue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "The projected
bookvalue at the end of this year." LABEL "Year-End Bookvalue"
FIELD "AssetMethod" OF "FAssetDtlHist": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the
depreciation method table." LABEL "Method" COLUMN-LABEL "Method"
FIELD "BookID" OF "FAssetDtlHist": character DESCRIPTION "The G/L Book that will be
used when posting asset depreciations a gainst this register." LABEL "Book ID"
FIELD "CalendarID" OF "FAssetDtlHist": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the Asset
Calendar used when posting asset activities. This calendar could be different from
the G/L Book Fiscal Calendar." LABEL "Asset Calendar" COLUMN-LABEL "Asset Calendar"

FIELD "DepConvention" OF "FAssetDtlHist": character DESCRIPTION "Convention used

for the depreciation calculation of the asset. T his will determine how
depreciation is prorated for the year in which the asset is placed in service.
Valid values are: ""HY"" (Half Year); ""MM"" (Mid Month); ""QR"" (Quarter); ""MQ""
(Mid Quarter); ""FM"" (Full Month); ""EM"" (Entire Mon th); ""SD"" (Service Date),
""NM"" (Next Month), and ""AD"" (Acquisition Date). This field can be blank." LABEL
"Convention" COLUMN-LABEL "Convention"
FIELD "RetroAdjust" OF "FAssetDtlHist": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate if
the changes in asset depreciation costs, due to an adjustment of asset cost or
depreciation parameters, will affect the curre nt year depreciation calculation."
LABEL "Retro Adjust"
FIELD "ProdUnitSpread" OF "FAssetDtlHist": character DESCRIPTION "Production Unit
Spread Code." LABEL "Prod Unit Spread"
FIELD "TotalProdUnit" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Production
Units." LABEL "Total Prod Units"
FIELD "AnnualFixedValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Fixed Value
that will be used as the Annual Charge amount dur ing the asset depreciation
calculation. This field is only used if the deprecia tion method is set up to 'Use
Fixed Value' for the annual charge calculation. "
LABEL "Annual Charge" COLUMN-LABEL "Annual Charge"
FIELD "AnnualSpread" OF "FAssetDtlHist": character DESCRIPTION "Annual Charge
Spread Code" LABEL "Annual Spread" COLUMN-LABEL "Annual Spread"
FIELD "PeriodFixedValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Fixed Value
that will be used as the Period Charge amount dur ing the asset period depreciation
calculation. This field is only used if the d epreciation method is set up to 'Use
Fixed Value' for the period charge calculat ion. " LABEL "Period Charge" COLUMN-
LABEL "Period Charge"
FIELD "PeriodSpread" OF "FAssetDtlHist": character DESCRIPTION "Period Charge
Spread" LABEL "Period Spread" COLUMN-LABEL "Period Spread"
FIELD "PeriodRateSpread" OF "FAssetDtlHist": character DESCRIPTION "Spread Code
used to determine the spread values used when prorati ng Annual Charge." LABEL
"Period Rate Spread" COLUMN-LABEL "Period Rate Spread"
FIELD "FinalSpread" OF "FAssetDtlHist": character DESCRIPTION "Final Spread Code"
LABEL "Final Spread" COLUMN-LABEL "Final Spread"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FAssetDtlHist": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FAssetDtlHist": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FAssetDtlHist": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "MethodSwitched" OF "FAssetDtlHist": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
asset register detail has already switched or u sed the alternate depreciation
method. An asset register is only allowed to swit ch to an alternate depreciation
method once and cannot switch back to original m ethod." LABEL "Method Switched"
FIELD "AltAssetMethod" OF "FAssetDtlHist": character DESCRIPTION "Alternate
Depreciation Method" LABEL "Alt Method" COLUMN-LABEL "Alt Method"
FIELD "DocCurrentCostvalue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current cost
value of the asset." LABEL "Current Cost"
FIELD "DocCurrentPrevYearDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciated
in previous years" LABEL "Previous year depn"
FIELD "DocCurrentPostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciated
(and posted) in the current year." LABEL "Current Year Posted"
FIELD "DocCurrentBookvalue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "The current
bookvalue." LABEL "Current Bookvalue"
FIELD "DocCurrentUnpostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION
"Depreciations open for this year." LABEL "Unposted Depn"
FIELD "DocCurrentYEBookvalue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "The
projected bookvalue at the end of this year." LABEL "Year-End Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt1CurrentCostvalue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current cost
value of the asset." LABEL "Current Cost"
FIELD "Rpt1CurrentPrevYearDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION
"Depreciated in previous years" LABEL "Previous year depn"
FIELD "Rpt1CurrentPostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciated
(and posted) in the current year." LABEL "Current Year Posted"
FIELD "Rpt1CurrentBookvalue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "The current
bookvalue." LABEL "Current Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt1CurrentUnpostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION
"Depreciations open for this year." LABEL "Unposted Depn"
FIELD "Rpt1CurrentYEBookvalue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "The
projected bookvalue at the end of this year." LABEL "Year-End Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt2CurrentCostvalue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current cost
value of the asset." LABEL "Current Cost"
FIELD "Rpt2CurrentPrevYearDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION
"Depreciated in previous years" LABEL "Previous year depn"
FIELD "Rpt2CurrentPostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciated
(and posted) in the current year." LABEL "Current Year Posted"
FIELD "Rpt2CurrentBookvalue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "The current
bookvalue." LABEL "Current Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt2CurrentUnpostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION
"Depreciations open for this year." LABEL "Unposted Depn"
FIELD "Rpt2CurrentYEBookvalue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "The
projected bookvalue at the end of this year." LABEL "Year-End Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt3CurrentCostvalue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current cost
value of the asset." LABEL "Current Cost"
FIELD "Rpt3CurrentPrevYearDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION
"Depreciated in previous years" LABEL "Previous year depn"
FIELD "Rpt3CurrentPostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciated
(and posted) in the current year." LABEL "Current Year Posted"
FIELD "Rpt3CurrentBookvalue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "The current
bookvalue." LABEL "Current Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt3CurrentUnpostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION
"Depreciations open for this year." LABEL "Unposted Depn"
FIELD "Rpt3CurrentYEBookvalue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "The
projected bookvalue at the end of this year." LABEL "Year-End Bookvalue"
FIELD "UseFinalSpread" OF "FAssetDtlHist": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate
that the total of depreciations in the last year of depreciation should be
distributed over all fiscal periods of the last year. " LABEL "Use Final Spread"
COLUMN-LABEL "Use Final Spread"
FIELD "DepRecalcNeeded" OF "FAssetDtlHist": logical DESCRIPTION "System maintained
field. Indicates that asset depreciation needs to be recalculated for this
depreciation method." LABEL "Dep. Recalc. Needed"
FIELD "CurrentGrantAmt" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Grant
Amount of the asset." LABEL "Current Grant Amount"
FIELD "CurrentGrantPYDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant
Depreciation in previous years" LABEL "Previous Year Grant Depn"
FIELD "CurrentGrantPostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant
Depreciation (and posted) in the current year." LABEL "Current Year Posted Grant
FIELD "CurrentGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "The current
grant book value." LABEL "Current Grant Book Value"
FIELD "CurrentGrantUnpostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant
Depreciations open for this year." LABEL "Unposted Grant Depn"
FIELD "CurrentGrantYEBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "The
projected grant bookvalue at the end of this year." LABEL "Year-End Grant Book
FIELD "DocCurrentGrantAmt" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Grant
Amount of the asset." LABEL "Current Grant Amount"
FIELD "DocCurrentGrantPYDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant
Depreciation in previous years" LABEL "Previous Year Grant Depn"
FIELD "DocCurrentGrantPostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant
Depreciation (and posted) in the current year." LABEL "Current Year Posted Grant
FIELD "DocCurrentGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "The
current grant book value." LABEL "Current Grant Book Value"
FIELD "DocCurrentGrantUnpostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant
Depreciations open for this year." LABEL "Unposted Grant Depn"
FIELD "DocCurrentGrantYEBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "The
projected grant bookvalue at the end of this year." LABEL "Year-End Grant Book
FIELD "Rpt1CurrentGrantAmt" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Grant
Amount of the asset." LABEL "Current Grant Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1CurrentGrantPYDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant
Depreciation in previous years" LABEL "Previous Year Grant Depn"
FIELD "Rpt1CurrentGrantPostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant
Depreciation (and posted) in the current year." LABEL "Current Year Posted Grant
FIELD "Rpt1CurrentGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "The
current grant book value." LABEL "Current Grant Book Value"
FIELD "Rpt1CurrentGrantUnpostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant
Depreciations open for this year." LABEL "Unposted Grant Depn"
FIELD "Rpt1CurrentGrantYEBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "The
projected grant bookvalue at the end of this year." LABEL "Year-End Grant Book
FIELD "Rpt2CurrentGrantAmt" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Grant
Amount of the asset." LABEL "Current Grant Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2CurrentGrantPYDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant
Depreciation in previous years" LABEL "Previous Year Grant Depn"
FIELD "Rpt2CurrentGrantPostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant
Depreciation (and posted) in the current year." LABEL "Current Year Posted Grant
FIELD "Rpt2CurrentGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "The
current grant book value." LABEL "Current Grant Book Value"
FIELD "Rpt2CurrentGrantUnpostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant
Depreciations open for this year." LABEL "Unposted Grant Depn"
FIELD "Rpt2CurrentGrantYEBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "The
projected grant bookvalue at the end of this year." LABEL "Year-End Grant Book
FIELD "Rpt3CurrentGrantAmt" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Grant
Amount of the asset." LABEL "Current Grant Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3CurrentGrantPYDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant
Depreciation in previous years" LABEL "Previous Year Grant Depn"
FIELD "Rpt3CurrentGrantPostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant
Depreciation (and posted) in the current year." LABEL "Current Year Posted Grant
FIELD "Rpt3CurrentGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "The
current grant book value." LABEL "Current Grant Book Value"
FIELD "Rpt3CurrentGrantUnpostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grant
Depreciations open for this year." LABEL "Unposted Grant Depn"
FIELD "Rpt3CurrentGrantYEBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "The
projected grant bookvalue at the end of this year." LABEL "Year-End Grant Book
FIELD "CYOpenGrant" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year opening
grant amount" LABEL "Opening Grant Amount"
FIELD "CYOpenGrantDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening grant depreciation" LABEL "Opening Depreciation"
FIELD "CYAddCost" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Addition Cost is
the addition cost added to the asset t his year." LABEL "Addition Cost"
FIELD "CYDispCost" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year disposal
cost is the disposal cost disposed from th e asset this year." LABEL "Disposal
FIELD "DocCYAddCost" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Addition Cost
is the addition cost added to the asset t his year." LABEL "Addition Cost"
FIELD "DocCYDispCost" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
disposal cost is the disposal cost disposed from th e asset this year." LABEL
"Disposal Cost"
FIELD "Rpt1CYAddCost" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Addition
Cost is the addition cost added to the asset t his year." LABEL "Addition Cost"
FIELD "Rpt1CYDispCost" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
disposal cost is the disposal cost disposed from th e asset this year." LABEL
"Disposal Cost"
FIELD "Rpt2CYAddCost" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Addition
Cost is the addition cost added to the asset t his year." LABEL "Addition Cost"
FIELD "Rpt2CYDispCost" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
disposal cost is the disposal cost disposed from th e asset this year." LABEL
"Disposal Cost"
FIELD "Rpt3CYAddCost" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Addition
Cost is the addition cost added to the asset t his year." LABEL "Addition Cost"
FIELD "Rpt3CYDispCost" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
disposal cost is the disposal cost disposed from th e asset this year." LABEL
"Disposal Cost"
FIELD "CYImpCost" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year impairment
cost is the cost subtracted from the asse t this year." LABEL "Impairment Cost"
FIELD "DocCYImpCost" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
impairment cost is the cost subtracted from the asse t this year." LABEL "Doc
Impairment Cost"
FIELD "Rpt1CYImpCost" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
impairment cost is the cost subtracted from the asse t this year." LABEL "Rpt
Impairment Cost"
FIELD "Rpt2CYImpCost" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
impairment cost is the cost subtracted from the asse t this year." LABEL "Rpt
Impairment Cost"
FIELD "Rpt3CYImpCost" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
impairment cost is the cost subtracted from the asse t this year." LABEL "Rpt
Impairment Cost"
FIELD "DocCYOpenCost" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year opening
cost" LABEL "Opening Cost"
FIELD "Rpt1CYOpenCost" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening cost" LABEL "Opening Cost"
FIELD "Rpt2CYOpenCost" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening cost" LABEL "Opening Cost"
FIELD "Rpt3CYOpenCost" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening cost" LABEL "Opening Cost"
FIELD "DocCYOpenGrant" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening cost" LABEL "Opening Cost"
FIELD "Rpt1CYOpenGrant" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening cost" LABEL "Opening Cost"
FIELD "Rpt2CYOpenGrant" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening cost" LABEL "Opening Cost"
FIELD "Rpt3CYOpenGrant" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening cost" LABEL "Opening Cost"
FIELD "DocCYDispProceeds" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Disposal proceed
amount." LABEL "Disposal Proceeds"
FIELD "DocCYDispProfit" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Disposal
profit/loss amount." LABEL "Disposal Profit"
FIELD "Rpt1CYDispProceeds" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Disposal
proceed amount." LABEL "Disposal Proceeds"
FIELD "Rpt1CYDispProfit" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Disposal
profit/loss amount." LABEL "Disposal Profit"
FIELD "Rpt2CYDispProceeds" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Disposal
proceed amount." LABEL "Disposal Proceeds"
FIELD "Rpt2CYDispProfit" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Disposal
profit/loss amount." LABEL "Disposal Profit"
FIELD "Rpt3CYDispProceeds" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Disposal
proceed amount." LABEL "Disposal Proceeds"
FIELD "Rpt3CYDispProfit" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Disposal
profit/loss amount." LABEL "Disposal Profit"
FIELD "DocCYOpenDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year opening
depreciation" LABEL "Opening Depreciation"
FIELD "DocCYOpenBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening bookvalue" LABEL "Opening Bookvalue"
FIELD "DocCYAddPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciation
applied in previous years through addition this year . Document currency." LABEL
"Addition Depreciation"
FIELD "DocCYAddCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
depreciation" LABEL "Current Year Depn"
FIELD "DocCYAddBookvalue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Addition Bookvalue is the addition bookvalue added t o the asset this year." LABEL
"Addition Bookvalue"
FIELD "DocCYDispPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciation
applied in previous years through disposal this year . Document Currency." LABEL
"Disposal Provision"
FIELD "DocCYDispCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciation
applied this year through addition this year. Docume nt Currency." LABEL "Current
FIELD "DocCYDispBookvalue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
disposal bookvalue is the disposal bookvalue dispose d from the asset this year."
LABEL "Disposal BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt1CYOpenDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening depreciation" LABEL "Opening Depreciation"
FIELD "Rpt1CYOpenBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening bookvalue" LABEL "Opening Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt1CYAddPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciation
applied in previous years through addition this year . Report currency 1." LABEL
"Addition Depreciation"
FIELD "Rpt1CYAddCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
depreciation" LABEL "Current Year Depn"
FIELD "Rpt1CYAddBookvalue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Addition Bookvalue is the addition bookvalue added t o the asset this year."
LABEL "Addition Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt1CYDispPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciation
applied in previous years through disposal this year . Report currency 1." LABEL
"Disposal Provision"
FIELD "Rpt1CYDispCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciation
applied this year through addition this year. Report currency 1." LABEL "Current
FIELD "Rpt1CYDispBookvalue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
disposal bookvalue is the disposal bookvalue dispose d from the asset this year."
LABEL "Disposal BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt2CYOpenDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening depreciation" LABEL "Opening Depreciation"
FIELD "Rpt2CYOpenBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening bookvalue" LABEL "Opening Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt2CYAddPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciation
applied in previous years through addition this year . Report currency 2." LABEL
"Addition Depreciation"
FIELD "Rpt2CYAddCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
depreciation" LABEL "Current Year Depn"
FIELD "Rpt2CYAddBookvalue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Addition Bookvalue is the addition bookvalue added t o the asset this year." LABEL
"Addition Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt2CYDispPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciation
applied in previous years through disposal this year . Report currency 2." LABEL
"Disposal Provision"
FIELD "Rpt2CYDispCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciation
applied this year through addition this year. Report currency 2." LABEL "Current
FIELD "Rpt2CYDispBookvalue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
disposal bookvalue is the disposal bookvalue dispose d from the asset this year."
LABEL "Disposal BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt3CYOpenDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening depreciation" LABEL "Opening Depreciation"
FIELD "Rpt3CYOpenBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening bookvalue" LABEL "Opening Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt3CYAddPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciation
applied in previous years through addition this year . Report currency 3." LABEL
"Addition Depreciation"
FIELD "Rpt3CYAddCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
depreciation" LABEL "Current Year Depn"
FIELD "Rpt3CYAddBookvalue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Addition Bookvalue is the addition bookvalue added t o the asset this year." LABEL
"Addition Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt3CYDispPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciation
applied in previous years through disposal this year . Report currency 3." LABEL
"Disposal Provision"
FIELD "Rpt3CYDispCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciation
applied this year through addition this year. Report currency 3." LABEL "Current
FIELD "Rpt3CYDispBookvalue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
disposal bookvalue is the disposal bookvalue dispose d from the asset this year."
LABEL "Disposal BookValue"
FIELD "DocCYOpenGrantDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening depreciation" LABEL "Opening Depreciation"
FIELD "Rpt1CYOpenGrantDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening depreciation" LABEL "Opening Depreciation"
FIELD "Rpt2CYOpenGrantDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening depreciation" LABEL "Opening Depreciation"
FIELD "Rpt3CYOpenGrantDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening depreciation" LABEL "Opening Depreciation"
FIELD "DepRecalcDate" OF "FAssetDtlHist": date DESCRIPTION "The last depreciation
recalculation apply date. This is the date used to get the exchange rate for the
depreciation calculation process." LABEL "Last Recalc Date"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "FAssetDtlHist": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year of last
posted gl entry of this transaction." LABEL "FiscalYear" COLUMN-LABEL "FiscalYear"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "FAssetDtlHist": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year
suffix." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "YearNum" OF "FAssetDtlHist": integer DESCRIPTION "Year number not related to
the fiscal year."
FIELD "CYOpenGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening grant bookvalue" LABEL "Opening Grant Book Value"
FIELD "InitBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the initial
book value of the entire asset depreciation s chedule." LABEL "Initial Book Value"
FIELD "DocInitBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the
Initial book value of the entire asset depreciation s chedule." LABEL "Initial Book
FIELD "Rpt1InitBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the
Initial book value of the entire asset depreciation s chedule." LABEL "Initial Book
FIELD "Rpt2InitBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the
Initial book value of the entire asset depreciation s chedule." LABEL "Initial Book
FIELD "Rpt3InitBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the
Initial book value of the entire asset depreciation s chedule." LABEL "Initial Book
FIELD "InitGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the
Initial grant book value of the entire asset deprecia tion schedule." LABEL
"Initial Grant Book Value"
FIELD "DocInitGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the
Initial grant book value of the entire asset deprecia tion schedule." LABEL
"Initial Grant Book Value"
FIELD "Rpt1InitGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the
Initial grant book value of the entire asset deprecia tion schedule." LABEL
"Initial Grant Book Value"
FIELD "Rpt2InitGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the
Initial grant book value of the entire asset deprecia tion schedule." LABEL
"Initial Grant Book Value"
FIELD "Rpt3InitGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the
Initial grant book value of the entire asset deprecia tion schedule." LABEL
"Initial Grant Book Value"
FIELD "CYImpBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Impairment Bookvalue is the impairment bookvalue sub tracted from the asset this
year." LABEL "Impairment Book Value"
FIELD "CYDispGrantPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Previous years
Disposal Grant depreciation" LABEL "Disposal Grant PY Provision"
FIELD "CYDispGrantCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Disposal Grant depreciation" LABEL "Disposal Grant CY Provision"
FIELD "CYDispGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
disposal grant bookvalue is the disposal grant bookv alue disposed from the asset
this year." LABEL "Disposal Grant BookValue"
FIELD "DocCYOpenGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current
year opening grant bookvalue" LABEL "Opening Grant Bookvalue"
FIELD "DocCYImpBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Impairment Bookvalue is the impairment bookvalue sub tracted from the asset this
year." LABEL "Impairment Bookvalue"
FIELD "DocCYDispGrantPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Previous
years Disposal Grant depreciation" LABEL "Disposal Grant PY Provision"
FIELD "DocCYDispGrantCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current
year Disposal Grant depreciation" LABEL "Disposal Grant CY Provision"
FIELD "DocCYDispGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current
year disposal grant bookvalue is the disposal grant bookv alue disposed from the
asset this year." LABEL "Disposal Grant BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt1CYOpenGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current
year opening grant bookvalue" LABEL "Opening Grant Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt1CYImpBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Impairment Bookvalue is the impairment bookvalue sub tracted from the asset this
year." LABEL "Impairment Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt1CYDispGrantPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Previous
years Disposal Grant depreciation" LABEL "Disposal Grant PY Provision"
FIELD "Rpt1CYDispGrantCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current
year Disposal Grant depreciation" LABEL "Disposal Grant CY Provision"
FIELD "Rpt1CYDispGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current
year disposal grant bookvalue is the disposal grant bookv alue disposed from the
asset this year." LABEL "Disposal Grant BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt2CYOpenGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current
year opening grant bookvalue" LABEL "Opening Grant Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt2CYImpBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal
DESCRIPTION "Current year Impairment Bookvalue is the impairment bookvalue sub
tracted from the asset this year." LABEL "Impairment Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt2CYDispGrantPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Previous
years Disposal Grant depreciation" LABEL "Disposal Grant PY Provision"
FIELD "Rpt2CYDispGrantCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current
year Disposal Grant depreciation" LABEL "Disposal Grant CY Provision"
FIELD "Rpt2CYDispGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current
year disposal grant bookvalue is the disposal grant bookv alue disposed from the
asset this year." LABEL "Disposal Grant BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt3CYOpenGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current
year opening grant bookvalue" LABEL "Opening Grant Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt3CYImpBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Impairment Bookvalue is the impairment bookvalue sub tracted from the asset this
year." LABEL "Impairment Bookvalue"
FIELD "Rpt3CYDispGrantPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Previous
years Disposal Grant depreciation" LABEL "Disposal Grant PY Provision"
FIELD "Rpt3CYDispGrantCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current
year Disposal Grant depreciation" LABEL "Disposal Grant CY Provision"
FIELD "Rpt3CYDispGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current
year disposal grant bookvalue is the disposal grant bookv alue disposed from the
asset this year." LABEL "Disposal Grant BookValue"
FIELD "CurrentActPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual posted
depreciation recorded for the previous years. This depreciation amount is not
affected by the disposal depreciation." LABEL "Actual PY Depn"
FIELD "CurrentActPostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual posted
depreciation recorded for the current year. This d epreciation amount is not
affected by the disposal depreciation." LABEL "Actual CY Posted"
FIELD "DocCurrentActPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual
posted depreciation recorded for the previous years. This depreciation amount is
not affected by the disposal depreciation." LABEL "Actual PY Depn"
FIELD "DocCurrentActPostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual
posted depreciation recorded for the current year. This d epreciation amount is not
affected by the disposal depreciation." LABEL "Actual CY Posted"
FIELD "Rpt1CurrentActPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual
posted depreciation recorded for the previous years. This depreciation amount is
not affected by the disposal depreciation." LABEL "Actual PY Depn"
FIELD "Rpt1CurrentActPostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual
posted depreciation recorded for the current year. This d epreciation amount is not
affected by the disposal depreciation." LABEL "Actual CY Posted"
FIELD "Rpt2CurrentActPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual
posted depreciation recorded for the previous years. This depreciation amount is
not affected by the disposal depreciation." LABEL "Actual PY Depn"
FIELD "Rpt2CurrentActPostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual
posted depreciation recorded for the current year. This d epreciation amount is not
affected by the disposal depreciation." LABEL "Actual CY Posted"
FIELD "Rpt3CurrentActPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual
posted depreciation recorded for the previous years. This depreciation amount is
not affected by the disposal depreciation." LABEL "Actual PY Depn"
FIELD "Rpt3CurrentActPostedDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual
posted depreciation recorded for the current year. This d epreciation amount is not
affected by the disposal depreciation." LABEL "Actual CY Posted"
FIELD "CYAddGrant" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Addition Grant
is the grant amount added to the asset th is year." LABEL "Addition Grant"
FIELD "DocCYAddGrant" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Addition
Grant is the grant amount added to the asset th is year." LABEL "Addition Grant"
FIELD "Rpt1CYAddGrant" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Addition
Grant is the grant amount added to the asset th is year." LABEL "Addition Grant"
FIELD "Rpt2CYAddGrant" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Addition
Grant is the grant amount added to the asset th is year." LABEL "Addition Grant"
FIELD "Rpt3CYAddGrant" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Addition
Grant is the grant amount added to the asset th is year." LABEL "Addition Grant"
FIELD "CYAddGrantPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Previous years
Addition Grant depreciation" LABEL "Addition Grant PY Depn"
FIELD "CYAddGrantCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Previous years
Addition Grant depreciation" LABEL "Addition Grant CY Depn"
FIELD "CYAddGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
addition grant bookvalue is the addition grant bookv alue added to the asset this
year." LABEL "Addition Grant BookValue"
FIELD "DocCYAddGrantPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Previous
years Addition Grant depreciation" LABEL "Addition Grant PY Depn"
FIELD "DocCYAddGrantCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Addition Grant depreciation" LABEL "Addition Grant CY Depn"
FIELD "DocCYAddGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current
year addition grant bookvalue is the addition grant bookv alue added to the asset
this year." LABEL "Addition Grant BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt1CYAddGrantPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Previous
years Addition Grant depreciation" LABEL "Addition Grant PY Depn"
FIELD "Rpt1CYAddGrantCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current
year Addition Grant depreciation" LABEL "Addition Grant CY Depn"
FIELD "Rpt1CYAddGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current
year addition grant bookvalue is the addition grant bookv alue added to the asset
this year." LABEL "Addition Grant BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt2CYAddGrantPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Previous
years Addition Grant depreciation" LABEL "Addition Grant PY Depn"
FIELD "Rpt2CYAddGrantCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current
year Addition Grant depreciation" LABEL "Addition Grant CY Depn"
FIELD "Rpt2CYAddGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current
year addition grant bookvalue is the addition grant bookv alue added to the asset
this year." LABEL "Addition Grant BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt3CYAddGrantPrevDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Previous
years Addition Grant depreciation" LABEL "Addition Grant PY Depn"
FIELD "Rpt3CYAddGrantCurrDepn" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current
year Addition Grant depreciation" LABEL "Addition Grant CY Depn"
FIELD "Rpt3CYAddGrantBookValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current
year addition grant bookvalue is the addition grant bookv alue added to the asset
this year." LABEL "Addition Grant BookValue"
FIELD "Depreciate" OF "FAssetDtlHist": logical DESCRIPTION "Depreciation Flag. When
true then the asset will be processed in the depreciation recalculation process and
the depreciation posting process. If set to false then all depreciation parameters
are blank and not updatable." LABEL "Depreciate" COLUMN-LABEL "Depreciate"
FIELD "Rpt3ReplaceValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Replacement value
of the asset in reporting currency. For informa tion purposes only." LABEL
"Replacement" COLUMN-LABEL "Replacement"
FIELD "BookValueDate" OF "FAssetDtlHist": date DESCRIPTION "The end date of the
last posted depreciation period that has affe cted the book value of this asset
register detail." LABEL "Book Value Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Book Value Date"
FIELD "RateFactor" OF "FAssetDtlHist": integer DESCRIPTION "The Rate Factor is used
as a multiplier when calculating Annual D epreciation Charge using the Declining
Balance formula." LABEL "Factor" COLUMN-LABEL "Factor"
FIELD "ResidualValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Residual value of
the asset" LABEL "Residual" COLUMN-LABEL "Residual"
FIELD "DocResidualValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Residual value of
the asset in document currency" LABEL "Residual" COLUMN-LABEL "Residual"
FIELD "Rpt1ResidualValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Residual value
of the asset in reporting currency" LABEL "Residual" COLUMN-LABEL "Residual"
FIELD "Rpt2ResidualValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Residual value
of the asset in reporting currency" LABEL "Residual" COLUMN-LABEL "Residual"
FIELD "Rpt3ResidualValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Residual value
of the asset in reporting currency" LABEL "Residual" COLUMN-LABEL "Residual"
FIELD "ReplaceValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Replacement value of
the asset. For information purposes only." LABEL "Replacement" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "DocReplaceValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Replacement value
of the asset in document currency. For informat ion purposes only." LABEL
"Replacement" COLUMN-LABEL "Replacement"
FIELD "Rpt1ReplaceValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Replacement value
of the asset in reporting currency. For informa tion purposes only." LABEL
"Replacement" COLUMN-LABEL "Replacement"
FIELD "Rpt2ReplaceValue" OF "FAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "Replacement value
of the asset in reporting currency. For informa tion purposes only."
LABEL "Replacement" COLUMN-LABEL "Replacement"
FIELD "DateSwitched" OF "FAssetDtlHist": date DESCRIPTION "This is the starting
date of the fiscal year or fiscal period whe n the actual switch of the
depreciation method to the alternative method happene d." LABEL "Date Switched"

TABLE "FAssetReg" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The Asset Register Master
provides the description for the asset register and set up for the G/L Book and
Asset Calendar used during depreciatio n calculation and posting."
FIELD "Company" OF "FAssetReg": character DESCRIPTION "Company of the asset." LABEL
"Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "AssetRegID" OF "FAssetReg": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the Asset
Register." LABEL "Register ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Register ID"
FIELD "Description" OF "FAssetReg": character DESCRIPTION "Asset Register
description." LABEL "Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "DefaultReg" OF "FAssetReg": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the asset
register is the default register." LABEL "Default" COLUMN-LABEL "Default"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FAssetReg": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FAssetReg": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FAssetReg": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "BookID" OF "FAssetReg": character DESCRIPTION "The G/L Book that will be
used when posting asset depreciations a gainst this register."
FIELD "CalendarID" OF "FAssetReg": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the Asset
Calendar used when posting asset activities. This calendar could be different from
the G/L Book Fiscal Calendar." LABEL "Asset Calendar" COLUMN-LABEL "Asset Calendar"

FIELD "CurrentFiscalYear" OF "FAssetReg": integer DESCRIPTION "The current fiscal

year for assets." LABEL "Current Year"
FIELD "CurrentFiscalPeriod" OF "FAssetReg": integer DESCRIPTION "The current fiscal
period of assets." LABEL "Current Period"
FIELD "CurrentFiscalYearSuffix" OF "FAssetReg": character DESCRIPTION "Current
fiscal year suffix." LABEL "Current Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Current
Fiscal Year Suffix"

TABLE "FASyst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The Fixed Asset System table
containing the current asset fiscal period, which can differ from the current G/L
fiscal period."
FIELD "Company" OF "FASyst": character DESCRIPTION "Company of FASyst"
FIELD "CurrentFiscalYear" OF "FASyst": integer DESCRIPTION "The current fiscal year
for assets." LABEL "Current Year"
FIELD "CurrentFiscalPeriod" OF "FASyst": integer DESCRIPTION "The current fiscal
period of assets." LABEL "Current Period"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "FASyst": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal calendar
for fixed assets." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "CurrentFiscalYearSuffix" OF "FASyst": character DESCRIPTION "Current fiscal
year suffix." LABEL "Current Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Current Fiscal Year
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FASyst": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FASyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FASyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "FATran" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The Fixed Asset transactions are the
records containing informati on about depreciation and revaluation of the asset."
FIELD "Company" OF "FATran": character DESCRIPTION "company of asset transactions"
LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL "company"
FIELD "DetailNum" OF "FATran": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique detail number of the
asset depreciation transaction" LABEL "DetailNum" COLUMN-LABEL "DetailNum"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "FATran": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year of last posted
gl entry of this transaction." LABEL "FiscalYear" COLUMN-LABEL "FiscalYear"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "FATran": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal period of last
posted gl entry of this transaction." LABEL "FiscalPeriod" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "Depreciation" OF "FATran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation amount of
the asset for this transaction." LABEL "Depreciation" COLUMN-LABEL "Depreciation"
FIELD "BookValue" OF "FATran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The bookvalue of the asset
after posting this treansaction." LABEL "BookValue" COLUMN-LABEL "BookValue"
FIELD "PostDate" OF "FATran": date DESCRIPTION "The date of the last posting to the
gl of this transaction. Trans action can be posted multiple times." LABEL
"PostDate" COLUMN-LABEL "PostDate"
FIELD "JournalCode" OF "FATran": character DESCRIPTION "The gl journal of the last
posting to the gl." LABEL "JournalCode" COLUMN-LABEL "JournalCode"
FIELD "JournalNum" OF "FATran": integer DESCRIPTION "The journal number of the last
posting to the gl." LABEL "Journal" COLUMN-LABEL "Journal"
FIELD "Posted" OF "FATran": logical DESCRIPTION "flag to indicate the transaction
is posted at least once." LABEL "Posted" COLUMN-LABEL "Posted"
FIELD "ClassCode" OF "FATran": character DESCRIPTION "The class of the asset."
FIELD "AssetNum" OF "FATran": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the asset" LABEL
"AssetNum" COLUMN-LABEL "AssetNum"
FIELD "PostedBy" OF "FATran": character DESCRIPTION "The user who posted the
transaction the last time."
FIELD "PostValue" OF "FATran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation value posted
to the GL. If the depreciation valu e varies from the post value than the
difference will be posted during the next posting process."
FIELD "Closed" OF "FATran": logical DESCRIPTION "The transaction is closed when the
fiscal period is closed for a ssets."
FIELD "Modified" OF "FATran": logical DESCRIPTION "for future use."
FIELD "AssetSeq" OF "FATran": integer DESCRIPTION "Sequence of the Asset. Currently
only 0 is supported." LABEL "Seq" COLUMN-LABEL "Seq"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "FATran": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year suffix."
LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "FATran": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal calendar
year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FATran": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FATran": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FATran": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "AssetRegID" OF "FATran": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the Asset
Register." LABEL "Register ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Register ID"
FIELD "BookID" OF "FATran": character DESCRIPTION "The G/L Book that will be used
when posting asset depreciations a gainst this register." LABEL "Book ID"
FIELD "DocDepreciation" OF "FATran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation amount
of the asset for this transaction in the document currency." LABEL "Doc
Depreciation" COLUMN-LABEL "Doc Depreciation"
FIELD "DocBookValue" OF "FATran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The bookvalue of the asset
after posting this transaction in the document currency." LABEL "Doc BookValue"
COLUMN-LABEL "Doc BookValue"
FIELD "DocPostValue" OF "FATran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation value in
the document currency posted to the GL. If the depreciation value varies from the
posted depreciation then the differen ce will be posted during the next posting
FIELD "Rpt1Depreciation" OF "FATran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation amount
of the asset for this transaction in repo rting currency." LABEL "Rpt Depreciation"
COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Depreciation"
FIELD "Rpt1BookValue" OF "FATran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The bookvalue of the asset
after posting this treansaction in rep orting currency." LABEL "Rpt BookValue"
COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt1PostValue" OF "FATran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation value in
reporting currency posted to the GL. If the depreciation value varies from the
posted depreciation then the difference will be posted during the next posting
FIELD "Rpt2Depreciation" OF "FATran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation amount
of the asset for this transaction in repo rting currency." LABEL "Rpt Depreciation"
COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Depreciation"
FIELD "Rpt2BookValue" OF "FATran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The bookvalue of the asset
after posting this transaction in repo rting currency." LABEL "Rpt BookValue"
COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt2PostValue" OF "FATran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation value in
the reporting currency posted to the GL . If the depreciation value varies from the
posted depreciation then the differe nce will be posted during the next posting
FIELD "Rpt3Depreciation" OF "FATran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation amount
of the asset for this transaction in repo rting currency." LABEL "Rpt Depreciation"
COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Depreciation"
FIELD "Rpt3BookValue" OF "FATran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The bookvalue of the asset
after posting this treansaction in rep orting currency." LABEL "Rpt BookValue"
COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt3PostValue" OF "FATran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation value in
reporting currency posted to the GL. If the depreciation value varies from the
posted depreciation then the difference will be posted during the next posting
FIELD "YearNum" OF "FATran": integer DESCRIPTION "Year number not related to the
fiscal year."
FIELD "GrantDepreciation" OF "FATran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation amount
of the asset for this transaction." LABEL "Depreciation" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "GrantBookValue" OF "FATran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The bookvalue of the asset
after posting this treansaction." LABEL "BookValue" COLUMN-LABEL "BookValue"
FIELD "PostGrantValue" OF "FATran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation value
posted to the GL. If the depreciation valu e varies from the posted depreciation
then the difference will be posted during the next posting process."
FIELD "DocGrantDepreciation" OF "FATran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation
amount of the asset for this transaction in the document currency." LABEL "Doc
Depreciation" COLUMN-LABEL "Doc Depreciation"
FIELD "DocGrantBookValue" OF "FATran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The bookvalue of the
asset after posting this transaction in the document currency." LABEL "Doc
BookValue" COLUMN-LABEL "Doc BookValue"
FIELD "DocPostGrantValue" OF "FATran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation value
in the document currency posted to the GL. If the depreciation value varies from
the posted depreciation then the differen ce will be posted during the next posting
FIELD "Rpt1GrantDepreciation" OF "FATran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation
amount of the asset for this transaction in repo rting currency." LABEL "Rpt
Depreciation" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Depreciation"
FIELD "Rpt1GrantBookValue" OF "FATran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The bookvalue of the
asset after posting this treansaction in rep orting currency." LABEL "Rpt
BookValue" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt1PostGrantValue" OF "FATran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation value
in reporting currency posted to the GL. If the depreciation value varies from the
posted depreciation then the difference will be posted during the next posting
FIELD "Rpt2GrantDepreciation" OF "FATran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation
amount of the asset for this transaction in repo
rting currency." LABEL "Rpt Depreciation" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Depreciation"
FIELD "Rpt2GrantBookValue" OF "FATran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The bookvalue of the
asset after posting this transaction in repo rting currency." LABEL "Rpt BookValue"
COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt2PostGrantValue" OF "FATran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation value
in the reporting currency posted to the GL . If the depreciation value varies from
the posted depreciation then the differe nce will be posted during the next posting
FIELD "Rpt3GrantDepreciation" OF "FATran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation
amount of the asset for this transaction in repo rting currency." LABEL "Rpt
Depreciation" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Depreciation"
FIELD "Rpt3GrantBookValue" OF "FATran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The bookvalue of the
asset after posting this treansaction in rep orting currency." LABEL "Rpt
BookValue" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt3PostGrantValue" OF "FATran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The depreciation value
in reporting currency posted to the GL. If the depreciation value varies from the
posted depreciation then the difference will be posted during the next posting
FIELD "DepRecalcDate" OF "FATran": date DESCRIPTION "The last depreciation
recalculation apply date. This is the date used to get the exchange rate for the
depreciation calculation process." LABEL "Last Recalc Date"
FIELD "SeqNum" OF "FATran": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique sequence number of the
asset depreciation transaction" LABEL "SeqNum" COLUMN-LABEL "SeqNum"
FIELD "ABTUID" OF "FATran": character DESCRIPTION "GUID - reference on PE ABT."

TABLE "FavFolder" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Favorites Folder. Defines the
folders that are shown on the main menu."
FIELD "FolderSeq" OF "FavFolder": integer DESCRIPTION "Folder Sequence"
FIELD "Description" OF "FavFolder": character DESCRIPTION "Description"
FIELD "yPos" OF "FavFolder": integer DESCRIPTION "Position in the favorites list of
FIELD "DcdUserID" OF "FavFolder": character DESCRIPTION "User ID" LABEL "User ID"
FIELD "AutoLoadContents" OF "FavFolder": logical DESCRIPTION "automatically load
UIs in Folder" LABEL "Auto Load"
FIELD "AutoLoadSessionChange" OF "FavFolder": logical DESCRIPTION "When any element
of the session changes (User, Company, Plant, La nguage), automatically load UIs in
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FavFolder": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FavFolder": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FavFolder": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "FavItems" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Favorite Items. Defines the
favorite items that are shown on the main menu."
FIELD "DcdUserID" OF "FavItems": character DESCRIPTION "User ID" LABEL "User ID"
FIELD "FolderSeq" OF "FavItems": integer DESCRIPTION "Folder Sequence"
FIELD "Description" OF "FavItems": character DESCRIPTION "Description"
FIELD "MenuName" OF "FavItems": character DESCRIPTION "Menu Name" LABEL "ID"
FIELD "yPos" OF "FavItems": integer DESCRIPTION "Position in the favorite list "
FIELD "ItemSeq" OF "FavItems": integer DESCRIPTION "Item Sequence"
FIELD "ItemType" OF "FavItems": character DESCRIPTION "Item Type"
FIELD "ItemName" OF "FavItems": character DESCRIPTION "Item name"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FavItems": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FavItems": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "CompanyID" OF "FavItems": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "PlantID" OF "FavItems": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of this
plant assigned by the user." LABEL "Plant" COLUMN-LABEL "Plant"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FavItems": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "AppServerURL" OF "FavItems": character DESCRIPTION "Application Server URL"

TABLE "FAYearDep" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The Fixed Asset Year Depreciation
table allows the calculation pr
ogram to calculate the year depreciations before applying refinements; like addi
tion spread, final spread, HalfYear, Midquarter and Midmonth. The use of this t
able should eliminate some rounding issues."
FIELD "Company" OF "FAYearDep": character DESCRIPTION "Company of the year
depreciation table." LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL "company"
FIELD "AssetNum" OF "FAYearDep": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the asset"
LABEL "AssetNum" COLUMN-LABEL "AssetNum"
FIELD "AssetSeq" OF "FAYearDep": integer DESCRIPTION "Sequence of the asset" LABEL
FIELD "YearNum" OF "FAYearDep": integer DESCRIPTION "Year number not related to the
fiscal year."
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "FAYearDep": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year." LABEL
"FiscalYear" COLUMN-LABEL "FiscalYear"
FIELD "Depreciation" OF "FAYearDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciation amount."
LABEL "Depreciation" COLUMN-LABEL "Depreciation"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "FAYearDep": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year
suffix." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "FAYearDep": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal Calendar ID"
LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FAYearDep": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FAYearDep": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FAYearDep": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "AssetRegID" OF "FAYearDep": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the Asset
Register." LABEL "Register ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Register ID"
FIELD "PostedDep" OF "FAYearDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "The posted depreciation
amount of the asset for this year." LABEL "Posted Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Posted Dep"
FIELD "BookValue" OF "FAYearDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "The bookvalue of the asset
for this year." LABEL "BookValue" COLUMN-LABEL "BookValue"
FIELD "GrantDep" OF "FAYearDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "The grant depreciation value
of the asset for this year." LABEL "Grant Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Grant Dep"
FIELD "PostedGrantDep" OF "FAYearDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "The posted grant
depreciation value of the asset for this year." LABEL "Posted Grant Dep" COLUMN-
LABEL "Posted Grant Dep"
FIELD "DocDepreciation" OF "FAYearDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciation amount
for the year in the specified currency." LABEL "Doc Depreciation" COLUMN-LABEL "Doc
FIELD "DocPostedDep" OF "FAYearDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "The posted depreciation
amount of the asset for this year in the specified currency." LABEL "Doc Posted
Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Doc Posted Dep"
FIELD "DocBookValue" OF "FAYearDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "The bookvalue of the
asset for this year in the specified currenc y." LABEL "Doc BookValue" COLUMN-LABEL
"Doc BookValue"
FIELD "DocGrantDep" OF "FAYearDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "The grant depreciation
value of the asset for this year in the sp ecified currency." LABEL "Doc Grant Dep"
COLUMN-LABEL "Doc Grant Dep"
FIELD "DocPostedGrantDep" OF "FAYearDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "The posted grant
depreciation value of the asset for this year in the specified currency." LABEL
"Doc Posted Grant Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Doc Posted Grant Dep"
FIELD "Rpt1Depreciation" OF "FAYearDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of the Depreciation amount for the year. " LABEL "Rpt Depreciation" COLUMN-
LABEL "Rpt Depreciation"
FIELD "Rpt1PostedDep" OF "FAYearDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of the posted depreciation amount of the asset for this year." LABEL "Rpt Posted
Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Posted Dep"
FIELD "Rpt1BookValue" OF "FAYearDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of the bookvalue of the asset for this y ear." LABEL "Rpt BookValue" COLUMN-LABEL
"Rpt BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt1GrantDep" OF "FAYearDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of the grant depreciation value of the a sset for this year." LABEL "Rpt Grant Dep"
COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Grant Dep"
FIELD "Rpt1PostedGrantDep" OF "FAYearDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of the posted grant depreciation value o f the asset for this year." LABEL
"Rpt Posted Grant Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Posted Grant Dep"
FIELD "Rpt2Depreciation" OF "FAYearDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of the Depreciation amount for the year. " LABEL "Rpt Depreciation" COLUMN-
LABEL "Rpt Depreciation"
FIELD "Rpt2PostedDep" OF "FAYearDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of the posted depreciation amount of the asset for this year." LABEL "Rpt Posted
Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Posted Dep"
FIELD "Rpt2BookValue" OF "FAYearDep": decimal
DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of the bookvalue of the asset for this y
ear." LABEL "Rpt BookValue" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt2GrantDep" OF "FAYearDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of the grant depreciation value of the a sset for this year." LABEL "Rpt Grant Dep"
COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Grant Dep"
FIELD "Rpt2PostedGrantDep" OF "FAYearDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of the posted grant depreciation value o f the asset for this year." LABEL
"Rpt Posted Grant Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Posted Grant Dep"
FIELD "Rpt3Depreciation" OF "FAYearDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of the Depreciation amount for the year. " LABEL "Rpt Depreciation" COLUMN-
LABEL "Rpt Depreciation"
FIELD "Rpt3PostedDep" OF "FAYearDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of the posted depreciation amount of the asset for this year." LABEL "Rpt Posted
Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Posted Dep"
FIELD "Rpt3BookValue" OF "FAYearDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of the bookvalue of the asset for this y ear." LABEL "Rpt BookValue" COLUMN-LABEL
"Rpt BookValue"
FIELD "Rpt3GrantDep" OF "FAYearDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of the grant depreciation value of the a sset for this year." LABEL "Rpt Grant Dep"
COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Grant Dep"
FIELD "Rpt3PostedGrantDep" OF "FAYearDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of the posted grant depreciation value o f the asset for this year." LABEL
"Rpt Posted Grant Dep" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt Posted Grant Dep"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "FAYearDep": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the currency." LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "ApplyDate" OF "FAYearDep": date DESCRIPTION "The Depreciation Date that will
be used to get the exchange rate. " LABEL "Apply Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Apply Date"
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "FAYearDep": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the
currency rate group." LABEL "Rate Group Code"
FIELD "PeriodCharge" OF "FAYearDep": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the related
depreciation schedule details are derive d from Period Charge type of
depreciation." LABEL "Period Charge"
FIELD "AssetMethod" OF "FAYearDep": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the
depreciation method table." LABEL "Method" COLUMN-LABEL "Method"
FIELD "BookID" OF "FAYearDep": character DESCRIPTION "The G/L Book that will be
used when posting asset depreciations a gainst this register." LABEL "Book ID"
FIELD "MethodSwitched" OF "FAYearDep": DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this asset sed the
alternate depreciation method. ch to an alternate depreciation method ethod." LABEL
"Method Switched" logical register detail has already switched or u An asset
register is only allowed to swit once and cannot switch back to original m

FIELD "AltAssetMethod" OF "FAYearDep": character DESCRIPTION "Alternate

Depreciation Method" LABEL "Alt Method" COLUMN-LABEL "Alt Method"

TABLE "FAYearEnd" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Fixed Asset Year End" DESCRIPTION "This
table holds the fixed asset year end balances. For future us e."
FIELD "Company" OF "FAYearEnd": character DESCRIPTION "Company of the asset." LABEL
"Company" COLUMN-LABEL "company"
FIELD "AssetNum" OF "FAYearEnd": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the asset"
LABEL "AssetNum" COLUMN-LABEL "AssetNum"
FIELD "AssetSeq" OF "FAYearEnd": integer DESCRIPTION "The asset sequence allows for
multiple fiscal instances of the as set. When greater than zero it is a fiscal
instance of the asset. Currently only 0 is supported." LABEL "Seq" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "Depreciate" OF "FAYearEnd": logical DESCRIPTION "Depreciation Flag. When
true then the asset will processed in the depreciation recalculation process and
the depreciation posting process." LABEL "Depreciate" COLUMN-LABEL "Depreciate"
FIELD "GroupCode" OF "FAYearEnd": character DESCRIPTION "The code of the mandatory
asset group." LABEL "GroupCode" COLUMN-LABEL "GroupCode"
FIELD "SpreadCode" OF "FAYearEnd": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the spread
code table." LABEL "Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Code"
FIELD "ClassCode" OF "FAYearEnd": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the asset
class." LABEL "Class" COLUMN-LABEL "Class"
FIELD "DepreciationMethod" OF "FAYearEnd": character DESCRIPTION "Method of
depreciation. Values are: rate straight line, life stra ight line and rate reducing
balance." LABEL "Method" COLUMN-LABEL "Method"
FIELD "LifeModifier" OF "FAYearEnd": character DESCRIPTION "In case of life
depreciation method the life modifier expresses t he unit of measure of life.
Values are: Periods and Years."
FIELD "DepnPercent" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciation percentage
rate" LABEL "Percent" COLUMN-LABEL "Percent"
FIELD "AssetLife" OF "FAYearEnd": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of periods or years -
unit defined in the Life Modifier." LABEL "Life" COLUMN-LABEL "Life"
FIELD "AcquiredDate" OF "FAYearEnd": date DESCRIPTION "Date of acquisition of the
asset." LABEL "Acquired" COLUMN-LABEL "Acquired"
FIELD "CommissionedDate" OF "FAYearEnd": date DESCRIPTION "Date of placing the
asset in service. Also the start date of depr eciation." LABEL "Commissioned"
COLUMN-LABEL "Commissioned"
FIELD "OverideCost" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The overide cost is cost
amount which is used instead of the asse t cost amount for the calculation of a
year depreciation."
FIELD "ResidualValue" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Residual value of the
asset" LABEL "Residual" COLUMN-LABEL "Residual"
FIELD "ReplaceValue" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Replacement value of the
asset. For information purposes only." LABEL "Replacement" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "CYOpeningCost" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year opening
cost" LABEL "Opening Cost"
FIELD "CYOpeningDepn" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year opening
depreciation" LABEL "Opening Depreciation"
FIELD "CYOpeningBookValue" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
opening bookvalue" LABEL "Opening Bookvalue"
FIELD "CYAdditionCost" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Addition Cost
is the addition cost added to the asset t his year." LABEL "Addition Cost"
FIELD "CYAdditionPrevYearDepn" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciation
applied in previous years through addition this year ." LABEL "Addition
FIELD "CYAdditionCurrYearDepn" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
LABEL "Current Year Depn"
FIELD "CYAdditionBookvalue" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
Addition Bookvalue is the addition bookvalue added t o the asset this year." LABEL
"Addition Bookvalue"
FIELD "CYDisposalCost" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year disposal
cost is the disposal cost disposed from th e asset this year." LABEL "Disposal
FIELD "CYDisposalPrevYearDepn" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciation
applied in previous years through disposal this year ." LABEL "Disposal Provision"
FIELD "CYDisposalCurrYearDepn" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciation
applied this year through addition this year." LABEL "Current Year"
FIELD "CYDisposalBookvalue" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current year
disposal bookvalue is the disposal bookvalue dispose d from the asset this year."
LABEL "Disposal BookValue"
FIELD "CYDisposalProceeds" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Disposal proceed
amount." LABEL "Disposal Proceeds"
FIELD "CYDisposalProfit" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Disposal profit/loss
amount." LABEL "Disposal Profit"
FIELD "CurrentCostvalue" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current cost value of
the asset." LABEL "Current Cost"
FIELD "CurrentPrevYearDepn" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciated in
previous years" LABEL "Previous year depn"
FIELD "CurrentPostedDepn" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciated (and
posted) in the current year." LABEL "Current Year Posted"
FIELD "CurrentBookvalue" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The current
bookvalue." LABEL "Current Bookvalue"
FIELD "CurrentUnpostedDepn" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciations open
for this year." LABEL "Unposted Depn"
FIELD "CurrentYEBookvalue" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The projected
bookvalue at the end of this year." LABEL "Year-End Bookvalue"
FIELD "LYOpeningCost" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Last year opening cost"
LABEL "Opening Cost"
FIELD "LYOpeningDepn" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Last year opening
depreciation" LABEL "Opening Depreciation"
FIELD "LYOpeningBookValue" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Last year opening
bookvalue" LABEL "Opening Bookvalue"
FIELD "LYAdditionCost" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Last Addition Cost is
the addition cost added to the asset this year." LABEL "Addition Cost"
FIELD "LYAdditionPrevYearDepn" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Depreciation
applied in previous years through addition last year ." LABEL "Addition
FIELD "LYAdditionCurrYearDepn" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Last year
depreciation" LABEL "Last Year Depn"
FIELD "LYAdditionBookvalue" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Last year Addition
Bookvalue is the addition bookvalue added to t he asset this year." LABEL "Addition
FIELD "LYDisposalCost" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Last year disposal cost
is the disposal cost disposed from the a sset this year." LABEL "Disposal Cost"
FIELD "LYDisposalPrevYearDepn" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Last years
previous year depreciation amount." LABEL "Disposal Provision"
FIELD "LYDisposalCurrYearDepn" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Last years
current year depreciation" LABEL "Last Year"
FIELD "LYDisposalBookvalue" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Last year disposal
bookvalue is the disposal bookvalue disposed f rom the asset this year." LABEL
"Disposal BookValue"
FIELD "LYDisposalProceeds" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Last years disposal
proceed amount." LABEL "Disposal Proceeds"
FIELD "LYDisposalProfit" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Last years disposal
profit/loss" LABEL "Disposal Profit"
FIELD "AssetMethod" OF "FAYearEnd": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the
depreciation method table." LABEL "Method" COLUMN-LABEL "Method"
FIELD "Acquire" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The amount the asset is
acquired for." LABEL "Acquire" COLUMN-LABEL "Acquire"
FIELD "BookValue" OF "FAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current book value." LABEL
"Book Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Book Value"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "FAYearEnd": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year" LABEL
"FiscalYear" COLUMN-LABEL "FiscalYear"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FAYearEnd": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FAYearEnd": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "FAYearEnd": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal Year Suffix.
" LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "FAYearEnd": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal calendar
year/suffix were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal
Calendar ID"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FAYearEnd": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "FinCharge" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table hold the finance
FIELD "Company" OF "FinCharge": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ChargeCode" OF "FinCharge": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Identifier for the
Finance Charges" LABEL "Charge Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Chrg Cd"
FIELD "Obsolete900-ChargePercent" OF "FinCharge": decimal DESCRIPTION "The monthly
finance charge" LABEL "Charge Percent" COLUMN-LABEL "Chrg Pct"
FIELD "MinChrgAmt" OF "FinCharge": decimal DESCRIPTION "The minimum amount allowed
for a finance charge. If the minimum is not met by an overdue invoice, the minimum
amount will be charged." LABEL "Minimum Charge Amount" COLUMN-LABEL "Min Chrg
FIELD "MaxChrgAmt" OF "FinCharge": decimal DESCRIPTION "The maximum amount allowed
for a finance charge. If the maximum is exceeded by an overdue invoice, the maximum
amount will be charged." LABEL "Maximum Charge Amount" COLUMN-LABEL "Max Chrg
FIELD "PayProcDays" OF "FinCharge": integer DESCRIPTION "The usual number of days
it takes to process Cash Receipts. Invo ices that are past due but withing this
number of days will not have a finance c harge applied to them." LABEL "Process
Days" COLUMN-LABEL "Process Days"
FIELD "Obsolete900-PartNum" OF "FinCharge": character DESCRIPTION "The part number
that will be used as the default part number on t he Finanace Charge invoice line"
LABEL "Part"
COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "LineDesc" OF "FinCharge": character DESCRIPTION "The default description
used for the Finance Charge invoice line. " LABEL "Description"
FIELD "FinInvTerms" OF "FinCharge": character DESCRIPTION "The default terms code
used by the Finance Charge invoice." LABEL "Finance Terms" COLUMN-LABEL "FC Terms"
FIELD "ConsiderAdvInv" OF "FinCharge": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or
not Advance or Deposit Invoices are subject to finance charges" LABEL "Consider Adv
FIELD "ConsiderFCInv" OF "FinCharge": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or
not Finance Charge invoices are subject to finance charges" LABEL "Consider FC Inv"

FIELD "ChargeDesc" OF "FinCharge": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the

Finance Charge" LABEL "Description"
FIELD "ConsiderCM" OF "FinCharge": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not
Credit Memos are included in the calcul ation of overdue invoice amounts." LABEL
"Consider CM"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FinCharge": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FinCharge": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "MiscCode" OF "FinCharge": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the
miscellaneous charge assigned by the use r." LABEL "Charge ID"
FIELD "OpenInvoices" OF "FinCharge": logical DESCRIPTION "Open invoices flag" LABEL
"Open Invoices" COLUMN-LABEL "Open Invoices"
FIELD "SettledInvoices" OF "FinCharge": logical
DESCRIPTION " Settled iinvoices flag" LABEL "Settled Invoices" COLUMN-LABEL
"Settled Invoices"
FIELD "PerInvoice" OF "FinCharge": decimal DESCRIPTION "In case the calculated
charge for one 'source' invoice is less th an indicated amount, that invoice shall
not generate any finance charges." LABEL "Per Invoice" COLUMN-LABEL "Per Invoice"
FIELD "PerCustomer" OF "FinCharge": decimal DESCRIPTION "In case the total finance
charge amount for a customer is less th an indicated amount, no finance charge
invoice is created." LABEL "Per Customer" COLUMN-LABEL "Per Customer"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FinCharge": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "TaxCatID" OF "FinCharge": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code assigned
by user which uniquely identifies a Tax Category. This a Fk for TaxCat table."
LABEL "Tax Category"
FIELD "TranDocTypeID" OF "FinCharge": character DESCRIPTION "Transaction document
type id." LABEL "Transaction Document Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Transaction Document
FIELD "IncomeTaxCode" OF "FinCharge": character DESCRIPTION "Income Tax Code" LABEL
"Income Tax Code"
FIELD "GlobalFinCharge" OF "FinCharge": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this FinCharge
as global, available to be sent out to other companies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "FinCharge": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."

TABLE "FinChargeRate" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Finance Charge Rate" DESCRIPTION
"This table stores the rates to calculate finance charges for late /overdue
FIELD "Company" OF "FinChargeRate": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FinChargeRate": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FinChargeRate": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "EffDate" OF "FinChargeRate": date DESCRIPTION "The date from which the
entered rate shall be applied." LABEL "Effective Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Effective
FIELD "ChargePercent" OF "FinChargeRate": decimal DESCRIPTION "The percentage that
shall be applied to the invoice amount when c alculating the interest." LABEL
"Finance Charge Percentage" COLUMN-LABEL "Chrg Pct"
FIELD "DaysNum" OF "FinChargeRate": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates how many days
the specified rate is for. For instance i f the rate is per year, you shall
normally enter 365 in this field." LABEL "Rate for number of days" COLUMN-LABEL
"Num days"
FIELD "ChargePeriod" OF "FinChargeRate": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the minimum
number of days that shall be charged for ea ch starting period."
FIELD "ChargeCode" OF "FinChargeRate": character DESCRIPTION " Identifier for the
Finance Charges" LABEL "Charge Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Chrg Cd"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FinChargeRate": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalFinChargeRate" OF "FinChargeRate": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this
FinChargeRate as global, available to be sent out to o ther companies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "FinChargeRate": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record
from receiving global updates."

TABLE "FirstArt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "First Article file. Used in the
Quality Assurance module to trac
k First Article performance."
FIELD "Company" OF "FirstArt": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "JobNum" OF "FirstArt": character DESCRIPTION "Job number to which this first
article transaction applies. " LABEL "Job Number"
FIELD "AssemblySeq" OF "FirstArt": integer DESCRIPTION "The Assembly Sequence of
the Job that the first article transacti on applies to. " LABEL "Asm"
FIELD "OprSeq" OF "FirstArt": integer DESCRIPTION "The sequence of the operation
record within the specific Job/Asse mbly to which this first article transaction
applies. " LABEL "Opr"
FIELD "ResourceID" OF "FirstArt": character DESCRIPTION "The ID of the Resource
that was used to do the work. This field w ill be used to show which machine
created the pieces for first article inspectio n. This field may be blank." LABEL
"Resource ID"
FIELD "SeqNum" OF "FirstArt": integer DESCRIPTION "An internally assigned integer
which uniquely identifies the Firs tArt record within the
Job/AsmSeq/OprSeq/Machine. Assigned by using last number on file for the
Job/AsmSeq/OprSeq/Machine plus 1." LABEL "Seq"
FIELD "ExpectedQuantity" OF "FirstArt": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the quantity
expected to be checked. This field defaults from the JobOper.FAQty field." LABEL
"Expected Quantity"
FIELD "InspectorID" OF "FirstArt": character DESCRIPTION "An ID of the person who
did the first article inspection." LABEL "Inspector ID"
FIELD "EmployeeNum" OF "FirstArt": character DESCRIPTION "The number of the
employee that performed the work. This field is defaulted from the
LaborDtl.EmployeeNum or entered manually. It is many not be blank. " LABEL
FIELD "EntryPerson" OF "FirstArt": character DESCRIPTION "This field is set equal
to the Login ID variable. It can not be o verridden."
LABEL "Entry Person"
FIELD "SysDate" OF "FirstArt": date DESCRIPTION "System date at time that record
was created." LABEL "Sys Date"
FIELD "SysTime" OF "FirstArt": integer DESCRIPTION "System Time (hr-min-sec) when
transaction was created." LABEL "Sys Time"
FIELD "FAStatus" OF "FirstArt": character DESCRIPTION "Can be ""W"" - Waiting (This
is a new record), ""A"" - Accept, "" R"" - Resubmit and ""P""- Provisional.
Provisional means the operation may be c ontinued but another inspection will be
required." LABEL "Status"
FIELD "ActionDate" OF "FirstArt": date DESCRIPTION "System date at time inspection
time." LABEL "Action Date"
FIELD "ActionTime" OF "FirstArt": integer DESCRIPTION "System Time (hr-min-sec) at
time of inspection." LABEL "Action Time"
FIELD "CommentText" OF "FirstArt": character DESCRIPTION "Contains comments about
the inspection.


FIELD "InspectedQuantity" OF "FirstArt": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the quantity

inspected. This field may be zero only if f ield FAStatus = ""W""." LABEL
"Inspected Quantity"
FIELD "Plant" OF "FirstArt": character DESCRIPTION "Plant Identifier. " LABEL
"Plant" COLUMN-LABEL "Plant"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FirstArt": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FirstArt": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "UOMCode" OF "FirstArt": character DESCRIPTION "User defined code which
uniquely identifies the UOM within the UO MClass." LABEL "UOM Code"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FirstArt": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "FiscalCal" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "FiscalCal" DESCRIPTION "Fiscal

Calendar. Contains general characteristics of the fiscal calendar."
FIELD "Company" OF "FiscalCal": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "FiscalCal": character DESCRIPTION "The unique
identifier of the fiscal calendar." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal
Calendar ID"
FIELD "Description" OF "FiscalCal": character DESCRIPTION "Calendar description."
LABEL "Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "StartDate" OF "FiscalCal": date DESCRIPTION "The start date of the fiscal
calendar." LABEL "Start Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Start Date"
FIELD "EndDate" OF "FiscalCal": date DESCRIPTION "The end date of the fiscal
calendar." LABEL "End Date" COLUMN-LABEL "End Date"
FIELD "GlobalCal" OF "FiscalCal": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not
this calendar is shared between more th an one company." LABEL "Global Calendar"
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FiscalCal": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FiscalCal": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FiscalCal": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "FiscalPer" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Fiscal Period" DESCRIPTION "Fiscal
period table."
FIELD "Company" OF "FiscalPer": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "FiscalPer": character DESCRIPTION "The id of the
fiscal calendar this record is related to." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "FiscalPer": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year." LABEL
"Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "FiscalPer": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year
suffix. Allows for additional breakdown/definiti on of fiscal years, for example,
by quarters." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "FiscalPer": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal period number
in the fiscal year." LABEL "Fiscal Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Period"
FIELD "StartDate" OF "FiscalPer": date DESCRIPTION "The start date of the fiscal
period." LABEL "Start Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Start Date"
FIELD "EndDate" OF "FiscalPer": date DESCRIPTION "End date of the fiscal period"
LABEL "End Date" COLUMN-LABEL "End Date"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FiscalPer": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FiscalPer": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "FAClosedPeriod" OF "FiscalPer": logical
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the Fixed Asset period is open or closed." LABEL "Fixed
Asset Closed Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fixed Asset Closed Period"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FiscalPer": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "AdditionalDeductions" OF "FiscalPer": decimal DESCRIPTION "Additional
Deductions to be claimed. User should calculate this v alue manually" LABEL
"Additional Deductions"
FIELD "LossesCredit" OF "FiscalPer": decimal DESCRIPTION "Income Tax losses to be
claimed. User should calculate this value manually" LABEL "Losses Credit"
FIELD "InvestmentCredit" OF "FiscalPer": decimal DESCRIPTION "Investments Credit to
be claimed. User should calculate this valu e manually" LABEL "Investments Credit"
FIELD "InventoriesCredit" OF "FiscalPer": decimal DESCRIPTION "Inventories Credit
to be claimed. User should calculate this valu e manually." LABEL "Inventories
FIELD "UpdateRate" OF "FiscalPer": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the rate used to
calculate the actual value for Additiona l Deductions; Losses, Investment and
Inventories Credit. User should calculate t his value manually." LABEL "Update
FIELD "IncomeTaxIncurred" OF "FiscalPer": decimal DESCRIPTION "Incurred Income Tax
(Income Tax Calculated)" LABEL "Income Tax Incurred"

TABLE "FiscalYr" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Fiscal Year" DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year
FIELD "Company" OF "FiscalYr": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "FiscalYr": character DESCRIPTION "The id of the fiscal
calendar this record is related to." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID"
COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "StartDate" OF "FiscalYr": date DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year start date."
LABEL "Start Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Start Date"
FIELD "EndDate" OF "FiscalYr": date DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year end date." LABEL
"End Date" COLUMN-LABEL "End Date"
FIELD "NumPeriods" OF "FiscalYr": integer DESCRIPTION "The number of ordinary
fiscal periods in the year." LABEL "Number of Periods" COLUMN-LABEL "Number of
FIELD "NumClosingPeriods" OF "FiscalYr": integer DESCRIPTION "The number of closing
periods for the fiscal year. Can be zero." LABEL "Number of Closing Periods"
COLUMN-LABEL "Number of Closing Periods"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "FiscalYr": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year." LABEL
"Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "FiscalYr": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year
suffix. Allows for additional breakdown/definiti on of fiscal years, for example,
by quarters." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "NextFiscalYear" OF "FiscalYr": integer DESCRIPTION "The next fiscal year
(next FiscalYr record)." LABEL "Next Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Next Fiscal Year"
FIELD "NextFiscalYearSuffix" OF "FiscalYr": character DESCRIPTION "The next fiscal
year suffix. " LABEL "Next Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Next Fiscal Year
FIELD "PrevFiscalYear" OF "FiscalYr": integer DESCRIPTION "The previous fiscal year
(previous FiscalYr record)." LABEL "Prev Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Prev Fiscal
FIELD "PrevFiscalYearSuffix" OF "FiscalYr": character DESCRIPTION "The previous
fiscal year suffix."
LABEL "Prev Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Prev Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "Description" OF "FiscalYr": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year description."
LABEL "Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FiscalYr": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FiscalYr": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FiscalYr": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "IncomeTaxRate" OF "FiscalYr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Income Tax Rate defined
by Tax Authority" LABEL "Rate"
FIELD "AdditionalDeductions" OF "FiscalYr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Additional
Deductions to be claimed. User should calculate this v alue manually" LABEL
"Additional Deductions"
FIELD "LossesCredit" OF "FiscalYr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Income Tax losses to be
claimed. User should calculate this value manually" LABEL "Losses Credit"
FIELD "InvestmentCredit" OF "FiscalYr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Investments Credit to
be claimed. User should calculate this valu e manually" LABEL "Investments Credit"
FIELD "InventoriesCredit" OF "FiscalYr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Inventories Credit to
be claimed. User should calculate this valu e manually." LABEL "Inventories Credit"

FIELD "UpdateRate" OF "FiscalYr": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the rate used to

calculate the actual value for Additiona l Deductions; Losses, Investment and
Inventories Credit. User should calculate t his value manually." LABEL "Update
FIELD "LossesToCarry" OF "FiscalYr": decimal DESCRIPTION "This column will be
automatically updated by the system as soon a s the user close the Income Tax
Calculation for the selected Fiscal Year (if any )" LABEL "Losses to carry forward"

FIELD "IncomeTaxIncurred" OF "FiscalYr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Incurred Income Tax

(Income Tax Calculated)" LABEL "Income Tax Incurred"

TABLE "FixLog" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Fix Log" DESCRIPTION "Used to track the
fixes that customers run in their environment. Support is the only responsable to
mantain that table."
FIELD "FixName" OF "FixLog": character DESCRIPTION "Name of the fix program." LABEL
"Name" COLUMN-LABEL "Name"
FIELD "ExecDate" OF "FixLog": date DESCRIPTION "Date when fix program was
executed." LABEL "Execution Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Execution Date"
FIELD "LogName" OF "FixLog": character DESCRIPTION "Name of the log generated by
the fix program." LABEL "Log Name" COLUMN-LABEL "Log Name"
FIELD "AffectedRows" OF "FixLog": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of affected rows by
the fix program." LABEL "Affected Rows" COLUMN-LABEL "Affected Rows"
FIELD "ExecBy" OF "FixLog": character DESCRIPTION "UserID of the person who
executed the fix." LABEL "Executed By" COLUMN-LABEL "Executed By"
FIELD "Comment" OF "FixLog": character DESCRIPTION "Free field for comments." LABEL
"Comment" COLUMN-LABEL "Comment"
FIELD "DBLevel" OF "FixLog": integer DESCRIPTION "DBLevel from LicCnfg. To preserve
the DBLevel when the fix progra m as run."
FIELD "DBPatchLevel" OF "FixLog": character DESCRIPTION "DBPatchLevel from LicCnfg.
To preserve the DBPatchLevel when the fix program as run." LABEL "DB Patch Level"
FIELD "Sequence" OF "FixLog": integer DESCRIPTION "Used as the key to the table."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FixLog": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FixLog": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "Company" OF "FixLog": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
INDEX "PrimaryIdx" ON "FixLog" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary Index"

TABLE "FOB" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "FOB Master File. This file stores the
Description and the associ ated Delivery Terms Code for a particular FOB Code."
FIELD "Company" OF "FOB": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "FOB" OF "FOB": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code assigned by user
which uniquely identifies the f ob record. Can't be blank. This is used as a
foreign key in other files and may be used in displays/reports where space for the
full description is limited." LABEL "FOB"
FIELD "Description" OF "FOB": character DESCRIPTION "Full description of the FOB
Code." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "DeliveryTerms" OF "FOB": character DESCRIPTION "The Intrastat Official
Delivery Terms Code for submission to the Authorities. (Check against your local
requirements)" LABEL "Delivery Terms" COLUMN-LABEL "Terms"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FOB": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this row.
The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FOB": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this row.
It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FOB": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc. exist
for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalFOB" OF "FOB": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this FOB as global,
available to be sent out to other compa nies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "FOB": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."
INDEX "DescIndx" ON "FOB" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Used to find the FOB by

TABLE "Forecast" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Forecast master. This file
contains the projected orders by cust omer."
FIELD "Company" OF "Forecast": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CustNum" OF "Forecast": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer assigned by
the system to new customers by the customer maintenance program. This field is used
as the foreign key to identify the customer in other files such as OrderHed or
InvcHead. The end user should n ever need to know about the value of this field. "
LABEL "Customer Number"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "Forecast": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field identifies
the Part and is used as the primary key. " LABEL "Part Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Part
FIELD "ForeQty" OF "Forecast": decimal DESCRIPTION "Forecast quantity" LABEL "Fore
Order Qty" COLUMN-LABEL "Forecasted Order Qty"
FIELD "ForeDate" OF "Forecast": date DESCRIPTION "Date at which this forecast is
considered effective. This date i
s used to control the building of inventory based on this forecast." LABEL "Date"
FIELD "Inactive" OF "Forecast": logical DESCRIPTION "Inactive flag"
FIELD "ConsumedQty" OF "Forecast": decimal DESCRIPTION "The current accumulated
quantity from all the order releases that fall within the forecast horizon." LABEL
"Consumed Qty"
FIELD "Plant" OF "Forecast": character DESCRIPTION "Plant id for this forecast"
FIELD "PONum" OF "Forecast": character DESCRIPTION "Inbound Customer PO Number"
FIELD "CreatedBy" OF "Forecast": character DESCRIPTION "The user ID that created
this batch." LABEL "Created By"
FIELD "CreatedDate" OF "Forecast": date DESCRIPTION "Date the forecast was created"
LABEL "Created Date"
FIELD "AutoTransfer" OF "Forecast": logical DESCRIPTION "Auto Transfer flag" LABEL
"Auto Transfer"
FIELD "DemandReference" OF "Forecast": character DESCRIPTION "The reference from
the incoming demand source. Can be used to lo cate other forecast records that have
been created by this demand." LABEL "Demand Reference" COLUMN-LABEL "Demand
FIELD "DemandContractNum" OF "Forecast": integer DESCRIPTION "The DemandContractHdr
to which this Forecast is related." LABEL "Demand Contract Number" COLUMN-LABEL
"Demand Contract Number"
FIELD "DemandHeadSeq" OF "Forecast": integer DESCRIPTION "The sequence from the
DemandHead record this Forecast is related to." LABEL "Demand Head Sequence"
COLUMN-LABEL "Demand Head Sequence"
FIELD "ScheduleNumber" OF "Forecast": character
DESCRIPTION "An internal identifier to group demand schedules together. Will link
the Forecast record to the DemandSchedule that created it." LABEL "Schedule Number"
COLUMN-LABEL "Schedule Number"
FIELD "ShipToNum" OF "Forecast": character DESCRIPTION "Shipto.ShipToNum. For
future use." LABEL "Ship To"
FIELD "EndDate" OF "Forecast": date DESCRIPTION "Date until this forecast is
considered effective. for information purposes only. for future use." LABEL "Date"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "Forecast": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "Forecast": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "ForeQtyUOM" OF "Forecast": character DESCRIPTION " " LABEL "UOM"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "Forecast": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ParentPartNum" OF "Forecast": character DESCRIPTION "The ParentPartNum field
identifies the Parent Part for kit compon ents. " LABEL "Parent Part Number"
COLUMN-LABEL "Parent Part Number"
FIELD "KitFlag" OF "Forecast": character DESCRIPTION "A character flag field used
to differentiate between kit componen t types P = Kit Parent line C = Kit Component
Line Null = regular line " LABEL "Kit Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Kit Type"
FIELD "EDIUpdateDate" OF "Forecast": date DESCRIPTION "Last update done by EDI to
the forecast "
LABEL "EDI Update Date"
INDEX "CoPltDteInactive" ON "Forecast" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Company,
plant, ForeDate, Inactive"

TABLE "ForecstDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Child of Forecast table."

FIELD "Company" OF "ForecstDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Company ID." LABEL
FIELD "CustNum" OF "ForecstDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Customer Number." LABEL
"Customer Number"
FIELD "ShiptoNum" OF "ForecstDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Customer Ship To number."
LABEL "Ship To"
FIELD "Plant" OF "ForecstDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Plant ID." LABEL "Plant"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "ForecstDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Part Number."
FIELD "ForeDate" OF "ForecstDtl": date DESCRIPTION "Forecast date." LABEL "Forecast
FIELD "ForeQty" OF "ForecstDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Forecast quantity." LABEL
"Forecast Quantity"
FIELD "ForeQtyUOM" OF "ForecstDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Forecast quantity UOM."
FIELD "EdiUpdateDate" OF "ForecstDtl": date DESCRIPTION "EDI update date." LABEL
"EDI Update Date"
FIELD "PONum" OF "ForecstDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Purchase Order number." LABEL
"PO Number"
FIELD "DemandReference" OF "ForecstDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Reference from
incoming demand." LABEL "Demand Ref"
FIELD "DemandContractNum" OF "ForecstDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Demand Contract
number." LABEL "Demand Contract"
FIELD "DemandHeadSeq" OF "ForecstDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Demand Head Sequence"
LABEL "Demand Head Seq"
FIELD "ScheduleNumber" OF "ForecstDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Demand Schedule
Number" LABEL "Schedule Number"
FIELD "Sequence" OF "ForecstDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Field used to make primary
index unique." LABEL "Sequence"
FIELD "Active" OF "ForecstDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if record is active
or not." LABEL "Active"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ForecstDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ForecstDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."

TABLE "FSAssetClass" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Table to maintain asset

classes for the Mobile Field Service inte gration."
FIELD "Company" OF "FSAssetClass": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "FSAssetClassCode" OF "FSAssetClass": character DESCRIPTION "Class Code Entry
Field" LABEL "Asset Class"
FIELD "FSAssetClassDesc" OF "FSAssetClass": character DESCRIPTION "Class Code
Description" LABEL "Description"
FIELD "Inactive" OF "FSAssetClass": logical DESCRIPTION "Mark this class as
inactive so it is not available to be selected for new records" LABEL "Inactive"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FSAssetClass": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FSAssetClass": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FSAssetClass": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "PrimIdx" ON "FSAssetClass" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The primary

TABLE "FSAssetCondition" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Table to maintain asset

conditions for the Mobile Field Service i ntegration"
FIELD "Company" OF "FSAssetCondition": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "FSAssetConditionCode" OF "FSAssetCondition": character DESCRIPTION
"Condition Code entry field" LABEL "Condition Code"
FIELD "FSAssetConditionDesc" OF "FSAssetCondition": character DESCRIPTION
"Condition Code Description" LABEL "Description"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FSAssetCondition": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FSAssetCondition": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FSAssetCondition": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "PrimIdx" ON "FSAssetCondition" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The primary

TABLE "FSCallCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Hold call type code and
description along with G/L sales and cost accounts"
FIELD "Company" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CallCode" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the
Service Call Type assigned by the user."
FIELD "CallDescription" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the
Call Type Code."
FIELD "OBS900-CallSalesDiv" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Division
component of the sales account used when a service call is invoiced that is not
related to a Warranty or Service Contract. The full acco unt number is made up of
CallSalesDiv, CallSalesDept, and CallSalesChart. If thi s account is left blank,
the account from the XASYST table (Field Service Module Configuration) is used in
its place. "
FIELD "OBS900-CallSalesDept" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the sales account used when a service cal l is invoiced that is not
related to a Warranty or Service Contract. See CallSal esDiv for additional
FIELD "OBS900-CallSalesChart" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the sales account used when a service cal l is invoiced that is not
related to a Warranty or Service Contract. See CallSal esDiv for additional
FIELD "OBS900-CallMtlExpDiv" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Division
component of the material expense account used when a se rvice call is performed
that is not related to a Warranty or Service Contract. T he full account number is
made up of CallMtlExpDiv, CallMtlExpDept, and CallMtlE xpChart. If this account is
left blank, the account from the XASYST table (Field Service Module Configuration)
is used in its place."
FIELD "OBS900-CallMtlExpDept" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the material expense account used when a service call is performed
that is not related to a Warranty or Service Contract. See CallMtlExpDiv for
additional details. "
FIELD "OBS900-CallMtlExpChart" OF "FSCallCd": character
DESCRIPTION "Chart component of the material expense account used when a servi ce
call is performed that is not related to a Warranty or Service Contract. See
CallMtlExpDiv for additional details. "
FIELD "OBS900-CallLabExpDiv" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Division
component of the labor expense account used when a servi ce call is performed that
is not related to a Warranty or Service Contract. The full account number is made
up of CallLabExpDiv, CallLabExpDept, and CallLabExpC hart. If this account is left
blank, the account from the XASYST table (Field Se rvice Module Configuration) is
used in its place."
FIELD "OBS900-CallLabExpDept" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the labor expense account used when a ser vice call is performed that
is not related to a Warranty or Service Contract. Se e CallLabExpDiv for additional
FIELD "OBS900-CallLabExpChart" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Chart
component of the labor expense account used when a service call is performed that
is not related to a Warranty or Service Contract. See Cal lLabExpDiv for additional
FIELD "OBS900-CallDiscDiv" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of the sales discount account used when a serv ice call is performed that is not
related to a Warranty or Service Contract. The full account number is made up of
CallDiscDiv, CallDiscDept, and CallDiscChart. If this account is left blank, the
account from the XASYST table (Field Service Module Configuration) is used in its
FIELD "OBS900-CallDiscDept" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the sales discount account used when a se rvice call is performed that
is not related to a Warranty or Service Contract. S ee CallDiscDiv for additional
FIELD "OBS900-CallDiscChart" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component
of the sales discount account used when a service call is performed that is not
related to a Warranty or Service Contract. See Ca llDiscDiv for additional
information. "
FIELD "OBS900-CallReturnsDiv" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Division
component of the sales returns account used when a servi ce call is performed that
is not related to a Warranty or Service Contract. The full account number is made
up of CallReturnsDiv, CallReturnsDept, and CallRetur nsChart. If this account is
left blank, the account from the XASYST table (Field Service Module Configuration)
is used in its place."
FIELD "OBS900-CallReturnsDept" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the sales returns account used when a ser vice call is performed that
is not related to a Warranty or Service Contract. Se e CallReturnsDiv for
additional information."
FIELD "OBS900-CallReturnsChart" OF "FSCallCd": character
DESCRIPTION "Chart component of the sales returns account used when a service call
is performed that is not related to a Warranty or Service Contract. See Cal
lReturnsDiv for additional information."
FIELD "CommentText" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Comments about the
Service Call Type. These comments will print o n the Service Call Ticket."
FIELD "TaxCatID" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "The Tax Category
(TaxCat.TaxCatID) assigned to the call code." LABEL "Category ID"
FIELD "OBS900-CallBurExpDiv" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Division
component of the burden expense account used when a serv ice call is performed that
is not related to a Warranty or Service Contract. The full account number is made
up of CallBurExpDiv, CallBurExpDept, and CallBurExp Chart. If this account is left
blank, the account from the XASYST table (Field S ervice Module Configuration) is
used in its place."
FIELD "OBS900-CallBurExpChart" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Chart
component of the burden expense account used when a service call is performed that
is not related to a Warranty or Service Contract. See Ca llBurExpDiv for additional
FIELD "OBS900-CallBurExpDept" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Dept component
of the burden expense account used when a service call is performed that is not
related to a Warranty or Service Contract. See Cal lBurExpDiv for additional
FIELD "OBS900-CallSubExpDiv" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Division
component of the subcontract expense account used when a service call is performed
that is not related to a Warranty or Service Contract . The full account number is
made up of CallSubExpDiv, CallSubExpDept, and CallS ubExpChart. If this account is
left blank, the account from the XASYST table (Fi eld Service Module Configuration)
is used in its place."
FIELD "OBS900-CallSubExpChart" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Chart
component of the subcontract expense account used when a se rvice call is performed
that is not related to a Warranty or Service Contract. S ee CallBurExpDiv for
additional information."
FIELD "OBS900-CallSubExpDept" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the Call Subcontract COS G/L Account. (SeeWarrExpDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-CallMtlBurExpDiv" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Division
component of the material burden expense account used w hen a service call is
performed that is not related to a Warranty or Service Con tract. The full account
number is made up of CallMtlBurExpDiv, CallMtlBurExpDept , and CallMtlBurExpChart.
If this account is left blank, the account from the XA
SYST table (Field Service Module Configuration) is used in its place."
FIELD "OBS900-CallMtlBurExpChart" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Chart
component of the material burden expense account used when a service call is
performed that is not related to a Warranty or Service Contra ct. See
CallMtlBurExpDiv for additonal information."
FIELD "OBS900-CallMtlBurExpDept" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the material burden expense account used when a service call is
performed that is not related to a Warranty or Service C ontract. See
CallMtlBurExpDiv for additonal information."
FIELD "OBS900-CallWIpMatDiv" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Division
component of the work-in-process material account used when a service call is
performed that is not related to a Warranty or Service Co ntract. The full account
number is made up of CallWipMatDiv, CallWipMatDept, and CallWipMatExpChart. If this
account is left blank, the account from the XASYST table (Field Service Module
Configuration) is used in its place."
FIELD "OBS900-CallWipMatChart" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Chart
component of the work-in-process material account used whe n a service call is
performed that is not related to a Warranty or Service Contr act. See CallWipMatDiv
for addtional details."
FIELD "OBS900-CallWipMatDept" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the work-in-process material account use d when a service call is
performed that is not related to a Warranty or Service Contract. See CallWipMatDiv
for addtional details."
FIELD "OBS900-CallWIpSubDiv" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Division
component of the work-in-process subcontract account us ed when a service call is
performed that is not related to a Warranty or Service Contract. The full account
number is made up of CallWipSubDiv, CallWipSubDept, and CallWipSubChart. If this
account is left blank, the account from the XASYST table (Field Service Module
Configuration) is used in its place."
FIELD "OBS900-CallWipSubChart" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Chart
component of the work-in-process subcontract account used when a service call is
performed that is not related to a Warranty or Service Co ntract. See
CallWipSubChart for additional information."
FIELD "OBS900-CallWipSubDept" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the work-in-process subcontract account used when a service call is
performed that is not related to a Warranty or Servi ce Contract. See
CallWipSubChart for additional information."
FIELD "OBS900-CallWIpLabDiv" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Division
component of the work-in-process labor account used whe n a service call is
performed that is not related to a Warranty or Service Contr act. The full account
number is made up of CallWipLabDiv, CallWipLabDept, and Ca llWipLabChart. If this
account is left blank, the account from the XASYST table
(Field Service Module Configuration) is used in its place."
FIELD "OBS900-CallWipLabChart" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Chart
component of the work-in-process labor account used when a service call is
performed that is not related to a Warranty or Service Contract . See
CallWipLabChart for additional information."
FIELD "OBS900-CallWipLabDept" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the work-in-process labor account used w hen a service call is
performed that is not related to a Warranty or Service Con tract. See
CallWipLabChart for additional information."
FIELD "OBS900-CallWIpBurDiv" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Division
component of the work-in-process burden account used wh en a service call is
performed that is not related to a Warranty or Service Cont ract. The full account
number is made up of CallWipBurDiv, CallWipBurDept, and C allWipBurChart. If this
account is left blank, the account from the XASYST table (Field Service Module
Configuration) is used in its place."
FIELD "OBS900-CallWipBurChart" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Chart
component of the work-in-process burden account used when a service call is
performed that is not related to a Warranty or Service Contract . See CallWipBurDiv
for addtional information."
FIELD "OBS900-CallWipBurDept" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the work-in-process burden account used w hen a service call is
performed that is not related to a Warranty or Service Con tract. See CallWipBurDiv
for addtional information."
FIELD "OBS900-CallWIpMtlBurDiv" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Division
component of the work-in-process material burden accoun t used when a service call
is performed that is not related to a Warranty or Ser vice Contract. The full
account number is made up of CallMtlWipBurDiv, CallWipMt lBurDept, and
CallWipMtlBurChart. If this account is left blank, the account fro m the XASYST
table (Field Service Module Configuration) is used in its place."
FIELD "OBS900-CallWipMtlBurChart" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Chart
component of the work-in-process material burden account u sed when a service call
is performed that is not related to a Warranty or Servic e Contract. See
CallWipMtlBurDiv for additonal information."
FIELD "OBS900-CallWipMtlBurDept" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the work-in-process material burden acco unt used when a service call
is performed that is not related to a Warranty or S ervice Contract. See
CallWipMtlBurDiv for additonal information."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FSCallCd": integer
DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."

FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FSCallCd": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.

exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "IncomeTaxCode" OF "FSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Income Tax Code" LABEL
"Income Tax Code"
FIELD "GlobalFSCallCd" OF "FSCallCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this FSCallCd as
global, available to be sent out to other companies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "FSCallCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."

TABLE "FSCallDt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Service Item(part)"

FIELD "Company" OF "FSCallDt": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CallNum" OF "FSCallDt": integer DESCRIPTION "When creating a new Service
Call ,the user is prompted for an Cal l number. If the field is left blank, the
next available Number is assigned by t he system. The system generates a number by
finding the Call of the last record on file and then a 1 to it. " LABEL "Call"
FIELD "CallLine" OF "FSCallDt": integer DESCRIPTION "This field along with Company
and CallNum make up the unique key to the table. The system should generate this
number during entry of new detail records. The system determines next available
number by finding the last FSCalPr t record for the Call and the adding 1 to it. "
LABEL "Line"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "FSCallDt": character DESCRIPTION "Optional field that
contains the customers revision. Default from the Part.RevisionNum field. " LABEL
FIELD "LineDesc" OF "FSCallDt": character DESCRIPTION "Line Item description. The
Part.Description can be used as a defa ult. "
LABEL "Desc"
FIELD "IUM" OF "FSCallDt": character DESCRIPTION "Unit Of Measure (how it is
sold/issued). Use the default Part.IUM if it's a valid Part." LABEL "U/M"
FIELD "CallQty" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "TotalCall Quantity for the line
item." LABEL "Qty"
FIELD "PackNum" OF "FSCallDt": integer DESCRIPTION "Packing slip number that this
Service call is linked with." LABEL "Packing Slip"
FIELD "WarrantyCode" OF "FSCallDt": character DESCRIPTION "Unique code for the
FIELD "ContractNum" OF "FSCallDt": integer DESCRIPTION "Contract Number if this
item is under a contract" LABEL "Contract"
FIELD "ContractCode" OF "FSCallDt": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the Contract"
FIELD "CallComment" OF "FSCallDt": character DESCRIPTION "Contains comments about
the Item in need of service. These will b e printed on the ServiceCall. "
FIELD "InvoiceComment" OF "FSCallDt": character DESCRIPTION "Used to establish
invoice comments about the repaired item. These will copied into the Invoice detail
file as defaults. "
FIELD "ProbReasonCode" OF "FSCallDt": character DESCRIPTION "Problem reason code
from the reason master table. type problem. " LABEL "Problem Code"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "FSCallDt": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field identifies
the Part " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "ProdCode" OF "FSCallDt": character DESCRIPTION "Product Group Code. Use the
xasyst.CallProdCode as a default. Th is can be blank or must be valid in the
ProdGrup table." LABEL "Group"
FIELD "XPartNum" OF "FSCallDt": character
DESCRIPTION "An optional field that is used if the customer has a different P art
number than the users internal part number. The XPartNum and PartNum can p rovide
defaults for each other via the PartXref table.. The XPartNum can be blan k, does
not have to exist in the PartXref table. " LABEL "Cust Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Cust
FIELD "XRevisionNum" OF "FSCallDt": character DESCRIPTION "Optional field that
contains the customers revision. Default from the CustXPrt.RevisionNum field. "
FIELD "MatCovered" OF "FSCallDt": logical DESCRIPTION "Are Material cost covered"
LABEL "Material Covered"
FIELD "LabCovered" OF "FSCallDt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is Labor Cost Covered" LABEL
"Labor Covered"
FIELD "MiscCovered" OF "FSCallDt": logical DESCRIPTION "Are misc. Costs Covered"
LABEL "Misc. Covered"
FIELD "TotLabor" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "total Labor Amount. " LABEL
"Total Labor Amount"
FIELD "TotBillLabor" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "total Billable Labor
Amount. " LABEL "Total Billable Labor Amount"
FIELD "TotMaterial" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "total Material Amount. "
LABEL "Total Material Amount"
FIELD "TotBillMaterial" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "total Billable Material
Amount. " LABEL "Total Billable Material Amount"
FIELD "TotMisc" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "total Misc. Amount. " LABEL
"Total Misc. Amount"
FIELD "TotBillableMisc" OF "FSCallDt": decimal
DESCRIPTION "total Billable Misc. Amount. " LABEL "Total Billable Misc. Amount"
FIELD "TotMaterialCost" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "total Material Cost. "
LABEL "Total Material Cost"
FIELD "DocTotLabor" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "total Labor Amount. In
customers currency " LABEL "Total Labor Amount"
FIELD "DocTotBillLabor" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "total Billable Labor
Amount. In Customers currency. " LABEL "Total Billable Labor Amount"
FIELD "DocTotMaterial" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "total Material Amount.
In Customers currency " LABEL "Total Material Amount"
FIELD "DocTotBillMaterial" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "total Billable
Material Amount. In Customers Currency. " LABEL "Total Billable Material Amount"
FIELD "DocTotMisc" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "total Misc. Amount. In
customers currency. " LABEL "Total Misc. Amount"
FIELD "DocTotBillableMisc" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "total Billable Misc.
Amount. In customer's currency. " LABEL "Total Billable Misc. Amount"
FIELD "ProjectID" OF "FSCallDt": character DESCRIPTION "Project ID of the Project
table record that this FSCallDt record. Can be blank." LABEL "Project ID"
FIELD "PackLine" OF "FSCallDt": integer DESCRIPTION "The packing slip line that
holds the warranty information for thi s service call" LABEL "Line"
FIELD "SerialNumber" OF "FSCallDt": character
DESCRIPTION "Serial number of the part being repaired." LABEL "Serial Number"
FIELD "ContractLine" OF "FSCallDt": integer DESCRIPTION "This is the contract line
the relates to the item on the service call." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "JobNum" OF "FSCallDt": character DESCRIPTION "Job Number. Associates the
Call Line record back its linked JobH ead record. Not directly maintainable." LABEL
"Job Number"
FIELD "Plant" OF "FSCallDt": character DESCRIPTION "Plant Identifier. " LABEL
"Plant" COLUMN-LABEL "Plant"
FIELD "TotSubCont" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Subcontract Amount. "
LABEL "Total Subcontract Amount"
FIELD "DocTotSubCont" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "total Subcontract Amount.
In customers currency " LABEL "Total SubContract Amount"
FIELD "TotBillSubCont" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "total Billable
Subcontract Amount. " LABEL "Total Billable Subcontract Amount"
FIELD "DocTotBillSubCont" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "total Billable
Subcontract Amount. In Customers currency. " LABEL "Total Billable SubCont Amount"
FIELD "TotEstLabor" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "total Estimated Labor
Amount. " LABEL "Total Est. Labor Amount"
FIELD "DocTotEstLabor" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "total estimated Labor
Amount. In customers currency " LABEL "Total Est. Labor Amount"
FIELD "TotEstMaterial" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "total Estimated Material
" LABEL "Total Estimated Material Amount"
FIELD "DocTotEstMaterial" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "total Estimated
Material Amount. In Customers currency " LABEL "Total Est. Material Amount"
FIELD "TotEstMisc" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "total Estimated Misc.
Amount. Future Use. " LABEL "Total Estimated Misc. Amount"
FIELD "DocTotEstMisc" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "total Est. Misc. Amount.
In customers currency. Future use " LABEL "Total Est. Misc. Amount"
FIELD "TotEstSubCont" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total estimated
Subcontract Amount. " LABEL "Total Est Subcontract Amount"
FIELD "DocTotEstSubCont" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "total Estimated
Subcontract Amount. In customers currency " LABEL "Total Est. SubContract Amount"
FIELD "TotMiscCost" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "total Misc. Cost. " LABEL
"Total Misc. Cost"
FIELD "ChangeDate" OF "FSCallDt": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the record was
last changed" LABEL "Change Date"
FIELD "ChangeTime" OF "FSCallDt": integer DESCRIPTION "The time that the record was
last change (seconds since midnight) "
FIELD "ChangedBy" OF "FSCallDt": character DESCRIPTION "Userid of user who made the
last change to this record." LABEL "Changed By"
FIELD "Rpt1TotBillableMisc" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Total Billable Misc. Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2TotBillableMisc" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Total Billable Misc. Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3TotBillableMisc" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Total Billable Misc. Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1TotBillLabor" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Total Billable Labor Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2TotBillLabor" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Total Billable Labor Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3TotBillLabor" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Total Billable Labor Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1TotBillMaterial" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Total Billable Material Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2TotBillMaterial" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Total Billable Material Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3TotBillMaterial" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Total Billable Material Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1TotBillSubCont" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Total Billable SubCont Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2TotBillSubCont" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Total Billable SubCont Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3TotBillSubCont" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Total Billable SubCont Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1TotEstLabor" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Total Est. Labor Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2TotEstLabor" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Total Est. Labor Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3TotEstLabor" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Total Est. Labor Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1TotEstMaterial" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Total Est. Material Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2TotEstMaterial" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Total Est. Material Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3TotEstMaterial" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Total Est. Material Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1TotEstMisc" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Total Est. Misc. Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2TotEstMisc" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Total Est. Misc. Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3TotEstMisc" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Total Est. Misc. Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1TotEstSubCont" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Total Est. SubContract Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2TotEstSubCont" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Total Est. SubContract Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3TotEstSubCont" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Total Est. SubContract Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1TotLabor" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Total Labor Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2TotLabor" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Total Labor Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3TotLabor" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Total Labor Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1TotMaterial" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Total Material Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2TotMaterial" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Total Material Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3TotMaterial" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Total Material Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1TotMisc" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Total Misc. Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2TotMisc" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Total Misc. Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3TotMisc" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Total Misc. Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1TotSubCont" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Total SubContract Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2TotSubCont" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Total SubContract Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3TotSubCont" OF "FSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Total SubContract Amount"
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FSCallDt": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FSCallDt": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FSCallDt": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "DropShipPackSlip" OF "FSCallDt": character DESCRIPTION "The drop shipment
packing slip number that this Service call is l inked with" LABEL "Packing Slip"
FIELD "DropShipPackLine" OF "FSCallDt": integer DESCRIPTION "The drop shipment
packing slip line that holds the warranty infor mation for this service call" LABEL
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "FSCallDt": integer DESCRIPTION "Supplier number of the drop
shipment and part of the primary key of a drop shipment line." LABEL "Supplier
FIELD "PurPoint" OF "FSCallDt": character DESCRIPTION "The supplier purchase point
id of the drop shipment and part of t he primary key of a drop shipment line."
LABEL "Purchase Point"

TABLE "FSCallhd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Service Call header"

FIELD "Company" OF "FSCallhd": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CallNum" OF "FSCallhd": integer DESCRIPTION "When creating a new Service
Call the user is prompted for an Call number. If the field is left blank, the next
available Number is assigned by th e system. The system generates a number by
finding the Call of the last record on file and then a 1 to it. " LABEL "Call"
FIELD "CustNum" OF "FSCallhd": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains the Customer number
that the Service Call is for. This must be valid in the Customer table. " LABEL
FIELD "PrcConNum" OF "FSCallhd": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains the key value for
the Customer Contact. This can be bla
nk or it must be valid in the CUSTCNT table. Use the CUSTOMER.PRIMPCON as the d
efault. " LABEL "Customer Contact Num" COLUMN-LABEL "P-Con"
FIELD "ShipToNum" OF "FSCallhd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates which customer
ship to is to be used for the Service C all. It can be blank or it must be valid in
the SHIPTO table. Use the CUSTOMER. SHIPTONUM as the default on new orders or when
the ORDERHED.CUSTNUM is changed. " LABEL "Ship To"
FIELD "ShpConNum" OF "FSCallhd": integer DESCRIPTION "Establishes the Shipping
Contact to be used. In this case the co ntact at the location where the item the
service call is covering are. Contains the key value for the shipping contact in
the CUSTCNT table. Can be blank or mus t be valid in the CUSTCNT table. Use the
Customer.PrimScon as a default." LABEL "Shipping Contact Num" COLUMN-LABEL "S-Con"
FIELD "EntryDate" OF "FSCallhd": date DESCRIPTION "defaults to TODAY" LABEL
FIELD "RequestDate" OF "FSCallhd": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the service is
requested for." LABEL "Request"
FIELD "SchedDate" OF "FSCallhd": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the service is
scheduled for." LABEL "Scheduled"
FIELD "ActualDate" OF "FSCallhd": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the service was
performed on." LABEL "Actual"
FIELD "CallComment" OF "FSCallhd": character DESCRIPTION "Contains comments about
the overall Call. These will be printed o n the Service Call. "
FIELD "InvoiceComment" OF "FSCallhd": character DESCRIPTION "Contains comments
about the overall Call. These will be printed o n the Service Call invoice. "
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "FSCallhd": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the currency." LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "ExchangeRate" OF "FSCallhd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Exchange rate that will be
used for this Call. Defaults from CurrRate.CurrentRate. Conversion rates will be
calculated as System Base = Forei gn value * rate, Foreign value = system base *
(1/rate). This is the dollar in f oreign currency from the exchange rate tables in
the newspapers." LABEL "Exchange Rate" COLUMN-LABEL "Exchange Rate"
FIELD "Obsolete900-RefCode" OF "FSCallhd": character DESCRIPTION "Reference
currency" LABEL "Reference Currency" COLUMN-LABEL "Reference Currency"
FIELD "Obsolete900-DocToRef" OF "FSCallhd": logical DESCRIPTION "The direction of
the exchange rate is determined by this field. I f DocToRef is true then the rate
is expressed as ""1 document currency is X refe rence currency"". If DocToRef is
false then the rate is expressed as ""1 refere nce currency is X document
currency"". " LABEL "Document to Reference" COLUMN-LABEL "Document to Reference"
FIELD "Obsolete900-RefToBase" OF "FSCallhd": logical DESCRIPTION "The direction of
the RefToBaseRate is determined by this field. I f RefToBase is true then the rate
is expressed as ""1 reference currency is X Ba se currency"". If RefToBase is false
then the rate is expressed as ""1 Base cur rency is X reference currency"". " LABEL
"Reference to Base" COLUMN-LABEL "Reference to Base"
FIELD "OpenCall" OF "FSCallhd": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicate that the call is
open." LABEL "Open"
FIELD "ReadyToInvoice" OF "FSCallhd": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the call
is closed and can be invoiced." LABEL "Ready to Invoice"
FIELD "Invoiced" OF "FSCallhd": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicated the invoice
processing has been done for this call."
FIELD "VoidCall" OF "FSCallhd": logical DESCRIPTION "No information can be entered
when this flag is set. It won't be invoiced, labor and materials cannot be
entered." LABEL "Void"
FIELD "CallPriority" OF "FSCallhd": character DESCRIPTION "Can have 3 values High,
normal and, Low" LABEL "Call Priority"
FIELD "EntryTime" OF "FSCallhd": integer DESCRIPTION "Time in second past midnight"
FIELD "RequestTime" OF "FSCallhd": integer DESCRIPTION "Time in second past
FIELD "SchedTime" OF "FSCallhd": integer DESCRIPTION "Time in second past midnight"

FIELD "ActualTime" OF "FSCallhd": integer DESCRIPTION "Time in second past

FIELD "EntryPerson" OF "FSCallhd": character DESCRIPTION "This is used as one of
the selection parameters on the Service ca ll entry edit reports. The intent is for
users to be able to select Contract tha t they have entered for hard copy edit. On
new orders use the users login ID as the default. They can override this if t hey
wish to enter something more meaningful. " LABEL "Entry Person"
FIELD "CallCode" OF "FSCallhd": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the type of service call"
FIELD "TaxCatID" OF "FSCallhd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Tax Category
for this record. " LABEL "Category ID"
FIELD "LaborComplete" OF "FSCallhd": logical DESCRIPTION "Set from labor entry.
Indicates that all labor has been entered for this call. if this flag and the
Material complete flag are set then the opencall field will be set to FALSE and the
READY TO INVOICE flag will be set o TRUE." LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "MaterialComplete" OF "FSCallhd": logical DESCRIPTION "Set from Issue
materials. Indicates that all material have been issued for this call. if this flag
and the Labor complete flag are set then the opencall field will be set to FALSE
and the READY TO INVOICE flag will be set t o TRUE." LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "Plant" OF "FSCallhd": character DESCRIPTION "Plant Identifier. " LABEL
"Plant" COLUMN-LABEL "Plant"
FIELD "Duration" OF "FSCallhd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The estimated duration of the
service call in days." LABEL "Duration"
FIELD "CLCallNum" OF "FSCallhd": character DESCRIPTION "The Clientele call number
that is related to this call." LABEL "Clientele Call Num"
FIELD "HDCaseNum" OF "FSCallhd": integer DESCRIPTION "The help desk case that
created this service call." LABEL "Help Desk Case" COLUMN-LABEL "Help Desk Case"
FIELD "ChangedBy" OF "FSCallhd": character DESCRIPTION "Userid of user who made the
last change to this record." LABEL "Changed By"
FIELD "ChangeDate" OF "FSCallhd": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the record was
last changed" LABEL "Change Date"
FIELD "ChangeTime" OF "FSCallhd": integer DESCRIPTION "The time that the record was
last change (seconds since midnight) "
FIELD "AutoPrintReady" OF "FSCallhd": logical DESCRIPTION "Field to use for the BAM
to Auto-Print the Crystal Report or Bart ender Labels associated to this table."
LABEL "Auto-Print Ready"
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "FSCallhd": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier" LABEL
"Rate Group Code"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FSCallhd": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FSCallhd": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BTCustNum" OF "FSCallhd": integer DESCRIPTION "Bill To Customer Number"
LABEL "Bill To Customer Number"
FIELD "UseOTS" OF "FSCallhd": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the One Time Shipto
information is to be used. Note: This can only be true when if the OTSName is not
blank. UI disables this when Customer.AllowQTS = False, " LABEL "Use OTS"
FIELD "OTSName" OF "FSCallhd": character DESCRIPTION "One Time Shipto Name of the
ShipTo. "
LABEL "Name"
FIELD "OTSAddress1" OF "FSCallhd": character DESCRIPTION "One Time Shipto first
line of the ShipTo address." LABEL "Address"
FIELD "OTSAddress2" OF "FSCallhd": character DESCRIPTION "One Time Shipto second
line of the ShipTo address." LABEL "" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "OTSAddress3" OF "FSCallhd": character DESCRIPTION "One Time Shipto third
line of the ShipTo address." LABEL "" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "OTSCity" OF "FSCallhd": character DESCRIPTION "City portion of the One Time
Shipto address." LABEL "City"
FIELD "OTSState" OF "FSCallhd": character DESCRIPTION "The state or province
portion of the One Time Shipto address." LABEL "State/Prov" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "OTSZIP" OF "FSCallhd": character DESCRIPTION "The zip or postal code portion
of the One Time ShipTo address." LABEL "Postal Code"
FIELD "OTSResaleID" OF "FSCallhd": character DESCRIPTION "The State Tax
Identification Number of the One Time Shipto. " LABEL "Tax ID"
FIELD "OTSTaxRegionCode" OF "FSCallhd": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the
TaxRgn.TaxRegionCode value of the One Time ShipTo ta x region for purposes of Sales
Tax calculations." LABEL "Tax Region"
FIELD "OTSContact" OF "FSCallhd": character DESCRIPTION "One Time Ship To Contact
Name" LABEL "Contact"
FIELD "OTSFaxNum" OF "FSCallhd": character DESCRIPTION "Fax number for the One Time
ShipTo. " LABEL "Fax"
FIELD "OTSPhoneNum" OF "FSCallhd": character DESCRIPTION "Phone number for the One
Time ShipTo " LABEL "Phone"
FIELD "OTSCountryNum" OF "FSCallhd": integer DESCRIPTION "One Time Shipping country
number" LABEL "Country Number"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FSCallhd": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ShipToCustNum" OF "FSCallhd": integer DESCRIPTION "Ship To Customer Number.
This along with ShipToNum provides the f oreign key field to a given ShipTo.
Normally this has the same value as the Cust Num field. However, if the customer
allows 3rd party shipto (Customer.AllowShipT o3) then this could be a different

TABLE "FSCallMt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Service Call materials"

FIELD "Company" OF "FSCallMt": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CallNum" OF "FSCallMt": integer DESCRIPTION "The service call that this
operation belongs to." LABEL "Call"
FIELD "CallLine" OF "FSCallMt": integer DESCRIPTION "This field along with Company
and CallNum and OperLine make up th e unique key to the table. " LABEL "Line"
FIELD "MatNum" OF "FSCallMt": integer DESCRIPTION "This field along with Company
andCallNum and PartLine make up the unique key to the table. The system should
generate this number during entry of new detail records. The system determines next
available number by finding the last FSCalOpr record for the Call and the adding 1
to it. " LABEL "Line"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "FSCallMt": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field identifies
the Part " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "FSCallMt": character DESCRIPTION "Optional field that
contains the customers revision. Default from the Part.RevisionNum field. " LABEL
FIELD "LineDesc" OF "FSCallMt": character DESCRIPTION "Line Item description. The
Part.Description can be used as a defa ult. " LABEL "Desc"
FIELD "IUM" OF "FSCallMt": character DESCRIPTION "Unit Of Measure (how it is
sold/issued). Use the default Part.IUM if its a valid Part." LABEL "U/M"
FIELD "ProdCode" OF "FSCallMt": character DESCRIPTION "Product Group Code. Use the
Part.ProdCode as a default. This can be blank or must be valid in the ProdGrup
table." LABEL "Group"
FIELD "EstQty" OF "FSCallMt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Estimated Quantity for the
line item." LABEL "Estimated Qty"
FIELD "ActQty" OF "FSCallMt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual Quantity for the line
item." LABEL "Actual Qty"
FIELD "UnitPrice" OF "FSCallMt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Unit Price for the Material
in base currency. " LABEL "Contract Price"
FIELD "DocUnitPrice" OF "FSCallMt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Price per unit for the
material in customers currency. " LABEL "Doc Unit Price"
FIELD "UnitCost" OF "FSCallMt": decimal DESCRIPTION "unit Cost for the Material in
base currency. " LABEL "Unit Cost"
FIELD "DocUnitCost" OF "FSCallMt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Unit Cost for the material
in customer's currency. Defaults from the FScontCd table" LABEL "Doc Unit Cost"
FIELD "Complete" OF "FSCallMt": character DESCRIPTION "This material line is
complete" LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "ResReasonCode" OF "FSCallMt": character DESCRIPTION "Problem reason code
from the reason master table. type Service ca ll. " LABEL "Resolution Code"
FIELD "BillableUnitPrice" OF "FSCallMt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Billable Unit Price
for the Material in base currency. " LABEL "Billable Price"
FIELD "DocBillableUnitPrice" OF "FSCallMt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Billable Price per
unit for the material in customers currency. " LABEL "Doc Billable Unit Price"
FIELD "PricePerCode" OF "FSCallMt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the pricing
per quantity for this part. It can be ""E"" = per each,""C"" = per hundred, ""M"" =
per thousand. Maintainable only via Pa rt Maintenance. The initial default is
""E"". " LABEL "Price Per"
FIELD "Billable" OF "FSCallMt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this a billable material
item." LABEL "Billable"
FIELD "Rpt1BillableUnitPrice" OF "FSCallMt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting
currency value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Billable Unit Price"
FIELD "Rpt2BillableUnitPrice" OF "FSCallMt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting
currency value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Billable Unit Price"
FIELD "Rpt3BillableUnitPrice" OF "FSCallMt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting
currency value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Billable Unit Price"
FIELD "Rpt1UnitCost" OF "FSCallMt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Unit Cost"
FIELD "Rpt2UnitCost" OF "FSCallMt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Unit Cost"
FIELD "Rpt3UnitCost" OF "FSCallMt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Unit Cost"
FIELD "Rpt1UnitPrice" OF "FSCallMt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Unit Price"
FIELD "Rpt2UnitPrice" OF "FSCallMt": decimal
DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Unit Price"
FIELD "Rpt3UnitPrice" OF "FSCallMt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Unit Price"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FSCallMt": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FSCallMt": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FSCallMt": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "FSCallSv" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Field Service call Operation"
FIELD "Company" OF "FSCallSv": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CallNum" OF "FSCallSv": integer DESCRIPTION "The service call that this
operation belongs to." LABEL "Call"
FIELD "CallLine" OF "FSCallSv": integer DESCRIPTION "This field along with Company
andCallNum and OperLine make up the unique key to the table. " LABEL "Line"
FIELD "ServNum" OF "FSCallSv": integer DESCRIPTION "This field along with Company
andCallNum and PartLine make up the unique key to the table. The system should
generate this number during entry of new detail records. The system determines next
available number by finding the last FSCalOpr record for the Call and the adding 1
to it. " LABEL "Line"
FIELD "ServCode" OF "FSCallSv": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the Service"
FIELD "LaborRate" OF "FSCallSv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Labor rate used for time on
an operation. Time per hour per tec
hnician. in base currency." LABEL "Labor Rate"
FIELD "DocLaborRate" OF "FSCallSv": decimal DESCRIPTION " Labor rate used for time
on a service. Time per hour per techn ician. In Customer currency. Does not
consider warranty or contract" LABEL "Labor Rate"
FIELD "EstLabHours" OF "FSCallSv": decimal DESCRIPTION "The estimated Labor hours
for the operation." LABEL "Hours" COLUMN-LABEL "Est. Labor Hrs"
FIELD "ActLabHours" OF "FSCallSv": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Actual Labor hours for
the operation; not directly maintainab le, updated by labor entry." LABEL "Hours"
FIELD "Complete" OF "FSCallSv": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicate the operation is
complete." LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "ResReasonCode" OF "FSCallSv": character DESCRIPTION "Problem reason code
from the reason master table. type Service ca ll. " LABEL "Resolution Code"
FIELD "BillableLaborRate" OF "FSCallSv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Billable Labor rate
used for time on a service. Time per hour p er technician. in base currency. This
field considers the percentage coverage of a warranty or contract." LABEL "Billable
Labor Rate"
FIELD "DocBillableLaborRate" OF "FSCallSv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Billable Labor
rate used for time on a service. Time per hour p er technician. In Customer
currency. considers warranty or contract" LABEL "Billable Labor Rate"
FIELD "Billable" OF "FSCallSv": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this a billable Service."
LABEL "Billable"
FIELD "PONUM" OF "FSCallSv": integer DESCRIPTION "Purchase order number that This
service is linked to." LABEL "PO"
FIELD "POLine" OF "FSCallSv": integer DESCRIPTION "The PO line that this Service is
linked to."
LABEL "Line"
FIELD "ChangedBy" OF "FSCallSv": character DESCRIPTION "Userid of user who made the
last change to this record." LABEL "Changed By"
FIELD "ChangeDate" OF "FSCallSv": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the record was
last changed" LABEL "Change Date"
FIELD "ChangeTime" OF "FSCallSv": integer DESCRIPTION "The time that the record was
last change (seconds since midnight) "
FIELD "Rpt1BillableLaborRate" OF "FSCallSv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting
currency value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Billable Labor Rate"
FIELD "Rpt2BillableLaborRate" OF "FSCallSv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting
currency value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Billable Labor Rate"
FIELD "Rpt3BillableLaborRate" OF "FSCallSv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting
currency value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Billable Labor Rate"
FIELD "Rpt1LaborRate" OF "FSCallSv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Labor Rate"
FIELD "Rpt2LaborRate" OF "FSCallSv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Labor Rate"
FIELD "Rpt3LaborRate" OF "FSCallSv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Labor Rate"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FSCallSv": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FSCallSv": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FSCallSv": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "FSContCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Field Service Contract"

FIELD "Company" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ContractCode" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the
contract assigned by the user."
FIELD "ContractDescription" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Description of
the service contract."
FIELD "Duration" OF "FSContCd": integer DESCRIPTION "Duration that the service
contract is in effect."
FIELD "Modifier" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Whether the duration is in
days, months or years."
FIELD "Material" OF "FSContCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not
material costs are covered by the warra nty."
FIELD "Labor" OF "FSContCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not labor
costs are covered by the warranty ."
FIELD "Misc" OF "FSContCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not
miscellaneous costs are covered by the warranty." LABEL "Misc."
FIELD "Closed" OF "FSContCd": logical DESCRIPTION "***Search the code to see if
this field is referenced anywhere. I f not, remove it from the database."
FIELD "OBS900-ContLabExpDiv" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Division
component of the labor expense account used when a servi ce call associated with a
contract is invoiced. The full account number is made up of ContLabExpDiv,
ContLabExpDept, and ContLabExpChart. If this account is lef t blank, the account
from the XASYST table (Field Service Module Configuration) is used in its place. "
FIELD "OBS900-ContLabExpDept" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the labor expense account used when a ser vice call that is related to
a Service Contract is invoiced. See ContLabExpDiv f
or additional details."
FIELD "OBS900-ContLabExpChart" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the labor expense account used when a ser vice call associated with a
contract is invoiced. See ContLabExpDiv for addition al details."
FIELD "OBS900-ContSalesDiv" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Division
component of the sales account used when a service contr act or service call
associated with a contract is invoiced. The full account num ber is made up of
ContSalesDiv, ContSalesDept, and ContSalesChart. If this accou nt is left blank,
the account from the XASYST table (Field Service Module Config uration) is used in
its place. "
FIELD "OBS900-ContSalesDept" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the sales account used when a service con tract or service call
associated with a contract is invoiced. See ContSalesDiv f or additional details."
FIELD "OBS900-ContSalesChart" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component
of the sales account used when a service contract or service call associated with a
contract is invoiced. See ContSalesDiv for ad ditional details."
FIELD "UnitPrice" OF "FSContCd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unit price of the service
contract. Note: Used in conjunction with the PricePer and RecurringInv fields. "
LABEL "Unit Price"
FIELD "CommentText" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Comments about the
service contract. Will print on the Sales Orde r Acknowledgement and Service Call
Ticket forms."
FIELD "OBS900-ContMtlExpDiv" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Division
component of the material expense account used when a se rvice call associated with
a contract is invoiced. The full account number is ma de up of ContMtlExpDiv,
ContMtlExpDept, and ContMtlExpChart. If this account is left blank, the account
from the XASYST table (Field Service Module Configuratio n) is used in its place. "

FIELD "OBS900-ContMtlExpDept" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Department

component of the material expense account used when a service call associated with
a contract is invoiced. See ContMtlExpDiv for addit ional details."
FIELD "OBS900-ContMtlExpChart" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Chart
component of the material expense account used when a servi ce call associated with
a contract is invoiced. See ContMtlExpDiv for additional details."
FIELD "OBS900-ContDiscDiv" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of the sales discount account used when a serv ice contract or service call
associated with a contract is invoiced. The full ac count number is made up of
ContDiscDiv, ContDiscDept, and ContDiscChart. If this account is left blank, the
account from the XASYST table (Field Service Module Configuration) is used in its
place. "
FIELD "OBS900-ContDiscDept" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the sales discount account used when a se rvice contract or service
call associated with a contract is invoiced. See ContD iscDiv for additional
FIELD "OBS900-ContDiscChart" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component
of the sales discount account used when a service contract or service call
associated with a contract is invoiced. See ContDiscDi v for additional details."
FIELD "OBS900-ContReturnsDiv" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Division
component of the sales returns account used when a servi ce contract or service
call associated with a contract is invoiced. The full acc ount number is made up of
ContReturnsDiv, ContReturnsDept, and ContReturnsChart. If this account is left
blank, the account from the XASYST table (Field Service Module Configuration) is
used in its place. "
FIELD "OBS900-ContReturnsDept" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the sales returns account used when a ser vice contract or service
call associated with a contract is invoiced. See ContRe turnsDiv for additional
FIELD "OBS900-ContReturnsChart" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Chart
component of the sales returns account used when a service contract or service call
associated with a contract is invoiced. See ContReturns Div for additional
FIELD "OnSite" OF "FSContCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not this
contract is for onsite service cal ls." LABEL "On Site"
FIELD "RecurringInv" OF "FSContCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not
the service contract will be invoiced on a recurring basis." LABEL "Recurring Inv"
FIELD "RecurringFreq" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "The frequency that
recurring invoices are generated. Currently th e only option is monthly." LABEL
FIELD "PricePer" OF "FSContCd": character
DESCRIPTION "Modifier used in determining the service contract's price. Daily,
Monthly and Contract are the available choices. Note: Used in conjunction with the
UnitPrice and RecurringInv fields. " LABEL "Per"
FIELD "TaxCatID" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "The Tax Category
(TaxCat.TaxCatID) assigned to the service contra ct." LABEL "Tax Category"
FIELD "OBS900-ContBurExpDiv" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Division
component of the burden expense account used when a serv ice call associated with a
contract is invoiced. The full account number is made up of ContBurExpDiv,
ContBurExpDept, and ContBurExpChart. If this account is le ft blank, the account
from the XASYST table (Field Service Module Configuration) is used in its place. "
FIELD "OBS900-ContBurExpChart" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Chart
component of the burden expense account used when a service call associated with a
contract is invoiced. See ContBurExpDiv for additional d etails."
FIELD "OBS900-ContBurExpDept" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the burden expense account used when a se rvice call associated with a
contract is invoiced. See ContBurExpDiv for additio nal details."
FIELD "OBS900-ContSubExpDiv" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Division
component of the subcontract expense account used when a service call associated
with a contract is invoiced. The full account number is made up of ContSubExpDiv,
ContSubExpDept, and ContSubExpChart. If this account is left blank, the account
from the XASYST table (Field Service Module Configura tion) is used in its place. "

FIELD "OBS900-ContSubExpChart" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Chart

component of the burden expense account used when a service call associated with a
contract is invoiced. See ContSubExpDiv for additional d etails."
FIELD "OBS900-ContSubExpDept" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the burden expense account used when a se rvice call associated with a
contract is invoiced. See ContSubExpDiv for additio nal details."
FIELD "OBS900-ContMtlBurExpDiv" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Division
component of the material burden expense account used wh en a service call
associated with a contract is invoiced. The full account numbe r is made up of
ContMtlBurExpDiv, ContMtlBurExpDept, and ContMtlBurExpChart. If this account is
left blank, the account from the XASYST table (Field Service Mod ule Configuration)
is used in its place. "
FIELD "OBS900-ContMtlBurExpChart" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Chart
component of the material burden expense account used when a service call
associated with a contract is invoiced. See ContMtlBurExpDiv for additional
FIELD "OBS900-ContMtlBurExpDept" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the material burden expense account used when a service call
associated with a contract is invoiced. See ContMtlBurExpDiv for additional
FIELD "OBS900-ContWIpMatDiv" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Division
component of the material work-in-process account used w hen a service call is
peformed that is associated with a contract. The full acc ount number is made up of
ContWipMatDiv, ContWipMatDept, and ContWipMatChart. If this account is left blank,
the account from the XASYST table (Field Service Mo dule Configuration) is used in
its place. "
FIELD "OBS900-ContWipMatChart" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Chart
component of the material work-in-process account used when a service call is
peformed that is associated with a contract. See ContWipMatDi v for additional
FIELD "OBS900-ContWipMatDept" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the material work-in-process account used by service call is peformed
that is associated with a contract. See ContWipMatD iv for additional information."

FIELD "OBS900-ContWIpSubDiv" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Division

component of the subcontract work-in-process account use d when a service call is
peformed that is associated with a contract. The full account number is made up of
ContWipSubDiv, ContWipSubDept, and ContWipSubChart. If this account is left blank,
the account from the XASYST table (Field Service Module Configuration) is used in
its place. "
FIELD "OBS900-ContWipSubChart" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Chart
component of the subcontract work-in-process account used w hen a service call is
peformed that is associated with a contract. See ContWipSu bDiv for additional
FIELD "OBS900-ContWipSubDept" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the subcontract work-in-process account u sed when a service call is
peformed that is associated with a contract. See Cont WipSubDiv for additional
FIELD "OBS900-ContWIpLabDiv" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Division
component of the labor work-in-process account used when a service call is peformed
that is associated with a contract. The full accoun t number is made up of
ContWipLabDiv, ContWipLabDept, and ContWipLabChart. If th is account is left blank,
the account from the XASYST table (Field Service Modul e Configuration) is used in
its place. "
FIELD "OBS900-ContWipLabChart" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Chart
component of the labor work-in-process account used when a service call is peformed
that is associated with a contract. See ContWipLabDiv f or additional information."

FIELD "OBS900-ContWipLabDept" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Department

component of the labor work-in-process account used wh en a service call is
peformed that is associated with a contract. See ContWipLab Div for additional
FIELD "OBS900-ContWIpBurDiv" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Division
component of the burden work-in-process account used whe n a service call is
peformed that is associated with a contract. The full accou nt number is made up of
ContWipBurDiv, ContWipBurDept, and ContWipBurChart. If t his account is left blank,
the account from the XASYST table (Field Service Modu le Configuration) is used in
its place. "
FIELD "OBS900-ContWipBurChart" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Chart
component of the burden work-in-process account used when a service call is
peformed that is associated with a contract. See ContWipBurDiv for additional
information. "
FIELD "OBS900-ContWipBurDept" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the burden work-in-process account used w hen a service call is
peformed that is associated with a contract. See ContWipBu rDiv for additional
information. "
FIELD "OBS900-ContWIpMtlBurDiv" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Division
component of the material burden work-in-process account used when a service call
is peformed that is associated with a contract. The f ull account number is made up
of ContWipMtlBurDiv, ContWipMtlBurDept, and ContWi pMtlBurChart. If this account is
left blank, the account from the XASYST table ( Field Service Module Configuration)
is used in its place. "
FIELD "OBS900-ContWipMtlBurChart" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Chart
component of the material burden work-in-process account us ed when a service call
is peformed that is associated with a contract. See Cont WipMtlBurDiv for
additional information. "
FIELD "OBS900-ContWipMtlBurDept" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the material burden work-in-process accou nt used when a service call
is peformed that is associated with a contract. See ContWipMtlBurDiv for additional
information. "
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FSContCd": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FSContCd": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "IncomeTaxCode" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Income Tax Code" LABEL
"Income Tax Code"
FIELD "GlobalFSContCd" OF "FSContCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this FSContCd as
global, available to be sent out to other companies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "FSContCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."
FIELD "DeferredRev" OF "FSContCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if revenue is
deferred for contracts assigned to this g roup." LABEL "Deferred Revenue" COLUMN-
LABEL "Deferred Revenue"
FIELD "RACode" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Revenue Amortization Code."
LABEL "Revenue Amortization Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Revenue Amortization Code"
FIELD "ShipContract" OF "FSContCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not a
contract must be shipped before it can be invoiced." LABEL "Ship Contract" COLUMN-
LABEL "Ship Contract"
FIELD "RenewalCode" OF "FSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the parameters
used for renewing a contract." LABEL "Renewal Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Renewal Code"
FIELD "ShipRenewal" OF "FSContCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not
the renewal must be shiped before it can be invoiced." LABEL "Ship Renewal" COLUMN-
LABEL "Ship Renewal"

TABLE "FSContDt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Contract Detail Table (Similar to
Order Detail)"
FIELD "Company" OF "FSContDt": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier"
FIELD "ContractNum" OF "FSContDt": integer DESCRIPTION "Contract Number of the
FIELD "ContractLine" OF "FSContDt": integer DESCRIPTION "This field along with
Company and ContractNum make up the unique key to the table. The system should
generate this number during entry of new det ail records. The system determines
next available number by finding the FSContDt l record for the Contract and the
adding 1 to it. The user can override this nu mber if they wish. " LABEL "Line"
FIELD "ContractCode" OF "FSContDt": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the Contract"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "FSContDt": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field identifies
the Part " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "LineDesc" OF "FSContDt": character DESCRIPTION "Line Item description. The
Part.Description can be used as a defa ult. " LABEL "Desc"
FIELD "ContractType" OF "FSContDt": character DESCRIPTION "A value of ""ORD-ENT""
indicates that this Service contract is re lated to a specific Sales Order and its
line items and will be created and maint ained from there, It will print on the
Order acknowledgment and be invoiced with the sales order item as they are shipped.
A Value of ""Cnt-Ent"" indicates tha t this Service Contract was created from the
service contract entry programs. I t is not directly related to a sales order; it
will be printed by itself and inv oiced by itself. (Duplicated from FSContHd for
Browse)" LABEL "Type"
FIELD "IUM" OF "FSContDt": character DESCRIPTION "Unit Of Measure (how it is
sold/issued). Use the default Part.IUM if its a valid Part." LABEL "U/M"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "FSContDt": character DESCRIPTION "Optional field that
contains the customers revision. Default from the Part.RevisionNum field. " LABEL
FIELD "PricePerUnit" OF "FSContDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Price per unit for the
Contract in base currency. Defaults from
the FScontCd table" LABEL "Contract Price"
FIELD "DocPricePerUnit" OF "FSContDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Price per unit for the
Contract in customers currency. Defaults from the FScontCd table" LABEL "Doc Unit
FIELD "ContractQty" OF "FSContDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Contract Quantity for
the line item." LABEL "Contract Qty"
FIELD "ProdCode" OF "FSContDt": character DESCRIPTION "Product Group Code. Use the
Part.ProdCode as a default. This can be blank or must be valid in the ProdGrup
table." LABEL "Group"
FIELD "XPartNum" OF "FSContDt": character DESCRIPTION "An optional field that is
used if the customer has a different P art number than the users internal part
number. The XPartNum and PartNum can p rovide defaults for each other via the
PartXref table.. The XPartNum can be blan k, does not have to exist in the PartXref
table. " LABEL "Cust Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Cust Part"
FIELD "XRevisionNum" OF "FSContDt": character DESCRIPTION "Optional field that
contains the customers revision. Default from the CustXPrt.RevisionNum field. "
FIELD "InvoiceComment" OF "FSContDt": character DESCRIPTION "Used to establish
invoice comments about the Contract line item. These will copied into the Invoice
detail file as defaults. "
FIELD "CustNum" OF "FSContDt": integer DESCRIPTION "Customer number that the sales
order is for. Duplicated from Orde rHed.CustNum. Used to allow efficient browsing
of the FSContDt records for a sp ecific customer." LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "OrderNum" OF "FSContDt": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains the Order Number that
ties this detail record back to an OrderHed record. " LABEL "Order"
FIELD "OrderLine" OF "FSContDt": integer DESCRIPTION "This field along with Company
and OrderNum make up the unique key to the table. The system should generate this
number during entry of new detail records. The system determines next available
number by finding the OrderDtl re cord for the Order and the adding 1 to it. The
user can override this number if they wish.
" LABEL "Line"
FIELD "ProjectID" OF "FSContDt": character DESCRIPTION "Project ID of the Project
table record that this FSContDt record. Can be blank." LABEL "Project ID"
FIELD "CommentText" OF "FSContDt": character DESCRIPTION "Editor widget for
Contract comments. "
FIELD "ContractComment" OF "FSContDt": character DESCRIPTION "Contains comments
about the detail contract line item. These will be printed on the Sales
Acknowledgements and service contracts"
FIELD "SoldOrderNum" OF "FSContDt": integer DESCRIPTION "Sold to Order Number"
LABEL "Order"
FIELD "SoldOrderLine" OF "FSContDt": integer DESCRIPTION "Sold To Order line" LABEL
FIELD "ChangedBy" OF "FSContDt": character DESCRIPTION "Userid of user who made the
last change to this record." LABEL "Changed By"
FIELD "ChangeDate" OF "FSContDt": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the record was
last changed" LABEL "Change Date"
FIELD "ChangeTime" OF "FSContDt": integer DESCRIPTION "The time that the record was
last change (seconds since midnight) "
FIELD "Rpt1PricePerUnit" OF "FSContDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Unit Price"
FIELD "Rpt2PricePerUnit" OF "FSContDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Unit Price"
FIELD "Rpt3PricePerUnit" OF "FSContDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Unit Price"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FSContDt": character
DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FSContDt": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FSContDt": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "CustType" ON "FSContDt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Customer and
Contract type"

TABLE "FSContHd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Field Service Contract Header"
FIELD "Company" OF "FSContHd": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ContractNum" OF "FSContHd": integer DESCRIPTION "When creating a new Service
Contract the user is prompted for an Contract number. If the field is left blank,
the next available Number is assign ed by the system. The system generates a number
by finding the order # of the la st record on file and then a 1 to it. " LABEL
FIELD "ContractType" OF "FSContHd": character DESCRIPTION "A value of ""Ord-Ent""
indicates that this Service contract is re lated to a specific Sales Order and its
line items and will be created and maint ained from there, It will print on the
Order acknowledgment and be invoiced with the sales order item as they are shipped.
A Value of ""Cnt-Ent"" indicates tha t this Service Contract was created from the
service contract entry programs. I t is not directly related to a sales order; it
will be printed by itself and inv oiced by itself. " LABEL "Type"
FIELD "CustNum" OF "FSContHd": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains the Customer number
that the Service Contract is for. T his must be valid in the Customer table. "
LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "EntryPerson" OF "FSContHd": character DESCRIPTION "This is used as one of
the selection parameters on the Service Co ntract entry edit reports. The intent is
for users to be able to select Contract that they have entered for hard copy edit.
On new orders use the users login ID as the default. They can override this if t
hey wish to enter something more meaningful.
" LABEL "Entry Person"
FIELD "EntryDate" OF "FSContHd": date DESCRIPTION "Same as OrderDate when SLSORD.
TODAY when CNTENT" LABEL "Entered"
FIELD "OrderNum" OF "FSContHd": integer DESCRIPTION "The Sales order that this
contract is linked to." LABEL "Order"
FIELD "OrderLine" OF "FSContHd": integer DESCRIPTION "The line number of the sales
order that this contract is linked t o" LABEL "Line"
FIELD "ContractCode" OF "FSContHd": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the Contract"
FIELD "Duration" OF "FSContHd": integer DESCRIPTION "Duration of Contract"
FIELD "Modifier" OF "FSContHd": character DESCRIPTION "Whether the duration is for
Days, Months, years."
FIELD "Material" OF "FSContHd": logical DESCRIPTION "Coverage for material"
FIELD "Labor" OF "FSContHd": logical DESCRIPTION "Coverage for Labor"
FIELD "Misc" OF "FSContHd": logical DESCRIPTION "Coverage for Misc charges. This
includes the miscellaneous expens es like travel, etc."
FIELD "ContractComment" OF "FSContHd": character DESCRIPTION "Contains comments
about the overall Contract. These will be print ed on the Service Contract. "
FIELD "InvoiceComment" OF "FSContHd": character DESCRIPTION "Used to establish
invoice comments about the overall Contract. Th ese will copied into the Invoice
detail file as defaults. "
FIELD "PrcConNum" OF "FSContHd": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains the key value for
the Purchasing Contact. This can be b lank or it must be valid in the CUSTCNT
table. Use the CUSTOMER.PRIMPCON as the default. "
LABEL "Purchasing Contact Num" COLUMN-LABEL "P-Con"
FIELD "ShipToNum" OF "FSContHd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates which customer
ship to is to be used for the Service C ontract. It can be blank or it must be
valid in the SHIPTO table. Use the CUSTO MER.SHIPTONUM as the default on new orders
or when the ORDERHED.CUSTNUM is chang ed. " LABEL "Ship To"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "FSContHd": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the currency." LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "ExchangeRate" OF "FSContHd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Exchange rate that will be
used for this Contract. Defaults from CurrRate.CurrentRate. Conversion rates will
be calculated as System Base = Forei gn value * rate, Foreign value = system base *
(1/rate). This is the dollar in f oreign currency from the exchange rate tables in
the newspapers." LABEL "Exchange Rate" COLUMN-LABEL "Exchange Rate"
FIELD "LockRate" OF "FSContHd": logical DESCRIPTION "Used with the currency module.
When TRUE the currency rate can b e changed by the user and cannot be changed by
the system. This will also be th e default for the invoice." LABEL "Lock"
FIELD "Obsolete900-RefCode" OF "FSContHd": character DESCRIPTION "Reference
currency" LABEL "Reference Currency" COLUMN-LABEL "Reference Currency"
FIELD "Obsolete900-DocToRef" OF "FSContHd": logical DESCRIPTION "The direction of
the exchange rate is determined by this field. I f DocToRef is true then the rate
is expressed as ""1 document currency is X refe rence currency"". If DocToRef is
false then the rate is expressed as ""1 refere nce currency is X document
currency"". " LABEL "Document to Reference" COLUMN-LABEL "Document to Reference"
FIELD "Obsolete900-RefToBase" OF "FSContHd": logical DESCRIPTION "The direction of
the RefToBaseRate is determined by this field. I f RefToBase is true then the rate
is expressed as ""1 reference currency is X Ba se currency"". If RefToBase is false
then the rate is expressed as ""1 Base cur rency is X reference currency"". " LABEL
"Reference to Base" COLUMN-LABEL "Reference to Base"
FIELD "Invoiced" OF "FSContHd": logical DESCRIPTION "The invoice for this Service
contract has been created. The Orde
r line that this contract is linked to has shipped." LABEL "Invoiced"
FIELD "PackNum" OF "FSContHd": integer DESCRIPTION "Packing slip number that this
detail record is linked with." LABEL "Packing Slip"
FIELD "ContVoid" OF "FSContHd": logical DESCRIPTION "This Service Contract has been
deactivated when TRUE" LABEL "Void"
FIELD "OnSite" OF "FSContHd": logical DESCRIPTION "This contract covers on site
visits" LABEL "On Site"
FIELD "ShpConNum" OF "FSContHd": integer DESCRIPTION "Establishes the Shipping
Contact to be used. In this case the co ntact at the location where the item the
service contract is covering are. Conta ins the key value for the shipping contact
in the CUSTCNT table. Can be blank or must be valid in the CUSTCNT table. Use the
Customer.PrimScon as a default." LABEL "Shipping Contact Num" COLUMN-LABEL "S-Con"
FIELD "ActiveDate" OF "FSContHd": date DESCRIPTION "The date of the earliest
FscontSp.activateDate for this contract. Not user maintainable. It is written when
the fscontsp record is created or cha nged. This will always be the earliest
activate date on this contract." LABEL "Active Date"
FIELD "ExpireDate" OF "FSContHd": date DESCRIPTION "The date of the Latest
FscontSp.ExpirationDate for this contract. Not user maintainable. It is written
when the fscontsp record is created or cha nged. this will always be the Latest
activate date on this contract." LABEL "Expire Date"
FIELD "PackLine" OF "FSContHd": integer DESCRIPTION "An integer that Ties the
Contract record to a packing slip detail line" LABEL "Line"
FIELD "RecurringInv" OF "FSContHd": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that Service
Contract with this Code will generate recu rring invoices." LABEL "Recurring Inv"
FIELD "RecurringFreq" OF "FSContHd": character DESCRIPTION "The frequency that
recurring invoices are generated only 'monthly ' for now." LABEL "Frequency"
FIELD "PricePer" OF "FSContHd": character DESCRIPTION "Price modifier for unit
price field Daily, monthly, Contract(Full length of the contract)" LABEL "Per"
FIELD "LastInvGen" OF "FSContHd": logical DESCRIPTION "This flag is set to TRUE
after the last recurring invoice is gene rated for the contract." LABEL "Last
FIELD "InvoiceNum" OF "FSContHd": integer DESCRIPTION "The invoice number of the
last recurring invoice." LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "TaxCatID" OF "FSContHd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Tax Category
for this record." LABEL "Tax Category"
FIELD "ChangedBy" OF "FSContHd": character DESCRIPTION "Userid of user who made the
last change to this record." LABEL "Changed By"
FIELD "ChangeDate" OF "FSContHd": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the record was
last changed" LABEL "Change Date"
FIELD "ChangeTime" OF "FSContHd": integer DESCRIPTION "The time that the record was
last change (seconds since midnight) "
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "FSContHd": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier" LABEL
"Rate Group Code"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FSContHd": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FSContHd": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BTCustNum" OF "FSContHd": integer DESCRIPTION "Bill To Customer Number"
LABEL "Bill To Customer Number"
FIELD "OTSName" OF "FSContHd": character DESCRIPTION "One Time Shipto Name of the
ShipTo. " LABEL "Name"
FIELD "OTSAddress1" OF "FSContHd": character DESCRIPTION "One Time Shipto first
line of the ShipTo address." LABEL "Address"
FIELD "OTSAddress2" OF "FSContHd": character DESCRIPTION "One Time Shipto second
line of the ShipTo address." LABEL "" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "OTSAddress3" OF "FSContHd": character DESCRIPTION "One Time Shipto third
line of the ShipTo address." LABEL "" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "OTSCity" OF "FSContHd": character DESCRIPTION "City portion of the One Time
Shipto address." LABEL "City"
FIELD "OTSState" OF "FSContHd": character DESCRIPTION "The state or province
portion of the One Time Shipto address." LABEL "State/Prov" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "OTSZIP" OF "FSContHd": character DESCRIPTION "The zip or postal code portion
of the One Time ShipTo address." LABEL "Postal Code"
FIELD "OTSResaleID" OF "FSContHd": character DESCRIPTION "The State Tax
Identification Number of the One Time Shipto. " LABEL "Tax ID"
FIELD "OTSTaxRegionCode" OF "FSContHd": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the
TaxRgn.TaxRegionCode value of the One Time ShipTo ta x region for purposes of Sales
Tax calculations." LABEL "Tax Region"
FIELD "UseOTS" OF "FSContHd": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the One Time ShipTo
information should be used inste ad of the standard ShipTo. One Time ShipTo info is
stored in this record in the fields prefixed with ""OTS"" Note: This can only be
true when if the OTSName is not blank. UI disables this when Customer.AllowQTS =
False, " LABEL "Use OTS"
FIELD "OTSContact" OF "FSContHd": character DESCRIPTION "Full name of the contact.
" LABEL "Contact"
FIELD "OTSFaxNum" OF "FSContHd": character
DESCRIPTION "Fax number for the One Time ShipTo. " LABEL "Fax"
FIELD "OTSPhoneNum" OF "FSContHd": character DESCRIPTION "Phone number for the One
Time ShipTo " LABEL "Phone"
FIELD "OTSCountryNum" OF "FSContHd": integer DESCRIPTION "One Time Shipping country
Number." LABEL "Country Number"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FSContHd": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ShipToCustNum" OF "FSContHd": integer DESCRIPTION "Ship To Customer Number.
This along with ShipToNum provides the f oreign key field to a given ShipTo.
Normally this has the same value as the Cust Num field. However, if the customer
allows 3rd party shipto (Customer.AllowShipT o3) then this could be a different
FIELD "DeferredRev" OF "FSContHd": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if revenue is
deferred for contracts assigned to this g roup." LABEL "Deferred Revenue" COLUMN-
LABEL "Deferred Revenue"
FIELD "RACode" OF "FSContHd": character DESCRIPTION "Revenue Amortization Code."
LABEL "Revenue Amortization Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Revenue Amortization Code"
FIELD "DefRevStart" OF "FSContHd": date DESCRIPTION "Starting date the revenue is
deferred." LABEL "Deferred Revenue Start" COLUMN-LABEL "Deferred Revenue Start"
FIELD "Suspended" OF "FSContHd": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the contract has
been suspended. A suspended contra ct cannot have any calls linked to it." LABEL
"Suspended" COLUMN-LABEL "Suspended"
INDEX "ExpireDate" ON "FSContHd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Expire date

TABLE "FSContIv" AREA "Schema Area"

DESCRIPTION "Hold invoice information for Contract that are billed on a recurring
FIELD "Company" OF "FSContIv": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ContractNum" OF "FSContIv": integer DESCRIPTION "The contract number that
the invoice if for. part of the unique index." LABEL "Contract"
FIELD "InvoiceNum" OF "FSContIv": integer DESCRIPTION "Invoice number for the
contract." LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "InvoiceLine" OF "FSContIv": integer DESCRIPTION "The invoice line that this
contract is billed on." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "InvoiceDate" OF "FSContIv": date DESCRIPTION "Invoice date from the invoice
heading." LABEL "Invoice Date"
FIELD "CustNum" OF "FSContIv": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains the Customer number
that the Service Contract is for. T his must be valid in the Customer table. "
LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "GroupID" OF "FSContIv": character DESCRIPTION "The invoice group that
created this record. Use when finding the last time a contract was invoiced without
selecting ones from the current group " LABEL "Group"
FIELD "SoldToCustNum" OF "FSContIv": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains the Sold To
Customer number that the Service Contract is for. This must be valid in the
Customer table. " LABEL "SoldToCustomer"
FIELD "ChangedBy" OF "FSContIv": character DESCRIPTION "Userid of user who made the
last change to this record." LABEL "Changed By"
FIELD "ChangeDate" OF "FSContIv": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the record was
last changed" LABEL "Change Date"
FIELD "ChangeTime" OF "FSContIv": integer DESCRIPTION "The time that the record was
last change (seconds since midnight)
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FSContIv": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FSContIv": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FSContIv": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "FSContSN" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Field Service Contract Detail Line
Serial Number assignments. Parent Table: FSContDT"
FIELD "Company" OF "FSContSN": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier"
FIELD "ContractNum" OF "FSContSN": integer DESCRIPTION "Contract Number of the
FIELD "ContractLine" OF "FSContSN": integer DESCRIPTION "This field along with
Company and ContractNum make up the unique key to the table. The system should
generate this number during entry of new det ail records. The system determines
next available number by finding the FSContDt l record for the Contract and the
adding 1 to it. The user can override this nu mber if they wish. " LABEL "Line"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "FSContSN": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field identifies
the Part. Not directly maintainable. Mirror image of FSContDt.PartNum. Having this
field, allows a SerialNo record t o find the contracts that it is related to."
LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "SerialNumber" OF "FSContSN": character DESCRIPTION "Serial number of the
Part that is assigned to this Field Service contract line." LABEL "Serial Number"
FIELD "ChangedBy" OF "FSContSN": character DESCRIPTION "Userid of user who made the
last change to this record." LABEL "Changed By"
FIELD "ChangeDate" OF "FSContSN": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the record was
last changed" LABEL "Change Date"
FIELD "ChangeTime" OF "FSContSN": integer DESCRIPTION "The time that the record was
last change (seconds since midnight) "
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FSContSN": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FSContSN": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FSContSN": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "FSMisc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Service Misc. charges."

FIELD "Company" OF "FSMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CallNum" OF "FSMisc": integer DESCRIPTION "the service call that is related
to this service charge" LABEL "Call"
FIELD "CallLine" OF "FSMisc": integer DESCRIPTION "The Line number of the call that
this charge is related to. 0 fo r header charges" LABEL "Line"
FIELD "SeqNum" OF "FSMisc": integer DESCRIPTION "Sequence Number" LABEL "Seq"
FIELD "MiscCode" OF "FSMisc": character DESCRIPTION "The Miscellaneous Charge Code.
This must be valid in the MiscChrg master file. " LABEL "Charge ID"
FIELD "Description" OF "FSMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the
miscellaneous charge. This will be printed on
the acknowledgment and transferred over to invoice processing. The default is pr
ovided by MiscChrg.Description, but its overridable by the user. This can't be b
lank." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "MiscAmt" OF "FSMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The amount of the Miscellaneous
Charge/Credit. Can't be zero. Use MiscChrg.MiscAmt as a default." LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "BillableMiscAmt" OF "FSMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The amount of the
Miscellaneous Charge/Credit that is billable. C an't be zero. Use MiscChrg.MiscAmt
as a default." LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "DocMiscAmt" OF "FSMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The amount of the
Miscellaneous Charge/Credit(display value). Can 't be zero. Use MiscChrg.MiscAmt as
a default. " LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "DocBillableMiscAmt" OF "FSMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The amount of the
Miscellaneous Charge/Credit(display value). Can 't be zero. Use MiscChrg.MiscAmt as
a default. " LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "Billable" OF "FSMisc": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this a billable misc. item."
LABEL "Billable"
FIELD "LastInvDate" OF "FSMisc": date DESCRIPTION "For recurring invoiced
contracts. Hold the invoice date of the l ast invoice for the contract" LABEL "Last
Invoice Date"
FIELD "ChangedBy" OF "FSMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Userid of user who made the
last change to this record." LABEL "Changed By"
FIELD "ChangeDate" OF "FSMisc": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the record was last
changed" LABEL "Change Date"
FIELD "ChangeTime" OF "FSMisc": integer DESCRIPTION "The time that the record was
last change (seconds since midnight) "
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FSMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FSMisc": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FSMisc": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "Rpt1BillableMiscAmt" OF "FSMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2BillableMiscAmt" OF "FSMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3BillableMiscAmt" OF "FSMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1MiscAmt" OF "FSMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2MiscAmt" OF "FSMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3MiscAmt" OF "FSMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"

TABLE "FSServCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Field Service Service codes"
FIELD "Company" OF "FSServCd": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ServCode" OF "FSServCd": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the operation" LABEL "Service Code"
FIELD "ServDescription" OF "FSServCd": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the
Operation Code" LABEL "Description"
FIELD "CommentText" OF "FSServCd": character DESCRIPTION "Editor widget for
Operation comments. "
FIELD "LaborRate" OF "FSServCd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Labor rate used for time on
an operation. Time per hour per tec hnician." LABEL "Labor Rate"
FIELD "EstLabHours" OF "FSServCd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The estimated Labor hours
for the operation." LABEL "Hours" COLUMN-LABEL "Est. Labor Hrs"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FSServCd": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FSServCd": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FSServCd": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "FsSyst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Field Service parameters and
FIELD "Company" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FsSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FsSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "StartContractNum" OF "FsSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Used to establish the
beginning Service Contract Number. When the system generates a new Contract it will
assign the greater of (StartContractNum ) or (the last Contract Num. on file + 1)
as the Contract number." LABEL "Starting Contract"
FIELD "StartServiceCallNum" OF "FsSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Used to establish the
beginning Service Call Number. When the sys tem generates a new Service Call it
will assign the greater of (StartServiceCall Num) or (the last Service Call Number
on file + 1) as the Service Call number." LABEL "Starting Service Call"
FIELD "OBS900-WarrMatExpDiv" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of the Warranty Material COS G/L Account.
FIELD "OBS900-WarrMatExpChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component
of the Warranty COS Expense G/L Account. (See WarrExpDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-WarrMatExpDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the Warranty Material COS Expense G/L Acc ount. (SeeWarrExpDiv
FIELD "OBS900-ContMatExpDiv" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of the Service Contract COS Expense G/L Accoun t.
FIELD "OBS900-ContMatExpChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component
of the Service Contract COS Expense G/L Account. (See WarrExpDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-ContSalesDiv" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "The Division
component of default Service Contract Sales G/L acco unt for the invoice line
items. This account will be used when one is not defin ed in the
FSContCd.ContSalesDiv. The full G/L account number is made up of ContS alesDiv,
ContSalesChart and ContSalesDept. These individual fields are never di rectly
entered, rather it is entered as part of a field that represents the full G/L
account number. If any one of these three components are entered then it m ust be
valid in the GLAcct. See the GLSyst record layout for more detail on str ucture and
usage of G/L account numbers. "
FIELD "OBS900-ContSalesDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "The Department
component of the default Service Contract Sales G/ L account for invoice line
items. See ContSalesDiv field description for relate d info. "
FIELD "OBS900-ContSalesChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component
for the default Service Contract Sales G/L accou nt. See ContSalesDiv field
description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-ContMatExpDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "The Department
component of the default Service Contract COS Expe nse G/L account for invoice line
items. See ContExpDiv field description for re lated info. "
FIELD "OBS900-ContLabExpDiv" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of the Service Contract Labor COS Expense G/L Account.
FIELD "OBS900-ContLabExpDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "The Department
component of the default Service Contract Labor C OS Expense G/L account for
invoice line items. See ContExpDiv field description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-ContLabExpChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component
of the Service Contract Labor COS Expense G/L Acc ount. (See WarrExpDiv
FIELD "OBS900-WarrLabExpDiv" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of the Warranty labor COS Expense G/L Account.

FIELD "OBS900-WarrLabExpChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component

of the Warranty Labor COS Expense G/L Account. (See WarrExpDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-WarrLabExpDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the Warranty Labor COS Expense G/L Accoun t. (SeeWarrExpDiv
FIELD "OBS900-ContDiscDiv" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of default Discount G/L account for a contract code. "
FIELD "OBS900-ContDiscDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the default Discount G/L account for a Co ntractCode. See DiscountDiv
field description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-ContReturnsDiv" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division
component of default Returns G/L account for a credit me mo. The full G/L account
number is made up of ReturnsDiv, ReturnsChart and Retu rnsDept. These individual
fields are never directly entered, rather it is enter ed as part of a field that
represents the full G/L account number. All three co mponents must be entered and
valid in the GLAcct. See the GLSyst record layout for more detail on structure and
usage of G/L accou nt numbers.
FIELD "OBS900-ContReturnsDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the default Returns G/L account of the cr edit memo line item. See
ReturnsDiv field description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-ContReturnsChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of
Account component for the default Returns G/L account fo r the credit memo line
item. See A/R Div field description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-ContDiscChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account
component for the default Discount G/L account for a Contract Code. See DiscountDiv
field description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-CallSalesDiv" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "The Division
component of default ServiceCall Sales G/L account f or the invoice line items.
This account will be used when one is not defined in the FSContCd.ContSalesDiv. The
full G/L account number is made up of ContSalesD iv, ContSalesChart and
ContSalesDept. These individual fields are never directl y entered, rather it is
entered as part of a field that represents the full G/L account number. If any one
of these three components are entered then it must b e valid in the GLAcct. See the
GLSyst record layout for more detail on structur e and usage of G/L account
numbers. "
FIELD "OBS900-CallSalesDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "The Department
component of the default Service Call Sales G/L ac count for invoice line items.
See CallSalesDiv field description for related in fo. "
FIELD "OBS900-CallSalesChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component
for the default Service Call Sales G/L account. See CallSalesDiv field description
for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-CallDiscDiv" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of default Discount G/L account for a contract code. "
FIELD "OBS900-CallDiscDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the default Discount G/L account."
FIELD "OBS900-CallDiscChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account
component for the default Discount G/L account. "
FIELD "OBS900-CallReturnsDiv" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division
component of default Returns G/L account for a credit me mo. The full G/L account
number is made up of ReturnsDiv, ReturnsChart and Retu rnsDept. These individual
fields are never directly entered, rather it is enter ed as part of a field that
represents the full G/L account number. All three co mponents must be entered and
valid in the GLAcct. See the GLSyst record layout for more detail on structure and
usage of G/L accou nt numbers. "
FIELD "OBS900-CallReturnsDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the default Returns G/L account of the cr edit memo line item. See
ReturnsDiv field description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-CallReturnsChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of
Account component for the default Returns G/L account f or the credit memo line
item. See A/R Div field description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-CallLabExpDiv" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of the Call labor Expense G/L Account.
FIELD "OBS900-CallLabExpDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the Call Labor Expense G/L Account. (SeeCallExpDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-CallLabExpChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component
of the Call Labor Expense G/L Account. (See CallExpDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-CallMatExpDiv" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of the Call material Expense G/L Account.
FIELD "OBS900-CallMatExpDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the Call Material Expense G/L Account. (SeeCallExpDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-CallMatExpChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component
of the Call Material Expense G/L Account. (See CallExpDiv description)"
FIELD "PrintPrice" OF "FsSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "This flag is used when
printing service call tickets. If ""YES"" then labor and material pricing will
print on the ticket." LABEL "Print Prices on Service Tickets"
FIELD "CallProdCode" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Product Group Code. This
will be used as a default for service ca lls. This can be blank or must be valid in
the ProdGrup table."
LABEL "Group"
FIELD "CallJobPrefix" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "This prefix will be used
for service call job. The service call job will be the prefix + service call number
+ service call Line number. " LABEL "Call Job Prefix"
FIELD "ContractStartup" OF "FsSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "This flag is to be set to
'YES' during intial startup. When this flag is set to 'YES' all Service Contracts
will be created as active invoiced an d shipped. The idea is that a cusomter that
purchases FS may already have activ e service contracts that have been invoiced. "
LABEL "Contract Startup Mode"
FIELD "OBS900-WarrBurExpDiv" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of the Warranty Burden COS G/L Account.
FIELD "OBS900-WarrBurExpChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component
of the Warranty Burden COS G/L Account. (See WarrBurDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-WarrBurExpDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the Warranty Burden COS G/L Account. (SeeWarrExpDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-WarrSubExpDiv" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of the Warranty Subcontract COS G/L Account.

FIELD "OBS900-WarrSubExpChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component

of the Warranty Subcontract COS G/L Account. (See WarrBurDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-WarrSubExpDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the Warranty Subcontract COS G/L Account. (SeeWarrExpDiv description)"

FIELD "OBS900-WarrMtlBurExpDiv" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division

component of the Warranty Material Burden COS G/L Accoun t.
FIELD "OBS900-WarrMtlBurExpChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart
component of the Warranty Material Burden COS G/L Account. (See WarrBurDiv
FIELD "OBS900-WarrMtlBurExpDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the Warranty Material Burden COS G/L Acco
unt. (SeeWarrExpDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-WarrWipMatDiv" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of the warranty WIP Materials Control G/L Acco unt. Used when no acct has been
defined at a lower level. Hierarchy of acct definition; ProdGrup, FsSyst."
FIELD "OBS900-WarrWipMatChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component
of the warranty WIP Materials Control G/L Account . (See WipMtlDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-WarrWipMatDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the warranty WIP Materials Control G/L Ac count. (See WipMtlDiv
FIELD "OBS900-WarrWipSubDiv" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of the warranty WIP Subcontract Control G/L Ac count. Used when no acct has been
defined at a lower level. Hierarchy of acct definition; ProdGrup, FsSyst."
FIELD "OBS900-WarrWipSubChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component
of the warranty WIP Subcontract Control G/L Accou nt. (See WipSubDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-WarrWipSubDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the warranty WIP Subcontract Control G/L Account. (See WipSubDiv
FIELD "OBS900-WarrWipLabDiv" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of the warranty WIP Labor Control G/L Account. Used when no acct has been defined
at a lower level. Hierarchy of acct definition; ProdGrup, FsSyst."
FIELD "OBS900-WarrWipLabChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component
of the warranty WIP Labor Control G/L Account. (See WipLbrDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-WarrWipLabDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the warranty WIP Labor Control G/L Accoun t. (See WipLbrDiv
FIELD "OBS900-WarrWipBurChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component
of the warranty WIP Burden Control G/L Account. (See WipBurDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-WarrWipBurDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the warranty WIP Burden Control G/L Accou nt. (See WipBurDiv
FIELD "OBS900-WarrWipMtlBurDiv" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division
component of the warranty WIP Material Burden Control G/ L Account. Used when no
acct has been defined at a lower level. Hierarchy of acct definition; ProdGrup,
FIELD "OBS900-WarrWipMtlBurChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart
component of the warranty WIP Material Burden Control G/L A ccount. (See
WipMtlBurDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-WarrWipMtlBurDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the warranty WIP Material Burden Control G/L Account. (See
WipMtlBurDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-WarrWipBurDiv" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of the warranty WIP Material Burden Control G/ L Account. Used when no acct has
been defined at a lower level. Hierarchy of acct definition; ProdGrup, FsSyst."
FIELD "OBS900-ContBurExpDiv" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of the Contract Burden COS G/L Account.
FIELD "OBS900-ContBurExpChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component
of the Contract Burden COS G/L Account. (See WarrBurDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-ContBurExpDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the Contract Burden COS G/L Account. (SeeWarrExpDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-ContSubExpDiv" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of the Contract Subcontract COS G/L Account.

FIELD "OBS900-ContSubExpChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component

of the Contract Subcontract COS G/L Account. (See WarrBurDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-ContSubExpDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the Contract Subcontract COS G/L Account. (SeeWarrExpDiv description)"

FIELD "OBS900-ContMtlBurExpDiv" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division

component of the Contract Material Burden COS G/L Accoun t.
FIELD "OBS900-ContMtlBurExpChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart
component of the Contract Material Burden COS G/L Account. (See WarrBurDiv
FIELD "OBS900-ContMtlBurExpDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the Contract Material Burden COS G/L Acco unt. (SeeWarrExpDiv
FIELD "OBS900-ContWipMatDiv" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of the Contract WIP Materials Control G/L Acco unt. Used when no acct has been
defined at a lower level. Hierarchy of acct definition; ProdGrup, FsSyst."
FIELD "OBS900-ContWipMatChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component
of the Contract WIP Materials Control G/L Account . (See WipMtlDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-ContWipMatDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the Contract WIP Materials Control G/L Ac count. (See WipMtlDiv
FIELD "OBS900-ContWipSubDiv" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of the Contract WIP Subcontract Control G/L Ac count. Used when no acct has been
defined at a lower level. Hierarchy of acct definition; ProdGrup, FsSyst."
FIELD "OBS900-ContWipSubChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component
of the Contract WIP Subcontract Control G/L Accou nt. (See WipSubDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-ContWipSubDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the Contract WIP Subcontract Control G/L Account.
(See WipSubDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-ContWipLabDiv" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of the Contract WIP Labor Control G/L Account. Used when no acct has been defined
at a lower level. Hierarchy of acct definition; ProdGrup, FsSyst."
FIELD "OBS900-ContWipLabChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component
of the Contract WIP Labor Control G/L Account. (See WipLbrDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-ContWipLabDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the Contract WIP Labor Control G/L Accoun t. (See WipLbrDiv
FIELD "OBS900-ContWipBurDiv" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of the Contract WIP Material Burden Control G/ L Account. Used when no acct has
been defined at a lower level. Hierarchy of acct definition; ProdGrup, FsSyst."
FIELD "OBS900-ContWipBurChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component
of the Contract WIP Burden Control G/L Account. (See WipBurDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-ContWipBurDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the Contract WIP Burden Control G/L Accou nt. (See WipBurDiv
FIELD "OBS900-ContWipMtlBurDiv" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division
component of the Contract WIP Material Burden Control G/ L Account. Used when no
acct has been defined at a lower level. Hierarchy of acct definition; ProdGrup,
FIELD "OBS900-ContWipMtlBurChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart
component of the Contract WIP Material Burden Control G/L A ccount. (See
WipMtlBurDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-ContWipMtlBurDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the Contract WIP Material Burden Control G/L Account. (See
WipMtlBurDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-CallBurExpDiv" OF "FsSyst": character
DESCRIPTION "Division component of the Call Burden COS G/L Account.
FIELD "OBS900-CallBurExpChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component
of the Call Burden COS G/L Account. (See WarrBurDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-CallBurExpDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the Call Burden COS G/L Account. (SeeWarrExpDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-CallSubExpDiv" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of the Call Subcontract COS G/L Account.
FIELD "OBS900-CallSubExpChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component
of the Call Subcontract COS G/L Account. (See WarrBurDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-CallSubExpDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the Call Subcontract COS G/L Account. (SeeWarrExpDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-CallMtlBurExpDiv" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division
component of the Call Material Burden COS G/L Account.

FIELD "OBS900-CallMtlBurExpChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart

component of the Call Material Burden COS G/L Account. (See WarrBurDiv
FIELD "OBS900-CallMtlBurExpDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the Call Material Burden COS G/L Account. (SeeWarrExpDiv description)"

FIELD "OBS900-CallWipMatDiv" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component

of the Call WIP Materials Control G/L Account. Used when no acct has been defined
at a lower level. Hierarchy of acct definition; ProdGrup, FsSyst."
FIELD "OBS900-CallWipMatChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component
of the Call WIP Materials Control G/L Account. (See WipMtlDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-CallWipMatDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the Call WIP Materials Control G/L Accoun t. (See WipMtlDiv
FIELD "OBS900-CallWipSubDiv" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of the Call WIP Subcontract Control G/L Accoun t. Used when no acct has been
defined at a lower level. Hierarchy of acct definition; ProdGrup, FsSyst."
FIELD "OBS900-CallWipSubChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component
of the Call WIP Subcontract Control G/L Account. (See WipSubDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-CallWipSubDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the Call WIP Subcontract Control G/L Acco unt. (See WipSubDiv
FIELD "OBS900-CallWipLabDiv" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of the Call WIP Labor Control G/L Account. Used when no acct has been defined at a
lower level. Hierarchy of acct definition; ProdGrup, FsSyst."
FIELD "OBS900-CallWipLabChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component
of the Call WIP Labor Control G/L Account. (See WipLbrDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-CallWipLabDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the Call WIP Labor Control G/L Account. (See WipLbrDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-CallWipBurDiv" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of the Call WIP Material Burden Control G/L Ac count. Used when no acct has been
defined at a lower level. Hierarchy of acct definition; ProdGrup, FsSyst."
FIELD "OBS900-CallWipBurChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component
of the Call WIP Burden Control G/L Account. (See WipBurDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-CallWipBurDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the Call WIP Burden Control G/L Account. (See WipBurDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-CallWipMtlBurDiv" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division
component of the Call WIP Material Burden Control G/L Ac count. Used when no acct
has been defined at a lower level. Hierarchy of acct definition; ProdGrup, FsSyst."
FIELD "OBS900-CallWipMtlBurChart" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart
component of the Call WIP Material Burden Control G/L Accou nt. (See WipMtlBurDiv
FIELD "OBS900-CallWipMtlBurDept" OF "FsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the Call WIP Material Burden Control G/L Account. (See WipMtlBurDiv

TABLE "FsTech" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Technicians assigned to a service

FIELD "Company" OF "FsTech": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CallNum" OF "FsTech": integer DESCRIPTION "The call number that the
technician is assigned to." LABEL "Contract"
FIELD "SeqNum" OF "FsTech": integer DESCRIPTION "Part of the unique for this
table." LABEL "Seqnum"
FIELD "EmpID" OF "FsTech": character DESCRIPTION "Employee ID. " LABEL "ID"
FIELD "Name" OF "FsTech": character DESCRIPTION "the name of the employee assigned
to the service call." LABEL "Name"
FIELD "OpenCall" OF "FsTech": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicate that the call is open.
Not directly maintainable. This is a mirror image of FSCallHd.OpenCall and is
maintained by the WRITE trigger o f FSCallHd." LABEL "Open"
FIELD "CnvEmpID" OF "FsTech": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code assigned by
user which uniquely identifies a sho pfloor employee master record. Can't be blank.
This is used as a foreign key in other files and may be used in displays/reports
where space for the full descri ption is limited. " LABEL "Conversion Emp ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FsTech": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FsTech": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FsTech": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "FSWarrCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Field Service Warranty Table"
FIELD "Company" OF "FSWarrCd": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "WarrantyCode" OF "FSWarrCd": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifer of the
warranty assigned by the user."
FIELD "WarrDescription" OF "FSWarrCd": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the
FIELD "MaterialDuration" OF "FSWarrCd": integer DESCRIPTION "The number of days,
months, or years the material is covered by t he warranty if FSWarrCD.MatCovered =
True. FSWarrCd.LaborMod contains the weeks, months, years modifier of the value
entered in this field."
FIELD "LaborDuration" OF "FSWarrCd": integer DESCRIPTION "The number of days,
months, or years the Labor is covered by the warranty if FSWarrCd.LabCovered =
True. FSWarrCd.LaborMod contains the weeks, mo nths, years modifier of the value
entered in this field."
FIELD "MiscDuration" OF "FSWarrCd": integer DESCRIPTION "The number of days,
months, or years the Misc Charges are covered by the warranty if
FSWarrCd.MiscCovered = True. FSWarrCd.MiscMod contains the w eeks, months, years
modifier of the value entered in this field."
FIELD "MaterialMod" OF "FSWarrCd": character DESCRIPTION "Determines whether the
FSWarrCd.MaterialDuration value is in days , months or years."
FIELD "LaborMod" OF "FSWarrCd": character DESCRIPTION "Determines whether the
FSWarrCd.LaborDuration value is in days, m onths or years."
FIELD "MiscMod" OF "FSWarrCd": character DESCRIPTION "Determines whether the
FSWarrCd.MiscDuration value is in days, mo
nths or years."
FIELD "MatCovered" OF "FSWarrCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not
material costs are covered by the warra nty." LABEL "Material Covered"
FIELD "LabCovered" OF "FSWarrCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether labor
costs are covered by the warranty." LABEL "Labor Covered"
FIELD "MiscCovered" OF "FSWarrCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not
Miscellaneous costs are covered by the warranty." LABEL "Misc. Covered"
FIELD "CommentText" OF "FSWarrCd": character DESCRIPTION "Comments about the
Warranty. These will print on the Sales Order Acknowledgement Form when a part that
is associated with this Warranty appears o n the order."
FIELD "OnSite" OF "FSWarrCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not the
Warranty covers onsite visits." LABEL "On Site"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "FSWarrCd": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "FSWarrCd": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "FSWarrCd": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalFSWarrCd" OF "FSWarrCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this FSWarrCd as
global, available to be sent out to other companies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "FSWarrCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."

TABLE "GLAccLink" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "GLAccLink" DESCRIPTION "Table to store
GLAccount links."
FIELD "GLAccLinkUID" OF "GLAccLink": integer DESCRIPTION "GLAccount Link unique
ID." LABEL "GLAccount Link UID" COLUMN-LABEL "GLAccount Link UID"
FIELD "COAMapUID" OF "GLAccLink": integer DESCRIPTION "COA map unique ID." LABEL
FIELD "CreationDate" OF "GLAccLink": date DESCRIPTION "System date when the link
was created. " LABEL "CreationDate" COLUMN-LABEL "CreationDate"
FIELD "CreationTime" OF "GLAccLink": integer DESCRIPTION "System time when the link
was created (seconds since midnight for mat)." LABEL "CreationTime" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "SourceCOA" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Source Chart of Account
FIELD "SourceGLAccount" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Source full GL
account containing the controlled segment valid co mbinations up to 200 characters
including the segment separator. This si the un ique identifier for the GL
Account." LABEL "SourceGLAccount" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceGLAccount"
FIELD "SourceSegValue1" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Source SegmentValue
1. See COASegment segment number 1 for a des cription of this field." LABEL
"SourceSegValue1" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue1"
FIELD "SourceSegValue2" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Source SegmentValue
2. See COASegment segment number 2 for a des cription of this field." LABEL
"SourceSegValue2" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue2"
FIELD "SourceSegValue3" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Source SegmentValue
3. See COASegment segment number 3 for a des cription of this field." LABEL
"SourceSegValue3" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue3"
FIELD "SourceSegValue4" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Source SegmentValue
4. See COASegment segment number 4 for a des cription of this field." LABEL
"SourceSegValue4" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue4"
FIELD "SourceSegValue5" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Source SegmentValue
5. See COASegment segment number 5 for a des cription of this field." LABEL
"SourceSegValue5" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue5"
FIELD "SourceSegValue6" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Source SegmentValue
6. See COASegment segment number 6 for a des cription of this field." LABEL
"SourceSegValue6" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue6"
FIELD "SourceSegValue7" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Source SegmentValue
7. See COASegment segment number 7 for a des cription of this field." LABEL
"SourceSegValue7" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue7"
FIELD "SourceSegValue8" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Source SegmentValue
8. See COASegment segment number 8 for a des cription of this field." LABEL
"SourceSegValue8" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue8"
FIELD "SourceSegValue9" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Source SegmentValue
9. See COASegment segment number 9 for a des cription of this field." LABEL
"SourceSegValue9" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue9"
FIELD "SourceSegValue10" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Source SegmentValue
10. See COASegment segment number 10 for a d escription of this field." LABEL
"SourceSegValue10" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue10"
FIELD "SourceSegValue11" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Source SegmentValue
11. See COASegment segment number 11 for a d escription of this field." LABEL
"SourceSegValue11" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue11"
FIELD "SourceSegValue12" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Source SegmentValue
12. See COASegment segment number 12 for a d escription of this field."
LABEL "SourceSegValue12" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue12"
FIELD "SourceSegValue13" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Source SegmentValue
13. See COASegment segment number 13 for a d escription of this field." LABEL
"SourceSegValue13" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue13"
FIELD "SourceSegValue14" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Source SegmentValue
14. See COASegment segment number 14 for a d escription of this field." LABEL
"SourceSegValue14" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue14"
FIELD "SourceSegValue15" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Source SegmentValue
15. See COASegment segment number 15 for a d escription of this field." LABEL
"SourceSegValue15" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue15"
FIELD "SourceSegValue16" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Source SegmentValue
16. See COASegment segment number 16 for a d escription of this field." LABEL
"SourceSegValue16" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue16"
FIELD "SourceSegValue17" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Source SegmentValue
17. See COASegment segment number 17 for a d escription of this field." LABEL
"SourceSegValue17" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue17"
FIELD "SourceSegValue18" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Source SegmentValue
18. See COASegment segment number 18 for a d escription of this field." LABEL
"SourceSegValue18" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue18"
FIELD "SourceSegValue19" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Source SegmentValue
19. See COASegment segment number 19 for a d escription of this field." LABEL
"SourceSegValue19" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue19"
FIELD "SourceSegValue20" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Source SegmentValue
20. See COASegment segment number 20 for a d escription of this field." LABEL
"SourceSegValue20" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue20"
FIELD "TargetCOA" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Target Chart of Account
FIELD "TargetGLAccount" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Target full GL
account containing the controlled segment valid co mbinations up to 200 characters
including the segment separator. This si the un ique identifier for the GL
Account." LABEL "TargetGLAccount" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetGLAccount"
FIELD "TargetSegValue1" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Target SegmentValue
1. See COASegment segment number 1 for a des cription of this field." LABEL
"TargetSegValue1" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue1"
FIELD "TargetSegValue2" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Target SegmentValue
2. See COASegment segment number 2 for a des cription of this field." LABEL
"TargetSegValue2" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue2"
FIELD "TargetSegValue3" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Target SegmentValue
3. See COASegment segment number 3 for a des cription of this field." LABEL
"TargetSegValue3" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue3"
FIELD "TargetSegValue4" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Target SegmentValue
4. See COASegment segment number 4 for a des cription of this field." LABEL
"TargetSegValue4" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue4"
FIELD "TargetSegValue5" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Target SegmentValue
5. See COASegment segment number 5 for a des cription of this field." LABEL
"TargetSegValue5" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue5"
FIELD "TargetSegValue6" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Target SegmentValue
6. See COASegment segment number 6 for a des cription of this field." LABEL
"TargetSegValue6" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue6"
FIELD "TargetSegValue7" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Target SegmentValue
7. See COASegment segment number 7 for a des cription of this field." LABEL
COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue7"
FIELD "TargetSegValue8" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Target SegmentValue
8. See COASegment segment number 8 for a des cription of this field." LABEL
"TargetSegValue8" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue8"
FIELD "TargetSegValue9" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Target SegmentValue
9. See COASegment segment number 9 for a des cription of this field." LABEL
"TargetSegValue9" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue9"
FIELD "TargetSegValue10" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Target SegmentValue
10. See COASegment segment number 10 for a d escription of this field." LABEL
"TargetSegValue10" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue10"
FIELD "TargetSegValue11" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Target SegmentValue
11. See COASegment segment number 11 for a d escription of this field." LABEL
"TargetSegValue11" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue11"
FIELD "TargetSegValue12" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Target SegmentValue
12. See COASegment segment number 12 for a d escription of this field." LABEL
"TargetSegValue12" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue12"
FIELD "TargetSegValue13" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Target SegmentValue
13. See COASegment segment number 13 for a d escription of this field." LABEL
"TargetSegValue13" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue13"
FIELD "TargetSegValue14" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Target SegmentValue
14. See COASegment segment number 14 for a d escription of this field." LABEL
"TargetSegValue14" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue14"
FIELD "TargetSegValue15" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Target SegmentValue
15. See COASegment segment number 15 for a d escription of this field." LABEL
"TargetSegValue15" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue15"
FIELD "TargetSegValue16" OF "GLAccLink": character
DESCRIPTION "Target SegmentValue 16. See COASegment segment number 16 for a d
escription of this field." LABEL "TargetSegValue16" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue16"

FIELD "TargetSegValue17" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Target SegmentValue

17. See COASegment segment number 17 for a d escription of this field." LABEL
"TargetSegValue17" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue17"
FIELD "TargetSegValue18" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Target SegmentValue
18. See COASegment segment number 18 for a d escription of this field." LABEL
"TargetSegValue18" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue18"
FIELD "TargetSegValue19" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Target SegmentValue
19. See COASegment segment number 19 for a d escription of this field." LABEL
"TargetSegValue19" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue19"
FIELD "TargetSegValue20" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Target SegmentValue
20. See COASegment segment number 20 for a d escription of this field." LABEL
"TargetSegValue20" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue20"
FIELD "Company" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLAccLink": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLAccLink": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "GLAccLinkHistory" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Table to store GL Account

history links."
FIELD "GLAccLinkUID" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": integer DESCRIPTION "GLAccount Link
unique ID."
LABEL "GLAccount Link UID" COLUMN-LABEL "GLAccount Link UID"
FIELD "COAMapUID" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": integer DESCRIPTION "COA map unique ID."
FIELD "CreationDate" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": date DESCRIPTION "System date when the
link was created. " LABEL "CreationDate" COLUMN-LABEL "CreationDate"
FIELD "CreationTime" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": integer DESCRIPTION "System time when
the link was created (seconds since midnight for mat)." LABEL "CreationTime"
COLUMN-LABEL "CreationTime"
FIELD "SourceCOA" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Source Chart of
Account ID" LABEL "Source COA Code" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceCOA"
FIELD "SourceGLAccount" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Source full
GL account containing the controlled segment valid co mbinations up to 200
characters including the segment separator. This si the un ique identifier for the
GL Account." LABEL "SourceGLAccount" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceGLAccount"
FIELD "SourceSegValue1" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Source
SegmentValue 1. See COASegment segment number 1 for a des cription of this field."
LABEL "SourceSegValue1" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue1"
FIELD "SourceSegValue2" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Source
SegmentValue 2. See COASegment segment number 2 for a des cription of this field."
LABEL "SourceSegValue2" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue2"
FIELD "SourceSegValue3" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Source
SegmentValue 3. See COASegment segment number 3 for a des cription of this field."
LABEL "SourceSegValue3" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue3"
FIELD "SourceSegValue4" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Source
SegmentValue 4. See COASegment segment number 4 for a des
cription of this field." LABEL "SourceSegValue4" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue4"
FIELD "SourceSegValue5" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Source
SegmentValue 5. See COASegment segment number 5 for a des cription of this field."
LABEL "SourceSegValue5" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue5"
FIELD "SourceSegValue6" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Source
SegmentValue 6. See COASegment segment number 6 for a des cription of this field."
LABEL "SourceSegValue6" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue6"
FIELD "SourceSegValue7" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Source
SegmentValue 7. See COASegment segment number 7 for a des cription of this field."
LABEL "SourceSegValue7" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue7"
FIELD "SourceSegValue8" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Source
SegmentValue 8. See COASegment segment number 8 for a des cription of this field."
LABEL "SourceSegValue8" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue8"
FIELD "SourceSegValue9" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Source
SegmentValue 9. See COASegment segment number 9 for a des cription of this field."
LABEL "SourceSegValue9" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue9"
FIELD "SourceSegValue10" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Source
SegmentValue 10. See COASegment segment number 10 for a d escription of this
field." LABEL "SourceSegValue10" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue10"
FIELD "SourceSegValue11" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Source
SegmentValue 11. See COASegment segment number 11 for a d escription of this
field." LABEL "SourceSegValue11" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue11"
FIELD "SourceSegValue12" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Source
SegmentValue 12. See COASegment segment number 12 for a d escription of this
field." LABEL "SourceSegValue12" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue12"
FIELD "SourceSegValue13" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Source
SegmentValue 13. See COASegment segment number 13 for a d escription of this
field." LABEL "SourceSegValue13" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue13"
FIELD "SourceSegValue14" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Source
SegmentValue 14. See COASegment segment number 14 for a d escription of this
field." LABEL "SourceSegValue14" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue14"
FIELD "SourceSegValue15" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Source
SegmentValue 15. See COASegment segment number 15 for a d escription of this
field." LABEL "SourceSegValue15" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue15"
FIELD "SourceSegValue16" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Source
SegmentValue 16. See COASegment segment number 16 for a d escription of this
field." LABEL "SourceSegValue16" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue16"
FIELD "SourceSegValue17" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Source
SegmentValue 17. See COASegment segment number 17 for a d escription of this
field." LABEL "SourceSegValue17" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue17"
FIELD "SourceSegValue18" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Source
SegmentValue 18. See COASegment segment number 18 for a d escription of this
field." LABEL "SourceSegValue18" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue18"
FIELD "SourceSegValue19" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Source
SegmentValue 19. See COASegment segment number 19 for a d escription of this
field." LABEL "SourceSegValue19" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue19"
FIELD "SourceSegValue20" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Source
SegmentValue 20. See COASegment segment number 20 for a d escription of this
field." LABEL "SourceSegValue20" COLUMN-LABEL "SourceSegValue20"
FIELD "TargetCOA" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Target Chart of
Account ID" LABEL "Target COA Code"
FIELD "TargetGLAccount" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Target full
GL account containing the controlled segment valid co mbinations up to 200
characters including the segment separator. This si the un ique identifier for the
GL Account." LABEL "TargetGLAccount" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetGLAccount"
FIELD "TargetSegValue1" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Target
SegmentValue 1. See COASegment segment number 1 for a des cription of this field."
LABEL "TargetSegValue1" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue1"
FIELD "TargetSegValue2" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Target
SegmentValue 2. See COASegment segment number 2 for a des cription of this field."
LABEL "TargetSegValue2" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue2"
FIELD "TargetSegValue3" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Target
SegmentValue 3. See COASegment segment number 3 for a des cription of this field."
LABEL "TargetSegValue3" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue3"
FIELD "TargetSegValue4" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Target
SegmentValue 4. See COASegment segment number 4 for a des cription of this field."
LABEL "TargetSegValue4" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue4"
FIELD "TargetSegValue5" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Target
SegmentValue 5. See COASegment segment number 5 for a des cription of this field."
LABEL "TargetSegValue5" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue5"
FIELD "TargetSegValue6" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Target
SegmentValue 6. See COASegment segment number 6 for a des cription of this field."
LABEL "TargetSegValue6" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue6"
FIELD "TargetSegValue7" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Target
SegmentValue 7. See COASegment segment number 7 for a des cription of this field."
LABEL "TargetSegValue7" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue7"
FIELD "TargetSegValue8" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Target
SegmentValue 8. See COASegment segment number 8 for a des cription of this field."
LABEL "TargetSegValue8" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue8"
FIELD "TargetSegValue9" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Target
SegmentValue 9. See COASegment segment number 9 for a des cription of this field."
LABEL "TargetSegValue9" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue9"
FIELD "TargetSegValue10" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Target
SegmentValue 10. See COASegment segment number 10 for a d escription of this
field." LABEL "TargetSegValue10" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue10"
FIELD "TargetSegValue11" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Target
SegmentValue 11. See COASegment segment number 11 for a d escription of this
field." LABEL "TargetSegValue11" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue11"
FIELD "TargetSegValue12" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Target
SegmentValue 12. See COASegment segment number 12 for a d escription of this
field." LABEL "TargetSegValue12" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue12"
FIELD "TargetSegValue13" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Target
SegmentValue 13. See COASegment segment number 13 for a d escription of this
field." LABEL "TargetSegValue13" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue13"
FIELD "TargetSegValue14" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Target
SegmentValue 14. See COASegment segment number 14 for a d escription of this
field." LABEL "TargetSegValue14" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue14"
FIELD "TargetSegValue15" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Target
SegmentValue 15. See COASegment segment number 15 for a d escription of this
field." LABEL "TargetSegValue15" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue15"
FIELD "TargetSegValue16" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Target
SegmentValue 16. See COASegment segment number 16 for a d escription of this
field." LABEL "TargetSegValue16"
COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue16"
FIELD "TargetSegValue17" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Target
SegmentValue 17. See COASegment segment number 17 for a d escription of this
field." LABEL "TargetSegValue17" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue17"
FIELD "TargetSegValue18" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Target
SegmentValue 18. See COASegment segment number 18 for a d escription of this
field." LABEL "TargetSegValue18" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue18"
FIELD "TargetSegValue19" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Target
SegmentValue 19. See COASegment segment number 19 for a d escription of this
field." LABEL "TargetSegValue19" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue19"
FIELD "TargetSegValue20" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Target
SegmentValue 20. See COASegment segment number 20 for a d escription of this
field." LABEL "TargetSegValue20" COLUMN-LABEL "TargetSegValue20"
FIELD "Company" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLAccLinkHistory": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "GLAccount" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Contains all of the valid
combinations of the controlled segments as defined in the COA. This respresents the
validated portion of the GL Accoun t."
FIELD "Company" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
FIELD "COACode" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID" LABEL
"COA Code"
FIELD "GLAccount" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Full GL account containing
the controlled segment valid combinati ons up to 200 characters including the
internal segment separator. This is the unique identifier for the GL Account and is
stored in physical segment number se quence with the vertical bar as its separator.
This field is not intended for e nd user display. It is used internally as a unique
identifier. The display for mat GL Account is found in table GLAcctDisp." LABEL "GL
FIELD "AccountDesc" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Text that describes the
account." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "SegValue1" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 1. See
COASegment segment number 1 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue2" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 2. See
COASegment segment number 2 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue3" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 3. See
COASegment segment number 3 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue4" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 4. See
COASegment segment number 4 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue5" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 5. See
COASegment segment number 5 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue6" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 6. See
COASegment segment number 6 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue7" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 7. See
COASegment segment number 7 for a descriptio
n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value 7"
FIELD "SegValue8" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 8. See
COASegment segment number 8 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue9" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 9. See
COASegment segment number 9 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue10" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 10. See
COASegment segment number 10 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 10"
FIELD "SegValue11" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 11. See
COASegment segment number 11 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 11"
FIELD "SegValue12" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 12. See
COASegment segment number 12 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 12"
FIELD "SegValue13" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 13. See
COASegment segment number 13 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 13"
FIELD "SegValue14" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 14. See
COASegment segment number 14 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 14"
FIELD "SegValue15" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 15. See
COASegment segment number 15 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 15"
FIELD "SegValue16" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 16. See
COASegment segment number 16 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 16"
FIELD "SegValue17" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 17. See
COASegment segment number 17 for a descript
ion of this field." LABEL "Segment Value 17"
FIELD "SegValue18" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 18. See
COASegment segment number 18 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 18"
FIELD "SegValue19" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 19. See
COASegment segment number 19 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 19"
FIELD "SegValue20" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 20. See
COASegment segment number 20 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 20"
FIELD "PreservDesc" OF "GLAccount": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the entered
description shall be preserved when the tool to automatically generate GL Acocunts
is used. Default value = yes." LABEL "Preserve Description"
FIELD "PreserveActivation" OF "GLAccount": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
'Active' flag and the 'Effective Date Range' sha ll be preserved when the tool to
automatically generate GL accounts is used. De fault value = no." LABEL "Preserve
FIELD "Active" OF "GLAccount": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this account is
active. The user cannot post to an inactive account. Yes indicates the account is
active. No indicates the accoun t is not active." LABEL "Active"
FIELD "MultiCompany" OF "GLAccount": logical DESCRIPTION "A flag to indicate this
GL Account may recieve multi-company jour nals." LABEL "Multi Company"
FIELD "ParentGLAccount" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Full account
including separator value up to 200 characters. Uni que identifier for the GL
Account." LABEL "Parent GL Account"
FIELD "PntSegValue1" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue 1.
See COASegment segment number 11 for a de scription of this field." LABEL "Parent
Segment Value 1"
FIELD "PntSegValue2" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue 2.
See COASegment segment number 2 for a des cription of this field." LABEL "Parent
Segment Value 2"
FIELD "PntSegValue3" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue 3.
See COASegment segment number 3 for a des cription of this field." LABEL "?Parent
Segment Value 3"
FIELD "PntSegValue4" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue 4.
See COASegment segment number 4 for a des cription of this field." LABEL "Parent
Segment Value 4"
FIELD "PntSegValue5" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue 5.
See COASegment segment number 5 for a des cription of this field." LABEL "Parent
Segment Value 5"
FIELD "PntSegValue6" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue 3.
See COASegment segment number 3 for a des cription of this field." LABEL "Parent
Segment Value 6"
FIELD "PntSegValue7" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue 7.
See COASegment segment number 7 for a des cription of this field." LABEL "Parent
Segment Value 7"
FIELD "PntSegValue8" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue 8.
See COASegment segment number 8 for a des cription of this field." LABEL "Parent
Segment Value 8"
FIELD "PntSegValue9" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue 9.
See COASegment segment number 9 for a des cription of this field." LABEL "Parent
Segment Value 9"
FIELD "PntSegValue10" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue
10. See COASegment segment number 10 for a d escription of this field." LABEL
"Parent Segment Value 10"
FIELD "PntSegValue11" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue
11. See COASegment segment number 11 for a d escription of this field." LABEL
"Parent Segment Value 11"
FIELD "PntSegValue12" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue
12. See COASegment segment number 12 for a d escription of this field." LABEL
"Parent Segment Value 12"
FIELD "PntSegValue13" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue
13. See COASegment segment number 13 for a d escription of this field." LABEL
"Parent Segment Value 13"
FIELD "PntSegValue14" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue
14. See COASegment segment number 14 for a d escription of this field." LABEL
"Parent Segment Value 14"
FIELD "PntSegValue15" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue
15. See COASegment segment number 15 for a d escription of this field." LABEL
"Parent Segment Value 15"
FIELD "PntSegValue16" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue
16. See COASegment segment number 16 for a d escription of this field." LABEL
"Parent Segment Value 16"
FIELD "PntSegValue17" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue
17. See COASegment segment number 17 for a d escription of this field." LABEL
"Parent Segment Value 17"
FIELD "PntSegValue18" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue
18. See COASegment segment number 18 for a d escription of this field." LABEL
"Parent Segment Value 18"
FIELD "PntSegValue19" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue
19. See COASegment segment number 19 for a d escription of this field." LABEL
"Parent Segment Value 19"
FIELD "PntSegValue20" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue
20. See COASegment segment number 20 for a d escription of this field." LABEL "?
Parent Segment Value 20"
FIELD "ExtCompID" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Company ID of the external
company this COA was imported from." LABEL "External Company"
FIELD "EffFrom" OF "GLAccount": date
DESCRIPTION "Date the GL Account begins to be effective. It must be less than or
equal to the Effective to date if one has been entered." LABEL "Effective From"
FIELD "EffTo" OF "GLAccount": date DESCRIPTION "Date the GL Account is no longer
effective. This date must be gr eater than or equal to the Effective From date if
one has been entered." LABEL "Effective Thru"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLAccount": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLAccount": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "GLAccount" ON "GLAccount" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
COACode By GLAccount"
INDEX "AccountDesc" ON "GLAccount" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
COACode By AccountDesc"
INDEX "NaturalAccount" ON "GLAccount" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
COACode By SegValue1"
INDEX "SegValue2" ON "GLAccount" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
COACode By SegValue2 By SegValue3 By SegValue1"
INDEX "SegValue3" ON "GLAccount" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
COACode By SegValue3 By SegValue2 By SegValue1"
INDEX "WordDesc" ON "GLAccount" AREA "Schema Area" WORD DESCRIPTION "By

TABLE "GLAccountMasks" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "General Ledger Account

Masks. Entries in this table identify the
accounts that have daily balances or are used by rollup account or reference ty
FIELD "Company" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "COACode" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID"
FIELD "BookID" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "GL Book ID" LABEL "GL
FIELD "MaskType" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the type of
Mask to search and apply. Valid values inc lude: DB = Daily Balance RU = Roll-Up
Accounts RT = Reference Type" LABEL "Mask Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Mask Type"
FIELD "GLMaskedAccount" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "GL Account Mask
in COA segment number format separated by the ver tical bar. This field is not
intended ofr end user use." LABEL "GL Mask" COLUMN-LABEL "GL Mask"
FIELD "SegValue1" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 1. See
COASegment segment number 1 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue2" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 2. See
COASegment segment number 2 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue3" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 3. See
COASegment segment number 3 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue4" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 4. See
COASegment segment number 4 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue5" OF "GLAccountMasks": character
DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 5. See COASegment segment number 5 for a descriptio n of
this field."
FIELD "SegValue6" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 6. See
COASegment segment number 6 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue7" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 7. See
COASegment segment number 7 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue8" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 8. See
COASegment segment number 8 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue9" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 9. See
COASegment segment number 9 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue10" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 10. See
COASegment segment number 10 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue11" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 11. See
COASegment segment number 11 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue12" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 12. See
COASegment segment number 12 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue13" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 13. See
COASegment segment number 13 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue14" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 14. See
COASegment segment number 14 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue15" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 15. See
COASegment segment number 15 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue16" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 16. See
COASegment segment number 16 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue17" OF "GLAccountMasks": character
DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 17. See COASegment segment number 17 for a descript ion
of this field."
FIELD "SegValue18" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 18. See
COASegment segment number 18 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue19" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 19. See
COASegment segment number 19 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue20" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 20. See
COASegment segment number 20 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "TgtAccount" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "This is the
account/mask to use if the mask matches the transacti onal GL account. Used with
Alternative Retained Earnings Masks. This field is intended for internal use only."
LABEL "Target GL Account" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "TgtSegValue1" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 1.
See COASegment segment number 1 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "TgtSegValue2" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 2.
See COASegment segment number 2 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "TgtSegValue3" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 3.
See COASegment segment number 3 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "TgtSegValue4" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 4.
See COASegment segment number 4 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "TgtSegValue5" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 5.
See COASegment segment number 5 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "TgtSegValue6" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 6.
See COASegment segment number 6 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "TgtSegValue7" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 7.
See COASegment segment number 7 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "TgtSegValue8" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 8.
See COASegment segment number 8 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "TgtSegValue9" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 9.
See COASegment segment number 9 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "TgtSegValue10" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 10.
See COASegment segment number 10 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "TgtSegValue11" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 11.
See COASegment segment number 11 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "TgtSegValue12" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 12.
See COASegment segment number 12 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "TgtSegValue13" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 13.
See COASegment segment number 13 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "TgtSegValue14" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 14.
See COASegment segment number 14 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "TgtSegValue15" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 15.
See COASegment segment number 15 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "TgtSegValue16" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 16.
See COASegment segment number 16 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "TgtSegValue17" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 17.
See COASegment segment number 17 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "TgtSegValue18" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 18.
See COASegment segment number 18 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "TgtSegValue19" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 19.
See COASegment segment number 19 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "TgtSegValue20" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 20.
See COASegment segment number 20 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "GLMaskAcctDisp" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "GL Account Mask
in COA display order format" LABEL "GL Mask" COLUMN-LABEL "GL Mask"
FIELD "TgtAcctDisp" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "This is the
account/mask to use if the mask matches the transacti onal GL account. Used with
Alternative Retained Earnings Masks" LABEL "Target GL Account" COLUMN-LABEL "Target
GL Account"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLAccountMasks": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLAccountMasks": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "MaskRank" OF "GLAccountMasks": integer DESCRIPTION "Order in which Mask is
applied" LABEL "Rank"
INDEX "MaskedAccount" ON "GLAccountMasks" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By
Company By COACode By BookID By mask Type By GLMaskedAccount"

TABLE "GLAcctDisp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Used to store the resolved GL
Account in display order. When the display order changes in COAEntry, the users are
to run the action item to rebu ild the records in this table. Any application that
needs to display a GL Accou nt is to link to this table."
FIELD "Company" OF "GLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
FIELD "COACode" OF "GLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID"
FIELD "GLAccount" OF "GLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "Full GL account
containing the controlled segment valid combinati ons up to 200 characters
including the segment separator. This si the unique id entifier for the GL
Account." LABEL "GL Account"
FIELD "AccountDesc" OF "GLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "Text that describes the
account." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "GLShortAcct" OF "GLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "Optional field that may
be used for reporting purpose when the GL Account exceeds the space available on a
printed document. It is a shortened v ersion of the 200 character GL Account that
displays on reports. The value of t his field is the concatenation of the first
three controlled display order segme nts. For example, if a chart has 5 controlled
segments that are displayed in th e following order: seg5->seg3->seg4->seg2->seg1,
this field contains the concate ntion of seg5->seg3->seg4 up to the max length of
65." LABEL "Short GL Account"
FIELD "SegValue1" OF "GLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 1. See
COASegment segment number 1 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue2" OF "GLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 2. See
COASegment segment number 2 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue3" OF "GLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 3. See
COASegment segment number 3 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue4" OF "GLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 4. See
COASegment segment number 4 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue5" OF "GLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 5. See
COASegment segment number 5 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue6" OF "GLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 6. See
COASegment segment number 6 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue7" OF "GLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 7. See
COASegment segment number 7 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue8" OF "GLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 8. See
COASegment segment number 8 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue9" OF "GLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 9. See
COASegment segment number 9 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue10" OF "GLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 10. See
COASegment segment number 10 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 10"
FIELD "SegValue11" OF "GLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 11. See
COASegment segment number 11 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 11"
FIELD "SegValue12" OF "GLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 12. See
COASegment segment number 12 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 12"
FIELD "SegValue13" OF "GLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 13. See
COASegment segment number 13 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 13"
FIELD "SegValue14" OF "GLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 14. See
COASegment segment number 14 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 14"
FIELD "SegValue15" OF "GLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 15. See
COASegment segment number 15 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "?Segment
Value 15"
FIELD "SegValue16" OF "GLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 16. See
COASegment segment number 16 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "?Segment
Value 16"
FIELD "SegValue17" OF "GLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 17. See
COASegment segment number 17 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 17"
FIELD "SegValue18" OF "GLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 18. See
COASegment segment number 18 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 18"
FIELD "SegValue19" OF "GLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 19. See
COASegment segment number 19 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 19"
FIELD "SegValue20" OF "GLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 20. See
COASegment segment number 20 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 20"
FIELD "GLAcctDisp" OF "GLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "Full GL account
containing the controlled segment valid combinati ons up to 200 characters
including the internal segment separator. This is the unique identifier for the GL
Account and is stored in physical segment number se quence with the vertical bar as
its separator. This field is not intended for e nd user display. It is used
internally as a unique identifier. The display for mat GL Account is found in table
GLAcctDisp." LABEL "GL Account"
FIELD "Active" OF "GLAcctDisp": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this account is
active. The user cannot post to an inactive account. Yes indicates the account is
active. No indicates the accoun t is not active." LABEL "Active"
FIELD "EffFrom" OF "GLAcctDisp": date DESCRIPTION "Date the GL Account begins to be
effective. It must be less than or equal to the Effective to date if one has been
entered." LABEL "Effective From"
FIELD "EffTo" OF "GLAcctDisp": date DESCRIPTION "Date the GL Account is no longer
effective. This date must be gr eater than or equal to the Effective From date if
one has been entered." LABEL "Effective Thru"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLAcctDisp": integer
DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."

FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLAcctDisp": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,

etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "BalanceType" OF "GLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies whether or
not this display account is a balance ancco unt and the type of balance it
represents. S= Summary Balance. D = Detail Bala nce. B = Both a Summary and Detail
Balance. A null value indicates the GL Acco unt is not a balance account but an
actual GL Account." LABEL "Balance Type" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "CatType" OF "GLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this cateory
is reatled to a balance sheet account o r income statement account. Valid values
are: B - Balance Sheet I - Income Statement"
FIELD "IsGLAccount" OF "GLAcctDisp": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this display
account record is a valid GL Account. this may be a valid GL Account for the
controlled sequence and/or a fully resolv ed GL Account by the Posting Engine."
LABEL "Is GL Account" COLUMN-LABEL "Is GL Account"
FIELD "IsBalanceAcct" OF "GLAcctDisp": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is a valid balance account." LABEL "Is Balance Account" COLUMN-LABEL "Is
Balance Account"
INDEX "GLAccount" ON "GLAcctDisp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
COACode By GLAccount"
INDEX "AccountDesc" ON "GLAcctDisp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
COA By Account Desc"
INDEX "AccountType" ON "GLAcctDisp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
CoaCode By BalanceType By GLAccount"
INDEX "ShortAccount" ON "GLAcctDisp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
COACode By GLShortAcct"
INDEX "WordDesc" ON "GLAcctDisp" AREA "Schema Area" WORD DESCRIPTION "By

TABLE "GLAcctSegValues" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Allowed Values for GL

Account Segments"
FIELD "Company" OF "GLAcctSegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "SegmentParent" OF "GLAcctSegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
whether this segment belongs to the Div, Dept or Chart portion of the account
number." LABEL "Segment Parent"
FIELD "SegSequence" OF "GLAcctSegValues": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the
segment's sequence in its SegmentParent (Div, Dept, Chart)." LABEL "Position"
FIELD "SegValue" OF "GLAcctSegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Valid Segment value."
LABEL "Value"
FIELD "SegAbbrev" OF "GLAcctSegValues": character DESCRIPTION "The segment's
abbreviation for this value. Used in the constructi on of the default value of the
GLAcct.Description. " LABEL "Abbreviation"
FIELD "Description" OF "GLAcctSegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Full Description
of the segment value." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLAcctSegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLAcctSegValues": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLAcctSegValues": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "G/L Allocation Detail. Child of GLAlcHed. Defines
the GL accounts the are to be allocated. Parent to GLAlcDtl. "
FIELD "Company" OF "GLAlcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "AllocID" OF "GLAlcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The allocation ID value
(GLAlcHed.AllocID) of the allocation that this record is related to. " LABEL "ID"
FIELD "OBS900-GLDiv" OF "GLAlcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Division component of
default GL account number that is to be all ocated to. The full GL account number
is made up of GLDiv, GLChart and GLDept. "
FIELD "OBS900-GLDept" OF "GLAlcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Department component of
default GL account number that is to be a llocated to. The full GL account number
is made up of GLDiv, GLChart and GLDept. "
FIELD "OBS900-GLChart" OF "GLAlcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Chartcomponent of
default GL account number that is to be allocat ed to. The full GL account number
is made up of GLDiv, GLChart and GLDept. "
FIELD "AllocLine" OF "GLAlcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "An internally assigned
integer which is used as part of the key t o uniquely identify the record. " LABEL
FIELD "AllocationUnits" OF "GLAlcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The relative number of
units used to allocate to this account. Allocation units / Total Allocation units
is used to distribute the amount to th e GL account number. Total Allocation units
are calculated for a given AllocID a nd not stored." LABEL "Allocation Units"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLAlcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLAlcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLAlcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "IDLine" ON "GLAlcDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Uniquely indentifies
the allocation detail record."

TABLE "GLAlcHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "G/L Allocation Header. Parent to
GLAlcDtl. "
FIELD "Company" OF "GLAlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "Description" OF "GLAlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the
allocation. " LABEL "GL Account Description"
FIELD "LastUser" OF "GLAlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "User ID that last created a
journal entry with this allocation." LABEL "Last User"
FIELD "LastDate" OF "GLAlcHed": date DESCRIPTION "Last date on which a journal
entry was created with this allocati on. " LABEL "Last Used"
FIELD "OBS900-GLDiv" OF "GLAlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Division component of
default GL account number that is to be all ocated from. The full GL account number
is made up of GLDiv, GLChart and GLDept. "
FIELD "OBS900-GLDept" OF "GLAlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Department component of
default GL account number that is to be a llocated from. The full GL account number
is made up of GLDiv, GLChart and GLDep t. "
FIELD "OBS900-GLChart" OF "GLAlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component of
default GL account number that is to be alloca ted from. The full GL account number
is made up of GLDiv, GLChart and GLDept. "
FIELD "AllocID" OF "GLAlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the
allocation assigned by the user. " LABEL "ID"
FIELD "Basis" OF "GLAlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "What the allocation units are
based on. For reference purposes o nly. Ex: Sq. Feet, Percentage, ...etc." LABEL
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLAlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLAlcHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLAlcHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "AllocID" ON "GLAlcHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifes
the allocation record within the company."

TABLE "GlbAlert" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global Alerts"

FIELD "Company" OF "GlbAlert": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "Alertnum" OF "GlbAlert": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifies the record" LABEL
"Alert Number"
FIELD "Description" OF "GlbAlert": character DESCRIPTION "User definable
description for the alert" LABEL "Description"
FIELD "Active" OF "GlbAlert": logical DESCRIPTION "yes - indicates active alert, no
- indicates inactive alert." LABEL "Active" COLUMN-LABEL "Active"
FIELD "Memo" OF "GlbAlert": logical DESCRIPTION "Should this alert create a memo"
LABEL "Create Memo" COLUMN-LABEL "Create Memo"
FIELD "AlertFlag" OF "GlbAlert": logical DESCRIPTION "Should this alert record sent
an e-mail message." LABEL "Send Alert" COLUMN-LABEL "Send Alert"
FIELD "AlertText" OF "GlbAlert": character
FIELD "EMailAddr" OF "GlbAlert": character DESCRIPTION "E-Mail address list" LABEL
"E-Mail Address" COLUMN-LABEL "E-Mail Address"
FIELD "EMailCC" OF "GlbAlert": character DESCRIPTION "E-Mail address list" LABEL
FIELD "EmailFromAddr" OF "GlbAlert": character DESCRIPTION "The email address to be
used as the ""From"" portion of the alert email." LABEL "Email From Address"
FIELD "EmailFromLabel" OF "GlbAlert": character DESCRIPTION "The label used for the
""From"" email address. If blank then jus t the email address will be used." LABEL
"Email From Label"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbAlert": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbAlert": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbAlert": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "GlbAnalysisCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for AnalysisCd."

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbAnalysisCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user

chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbAprvMfg" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for AprvMfg."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbAprvMfg": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbAttrBin" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for AttrBin."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbAttrBin": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbAttribut" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for Attribut."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbAttribut": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbBankFee" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for BankFee."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbBankFee": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbBdnCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for BdnCd."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbBdnCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbBdnSet" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for BdnSet."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbBdnSet": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."
TABLE "GlbBSBdnCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for BSBdnCd."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbBSBdnCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GLBBusEntities" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global Business Entities

FIELD "Company" OF "GLBBusEntities": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ExtCompanyID" OF "GLBBusEntities": character DESCRIPTION "External Company
identifier. Used in Multi-Company Journal." LABEL "External Company"
FIELD "BusinessEntity" OF "GLBBusEntities": character DESCRIPTION "Database TableID
or code specific to the GL Control Codes."
FIELD "Description" OF "GLBBusEntities": character DESCRIPTION "Text describing the
business entity"
FIELD "COAEntity" OF "GLBBusEntities": logical DESCRIPTION "Indictes if this
business entity can be used as a COASegment refe rence entity. Yes indicates it may
be used in COA Maintenance and associated wi th a COASetgment. No indicates it can
not be associated with a COASegment."
FIELD "SegValueField" OF "GLBBusEntities": character DESCRIPTION "Only valid for
COAEntities. This is the field in the table liste d in the BusinessEntity field
where the COASegValues originate from."
FIELD "DescFieldName" OF "GLBBusEntities": character DESCRIPTION "Only valid for
COAEntities. This is the field in the BusinessEnt ity source table that contains
the value of the COASegVal.Description."
FIELD "EntityType" OF "GLBBusEntities": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the
entity as a system supplied or user defined entity . System supplied entities
cannot be deleted/modified. Valid values: S - System UD - User Defined"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLBBusEntities": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLBBusEntities": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLBBusEntities": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "GLBBusEntity" ON "GLBBusEntities" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By ExtCompanyID By BusinessEntity"

TABLE "GlbCallType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for CallType."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbCallType": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbCarrier" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for Carrier."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbCarrier": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GLBCOA" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global Chart of Accounts Table"
FIELD "Company" OF "GLBCOA": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ExtCompanyID" OF "GLBCOA": character DESCRIPTION "External Company
identifier. Used in Multi-Company Journal." LABEL "External Company"
FIELD "COACode" OF "GLBCOA": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID" LABEL "COA
FIELD "Description" OF "GLBCOA": character DESCRIPTION "The description or Name of
this Chart of Accounts. "
LABEL "Name"
FIELD "SeparatorChar" OF "GLBCOA": character DESCRIPTION "This is the character
that is displayed between each segment of t he GL Accounts."
FIELD "MultiCompany" OF "GLBCOA": logical DESCRIPTION "Identifieds the COA as one
that is sent to the External Companies for GL processing. If the ExtCompID is not
null this field must be No."
FIELD "PerBalFmt" OF "GLBCOA": character DESCRIPTION "Internally used field. Not
intended for end-user use. Tilde del imited string indicating the segments used in
the period balance account. Examp le: 1~2~5 indicates segments 1, 2 and 5 are used
to construct the balance accoun t number."
FIELD "TBBalFmt" OF "GLBCOA": character DESCRIPTION "Internally used field. Not
intended for end-user use. Tilde del imited string indicating the segments used in
the trial balance account. Example : 1~3~4 indicates segments 1, 3 and 4 are used
to construct the balance account number."
FIELD "FmtChgDate" OF "GLBCOA": date DESCRIPTION "Internal field used by the GL
Account Control to identify when ca che needs to be updated with the new COA
structure. This is updated by the COAS egment write and delete triggers. It is not
intended for end user use. Only ch anges important to the GL Account control
updates this field's value." LABEL "Format Change Date"
FIELD "FmtChgTime" OF "GLBCOA": integer DESCRIPTION "Internal field used by the GL
Account Control to identify when ca che needs to be updated with the new COA
structure. This is updated by the COAS egment write and delete triggers. It is not
intended for end user use. Only ch anges important to the GL Account control
updates this field's value."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLBCOA": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLBCOA": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLBCOA": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "ExtCoCOACode" ON "GLBCOA" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By External Copy
and COACode"
TABLE "GLBCOAActCat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global Chart of Account
FIELD "Company" OF "GLBCOAActCat": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ExtCompanyID" OF "GLBCOAActCat": character DESCRIPTION "External Company
identifier. Used in Multi-Company Journal." LABEL "External Company"
FIELD "COACode" OF "GLBCOAActCat": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID"
FIELD "CategoryID" OF "GLBCOAActCat": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of
this category of accounts. "
FIELD "Description" OF "GLBCOAActCat": character DESCRIPTION "Text describing this
FIELD "Type" OF "GLBCOAActCat": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this cateory is
reatled to a balance shee account or income statement account. Valid values are: B
- Balance Sheet I - Income Statement"
FIELD "NormalBalance" OF "GLBCOAActCat": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the
balance for this account is usually a Debit or Cred it amount. Valid values are: D
- Debit C - Credit"
FIELD "ParentCategory" OF "GLBCOAActCat": character DESCRIPTION "The value of the
parent category ID. Parent/Child category relat ionships are used by the Fincancial
Report Designer. For example, Assets as the parent category and Current Assets as
the child."
FIELD "Sequence" OF "GLBCOAActCat": integer DESCRIPTION "This number idicates the
point at which this child cateogry is pl aced under its parent category."
FIELD "ConsolidationType" OF "GLBCOAActCat": character DESCRIPTION "Value of the
Parent category's ID."
FIELD "NetIncome" OF "GLBCOAActCat": logical DESCRIPTION "When Net Income equals
Yes this cateogry reflects the summarized
balance of all Income Accounts. It is recommended that one category be marked a s
NetIncome = Yes to be used for Balance Sheet purposes."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLBCOAActCat": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLBCOAActCat": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLBCOAActCat": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "MatchingEnabled" OF "GLBCOAActCat": logical DESCRIPTION "This flag
determines if new natural account segment values are cr eated with journal detail
matching enabled." LABEL "Matching Enabled" COLUMN-LABEL "Matching Enabled"
INDEX "ExtCategoryID" ON "GLBCOAActCat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By ExtCompanyID By COACode By CategoryID"

TABLE "GLBCOASegAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global Chart of Account

Segment Currency Table"
FIELD "Company" OF "GLBCOASegAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ExtCompanyID" OF "GLBCOASegAcct": character DESCRIPTION "External Company
identifier. Used in Multi-Company Journal." LABEL "External Company"
FIELD "COACode" OF "GLBCOASegAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID"
FIELD "SegmentNbr" OF "GLBCOASegAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "System generated number
from 1 through 20." LABEL "Segment Number"
FIELD "SegmentCode" OF "GLBCOASegAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Segment value used
to construct the GL Account."
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "GLBCOASegAcct": character
DESCRIPTION "Unique code identifying the currency. Only those values defined in the
CurrencyMaster are allowed."
FIELD "Allowed" OF "GLBCOASegAcct": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates the currency can
be used as a transactional currency."
FIELD "Revalue" OF "GLBCOASegAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
transaction currency amount can be revalued. Va lid values are: 0 - no revalulation
(deafult) 1 - only profits 2 - only losses 3 - both profit and losses"
FIELD "GainAccount" OF "GLBCOASegAcct": character DESCRIPTION "The natural account
used for booking currency gains."
FIELD "LossAccount" OF "GLBCOASegAcct": character DESCRIPTION "The natural account
used for booking currency losses."
FIELD "AccrualAccount" OF "GLBCOASegAcct": character DESCRIPTION "The natural
account used as the accrual account."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLBCOASegAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLBCOASegAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLBCOASegAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "ExtCoaAcctCur" ON "GLBCOASegAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By ExtCompanyID By COACode By SegmentNbr By SegmentCod e By CurrencyCode"

TABLE "GLBCOASegment" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global Chart of Accounts

Segment table"
FIELD "Company" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ExtCompanyID" OF "GLBCOASegment": character
DESCRIPTION "Company ID of the external company this COA was imported from."
FIELD "COACode" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID"
FIELD "SegmentNbr" OF "GLBCOASegment": integer DESCRIPTION "System generated number
from 1 through 20." LABEL "Segment Number"
FIELD "SegmentName" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Name of Segment"
LABEL "Segment Name"
FIELD "Abbreviation" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Short name of
segment." LABEL "Segment Abbreviation"
FIELD "MaxLength" OF "GLBCOASegment": integer DESCRIPTION "Maximum length of the
code used for this segment. Valid values a re between 1 and 50. This value must be
at least the value of the minimum lengt h. The minimum length is the default value.
If a segment is tied to a referenc e entity the maximum length cannot be less then
the length of the reference enti ty's field." LABEL "Max Length"
FIELD "MinLength" OF "GLBCOASegment": integer DESCRIPTION "Minimum length of the
code to be used for this segment. Must be a value between 1 and the maximum length.
If the segment is tied to a reference entity the minimum length cannot be greater
than the length of the reference en tity field." LABEL "Minimum Length"
FIELD "Dynamic" OF "GLBCOASegment": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if accounts with
this segment can be created on the fly when posting transactions. If Yes, the
GLAccount table does not have to contai n entries with this field populated. If No,
then all valid combinations of segm ent values (COASegVal) must be defined in the
GLAccount table before the account can be used."
FIELD "UseRefEntity" OF "GLBCOASegment": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
segment is related to another business entity. This is only available if the
Dynamic field equals Yes." LABEL "Use Reference Entity"
FIELD "RefEntity" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "This is the reference
entity where the COASegVals are generated f rom. Valid values are found in the
BusEntities table. This option is NOT valid for the natural account (segment number
1)" LABEL "Reference Entity"
FIELD "AllowAlpha" OF "GLBCOASegment": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if alpha
characters are allowed in the code. The defa ult value is yes. If UseRefEntity
equals yes then this field must equal yes. I f no, then only numeric characters are
allowed as segment values." LABEL ""
FIELD "EntryControl" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates what
causes the entry of segment values for this segmen t. Valid values are: 0 (zero):
Mandatory - the segment is always entered. 1 (o ne) Natrual account - The option on
the natural account determines if this segme nt is mandatory, optional or not used.
This value is found on the COASegValOpt table." LABEL "Entry Control"
FIELD "SegSelfBal" OF "GLBCOASegment": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if journal
entries are automatically balanced."
FIELD "Level" OF "GLBCOASegment": integer DESCRIPTION "The level indicates the
order segments will be balanced in case m ultiple segments are defined as self
balancing. This field can only be updated when SegSelfBal equals yes. Two self
balancing segments cannot have the same le vel. Valid values are 1 thorugh the
number of segments defined for the COA."
FIELD "SummaryBal" OF "GLBCOASegment": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
segment is included in the standard trial balan ce account."
FIELD "DetailBal" OF "GLBCOASegment": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if balance
records are maintained by the system for thi s segment. If Yes, this segment is
used as part of the GL Account for balance p urposes."
FIELD "KeepOpenBal" OF "GLBCOASegment": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if opening
balances are kept for expense and revenue ac counts. This is typically used for
pjrect accounting where you want to keep the project date balance independent of
the financial year."
FIELD "DisplayOrder" OF "GLBCOASegment": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the order
in which this segment is displayed when prese nting the GL Account to the user.
Valid values are 1 through 20."
FIELD "MultiCompany" OF "GLBCOASegment": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
segment is subject to Multi-Company GL Journal processing. If the COA is marked as
MultipCompnay then all controlled segments are flagged as multi-company and this
cannot be overwritten by the user."
FIELD "AutoCreateSegVals" OF "GLBCOASegment": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
segment values for segments defined as reference ent ities are to be created each
time a newrecord is created. Only valid if UseRefE ntity equals yes and a reference
entity is entered. "
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLBCOASegment": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLBCOASegment": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "SelfBalAcct" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Account used when
creating balancing transactions for this segme nt." LABEL "Balance Account" COLUMN-
LABEL "Balance Account"
FIELD "BalSegValue1" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value
1" LABEL "Balance Seg Value 1" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 1"
FIELD "BalSegValue2" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value
2" LABEL "Balance Seg Value 2" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 2"
FIELD "BalSegValue3" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value
3" LABEL "Balance Seg Value 3" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 3"
FIELD "BalSegValue4" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value
4" LABEL "Balance Seg Value 4" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 4"
FIELD "BalSegValue5" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value
5" LABEL "Balance Seg Value 5" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 5"
FIELD "BalSegValue6" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value
6" LABEL "Balance Seg Value 6" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 6"
FIELD "BalSegValue7" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value
7" LABEL "Balance Seg Value 7" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 7"
FIELD "BalSegValue8" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value
8" LABEL "Balance Seg Value 8" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 8"
FIELD "BalSegValue9" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value
9" LABEL "Balance Seg Value 9" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 9"
FIELD "BalSegValue10" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value
10" LABEL "Balance Seg Value 10" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 10"
FIELD "BalSegValue11" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value
11" LABEL "Balance Seg Value 11" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 11"
FIELD "BalSegValue12" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value
12" LABEL "Balance Seg Value 12" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 12"
FIELD "BalSegValue13" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value
13" LABEL "Balance Seg Value 13" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 13"
FIELD "BalSegValue14" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value
14" LABEL "Balance Seg Value 14" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 14"
FIELD "BalSegValue15" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value
15" LABEL "Balance Seg Value 15" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 15"
FIELD "BalSegValue16" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value
16" LABEL "Balance Seg Value 16" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 16"
FIELD "BalSegValue17" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value
17" LABEL "Balance Seg Value 17" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 17"
FIELD "BalSegvalue18" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value
18" LABEL "Balance Seg Value 18" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 18"
FIELD "BalSegValue19" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value
19" LABEL "Balance Seg Value 19" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 19"
FIELD "BalSegValue20" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Seg Value
20" LABEL "Balance Seg Value 20" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Seg Value 20"
FIELD "SelfOffAcct" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "The Self Balance
offset account used when balancing this segment. " LABEL "Self Offset Account"
COLUMN-LABEL "Self Offset Account"
FIELD "OffSegValue1" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment
Value 1" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 1" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 1"
FIELD "OffSegValue2" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment
Value 2" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 2" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 2"
FIELD "OffSegValue3" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment
Value 3" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 3" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 3"
FIELD "OffSegValue4" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment
Value 4" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 4" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 4"
FIELD "OffSegValue5" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment
Value 5" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 5" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 5"
FIELD "OffSegValue6" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment
Value 6" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 6" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 6"
FIELD "OffSegValue7" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment
Value 7" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 7" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 7"
FIELD "OffSegValue8" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment
Value 8" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 8" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 8"
FIELD "OffSegValue9" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment
Value 9" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 9" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 9"
FIELD "OffSegValue10" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment
Value 10" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 10" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 10"
FIELD "OffSegValue11" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment
Value 11" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 11" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 11"
FIELD "OffSegValue12" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment
Value 12" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 12" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 12"
FIELD "OffSegValue13" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment
Value 13" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 13" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 13"
FIELD "OffSegValue14" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment
Value 14" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 14" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 14"
FIELD "OffSegValue15" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment
Value 15" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 15" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 15"
FIELD "OffSegValue16" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment
Value 16" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 16" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 16"
FIELD "OffSegValue17" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment
Value 17" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 17" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 17"
FIELD "OffSegValue18" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment
Value 18" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 18" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 18"
FIELD "OffSegValue19" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment
Value 19" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 19" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 19"
FIELD "OffSegValue20" OF "GLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Offset Segment
Value 20" LABEL "Offset Segment Value 20" COLUMN-LABEL "Offset Segment Value 20"
INDEX "ExtCOASegment" ON "GLBCOASegment" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By ExtCompanyID By COACode By SegmentNbr"

TABLE "GLBCOASegOpt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global Chart of Accounts

Segment Value Options"
FIELD "Company" OF "GLBCOASegOpt": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ExtCompanyID" OF "GLBCOASegOpt": character DESCRIPTION "External Company
identifier. Used in Multi-Company Journal." LABEL "External Company"
FIELD "COACode" OF "GLBCOASegOpt": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID"
FIELD "SegmentNbr" OF "GLBCOASegOpt": integer DESCRIPTION "System generated number
from 1 through 20." LABEL "Segment Number"
FIELD "SegmentCode" OF "GLBCOASegOpt": character DESCRIPTION "Segment value used to
construct the GL Account."
FIELD "SubSegmentNbr" OF "GLBCOASegOpt": integer DESCRIPTION "System generated
sequence number"
FIELD "ValOption" OF "GLBCOASegOpt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if a segment
is used for the natural account. Valid va lues are: M - Mandatory O - Optional N -
Not Used"
FIELD "DefaultSegment" OF "GLBCOASegOpt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the
default segment value to be used for this natural a ccount."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLBCOASegOpt": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLBCOASegOpt": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLBCOASegOpt": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "ExtCOASegOpt" ON "GLBCOASegOpt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By ExtCompanyID By COACode By SegmentNbr By SegmentCod e By SubSegmentNbr"

TABLE "GLBCOASegRes" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global Chart of Accounts

Segment Values Restrictions"
FIELD "Company" OF "GLBCOASegRes": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ExtCompanyID" OF "GLBCOASegRes": character DESCRIPTION "External Company
identifier. Used in Multi-Company Journal." LABEL "External Company"
FIELD "COACode" OF "GLBCOASegRes": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID"
FIELD "SegmentNbr" OF "GLBCOASegRes": integer DESCRIPTION "System generated number
from 1 through 20." LABEL "Segment Number"
FIELD "SegmentCode" OF "GLBCOASegRes": character DESCRIPTION "Segment value used to
construct the GL Account."
FIELD "RestrictID" OF "GLBCOASegRes": character DESCRIPTION "Application DLL name"
FIELD "RestrictText" OF "GLBCOASegRes": character DESCRIPTION "Application name
FIELD "FctBlocked" OF "GLBCOASegRes": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if GL Account
entry is prohibited"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLBCOASegRes": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLBCOASegRes": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLBCOASegRes": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "ExtCOASegRes" ON "GLBCOASegRes" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By ExtCompanyID By COACode By SegmentNbr By SegmentCod e By RestrictID"

TABLE "GLBCOASegValues" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global chart of accounts

segment values table"
FIELD "Company" OF "GLBCOASegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ExtCompanyID" OF "GLBCOASegValues": character DESCRIPTION "External Company
identifier. Used in Multi-Company Journal." LABEL "External Company"
FIELD "SegmentNbr" OF "GLBCOASegValues": integer DESCRIPTION "System generated
number from 1 through 20." LABEL "Segment Number"
FIELD "SegmentCode" OF "GLBCOASegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Segment value used
to construct the GL Account."
FIELD "SegmentName" OF "GLBCOASegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Name of Segment
FIELD "SegmentDesc" OF "GLBCOASegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Segment
FIELD "SegmentAbbrev" OF "GLBCOASegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Short name of
the segment value."
FIELD "ActiveFlag" OF "GLBCOASegValues": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
segment is active. Transactions cannot be poste d to inactive segments."
FIELD "EffectiveFrom" OF "GLBCOASegValues": date DESCRIPTION "Date the segment
begins to be used. It must be less than or equa l to the EffectiveTo date."
FIELD "EffectiveTo" OF "GLBCOASegValues": date DESCRIPTION "Date the segment is no
longer used. It must be greater than or e qual to the EffectiveFrom date, if a
value was entered in that field."
FIELD "Category" OF "GLBCOASegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Required for the
Natrual Account (segment number 1). Identifies t he account category that is used
to determine other characteristics."
FIELD "StatisticalFlag" OF "GLBCOASegValues": logical DESCRIPTION "This field will
be updated by the Non Financial Data Project"
FIELD "DefaultUOM" OF "GLBCOASegValues": character DESCRIPTION "This will be
updated by the Non Financial Data project"
FIELD "NormalBalance" OF "GLBCOASegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
account is a debit or credit and is only valid f or the natural account (segment
1). Valid values are D for Debit and C for Cred it."
FIELD "DebitRateType" OF "GLBCOASegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Rate type used
for debit balances."
FIELD "CreditRateType" OF "GLBCOASegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Rate type used
for credit balances"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "GLBCOASegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Currency code
associated with this segment value and is the ID fo r the COACurrAcct table. Only
valid for natural accounts (segment 1) where the CurrencyAccount equals Yes."
FIELD "COACode" OF "GLBCOASegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLBCOASegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLBCOASegValues": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "RefEntityType" OF "GLBCOASegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Reference Entity
type assigned to this COASegValue. Only valid w hen the GLBCOASegment.RefEntity =
""GLCOARefType""." LABEL "Type"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLBCOASegValues": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "MatchingEnabled" OF "GLBCOASegValues": logical DESCRIPTION "This flag
determines if journal detail records with this natural account are allowed to be
matched." LABEL "Matching Enabled" COLUMN-LABEL "Matching Enabled"
INDEX "ExtCompayCOASegment" ON "GLBCOASegValues" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By
Company By ExtCompanyID By COACode By SegmentNbr By SegmentCod e"

TABLE "GlbContainerClass" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbContainerClass": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user
chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbCountry" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for Country."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbCountry": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbCountryPort" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbCountryPort": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user
chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbCreditCardType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbCreditCardType": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user
chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbCRMComp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for CRMComp."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbCRMComp": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbCurrConvRule" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global Currency Conversion

FIELD "Company" OF "GlbCurrConvRule": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "SourceCurrCode" OF "GlbCurrConvRule": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code
that identifies the source currency." LABEL "Source Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL
"Currency Code"
FIELD "TargetCurrCode" OF "GlbCurrConvRule": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code
that identifies the target currency." LABEL "Target Currency Code"
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "GlbCurrConvRule": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier"
LABEL "Rate Group Code"
FIELD "UseBaseRate" OF "GlbCurrConvRule": logical DESCRIPTION "Determine if the
user should use the base rate group defined in C urrRateGrp" LABEL "Use Base Rate"
FIELD "RuleCode" OF "GlbCurrConvRule": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the type of
conversion rule. Direct, Inverse, Cross Rat e, Reverse Cross Rate, Double Cross
Rate or Reverse Double Cross Rate" LABEL "Rule Code"
FIELD "FixedRate" OF "GlbCurrConvRule": logical DESCRIPTION "Indiates if the
exchange rate is fixed and cannot be updated" LABEL "Fixed"
FIELD "GlbRateGrpCode" OF "GlbCurrConvRule": character DESCRIPTION "Currency Rate
Group Code from Source Company" LABEL "Global Rate Group"
FIELD "GlbSourceCurrCode" OF "GlbCurrConvRule": character DESCRIPTION "Source
Currency from Source Company" LABEL "Global Source Currency"
FIELD "GlbTargetCurrCode" OF "GlbCurrConvRule": character DESCRIPTION "Target
Currency from Source Company" LABEL "Global Target Currency"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbCurrConvRule": character DESCRIPTION "Source Company"
LABEL "Global Company"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbCurrConvRule": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbCurrConvRule": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbCurrConvRule": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "GlbCurrency" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global Currency"

FIELD "Company" OF "GlbCurrency": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "GlbCurrency": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the currency." LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "CurrDesc" OF "GlbCurrency": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the
currency" LABEL "Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "CurrSymbol" OF "GlbCurrency": character DESCRIPTION "A symbol that
identifies the currency. Used on Forms and displays " LABEL "Currency Symbol"
COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Symbol"
FIELD "DocumentDesc" OF "GlbCurrency": character DESCRIPTION "An extended
description that can be used on documents such as POs and invoices." LABEL
"Document Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Document Description"
FIELD "OBS900-GainLossDiv" OF "GlbCurrency": character DESCRIPTION "The Division
component of default Gain G/L account for a Currency . The full G/L account number
is made up of GainDiv, GainChart and GainDept. T hese individual fields are never
directly entered, rather it is entered as part of a field that represents the full
G/L account number. If any one of these thr ee components are entered then it must
be valid in the GLAcct. See the GLSyst record layout for more detail on structure
and usage of G/L accou nt numbers."
FIELD "OBS900-GainLossDept" OF "GlbCurrency": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the default Gain G/L account for a Curren cy. See GainDiv field
description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-GainLossChart" OF "GlbCurrency": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of
Account component for the default Gain G/L account for a Currency. See GainDiv
field description for related info. "
FIELD "Note" OF "GlbCurrency": character DESCRIPTION "Notes the about the Currency.
" LABEL ""
FIELD "OBS900-RealGainDiv" OF "GlbCurrency": character DESCRIPTION "The Division
component of default Realized Gain G/L account for a Currency. The full G/L account
number is made up of RealGainDiv, RealGainChart and RealGainDept. These individual
fields are never directly entered, rather i t is entered as part of a field that
represents the full G/L account number. If any one of these three components are
entered then it must be valid in the GLAc ct. See the GLSyst record layout for more
detail on structure and usage of G/L accou nt numbers."
FIELD "OBS900-RealGainDept" OF "GlbCurrency": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the default Realized Gain G/L account for a Currency. See RealGainDiv
field description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-RealGainChart" OF "GlbCurrency": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of
Account component for the default Realized Gain G/L acc ount for a Currency. See
RealGainDiv field description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-RealLossDiv" OF "GlbCurrency": character DESCRIPTION "The Division
component of default Realized Loss G/L account for a Currency. The full G/L account
number is made up of RealLossDiv, RealLossChart and RealLossDept. These individual
fields are never directly entered, rather i t is entered as part of a field that
represents the full G/L account number. If any one of these three components are
entered then it must be valid in the GLAc ct. See the GLSyst record layout for more
detail on structure and usage of G/L accou nt numbers."
FIELD "OBS900-RealLossDept" OF "GlbCurrency": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the default Realized Loss G/L account for a Currency. See RealLossDiv
field description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-RealLossChart" OF "GlbCurrency": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of
Account component for the default Realized Loss G/L acc ount for a Currency. See
RealLossDiv field description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-UnRealGainDiv" OF "GlbCurrency": character DESCRIPTION "The Division
component of default Unrealized Gain G/L account for a Currency. The full G/L
account number is made up of UnRealGainDiv, UnRealGai nChart and UnRealGainDept.
These individual fields are never directly entered, rather it is entered as part of
a field that represents the full G/L account num ber. If any one of these three
components are entered then it must be valid in the GLAcct. See the GLSyst record
layout for more detail on structure and usage of G/L accou nt numbers."
FIELD "OBS900-UnRealGainDept" OF "GlbCurrency": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the default Unrealized Gain G/L account f or a Currency.
See UnRealGainDiv field description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-UnRealGainChart" OF "GlbCurrency": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of
Account component for the default Unrealized Gain G/L a ccount for a Currency. See
UnRealGainDiv field description for related info. "
FIELD "UnRealLossDiv" OF "GlbCurrency": character DESCRIPTION "The Division
component of default Unrealized Loss G/L account for a Currency. The full G/L
account number is made up of UnRealLossDiv, UnRealLos sChart and UnRealLossDept.
These individual fields are never directly entered, rather it is entered as part of
a field that represents the full G/L account num ber. If any one of these three
components are entered then it must be valid in the GLAcct. See the GLSyst record
layout for more detail on structure and usage of G/L accou nt numbers."
FIELD "UnRealLossDept" OF "GlbCurrency": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the default Unrealized Loss G/L account f or a Currency. See
UnRealLossDiv field description for related info. "
FIELD "UnRealLossChart" OF "GlbCurrency": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account
component for the default Unrealized Loss G/L a ccount for a Currency. See
UnRealLossDiv field description for related info. "
FIELD "CurrName" OF "GlbCurrency": character DESCRIPTION "Used to print as the
suffix to the word amount line printed on ch ecks. For example: One Hundred and
00/100 Dollars. In this case ""Dollars"" is the CurrName"
FIELD "CurrencyID" OF "GlbCurrency": character DESCRIPTION "This is the updatable
version of CurrencyCode. This currency can not be a record already in the currency
table. " LABEL "Currency ID"
FIELD "Inactive" OF "GlbCurrency": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the currency
is active" LABEL "Inactive"
FIELD "MaintRate" OF "GlbCurrency": logical DESCRIPTION "Can only maintain exchange
rates for currencies with this flag ch ecked" LABEL "Maintain Rates"
FIELD "BaseCurr" OF "GlbCurrency": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this is the
base currency. Only one base currency i s allowed" LABEL "Base Currency"
FIELD "ReportCurr" OF "GlbCurrency": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this is a
reporting currency" LABEL "Reporting Currency"
FIELD "GlobalCurr" OF "GlbCurrency": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not
this currency is shared between more th an one company." LABEL "Global Currency"
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "GlbCurrency": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not
this currency record will receive globa l updates." LABEL "Global Lock"
FIELD "ScaleFactor" OF "GlbCurrency": integer DESCRIPTION "Display factor for
exchange rates" LABEL "Scale"
FIELD "CountryNum" OF "GlbCurrency": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer assigned
by the system to new countries by the maintenance program. This field is used as
the foreign key to identify the coun try in other files such as Customer, or
vendor. The end user should never need t o know about the value of this field. "
LABEL "Country Number"
FIELD "GlbCurrencyCode" OF "GlbCurrency": character DESCRIPTION "Currency Code from
Source Company" LABEL "Global Currency Code"
FIELD "GlbCurrencyID" OF "GlbCurrency": character DESCRIPTION "Currency ID from
Source Company" LABEL "Global Currency ID"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbCurrency": character DESCRIPTION "Source Company" LABEL
"Global Company"
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbCurrency": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the user has
reviewed the record but its not going to be linked currently" LABEL "Skipped"
FIELD "ReportCurrPos" OF "GlbCurrency": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates which
reporting amount field (Rpt1, Rpt2, or Rpt3) stor es this currency. System field."
LABEL "Report Currency Position"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbCurrency": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbCurrency": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbCurrency": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "GlbCurrExRate" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global Currency Exchange

FIELD "Company" OF "GlbCurrExRate": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "SourceCurrCode" OF "GlbCurrExRate": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code
that identifies the source currency." LABEL "Source Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL
"Currency Code"
FIELD "EffectiveDate" OF "GlbCurrExRate": date DESCRIPTION "This rate is effective
as of this date." LABEL "Effective Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Effective Date"
FIELD "CurrentRate" OF "GlbCurrExRate": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Rate will be
the default used by the system. Conversion rates will be calculated as System Base
= Foreign value * rate, Forei gn value = system base * (1/rate). This is the dollar
in foreign currency from t he exchange rate tables in the newspapers." LABEL
"Current Rate" COLUMN-LABEL "Current Rate"
FIELD "SysDate" OF "GlbCurrExRate": date DESCRIPTION "System date at time that
record was modified." LABEL "Sys Date"
FIELD "SysTime" OF "GlbCurrExRate": integer DESCRIPTION "System Time (hr-min-sec)
when transaction was modified." LABEL "Sys Time"
FIELD "EntryPerson" OF "GlbCurrExRate": character DESCRIPTION "This is used as a
selection parameter for reporting and browsing. The intent is for users to be able
to select transactions that they have entere d for hard copy edit. This field is
set equal to the Login ID variable. It can not be overridden." LABEL "Entry Person"
FIELD "Reference" OF "GlbCurrExRate": character DESCRIPTION "Can be used to hold a
short comment. In some cases the Manufactu ring System uses this field to make a
comment about the source of the transactio n, as in the case of ""backflush""
process." LABEL "Reference"
FIELD "TargetCurrCode" OF "GlbCurrExRate": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code
that identifies the target currency." LABEL "Target Currency Code"
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "GlbCurrExRate": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier"
LABEL "Rate Group Code"
FIELD "GlbRateGrpCode" OF "GlbCurrExRate": character DESCRIPTION "Currency Rate
Group Code from Source Company" LABEL "Global Currency Rate Group"
FIELD "GlbSourceCurrCode" OF "GlbCurrExRate": character DESCRIPTION "Source
Currency from Source Company" LABEL "Global Source Currency"
FIELD "GlbTargetCurrCode" OF "GlbCurrExRate": character DESCRIPTION "Target
Currency from Source Company" LABEL "Global Target Currency"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbCurrExRate": character DESCRIPTION "Source Company" LABEL
"Global Company"
FIELD "GlbEffectiveDate" OF "GlbCurrExRate": date DESCRIPTION "Effective Date from
Source Company" LABEL "Global Effective Date"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbCurrExRate": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbCurrExRate": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbCurrExRate": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "GlbCurrRateDisp" AREA "Schema Area"

DESCRIPTION "Global Currency Rate display"
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbCurrRateDisp": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "GlbCurrRateDisp": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier"
LABEL "Rate Group Code"
FIELD "Seq" OF "GlbCurrRateDisp": integer DESCRIPTION "Order in which the
currencies should be displayed in the matrix g rids" LABEL "Sequence"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "GlbCurrRateDisp": character DESCRIPTION "Currency code to
be displayed" LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "GlbRateGrpCode" OF "GlbCurrRateDisp": character DESCRIPTION "Currency Rate
Group Code from source company" LABEL "Global Rate Group Code"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbCurrRateDisp": character DESCRIPTION "Source Company"
LABEL "Global Company"
FIELD "GlbSeq" OF "GlbCurrRateDisp": integer DESCRIPTION "Sequence from Source
Company" LABEL "Global Sequence"
FIELD "ScaleFactor" OF "GlbCurrRateDisp": integer DESCRIPTION "Display factor for
exchange rates" LABEL "Scale"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbCurrRateDisp": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbCurrRateDisp": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbCurrRateDisp": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "GlbCurrRateGrp" AREA "Schema Area"

DESCRIPTION "Global Currency Rate Group"
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbCurrRateGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GlbRateGrpCode" OF "GlbCurrRateGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Currency Rate
Group Code from source company" LABEL "Global Rate Group Code"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbCurrRateGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Source Company"
LABEL "Global Company"
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbCurrRateGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the user
has reviewed the record but its not going to be linked currently" LABEL "Skipped"
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "GlbCurrRateGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier"
LABEL "Rate Group Code"
FIELD "Description" OF "GlbCurrRateGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Description" LABEL
FIELD "Inactive" OF "GlbCurrRateGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines if the record
is inactive" LABEL "Inactive"
FIELD "BaseRateGrpCode" OF "GlbCurrRateGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Determins if
there is a base rate group to use if no rules or rat es are defined for a currency
" LABEL "Base Rate Group"
FIELD "CrossCurrCode" OF "GlbCurrRateGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Currency to use
during single or double currency conversions" LABEL "Cross Currency Code"
FIELD "CrossRound" OF "GlbCurrRateGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Determine if rounding
should be done after conversion " LABEL "Rounding"
FIELD "CrossRoundDec" OF "GlbCurrRateGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of decimals
to use during rounding " LABEL "Rounding decimals"
FIELD "AltCrossCurrCode" OF "GlbCurrRateGrp": character
DESCRIPTION "Currency used for double currency conversions" LABEL "Alternate Cross
Currency Code"
FIELD "AltCrossRound" OF "GlbCurrRateGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Determine if
rounding should be done after conversion " LABEL "Alt Rounding"
FIELD "AltCrossRoundDec" OF "GlbCurrRateGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of
decimals to use during rounding " LABEL "Alt Rounding Decimals"
FIELD "GlobalGrp" OF "GlbCurrRateGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or
not this rate group is shared between more than one company." LABEL "Global Rate
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "GlbCurrRateGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or
not this record will receive global updates ." LABEL "Global Lock"
FIELD "DisplayMode" OF "GlbCurrRateGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates which
exchange rate to display/update on the transactio n" LABEL "Display Mode"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbCurrRateGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbCurrRateGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbCurrRateGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "GlbCustBillTo" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for CustBillTo."

FIELD "Company" OF "GlbCustBillTo": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."

FIELD "CustNum" OF "GlbCustBillTo": integer DESCRIPTION "The Customer.CustNum value
of the customer that the record is rel ated to." LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "DefaultBillTo" OF "GlbCustBillTo": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether
this Alt Bill To is the default record or not." LABEL "Default Bill To"
FIELD "InvoiceAddress" OF "GlbCustBillTo": logical DESCRIPTION "If checked, the
invoice print routine will use the address from t his alternate customer as the
invoice address." LABEL "Invoice Address"
FIELD "GlbBTCustNum" OF "GlbCustBillTo": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the CustNum
of the alternate Bill To Customer." LABEL "BillTo Customer"
FIELD "BTCustNum" OF "GlbCustBillTo": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the CustNum of
the alternate Bill To Customer." LABEL "BillTo Customer"
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "GlbCustBillTo": logical DESCRIPTION "Disable this record
from receiving global updates" LABEL "Global Lock"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbCustBillTo": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbCustBillTo": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbCustBillTo": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "GlbCustCnt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table contains the Global
Customer Contact information. If the record has been copied into the local table,
then the interface will update both records. If the parent company deletes the
contact, only this table's reco rd will be deleted"
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CustNum" OF "GlbCustCnt": integer DESCRIPTION "The unique internal number
assigned to the customer for which the contact is related to. " LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "ShipToNum" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "The number that the user
assigned to the ship to that this contac t is related to. Note that this field is
blank for contacts related to the cust omer only. " LABEL "Ship To"
FIELD "ConNum" OF "GlbCustCnt": integer DESCRIPTION "A system generated number used
to uniquely identify the contact r ecord for the related customer or ship to. When
creating new contacts the system reads the last existing contact record for the
customer or ship to being proces sed and then uses its number plus one as the
number for the new contact." LABEL "Contact Num" COLUMN-LABEL "Num"
FIELD "Name" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Name of contact. " LABEL
FIELD "Func" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Used to enter a short
description that should indicate what the c ontacts main function is. Ex: Shipping,
Buyer, Engineer. This is an optional fie ld." LABEL "Function"
FIELD "FaxNum" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Specific Fax telephone
number for the contact. Optional field. W hen displaying phone numbers of contacts
the system will use the phone number fo und in the Customer or Shipto file if the
contacts number is blank. " LABEL "Fax"
FIELD "PhoneNum" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Specific Business
telephone number for the contact. Optional fiel d. When displaying phone numbers of
contacts the system will use the phone numb er found in the Customer or Shipto file
if the contacts number is blank. " LABEL "Phone"
FIELD "SpecialAddress" OF "GlbCustCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "A logical flag that
indicates if this contact has a mailing addre ss different from the one found in
the associated Customer master. This flag is only applicable to contacts related to
the Customer. That is where CustCnt.ShipT oNum = """". During maintenance if this
flag is Yes then access is allowed to th e Address, City, State, Zip and Country
fields. Otherwise those fields are prote cted. During maintenance when
SpecialAddress is toggled to Yes and the address1 field is blank the program
defaults all the address fields equal to the customer s, thinking that much of it
will be the same, saving keying time. When it's togg led to ""No"", then program
sets all the address field to blank. " LABEL "Special Mailing Address"
FIELD "Address1" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Contacts mailing address
if different from that of the customer. The contacts associated with a customer
(not ship to) are allowed to have addres s, city, state, zip and country fields
that are different from that of their ass
ociated customer. If not blank, these address fields are printed on the Quote fo
rm; otherwise the customer address is used. " LABEL "Address"
FIELD "Address2" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "see Address1." LABEL ""
FIELD "Address3" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "See Address 1 " LABEL ""
FIELD "City" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "see address1" LABEL "City"
FIELD "State" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Special State ID. ( See
Address1 ) Can be blank." LABEL "State/Prov" COLUMN-LABEL "State/Province"
FIELD "Zip" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Special Zip (see Address1 )"
LABEL "Postal Code"
FIELD "Country" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Special Country is used as
part of the mailing address. It can be left blank. ( See Address1 ) " LABEL
FIELD "CorpName" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Contacts mailing address
company name if different than that of t he customer." LABEL "Company Name"
FIELD "EMailAddress" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "EMail address of
contact person." LABEL "E-Mail Address" COLUMN-LABEL "EMail Address"
FIELD "CountryNum" OF "GlbCustCnt": integer DESCRIPTION "Country part of address.
This field is in sync with the Country f ield. It must be a valid entry in the
Country table." LABEL "Country Number"
FIELD "SFPortalPassword" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Password for
SF/Portal, should not be easily editable from the Ma
nufacturing System." LABEL "SF/Portal Password"
FIELD "SFUser" OF "GlbCustCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if able to create
Orders" LABEL "SF User"
FIELD "PortalUser" OF "GlbCustCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if ""Order
History"" is functional" LABEL "Portal User"
FIELD "RoleCode" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Code that identifies the
role of this person. Link to the RoleCD table." LABEL "Role Code"
FIELD "CellPhoneNum" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "The contacts Cell
phone number." LABEL "Cell Phone"
FIELD "PagerNum" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "The contacts Pager
number." LABEL "Pager"
FIELD "HomeNum" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "The contacts Home number."
LABEL "Home"
FIELD "AltNum" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "The contacts Alternate
number." LABEL "Alternate"
FIELD "ContactTitle" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "The Contacts Title"
LABEL "Title"
FIELD "ReportsTo" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "The name if the person
this contact reports to." LABEL "Reports To"
FIELD "Comment" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Comments are intended to be
internal comments about a specific co ntact. "
FIELD "NoContact" OF "GlbCustCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that this contact
is not included in marketing lists" LABEL "No contact"
FIELD "CreateDate" OF "GlbCustCnt": date DESCRIPTION "The date the task was
created." LABEL "Created"
FIELD "CreateDcdUserID" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "The UserID that
created the task" LABEL "User ID" COLUMN-LABEL "User ID"
FIELD "ChangeDate" OF "GlbCustCnt": date DESCRIPTION "The date the task was last
changed." LABEL "Changed"
FIELD "ChangeDcdUserID" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "The UserID that
last changed the task" LABEL "User ID" COLUMN-LABEL "User ID"
FIELD "Inactive" OF "GlbCustCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "This contact does not get
used on new LOQs" LABEL "Inactive"
FIELD "FirstName" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "First Name" LABEL "First
FIELD "MiddleName" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Middle Name" LABEL
"Middle Name"
FIELD "LastName" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Last Name" LABEL "Last
FIELD "Prefix" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Prefix" LABEL "Prefix"
FIELD "Suffix" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Suffix" LABEL "Suffix"
FIELD "Initials" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Initials" LABEL "Initials"

FIELD "ExternalID" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "External ID"

FIELD "GlbCustNum" OF "GlbCustCnt": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer assigned
by the system to new customers by the customer maintenance program. This is the
unique key in the owner company" LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Owner Company
FIELD "GlbShipToNum" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Global ShipToNumber.
This is the number in the parent company" LABEL "Ship To"
FIELD "GlbConNum" OF "GlbCustCnt": integer DESCRIPTION "This is the Contact Number
of the parent company" LABEL "Contact Num" COLUMN-LABEL "Num"
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "GlbCustCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "Disable this record from
receiving global updates" LABEL "Global Lock"
FIELD "OldCompany" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Original Owner Company
FIELD "OldCustNum" OF "GlbCustCnt": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer assigned
by the system to new customers by the customer maintenance program. This is the
unique key in the original owner comp any - NOT CURRENTLY IN USE" LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "OldShipToNum" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Original ShipToNumber.
This is the number in the original owner' s parent company - NOT CURRENTLY IN USE"
LABEL "Ship To"
FIELD "OldConNum" OF "GlbCustCnt": integer DESCRIPTION "This is the Contact Number
of the original parent company - CURRE NTLY NOT IN USE" LABEL "Contact Num" COLUMN-
FIELD "ShowInputPrice" OF "GlbCustCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "If TRUE then the input
prices will be shown in the Customer Conne ct Configuration Review." LABEL "Show
Input Price" COLUMN-LABEL "Show Input Price"
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbCustCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob
al customer contacts. The user can come back at a later time and choose to link a
skipped customer contact if they need to." LABEL "Skipped" COLUMN-LABEL "Skipped"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbCustCnt": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbCustCnt": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "OldCCN" ON "GlbCustCnt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index for original
owner info - CURRENTLY NOT IN USE"

TABLE "GlbCustCred" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table hold the open credit
for global credits from the other companies. The totals here added with the local
open credit will be used in th e global credit limit check."
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbCustCred": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ExtCompany" OF "GlbCustCred": character DESCRIPTION "Company credit totals
came from (not just owner of the global cus tomer)"
FIELD "CustNum" OF "GlbCustCred": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer assigned by
the system to new customers by the customer maintenance program. This field is used
as the foreign key to identify the customer in other files such as OrderHed or
InvcHead. The end user should n ever need to know about the value of this field. "
LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "UpdateDate" OF "GlbCustCred": date DESCRIPTION "Date the credit was last
updated" LABEL "Update Date"
FIELD "DocARTotal" OF "GlbCustCred": decimal DESCRIPTION "Open AR Credit in Global
Currency" LABEL "Global AR Credit"
FIELD "DocSOTotal" OF "GlbCustCred": decimal DESCRIPTION "Open Order Credit in
Global Currency" LABEL "Global SO Credit"
FIELD "DocPITotal" OF "GlbCustCred": decimal DESCRIPTION "Open PI Credit in Global
Currency" LABEL "Global PI Credit"
FIELD "ARTotal" OF "GlbCustCred": decimal DESCRIPTION "AR Credit in local companies
base currency" LABEL "Local AR Credit"
FIELD "SOTotal" OF "GlbCustCred": decimal DESCRIPTION "SO Credit in local companies
base currency" LABEL "Local SO Credit"
FIELD "PITotal" OF "GlbCustCred": decimal DESCRIPTION "PI Credit in local companies
base currency" LABEL "Local PI Credit"
FIELD "ErrorMsg" OF "GlbCustCred": character DESCRIPTION "Holds connection and
exchange rate error messages" LABEL "Error"
FIELD "GlbCustNum" OF "GlbCustCred": integer DESCRIPTION "This field holds the
associated Global Customer number. If this is the ""parent"" customer then it will
match the CustNum field. 0 indicates th at this is not a global customer at all"
LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "ParentCustNum" OF "GlbCustCred": integer DESCRIPTION "The Customer.CustNum
value of the customer's parent company." LABEL "Parent"
FIELD "GlobalCurrencyCode" OF "GlbCustCred": character DESCRIPTION "Holds the
Currency.CurrencyCode value of that the global customer will exchange data in."
LABEL "Global Currency Code"
FIELD "TotalInvoices" OF "GlbCustCred": integer DESCRIPTION "Total Number of Open
Invoices" LABEL "Total Open Invoices"
FIELD "TotalOrders" OF "GlbCustCred": integer DESCRIPTION "Total Number of Open
Orders" LABEL "Total Open Orders"
FIELD "TotalPayIns" OF "GlbCustCred": integer DESCRIPTION "Total Number of open
Payment Instruments"
LABEL "Total Payment Instruments"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbCustCred": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbCustCred": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbCustCred": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "NAParentsCreditUsed" OF "GlbCustCred": decimal DESCRIPTION "Parent's Credit
used by this customer" LABEL "Parents Credit Used"
FIELD "NASharedCreditUsed" OF "GlbCustCred": decimal DESCRIPTION "Shared Credit
used by children" LABEL "Shared Credit Used"
FIELD "NAOwnCreditUsed" OF "GlbCustCred": decimal DESCRIPTION "Own Credit used by
himself" LABEL "Own Credit Used"
FIELD "GlbNAParentsCreditUsed" OF "GlbCustCred": decimal DESCRIPTION "Global
Parent's Credit used by this customer" LABEL "Global Parents Credit Used"
FIELD "GlbNASharedCreditUsed" OF "GlbCustCred": decimal DESCRIPTION "Shared Credit
used by Global children" LABEL "Global Shared Credit Used"
FIELD "NAPoolCreditUsed" OF "GlbCustCred": decimal DESCRIPTION "Pool Credit used"
LABEL "Pool Credit Used"
FIELD "GlbNAPoolCreditUsed" OF "GlbCustCred": decimal DESCRIPTION "Global Credit
Pool used" LABEL "Global Pool Used"
FIELD "GlbNAOwnCreditUsed" OF "GlbCustCred": decimal DESCRIPTION "Own Credit used
by himself" LABEL "Global Own Credit Used"
FIELD "NAExceedLimit" OF "GlbCustCred": decimal DESCRIPTION "Allocated Credit
exceed Credit Limit "
LABEL "Exceed Limit"
FIELD "GlbNAExceedLimit" OF "GlbCustCred": decimal DESCRIPTION "Allocated Credit
exceed Global Credit Limit " LABEL "Exceed Global Limit"
FIELD "ARLOCTotal" OF "GlbCustCred": decimal DESCRIPTION "AR Letter of Credit
Credit in local companies base currency" LABEL "Local AR LC Credit"
FIELD "DocARLOCTotal" OF "GlbCustCred": decimal DESCRIPTION "Open AR Letter of
Credit Credit in Global Currency" LABEL "Global AR LOC Credit"

TABLE "GlbCustGrup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for CustGrup."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbCustGrup": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbCustomer" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table holds the global
customers sent in by other companies. A user will then select which global
customers to copy into their customer tab le. Once the customer has been
transferred into the Customer table, any updates to the Global Customer by the
Owner Company will be copied over automatically. If the owner deletes the Customer
or unchecks the global box, this record will be deleted"
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GlbCustID" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "A user defined external
customer ID. This must be unique within the file. This is the unique key in the
owner company" LABEL "Glb. Cust. ID"
FIELD "GlbCustNum" OF "GlbCustomer": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer assigned
by the system to new customers by the customer maintenance program. This is the
unique key in the owner company" LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "Country" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "Country is used as part of
the mailing address. It can be left bl ank. " LABEL "Country"
FIELD "ResaleID" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "Optional field used to
record the customer's State Tax Identifica tion number, which is used on Sales
Acknowledgments." LABEL "Tax ID"
FIELD "SalesRepCode" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the default
SalesRep for the specific customer. This fie ld is used to supply defaults to Order
Entry and Invoice entry for invoices that do not reference Orders. It can be left
blank or must be valid in the SalesRep master file." LABEL "Sales Rep"
FIELD "TerritoryID" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "The Sales Territory
for the Customer." LABEL "Territory"
FIELD "ShipToNum" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the key of the
default ship to for a customer. A blank v alue indicates that the name and address
in the Customer file is considered the default ship to. This field is updated when
the user marks the check box in ship to maintenance indicating that the ship to is
to be designated as the default. T his default will be used in areas such as Sales
Order entry. " LABEL "Ship To"
FIELD "TermsCode" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "Establishes the default
sales terms that should be used for this customer. This field can't be left blank,
it must be valid in the Terms file. A default may be supplied by XaSyst.TermsCode
if not blank. It supplies the defau lt in Order entry and Invoice entry." LABEL
FIELD "ShipViaCode" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the default
ShipVia for a customer. This is an optional field, it can be left blank or it must
be valid in the ShipVia master file. " LABEL "Ship Via"
FIELD "PrintStatements" OF "GlbCustomer": logical DESCRIPTION "Controls the
selection for printing of Accounts Receivable statem ents for a customer. " LABEL
"Print Statements" COLUMN-LABEL "STMTS"
FIELD "PrintLabels" OF "GlbCustomer": logical DESCRIPTION "Only customers that are
PrintLabels = Yes will be selected for pr inting of mailing labels." LABEL "Labels"
FIELD "PrintAck" OF "GlbCustomer": logical DESCRIPTION "Allows the user to
establish whether or not a specific customer r
equires Sales Order Acknowledgments. This does not force or limit the printing of
sales acknowledgments directly from within Order Entry. Order entry displays this
setting to the user so that they know if they should print the acknowledg ment. For
batch mode printing, (where ranges of sales orders are selected...future rel ease)
this setting will be used to exclude orders from printing." LABEL "Acknowledgments"

FIELD "FinCharges" OF "GlbCustomer": logical DESCRIPTION "Controls whether or not

the customer included in the finance char ge calculation process. " LABEL "Finance
FIELD "CreditHold" OF "GlbCustomer": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if customer has
been placed into a ""Credit Hold"" stat us. A ""yes"" will trigger notification of
this condition in Order Entry and Shi pping." LABEL "Credit Hold" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "GroupCode" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "Customer Group code for
a customer. This can be blank or it must be valid in the CustsGrup file. This field
will be used as a sort and selection parameter for reporting. " LABEL "Group"
FIELD "DiscountPercent" OF "GlbCustomer": decimal DESCRIPTION "An optional field
used to establish a default purchasing discount percentage for a customer. This
value is supplied to order entry as a default f or line item discount percent."
LABEL "Discount %" COLUMN-LABEL "Disc %"
FIELD "PrimPCon" OF "GlbCustomer": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains the key of the
Primary Purchasing contact for the custom er. This field is not directly
maintainable. Instead it is set during contact ma intenance by having the user mark
a check box indicating primary Purchaser. Thi s is the contact that is used as a
default in Order Entry and Quoting. " LABEL "Primary Pur. Contact"
FIELD "PrimBCon" OF "GlbCustomer": integer DESCRIPTION "The same as the PrimPCon
except that this is the Billing contact and this is used as a default in invoice
entry." LABEL "Primary Billing Contact"
FIELD "PrimSCon" OF "GlbCustomer": integer DESCRIPTION "Same as PrimPCon except
that this the Shipping contact and is use d as a default in Packing Slip entry. "
LABEL "Primary Shipping Contact"
FIELD "Comment" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "Comments are intended to
be internal comments about a specific cu
stomer. These do get pulled into other programs. They are mainly intended as an
online storage facility. To be view-as EDITOR widget."
FIELD "EstDate" OF "GlbCustomer": date DESCRIPTION "The date when they were
established as a customer. Use the system date as a default when creating new
customers. This is user maintainable. " LABEL "Est. Date"
FIELD "FaxNum" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "Fax telephone number for
the customer. Optional field. Field is d isplayed in Order entry when no contact is
specifically given or the contact has a blank fax number. " LABEL "Fax"
FIELD "PhoneNum" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "The general Business
Phone Number for the customer. Displayed in Order entry when no contact is given or
when contact has a blank phone number." LABEL "Phone"
FIELD "TaxExempt" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the reason why
customer is normally exempt from sales tax. Used as a default in invoice entry. If
field is non-blank it is considered exempt. This code is totally user definable and
no validation is required. " LABEL "Tax Exempt"
FIELD "Obs900-ARAcctID" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "The ID that links
the customer to a specific ArAcct record. Which is used to establish the G/L
accounts used when invoicing this customer. This i s updated via a description
fill-in field with a DDSL. It can be left blank else it must be valid in the
ArAcct. If blank then the G/L accounts in the ""default "" ArAcct are used. (see
ARSyst.ArAcctID)" LABEL "Account ID"
FIELD "MarkUpID" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "The ID that establishes
link to the default QMarkUp record which provides default markup percents used by
quote entry for this customer. This ID is not directly entered. Instead it is
derived via the user entering the descrip tion of the QMarkUp record. This can be
left blank, else must be valid." LABEL "MarkUp ID"
FIELD "BillDay" OF "GlbCustomer": integer DESCRIPTION "** 6.0 extended
functionality Represents the day of the week that this customer is billed. The
valid values ar e 0-7 where 0=All,1=Sun,2=Mon,...,7=Sat. ** (where the bill-
frequency = 'W' (weekly) ** (where bill-frequency = 'M' (monthly) this field is 1
-> 31 representing the day of the month to bill on. This is used during the ""Get
Shipments"" function of invoice entry. For example , if the customer has BillDay =
4(Wed), the Get Shipments function will select all the packing slips with a ship
date that is less than or equal to the latest Wednesday's date.
** The same also applies to monthly billing (1-31)" LABEL "Bill Day"
FIELD "OneInvPerPS" OF "GlbCustomer": logical DESCRIPTION """Combine"" Multiple
Packing Slips into one Invoice. NOTE: The f ield name does not correctly represent
what this actually does ! This value is used during the ""Get Shipments"" function
of invoice entry to control how invoi ces should be created when there are multiple
packing slips for the same custome r. Basically, if this value is YES then packing
slips for the same Order, Fiscal Period are combined into a single invoice. If this
value is NO then each packin g slip will create a single invoice." LABEL "Combine
packing slip for invoicing"
FIELD "DefaultFOB" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "Default FOB policy for
a customers orders. Order Entry uses this as a default to OrderHed.FOB." LABEL
FIELD "CreditIncludeOrders" OF "GlbCustomer": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that
Open Orders are to be included in the credit limit checking. This checkbox will
also include open service contracts." LABEL "Include Open Orders in Credit Limit"
FIELD "CreditReviewDate" OF "GlbCustomer": date DESCRIPTION "Date that the next
credit check should be made for that customer. " LABEL "Credit Review Date" COLUMN-
LABEL "Review Date"
FIELD "CreditHoldDate" OF "GlbCustomer": date DESCRIPTION "Date that the customer
was last placed on credit hold (system set )." LABEL "Credit Hold Date" COLUMN-
LABEL "Hold Date"
FIELD "CreditHoldSource" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates how the
customer was placed on credit hold (system set) . Valid values are ""MANUAL"",
""INVOICES"", ""ORDERS"",""CONTRACTS"". ""MANUA L"" means that the user placed the
customer on hold. INVOICES means that the cu stomer s open A/R balance exceeded
the credit limit. LABEL "Credit Hold Source" COLUMN-LABEL "Hold Source"
FIELD "CreditClearUserID" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "The USERID of
the user that last cleared the customer s credit hold (system set)." LABEL
"Cleared Credit Hold User" COLUMN-LABEL "Cleared User"
FIELD "CreditClearDate" OF "GlbCustomer": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the user
last cleared the customer s credit hold (syst em set)." LABEL "Cleared Credit Hold
COLUMN-LABEL "Cleared Date"
FIELD "CreditClearTime" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "The time that the
user last cleared the customer s credit hold in HH :MM:SS format (system set)."
LABEL "Cleared Credit Hold Time" COLUMN-LABEL "Cleared Time"
FIELD "EDICode" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "This is the Trading
Partner ID that is used for incoming and outg oing EDI."
FIELD "EDITest" OF "GlbCustomer": logical DESCRIPTION "EDI test mode. When
customers are first set up for EDI it is use ful to send all documents in test mode
so trading partners can verify the data b efore going into production mode."
FIELD "EDITranslator" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies which EDI
package the customer is using. If not null in must be valid in the EDITrnsl table."

FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that

identifies the currency." LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "CountryNum" OF "GlbCustomer": integer DESCRIPTION "Country part of address.
This field is in sync with the Country f ield. Must be a valid entry in the Country
table." LABEL "Country Number"
FIELD "LangNameID" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the language
to be used. This controls which language will be selected when extracting part
descriptions from PartLangDesc table." LABEL "Language ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Lang ID"
FIELD "BorderCrossing" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "Area/city code from
where goods cross the border. This field is i ntended for Intrastat reporting. The
field can be blank to indicate the value fr om the Country table. This field is
only visible if ISSyst.EnableHarbour is set ." LABEL "Exit Point" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "FormatStr" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "Optional Custom address
format. Controls the address format used on crystal forms. "
FIELD "BTCountryNum" OF "GlbCustomer": integer
DESCRIPTION "Country part of Bill-to address. This field is in sync with the C
ountry field. Must be a valid entry in the Country table." LABEL "Country Number"
FIELD "BTCountry" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "Country is used as part
of the bill-to address. It can be left bl ank. " LABEL "Country"
FIELD "BTPhoneNum" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "The bill-to address
Phone Number for the customer." LABEL "Phone"
FIELD "BTFaxNum" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "The bill-to address Fax
telephone number for the customer. Option al field." LABEL "Fax"
FIELD "BTFormatStr" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "Optional bill-to
address format. Controls the address format use d on crystal forms. "
FIELD "ParentCustNum" OF "GlbCustomer": integer DESCRIPTION "The unique Customer
Number of the Parent." LABEL "Parent"
FIELD "ICCust" OF "GlbCustomer": logical DESCRIPTION "This is an inter-company
customer." LABEL "Inter-Company"
FIELD "ContBillDay" OF "GlbCustomer": integer DESCRIPTION "The day of the month
that service contracts that are marked for r ecurring invoices are billed for this
customer. If the Invoice group invoice da te is greater than or equal to this date
then the invoice will be generated." LABEL "Contract Bill Day"
FIELD "EMailAddress" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "E-mail address of the
FIELD "ShippingQualifier" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
customer has any qualifications on completeness of the order before it can be
shipped. The valid values are; ""O"" - Order must be 100% complete, ""L"" - Order
Line must be 100% complete, ""blank"" - None. This setting is a default for orders
of a specific customer. See OrderHed.ShipOr derComplete, OrderDtl.ShipLineComplete"
FIELD "AllocPriorityCode" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "Code used to
relate a AllocPri record to the customer. This is u sed as a default to
OrderHed.AllocPriCode for order for this customer."
LABEL "Alloc Pri" COLUMN-LABEL "Alloc Pri"
FIELD "LinkPortNum" OF "GlbCustomer": integer DESCRIPTION "Used with Global alerts"
LABEL "Link Port Number"
FIELD "WebCustomer" OF "GlbCustomer": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
customer is for eCommerce. Only Customers with this equal to YES will be
synchronized between the Manufacturing System DB and StoreFront DB (VntgSF)."
FIELD "CustomerType" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "Describe the type of
Customer this is. SUS = Suspect PRO = Prospect CUS = Customer" LABEL "Type"
FIELD "NoContact" OF "GlbCustomer": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that this
contact is not included in marketing lists" LABEL "Inactive"
FIELD "TerritoryLock" OF "GlbCustomer": logical DESCRIPTION "This customers
territory cannot be changed by any process that ch anges territories" LABEL
"Territory Locked"
FIELD "CustURL" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "Customers Website URL ."
LABEL "Website"
FIELD "PendingTerritoryID" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "The sales
territory that the system will assign based on new valu es in the Sales territory
boundary table." LABEL "Territory ID"
FIELD "ConsolidateSO" OF "GlbCustomer": logical DESCRIPTION "APK - added for
consolidation accross multiple SO's for the same customer" LABEL "Consolidate Sales
Orders" COLUMN-LABEL "Consolidate Sales Orders"
FIELD "Bill-Frequency" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "new field :'W' =
weekly billing 'M' = monthly billing billdays still specifies which day to bill on
but is also now subject to this fl ag " LABEL "Billing Frequency"
COLUMN-LABEL "Billing Frequency"
FIELD "CreditIncludePI" OF "GlbCustomer": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that
Payment Instruments (bank drafts, post dated check s) are to be included in the
credit limit checking. " LABEL "Include PI in Credit Limit"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "Owner Company
FIELD "CustID" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "A user defined external
customer ID. This must be unique within the file. This ID may be used in certain
screen displays or reports where a ful l customer name is inappropriate. Therefore
users should use meaningful characte rs as they would in any other master file.
This master file key is a little diff erent in that the user can change. This
change is allowed because the system is not using the CustID as a foreign key in
any other file. Rather it uses the Cus tNum field which is assigned to the customer
by the system." LABEL "Cust. ID"
FIELD "CustNum" OF "GlbCustomer": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer assigned by
the system to new customers by the customer maintenance program. This field is used
as the foreign key to identify the customer in other files such as OrderHed or
InvcHead. The end user should n ever need to know about the value of this field. "
LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "GlobalCredIncOrd" OF "GlbCustomer": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that Open
Orders are to be included in the global credi t limit checking. This checkbox will
also include open service contracts." LABEL "Include Open Orders in Global Credit
FIELD "GlobalCredIncPI" OF "GlbCustomer": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that
Payment Instruments (bank drafts, post dated check s) are to be included in the
credit limit checking. " LABEL "Include PI in Global Credit Limit"
FIELD "GlobalCurrencyCode" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code
that identifies the currency." LABEL "Global Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency
FIELD "GlobalCreditHold" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
customer has been placed into a ""Global Credit Hold "" status. Any non-blank value
will trigger notification of this condition in Or der Entry and Shipping." LABEL
"Global Credit Hold"
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "GlbCustomer": logical DESCRIPTION "Disable this record from
receiving global updates" LABEL "Global Lock"
FIELD "OldCompany" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "Original Owner Company
FIELD "OldCustNum" OF "GlbCustomer": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer assigned
by the system to new customers by the customer maintenance program. This is the
unique key in the original owner comp any - NOT CURRENTLY IN USE" LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "OldCustID" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "A user defined external
customer ID. This must be unique within the file. This is the unique key in the
original owner company - NOT CURRENTLY IN USE" LABEL "Org. Cust. ID"
FIELD "TaxAuthorityCode" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "Establishes the
tax authority for this customer. This field can be blank, but if entered, it must
be valid in the TaxAuthorityCd file." LABEL "Tax Authority Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Tax
Authority Code"
FIELD "ExternalDeliveryNote" OF "GlbCustomer": logical DESCRIPTION "This flag
indicates if an external delivery note is required for the customer. This field is
available only when send shipments for financial in tegration is turned on. This
will provide the default for the ShipHead record. " LABEL "External Delivery Note"
COLUMN-LABEL "External Delivery Note"
FIELD "CreditLimit" OF "GlbCustomer": decimal DESCRIPTION "An optional field that
allows user to enter a monetary value to b e used as a Credit limit. Credit limit
of zero is considered as having unlimite d credit." LABEL "Credit Limit"
FIELD "CustPILimit" OF "GlbCustomer": decimal DESCRIPTION "An optional field that
allows user to enter a monetary value to b e used as a Credit limit for payment
instruments such as post dated checks or ba nk drafts. Credit limit of zero is
considered as having unlimited credit. " LABEL "PI Credit Limit"
FIELD "GlobalCreditLimit" OF "GlbCustomer": decimal DESCRIPTION "An optional field
that allows user to enter a monetary value to b e used as a Global Credit limit.
Credit limit of zero is considered as having u nlimited credit. " LABEL "Global
Credit Limit"
FIELD "GlobalPILimit" OF "GlbCustomer": decimal DESCRIPTION "An optional field that
allows user to enter a monetary value to b e used as a Credit limit for payment
instruments such as post dated checks or ba
nk drafts. Credit limit of zero is considered as having unlimited credit. " LABEL
"Global PI Credit Limit"
FIELD "DocGlobalCreditLimit" OF "GlbCustomer": decimal DESCRIPTION "An optional
field that allows user to enter a monetary value to b e used as a Global Credit
limit. Credit limit of zero is considered as having u nlimited credit. Stored in
Global Currency." LABEL "Doc Global Credit Limit"
FIELD "DocGlobalPILimit" OF "GlbCustomer": decimal DESCRIPTION "An optional field
that allows user to enter a monetary value to b e used as a Credit limit for
payment instruments such as post dated checks or ba nk drafts. Credit limit of zero
is considered as having unlimited credit. Store d in Global currency" LABEL "Doc
Global PI Credit Limit"
FIELD "GlobalCust" OF "GlbCustomer": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks the customer as a
global customer, available to be sent out to other companies" LABEL "Global"
FIELD "ICTrader" OF "GlbCustomer": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this customer
participates in the Inter-Company Trad ing." LABEL "Inter-Company Trader"
FIELD "RfqAttachAllow" OF "GlbCustomer": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether RFQ
Attachments are allowed for this Customer"
FIELD "DiscountQualifier" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "The discount
qualifier is primarily used when applying order valu e based discounts to the
customer's sales orders. The value of this field affec ts the discount percent
given to the customer. Here's the rule: ""MIN"" = means that the default order
discount percent is the minimum discount the customer could get as compared to the
order value based discount. ""MAX"" = means that the default order discount percent
is the maximum discount the customer could get as compared to the order value based
discount. ""ADD"" = means that the customer could get the order value based
discount in ad dition to the default order discount. " LABEL "Discount Qualifier"
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbCustomer": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al customers. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipp ed customer if they need to." LABEL "Skipped"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbCustomer": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbCustomer": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "OldCustID" ON "GlbCustomer" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Original Owner's
INDEX "OldCustNum" ON "GlbCustomer" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Original Owners
customer number - NOT CURRENTLY IN USE"

TABLE "GlbCustXPrt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for CustXPrt."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbCustXPrt": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbDeliveryType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbDeliveryType": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user
chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbDocType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for DocType."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbDocType": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbEFTHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for EFTHead."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbEFTHead": logical
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to skip this record when linking glob al
parts. The user can come back at a later time and choose to link a skipped p art if
they need to."

TABLE "GlbEFTProp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for EFTProp."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbEFTProp": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbEntityGLC" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for EntityGLC."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbEntityGLC": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbEquip" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for Equip."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbEquip": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbEquipStatus" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbEquipStatus": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user
chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbEquipType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for EquipType."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbEquipType": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."
TABLE "GlbFAClass" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for FAClass."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbFAClass": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbFAGroup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for FAGroup."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbFAGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbFAGroupReg" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for FAGroupReg."

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbFAGroupReg": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user

chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbFASprdDy" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for FASprdDy."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbFASprdDy": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbFASpread" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for FASpread."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbFASpread": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbFinCharge" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for FinCharge."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbFinCharge": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbFinChargeRate" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbFinChargeRate": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user
chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GLBFiscalCal" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global Fiscal Calendar"

FIELD "Company" OF "GLBFiscalCal": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "GLBFiscalCal": character DESCRIPTION "The unique
identifier of the fiscal calendar." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal
Calendar ID"
FIELD "Description" OF "GLBFiscalCal": character DESCRIPTION "Calendar
description." LABEL "Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "StartDate" OF "GLBFiscalCal": date DESCRIPTION "The start date of the fiscal
calendar." LABEL "Start Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Start Date"
FIELD "EndDate" OF "GLBFiscalCal": date DESCRIPTION "The end date of the fiscal
calendar." LABEL "End Date" COLUMN-LABEL "End Date"
FIELD "ExtCompanyID" OF "GLBFiscalCal": character DESCRIPTION "External Company
identifier. Used in Multi-Company Journal." LABEL "External Company"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLBFiscalCal": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLBFiscalCal": integer
DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."

FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLBFiscalCal": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,

etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "GLBFiscalPer" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global Fiscal Period"

FIELD "Company" OF "GLBFiscalPer": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "GLBFiscalPer": character DESCRIPTION "The id of the
fiscal calendar this record is related to." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "GLBFiscalPer": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year." LABEL
"Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "GLBFiscalPer": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year
suffix. Allows for additional breakdown/definiti on of fiscal years, for example,
by quarters." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "GLBFiscalPer": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal period
number in the fiscal year." LABEL "Fiscal Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Period"
FIELD "StartDate" OF "GLBFiscalPer": date DESCRIPTION "The start date of the fiscal
period." LABEL "Start Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Start Date"
FIELD "EndDate" OF "GLBFiscalPer": date DESCRIPTION "End date of the fiscal period"
LABEL "End Date" COLUMN-LABEL "End Date"
FIELD "ExtCompanyID" OF "GLBFiscalPer": character DESCRIPTION "External Company
identifier. Used in Multi-Company Journal." LABEL "External Company"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLBFiscalPer": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLBFiscalPer": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLBFiscalPer": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "GLBFiscalYr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global Fiscal Year"

FIELD "Company" OF "GLBFiscalYr": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "GLBFiscalYr": character DESCRIPTION "The id of the
fiscal calendar this record is related to." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "GLBFiscalYr": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year." LABEL
"Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "GLBFiscalYr": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year
suffix. Allows for additional breakdown/definiti on of fiscal years, for example,
by quarters." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "StartDate" OF "GLBFiscalYr": date DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year start date."
LABEL "Start Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Start Date"
FIELD "EndDate" OF "GLBFiscalYr": date DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year end date."
LABEL "End Date" COLUMN-LABEL "End Date"
FIELD "NumPeriods" OF "GLBFiscalYr": integer DESCRIPTION "The number of ordinary
fiscal periods in the year." LABEL "Number of Periods" COLUMN-LABEL "Number of
FIELD "NumClosingPeriods" OF "GLBFiscalYr": integer DESCRIPTION "The number of
closing periods for the fiscal year. Can be zero." LABEL "Number of Closing
Periods" COLUMN-LABEL "Number of Closing Periods"
FIELD "NextFiscalYear" OF "GLBFiscalYr": integer DESCRIPTION "The next fiscal year
(next FiscalYr record)." LABEL "Next Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Next Fiscal Year"
FIELD "NextFiscalYearSuffix" OF "GLBFiscalYr": character DESCRIPTION "The next
fiscal year suffix. " LABEL "Next Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Next Fiscal
Year Suffix"
FIELD "PrevFiscalYear" OF "GLBFiscalYr": integer DESCRIPTION "The previous fiscal
year (previous FiscalYr record)." LABEL "Prev Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Prev
Fiscal Year"
FIELD "PrevFiscalYearSuffix" OF "GLBFiscalYr": character DESCRIPTION "The previous
fiscal year suffix." LABEL "Prev Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Prev Fiscal Year
FIELD "Description" OF "GLBFiscalYr": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year
description." LABEL "Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "ExtCompanyID" OF "GLBFiscalYr": character DESCRIPTION "External Company
identifier. Used in Multi-Company Journal." LABEL "External Company"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLBFiscalYr": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLBFiscalYr": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLBFiscalYr": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "GlbFOB" AREA "Schema Area"

DESCRIPTION "Global table for FOB."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbFOB": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbForecast" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Forecast master. This file
contains the projected orders by cust omer."
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbForecast": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CustNum" OF "GlbForecast": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer assigned by
the system to new customers by the customer maintenance program. This field is used
as the foreign key to identify the customer in other files such as OrderHed or
InvcHead. The end user should n ever need to know about the value of this field. "
LABEL "Customer Number"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "GlbForecast": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field
identifies the Part and is used as the primary key. " LABEL "Part Number" COLUMN-
LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "ForeDate" OF "GlbForecast": date DESCRIPTION "Date at which this forecast is
considered effective. This date i s used to control the building of inventory based
on this forecast." LABEL "Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Date"
FIELD "ConsumedQty" OF "GlbForecast": decimal DESCRIPTION "The current accumulated
quantity from all the order releases that fall within the forecast horizon." LABEL
"Consumed Qty"
FIELD "Plant" OF "GlbForecast": character DESCRIPTION "Plant id for this forecast"
FIELD "PONum" OF "GlbForecast": character DESCRIPTION "Inbound Customer PO Number"
FIELD "ExtCompany" OF "GlbForecast": character DESCRIPTION "External Trading
Company Identifier."
FIELD "UpdateDate" OF "GlbForecast": date DESCRIPTION "Date the forecast was
transfered to the local forecast table"
FIELD "CreatedBy" OF "GlbForecast": character DESCRIPTION "The user ID that created
this batch." LABEL "Created By"
FIELD "CreatedDate" OF "GlbForecast": date DESCRIPTION "Date the forecast was
created" LABEL "Created Date"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbForecast": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbForecast": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbForecast": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "GlbFSCallCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for FSCallCd."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbFSCallCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbFSContCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for FSContCd."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbFSContCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbFSWarrCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for FSWarrCd."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbFSWarrCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."
TABLE "GLBGLAccount" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global GL Acocunt table used
to store all of the valid combinatio ns of the controlled COASegments."
FIELD "Company" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ExtCompanyID" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Company ID of the
external company this COA was imported from." LABEL "External Company"
FIELD "COACode" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID"
FIELD "GLAccount" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Full GL account
containing the controlled segment valid combinati ons up to 200 characters
including the segment separator. This si the unique id entifier for the GL
FIELD "AccountDesc" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Text that describes
the account."
FIELD "GLShortAcct" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Optional field that
may be used for reporting purpose when the GL Account exceeds the space available
on a printed document. It is a shortened v ersion of the 200 character GL Account
that displays on reports. The initial de fault value consits of the concatenation
of the first three segments in display sequence order."
FIELD "SegValue1" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 1. See
COASegment segment number 1 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue2" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 2. See
COASegment segment number 2 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue3" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 3. See
COASegment segment number 3 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue4" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 4. See
COASegment segment number 4 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue5" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 5. See
COASegment segment number 5 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue6" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 6. See
COASegment segment number 6 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue7" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 7. See
COASegment segment number 7 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue8" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 8. See
COASegment segment number 8 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue9" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 9. See
COASegment segment number 9 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue10" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 10. See
COASegment segment number 10 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue11" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 11. See
COASegment segment number 11 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue12" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 12. See
COASegment segment number 12 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue13" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 13. See
COASegment segment number 13 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue14" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 14. See
COASegment segment number 14 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue15" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 15. See
COASegment segment number 15 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue16" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 16. See
COASegment segment number 16 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue17" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 17. See
COASegment segment number 17 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue18" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 18. See
COASegment segment number 18 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue19" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 19. See
COASegment segment number 19 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue20" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 20. See
COASegment segment number 20 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "PreservDesc" OF "GLBGLAccount": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
entered description shall be preserved when the tool to automatically generate GL
Acocunts is used. Default value = yes."
FIELD "PreserveActivation" OF "GLBGLAccount": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
'Active' flag and the 'Effective Date Range' sha ll be preserved when the tool to
automatically generate GL accounts is used. De fault value = no."
FIELD "Active" OF "GLBGLAccount": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this accoun tis
active. The user cannot post to an inactive account. Yes indicates the account is
active. No indicates the accoun t is not active."
FIELD "EffFrom" OF "GLBGLAccount": date DESCRIPTION "Date the GL Account beings to
be effective. It must be less than or equal to the Effective to date if one has
been entered."
FIELD "EffTo" OF "GLBGLAccount": date DESCRIPTION "Date the GL Account is no longer
effective. This date must be gr eater than or equal to the Effective From date if
one has been entered."
FIELD "MultiCompany" OF "GLBGLAccount": logical DESCRIPTION "A flag to indicate
this GL Account my recieve multi-company journ als."
FIELD "ParentGLAccount" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Full account
including separator value up to 200 characters. Uni que identifier for the GL
FIELD "PntSegValue1" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue
1. See COASegment segment number 11 for a de scription of this field."
FIELD "PntSegValue2" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue
2. See COASegment segment number 2 for a des cription of this field."
FIELD "PntSegValue3" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue
3. See COASegment segment number 3 for a des cription of this field."
FIELD "PntSegValue4" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue
4. See COASegment segment number 4 for a des cription of this field."
FIELD "PntSegValue5" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue
5. See COASegment segment number 5 for a des cription of this field."
FIELD "PntSegValue6" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue
3. See COASegment segment number 3 for a des cription of this field."
FIELD "PntSegValue7" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue
7. See COASegment segment number 7 for a des cription of this field."
FIELD "PntSegValue8" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue
8. See COASegment segment number 8 for a des cription of this field."
FIELD "PntSegValue9" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue
9. See COASegment segment number 9 for a des cription of this field."
FIELD "PntSegValue10" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue
10. See COASegment segment number 10 for a d escription of this field."
FIELD "PntSegValue11" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue
11. See COASegment segment number 11 for a d escription of this field."
FIELD "PntSegValue12" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue
12. See COASegment segment number 12 for a d escription of this field."
FIELD "PntSegValue13" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue
13. See COASegment segment number 13 for a d escription of this field."
FIELD "PntSegValue14" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue
14. See COASegment segment number 14 for a d escription of this field."
FIELD "PntSegValue15" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue
15. See COASegment segment number 15 for a d escription of this field."
FIELD "PntSegValue16" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue
16. See COASegment segment number 16 for a d escription of this field."
FIELD "PntSegValue17" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue
17. See COASegment segment number 17 for a d escription of this field."
FIELD "PntSegValue18" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue
18. See COASegment segment number 18 for a d escription of this field."
FIELD "PntSegValue19" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue
19. See COASegment segment number 19 for a d escription of this field."
FIELD "PntSegValue20" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Parent SegmentValue
20. See COASegment segment number 20 for a d escription of this field."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLBGLAccount": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLBGLAccount": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "ExtCoaCodeGL" ON "GLBGLAccount" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By ExtCompany By CoaCode By GLAccount"

TABLE "GLBGLAcctDisp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global GL Account Display

FIELD "Company" OF "GLBGLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "COACode" OF "GLBGLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID"
FIELD "GLAccount" OF "GLBGLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "Full GL account
containing the controlled segment valid combinati ons up to 200 characters
including the segment separator. This si the unique id entifier for the GL
FIELD "GLAcctDisp" OF "GLBGLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "This is the GL
Account in display order sequence. "
FIELD "AccountDesc" OF "GLBGLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "Text that describes
the account."
FIELD "GLShortAcct" OF "GLBGLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "Optional field that
may be used for reporting purpose when the GL Account exceeds the space available
on a printed document. It is a shortened v ersion of the 200 character GL Account
that displays on reports. The value of t his field is the concatenation of the
first three controlled display order segme nts. For example, if a chart has 5
controlled segments that are displayed in th e following order: seg5->seg3->seg4-
>seg2->seg1, this field contains the concate ntion of seg5->seg3->seg4 up to the
max length of 65."
FIELD "SegValue1" OF "GLBGLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 1. See
COASegment segment number 1 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue2" OF "GLBGLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 2. See
COASegment segment number 2 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue3" OF "GLBGLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 3. See
COASegment segment number 3 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue4" OF "GLBGLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 4. See
COASegment segment number 4 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue5" OF "GLBGLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 5. See
COASegment segment number 5 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue6" OF "GLBGLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 6. See
COASegment segment number 6 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue7" OF "GLBGLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 7. See
COASegment segment number 7 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue8" OF "GLBGLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 8. See
COASegment segment number 8 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue9" OF "GLBGLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 9. See
COASegment segment number 9 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue10" OF "GLBGLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 10. See
COASegment segment number 10 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue11" OF "GLBGLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 11. See
COASegment segment number 11 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue12" OF "GLBGLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 12. See
COASegment segment number 12 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue13" OF "GLBGLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 13. See
COASegment segment number 13 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue14" OF "GLBGLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 14. See
COASegment segment number 14 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue15" OF "GLBGLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 15. See
COASegment segment number 15 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue16" OF "GLBGLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 16. See
COASegment segment number 16 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue17" OF "GLBGLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 17. See
COASegment segment number 17 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue18" OF "GLBGLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 18. See
COASegment segment number 18 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue19" OF "GLBGLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 19. See
COASegment segment number 19 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue20" OF "GLBGLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 20. See
COASegment segment number 20 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "ExtCompanyID" OF "GLBGLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "External Company
identifier. Used in Multi-Company Journal." LABEL "External Company"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLBGLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLBGLAcctDisp": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLBGLAcctDisp": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "IsGLAccount" OF "GLBGLAcctDisp": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
display account record is a valid GL Account. this may be a valid GL Account for
the controlled sequence and/or a fully resolv ed GL Account by the Posting Engine."
LABEL "Is GL Account" COLUMN-LABEL "Is GL Account"
FIELD "IsBalanceAcct" OF "GLBGLAcctDisp": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is a valid balance account." LABEL "Is Balance Account" COLUMN-LABEL "Is
Balance Account"
INDEX "ExtCoaGL" ON "GLBGLAcctDisp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
ExtCompanyID By COACode by GLAccount"

TABLE "GLBGLBook" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global GL Book"

FIELD "Company" OF "GLBGLBook": character
DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ExtCompanyID" OF "GLBGLBook": character DESCRIPTION "External Company
identifier. Used in Multi-Company Journal." LABEL "External Company"
FIELD "BookID" OF "GLBGLBook": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier" LABEL
"Book ID"
FIELD "Description" OF "GLBGLBook": character DESCRIPTION "Descripiton of Book"
LABEL "Description"
FIELD "MainBook" OF "GLBGLBook": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this is the Main
Book. Only one main book is allowe d." LABEL "Main"
FIELD "COACode" OF "GLBGLBook": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account Code" LABEL
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "GLBGLBook": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the base
currency for the book" LABEL "Currency"
FIELD "BookType" OF "GLBGLBook": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the type of book.
Standard, Consolidation, etc." LABEL "Book Type"
FIELD "Inactive" OF "GLBGLBook": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the book is
inactive" LABEL "Inactive"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "GLBGLBook": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier for the
Fiscal Calendar assigned to the book" LABEL "Fiscal Calendar"
FIELD "COABalFmtChg" OF "GLBGLBook": logical DESCRIPTION "Indiates if the blaance
account structure has changed on the COA. Yes indicates it has changed and the
balance rebuild utility needs to run. Th is field is used internally and is not
intended for end-user use." LABEL "Balance Format" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Format"
FIELD "Date01" OF "GLBGLBook": date DESCRIPTION "Contains the Currency.CurrencyCode
value of the customer's base c urrency."
LABEL "Date01" COLUMN-LABEL "Date01"
FIELD "REAccount" OF "GLBGLBook": character DESCRIPTION "Retained Earnings Account.
May be actual account or a mask" LABEL "Retained Earnings" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "RESegValue1" OF "GLBGLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 1. See
COASegment segment number 1 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue2" OF "GLBGLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 2. See
COASegment segment number 2 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue3" OF "GLBGLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 3. See
COASegment segment number 3 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue4" OF "GLBGLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 4. See
COASegment segment number 4 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue5" OF "GLBGLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 5. See
COASegment segment number 5 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue6" OF "GLBGLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 6. See
COASegment segment number 6 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue7" OF "GLBGLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 7. See
COASegment segment number 7 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue8" OF "GLBGLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 8. See
COASegment segment number 8 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue9" OF "GLBGLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 9. See
COASegment segment number 9 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue10" OF "GLBGLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 10. See
COASegment segment number 10 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue11" OF "GLBGLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 11. See
COASegment segment number 11 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue12" OF "GLBGLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 12. See
COASegment segment number 12 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue13" OF "GLBGLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 13. See
COASegment segment number 13 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue14" OF "GLBGLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 14. See
COASegment segment number 14 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue15" OF "GLBGLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 15. See
COASegment segment number 15 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue16" OF "GLBGLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 16. See
COASegment segment number 16 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue17" OF "GLBGLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 17. See
COASegment segment number 17 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue18" OF "GLBGLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 18. See
COASegment segment number 18 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue19" OF "GLBGLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 19. See
COASegment segment number 19 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue20" OF "GLBGLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 20. See
COASegment segment number 20 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLBGLBook": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLBGLBook": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLBGLBook": integer
DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit
Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "Book" ON "GLBGLBook" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
ExtCompany By BookID"

TABLE "GlbGLCntrl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for GLCntrl."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbGLCntrl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbGLCntrlAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbGLCntrlAcct": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user
chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbGLCntrlJrnl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbGLCntrlJrnl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user
chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GLBGLCOARefAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global GL Chart of Account

Reference Accounts"
FIELD "Company" OF "GLBGLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ExtCompanyID" OF "GLBGLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Company ID of the
external company this COA was imported from."
FIELD "COACode" OF "GLBGLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID"
FIELD "GLAccount" OF "GLBGLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Full GL account
containing the controlled segment valid combinati ons up to 200 characters
including the segment separator. This si the unique id entifier for the GL
FIELD "SegValue1" OF "GLBGLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 1. See
COASegment segment number 1 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue2" OF "GLBGLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 2. See
COASegment segment number 2 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue3" OF "GLBGLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 3. See
COASegment segment number 3 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue4" OF "GLBGLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 4. See
COASegment segment number 4 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue5" OF "GLBGLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 5. See
COASegment segment number 5 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue6" OF "GLBGLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 6. See
COASegment segment number 6 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue7" OF "GLBGLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 7. See
COASegment segment number 7 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue8" OF "GLBGLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 8. See
COASegment segment number 8 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue9" OF "GLBGLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 9. See
COASegment segment number 9 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue10" OF "GLBGLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 10.
See COASegment segment number 10 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue11" OF "GLBGLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 11.
See COASegment segment number 11 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue12" OF "GLBGLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 12.
See COASegment segment number 12 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue13" OF "GLBGLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 13.
See COASegment segment number 13 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue14" OF "GLBGLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 14.
See COASegment segment number 14 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue15" OF "GLBGLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 15.
See COASegment segment number 15 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue16" OF "GLBGLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 16.
See COASegment segment number 16 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue17" OF "GLBGLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 17.
See COASegment segment number 17 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue18" OF "GLBGLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 18.
See COASegment segment number 18 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue19" OF "GLBGLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 19.
See COASegment segment number 19 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue20" OF "GLBGLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 20.
See COASegment segment number 20 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "RefStatus" OF "GLBGLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "The valid values for
Reference Status are: E = Excluded (no reference code allowed) O = Optional M =
Mandatory (reference code is mandatory)" LABEL "Ref. Status"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLBGLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLBGLCOARefAcct": integer
DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."

FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLBGLCOARefAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,

Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "ExtCompanyAccount" ON "GLBGLCOARefAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By
Company By extCompID by COACode By GlAccount"

TABLE "GLBGLCOARefType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global General Ledger Chart
of Accounts Reference Types"
FIELD "Company" OF "GLBGLCOARefType": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ExtCompanyID" OF "GLBGLCOARefType": character DESCRIPTION "Company ID of the
external company this COA was imported from."
FIELD "COACode" OF "GLBGLCOARefType": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID"
FIELD "SegmentNbr" OF "GLBGLCOARefType": integer DESCRIPTION "System generated
number from 1 through 20." LABEL "Segment Number"
FIELD "RefType" OF "GLBGLCOARefType": character DESCRIPTION "A string that uniquely
identifies the code" LABEL "Type"
FIELD "RefTypeDesc" OF "GLBGLCOARefType": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the
Reference type" LABEL "Description"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLBGLCOARefType": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLBGLCOARefType": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLBGLCOARefType": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag"
Company By ExtCompID By COACode By SegmentNbr By RefType"

TABLE "GlbGLRefCod" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Contains G/L Reference Codes
from different external companies."
FIELD "ExtCompanyID" OF "GlbGLRefCod": character DESCRIPTION "External Company
identifier. Used in Multi-Company Journal." LABEL "External Company"
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbGLRefCod": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "RefType" OF "GlbGLRefCod": character DESCRIPTION "Link to the related
GLRefType." LABEL "Type"
FIELD "RefCode" OF "GlbGLRefCod": character DESCRIPTION "Code that uniquely
identifies of the record." LABEL "Code"
FIELD "RefCodeDesc" OF "GlbGLRefCod": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the
code." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "Inactive" OF "GlbGLRefCod": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the
Reference Code cannot be used on new transacti ons" LABEL "Inactive"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbGLRefCod": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbGLRefCod": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbGLRefCod": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "GlbGLSyst" AREA "Schema Area"

DESCRIPTION "GL System Constants file from external company."
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbGLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "OBS900-DivPosition" OF "GlbGLSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the
position of the Division component within the G/L a ccount number structure. Must
be a 1,2 or 3.

requires that each component be assigned a value before it is considered valid a nd

that these values exist in the GLDiv and GLDept files respectively. The user has an
option to indicate if they have multiple divisions or department s. If they respond
""""No multiples"""" then the system will ask them to enter t he ID & description
for the single division or department. From this entry the GLDiv and GLDept files
will be updated. These values are stored in the XASyst r ecord. When the user has
configured the system as not having multiple Div or D epts they will not be
prompted for entering them into any account number fields during data entry
programs nor will they be shown on any printed report. Howeve r, the system is
using the """"single"""" values stored in XASyst.DivID and XASy st.DeptID to
initialize these fields; this then allows the data validation rules of having valid
GLDiv and GLDept records for a GL account, to pass the database validation
successfully." LABEL "Division Order"
FIELD "OBS900-DivLength" OF "GlbGLSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "User configuration
option that indicates the maximum number of ch aracters for the Division component
of the GL Account number. Must be 1 through 4. Do not allow changes to this field
if any other record but the single divis ion master (XASyst.DivID) exists in GLDiv
file or if any records exist in the G LAcct file. This would indicate that the
system has already been established an d changes should not be permitted. NOTE: THE
FIELD "OBS900-DivAlpha" OF "GlbGLSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "User configuration
option that controls whether or not alphabetic al charcters can be used for the GL
Division field." LABEL "Alpha Div"
FIELD "OBS900-DivMulti" OF "GlbGLSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "User configurable
option that indicates if they have multiple div isions. If ""No"", then user will
be prompted to enter the ID and description for the single division. This ID and
description is used to create an entry in t he GLDiv file. " LABEL "Multi Div"
FIELD "OBS900-DivID" OF "GlbGLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "ID of the single
division. This value is entered by the user when they respond with a ""no"" to the
multi divisions configuration option (Xasyst. DivMulti). The system requires that
the Division component of the GL account be assigned a value and be valid in the
GLDiv file. When the system is configured a
s not having multiple divisions the user will not be prompted to enter a divisio n
ID along with the GL account. Instead the system uses this value (XaSyst.DivID )
for the division ID wherever required. " LABEL "Single Division ID"
FIELD "OBS900-DeptPosition" OF "GlbGLSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the
position of the Department component within the G/L account number structure. Must
be 1,2 or 3. NOTES ON G/L ACCOUNT NUMBER STRU CTURE: It is made up of three
components: the Division, Department and Chart Number. The user can configure the
position, size, data type of each component. Not ever yone will want to use all
three components. However, the database requires that each component be assigned a
value before it is considered valid and that these values exist in the GLDiv and
GLDept files respectively. The user has an option to indicate if they have multiple
divisions or departments. If they respond ""N o multiples"" then the system will
ask them to enter the ID and description for the single division or department.
From this entry the GLDiv and GLDept files w ill be updated. These values are
stored in the XASyst record. When the user has configured the system as not having
multiple Div or Depts they will not be prom pted for entering them into any account
number fields during data entry programs or will they be shown on any printed
report. However, the system is using the " "single"" values stored in XASyst.DivID
and XASyst.DeptID to initialize these fi elds; this then allows the data validation
rules of having valid GLDiv and GLDep t records for a GL account, to pass the
database validation successfully. " LABEL "Dept Position"
FIELD "OBS900-DeptLength" OF "GlbGLSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "User configuration
option that indicates the maximum number of ch aracters for the Department
component of the GL Account number. Must be one thr ough four. Do not allow changes
to this field if any record other than the sing le department master
(XASyst.DeptID) exists in GLDept file or if any records exi st in the GLAcct file.
This would indicate that the system has already been es tablished and changes
should not be permitted." LABEL "Dept Length"
FIELD "OBS900-DeptAlpha" OF "GlbGLSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "User configuration
option that controls whether or not alphabetic al characters can be used for the GL
Department field." LABEL "Alpha Dept"
FIELD "OBS900-DeptMulti" OF "GlbGLSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "User configurable
option that indicates if they have multiple dep artments. If ""No"", then user will
be prompted to enter the ID and descriptio n for the single department. This ID and
description is used to create an entry in the GLDept file. " LABEL "Multi Dept"
FIELD "OBS900-DeptID" OF "GlbGLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "ID of the single
department. This value is entered by the user wh en they respond with a ""no"" to
the multi department configuration option (Xasy st.DeptMulti). The system requires
that the Department component of the GL accou nt be assigned a value and be valid
in the GLDept file. When the system is confi gured as not having multiple
departments the user will not be prompted to enter a department ID along with the
GL account. Instead the system uses this value (X
aSyst.DeptID) for the department ID wherever required. " LABEL "Single Department
FIELD "OBS900-ChartPosition" OF "GlbGLSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the
position of the Chart of Account component within the G/L account number structure.
Must be 1,2 or 3. NOTES ON G/L ACCOUNT NUMBER STRUCTURE: It is made up of three
components: the Division, Department and Chart Number. The user can configure the
position, size, data type of each component. Not ever yone will want to use all
three components; however, the database requires that each component be assigned a
value before it is considered valid and that these values exist in the GLDiv and
GLDept files respectively. The user has an option to indicate if they have multiple
divisions or departments. If they respond "" No multiples"" then the system will
ask them to enter the ID & description for t he single division or department. From
this entry the GLDiv and GLDept files wi ll be updated. These values are stored in
the XASyst record. When the user has configured the system as not having multiple
Div or Depts they will not be pro mpted for entering them into any account number
fields during data entry program s nor will they be shown on any printed report.
However, the system is using the ""single"" values stored in XASyst.DivID and
XASyst.DeptID to initialize these fields; this then allows the data validation
rules of having valid GLDiv and GLD ept records for a GL account, to pass the
database validation successfully. " LABEL "Chart Order"
FIELD "OBS900-ChartLength" OF "GlbGLSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "User configuration
option that indicates the maximum number of ch aracters for the Chart component of
the G/L Account number. Must be 3 through 1 0. Do not allow changes to this field
if any records exists in GLChart file. This would indicate that the system has
already been established and changes sho uld not be permitted." LABEL "Chart
FIELD "OBS900-ChartAlphax" OF "GlbGLSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "User configuration
option that controls whether or not alphabetic al characters can be used for the GL
Chart of Accounts field." LABEL "Alpha Chart"
FIELD "GLWidgetSize" OF "GlbGLSyst": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field is not
directly maintainable by the user. It is calcu lated by the maintenance program and
stored here for use by screen programs to d ynamically adjust the size of the fill-
in widget for G/L account number entry. I t is calculated as the lengths of the GL
component fields (Divlength, DeptLength , ChartLength) plus one. If the user will
not be entering a specific component ( DivMulti = No or DeptMulti = No) then do not
include its length. " LABEL "G/L Account Size"
FIELD "OBS900-GLFormat" OF "GlbGLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "The actual format
string which is used by the data entry programs for defining the format for the GL
account widget. This is not directly mainta inable by the user. It is updated by
the System Maintenance program. By using the separator field (XASyst.GLSeparator)
and the length, type, position, if mult iples, attributes of the components the
maintenance program creates an appropria te format string to be used by other
FIELD "OBS900-GLSeparator" OF "GlbGLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "The character
that is used to visually separate the components of the General Ledger Account
Number." LABEL "GL Separator"
FIELD "OBS900-RetEarnDiv" OF "GlbGLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of Retained earning G/L Account. The retained earnings account must be established
before any G/L postings are allowed. The full G/L account number is made up of Div,
Chart and Dept. "
FIELD "OBS900-RetEarnDept" OF "GlbGLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the default Retained Earnings G/L accoun t. See RetEarnDiv field
description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-RetEarnChart" OF "GlbGLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account
component for the G/L Retained Earnings account . See RetEarnDiv field description
for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-NetIncDiv" OF "GlbGLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of Net Income G/L Account. This account is us ed in the Financial Statements to
report the Current Year Net Income. The full G/L account number is made up of Div,
Dept, and Chart. "
FIELD "OBS900-NetIncDept" OF "GlbGLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the Net Income G/L account. See NetIncDiv field description for
related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-NetIncChart" OF "GlbGLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component
for the G/L Net Income account. See NetIncDiv field description for related info. "

FIELD "SalesCategory" OF "GlbGLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Maintained through

Category Maintenance. The sales category may be used in the Financial Statements to
compare Income Statement accounts against . " LABEL "Sales Category"
FIELD "ARInterfaced" OF "GlbGLSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the A/R
module is interfaced with General Ledger. W hen interfaced A/R posting routines
will automatically create ""posted"" journal entries in G/L."
FIELD "APInterfaced" OF "GlbGLSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the Accounts
Payable module is interfaced with Gener al Ledger. When interfaced A/P posting
routines will automatically create ""pos
ted"" journal entries in G/L."
FIELD "PRInterfaced" OF "GlbGLSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the Payroll
module is interfaced with General Ledger . When interfaced, P/R posting routines
will automatically create ""posted"" jo urnal entries in G/L." LABEL "Payroll"
FIELD "PostInvtyWipCos" OF "GlbGLSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Configuration option
which controls if the user has the option in the periodic Inventory/Wip/Cost of
sales calculation process to post the result s to general ledger. If this is set to
No then the user will not have the optio n to post to G/L." LABEL "Allow posting of
FIELD "GJJournalCode" OF "GlbGLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "The Journal Code of
the Journal that will be used for Journal ent ry transactions. Manual Journal
entries. " LABEL "Journal Entry"
FIELD "ARVoucherInvoices" OF "GlbGLSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
user wants to use Vouchering for A/R Invoices. Only available if the G/L module is
installed. If yes then the system will do the following - Print a Voucher # on the
invoice. - When invoices are printed they will be automatically posted. . The
""Voucher number"" is actually the Journal Number to which the invoice posted. "
LABEL "Voucher Invoices"
FIELD "APVoucherInvoices" OF "GlbGLSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
user wants to use Vouchering for A/P Invoices. Only available if the G/L module is
installed. If yes then the system will print a Voucher assignment log when A/P
invoices are posted. The ""Voucher number"" is actually the Journal Number to which
the inv oice posted. " LABEL "Voucher Invoices" COLUMN-LABEL "Voucher Invoices"
FIELD "AllowUnBalancedEntries" OF "GlbGLSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Allow
unbalanced entries to be entered in General Journal Entry w ith a warning." LABEL
"Allow Unbalanced Manual General Journal Entries"
FIELD "AllowManualGJEntries" OF "GlbGLSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Allow manual
General Journal entries to be made for System Accoun ts." LABEL "Allow Manual GJ
Entries to System Accounts"
FIELD "ExtGL" OF "GlbGLSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate that an
External GL interface is being used"
LABEL "External GL"
FIELD "OBS900-AnalysisDiv" OF "GlbGLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division
component of beginning analysis G/L Account. This accoun t will be used in
validating Purchase types but can be blank. The full G/L account number is made up
of Div, Chart and Dept. "
FIELD "OBS900-AnalysisDept" OF "GlbGLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the default Analysis G/L account. See AnalysisDiv field description
for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-AnalysisChart" OF "GlbGLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of
Account component for the G/L Analysis account. See AnalysisDiv field description
for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-GLDivSegments" OF "GlbGLSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the
number of segments in the Division component of the GL Account" LABEL "Division
FIELD "OBS900-GLDeptSegments" OF "GlbGLSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the
number of segments in the Department component of t he GL Account" LABEL
"Department Segments"
FIELD "OBS900-GLChartSegments" OF "GlbGLSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the
number of segments in the Chart of accounts compone nt of the GL Account" LABEL
"Chart Segments"
FIELD "GLAgingStyle" OF "GlbGLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Field used by system.
Please don't change field usage" LABEL "GL Aging Style"
FIELD "ExtCompanyID" OF "GlbGLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "External Company
identifier. Used in Multi-Company Journal." LABEL "External Company"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbGLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbGLSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbGLSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "MatchDateOption" OF "GlbGLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "This option governs
which date is stored on journal detail record s when they are matched." LABEL
"Match Date Option" COLUMN-LABEL "Match Date Option"

TABLE "GlbHDTopic" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for HDTopic."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbHDTopic": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbHDTopicParent" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbHDTopicParent": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user
chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbICommCode" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for ICommCode."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbICommCode": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbIndirect" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for Indirect."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbIndirect": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbInspAttr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for InspAttr."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbInspAttr": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob
al parts. The user can come back at a later time and choose to link a skipped p art
if they need to."

TABLE "GlbInspPlan" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for InspPlan."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbInspPlan": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbInspPlanRev" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbInspPlanRev": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user
chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbJCDept" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for JCDept."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbJCDept": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbJCShift" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for JCShift."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbJCShift": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GLBJrnlCode" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global Journal Code"

FIELD "Company" OF "GLBJrnlCode": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ExtCompanyID" OF "GLBJrnlCode": character DESCRIPTION "External Company
identifier. Used in Multi-Company Journal." LABEL "External Company"
FIELD "JournalCode" OF "GLBJrnlCode": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of
the journal used to group entries. The user can create their own journal codes to
be used instead of the default codes." LABEL "Journal"
FIELD "JrnlDescription" OF "GLBJrnlCode": character DESCRIPTION "Journal
Description. " LABEL "Description"
FIELD "SystemJournal" OF "GLBJrnlCode": logical DESCRIPTION "Classifies the Journal
as being a System Journal or not. System Journals are journals which are used by
the various sub-systems which generate G /L transactions. System Journals are
associated with these sub-systems via vari ous master tables. Such as the BankAcct,
APSyst, ARSyst, XASyst. "
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLBJrnlCode": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLBJrnlCode": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLBJrnlCode": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "JrnCode" ON "GLBJrnlCode" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
ExtCompanyID By Journal Code"

TABLE "GlbKanBanType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for KanBanType."

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbKanBanType": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user

chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbLangDesc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for LangDesc."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbLangDesc": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p
art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbLifecycle" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for Lifecycle."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbLifecycle": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbLookupLink" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for LookupLink."

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbLookupLink": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user

chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbLookupTable" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbLookupTable": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user
chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbManufacturer" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbManufacturer": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user
chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbMemoCat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for MemoCat."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbMemoCat": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbMiscChrg" AREA "Schema Area"

DESCRIPTION "Global table for MiscChrg."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbMiscChrg": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbMktgAct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for MktgAct."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbMktgAct": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GLBook" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "General Ledger Book"

FIELD "Company" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BookID" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier" LABEL
"Book ID"
FIELD "Description" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "Descripiton of Book" LABEL
FIELD "MainBook" OF "GLBook": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this is the Main
Book. Only one main book is allowe d." LABEL "Main"
FIELD "COACode" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account Code" LABEL
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the base
currency for the book" LABEL "Currency"
FIELD "BookType" OF "GLBook": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the type of book.
Standard, Consolidation, etc." LABEL "Book Type"
FIELD "Inactive" OF "GLBook": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the book is
inactive" LABEL "Inactive"
FIELD "Date01" OF "GLBook": date DESCRIPTION "Contains the Currency.CurrencyCode
value of the customer's base c urrency." LABEL "Date01" COLUMN-LABEL "Date01"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier for the
Fiscal Calendar assigned to the book" LABEL "Fiscal Calendar"
FIELD "COABalFmtChg" OF "GLBook": logical DESCRIPTION "Indiates if the blaance
account structure has changed on the COA. Yes indicates it has changed and the
balance rebuild utility needs to run. Th is field is used internally and is not
intended for end-user use." LABEL "Balance Format" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Format"
FIELD "REAccount" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "Retained Earnings Account.
May be actual account or a mask" LABEL "Retained Earnings" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "RESegValue1" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 1. See
COASegment segment number 1 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue2" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 2. See
COASegment segment number 2 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue3" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 3. See
COASegment segment number 3 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue4" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 4. See
COASegment segment number 4 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue5" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 5. See
COASegment segment number 5 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue6" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 6. See
COASegment segment number 6 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue7" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 7. See
COASegment segment number 7 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue8" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 8. See
COASegment segment number 8 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue9" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 9. See
COASegment segment number 9 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue10" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 10. See
COASegment segment number 10 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue11" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 11. See
COASegment segment number 11 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue12" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 12. See
COASegment segment number 12 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue13" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 13. See
COASegment segment number 13 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue14" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 14. See
COASegment segment number 14 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue15" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 15. See
COASegment segment number 15 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue16" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 16. See
COASegment segment number 16 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue17" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 17. See
COASegment segment number 17 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue18" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 18. See
COASegment segment number 18 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue19" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 19. See
COASegment segment number 19 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "RESegValue20" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 20. See
COASegment segment number 20 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLBook": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLBook": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "RndTolerance" OF "GLBook": decimal DESCRIPTION "RoundTolerance" LABEL
FIELD "RndAccount" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "The Account is used in case
auto balancing with rounding differe nce." LABEL "Round Account" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "RndSegValue1" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegValue1 of Round
Account" LABEL "RndSegValue1" COLUMN-LABEL "RndSegValue1"
FIELD "RndSegValue2" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegValue2 - of Round
Account" LABEL "RndSegValue2" COLUMN-LABEL "RndSegValue2"
FIELD "RndSegValue3" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegValue3 of RoundAccount"
LABEL "RndSegValue3" COLUMN-LABEL "RndSegValue3"
FIELD "RndSegValue4" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegValue4 of RoundAccount"
LABEL "RndSegValue4" COLUMN-LABEL "RndSegValue4"
FIELD "RndSegValue5" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegValue5 of RoundAccount"
LABEL "RndSegValue5" COLUMN-LABEL "RndSegValue5"
FIELD "RndSegValue6" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegValue6 of Round
Account" LABEL "RndSegValue6" COLUMN-LABEL "RndSegValue6"
FIELD "RndSegValue7" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegValue7 of RoundAccount"
LABEL "RndSegValue7" COLUMN-LABEL "RndSegValue7"
FIELD "RndSegValue8" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegValue8 - of
RoundAccount" LABEL "RndSegValue8" COLUMN-LABEL "RndSegValue8"
FIELD "RndSegValue9" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegValue9 - RoundAccount"
LABEL "RndSegValue9" COLUMN-LABEL "RndSegValue9"
FIELD "RndSegValue10" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegValue10 - of
RoundAccount" LABEL "RndSegValue10" COLUMN-LABEL "RndSegValue10"
FIELD "RndSegValue11" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegValue11 fo
RoundAccount" LABEL "RndSegValue11" COLUMN-LABEL "RndSegValue11"
FIELD "RndSegValue12" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegValue12 of
RoundAccount" LABEL "RndSegValue12" COLUMN-LABEL "RndSegValue12"
FIELD "RndSegValue13" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegValue13 of
RoundAccount" LABEL "RndSegValue13" COLUMN-LABEL "RndSegValue13"
FIELD "RndSegValue14" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegValue14 of
RoundAccount" LABEL "RndSegValue14" COLUMN-LABEL "RndSegValue14"
FIELD "RndSegValue15" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegValue15 of
RoundAccount" LABEL "RndSegValue15" COLUMN-LABEL "RndSegValue15"
FIELD "RndSegValue16" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegValue16 of
RoundAccount" LABEL "RndSegValue16" COLUMN-LABEL "RndSegValue16"
FIELD "RndSegValue17" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegValue17 of
RoundAccount" LABEL "RndSegValue17" COLUMN-LABEL "RndSegValue17"
FIELD "RndSegValue18" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegValue18 of
RoundAccount" LABEL "RndSegValue18" COLUMN-LABEL "RndSegValue18"
FIELD "RndSegValue19" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegValue19 of
RoundAccount" LABEL "RndSegValue19" COLUMN-LABEL "RndSegValue19"
FIELD "RndSegValue20" OF "GLBook": character DESCRIPTION "SegValue20 of
RoundAccount" LABEL "RndSegValue20" COLUMN-LABEL "RndSegValue20"
FIELD "CorrAccounting" OF "GLBook": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag that indicates if
correspondence accounting is set-up for th e book." LABEL "Corr.Accounting" COLUMN-
LABEL "Corr.Acc."
INDEX "BookCOA" ON "GLBook" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By BookID By
INDEX "BookType" ON "GLBook" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company, By
BookType, By BookID"
INDEX "COACode" ON "GLBook" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By COACode "
TABLE "GLBookPer" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "GL Book Period" DESCRIPTION "GL Book
Period. Contains the posting periods for a book."
FIELD "Company" OF "GLBookPer": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "BookID" OF "GLBookPer": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier" LABEL
"Book ID"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "GLBookPer": character DESCRIPTION "The id of the
fiscal calendar this record is related to." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "GLBookPer": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year." LABEL
"Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "GLBookPer": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year
suffix. Allows for additional breakdown/definiti on of fiscal years, for example,
by quarters." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "GLBookPer": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal period number
in the fiscal year." LABEL "Fiscal Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Period"
FIELD "StartDate" OF "GLBookPer": date DESCRIPTION "The start date of the fiscal
period." LABEL "Start Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Start Date"
FIELD "EndDate" OF "GLBookPer": date DESCRIPTION "End date of the fiscal period"
LABEL "End Date" COLUMN-LABEL "End Date"
FIELD "CloseFiscalPeriod" OF "GLBookPer": integer DESCRIPTION "The close fiscal
period number in the fiscal year. A value of 0 indicates a non-closing fiscal
period; > 0 indicates a closing period. This val ue will be incremented within the
fiscal year/suffix and closing periods of that fiscal year/suffix." LABEL "Close
Fiscal Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Close Fiscal Period"
FIELD "ClosedPeriod" OF "GLBookPer": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the Fiscal
Period is closed in the General Ledger. " LABEL "Closed" COLUMN-LABEL "Closed"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLBookPer": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLBookPer": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLBookPer": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "GlbPackClss" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for PackClss."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbPackClss": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbPacking" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for Packing."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbPacking": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbPart" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global Part Master file. The record
can only be delete through the interface when the parent company either deletes the
part or unchecks the gl obal box. If the part has been copied to the local Part
table, that record is l eft alone."
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "PartNum" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field identifies
the Part and is used as the primary key. "
LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "SearchWord" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "An abbreviated part
description field by which the user can searc h the Part file. During Part
maintenance a change to the Part.Description field causes this field to be updated
with the first 8 bytes of the Part.Description." LABEL "Search"
FIELD "PartDescription" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "Describes the Part.
This field can not be blank." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "IUM" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "Defines the Unit of Measure used
when part is issued, this is als o how it is stocked. Use the value from XaSyst.UM
as a default when creating ne w part records." LABEL "Invty U/M"
FIELD "PUM" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "The Purchasing Unit of measure for
the Part. During Part Mainten ance the XaSyst.UM is used as a default for this
field. This is used in Purchase Order entry as the default on line item details. "
LABEL "Purchase U/M"
FIELD "TypeCode" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "Classifies Parts into the
following... M = Manufactured Part. P = Purchased Part This type code does limit
referencing any part in any way. For example a type "" P"" can be entered on a
sales order, or a type ""M"" can be referenced in a Purc hase Order. This field
will also be used as a selection parameter in certain reports, such a s Time Phase
Requirements." LABEL "Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Typ"
FIELD "NonStock" OF "GlbPart": logical DESCRIPTION "A flag which indicates if this
Part is not a stocked inventory it em. This can be used so that ""custom"" built
items which only exist per the cus tomers order can be established as a valid part
in order to provide default desc riptions etc.... This can also be used for parts
that are only purchased for dir ect use on jobs, but would normally never exist in
inventory. This value will be used in report selection criteria. It also controls
the default setting of the ""Make"" flag in order entry line items and the
""Purchase"" flag in Job mater ial records. If a NoStock part is referenced in
order entry then it defaults as ""Make"". If it is referenced on a job material
requirement it will default as ""Purchase"" " LABEL "Non-Stock Item"
FIELD "PurchasingFactor" OF "GlbPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "This value is used to
convert quantity when there is a difference in the vendors unit of measure and how
it is stocked in inventory. Example is p
urchased in pounds, stocked in sheets. Formula: Issue Qty * Conversion Factor =
Purchased Qty." LABEL "Factor"
FIELD "UnitPrice" OF "GlbPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "Base Unit Selling Price for
the Item. Maintainable only via Part Master Maintenance program. It is used as a
default unit price on Sales Order li ne detail and on Invoice line details that are
not referencing a sales order lin e. " LABEL "Unit Price"
FIELD "PricePerCode" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the pricing per
quantity for this part. It can be ""E"" = per each, ""C"" = per hundred, ""M"" =
per thousand. Maintainable only via P art Maintenance. The initial default is
""E"". Used as default PricePerCode in o rder entry and invoice entry. " LABEL
"Price Per"
FIELD "InternalUnitPrice" OF "GlbPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "Base Internal Unit
Selling Price for the Item. Maintainable only via Part Master Maintenance program.
If zero, then the external unit price (Pa rt.UnitPrice) is used." LABEL "Inter
Divisional Internal Price"
FIELD "InternalPricePerCode" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the
internal pricing per quantity for this part. It can be ""E"" = per each, ""C"" =
per hundred, ""M"" = per thousand. Maintainable only via Part Maintenance. The
initial default is ""E""." LABEL "Inter Divisional Price Per"
FIELD "OBS900-ExpenseDiv" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "This is the Division
number portion that is used to make up the G/L account number that is used as the
default expense account. The full G/L account number is made up of ExpenseDivision,
ExpenseChart and ExpenseDept. Used when purchases are made for the part. It is used
as a default in Purchase order and Payables invoices. This individual field is
never directly entered, rather it is entered as part of a field that represents the
full G/L account number. T his is an optional field. " LABEL "Exp. Div"
FIELD "OBS900-ExpenseChart" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "This is the Chart
of account number portion that is used to make up the G/L account number that is
used as the default expense account. The fu ll G/L account number is made up of
ExpenseDivision, ExpenseChart and ExpenseDep t. Used when purchases are made for
the part. It is used as a default in Purchas e order and Payables invoices. This
individual field is never directly entered, rather it is entered as part of a field
that represents the full G/L account num ber. This is an optional field. See the
system manual for more detail on entry & edit of G/L account numbers." LABEL "Exp.
FIELD "OBS900-ExpenseDept" OF "GlbPart": character
DESCRIPTION "This is the Department number portion that is used to make up the G/L
account number that is used as the default expense account. The full G/L account
number is made up of ExpenseDivision, ExpenseChart and ExpenseDept. Use d when
purchases are made for the part. It is used as a default in Purchase orde r and
Payables invoices. This individual field is never directly entered, rather it is
entered as part of a field that represents the full G/L account number. This is an
optional field. See the system manual for more detail on entry & edit of G/L
account numbers." LABEL "Exp. Dept"
FIELD "ProdCode" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "Product Group ID for the
Part. This can be blank or must be valid in the ProdGrup file. This will be used
for report sorting and selection. Also as a default in order entry, invoice entry
and job entry." LABEL "Group"
FIELD "MfgComment" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "Used to enter comments for
manufacturing when this part is refere nced on a job. These are copied to
JobHead.Comment, JobAsmbl.Comment,JobMtl.MfgC omment depending on the point of
reference. Commens are printed on the routing r eport. "
FIELD "PurComment" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "Part Comments that will be
used as a default for purchasing. Thes e will be copied into the JobMtl.PurComment
which then will be used to pass alon g to the PO when that JobMtl is referenced. It
will also be copied into the PODe tail.Comment field when the PO is buying the part
for stock and not referencing a Job. View as an EDITOR widget. To be view-as EDITOR
FIELD "CostMethod" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "Defines the Costing method
to be associated with this Part. Use t he XaSyst.CostMethod as a default. When a
unit cost is retrieved from the Part file the programs will use this field to
determine which one of the Four sets of cost fields should be used. A = Use Average
L= Use Last S = Use Standard T = U se Avg by lot(not found in XaSyst)." LABEL
"Costing Method"
FIELD "UserChar1" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined character
field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.PartUserChar1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserChar2" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined character
field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.PartUserChar2Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserChar3" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined character
field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.PartUserChar3Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserChar4" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined character
field. Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This Field is only
accessible if XaSyst.PartUserChar4Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserDate1" OF "GlbPart": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date field. Actual
label used is defined in the XaSy st record. This Field is only accessible if
XaSyst.PartUserDate1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserDate2" OF "GlbPart": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date field. Actual
label used is defined in the XaSy st record. This Field is only accessible if
XaSyst.PartUserDate2Label is non bla nk."
FIELD "UserDate3" OF "GlbPart": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date field. Actual
label used is defined in the XaSy st record. This Field is only accessible if
XaSyst.PartUserDate3 Label is non bl ank."
FIELD "UserDate4" OF "GlbPart": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date field. Actual
label used is defined in the XaSy st record. This Field is only accessible if
XaSyst.PartUserDate4 Label is non bl ank."
FIELD "UserDecimal1" OF "GlbPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "User Defined Decimal field.
Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is only accessible
if XaSyst.PartUserDec1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserDecimal2" OF "GlbPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "User Defined Decimal field.
Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is only accessible
if XaSyst.PartUserDec2Label is non b lank."
FIELD "UserDecimal3" OF "GlbPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "User Defined Decimal field.
Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is only accessible
if XaSyst.PartUserDec3Label is non b lank."
FIELD "UserDecimal4" OF "GlbPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "User Defined Decimal field.
Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is only accessible
if XaSyst.PartUserDec4Label is non b lank."
FIELD "UserInteger1" OF "GlbPart": integer DESCRIPTION "User Defined Integer field.
Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is only accessible
if XaSyst.PartUserInt1Label is non b lank."
FIELD "UserInteger2" OF "GlbPart": integer DESCRIPTION "User Defined Integer field.
Actual label used is defined in the X aSyst record. This Field is only accessible
if XaSyst.PartUserInt2Label is non b lank."
FIELD "TaxCatID" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Tax Category
for this Part. Used as a default to Or der line items or Invoice line items. Can be
left blank which indicates item is taxable. If entered must be valid in the TaxCat
master file. " LABEL "Category ID"
FIELD "InActive" OF "GlbPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag which indicates if the
Part Master is considered as ""Inacti ve"". This flag will be used to exclude parts
from certain searches and reports."
FIELD "LowLevelCode" OF "GlbPart": integer DESCRIPTION "Internally assigned integer
which indicates the deepest level of assembly indention that this part is used at.
This is used by the Cost Rollup r outines to control the order in which parts get
costed. Part at the bottom (high est levelcode) Product structure are calculated
first and continues up the chain , with the final assembly parts being processed
last. This insures that when re trieving the cost of an assemblies components the
components will already have h ad their cost rolled up." COLUMN-LABEL "Level"
FIELD "Method" OF "GlbPart": logical DESCRIPTION "An internal flag which indicates
that this part contains Method o f Manufacture details (PartMtl/PartOpr records).
We use this to avoid processin g raw material part records during processes such as
BOM Cost roll up, Indented BOM lists, etc... "
FIELD "TrackLots" OF "GlbPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if Lot numbers are
prompted for in transactions for thi s part. Backflushing and AutoReceiving
functions are ignored when TrackLots = Y es. " LABEL "Track Lots"
FIELD "TrackDimension" OF "GlbPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this part is
dimension tracked "
FIELD "DefaultDim" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "Default dimension code for
the part. Set by selecting a PartDim record as default." LABEL "Default Dimension"
FIELD "TrackSerialNum" OF "GlbPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this part is
serial number tracked "
FIELD "CommodityCode" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "Intrastat goods
classification code following the Intrastat Class ification Nomenclature (ICN). The
Commodity Code field can be blank to indicate the value from the part class or must
be valid in the ICommCode (formerly called IStatGrp) master file." LABEL "Deviating
Commodity Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Commodity"
FIELD "WarrantyCode" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "Unique code for the
Warranty for this part"
FIELD "PhantomBOM" OF "GlbPart": logical DESCRIPTION "A flag which indicates if
this Part is a ""Phantom BOM""." LABEL "Phantom BOM"
FIELD "SalesUM" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "The Selling Unit of measure
for the Part. During Part Maintenanc e the XaSyst.UM is used as a default for this
field. This is used in Sales Order entry as the default on line item details. "
LABEL "Selling U/M"
FIELD "SellingFactor" OF "GlbPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "This value is used to
convert quantity when there is a difference in the customers unit of measure and
how it is stocked in inventory. Example is sold in pounds, stocked in sheets.
FIELD "MtlBurRate" OF "GlbPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "The material burden rate for
this part. " LABEL "Mtl Burden Rate" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "WholeUnit" OF "GlbPart": logical DESCRIPTION "This field is used to
determine if the Part is allowed to have wh ole qunatities or decimal quantity"
FIELD "NetWeight" OF "GlbPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Part's Unit Net Weight."
LABEL "Unit Net Weight"
INITIAL 5.0.300 RELEASE. if Yes then the part effective revision is used. If No
then the revision of the demand source is used (OrderDtl, JobMtl...)" LABEL "Use
Part Rev"
FIELD "PartsPerContainer" OF "GlbPart": integer DESCRIPTION "Default for label
printing. Zero indicates that only one label s hould be produced for the entire
quantity." LABEL "Parts Per Container"
FIELD "PartLength" OF "GlbPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "Part's length." LABEL
FIELD "PartWidth" OF "GlbPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "Part's width." LABEL "Width"
FIELD "PartHeight" OF "GlbPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "Part's Height." LABEL
FIELD "LotShelfLife" OF "GlbPart": integer DESCRIPTION "Shelf life of a lot in
days. Zero indicates unlimited shelf life ." LABEL "Shelf Life"
FIELD "WebPart" OF "GlbPart": logical DESCRIPTION "This is a Web saleable part"
LABEL "Web Part"
FIELD "RunOut" OF "GlbPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the onhand
quantity is to be consumed and no furth er replenishments should be made. Similar
to Obsolete, however only warning mes sages will be issued to the user if they
attempt new references."
FIELD "SubPart" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the default
Substitute part number. This is optional. Must be one of the related PartSub
records. This field is set indirectly when t he user checks the default toggle box
in Part Substitution dialog." LABEL "Default Substitute"
FIELD "Diameter" OF "GlbPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "Part's diameter." LABEL
FIELD "Gravity" OF "GlbPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "Part's gravity." LABEL "Gravity"

FIELD "OnHold" OF "GlbPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the part is on

hold. This feature can be used to indicate that a new part is not yet approved,
that it is being phased out, has a quality issue, etc. Further demands/supplies of
this part should not be made. Similar to an ""Inactive"" part. However at the
moment it still may have an onha nd balance, supply and demands and will be
reflected in stock status reporting. " LABEL "Hold"
FIELD "OnHoldDate" OF "GlbPart": date
DESCRIPTION "Date that part becomes obsolete. This can be set to a future dat e
when the part should become obsolete." LABEL "Obsolete Date"
FIELD "OnHoldReasonCode" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "The reason code that
links to a Reason master record, which indic ates why the part has been placed on
hold. Valid only when Part.OnHold = Yes. " LABEL "Hold Reason"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "Owner Company Identifier."
FIELD "GlbPartNum" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "The Owner's PartNum field
identifies the Part and is used as the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL
"Part Number"
FIELD "GlobalPart" OF "GlbPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks the Part as a global
Part, available to be sent out to othe r companies" LABEL "Global"
FIELD "ISSuppUnitsFactor" OF "GlbPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "This value is used to
calculate the Supplementary Units for the I ntrastat." LABEL "Supp Units Factor"
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "GlbPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Disable this record from
receiving global updates" LABEL "Global Lock"
FIELD "OldCompany" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "Original Owner Company
FIELD "OldPartNum" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "The Original Owner's
PartNum field identifies the Part and is use d as the primary key. NOT CURRENTLY IN
USE" LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "PDMObjID" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "Holds the internal object id
of pdm parts."
FIELD "ImageFileName" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "Path & filename
(relative to images/prod_img directory on Web Ser ver) of .jpg product image file."
LABEL "Image File" COLUMN-LABEL "Image File"
FIELD "Obsolete90-SNRequiredWhenIn" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "A comma
separted list indicating when Serial Numbers are required . INS - Inspection, INV -
Inventory, WIP - Work in Process(On a job), SHP - Shippi ng"
FIELD "ISOrigCountry" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "This field contains the
Intrastat Country of Origin Code from the Country table." LABEL "Country of Origin"
COLUMN-LABEL "Country of Origin"
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to." LABEL "Skipped" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "PurchasingFactorDirection" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
how Purchasing Factor is used in calculations. If M (m ultiply), the Factor is
multiplied, if D (divide) the factor is divided." LABEL "Purchasing Factor
Direction" COLUMN-LABEL "Purchasing Factor Direction"
FIELD "SellingFactorDirection" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates how
Selling Factor is used in calculations. If M (mult iply), the Factor is multiplied,
if D (divide) the factor is divided." LABEL "Selling Factor Direction" COLUMN-LABEL
"Selling Factor Direction"
FIELD "SNMask" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "This is the ID by which the
user will reference a particular seri al number format mask." LABEL "Serial Mask"
FIELD "SNMaskExample" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "BL-generated example of
the serial number mask if SNBaseDataType = Mask."
FIELD "SNMaskPrefix" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "The prefix that was used
to construct the serial number currently used only by SNBaseStructure Mask types."
LABEL "Mask Prefix"
FIELD "SNMaskSuffix" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "A standard suffix that
will be attached to all serial numbers cur rently used only by SNBaseStructure Mask
types." LABEL "Mask Suffix"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbPart": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbPart": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "OldPart" ON "GlbPart" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Original Owner's Part

TABLE "GlbPartClass" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for PartClass."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbPartClass": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbPartClassPlt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbPartClassPlt": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user
chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbPartLang" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global PartLangDesc table.

Holds the part descriptions in multip le languages."
FIELD "PartNum" OF "GlbPartLang": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field
identifies the Part and is used as the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL
"Part Number"
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbPartLang": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbPartLang": character DESCRIPTION "Owner Company
FIELD "GlbPartNum" OF "GlbPartLang": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field
identifies the Part and is used as the primary key in the parent company. " LABEL
"Global Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "OldCompany" OF "GlbPartLang": character DESCRIPTION "Original Owner Company
FIELD "OldPartNum" OF "GlbPartLang": character DESCRIPTION "The Original Owner's
PartNum field identifies the Part and is use d as the primary key. NOT CURRENTLY IN
USE" LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "OldLangNameID" OF "GlbPartLang": character DESCRIPTION "Original Owners'
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbPartLang": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbPartLang": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbPartLang": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "OlgLangIdx" ON "GlbPartLang" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Original
Owner's Language - NOT CURRENTLY IN USE"

TABLE "GlbPartMtl" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Glb Part Mtl" DESCRIPTION "Global
PartMtl table"
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbPartMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "PartNum" OF "GlbPartMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Parent Part number to which
this material item is a component of"
LABEL "Parent Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Parent Part"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "GlbPartMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number of the
part that this material item is a componen t of. " LABEL "Parent Rev"
FIELD "MtlSeq" OF "GlbPartMtl": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number that
uniquely defines the Material record withi n a specific Job/Lot/Assembly. This is
system assigned. The next available # is determined by reading last JobMtl record
on the Job/Lot/Assembly and then adding one to it." LABEL "Mtl"
FIELD "MtlPartNum" OF "GlbPartMtl": character DESCRIPTION "The Part Number of the
component material record for the related Parent Part." LABEL "Material Part"
FIELD "FixedQty" OF "GlbPartMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the QtyPer
field represents a ""Fixed Quantity"". I f Yes, then the required quantity =
QtyPer. That is, the quantity does not chan ge as the number of pieces being
produced changes. This can be used to enter To oling or Fixture type of
requirements." LABEL "Fixed Qty"
FIELD "RelatedOperation" OF "GlbPartMtl": integer DESCRIPTION "A material record
can be related to a specific operation. This fi eld contains the JobOper.OprSeq of
the operation that it is related to. It can be left as zero meaning that this
material is required at the very beginn ing of the production job. The related
operation is also used to calculate the J obMtl.ReqDate based on the operations
scheduled start date and materials lead ti me. " LABEL "Rel Opr."
FIELD "SalvagePartNum" OF "GlbPartMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Part number for
Salvageable scrap from this material record. An optional field. This does not have
to be valid in the Part master. Salvage info is mainly to allow the credit back to
a job for this type of scrap via Salvage r eceipt process. " LABEL "Salvage Part
FIELD "SalvageDescription" OF "GlbPartMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Description of
Salvageable material. Use Part.Description for a d efault. " LABEL "Description"
COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "SalvageQtyPer" OF "GlbPartMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "A factor that
multiplied by the QtyPer results in the expected to
tal salvage quantity. " LABEL "Salvage Qty Per"
FIELD "SalvageUM" OF "GlbPartMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Default Unit of measure
for the Salvaged Part. Default from the P art.IUM. " LABEL "U/M"
FIELD "SalvageUnitCredit" OF "GlbPartMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Estimated Salvage
Unit Credit. Use the appropriate cost from the Part master as a default. " LABEL
"Unit Credit"
FIELD "MfgComment" OF "GlbPartMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Material comments
specific to this manufacturing process. These c omments copied to Jobs/Quotes when
pulled from BOM. ( See "
FIELD "OverRideMfgComments" OF "GlbPartMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
these comments should override the comments defined in the part master. It controls
how the MfgComments are created when this record is pulled into a Job or Quote. If
""Yes"" then the comments that are defined i n the Part master are NOT copied. If
""No"" then the PartMtl.MfgComments will be appended on to the Part.MfgComments
when written to the Job/Quote material reco rd." LABEL "Override Part"
FIELD "PurComment" OF "GlbPartMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Material comments
specific to a manufacturing process. These comm ents (and optionally the comments
from Part Master) are copied to Jobs/Quotes w hen the BOM is pulled. ( See
OverRidePurComments ) "
FIELD "OverRidePurComments" OF "GlbPartMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
these comments should override the comments defined in the part master. It controls
how the PurComments are created when this record is pulled into a Job or Quote. If
""Yes"" then the comments that are defined i n the Part master are NOT copied. If
""No"" then the PartMtl.PurComments will be appended on to the Part.PurComments
when written to the Job/Quote material reco rd." LABEL "Override Part"
FIELD "EstScrapType" OF "GlbPartMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Qualifies the ScrapQty
entry as being a fixed quantity or a perce ntage of required quantity." LABEL
"Scrap Type"
FIELD "PullAsAsm" OF "GlbPartMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "This is relevant for
assemblies (Part.Method = Yes). Indicates th at if this assembly should be pulled
from stock or manufactured as part of the j ob it is pulled into. If PullAsAsm = No
only the assembly record will be pulled
into the job/quote (as a material), the related material and operations will not be
pulled over. " LABEL "Pull as Assembly"
FIELD "FindNum" OF "GlbPartMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Characters used on the
drawing to show where material is used." LABEL "Find Number"
FIELD "ViewAsAsm" OF "GlbPartMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "This is relevant for
assemblies (Part.Method = Yes). Indicates th at if this assembly when shown in ABOM
indented views or on reports it should be shown either as a subassembly or material
requirement. If Yes then the assembl ies components will be shown else it is shown
as a single material requirement l ine. Similar to the PullAsAsm flag however this
is used to control how subassemb lies appear in the ABOM module. NOTE:: OF 2.70.400
this function is not implemented. Pending further analysis. It has been added to
the schema to make it easier to implement when decision has been reached." LABEL
"View as Assembly"
FIELD "APSSchedulerName" OF "GlbPartMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates which
APS Scheduler module the assembly is scheduled in . "
FIELD "APSSLDate" OF "GlbPartMtl": date DESCRIPTION "APS Start Limit date. Prevents
APS from scheduling before this d ate."
FIELD "APSSLTime" OF "GlbPartMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "APS Start Limit time. Time,
in decimal hours, that APS will not schedule before. Only valid if APSSLDate is
FIELD "APSInsertDirection" OF "GlbPartMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Schedule
direction. Valid options are: F=Forward, B=Backward, C= dynamic Constraint based,
W=minimum WIP, E=End of work, S=Split longest duration , X=use the direction
specified in task entry in APS."
FIELD "APSInsertCriteria" OF "GlbPartMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Method of
insertion into schedule. Valid values are: T=best Time , G=same Group,
N=uNscheduled, F=Force Insert, I=without resource assignment."
FIELD "APSAttrib1" OF "GlbPartMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to calculated setup
time during optimization."
FIELD "APSAttrib2" OF "GlbPartMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to calculated setup
time during optimization."
FIELD "APSAttrib3" OF "GlbPartMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to calculated setup
time during optimization."
FIELD "APSAttrib4" OF "GlbPartMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to calculated setup
time during optimization."
FIELD "APSAddResType" OF "GlbPartMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Advanced Planning and
Scheduling Additional Resource Type. Indic ates whether the Part should be treated
as an AdditionalResourceType by eSchedul er. 'I' to ignore in eScheduler 'M' to
treat at Material in eScheduler 'A' to treat as AddResType in eScheduler "
FIELD "SalvageMtlBurRate" OF "GlbPartMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The salvage
material burden rate for this Part Material. " LABEL "Salvage Mtl Burden Rate"
FIELD "SalvageEstMtlBurUnitCredit" OF "GlbPartMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Estimated
salvage Mtl Burden Unit Credit. " LABEL "Salvage Mtl. Bur Unit Credit"
FIELD "MtlBurRate" OF "GlbPartMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The material burden rate
for this Part Material. " LABEL "Mtl Burden Rate" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "EstMtlBurUnitCost" OF "GlbPartMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Estimated Mtl
Burden Unit Cost." LABEL "Mtl. Bur Unit Cost"
FIELD "RFQNeeded" OF "GlbPartMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "A flag to indicate that
this part material requires an RFQ. If i t does require an RFQ, the user must enter
the number of vendor quotes that are required." LABEL "RFQ Needed" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "RFQVendQuotes" OF "GlbPartMtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The number of vendor
quotes that are required for this part mater ial. Can be zero if RFQ(s) are not
required." LABEL "Quotes Req" COLUMN-LABEL "VendQuotes" HELP "Enter the number of
vendor quotes required"
FIELD "ReqdInPlant" OF "GlbPartMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Plant reference that
requires this part in the current bill of Ma terials" LABEL "Required In Plant"
FIELD "AltMethod" OF "GlbPartMtl": character
DESCRIPTION "Alternate Routing method for the part revision." LABEL "Alternate
FIELD "BaseMethodOverridden" OF "GlbPartMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
base revision method was overridden. Applies on ly when the AltMethod field is not
FIELD "RelatedStage" OF "GlbPartMtl": character DESCRIPTION "A material record can
be related to a specific operation by stage . This field contains the
JobOper.StageNumber of the operation that it is relate d to." LABEL "Related Stage"

FIELD "ParentAltMethod" OF "GlbPartMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Parent Alternate

Routing method for the part material." LABEL "Alternate Method"
FIELD "ParentMtlSeq" OF "GlbPartMtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the parent
material sequence. Applies specifically to alternate methods that inherit from a
parent alternate method." LABEL "Mtl"
FIELD "UOMCode" OF "GlbPartMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unit of Measure code of the
Material requirement. Mandatory, and must be a valid UOM of the Part's UOMClass. "
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbPartMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbPartMtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "Weight" OF "GlbPartMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Material Weight defaulted from
Part Master." LABEL "Material Weight"
FIELD "WeightUOM" OF "GlbPartMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Material Weight UOM
defaulted from Part Master." LABEL "Weight UOM"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbPartMtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ReqRefDes" OF "GlbPartMtl": integer
DESCRIPTION "Required number of designators" LABEL "Require Ref Designators"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbPartMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GlbPartNum" OF "GlbPartMtl": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field
identifies the Part and is used as part of the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-
LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "GlbRevisionNum" OF "GlbPartMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number
which is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part, and is used as part
of the primary key " LABEL "Rev"

TABLE "GlbPartMtlRefDes" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Glb PartMtl Ref Des" DESCRIPTION
"Global PartMtlRefDes table"
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbPartMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "GlbPartMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "A unique part number
that identifies this part. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "GlbPartMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number
which is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part, and is used as part
of the primary key " LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "AltMethod" OF "GlbPartMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "Alternate Routing
method to be used for this revision, and is use d as part of the primary key" LABEL
"Alternate Method"
FIELD "MtlSeq" OF "GlbPartMtlRefDes": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number that
uniquely defines the Material (JobMtl) rec ord within a specific Job/Assembly. This
is system assigned. The next availabl e number is determined by reading last JobMtl
record on the Job/Assembly and the n adding ten to it." LABEL "Mtl"
FIELD "RefDes" OF "GlbPartMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of
Reference Designator" LABEL "Reference Designator"
FIELD "RefDesSeq" OF "GlbPartMtlRefDes": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique identifies the
reference designator with the material sequ ence. " LABEL "RefDes Seq"
FIELD "MtlPartNum" OF "GlbPartMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "The Part Number of
the component material record for the related Parent Part." LABEL "Material Part"
FIELD "Side" OF "GlbPartMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "Free form side location.
(Top, Bottom, Both, Level, etc)" LABEL "Side"
FIELD "XLocation" OF "GlbPartMtlRefDes": decimal DESCRIPTION "X Coordinate of the
reference designator" LABEL "X"
FIELD "YLocation" OF "GlbPartMtlRefDes": decimal DESCRIPTION "Y Coordinate of the
reference designator" LABEL "Y"
FIELD "ZLocation" OF "GlbPartMtlRefDes": decimal DESCRIPTION "Z Coordinate of the
reference designator" LABEL "Z"
FIELD "Rotation" OF "GlbPartMtlRefDes": decimal DESCRIPTION "Rotation of the
reference designator. Max value = 360.000" LABEL "Rotation"
FIELD "Description" OF "GlbPartMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "Designator
Description" LABEL "Description"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbPartMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbPartMtlRefDes": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbPartMtlRefDes": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbPartMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "Company
FIELD "GlbPartNum" OF "GlbPartMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field
identifies the Part and is used as part of the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-
LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "GlbRevisionNum" OF "GlbPartMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "Revision
number which is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part, and is used as
part of the primary key " LABEL "Rev"

TABLE "GlbPartMtlRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Glb Part Mtl Restriction"
DESCRIPTION "Global PartMtlRestriction table"
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbPartMtlRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Company
Identifier." LABEL "Company"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "GlbPartMtlRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "A unique part
number that identifies this part. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "GlbPartMtlRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Revision
number which is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part, and is used as
part of the primary key " LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "AltMethod" OF "GlbPartMtlRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Alternate
Routing method to be used for this revision, and is use d as part of the primary
key" LABEL "Alternate Method"
FIELD "MtlSeq" OF "GlbPartMtlRestriction": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number
that uniquely defines the Material (JobMtl) rec ord within a specific Job/Assembly.
This is system assigned. The next availabl e number is determined by reading last
JobMtl record on the Job/Assembly and the n adding ten to it." LABEL "Mtl"
FIELD "RestrictionTypeID" OF "GlbPartMtlRestriction": character DESCRIPTION
"Restriction Type identification."
LABEL "Restriction Type"
FIELD "MtlPartNum" OF "GlbPartMtlRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "The Part
Number of the component material record for the related Parent Part." LABEL
"Material Part"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbPartMtlRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Unique
identifier for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbPartMtlRestriction": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision
identifier for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbPartMtlRestriction": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if
Memo, Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbPartMtlRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Company
FIELD "GlbPartNum" OF "GlbPartMtlRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum
field identifies the Part and is used as part of the primary key. " LABEL "Part"
COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "GlbRevisionNum" OF "GlbPartMtlRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Revision
number which is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part, and is used as
part of the primary key " LABEL "Rev"

TABLE "GlbPartMtlRestrictSubst" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Glb PartMtl Restrict

Subst" DESCRIPTION "Global PartMtlRestrictSubst table"
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbPartMtlRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Company
Identifier." LABEL "Company"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "GlbPartMtlRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "A unique part
number that identifies this part. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "GlbPartMtlRestrictSubst": character
DESCRIPTION "Revision number which is used to uniquely identify the revision o f
the part, and is used as part of the primary key " LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "AltMethod" OF "GlbPartMtlRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Alternate
Routing method to be used for this revision, and is use d as part of the primary
key" LABEL "Alternate Method"
FIELD "MtlSeq" OF "GlbPartMtlRestrictSubst": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number
that uniquely defines the Material (JobMtl) rec ord within a specific Job/Assembly.
This is system assigned. The next availabl e number is determined by reading last
JobMtl record on the Job/Assembly and the n adding ten to it." LABEL "Mtl"
FIELD "RestrictionTypeID" OF "GlbPartMtlRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION
"Restriction Type identification." LABEL "Restriction Type"
FIELD "SubstanceID" OF "GlbPartMtlRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Substance
identification." LABEL "Substance"
FIELD "Weight" OF "GlbPartMtlRestrictSubst": decimal DESCRIPTION "Default weight of
the substance per primary part of UOM" LABEL "Substance Weight"
FIELD "WeightUOM" OF "GlbPartMtlRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "By default
the primary UOM of the part." LABEL "Weight UOM"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbPartMtlRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Unique
identifier for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbPartMtlRestrictSubst": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision
identifier for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbPartMtlRestrictSubst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if
Memo, Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbPartMtlRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Company
FIELD "GlbPartNum" OF "GlbPartMtlRestrictSubst": character
DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field identifies the Part and is used as part of the
primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "GlbRevisionNum" OF "GlbPartMtlRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION
"Revision number which is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part, and
is used as part of the primary key " LABEL "Rev"

TABLE "GlbPartOpDtl" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Glb Part Op Dtl" DESCRIPTION "Global
Part Op Dtl table"
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbPartOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "PartNum" OF "GlbPartOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field
identifies the PartOpr this record is linked to . System assigned." LABEL "Part"
COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "GlbPartOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number which
is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part. System assigned. " LABEL
FIELD "OprSeq" OF "GlbPartOpDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies the
PartOpDtl within the OpMaster."
FIELD "OpDtlSeq" OF "GlbPartOpDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies an
PartOpDtl. System assigned."
FIELD "CapabilityID" OF "GlbPartOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The user can select
the capability the operation is to perform. The system will select the resource."
FIELD "ResourceGrpID" OF "GlbPartOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The user can select
a Resource Group for the operation to be perf ormed on. The system will select the
actual resource."
FIELD "ResourceID" OF "GlbPartOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code
assigned by the user to uniquely identify the Re source for this operation to be
performed on. "
FIELD "SetupHours" OF "GlbPartOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The standard setup hours
for the operation. ime required for each machine."

This is the setup t

FIELD "ProdHours" OF "GlbPartOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Production hours for this

operation. It is the total hours, as t hough the operation were running on a single
FIELD "NumResources" OF "GlbPartOpDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "This is the number of
resources the operation can run on. If mul tiple resources can perform the required
Capability, then up to this many will b e employed. This determines the number of
setups the system will allow for the operation. However, the number of setups
cannot exceed the number of operations . The idea being that once a part is on a
machine you will complete the operati on on that resource."
FIELD "SetupOrProd" OF "GlbPartOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies which part
of the production, setup or production, the resource is required for. Valid values
are ""S"", indicating the resource is RequiredFor the Setup phase of this
operation, ""P"" for Production phase, or "" B"" meaning Both setup and production
FIELD "AltMethod" OF "GlbPartOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Alternate Routing
method for the part revision." LABEL "Alternate Method"
FIELD "BaseMethodOverridden" OF "GlbPartOpDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
the base revision method was overridden. Applies on ly when the AltMethod field is
not blank."
FIELD "OpDtlDesc" OF "GlbPartOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Description is
initially created when the PartOpDtl is created. If the PartOpDtl is created from a
Resource it will be the Resource.Description , if it's created from an
ResourceGroup it will be the ResourceGroup.Description . Once set it is not changed
by the system."
FIELD "ParentAltMethod" OF "GlbPartOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Parent Alternate
Routing method of this part operation." LABEL "Parent Alternate Method"
FIELD "ParentOprSeq" OF "GlbPartOpDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the parent
operation sequence. Applies specifically to alternate methods that inherit from a
parent alternate method." LABEL "Parent Opr"
FIELD "ParentOpDtlSeq" OF "GlbPartOpDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the parent
operation detail sequence. "
FIELD "ConcurrentCapacity" OF "GlbPartOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Concurrent
Capacity is a constraint that prevents a Resource from
being overloaded because it has, at a given time, this much capacity. For exam ple,
a Resource has 4 racks, and they can be reused, but once they've been selec ted for
an operation, they're tied up until the operation is complete."
FIELD "DailyProdRate" OF "GlbPartOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Daily Prod rate
contains the rate required to make 1. This is multiplied with the mfg qty of the
job to get the total production qty. This to tal is then compared to the resource's
daily production quantity and with any u sage stored in the Shopload record. Once
the production limit for a resource h as been reached, the Resource has been
consumed for that day.
FIELD "ProdCrewSize" OF "GlbPartOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Duplicated from
PartOper.SetupCrewSize. The # of people it physi cally takes to perform the
production on this operation per machine that it is r un on. CrewSize *
JobOper.EstProdHours = Est. Prod. Labor Hours. Note this can be a fraction for
operations that do not require full time attention of an emplo yee. See also
SetUpCrewSize" LABEL "Crew Size" COLUMN-LABEL "Crew!Size"
FIELD "SetUpCrewSize" OF "GlbPartOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Duplicated from
PartOper.SetupCrewSize. Its the number of people it physically takes to se tup this
operation. It is used as a multiplier in th e estimated labor hours calculation.
JobOper.EstSetHours * JobOper.SetUpCrewSiz e = Estimated Labor hours for the
operation. This also affects the estimated lab or cost. Est Cost = Est Labor Hours
* SetUpLaborRate" LABEL "Crew Size" COLUMN-LABEL "Crew!Size"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbPartOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbPartOpDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbPartOpDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbPartOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GlbPartNum" OF "GlbPartOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field
identifies the Part and is used as part of the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-
LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "GlbRevisionNum" OF "GlbPartOpDtl": character
DESCRIPTION "Revision number which is used to uniquely identify the revision o f
the part, and is used as part of the primary key " LABEL "Rev"

TABLE "GlbPartOpr" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Glb Part Opr" DESCRIPTION "Global
PartOpr table"
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbPartOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "PartNum" OF "GlbPartOpr": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field
identifies the Part and is used as the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL
"Part Number"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "GlbPartOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number which
is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part. " LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "OprSeq" OF "GlbPartOpr": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number which
uniquely identifies the operation record within the Job/lot/level. The sequence can
be system generated or assigned by us er. System generated numbers are determined
by reading last JobOper for the job/ lot/level and then figures out what the next
number that is divisible by 10. If this number is within 3 of the last Number on
file it will be bumped up another 10. This keeps a minimum of 2 available sequences
between records. For example i f last = 18 Next would be 30, If last = 17 next =
20. " LABEL "Opr"
FIELD "OpCode" OF "GlbPartOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Operation Master Code -
Links the JobOper record with a OpMaster record. Default is given from
WrkCenter.OpCode. Must be valid in the OpMaster file. " LABEL "Operation" COLUMN-
LABEL "Oper"
FIELD "OpStdID" OF "GlbPartOpr": character DESCRIPTION "The Operation standard ID.
This links the JobOPer to the OpStd ma ster file. This can be blank or if entered
must be valid if entered. When this field is changed the ProdStandard, StdFormat
and StdBasis should be refreshed wi th the new defaults. Valid for ""inside
operations"" only." LABEL "Std ID"
FIELD "EstSetHours" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal
DESCRIPTION "The estimated set up hours. This can be zero only if the ProdStan dard
is greater than zero. Default from OpStd.SetupHours." LABEL "Hours" COLUMN-LABEL
"Est. Setup Hours"
FIELD "EstProdHours" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The estimated Production
run hours for internal operations (Subco ntract = No) . This is not directly
maintainable. It exists so that it will be e asier to display than always having to
recalculate it when it is needed. It is calculated using the ProdStandard,
StdFormat, StdBasis, OpsPerPart, QtyPer, Est Scrap and EstScrapType. FORMULAS: If
StdFormat = ""HR"" then EstProdHours = ProdStandard. If StdFormat = ""PH"" then
(RunQty / Std). If StdFormat = ""PM"" then (RunQty / Std ) / 60. If StdFormat =
""OH"" then (RunQty/OpsPerPart) / Std. If StdFormat = ""OM"" then
((RunQty/OpsPerPart) / Std) / 60. If StdFormat = ""HP"" then (RunQty/Basis) X Std.
If StdFormat = ""MP"" then ((RunQty/Basis) X Std) / 60. " LABEL "Hours" COLUMN-
LABEL "Est. Prod Hrs"
FIELD "ProdStandard" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The production standard
for the operation. It can be expressed as Hours, Minutes per piece, Pieces per
Time, Operations per Minute or Operations per hour. This along with the StdFormat,
StdBasis, OpsPer and fields are used to calculate the operations estimated
production hours. A value can be defaulted from the OpStd master. NOTE: The
ProdStandard can only be zero if the EstSetHours are greater than zero ." LABEL
"Prod. Std"
FIELD "StdFormat" OF "GlbPartOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Qualifier for the
Production Standard field. This is used as a de fault to the qualifier field in
operation details. The valid qualifiers are; ""HP"" - Hours/Piece, ""MP"" -
minutes/piece, ""PH"" - pieces/hour, ""PM"" - Pieces/Minute, ""OH"" -
Operations/Hour, ""OM"" - Operations/minute, HR - Fixed Hours. " LABEL "Std.
Format" COLUMN-LABEL "Std-F"
FIELD "StdBasis" OF "GlbPartOpr": character DESCRIPTION "A standard basis is to be
used to with standards that are time pe r piece (HP & MP). The basis is a Divisor.
Valid codes are E-Eaches, C=100's, M= 1000's, T=10,000. This field is used in the
formula for calculating the estimated production hours . The operation quantity is
divided by the basis value and then multiplied by th e standard to result in hours.
" LABEL "Std Basis"
FIELD "OpsPerPart" OF "GlbPartOpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of operations per
part. This is used in the calculation of the estimated production hours when the
StdFormat is ""OM"" or ""OH"". This sh ould not be accessible if StdFormat is not
""OM"" or ""OH"". It MUST BE > 0 if StdFormat is ""OM"" or ""OH""."
LABEL "Ops/Part"
FIELD "QtyPer" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Production Quantity per one of
the Parent Item. " LABEL "Qty/Parent"
FIELD "Machines" OF "GlbPartOpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Defaulted from the
WrkCenter.SchMachines field. This is the numbe r of machines that this operation
will run on at the same time. Logically though t of as a ""Squeeze factor"" to
scheduling. That is the more machines, the short er the schedule. This affects how
much of the total daily workcenter capacity th at the operation will consume. For
example; Center has 4 machines, 8 Hours per d ay and operation 2 machines. This
operation would consume 16 hours of capacity p er day. So if it had 32 hours of
estimated production it would schedule as takin g 2 days. NOTE THIS ONLY APPLIES TO
GET THE NUMBER OF HOURS TO BE SCHEDULED. I t is however used to calculate the total
setup hours on the operation. " LABEL "Machines"
FIELD "SetUpCrewSize" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Defaulted from the
WrkCenter.SetUpCrewSize field. Its the number of people it physically takes to se
tup this operation. It is used as a multipl ier in the estimated labor hours
calculation. JobOper.EstSetHours * JobOper.Set UpCrewSize = Estimated Labor hours
for the operation. This also affects the esti mated labor cost. Est Cost = Est
Labor Hours * SetUpLaborRate" LABEL "Crew Size" COLUMN-LABEL "Crew!Size"
FIELD "ProdCrewSize" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Defaults from the
WrkCenter.ProdCrewSize. The # of people it phys ically takes to perform the
production on this operation per machine that it is run on. CrewSize *
JobOper.EstProdHours = Est. Prod. Labor Hours. Note this can be a fraction for
operations that do not require full time attention of an empl oyee. See also
SetUpCrewSize" LABEL "Crew Size" COLUMN-LABEL "Crew!Size"
FIELD "EstScrapType" OF "GlbPartOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Qualifies the ScrapQty
entry as being a fixed quantity or a perce ntage of run quantity." LABEL "Scrap
FIELD "SubContract" OF "GlbPartOpr": logical DESCRIPTION "This flags the operation
as being a ""SubContract"" or an ""Inter nal"" operation. This also controls what
fields are allowed to be updated for t his record. For example, an internal
operation will not have a PartNum." LABEL "Subcontract" COLUMN-LABEL "Typ"
FIELD "EstUnitCost" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Estimated Unit Cost for
the SubContract operation. Defaults from the Part table if valid PartNum." LABEL
"Unit Cost"
FIELD "DaysOut" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Hours required is calculated
as days * 8." LABEL "Days Out" COLUMN-LABEL "Days"
FIELD "SubPartNum" OF "GlbPartOpr": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum to be
shipped to the subcontract. Defaults as the Par t number of the method to which it
belongs (PartOpr.PartNum). " LABEL "Part"
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "GlbPartOpr": integer DESCRIPTION "The SubContractors
VendorNum that ties back to the Vendor master file. This is only valid for
""SubContract"" operations. This field is not dir ectly maintainable, instead its
assigned by having the user either enter the ""V endorID"" and then finding the
VendorNum in the Vendor file or by selection lis t processing. This is a mandatory
entry for subcontract operations." LABEL "Supplier Number"
FIELD "PurPoint" OF "GlbPartOpr": character DESCRIPTION "The Vendors purchase point
ID. This field is only for the ""Subco ntract"" operations. Along with the
VendorNum is used to tie back to the VendorP P master file. Use the default
Purchase point defined in the Vendor file." LABEL "Purchase Point"
FIELD "CommentText" OF "GlbPartOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Editor widget for Job
operation comments. "
FIELD "SchedRelation" OF "GlbPartOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the
scheduling relationship between this and the preced ing operation. Possible values
are ""SS"" - Start to Start, ""FS"" Finish to Sta rt or ""FF"" Finish to Finish. A
""SS"" can start when the preceding operation starts. A ""FS"" starts when the
preceding operation is finished. A ""FF"" can finish when the preceding operation
finishes. These relationships do not span between levels of assemblies. The first
operatio n on an assembly is always treated as being ""FS"" relationship. A ""FF""
finishes when the preceding operation is finished. " LABEL "Schedule Relationship"
FIELD "RunQty" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The total operation quantity.
This is a calculated field. Calcul ated as (Assembly Required Qty X QtyPer) +
Scrap. The assembly qty is either the JobHead.ProdQty if JobOPer.AssemblySeq = 0 or
(JobAsmbl.RequireQty - JobAsmbl. PullQty) if JobOPer.AssemblySeq > 0. This value is
refreshed when maintenance is performed on the operation record or an assemblies
production qty is changed " LABEL "Run Qty"
FIELD "AddlSetupHours" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Additional Setup Hours
that will be required after a certain quan tity has been run for this operation.
The quantity at which this occurs is estab
lished in AddSetupQty field. The system determines the setup hours as SetupHrs +
(Max((RunQty - AddlSetupQty,0))/AddlSetUpQty) * AddlSetupHours. Any fractional
results of the AddlSetUpQty calculations are rounded up to the next whole number
before multiplying by the AddlSetUpHours." LABEL "Addl Setup Hrs"
FIELD "AddlSetUpQty" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Additional Setup
quantity indicates the quantity at which additio nal setup time will be incurred. "
LABEL "Addl Setup Qty"
FIELD "APSPrepOp" OF "GlbPartOpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the operation
that must precede this operation. Mainly used to model one to many routing
FIELD "APSNextOp" OF "GlbPartOpr": integer DESCRIPTION "This is the next operation
in the routing. -1 makes this operati on the last one in the routing so far; -2
makes it the first one in the routing so far; 0 means no successor."
FIELD "APSAltOp" OF "GlbPartOpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Specifies the operation for
which this is an alternate."
FIELD "APSSpecificResource" OF "GlbPartOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Used to assign
an operation to a specific resource so that APS do es not schedule it elsewhere.
Overrides APSCapability."
FIELD "APSCycleTime" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Cycles per minute. SQL:
IIF(CINT(JobOper.RunQty) = 0 OR JobOper.SubContract = TRUE, ""0"", JobOper
.EstProdHours * 60 / JobOper.RunQty)"
FIELD "APSConstantTime" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Fixed time, in
decimal minutes, to be added to the operation. Ca n be used to represent cleanup
time or model outsource time. SQL: IFF(JobOper.SubContract = TRUE, (JobOper.DaysOut
* 1440), ""0"")"
FIELD "APSSetupGroup" OF "GlbPartOpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Used to group
operations to save on setups."
FIELD "APSMakeFactor" OF "GlbPartOpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Quantity of Part per
FIELD "APSContainerSize" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Quantity that must
be completed before the next operation can sta rt (for overlap); quantity per batch
(for batch resources); Auxiliary resource q uantity."
FIELD "APSSchedulerName" OF "GlbPartOpr": character
DESCRIPTION "Name of the APS Scheduler Module in which to schedule this operat
FIELD "APSMaxLength" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "If the scheduled time
exceeds this value then the operation is sp lit into operations which do not exceed
this length."
FIELD "APSTransferTime" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Time between the end
of this operation and the start time of the successor operation."
FIELD "APSEffectiveness" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Cycle time and
constant times are divided by this value to get sc hedule times. Zeros disable this
FIELD "APSOperationClass" OF "GlbPartOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Type of
Operation: P for Prep, D for Processing (Dispatchable in APS terminology)."
FIELD "APSAuxResource" OF "GlbPartOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Auxiliary resource
requirements. This is a comma and tilde deli mited list of APSAuxResource.Name,
Quantity, and Durations. Example: ""Setup cr ew,2.5,1~Bins,3.2,5"". There are two
Resources specified in this list, Setup cr ew and Bins. The tilde seperates the
FIELD "APSAddResource" OF "GlbPartOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Additional resource
requirements. This is a comma and tilde del imited list of APSAddResource.Name,
Quantity, and Durations. Example: ""Setup c rew,2.5,1~Bins,3.2,5"". There are two
Resources specified in this list, Setup c rew and Bins. The tilde seperates the
entries. For Additional Resources the Du ration = 5 (entire Operation)."
FIELD "LaborEntryMethod" OF "GlbPartOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the
Method for Labor Entry. Can be ""T"" - Time and Qu antity, ""Q"" - Quantity Only
(Time is estimated) or ""B"" - Backflush." LABEL "Labor Entry"
FIELD "FAQty" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The quantity requested for
first article inspection." LABEL "First Article Quantity"
FIELD "RFQNeeded" OF "GlbPartOpr": logical DESCRIPTION "A flag to indicate that
this part operation requires an RFQ. If it does require an RFQ, the user must enter
the number of vendor quotes that are required. This only applies to subcontract
operations." LABEL "RFQ Needed" COLUMN-LABEL "RFQ"
FIELD "RFQVendQuotes" OF "GlbPartOpr": integer DESCRIPTION "The number of vendor
quotes that are required for this part subco
ntract operation. Can be zero if RFQ(s) are not required." LABEL "Quotes Req"
COLUMN-LABEL "VendQuotes" HELP "Enter the number of vendor quotes required"
FIELD "SetupGroup" OF "GlbPartOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Used to group operation
to save on setups." LABEL "Setup Group"
FIELD "PrimarySetupOpDtl" OF "GlbPartOpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifies the
primary PartOpDtl to be used for setup. The setup time for the operation is
determined on the PartOpDtl. If <> 0, must identify a valid PartOpDtl. The
PartOpDtl needs to have a Require dFor = S or B."
FIELD "PrimaryProdOpDtl" OF "GlbPartOpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifies the
primary PartOpDtl to be used for production. The production run time for the
operation is determined on the PartOpDtl. If <> 0, must identify a valid PartOpDtl.
The PartOpDtl needs to have a Require dFor = P or B."
FIELD "RtgGroup" OF "GlbPartOpr": integer DESCRIPTION "1 is the Primary Routing
Group" LABEL "Routing Group"
FIELD "AltMethod" OF "GlbPartOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Alternate Routing method
for the part revision." LABEL "Alternate Method"
FIELD "BaseMethodOverridden" OF "GlbPartOpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
base revision method was overridden. Applies on ly when the AltMethod field is not
FIELD "StageNumber" OF "GlbPartOpr": character DESCRIPTION "The stage number of the
operations. Entered only when the relate d PartRev.UseStaging flag is true." LABEL
"Stage Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Stage Number"
FIELD "OpDesc" OF "GlbPartOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Operation Description."
FIELD "ParentAltMethod" OF "GlbPartOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Parent Alternate
Routing method of this part operation." LABEL "Parent Alternate Method"
FIELD "ParentOprSeq" OF "GlbPartOpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the parent
operation sequence. Applies specifically to alternate methods that inherit from a
parent alternate method." LABEL "Parent Opr"
FIELD "PBrkCost01" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "if Subcontract then this
is Unit Costs for the corresponding pric e break quantities. (BreakQty)" LABEL
"Unit Costs"
FIELD "PBrkCost02" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "if Subcontract then this
is Unit Costs for the corresponding pric e break quantities. (BreakQty)" LABEL
"Unit Costs"
FIELD "PBrkCost03" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "if Subcontract then this
is Unit Costs for the corresponding pric e break quantities. (BreakQty)" LABEL
"Unit Costs"
FIELD "PBrkCost04" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "if Subcontract then this
is Unit Costs for the corresponding pric e break quantities. (BreakQty)" LABEL
"Unit Costs"
FIELD "PBrkCost05" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "if Subcontract then this
is Unit Costs for the corresponding pric e break quantities. (BreakQty)" LABEL
"Unit Costs"
FIELD "PBrkCost06" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "if Subcontract then this
is Unit Costs for the corresponding pric e break quantities. (BreakQty)" LABEL
"Unit Costs"
FIELD "PBrkCost07" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "if Subcontract then this
is Unit Costs for the corresponding pric e break quantities. (BreakQty)" LABEL
"Unit Costs"
FIELD "PBrkCost08" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "if Subcontract then this
is Unit Costs for the corresponding pric e break quantities. (BreakQty)" LABEL
"Unit Costs"
FIELD "PBrkCost09" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "if Subcontract then this
is Unit Costs for the corresponding pric e break quantities. (BreakQty)" LABEL
"Unit Costs"
FIELD "PBrkCost10" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "if Subcontract then this
is Unit Costs for the corresponding pric e break quantities. (BreakQty)" LABEL
"Unit Costs"
FIELD "PBrkStdRate01" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "If Internal operation
(SubContract = no) then this is Production Standards for the corresponding break
quantities." LABEL "Production Rate Standard"
FIELD "PBrkStdRate02" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "If Internal operation
(SubContract = no) then this is Production Standards for the corresponding break
quantities." LABEL "Production Rate Standard"
FIELD "PBrkStdRate03" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "If Internal operation
(SubContract = no) then this is Production Standards for the corresponding break
quantities." LABEL "Production Rate Standard"
FIELD "PBrkStdRate04" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "If Internal operation
(SubContract = no) then this is Production Standards for the corresponding break
quantities." LABEL "Production Rate Standard"
FIELD "PBrkStdRate05" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "If Internal operation
(SubContract = no) then this is Production Standards for the corresponding break
quantities." LABEL "Production Rate Standard"
FIELD "PBrkStdRate06" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "If Internal operation
(SubContract = no) then this is Production Standards for the corresponding break
quantities." LABEL "Production Rate Standard"
FIELD "PBrkStdRate07" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "If Internal operation
(SubContract = no) then this is Production Standards for the corresponding break
quantities." LABEL "Production Rate Standard"
FIELD "PBrkStdRate08" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "If Internal operation
(SubContract = no) then this is Production Standards for the corresponding break
quantities." LABEL "Production Rate Standard"
FIELD "PBrkStdRate09" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "If Internal operation
(SubContract = no) then this is Production Standards for the corresponding break
quantities." LABEL "Production Rate Standard"
FIELD "PBrkStdRate10" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "If Internal operation
(SubContract = no) then this is Production Standards for the corresponding break
quantities." LABEL "Production Rate Standard"
FIELD "BrkQty01" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Price Break/Production Break
Quantities. This is an array of 5 as cending quantities at which a price break
occurs for subcontracting or a Product ion Break occurs for internal operations.
The quantities represent the minimum q ty that is needed to obtain the
corresponding price/standard established in PBCo st or PBStdRate arrays. Not all 5
elements need to be entered. However they must be entered consecutively in
ascending order. Quoting selects the unit cost/Stan dard to use by first
calculating the Required Qty based on the quote quantity. Then searches the
BreakQty array finding the element which is less than and clos est to the required
qty. If one is found then the corresponding PBCost/PBStdRate is used else,
EstUnitCost for subcontract ProdStandard is used for internal o perations." LABEL
"Break Qty"
FIELD "BrkQty02" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Price Break/Production Break
Quantities. This is an array of 5 as cending quantities at which a price break
occurs for subcontracting or a Product ion Break occurs for internal operations.
The quantities represent the minimum q ty that is needed to obtain the
corresponding price/standard established in PBCo st or PBStdRate arrays. Not all 5
elements need to be entered. However they must be entered consecutively in
ascending order. Quoting selects the unit cost/Stan dard to use by first
calculating the Required Qty based on the quote quantity. Then searches the
BreakQty array finding the element which is less than and clos est to the required
qty. If one is found then the corresponding PBCost/PBStdRate is used else,
EstUnitCost for subcontract ProdStandard is used for internal o perations." LABEL
"Break Qty"
FIELD "BrkQty03" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Price Break/Production Break
Quantities. This is an array of 5 as cending quantities at which a price break
occurs for subcontracting or a Product ion Break occurs for internal operations.
The quantities represent the minimum q ty that is needed to obtain the
corresponding price/standard established in PBCo st or PBStdRate arrays. Not all 5
elements need to be entered. However they must be entered consecutively in
ascending order. Quoting selects the unit cost/Stan dard to use by first
calculating the Required Qty based on the quote quantity. Then searches the
BreakQty array finding the element which is less than and clos est to the required
qty. If one is found then the corresponding PBCost/PBStdRate is used else,
EstUnitCost for subcontract ProdStandard is used for internal o perations." LABEL
"Break Qty"
FIELD "BrkQty04" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Price Break/Production Break
Quantities. This is an array of 5 as cending quantities at which a price break
occurs for subcontracting or a Product ion Break occurs for internal operations.
The quantities represent the minimum q ty that is needed to obtain the
corresponding price/standard established in PBCo st or PBStdRate arrays. Not all 5
elements need to be entered. However they must be entered consecutively in
ascending order. Quoting selects the unit cost/Stan dard to use by first
calculating the Required Qty based on the quote quantity. Then searches the
BreakQty array finding the element which is less than and clos est to the required
qty. If one is found then the corresponding PBCost/PBStdRate is used else,
EstUnitCost for subcontract ProdStandard is used for internal o perations." LABEL
"Break Qty"
FIELD "BrkQty05" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Price Break/Production Break
Quantities. This is an array of 5 as cending quantities at which a price break
occurs for subcontracting or a Product ion Break occurs for internal operations.
The quantities represent the minimum q ty that is needed to obtain the
corresponding price/standard established in PBCo st or PBStdRate arrays. Not all 5
elements need to be entered. However they must be entered consecutively in
ascending order. Quoting selects the unit cost/Stan dard to use by first
calculating the Required Qty based on the quote quantity. Then searches the
BreakQty array finding the element which is less than and clos est to the required
qty. If one is found then the corresponding PBCost/PBStdRate is used else,
EstUnitCost for subcontract ProdStandard is used for internal o perations." LABEL
"Break Qty"
FIELD "BrkQty06" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Price Break/Production Break
Quantities. This is an array of 5 as cending quantities at which a price break
occurs for subcontracting or a Product ion Break occurs for internal operations.
The quantities represent the minimum q ty that is needed to obtain the
corresponding price/standard established in PBCo st or PBStdRate arrays. Not all 5
elements need to be entered. However they must be entered consecutively in
ascending order. Quoting selects the unit cost/Stan dard to use by first
calculating the Required Qty based on the quote quantity. Then searches the
BreakQty array finding the element which is less than and clos est to the required
qty. If one is found then the corresponding PBCost/PBStdRate is used else,
EstUnitCost for subcontract ProdStandard is used for internal o perations." LABEL
"Break Qty"
FIELD "BrkQty07" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Price Break/Production Break
Quantities. This is an array of 5 as cending quantities at which a price break
occurs for subcontracting or a Product ion Break occurs for internal operations.
The quantities represent the minimum q ty that is needed to obtain the
corresponding price/standard established in PBCo st or PBStdRate arrays. Not all 5
elements need to be entered. However they must be entered consecutively in
ascending order. Quoting selects the unit cost/Stan dard to use by first
calculating the Required Qty based on the quote quantity. Then searches the
BreakQty array finding the element which is less than and clos est to the required
qty. If one is found then the corresponding PBCost/PBStdRate is used else,
EstUnitCost for subcontract ProdStandard is used for internal o perations." LABEL
"Break Qty"
FIELD "BrkQty08" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Price Break/Production Break
Quantities. This is an array of 5 as cending quantities at which a price break
occurs for subcontracting or a Product ion Break occurs for internal operations.
The quantities represent the minimum q ty that is needed to obtain the
corresponding price/standard established in PBCo st or PBStdRate arrays. Not all 5
elements need to be entered. However they must be entered consecutively in
ascending order. Quoting selects the unit cost/Stan dard to use by first
calculating the Required Qty based on the quote quantity. Then searches the
BreakQty array finding the element which is less than and clos est to the required
qty. If one is found then the corresponding PBCost/PBStdRate is used else,
EstUnitCost for subcontract ProdStandard is used for internal o perations." LABEL
"Break Qty"
FIELD "BrkQty09" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Price Break/Production Break
Quantities. This is an array of 5 as cending quantities at which a price break
occurs for subcontracting or a Product ion Break occurs for internal operations.
The quantities represent the minimum q ty that is needed to obtain the
corresponding price/standard established in PBCo st or PBStdRate arrays. Not all 5
elements need to be entered. However they must be entered consecutively in
ascending order. Quoting selects the unit cost/Stan dard to use by first
calculating the Required Qty based on the quote quantity. Then searches the
BreakQty array finding the element which is less than and clos est to the required
qty. If one is found then the corresponding PBCost/PBStdRate is used else,
EstUnitCost for subcontract ProdStandard is used for internal o perations." LABEL
"Break Qty"
FIELD "BrkQty10" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Price Break/Production Break
Quantities. This is an array of 5 as cending quantities at which a price break
occurs for subcontracting or a Product ion Break occurs for internal operations.
The quantities represent the minimum q ty that is needed to obtain the
corresponding price/standard established in PBCo st or PBStdRate arrays. Not all 5
elements need to be entered. However they must be entered consecutively in
ascending order. Quoting selects the unit cost/Stan dard to use by first
calculating the Required Qty based on the quote quantity. Then searches the
BreakQty array finding the element which is less than and clos est to the required
qty. If one is found then the corresponding PBCost/PBStdRate is used else,
EstUnitCost for subcontract ProdStandard is used for internal o perations." LABEL
"Break Qty"
FIELD "SNRequiredOpr" OF "GlbPartOpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether
serial numbers are required form this operation . When true the system will prompt
in labor entry processes for the serial numbe rs that have been completed on this
operation." LABEL "Operation"
FIELD "SNRequiredSubConShip" OF "GlbPartOpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates
whether serial numbers are required on subcontract ship for a subcontract
operation." LABEL "Serial Numbers Required When Shipping"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbPartOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbPartOpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "Weight" OF "GlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Operation Weight defaulted
from Part Master." LABEL "Operation Weight"
FIELD "WeightUOM" OF "GlbPartOpr": character
DESCRIPTION "Operation Weight UOM defaulted from Part Master." LABEL "Weight UOM"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbPartOpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbPartOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GlbPartNum" OF "GlbPartOpr": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field
identifies the Part and is used as part of the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-
LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "GlbRevisionNum" OF "GlbPartOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number
which is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part, and is used as part
of the primary key " LABEL "Rev"

TABLE "GlbPartOprRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Glb Part Opr Restriction"
DESCRIPTION "Global PartOprRestriction table"
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbPartOprRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Company
Identifier." LABEL "Company"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "GlbPartOprRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum
field identifies the Part and is used as the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-
LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "GlbPartOprRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Revision
number which is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part." LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "AltMethod" OF "GlbPartOprRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Alternate
Routing method for the part revision." LABEL "Alternate Method"
FIELD "OprSeq" OF "GlbPartOprRestriction": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number
which uniquely identifies the operation record within the Job/lot/level. The
sequence can be system generated or assigned by us
er. System generated numbers are determined by reading last JobOper for the job/
lot/level and then figures out what the next number that is divisible by 10. If
this number is within 3 of the last Number on file it will be bumped up another 10.
This keeps a minimum of 2 available sequences between records. For example i f last
= 18 Next would be 30, If last = 17 next = 20. " LABEL "Opr"
FIELD "RestrictionTypeID" OF "GlbPartOprRestriction": character DESCRIPTION
"Restriction Type identification." LABEL "Restriction Type"
FIELD "OpCode" OF "GlbPartOprRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code
assigned by user which uniquely identifies a Ope ration master record. Can't be
blank. This is used as a foreign key in other fi les and may be used in
displays/reports where space for the full description is limited." LABEL "Operation
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbPartOprRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Unique
identifier for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbPartOprRestriction": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision
identifier for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbPartOprRestriction": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if
Memo, Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbPartOprRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Company
FIELD "GlbPartNum" OF "GlbPartOprRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum
field identifies the Part and is used as part of the primary key. " LABEL "Part"
COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "GlbRevisionNum" OF "GlbPartOprRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Revision
number which is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part, and is used as
part of the primary key " LABEL "Rev"

TABLE "GlbPartOprRestrictSubst" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Glb Part Opr Restrict
Subst" DESCRIPTION "Global PartOprRestrictSubst table"
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbPartOprRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Company
Identifier." LABEL "Company"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "GlbPartOprRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "A unique part
number that identifies this part. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "GlbPartOprRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Revision
number which is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part, and is used as
part of the primary key " LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "AltMethod" OF "GlbPartOprRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Alternate
Routing method to be used for this revision, and is use d as part of the primary
key" LABEL "Alternate Method"
FIELD "OprSeq" OF "GlbPartOprRestrictSubst": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number
that uniquely defines the Material (JobMtl) rec ord within a specific Job/Assembly.
This is system assigned. The next availabl e number is determined by reading last
JobMtl record on the Job/Assembly and the n adding ten to it." LABEL "Opr"
FIELD "RestrictionTypeID" OF "GlbPartOprRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION
"Restriction Type identification." LABEL "Restriction Type"
FIELD "SubstanceID" OF "GlbPartOprRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Substance
identification." LABEL "Substance"
FIELD "Weight" OF "GlbPartOprRestrictSubst": decimal DESCRIPTION "Defaulted from
Operation Master Substances." LABEL "Substance Weight"
FIELD "WeightUOM" OF "GlbPartOprRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Defaulted
from Operation Master Substances." LABEL "Weight UOM"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbPartOprRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Unique
identifier for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbPartOprRestrictSubst": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision
identifier for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbPartOprRestrictSubst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if
Memo, Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbPartOprRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Company
FIELD "GlbPartNum" OF "GlbPartOprRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum
field identifies the Part and is used as part of the primary key. " LABEL "Part"
COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "GlbRevisionNum" OF "GlbPartOprRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION
"Revision number which is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part, and
is used as part of the primary key " LABEL "Rev"

TABLE "GlbPartRev" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Part Revision. Establishes the
revisions of a part."
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbPartRev": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "PartNum" OF "GlbPartRev": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field
identifies the Part and is used as part of the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-
LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "RevShortDesc" OF "GlbPartRev": character DESCRIPTION "Short description of
the revision. This is NOT the Part descripti on. " LABEL "Description"
FIELD "RevDescription" OF "GlbPartRev": character DESCRIPTION "Used to enter a full
description of the revision."
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "GlbPartRev": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number which
is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part, and is used as part of the
primary key " LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "Approved" OF "GlbPartRev": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the methods of
manufacturing have been approved for
this revision. Only approved methods can be pulled into jobs/quotes. " LABEL
FIELD "ApprovedDate" OF "GlbPartRev": date DESCRIPTION "Date which this revision
was approved for use by manufacturing/qu oting. This is set to the system date when
the user marks the revision Approved . It is not maintainable by the user."
FIELD "ApprovedBy" OF "GlbPartRev": character DESCRIPTION "UserID who approved the
revision. Not maintainable by the user." LABEL "Approved By"
FIELD "EffectiveDate" OF "GlbPartRev": date DESCRIPTION "Date at which this
revision is considered effective. This date i s used to control the pulling of
subassembly revisions." LABEL "Effective"
FIELD "AutoRecOpr" OF "GlbPartRev": integer DESCRIPTION "The operation number
PartOpr.OprSeq) that is marked to do the Aut omatic Receipt to inventory. Note:
Zero = no operation is set to perform the au to receive into inventory function.
This field is not directly maintainable. Instead it is set during operation main
tenance by having the user mark a check box indicating ""Auto Receive"" which th en
updates this field with the operations sequence number. " LABEL "Auto Receive Into
FIELD "TLRLaborCost" OF "GlbPartRev": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Unit Labor
Cost calculated by the BOM Cost rollup rout ine. This level cost excludes costs
from sub assemblies. " LABEL "TL Rolled Labor"
FIELD "TLRBurdenCost" OF "GlbPartRev": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Unit Burden
Cost calculated by the BOM Cost rollup rou tine. ""This level cost"" excludes costs
from sub assemblies. Rolled up Burden cost. Calculated by the BOM cost rollup
routine" LABEL "TL Rolled Burden"
FIELD "TLRMaterialCost" OF "GlbPartRev": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Unit
Material Cost calculated by the BOM Cost rollup r outine. ""This level"" cost
excludes costs from sub assemblies. " LABEL "TL Rolled Material"
FIELD "TLRSubcontractCost" OF "GlbPartRev": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Unit
Subcontract Cost calculated by the BOM Cost rollu p routine. ""This level"" cost
excludes costs from sub assemblies. " LABEL "TL Rolled Subcontract"
FIELD "TLRSetupLaborCost" OF "GlbPartRev": decimal
DESCRIPTION "This Level Setup Labor Cost calculated by the BOM Cost rollup rou
tine. This level cost excludes costs from sub assemblies. " LABEL "TL Rolled Setup
FIELD "TLRSetupBurdenCost" OF "GlbPartRev": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Setup
Burden Cost calculated by the BOM Cost rollup ro utine. ""This level cost""
excludes costs from sub assemblies. Rolled up Burden cost. Calculated by the BOM
cost rollup routine" LABEL "TL Rolled Setup Burden"
FIELD "LLRLaborCost" OF "GlbPartRev": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Unit Labor
Cost calculated by the BOM Cost rollup rout ine. This level cost excludes costs
from sub assemblies. " LABEL "LL Rolled Labor"
FIELD "LLRBurdenCost" OF "GlbPartRev": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Unit Burden
Cost calculated by the BOM Cost rollup rou tine. ""This level cost"" excludes costs
from sub assemblies. Rolled up Burden cost. Calculated by the BOM cost rollup
routine" LABEL "LL Rolled Burden"
FIELD "LLRMaterialCost" OF "GlbPartRev": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Unit
Material Cost calculated by the BOM Cost rollup r outine. ""This level"" cost
excludes costs from sub assemblies. " LABEL "LL Rolled Material"
FIELD "LLRSetupLaborCost" OF "GlbPartRev": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Setup
Labor Cost calculated by the BOM Cost rollup rou tine. This level cost excludes
costs from sub assemblies. " LABEL "LL Rolled Setup Labor"
FIELD "LLRSetupBurdenCost" OF "GlbPartRev": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Setup
Burden Cost calculated by the BOM Cost rollup ro utine. ""This level cost""
excludes costs from sub assemblies. Rolled up Burden cost. Calculated by the BOM
cost rollup routine" LABEL "LL Rolled Setup Burden"
FIELD "RollupDate" OF "GlbPartRev": date DESCRIPTION "Date that this part cost was
last rolled up. Updated by the BOM Cost Roll up routine." LABEL "Rollup Date"
FIELD "LLRSubcontractCost" OF "GlbPartRev": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Unit
Subcontract Cost calculated by the BOM Cost rollu p routine. ""This level"" cost
excludes costs from sub assemblies. " LABEL "LL Rolled Subcontract"
FIELD "DrawNum" OF "GlbPartRev": character DESCRIPTION "Engineering Drawing Number.
An optional field. LABEL "Draw"


FIELD "Method" OF "GlbPartRev": logical DESCRIPTION "An internal flag which

indicates that this part revision contains Method of Manufacture details
(PartMtl/PartOpr records). We use this to avoid processing raw material part
records during processes such as BOM Cost roll up, Indented BOM lists, etc... "
FIELD "ECO" OF "GlbPartRev": character DESCRIPTION "Engineering Change Order
Number. An optional field for reference. " LABEL "ECO"
FIELD "FinalOpr" OF "GlbPartRev": integer DESCRIPTION "The sequence of the
operation that is to be considered as the ope ration which indicates the quantity
complete for the Job/Assembly. In other wor ds this operations completed quantity =
Job/Assembly completed. Note: Zero = n o operation is set and that the system
should use the last operation to determin e quantity complete. This field is not
directly maintainable. Instead it is set during operation main tenance by having
the user mark a check box indicating ""Final Operation"" which then updates this
field with the operations sequence number. " LABEL "Final Operation"
FIELD "TLRMtlBurCost" OF "GlbPartRev": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Unit
Material Burden Cost calculated by the BOM Cost r ollup routine. ""This level""
cost excludes costs from sub assemblies. " LABEL "TL Rolled Material Burden"
FIELD "LLRMtlBurCost" OF "GlbPartRev": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Unit
Material Burden Cost calculated by the BOM Cost r ollup routine. ""This level""
cost excludes costs from sub assemblies. " LABEL "LL Rolled Material Burden"
FIELD "PDMObjID" OF "GlbPartRev": character DESCRIPTION "Holds the internal object
id of pdm parts."
FIELD "Configured" OF "GlbPartRev": logical DESCRIPTION "If true then the revision
has a configuration defined for it. Th is will be set when a configuration is
approved." LABEL "Configured" COLUMN-LABEL "Configured"
FIELD "WebConfigured" OF "GlbPartRev": logical DESCRIPTION "If set to TRUE then the
revision can be configured in StoreFront. "
LABEL "Web Configured" COLUMN-LABEL "Web Configured"
FIELD "ShowInputPrice" OF "GlbPartRev": logical DESCRIPTION "If TRUE then the input
prices will be shown in the Customer Conne ct Configuration Review." LABEL "Show
Input Price" COLUMN-LABEL "Show Input Price"
FIELD "AltMethod" OF "GlbPartRev": character DESCRIPTION "Alternate Routing method
to be used for this revision, and is use d as part of the primary key" LABEL
"Alternate Method"
FIELD "AltMethodDesc" OF "GlbPartRev": character DESCRIPTION "The description of
the alternate method." LABEL "Alternate Method Description"
FIELD "Plant" OF "GlbPartRev": character DESCRIPTION "Plant Identifier. This field
cannot be blank."
FIELD "ParentAltMethod" OF "GlbPartRev": character DESCRIPTION "The alternate
method of the parent this method inherits from. " LABEL "Parent Alt Method"
FIELD "UseStaging" OF "GlbPartRev": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this revision
is to use stage number or operations o n materials. If false, operation sequences
are to be used. If true, staging nu mbers are to be used." LABEL "Use Staging"
FIELD "UseAltRevForParts" OF "GlbPartRev": logical DESCRIPTION "UseAltRevForParts:
Flag to indicate if the Use Alternate method f or parts option is selected, this
flag affects directly the creation and loading of data inside EngWorkbench, because
it will control the Alternate Method used. " LABEL "Use Alt Rev for Parts"
FIELD "OwnershipStatus" OF "GlbPartRev": character DESCRIPTION "This field can be
used with external system integrations to ident ify which system currently has
ownership of the record. This field can hold eit her the name of the external
system (example: PDM), ERP (Vantage) or null." LABEL "Ownership Status"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbPartRev": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbPartRev": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbPartRev": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ValRefDes" OF "GlbPartRev": logical DESCRIPTION "Validate Reference
Designators." LABEL "Validate Ref Designators"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbPartRev": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GlbPartNum" OF "GlbPartRev": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field
identifies the Part and is used as part of the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-
LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "GlbRevisionNum" OF "GlbPartRev": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number
which is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part, and is used as part
of the primary key " LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "PcEntprsConf" OF "GlbPartRev": logical DESCRIPTION "If a configuration is
created for this revision, is it marked as enterprise configurator"
FIELD "PcGlobalPart" OF "GlbPartRev": logical DESCRIPTION "Is the part for this
revision a global part"
FIELD "GlobalRev" OF "GlbPartRev": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks the Part Revision as
a global Revision, available to be sen t out to other companies" LABEL "Global Rev"

INDEX "EffectiveDate" ON "GlbPartRev" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Sorts by

Effective Date. Determines which revision should be used ."
INDEX "Method" ON "GlbPartRev" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Divides the records
into ones with mfg dtl(PartOpr,PartMtl) and w ithout."

TABLE "GlbPartXRefMfg" AREA "Schema Area"

DESCRIPTION "Global table for PartXRefMfg."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbPartXRefMfg": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user
chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbPayMethod" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for PayMethod."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbPayMethod": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbPcConData" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Global Pc Con Data" DESCRIPTION
"Product Configurator Control Data"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbPcConData": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbPcConData": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbPcConData": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "GlbPcDocRules" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Global Pc Doc Rules" DESCRIPTION
"Product Configurator Document Rules"
FIELD "SourceDBRecid" OF "GlbPcDocRules": character DESCRIPTION "Recid of this
record in the source database. This is necessary b ecause this table does not have
a unique index that can be used to find the reco rd in another database."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbPcDocRules": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbPcDocRules": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbPcDocRules": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "GlbPcDocRulesExpr" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Glb Pc Doc Rules Expr"
DESCRIPTION "Global PcDocRules Expression table. Used to store document rule
related expressions used in generated rule programs"
FIELD "SeqNum" OF "GlbPcDocRulesExpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Sequence Number."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbPcDocRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbPcDocRulesExpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbPcDocRulesExpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "TypeCode" OF "GlbPcDocRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Ex: Customization,
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbPcDocRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Company
FIELD "GlbPartNum" OF "GlbPcDocRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field
identifies the Part and is used as the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL
"Part Number"
FIELD "GlbRevisionNum" OF "GlbPcDocRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Revision
number which is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part. " LABEL "Rev"

TABLE "GlbPcDynLst" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Pc Dynamic Lists" DESCRIPTION
"Product Configurator Dynamic Lists"
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbPcDynLst": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "PartNum" OF "GlbPcDynLst": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field
identifies the Part and is used as the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL
"Part Number"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "GlbPcDynLst": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number which
is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part. " LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "ListSeq" OF "GlbPcDynLst": integer DESCRIPTION "The unique sequence id for
the dynamic list." LABEL "List Sequence"
FIELD "Condition" OF "GlbPcDynLst": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the logical
expression as to when the list is used." LABEL "Condition"
FIELD "ListItems" OF "GlbPcDynLst": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the combo-box
list items that are used when the conditio n is true." LABEL "List Items"
FIELD "InitVal" OF "GlbPcDynLst": character DESCRIPTION "The Initial value for the
list." LABEL "Initial Value"
FIELD "DLRunProgram" OF "GlbPcDynLst": logical DESCRIPTION "If TRUE then the
dynamic list will be built by running a program and using DLProgramInputs as
inputs." LABEL "Run Program" COLUMN-LABEL "Run Program"
FIELD "DLProgramName" OF "GlbPcDynLst": character DESCRIPTION "The Progress program
used for building a dynamic list." LABEL "Program Name" COLUMN-LABEL "Program Name"

FIELD "DLProgramInputs" OF "GlbPcDynLst": character DESCRIPTION "The inputs used

for the Progress program used for building a dyna mic list." LABEL "Program Inputs"
COLUMN-LABEL "Program Inputs"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbPcDynLst": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbPcDynLst": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BAQRunProgram" OF "GlbPcDynLst": logical DESCRIPTION "If TRUE then the
dynamic list will be built by running a BAQ prog ram" LABEL "BAQ Run Program"
FIELD "BAQProgramName" OF "GlbPcDynLst": character DESCRIPTION "The BAQ program
name used for building the dynamic list" LABEL "BAQ Program Name" COLUMN-LABEL "BAQ
Program Name"
FIELD "BAQDispValue" OF "GlbPcDynLst": character DESCRIPTION "Value that will be
displayed from the BAQ" LABEL "BAQ Display Value" COLUMN-LABEL "BAQ Display Value"
FIELD "BAQInputVal" OF "GlbPcDynLst": character DESCRIPTION "The input value for
the BAQ" LABEL "BAQ Input Value" COLUMN-LABEL "BAQ Input Value"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbPcDynLst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbPcDynLst": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GlbPartNum" OF "GlbPcDynLst": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field
identifies the Part and is used as the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL
"Part Number"
FIELD "GlbRevisionNum" OF "GlbPcDynLst": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number
which is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part. " LABEL "Rev"

TABLE "GlbPcDynLstCriteria"
AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table is used on the Product Configurator.
Records will be c reated to add specific criterias to Dynamic Lists that get their
lists from BAQ programs."
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbPcDynLstCriteria": character DESCRIPTION "Company
Identifier." LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "GlbPcDynLstCriteria": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field
identifies the Part" LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "GlbPcDynLstCriteria": character DESCRIPTION "Revision
number which is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part. " LABEL
FIELD "InputName" OF "GlbPcDynLstCriteria": character DESCRIPTION "Actual name of
the control. Used to identify the control through out the system." LABEL "Input
FIELD "ListSeq" OF "GlbPcDynLstCriteria": integer DESCRIPTION "The unique sequence
id for the dynamic list." LABEL "List Sequence"
FIELD "CriteriaSeq" OF "GlbPcDynLstCriteria": integer DESCRIPTION "Criteria
sequence number to make this record unique." LABEL "Criteria Sequence"
FIELD "ColumnName" OF "GlbPcDynLstCriteria": character DESCRIPTION "Column name to
use for BAQ query criteria" LABEL "BAQ Column Name" COLUMN-LABEL "BAQ Column Name"
FIELD "Condition" OF "GlbPcDynLstCriteria": character DESCRIPTION "Condition to use
for BAQ query criteria. Options include: =, < >, >, <, >=, <=, BEGINS, MATCHES"
LABEL "Condition" COLUMN-LABEL "Condition"
FIELD "ConstantValue" OF "GlbPcDynLstCriteria": character DESCRIPTION "Constant
value to use for BAQ query criteria" LABEL "Constant Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Constant
FIELD "ColumnValue" OF "GlbPcDynLstCriteria": character DESCRIPTION "Specifies the
column name from which it will take the value to be used in the BAQ criteria."
LABEL "Column Value" COLUMN-LABEL "Column Value"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbPcDynLstCriteria": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbPcDynLstCriteria": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "UseConstant" OF "GlbPcDynLstCriteria": logical DESCRIPTION "Logical field
that indicates if a Constant value will be used in the criteria. When true the
condition will use the ConstantValue column, when fa lse it will use the
ColumnValue column." LABEL "Use Constant" COLUMN-LABEL "Use Constant"
FIELD "Operator" OF "GlbPcDynLstCriteria": character DESCRIPTION "Operator to be
applied between each criteria. Values are restrict ed to AND/OR and if none is
defined then AND will be used as a default." LABEL "Operator" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbPcDynLstCriteria": character DESCRIPTION "Company
Identifier." LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "GlbPartNum" OF "GlbPcDynLstCriteria": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum
field identifies the Part" LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "GlbRevisionNum" OF "GlbPcDynLstCriteria": character DESCRIPTION "Revision
number which is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part. " LABEL
FIELD "ValueFrom" OF "GlbPcDynLstCriteria": character DESCRIPTION "This field will
indicate where the ColumnValue will be taken from . Current options are BAQ, CONST
and INPUT." LABEL "Value From" COLUMN-LABEL "Value From"
INDEX "GlbCriteriaSeq" ON "GlbPcDynLstCriteria" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION
"Primary sequence"
INDEX "LocalCriteriaSeq" ON "GlbPcDynLstCriteria" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION
"Primary sequence"

TABLE "GlbPcDynLstExpr" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Glb Pc Dyn Lst Expr" DESCRIPTION
"Global PcDynLstExpr table"
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbPcDynLstExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "PartNum" OF "GlbPcDynLstExpr": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field
identifies the Part and is used as the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL
"Part Number"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "GlbPcDynLstExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number
which is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part. " LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "ListSeq" OF "GlbPcDynLstExpr": integer DESCRIPTION "The unique sequence id
for the dynamic list." LABEL "List Sequence"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbPcDynLstExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbPcDynLstExpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "TypeCode" OF "GlbPcDynLstExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Ex: Customization,
FIELD "SeqNum" OF "GlbPcDynLstExpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Sequence Number."
FIELD "Expression" OF "GlbPcDynLstExpr": character DESCRIPTION "The On Leave
expression for the control." LABEL "Expression Text"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbPcDynLstExpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record."
LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbPcDynLstExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Company
FIELD "GlbPartNum" OF "GlbPcDynLstExpr": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field
identifies the Part and is used as part of the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-
LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "GlbRevisionNum" OF "GlbPcDynLstExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number
which is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part, and is used as part
of the primary key " LABEL "Rev"

TABLE "GlbPcInPrice" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Stores any Input pricing
structures for configured parts"
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbPcInPrice": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "PartNum" OF "GlbPcInPrice": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field
identifies the Part and is used as the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL
"Part Number"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "GlbPcInPrice": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number which
is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part. " LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "AllValues" OF "GlbPcInPrice": logical DESCRIPTION "If true the price will be
applied for all values of the input." LABEL "All Values"
FIELD "SourceDBRecid" OF "GlbPcInPrice": character DESCRIPTION "Recid of this
record in the source database. This is necessary b ecause this table does not have
a unique index that can be used to find the reco rd in another database."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbPcInPrice": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbPcInPrice": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "Comments" OF "GlbPcInPrice": character DESCRIPTION "Comments describing the
input price" LABEL "Comments" COLUMN-LABEL "Comments"
FIELD "ExtCompanyID" OF "GlbPcInPrice": character DESCRIPTION "If the enterprise
configurator is checked then pricing options ca n be defined per external company.
The default pricing option has no external c ompany." LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "GlbPcInPrice": character DESCRIPTION "Currency for this
input price." LABEL "Currency" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbPcInPrice": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbPcInPrice": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GlbPartNum" OF "GlbPcInPrice": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field
identifies the Part and is used as the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL
"Part Number"
FIELD "GlbRevisionNum" OF "GlbPcInPrice": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number
which is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part. " LABEL "Rev"

TABLE "GlbPcInPriceExpr" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Glb Pc In Price Expr"

DESCRIPTION "Global PcInPriceExpr table"
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbPcInPriceExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "PartNum" OF "GlbPcInPriceExpr": character
DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field identifies the Part and is used as the primary key.
" LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "GlbPcInPriceExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number
which is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part. " LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "AllValues" OF "GlbPcInPriceExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "If true the price
will be applied for all values of the input." LABEL "All Values"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbPcInPriceExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbPcInPriceExpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbPcInPriceExpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "SeqNum" OF "GlbPcInPriceExpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Sequence Number."
FIELD "TypeCode" OF "GlbPcInPriceExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Ex: Customization,
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbPcInPriceExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Company
FIELD "GlbPartNum" OF "GlbPcInPriceExpr": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field
identifies the Part and is used as part of the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-
LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "GlbRevisionNum" OF "GlbPcInPriceExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Revision
number which is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part, and is used as
part of the primary key " LABEL "Rev"

TABLE "GlbPcInputs"
AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Product Configurator Inputs. The inputs are the
fields that are displayed on the configurator screen."
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbPcInputs": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "PartNum" OF "GlbPcInputs": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field
identifies the Part and is used as the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL
"Part Number"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "GlbPcInputs": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number which
is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part. " LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "InputName" OF "GlbPcInputs": character DESCRIPTION "Actual name of the
control. Used to identify the control through out the system." LABEL "Input Name"
FIELD "TabOrder" OF "GlbPcInputs": integer DESCRIPTION "The order that the tab
function will step through the inputs." LABEL "Tab Order"
FIELD "DataType" OF "GlbPcInputs": character DESCRIPTION "The type of data that can
be stored in the control." LABEL "Type"
FIELD "FormatString" OF "GlbPcInputs": character DESCRIPTION "The format for which
the data will be stored." LABEL "Format"
FIELD "InitVal" OF "GlbPcInputs": character DESCRIPTION "The initial value for the
control." LABEL "Default"
FIELD "StatusText" OF "GlbPcInputs": character DESCRIPTION "The popup help message
that appears when the cursor is over the c ontrol." LABEL "Help"
FIELD "Required" OF "GlbPcInputs": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines if the contol
must have a value before leaving the wid get or the page of controls." LABEL
"Required Input"
FIELD "PageSeq" OF "GlbPcInputs": integer DESCRIPTION "On what page does the
control exist." LABEL "Page Sequence"
FIELD "SideLabel" OF "GlbPcInputs": character DESCRIPTION "The control's label."
LABEL "Label"
FIELD "xPos" OF "GlbPcInputs": integer DESCRIPTION "The pixel position for the x
axis." LABEL "X Position"
FIELD "yPos" OF "GlbPcInputs": integer DESCRIPTION "The pixel position for the Y
axis." LABEL "Y Position"
FIELD "pWidth" OF "GlbPcInputs": integer DESCRIPTION "The pixel width of the
control." LABEL "P Width"
FIELD "pHeight" OF "GlbPcInputs": integer DESCRIPTION "The pixel height of the
control." LABEL "P Height"
FIELD "ControlType" OF "GlbPcInputs": character DESCRIPTION "What type of widget is
it. This is the same as the Progress Type attribute." LABEL "Control Type"
FIELD "PromptWhen" OF "GlbPcInputs": character DESCRIPTION "The prompt when
expression for the widget." LABEL "Prompt When"
FIELD "ListItems" OF "GlbPcInputs": character DESCRIPTION "If the widget is a
combo-box or a radio-set, the list-items or th e radio-buttons attribute." LABEL
"List Items"
FIELD "StartDec" OF "GlbPcInputs": decimal DESCRIPTION "The starting decimal for a
validated numeric fill-in." LABEL "Starting Decimal"
FIELD "EndDec" OF "GlbPcInputs": decimal DESCRIPTION "The ending decimal for a
validated numeric fill-in." LABEL "Ending Decimal"
FIELD "IncrPrec" OF "GlbPcInputs": decimal DESCRIPTION "The precision used to
determine the list of numbers to validate a
gainst." LABEL "Incremental Precision"
FIELD "StartDate" OF "GlbPcInputs": date DESCRIPTION "The starting date for a
validated date fill-in." LABEL "Starting Date"
FIELD "EndDate" OF "GlbPcInputs": date DESCRIPTION "The ending date for a validated
date fill-in." LABEL "Ending Date"
FIELD "ValList" OF "GlbPcInputs": character DESCRIPTION "The list of valid
responses for a validated string fill-in." LABEL "Validation List"
FIELD "Horizontal" OF "GlbPcInputs": logical DESCRIPTION "If the control is a
radio-set, is it a horizontal or vertical rad io-set."
FIELD "IsGlobal" OF "GlbPcInputs": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this input's
values should be made available to othe r configurations on different lines in the
Order or Quote." LABEL "Global"
FIELD "OnLeave" OF "GlbPcInputs": character DESCRIPTION "The On Leave expression
for the control." LABEL "On Leave"
FIELD "WebInputName" OF "GlbPcInputs": character DESCRIPTION "The web compatible
version of the input name. This name will be used for use on web pages only.
InputName should still be used for rules, etc." LABEL "Web Input Name" COLUMN-LABEL
"Web Input Name"
FIELD "SummaryLabel" OF "GlbPcInputs": character DESCRIPTION "The label that will
be used for the input when displaying a confi guration summary." LABEL "Summary
Label" COLUMN-LABEL "Summary Label"
FIELD "DLRunProgram" OF "GlbPcInputs": logical DESCRIPTION "If TRUE then the
dynamic list will be built by running a program and using DLProgramInputs as
inputs." LABEL "Run Program" COLUMN-LABEL "Run Program"
FIELD "DLProgramName" OF "GlbPcInputs": character DESCRIPTION "The Progress program
used for building a dynamic list." LABEL "Program Name" COLUMN-LABEL "Program Name"
FIELD "DLProgramInputs" OF "GlbPcInputs": character DESCRIPTION "The inputs used
for the Progress program used for building a dyna mic list." LABEL "Program Inputs"
COLUMN-LABEL "Program Inputs"
FIELD "SourceDBRecid" OF "GlbPcInputs": character DESCRIPTION "Recid of this record
in the source database. This is necessary b ecause this table does not have a
unique index that can be used to find the reco rd in another database."
FIELD "HideInSummary" OF "GlbPcInputs": logical DESCRIPTION "If TRUE then this
input will not be shown in the configuration su mmary"
FIELD "OnLeave2" OF "GlbPcInputs": character DESCRIPTION "Additional field to add
On Leave expressions to this control" LABEL "OnLeave2"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbPcInputs": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbPcInputs": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "Invisible" OF "GlbPcInputs": logical DESCRIPTION "If true, the input will
not be displayed on the input page" LABEL "Invisible"
FIELD "Comments" OF "GlbPcInputs": character DESCRIPTION "Comments describing the
input" LABEL "Comments"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbPcInputs": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbPcInputs": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GlbPartNum" OF "GlbPcInputs": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field
identifies the Part and is used as the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL
"Part Number"
FIELD "GlbRevisionNum" OF "GlbPcInputs": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number
which is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part. " LABEL "Rev"

TABLE "GlbPcInputsExpr" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Glb Pc Inputs Expr" DESCRIPTION
"Global PcInputs Expression table"
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbPcInputsExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "PartNum" OF "GlbPcInputsExpr": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field
identifies the Part and is used as the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL
"Part Number"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "GlbPcInputsExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number
which is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part. " LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "InputName" OF "GlbPcInputsExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Actual name of the
control. Used to identify the control through out the system." LABEL "Input Name"
FIELD "TypeCode" OF "GlbPcInputsExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Ex: Customization,
FIELD "SeqNum" OF "GlbPcInputsExpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Sequence Number."
FIELD "Expression" OF "GlbPcInputsExpr": character DESCRIPTION "The On Leave
expression for the control." LABEL "Expression Text"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbPcInputsExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbPcInputsExpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbPcInputsExpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbPcInputsExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Company
Identifier." LABEL "Company"
FIELD "GlbPartNum" OF "GlbPcInputsExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Part Number." LABEL
"Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"

TABLE "GlbPcPage" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Product Configurator Page" DESCRIPTION
"A page within the product configurator."
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbPcPage": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "PartNum" OF "GlbPcPage": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field identifies
the Part and is used as the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "GlbPcPage": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number which is
used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part. " LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "PageSeq" OF "GlbPcPage": integer DESCRIPTION "The configuration page
sequence." LABEL "Page Sequence"
FIELD "PageTitle" OF "GlbPcPage": character DESCRIPTION "The title of the
configuration page." LABEL "Page Title"
FIELD "PromptWhen" OF "GlbPcPage": character DESCRIPTION "The prompt when
expression for the page." LABEL "Prompt When"
FIELD "OnLeave" OF "GlbPcPage": character DESCRIPTION "The On Leave expression for
the page" LABEL "On Leave"
FIELD "SkipOnLeaveOPL" OF "GlbPcPage": logical DESCRIPTION "If this is set to true
then 'On Leave' expressions will not be pr ocessed when the input page loads during
the configuration process. Also, if th is is set to true then it won't process the
'On Leave' expression for the curren t input unless the value changes. If the value
changes and the OnLeave express ion for the current input changes the value of
another input then it will proces s the 'On Leave' expression for the other input.
FIELD "OnLeave2" OF "GlbPcPage": character DESCRIPTION "Additional field to add
OnLeave expressions to the page" LABEL "OnLeave2"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbPcPage": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbPcPage": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbPcPage": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbPcPage": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GlbPartNum" OF "GlbPcPage": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field
identifies the Part and is used as the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL
"Part Number"
FIELD "GlbRevisionNum" OF "GlbPcPage": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number which
is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part. " LABEL "Rev"
INDEX "GlbConfigPage" ON "GlbPcPage" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The unique
index of the configuration page"
INDEX "LocalConfigPage" ON "GlbPcPage" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The unique
index of the configuration page"

TABLE "GlbPcPageExpr"
AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Glb Pc Page Expr" DESCRIPTION "Global PcPageExpr table"
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbPcPageExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "PartNum" OF "GlbPcPageExpr": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field
identifies the Part and is used as the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL
"Part Number"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "GlbPcPageExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number
which is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part. " LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "PageSeq" OF "GlbPcPageExpr": integer DESCRIPTION "The configuration page
sequence." LABEL "Page Sequence"
FIELD "SeqNum" OF "GlbPcPageExpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Sequence Number."
FIELD "TypeCode" OF "GlbPcPageExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Ex: Customization,
FIELD "Expression" OF "GlbPcPageExpr": character DESCRIPTION "The On Leave
expression for the control." LABEL "Expression Text"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbPcPageExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbPcPageExpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbPcPageExpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbPcPageExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GlbPartNum" OF "GlbPcPageExpr": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field
identifies the Part and is used as the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL
"Part Number"
FIELD "GlbRevisionNum" OF "GlbPcPageExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number
which is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part. " LABEL "Rev"

TABLE "GlbPcPriceHed" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Pc Price Header Records"
DESCRIPTION "Product Configurator Pricing Header Records"
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbPcPriceHed": character DESCRIPTION "Company ID" LABEL
"Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "GlbPcPriceHed": character DESCRIPTION "Part Number" LABEL "Part
Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "GlbPcPriceHed": character DESCRIPTION "Revision Number"
FIELD "ExtCompanyID" OF "GlbPcPriceHed": character DESCRIPTION "If enterprise
configurator, allows the option to create seperate input pricing for each external
company" LABEL "Ext Comp ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Ext Comp ID"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "GlbPcPriceHed": character DESCRIPTION "Currency code "
LABEL "Currency" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency"
FIELD "GeneralExpr" OF "GlbPcPriceHed": character DESCRIPTION "The general
expression that will be process prior to apply the re lated input pricing." LABEL
"General Expression" COLUMN-LABEL "General Expression"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbPcPriceHed": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbPcPriceHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "SourceDBRecid" OF "GlbPcPriceHed": character DESCRIPTION "Recid of this
record in the source database. This is necessary b ecause this table does not have
a unique index that can be used to find the reco rd in another database."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbPcPriceHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbPcPriceHed": character DESCRIPTION "Company ID" LABEL
"Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "GlbPartNum" OF "GlbPcPriceHed": character DESCRIPTION "Part Number" LABEL
"Part Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "GlbRevisionNum" OF "GlbPcPriceHed": character DESCRIPTION "Revision Number"

TABLE "GlbPcPriceHedExpr" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Glb Pc Price Hed Seq"
DESCRIPTION "Global PcPriceHedExpr table"
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbPcPriceHedExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Company ID" LABEL
"Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "GlbPcPriceHedExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Part Number" LABEL
"Part Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "GlbPcPriceHedExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Revision Number"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbPcPriceHedExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbPcPriceHedExpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbPcPriceHedExpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "TypeCode" OF "GlbPcPriceHedExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Ex: Customization,
FIELD "SeqNum" OF "GlbPcPriceHedExpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Sequence Number."
FIELD "Expression" OF "GlbPcPriceHedExpr": character DESCRIPTION "The On Leave
expression for the control." LABEL "Expression Text"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbPcPriceHedExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Company
FIELD "GlbPartNum" OF "GlbPcPriceHedExpr": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field
identifies the Part and is used as part of the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-
LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "GlbRevisionNum" OF "GlbPcPriceHedExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Revision
number which is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part, and is used as
part of the primary key " LABEL "Rev"

TABLE "GlbPcRules" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table stores all rules
associated with a given part number. "
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbPcRules": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
FIELD "RuleSeq" OF "GlbPcRules": integer DESCRIPTION "The sequence the rule is
going to be applied."
LABEL "Rule Sequence"
FIELD "ParPartNum" OF "GlbPcRules": character DESCRIPTION "Stores the parent part
number within the multi-level BOM for whic h the rule is related." LABEL "Parent
Part Number"
FIELD "AsmPartNum" OF "GlbPcRules": character DESCRIPTION "Stores the assembly part
number within the multi-level BOM for wh ich the rule is related." LABEL "Assembly
Part Number"
FIELD "ElementType" OF "GlbPcRules": character DESCRIPTION "Defines what the rule
is related to. Valid values include Par, O pr, Mtl, Asm. This is used in Gencode.p
when creating the compiled code." LABEL "Element Type"
FIELD "AltMethod" OF "GlbPcRules": character DESCRIPTION "Alternate Routing method
to be used for this rule." LABEL "Alternate Method"
FIELD "RuleID" OF "GlbPcRules": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique identifier for the
rule. This will be generated in the database trigger." LABEL "Rule ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Rule ID"
FIELD "OpDtlSeq" OF "GlbPcRules": integer DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies an
OpDtl" LABEL "Operation Detail Sequence"
FIELD "SourceDBRecid" OF "GlbPcRules": character DESCRIPTION "Recid of this record
in the source database. This is necessary b ecause this table does not have a
unique index that can be used to find the reco rd in another database."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbPcRules": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbPcRules": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbPcRules": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbPcRules": character
DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL "Company"

TABLE "GlbPcRulesExpr" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Glb Pc Rules Expr" DESCRIPTION
"Global PcRulesExpr table"
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbPcRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company"
FIELD "RuleSeq" OF "GlbPcRulesExpr": integer DESCRIPTION "The sequence the rule is
going to be applied." LABEL "Rule Sequence"
FIELD "ParPartNum" OF "GlbPcRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Stores the parent
part number within the multi-level BOM for whic h the rule is related." LABEL
"Parent Part Number"
FIELD "AsmPartNum" OF "GlbPcRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Stores the assembly
part number within the multi-level BOM for wh ich the rule is related." LABEL
"Assembly Part Number"
FIELD "AltMethod" OF "GlbPcRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Alternate Routing
method to be used for this rule." LABEL "Alternate Method"
FIELD "OpDtlSeq" OF "GlbPcRulesExpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies an
OpDtl" LABEL "Operation Detail Sequence"
FIELD "SeqNum" OF "GlbPcRulesExpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Sequence Number."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbPcRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbPcRulesExpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbPcRulesExpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "TypeCode" OF "GlbPcRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Ex: Customization,
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbPcRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."

FIELD "GlbPartNum" OF "GlbPcRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field

identifies the Part and is used as the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL
"Part Number"
FIELD "GlbRevisionNum" OF "GlbPcRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number
which is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part. " LABEL "Rev"

TABLE "GlbPcStatus" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Product Configurator Status"

DESCRIPTION "Product Configurator Status. A PcStatus record is created/update d
when the configuratored part is run."
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbPcStatus": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
FIELD "PartNum" OF "GlbPcStatus": character DESCRIPTION "Part Number." LABEL "Part"
COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "ApprovedDate" OF "GlbPcStatus": date DESCRIPTION "Date the configuration was
approved." LABEL "Approved Date"
FIELD "ApprovedBy" OF "GlbPcStatus": character DESCRIPTION "UserID who approved the
revision. Not maintainable by the user." LABEL "Approved By"
FIELD "SingleLevelConf" OF "GlbPcStatus": logical DESCRIPTION "Added to provide
backward compatibility to previous releases." LABEL "Single Level Configuration"
FIELD "SaveInputValues" OF "GlbPcStatus": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
input values should be saved." LABEL "Save Input Values" COLUMN-LABEL "Save Input
FIELD "SetPartNumOnly" OF "GlbPcStatus": logical DESCRIPTION "If this is set to
true then the part number field will be updated on the quote, order, or job with
the generated part number but no part record w ill be created. "
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbPcStatus": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbPcStatus": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "AprvRev" OF "GlbPcStatus": logical DESCRIPTION "If true, revision will also
be approved when configuration is app roved." LABEL "Approve Revision"
FIELD "EntprsConf" OF "GlbPcStatus": logical DESCRIPTION "This flag indicates that
the configurator is an enterprise config urator and enables the external company
setup options within the product configu rator designer." LABEL "Enterprise
Configurator" COLUMN-LABEL "Enterprise Configurator"
FIELD "Synchronize" OF "GlbPcStatus": logical DESCRIPTION "This option is available
for enterprise configurators. If true, configuration will be synchronized with
external companies." LABEL "Synchronize" COLUMN-LABEL "Synchronize"
FIELD "DispConfSummary" OF "GlbPcStatus": logical DESCRIPTION "If true, the
configuration summary grid will be displayed when re configuring a part" LABEL
"Display Summary" COLUMN-LABEL "Display Summary"
FIELD "PartComments" OF "GlbPcStatus": character DESCRIPTION "Part creation
comments" LABEL "Part Comments" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Comments"
FIELD "CompPricing" OF "GlbPcStatus": logical DESCRIPTION "If checked, the order
price will be calculated using the resultin g bill of material based on the
pricelists of each remaining component after the method rules have been applied.
The resulting order price will be the total co mponent price plus any additional
order input pricing that may have been defined ." LABEL "Component Pricing" COLUMN-
LABEL "Component Pricing"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbPcStatus": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbPcStatus": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company"
FIELD "GlbPartNum" OF "GlbPcStatus": character DESCRIPTION "Part Number." LABEL
"Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"

TABLE "GlbPcStrComp" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "GlbPcStrComp" DESCRIPTION

FIELD "Company" OF "GlbPcStrComp": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company"
FIELD "SourceDBRecid" OF "GlbPcStrComp": character DESCRIPTION "Recid of this
record in the source database. This is necessary b ecause this table does not have
a unique index that can be used to find the reco rd in another database."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbPcStrComp": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbPcStrComp": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbPcStrComp": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbPcStrComp": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company"

TABLE "GlbPcStruct" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Pc Structure Definitions" DESCRIPTION
"Product Configurator structure definitions. Defines sub assembly
configured parts that are linked to the selected parent configured part"
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbPcStruct": character DESCRIPTION "Company ID" LABEL
"Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "GlbPcStruct": character DESCRIPTION "Part Number of the parent
configured part number" LABEL "Part Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "GlbPcStruct": character DESCRIPTION "Revision Number of the
parent configured part number" LABEL "Rev" COLUMN-LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "ConfLabel" OF "GlbPcStruct": character DESCRIPTION "An optional label to
identify the purpose of the sub configurator rule. " LABEL "Label" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "SubPartNum" OF "GlbPcStruct": character DESCRIPTION "Sub assembly configured
part number that can be run from this con figurator based on the condition of this
rule" LABEL "Sub Conf Part Num" COLUMN-LABEL "Sub Conf Part Num"
FIELD "SubRevisionNum" OF "GlbPcStruct": character DESCRIPTION "The revision number
of the configurator that can be run from this configurator based on the condition
of this rule" LABEL "Sub Conf Revision Num" COLUMN-LABEL "Sub Conf Revision Num"
FIELD "MtlSeq" OF "GlbPcStruct": integer DESCRIPTION "Optional field. The sales
companies do not have the manufacturin g information available but the
manufacturing company must put the result of the sub configurator somewhere in the
method. The field has 3 options, E (Equal), G (Greater Than), L (Less Than). The
result of this rule will be inserted in th e BOM in the location specified in this
field. If no value is entered, the resu lt will be appended at the end of the BOM
structure." LABEL "MtlSeq" COLUMN-LABEL "MtlSeq"
FIELD "Comments" OF "GlbPcStruct": character DESCRIPTION "Comments describing the
structure rule" LABEL "Comments" COLUMN-LABEL "Comments"
FIELD "OprSeq" OF "GlbPcStruct": integer
DESCRIPTION "Default operation sequence" LABEL "Opr Seq" COLUMN-LABEL "Opr Seq"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbPcStruct": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbPcStruct": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbPcStruct": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "AsmPartNum" OF "GlbPcStruct": character DESCRIPTION "Stores the assembly
part number within the multi-level BOM for wh ich the rule is related." LABEL
"Assembly Part Number"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbPcStruct": character DESCRIPTION "Company ID" LABEL
"Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "GlbPartNum" OF "GlbPcStruct": character DESCRIPTION "Part Number of the
parent configured part number" LABEL "Part Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "GlbRevisionNum" OF "GlbPcStruct": character DESCRIPTION "Revision Number of
the parent configured part number" LABEL "Rev" COLUMN-LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "TypeCode" OF "GlbPcStruct": character DESCRIPTION "Ex: Customization,

TABLE "GlbPcStructRules" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Pc Structure Rules" DESCRIPTION
"Product Configurator structure rules. Defines sub assembly confi gured parts that
are linked to the selected parent configured part that will get process based on
the condition of the rule"
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbPcStructRules": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company"
FIELD "SubPartNum" OF "GlbPcStructRules": character DESCRIPTION "Sub assembly
configured part number that can be run from this con figurator based on the
condition of this rule" LABEL "Sub Conf Part Num" COLUMN-LABEL "Sub Conf Part Num"
FIELD "SubRevisionNum" OF "GlbPcStructRules": character DESCRIPTION "The revision
number of the configurator that can be run from this configurator based on the
condition of this rule" LABEL "Sub Conf Revision Num" COLUMN-LABEL "Sub Conf
Revision Num"
FIELD "RuleSeq" OF "GlbPcStructRules": integer DESCRIPTION "The sequence the rule
is going to be applied." LABEL "Rule Sequence"
FIELD "RuleID" OF "GlbPcStructRules": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique identifier for
the rule. This will be generated in the database trigger." LABEL "Rule ID" COLUMN-
FIELD "SourceDBRecid" OF "GlbPcStructRules": character DESCRIPTION "Recid of this
record in the source database. This is necessary b ecause this table does not have
a unique index that can be used to find the reco rd in another database."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbPcStructRules": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbPcStructRules": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbPcStructRules": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "AsmPartNum" OF "GlbPcStructRules": character DESCRIPTION "Stores the
assembly part number within the multi-level BOM for wh ich the rule is related."
LABEL "Assembly Part Number"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbPcStructRules": character DESCRIPTION "Company
Identifier." LABEL "Company"

TABLE "GlbPcStructRulesExpr"
AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Glb Pc Struct Rules Expr" DESCRIPTION "Global
PcStructRulesExpr table"
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbPcStructRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Company
Identifier." LABEL "Company"
FIELD "SubPartNum" OF "GlbPcStructRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Sub assembly
configured part number that can be run from this con figurator based on the
condition of this rule" LABEL "Sub Conf Part Num" COLUMN-LABEL "Sub Conf Part Num"
FIELD "SubRevisionNum" OF "GlbPcStructRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "The
revision number of the configurator that can be run from this configurator based on
the condition of this rule" LABEL "Sub Conf Revision Num" COLUMN-LABEL "Sub Conf
Revision Num"
FIELD "RuleSeq" OF "GlbPcStructRulesExpr": integer DESCRIPTION "The sequence the
rule is going to be applied." LABEL "Rule Sequence"
FIELD "AsmPartNum" OF "GlbPcStructRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Stores the
assembly part number within the multi-level BOM for wh ich the rule is related."
LABEL "Assembly Part Number"
FIELD "SeqNum" OF "GlbPcStructRulesExpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Sequence Number."
FIELD "Expression" OF "GlbPcStructRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Expression"
LABEL "Expression" COLUMN-LABEL "Expression"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbPcStructRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Unique
identifier for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbPcStructRulesExpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision
identifier for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbPcStructRulesExpr": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "TypeCode" OF "GlbPcStructRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Ex:
Customization, Personalization"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbPcStructRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Company
FIELD "GlbPartNum" OF "GlbPcStructRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum
field identifies the Part and is used as the primary key. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-
LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "GlbRevisionNum" OF "GlbPcStructRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Revision
number which is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the part. " LABEL "Rev"

TABLE "GlbPerCon" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global PerCon Master file. The
record can only be delete through the interface when the parent company either
deletes the PerCon or unchecks the global box. If the PerCon has been copied to the
local PerCon table, that recor d is left alone."
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "PerConID" OF "GlbPerCon": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for a
PerCon record." LABEL "PerConID"
FIELD "Name" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "Full name of the contact. "
LABEL "Name"
FIELD "FirstName" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "Contact's first name."
LABEL "First Name"
FIELD "MiddleName" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "Contact's middle name."
LABEL "Middle Name"
FIELD "LastName" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "Contact's last name." LABEL
"Last Name"
FIELD "PRName" OF "GlbPerCon": character
DESCRIPTION "Name used by Payroll - defaults to FullName - link this field to the
name field in Empbasic and in the future to PREmpMas." LABEL "Name"
FIELD "Func" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "Used to enter a short
description that should indicate what the c ontacts main function is. Ex: Shipping,
Buyer, Engineer. This is an optional fie ld." LABEL "Function"
FIELD "FaxNum" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "The contact's fax number.
When displaying phone numbers of contac ts the system will use the phone number
found in the Customer or Shipto file if the contact's number is blank. " LABEL
FIELD "PhoneNum" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "The contact's business
telephone number. When displaying phone nu mbers of contacts the system will use
the phone number found in the Customer or Shipto file if the contacts number is
blank. " LABEL "Phone"
FIELD "EMailAddress" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "The contact's email
address." LABEL "E-Mail Address" COLUMN-LABEL "EMail Address"
FIELD "CellPhoneNum" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "The contact's cell
phone number." LABEL "Cell Phone"
FIELD "PagerNum" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "The contact's pager
number." LABEL "Pager"
FIELD "HomeNum" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "The contact's home number."
LABEL "Home"
FIELD "AltNum" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "The contact's alternate phone
number." LABEL "Alternate"
FIELD "Prefix" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "Contact's prefix." LABEL
FIELD "Suffix" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "Contact's suffix." LABEL
FIELD "Initials" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "Contact's initials." LABEL
FIELD "WebSite" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "Contact's website." LABEL
FIELD "IM" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "Contact's IM." LABEL "IM"
FIELD "Twitter" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "Contact's Twitter." LABEL
FIELD "LinkedIn" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "Contact's LinkedIn." LABEL
FIELD "FaceBook" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "Contact's FaceBook." LABEL
FIELD "WebLink1" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "User defined Link 1." LABEL
FIELD "WebLink2" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "User defined Link 2." LABEL
FIELD "WebLink3" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "User defined Link 3." LABEL
FIELD "WebLink4" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "User defined Link 4." LABEL
FIELD "WebLink5" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "User defined Link 5." LABEL
FIELD "Address1" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "Address line 1" LABEL
FIELD "Address2" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "Address line 2" LABEL ""
FIELD "Address3" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "Address line 3" LABEL ""
FIELD "City" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "City" LABEL "City"
FIELD "State" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "State/Province" LABEL
"State/Prov" COLUMN-LABEL "State/Province"
FIELD "Zip" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "Zip/Postal Code" LABEL "Postal
FIELD "Country" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "Country is used as part of
the mailing address. It can be left bl ank. " LABEL "Country"
FIELD "CountryNum" OF "GlbPerCon": integer DESCRIPTION "The Country.CountryNum
value related to the SalesRep.Country valu e." LABEL "Country Number"
FIELD "CorpName" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "The company name of the
contact's mailing address. (See Address1 for additional information)." LABEL
"Company Name"
FIELD "RoleCode" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "RoleCD.RoleCode value of
the role assigned to the contact." LABEL "Role Code"
FIELD "Comment" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "Comments are intended to be
internal comments about a specific co ntact." LABEL "Comment"
FIELD "ContactTitle" OF "GlbPerCon": character
DESCRIPTION "Contact's title." LABEL "Title"
FIELD "Date01" OF "GlbPerCon": date DESCRIPTION "Contains the Currency.CurrencyCode
value of the customer's base c urrency." LABEL "Date01" COLUMN-LABEL "Date01"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbPerCon": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbPerCon": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ReportsTo" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "The name of the person
this contact reports to." LABEL "Reports To"
FIELD "PRLastName" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "Contact's payroll last
name." LABEL "Last Name"
FIELD "PRFirstName" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "Contact's payroll first
name." LABEL "First Name"
FIELD "PRMiddleName" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "Contact's payroll
middle name." LABEL "Middle Name"
FIELD "DcdUserID" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "The System User ID." LABEL
FIELD "PhotoFile" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "Name of file that contains
the employee's photo image. This can be blank (no photo available). Employee photos
are stored in the following dire ctory structure ManufacturingSystem\Emphoto\
(Company ID). directory " LABEL "Photo File"
FIELD "GlbPerConID" OF "GlbPerCon": integer
DESCRIPTION "The Owner's PerConID field identifies the PerCon and is used as t he
primary key." LABEL "PerConID"
FIELD "OldCompany" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "Original Owner Company
FIELD "OldPerConID" OF "GlbPerCon": integer DESCRIPTION "The Original Owner's
PerConID field identifies the PerCon and is used as the primary key. NOT CURRENTLY
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbPerCon": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al PerCon's. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skippe d PerCon if they need to." LABEL "Skipped" COLUMN-
LABEL "Skipped"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "Owner Company
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "GlbPerCon": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates." LABEL "Global Lock"
FIELD "GlobalPerCon" OF "GlbPerCon": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks the PerCon as a
global PerCon, available to be sent out to other companies." LABEL "Global"
FIELD "GlbName" OF "GlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "Full name of the contact. A
descriptive Name assigned by the pare nt company user to uniquely identify the
PerCon record." LABEL "Name"
INDEX "GlbPercon" ON "GlbPerCon" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The primary index"

TABLE "GlbPIStatus" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for PIStatus."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbPIStatus": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."
TABLE "GlbPIType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for PIType."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbPIType": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbPLGrupBrk" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for PLGrupBrk."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbPLGrupBrk": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbPLPartBrk" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for PLPartBrk."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbPLPartBrk": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbPrefScheme" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for PrefScheme."

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbPrefScheme": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user

chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbPrefSchemeCtry" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbPrefSchemeCtry": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user
chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbPriceGroup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for PriceGroup."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbPriceGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user
chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbPriceGrpValBrk" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbPriceGrpValBrk": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user
chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbPriceLst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for PriceLst."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbPriceLst": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbPriceLstGroups" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbPriceLstGroups": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user
chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbPriceLstParts" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbPriceLstParts": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user
chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbPrjMkUp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for PrjMkUp."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbPrjMkUp": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."
TABLE "GlbPrjRoleRt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for PrjRoleRt."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbPrjRoleRt": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbProdGrup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for ProdGrup."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbProdGrup": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbProdGrupPlt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbProdGrupPlt": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user
chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbProjChkLstType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbProjChkLstType": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user
chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbPurMisc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for PurMisc."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbPurMisc": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbPurMiscExpUB" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbPurMiscExpUB": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user
chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbPurMiscVend" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbPurMiscVend": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user
chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbQMarkUp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for QMarkUp."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbQMarkUp": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbQmmkup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for Qmmkup."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbQmmkup": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbRating" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for Rating."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbRating": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbReason" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for Reason."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbReason": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."
TABLE "GlbRefCategory" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbRefCategory": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user
chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbRegion" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for Region."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbRegion": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbReqActs" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for ReqActs."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbReqActs": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GLBRestrictFcts" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global Restricted

FIELD "Company" OF "GLBRestrictFcts": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ExtCompanyID" OF "GLBRestrictFcts": character DESCRIPTION "External Company
identifier. Used in Multi-Company Journal." LABEL "External Company"
FIELD "RestrictFct" OF "GLBRestrictFcts": character DESCRIPTION "Executing dll
name. "
FIELD "Description" OF "GLBRestrictFcts": character DESCRIPTION "Text describing
the Restricted Function"
FIELD "FctType" OF "GLBRestrictFcts": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the
function as a system specified function the user c annot override or a user defined
Valid values are: S - System determined- users cannot modify/delete UD = User
Defined - users may modify/delete these entries"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLBRestrictFcts": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLBRestrictFcts": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLBRestrictFcts": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "GlbRestrictFcts" ON "GLBRestrictFcts" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By
Company By ExtCompanyID By RestrictFct"

TABLE "GlbRestrictionSubstance" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbRestrictionSubstance": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
user chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back
at a later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbRestrictionType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbRestrictionType": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user
chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbRoleCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for RoleCd."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbRoleCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbSalesTax" AREA "Schema Area"

DESCRIPTION "Global table for SalesTax."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbSalesTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbSalesTBD" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for SalesTBD."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbSalesTBD": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbSalesTer" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for SalesTer."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbSalesTer": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbSalesTRP" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for SalesTRP."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbSalesTRP": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbSchedPri" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for SchedPri."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbSchedPri": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbSerialMask" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for SerialMask."

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbSerialMask": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user

chose to skip this record when linking glob
al parts. The user can come back at a later time and choose to link a skipped p art
if they need to."

TABLE "GlbSetupGrp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for SetupGrp."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbSetupGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbShiftBrk" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for ShiftBrk."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbShiftBrk": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbShipTo" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This file contains the global
Shipto records sent from another Va ntage Db. If the shipto record is linked to a
local shipto record then the inte rface will update both records. If the parent
company deletes the record, then this record will be deleted"
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbShipTo": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CustNum" OF "GlbShipTo": integer DESCRIPTION "The unique key of the Parent
Customer record for the ShipTo. " LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "ShipToNum" OF "GlbShipTo": character DESCRIPTION "The ID assigned by the
user which makes this record unique for th e customer. This field can't be blank."
LABEL "Ship To"
FIELD "Name" OF "GlbShipTo": character DESCRIPTION "Name of the ShipTo. When
creating new records the Customer.Name i s used as a default. This can't be blank."
LABEL "Name"
FIELD "State" OF "GlbShipTo": character DESCRIPTION "State ID for the ShipTo. Can
be blank." LABEL "State/Prov" COLUMN-LABEL "State/Province"
FIELD "Country" OF "GlbShipTo": character DESCRIPTION "The country is used as part
of the mailing address. It can be lef t blank." LABEL "Country"
FIELD "ResaleID" OF "GlbShipTo": character DESCRIPTION "The State Tax
Identification Number. Used in Order Entry, Prints on Sales Acknowledgements."
FIELD "SalesRepCode" OF "GlbShipTo": character DESCRIPTION "Defines the default
SalesRep for the specific customer ship to. U sed to supply default to Order Entry
and Invoice entry. The SalesRep from the cu stomer master is used as an initial
default when creating new ship to." LABEL "Sales Rep"
FIELD "TerritoryID" OF "GlbShipTo": character DESCRIPTION "Defines the Sales
Territory for this ShipTo. Can be blank or mus t be valid in the Sales Territory
master file." LABEL "Region"
FIELD "ShipViaCode" OF "GlbShipTo": character DESCRIPTION "Establishes a default
ShipVia code for the Shipto to be used by Order Entry, Shipping and Invoicing. This
must be valid in the ShipVia master fi le. The shipvia from the customer record for
this shipto is used as the initial default when creating new shipto records." LABEL
"Ship Via"
FIELD "PrimSCon" OF "GlbShipTo": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains the key of the
contact record which is to be considered as the Primary Shipping Contact. This
field is not directly maintainable. Instea d it is updated by the user marking the
check box for ""primary ship"" while in contact maintenance. This could be blank
which indicates that there is no prima ry shipping contact. The primary shipping
contact is used as a default in the sh ipping process. " LABEL "Primary Shipping
FIELD "FaxNum" OF "GlbShipTo": character DESCRIPTION "Fax telephone number for the
customer. Optional field. Displayed by Order entry when no shipping contact is
given or that contact has a blank ph one number. " LABEL "Fax"
FIELD "PhoneNum" OF "GlbShipTo": character DESCRIPTION "Business Phone Number for
the shipto location.. Displayed in Orde r entry when no shipping contact is given
for or when contact has a blank phone number." LABEL "Phone"
FIELD "TaxExempt" OF "GlbShipTo": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the reason why
customer is normally exempt from sales
tax. Used as a default in invoice entry. If field is non-blank it is considered
exempt. This code is totally user definable and no validation is required. " LABEL
"Tax Exempt"
FIELD "EDIShipNum" OF "GlbShipTo": character DESCRIPTION "A mutually agreed upon
value that links a customer's EDI shipto r ecord (an N1 / ST) to the Manufacturing
System DB ShipTo record."
FIELD "CountryNum" OF "GlbShipTo": integer DESCRIPTION "Country part of address.
This field is in sync with the Country f ield. It must be a valid entry in the
Country table." LABEL "Country Number"
FIELD "LangNameID" OF "GlbShipTo": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the language to
be used. This controls which language will be selected when extracting part
descriptions from PartLangDesc table." LABEL "Language ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Lang ID"
FIELD "BorderCrossing" OF "GlbShipTo": character DESCRIPTION "Area/city code from
where goods cross the border. This field is i ntended for Intrastat reporting. The
field can be blank to indicate the value fr om the Customer table. This field is
only visible if ISSyst.EnableHarbour is set ." LABEL "Exit Point" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "FormatStr" OF "GlbShipTo": character DESCRIPTION "Optional Custom address
format. Controls the address format used on crystal forms. "
FIELD "EMailAddress" OF "GlbShipTo": character DESCRIPTION "E-mail address of the
Ship To."
FIELD "TerritorySelect" OF "GlbShipTo": character DESCRIPTION "There are 3 methods
for Territory assignment in Ship-to: ""Sync"" - Synchronize to The Customer table.
ShipTo.TerritoryID = Customer.Ter ritoryID ""Syst"" - Let the System determine the
Territory ID. ""Lock"" - The user selects the territory manually and the system
will not attem pt to re-assign it. " LABEL "Territory"
FIELD "PendingTerritoryID" OF "GlbShipTo": character DESCRIPTION "The sales
territory that the system will assign based on new valu es in the Sales territory
boundary table." LABEL "Territory ID"
FIELD "CreatedByEDI" OF "GlbShipTo": logical DESCRIPTION "Ship to record created
from EDI." LABEL "Created by EDI"
FIELD "ExternalID" OF "GlbShipTo": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier from an
external G/L interface"
FIELD "GlbCustNum" OF "GlbShipTo": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer assigned
by the system to new customers by the customer maintenance program. This is the
unique key in the owner company" LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbShipTo": character DESCRIPTION "Owner Company
FIELD "GlbShipToNum" OF "GlbShipTo": character DESCRIPTION "Global ShipToNumber.
This is the number in the parent company" LABEL "Ship To"
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "GlbShipTo": logical DESCRIPTION "Disable this record from
receiving global updates" LABEL "Global Lock"
FIELD "OldCompany" OF "GlbShipTo": character DESCRIPTION "Original Owner Company
FIELD "OldCustNum" OF "GlbShipTo": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer assigned
by the system to new customers by the customer maintenance program. This is the
unique key in the original owner comp any - NOT CURRENTLY IN USE" LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "OldShipToNum" OF "GlbShipTo": character DESCRIPTION "Original ShipToNumber.
This is the number in the original owner' s parent company - NOT CURRENTLY IN USE"
LABEL "Ship To"
FIELD "TaxAuthorityCode" OF "GlbShipTo": character DESCRIPTION "Establishes the tax
authority for this ship to. This field can b e blank, but if entered, it must be
valid in the TaxAuthorityCd file." LABEL "Tax Authority Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Tax
Authority Code"
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbShipTo": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al ship tos. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skippe d ship to if they need to." LABEL "Skipped"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbShipTo": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbShipTo": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbShipTo": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "OldCST" ON "GlbShipTo" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Original Owner's

TABLE "GlbShipVia" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for ShipVia."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbShipVia": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbSkipLotCtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for SkipLotCtl."

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbSkipLotCtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user

chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbSourceValueField" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbSourceValueField": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
user chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back
at a later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbSpecAttr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for SpecAttr."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbSpecAttr": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."
TABLE "GlbSpecHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for SpecHed."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbSpecHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbSpecRev" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for SpecRev."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbSpecRev": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbStageNo" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for StageNo."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbStageNo": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbStockProvisionFormat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbStockProvisionFormat": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
user chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back
at a later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbSubstance" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for Substance."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbSubstance": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbSugPOChg" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Suggested Purchase Order

Changes. Records in this file are create
d from the Automated Purchasing Generation program."
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbSugPOChg": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "PONum" OF "GlbSugPOChg": integer DESCRIPTION "Purchase order that this
release record is related to." LABEL "PO"
FIELD "POLine" OF "GlbSugPOChg": integer DESCRIPTION "The line # of PoDetail record
that the PORel record is related t o. " LABEL "Line"
FIELD "PORelNum" OF "GlbSugPOChg": integer DESCRIPTION "Purchase order release
number uniquely identifies a purchase rele ase requirement record for a specific
line item on an order. This is assigned by the system." LABEL "Rel"
FIELD "SuggestionCode" OF "GlbSugPOChg": character DESCRIPTION "Suggested action to
be taken for this Purchase Order release. ""X"" = Expedite, ""P"" = Postpone, ""C""
= Cancel, ""I""= increase qty, R = Re duce Qty. This field is a 8 char. field it
could contain ""IP' increase and post pone."
FIELD "BuyerID" OF "GlbSugPOChg": character DESCRIPTION "The Buyer Id that is on
the related PO. Duplicate of POHeader.BuyerID" LABEL "Buyer ID"
FIELD "RequireDate" OF "GlbSugPOChg": date DESCRIPTION "Requirement Due Date. For
suggested Cancels or Reduce Quantity t his is set to Today."
FIELD "SourceName" OF "GlbSugPOChg": character DESCRIPTION "Human formatted string
that contains the original source document of this entry." LABEL "Source"
FIELD "SurplusQty" OF "GlbSugPOChg": decimal DESCRIPTION "New Suggested qty (in our
UOM). This is the true amount suggested , not the difference between actual and
suggested. This only pertains to increa se and reduce qty suggestions." LABEL
FIELD "CancelReason" OF "GlbSugPOChg": character DESCRIPTION "Reason for ""Cancel""
suggestion. Purchase for stock which 1. OverMax - Stock purchase which surpasses
the maximum. 2. No Requirement - Job purchase no open job record.
FIELD "Plant" OF "GlbSugPOChg": character DESCRIPTION "Plant Identifier. This field
can not be blank."
FIELD "ConNum" OF "GlbSugPOChg": integer DESCRIPTION "Supplier contact linked to
this record." LABEL "Contact Num" COLUMN-LABEL "Num"
FIELD "Comment" OF "GlbSugPOChg": character DESCRIPTION "Comment" LABEL "Comment"
FIELD "VendorChange" OF "GlbSugPOChg": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that this
suggestion was initiated from the supplier Wb . It is a reference field on time
phase and does not add or subtract from the b alance." LABEL "Supplier Change"
FIELD "OrderNum" OF "GlbSugPOChg": integer DESCRIPTION "Linked Inter-Company sales
order." LABEL "Order"
FIELD "OrderLine" OF "GlbSugPOChg": integer DESCRIPTION "Linked Inter-Company Sales
order Line number that this order rele ase is linked to. " LABEL "Line"
FIELD "OrderRelNum" OF "GlbSugPOChg": integer DESCRIPTION "The linked Inter-Company
sale order release." LABEL "Rel"
FIELD "ExtCompany" OF "GlbSugPOChg": character DESCRIPTION "External Trading
Company Identifier."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbSugPOChg": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbSugPOChg": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbSugPOChg": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
TABLE "GlbTable" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Holds the names of the global
tables. Also holds the list of fiel ds that are updated by the multicompany
interface. The user cannot modify the t able list, only the field list can be
modified. No fields means no logging of c hanges."
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbTable": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "TableName" OF "GlbTable": character DESCRIPTION "The name of the table that
holds the global recrods. 1) check for extsystem & extcompanyid & table, if no
fields then 2) check for extsystem & table (co is blank), if no fields then 3)
check for table (sys and co are blank), if no fields then nothing updated." LABEL
FIELD "UseFieldList" OF "GlbTable": character DESCRIPTION "A list-delimited list of
fields that will be updated from the mul ticompany interface." LABEL "Fields"
FIELD "ExtSystemID" OF "GlbTable": character DESCRIPTION "External System to tie
updated fields to. If blank, then will ap ply to all systems.

FIELD "ExtCompanyID" OF "GlbTable": character DESCRIPTION "The company to update
these fields for. 1) check for extsystem & extcompanyid & table, if no fields then
2) check for extsystem & table (co is blank), if no fields then 3) check for table
(sys and co are blank), if no fields then nothing updated." LABEL "Ext. Company ID"

FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbTable": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this

row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbTable": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbTable": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "GlbTargetValueField" AREA "Schema Area"

DESCRIPTION "Global table for TargetValueField."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbTargetValueField": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
user chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back
at a later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbTariff" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for Tariff."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbTariff": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbTariffComm" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for TariffComm."

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbTariffComm": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user

chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbTaskMast" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for TaskMast."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbTaskMast": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbTaskType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for TaskType."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbTaskType": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbTaxAuthorityCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbTaxAuthorityCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user
chose to skip this record when linking glob
al parts. The user can come back at a later time and choose to link a skipped p art
if they need to."

TABLE "GlbTaxBoxDefault" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbTaxBoxDefault": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user
chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbTaxCat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for TaxCat."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbTaxCat": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbTaxCatD" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for TaxCatD."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbTaxCatD": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbTaxJuris" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for TaxJuris."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbTaxJuris": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbTaxRgn" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for TaxRgn."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbTaxRgn": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbTaxRgnSalesTax"
AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for TaxRgnSalesTax."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbTaxRgnSalesTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user
chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbTaxRptCat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for TaxRptCat."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbTaxRptCat": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbTaxText" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for TaxText."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbTaxText": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbTaxTextD" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for TaxTextD."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbTaxTextD": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbTerms" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for Terms."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbTerms": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbTermsDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for TermsDtl."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbTermsDtl": logical
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to skip this record when linking glob al
parts. The user can come back at a later time and choose to link a skipped p art if
they need to."

TABLE "GlbTimeTypCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for TimeTypCd."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbTimeTypCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD01" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD01."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD01": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD02" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD02."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD02": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD03" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD03."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD03": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD04" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD04."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD04": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."
TABLE "GlbUD05" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD05."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD05": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD06" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD06."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD06": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD07" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD07."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD07": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD08" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD08."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD08": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD09" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD09."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD09": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD10" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD10."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD10": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD100" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD100."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD100": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD100A" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD100A."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD100A": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD101" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD101."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD101": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD101A" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD101A."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD101A": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD102" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD102."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD102": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."
TABLE "GlbUD102A" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD102A."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD102A": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD103" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD103."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD103": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD103A" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD103A."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD103A": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD104" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD104."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD104": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD104A" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD104A."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD104A": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD105" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD105."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD105": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD105A" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD105A."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD105A": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD106" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD106."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD106": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD106A" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD106A."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD106A": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD107" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD107."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD107": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD107A" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD107A."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD107A": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."
TABLE "GlbUD108" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD108."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD108": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD108A" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD108A."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD108A": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD109" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD109."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD109": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD11" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD11."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD11": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD110" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD110."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD110": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD110A" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD110A."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD110A": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD12" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD12."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD12": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD13" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD13."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD13": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD14" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD14."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD14": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD15" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD15."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD15": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD16" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD16."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD16": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p
art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD17" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD17."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD17": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD18" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD18."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD18": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD19" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD19."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD19": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD20" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD20."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD20": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD21" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD21."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD21": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD22" AREA "Schema Area"

DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD22."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD22": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD23" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD23."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD23": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD24" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD24."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD24": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD25" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD25."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD25": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD26" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD26."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD26": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD27" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD27."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD27": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob
al parts. The user can come back at a later time and choose to link a skipped p art
if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD28" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD28."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD28": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD29" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD29."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD29": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD30" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD30."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD30": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD31" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD31."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD31": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD32" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD32."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD32": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD33."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD33": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD34" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD34."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD34": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD35" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD35."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD35": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD36" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD36."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD36": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD37" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD37."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD37": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD38" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD38."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD38": logical
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to skip this record when linking glob al
parts. The user can come back at a later time and choose to link a skipped p art if
they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD39" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD39."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD39": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUD40" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UD40."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUD40": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUDCodes" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UDCodes."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUDCodes": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUDCodeType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UDCodeType."

FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUDCodeType": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user

chose to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a
later time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."
FIELD "Company" OF "GLBudgetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
FIELD "BookID" OF "GLBudgetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "GLBook ID" LABEL "GL Book"
FIELD "BalanceAcct" OF "GLBudgetDtl": character
DESCRIPTION "The budget GL Account. Only balance accounts can have a budget." LABEL
"Balance Account"
FIELD "BalanceType" OF "GLBudgetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the type of
balance stored on this record. S = Summar y Balance. D = Detail Balance. B = Both a
Summary and Detail Balance." LABEL "Balance Type" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "GLBudgetDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year of this
period balance record" LABEL "Fical Year" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "GLBudgetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year
suffix." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "GLBudgetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal
calendar year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-
LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "SegValue1" OF "GLBudgetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 1. See
COASegment segment number 1 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue2" OF "GLBudgetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 2. See
COASegment segment number 2 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue3" OF "GLBudgetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 3. See
COASegment segment number 3 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue4" OF "GLBudgetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 4. See
COASegment segment number 4 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue5" OF "GLBudgetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 5. See
COASegment segment number 5 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue6" OF "GLBudgetDtl": character
DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 6. See COASegment segment number 6 for a descriptio n of
this field." LABEL "Segment Value 6"
FIELD "SegValue7" OF "GLBudgetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 7. See
COASegment segment number 7 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue8" OF "GLBudgetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 8. See
COASegment segment number 8 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue9" OF "GLBudgetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 9. See
COASegment segment number 9 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue10" OF "GLBudgetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 10. See
COASegment segment number 10 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 10"
FIELD "SegValue11" OF "GLBudgetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 11. See
COASegment segment number 11 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 11"
FIELD "SegValue12" OF "GLBudgetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 12. See
COASegment segment number 12 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 12"
FIELD "SegValue13" OF "GLBudgetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 13. See
COASegment segment number 13 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 13"
FIELD "SegValue14" OF "GLBudgetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 14. See
COASegment segment number 14 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 14"
FIELD "SegValue15" OF "GLBudgetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 15. See
COASegment segment number 15 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 15"
FIELD "SegValue16" OF "GLBudgetDtl": character
DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 16. See COASegment segment number 16 for a descript ion
of this field." LABEL "Segment Value 16"
FIELD "SegValue17" OF "GLBudgetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 17. See
COASegment segment number 17 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 17"
FIELD "SegValue18" OF "GLBudgetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 18. See
COASegment segment number 18 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 18"
FIELD "SegValue19" OF "GLBudgetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 19. See
COASegment segment number 19 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 19"
FIELD "SegValue20" OF "GLBudgetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 20. See
COASegment segment number 20 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 20"
FIELD "COACode" OF "GLBudgetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID" LABEL
"COA Code"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "GLBudgetDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal period
number in the fiscal year." LABEL "Fiscal Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Period"
FIELD "BudgetAmt" OF "GLBudgetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Budget amount. Credits are
negative, Debits are positive." LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLBudgetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLBudgetDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLBudgetDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "Company" OF "GLBudgetHd": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
FIELD "BookID" OF "GLBudgetHd": character DESCRIPTION "GLBook ID" LABEL "GL Book"
FIELD "BalanceAcct" OF "GLBudgetHd": character DESCRIPTION "The budget GL Account.
Only balance accounts can have a budget." LABEL "Balance Account"
FIELD "BalanceType" OF "GLBudgetHd": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the type of
balance stored on this record. S = Summar y Balance. D = Detail Balance. B = Both a
Summary and Detail Balance." LABEL "Balance Type" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "GLBudgetHd": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year of this
period balance record" LABEL "Fical Year" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "SegValue1" OF "GLBudgetHd": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 1. See
COASegment segment number 1 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue2" OF "GLBudgetHd": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 2. See
COASegment segment number 2 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue3" OF "GLBudgetHd": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 3. See
COASegment segment number 3 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue4" OF "GLBudgetHd": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 4. See
COASegment segment number 4 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue5" OF "GLBudgetHd": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 5. See
COASegment segment number 5 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue6" OF "GLBudgetHd": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 6. See
COASegment segment number 6 for a descriptio
n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value 6"
FIELD "SegValue7" OF "GLBudgetHd": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 7. See
COASegment segment number 7 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue8" OF "GLBudgetHd": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 8. See
COASegment segment number 8 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue9" OF "GLBudgetHd": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 9. See
COASegment segment number 9 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue10" OF "GLBudgetHd": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 10. See
COASegment segment number 10 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 10"
FIELD "SegValue11" OF "GLBudgetHd": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 11. See
COASegment segment number 11 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 11"
FIELD "SegValue12" OF "GLBudgetHd": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 12. See
COASegment segment number 12 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 12"
FIELD "SegValue13" OF "GLBudgetHd": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 13. See
COASegment segment number 13 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 13"
FIELD "SegValue14" OF "GLBudgetHd": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 14. See
COASegment segment number 14 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 14"
FIELD "SegValue15" OF "GLBudgetHd": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 15. See
COASegment segment number 15 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 15"
FIELD "SegValue16" OF "GLBudgetHd": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 16. See
COASegment segment number 16 for a descript
ion of this field." LABEL "Segment Value 16"
FIELD "SegValue17" OF "GLBudgetHd": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 17. See
COASegment segment number 17 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 17"
FIELD "SegValue18" OF "GLBudgetHd": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 18. See
COASegment segment number 18 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 18"
FIELD "SegValue19" OF "GLBudgetHd": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 19. See
COASegment segment number 19 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 19"
FIELD "SegValue20" OF "GLBudgetHd": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 20. See
COASegment segment number 20 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 20"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "GLBudgetHd": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year
suffix." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "GLBudgetHd": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal
calendar year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-
LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "TotalBudgetAmt" OF "GLBudgetHd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Budget amount
for the fiscal year. This is a summary of GL Budget.BudgetAmt. Indirectly
maintained via GLBudget write trigger. Credits are negative, Debits are positive."
LABEL "Total Budget Amount"
FIELD "BudgetPerCode" OF "GLBudgetHd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
budget amount is period or annual amount." LABEL "Qualifier"
FIELD "CashFlow" OF "GLBudgetHd": logical DESCRIPTION "Whether or not to include in
the Cash Flow Analysis ." LABEL "Cash Flow"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLBudgetHd": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLBudgetHd": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLBudgetHd": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "COACode" OF "GLBudgetHd": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID" LABEL
"COA Code"
FIELD "PerBalFmt" OF "GLBudgetHd": character DESCRIPTION "Internally used field.
Not intended for end-user use. Tilde del imited string indicating the segments used
in the period balance account. Examp le: 1~2~5 indicates segments 1, 2 and 5 are
used to construct the balance accoun t number." LABEL "Period Balance Format"
FIELD "TBBalFmt" OF "GLBudgetHd": character DESCRIPTION "Internally used field. Not
intended for end-user use. Tilde del imited string indicating the segments used in
the trial balance account. Example : 1~3~4 indicates segments 1, 3 and 4 are used
to construct the balance account number." LABEL "Trial Balance Format"

TABLE "GlbUOM" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UOM."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUOM": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later time
and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUOMClass" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UOMClass."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUOMClass": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbUOMConv" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for UOMConv."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbUOMConv": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbVendCnt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global Vendor Contact

information. DELETE: See GlbVendor for details Also if deleting the Primary contact
for a Vendor (VendCnt.PurPoint = "" "" & Co nNum = VEndor.PrimPCon) then set
Vendor.PrimPCon to zero. If deleting a Primary contact for a vendor purchase point
(VendCnt.PurPOint > "" "" & VendPP.PrimPCon = ConNum) then set the VEndPP.PRimPCon
to zero. "
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbVendCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "GlbVendCnt": integer DESCRIPTION "This key links the record
to the Vendor file." LABEL "Supplier"
FIELD "PurPoint" OF "GlbVendCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Purchase point from
Vendor." LABEL "Purchase Point"
FIELD "ConNum" OF "GlbVendCnt": integer DESCRIPTION "Contact number. Unique
identifier for the contact record." LABEL "Contact Num" COLUMN-LABEL "Num"
FIELD "Name" OF "GlbVendCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Contact name." LABEL "Name"
FIELD "Func" OF "GlbVendCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Used to enter a short
description that should indicate what the c ontacts main function is. Ex: Shipping,
Buyer, Engineer. This is an optional fie ld." LABEL "Function"
FIELD "FaxNum" OF "GlbVendCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Specific Fax telephone
number for the contact. Optional field. T he user should only enter a Fax number
for the contact if it is different than t he fax number for the vendor. When
displaying phone numbers of contacts the syst em will use the phone number found in
the Vendor or Purchase Point file if the c ontacts number is blank. " LABEL "Fax"
FIELD "PhoneNum" OF "GlbVendCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Specific Business
telephone number for the contact. Optional fiel d. The user should only enter this
when the contact has a phone number differen
t than the Vendor. When displaying phone numbers of contacts the system will us e
the phone number found in the Vendor or Purchase Point file if the contacts n umber
is blank. " LABEL "Phone"
FIELD "EmailAddress" OF "GlbVendCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Contact e-mail
address." LABEL "E-Mail"
FIELD "WebPassword" OF "GlbVendCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Password for SF/Portal,
should not be easily editable from the Ma nufacturing System." LABEL "Web Password"

FIELD "WebUser" OF "GlbVendCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if able to access

the Supplier Workbench" LABEL "Web User"
FIELD "RoleCode" OF "GlbVendCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Code that identifies the
role of this person. Link to the RoleCD table." LABEL "Role Code"
FIELD "CellPhoneNum" OF "GlbVendCnt": character DESCRIPTION "The contacts Cell
phone number." LABEL "Cell Phone"
FIELD "PagerNum" OF "GlbVendCnt": character DESCRIPTION "The contacts Pager
number." LABEL "Pager"
FIELD "HomeNum" OF "GlbVendCnt": character DESCRIPTION "The contacts Home number."
LABEL "Home"
FIELD "AltNum" OF "GlbVendCnt": character DESCRIPTION "The contacts Alternate
number." LABEL "Alternate"
FIELD "ContactTitle" OF "GlbVendCnt": character DESCRIPTION "The Contacts Title"
LABEL "Title"
FIELD "ReportsTo" OF "GlbVendCnt": character DESCRIPTION "The name if the person
this contact reports to." LABEL "Reports To"
FIELD "Comment" OF "GlbVendCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Comments are intended to be
internal comments about a specific co
ntact. "
FIELD "NoContact" OF "GlbVendCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that this contact
is no longer contacted." LABEL "No contact"
FIELD "CreateDate" OF "GlbVendCnt": date DESCRIPTION "The date the task was
created." LABEL "Created"
FIELD "CreateDcdUserID" OF "GlbVendCnt": character DESCRIPTION "The UserID that
created the task" LABEL "User ID" COLUMN-LABEL "User ID"
FIELD "ChangeDate" OF "GlbVendCnt": date DESCRIPTION "The date the task was last
changed." LABEL "Changed"
FIELD "ChangeDcdUserID" OF "GlbVendCnt": character DESCRIPTION "The UserID that
last changed the task" LABEL "User ID" COLUMN-LABEL "User ID"
FIELD "Inactive" OF "GlbVendCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "This contact does not get
used on new LOQs" LABEL "Inactive"
FIELD "FirstName" OF "GlbVendCnt": character DESCRIPTION "First Name" LABEL "First
FIELD "MiddleName" OF "GlbVendCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Middle Name" LABEL
"Middle Name"
FIELD "LastName" OF "GlbVendCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Last Name" LABEL "Last
FIELD "Prefix" OF "GlbVendCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Prefix" LABEL "Prefix"
FIELD "Suffix" OF "GlbVendCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Suffix" LABEL "Suffix"
FIELD "Initials" OF "GlbVendCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Initials" LABEL "Initials"

FIELD "ExternalId" OF "GlbVendCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier from

an external G/L interface" LABEL "External Id"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbVendCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Owner Company
FIELD "GlbVendorNum" OF "GlbVendCnt": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer
assigned by the parent system to new vendors by the maintenance program. This field
is used as the foreign key to identify the vendor in other files such as CheckHed,
or POHeader. The end user should never need to know about the value of this field.
" LABEL "Vendor Number"
FIELD "GlbPurPoint" OF "GlbVendCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Owner's Purchase Point"
LABEL "Purchase Point"
FIELD "GlbConNum" OF "GlbVendCnt": integer DESCRIPTION "Global Contact number.
Unique identifier for the contact record. " LABEL "Contact Num" COLUMN-LABEL "Num"
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "GlbVendCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "Disable this record from
receiving global updates" LABEL "Global Lock"
FIELD "OldCompany" OF "GlbVendCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Original Owner Company
FIELD "OldVendorNum" OF "GlbVendCnt": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer
assigned by the original parent system to new v endors by the maintenance program.
This field is used as the foreign key to ide ntify the vendor in other files such
as CheckHed, or POHeader. The end user shou ld never need to know about the value
of this field. - NOT CURRENTLY IN USE" LABEL "Vendor Number"
FIELD "OldPurPoint" OF "GlbVendCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Original Owner's
Purchase Point - NOT CURRENTLY IN USE" LABEL "Purchase Point"
FIELD "OldConNum" OF "GlbVendCnt": integer DESCRIPTION "Original owner's Contact
number. Unique identifier for the conta ct record. - NOT CURRENTLY IN USE" LABEL
"Contact Num"
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbVendCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al vendor contacts. The user can come back at
a later time and choose to link a skipped vendor contact if they need to." LABEL
"Skipped" COLUMN-LABEL "Skipped"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbVendCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbVendCnt": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbVendCnt": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "OldCon" ON "GlbVendCnt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Original Owner's

TABLE "GlbVendGrup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for VendGrup."
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbVendGrup": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al parts. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped p art if they need to."

TABLE "GlbVendor" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global Vendor Master. Records in
this table were sent from other companies. The records will only be deleted from
this table through the interfa ce. If a Vendor has been copied to the local table,
that record is left alone"
FIELD "Inactive" OF "GlbVendor": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if vendor is
inactive. Inactive vendors are suppressed from data entry browses/selection lists
and reports. No new POs may be entered for the vendor, but the vendor may still be
appear on existing POs." LABEL "Inactive"
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "VendorID" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "A descriptive Code assigned
by the user to uniquely identify the vendor record. This code must be unique within
the file. It should be descriptiv e as possible. This ID may be used on
displays/reports where space for full name is not available or may be
inappropriate. This Master key is a little different in that the user can change
it. This change is allowed because the system is no t using the VendID as a foreign
key in any other file. Instead it uses the uncha ngeable, VendNum field assigned by
the system for linking other records to the Vendor." LABEL "Supplier ID"
FIELD "Name" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "Vendor's name. This field has a
format length of 50. Normally th e maintenance will be done in a left/right
scrollable field of 30. Printing may not always print all 50. This also applies to
the address lines. " LABEL "Name"
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "GlbVendor": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer assigned by
the system to new vendors by the m aintenance program. This field is used as the
foreign key to identify the vendor in other files such as CheckHed, or POHeader.
The end user should never need to know about the value of this field. " LABEL
"Supplier Number"
FIELD "State" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "Can be blank." LABEL
"State/Prov" COLUMN-LABEL "State/Province"
FIELD "Country" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "Country Name. Printed as
last line of mailing address. Can be bla nk." LABEL "Country"
FIELD "TaxPayerID" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "The Tax Payer ID. Used in
1099 processing." LABEL "Tax ID"
FIELD "PurPoint" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the key of the
Purchase Point (VendorPP) record that sho uld be used as a default for the vendor.
Purchase points are used in Purchase Or ders like Customer Shipto are used in Sales
Orders. A blank value signifies that the default should be the vendor itself. This
field is updated via a toggle box in purchase point maintenance. When the user
checks this box the key of the Pur chase Point record (PurPoint) is placed into
this field. This method insures tha t only one Purchase point can exist as the
default. Also if the toggle box is cl eared then this field should be updated to
blanks." LABEL "Pur Point"
FIELD "TermsCode" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "Establishes the default
Purchasing terms for this vendor. This ca n be blank or must be valid in the Terms
file. It supplies Purchase Order and A/ P Invoice entry with defaults. "
LABEL "Terms"
FIELD "GroupCode" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "Vendors Group Code. Can be
blank or must be valid in the VendGrup master file." LABEL "Group ID"
FIELD "Print1099" OF "GlbVendor": logical DESCRIPTION "Only vendors where Print
1099 = Yes will be selected in the 1099 processing. " LABEL "1099s" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "Box1099" OF "GlbVendor": integer DESCRIPTION "A user definable field which
controls in which box on the 1099 th at the amount should be printed." LABEL "1099
FIELD "OneCheck" OF "GlbVendor": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that for this
vendor all invoices must be paid on separ ate checks."
FIELD "OBS900-ExpenseDiv" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "This is the
Division number portion that is used to make up the G/L account number that is used
as the default expense account. The full G/L a ccount number is made up of
ExpenseDivision, ExpenseChart and ExpenseDept. Used when purchases are made from
this vendor it will be used if a default expense ac count is not obtained from the
Part master. It is used as a default in Purchase order, A/P invoices and A/P Misc.
Payment records. This individual field is never directly entered; rather it is
entered as part of a field that represents the full G/L account number. This is an
optional field . See the XaSyst file description for more detail on structure and
use of G/L acco unt numbers." LABEL "Exp. Div"
FIELD "OBS900-ExpenseChart" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "This is the G/L
Chart number portion of the default G/L account. (see Vendor.ExpenseDiv). See the
system manual for more detail on entry & edit of G/L account numbers." LABEL "Exp.
FIELD "OBS900-ExpenseDept" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "Department number
portion of the default G/L account number. (See ExpenseDiv). See the XaSyst file
for more detail on structure and usage G/L account numbers." LABEL "Exp. Dept"
FIELD "PrintLabels" OF "GlbVendor": logical DESCRIPTION "Only vendors that are
PrintLabel = Yes will be selected for print ing of mailing labels." LABEL "Labels"
FIELD "FaxNum" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "Fax telephone number for the
vendor. Optional field. This field i s used as the general Fax # for the vendor. It
will be displayed as PO entry/In quiry when no specific contact is given for the
purchase order or the contact re cord has a blank Fax #." LABEL "Fax"
FIELD "PhoneNum" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "The general Business Phone
Number for the vendor. Displayed in PO entry and inquires when no contact is given
or when contact has a blank phone number. " LABEL "Phone"
FIELD "Comment" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "Comments are intended to be
internal comments about a specific ve ndor. These do get pulled into other
programs. They are mainly intended as an on line storage facility. To be view-as
EDITOR widget."
FIELD "PayHold" OF "GlbVendor": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if payments to
vendor should be held. If ""yes"" then v endor can't be selected in check
processing. Also individual invoices can be put on hold." LABEL "Hold Payments"
FIELD "PrimPCon" OF "GlbVendor": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains the key of the
Primary Purchasing contact for the custom er. This field is not directly
maintainable. Instead it is set during contact ma intenance by having the user mark
a check box indicating primary Purchaser. Thi s is the contact that is used as a
default in Purchase Order Entry when no purch ase point is referenced " LABEL
"Primary Pur. Contact"
FIELD "AccountRef" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies your account
with the specific vendor. This is an opti onal field which is printed on any checks
the system generates to this vendor."
FIELD "Obs900-APAcctID" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "The default payables
account master to be used as a default when entering invoices from this vendor.
This can be blank or must be a valid APAcc t reference. Blank indicates that the
system default A/P should be used for this vendor (see APSyst.APAcctID)" LABEL
"Account ID"
FIELD "DefaultFOB" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "Default FOB policy for
Purchase Orders to this vendor. Used as a default to POHeader.FOB." LABEL "FOB"
FIELD "RcvInspectionReq" OF "GlbVendor": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
Inspection is required for items received from this vendor. Inspection will also be
enforced if the related PartClass, Podetail, J obMtl or JobOper have their
""RcvInspectionReq"" fields set to Yes. " LABEL "Inspection Required"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the currency." LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "CountryNum" OF "GlbVendor": integer DESCRIPTION "Country part of address.
This field is in sync with the Country f ield. It must be a valid entry in the
Country table." LABEL "Country Number"
FIELD "LangNameID" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the language to
be used. This controls which language will be selected when extracting part
descriptions from PartLangDesc table." LABEL "Language ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Lang ID"
FIELD "BorderCrossing" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "Area/city code from
where goods cross the border. This field is i ntended for Intrastat reporting. The
field can be blank to indicate the value fr om the Country table. This field is
only visible if ISSyst.EnableHarbour is set ." LABEL "Entry Point" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "FormatStr" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "Optional Custom address
format. Controls the address format used on crystal forms. "
FIELD "ElecPayment" OF "GlbVendor": logical DESCRIPTION "Payments to this vendors
are made via electronic transfer." LABEL "Electronic Payment" COLUMN-LABEL
"Electronic Payment"
FIELD "PrimaryBankID" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "ID of the vendor's
primary bank. Relates to the VendBank record, NOT the BankAcct record." LABEL
"Primary Bank ID"
FIELD "Approved" OF "GlbVendor": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the Vendor is
approved for Purchasing. Purchases can only be made from vendors that are approved.
" LABEL "Approved"
FIELD "ICVend" OF "GlbVendor": logical DESCRIPTION "This is an inter-company
LABEL "Inter-Company"
FIELD "EMailAddress" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "E-mail address of the
FIELD "WebVendor" OF "GlbVendor": logical DESCRIPTION "This vendor is web enabled"
LABEL "Web Vendor"
FIELD "VendURL" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "Vendor URL." LABEL "URL"
FIELD "EarlyBuffer" OF "GlbVendor": integer DESCRIPTION "Used to calculate on-time
delivery performance rating" LABEL "Early Buffer"
FIELD "LateBuffer" OF "GlbVendor": integer DESCRIPTION "Used to calculate on-time
delivery performance rating" LABEL "Late Buffer"
FIELD "OnTimeRating" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "Freeform field for
rating On-time delivery performance. This fie ld is used as a criteria in selecting
vendors in RFQ responses" LABEL "On Time Rating"
FIELD "QualityRating" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "Freeform field for
rating QA performance. This field is used as a criteria in selecting vendors in RFQ
responses." LABEL "Quality Rating"
FIELD "PriceRating" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "Freeform field for
rating Price Accuracy. This field is used as a criteria in selecting vendors in RFQ
responses" LABEL "Price Rating"
FIELD "ServiceRating" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "Freeform field for
rating this vendors service. This field is us ed as a criteria in selecting vendors
in RFQ responses" LABEL "Service Rating"
FIELD "ExternalId" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier from an
external G/L interface" LABEL "External Id"
FIELD "VendPILimit" OF "GlbVendor": integer DESCRIPTION "An optional field that
allows user to enter a monetary value to b e used as a Credit limit for payment
instruments such as post dated checks or ba nk drafts. Credit limit of zero is
considered as having unlimited credit. "
LABEL "PI Credit Limit"
FIELD "GlobalVendor" OF "GlbVendor": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks the vendor as a
global vendor, available to be sent out to other companies" LABEL "Global"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "Owner Company
FIELD "GlbVendorNum" OF "GlbVendor": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer assigned
by the parent system to new vendors by the maintenance program. This field is used
as the foreign key to identify the vendor in other files such as CheckHed, or
POHeader. The end user should never need to know about the value of this field. "
LABEL "Vendor Number"
FIELD "GlbVendorID" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "A descriptive Code
assigned by the parent company user to uniquel y identify the vendor record. This
code must be unique within the file. It shoul d be descriptive as possible. This ID
may be used on displays/reports where spac e for full name is not available or may
be inappropriate. This Master key is a l ittle different in that the user can
change it. This change is allowed because t he system is not using the VendID as a
foreign key in any other file. Instead it uses the unchangeable, VendNum field
assigned by the system for linking other records to the Vendor." LABEL "Vendor ID"
FIELD "CurrencyBaseCurrCode" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code
that identifies the currency." LABEL "Global Company Base Currency Code" COLUMN-
LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "GlbVendor": logical DESCRIPTION "Disable this record from
receiving global updates" LABEL "Global Lock"
FIELD "OldCompany" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "Original Owner Company
FIELD "OldVendorNum" OF "GlbVendor": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer assigned
by the original parent system to new v endors by the maintenance program. This
field is used as the foreign key to ide ntify the vendor in other files such as
CheckHed, or POHeader. The end user shou ld never need to know about the value of
this field. - NOT CURRENTLY IN USE" LABEL "Vendor Number"
FIELD "OldVendorID" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "A descriptive Code
assigned by the original parent company user t o uniquely identify the vendor
record. This code must be unique within the file. It should be descriptive as
possible. This ID may be used on displays/reports w
here space for full name is not available or may be inappropriate. This Master k ey
is a little different in that the user can change it. This change is allowed
because the system is not using the VendID as a foreign key in any other file. I
nstead it uses the unchangeable, VendNum field assigned by the system for linki ng
other records to the Vendor. - NOT CURRENTLY IN USE" LABEL "Vendor ID"
FIELD "ICTrader" OF "GlbVendor": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this vendor
participates in the Inter-Company Tradin g." LABEL "Inter-Company Trader"
FIELD "TaxAuthorityCode" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "Establishes the tax
authority for this vendor. This field can be blank, but if entered, it must be
valid in the TaxAuthorityCd file." LABEL "Tax Authority Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Tax
Authority Code"
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbVendor": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose to
skip this record when linking glob al vendors. The user can come back at a later
time and choose to link a skipped vendor if they need to." LABEL "Skipped" COLUMN-
LABEL "Skipped"
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbVendor": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbVendor": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "OldVendID" ON "GlbVendor" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Original Owner's
INDEX "OldVendNum" ON "GlbVendor" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Original Owner's

TABLE "GlbVendorPP" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global Vendor Purchase

Points...Name and addresses that can be es tablished for a vendor when the purchase
""from"" for the purchase order i s different from the Remit ""TO"" in payables.
DELETE: See GlbVendor behavior
When the VendPP record is deleted all of the associated VendCntc records are als o
deleted. Also if this was the default purchase point for the vendor (VEndor.Pu
rPoint = VendorPP.PurPoint) then set the Vendor.PurPoint = blanks."
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbVendorPP": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "Name" OF "GlbVendorPP": character DESCRIPTION "Purchase Point Name...can't
be blank." LABEL "Name"
FIELD "Country" OF "GlbVendorPP": character DESCRIPTION "Country. Can be blank.
Printed as last line of mailing name and a ddress." LABEL "Country"
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "GlbVendorPP": integer DESCRIPTION "The internal key used to
tie back to the Vendor master file." LABEL "Supplier"
FIELD "PrimPCon" OF "GlbVendorPP": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains the key of the
Primary Purchasing contact for the custom er. This field is not directly
maintainable. Instead it is set during contact ma intenance by having the user mark
a check box indicating primary Purchaser. Thi s is the contact that is used as a
default in Purchase Order Entry when a purch ase point is referenced. " LABEL
"Primary Pur. Contact"
FIELD "CountryNum" OF "GlbVendorPP": integer DESCRIPTION "Country part of address.
This field is in sync with the Country f ield. It must be a valid entry in the
Country table." LABEL "Country Number"
FIELD "LangNameID" OF "GlbVendorPP": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the language
to be used. This controls which language will be selected when extracting part
descriptions from PartLangDesc table." LABEL "Language ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Lang ID"
FIELD "BorderCrossing" OF "GlbVendorPP": character DESCRIPTION "Area/city code from
where goods cross the border. This field is i ntended for Intrastat reporting. The
field can be blank to indicate the value fr om the Vendor. This field is only
visible if ISSyst.EnableHarbour is set." LABEL "Entry Point" COLUMN-LABEL "Border"
FIELD "FormatStr" OF "GlbVendorPP": character DESCRIPTION "Optional Custom address
format. Controls the address format used on crystal forms. "
FIELD "EMailAddress" OF "GlbVendorPP": character DESCRIPTION "E-mail address of the
vendor purchase point."
FIELD "ExternalId" OF "GlbVendorPP": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Identifier from
an external G/L interface" LABEL "External Id"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbVendorPP": character DESCRIPTION "Owner Company
FIELD "GlbVendorNum" OF "GlbVendorPP": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer
assigned by the parent system to new vendors by the maintenance program. This field
is used as the foreign key to identify the vendor in other files such as CheckHed,
or POHeader. The end user should never need to know about the value of this field.
" LABEL "Vendor Number"
FIELD "GlbPurPoint" OF "GlbVendorPP": character DESCRIPTION "Owner's Purchase
Point" LABEL "Purchase Point"
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "GlbVendorPP": logical DESCRIPTION "Disable this record from
receiving global updates" LABEL "Global Lock"
FIELD "OldCompany" OF "GlbVendorPP": character DESCRIPTION "Original Owner Company
FIELD "OldVendorNum" OF "GlbVendorPP": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer
assigned by the original parent system to new v endors by the maintenance program.
This field is used as the foreign key to ide ntify the vendor in other files such
as CheckHed, or POHeader. The end user shou ld never need to know about the value
of this field. - NOT CURRENTLY IN USE" LABEL "Vendor Number"
FIELD "OldPurPoint" OF "GlbVendorPP": character DESCRIPTION "Original Owner's
Purchase Point - NOT CURRENTLY IN USE" LABEL "Purchase Point"
FIELD "TaxAuthorityCode" OF "GlbVendorPP": character DESCRIPTION "Establishes the
tax authority for this vendor purchase point. Th is field can be blank, but if
entered, it must be valid in the TaxAuthorityCd fi le." LABEL "Tax Authority Code"
COLUMN-LABEL "Tax Authority Code"
FIELD "Skipped" OF "GlbVendorPP": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user chose
to skip this record when linking glob al vendor purchse points. The user can come
back at a later time and choose to link a skipped purchase point if they need to."
LABEL "Skipped" COLUMN-LABEL "Skipped"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbVendorPP": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbVendorPP": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbVendorPP": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "OldVendPP" ON "GlbVendorPP" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Original Owner's
Purchase Point - NOT CURRENTLY IN USE"

TABLE "GlbVendPart" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global Vendor Parts ... Vendor
info about ""Our Parts"". to VendPBrk file. "
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbVendPart": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "PartNum" OF "GlbVendPart": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field
identifies our Part." LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "OpCode" OF "GlbVendPart": character DESCRIPTION "Operation Code - this is a
component of the index which uniquely identifies the record. Used to identify
specific subcontracting operations pric es for a Part/Vendor. This field can be
blank (raw materials) or must be valid in the OpMaster (subcon tracts)." LABEL
"Operation" COLUMN-LABEL "Oper"
FIELD "EffectiveDate" OF "GlbVendPart": date DESCRIPTION "The date which this
vendor/part information is effective." LABEL "Effective"
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "GlbVendPart": integer DESCRIPTION "Vendor's unique internal
number." LABEL "Supplier Number"

FIELD "PUM" OF "GlbVendPart": character DESCRIPTION "The Purchasing Unit of measure
for the Part from the vendor. Defaulted from Part.PUM. This is used in Purchase
Order entry as the default on line item details. It Overrides Part.PUM " LABEL
FIELD "LeadTime" OF "GlbVendPart": integer DESCRIPTION "Used to record the normal
order lead time that this vendor gives for this part. This value is represented in
days. It is optional. Used in calcu lation of suggested order dates, as a default
value in job material detail recor ds. " LABEL "Lead"
FIELD "PurchasingFactor" OF "GlbVendPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "This value is used
to convert quantity when there is a difference in the vendors unit of measure and
how it is stocked in inventory. Example is p urchased in pounds, stocked in sheets.

FIELD "BaseUnitPrice" OF "GlbVendPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "BaseUnitPrice +

VendPBrk.UnitPrice = Unit Price for the Part. Th is design allows users to enter
""Qty Break Unit Prices"" (VendPBrk.UnitPrice) e ither as a price that should be
Added or Subtracted (negatives) to Base or as a true Unit Price(Base = 0). This is
an attempt to make it easier to enter prices from varying formats of vendor price
lists. Some vendors define their prices as a Base Unit Price with an additional
amount to be added/deducted to it at specific quantities levels. " LABEL "Base Unit
FIELD "VenPartNum" OF "GlbVendPart": character DESCRIPTION "Part number that the
Vendor uses to identify the item." LABEL "Supplier Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Vendor Part"

FIELD "PriceFormat" OF "GlbVendPart": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the format

of UnitPrices in VendPBrk table. This can e ither be ""$"" = Flat Unit Price, or
""%"" = Percent of Base." LABEL "Fmt"
FIELD "PricePerCode" OF "GlbVendPart": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the
vendor's pricing per value for the part. ""E"" = per each, ""C"" = per hundred,
""M"" = per thousand. Used as a default in purchasing, also used to convert a
vendor unit price to our unit costs. Basic formula for converting to ""our unit
cost"" is as follows... Our Unit$ = Vendor Unit$ / Cost Per factor) *
PurchasingFactor. " LABEL "Price Per" COLUMN-LABEL "PP"
FIELD "MinimumPrice" OF "GlbVendPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "Minimum Charge for this
material. This is used as a default to Q uoteMtl.MinimumCost, QuoteOpr.MinimumCost.
In routines used to retrieve a defau lt unit cost (PO, Jobs..) the Manufacturing
System will take the greater of (re
quired quantity * unit cost) or (MinimumCost). Note: The AddlCharge is not included
in the above formula." LABEL "Minimum Price"
FIELD "ExpirationDate" OF "GlbVendPart": date DESCRIPTION "Optional Expiration date
of this cost information. The Manufactu ring System uses this date to inform the
user when the cost information that is being used has expired. This is an indicator
that this information may not be a ccurate and should be reconfirmed with the
vendor." LABEL "Expires"
FIELD "Reference" OF "GlbVendPart": character DESCRIPTION "An optional field that
may be used for any reference to this vend ors costing info. Ex: RFQ, Quote#,
etc..." LABEL "Reference"
FIELD "MiscAmt" OF "GlbVendPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "A total additional charge
that is incurred when purchasing this s ervice. Ex(Lot,Setup,Handling,etc...). This
is only used with a Subcontract pric e. It's used as a default to
QuoteOpr.MiscCharge, JobOper.MiscCharge and POMisc. MiscAmt will be defaulted to
the This is NOT part of the a Unit Cost. It is NOT consider in the logic of using
Minimum Cost. " LABEL "Misc. Amt"
FIELD "MiscCode" OF "GlbVendPart": character DESCRIPTION "The Miscellaneous Charge
Code related to the MiscCharge field. If MiscCharge <> 0 then must be entered and
valid in the PURMisc file. This will be the MiscCode used to create the PoMisc
record when defaults are created in pu rchase order entry." LABEL "Charge ID"
FIELD "CommentText" OF "GlbVendPart": character DESCRIPTION "Additional comments
that will be used as a default for purchasing . These will be copied into the
JobMtl.PurComment or JobOper.CommentText which t hen will be used to pass along to
the PO when that JobMtl is referenced. It will also be copied into the
PODetail.Comment field when the PO is buying the part f or stock and not
referencing a Job. View as an EDITOR widget. "
FIELD "DiscountPercent" OF "GlbVendPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "Overall discount
percent. Used to develop an effective unit price . (BaseUnitPrice + QtyBrkValue) *(
(100 - DiscountPercent) * .01)" LABEL "Discount %" COLUMN-LABEL "Disc %"
FIELD "PartDescription" OF "GlbVendPart": character DESCRIPTION "Description of
Part. Used only for Non Part master parts." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "RFQNum" OF "GlbVendPart": integer
DESCRIPTION "Related RFQ number. Note: zero for price breaks entered via master
maintenance." LABEL "RFQ"
FIELD "RFQLine" OF "GlbVendPart": integer DESCRIPTION "Related RFQ Line number.
Note: Zero for price breaks created by master maintenance programs." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "GlbVendPart": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the currency. NOT ACTIVE : OF 3.20. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE." LABEL
"Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "MfgPartNum" OF "GlbVendPart": character DESCRIPTION "Manufactures Part
Number" LABEL "Manufactures Part"
FIELD "OnhandQty" OF "GlbVendPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "Suppliers Quantity on
Hand" LABEL "On Hand"
FIELD "OnHandDate" OF "GlbVendPart": date DESCRIPTION "Date Suppliers Quantity was
updated" LABEL "On Hand"
FIELD "OnHandTime" OF "GlbVendPart": integer DESCRIPTION "Time Suppliers Quantity
was updated" LABEL "On Hand"
FIELD "ConNum" OF "GlbVendPart": integer DESCRIPTION "Supplier contact linked to
this Price" LABEL "Contact Num" COLUMN-LABEL "Num"
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbVendPart": character DESCRIPTION "Owner Company
FIELD "GlbPartNum" OF "GlbVendPart": character DESCRIPTION "The owner's PartNum
field identifies our Part." LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "GlbVendorNum" OF "GlbVendPart": integer DESCRIPTION "Owners Vendor's unique
internal number." LABEL "Vendor Number"
FIELD "GlbOpCode" OF "GlbVendPart": character
DESCRIPTION "Global Operation Code - this is a component of the index which un
iquely identifies the record. Used to identify specific subcontracting operatio ns
prices for a Part/Vendor. This field can be blank (raw materials) or must be valid
in the OpMaster (subcon tracts)." LABEL "Operation" COLUMN-LABEL "Oper"
FIELD "GlbEffectiveDate" OF "GlbVendPart": date DESCRIPTION "The date which this
vendor/part information is effective for the global owner." LABEL "Effective"
FIELD "PartCompany" OF "GlbVendPart": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier. If
glbpart not from vendor company, this hold s the part's owner company"
FIELD "OldCompany" OF "GlbVendPart": character DESCRIPTION "Original Owner Company
FIELD "OldPartNum" OF "GlbVendPart": character DESCRIPTION "The Original Owner's
PartNum field identifies the Part and is use d as the primary key. NOT CURRENTLY IN
USE" LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "OldVendorNum" OF "GlbVendPart": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer
assigned by the original parent system to new v endors by the maintenance program.
This field is used as the foreign key to ide ntify the vendor in other files such
as CheckHed, or POHeader. The end user shou ld never need to know about the value
of this field. - NOT CURRENTLY IN USE" LABEL "Vendor Number"
FIELD "OldOpCode" OF "GlbVendPart": character DESCRIPTION "Original Operation Code
- this is a component of the index which uniquely identifies the record. Used to
identify specific subcontracting operat ions prices for a Part/Vendor. This field
can be blank (raw materials) or must be valid in the OpMaster (subcon tracts). -
FIELD "OldEffectiveDate" OF "GlbVendPart": date DESCRIPTION "The date which this
vendor/part information is effective for the original global owner. - NOT CURRENTLY
IN USE" LABEL "Effective"
FIELD "PurchasingFactorDirection" OF "GlbVendPart": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates how Factor is used in calculations. If M (multiply), t he Factor is
multiplied, if D (divide) the factor is divided." LABEL "Purchasing Factor
Direction" COLUMN-LABEL "Purchasing Factor Direction"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbVendPart": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbVendPart": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbVendPart": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "OldVPartIdx" ON "GlbVendPart" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Original
Owner's VendPart - NOT CURRENTLY IN USE"

TABLE "GlbVendPBrk" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global Vendor Price Break.
Contains Quantity/Price purchasing dat a. Subset of VendPart file. Provides
defaults to purchasing. Provides default Co st Breaks for Quote
materials/subcontract lines."
FIELD "Company" OF "GlbVendPBrk": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "PartNum" OF "GlbVendPBrk": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field
identifies our Part." LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "OpCode" OF "GlbVendPBrk": character DESCRIPTION "Operation Code - of the
related parent VendPart record. (See VendPart.OpCode). " LABEL "Operation" COLUMN-
LABEL "Oper"
FIELD "EffectiveDate" OF "GlbVendPBrk": date DESCRIPTION "The date which this
vendor/part information is effective." LABEL "Quoted"
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "GlbVendPBrk": integer DESCRIPTION "Vendor's unique internal
number." LABEL "Supplier Number"
FIELD "BreakQty" OF "GlbVendPBrk": decimal DESCRIPTION "Minimum Quantity required
to obtain the related UnitPrice. This is in Vendor's unit of measure." LABEL
"Minimum Qty"
FIELD "PriceModifier" OF "GlbVendPBrk": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field represents
the value used to determine a effective uni t price for the related BreakQty. It
can be expressed as a Flat Amount or Perce nt of Base Price which is determined by
the VendPart.PriceFormat field. Negative s are allowed to enter deductions to the
base cost. Effective Unit Price = BasePrice + PriceModifier " LABEL "Price
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "GlbVendPBrk": character DESCRIPTION "Owner Company
FIELD "GlbPartNum" OF "GlbVendPBrk": character DESCRIPTION "The Owner PartNum field
identifies our Part." LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "GlbOpCode" OF "GlbVendPBrk": character DESCRIPTION "Glb Operation Code - of
the related parent VendPart record. (See VendPart.OpCode). " LABEL "Operation"
FIELD "GlbEffectiveDate" OF "GlbVendPBrk": date DESCRIPTION "The date which this
vendor/part information is effective for owne r." LABEL "Quoted"
FIELD "GlbVendorNum" OF "GlbVendPBrk": integer DESCRIPTION "Vendor's unique
internal number." LABEL "Vendor Number"
FIELD "GlbBreakQty" OF "GlbVendPBrk": decimal DESCRIPTION "Minimum Quantity
required to obtain the related UnitPrice. This is in Vendor's unit of measure."
LABEL "Minimum Qty"
FIELD "PartCompany" OF "GlbVendPBrk": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier. If
glbpart not from vendor company, this hold s the part's owner company"
FIELD "OldCompany" OF "GlbVendPBrk": character DESCRIPTION "Original Owner Company
FIELD "OldPartNum" OF "GlbVendPBrk": character DESCRIPTION "The Original Owner's
PartNum field identifies the Part and is use d as the primary key. NOT CURRENTLY IN
USE" LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "OldVendorNum" OF "GlbVendPBrk": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique integer
assigned by the original parent system to new v endors by the maintenance program.
This field is used as the foreign key to ide ntify the vendor in other files such
as CheckHed, or POHeader. The end user shou ld never need to know about the value
of this field. - NOT CURRENTLY IN USE" LABEL "Vendor Number"
FIELD "OldOpCode" OF "GlbVendPBrk": character DESCRIPTION "Original Operation Code
- this is a component of the index which uniquely identifies the record. Used to
identify specific subcontracting operat ions prices for a Part/Vendor. This field
can be blank (raw materials) or must be valid in the OpMaster (subcon tracts). -
FIELD "OldEffectiveDate" OF "GlbVendPBrk": date DESCRIPTION "The date which this
vendor/part information is effective for the original global owner. - NOT CURRENTLY
IN USE" LABEL "Effective"
FIELD "OldBreakQty" OF "GlbVendPBrk": decimal DESCRIPTION "Minimum Quantity
required to obtain the related UnitPrice. This is in Vendor's unit of measure. -
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlbVendPBrk": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlbVendPBrk": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlbVendPBrk": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "OldVPBrk" ON "GlbVendPBrk" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Original Price

TABLE "GLCntrl" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "GL Control" DESCRIPTION "Contains the GL
Controls available in the system. GL Controls ca n be assigned to specific business
entities (such as a Customer or a PartClass) for purposes of determining GL
Accounts to use for financial transactions."
FIELD "Company" OF "GLCntrl": character
DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GLControlType" OF "GLCntrl": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the GL
Control Type." LABEL "GL Control Type" COLUMN-LABEL "GL Control Type"
FIELD "GLControlCode" OF "GLCntrl": character DESCRIPTION "GL Control Identifier."
LABEL "GL Control Code" COLUMN-LABEL "GL Control Code"
FIELD "Description" OF "GLCntrl": character DESCRIPTION "GL Control description."
LABEL "Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLCntrl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLCntrl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLCntrl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalGLCntrl" OF "GLCntrl": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this GLCntrl as
global, available to be sent out to other c ompanies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "GLCntrl": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."

TABLE "GLCntrlAcct" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "GL Control Account" DESCRIPTION
"Contains the accounts to use for this GL Control."
FIELD "Company" OF "GLCntrlAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GLControlType" OF "GLCntrlAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the GL
Control Type." LABEL "GL Control Type" COLUMN-LABEL "GL Control Type"
FIELD "GLControlCode" OF "GLCntrlAcct": character DESCRIPTION "GL Control
Identifier." LABEL "GL Control Code" COLUMN-LABEL "GL Control Code"
FIELD "GLAcctContext" OF "GLCntrlAcct": character DESCRIPTION "String identifier of
the account context." LABEL "Account Context" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Context"
FIELD "BookID" OF "GLCntrlAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Reference to an accounting
book. If not blank must be a valid en try in the GLBook table." LABEL "Book ID"
FIELD "GLCTAcctNum" OF "GLCntrlAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "This field in
combination with GLControlType references the GLCTA cctCntxt record that this
record was created from." LABEL "Account Context Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Account
Context Number"
FIELD "SegValue1" OF "GLCntrlAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Segement Value 1 of the
account for this context." LABEL "Segment Value 1" COLUMN-LABEL "Segment Value 1"
FIELD "SegValue2" OF "GLCntrlAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Segement Value 2 of the
account for this context." LABEL "Segment Value 2" COLUMN-LABEL "Segment Value 2"
FIELD "SegValue3" OF "GLCntrlAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Segement Value 3 of the
account for this context." LABEL "Segment Value 3" COLUMN-LABEL "Segment Value 3"
FIELD "SegValue4" OF "GLCntrlAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Segement Value 4 of the
account for this context." LABEL "Segment Value 4" COLUMN-LABEL "Segment Value 4"
FIELD "SegValue5" OF "GLCntrlAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Segement Value 5 of the
account for this context." LABEL "Segment Value 5" COLUMN-LABEL "Segment Value 5"
FIELD "SegValue6" OF "GLCntrlAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Segement Value 6 of the
account for this context." LABEL "Segment Value 6"
COLUMN-LABEL "Segment Value 6"
FIELD "SegValue7" OF "GLCntrlAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Segement Value 7 of the
account for this context." LABEL "Segment Value 7" COLUMN-LABEL "Segment Value 7"
FIELD "SegValue8" OF "GLCntrlAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Segement Value 8 of the
account for this context." LABEL "Segment Value 8" COLUMN-LABEL "Segment Value 8"
FIELD "SegValue9" OF "GLCntrlAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Segement Value 9 of the
account for this context." LABEL "Segment Value 9" COLUMN-LABEL "Segment Value 9"
FIELD "SegValue10" OF "GLCntrlAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Segement Value 10 of
the account for this context." LABEL "Segment Value 10" COLUMN-LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue11" OF "GLCntrlAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Segement Value 11 of
the account for this context." LABEL "Segment Value 11" COLUMN-LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue12" OF "GLCntrlAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Segement Value 12 of
the account for this context." LABEL "Segment Value 12" COLUMN-LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue13" OF "GLCntrlAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Segement Value 13 of
the account for this context." LABEL "Segment Value 13" COLUMN-LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue14" OF "GLCntrlAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Segement Value 14 of
the account for this context." LABEL "Segment Value 14" COLUMN-LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue15" OF "GLCntrlAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Segement Value 15 of
the account for this context." LABEL "Segment Value 15" COLUMN-LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue16" OF "GLCntrlAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Segement Value 16 of
the account for this context." LABEL "Segment Value 16"
COLUMN-LABEL "Segment Value 16"
FIELD "SegValue17" OF "GLCntrlAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Segement Value 17 of
the account for this context." LABEL "Segment Value 17" COLUMN-LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue18" OF "GLCntrlAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Segement Value 18 of
the account for this context." LABEL "Segment Value 18" COLUMN-LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue19" OF "GLCntrlAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Segement Value 19 of
the account for this context." LABEL "Segment Value 19" COLUMN-LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue20" OF "GLCntrlAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Segement Value 20 of
the account for this context." LABEL "Segment Value 20" COLUMN-LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "COACode" OF "GLCntrlAcct": character DESCRIPTION "The chart of account code
used by the book. Will contain the Mas ter COA when BookID is blank. Reference
only. Used for integrity checking when updating/deleting a GL account." LABEL "COA
FIELD "GLAccount" OF "GLCntrlAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Full account containing
the non-dynamic segment values up to 200 characters. Unique identifier for the GL
Account." LABEL "GL Acct" COLUMN-LABEL "GL Acct"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLCntrlAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLCntrlAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLCntrlAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalGLCntrlAcct" OF "GLCntrlAcct": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this
GLCntrlAcct as global, available to be sent out to oth er companies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "GLCntrlAcct": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."

TABLE "GLCntrlJrnl" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "GL Control Journal" DESCRIPTION
"Contains the journal code list defined for a GL Control."
FIELD "Company" OF "GLCntrlJrnl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GLControlType" OF "GLCntrlJrnl": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the GL
Control Type." LABEL "GL Control Type" COLUMN-LABEL "GL Control Type"
FIELD "GLControlCode" OF "GLCntrlJrnl": character DESCRIPTION "GL Control
Identifier." LABEL "GL Control Code" COLUMN-LABEL "GL Control Code"
FIELD "JrnlContext" OF "GLCntrlJrnl": character DESCRIPTION "String identifier of a
journal context." LABEL "Journal Context" COLUMN-LABEL "Journal Context"
FIELD "JournalCode" OF "GLCntrlJrnl": character DESCRIPTION "The Journal Code of
the Journal that will be used for this contex t." LABEL "Journal"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLCntrlJrnl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLCntrlJrnl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLCntrlJrnl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalGLCntrlJrnl" OF "GLCntrlJrnl": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this
GLCntrlJrnl as global, available to be sent out to oth er companies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "GLCntrlJrnl": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."

TABLE "GLCntrlType" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "GL Control Type" DESCRIPTION
"Contains the available GL Control Types. GL Control Types are us ed to group GL
Controls into types to facilitate searches on GL Controls and to provide default
values for new GL Controls."
FIELD "Company" OF "GLCntrlType": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GLControlType" OF "GLCntrlType": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Identifier of
the GL Control Type assigned by the user." LABEL "GL Control Type" COLUMN-LABEL "GL
Control Type"
FIELD "Description" OF "GLCntrlType": character DESCRIPTION "GL Control Type
description" LABEL "Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLCntrlType": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLCntrlType": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLCntrlType": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "GLCOARefAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The GL Reference Account Mask
FIELD "Company" OF "GLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company"
FIELD "COACode" OF "GLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID"
FIELD "GLAccount" OF "GLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Full GL account
containing the controlled segment valid combinati
ons up to 200 characters including the internal segment separator. This is the
unique identifier for the GL Account and is stored in physical segment number se
quence with the vertical bar as its separator. This field is not intended for e nd
user display. It is used internally as a unique identifier. The display for mat GL
Account is found in table GLAcctDisp." LABEL "GL Account"
FIELD "SegValue1" OF "GLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 1. See
COASegment segment number 1 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue2" OF "GLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 2. See
COASegment segment number 2 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue3" OF "GLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 3. See
COASegment segment number 3 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue4" OF "GLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 4. See
COASegment segment number 4 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue5" OF "GLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 5. See
COASegment segment number 5 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue6" OF "GLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 6. See
COASegment segment number 6 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue7" OF "GLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 7. See
COASegment segment number 7 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue8" OF "GLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 8. See
COASegment segment number 8 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue9" OF "GLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 9. See
COASegment segment number 9 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue10" OF "GLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 10. See
COASegment segment number 10 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 10"
FIELD "SegValue11" OF "GLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 11. See
COASegment segment number 11 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 11"
FIELD "SegValue12" OF "GLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 12. See
COASegment segment number 12 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 12"
FIELD "SegValue13" OF "GLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 13. See
COASegment segment number 13 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 13"
FIELD "SegValue14" OF "GLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 14. See
COASegment segment number 14 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 14"
FIELD "SegValue15" OF "GLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 15. See
COASegment segment number 15 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 15"
FIELD "SegValue16" OF "GLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 16. See
COASegment segment number 16 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 16"
FIELD "SegValue17" OF "GLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 17. See
COASegment segment number 17 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 17"
FIELD "SegValue18" OF "GLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 18. See
COASegment segment number 18 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 18"
FIELD "SegValue19" OF "GLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 19. See
COASegment segment number 19 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 19"
FIELD "SegValue20" OF "GLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 20. See
COASegment segment number 20 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 20"
FIELD "RefStatus" OF "GLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "The valid values for
Reference Status are: E = Excluded (no reference code allowed) O = Optional R =
Required (reference code is mandatory)" LABEL "Ref. Status"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLCOARefAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "SegmentNbr" OF "GLCOARefAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "System generated number
from 1 through 20." LABEL "Segment Number"
FIELD "RefType" OF "GLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "A string that uniquely
identifies the code" LABEL "Type"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLCOARefAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "TypeMask" ON "GLCOARefAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
COACode By SegmentNbr By RefType By GLAccount"

TABLE "GLCOARefType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table contains codes that
allow reference codes to be groupe d together by chart and segment number"
FIELD "Company" OF "GLCOARefType": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company"
FIELD "COACode" OF "GLCOARefType": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID"
FIELD "SegmentNbr" OF "GLCOARefType": integer DESCRIPTION "System generated number
from 1 through 20." LABEL "Segment Number"
FIELD "RefType" OF "GLCOARefType": character DESCRIPTION "A string that uniquely
identifies the code" LABEL "Type"
FIELD "RefTypeDesc" OF "GLCOARefType": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the
Reference type" LABEL "Description"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLCOARefType": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLCOARefType": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLCOARefType": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "RefType" ON "GLCOARefType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
COACode By SegmentNbr By RefType"
INDEX "RefTypeDesc" ON "GLCOARefType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
COACode By SegmentNbr By RefTypeDesc"

TABLE "GLCTAcctCntxt" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "GL Control Type Acct Context"
DESCRIPTION "Contains control contexts for a GL Control Type. These contexts are
used to create the contexts for a GL Control."
FIELD "Company" OF "GLCTAcctCntxt": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GLControlType" OF "GLCTAcctCntxt": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the
GL Control Type." LABEL "GL Control Type" COLUMN-LABEL "GL Control Type"
FIELD "GLCTAcctNum" OF "GLCTAcctCntxt": integer
DESCRIPTION "Internal identifier used to keep records unique within a GL Contr ol
Type. The system generates the number on save of a new record by finding the last
GLCTAcctCntxt record of a type and adding one to it." LABEL "Account Context
Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Context Number"
FIELD "GLAcctContext" OF "GLCTAcctCntxt": character DESCRIPTION "String identifier
of the account context." LABEL "Account Context" COLUMN-LABEL "Account Context"
FIELD "BookID" OF "GLCTAcctCntxt": character DESCRIPTION "Reference to an
accounting book. Can be blank." LABEL "Book ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Book ID"
FIELD "Required" OF "GLCTAcctCntxt": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if an account
is required on GL Controls that contain t his context." LABEL "Required" COLUMN-
LABEL "Required"
FIELD "AllBooks" OF "GLCTAcctCntxt": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that this
context applies to a books. If this value is true, Book ID is not required. When a
GLControl is created, one GLControlAcct record will be created for this context for
each book for the company. If the v alue is false and UseMasterChart is false,
BookID will be required. One GLContr olAcct record will be created for the
context/Book ID combination represented in this record." LABEL "All Books" COLUMN-
LABEL "All Books"
FIELD "UseMasterChart" OF "GLCTAcctCntxt": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicate the Master
Chart of Accounts is going to be used for thi s context on GL Controls. " LABEL
"Use Master Chart" COLUMN-LABEL "Use Master Chart"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLCTAcctCntxt": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLCTAcctCntxt": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLCTAcctCntxt": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "GL Control Type Entity" DESCRIPTION "Contains the
business entities assigned to a GL Control."
FIELD "Company" OF "GLCTEntity": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GLControlType" OF "GLCTEntity": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the GL
Control Type." LABEL "GL Control Type" COLUMN-LABEL "GL Control Type"
FIELD "BusinessEntity" OF "GLCTEntity": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the
entity." LABEL "Business Entity" COLUMN-LABEL "Business Entity"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLCTEntity": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLCTEntity": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLCTEntity": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GLCRequirement" OF "GLCTEntity": character DESCRIPTION "Tells if a GlControl
required or not, possible options are Stop, Warn, Optional, Inactive"
FIELD "Needed" OF "GLCTEntity": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the GL Control is
needed by the Business Entity." LABEL "Needed" COLUMN-LABEL "Needed"

TABLE "GLCTJrnlCntxt" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "GL Control Type Journal Cntxt"
DESCRIPTION "Contains the journal code context identifiers for a GL Control Ty pe.
These contexts are carried over to a GL Control when a GL Control of this t ype is
FIELD "Company" OF "GLCTJrnlCntxt": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GLControlType" OF "GLCTJrnlCntxt": character
DESCRIPTION "Identifier of the GL Control Type." LABEL "GL Control Type" COLUMN-
LABEL "GL Control Type"
FIELD "JrnlContext" OF "GLCTJrnlCntxt": character DESCRIPTION "String identifier of
a journal context." LABEL "Journal Context" COLUMN-LABEL "Journal Context"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLCTJrnlCntxt": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLCTJrnlCntxt": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLCTJrnlCntxt": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "JournalCode" OF "GLCTJrnlCntxt": character DESCRIPTION "The default Journal
Code of the Journal that will be used for thi s context. " LABEL "Journal"

TABLE "GLCurBal" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Holds GL Balances for currency"
FIELD "Company" OF "GLCurBal": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
"Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "BookID" OF "GLCurBal": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier" LABEL
FIELD "DocCurrency" OF "GLCurBal": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the document currency." LABEL "Doc Currency" COLUMN-LABEL "Doc Currency"

FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "GLCurBal": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year. " LABEL
"Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal!Year"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "GLCurBal": integer DESCRIPTION "the fiscal period's number
in the fiscal year. LABEL "Fiscal Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Period"


FIELD "SegValue1" OF "GLCurBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 1. See

COASegment segment number 1 for a descriptio n of this field. This is the natural
account." LABEL "Natural Account" COLUMN-LABEL "Natural Account"
FIELD "SegValue2" OF "GLCurBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 2. See
COASegment segment number 2 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue3" OF "GLCurBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 3. See
COASegment segment number 3 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue4" OF "GLCurBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 4. See
COASegment segment number 4 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue5" OF "GLCurBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 5. See
COASegment segment number 5 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue6" OF "GLCurBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 6. See
COASegment segment number 6 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue7" OF "GLCurBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 7. See
COASegment segment number 7 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue8" OF "GLCurBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 8. See
COASegment segment number 8 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue9" OF "GLCurBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 9. See
COASegment segment number 9 for a descriptio n of this field."
FIELD "SegValue10" OF "GLCurBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 10. See
COASegment segment number 10 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue11" OF "GLCurBal": character
DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 11. See COASegment segment number 11 for a descript ion
of this field."
FIELD "SegValue12" OF "GLCurBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 12. See
COASegment segment number 12 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue13" OF "GLCurBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 13. See
COASegment segment number 13 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue14" OF "GLCurBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 14. See
COASegment segment number 14 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue15" OF "GLCurBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 15. See
COASegment segment number 15 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue16" OF "GLCurBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 16. See
COASegment segment number 16 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue17" OF "GLCurBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 17. See
COASegment segment number 17 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue18" OF "GLCurBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 18. See
COASegment segment number 18 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue19" OF "GLCurBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 19. See
COASegment segment number 19 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "SegValue20" OF "GLCurBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 20. See
COASegment segment number 20 for a descript ion of this field."
FIELD "CurrBalAcct" OF "GLCurBal": character DESCRIPTION "The GL Account used to
record balances." LABEL "GL Account" COLUMN-LABEL "GL Account"
FIELD "DocDebitAmt" OF "GLCurBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total debit amount that has
been posted to the account for a spec ific fisccal year/period. This is in document
FIELD "DocCreditAmt" OF "GLCurBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Credit amount that
has been posted to the account for a spe cific fiscal year/period. This is in
document currency. "
FIELD "BaseDebitAmt" OF "GLCurBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total debit amount that
has been posted to the account for a spec ific fisccal year/period. This is in base
FIELD "BaseCreditAmt" OF "GLCurBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Credit amount that
has been posted to the account for a spe cific fiscal year/period. This is in base
currency. "
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "GLCurBal": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year suffix."
LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "GLCurBal": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal calendar
year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLCurBal": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLCurBal": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLCurBal": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "GLDailyBal" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "General Ledger daily balance
account. Accounts requiring daily b alances are identified by the GLAccountMask."
FIELD "Company" OF "GLDailyBal": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
"Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "BookID" OF "GLDailyBal": character DESCRIPTION "GL Book ID" LABEL "GL Book"
FIELD "BalanceAcct" OF "GLDailyBal": character DESCRIPTION "The GL Account used to
record balances." LABEL "Account" COLUMN-LABEL "Account"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "GLDailyBal": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year of this
daily balance record" LABEL "Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "GLDailyBal": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal period of the
daily balance record. Period 0 (zero) is re served to record the opening and/or
carry forward balance." LABEL "Fiscal Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Period"
FIELD "DebitAmt" OF "GLDailyBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total debit amount that has
been posted to the account for a spec ific date." LABEL "Debit" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "CreditAmt" OF "GLDailyBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Credit amount that
has been posted to the account for a spe cific date." LABEL "Credit" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "PeriodDate" OF "GLDailyBal": date DESCRIPTION "Period Date." LABEL "Period
Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Period Date"
FIELD "SegValue1" OF "GLDailyBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 1. See
COASegment segment number 1 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Natural
Account" COLUMN-LABEL "Natural Account"
FIELD "SegValue2" OF "GLDailyBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 2. See
COASegment segment number 2 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue3" OF "GLDailyBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 3. See
COASegment segment number 3 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue4" OF "GLDailyBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 4. See
COASegment segment number 4 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue5" OF "GLDailyBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 5. See
COASegment segment number 5 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue6" OF "GLDailyBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 6. See
COASegment segment number 6 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue7" OF "GLDailyBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 7. See
COASegment segment number 7 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue8" OF "GLDailyBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 8. See
COASegment segment number 8 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue9" OF "GLDailyBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 9. See
COASegment segment number 9 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue10" OF "GLDailyBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 10. See
COASegment segment number 10 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 10"
FIELD "SegValue11" OF "GLDailyBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 11. See
COASegment segment number 11 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 11"
FIELD "SegValue12" OF "GLDailyBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 12. See
COASegment segment number 12 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 12"
FIELD "SegValue13" OF "GLDailyBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 13. See
COASegment segment number 13 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 13"
FIELD "SegValue14" OF "GLDailyBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 14. See
COASegment segment number 14 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 14"
FIELD "SegValue15" OF "GLDailyBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 15. See
COASegment segment number 15 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 15"
FIELD "SegValue16" OF "GLDailyBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 16. See
COASegment segment number 16 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 16"
FIELD "SegValue17" OF "GLDailyBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 17. See
COASegment segment number 17 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 17"
FIELD "SegValue18" OF "GLDailyBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 18. See
COASegment segment number 18 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 18"
FIELD "SegValue19" OF "GLDailyBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 19. See
COASegment segment number 19 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 19"
FIELD "SegValue20" OF "GLDailyBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 20. See
COASegment segment number 20 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 20"
FIELD "BalanceAmt" OF "GLDailyBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "The balance amount for
this fiscal period. The type of balance s tored in this field is determined by the
value of the BalanceType field." LABEL "Balance" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "GLDailyBal": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year
suffix." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "GLDailyBal": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal
calendar year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-
LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLDailyBal": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLDailyBal": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLDailyBal": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "AcctPeriodDate" ON "GLDailyBal" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By BookID By BalanceAcct By Fiscal Period By PeriodDat e"
INDEX "PeriodDate" ON "GLDailyBal" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BookID By PeriodDate"

TABLE "GLJrnDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "General Ledger Journal Detail.
These records are created by the ""Transfer from other modules"" process or by the
G/L journal entry program. N ote: when created in G/L's Journal Entry, there is a
related GLJrnHed record un til they are posted. "
FIELD "Company" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "GLJrnDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year that entry
applies to. " LABEL "Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal!Year"
FIELD "JournalNum" OF "GLJrnDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Number that is assigned by
the system. The Journal number is a wa y of relating the detail entries into a
group that would normally balance. The system assigns this number by finding the
journalnum of the last record for the fiscal year and adding one. " LABEL "Journal"

FIELD "JournalLine" OF "GLJrnDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "A system assigned number to

which is used along with the company, FiscalYear and JournalNum to uniquely
identify the record. System determines n umber by reading last record for a
specific Company/FiscalYear/JournalNum combin ation and adding 1." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "Description" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Describes the journal
transaction. Defaulted from GLJrnHed in jou rnal entry program. "
FIELD "JEDate" OF "GLJrnDtl": date DESCRIPTION "Date for this journal transaction
entry." LABEL "Date"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "GLJrnDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal period that this
journal entry applies to. " LABEL "Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Period"
FIELD "GroupID" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The data entry Group that the
journal entry is assigned to. This field is not directly maintainable, it is
assigned by the entry program using th e GroupID of the ""current"" group that the
user is working with. It is used as a selection criteria during the posting
process." LABEL "Group"
FIELD "Obsolete900-TransAmt" OF "GLJrnDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Transaction
amount. " LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "PostedBy" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "User ID that posted this
translation." LABEL "Posted By"
FIELD "Posted" OF "GLJrnDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this entry has been
posted to the G/L master balance files. Unposted entries are excluded from all G/L
FIELD "OBS900-GLDiv" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Division component of
G/L account for the entry. The full G/L ac count number is made up of GLDiv,
GLChart and GLDept. These individual fields are indirectly entered via a G/L
account fill-in widget. "
FIELD "OBS900-GLDept" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Department component of
the G/L account. See GLDiv field description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-GLChart" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account
component for the G/L account. See GLDiv field description for related info. "
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "GLJrnDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The Internal VendorNum that
ties back to the Vendor master file. This field is not directly maintainable."
LABEL "Supplier Number"
FIELD "APInvoiceNum" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Vendor's invoice number.
" LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "SourceModule" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the module
that created this journal entry. This is as signed by the system. Values can be;
AR, AP, GL, PR." LABEL "Module"
FIELD "JournalCode" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "A code that defines a
journal. A journal Identifies/groups entr ies together. See JrnlCode table." LABEL
FIELD "ARInvoiceNum" OF "GLJrnDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "If this field is left
blank the system assigns the next available #. The next available # is the greater
of last # on file plus one or the XaSyst .StartInvNum." LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "BankAcctID" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "BankAcctId of the BankAcct
master that this check was drawn agai nst." LABEL "Bank Account ID"
FIELD "CheckNum" OF "GLJrnDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Check number. " LABEL "Check"
FIELD "CRHeadNum" OF "GLJrnDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Cash Receipts reference
field. "
FIELD "Reverse" OF "GLJrnDtl": logical DESCRIPTION " Indicates that the transaction
is a reversing entry created duri ng the journal entry post for GLJrnHed
transactions when flagged as Reverse = YE S. "
FIELD "PostedDate" OF "GLJrnDtl": date DESCRIPTION "Date that this transaction was
posted to the G/L files." LABEL "Post Date"
FIELD "BankTranNum" OF "GLJrnDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Bank Transaction Number.
Used when a transaction is a direct tra nsfer from one bank account to another."
LABEL "Bank Tran"
FIELD "BankSlip" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The identifier of the Bank
Slip document (bank statement). The u ser enters a bank slip during the
reconciliation process. This is then written into the related GLJrnDtl records.
Pertains to transactions related to a bank (checks, receipts, transfers, adjustm
ents) "
FIELD "RefType" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Link to the related
GLRefTyp.RefType." LABEL "Ref. Type"
FIELD "RefCode" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Link to the related Code in
GLRefCod.RefCode" LABEL "Ref. Code"
FIELD "ExtCompanyID" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Global Company
identifier. Used in Multi-Company Journal." LABEL "External Company"
FIELD "OBS900-ExtGLDiv" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Division component of
the Multi-Company G/L Account from an exter nal company. This is used by the Multi-
Company Journal."
FIELD "OBS900-ExtGLDept" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Department component
of the Multi-Company G/L Account from an ext ernal company. This is used by the
Multi-Company Journal."
FIELD "OBS900-ExtGLChart" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account
component of the Multi-Company G/L Account from an external company. This is used
by the Multi-Company Journal."
FIELD "ExtRefType" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Multi-Company G/L
Reference Type from the external company. This is used by the Multi-Company
Journal." LABEL "External Ref Type"
FIELD "ExtRefCode" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Multi-Company G/L
Reference Code from the external company. This is used by the Multi-Company
Journal." LABEL "External Ref Code"
FIELD "GlbJournalNum" OF "GLJrnDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The Journal Number
assigned at the destination or target company when this Multi-Company Journal is
created." LABEL "Glb Journal"
FIELD "GlbJournalLine" OF "GLJrnDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The Journal Line
assigned at the destination or target company wh
en this Multi-Company Journal is created." LABEL "Glb Line"
FIELD "GlbJournalCode" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Journal Code used by
the Multi-Company Journal when it gets creat ed at the target external company."
LABEL "Journal"
FIELD "GlbVendorNum" OF "GLJrnDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Global Vendor number. Used
by Multi-Company Journal."
FIELD "GlbAPInvoiceNum" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Global AP Invoice
identifier. Used by Multi-Company Journal."
FIELD "MultiCompany" OF "GLJrnDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate that a
separate journal entry will be created at the target company for the Multi-Company
G/L Account entered in this journal li ne." LABEL "Multi-Company" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "Linked" OF "GLJrnDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Linked to a Multi-Company
Journal." LABEL "Linked"
FIELD "CommentText" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Extended text to describe
the journal line entry. Defaults from GLJrnHed.CommentText."
FIELD "GlbCompanyID" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Global Company
identifier. Used in Multi-Company Journal." LABEL "External Company"
FIELD "GlbFiscalYear" OF "GLJrnDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year for this
journal transaction header from the exte rnal company. Assigned from
GLJrnGrp.FiscalYear. " LABEL "Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal!Year"
FIELD "GlbFiscalPeriod" OF "GLJrnDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal period from the
external company that this journal entry a pplies to." LABEL "Period" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Period"
FIELD "GlbGroupID" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The data entry Group from
the external company that the journal e ntry is assigned to." LABEL "Group"
FIELD "COACode" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID" LABEL
"COA Code"
FIELD "GLAccount" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Full GL account containing
the controlled segment valid combinati ons up to 200 characters including the
internal segment separator. This is the unique identifier for the GL Account and is
stored in physical segment number se quence with the vertical bar as its separator.
This field is not intended for e nd user display. It is used internally as a unique
identifier. The display for mat GL Account is found in table GLAcctDisp." LABEL "Gl
FIELD "SegValue1" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 1. See
COASegment segment number 1 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue2" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 2. See
COASegment segment number 2 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue3" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 3. See
COASegment segment number 3 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue4" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 4. See
COASegment segment number 4 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue5" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 5. See
COASegment segment number 5 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue6" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 6. See
COASegment segment number 6 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue7" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 7. See
COASegment segment number 7 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue8" OF "GLJrnDtl": character
DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 8. See COASegment segment number 8 for a descriptio n of
this field." LABEL "Segment Value 8"
FIELD "SegValue9" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 9. See
COASegment segment number 9 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue10" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 10. See
COASegment segment number 10 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 10"
FIELD "SegValue11" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 11. See
COASegment segment number 11 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 11"
FIELD "SegValue12" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 12. See
COASegment segment number 12 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 12"
FIELD "SegValue13" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 13. See
COASegment segment number 13 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 13"
FIELD "SegValue14" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 14. See
COASegment segment number 14 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 14"
FIELD "SegValue15" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 15. See
COASegment segment number 15 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 15"
FIELD "SegValue16" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 16. See
COASegment segment number 16 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 16"
FIELD "SegValue17" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 17. See
COASegment segment number 17 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 17"
FIELD "SegValue18" OF "GLJrnDtl": character
DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 18. See COASegment segment number 18 for a descript ion
of this field." LABEL "Segment Value 18"
FIELD "SegValue19" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 19. See
COASegment segment number 19 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 19"
FIELD "SegValue20" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 20. See
COASegment segment number 20 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 20"
FIELD "ExtSegValue1" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment Value
1" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 1"
FIELD "ExtSegValue2" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment Value
2" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 2"
FIELD "ExtSegValue3" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment Value
3" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 3"
FIELD "ExtSegValue4" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment Value
4" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 4"
FIELD "ExtSegValue5" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment Value
5" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 5"
FIELD "ExtSegValue6" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment Value
6" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 6"
FIELD "ExtSegValue7" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment Value
7" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 7"
FIELD "ExtSegValue8" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment Value
8" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 8"
FIELD "ExtSegValue9" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment Value
9" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 9"
FIELD "ExtSegValue10" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment Value
10" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 10"
FIELD "ExtSegValue11" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment Value
11" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 11"
FIELD "ExtSegValue12" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment Value
12" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 12"
FIELD "ExtSegValue13" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment Value
13" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 13"
FIELD "ExtSegValue14" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment Value
14" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 14"
FIELD "ExtSegValue15" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment Value
15" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 15"
FIELD "ExtSegValue16" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment Value
16" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 16"
FIELD "ExtSegValue17" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment Value
17" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 17"
FIELD "ExtSegValue18" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment Value
18" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 18"
FIELD "ExtSegValue19" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment Value
19" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 19"
FIELD "ExtSegValue20" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment Value
20" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 20"
FIELD "BookID" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier" LABEL
"Book ID"
FIELD "CreateDate" OF "GLJrnDtl": date DESCRIPTION "Date record was created" LABEL
"Create Date"
FIELD "Obsolete900-DocTransAmt" OF "GLJrnDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Transaction
amount in document currency. " LABEL "Document Amount"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the document currency." LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency
FIELD "LegalNumber" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Legal Number of source
document" LABEL "Legal Number"
FIELD "PerBalFlag" OF "GLJrnDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record has
been processed by the balance logic. Yes - the record has been processed. No - the
record needs to be processed." LABEL "Period Balance Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Period
Balance Flag"
FIELD "TBFlag" OF "GLJrnDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record has
been processed by the balance logic. Yes - the record has been processed. No - the
record needs to be processed." LABEL "Trial Balance Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Trial
Balance Flag"
FIELD "DailyBalFlag" OF "GLJrnDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record
has been processed by the balance logic. Yes - the record has been processed. No -
the record needs to be processed." LABEL "Daily Balance Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Daily
Balance Flag"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year suffix."
LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal calendar
year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "GlbFiscalYearSuffix" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year
suffix." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "GlbFiscalCalendarID" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal
calendar year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-
LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLJrnDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "IntermediateProc" OF "GLJrnDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Identifies the journal
entry as one processed by consolidation po sting mode where the data transfer is
immediate and an intermediate book is used ." LABEL "Intermediate Processed"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Processed"
FIELD "GenID" OF "GLJrnDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Internal system calculated
sequence number not inteneded for exte rnal use." LABEL "Generation ID" COLUMN-
LABEL "Generation ID"
FIELD "SrcCompany" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Source Company Identifier.
Identifies the company where this GLJ rnDtl originated from." LABEL "Source
Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Company"
FIELD "SrcBook" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier This
is the book that is being consolidat ed into a target book." LABEL "Source Book"
COLUMN-LABEL "Source Book"
FIELD "SrcGLAccount" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Full GL account
containing the controlled segment valid combinati ons up to 200 characters
including the internal segment separator. This is the unique identifier for the GL
Account and is stored in physical segment number se quence with the vertical bar as
its separator. This field is not intended for e nd user display. It is used
internally as a unique identifier. The display for mat GL Account is found in table
GLAcctDisp." LABEL "GL Account"
FIELD "SrcJrnlCode" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Source Journal Code"
LABEL "Source Journal" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Journal"
FIELD "SrcJournalNum" OF "GLJrnDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Source Journal Number"
LABEL "Source Journal Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Journal Number"
FIELD "SrcJournalLine" OF "GLJrnDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Source Journal Line"
LABEL "Source Journal Line" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Journal Line"
FIELD "SrcType" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "P = derived from Periodic
Consolidation. C = derived from GLJrnDtl via Continuous Consolidation. A = derived
from Advanced Allocations." LABEL "Source Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Type"
FIELD "ABTUID" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "this field equas ABTUID which
was created during posting" LABEL "ABTUID" COLUMN-LABEL "ID"
FIELD "DebitAmount" OF "GLJrnDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field shows Debit
value of transaction" LABEL "Debit Amount"
FIELD "CreditAmount" OF "GLJrnDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field shows Credit
value of transaction" LABEL "Credit Amount"
FIELD "BookDebitAmount" OF "GLJrnDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field shows Debit
value of transaction recalculated from Deb itAmount according to Currency of
mentioned Book " LABEL "Debit Amount"
FIELD "BookCreditAmount" OF "GLJrnDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field shows
Credit value of transaction recalculated from Cr editAmount according to Currency
of mentioned Book" LABEL "Credit Amount"
FIELD "ParentRUID" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "If the current line is
reversal, then this field is used for link with original journal line. It equals
SysRowID of original line. " LABEL "ParentRUID" COLUMN-LABEL "ParentRUID"
FIELD "HasReverseLine" OF "GLJrnDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "if has reverse line"
LABEL "HasReverseLine" COLUMN-LABEL "HasReverseLine"
FIELD "ExtGLAccount" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Full GL account
containing the controlled segment valid combinati ons up to 200 characters
including the internal segment separator. This is the unique identifier for the GL
Account and is stored in physical segment number se quence with the vertical bar as
its separator. This field is not intended for e nd user display. It is used
internally as a unique identifier. The display for mat GL Account is found in table
GLAcctDisp." LABEL "External Gl Account"
FIELD "TrialAcct" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "This is the resolved
balance account the trial balance records we re written under for this GL Journal
Detail GL Account." LABEL "Balance Account" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Account"
FIELD "BalanceAcct" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "This is the resolved
balance account the period balance, currency balance and/or daily balance records
were written under for this GL Journal Det ail GL Account." LABEL "Balance Account"
COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Account"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLJrnDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "CorrAccUID" OF "GLJrnDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "When a posting rule creates
a pair of journal details balancing e ach other, each detail in the pair should
reference the other one. This allows t o show correspondence of accounts in
reports. Support of reports that allow this being visible is not in the scope of
this change." LABEL "CorrAccUID" COLUMN-LABEL "CorrAccUID"
FIELD "AllocationStamp" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "This is the last
allocation stamp that affected this GLJrnDtl." LABEL "Allocation Stamp" COLUMN-
LABEL "Allocation Stamp"
FIELD "BatchID" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the allocation
batch this journal entry was processed under." LABEL "Batch ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch
FIELD "AllocID" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "This is the allocation id
that processed this journal entry." LABEL "Allocation Code"
COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Code"
FIELD "RunNbr" OF "GLJrnDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The allocation run number is a
unique sequential number that iden tifies which run of an allocation batch this
journal entry was created under." LABEL "Allocation Run" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation
FIELD "ExtCOACode" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "External COA Code" LABEL
FIELD "MatchCode" OF "GLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "MatchCode is used to match
two or more journal detail records tog ether." LABEL "Match Code" COLUMN-LABEL
"Match Code"
FIELD "MatchDate" OF "GLJrnDtl": date DESCRIPTION "MatchDate is set when the
journal detail record is matched to oth er journal detail records." LABEL "Match
Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Match Date"
FIELD "AllocRunNbr" OF "GLJrnDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Intended for internal use
only. Updated by the Advanced Allocati ons Engine. This identifies the last
allocation run number that used this GLJrn Dtl as a source record." LABEL "Src Type
Run Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Src Type Run Number"
FIELD "Reconciled" OF "GLJrnDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not the
transaction has been flagged as reco nciled." LABEL "Reconciled"
INDEX "AllocationBatch" ON "GLJrnDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By company By
Book By BatchID By AllocID By RunNbr"
INDEX "AllocationStamp" ON "GLJrnDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BookID By FiscalYear By FiscalYearSuffix By FiscalP eriod By AllocationStamp"
INDEX "BookBalanceAcct" ON "GLJrnDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BookID By BalanceAcct By FiscalYear By FiscalYearSu ffix By FiscalPeriod"
INDEX "BookCOAAccount" ON "GLJrnDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
Book By COACode By GLAccount"
INDEX "BookPerBal" ON "GLJrnDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BookID By PerBalFlag"
INDEX "BookReconciled" ON "GLJrnDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "BookReconciled
INDEX "BookTBFlag" ON "GLJrnDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BookID By TBFlag"
INDEX "BookTrialAcct" ON "GLJrnDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BookID By TrialAcct By FiscalYear By FiscalYearSuff ix By FiscalPeriod"
INDEX "COACode" ON "GLJrnDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By COACode
- used by the GL Account Control"
INDEX "MatchCode" ON "GLJrnDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company by
MatchCode by MatchDate"

TABLE "GLJrnDtlMnl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "General Ledger Journal Detail.
These records are created by the ""Transfer from other modules"" process or by the
G/L journal entry program. N ote: when created in G/L's Journal Entry, there is a
related GLJrnHed record un til they are posted. "
FIELD "Company" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year that entry
applies to. " LABEL "Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal!Year"
FIELD "JournalNum" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": integer DESCRIPTION "Number that is assigned
by the system. The Journal number is a wa y of relating the detail entries into a
group that would normally balance. The system assigns this number by finding the
journalnum of the last record for the fiscal year and adding one. "
LABEL "Journal"
FIELD "JournalLine" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": integer DESCRIPTION "A system assigned number
to which is used along with the company, FiscalYear and JournalNum to uniquely
identify the record. System determines n umber by reading last record for a
specific Company/FiscalYear/JournalNum combin ation and adding 1." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "Description" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "Describes the journal
transaction. Defaulted from GLJrnHed in jou rnal entry program. "
FIELD "JEDate" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": date DESCRIPTION "Date for this journal
transaction entry." LABEL "Date"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal period that this
journal entry applies to. " LABEL "Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Period"
FIELD "GroupID" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "The data entry Group that
the journal entry is assigned to. This field is not directly maintainable, it is
assigned by the entry program using th e GroupID of the ""current"" group that the
user is working with. It is used as a selection criteria during the posting
process." LABEL "Group"
FIELD "TransAmt" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Transaction amount. " LABEL
FIELD "PostedBy" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "User ID that posted this
translation." LABEL "Posted By"
FIELD "PostedDate" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": date DESCRIPTION "Date that this transaction
was posted to the G/L files." LABEL "Post Date"
FIELD "Posted" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this entry has
been posted to the G/L master balance files. Unposted entries are excluded from all
G/L reports."
FIELD "OBS900-GLDiv" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "Division component of
G/L account for the entry. The full G/L ac count number is made up of GLDiv,
GLChart and GLDept. These individual fields are indirectly entered via a G/L
account fill-in widget. "
FIELD "OBS900-GLDept" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "Department component
of the G/L account. See GLDiv field description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-GLChart" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account
component for the G/L account. See GLDiv field description for related info. "
FIELD "SourceModule" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the module
that created this journal entry. This is as signed by the system. Values can be;
AR, AP, GL, PR." LABEL "Module"
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": integer DESCRIPTION "The Internal VendorNum
that ties back to the Vendor master file. This field is not directly maintainable."
LABEL "Supplier Number"
FIELD "APInvoiceNum" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "Vendor's invoice
number. " LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "JournalCode" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "A code that defines a
journal. A journal Identifies/groups entr ies together. See JrnlCode table." LABEL
FIELD "ARInvoiceNum" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": integer DESCRIPTION "If this field is left
blank the system assigns the next available #. The next available # is the greater
of last # on file plus one or the XaSyst .StartInvNum." LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "BankAcctID" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "BankAcctId of the
BankAcct master that this check was drawn agai nst." LABEL "Bank Account ID"
FIELD "CheckNum" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": integer DESCRIPTION "Check number. " LABEL
FIELD "CRHeadNum" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": integer DESCRIPTION "Cash Receipts reference
field. "
FIELD "Reverse" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": logical
DESCRIPTION " Indicates that the transaction is a reversing entry created duri ng
the journal entry post for GLJrnHed transactions when flagged as Reverse = YE S. "
FIELD "BankTranNum" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": integer DESCRIPTION "Bank Transaction Number.
Used when a transaction is a direct tra nsfer from one bank account to another."
LABEL "Bank Tran"
FIELD "BankSlip" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "The identifier of the
Bank Slip document (bank statement). The u ser enters a bank slip during the
reconciliation process. This is then written into the related GLJrnDtl records.
Pertains to transactions related to a bank (checks, receipts, transfers, adjustm
ents) "
FIELD "RefType" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "Link to the related
GLRefTyp.RefType." LABEL "Ref. Type"
FIELD "RefCode" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "Link to the related Code
in GLRefCod.RefCode" LABEL "Ref. Code"
FIELD "ExtCompanyID" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "Global Company
identifier. Used in Multi-Company Journal." LABEL "External Company"
FIELD "OBS900-ExtGLDiv" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of the Multi-Company G/L Account from an exter nal company. This is used by the
Multi-Company Journal."
FIELD "OBS900-ExtGLDept" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the Multi-Company G/L Account from an ext ernal company. This is used
by the Multi-Company Journal."
FIELD "OBS900-ExtGLChart" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account
component of the Multi-Company G/L Account from an external company. This is used
by the Multi-Company Journal."
FIELD "ExtRefType" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "Multi-Company G/L
Reference Type from the external company. This is used by the Multi-Company
Journal." LABEL "External Ref Type"
FIELD "ExtRefCode" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "Multi-Company G/L
Reference Code from the external company. This is used by the Multi-Company
Journal." LABEL "External Ref Code"
FIELD "GlbJournalNum" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": integer DESCRIPTION "The Journal Number
assigned at the destination or target company when this Multi-Company Journal is
created." LABEL "Glb Journal"
FIELD "GlbJournalLine" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": integer DESCRIPTION "The Journal Line
assigned at the destination or target company wh en this Multi-Company Journal is
created." LABEL "Glb Line"
FIELD "GlbJournalCode" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "Journal Code used
by the Multi-Company Journal when it gets creat ed at the target external company."
LABEL "Journal"
FIELD "GlbVendorNum" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": integer DESCRIPTION "Global Vendor number.
Used by Multi-Company Journal."
FIELD "GlbAPInvoiceNum" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "Global AP Invoice
identifier. Used by Multi-Company Journal."
FIELD "MultiCompany" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate that a
separate journal entry will be created at the target company for the Multi-Company
G/L Account entered in this journal li ne." LABEL "Multi-Company" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "Linked" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": logical DESCRIPTION "Linked to a Multi-Company
Journal." LABEL "Linked"
FIELD "CommentText" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "Extended text to
describe the journal line entry. Defaults from GLJrnHed.CommentText."
FIELD "GlbCompanyID" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "Global Company
identifier. Used in Multi-Company Journal." LABEL "External Company"
FIELD "GlbFiscalYear" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year for
this journal transaction header from the exte rnal company. Assigned from
GLJrnGrp.FiscalYear. " LABEL "Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal!Year"
FIELD "GlbFiscalPeriod" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": integer
DESCRIPTION "Fiscal period from the external company that this journal entry a
pplies to." LABEL "Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Period"
FIELD "GlbGroupID" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "The data entry Group
from the external company that the journal e ntry is assigned to." LABEL "Group"
FIELD "COACode" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID" LABEL
"COA Code"
FIELD "GLAccount" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "Full GL account
containing the controlled segment valid combinati ons up to 200 characters
including the internal segment separator. This is the unique identifier for the GL
Account and is stored in physical segment number se quence with the vertical bar as
its separator. This field is not intended for e nd user display. It is used
internally as a unique identifier. The display for mat GL Account is found in table
GLAcctDisp." LABEL "Gl Account"
FIELD "SegValue1" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 1. See
COASegment segment number 1 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue2" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 2. See
COASegment segment number 2 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue3" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 3. See
COASegment segment number 3 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue4" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 4. See
COASegment segment number 4 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue5" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 5. See
COASegment segment number 5 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue6" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 6. See
COASegment segment number 6 for a descriptio n of this field."
LABEL "Segment Value 6"
FIELD "SegValue7" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 7. See
COASegment segment number 7 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue8" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 8. See
COASegment segment number 8 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue9" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 9. See
COASegment segment number 9 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue10" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 10. See
COASegment segment number 10 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 10"
FIELD "SegValue11" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 11. See
COASegment segment number 11 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 11"
FIELD "SegValue12" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 12. See
COASegment segment number 12 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 12"
FIELD "SegValue13" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 13. See
COASegment segment number 13 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 13"
FIELD "SegValue14" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 14. See
COASegment segment number 14 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 14"
FIELD "SegValue15" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 15. See
COASegment segment number 15 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 15"
FIELD "SegValue16" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 16. See
COASegment segment number 16 for a descript ion of this field."
LABEL "Segment Value 16"
FIELD "SegValue17" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 17. See
COASegment segment number 17 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 17"
FIELD "SegValue18" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 18. See
COASegment segment number 18 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 18"
FIELD "SegValue19" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 19. See
COASegment segment number 19 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 19"
FIELD "SegValue20" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 20. See
COASegment segment number 20 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 20"
FIELD "ExtSegValue1" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 1" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 1"
FIELD "ExtSegValue2" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 2" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 2"
FIELD "ExtSegValue3" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 3" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 3"
FIELD "ExtSegValue4" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 4" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 4"
FIELD "ExtSegValue5" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 5" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 5"
FIELD "ExtSegValue6" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 6" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 6"
FIELD "ExtSegValue7" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 7" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 7"
FIELD "ExtSegValue8" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 8" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 8"
FIELD "ExtSegValue9" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 9" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 9"
FIELD "ExtSegValue10" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 10" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 10"
FIELD "ExtSegValue11" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 11" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 11"
FIELD "ExtSegValue12" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 12" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 12"
FIELD "ExtSegValue13" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 13" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 13"
FIELD "ExtSegValue14" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 14" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 14"
FIELD "ExtSegValue15" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 15" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 15"
FIELD "ExtSegValue16" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 16" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 16"
FIELD "ExtSegValue17" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 17" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 17"
FIELD "ExtSegValue18" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 18" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 18"
FIELD "ExtSegValue19" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 19" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 19"
FIELD "ExtSegValue20" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 20" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 20"
FIELD "BookID" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier"
FIELD "CreateDate" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": date DESCRIPTION "Date record was created"
LABEL "Create Date"
FIELD "DocTransAmt" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Transaction amount in
document currency. " LABEL "Document Amount"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the document currency." LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency
FIELD "LegalNumber" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "Legal Number of source
document" LABEL "Legal Number"
FIELD "PerBalFlag" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record
has been processed by the balance logic. Yes - the record has been processed. No -
the record needs to be processed." LABEL "Period Balance Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Period
Balance Flag"
FIELD "TBFlag" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record has
been processed by the balance logic. Yes - the record has been processed. No - the
record needs to be processed." LABEL "Trial Balance Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Trial
Balance Flag"
FIELD "DailyBalFlag" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record has been processed by the balance logic. Yes - the record has been
processed. No - the record needs to be processed." LABEL "Daily Balance Flag"
COLUMN-LABEL "Daily Balance Flag"
FIELD "SkipBalances" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": logical DESCRIPTION "if yes, the balance
records are not updated for the GLJrnDtl even if the GL Account resolves to a valid
GL Balance Account." LABEL "Skip Balance Update" COLUMN-LABEL "Skip Balance Update"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year
suffix." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal
calendar year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-
LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "GlbFiscalYearSuffix" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year
suffix." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "GlbFiscalCalendarID" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal
calendar year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-
LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "IntermediateProc" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": logical DESCRIPTION "Identifies the
journal entry as one processed by consolidation po sting mode where the data
transfer is immediate and an intermediate book is used ." LABEL "Intermediate
Processed" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Processed"
FIELD "GenID" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": integer DESCRIPTION "Internal system calcualted
sequence number not inteneded for exte rnal use." LABEL "Generation ID" COLUMN-
LABEL "Generation ID"
FIELD "SrcCompany" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "Source Company
Identifier. Identifies the company where this GLJ rnDtl originated from." LABEL
"Source Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Company"
FIELD "SrcBook" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier
This is the book that is being consolidat ed into a target book." LABEL "Source
COLUMN-LABEL "Source Book"
FIELD "SrcGLAccount" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "Full GL account
containing the controlled segment valid combinati ons up to 200 characters
including the internal segment separator. This is the unique identifier for the GL
Account and is stored in physical segment number se quence with the vertical bar as
its separator. This field is not intended for e nd user display. It is used
internally as a unique identifier. The display for mat GL Account is found in table
GLAcctDisp." LABEL "GL Account"
FIELD "SrcJrnlCode" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "Source Journal Code"
LABEL "Source Journal" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Journal"
FIELD "SrcJournalNum" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": integer DESCRIPTION "Source Journal Number"
LABEL "Source Journal Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Journal Number"
FIELD "SrcJournalLine" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": integer DESCRIPTION "Source Journal Line"
LABEL "Source Journal Line" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Journal Line"
FIELD "SrcType" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "P = derived from Periodic
Consolidation. C = derived from GLJrnDtl via Continuous Consolidation." LABEL
"Source Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Type"
FIELD "CurrAcct" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag that indicate if the
account is a curency account" LABEL "Curency Account" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency
FIELD "CloseFiscalPeriod" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": integer DESCRIPTION "The close fiscal
period number in the fiscal year. A value of 0 indicates a non-closing fiscal
period; > 0 indicates a closing period. " LABEL "Close Fiscal Period" COLUMN-LABEL
"Close Fiscal Period"
FIELD "CurrencyCodeAcct" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "identifies the
currency for the Currency Account." LABEL "CurrCodeAcct" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "ExtCOACode" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID"
FIELD "ExtGLAccount" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "Full External GL
account containing the controlled segment valid combinations up to 200 characters
including the internal segment separator. Thi s is the unique identifier for the
External GL Account and is stored in physical segment number sequence with the
vertical bar as its separator. This field is not intended for end user display. It
is used internally as a unique identifier . The display format GL Account is found
in table GLAcctDisp." LABEL "Ext Gl Account"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "DebitAmount" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field shows Debit
value of transaction" LABEL "Debit Amount"
FIELD "CreditAmount" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field shows Credit
value of transaction" LABEL "Credit Amount"
FIELD "CorrAccUID" OF "GLJrnDtlMnl": integer DESCRIPTION "When a posting rule
creates a pair of journal details balancing e ach other, each detail in the pair
should reference the other one. This allows t o show correspondence of accounts in
reports. Support of reports that allow this being visible is not in the scope of
this change." LABEL "CorrAccUID"

TABLE "GLJrnDtlSim" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "General ledger simulation

table. This table is used to create al location posting without affecting the
general ledger. The transactions in this table are never posted to the general
FIELD "Company" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year that entry
applies to. " LABEL "Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal!Year"
FIELD "JournalNum" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": integer DESCRIPTION "Number that is assigned
by the system. The Journal number is a wa y of relating the detail entries into a
group that would normally balance. The system assigns this number by finding the
journalnum of the last record for the fiscal year and adding one. " LABEL "Journal"
FIELD "JournalLine" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": integer DESCRIPTION "A system assigned number
to which is used along with the company, FiscalYear and JournalNum to uniquely
identify the record. System determines n umber by reading last record for a
specific Company/FiscalYear/JournalNum combin ation and adding 1." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "Description" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "Describes the journal
transaction. Defaulted from GLJrnHed in jou rnal entry program. "
FIELD "JEDate" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": date DESCRIPTION "Date for this journal
transaction entry." LABEL "Date"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal period that this
journal entry applies to. " LABEL "Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Period"
FIELD "GroupID" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "The data entry Group that
the journal entry is assigned to. This field is not directly maintainable, it is
assigned by the entry program using th e GroupID of the ""current"" group that the
user is working with. It is used as a selection criteria during the posting
process." LABEL "Group"
FIELD "PostedBy" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "User ID that posted this
translation." LABEL "Posted By"
FIELD "PostedDate" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": date DESCRIPTION "Date that this transaction
was posted to the G/L files." LABEL "Post Date"
FIELD "Posted" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this entry has
been posted to the G/L master balance files. Unposted entries are excluded from all
G/L reports."
FIELD "SourceModule" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the module
that created this journal entry. This is as signed by the system. Values can be;
AR, AP, GL, PR." LABEL "Module"
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": integer DESCRIPTION "The Internal VendorNum
that ties back to the Vendor master file. This field is not directly maintainable."
LABEL "Supplier Number"
FIELD "APInvoiceNum" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "Vendor's invoice
number. " LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "JournalCode" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "A code that defines a
journal. A journal Identifies/groups entr ies together. See JrnlCode table." LABEL
FIELD "ARInvoiceNum" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": integer DESCRIPTION "If this field is left
blank the system assigns the next available #. The next available # is the greater
of last # on file plus one or the XaSyst .StartInvNum." LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "BankAcctID" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "BankAcctId of the
BankAcct master that this check was drawn agai nst." LABEL "Bank Account ID"
FIELD "CheckNum" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": integer DESCRIPTION "Check number. " LABEL
FIELD "CRHeadNum" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": integer DESCRIPTION "Cash Receipts reference
field. "
FIELD "Reverse" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": logical DESCRIPTION " Indicates that the
transaction is a reversing entry created duri ng the journal entry post for
GLJrnHed transactions when flagged as Reverse = YE S. "
FIELD "BankTranNum" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": integer DESCRIPTION "Bank Transaction Number.
Used when a transaction is a direct tra nsfer from one bank account to another."
LABEL "Bank Tran"
FIELD "BankSlip" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "The identifier of the
Bank Slip document (bank statement). The u ser enters a bank slip during the
reconciliation process. This is then written into the related GLJrnDtl records.
Pertains to transactions related to a bank (checks, receipts, transfers, adjustm
ents) "
FIELD "RefType" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "Link to the related
GLRefTyp.RefType." LABEL "Ref. Type"
FIELD "RefCode" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "Link to the related Code
in GLRefCod.RefCode" LABEL "Ref. Code"
FIELD "ExtCompanyID" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "Global Company
identifier. Used in Multi-Company Journal." LABEL "External Company"
FIELD "ExtRefType" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "Multi-Company G/L
Reference Type from the external company. This is used by the Multi-Company
Journal." LABEL "External Ref Type"
FIELD "ExtRefCode" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "Multi-Company G/L
Reference Code from the external company. This is used by the Multi-Company
Journal." LABEL "External Ref Code"
FIELD "GlbJournalNum" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": integer DESCRIPTION "The Journal Number
assigned at the destination or target company when this Multi-Company Journal is
created." LABEL "Glb Journal"
FIELD "GlbJournalLine" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": integer DESCRIPTION "The Journal Line
assigned at the destination or target company wh en this Multi-Company Journal is
created." LABEL "Glb Line"
FIELD "GlbJournalCode" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "Journal Code used
by the Multi-Company Journal when it gets creat ed at the target external company."
LABEL "Journal"
FIELD "GlbVendorNum" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": integer DESCRIPTION "Global Vendor number.
Used by Multi-Company Journal."
FIELD "GlbAPInvoiceNum" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "Global AP Invoice
identifier. Used by Multi-Company Journal."
FIELD "MultiCompany" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate that a
separate journal entry will be created at the target company for the Multi-Company
G/L Account entered in this journal li ne." LABEL "Multi-Company" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "Linked" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": logical DESCRIPTION "Linked to a Multi-Company
LABEL "Linked"
FIELD "CommentText" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "Extended text to
describe the journal line entry. Defaults from GLJrnHed.CommentText."
FIELD "GlbCompanyID" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "Global Company
identifier. Used in Multi-Company Journal." LABEL "External Company"
FIELD "GlbFiscalYear" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year for
this journal transaction header from the exte rnal company. Assigned from
GLJrnGrp.FiscalYear. " LABEL "Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal!Year"
FIELD "GlbFiscalPeriod" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal period from
the external company that this journal entry a pplies to." LABEL "Period" COLUMN-
LABEL "Fiscal Period"
FIELD "GlbGroupID" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "The data entry Group
from the external company that the journal e ntry is assigned to." LABEL "Group"
FIELD "COACode" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID" LABEL
"COA Code"
FIELD "GLAccount" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "Full GL account
containing the controlled segment valid combinati ons up to 200 characters
including the internal segment separator. This is the unique identifier for the GL
Account and is stored in physical segment number se quence with the vertical bar as
its separator. This field is not intended for e nd user display. It is used
internally as a unique identifier. The display for mat GL Account is found in table
GLAcctDisp." LABEL "Gl Account"
FIELD "SegValue1" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 1. See
COASegment segment number 1 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue2" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 2. See
COASegment segment number 2 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue3" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 3. See
COASegment segment number 3 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue4" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 4. See
COASegment segment number 4 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue5" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 5. See
COASegment segment number 5 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue6" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 6. See
COASegment segment number 6 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue7" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 7. See
COASegment segment number 7 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue8" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 8. See
COASegment segment number 8 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue9" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 9. See
COASegment segment number 9 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue10" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 10. See
COASegment segment number 10 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 10"
FIELD "SegValue11" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 11. See
COASegment segment number 11 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 11"
FIELD "SegValue12" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 12. See
COASegment segment number 12 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 12"
FIELD "SegValue13" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 13. See
COASegment segment number 13 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 13"
FIELD "SegValue14" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 14. See
COASegment segment number 14 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 14"
FIELD "SegValue15" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 15. See
COASegment segment number 15 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 15"
FIELD "SegValue16" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 16. See
COASegment segment number 16 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 16"
FIELD "SegValue17" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 17. See
COASegment segment number 17 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 17"
FIELD "SegValue18" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 18. See
COASegment segment number 18 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 18"
FIELD "SegValue19" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 19. See
COASegment segment number 19 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 19"
FIELD "SegValue20" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 20. See
COASegment segment number 20 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 20"
FIELD "ExtGLAccount" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "Full GL account
containing the controlled segment valid combinati ons up to 200 characters
including the internal segment separator. This is the unique identifier for the GL
Account and is stored in physical segment number se quence with the vertical bar as
its separator. This field is not intended for e nd user display. It is used
internally as a unique identifier. The display for mat GL Account is found in table
GLAcctDisp." LABEL "External Gl Account"
FIELD "ExtSegValue1" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character
DESCRIPTION "External Segment Value 1" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 1"
FIELD "ExtSegValue2" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 2" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 2"
FIELD "ExtSegValue3" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 3" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 3"
FIELD "ExtSegValue4" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 4" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 4"
FIELD "ExtSegValue5" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 5" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 5"
FIELD "ExtSegValue6" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 6" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 6"
FIELD "ExtSegValue7" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 7" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 7"
FIELD "ExtSegValue8" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 8" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 8"
FIELD "ExtSegValue9" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 9" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 9"
FIELD "ExtSegValue10" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 10" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 10"
FIELD "ExtSegValue11" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 11" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 11"
FIELD "ExtSegValue12" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 12" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 12"
FIELD "ExtSegValue13" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character
DESCRIPTION "External Segment Value 13" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 13"
FIELD "ExtSegValue14" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 14" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 14"
FIELD "ExtSegValue15" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 15" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 15"
FIELD "ExtSegValue16" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 16" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 16"
FIELD "ExtSegValue17" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 17" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 17"
FIELD "ExtSegValue18" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 18" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 18"
FIELD "ExtSegValue19" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 19" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 19"
FIELD "ExtSegValue20" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "External Segment
Value 20" LABEL "Ext Segment Value 20"
FIELD "BookID" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier"
FIELD "CreateDate" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": date DESCRIPTION "Date record was created"
LABEL "Create Date"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the document currency." LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency
FIELD "LegalNumber" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "Legal Number of source
document" LABEL "Legal Number"
FIELD "SummaryBalFlag" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record has been processed by the balance logic. Yes - the record has been
processed. No - the record needs to be processed." LABEL "SummaryBalance Flag"
COLUMN-LABEL "Summary Balance Flag"
FIELD "DetailBalFlag" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record has been processed by the balance logic. Yes - the record has been
processed. No - the record needs to be processed." LABEL "Detail Balance Flag"
COLUMN-LABEL "Detail Balance Flag"
FIELD "DailyBalFlag" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record has been processed by the balance logic. Yes - the record has been
processed. No - the record needs to be processed." LABEL "Daily Balance Flag"
COLUMN-LABEL "Daily Balance Flag"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year
suffix." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal
calendar year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-
LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "GlbFiscalYearSuffix" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year
suffix." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "GlbFiscalCalendarID" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal
calendar year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-
LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "IntermediateProc" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": logical DESCRIPTION "Identifies the
journal entry as one processed by consolidation po sting mode where the data
transfer is immediate and an intermediate book is used ." LABEL "Intermediate
Processed" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Processed"
FIELD "GenID" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": integer DESCRIPTION "Internal system calcualted
sequence number not inteneded for exte rnal use." LABEL "Generation ID" COLUMN-
LABEL "Generation ID"
FIELD "SrcCompany" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "Source Company
Identifier. Identifies the company where this GLJ rnDtl originated from." LABEL
"Source Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Company"
FIELD "SrcBook" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier
This is the book that is being consolidat ed into a target book." LABEL "Source
Book" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Book"
FIELD "SrcGLAccount" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "Full GL account
containing the controlled segment valid combinati ons up to 200 characters
including the internal segment separator. This is the unique identifier for the GL
Account and is stored in physical segment number se quence with the vertical bar as
its separator. This field is not intended for e nd user display. It is used
internally as a unique identifier. The display for mat GL Account is found in table
GLAcctDisp." LABEL "GL Account"
FIELD "SrcJrnlCode" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "Source Journal Code"
LABEL "Source Journal" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Journal"
FIELD "SrcJournalNum" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": integer DESCRIPTION "Source Journal Number"
LABEL "Source Journal Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Journal Number"
FIELD "SrcJournalLine" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": integer DESCRIPTION "Source Journal Line"
LABEL "Source Journal Line" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Journal Line"
FIELD "SrcType" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "P = derived from Periodic
Consolidation. C = derived from GLJrnDtl via Continuous Consolidation." LABEL
"Source Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Source Type"
FIELD "ABTUID" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "this field equas ABTUID
which was created during posting"
FIELD "DebitAmount" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field shows Debit
value of transaction" LABEL "Debit Amount"
FIELD "CreditAmount" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field shows Credit
value of transaction" LABEL "Credit Amount"
FIELD "BookDebitAmount" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field shows
Debit value of transaction recalculated from Deb itAmount according to Currency of
mentioned Book " LABEL "Debit Amount"
FIELD "BookCreditAmount" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field shows
Credit value of transaction recalculated from Cr editAmount according to Currency
of mentioned Book" LABEL "Credit Amount"
FIELD "ParentRUID" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "If the current line is
reversal, then this field is used for link with original journal line. It equals
SysRowID of original line. " LABEL "ParentRUID" COLUMN-LABEL "ParentRUID"
FIELD "HasReverseLine" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": logical DESCRIPTION "if has reverse line"
LABEL "HasReverseLine" COLUMN-LABEL "HasReverseLine"
FIELD "BalanceAcct" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "This is the resolved
balance account the period balance, currency balance and/or daily balance records
were written under for this GL Journal Det ail GL Account." LABEL "Balance Account"
COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Account"
FIELD "SummaryAcct" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "This is the resolved
balance account the trial balance records we re written under for this GL Journal
Detail GL Account." LABEL "Balance Account" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Account"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "CorrAccUID" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": integer DESCRIPTION "When a posting rule
creates a pair of journal details balancing e ach other, each detail in the pair
should reference the other one. This allows t o show correspondence of accounts in
reports. Support of reports that allow this being visible is not in the scope of
this change." LABEL "CorrAccUID" COLUMN-LABEL "CorrAccUID"
FIELD "AllocationStamp" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "This is the
allocation stamp that processed this journal entry. Allocation Marks are entered on
an Allocation Code." LABEL "Allocation Stamp" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation Stamp"
FIELD "BatchID" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the allocation
batch this journal entry was processed under." LABEL "Batch ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Batch
FIELD "AllocID" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "This is the allocation id
that processed this journal entry." LABEL "Allocation Code" COLUMN-LABEL
"Allocation Code"
FIELD "RunNbr" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": integer DESCRIPTION "The allocation run number is
a unique sequential number that iden tifies which run of an allocation batch this
journal entry was processed under." LABEL "Allocation Run" COLUMN-LABEL "Allocation
FIELD "AllocRunNbr" OF "GLJrnDtlSim": integer DESCRIPTION "Intended for internal
use only. Updated by the Advanced Allocati ons Engine. This identifies the last
allocation run number that used this GLJrn Dtl as a source record." LABEL "Src Type
Run Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Src Type Run Number"
INDEX "AllocationBatch" ON "GLJrnDtlSim" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By Book By BatchID By AllocID By RunNbr"
INDEX "AllocationStamp" ON "GLJrnDtlSim" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By Book By FiscalYear By FiscalYearSuffix By FiscalPer iod By Allocation Stamp"
INDEX "BookBalanceAcct" ON "GLJrnDtlSim" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By BookID By BalanceAcct By FiscalYear By FiscalYearSu ffix By FiscalPeriod"
INDEX "BookCOAAccount" ON "GLJrnDtlSim" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By Book By COACode By GLAccount"
INDEX "BookDetailBal" ON "GLJrnDtlSim" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By BookID By DetailBalFlag"
INDEX "BookSumFlag" ON "GLJrnDtlSim" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "by company By
BookID By SummaryFlag"
INDEX "BookSummaryAcct" ON "GLJrnDtlSim" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By BookID By SummaryAcct By FiscalYear By FiscalYearSu ffix By FiscalPeriod"
INDEX "COAcode" ON "GLJrnDtlSim" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
COACode - used by the GL Account Control"

TABLE "GLJrnGrp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "General Ledger Journal Entry Data
Entry Group control file."
FIELD "Company" OF "GLJrnGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GroupID" OF "GLJrnGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Before allowing invoices to
be entered the user establishes a Gro up ID. All invoices belong to a group until
the group is posted. The GroupID is assigned by the user. The GroupID is used to
Selectively print and post the tra nsactions and establishes the invoice date and
fiscal period defaults for invoic es assigned to the Group. " LABEL "Group"
FIELD "CreatedBy" OF "GLJrnGrp": character DESCRIPTION "The user ID that created
this batch." LABEL "Created By"
FIELD "ActiveUserID" OF "GLJrnGrp": character DESCRIPTION "The user ID that is
currently logged into this Group. This is dis played on the Group browser so that
users may know which Groups are available." LABEL "In Use By"
FIELD "PostErrorLog" OF "GLJrnGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Contains posting error
messages. Possible messages are: ""Out of Balance transactions"",
""Invalid Account"""
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "GLJrnGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal Year to which all
entries in this group will be posted. T his is not directly maintainable. It is set
based on finding the Fiscal master for the GLJrnGrp.JEDate. " LABEL "Fiscal Yr"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "GLJrnGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "The Fiscal Period to which
all entries in this group will be post ed. This is not directly maintainable. It is
set based on finding the Fiscal m aster for the GLJrnGrp.JEDate. " LABEL "Period"
COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal!Period"
FIELD "JEDate" OF "GLJrnGrp": date DESCRIPTION "Default Journal Date for all
entries made in this group. Must be valid in the Fiscal master. Defaults as Today
if Today is within the current G/ L fiscal period, else it defaults to the current
fiscal periods end date. This date controls the assigned Fiscal Year/Period. This
can not be changed once GLJ rnHed records exist for the group. " LABEL "Journal
FIELD "JournalCode" OF "GLJrnGrp": character DESCRIPTION "A code that defines a
journal. A journal Identifies/groups entr ies together. See JrnlCode table." LABEL
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "GLJrnGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year suffix."
LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "GLJrnGrp": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal calendar
year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLJrnGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLJrnGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BookMode" OF "GLJrnGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates what mode the GL
transactions will be entered. Valid va lues are (S) for Single Book and (M) for
LABEL "Entry Mode"
FIELD "BookID" OF "GLJrnGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier" LABEL
"Book ID"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "GLJrnGrp": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the currency." LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "GLJrnGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier" LABEL
"Rate Group Code"
FIELD "COACode" OF "GLJrnGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID" LABEL
"COA Code"
FIELD "FiscalPeriodType" OF "GLJrnGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates what type
of fiscal periods can be selected for the gro up. Values are: O - Ordinary periods
C - Closing periods" LABEL "Fiscal Period Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Period Type"
FIELD "CloseFiscalPeriod" OF "GLJrnGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "The close fiscal
period number in the fiscal year. A value of 0 indicates a non-closing fiscal
period; > 0 indicates a closing period. " LABEL "Close Fiscal Period" COLUMN-LABEL
"Close Fiscal Period"
FIELD "Posted" OF "GLJrnGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "It is true, if all records for
this group were posted." LABEL "Posted" COLUMN-LABEL "Posted"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLJrnGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "GroupID" ON "GLJrnGrp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index that uniquely
identifies the group record."

TABLE "GLJrnHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "General Ledger Journal Entry
Header. This is Parent file to the
GLJrnDtl. These records are only created/used by the G/L journal entry programs .
They are deleted during the posting process. "
FIELD "Company" OF "GLJrnHed": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "JournalNum" OF "GLJrnHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Number that is assigned by
the system. The Journal Number is a w ay of relating the detail entries into a
group that would normally balance. Whe n we need to assign a new number the system
finds the journalnum of the last re cord (GLJrnDtl) for the fiscal year and adds
one. When creating GLJrnDtl from o ther modules this number is assigned note that
this find last is performed on th e GLJrnDtl because the GLJrnHed records only
exist until the group is posted. " LABEL "Journal"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "GLJrnHed": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year for this
journal transaction header. Assigned fro m GLJrnGrp.FiscalYear. " LABEL "Fiscal
Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal!Year"
FIELD "Description" OF "GLJrnHed": character DESCRIPTION "Describes the journal
transaction. Used as a default for the GLJ rnDtl.Description field. " LABEL
FIELD "JEDate" OF "GLJrnHed": date DESCRIPTION "The Date for this journal
transaction entry. Defaulted from GLJr nGrp.JEDate. Can be overridden during entry,
but it must be a valid date for th e fiscal period that is assigned to this group.
" LABEL "Date"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "GLJrnHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal period that this
journal entry applies to." LABEL "Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Period"
FIELD "GroupID" OF "GLJrnHed": character DESCRIPTION "The data entry Group that the
journal entry is assigned to. This field is not directly maintainable, it is
assigned by the entry program using th e GroupID of the ""current"" group that the
user is working with. It is used as a selection criteria during the posting
process." LABEL "Group"
FIELD "TotDebit" OF "GLJrnHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Total Debits. A summary of
the positive GLJrnDtl.TranAmt in the related GLJrnDtl records. Primarily used for
visual verification.
" LABEL "Debit"
FIELD "TotCredit" OF "GLJrnHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Total Credit. A summary
of negative GLJrnDtl.TranAmt in the related GLJrnDtl records. Primarily used for
visual verification. " LABEL "Credit"
FIELD "Override" OF "GLJrnHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that this is a non-
balancing journal entry that the use r indicated is valid to post." LABEL
FIELD "EnteredBy" OF "GLJrnHed": character DESCRIPTION "User ID that created the
record." LABEL "Entered By"
FIELD "Reverse" OF "GLJrnHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that this journal
transaction set should create reversi ng entries for the next fiscal period. This
happens during the posting process. "
FIELD "JournalCode" OF "GLJrnHed": character DESCRIPTION "A code that defines a
journal. A journal Identifies/groups entr ies together. See JrnlCode table." LABEL
FIELD "MultiCompany" OF "GLJrnHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate that
journal lines appearing under this journal header may have multi-company journals
entered at the target external company." LABEL "Multi-Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Multi-
FIELD "CommentText" OF "GLJrnHed": character DESCRIPTION "Extended text to describe
the journal header. Defaults to all GL JrnDtl.CommentText."
FIELD "GlbPostedDate" OF "GLJrnHed": date DESCRIPTION "Date that this transaction
was posted from the external company t o the G/L files." LABEL "Post Date"
FIELD "GlbJournalNum" OF "GLJrnHed": integer DESCRIPTION "The Journal Number
assigned at the destination or target company when this Multi-Company Journal is
created." LABEL "Glb Journal"
FIELD "GlbJournalCode" OF "GLJrnHed": character DESCRIPTION "Journal Code used by
the Multi-Company Journal when it gets creat
ed at the target external company." LABEL "Journal"
FIELD "GlbVendorNum" OF "GLJrnHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Global Vendor number. Used
by Multi-Company Journal."
FIELD "GlbAPInvoiceNum" OF "GLJrnHed": character DESCRIPTION "Global AP Invoice
identifier. Used by Multi-Company Journal."
FIELD "GlbVendorID" OF "GLJrnHed": character DESCRIPTION "Global Vendor ID. Used by
Multi-Company Journal." LABEL "Supplier ID"
FIELD "GlbVendorName" OF "GLJrnHed": character DESCRIPTION "Global Vendor Name.
Used by the Multi-Company Journal." LABEL "Name"
FIELD "GlbAPLegalNumber" OF "GLJrnHed": character DESCRIPTION "Legal Number used by
the source AP Invoice. Used by the Multi-Co mpany Journal." LABEL "Legal Number"
COLUMN-LABEL "Legal Number"
FIELD "GlbAPInvDesc" OF "GLJrnHed": character DESCRIPTION "Global AP Invoice
description. Used by Multi-Company Journal."
FIELD "Linked" OF "GLJrnHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Linked to a Multi-Company
Journal." LABEL "Linked"
FIELD "GlbCompanyID" OF "GLJrnHed": character DESCRIPTION "Global Company
identifier. Used in Multi-Company Journal." LABEL "External Company"
FIELD "GlbFiscalYear" OF "GLJrnHed": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year for this
journal transaction header from the exte rnal company. Assigned from
GLJrnGrp.FiscalYear. " LABEL "Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal!Year"
FIELD "GlbFiscalPeriod" OF "GLJrnHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal period from the
external company that this journal entry a pplies to." LABEL "Period" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Period"
FIELD "GlbGroupID" OF "GLJrnHed": character DESCRIPTION "The data entry Group from
the external company that the journal e
ntry is assigned to." LABEL "Group"
FIELD "GlbJournalCodeDesc" OF "GLJrnHed": character DESCRIPTION "Global Journal
Code Description." LABEL "Journal Description"
FIELD "GlbEnteredBy" OF "GLJrnHed": character DESCRIPTION "User ID that created the
Multi-Company Journal record from the so urce company. This may not be a valid
UserId in the target company. Used by th e Multi-Company GJ and AP." LABEL "Entered
FIELD "BookID" OF "GLJrnHed": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier" LABEL
"Book ID"
FIELD "CreateDate" OF "GLJrnHed": date DESCRIPTION "Date record was created" LABEL
"Create Date"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "GLJrnHed": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year suffix."
LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "GLJrnHed": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal calendar
year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "GlbFiscalYearSuffix" OF "GLJrnHed": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year
suffix." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "GlbFiscalCalendarID" OF "GLJrnHed": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal
calendar year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-
LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLJrnHed": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLJrnHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "GLJrnHed": character
DESCRIPTION "A unique code that identifies the currency." LABEL "Currency" COLUMN-
LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "GLJrnHed": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier" LABEL
"Rate Type"
FIELD "LegalNumber" OF "GLJrnHed": character DESCRIPTION "The Legal Number for the
record. This number is created based on setup parameters in table LegalNumber."
LABEL "Legal Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Legal Number"
FIELD "CloseFiscalPeriod" OF "GLJrnHed": integer DESCRIPTION "The close fiscal
period number in the fiscal year. A value of 0 indicates a non-closing fiscal
period; > 0 indicates a closing period. " LABEL "Close Fiscal Period" COLUMN-LABEL
"Close Fiscal Period"
FIELD "RedStorno" OF "GLJrnHed": logical DESCRIPTION "if yes it means that during
posting for each line debit and credi t amounts should be saved with opposite
FIELD "Posted" OF "GLJrnHed": logical DESCRIPTION "It is true, if the record was
posted." LABEL "Posted" COLUMN-LABEL "Posted"
FIELD "PostedDate" OF "GLJrnHed": date DESCRIPTION "Date when record was posted."
LABEL "PostedDate"
FIELD "ReverseDate" OF "GLJrnHed": date DESCRIPTION "Default is the first date of
the next period. A date entered in t his fields should be greater than the journal?
s apply date." LABEL "Date"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLJrnHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ProcessType" OF "GLJrnHed": integer DESCRIPTION "0 - Manual Entry; 1 -
Revaluation Process; 2 - Consolidation Proc ess." LABEL "ProcessType" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "CorrAccounting" OF "GLJrnHed": logical
DESCRIPTION "Flag that indicates if correspondence accounting is set-up for th e
journal." LABEL "Corr.Accounting" COLUMN-LABEL "Corr.Acc."
INDEX "GroupID" ON "GLJrnHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Used to search
journal entries transactions by group."

TABLE "GLPeriodBal" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "General Ledger Account By Book
Period Balances"
FIELD "Company" OF "GLPeriodBal": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
FIELD "BookID" OF "GLPeriodBal": character DESCRIPTION "GLBook ID" LABEL "GL Book"
FIELD "BalanceAcct" OF "GLPeriodBal": character DESCRIPTION "The GL Account used to
record balances." LABEL "Balance Account"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "GLPeriodBal": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year of this
period balance record" LABEL "Fical Year" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "GLPeriodBal": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal period of the
balance record. Period 0 (zero) is reserved to record the opening and/or carry
forward balance." LABEL "Fiscal Period" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "CarryForwardBalance" OF "GLPeriodBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "Provides the
ability to analyze revenue and cost independent of f iscal year and are used only
with accounts that include a segment defined to kee p an opening balance on an
income statement account. This is updated by the fis cal period close process."
LABEL "Carry Forward Balance"
FIELD "OpenBalance" OF "GLPeriodBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "The account's opening
balance for the fiscal year. This is only populated for period 0. Updated by the
fiscal period close process." LABEL "Open Balance"
FIELD "DebitAmt" OF "GLPeriodBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total debit amount that has
been posted to the account for a spec
ific fisccal year/period. " LABEL "Debit Amount"
FIELD "CreditAmt" OF "GLPeriodBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Credit amount that
has been posted to the account for a spe cific fiscal year/period. " LABEL "Credit
FIELD "BalanceType" OF "GLPeriodBal": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the type of
balance stored on this record. S = Summar y Balance. D = Detail Balance. B = Both a
Summary and Detail Balance." LABEL "Balance Type" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "SegValue1" OF "GLPeriodBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 1. See
COASegment segment number 1 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue2" OF "GLPeriodBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 2. See
COASegment segment number 2 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue3" OF "GLPeriodBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 3. See
COASegment segment number 3 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue4" OF "GLPeriodBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 4. See
COASegment segment number 4 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue5" OF "GLPeriodBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 5. See
COASegment segment number 5 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue6" OF "GLPeriodBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 6. See
COASegment segment number 6 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue7" OF "GLPeriodBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 7. See
COASegment segment number 7 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue8" OF "GLPeriodBal": character
DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 8. See COASegment segment number 8 for a descriptio n of
this field." LABEL "Segment Value 8"
FIELD "SegValue9" OF "GLPeriodBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 9. See
COASegment segment number 9 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue10" OF "GLPeriodBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 10. See
COASegment segment number 10 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 10"
FIELD "SegValue11" OF "GLPeriodBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 11. See
COASegment segment number 11 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 11"
FIELD "SegValue12" OF "GLPeriodBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 12. See
COASegment segment number 12 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 12"
FIELD "SegValue13" OF "GLPeriodBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 13. See
COASegment segment number 13 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 13"
FIELD "SegValue14" OF "GLPeriodBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 14. See
COASegment segment number 14 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 14"
FIELD "SegValue15" OF "GLPeriodBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 15. See
COASegment segment number 15 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 15"
FIELD "SegValue16" OF "GLPeriodBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 16. See
COASegment segment number 16 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 16"
FIELD "SegValue17" OF "GLPeriodBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 17. See
COASegment segment number 17 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 17"
FIELD "SegValue18" OF "GLPeriodBal": character
DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 18. See COASegment segment number 18 for a descript ion
of this field." LABEL "Segment Value 18"
FIELD "SegValue19" OF "GLPeriodBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 19. See
COASegment segment number 19 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 19"
FIELD "SegValue20" OF "GLPeriodBal": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 20. See
COASegment segment number 20 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 20"
FIELD "BalanceAmt" OF "GLPeriodBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "The balance amount for
this fiscal period. The type of balance s tored in this field is determined by the
value of the BalanceType field." LABEL "Balance" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "GLPeriodBal": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year
suffix." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "GLPeriodBal": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal
calendar year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-
LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLPeriodBal": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLPeriodBal": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLPeriodBal": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "BalanceAcct" ON "GLPeriodBal" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
BookID By BalanceAcct"

TABLE "GLPurch" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Contains an extra debit and credit
GL acocunt for those customers who are dealing with European financials to have the
same AP Invoice posted to
2 seperate set of accounts. Will only be used if SendAPPurch is checked in ExtC
FIELD "Company" OF "GLPurch": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "PurchCode" OF "GLPurch": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the
purchase type assigned by the user." LABEL "Purchase Type Code"
FIELD "PurchDesc" OF "GLPurch": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the purchase
type. Appears in drop-down lists for selection." LABEL "Purchase Type Description"
FIELD "OBS900-CRDiv" OF "GLPurch": character DESCRIPTION "Division component of the
GL account number that will be credited for this Payables Account. The full GL
account number is made up of CRDiv, CRC hart and CRDept. "
FIELD "OBS900-CRDept" OF "GLPurch": character DESCRIPTION "Department component of
the GL account number that will be credit ed for this Payables Account. The full GL
account number is made up of CRDiv, C RChart and CRDept. "
FIELD "OBS900-CRChart" OF "GLPurch": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component of the
GL account number that will be credited fo r this Payables Account. The full GL
account number is made up of CRDiv, CRChar t and CRDept. "
FIELD "OBS900-DBDiv" OF "GLPurch": character DESCRIPTION "Division component of the
GL account number that will be debited for a this Payables Account. The full GL
account number is made up of DBDiv, DB Chart and DBDept. "
FIELD "OBS900-DBDept" OF "GLPurch": character DESCRIPTION "Department component of
the GL account number that will be debite d for a this Payables Account. The full
GL account number is made up of DBDiv, DBChart and DBDept. "
FIELD "OBS900-DBChart" OF "GLPurch": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component of the
GL account number that will be debited for a this Payables Account. The full GL
account number is made up of DBDiv, DBCha rt and DBDept. "
FIELD "POExp" OF "GLPurch": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this as being an expense
purchase. If yes, then the account fields cannot be blank." LABEL "PO Expense"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLPurch": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLPurch": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLPurch": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "GLRecDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Recurring GL Details"

FIELD "Company" OF "GLRecDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "RecurNum" OF "GLRecDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Number that is assigned by the
system. Defaults to ten(10) great er than the highest number (i.e. 10, 20, 30,
etc.). User can change number at a ny time, but GLRecDtl records must be kept in
synchronization. Cannot be zero(0 )." LABEL "Entry"
FIELD "Description" OF "GLRecDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Default from GLRecHed
description." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "TranAmt" OF "GLRecDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Zero/Positive = Debit, Negative
= Credit." LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "RecurLine" OF "GLRecDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique ID of entry within a
Recur Number. Allow user to change n umber at any time. Defaults to ten(10) greater
than the highest number (i.e. 10 , 20, 30, etc.). Cannot be zero(0)." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "OBS900-GLDiv" OF "GLRecDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Division component of
G/L account for the entry. The full G/L ac count number is made up of GLDiv,
GLChart and GLDept. These individual fields are indirectly entered via a G/L
account fill-in widget. "
FIELD "OBS900-GLDept" OF "GLRecDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Department component of
the G/L account. See GLDiv field description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-GLChart" OF "GLRecDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account
component for the G/L account. See GLDiv field description for related info. "
FIELD "RefType" OF "GLRecDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Link to the related
GLRefTyp.RefType." LABEL "Ref. Type"
FIELD "RefCode" OF "GLRecDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Link to the related Code in
GLRefCod.RefCode" LABEL "Ref. Code"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLRecDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLRecDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "COACode" OF "GLRecDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID" LABEL
"COA Code"
FIELD "GLAccount" OF "GLRecDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Full GL account containing
the controlled segment valid combinati ons up to 200 characters including the
internal segment separator. This is the unique identifier for the GL Account and is
stored in physical segment number se quence with the vertical bar as its separator.
This field is not intended for e nd user display. It is used internally as a unique
identifier. The display for mat GL Account is found in table GLAcctDisp." LABEL "Gl
FIELD "SegValue1" OF "GLRecDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 1. See
COASegment segment number 1 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue2" OF "GLRecDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 2. See
COASegment segment number 2 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue3" OF "GLRecDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 3. See
COASegment segment number 3 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue4" OF "GLRecDtl": character
DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 4. See COASegment segment number 4 for a descriptio n of
this field." LABEL "Segment Value 4"
FIELD "SegValue5" OF "GLRecDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 5. See
COASegment segment number 5 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue6" OF "GLRecDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 6. See
COASegment segment number 6 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue7" OF "GLRecDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 7. See
COASegment segment number 7 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue8" OF "GLRecDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 8. See
COASegment segment number 8 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue9" OF "GLRecDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 9. See
COASegment segment number 9 for a descriptio n of this field." LABEL "Segment Value
FIELD "SegValue10" OF "GLRecDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 10. See
COASegment segment number 10 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 10"
FIELD "SegValue11" OF "GLRecDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 11. See
COASegment segment number 11 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 11"
FIELD "SegValue12" OF "GLRecDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 12. See
COASegment segment number 12 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 12"
FIELD "SegValue13" OF "GLRecDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 13. See
COASegment segment number 13 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 13"
FIELD "SegValue14" OF "GLRecDtl": character
DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 14. See COASegment segment number 14 for a descript ion
of this field." LABEL "Segment Value 14"
FIELD "SegValue15" OF "GLRecDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 15. See
COASegment segment number 15 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 15"
FIELD "SegValue16" OF "GLRecDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 16. See
COASegment segment number 16 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 16"
FIELD "SegValue17" OF "GLRecDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 17. See
COASegment segment number 17 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 17"
FIELD "SegValue18" OF "GLRecDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 18. See
COASegment segment number 18 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 18"
FIELD "SegValue19" OF "GLRecDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 19. See
COASegment segment number 19 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 19"
FIELD "SegValue20" OF "GLRecDtl": character DESCRIPTION "SegmentValue 20. See
COASegment segment number 20 for a descript ion of this field." LABEL "Segment
Value 20"
FIELD "BookID" OF "GLRecDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier" LABEL
"Book ID"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "GLRecDtl": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the currency." LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "CurrencyCodeAcct" OF "GLRecDtl": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the currency." LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "DocTransAmt" OF "GLRecDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Document Transaction
amount. "
LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "CurrAcct" OF "GLRecDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag that indicate if the
account is a curency account" LABEL "Curency Account" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLRecDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "CorrAccUID" OF "GLRecDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Used to create a pair of
journal details balancing each other, ea ch detail in the pair should reference the
other one. This allows to show corres pondence of accounts in reports." LABEL

TABLE "GLRecHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "G/L Recurring Entry Header record"

FIELD "Company" OF "GLRecHed": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."

FIELD "RecurNum" OF "GLRecHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Number that is assigned by the
system. Defaults to ten(10) great er than the highest number (i.e. 10, 20, 30,
etc.). User can change number at a ny time, but GLRecDtl and GLRecSched records
must be kept in synchronization. C annot be zero(0)." LABEL "Entry"
FIELD "Description" OF "GLRecHed": character DESCRIPTION "Describes the Recurring
Entry. Used as a default for the GLRecDt l.Description field. " LABEL "Description"

FIELD "TotDebit" OF "GLRecHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Total Debits. A summary of

the positive GLRecDtl.TranAmt in the related GLRecDtl records. Primarily used for
visual verification. " LABEL "Debit"
FIELD "TotCredit" OF "GLRecHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Total Credit. A summary
of negative GLRecDtl.TranAmt in the related GLRecDtl records. Primarily used for
visual verification. " LABEL "Credit"
FIELD "Reverse" OF "GLRecHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that this Recurring
Entry set should create reversing e ntries for the next fiscal period when it is
posted in G/L Journal Entry. "
FIELD "ActiveEntry" OF "GLRecHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the
recurring entry is active and will be selected during the next period close." LABEL
FIELD "SelectedPeriodList" OF "GLRecHed": character DESCRIPTION "A LIST-DELIM
delimited list of periods that the entry is to be se lected in. When this list is
blank it means ALL periods are selected. To set N O periods selected use the
ActiveEntry flag. " LABEL "Selected Fiscal Periods"
FIELD "JournalCode" OF "GLRecHed": character DESCRIPTION "A code that defines a
journal. A journal Identifies/groups entr ies together. See JrnlCode table. NOT
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLRecHed": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLRecHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "GroupPrefix" OF "GLRecHed": character DESCRIPTION "The prefix of the group
(GLJrnGrp) created for recurring journal entries. " LABEL "Group Prefix" COLUMN-
LABEL "Group Prefix"
FIELD "BookID" OF "GLRecHed": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier" LABEL
"Book ID"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "GLRecHed": character DESCRIPTION "The id of the fiscal
calendar." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "COACode" OF "GLRecHed": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID" LABEL
"COA Code"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "GLRecHed": character
DESCRIPTION "A unique code that identifies the currency." LABEL "Currency Code"
COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "BookMode" OF "GLRecHed": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates what mode the GL
transactions will be entered. Valid va lues are (S) for Single Book and (M) for
Multi-Book." LABEL "Entry Mode"
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "GLRecHed": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier" LABEL
"Rate Group Code"
FIELD "ReverseDate" OF "GLRecHed": date DESCRIPTION "Default is the first date of
the next period. A date entered in t his fields should be greater than the journal?
s apply date." LABEL "Date"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLRecHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "CorrAccounting" OF "GLRecHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag that indicates if
correspondence accounting is set-up for th e journal." LABEL "Corr.Accounting"
INDEX "ActiveRecur" ON "GLRecHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Find the active
recurring entries for a given company."

TABLE "GLRecSched" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "GL Recurring Schedule" DESCRIPTION
"The schedule by period for recurring journal entries."
FIELD "Company" OF "GLRecSched": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "RecurNum" OF "GLRecSched": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifier of GLRecHed."
LABEL "Entry"
FIELD "BookID" OF "GLRecSched": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "GLRecSched": character DESCRIPTION "The id of the
fiscal calendar." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "GLRecSched": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year." LABEL
"Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "GLRecSched": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year
suffix. " LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "GLRecSched": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal period
number." LABEL "Fiscal Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Period"
FIELD "ApplyDate" OF "GLRecSched": date DESCRIPTION "The date to apply the entry to
GL." LABEL "Apply Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Apply Date"
FIELD "ReversalApplyDate" OF "GLRecSched": date DESCRIPTION "The date the reversal
is applied to GL." LABEL "Reversal Apply Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Reversal Apply Date"
FIELD "ScheduleDate" OF "GLRecSched": date DESCRIPTION "The date this entry is
scheduled to create the journal entry reco rd." LABEL "Schedule Date" COLUMN-LABEL
"Schedule Date"
FIELD "ActualDate" OF "GLRecSched": date DESCRIPTION "The date the journal entry
record was created. System assigned." LABEL "Actual Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Actual
FIELD "FailureReason" OF "GLRecSched": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the reason
a gl journal entry record could not be creat ed for the year/period. Assigned by
the system. Will be populated only when St atus = ""Fail"". " LABEL "Failure
Reason" COLUMN-LABEL "Failure Reason"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLRecSched": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLRecSched": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "SchedStatus" OF "GLRecSched": character DESCRIPTION "Scheduled status.
Assigned by the user. Values are: S = Scheduled NS = Not Scheduled" LABEL
"Scheduled Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Scheduled Status"
FIELD "ProcStatus" OF "GLRecSched": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the processing
status. System assigned. Values are: D = Done. Record has been processed and
converted into a journal detail. I = Ignored. Record was ignored during apply
recurring journal process. F = Fail. An error occurred on this record during the
apply recurring journal p rocess." LABEL "Processing Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Processing Status"
FIELD "CloseFiscalPeriod" OF "GLRecSched": integer DESCRIPTION "The close fiscal
period number in the fiscal year. A value of 0 indicates a non-closing fiscal
period; > 0 indicates a closing period. " LABEL "Close Fiscal Period" COLUMN-LABEL
"Close Fiscal Period"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLRecSched": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "GLRefCod" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table contains codes are used
by selected GLAccounts during PORel and Misc AP invoice entry. The are grouped
together by GLRefType fields. "
FIELD "Company" OF "GLRefCod": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "RefType" OF "GLRefCod": character DESCRIPTION "Link to the related
GLRefType." LABEL "Type"
FIELD "RefCode" OF "GLRefCod": character DESCRIPTION "Code that uniquely identifies
of the record." LABEL "Code"
FIELD "RefCodeDesc" OF "GLRefCod": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the code."
LABEL "Description"
FIELD "Inactive" OF "GLRefCod": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the Reference
Code cannot be used on new transacti ons" LABEL "Inactive"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLRefCod": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLRefCod": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLRefCod": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "GLRptCol" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "GL Report Writer Columns. Defines
the columns that are used for a GL Report. Child of GLReport table."
FIELD "Company" OF "GLRptCol": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ReportID" OF "GLRptCol": character DESCRIPTION "Report ID" LABEL "Report ID"

FIELD "ColumnNum" OF "GLRptCol": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the number

(position/order) of the column." LABEL "Num"
FIELD "ColumnTitle1" OF "GLRptCol": character DESCRIPTION "Column title line one."
FIELD "VarCol1" OF "GLRptCol": integer DESCRIPTION "Used only for ""Variance""
columns. Contains the ""ColumnID"" of the first column to be used to calculate the
variance. Variance is calculated as VarCol1 - VarCol2."
FIELD "VarCol2" OF "GLRptCol": integer DESCRIPTION "Used only for ""Variance""
columns. Contains the ""ColumnID"" of the second column to be used to calculate the
variance. Variance is calculated
as VarCol1 - VarCol2."
FIELD "TotalCol1" OF "GLRptCol": integer DESCRIPTION "Used only for ""Total""
columns (ColumnType = ""T""). Contains t he ""UniqueID"" of the first column to be
used to calculate the Total. Column T otals are the sum of all ""Data"" columns
beginning with TotalCol1 through Total Col2."
FIELD "TotalCol2" OF "GLRptCol": integer DESCRIPTION "Used only for ""Total""
columns (ColumnType = ""T""). Contains t he ""UniqueID"" of the last column to be
used to calculate the Total. Column T otals are the sum of all ""Data"" columns
beginning with TotalCol1 through Total Col2."
FIELD "ColSetID" OF "GLRptCol": character DESCRIPTION "Column Set Identifier used
to establish different sets of columns for the same report specifications. " LABEL
FIELD "ColumnType" OF "GLRptCol": character DESCRIPTION "Defines the type of
figures that are reported in the column. A = Actuals, B = Budget, C = Comparative
%, N = Acct #, T = Text, V = Varia nce, X = Crossfoot Total "
FIELD "YearOffset" OF "GLRptCol": integer DESCRIPTION "(Reporting year -
YearOffset) = Fiscal Year of data in this colum n. Ex: zero equal current year, 1 =
prior year, etc..."
FIELD "PeriodOffset" OF "GLRptCol": integer DESCRIPTION "(Reporting Period -
PeriodOffset) = Fiscal Period of data in this column. Ex: zero = current period, 1
= prior period, etc..."
FIELD "NumOfPeriods" OF "GLRptCol": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of fiscal period
balances to be summarized into column. Examples: Single Period = 01, Quarters = 3,
Ytd = # of periods in fiscal year. The system begins summarizing GL period balances
starting at ""Given fiscal yea r - Year Offset"", ""Given fiscal period - period
offset for the Number of perio ds indicated here. If RollPeriods = No the
summarization stops at period 1 of t he ""Given Fiscal Year - Year Offset"", else
it continues to the prior year. NOTE: NumOfPeriods should not be >
GLSyst.NumberofPeriods. If it is logic will only summarize to the greater of the
two. " LABEL "Number of Periods"
FIELD "RollingPeriods" OF "GLRptCol": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the system
should span fiscal year when summarizing the GL balances for the NumOfPeriods
indicated. In most cases this would be NO. To produce a rolling number of periods
the answer would be Yes." LABEL "Rolling Periods"
FIELD "TitleFont" OF "GLRptCol": character DESCRIPTION "Override FontName that is
used for the Column Heading.
Default is GLRptMas.ReportFont"
FIELD "TitleFontSize" OF "GLRptCol": integer DESCRIPTION "Override Font Size used
for the column title. Default is Report.F ontSize." LABEL "Font Size"
FIELD "TitleBold" OF "GLRptCol": character DESCRIPTION "Override Bold attribute for
the column title. Default is GLRptMas.ReportBold Values: Y = Underline, N = No
Underline, ""D"" = Use default." LABEL "Bold" COLUMN-LABEL "B"
FIELD "TitleItalic" OF "GLRptCol": character DESCRIPTION "Override Italic attribute
for the column title. Default is GLRptMas.ReporItalic. Values: Y = Underline, N =
No Underline, ""D"" = Use default." LABEL "Italic" COLUMN-LABEL "I"
FIELD "DataUnderline" OF "GLRptCol": character DESCRIPTION "Underline attribute for
the data in this column. Default is GLRptMas.ReportUnderline. Values: Y =
Underline, N = No Underline, ""D"" = Use default." LABEL "Underline" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "DataFont" OF "GLRptCol": character DESCRIPTION "Override Font default that
is used for the data in this column. Default is GLRptMas.ReportFont"
FIELD "DataFontSize" OF "GLRptCol": integer DESCRIPTION "Override default Font Size
used for data in this column. Default is GLRptMas.ReportFontSize." LABEL "Font
FIELD "DataBold" OF "GLRptCol": character DESCRIPTION "Bold attribute for data in
this column. Default is GLRptMas.ReportBold Values: Y = Underline, N = No
Underline, ""D"" = Use default." LABEL "Bold" COLUMN-LABEL "B"
FIELD "DataItalic" OF "GLRptCol": character DESCRIPTION "Italic attribute for data
in this column. Default is GLRptMas.ReporItalic. Values: Y = Underline, N = No
Underline, ""D"" = Use default." LABEL "Italic" COLUMN-LABEL "I"
FIELD "ColumnTitle2" OF "GLRptCol": character DESCRIPTION "Column title line two."
FIELD "TitleUnderline" OF "GLRptCol": character DESCRIPTION "Override underline
attribute for the column title. Default is GLRptMas.ReportUnderline. Values: Y =
Underline, N = No Underline, ""D"" = Use default." LABEL "Underline" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "ShowAsPercent" OF "GLRptCol": logical DESCRIPTION "This pertains to a
""Variance Column"" only. Indicates if the va riance is to be shown as a percentage
or amount. " LABEL "Percent"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLRptCol": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLRptCol": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "DailyAveBalance" OF "GLRptCol": logical DESCRIPTION "Daily Average Balance
option" LABEL "Daily Average Balance" COLUMN-LABEL "Daily Average Balance"
FIELD "NumOfDays" OF "GLRptCol": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of day balances to be
summarized into column. " LABEL "Number of Days" COLUMN-LABEL "Number of Days"
FIELD "DaysOffset" OF "GLRptCol": integer DESCRIPTION "Days offset" LABEL "Days
Offset" COLUMN-LABEL "Days Offset"
FIELD "IntervalType" OF "GLRptCol": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if balances
will be calculated by days or by periods. Values are: P - By Period D - By Day"
LABEL "Interval Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Interval Type"
FIELD "RollingDays" OF "GLRptCol": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the system
should span fiscal year when summarizing the GL balances for the NumOfDays
indicated. In most cases this would be NO. T o produce a rolling number of days the
answer would be Yes."
LABEL "Rolling Days"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLRptCol": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "GLRptGrp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "G/L Report Group table. Temp-table
for processing Financial Stat ements. Contains NO data."
FIELD "Category" OF "GLRptGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Report Category" LABEL
"Category ID"
FIELD "SortSeq" OF "GLRptGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Concatenated string of
sequence numbers for all of the category's parents (and itself). Used to order the
groups during printing. " LABEL "Sort Code"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLRptGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLRptGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLRptGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "GLRptLin" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "G/L Report Line. Temp-table used
during Financial Statements to. "
FIELD "EffCat" OF "GLRptLin": character DESCRIPTION "Effective Category -
Summarized Categories cause this value to ch ange to the highest category that is
not summarizing."
FIELD "OBS900-Division" OF "GLRptLin": character DESCRIPTION "The Division
component of the G/L account."
FIELD "OBS900-GLDept" OF "GLRptLin": character DESCRIPTION "The Department
component of the G/L account."
FIELD "OBS900-Chart" OF "GLRptLin": character DESCRIPTION "The Chart of Account ID
component of the G/L account."
FIELD "Description" OF "GLRptLin": character DESCRIPTION "The Chart/Category
description." LABEL "Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "PerAmt" OF "GLRptLin": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual Period Amount" LABEL
"Actual Period Amount" COLUMN-LABEL "Current Period"
FIELD "YTDAmt" OF "GLRptLin": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual YTD Amount" LABEL "Actual
YTD Amount" COLUMN-LABEL "Current YTD"
FIELD "CompAmt" OF "GLRptLin": decimal DESCRIPTION "Compare Period Amount" LABEL
"Compare Period Amount" COLUMN-LABEL "Last Year Period"
FIELD "CompYTDAmt" OF "GLRptLin": decimal DESCRIPTION "Compare YTD Amount" LABEL
"Compare YTD Amount" COLUMN-LABEL "Last Year YTD"
FIELD "Category" OF "GLRptLin": character DESCRIPTION "Category that is being
reported in a summarized format." LABEL "Category ID"
FIELD "PerVar" OF "GLRptLin": decimal DESCRIPTION "Either a percent or an amount
depending upon user selection." LABEL "Period Variance" COLUMN-LABEL "Variance"
FIELD "YTDVar" OF "GLRptLin": decimal DESCRIPTION "Either a percent or an amount
depending upon user selection." LABEL "YTD Variance" COLUMN-LABEL "Variance"
FIELD "SortSeq" OF "GLRptLin": integer DESCRIPTION "Sort Sequence" LABEL "Sequence"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLRptLin": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLRptLin": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLRptLin": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "GlRptMas" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "GL Report Writer Report Master.
Establishes a Report Master. Parent to GLRptRow/GLRptCol"
FIELD "ReportID" OF "GlRptMas": character DESCRIPTION "ID that user assigns to
uniquely identify a report definition." LABEL "Report ID"
FIELD "Description" OF "GlRptMas": character DESCRIPTION "Description" LABEL
"Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "ReportTitle" OF "GlRptMas": character DESCRIPTION "Title that will be used
for the report." LABEL "Report Title" COLUMN-LABEL "Report Title"
FIELD "Company" OF "GlRptMas": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "HeadingFont" OF "GlRptMas": character DESCRIPTION "FontName that is used for
the Report Heading. "
FIELD "HeadingFontSize" OF "GlRptMas": integer DESCRIPTION "Font Size used for the
Report Heading." LABEL "Font Size"
FIELD "HeadingUnderline" OF "GlRptMas": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
Report Heading should be underlined." LABEL "Underline" COLUMN-LABEL "U"
FIELD "HeadingBold" OF "GlRptMas": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the report
heading lines should be Bold." LABEL "Bold" COLUMN-LABEL "B"
FIELD "HeadingItalic" OF "GlRptMas": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the report
heading lines should be italic." LABEL "Italic" COLUMN-LABEL "I"
FIELD "PctCalcTlLine" OF "GlRptMas": integer DESCRIPTION "LineNum of the GLRptRow
record which is to provide the denominato r values in the Percent Of calculations.
FIELD "ReportFont" OF "GlRptMas": character DESCRIPTION "Default Font that is used
for the Report. This may be overridden by specifications on the
columns/Rows.TextFont "
FIELD "ReportFontSize" OF "GlRptMas": integer DESCRIPTION "Default font size used
for the report. This may be overridden by specifications on the columns/rows. "
LABEL "Font Size"
FIELD "ReportUnderline" OF "GlRptMas": logical DESCRIPTION "Default underline
attribute for the report. den by specifications on the columns/rows. " LABEL
"Underline" COLUMN-LABEL "U"

This may be overrid

FIELD "ReportBold" OF "GlRptMas": logical DESCRIPTION "Default Bold attribute for

the report. This may be overridden by specifications on the columns/rows. " LABEL
FIELD "ReportItalic" OF "GlRptMas": logical DESCRIPTION "Default Italic attribute
for the report. by specifications on the column. " LABEL "Italic" COLUMN-LABEL "I"

This may be overridden

FIELD "AmountFactor" OF "GlRptMas": integer DESCRIPTION "The base 10 exponential

factor for reported amounts and budgets. Value 2 means 10 exp 3 = 1.000 resulting
in the division of all amounts and budg ets by 1.000." LABEL "Amount Factor"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlRptMas": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlRptMas": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BookID" OF "GlRptMas": character DESCRIPTION "Default Book Identifier" LABEL
"Book ID"
FIELD "COACode" OF "GlRptMas": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account Code" LABEL
FIELD "BalanceLevel" OF "GlRptMas": character DESCRIPTION "The balance level for
the report. Values are: D - Detail Account S- Summary Account N - Natural Account"
LABEL "Balance Level" COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Level"
FIELD "BalanceFrequency" OF "GlRptMas": character DESCRIPTION "Balance Frequence.
Values are: P - Period balances D - Daily balances" LABEL "Balance Frequency"
COLUMN-LABEL "Balance Frequency"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlRptMas": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "GlRptRow" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "GL Report Writer row. Defines the
rows (lines) that are in the re port."
FIELD "OBS900-FromChart" OF "GlRptRow": character DESCRIPTION "A ""list"" of the
beginning range of G/L Chart #s that are to be selected for this data line. (See
ToChart). "
FIELD "ReportID" OF "GlRptRow": character DESCRIPTION "Report ID" LABEL "Report ID"

FIELD "OBS900-FromDiv" OF "GlRptRow": character DESCRIPTION "A ""list"" of the

beginning range of G/L Divisions that are to be selected for this data line. (See
ToDiv). Blank = All divisions "
FIELD "LineNum" OF "GlRptRow": integer DESCRIPTION "Line number" LABEL "Line
FIELD "LineType" OF "GlRptRow": character DESCRIPTION "H = Heading Line - Defines a
Heading that is printed. A = Account Details - Prints GL accounts in specified
range S = Summary - a summary of accounts in specified range. R = Ratio between two
rows. T = Total - prints a total line for specified total field." LABEL "Line Type"
FIELD "Description" OF "GlRptRow": character DESCRIPTION "For LineType H, S and T
this description is used to identify the line. For LineType A (acct detail) it is
only a reference; the actual descriptio n from the GLAcct is used when printing
details." LABEL "Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "OBS900-TOChart" OF "GlRptRow": character DESCRIPTION "A ""List"" of the
Ending range of G/L Chart #s that are to be se lected for this data line. (See
FromChart) "
FIELD "OBS900-ToDiv" OF "GlRptRow": character DESCRIPTION "A ""list"" of the ending
range of G/L Divisions that are to be se lected for this data line. (See FromDiv).
FIELD "TotalTo" OF "GlRptRow": character DESCRIPTION "Defines a field to which the
values on this line are accumulated into. " LABEL "Total to Name" COLUMN-LABEL
"Total to"
FIELD "Reverse" OF "GlRptRow": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the ""signs"" of
the amounts for this line are to be flipped before they are printed. " LABEL
"Reverse Sign" COLUMN-LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "NewPage" OF "GlRptRow": logical DESCRIPTION "New Page flag" LABEL "New Page"
FIELD "SkipBefore" OF "GlRptRow": integer DESCRIPTION "# of lines to skip before
printing this line." LABEL "Skip Before" COLUMN-LABEL "Skp"
FIELD "SkipAfter" OF "GlRptRow": integer
DESCRIPTION "# of lines to skip after printing this line." LABEL "Skip After"
FIELD "Indents" OF "GlRptRow": integer DESCRIPTION "# of spaces that the line will
be indented" LABEL "Indents" COLUMN-LABEL "Tab"
FIELD "DataFont" OF "GlRptRow": character DESCRIPTION "Font that is used for ALL
the data in this row. Blank = use defa ult. Default is either
FIELD "DataFontSize" OF "GlRptRow": integer DESCRIPTION "Override FontSize used for
ALL DATA in this line. 0 = Use default . Default is
GLRptCol.DataFontSize/GLRptMas.ReportFontSize." LABEL "Font Size"
FIELD "PrintTotal" OF "GlRptRow": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the ""TotalTo""
field that should be printed on this line. Pertains only to Total lines ( LineType
= ""T"" )." LABEL "Print Total" COLUMN-LABEL "Print Total"
FIELD "ClearAfterPrint" OF "GlRptRow": logical DESCRIPTION "Resets the total field
defined by ""PrintTotal"" to zero after pr inting. Pertains only to Total lines
( LineType = T )." LABEL "Clear After Print" COLUMN-LABEL "Clear"
FIELD "Company" OF "GlRptRow": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "OBS900-FromDept" OF "GlRptRow": character DESCRIPTION "A ""list"" of the
beginning range of G/L Departments that are to be selected for this data line. (See
ToDept). Blank = All "
FIELD "OBS900-ToDept" OF "GlRptRow": character DESCRIPTION "A ""list"" of the
ending range of G/L Departments that are to be selected for this data line. (See
FromDept). "
FIELD "DataUnderline" OF "GlRptRow": character DESCRIPTION "Underline attribute for
ALL DATA in the line. Values: Y = Underline, N = No Underline, ""D"" = Use default.
Default is GLRptCol.DataUnderLine/GLRptMas.ReportUnderline. " LABEL "Underline"
FIELD "TextFont" OF "GlRptRow": character DESCRIPTION "Override Font that is used
for the Text portion of a row. Default is either GLRptCol.DataFont or
FIELD "TextFontSize" OF "GlRptRow": integer DESCRIPTION "Override Text Font Size
used for the Text portion of the row. Def ault is GLRptCol.DataFontSize or
GLRptMas.ReportFontSize." LABEL "Font Size"
FIELD "TextUnderline" OF "GlRptRow": character DESCRIPTION "Underline attribute for
the text portion of the line. Default is either GLRptCol.DataUnderLine or
GLRptMas.ReportUnderline. Values: Y = Underline, N = No Underline, ""D"" = Use
default." LABEL "Underline" COLUMN-LABEL "U"
FIELD "TextBold" OF "GlRptRow": character DESCRIPTION "Bold attribute for the text
portion of this line. Values: Y = Underline, N = No Underline, ""D"" = Use default.
Default is GLRptCol.DataBold or GLRptMas.ReportBold " LABEL "Bold" COLUMN-LABEL "B"

FIELD "TextItalic" OF "GlRptRow": character DESCRIPTION "Override Italic attribute

for the text portion of this line. Values: Y = Underline, N = No Underline, ""D"" =
Use default. Default is GLRptCol.DataItalic or GLRptMas.ReporItalic. " LABEL
FIELD "DataBold" OF "GlRptRow": character DESCRIPTION "Bold attribute for ALL DATA
on this line. Values: Y = Underline, N = No Underline, ""D"" = Use default. Default
is GLRptCol.DataBold/GLRptMas.ReportBold " LABEL "Bold" COLUMN-LABEL "B"
FIELD "DataItalic" OF "GlRptRow": character DESCRIPTION "Italic attribute for ALL
DATA on this line. Values: Y = Underline, N = No Underline, ""D"" = Use default.
Default is GLRptCol.DataItalic/GLRptMas.ReporItalic. " LABEL "Italic" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "OBS900-DisplayAccount" OF "GlRptRow": character DESCRIPTION "A ""list"" of
the specific Accounts which are to be to selected for this line. They are in
DisplayAccount format. Each element is a character s tring made up of Division,
GLDept and Chart fields concatenated using the user d
efined configuration options found in XaSyst file. This should be formatted exa
ctly how the user expects to see their account numbers (including separators). "
LABEL "G/L Account"
FIELD "RatioLine1" OF "GlRptRow": integer DESCRIPTION "The GLRptRow.LineNum that
defines the values that are to be used the numerator in the ratio calculation. This
only pertains to LineType = ""R""." LABEL "Ratio Line 1" COLUMN-LABEL "Seq"
FIELD "RatioLine2" OF "GlRptRow": integer DESCRIPTION "The GLRptRow.LineNum that
defines the values that are to be used the denominator in the ratio calculation.
This only pertains to LineType = ""R"" ." LABEL "Ratio Line 2" COLUMN-LABEL "Seq"
FIELD "OBS900-AccountDivs" OF "GlRptRow": character DESCRIPTION "A ""list"" of
divisions that are part of the Specific Accounts li st. Specific Accounts are
comprised of corresponding elements in AccountDivisio n, AccountDepts,
AccountCharts. This is a ""list"" of the specific Accounts whi ch are to be to
selected for this line. "
FIELD "OBS900-AccountDepts" OF "GlRptRow": character DESCRIPTION "A ""list"" of GL
Departments that are part of the Specific Accoun ts list. (See AccountDivs)"
FIELD "OBS900-AccountCharts" OF "GlRptRow": character DESCRIPTION "A ""list"" of GL
Charts that are part of the Specific Accounts li st. (See AccountDivs)"
FIELD "Category" OF "GlRptRow": character DESCRIPTION "Report Category" LABEL
"Category" COLUMN-LABEL "Category"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GlRptRow": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GlRptRow": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GlRptRow": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "GLRptRowAcct"
AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "GL Report Row Account" DESCRIPTION "Account filters for
the row. This can be a single segment or a s pecific account."
FIELD "Company" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ReportID" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Report ID" LABEL "Report
FIELD "LineNum" OF "GLRptRowAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "Line number" LABEL "Line
Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Seq"
FIELD "SeqNum" OF "GLRptRowAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "Sequence number. This along
with ReportID and LineNum uniquely identifies the record. " LABEL "Sequence Number"
COLUMN-LABEL "Sequence Number"
FIELD "COACode" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID"
FIELD "SegmentNbr" OF "GLRptRowAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "The segment number.
Blank if using a full account." LABEL "Segment Number"
FIELD "FromSegValue1" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "From Segement Value
1." LABEL "From Segment Value 1" COLUMN-LABEL "From Segment Value 1"
FIELD "FromSegValue2" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "From Segement Value
2." LABEL "From Segment Value 2" COLUMN-LABEL "From Segment Value 2"
FIELD "FromSegValue3" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "From Segement Value
3." LABEL "From Segment Value 3" COLUMN-LABEL "From Segment Value 3"
FIELD "FromSegValue4" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "From Segement Value
4." LABEL "From Segment Value 4" COLUMN-LABEL "From Segment Value 4"
FIELD "FromSegValue5" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "From Segement Value
5." LABEL "From Segment Value 5" COLUMN-LABEL "From Segment Value 5"
FIELD "FromSegValue6" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "From Segement Value
6." LABEL "FromSegment Value 6" COLUMN-LABEL "FromSegment Value 6"
FIELD "FromSegValue7" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "From Segement Value
7." LABEL "From Segment Value 7" COLUMN-LABEL "From Segment Value 7"
FIELD "FromSegValue8" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "From Segement Value
8." LABEL "From Segment Value 8" COLUMN-LABEL "From Segment Value 8"
FIELD "FromSegValue9" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "From Segement Value
9." LABEL "From Segment Value 9" COLUMN-LABEL "From Segment Value 9"
FIELD "FromSegValue10" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "From Segement
Value 10." LABEL "From Segment Value 10" COLUMN-LABEL "From Segment Value 10"
FIELD "FromSegValue11" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "From Segement
Value 11." LABEL "From Segment Value 11" COLUMN-LABEL "From Segment Value 11"
FIELD "FromSegValue12" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "From Segement
Value 12." LABEL "From Segment Value 12" COLUMN-LABEL "From Segment Value 12"
FIELD "FromSegValue13" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "From Segement
Value 13." LABEL "From Segment Value 13" COLUMN-LABEL "From Segment Value 13"
FIELD "FromSegValue14" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "From Segement
Value 14." LABEL "From Segment Value 14" COLUMN-LABEL "From Segment Value 14"
FIELD "FromSegValue15" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "From Segement
Value 15." LABEL "From Segment Value 15" COLUMN-LABEL "From Segment Value 15"
FIELD "FromSegValue16" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "From Segement
Value 16." LABEL "From Segment Value 16" COLUMN-LABEL "From Segment Value 16"
FIELD "FromSegValue17" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "From Segement
Value 17." LABEL "From Segment Value 17" COLUMN-LABEL "From Segment Value 17"
FIELD "FromSegValue18" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "From Segement
Value 18." LABEL "From Segment Value 18" COLUMN-LABEL "From Segment Value 18"
FIELD "FromSegValue19" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "From Segement
Value 19." LABEL "From Segment Value 19" COLUMN-LABEL "From Segment Value 19"
FIELD "FromSegValue20" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "From Segement
Value 20." LABEL "From Segment Value 20" COLUMN-LABEL "From Segment Value 20"
FIELD "ToSegValue1" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "To Segement Value 1."
LABEL "To Segment Value 1" COLUMN-LABEL "To Segment Value 1"
FIELD "ToSegValue2" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "To Segement Value 2."
LABEL "To Segment Value 2" COLUMN-LABEL "To Segment Value 2"
FIELD "ToSegValue3" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "To Segement Value 3."
LABEL "To Segment Value 3" COLUMN-LABEL "To Segment Value 3"
FIELD "ToSegValue4" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "To Segement Value 4."
LABEL "To Segment Value 4" COLUMN-LABEL "To Segment Value 4"
FIELD "ToSegValue5" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "To Segement Value 5."
LABEL "To Segment Value 5" COLUMN-LABEL "To Segment Value 5"
FIELD "ToSegValue6" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "To Segement Value 6."
LABEL "To Segment Value 6" COLUMN-LABEL "To Segment Value 6"
FIELD "ToSegValue7" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "To Segement Value 7."
LABEL "To Segment Value 7" COLUMN-LABEL "To Segment Value 7"
FIELD "ToSegValue8" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "To Segement Value 8."
LABEL "To Segment Value 8" COLUMN-LABEL "To Segment Value 8"
FIELD "ToSegValue9" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "To Segement Value 9."
LABEL "To Segment Value 9" COLUMN-LABEL "To Segment Value 9"
FIELD "ToSegValue10" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "To Segement Value
10." LABEL "To Segment Value 10" COLUMN-LABEL "To Segment Value 10"
FIELD "ToSegValue11" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "To Segement Value
11." LABEL "To Segment Value 11" COLUMN-LABEL "To Segment Value 11"
FIELD "ToSegValue12" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "To Segement Value
12." LABEL "To Segment Value 12" COLUMN-LABEL "To Segment Value 12"
FIELD "ToSegValue13" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "To Segement Value
13." LABEL "To Segment Value 13" COLUMN-LABEL "To Segment Value 13"
FIELD "ToSegValue14" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "To Segement Value
14." LABEL "To Segment Value 14" COLUMN-LABEL "To Segment Value 14"
FIELD "ToSegValue15" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "To Segement Value
15." LABEL "To Segment Value 15" COLUMN-LABEL "To Segment Value 15"
FIELD "ToSegValue16" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "To Segement Value
16." LABEL "To Segment Value 16" COLUMN-LABEL "To Segment Value 16"
FIELD "ToSegValue17" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "To Segement Value
17." LABEL "To Segment Value 17" COLUMN-LABEL "To Segment Value 17"
FIELD "ToSegValue18" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "To Segement Value
18." LABEL "To Segment Value 18" COLUMN-LABEL "To Segment Value 18"
FIELD "ToSegValue19" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "To Segement Value
19." LABEL "To Segment Value 19" COLUMN-LABEL "To Segment Value 19"
FIELD "ToSegValue20" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "To Segement Value
20." LABEL "To Segment Value 20" COLUMN-LABEL "To Segment Value 20"
FIELD "FromGLAccount" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Full account
containing the non-dynamic segment values up to 200 characters. Unique identifier
for the GL Account." LABEL "From GL Acct" COLUMN-LABEL "From GL Acct"
FIELD "ToGLAcct" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Full account containing
the non-dynamic segment values up to 200 characters. Unique identifier for the GL
Account." LABEL "To GL Acct" COLUMN-LABEL "To GL Acct"
FIELD "RowAcctType" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record contains a specific account or only a si ngle segment. Values are: S -
single segment A - full account" LABEL "Row Account Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Row Account
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLRptRowAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLRptRowAcct": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "GLSyst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "GL System Constants file"
FIELD "OBS900-RetEarnDept" OF "GLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department component
of the default Retained Earnings G/L accoun t. See RetEarnDiv field description for
related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-RetEarnChart" OF "GLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account
component for the G/L Retained Earnings account . See RetEarnDiv field description
for related info. "
FIELD "ARInterfaced" OF "GLSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the A/R module
is interfaced with General Ledger. W hen interfaced A/R posting routines will
automatically create ""posted"" journal entries in G/L."
FIELD "APInterfaced" OF "GLSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the Accounts
Payable module is interfaced with Gener al Ledger. When interfaced A/P posting
routines will automatically create ""pos ted"" journal entries in G/L."
FIELD "Company" OF "GLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "OBS900-DivPosition" OF "GLSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the position
of the Division component within the G/L a ccount number structure. Must be a 1,2
or 3.

requires that each component be assigned a value before it is considered valid a nd

that these values exist in the GLDiv and GLDept files respectively. The user has an
option to indicate if they have multiple divisions or department s. If they respond
""""No multiples"""" then the system will ask them to enter t he ID & description
for the single division or department. From this entry the
GLDiv and GLDept files will be updated. These values are stored in the XASyst r
ecord. When the user has configured the system as not having multiple Div or D epts
they will not be prompted for entering them into any account number fields during
data entry programs nor will they be shown on any printed report. Howeve r, the
system is using the """"single"""" values stored in XASyst.DivID and XASy st.DeptID
to initialize these fields; this then allows the data validation rules of having
valid GLDiv and GLDept records for a GL account, to pass the database validation
successfully." LABEL "Division Order"
FIELD "OBS900-DivLength" OF "GLSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "User configuration
option that indicates the maximum number of ch aracters for the Division component
of the GL Account number. Must be 1 through 4. Do not allow changes to this field
if any other record but the single divis ion master (XASyst.DivID) exists in GLDiv
file or if any records exist in the G LAcct file. This would indicate that the
system has already been established an d changes should not be permitted. NOTE: THE
FIELD "OBS900-DivAlpha" OF "GLSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "User configuration option
that controls whether or not alphabetic al charcters can be used for the GL
Division field." LABEL "Alpha Div"
FIELD "OBS900-DivMulti" OF "GLSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "User configurable option
that indicates if they have multiple div isions. If ""No"", then user will be
prompted to enter the ID and description for the single division. This ID and
description is used to create an entry in t he GLDiv file. " LABEL "Multi Div"
FIELD "OBS900-DivID" OF "GLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "ID of the single division.
This value is entered by the user when they respond with a ""no"" to the multi
divisions configuration option (Xasyst. DivMulti). The system requires that the
Division component of the GL account be assigned a value and be valid in the GLDiv
file. When the system is configured a s not having multiple divisions the user will
not be prompted to enter a divisio n ID along with the GL account. Instead the
system uses this value (XaSyst.DivID ) for the division ID wherever required. "
LABEL "Single Division ID"
FIELD "OBS900-DeptPosition" OF "GLSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the
position of the Department component within the G/L account number structure. Must
be 1,2 or 3. NOTES ON G/L ACCOUNT NUMBER STRU CTURE: It is made up of three
components: the Division, Department and Chart Number. The user can configure the
position, size, data type of each component. Not ever yone will want to use all
three components. However, the database requires that each component be assigned a
value before it is considered valid and that these values exist in the GLDiv and
GLDept files respectively. The user has an option to indicate if they have multiple
divisions or departments. If they respond ""N o multiples"" then the system will
ask them to enter the ID and description for the single division or department.
From this entry the GLDiv and GLDept files w
ill be updated. These values are stored in the XASyst record. When the user has
configured the system as not having multiple Div or Depts they will not be prom
pted for entering them into any account number fields during data entry programs or
will they be shown on any printed report. However, the system is using the "
"single"" values stored in XASyst.DivID and XASyst.DeptID to initialize these fi
elds; this then allows the data validation rules of having valid GLDiv and GLDep t
records for a GL account, to pass the database validation successfully. " LABEL
"Dept Position"
FIELD "OBS900-DeptLength" OF "GLSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "User configuration
option that indicates the maximum number of ch aracters for the Department
component of the GL Account number. Must be one thr ough four. Do not allow changes
to this field if any record other than the sing le department master
(XASyst.DeptID) exists in GLDept file or if any records exi st in the GLAcct file.
This would indicate that the system has already been es tablished and changes
should not be permitted." LABEL "Dept Length"
FIELD "OBS900-DeptAlpha" OF "GLSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "User configuration
option that controls whether or not alphabetic al characters can be used for the GL
Department field." LABEL "Alpha Dept"
FIELD "OBS900-DeptMulti" OF "GLSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "User configurable option
that indicates if they have multiple dep artments. If ""No"", then user will be
prompted to enter the ID and descriptio n for the single department. This ID and
description is used to create an entry in the GLDept file. " LABEL "Multi Dept"
FIELD "OBS900-DeptID" OF "GLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "ID of the single
department. This value is entered by the user wh en they respond with a ""no"" to
the multi department configuration option (Xasy st.DeptMulti). The system requires
that the Department component of the GL accou nt be assigned a value and be valid
in the GLDept file. When the system is confi gured as not having multiple
departments the user will not be prompted to enter a department ID along with the
GL account. Instead the system uses this value (X aSyst.DeptID) for the department
ID wherever required. " LABEL "Single Department ID"
FIELD "OBS900-ChartPosition" OF "GLSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the
position of the Chart of Account component within the G/L account number structure.
Must be 1,2 or 3. NOTES ON G/L ACCOUNT NUMBER STRUCTURE: It is made up of three
components: the Division, Department and Chart Number. The user can configure the
position, size, data type of each component. Not ever yone will want to use all
three components; however, the database requires that each component be assigned a
value before it is considered valid and that these values exist in the GLDiv and
GLDept files respectively. The user has an option to indicate if they have multiple
divisions or departments. If they respond "" No multiples"" then the system will
ask them to enter the ID & description for t he single division or department. From
this entry the GLDiv and GLDept files wi ll be updated. These values are stored in
the XASyst record. When the user has
configured the system as not having multiple Div or Depts they will not be pro
mpted for entering them into any account number fields during data entry program s
nor will they be shown on any printed report. However, the system is using the
""single"" values stored in XASyst.DivID and XASyst.DeptID to initialize these
fields; this then allows the data validation rules of having valid GLDiv and GLD
ept records for a GL account, to pass the database validation successfully. " LABEL
"Chart Order"
FIELD "OBS900-ChartLength" OF "GLSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "User configuration
option that indicates the maximum number of ch aracters for the Chart component of
the G/L Account number. Must be 3 through 1 0. Do not allow changes to this field
if any records exists in GLChart file. This would indicate that the system has
already been established and changes sho uld not be permitted." LABEL "Chart
FIELD "OBS900-ChartAlphax" OF "GLSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "User configuration
option that controls whether or not alphabetic al characters can be used for the GL
Chart of Accounts field." LABEL "Alpha Chart"
FIELD "OBS900-GLWidgetSize" OF "GLSyst": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field is not
directly maintainable by the user. It is calcu lated by the maintenance program and
stored here for use by screen programs to d ynamically adjust the size of the fill-
in widget for G/L account number entry. I t is calculated as the lengths of the GL
component fields (Divlength, DeptLength , ChartLength) plus one. If the user will
not be entering a specific component ( DivMulti = No or DeptMulti = No) then do not
include its length. " LABEL "G/L Account Size"
FIELD "OBS900-GLFormat" OF "GLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "The actual format
string which is used by the data entry programs for defining the format for the GL
account widget. This is not directly mainta inable by the user. It is updated by
the System Maintenance program. By using the separator field (XASyst.GLSeparator)
and the length, type, position, if mult iples, attributes of the components the
maintenance program creates an appropria te format string to be used by other
programs. "
FIELD "OBS900-GLSeparator" OF "GLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "The character that
is used to visually separate the components of the General Ledger Account Number."
LABEL "GL Separator"
FIELD "OBS900-RetEarnDiv" OF "GLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component of
Retained earning G/L Account. The retained earnings account must be established
before any G/L postings are allowed. The full G/L account number is made up of Div,
Chart and Dept. "
FIELD "PRInterfaced" OF "GLSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the Payroll
module is interfaced with General Ledger . When interfaced, P/R posting routines
will automatically create ""posted"" jo
urnal entries in G/L." LABEL "Payroll"
FIELD "OBS900-NetIncDiv" OF "GLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component of
Net Income G/L Account. This account is us ed in the Financial Statements to report
the Current Year Net Income. The full G/L account number is made up of Div, Dept,
and Chart. "
FIELD "OBS900-NetIncDept" OF "GLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department component
of the Net Income G/L account. See NetIncDiv field description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-NetIncChart" OF "GLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component for
the G/L Net Income account. See NetIncDiv field description for related info. "
FIELD "SalesCategory" OF "GLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Maintained through
Category Maintenance. The sales category may be used in the Financial Statements to
compare Income Statement accounts against . " LABEL "Sales Category"
FIELD "PostInvtyWipCos" OF "GLSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Configuration option
which controls if the user has the option in the periodic Inventory/Wip/Cost of
sales calculation process to post the result s to general ledger. If this is set to
No then the user will not have the optio n to post to G/L." LABEL "Allow posting of
FIELD "GJJournalCode" OF "GLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "The Journal Code of the
Journal that will be used for Journal ent ry transactions. Manual Journal entries.
" LABEL "Journal Entry"
FIELD "ARVoucherInvoices" OF "GLSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user
wants to use Vouchering for A/R Invoices. Only available if the G/L module is
installed. If yes then the system will do the following - Print a Voucher # on the
invoice. - When invoices are printed they will be automatically posted. . The
""Voucher number"" is actually the Journal Number to which the invoice posted. "
LABEL "Voucher Invoices"
FIELD "APVoucherInvoices" OF "GLSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the user
wants to use Vouchering for A/P Invoices. Only available if the G/L module is
installed. If yes then the system will print a Voucher assignment log when A/P
invoices are posted. The ""Voucher number"" is actually the Journal Number to which
the inv oice posted. "
LABEL "Voucher Invoices" COLUMN-LABEL "Voucher Invoices"
FIELD "AllowUnBalancedEntries" OF "GLSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Allow unbalanced
entries to be entered in General Journal Entry w ith a warning." LABEL "Allow
Unbalanced Manual General Journal Entries"
FIELD "AllowManualGJEntries" OF "GLSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Allow manual General
Journal entries to be made for System Accoun ts." LABEL "Allow Manual GJ Entries to
System Accounts"
FIELD "ExtGL" OF "GLSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate that an External
GL interface is being used" LABEL "External GL"
FIELD "OBS900-AnalysisDiv" OF "GLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of beginning analysis G/L Account. This accoun t will be used in validating
Purchase types but can be blank. The full G/L account number is made up of Div,
Chart and Dept. "
FIELD "OBS900-AnalysisDept" OF "GLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the default Analysis G/L account. See AnalysisDiv field description
for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-AnalysisChart" OF "GLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account
component for the G/L Analysis account. See AnalysisDiv field description for
related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-GLDivSegments" OF "GLSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the number
of segments in the Division component of the GL Account" LABEL "Division Segments"
FIELD "OBS900-GLDeptSegments" OF "GLSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the
number of segments in the Department component of t he GL Account" LABEL
"Department Segments"
FIELD "OBS900-GLChartSegments" OF "GLSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the
number of segments in the Chart of accounts compone nt of the GL Account" LABEL
"Chart Segments"
FIELD "GLAgingStyle" OF "GLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Field used by system.
Please don't change field usage" LABEL "GL Aging Style"
FIELD "MasterCOA" OF "GLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the Master COA for
the company"
FIELD "BatchGLBalances" OF "GLSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if GL balances
are maintained real time or in batch. If Yes, the GLJrnDtl write trigger does NOT
update the GLPeriodBal table. If No, the GLJrnDtl write trigger updates the
GLPeriod table. The default value is no."
FIELD "BatchGLDailyBal" OF "GLSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "If BatchGLBalances = yes
the users have the ability to have the d aily balances updated in batch mode. This
option is only available if BatchGLBa lances equals Yes. A Yes in this field
indicates the GLJrnDtl write trigger does not update the GLD ailyBal table. If No,
the GLJrnDtl write trigger updates the GLDailyBalTable. The default value is No."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "MatchUsingCurrentDate" OF "GLSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "This option
determines which date gets stored in the GLJrnDtl.Mat chDate field when GL
transactions are matched.


TABLE NO ACTUAL DATA EXISTS. This table is used to document the temp table that is
used with the G/L Account Tracker program."
FIELD "Company" OF "GLTracker": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "OBS900-Division" OF "GLTracker": character DESCRIPTION "The Division
component of the G/L account."
FIELD "OBS900-GLDept" OF "GLTracker": character DESCRIPTION "The Department
component of the G/L account."
FIELD "OBS900-Chart" OF "GLTracker": character
DESCRIPTION "The Chart of Account ID component of the G/L account. "
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "GLTracker": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year of this
record. LABEL "Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal!Year"


FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "GLTracker": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal period of the

balance record." LABEL "Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal!Period"
FIELD "DebitAmt" OF "GLTracker": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Total Debit amount that
has been posted to the account for a specific fiscal year/period. Created from
GLPerBal.DebitAmt. " LABEL "Debits"
FIELD "CreditAmt" OF "GLTracker": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Total Credit amount that
has been posted to the account for a specific fiscal year/period. Created from
GLPerBal.CreditAmt. Note the negati ve sign has been removed for display purposes.
" LABEL "Credits"
FIELD "CPBudget" OF "GLTracker": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Fiscal period Budget
amount. Created from GLBudget.Budge tAmt. " LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "CYBalance" OF "GLTracker": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Year Account
Balance. A sum of opening balance plus all the period activity for the fiscal year
up to and including the period defined b y this record. "
FIELD "CPBudgetPct" OF "GLTracker": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current period percent of
budget. Calculated as (GLPerBal.DebitA mt + CreditAmt) / GLBudget.BudgetAmt. "
FIELD "CYBudgetPct" OF "GLTracker": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Year Account
Balance percent of budget. Calculated as Cu rYrBalance / CurYrBudget."
FIELD "CYBudget" OF "GLTracker": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Current Year Account
Budget Balance. Holds the total budgete d amount for the fiscal year up to and
including the period defined by this reco rd. This is an accumulation of
GLBudget.BudgetAmt. "
FIELD "PYCPAmt" OF "GLTracker": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Prior fiscal years
transaction activity summary amount for th e specific fiscal period defined by this
record. A sum GLPerBal.DebitAmt + Cred itAmt. "
FIELD "PYBalance" OF "GLTracker": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current Year Account
Balance. A sum of opening balance plus all the period activity for the fiscal year
up to and including the period defined b y this record. "
FIELD "PYCPPct" OF "GLTracker": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Current fiscal period to
prior year fiscal period amount comp arative percentage. Calculated as
(GLPerBal.DebitAmt + CreditAmt) / PYCPAmt. "
FIELD "PYPct" OF "GLTracker": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current years balance to prior
years balance comparative percent. Calculated as CYBalance / PYBalance."
FIELD "BookID" OF "GLTracker": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Book Identifier" LABEL
"Book ID"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "GLTracker": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year
suffix." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "GLTracker": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal calendar
year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "GLTracker": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "GLTracker": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "GLTracker": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "HDCase" AREA "Schema Area"

DESCRIPTION "Help Desk Case"
FIELD "Company" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "HDCaseNum" OF "HDCase": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique help desk case number.
This number is system generated when the help desk case is created." LABEL "Case
Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Case Number"
FIELD "CustNum" OF "HDCase": integer DESCRIPTION "The customer associated with this
case." LABEL "Customer" COLUMN-LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "ShipToNum" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "The customer ship-to
associate with the Help Desk case. This is used with the ShpConNum to reference a
contact in the CustCont table." LABEL "Ship To"
FIELD "ShpConNum" OF "HDCase": integer DESCRIPTION "Customer contact number. This
is used with the ShipToNum to refe rence a contact in the CustCont table." LABEL
"Contact Num" COLUMN-LABEL "Num"
FIELD "ParentCase" OF "HDCase": integer DESCRIPTION "The parent Help Desk case
number of this case." LABEL "Parent Case Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Parent Case Number"
FIELD "Description" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "The description of the case
issue." LABEL "Case Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Case Description"
FIELD "ResolutionText" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "A description if the
resolution for the case." LABEL "Resolution" COLUMN-LABEL "Resolution"
FIELD "PublishedText" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "Publishable text of the
issue and resolution of the case." LABEL "Published Text" COLUMN-LABEL "Published
FIELD "PublishedSummary" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "A summary of the
issue/resolution of the help desk case." LABEL "Published Summary"
COLUMN-LABEL "Published Summary"
FIELD "KBEntry" OF "HDCase": logical DESCRIPTION "If true this is a Knowledge Base
entry." LABEL "Knowledge Base Entry" COLUMN-LABEL "KB Entry"
FIELD "PublishedItem" OF "HDCase": logical DESCRIPTION "If true this item can be
published. If false this item is for in ternal use only." LABEL "Published Item"
COLUMN-LABEL "Published Item"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "The part that is associated
with this Help Desk case. The part i s in the Part table." LABEL "Part" COLUMN-
LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "SerialNumber" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "An serial number
associated with the Help Desk case. The serial number is in the SerialNo table."
LABEL "Serial Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Serial Number"
FIELD "QuoteNum" OF "HDCase": integer DESCRIPTION "The Quote associated with the
Help Desk case. The Quote is in th e QuoteHed table." LABEL "Quote" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "OrderNum" OF "HDCase": integer DESCRIPTION "The order associated with the
Help Desk case. The order is in th e OrderHed table." LABEL "Order"
FIELD "CallNum" OF "HDCase": integer DESCRIPTION "A Field Service call that is
associated with the Help Desk case. The field service call is in the FSCallHd
table. " LABEL "Field Service Call" COLUMN-LABEL "Field Service Call"
FIELD "ContractNum" OF "HDCase": integer DESCRIPTION "A Service Contract associated
with the Help Desk case. The servi ce contract is in the FSContHd table." LABEL
"Contract" COLUMN-LABEL "Contract"
FIELD "WarrantyCode" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "The warranty associated
with the Help Desk case. The warranty is
in the FSWarrCd table." LABEL "Warranty Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Warranty Code"
FIELD "Priority" OF "HDCase": integer DESCRIPTION "The priority of the Help Desk
case" LABEL "Priority" COLUMN-LABEL "Priority"
FIELD "TaskSetID" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the task
set." LABEL "Task Set ID"
FIELD "CurrentWFStageID" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "The identifier of the
workflow stage." LABEL "Stage ID"
FIELD "ActiveTaskID" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "The Currently active
milestone task" LABEL "Active Task"
FIELD "LastTaskID" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "The Last Complete Milestone
task" LABEL "Last Task"
FIELD "CaseOwner" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "The SalesRepCode of the owner
of the Help Desk case. The people are stored in the SalesRep table." LABEL "Owner"
FIELD "WFGroupID" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "The identifier of the
workflow group" LABEL "Workflow Group"
FIELD "WFComplete" OF "HDCase": logical DESCRIPTION "This indicates if the workflow
for this case is complete." LABEL "Workflow Complete"
FIELD "CreatedDate" OF "HDCase": date DESCRIPTION "Date which this Help Desk case
was created. Not maintainable by the user."
FIELD "CreatedBy" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "UserID who created the Help
Desk case. Not maintainable by the u ser." LABEL "Created By"
FIELD "CreatedTime" OF "HDCase": integer
DESCRIPTION "The time (in milliseconds) that the Help Desk case was created." LABEL
"Create Time"
FIELD "LastUpdatedBy" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "UserID who last updated
the Help Desk case. Not maintainable by the user." LABEL "Last Updated By"
FIELD "LastUpdatedDate" OF "HDCase": date DESCRIPTION "Date which this Help Desk
case was last updated. Not maintainabl e by the user." LABEL "Last Updated Date"
FIELD "LastUpdatedTime" OF "HDCase": integer DESCRIPTION "The time (in
milliseconds) that the Help Desk case was last updat ed. Not maintainable by the
user." LABEL "Last Updated Time"
FIELD "TopicID1" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "A unique identifier for the
Help Desk Topic. This is a top level topic (no parents)." LABEL "Topic ID" COLUMN-
LABEL "Topic ID"
FIELD "TopicID2" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "A unique identifier for the
Help Desk Topic. This is a child to TopicID1." LABEL "Topic ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Topic
FIELD "TopicID3" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "A unique identifier for the
Help Desk Topic. This is a child to TopicID2." LABEL "Topic ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Topic
FIELD "TopicID4" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "A unique identifier for the
Help Desk Topic. This is a child to TopicID3." LABEL "Topic ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Topic
FIELD "TopicID5" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "A unique identifier for the
Help Desk Topic. This is a child to TopicID4." LABEL "Topic ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Topic
FIELD "TopicID6" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "A unique identifier for the
Help Desk Topic. This is a child to TopicID5."
FIELD "TopicID7" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "A unique identifier for the
Help Desk Topic. This is a child to TopicID6." LABEL "Topic ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Topic
FIELD "TopicID8" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "A unique identifier for the
Help Desk Topic. This is a child to TopicID7." LABEL "Topic ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Topic
FIELD "TopicID9" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "A unique identifier for the
Help Desk Topic. This is a child to TopicID8." LABEL "Topic ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Topic
FIELD "TopicID10" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "A unique identifier for the
Help Desk Topic. This is a child to TopicID9." LABEL "Topic ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Topic
FIELD "CaseTopics" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "This is the combination of
TopicID1 - TopicID10. This is system maintained and provides a single word-indexed
field for searching." LABEL "Case Topics" COLUMN-LABEL "Case Topics"
FIELD "MktgCampaignID" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "Link to the Marketing
Campaign related to this Help Desk case." LABEL "ID"
FIELD "MktgEvntSeq" OF "HDCase": integer DESCRIPTION "Link to the marketing event
associated with this Help Desk case." LABEL "Event"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number " LABEL
FIELD "PartDescription" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "Describes the Part."
LABEL "Description"
FIELD "Quantity" OF "HDCase": decimal DESCRIPTION "A general quantity field." LABEL
FIELD "OrderLine" OF "HDCase": integer DESCRIPTION "Order line number." LABEL
"Order Line"
FIELD "OrderRelNum" OF "HDCase": integer DESCRIPTION "The order release number."
LABEL "Release"
FIELD "QuoteLine" OF "HDCase": integer DESCRIPTION "The quote line number" LABEL
"Quote Line"
FIELD "CallLine" OF "HDCase": integer DESCRIPTION "Field service call line number "
LABEL "Call Line"
FIELD "RMALine" OF "HDCase": integer DESCRIPTION "The RMA line number." LABEL "RMA
FIELD "InvoiceNum" OF "HDCase": integer DESCRIPTION "Foreign key to the InvcHead."
LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "InvoiceLine" OF "HDCase": integer DESCRIPTION "The invoice line. " LABEL
"Invoice Line"
FIELD "RMANum" OF "HDCase": integer DESCRIPTION "The RMA Number." LABEL "RMA"
FIELD "PrcConNum" OF "HDCase": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains the key value for the
Purchasing Contact. This can be b lank or it must be valid in the CUSTCNT table.
Use the CUSTOMER.PRIMPCON as the default. " LABEL "Purchasing Contact Num" COLUMN-
FIELD "ProjectID" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code assigned by
the user to uniquely identify the Jo bs, Orders, POs, and Tasks in a Project.
Cannot be blank. "
LABEL "Project ID"
FIELD "CustomerName" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "Customer Name" LABEL
"Customer Name"
FIELD "PackNum" OF "HDCase": integer DESCRIPTION "Packing slip number that this
Service call is linked with." LABEL "Packing Slip"
FIELD "PackLine" OF "HDCase": integer DESCRIPTION "The packing slip line that holds
the warranty information for thi s service call" LABEL "Line"
FIELD "ChangedBy" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "Userid of user who made the
last change to this record." LABEL "Changed By"
FIELD "ChangeDate" OF "HDCase": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the record was last
changed" LABEL "Change Date"
FIELD "ChangeTime" OF "HDCase": integer DESCRIPTION "The time that the record was
last change (seconds since midnight) "
FIELD "CompletedBy" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "Case Completed By" LABEL
"Completed By"
FIELD "CompletionDate" OF "HDCase": date DESCRIPTION "Case Completion Date" LABEL
"Completion Date"
FIELD "CompletionTime" OF "HDCase": integer DESCRIPTION "Case Completion Time"
LABEL "Completion Time"
FIELD "QuantityUOM" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "Unit of Measure which
qualifies the HDCase.Quantity. Mandatory. Must be a valid UOM." LABEL "UOM"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "HDCase": integer
DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."

FIELD "BitFlag" OF "HDCase": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.

exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ShipToCustNum" OF "HDCase": integer DESCRIPTION "Ship To Customer Number.
This along with ShipToNum provides the f oreign key field to a given ShipTo.
Normally this has the same value as the Cust Num field. However, if the customer
allows 3rd party shipto (Customer.AllowShipT o3) then this could be a different
FIELD "DropShipPackSlip" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "The drop shipment
packing slip number that this Service call is l inked with" LABEL "Packing Slip"
FIELD "DropShipPackLine" OF "HDCase": integer DESCRIPTION "The drop shipment
packing slip line that holds the warranty infor mation for this service call" LABEL
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "HDCase": integer DESCRIPTION "Supplier number of the drop
shipment and part of the primary key of a drop shipment line." LABEL "Supplier
FIELD "PurPoint" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "The supplier purchase point id
of the drop shipment and part of t he primary key of a drop shipment line." LABEL
"Purchase Point"
FIELD "EquipID" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "Related Equip.EquipID." LABEL
"Equipment ID"
FIELD "EmpID" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the primary
Employee contact." LABEL "ID"
FIELD "BuyerID" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the
primary Buyer contact." LABEL "Buyer ID"
FIELD "PurPointCon" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the
Primary Vendor PP contact." LABEL "Purchase Point"
FIELD "VendorNumCon" OF "HDCase": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the
Primary Vendor contact." LABEL "Supplier"
FIELD "VenConNum" OF "HDCase": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the
Primary Vendor contact num." LABEL "Primary Supplier Contact"
FIELD "PurPointConNum" OF "HDCase": integer DESCRIPTION "Contact number. Unique
identifier for the Primary Purchase Point contact record." LABEL "Contact Num"
FIELD "UnitPrice" OF "HDCase": decimal DESCRIPTION "Unit price for the PartNum."
LABEL "Unit Price"
FIELD "DocUnitPrice" OF "HDCase": decimal DESCRIPTION "Same as UnitPrice except
that this field contains the unit price in the case currency." LABEL "Doc. Unit
FIELD "Rpt1UnitPrice" OF "HDCase": decimal DESCRIPTION "Unit Price in Report
currency 1."
FIELD "Rpt2UnitPrice" OF "HDCase": decimal DESCRIPTION "Unit Price in Report
currency 2."
FIELD "Rpt3UnitPrice" OF "HDCase": decimal DESCRIPTION "Unit Price in Report
currency 3."
FIELD "ExtPrice" OF "HDCase": decimal DESCRIPTION "Extended price. Calculated as
Quantity * UnitPrice."
FIELD "DocExtPrice" OF "HDCase": decimal DESCRIPTION "Same as ExtPrice except that
this field contains the extended pri ce in the case currency."
FIELD "Rp1ExtPrice" OF "HDCase": decimal DESCRIPTION "Extended Price in Report
currency 1."
FIELD "Rp2ExtPrice" OF "HDCase": decimal DESCRIPTION "Extended Price in Report
currency 2."
FIELD "Rp3ExtPrice" OF "HDCase": decimal DESCRIPTION "Extended Price in Report
currency 3."
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "Currency Code" LABEL
"Currency Code"
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "Rate Type Code" LABEL "Rate
Type Code"
FIELD "LockRate" OF "HDCase": logical DESCRIPTION "Used with the currency module.
When TRUE the currency rate can b e changed by the user and cannot be changed by
the system." LABEL "Lock Rate"
FIELD "ExchangeRate" OF "HDCase": decimal DESCRIPTION "Exchange rate that will be
used for this role code entry." LABEL "Exchange Rate"
FIELD "CaseTypeID" OF "HDCase": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the
case type." LABEL "Case Type"
INDEX "HDCaseNum" ON "HDCase" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The primary unique
index of HDCase"
INDEX "CaseTopics" ON "HDCase" AREA "Schema Area" WORD DESCRIPTION "A word index on
the topics associated with the case."

TABLE "HDCaseLink" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Help Desk Case Link" DESCRIPTION
"Links to related records."
FIELD "Company" OF "HDCaseLink": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "HDCaseNum" OF "HDCaseLink": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique help desk case
number. This number is system generated when the help desk case is created." LABEL
"Case Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Case Number"
FIELD "ExternalLink" OF "HDCaseLink": logical DESCRIPTION "If true this is an
external link that was manually entered. Inte rnal links will refer to other
database records." LABEL "External Link"
COLUMN-LABEL "External Link"
FIELD "RelatedToFile" OF "HDCaseLink": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the master
file to which the link is related. If an e xternal link this will be blank." LABEL
"Related To File" COLUMN-LABEL "Related To File"
FIELD "Key1" OF "HDCaseLink": character DESCRIPTION "Major component of the foreign
key of the related master record. " LABEL "Key 1" COLUMN-LABEL "Key 1"
FIELD "Key2" OF "HDCaseLink": character DESCRIPTION "2nd component of the foreign
key to the related master record." LABEL "Key 2" COLUMN-LABEL "Key 2"
FIELD "Key3" OF "HDCaseLink": character DESCRIPTION "3rd component of the foreign
key to the related master record." LABEL "Key 3" COLUMN-LABEL "Key 3"
FIELD "Key4" OF "HDCaseLink": character DESCRIPTION "4th component of the foreign
key to the related master record." LABEL "Key 4" COLUMN-LABEL "Key 4"
FIELD "Key5" OF "HDCaseLink": character DESCRIPTION "5th component of the foreign
key to the related master record." LABEL "Key 5" COLUMN-LABEL "Key 5"
FIELD "Description" OF "HDCaseLink": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the link
contents." LABEL "Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "ChangedBy" OF "HDCaseLink": character DESCRIPTION "Userid of user who made
the last change to this record." LABEL "Changed By"
FIELD "ChangeDate" OF "HDCaseLink": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the record was
last changed" LABEL "Change Date"
FIELD "ChangeTime" OF "HDCaseLink": integer DESCRIPTION "The time that the record
was last change (seconds since midnight) "
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "HDCaseLink": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "HDCaseLink": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "HDCaseLink": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "LinkKeysCase" ON "HDCaseLink" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index by link
keys, then case number"

TABLE "HDCaseType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Holds the help desk case types."

FIELD "Company" OF "HDCaseType": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."

FIELD "CaseTypeID" OF "HDCaseType": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the
case type." LABEL "Case Type"
FIELD "Description" OF "HDCaseType": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the case
type." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "RelatedTo" OF "HDCaseType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates to what type of
case is related to. Valid values are CR M, ECO, CASE." LABEL "Related To"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "HDCaseType": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "HDCaseType": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "HDCaseType": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "DefWFGroupID" OF "HDCaseType": character DESCRIPTION "Case type default
Workflow Group. Used to assign to lead/opportun ity/quote depending on the case
type." LABEL "Workflow Group"
INDEX "PrimIdx" ON "HDCaseType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary index"
INDEX "RelatedToIdx" ON "HDCaseType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "RelatedTo

TABLE "HDContact" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "A subtable of HDCase and will
show all the primary contact of HDC ase plus any number of additional one."
FIELD "Company" OF "HDContact": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "HDCaseNum" OF "HDContact": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique help desk case
number." LABEL "Case Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Case Number"
FIELD "PerConLnkRowID" OF "HDContact": character DESCRIPTION "The SysRowId of the
linked PerConLnk."
FIELD "Primary" OF "HDContact": logical DESCRIPTION "Primary contact for each
Context type. Only one allowed per conte xt type. The primary contact for each
context type is shown on the detail sheet ."
FIELD "Comment" OF "HDContact": character DESCRIPTION "User entered comments."
LABEL "Comment"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "HDContact": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "HDContact": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "HDContact": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record."
LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "PrimIdx" ON "HDContact" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary Index"

TABLE "HDTopic" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Help Desk Topic"

FIELD "Company" OF "HDTopic": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "TopicID" OF "HDTopic": character DESCRIPTION "A unique identifier for the
Help Desk Topic." LABEL "Topic ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Topic ID"
FIELD "Description" OF "HDTopic": character DESCRIPTION "Full description of the
Help Desk topic." LABEL "Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "TopLevelTopic" OF "HDTopic": logical DESCRIPTION "If true, this is a topic
level topic and can serve as a starting topic in a Help Desk case." LABEL "Top
Level Topic"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "HDTopic": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "HDTopic": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "HDTopic": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "MaintIssue" OF "HDTopic": logical DESCRIPTION "If topic is available as a
Maintenance Issue." LABEL "Maint. Issue"
FIELD "CaseTopic" OF "HDTopic": logical DESCRIPTION "If this Topic is available in
Case Entry" COLUMN-LABEL "Case Topic"
FIELD "MaintRes" OF "HDTopic": logical DESCRIPTION "If Topic is available as a
Maintenance Resolution Topic"
FIELD "GlobalHDTopic" OF "HDTopic": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this HDTopic as
global, available to be sent out to other c ompanies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "HDTopic": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."

TABLE "HDTopicParent" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The parent topic for a Help
Desk topic"
FIELD "Company" OF "HDTopicParent": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "TopicID" OF "HDTopicParent": character DESCRIPTION "A unique identifier for
the Help Desk Topic." LABEL "Topic ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Topic ID"
FIELD "ParentTopicID" OF "HDTopicParent": character DESCRIPTION "The TopicID of the
parent topic." LABEL "Parent Topic ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Parent Topic ID"
FIELD "ParentSeqNum" OF "HDTopicParent": integer DESCRIPTION "Determines the child
topic's sequence within the parent topic. Any child topics with a duplicate
sequence are allowed." LABEL "Sequence" COLUMN-LABEL "Seq"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "HDTopicParent": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "HDTopicParent": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "HDTopicParent": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalHDTopicParent" OF "HDTopicParent": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this
HDTopicParent as global, available to be sent out to o ther companies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "HDTopicParent": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record
from receiving global updates."

TABLE "HXFieldServiceCalls" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Historical table for

FIELD "Revision" OF "HXFieldServiceCalls": integer DESCRIPTION "Project revision
number." LABEL "Revision" COLUMN-LABEL "Revision"

TABLE "HXFieldServiceContracts" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Historical table

for FieldServiceContracts."
FIELD "Revision" OF "HXFieldServiceContracts": integer DESCRIPTION "Project
revision number." LABEL "Revision" COLUMN-LABEL "Revision"

TABLE "HXPBdnSets" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Historical table for PBdnSets."
FIELD "Revision" OF "HXPBdnSets": integer DESCRIPTION "Project revision number."
LABEL "Revision" COLUMN-LABEL "Revision"

TABLE "HXPBEmpCeiling" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Historical table for

FIELD "Revision" OF "HXPBEmpCeiling": integer DESCRIPTION "Project revision
number." LABEL "Revision" COLUMN-LABEL "Revision"

TABLE "HXPBillSch" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Historical table for PBillSch."
FIELD "Revision" OF "HXPBillSch": integer DESCRIPTION "Project revision number."
LABEL "Revision" COLUMN-LABEL "Revision"
TABLE "HXPBRoleRt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Historical table for PBRoleRt."
FIELD "Revision" OF "HXPBRoleRt": integer DESCRIPTION "Project revision number."
LABEL "Revision" COLUMN-LABEL "Revision"

TABLE "HXPBSchWrk" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Historical table for PBSchWrk."
FIELD "Revision" OF "HXPBSchWrk": integer DESCRIPTION "Project revision number."
LABEL "Revision" COLUMN-LABEL "Revision"

TABLE "HXPBSupCeiling" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Historical table for

FIELD "Revision" OF "HXPBSupCeiling": integer DESCRIPTION "Project revision
number." LABEL "Revision" COLUMN-LABEL "Revision"

TABLE "HXPBWrkMeasuredDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Historical table for

FIELD "Revision" OF "HXPBWrkMeasuredDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Project revision
number." LABEL "Revision" COLUMN-LABEL "Revision"

TABLE "HXPBWrkMeasuredHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Historical table for

FIELD "Revision" OF "HXPBWrkMeasuredHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Project revision
number." LABEL "Revision" COLUMN-LABEL "Revision"

TABLE "HXPConVar" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Historical table for PConVar."
FIELD "Revision" OF "HXPConVar": integer DESCRIPTION "Project revision number."
LABEL "Revision" COLUMN-LABEL "Revision"

TABLE "HXPPhaseOper" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Historical table for

FIELD "Revision" OF "HXPPhaseOper": integer DESCRIPTION "Project revision number."
LABEL "Revision" COLUMN-LABEL "Revision"

TABLE "HXProject" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Historical table for Project."

TABLE "HXProjectCriteria" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Historical table for

FIELD "Revision" OF "HXProjectCriteria": integer DESCRIPTION "Project revision
number." LABEL "Revision" COLUMN-LABEL "Revision"

TABLE "HXProjectCst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Historical table for

FIELD "Revision" OF "HXProjectCst": integer DESCRIPTION "Project revision number."
LABEL "Revision" COLUMN-LABEL "Revision"

TABLE "HXProjectJob" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Historical table for

FIELD "Revision" OF "HXProjectJob": integer DESCRIPTION "Project revision number."
LABEL "Revision" COLUMN-LABEL "Revision"

TABLE "HXProjectMilestone" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Historical table for

FIELD "Revision" OF "HXProjectMilestone": integer DESCRIPTION "Project revision
number." LABEL "Revision" COLUMN-LABEL "Revision"

TABLE "HXProjectOrderLine" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Historical table for

FIELD "Revision" OF "HXProjectOrderLine": integer DESCRIPTION "Project revision
number." LABEL "Revision" COLUMN-LABEL "Revision"

TABLE "HXProjectPO" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Historical table for

FIELD "Revision" OF "HXProjectPO": integer DESCRIPTION "Project revision number."
LABEL "Revision" COLUMN-LABEL "Revision"

TABLE "HXProjectQuot" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Historical table for

FIELD "Revision" OF "HXProjectQuot": integer DESCRIPTION "Project revision number."
LABEL "Revision" COLUMN-LABEL "Revision"

TABLE "HXProjectTask" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Historical table for

FIELD "Revision" OF "HXProjectTask": integer DESCRIPTION "Project revision number."
LABEL "Revision" COLUMN-LABEL "Revision"

TABLE "HXProjPhase" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Historical table for

FIELD "Revision" OF "HXProjPhase": integer DESCRIPTION "Project revision number."
LABEL "Revision" COLUMN-LABEL "Revision"
TABLE "ICCode" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Industrial Class catalog. Holds the
list of available codes corre sponding to SIC, ISIC, NAICS, NACE or any other
standard used by the company."
FIELD "Company" OF "ICCode": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ICCode" OF "ICCode": character DESCRIPTION "Represents the
SIC/ISIC/NAICS/NACE code for the current industry class." LABEL "Industry Class
FIELD "Description" OF "ICCode": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive name for the
Industry Class." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ICCode": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ICCode": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ICCode": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "BitFlag" COLUMN-LABEL "BitFlag"
FIELD "ICTypeID" OF "ICCode": character DESCRIPTION "Foreign key to ICType table. A
short name, acronym or identifier for the Industry Class Type." LABEL "Type"
INDEX "ICCodeIdx" ON "ICCode" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary field index."

INDEX "Description" ON "ICCode" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Description index,"

INDEX "SysIndex" ON "ICCode" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "SysRowID Index"

TABLE "ICommCode"
AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intrastat Commodity Code"
FIELD "Company" OF "ICommCode": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CommodityCode" OF "ICommCode": character DESCRIPTION "Harmonized System (HS)
goods classification code." LABEL "HS Commodity Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Commodity"
FIELD "Description" OF "ICommCode": character DESCRIPTION "Full description of the
Commodity Code." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "RequiresWeight" OF "ICommCode": logical DESCRIPTION "For most Intrastat
commodity codes, the weight does not need to b e reported. A TRUE value for this
field, indicates that the weight is needed for Intrastat reporting. Posting of
invoices may be blocked (ISSyst.BlockWeight) if there exists a line with a required
weight equal to zero." LABEL "Weight Required" COLUMN-LABEL "Weight?"
FIELD "RequiresUM" OF "ICommCode": logical DESCRIPTION "For most Intrastat
commodity codes, the UM (or ""Supplementary Un it"") does not need to be reported.
A TRUE value for this field, indicates that a secondary quantity is needed for
Intrastat reporting." LABEL "Supp. Units Required" COLUMN-LABEL "UM?"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ICommCode": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ICommCode": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "IntCommCode" OF "ICommCode": character DESCRIPTION "Intrastat goods
classification code following the Intrastat Class ification Nomenclature (ICN)."
LABEL "Commodity Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Commodity"
FIELD "StatImportCode" OF "ICommCode": character DESCRIPTION "Optional field to
store the Statistical Import Code. For reporti ng purposes only." LABEL
"Statistical Import Code"
FIELD "StatExportCode" OF "ICommCode": character DESCRIPTION "Optional field to
store the Statistical Export Code. For reporti
ng purposes only." LABEL "Statistical Export Code"
FIELD "ImportCode" OF "ICommCode": character DESCRIPTION "Optional field to store
the Import Code. For reporting purposes only." LABEL "Import Code"
FIELD "ExportCode" OF "ICommCode": character DESCRIPTION "Optional field to store
the Export Code. For reporting purposes only." LABEL "Export Code"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ICommCode": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalICommCode" OF "ICommCode": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this ICommCode
as global, available to be sent out to other companies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "ICommCode": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."

TABLE "ICType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Catalog for the types of Industry
Class Codes available, like SIC , NAICS, NACE, ISIC, etc."
FIELD "Company" OF "ICType": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ICTypeID" OF "ICType": character DESCRIPTION "A short name, acronym or
identifier for the Industry Class Type." LABEL "Type"
FIELD "Description" OF "ICType": character DESCRIPTION "Full name or description
for the Industry Class Type." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ICType": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ICType": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ICType": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "ICTypeIdx" ON "ICType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary field index."

INDEX "Decription" ON "ICType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Description Index"

INDEX "SysIndex" ON "ICType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "SysRowID index."

TABLE "IMABCCode" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for ABCCode."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMABCCode": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMABCCode": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMABCCode": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMABCCode": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMABCCode": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMABTAmount" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMABTAmount": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMABTAmount": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMABTAmount": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMABTAmount": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMABTAmount": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMABTDocLine" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMABTDocLine": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMABTDocLine": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMABTDocLine": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMABTDocLine": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMABTDocLine": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMABTHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for ABTHead."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMABTHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMABTHead": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMABTHead": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMABTHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMABTHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMABTHist" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for ABTHist."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMABTHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMABTHist": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMABTHist": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMABTHist": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMABTHist": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMABTPostCode" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMABTPostCode": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMABTPostCode": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMABTPostCode": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMABTPostCode": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMABTPostCode": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMABTPostEntity" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMABTPostEntity": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMABTPostEntity": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMABTPostEntity": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMABTPostEntity": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMABTPostEntity": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMABTQParam" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMABTQParam": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMABTQParam": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMABTQParam": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMABTQParam": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMABTQParam": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMABTQuery" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMABTQuery": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMABTQuery": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMABTQuery": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMABTQuery": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMABTQuery": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMABTWork" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for ABTWork."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMABTWork": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMABTWork": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMABTWork": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMABTWork": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMABTWork": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMACTBook" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for ACTBook."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMACTBook": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMACTBook": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMACTBook": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMACTBook": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMACTBook": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMACTRevision" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMACTRevision": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMACTRevision": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMACTRevision": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMACTRevision": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMACTRevision": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMACTType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for ACTType."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMACTType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMACTType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMACTType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMACTType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMACTType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMAgingRptFmt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAgingRptFmt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAgingRptFmt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAgingRptFmt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAgingRptFmt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAgingRptFmt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAlcAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for AlcAcct."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAlcAcct": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAlcAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAlcAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAlcAcct": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAlcAcct": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAlcAcctCat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAlcAcctCat": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAlcAcctCat": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAlcAcctCat": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAlcAcctCat": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAlcAcctCat": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMAlcBatch" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAlcBatch": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAlcBatch": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAlcBatch": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAlcBatch": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAlcBatch": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAlcBatchAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAlcBatchAcct": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAlcBatchAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAlcBatchAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAlcBatchAcct": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAlcBatchAcct": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAlcBatchCat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAlcBatchCat": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAlcBatchCat": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAlcBatchCat": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAlcBatchCat": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAlcBatchCat": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMAlcBatchCD" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAlcBatchCD": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAlcBatchCD": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAlcBatchCD": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAlcBatchCD": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAlcBatchCD": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAlcBatchSched" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAlcBatchSched": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAlcBatchSched": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAlcBatchSched": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAlcBatchSched": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAlcBatchSched": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAlcBRange" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAlcBRange": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAlcBRange": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAlcBRange": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAlcBRange": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAlcBRange": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMAlcCycles" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAlcCycles": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAlcCycles": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAlcCycles": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAlcCycles": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAlcCycles": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAlcHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for AlcHed."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAlcHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAlcHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAlcHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAlcHist" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for AlcHist."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAlcHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAlcHist": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAlcHist": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAlcHist": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAlcHist": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMAlcHistAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAlcHistAcct": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAlcHistAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAlcHistAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAlcHistAcct": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAlcHistAcct": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAlcHistActCat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAlcHistActCat": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAlcHistActCat": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAlcHistActCat": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAlcHistActCat": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAlcHistActCat": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAlcHistBAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAlcHistBAcct": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAlcHistBAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAlcHistBAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAlcHistBAcct": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAlcHistBAcct": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMAlcHistBatch" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAlcHistBatch": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAlcHistBatch": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAlcHistBatch": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAlcHistBatch": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAlcHistBatch": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAlcHistBCat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAlcHistBCat": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAlcHistBCat": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAlcHistBCat": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAlcHistBCat": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAlcHistBCat": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAlcHistBRange" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAlcHistBRange": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAlcHistBRange": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAlcHistBRange": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAlcHistBRange": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAlcHistBRange": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMAlcHistCycAccts" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAlcHistCycAccts": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAlcHistCycAccts": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAlcHistCycAccts": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAlcHistCycAccts": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAlcHistCycAccts": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAlcHistCycles" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAlcHistCycles": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAlcHistCycles": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAlcHistCycles": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAlcHistCycles": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAlcHistCycles": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAlcHistDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAlcHistDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAlcHistDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAlcHistDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAlcHistDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMAlcHistJrnCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAlcHistJrnCd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAlcHistJrnCd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAlcHistJrnCd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAlcHistJrnCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAlcHistJrnCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAlcHistNFSrc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAlcHistNFSrc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAlcHistNFSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAlcHistNFSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAlcHistNFSrc": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAlcHistNFSrc": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAlcHistParams" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAlcHistParams": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAlcHistParams": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAlcHistParams": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAlcHistParams": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAlcHistParams": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMAlcHistParamsBAQ" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAlcHistParamsBAQ": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAlcHistParamsBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAlcHistParamsBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAlcHistParamsBAQ": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAlcHistParamsBAQ": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAlcHistRange" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAlcHistRange": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAlcHistRange": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAlcHistRange": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAlcHistRange": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAlcHistRange": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAlcHistResParams" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAlcHistResParams": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAlcHistResParams": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAlcHistResParams": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAlcHistResParams": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAlcHistResParams": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMAlcJrnCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAlcJrnCd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAlcJrnCd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAlcJrnCd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAlcJrnCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAlcJrnCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAlcNFSrc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAlcNFSrc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAlcNFSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAlcNFSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAlcNFSrc": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAlcNFSrc": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAlcParams" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAlcParams": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAlcParams": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAlcParams": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAlcParams": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAlcParams": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMAlcParamsBAQ" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAlcParamsBAQ": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAlcParamsBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAlcParamsBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAlcParamsBAQ": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAlcParamsBAQ": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAlcRange" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAlcRange": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAlcRange": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAlcRange": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAlcRange": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAlcRange": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAlcTarget" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAlcTarget": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAlcTarget": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAlcTarget": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAlcTarget": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAlcTarget": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMAlertGroup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAlertGroup": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAlertGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAlertGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAlertGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAlertGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAlertLog" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAlertLog": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAlertLog": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAlertLog": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAlertLog": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAlertLog": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAlertQue" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "A queue of email alerts"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAlertQue": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAlertQue": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAlertQue": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAlertQue": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAlertQue": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMAltCenter" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAltCenter": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAltCenter": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAltCenter": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAltCenter": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAltCenter": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAnalysisCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAnalysisCd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAnalysisCd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAnalysisCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAnalysisCd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAnalysisCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAnnotation" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAnnotation": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAnnotation": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAnnotation": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAnnotation": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAnnotation": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMAPAlcDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAPAlcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAPAlcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAPAlcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAPAlcDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAPAlcDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAPAlcHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAPAlcHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAPAlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAPAlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAPAlcHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAPAlcHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAPChkGrp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAPChkGrp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAPChkGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAPChkGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAPChkGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAPChkGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMAPElecPy" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAPElecPy": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAPElecPy": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAPElecPy": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAPElecPy": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAPElecPy": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAPInvDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAPInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAPInvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAPInvDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAPInvDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAPInvDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAPInvExp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAPInvExp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAPInvExp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAPInvExp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAPInvExp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAPInvExp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMAPInvGrp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAPInvGrp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAPInvGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAPInvGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAPInvGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAPInvGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAPInvHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAPInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAPInvHed": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAPInvHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAPInvHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAPInvHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAPInvJob" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAPInvJob": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAPInvJob": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAPInvJob": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAPInvJob": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAPInvJob": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMAPInvMsc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAPInvMsc": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAPInvMsc": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAPInvMsc": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAPInvMsc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAPInvMsc": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAPInvPB" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for APInvPB."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAPInvPB": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAPInvPB": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAPInvPB": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAPInvPB": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAPInvPB": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAPInvSel" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAPInvSel": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAPInvSel": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAPInvSel": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAPInvSel": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAPInvSel": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMAPInvTax" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAPInvTax": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAPInvTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAPInvTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAPInvTax": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"

TABLE "IMAPIRMtch" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAPIRMtch": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAPIRMtch": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAPIRMtch": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAPIRMtch": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAPIRMtch": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAPLOC" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for APLOC."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAPLOC": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAPLOC": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAPLOC": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAPLOC": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAPLOC": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMAPPNDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for APPNDtl."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAPPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAPPNDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAPPNDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAPPNDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAPPNDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAPPNHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAPPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAPPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAPPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAPPNHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAPPNHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAPPNMove" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAPPNMove": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAPPNMove": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAPPNMove": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAPPNMove": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAPPNMove": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMAprvMfg" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for AprvMfg."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAprvMfg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAprvMfg": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAprvMfg": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAprvMfg": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAprvMfg": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAprvVend" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAprvVend": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAprvVend": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAprvVend": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAprvVend": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAprvVend": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAPSyst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for APSyst."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAPSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAPSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAPSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAPSyst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAPSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
INDEX "Company" ON "IMAPSyst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies
an APSyst record for a specific company"

TABLE "IMAPTran" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for APTran."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAPTran": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAPTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAPTran": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAPTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAPTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
INDEX "ChkRelationCompInOut" ON "IMAPTran" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index
that uniquely identifies the APTran records in the database . "

TABLE "IMARLOC" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for ARLOC."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMARLOC": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMARLOC": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMARLOC": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMARLOC": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMARLOC": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMARPNDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for ARPNDtl."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMARPNDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMARPNDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMARPNDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMARPNDtl": logical
DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate
Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMARPNDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate

record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMARPNHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMARPNHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMARPNHead": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMARPNHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMARPNHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMARPNMove" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMARPNMove": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMARPNMove": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMARPNMove": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMARPNMove": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMARPNMove": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMARSyst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for ARSyst."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMARSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMARSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMARSyst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm
ediate table record. A concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMARSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAttrBin" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for AttrBin."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAttrBin": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAttrBin": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAttrBin": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAttrBin": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAttrBin": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAttribut" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAttribut": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAttribut": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAttribut": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAttribut": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAttribut": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAttrWhseGroup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAttrWhseGroup": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAttrWhseGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAttrWhseGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAttrWhseGroup": logical
DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate
Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAttrWhseGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate

record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMAutoRpt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for AutoRpt."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMAutoRpt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMAutoRpt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMAutoRpt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMAutoRpt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMAutoRpt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBackLog" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for BackLog."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBackLog": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBackLog": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBackLog": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBackLog": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBackLog": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBAMRule" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for BAMRule."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBAMRule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBAMRule": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBAMRule": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBAMRule": logical
DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate
Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBAMRule": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate

record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBankAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBankAcct": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBankAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBankAcct": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBankAcct": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBankBal" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for BankBal."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBankBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBankBal": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBankBal": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBankBal": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBankBal": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBankBrnch" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBankBrnch": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBankBrnch": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBankBrnch": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBankBrnch": logical
DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate
Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBankBrnch": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate

record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBankFee" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for BankFee."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBankFee": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBankFee": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBankFee": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBankFee": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBankFee": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBankGrp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for BankGrp."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBankGrp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBankGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBankGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBankGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBankGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBankPayMethod" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBankPayMethod": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBankPayMethod": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBankPayMethod": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBankPayMethod": logical
DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate
Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBankPayMethod": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate

record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBankTran" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBankTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBankTran": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBankTran": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBankTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBankTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBAQReport" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBAQReport": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBAQReport": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBAQReport": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBAQReport": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBAQReport": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBAQRptFilter" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBAQRptFilter": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBAQRptFilter": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBAQRptFilter": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBAQRptFilter": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm
ediate table record. A concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBAQRptFilter": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBAQRptOptionFld" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBAQRptOptionFld": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBAQRptOptionFld": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBAQRptOptionFld": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBAQRptOptionFld": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBAQRptOptionFld": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBAQRptSort" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBAQRptSort": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBAQRptSort": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBAQRptSort": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBAQRptSort": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBAQRptSort": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBAQRptSortFld" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBAQRptSortFld": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBAQRptSortFld": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBAQRptSortFld": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBAQRptSortFld": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm
ediate table record. A concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBAQRptSortFld": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBdnCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for BdnCd."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBdnCd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBdnCd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBdnCd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBdnCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBdnCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBdnCdHist" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBdnCdHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBdnCdHist": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBdnCdHist": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBdnCdHist": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBdnCdHist": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBdnCdRole" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBdnCdRole": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBdnCdRole": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBdnCdRole": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBdnCdRole": logical
DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate
Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBdnCdRole": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate

record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBdnSet" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for BdnSet."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBdnSet": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBdnSet": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBdnSet": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBdnSet": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBdnSet": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBinSize" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for BinSize."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBinSize": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBinSize": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBinSize": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBinSize": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBinSize": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBMSyst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for BMSyst."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBMSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBMSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBMSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBMSyst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm
ediate table record. A concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBMSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBOLDetail" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBOLDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBOLDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBOLDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBOLDetail": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBOLDetail": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBOLHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for BOLHead."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBOLHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBOLHead": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBOLHead": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBOLHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBOLHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBOMRpt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for BOMRpt."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBOMRpt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBOMRpt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBOMRpt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBOMRpt": logical
DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate
Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBOMRpt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record

ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBookDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for BookDtl."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBookDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBookDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBookDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBookDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBookDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBookingRule" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBookingRule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBookingRule": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBookingRule": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBookingRule": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBookingRule": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBookOrd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for BookOrd."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBookOrd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBookOrd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBookOrd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBookOrd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm
ediate table record. A concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBookOrd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBookRel" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for BookRel."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBookRel": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBookRel": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBookRel": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBookRel": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBookRel": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBookVar" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for BookVar."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBookVar": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBookVar": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBookVar": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBookVar": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBookVar": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBorderPct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBorderPct": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBorderPct": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBorderPct": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBorderPct": logical
DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate
Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBorderPct": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate

record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBpAction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBpAction": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBpAction": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBpAction": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBpAction": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBpAction": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBpActionData" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBpActionData": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBpActionData": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBpActionData": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBpActionData": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBpActionData": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBpActionGroup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBpActionGroup": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBpActionGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBpActionGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBpActionGroup": logical
DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate
Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBpActionGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate

record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBpActionQueue" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBpActionQueue": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBpActionQueue": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBpActionQueue": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBpActionQueue": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBpActionQueue": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBpActionQueueData" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBpActionQueueData": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBpActionQueueData": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBpActionQueueData": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBpActionQueueData": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBpActionQueueData": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBpActionSrc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBpActionSrc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBpActionSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBpActionSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBpActionSrc": logical
DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate
Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBpActionSrc": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate

record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBpArgument" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBpArgument": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBpArgument": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBpArgument": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBpArgument": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBpArgument": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBpArgumentTypeDef" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBpArgumentTypeDef": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBpArgumentTypeDef": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBpArgumentTypeDef": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBpArgumentTypeDef": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBpArgumentTypeDef": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBpBaseProcDirective" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for BpBaseProcDirective."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBpBaseProcDirective": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBpBaseProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBpBaseProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBpBaseProcDirective": logical
DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate
Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBpBaseProcDirective": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this

intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBpCondition" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBpCondition": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBpCondition": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBpCondition": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBpCondition": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBpCondition": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBpConditionData" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBpConditionData": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBpConditionData": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBpConditionData": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBpConditionData": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBpConditionData": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBpConditionGroup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBpConditionGroup": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBpConditionGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBpConditionGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBpConditionGroup": logical
DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate
Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBpConditionGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this

intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBpConditionSrc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBpConditionSrc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBpConditionSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBpConditionSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBpConditionSrc": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBpConditionSrc": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBpConfig" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBpConfig": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBpConfig": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBpConfig": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBpConfig": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBpConfig": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBpHoldAttachHist" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBpHoldAttachHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBpHoldAttachHist": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBpHoldAttachHist": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBpHoldAttachHist": logical
DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate
Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBpHoldAttachHist": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this

intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBpHoldAttachment" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBpHoldAttachment": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBpHoldAttachment": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBpHoldAttachment": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBpHoldAttachment": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBpHoldAttachment": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBpHoldType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBpHoldType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBpHoldType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBpHoldType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBpHoldType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBpHoldType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBpInstanceCounter" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBpInstanceCounter": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBpInstanceCounter": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBpInstanceCounter": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBpInstanceCounter": logical
DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate
Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBpInstanceCounter": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this

intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBpMethod" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBpMethod": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBpMethod": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBpMethod": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBpMethod": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBpMethod": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBpPostProcDirective" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for BpPostProcDirective."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBpPostProcDirective": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBpPostProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBpPostProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBpPostProcDirective": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBpPostProcDirective": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBpPreProcDirective" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBpPreProcDirective": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBpPreProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBpPreProcDirective": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBpPreProcDirective": logical
DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate
Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBpPreProcDirective": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this

intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBpTextStorage" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBpTextStorage": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBpTextStorage": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBpTextStorage": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBpTextStorage": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBpTextStorage": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBRFuncArgs" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBRFuncArgs": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBRFuncArgs": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBRFuncArgs": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBRFuncArgs": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBRFuncArgs": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBRFuncOperation" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBRFuncOperation": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBRFuncOperation": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBRFuncOperation": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBRFuncOperation": logical
DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate
Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBRFuncOperation": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this

intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBRFunction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBRFunction": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBRFunction": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBRFunction": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBRFunction": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBRFunction": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBROperation" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBROperation": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBROperation": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBROperation": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBROperation": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBROperation": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBrwsDefs" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBrwsDefs": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBrwsDefs": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBrwsDefs": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBrwsDefs": logical
DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate
Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBrwsDefs": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate

record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBSBdnCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for BSBdnCd."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBSBdnCd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBSBdnCd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBSBdnCd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBSBdnCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBSBdnCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBSBdnRt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for BSBdnRt."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBSBdnRt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBSBdnRt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBSBdnRt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBSBdnRt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBSBdnRt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBusEntities" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBusEntities": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBusEntities": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBusEntities": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBusEntities": logical
DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate
Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBusEntities": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate

record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMBVRule" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for BVRule."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMBVRule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMBVRule": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMBVRule": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMBVRule": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMBVRule": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCallType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCallType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCallType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCallType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCallType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCallType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCapability" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCapability": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCapability": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCapability": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCapability": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm
ediate table record. A concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCapability": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
INDEX "CapIdxInOut" ON "IMCapability" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary index
for the Capabilty table."

TABLE "IMCapAddl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for CapAddl."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCapAddl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCapAddl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCapAddl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCapAddl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCapAddl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCapResLnk" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCapResLnk": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCapResLnk": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCapResLnk": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCapResLnk": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCapResLnk": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCarrier" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for Carrier."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCarrier": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCarrier": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCarrier": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCarrier": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCarrier": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCartonStage" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCartonStage": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCartonStage": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCartonStage": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCartonStage": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCartonStage": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCartonTrkDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCartonTrkDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCartonTrkDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCartonTrkDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCartonTrkDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCartonTrkDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCashBDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCashBDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCashBDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCashBDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCashBDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCashBDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCashBHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCashBHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCashBHed": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCashBHed": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCashBHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCashBHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCashDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for CashDtl."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCashDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCashDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCashDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCashDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCashDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCashGrp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for CashGrp."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCashGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCashGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCashGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCashGrp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCashGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCashHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCashHead": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCashHead": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCashHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCashHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCashHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCCDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for CCDtl."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCCDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCCDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCCDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCCDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCCDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCCHdr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for CCHdr."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCCHdr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCCHdr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCCHdr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCCHdr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCCHdr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCCPeriodDefn" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCCPeriodDefn": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCCPeriodDefn": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCCPeriodDefn": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCCPeriodDefn": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCCPeriodDefn": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCCQuickListDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCCQuickListDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCCQuickListDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCCQuickListDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCCQuickListDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCCQuickListDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCCQuickListHdr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCCQuickListHdr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCCQuickListHdr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCCQuickListHdr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCCQuickListHdr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCCQuickListHdr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCCRFQHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "NOTE: For Customer Connect Only.
This intermediate table is crea ted for Customer Connect Order Sync process. There
is no actual RFQHed table fo und in MfgSysDB (not to be confused with
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCCRFQHed": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCCRFQHed": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCCRFQHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCCRFQHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCCRFQHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"

AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for CCSheet."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCCSheet": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCCSheet": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCCSheet": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCCSheet": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCCSheet": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCCTag" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for CCTag."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCCTag": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCCTag": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCCTag": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCCTag": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCCTag": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCCWhsABC" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCCWhsABC": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCCWhsABC": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCCWhsABC": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCCWhsABC": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCCWhsABC": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for CCWhsCtrl."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCCWhsCtrl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCCWhsCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCCWhsCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCCWhsCtrl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCCWhsCtrl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCheckHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCheckHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCheckHed": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCheckHed": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCheckHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCheckHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCheckList" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCheckList": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCheckList": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCheckList": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCheckList": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCheckList": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCheckListDtl"
AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for CheckListDtl."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCheckListDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCheckListDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCheckListDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCheckListDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCheckListDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMChgLog" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for ChgLog."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMChgLog": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMChgLog": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMChgLog": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed
iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMChgLog": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMChgLog": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMChgLogGA" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMChgLogGA": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMChgLogGA": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMChgLogGA": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMChgLogGA": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMChgLogGA": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for ChgLogTB."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMChgLogTB": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMChgLogTB": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMChgLogTB": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMChgLogTB": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMChgLogTB": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCnvProgs" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCnvProgs": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCnvProgs": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCnvProgs": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed
iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCnvProgs": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCnvProgs": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
INDEX "SequenceInOut" ON "IMCnvProgs" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Uniquely
identifies a record and controls the process seq during runs."

TABLE "IMCOA" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for COA."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCOA": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCOA": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCOA": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCOA": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this Intermediate
Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCOA": logical
DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCOAActCat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCOAActCat": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCOAActCat": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCOAActCat": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCOAActCat": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCOAActCat": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCOAMap" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for COAMap."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCOAMap": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCOAMap": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i (
incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCOAMap": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCOAMap": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCOAMap": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCOAMapHistory" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCOAMapHistory": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCOAMapHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCOAMapHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCOAMapHistory": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCOAMapHistory": logical
DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCOASegAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCOASegAcct": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCOASegAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCOASegAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCOASegAcct": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCOASegAcct": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCOASegment" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCOASegment": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i (
incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCOASegment": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCOASegment": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCOASegOpt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCOASegOpt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCOASegOpt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCOASegOpt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCOASegOpt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCOASegOpt": logical
DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCOASegRes" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCOASegRes": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCOASegRes": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCOASegRes": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCOASegRes": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCOASegRes": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCOASegValues" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCOASegValues": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCOASegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i (
incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCOASegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCOASegValues": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCOASegValues": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCompany" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for Company."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCompany": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCompany": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCompany": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCompany": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCompany": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed
iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record

TABLE "IMCOMXref" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for ComXRef."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCOMXref": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCOMXref": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCOMXref": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCOMXref": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCOMXref": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMConsImport" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMConsImport": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMConsImport": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i (
incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMConsImport": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMConsImport": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMConsImport": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMConsSrcAcctBal" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMConsSrcAcctBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMConsSrcAcctBal": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMConsSrcAcctBal": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMConsSrcAcctBal": logical
DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMConsSrcCtrl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMConsSrcCtrl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMConsSrcCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMConsSrcCtrl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMConsSrcCtrl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMConsSrcRates" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMConsSrcRates": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMConsSrcRates": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i (
incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMConsSrcRates": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMConsSrcRates": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMConsSrcRates": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMConsTgtDef" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMConsTgtDef": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMConsTgtDef": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMConsTgtDef": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMConsTgtDef": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMConsTgtDef": logical
DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMConsTgtGen" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMConsTgtGen": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMConsTgtGen": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMConsTgtGen": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMConsTgtGen": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMConsTgtGen": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMConsTgtSrc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMConsTgtSrc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMConsTgtSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i (
incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMConsTgtSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMConsTgtSrc": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMConsTgtSrc": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMConsType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMConsType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMConsType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMConsType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMConsType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMConsType": logical
DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMContainerClass" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMContainerClass": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMContainerClass": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMContainerClass": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMContainerClass": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMContainerClass": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMContainerDetail" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMContainerDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMContainerDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i (
incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMContainerDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMContainerDetail": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMContainerDetail": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMContainerDuty" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMContainerDuty": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMContainerDuty": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMContainerDuty": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMContainerDuty": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMContainerDuty": logical
DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMContainerHeader" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMContainerHeader": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMContainerHeader": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMContainerHeader": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMContainerHeader": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMContainerHeader": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMContainerMisc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMContainerMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMContainerMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i (
incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMContainerMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMContainerMisc": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMContainerMisc": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMContClassMisc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMContClassMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMContClassMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMContClassMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMContClassMisc": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMContClassMisc": logical
DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMControlSetting" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMControlSetting": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMControlSetting": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMControlSetting": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMControlSetting": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMControlSetting": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCostBurden" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCostBurden": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCostBurden": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i (
incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCostBurden": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCostBurden": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCostBurden": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCostGrp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for CostGrp."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCostGrp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCostGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCostGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCostGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCostGrp": logical
DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCostLabor" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCostLabor": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCostLabor": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCostLabor": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCostLabor": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCostLabor": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCostPart" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCostPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCostPart": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i (
incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCostPart": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCostPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCostPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCountry" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for Country."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCountry": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCountry": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCountry": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCountry": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCountry": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed
iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record

TABLE "IMCountryPort" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCountryPort": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCountryPort": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCountryPort": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCountryPort": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCountryPort": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCountryRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCountryRestriction": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCountryRestriction": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i (
incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCountryRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCountryRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCountryRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCourse" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for Course."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCourse": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCourse": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCourse": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCourse": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCourse": logical
DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCourseRevision" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCourseRevision": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCourseRevision": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCourseRevision": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCourseRevision": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCourseRevision": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCourseSch" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCourseSch": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCourseSch": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i (
incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCourseSch": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCourseSch": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCourseSch": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCourseSchAttd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCourseSchAttd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCourseSchAttd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCourseSchAttd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCourseSchAttd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCourseSchAttd": logical
DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCreditCardProc" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Credit Card Processor"

DESCRIPTION "Contains information to allow the company to connect to a Credit card
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCreditCardProc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCreditCardProc": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCreditCardProc": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCreditCardProc": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCreditCardProc": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMCreditCardType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCreditCardType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCreditCardType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCreditCardType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCreditCardType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCreditCardType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMCreditPoolDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCreditPoolDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCreditPoolDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCreditPoolDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCreditPoolDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCreditPoolDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCreditPoolHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCreditPoolHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCreditPoolHead": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCreditPoolHead": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCreditPoolHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCreditPoolHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCreditTran" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Credit Card Transactions"

DESCRIPTION "Credit Card Processing Transaction History"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCreditTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCreditTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCreditTran": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCreditTran": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCreditTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMCRMCall" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for CRMCall."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCRMCall": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCRMCall": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCRMCall": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCRMCall": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCRMCall": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCRMCallCnt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCRMCallCnt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCRMCallCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCRMCallCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCRMCallCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCRMCallCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCRMComp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for CRMComp."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCRMComp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCRMComp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCRMComp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCRMComp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCRMComp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCrossDock" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCrossDock": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCrossDock": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCrossDock": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCrossDock": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCrossDock": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCRSyst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for CRSyst."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCRSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCRSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCRSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCRSyst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCRSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCrystalServer" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCrystalServer": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCrystalServer": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCrystalServer": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCrystalServer": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCrystalServer": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCSFSyst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for CSFSyst."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCSFSyst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCSFSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCSFSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCSFSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCSFSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCurrConvRule" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCurrConvRule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCurrConvRule": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCurrConvRule": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCurrConvRule": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCurrConvRule": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCurrency" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCurrency": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCurrency": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCurrency": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCurrency": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCurrency": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMCurrExChain" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCurrExChain": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCurrExChain": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCurrExChain": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCurrExChain": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCurrExChain": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCurrExRate" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCurrExRate": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCurrExRate": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCurrExRate": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCurrExRate": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCurrExRate": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCurrRateDisp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCurrRateDisp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCurrRateDisp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCurrRateDisp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCurrRateDisp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCurrRateDisp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCurrRateGrp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCurrRateGrp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCurrRateGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCurrRateGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCurrRateGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCurrRateGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCustAttr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCustAttr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCustAttr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCustAttr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCustAttr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCustAttr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCustBank" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCustBank": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCustBank": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCustBank": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCustBank": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCustBank": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCustBillTo" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCustBillTo": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCustBillTo": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCustBillTo": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCustBillTo": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCustBillTo": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCustBT" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for CustBT."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCustBT": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCustBT": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCustBT": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCustBT": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCustBT": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCustCnAttr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCustCnAttr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCustCnAttr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCustCnAttr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCustCnAttr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCustCnAttr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCustCnt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for CustCnt."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCustCnt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCustCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCustCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMCustCntImport" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCustCntImport": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCustCntImport": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCustCntImport": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCustCntImport": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCustCntImport": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCustCntSLS" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCustCntSLS": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCustCntSLS": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCustCntSLS": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCustCntSLS": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCustCntSLS": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCustComm" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCustComm": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCustComm": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCustComm": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCustComm": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCustComm": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCustDfltDocType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCustDfltDocType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCustDfltDocType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCustDfltDocType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCustDfltDocType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCustDfltDocType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCustEDI" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for CustEDI."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCustEDI": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCustEDI": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCustEDI": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCustEDI": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCustEDI": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCustGrup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

CustGrup." FOREIGN-NAME "n/a"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCustGrup": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCustGrup": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCustGrup": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCustGrup": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCustGrup": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMCustGrupDiscPriceLst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for CustGrupDiscPriceLst."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCustGrupDiscPriceLst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCustGrupDiscPriceLst": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCustGrupDiscPriceLst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCustGrupDiscPriceLst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCustGrupDiscPriceLst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCustGrupPriceLst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate Customer

Group Price Lists"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCustGrupPriceLst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCustGrupPriceLst": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCustGrupPriceLst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCustGrupPriceLst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCustGrupPriceLst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCustIC" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for CustIC."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCustIC": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCustIC": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCustIC": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCustIC": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCustIC": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCustMFBill" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCustMFBill": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCustMFBill": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCustMFBill": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCustMFBill": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCustMFBill": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCustomer" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for CustCnt."

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this

record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCustomer": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCustomer": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCustomer": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCustomerDiscPriceLst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for CustomerDiscPriceLst."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCustomerDiscPriceLst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCustomerDiscPriceLst": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCustomerDiscPriceLst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCustomerDiscPriceLst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCustomerDiscPriceLst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCustomerDocs" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCustomerDocs": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCustomerDocs": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCustomerDocs": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCustomerDocs": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCustomerDocs": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"

TABLE "IMCustomerExtRef" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCustomerExtRef": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCustomerExtRef": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCustomerExtRef": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCustomerExtRef": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCustomerExtRef": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCustomerFSPriceList" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for CustomerFSPriceList."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCustomerFSPriceList": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCustomerFSPriceList": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCustomerFSPriceList": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCustomerFSPriceList": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCustomerFSPriceList": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCustomerImport" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCustomerImport": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCustomerImport": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCustomerImport": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCustomerImport": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCustomerImport": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCustomerPriceLst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate

Customer/ShipTo Price List table. All the price lis t codes associated with the
customer/shipto will be stored as separate record. When ShipToNum is blank then
price list is for customer. Price list is specific for ShipTo when ShipToNum is
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCustomerPriceLst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCustomerPriceLst": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCustomerPriceLst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCustomerPriceLst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCustomerPriceLst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCustomerSLS" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCustomerSLS": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCustomerSLS": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCustomerSLS": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCustomerSLS": logical
DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate
Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCustomerSLS": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate

record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCustRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCustRestriction": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCustRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCustRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCustRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCustRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCustRpt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for CustRpt."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCustRpt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCustRpt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCustRpt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCustRpt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCustRpt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCustUPSEmail" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCustUPSEmail": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCustUPSEmail": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCustUPSEmail": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCustUPSEmail": logical
DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate
Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCustUPSEmail": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate

record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCustWebPart" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "NOTE: For Customer Connect

tin Customer, set sfdbcfg.useCustWebPart to TRUE."

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCustWebPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCustWebPart": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCustWebPart": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCustWebPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCustWebPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMCustXPrt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMCustXPrt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMCustXPrt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMCustXPrt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMCustXPrt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMCustXPrt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMDashBdBAQ" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMDashBdBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMDashBdBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMDashBdBAQ": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMDashBdBAQ": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMDashBdBAQ": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMDashBdChunk" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMDashBdChunk": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMDashBdChunk": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMDashBdChunk": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMDashBdChunk": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMDashBdChunk": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMDashBdDef" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMDashBdDef": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMDashBdDef": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMDashBdDef": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMDashBdDef": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMDashBdDef": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMDashBdLike" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMDashBdLike": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMDashBdLike": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMDashBdLike": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMDashBdLike": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMDashBdLike": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMDashBdRev" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMDashBdRev": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMDashBdRev": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMDashBdRev": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMDashBdRev": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMDashBdRev": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMDataTriggerTest" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMDataTriggerTest": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMDataTriggerTest": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMDataTriggerTest": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMDataTriggerTest": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMDataTriggerTest": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMDCRMComp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMDCRMComp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMDCRMComp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMDCRMComp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMDCRMComp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMDCRMComp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMDCRMDev" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for DCRMDev."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMDCRMDev": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMDCRMDev": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMDCRMDev": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMDCRMDev": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMDCRMDev": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMDCRMLic" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for DCRMLic."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMDCRMLic": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMDCRMLic": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMDCRMLic": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMDCRMLic": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMDCRMLic": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMDCRMSubs" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMDCRMSubs": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMDCRMSubs": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMDCRMSubs": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMDCRMSubs": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMDCRMSubs": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMDCRMTerr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMDCRMTerr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMDCRMTerr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMDCRMTerr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMDCRMTerr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMDCRMTerr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMDCRMUser" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMDCRMUser": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMDCRMUser": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMDCRMUser": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMDCRMUser": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMDCRMUser": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMDebNote" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for DebNote."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMDebNote": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMDebNote": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMDebNote": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMDebNote": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMDebNote": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMDeliveryType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMDeliveryType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMDeliveryType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMDeliveryType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMDeliveryType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMDeliveryType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMDemandContractDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMDemandContractDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMDemandContractDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMDemandContractDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMDemandContractDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMDemandContractDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMDemandContractHdr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMDemandContractHdr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMDemandContractHdr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMDemandContractHdr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMDemandContractHdr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMDemandContractHdr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMDemandDetail" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMDemandDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMDemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMDemandDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMDemandDetail": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMDemandDetail": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMDemandHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMDemandHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMDemandHead": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMDemandHead": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMDemandHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMDemandHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMDemandLog" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMDemandLog": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMDemandLog": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMDemandLog": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMDemandLog": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMDemandLog": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMDemandMiscChg" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMDemandMiscChg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMDemandMiscChg": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMDemandMiscChg": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMDemandMiscChg": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMDemandMiscChg": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMDemandQtyRef" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMDemandQtyRef": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMDemandQtyRef": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMDemandQtyRef": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMDemandQtyRef": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMDemandQtyRef": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMDemandReconcile" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMDemandReconcile": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMDemandReconcile": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMDemandReconcile": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMDemandReconcile": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMDemandReconcile": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMDemandSchedule" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMDemandSchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMDemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMDemandSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMDemandSchedule": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMDemandSchedule": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMDemandSegment" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMDemandSegment": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMDemandSegment": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMDemandSegment": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMDemandSegment": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMDemandSegment": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMDevice" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for Device."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMDevice": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMDevice": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMDevice": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMDevice": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMDevice": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMDmdMassGrp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMDmdMassGrp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMDmdMassGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMDmdMassGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMDmdMassGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMDmdMassGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMDMRActn" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for DMRActn."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMDMRActn": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMDMRActn": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMDMRActn": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMDMRActn": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMDMRActn": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMDMRCorAct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMDMRCorAct": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMDMRCorAct": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMDMRCorAct": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMDMRCorAct": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMDMRCorAct": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMDMRHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for DMRHead."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMDMRHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMDMRHead": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMDMRHead": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMDMRHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMDMRHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMDOCAssoc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMDOCAssoc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMDOCAssoc": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMDOCAssoc": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMDOCAssoc": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMDOCAssoc": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMDocType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for DocType."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMDocType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMDocType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMDocType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMDocType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMDocType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMDropShipDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMDropShipDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMDropShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMDropShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMDropShipDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMDropShipDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMDropShipHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMDropShipHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMDropShipHead": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMDropShipHead": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMDropShipHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMDropShipHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMDynQueryDiagram" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMDynQueryDiagram": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMDynQueryDiagram": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMDynQueryDiagram": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMDynQueryDiagram": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMDynQueryDiagram": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMEADComp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for EADComp."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEADComp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEADComp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEADComp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEADComp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEADComp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMEADType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for EADType."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEADType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEADType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEADType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEADType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEADType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMEAQChannels" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEAQChannels": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEAQChannels": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEAQChannels": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEAQChannels": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEAQChannels": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMECOCOPart" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMECOCOPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMECOCOPart": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMECOCOPart": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMECOCOPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMECOCOPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMECOGroup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMECOGroup": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMECOGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMECOGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMECOGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMECOGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMECOGrpMbr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMECOGrpMbr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMECOGrpMbr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMECOGrpMbr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMECOGrpMbr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMECOGrpMbr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMECOMtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for ECOMtl."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMECOMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMECOMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMECOMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMECOMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMECOMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMECOMtlInsp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMECOMtlInsp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMECOMtlInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMECOMtlInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMECOMtlInsp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMECOMtlInsp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMECOMtlRefDes" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMECOMtlRefDes": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMECOMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMECOMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMECOMtlRefDes": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMECOMtlRefDes": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMECOMtlRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMECOMtlRestriction": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMECOMtlRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMECOMtlRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMECOMtlRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMECOMtlRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMECOMtlRestrictSubst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for ECOMtlRestrictSubst."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMECOMtlRestrictSubst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMECOMtlRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMECOMtlRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMECOMtlRestrictSubst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMECOMtlRestrictSubst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMECOOpDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMECOOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMECOOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMECOOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMECOOpDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMECOOpDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMECOOpr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for ECOOpr."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMECOOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMECOOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMECOOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMECOOpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMECOOpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMECOOprInsp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMECOOprInsp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMECOOprInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMECOOprInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMECOOprInsp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMECOOprInsp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMECOOprRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMECOOprRestriction": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMECOOprRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMECOOprRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMECOOprRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMECOOprRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMECOOprRestrictSubst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for ECOOprRestrictSubst."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMECOOprRestrictSubst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMECOOprRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMECOOprRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMECOOprRestrictSubst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMECOOprRestrictSubst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMECORev" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for ECORev."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMECORev": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMECORev": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMECORev": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMECORev": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMECORev": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMECSalesReport" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMECSalesReport": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMECSalesReport": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMECSalesReport": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMECSalesReport": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMECSalesReport": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMECSLXMLDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMECSLXMLDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMECSLXMLDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMECSLXMLDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMECSLXMLDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMECSLXMLDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMECSLXMLHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMECSLXMLHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMECSLXMLHed": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMECSLXMLHed": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMECSLXMLHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMECSLXMLHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMECSyst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for ECSyst."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMECSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMECSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMECSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMECSyst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMECSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMEDIASN" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for EDIASN."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEDIASN": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEDIASN": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEDIASN": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEDIASN": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEDIASN": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMEDIDemandDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEDIDemandDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEDIDemandDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEDIDemandDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEDIDemandDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEDIDemandDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMEDIDemandHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEDIDemandHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEDIDemandHed": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEDIDemandHed": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEDIDemandHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEDIDemandHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMEDIDemandLine" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEDIDemandLine": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEDIDemandLine": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEDIDemandLine": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEDIDemandLine": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEDIDemandLine": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMEDIHist" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for EDIHist."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEDIHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEDIHist": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEDIHist": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEDIHist": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEDIHist": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMEDIINV" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for EDIINV."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEDIINV": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEDIINV": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEDIINV": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEDIINV": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEDIINV": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMEDITrnsl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEDITrnsl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEDITrnsl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEDITrnsl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEDITrnsl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEDITrnsl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMEduLicense" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEduLicense": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEduLicense": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEduLicense": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEduLicense": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEduLicense": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMEduLicenseToken" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEduLicenseToken": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEduLicenseToken": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEduLicenseToken": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEduLicenseToken": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEduLicenseToken": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMEFTHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for EFTHead."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEFTHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEFTHead": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEFTHead": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEFTHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEFTHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMEFTProp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for EFTProp."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEFTProp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEFTProp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEFTProp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEFTProp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEFTProp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMEFTPropVal" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEFTPropVal": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEFTPropVal": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEFTPropVal": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEFTPropVal": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEFTPropVal": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMEKeyLog" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for EKeyLog."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEKeyLog": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEKeyLog": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEKeyLog": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEKeyLog": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEKeyLog": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMElectronicReport" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMElectronicReport": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMElectronicReport": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMElectronicReport": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMElectronicReport": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMElectronicReport": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMElectronicReportProp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for ElectronicReportProp."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMElectronicReportProp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMElectronicReportProp": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMElectronicReportProp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMElectronicReportProp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMElectronicReportProp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMEmpBasic" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEmpBasic": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEmpBasic": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEmpBasic": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEmpBasic": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEmpBasic": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMEmpCal" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for EmpCal."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEmpCal": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEmpCal": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEmpCal": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEmpCal": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEmpCal": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMEmpCourse" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEmpCourse": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEmpCourse": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEmpCourse": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEmpCourse": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEmpCourse": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMEmpExpense" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEmpExpense": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEmpExpense": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEmpExpense": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEmpExpense": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEmpExpense": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMEmpExpenseComment" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEmpExpenseComment": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEmpExpenseComment": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEmpExpenseComment": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEmpExpenseComment": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEmpExpenseComment": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMEmpExpenseGroup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEmpExpenseGroup": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEmpExpenseGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEmpExpenseGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEmpExpenseGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEmpExpenseGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMEmpExpenseTax" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEmpExpenseTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEmpExpenseTax": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEmpExpenseTax": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEmpExpenseTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEmpExpenseTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMEmpRole" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for EmpRole."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEmpRole": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEmpRole": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEmpRole": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEmpRole": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEmpRole": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMEmpRoleRt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEmpRoleRt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEmpRoleRt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEmpRoleRt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEmpRoleRt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEmpRoleRt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMEntityGLC" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEntityGLC": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEntityGLC": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEntityGLC": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEntityGLC": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEntityGLC": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEPFileContents": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEPFileContents": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEPFileContents": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEPFileContents": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEPFileContents": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEPHistory": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEPHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEPHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEPHistory": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEPHistory": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMEPUserDefinedTable" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEPUserDefinedTable": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEPUserDefinedTable": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEPUserDefinedTable": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEPUserDefinedTable": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEPUserDefinedTable": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMEQSyst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for EQSyst."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEQSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEQSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va
lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEQSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEQSyst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEQSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMEquip" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for Equip."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEquip": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEquip": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEquip": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEquip": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEquip": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMEquipLoc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEquipLoc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEquipLoc": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEquipLoc": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEquipLoc": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEquipLoc": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMEquipMeter" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEquipMeter": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEquipMeter": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEquipMeter": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEquipMeter": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEquipMeter": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMEquipPlan" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEquipPlan": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEquipPlan": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEquipPlan": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEquipPlan": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEquipPlan": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMEquipStatus" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEquipStatus": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEquipStatus": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEquipStatus": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEquipStatus": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEquipStatus": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMEquipType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMEquipType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMEquipType": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMEquipType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMEquipType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMEquipType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMExports" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for Exports."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMExports": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMExports": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMExports": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMExports": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMExports": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMExtCompany" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMExtCompany": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMExtCompany": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMExtCompany": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMExtCompany": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMExtCompany": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMExtPlant" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMExtPlant": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMExtPlant": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMExtPlant": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMExtPlant": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMExtPlant": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMExtSysStatus" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMExtSysStatus": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMExtSysStatus": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMExtSysStatus": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMExtSysStatus": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMExtSysStatus": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMExtSysTable" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMExtSysTable": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMExtSysTable": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMExtSysTable": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMExtSysTable": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMExtSysTable": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMExtSystem" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMExtSystem": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMExtSystem": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMExtSystem": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMExtSystem": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMExtSystem": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMExtWarehouse" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMExtWarehouse": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMExtWarehouse": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMExtWarehouse": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMExtWarehouse": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMExtWarehouse": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFAAddition" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFAAddition": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFAAddition": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFAAddition": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFAAddition": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFAAddition": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFAAddReg" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFAAddReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFAAddReg": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFAAddReg": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFAAddReg": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFAAddReg": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFAClass" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for FAClass."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFAClass": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFAClass": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFAClass": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFAClass": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFAClass": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFADisposal" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFADisposal": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFADisposal": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFADisposal": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFADisposal": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFADisposal": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFADispReg" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFADispReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFADispReg": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFADispReg": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFADispReg": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFADispReg": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFAGroup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for FAGroup."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFAGroup": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFAGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFAGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFAGroupReg" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFAGroupReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFAGroupReg": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFAGroupReg": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFAGroupReg": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFAGroupReg": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFAImpairment" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFAImpairment": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFAImpairment": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFAImpairment": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFAImpairment": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFAImpairment": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFAMacrs" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for FAMacrs."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFAMacrs": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFAMacrs": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFAMacrs": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFAMacrs": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFAMacrs": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFAMacrYr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFAMacrYr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFAMacrYr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFAMacrYr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFAMacrYr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFAMacrYr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFAMethod" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFAMethod": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFAMethod": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFAMethod": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFAMethod": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFAMethod": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFAMethodParams" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFAMethodParams": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFAMethodParams": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFAMethodParams": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFAMethodParams": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFAMethodParams": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFAMethodParamsBAQ" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFAMethodParamsBAQ": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFAMethodParamsBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFAMethodParamsBAQ": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFAMethodParamsBAQ": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFAMethodParamsBAQ": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFAMethodParamsSrc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFAMethodParamsSrc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFAMethodParamsSrc": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFAMethodParamsSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFAMethodParamsSrc": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFAMethodParamsSrc": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFAPerDep" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFAPerDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFAPerDep": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFAPerDep": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFAPerDep": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFAPerDep": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFASchedule" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFASchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFASchedule": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFASchedule": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFASchedule": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFASchedule": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFASprdDy" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFASprdDy": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFASprdDy": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFASprdDy": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFASprdDy": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFASprdDy": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFASpread" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFASpread": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFASpread": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFASpread": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFASpread": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFASpread": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFAsset" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for FAsset."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFAsset": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFAsset": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFAsset": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFAsset": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFAsset": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFAssetDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFAssetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFAssetDtl": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFAssetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFAssetDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFAssetDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFAssetDtlHist" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFAssetDtlHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFAssetDtlHist": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFAssetDtlHist": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFAssetDtlHist": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFAssetDtlHist": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFAssetReg" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFAssetReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFAssetReg": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFAssetReg": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFAssetReg": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFAssetReg": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFASyst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for FASyst."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFASyst": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFASyst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va
lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFASyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFASyst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFASyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFATran" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for FATran."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFATran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFATran": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFATran": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFATran": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFATran": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFavFolder" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFavFolder": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFavFolder": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFavFolder": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFavFolder": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFavFolder": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFavItems" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFavItems": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFavItems": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFavItems": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFavItems": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFavItems": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFAYearDep" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFAYearDep": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFAYearDep": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFAYearDep": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFAYearDep": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFAYearDep": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFAYearEnd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFAYearEnd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFAYearEnd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFAYearEnd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFAYearEnd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFAYearEnd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFinCharge" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFinCharge": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFinCharge": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFinCharge": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFinCharge": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFinCharge": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFinChargeRate" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFinChargeRate": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFinChargeRate": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFinChargeRate": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFinChargeRate": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFinChargeRate": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFirstArt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFirstArt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFirstArt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFirstArt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFirstArt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFirstArt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFiscalCal" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFiscalCal": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFiscalCal": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFiscalCal": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFiscalCal": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFiscalCal": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFiscalPer" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFiscalPer": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFiscalPer": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFiscalPer": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFiscalPer": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFiscalPer": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFiscalYr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFiscalYr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFiscalYr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFiscalYr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFiscalYr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFiscalYr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFixLog" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for FixLog."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFixLog": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFixLog": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFixLog": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFixLog": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFixLog": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFOB" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for FOB."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFOB": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFOB": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFOB": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFOB": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFOB": logical
DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate
Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMForecast" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMForecast": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMForecast": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMForecast": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMForecast": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMForecast": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMForecstDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMForecstDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMForecstDtl": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMForecstDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMForecstDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMForecstDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFSAssetClass" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFSAssetClass": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFSAssetClass": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFSAssetClass": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFSAssetClass": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFSAssetClass": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFSAssetCondition" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFSAssetCondition": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFSAssetCondition": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFSAssetCondition": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFSAssetCondition": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFSAssetCondition": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFSCallCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va
lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFSCallCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFSCallCd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFSCallCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFSCallDt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFSCallDt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFSCallDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFSCallDt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFSCallDt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFSCallDt": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"

TABLE "IMFSCallhd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFSCallhd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFSCallhd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFSCallhd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFSCallhd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFSCallhd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFSCallMt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFSCallMt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFSCallMt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va
lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFSCallMt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFSCallMt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFSCallMt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFSCallSv" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFSCallSv": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFSCallSv": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFSCallSv": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFSCallSv": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFSCallSv": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFSContCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFSContCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFSContCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFSContCd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"

TABLE "IMFSContDt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFSContDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFSContDt": logical
DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFSContDt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFSContDt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFSContDt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMFSContHd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFSContHd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFSContHd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFSContHd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFSContHd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFSContHd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFSContIv" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFSContIv": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFSContIv": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFSContIv": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFSContIv": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFSContIv": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFSContSN" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFSContSN": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFSContSN": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va
lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFSContSN": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFSContSN": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFSContSN": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFSMisc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for FSMisc."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFSMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFSMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFSMisc": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFSMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFSMisc": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFSServCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFSServCd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFSServCd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFSServCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFSServCd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFSServCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFsSyst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Field Service parameters and
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFsSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va
lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFsSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFsSyst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFsSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFsTech" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for FSTech."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFsTech": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFsTech": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFsTech": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFsTech": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFsTech": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMFSWarrCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMFSWarrCd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMFSWarrCd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMFSWarrCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMFSWarrCd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMFSWarrCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLAccLink" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLAccLink": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLAccLink": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLAccLink": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLAccLink": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLAccLink": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLAccLinkHistory" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLAccLinkHistory": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLAccLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLAccLinkHistory": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLAccLinkHistory": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLAccount" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLAccount": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLAccount": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLAccount": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLAccountMasks" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLAccountMasks": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLAccountMasks": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLAccountMasks": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLAccountMasks": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLAccountMasks": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLAcctDisp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLAcctDisp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLAcctDisp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLAcctDisp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLAcctSegValues" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLAcctSegValues": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLAcctSegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLAcctSegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLAcctSegValues": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLAcctSegValues": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLAlcDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLAlcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLAlcDtl": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLAlcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLAlcDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLAlcDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLAlcHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLAlcHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLAlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLAlcHed": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLAlcHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLAlcHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbAlert" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbAlert": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbAlert": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbAlert": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbAlert": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbAlert": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbAnalysisCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbAnalysisCd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbAnalysisCd": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbAnalysisCd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbAnalysisCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbAnalysisCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbAprvMfg" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbAprvMfg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbAprvMfg": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbAprvMfg": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbAprvMfg": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbAprvMfg": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbAttrBin" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbAttrBin": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbAttrBin": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbAttrBin": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbAttrBin": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbAttrBin": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbAttribut" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbAttribut": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbAttribut": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbAttribut": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbAttribut": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbAttribut": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbBankFee" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbBankFee": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbBankFee": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbBankFee": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbBankFee": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbBankFee": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbBdnCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbBdnCd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbBdnCd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbBdnCd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbBdnCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbBdnCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbBdnSet" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbBdnSet": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbBdnSet": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbBdnSet": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbBdnSet": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbBdnSet": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbBSBdnCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbBSBdnCd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbBSBdnCd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbBSBdnCd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbBSBdnCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbBSBdnCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLBBusEntities" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLBBusEntities": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLBBusEntities": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLBBusEntities": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLBBusEntities": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLBBusEntities": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbCallType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbCallType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbCallType": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbCallType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbCallType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbCallType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbCarrier" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbCarrier": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbCarrier": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbCarrier": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbCarrier": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbCarrier": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLBCOA" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GLBCOA."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLBCOA": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLBCOA": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLBCOA": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLBCOA": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLBCOA": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLBCOAActCat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLBCOAActCat": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLBCOAActCat": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLBCOAActCat": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLBCOAActCat": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLBCOAActCat": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLBCOASegAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLBCOASegAcct": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLBCOASegAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLBCOASegAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLBCOASegAcct": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLBCOASegAcct": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLBCOASegment" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLBCOASegment": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLBCOASegment": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLBCOASegment": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLBCOASegment": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLBCOASegOpt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLBCOASegOpt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLBCOASegOpt": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLBCOASegOpt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLBCOASegOpt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLBCOASegOpt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLBCOASegRes" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLBCOASegRes": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLBCOASegRes": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLBCOASegRes": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLBCOASegRes": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLBCOASegRes": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLBCOASegValues" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLBCOASegValues": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLBCOASegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLBCOASegValues": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLBCOASegValues": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLBCOASegValues": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbContainerClass" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbContainerClass": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbContainerClass": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbContainerClass": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbContainerClass": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbContainerClass": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbCountry" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbCountry": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbCountry": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbCountry": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbCountry": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbCountry": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbCountryPort" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbCountryPort": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbCountryPort": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbCountryPort": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbCountryPort": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbCountryPort": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbCreditCardType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbCreditCardType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbCreditCardType": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbCreditCardType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbCreditCardType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbCreditCardType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbCRMComp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbCRMComp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbCRMComp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbCRMComp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbCRMComp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbCRMComp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbCurrConvRule" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbCurrConvRule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbCurrConvRule": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbCurrConvRule": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbCurrConvRule": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbCurrConvRule": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbCurrency" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbCurrency": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbCurrency": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbCurrency": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbCurrency": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbCurrency": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbCurrExRate" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbCurrExRate": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbCurrExRate": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbCurrExRate": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbCurrExRate": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbCurrExRate": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbCurrRateDisp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbCurrRateDisp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbCurrRateDisp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbCurrRateDisp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbCurrRateDisp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbCurrRateDisp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbCurrRateGrp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbCurrRateGrp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbCurrRateGrp": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbCurrRateGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbCurrRateGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbCurrRateGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbCustBillTo" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Global table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbCustBillTo": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbCustBillTo": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbCustBillTo": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbCustBillTo": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbCustBillTo": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbCustCnt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbCustCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbCustCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbCustCnt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbCustCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbCustCred" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbCustCred": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbCustCred": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va
lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbCustCred": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbCustCred": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbCustCred": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbCustGrup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbCustGrup": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbCustGrup": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbCustGrup": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbCustGrup": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbCustGrup": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbCustomer" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbCustomer": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbCustomer": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbCustomer": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbCustomer": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"

TABLE "IMGlbCustXPrt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbCustXPrt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbCustXPrt": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbCustXPrt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbCustXPrt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbCustXPrt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbDeliveryType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbDeliveryType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbDeliveryType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbDeliveryType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbDeliveryType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbDeliveryType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbDocType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbDocType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbDocType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbDocType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbDocType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbDocType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbEFTHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbEFTHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbEFTHead": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbEFTHead": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbEFTHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbEFTHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbEFTProp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbEFTProp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbEFTProp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbEFTProp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbEFTProp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbEFTProp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbEntityGLC" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbEntityGLC": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbEntityGLC": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbEntityGLC": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbEntityGLC": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbEntityGLC": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbEquip" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbEquip": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbEquip": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbEquip": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbEquip": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbEquip": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbEquipStatus" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbEquipStatus": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbEquipStatus": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbEquipStatus": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbEquipStatus": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbEquipStatus": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbEquipType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbEquipType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbEquipType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbEquipType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbEquipType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbEquipType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbFAClass" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbFAClass": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbFAClass": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbFAClass": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbFAClass": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbFAClass": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbFAGroup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbFAGroup": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbFAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbFAGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbFAGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbFAGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbFAGroupReg" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbFAGroupReg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbFAGroupReg": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbFAGroupReg": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbFAGroupReg": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbFAGroupReg": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbFASprdDy" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbFASprdDy": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbFASprdDy": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbFASprdDy": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbFASprdDy": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbFASprdDy": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbFASpread" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbFASpread": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbFASpread": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbFASpread": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbFASpread": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbFASpread": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbFinCharge" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbFinCharge": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbFinCharge": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbFinCharge": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbFinCharge": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbFinCharge": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbFinChargeRate" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbFinChargeRate": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbFinChargeRate": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbFinChargeRate": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbFinChargeRate": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbFinChargeRate": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLBFiscalCal" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLBFiscalCal": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLBFiscalCal": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLBFiscalCal": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLBFiscalCal": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLBFiscalCal": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLBFiscalPer" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLBFiscalPer": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLBFiscalPer": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLBFiscalPer": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLBFiscalPer": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLBFiscalPer": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLBFiscalYr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLBFiscalYr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLBFiscalYr": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLBFiscalYr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLBFiscalYr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLBFiscalYr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbFOB" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbFOB."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbFOB": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbFOB": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbFOB": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbFOB": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbFOB": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbForecast" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbForecast": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbForecast": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbForecast": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbForecast": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbForecast": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbFSCallCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbFSCallCd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbFSCallCd": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbFSCallCd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbFSCallCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbFSCallCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbFSContCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbFSContCd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbFSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbFSContCd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbFSContCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbFSContCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbFSWarrCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbFSWarrCd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbFSWarrCd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbFSWarrCd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbFSWarrCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbFSWarrCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLBGLAccount" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLBGLAccount": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLBGLAccount": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLBGLAccount": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLBGLAccount": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLBGLAccount": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLBGLAcctDisp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLBGLAcctDisp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLBGLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLBGLAcctDisp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLBGLAcctDisp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLBGLAcctDisp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLBGLBook" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLBGLBook": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLBGLBook": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLBGLBook": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLBGLBook": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLBGLBook": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbGLCntrl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbGLCntrl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbGLCntrl": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbGLCntrl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbGLCntrl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbGLCntrl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbGLCntrlAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbGLCntrlAcct": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbGLCntrlAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbGLCntrlAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbGLCntrlAcct": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbGLCntrlAcct": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbGLCntrlJrnl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbGLCntrlJrnl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbGLCntrlJrnl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbGLCntrlJrnl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbGLCntrlJrnl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbGLCntrlJrnl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLBGLCOARefAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLBGLCOARefAcct": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLBGLCOARefAcct": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLBGLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLBGLCOARefAcct": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLBGLCOARefAcct": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLBGLCOARefType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLBGLCOARefType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLBGLCOARefType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLBGLCOARefType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLBGLCOARefType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLBGLCOARefType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbGLRefCod" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbGLRefCod": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbGLRefCod": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbGLRefCod": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbGLRefCod": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbGLRefCod": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbGLSyst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbGLSyst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbGLSyst": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbGLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbGLSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbGLSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbHDTopic" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbHDTopic": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbHDTopic": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbHDTopic": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbHDTopic": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbHDTopic": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbHDTopicParent" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbHDTopicParent": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbHDTopicParent": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbHDTopicParent": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbHDTopicParent": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbHDTopicParent": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbICommCode" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbICommCode": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbICommCode": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbICommCode": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbICommCode": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbICommCode": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbIndirect" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbIndirect": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbIndirect": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbIndirect": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbIndirect": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbIndirect": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbInspAttr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbInspAttr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbInspAttr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbInspAttr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbInspAttr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbInspAttr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbInspPlan" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbInspPlan": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbInspPlan": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbInspPlan": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbInspPlan": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbInspPlan": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbInspPlanRev" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbInspPlanRev": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbInspPlanRev": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbInspPlanRev": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbInspPlanRev": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbInspPlanRev": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbJCDept" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbJCDept": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbJCDept": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbJCDept": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbJCDept": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbJCDept": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbJCShift" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbJCShift": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbJCShift": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbJCShift": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbJCShift": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbJCShift": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLBJrnlCode" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLBJrnlCode": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLBJrnlCode": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLBJrnlCode": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLBJrnlCode": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLBJrnlCode": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbKanBanType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbKanBanType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbKanBanType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbKanBanType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbKanBanType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbKanBanType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbLangDesc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbLangDesc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbLangDesc": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbLangDesc": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbLangDesc": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbLangDesc": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbLifecycle" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbLifecycle": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbLifecycle": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbLifecycle": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbLifecycle": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbLifecycle": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbLookupLink" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbLookupLink": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbLookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbLookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbLookupLink": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbLookupLink": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbLookupTable" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbLookupTable": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbLookupTable": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbLookupTable": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbLookupTable": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbLookupTable": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbManufacturer" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbManufacturer": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbManufacturer": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbManufacturer": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbManufacturer": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbManufacturer": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbMemoCat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbMemoCat": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbMemoCat": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbMemoCat": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbMemoCat": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbMemoCat": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbMiscChrg" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbMiscChrg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbMiscChrg": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbMiscChrg": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbMiscChrg": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbMiscChrg": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbMktgAct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbMktgAct": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbMktgAct": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbMktgAct": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbMktgAct": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbMktgAct": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLBook" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GLBook."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLBook": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLBook": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLBook": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLBook": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLBook": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLBookPer" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLBookPer": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLBookPer": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLBookPer": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLBookPer": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLBookPer": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPackClss" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPackClss": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPackClss": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPackClss": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPackClss": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPackClss": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPacking" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPacking": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPacking": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPacking": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPacking": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPacking": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPart" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbPart."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPart": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPart": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPartClass" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPartClass": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPartClass": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPartClass": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPartClass": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPartClass": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPartClassPlt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPartClassPlt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPartClassPlt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPartClassPlt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPartClassPlt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPartClassPlt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPartLang" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPartLang": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPartLang": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPartLang": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPartLang": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPartLang": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPartMtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPartMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPartMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPartMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPartMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPartMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPartMtlRefDes" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPartMtlRefDes": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPartMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPartMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPartMtlRefDes": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPartMtlRefDes": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPartMtlRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for GlbPartMtlRestriction."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPartMtlRestriction": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique
value for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPartMtlRestriction": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPartMtlRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Status of
the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPartMtlRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPartMtlRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPartMtlRestrictSubst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate

table for GlbPartMtlRestrictSubst."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPartMtlRestrictSubst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique
value for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPartMtlRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPartMtlRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of
the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPartMtlRestrictSubst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist
in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL
"Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPartMtlRestrictSubst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPartOpDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPartOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPartOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPartOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPartOpDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPartOpDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPartOpr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPartOpr": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPartOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPartOpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPartOpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPartOprRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for GlbPartOprRestriction."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPartOprRestriction": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique
value for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPartOprRestriction": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPartOprRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Status of
the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPartOprRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPartOprRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPartOprRestrictSubst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate

table for GlbPartOprRestrictSubst."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPartOprRestrictSubst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique
value for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPartOprRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPartOprRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of
the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPartOprRestrictSubst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist
in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL
"Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPartOprRestrictSubst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPartRev" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPartRev": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPartRev": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPartRev": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPartRev": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPartRev": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPartXRefMfg" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPartXRefMfg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPartXRefMfg": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPartXRefMfg": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPartXRefMfg": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPartXRefMfg": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPayMethod" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPayMethod": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPayMethod": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPayMethod": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPayMethod": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPayMethod": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPcConData" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPcConData": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPcConData": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPcConData": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPcConData": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPcConData": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPcDocRules" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPcDocRules": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPcDocRules": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPcDocRules": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPcDocRules": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPcDocRules": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPcDocRulesExpr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPcDocRulesExpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPcDocRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPcDocRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPcDocRulesExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPcDocRulesExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPcDynLst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPcDynLst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPcDynLst": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPcDynLst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPcDynLst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPcDynLst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPcDynLstCriteria" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for GlbPcDynLstCriteria."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPcDynLstCriteria": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPcDynLstCriteria": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPcDynLstCriteria": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPcDynLstCriteria": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPcDynLstCriteria": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPcDynLstExpr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPcDynLstExpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPcDynLstExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPcDynLstExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPcDynLstExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPcDynLstExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPcInPrice" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPcInPrice": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPcInPrice": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPcInPrice": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPcInPrice": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPcInPrice": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPcInPriceExpr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPcInPriceExpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPcInPriceExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPcInPriceExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPcInPriceExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPcInPriceExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPcInputs" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPcInputs": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPcInputs": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPcInputs": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPcInputs": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPcInputs": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPcInputsExpr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPcInputsExpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPcInputsExpr": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPcInputsExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPcInputsExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPcInputsExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPcPage" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPcPage": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPcPage": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPcPage": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPcPage": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPcPage": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPcPageExpr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPcPageExpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPcPageExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPcPageExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPcPageExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPcPageExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPcPriceHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPcPriceHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPcPriceHed": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPcPriceHed": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPcPriceHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPcPriceHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPcPriceHedExpr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPcPriceHedExpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPcPriceHedExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPcPriceHedExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPcPriceHedExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPcPriceHedExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPcRules" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPcRules": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPcRules": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPcRules": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPcRules": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPcRules": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPcRulesExpr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPcRulesExpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPcRulesExpr": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPcRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPcRulesExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPcRulesExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPcStatus" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPcStatus": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPcStatus": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPcStatus": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPcStatus": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPcStatus": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPcStrComp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPcStrComp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPcStrComp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPcStrComp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPcStrComp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPcStrComp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPcStruct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPcStruct": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPcStruct": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPcStruct": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPcStruct": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPcStruct": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPcStructRules" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPcStructRules": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPcStructRules": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPcStructRules": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPcStructRules": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPcStructRules": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPcStructRulesExpr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for GlbPcStructRulesExpr."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPcStructRulesExpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPcStructRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPcStructRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPcStructRulesExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPcStructRulesExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPerCon" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPerCon": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPerCon": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPerCon": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPerCon": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPIStatus" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPIStatus": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPIStatus": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPIStatus": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPIStatus": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPIStatus": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPIType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPIType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPIType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPIType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPIType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPIType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPLGrupBrk" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPLGrupBrk": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPLGrupBrk": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPLGrupBrk": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPLGrupBrk": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPLGrupBrk": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPLPartBrk" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPLPartBrk": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPLPartBrk": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPLPartBrk": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPLPartBrk": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPLPartBrk": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPrefScheme" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPrefScheme": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPrefScheme": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPrefScheme": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPrefScheme": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPrefScheme": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPrefSchemeCtry" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPrefSchemeCtry": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPrefSchemeCtry": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPrefSchemeCtry": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPrefSchemeCtry": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPrefSchemeCtry": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPriceGroup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPriceGroup": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPriceGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPriceGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPriceGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPriceGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPriceGrpValBrk" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPriceGrpValBrk": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPriceGrpValBrk": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPriceGrpValBrk": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPriceGrpValBrk": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPriceGrpValBrk": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPriceLst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPriceLst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPriceLst": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPriceLst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPriceLst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPriceLst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPriceLstGroups" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPriceLstGroups": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPriceLstGroups": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPriceLstGroups": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPriceLstGroups": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPriceLstGroups": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPriceLstParts" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPriceLstParts": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPriceLstParts": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPriceLstParts": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPriceLstParts": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPriceLstParts": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPrjMkUp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPrjMkUp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPrjMkUp": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPrjMkUp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPrjMkUp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPrjMkUp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPrjRoleRt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPrjRoleRt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPrjRoleRt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPrjRoleRt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPrjRoleRt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPrjRoleRt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbProdGrup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbProdGrup": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbProdGrup": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbProdGrup": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbProdGrup": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbProdGrup": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbProdGrupPlt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbProdGrupPlt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbProdGrupPlt": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbProdGrupPlt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbProdGrupPlt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbProdGrupPlt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbProjChkLstType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbProjChkLstType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbProjChkLstType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbProjChkLstType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbProjChkLstType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbProjChkLstType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPurMisc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPurMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPurMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPurMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPurMisc": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPurMisc": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPurMiscExpUB" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPurMiscExpUB": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPurMiscExpUB": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPurMiscExpUB": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPurMiscExpUB": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPurMiscExpUB": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbPurMiscVend" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbPurMiscVend": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbPurMiscVend": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbPurMiscVend": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbPurMiscVend": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbPurMiscVend": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbQMarkUp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbQMarkUp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbQMarkUp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbQMarkUp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbQMarkUp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbQMarkUp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbQmmkup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbQmmkup": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbQmmkup": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbQmmkup": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbQmmkup": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbQmmkup": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbRating" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbRating": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbRating": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbRating": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbRating": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbRating": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbReason" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbReason": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbReason": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbReason": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbReason": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbReason": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbRefCategory" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbRefCategory": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbRefCategory": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbRefCategory": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbRefCategory": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbRefCategory": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbRegion" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbRegion": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbRegion": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbRegion": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbRegion": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbRegion": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbReqActs" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbReqActs": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbReqActs": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbReqActs": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbReqActs": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbReqActs": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLBRestrictFcts" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLBRestrictFcts": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLBRestrictFcts": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLBRestrictFcts": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLBRestrictFcts": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLBRestrictFcts": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbRestrictionSubstance" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate

table for GlbRestrictionSubstance."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbRestrictionSubstance": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique
value for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbRestrictionSubstance": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbRestrictionSubstance": character DESCRIPTION "Status of
the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbRestrictionSubstance": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist
in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL
"Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbRestrictionSubstance": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbRestrictionType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbRestrictionType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbRestrictionType": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbRestrictionType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbRestrictionType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbRestrictionType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbRoleCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbRoleCd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbRoleCd": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbRoleCd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbRoleCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbRoleCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbSalesTax" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbSalesTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbSalesTax": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbSalesTax": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbSalesTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbSalesTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbSalesTBD" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbSalesTBD": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbSalesTBD": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbSalesTBD": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbSalesTBD": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbSalesTBD": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbSalesTer" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbSalesTer": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbSalesTer": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbSalesTer": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbSalesTer": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbSalesTer": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbSalesTRP" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbSalesTRP": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbSalesTRP": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbSalesTRP": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbSalesTRP": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbSalesTRP": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbSchedPri" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbSchedPri": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbSchedPri": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbSchedPri": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbSchedPri": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbSchedPri": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbSerialMask" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbSerialMask": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbSerialMask": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbSerialMask": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbSerialMask": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbSerialMask": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbSetupGrp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbSetupGrp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbSetupGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbSetupGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbSetupGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbSetupGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbShiftBrk" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbShiftBrk": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbShiftBrk": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbShiftBrk": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbShiftBrk": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbShiftBrk": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbShipTo" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbShipTo": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbShipTo": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va
lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbShipTo": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbShipTo": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbShipTo": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbShipVia" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbShipVia": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbShipVia": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbShipVia": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbShipVia": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbShipVia": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbSkipLotCtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbSkipLotCtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbSkipLotCtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbSkipLotCtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbSkipLotCtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbSkipLotCtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbSourceValueField" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for GlbSourceValueField."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbSourceValueField": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbSourceValueField": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbSourceValueField": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbSourceValueField": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbSourceValueField": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbSpecAttr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbSpecAttr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbSpecAttr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbSpecAttr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbSpecAttr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbSpecAttr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbSpecHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbSpecHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbSpecHed": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbSpecHed": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbSpecHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbSpecHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbSpecRev" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbSpecRev": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbSpecRev": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbSpecRev": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbSpecRev": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbSpecRev": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbStageNo" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbStageNo": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbStageNo": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbStageNo": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbStageNo": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbStageNo": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbStockProvisionFormat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate

table for GlbStockProvisionFormat."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbStockProvisionFormat": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique
value for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbStockProvisionFormat": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbStockProvisionFormat": character DESCRIPTION "Status of
the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbStockProvisionFormat": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist
in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL
"Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbStockProvisionFormat": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbSubstance" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbSubstance": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbSubstance": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbSubstance": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbSubstance": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbSubstance": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbSugPOChg" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbSugPOChg": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbSugPOChg": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbSugPOChg": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbSugPOChg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbSugPOChg": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbTable" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbTable": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbTable": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbTable": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbTable": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbTable": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbTargetValueField" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for GlbTargetValueField."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbTargetValueField": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbTargetValueField": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbTargetValueField": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbTargetValueField": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbTargetValueField": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbTariff" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbTariff": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbTariff": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbTariff": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbTariff": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbTariff": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbTariffComm" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbTariffComm": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbTariffComm": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbTariffComm": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbTariffComm": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbTariffComm": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbTaskMast" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbTaskMast": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbTaskMast": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbTaskMast": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbTaskMast": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbTaskMast": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbTaskType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbTaskType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbTaskType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbTaskType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbTaskType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbTaskType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbTaxAuthorityCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbTaxAuthorityCd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbTaxAuthorityCd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbTaxAuthorityCd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbTaxAuthorityCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbTaxAuthorityCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbTaxBoxDefault" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbTaxBoxDefault": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbTaxBoxDefault": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbTaxBoxDefault": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbTaxBoxDefault": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbTaxBoxDefault": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbTaxCat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbTaxCat": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbTaxCat": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbTaxCat": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbTaxCat": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbTaxCat": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbTaxCatD" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbTaxCatD": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbTaxCatD": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbTaxCatD": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbTaxCatD": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbTaxCatD": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbTaxJuris" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbTaxJuris": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbTaxJuris": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbTaxJuris": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbTaxJuris": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbTaxJuris": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbTaxRgn" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbTaxRgn": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbTaxRgn": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbTaxRgn": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbTaxRgn": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbTaxRgn": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbTaxRgnSalesTax" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbTaxRgnSalesTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbTaxRgnSalesTax": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbTaxRgnSalesTax": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbTaxRgnSalesTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbTaxRgnSalesTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbTaxRptCat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbTaxRptCat": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbTaxRptCat": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbTaxRptCat": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbTaxRptCat": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbTaxRptCat": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbTaxText" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbTaxText": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbTaxText": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbTaxText": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbTaxText": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbTaxText": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbTaxTextD" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbTaxTextD": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbTaxTextD": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbTaxTextD": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbTaxTextD": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbTaxTextD": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbTerms" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbTerms": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbTerms": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbTerms": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbTerms": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbTerms": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbTermsDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbTermsDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbTermsDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbTermsDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbTermsDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbTermsDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbTimeTypCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbTimeTypCd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbTimeTypCd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbTimeTypCd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbTimeTypCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbTimeTypCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD01" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD01."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD01": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD01": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD01": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD01": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD01": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD02" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD02."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD02": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD02": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD02": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD02": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD02": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD03" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD03."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD03": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD03": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD03": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD03": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD03": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD04" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD04."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD04": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD04": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD04": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD04": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD04": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD05" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD05."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD05": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD05": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD05": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD05": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD05": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD06" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD06."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD06": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD06": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD06": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD06": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD06": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD07" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD07."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD07": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD07": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD07": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD07": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD07": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD08" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD08."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD08": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD08": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD08": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD08": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD08": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD09" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD09."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD09": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD09": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD09": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD09": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD09": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD10" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD10."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD10": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD10": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD10": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD10": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD10": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD100" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD100": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD100": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD100": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD100": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD100": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD100A" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD100A": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD100A": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD100A": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD100A": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD100A": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD101" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD101": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD101": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD101": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD101": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD101": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD101A" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD101A": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD101A": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD101A": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD101A": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD101A": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD102" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD102": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD102": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD102": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD102": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD102": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD102A" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD102A": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD102A": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD102A": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD102A": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD102A": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD103" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD103": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD103": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD103": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD103": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD103": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD103A" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD103A": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD103A": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD103A": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD103A": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD103A": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD104" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD104": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD104": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD104": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD104": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD104": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD104A" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD104A": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD104A": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD104A": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD104A": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD104A": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD105" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD105": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD105": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD105": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD105": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD105": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD105A" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD105A": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD105A": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD105A": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD105A": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD105A": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD106" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD106": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD106": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD106": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD106": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD106": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD106A" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD106A": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD106A": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD106A": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD106A": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD106A": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD107" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD107": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD107": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD107": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD107": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD107": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD107A" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD107A": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD107A": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD107A": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD107A": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD107A": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD108" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD108": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD108": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD108": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD108": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD108": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD108A" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD108A": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD108A": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD108A": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD108A": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD108A": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD109" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD109": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD109": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD109": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD109": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD109": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD11" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD11."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD11": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD11": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD11": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD11": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD11": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD110" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD110": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD110": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD110": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD110": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD110": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD110A" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD110A": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD110A": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD110A": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD110A": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD110A": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD12" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD12."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD12": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD12": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD12": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD12": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD12": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD13" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD13."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD13": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD13": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD13": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD13": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD13": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD14" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD14."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD14": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD14": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD14": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD14": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD14": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD15" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD15."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD15": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD15": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD15": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD15": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD15": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD16" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD16."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD16": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD16": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD16": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD16": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD16": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD17" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD17."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD17": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD17": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD17": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD17": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD17": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD18" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD18."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD18": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD18": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD18": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD18": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD18": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD19" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD19."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD19": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD19": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD19": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD19": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD19": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD20" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD20."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD20": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD20": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD20": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD20": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD20": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD21" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD21."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD21": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD21": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD21": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD21": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD21": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD22" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD22."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD22": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD22": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD22": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD22": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD22": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD23" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD23."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD23": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD23": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD23": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD23": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD23": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD24" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD24."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD24": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD24": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD24": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD24": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD24": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD25" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD25."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD25": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD25": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD25": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD25": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD25": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD26" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD26."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD26": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD26": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD26": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD26": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD26": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD27" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD27."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD27": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD27": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD27": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD27": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD27": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD28" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD28."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD28": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD28": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD28": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD28": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD28": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD29" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD29."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD29": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD29": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD29": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD29": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD29": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD30" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD30."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD30": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD30": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD30": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD30": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD30": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD31" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD31."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD31": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD31": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD31": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD31": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD31": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD32" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD32."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD32": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD32": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD32": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD32": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD32": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD33" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD33."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD33": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD33": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD33": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD33": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD33": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD34" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD34."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD34": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD34": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD34": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD34": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD34": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD35" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD35."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD35": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD35": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD35": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD35": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD35": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD36" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD36."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD36": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD36": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD36": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD36": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD36": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD37" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD37."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD37": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD37": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD37": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD37": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD37": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD38" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD38."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD38": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD38": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD38": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD38": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD38": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD39" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD39."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD39": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD39": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD39": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD39": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD39": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUD40" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUD40."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUD40": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUD40": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUD40": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUD40": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUD40": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUDCodes" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUDCodes": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUDCodes": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUDCodes": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUDCodes": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUDCodes": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUDCodeType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUDCodeType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUDCodeType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUDCodeType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUDCodeType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUDCodeType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLBudgetDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLBudgetDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLBudgetDtl": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLBudgetDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLBudgetDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLBudgetDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLBudgetHd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLBudgetHd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLBudgetHd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLBudgetHd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLBudgetHd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLBudgetHd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUOM" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbUOM."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUOM": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUOM": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUOM": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUOM": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUOM": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUOMClass" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUOMClass": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUOMClass": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUOMClass": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUOMClass": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUOMClass": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbUOMConv" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbUOMConv": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbUOMConv": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbUOMConv": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbUOMConv": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbUOMConv": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbVendCnt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbVendCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbVendCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbVendCnt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbVendCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbVendCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"

TABLE "IMGlbVendGrup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbVendGrup": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbVendGrup": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbVendGrup": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbVendGrup": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbVendGrup": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbVendor" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbVendor": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbVendor": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbVendor": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbVendor": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GlbVendorPP."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbVendorPP": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbVendorPP": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbVendorPP": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbVendorPP": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbVendorPP": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbVendPart" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbVendPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbVendPart": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbVendPart": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbVendPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbVendPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlbVendPBrk" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlbVendPBrk": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlbVendPBrk": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlbVendPBrk": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlbVendPBrk": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlbVendPBrk": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GLCntrl."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLCntrl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLCntrl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLCntrl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLCntrl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLCntrl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLCntrlAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLCntrlAcct": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLCntrlAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLCntrlAcct": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLCntrlAcct": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLCntrlAcct": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLCntrlJrnl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLCntrlJrnl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLCntrlJrnl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLCntrlJrnl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLCntrlJrnl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLCntrlJrnl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GLCntrlType."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLCntrlType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLCntrlType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLCntrlType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLCntrlType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLCntrlType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLCOARefAcct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLCOARefAcct": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLCOARefAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLCOARefAcct": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLCOARefAcct": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLCOARefAcct": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLCOARefType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLCOARefType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLCOARefType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLCOARefType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLCOARefType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLCOARefType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GLCTAcctCntxt."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLCTAcctCntxt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLCTAcctCntxt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLCTAcctCntxt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLCTAcctCntxt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLCTAcctCntxt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLCTEntity" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLCTEntity": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLCTEntity": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLCTEntity": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLCTEntity": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLCTEntity": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLCTJrnlCntxt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLCTJrnlCntxt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLCTJrnlCntxt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLCTJrnlCntxt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLCTJrnlCntxt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLCTJrnlCntxt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GLCurBal."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLCurBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLCurBal": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLCurBal": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLCurBal": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLCurBal": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLDailyBal" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLDailyBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLDailyBal": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLDailyBal": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLDailyBal": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLDailyBal": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLJrnDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLJrnDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLJrnDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLJrnDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLJrnDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GLJrnDtlMnl."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLJrnDtlMnl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLJrnDtlMnl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLJrnDtlMnl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLJrnDtlMnl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLJrnDtlSim" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLJrnDtlSim": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLJrnDtlSim": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLJrnDtlSim": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLJrnDtlSim": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLJrnDtlSim": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLJrnGrp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLJrnGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLJrnGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLJrnGrp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLJrnGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLJrnGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GLJrnHed."
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLJrnHed": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLJrnHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLJrnHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLJrnHed": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLJrnHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLPeriodBal" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLPeriodBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLPeriodBal": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLPeriodBal": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLPeriodBal": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLPeriodBal": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLPurch" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GLPurch."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLPurch": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLPurch": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLPurch": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLPurch": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLPurch": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GLRecDtl."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLRecDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLRecDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLRecDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLRecDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLRecDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLRecHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLRecHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLRecHed": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLRecHed": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLRecHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLRecHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLRecSched" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLRecSched": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLRecSched": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLRecSched": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLRecSched": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLRecSched": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GLRefCod."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLRefCod": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLRefCod": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLRefCod": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLRefCod": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLRefCod": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLRptCol" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLRptCol": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLRptCol": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLRptCol": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLRptCol": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLRptCol": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLRptGrp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLRptGrp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLRptGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLRptGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLRptGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLRptGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GLRptLin."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLRptLin": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLRptLin": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLRptLin": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLRptLin": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLRptLin": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlRptMas" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlRptMas": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlRptMas": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlRptMas": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlRptMas": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlRptMas": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGlRptRow" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGlRptRow": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGlRptRow": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGlRptRow": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGlRptRow": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGlRptRow": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GLRptRowAcct."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLRptRowAcct": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLRptRowAcct": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLRptRowAcct": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLRptRowAcct": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLSyst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for GLSyst."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed
iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLSyst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMGLTracker" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMGLTracker": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMGLTracker": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMGLTracker": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMGLTracker": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMGLTracker": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for HDCase"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMHDCase": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMHDCase": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMHDCase": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMHDCase": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMHDCase": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMHDCaseLink" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMHDCaseLink": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMHDCaseLink": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMHDCaseLink": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMHDCaseLink": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMHDCaseLink": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMHDCaseType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMHDCaseType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMHDCaseType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMHDCaseType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMHDCaseType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMHDCaseType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for HDContact."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMHDContact": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMHDContact": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMHDContact": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMHDContact": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMHDContact": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMHDTopic" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Imtermediate table for HDTopic"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMHDTopic": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMHDTopic": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMHDTopic": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMHDTopic": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMHDTopic": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMHDTopicParent" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMHDTopicParent": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMHDTopicParent": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMHDTopicParent": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMHDTopicParent": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMHDTopicParent": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMHXFieldServiceCalls"
AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for HXFieldServiceCalls."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMHXFieldServiceCalls": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMHXFieldServiceCalls": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMHXFieldServiceCalls": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMHXFieldServiceCalls": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMHXFieldServiceCalls": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMHXFieldServiceContracts" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate

table for HXFieldServiceContracts."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMHXFieldServiceContracts": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique
value for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMHXFieldServiceContracts": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMHXFieldServiceContracts": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMHXFieldServiceContracts": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist
in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL
"Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMHXFieldServiceContracts": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMHXPBdnSets" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMHXPBdnSets": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMHXPBdnSets": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMHXPBdnSets": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMHXPBdnSets": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMHXPBdnSets": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for HXPBEmpCeiling."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMHXPBEmpCeiling": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMHXPBEmpCeiling": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMHXPBEmpCeiling": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMHXPBEmpCeiling": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMHXPBEmpCeiling": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMHXPBillSch" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMHXPBillSch": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMHXPBillSch": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMHXPBillSch": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMHXPBillSch": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMHXPBillSch": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMHXPBRoleRt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMHXPBRoleRt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMHXPBRoleRt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMHXPBRoleRt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMHXPBRoleRt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMHXPBRoleRt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for HXPBSchWrk."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMHXPBSchWrk": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMHXPBSchWrk": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMHXPBSchWrk": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMHXPBSchWrk": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMHXPBSchWrk": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMHXPBSupCeiling" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMHXPBSupCeiling": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMHXPBSupCeiling": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMHXPBSupCeiling": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMHXPBSupCeiling": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMHXPBSupCeiling": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMHXPBWrkMeasuredDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMHXPBWrkMeasuredDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMHXPBWrkMeasuredDtl": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMHXPBWrkMeasuredDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMHXPBWrkMeasuredDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMHXPBWrkMeasuredDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMHXPBWrkMeasuredHead"
AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for HXPBWrkMeasuredHead."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMHXPBWrkMeasuredHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMHXPBWrkMeasuredHead": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMHXPBWrkMeasuredHead": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMHXPBWrkMeasuredHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMHXPBWrkMeasuredHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMHXPConVar" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMHXPConVar": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMHXPConVar": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMHXPConVar": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMHXPConVar": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMHXPConVar": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMHXPPhaseOper" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMHXPPhaseOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMHXPPhaseOper": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMHXPPhaseOper": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMHXPPhaseOper": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMHXPPhaseOper": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for HXProject."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMHXProject": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMHXProject": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMHXProject": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMHXProject": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMHXProject": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMHXProjectCriteria" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMHXProjectCriteria": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMHXProjectCriteria": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMHXProjectCriteria": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMHXProjectCriteria": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMHXProjectCriteria": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMHXProjectCst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMHXProjectCst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMHXProjectCst": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMHXProjectCst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMHXProjectCst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMHXProjectCst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMHXProjectJob"
AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for HXProjectJob."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMHXProjectJob": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMHXProjectJob": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMHXProjectJob": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMHXProjectJob": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMHXProjectJob": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMHXProjectMilestone" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMHXProjectMilestone": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMHXProjectMilestone": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMHXProjectMilestone": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMHXProjectMilestone": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMHXProjectMilestone": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMHXProjectOrderLine" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMHXProjectOrderLine": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMHXProjectOrderLine": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMHXProjectOrderLine": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMHXProjectOrderLine": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMHXProjectOrderLine": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for HXProjectPO."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMHXProjectPO": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMHXProjectPO": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMHXProjectPO": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMHXProjectPO": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMHXProjectPO": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMHXProjectQuot" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMHXProjectQuot": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMHXProjectQuot": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMHXProjectQuot": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMHXProjectQuot": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMHXProjectQuot": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMHXProjectTask" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMHXProjectTask": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMHXProjectTask": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMHXProjectTask": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMHXProjectTask": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMHXProjectTask": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for HXProjPhase."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMHXProjPhase": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMHXProjPhase": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMHXProjPhase": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMHXProjPhase": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMHXProjPhase": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMICCode" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for ICCode."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMICCode": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMICCode": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMICCode": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMICCode": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMICCode": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMICommCode" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMICommCode": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMICommCode": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMICommCode": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMICommCode": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMICommCode": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for ICType."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMICType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMICType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMICType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMICType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMICType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMIncomeTax" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMIncomeTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMIncomeTax": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMIncomeTax": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMIncomeTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMIncomeTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMIncomeTaxPer" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMIncomeTaxPer": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMIncomeTaxPer": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMIncomeTaxPer": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMIncomeTaxPer": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMIncomeTaxPer": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMIncomeTaxPerCalc"
AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for IncomeTaxPerCalc."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMIncomeTaxPerCalc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMIncomeTaxPerCalc": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMIncomeTaxPerCalc": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMIncomeTaxPerCalc": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMIncomeTaxPerCalc": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMIncomeTaxPerTran" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMIncomeTaxPerTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMIncomeTaxPerTran": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMIncomeTaxPerTran": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMIncomeTaxPerTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMIncomeTaxPerTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMIncomeTaxRate" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMIncomeTaxRate": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMIncomeTaxRate": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMIncomeTaxRate": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMIncomeTaxRate": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMIncomeTaxRate": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMIncomeTaxYr"
AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for IncomeTaxYr."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMIncomeTaxYr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMIncomeTaxYr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMIncomeTaxYr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMIncomeTaxYr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMIncomeTaxYr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMIncomeTaxYrCalc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMIncomeTaxYrCalc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMIncomeTaxYrCalc": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMIncomeTaxYrCalc": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMIncomeTaxYrCalc": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMIncomeTaxYrCalc": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMIncomeTaxYrTran" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMIncomeTaxYrTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMIncomeTaxYrTran": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMIncomeTaxYrTran": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMIncomeTaxYrTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMIncomeTaxYrTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMIndirect"
AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for Indirect."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMIndirect": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMIndirect": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMIndirect": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMIndirect": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMIndirect": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMInspAttr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMInspAttr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMInspAttr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMInspAttr": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMInspAttr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMInspAttr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMInspectr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMInspectr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMInspectr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMInspectr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMInspectr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMInspectr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMInspPlan"
AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for InspPlan."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMInspPlan": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMInspPlan": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMInspPlan": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMInspPlan": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMInspPlan": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMInspPlanRev" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMInspPlanRev": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMInspPlanRev": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMInspPlanRev": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMInspPlanRev": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMInspPlanRev": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMInspResults" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMInspResults": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMInspResults": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMInspResults": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMInspResults": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMInspResults": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMInspResultsChar"
AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for InspResultsChar."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMInspResultsChar": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMInspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMInspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMInspResultsChar": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMInspResultsChar": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMInspResultsCheckBox" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for InspResultsCheckBox."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMInspResultsCheckBox": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMInspResultsCheckBox": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMInspResultsCheckBox": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMInspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMInspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMInspResultsDate" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMInspResultsDate": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMInspResultsDate": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMInspResultsDate": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMInspResultsDate": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMInspResultsDate": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMInspResultsNum"
AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for InspResultsNum."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMInspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMInspResultsNum": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMInspResultsNum": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMInspResultsNum": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMInspResultsNum": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMInspResultsShortChar" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for InspResultsShortChar."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMInspResultsShortChar": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMInspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMInspResultsShortChar": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMInspResultsShortChar": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMInspResultsShortChar": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMIntMap" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for IntMap."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMIntMap": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMIntMap": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMIntMap": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMIntMap": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMIntMap": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMIntTransIn"
AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for IntTransIn."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMIntTransIn": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMIntTransIn": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMIntTransIn": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMIntTransIn": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMIntTransIn": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMIntTransOut" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMIntTransOut": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMIntTransOut": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMIntTransOut": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMIntTransOut": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMIntTransOut": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMInvcChrg" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMInvcChrg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMInvcChrg": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMInvcChrg": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMInvcChrg": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMInvcChrg": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for InvcDtl."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMInvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMInvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMInvcDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMInvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMInvcDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMInvcDtlRASch" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMInvcDtlRASch": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMInvcDtlRASch": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMInvcDtlRASch": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMInvcDtlRASch": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMInvcDtlRASch": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMInvcGrp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for InvcGrp."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMInvcGrp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMInvcGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMInvcGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMInvcGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMInvcGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMInvcHead"
AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for InvcHead."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMInvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMInvcHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMInvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMInvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMInvcHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMInvcMisc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMInvcMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMInvcMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMInvcMisc": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed
iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMInvcMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMInvcMisc": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMInvcReminder" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMInvcReminder": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMInvcReminder": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMInvcReminder": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMInvcReminder": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMInvcReminder": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for InvcTax."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMInvcTax": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMInvcTax": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMInvcTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMInvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMInvcTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMIPForm" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for IPForm."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMIPForm": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMIPForm": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMIPForm": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMIPForm": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMIPForm": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMIPFormBPAction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMIPFormBPAction": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMIPFormBPAction": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMIPFormBPAction": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMIPFormBPAction": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMIPFormBPAction": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for IPFormCtrl."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMIPFormCtrl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMIPFormCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMIPFormCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMIPFormCtrl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMIPFormCtrl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMIPFormCtrlValues" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMIPFormCtrlValues": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMIPFormCtrlValues": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMIPFormCtrlValues": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMIPFormCtrlValues": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMIPFormCtrlValues": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMISSyst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for ISSyst."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMISSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMISSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMISSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMISSyst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMISSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for IStatTrn."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMIStatTrn": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMIStatTrn": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMIStatTrn": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMIStatTrn": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMIStatTrn": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMJCDept" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for JCDept."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMJCDept": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMJCDept": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMJCDept": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed
iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMJCDept": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMJCDept": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMJCShift" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for JCShift."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMJCShift": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMJCShift": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMJCShift": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMJCShift": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMJCShift": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for JCSyst." FOREIGN-NAME "n/a"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMJCSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMJCSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMJCSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMJCSyst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMJCSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMJMtlStat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMJMtlStat": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMJMtlStat": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMJMtlStat": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMJMtlStat": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMJMtlStat": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMJobAsmbl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

JobAsmbl." FOREIGN-NAME "n/a"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMJobAsmbl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMJobAsmbl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMJobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMJobAsmbl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
INDEX "JobAsm" ON "IMJobAsmbl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index that uniquely
identifies an assembly record for a job."

TABLE "IMJobAsmblInsp"
AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for JobAsmblInsp."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMJobAsmblInsp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMJobAsmblInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMJobAsmblInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMJobAsmblInsp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMJobAsmblInsp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMJobAsmblRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for JobAsmblRestriction."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMJobAsmblRestriction": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMJobAsmblRestriction": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMJobAsmblRestriction": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMJobAsmblRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMJobAsmblRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMJobAsmblRestrictSubst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for JobAsmblRestrictSubst."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMJobAsmblRestrictSubst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique
value for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMJobAsmblRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMJobAsmblRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of
the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMJobAsmblRestrictSubst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMJobAsmblRestrictSubst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMJobAudit"
AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for JobAudit."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMJobAudit": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMJobAudit": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMJobAudit": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMJobAudit": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMJobAudit": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMJobAWI" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for JobAWI."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMJobAWI": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMJobAWI": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMJobAWI": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMJobAWI": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMJobAWI": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMJobClosingCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMJobClosingCd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMJobClosingCd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMJobClosingCd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMJobClosingCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMJobClosingCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMJobClosingLog"
AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for JobClosingLog."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMJobClosingLog": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMJobClosingLog": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMJobClosingLog": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMJobClosingLog": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMJobClosingLog": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMJobHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for JobHead."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMJobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMJobHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMJobHead": decimal
DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue record associated with this interm
ediate table record. A concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMJobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMJobHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
INDEX "JobNum" ON "IMJobHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies a
Job record."

TABLE "IMJobHeadCP" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMJobHeadCP": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMJobHeadCP": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMJobHeadCP": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMJobHeadCP": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMJobHeadCP": logical
DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMJobHWI" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for JobHWI."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMJobHWI": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMJobHWI": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMJobHWI": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMJobHWI": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMJobHWI": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMJobMtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for JobMtl."
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMJobMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMJobMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed
iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMJobMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMJobMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMJobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
INDEX "JobAsmSeq" ON "IMJobMtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Uniquley identfies
a material record within a Job/Assembly."

TABLE "IMJobMtlInsp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMJobMtlInsp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMJobMtlInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMJobMtlInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMJobMtlInsp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed
iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMJobMtlInsp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMJobMtlLoan" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMJobMtlLoan": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMJobMtlLoan": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMJobMtlLoan": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMJobMtlLoan": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMJobMtlLoan": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMJobMtlRefDes" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMJobMtlRefDes": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMJobMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMJobMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMJobMtlRefDes": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMJobMtlRefDes": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMJobMtlRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMJobMtlRestriction": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMJobMtlRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMJobMtlRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMJobMtlRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed
iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMJobMtlRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMJobMtlRestrictSubst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for JobMtlRestrictSubst."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMJobMtlRestrictSubst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMJobMtlRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMJobMtlRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMJobMtlRestrictSubst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMJobMtlRestrictSubst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMJobOMWI" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for JobOMWI."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMJobOMWI": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMJobOMWI": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMJobOMWI": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMJobOMWI": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMJobOMWI": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMJobOpDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMJobOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMJobOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMJobOpDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMJobOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMJobOpDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMJobOper" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for JobOper."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMJobOper": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMJobOper": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMJobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMJobOper": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
INDEX "JobAsmSeq" ON "IMJobOper" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Uniquely
identifies an operation record within a Job/Assembly str ucture."

TABLE "IMJobOperInsp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMJobOperInsp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMJobOperInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMJobOperInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMJobOperInsp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMJobOperInsp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMJobOperRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMJobOperRestriction": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMJobOperRestriction": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMJobOperRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMJobOperRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed
iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMJobOperRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMJobOperRestrictSubst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for JobOperRestrictSubst."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMJobOperRestrictSubst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMJobOperRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMJobOperRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMJobOperRestrictSubst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMJobOperRestrictSubst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMJobOWI" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for JobOWI."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMJobOWI": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMJobOWI": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMJobOWI": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMJobOWI": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMJobOWI": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMJobPart" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for JobPart"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMJobPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMJobPart": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMJobPart": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMJobPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed
iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMJobPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMJobProd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for JobProd."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMJobProd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMJobProd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMJobProd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMJobProd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMJobProd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMJobSched" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMJobSched": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMJobSched": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMJobSched": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMJobSched": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMJobSched": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMJrnlCode" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMJrnlCode": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMJrnlCode": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMJrnlCode": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMJrnlCode": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed
iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMJrnlCode": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMJTrkAsm" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for JTrkAsm."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMJTrkAsm": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMJTrkAsm": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMJTrkAsm": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMJTrkAsm": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMJTrkAsm": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMKanBanType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMKanBanType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMKanBanType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMKanBanType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMKanBanType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMKanBanType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMKeyBlock" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Key Field Block" DESCRIPTION
"Intermediate table for KeyBlock."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMKeyBlock": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMKeyBlock": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMKeyBlock": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMKeyBlock": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm
ediate table record. A concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMKeyBlock": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMKeyLast" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for KeyLast."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMKeyLast": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMKeyLast": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMKeyLast": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMKeyLast": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMKeyLast": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMKPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMKPIData": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMKPIData": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMKPIData": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMKPIData": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMKPIDef": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMKPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMKPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMKPIDef": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMKPIDef": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMKPIHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMKPIHead": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMKPIHead": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMKPIHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMKPIHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLabExpCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLabExpCd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLabExpCd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLabExpCd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLabExpCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLabExpCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLaborDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLaborDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLaborDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLaborDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLaborDtlComment" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLaborDtlComment": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLaborDtlComment": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLaborDtlComment": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLaborDtlComment": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLaborDtlComment": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLaborDtlGroup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLaborDtlGroup": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLaborDtlGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLaborDtlGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLaborDtlGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLaborDtlGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLaborEquip" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLaborEquip": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLaborEquip": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLaborEquip": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLaborEquip": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLaborEquip": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLaborHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLaborHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLaborHed": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLaborHed": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLaborHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLaborHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLaborPart" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLaborPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLaborPart": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLaborPart": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLaborPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLaborPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLangDesc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLangDesc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLangDesc": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLangDesc": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLangDesc": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLangDesc": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLangName" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLangName": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLangName": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLangName": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLangName": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLangName": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLangOrg" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for LangOrg."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLangOrg": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLangOrg": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLangOrg": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLangOrg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLangOrg": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLangProg" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLangProg": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLangProg": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLangProg": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLangProg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLangProg": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLangTran" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLangTran": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLangTran": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLangTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLangTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLangTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLangXref" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLangXref": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLangXref": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLangXref": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLangXref": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLangXref": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLbrLoad" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for LbrLoad."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLbrLoad": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLbrLoad": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLbrLoad": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLbrLoad": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLbrLoad": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLegalNumCnfg" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLegalNumCnfg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLegalNumCnfg": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLegalNumCnfg": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLegalNumCnfg": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLegalNumCnfg": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLegalNumDocType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLegalNumDocType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLegalNumDocType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLegalNumDocType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLegalNumDocType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLegalNumDocType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLegalNumHistory" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLegalNumHistory": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLegalNumHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLegalNumHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLegalNumHistory": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLegalNumHistory": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLegalNumPrefix" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLegalNumPrefix": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLegalNumPrefix": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLegalNumPrefix": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLegalNumPrefix": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLegalNumPrefix": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLegalNumSeq" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLegalNumSeq": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLegalNumSeq": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLegalNumSeq": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLegalNumSeq": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLegalNumSeq": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLicUser" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for LicUser."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLicUser": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLicUser": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLicUser": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLicUser": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLicUser": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLifecycle" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLifecycle": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLifecycle": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLifecycle": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLifecycle": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLifecycle": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLocal001" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLocal001": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLocal001": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLocal001": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLocal001": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLocal001": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLocal010" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLocal010": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLocal010": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLocal010": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLocal010": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLocal010": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLocal020" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLocal020": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLocal020": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLocal020": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLocal020": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLocal020": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLocal100" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLocal100": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLocal100": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLocal100": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLocal100": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLocal100": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLocalCode" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLocalCode": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLocalCode": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLocalCode": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLocalCode": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLocalCode": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLocalComp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLocalComp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLocalComp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLocalComp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLocalComp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLocalComp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLocalConfig" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLocalConfig": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLocalConfig": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLocalConfig": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLocalConfig": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLocalConfig": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLocalizations" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLocalizations": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLocalizations": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLocalizations": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLocalizations": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLocalizations": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLocalName" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLocalName": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLocalName": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLocalName": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLocalName": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLocalName": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLocalType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLocalType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLocalType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLocalType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLocalType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLocalType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLogAPInv" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLogAPInv": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLogAPInv": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLogAPInv": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLogAPInv": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLogAPInv": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLogAPInvTax" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLogAPInvTax": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLogAPInvTax": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLogAPInvTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLogAPInvTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLogInvGrp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLogInvGrp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLogInvGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLogInvGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLogInvGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLogInvGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLookupLink" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLookupLink": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLookupLink": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLookupLink": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLookupLinkHistory" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLookupLinkHistory": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLookupLinkHistory": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLookupLinkHistory": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLookupTable" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLookupTable": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLookupTable": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLookupTable": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLookupTable": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLookupTable": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLookupTableHistory" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLookupTableHistory": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLookupTableHistory": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLookupTableHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLookupTableHistory": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLookupTableHistory": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMLotSeq" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for LotSeq."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMLotSeq": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMLotSeq": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMLotSeq": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMLotSeq": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMLotSeq": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMMaintReq" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMMaintReq": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMMaintReq": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMMaintReq": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMMaintReq": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMMaintReq": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMMangCust" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMMangCust": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMMangCust": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMMangCust": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMMangCust": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMMangCust": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMManufacturer" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMManufacturer": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMManufacturer": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMManufacturer": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMManufacturer": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMManufacturer": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMMasProd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for MasProd."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMMasProd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMMasProd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMMasProd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMMasProd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMMasProd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMMasterPack" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMMasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMMasterPack": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMMasterPack": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMMasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
INDEX "PackNumInOut" ON "IMMasterPack" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Master Pack
number must be unique in a company"

TABLE "IMMasterPackDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMMasterPackDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMMasterPackDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMMasterPackDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMMasterPackDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMMasterPackDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
INDEX "MpackInOut" ON "IMMasterPackDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Master pack

TABLE "IMMasterPackUPS" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMMasterPackUPS": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMMasterPackUPS": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMMasterPackUPS": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMMasterPackUPS": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMMasterPackUPS": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMMemo" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for Memo."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMMemo": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMMemo": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMMemo": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMMemo": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMMemo": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
INDEX "SpecificMaster" ON "IMMemo" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index to access
memos that are related to a specific master. "

TABLE "IMMemoCat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for MemoCat."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMMemoCat": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMMemoCat": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMMemoCat": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMMemoCat": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMMemoCat": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
INDEX "Category" ON "IMMemoCat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "To access the
records by RelatedFile type and category ID."

TABLE "IMMenu" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for Menu."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMMenu": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMMenu": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMMenu": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMMenu": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMMenu": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMMenuTab" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for MenuTab."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMMenuTab": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMMenuTab": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMMenuTab": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMMenuTab": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMMenuTab": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMMfgCube" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for MfgCube."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMMfgCube": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMMfgCube": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMMfgCube": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMMfgCube": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMMfgCube": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMMfgCubeDef" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMMfgCubeDef": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMMfgCubeDef": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMMfgCubeDef": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMMfgCubeDef": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMMfgCubeDef": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMMfgCubeDim" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMMfgCubeDim": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMMfgCubeDim": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMMfgCubeDim": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMMfgCubeDim": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMMfgCubeDim": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMMiscChrg" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

MiscChrg." FOREIGN-NAME "n/a"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMMiscChrg": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMMiscChrg": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMMiscChrg": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMMiscChrg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMMiscChrg": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMMktgAct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for MktgAct."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMMktgAct": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMMktgAct": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMMktgAct": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMMktgAct": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMMktgAct": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMMktgAdv" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for MktgAdv."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMMktgAdv": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMMktgAdv": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMMktgAdv": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMMktgAdv": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMMktgAdv": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMMktgCamp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMMktgCamp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMMktgCamp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMMktgCamp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMMktgCamp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMMktgCamp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMMktgEvnt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMMktgEvnt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMMktgEvnt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMMktgEvnt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMMktgEvnt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMMktgEvnt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMMktgList" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMMktgList": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMMktgList": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMMktgList": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMMktgList": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMMktgList": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMMktgLstDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMMktgLstDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMMktgLstDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMMktgLstDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMMktgLstDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMMktgLstDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMMktgPub" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for MktgPub."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMMktgPub": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMMktgPub": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMMktgPub": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMMktgPub": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMMktgPub": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMMMSyst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for MMSyst."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMMMSyst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMMMSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMMMSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMMMSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed
iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMMMSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMMrpProc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for MrpProc."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMMrpProc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMMrpProc": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMMrpProc": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMMrpProc": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMMrpProc": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMMrpProcQueue" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMMrpProcQueue": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMMrpProcQueue": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMMrpProcQueue": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMMrpProcQueue": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMMrpProcQueue": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMMrpQueue" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMMrpQueue": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMMrpQueue": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMMrpQueue": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMMrpQueue": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed
iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMMrpQueue": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMMscShpDt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntError" OF "IMMscShpDt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMMscShpDt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMMscShpDt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMMscShpDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMMscShpDt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMMscShpHd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMMscShpHd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMMscShpHd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMMscShpHd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMMscShpHd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMMscShpHd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMMscShpUPS" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMMscShpUPS": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMMscShpUPS": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMMscShpUPS": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMMscShpUPS": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed
iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMMscShpUPS": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMMtlQueue" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMMtlQueue": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMMtlQueue": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMMtlQueue": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMMtlQueue": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMMtlQueue": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMNACreditDoc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMNACreditDoc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMNACreditDoc": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMNACreditDoc": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMNACreditDoc": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMNACreditDoc": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMNACreditUsed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMNACreditUsed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMNACreditUsed": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMNACreditUsed": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMNACreditUsed": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed
iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMNACreditUsed": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMNamedSearch" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMNamedSearch": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMNamedSearch": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMNamedSearch": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMNamedSearch": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMNamedSearch": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMNCChgLog" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMNCChgLog": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMNCChgLog": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMNCChgLog": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMNCChgLog": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMNCChgLog": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMNonConf" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for NonConf."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMNonConf": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMNonConf": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMNonConf": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMNonConf": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed
iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMNonConf": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMObs900-Fiscal" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMObs900-Fiscal": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMObs900-Fiscal": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMObs900-Fiscal": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMObs900-Fiscal": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMObs900-Fiscal": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMOBS900-GLAccountSegments" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate

table for OBS900-GLAccountSegments."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMOBS900-GLAccountSegments": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique
value for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMOBS900-GLAccountSegments": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMOBS900-GLAccountSegments": character DESCRIPTION "Status of
the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMOBS900-GLAccountSegments": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist
in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL
"Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMOBS900-GLAccountSegments": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMObs900-GlbGLAccountSegments" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate

table for Obs900-GlbGLAccountSegments."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMObs900-GlbGLAccountSegments": decimal DESCRIPTION "The
unique value for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record.
A concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated
Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMObs900-GlbGLAccountSegments": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMObs900-GlbGLAccountSegments": character DESCRIPTION "Status
of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMObs900-GlbGLAccountSegments": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors
exist in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed
iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMObs900-GlbGLAccountSegments": logical DESCRIPTION "Is
this intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL

TABLE "IMObs900-GLJrnSrc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMObs900-GLJrnSrc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMObs900-GLJrnSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMObs900-GLJrnSrc": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMObs900-GLJrnSrc": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMObs900-GLJrnSrc": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMObs900-LegalNumberAltPrefix" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate

table for Obs900-LegalNumberAltPrefix."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMObs900-LegalNumberAltPrefix": decimal DESCRIPTION "The
unique value for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record.
A concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated
Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMObs900-LegalNumberAltPrefix": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMObs900-LegalNumberAltPrefix": character DESCRIPTION "Status
of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMObs900-LegalNumberAltPrefix": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors
exist in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL
"Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMObs900-LegalNumberAltPrefix": logical DESCRIPTION "Is
this intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL

TABLE "IMObs900-LegalNumberHistory" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate

table for Obs900-LegalNumberHistory."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMObs900-LegalNumberHistory": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique
value for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMObs900-LegalNumberHistory": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMObs900-LegalNumberHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Status
of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMObs900-LegalNumberHistory": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors
exist in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed
iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMObs900-LegalNumberHistory": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMObs900-LegalNumberSequence" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate

table for Obs900-LegalNumberSequence."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMObs900-LegalNumberSequence": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique
value for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMObs900-LegalNumberSequence": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMObs900-LegalNumberSequence": character DESCRIPTION "Status
of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMObs900-LegalNumberSequence": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors
exist in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL
"Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMObs900-LegalNumberSequence": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMObs900-PRChkGL" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMObs900-PRChkGL": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMObs900-PRChkGL": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMObs900-PRChkGL": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMObs900-PRChkGL": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMObs900-PRChkGL": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMOpMasDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMOpMasDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMOpMasDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMOpMasDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMOpMasDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMOpMasDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMOpMasRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMOpMasRestriction": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMOpMasRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMOpMasRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMOpMasRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMOpMasRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMOpMasRestrictSubst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMOpMasRestrictSubst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMOpMasRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMOpMasRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMOpMasRestrictSubst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMOpMasRestrictSubst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMOpMaster" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

OpMaster." FOREIGN-NAME "n/a"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMOpMaster": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMOpMaster": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMOpMaster": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMOpMaster": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm
ediate table record. A concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMOpMaster": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMOpMasterInsp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMOpMasterInsp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMOpMasterInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMOpMasterInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMOpMasterInsp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMOpMasterInsp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMOPrice" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for OPrice."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMOPrice": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i (
incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMOPrice": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMOPrice": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMOPrice": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMOPrice": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMOpStd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for OpStd."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMOpStd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMOpStd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMOpStd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMOpStd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMOpStd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
INDEX "WcOpID" ON "IMOpStd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identify a
OpStd record for a Work Center / Operation Co de"

TABLE "IMOpText" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for OpText."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMOpText": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMOpText": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMOpText": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMOpText": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMOpText": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMOrderDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
OrderDtl." FOREIGN-NAME "n/a"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMOrderDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMOrderDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMOrderDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMOrderDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatenation of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMOrderDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMOrderHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

OrderHed." FOREIGN-NAME "n/a"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMOrderHed": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMOrderHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMOrderHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatenation of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMOrderHed": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMOrderHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMOrderHedUPS" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMOrderHedUPS": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMOrderHedUPS": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMOrderHedUPS": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMOrderHedUPS": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMOrderHedUPS": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMOrderMsc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
OrderMsc." FOREIGN-NAME "n/a"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMOrderMsc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatenation of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMOrderMsc": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMOrderMsc": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMOrderMsc": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMOrderMsc": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMOrderQtyRef": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMOrderQtyRef": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMOrderQtyRef": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMOrderQtyRef": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMOrderQtyRef": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMOrderRel" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

OrderRel." FOREIGN-NAME "n/a"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMOrderRel": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMOrderRel": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMOrderRel": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMOrderRel": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatenation of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"

TABLE "IMOrderRelTax" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMOrderRelTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMOrderRelTax": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMOrderRelTax": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMOrderRelTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMOrderRelTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPackClss" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPackClss": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPackClss": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPackClss": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPackClss": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm
ediate table record. A concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPackClss": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPacking" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for Packing."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPacking": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPacking": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPacking": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPacking": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPacking": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPActDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PActDtl."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPActDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPActDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPActDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPActDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPActDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPActivity" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPActivity": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPActivity": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPActivity": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPActivity": logical
DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate
Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPActivity": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate

record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPADay" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PADay."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPADay": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPADay": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPADay": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPADay": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPADay": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPADayDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPADayDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPADayDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPADayDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPADayDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPADayDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPager" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for Pager."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPager": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPager": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPager": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPager": logical
DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate
Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPager": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record

ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPAPlan" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PAPlan."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPAPlan": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPAPlan": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPAPlan": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPAPlan": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPAPlan": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPAPlanDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPAPlanDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPAPlanDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPAPlanDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPAPlanDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPAPlanDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPart" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for Part."
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPart": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPart": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartAlloc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartAlloc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartAlloc": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartAlloc": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartAlloc": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartAlloc": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartAllocSerial" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartAllocSerial": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartAllocSerial": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartAllocSerial": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartAllocSerial": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartAllocSerial": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartAllocTemplate" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartAllocTemplate": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartAllocTemplate": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartAllocTemplate": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartAllocTemplate": logical
DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate
Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartAllocTemplate": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this

intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartAllocTran" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartAllocTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartAllocTran": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartAllocTran": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartAllocTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartAllocTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartAudit" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartAudit": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartAudit": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartAudit": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartAudit": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartAudit": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartBin" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PartBin."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartBin": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartBin": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartBin": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartBin": decimal
DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue record associated with this interm
ediate table record. A concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartBin": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartBinInfo" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartBinInfo": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartBinInfo": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartBinInfo": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartBinInfo": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartBinInfo": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartBom" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PartBom."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartBom": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm
ediate table record. A concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartBom": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartBom": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartBom": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartBom": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartBoo" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PartBoo."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartBoo": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartBoo": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartBoo": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartBoo": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartBoo": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartClass" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartClass": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartClass": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartClass": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartClass": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartClass": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
INDEX "ClassCompInOut" ON "IMPartClass" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary
index which uniquely identifies a Class master record."

TABLE "IMPartClassPlt" AREA "Schema Area"

LABEL "Part Class Plant" DESCRIPTION "Plant specific information for the Part
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartClassPlt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartClassPlt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartClassPlt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartClassPlt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartClassPlt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
INDEX "ClsPltCompInOut" ON "IMPartClassPlt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary
index which uniquely identifies a Class master record."

TABLE "IMPartCOO" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PartCOO."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartCOO": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartCOO": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartCOO": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartCOO": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartCOO": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartCOPart" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartCOPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartCOPart": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartCOPart": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartCOPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartCOPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?"
LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartCost" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Part Cost" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate
table for PartCost."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartCost": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartCost": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartCost": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartCost": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartCost": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
INDEX "PltCstCompInOut" ON "IMPartCost" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary
index which uniquely identifies a Class master record."

TABLE "IMPartDim" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PartDim."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartDim": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartDim": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartDim": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartDim": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartDim": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PartDtl."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table."
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartFIFOCost" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartFIFOCost": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartFIFOCost": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartFIFOCost": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartFIFOCost": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartFIFOCost": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartFIFOTran" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartFIFOTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartFIFOTran": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartFIFOTran": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartFIFOTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartFIFOTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartLangDesc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartLangDesc": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartLangDesc": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartLangDesc": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartLangDesc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table."
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartLangDesc": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartLot" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PartLot."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartLot": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartLot": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartLot": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartLot": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartLot": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartMtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PartMtl."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMPartMtlInsp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartMtlInsp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartMtlInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartMtlInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartMtlInsp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartMtlInsp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartMtlRefDes" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartMtlRefDes": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartMtlRefDes": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartMtlRefDes": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartMtlRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartMtlRestriction": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartMtlRestriction": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartMtlRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartMtlRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartMtlRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartMtlRestrictSubst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for PartMtlRestrictSubst."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartMtlRestrictSubst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartMtlRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartMtlRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartMtlRestrictSubst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartMtlRestrictSubst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartOpDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartOpDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartOpDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartOpr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PartOpr."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartOpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartOpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartOprInsp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartOprInsp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartOprInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartOprInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartOprInsp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartOprInsp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartOprRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartOprRestriction": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartOprRestriction": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartOprRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartOprRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartOprRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartOprRestrictSubst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for PartOprRestrictSubst."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartOprRestrictSubst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartOprRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartOprRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartOprRestrictSubst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartOprRestrictSubst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartPC" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PartPC."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartPC": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartPC": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartPC": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartPC": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartPC": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartPlant" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartPlant": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartPlant": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartPlant": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartPlant": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartPlant": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartQty" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PartQty."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartQty": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartQty": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartQty": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartQty": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartQty": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartRestriction": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartRestrictSubst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartRestrictSubst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartRestrictSubst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartRestrictSubst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartRev" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PartRev."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartRev": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartRev": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartRev": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartRev": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartRev": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMPartRevDt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartRevDt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartRevDt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartRevDt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartRevDt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartRevDt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartRevInspPlan" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartRevInspPlan": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartRevInspPlan": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartRevInspPlan": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartRevInspPlan": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartRevInspPlan": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartRevInspVend" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartRevInspVend": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartRevInspVend": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartRevInspVend": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartRevInspVend": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartRevInspVend": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartSched" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartSched": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartSched": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartSched": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartSched": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartSched": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartSchedVend" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartSchedVend": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartSchedVend": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartSchedVend": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartSchedVend": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartSchedVend": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartSubs" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

PartSubs." FOREIGN-NAME "n/a"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartSubs": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartSubs": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartSubs": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartSubs": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartSubs": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartSug" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PartSug."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartSug": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartSug": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartSug": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartSug": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartSug": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMPartTran" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartTran": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartTran": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartTranSNTran" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartTranSNTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartTranSNTran": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartTranSNTran": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartTranSNTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartTranSNTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartUOM" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PartUOM."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartUOM": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartUOM": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartUOM": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartUOM": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartUOM": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?"
LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartWhse" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

PartWhse." FOREIGN-NAME "n/a"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartWhse": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartWhse": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartWhse": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartWhse": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartWhse": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"

TABLE "IMPartWip" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PartWip."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartWip": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartWip": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i (
incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartWip": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartWip": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartWip": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartXRefInt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartXRefInt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartXRefInt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartXRefInt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartXRefInt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartXRefInt": logical
DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartXRefMfg" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartXRefMfg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartXRefMfg": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartXRefMfg": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartXRefMfg": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartXRefMfg": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPartXRefVend" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPartXRefVend": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPartXRefVend": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i (
incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPartXRefVend": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPartXRefVend": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPartXRefVend": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPASchedule" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPASchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPASchedule": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPASchedule": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPASchedule": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPASchedule": logical
DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPatchFld" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPatchFld": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPatchFld": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPatchFld": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPatchFld": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPatchFld": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPAWeek" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PAWeek."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPAWeek": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPAWeek": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i (
incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPAWeek": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPAWeek": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPAWeek": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPayMethod" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPayMethod": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPayMethod": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPayMethod": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPayMethod": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPayMethod": logical
DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPayMethodProp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPayMethodProp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPayMethodProp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPayMethodProp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPayMethodProp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPayMethodProp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPayTLbr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PayTLbr."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPayTLbr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPayTLbr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i (
incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPayTLbr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPayTLbr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPayTLbr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPayType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PayType."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPayType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPayType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPayType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPayType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPayType": logical
DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPBdnSets" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPBdnSets": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPBdnSets": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPBdnSets": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPBdnSets": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPBdnSets": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPBEmpCeiling" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPBEmpCeiling": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPBEmpCeiling": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i (
incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPBEmpCeiling": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPBEmpCeiling": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPBEmpCeiling": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPBGInvcBdn" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPBGInvcBdn": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPBGInvcBdn": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPBGInvcBdn": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPBGInvcBdn": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPBGInvcBdn": logical
DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPBGInvcDtlFF" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPBGInvcDtlFF": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPBGInvcDtlFF": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPBGInvcDtlFF": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPBGInvcDtlFF": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPBGInvcDtlFF": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPBGInvcDtlTC" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPBGInvcDtlTC": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPBGInvcDtlTC": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i (
incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPBGInvcDtlTC": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPBGInvcDtlTC": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPBGInvcDtlTC": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPBGInvcHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPBGInvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPBGInvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPBGInvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPBGInvcHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPBGInvcHead": logical
DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPBGInvcMisc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPBGInvcMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPBGInvcMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPBGInvcMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPBGInvcMisc": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPBGInvcMisc": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPBGInvcPart" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPBGInvcPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPBGInvcPart": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i (
incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPBGInvcPart": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPBGInvcPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPBGInvcPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPBGInvcRole" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPBGInvcRole": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPBGInvcRole": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPBGInvcRole": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPBGInvcRole": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPBGInvcRole": logical
DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPBGInvcTran" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPBGInvcTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPBGInvcTran": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPBGInvcTran": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPBGInvcTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPBGInvcTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPBillHistory" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPBillHistory": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPBillHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i (
incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPBillHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPBillHistory": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPBillHistory": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPBillSch" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPBillSch": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPBillSch": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPBillSch": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPBillSch": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPBillSch": logical
DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPBInvoicedAmt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPBInvoicedAmt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPBInvoicedAmt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPBInvoicedAmt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPBInvoicedAmt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPBInvoicedAmt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPBRoleRt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPBRoleRt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPBRoleRt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i (
incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPBRoleRt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPBRoleRt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPBRoleRt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPBSchWrk" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPBSchWrk": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPBSchWrk": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPBSchWrk": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPBSchWrk": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPBSchWrk": logical
DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPBSupCeiling" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPBSupCeiling": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPBSupCeiling": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPBSupCeiling": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPBSupCeiling": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPBSupCeiling": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPBWrkMeasuredDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPBWrkMeasuredDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPBWrkMeasuredDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i (
incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPBWrkMeasuredDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPBWrkMeasuredDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPBWrkMeasuredDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPBWrkMeasuredHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPBWrkMeasuredHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPBWrkMeasuredHead": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPBWrkMeasuredHead": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPBWrkMeasuredHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPBWrkMeasuredHead": logical
DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPCashBal" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPCashBal": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPCashBal": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPCashBal": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPCashBal": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPCashBal": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPCashDesk" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPCashDesk": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPCashDesk": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i (
incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPCashDesk": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPCashDesk": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPCashDesk": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPCashDeskAuth" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPCashDeskAuth": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPCashDeskAuth": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPCashDeskAuth": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPCashDeskAuth": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPCashDeskAuth": logical
DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPCashDeskOpr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPCashDeskOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPCashDeskOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPCashDeskOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPCashDeskOpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPCashDeskOpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPCashDoc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPCashDoc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPCashDoc": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i (
incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPCashDoc": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPCashDoc": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPCashDoc": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPCashOprType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPCashOprType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPCashOprType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPCashOprType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPCashOprType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPCashOprType": logical
DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPcAudit" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Pc Audit" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate
table for PcAudit."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcAudit": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcAudit": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcAudit": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcAudit": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcAudit": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMPcConData" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcConData": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcConData": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcConData": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcConData": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcConData": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPcConType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcConType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcConType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcConType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcConType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcConType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPcDocRules" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcDocRules": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcDocRules": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcDocRules": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcDocRules": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcDocRules": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPcDocRulesExpr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcDocRulesExpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcDocRulesExpr": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcDocRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcDocRulesExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcDocRulesExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPcDynLst" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Pc Dynamic Lists" DESCRIPTION
"Intermediate table for PcDynLst."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcDynLst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcDynLst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcDynLst": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcDynLst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcDynLst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMPcDynLstCriteria" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcDynLstCriteria": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcDynLstCriteria": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcDynLstCriteria": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcDynLstCriteria": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcDynLstCriteria": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPcDynLstExpr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcDynLstExpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcDynLstExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcDynLstExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcDynLstExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcDynLstExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPcInPrice" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcInPrice": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcInPrice": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcInPrice": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcInPrice": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcInPrice": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMPcInPriceExpr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcInPriceExpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcInPriceExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcInPriceExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcInPriceExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcInPriceExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPcInputs" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcInputs": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcInputs": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcInputs": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcInputs": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcInputs": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMPcInputsExpr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcInputsExpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcInputsExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcInputsExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcInputsExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcInputsExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"


"Intermediate table for PcInValue."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcInValue": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcInValue": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcInValue": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcInValue": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcInValue": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMPConVar" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PConVar."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPConVar": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPConVar": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPConVar": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPConVar": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPConVar": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPcPage" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PcPage"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcPage": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcPage": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcPage": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcPage": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcPage": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPcPageExpr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcPageExpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcPageExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcPageExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcPageExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcPageExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPcPriceHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcPriceHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcPriceHed": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcPriceHed": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcPriceHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcPriceHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPcPriceHedExpr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcPriceHedExpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcPriceHedExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcPriceHedExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcPriceHedExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcPriceHedExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPcRules" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PcRules."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcRules": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcRules": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcRules": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcRules": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcRules": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
INDEX "AltRuleSeq" ON "IMPcRules" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This defines the
order that the rules are processed."

TABLE "IMPcRulesExpr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcRulesExpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm
ediate table record. A concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcRulesExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcRulesExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPcSmartStringExpr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcSmartStringExpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcSmartStringExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcSmartStringExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcSmartStringExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcSmartStringExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcStatus": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcStatus": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcStatus": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcStatus": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcStatus": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"


"Intermediate table for PcStrComp."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcStrComp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcStrComp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcStrComp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcStrComp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcStrComp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMPcStruct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcStruct": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcStruct": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcStruct": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcStruct": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcStruct": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPcStructRules" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcStructRules": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcStructRules": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcStructRules": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcStructRules": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcStructRules": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPcStructRulesExpr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcStructRulesExpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcStructRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcStructRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcStructRulesExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcStructRulesExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPcVerDocRules" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcVerDocRules": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcVerDocRules": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcVerDocRules": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcVerDocRules": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcVerDocRules": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPcVerDocRulesExpr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcVerDocRulesExpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcVerDocRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcVerDocRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcVerDocRulesExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcVerDocRulesExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPcVerDynLst" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Pc Dynamic Lists" DESCRIPTION
"Intermediate table for PcVerDynList."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcVerDynLst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcVerDynLst": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcVerDynLst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcVerDynLst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcVerDynLst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPcVerDynLstCriteria" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for PcVerDynLstCriteria."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcVerDynLstCriteria": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcVerDynLstCriteria": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcVerDynLstCriteria": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcVerDynLstCriteria": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcVerDynLstCriteria": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPcVerDynLstExpr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcVerDynLstExpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcVerDynLstExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcVerDynLstExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcVerDynLstExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcVerDynLstExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPcVerInPrice" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcVerInPrice": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcVerInPrice": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcVerInPrice": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcVerInPrice": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcVerInPrice": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPcVerInPriceExpr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcVerInPriceExpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcVerInPriceExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcVerInPriceExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcVerInPriceExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcVerInPriceExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPcVerInputs" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcVerInputs": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcVerInputs": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcVerInputs": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcVerInputs": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcVerInputs": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPcVerInputsExpr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcVerInputsExpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcVerInputsExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcVerInputsExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcVerInputsExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcVerInputsExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPcVerPage" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcVerPage": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcVerPage": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcVerPage": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcVerPage": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcVerPage": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPcVerPageExpr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcVerPageExpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcVerPageExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcVerPageExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcVerPageExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcVerPageExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPcVerPriceHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcVerPriceHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcVerPriceHed": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcVerPriceHed": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcVerPriceHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcVerPriceHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPcVerPriceHedExpr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcVerPriceHedExpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcVerPriceHedExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcVerPriceHedExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcVerPriceHedExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcVerPriceHedExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPcVerRules" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcVerRules": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcVerRules": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcVerRules": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcVerRules": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcVerRules": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
INDEX "AltRuleSeq" ON "IMPcVerRules" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This defines
the order that the rules are processed."

TABLE "IMPcVerRulesExpr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcVerRulesExpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcVerRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcVerRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcVerRulesExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcVerRulesExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcVerStatus": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcVerStatus": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcVerStatus": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcVerStatus": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcVerStatus": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"


"Intermediate table for PcVerStrComp."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcVerStrComp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcVerStrComp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcVerStrComp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcVerStrComp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcVerStrComp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPcVerStruct" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcVerStruct": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcVerStruct": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcVerStruct": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcVerStruct": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcVerStruct": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPcVerStructRules" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcVerStructRules": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcVerStructRules": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcVerStructRules": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcVerStructRules": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed
iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcVerStructRules": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPcVerStructRulesExpr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for PcVerStructRulesExpr."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPcVerStructRulesExpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPcVerStructRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPcVerStructRulesExpr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPcVerStructRulesExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPcVerStructRulesExpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPDMMap" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PDMMap."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPDMMap": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPDMMap": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPDMMap": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPDMMap": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPDMMap": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPDMSyst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PDMSyst."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPDMSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPDMSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPDMSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPDMSyst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPDMSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPegDmdMst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPegDmdMst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPegDmdMst": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPegDmdMst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPegDmdMst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPegDmdMst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPegLink" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PegLink."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPegLink": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPegLink": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPegLink": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPegLink": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPegLink": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPegSupMst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPegSupMst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPegSupMst": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPegSupMst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPegSupMst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed
iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPegSupMst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPerBillDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPerBillDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPerBillDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPerBillDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPerBillDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPerBillDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPerBillHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPerBillHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPerBillHead": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPerBillHead": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPerBillHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPerBillHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPerBillStmtDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPerBillStmtDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPerBillStmtDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPerBillStmtDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPerBillStmtDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed
iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPerBillStmtDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPerBillStmtGrp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPerBillStmtGrp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPerBillStmtGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPerBillStmtGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPerBillStmtGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPerBillStmtGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPerBillStmtHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPerBillStmtHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPerBillStmtHead": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPerBillStmtHead": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPerBillStmtHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPerBillStmtHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPerCon" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PerCon."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPerCon": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPerCon": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPerCon": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed
iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPerCon": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPerConLnk" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPerConLnk": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPerConLnk": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPerConLnk": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPerConLnk": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPerConLnk": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPerfData" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPerfData": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPerfData": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPerfData": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPerfData": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPerfData": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPerfLog" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PerfLog."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPerfLog": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPerfLog": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPerfLog": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPerfLog": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed
iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPerfLog": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPerfSet" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PerfSet."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPerfSet": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPerfSet": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPerfSet": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPerfSet": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPerfSet": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPeriodicity" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPeriodicity": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPeriodicity": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPeriodicity": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPeriodicity": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPeriodicity": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPerson" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "IMPerson" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate

table for Person."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPerson": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPerson": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPerson": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPerson": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm
ediate table record. A concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPerson": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPickedOrders" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPickedOrders": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPickedOrders": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPickedOrders": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPickedOrders": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPickedOrders": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPIStatus" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPIStatus": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPIStatus": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPIStatus": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPIStatus": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPIStatus": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPIType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PIType."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPIType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPIType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPIType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPIType": logical
DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate
Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPIType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record

ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPITypeFee" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPITypeFee": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPITypeFee": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPITypeFee": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPITypeFee": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPITypeFee": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPITypeStat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPITypeStat": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPITypeStat": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPITypeStat": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPITypeStat": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPITypeStat": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPkgDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PkgDtl."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPkgDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPkgDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPkgDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPkgDtl": logical
DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate
Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPkgDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record

ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPkgUnit" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PkgUnit."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPkgUnit": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPkgUnit": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPkgUnit": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPkgUnit": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPkgUnit": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPlant" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for Plant."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPlant": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPlant": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPlant": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPlant": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPlant": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPlantConfABC" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPlantConfABC": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPlantConfABC": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPlantConfABC": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPlantConfABC": logical
DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate
Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPlantConfABC": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate

record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPlantConfCtrl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPlantConfCtrl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPlantConfCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPlantConfCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPlantConfCtrl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPlantConfCtrl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPlantCost" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Plant Cost" DESCRIPTION "Costing
information used at the Plant level"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPlantCost": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm
ediate table record. A concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPlantCost": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPlantCost": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPlantCost": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPlantCost": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
INDEX "PltCstCompInOut" ON "IMPlantCost" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary
index which uniquely identifies a Class master record."

TABLE "IMPlantMFBill" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPlantMFBill": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPlantMFBill": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPlantMFBill": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va
lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPlantMFBill": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPlantMFBill": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPlantShared" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPlantShared": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPlantShared": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPlantShared": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPlantShared": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPlantShared": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPlantTran" AREA "Schema Area"

DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PlantTran."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPlantTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPlantTran": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPlantTran": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPlantTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPlantTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPlantWhse" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPlantWhse": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPlantWhse": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPlantWhse": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPlantWhse": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPlantWhse": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPLGrupBrk" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPLGrupBrk": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPLGrupBrk": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPLGrupBrk": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPLGrupBrk": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPLGrupBrk": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPlntTranDef" AREA "Schema Area"

DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PlntTranDef."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPlntTranDef": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPlntTranDef": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPlntTranDef": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPlntTranDef": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPlntTranDef": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPLPartBrk" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPLPartBrk": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPLPartBrk": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPLPartBrk": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPLPartBrk": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPLPartBrk": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPltUPSEmail" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPltUPSEmail": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPltUPSEmail": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPltUPSEmail": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPltUPSEmail": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPltUPSEmail": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPNFormat" AREA "Schema Area"

DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PNFormat."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPNFormat": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPNFormat": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPNFormat": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPNFormat": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPNFormat": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPOApvMsg" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPOApvMsg": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPOApvMsg": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPOApvMsg": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPOApvMsg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPOApvMsg": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"


FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPODetail": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPODetail": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPODetail": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPODetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatenation of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"

TABLE "IMPODetailInsp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPODetailInsp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm
ediate table record. A concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPODetailInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPODetailInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPODetailInsp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPODetailInsp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPOHeader" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

POHeader." FOREIGN-NAME "n/a"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPOHeader": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPOHeader": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPOHeader": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatenation of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPOHeader": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"

TABLE "IMPOMisc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for POMisc."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPOMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatenation of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPOMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPOMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPOMisc": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMPORel" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PORel."
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPORel": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPORel": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPORel": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatenation of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPORel": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"

TABLE "IMPOSchedule" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPOSchedule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPOSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPOSchedule": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPOSchedule": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPOSchedule": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPOScheduleDtl" AREA "Schema Area"

DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for POScheduleDtl."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPOScheduleDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPOScheduleDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPOScheduleDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPOScheduleDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPOScheduleDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPPhaseOper" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPPhaseOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPPhaseOper": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPPhaseOper": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va
lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPPhaseOper": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPPhaseOper": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPPlanHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPPlanHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPPlanHed": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPPlanHed": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPPlanHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPPlanHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPPlanMtl" AREA "Schema Area"

DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PPlanMtl."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPPlanMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPPlanMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPPlanMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPPlanMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPPlanMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPPlanQty" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPPlanQty": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPPlanQty": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPPlanQty": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va
lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPPlanQty": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPPlanQty": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPRCheck" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PRCheck."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPRCheck": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPRCheck": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPRCheck": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPRCheck": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPRCheck": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPRChkDed" AREA "Schema Area"

DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PRChkDed."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPRChkDed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPRChkDed": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPRChkDed": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPRChkDed": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPRChkDed": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPRChkDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPRChkDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPRChkDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPRChkDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va
lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPRChkDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPRChkDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPRChkGrp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPRChkGrp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPRChkGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPRChkGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPRChkGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPRChkGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPRChkTax" AREA "Schema Area"

DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PRChkTax."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPRChkTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPRChkTax": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPRChkTax": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPRChkTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPRChkTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPRCkStub" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPRCkStub": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPRCkStub": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPRCkStub": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va
lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPRCkStub": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPRCkStub": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPRCkSum" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PRCkSum."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPRCkSum": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPRCkSum": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPRCkSum": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPRCkSum": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPRCkSum": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPRClass" AREA "Schema Area"

DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PRClass."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPRClass": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPRClass": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPRClass": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPRClass": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPRClass": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPRClsDed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPRClsDed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPRClsDed": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPRClsDed": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va
lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPRClsDed": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPRClsDed": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPRClsTax" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPRClsTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPRClsTax": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPRClsTax": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPRClsTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPRClsTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPRDeduct" AREA "Schema Area"

DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PRDeduct."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPRDeduct": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPRDeduct": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPRDeduct": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPRDeduct": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPRDeduct": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPrefScheme" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPrefScheme": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPrefScheme": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPrefScheme": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va
lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPrefScheme": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPrefScheme": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPrefSchemeCtry" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPrefSchemeCtry": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPrefSchemeCtry": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPrefSchemeCtry": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPrefSchemeCtry": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPrefSchemeCtry": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPRElecDp" AREA "Schema Area"

DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PRElecDp."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPRElecDp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPRElecDp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPRElecDp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPRElecDp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPRElecDp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPREmpDed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPREmpDed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPREmpDed": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPREmpDed": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va
lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPREmpDed": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPREmpDed": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPREmpMas" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPREmpMas": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPREmpMas": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPREmpMas": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPREmpMas": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPREmpMas": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPREmpRt" AREA "Schema Area"

DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PREmpRt."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPREmpRt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPREmpRt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPREmpRt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPREmpRt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPREmpRt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPREmpTax" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPREmpTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPREmpTax": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPREmpTax": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va
lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPREmpTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPREmpTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPreview" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for Preview."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPreview": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPreview": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPreview": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPreview": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPreview": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPRHoldy" AREA "Schema Area"

DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PRHoldy."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPRHoldy": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPRHoldy": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPRHoldy": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPRHoldy": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPRHoldy": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPriceGroup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate Pricing Group

table. This will define the product g roups that are available and related for
purposes of order based discounting."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPriceGroup": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPriceGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPriceGroup": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPriceGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPriceGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPriceGrpValBrk" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate Price Group

Value Breaks. This is a subset of IMPric eGroup file. This table contains the
discount percentages applicable to break a mounts. This will exist only if the
related Price Group indicates Value Based D iscounting."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPriceGrpValBrk": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPriceGrpValBrk": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPriceGrpValBrk": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPriceGrpValBrk": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPriceGrpValBrk": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMPriceLst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPriceLst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPriceLst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPriceLst": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPriceLst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPriceLst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMPriceLstGroups" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPriceLstGroups": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPriceLstGroups": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPriceLstGroups": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPriceLstGroups": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPriceLstGroups": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMPriceLstParts" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPriceLstParts": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPriceLstParts": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPriceLstParts": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPriceLstParts": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPriceLstParts": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
TABLE "IMPrjMkUp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PrjMkUp."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPrjMkUp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPrjMkUp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPrjMkUp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPrjMkUp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPrjMkUp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPrjRoleRt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPrjRoleRt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPrjRoleRt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPrjRoleRt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPrjRoleRt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPrjRoleRt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMProcessSet" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMProcessSet": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMProcessSet": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMProcessSet": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMProcessSet": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMProcessSet": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMProcessTask" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMProcessTask": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMProcessTask": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMProcessTask": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMProcessTask": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMProcessTask": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMProcessTaskParam" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMProcessTaskParam": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMProcessTaskParam": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMProcessTaskParam": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMProcessTaskParam": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMProcessTaskParam": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMProdCal" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for ProdCal."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMProdCal": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMProdCal": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMProdCal": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMProdCal": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMProdCal": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMProdCalDay" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMProdCalDay": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMProdCalDay": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMProdCalDay": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMProdCalDay": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMProdCalDay": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMProdCalWeek" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMProdCalWeek": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMProdCalWeek": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMProdCalWeek": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMProdCalWeek": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMProdCalWeek": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMProdFamily" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMProdFamily": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMProdFamily": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMProdFamily": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMProdFamily": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMProdFamily": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMProdGrup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
ProdGrup." FOREIGN-NAME "n/a"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMProdGrup": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMProdGrup": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMProdGrup": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMProdGrup": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMProdGrup": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"

TABLE "IMProdGrupPlt" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Product Group Plant" DESCRIPTION
"Contains Plant specific information for a Product Group"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMProdGrupPlt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMProdGrupPlt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMProdGrupPlt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMProdGrupPlt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
INDEX "GrpPltCompInOut" ON "IMProdGrupPlt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary
index which uniquely identifies a Class master record."

TABLE "IMProdTeam" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMProdTeam": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMProdTeam": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMProdTeam": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMProdTeam": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMProdTeam": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMProjAnalHistory" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMProjAnalHistory": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMProjAnalHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMProjAnalHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMProjAnalHistory": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMProjAnalHistory": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMProjChkLstType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMProjChkLstType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMProjChkLstType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMProjChkLstType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMProjChkLstType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMProjChkLstType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMProjCost" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMProjCost": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMProjCost": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMProjCost": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMProjCost": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMProjCost": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMProjCstHistory" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMProjCstHistory": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMProjCstHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMProjCstHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMProjCstHistory": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMProjCstHistory": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMProject" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for Project."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMProject": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMProject": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMProject": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMProject": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMProject": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMProjectAnalysis" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Intermediate table for

ProjectAnalysis." DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for ProjectAnalysis."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMProjectAnalysis": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMProjectAnalysis": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMProjectAnalysis": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMProjectAnalysis": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMProjectAnalysis": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMProjectCommit" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMProjectCommit": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMProjectCommit": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMProjectCommit": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMProjectCommit": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMProjectCommit": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMProjectCriteria" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMProjectCriteria": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMProjectCriteria": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMProjectCriteria": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMProjectCriteria": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMProjectCriteria": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMProjectCst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMProjectCst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMProjectCst": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMProjectCst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMProjectCst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMProjectCst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMProjectMilestone" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMProjectMilestone": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMProjectMilestone": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMProjectMilestone": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMProjectMilestone": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMProjectMilestone": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMProjectTask" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMProjectTask": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMProjectTask": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMProjectTask": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMProjectTask": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMProjectTask": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMProjHour" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMProjHour": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMProjHour": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMProjHour": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMProjHour": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMProjHour": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMProjPhase" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMProjPhase": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMProjPhase": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMProjPhase": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMProjPhase": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMProjPhase": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMProjPhCstHist" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMProjPhCstHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMProjPhCstHist": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMProjPhCstHist": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMProjPhCstHist": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMProjPhCstHist": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPRSyst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PRSyst."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPRSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPRSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPRSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPRSyst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPRSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPRTaxCrd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPRTaxCrd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPRTaxCrd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPRTaxCrd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPRTaxCrd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPRTaxCrd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPRTaxDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPRTaxDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPRTaxDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPRTaxDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPRTaxDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPRTaxDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPRTaxExp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPRTaxExp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPRTaxExp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPRTaxExp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPRTaxExp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPRTaxExp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPRTaxMas" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPRTaxMas": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPRTaxMas": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPRTaxMas": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPRTaxMas": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPRTaxMas": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPRTaxTbl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPRTaxTbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPRTaxTbl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPRTaxTbl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPRTaxTbl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPRTaxTbl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPRTaxTmp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPRTaxTmp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPRTaxTmp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPRTaxTmp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPRTaxTmp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPRTaxTmp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPRW2Dtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PRW2Dtl."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPRW2Dtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPRW2Dtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPRW2Dtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPRW2Dtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPRW2Dtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPRWrkCEx" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPRWrkCEx": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPRWrkCEx": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPRWrkCEx": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPRWrkCEx": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPRWrkCEx": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPRWrkCmp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPRWrkCmp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPRWrkCmp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPRWrkCmp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPRWrkCmp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPRWrkCmp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPublishedView" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPublishedView": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPublishedView": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPublishedView": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPublishedView": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPublishedView": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPurAgent" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPurAgent": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPurAgent": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPurAgent": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPurAgent": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPurAgent": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPurAuth" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PurAuth."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPurAuth": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPurAuth": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPurAuth": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPurAuth": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPurAuth": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPurMisc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for PurMisc."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPurMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPurMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPurMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPurMisc": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPurMisc": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPurMiscExpUB" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPurMiscExpUB": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPurMiscExpUB": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPurMiscExpUB": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPurMiscExpUB": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPurMiscExpUB": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPurMiscVend" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPurMiscVend": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPurMiscVend": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPurMiscVend": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPurMiscVend": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPurMiscVend": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPurTermD" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPurTermD": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPurTermD": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPurTermD": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPurTermD": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPurTermD": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMPurTerms" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPurTerms": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPurTerms": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPurTerms": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPurTerms": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPurTerms": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMPWLocHis" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMPWLocHis": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMPWLocHis": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMPWLocHis": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMPWLocHis": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMPWLocHis": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQMarkUp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for QMarkUp."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQMarkUp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQMarkUp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQMarkUp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQMarkUp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQMarkUp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQmmkup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for Qmmkup."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQmmkup": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQmmkup": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQmmkup": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQmmkup": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQmmkup": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQSalesRP" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQSalesRP": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQSalesRP": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQSalesRP": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQSalesRP": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQSalesRP": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQtmmkup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for Qtmmkup."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQtmmkup": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQtmmkup": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQtmmkup": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQtmmkup": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQtmmkup": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQueryCalcFld" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQueryCalcFld": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQueryCalcFld": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQueryCalcFld": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQueryCalcFld": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQueryCalcFld": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQueryCtrl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQueryCtrl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQueryCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQueryCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQueryCtrl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQueryCtrl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQueryCtrlValues" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQueryCtrlValues": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQueryCtrlValues": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQueryCtrlValues": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQueryCtrlValues": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQueryCtrlValues": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQueryCustomAction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQueryCustomAction": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQueryCustomAction": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQueryCustomAction": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQueryCustomAction": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQueryCustomAction": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQueryField" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQueryField": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQueryField": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQueryField": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQueryField": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQueryField": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQueryLikeRef" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQueryLikeRef": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQueryLikeRef": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQueryLikeRef": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQueryLikeRef": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQueryLikeRef": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQueryParameter" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQueryParameter": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQueryParameter": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQueryParameter": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQueryParameter": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQueryParameter": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQueryRelation" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQueryRelation": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQueryRelation": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQueryRelation": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQueryRelation": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQueryRelation": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQueryRelationField" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQueryRelationField": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQueryRelationField": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQueryRelationField": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQueryRelationField": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQueryRelationField": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQuerySortBy" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQuerySortBy": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQuerySortBy": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQuerySortBy": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQuerySortBy": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQuerySortBy": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQueryTable" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQueryTable": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQueryTable": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQueryTable": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQueryTable": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQueryTable": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQueryUpdateField" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQueryUpdateField": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQueryUpdateField": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQueryUpdateField": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQueryUpdateField": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQueryUpdateField": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQueryValueSetItems" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQueryValueSetItems": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQueryValueSetItems": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQueryValueSetItems": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQueryValueSetItems": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQueryValueSetItems": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQueryWhereItem" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQueryWhereItem": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQueryWhereItem": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQueryWhereItem": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQueryWhereItem": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQueryWhereItem": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQuickEntry" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQuickEntry": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQuickEntry": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQuickEntry": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQuickEntry": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQuickEntry": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQuickSearch" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQuickSearch": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQuickSearch": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQuickSearch": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQuickSearch": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQuickSearch": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQuickSearchCriteria" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for QuickSearchCriteria."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQuickSearchCriteria": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQuickSearchCriteria": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQuickSearchCriteria": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQuickSearchCriteria": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQuickSearchCriteria": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQuickSearchValueList" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for QuickSearchValueList."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQuickSearchValueList": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQuickSearchValueList": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQuickSearchValueList": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQuickSearchValueList": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQuickSearchValueList": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQuoteAdt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQuoteAdt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQuoteAdt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQuoteAdt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQuoteAdt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQuoteAdt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMQuoteAnalysis" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Intermediate table for

QuoteAnalysis." DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for QuoteAnalysis."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQuoteAnalysis": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQuoteAnalysis": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQuoteAnalysis": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQuoteAnalysis": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQuoteAnalysis": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?"
LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQuoteAsm" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQuoteAsm": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQuoteAsm": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQuoteAsm": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQuoteAsm": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQuoteAsm": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMQuoteAsmInsp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQuoteAsmInsp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQuoteAsmInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQuoteAsmInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQuoteAsmInsp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQuoteAsmInsp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQuoteAsmRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for QuoteAsmRestriction."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQuoteAsmRestriction": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQuoteAsmRestriction": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQuoteAsmRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQuoteAsmRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQuoteAsmRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?"
LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQuoteAsmRestrictSubst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for QuoteAsmRestrictSubst."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQuoteAsmRestrictSubst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique
value for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQuoteAsmRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQuoteAsmRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of
the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQuoteAsmRestrictSubst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQuoteAsmRestrictSubst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQuoteCnt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQuoteCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQuoteCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQuoteCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQuoteCnt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQuoteCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQuoteCom" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQuoteCom": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQuoteCom": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQuoteCom": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQuoteCom": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQuoteCom": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?"
LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQuoteCoPart" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQuoteCoPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQuoteCoPart": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQuoteCoPart": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQuoteCoPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQuoteCoPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQuoteCst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQuoteCst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQuoteCst": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQuoteCst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQuoteCst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQuoteCst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQuoteDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQuoteDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQuoteDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQuoteDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQuoteDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"

TABLE "IMQuoteDtlPref" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQuoteDtlPref": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQuoteDtlPref": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQuoteDtlPref": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQuoteDtlPref": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQuoteDtlPref": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQuoteDtlSLS" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQuoteDtlSLS": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQuoteDtlSLS": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQuoteDtlSLS": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQuoteDtlSLS": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQuoteDtlSLS": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQuoteHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQuoteHed": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQuoteHed": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQuoteHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQuoteHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQuoteHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQuoteHedSLS" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQuoteHedSLS": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQuoteHedSLS": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQuoteHedSLS": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQuoteHedSLS": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQuoteHedSLS": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQuoteMsc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQuoteMsc": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQuoteMsc": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQuoteMsc": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQuoteMsc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQuoteMsc": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
INDEX "QuoteSeqNum" ON "IMQuoteMsc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index that
uniquely identifies the QuoteMsc record within the dat abase."

TABLE "IMQuoteMtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQuoteMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQuoteMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQuoteMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQuoteMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQuoteMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMQuoteMtlInsp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQuoteMtlInsp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQuoteMtlInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQuoteMtlInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQuoteMtlInsp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQuoteMtlInsp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQuoteMtlRefDes" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQuoteMtlRefDes": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQuoteMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQuoteMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQuoteMtlRefDes": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQuoteMtlRefDes": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQuoteMtlRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for QuoteMtlRestriction."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQuoteMtlRestriction": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQuoteMtlRestriction": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQuoteMtlRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQuoteMtlRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQuoteMtlRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQuoteMtlRestrictSubst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for QuoteMtlRestrictSubst."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQuoteMtlRestrictSubst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique
value for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQuoteMtlRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQuoteMtlRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of
the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQuoteMtlRestrictSubst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQuoteMtlRestrictSubst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQuoteOpDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQuoteOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQuoteOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQuoteOpDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQuoteOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQuoteOpDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQuoteOpr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQuoteOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQuoteOpr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQuoteOpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQuoteOpr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQuoteOpr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
INDEX "OprSeq" ON "IMQuoteOpr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index that uniquely
identifies the QuoteOpr record."

TABLE "IMQuoteOprInsp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQuoteOprInsp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQuoteOprInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQuoteOprInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQuoteOprInsp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQuoteOprInsp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQuoteOprRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for QuoteOprRestriction."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQuoteOprRestriction": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQuoteOprRestriction": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQuoteOprRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQuoteOprRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQuoteOprRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQuoteOprRestrictSubst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for QuoteOprRestrictSubst."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQuoteOprRestrictSubst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique
value for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQuoteOprRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQuoteOprRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of
the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQuoteOprRestrictSubst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQuoteOprRestrictSubst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMQuoteQty" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQuoteQty": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQuoteQty": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQuoteQty": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQuoteQty": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQuoteQty": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMQuoteTax" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMQuoteTax": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMQuoteTax": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMQuoteTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMQuoteTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMQuoteTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRASchedCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRASchedCd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRASchedCd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRASchedCd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRASchedCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRASchedCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRateType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRateType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRateType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRateType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRateType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRateType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRating" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for Rating."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRating": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRating": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRating": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRating": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRating": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRcvDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for RcvDtl"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRcvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRcvDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRcvDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRcvDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRcvDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"

TABLE "IMRcvDtlXRef" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRcvDtlXRef": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRcvDtlXRef": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRcvDtlXRef": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRcvDtlXRef": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRcvDtlXRef": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRcvDuty" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for RcvDuty."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRcvDuty": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRcvDuty": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRcvDuty": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRcvDuty": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRcvDuty": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRcvHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for RcvHead."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRcvHead": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRcvHead": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRcvHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRcvHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRcvHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
INDEX "VenPackerInOut" ON "IMRcvHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Uniquely
identifies a vendors packing slip document within the co mpany."

TABLE "IMRcvMisc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for RcvMisc."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRcvMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRcvMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRcvMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRcvMisc": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRcvMisc": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRcvPickd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRcvPickd": decimal
DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue record associated with this interm
ediate table record. A concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRcvPickd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRcvPickd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRcvPickd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRcvPickd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMReason" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for Reason."
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMReason": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMReason": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMReason": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMReason": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMReason": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
INDEX "ReasonCode" ON "IMReason" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index that
uniquely indentifies the reason master by codes."

TABLE "IMRebateBrk" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRebateBrk": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRebateBrk": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRebateBrk": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRebateBrk": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRebateBrk": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMRebateCust" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRebateCust": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRebateCust": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRebateCust": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRebateCust": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRebateCust": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRebateCustDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRebateCustDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRebateCustDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRebateCustDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRebateCustDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRebateCustDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRebateDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRebateDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRebateDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRebateDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRebateDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRebateDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMRebateHdr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRebateHdr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRebateHdr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRebateHdr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRebateHdr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRebateHdr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRebatePymt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRebatePymt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRebatePymt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRebatePymt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRebatePymt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRebatePymt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRebateTrans" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRebateTrans": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRebateTrans": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRebateTrans": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRebateTrans": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRebateTrans": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMRefCategory" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRefCategory": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRefCategory": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRefCategory": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRefCategory": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRefCategory": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMReference" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMReference": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMReference": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMReference": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMReference": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMReference": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRegion" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for Region."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRegion": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRegion": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRegion": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRegion": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRegion": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
TABLE "IMReminderGroup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMReminderGroup": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMReminderGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMReminderGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMReminderGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMReminderGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMReminderLetter" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMReminderLetter": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMReminderLetter": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMReminderLetter": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMReminderLetter": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMReminderLetter": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMReminderSequence" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMReminderSequence": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMReminderSequence": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMReminderSequence": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMReminderSequence": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMReminderSequence": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMRenewalCode" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRenewalCode": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRenewalCode": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRenewalCode": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRenewalCode": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRenewalCode": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMReplLogChunk" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMReplLogChunk": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMReplLogChunk": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMReplLogChunk": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMReplLogChunk": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMReplLogChunk": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMReplProfile" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMReplProfile": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMReplProfile": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMReplProfile": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMReplProfile": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMReplProfile": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMReplProfilePerCompany" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table
for ReplProfilePerCompany."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMReplProfilePerCompany": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique
value for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMReplProfilePerCompany": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMReplProfilePerCompany": character DESCRIPTION "Status of
the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMReplProfilePerCompany": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMReplProfilePerCompany": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMReplProfileTable" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMReplProfileTable": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMReplProfileTable": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMReplProfileTable": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMReplProfileTable": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMReplProfileTable": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMReplRequest" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMReplRequest": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMReplRequest": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMReplRequest": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMReplRequest": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMReplRequest": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMReplRequestInit" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMReplRequestInit": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMReplRequestInit": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMReplRequestInit": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMReplRequestInit": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMReplRequestInit": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMReplRequestInitFilter" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for ReplRequestInitFilter."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMReplRequestInitFilter": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique
value for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMReplRequestInitFilter": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMReplRequestInitFilter": character DESCRIPTION "Status of
the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMReplRequestInitFilter": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMReplRequestInitFilter": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMReplRequestInitTable" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for ReplRequestInitTable."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMReplRequestInitTable": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMReplRequestInitTable": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMReplRequestInitTable": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMReplRequestInitTable": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMReplRequestInitTable": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMReplSetting" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMReplSetting": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMReplSetting": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMReplSetting": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMReplSetting": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMReplSetting": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMReplTableState" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMReplTableState": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMReplTableState": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMReplTableState": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMReplTableState": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMReplTableState": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMReport" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for Report."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMReport": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMReport": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMReport": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMReport": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMReport": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMReportDefaultStyle" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMReportDefaultStyle": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMReportDefaultStyle": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMReportDefaultStyle": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMReportDefaultStyle": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMReportDefaultStyle": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMReportStyle" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMReportStyle": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMReportStyle": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMReportStyle": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMReportStyle": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMReportStyle": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMReportType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMReportType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMReportType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMReportType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMReportType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMReportType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMReqActs" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for ReqActs."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMReqActs": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMReqActs": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMReqActs": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMReqActs": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMReqActs": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMReqDetail" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMReqDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMReqDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMReqDetail": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMReqDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMReqDetail": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
INDEX "ReqLineInOut" ON "IMReqDetail" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index which
establishes a uniqui index for the ReqDetail file."

TABLE "IMReqHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for ReqHead."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMReqHead": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMReqHead": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMReqHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMReqHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMReqHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
INDEX "ReqNumInOut" ON "IMReqHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index which
establishes a uniqui index for the ReqHead file."

TABLE "IMReqLog" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for ReqLog."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMReqLog": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMReqLog": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMReqLog": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMReqLog": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMReqLog": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMReservePri" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMReservePri": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMReservePri": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMReservePri": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMReservePri": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMReservePri": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMResource" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMResource": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMResource": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMResource": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMResource": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMResource": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMResourceCal" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMResourceCal": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMResourceCal": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMResourceCal": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMResourceCal": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMResourceCal": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMResourceCollection" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMResourceCollection": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMResourceCollection": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMResourceCollection": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMResourceCollection": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMResourceCollection": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMResourceGroup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMResourceGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMResourceGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMResourceGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMResourceGroup": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMResourceGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMResourceTimeUsed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMResourceTimeUsed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMResourceTimeUsed": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMResourceTimeUsed": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMResourceTimeUsed": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMResourceTimeUsed": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMResourceTimeUsedSub" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for ResourceTimeUsedSub."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMResourceTimeUsedSub": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMResourceTimeUsedSub": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMResourceTimeUsedSub": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMResourceTimeUsedSub": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMResourceTimeUsedSub": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMResourceType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMResourceType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMResourceType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMResourceType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMResourceType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMResourceType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRestrictFcts" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRestrictFcts": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRestrictFcts": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRestrictFcts": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRestrictFcts": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRestrictFcts": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRestrictionSubstance" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for RestrictionSubstance."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRestrictionSubstance": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRestrictionSubstance": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRestrictionSubstance": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRestrictionSubstance": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRestrictionSubstance": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRestrictionType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRestrictionType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRestrictionType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRestrictionType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRestrictionType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed
iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRestrictionType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRFQHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for RFQHead."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRFQHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRFQHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRFQHead": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRFQHead": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRFQHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
INDEX "RfqNumCompInOut" ON "IMRFQHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Uniquely
identifies an RFQ document."

TABLE "IMRFQItem" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for RFQItem."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRFQItem": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRFQItem": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRFQItem": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRFQItem": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRFQItem": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMRFQPart" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for RFQPart."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRFQPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRFQPart": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRFQPart": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRFQPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRFQPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRFQQty" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for RFQQty."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRFQQty": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRFQQty": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRFQQty": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRFQQty": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRFQQty": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMRFQSourcing" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRFQSourcing": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRFQSourcing": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRFQSourcing": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRFQSourcing": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRFQSourcing": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRFQSugg" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for RFQSugg."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRFQSugg": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRFQSugg": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRFQSugg": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRFQSugg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRFQSugg": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRFQVend" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for RFQVend."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRFQVend": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRFQVend": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRFQVend": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRFQVend": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRFQVend": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMRlsClass" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRlsClass": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRlsClass": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRlsClass": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRlsClass": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRlsClass": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRlsGroup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRlsGroup": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRlsGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRlsGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRlsGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRlsGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRlsHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for RlsHead."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRlsHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRlsHead": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRlsHead": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRlsHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRlsHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRlsLevel" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRlsLevel": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRlsLevel": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRlsLevel": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRlsLevel": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRlsLevel": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRlsParent" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRlsParent": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRlsParent": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRlsParent": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRlsParent": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRlsParent": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRMADisp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for RMADisp."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRMADisp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRMADisp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRMADisp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRMADisp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRMADisp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRMADtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for RMADtl."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRMADtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRMADtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRMADtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRMADtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRMADtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"

TABLE "IMRMAHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for RMAHead."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRMAHead": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRMAHead": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRMAHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRMAHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRMAHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRMARcpt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for RMARcpt."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRMARcpt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRMARcpt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRMARcpt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRMARcpt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRMARcpt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRoleCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for RoleCd."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRoleCd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRoleCd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRoleCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRoleCd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRoleCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRoughCutParam" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRoughCutParam": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRoughCutParam": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRoughCutParam": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRoughCutParam": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRoughCutParam": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRptCalcField" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRptCalcField": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRptCalcField": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRptCalcField": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRptCalcField": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRptCalcField": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRptDataDef" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRptDataDef": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRptDataDef": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRptDataDef": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRptDataDef": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRptDataDef": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRptDefault" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRptDefault": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRptDefault": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRptDefault": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRptDefault": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRptDefault": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRptExclude" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRptExclude": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRptExclude": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRptExclude": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRptExclude": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRptExclude": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRptLinkField" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRptLinkField": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRptLinkField": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRptLinkField": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRptLinkField": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRptLinkField": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRptLinkTable" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRptLinkTable": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRptLinkTable": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRptLinkTable": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRptLinkTable": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRptLinkTable": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRptLiterals" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRptLiterals": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRptLiterals": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRptLiterals": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRptLiterals": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRptLiterals": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRptParms" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRptParms": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRptParms": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRptParms": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRptParms": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRptParms": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRptRelation" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRptRelation": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRptRelation": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRptRelation": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRptRelation": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRptRelation": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRptRelationField" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRptRelationField": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRptRelationField": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRptRelationField": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRptRelationField": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRptRelationField": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRptRule" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for RptRule."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRptRule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRptRule": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRptRule": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRptRule": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRptRule": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRptRuleCond" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRptRuleCond": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRptRuleCond": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRptRuleCond": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRptRuleCond": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRptRuleCond": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRptStylePrinters" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRptStylePrinters": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRptStylePrinters": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRptStylePrinters": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRptStylePrinters": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRptStylePrinters": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRptTable" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRptTable": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRptTable": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRptTable": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRptTable": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRptTable": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRptWhereItem" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRptWhereItem": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRptWhereItem": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRptWhereItem": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRptWhereItem": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRptWhereItem": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRvJrn" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for RvJrn."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRvJrn": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRvJrn": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRvJrn": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRvJrn": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRvJrn": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRvJrnHist" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRvJrnHist": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRvJrnHist": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRvJrnHist": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRvJrnHist": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRvJrnHist": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRvJrnTr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for RvJrnTr."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRvJrnTr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRvJrnTr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRvJrnTr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRvJrnTr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRvJrnTr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRvJrnTrDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRvJrnTrDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRvJrnTrDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRvJrnTrDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRvJrnTrDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRvJrnTrDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRvLock" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for RvLock."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRvLock": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRvLock": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRvLock": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRvLock": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRvLock": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMRvTranGLC" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMRvTranGLC": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMRvTranGLC": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMRvTranGLC": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMRvTranGLC": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMRvTranGLC": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSaleAuth" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSaleAuth": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSaleAuth": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSaleAuth": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSaleAuth": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSaleAuth": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSalesCat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSalesCat": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSalesCat": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSalesCat": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSalesCat": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSalesCat": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMSalesRep" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

SalesRep." FOREIGN-NAME "n/a"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSalesRep": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSalesRep": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSalesRep": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSalesRep": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSalesRep": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMSalesTax" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSalesTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSalesTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSalesTax": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSalesTax": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSalesTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMSalesTBD" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSalesTBD": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSalesTBD": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSalesTBD": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSalesTBD": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSalesTBD": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSalesTer" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Sales Territory" DESCRIPTION

"Intermediate table for SalesTer."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSalesTer": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSalesTer": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSalesTer": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSalesTer": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSalesTer": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMSalesTerBillType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSalesTerBillType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSalesTerBillType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSalesTerBillType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSalesTerBillType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSalesTerBillType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSalesTRC": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm
ediate table record. A concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSalesTRC": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSalesTRC": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSalesTRC": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSalesTRC": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSalesTRP" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSalesTRP": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSalesTRP": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSalesTRP": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSalesTRP": decimal
DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue record associated with this interm
ediate table record. A concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSalesTRP": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSalesTxc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSalesTxc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSalesTxc": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSalesTxc": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSalesTxc": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSalesTxc": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMSchedGroup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSchedGroup": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm
ediate table record. A concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSchedGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSchedGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSchedGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSchedGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSchedPri" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSchedPri": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSchedPri": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSchedPri": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSchedPri": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSchedPri": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSchemaDiff" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSchemaDiff": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSchemaDiff": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSchemaDiff": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSchemaDiff": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSchemaDiff": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSecColumn" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Column Security" DESCRIPTION

"Intermediate table for SecColumn."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSecColumn": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSecColumn": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSecColumn": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSecColumn": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSecColumn": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSecGroup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSecGroup": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSecGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSecGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSecGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSecGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSecurity": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSecurity": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSecurity": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSecurity": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSecurity": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSegmentLink" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSegmentLink": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSegmentLink": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSegmentLink": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSegmentLink": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSegmentLink": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSegmentLinkHistory" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSegmentLinkHistory": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSegmentLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSegmentLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSegmentLinkHistory": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSegmentLinkHistory": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSerialMask" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSerialMask": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSerialMask": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSerialMask": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSerialMask": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSerialMask": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSerialMatch" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSerialMatch": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSerialMatch": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSerialMatch": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSerialMatch": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSerialMatch": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSerialNo" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSerialNo": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSerialNo": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSerialNo": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSerialNo": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSerialNo": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"

TABLE "IMSerialNoCondition" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSerialNoCondition": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSerialNoCondition": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSerialNoCondition": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSerialNoCondition": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSerialNoCondition": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSetupGrp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSetupGrp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSetupGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSetupGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSetupGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSetupGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSFDBCfg" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for SFDBCfg."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSFDBCfg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSFDBCfg": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSFDBCfg": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSFDBCfg": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSFDBCfg": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
INDEX "SFDBIndexCompInOut" ON "IMSFDBCfg" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index for
Store Front DB sync process."

TABLE "IMSFEmail" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for SFEmail."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSFEmail": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSFEmail": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSFEmail": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSFEmail": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSFEmail": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMShiftBrk" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMShiftBrk": decimal
DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue record associated with this interm
ediate table record. A concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMShiftBrk": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMShiftBrk": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMShiftBrk": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMShiftBrk": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMShipCOO" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for ShipCOO."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMShipCOO": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMShipCOO": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMShipCOO": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMShipCOO": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMShipCOO": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMShipDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for ShipDtl."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMShipDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMShipDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMShipDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMShipDtlTax" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMShipDtlTax": decimal
DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue record associated with this interm
ediate table record. A concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMShipDtlTax": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMShipDtlTax": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMShipDtlTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMShipDtlTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMShipHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMShipHead": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMShipHead": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMShipHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMShipHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMShipHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMShipMisc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMShipMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMShipMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMShipMisc": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMShipMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMShipMisc": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMShipOrd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for ShipOrd."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMShipOrd": decimal
DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue record associated with this interm
ediate table record. A concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMShipOrd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMShipOrd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMShipOrd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMShipOrd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMShipPerf" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMShipPerf": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMShipPerf": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMShipPerf": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMShipPerf": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMShipPerf": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMShipTo" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for ShipTo."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMShipTo": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMShipTo": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMShipTo": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMShipTo": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMShipTo": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMShipToMFBill" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMShipToMFBill": decimal
DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue record associated with this interm
ediate table record. A concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMShipToMFBill": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMShipToMFBill": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMShipToMFBill": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMShipToMFBill": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMShipToRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMShipToRestriction": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMShipToRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMShipToRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMShipToRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMShipToRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMShipToUPSEml" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMShipToUPSEml": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMShipToUPSEml": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMShipToUPSEml": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMShipToUPSEml": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMShipToUPSEml": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMShipUPS" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for ShipUPS."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMShipUPS": decimal
DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue record associated with this interm
ediate table record. A concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMShipUPS": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMShipUPS": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMShipUPS": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMShipUPS": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMShipVia" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for ShipVia."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMShipVia": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMShipVia": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMShipVia": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMShipVia": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMShipVia": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMShopCap" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for ShopCap."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMShopCap": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMShopCap": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMShopCap": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMShopCap": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMShopCap": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMShopLoad" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMShopLoad": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMShopLoad": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMShopLoad": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMShopLoad": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMShopLoad": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMShopWrn" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for ShopWrn."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMShopWrn": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMShopWrn": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMShopWrn": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMShopWrn": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMShopWrn": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSkipLotCtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSkipLotCtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSkipLotCtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSkipLotCtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSkipLotCtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSkipLotCtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSLSSyst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for SLSSyst."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSLSSyst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSLSSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSLSSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSLSSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSLSSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSNTran" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for SNTran."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSNTran": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSNTran": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSNTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSNTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSNTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSourceValueField" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSourceValueField": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSourceValueField": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSourceValueField": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSourceValueField": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSourceValueField": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSourceValueFieldHistory" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate

table for SourceValueFieldHistory."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSourceValueFieldHistory": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique
value for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSourceValueFieldHistory": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSourceValueFieldHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Status of
the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSourceValueFieldHistory": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist
in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL
"Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSourceValueFieldHistory": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSpecAttr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSpecAttr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSpecAttr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSpecAttr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSpecAttr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSpecAttr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSpecHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for SpecHed."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSpecHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSpecHed": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSpecHed": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSpecHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSpecHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSpecRev" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for SpecRev."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSpecRev": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSpecRev": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSpecRev": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSpecRev": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSpecRev": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSRepQDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSRepQDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSRepQDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSRepQDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSRepQDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSRepQDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSRepQHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSRepQHed": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSRepQHed": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSRepQHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSRepQHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSRepQHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSRMCfg" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for SRMCfg."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSRMCfg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSRMCfg": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSRMCfg": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSRMCfg": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSRMCfg": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMsrmIfLog" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMsrmIfLog": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMsrmIfLog": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMsrmIfLog": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMsrmIfLog": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMsrmIfLog": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSrvCdXrf" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSrvCdXrf": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSrvCdXrf": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSrvCdXrf": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSrvCdXrf": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSrvCdXrf": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMStageNo" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for StageNo."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMStageNo": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMStageNo": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMStageNo": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMStageNo": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMStageNo": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMStockProvisionFormat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for StockProvisionFormat."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMStockProvisionFormat": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMStockProvisionFormat": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMStockProvisionFormat": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMStockProvisionFormat": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMStockProvisionFormat": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSubShipD" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSubShipD": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSubShipD": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSubShipD": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSubShipD": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSubShipD": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSubShipH" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSubShipH": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSubShipH": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSubShipH": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSubShipH": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSubShipH": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSubShipUPS" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSubShipUPS": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSubShipUPS": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSubShipUPS": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSubShipUPS": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSubShipUPS": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSubstance" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSubstance": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSubstance": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSubstance": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSubstance": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSubstance": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSugPOChg" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSugPOChg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSugPOChg": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSugPOChg": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSugPOChg": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSugPOChg": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMSugPODtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSugPODtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSugPODtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSugPODtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSugPODtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSugPODtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMSugPoMsc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSugPoMsc": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSugPoMsc": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSugPoMsc": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSugPoMsc": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSugPoMsc": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
INDEX "SugSeqInOut" ON "IMSugPoMsc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Uniquely
identifies record."
TABLE "IMSupplierEDI" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSupplierEDI": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSupplierEDI": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSupplierEDI": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSupplierEDI": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSupplierEDI": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSysAgent" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSysAgent": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSysAgent": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSysAgent": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSysAgent": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSysAgent": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSysAgentSched" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSysAgentSched": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSysAgentSched": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSysAgentSched": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSysAgentSched": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSysAgentSched": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMSysAgentTask" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSysAgentTask": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSysAgentTask": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSysAgentTask": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSysAgentTask": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSysAgentTask": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSysAgentTaskParam" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSysAgentTaskParam": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSysAgentTaskParam": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSysAgentTaskParam": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSysAgentTaskParam": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSysAgentTaskParam": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSysConfig": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSysConfig": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSysConfig": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSysConfig": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSysConfig": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSysLock" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for SysLock."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSysLock": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSysLock": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSysLock": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSysLock": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSysLock": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSysPrinter" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSysPrinter": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSysPrinter": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSysPrinter": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSysPrinter": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSysPrinter": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSysRptLst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSysRptLst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSysRptLst": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSysRptLst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSysRptLst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSysRptLst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSysTask" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for SysTask."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSysTask": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSysTask": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSysTask": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSysTask": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSysTask": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSysTaskKill" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSysTaskKill": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSysTaskKill": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSysTaskKill": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSysTaskKill": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSysTaskKill": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSysTaskLog" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSysTaskLog": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSysTaskLog": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSysTaskLog": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSysTaskLog": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSysTaskLog": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMSysTaskParam" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMSysTaskParam": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMSysTaskParam": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMSysTaskParam": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMSysTaskParam": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMSysTaskParam": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTableAttr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTableAttr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTableAttr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTableAttr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTableAttr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTableAttr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTargetValueField" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTargetValueField": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTargetValueField": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTargetValueField": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTargetValueField": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTargetValueField": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTargetValueFieldHistory" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate

table for TargetValueFieldHistory."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTargetValueFieldHistory": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique
value for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTargetValueFieldHistory": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTargetValueFieldHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Status of
the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTargetValueFieldHistory": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist
in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL
"Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTargetValueFieldHistory": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTariff" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for Tariff."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTariff": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTariff": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTariff": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTariff": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTariff": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTariffComm" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTariffComm": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTariffComm": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTariffComm": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTariffComm": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTariffComm": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTask" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for Task."
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTask": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTask": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTask": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTask": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTask": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMTaskMast" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTaskMast": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTaskMast": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTaskMast": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTaskMast": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTaskMast": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTaskSDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTaskSDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTaskSDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTaskSDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTaskSDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTaskSDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTaskSet" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for TaskSet."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTaskSet": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTaskSet": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTaskSet": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTaskSet": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTaskSet": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTaskSNxt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTaskSNxt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTaskSNxt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTaskSNxt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTaskSNxt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTaskSNxt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTaskStat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTaskStat": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTaskStat": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTaskStat": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTaskStat": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTaskStat": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTaskType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTaskType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTaskType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTaskType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTaskType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTaskType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTaxAlDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTaxAlDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTaxAlDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTaxAlDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTaxAlDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTaxAlgrm": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTaxAlgrm": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTaxAlgrm": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTaxAlgrm": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTaxAlgrm": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTaxAuthorityCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTaxAuthorityCd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTaxAuthorityCd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i (
incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTaxAuthorityCd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTaxAuthorityCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTaxAuthorityCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTaxBox" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for TaxBox."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTaxBox": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTaxBox": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTaxBox": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTaxBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTaxBox": logical
DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTaxBoxDefault" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTaxBoxDefault": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTaxBoxDefault": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTaxBoxDefault": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTaxBoxDefault": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTaxBoxDefault": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTaxBoxTran" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTaxBoxTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTaxBoxTran": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i (
incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTaxBoxTran": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTaxBoxTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTaxBoxTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTaxCat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for TaxCat."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTaxCat": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTaxCat": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTaxCat": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTaxCat": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTaxCat": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed
iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record
INDEX "TaxCatCompInOut" ON "IMTaxCat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index that
uniquely identifies a Tax Category master. "
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTaxCatD": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTaxCatD": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTaxCatD": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTaxCatD": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTaxCatD": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTaxCent": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTaxCent": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTaxCent": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTaxCent": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTaxCent": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTaxCentD": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTaxCentD": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTaxCentD": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTaxCentD": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTaxCentD": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTaxDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for TaxDtl"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTaxDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTaxDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTaxDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTaxDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTaxDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTaxExempt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTaxExempt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTaxExempt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTaxExempt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTaxExempt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTaxGRate": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTaxGRate": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTaxGRate": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTaxGRate": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTaxGRate": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTaxJuris": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTaxJuris": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTaxJuris": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTaxJuris": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTaxJuris": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTaxRate": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTaxRate": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTaxRate": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTaxRate": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTaxRate": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTaxReport" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTaxReport": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTaxReport": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTaxReport": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTaxReport": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTaxReport": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTaxRgn" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for TaxRgn."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTaxRgn": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTaxRgn": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTaxRgn": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTaxRgn": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTaxRgn": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
INDEX "TaxRegion" ON "IMTaxRgn" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index that uniquely
identifies a TaxRegion master. "

TABLE "IMTaxRgnSalesTax" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Intermediate table for

TaxRgnSalesTax." DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for TaxRgnSalesTax."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTaxRgnSalesTax": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTaxRgnSalesTax": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTaxRgnSalesTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTaxRgnSalesTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTaxRgnSalesTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTaxRptCat": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTaxRptCat": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTaxRptCat": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTaxRptCat": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTaxRptCat": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTaxRptDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTaxRptDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTaxRptDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTaxRptDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTaxRptDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTaxRptDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTaxSvcConfig" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTaxSvcConfig": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTaxSvcConfig": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTaxSvcConfig": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTaxSvcConfig": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTaxSvcConfig": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTaxSvcDetail" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTaxSvcDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTaxSvcDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTaxSvcDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTaxSvcDetail": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTaxSvcDetail": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTaxSvcHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTaxSvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTaxSvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTaxSvcHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTaxSvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTaxSvcHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTaxSvcJurDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTaxSvcJurDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTaxSvcJurDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTaxSvcJurDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTaxSvcJurDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTaxSvcJurDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTaxSvcMessages" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTaxSvcMessages": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTaxSvcMessages": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTaxSvcMessages": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTaxSvcMessages": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTaxSvcMessages": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTaxText": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTaxText": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTaxText": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTaxText": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed
iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTaxText": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTaxTextD": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTaxTextD": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTaxTextD": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTaxTextD": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTaxTextD": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTaxTran" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for TaxTran."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTaxTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTaxTran": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i
( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTaxTran": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTaxTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTaxTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTerms" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for Terms."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTerms": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTerms": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTerms": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTerms": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTerms": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMTermsDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTermsDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTermsDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTermsDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTermsDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTermsDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTFOrdDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTFOrdDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTFOrdDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTFOrdDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTFOrdDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTFOrdDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTFOrdHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTFOrdHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTFOrdHed": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTFOrdHed": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTFOrdHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTFOrdHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTFOrdSug" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTFOrdSug": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTFOrdSug": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTFOrdSug": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTFOrdSug": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTFOrdSug": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTFShipDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTFShipDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTFShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTFShipDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTFShipDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTFShipDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTFShipHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTFShipHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTFShipHead": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTFShipHead": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTFShipHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTFShipHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTFShipUPS" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTFShipUPS": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTFShipUPS": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTFShipUPS": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTFShipUPS": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTFShipUPS": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTimePhas" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTimePhas": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTimePhas": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTimePhas": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTimePhas": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTimePhas": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTimeTypCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTimeTypCd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTimeTypCd": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTimeTypCd": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTimeTypCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTimeTypCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTip" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for Tip."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTip": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTip": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTip": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTip": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this Intermediate
Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTip": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTrackingDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTrackingDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTrackingDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTrackingDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTrackingDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTrackingDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTranDocType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTranDocType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTranDocType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTranDocType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTranDocType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTranDocType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTranGLC" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for TranGLC."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTranGLC": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTranGLC": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTranGLC": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTranGLC": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTranGLC": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMTranGLCSim" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMTranGLCSim": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMTranGLCSim": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMTranGLCSim": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMTranGLCSim": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMTranGLCSim": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMttSupply" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMttSupply": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMttSupply": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMttSupply": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMttSupply": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMttSupply": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD01" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD01."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD01": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD01": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD01": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD01": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD02" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD02."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD02": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD02": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD02": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD02": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD03" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD03."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD03": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD03": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD03": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD03": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD04" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD04."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD04": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD04": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm
ediate table record. A concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD04": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD04": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD05" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD05."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD05": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD05": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD05": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD05": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD06" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD06."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD06": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD06": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD06": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD06": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD07" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD07."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD07": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD07": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD07": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD07": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD08" AREA "Schema Area"

DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD08."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD08": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD08": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD08": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD08": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD09" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD09."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD09": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD09": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD09": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD09": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?"
LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD10" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD10."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD10": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD10": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD10": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD10": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD100" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD100."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMUD100": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD100": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD100": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD100": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD100": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD100A" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD100A."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMUD100A": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD100A": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD100A": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD100A": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD100A": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD101" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD101."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMUD101": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD101": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD101": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD101": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD101": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD101A" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD101A."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMUD101A": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD101A": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD101A": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD101A": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD101A": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD102" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD102."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMUD102": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD102": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD102": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD102": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD102": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD102A" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD102A."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMUD102A": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD102A": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD102A": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD102A": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD102A": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD103" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD103."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMUD103": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD103": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD103": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD103": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD103": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD103A" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD103A."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMUD103A": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD103A": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD103A": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD103A": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD103A": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD104" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD104."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMUD104": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD104": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD104": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD104": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD104": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD104A" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD104A."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMUD104A": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD104A": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD104A": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD104A": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD104A": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD105" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD105."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMUD105": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD105": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD105": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD105": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD105": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD105A" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD105A."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMUD105A": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD105A": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD105A": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD105A": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD105A": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD106" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD106."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMUD106": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD106": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD106": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD106": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD106": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD106A" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD106A."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMUD106A": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD106A": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD106A": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD106A": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD106A": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD107" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD107."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMUD107": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD107": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD107": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD107": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD107": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD107A" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD107A."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMUD107A": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD107A": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD107A": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD107A": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD107A": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD108" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD108."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMUD108": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD108": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD108": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD108": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD108": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD108A" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD108A."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMUD108A": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD108A": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD108A": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD108A": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD108A": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD109" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD109."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMUD109": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD109": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD109": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD109": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD109": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD109A" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD109A."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMUD109A": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD109A": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD109A": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD109A": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD109A": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD11" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD11."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD11": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD11": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD11": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD11": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD110" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD110."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMUD110": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD110": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD110": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD110": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD110": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD110A" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD110A."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMUD110A": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD110A": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD110A": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD110A": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD110A": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD12" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD12."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD12": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD12": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD12": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD12": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD13" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD13."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD13": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD13": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD13": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD13": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD14" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD14."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD14": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD14": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD14": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD14": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD15" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD15."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD15": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD15": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD15": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD15": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMUD16" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD16."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD16": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD16": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD16": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD16": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD17" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD17."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD17": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD17": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD17": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD17": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD18" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD18."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD18": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD18": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD18": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD18": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD19" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD19."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD19": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD19": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD19": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD19": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD20" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD20."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD20": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD20": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD20": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD20": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD21" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD21."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD21": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD21": decimal
DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue record associated with this interm
ediate table record. A concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD21": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD21": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD22" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD22."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD22": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD22": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD22": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD22": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD23" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD23."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD23": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed
iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD23": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD23": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD23": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD24" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD24."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD24": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD24": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD24": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD24": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD25."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD25": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD25": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD25": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD25": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD26" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD26."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD26": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD26": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD26": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD26": logical
DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD27" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD27."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD27": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD27": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD27": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD27": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD28" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD28."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD28": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD28": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD28": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va
lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD28": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD29" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD29."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD29": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD29": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD29": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD29": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD30" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD30."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD30": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD30": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD30": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD30": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD31" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD31."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD31": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD31": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD31": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD31": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD32" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD32."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD32": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD32": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD32": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD32": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD33" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD33."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD33": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD33": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD33": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD33": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD34" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD34."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD34": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD34": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD34": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD34": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD35" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD35."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD35": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD35": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD35": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD35": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMUD36" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD36."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD36": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD36": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD36": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD36": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD37" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD37."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD37": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD37": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD37": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD37": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD38" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD38."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD38": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD38": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD38": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD38": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD39" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD39."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD39": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD39": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD39": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD39": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUD40" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UD40."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUD40": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUD40": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUD40": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUD40": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUDCodes": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMUDCodes": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUDCodes": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUDCodes": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUDCodes": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUDCodeType": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMUDCodeType": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUDCodeType": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUDCodeType": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUDCodeType": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUOM" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UOM."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUOM": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMUOM": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUOM": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUOM": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this Intermediate
Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUOM": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUOMClass" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUOMClass": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMUOMClass": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUOMClass": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUOMClass": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUOMClass": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUOMConv" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for UOMConv."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUOMConv": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMUOMConv": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUOMConv": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUOMConv": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUOMConv": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUserComp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUserComp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMUserComp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUserComp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUserComp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUserComp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUserCompExt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUserCompExt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMUserCompExt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUserCompExt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUserCompExt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUserCompExt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUserFile" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUserFile": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMUserFile": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUserFile": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUserFile": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUserFile": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUserForm" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMUserForm": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUserForm": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUserForm": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUserForm": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUserForm": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUserSetting" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUserSetting": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMUserSetting": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUserSetting": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUserSetting": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUserSetting": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMUserSubF" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMUserSubF": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMUserSubF": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMUserSubF": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMUserSubF": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMUserSubF": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMValRule" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for ValRule."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMValRule": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMValRule": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMValRule": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMValRule": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMValRule": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMVBFormDetail" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMVBFormDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMVBFormDetail": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMVBFormDetail": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMVBFormDetail": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMVBFormDetail": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMVBFormHeader" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMVBFormHeader": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMVBFormHeader": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T
(Translation), V (Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record
Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMVBFormHeader": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMVBFormHeader": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMVBFormHeader": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMVendAttr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMVendAttr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMVendAttr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMVendAttr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMVendAttr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMVendAttr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMVendBank" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMVendBank": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMVendBank": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMVendBank": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMVendBank": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMVendBank": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMVendCnAttr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMVendCnAttr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMVendCnAttr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMVendCnAttr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMVendCnAttr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMVendCnAttr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMVendCnt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for VendCnt."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMVendCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMVendCnt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMVendCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMVendCnt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMVendCnt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMVendGrup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

VendGrup." FOREIGN-NAME "n/a"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMVendGrup": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMVendGrup": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMVendGrup": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMVendGrup": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMVendGrup": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMVendor" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for Vendor."
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMVendor": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMVendor": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMVendor": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMVendor": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMVendorPP" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMVendorPP": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMVendorPP": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMVendorPP": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMVendorPP": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMVendorPP": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMVendPart" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMVendPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMVendPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMVendPart": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMVendPart": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMVendPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMVendPartRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for VendPartRestriction."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMVendPartRestriction": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMVendPartRestriction": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMVendPartRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMVendPartRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMVendPartRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMVendPartRestrictSubst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for VendPartRestrictSubst."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMVendPartRestrictSubst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique
value for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMVendPartRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMVendPartRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of
the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMVendPartRestrictSubst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMVendPartRestrictSubst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMVendPBrk" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMVendPBrk": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMVendPBrk": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMVendPBrk": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMVendPBrk": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed
iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMVendPBrk": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMVendPPRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMVendPPRestriction": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMVendPPRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMVendPPRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMVendPPRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMVendPPRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMVendRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMVendRestriction": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMVendRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMVendRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMVendRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMVendRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMVenMFBill" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMVenMFBill": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMVenMFBill": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMVenMFBill": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMVenMFBill": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed
iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMVenMFBill": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMVenPPMFBill" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMVenPPMFBill": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMVenPPMFBill": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMVenPPMFBill": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMVenPPMFBill": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMVenPPMFBill": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMVenPPUPSEmail" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMVenPPUPSEmail": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMVenPPUPSEmail": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMVenPPUPSEmail": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMVenPPUPSEmail": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMVenPPUPSEmail": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMVenUPSEmail" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMVenUPSEmail": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMVenUPSEmail": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMVenUPSEmail": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMVenUPSEmail": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed
iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMVenUPSEmail": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMVntgPatchLevel" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMVntgPatchLevel": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMVntgPatchLevel": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMVntgPatchLevel": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMVntgPatchLevel": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMVntgPatchLevel": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMVntgStat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMVntgStat": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMVntgStat": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMVntgStat": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMVntgStat": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMVntgStat": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMVntgTR" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for VntgTR."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMVntgTR": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMVntgTR": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMVntgTR": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMVntgTR": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed
iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMVntgTR": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMVntgTRb" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for VntgTRb."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMVntgTRb": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMVntgTRb": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMVntgTRb": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMVntgTRb": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMVntgTRb": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMVntgVer" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for VntgVer."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMVntgVer": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMVntgVer": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMVntgVer": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMVntgVer": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMVntgVer": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMVSBLock" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for VSBLock."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMVSBLock": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMVSBLock": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMVSBLock": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMVSBLock": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed
iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMVSBLock": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMWarehse" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for Warehse."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMWarehse": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMWarehse": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMWarehse": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMWarehse": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMWarehse": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMWarehseABC" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMWarehseABC": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMWarehseABC": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMWarehseABC": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMWarehseABC": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMWarehseABC": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMWarning" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for Warning."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMWarning": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMWarning": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMWarning": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMWarning": logical
DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate
Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMWarning": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate

record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMWave" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for Wave."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMWave": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMWave": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMWave": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMWave": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMWave": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMWaveOrder" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMWaveOrder": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMWaveOrder": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMWaveOrder": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMWaveOrder": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMWaveOrder": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMWCGroup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for WCGroup."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMWCGroup": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMWCGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMWCGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMWCGroup": logical
DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate
Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMWCGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate

record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMWebEMail" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMWebEMail": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMWebEMail": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMWebEMail": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMWebEMail": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMWebEMail": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMWebSession" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMWebSession": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMWebSession": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMWebSession": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMWebSession": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMWebSession": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMWebSessionConfValue" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table

for WebSessionConfValue."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMWebSessionConfValue": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMWebSessionConfValue": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMWebSessionConfValue": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMWebSessionConfValue": logical
DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate
Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMWebSessionConfValue": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this

intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMWebSessionGlbValue" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMWebSessionGlbValue": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMWebSessionGlbValue": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMWebSessionGlbValue": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMWebSessionGlbValue": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMWebSessionGlbValue": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMWebSessionInputs" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMWebSessionInputs": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMWebSessionInputs": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMWebSessionInputs": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMWebSessionInputs": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMWebSessionInputs": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMWebSessionTable" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMWebSessionTable": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMWebSessionTable": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMWebSessionTable": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMWebSessionTable": logical
DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate
Status." LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMWebSessionTable": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this

intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMWebSessionTmpValue" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMWebSessionTmpValue": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value
for the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A
concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence
(9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMWebSessionTmpValue": character DESCRIPTION
"Indicates if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o
(outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMWebSessionTmpValue": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMWebSessionTmpValue": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in
this Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMWebSessionTmpValue": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMWebSessionVar" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMWebSessionVar": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMWebSessionVar": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMWebSessionVar": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMWebSessionVar": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMWebSessionVar": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMWebUser" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "IMWebUser" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate

table for WebUser."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMWebUser": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMWebUser": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMWebUser": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMWebUser": character
DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues
are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMWebUser": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"

TABLE "IMWError" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for WError."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMWError": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMWError": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMWError": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMWError": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMWError": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMWFGroup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for WFGroup."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMWFGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i (
incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMWFGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMWFGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMWFGroup": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMWFGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMWFGrpMbr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMWFGrpMbr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMWFGrpMbr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMWFGrpMbr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMWFGrpMbr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMWFGrpMbr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMWFStage" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for WFStage."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMWFStage": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMWFStage": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMWFStage": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMWFStage": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMWFStage": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMWhereClause" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMWhereClause": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm
ediate table record. A concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMWhereClause": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMWhereClause": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMWhereClause": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMWhereClause": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMWhseBin" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for WhseBin."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMWhseBin": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMWhseBin": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMWhseBin": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMWhseBin": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMWhseBin": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMwhsebinattr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMwhsebinattr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMwhsebinattr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMwhsebinattr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMwhsebinattr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMwhsebinattr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMWhseGroup" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMWhseGroup": decimal
DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue record associated with this interm
ediate table record. A concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMWhseGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMWhseGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMWhseGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMWhseGroup": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMWhseGroupAttr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMWhseGroupAttr": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMWhseGroupAttr": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMWhseGroupAttr": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMWhseGroupAttr": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMWhseGroupAttr": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMWhseGroupBin" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMWhseGroupBin": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMWhseGroupBin": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMWhseGroupBin": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMWhseGroupBin": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMWhseGroupBin": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMWhseGroupBinZone" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMWhseGroupBinZone": decimal
DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue record associated with this interm
ediate table record. A concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMWhseGroupBinZone": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMWhseGroupBinZone": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMWhseGroupBinZone": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMWhseGroupBinZone": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMWhseGroupEmp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMWhseGroupEmp": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMWhseGroupEmp": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMWhseGroupEmp": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMWhseGroupEmp": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMWhseGroupEmp": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMWhseGroupItem" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMWhseGroupItem": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMWhseGroupItem": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMWhseGroupItem": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMWhseGroupItem": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMWhseGroupItem": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMWhseGroupTrans" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMWhseGroupTrans": decimal
DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue record associated with this interm
ediate table record. A concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMWhseGroupTrans": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMWhseGroupTrans": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMWhseGroupTrans": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMWhseGroupTrans": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMWhseGroupWhse" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMWhseGroupWhse": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMWhseGroupWhse": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMWhseGroupWhse": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMWhseGroupWhse": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMWhseGroupWhse": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMWhseZone" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMWhseZone": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMWhseZone": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMWhseZone": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMWhseZone": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMWhseZone": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMWidgetSetting" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMWidgetSetting": decimal
DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue record associated with this interm
ediate table record. A concatination of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a
program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMWidgetSetting": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMWidgetSetting": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMWidgetSetting": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMWidgetSetting": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMWipRpt" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for WipRpt."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMWipRpt": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMWipRpt": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMWipRpt": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMWipRpt": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMWipRpt": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMWorkStation" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "WorkStation" DESCRIPTION

"Intermediate table for WorkStation."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMWorkStation": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMWorkStation": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMWorkStation": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMWorkStation": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMWorkStation": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMXaSyst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for XaSyst."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMXaSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMXaSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are A (Arrived), T (Translation), V
(Validation), and R (Registered)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMXaSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMXaSyst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMXaSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMXAttachMetaData": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMXAttachMetaData": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMXAttachMetaData": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMXAttachMetaData": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMXAttachMetaData": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMXbSyst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for XbSyst."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMXbSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMXbSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMXbSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMXbSyst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMXbSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMXDocTypeCtrl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMXDocTypeCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i (
incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMXDocTypeCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMXDocTypeCtrl": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMXDocTypeCtrl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMXFileAttch" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMXFileAttch": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMXFileAttch": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMXFileAttch": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMXFileAttch": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMXFileAttch": logical
DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMXFileRef" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMXFileRef": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMXFileRef": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMXFileRef": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMXFileRef": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMXFileRef": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMXXXChunk" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMXXXChunk": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMXXXChunk": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)."
LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMXXXChunk": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMXXXChunk": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMXXXChunk": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMXXXDef" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for XXXDef."
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMXXXDef": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMXXXDef": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMXXXDef": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMXXXDef": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMXXXDef": logical
DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMzBODataSets" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMzBODataSets": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMzBODataSets": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMzBODataSets": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMzBODataSets": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMzBODataSets": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMzBODef" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for zBODef."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMzBODef": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMzBODef": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i (
incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMzBODef": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission
of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V
(Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL
"Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMzBODef": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMzBODef": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record
ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMzBOMethodSec" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMzBOMethodSec": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMzBOMethodSec": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMzBOMethodSec": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMzBOMethodSec": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMzBOMethodSec": logical
DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMzColumnProperty" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMzColumnProperty": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMzColumnProperty": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates
if this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMzColumnProperty": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMzColumnProperty": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMzColumnProperty": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMzDataField" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMzDataField": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMzDataField": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i (
incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMzDataField": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMzDataField": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMzDataField": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMzDataSet" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMzDataSet": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMzDataSet": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMzDataSet": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMzDataSet": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMzDataSet": logical
DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMzDataTable" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMzDataTable": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMzDataTable": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMzDataTable": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMzDataTable": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMzDataTable": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMzFieldDecimal" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMzFieldDecimal": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMzFieldDecimal": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i (
incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMzFieldDecimal": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMzFieldDecimal": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMzFieldDecimal": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMzKey" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for zKey."
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMzKey": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the Queue
record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of the Date
(YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the IntQueCtrl
table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMzKey": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMzKey": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the transmission of
this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T (Translate), V (Validate)
and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate
Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMzKey": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMzKey": logical
DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMzKeyField" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMzKeyField": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMzKeyField": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMzKeyField": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMzKeyField": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMzKeyField": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMzKPIDimFields": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMzKPIDimFields": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMzKPIDimFields": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMzKPIDimFields": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMzKPIDimFields": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMzLinkColumn" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMzLinkColumn": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMzLinkColumn": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMzLinkColumn": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMzLinkColumn": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMzLinkColumn": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMzLookupField" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMzLookupField": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMzLookupField": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMzLookupField": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMzLookupField": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMzLookupField": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMzLookupLink" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMzLookupLink": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMzLookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMzLookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMzLookupLink": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMzLookupLink": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMzRelation" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMzRelation": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMzRelation": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)." LABEL
"Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMzRelation": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMzRelation": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMzRelation": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
TABLE "IMzRelationField" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMzRelationField": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for
the Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination
of the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from
the IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMzRelationField": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMzRelationField": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMzRelationField": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMzRelationField": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this
intermediate record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IMzSubDataSet" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intermediate table for

FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IMzSubDataSet": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for the
Queue record associated with this interm ediate table record. A concatination of
the Date (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program generated Sequence (9999) from the
IntQueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "IncomingOutgoing" OF "IMzSubDataSet": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
this record is incoming or outgoing. Values are i ( incoming) and o (outgoing)."
LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing" COLUMN-LABEL "Incoming/Outgoing"
FIELD "IntStatus" OF "IMzSubDataSet": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the
transmission of this intermediate record. Valid va lues are S (Send), T
(Translate), V (Validate) and R (Register)." LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Status"
FIELD "IntError" OF "IMzSubDataSet": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "IntComplete" OF "IMzSubDataSet": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this intermediate
record ready to be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"

TABLE "IncomeTax" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "It holds the different Income Tax
concepts that can be handled fo r fiscal transactions"
FIELD "Company" OF "IncomeTax": character DESCRIPTION "Company" LABEL "Company"
FIELD "IncomeTaxCode" OF "IncomeTax": character DESCRIPTION "Income Tax Code" LABEL
"Income Tax Code"
FIELD "Description" OF "IncomeTax": character DESCRIPTION "Description" LABEL
FIELD "IncomeTaxType" OF "IncomeTax": character DESCRIPTION "Income Tax types:
Income (INC)/Deduction(DED)/Salaries(SAL)/Other Creditable Payments(OCP)/Income Tax
Payments(ITP)" LABEL "Income Tax Type"
FIELD "Exempt" OF "IncomeTax": logical DESCRIPTION "It allows the user to identify
if the income is exempt. Applies j ust for Income type" LABEL "Exempt"
FIELD "Deductible" OF "IncomeTax": logical DESCRIPTION "It allows the user to
identify if the income is Deductible/Credit able. Applies just for ?Income? type"
LABEL "Deductible"
FIELD "Active" OF "IncomeTax": logical
DESCRIPTION "True when the Income Tax is active." LABEL "Active"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "IncomeTax": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "IncomeTax": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "IncomeTax": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "PrimIdx" ON "IncomeTax" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary Index for
IncomeTax table"

TABLE "IncomeTaxPer" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This new table holds Income
Taxes being reported to the Tax Autho rity. The period reported corresponds just to
one Period. Values here are read o nly once it is closed"
FIELD "Company" OF "IncomeTaxPer": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "IncomeTaxPer": character DESCRIPTION "The id of the
fiscal calendar this record is related to." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "IncomeTaxPer": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year." LABEL
"Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "IncomeTaxPer": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year
suffix. Allows for additional breakdown/definiti on of fiscal years, for example,
by quarters." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "IncomeTaxPer": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal period
number in the fiscal year." LABEL "Fiscal Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Period"
FIELD "Closed" OF "IncomeTaxPer": logical DESCRIPTION "It is true once current
calculation is set as Closed or Final." LABEL "Closed"
FIELD "Updated" OF "IncomeTaxPer": logical DESCRIPTION "It is true when user
updates values manually" LABEL "Manually Updated"
FIELD "CreatedBy" OF "IncomeTaxPer": character DESCRIPTION "User Id of the person
whom creates the Income Tax Calculation" LABEL "Created By"
FIELD "ClosedBy" OF "IncomeTaxPer": character DESCRIPTION "User Id of the person
whom closes the Income Tax Calculation" LABEL "Closed By"
FIELD "UpdatedBy" OF "IncomeTaxPer": character DESCRIPTION "User Id of the person
whom updates the Income Tax Calculation" LABEL "Updated By"
FIELD "AdditionalDeductions" OF "IncomeTaxPer": decimal DESCRIPTION "Additional
Deductions to be claimed. User should calculate this v alue manually" LABEL
"Additional Deductions"
FIELD "LossesCredit" OF "IncomeTaxPer": decimal DESCRIPTION "Income Tax losses to
be claimed. User should calculate this value manually" LABEL "Losses Credit"
FIELD "InvestmentCredit" OF "IncomeTaxPer": decimal DESCRIPTION "Investments Credit
to be claimed. User should calculate this valu e manually" LABEL "Investments
FIELD "InventoriesCredit" OF "IncomeTaxPer": decimal DESCRIPTION "Inventories
Credit to be claimed. User should calculate this valu e manually." LABEL
"Inventories Credit"
FIELD "UpdateRate" OF "IncomeTaxPer": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the rate used to
calculate the actual value for Additiona l Deductions; Losses, Investment and
Inventories Credit. User should calculate t his value manually." LABEL "Update
FIELD "IncomeAmt" OF "IncomeTaxPer": decimal DESCRIPTION "Income Amount" LABEL
FIELD "DeductionsAmt" OF "IncomeTaxPer": decimal DESCRIPTION "Deductions Amount"
LABEL "Deductions"
FIELD "CreditsAmt" OF "IncomeTaxPer": decimal DESCRIPTION "Credits Amount" LABEL
FIELD "OtherCreditPayAmt" OF "IncomeTaxPer": decimal DESCRIPTION "Other Creditable
Pay Amount" LABEL "Other Creditable Pay"
FIELD "IncomeTaxIncurred" OF "IncomeTaxPer": decimal DESCRIPTION "Incurred Income
Tax (Income Tax Calculated)" LABEL "Income Tax Incurred"
FIELD "AfterOtherCreditPayAmt" OF "IncomeTaxPer": decimal DESCRIPTION "Income Tax
After other Credit Pay Amount" LABEL "After Other Credit Pay"
FIELD "AdvancePayAmount" OF "IncomeTaxPer": decimal DESCRIPTION "Income Tax
Advanced Payments" LABEL "Advanced Payments"
FIELD "IncomeTaxToPaid" OF "IncomeTaxPer": decimal DESCRIPTION "Income Tax to be
Paid" LABEL "Income Tax to be Paid"
FIELD "Comments" OF "IncomeTaxPer": character DESCRIPTION "Comments" LABEL
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "IncomeTaxPer": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "IncomeTaxPer": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "IncomeTaxPer": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "IncomeTaxPer": character DESCRIPTION "Currency Code for
the Income Tax Calculation" LABEL "Currency Code"
INDEX "PrimIdx" ON "IncomeTaxPer" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary Index for

TABLE "IncomeTaxPerCalc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Details about how

calculation was performed for a given period ar e hold in this table. Records
sequence can show the list of concepts considered for the calculation of the period
keeping a format."
FIELD "Company" OF "IncomeTaxPerCalc": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "IncomeTaxPerCalc": character DESCRIPTION "The id of
the fiscal calendar this record is related to." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-
LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "IncomeTaxPerCalc": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year."
LABEL "Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "IncomeTaxPerCalc": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal
year suffix. Allows for additional breakdown/definiti on of fiscal years, for
example, by quarters." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"

FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "IncomeTaxPerCalc": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal period

number in the fiscal year." LABEL "Fiscal Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Period"
FIELD "Seq" OF "IncomeTaxPerCalc": integer DESCRIPTION "Sequence" LABEL "Sequence"
FIELD "Level" OF "IncomeTaxPerCalc": integer DESCRIPTION "1 = Total, 2 = SubTotal,
3,4,5...n = Details " LABEL "Level"
FIELD "Concept" OF "IncomeTaxPerCalc": character DESCRIPTION "Concept" LABEL
FIELD "IncomeTaxCode" OF "IncomeTaxPerCalc": character DESCRIPTION "Income Tax
Code" LABEL "Income Tax Code"
FIELD "IncomeTaxType" OF "IncomeTaxPerCalc": character DESCRIPTION "Income Tax
Type" LABEL "Income Tax Type"
FIELD "Operator" OF "IncomeTaxPerCalc": character DESCRIPTION "Symbol representing
how the value affects totals. Two digits 'AB' . A is the symbol to display. B is
the symbol representing the operation perform ed." LABEL "Operator"
FIELD "Amount" OF "IncomeTaxPerCalc": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount" LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "ReadOnly" OF "IncomeTaxPerCalc": logical DESCRIPTION "Read Only" LABEL "Read
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "IncomeTaxPerCalc": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "IncomeTaxPerCalc": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "IncomeTaxPerCalc": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "FactorOfSeq" OF "IncomeTaxPerCalc": integer DESCRIPTION "This is the
Sequence value of the record affected when the Amount field is modified." LABEL
"Factor of Sequence"
FIELD "ID" OF "IncomeTaxPerCalc": character DESCRIPTION "In case the value needs to
be accessed and the Seq field value is unknown, this field can be used for this
purpose." LABEL "ID"
INDEX "PrimIdx" ON "IncomeTaxPerCalc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary Index
for IncomeTaxPerCalc"
INDEX "FactorOfSeqIdx" ON "IncomeTaxPerCalc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION
INDEX "IDIdx" ON "IncomeTaxPerCalc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "IDIdx"

TABLE "IncomeTaxPerTran" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "All transactions

considered for the Income Tax Calculation of the fiscal period are stored in this
FIELD "Company" OF "IncomeTaxPerTran": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "IncomeTaxPerTran": character DESCRIPTION "The id of
the fiscal calendar this record is related to." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-
LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "IncomeTaxPerTran": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year."
LABEL "Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "IncomeTaxPerTran": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal
year suffix. Allows for additional breakdown/definiti on of fiscal years, for
example, by quarters." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"

FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "IncomeTaxPerTran": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal period

number in the fiscal year." LABEL "Fiscal Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Period"
FIELD "Seq" OF "IncomeTaxPerTran": integer DESCRIPTION "Sequence" LABEL "Sequence"
FIELD "IncomeTaxCode" OF "IncomeTaxPerTran": character DESCRIPTION "Income Tax
Code" LABEL "Income Tax Code"
FIELD "Amount" OF "IncomeTaxPerTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount" LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "DocumentType" OF "IncomeTaxPerTran": integer DESCRIPTION "This value
identifies the source of the transaction" LABEL "Document Type"
FIELD "key1" OF "IncomeTaxPerTran": character DESCRIPTION "Keeps the value of the
first field being part of the Index relate d to the document." LABEL "Key 1"
FIELD "key2" OF "IncomeTaxPerTran": character DESCRIPTION "Keeps the value of the
second field being part of the Index relat ed to the document." LABEL "Key 2"
FIELD "key3" OF "IncomeTaxPerTran": character DESCRIPTION "Keeps the value of the
third field being part of the Index relate d to the document." LABEL "Key 3"
FIELD "Description" OF "IncomeTaxPerTran": character DESCRIPTION "Description given
for the transaction" LABEL "Description"
FIELD "EffectiveDate" OF "IncomeTaxPerTran": date DESCRIPTION "It is the date when
the cash was received or paid for this transa ction" LABEL "Effective Date"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "IncomeTaxPerTran": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "IncomeTaxPerTran": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "IncomeTaxPerTran": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "key4" OF "IncomeTaxPerTran": character DESCRIPTION "Keeps the value of the
fourth field being part of the Index relat ed to the document." LABEL "Key 4"
FIELD "key5" OF "IncomeTaxPerTran": character DESCRIPTION "Keeps the value of the
fifth field being part of the Index relate d to the document." LABEL "Key 5"
INDEX "PrimIdx" ON "IncomeTaxPerTran" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary
INDEX "IncTaxCode" ON "IncomeTaxPerTran" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index
Using Income Tax Code"

TABLE "IncomeTaxRate" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The Rate defined by the Tax
Authority is stored in this table"
FIELD "Company" OF "IncomeTaxRate": character DESCRIPTION "Company" LABEL "Company"

FIELD "EffectiveDate" OF "IncomeTaxRate": date DESCRIPTION "Indicates when the rate

is effective from" LABEL "Effective Date"
FIELD "Rate" OF "IncomeTaxRate": decimal DESCRIPTION "Income Tax Rate defined by
Tax Authority" LABEL "Rate"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "IncomeTaxRate": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "IncomeTaxRate": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "IncomeTaxRate": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "PrimIdx" ON "IncomeTaxRate" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary Index
for IncomeTaxRate"

TABLE "IncomeTaxYr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This new table holds Income
Taxes being reported to the Tax Autho rity. The period reported corresponds to the
whole Fiscal Year. Values here are read only once it is closed."
FIELD "Company" OF "IncomeTaxYr": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "IncomeTaxYr": character DESCRIPTION "The id of the
fiscal calendar this record is related to."
LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "IncomeTaxYr": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year." LABEL
"Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "IncomeTaxYr": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year
suffix. Allows for additional breakdown/definiti on of fiscal years, for example,
by quarters." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "Rate" OF "IncomeTaxYr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Income Tax Rate defined by Tax
Authority" LABEL "Rate"
FIELD "Closed" OF "IncomeTaxYr": logical DESCRIPTION "It is true once current
calculation is set as Closed or Final." LABEL "Closed"
FIELD "Updated" OF "IncomeTaxYr": logical DESCRIPTION "It is true when user updates
values manually" LABEL "Manually Updated"
FIELD "CreatedBy" OF "IncomeTaxYr": character DESCRIPTION "User Id of the person
whom creates the Income Tax Calculation" LABEL "Created By"
FIELD "ClosedBy" OF "IncomeTaxYr": character DESCRIPTION "User Id of the person
whom closes the Income Tax Calculation" LABEL "Closed By"
FIELD "UpdatedBy" OF "IncomeTaxYr": character DESCRIPTION "User Id of the person
whom updates the Income Tax Calculation" LABEL "Updated By"
FIELD "AdditionalDeductions" OF "IncomeTaxYr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Additional
Deductions to be claimed. User should calculate this v alue manually" LABEL
"Additional Deductions"
FIELD "LossesCredit" OF "IncomeTaxYr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Income Tax losses to be
claimed. User should calculate this value manually" LABEL "Losses Credit"
FIELD "InvestmentCredit" OF "IncomeTaxYr": decimal
DESCRIPTION "Investments Credit to be claimed. User should calculate this valu e
manually" LABEL "Investments Credit"
FIELD "InventoriesCredit" OF "IncomeTaxYr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Inventories Credit
to be claimed. User should calculate this valu e manually." LABEL "Inventories
FIELD "UpdateRate" OF "IncomeTaxYr": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the rate used to
calculate the actual value for Additiona l Deductions; Losses, Investment and
Inventories Credit. User should calculate t his value manually." LABEL "Update
FIELD "LossesToCarry" OF "IncomeTaxYr": decimal DESCRIPTION "This column will be
automatically updated by the system as soon a s the user close the Income Tax
Calculation for the selected Fiscal Year (if any )" LABEL "Losses to carry forward"

FIELD "IncomeAmt" OF "IncomeTaxYr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Income Amount" LABEL

FIELD "DeductionsAmt" OF "IncomeTaxYr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Deductions Amount"
LABEL "Deductions"
FIELD "CreditsAmt" OF "IncomeTaxYr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Credits Amount" LABEL
FIELD "OtherCreditPayAmt" OF "IncomeTaxYr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Other Creditable
Pay Amount" LABEL "Other Creditable Pay"
FIELD "IncomeTaxIncurred" OF "IncomeTaxYr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Incurred Income
Tax (Income Tax Calculated)" LABEL "Income Tax Incurred"
FIELD "AfterOtherCreditPayAmt" OF "IncomeTaxYr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Income Tax
After other Credit Pay Amount" LABEL "After Other Credit Pay"
FIELD "AdvancePayAmount" OF "IncomeTaxYr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Income Tax Advanced
Payments" LABEL "Advanced Payments"
FIELD "IncomeTaxToPaid" OF "IncomeTaxYr": decimal DESCRIPTION "Income Tax to be
Paid" LABEL "Income Tax to be Paid"
FIELD "Comments" OF "IncomeTaxYr": character DESCRIPTION "Comments" LABEL
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "IncomeTaxYr": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "IncomeTaxYr": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "IncomeTaxYr": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "IncomeTaxYr": character DESCRIPTION "Currency Code for the
Income Tax Calculation" LABEL "Currency Code"

TABLE "IncomeTaxYrCalc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Details about how

calculation was performed for a given year are hold in this table. Records sequence
can show the list of concepts considered fo r the calculation of the year keeping a
FIELD "Company" OF "IncomeTaxYrCalc": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "IncomeTaxYrCalc": character DESCRIPTION "The id of the
fiscal calendar this record is related to." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "IncomeTaxYrCalc": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year."
LABEL "Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "IncomeTaxYrCalc": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal
year suffix. Allows for additional breakdown/definiti on of fiscal years, for
example, by quarters." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "Seq" OF "IncomeTaxYrCalc": integer DESCRIPTION "Sequence" LABEL "Sequence"
FIELD "Level" OF "IncomeTaxYrCalc": integer DESCRIPTION "1 = Total, 2 = SubTotal,
3,4,5...n = Details " LABEL "Level"
FIELD "Concept" OF "IncomeTaxYrCalc": character DESCRIPTION "Concept" LABEL
FIELD "IncomeTaxCode" OF "IncomeTaxYrCalc": character DESCRIPTION "Income Tax Code"
LABEL "Income Tax Code"
FIELD "IncomeTaxType" OF "IncomeTaxYrCalc": character DESCRIPTION "Income Tax Type"
LABEL "Income Tax Type"
FIELD "Operator" OF "IncomeTaxYrCalc": character DESCRIPTION "Symbol representing
how the value affects totals. Two digits 'AB' . A is the symbol to display. B is
the symbol representing the operation perform ed." LABEL "Operator"
FIELD "Amount" OF "IncomeTaxYrCalc": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount" LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "ReadOnly" OF "IncomeTaxYrCalc": logical DESCRIPTION "Read Only" LABEL "Read
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "IncomeTaxYrCalc": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "IncomeTaxYrCalc": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "IncomeTaxYrCalc": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "FactorOfSeq" OF "IncomeTaxYrCalc": integer DESCRIPTION "This is the Sequence
value of the record affected when the Amount field is modified."
LABEL "Factor of Sequence"
FIELD "ID" OF "IncomeTaxYrCalc": character DESCRIPTION "In case the value needs to
be accessed and the Seq field value is unknown, this field can be used for this
purpose." LABEL "ID"
INDEX "PrimIdx" ON "IncomeTaxYrCalc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary Index
for IncomeTaxYrCalc"
INDEX "FactorOfSeqIdx" ON "IncomeTaxYrCalc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION
INDEX "IDIdx" ON "IncomeTaxYrCalc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "IDIdx"

TABLE "IncomeTaxYrTran" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "All transactions considered

for the Income Tax Calculation of the fiscal year are stored in this table"
FIELD "Company" OF "IncomeTaxYrTran": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "IncomeTaxYrTran": character DESCRIPTION "The id of the
fiscal calendar this record is related to." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "IncomeTaxYrTran": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year."
LABEL "Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "IncomeTaxYrTran": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal
year suffix. Allows for additional breakdown/definiti on of fiscal years, for
example, by quarters." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"

FIELD "Seq" OF "IncomeTaxYrTran": integer DESCRIPTION "Sequence" LABEL "Sequence"

FIELD "IncomeTaxCode" OF "IncomeTaxYrTran": character DESCRIPTION "Income Tax Code"
LABEL "Income Tax Code"
FIELD "Amount" OF "IncomeTaxYrTran": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount" LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "DocumentType" OF "IncomeTaxYrTran": integer DESCRIPTION "This value
identifies the source of the transaction" LABEL "Document Type"
FIELD "key1" OF "IncomeTaxYrTran": character DESCRIPTION "Keeps the value of the
first field being part of the Index relate d to the document." LABEL "Key 1"
FIELD "key2" OF "IncomeTaxYrTran": character DESCRIPTION "Keeps the value of the
second field being part of the Index relat ed to the document." LABEL "Key 2"
FIELD "key3" OF "IncomeTaxYrTran": character DESCRIPTION "Keeps the value of the
third field being part of the Index relate d to the document." LABEL "Key 3"
FIELD "Description" OF "IncomeTaxYrTran": character DESCRIPTION "Description given
for the transaction" LABEL "Description"
FIELD "EffectiveDate" OF "IncomeTaxYrTran": date DESCRIPTION "It is the date when
the cash was received or paid for this transa ction" LABEL "Effective Date"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "IncomeTaxYrTran": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "IncomeTaxYrTran": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "IncomeTaxYrTran": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "key4" OF "IncomeTaxYrTran": character DESCRIPTION "Keeps the value of the
fourth field being part of the Index relat ed to the document."
LABEL "Key 4"
FIELD "key5" OF "IncomeTaxYrTran": character DESCRIPTION "Keeps the value of the
fifth field being part of the Index relate d to the document." LABEL "Key 5"
INDEX "IncTaxCode" ON "IncomeTaxYrTran" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index by
Income tax Code"

TABLE "Indirect" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This file defines the different
types of indirect labor the user has established. DELETE: Not allowed if referenced
in the LaborDtl file. " FOREIGN-NAME "n/a"
FIELD "Company" OF "Indirect": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ExpenseCode" OF "Indirect": character DESCRIPTION "The expense code that
should be used for this indirect labor mast er. This must be valid in the LabExpCd
master." LABEL "Expense Code"
FIELD "Description" OF "Indirect": character DESCRIPTION "Full description of the
Indirect Labor." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "IndirectCode" OF "Indirect": character DESCRIPTION "A descriptive field that
uniquely identifies the Indirect Labor M aster. " LABEL "Indirect Code"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "Indirect": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "Indirect": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "Indirect": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalIndirect" OF "Indirect": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this Indirect as
global, available to be sent out to other
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "Indirect": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."
INDEX "IndirectCode" ON "Indirect" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index that
uniquely identifies a Indirect Labor type master."
INDEX "Description" ON "Indirect" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Used to
find/display Indirect labor master by description."
INDEX "ExpenseCode" ON "Indirect" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index used for
database integrity when deleting a LabExpCd master ."

TABLE "InspAttr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table contains inspection
attributes to be used in the Speci fication maintenance process and also as a
search facility in the Product Config urator."
FIELD "Company" OF "InspAttr": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "AttributeID" OF "InspAttr": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined Attribute
ID" LABEL "Attribute ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Attribute ID"
FIELD "InActive" OF "InspAttr": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag which indicates if the
Attribute is considered as ""Inactive "". Once set to true, the Attribute cannot be
used." LABEL "Inactive"
FIELD "Description" OF "InspAttr": character DESCRIPTION "The description of the
attribute" LABEL "Description"
FIELD "AttrType" OF "InspAttr": character DESCRIPTION "Type of attribute. Valid
values... Numeric, CheckBox, Character, Date, ComboBox, or Comment" LABEL
"Attribute Type"
FIELD "FieldName" OF "InspAttr": character DESCRIPTION "This field will allow the
user to map where in the inspection res ult table this attribute will be stored.
Valid values for each attribute type:
Numeric: Number001 - Number200. CheckBox: CheckBox01 - CheckBox20 Character:
ShortChar01 - ShortChar30 Date: Date01 - Date20 Comments: Character01 - Character20
" LABEL "Field Name"
FIELD "InUse" OF "InspAttr": logical DESCRIPTION "If true, the AttributeID has been
assigned to a SpecDtl record." LABEL "In Use"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "InspAttr": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "InspAttr": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "InspAttr": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalInspAttr" OF "InspAttr": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this InspAttr as
global, available to be sent out to other companies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "InspAttr": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."
INDEX "InspAttrPrimIdx" ON "InspAttr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "New unique
INDEX "AttrType" ON "InspAttr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Attribute Type

TABLE "Inspectr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "DMR Inspector Master file.
Establish the valid persons who can p rocess DMRs in the system."
FIELD "Company" OF "Inspectr": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "Name" OF "Inspectr": character DESCRIPTION "Inspector's Full Name."
LABEL "Inspector Name" COLUMN-LABEL "Name"
FIELD "InspectorID" OF "Inspectr": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Identifier of the
inspector assigned by the user" LABEL "Inspector ID"
FIELD "InActive" OF "Inspectr": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to indicate the record is
inactive. " LABEL "Inactive"
FIELD "CnvEmpID" OF "Inspectr": DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code pfloor employee
master record. other files and may be used in ption is limited. " LABEL "Conversion
Emp ID" character assigned by user which uniquely identifies a sho Can't be blank.
This is used as a foreign key in displays/reports where space for the full descri

FIELD "SysRowID" OF "Inspectr": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this

row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "Inspectr": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "Inspectr": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "InspectorID" ON "Inspectr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Inspector unique
primary index."
INDEX "Name" ON "Inspectr" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Unique index on name.
Used for selection lists and keystroke find s."

TABLE "InspPlan" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table contains inspection
plan parts to be used to design te st plans for entry of inspection results"
FIELD "Company" OF "InspPlan": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "InspPlanNum" OF "InspPlan": character DESCRIPTION "Inspection Plan Number"
LABEL "Insp Plan Num"
FIELD "Description" OF "InspPlan": character DESCRIPTION "The description of the
inspection plan" LABEL "Description"
FIELD "PlanType" OF "InspPlan": character DESCRIPTION "Inspection Plan Type. Valid
plan type values - I (Inspection Pla n), C (Calibration Plan) " LABEL "Plan Type"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "InspPlan": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "InspPlan": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "InspPlan": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalInspPlan" OF "InspPlan": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this InspPlan as
global, available to be sent out to other companies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "InspPlan": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."
INDEX "WordDescription" ON "InspPlan" AREA "Schema Area" WORD DESCRIPTION "Word

TABLE "InspPlanRev" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This is a child table to the
SpecHed table. This new table will contain specification revision numbers to be
used in conjunction with inspection plans for the inspection results process."
FIELD "Company" OF "InspPlanRev": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "InspPlanNum" OF "InspPlanRev": character DESCRIPTION "Inspection Plan
Number" LABEL "Insp Plan Num"
FIELD "InspPlanRevNum" OF "InspPlanRev": character DESCRIPTION "Revision number
which is used to uniquely identify the revision o f the inspection plan, and is
used as part of the primary key" LABEL "Insp Plan Rev"
FIELD "RevDescription" OF "InspPlanRev": character DESCRIPTION "Description of
revision" LABEL "Description"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "InspPlanRev": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "InspPlanRev": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "InspPlanRev": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "Approved" OF "InspPlanRev": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the methods of
manufacturing have been approved for this revision. Only approved methods can be
pulled into jobs/quotes. " LABEL "Approved"
FIELD "ApprovedDate" OF "InspPlanRev": date DESCRIPTION "Date which this revision
was approved for use by manufacturing/qu oting. This is set to the system date when
the user marks the revision Approved . It is not maintainable by the user."
FIELD "ApprovedBy" OF "InspPlanRev": character DESCRIPTION "UserID who approved the
revision. Not maintainable by the user." LABEL "Approved By"
FIELD "EffectiveDate" OF "InspPlanRev": date DESCRIPTION "Date at which this
revision is considered effective. This date i s used to control what revision will
be defaulted in applications" LABEL "Effective"
FIELD "GlobalInspPlanRev" OF "InspPlanRev": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this
InspPlanRev as global, available to be sent out to oth er companies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "InspPlanRev": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."

TABLE "InspResults"
AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table used to store inspection results entered
during the In spection Results Entry process"
FIELD "Company" OF "InspResults": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "Plant" OF "InspResults": character DESCRIPTION "Plant Identifier. This field
cannot be blank."
FIELD "PartNum" OF "InspResults": character DESCRIPTION "Part number inspected"
LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "InspResults": character DESCRIPTION "Revision Number
Inspected" LABEL "Rev Num"
FIELD "JobNum" OF "InspResults": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the Job Number
related to the job or non-conformance bei ng inspected." LABEL "Job Number"
FIELD "AssemblySeq" OF "InspResults": integer DESCRIPTION "Contain the assembly
sequence of the job being inspected" LABEL "Asm Seq"
FIELD "OprSeq" OF "InspResults": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains the operation
sequence of the job operation being inspec ted." LABEL "Opr Seq"
FIELD "NCMTranID" OF "InspResults": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains the Non-
Conformance (NonConf) TranID if inspecting Non-C onformance" LABEL "NCM Tran ID"
FIELD "InspPlanPartNum" OF "InspResults": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the
inspection plan part number (configurator part numbe r)" LABEL "Insp Plan Part Num"

FIELD "InspPlanRevNum" OF "InspResults": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the

inspection plan revision number (configurator revisi on number)" LABEL "Insp Plan
Rev Num"
FIELD "SpecID" OF "InspResults": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the specification
ID that was used in the inspection pla
n." LABEL "Specification ID"
FIELD "RMANum" OF "InspResults": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains Return Material
Authorization number if inspecting for a n RMA" LABEL "RMA Num"
FIELD "RMALine" OF "InspResults": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains Line number of the
RMA if inspecting for an RMA." LABEL "RMA Line"
FIELD "PackSlip" OF "InspResults": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the PO Packing
Slip number." LABEL "Packslip"
FIELD "PackLine" OF "InspResults": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains the PO Packing
Slip line number." LABEL "PackLine"
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "InspResults": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains the VendorNum
when inspected via Skip Lot processing" LABEL "Supplier Number"
FIELD "SerialNum" OF "InspResults": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the serial
number of the part inspected" LABEL "Serial Number"
FIELD "LotNum" OF "InspResults": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the lot number of
the part inspected" LABEL "Lot Number"
FIELD "InspPlanType" OF "InspResults": character DESCRIPTION "Inspection Plan Type
- I (Inspection) or C (Calibration)" LABEL "Insp Plan Type"
FIELD "Passed" OF "InspResults": logical DESCRIPTION "True if passed" LABEL
FIELD "FailedCmtText" OF "InspResults": character DESCRIPTION "Text describing why
the inspection result failed" LABEL "Failed Comment"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "InspResults": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "ResourceGrpID" OF "InspResults": character
DESCRIPTION "Contain the ResourceGrpID when inspected via Fixed Asset Calibrat ion
or Preventative Maintenance Calibration" LABEL "Resource Grp ID"
FIELD "ResourceID" OF "InspResults": character DESCRIPTION "Contain the ResourceID
when inspected via Fixed Asset Calibration or Preventative Maintenance Calibration"
LABEL "Resource ID"
FIELD "SpecRevNum" OF "InspResults": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the
specification revision number that was used in the i nspection process." LABEL
"Spec Rev"
FIELD "File" OF "InspResults": character DESCRIPTION "The name of the table that
this record pertains to. "
FIELD "Key1" OF "InspResults": character DESCRIPTION "Major component of the
primary key to the record. "
FIELD "Key2" OF "InspResults": character DESCRIPTION "2nd component of the primary
key to the related record. For example: For a ""OrderDtl"" this field would contain
the OrderLine # of th e related Order detail record. The usage of this field is
dependant on the type of record. For example ""Part"" references do not use this
field while PartRev would."
FIELD "Key3" OF "InspResults": character DESCRIPTION "3rd component of the primary
key to the related record. For example: For a ""OrderRel"" this field would contain
the Order Line Releas e # of the related Order Release record. The usage of this
field is dependant o n the type of record referenced."
FIELD "Key4" OF "InspResults": character DESCRIPTION "4th component of the primary
key to the related record. "
FIELD "Key5" OF "InspResults": character DESCRIPTION "5th component of the primary
key to the related record. "
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "InspResults": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "InspResults": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "SampleNumber" OF "InspResults": integer
DESCRIPTION "A sequential number up to the total in the Inspection Quantity fi
eld." LABEL "Sample Number"
FIELD "InspectDate" OF "InspResults": date DESCRIPTION "Date the inspection data
was saved" LABEL "Inspection Date"
FIELD "InspectTime" OF "InspResults": integer DESCRIPTION "System time (seconds
since midnight) of when the inspection data was saved" LABEL "Inspection Time"
FIELD "TestDataEntered" OF "InspResults": logical DESCRIPTION "True if the results
were saved in product configuration" LABEL "Data Entered"

TABLE "InspResultsChar" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This is a child table to

the InspResults table. This table used to store character inspection results
entered during the Inspection Results Entr y process"
FIELD "Company" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "File" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "The name of the table
that this record pertains to. "
FIELD "Key1" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Major component of the
primary key to the record. "
FIELD "Key2" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "2nd component of the
primary key to the related record. For example: For a ""OrderDtl"" this field would
contain the OrderLine # of th e related Order detail record. The usage of this
field is dependant on the type of record. For example ""Part"" references do not
use this field while PartRev would."
FIELD "Key3" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "3rd component of the
primary key to the related record. For example: For a ""OrderRel"" this field would
contain the Order Line Releas e # of the related Order Release record. The usage of
this field is dependant o n the type of record referenced."
FIELD "Key4" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "4th component of the
primary key to the related record. "
FIELD "Key5" OF "InspResultsChar": character
DESCRIPTION "5th component of the primary key to the related record. "
FIELD "SampleNumber" OF "InspResultsChar": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequential number
up to the total in the Inspection Quantity fi eld." LABEL "Sample Number"
FIELD "InspectDate" OF "InspResultsChar": date DESCRIPTION "Date the inspection
data was saved" LABEL "Inspection Date"
FIELD "InspectTime" OF "InspResultsChar": integer DESCRIPTION "System time (seconds
since midnight) of when the inspection data was saved" LABEL "Inspection Time"
FIELD "Character001" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character002" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character003" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character004" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character005" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character006" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character007" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character008" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character009" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character010" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character011" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character012" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character013" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character014" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character015" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character016" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character017" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character018" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character019" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character020" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character021" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character022" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character023" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character024" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character025" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character026" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character027" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character028" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character029" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character030" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character031" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character032" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character033" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character034" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character035" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character036" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character037" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character038" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character039" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character040" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character041" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character042" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character043" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character044" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character045" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character046" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character047" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character048" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character049" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character050" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character051" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character052" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character053" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character054" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character055" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character056" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character057" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character058" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character059" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character060" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character061" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character062" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character063" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character064" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character065" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character066" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character067" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character068" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character069" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character070" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character071" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character072" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character073" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character074" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character075" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character076" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character077" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character078" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character079" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character080" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character081" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character082" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character083" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character084" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character085" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character086" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character087" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character088" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character089" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character090" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character091" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character092" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character093" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character094" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character095" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character096" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character097" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character098" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character099" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character100" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character101" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character102" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character103" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character104" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character105" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character106" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character107" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character108" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character109" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character110" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character111" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character112" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character113" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character114" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character115" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character116" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character117" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character118" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character119" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character120" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character121" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character122" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character123" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character124" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character125" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character126" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character127" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character128" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character129" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character130" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character131" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character132" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character133" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character134" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character135" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character136" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character137" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character138" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character139" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character140" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character141" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character142" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character143" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character144" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character145" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character146" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character147" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character148" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character149" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character150" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character151" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character152" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character153" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character154" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character155" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character156" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character157" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character158" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character159" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character160" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character161" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character162" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character163" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character164" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character165" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character166" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character167" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character168" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character169" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character170" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character171" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character172" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character173" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character174" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character175" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character176" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character177" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character178" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character179" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character180" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character181" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character182" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character183" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character184" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character185" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character186" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character187" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character188" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character189" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character190" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character191" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character192" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character193" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character194" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character195" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character196" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character197" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character198" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character199" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "Character200" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "InspResultsChar": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "InspResultsChar": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "InspResultsChar": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "InspResultsCheckBox" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This is a child table

to the InspResults table. This table used to store logical type inspection results
entered during the Inspection Results E ntry process"
FIELD "Company" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": character DESCRIPTION "Company
FIELD "File" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": character DESCRIPTION "The name of the table
that this record pertains to. "
FIELD "Key1" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": character DESCRIPTION "Major component of
the primary key to the record. "
FIELD "Key2" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": character DESCRIPTION "2nd component of the
primary key to the related record. For example: For a ""OrderDtl"" this field would
contain the OrderLine # of th e related Order detail record. The usage of this
field is dependant on the type of record. For example ""Part"" references do not
use this field while PartRev would."
FIELD "Key3" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": character DESCRIPTION "3rd component of the
primary key to the related record. For example: For a ""OrderRel"" this field would
contain the Order Line Releas e # of the related Order Release record. The usage of
this field is dependant o n the type of record referenced."
FIELD "Key4" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": character DESCRIPTION "4th component of the
primary key to the related record. "
FIELD "Key5" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": character DESCRIPTION "5th component of the
primary key to the related record. "
FIELD "SampleNumber" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequential
number up to the total in the Inspection Quantity fi eld." LABEL "Sample Number"
FIELD "InspectDate" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": date DESCRIPTION "Date the inspection
data was saved" LABEL "Inspection Date"
FIELD "InspectTime" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": integer DESCRIPTION "System time
(seconds since midnight) of when the inspection data was saved" LABEL "Inspection
FIELD "CheckBox001" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox002" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox003" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox004" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox005" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox006" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox007" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox008" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox009" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox010" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox011" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox012" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox013" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox014" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox015" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox016" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox017" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox018" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox019" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox020" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox021" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox022" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox023" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox024" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox025" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox026" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox027" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox028" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox029" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox030" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox031" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox032" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox033" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox034" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox035" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox036" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox037" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox038" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox039" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox040" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox041" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox042" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox043" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox044" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox045" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox046" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox047" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox048" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox049" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox050" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox051" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox052" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox053" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox054" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox055" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox056" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox057" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox058" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox059" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox060" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox061" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox062" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox063" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox064" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox065" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox066" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox067" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox068" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox069" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox070" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox071" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox072" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox073" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox074" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox075" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox076" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox077" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox078" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox079" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox080" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox081" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox082" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox083" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox084" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox085" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox086" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox087" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox088" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox089" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox090" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox091" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox092" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox093" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox094" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox095" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox096" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox097" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox098" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox099" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox100" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox101" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox102" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox103" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox104" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox105" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox106" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox107" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox108" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox109" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox110" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox111" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox112" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox113" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox114" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox115" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox116" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox117" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox118" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox119" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox120" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox121" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox122" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox123" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox124" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox125" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox126" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox127" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox128" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox129" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox130" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox131" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox132" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox133" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox134" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox135" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox136" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox137" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox138" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox139" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox140" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox141" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox142" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox143" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox144" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox145" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox146" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox147" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox148" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox149" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox150" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox151" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox152" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox153" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox154" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox155" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox156" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox157" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox158" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox159" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox160" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox161" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox162" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox163" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox164" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox165" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox166" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox167" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox168" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox169" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox170" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox171" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox172" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox173" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox174" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox175" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox176" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox177" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox178" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox179" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox180" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox181" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox182" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox183" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox184" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox185" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox186" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox187" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox188" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox189" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox190" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox191" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox192" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox193" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox194" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox195" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox196" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox197" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox198" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox199" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "CheckBox200" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": logical DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "InspResultsCheckBox": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "InspResultsDate" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This is a child table to

the InspResults table. This table used to store date type inspection results
entered during the Inspection Results Entr y process"
FIELD "Company" OF "InspResultsDate": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "File" OF "InspResultsDate": character DESCRIPTION "The name of the table
that this record pertains to. "
FIELD "Key1" OF "InspResultsDate": character DESCRIPTION "Major component of the
primary key to the record. "
FIELD "Key2" OF "InspResultsDate": character DESCRIPTION "2nd component of the
primary key to the related record. For example: For a ""OrderDtl"" this field would
contain the OrderLine # of th e related Order detail record. The usage of this
field is dependant on the type of record. For example ""Part"" references do not
use this field while PartRev would."
FIELD "Key3" OF "InspResultsDate": character DESCRIPTION "3rd component of the
primary key to the related record. For example: For a ""OrderRel"" this field would
contain the Order Line Releas e # of the related Order Release record. The usage of
this field is dependant o
n the type of record referenced."
FIELD "Key4" OF "InspResultsDate": character DESCRIPTION "4th component of the
primary key to the related record. "
FIELD "Key5" OF "InspResultsDate": character DESCRIPTION "5th component of the
primary key to the related record. "
FIELD "SampleNumber" OF "InspResultsDate": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequential number
up to the total in the Inspection Quantity fi eld." LABEL "Sample Number"
FIELD "InspectDate" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Date the inspection
data was saved" LABEL "Inspection Date"
FIELD "InspectTime" OF "InspResultsDate": integer DESCRIPTION "System time (seconds
since midnight) of when the inspection data was saved" LABEL "Inspection Time"
FIELD "Date001" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date002" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date003" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date004" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date005" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date006" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date007" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date008" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date009" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date010" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date011" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date012" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date013" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date014" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date015" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date016" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date017" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date018" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date019" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date020" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date021" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date022" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date023" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date024" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date025" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date026" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date027" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date028" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date029" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date030" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date031" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date032" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date033" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date034" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date035" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date036" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date037" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date038" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date039" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date040" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date041" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date042" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date043" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date044" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date045" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date046" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date047" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date051" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date052" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date053" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date054" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date055" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date056" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date057" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date058" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date059" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date060" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date061" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date062" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date063" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date064" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date065" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date066" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date067" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date068" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date069" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date070" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date071" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date072" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date073" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date074" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date075" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date076" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date077" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date078" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date079" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date080" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date081" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date082" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date083" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date084" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date085" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date086" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date087" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date088" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date089" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date090" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date091" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date092" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date093" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date094" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date095" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date096" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date097" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date101" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date102" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date103" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date104" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date105" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date106" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date107" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date108" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date109" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date110" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date111" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date112" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date113" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date114" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date115" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date116" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date117" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date118" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date119" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date120" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date121" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date122" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date123" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date124" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date125" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date126" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date127" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date128" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date129" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date130" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date131" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date132" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date133" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date134" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date135" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date136" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date137" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date138" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date139" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date140" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date141" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date142" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date143" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date144" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date145" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date146" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date147" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date151" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date152" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date153" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date154" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date155" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date156" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date157" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date158" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date159" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date160" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date161" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date162" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date163" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date164" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date165" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date166" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date167" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date168" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date169" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date170" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date171" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date172" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date173" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date174" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date175" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date176" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date177" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date178" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date179" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date180" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date181" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date182" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date183" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date184" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date185" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date186" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date187" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date188" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date189" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date190" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date191" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date192" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date193" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date194" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date195" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date196" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date197" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "InspResultsDate": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "InspResultsDate": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "InspResultsDate": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "Date048" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date049" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date050" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
result values"
FIELD "Date098" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
results data"
FIELD "Date099" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
results data"
FIELD "Date100" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
results data"
FIELD "Date148" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
results data"
FIELD "Date149" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
results data"
FIELD "Date150" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
results data"
FIELD "Date198" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
results data"
FIELD "Date199" OF "InspResultsDate": date DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection
results data"
FIELD "Date200" OF "InspResultsDate": date
DESCRIPTION "Used to store inspection results data"

TABLE "InspResultsNum" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This is a child table to the
InspResults table. This table used to store numeric inspection results entered
during the Inspection Results Entry process"
FIELD "Company" OF "InspResultsNum": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "File" OF "InspResultsNum": character DESCRIPTION "The name of the table that
this record pertains to. "
FIELD "Key1" OF "InspResultsNum": character DESCRIPTION "Major component of the
primary key to the record. "
FIELD "Key2" OF "InspResultsNum": character DESCRIPTION "2nd component of the
primary key to the related record. For example: For a ""OrderDtl"" this field would
contain the OrderLine # of th e related Order detail record. The usage of this
field is dependant on the type of record. For example ""Part"" references do not
use this field while PartRev would."
FIELD "Key3" OF "InspResultsNum": character DESCRIPTION "3rd component of the
primary key to the related record. For example: For a ""OrderRel"" this field would
contain the Order Line Releas e # of the related Order Release record. The usage of
this field is dependant o n the type of record referenced."
FIELD "Key4" OF "InspResultsNum": character DESCRIPTION "4th component of the
primary key to the related record. "
FIELD "Key5" OF "InspResultsNum": character DESCRIPTION "5th component of the
primary key to the related record. "
FIELD "InspectDate" OF "InspResultsNum": date DESCRIPTION "Date the inspection data
was saved" LABEL "Inspection Date"
FIELD "InspectTime" OF "InspResultsNum": integer DESCRIPTION "System time (seconds
since midnight) of when the inspection data was saved" LABEL "Inspection Time"
FIELD "SampleNumber" OF "InspResultsNum": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequential number
up to the total in the Inspection Quantity fi eld." LABEL "Sample Number"
FIELD "Number001" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number001" COLUMN-LABEL "Number001"
FIELD "Number002" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number002" COLUMN-LABEL "Number002"
FIELD "Number003" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number003" COLUMN-LABEL "Number003"
FIELD "Number004" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number004" COLUMN-LABEL "Number004"
FIELD "Number005" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number005" COLUMN-LABEL "Number005"
FIELD "Number006" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number006" COLUMN-LABEL "Number006"
FIELD "Number007" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number007" COLUMN-LABEL "Number007"
FIELD "Number008" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number008" COLUMN-LABEL "Number008"
FIELD "Number009" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number009" COLUMN-LABEL "Number009"
FIELD "Number010" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number010" COLUMN-LABEL "Number010"
FIELD "Number011" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number011" COLUMN-LABEL "Number011"
FIELD "Number012" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number012" COLUMN-LABEL "Number012"
FIELD "Number013" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number013" COLUMN-LABEL "Number013"
FIELD "Number014" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number014" COLUMN-LABEL "Number014"
FIELD "Number015" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number015" COLUMN-LABEL "Number015"
FIELD "Number016" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number016" COLUMN-LABEL "Number016"
FIELD "Number017" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number017" COLUMN-LABEL "Number017"
FIELD "Number018" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number018" COLUMN-LABEL "Number018"
FIELD "Number019" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number019" COLUMN-LABEL "Number019"
FIELD "Number020" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number020" COLUMN-LABEL "Number020"
FIELD "Number021" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number021" COLUMN-LABEL "Number021"
FIELD "Number022" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number022" COLUMN-LABEL "Number022"
FIELD "Number023" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number023" COLUMN-LABEL "Number023"
FIELD "Number024" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number024" COLUMN-LABEL "Number024"
FIELD "Number025" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number025" COLUMN-LABEL "Number025"
FIELD "Number026" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number026" COLUMN-LABEL "Number026"
FIELD "Number027" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number027" COLUMN-LABEL "Number027"
FIELD "Number028" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number028" COLUMN-LABEL "Number028"
FIELD "Number029" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number029" COLUMN-LABEL "Number029"
FIELD "Number030" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number030" COLUMN-LABEL "Number030"
FIELD "Number031" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number031" COLUMN-LABEL "Number031"
FIELD "Number032" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number032" COLUMN-LABEL "Number032"
FIELD "Number033" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number033" COLUMN-LABEL "Number033"
FIELD "Number034" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number034" COLUMN-LABEL "Number034"
FIELD "Number035" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number035" COLUMN-LABEL "Number035"
FIELD "Number036" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number036" COLUMN-LABEL "Number036"
FIELD "Number037" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number037" COLUMN-LABEL "Number037"
FIELD "Number038" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number038" COLUMN-LABEL "Number038"
FIELD "Number039" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number039" COLUMN-LABEL "Number039"
FIELD "Number040" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number040" COLUMN-LABEL "Number040"
FIELD "Number041" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number041" COLUMN-LABEL "Number041"
FIELD "Number042" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number042" COLUMN-LABEL "Number042"
FIELD "Number043" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number043" COLUMN-LABEL "Number043"
FIELD "Number044" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number044" COLUMN-LABEL "Number044"
FIELD "Number045" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number045" COLUMN-LABEL "Number045"
FIELD "Number046" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number046" COLUMN-LABEL "Number046"
FIELD "Number047" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number047" COLUMN-LABEL "Number047"
FIELD "Number048" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number048" COLUMN-LABEL "Number048"
FIELD "Number049" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number049" COLUMN-LABEL "Number049"
FIELD "Number050" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number050" COLUMN-LABEL "Number050"
FIELD "Number051" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number051" COLUMN-LABEL "Number051"
FIELD "Number052" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number052" COLUMN-LABEL "Number052"
FIELD "Number053" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number053" COLUMN-LABEL "Number053"
FIELD "Number054" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number054" COLUMN-LABEL "Number054"
FIELD "Number055" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number055" COLUMN-LABEL "Number055"
FIELD "Number056" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number056" COLUMN-LABEL "Number056"
FIELD "Number057" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number057" COLUMN-LABEL "Number057"
FIELD "Number058" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number058" COLUMN-LABEL "Number058"
FIELD "Number059" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number059" COLUMN-LABEL "Number059"
FIELD "Number060" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number060" COLUMN-LABEL "Number060"
FIELD "Number061" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number061" COLUMN-LABEL "Number061"
FIELD "Number062" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number062" COLUMN-LABEL "Number062"
FIELD "Number063" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number063" COLUMN-LABEL "Number063"
FIELD "Number064" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number064" COLUMN-LABEL "Number064"
FIELD "Number065" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number065" COLUMN-LABEL "Number065"
FIELD "Number066" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number066" COLUMN-LABEL "Number066"
FIELD "Number067" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number067" COLUMN-LABEL "Number067"
FIELD "Number068" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number068" COLUMN-LABEL "Number068"
FIELD "Number069" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number069" COLUMN-LABEL "Number069"
FIELD "Number070" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number070" COLUMN-LABEL "Number070"
FIELD "Number071" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number071" COLUMN-LABEL "Number071"
FIELD "Number072" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number072" COLUMN-LABEL "Number072"
FIELD "Number073" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number073" COLUMN-LABEL "Number073"
FIELD "Number074" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number074" COLUMN-LABEL "Number074"
FIELD "Number075" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number075" COLUMN-LABEL "Number075"
FIELD "Number076" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number076" COLUMN-LABEL "Number076"
FIELD "Number077" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number077" COLUMN-LABEL "Number077"
FIELD "Number078" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number078" COLUMN-LABEL "Number078"
FIELD "Number079" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number079" COLUMN-LABEL "Number079"
FIELD "Number080" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number080" COLUMN-LABEL "Number080"
FIELD "Number081" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number081" COLUMN-LABEL "Number081"
FIELD "Number082" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number082" COLUMN-LABEL "Number082"
FIELD "Number083" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number083" COLUMN-LABEL "Number083"
FIELD "Number084" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number084" COLUMN-LABEL "Number084"
FIELD "Number085" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number085" COLUMN-LABEL "Number085"
FIELD "Number086" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number086" COLUMN-LABEL "Number086"
FIELD "Number087" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number087" COLUMN-LABEL "Number087"
FIELD "Number088" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number088" COLUMN-LABEL "Number088"
FIELD "Number089" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number089" COLUMN-LABEL "Number089"
FIELD "Number090" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number090" COLUMN-LABEL "Number090"
FIELD "Number091" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number091" COLUMN-LABEL "Number091"
FIELD "Number092" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number092" COLUMN-LABEL "Number092"
FIELD "Number093" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number093" COLUMN-LABEL "Number093"
FIELD "Number094" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number094" COLUMN-LABEL "Number094"
FIELD "Number095" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number095" COLUMN-LABEL "Number095"
FIELD "Number096" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number096" COLUMN-LABEL "Number096"
FIELD "Number097" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number097" COLUMN-LABEL "Number097"
FIELD "Number098" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number098" COLUMN-LABEL "Number098"
FIELD "Number099" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number099" COLUMN-LABEL "Number099"
FIELD "Number100" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number100" COLUMN-LABEL "Number100"
FIELD "Number101" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number101" COLUMN-LABEL "Number101"
FIELD "Number102" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number102" COLUMN-LABEL "Number102"
FIELD "Number103" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number103" COLUMN-LABEL "Number103"
FIELD "Number104" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number104" COLUMN-LABEL "Number104"
FIELD "Number105" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number105" COLUMN-LABEL "Number105"
FIELD "Number106" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number106" COLUMN-LABEL "Number106"
FIELD "Number107" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number107" COLUMN-LABEL "Number107"
FIELD "Number108" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number108" COLUMN-LABEL "Number108"
FIELD "Number109" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number109" COLUMN-LABEL "Number109"
FIELD "Number110" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number110" COLUMN-LABEL "Number110"
FIELD "Number111" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number111" COLUMN-LABEL "Number111"
FIELD "Number112" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number112" COLUMN-LABEL "Number112"
FIELD "Number113" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number113" COLUMN-LABEL "Number113"
FIELD "Number114" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number114" COLUMN-LABEL "Number114"
FIELD "Number115" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number115" COLUMN-LABEL "Number115"
FIELD "Number116" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number116" COLUMN-LABEL "Number116"
FIELD "Number117" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number117" COLUMN-LABEL "Number117"
FIELD "Number118" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number118" COLUMN-LABEL "Number118"
FIELD "Number119" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number119" COLUMN-LABEL "Number119"
FIELD "Number120" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number120" COLUMN-LABEL "Number120"
FIELD "Number121" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number121" COLUMN-LABEL "Number121"
FIELD "Number122" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number122" COLUMN-LABEL "Number122"
FIELD "Number123" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number123" COLUMN-LABEL "Number123"
FIELD "Number124" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number124" COLUMN-LABEL "Number124"
FIELD "Number125" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number125" COLUMN-LABEL "Number125"
FIELD "Number126" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number126" COLUMN-LABEL "Number126"
FIELD "Number127" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number127" COLUMN-LABEL "Number127"
FIELD "Number128" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number128" COLUMN-LABEL "Number128"
FIELD "Number129" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number129" COLUMN-LABEL "Number129"
FIELD "Number130" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number130" COLUMN-LABEL "Number130"
FIELD "Number131" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number131" COLUMN-LABEL "Number131"
FIELD "Number132" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number132" COLUMN-LABEL "Number132"
FIELD "Number133" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number133" COLUMN-LABEL "Number133"
FIELD "Number134" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number134" COLUMN-LABEL "Number134"
FIELD "Number135" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number135" COLUMN-LABEL "Number135"
FIELD "Number136" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number136" COLUMN-LABEL "Number136"
FIELD "Number137" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number137" COLUMN-LABEL "Number137"
FIELD "Number138" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number138" COLUMN-LABEL "Number138"
FIELD "Number139" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number139" COLUMN-LABEL "Number139"
FIELD "Number140" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number140" COLUMN-LABEL "Number140"
FIELD "Number141" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number141" COLUMN-LABEL "Number141"
FIELD "Number142" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number142" COLUMN-LABEL "Number142"
FIELD "Number143" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number143" COLUMN-LABEL "Number143"
FIELD "Number144" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number144" COLUMN-LABEL "Number144"
FIELD "Number145" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number145" COLUMN-LABEL "Number145"
FIELD "Number146" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number146" COLUMN-LABEL "Number146"
FIELD "Number147" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number147" COLUMN-LABEL "Number147"
FIELD "Number148" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number148" COLUMN-LABEL "Number148"
FIELD "Number149" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number149" COLUMN-LABEL "Number149"
FIELD "Number150" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number150" COLUMN-LABEL "Number150"
FIELD "Number151" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number151" COLUMN-LABEL "Number151"
FIELD "Number152" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number152" COLUMN-LABEL "Number152"
FIELD "Number153" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number153" COLUMN-LABEL "Number153"
FIELD "Number154" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number154" COLUMN-LABEL "Number154"
FIELD "Number155" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number155" COLUMN-LABEL "Number155"
FIELD "Number156" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number156" COLUMN-LABEL "Number156"
FIELD "Number157" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number157" COLUMN-LABEL "Number157"
FIELD "Number158" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number158" COLUMN-LABEL "Number158"
FIELD "Number159" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number159" COLUMN-LABEL "Number159"
FIELD "Number160" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number160" COLUMN-LABEL "Number160"
FIELD "Number161" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number161" COLUMN-LABEL "Number161"
FIELD "Number162" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number162" COLUMN-LABEL "Number162"
FIELD "Number163" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number163" COLUMN-LABEL "Number163"
FIELD "Number164" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number164" COLUMN-LABEL "Number164"
FIELD "Number165" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number165" COLUMN-LABEL "Number165"
FIELD "Number166" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number166" COLUMN-LABEL "Number166"
FIELD "Number167" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number167" COLUMN-LABEL "Number167"
FIELD "Number168" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number168" COLUMN-LABEL "Number168"
FIELD "Number169" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number169" COLUMN-LABEL "Number169"
FIELD "Number170" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number170" COLUMN-LABEL "Number170"
FIELD "Number171" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number171" COLUMN-LABEL "Number171"
FIELD "Number172" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number172" COLUMN-LABEL "Number172"
FIELD "Number173" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number173" COLUMN-LABEL "Number173"
FIELD "Number174" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number174" COLUMN-LABEL "Number174"
FIELD "Number175" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number175" COLUMN-LABEL "Number175"
FIELD "Number176" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number176" COLUMN-LABEL "Number176"
FIELD "Number177" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number177" COLUMN-LABEL "Number177"
FIELD "Number178" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number178" COLUMN-LABEL "Number178"
FIELD "Number179" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number179" COLUMN-LABEL "Number179"
FIELD "Number180" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number180" COLUMN-LABEL "Number180"
FIELD "Number181" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number181" COLUMN-LABEL "Number181"
FIELD "Number182" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number182" COLUMN-LABEL "Number182"
FIELD "Number183" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number183" COLUMN-LABEL "Number183"
FIELD "Number184" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number184" COLUMN-LABEL "Number184"
FIELD "Number185" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number185" COLUMN-LABEL "Number185"
FIELD "Number186" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number186" COLUMN-LABEL "Number186"
FIELD "Number187" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number187" COLUMN-LABEL "Number187"
FIELD "Number188" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number188" COLUMN-LABEL "Number188"
FIELD "Number189" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number189" COLUMN-LABEL "Number189"
FIELD "Number190" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number190" COLUMN-LABEL "Number190"
FIELD "Number191" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number191" COLUMN-LABEL "Number191"
FIELD "Number192" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number192" COLUMN-LABEL "Number192"
FIELD "Number193" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number193" COLUMN-LABEL "Number193"
FIELD "Number194" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number194" COLUMN-LABEL "Number194"
FIELD "Number195" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number195" COLUMN-LABEL "Number195"
FIELD "Number196" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number196" COLUMN-LABEL "Number196"
FIELD "Number197" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number197" COLUMN-LABEL "Number197"
FIELD "Number198" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number198" COLUMN-LABEL "Number198"
FIELD "Number199" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number199" COLUMN-LABEL "Number199"
FIELD "Number200" OF "InspResultsNum": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to store
inspection result values" LABEL "Number200" COLUMN-LABEL "Number200"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "InspResultsNum": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "InspResultsNum": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "InspResultsNum": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "InspResultsShortChar" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This is a child table

to the InspResults table. This table used to store short character type inspection
results entered during the Inspection R esults Entry process"
FIELD "Company" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Company
FIELD "File" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "The name of the
table that this record pertains to. "
FIELD "Key1" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Major component of
the primary key to the record. "
FIELD "Key2" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "2nd component of the
primary key to the related record. For example: For a ""OrderDtl"" this field would
contain the OrderLine # of th e related Order detail record. The usage of this
field is dependant on the type of record. For example ""Part"" references do not
use this field while PartRev would."
FIELD "Key3" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "3rd component of the
primary key to the related record. For example: For a ""OrderRel"" this field would
contain the Order Line Releas e # of the related Order Release record. The usage of
this field is dependant o n the type of record referenced."
FIELD "Key4" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "4th component of the
primary key to the related record. "
FIELD "Key5" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "5th component of the
primary key to the related record. "
FIELD "SampleNumber" OF "InspResultsShortChar": integer
DESCRIPTION "A sequential number up to the total in the Inspection Quantity fi
eld." LABEL "Sample Number"
FIELD "InspectDate" OF "InspResultsShortChar": date DESCRIPTION "Date the
inspection data was saved" LABEL "Inspection Date"
FIELD "InspectTime" OF "InspResultsShortChar": integer DESCRIPTION "System time
(seconds since midnight) of when the inspection data was saved" LABEL "Inspection
FIELD "ShortChar001" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar002" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar003" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar004" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar005" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar006" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar007" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar008" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar009" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar010" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar011" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar012" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar013" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar014" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar015" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar016" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar017" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar018" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar019" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar020" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar021" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar022" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar023" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar024" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar025" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar026" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar027" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar028" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar029" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar030" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar031" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar032" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar033" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar034" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar035" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar036" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar037" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar038" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar039" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar040" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar041" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar042" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar043" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar044" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar045" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar046" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar047" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar048" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar049" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar050" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar051" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar052" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar053" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar054" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar055" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar056" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar057" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar058" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar059" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar060" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar061" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar062" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar063" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar064" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar065" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar066" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar067" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar068" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar069" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar070" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar071" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar072" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar073" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar074" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar075" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar076" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar077" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar078" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar079" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar080" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar081" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar082" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar083" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar084" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar085" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar086" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar087" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar088" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar089" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar090" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar091" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar092" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar093" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar094" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar095" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar096" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar097" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar098" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar099" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar100" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar101" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar102" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar103" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar104" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar105" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar106" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar107" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar108" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar109" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar110" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar111" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar112" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar113" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar114" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar115" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar116" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar117" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar118" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar119" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar120" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar121" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar122" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar123" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar124" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar125" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar126" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar127" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar128" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar129" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar130" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar131" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar132" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar133" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar134" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar135" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar136" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar137" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar138" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar139" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar140" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar141" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar142" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar143" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar144" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar145" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar146" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar147" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar148" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar149" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar150" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar151" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar152" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar153" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar154" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar155" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar156" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar157" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar158" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar159" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar160" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar161" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar162" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar163" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar164" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar165" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar166" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar167" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar168" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar169" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar170" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar171" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar172" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar173" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar174" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar175" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar176" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar177" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar178" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar179" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar180" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar181" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar182" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar183" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar184" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar185" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar186" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar187" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar188" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar189" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar190" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar191" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar192" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar193" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar194" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar195" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar196" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar197" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar198" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar199" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "ShortChar200" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Used to
store inspection result values"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "InspResultsShortChar": character DESCRIPTION "Unique
identifier for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "InspResultsShortChar": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision
identifier for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "InspResultsShortChar": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "IntMap" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table contains interface
mapping for the interfaced software . This detail record holds the actual field
FIELD "Company" OF "IntMap": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "VntgTable" OF "IntMap": character DESCRIPTION "Vantage table name" LABEL
"Vantage Table"
FIELD "VntgField" OF "IntMap": character DESCRIPTION "Vantage field name" LABEL
"Vantage Field"
FIELD "ToTableName" OF "IntMap": character DESCRIPTION "Integration table name"
LABEL "To Table Name"
FIELD "ToFieldName" OF "IntMap": character DESCRIPTION "Integration field name"
LABEL "To Field Name"
FIELD "ToFieldType" OF "IntMap": character DESCRIPTION "Integration field type"
LABEL "To Field Type"
FIELD "ToFieldFormat" OF "IntMap": character DESCRIPTION "Integration field format"
LABEL "To Field Format"
FIELD "ExtSystemID" OF "IntMap": character DESCRIPTION "Code for the external
package to be interfaced with" LABEL "External System"
FIELD "TransferMethod" OF "IntMap": character DESCRIPTION "Transfer Method" LABEL
"Transfer Method"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "IntMap": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "IntMap": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "IntMap": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "IntQueCtrl" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Queue Control Record" DESCRIPTION "The
one record in this table will control the sequence value for
the IntQueIn and IntQueOut tables."
FIELD "IntQueLastDate" OF "IntQueCtrl": date DESCRIPTION "The last date used in the
generation of an IntQueID in the IntQue In or IntQueOut table." LABEL "Last Date"
FIELD "IntQueLastTime" OF "IntQueCtrl": integer DESCRIPTION "The last time used in
the generation of an IntQueID in the IntQue In or IntQueOut table." LABEL "Last
Time" COLUMN-LABEL "Last Time"
FIELD "IntQueLastSequence" OF "IntQueCtrl": integer DESCRIPTION "The last sequence
value used in the generation of an IntQueID in the IntQueIn or IntQueOut table.
This field provides uniqueness when records ar e created during the same second on
the same day." LABEL "Last Sequence" COLUMN-LABEL "Last Sequence"
FIELD "IntQueProcessDelay" OF "IntQueCtrl": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of seconds
to delay before attempting to process interface queue records." LABEL "Queue
Processing Delay" COLUMN-LABEL "Queue Processing Delay"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "IntQueCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "IntQueCtrl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "IntQueCtrl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "IntQueIn" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table contains the interface
transactions to be received int erfaced software. This records the transfer of data
into the Vantage IM tables integration in the order they were received."
FIELD "Company" OF "IntQueIn": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "RelatedToFile" OF "IntQueIn": character DESCRIPTION "The master file to
which the Queue table is related to. This fie
ld is used to properly isolate queue tables to the masters they are related to. "
FIELD "Key1" OF "IntQueIn": character DESCRIPTION "Major component of the foreign
key of the related master record t o be sent. Key field to the Intermediate file
set being sent. For example: For a ""Customer"" transfer it contains the CustNum
FIELD "Key2" OF "IntQueIn": character DESCRIPTION "2nd component of the foreign key
of the related master record to be sent. Key field to the Intermediate file set
being sent. For example: For a ""ShipTo"" transfer it contains the ShipToNum
FIELD "Key3" OF "IntQueIn": character DESCRIPTION "3rd component of the foreign key
of the related master record to be sent. Key field to the Intermediate file set
being sent."
FIELD "CreateDCDUserID" OF "IntQueIn": character DESCRIPTION "User Id that created
the Queue record. DCDUserID. " LABEL "User ID" COLUMN-LABEL "User ID"
FIELD "Key4" OF "IntQueIn": character DESCRIPTION "4th component of the foreign key
of the related master record to be sent. Key field to the Intermediate file set
being sent."
FIELD "Action" OF "IntQueIn": character DESCRIPTION "Values are: ""Add"", ""Upd""
and ""Del""" LABEL "Action"
FIELD "TransStatus" OF "IntQueIn": character DESCRIPTION "Values are: S = Sent T =
Transferred P = Partially received R = Received OK D = Delete" LABEL "Status"
FIELD "TransType" OF "IntQueIn": character DESCRIPTION "A string that uniquely
identifies the transaction. This is defin ed in the GLSyst." LABEL "Type"
FIELD "ExtSystemID" OF "IntQueIn": character DESCRIPTION "Code for the external
package to be interfaced with" LABEL "External System"
FIELD "TransferMethod" OF "IntQueIn": character DESCRIPTION "Option of how to
transfer the data to the package (e.g. direct co
nnect, ascii, xml) and will identify the specific programs to run" LABEL "Transfer
FIELD "ExtCompanyID" OF "IntQueIn": character DESCRIPTION "The ID of the interfaced
company" LABEL "Ext. Company ID"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IntQueIn": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for this
Queue record. A concatination of the D ate (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program
generated Sequence (9999) from the Int QueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-
LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "ExternalRef" OF "IntQueIn": character DESCRIPTION "For use by external
interfacing software only." LABEL "External" COLUMN-LABEL "External"
FIELD "Complete" OF "IntQueIn": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this Queue record ready to
be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "Key7" OF "IntQueIn": character DESCRIPTION "7th component of the foreign key
of the related master record to be sent. Key field to the Intermediate file set
being sent."
FIELD "Key8" OF "IntQueIn": character DESCRIPTION "8th component of the foreign key
of the related master record to be sent. Key field to the Intermediate file set
being sent."
FIELD "Key5" OF "IntQueIn": character DESCRIPTION "5th component of the foreign key
of the related master record to be sent. Key field to the Intermediate file set
being sent."
FIELD "Key6" OF "IntQueIn": character DESCRIPTION "6th component of the foreign key
of the related master record to be sent. Key field to the Intermediate file set
being sent."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IntQueIn": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "Key11" OF "IntQueIn": character DESCRIPTION "11th component of the foreign
key of the related master record to be sent. Key field to the Intermediate file set
being sent."
FIELD "Key12" OF "IntQueIn": character DESCRIPTION "12th component of the foreign
key of the related master record to be sent. Key field to the Intermediate file set
being sent."
FIELD "Key13" OF "IntQueIn": character DESCRIPTION "13th component of the foreign
key of the related master record to be sent. Key field to the Intermediate file set
being sent."
FIELD "Key14" OF "IntQueIn": character DESCRIPTION "14th component of the foreign
key of the related master record to be sent. Key field to the Intermediate file set
being sent."
FIELD "Key15" OF "IntQueIn": character DESCRIPTION "15th component of the foreign
key of the related master record to be sent. Key field to the Intermediate file set
being sent."
FIELD "Key9" OF "IntQueIn": character DESCRIPTION "9th component of the foreign key
of the related master record to be sent. Key field to the Intermediate file set
being sent."
FIELD "Key10" OF "IntQueIn": character DESCRIPTION "10th component of the foreign
key of the related master record to be sent. Key field to the Intermediate file set
being sent."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "IntQueIn": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "IntQueIn": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."

TABLE "IntQueOut" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table contains the interface
transactions to be sent to inte rfaced software. This allows the transfer of data
out of the Vantage IM tables to be transferred to Eurofin or other integration in
the order they were created ."
FIELD "Company" OF "IntQueOut": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "RelatedToFile" OF "IntQueOut": character DESCRIPTION "The master file to
which the Queue table is related to. This fie ld is used to properly isolate queue
tables to the masters they are related to. "
FIELD "Key1" OF "IntQueOut": character DESCRIPTION "Major component of the foreign
key of the related master record t
o be sent. Key field to the Intermediate file set being sent. For example: For a
""Customer"" transfer it contains the CustNum value."
FIELD "Key2" OF "IntQueOut": character DESCRIPTION "2nd component of the foreign
key of the related master record to be sent. Key field to the Intermediate file set
being sent. For example: For a ""ShipTo"" transfer it contains the ShipToNum
FIELD "Key3" OF "IntQueOut": character DESCRIPTION "3rd component of the foreign
key of the related master record to be sent. Key field to the Intermediate file set
being sent."
FIELD "CreateDCDUserID" OF "IntQueOut": character DESCRIPTION "User Id that created
the Queue record. DCDUserID. " LABEL "User ID" COLUMN-LABEL "User ID"
FIELD "Key4" OF "IntQueOut": character DESCRIPTION "4th component of the foreign
key of the related master record to be sent. Key field to the Intermediate file set
being sent."
FIELD "Action" OF "IntQueOut": character DESCRIPTION "Values are: ""Add"", ""Upd""
and ""Del""" LABEL "Action"
FIELD "TransStatus" OF "IntQueOut": character DESCRIPTION "Values are: S = Sent T =
Transferred P = Partially received R = Received OK D = Delete" LABEL "Status"
FIELD "TransType" OF "IntQueOut": character DESCRIPTION "A string that uniquely
identifies the transaction. This is defin ed in the GLSyst." LABEL "Type"
FIELD "ExtSystemID" OF "IntQueOut": character DESCRIPTION "Code for the external
package to be interfaced with" LABEL "External System"
FIELD "TransferMethod" OF "IntQueOut": character DESCRIPTION "Option of how to
transfer the data to the package (e.g. direct co nnect, ascii, xml) and will
identify the specific programs to run" LABEL "Transfer Method"
FIELD "ExtCompanyID" OF "IntQueOut": character DESCRIPTION "The ID of the
interfaced company"
LABEL "Ext. Company ID"
FIELD "IntQueID" OF "IntQueOut": decimal DESCRIPTION "The unique value for this
Queue record. A concatination of the D ate (YYMMDD), Time (SSSSS), and a program
generated Sequence (9999) from the Int QueCtrl table." LABEL "Queue ID" COLUMN-
LABEL "Queue ID"
FIELD "ExternalRef" OF "IntQueOut": character DESCRIPTION "For use by external
interfacing software only." LABEL "External" COLUMN-LABEL "External"
FIELD "Complete" OF "IntQueOut": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this Queue record ready to
be deleted?" LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "Key7" OF "IntQueOut": character DESCRIPTION "7th component of the foreign
key of the related master record to be sent. Key field to the Intermediate file set
being sent."
FIELD "Key8" OF "IntQueOut": character DESCRIPTION "8th component of the foreign
key of the related master record to be sent. Key field to the Intermediate file set
being sent."
FIELD "Key5" OF "IntQueOut": character DESCRIPTION "5th component of the foreign
key of the related master record to be sent. Key field to the Intermediate file set
being sent."
FIELD "Key6" OF "IntQueOut": character DESCRIPTION "6th component of the foreign
key of the related master record to be sent. Key field to the Intermediate file set
being sent."
FIELD "IntError" OF "IntQueOut": logical DESCRIPTION "Errors exist in this
Intermediate Record relating to the Intermed iate Status." LABEL "Intermediate
Record Error" COLUMN-LABEL "Intermediate Record Error"
FIELD "Key11" OF "IntQueOut": character DESCRIPTION "11th component of the foreign
key of the related master record to be sent. Key field to the Intermediate file set
being sent."
FIELD "Key12" OF "IntQueOut": character DESCRIPTION "12th component of the foreign
key of the related master record to be sent. Key field to the Intermediate file set
being sent."
FIELD "Key13" OF "IntQueOut": character DESCRIPTION "13th component of the foreign
key of the related master record to be sent. Key field to the Intermediate file set
being sent."
FIELD "Key14" OF "IntQueOut": character DESCRIPTION "14th component of the foreign
key of the related master record to be sent. Key field to the Intermediate file set
being sent."
FIELD "Key15" OF "IntQueOut": character DESCRIPTION "15th component of the foreign
key of the related master record to be sent. Key field to the Intermediate file set
being sent."
FIELD "Key9" OF "IntQueOut": character DESCRIPTION "9th component of the foreign
key of the related master record to be sent. Key field to the Intermediate file set
being sent."
FIELD "Key10" OF "IntQueOut": character DESCRIPTION "10th component of the foreign
key of the related master record to be sent. Key field to the Intermediate file set
being sent."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "IntQueOut": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "IntQueOut": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."

TABLE "IntTransIn" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table contains translations
for inbound records arriving fro m an External Integration."
FIELD "Company" OF "IntTransIn": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "DBTableName" OF "IntTransIn": character DESCRIPTION "Database table name"
LABEL "Database Table"
FIELD "DBFieldName" OF "IntTransIn": character DESCRIPTION "Database field name"
LABEL "Database Field"
FIELD "DBFieldValue" OF "IntTransIn": character DESCRIPTION "Value to which the
Inbound value will be translated on an Inbound transaction from an External
Integration." LABEL "Database Value"
FIELD "InboundValue" OF "IntTransIn": character DESCRIPTION "Inbound value from an
External Integration. This value will be t ranslated to the Database field value."
LABEL "Inbound Value"
FIELD "ExtSystemID" OF "IntTransIn": character DESCRIPTION "Code for the external
package to be interfaced with" LABEL "External System"
FIELD "DefaultValue" OF "IntTransIn": logical DESCRIPTION "Default Value."
FIELD "ExtCompanyID" OF "IntTransIn": character DESCRIPTION "The ID of the
interfaced company" LABEL "Ext. Company ID"
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "IntTransIn": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "IntTransIn": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "IntTransIn": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "IntTransOut" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table contains

translations for outbound records heading to an External Integration."
FIELD "Company" OF "IntTransOut": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "DBTableName" OF "IntTransOut": character DESCRIPTION "Database table name"
LABEL "Database Table"
FIELD "DBFieldName" OF "IntTransOut": character DESCRIPTION "Database field name"
LABEL "Database Field"
FIELD "DBFieldValue" OF "IntTransOut": character DESCRIPTION "Value to be
translated on an Outbound transaction to an External Integration." LABEL "Database
FIELD "OutboundValue" OF "IntTransOut": character DESCRIPTION "Outbound value to an
External Integration after the Database fiel d value is translated." LABEL
"Outbound Value"
FIELD "ExtSystemID" OF "IntTransOut": character DESCRIPTION "Code for the external
package to be interfaced with" LABEL "External System"
FIELD "DefaultValue" OF "IntTransOut": logical DESCRIPTION "Default Value."
FIELD "ExtCompanyID" OF "IntTransOut": character DESCRIPTION "The ID of the
interfaced company" LABEL "Ext. Company ID"
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "IntTransOut": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "IntTransOut": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "IntTransOut": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "InvcChrg" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Invoice Charge" DESCRIPTION "This a sub-
table for InvcDtl for generated finance/late charges."
FIELD "Company" OF "InvcChrg": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "InvcChrg": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "InvcChrg": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "InvoiceNum" OF "InvcChrg": integer DESCRIPTION "Invoice Number - the invoice
the finance charge was calculated fo r." LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "FromDate" OF "InvcChrg": date DESCRIPTION "From Date" LABEL "Calculated From
FIELD "ToDate" OF "InvcChrg": date DESCRIPTION "To Date" LABEL "Calculated To Date"
FIELD "ChargeAmt" OF "InvcChrg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Miscellaneous Charge Amount.
Base Currency." LABEL "Charge Amount" COLUMN-LABEL "ChargeAmt"
FIELD "ChargeCode" OF "InvcChrg": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Identifier for the
Finance Charges" LABEL "Charge Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Chrg Cd"
FIELD "ChargePercent" OF "InvcChrg": decimal DESCRIPTION "The percentage that shall
be applied to the invoice amount when c alculating the interest." LABEL "Finance
Charge Percentage" COLUMN-LABEL "Chrg Pct"
FIELD "SeqNum" OF "InvcChrg": integer DESCRIPTION "Sequence Number" LABEL "Seq.
FIELD "InvoiceLine" OF "InvcChrg": integer DESCRIPTION "This field along with
Company and InvoiceNum make up the unique k ey to the table." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "SourceInvoiceNum" OF "InvcChrg": integer DESCRIPTION "The invoice the
finance charge was calculated for." LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "DocChargeAmt" OF "InvcChrg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Miscellaneous Charge
Amount. Document Currency." LABEL "Charge Amount" COLUMN-LABEL "Charge Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1ChargeAmt" OF "InvcChrg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Charge Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2ChargeAmt" OF "InvcChrg": decimal
DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Charge Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3ChargeAmt" OF "InvcChrg": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Charge Amount"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "InvcChrg": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "LetterNum" OF "InvcChrg": integer DESCRIPTION "Reminder Letter num." LABEL
"Letter" COLUMN-LABEL "Letter"
FIELD "ReminderPreview" OF "InvcChrg": logical DESCRIPTION "This is a bool flag
that indicates that the record was created no t a as part of finance charges, but
as a part of reminder letter functionality a nd will be used for printing only."
FIELD "Manual" OF "InvcChrg": logical DESCRIPTION "The field specifies, whether the
charge was generated by the prog ram or entered manually in AR iNvoice Entry."
LABEL "Manual" COLUMN-LABEL "Manual"
INDEX "InvLine" ON "InvcChrg" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Invoice/Line Index"

TABLE "InvcDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Invoice Line item details. This is
a sub file to the InvcHead fi le. DELETION: Not allowed if any activity has
occurred. When deleted all associated records in InvcTax and InvcMisc are also
deleted. "
FIELD "Company" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "InvoiceNum" OF "InvcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Foreign key to the InvcHead."
LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "Commissionable" OF "InvcDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this line is
commissionable for the related sales re p's. Defaults from the OrderDtl. Note:
""Deposit"" invoice is always No."
LABEL "Commissionable"
FIELD "TaxExempt" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this customer
is exempt from sales tax for this line item. If field is non-blank it is considered
exempt. This code is totally use r definable and no validation is required. This
field will be printed on the Ta x report if this item is reportable. When the value
is changed from blank to no n-blank or vice versa tax calculation logic kicks in to
calculate the sales tax info in the InvcTax file. " LABEL "Tax Exempt"
FIELD "OBS900-SalesDiv" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Division component of
G/L account that will be the credit offset to the A/R. Usually this is the Sales
Account. Default from the ProdGrup file. The full G/L account number is made up of
SalesDiv, SalesChart and SalesDept. These individual fields are never directly
entered, rather it is entered as par t of a field that represents the full G/L
account number. If Credit Memo then use the Returns accounts found in the ProdGrup,
else ARSyst or ARAcct. If Advanced Billing and Deferred = Yes use the Deferred
accounts in the ARSyst or ARAcct. For Deposit invoices use the DepositDiv,
DepositChart and DepositDept establishe d in the ARSyst or ARAcct master. See the
GLSyst record layout for more detail on structure and usage of G/L accou nt
numbers. In all other cases use the sales account established in the ProdGrup. If
not sp ecified in ProdGrup then default from ARSyst or ARAcct record. "
FIELD "Discount" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "A flat discount amount for the
line item. It can be zero. This is calculated using the DiscountPercent * (ShipQty
* UnitPrice)). This field ca n also be directly updated by the user, however it is
refreshed whenever the Dis countPercent, UnitPrice or ShipQty fields are changed.
Discount CANNOT EXCEED T HE EXTENDED LINE AMOUNT. Note a discount entered here
reduces the ""net"" sale amount, while miscellaneous amounts are not. NOT
MAINTAINABLE & Zero if ProgressBill." LABEL "Discount Amt" COLUMN-LABEL "Discount"
FIELD "OBS900-SalesDept" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Department component
of the default Sales G/L account for the ite m being invoiced. See SalesDiv field
description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-SalesChart" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account
component for the default Sales G/L account. See SalesDiv field description for
related info. "
FIELD "DiscountPercent" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Unit price discount
percent. User can enter a percentage and the system calculates the discount amount.
NOT MAINTAINABLE & zero if Advance Bill. " LABEL "Discount %" COLUMN-LABEL "Disc %"
FIELD "OBS900-DiscountDiv" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of default Discount G/L account for the item b eing invoiced. The full G/L account
number is made up of DiscountDiv, DiscountC hart and DiscountDept. These individual
fields are never directly entered; rath er it is entered as part of a field that
represents the full G/L account number. If any one of these 3 components is entered
then, it must be valid in the GLAc ct. See the GLSyst record layout for more detail
on structure and usage of G/L accou nt numbers. Must be entered if a Discount
amount is entered. Defaults from the ProdGrup mast er, else from the ARSyst."
FIELD "OBS900-DiscountDept" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the default Discount G/L account. See DiscountDiv field description
for related info. "
FIELD "IUM" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unit Of Measure. Defaulted from
ShipDtl.IUM, OrderRel.IUM or Par t.IUM." LABEL "U/M"
FIELD "InvoiceLine" OF "InvcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "This field along with
Company and InvoiceNum make up the unique k ey to the table. The system generates
this number during entry of new detail re cords. The system determines next
available number by finding the last InvcDtl record for the Invoice and adding 1 to
it. " LABEL "Line"
FIELD "OBS900-DiscountChart" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account
component for the default Discount G/L account. See DiscountDiv field description
for related info. "
FIELD "LineDesc" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the line item.
Defaults from ShipDtl.LineDesc, Or derDtl.LineDesc or Part.PartDescription." LABEL
FIELD "OrderLine" OF "InvcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The associated sales order
line number." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "OurOrderQty" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The planned order release
quantity. This is not maintainable. I f and only if an order is referenced then it
is set equal to the OrderRel.OurReq Qty." LABEL "Our Order Qty"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "InvcDtl": character
DESCRIPTION "Part number used to identify line item part. This would be used as
""Our"" part number if there is a difference between us and the customers par t
numbering scheme. Defaults from the OrderDtl.PartNum or the ShipDtl.PartNum. "
LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "POLine" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the line reference of
the item on the customers PO. This is for reference and printing purposes. Defaults
from the OrderDtl.POLine." LABEL "PO Line"
FIELD "PricePerCode" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the pricing per
quantity. It can be ""E"" = per each, ""C"" = per hundred, ""M"" = per thousand.
Used to calculate the extended unit price for the line item. The logic is to divide
the InvcDtl.ShipQty by the app ropriate ""per"" value and then multiply by unit
price. Use the OrderDtl.PriceP erCode as default if referenced to an order else use
Part.PricePerCode as a defa ult. If Part record does not exist then default as
""E""." LABEL "Price Per" COLUMN-LABEL "Per"
FIELD "ShipToNum" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Customer Ship To ID for the
item. Defaults from the Customer, Or derRel or ShipDtl records. If invoice details
reference only one ship to then t he ship to info is printed as heading info.
otherwise a ""See Below"" message is printed and the Ship To info is printed as
part of the invoice detail body. " LABEL "Ship To"
FIELD "ProdCode" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the foreign key to
the ProdGrup file. Can be blank or m ust be valid. Defaults from the OrderDtl or
Part file." LABEL "Group"
FIELD "InvoiceComment" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Used to enter comments
about the invoice line item. These are pr inted on the invoice. When invoice is
referenced to a sales order line then thi s is defaulted from
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Our Current Revision
Number for this Part." LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "ShipDate" OF "InvcDtl": date DESCRIPTION "Ship date of the invoice line
item. Defaults from the ShipHead o r from the invoice date when not referencing a
packing slip. When printed on th e invoice it is printed as part of the heading if
only one date exists else it i s printed as part of the detail line. " LABEL "Ship
Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Ship Date"
FIELD "ShipViaCode" OF "InvcDtl": character
DESCRIPTION "ShipVia for the invoice detail lines. Contains the Foreign key t o the
SHIPVIA master file. Can be left blank or must be valid. Default from the OrderRel,
ShipHead, Customer or ShipTo. If invoice contains only a single ship via then it is
printed as part of the heading; otherwise, it prints as part of the line item
detail." LABEL "Ship Via"
FIELD "PackNum" OF "InvcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Packing slip number that this
detail record is linked with." LABEL "Packing Slip"
FIELD "UnitPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Unit Price. Can be defaulted
from the OrderDtl.UnitPrice. Alway s zero and not maintainable if this is a
progress billing type of invoice." LABEL "Unit Price"
FIELD "XPartNum" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "An optional field that is
used if the customer has a different Pa rt number than the internal part number.
This field is defaulted from the Order Dtl or ShipDtl files. " LABEL "Cust Part"
FIELD "OrderRelNum" OF "InvcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains the release number
of the order line item that is being invoiced. " LABEL "Release"
FIELD "OurShipQty" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Our Quantity Shipped/billed.
Can be defaulted from ShipDtl.OurSh ipQty. Not maintainable & Zero for
ProgressBill." LABEL "Our Ship Qty"
FIELD "ExtPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Extended Price for the invoice
line item. If not a ProgressBill or ""Deposit"" invoice then it is not maintainable
and is calculated as the (Shi pQty/PricePer) * UnitPrice. If it is a ProgressBill
or ""Deposit Invoice"" the n the ShipQty and UnitPrice fields are zero and the user
is allowed entry to thi s field." LABEL "Ext. Price"
FIELD "PackLine" OF "InvcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The packing slip line number
that is being invoiced." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "OrderNum" OF "InvcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Sales Order number. This is not
maintainable by the user. The s ystem duplicates it from the InvcHead.OrderNum. "
LABEL "Order"
FIELD "TaxCatID" OF "InvcDtl": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Tax Category for this record. Defaults from the Or
derDtl if related to an Order or from the Part Master. " LABEL "Category ID"
FIELD "AdvanceBillCredit" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The amount this line
item that is reduced by due to prior advance d billings. This is only valid for
""Shipment"" or Miscellaneous"" types. It i s defaulted from the
OrderDtl.AdvanceBillBal. This value reduces the OrderDtl.A dvanceBillBal. " LABEL
"Advance Bill Credit"
FIELD "OBS900-AdvanceBillDiv" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Division
component of G/L account for the Advanced Billing Credit . The G/L number is either
a Sales Account or a Deferred Revenue account based on finding the first ""Advance
Billing"" invoice for this order and then using t he InvcHead.DeferredRevenue flag.
Then either the ProdGrup or ARSyst/ARAcct sup ply the account to be used. This is
only available for ""Shipment/Misc"" type i nvoices."
FIELD "OBS900-AdvanceBillDept" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of default deferred revenue G/L account. (See DefRevDiv for more info)"
FIELD "OBS900-AdvanceBillChart" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Chart Number
component of default deferred revenue G/L account. (See DefRevDiv for more info)"
FIELD "CustNum" OF "InvcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The CustNum field is the
internal number that is used to link the invoice to the Customer master file. This
is not maintainable, it is duplicate d from the InvcHead.CustNum field. " LABEL
FIELD "ShpConNum" OF "InvcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains the key value for the
shipping contact in the CUSTCNT ta ble. Can be blank or must be valid in the
CUSTCNT table. Use the Customer.Prim SCon as a default or from OrderRel record."
LABEL "Shipping Contact Num" COLUMN-LABEL "S-Con"
FIELD "TotalMiscChrg" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Non-Maintainable. Rolled
up total of all misc. charge records fo r this invoice detail line." LABEL "Misc.
FIELD "XRevisionNum" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Optional field that
contains the customers revision. Default fro m the ShipDtl.XRevisionNum for
shipment lines or from OrderDtl.XRevisionNum, oth erwise left blank. " LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "MtlUnitCost" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Material Unit Cost. The cost
is initially captured on the PartTr an record for the shipments (MFG-CUS, STK-CUS).
It is duplicated from the PartT ran when invoiced. If shipped from inventory then
it is the cost captured from the part master at time of shipment. If shipped from
job it is calculated durin g the Calculate WIP/COS period end process. Note: the
Calculate WIP/COS will al so update this cost for invoiced job shipments which had
been invoiced prior to having the costs calculated." LABEL "Mtl Unit Cost"
FIELD "LbrUnitCost" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Labor Unit Cost. The cost is
initially captured on the PartTran r ecord for the shipments (MFG-CUS, STK-CUS). It
is duplicated from the PartTran when invoiced. If shipped from inventory then it is
the cost captured from the p art master at time of shipment. If shipped from job it
is calculated during the Calculate WIP/COS period end process. Note: the Calculate
WIP/COS will also upd ate this cost for invoiced job shipments which had been
invoiced prior to having the costs calculated." LABEL "Lbr Unit Cost"
FIELD "BurUnitCost" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Burden Unit Cost. The cost
is initially captured on the PartTran record for the shipments (MFG-CUS, STK-CUS).
It is duplicated from the PartTra n when invoiced. If shipped from inventory then
it is the cost captured from the part master at time of shipment. If shipped from
job it is calculated during t he Calculate WIP/COS period end process. Note: the
Calculate WIP/COS will also u pdate this cost for invoiced job shipments which had
been invoiced prior to havi ng the costs calculated." LABEL "Bur Unit Cost"
FIELD "SubUnitCost" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Subcontract Unit Cost. If
shipped from inventory then it is zero . (Subcontract cost is combined with
material cost on part master) The cost is i nitially captured on the PartTran
record for the shipments (MFG-CUS, STK-CUS). It is duplicated from the PartTran
when invoiced. If shipped from inventory the n it is the cost captured from the
part master at time of shipment. If shipped from job it is calculated during the
Calculate WIP/COS period end process. Note: the Calculate WIP/COS will also update
this cost for invoiced job shipments whi ch had been invoiced prior to having the
costs calculated." LABEL "Sub Unit Cost"
FIELD "DocUnitPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Unit Price. Can be
defaulted from the OrderDtl.UnitPrice. Alway s zero and not maintainable if this is
a progress billing type of invoice." LABEL "Unit Price"
FIELD "DocExtPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Extended Price for the
invoice line item. If not a ProgressBill or ""Deposit"" invoice then it is not
maintainable and is calculated as the (Shi pQty/PricePer) * UnitPrice. If it is a
ProgressBill or ""Deposit Invoice"" the n the ShipQty and UnitPrice fields are zero
and the user is allowed entry to thi s field. " LABEL "Customer Ext. Price" COLUMN-
LABEL "Customer Ext. Price"
FIELD "DocDiscount" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "A flat discount amount for
the line item. It can be zero. This is calculated using the DiscountPercent *
(ShipQty * UnitPrice)). This field ca n also be directly updated by the user,
however it is refreshed whenever the Dis countPercent, UnitPrice or ShipQty fields
are changed. Discount CANNOT EXCEED T HE EXTENDED LINE AMOUNT. Note a discount
entered here reduces the ""net"" sale amount, while miscellaneous amounts are not.
NOT MAINTAINABLE & Zero if ProgressBill." LABEL "Customer Discount Amt" COLUMN-
LABEL "Customer Discount Amt"
FIELD "DocTotalMiscChrg" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Non-Maintainable.
Rolled up total of all misc. charge records fo r this invoice detail line." LABEL
"Customer Misc. Chrgs." COLUMN-LABEL "Customer Misc. Chrgs."
FIELD "DocAdvanceBillCredit" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The amount this
line item that is reduced by due to prior advance d billings. This is only valid
for ""Shipment"" or Miscellaneous"" types. It i s defaulted from the
OrderDtl.AdvanceBillBal. This value reduces the OrderDtl.A dvanceBillBal. " LABEL
"Advance Bill Credit"
FIELD "OBS900-ARClearingDiv" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Division
component for the Accounts Receivable Clearing G/L Accou nt. This account is used
for products that have been shipped but not invoiced."
FIELD "OBS900-ARClearingDept" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the Accounts Receivable Clearing G/L acco unt. (See ARClearingDiv for
more definition)."
FIELD "OBS900-ARClearingChart" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component
of the Accounts Receivable Clearing G/L Account. (See ARClearingDiv for more
FIELD "OBS900-COSMtlDiv" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
for the Cost Of Sales Mtl G/L Account. This i s set when the Invoice is posted to
FIELD "OBS900-COSMtlDept" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Department component
of the Cost Of Sales Mtl G/L account. (See COSMtlDiv for more definition)."
FIELD "OBS900-COSMtlChart" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component of
the Cost Of Sales Mtl G/L Account. (See COSmt lDiv for more definition)."
FIELD "COSPostingReqd" OF "InvcDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Answers the question,
""Does this InvcDtl need to have cost of sa
les posted to G/L?"" If the Manufacturing System is not using a A/R clearing ac
count (XASyst.ARClearingDiv = """") then the costs were already posted to the Co st
Of Sales account by the COS/WIP procedure (JCP80.W), so there are no costs to
FIELD "COSPosted" OF "InvcDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "If the amount of this InvcDtl
was posted to the A/R clearing acco unt (COSPostingReq = Yes), then at sometime the
amount needs to be moved to the COS account. When the costs are moved, this flag is
set to Yes. When a product is shipped it's costs are put in A/R Clearing. When it's
invoice d the costs are ready to be moved to COS. The Capture WIP/COS Activity
procedur e (JCP80.W) moves these costs. " LABEL "Posted" COLUMN-LABEL "Posted"
FIELD "LineType" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Used to differentiate between
standard lines which are for parts ""PART"" and lines for service contracts
""CONTRACT"" and line for service call s ""CALL""." LABEL "Line Type"
FIELD "ContractNum" OF "InvcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Contract Number of the
related Service Contract when the LineType field is ""CONTRACT""" LABEL "SC"
FIELD "ContractCode" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the Service Contract when the Line Type is ""CONTRACT"""
FIELD "CallNum" OF "InvcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "this is a link to the service
call that this invoice is for. Lin etype = ""CALL""" LABEL "Call"
FIELD "CallCode" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that identifies
the type of service call. Link to GL accounts when LineType = ""CALL"""
FIELD "RMANum" OF "InvcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The related RMA number. Note:
This only applies to Credit Memos. It is assigned as part of the Request Credit
process for an RMA and is not direc tly maintainable by Invoice Entry." LABEL "RMA"

FIELD "RMALine" OF "InvcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The related RMA Line number.
This along with the RMANum provides the foreign key to the related RMADtl record.
(See InvcDtl.RMANum) " LABEL "Line"
FIELD "MtlBurUnitCost" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Material Burden Unit
Cost. The cost is initially captured on the PartTran record for the shipments (MFG-
CUS, STK-CUS). It is duplicated from th e PartTran when invoiced. If shipped from
inventory then it is the cost capture d from the part master at time of shipment.
If shipped from job it is calculate d during the Calculate WIP/COS period end
process. Note: the Calculate WIP/COS will also update this cost for invoiced job
shipments which had been invoiced pr ior to having the costs calculated." LABEL
"Mtl BurUnit Cost"
FIELD "SalesCatID" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "A Cod which uniquely
identfies SalesCat record. Can't be blank." LABEL "Sales Cat"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "InvcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year that clearing/cos
entry was posted to in G/L. Note: The Fiscal Year, Period, Journal Code, JournalNum
pertain only to records which were used to post to the ARClearing/COS. This
condition is indicated if C OSPostingReqd = Yes. " LABEL "Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "InvcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal period that entry
was posted to. Note: applicable only when posted to G/L. " LABEL "Period" COLUMN-
LABEL "Fiscal Period"
FIELD "JournalNum" OF "InvcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Journal # that entry was
posted to. Note: applicable only when posted to G/L." LABEL "Journal"
FIELD "JournalCode" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Journal Code of the
related GLJrnDtl. Note: This is set as the Inventory Journal code defined in the
inventory configu ration options." LABEL "Journal"
FIELD "OBS900-COSLbrDiv" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Division component of
default COS Lbr G/L account for a the invoi ce. The full G/L account number is made
up of COSLbrDiv, COSLbrChart and COSLbr Dept. For invoices this is the account that
will be debited. For credit memos this account will be credited. These individual
fields are never directly enter ed, rather it is entered as part of a field that
represents the full G/L account number. All three components must be entered and
valid in the GLAcct. See th e GLSyst record layout for more detail on structure and
usage of G/L account num bers. Default from the ARSyst file. "
FIELD "OBS900-COSLbrDept" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Department component
of the default COS Lbrl G/L account the invo
ice line item. See COSLbrDiv field description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-COSLbrChart" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component for
the default COS Lbr G/L account for the invoi ce line item. See COSLbrDiv field
description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-COSBurDiv" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Division component of
default COS Bur G/L account for a the invoi ce. The full G/L account number is made
up of COSBurDiv, COSBurChart and COSBur Dept. For invoices this is the account that
will be debited. For credit memos this account will be credited. These individual
fields are never directly enter ed, rather it is entered as part of a field that
represents the full G/L account number. All three components must be entered and
valid in the GLAcct. See th e GLSyst record layout for more detail on structure and
usage of G/L account num bers. Default from the ARSyst file. "
FIELD "OBS900-COSBurDept" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Department component
of the default COS Bur G/L account the invoi ce line item. See COSLbrDiv field
description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-COSBurChart" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component for
the default COS Bur G/L account for the invoi ce line item. See COSBurDiv field
description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-COSSubDiv" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Division component of
default COS Sub G/L account for a the invoi ce. The full G/L account number is made
up of COSSubDiv, COSSubChart and COSAub Dept. For invoices this is the account that
will be debited. For credit memos this account will be credited. These individual
fields are never directly enter ed, rather it is entered as part of a field that
represents the full G/L account number. All three components must be entered and
valid in the GLAcct. See th e GLSyst record layout for more detail on structure and
usage of G/L account num bers. Default from the ARSyst file. "
FIELD "OBS900-COSSubDept" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Department component
of the default COS Sub G/L account the invoi ce line item. See COSSubDiv field
description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-COSSubChart" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component for
the default COS Sub G/L account for the invoi ce line item. See COSSubDiv field
description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-COSMtlBurDiv" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of default COS Mtl Bur G/L account for a the i
nvoice. The full G/L account number is made up of COSMtlBurDiv, COSMtlBurChart and
COSMtlBurDept. For invoices this is the account that will be debited. For credit
memos this account will be credited. These individual fields are never d irectly
entered, rather it is entered as part of a field that represents the ful l G/L
account number. All three components must be entered and valid in the GL Acct. See
the GLSyst record layout for more detail on structure and usage of G/ L account
numbers. Default from the ARSyst file. "
FIELD "OBS900-COSMtlBurDept" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the default COS Mtl Bur G/L account the i nvoice line item. See
COSMtlBurDiv field description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-COSMtlBurChart" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component
for the default COS Mtl Bur G/L account for the i nvoice line item. See
COSMtlBurDiv field description for related info. "
FIELD "SellingOrderQty" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The planned order
release quantity. This is not maintainable. I f and only if an order is referenced
then it is set equal to the OrderRel.Sellin gReqQty." LABEL "Selling Order Qty"
FIELD "SellingShipQty" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Selling Quantity
Shipped/billed. Can be defaulted from ShipDtl.S ellingShipQty. Not maintainable &
Zero for ProgressBill." LABEL "Selling Ship Qty"
FIELD "SalesUM" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Selling Unit Of Measure.
Defaulted from ShipDtl.SUM, OrderDtl.SU M or Part.SUM." LABEL "U/M"
FIELD "SellingFactor" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This value is used to
convert quantity when there is a difference in the customers unit of measure and
how it is stocked in inventory. Example is sold in pounds, stocked in sheets.
FIELD "ProjectID" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Project Id that links the
invoice detail to the Project table." LABEL "Project ID"
FIELD "MilestoneID" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Milestone id that links
the invoice detail to the ProjectMilesto ne."
FIELD "ListPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the unit price
returned by the price list before quantity based or order value based discounts are
applied. Will default from the OrderD
tl.ListPrice." LABEL "List Price"
FIELD "DocListPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the list price in
customer currency. Will default from t he OrderDtl.DocListPrice." LABEL "Doc List
FIELD "OrdBasedPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the unit price
after quantity based or order value based discounts are applied. Will default from
the OrderDtl.OrdBasedPrice." LABEL "Order Based Price"
FIELD "DocOrdBasedPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the order based
price in customer currency. Will default from the OrderDtl.DocOrdBasedPrice." LABEL
"Doc Order Based Price"
FIELD "AdvGainLoss" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Wherever the Less Advanced
or Less Deposited is calculated, put a ny gain-loss difference into this field."
LABEL "Advance Gain Loss"
FIELD "SellingFactorDirection" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates how
Factor is used in calculations. If M (multiply), t he Factor is multiplied, if D
(divide) the factor is divided." LABEL "Selling Factor Direction" COLUMN-LABEL
"Selling Factor Direction"
FIELD "RepRate1" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Sales representative commission
rate." LABEL "Comm Rate"
FIELD "RepRate2" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Sales representative commission
rate." LABEL "Comm Rate"
FIELD "RepRate3" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Sales representative commission
rate." LABEL "Comm Rate"
FIELD "RepRate4" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Sales representative commission
rate." LABEL "Comm Rate"
FIELD "RepRate5" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Sales representative commission
rate." LABEL "Comm Rate"
FIELD "RepSplit1" OF "InvcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Sales representative
commission percentage." LABEL "Split %"
FIELD "RepSplit2" OF "InvcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Sales representative
commission percentage." LABEL "Split %"
FIELD "RepSplit3" OF "InvcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Sales representative
commission percentage." LABEL "Split %"
FIELD "RepSplit4" OF "InvcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Sales representative
commission percentage." LABEL "Split %"
FIELD "RepSplit5" OF "InvcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Sales representative
commission percentage." LABEL "Split %"
FIELD "BTCustNum" OF "InvcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Bill To Customer Number used
for consolidated invoices" LABEL "Bill To Customer Number"
FIELD "JCMtlUnitCost" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Job Closing Material Unit
Cost. The cost is captured on the fina l Job Assembley. It is duplicated from the
JobAsmbl when the job is closed." LABEL "JC Mtl Unit Cost" COLUMN-LABEL "JC Mtl
Unit Cost"
FIELD "JCLbrUnitCost" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Job Closing Labor Unit
Cost. The cost is captured on the final Jo b Assembley. It is duplicated from the
JobAsmbl when the job is closed." LABEL "JC Lbr Unit Cost" COLUMN-LABEL "JC Lbr
Unit Cost"
FIELD "JCBurUnitCost" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Job Closing Burden Unit
Cost. The cost is captured on the final Job Assembley. It is duplicated from the
JobAsmbl when the job is closed." LABEL "JC Bur Unit Cost" COLUMN-LABEL "JC Bur
Unit Cost"
FIELD "JCSubUnitCost" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Job Closing Subcontract
Unit Cost. The cost is captured on the f inal Job Assembley. It is duplicated from
the JobAsmbl when the job is closed." LABEL "JC Sub Unit Cost" COLUMN-LABEL "JC Sub
Unit Cost"
FIELD "JCMtlBurUnitCost" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Job Closing Material
Burden Unit Cost. The cost is captured on t
he final Job Assembley. It is duplicated from the JobAsmbl when the job is clos
ed." LABEL "JC Mtl BurUnit Cost" COLUMN-LABEL "JC Mtl BurUnit Cost"
FIELD "Obs900-ARAcctID" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
the AR Account assigned by the user. " COLUMN-LABEL "AccountID"
FIELD "ChangedBy" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Userid of user who made the
last change to this record." LABEL "Changed By"
FIELD "ChangeDate" OF "InvcDtl": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the record was
last changed" LABEL "Change Date"
FIELD "ChangeTime" OF "InvcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The time that the record was
last change (seconds since midnight) "
FIELD "TaxConnectCalc" OF "InvcDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "If true, the InvcTax
records tied to this line are calculated usi ng Tax Connect logic. If false, taxes
are calculated using the standard calc me thods."
FIELD "GetDfltTaxIds" OF "InvcDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "If set to true, the tax
calculation logic will retrieve the defau lt SalesTax ids for the line before
calculating taxes. It will also be reset to true if the TaxConnectCalc flag
switches from true to false."
FIELD "RevChargeApplied" OF "InvcDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if Reverse
Charge tax line has been applied." LABEL "Rev Charge Applied" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "RevChargeMethod" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates what VAT
Reverse Charge method needs to be applied for this invoice line. The possible
values are: ""RCT"" - ""Reverse Charge with Threshold""; ""RCN"" - ""Reverse Charge
with No Threshold"" Leave this field blank if no Reverse Charge should be applied
in the AR invoice line." LABEL "Reverse Charge Method" COLUMN-LABEL "RevCharge
FIELD "OverrideReverseCharge" OF "InvcDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
user overrides the Reverse Charge Method." LABEL "Override Reverse Charge" COLUMN-
LABEL "OverrideRevChrg"
FIELD "Rpt1AdvanceBillCredit" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Advance Bill Credit"
FIELD "Rpt2AdvanceBillCredit" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Advance Bill Credit"
FIELD "Rpt3AdvanceBillCredit" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Advance Bill Credit"
FIELD "Rpt1Discount" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Customer Discount Amt"
FIELD "Rpt2Discount" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Customer Discount Amt"
FIELD "Rpt3Discount" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Customer Discount Amt"
FIELD "Rpt1ExtPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Customer Ext. Price"
FIELD "Rpt2ExtPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Customer Ext. Price"
FIELD "Rpt3ExtPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Customer Ext. Price"
FIELD "Rpt1ListPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt List Price"
FIELD "Rpt2ListPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt List Price"
FIELD "Rpt3ListPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt List Price"
FIELD "Rpt1OrdBasedPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Order Based Price"
FIELD "Rpt2OrdBasedPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Order Based Price"
FIELD "Rpt3OrdBasedPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Order Based Price"
FIELD "Rpt1TotalMiscChrg" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Customer Misc. Chrgs."
FIELD "Rpt2TotalMiscChrg" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Customer Misc. Chrgs."
FIELD "Rpt3TotalMiscChrg" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Customer Misc. Chrgs."
FIELD "Rpt1UnitPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Unit Price"
FIELD "Rpt2UnitPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Unit Price"
FIELD "Rpt3UnitPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Unit Price"
FIELD "Rpt2AdvGainLoss" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Wherever the Less
Advanced or Less Deposited is calculated, put a ny gain-loss difference into this
field." LABEL "Advance Gain Loss"
FIELD "Rpt3AdvGainLoss" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Wherever the Less
Advanced or Less Deposited is calculated, put a ny gain-loss difference into this
field." LABEL "Advance Gain Loss"
FIELD "Rpt1AdvGainLoss" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Wherever the Less
Advanced or Less Deposited is calculated, put a
ny gain-loss difference into this field." LABEL "Advance Gain Loss"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal calendar
year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year suffix."
LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "InvcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "TaxRegionCode" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the
Tax Region assigned by the user." LABEL "Tax Region"
FIELD "OTSName" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "One Time Shipto Name of the
ShipTo. " LABEL "Name"
FIELD "OTSAddress1" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "One Time Shipto first line
of the ShipTo address." LABEL "Address"
FIELD "OTSAddress2" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "One Time Shipto second
line of the ShipTo address." LABEL "" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "OTSAddress3" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "One Time Shipto third line
of the ShipTo address." LABEL "" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "OTSCity" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "City portion of the One Time
Shipto address." LABEL "City"
FIELD "OTSState" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The state or province portion
of the One Time Shipto address." LABEL "State/Prov"
COLUMN-LABEL "State/Province"
FIELD "OTSZIP" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The zip or postal code portion
of the One Time ShipTo address." LABEL "Postal Code"
FIELD "OTSResaleID" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The State Tax
Identification Number of the One Time Shipto. " LABEL "Tax ID"
FIELD "OTSTaxRegionCode" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the
TaxRgn.TaxRegionCode value of the One Time ShipTo ta x region for purposes of Sales
Tax calculations." LABEL "Tax Region"
FIELD "OTSContact" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "One Time Ship To Contact
Name" LABEL "Contact"
FIELD "UseOTS" OF "InvcDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the One Time Shipto
information is to be used. Note: This can only be true when if the OTSName is not
blank. UI disables this when Customer.AllowQTS = False, " LABEL "Use OTS"
FIELD "OTSPhoneNum" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Phone number for the One
Time ShipTo " LABEL "Phone"
FIELD "OTSCountryNum" OF "InvcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "One Time Shipping adress
country Number." LABEL "Country Number"
FIELD "OTSFaxNum" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Fax number for the One Time
ShipTo. " LABEL "Fax"
FIELD "WarehouseCode" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "value is copied from
PartTran for PE" LABEL "Warehouse"
FIELD "CallLine" OF "InvcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "value is copied from PartTran
for PE " LABEL "Line"
FIELD "Plant" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Value is copied from PartTran
for PE" LABEL "Plant"
FIELD "DropShipPackSlip" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Drop shipment Packing
Slip." LABEL "Packing Slip"
FIELD "DropShipPackLine" OF "InvcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Drop Shipment Pack
Line" LABEL "Line"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "InvcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ShipToCustNum" OF "InvcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Ship To Customer Number.
This along with ShipToNum provides the f oreign key field to a given ShipTo.
Normally this has the same value as the Cust Num field. However, if the customer
allows 3rd party shipto (Customer.AllowShipT o3) then this could be a different
FIELD "FinChargeCode" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "FK to the Finance
Charges table" LABEL "Charge Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Fin Chrg Cd"
FIELD "ABTUID" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Reference to the ABT, it is
FIELD "InUnitPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Unit Price including taxes.
Can be defaulted from the OrderDtl.I nUnitPrice. Always zero and not maintainable
if this is a progress billing type of invoice." LABEL "Unit Price"
FIELD "DocInUnitPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Unit Price including
taxes. Can be defaulted from the OrderDtl.I nUnitPrice. Always zero and not
maintainable if this is a progress billing type of invoice." LABEL "Unit Price"
FIELD "InExtPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Extended Price for the
invoice line item including taxes. If not a ProgressBill or ""Deposit"" invoice
then it is not maintainable and is calcul ated as the (ShipQty/PricePer) *
UnitPrice. If it is a ProgressBill or ""Deposi t Invoice"" then the ShipQty and
UnitPrice fields are zero and the user is allo wed entry to this field." LABEL
"Ext. Price"
FIELD "DocInExtPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Extended Price for the
invoice line item including taxes. If not a ProgressBill or ""Deposit"" invoice
then it is not maintainable and is calcul ated as the (ShipQty/PricePer) *
UnitPrice. If it is a ProgressBill or ""Deposi t Invoice"" then the ShipQty and
UnitPrice fields are zero and the user is allo wed entry to this field. " LABEL
"Customer Ext. Price" COLUMN-LABEL "Customer Ext. Price"
FIELD "InDiscount" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "A flat discount amount for
the line item including taxes. It can be zero. This is calculated using the
DiscountPercent * (ShipQty * InUnitPrice )). This field can also be directly
updated by the user, however it is refreshe d whenever the DiscountPercent,
InUnitPrice or ShipQty fields are changed. Disc ount CANNOT EXCEED THE EXTENDED
LINE AMOUNT. Note a discount entered here reduc es the ""net"" sale amount, while
miscellaneous amounts are not. NOT MAINTAINABLE & Zero if ProgressBill." LABEL
"Discount Amt" COLUMN-LABEL "Discount"
FIELD "DocInDiscount" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "A flat discount amount for
the line item including taxes. It can be zero. This is calculated using the
DiscountPercent * (ShipQty * InUnitPrice )). This field can also be directly
updated by the user, however it is refreshe d whenever the DiscountPercent,
InUnitPrice or ShipQty fields are changed. Disc ount CANNOT EXCEED THE EXTENDED
LINE AMOUNT. Note a discount entered here reduc es the ""net"" sale amount, while
miscellaneous amounts are not. NOT MAINTAINABLE & Zero if ProgressBill." LABEL
"Customer Discount Amt" COLUMN-LABEL "Customer Discount Amt"
FIELD "InTotalMiscChrg" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Non-Maintainable. Rolled
up total of all misc. charge records fo r this invoice detail line (includes
taxes)." LABEL "Misc. Chrgs."
FIELD "DocInTotalMiscChrg" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Non-Maintainable.
Rolled up total of all misc. charge records fo r this invoice detail line (includes
taxes)." LABEL "Customer Misc. Chrgs." COLUMN-LABEL "Customer Misc. Chrgs."
FIELD "InListPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the unit price
returned by the price list before quantity based or order value based discounts are
applied (includes taxes). Will defaul t from the OrderDtl.InListPrice." LABEL "List
FIELD "DocInListPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the list price in
customer currency. Will default from t he OrderDtl.DocInListPrice." LABEL "Doc List
FIELD "InOrdBasedPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the unit price
after quantity based or order value based discounts are applied (includes taxes).
Will default from the OrderDtl.InOrdBas edPrice." LABEL "Order Based Price"
FIELD "DocInOrdBasedPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the order
based price in customer currency. Will default from the
OrderDtl.DocInOrdBasedPrice." LABEL "Doc Order Based Price"
FIELD "Rpt1InDiscount" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Customer Discount Amt"
FIELD "Rpt2InDiscount" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Customer Discount Amt"
FIELD "Rpt3InDiscount" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Customer Discount Amt"
FIELD "Rpt1InExtPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Customer Ext. Price"
FIELD "Rpt2InExtPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Customer Ext. Price"
FIELD "Rpt3InExtPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Customer Ext. Price"
FIELD "Rpt1InListPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt List Price"
FIELD "Rpt2InListPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt List Price"
FIELD "Rpt3InListPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt List Price"
FIELD "Rpt1InOrdBasedPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal
DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Order Based Price"
FIELD "Rpt2InOrdBasedPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Order Based Price"
FIELD "Rpt3InOrdBasedPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Order Based Price"
FIELD "Rpt1InTotalMiscChrg" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Customer Misc. Chrgs."
FIELD "Rpt2InTotalMiscChrg" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Customer Misc. Chrgs."
FIELD "Rpt3InTotalMiscChrg" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Customer Misc. Chrgs."
FIELD "Rpt1InUnitPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Unit Price"
FIELD "Rpt2InUnitPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Unit Price"
FIELD "Rpt3InUnitPrice" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Unit Price"
FIELD "CorrectionDtl" OF "InvcDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Will be set to Yes if the
Invoice Detail was created by the Corre ction (Reversing) logic." LABEL "Correction
FIELD "AssetNum" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Asset number of the linked
Asset Disposal transaction." LABEL "AssetNum" COLUMN-LABEL "AssetNum"
FIELD "DisposalNum" OF "InvcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique number to identify
the linked Asset Disposal transaction." LABEL "DisposalNum" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "IncomeTaxCode" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Income Tax Code" LABEL
"Income Tax Code"
FIELD "PBLineType" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Project Billing
transactuion type with following options: MWA = Measured Work, LBD = Employee Labor
(Direct Labor), LBC = Contract Labor, MTL = Material, SUB = Subcontract, MSC =
Other, RET = Retention, FLBR = Fee Labor FMTL = Fee Material, FSUB = Fee
Subcontract, FMSC = Fee ODC, FPRJ = Fee of total project, FRET = Fee retention, BDN
= Burden, CEIL = Reduce by Ceiling, CLFR = Close ? Fee retention, CLPR = Close ?
Project Retention (CP) CLSR = Close Billing schedule - Reverse retention CLSA =
Close Project ? Unassigned activities " LABEL "Project Billing Line Type"
FIELD "InvoiceLineRef" OF "InvcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Invoice line reference "
LABEL "Invoice Line Reference" COLUMN-LABEL "Invoice Line Reference"
FIELD "InvoiceRef" OF "InvcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Invoice Number Reference"
FIELD "LotNum" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Lot Number. This field should
be set according to the linked Shi pment Line."
FIELD "PBInvoiceLine" OF "InvcDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference to the draft
invoice line created in Invoice Preparatio n" LABEL "Project Billing Line"
FIELD "RADtlID" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Contains the value of the
AC_RADtl.RADtlID client detail accommod ation."
FIELD "RAID" OF "InvcDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Contains the value of the
AC_RAHead.RAID client accommodation."
FIELD "DeferredRev" OF "InvcDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if revenue is
deferred for contracts assigned to this g roup." LABEL "Deferred Revenue" COLUMN-
LABEL "Deferred Revenue"
FIELD "RACode" OF "InvcDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Revenue Amortization Code."
LABEL "Revenue Amortization Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Revenue Amortization Code"
FIELD "DefRevStart" OF "InvcDtl": date DESCRIPTION "Starting date the revenue is
deferred." LABEL "Deferred Revenue Start" COLUMN-LABEL "Deferred Revenue Start"
FIELD "ChargeDefRev" OF "InvcDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "When Yes the decision to
defer revenue on an invoice line was mad e after the invoice was posted and the
deferred revenue account has not yet been charged. This flag is used internally to
determine whether or not a journal cl earing the sales and charging the deferrred
revenue account needs to be created. " LABEL "Charge Deferred Revenue" COLUMN-LABEL
"Charge Deferred Revenue"
INDEX "InvLine" ON "InvcDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies an
invoice detail record within the invoice."
INDEX "BTCustNum" ON "InvcDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Company and Bill To
INDEX "CustNum" ON "InvcDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Sorts by
Customer/Shipto. Used in RI checking when deleting shipt o. "
INDEX "RADtlID" ON "InvcDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "RADtlID index"
INDEX "RAID" ON "InvcDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "RAID index"
INDEX "ShipToCustNum" ON "InvcDtl" AREA "Schema Area"
DESCRIPTION "Sorts by ShipToCustNum/ShipNum. Used in RI checking when deleting
shipto. "

TABLE "InvcDtlRASch" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "invcdtlrasch" DESCRIPTION "AR

Invoice detail line revenue amortization schedule."
FIELD "Company" OF "InvcDtlRASch": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "InvoiceNum" OF "InvcDtlRASch": integer DESCRIPTION "Foreign key to the
InvcHead." LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "InvoiceLine" OF "InvcDtlRASch": integer DESCRIPTION "This field along with
Company and InvoiceNum make up the unique k ey to the table. The system generates
this number during entry of new detail re cords. The system determines next
available number by finding the last InvcDtl record for the Invoice and adding 1 to
it. " LABEL "Line"
FIELD "AmortSeq" OF "InvcDtlRASch": integer DESCRIPTION "Internal identifier used
to keep the records unique. Each invoic e line that is amortized will have a record
for each period in which an amortiza tion occurs." LABEL "Amortization Sequence"
COLUMN-LABEL "Amortization Sequence"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "InvcDtlRASch": character DESCRIPTION "The id of the
fiscal calendar this record is related to." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "InvcDtlRASch": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year." LABEL
"Fiscal Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "InvcDtlRASch": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal year
suffix. Allows for additional breakdown/definiti on of fiscal years, for example,
by quarters." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "InvcDtlRASch": integer DESCRIPTION "The fiscal period
number in the fiscal year." LABEL "Fiscal Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Period"
FIELD "AmortDate" OF "InvcDtlRASch": date DESCRIPTION "This is the date when the
percentage of revenue will be recognize d." LABEL "Amortization Date" COLUMN-LABEL
"Amortization Date"
FIELD "AmortPercent" OF "InvcDtlRASch": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the percentage
of total revenue to be recognized." LABEL "Amortization Percent" COLUMN-LABEL
"Amortization Percent"
FIELD "AmortAmount" OF "InvcDtlRASch": decimal DESCRIPTION "The amount to be
recognized in base currency." LABEL "Amortization Amount" COLUMN-LABEL
"Amortization Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1AmortAmt" OF "InvcDtlRASch": decimal DESCRIPTION "The amount to be
recognized in the first reporting currency." LABEL "Rpt1AmortAmt" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "Rpt2AmortAmt" OF "InvcDtlRASch": decimal DESCRIPTION "The amortization
amount in the reporting currency." LABEL "Rpt2AmortAmt" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt2AmortAmt"

FIELD "Rpt3AmortAmt" OF "InvcDtlRASch": decimal DESCRIPTION "The amortization in

reporting currency." LABEL "Rpt3AmortAmt" COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt3AmortAmt"
FIELD "DocAmortAmount" OF "InvcDtlRASch": decimal DESCRIPTION "The amortization
amount in document currency." LABEL "Document Amortization Amount" COLUMN-LABEL
"Document Amortization Amount"
FIELD "Hold" OF "InvcDtlRASch": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this amortization
period is on hold." LABEL "Hold" COLUMN-LABEL "Hold"
FIELD "HoldReasonCode" OF "InvcDtlRASch": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code
assigned by user which uniquely identifies a rea son code master record and
identifies why a amortization period is on hold." LABEL "Hold Reason Code" COLUMN-
LABEL "Hold Reason Code"
FIELD "HoldText" OF "InvcDtlRASch": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive text further
explaining why an amortization period is on hold."
LABEL "Hold Text" COLUMN-LABEL "Hold Text"
FIELD "Posted" OF "InvcDtlRASch": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the revenue has
been recognized for this line." LABEL "Posted" COLUMN-LABEL "Posted"
FIELD "PostedDate" OF "InvcDtlRASch": date DESCRIPTION "The date when the revenue
was recognized." LABEL "Posted Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Posted Date"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "InvcDtlRASch": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "InvcDtlRASch": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "InvcDtlRASch": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "PrimaryIdx" ON "InvcDtlRASch" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
InvoiceNum By InvoiceLine By AmortSeq"
INDEX "ContractNum" ON "InvcDtlRASch" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company By
ContractNum By InvoiceNum By InvoiceLine"
INDEX "Fiscal" ON "InvcDtlRASch" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By company By
InvoiceNum By InvoiceLine By FiscalCalendarID By Fi scalYear By FiscalYearSuffix By

TABLE "InvcGrp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Invoice Entry Control file. A
Parent file of InvcHead. This contr ol record is used to establish Invoice Date &
Fiscal Period for all invoices ass ociated with the group. Also used for indicating
if the group is Open or Closed . A Open group is considered as still having
invoices being added or maintained and is not ready for posting. When the data
entry operator considers that all in voices have been entered and are correct they
""Close"" the group. ""Closed"" gr oups can be selected for posting. After the
posting process the invoice is not maintainable. "
FIELD "Company" OF "InvcGrp": character
DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GroupID" OF "InvcGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Before allowing invoices to be
entered the user establishes a Gro up ID. All invoices belong to a group until the
group is posted. The GroupID is assigned by the user. The GroupID is used to
Selectively print and post the tra nsactions and establishes the invoice date and
fiscal period defaults for invoic es assigned to the Group. " LABEL "Group"
FIELD "InvoiceDate" OF "InvcGrp": date DESCRIPTION "Invoice date for all invoices
within this batch. This date must b e found in the Fiscal file. The Fiscal file
provides the Fiscal Year and Period, which is defaulted based on the InvoiceDate. "
LABEL "Invoice Date"
FIELD "CreatedBy" OF "InvcGrp": character DESCRIPTION "The user ID that created
this batch." LABEL "Created By"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "InvcGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal Year. This is
defaulted based on the finding the Fiscal ma ster for the corresponding
InvoiceDate. User can override this. This value is u sed as one of the defaults to
the InvHead records. (see InvHead for usage). " LABEL "Fiscal Yr"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "InvcGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "A Fiscal period which
provides one of the defaults to be used whe n creating invoices within this group.
This field is defaulted based on finding the Fiscal master which contains the
corresponding InvoiceDate period. (See Inv cHead.FiscalPeriod for usage)" LABEL
"Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal!Period"
FIELD "ActiveUserID" OF "InvcGrp": character DESCRIPTION "The user ID that is
currently logged into this Group. This is dis played on the Group browser so that
users may know which Groups are available." LABEL "In Use By"
FIELD "PostErrorLog" OF "InvcGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Contains posting error
messages. Possible messages are: ""Invoice with no detail"", ""Invalid G/L
FIELD "PostInProcess" OF "InvcGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Field to lock the InvcGrp
record while the Post Process is runnin g." LABEL "Post in Process"
FIELD "AutoPrintReady" OF "InvcGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Field to use for the BAM
to Auto-Print the Crystal Report or Bart
ender Labels associated to this table." LABEL "Auto-Print Ready"
FIELD "UpdateInvAutoPrint" OF "InvcGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the
AutoPrintReady flag on all the Invoice Headers belonging to the Group will reflect
automatically the value of the AutoPrintRea dy flag at the Group level." LABEL
"Update Group Invoices"
FIELD "AutoPrintEDIOnly" OF "InvcGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if when Auto-
Printing all Invoices in a Group, only the ones that have the EDIReady flag as true
will be printed, or all of them. This flag is intended to Auto-Print the AR Invoice
Form as an Outbound EDI Report." LABEL "Auto-Print EDI Only"
FIELD "ApplyDate" OF "InvcGrp": date DESCRIPTION "Apply date for all invoices
within this batch. Apply date is the date in which invoices will be applied to the
gl books when posted." LABEL "Apply Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Apply Date"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "InvcGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year suffix."
LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "InvcGrp": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal calendar
year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "InvcGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "InvcGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "InvcGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "InvcHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "A/R Invoice Header." FOREIGN-NAME
FIELD "InvoiceComment" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Used to establish
invoice comments about the overall order. These
will copied into the Invoice detail file as defaults. "
FIELD "BillConNum" OF "InvcHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains the key value for
the Billing Contact. This can be blan k or it must be valid in the CUSTCNT table.
Use the CUSTOMER.PRIMBCON as the de fault. " LABEL "Billing Contact Num" COLUMN-
FIELD "StartUp" OF "InvcHead": logical DESCRIPTION "An internal flag to indicate if
this invoice was created by the O pen Invoice Load program. These records are not
maintainable/viewable via invoi ce entry. "
FIELD "Company" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CustNum" OF "InvcHead": integer DESCRIPTION "The CustNum field is the
internal # that is used to link the invo ice to the Customer master file. This
field is not directly maintained by the u ser. In most cases it will be duplicated
from the referenced OrderHed. For ""Mi scellaneous"" invoices the user can enter
either a Sales Order Number or a Custo mer ID which will supply the CustNum. "
LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "InvoiceAmt" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total invoice Amount. This
field is an accumulation of the extend ed net amounts of the detail line items
(InvcDtl) and of the miscellaneous charg es/credits (InvcMisc) records. This field
has a true sign. (credit memos are ne gative)." LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "PayDates" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the ""list"" of due
dates for the scheduled payments. De limited by the character defined in the
""List-Delim"" variable. "
FIELD "EntryPerson" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "User ID that entered the
invoice. This is not maintainable by the user. " LABEL "Entered By"
FIELD "InvoiceType" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "There are four types of
invoices: ""Shp"" = Invoice for Shipment , ""Adv"" = Advanced Billing, ""Dep"" =
For Deposit Payments, and ""Mis"" = Mis cellaneous. The setting of this field
affects invoice entry: ""Shipments"" - These are generated by the ""Get Shipments
function"" and is not selectable directly by the user. ""Advanced"" - Must have a
sales order reference. The detail lines on this type of invoice update the
OrderDtl.AdvanceBillBal. Also the user indicates if this should be considered as
deferred revenue. Which changes which G/L accounts are u
sed for the line item credits. ""Deposit"" invoices are used to request a
""deposit"" on an order. A Sales Orde r is mandatory. No line items or
Miscellaneous records are allowed. The user ent ers a flat amount on the header
(InvcHead.PrePayAmt) which will be printed in th e body of the invoice. This also
updates the OrderHed.PrePayBal field. ""Miscellaneous"" - These invoices may or may
not reference a Sales Order. If Invoice is generated in Project Billing then there
are following options: ""PFF"" - Fixed Fee project; ""PCP"" - Cost Plus project;
""PTM"" - Time and Material project; ""PPP"" - Progress Payment project." LABEL
FIELD "FOB" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Defaults from sales order
FIELD "OpenInvoice" OF "InvcHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if invoice is
FIELD "InvoiceBal" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current outstanding balance.
Carries a true sign. (Credit memos a re negative)." LABEL "Cust. Balance"
FIELD "InvoiceNum" OF "InvcHead": integer DESCRIPTION "If this field is left blank
the system assigns the next available #. The next available # is the greater of
last # on file plus one or the XaSyst .StartInvNum." LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "ClosedDate" OF "InvcHead": date DESCRIPTION "The latest transaction date
(CashDtl) which was available when th e invoice was closed. This is used to improve
record selection performance when selecting invoices that were open as of a certain
date. (Used by the aged invoic e report). This is updated during the CashReceipt
posting process, Adjustment en try or Apply Credit memos programs.. "
FIELD "DepositCredit" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount to be credited
against the invoice total due to deposit pa yments against the sales order. This
can be defaulted from OrderHed.DepositBal. This will be printed on the invoice as a
separate line ""Less Deposit of:"" Thi s value updates the OrderHed.DepositBal. Do
not allow OrderHed.DepositBal to bec ome negative. " LABEL "Less Deposit"
FIELD "OrderNum" OF "InvcHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Sales Order #. This is a
mandatory entry for all InvoiceType exce pt ""Miscellaneous"". If entered it must
be valid in the OrderHed file. The Orde rHed supplies the invoice with many
defaults, including; CustNum, PONum, TermsCo de, FOB, RepRate, RepSplit,
SalesRepList, InvoiceComments " LABEL "Order"
FIELD "PONum" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Customer's PO#. This is a
reference field which will be printed on the invoice. Defaults from the
OrderHed.PONum. " LABEL "PO"
FIELD "InvoiceDate" OF "InvcHead": date DESCRIPTION "Invoice date is duplicated
from the InvcGrp record. " LABEL "Invoice Date"
FIELD "CreditMemo" OF "InvcHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates the type of
document. Yes = Credit Memo No= Invoice. Th is value can't be changed after the
record has been created. Credit memos affect the way detail quantities and amounts
are stored in the data base. They will always be stored with a negative sign but
will entered as a posi tive. Credit Memos created by invoice entry also set the
InvoiceSuffix field = ""CM"" " LABEL "Credit Memo" COLUMN-LABEL "CM"
FIELD "InvoiceHeld" OF "InvcHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Invoices that are within a
data entry group can be put on ""Hold" ". They will not be posted until
InvoiceHeld=No. This flag can be used for what ever the reason the user may wish to
keep an invoice in a data entry group from being posted. The Manufacturing System
sets this flag when creating invoices fo r order line items which had been flagged
for ""Time & Material Invoicing"" (Ord erDtl.TMBilling) " LABEL "Hold Invoice"
FIELD "SalesRepList" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Stores the Sales Rep
Codes for the invoice. Up to five codes can be established. This field is not
directly maintainable. Instead temp widgets are used for entry of each individual
code and then put together as one comma de limited string field and assigned to
this field. This field will have a Word in dex, it then will make reporting and
data base integrity checking much easier th rough the use of the ""contains
phrase"" when retrieving records. These codes ca n be left blank or must be valid
in the SalesRep master. The defaults are based on the OrderHed.SalesRepList if a
valid Order is referenced or first one is defa ulted from the Customer master if
ship to is blank else from the ShipTo. " LABEL "Sales Reps"
FIELD "InvoiceRef" OF "InvcHead": integer DESCRIPTION "This field is
maintainable/viewable only for Credit Memos. It rep resents the invoice # that this
credit memo relates to. It can be left blank. If entered it must be a valid
InvcHead record where the InvcHead.CreditMemo = No. This field is also used to
order the invoices when printing aging reports. The i dea is to be able to print
the credit memos next to their corresponding invoice. Therefore, this field will
always have a value. For Invoices it is equal to the InvoiceNum. For Credit memos
where they are not related to an invoice it is also set equal t o the credit memo's
InvoiceNum. In this later case when InvcHead.Credit = Yes an d InvcHead.InvoiceNum
= InvcHead.InvoiceRef the InvoiceRef is reset to zero befo re being displayed, then
when written back to the database it is set = to the In
voiceNum if the user did not enter a related invoice." LABEL "Ref. Invoice"
FIELD "DeferredRevenue" OF "InvcHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Only used when
InvoiceType = ""Adv"" (Advanced Billing). Indicat es if the detail line amounts are
to be considered as sales or deferred revenue. If ""No"" then the G/L accounts on
the detail lines are the Sales Accounts oth erwise they will be set to the Deferred
Revenue accounts established in the ARSy st/ARAcct files. " LABEL "Deferred
FIELD "OBS900-ARDiv" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "The Division component
of default A/R G/L account for a the invoi ce. The full G/L account number is made
up of ARDiv, ARChart and ARDept. For i nvoices this is the account that will be
debited. For credit memos this account will be credited. These individual fields
are never directly entered, rather i t is entered as part of a field that
represents the full G/L account number. Al l three components must be entered and
valid in the GLAcct. See the GLSyst re cord layout for more detail on structure and
usage of G/L account numbers. Defa ult from the ARSyst or ARAcct file. For
""Unapplied Receipt Credit Memos"" thi s is the Unapplied Receipts account not the
A/R account. "
FIELD "OBS900-ARDept" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "The Department
component of the default A/R G/L account the invoi ce line item. See ARDiv field
description for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-ARChart" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component for
the default A/R G/L account for the invoice l ine item. See ARDiv field description
for related info. "
FIELD "PayAmounts" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "The scheduled payment
amounts. Corresponds with the PayDates list . Delimited by the character defined in
the ""list-delim"" variable. "
FIELD "PayDiscDate" OF "InvcHead": date DESCRIPTION "Prompt payment discount date.
This is calculated based on the Inv oice date + Terms.DiscountDays. Not user
maintainable. This will default into th e cash receipt record if the scheduled due
amount is being paid in full. "
FIELD "TermsCode" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the foreign key to
the TERMS master file. Defaults from OrderHed if OrderNum > 0 else from the
Customer master. This IS A MANDATORY ENT RY. User maintainable via a combo-box for
terms description." LABEL "Terms"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "InvcHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal Year is duplicated
from the related InvcGrp or based on Sh ipDate of Packing Slip. This is also
refreshed if the InvoiceDate is changed."
LABEL "Fiscal Year"
FIELD "DueDate" OF "InvcHead": date DESCRIPTION "The due date of the earlist unpaid
scheduled payment amount. Norm ally invoices only have a single due date and
amount. However we provide for ins tallment payments which have multiple due dates
and associated amounts. When inv oices are first created this date will always be
equal to the first entry in the DateDueList. Then as transactions are applied this
""Current"" Due Date is refr eshed by figuring out which is the earliest unpaid
scheduled payment." LABEL "Due Date"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "InvcHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal period of invoice.
This is duplicated in from the InvcBatc or during the ""get shipments"" function it
is determined based on the ShipDate of the packing slip or when the invoice date is
changed. It is overrideable. " LABEL "Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal!Period"
FIELD "GLPosted" OF "InvcHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Once posted, maintenance is
not allowed." LABEL "Posted-G/L" COLUMN-LABEL "G/L"
FIELD "GroupID" OF DESCRIPTION "The ntry process. This oice entry program working
with. " LABEL "Group" "InvcHead": character Group that the invoice was associated
with during the data e field is not directly maintainable, it is assigned by the
inv using the BatchID of the ""current "" batch that the user is

FIELD "Posted" OF "InvcHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this invoice has

been Posted to the receivables file . Only invoices that have been Posted (true)
will be included as part of the open receivables, that is they will not appear on
reports or inquiries other tha n those used within invoice entry. Otherwise they
are considered as still being in data entry. This field is always ""no"" when the
invoice is created. It is se t to ""yes"" by the ""Post function"". Once an invoice
is posted it can't be m aintained via data entry."
FIELD "PayDiscAmt" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount of discount that
would be given if paid on or before the s pecified PayDiscDate. Calculated using
the Terms.DiscountPercent X Invoice total amount."
FIELD "OBS900-DepositDiv" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of default Deposit liability G/L account . Th is is the account associated with the
DepositCreditAmt. For Deposit invoices the account is stored in the detail record
The full G/L account number is made up of DepositDiv, DepositChart and DepositDept.
Duplicated from the ARSyst or ARAc ct master. See the GLSyst record layout for more
detail on structure and usage of G/L accou nt numbers. "
FIELD "OBS900-DepositDept" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the Deposit liability G/L account. See DepositDiv field description
for related info. "
FIELD "OBS900-DepositChart" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account
component for the Deposit G/L account. See DepositDiv field description for related
info. "
FIELD "UnpostedBal" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current outstanding balance
which includes the unposted cash rece ipt amounts. This balance is updated
immediately as cash is applied to the invoi ce, while the InvoiceBal field is not
updated until the cash is posted. Used by cash receipts to validate online that an
invoice is not over paid. Carries a t rue sign. (Credit memos are negative)." LABEL
"New Balance"
FIELD "Obs900-ARAcctID" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "The A/R Account ID
that this invoice is assigned to. This links the invoice to a specific ARAcct
record. Duplicated from the Customer.ARAcctID at time of entry. It may be blank, in
which case it refers to the A/R account d efined by ARSyst. else the ARAcct tables.
" LABEL "Account ID"
FIELD "UnappliedCash" OF "InvcHead": logical DESCRIPTION "An internal flag that
represents Credit Memo was due to Unapplied Receipts. Created by the Cash Receipts
Entry program. This is only applicable with CreditMemo = Yes. "
FIELD "InvoiceSuffix" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "An internally assigned
field that further identifies an invoice. This field will be displayed as a suffix
to the invoice number. The possible va lues are ""CM"" = Credit memo created by
invoice entry, UR = Unapplied Receipt C redit Memo, DN = Debit Note, and FC =
Finance Charge invoice. " LABEL "" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "CheckRef" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "The Check reference number
that the Unapplied Receipt Credit Memo was created from. Cash receipts entry sets
this field equal to the CashHead.Che ckRef when it creates the Unapplied Receipt
Credit Memo. Primarily used as a re ference. This is used when TranType = PrePay,
MisPay or PayInv." LABEL "UR Check"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the currency." LABEL "Cust. Currency" COLUMN-LABEL "Cust. Currency"
FIELD "ExchangeRate" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Exchange rate that will be
used for this invoice. Defaults from CurrRate.CurrentRate. Conversion rates will be
calculated as System Base = Forei gn value * rate, Foreign value = system base *
(1/rate). This is the dollar in f oreign currency from the exchange rate tables in
the newspapers." LABEL "Exchange Rate" COLUMN-LABEL "Exchange Rate"
FIELD "LockRate" OF "InvcHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Used with the currency module.
When TRUE the currency rate can b e changed by the user and cannot be changed by
the system. This will also be th e default for the invoice." LABEL "Lock"
FIELD "DocInvoiceAmt" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total invoice Amount.
This field is an accumulation of the extend ed net amounts of the detail line items
(InvcDtl) and of the miscellaneous charg es/credits (InvcMisc) records. This field
has a true sign. (credit memos are ne gative)." LABEL "Cust. Amount"
FIELD "DocInvoiceBal" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current outstanding
balance. Carries a true sign. (Credit memos a re negative)." LABEL "Balance"
FIELD "DocUnpostedBal" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current outstanding
balance which includes the unposted cash rece ipt amounts. This balance is updated
immediately as cash is applied to the invoi ce, while the InvoiceBal field is not
updated until the cash is posted. Used by cash receipts to validate online that an
invoice is not over paid. Carries a t rue sign. (Credit memos are negative)." LABEL
"New Balance"
FIELD "DocDepositCredit" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount to be credited
against the invoice total due to deposit pa yments against the sales order. This
can be defaulted from OrderHed.DepositBal. This will be printed on the invoice as a
separate line ""Less Deposit of:"" Thi s value updates the OrderHed.DepositBal. Do
not allow OrderHed.DepositBal to bec ome negative. " LABEL "Less Deposit"
FIELD "DocPayAmounts" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "The scheduled payment
amounts. Corresponds with the PayDates list . Delimited by the character defined in
the ""list-delim"" variable. "
FIELD "DocPayDiscAmt" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount of discount that
would be given if paid on or before the s pecified PayDiscDate. Calculated using
the Terms.DiscountPercent X Invoice total amount."
FIELD "Obsolete900-DocToRef" OF "InvcHead": logical
DESCRIPTION "The direction of the exchange rate is determined by this field. I f
DocToRef is true then the rate is expressed as ""1 document currency is X refe
rence currency"". If DocToRef is false then the rate is expressed as ""1 refere nce
currency is X document currency"". " LABEL "Document to Reference" COLUMN-LABEL
"Document to Reference"
FIELD "Obsolete900-RefToBase" OF "InvcHead": logical DESCRIPTION "The direction of
the RefToBaseRate is determined by this field. I f RefToBase is true then the rate
is expressed as ""1 reference currency is X Ba se currency"". If RefToBase is false
then the rate is expressed as ""1 Base cur rency is X reference currency"". " LABEL
"Reference to Base" COLUMN-LABEL "Reference to Base"
FIELD "JournalNum" OF "InvcHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Journal number that invoice
was posted to. This can also be thou ght of as the Voucher Number. If
ARSyst.ARVoucherInvoices = Yes then this value will be printed on the Invoice.
Note: applicable only when posted to G/L." LABEL "Journal"
FIELD "JournalCode" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Journal that invoice was
posted to." LABEL "Journal"
FIELD "LineType" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Used to differentiate
between invoiced with standard lines which are for parts ""PART"" and lines for
service calls ""CALL"" ." LABEL "Line Type"
FIELD "RMANum" OF "InvcHead": integer DESCRIPTION "The RMA number which generated
this Credit Memo. Note: This only applies to Credit Memos. It is assigned as part
of the Request Credit process for an RMA and is not direc tly maintainable by
Invoice Entry." LABEL "RMA"
FIELD "Plant" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "The Plant that the invoice is
relate to. " LABEL "Plant" COLUMN-LABEL "Plant"
FIELD "CardMemberName" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "The member's name on
the credit card." LABEL "Name"
FIELD "CardNumber" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "The credit card account
identifier. " LABEL "Card Number"
FIELD "CardType" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "A code assigned by the user
to uniquely identify a Credit Card Ty pe master. This can't be blank. " LABEL "Card
FIELD "ExpirationMonth" OF "InvcHead": integer DESCRIPTION "The expiration month of
the credit card. " LABEL "Exp. Month" COLUMN-LABEL "Expiration Month"
FIELD "ExpirationYear" OF "InvcHead": integer DESCRIPTION "The expiration year of
the credit card." LABEL "Exp. Year" COLUMN-LABEL "Expiration Year"
FIELD "CardID" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Optional field, a 4-digit,
non-embossed code on face of American Express Card assigned for fraud prevention. "
FIELD "CardmemberReference" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Up to 17
alphnumeric characters provided by customer. This is use d to track information on
customer spending (e.g., cost center, project code). T his field is especially
critical, since inaccurate information will affect the g eneral ledger. If no
reference number is provided, leave this field blank. " LABEL "Cardmember Ref."
FIELD "LegalNumber" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "The Legal Number for the
record. This number is created based on setup parameters in table LegalNumber."
LABEL "Legal Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Legal Number"
FIELD "ExternalID" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "External Identifier"
FIELD "XRefInvoiceNum" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Cross reference
invoice number used when converting data from ano ther ERP system when the previous
system data has alphanumeric content. This fi eld is not used by MfgSys. This field
can be used in searches and can be added to screens through customization."
FIELD "DepGainLoss" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Wherever the Less Advanced
or Less Deposited is calculated, put a ny gain-loss difference into this field."
LABEL "Deposit Gain Loss"
FIELD "DNComments" OF "InvcHead": character
DESCRIPTION "For the Debit Note invoices this field contains the detail commen ts
for the Debit Note. For the regular invoices this field contains the list of Debit
Notes related to this invoice."
FIELD "DNCustNbr" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "For the Debit Note invoice
this field contains A Debit Note numbe r assigned by the customer. The Debit Note
number is supposed to be unique for t he customer." LABEL "Debit Note Nbr"
FIELD "DebitNote" OF "InvcHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates the type of
documents. Yes = Debit Note. This value can 't be changed (the record is created on
Invoice payment posting). Debit Notes also have the InvoiceSuffix field = ""DN"". "
FIELD "SoldToCustNum" OF "InvcHead": integer DESCRIPTION "This is populated from
ShipHead.CustNum representing the Sold To customer." LABEL "Sold To Customer
FIELD "Consolidated" OF "InvcHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Default is false. This is
only set to true if this invoice was g enerated via Get Shipments and shipments
were combined based on common Bill To c ustomer. This is used by ARInvoice Entry to
properly enable/disable Bill To cus tomer field (InvcHead.CustNum) and to identify
the record as a consolidated Invo ice." LABEL "Consolidated"
FIELD "BillToInvoiceAddress" OF "InvcHead": logical DESCRIPTION "If
InvcHead.CustNum (BillTo) is different from InvcHead.SoldToCus tNum (SoldTo), then
this field defaults to the CustBillTo (Alt BillTo). InvoiceA ddress status and
SoldToInvoiceAddress is set to the opposite status." LABEL "Bill To Invoice
FIELD "SoldToInvoiceAddress" OF "InvcHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Always the
opposite status of BillToInvoiceAddress. If true, Inv oice address for printing
will use the Bill To address on the Sold-to customer. If false, will use the Bill
To address of the Bill to customer." LABEL "Sold To Invoice Address"
FIELD "ProcessCard" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Stores the encrypted
credit card number" LABEL "ProcessCard"
FIELD "RepComm1" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Contains the total commission
amount for the corresponding sales rep (SalesRepList). This total is NOT
MAINTAINABLE. It is updated via write trig gers on the InvcDtl record. The
following basic formula is used to maintain thi s total; If InvcDtl.Commissionable
= Yes then the sales amount to accumulate is
calculated as (((ShipQty/PriceFactor) * UnitPrice) - Discount) * RepSplit) * Re
pRate)." LABEL "Commission"
FIELD "RepComm2" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Contains the total commission
amount for the corresponding sales rep (SalesRepList). This total is NOT
MAINTAINABLE. It is updated via write trig gers on the InvcDtl record. The
following basic formula is used to maintain thi s total; If InvcDtl.Commissionable
= Yes then the sales amount to accumulate is calculated as (((ShipQty/PriceFactor)
* UnitPrice) - Discount) * RepSplit) * Re pRate)." LABEL "Commission"
FIELD "RepComm3" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Contains the total commission
amount for the corresponding sales rep (SalesRepList). This total is NOT
MAINTAINABLE. It is updated via write trig gers on the InvcDtl record. The
following basic formula is used to maintain thi s total; If InvcDtl.Commissionable
= Yes then the sales amount to accumulate is calculated as (((ShipQty/PriceFactor)
* UnitPrice) - Discount) * RepSplit) * Re pRate)." LABEL "Commission"
FIELD "RepComm4" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Contains the total commission
amount for the corresponding sales rep (SalesRepList). This total is NOT
MAINTAINABLE. It is updated via write trig gers on the InvcDtl record. The
following basic formula is used to maintain thi s total; If InvcDtl.Commissionable
= Yes then the sales amount to accumulate is calculated as (((ShipQty/PriceFactor)
* UnitPrice) - Discount) * RepSplit) * Re pRate)." LABEL "Commission"
FIELD "RepComm5" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Contains the total commission
amount for the corresponding sales rep (SalesRepList). This total is NOT
MAINTAINABLE. It is updated via write trig gers on the InvcDtl record. The
following basic formula is used to maintain thi s total; If InvcDtl.Commissionable
= Yes then the sales amount to accumulate is calculated as (((ShipQty/PriceFactor)
* UnitPrice) - Discount) * RepSplit) * Re pRate)." LABEL "Commission"
FIELD "RepRate1" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Establishes the default
commission rates used for invoice line it ems. Defaults to OrderHed.RepRate if
related to sales order." LABEL "Comm. Pct"
FIELD "RepRate2" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Establishes the default
commission rates used for invoice line it ems. Defaults to OrderHed.RepRate if
related to sales order." LABEL "Comm. Pct"
FIELD "RepRate3" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Establishes the default
commission rates used for invoice line it ems. Defaults to OrderHed.RepRate if
related to sales order."
LABEL "Comm. Pct"
FIELD "RepRate4" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Establishes the default
commission rates used for invoice line it ems. Defaults to OrderHed.RepRate if
related to sales order." LABEL "Comm. Pct"
FIELD "RepRate5" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Establishes the default
commission rates used for invoice line it ems. Defaults to OrderHed.RepRate if
related to sales order." LABEL "Comm. Pct"
FIELD "RepSales1" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "An array of five elements
containing the total invoice sales amou nt for the corresponding sales reps
(SalesRepList). These totals are NOT MAINTAI NABLE. They are updated via write
triggers on the InvcDtl record. The following basic formula is used to maintain
these totals: If InvcDtl.Commissionable = Ye s then the sales amount to accumulate
is calculated as (((ShipQty/PriceFactor) * UnitPrice) - Discount . NOTE:
miscellaneous charges/credits are NOT part of the sales total." LABEL "Sales"
FIELD "RepSales2" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "An array of five elements
containing the total invoice sales amou nt for the corresponding sales reps
(SalesRepList). These totals are NOT MAINTAI NABLE. They are updated via write
triggers on the InvcDtl record. The following basic formula is used to maintain
these totals: If InvcDtl.Commissionable = Ye s then the sales amount to accumulate
is calculated as (((ShipQty/PriceFactor) * UnitPrice) - Discount . NOTE:
miscellaneous charges/credits are NOT part of the sales total." LABEL "Sales"
FIELD "RepSales3" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "An array of five elements
containing the total invoice sales amou nt for the corresponding sales reps
(SalesRepList). These totals are NOT MAINTAI NABLE. They are updated via write
triggers on the InvcDtl record. The following basic formula is used to maintain
these totals: If InvcDtl.Commissionable = Ye s then the sales amount to accumulate
is calculated as (((ShipQty/PriceFactor) * UnitPrice) - Discount . NOTE:
miscellaneous charges/credits are NOT part of the sales total." LABEL "Sales"
FIELD "RepSales4" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "An array of five elements
containing the total invoice sales amou nt for the corresponding sales reps
(SalesRepList). These totals are NOT MAINTAI NABLE. They are updated via write
triggers on the InvcDtl record. The following basic formula is used to maintain
these totals: If InvcDtl.Commissionable = Ye s then the sales amount to accumulate
is calculated as (((ShipQty/PriceFactor) * UnitPrice) - Discount . NOTE:
miscellaneous charges/credits are NOT part of the sales total." LABEL "Sales"
FIELD "RepSales5" OF "InvcHead": decimal
DESCRIPTION "An array of five elements containing the total invoice sales amou nt
for the corresponding sales reps (SalesRepList). These totals are NOT MAINTAI
NABLE. They are updated via write triggers on the InvcDtl record. The following
basic formula is used to maintain these totals: If InvcDtl.Commissionable = Ye s
then the sales amount to accumulate is calculated as (((ShipQty/PriceFactor) *
UnitPrice) - Discount . NOTE: miscellaneous charges/credits are NOT part of the
sales total." LABEL "Sales"
FIELD "RepSplit1" OF "InvcHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Default Split percent for the
invoice detail lines. If related t o a sales order then defaults to the
OrderHed.RepSplit." LABEL "Split %"
FIELD "RepSplit2" OF "InvcHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Default Split percent for the
invoice detail lines. If related t o a sales order then defaults to the
OrderHed.RepSplit." LABEL "Split %"
FIELD "RepSplit3" OF "InvcHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Default Split percent for the
invoice detail lines. If related t o a sales order then defaults to the
OrderHed.RepSplit." LABEL "Split %"
FIELD "RepSplit4" OF "InvcHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Default Split percent for the
invoice detail lines. If related t o a sales order then defaults to the
OrderHed.RepSplit." LABEL "Split %"
FIELD "RepSplit5" OF "InvcHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Default Split percent for the
invoice detail lines. If related t o a sales order then defaults to the
OrderHed.RepSplit." LABEL "Split %"
FIELD "Obs900-SoldToARAcctID" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "The Sold To A/R
Account ID that this invoice is assigned to. Thi s links the invoice to a specific
ARAcct record. Duplicated from the Customer.A RAcctID at time of entry. It may be
blank, in which case it refers to the A/R a ccount defined by ARSyst. else the
ARAcct tables. " LABEL "Sold To ARAcctID"
FIELD "CCStreetAddr" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Address used during AVS
validation for credit transactions" LABEL "Street Address"
FIELD "CCZip" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Zip used during AVS validation
in credit transactions" LABEL "Postal Code"
FIELD "CMType" OF "InvcHead": character
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the Credit Memo is for a Rebate" LABEL "Credit Memo Type"

FIELD "ChangedBy" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Userid of user who made the
last change to this record." LABEL "Changed By"
FIELD "ChangeDate" OF "InvcHead": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the record was
last changed" LABEL "Change Date"
FIELD "ChangeTime" OF "InvcHead": integer DESCRIPTION "The time that the record was
last change (seconds since midnight) "
FIELD "ReadyToCalc" OF "InvcHead": logical DESCRIPTION "This flag will be used to
indicate if the invoice is ready for ca lculations. When set to true, tax
calculations will take place whenever a save t akes place for any tables tied to
the invoice which could affect taxes (InvcDtl, InvcHead, InvcMisc, etc). It
defaults from ARSyst.InvcReadyToCalcDflt field whe n an invoice is created. " LABEL
"ReadyToCalc" COLUMN-LABEL "ReadyToCalc"
FIELD "AutoPrintReady" OF "InvcHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Field to use for the BAM
to Auto-Print the Crystal Report or Bart ender Labels associated to this table."
LABEL "Auto-Print Ready"
FIELD "EDIReady" OF "InvcHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Defines if this document is
marked as EDI Ready" LABEL "EDI Ready"
FIELD "RecalcBeforePost" OF "InvcHead": logical DESCRIPTION "used to force the
recalc of an invoice before posting due to chan ges in tax connect data that could
not be resolved at the time the change was ma de to the Vantage data."
FIELD "Rounding" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Rounding in Base is occurred
if multiplier or rule for Total amou nt is different with multiplier or rule for
Total line amount, it is included in the 'Amount to Pay' and it is booked to the
rounding account specified in the c ompany setup when the invoice is posted"
FIELD "DocRounding" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Rounding in Customer
FIELD "Rpt1DepositCredit" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Less Deposit"
FIELD "Rpt2DepositCredit" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Less Deposit"
FIELD "Rpt3DepositCredit" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Less Deposit"
FIELD "Rpt1InvoiceAmt" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Cust. Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2InvoiceAmt" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Cust. Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3InvoiceAmt" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Cust. Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1InvoiceBal" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Balance"
FIELD "Rpt2InvoiceBal" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Balance"
FIELD "Rpt3InvoiceBal" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Balance"
FIELD "Rpt1PayAmounts" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt PayAmounts"
FIELD "Rpt2PayAmounts" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt PayAmounts"
FIELD "Rpt3PayAmounts" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt PayAmounts"
FIELD "Rpt1PayDiscAmt" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt PayDiscAmt"
FIELD "Rpt2PayDiscAmt" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt PayDiscAmt"
FIELD "Rpt3PayDiscAmt" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt PayDiscAmt"
FIELD "Rpt1Rounding" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Rounding"
FIELD "Rpt2Rounding" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Rounding"
FIELD "Rpt3Rounding" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Rounding"
FIELD "Rpt1UnpostedBal" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt New Balance"
FIELD "Rpt2UnpostedBal" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt New Balance"
FIELD "Rpt3UnpostedBal" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt New Balance"
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier" LABEL
"Rate Group Code"
FIELD "DocDepApplied" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount of deposit
applied" LABEL "Deposit Applied Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1DepGainLoss" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Wherever the Less
Advanced or Less Deposited is calculated, put a ny gain-loss difference into this
field." LABEL "Deposit Gain Loss"
FIELD "Rpt2DepGainLoss" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Wherever the Less
Advanced or Less Deposited is calculated, put a
ny gain-loss difference into this field." LABEL "Deposit Gain Loss"
FIELD "Rpt3DepGainLoss" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Wherever the Less
Advanced or Less Deposited is calculated, put a ny gain-loss difference into this
field." LABEL "Deposit Gain Loss"
FIELD "ApplyDate" OF "InvcHead": date DESCRIPTION "The date this invoice will get
applied to the books when it is po sted." LABEL "Apply Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Apply
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year suffix."
LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal calendar
year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "InvcHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "TaxPoint" OF "InvcHead": date DESCRIPTION "Tax point" LABEL "Tax Point"
FIELD "TaxRateDate" OF "InvcHead": date DESCRIPTION "Date Used to calculate Tax
Rates" LABEL "Tax Rate Date"
FIELD "TaxRegionCode" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of
the Tax Region assigned by the user." LABEL "Tax Region"
FIELD "TranDocTypeID" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Transaction document
type id." LABEL "Transaction Document Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Transaction Document
FIELD "DocumentPrinted" OF "InvcHead": logical
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the document has been printed." LABEL "Document Printed"
COLUMN-LABEL "Document Printed"
FIELD "LastChrgCalcDate" OF "InvcHead": date DESCRIPTION "The last date
finance/late charges have been calculated for this invoice." LABEL "Last Finance
Calculation Date"
FIELD "TotFinChrg" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Finance Charge
amount." LABEL "Total Finance Charge"
FIELD "PayDiscDays" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the ""list"" of
pay discount days for the scheduled disc ounts. Delimited by the character defined
in the ""List-Delim"" variable. " LABEL "Disc Days" COLUMN-LABEL "Disc Days"
FIELD "PayDiscPer" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "The discount percents.
Corresponds with the PayDisDays list. Deli mited by the character defined in the
""list-delim"" variable. " LABEL "Disc Per" COLUMN-LABEL "Disc Per"
FIELD "BlockedFinChrg" OF "InvcHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Blocks certain invoice
from generating finance/later charge." LABEL "Blocked for Finance/Late Charge"
COLUMN-LABEL "Blocked for Charge"
FIELD "BlockedFinChrgReason" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Reason why
invoice has been blocked generating finance/later char ge and only is enabled if
the invoice is blocked." LABEL "Reason" COLUMN-LABEL "Reason"
FIELD "WithholdAmt" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount. "
LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "DocWithholdAmt" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount.
" LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1WithholdAmt" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount.
" LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2WithholdAmt" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount.
LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3WithholdAmt" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount.
" LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "RefCancelled" OF "InvcHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Value of this field is
reference to invoice which has been cancel led by current invoice."
FIELD "RefCancelledBy" OF "InvcHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Value of this field is
reference to invoice that cancelled this i nvoice."
FIELD "PayDiscPartPay" OF "InvcHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Field to define when
apply the discount percentage, can be when i nvoice is paid in full or Cash amount"
LABEL "PartPayment"
FIELD "BlockedRemLetters" OF "InvcHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Blocks certain
invoice from being printed on reminder letters." LABEL "Blocked for Reminder
Letters" COLUMN-LABEL "Blocked for Reminders"
FIELD "BlockedRemLettersReason" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Reason why
invoice has been blocked from being printed on reminde r letters and only is
enabled if the invoice is blocked." LABEL "Reason" COLUMN-LABEL "Reason"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "InvcHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ShipDate" OF "InvcHead": date DESCRIPTION "The actual ship date for the
packing slip. Default as system date ." LABEL "Ship Date"
FIELD "CurrRateDate" OF "InvcHead": date DESCRIPTION "Currency Rate Date" LABEL
"Currency Rate Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Rate Date"
FIELD "PIPayment" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the invoice
has been paid by a Payment Instrument. Values: blank = Not linked to a Payment
Instrument ""O"" = Paid by outstanding Payment Instrument
""C"" = Paid by colledted Payment instument" LABEL "Payment Instrument Payment"
FIELD "UseAltBillTo" OF "InvcHead": logical DESCRIPTION "If TRUE taxes will be
calculated based on the Alternate Bill To, if FALSE it will proceed normally."
LABEL "Use Alt Bill To Address"
FIELD "PMUID" OF "InvcHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the payment
FIELD "InPrice" OF "InvcHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the tax is
included in the unit price" LABEL "In Price"
FIELD "CorrectionInv" OF "InvcHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Will be se to Yes if the
Invoice was created by the Correction (R eversing) logic." LABEL "Correction Inv"
FIELD "TaxRateGrpCode" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Tax Rate Group Code"
LABEL "Tax Rate Group Code"
FIELD "LockTaxRate" OF "InvcHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Locks Tax Rate and allows
user to edit the tax exchange rate" LABEL "Lock Tax Rate"
FIELD "SEBankRef" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Sweden Finland Localization
field - Banking Reference" LABEL "Banking Reference" COLUMN-LABEL "Banking
FIELD "GUITaxTypeCode" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Government Uniform
Invoice Tax Type Code (Taiwan Localization fie ld)" LABEL "GUI Tax Type Code"
FIELD "GUIFormatCode" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Government Uniform
Invoice Format Code (Taiwan Localization field )" LABEL "GUI Format Code"
FIELD "GUIDeductCode" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Government Uniform
Invoice Deduct Code (Taiwan Localization field )" LABEL "GUI Deduct Code"
FIELD "GUIWineCigarette" OF "InvcHead": logical
DESCRIPTION "Flag Wine/Cigarette (Taiwan Localization field)" LABEL "GUI Wine
FIELD "ReversalDocAmount" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reversal Doucment
Amount" LABEL "ReversalDocAmount"
FIELD "OrigDueDate" OF "InvcHead": date DESCRIPTION "Original Due Date at posting
time" LABEL "Original Due Date"
FIELD "ARLOCID" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Letter of Credit ID." LABEL
"Letter of Credit ID"
FIELD "OurBank" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Bank for Cash receipts. For
Shipment Invoices it comes from Packi ng Slip. For Deposit Invoices created based
on deposit payments it is actual ban k money are received to. For other Invoice
types, default comes from 1) Sales O rder 2) Bill To Customer 3) System default
(Company)." LABEL "Our Bank" COLUMN-LABEL "Our Bank"
FIELD "PBProjectID" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "If the invoice was
generated in Project Billing then it is refere nce to the project. " LABEL "Project
FIELD "GUIExportBillNumber" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Taiwan
Localization Export Bill Number" LABEL "Export Bill Number"
FIELD "GUIDateOfExport" OF "InvcHead": date DESCRIPTION "Taiwan Localization Date
of Export"
FIELD "GUIExportType" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Taiwan Localization
Export Type" LABEL "Export Type"
FIELD "GUIExportMark" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Taiwan Localization
Export Mark" LABEL "Export Mark"
FIELD "GUIExportBillType" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Taiwan Localization
Export Bill Type"
LABEL "Export Bill Type"
FIELD "SummarizationDate" OF "InvcHead": date DESCRIPTION "Day when a company sums
up accounts receivables for each customer ." LABEL "Summarization Date"
FIELD "BillingDate" OF "InvcHead": date DESCRIPTION "Date when a company bills the
customer" LABEL "Billing Date"
FIELD "BillingNumber" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "Billing Number to be
generated from Legal Numbering upon printing of billing statement." LABEL "Billing
FIELD "ReadyToBill" OF "InvcHead": logical DESCRIPTION "€Only records ready to
bill will be printed in the Billing Statement " LABEL "Ready to Bill"
FIELD "DepositAmt" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Deposit amount is
transaction amount of deposit payment" LABEL "DepositAmt" COLUMN-LABEL "DepositAmt"

FIELD "DocDepositAmt" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Deposit amount is

transaction amount of deposit payment in docume nt currency" LABEL "DocDepositAmt"
COLUMN-LABEL "DocDepositAmt"
FIELD "Rpt1DepositAmt" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Deposit amount is
transaction amount of deposit payment in Rpt1 c urrency" LABEL "Rpt1DepositAmt"
COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt1DepositAmt"
FIELD "Rpt2DepositAmt" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Deposit amount is
transaction amount of deposit payment in Rpt2 c urrency" LABEL "Rpt2DepositAmt"
COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt2DepositAmt"
FIELD "Rpt3DepositAmt" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Deposit amount is
transaction amount of deposit payment in Rpt23c urrency" LABEL "Rpt3DepositAmt"
COLUMN-LABEL "Rpt3DepositAmt"
FIELD "DepUnallocatedAmt" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Deposit unallocated
amount in base currency" LABEL "DepUnallocatedAmt" COLUMN-LABEL "DepUnallocatedAmt"

FIELD "DocDepUnallocatedAmt" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Deposit

unallocated amount in document currency" LABEL "DocDepUnallocatedAmt" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "Rpt1DepUnallocatedAmt" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Deposit
unallocated amount in Rpt1 currency" LABEL "Rpt1DepUnallocatedAmt" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "Rpt2DepUnallocatedAmt" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Deposit
unallocated amount in Rpt2 currency" LABEL "Rpt2DepUnallocatedAmt" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "Rpt3DepUnallocatedAmt" OF "InvcHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "Deposit
unallocated amount in Rpt3 currency" LABEL "Rpt3DepUnallocatedAmt" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "HeadNum" OF "InvcHead": integer DESCRIPTION "The reference to
CashHead.HeadNum.Used in deposit invoices" LABEL "HeadNum" COLUMN-LABEL "HeadNum"
FIELD "ContractRef" OF "InvcHead": character DESCRIPTION "The free text field which
can contain reference (such as Contract ) " LABEL "ContractRef" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "ContractDate" OF "InvcHead": date DESCRIPTION "Addition to Contract" LABEL
"ContractDate" COLUMN-LABEL "ContractDate"
FIELD "OvrDefTaxDate" OF "InvcHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate if the
DefTaxDate will be overwritten when Tax P oint change on Invoice Header."
INDEX "InvoiceNum" ON "InvcHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index that
uniquely identifies a InvcHead record."
INDEX "Batch" ON "InvcHead"
AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Sorts the ""unposted"" invoices by Batch ID, used
by Invoice Entr y. "
INDEX "InvoiceRef" ON "InvcHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index for
INDEX "SalesRepList" ON "InvcHead" AREA "Schema Area" WORD DESCRIPTION "A word
index used primarily for RI checking when a SalesRep is de leted. "
INDEX "SoldToCustNum" ON "InvcHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index Company,

TABLE "InvcMisc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "A/R Invoice Miscellaneous charges
and credits. This is a sub-set of the InvcHead and/or InvcDtl files. DELETION: Not
allowed if activity has occurred for invoice or it has been posted to G/L. When
deleted all corresponding InvcTax records are also deleted."
FIELD "Company" OF "InvcMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "Description" OF "InvcMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Description" LABEL
FIELD "OBS900-MiscDivision" OF "InvcMisc": character DESCRIPTION "The Division
component of the G/L account. The combination must be valid in the GLAcct master
file. "
FIELD "OBS900-MiscGLDept" OF "InvcMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the G/L account. The combination must be valid in the GLAcct master. "

FIELD "OBS900-MiscChart" OF "InvcMisc": character DESCRIPTION "The Chart ID

component of the G/L account. The combination must be valid in the GLAcct master. "

FIELD "MiscAmt" OF "InvcMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "Miscellaneous line amount. Base

LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "MiscCode" OF "InvcMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Miscellaneous Charge code"
LABEL "Charge Code"
FIELD "InvoiceLine" OF "InvcMisc": integer DESCRIPTION "Invoice Line Number
associated with this misc. charge." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "InvoiceNum" OF "InvcMisc": integer DESCRIPTION "Foreign key to the
InvcHead." LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "SeqNum" OF "InvcMisc": integer DESCRIPTION "Sequence Number" LABEL "Seq.
FIELD "TaxCatID" OF "InvcMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Tax Category
for this Misc. record. Defaults from t he MiscChg master. " LABEL "Category ID"
FIELD "DocMiscAmt" OF "InvcMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "Miscellaneous line amount.
Document Currency." LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "ChangedBy" OF "InvcMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Userid of user who made the
last change to this record." LABEL "Changed By"
FIELD "ChangeDate" OF "InvcMisc": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the record was
last changed" LABEL "Change Date"
FIELD "ChangeTime" OF "InvcMisc": integer DESCRIPTION "The time that the record was
last change (seconds since midnight) "
FIELD "Rpt1MiscAmt" OF "InvcMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2MiscAmt" OF "InvcMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3MiscAmt" OF "InvcMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "InvcMisc": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "InvcMisc": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "InvcMisc": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "InMiscAmt" OF "InvcMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "Includes taxes" LABEL
FIELD "DocInMiscAmt" OF "InvcMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "Includes taxes" LABEL
FIELD "Rpt1InMiscAmt" OF "InvcMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2InMiscAmt" OF "InvcMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3InMiscAmt" OF "InvcMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Type" OF "InvcMisc": character DESCRIPTION "This field will define if the
miscellaneous charge is calculated as a flat amount or if is calculated as a
percentage of the extended price. " LABEL "Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Type"
FIELD "Percentage" OF "InvcMisc": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field will be used to
define the percentage of the extended amount that will be applied as the
'Miscellaneous charge'." LABEL "Percentage" COLUMN-LABEL "Percentage"
FIELD "IncomeTaxCode" OF "InvcMisc": character
DESCRIPTION "Income Tax Code" LABEL "Income Tax Code"
INDEX "InvLine" ON "InvcMisc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Invoice/Line Index"

TABLE "InvcReminder" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Invoice Reminder Letters"

DESCRIPTION "The table stores the history of reminder letters generated for th e
particular AR invoice"
FIELD "Company" OF "InvcReminder": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "InvcReminder": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "InvcReminder": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "InvoiceNum" OF "InvcReminder": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique Invoice number"
LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "GroupCode" OF "InvcReminder": character DESCRIPTION "Reminder Group Code"
LABEL "Reminder Group" COLUMN-LABEL "Reminder Group"
FIELD "Sequence" OF "InvcReminder": integer DESCRIPTION "Reminder Sequence" LABEL
"Sequence" COLUMN-LABEL "Sequence"
FIELD "GenDate" OF "InvcReminder": date DESCRIPTION "The date when the letter was
generated." LABEL "Generation Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Gen.Date"
FIELD "LegalNumber" OF "InvcReminder": character DESCRIPTION "The Legal Number for
the invoice." LABEL "Legal Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Legal Number"
FIELD "InvoiceType" OF "InvcReminder": character DESCRIPTION "InvoiceType"
LABEL "Type"
FIELD "InvoiceDate" OF "InvcReminder": date DESCRIPTION "Invoice date is duplicated
from the InvcGrp record. " LABEL "Invoice Date"
FIELD "DueDate" OF "InvcReminder": date DESCRIPTION "The due date of the earlist
unpaid scheduled payment amount. Norm ally invoices only have a single due date and
amount. However we provide for ins tallment payments which have multiple due dates
and associated amounts. When inv oices are first created this date will always be
equal to the first entry in the DateDueList. Then as transactions are applied this
""Current"" Due Date is refr eshed by figuring out which is the earliest unpaid
scheduled payment." LABEL "Due Date"
FIELD "InvoiceAmt" OF "InvcReminder": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total invoice Amount.
This field is an accumulation of the extend ed net amounts of the detail line items
(InvcDtl) and of the miscellaneous charg es/credits (InvcMisc) records. This field
has a true sign. (credit memos are ne gative)." LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "InvoiceBal" OF "InvcReminder": decimal DESCRIPTION "Current outstanding
balance. Carries a true sign. (Credit memos a re negative)." LABEL "Cust. Balance"
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "InvcReminder": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the currency." LABEL "Cust. Currency" COLUMN-LABEL "Cust. Currency"
FIELD "LetterNum" OF "InvcReminder": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique Letter Num." LABEL
FIELD "Payments" OF "InvcReminder": decimal DESCRIPTION "Number of Payments" LABEL
"Payments" COLUMN-LABEL "Payments"
FIELD "FinChargeAmt" OF "InvcReminder": decimal DESCRIPTION "Financial charge
amount" LABEL "Fin Charge Amount" COLUMN-LABEL "FinChargeAmt"
INDEX "DescLetterIdx" ON "InvcReminder" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Descending
Letter index"
TABLE "InvcTax" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Contains Sales Tax data for
invoices. This file is a subset of In vcDtl. That is, the tax records are related
to specific invoice line items. "
FIELD "Company" OF "InvcTax": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "InvoiceNum" OF "InvcTax": integer DESCRIPTION "Foreign key to the InvcHead."
LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "InvoiceLine" OF "InvcTax": integer DESCRIPTION "Part of the foreign key used
to relate back to a InvcDtl or InvcM isc record." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "TaxCode" OF "InvcTax": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code assigned by
user which uniquely identifies a Sal es Tax master record. Can't be blank. This is
used as a foreign key in other fi les and may be used in displays/reports where
space for the full description is limited." LABEL "Tax ID"
FIELD "Percent" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "The tax percentage rate that is
used for this invoice. This is de faulted from the SalesTax.Percent. " LABEL
FIELD "Manual" OF "InvcTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the tax calculations
are to be performed manually. When this field is set the Reportable, Taxable, and
TaxAmount fields are enabled . When it is NOT set these fields are DISABLED and the
system will perform all of the Reportable, Taxable, and TaxAmount calculations.
Defaults from the Sales Tax.Manual field." LABEL "Manual Tax Calculation" COLUMN-
LABEL "Manual"
FIELD "TaxableAmt" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Taxable Amount for this line
item/Misc charge. This value is set as an accumulation of non-exempt sales amount
from the line and its associated m iscellaneous records. It could be tax exempt for
two reasons, either the custom er is exempt (invcdtl.TaxExempt > blank) or the item
is exempt. In either case t he detail amounts would not be added into the taxable
amount. To see if the ite m is exempt use the InvcDt/InvcMisc.TaxCat and the
InvcTax.TaxCode to find a rec ord in the SalesTxC. If a record is found then it is
exempt. " LABEL "Taxable Amt"
FIELD "TaxAmt" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Sales Tax amount for the
corresponding taxable sales amount. This is user maintainable and also defaulted
when/if the user changes the tax code, tax percent or the taxable amount or the tax
classification changes to non-taxab
le when the InvcDtl.TaxCat is changed. They can override the calculated figure to
provide for any tax calculations other than the simple percent of taxable. No tax
is calculated when the InvcDtl.TaxExempt <> blank or a record is found in t he
SalesTxC file indicating that this item is not taxable. Otherwise it is calcu lated
as TaxableAmt * Percent. " LABEL "Tax Amt"
FIELD "OBS900-TaxDivision" OF "InvcTax": character DESCRIPTION "The Division
component of the G/L account for Sales tax accruals. The combination must be valid
in the GL Account master file."
FIELD "OBS900-TaxGLDept" OF "InvcTax": character DESCRIPTION "The Department
component of the G/L account for sales tax accrual s. "
FIELD "OBS900-TaxChart" OF "InvcTax": character DESCRIPTION "The Chart ID component
of the G/L account for sales tax accruals. "
FIELD "ReportableAmt" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "The reportable sales
amount to the tax jurisdiction. Set the valu e as follows; first determine if the
item needs to be reported to the tax jurisd iction. This is done by using the
InvcDtl.TaxCode and InvcDtl/InvcMisc.TaxCat to find a record in the SalesTxC. If a
record is not found or SalesTxC.Reportabl e = Yes then add in the line item
extended amount ((Qty*unitprice)-discount) or if this is for a InvcMisc record
InvcMisc.Amount." LABEL "Reportable"
FIELD "DocTaxableAmt" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Taxable Amount for this
line item/Misc charge. This value is set as an accumulation of non-exempt sales
amount from the line and its associated m iscellaneous records. It could be tax
exempt for two reasons, either the custom er is exempt (invcdtl.TaxExempt > blank)
or the item is exempt. In either case t he detail amounts would not be added into
the taxable amount. To see if the ite m is exempt use the InvcDt/InvcMisc.TaxCat
and the InvcTax.TaxCode to find a rec ord in the SalesTxC. If a record is found
then it is exempt. " LABEL "Taxable Amt"
FIELD "DocReportableAmt" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "The reportable sales
amount to the tax jurisdiction. Set the valu e as follows; first determine if the
item needs to be reported to the tax jurisd iction. This is done by using the
InvcDtl.TaxCode and InvcDtl/InvcMisc.TaxCat to find a record in the SalesTxC. If a
record is not found or SalesTxC.Reportabl e = Yes then add in the line item
extended amount ((Qty*unitprice)-discount) or if this is for a InvcMisc record
InvcMisc.Amount." LABEL "Reportable"
FIELD "DocTaxAmt" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Sales Tax amount for the
corresponding taxable sales amount. This is user maintainable and also defaulted
when/if the user changes the tax code, tax percent or the taxable amount or the tax
classification changes to non-taxab le when the InvcDtl.TaxCat is changed. They can
override the calculated figure
to provide for any tax calculations other than the simple percent of taxable. No
tax is calculated when the InvcDtl.TaxExempt <> blank or a record is found in t he
SalesTxC file indicating that this item is not taxable. Otherwise it is calcu lated
as TaxableAmt * Percent. " LABEL "Tax Amt"
FIELD "ChangedBy" OF "InvcTax": character DESCRIPTION "Userid of user who made the
last change to this record." LABEL "Changed By"
FIELD "ChangeDate" OF "InvcTax": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the record was
last changed" LABEL "Change Date"
FIELD "ChangeTime" OF "InvcTax": integer DESCRIPTION "The time that the record was
last change (seconds since midnight) "
FIELD "ReverseCharge" OF "InvcTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Reverse Charge." LABEL
"Reverse Charge" COLUMN-LABEL "RevChrg"
FIELD "Rpt1ReportableAmt" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Reportable"
FIELD "Rpt2ReportableAmt" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Reportable"
FIELD "Rpt3ReportableAmt" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Reportable"
FIELD "Rpt1TaxableAmt" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Taxable Amt"
FIELD "Rpt2TaxableAmt" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Taxable Amt"
FIELD "Rpt3TaxableAmt" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Taxable Amt"
FIELD "Rpt1TaxAmt" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field"
LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt"
FIELD "Rpt2TaxAmt" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt"
FIELD "Rpt3TaxAmt" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "InvcTax": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "InvcTax": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "RateCode" OF "InvcTax": character DESCRIPTION "Tax Rate Code" LABEL "Rate
FIELD "CollectionType" OF "InvcTax": integer DESCRIPTION "Collection Type" LABEL
"Collection Type"
FIELD "Timing" OF "InvcTax": integer DESCRIPTION "Timing of when to report taxes"
LABEL "Timing"
FIELD "ExemptType" OF "InvcTax": integer DESCRIPTION "Exemption Type" LABEL "Type"
FIELD "ExemptPercent" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Exemption Percent" LABEL
FIELD "ResolutionNum" OF "InvcTax": character DESCRIPTION "Resolution number" LABEL
"Resolution Number"
FIELD "ResolutionDate" OF "InvcTax": date DESCRIPTION "Resolution Date" LABEL
"Resolution Date"
FIELD "TaxRateDate" OF "InvcTax": date DESCRIPTION "Tax Rate Date" LABEL
FIELD "DefTaxableAmt" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Balance of the Taxable
amount that has been deferred until paymen t" LABEL "Taxable Amt"
FIELD "DocDefTaxableAmt" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Balance of the Taxable
amount that has been deferred until paymen t" LABEL "Taxable Amt"
FIELD "Rpt1DefTaxableAmt" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Taxable Amt"
FIELD "Rpt2DefTaxableAmt" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Taxable Amt"
FIELD "Rpt3DefTaxableAmt" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Taxable Amt"
FIELD "DefTaxAmt" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Balance of the Tax amount that
has been deferred until payment" LABEL "Tax Amt"
FIELD "DocDefTaxAmt" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Balance of the Tax amount
that has been deferred until payment" LABEL "Tax Amt"
FIELD "Rpt1DefTaxAmt" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt"
FIELD "Rpt2DefTaxAmt" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt"
FIELD "Rpt3DefTaxAmt" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt"
FIELD "ManAdd" OF "InvcTax": logical DESCRIPTION "This record was manually added
(not in Liability) but will use th e standard calculations" LABEL "Manual Added"
FIELD "DedTaxAmt" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Deducatable Tax Amount" LABEL
"Tax Amt"
FIELD "DocDedTaxAmt" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Deducatable Tax Amount"
LABEL "Tax Amt"
FIELD "Rpt1DedTaxAmt" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt"
FIELD "Rpt2DedTaxAmt" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt"
FIELD "Rpt3DedTaxAmt" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt"
FIELD "ECAcquisitionSeq" OF "InvcTax": integer DESCRIPTION "Used to allow a second
tax record using the same tax code on an i nvoice. When the sales tax field
EcAquisition is checked then 2 invoice tax rec ords are created. NOTE: This field
is now used in VAT Reverse Charge logic. If an invoice line i s marked for Reverse
Charge, a second line is created just like in the ECAcquisi tion logic. To
distinguish the two scenarios, the ReverseCharge flag will be set to true if the
second line is for Reverse Charge."
FIELD "FixedAmount" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Fixed Tax Amount" LABEL
FIELD "DocFixedAmount" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Document Fixed Tax
Amount" LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1FixedAmount" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2FixedAmount" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3FixedAmount" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "InvcTax": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "TextCode" OF "InvcTax": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Identifier for Legal
Text" LABEL "Text Code"
FIELD "TaxAmtVar" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Difference between tax
calculated in document rate less tax calcu lated in tax rate" LABEL "Tax Amt
FIELD "DocTaxAmtVar" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Difference between tax
calculated in document rate less tax calcu lated in tax rate" LABEL "Tax Amt
FIELD "Rpt1TaxAmtVar" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Difference between tax
calculated in document rate less tax calcu lated in tax rate" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt
FIELD "Rpt2TaxAmtVar" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Difference between tax
calculated in document rate less tax calcu lated in tax rate" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt
FIELD "Rpt3TaxAmtVar" OF "InvcTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Difference between tax
calculated in document rate less tax calcu lated in tax rate" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt
FIELD "RateTextCode" OF "InvcTax": character DESCRIPTION "Legal Text code" LABEL
"Text Code"
FIELD "DefTaxDate" OF "InvcTax": date DESCRIPTION "Deferred tax date for Service
Tax Point " LABEL "DefTaxDate" COLUMN-LABEL "DefTaxDate"
FIELD "TaxFuture" OF "InvcTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate for posting
engine and tax updates whether being treated as current or future"
FIELD "STPProcessed" OF "InvcTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate if the
Service Tax Line is already processed"
TABLE "IPForm" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Holds description of InfoPrompt
FIELD "FormId" OF "IPForm": character DESCRIPTION "Info Form ID"
FIELD "FormTitle" OF "IPForm": character DESCRIPTION "Info Form Title"
FIELD "FormText" OF "IPForm": character DESCRIPTION "Info Form Text"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "IPForm": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "IPForm": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "IPForm": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "IPFormBPAction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Holds ifnformation about

relation between BP action and InfoPromp t form"
FIELD "FormId" OF "IPFormBPAction": character DESCRIPTION "Info Form ID"
FIELD "BPActionNum" OF "IPFormBPAction": integer DESCRIPTION "Info Form Action
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "IPFormBPAction": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "IPFormBPAction": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "IPFormBPAction": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
TABLE "IPFormCtrl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Holds description of controls
within InfoPrompt form"
FIELD "ControlId" OF "IPFormCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "Info Form Control ID"
FIELD "FormId" OF "IPFormCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "Info Form ID"
FIELD "DataSource" OF "IPFormCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "Data Source"
FIELD "ControlLabel" OF "IPFormCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "Control Label"
FIELD "ControlFormat" OF "IPFormCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "Control Format"
FIELD "Mandatory" OF "IPFormCtrl": logical DESCRIPTION "Mandatory flag"
FIELD "DefaultValue" OF "IPFormCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "Default Value"
FIELD "DisplayOrder" OF "IPFormCtrl": integer DESCRIPTION "Display order"
FIELD "ControlType" OF "IPFormCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "Control Type"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "IPFormCtrl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "IPFormCtrl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "IPFormCtrl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "IPFormCtrlValues" AREA "Schema Area"

DESCRIPTION "Holds predefined values for control within InfoPrompt form"
FIELD "ValueMember" OF "IPFormCtrlValues": character DESCRIPTION "Value Member"
FIELD "ControlId" OF "IPFormCtrlValues": character DESCRIPTION "Control ID"
FIELD "ParentId" OF "IPFormCtrlValues": character DESCRIPTION "Parent ID"
FIELD "DisplayMember" OF "IPFormCtrlValues": character DESCRIPTION "Display Member"

FIELD "ValueSeq" OF "IPFormCtrlValues": integer DESCRIPTION "Value Sequence"

FIELD "FormId" OF "IPFormCtrlValues": character DESCRIPTION "Info Form ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "IPFormCtrlValues": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "IPFormCtrlValues": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "IPFormCtrlValues": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "ISSyst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intrastat Module Configuration"

FIELD "Company" OF "ISSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "EnableHarbour" OF "ISSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Enable Harbor Flag" LABEL
"Border Crossing" COLUMN-LABEL "Border"
FIELD "PeriodFormat" OF "ISSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Countries may differ in
the way periods are reported." LABEL "Period Format"
FIELD "DescType" OF "ISSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Description Type"
FIELD "BlockWeight" OF "ISSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Block Weight Flag" LABEL
"Block Zero Weight" COLUMN-LABEL "BlockWeight"
FIELD "DefISRegion" OF "ISSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Intrastat Region" LABEL
"Intrastat Region"
FIELD "ISOrigCountryReq" OF "ISSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Country of Origin
required" LABEL "Country of Origin Required"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "ISSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "ISSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "ISSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "IStatTrn" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Intrastat transaction table"

FIELD "Flow" OF "IStatTrn": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the
transaction is an ""Arrival"" (receipt) or ""Dispatch"" (shipment) of goods." LABEL
FIELD "Period" OF "IStatTrn": character DESCRIPTION "Depending on the
ISSyst.PeriodFormat settings, this field contain s the period in which this
transaction was executed." LABEL "Period Covered"
FIELD "CommodityCode" OF "IStatTrn": character DESCRIPTION "Harmonized System goods
classification code. The Commodity Code f ield must be valid in the ICommCode
(formerly called IStatGrp) master file." LABEL "Deviating Commodity Code" COLUMN-
LABEL "Commodity"
FIELD "Amount" OF "IStatTrn": decimal DESCRIPTION "Value of transported goods
excluding taxes but including miscella neous charges." LABEL "Value of Goods"
FIELD "Terms" OF "IStatTrn": character DESCRIPTION "Delivery terms." LABEL
"Delivery Terms" COLUMN-LABEL "Terms"
FIELD "TransactionType" OF "IStatTrn": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the purpose
of the transaction: Change of ownership, go ods for subcontract job..." LABEL
"Transaction Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Trans"
FIELD "Weight" OF "IStatTrn": decimal DESCRIPTION "Weight" LABEL "Net Weight"
FIELD "ISCountryCode" OF "IStatTrn": character DESCRIPTION "Country of
Consignment/Destination. This field contains the Intra stat Code from the Country
table." LABEL "Country Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Country"
FIELD "ISShipViaCode" OF "IStatTrn": character DESCRIPTION "Intrastat code for
method of transportation. The value comes from the IStatCode field from the ShipVia
record." LABEL "Mode of Transport" COLUMN-LABEL "Mode"
FIELD "BorderCrossing" OF "IStatTrn": character DESCRIPTION "Area/city code from
where goods cross the border." LABEL "Entry/Exit Point" COLUMN-LABEL "Border"
FIELD "FlowSpec" OF "IStatTrn": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if there is a non-
standard type of transaction. (for ex ample, goods imported and immediately
exported again) " LABEL "Flow Specification" COLUMN-LABEL "Flow.Spec."
FIELD "ISCurrency" OF "IStatTrn": character DESCRIPTION "Currency indicator.
Primarily used to cover the transitional peri od for the Euro." LABEL "Currency"
FIELD "Description" OF "IStatTrn": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the
Commodity Code or the Detail line depending on the value of the ISSyst.DescType
field." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "SuppUnits" OF "IStatTrn": decimal DESCRIPTION " When the RequiresUM field in
the IStatGrp is set, this field con tains the quantity part for the UM for this
Commodity Code." LABEL "Supplementary Units" COLUMN-LABEL "Supp.Units"
FIELD "Company" OF "IStatTrn": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "SourceModule" OF "IStatTrn": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the module
that created Intrastat transaction. This is assigned by the system. Values can be;
AR, AP." LABEL "Module"
FIELD "InvoiceNum" OF "IStatTrn": character DESCRIPTION "A/P or A/R invoice that
this Intrastat transaction is associated with. This along with InvoiceLine provides
a relationship to the A/P or A/R Inv oice Detail (APInvDtl/InvcDtl)" LABEL
FIELD "InvoiceLine" OF "IStatTrn": integer DESCRIPTION "The Invoice line of the
APInvDtl/InvcDtl record to which this In trastat transaction record is related to."
LABEL "Line"
FIELD "Posted" OF "IStatTrn": logical DESCRIPTION "Posted Flag" LABEL "Posted"
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "IStatTrn": integer DESCRIPTION "VendorNum duplicated from the
corresponding APInvDtl record. " LABEL "Supplier Number"
FIELD "MemoFlag" OF "IStatTrn": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates the type of
document. Yes = Credit/Debit Memo No = Reg ular AR/AP Invoice. This value can't be
changed after the record has been create d. Credit/Debit memos affect the way
amounts are displayed in theIntrastat reports. They will always be stored with a
positive sign but will be displayed as a nega tive. " LABEL "Memo" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "ShipViaCode" OF "IStatTrn": character
DESCRIPTION "Contains the key value of the record in the ""ShipVia"" table." LABEL
"Ship Via"
FIELD "FOB" OF "IStatTrn": character DESCRIPTION "The code for the FOB policy."
FIELD "TaxID" OF "IStatTrn": character DESCRIPTION "Optional field used to record
the customer/vendor State Tax Ident ification number." LABEL "Tax ID"
FIELD "InvAmount" OF "IStatTrn": decimal DESCRIPTION "Value of transported goods
excluding taxes and miscellaneous char ges." LABEL "Invoice Line Amount" COLUMN-
LABEL "Value"
FIELD "TransDate" OF "IStatTrn": date DESCRIPTION "Transaction Date" LABEL "Trans
FIELD "NotReported" OF "IStatTrn": logical DESCRIPTION "Not Reported Flag" LABEL
"Not Reported"
FIELD "ISRegion" OF "IStatTrn": character DESCRIPTION "Intrastat Region" LABEL
"Intrastat Region"
FIELD "ISOrigCountry" OF "IStatTrn": character DESCRIPTION "This field contains the
Intrastat Country of Origin Code from the Country table." LABEL "Country of Origin"
COLUMN-LABEL "Country of Origin"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "IStatTrn": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "IStatTrn": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "IntCommCode" OF "IStatTrn": character DESCRIPTION "Intrastat goods
classification code following the Intrastat Class ification Nomenclature (ICN)."
LABEL "Intrastat Commodity Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Commodity"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "IStatTrn": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "JCDept" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Job Costing Department file. DELETE:
Not allowed if referenced in the WrkCenter or LaborDtl. " FOREIGN-NAME "n/a"
FIELD "Company" OF "JCDept": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "Description" OF "JCDept": character DESCRIPTION "Job Costing department
description." LABEL "Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "JCDept" OF "JCDept": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code assigned by
user which uniquely identifies a Job Costing Department master record. Can't be
blank. This is used as a foreign ke y in other files and may be used in
displays/reports where space for the full de scription is limited. " LABEL "Job
FIELD "OBS900-Division" OF "JCDept": character DESCRIPTION "The G/L Division
default for work done in this department. This can be left blank or must be valid
in the GLDiv master. When filled in it indic ates that the user wants to expense
labor based on where the work occurs. The s ystem attempts to use this in the
construction of the G/L account during labor e ntry. If it is non blank it replaces
the division component defined in the expe nse code (LabExpCd). If this combination
yields a valid G/L account (found in GL Acct and Active = yes) then it is used, if
its invalid then the system will atte mpt to use the division defined in the
Employee file. If both of these fail to yield a valid GL account then the original
expense code (LabExpCD) division is u sed. An exception to this is when an expense
code is entered on the job (JobHea d.ExpenseCode), then it defines the entire
account, (division, department, and c hart). "
FIELD "OBS900-GLDept" OF "JCDept": character DESCRIPTION "The G/L department
default for work done in this JC department. This can be blank or must be valid in
the GLDept master. This is similar to the JCDept.Division, see that fields
description for info about how the system crea tes default G/L accounts. " LABEL
"GL Dept ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "JCDept": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "JCDept": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "JCDept": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalJCDept" OF "JCDept": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this JCDept as global,
available to be sent out to other co mpanies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "JCDept": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."
INDEX "Description" ON "JCDept" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Used to
Display/Find the department records by their description. "

TABLE "JCShift" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Job Shop production shift master
file. Used to establish the Start & End times for the different production shifts
for the plant. DELETE: Not allowed if referenced in the Employee (EmpBasic) or
LaborDtl files." FOREIGN-NAME "n/a"
FIELD "Company" OF "JCShift": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "Shift" OF "JCShift": integer DESCRIPTION "Shift number. " LABEL "Shift ID"
FIELD "StartTime" OF "JCShift": decimal DESCRIPTION "Shift start time. Always
stored as Hours.Hundreths. Always maintained and displayed as Hours:Minutes"
FIELD "EndTime" OF "JCShift": decimal DESCRIPTION "Shift end time. Always stored as
Hours.Hundreths. Always maintained and displayed as Hours:Minutes" COLUMN-LABEL
"End Time"
FIELD "LunchStart" OF "JCShift": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lunch start time for the
shift. Always stored as Hours.Hundreths . Always maintained and displayed as
COLUMN-LABEL "Lunch Start"
FIELD "LunchEnd" OF "JCShift": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lunch end time for the shift.
Always stored as Hours.Hundreths. Always maintained and displayed as Hours:Minutes"
FIELD "DspStartTime" OF "JCShift": character DESCRIPTION "Shift start time in
Hours:Minutes format. Used for display purpo ses. " COLUMN-LABEL "Start Time"
FIELD "DspEndTime" OF "JCShift": character DESCRIPTION "Shift end time in
Hours:Minute format. Used for display purposes ." COLUMN-LABEL "End Time"
FIELD "DspLunchStart" OF "JCShift": character DESCRIPTION "Lunch start time for the
shift in Hours:Minute format. Used for display purposes." COLUMN-LABEL "Lunch
FIELD "DspLunchEnd" OF "JCShift": character DESCRIPTION "Lunch end time for the
shift in Hour:Minute format. Used for dis play purposes." COLUMN-LABEL "Lunch End"
FIELD "DiffRate" OF "JCShift": decimal DESCRIPTION "The additional pay rate per
hour or additional percentage of base pay rate that is paid when the employee earns
by working on this shift. This v alue can either represent a percentage or a fixed
hourly rate (see DiffQualifier ). The shift differential can be either considered
when the employee works this shift and it is not their normal shift or can always
be included for work done on this shift. (see JCShift.DiffMethod)" LABEL "Shift
FIELD "DiffQualifier" OF "JCShift": character DESCRIPTION "Qualifies the value
stored in DiffRate as either an Hourly rate o r as a percent of pay rate." LABEL
"Diff. 2 Qualifier"
FIELD "OBS900-ShiftDiv" OF "JCShift": character DESCRIPTION "This is the Division
number portion that is used to make up the G/L account number that is used in
constructing the G/L expense account for Shi ft differential pay. The full G/L
account number is made up of ShiftDiv, Shift Chart and ShiftDept. This is an
optional entry, only used if Shift pay is to be tracked to a differen t G/L account
than the base pay. If blank the account based on the employee (Em pBasic) div, dept
and expense code is used. " LABEL "Prem. Div"
FIELD "OBS900-ShiftChart" OF "JCShift": character DESCRIPTION "See ShiftDiv." LABEL
"Prem. Chart"
FIELD "OBS900-ShiftDept" OF "JCShift": character DESCRIPTION "See ShiftDiv." LABEL
"Prem Dept"
FIELD "DiffMethod" OF "JCShift": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates when shift
differentials are to be considered. Shift d ifferentials can be set up for each
shift (see JCShift). This field controls wh en those differentials are to be
considered. Options are ""A"" - always or ""O" " - only when the differential shift
is not the employee's normal shift (works o ff shift). " LABEL "Shift Differential
FIELD "Description" OF "JCShift": character DESCRIPTION "A concatenation of Start +
End time. "
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "JCShift": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "JCShift": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "JCShift": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalJCShift" OF "JCShift": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this JCShift as
global, available to be sent out to other c ompanies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "JCShift": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."
INDEX "Shift" ON "JCShift" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies a
Shift master record. "

TABLE "JCSyst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Job Cost specific system constants
and default values." FOREIGN-NAME "n/a"
FIELD "Company" OF "JCSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "CheckOff1Label" OF "JCSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Label used for the
JobHead.CheckOff1 field. There are 5 CheckOff Label fields. They are all optional.
If entered then the corresponding JobHead .CheckOff fields become active. " LABEL
"Check1" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "CheckOff2Label" OF "JCSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Label used for the
JobHead.CheckOff2 field. " LABEL "Check2" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "CheckOff3Label" OF "JCSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Label used for the
JobHead.CheckOff3 field. " LABEL "Check3" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "CheckOff4Label" OF "JCSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Label used for the
JobHead.CheckOff4 field. " LABEL "Check4" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "CheckOff5Label" OF "JCSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Label used for the
JobHead.CheckOff5 field. " LABEL "Check5" COLUMN-LABEL ""
RELEASE. Indicates if the normal lunch periods defined in the shift master
(JCShift) should be automatically taken out of labor transactions. If this value is
""Yes"" then Labor entry and Labor coll ection use the JCShift.Start & JCShift.End
as the defaults for LaborHed.LunchOut & LunchIn and Labor Collection Lunch In/Out
function is ""Inactive"". If this value is ""NO"" then no defaults are provided and
Labor Collection Lunch In/Out function is ""active"". " LABEL "Automatic Lunch"
FIELD "ClockFormat" OF "JCSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the format of how
labor time is entered. It can be ent ered as (M) - hours/minutes or (H) -
Hours/Hundredths." LABEL "Labor Clock Format"
FIELD "FeedPayroll" OF "JCSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the labor entry
details will be transferred to the P ayroll system. This is used to set the value
of LaborDtl.Payroll flag. " LABEL "Labor to Payroll"
FIELD "RemoveLoad" OF "JCSyst": character
DESCRIPTION "Controls how shop load is removed. It can either be by Actual Ho urs
""H"" or based on quantity completed ""Q"". " LABEL "Relieve Load By" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "MachinePrompt" OF "JCSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Controls whether or not
entry of a Machine ID will be prompted fo r in Labor Entry and Labor Collection. "
LABEL "Machine Prompt"
FIELD "ReworkReasons" OF "JCSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if system should
prompt for entry of a Rework Reason co de for rework transactions during Labor
Collection or Labor Entry." LABEL "Rework Reasons"
FIELD "ScrapReasons" OF "JCSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if system should
prompt user to enter a Scrap Reason co de for labor transactions where the scrap
quantity is not zero during Labor Entr y or Labor Collection. " LABEL "Scrap
FIELD "JobSeqLength" OF "JCSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the maximum number
of digits to be entered into the JCS yst.NextJobNum field. This also controls the
number of digits that the system w ill generate when the user requests a ""Next Job
Number"" while creating a new j ob number. " LABEL "Length" COLUMN-LABEL "Job!
FIELD "NextJobNumber" OF "JCSyst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The value in this field
represents the next default job sequence number. The number of digits that can be
entered is controlled by JCSyst.JobSeq Length. Example of how the system uses these
fields to generate a number that i s inserted as part of the Job number when the
user requests ""Next Job Number"" while creating a new job number would be:
JobSeqLength = 6 and NextJobNumber = 1 00. Then the system would try to insert
""000100"" into the job number at the current insertion point. " LABEL "Next"
FIELD "AllowOrderCopy" OF "JCSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "When this value is set to
""yes"" then duplication of the Order N umber for use as a Job Number is allowed."
LABEL "Use Order Release" COLUMN-LABEL "Use Order Release"
FIELD "Grace" OF "JCSyst": decimal DESCRIPTION "Grace Period, stored as
Hours/Hundredths" LABEL "Grace" COLUMN-LABEL "Grace"
FIELD "StdFormat" OF "JCSyst": character
DESCRIPTION "Default qualifier for the Production Standard field. This is use d as
a default to the qualifier field in operation details when there is no rela ted
OpStd record. The valid qualifiers are: ""HP"" - Hours/Piece, ""MP"" -
minutes/piece, ""PH"" - pieces/hour, ""PM"" - Pie ces/Minute, ""OH"" -
Operations/Hour, ""OM"" - Operations/minute, HR - Fixed Ho urs. " LABEL "Std
Format" COLUMN-LABEL "Std-F"
FIELD "StdBasis" OF "JCSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Default standard basis is to
be used to with standards that are t ime per piece (HP & MP). The basis is a
Divisor. Valid codes are E-Eaches, C=1 00's, M=1000's, T=10,000. This field is used
in the formula for calculating the estimated production hours . The operation
quantity is divided by the basis value and then multiplied by t he standard to
result in hours. " LABEL "Std Basis"
FIELD "EstScrapType" OF "JCSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Default for the JobOper
and QuoteOpr.EstScrapType fields" LABEL "Scrap Type"
FIELD "InvAdjReasons" OF "JCSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if system should
prompt user to enter an Inventory Adju stment Reason code for quantity and cost
adjustments." LABEL "Inventory Adjustment Reasons"
FIELD "SchedCode" OF "JCSyst": character DESCRIPTION "SchedPri.SchedCode value that
is marked as the default scheduling code in the Scheduling Priority Code master
file." LABEL "Scheduling Code" COLUMN-LABEL "SchedCode"
FIELD "SchedStartedOps" OF "JCSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Default for scheduling
operations that have been started. A star ted operation is one with labor reported
to it. Global Scheduling uses this val ue. "
FIELD "WksLaborHistWarn" OF "JCSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "The number of weeks
labor warning detail is stored until they are purged." LABEL "Weeks to keep Labor
History Warnings"
FIELD "GenLaborWarnMsg" OF "JCSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "This option controls
whether or not the labor warnings messages a re generated/reported. When this
option is turned on labor warning records are created and the labor edit list
and/or entry/tracker programs report these warni ngs. When it is turned off the
labor edit list performs its own warning checkin g and no warnings are reported in
the entry/tracker programs. This option shoul d only be turned on between labor
periods (i.e. after all of the labor has been reported, but before the next periods
information has been entered). Only maint ainable if the Data Collection module has
been installed." LABEL "Generate/Use Labor Warning Messages"
FIELD "PreventPJChange" OF "JCSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "If set to Yes, the user
must change the Job Engineered flag to No before they are allowed to make any
changes to a Job." LABEL "Prevent Changes to Engineered Jobs"
FIELD "LogChanges" OF "JCSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "If this is Yes, then when Jobs
are set to ""Planned"" or any hea der flag is changed on a ""Planned"" job the user
will be prompted to enter a de scription of the changes. This option is only
available when ""PreventPJChange" " = Yes."
FIELD "EarlyClockInAllowance" OF "JCSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of minutes
used by data collection to determine the time f rame in which early clock in times
are to be adjusted forward to the shift start time. If clock in time falls within
the time range of (Shift Start - Allowanc e) to Shift Start then the clock in time
will set to Shift Start time." LABEL "Early Clock In Allowance"
FIELD "LateClockInAllowance" OF "JCSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of minutes
used by data collection to determine the time f rame in which late clock in times
are to be adjusted backwards to the shift star t time. If clock in time falls
within the time range of Shift Start to (Shift Start + Allowance) then the clock in
time will set to Shift Start time." LABEL "Late Clock In Allowance"
FIELD "LateClockOutAllowance" OF "JCSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Minutes used to
determine the time frame in which late clock out times are to be adjusted backwards
to the shift end time. If clock out time fal ls within the time range of Shift end
to (Shift Start + Allowance) then the clo ck out time will set to Shift End time. "
LABEL "Late Clock Out Allowance"
FIELD "BOMSource" OF "JCSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Default qualifier for the
Bill of Material source field. Used to determine MRP's preferred source for BOM
information. The valid values are; ""QB"" - Quote then BOM, ""BQ"" - BOM then
Quote, ""B"" BOM only." LABEL "BOM Source" COLUMN-LABEL "BOM-S"
FIELD "EarlyClockOutAllowance" OF "JCSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of minutes
used by data collection to determine the time f rame in which early clock out times
are to be adjusted forward to the shift end time. If clock out time falls within
the time range of (Shift End - Allowance) to Shift End then the clock out time will
set to Shift end. " LABEL "Early Clock Out Allowance"
FIELD "FloatPartRev" OF "JCSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Default for ""Floating ""
the part revision. To ""Float"" the re
vision of unfirm jobs to the revision in effect at the time of the requirement."
LABEL "Float Part Rev"
FIELD "ForecastDaysBefore" OF DESCRIPTION "Number of days that exist should reduce
the Ex: Forecast date of 3/31/98, e of 3/21/98 to 3/31/98 would LABEL "Days Before"
"JCSyst": integer before the forecast date in which any sales orders forecast
quantity. Days before of 10, then any orders that have a dat reduce the forecast."

FIELD "ForecastDaysAfter" OF "JCSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of days after

the forecast date in which any sales orders that exist should reduce the forecast
quantity. Ex: Forecast date of 3/31/98, Days after of 10, then any orders that have
a dat e of 4/01/98 to 4/10/98 would reduce the forecast." LABEL "Days After"
FIELD "DetailGrace" OF "JCSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the LateClockIn
or EarlyClockOut grace period should be applied to the labor detail transactions.
Ex: 10 minute LateClockIn, Shift Start = 8:00am, Employee clocks in and starts a n
activity at 8:05. If DetailGrace = Yes then StartTime on the detail will be
adjusted to 8:00. If DetailGrace = No then StartTime remains as 8:05 and an the 5
minutes will be included in the idle time. This setting does NOT affect how
Start/End times are adjusted for the timecard record. In both cases for this e
xample the start time for the timecard will be 8:00. " LABEL "Consider Grace for
Labor Detail"
FIELD "PreventFABypass" OF "JCSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "If set to Yes, the user
is unable to start production work for an operation which is waiting for First
Article approval." LABEL "Prevent First Article Bypass"
FIELD "ChgImpactPriceListCode" OF "JCSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Used to get a
value for jobs not referencing a sales order. If a part in not in the price list
then use Part.UnitPrice." LABEL "Change Impact Price List"
FIELD "EarlyGracePeriod" OF "JCSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Used in conjunction with
the Late Grace Period to determine if a job is early, on-time or late. Example:
Early Grace Period is 4, Late Grace Per iod is 1, Job Required Date is 05/20/02: If
the job is scheduled to be completed before 05/16/02 it is Early. If the job is
scheduled to be completed anywhere from 05/16/02 through 05/21/02 it is on-time. If
the job is scheduled to be completed after 05/21/02 it is late." LABEL "Early Grace
Period (Days)"
FIELD "LateGracePeriod" OF "JCSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Used in conjunction with
the Early Grace Period to determine if a job is early, on-time or late. Example:
Early Grace Period is 4, Late Grace Pe riod is 1, Job Required Date is 05/20/02: If
the job is scheduled to be completed before 05/16/02 it is Early. If the job is
scheduled to be completed anywhere from 05/16/02 through 05/21/02 it is on-time.
If the job is scheduled to be completed after 05/21/02 it is late." LABEL "Late
Grace Period (Days)"
FIELD "QuickJobID" OF "JCSyst": character DESCRIPTION "NJ - Next Job OR - Order
Release" VALEXP "LOOKUP(JCSyst.QuickJobID, ""NJ,OR"") > 0" VALMSG "Invalid Data -
Must be either ('NJ' or 'OR')"
FIELD "KanBan-Prefix" OF "JCSyst": character DESCRIPTION "A Prefix for the Job
Number on KanBan completions (uses normal jo b num sequence/structure at the
moment)" LABEL "KanBan Prefix" COLUMN-LABEL "KanBan Prefix"
FIELD "ConsiderMtlAvailable" OF "JCSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Defines when
constrained materials are to be considered as availa ble. Valid values are ""M""
for when the Material is in stock, ""P"" for when t he PO is due in, and ""S"" for
the Suggestion date."
FIELD "NextOrderNumber" OF "JCSyst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The value in this field
represents the next default transfer Orde r sequence number. The number of digits
that can be entered is controlled by JC Syst.OrderSeqLength. Example of how the
system uses these fields to generate a number that is inserted as part of the
Transfer Order number when the user reque sts ""Next Order Number"" while creating
a new Transfer Order number would be: O rderSeqLength = 6 and NextOrderNumber =
100. Then the system would try to inser t ""000100"" into the Order number at the
current insertion point. " LABEL "Next"
FIELD "OrderSeqLength" OF "JCSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the maximum
number of digits to be entered into the JCS yst.NextOrderNum field. This also
controls the number of digits that the system will generate when the user requests
a ""Next Order Number"" while creating a n ew order number. " LABEL "Length"
COLUMN-LABEL "Order!Lngth"
FIELD "NextTranLineNumber" OF "JCSyst": decimal DESCRIPTION "The value in this
field represents the next default transfer Orde r Line sequence number. The number
of digits that can be entered is controlled by JCSyst.OrderSeqLength. Example of
how the system uses these fields to genera te a number that is inserted as part of
the Transfer Detail Line number when the user requests ""Next Line Number"" when
converting an MRP Transfer Line number would be: OrderSeqLength = 6 and
NextTranLineNumber = 100. Then the system woul d try to insert ""000100"" into the
Line Number at the current insertion point. " LABEL "Next"
FIELD "AllowSchedulingBeforeToday" OF "JCSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines if
a scheduler is allowed to schedule/reschedule jobs/ operations (from the Scheduling
Boards) to do work before today."
FIELD "DirectShipVar" OF "JCSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates where to post
all variances on a job that shipped direc t for a standard cost part. M = to the
Product Group, C = to the Cost of Sales. " LABEL "Direct Ship Variance Posting"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "JCSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "JCSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "SplitMfgCostElements" OF "JCSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate how
to split the manufacturing cost elements whe n a manufactured material is issued to
the job. If flag is set to true, the cos t of the issued material will be split
into individual manufacturing cost elemen ts. If set to false, the cost of the
issued material is added to the manufacturi ng material cost element only." LABEL
"Split Mfg Cost Elements"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "JCSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "UnfirmATP" OF "JCSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "This flag is used by ATP to
determine if Unfirm Jobs should be co nsidered in ATP calculations. " LABEL "Unfirm
FIELD "LbrBookNoLA" OF "JCSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "This field is used to control
if an employee can book labor to a job if they have not been assigned to an Project
Role Code. True = labor entry and MES will validate that the employee has been
assigned to a project role code code. False or Advanced Billing module is not
licensed = the validation in labor entr y and MES will not be performed. " LABEL
"Labor Booking Requires Employee Role Cod"
FIELD "ForecastPeriods" OF "JCSyst": character DESCRIPTION "The ForecastPeriods
field defines the forecast periods that are u sed with the import and export
FIELD "ForecastPeriodsPerYear" OF "JCSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "The
ForecastPeriodsPerYear field defines the number of forecast p eriods per year.
FIELD "ReplaceMissingValues" OF "JCSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "The
ReplaceMissingValues field is used to determine how periods w ith zero demand
should be exported when exporting forecast data.
FIELD "ForecastImportDay" OF "JCSyst": integer DESCRIPTION "The ForecastImportDay
field is used by the forecast import proces s to determine the forecast date for
each forecast period.
FIELD "ChkEmpPrjRole" OF "JCSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "If false then when an
employee is booking hours to a job they can enter any Project Role code that has
been set up on the employee. When the fiel d is set to true then the Project Role
entered MUST be one of the Project Role c odes that have been assigned to the
operation. " LABEL "Validate Empl Project Role to Opr Role"
FIELD "DfltPrjRoleLoc" OF "JCSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Defines where the
default role code will be obtained. The options are ? Operation: Project Role code
from the operation will be used. Employee. Project Role Code from the Employee will
be used. " LABEL "Default Loc for Role Code in Lbr Booking"
FIELD "RevRecJrnlReverse" OF "JCSyst": character DESCRIPTION "When set to Reserve
following month the journal created will be f lagged as a reversing journal.PCL =
Reverse on Project Close, MON = Reverse Foll owing Month " LABEL "Revenue
Recognition Journal Reversal"
FIELD "DfltRevRecMthd" OF "JCSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Defines the default
revenue recognition method to be used in proj ect entry. The options are Default =
(blank).Code/Desc:LBR = Labor Booking, MAN = Manual, BDN = Actual Burden " LABEL
"Default Revenue Recognition Method"
FIELD "AllowRevRecChg" OF "JCSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the
revenue recognition method can be changed o n the project." LABEL "Allow Revenue
Recog Method Change Per Project"
FIELD "DfltPrjRtSrc" OF "JCSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Defines where the invoice
process will obtain the Project Role Ra tes from. Hierarchical works as defined for
Invoice Preparation. All of the othe rs will ONLY obtain the rates from the area
defined. HIER = Hierarchical, PROJ = Project Only, EMPL = Employee Only, ROLE =
Project Role Only" LABEL "Derive Project Rates From"
FIELD "AllowPrjRtSrcChg" OF "JCSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "True indicates the user
can change the Derive Project Rates from at the project level."
FIELD "ExtFcstImpFormat" OF "JCSyst": character DESCRIPTION "The default format to
use when importing forecast data from exter nal forecast solutions." LABEL "Import
Format" COLUMN-LABEL "Import Format"
FIELD "ExtFcstExpFormat" OF "JCSyst": character DESCRIPTION "The default format to
use when exporting sales history data to ex ternal forecast solutions." LABEL
"Export Format" COLUMN-LABEL "Export Format"
FIELD "ConInvMeth" OF "JCSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Default of Invoicing Method
of new Project. If advanced billing i s not licensed the only options are CS and
MB. Code/Desc: CS = Customer Shipment, MB = Milestone Billing, FF = Fixed Fee; CP =
Cost Plus; TM = Time and Material; PP = Progress payment;
FIELD "FeeTaxCatID" OF "JCSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Tax Category to default
into Project. FeeTaxCatID." LABEL "Fee"
FIELD "ODCTaxCatID" OF "JCSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Tax Category to default
into Project. ODCaxCatID." LABEL "Other Direct Cost"
FIELD "SubTaxCatID" OF "JCSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Tax Category to default
into Project. SubTaxCatID." LABEL "Subcontract"
FIELD "BdnTaxCatID" OF "JCSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Tax Category to default
into Project. BdnTaxCatID." LABEL "Burden"
FIELD "TaxOnNetOfRet" OF "JCSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "Tax Category to default
into Project. TaxOnNetOfRet." LABEL "Calculate Tax On Net of Retention"
FIELD "MtlTaxCatID" OF "JCSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Tax Category to default
into Project. MtlTaxCatID." LABEL "Material"
FIELD "LbrTaxCatID" OF "JCSyst": character DESCRIPTION "Tax Category to default
into Project LbrTaxCatID." LABEL "Labor"
FIELD "AllowChkEmpPrjRoleChg" OF "JCSyst": logical DESCRIPTION "indicates if the
company setting for ChkEmpPrjRole can be overrid den at the project level."

TABLE "JMtlStat" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "* Job Tracker Material Status.
This is a layout of the JMtlStat ""TEMP"" file used Job Tracker to view existing
Job Material Requirements. This DOES NOT EXIST as a true database file."
FIELD "AssemblySeq" OF "JMtlStat": integer DESCRIPTION "Assembly Sequence number
that this material is associated with." LABEL "Asm"
FIELD "MtlSeq" OF "JMtlStat": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number that uniquely
defines the material record withi n a specific Job/Assembly." LABEL "Mtl"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "JMtlStat": character DESCRIPTION "The part number." LABEL
FIELD "Description" OF "JMtlStat": character DESCRIPTION "Description" LABEL "Desc"
COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "ReqDate" OF "JMtlStat": date DESCRIPTION "Requested date for material."
LABEL "Required Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Req Date"
FIELD "RequiredQty" OF "JMtlStat": decimal DESCRIPTION "Required quantity per end
item." LABEL "Required Qty"
FIELD "OutstandingQty" OF "JMtlStat": decimal DESCRIPTION "RequiredQty -
IssuedQty." LABEL "Outstanding Qty"
FIELD "OnHandQty" OF "JMtlStat": decimal DESCRIPTION "Part total onhand qty." LABEL
"On Hand Qty"
FIELD "Obsolete900-AllocatedQty" OF "JMtlStat": decimal DESCRIPTION "Part total
allocated quantity." LABEL "Allocated Qty"
FIELD "AvailableQty" OF "JMtlStat": decimal DESCRIPTION "Part total available
quantity." LABEL "Available Qty"
FIELD "Source" OF "JMtlStat": character DESCRIPTION "Source for the associated
JobMtl, either Vendor or Stock." LABEL "Source" COLUMN-LABEL "Source"
FIELD "PONum" OF "JMtlStat": integer DESCRIPTION "Purchase Order Number for the
FIRST associated PO, if one is avai lable." LABEL "PO" COLUMN-LABEL "PO"
FIELD "DueDate" OF "JMtlStat": date DESCRIPTION "Due Date from the FIRST associated
PO Rel." LABEL "Due Date"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "JMtlStat": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "JMtlStat": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "WIPQty" OF "JMtlStat": decimal DESCRIPTION "Part total WIP quantity." LABEL
"WIP Qty"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "JMtlStat": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "JobAsmbl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Job Assemblies. This Table
contains all the Assemblies required for the specific Job. The BOM type structure
is maintained in this file using t he network model with Relational DBMS keys as
pointers. DELETE: Not allowed if referenced in LaborDtl or PartTran file. The
delete function asks if SubAssemblies should be deleted. If ""yes"" then pr ogram
searches for references for those assemblies also before allowing the dele te. When
a delete occurs the associated JobMtl and JobOper records are also deleted. The
Part master allocations are also relieved of the outstanding requirements
of the deleted JobMtl records and any assembly records that had allocations. Every
JobHead must have at least one JobAsmbl. A JobAsmbl may be related either to a
JobHead or a higher level JobAsmbl. Field names that begin with ""APS"" are used by
the eScheduling module (an exter nal product), not the Manufacturing System."
FIELD "Company" OF "JobAsmbl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "JobNum" OF "JobAsmbl": character DESCRIPTION "Job Number. Associates the
assembly record back its parent JobHe ad record. Not directly maintainable." LABEL
"Job Number"
FIELD "WarehouseCode" OF "JobAsmbl": character DESCRIPTION "This is the warehouse
that the material is allocated against." LABEL "Warehouse" COLUMN-LABEL "Whs"
FIELD "AssemblySeq" OF "JobAsmbl": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number that
uniquely identifies the JobAsmbl record wi thin the JobNum. This can be user
assigned or assigned by the system. The syst em assigns the next available number
during add mode if its left blank." LABEL "Asm"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "JobAsmbl": character DESCRIPTION "Part number for this
assembly. Cannot be blank. Does not have t o be valid in the Part master file."
LABEL "Part"
FIELD "Description" OF "JobAsmbl": character DESCRIPTION "Description for the Part
on the assembly record. This cannot be blank. Use Part.Description as default if a
valid Part record exists. " LABEL "Desc" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "QtyPer" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The production quantity required
for this assembly per one of it' s parent part. " LABEL "Qty/Parent"
FIELD "RequiredQty" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is how many of the
assemblies are required to produce the EN D ITEM. This is a calculated field.
Calculated as the (( Parents RequiredQty Parents PullQty) X QtyPer) + OverRunQty.
This field needs to be refreshed whenever a change is made to the production qua
ntity in any of its parents or when its QtyPer, or Overrun fields are changed. T he
refresh may also occur if the structure of the assemblies is changed. The
production quantity for the assembly which will drive raw material requireme nts
and estimated production times can be determined by ( RequiredQty - PullQty) . "
LABEL "Required Qty"
FIELD "PullQty" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This indicates a quantity that
will be pulled from inventory for this assembly instead of being manufactured. This
is a fixed quantity and is not affected by QtyPer type changes. If this a valid
Part, then it must update the PartWhse.AllocQty." LABEL "Pull Qty"
FIELD "EstUnitCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The estimated unit cost for
the assembly quantity (JobAsmbl.PullQ ty) that will be pulled from inventory. Use
the appropriate cost found in the Part file as a default. That is, select the cost
fields based on Part.CostMetho d. Then crossfoot the labor, burden and material
into the EstUnitCost field." LABEL "Unit Cost"
FIELD "OverRunQty" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This value indicates a
quantity that is planned to be overrun and put into inventory. This is kept as a
separate field so that is does not distor t the BOM requirement relationships. This
increases the total production quantit y for the assembly. This is a FIXED quantity
and is not affected by structure o r qty/per type changes. " LABEL "Over Run Qty"
FIELD "Parent" OF "JobAsmbl": integer DESCRIPTION "Sequence number of the Parent
Assembly. " LABEL "Parent" COLUMN-LABEL "Par"
FIELD "PriorPeer" OF "JobAsmbl": integer DESCRIPTION "The sequence number of the
prior assembly that is on the same le vel as this assembly. This is known as a
PriorPeer assembly. This is automati cally maintained by the maintenance programs.
The logic is to find an assembly where the Parent is the same and the NextPeer i s
-1. Then NextPeer of that assembly gets updated with this assemblies sequence
number and this assembly gets its PriorPeer field updated with the sequence num ber
from the assembly which was found. " LABEL "Prior Peer"
FIELD "NextPeer" OF "JobAsmbl": integer DESCRIPTION "The sequence number of the
Next Assembly on the same level as thi s assembly. This is known as a NextPeer
assembly. Automatically maintained by the maintenance programs. The logic is to
find an assembly where the Parent is the same and the PriorPeer is -1. Then the
PriorPeer of that assembly is updated with this assemblies sequ ence number and
then this assemblies NextPeer gets updated with the sequence num ber from the
assembly that was found." LABEL "Next Peer"
FIELD "Child" OF "JobAsmbl": integer DESCRIPTION "Sequence number of this
assemblies very first subassembly. This is known as the Child assembly.
Automatically maintained by the maintenance pro grams. The logic is to find the
Parent assembly record and if its child is -1,
update it with this assemblies sequence number." LABEL "First Child"
FIELD "IUM" OF "JobAsmbl": character DESCRIPTION "The internal unit of measure for
this assembly. Use the Part.IUM as a default. " LABEL "U/M" COLUMN-LABEL "UM"
FIELD "JobComplete" OF "JobAsmbl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the Job is
complete. This is a mirror image of JobH ead.JobComplete. Not directly
maintainable. When Job is complete, then all ass embly records are also marked
complete. This is used to make database access to open assembly records more
efficient. " LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "StartDate" OF "JobAsmbl": date DESCRIPTION "Scheduled start date for the
assembly (including queue time). Th is is not user maintainable. It is updated by
the scheduling process." LABEL "Start Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Start"
FIELD "DueDate" OF "JobAsmbl": date DESCRIPTION "The scheduled due date for the
assembly (including move time). N ot user maintainable, updated via the scheduling
process." LABEL "Due Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Due"
FIELD "TotalCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total cost to date, of this
component that was issued from stock. " LABEL "Total Cost"
FIELD "IssuedQty" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This quantity is a summary of
all Issue Transactions that were is sued to meet this assemblies PullQty
requirements. This is not directly maintai nable. " LABEL "Issued Qty"
FIELD "DrawNum" OF "JobAsmbl": character DESCRIPTION "Optional field for
Engineering Drawing Number. Defaulted from Bo mHead.DrawNum during methods pull
functions." LABEL "Eng Draw"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "JobAsmbl": character DESCRIPTION "The revision number for
the assembly. An optional field. Defaul ts from the most current
PartRev.RevisionNum." LABEL "Rev"
FIELD "StartHour" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal
DESCRIPTION "This field is established by scheduling. It represents the ""Hou r
offset from the beginning of the work day"" when this assembly is scheduled to
begin (including queue time). Scheduling uses the StartDate and StartHour of t he
parent assembly as the beginning Date/Hour when Backward scheduling subassemb lies.
FIELD "IssuedComplete" OF "JobAsmbl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the pull
quantity has been issued complete. If ""ye s"" then this record is NOT part of the
PartWhse.AllocQty total even if it had b een issued less than the original required
quantity. The user may toggle the se tting if the JobHead.Complete is ""NO"". When
it is toggled the allocation logi c will be triggered if necessary." LABEL "Issued
FIELD "CommentText" OF "JobAsmbl": character DESCRIPTION "Editor widget for Job
Assembly comments. "
FIELD "InCopyList" OF "JobAsmbl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this assembly
is to be included in the browse of ass emblies in the ""get details"" function. The
user can use this option to keep the ""Copy from"" list from becoming cluttered
with too many assemblies. This d oes not prevent the user from copying this
assembly, it just keeps it out of the browse." LABEL "Template"
FIELD "BomSequence" OF "JobAsmbl": integer DESCRIPTION "An internally system
assigned integer which is used as part of an index to organize the records into a
Bill of Material fashion sequence. " LABEL ""
FIELD "BomLevel" OF "JobAsmbl": integer DESCRIPTION "An internally system assigned
integer which represents the ""Leve l of Indention"" of the assembly in reference
to the Bill of Material structure. " LABEL "Level" COLUMN-LABEL "Lvl"
FIELD "Obsolete900-IndentedPartNum" OF "JobAsmbl": character DESCRIPTION "Temporary
BROWSE ONLY part number with leading dots (.) to indica te the assemblies level in
the BOM. One dot is level 0, two dots is level 1, an d so on." LABEL "Part"
FIELD "WIStartDate" OF "JobAsmbl": date DESCRIPTION "Scheduled ""What If"" start
date for the assembly (including queu e time). This is not user maintainable. It is
updated by the scheduling proces s" LABEL "Start Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Start"
FIELD "WIStartHour" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field is established
by scheduling. It represents the What-
If ""Hour offset from the beginning of the work day"" when this assembly is sch
eduled to begin (including queue time). Scheduling uses the StartDate and Start
Hour of the parent assembly as the beginning Date/Hour when Backward scheduling
subassemblies. "
FIELD "WIDueDate" OF "JobAsmbl": date DESCRIPTION "The scheduled ""What-If"" due
date for the assembly (including mo ve time). Not user maintainable, updated via
the scheduling process." LABEL "Due Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Due"
FIELD "WIDueHour" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field is established by
scheduling. It represents the WhatIf ""Hour offset from the beginning of the work
day"" when this assembly is sche duled to end (including move time). "
FIELD "DueHour" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field is established by
scheduling. It represents the ""Ho ur offset from the beginning of the work day""
when this assembly is scheduled t o end (including move time)."
FIELD "TLALaborCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Actual Labor
Cost. " LABEL "This Level Actual Labor Cost"
FIELD "TLABurdenCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Actual Burden
Cost." LABEL "This Level Actual Burden Cost"
FIELD "TLAMaterialCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Actual
Material Cost." LABEL "This Level Actual Material Cost"
FIELD "TLASubcontractCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Actual
Subcontract Cost." LABEL "This Level Actual Subcontract Cost"
FIELD "TLASetupHours" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Actual Setup
Hours." LABEL "This Level Actual Setup Hrs"
FIELD "TLAProdHours" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Actual
Production Hours." LABEL "This Level Actual Prod. Hrs"
FIELD "TLELaborCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Estimated Labor
Cost." LABEL "This Level Est Labor Cost"
FIELD "TLEBurdenCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Estimated
Burden Cost." LABEL "This Level Est Burden Cost"
FIELD "TLEMaterialCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Estimated
Material Cost." LABEL "This Level Est Material Cost"
FIELD "TLESubcontractCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Estimated
Subcontract Cost." LABEL "This Level Est Subcontract Cost"
FIELD "TLESetupHours" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Estimated
Setup Hours." LABEL "This Level Est Setup Hrs"
FIELD "TLEProdHours" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Estimated
Production Hours." LABEL "This Level Est Prod. Hrs"
FIELD "LLALaborCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lower Level Actual Labor
Cost." LABEL "Lower Level Actual Labor Cost"
FIELD "LLABurdenCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lower Level Burden Labor
Cost." LABEL "Lower Level Actual Burden Cost"
FIELD "LLAMaterialCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lower Level Actual
Material Cost." LABEL "Lower Level Actual Material Cost"
FIELD "LLASubcontractCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lower Level Actual
Subcontractor Cost." LABEL "Lower Level Actual Subcontract Cost"
FIELD "LLASetupHours" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lower Level Actual Setup
Hours." LABEL "Lower Level Actual Setup Hrs"
FIELD "LLAProdHours" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lower Level Actual
Production Hours." LABEL "Lower Level Actual Prod. Hrs"
FIELD "LLELaborCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lower Level Estimated
Labor Cost." LABEL "Lower Level Est Labor Cost"
FIELD "LLEBurdenCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lower Level Estimated
Burden Cost." LABEL "Lower Level Est Burden Cost"
FIELD "LLEMaterialCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lower Level Estimated
Material Cost." LABEL "Lower Level Est Material Cost"
FIELD "LLESubcontractCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lower Level
Estimated Subcontract Cost." LABEL "Lower Level Est Subcontract Cost"
FIELD "LLESetupHours" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lower Level Estimated
Setup Hours." LABEL "Lower Level Est Setup Hrs"
FIELD "LLEProdHours" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lower Level Estimated
Production Hours." LABEL "Lower Level Est Prod. Hrs"
FIELD "AutoRecOpr" OF "JobAsmbl": integer DESCRIPTION "The operation number
(JobOper.OprSeq) that is marked to do the Au tomatic Receipt to inventory. Note:
Zero = no operation is set to perform the a uto receive into inventory function.
This field is not directly maintainable. Instead it is set during operation mai
ntenance by having the user mark a check box indicating ""Auto Receive"" which t
hen updates this field with the operations sequence number. " LABEL "Auto Receive
Operation Number"
FIELD "FinalOpr" OF "JobAsmbl": integer DESCRIPTION "The sequence of the operation
that is to be considered as the ope ration which indicates the quantity complete
for the Job/Assembly. In other wor ds this operations completed quantity =
Job/Assembly completed. Note: Zero = n o operation is set and that the system
should use the last operation to determin e quantity complete. This field is not
directly maintainable. Instead it is set during operation main tenance by having
the user mark a check box indicating ""Final Operation"" which then updates this
field with the operations sequence number. " LABEL "Final Operation"
Characters used on the parent assembly dr awing to show where assembly is used."
LABEL "Find Number"
FIELD "ReceivedToStock" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total received to
stock. This pertains receiving an OverRun quan tity. Used to update the PartDtl
file for expected production quantity. PartDt l is OverRun - ReceivedToStock. "
FIELD "Plant" OF "JobAsmbl": character DESCRIPTION "Plant Identifier. " LABEL
"Plant" COLUMN-LABEL "Plant"
FIELD "Direct" OF "JobAsmbl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this assembly
material requirement is going to be sa tisfied by another job (possibly in another
plant), as opposed to a warehouse. If ""yes"" a WarehouseCode will not be
specified.. " LABEL "Make Direct"
FIELD "RelatedOperation" OF "JobAsmbl": integer DESCRIPTION "An assembly record can
be related to a specific operation. This field contains the JobOper.OprSeq of the
operation that it is related to. It can be left as zero meaning that this assembly
is required at the very beginn ing of the production job. The related operation is
also used to calculate sche duled start date. " LABEL "Rel Opr."
FIELD "TLAMaterialLabCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Actual
Material Labor Cost. Depending on the setting of JCSyst.SplitMfgCostElements, if
set to true then TLAMaterialLabCost is the To tal Labor costs of all manufactured
parts issued as material for this level (ind ependent of TLAMaterialCost).
Otherwise, TLAMaterialLabCost is one of the compon ent costs that makes up the
TLAMaterialCost (i.e. TLAMaterialCost = TLAMaterialL abCost + TLAMaterialMtlCost +
TLAMaterialSubCost + TLAMaterialBurCost). " LABEL "This Level Actual Material Lab.
FIELD "TLAMaterialMtlCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Actual
Issued Material Cost. Depending on the setting of JCSyst.SplitMfgCostElements, if
set to true then TLAMaterialMtlCost is the T otal Material costs of all
manufactured parts issued as material for this level (independent of
TLAMaterialCost). Otherwise, TLAMaterialMtlCost is one of the co mponent costs that
makes up the TLAMaterialCost (i.e. TLAMaterialCost = TLAMater ialLabCost +
TLAMaterialMtlCost + TLAMaterialSubCost + TLAMaterialBurCost). " LABEL "This Level
Actual Material Mtl Cost"
FIELD "TLAMaterialSubCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Actual
Material Subcontract Cost. Depending on the se tting of
JCSyst.SplitMfgCostElements, if set to true then TLAMaterialSubCost is the Total
Subcontract costs of all manufactured parts issued as material for thi s level
(independent of TLAMaterialCost). Otherwise, TLAMaterialSubCost is one o f the
component costs that makes up the TLAMaterialCost (i.e. TLAMaterialCost =
TLAMaterialLabCost + TLAMaterialMtlCost + TLAMaterialSubCost + TLAMaterialBurCos
t). " LABEL "This Level Actual Material Sub Cost"
FIELD "TLAMaterialBurCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Actual
Material Burden Cost. Depending on the setting of JCSyst.SplitMfgCostElements, if
set to true then TLAMaterialBurCost is the T otal Burden costs of all manufactured
parts issued as material for this level (i
ndependent of TLAMaterialCost). Otherwise, TLAMaterialBurCost is one of the comp
onent costs that makes up the TLAMaterialCost (i.e. TLAMaterialCost = TLAMateria
lLabCost + TLAMaterialMtlCost + TLAMaterialSubCost + TLAMaterialBurCost). " LABEL
"This Level Actual Material Bur Cost"
FIELD "LLAMaterialLabCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lower Level Actual
Material Labor Cost. Depending on the setting of JCSyst.SplitMfgCostElements, if
set to true then LLAMaterialLabCost is the To tal Labor costs of all manufactured
parts issued as material for the lower level (independent of LLAMaterialCost).
Otherwise, LLAMaterialLabCost is one of the c omponent costs that makes up the
LLAMaterialCost (i.e. LLAMaterialCost = LLAMate rialLabCost + LLAMaterialMtlCost +
LLAMaterialSubCost + LLAMaterialBurCost). " LABEL "Lower Level Actual Material
Labor Cost"
FIELD "LLAMaterialMtlCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lower Level Actual
Material Material Cost. Depending on the setti ng of JCSyst.SplitMfgCostElements,
if set to true then LLAMaterialMtlCost is the Total Material costs of all
manufactured parts issued as material for the lower level (independent of
LLAMaterialCost). Otherwise, LLAMaterialMtlCost is one of the component costs that
makes up the LLAMaterialCost (i.e. LLAMaterialCost = L LAMaterialLabCost +
LLAMaterialMtlCost + LLAMaterialSubCost + LLAMaterialBurCost ). " LABEL "Lower
Level Actual Material Mtl Cost"
FIELD "LLAMaterialSubCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lower Level Actual
Material Subcontract Cost. Depending on the se tting of
JCSyst.SplitMfgCostElements, if set to true then LLAMaterialSubCost is the Total
Subcontract costs of all manufactured parts issued as material for the lower level
(independent of LLAMaterialCost). Otherwise, LLAMaterialSubCost is one of the
component costs that makes up the LLAMaterialCost (i.e. LLAMaterialCo st =
LLAMaterialLabCost + LLAMaterialMtlCost + LLAMaterialSubCost + LLAMaterialB
urCost). " LABEL "Lower Level Actual Material Sub Cost"
FIELD "LLAMaterialBurCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lower Level Actual
Material Burden Cost. Depending on the setting of JCSyst.SplitMfgCostElements, if
set to true then LLAMaterialBurCost is the T otal Burden costs of all manufactured
parts issued as material for the lower lev el (independent of LLAMaterialCost).
Otherwise, LLAMaterialBurCost is one of the component costs that makes up the
LLAMaterialCost (i.e. LLAMaterialCost = LLAMa terialLabCost + LLAMaterialMtlCost +
LLAMaterialSubCost + LLAMaterialBurCost). " LABEL "Lower Level Actual Material Bur
FIELD "TotalMtlMtlCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Mtl cost to date.
A summary of issue transactions - used t rack all costs for manufacured parts that
were received into inventory then issu ed as material.. MaterialMtlCost +
MaterialLabCost + MaterialSubCost + Materi alBurCost = TotalCost" LABEL "Total
Material Mtl. Cost"
FIELD "TotalMtlLabCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Lab cost to date
from parts issued from inventory. A summa ry of issue transactions - used track all
costs for manufacured parts that were received into inventory then issued as
material.. IssuedMtlCost + IssuedLabCost + IssuedSubCost + IssuedBurCost =
TotalCost" LABEL "Total Mtl Lab. Cost"
FIELD "TotalMtlSubCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Sub cost to date
from part issued from inventory. A summa ry of issue transactions used track all
costs for manufacured parts that were re ceived into inventory then issued as
material.. IssuedMtlCost + IssuedLabCost + IssuedSubCost + IssuedBurCost =
TotalCost" LABEL "Total Mtl Sub. Cost"
FIELD "TotalMtlBurCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Burden cost to
date from part issued from inventory. A su mmary of issue transactions - used track
all costs for manufacured parts that we re received into inventory then issued as
material. IssuedMtlCost + IssuedLabCo st + IssuedSubCost + IssuedBurCost =
TotalCost" LABEL "Total Mtl Burden Cost"
FIELD "TLAMtlBurCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Actual
Material Burden Cost." LABEL "This Level Actual Material Burden Cost"
FIELD "TLEMtlBurCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Estimated
Material Burden Cost." LABEL "This Level Est Material Burden Cost"
FIELD "LLAMtlBurCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lower Level Actual
Material Burden Cost." LABEL "Lower Level Actual Material Burden Cost"
FIELD "LLEMtlBurCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lower Level Estimated
Material Burden Cost." LABEL "Lower Level Est Material Burden Cost"
FIELD "MtlBurRate" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The material burden rate for
this Job Assembly. " LABEL "Mtl Burden Rate" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "EstMtlBurUnitCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The estimated Mtl
burden unit cost for the assembly quantity (Job Asmbl.PullQty) that will be pulled
from inventory. Use the appropriate cost fo und in the Part file as a default. That
is, select the cost fields based on Par t.CostMethod. " LABEL "Unit Cost"
FIELD "MtlBurCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal
DESCRIPTION "Total material burden cost to date, of this component that was is sued
from stock." LABEL "Mtl. Bur. Cost"
FIELD "CallNum" OF "JobAsmbl": integer DESCRIPTION "The service call that this
assembly belongs to." LABEL "Call"
FIELD "CallLine" OF "JobAsmbl": integer DESCRIPTION "The Service Call Line that
this assembly relates to." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "RestoreFlag" OF "JobAsmbl": character DESCRIPTION "Used to determine if this
record was modified during the last Wha t-If Schedule Restore. The contents are
Date-Time. Example: ""04/11/02-34221"" ."
FIELD "AnalysisCode" OF "JobAsmbl": character DESCRIPTION "Analysis Code" LABEL
"Analysis Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Analysis Code"
FIELD "LastConfigDate" OF "JobAsmbl": date DESCRIPTION "The date when the
configuration was completed for the assembly." LABEL "Last Config Date" COLUMN-
LABEL "Last Config Date"
FIELD "LastConfigTime" OF "JobAsmbl": integer DESCRIPTION "The system time when the
configuration was completed for the asse mbly." LABEL "Last Config Time" COLUMN-
LABEL "Last Config Time"
FIELD "LastConfigUserID" OF "JobAsmbl": character DESCRIPTION "The User ID of the
last user to complete the configuration of the assembly." LABEL "Last Config
UserID" COLUMN-LABEL "Last Config UserID"
FIELD "OrigRequiredQty" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field will be set
to the value of the JobAsmbl.RequiredQty a t the time the JobHead.Engineered flag
is set to true." LABEL "Original Required Qty"
FIELD "UserMapData" OF "JobAsmbl": character DESCRIPTION "Character field that will
contain the coma separated data that ha s been returned from Microsoft Projects.
This data will be retained exactly as i t was returned from MSP. This field will
NOT be editable within Vantage."
FIELD "WhseAllocFlag" OF "JobAsmbl": logical
DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the PartWhse allocation needs to be/has been updated by
the new time delated process. " LABEL "Alloc Flag"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "JobAsmbl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "JobAsmbl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "TLAMaterialMtlBurCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Actual
Material Mtl Burden Cost. Depending on the set ting of JCSyst.SplitMfgCostElements,
if set to true then TLAMaterialMtlBurCost i s the Total Material Burden costs of
all manufactured parts issued as material f or this level. Otherwise,
TLAMaterialMtlBurCost may be populated but is not inc luded in the calculation of
TLAMaterialCost." LABEL "This Level Actual Material Mtl Bur Cost"
FIELD "LLAMaterialMtlBurCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lower Level
Actual Material Mtl Burden Cost. Depending on the se tting of
JCSyst.SplitMfgCostElements, if set to true then LLAMaterialMtlBurCost is the Total
Material Burden costs of all manufactured parts issued as material for the lower
level. Otherwise, LLAMaterialMtlBurCost may be populated but is n ot included in
the calculation of LLAMaterialCost." LABEL "Lower Level Actual Material Mtl Bur
FIELD "TLAMfgCompBurCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Actual
Component Burden Cost. This is the Total Burde n costs of all manufactured parts
issued as material for this level. Unlike TLAM aterialBurCost, this field will only
store component costs that are from issued Mfg type materials used for this
assembly." LABEL "This Level Component Burden Cost"
FIELD "TLAMfgCompMtlBurCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Actual
Component Material Burden Cost. This is the To tal Material Burden costs of all
manufactured parts issued as material for this level. Unlike TLAMaterialMtlBurCost,
this field will only store component costs that are from issued Mfg type materials
used for this assembly." LABEL "This Level Component Material Burden Cost"
FIELD "LLAMfgCompLabCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lower Level Actual
Component Labor Cost. This is the Total Labor costs of all manufactured parts
issued as material for the lower level. Unlike L LAMaterialLabCost, this field will
only store component costs that are from issu ed Mfg type materials used for the
lower assemblies." LABEL "Lower Level Component Labor Cost"
FIELD "LLAMfgCompMtlCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lower Level Actual
Component Material Cost. This is the Total Mat erial costs of all manufactured
parts issued as material for the lower level. Un like LLAMaterialMtlCost, this
field will only store component costs that are fro
m issued Mfg type materials used for the lower assemblies." LABEL "Lower Level
Component Material Cost"
FIELD "LLAMfgCompSubCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lower Level Actual
Component Subcontract Cost. This is the Total Subcontract costs of all manufactured
parts issued as material for the lower lev el. Unlike LLAMaterialSubCost, this
field will only store component costs that a re from issued Mfg type materials used
for the lower assemblies." LABEL "Lower Level Component Subcontract Cost"
FIELD "LLAMfgCompBurCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lower Level Actual
Component Burden Cost. This is the Total Burde n costs of all manufactured parts
issued as material for the lower level. Unlike LLAMaterialBurCost, this field will
only store component costs that are from is sued Mfg type materials used for the
lower assemblies." LABEL "Lower Level Component Burden Cost"
FIELD "LLAMfgCompMtlBurCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Lower Level Actual
Component Material Burden Cost. This is the T otal Material Burden costs of all
manufactured parts issued as material for the lower level. Unlike
LLAMaterialMtlBurCost, this field will only store component costs that are from
issued Mfg type materials used for the lower assemblies." LABEL "Lower Level
Component Material Burden Cost"
FIELD "TLAMfgCompLabCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Actual
Component Labor Cost. This is the Total Labor costs of all manufactured parts
issued as material for this level. Unlike TLAMat erialLabCost, this field will only
store component costs that are from issued Mf g type materials used for this
assembly." LABEL "This Level Component Labor Cost"
FIELD "TLAMfgCompMtlCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Actual
Component Material Cost. This is the Total Mat erial costs of all manufactured
parts issued as material for this level. Unlike TLAMaterialMtlCost, this field will
only store component costs that are from iss ued Mfg type materials used for this
assembly." LABEL "This Level Component Material Cost"
FIELD "TLAMfgCompSubCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This Level Actual
Component Subcontract Cost. This is the Total Subcontract costs of all manufactured
parts issued as material for this level. U nlike TLAMaterialSubCost, this field
will only store component costs that are fr om issued Mfg type materials used for
this assembly." LABEL "This Level Component Subcontract Cost"
FIELD "Weight" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Assembly Weight defaulted from
Part Master." LABEL "Assembly Weight"
FIELD "WeightUOM" OF "JobAsmbl": character DESCRIPTION "Assembly Weight UOM
defaulted from Part Master." LABEL "Weight UOM"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "JobAsmbl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "OrigMtlSeq" OF "JobAsmbl": integer DESCRIPTION "Original Material Sequence.
Used in the configurator." LABEL "Orig Mtl Seq" COLUMN-LABEL "Orig Mtl Seq"
FIELD "OrigRuleTag" OF "JobAsmbl": character DESCRIPTION "Original Rule Tag. Used
in the Configurator." LABEL "Orig Rule Tag" COLUMN-LABEL "Orig Rule Tag"
FIELD "ValRefDes" OF "JobAsmbl": logical DESCRIPTION "Validate Reference
Designators." LABEL "Validate Ref Designators"
FIELD "BasePartNum" OF "JobAsmbl": character DESCRIPTION "Base Part Number. Used in
the configurator to identify the config urator part Number." LABEL "Base Part"
FIELD "BaseRevisionNum" OF "JobAsmbl": character DESCRIPTION "Base Revision Number.
Used in the configurator to identify the co nfigurator part revision Number." LABEL
"Base Rev" COLUMN-LABEL "Base Rev"
FIELD "EstBurUnitCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The estimated burden
unit cost component for the assembly quantit y (JobAsmbl.PullQty) that will be
pulled from inventory. Use the appropriate c ost found in the Part file as a
default. That is, select the cost fields based on Part.CostMethod. Then crossfoot
the labor, burden and material into the EstU nitCost field. This field is a
subcomponent of EstUnitCost where: EstUnitCost = EstMtlUnitCost + EstLbrUnitCost +
EstBurunitCost + EstSubUnitCost. " LABEL "Est Bur Unit Cost"
FIELD "EstSubUnitCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The estimated burden
unit cost component for the assembly quantit y (JobAsmbl.PullQty) that will be
pulled from inventory. Use the appropriate c ost found in the Part file as a
default. That is, select the cost fields based on Part.CostMethod. Then crossfoot
the labor, burden and material into the EstU nitCost field. This field is a
subcomponent of EstUnitCost where: EstUnitCost = EstMtlUnitCost + EstLbrUnitCost +
EstBurunitCost + EstSubUnitCost. " LABEL "Est Sub Unit Cost"
FIELD "EstMtlUnitCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The estimated material
unit cost component for the assembly quant ity (JobAsmbl.PullQty) that will be
pulled from inventory. Use the appropriate cost found in the Part file as a
default. That is, select the cost fields base d on Part.CostMethod. Then crossfoot
the labor, burden and material into the Es tUnitCost field. This field is a
subcomponent of EstUnitCost where: EstUnitCost = EstMtlUnitCost + EstLbrUnitCost +
EstBurunitCost + EstSubUnitCost. " LABEL "Est Mtl Unit Cost"
FIELD "EstLbrUnitCost" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The estimated labor unit
cost component for the assembly quantity (JobAsmbl.PullQty) that will be pulled
from inventory. Use the appropriate co st found in the Part file as a default. That
is, select the cost fields based o n Part.CostMethod. Then crossfoot the labor,
burden and material into the EstUn itCost field. This field is a subcomponent of
EstUnitCost where: EstUnitCost = EstMtlUnitCost + EstLbrUnitCost + EstBurunitCost +
EstSubUnitCost. " LABEL "Est Lbr Unit Cost"
FIELD "PlanAsAsm" OF "JobAsmbl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the sub-assemby
can be spawned off to a different jo b. This can occur during the firming up of a
job." LABEL "Plan As Assembly" COLUMN-LABEL "Plan As Assembly"
FIELD "PAARef" OF "JobAsmbl": character DESCRIPTION "Plan as assembly reference.
Used to link related subassemblies t ogether when multiple assemblies are created
for the same part due to PartPlant lot size values. " LABEL "PAA Reference" COLUMN-
LABEL "PAA Reference"
FIELD "PAAFirm" OF "JobAsmbl": logical DESCRIPTION "Used only on Plan As Assembly
records. Indicates the sub assembl y will be split of from the the current job and
a separate job for the assembly will be created." LABEL "PAA Firm" COLUMN-LABEL
"PAA Firm"
FIELD "EstScrap" OF "JobAsmbl": decimal DESCRIPTION "EstScrap = a number
representing either a scrap qty or a scrap p ercent depending on the value of
EstScrapType field." LABEL "Scrap"
FIELD "EstScrapType" OF "JobAsmbl": character DESCRIPTION "Qualifies the ScrapQty
entry as being a fixed quantity or a perce ntage of run quantity." LABEL "Scrap
FIELD "SmartStringProcessed" OF "JobAsmbl": logical DESCRIPTION "If TRUE then this
field will mean that the smart string has alrea
dy been processed" LABEL "Smart String Processed"
FIELD "SmartString" OF "JobAsmbl": character DESCRIPTION "Original smart string
passed in for configuration" LABEL "Smart String"
FIELD "ReqRefDes" OF "JobAsmbl": integer DESCRIPTION "Required number of
designators" LABEL "Require Ref Designators"
INDEX "JobAsm" ON "JobAsmbl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index that uniquely
identifies an assembly record for a job."
INDEX "CopyLIst" ON "JobAsmbl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Show the assemblies
in the ""Copy From"" browse in the Get Detail s func."
INDEX "JobParent" ON "JobAsmbl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Organizes assembly
records for a job by their ""Parent"" assembly . "

TABLE "JobAsmblInsp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This is a child table to the
JobAsmbl table. This table contains inspection plan and specification definitions
for Job Assemblies."
FIELD "Company" OF "JobAsmblInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "JobNum" OF "JobAsmblInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Job Number." LABEL "Job
FIELD "AssemblySeq" OF "JobAsmblInsp": integer DESCRIPTION "Assembly sequence
number that this material is associated with." LABEL "Seq"
FIELD "PlanSeq" OF "JobAsmblInsp": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number that
uniquely identifies the JobAsmblInsp recor d within the JobNum" LABEL "Plan Seq"
FIELD "InspPlanPartNum" OF "JobAsmblInsp": character DESCRIPTION "The inspection
plan part number (configurator part number)." LABEL "Insp Plan Num"
FIELD "InspPlanRevNum" OF "JobAsmblInsp": character DESCRIPTION "The inspection
plan revision number (configurator revision number )." LABEL "Insp Plan Rev"
FIELD "SpecID" OF "JobAsmblInsp": character DESCRIPTION "The specification ID. Must
be valid in the SpecHed table." LABEL "Spec ID"
FIELD "SpecRevNum" OF "JobAsmblInsp": character DESCRIPTION "The specification
revision number. Must be valid in the SpecRev table." LABEL "Spec Rev"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "JobAsmblInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "JobAsmblInsp": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "JobAsmblInsp": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "JobAsmblRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Job Assembly

Restriction Type"
FIELD "Company" OF "JobAsmblRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Company
Identifier." LABEL "Company"
FIELD "JobNum" OF "JobAsmblRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Job Number.
Associates the assembly record back its parent JobHe ad record. Not directly
maintainable." LABEL "Job Number"
FIELD "AssemblySeq" OF "JobAsmblRestriction": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence
number that uniquely identifies the JobAsmbl record wi thin the JobNum. This can be
user assigned or assigned by the system. The syst em assigns the next available
number during add mode if its left blank." LABEL "Asm"
FIELD "RestrictionTypeID" OF "JobAsmblRestriction": character DESCRIPTION
"Restriction Type identification." LABEL "Restriction Type"
FIELD "Manual" OF "JobAsmblRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "When true then no
roll-up will be calculated for this Restriction type. Compliance date is set when
this flag is set. D/I Roll-Up radio Button wi ll be disabled." LABEL "Manual"
FIELD "RollupType" OF "JobAsmblRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Enabled when
manual flag is unchecked and company configuration f lag for allow direct roll-up
is enabled. Default to Indirect Roll-Up." LABEL "Rollup Type"
FIELD "Compliance" OF "JobAsmblRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Displays one of
the compliance statuses: 1. Not applicable (Yello w) (when no substances are
selected) 2. Non compliant (Red) (one or more substan ces are selected but roll-up
has not been executed or roll-up has failed) 3. Com pliant (Green) (one or more
substances are selected and roll-up was successful) 4. Exempt (Yellow) (when all
substances are exempt ? verify exempt date)" LABEL "Compliance"
FIELD "ComplianceDate" OF "JobAsmblRestriction": date DESCRIPTION "Set when Manual
flag is checked or after compliance roll-up is su ccessful. Cleared Manual flag is
unchecked or after compliance roll-up is unsucc essful." LABEL "Compliance Date"
FIELD "LastRollUp" OF "JobAsmblRestriction": date DESCRIPTION "Set after compliance
roll-up" LABEL "Last Roll Up"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "JobAsmblRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "JobAsmblRestriction": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "PartNum" OF "JobAsmblRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Part number for
this assembly. Cannot be blank. Does not have t o be valid in the Part master
file." LABEL "Part"
FIELD "BuiltCompliance" OF "JobAsmblRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Displays
one of the built compliance statuses: 1. Not applicable (Yellow) (when no
substances are selected) 2. Non compliant (Red) (one or more s ubstances are
selected but roll-up has not been executed or roll-up has failed) 3. Compliant
(Green) (one or more substances are selected and roll-up was succes sful) 4. Exempt
(Yellow) (when all substances are exempt ? verify exempt date)" LABEL "Built
FIELD "BuiltComplianceDate" OF "JobAsmblRestriction": date DESCRIPTION "Set when
Manual flag is checked or after built compliance roll-up is successful. Cleared
Manual flag is unchecked or after compliance roll-up is unsuccessful." LABEL "Built
Compliance Date"
FIELD "BuiltLastRollUp" OF "JobAsmblRestriction": date DESCRIPTION "Set after built
compliance roll-up" LABEL "Built Last Roll Up"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "JobAsmblRestriction": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "JobAsmblRestriction" ON "JobAsmblRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION
"Primary Key."
INDEX "PartNumRestriction" ON "JobAsmblRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION
"Locate a Restriction Type from Part Master."

TABLE "JobAsmblRestrictSubst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Restricted Substances

per Assembly/Restriction Type"
FIELD "Company" OF "JobAsmblRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Company
Identifier." LABEL "Company"
FIELD "JobNum" OF "JobAsmblRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Job Number.
Associates the assembly record back its parent JobHe ad record. Not directly
maintainable." LABEL "Job Number"
FIELD "AssemblySeq" OF "JobAsmblRestrictSubst": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence
number that uniquely identifies the JobAsmbl record wi thin the JobNum. This can be
user assigned or assigned by the system. The syst em assigns the next available
number during add mode if its left blank." LABEL "Asm"
FIELD "RestrictionTypeID" OF "JobAsmblRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION
"Restriction Type identification." LABEL "Restriction Type"
FIELD "SubstanceID" OF "JobAsmblRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Substance
identification." LABEL "Substance"
FIELD "Weight" OF "JobAsmblRestrictSubst": decimal DESCRIPTION "Default weight of
the substance per primary part of UOM" LABEL "Substance Weight"
FIELD "WeightUOM" OF "JobAsmblRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "By default the
primary UOM of the part." LABEL "Weight UOM"
FIELD "Manual" OF "JobAsmblRestrictSubst": logical DESCRIPTION "Defaulted from Part
Master Substances. When true then weight is d isregarded in compliance roll-up."
LABEL "Override"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "JobAsmblRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Unique
identifier for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "JobAsmblRestrictSubst": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision
identifier for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "JobAsmblRestrictSubst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if
Memo, Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "JobAsmblRestrictSubst" ON "JobAsmblRestrictSubst" AREA "Schema Area"

TABLE "JobAudit" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Job Audit History. Records Date,
User, and Description of Change s"
FIELD "Company" OF "JobAudit": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "JobNum" OF "JobAudit": character DESCRIPTION "Job number." LABEL "Job
FIELD "ChangeDate" OF "JobAudit": date DESCRIPTION "System date when this change
was made." LABEL "Date"
FIELD "ChangeTime" OF "JobAudit": integer DESCRIPTION "System time (seconds since
midnight) of when the changes were mad e."
LABEL "Time"
FIELD "ChangedBy" OF "JobAudit": character DESCRIPTION "UserID who made the
changes. Not maintainable by the user." LABEL "Changed By"
FIELD "ChangeDescription" OF "JobAudit": character DESCRIPTION "Used to enter a
description of the changes that were made."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "JobAudit": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "JobAudit": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "JobAudit": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "JobAudit" ON "JobAudit" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary, Unique
Index for JobAudit Table."

TABLE "JobAWI" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Job Assembly What If"
FIELD "Company" OF "JobAWI": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "JobNum" OF "JobAWI": character DESCRIPTION "Job Number. Associates the
assembly record back to its parent Jo bHWI record. Not directly maintainable."
LABEL "Job Number"
FIELD "AssemblySeq" OF "JobAWI": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number that
uniquely identifies the JobAWI record with in the JobNum. " LABEL "Asm"
FIELD "ScheduleID" OF "JobAWI": integer DESCRIPTION "Schedule identifier." LABEL
"Schedule ID"
FIELD "StartDate" OF "JobAWI": date DESCRIPTION "Scheduled start date for the
assembly (including queue time). Th
is is not user maintainable. It is updated by the scheduling process." LABEL "Start
Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Start"
FIELD "StartHour" OF "JobAWI": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field is established by
scheduling. It represents the ""Hou r offset from the beginning of the work day""
when this assembly is scheduled to begin (including queue time). Scheduling uses
the StartDate and StartHour of t he parent assembly as the beginning Date/Hour when
Backward scheduling subassemb lies. "
FIELD "DueDate" OF "JobAWI": date DESCRIPTION "The scheduled due date for the
assembly (including move time). N ot user maintainable, updated via the scheduling
process." LABEL "Due Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Due"
FIELD "DueHour" OF "JobAWI": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field is established by
scheduling. It represents the ""Ho ur offset from the beginning of the work day""
when this assembly is scheduled t o end (including move time)."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "JobAWI": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "JobAWI": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "JobAWI": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "JobClosingCd" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Job Closing Code" DESCRIPTION "Job
Closing Code. This table holds parameters for the Job Complet ion and Job Closing
FIELD "Company" OF "JobClosingCd": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "JobClosingCode" OF "JobClosingCd": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code to
identify the job closing record" LABEL "Closing Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Closing Code"
FIELD "Description" OF "JobClosingCd": character DESCRIPTION "Description field"
LABEL "Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "JobCompletion" OF "JobClosingCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that this
job closing record can be used for job comple tion." LABEL "Job Completion" COLUMN-
LABEL "Completion"
FIELD "JobClosing" OF "JobClosingCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that this job
closing record can be used for job closin g." LABEL "Job Closing" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "JobCompletionDefault" OF "JobClosingCd": logical DESCRIPTION "If set to yes
then this record has the default values for the job completion process." LABEL
"Completion Default" COLUMN-LABEL "Cmp Dlft"
FIELD "JobClosingDefault" OF "JobClosingCd": logical DESCRIPTION "If set to yes
then this record has the default values for the jo b closing process." LABEL
"Closing Default" COLUMN-LABEL "Cls Dflt"
FIELD "MtlQtyPercent" OF "JobClosingCd": integer DESCRIPTION "Material Quantity
Under Percent. Threshold for the Material Quant ity under completed." LABEL "Mtl
Quantity Percent" COLUMN-LABEL "Mtl Qty %"
FIELD "MtlCostPercent" OF "JobClosingCd": integer DESCRIPTION "Material Cost Under
Percent. Threshold for the Material Cost unde r completed." LABEL "Mtl Cost
Percent" COLUMN-LABEL "Mtl Cost %"
FIELD "OprQtyPercent" OF "JobClosingCd": integer DESCRIPTION "Operation Quantity
Under Percent. Threshold for the Operation Qua ntity under completed." LABEL "Opr
Quantity Percent" COLUMN-LABEL "Opr Qty %"
FIELD "OprCostPercent" OF "JobClosingCd": integer DESCRIPTION "Operation Cost Under
Percent. Threshold for the Operation Cost un der completed." LABEL "Opr Cost
Percent" COLUMN-LABEL "Opr Cost %"
FIELD "SubQtyPercent" OF "JobClosingCd": integer DESCRIPTION "SubContract Quantity
Under Percent. Threshold for the SubContract Quantity under completed." LABEL "Opr
Quantity Percent" COLUMN-LABEL "Opr Qty %"
FIELD "SubCostPercent" OF "JobClosingCd": integer DESCRIPTION "SubContract Cost
Percent. Threshold for the SubContract Cost unde r completed." LABEL "Sub Cost
Percent" COLUMN-LABEL "Sub Cost %"
FIELD "Backflush" OF "JobClosingCd": logical DESCRIPTION "If Set to yes then the
materials will be backflushed during the j ob completion process. (for future
use)." LABEL "Backflush" COLUMN-LABEL "Backflush"
FIELD "PendingInspection" OF "JobClosingCd": logical DESCRIPTION "If set to yes
then jobs pending for inspection are completed in t he auto completion process. The
auto closing process will not process any pendi ng inspection jobs." LABEL "Pending
Inspection" COLUMN-LABEL "Inspection"
FIELD "MultiplePlants" OF "JobClosingCd": logical DESCRIPTION "If set to yes then
job operations using resources in other plants than the job header plant are
allowed to be completed in the auto completion pr ocess and the auto closing
process." LABEL "Multiple Plants" COLUMN-LABEL "Plants"
FIELD "MtlQtyOverPercent" OF "JobClosingCd": integer DESCRIPTION "Material Quantity
Percent. Threshold for the Material Quantity o ver completed." LABEL "Mtl Quantity
Over Percent" COLUMN-LABEL "Mtl Qty +%"
FIELD "MtlCostOverPercent" OF "JobClosingCd": integer DESCRIPTION "Material Cost
Over Percent. Threshold for the Material Cost over completed." LABEL "Mtl Cost Over
Percent" COLUMN-LABEL "Mtl Cost +%"
FIELD "OprQtyOverPercent" OF "JobClosingCd": integer DESCRIPTION "Operation
Quantity Over Percent. Threshold for the Operation Quan tity over completed." LABEL
"Opr Quantity Over Percent" COLUMN-LABEL "Opr Qty +%"
FIELD "OprCostOverPercent" OF "JobClosingCd": integer DESCRIPTION "Operation Cost
Over Percent. Threshold for the Operation Cost ove r completed." LABEL "Opr Cost
Over Percent" COLUMN-LABEL "Opr Cost +%"
FIELD "SubQtyOverPercent" OF "JobClosingCd": integer DESCRIPTION "SubContract
Quantity Over Percent. Threshold for the SubContract Quantity over completed."
LABEL "Opr Quantity Over Percent" COLUMN-LABEL "Opr Qty +%"
FIELD "SubCostOverPercent" OF "JobClosingCd": integer DESCRIPTION "SubContract Cost
Over Percent. Threshold for the SubContract Cost over completed." LABEL "Sub Cost
Over Percent" COLUMN-LABEL "Sub Cost +%"
FIELD "JobCostAmount" OF "JobClosingCd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Job Cost Under
Amount. Under threshold for the Total Job Cost." LABEL "Job Cost Amount" COLUMN-
LABEL "Job Cost Amt"
FIELD "JobCostOverAmount" OF "JobClosingCd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Job Cost Over
Amount. Over Threshold for the Total Job Cost." LABEL "Job Cost Over Amount"
COLUMN-LABEL "Job Cost +Amt"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "JobClosingCd": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "JobClosingCd": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "JobClosingCd": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ExJobsNotShipComplete" OF "JobClosingCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Exclude Jobs
not shipped from being Completed" LABEL "Exclude Jobs not shipped from being
FIELD "ExJobsNotShipClosed" OF "JobClosingCd": logical DESCRIPTION "Exclude Jobs
not shipped from being Closed" LABEL "Exclude Jobs not shipped from being Closed"

TABLE "JobClosingLog" AREA "Schema Area"

LABEL "Job Closing Log" DESCRIPTION "Job Closing Log. This table holds the Audit
log records for the J ob Completion and Job Closing process."
FIELD "Company" OF "JobClosingLog": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company" COLUMN-LABEL "Company"
FIELD "AuditSource" OF "JobClosingLog": character DESCRIPTION "Audit Source. Valid
values are 'Job Completion' and 'Job Closing ' ." LABEL "Audit Source" COLUMN-LABEL
"Audit Source"
FIELD "JobNum" OF "JobClosingLog": character DESCRIPTION "Job Number that this
audit log is associated with. " LABEL "Job Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Job"
FIELD "AssemblySeq" OF "JobClosingLog": integer DESCRIPTION "Assembly Sequence
number that this audit log is associated with." LABEL "Assembly Seq" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "SeqType" OF "JobClosingLog": character DESCRIPTION "Type of record. ""MTL""
- Material, ""SUB"" - Subcontract, ""OPR "" - Operation. " LABEL "Seq Type" COLUMN-
LABEL "Seq Type"
FIELD "JobSeq" OF "JobClosingLog": integer DESCRIPTION "The material or operation
sequence that this log records is assoc iated with. The value is related to the
setting of the JobSeq field." LABEL "Job Seq" COLUMN-LABEL "Seq"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "JobClosingLog": character DESCRIPTION "Part number of the job."
LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "OpCode" OF "JobClosingLog": character DESCRIPTION "Operation Master Code
that this log is associated with." LABEL "Operation" COLUMN-LABEL "Oper"
FIELD "MtlPartNum" OF "JobClosingLog": character DESCRIPTION "The Part Number of
the component material record. " LABEL "Material Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Material Part"
FIELD "EstQuantity" OF "JobClosingLog": decimal DESCRIPTION "Estimated Quantity."
LABEL "Estimated Quantity" COLUMN-LABEL "Estimated Quantity"
FIELD "ActQuantity" OF "JobClosingLog": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual Quantity."
LABEL "Actual Quantity" COLUMN-LABEL "Actual Quantity"
FIELD "EstCost" OF "JobClosingLog": decimal DESCRIPTION "Estimated Cost." LABEL
"Estimated Cost" COLUMN-LABEL "Estimated Cost"
FIELD "ActCost" OF "JobClosingLog": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual Cost." LABEL
"Actual Cost" COLUMN-LABEL "Actual Cost"
FIELD "AllowedQtyPercent" OF "JobClosingLog": integer DESCRIPTION "Allowed Quantity
Percent. Threshold for the Quantity not complete d." LABEL "Allowed Quantity
Percent" COLUMN-LABEL "Allowed Qty"
FIELD "AllowedCostPercent" OF "JobClosingLog": integer DESCRIPTION "Allowed Cost
Percent. Threshold for Cost not completed." LABEL "Allowed Cost Percent" COLUMN-
LABEL "Allowed Cost"
FIELD "ActualQtyPercent" OF "JobClosingLog": integer DESCRIPTION "Actual Quantity
Percent. Calcualted as ((Estimated Quantity - Act ual Quantity) / Estimated
Quantity) * 100%. " LABEL "Actual Quantity Percent" COLUMN-LABEL "Act Qty %"
FIELD "ActualCostPercent" OF "JobClosingLog": integer DESCRIPTION "Actual Cost
Percent. Calculated as ((Estimated Cost - Actual Cos t) / Estimated Cost) * 100%. "
LABEL "Actual Cost Percent" COLUMN-LABEL "Act. Cost %"
FIELD "LastProcessDate" OF "JobClosingLog": date DESCRIPTION "System date when this
process last ran. " LABEL "Last Process Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Process Date"
FIELD "LastProcessTime" OF "JobClosingLog": integer
DESCRIPTION "System time (seconds since midnight) of when this process last ra n."
LABEL "Last Process Time" COLUMN-LABEL "Process Time"
FIELD "LastProcessUser" OF "JobClosingLog": character DESCRIPTION "User ID that
started this process. " LABEL "Last Process User" COLUMN-LABEL "Process User"
FIELD "ErrorDescription" OF "JobClosingLog": character DESCRIPTION "Error
Description." LABEL "Error Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Error Description"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "JobClosingLog": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "JobClosingLog": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "JobClosingLog": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "JobHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Header Information file for
Manufacture Work Orders (Jobs). DELETE: Not allowed if job has had activity.
Referenced in LaborDtl or PartTran. " FOREIGN-NAME "n/a"
FIELD "Company" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "JobNum" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Job number. Unique key to
identify the production job. When add ing ""new"" records and this is left blank
the system will assign a job number. Assigning numbers will be done by using a
""database"" sequence number. Then u sing that number loop and increment until an
available number is found." LABEL "Job"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Part number of the
manufactured item. Does not have to be valid in the Part master. Cannot be blank.
With verion 8.0 and Advanced Production License a job can have multiple end part s.
These are defined in the JobPart table. This field has not changed. But will now be
used to indicate the primary end par t that is being produced. That is, the JobPart
record where JobPart.PartNum = Jo
bHead.PartNum will be considered as the primary end part. A primary part is only
significant on Concurrent mode of production, because it?s quantity drives the
material/operation requirements." LABEL "Part"
FIELD "PartDescription" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "The description of the
part that is to be manufactured. Use the Part.Description as the default. " LABEL
"Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "ProdQty" OF "JobHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field is not directly
maintainable. The value stored here wi ll be different than it was in the pre 8.0-
versions. If ProcessMode is Sequent ial then this is a total of ALL end parts that
are being produced on the job. If Concurrent then it is the production quantity of
the primary part /PartsPerOp . For example 1000 bottle caps are require, 100 caps
are produced per machine cy cle would result in ProdQty of 10. See JobPart table
for information on end parts of a job. " LABEL "Prod. Qty" COLUMN-LABEL "Prod. Qty"

FIELD "IUM" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "The unit of measure for the job.
Defaulted from Part.IUM." LABEL "UOM" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "StartDate" OF "JobHead": date DESCRIPTION "The Scheduled job start date
(including queue time). This is not directly user maintainable. It is
calculated/updated via the scheduling functi ons " LABEL "Start" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "ReqDueDate" OF "JobHead": date DESCRIPTION "Indicates the date at which this
job needs to be completed. This is maintainable by the user. It can be defaulted as
the earliest due date of t he linked orders. This due date is used as the default
date for ""backward"" sc heduling of the job." LABEL "Req. By" COLUMN-LABEL "Req.
FIELD "JobClosed" OF "JobHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if Job is closed. A
closed Job cannot be accessed for maintenance. " LABEL "Closed" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "JobCode" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "An optional user defined code.
This will be used for report sele ctions and views of job headers. " LABEL "Job
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Part Revision number.
Defaults from the most current PartRev.Rev isionNum." LABEL "Part Rev"
FIELD "ClosedDate" OF "JobHead": date DESCRIPTION "Date the Job was closed.
Defaults as the system but can be overr idden." LABEL "Closed"
FIELD "QuoteNum" OF "JobHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains the Quote number
reference. This was assigned when the job details were pulled in from the quote. It
will be used to show quote figure s compared to estimated and actual." LABEL
FIELD "SchedStatus" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Scheduling Status Control
(R-Required, P-Pending, A-Active, C-Com plete). NOT CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED." LABEL
"Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Status"
FIELD "DrawNum" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Engineering Drawing Number. An
optional field. Defaulted from B omHead. " LABEL "Eng Draw"
FIELD "JobComplete" OF "JobHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if production is
complete for the job. A complete job cannot be scheduled. It can still have cost
posted against it. Maintained via Job Completion processing." LABEL "Complete"
FIELD "JobEngineered" OF "JobHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if Engineering
is complete for this job. That is, all departments that need to ""check off"" on
this job before it is actually conside red ready to go have done so. A job must be
Engineered before it can be schedu led. Non Engineered Jobs are excluded from most
reports." LABEL "Engineered"
FIELD "CheckOff1" OF "JobHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Optional Job check off number
1. The label for this field is fou nd in JCSyst. If the label field is blank then
field should be invisible. These ""check offs"" will be used for selecting jobs. An
example would be a ""E ngineering"" or ""Purchasing"" check off. " LABEL "" COLUMN-
FIELD "CheckOff2" OF "JobHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Optional Job check off number
2. The label for this field is fou nd in JCSyst. If the label field is blank then
field should be invisible. These ""check offs"" will be used for selecting jobs. An
example would be a ""E ngineering"" or ""Purchasing"" check off. " LABEL "" COLUMN-
FIELD "CheckOff3" OF "JobHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Optional Job check off number
3. The label for this field is fou nd in JCSyst. If the label field is blank then
field should be invisible. These ""check offs"" will be used for selecting jobs. An
example would be a ""E ngineering"" or ""Purchasing"" check off. " LABEL "" COLUMN-
FIELD "CheckOff4" OF "JobHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Optional Job check off number
4. The label for this field is fou nd in JCSyst. If the label field is blank then
field should be invisible. These ""check offs"" will be used for selecting jobs. An
example would be a "" Engineering"" or ""Purchasing"" check off. " LABEL "" COLUMN-
FIELD "CheckOff5" OF "JobHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Optional Job check off number
5. The label for this field is fou nd in JCSyst. If the label field is blank then
field should be invisible. These ""check offs"" will be used for selecting jobs. An
example would be a "" Engineering"" or ""Purchasing"" check off. " LABEL "" COLUMN-
FIELD "QuoteLine" OF "JobHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains the quote line number
reference. (see QuoteNum ) " LABEL "Line"
FIELD "ProdCode" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Product Group Code. Use the
Part.ProdCode as a default. This ca n be blank or must be valid in the ProdGrup
table." LABEL "Group"
FIELD "UserChar1" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined character
field. Actual label used is defined in th e XaSyst record. This field is only
accessible if XaSyst.JobtUserChar1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserChar2" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined character
field. Actual label used is defined in th e XaSyst record. This field is only
accessible if XaSyst.JobUserChar2Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserChar3" OF "JobHead": character
DESCRIPTION "User Defined character field. Actual label used is defined in th e
XaSyst record. This field is only accessible if XaSyst.JobUserChar3Label is non
FIELD "UserChar4" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "User Defined character
field. Actual label used is defined in th e XaSyst record. This field is only
accessible if XaSyst.JobUserChar4Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserDate1" OF "JobHead": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date field. Actual
label used is defined in the XaS yst record. This field is only accessible if
XaSyst.JobUserDate1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserDate2" OF "JobHead": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date field. Actual
label used is defined in the XaS yst record. This field is only accessible if
XaSyst.JobUserDate2Label is non bl ank."
FIELD "UserDate3" OF "JobHead": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date field. Actual
label used is defined in the XaS yst record. This field is only accessible if
XaSyst.JobUserDate3Label is non bl ank."
FIELD "UserDate4" OF "JobHead": date DESCRIPTION "User Defined Date field. Actual
label used is defined in the XaS yst record. This field is only accessible if
XaSyst.JobUserDate4Label is non bl ank."
FIELD "UserDecimal1" OF "JobHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "User Defined Decimal field.
Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This field is only accessible if
XaSyst.JobUserDec1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserDecimal2" OF "JobHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "User Defined Decimal field.
Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This field is only accessible if
XaSyst.JobUserDec2Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserInteger1" OF "JobHead": integer DESCRIPTION "User Defined Integer field.
Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This field is only accessible if
XaSyst.JobUserInt1Label is non blank."
FIELD "UserInteger2" OF "JobHead": integer DESCRIPTION "User Defined Integer field.
Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record. This field is only accessible if
XaSyst.JobUserInt2Label is non blank."
FIELD "CommentText" OF "JobHead": character
DESCRIPTION "Editor widget for Job header comments. "
FIELD "JobReleased" OF "JobHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if job has been
""Released"" to production. Only jobs that are released can have labor posted
against them. Once labor is posted to a Job this flag cannot be changed. " LABEL
"Released" COLUMN-LABEL "Released"
FIELD "JobCompletionDate" OF "JobHead": date DESCRIPTION "The date that production
was completed for this Job. Maintained via Job Completion Processing." LABEL
"Completion Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Cmpl Date"
FIELD "ExpenseCode" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "The default override
expense code that will be used for all labor reported against this job. When this
is entered then it will override all over default logic for developing the default
G/L expense account in labor entry. T his can be blank or must be valid in the
LabExpCd master file." LABEL "Expense Code"
FIELD "DueDate" OF "JobHead": date DESCRIPTION "Scheduled finish date for the
entire Job (including move time). This is not user maintainable. It is updated via
the scheduling process. " LABEL "Due" COLUMN-LABEL "Due"
FIELD "InCopyList" OF "JobHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the final
assembly is to be included in the browse o f assemblies in the ""get details""
function. The user can use to option to k eep the ""Copy from"" list from becoming
cluttered with too many assemblies. Th is does not prevent the user from copying
this assembly it just keeps it out of the browse." LABEL "Template"
FIELD "JobHeld" OF "JobHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the Job has been
placed on ""HOLD"". Currently this field is only used for display purposes. It may
be used later to prevent or pr ovide warnings and messages in appropriate areas
such as Shipping, Purchasing, L abor processing, etc." LABEL "On Hold"
FIELD "WIStartDate" OF "JobHead": date DESCRIPTION "The Scheduled ""What If"" job
start date (including queue time). This is not directly user maintainable. It is
calculated/updated via the sched uling functions " LABEL "Sched. Start"
FIELD "WIDueDate" OF "JobHead": date DESCRIPTION "Scheduled ""What If"" finish date
for the entire Job (including m ove time). This is not user maintainable. It is
updated via the scheduling pro
cess. " LABEL "Sched. Due"
FIELD "WIName" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "This field is blank or contains
the UserID. When not blank it in dicates that some or all the operations of this
job are in a ""What if"" schedul ing mode. In this condition the scheduling board
prevents other users from modi fying any operations on this job until the changes
get committed. This field is also used as part of an index which allows the system
to quickly f ind the operations that need to be reset to ""Actual Schedule""."
FIELD "Candidate" OF "JobHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the system
considers this Job as a candidate for th e completion process. Jobs that are marked
as JobClosed = No, JobComplete = No and Candidate = Yes can be viewed in the Job
Completion/Closing program by selec ting the Candidates option. This field is not
directly maintainable. It is set to based on the value of Job Oper.OpComplete of
the last operation of the final assembly. "
FIELD "StartHour" OF "JobHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field is established by
scheduling. It represents the ""Hou r offset from the beginning of the work day""
when this job is scheduled to begi n (including queue time)."
FIELD "DueHour" OF "JobHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field is established by
scheduling. It represents the ""Hou r offset from the beginning of the work day""
when this job is scheduled to end (including move time). "
FIELD "WIStartHour" OF "JobHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field is established by
scheduling. It represents the WhatIf ""Hour offset from the beginning of the work
day"" when this job is scheduled to begin (including queue time)."
FIELD "WIDueHour" OF "JobHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field is established by
scheduling. It represents the WhatIf ""Hour offset from the beginning of the work
day"" when this job is scheduled to end (including move time). "
FIELD "Character01" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Character01" LABEL
"Character01" COLUMN-LABEL "Character01"
FIELD "Date01" OF "JobHead": date DESCRIPTION "not used" LABEL "Date01" COLUMN-
LABEL "Date01"
FIELD "SchedCode" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Scheduling Code. SchedCode
references a record in the SchedPri t
able." LABEL "Scheduling Code" COLUMN-LABEL "SchedCode"
FIELD "ProjectID" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Associates the JobHead with
a project in the Project table. This can be blank." LABEL "Project ID"
FIELD "SchedLocked" OF "JobHead": logical DESCRIPTION "If yes the Jobs' schedule is
locked, and not affected by the Sche dCode. Locked jobs are allocated (and over-
allocated) machine time before any n on-locked jobs are scheduled." LABEL "Locked"
FIELD "WIPCleared" OF "JobHead": logical DESCRIPTION "For closed jobs
(JobHead.JobClosed = yes) this indicates if all o f the costs on this job have been
removed from WIP. Costs are moved out of WIP during the ""Generate WIP
transactions"" process."
FIELD "JobFirm" OF "JobHead": logical DESCRIPTION "A flag which controls whether or
not the MRP process can make cha nges to this job. MRP can only make changes when
JobFirm = No." LABEL "Firm"
FIELD "PersonID" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the Person to be
used as the Production Planner. This person is responsible for handling the
manufacturing suggestions to this job. Manufacturing suggestions can be filtered by
Planner. Relates to the Person table. Defaults from the ProdGrup.PersonID." LABEL
"Planner ID"
FIELD "PersonList" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "A LIST-DELIM delimited list
of people." LABEL "Person List" COLUMN-LABEL "Person List"
FIELD "ProdTeamID" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Production Team for the
Job. Associates the JobHead with a ProdT eam." LABEL "Team ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Team
FIELD "QtyCompleted" OF "JobHead": DESCRIPTION "Production quantity Updated via
JobOper write trigger. obAsmbl.FinalOpr) then this is set LABEL "Completed Qty"
decimal completed. If JobOper is the ""Final Operation"" (see J equal to

FIELD "Plant" OF "JobHead": character

DESCRIPTION "Plant Identifier. " LABEL "Plant" COLUMN-LABEL "Plant"
FIELD "DatePurged" OF "JobHead": date DESCRIPTION "The date the detail for the Job
was purged. The detail is the La borDtl, PartTrans, and JobOpMac records associated
with the job. Once details h ave been purged the job cannot be reopened. A job must
be closed for it to be p urged."
FIELD "TravelerReadyToPrint" OF "JobHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
Traveler can be printed. Print functions are not available if this is = No." LABEL
"Ready To Print"
FIELD "TravelerLastPrinted" OF "JobHead": date DESCRIPTION "The last date the job
traveler was mass printed." LABEL "Last Printed"
FIELD "StatusReadyToPrint" OF "JobHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
Status can be printed. Print functions are not a vailable if this is = No." LABEL
"Ready To Print"
FIELD "StatusLastPrinted" OF "JobHead": date DESCRIPTION "The last date the job
status was mass printed." LABEL "Last Printed"
FIELD "CallNum" OF "JobHead": integer DESCRIPTION "The Service Call number that
this Job is linked to." LABEL "Call"
FIELD "CallLine" OF "JobHead": integer DESCRIPTION "The Service Call Line that this
Job is linked to." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "JobType" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Describe the type of job this
is: MFG = Manufacturing, MNT = Main tenance, PRJ = Project, SRV = Service" LABEL
FIELD "RestoreFlag" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Used to determine if this
record was modified during the last Wha t-If Schedule Restore. The contents are
Date-Time. Example: ""04/11/02-34221"" ."
FIELD "PhaseID" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Project Phase ID" LABEL
"Project Phase" COLUMN-LABEL "Project Phase"
FIELD "AnalysisCode" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Analysis Code" LABEL
"Analysis Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Analysis Code"
FIELD "LockQty" OF "JobHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the quantity on
this job is locked"
FIELD "HDCaseNum" OF "JobHead": integer DESCRIPTION "The help desk case that
created this job." LABEL "Help Desk Case" COLUMN-LABEL "Help Desk Case"
FIELD "ProcessMode" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Values: S(Sequential) or
C(Concurrent). Defaults as S. Must have Advanced Production License to change.
Controls how the operations and material requirements are developed. Concurrent
jobs are used wh ere the production time is based on the number of machine
operations performed a nd not on the number of parts created. For example, a
stamping operation where e ach cycle of the machine stamps out x number of parts. A
further extension of th is is that the operation can yield multiple different parts
from each cycle of t he machine. Identification of these parts and there associated
PPO (parts per o peration) is define in the JobPart table. " LABEL "Process Mode"
FIELD "PlannedActionDate" OF "JobHead": date DESCRIPTION "The planned date when the
job needs to be actioned by the product ion department to make sure that the job is
ready on the planned completion date ."
FIELD "PlannedKitDate" OF "JobHead": date DESCRIPTION "The date that the job needs
to be ready for the warehouse to kit to make sure that it is ready for the job
start date."
FIELD "MSPTaskID" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "The task ID that is returned
from Microsoft Projects."
FIELD "MSPPredecessor" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "This is the Microsoft
Project predecessor. This needs to be a tex t field as MSP may pass back an alpha
numeric string."
FIELD "UserMapData" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Character field that will
contain the coma separated data that ha s been returned from Microsoft Projects.
This data will be retained exactly as i t was returned from MSP. This field will
NOT be editable within Vantage."
FIELD "ProductionYield" OF "JobHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate whether
operations for this job will use the pro
duction yield features set up in OpMaster for the operation code. Defaulted from
Plant.ProductionYield" LABEL "Production Yield"
FIELD "OrigProdQty" OF "JobHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field will be set to
the value of the JobHead.ProdQty at the time the JobHead.Engineered flag is set to
true." LABEL "Original Prod Qty"
FIELD "PreserveOrigQtys" OF "JobHead": logical DESCRIPTION "This field is used to
indicate whether the original quantities sh ould be reset in the job header and its
assemblies at JobHead update if JobHead. JobEngineered has been changed from false
to true. Generally the orig qtys will be reset, unless this flag is set to true
because the user was asked if they wan ted to reset the orig qtys and they answered
yes." LABEL "Preserve Original Qtys"
FIELD "NoAutoCompletion" OF "JobHead": logical DESCRIPTION "If set to yes then
exclude this job from the Job Auto-Completion process. Not directly maintainable."
LABEL "No Auto Completion" COLUMN-LABEL "No Auto Completion"
FIELD "NoAutoClosing" OF "JobHead": logical DESCRIPTION "No Auto Closing. If set to
yes then exclude this job from the Job Auto-Closing process." LABEL "No Auto
Closing" COLUMN-LABEL "No Auto Closing"
FIELD "CreatedBy" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "The user that created this
Job." LABEL "Created By" COLUMN-LABEL "Created By"
FIELD "CreateDate" OF "JobHead": date DESCRIPTION "The date that this Job was
created." LABEL "Creation Date"
FIELD "WhseAllocFlag" OF "JobHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the PartWhse
allocation needs to be/has been updated by the new time delated process. " LABEL
"Alloc Flag"
FIELD "OwnershipStatus" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "This field can be used
with external system integrations to ident ify which system currently has ownership
of the record. This field can hold eit her the name of the external system
(example: PDM), ERP (Vantage) or null." LABEL "Ownership Status"
FIELD "PDMObjID" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Holds the internal object id
of PDM parts."
FIELD "ExportRequested" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "This field is used to
store a code that represents the external s ystem that the Job is being exported to
(ex. PDM). This field is short lived, i t is used to instruct the write trigger
logic to create IM records for certain t ypes of external systems. After creating
the IM records, the trigger logic shou ld immediately clear the field."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "JobHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "SplitMfgCostElements" OF "JobHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate
how to split the manufacturing cost elements whe n a manufactured material is
issued to the job. If flag is set to true, the cos t of the issued material will be
split into individual manufacturing cost elemen ts. If set to false, the cost of
the issued material is added to the manufacturi ng material cost element only. This
is defaulted from the JCSyst.SplitMfgCostEl ements and is not user maintainable."
LABEL "Split Mfg Cost Elements"
FIELD "XRefPartNum" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Cross Reference Part Num.
Used for alternate serial mask support. " LABEL "XRefPartNum"
FIELD "XRefPartType" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Cross Reference Part
Type. Used for alternate serial mask support .
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "JobHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "XRefCustNum" OF "JobHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Customer Number XRefPartNum
is related to if it is a customer par t. Used for alternate serial number mask
support." LABEL "XRefCustNum"
FIELD "BasePartNum" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Base Part Number. Used in
the configurator to identify the config urator part Number." LABEL "Base Part"
FIELD "BaseRevisionNum" OF "JobHead": character
DESCRIPTION "Base Revision Number. Used in the configurator to identify the co
nfigurator part revision Number." LABEL "Base Rev" COLUMN-LABEL "Base Rev"
FIELD "RoughCutScheduled" OF "JobHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the job
was rough cut scheduled." LABEL "Rough Cut Scheduled" COLUMN-LABEL "Rough Cut
FIELD "EquipID" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "The ID of the Equipment that
this ""Maintenance Job"" is for. Foreign key component to Equip table." LABEL
"Equipment ID"
FIELD "PlanNum" OF "JobHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Preventive Maintenance Plan
Number that this ""Maintenance Job"" is for. Foreign key component to EquipPlan
table. Note: A Maintenance Job does not have to be for a Preventive Maintenance
plan, i n which case this is zero. If time based plan, then the closing process
will update the EquipPlan.NextDate. Therefore, the Job must know the EquipID and
PlanNum in order to do this. " LABEL "Plan Number"
FIELD "MaintPriority" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Job
Priority. Valid values: H - High, M - Medium, L Low. M is default or if created
from a Maint Request then MaintReq.Priority is used as default." LABEL "Priority"
FIELD "SplitJob" OF "JobHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Internal field indicating this
job was created by a job split. A ssigned true when a job has been split due to
start minimum lot size quantity pr ocessing." LABEL "Split Job" COLUMN-LABEL "Split
FIELD "NumberSource" OF "JobHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates the type of
prefix which is used for create jobs in MRP " LABEL "Prefix Source"
FIELD "CloseMeterReading" OF "JobHead": integer DESCRIPTION "The Meter Reading
value entered at time of Job Closing. " COLUMN-LABEL "Meter at Closing"
FIELD "IssueTopicID1" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Issue Topic
1. Pertinent to maint jobs only. (JobTyp e = ""MNT"") Foreign Key to HDTopic table.
Must be a top level topic (HDTopic.T opLevel = Yes) and HDTopic.MaintIssue = Yes "
LABEL "Issue 1"
FIELD "IssueTopicID2" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Issue Topic
2. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID1. " LABEL "Issue 2"
FIELD "IssueTopicID3" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Issue Topic
3. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID2. " LABEL "Issue 3"
FIELD "IssueTopicID4" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Issue Topic
4. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID3. " LABEL "Issue 4"
FIELD "IssueTopicID5" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Issue Topic
5. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID4. " LABEL "Issue 5"
FIELD "IssueTopicID6" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Issue Topic
6. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID5. " LABEL "Issue 6"
FIELD "IssueTopicID7" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Issue Topic
7. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID6. " LABEL "Issue 7"
FIELD "IssueTopicID8" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Issue Topic
8. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID7. " LABEL "Issue 8"
FIELD "IssueTopicID9" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Issue Topic
9. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID8. " LABEL "Issue 9"
FIELD "IssueTopicID10" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Issue Topic
10. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID9. " LABEL "Issue 10"
FIELD "IssueTopics" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "This is the combination of
TopicID1 - TopicID10. This is system maintained and provides a single word-indexed
field for searching." LABEL "Issue Topics Search String"
FIELD "ResTopicID1" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Resolution
Topic 1. Pertinent to maint jobs only. (J obType = ""MNT"") Foreign Key to HDTopic
table. Must be a top level topic (HDTo pic.TopLevel = Yes) and HDTopic.MaintRes =
Yes " LABEL "Res 1"
FIELD "ResTopicID2" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Resolution
Topic 2. A sub-topic of ResTopicID1. " LABEL "Res 2"
FIELD "ResTopicID3" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenace Resolution
Topic 3. A sub-topic of ResTopicID2. " LABEL "Res 3"
FIELD "ResTopicID4" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Resolution
Topic 4. A sub-topic of ResTopicID3. " LABEL "Res 4"
FIELD "ResTopicID5" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Resolution
Topic 5. A sub-topic of ResTopicID4. " LABEL "Res 5"
FIELD "ResTopicID6" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Resolution
Topic 6. A sub-topic of ResTopicID5. " LABEL "Res 6"
FIELD "ResTopicID7" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Resolution
Topic 7. A sub-topic of ResTopicID6. " LABEL "Res 7"
FIELD "ResTopicID8" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Resolution
Topic 8. A sub-topic of ResTopicID7. " LABEL "Res 8"
FIELD "ResTopicID9" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Resolution
Topic 9. A sub-topic of ResTopicID8. " LABEL "Res 9"
FIELD "ResTopicID10" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Resolution
Topic 10. A sub-topic of ResTopicID9. " LABEL "Res 10"
FIELD "ResTopics" OF "JobHead": character DESCRIPTION "This is the combination of
TopicID1 - TopicID10. This is system maintained and provides a single word-indexed
field for searching." LABEL "Resolution Topics Search String"
FIELD "Forward" OF "JobHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Forward Scheduled" LABEL
FIELD "SchedSeq" OF "JobHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Scheduling sequence" LABEL
FIELD "PAAExists" OF "JobHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if at least one
subassembly contains a part that is pla n as assembly. It does not indicate if the
assembly is marked as PAA - only tha t the part is PAA in the BOM. Used in MRP when
determining if a job can be reus ed." LABEL "PAA Exists" COLUMN-LABEL "PAA Exists"
FIELD "DtlsWithinLeadTime" OF "JobHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the job
structure (BOM) was created inside or outsid e of the mfg lead time for the job
part. Used in MRP when determining if a job can be reused." LABEL "Details within
Lead Time" COLUMN-LABEL "Details within Lead Time"
FIELD "FSJobStatus" OF "JobHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Valid job statuses are 0,
100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600. Below ar e the descriptions for each status. Status
Description ------ ---------------0 100 Not Assigned 200 Broadcasted 300 Declined
400 Accepted 500 In Progress 600 Completed " LABEL "Field Service Job Status"
INDEX "JobNum" ON "JobHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies a
Job record."
INDEX "CmpProdYld" ON "JobHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index on company
for production yield"
INDEX "JobClosed" ON "JobHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Used to segregate
Open/Closed jobs in Due Date order."
INDEX "JobProdYld" ON "JobHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index on job and
production yield"
INDEX "OpenJob" ON "JobHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Segregates Open/Closed

AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Job Head shared information for Consolidated
FIELD "Company" OF "JobHeadCP": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GlbCompany" OF "JobHeadCP": character DESCRIPTION "Global Company
identifier. Used in Consolidated Purchasing."
FIELD "GlbJobNum" OF "JobHeadCP": character DESCRIPTION "Global Job identifier.
Used in Consolidated Purchasing."
FIELD "GlbJobComplete" OF "JobHeadCP": logical DESCRIPTION "Global Job Complete
flag. Used in Consolidated Purchasing."
FIELD "GlbJobClosed" OF "JobHeadCP": logical DESCRIPTION "Global Job Closed flag.
Used in Consolidated Purchasing."
FIELD "GlbJobFirm" OF "JobHeadCP": logical DESCRIPTION "Global Job Firm flag. Used
in Consolidated Purchasing."
FIELD "GlbJobEngineered" OF "JobHeadCP": logical DESCRIPTION "Global Job Engineered
flag. Used in Consolidated Purchasing."
FIELD "GlbProdCode" OF "JobHeadCP": character DESCRIPTION "Global Product Code
identifier. Used in Consolidated Purchasing. "
FIELD "GlbProjectID" OF "JobHeadCP": character DESCRIPTION "Global Project Code
identifier. Used in Consolidated Purchasing. "
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "JobHeadCP": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "JobHeadCP": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "JobHeadCP": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "JobHWI" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Job Head What If"
FIELD "Company" OF "JobHWI": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "JobNum" OF "JobHWI": character DESCRIPTION "Job Number." LABEL "Job Number"
FIELD "ScheduleID" OF "JobHWI": integer DESCRIPTION "Schedule identifier." LABEL
"Schedule ID"
FIELD "StartDate" OF "JobHWI": date DESCRIPTION "The Scheduled job start date
(including queue time). This is not directly user maintainable. It is
calculated/updated via the scheduling functi ons." LABEL "Sched. Start"
FIELD "StartHour" OF "JobHWI": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field is established by
scheduling. It represents the ""Hou r offset from the beginning of the work day""
when this job is scheduled to begi n (including queue time)."
FIELD "DueDate" OF "JobHWI": date DESCRIPTION "Scheduled finish date for the entire
Job (including move time). This is not user maintainable. It is updated via the
scheduling process. " LABEL "Sched. Due"
FIELD "DueHour" OF "JobHWI": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field is established by
scheduling. It represents the ""Hou r offset from the beginning of the work day""
when this job is scheduled to end (including move time). "
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "JobHWI": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "JobHWI": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "JobHWI": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "JobMtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Material Data required for specific
job. DELETE: Not allowed if referenced in the PartTran or PORel file. "
FIELD "Company" OF "JobMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "JobComplete" OF "JobMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if ""Job"" is
complete. This is a mirror image of Jo bHead.Complete. Not directly maintainable.
When the Job is completed, then all JobMtl records are also marked. This is used to
make database access to open m aterial records more efficient. " LABEL "Job
FIELD "JobNum" OF "JobMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Job Number." LABEL "Job Number"
FIELD "AssemblySeq" OF "JobMtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Assembly sequence number that
this material is associated with." LABEL "Seq"
FIELD "MfgComment" OF "JobMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Comments for manufacturing
about this material record. These com ments are printed on manufacturing reports,
such as the router. For valid Parts use the Part.MfgComment as a default. View as
editor widget. "
FIELD "PartNum" OF "JobMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Part number. If the material is
being purchased (JobMtl.BuyIt = yes) this does need to be a valid part in the Part
file. " LABEL "Part"
FIELD "Description" OF "JobMtl": character DESCRIPTION "A description of the
material." LABEL "Desc" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "QtyPer" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Quantity per parent. Field Service
was EstQty in FSCallMt." LABEL "Qty/Parent"
FIELD "RequiredQty" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Required Quantity per END
ITEM. This is a calculated field. Cal culated as (Parent Required Qty X QtyPer) +
calculated Scrap. The parent quanti ty is either the JobHead.ProdQty if
JobMtl.AssemblySeq = 0 or (JobAsmbl.Require Qty - JobAsmbl.PullQty) if
JobMtl.AssemblySeq > 0. " LABEL "Required Qty"
FIELD "IUM" OF "JobMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Internal unit of measure. The unit
used to measure the material.
FIELD "IssuedComplete" OF "JobMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this material
requirement has been issued complete. If ""yes"" then this record is NOT part of
the Part.AllocQty total even if it h ad been issued less than the original required
quantity. The user may toggle th e setting if the JobHead.Complete is ""NO"". When
it is toggled the allocation logic will be triggered if necessary. " LABEL "Issued
Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Cmpl"
FIELD "LeadTime" OF "JobMtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Expected purchasing lead time
(in days). This field is only vali d if JobMtl.BuyIt = yes. This can be used to
calculate a suggested ""Order By D ate"" based off the Required Date field. When
scheduling the job, purchased material can push a schedule out if the mater ial
lead time prevents the material from being available when the operation coul d
start." LABEL "Lead Time"
FIELD "RelatedOperation" OF "JobMtl": integer DESCRIPTION "A material record can be
related to a specific operation. This f ield contains the JobOper.OprSeq of the
operation that it is related to. It can be left as zero meaning that this material
is required at the very beginn ing of the production job. The related operation is
also used to calculate the JobMtl.ReqDate based on the operations scheduled start
date and materials lead t ime. " LABEL "Rel Opr."
FIELD "IssuedQty" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This quantity is a summary of
all Issue Transactions. For FS thi s was FSCallMt.ActQty" LABEL "Issued Qty"
FIELD "EstUnitCost" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Estimated Unit Cost of the
material. Defaults from the Part tabl e if valid PartNum." LABEL "Unit Cost"
FIELD "TotalCost" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total cost to date. A summary
of issue transactions. This DOES NOT include the salvageable scrap credit amounts.
FS - was UnitCost in FSCallMt " LABEL "Total Cost"
FIELD "ReqDate" OF "JobMtl": date DESCRIPTION "Mirror image of related operation
(JobOper) or assembly (JobAsmbl ) Start Date. (system maintained)" LABEL "Required
Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Req Date"
FIELD "WarehouseCode" OF "JobMtl": character DESCRIPTION "The warehouse that the
material is allocated against." LABEL "Warehouse" COLUMN-LABEL "Whs"
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "JobMtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Used to identify a default
vendor. Use the Part.VendorNum as a d efault. This will be used as a default for
purchasing and miscellaneous receipt s. This field is not directly maintainable,
instead its assigned by having the user either entering the ""VendorID"" and then
finding the VendorNum in the Vend or file or by selection list processing. An
optional field, but if entered must be valid. " LABEL "Supplier Number"
FIELD "SalvagePartNum" OF "JobMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Part number for
salvageable scrap from this material record. An optional field. This does not have
to be valid in the Part master. Salvage info is mainly to allow the credit back to
a job for this type of scrap via salvage receipt process. " LABEL "Salvage Part
FIELD "SalvageDescription" OF "JobMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Description of
Salvageable material. Use Part.Description for a default. " LABEL "Description"
COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "SalvageQtyPer" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "A factor that multiplied by
the JobMtl.RequiredQty results in the expected total salvage quantity. " LABEL
"Salvage Qty Per"
FIELD "SalvageUnitCredit" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Estimated Salvage Unit
Credit. Use the appropriate cost from the Part master as a default. " LABEL "Unit
FIELD "SalvageQtyToDate" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "This quantity is a
summary of all transactions for receipt of sal vage to inventory. This is not
directly maintainable. " LABEL "Salvaged Qty"
FIELD "SalvageCredit" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total salvage credit to
date. A summary of salvage receipt trans actions. " LABEL "Total Salvage Credit"
FIELD "MtlSeq" OF "JobMtl": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number that uniquely
defines the Material (JobMtl) rec ord within a specific Job/Assembly. This is
system assigned. The next availabl e number is determined by reading last JobMtl
record on the Job/Assembly and the n adding ten to it."
FIELD "PurPoint" OF "JobMtl": character DESCRIPTION "The Vendors Purchase Point ID.
Along with the VendorNum is used to tie back to the VendorPP master file. Use the
default purchase point defined in the Vendor file." LABEL "Purchase Point"
FIELD "SalvageUM" OF "JobMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Default unit of measure for
the Salvaged Part. Default from the Part.IUM. " LABEL "U/M"
FIELD "BuyIt" OF "JobMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this material is to be
purchased for the Job. If th is is a non inventory part then this is ""Yes"" and
cannot be changed. If this is a valid Part then set it to ""NO"" but the user can
override it. Material tha t is marked to be purchased (BuyIt = Yes) are NOT
included in the PartWhse.Alloc atedQty." LABEL "Purchase"
FIELD "PurComment" OF "JobMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Comments for purchasing
about this material record on this job. T hese comments will be used as defaults to
the PODetail.Comment field when the pu rchase order references this JobMtl record.
View as editor widget. "
logical relates to material that is flagged to be purchased (BuyIt = Yes). When
purchase orders are created for thi s job material requirement this flag is set to
Yes indicating that a purchase or der has been placed. The idea would be to use
this within purchasing to quickly see the ""direct job requirements"" where no
purchase orders have been placed. " LABEL "Ordered"
FIELD "BackFlush" OF "JobMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this material will
be backflushed. Note: this field is defaulted from Part.BackFlush Backflushing
occurs via the write trigger on LaborDtl. The basic idea is to iss ue material
based on the labor quantities reported. The formula for the issue qu antity is:
(JobMtl.RequiredQty/JobOper.RunQty) * (LaborDtl.LaborQty + LaborDtl.S rapQty).
FIELD "EstScrap" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Estimated Scrap." LABEL "Scrap"
FIELD "EstScrapType" OF "JobMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Qualifies the EstScrapQty
entry as being a fixed quantity or a pe rcentage of required quantity." LABEL
"Scrap Type"
FIELD "FixedQty" OF "JobMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the QtyPer field
represents a ""Fixed Quantity"". I f Yes, then the required quantity = QtyPer. That
is, the quantity does not chan ge as the number of pieces being produced changes.
This can be used to enter To oling or Fixture type of requirements."
FIELD "FindNum" OF "JobMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Characters used on the drawing
to show where material is used." LABEL "Find Number"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "JobMtl": character DESCRIPTION "The revision number for the
material. An optional field. Default s from the most current PartRev.RevisionNum."
FIELD "SndAlrtCmpl" OF "JobMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Controls if an alert is to be
sent when this JobMtl is completed. " LABEL "Alert on Completion"
FIELD "RcvInspectionReq" OF "JobMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if inspection
is required when items are received to th is JobMtl. Inspection may also be
enforced if the related PartClass, Vendor, PO Detail have their
""RcvInspectionReq"" fields set to Yes. " LABEL "Inspection Required"
FIELD "Plant" OF "JobMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Plant Identifier. " LABEL "Plant"
FIELD "Direct" OF "JobMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this material
requirement is going to be satisfied b y another job (possibly in another plant),
as opposed to a warehouse. If ""yes" " a WarehouseCode will not be specified. "
LABEL "Make Direct"
FIELD "MaterialMtlCost" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Mtl cost to date. A
summary of issue transactions - used t rack all costs for manufacured parts that
were received into inventory then issu ed as material.. MaterialMtlCost +
MaterialLabCost + MaterialSubCost + Materi alBurCost = TotalCost" LABEL "Material
Mtl. Cost"
FIELD "MaterialLabCost" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Lab cost to date
from parts issued from inventory. A summa ry of issue transactions - used track all
costs for manufacured parts that were received into inventory then issued as
material.. IssuedMtlCost + IssuedLabCost + IssuedSubCost + IssuedBurCost =
TotalCost" LABEL "Material Lab. Cost"
FIELD "MaterialSubCost" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Sub cost to date
from part issued from inventory. A summa ry of issue transactions used track all
costs for manufacured parts that were re ceived into inventory then issued as
material.. IssuedMtlCost + IssuedLabCost + IssuedSubCost + IssuedBurCost =
TotalCost" LABEL "Material Sub. Cost"
FIELD "MaterialBurCost" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Bur cost to date
from part issued from inventory. A summa ry of issue transactions - used track all
costs for manufacured parts that were received into inventory then issued as
material. IssuedMtlCost + IssuedLabCost + IssuedSubCost + IssuedBurCost =
TotalCost" LABEL "Material Bur. Cost"
FIELD "SalvageMtlCredit" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total salvage Mtl credit
to date. A summary of salvage receipt t ransactions. SalvageCredit =
SalvageMtlCredit + SalvageLbrCredit + SalvageBurCr edit + SalvageSubCredit" LABEL
"Total Salvage Mtl. Credit"
FIELD "SalvageLbrCredit" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total salvage Lbr credit
to date. A summary of salvage receipt t ransactions. SalvageCredit =
SalvageMtlCredit + SalvageLbrCredit + SalvageBurCr edit + SalvageSubCredit" LABEL
"Total Salvage Lbr Credit"
FIELD "SalvageBurCredit" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total salvage Burden
credit to date. A summary of salvage receip t transactions. SalvageCredit =
SalvageMtlCredit + SalvageLbrCredit + SalvageBu rCredit + SalvageSubCredit" LABEL
"Total Salvage Bur. Credit"
FIELD "SalvageSubCredit" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total salvage
Subcontract credit to date. A summary of salvage r eceipt transactions.
SalvageCredit = SalvageMtlCredit + SalvageLbrCredit + Salv ageBurCredit +
SalvageSubCredit" LABEL "Total Salvage Sub. Credit"
FIELD "MtlBurCost" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Material Burden cost to
date. A summary of issue transacti ons. This DOES NOT include the salvageable scrap
credit amounts." LABEL "Material Burden Cost"
FIELD "APSAddResType" OF "JobMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Advanced Planning and
Scheduling Additional Resource Type. Indic ates whether the Part should be treated
as an AdditionalResourceType by eSchedul er. 'I' to ignore in eScheduler 'M' to
treat at Material in eScheduler 'A' to treat as AddResType in eScheduler "
FIELD "MtlBurRate" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The material burden rate for
this Job Material. " LABEL "Mtl Burden Rate" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "EstMtlBurUnitCost" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Estimated Material
Burden Unit Cost of the material. Defaults fr om the Part table if valid PartNum."
LABEL "Mtl. Bur. Unit Cost"
FIELD "SalvageMtlBurCredit" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total salvage Mtl
Burden credit to date. A summary of salvage re ceipt transactions. " LABEL "Total
Salvage Mtl Bur. Credit"
FIELD "CallNum" OF "JobMtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The service call that this
Material belongs to." LABEL "Call"
FIELD "CallLine" OF "JobMtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The Service Call Line that this
material relates to." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "ProdCode" OF "JobMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Product Group Code. Use the
Part.ProdCode as a default. This can be blank or must be valid in the ProdGrup
table." LABEL "Group"
FIELD "RFQVendQuotes" OF "JobMtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The number of vendor quotes
that are required for this job materi al. Can be zero if RFQ(s) are not required."
LABEL "Quotes Req" COLUMN-LABEL "VendQuotes" HELP "Enter the number of vendor
quotes required"
FIELD "ResReasonCode" OF "JobMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Problem reason code from
the reason master table. type Service ca ll. " LABEL "Resolution Code"
FIELD "PricePerCode" OF "JobMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the pricing per
quantity for this part. It can be ""E"" = per each,""C"" = per hundred, ""M"" = per
thousand. Maintainable only via Pa rt Maintenance. The initial default is ""E"". "
LABEL "Price Per"
FIELD "Billable" OF "JobMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this a billable material
item." LABEL "Billable"
FIELD "ShippedQty" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Holds the quantity of the item
that has been shipped through misc . shipments"
FIELD "UnitPrice" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "FS - Unit Price for the
Material in base currency. " LABEL "Unit Price"
FIELD "BillableUnitPrice" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "FS - Billable Unit
Price for the Material in base currency. " LABEL "Billable Price"
FIELD "DocBillableUnitPrice" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "FS - Billable Price
per unit for the material in customers curren cy. " LABEL "Doc Billable Unit Price"

FIELD "DocUnitPrice" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "FS - Unit Price for the
Material in Customer currency. " LABEL "Unit Price"
FIELD "QtyStagedToDate" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The todate quantity that
has been moved to the work centers input Warehouse/Bin. This is NOT A balance. It
is a todate value. It is not reduced as it is consumed. Used in calculation of
""Outstanding"" material in the Reque st Material program (ame30-dg.w). Only
updated if the Advanced Material Mgmt mod ule is installed and only by transactions
which ""move"" the material in/out of the staging area(Issues,Returns). " LABEL
"Qty Staged"
FIELD "AddedMtl" OF "JobMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "This material was added after
initial setup of the job" COLUMN-LABEL "Added Mtl"
FIELD "MiscCharge" OF "JobMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "This indicates that this
JobMtl record is for a Misc charge relat ed to this job/assembly." COLUMN-LABEL
"Misc. Charge"
FIELD "MiscCode" OF "JobMtl": character DESCRIPTION "The Miscellaneous Charge Code.
This must be valid in the PurMisc master file. It must be a AP Misc. charge." LABEL
"Charge ID"
FIELD "SCMiscCode" OF "JobMtl": character DESCRIPTION "The Miscellaneous Charge
Code for Service Call billing. This must be valid in the MiscChrg master file. It
must be a AR Misc. charge." LABEL "Charge ID"
FIELD "SalvageMtlBurRate" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The salvage material
burden rate for this Job Material. " LABEL "Salvage Mtl Burden Rate" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "SalvageEstMtlBurUnitCredit" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Estimated
Salvage Mtl burden Unit Credit. Use the appropriate co st from the Part master as a
default. " LABEL "Mtl Bur Unit Credit"
FIELD "RFQNeeded" OF "JobMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "A flag to indicate that this
job material requires an RFQ. If it does require an RFQ, the user must enter the
number of vendor quotes that are r equired." LABEL "RFQ Needed" COLUMN-LABEL "RFQ"
FIELD "RFQNum" OF "JobMtl": integer DESCRIPTION "RFQ number that the item is linked
to." LABEL "RFQ"
FIELD "RFQLine" OF "JobMtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The line number of this detail
record on the RFQ. This number uni quely identifies the record within the RFQ. The
number is not directly maintaina ble, it's assigned by the system when records are
created. " LABEL "Line"
FIELD "RFQStat" OF "JobMtl": character DESCRIPTION "RFQ Status. W= Waiting, A =
Accepted, R = Requested, C = Received" LABEL "Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Status"
FIELD "AnalysisCode" OF "JobMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Analysis Code" LABEL
"Analysis Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Analysis Code"
FIELD "GlbRFQ" OF "JobMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Global RFQ flag. Used in
Consolidated Purchasing."
FIELD "WhseAllocFlag" OF "JobMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the PartWhse
allocation needs to be/has been updated by the new time delated process. " LABEL
"Alloc Flag"
FIELD "WIReqDate" OF "JobMtl": date DESCRIPTION "Mirror image of related operation
(JobOper) or assembly (JobAsmbl ) Start Date. (system maintained)" LABEL "What IF
Required Date"
FIELD "Rpt1BillableUnitPrice" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Billable Unit Price"
FIELD "Rpt2BillableUnitPrice" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Billable Unit Price"
FIELD "Rpt3BillableUnitPrice" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Billable Unit Price"
FIELD "Rpt1UnitPrice" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Unit Price"
FIELD "Rpt2UnitPrice" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Unit Price"
FIELD "Rpt3UnitPrice" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Unit Price"
FIELD "BaseRequiredQty" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Required Quantity in the
Parts Base UOM. Set by the system by do ing a UOM conversion of the
JobMtl.RequiredQty which is in the UOM of the requir ement to the JobMtl.BaseUOM
which is the UOM of the Part and it's unit costs. This quantity multiplied by the
JobMtl.EstMtlUnitCost is used to update the tota l estimated costs found in
JobAsmbl.TLEMaterialCost" LABEL "Required Qty"
FIELD "BaseUOM" OF "JobMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unit of Measure of the
JobMtl.BaseRequiredQty. If valid part, then it is the Parts Primary Inventory UOM
otherwise it is the sa me as JobMtl.IUM" LABEL "U/M"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "JobMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "JobMtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "Weight" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Material Weight defaulted from
Part Master."
LABEL "Material Weight"
FIELD "WeightUOM" OF "JobMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Material Weight UOM defaulted
from Part Master." LABEL "Weight UOM"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "JobMtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ReqRefDes" OF "JobMtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Required number of designators"
LABEL "Require Ref Designators"
FIELD "BasePartNum" OF "JobMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Base Part Number. Used in
the configurator to identify the config urator part Number." LABEL "Base Part"
FIELD "BaseRevisionNum" OF "JobMtl": character DESCRIPTION "Base Revision Number.
Used in the configurator to identify the co nfigurator part revision Number." LABEL
"Base Rev" COLUMN-LABEL "Base Rev"
FIELD "SelectForPicking" OF "JobMtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the job
material is selected to be submitted to the picking queue. When submitted for
picking a record is written to the MtlQueue ta ble and then SelectForPicking is
reset to NO. "
FIELD "PickError" OF "JobMtl": character DESCRIPTION "A non blank character
indicates that the release could not be pic ked by the Auto Pick process. The
possible values are; ""L"" - Order Line can't be shipped complete. ""O"" - Order
can't be shipped complete. ""I"" - Insufficient quantity reserved ""Z"" - Zero
quantity reserved."
FIELD "StagingWarehouseCode" OF "JobMtl": character DESCRIPTION "The job pick
""Staging"" warehouse for the job material. Default s from the system default
warehouse (Plant.DefJobPickWhse)." LABEL "Staging"
FIELD "StagingBinNum" OF "JobMtl": character DESCRIPTION "The job pick ""Staging""
bin for the job material. Defaults from the system default bin
(Plant.DefJobPickBin). " LABEL "Stage Bin"
FIELD "SalvageEstMtlUnitCredit" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Estimated Salvage
Material Unit Credit. Use the appropriate cost from the Part master as a default.
This is a subcomponent of the field Salvage UnitCredit where: SalvageUnitCredit =
SalvageEstMtlUnitCredit + SalvageEstLbrUnitCredit + SalvageE stBurUnitCredit +
SalvageEstSubUnitCredit." LABEL "Est Mtl Unit Credit"
FIELD "SalvageEstLbrUnitCredit" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Estimated Salvage
Labor Unit Credit. Use the appropriate cost fr om the Part master as a default.
This is a subcomponent of the field SalvageUni tCredit where: SalvageUnitCredit =
SalvageEstMtlUnitCredit + SalvageEstLbrUnitCredit + SalvageE stBurUnitCredit +
SalvageEstSubUnitCredit." LABEL "Est Lbr Unit Credit"
FIELD "SalvageEstBurUnitCredit" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Estimated Salvage
Burden Unit Credit. Use the appropriate cost f rom the Part master as a default.
This is a subcomponent of the field SalvageUn itCredit where: SalvageUnitCredit =
SalvageEstMtlUnitCredit + SalvageEstLbrUnitCredit + SalvageE stBurUnitCredit +
SalvageEstSubUnitCredit." LABEL "Est Bur Unit Credit"
FIELD "SalvageEstSubUnitCredit" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Estimated Salvage
Subcontract Unit Credit. Use the appropriate c ost from the Part master as a
default. This is a subcomponent of the field Salv ageUnitCredit where:
SalvageUnitCredit = SalvageEstMtlUnitCredit + SalvageEstLbrUnitCredit + SalvageE
stBurUnitCredit + SalvageEstSubUnitCredit." LABEL "Est Sub Unit Credit"
FIELD "EstMtlUnitCost" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Estimated Material Unit
Cost component of the EstUnitCost. Defau lts from the Part table if valid PartNum.
This field will only have value if th e part is a manufactured stock part. This is
a subcomponent of the EstUnitCost w here: EstUnitCost = EstMtlUnitCost +
EstLbrUnitCost + EstBurUnitCost + EstSubUnitCost. " LABEL "Est Mtl Unit Cost"
FIELD "EstLbrUnitCost" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Estimated Labor Unit Cost
component of the EstUnitCost. Defaults from the Part table if valid PartNum. This
field will only have value if the p art is a manufactured stock part. This is a
subcomponent of the EstUnitCost wher e: EstUnitCost = EstMtlUnitCost +
EstLbrUnitCost + EstBurUnitCost + EstSubUnitCost. " LABEL "Est Lbr Unit Cost"
FIELD "EstBurUnitCost" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Estimated Burden Unit Cost
component of the EstUnitCost. Default s from the Part table if valid PartNum. This
field will only have value if the
part is a manufactured stock part. This is a subcomponent of the EstUnitCost whe
re: EstUnitCost = EstMtlUnitCost + EstLbrUnitCost + EstBurUnitCost +
EstSubUnitCost. " LABEL "Est Bur Unit Cost"
FIELD "EstSubUnitCost" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Estimated Subcontract Unit
Cost component of the EstUnitCost. De faults from the Part table if valid PartNum.
This field will only have value if the part is a manufactured stock part. This is a
subcomponent of the EstUnitCos t where: EstUnitCost = EstMtlUnitCost +
EstLbrUnitCost + EstBurUnitCost + EstSubUnitCost. " LABEL "Est Sub Unit Cost"
FIELD "LoanedQty" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The material quantity that has
been loaned out to another job." LABEL "Loaned Qty"
FIELD "BorrowedQty" OF "JobMtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The material quantity that
has been borrowed from another job." LABEL "Borrowed Qty"
INDEX "JobAsmSeq" ON "JobMtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Uniquley identfies a
material record within a Job/Assembly."
INDEX "RelatedOp" ON "JobMtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Sorts material
records within a Job/Assembly by their operation s eq."

TABLE "JobMtlInsp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This is a child table to the
JobMtl table. This table contains i nspection plan and specification definitions
for Job Materials."
FIELD "Company" OF "JobMtlInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "JobNum" OF "JobMtlInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Job Number." LABEL "Job
FIELD "AssemblySeq" OF "JobMtlInsp": integer DESCRIPTION "Assembly sequence number
that this material is associated with." LABEL "Seq"
FIELD "MtlSeq" OF "JobMtlInsp": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number that
uniquely defines the Material (JobMtl) rec
ord within a specific Job/Assembly. This is system assigned. The next availabl e
number is determined by reading last JobMtl record on the Job/Assembly and the n
adding ten to it." LABEL "Mtl"
FIELD "PlanSeq" OF "JobMtlInsp": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number that
uniquely identifies the JobMtlInsp record within the JobNum" LABEL "Plan Seq"
FIELD "InspPlanPartNum" OF "JobMtlInsp": character DESCRIPTION "The inspection plan
part number (configurator part number)." LABEL "Insp Plan Num"
FIELD "InspPlanRevNum" OF "JobMtlInsp": character DESCRIPTION "The inspection plan
revision number (configurator revision number )." LABEL "Insp Plan Rev"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "JobMtlInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "JobMtlInsp": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "JobMtlInsp": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "SpecID" OF "JobMtlInsp": character DESCRIPTION "The specification ID. Must
be valid in the SpecHed table." LABEL "Spec ID"
FIELD "SpecRevNum" OF "JobMtlInsp": character DESCRIPTION "The specification
revision number. Must be valid in the SpecRev table." LABEL "Spec Rev"

TABLE "JobMtlLoan" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Holds information about loans
made from one JobMtl record to anot her. Loans are created in Job Material Transfer
FIELD "Company" OF "JobMtlLoan": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "PartNum" OF "JobMtlLoan": character DESCRIPTION "A unique part number that
identifies this part. " LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL "Part Number"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "JobMtlLoan": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "JobMtlLoan": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "JobMtlLoan": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "Plant" OF "JobMtlLoan": character DESCRIPTION "Plant Identifier. " LABEL
"Plant" COLUMN-LABEL "Plant"
FIELD "FromJobNum" OF "JobMtlLoan": character DESCRIPTION "Job Number that is
loaning the material." LABEL "Job Number"
FIELD "FromAssmSeq" OF "JobMtlLoan": integer DESCRIPTION "Assembly sequence number
that this material is associated with." LABEL "Seq"
FIELD "FromMtlSeq" OF "JobMtlLoan": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number that
uniquely defines the Material (JobMtl) rec ord within a specific Job/Assembly. "
FIELD "ToJobNum" OF "JobMtlLoan": character DESCRIPTION "Job Number that is
borrowing material." LABEL "Job Number"
FIELD "ToAssmSeq" OF "JobMtlLoan": integer DESCRIPTION "Assembly sequence number
that this material is associated with." LABEL "Seq"
FIELD "ToMtlSeq" OF "JobMtlLoan": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number that
uniquely defines the Material (JobMtl) rec ord within a specific Job/Assembly. "
FIELD "TotalLoanQty" OF "JobMtlLoan": decimal
DESCRIPTION "Total quantity of material on loan." LABEL "Loan Qty"
FIELD "IUM" OF "JobMtlLoan": character DESCRIPTION "Internal unit of measure. The
unit is associated with TotalLoanQ ty. " LABEL "U/M"
FIELD "TotalBaseQty" OF "JobMtlLoan": decimal DESCRIPTION "Loan Quantity in the
Parts Base UOM. " LABEL "Loan Qty"
FIELD "BaseUOM" OF "JobMtlLoan": character DESCRIPTION "Unit of Measure of the
JobMtlLoan.TotalBaseQty. " LABEL "U/M"
FIELD "TotalCost" OF "JobMtlLoan": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total cost to date. " LABEL
"Total Cost"
FIELD "MaterialMtlCost" OF "JobMtlLoan": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Mtl cost to
date. " LABEL "Material Mtl. Cost"
FIELD "MaterialLabCost" OF "JobMtlLoan": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Lab cost to
date." LABEL "Material Lab. Cost"
FIELD "MaterialSubCost" OF "JobMtlLoan": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Sub cost to
date." LABEL "Material Sub. Cost"
FIELD "MaterialBurCost" OF "JobMtlLoan": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Bur cost to
date." LABEL "Material Bur. Cost"
FIELD "MtlBurCost" OF "JobMtlLoan": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Material Burden cost
to date. " LABEL "Material Burden Cost"

TABLE "JobMtlRefDes" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Hold the reference designators
for a Job material."
FIELD "Company" OF "JobMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company"
FIELD "JobNum" OF "JobMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "Job Number." LABEL "Job
FIELD "AssemblySeq" OF "JobMtlRefDes": integer DESCRIPTION "Assembly sequence
number that this material is associated with." LABEL "Seq"
FIELD "MtlSeq" OF "JobMtlRefDes": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number that
uniquely defines the Material (JobMtl) rec ord within a specific Job/Assembly. This
is system assigned. The next availabl e number is determined by reading last JobMtl
record on the Job/Assembly and the n adding ten to it." LABEL "Mtl"
FIELD "RefDes" OF "JobMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "Identifier of Reference
Designator" LABEL "Reference Designator"
FIELD "RefDesSeq" OF "JobMtlRefDes": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique identifies the
reference designator with the material sequ ence. " LABEL "RefDes Seq"
FIELD "MtlPartNum" OF "JobMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "The Part Number of the
component material record for the related Parent Part." LABEL "Material Part"
FIELD "Side" OF "JobMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "Free form side location.
(Top, Bottom, Both, Level, etc)" LABEL "Side"
FIELD "XLocation" OF "JobMtlRefDes": decimal DESCRIPTION "X Coordinate of the
reference designator" LABEL "X"
FIELD "YLocation" OF "JobMtlRefDes": decimal DESCRIPTION "Y Coordinate of the
reference designator" LABEL "Y"
FIELD "ZLocation" OF "JobMtlRefDes": decimal DESCRIPTION "Z Coordinate of the
reference designator" LABEL "Z"
FIELD "Rotation" OF "JobMtlRefDes": decimal DESCRIPTION "Rotation of the reference
designator. Max value = 360.000" LABEL "Rotation"
FIELD "Description" OF "JobMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "Designator
Description" LABEL "Description"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "JobMtlRefDes": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "JobMtlRefDes": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "JobMtlRefDes": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "JobMtlRefDes" ON "JobMtlRefDes" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary and
Unique index"
INDEX "MtlPartNumRefDes" ON "JobMtlRefDes" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Locate
Restriction Type from Part Master"
INDEX "ValRefDes" ON "JobMtlRefDes" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Makes the
reference designator unique within the job assembly."

TABLE "JobMtlRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Job Material Restriction

FIELD "Company" OF "JobMtlRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Company"
FIELD "JobNum" OF "JobMtlRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Job Number." LABEL
"Job Number"
FIELD "AssemblySeq" OF "JobMtlRestriction": integer DESCRIPTION "Assembly sequence
number that this material is associated with." LABEL "Seq"
FIELD "MtlSeq" OF "JobMtlRestriction": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number that
uniquely defines the Material (JobMtl) rec ord within a specific Job/Assembly. This
is system assigned. The next availabl
e number is determined by reading last JobMtl record on the Job/Assembly and the n
adding ten to it." LABEL "Mtl"
FIELD "RestrictionTypeID" OF "JobMtlRestriction": character DESCRIPTION
"Restriction Type identification." LABEL "Restriction Type"
FIELD "Manual" OF "JobMtlRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "When true then no roll-
up will be calculated for this Restriction type. Compliance date is set when this
flag is set. D/I Roll-Up radio Button wi ll be disabled." LABEL "Manual"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "JobMtlRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "JobMtlRestriction": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "MtlPartNum" OF "JobMtlRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "The Part Number
of the component material record for the related Parent Part." LABEL "Material
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "JobMtlRestriction": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "JobMtlRestriction" ON "JobMtlRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION
"Primary Key."
INDEX "MtlPartNumRestriction" ON "JobMtlRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION
"Locate a Restriction Type from Part Master"

TABLE "JobMtlRestrictSubst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Restricted Substances

per Job Material/Restriction Type."
FIELD "Company" OF "JobMtlRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Company
Identifier." LABEL "Company"
FIELD "JobNum" OF "JobMtlRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Job Number."
LABEL "Job Number"
FIELD "AssemblySeq" OF "JobMtlRestrictSubst": integer DESCRIPTION "Assembly
sequence number that this material is associated with." LABEL "Seq"
FIELD "MtlSeq" OF "JobMtlRestrictSubst": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number
that uniquely defines the Material (JobMtl) rec ord within a specific Job/Assembly.
This is system assigned. The next availabl e number is determined by reading last
JobMtl record on the Job/Assembly and the n adding ten to it." LABEL "Mtl"
FIELD "RestrictionTypeID" OF "JobMtlRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION
"Restriction Type identification." LABEL "Restriction Type"
FIELD "SubstanceID" OF "JobMtlRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Substance
identification." LABEL "Substance"
FIELD "Weight" OF "JobMtlRestrictSubst": decimal DESCRIPTION "Material Weight
defaulted from Part Master." LABEL "Material Weight"
FIELD "WeightUOM" OF "JobMtlRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Material Weight
UOM defaulted from Part Master." LABEL "Weight UOM"
FIELD "Manual" OF "JobMtlRestrictSubst": logical DESCRIPTION "When true then weight
is disregarded in compliance roll-up." LABEL "Override"
FIELD "ExemptDate" OF "JobMtlRestrictSubst": date DESCRIPTION "The date when exempt
status for this substance expires." LABEL "Exempt End Date"
FIELD "ExemptCertificate" OF "JobMtlRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION
"Optional. Exemption certificate." LABEL "Exempt Certificate"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "JobMtlRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "JobMtlRestrictSubst": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "JobMtlRestrictSubst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "JobMtlRestrictSubst" ON "JobMtlRestrictSubst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION
"Primary Key."

TABLE "JobOMWI" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Job Op Mac What If"
FIELD "Company" OF "JobOMWI": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "JobNum" OF "JobOMWI": character DESCRIPTION "Job Number."
FIELD "AssemblySeq" OF "JobOMWI": integer DESCRIPTION "Assembly sequence that this
record is associated with." LABEL "AsmSeq"
FIELD "OprSeq" OF "JobOMWI": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number which uniquely
identifies the operation record within the Job/Assembly. "
FIELD "AllocNum" OF "JobOMWI": integer DESCRIPTION "A JobOper can run twice on the
same machine, with a different ope ration running between the two allocations. This
will require an additional set up. This field identifies the subsequent allocations
on the same machine. "
FIELD "ScheduleID" OF "JobOMWI": integer DESCRIPTION "Schedule identifier." LABEL
"Schedule ID"
FIELD "ActualHours" OF "JobOMWI": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual hours. A summary of
LaborDtl hours. (LaborDtl.LaborType = S, P, or I) ActHours reduce the shop load if
the system is configured to remov e load based on hours (JCSyst.RemoveLoad =
FIELD "LoadDate" OF "JobOMWI": date DESCRIPTION "Date at which the operations
current outstanding load starts at. Ex: Operation is scheduled 2/1/97 - 2/10/97,
initially LoadDate = 2/1/97. As loa d is relieved via labor processing the LoadDate
moves forward accordingly. When 1/2 completed the LoadDate would be 2/5/97. This
field is primarily used by the Scheduling Board to calculate the graphical image of
outstanding load. Updated by the JobOper write trigger. "
FIELD "LoadHour" OF "JobOMWI": decimal DESCRIPTION """Hour offset from the
beginning of the work day"" for the operat ions outstanding load. Related to
FIELD "StartDate" OF "JobOMWI": date DESCRIPTION "Scheduled production start date.
Not directly maintainable, upda ted via the scheduling process."
FIELD "StartHour" OF "JobOMWI": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field is established by
scheduling. It represents the ""Hou r offset from the beginning of the work day""
when this operation is scheduled t o begin. "
FIELD "DueDate" OF "JobOMWI": date DESCRIPTION "Scheduled production due date. Not
directly maintainable, update d via the scheduling process."
FIELD "DueHour" OF "JobOMWI": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field is established by
scheduling. It represents the ""Hou r offset from the beginning of the work day""
when this operation is scheduled t o end."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "JobOMWI": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "JobOMWI": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "JobOMWI": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "JobOpDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Contains the manufacturing details
for the JobOper. Defines the Resource Groups/Resources/and or Capabilities required
for the JobOper."
FIELD "Company" OF "JobOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "JobNum" OF "JobOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Job Number. Associates the
record back to the JobHead."
FIELD "AssemblySeq" OF "JobOpDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number that
uniquely identifies the JobAsmbl record wi
thin the JobNum. Assigned by the system. " LABEL "Asm"
FIELD "OprSeq" OF "JobOpDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number which uniquely
identifies the JobOper record wi thin the JobAsmbl. System assigned." LABEL "Opr"
FIELD "OpDtlSeq" OF "JobOpDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies an OpDtl.
System assigned."
FIELD "SetupOrProd" OF "JobOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies which part of
the production, setup or production, the resource is required for. Valid values are
""S"", indicating the resource is RequiredFor the Setup phase of this operation,
""P"" for Production phase, or "" B"" meaning Both setup and production phase."
FIELD "CapabilityID" OF "JobOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The user can select the
capability the operation is to perform. The system will select the resource."
FIELD "ResourceGrpID" OF "JobOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The user can select a
Resource Group for the operation to be perf ormed on. The system will select the
actual resource."
FIELD "ResourceID" OF "JobOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code assigned
by the user to uniquely identify the Re source for this operation to be performed
on. If a resource was not explicitly assigned this field is blank."
FIELD "ConcurrentCapacity" OF "JobOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Concurrent Capacity
is a constraint that prevents a Resource from being overloaded because it has, at a
given time, this much capacity. For exam ple, a Resource has 4 racks, and they can
be reused, but once they've been selec ted for an operation, they're tied up until
the operation is complete."
FIELD "DailyProdRate" OF "JobOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Daily Prod rate
contains the rate required to make 1. This is multiplied with the mfg qty of the
job to get the total production qty. This to tal is then compared to the resource's
daily production quantity and with any u sage stored in the Shopload record. Once
the production limit for a resource h as been reached, the Resource has been
consumed for that day.
FIELD "NumResources" OF "JobOpDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "This is the number of
resources the operation can run on. If mul tiple resources can perform the required
Capability, then up to this many will b e employed. This determines the number of
setups the system will allow for the operation. However, the number of setups
cannot exceed the number of operations . The idea being that once a part is on a
machine you will complete the operati on on that resource."
FIELD "EstSetHours" OF "JobOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total estimated set up
hours. Calculated as EstSetHoursPerMch * Machines. It is set to zero if operation
qty is zero. This is maintained via t he JobOper write trigger."
FIELD "EstProdHours" OF "JobOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The estimated Production
run hours for internal operations (JobOp er.Subcontract = No) . This is not
directly maintainable. It exists so that it w ill be easier to display than always
having to recalculate it when it is neede d. It is calculated using the
ProdStandard, StdFormat, StdBasis, OpsPerPart, Qt yPer, EstScrap and EstScrapType.
FORMULAS: If StdFormat = ""HR"" then EstProdHours = ProdStandard. If StdFormat =
""PH"" then (JobOper.RunQty / Std). If StdFormat = ""PM"" then (JobOper.RunQty /
Std ) / 60. If StdFormat = ""OH"" then (JobOper.RunQty/OpsPerPart) / Std. If
StdFormat = ""OM"" then ((JobOper.RunQty/OpsPerPart) / Std) / 60. If StdFormat =
""HP"" then (JobOPer.RunQty/Basis) X Std. If StdFormat = ""MP"" then
((JobOper.RunQty/Basis) X Std) / 60. "
FIELD "ProdStandard" OF "JobOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The production standard
for the operation. It can be expressed a s Hours, Minutes per piece, Pieces per
Time, Operations per Minute or Operations per hour. This along with the StdFormat,
StdBasis, OpsPer and fields are used to calculate the operations estimated
production hours. A value can be default ed from the OpStd master. NOTE: The
ProdStandard can only be zero if the EstSetHours are greater than zero ."
FIELD "StdFormat" OF "JobOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Qualifier for the
Production Standard field. This is used as a de fault to the qualifier field in
operation details. The valid qualifiers are; ""HP"" - Hours/Piece, ""MP"" -
minutes/piece, ""PH"" - pieces/hour, ""PM"" - Pieces/Minute, ""OH"" -
Operations/Hour, ""OM"" - Operations/minute, HR - Fixed Hours. "
FIELD "StdBasis" OF "JobOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "A standard basis is to be
used to with standards that are time pe r piece (HP & MP). The basis is a Divisor.
Valid codes are E-Eaches, C=100's, M= 1000's, T=10,000. This field is used in the
formula for calculating the estimated production hours . The operation quantity is
divided by the basis value and then multiplied by th e standard to result in hours.
FIELD "OpsPerPart" OF "JobOpDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of operations per
part. This is used in the calculation of the estimated production hours when the
StdFormat is ""OM"" or ""OH"". This sh ould not be accessible if StdFormat is not
""OM"" or ""OH"". It MUST BE > 0 if StdFormat is ""OM"" or ""OH""."
FIELD "ProdLabRate" OF "JobOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Labor rate used for
estimated production labor costs. Default fro m the OpMasDtl.ProdLabRate. "
FIELD "SetupLabRate" OF "JobOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Labor rate for estimated
setup labor costs. Default from the OpMa ster.SetupLabRate."
FIELD "ProdBurRate" OF "JobOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The burden rate to be used
for the production time on this operat ion. (EstProdHrs X ProdBurRate). Default
from the WrkCenter.ProdBurRate. "
FIELD "SetupBurRate" OF "JobOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The burden rate to be used
for the Setup time on this operation. (EstSetHours X ProdBurRate). Default from the
WrkCenter.SetupBurRate. "
FIELD "ProdComplete" OF "JobOpDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "A flag indicating if the
production is complete for this operatio n. It is updated via Labor Entry. "
FIELD "SetupComplete" OF "JobOpDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag that indicates if
Setup is complete on this operation. This flag is only used when the operation has
EstSetupHours > 0.00."
FIELD "ActProdHours" OF "JobOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Actual Production
Hours. A summary of non-setup LaborDtl.Bu rdenHrs. This includes REWORK hours. This
is maintained via write/delete trigge rs on the LaborDtl file. Along with
JobOper.ActReworkHours it is used to reduce the shop load if the system is
configured to remove load by actual hours (JCSyst .RemoveLoad = ""H""). "
FIELD "ActProdRwkHours" OF "JobOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Actual Production
Rework Hours. A summary of rework labor transactions (LaborDtl.BurdenHrs) where
LaborDtl.LaborType = ""P"" and Rework = Yes. This number is also included as part
of the JobOPer.ActProdHours. Maintain ed via write/delete triggers on the LaborDtl
file. Along with JobOper.ActProdHou rs it is used to reduce the shop load if the
system is configured to remove load by actual hours (JCSyst.RemoveLoad = ""H"").
(See the lib/inopload.i code for l oad remaining logic) "
FIELD "ActSetupHours" OF "JobOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual setup hours. A
summary of setup (LaborDtl.LaborType = S) labor transactions hours
(LaborDtl.Burden). Actual Setup hours reduce the shop l oad if the system is
configured to remove load based on hours (JCSyst.RemoveLoad = ""H"")."
FIELD "ActSetupRwkHours" OF "JobOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Actual Setup
Rework Hours. A summary of rework labor trans actions (LaborDtl.BurdenHrs) where
LaborDtl.LaborType = ""S"" and Rework = Yes. This number is also included as part
of the JobOPer.ActSetupHours. Maintained v ia write/delete triggers on the LaborDtl
file. Along with JobOper.ActSetHours it is used to reduce the shop load if the
system is configured to remove load by a
ctual hours (JCSyst.RemoveLoad = ""H""). (See the lib/inopload.i code for load r
emaining logic) "
FIELD "SetupPctComplete" OF "JobOpDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Setup function percent
complete. Maintained via labor entry."
FIELD "ActBurCost" OF "JobOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Burden cost to date.
This is update via the LaborDtl\Write. p trigger procedure. It includes ALL burden
costs (Setup, Production and Rework) "
FIELD "ActLabCost" OF "JobOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total of ALL labor costs to
date. This includes Setup, Production and Rework. Updated via the LaborDtl.Write.p
trigger. The Total Cost, updated via the receipt process."
FIELD "ReworkBurCost" OF "JobOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Rework Burden cost
todate. This value is also included in t he ActBurCost total. It includes both
setup & production rework. Updated via Lab orDtl\Write.P trigger. "
FIELD "ReworkLabCost" OF "JobOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Rework Labor cost
to date. This value is also included in t he ActLabCost field. This includes both
Setup and Production. Updated via the La borDtl\Write.p trigger."
FIELD "ResourceLock" OF "JobOpDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Resource Lock. If the user
explicitly selected a Resource for th e JobOpDtl, when they accept the scheduling
changes, the WISchedResource will be stored as the explicit Resource. Else the
WISchedResource will become the Sche dResource and the WISchedResourceGrp will
become the ResourceGroup."
FIELD "SysCreateDate" OF "JobOpDtl": date DESCRIPTION "System maintained. Date the
JobOpDtl record was added to the dat abase. "
FIELD "SysCreateTime" OF "JobOpDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Time in seconds since
midnight that the system created the record . "
FIELD "OpDtlDesc" OF "JobOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Description is initially
created when the JobOpDtl is created. If the JobOpDtl is created from a Resource it
will be the Resource.Description, if it's created from an ResourceGroup it will be
the ResourceGroup.Description. Once set it is not changed by the system."
FIELD "EstSetHoursPerMch" OF "JobOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The estimated set up
hours per machine.
Default from OpStd.SetupHours. Used to calculate JobOper.EstSetupHours." LABEL
"Hours/Mch" COLUMN-LABEL "Est. Setup/Mch"
FIELD "OverrideRates" OF "JobOpDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "If yes then the user has
overridden the rates that were on the r ecord when it was inititally created. The
initial rates came from the master fi les."
FIELD "ProdCrewSize" OF "JobOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Duplicated from
JobOper.SetupCrewSize. The # of people it physica lly takes to perform the
production on this operation per machine that it is run on. CrewSize *
JobOper.EstProdHours = Est. Prod. Labor Hours. Note this can be a fraction for
operations that do not require full time attention of an employe e. See also
SetUpCrewSize" LABEL "Crew Size" COLUMN-LABEL "Crew!Size"
FIELD "SetUpCrewSize" OF "JobOpDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Duplicated from
JobOper.SetupCrewSize. Its the number of people i t physically takes to setup this
operation. It is used as a multiplier in the e stimated labor hours calculation.
JobOper.EstSetHours * JobOper.SetUpCrewSize = Estimated Labor hours for the
operation. This also affects the estimated labor cost. Est Cost = Est Labor Hours *
SetUpLaborRate" LABEL "Crew Size" COLUMN-LABEL "Crew!Size"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "JobOpDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "JobOpDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "JobOpDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "Capabilitylist" ON "JobOpDtl" AREA "Schema Area" WORD DESCRIPTION "used to
search the list of capabilities used on a operation detai l."

TABLE "JobOper" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The operation information for Jobs.
Data such as estimated hours , quantity, standard, workcenter. DELETE: If inside
operation then do not allow if in LaborDtl or if there are rel ated JobMtl records.
If Subcontract operation do not allow delete if referenced in PartTran, PoRel or
if it has related JobMtl records. Related material are those that have the same
JobNum, AssemblySeq as the operati on and where the JobMtl.RelatedOperation =
JobOper.OprSeq. Fields which begins ""APS"" are used by the APS module, not The
Manufacturing Sy stem." FOREIGN-NAME "n/a"
FIELD "Company" OF "JobOper": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "OpComplete" OF "JobOper": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this operation
is completed. This is normally set to complete via labor entry transactions. Not
maintainable by Job Entry. It can' t be reset to ""No"" if the JobHead.Complete =
Yes. Labor entry setting logic is: If SetUpComplete = Yes and EstProdHours = 0 or
Pr odComplete = Yes and EstSetHours = 0 or both ProdComplete = Yes and SetupComplet
e = Yes then OpComplete = Yes. This field is also set by PO receipt entry ""issue
complete"" for subcontract op erations." LABEL "Completed" COLUMN-LABEL "Cmpl"
FIELD "JobNum" OF "JobOper": character DESCRIPTION "Job Number" LABEL "Job Number"
FIELD "ProdCrewSize" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Defaults from the
WrkCenter.ProdCrewSize. The # of people it phys ically takes to perform the
production on this operation per machine that it is run on. CrewSize *
JobOper.EstProdHours = Est. Prod. Labor Hours. Note this can be a fraction for
operations that do not require full time attention of an empl oyee. See also
SetUpCrewSize" LABEL "Crew Size" COLUMN-LABEL "Crew!Size"
FIELD "AssemblySeq" OF "JobOper": integer DESCRIPTION "Assembly Sequence # that
this Operation is associated with." LABEL "Seq"
FIELD "OprSeq" OF "JobOper": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number which uniquely
identifies the operation record within the Job/lot/level. The sequence can be
system generated or assigned by us er. System generated numbers are determined by
reading last JobOper for the job/ lot/level and then figures out what the next
number that is divisible by 10. If this number is within 3 of the last Number on
file it will be bumped up another 10. This keeps a minimum of 2 available sequences
between records. For example i f last = 18 Next would be 30, If last = 17 next =
20. " LABEL "Opr"
FIELD "JobComplete" OF "JobOper": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if ""Job"" is
complete. This is a mirror image of Jo bHead.Complete. Not directly maintainable.
When the Job is completed, then all JobOper records are also marked. This is used
to make database access to open
operation records more efficient. " LABEL "Job Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Job Cmpl"
FIELD "OpCode" OF "JobOper": character DESCRIPTION "Operation Master Code - Links
the JobOper record with a OpMaster record. Default is given from WrkCenter.OpCode.
Must be valid in the OpMaster file. " LABEL "Operation" COLUMN-LABEL "Oper"
FIELD "RunQty" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "The total operation quantity.
This is a calculated field. Calcul ated as (Assembly Required Qty X QtyPer) +
Scrap. The assembly qty is either the JobHead.ProdQty if JobOPer.AssemblySeq = 0 or
(JobAsmbl.RequireQty - JobAsmbl. PullQty) if JobOPer.AssemblySeq > 0. This value is
refreshed when maintenance is performed on the operation record or an assemblies
production qty is changed " LABEL "Run Qty"
FIELD "EstSetHours" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total estimated set up
hours. Calculated as EstSetHoursPerMch * Machines. It is set to zero if operation
qty is zero. This is maintained via t he JobOper write trigger." LABEL "Est. Setup
Hours" COLUMN-LABEL "Est. Setup Hours"
FIELD "SetUpCrewSize" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Defaulted from the
WrkCenter.SetUpCrewSize field. Its the number of people it physically takes to
setup this operation. It is used as a multipli er in the estimated labor hours
calculation. JobOper.EstSetHours * JobOper.SetU pCrewSize = Estimated Labor hours
for the operation. This also affects the estim ated labor cost. Est Cost = Est
Labor Hours * SetUpLaborRate" LABEL "Crew Size" COLUMN-LABEL "Crew!Size"
FIELD "ProdStandard" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "The production standard for
the operation. It can be expressed a s Hours, Minutes per piece, Pieces per Time,
Operations per Minute or Operations per hour. This along with the StdFormat,
StdBasis, OpsPer and fields are used to calculate the operations estimated
production hours. A value can be default ed from the OpStd master. NOTE: The
ProdStandard can only be zero if the EstSetHours are greater than zero ." LABEL
"Prod. Std"
FIELD "QtyPer" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Production Quantity per one of
the Parent Item. " LABEL "Qty/Parent"
FIELD "SetupLabRate" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Labor rate for estimated
setup labor costs. Default from the OpMa
ster.SetupLabRate." LABEL "Labor Rate" COLUMN-LABEL "S-Labor!Rate"
FIELD "SetupComplete" OF "JobOper": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag that indicates if
Setup is complete on this operation. This flag is only used when the operation has
EstSetupHours > 0.00." LABEL "Setup" COLUMN-LABEL "SCmp"
FIELD "StartDate" OF "JobOper": date DESCRIPTION "Scheduled production start date.
Not directly maintainable, updat ed via the scheduling process." LABEL "Start Date"
FIELD "DueDate" OF "JobOper": date DESCRIPTION "Scheduled production due date. Not
directly maintainable, updated via the scheduling process." LABEL "Due Date"
FIELD "ProdLabRate" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Labor rate used for
estimated production labor costs. Default fro m the OpMaster.ProdLabRate. " LABEL
"Labor Rate" COLUMN-LABEL "P-Labor!Rate"
FIELD "ProdBurRate" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "The burden rate to be used
for the production time on this operat ion. (EstProdHrs X ProdBurRate). Default
from the WrkCenter.ProdBurRate. " LABEL "Burden Rate" COLUMN-LABEL "P-Burden!Rate"
FIELD "AddedOper" OF "JobOper": logical DESCRIPTION "This indicates if this is an
""added operation"". An added operat ion is one that was not planned on. " LABEL
"Added Operation" COLUMN-LABEL "Added"
FIELD "Machines" OF "JobOper": integer DESCRIPTION "Defaulted from the
WrkCenter.SchMachines field. This is the numbe r of machines that this operation
will run on at the same time. Logically though t of as a ""Squeeze factor"" to
scheduling. That is the more machines, the short er the schedule. This affects how
much of the total daily workcenter capacity th at the operation will consume. For
example; Center has 4 machines, 8 Hours per d ay and operation 2 machines. This
operation would consume 16 hours of capacity p er day. So if it had 32 hours of
estimated production it would schedule as takin g 2 days. NOTE THIS ONLY APPLIES TO
GET THE NUMBER OF HOURS TO BE SCHEDULED. I t is however used to calculate the total
setup hours on the operation. " LABEL "Machines"
FIELD "ProdComplete" OF "JobOper": logical DESCRIPTION "A flag indicating if the
production is complete for this operatio n. It is updated via Labor Entry. " LABEL
"Production" COLUMN-LABEL "PCmp"
FIELD "ActProdHours" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Actual Production
Hours. A summary of non-setup LaborDtl.Bu rdenHrs. This includes REWORK hours. This
is maintained via write/delete trigge rs on the LaborDtl file. Along with
JobOper.ActReworkHours it is used to reduce the shop load if the system is
configured to remove load by actual hours (JCSyst .RemoveLoad = ""H""). " LABEL
"Act Prod Hrs" COLUMN-LABEL "Act Prod Hrs"
FIELD "ActSetupHours" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual setup hours. A
summary of setup (LaborDtl.LaborType = S) labor transactions hours
(LaborDtl.Burden). Actual Setup hours reduce the shop l oad if the system is
configured to remove load based on hours (JCSyst.RemoveLoad = ""H"")." LABEL "Act
Set Hrs" COLUMN-LABEL "Actual!Set Hrs"
FIELD "QtyCompleted" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "For Non Subcontract
operations: A summary of labor transaction de tail. (LaborDtl.LaborQty). Labor
entry/collection maintains this field. Only th e LaborQty for transactions that are
Production labor ( LaborType = P ) and Not rework (LaborDtl.Rework = No) are
included in this summary. This quantity is used to reduce shop load when the system
is configured to reduc e load based on quantity completed. (JCSyst.RemoveLoad = Q)
For Subcontract Operations this field is updated by the Purchased Receipt proces s.
The detail records are in the PartTran file." LABEL "Qty Completed"
FIELD "SetupPctComplete" OF "JobOper": integer DESCRIPTION "Setup function percent
complete. Maintained via labor entry." LABEL "Setup % Cmpl" COLUMN-LABEL "Setup %!
FIELD "SubContract" OF "JobOper": logical DESCRIPTION "This flags the operation as
being a ""SubContract"" or an ""Inter nal"" operation. This also controls what
fields are allowed to be updated for t his record. For example, an internal
operation will not have a PartNum." LABEL "Subcontract" COLUMN-LABEL "Typ"
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "JobOper": integer DESCRIPTION "The SubContractors VendorNum
that ties back to the Vendor master file. This is only valid for ""SubContract""
operations. This field is not dir ectly maintainable, instead its assigned by
having the user either enter the ""V endorID"" and then finding the VendorNum in
the Vendor file or by selection lis t processing. This is a mandatory entry for
subcontract operations."
LABEL "Supplier Number"
FIELD "EstUnitCost" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Estimated Unit Cost for the
SubContract operation. Defaults from the Part table if valid PartNum." LABEL "Unit
FIELD "IUM" OF "JobOper": character DESCRIPTION "Inventory UOM" LABEL "U/M"
FIELD "EstScrap" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "EstScrap = a number
representing either a scrap qty or a scrap p ercent depending on the value of
EstScrapType field." LABEL "Scrap"
FIELD "EstScrapType" OF "JobOper": character DESCRIPTION "Qualifies the ScrapQty
entry as being a fixed quantity or a perce ntage of run quantity." LABEL "Scrap
FIELD "StdFormat" OF "JobOper": character DESCRIPTION "Qualifier for the Production
Standard field. This is used as a de fault to the qualifier field in operation
details. The valid qualifiers are; ""HP"" - Hours/Piece, ""MP"" - minutes/piece,
""PH"" - pieces/hour, ""PM"" - Pieces/Minute, ""OH"" - Operations/Hour, ""OM"" -
Operations/minute, HR - Fixed Hours. " LABEL "Std. Format" COLUMN-LABEL "Std-F"
FIELD "DaysOut" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Hours required is calculated as
days * 8." LABEL "Days Out" COLUMN-LABEL "Days"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "JobOper": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum to be shipped to
the subcontract. Default the JobHead .PartNum or JobAsmbl.PartNum depending on the
JobMtl.AssemblySeq." LABEL "Part"
FIELD "Description" OF "JobOper": character DESCRIPTION "Description used only for
subcontract operations" LABEL "Desc" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "SchedRelation" OF "JobOper": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the scheduling
relationship between this and the preced ing operation. Possible values are ""SS""
- Start to Start, ""FS"" Finish to St art or ""FF"" Finish to Finish. A ""SS"" can
start when the preceding operation starts. A ""FS"" starts when the preceding
operation is finished.
A ""FF"" can finish when the preceding operation finishes. These relationships do
not span between levels of assemblies. The first operatio n on an assembly is
always treated as being ""FS"" relationship. A ""FF"" finishes when the preceding
operation is finished. " LABEL "Schedule Relationship"
FIELD "StdBasis" OF "JobOper": character DESCRIPTION "A standard basis is to be
used to with standards that are time pe r piece (HP & MP). The basis is a Divisor.
Valid codes are E-Eaches, C=100's, M= 1000's, T=10,000. This field is used in the
formula for calculating the estimated production hours . The operation quantity is
divided by the basis value and then multiplied by th e standard to result in hours.
" LABEL "Std Basis"
FIELD "StartHour" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field is established by
scheduling. It represents the ""Hour offset from the beginning of the work day""
when this operation is scheduled to begin. "
FIELD "OpStdID" OF "JobOper": character DESCRIPTION "The Operation standard ID.
This links the JobOper to the OpStd m aster file. This can be blank or if entered
must be valid if entered. When thi s field is changed the ProdStandard, StdFormat
and StdBasis should be refreshed with the new defaults. Valid for ""inside
operations"" only." LABEL "Std ID"
FIELD "OpsPerPart" OF "JobOper": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of operations per
part. This is used in the calculation of the estimated production hours when the
StdFormat is ""OM"" or ""OH"". This sh ould not be accessible if StdFormat is not
""OM"" or ""OH"". It MUST BE > 0 if StdFormat is ""OM"" or ""OH""." LABEL
FIELD "EstProdHours" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "The estimated Production
run hours for internal operations (JobOp er.Subcontract = No) . This is not
directly maintainable. It exists so that it w ill be easier to display than always
having to recalculate it when it is neede d. It is calculated using the
ProdStandard, StdFormat, StdBasis, OpsPerPart, Qt yPer, EstScrap and EstScrapType.
FORMULAS: If StdFormat = ""HR"" then EstProdHours = ProdStandard. If StdFormat =
""PH"" then (JobOper.RunQty / Std). If StdFormat = ""PM"" then (JobOper.RunQty /
Std ) / 60. If StdFormat = ""OH"" then (JobOper.RunQty/OpsPerPart) / Std. If
StdFormat = ""OM"" then ((JobOper.RunQty/OpsPerPart) / Std) / 60. If StdFormat =
""HP"" then (JobOPer.RunQty/Basis) X Std. If StdFormat = ""MP"" then
((JobOper.RunQty/Basis) X Std) / 60. " LABEL "Est. Prod Hours" COLUMN-LABEL "Est.
Prod Hrs"
FIELD "CommentText" OF "JobOper": character DESCRIPTION "Editor widget for Job
operation comments. "
FIELD "SetupBurRate" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "The burden rate to be used
for the Setup time on this operation. (EstSetHours X ProdBurRate). Default from the
WrkCenter.SetupBurRate. " LABEL "Burden Rate" COLUMN-LABEL "S-Burden!Rate"
FIELD "PurPoint" OF "JobOper": character DESCRIPTION "The Vendors purchase point
ID. This field is only for the ""Subco ntract"" operations. Along with the
VendorNum is used to tie back to the VendorP P master file. Use the default
Purchase point defined in the Vendor file." LABEL "Purchase Point"
FIELD "DueHour" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field is established by
scheduling. It represents the ""Hour offset from the beginning of the work day""
when this operation is scheduled to end."
FIELD "ActProdRwkHours" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Actual Production
Rework Hours. A summary of rework labor transactions (LaborDtl.BurdenHrs) where
LaborDtl.LaborType = ""P"" and Rework = Yes. This number is also included as part
of the JobOPer.ActProdHours. Maintain ed via write/delete triggers on the LaborDtl
file. Along with JobOper.ActProdHou rs it is used to reduce the shop load if the
system is configured to remove load by actual hours (JCSyst.RemoveLoad = ""H"").
(See the lib/inopload.i code for l oad remaining logic) " LABEL "Rewrk Hrs" COLUMN-
LABEL "Rewrk Hrs"
FIELD "ActSetupRwkHours" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Actual Setup
Rework Hours. A summary of rework labor trans actions (LaborDtl.BurdenHrs) where
LaborDtl.LaborType = ""S"" and Rework = Yes. This number is also included as part
of the JobOPer.ActSetupHours. Maintained v ia write/delete triggers on the LaborDtl
file. Along with JobOper.ActSetHours it is used to reduce the shop load if the
system is configured to remove load by a ctual hours (JCSyst.RemoveLoad = ""H"").
(See the lib/inopload.i code for load r emaining logic) " LABEL "S/U Rewrk Hrs"
FIELD "WIName" OF "JobOper": character DESCRIPTION "This field is blank or contains
the UserID. When not blank it ind icates that the operations schedule has been
changed and is considered as being in a ""What If"" mode. This field is also used
as part of an index which allows the system to quickly f ind the operations that
need to be reset to ""Actual Schedule""."
FIELD "WIStartDate" OF "JobOper": date DESCRIPTION "What if Scheduled production
start date. Not directly maintainabl e, updated via the scheduling process." LABEL
"Start Date"
FIELD "WIStartHour" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field is established by
scheduling. It represents the What I f ""Hour offset from the beginning of the work
day"" when this operation is sche duled to begin. "
FIELD "WIDueDate" OF "JobOper": date DESCRIPTION "What If Scheduled production due
date. Not directly maintainable, updated via the scheduling process." LABEL "Due
FIELD "WIDueHour" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field is established by
scheduling. It represents the ""Hour offset from the beginning of the work day""
when this operation is scheduled to end."
FIELD "ActBurCost" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Burden cost to date.
This is update via the LaborDtl\Write. p trigger procedure. It includes ALL burden
costs (Setup, Production and Rework) " LABEL "Act. Burden Cost"
OPERATIONS: Total of ""ALL"" labor costs to d ate. This includes Setup, Production
and Rework. Updated via the LaborDtl.Write. p trigger. FOR SUBCONTRACT OPERATIONS:
The Total Cost, updated via the receipt process." LABEL "Act. Labor Cost"
FIELD "ReworkBurCost" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Rework Burden cost
todate. This value is also included in t he ActBurCost total. It includes both
setup & production rework. Updated via Lab orDtl\Write.P trigger. " LABEL "Rwk.
Bur. Cost"
FIELD "ReworkLabCost" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Rework Labor cost to
date. This value is also included in t he ActLabCost field. This includes both
Setup & Production. Updated via the Labo rDtl\Write.p trigger." LABEL "Rwk. Lab.
FIELD "WIQueStartDate" OF "JobOper": date DESCRIPTION "What-if Scheduled queue
start date. Not directly maintainable, up dated via the scheduling process." LABEL
"Start Date"
FIELD "WIQueStartHour" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "What-if Scheduled queue
start hour offset from the beginning of t he work day. This field is established by
scheduling. "
FIELD "WIMoveDueDate" OF "JobOper": date DESCRIPTION "What-If Scheduled move due
date. Not directly maintainable, updat ed via the scheduling process." LABEL "Due
FIELD "WIMoveDueHour" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "What-if Scheduled move due
hour offset from the beginning of the work day. This field is established by
scheduling. "
FIELD "QueStartDate" OF "JobOper": date DESCRIPTION "Scheduled queue start date.
Not directly maintainable, updated vi a the scheduling process." LABEL "Start Date"

FIELD "QueStartHour" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Scheduled queue start hour

offset from the beginning of the work day. This field is established by scheduling.
FIELD "MoveDueDate" OF "JobOper": date DESCRIPTION "Scheduled move due date. Not
directly maintainable, updated via t he scheduling process." LABEL "Due Date"
FIELD "MoveDueHour" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Scheduled move due hour
offset from the beginning of the work day . This field is established by
scheduling. "
FIELD "WIMachines" OF "JobOper": integer DESCRIPTION "This is the What-If number of
machines that this operation will r un on at the same time. Setup by and for
scheduling from the Machines field." LABEL "Machines"
FIELD "MiscAmt" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "A total additional charge that
is incurred when purchasing this s ervice. Ex(Lot,Setup,Handling,etc...). Defaulted
from VendPart.MiscAmt. This is NOT part of the a Unit Cost. It is NOT consider in
the logic of using Minimum Cost. " LABEL "Misc. Amt"
FIELD "HoursPerMachine" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Number of Hours per
machine per day that this operations ""ac tual"" schedule is based on. This is for
""Inbetween"" days, not first or last days. It is a copy of
WrkCenter.HoursPerMachine field at the time of scheduling . Used in logic of
maintaining the ShopLoad records. " LABEL "Hrs/Mach/Day"
FIELD "WIHoursPerMachine" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Number of Hours
per machine per day that this operations ""Wh at If"" schedule is based on. This is
for ""Inbetween"" days, not first or last days. It is a copy of
WrkCenter.HoursPerMachine field at the time of schedulin g. Used in logic of
maintaining ShopLoad records. "
LABEL "Hrs/Mach/Day"
FIELD "LoadDate" OF "JobOper": date DESCRIPTION "Date at which the operations
current outstanding load starts at. Ex: Op schedule is 2/1/97 - 2/10/97, initially
LoadDate = 2/1/97. As load is rel ieved through labor processing the LoadDate moves
forward accordingly. When 1/2 completed the LoadDate would be 2/5/97. This field is
primarily used by the Sche duling Board to calculate the graphical image of
outstanding load. Updated by t he JobOper write trigger. " LABEL "Load Date"
FIELD "LoadHour" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION """Hour offset from the
beginning of the work day"" for the operat ions outstanding load. Related to
FIELD "WILoadDate" OF "JobOper": date DESCRIPTION "Date at which the operations
current outstanding ""What-If"" load starts at. Updated by the JobOper write
trigger. (See LoadDate)" LABEL "Load Date"
FIELD "WILoadHour" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION """Hour offset from the
beginning of the work day"" for the operat ions outstanding ""What-If"" load.
Related to WILoadDate."
FIELD "ReloadNum" OF "JobOper": integer DESCRIPTION "Internally used field to
prevent redundant read of JobOper during execution of ""Reloader"" program. (See
FIELD "SndAlrtCmpl" OF "JobOper": logical DESCRIPTION "Controls if an alert is to
be sent when this JobOper is completed ." LABEL "Alert on Completion"
FIELD "RcvInspectionReq" OF "JobOper": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if Inspection
is required when items are received to t his JobOper (subcontract only). Inspection
may also be enforced if the related P artClass, Vendor, PODetail have their
""RcvInspectionReq"" fields set to Yes. " LABEL "Inspection Required"
FIELD "JobEngineered" OF "JobOper": logical DESCRIPTION "Identical to
JobHead.JobEngineered. ShopLoad capacity is only al located to Jobs where
JobEngineered = YES. "
FIELD "EstSetHoursPerMch" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "The estimated set up
hours per machine. Default from OpStd.SetupHours. Used to calculate
JobOper.EstSetupHours." LABEL "Hours/Mch" COLUMN-LABEL "Est. Setup/Mch"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "JobOper": character DESCRIPTION "Part Revision number.
Pertains to subcontracting operations only. mbl.RevisionNum is used as the default.
" LABEL "Rev"

An optional field.

Related JobAs

FIELD "AutoReceiptDate" OF "JobOper": character DESCRIPTION "Currently not used.

Prep for future development."
FIELD "LastLaborDate" OF "JobOper": date DESCRIPTION "The labor date of the last
labor transaction that was posted to t his operation. Used by the JobOper write
trigger Auto Receieve logic."
FIELD "RFQVendQuotes" OF "JobOper": integer DESCRIPTION "The number of vendor
quotes that are required for this job subcon tract operation. Can be zero if RFQ(s)
are not required." LABEL "Quotes Req" COLUMN-LABEL "VendQuotes" HELP "Enter the
number of vendor quotes required"
FIELD "RFQNeeded" OF "JobOper": logical DESCRIPTION "A flag to indicate that this
job operation requires an RFQ. If i t does require an RFQ, the user must enter the
number of vendor quotes that are required. This only applies to subcontract
operations." LABEL "RFQ Needed" COLUMN-LABEL "RFQ"
FIELD "LaborRate" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Labor rate used for time on an
operation. Time per hour per tec hnician. in base currency." LABEL "Labor Rate"
FIELD "BillableLaborRate" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Billable Labor rate
used for time on a service. Time per hour p er technician. in base currency. This
field considers the percentage coverage of a warranty or contract." LABEL "Billable
Labor Rate"
FIELD "DocLaborRate" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION " Labor rate used for time
on a service. Time per hour per techn ician. In Customer currency. Does not
consider warranty or contract" LABEL "Labor Rate"
FIELD "DocBillableLaborRate" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Billable Labor rate
used for time on a service. Time per hour p er technician. In Customer currency.
considers warranty or contract" LABEL "Billable Labor Rate"
FIELD "Billable" OF "JobOper": logical DESCRIPTION "FS - Is this a billable
operation." LABEL "Billable"
FIELD "UnitPrice" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "FS - Unit Price for the
subcontract in base currency. " LABEL "Unit Price"
FIELD "BillableUnitPrice" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "FS - Billable Unit
Price for the subcontract in base currency. " LABEL "Billable Price"
FIELD "DocBillableUnitPrice" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "FS - Billable Price
per unit for the subcontract in customers cur rency. " LABEL "Doc Billable Unit
FIELD "DocUnitPrice" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "FS - Unit Price for the for
the Subcontract in Customer currency. " LABEL "Unit Price"
FIELD "CallNum" OF "JobOper": integer DESCRIPTION "The service call that this
operation belongs to." LABEL "Call Number"
FIELD "CallLine" OF "JobOper": integer DESCRIPTION "The Service Call Line that this
operation relates to." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "LaborEntryMethod" OF "JobOper": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Method
for Labor Entry. Can be ""T"" - Time and Qu antity, ""Q"" - Quantity Only (Time is
estimated) or ""B"" - Backflush." LABEL "Labor Entry"
FIELD "PricePerCode" OF "JobOper": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the pricing per
quantity for this part. It can be ""E"" = per each,""C"" = per hundred, ""M"" = per
thousand. Maintainable only via Pa rt Maintenance. The initial default is ""E"". "
LABEL "Price Per"
FIELD "FAQty" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "The quantity requested for first
article inspection." LABEL "First Article Quantity"
FIELD "QtyStagedToDate" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "The ""to date"" quantity
that has been moved to the input Warehou se/Bin of the subsequent operations
ResourceGroup/Resource input Warehouse/Bin. This is NOT A balance. It is a ""to
date"" value. It is not reduced as it is consumed. Used in calculation of
""Outstanding"" WIP in the Request Material/WI P program (ame30-dg.w). Only updated
if the Advanced Material Mgmt module is in stalled and only by transactions which
""move"" the WIP material in/out of the s taging area (Issues, Returns). "
LABEL "Qty Staged"
FIELD "RFQLine" OF "JobOper": integer DESCRIPTION "The line number of this detail
record on the RFQ. This number uni quely identifies the record within the RFQ. The
number is not directly maintaina ble, it's assigned by the system when records are
created. " LABEL "Line"
FIELD "RFQStat" OF "JobOper": character DESCRIPTION "RFQ Status. W= Waiting, A =
Accepted, R = Requested, C = Received" LABEL "Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Status"
FIELD "RFQNum" OF "JobOper": integer DESCRIPTION "RFQ number that the item is
linked to." LABEL "RFQ"
FIELD "SetupGroup" OF "JobOper": character DESCRIPTION "Used to group operation to
save on setups." LABEL "Setup Group"
FIELD "RestoreFlag" OF "JobOper": character DESCRIPTION "Used to determine if this
record was modified during the last Wha t-If Schedule Restore. The contents are
Date-Time. Example: ""04/11/02-34221"" ."
FIELD "AnalysisCode" OF "JobOper": character DESCRIPTION "Analysis Code" LABEL
"Analysis Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Analysis Code"
FIELD "PrimarySetupOpDtl" OF "JobOper": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifies the primary
JobOpDtl to be used for setup. The setup time for the operation is determined on
the JobOpDtl. If <> 0, must identify a valid JobOpDtl. The JobOpDtl needs to have a
RequiredF or = S or B."
FIELD "PrimaryProdOpDtl" OF "JobOper": integer DESCRIPTION "Identifies the primary
JobOpDtl to be used for production. The p roduction run time for the operation is
determined on the JobOpDtl. If <> 0, must identify a valid JobOpDtl. The JobOpDtl
needs to have a RequiredF or = P or B."
FIELD "OpDesc" OF "JobOper": character DESCRIPTION "Operation Description."
FIELD "KitDate" OF "JobOper": date DESCRIPTION "Kit Date. Not directly maintanable.
Updated via the scheduling pr ocess."
LABEL "Kit Date"
FIELD "GlbRFQ" OF "JobOper": logical DESCRIPTION "Global RFQ flag. Used in
Consolidated Purchasing."
FIELD "BookedUnitCost" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Booked Unit Cost" LABEL
"Booked Unit Cost"
FIELD "RecalcExpProdYld" OF "JobOper": logical DESCRIPTION "Initially defaulted to
false. This flag is set to true at the tim e JobOper.ProdComplete is set to true if
JobHead.ProductionYield = true and OpMa ster. PrdYldRecalcExpected = true and the
actual completed qty for the operation vs. the expected completion qty is out of
variance based on the under percentag e set in OpMaster. This flag is used by the
production yield recalculation logic to determine if recalculation is required for
a job. This field is maintained by the system only. " LABEL "Recalculate Production
FIELD "UserMapData" OF "JobOper": character DESCRIPTION "Character field that will
contain the coma separated data that ha s been returned from Microsoft Projects.
This data will be retained exactly as i t was returned from MSP. This field will
NOT be editable within Vantage."
FIELD "RoughCutSched" OF "JobOper": logical DESCRIPTION "When true this would
signify that this operation was rough cut sc heduled - meaning the operation would
have start and end dates but no supporting resourcetimeused or shopload records."
LABEL "Rough Cut Scheduled Operation"
FIELD "SchedComment" OF "JobOper": character DESCRIPTION "Scheduling Comments"
LABEL "Schedule Comment"
FIELD "Rpt1BillableLaborRate" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Billable Labor Rate"
FIELD "Rpt2BillableLaborRate" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Billable Labor Rate"
FIELD "Rpt3BillableLaborRate" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Billable Labor Rate"
FIELD "Rpt1BillableUnitPrice" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Billable Unit Price"
FIELD "Rpt2BillableUnitPrice" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Billable Unit Price"
FIELD "Rpt3BillableUnitPrice" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Billable Unit Price"
FIELD "Rpt1LaborRate" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Labor Rate"
FIELD "Rpt2LaborRate" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Labor Rate"
FIELD "Rpt3LaborRate" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Labor Rate"
FIELD "Rpt1UnitPrice" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Unit Price"
FIELD "Rpt2UnitPrice" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Unit Price"
FIELD "Rpt3UnitPrice" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Unit Price"
FIELD "SNRequiredOpr" OF "JobOper": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether serial
numbers are required form this operation . When true the system will prompt in
labor entry processes for the serial numbe rs that have been completed on this
operation." LABEL "Serial Numbers Required From This Operation"
FIELD "SNRequiredSubConShip" OF "JobOper": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether
serial numbers are required on subcontract ship for a subcontract operation." LABEL
"Serial Numbers Required When Shipping"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "JobOper": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "JobOper": integer
DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."

FIELD "Weight" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Operation Weight defaulted from

Part Master." LABEL "Assembly Weight"
FIELD "WeightUOM" OF "JobOper": character DESCRIPTION "Operation Weight UOM
defaulted from Part Master." LABEL "Weight UOM"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "JobOper": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "WITearDwnEndDate" OF "JobOper": date DESCRIPTION "Scheduled tear down start
date. The start date would be the produ ction end date. " LABEL "Due Date" COLUMN-
FIELD "WITearDwnEndHour" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Scheduled tear down due
hour offset from the end of the prodution time. This field is established by
scheduling. "
FIELD "SendAheadType" OF "JobOper": character DESCRIPTION "Determines the
scheduling offset for the secondary start-to-start operation, offset which will be
FIELD "SendAheadOffset" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Scheduling offset for
the secondary start-to-start operation. The offset time can be calculated by
FIELD "PrjRoleList" OF "JobOper": character DESCRIPTION "Delimited list of
PrjRoleCd codes that are allowed for this opera tion."
FIELD "TearDwnEndDate" OF "JobOper": date DESCRIPTION "Scheduled tear down start
date. The start date would be the produ ction end date. " LABEL "Due Date" COLUMN-
FIELD "TearDwnEndHour" OF "JobOper": decimal DESCRIPTION "Scheduled tear down due
hour offset from the end of the prodution time. This field is established by
scheduling. "
FIELD "AssetPartNum" OF "JobOper": character
DESCRIPTION "The PartNum for the asset. This should be disabled for a service call
job, in which case the asset information would be transferred from the serv ice
call line when an operation is created for the job." LABEL "Part" COLUMN-LABEL
"Part Number"
FIELD "SerialNumber" OF "JobOper": character DESCRIPTION "Serial number of the
asset." LABEL "Serial Number"
INDEX "JobAsmSeq" ON "JobOper" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies
an operation record within a Job/Assembly str ucture."
INDEX "JobAsmRecalc" ON "JobOper" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index on job,
assembly, recalcExpProdYld"
INDEX "JobRecalc" ON "JobOper" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index on job and

TABLE "JobOperInsp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This is a child table to the
JobOper table. This table contains inspection plan and specification definitions
for Job Operations."
FIELD "Company" OF "JobOperInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "JobNum" OF "JobOperInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Job Number." LABEL "Job
FIELD "AssemblySeq" OF "JobOperInsp": integer DESCRIPTION "Assembly sequence number
that this material is associated with." LABEL "Seq"
FIELD "OprSeq" OF "JobOperInsp": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number which
uniquely identifies the operation record within the Job." LABEL "Opr"
FIELD "PlanSeq" OF "JobOperInsp": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number that
uniquely identifies the JobOperInsp record within the JobNum" LABEL "Plan Seq"
FIELD "InspPlanPartNum" OF "JobOperInsp": character DESCRIPTION "The inspection
plan part number (configurator part number)." LABEL "Insp Plan Num"
FIELD "InspPlanRevNum" OF "JobOperInsp": character DESCRIPTION "The inspection plan
revision number (configurator revision number )." LABEL "Insp Plan Rev"
FIELD "SpecID" OF "JobOperInsp": character DESCRIPTION "The specification ID. Must
be valid in the SpecHed table." LABEL "Spec ID"
FIELD "SpecRevNum" OF "JobOperInsp": character DESCRIPTION "The specification
revision number. Must be valid in the SpecRev table." LABEL "Spec Rev"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "JobOperInsp": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "JobOperInsp": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "JobOperInsp": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "JobOperRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Job Operation

Restriction Type."
FIELD "Company" OF "JobOperRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Company
Identifier." LABEL "Company"
FIELD "JobNum" OF "JobOperRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Job Number" LABEL
"Job Number"
FIELD "AssemblySeq" OF "JobOperRestriction": integer DESCRIPTION "Assembly Sequence
# that this Operation is associated with." LABEL "Seq"
FIELD "OprSeq" OF "JobOperRestriction": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number
which uniquely identifies the operation record within the Job/lot/level. The
sequence can be system generated or assigned by us
er. System generated numbers are determined by reading last JobOper for the job/
lot/level and then figures out what the next number that is divisible by 10. If
this number is within 3 of the last Number on file it will be bumped up another 10.
This keeps a minimum of 2 available sequences between records. For example i f last
= 18 Next would be 30, If last = 17 next = 20. " LABEL "Opr"
FIELD "RestrictionTypeID" OF "JobOperRestriction": character DESCRIPTION
"Restriction Type identification." LABEL "Restriction Type"
FIELD "Manual" OF "JobOperRestriction": logical DESCRIPTION "When true then no
roll-up will be calculated for this Restriction type. Compliance date is set when
this flag is set. D/I Roll-Up radio Button wi ll be disabled." LABEL "Manual"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "JobOperRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "JobOperRestriction": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "OpCode" OF "JobOperRestriction": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code
assigned by user which uniquely identifies a Ope ration master record. Can't be
blank. This is used as a foreign key in other fi les and may be used in
displays/reports where space for the full description is limited." LABEL "Operation
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "JobOperRestriction": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "JobOperRestriction" ON "JobOperRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION
"Primary Key."
INDEX "OpCodeRestriction" ON "JobOperRestriction" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION
"Locate a Restriction Type from OpMaster"

TABLE "JobOperRestrictSubst" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Restricted Substances

per Job Operation/Restriction Type."
FIELD "Company" OF "JobOperRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Company
LABEL "Company"
FIELD "JobNum" OF "JobOperRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Job Number" LABEL
"Job Number"
FIELD "AssemblySeq" OF "JobOperRestrictSubst": integer DESCRIPTION "Assembly
Sequence # that this Operation is associated with." LABEL "Seq"
FIELD "OprSeq" OF "JobOperRestrictSubst": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number
which uniquely identifies the operation record within the Job/lot/level. The
sequence can be system generated or assigned by us er. System generated numbers are
determined by reading last JobOper for the job/ lot/level and then figures out what
the next number that is divisible by 10. If this number is within 3 of the last
Number on file it will be bumped up another 10. This keeps a minimum of 2 available
sequences between records. For example i f last = 18 Next would be 30, If last = 17
next = 20. " LABEL "Opr"
FIELD "RestrictionTypeID" OF "JobOperRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION
"Restriction Type identification." LABEL "Restriction Type"
FIELD "SubstanceID" OF "JobOperRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "Substance
identification." LABEL "Substance"
FIELD "Weight" OF "JobOperRestrictSubst": decimal DESCRIPTION "Default weight of
the substance per primary part of UOM" LABEL "Substance Weight"
FIELD "WeightUOM" OF "JobOperRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION "By default the
primary UOM of the part." LABEL "Weight UOM"
FIELD "Manual" OF "JobOperRestrictSubst": logical DESCRIPTION "When true then
weight is disregarded in compliance roll-up." LABEL "Override"
FIELD "ExemptDate" OF "JobOperRestrictSubst": date DESCRIPTION "The date when
exempt status for this substance expires." LABEL "Exempt End Date"
FIELD "ExemptCertificate" OF "JobOperRestrictSubst": character DESCRIPTION
"Optional. Exemption certificate." LABEL "Exempt Certificate"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "JobOperRestrictSubst": character
DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "JobOperRestrictSubst": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision
identifier for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "JobOperRestrictSubst": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "JobOperRestrictSubst" ON "JobOperRestrictSubst" AREA "Schema Area"
DESCRIPTION "Primary Key."

TABLE "JobOWI" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Job Oper What If"
FIELD "Company" OF "JobOWI": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "JobNum" OF "JobOWI": character DESCRIPTION "Job Number" LABEL "Job Number"
FIELD "AssemblySeq" OF "JobOWI": integer DESCRIPTION "Assembly Sequence this
Operation is associated with." LABEL "Seq"
FIELD "OprSeq" OF "JobOWI": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number which uniquely
identifies the operation record within the Job/lot/level. The sequence can be
system generated or assigned by us er. System generated numbers are determined by
reading last JobOper for the job/ lot/level and then figures out what the next
number that is divisible by 10. If this number is within 3 of the last Number on
file it will be bumped up another 10. This keeps a minimum of 2 available sequences
between records. For example i f last = 18 Next would be 30, If last = 17 next =
20. " LABEL "Opr"
FIELD "ScheduleID" OF "JobOWI": integer DESCRIPTION "Schedule identifier." LABEL
"Schedule ID"
FIELD "ResourceGrpID" OF "JobOWI": character DESCRIPTION "The planned Resource
Group for this operation. Must be valid in t he Resource Group master file. Links
the operation to a Resource Group master." LABEL "Resource Group ID" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "Machines" OF "JobOWI": integer DESCRIPTION "Defaulted from the
WrkCenter.SchMachines field. This is the numbe r of machines that this operation
will run on at the same time. Logically though t of as a ""Squeeze factor"" to
scheduling. That is the more machines, the short er the schedule. This affects how
much of the total daily workcenter capacity th at the operation will consume. For
example; Center has 4 machines, 8 Hours per d ay and operation 2 machines. This
operation would consume 16 hours of capacity p er day. So if it had 32 hours of
estimated production it would schedule as takin g 2 days. NOTE THIS ONLY APPLIES TO
GET THE NUMBER OF HOURS TO BE SCHEDULED. I t is however used to calculate the total
setup hours on the operation. " LABEL "Machines"
FIELD "HoursPerMachine" OF "JobOWI": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Number of Hours per
machine per day that this operations ""ac tual"" schedule is based on. This is for
""Inbetween"" days, not first or last days. It is a copy of
WrkCenter.HoursPerMachine field at the time of scheduling . Used in logic of
maintaining the ShopLoad records. " LABEL "Hrs/Mach/Day"
FIELD "StartDate" OF "JobOWI": date DESCRIPTION "Scheduled production start date.
Not directly maintainable, updat ed via the scheduling process." LABEL "Start Date"
FIELD "StartHour" OF "JobOWI": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field is established by
scheduling. It represents the ""Hour offset from the beginning of the work day""
when this operation is scheduled to begin. "
FIELD "DueDate" OF "JobOWI": date DESCRIPTION "Scheduled production due date. Not
directly maintainable, updated via the scheduling process." LABEL "Due Date"
FIELD "DueHour" OF "JobOWI": decimal DESCRIPTION "This field is established by
scheduling. It represents the ""Hour offset from the beginning of the work day""
when this operation is scheduled to end."
FIELD "ActProdHours" OF "JobOWI": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Actual Production
Hours. A summary of non-setup LaborDtl.Bu rdenHrs. This includes REWORK hours. This
is maintained via write/delete trigge rs on the LaborDtl file. Along with
JobOper.ActReworkHours it is used to reduce the shop load if the system is
configured to remove load by actual hours (JCSyst .RemoveLoad = ""H""). " LABEL
"Act Prod Hrs" COLUMN-LABEL "Act Prod Hrs"
FIELD "ActSetupHours" OF "JobOWI": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual setup hours. A
summary of setup (LaborDtl.LaborType = S) labor transactions hours
(LaborDtl.Burden). Actual Setup hours reduce the shop l oad if the system is
configured to remove load based on hours (JCSyst.RemoveLoad = ""H"")." LABEL "Act
Set Hrs" COLUMN-LABEL "Actual!Set Hrs"
FIELD "QueStartDate" OF "JobOWI": date DESCRIPTION "What-if Scheduled queue start
date. Not directly maintainable, up dated via the scheduling process." LABEL "Start
FIELD "QueStartHour" OF "JobOWI": decimal DESCRIPTION "What-if Scheduled queue
start hour offset from the beginning of t he work day. This field is established by
scheduling. "
FIELD "MoveDueDate" OF "JobOWI": date DESCRIPTION "What-If Scheduled move due date.
Not directly maintainable, updat ed via the scheduling process." LABEL "Due Date"
FIELD "MoveDueHour" OF "JobOWI": decimal DESCRIPTION "What-if Scheduled move due
hour offset from the beginning of the work day. This field is established by
scheduling. "
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "JobOWI": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "JobOWI": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "JobOWI": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "TearDwnEndDate" OF "JobOWI": date DESCRIPTION "Scheduled tear down start
date. The start date would be the produ ction end date. " LABEL "Due Date" COLUMN-
FIELD "TearDwnEndHour" OF "JobOWI": decimal DESCRIPTION "Scheduled tear down due
hour offset from the end of the prodution time. This field is established by
scheduling. "
FIELD "WITearDwnEndDate" OF "JobOWI": date DESCRIPTION "Scheduled tear down start
date. The start date would be the produ
ction end date. " LABEL "Due Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Due"
FIELD "WITearDwnEndHour" OF "JobOWI": decimal DESCRIPTION "Scheduled tear down due
hour offset from the end of the prodution time. This field is established by
scheduling. "

TABLE "JobPart" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Defines the end parts that are
being produced on a job. A child table of JobHead and a Parent to the JobProd
table. In order to directl y maintain this table the Advanced Productin license is
required. The system will automatically create a record using the PartNum of the
JobHead. The quantity fields are maintained via the triggers of the JobProd table.
FIELD "Company" OF "JobPart": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "JobNum" OF "JobPart": character DESCRIPTION "Job Number. Used in tying
record back to its parent JobHead recor d. " LABEL "Job Number"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "JobPart": character DESCRIPTION "Part number of the
manufactured item. Does not have to be valid in the Part master. Cannot be blank.
With verion 8.0 and Advanced Production License a job can have multiple end part s.
These are defined in the JobPart table. This field has not changed. But will now be
used to indicate the primary end par t that is being produced. That is, the JobPart
record where JobPart.PartNum = Jo bHead.PartNum will be considered as the primary
end part. A primary part is only significant on Concurrent mode of production,
because it?s quantity drives the material/operation requirements." LABEL "Part"
FIELD "RevisionNum" OF "JobPart": character DESCRIPTION "Part Revision number.
Defaults from the most current PartRev.Rev isionNum." LABEL "Part Rev"
FIELD "PartQty" OF "JobPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "The number of individual parts
that are being produced part. Sum of all related JobProd.ProdQty. Not Directly
maintable. " LABEL "Prod. Qty" COLUMN-LABEL "Prod. Qty"
FIELD "StockQty" OF "JobPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "Part Qty that is being produced
for Stock. "
LABEL "Stock Quantity" COLUMN-LABEL "Stock Qty"
FIELD "ShippedQty" OF "JobPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Quantity of the end
part shipped from this job. Updated via the ShipDtl write triggers." LABEL "Shipped
FIELD "ReceivedQty" OF "JobPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total quantity received to
stock for the end part of the Job. Updated via the Manufacturing receipts process."
LABEL "Received to Stk"
FIELD "QtyCompleted" OF "JobPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "Part Production quantity
completed. Updated via JobOper write trigger or LaborPart trigger. If JobOper is
the ""Fin al Operation"" (see JobAsmbl.FinalOpr) then this is set equal to
JobOper.QtyComp leted." LABEL "Completed Qty"
FIELD "ReservedQty" OF "JobPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "Quantity of the job
completed quantity that is ""Reserved"" for t he linked demands (sales orders/other
jobs). Summary of PartAlloc.ReservedQty wh ere PartAlloc.SupplyJobNum =
JobHead.JobNum. Reservations for Orders are made v ia the Order Allocations
program. They are excluded from available quantity calc ulations for the job.
Available Quantity = JobHead.QtyCompleted - (Shipped + Rec eived to stk +
ReservedAllocQty + PickingQty + PickedQty). Maintained via PartA lloc write
trigger." LABEL "Reserved"
FIELD "PickingQty" OF "JobPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "Quantity of the job completed
quantity that is considered as in t he ""Picking"" process for the linked sales
orders. Summary of PartAlloc.Picking Qty where PartAlloc.SupplyJobNum =
JobHead.JobNum. PickingQty is set in the Orde r Allocation program. Maintained via
PartAlloc write trigger." LABEL "Picking Qty"
FIELD "PickedQty" OF "JobPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "Quantity of the job completed
quantity that is considered as in t he shipping ""Staging"" process for the linked
sales orders. Summary of PartAllo c.PickedQty where PartAlloc.SupplyJobNum =
JobHead.JobNum. PickedQty is updated when the material move moves the item to the
staging area. Maintained via PartA lloc write trigger." LABEL "Picked Qty"
FIELD "PartsPerOp" OF "JobPart": integer DESCRIPTION "Part Per Operation. Active
only for Concurrent process Jobs. Otherwise set to 1. " LABEL "Parts Per Op"
FIELD "LbrCostBase" OF "JobPart": integer
DESCRIPTION "Defines an integer value which is used to calculate a ratio for
prorating the labor costs to the end part. For example a job produces parts A and
B, and you want part B to have cost 2 times that of the cost of Part A. Part A
CostBase would be 1 and B would be 2. "
FIELD "MtlCostBase" OF "JobPart": integer DESCRIPTION "Defines an integer value
which is used to calculate a ratio for prorating the material costs to the end
part. For example a job produc es parts A and B, and you want part B to have cost 2
times that of the cost of P art A. Part A CostBase would be 1 and B would be 2. "
FIELD "JobClosed" OF "JobPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if Job is closed.
Mirror image of JobHead.JobClosed. D uplicated for performance reasons " LABEL
"Closed" COLUMN-LABEL "Status"
FIELD "JobComplete" OF "JobPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if production is
complete for the job. f JobHead.JobClosed. Duplicated for performance reasons "
LABEL "Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Cmpl"

Mirror image o

FIELD "Plant" OF "JobPart": character DESCRIPTION "Plant Identifier. Mirror image

of JobHead.Plant. Duplicated for performance reasons " LABEL "Plant" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "PartDescription" OF "JobPart": character DESCRIPTION "Describes the Part."
LABEL "Description"
FIELD "IUM" OF "JobPart": character DESCRIPTION "Defines the Unit of Measure used
when part is issued, this is als o how it is stocked. Use the value from XaSyst.UM
as a default when creating ne w part records." LABEL "Invty U/M"
FIELD "Character01" OF "JobPart": character DESCRIPTION "Character01" LABEL
"Character01" COLUMN-LABEL "Character01"
FIELD "Date01" OF "JobPart": date DESCRIPTION "not used" LABEL "Date01" COLUMN-
LABEL "Date01"
FIELD "ShipDocReq" OF "JobPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Shipping Documents Required.
Indicates if shipping documents are required when shipping this part from the Jo b.
Pertains to Job Shipments only and only if the PartNum does not exist in the
PartTable. If it does exist then the Part.ShipDocReq. If checked, then at the ti me
of shipping the system will require that the JobPart.ShipDocsAvail flag is tr ue
before allowing the shipment.Requires DocManagement license." LABEL "Ship Doc Req"
FIELD "ShipDocAvail" OF "JobPart": logical DESCRIPTION "Required Shipping Documents
Available. A flag manually set by the user to indicate that the required documents
for the Job Part are available. In order to set to Yes, at least one attachment
having a DocType with Shipment = yes must exist for the Job Part. If the
Part.ShipDocR eq = yes then JobPart.ShipDocsA vail must = yes before the system
will allow sh ipment of the Part from the job.Requires DocManagement license."
LABEL "Ship Doc Avail"
FIELD "MtlList" OF "JobPart": character DESCRIPTION "List of materials that us this
part as cost base"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "JobPart": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "JobPart": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "WIPQty" OF "JobPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "Represents the ""outstanding""
WIP of production quantity. A summary of JobProd.WIPQty, updated via JobProd write
trigger." LABEL "WIP Qty"
FIELD "AllocatedQty900" OF "JobPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total Allocated Quantity
for this job part" LABEL "Allocated Qty"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "JobPart": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "JobProd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Defines the Demand for Production.
Establishes a many to many link between jobs and the related demand records. De
mands can be orders, warehouses, or other jobs."
FIELD "Company" OF "JobProd": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "OrderNum" OF "JobProd": integer DESCRIPTION "Related sales order number. For
build to stock demands the OrderN um, OrderLine and OrderRel fields are all zero "
LABEL "Order"
FIELD "OrderLine" OF "JobProd": integer DESCRIPTION "Related Sales order line
number." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "OrderRelNum" OF "JobProd": integer DESCRIPTION "Related sales order release
number." LABEL "Release"
FIELD "ProdQty" OF "JobProd": decimal DESCRIPTION "The planned production quantity
for a Job to fill the demand. Note: updates the JobHead.ProdQty via JobProd write
trigger." LABEL "Prod Qty"
FIELD "WarehouseCode" OF "JobProd": character DESCRIPTION "Inventory warehouse that
job is producing for. Only relevant for build to stock demands (ordernum = 0). In
this case a valid Pa rt must be referenced." LABEL "Warehouse"
FIELD "JobNum" OF "JobProd": character DESCRIPTION "Job Number. Used in tying
record back to its parent JobHead recor d. " LABEL "Job Number"
FIELD "TargetJobNum" OF "JobProd": character DESCRIPTION "Production Demands can be
from other jobs. That is, one job can be building parts that are required by
another job. The demand is defined by a J obMtl record on some other job.
""TargetJobNum"" is the job that this job is ma king parts for." LABEL "Job"
FIELD "TargetAssemblySeq" OF "JobProd": integer DESCRIPTION "Assembly Sequence of
the JobMtl record that is making the product ion demand. (See ""TargetJobNum"")"
FIELD "TargetMtlSeq" OF "JobProd": integer DESCRIPTION "Material Sequence of the
JobMtl record that is making the product ion demand. (See ""TargetJobNum"")" LABEL
FIELD "Obsolete900-AllocatedQty" OF "JobProd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Represents the
""outstanding"" allocation production quantity. AllocatedQty = JobProd.Quantity -
(ShippedQty +ReceivedQty) if negative then it is set to zero. If related Order
Release is closed then allocation is zero.
Updated via the JobProd, OrderRel triggers. " LABEL "WIP Qty"
FIELD "ShippedQty" OF "JobProd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Quantity Shipped against this
allocation. Updated via the ShipDtl write triggers." LABEL "Shipped Qty"
FIELD "ReceivedQty" OF "JobProd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total quantity received to
stock for this production allocation. Updated via the Manufacturing Receipts
process" LABEL "Received Qty"
FIELD "CallNum" OF "JobProd": integer DESCRIPTION "The Service Call number that
this Job is linked to." LABEL "Call"
FIELD "CallLine" OF "JobProd": integer DESCRIPTION "The Service Call Line that this
Job is linked to." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "PartNum" OF "JobProd": character DESCRIPTION "Part number of the
manufactured item. Does not have to be valid in the Part master. Cannot be blank.
With verion 8.0 and Advanced Production License a job can have multiple end part s.
These are defined in the JobPart table. This field has not changed. But will now be
used to indicate the primary end par t that is being produced. That is, the JobPart
record where JobPart.PartNum = Jo bHead.PartNum will be considered as the primary
end part. A primary part is only significant on Concurrent mode of production,
because it?s quantity drives the material/operation requirements." LABEL "Part"
FIELD "TFLineNum" OF "JobProd": character DESCRIPTION "This is the unique key for
this table. It will have a prefix lik e Job to indicate firm or unfirm orders. The
record can be linked to an Order H eader by using the TFOrdNum TFOrdSeq keys."
LABEL "Line Number"
FIELD "Plant" OF "JobProd": character DESCRIPTION "Plant Identifier. " LABEL
"Plant" COLUMN-LABEL "Plant"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "JobProd": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "JobProd": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "JobProd": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "DemandContractNum" OF "JobProd": integer DESCRIPTION "The demand contract
this demand schedule is for." LABEL "Demand Contract Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Demand
Contract Number"
FIELD "DemandHeadSeq" OF "JobProd": integer DESCRIPTION "The sequence from the
DemandHead record this DemandSchedule is re lated to." LABEL "Demand Head Sequence"
COLUMN-LABEL "Demand Head Sequence"
FIELD "DemandDtlSeq" OF "JobProd": integer DESCRIPTION "The sequence from the
DemandDetail record this DemandSchedule is related to." LABEL "Detail Sequence"
COLUMN-LABEL "Detail Sequence"
FIELD "DemandScheduleSeq" OF "JobProd": integer DESCRIPTION "This field along with
Company, DemandContractNum, DemandHeadSeq, and DemandDetailSeq make up the unique
key to the table. The system should gener ate this number during entry of new
detail records. The system determines next a vailable number by finding the last
DemandSchedulel record for the DemandDetail and the adding 1 to it. " LABEL
"Schedule Sequence" COLUMN-LABEL "Schedule Sequence"
FIELD "WIPQty" OF "JobProd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Represents the ""outstanding""
WIP production quantity. WIPQty = JobProd.Quantity - (ShippedQty +ReceivedQty) if
negative then it is set to zero. If related Order Release is closed then
reservation is zero. Updated via the JobProd, OrderRel triggers. " LABEL "WIP Qty"
INDEX "OrderJob" ON "JobProd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Used to access the
jobs that filling an order release."

TABLE "JobSched" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Contains information about the
last run of the job scheduling pro cess"
FIELD "Company" OF "JobSched": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "Description" OF "JobSched": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the
schedule assigned by the user." LABEL "Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "SavedDate" OF "JobSched": date DESCRIPTION "Date on which the schedule was
last saved." LABEL "Saved Date"
FIELD "SavedTime" OF "JobSched": integer DESCRIPTION "Time at which the schedule
was last saved. (Seconds Since Midnigh t)." LABEL "Saved Time"
FIELD "RestoredDate" OF "JobSched": date DESCRIPTION "Date on which the schedule
was last restored." LABEL "Restored Date"
FIELD "RestoredTime" OF "JobSched": integer DESCRIPTION "Time at which the schedule
was last restored. (Seconds since Midn ight)." LABEL "Restored Time"
FIELD "ErrorCount" OF "JobSched": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of errors encountered
during last restore process." LABEL "Errors"
FIELD "RestoreLog" OF "JobSched": character DESCRIPTION "File name of the log
created during the last restore process for this schedule." LABEL "Restore Log"
FIELD "ScheduleID" OF "JobSched": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of this
Schedule. " LABEL "Schedule ID"
FIELD "DCDUserID" OF "JobSched": character DESCRIPTION "User Code" LABEL "User ID"
FIELD "CommentText" OF "JobSched": character DESCRIPTION "Contains comments about
the schedule.


FIELD "WarningCount" OF "JobSched": integer DESCRIPTION "Number of warnings

encountered during last restore process." LABEL "Warnings"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "JobSched": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "JobSched": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "JobSched": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "JrnlCode" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Journal Code Master. Allows the
user to defines the valid financ ial journals to be used in the Manufacturing
System. Examples; Sales, Purchase, Cash Receipts, etc..."
FIELD "Company" OF "JrnlCode": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "JournalCode" OF "JrnlCode": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier of the
journal used to group entries. The user can create their own journal codes to be
used instead of the default codes." LABEL "Journal"
FIELD "JrnlDescription" OF "JrnlCode": character DESCRIPTION "Journal Description.
" LABEL "Description"
FIELD "SystemJournal" OF "JrnlCode": logical DESCRIPTION "Classifies the Journal as
being a System Journal or not. System Journals are journals which are used by the
various sub-systems which generate G /L transactions. System Journals are
associated with these sub-systems via vari ous master tables. Such as the BankAcct,
APSyst, ARSyst, XASyst. "
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "JrnlCode": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "JrnlCode": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "JrnlCode": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
TABLE "JTrkAsm" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "* Job Tracker Temporary Work File.
No information should ever be written to this file. It is used only as a template
in Job Tracker."
FIELD "AssemblySeq" OF "JTrkAsm": integer DESCRIPTION "A sequence number that
uniquely identifies the Assembly record wi thin the JobNum." LABEL "Asm"
FIELD "LastDate" OF "JTrkAsm": date DESCRIPTION "The date the last activity was
performed. If the employee has cl ocked out then it is the ClockOutDate from the
LaborDtl record, else it is the C lockInDate from the LaborDtl record." LABEL
FIELD "OpCode" OF "JTrkAsm": character DESCRIPTION "The Operation Code that was
performed during the last labor activ ity." LABEL "Opr ID"
FIELD "OprSeq" OF "JTrkAsm": integer DESCRIPTION "The Operation Sequence for which
the last labor activity was perf ormed." LABEL "Last Opr"
FIELD "ResourceGrpID" OF "JTrkAsm": character DESCRIPTION "The workcenter in which
the last labor activity was performed." LABEL "ResourceGrpID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "JTrkAsm": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "JTrkAsm": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "JTrkAsm": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "PrimIdx" ON "JTrkAsm" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary Index - Link
back to the Job Assembly record."

TABLE "KanBanType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This Table Store system and user
global alerts. Used with KanBan"
FIELD "Company" OF "KanBanType": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "KBCode" OF "KanBanType": character DESCRIPTION "Uniquely indentifies the
record." LABEL "KanBan Code"
FIELD "KBDescription" OF "KanBanType": character DESCRIPTION "Description of the
KanBan Code." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "KBActionCode" OF "KanBanType": character DESCRIPTION "Action accociated with
this code. Valid values are ""Purchase"", ""Production"", ""Stock""" LABEL "Action"

FIELD "KBMtlQueue" OF "KanBanType": logical DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not

a Stock type KanBan will create a MtlQu eue record" LABEL "KBMtlQueue" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "KBRelease" OF "KanBanType": logical DESCRIPTION "Determine whether or not a
Purchase type KanBan will create a PO release " LABEL "KBRelease" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "KanBanType": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "KanBanType": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "KanBanType": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalKanBanType" OF "KanBanType": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this
KanBanType as global, available to be sent out to othe r companies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "KanBanType": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."
FIELD "KBTFOrderSug" OF "KanBanType": logical
DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not a Transfer Order Type Kanban will creat e TF
Suggestion Records"

TABLE "KeyBlock" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Key Field Block" DESCRIPTION "This table
establishes blocks of values for a key field that are used to reserve a sets of
values. The base database will have a block with a Bl ockSystemId = 'BASE'. For
External Systems (i.e. Disconnected CRM, Customer Con nect, Multi-Company
Consolidated Purchasing), key values will be assigned withou t conflicting with the
base database upon synchronization."
FIELD "KeyFieldName" OF "KeyBlock": character DESCRIPTION "The name of the key
field." LABEL "Key Field Name"
FIELD "RelatedToFile" OF "KeyBlock": character DESCRIPTION "The name of the Table
where the key field is assigned as its prim ary key." LABEL "Related To File"
FIELD "BlockSystemID" OF "KeyBlock": character DESCRIPTION "The System for which
this Block is reserved." LABEL "System"
FIELD "BlockDeviceID" OF "KeyBlock": character DESCRIPTION "The device for which
this Block is reserved." LABEL "Device"
FIELD "BlockStartNum" OF "KeyBlock": integer DESCRIPTION "The number at which the
Block starts." LABEL "Block Start Number"
FIELD "BlockEndNum" OF "KeyBlock": integer DESCRIPTION "The number at which the
Block ends." LABEL "Block End Number"
FIELD "BlockSeqNum" OF "KeyBlock": integer DESCRIPTION "Block Sequence Number"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "KeyBlock": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "Company" OF "KeyBlock": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "KeyBlock": character
DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "KeyBlock": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."

TABLE "KeyLast" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Key Block Last Value" DESCRIPTION "This
table holds the last used key value in the block."
FIELD "RelatedToFile" OF "KeyLast": character DESCRIPTION "The name of the Table
where the key field is assigned as its prim ary key." LABEL "Related To File"
FIELD "KeyFieldName" OF "KeyLast": character DESCRIPTION "The name of the key
field." LABEL "Key Field Name"
FIELD "BlockSystemID" OF "KeyLast": character DESCRIPTION "The System for which
this Block is reserved." LABEL "System"
FIELD "BlockDeviceID" OF "KeyLast": character DESCRIPTION "The device for which
this Block is reserved." LABEL "Device"
FIELD "BlockSeqNum" OF "KeyLast": integer DESCRIPTION "For assigning and keeping
track of blocks of IDs when doing multi ple-database 2-way synchronizations, such
as those that occur in Mobile Connect. "
FIELD "BlockLastValue" OF "KeyLast": integer DESCRIPTION "The last value used in
this block." LABEL "Last Value"
FIELD "Company" OF "KeyLast": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "KeyLast": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "KeyLast": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "KeyLast": integer
DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit
Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "KPIData" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Key Performance Indicator Data
FIELD "Company" OF "KPIData": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
FIELD "KPICode" OF "KPIData": character DESCRIPTION "Epicor 9 key id for the KPI
tables" LABEL "KPI Code"
FIELD "KPIMemberID" OF "KPIData": character DESCRIPTION "Member ID" LABEL "Member
FIELD "KPISeq" OF "KPIData": integer DESCRIPTION "Sequence Number" COLUMN-LABEL
FIELD "KPIName" OF "KPIData": character DESCRIPTION "KPI Name" LABEL "KPI Name"
FIELD "FieldData" OF "KPIData": character DESCRIPTION "This is the Primary Key and
Linking data used by EPM to match the KP record to the appropiate Dimension Field"
LABEL "Field Data"
FIELD "FieldDataBAQField" OF "KPIData": character DESCRIPTION "If the field Data is
to be populated by a BAQ this is the column from which this data will be populated"
LABEL "Field Data BAQ Field"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "KPIData": integer DESCRIPTION "Determines the Level of
aggregation to match the goal to the EPM Cube Value appropriate for this KPI."
LABEL "Fiscal Year"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "KPIData": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal Period" LABEL
"Fiscal Period"
FIELD "TrendConstant" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "Used to provide a plus
minus range of slope that is considered a
flat trend" LABEL "Trand Constant"
FIELD "Goal" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "This is the primary Target field to
use in evaluating a KPI. A KP I is a single number in EPM and that number may not
mean much if there is not a target or goal that number can be evaulated against."
LABEL "Goal"
FIELD "BaseGoal" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "Goal in base currency." LABEL
"Base Goal"
FIELD "Rpt1Goal" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "Goal in report currency 1."
FIELD "Rpt2Goal" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "Goal in report currency 2."
FIELD "Rpt3Goal" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "Goal in report currency 3."
FIELD "StretchGoal" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "Stretch goal" LABEL "Stretch
FIELD "BaseStretchGoal" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "Stretch Goal in base
FIELD "GoodTarget" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "Good Target"
FIELD "GoodTargetLabel" OF "KPIData": character DESCRIPTION "When
KPIDef.UseBAQLabels is set to true this field will be update d with the BAQ Field
Label for the Named Data Field."
FIELD "BaseGoodTarget" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "Good Target in base
FIELD "Rpt1GoodTarget" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "Good Target in report
currency 1."
FIELD "Rpt2GoodTarget" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "Good Target in report
currency 2."
FIELD "Rpt3GoodTarget" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "Good Target in report
currency 3."
FIELD "OKTarget" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "OK Target" LABEL ""
FIELD "OKTargetLabel" OF "KPIData": character DESCRIPTION "When KPIDef.UseBAQLabels
is set to true this field will be update d with the BAQ Field Label for the Named
Data Field."
FIELD "BaseOKTarget" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "OK Target in base
FIELD "Rpt1OKTarget" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "OK Target in report
currency 1."
FIELD "Rpt2OKTarget" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "OK Target in report
currency 2."
FIELD "Rpt3OKTarget" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "OK Target in report
currency 3."
FIELD "BadTarget" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "Bad Target"
FIELD "BadTargetLabel" OF "KPIData": character DESCRIPTION "When
KPIDef.UseBAQLabels is set to true this field will be update d with the BAQ Field
Label for the Named Data Field."
FIELD "BaseBadTarget" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "Bad Target in base
FIELD "Rpt1BadTarget" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "Bad Target in report
currency 1."
FIELD "Rpt2BadTarget" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "Bad Target in report
currency 2."
FIELD "Rpt3BadTarget" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "Bad Target in report
currency 3."
FIELD "Target3" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "Target 3"
FIELD "Target3Label" OF "KPIData": character DESCRIPTION "When KPIDef.UseBAQLabels
is set to true this field will be update d with the BAQ Field Label for the Named
Data Field."
FIELD "BaseTarget3" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "Target 3 in base currency."
FIELD "Rpt1Target3" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "Target 3 in report currency
FIELD "Rpt2Target3" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "Target 3 in report currency
FIELD "Rpt3Target3" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "Target 3 in report currency
FIELD "Target4" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "Target 4"
FIELD "Target4Label" OF "KPIData": character DESCRIPTION "When KPIDef.UseBAQLabels
is set to true this field will be update d with the BAQ Field Label for the Named
Data Field."
FIELD "BaseTarget4" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "Target 4 in base currency."
FIELD "Rpt1Target4" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "Target 4 in report currency
FIELD "Rpt2Target4" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "Target 4 in report currency
FIELD "Rpt3Target4" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "Target 4 in report currency
FIELD "Target5" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "Target 5"
FIELD "Target5Label" OF "KPIData": character DESCRIPTION "When KPIDef.UseBAQLabels
is set to true this field will be update d with the BAQ Field Label for the Named
Data Field."
FIELD "BaseTarget5" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "Target 5 in base currency."
FIELD "Rpt1Target5" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "Target 5 in report currency
FIELD "Rpt2Target5" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "Target 5 in report currency
FIELD "Rpt3Target5" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "Target 5 in report currency
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "KPIData": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "KPIData": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "KPIData": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "Rpt1StretchGoal" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "Stretch Goal in report
currency 1."
FIELD "Rpt2StretchGoal" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "Stretch Goal in report
currency 2."
FIELD "Rpt3StretchGoal" OF "KPIData": decimal DESCRIPTION "Stretch Goal in report
currency 3."

TABLE "KPIDef" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Key Performance Indicator Definition
FIELD "Company" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
FIELD "KPICode" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "Epicor 9 key id for the KPI
tables" LABEL "KPI Code"
FIELD "KPIMemberID" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "KPI Member ID"
FIELD "AcrossCompanyID" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
LABEL "Across Company"
FIELD "CompanyBAQField" OF "KPIDef": character
DESCRIPTION "Company BAQ Field" LABEL "Company BAQ Field"
FIELD "KPIMemberDesc" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "Member Description" LABEL
"Member Description"
FIELD "KPIName" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "KPI Name" LABEL "Name"
FIELD "MemberLevel" OF "KPIDef": integer DESCRIPTION "Member Level" LABEL "Member
FIELD "MemberParent" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "Member Parent" LABEL
"Parent Member"
FIELD "MemberPriorPeer" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "Member Prior Peer"
LABEL "Previous Sibling"
FIELD "MemberNextPeer" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "Member Next Peer" LABEL
"Next Sibling"
FIELD "PeerRule" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "Peer Rule" COLUMN-LABEL "Peer
FIELD "ParentRule" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "Parent Rule" LABEL "Parent
FIELD "BAQUseRules" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "BAQ Use Rules flag" LABEL
"BAQ User Rules"
FIELD "BAQGetCurrValues" OF "KPIDef": logical DESCRIPTION "BAQ Get Current Values
FIELD "BAQParam1" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "BAQ Parameter 1"
LABEL "Parameter 1"
FIELD "BAQParam2" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "BAQ Parameter 2" LABEL
"Parameter 2"
FIELD "BAQParam3" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "BAQ Parameter 3" LABEL
"Parameter 3"
FIELD "CalendarID" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "Provides ability to link
Goal Data to appropriate Period aggregat ion in EPM" LABEL "Calendar"
FIELD "CalendarIDBAQField" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "Calendar ID BAQ
Field" LABEL "Calendar ID BAQ Field"
FIELD "CalendarSuffix" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "Provides ability to link
Goal Data to appropriate Period aggregat ion in EPM" LABEL "Calendar Suffix"
FIELD "NumberOfPeriods" OF "KPIDef": integer DESCRIPTION "Manually Entered for
Gregorian Calendar or Pulled from Appropriat e Fiscal Calendar Number of Periods"
LABEL "Number of Periods"
FIELD "TrendDisplay" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "Used to determine the SSAS
symbols for the trend slope." LABEL "Trend Display"
FIELD "StatusDisplay" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "Used to determine the
SSAS symbols for the Status such as Red Sto p Light when Cube Value is less than
Bad Target or a Green Stop Light for being above the Good Target number" LABEL
"Status Display"
FIELD "KPIWeight" OF "KPIDef": decimal DESCRIPTION "KPI Weight" LABEL "KPI Weight"
FIELD "KPIWeightBAQField" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "KPI Weight BAQ Field"
LABEL "Weight BAQ Field"
FIELD "RangeLimit" OF "KPIDef": logical DESCRIPTION "Range Limit"
LABEL "Range Limit"
FIELD "GoalRangeUpper" OF "KPIDef": decimal DESCRIPTION "Goal Upper Range" LABEL
"Upper Goal Range"
FIELD "GoalRangeLower" OF "KPIDef": decimal DESCRIPTION "Goal Lower Range" LABEL
"Lower Goal Range"
FIELD "Goal" OF "KPIDef": decimal DESCRIPTION "Goal" LABEL "Goal"
FIELD "GoalBAQField" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "Goal BAQ Field"
FIELD "StretchGoal" OF "KPIDef": decimal DESCRIPTION "Stretch Goal" LABEL "Stretch
FIELD "StretchGoalBAQField" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "Stretch Goal BAQ
Field" LABEL "Stretch Goal BAQ Field"
FIELD "TrendConstant" OF "KPIDef": decimal DESCRIPTION "Trend Constant" LABEL
"Trand Constant"
FIELD "TrendBAQField" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "Trend BAQ Field" LABEL
"Trand BAQ Field"
FIELD "TrendDisplayType" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "Trend Display Type"
LABEL "Trend Display Type"
FIELD "UseBAQLabels" OF "KPIDef": logical DESCRIPTION "USE BAQ Labels flag" LABEL
"Use BAQ Labels"
FIELD "GoodTarget" OF "KPIDef": decimal DESCRIPTION "Good Target" LABEL "Good
FIELD "GoodTargetBAQField" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "Good Target BAQ
Field" LABEL "Good Target BAQ Field"
FIELD "OKTarget" OF "KPIDef": decimal DESCRIPTION "OK Target" LABEL "Acceptable
FIELD "OKTargetBAQField" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "OK Target BAQ field"
LABEL "Acceptable Target BAQ Field"
FIELD "BadTarget" OF "KPIDef": decimal DESCRIPTION "Bad Target " LABEL "Bad Target"

FIELD "BadTargetBAQField" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "Bad Target BAQ Field"

LABEL "Bad Target BAQ Field"
FIELD "Target3" OF "KPIDef": decimal DESCRIPTION "Target 3"
FIELD "Target3BAQField" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "Target 3 BAQ Field"
FIELD "Target4" OF "KPIDef": decimal DESCRIPTION "Target 4"
FIELD "Target4BAQField" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "Target 4 BAQ Field"
FIELD "Target5" OF "KPIDef": decimal DESCRIPTION "Target 5"
FIELD "Target5BAQField" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "Target 5 BAQ Field"
FIELD "CalendarComparison" OF "KPIDef": logical DESCRIPTION "Calendar Comparison
flag" LABEL "Calendar Comparison"
FIELD "CalendarAggregateRules" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "Calendar
Aggregation rules" LABEL "Calendar Aggregate Rules"
FIELD "ValidComparison1" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "Validation Comparison
FIELD "ValidComp1AggrRules" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "Validation
Comparison Aggregration Rules 1"
FIELD "ValidComparison2" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "Validation Comparison
FIELD "ValidComp2AggrRules" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "Validation
Comparison Aggregration Rules 2"
FIELD "ValidComparison3" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "Validation Comparison
FIELD "ValidComp3AggrRules" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "Validation
Comparison Aggregration Rules 3"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "KPIDef": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "KPIDef": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "KPIDef": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."

TABLE "KPIHead" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Key Performance Indicator Header
FIELD "Company" OF "KPIHead": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier." LABEL
FIELD "KPICode" OF "KPIHead": character DESCRIPTION "Epicor 9 key id for the KPI
tables" LABEL "KPI Code"
FIELD "CrossCompany" OF "KPIHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this KPI across
companies" COLUMN-LABEL "Cross Company"
FIELD "KPIDescription" OF "KPIHead": character DESCRIPTION "Short description of
this KPI"
FIELD "KPIName" OF "KPIHead": character
DESCRIPTION "This is to match the KPI in EPM that this Epicor 9 set of records is
to be evaluated against. ( This makes it possible to create system KPIs with System
BAQs that the customer cannot change but could copy the system KPI table set and
attach to their Custom BAQ and reference the standard KPI in EPM." LABEL "Name"
FIELD "SystemFlag" OF "KPIHead": logical DESCRIPTION "System KPIs will not be able
to be changed by customers except fo r GOAL fields" LABEL "System KPI"
FIELD "KPIParent" OF "KPIHead": character DESCRIPTION "KPICode of Parent will
provide Hierarchy information needed for S SAS and EPM" LABEL "Parent KPI"
FIELD "ParentRule" OF "KPIHead": character DESCRIPTION "Parent Rule" LABEL "Parent
FIELD "KPIHeadBAQID" OF "KPIHead": character DESCRIPTION "BAQ chosed for Head
fields to be populated by a BAQ " LABEL "BAQ ID"
FIELD "KPIMemberTypes" OF "KPIHead": character DESCRIPTION "The KPIDef Member
Structures available will be set in here- Simpl e / Complex / Inline / Single"
LABEL "KPI Member Type"
FIELD "CalendarKPI" OF "KPIHead": logical DESCRIPTION "True enforces the entry of
the KPI fields or BAQField selections for Calendar Fields" LABEL "Calendar KPI"
FIELD "CalendarType" OF "KPIHead": character DESCRIPTION "Default Fiscal / Default
Company Calendar / Gregorian / Calendar Specifed In KPIDef / CalendarID Returned by
BAQ" LABEL "Calendar Type"
"Tactical/Strategic/Operational" LABEL "Type"
FIELD "KPIDefType" OF "KPIHead": character DESCRIPTION "Specific selections will be
available to enforce required fields and/or the BAQ population of data" LABEL "KPI
Definition Type"
FIELD "FieldDataSpecific" OF "KPIHead": logical
DESCRIPTION "If this is set to true then this KPIDef.FieldData must be populat ed
field data such as an actual CustomerName or PartNumber existing in the Epico r 9
database else will be set to ""ALL"" which will mean that the KPIData Record will
map to All Customers or All Parts, etc in the EPM Module that meet the Cal endar
Criteria." LABEL "Field Data Specific"
FIELD "TableName" OF "KPIHead": character DESCRIPTION "Only
zKPIDimFields.TableNames with ValidForKPI set to true will b e available for
selection." LABEL "Table Name"
FIELD "DimensionName" OF "KPIHead": character DESCRIPTION "Provides the reference
that EPM needs to link the KPIData to a Di mension. This Relationship comes from
the zKPIDimFields tables. The User Select s the Epicor 9 Table and the" LABEL
FIELD "FieldName" OF "KPIHead": character DESCRIPTION "KPIHead.TableName equal to
zKPIDimFields.TableName will limit lis t selection to records valid for the
selected Table and only proved available Fi eldNames with ValidForKPI set to true."
LABEL "Field Name" COLUMN-LABEL "Field Name"
FIELD "DimFieldName" OF "KPIHead": character DESCRIPTION "Provides the reference
that EPM needs to link the KPIData to a Di mension. This Relationship comes from
the zKPIDimFields tables. The User Select s the Epicor 9 Table and the Field" LABEL
"Dimension Field Name"
FIELD "ValueType" OF "KPIHead": character DESCRIPTION "Ratio/Fixed/Currency" LABEL
"Value Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Value Type"
FIELD "KPICurrency" OF "KPIHead": character DESCRIPTION "Adapter to Currency table
- This is to make sure that the Values in the KPIDef are appropriately evaluated
against values and value aggregations in the EPM cubes that are the same currency.
Enabled if the ValueType is set to Currency" LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL
"Currency Code"
FIELD "UseReportingCurr" OF "KPIHead": logical DESCRIPTION "Use Reporting Currency
flag" LABEL "Use Reporting Currency"
FIELD "KPIWeightType" OF "KPIHead": character DESCRIPTION "Initial Selections will
be ""Percentage"" with which limit entry of Weight fields to data in the range of 0
to 1 or Allocation Units where any nu mber can be entered and the weight will be
calculated by total Units of Children
feeding KPIParent divided into this KPI's units." LABEL "KPI Weight Type"
FIELD "KPIWeight" OF "KPIHead": decimal DESCRIPTION "KPI Weight factor" LABEL "KPI
FIELD "KPIWeightBAQField" OF "KPIHead": character DESCRIPTION "KPI Weight BAQ
field" LABEL "Weight BAQ Field"
FIELD "KPIPeriodType" OF "KPIHead": character DESCRIPTION "Level of Period
Granularity for KPIData Record. CalendarKPI equa l to true enables selection of
available options in this field. Options of Calen dar, Year, Period for Fiscal Ca"
LABEL "KPI Period Type"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "KPIHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "KPIHead": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "KPIHead": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."

TABLE "LabExpCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Labor expense code master. This
file provides a flexible way to e stablish default G/L accounts for labor expenses.
These accounts will override t he accounts established in the PayDept master. Each
LabExpCd record contains Sev en G/L Accounts. These can be left blank, but at least
one valid one must exist for the record. They are for Reg hours, OverTime,
Vacation, Sick, Holiday, Doubl eTime and Shift Pay. These LabExpCd records can be
associated with an employee, Indirect labor master or a Job. Using an Expense code
master, instead of allowing direct entry of GL accounts qu alifies what accounts
can be entered through labor entry, thereby preventing err ors. DELETE: Not allowed
if referenced in the Employee, Indirect, or JobHead files." FOREIGN-NAME "n/a"
FIELD "Company" OF "LabExpCd": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "ExpenseCode" OF "LabExpCd": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code assigned
by the user to uniquely identify a LabE xpCd master. Can't be blank. Used as a
foreign key in other files."
LABEL "Expense Code"
FIELD "Description" OF "LabExpCd": character DESCRIPTION "Full description of the
Labor Expense Code master." LABEL "Description"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "LabExpCd": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "LabExpCd": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "LabExpCd": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GLPostCosts" OF "LabExpCd": logical DESCRIPTION "If the Costs of the labor
will be posted to the General Ledger." LABEL "Post Costs"
INDEX "ExpenseCode" ON "LabExpCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Index that
uniquely identifies the LabExpCd records."
INDEX "Description" ON "LabExpCd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Used to
find/display expense code masters by their unique descrip tion."

TABLE "LaborDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Manufacturing Labor Details. This
is a subset to the LaborHed fil e." FOREIGN-NAME "n/a"
FIELD "Company" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "EmployeeNum" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The number of the
employee that performed the work. This field is duplicated from the
LaborHed.EmployeeNum. It is here so that an index can be bu ilt and used when
finding how many jobs are concurrently active for an employee in order to
distribute the labor hours. " LABEL "Employee"
FIELD "ActiveTrans" OF "LaborDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Used by Labor collection to
indicate that this LaborDtl record is
currently active. When the employee clocks out of the operation it is set to ""
No"". If record is created by Labor Entry this value is ""NO"". This field is
controlled by the programs and not directly updated by the user. I t will be used
to prevent clocking in twice to same operation, displaying which operations are
currently active..... "
FIELD "LaborDtlSeq" OF "LaborDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "An integer assigned by the
system to uniquely identify the LaborD tl record. This integer is created by using
the database sequence ""LaborDtlSeq" ". "
FIELD "JobNum" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Job number to which this labor
transaction applies. For Setup & P roduction labor this is a mandatory entry. The
program will use the JobNum/LotN um to validate that a record exists in Jhead and
that Jhead.JobClosed is false. " LABEL "Job" COLUMN-LABEL "Job"
FIELD "AssemblySeq" OF "LaborDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The Assembly Sequence of
the Job that the labor transaction appli es to. This can be blank or must be valid
in the JobAsmbl file. " LABEL "Asm"
FIELD "OprSeq" OF "LaborDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The sequence of the operation
record within the specific Job/Asse mbly to which this labor transaction applies.
For setup & production entries this must be valid and must not be a subcontract
operation (JobOper.SubContract = NO)." LABEL "Opr"
FIELD "JCDept" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The Department in which the
work was done. Default is from WrkCen ter.JCDEpt. This code is DIRECTLY ENTERED."
LABEL "Dept"
FIELD "OpCode" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The operation Code for this
labor transaction. Default from JobOp er.OpCode. This field IS DIRECTLY ENTERED.
This is a mandatory field for direct labor transactions. " LABEL "Operation"
FIELD "ResourceGrpID" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The Resource Group in
which the labor was performed. This code I S DIRECTLY entered in labor entry,
instead of the finding it based on the descri ption. This is mandatory and must be
valid in the Resource Group table. For production labor (LaborType = ""S"" or
""P"") the default is from the JobOpe r.PrimaryProdDtl JobOpDtl.ResourceGrpID. For
indirect labor (LaborType = I) there is no default. " LABEL "Resource Group"
FIELD "SetupPctComplete" OF "LaborDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates what percent
of the setup is considered complete as of this labor transaction. If
LaborDtl.SetupPctCmp is > JobOper.SetupPctCmp then l et JobOper.SetupPctCmp =
LaborDtl.SetupPctCmp." LABEL "Setup % Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Setup %!Complete"
FIELD "ClockInMInute" OF "LaborDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains both the clock
in date and time represented as the # of minutes from a base date. The date/time is
stored in this format to allow an eas ier method for comparing time ranges. This
will be utilized in labor collection logic when determining the # of jobs or # of
employees to split labor and burden hours. This field is Not directly maintainable.
It is just another representati on of the ClockInDate and ClockInTime fields. "
LABEL "In Minute"
FIELD "ClockOutMinute" OF "LaborDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains both the clock
out date and time. See ""ClockinMinute"" for further explanation of clock in/out.
When Labor Collection first creates thi s record it sets ClockOutMinute =
ClockInMinute + 1440. Then later during the cl ockout process it gets updated to
represent the clockout time. " LABEL "Out Minute"
FIELD "ClockinTime" OF "LaborDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The adjusted ClockIn time
for job costing. Labor Collection updat es this with the adjusted time. (see
LaborHed.ClockIn for explanation of adjuste d time). Labor entry uses
LaborHed.Clockin as a default for the first LaborDtl r ecord of a LaborHed. Then
use the ClockOut of the last LaborDtl record for this LaborHed. Do not allow the
ClockIn Time to be < the LaborHed.ClockIn time. Stor ed as hours.hundreths. The
clockin/clockout are used to calculate the LaborHours , BurdenHours. This field is
Not directly maintainable. Instead the user enters the clockin tim e through a
program defined fill-in widget which is formatted to conform to eith er
Hours:Minutes or Hours.Hundreths based on the setting in JCSyst.TimeFormat. The
programs will handle the logic to convert ""to"" and ""from"" the fill-in wi dget.
" LABEL "Clock In"
FIELD "OverRidePayRate" OF "LaborDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "User-defined rate. The
Manufacturing System provides entry/main tenance to this field in labor entry. It
is not referenced in any other part of the Manufacturing System. Solely intended
for use by programs the users may wi sh to develop." LABEL "User Rate"
FIELD "LaborType" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the type of labor
transaction. It can be ""I"" = Indire ct, ""P"" - Production, ""S"" - Setup. This
value controls what fields are displayed/prompted for. ""I"" Indirect does not use
JobNum, LotNum, SetupPctCmp, OprComplete, OpCode, La borQty, ScrapQty,
ScrapReasonCode, Rework, ReworkReasonCode.
""S"" Setup does not use IndirectCode. ""P"" Production does not use IndirectCode
or SetupPctCmp, " LABEL "Labor Type"
FIELD "LaborHrs" OF "LaborDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Labor hours are used in
calculating labor cost for a job. It is s tored as hours-hundredths. It is
calculated whenever the start/stop time is chan ged. It can then be overridden. "
LABEL "Labor Hrs"
FIELD "BurdenHrs" OF "LaborDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Job Cost Burden hours.
Calculated whenever the start/stop times a re changed. Can then be overridden. This
is zero for indirect labor." LABEL "Burden Hrs"
FIELD "LaborQty" OF "LaborDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Total production quantity
reported. " LABEL "Labor Quantity" COLUMN-LABEL "Labor Quantity"
FIELD "ScrapQty" OF "LaborDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The reported scrap quantity. "
LABEL "Scrap Quantity" COLUMN-LABEL "Scrap Quantity"
FIELD "ResourceID" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The ID of the Resource
that was used to do the work. This field w ill be used to run reports using
LaborDtl records to show how much work has been done on a specific Resource. This
ID is directly entered in labor entry and Lab or collection. It is only prompted
for if the JcSyst.MachinePrompt = Yes/" LABEL "Resource ID"
FIELD "ScrapReasonCode" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The reason code that
is used to link this transaction to a Reason master record, which indicates why
this scrap occurred and allows the system th e ability to recap scrap by a code for
analysis purposes. This should only exist when ScrapQty Ne 0.00. " LABEL "Scrap
FIELD "Complete" OF "LaborDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this transaction
""completes"" either the setup or p roduction for this operation. " LABEL
FIELD "IndirectCode" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "A code that links to the
Indirect master record that describes th e type of indirect labor for this
transaction. This field IS DIRECTLY ENTERED, n ot via a description/selection list
method. This is only valid when LaborType = ""I"" and must then be valid. " LABEL
"Indirect Code"
FIELD "ClockOutTime" OF "LaborDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The adjusted Clock Out
time for job costing. Labor entry uses t he LaborHed.ClockOut as a default on the
first LaborDtl transaction of a LaborHe d record. Do not allow the ClockOut to go
past the LaborHed.ClockOut. See ""Clo ckin"" for further explanation of clock
in/out. Labor Entry updates this field at the time of clocking out of a job with
the adj usted time. (see LaborHed.ClockOut for description of adjusted time)" LABEL
"Clock Out"
FIELD "ExpenseCode" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The expense code for this
labor transaction. An expense code is a abbreviated method of indirectly assigning
a G/L account for the labor expense. DEFAULTS: for direct labor; use the
JobHead.ExpenseCode if its non-blank, els e use the Employee.ExpenseCode. For
Indirect Labor use the Indirect.ExpenseCode if not blank, else use the
employee.ExpenseCode." LABEL "Expense Code"
FIELD "LaborCollection" OF "LaborDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "An internal flag that
indicates if this record was created by the Labor Collection system. It does not
have any specific purpose, but it would b e nice to know in debugging situations."
FIELD "LaborRate" OF "LaborDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Labor rate used for this
transaction. This is not maintainable or viewable from labor entry. It is captured
from the EmpBasic.LaborRate at time o f entry. " LABEL "Prod. Labor Rate" COLUMN-
LABEL "P-Labor"
FIELD "ReworkReasonCode" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The reason code that
is used to link this transaction to a Reason master record, which indicates why
this rework is occurring on this operation and allows the system the ability to
recap rework by a code for analysis purpose s. This should only exist when
LaborDtl.Rework = Yes. " LABEL "Rework Reason"
FIELD "LaborNote" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "A short note that the user
can make about the labor transaction. " LABEL "Note"
FIELD "BurdenRate" OF "LaborDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The burden rate for this
transaction at the time the transaction was created. Capture the appropriate rate
from the WrkCenter.ProdBurRate or WrkC enter.SetupBurRate. Note that these rates
can be either a ""flat"" rate or a ""p ercent' of labor rate. This is not user
maintainable or viewable by Labor Entry . Always Zero for indirect labor
transactions." LABEL "Burden Rate"
FIELD "DspClockInTime" OF "LaborDtl": character
DESCRIPTION "A ""pre-formatted"" ClockinTime field used for displays purposes only.
If JCSyst.ClockFormat = ""M"" then output the clockin time as Hours:Minu tes else
output it as Hours.Hundreths. Note that the colon or period are physi cally part of
the field."
FIELD "AppliedToSchedule" OF "LaborDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "an internal flag
which indicates if this labor transaction has up dated the job schedule. This will
be updated via a Schedule refresh process."
FIELD "ClockInDate" OF "LaborDtl": date DESCRIPTION "The clock in date that
corresponds to the clock in time field. La bor entry uses the LaborHed.ClockInDate
as a default for the first LaborDtl reco rd of the LaborHed and then will use the
date from the Last LaborDtl record. Lab or Collection creates this field based on
an adjusted system date. See LaborHed .ClockInDate field description on adjusting
the date." LABEL "Clock In Date"
FIELD "DspClockOutTime" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "A ""pre-formatted""
ClockOutTime field used for displays purpose s only. If JCSyst.ClockFormat = ""M""
then output the clockin time as Hours:Min utes else output it as Hours.Hundreths.
Note that the colon or period are phys ically part of the field."
FIELD "LaborHedSeq" OF "LaborDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Used as the foreign key to
the LaborHed record.


FIELD "OpComplete" OF "LaborDtl": logical DESCRIPTION " When displayed in Labor

entry this field represents the current status of JobOper.OpComplete. It is used to
directly toggle the operation from o pen to closed. The LaborDtl write trigger uses
this to set JobOper.OpComplete. " LABEL "Opr Complete"
FIELD "EarnedHrs" OF "LaborDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The amount of hours that it
should have taken (based on standard) to produce the reported LaborQty. For Setup
labor the Earned hours is the lesso r of (Est.Setup - ActSetUp) or
LaborDtl.BurdenHrs. Rework labor always has zero Earned hrs. Earned hours for
production labor is calculated as (JobOper.EstProdH ours / JobOper.RunQty) *
FIELD "AddedOper" OF "LaborDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "This indicates if this labor
transaction was against an ""added o peration"" at the time it was created/updated.
This field is a copy of the JobOP er.AddedOper. It is for internal use only. Used
in the logic concerned with upda ting the ShopPerf summary file. This field
prevents the summary from being corru pted if the user changes the
JobOPer.AddedOper field after labor activity has oc curred."
FIELD "ReWork" OF "LaborDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Logical flag that indicates if
this is a Rework labor transaction . This MUST be NO for Indirect labor
(LaborDtl.LaborType = I) " LABEL "Rework"
FIELD "PayrollDate" OF "LaborDtl": date DESCRIPTION "Not directly user
maintainable. Duplicated from LaborHed.PayrollD ate. Is used as one of the
selection criteria of the labor edit report. See Labo rHed.PayrollDate for further
info." LABEL "Payroll Date"
FIELD "PostedToGL" OF "LaborDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
labor/burden cost was posted to G/L WIP account s. Transactions are posted in
summary form. Note: All GL related fields (Fiscalyear,FiscalPeriod,Account,etc.)
are establish ed during the Caputure WIP/COS process (JCP80-GN.W) "
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "LaborDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year that entry was
posted to in G/L. Note: applicable only when posted to G/L." LABEL "Fiscal Year"
COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal!Year"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "LaborDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal period that entry
was posted to. Note: applicable only when posted to G/L. " LABEL "Period" COLUMN-
LABEL "Fiscal Period"
FIELD "JournalNum" OF "LaborDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Journal # that entry was
posted to. Note: applicable only when posted to G/L." LABEL "Journal"
FIELD "GLTrans" OF "LaborDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Internal flag to indicates if
this is the type of transaction tha t would affect GL. It is used to prevent
certain transactions from posting to G /L. Currently details created from Job Split
do not affect GL and set this to N O." LABEL "GL"
FIELD "JournalCode" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Journal Code of the
related GLJrnDtl." LABEL "Journal"
FIELD "OBS900-WipLbrChart" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component of
the WIP Labor Control G/L Account. (See WipLbrDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-WipLbrDept" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the WIP Labor Control G/L Account. (See WipLbrDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-WIpBurDiv" OF "LaborDtl": character
DESCRIPTION "Division component of the WIP Burden Control G/L Account. "
FIELD "OBS900-WipBurChart" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component of
the WIP Burden Control G/L Account. (See WipBurDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-WipBurDept" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the WIP Burden Control G/L Account. (See WipBurDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-WagesPayableDiv" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Division
component of the Wages Payable G/L Account. Used when no acct has been defined at a
lower level."
FIELD "OBS900-WagesPayableChart" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Chart
component of the Wages Payable G/L Account. (See WagesPayableDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-WagesPayableDept" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the Wages Payable G/L Account. (See WagesPayableDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-OverHeadDiv" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Division component
of the Over Head G/L Account. OverHead is offsetting account for WIP Burden costs."

FIELD "OBS900-OverHeadChart" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Chart component

of the Over Head G/L Account. (See OverHeadDiv description)"
FIELD "OBS900-OverHeadDept" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of the Over Head G/L Account. (See OverHeadDiv description)"
FIELD "CallNum" OF "LaborDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The service call that this
service record belongs to." LABEL "Call"
FIELD "InspectionPending" OF "LaborDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
labordtl record inspection has completed."
FIELD "CallLine" OF "LaborDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The line number of the service
call this labor detail is for." LABEL "Line"
FIELD "ServNum" OF "LaborDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "the service that is being
performed on this line."
LABEL "Line"
FIELD "ServCode" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the Service"
FIELD "ResReasonCode" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Problem reason code
from the reason master table. type Service ca ll. " LABEL "Resolution Code"
FIELD "OBS900-CallLabExpDiv" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Division
component of Call account . The full Call account number is made up of CallExptDiv,
CallExpChart and CallExpDept. "
FIELD "OBS900-CallLabExpDept" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Department
component of CallExpense account that is to be allocat ed to. The full Call Expense
account number is made up of CallExpDiv, CallExpCh art and CallExpDept. "
FIELD "OBS900-CallLabExpChart" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of
Account component of Call Expense account that is to b e allocated to."
FIELD "WipPosted" OF "LaborDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates that record was
processed by the Capture Wip/Cos progra m (JCP80-GN.W). WipPosted records cannot be
maintained through labor entry. " LABEL "Wip Posted"
FIELD "DiscrepQty" OF "LaborDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Non-conformance (scrap)
quantity reported in this field would go into Q/A for inspection." LABEL "Non-Conf
FIELD "DiscrpRsnCode" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The reason code that is
used to link the transaction to the reaso n master record, which indicates why the
Non-Conformance (discrepant) occurred a nd allows the system the ability to recap
Non-Conformance (scrap) by a code for analysis purposes.
FIELD "ParentLaborDtlSeq" OF "LaborDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "If this record was
created through Back Flushing, then this field contains the LaborDtlSeq of the
LaborDtl record which caused this record to be created. The LaborDtl record wich
caused the Back Flushing process to start and create other LaborDtl recods is the
Parent and the LaborDtl records created by the Back Flushing process are the
FIELD "LaborEntryMethod" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Method
for Labor Entry. Can be ""T"" - Time and Qu antity, ""Q"" - Quantity Only (Time is
estimated) or ""B"" - Backflush. If ""B"
" then the LaborNote will be ""Backflushed""." LABEL "Labor Entry"
FIELD "Obsolete905-ServiceTechEntry" OF "LaborDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "An
internal flag that indicates if this record was created thru t he ""Add Service
Tech Detail"" menu of the Labor Entry program. It will be used to restrict entry to
some of the fields in the LaborDtl if updated as a Service Technician."
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year suffix."
LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal calendar
year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "LaborDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BFLaborReq" OF "LaborDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Backflush of Labor Required"
LABEL "BF Labor Req"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "LaborDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ABTUID" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Reference to the ABT, it is
FIELD "ProjectID" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code assigned
by the user to uniquely identify the Jo bs, Orders, POs, and Tasks in a Project.
Cannot be blank. " LABEL "Project ID"
FIELD "PhaseID" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Project Phase ID" LABEL
"Project Phase" COLUMN-LABEL "Project Phase"
FIELD "RoleCd" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Project Role Code" LABEL
"Project Role Code"
FIELD "TimeTypCd" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Time Type Code" LABEL "Time
Type Code"
FIELD "PBInvNum" OF "LaborDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The Project Billing Invoice
Number where these charges were proce ssed." LABEL "Project Billing Invoice"
FIELD "ClaimRef" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Brief description of the
time. Can be used to group time entries together, for example, all time entries
incurred on the same trip can be assign ed the same reference." LABEL "Claim
Reference" COLUMN-LABEL "Claim Reference"
FIELD "QuickEntryCode" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Quick entry code.
Reference to the QuickEntry table. Can be use d to default information into the
time record." LABEL "Quick Entry Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Quick Entry Code"
FIELD "PMUID" OF "LaborDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The payment method of the time."
LABEL "Pay Method UID" COLUMN-LABEL "Pay Method UID"
FIELD "TimeStatus" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The status of the time.
Values are: Blank E - Entered S - Submitted P - Partially Approved A - Approved R -
Rejected" LABEL "Status" COLUMN-LABEL "Status"
FIELD "ApprovedDate" OF "LaborDtl": date DESCRIPTION "The date the time received
final approval." LABEL "Approved Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Approved Date"
FIELD "TaskSetID" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Link to Task set" LABEL
"Task Set"
FIELD "CreatedBy" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Userid of the user who
created the record." LABEL "Created By" COLUMN-LABEL "Created By"
FIELD "CreateDate" OF "LaborDtl": date DESCRIPTION "The date the record was
created." LABEL "Create Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Create Date"
FIELD "CreateTime" OF "LaborDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The time the record was
created (in seconds since midnight)" LABEL "Create Time" COLUMN-LABEL "Create Time"

FIELD "ChangedBy" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Userid of the user who made
the last change to this record." LABEL "Changed By" COLUMN-LABEL "Changed By"
FIELD "ChangeDate" OF "LaborDtl": date DESCRIPTION "The date the record was last
changed." LABEL "Change Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Change Date"
FIELD "ChangeTime" OF "LaborDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "The time the record was last
changed (in seconds since midnight)" LABEL "Change Time" COLUMN-LABEL "Change Time"

FIELD "ActiveTaskID" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The Currently active

Stage changing task" LABEL "Active Task"
FIELD "LastTaskID" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The Last Complete
Milestone task" LABEL "Last Task"
FIELD "CreatedViaTEWeekView" OF "LaborDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "For development
use only. This field indicates that this LaborDt l record was generated via the
Weekly View tab of Time and Expense Entry, which is a way for the user to enter
bulk data for hours within a week for the same ta sk. "
FIELD "CurrentWFStageID" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The identifier of
the workflow stage." LABEL "Stage ID"
FIELD "WFGroupID" OF "LaborDtl": character
DESCRIPTION "The identifier of the workflow group" LABEL "Workflow Group"
FIELD "WFComplete" OF "LaborDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "This indicates if the
workflow for this group is complete." LABEL "Workflow Complete"
FIELD "ApprovalRequired" OF "LaborDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if approval
is required for this transaction." LABEL "Approval Required"
FIELD "SubmittedBy" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "The User ID of the
submitter." LABEL "Submitted By"
FIELD "PBRateFrom" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Project Billing
calculation in COSandWIP: where Rate is got from (EMPL=Employee, ROLE=Role, PROJ =
Project) " LABEL "Rate From"
FIELD "PBCurrencyCode" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Project Billing
calculation in COSandWIP: Currency code is got fr om Project" LABEL "Currency Code"

FIELD "PBHours" OF "LaborDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Project Billing calculation in

COSandWIP: Hours used for charge" LABEL "Hours"
FIELD "PBChargeRate" OF "LaborDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Project Billing
calculation in COSandWIP: Rate is got according t o the Project setup" LABEL
"Charge Rate"
FIELD "PBChargeAmt" OF "LaborDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Project Billing calculation
in COSandWIP: Charge amount (Rate * h ours)" LABEL "Charge Amount"
FIELD "DocPBChargeRate" OF "LaborDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Project Billing
calculation in COSandWIP: Rate is got according t o the Project setup in the
Project currency" LABEL "Doc Charge Rate "
FIELD "Rpt1PBChargeRate" OF "LaborDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Project Billing
calculation in COSandWIP: Rate is got according t o the Project setup in the
Reporting currency" LABEL "Rpt-1 Charge Rate"
FIELD "Rpt2PBChargeRate" OF "LaborDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Project Billing
calculation in COSandWIP: Rate is got according t o the Project setup in the
Reporting currency" LABEL "Rpt-2 Charge Rate"
FIELD "Rpt3PBChargeRate" OF "LaborDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Project Billing
calculation in COSandWIP: Rate is got according t o the Project setup in the
Reporting currency" LABEL "Rpt-3 Charge Rate"
FIELD "DocPBChargeAmt" OF "LaborDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Project Billing
calculation in COSandWIP: Charge amount (Rate * h ours) in the Project currency"
LABEL "Doc Charge Amount "
FIELD "Rpt1PBChargeAmt" OF "LaborDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Project Billing
calculation in COSandWIP: Charge amount (Rate * h ours) in the Reporting currency"
LABEL "Rpt-1 Charge Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2PBChargeAmt" OF "LaborDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Project Billing
calculation in COSandWIP: Charge amount (Rate * h ours) in the Reporting currency"
LABEL "Rpt-2 Charge Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3PBChargeAmt" OF "LaborDtl": decimal DESCRIPTION "Project Billing
calculation in COSandWIP: Charge amount (Rate * h ours) in the Reporting currency"
LABEL "Rpt-3 Charge Amount"
FIELD "Shift" OF "LaborDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the shift in which the
employee clocked in. Default fr om the Employee master. Must be valid in the master
table JCShift." LABEL "Shift"
FIELD "LaborTypePseudo" OF "LaborDtl": character DESCRIPTION "Correlates to
LaborType. Indicates the type of labor transaction , however ""Production""
LaborType can be broken out into ""Project"", ""Product ion"" or ""Service"". Valid
Values are ""I"" = Indirect, ""P"" - Production, "" S"" - Setup, ""J"" - Project,
or ""V"" - Service. This value controls what fields are displayed/prompted for.
""I"" Indirect does not use JobNum, LotNum, SetupPctCmp, OprComplete, OpCode, La
borQty, ScrapQty, ScrapReasonCode, Rework, ReworkReasonCode. ""S"" Setup does not
use IndirectCode. ""P"" Production does not use IndirectCode or SetupPctCmp, "
LABEL "Labor Type"
FIELD "ActID" OF "LaborDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Links to PActDtl.ActID" LABEL
"Activity ID"
FIELD "DtailID" OF "LaborDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "System assigned unique id
number for the detail. Links to PActDtl .DetailID" LABEL "Activity Detail ID"
FIELD "ProjProcessed" OF "LaborDtl": logical DESCRIPTION "Logical field to indicate
if this record has been read by project analysis process."
FIELD "AsOfDate" OF "LaborDtl": date DESCRIPTION "Used By Project Analysis
FIELD "AsOfSeq" OF "LaborDtl": integer DESCRIPTION "Used By Project Analysis
INDEX "HedDtlSeq" ON "LaborDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Uniquely ids the
LaborDtl records within the parent LaborHed reco rds"
INDEX "EmployeeTime" ON "LaborDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Used when
determining # of Jobs that emp. is concurrently working on."
INDEX "HedSeqTime" ON "LaborDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Sorts the LaborDtl
within their related LaborHed and then by ""re al time"""
INDEX "JobAsmSeq" ON "LaborDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Sorts the labor
details by Job, Assembly, operation Sequence. "
INDEX "JobLastLoc" ON "LaborDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Used by Job
Tracker to determine the location of each assembly on a Job."
INDEX "Machine" ON "LaborDtl" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Sorts the LaborDtl
records by the machine ID used to do the work. "

TABLE "LaborDtlComment" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "LaborDtlComment" DESCRIPTION

"Labor Detail Comment table. Stores comments related to a LaborDt l record."
FIELD "Company" OF "LaborDtlComment": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "LaborHedSeq" OF "LaborDtlComment": integer DESCRIPTION "The unique
identifier of the Labor Header the comment relates to. "
FIELD "CommentNum" OF "LaborDtlComment": integer DESCRIPTION "Internal identifier
of the comment record. Used in conjunction w ith EmpTimeNum to make the record
unique." LABEL "Comment Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Comment Number"
FIELD "CommentType" OF "LaborDtlComment": character DESCRIPTION "The comment type
of this record. Values are: ""SUB"" Submit ""APP"" Approve ""REJ"" Reject" LABEL
"Comment Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Comment Type"
FIELD "CommentText" OF "LaborDtlComment": character DESCRIPTION "The comment text."
LABEL "Comment Text" COLUMN-LABEL "Comment Text"
FIELD "CreatedBy" OF "LaborDtlComment": character DESCRIPTION "Userid of the user
who created the record." LABEL "Created By" COLUMN-LABEL "Created By"
FIELD "CreateDate" OF "LaborDtlComment": date DESCRIPTION "The date the record was
created." LABEL "Create Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Create Date"
FIELD "CreateTime" OF "LaborDtlComment": integer DESCRIPTION "The time the record
was created (in seconds since midnight)" LABEL "Create Time" COLUMN-LABEL "Create
FIELD "ChangedBy" OF "LaborDtlComment": character DESCRIPTION "Userid of the user
who made the last change to this record." LABEL "Changed By" COLUMN-LABEL "Changed
FIELD "ChangeDate" OF "LaborDtlComment": date DESCRIPTION "The date the record was
last changed." LABEL "Change Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Change Date"
FIELD "ChangeTime" OF "LaborDtlComment": integer DESCRIPTION "The time the record
was last changed (in seconds since midnight)" LABEL "Change Time" COLUMN-LABEL
"Change Time"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "LaborDtlComment": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "LaborDtlComment": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "LaborDtlComment": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "TaskSeqNum" OF "LaborDtlComment": integer DESCRIPTION "The identifier of the
Task record the comment is related to. Can be zero, which indicates the comment is
not related to a specific task." LABEL "Task Sequence"
FIELD "LaborDtlSeq" OF "LaborDtlComment": integer DESCRIPTION "An integer assigned
by the system to uniquely identify the LaborD tl record. This integer is created by
using the database sequence ""LaborDtlSeq" "."

TABLE "LaborDtlGroup" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "labordtlgroup" DESCRIPTION "Stores

the labor detail group claim reference. Used to be able t o link attachments to one
or more LaborDtl records."
FIELD "Company" OF "LaborDtlGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "EmployeeNum" OF "LaborDtlGroup": character DESCRIPTION "The number of the
employee that performed the work. This field is duplicated from the
LaborHed.EmployeeNum. It is here so that an index can be bu ilt and used when
finding how many jobs are
FIELD "ClaimRef" OF "LaborDtlGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Brief description of
the expense. Can be used to expenses togeth er, for example, all expenses incurred
on the same trip can be assigned the same reference." LABEL "Claim Reference"
COLUMN-LABEL "Claim Reference"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "LaborDtlGroup": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "LaborDtlGroup": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "LaborDtlGroup": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "LaborEquip" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Used to enter Equipment

""meter"" values along with LaborDtl. Re levant only if Maint Mgmt Module is
FIELD "Company" OF "LaborEquip": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "LaborHedSeq" OF "LaborEquip": integer DESCRIPTION "Used as the foreign key
to the LaborHed record.


FIELD "LaborDtlSeq" OF "LaborEquip": integer DESCRIPTION "An integer assigned by

the system to uniquely identify the LaborD tl record. This integer is created by
using the database sequence ""LaborDtlSeq" ". "
FIELD "Hours" OF "LaborEquip": decimal DESCRIPTION "Hours that will be added to
Equip.CurrentMeter. Relevant only wh en the related Equip.LaborOpt = ""Hrs""" LABEL
FIELD "Qty" OF "LaborEquip": decimal DESCRIPTION "Quantity that will be added to
Equip.CurrentMeter. Relevant only when the related Equip.LaborOpt = ""Qty""" LABEL
FIELD "EquipID" OF "LaborEquip": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code assigned
by the user to uniquely identify the Eq uipment. Cannot be blank." LABEL "Equipment
FIELD "MeterUOM" OF "LaborEquip": character DESCRIPTION "Duplication of
Equip.MeterUOM" LABEL "Meter UOM"
FIELD "CurrentMeter" OF "LaborEquip": integer
DESCRIPTION "Current Meter reading which will update the Equip.CurrentMeter. R
elevant only when the related Equip.LaborOpt = ""Mtr""" LABEL "Current Meter"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "LaborEquip": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "LaborEquip": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."

TABLE "LaborHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Labor Header file. Contains labor
information at the employee lev el. Each record represents a physical clock in
period for an employee. This reco rd establishes Time & Attendance, Total payroll
hours, and is used as a parent to LaborDtl records. These records are created /
maintained via Labor Collection and Labor Entry prog rams. Note: DataBase clock
times are stored as hours hundredths. The system can be con figured to allow entry
of clock times as Hours.Hundreths (JCSyst.ClockFormat = " "H"") or Hours:Minutes
(JCSyst.ClockFormat = ""M""). Therefore Labor entry indir ectly updates these
fields by conversions to/from program defined entry widgets for clock times.
DELETE: Not allowed if LaborDtl records exist or if TransferredToPayroll = Yes."
FIELD "Company" OF "LaborHed": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "EmployeeNum" OF "LaborHed": character DESCRIPTION "The number of the
employee that performed the work. This field is directly maintainable. A selection
list is provided in labor entry to find the employee by name. " LABEL "Employee"
FIELD "LaborHedSeq" OF "LaborHed": integer DESCRIPTION "An integer assigned by the
system to uniquely identify the LaborH ed record. This integer is created by using
the database sequence ""LaborHedSeq" ". "
FIELD "PayrollDate" OF "LaborHed": date DESCRIPTION "The Payroll date is the
""Logical Day"" that labor occurred. In m ost cases this is the same as the
""Physical Day"". But when work is done befor e and after midnight then ""Labor
Collection"" rolls the physical date forward o r backward to create a Logical date.
This date will be used to group transaction s together by a logical date in order
to calculate daily overtime during the tra nsfer to payroll. It will also be used
in the selection criteria logic during the transfer to payr oll. This is duplicated
into each LaborDtl. " LABEL "Payroll Date"
FIELD "Shift" OF "LaborHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the shift in which the
employee clocked in. Default fr om the Employee master. Must be valid in the master
table JCShift." LABEL "Shift"
FIELD "ClockInTime" OF "LaborHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The clock in time to be
considered for payroll and costing purpos es as the time when the employee starts
work. Clock in time is stored as Hours.H undreths. It is created using the
ActualClockIn value & the Grace period allowed (JCSyst.Grace). If the
""ActualClockin"" is before the shift start time (JCShi ft.Start) and after
( JCShift. start - JCSyst.Grace) then the system adjusts the clockin time to be the
start of the shift. Else it will be set to the actual sy stem time."
FIELD "ActualClockInTime" OF "LaborHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual clock in time.
This time is NOT ADJUSTED, Labor collection uses the actual physical system time
when the employee clocked in. In Labor Ent ry it would be entered from the
TimeCard. Labor entry defaults it to the JCShift .StartTime. Stored as
Hours:Hundreths. " LABEL "Act. Clock In" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "ActualClockinDate" OF "LaborHed": date DESCRIPTION "The actual date at the
time of clockin. Labor Collection uses the system date to create this field. Labor
entry allows entry of this field and t hen uses it to generate the default for the
adjusted ""ClockInDate"". This fie ld is provided mainly for audit purposes. "
LABEL "Act. Date"
FIELD "LunchOutTime" OF "LaborHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Clock out time for Lunch
that is used for costing/payroll determi nation. It is created by adjusting the
ActLunchOutTime. . The adjusted time is w here the system time is rolled back to
the JCShift.LunchStart time when the empl oyee clocks out for lunch after it has
started but before it ends. Stored as Hours.Hundreths. " LABEL "Lunch Out"
FIELD "LunchInTime" OF "LaborHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Clock In time from Lunch
break that is used for costing/payroll d etermination. Created by adjusting the
ActLunchInTime. The adjusted time is where the system time is rolled forward to the
JCShift.Lunc hEnd time when the employee clocks in from lunch before the lunch
period ends. Stored as Hours.Hundreths. " LABEL "Lunch In"
FIELD "ClockOutTime" OF "LaborHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "The clockOut in time to be
considered for payroll and costing pur poses as the time when the employee stops
work. ClockOut time is stored as Hours .Hundreths. It is defaulted using the
ActualClockOut value & the Grace period al lowed (JCSyst.Grace). If the
""ActualClockOut"" is after the shift end time (JC Shift.End) and before
( JCShift.End + JC.Syst.Grace) then the system adjusts the ClockOut time to be the
end of the shift. Else it will be set to the actual sys tem time."
FIELD "ActualClockOutTime" OF "LaborHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual clock Out
time. This time is NOT ADJUSTED, Labor collectio n uses the actual physical system
time when the employee clocks out. In Labor E ntry it would be entered from the
TimeCard. Labor entry defaults it to the JCShi ft.EndTime. Stored as
Hours.Hundreths. " LABEL "Act. Clock Out" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "PayHours" OF "LaborHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Hours for payroll. This is
stored as Hours.Hundreths. For exampl e 3 1/2 hours is stored as 3.5. This is
calculated when the Start/Stop times are changed in labor entry. It can then be
overridden. The Logic for calculating hours from clockin, clockout is: If ClockIn >
ClockOut Gross Hours = ( (ClockOut + 24.00) - ClockIn) else Gross H ours = ClockOut
- ClockIn. If LunchOut > LunchIn Lunch Hours = ( (LunchIn +24) - LunchOut ) else
Lunch Hours = ( LunchIn - LunchOut ). PayHours = GRoss Hours - Lunch Hours.
Remember that the database clockin/clockout fields are stored as hours hundredth s,
while the entry widgets are either hours.hundreths or Hours:Minutes. So use t he
database fields in this calculation and there is no need to worry about conve
rsions. " LABEL "Pay Hours"
FIELD "FeedPayroll" OF "LaborHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag that indicates this
labor transaction is eligible for transf er to DCD payroll application. The default
is set from JCSyst.FeedPayroll." LABEL "Payroll"
FIELD "TransferredToPayroll" OF "LaborHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this
transaction has been transferred to payroll. Th is is updated via the Payroll
function to transfer labor."
FIELD "LaborCollection" OF "LaborHed": logical DESCRIPTION "An internal flag that
indicates if this record was created by the Labor Collection system. It does not
have any specific purpose, but it would b e nice to know in debugging situations."
FIELD "TranSet" OF "LaborHed": character DESCRIPTION "An optional field where the
user enters a string of characters th at would be used to associate multiple
transactions as being part of a transacti on set. TranSet will be used for data
selection type functions." LABEL "Trans Set"
FIELD "ClockInDate" OF "LaborHed": date DESCRIPTION "The clock in date of the clock
in time field. It is created using the ActualDate and may be rolled
forward/backward if the clock in time is adjus ted across midnight. For example,
when an employee clocks in prior to midnight, but shift starts at midnight or
later, this situation causes the default to be A ctualDateIn + 1." LABEL "Clock In
FIELD "ActiveTrans" OF "LaborHed": logical DESCRIPTION "Used by Labor collection to
indicate that this LaborHed record is currently active. When the employee clocks
out it is set to ""No"". If record is created by Labor Entry this value is ""NO"".
This field is controlled by the programs and not directly updated by the user. I t
will be used to prevent clocking in twice, displaying which employees are cloc ked
in and which ones have not clocked out. Labor entry can't access a record th at is
Open. "
FIELD "DspClockInTime" OF "LaborHed": character DESCRIPTION "A ""pre-formatted""
ClockinTime field used for displays purposes only. If JCSyst.ClockFormat = ""M""
then output the clockin time as Hours:Minu tes else output it as Hours.Hundreths.
Note that the colon or period are physi cally part of the field."
FIELD "DspClockOutTime" OF "LaborHed": character DESCRIPTION "A ""pre-formatted""
ClockOutTime field used for displays purpose s only. If JCSyst.ClockFormat = ""M""
then output the clockin time as Hours:Min utes else output it as Hours.Hundreths.
Note that the colon or period are phys ically part of the field."
FIELD "ActLunchOutTime" OF "LaborHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual Clock out time
for Lunch. Stored as Hours.Hundreths. If the system is configured to automatically
take out the standard lunch time (JCSy st.AutoLunch = Yes) then use the
JCShift.LunchStart as the default. Labor collec tion creates these during the clock
In function. But may erase or adjust them if the employee clocks out before or
during the lunch period. If JCsyst.AutoLunch = ""NO"" then there is no default.
Labor entry validates that the LunchOut - LunchIn falls between the ClockIn a nd
ClockOut times. If the JCSyst.AutoLunch = ""NO"" then Labor Collection allows the
Lunch Clock in /out function and captures the system time for LunchOut. " LABEL
"Act. Lunch Out"
FIELD "ActLunchInTime" OF "LaborHed": decimal DESCRIPTION "Actual Clock In time
from Lunch. Stored as Hours.Hundreths. If the system is configured to automatically
take out the standard lunch time (JCS yst.AutoLunch = Yes) then use the
JCShift.LunchEnd as the default. Labor collect ion creates these during the clock
In function. But may erase or adjust them if the employee clocks out before or
during the lunch period. If JCsyst.AutoLunch = ""NO"" then there is no default.
Labor entry validates that the LunchOut - LunchIn falls between the ClockIn a nd
ClockOut times. If the JCSyst.AutoLunch = ""NO"" then Labor Collection allows the
Lunch Clock in /out function and captures the system time. " LABEL "Act. Lunch In"
FIELD "LunchStatus" OF "LaborHed": character DESCRIPTION "An internal control byte
used by Labor Collection when the system is configured not to take out lunch
automatically (JCSyst.AutoLunch = N). It is used determine if what to do when the
""Lunch"" button is pressed. The possible values are ""N"" - No lunch, ""O"" - Out
to Lunch, ""R"" - Returned from lunch.
FIELD "ChkLink" OF "LaborHed": character DESCRIPTION "Encoded value
PRChkDtl.HeadNum + PRChkDtl.LineNum. Used to relate the labor to the payroll check
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "LaborHed": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "LaborHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "LaborHed": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "TransNum" ON "LaborHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Establishes a unique
key for each employee clockin occurance. "
INDEX "ActiveEmployee" ON "LaborHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Used to
organize the Active (open) LaborHed records together. "
INDEX "EmployeeDate" ON "LaborHed" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Organizes file
by employee ,descending Payroll date, acending tim e."

TABLE "LaborPart" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Child of the LaborDtl table.
Contains the part quantity completed for the end parts defined in the JobPart
table. This would only be entered on the Last operation of the final assembly and
only if there are multiple end parts on the job or if JobPart.PartPerOp is > 1. "
FIELD "Company" OF "LaborPart": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "LaborHedSeq" OF "LaborPart": integer DESCRIPTION "Used as the foreign key to
the LaborHed record.


FIELD "LaborDtlSeq" OF "LaborPart": integer DESCRIPTION "An integer assigned by the

system to uniquely identify the LaborD tl record. This integer is created by using
the database sequence ""LaborDtlSeq"
". "
FIELD "PartNum" OF "LaborPart": character DESCRIPTION "Part number of the
manufactured item that the quantity is for. Mu st be defined on the Job in the
JobPart table. " LABEL "Part"
FIELD "PartQty" OF "LaborPart": decimal DESCRIPTION "The number of individual parts
completed on this labor transactio n. Updates the JobPart.QtyCompleted. " LABEL
"Prod. Qty" COLUMN-LABEL "Prod. Qty"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "LaborPart": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "LaborPart": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "LaborPart": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "LangDesc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Holds the descriptions of the
record in multiple languages, relat ed to the field Description"
FIELD "Company" OF "LangDesc": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "TableName" OF "LangDesc": character DESCRIPTION "Name of table that this
data is related" LABEL "Table Name" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "Key1" OF "LangDesc": character DESCRIPTION "Contains values that represent
the key1 to the foreign record tha t this record is related. " LABEL "Key1"
FIELD "LangNameID" OF "LangDesc": character DESCRIPTION "Language ID" LABEL
"Language ID"
FIELD "Description" OF "LangDesc": character DESCRIPTION "Language Description"
LABEL "Description"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "LangDesc": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "LangDesc": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "Key2" OF "LangDesc": character DESCRIPTION "key2 of the foreign record "
LABEL "Key2"
FIELD "Key3" OF "LangDesc": character DESCRIPTION "key3 of the foreign record "
LABEL "Key3"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "LangDesc": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalLangDesc" OF "LangDesc": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this LangDesc as
global, available to be sent out to other companies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "LangDesc": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."
INDEX "PRInd" ON "LangDesc" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Primary"

TABLE "LangName" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Languages" DESCRIPTION "Manufacturing

System Languages"
FIELD "LangNameID" OF "LangName": character DESCRIPTION "Language ID" LABEL
"Language ID" COLUMN-LABEL "Lang ID"
FIELD "Description" OF "LangName": character
DESCRIPTION "Language Name Description" LABEL "Description"
FIELD "ParentLangID" OF "LangName": character DESCRIPTION "Parent Language ID"
LABEL "Parent Language" COLUMN-LABEL "Parent ID"
FIELD "IsCustomLang" OF "LangName": logical DESCRIPTION "Custom Languange flag"
LABEL "Customer defined" COLUMN-LABEL "cust.def"
FIELD "HelpFileName" OF "LangName": character DESCRIPTION "Name of the help file
associated with this language" LABEL "Help File Name"
FIELD "SpellCheckingDictionary" OF "LangName": character DESCRIPTION "Spell
checking dictionary fiel" LABEL "Spell Checking Dictionary"
FIELD "TransVer" OF "LangName": integer DESCRIPTION "This field is used for
Language translation version number."
FIELD "Culture" OF "LangName": character DESCRIPTION "Culture flag" LABEL "Culture"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "LangName": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "LangName": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "LangName": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "LangOrg" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "original text" DESCRIPTION "original
FIELD "OrgTextID" OF "LangOrg": integer DESCRIPTION "Original Text ID"
FIELD "OrgHash" OF "LangOrg": integer DESCRIPTION "Orginal Hash code"
FIELD "OrgText" OF "LangOrg": character DESCRIPTION "Text to change." LABEL
FIELD "SortOrgText" OF "LangOrg": character DESCRIPTION "The first 50 characters
from OrgText"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "LangOrg": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "LangOrg": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "LangOrg": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "LangProg" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "program names" DESCRIPTION "program
FIELD "ProgramID" OF "LangProg": character DESCRIPTION "Program ID" LABEL "Program
FIELD "ProgramDesc" OF "LangProg": character DESCRIPTION "Program Description"
LABEL "Description"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "LangProg": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "LangProg": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "TransVer" OF "LangProg": integer DESCRIPTION "This field is used for
Language translation version number."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "LangProg": integer
DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit
Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "LangTran" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "text translations" DESCRIPTION "text
FIELD "LangNameID" OF "LangTran": character DESCRIPTION "Language ID"
FIELD "OrgTextID" OF "LangTran": integer DESCRIPTION "Original Text ID"
FIELD "ProgramID" OF "LangTran": character DESCRIPTION "Program ID"
FIELD "TransText" OF "LangTran": character DESCRIPTION "Translated text." LABEL
FIELD "CustomTrans" OF "LangTran": logical DESCRIPTION "Custom Translation" LABEL
"Custom translated" COLUMN-LABEL "cust.trans"
FIELD "SortTransText" OF "LangTran": character DESCRIPTION "The first 50 characters
from TransText"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "LangTran": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "LangTran": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "LangTran": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "LangXref" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "xref text to program" DESCRIPTION "Cross
reference text to program"
FIELD "OrgTextID" OF "LangXref": integer DESCRIPTION "Original Text ID"
FIELD "ProgramID" OF "LangXref": character DESCRIPTION "Program ID" LABEL "Program
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "LangXref": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "LangXref": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "LangXref": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "LbrLoad" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Labor Load. Contains labor entries
generated by Labor Collection . Records are first written to this table. If they
pass validation they are tran sferred to the LaborDtl table. Otherwise they remain
in this table waiting to be corrected by the user."
FIELD "Company" OF "LbrLoad": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "RecordIdentifier" OF "LbrLoad": character DESCRIPTION "Identifies the type
of record in the Labor Collection file. Clock In - ""R1"" Start Activity - ""R2""
End Activity - ""R3"" Clock Out - ""R4""" LABEL "Record Type"
FIELD "EmployeeNum" OF "LbrLoad": character DESCRIPTION "The number of the employee
that performed the work. This field is directly maintainable. " LABEL "Employee"
FIELD "Shift" OF "LbrLoad": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the shift that the
employee is clocked in on. Default from the Employee master. Must be valid in the
JcShift master." LABEL "Shift"
FIELD "ClockDate" OF "LbrLoad": date DESCRIPTION "Date stamp from the hand held
device." LABEL "Clock In Date"
FIELD "ClockTime" OF "LbrLoad": integer DESCRIPTION "The actual time when the
record is created from the Labor Collect ion device in seconds. "
FIELD "LaborType" OF "LbrLoad": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates the type of labor
transaction. It can be ""I"" = Indirect, ""P"" - Production, ""S"" - Setup. This
value controls what fields are displayed/prompted for. ""I"" Indirect does not use
JobNum, LotNum, SetupPctCmp, OprComplete, OpCode, La borQty, ScrapQty,
ScrapReasonCode, Rework, ReworkReasonCode. ""S"" Setup does not use IndirectCode.
""P"" Production does not use IndirectCode or SetupPctCmp, " LABEL "Labor Type"
FIELD "ReWork" OF "LbrLoad": logical DESCRIPTION "Logical flag that indicates if
this is a Rework labor transaction . This MUST be NO for Indirect labor
(LaborDtl.LaborType = I) " LABEL "Rework"
FIELD "ReworkReasonCode" OF "LbrLoad": character DESCRIPTION "The reason code that
is used to link this transaction to a Reason master record, which indicates why
this rework is occurring on this operation and allows the system the ability to
recap rework by a code for analysis purpose s. This should only exist when
LaborDtl.Rework = Yes. " LABEL "Rework Reason"
FIELD "JobNum" OF "LbrLoad": character DESCRIPTION "Job number to which this labor
transaction applies. For Setup & P roduction labor this is a mandatory entry. "
LABEL "Job Number"
FIELD "AssemblySeq" OF "LbrLoad": integer DESCRIPTION "The Assembly Sequence of the
Job that the labor transaction appli es to. This can be blank or must be valid in
the JobAsmbl file. " LABEL "Asm"
FIELD "OprSeq" OF "LbrLoad": integer DESCRIPTION "The sequence of the operation
record within the specific Job/Asse mbly to which this labor transaction applies.
For setup & production entries this must be valid and must not be a subcontract
operation (JobOper.SubContract = NO)." LABEL "Opr"
FIELD "ResourceGrpID" OF "LbrLoad": character DESCRIPTION "The Resource Group in
which the labor was performed. This code i s DIRECTLY entered in labor entry,
instead of the finding it based on the descri ption. This is mandatory and must be
valid in the ResourceGroup master. For production labor (LaborType = ""S"" or
""P"") the default is from the JobOpe r.WcCode. For indirect labor (LaborType = I)
there is no default. "
LABEL "Resource Group"
FIELD "OpCode" OF "LbrLoad": character DESCRIPTION "The operation Code for this
labor transaction. Default from JobOp er.OpCode. This field IS DIRECTLY ENTERED.
This is a mandatory field for direct labor transactions. " LABEL "Operation"
FIELD "LaborQty" OF "LbrLoad": decimal DESCRIPTION "The Total production quantity
reported. " LABEL "Quantity"
FIELD "ScrapQty" OF "LbrLoad": decimal DESCRIPTION "The reported scrap quantity. "
LABEL "Scrap"
FIELD "ScrapReasonCode" OF "LbrLoad": character DESCRIPTION "The reason code that
is used to link this transaction to a Reason master record, which indicates why
this scrap occurred and allows the system th e ability to recap scrap by a code for
analysis purposes. This should only exist when ScrapQty Ne 0.00. " LABEL "Scrap
FIELD "IndirectCode" OF "LbrLoad": character DESCRIPTION "A code that links to the
Indirect master record that describes th e type of indirect labor for this
transaction. This field IS DIRECTLY ENTERED, n ot via a description/selection list
method. This is only valid when LaborType = ""I"" and must then be valid. " LABEL
"Indirect Code"
FIELD "LaborNote" OF "LbrLoad": character DESCRIPTION "A short note that the user
can make about the labor transaction. " LABEL "Note"
FIELD "ResourceID" OF "LbrLoad": character DESCRIPTION "The ID of the Resource that
was used to do the work. This field w ill be used to run reports using LaborDtl
records to show how much work has been done on a specific machine. This ID is
directly entered in labor entry and Labo r collection. It is only prompted for if
the JcSyst.MachinePrompt = Yes/" LABEL "Resource ID"
FIELD "ErrorMessage" OF "LbrLoad": character DESCRIPTION "A descriptive information
about why this record could not be proc essed." LABEL "Error Message"
FIELD "LaborLoadSeq" OF "LbrLoad": integer DESCRIPTION "An integer used to create a
unique LaborLoad record."
FIELD "SysDate" OF "LbrLoad": date DESCRIPTION "System date at time that record was
created." LABEL "Sys Date"
FIELD "SysTime" OF "LbrLoad": integer DESCRIPTION "System Time (hr-min-sec) when
transaction was created." LABEL "Sys Time"
FIELD "ActiveTrans" OF "LbrLoad": logical DESCRIPTION "All the records from the
data collection file are loaded to the L aborLoad table with ActiveTrans equal to
true. The non-processed record will rem ain in the LaborLoad table with ActiveTrans
equal to false. Maintenance is allow ed only when this flag is FALSE."
FIELD "SetupPctComplete" OF "LbrLoad": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates what percent
of the setup is considered complete as of this labor transaction. If
LaborDtl.SetupPctCmp is > JobOper.SetupPctCmp then l et JobOper.SetupPctCmp =
LaborDtl.SetupPctCmp." LABEL "Setup % Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Setup %!Complete"
FIELD "Complete" OF "LbrLoad": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this transaction
""completes"" either the setup or p roduction for this operation. " LABEL
FIELD "NoClockOut" OF "LbrLoad": logical DESCRIPTION "Data Collection system
automatically generates the necessary clo ck out transactions during the clock in
process when the employee forgot to cloc k out for a previous day. If an active
clock in exists and the current clock in time is 16 hours greater than the
outstanding clock in time then system assumes that they forgot to clock out and
will generate the necessary clock out transact ions. Otherwise it will issue the
message that employee is already clocked in. While allowing the employee to clock
in for the new day , these clock out transa ctions will be reported in the error
log. This field is used to indicate this ev ent."
FIELD "DiscrepQty" OF "LbrLoad": decimal DESCRIPTION "The scrap quantity reported
in this field would go into Q/A for i nspection." LABEL "Discrepant Qty"
FIELD "DiscrpRsnCode" OF "LbrLoad": character DESCRIPTION "The reason code that is
used to link the transaction to the reaso n master record, which indicates why the
discrepant occurred and allows the syst em the ability to recap scrap by a code for
analysis purposes.
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "LbrLoad": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "LbrLoad": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "LbrLoad": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "LegalNumCnfg" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Legal Number Configuration

FIELD "Company" OF "LegalNumCnfg": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "LegalNumberID" OF "LegalNumCnfg": character DESCRIPTION "The legal number
identifier." LABEL "Legal Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Legal Number"
FIELD "Description" OF "LegalNumCnfg": character DESCRIPTION "Description" LABEL
"Description" COLUMN-LABEL "Description"
FIELD "LegalNumberType" OF "LegalNumCnfg": character DESCRIPTION "The type of legal
number." LABEL "Legal Number Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Legal Number Type"
FIELD "DefaultPrefix" OF "LegalNumCnfg": character DESCRIPTION "The legal number
prefix." LABEL "DefaultPrefix" COLUMN-LABEL "DefaultPrefix"
FIELD "GenerationType" OF "LegalNumCnfg": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates how the
number is generated. Valid values are ""system "" and ""manual""." LABEL
"Generation Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Generation Type"
FIELD "DispAfterGen" OF "LegalNumCnfg": logical DESCRIPTION "For system generated
numbers, indicates if the number should be d isplayed to the user immediately after
generation." LABEL "Display Number After Generation" COLUMN-LABEL "Display Number
After Generation"
FIELD "PrefixType" OF "LegalNumCnfg": character DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
prefix is user defined or a selected journal cod
e. Valid values are ""user"" or ""jrnlcode""." LABEL "Prefix Type" COLUMN-LABEL
"Prefix Type"
FIELD "PrefixIsOverrideable" OF "LegalNumCnfg": logical DESCRIPTION "For manual
generation of legal numbers, indicates if the prefix c an be overrided upon
generation of the number." LABEL "Overrideable Prefix" COLUMN-LABEL "Overrideable
FIELD "NumberOption" OF "LegalNumCnfg": character DESCRIPTION "Valid values are
""Required"" and ""System""." LABEL "Number Option" COLUMN-LABEL "Number Option"
FIELD "LNCategory" OF "LegalNumCnfg": character DESCRIPTION "The category of the
legal number. Valid options are: DOC - Document legal number TRAN - Transaction
legal number" LABEL "Category" COLUMN-LABEL "Category"
FIELD "AllowPrefixesByPlant" OF "LegalNumCnfg": logical DESCRIPTION "Allow prefixes
to be defined at the plant level." LABEL "Allow Prefixes by Plant" COLUMN-LABEL
"Allow Prefixes by Plant"
FIELD "UsePreNumberFmt" OF "LegalNumCnfg": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if pre-
printed documents are used for printing. " LABEL "Pre Number Format" COLUMN-LABEL
"Pre Number Format"
FIELD "AllowChangeAfterPrint" OF "LegalNumCnfg": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if
changes can be made to a document after it has been printed." LABEL "Allow Change
After Print" COLUMN-LABEL "Allow Change After Print"
FIELD "NumLineDetails" OF "LegalNumCnfg": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicates the number
of details lines that can be printed on a do cument per page." LABEL "Detail Lines
in Format" COLUMN-LABEL "Detail Lines in Format"
FIELD "ExcludeYrInNumber" OF "LegalNumCnfg": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
year should be excluded when generating a legal number." LABEL "Exclude Year in
Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Exclude Year in Number"
FIELD "Separator" OF "LegalNumCnfg": character
DESCRIPTION "The separator symbol fof the pieces that make up a legal number."
LABEL "Separator" COLUMN-LABEL "Separator"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "LegalNumCnfg": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "LegalNumCnfg": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "LegalNumCnfg": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "Inactive" OF "LegalNumCnfg": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the legal
number is active" LABEL "Inactive"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "LegalNumCnfg": character DESCRIPTION "Reference to the
fiscal calendar (Taiwan Localization field)" LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "ExcludePerInNumber" OF "LegalNumCnfg": logical DESCRIPTION "Exclude Period
(Taiwan Localization field)" LABEL "Exclude Period"
FIELD "ExtensionDigit" OF "LegalNumCnfg": integer DESCRIPTION "The extension digit
is used to increase the capacity of the SSCC. It is assigned by the company that
constructs the SSCC. Sometimes is used to id entify the Package Type (P). 0=Case or
carton. 1=Pallet (Larger than a case). 2 =Container (larger than a pallet).
3=Undefined. 4=Internal company use. 5-8=Rese rved. 9=Variable container." LABEL
"Extension Digit"
FIELD "GenSSCC" OF "LegalNumCnfg": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the Serial
Shipment Container Code will be generated ." LABEL "Generate SSCC"
FIELD "SeqLength" OF "LegalNumCnfg": integer DESCRIPTION "The length that the
sequence can be, user will be able to set it from 1 to 10. And it will be filled
with leading zeros if the sequence doesnt fi t the defined seq length." LABEL
"Sequence Length"

TABLE "LegalNumDocType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "The document types the
legal number can be used for."
FIELD "Company" OF "LegalNumDocType": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "LegalNumberID" OF "LegalNumDocType": character DESCRIPTION "The legal number
identifier." LABEL "Legal Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Legal Number"
FIELD "TranDocTypeID" OF "LegalNumDocType": character DESCRIPTION "Transaction
document type id." LABEL "Transaction Document Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Transaction
Document Type"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "LegalNumDocType": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "LegalNumDocType": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "LegalNumDocType": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "LegalNumHistory" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Stores all legal numbers
that have been generated either by the s ystem manually."
FIELD "Company" OF "LegalNumHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "LegalNumber" OF "LegalNumHistory": character DESCRIPTION "The legal number"
LABEL "Legal Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Legal Number"
FIELD "TranDate" OF "LegalNumHistory": date DESCRIPTION "The date the number was
generated" LABEL "Transaction Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Transaction Date"
FIELD "LegalNumberID" OF "LegalNumHistory": character DESCRIPTION "The legal number
identifier that the legal number was generated f rom." LABEL "Legal Number" COLUMN-
LABEL "Legal Number"
FIELD "TranComplete" OF "LegalNumHistory": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
transaction that generated the number is complet e, i.e. posted, shipped, etc."
LABEL "Transaction Complete" COLUMN-LABEL "Transaction Complete"
FIELD "Voided" OF "LegalNumHistory": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the number
has been voided" LABEL "Voided" COLUMN-LABEL "Voided"
FIELD "VoidedByUser" OF "LegalNumHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Who voided the
number" LABEL "Voided By" COLUMN-LABEL "Voided By"
FIELD "VoidedDate" OF "LegalNumHistory": date DESCRIPTION "Date the number was
voided" LABEL "Void Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Void Date"
FIELD "VoidedReason" OF "LegalNumHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Reason for the
void" LABEL "Voided Reason" COLUMN-LABEL "Voided Reason"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "LegalNumHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "LegalNumHistory": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "RelatedToFile" OF "LegalNumHistory": character DESCRIPTION "The table the
legal number is related to such as InvcHead, ShipHe ad, etc."
FIELD "ForeignKey" OF "LegalNumHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Contains a
concatenate string of tilde ~ delimited values that re present the key to the
foreign record that this record is related. Example of use against InvcHead table:
Company = ""VNT10"", RelatedToFile = ""IncHead"", ForeignKey = ""1234"""
FIELD "PrintedLegalNumber" OF "LegalNumHistory": character DESCRIPTION "The legal
number printed on the document. Used when a document i s printed using pre-printed
forms, and print overflow numbers were voided. This field contains the reference to
the legal number that was printed. " LABEL "Printed Legal Number" COLUMN-LABEL
"Printed Legal Number"
FIELD "Plant" OF "LegalNumHistory": character DESCRIPTION "The plant that owns the
prefix used to create a legal number. Bl ank indicates a non-plant specific prefix.
" LABEL "Plant" COLUMN-LABEL "Plant"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "LegalNumHistory": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "LegalNumPrefix" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Legal Number Prefix.

Identifies the prefixes that are valid for a legal number configuration."
FIELD "Company" OF "LegalNumPrefix": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "LegalNumberID" OF "LegalNumPrefix": character DESCRIPTION "The legal number
identifier." LABEL "Legal Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Legal Number"
FIELD "Prefix" OF "LegalNumPrefix": character DESCRIPTION "Prefix value for a legal
number." LABEL "Sequence Prefix" COLUMN-LABEL "Sequence Prefix"
FIELD "Plant" OF "LegalNumPrefix": character DESCRIPTION "Plant Identifier. "
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "LegalNumPrefix": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "LegalNumPrefix": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "NumberOption" OF "LegalNumPrefix": character DESCRIPTION "Valid values are
""Required"" and ""System""." LABEL "Number Option" COLUMN-LABEL "Number Option"
FIELD "CnfgDefault" OF "LegalNumPrefix": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this is
the default prefix for the legal number conf iguration." LABEL "Default"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "LegalNumPrefix": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "LegalNumSeq" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Legal Number Sequences"

FIELD "Company" OF "LegalNumSeq": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "TransYear" OF "LegalNumSeq": integer DESCRIPTION "The transaction year the
sequence applies to. Based on a calenda r year." LABEL "Transaction Year" COLUMN-
LABEL "Transaction Year"
FIELD "NumberSeq" OF "LegalNumSeq": integer DESCRIPTION "The next available
sequence number." LABEL "Sequence" COLUMN-LABEL "Sequence"
FIELD "AvailFolios" OF "LegalNumSeq": integer DESCRIPTION "The number of pre-
printed forms available for the sequence." LABEL "Available Folios" COLUMN-LABEL
"Available Folios"
FIELD "UsedFolios" OF "LegalNumSeq": integer DESCRIPTION "The number of folios used
for this sequence." LABEL "Used Folios" COLUMN-LABEL "Used Folios"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "LegalNumSeq": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "LegalNumSeq": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "Prefix" OF "LegalNumSeq": character DESCRIPTION "The prefix used for this
sequence when generating a legal number. " LABEL "Sequence Prefix" COLUMN-LABEL
"Sequence Prefix"
FIELD "TransYearSuffix" OF "LegalNumSeq": character
DESCRIPTION "The transaction year suffix. " LABEL "Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Year
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "LegalNumSeq": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "StartSequence" OF "LegalNumSeq": integer DESCRIPTION "Start Sequence (Taiwan
Localization field)" LABEL "Start Sequence"
FIELD "EndSequence" OF "LegalNumSeq": integer DESCRIPTION "End Sequence (Taiwan
Localization field)" LABEL "End Sequence"
FIELD "PeriodPrefix" OF "LegalNumSeq": character DESCRIPTION "Prefix used for the
period. Available if TransPeriod > 0 (Taiwan Localization field)" LABEL "Period
FIELD "Inactive" OF "LegalNumSeq": logical DESCRIPTION "Inactive (Taiwan
Localization field)" LABEL "Inactive"
FIELD "TransPeriod" OF "LegalNumSeq": integer DESCRIPTION "The transaction period."
LABEL "Trans Period"

TABLE "Lifecycle" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Mfg Parts Lifecycle Status Codes"

FIELD "Company" OF "Lifecycle": character DESCRIPTION "Company Code" LABEL

FIELD "Code" OF "Lifecycle": character DESCRIPTION "Lifecycle Code (unique key)"
LABEL "Code"
FIELD "Description" OF "Lifecycle": character DESCRIPTION "Lifecycle status
description" LABEL "Description"
FIELD "DefaultStatus" OF "Lifecycle": logical DESCRIPTION "True if this is the
default status. Should always be true for exa ctly one status."
LABEL "DefaultStatus"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "Lifecycle": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "Lifecycle": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "Lifecycle": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "Inactive" OF "Lifecycle": logical DESCRIPTION "True if this code is
inactive" LABEL "Inactive"
FIELD "GlobalLifecycle" OF "Lifecycle": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this Lifecycle
as global, available to be sent out to other companies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "Lifecycle": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."

TABLE "Local001" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Localization table: Generic Table
with Character Keys"
FIELD "Company" OF "Local001": character DESCRIPTION "Company Code" LABEL "Company"

FIELD "LocalName" OF "Local001": character DESCRIPTION "Localization Name" LABEL

FIELD "Key1" OF "Local001": character DESCRIPTION "Key field 1" LABEL "Key1"
FIELD "Key2" OF "Local001": character DESCRIPTION "Key field 2" LABEL "Key2"
FIELD "Key3" OF "Local001": character DESCRIPTION "Key field 3" LABEL "Key3"
FIELD "Key4" OF "Local001": character DESCRIPTION "Key field 4" LABEL "Key4"
FIELD "Key5" OF "Local001": character DESCRIPTION "Key field 5" LABEL "Key5"
FIELD "Description" OF "Local001": character DESCRIPTION "Description" LABEL
FIELD "Comments" OF "Local001": character DESCRIPTION "Comments" LABEL "Comments"
FIELD "Character01" OF "Local001": character DESCRIPTION "Character01" LABEL
"Character01" COLUMN-LABEL "Character01"
FIELD "Date01" OF "Local001": date DESCRIPTION "not used" LABEL "Date01" COLUMN-
LABEL "Date01"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "Local001": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "Local001": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "Local001": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "Local010" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Localization table: Generic Table
with Integer Keys"
FIELD "Company" OF "Local010": character DESCRIPTION "Company Code" LABEL "Company"

FIELD "LocalName" OF "Local010": character

DESCRIPTION "Localization Name" LABEL "LocalName"
FIELD "Key1" OF "Local010": character DESCRIPTION "Character Key field 1" LABEL
FIELD "Key2" OF "Local010": character DESCRIPTION "Character Key field 2" LABEL
FIELD "Description" OF "Local010": character DESCRIPTION "Description" LABEL
FIELD "Comments" OF "Local010": character DESCRIPTION "Comments" LABEL "Comments"
FIELD "Character01" OF "Local010": character DESCRIPTION "Character01" LABEL
"Character01" COLUMN-LABEL "Character01"
FIELD "Date01" OF "Local010": date DESCRIPTION "not used" LABEL "Date01" COLUMN-
LABEL "Date01"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "Local010": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "Local010": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "Local010": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "IntKey1" OF "Local010": integer DESCRIPTION "Integer Key field 1" LABEL
FIELD "IntKey2" OF "Local010": integer DESCRIPTION "Integer Key field 2" LABEL
FIELD "IntKey3" OF "Local010": integer DESCRIPTION "Integer Key field 3"

TABLE "Local020" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Localization table: Generic Table
with Datetime Keys"
FIELD "Company" OF "Local020": character DESCRIPTION "Company Code" LABEL "Company"

FIELD "LocalName" OF "Local020": character DESCRIPTION "Localization Name" LABEL

FIELD "Key1" OF "Local020": character DESCRIPTION "Character Key field 1" LABEL
FIELD "Key2" OF "Local020": character DESCRIPTION "Character Key field 2" LABEL
FIELD "Key3" OF "Local020": character DESCRIPTION "Character Key field 3" LABEL
FIELD "Description" OF "Local020": character DESCRIPTION "Description" LABEL
FIELD "Comments" OF "Local020": character DESCRIPTION "Comments" LABEL "Comments"
FIELD "Character01" OF "Local020": character DESCRIPTION "Character01" LABEL
"Character01" COLUMN-LABEL "Character01"
FIELD "Date01" OF "Local020": date DESCRIPTION "not used" LABEL "Date01" COLUMN-
LABEL "Date01"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "Local020": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "Local020": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "Local020": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "DateKey1" OF "Local020": date DESCRIPTION "Date Key field 1" LABEL
FIELD "TimeKey1" OF "Local020": integer DESCRIPTION "Time Key field 1" LABEL
FIELD "IntKey1" OF "Local020": integer DESCRIPTION "Integer Key field 1" LABEL

TABLE "Local100" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Localization table: Generic Child
FIELD "Company" OF "Local100": character DESCRIPTION "Company Code" LABEL "Company"

FIELD "ParentSysRowID" OF "Local100": integer DESCRIPTION "Parent SysRowID" LABEL

FIELD "Sequence" OF "Local100": integer DESCRIPTION "Sequence Number" LABEL
FIELD "LocalName" OF "Local100": character DESCRIPTION "Localization Name" LABEL
FIELD "Description" OF "Local100": character DESCRIPTION "Description" LABEL
FIELD "Comments" OF "Local100": character DESCRIPTION "Comments" LABEL "Comments"
FIELD "Character01" OF "Local100": character DESCRIPTION "Character01" LABEL
"Character01" COLUMN-LABEL "Character01"
FIELD "Date01" OF "Local100": date DESCRIPTION "not used" LABEL "Date01" COLUMN-
LABEL "Date01"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "Local100": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "Local100": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "Local100": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "LocalCode" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Localization: Generic

Code/Description table"
FIELD "Company" OF "LocalCode": character DESCRIPTION "Company Code" LABEL
FIELD "LocalName" OF "LocalCode": character DESCRIPTION "Localization Name" LABEL
FIELD "Type" OF "LocalCode": character DESCRIPTION "Type" LABEL "Type"
FIELD "Code" OF "LocalCode": character DESCRIPTION "Code" LABEL "Code"
FIELD "Description" OF "LocalCode": character DESCRIPTION "Description" LABEL
FIELD "Comments" OF "LocalCode": character
DESCRIPTION "Comments" LABEL "Comments"
FIELD "Character01" OF "LocalCode": character DESCRIPTION "Character01" LABEL
"Character01" COLUMN-LABEL "Character01"
FIELD "Date01" OF "LocalCode": date DESCRIPTION "not used" LABEL "Date01" COLUMN-
LABEL "Date01"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "LocalCode": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "LocalCode": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "LocalCode": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "LocalComp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Localization: Linking

localization to company"
FIELD "Company" OF "LocalComp": character DESCRIPTION "Company Code" LABEL
FIELD "Localization" OF "LocalComp": character DESCRIPTION "Localization" LABEL
FIELD "LocalName" OF "LocalComp": character DESCRIPTION "Localization Name" LABEL
FIELD "Description" OF "LocalComp": character DESCRIPTION "Description" LABEL
FIELD "Comments" OF "LocalComp": character DESCRIPTION "Comments" LABEL "Comments"
FIELD "Character01" OF "LocalComp": character DESCRIPTION "Character01" LABEL
"Character01" COLUMN-LABEL "Character01"
FIELD "Date01" OF "LocalComp": date DESCRIPTION "not used" LABEL "Date01" COLUMN-
LABEL "Date01"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "LocalComp": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "LocalComp": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "LocalComp": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "LocalConfig" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Used internally to set

configuration settings at the company leve l"
FIELD "Company" OF "LocalConfig": character DESCRIPTION "Company Code" LABEL
FIELD "LocalName" OF "LocalConfig": character DESCRIPTION "Localization Name" LABEL
FIELD "Description" OF "LocalConfig": character DESCRIPTION "Description" LABEL
FIELD "Comments" OF "LocalConfig": character DESCRIPTION "Comments" LABEL
FIELD "Character01" OF "LocalConfig": character DESCRIPTION "Character01" LABEL
"Character01" COLUMN-LABEL "Character01"
FIELD "Date01" OF "LocalConfig": date DESCRIPTION "not used" LABEL "Date01" COLUMN-
LABEL "Date01"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "LocalConfig": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "LocalConfig": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "LocalConfig": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "Localizations" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Localizations table"

FIELD "Localization" OF "Localizations": character DESCRIPTION "Localization" LABEL
FIELD "Description" OF "Localizations": character DESCRIPTION "Description" LABEL
FIELD "Comments" OF "Localizations": character DESCRIPTION "Comments" LABEL
FIELD "Character01" OF "Localizations": character DESCRIPTION "Character01" LABEL
"Character01" COLUMN-LABEL "Character01"
FIELD "Date01" OF "Localizations": date DESCRIPTION "not used" LABEL "Date01"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "Localizations": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "Localizations": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "Localizations": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "LocalName" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Localization: Used internally to

describe the purpose of the loca lization feature like a tablename"
FIELD "Company" OF "LocalName": character DESCRIPTION "Company Code" LABEL
FIELD "LocalName" OF "LocalName": character DESCRIPTION "Localization" LABEL
FIELD "Description" OF "LocalName": character DESCRIPTION "Description" LABEL
FIELD "Comments" OF "LocalName": character DESCRIPTION "Comments" LABEL "Comments"
FIELD "Character01" OF "LocalName": character DESCRIPTION "Character01" LABEL
"Character01" COLUMN-LABEL "Character01"
FIELD "Date01" OF "LocalName": date DESCRIPTION "not used" LABEL "Date01" COLUMN-
LABEL "Date01"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "LocalName": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "LocalName": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "LocalName": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
TABLE "LocalType" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Localization: Type table for
FIELD "Company" OF "LocalType": character DESCRIPTION "Company Code" LABEL
FIELD "LocalName" OF "LocalType": character DESCRIPTION "Localization Name" LABEL
FIELD "Type" OF "LocalType": character DESCRIPTION "Type" LABEL "Type"
FIELD "Description" OF "LocalType": character DESCRIPTION "Description" LABEL
FIELD "Comments" OF "LocalType": character DESCRIPTION "Comments" LABEL "Comments"
FIELD "Character01" OF "LocalType": character DESCRIPTION "Character01" LABEL
"Character01" COLUMN-LABEL "Character01"
FIELD "Date01" OF "LocalType": date DESCRIPTION "not used" LABEL "Date01" COLUMN-
LABEL "Date01"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "LocalType": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "LocalType": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "LocalType": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "LogAPInv" AREA "Schema Area"

DESCRIPTION "Logged AP Invoice"
FIELD "Company" OF "LogAPInv": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "LogAPInv": integer DESCRIPTION "The Internal VendorNum that
ties back to the Vendor master file. This field is not directly maintainable,
instead it is assigned from the Vendor .VendorNum using VendorID to find the Vendor
record." LABEL "Supplier Number"
FIELD "InvoiceNum" OF "LogAPInv": character DESCRIPTION "Vendor's invoice number. "
LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "DebitMemo" OF "LogAPInv": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates the type of
document. Yes = Debit Memo, No= Invoice. T his value can't be changed after the
record has been created. Debit memos affect the way detail quantities and amounts
are stored in the datab ase. They will always be stored with a negative sign, but
are entered as a posit ive. The system uses this field to test for Debit Memos,
indicated by ""DM"" followi ng the invoice number. " LABEL "Debit Memo" COLUMN-
FIELD "InvoiceDate" OF "LogAPInv": date DESCRIPTION "Invoice date. " LABEL "Invoice
Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Inv Date"
FIELD "TermsCode" OF "LogAPInv": character DESCRIPTION "Contains the foreign key to
the PurTerms master file. Defaulted from Vendor.TermsCode. This is MANDATORY ENTRY.
User maintainable via a combo-b ox for terms description. " LABEL "Terms"
FIELD "TaxAmt" OF "LogAPInv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total sales tax amount for this
invoice. Totals the TaxAmt from t he APInvTax records of this invoice." LABEL "Tax
FIELD "DocTaxAmt" OF "LogAPInv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total sales tax amount for
this invoice. Totals the DocTaxAmt fro m the LogAPInvTax records of this invoice."
LABEL "Tax Amt"
FIELD "DueDate" OF "LogAPInv": date DESCRIPTION "The due date of the earliest
unpaid scheduled payment amount. Nor mally invoices only have a single due date and
amount. However we provide for in stallment payments which have multiple due dates
and associated amounts. When in
voices are first created this date will always be equal to the first entry in th e
DateDueList. Then as transactions are applied this ""Current"" Due Date is ref
reshed by figuring out which is the earliest unpaid scheduled payment." LABEL "Due
FIELD "GroupID" OF "LogAPInv": character DESCRIPTION "The Group that the invoice
was associated with during the data e ntry process. This field is not directly
maintainable, it is assigned by the inv oice entry program using the GroupID of the
""current"" group that the user is w orking with. It is used as a selection
criteria during the posting process." LABEL "Group"
FIELD "InvoiceAmt" OF "LogAPInv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total invoice Amount. This
field has a true sign. (debit memos are negative)." LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "DocInvoiceAmt" OF "LogAPInv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Total invoice Amount.
(Vendors Currency) This field has a true sig n. (debit memos are negative)." LABEL
FIELD "DocInvoiceVendorAmt" OF "LogAPInv": decimal DESCRIPTION "A user entered
verification amount. DOCUMENT CURRENCY ONLY, a co rresponding base currency field
exists but is only used for external G/L interfa cing. This field is sign flipped
for debit memos. The calculated Invoice Amoun t (DocInvoiceAmt) must match this
amount before the invoice can be posted." LABEL "Invoice Amount"
FIELD "REFPONum" OF "LogAPInv": integer DESCRIPTION "Reference PO number(optional
when CM is present). Used to identif y the PO that this Invoice is for. If the
Reference PO has a lock exchange rate then that is the rate that will be used on
this AP invoice, " LABEL "Ref PO"
FIELD "TaxRegionCode" OF "LogAPInv": character DESCRIPTION "The Tax Region for this
invoice." LABEL "Tax Region"
FIELD "InvoiceVendorAmt" OF "LogAPInv": decimal DESCRIPTION "For use by external
G/L interfacing. This field is sign flipped for debit memos." LABEL "Invoice
FIELD "LegalNumber" OF "LogAPInv": character DESCRIPTION "The Legal Number for the
record. This number is created based on setup parameters in table LegalNumber."
LABEL "Legal Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Legal Number"
FIELD "Rpt1InvoiceAmt" OF "LogAPInv": decimal
DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2InvoiceAmt" OF "LogAPInv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3InvoiceAmt" OF "LogAPInv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1InvoiceVendorAmt" OF "LogAPInv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Invoice Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2InvoiceVendorAmt" OF "LogAPInv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Invoice Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3InvoiceVendorAmt" OF "LogAPInv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Invoice Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1TaxAmt" OF "LogAPInv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt"
FIELD "Rpt2TaxAmt" OF "LogAPInv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt"
FIELD "Rpt3TaxAmt" OF "LogAPInv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of
this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt"
FIELD "RateGrpCode" OF "LogAPInv": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier" LABEL
"Rate Group Code"
FIELD "Approved" OF "LogAPInv": logical DESCRIPTION "Yes indicates all necessary
approvals have been received. No ind icates approvals are pending." LABEL
"Approved" COLUMN-LABEL "Approved"
FIELD "Matched" OF "LogAPInv": logical DESCRIPTION "Yes indicates this logged
invoice has been matched to an AP Invoi ce. No indicates it has not been matched."
FIELD "Posted" OF "LogAPInv": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not this
logged invoice has been posted to t he GL." LABEL "Posted" COLUMN-LABEL "Posted"
FIELD "Void" OF "LogAPInv": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this logged invoice
has been voided." LABEL "Voided" COLUMN-LABEL "Voided"
FIELD "VoidReason" OF "LogAPInv": character DESCRIPTION "Text that explains why the
logged invoice was voided." LABEL "Void Reason" COLUMN-LABEL "Void Reason"
FIELD "ApplyDate" OF "LogAPInv": date DESCRIPTION "Apply Date" LABEL "Apply Date"
FIELD "Description" OF "LogAPInv": character DESCRIPTION "A short description that
can be used to explain what this invoice is for. Ex: Rent, Auto Lease Payment. "
FIELD "CurrencyCode" OF "LogAPInv": character DESCRIPTION "A unique code that
identifies the currency." LABEL "Currency Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Currency Code"
FIELD "EntryPerson" OF "LogAPInv": character DESCRIPTION "User ID that entered the
invoice. This is not maintainable by the user. " LABEL "Entered By"
FIELD "LockRate" OF "LogAPInv": logical DESCRIPTION "Used with the currency module.
When TRUE the currency rate can b e changed by the user and cannot be changed by
the system. This will also be th e default for the invoice." LABEL "Lock"
FIELD "AutoApproved" OF "LogAPInv": logical DESCRIPTION "Reserved for future
development. Indicates if the approval process is required. If yes, an approval
code is not required and the invoice is automatically approved. If no, an approval
code is required." LABEL "Auto Approved" COLUMN-LABEL "Auto approved"
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "LogAPInv": integer
DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."

FIELD "SysRowID" OF "LogAPInv": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this

row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "LogAPInv": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal calendar
year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "LogAPInv": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal Year. This is
defaulted based on the finding the Fiscal ma ster for the corresponding
InvoiceDate. User can override this. This value is u sed as one of the defaults to
the InvHead records. (see InvHead for usage). " LABEL "Fiscal Yr"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "LogAPInv": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year suffix."
LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "LogAPInv": integer DESCRIPTION "A Fiscal period which
provides one of the defaults to be used whe n creating invoices within this group.
This field is defaulted based on finding the Fiscal master which contains the
corresponding InvoiceDate period. (See Inv cHead.FiscalPeriod for usage)" LABEL
"Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal!Period"
FIELD "Rounding" OF "LogAPInv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Rounding is occurred if
multiplier or rule for Total amount is di fferent with multiplier or rule for Total
line amount, it is included in the 'Am ount to Pay' and it is booked to the
rounding account specified in the company s etup when the invoice is posted"
FIELD "DocRounding" OF "LogAPInv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Rounding is occurred if
multiplier or rule for Total amount is di fferent with multiplier or rule for Total
line amount, it is included in the 'Am ount to Pay' and it is booked to the
rounding account specified in the company s etup when the invoice is posted"
FIELD "Rpt1Rounding" OF "LogAPInv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Rounding"
FIELD "Rpt2Rounding" OF "LogAPInv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Rounding"
FIELD "Rpt3Rounding" OF "LogAPInv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Rounding"
FIELD "DiscountDate" OF "LogAPInv": date DESCRIPTION "Reserved for Future
Development. Prompt payment discount due dat e. The date according to the terms
when you are allowed to take the prompt payme nt discount (if any) given by the
vendor. This date is NOT directly maintainable . It is calculated using the
InvoiceDate + PurTerms.DiscountDays. If DebitMemo = Yes or
PurTerms.NumberOfPayments > 1 then this is not applicable and is set to ? (null
value). " LABEL "Discount Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Disc Date"
FIELD "DiscountAmt" OF "LogAPInv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reserved for Future
development. Discount amount that can be take n if paid by the DiscountDate. This
is calculated by the System via APInvHed wr ite trigger. Formula
((PurTerms.DiscountPercent/100)*APInvHed.InvoiceBal on AIn. If DebitMemo = Yes or
PurTerms.NumberOfPayments > 1 then it is not applicable and is set to zero." LABEL
FIELD "DocDiscountAmt" OF "LogAPInv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reserved for future
development. Discount amount(Vendors Currency ) that can be taken if paid by the
DiscountDate. This is calculated by the Syst em via APInvHed write trigger. Formula
((PurTerms.DiscountPercent/100)*APInvHed. InvoiceBal on AIn. If DebitMemo = Yes or
PurTerms.NumberOfPayments > 1 then it is not applicable and is set to zero." LABEL
FIELD "InvoiceRef" OF "LogAPInv": character DESCRIPTION "Reserved for future
development. This field is maintainable/viewa ble only for Debit Memos. It
represents the invoice # that this debit memo relat es to. It can be left blank. If
entered it must be a valid APInvHed record where the InvcHead.DebitMemo = No. This
field is also used to order the invoices when printing aging reports. The idea is
to be able to print the debit memos next to their corresponding invoice. Therefore,
this field will always have a value. For Invoices it is equal to the InvoiceNum.
For Debit memos where they are not related to an invoice it is also set equal to
the Debit memo's InvoiceNum. In this later case when InvcHead.DebitMemo = Yes a nd
InvcHead.InvoiceNum = InvcHead.InvoiceRef the InvoiceRef is reset to zero bef ore
being displayed, then when written back to the database it is set = to the I
nvoiceNum if the user did not enter a related invoice." LABEL "Ref. Invoice"
FIELD "TaxPoint" OF "LogAPInv": date DESCRIPTION "Tax Point" LABEL "Tax Point"
FIELD "TaxRateDate" OF "LogAPInv": date DESCRIPTION "Date Used to calculate Tax
Rates" LABEL "Tax Rate Date"
FIELD "AuthorizedBy" OF "LogAPInv": character DESCRIPTION "User ID that authorized
the invoice. This is not maintainable by the user. " LABEL "Authorized By"
FIELD "Rpt1DiscountAmt" OF "LogAPInv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Discount"
FIELD "Rpt2DiscountAmt" OF "LogAPInv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Discount"
FIELD "Rpt3DiscountAmt" OF "LogAPInv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Discount"
FIELD "VoidedBy" OF "LogAPInv": character DESCRIPTION "User ID that voided the
invoice. This is not maintainable by the user. " LABEL "Voided By" COLUMN-LABEL
"Voided By"
FIELD "VoidDate" OF "LogAPInv": date DESCRIPTION "Date the Logged Invoice was
voided." LABEL "Void Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Void Date"
FIELD "MatchedDate" OF "LogAPInv": date DESCRIPTION "Date the logged invoice was
matched to an AP Invoice." LABEL "Matched Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Matched Date"
FIELD "ApprovedDate" OF "LogAPInv": date DESCRIPTION "Date the Logged Invoice was
approved." LABEL "Approved Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Approved Date"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "LogAPInv": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "WithholdAmt" OF "LogAPInv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount. "
LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "DocWithholdAmt" OF "LogAPInv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount.
" LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1WithholdAmt" OF "LogAPInv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount.
" LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2WithholdAmt" OF "LogAPInv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount.
" LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3WithholdAmt" OF "LogAPInv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Withholding Tax Amount.
" LABEL "Withholding Tax Amount"
FIELD "InvExpense" OF "LogAPInv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Invoice Expense Amount. This
is the Gross Invoice Amount minus th e taxes." LABEL "Expense Amount"
FIELD "DocInvExpense" OF "LogAPInv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Invoice Expense Amount.
This is the Gross Invoice Amount minus th e taxes." LABEL "Expense Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1InvExpense" OF "LogAPInv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Invoice Expense Amount.
This is the Gross Invoice Amount minus th e taxes." LABEL "Expense Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2InvExpense" OF "LogAPInv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Invoice Expense Amount.
This is the Gross Invoice Amount minus th e taxes." LABEL "Expense Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3InvExpense" OF "LogAPInv": decimal DESCRIPTION "Invoice Expense Amount.
This is the Gross Invoice Amount minus th e taxes." LABEL "Expense Amount"
FIELD "ReadyToCalc" OF "LogAPInv": logical DESCRIPTION "This flag will be used to
indicate if the invoice is ready for ca lculations." LABEL "ReadyToCalc" COLUMN-
LABEL "ReadyToCalc"
FIELD "BankID" OF "LogAPInv": character DESCRIPTION "Unique ID of the vendor's
bank." LABEL "Bank"
FIELD "ExchangeRate" OF "LogAPInv": decimal
DESCRIPTION "Exchange rate that will be used for this invoice. Defaults from
CurrRate.CurrentRate. Conversion rates will be calculated as System Base = Forei gn
value * rate, Foreign value = system base * (1/rate). This is the dollar in f
oreign currency from the exchange rate tables in the newspapers." LABEL "Exchange
Rate" COLUMN-LABEL "Exchange Rate"
FIELD "TaxRateGrpCode" OF "LogAPInv": character DESCRIPTION "Tax Rate Group Code"
LABEL "Tax Rate Group Code"
FIELD "LockTaxRate" OF "LogAPInv": logical DESCRIPTION "Locks Tax Rate and allows
user to edit the tax exchange rate" LABEL "Lock Tax Rate"
FIELD "SEBankRef" OF "LogAPInv": character DESCRIPTION "Sweden and Finland
Localization Field - Banking Reference" LABEL "Banking Reference" COLUMN-LABEL
"Banking Reference"
FIELD "SEPayCode" OF "LogAPInv": character DESCRIPTION "Sweden and Finland
Localization Field - Payment Code" LABEL "Payment Code" COLUMN-LABEL "Payment Code"

FIELD "SEPMUID" OF "LogAPInv": integer DESCRIPTION "Sweden and Finland Localization

field, Payment Method code"
INDEX "VendorInvoice" ON "LogAPInv" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company, By
VendorNum, By InvoiceNum"
INDEX "Approved" ON "LogAPInv" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company, By
Approved, By InvoiceDate"
INDEX "GroupID" ON "LogAPInv" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company, By
GroupID, By VendorNum, By InvoiceNum"
INDEX "LegalNumber" ON "LogAPInv" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company, By
INDEX "Match" ON "LogAPInv" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company, By Matched,
By MatchedDate"
INDEX "Posted" ON "LogAPInv"
AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company, By Posted, By Invoice Date"
INDEX "Void" ON "LogAPInv" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By company, By Void, By

TABLE "LogAPInvTax" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Logged AP Invoice Tax Table"
FIELD "Company" OF "LogAPInvTax": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "LogAPInvTax": integer DESCRIPTION "The Internal VendorNum
that ties back to the Vendor master file. This field is not directly maintainable,
instead it is assigned from the Vendor .VendorNum using VendorID to find the Vendor
record." LABEL "Supplier Number"
FIELD "InvoiceNum" OF "LogAPInvTax": character DESCRIPTION "Vendor's invoice
number. " LABEL "Invoice"
FIELD "TaxCode" OF "LogAPInvTax": character DESCRIPTION "Descriptive code assigned
by user which uniquely identifies a Sal es Tax master record. Can't be blank. This
is used as a foreign key in other fi les and may be used in displays/reports where
space for the full description is limited." LABEL "Tax ID"
FIELD "TaxableAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Taxable amount for this
invoice. Manually entered if APInvTax.Ma nual = Yes else set equal to
SysCalcTaxableAmt." LABEL "Taxable Amt"
FIELD "DocTaxableAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Taxable amount for
this invoice in foreign currency. Manually ent ered if APInvTax.Manual = Yes else
it is set equal to SysCalcDocTaxableAmt." LABEL "Taxable Amt"
FIELD "Percent" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "The tax percentage rate that
is used for this invoice. This is de faulted from the SalesTax.Percent." LABEL
FIELD "TaxAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Sales Tax amount for the
corresponding taxable sales amount. Manually entered if APInvTax.Manual = Yes. "
LABEL "Tax Amt"
FIELD "DocTaxAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Sales Tax amount for the
corresponding taxable sales amount in fo reign currency." LABEL "Tax Amt"
FIELD "ReportableAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "The reportable sales
amount to the tax jurisdiction. Set the valu e as follows; first determine if the
item needs to be reported to the tax jurisd iction. This is done by using the
APInvDtl.TaxCode and APInvDtl/APInvMisc.TaxC at to find a record in the SalesTxC.
If a record is not found or SalesTxC.Report able = Yes then add in the line item
extended amount or if this is for a InvcMis c record InvcMisc.Amount. Manually
entered if APInvTax.Manual = Yes else set equ al to SysCalcReportableAmt." LABEL
FIELD "DocReportableAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "The reportable
sales amount to the tax jurisdiction expressed in the Vendor's currency. Manually
entered if APInvTax.Manual = Yes else set equal to SysCalcDocTaxableAmt." LABEL
FIELD "Manual" OF "LogAPInvTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the tax
calculations are to be performed manually. When this field is set the Reportable,
Taxable, and TaxAmount fields are enabled . When it is NOT set these fields are
DISABLED and the system will perform all of the Reportable, Taxable, and TaxAmount
calculations. Defaults from the Sales Tax.Manual field." LABEL "Manual Tax
Calculation" COLUMN-LABEL "Manual"
FIELD "SysCalcTaxableAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "System calculated
Taxable amount for this invoice." LABEL "Taxable Amt"
FIELD "SysCalcDocTaxableAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "System
calculated Taxable amount for this invoice in foreign curr ency. " LABEL "Taxable
FIELD "SysCalcReportableAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "System
calculated reportable sales amount to the tax jurisdiction . Set the value as
follows; first determine if the item needs to be reported to the tax jurisdiction.
This is done by using the APInvDtl.TaxCode and APInvDtl/ APInvMisc.TaxCat to find a
record in the SalesTxC. If a record is not found or S alesTxC.Reportable = Yes then
add in the line item extended amount or if this is for a InvcMisc record
InvcMisc.Amount." LABEL "Reportable"
FIELD "SysCalcDocReportableAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "System
calculated reportable sales amount to the tax jurisdiction expressed in the
Vendor's currency."
LABEL "Reportable"
FIELD "ECAcquisitionSeq" OF "LogAPInvTax": integer DESCRIPTION "Used to allow a
second tax record using the same tax code on an i nvoice. When the sales tax field
EcAquisition is checked then 2 invoice tax rec ords are created. NOTE: This field
is now used in VAT Reverse Charge logic. If an invoice line i s marked for Reverse
Charge, a second line is created just like in the ECAcquisi tion logic. To
distinguish the two scenarios, the ReverseCharge flag will be set to true if the
second line is for Reverse Charge."
FIELD "ReverseCharge" OF "LogAPInvTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this tax
line is for a Reverse Charge." LABEL "Reverse Charge" COLUMN-LABEL "RevChrg"
FIELD "Rpt1ReportableAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Reportable"
FIELD "Rpt2ReportableAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Reportable"
FIELD "Rpt3ReportableAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Reportable"
FIELD "Rpt1TaxableAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Taxable Amt"
FIELD "Rpt2TaxableAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Taxable Amt"
FIELD "Rpt3TaxableAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Taxable Amt"
FIELD "Rpt1TaxAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt"
FIELD "Rpt2TaxAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value
of this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt"
FIELD "Rpt3TaxAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal
DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt"
FIELD "Rpt1SysCalcTaxableAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "System
calculated Taxable amount for this invoice." LABEL "Taxable Amt"
FIELD "Rpt1SysCalcReportableAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "System
calculated reportable sales amount to the tax jurisdiction . Set the value as
follows; first determine if the item needs to be reported to the tax jurisdiction.
This is done by using the APInvDtl.TaxCode and APInvDtl/ APInvMisc.TaxCat to find a
record in the SalesTxC. If a record is not found or S alesTxC.Reportable = Yes then
add in the line item extended amount or if this is for a InvcMisc record
InvcMisc.Amount." LABEL "Reportable"
FIELD "Rpt2SysCalcTaxableAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "System
calculated Taxable amount for this invoice." LABEL "Taxable Amt"
FIELD "Rpt2SysCalcReportableAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "System
calculated reportable sales amount to the tax jurisdiction . Set the value as
follows; first determine if the item needs to be reported to the tax jurisdiction.
This is done by using the APInvDtl.TaxCode and APInvDtl/ APInvMisc.TaxCat to find a
record in the SalesTxC. If a record is not found or S alesTxC.Reportable = Yes then
add in the line item extended amount or if this is for a InvcMisc record
InvcMisc.Amount." LABEL "Reportable"
FIELD "Rpt3SysCalcTaxableAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "System
calculated Taxable amount for this invoice." LABEL "Taxable Amt"
FIELD "Rpt3SysCalcReportableAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "System
calculated reportable sales amount to the tax jurisdiction . Set the value as
follows; first determine if the item needs to be reported to the tax jurisdiction.
This is done by using the APInvDtl.TaxCode and APInvDtl/ APInvMisc.TaxCat to find a
record in the SalesTxC. If a record is not found or S alesTxC.Reportable = Yes then
add in the line item extended amount or if this is for a InvcMisc record
InvcMisc.Amount." LABEL "Reportable"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "LogAPInvTax": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "LogAPInvTax": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "RateCode" OF "LogAPInvTax": character DESCRIPTION "Rate Code"
LABEL "Rate Code"
FIELD "CollectionType" OF "LogAPInvTax": integer DESCRIPTION "Collection Type"
LABEL "Collection Type"
FIELD "Timing" OF "LogAPInvTax": integer DESCRIPTION "Timing of when to report
taxes" LABEL "Timing"
FIELD "ExemptType" OF "LogAPInvTax": integer DESCRIPTION "Exemption Type" LABEL
FIELD "ExemptPercent" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Exemption Percent"
LABEL "Percent"
FIELD "ResolutionNum" OF "LogAPInvTax": character DESCRIPTION "Resolution number"
LABEL "Resolution Number"
FIELD "ResolutionDate" OF "LogAPInvTax": date DESCRIPTION "Resolution Date" LABEL
"Resolution Date"
FIELD "TaxRateDate" OF "LogAPInvTax": date DESCRIPTION "Tax Rate Date" LABEL
FIELD "DefTaxableAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Balance of the Taxable
amount that has been deferred until paymen t" LABEL "Taxable Amt"
FIELD "DocDefTaxableAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Balance of the
Taxable amount that has been deferred until paymen t" LABEL "Taxable Amt"
FIELD "Rpt1DefTaxableAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Taxable Amt"
FIELD "Rpt2DefTaxableAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Taxable Amt"
FIELD "Rpt3DefTaxableAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Taxable Amt"
FIELD "DefTaxAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Balance of the Tax amount
that has been deferred until payment" LABEL "Tax Amt"
FIELD "DocDefTaxAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Balance of the Tax
amount that has been deferred until payment" LABEL "Tax Amt"
FIELD "Rpt1DefTaxAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt"
FIELD "Rpt2DefTaxAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt"
FIELD "Rpt3DefTaxAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt"
FIELD "ManAdd" OF "LogAPInvTax": logical DESCRIPTION "This record was manually
added (not in Liability) but will use th e standard calculations" LABEL "Manual
FIELD "DedTaxAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Deducatable Tax Amount"
LABEL "Tax Amt"
FIELD "DocDedTaxAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Deducatable Tax Amount"
LABEL "Tax Amt"
FIELD "Rpt1DedTaxAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt"
FIELD "Rpt2DedTaxAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt"
FIELD "Rpt3DedTaxAmt" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt"
FIELD "FixedAmount" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Fixed Tax Amount" LABEL
FIELD "DocFixedAmount" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Document Fixed Tax
Amount" LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "Rpt1FixedAmount" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt2FixedAmount" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "Rpt3FixedAmount" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Reporting currency
value of this field" LABEL "Rpt Amount"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "LogAPInvTax": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "TextCode" OF "LogAPInvTax": character DESCRIPTION "Unique Identifier for
Legal Text" LABEL "Text Code"
FIELD "Void" OF "LogAPInvTax": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this logged
invoice has been voided." LABEL "Voided" COLUMN-LABEL "Voided"
FIELD "TaxAmtVar" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Difference between tax
calculated in document rate less tax calcu lated in tax rate" LABEL "Tax Amt
FIELD "DocTaxAmtVar" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Difference between tax
calculated in document rate less tax calcu lated in tax rate" LABEL "Tax Amt
FIELD "Rpt1TaxAmtVar" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Difference between tax
calculated in document rate less tax calcu lated in tax rate" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt
FIELD "Rpt2TaxAmtVar" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Difference between tax
calculated in document rate less tax calcu lated in tax rate" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt
FIELD "Rpt3TaxAmtVar" OF "LogAPInvTax": decimal DESCRIPTION "Difference between tax
calculated in document rate less tax calcu lated in tax rate" LABEL "Rpt Tax Amt
INDEX "TaxRateSeqVoid" ON "LogAPInvTax" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By Company
By Vendor By Invoice By TaxCode By RateCode By ECAcqui stion By Void"

TABLE "LogInvGrp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Logged invoice group table."
FIELD "Company" OF "LogInvGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "GroupID" OF "LogInvGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Before allowing invoices to
be entered the user establishes a Gro up ID. All invoices belong to a group until
the group is posted. The GroupID is assigned by the user. The GroupID is used to
Selectively print and post the tra nsactions and establishes the invoice date and
fiscal period defaults for invoic es assigned to the Group. " LABEL "Group"
FIELD "CreatedBy" OF "LogInvGrp": character DESCRIPTION "The user ID that created
this batch." LABEL "Created By"
FIELD "ActiveUserID" OF "LogInvGrp": character DESCRIPTION "The user ID that is
currently logged into this Group. This is dis played on the Group browser so that
users may know which Groups are available." LABEL "In Use By"
FIELD "PostErrorLog" OF "LogInvGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Contains posting error
messages. Possible messages are; ""Invoice with no detail"", ""Invoice Total does
not agree with vendor 's total""...."
FIELD "PostInProcess" OF "LogInvGrp": logical DESCRIPTION "Field to lock the
InvcGrp record while the Post Process is runnin g." LABEL "Post in Process"
FIELD "ApplyDate" OF "LogInvGrp": date DESCRIPTION "Apply Date" LABEL "Apply Date"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "LogInvGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "LogInvGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "FiscalYear" OF "LogInvGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Fiscal Year. This is
defaulted based on the finding the Fiscal ma ster for the corresponding
InvoiceDate. User can override this. This value is u sed as one of the defaults to
the InvHead records. (see InvHead for usage). " LABEL "Fiscal Yr"
FIELD "FiscalPeriod" OF "LogInvGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "A Fiscal period which
provides one of the defaults to be used whe n creating invoices within this group.
This field is defaulted based on finding the Fiscal master which contains the
corresponding InvoiceDate period. (See Inv cHead.FiscalPeriod for usage)" LABEL
"Period" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal!Period"
FIELD "FiscalYearSuffix" OF "LogInvGrp": character DESCRIPTION "Fiscal year
suffix." LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix" COLUMN-LABEL "Fiscal Year Suffix"
FIELD "FiscalCalendarID" OF "LogInvGrp": character DESCRIPTION "The fiscal calendar
year/suffix/period were derived from." LABEL "Fiscal Calendar ID" COLUMN-LABEL
"Fiscal Calendar ID"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "LogInvGrp": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
INDEX "GroupID" ON "LogInvGrp" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "By company, By Group

TABLE "LookupLink" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table should to store
lookup link information."
FIELD "LinkUID" OF "LookupLink": integer
FIELD "MapUID" OF "LookupLink": integer DESCRIPTION "Map unique ID." LABEL "Map
FIELD "Field1" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Field1" LABEL "Field1"
FIELD "Field2" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Field2" LABEL "Field2"
FIELD "Field3" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Field3" LABEL "Field3"
FIELD "Field4" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Field4" LABEL "Field4"
FIELD "Field5" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Field5" LABEL "Field5"
FIELD "Field6" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Field6" LABEL "Field6"
FIELD "Field7" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Field7" LABEL "Field7"
FIELD "Field8" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Field8" LABEL "Field8"
FIELD "Field9" OF "LookupLink": character
FIELD "Field10" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Field10" LABEL "Field10"
FIELD "Field12" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Field12" LABEL "Field12"
FIELD "Field13" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Field13" LABEL "Field13"
FIELD "Field14" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Field14" LABEL "Field14"
FIELD "Field15" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Field15" LABEL "Field15"
FIELD "Field16" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Field16" LABEL "Field16"
FIELD "Field17" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Field17" LABEL "Field17"
FIELD "Field18" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Field18" LABEL "Field18"
FIELD "Field19" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Field19" LABEL "Field19"
FIELD "Field20" OF "LookupLink": character
DESCRIPTION "Field20" LABEL "Field20" COLUMN-LABEL "Field20"
FIELD "Field21" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Field21" LABEL "Field21"
FIELD "Field22" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Field22" LABEL "Field22"
FIELD "Field23" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Field23" LABEL "Field23"
FIELD "Field24" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Field24" LABEL "Field24"
FIELD "Field25" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Field25" LABEL "Field25"
FIELD "Field26" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Field26" LABEL "Field26"
FIELD "Field27" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Field27" LABEL "Field27"
FIELD "Field28" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Field28" LABEL "Field28"
FIELD "Field29" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Field29" LABEL "Field29"
FIELD "Field30" OF "LookupLink": character
DESCRIPTION "Field30" LABEL "Field30" COLUMN-LABEL "Field30"
FIELD "Value1" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Value1" LABEL "Value1"
FIELD "Value2" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Value2" LABEL "Value2"
FIELD "Value3" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Value3" LABEL "Value3"
FIELD "Value4" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Value4" LABEL "Value4"
FIELD "Value5" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Value5" LABEL "Value5"
FIELD "Value6" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Value6" LABEL "Value6"
FIELD "Value7" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Value7" LABEL "Value7"
FIELD "Value8" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Value8" LABEL "Value8"
FIELD "Value9" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Value9" LABEL "Value9"
FIELD "Value10" OF "LookupLink": character
DESCRIPTION "Value10" LABEL "Value10" COLUMN-LABEL "Value10"
FIELD "Value11" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Value11" LABEL "Value11"
FIELD "Value12" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Value12" LABEL "Value12"
FIELD "Value13" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Value13" LABEL "Value13"
FIELD "Value14" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Value14" LABEL "Value14"
FIELD "Value15" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Value15" LABEL "Value15"
FIELD "Value16" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Value16" LABEL "Value16"
FIELD "Value17" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Value17" LABEL "Value17"
FIELD "Value18" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Value18" LABEL "Value18"
FIELD "Value19" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Value19" LABEL "Value19"
FIELD "Value20" OF "LookupLink": character
DESCRIPTION "Value20" LABEL "Value20" COLUMN-LABEL "Value20"
FIELD "Value21" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Value21" LABEL "Value21"
FIELD "Value22" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Value22" LABEL "Value22"
FIELD "Value23" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Value23" LABEL "Value23"
FIELD "Value24" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Value24" LABEL "Value24"
FIELD "Value25" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Value25" LABEL "Value25"
FIELD "Value26" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Value26" LABEL "Value26"
FIELD "Value27" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Value27" LABEL "Value27"
FIELD "Value28" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Value28" LABEL "Value28"
FIELD "Value29" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Value29" LABEL "Value29"
FIELD "Value30" OF "LookupLink": character
DESCRIPTION "Value30" LABEL "Value30" COLUMN-LABEL "Value30"
FIELD "Field11" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Field11" LABEL "Field11"
FIELD "CreationDate" OF "LookupLink": date DESCRIPTION "System date when the link
was created. " LABEL "CreationDate" COLUMN-LABEL "CreationDate"
FIELD "CreationTime" OF "LookupLink": integer DESCRIPTION "System time when the
link was created (seconds since midnight for mat)." LABEL "CreationTime" COLUMN-
LABEL "CreationTime"
FIELD "Company" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "COACode" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID" LABEL
"COA Code"
FIELD "GLAccount" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Full GL account
containing the controlled segment valid combinati ons up to 200 characters
including the segment separator. This si the unique id entifier for the GL
Account." LABEL "GLAccount" COLUMN-LABEL "GLAccount"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "LookupLink": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "LookupLink": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "LookupLink": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "LookupLink": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."
FIELD "GlobalLookupLink" OF "LookupLink": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this
LookupLink as global, available to be sent out to othe r companies."
INDEX "LinkUID" ON "LookupLink" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Uniquley identfies
a lookup link table record within a LinkUID."

TABLE "LookupLinkHistory" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table should to

store lookup link history information."
FIELD "LinkUID" OF "LookupLinkHistory": integer DESCRIPTION "Link unique ID." LABEL
FIELD "MapUID" OF "LookupLinkHistory": integer DESCRIPTION "Map unique ID." LABEL
FIELD "Field1" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Field1" LABEL
"Field1" COLUMN-LABEL "Field1"
FIELD "Field2" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Field2" LABEL
"Field2" COLUMN-LABEL "Field2"
FIELD "Field3" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Field3" LABEL
"Field3" COLUMN-LABEL "Field3"
FIELD "Field4" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Field4" LABEL
"Field4" COLUMN-LABEL "Field4"
FIELD "Field5" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Field5" LABEL
"Field5" COLUMN-LABEL "Field5"
FIELD "Field6" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Field6" LABEL
FIELD "Field7" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Field7" LABEL
"Field7" COLUMN-LABEL "Field7"
FIELD "Field8" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Field8" LABEL
"Field8" COLUMN-LABEL "Field8"
FIELD "Field9" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Field9" LABEL
"Field9" COLUMN-LABEL "Field9"
FIELD "Field10" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Field10" LABEL
"Field10" COLUMN-LABEL "Field10"
FIELD "Field11" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Field11" LABEL
"Field11" COLUMN-LABEL "Field11"
FIELD "Field12" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Field12" LABEL
"Field12" COLUMN-LABEL "Field12"
FIELD "Field13" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Field13" LABEL
"Field13" COLUMN-LABEL "Field13"
FIELD "Field14" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Field14" LABEL
"Field14" COLUMN-LABEL "Field14"
FIELD "Field15" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Field15" LABEL
"Field15" COLUMN-LABEL "Field15"
FIELD "Field16" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Field16" LABEL
FIELD "Field17" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Field17" LABEL
"Field17" COLUMN-LABEL "Field17"
FIELD "Field18" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Field18" LABEL
"Field18" COLUMN-LABEL "Field18"
FIELD "Field19" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Field19" LABEL
"Field19" COLUMN-LABEL "Field19"
FIELD "Field20" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Field20" LABEL
"Field20" COLUMN-LABEL "Field20"
FIELD "Field21" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Field21" LABEL
"Field21" COLUMN-LABEL "Field21"
FIELD "Field22" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Field22" LABEL
"Field22" COLUMN-LABEL "Field22"
FIELD "Field23" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Field23" LABEL
"Field23" COLUMN-LABEL "Field23"
FIELD "Field24" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Field24" LABEL
"Field24" COLUMN-LABEL "Field24"
FIELD "Field25" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Field25" LABEL
"Field25" COLUMN-LABEL "Field25"
FIELD "Field26" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Field26" LABEL
FIELD "Field27" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Field27" LABEL
"Field27" COLUMN-LABEL "Field27"
FIELD "Field28" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Field28" LABEL
"Field28" COLUMN-LABEL "Field28"
FIELD "Field29" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Field29" LABEL
"Field29" COLUMN-LABEL "Field29"
FIELD "Field30" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Field30" LABEL
"Field30" COLUMN-LABEL "Field30"
FIELD "Value1" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Value1" LABEL
"Value1" COLUMN-LABEL "Value1"
FIELD "Value2" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Value2" LABEL
"Value2" COLUMN-LABEL "Value2"
FIELD "Value3" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Value3" LABEL
"Value3" COLUMN-LABEL "Value3"
FIELD "Value4" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Value4" LABEL
"Value4" COLUMN-LABEL "Value4"
FIELD "Value5" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Value5" LABEL
"Value5" COLUMN-LABEL "Value5"
FIELD "Value6" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Value6" LABEL
FIELD "Value7" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Value7" LABEL
"Value7" COLUMN-LABEL "Value7"
FIELD "Value8" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Value8" LABEL
"Value8" COLUMN-LABEL "Value8"
FIELD "Value9" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Value9" LABEL
"Value9" COLUMN-LABEL "Value9"
FIELD "Value10" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Value10" LABEL
"Value10" COLUMN-LABEL "Value10"
FIELD "Value11" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Value11" LABEL
"Value11" COLUMN-LABEL "Value11"
FIELD "Value12" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Value12" LABEL
"Value12" COLUMN-LABEL "Value12"
FIELD "Value13" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Value13" LABEL
"Value13" COLUMN-LABEL "Value13"
FIELD "Value14" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Value14" LABEL
"Value14" COLUMN-LABEL "Value14"
FIELD "Value15" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Value15" LABEL
"Value15" COLUMN-LABEL "Value15"
FIELD "Value16" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Value16" LABEL
FIELD "Value17" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Value17" LABEL
"Value17" COLUMN-LABEL "Value17"
FIELD "Value18" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Value18" LABEL
"Value18" COLUMN-LABEL "Value18"
FIELD "Value19" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Value19" LABEL
"Value19" COLUMN-LABEL "Value19"
FIELD "Value20" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Value20" LABEL
"Value20" COLUMN-LABEL "Value20"
FIELD "Value21" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Value21" LABEL
"Value21" COLUMN-LABEL "Value21"
FIELD "Value22" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Value22" LABEL
"Value22" COLUMN-LABEL "Value22"
FIELD "Value23" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Value23" LABEL
"Value23" COLUMN-LABEL "Value23"
FIELD "Value24" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Value24" LABEL
"Value24" COLUMN-LABEL "Value24"
FIELD "Value25" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Value25" LABEL
"Value25" COLUMN-LABEL "Value25"
FIELD "Value26" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Value26" LABEL
FIELD "Value27" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Value27" LABEL
"Value27" COLUMN-LABEL "Value27"
FIELD "Value28" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Value28" LABEL
"Value28" COLUMN-LABEL "Value28"
FIELD "Value29" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Value29" LABEL
"Value29" COLUMN-LABEL "Value29"
FIELD "Value30" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Value30" LABEL
"Value30" COLUMN-LABEL "Value30"
FIELD "CreationDate" OF "LookupLinkHistory": date DESCRIPTION "System date when the
link was created. " LABEL "CreationDate" COLUMN-LABEL "CreationDate"
FIELD "CreationTime" OF "LookupLinkHistory": integer DESCRIPTION "System time when
the link was created (seconds since midnight for mat)." LABEL "CreationTime"
COLUMN-LABEL "CreationTime"
FIELD "Company" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."

FIELD "COACode" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Chart of Account ID"

FIELD "GLAccount" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Full GL account
containing the controlled segment valid combinati ons up to 200 characters
including the segment separator. This si the unique id entifier for the GL
Account." LABEL "GLAccount" COLUMN-LABEL "GLAccount"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "LookupLinkHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "LookupLinkHistory": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "LookupLinkHistory": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo,
Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "LookupTable" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table should to store
basic lookup table information."
FIELD "DisplayName" OF "LookupTable": character DESCRIPTION "Lookup table name wich
should be displayed in a tree view control s." LABEL "Display Name" COLUMN-LABEL
"Display Name"
FIELD "LookupName" OF "LookupTable": character DESCRIPTION "Lookup table name."
LABEL "Lookup Name" COLUMN-LABEL "Lookup Name"
FIELD "DetailedDescription" OF "LookupTable": character DESCRIPTION "Detailed
description of the lookup table." LABEL "Detailed Description" COLUMN-LABEL
"Detailed Description"
FIELD "MapUID" OF "LookupTable": integer DESCRIPTION "Map unique ID." LABEL "Map
FIELD "Company" OF "LookupTable": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "LookupTable": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "LookupTable": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for
this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "LookupTable": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalLookupTable" OF "LookupTable": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this
LookupTable as global, available to be sent out to oth er companies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "LookupTable": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record from
receiving global updates."
INDEX "MapIdx" ON "LookupTable" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Uniquley identfies
a lookup table field record within a MapUID."

TABLE "LookupTableHistory" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This table should to

store history basic lookup table information ."
FIELD "DisplayName" OF "LookupTableHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Lookup table
name wich should be displayed in a tree view control s." LABEL "Display Name"
COLUMN-LABEL "Display Name"
FIELD "LookupName" OF "LookupTableHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Lookup table
name." LABEL "Lookup Name" COLUMN-LABEL "Lookup Name"
FIELD "DetailedDescription" OF "LookupTableHistory": character DESCRIPTION
"Detailed description of the lookup table." LABEL "Detailed Description" COLUMN-
LABEL "Detailed Description"
FIELD "MapUID" OF "LookupTableHistory": integer DESCRIPTION "Map unique ID." LABEL
FIELD "Company" OF "LookupTableHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Company
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "LookupTableHistory": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier
for this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "LookupTableHistory": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier
for this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "LookupTableHistory": integer
DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit
Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "LotSeq" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Lot Sequence Control. Defines next
available number controls. Each record is uniquely defined by a Lot SeqID assigned
by the user. A part can be configured to use a specific LotSeqID to obtain the next
available numeric portion of a System Generted Lot Number."
FIELD "Company" OF "LotSeq": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "LotSeqID" OF "LotSeq": character DESCRIPTION "User assingned value which
uniquely identifies the record. (See also Part.LotSeqID)" LABEL "Lot Sequence ID"
FIELD "LotNxtNum" OF "LotSeq": integer DESCRIPTION "The next available number to
use to generate new lot numbers for parts using this LotSeqID as their control
record. (Part.LotUseGlobalSeq = fals e). "
FIELD "InActive" OF "LotSeq": logical DESCRIPTION "InActive flag" LABEL "Inactive"
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "LotSeq": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "LotSeq": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "LotSeq": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "MaintReq" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Maintenace Request. "

FIELD "Company" OF "MaintReq": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "Plant" OF "MaintReq": character DESCRIPTION "Plant Identifier. "
FIELD "EquipID" OF "MaintReq": character DESCRIPTION "Indentifies the piece of
equipment that the MR is for. Must be va lid in the Equip table, and must be in the
same plant." LABEL "Equipment ID"
FIELD "OpenReq" OF "MaintReq": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if MR is Open or
Closed. A request remains Open until i t is either rejected and acknowledged in MR
Entry, Cancelled, or the maintenance job is Close." LABEL "Open"
FIELD "RequiredDate" OF "MaintReq": date DESCRIPTION "The date that maintenance is
required by. Will be used as defaul t due date of the Maintenance Job
(JobHead.ReqDueDate)" LABEL "Required By"
FIELD "Priority" OF "MaintReq": character DESCRIPTION "Priority of this request.
Will be used to set the JobHead.SchedCo de. Must be a valid value in SchedPri
table." LABEL "Priority"
FIELD "IssueDesc" OF "MaintReq": character DESCRIPTION "Describes the issue with
the equipment that is prompting this req uest for maintenance. " LABEL "Issue
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "MaintReq": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "MaintReq": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "MaintReq": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ReqStatus" OF "MaintReq": character DESCRIPTION "Response from Reviewer. Pnd
- Pending, Aprv - Approved, Rej - Rejected. The Requestor can Cancel the request
""Can"" - Cancelled, " LABEL "Status"
FIELD "Requestor" OF "MaintReq": character DESCRIPTION "User ID that made the
Request." LABEL "Requested By"
FIELD "Reviewer" OF "MaintReq": character DESCRIPTION "User ID that reviewed the
request." LABEL "Reviewed By" COLUMN-LABEL ""
FIELD "RequestTime" OF "MaintReq": integer DESCRIPTION "Time the Request was made.
Expressed as seconds since midnight."
FIELD "ResponseDate" OF "MaintReq": date DESCRIPTION "Date when the response was
received." LABEL "Responded"
FIELD "ResponseTime" OF "MaintReq": integer DESCRIPTION "Time the Response was
made. Expressed as seconds since midnight."
FIELD "JobNum" OF "MaintReq": character DESCRIPTION "Job number that is assigned to
this Maintenance Request. A read o nly field updated by the system with the Request
is Approved." LABEL "Job"
FIELD "ReqID" OF "MaintReq": character DESCRIPTION "System assigned number.
Component of the unique index. In the for mat of yyyymmddnnnn. yyyymmdd is the
current year, month, day. nnnn is the next sequential number within the
company/plant/yyyymmdd. " LABEL "Request ID"
FIELD "ResDesc" OF "MaintReq": character DESCRIPTION "Describes the Resoltion of
this request. This and the 3 ResID fi elds only pertains to Request that were
Cancelled." LABEL "Resolution Description"
FIELD "RequestDt" OF "MaintReq": date DESCRIPTION "Date the request was created"
LABEL "Requested"
FIELD "IssueTopicID6" OF "MaintReq": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Issue Topic
6. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID5. " LABEL "Issue 6"
FIELD "IssueTopicID7" OF "MaintReq": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Issue Topic
7. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID6. " LABEL "Issue 7"
FIELD "IssueTopicID8" OF "MaintReq": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Issue Topic
8. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID7. " LABEL "Issue 8"
FIELD "IssueTopicID9" OF "MaintReq": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Issue Topic
9. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID8. " LABEL "Issue 9"
FIELD "IssueTopicID10" OF "MaintReq": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Issue
Topic 10. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID9. " LABEL "Issue 10"
FIELD "ResTopicID1" OF "MaintReq": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Resolution
Topic 1. Pertinent only when Request is c ancelled. (ReqStatus = ""CAN"") Foreign
Key to HDTopic table. Must be a top lev el topic (HDTopic.TopLevel = Yes) and
HDTopic.MaintRes = Yes " LABEL "Res 1"
FIELD "ResTopicID2" OF "MaintReq": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Resolution
Topic 2. A sub-topic of ResTopicID1. Pert inent only when Request is cancelled."
LABEL "Res 2"
FIELD "ResTopicID3" OF "MaintReq": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenace Resolution
Topic 3. A sub-topic of ResTopicID2. " LABEL "Res 3"
FIELD "ResTopicID4" OF "MaintReq": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Resolution
Topic 4. A sub-topic of ResTopicID3. " LABEL "Res 4"
FIELD "ResTopicID5" OF "MaintReq": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Resolution
Topic 5. A sub-topic of ResTopicID4. " LABEL "Res 5"
FIELD "ResTopicID6" OF "MaintReq": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Resolution
Topic 6. A sub-topic of ResTopicID5. " LABEL "Res 6"
FIELD "ResTopicID7" OF "MaintReq": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Resolution
Topic 7. A sub-topic of ResTopicID6. " LABEL "Res 7"
FIELD "ResTopicID8" OF "MaintReq": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Resolution
Topic 8. A sub-topic of ResTopicID7. " LABEL "Res 8"
FIELD "ResTopicID9" OF "MaintReq": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Resolution
Topic 9. A sub-topic of ResTopicID8. " LABEL "Res 9"
FIELD "ResTopicID10" OF "MaintReq": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Resolution
Topic 10. A sub-topic of ResTopicID9. " LABEL "Res 10"
FIELD "IssueTopicID1" OF "MaintReq": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Issue Topic
1. Foreign Key to HDTopic table. Must be a top level topic (HDTopic.TopLevel = Yes)
and HDTopic.MaintIssue = Yes " LABEL "Issue 1"
FIELD "IssueTopicID2" OF "MaintReq": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Issue Topic
2. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID1. " LABEL "Issue 2"
FIELD "IssueTopicID3" OF "MaintReq": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Issue Topic
3. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID2. " LABEL "Issue 3"
FIELD "IssueTopicID4" OF "MaintReq": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Issue Topic
4. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID3. " LABEL "Issue 4"
FIELD "IssueTopicID5" OF "MaintReq": character DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Issue Topic
5. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID4. " LABEL "Issue 5"
FIELD "HDCaseNum" OF "MaintReq": integer DESCRIPTION "A unique help desk case
number. This number is system generated when the help desk case is created." LABEL
"Case Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Case Number"
FIELD "MaintPlant" OF "MaintReq": character DESCRIPTION "The Plant that handles
Maintenance for the Request. A Request is created for a piece of Equipment in a
Plant. That Plant may have another Plant designated as its ""Maintenance Plant"".
See Plant.MaintPlant. " LABEL "Maintenance Plant"
INDEX "PLMPL" ON "MaintReq" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Plant/Maint Plant"

TABLE "MangCust" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "This is a file that associates
vendors with managed customers. I t is used when we set up a CMI type bin. Any
vendors associated with the custom er defined on the CMI bin can provide inventory
for a CMI bin."
FIELD "CustNum" OF "MangCust": integer DESCRIPTION "Unique CustNum of the managed
customer. " LABEL "Customer Number"
FIELD "Company" OF "MangCust": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "VendorNum" OF "MangCust": integer DESCRIPTION "The unique code that link
this table to the Vendor Master table. This represents a valid supplier for this
managed customer." LABEL "Supplier Number"
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "MangCust": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "MangCust": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "MangCust": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"

TABLE "Manufacturer" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Qualified Manufacturers"

FIELD "Company" OF "Manufacturer": character DESCRIPTION "Company Code" LABEL
FIELD "MfgNum" OF "Manufacturer": integer DESCRIPTION "Manufacturer Unique ID"
LABEL "MfgNum"
FIELD "MfgID" OF "Manufacturer": character DESCRIPTION "User assigned Manufacturer
ID" LABEL "Manufacturer ID"
FIELD "Name" OF "Manufacturer": character DESCRIPTION "Manufacturer Name" LABEL
FIELD "Inactive" OF "Manufacturer": logical DESCRIPTION "Inactive" LABEL "Inactive"

FIELD "SysRowID" OF "Manufacturer": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for

this row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "Manufacturer": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for
this row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "Manufacturer": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold,
etc. exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "GlobalManufacturer" OF "Manufacturer": logical DESCRIPTION "Marks this
Manufacturer as global, available to be sent out to ot her companies."
FIELD "GlobalLock" OF "Manufacturer": logical DESCRIPTION "Disables this record
from receiving global updates."

TABLE "MasProd" AREA "Schema Area" DESCRIPTION "Contains the Master Production
quantities per part."
FIELD "Company" OF "MasProd": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "PartNum" OF "MasProd": character DESCRIPTION "The PartNum field identifies
the Part and is used as the primary key. " LABEL "Part Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Part
FIELD "DueDate" OF "MasProd": date DESCRIPTION "Due date of the master production
schedule." LABEL "Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Date"
FIELD "ProdQty" OF "MasProd": decimal DESCRIPTION "Production Quantity" LABEL
"Production Qty" COLUMN-LABEL "Production Qty"
FIELD "ForeDate" OF "MasProd": date DESCRIPTION "Date at which this forecast is
considered effective. This date i s used to control the building of inventory based
on this forecast." LABEL "Date" COLUMN-LABEL "Date"
FIELD "Plant" OF "MasProd": character DESCRIPTION "Plant id for this MasProd."
FIELD "SysRowID" OF "MasProd": character DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this
row. The value is a GUID."
FIELD "SysRevID" OF "MasProd": integer DESCRIPTION "Revision identifier for this
row. It is incremented upon each wri te."
FIELD "ProdQtyUOM" OF "MasProd": character DESCRIPTION "UOM of Production Quantity"
FIELD "BitFlag" OF "MasProd": integer DESCRIPTION "Indicating if Memo, Hold, etc.
exist for this record." LABEL "Bit Flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Bit Flag"
FIELD "ParentPartNum" OF "MasProd": character DESCRIPTION "The ParentPartNum field
identifies the Parent Part for kit compon ents. " LABEL "Parent Part Number"
COLUMN-LABEL "Parent Part Number"
FIELD "KitFlag" OF "MasProd": character DESCRIPTION "A character flag field used to
differentiate between kit componen t types P = Kit Parent line C = Kit Component
Line Null = regular line " LABEL "Kit Type" COLUMN-LABEL "Kit Type"

TABLE "MasterPack" AREA "Schema Area" LABEL "Master Pack" DESCRIPTION "Header
record used to combine separate cartons (ShipHeads) into o ne group of cartons, or
FIELD "Company" OF "MasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "Company Identifier."
FIELD "PackNum" OF "MasterPack": integer DESCRIPTION "When creating a new Master
pack, the user is prompted for a maste r pack number. If the field is left blank,
the next available # is assigned by the system. The system generates a number by
finding the last Masterpack on fil e and uses its PackNum + 1." LABEL "Master Pack
FIELD "ShipDate" OF "MasterPack": date DESCRIPTION "The actual ship date for the
packing slip. Default as system date
." LABEL "Ship Date"
FIELD "ShipViaCode" OF "MasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "The code that links to
the ShipVia master. Can be blank or must b e valid in the ShipVia. Use the
OrderHed.ShipViaCode as default. " LABEL "Ship Via"
FIELD "ShipPerson" OF "MasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "Short name or initials
of person who actually did the shipping. An optional field which can be used for
internal reference." LABEL "Shipping Person"
FIELD "ShipLog" OF "MasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "An optional field which can
be used to enter a shipping log refer ence #. " LABEL "Log"
FIELD "LabelComment" OF "MasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "An optional field that
will be printed on the shipping labels for this packing slip." LABEL "Label
FIELD "ShipComment" OF "MasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "Packing slip comments.
This will print on the Packing Slip."
FIELD "Invoiced" OF "MasterPack": logical DESCRIPTION "Used internally to indicate
if the user has pulled this packing s lip into invoice processing. This does NOT
ensure that the packing slip has bee n invoiced. Only that it was functionally
pulled into the invoice process. Thi s may also be set to ""Yes"" if the user does
not want to use the shipments for generating invoices. This is condition is
indicated when ArSyst.SaveShipments = No. Under this condition Shipping Entry would
initialize ""invoiced"" to Yes, preventing invoice entry from pulling them in. This
feature would normally be u sed during the startup period when they do not yet have
A/R fully implemented." LABEL "Invoiced"
FIELD "ShipToNum" OF "MasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "The ShipTo ID to be used
that this packing slip was for. This ca n only be one of the ShipToNum that exist
on one of the OrderRel records. If th e order only has one ShipTo the user will
never be prompted for this. This MUST BE VALID IN THE SHIPVIA file. Use the
OrderHead.ShiptoNum as the default when c reating new records." LABEL "Ship To"
FIELD "ReadyToInvoice" OF "MasterPack": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the
Packing Slip is complete and ready for invoicing . The invoice entry ""Get
Shipments"" function will only select where ShipHead.R eadyToInvoice = Yes" LABEL
"Ready to invoice" COLUMN-LABEL "Ready"
FIELD "CustNum" OF "MasterPack": integer DESCRIPTION "Contains the system internal
customer number. Not user maintaina ble, Duplicated from the related sales order.
Used to relate this record to the customer master. " LABEL "Customer"
FIELD "Plant" OF "MasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "The Plant that shipment was
made from. " LABEL "Plant" COLUMN-LABEL "Plant"
FIELD "TrackingNumber" OF "MasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "This optional field
is the shipper's tracking number. This can b e used to look up status information
from the shipper." LABEL "Tracking Number"
FIELD "LegalNumber" OF "MasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "The Legal Number for
the record. This number is created based on setup parameters in table LegalNumber."
LABEL "Legal Number" COLUMN-LABEL "Legal Number"
FIELD "Voided" OF "MasterPack": logical DESCRIPTION "A flag indicating if this is
shipment voided. This flag is updat ed via input from the user. Once a shipment has
been voided it can no longer be updated or invoiced." LABEL "Void"
FIELD "ExternalDeliveryNote" OF "MasterPack": logical DESCRIPTION "This flag
indicates if an external delivery note is required. Th is field is available only
when send shipments for financial integration is turn ed on. When checked, the
shipment will be sent to an external financial system where a legal number will be
generated. The shipment will then be sent back wit h the legal number and
processing will continue as normal. When checked, the sh ipment is not available to
be marked as shipped until a legal number has been as signed. " LABEL "External
Delivery Note" COLUMN-LABEL "External Delivery Note"
FIELD "ExternalID" OF "MasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "External Identifier"
FIELD "ICReceived" OF "MasterPack": logical DESCRIPTION "Inter Company Received
flag" LABEL "Inter-Company Received"
FIELD "XRefPackNum" OF "MasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "Cross reference Packing
Slip number used when converting data fro m another ERP system when the previous
system data has alphanumeric content. Th is field is not used by MfgSys. This field
can be used in searches and can be a dded to screens through customization."
FIELD "BTCustNum" OF "MasterPack": integer DESCRIPTION "Populated from
OrderHed.BTCustNum." LABEL "Bill To Customer Number"
FIELD "BTConNum" OF "MasterPack": integer DESCRIPTION "Bill To Customer Contact
number. This will populate from the Ord erHed.BTConNum." LABEL "Bill To Contact
FIELD "ShipStatus" OF "MasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "Status of the shipment.
Some of the valid values are Open, Close d, Freighted, Void, Staged, Shipped" LABEL
FIELD "ShipGroup" OF "MasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "Group the shipment
belongs to for ""Staging""" LABEL "Group"
FIELD "PkgCode" OF "MasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "Packaging code" LABEL "Pkg
FIELD "PkgClass" OF "MasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "NMFC Packaging
Classification code." LABEL "Packaging Classification"
FIELD "Weight" OF "MasterPack": decimal DESCRIPTION "Package Weight" LABEL "Gross
FIELD "ResDelivery" OF "MasterPack": logical DESCRIPTION "Is this a residential
delivery" LABEL "Residential Delivery"
FIELD "SatDelivery" OF "MasterPack": logical DESCRIPTION "Is a Saturday delivery
acceptable" LABEL "Saturday Delivery"
FIELD "SatPickup" OF "MasterPack": logical DESCRIPTION "Is a Saturday pickup
available" LABEL "Saturday Pickup"
FIELD "Hazmat" OF "MasterPack": logical DESCRIPTION "Hazmat or Dangerous Goods
delivery" LABEL "Hazmat/DG"
FIELD "DocOnly" OF "MasterPack": logical
DESCRIPTION "Documents Only delivery" LABEL "Documents Only"
FIELD "RefNotes" OF "MasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "Reference Notes for the
delivery" LABEL "Reference Notes"
FIELD "ApplyChrg" OF "MasterPack": logical DESCRIPTION "Apply Handling Charge to
shipment" LABEL "Apply Charge"
FIELD "ChrgAmount" OF "MasterPack": decimal DESCRIPTION "Handling Charge Amount"
LABEL "Charge Amount"
FIELD "COD" OF "MasterPack": logical DESCRIPTION "Prefer COD delivery" LABEL "COD"
FIELD "CODFreight" OF "MasterPack": logical DESCRIPTION "Add Freight COD Amount
owed" LABEL "Add Freight to Amount"
FIELD "CODCheck" OF "MasterPack": logical DESCRIPTION "Cashier's Check or Money
order is required on COD Delivery" LABEL "Cashier's Check/Money Order Required"
FIELD "CODAmount" OF "MasterPack": decimal DESCRIPTION "Amount due on Cashier's
check or money order" LABEL "Amount"
FIELD "GroundType" OF "MasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "Valid Values are blank,
""Any"" (Any Payment), ""GF"" (Guaranteed Funds), or ""Cash"" (Currency)" LABEL
"Ground Collection Type"
FIELD "NotifyFlag" OF "MasterPack": logical DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether to send
an e-mail notification of delivery" LABEL "Notification"
FIELD "NotifyEMail" OF "MasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "The list of email
address to notify about a delivery" LABEL "E-Mail Addresses" COLUMN-LABEL "EMail
FIELD "DeclaredIns" OF "MasterPack": logical DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate that an
insurance value was declared on delivery " LABEL "Declared Value"
FIELD "DeclaredAmt" OF "MasterPack": decimal DESCRIPTION "Declared Insurance
Amount" LABEL "Insurance Value"
FIELD "MFTransNum" OF "MasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "Transaction Number
returned by the Manifest Engine" LABEL "Transaction"
FIELD "MFCallTag" OF "MasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "Manifest Call Tag Number"
LABEL "Call Tag Number"
FIELD "MFPickupNum" OF "MasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "Manifest Pickup Number"
LABEL "Pickup Number"
FIELD "MFDiscFreight" OF "MasterPack": decimal DESCRIPTION "Manifest Discount
Freight Amount" LABEL "Discount Freight Amount"
FIELD "MFTemplate" OF "MasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "Manifest Template Code"
LABEL "Template"
FIELD "MFUse3B" OF "MasterPack": logical DESCRIPTION "Manifest flag to use 3 party
billing" LABEL "Use 3rd Party Billing"
FIELD "MF3BAccount" OF "MasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "Manifest's 3rd Party
Billing Account" LABEL "3rd Party Billing Account"
FIELD "MFDimWeight" OF "MasterPack": decimal DESCRIPTION "Manifest Dimension
Weight" LABEL "Dimension Weight"
FIELD "MFZone" OF "MasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "Manifest Delivery Zone"
LABEL "Delivery Zone"
FIELD "MFFreightAmt" OF "MasterPack": decimal DESCRIPTION "Manifest Published
Freight Amount" LABEL "Published Freight Amount"
FIELD "MFOtherAmt" OF "MasterPack": decimal DESCRIPTION "Manifest Other Amount"
LABEL "Other Amount"
FIELD "MFOversized" OF "MasterPack": logical DESCRIPTION "Manifest Oversized flag"
LABEL "Oversized"
FIELD "ServSignature" OF "MasterPack": logical DESCRIPTION "Service delivery
requires signature" LABEL "Signature required"
FIELD "ServAlert" OF "MasterPack": logical DESCRIPTION "Service Priority Alert
flag" COLUMN-LABEL "Priority Alert"
FIELD "ServHomeDel" OF "MasterPack": logical DESCRIPTION "Service Home Delivery
allowed" LABEL "Home Delivery"
FIELD "DeliveryType" OF "MasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "Service Home Delivery
Type Code" LABEL "Delivery Type Code"
FIELD "ServDeliveryDate" OF "MasterPack": date DESCRIPTION "Service Home Delivery
date" LABEL "Date"
FIELD "ServPhone" OF "MasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "Home delivery phone
number" LABEL "Phone"
FIELD "ServInstruct" OF "MasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "Service Delivery
Instructions" LABEL "Instructions"
FIELD "ServRelease" OF "MasterPack": logical DESCRIPTION "Service Signature release
is on file" LABEL "Release on File"
FIELD "ServAuthNum" OF "MasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "Service Signature
Release authorization number" LABEL "Authorization Number"
FIELD "ServRef1" OF "MasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "Service Reference 1" LABEL
"Reference 1"
FIELD "ServRef2" OF "MasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "Service Reference 2" LABEL
"Reference 2"
FIELD "ServRef3" OF "MasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "Service Reference 3" LABEL
"Reference 3"
FIELD "ServRef4" OF "MasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "Service Reference 4" LABEL
"Reference 4"
FIELD "ServRef5" OF "MasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "Service Reference 5" LABEL
"Reference 5"
FIELD "ShipmentType" OF "MasterPack": character DESCRIPTION "different types of
cartonized shipments. Valid values are: ""Sale s"" for sales order , ""Transfer""
for inter company transfer , ""Sub"" for subc ontract, ""Misc"" for Miscellanous"
LABEL "Shipment Type" COL

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