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(Study in Banyumas Region)Ω

Rani Hendriana, 2Rindha Widyaningsih, 1Dessi Perdani Yuris Puspita Sari
Faculty of Law Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Purwokerto, Indonesia
Faculty of Humanities Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Purwokerto, Indonesia


Legal protection to women and children as human trafficking victims in Banyumas, to date has not
been viewed in victimology perspective. Intriguing issues has been analyzed regarding legal protect-
tion and factors that tend to inhibit its implementation in victimology perspective. This study used a
qualitative research method and sociological juridical approach. The results showed that the third
goal of victimology has not been reached, in which the legal protection is not yet fully leads to the
needs of victims. The main factor that tends to influence is the correlation between the victim’s
fault in the occurrence of human trafficking and the victim's response to legal protection, while
other inhibiting factors are the legal structure, legal substance, and society legal culture.

Keywords: legal protection, women, children, human trafficking, victimology


Perlindungan hukum terhadap perempuan dan anak korban human trafficking di Kabupaten
Banyumas, selama ini belum berpijak pada perspektif Viktimologi. Permasalahan menarik dikaji
mengenai perlin-dungan hukum dan faktor yang cenderung menghambat pelaksanaannya dalam
perspektif Viktimologi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, dengan pendekatan
yuridis sosiologis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tujuan Viktimologi ketiga belum tercapai, di
mana perlindungan hu-kum belum sepenuhnya mengarah pada kebutuhan korban. Faktor utama yang
cenderung menghambat yakni adanya korelasi antara kesalahan korban dalam terjadinya human
trafficking dengan respon kor-ban terhadap perlindungan hukumnya, sedangkan faktor lain yang turut
menghambat adalah faktor struktur hukum, substansi hukum, dan budaya hukum masyarakat.

Kata kunci: perlindungan hukum, perempuan, anak, human trafficking, viktimologi

Introduction The data of human trafficking case in Banyumas

The International Organization for Migra- Regency is shown in the following table.
tion (IOM) states that since 2005 it has identi- Table 1. Report of Banyumas Trafficking Case
fied and assisted trafficking victims in Indonesia Handling Data in 2015 to 2016
Year Victim Process Verdict
around 3,339 people, in which nearly 90% of the
victims are women, and more than 25% are 2015 1 victim Legal Demands
children.1 Furthermore, one of the victims’ (3 cases) (woman–16 Process 6 years, 4
years old) years
home areas in Indonesia is Banyumas Regency.
1 victim In Legal -
(woman–17 Process

This article is the summary of the research result, fund- years old)
ed by DIPA Universitas Jenderal Soedirman with contract 2 victims Counseli Repatria-
Number 2378/UN.23.14/PN/2017, 1 March 2017. (women–15 ng–Inte- tion from
Maslihati Nur Hidayat, “Upaya Pemberantasan dan Pen-
and 19 years gration Central
cegahan Perdagangan Orang Melalui Hukum Interna-
sional dan Hukum Positif Indonesia”, Jurnal Al-Azhar In- old) Java Pro-
donesia Seri Pranata Sosial, Vol. 1 No. 3, March 2013, p. vince
282 Jurnal Dinamika Hukum
Vol. 17 No. 3, September 2017

2016 2 victims Legal Demands This research uses qualitative research

(1 case) (women–16 Process 5 years, 6 method, with sociological juridical approach.
and 15 years years
old) verdict This approach emphasizes the disclosure of em-
pirical phenomenon, for constructing law as a
Source : Integrated Service Center for the Handling and
reflection of society life.3 Law is assumed to be
Protection of Gender and Child Abuse Victims in
Banyumas Regency something that is not autonomous so that its
validity is determined by non-juridical factors.4
Based on the above data, it can be described The informant as the research sample is officers
that the human trafficking victims revealed in of Banyumas Police Resort and Integrated Ser-
Banyumas are women and only one victim is vice Center for Handling of Gender and Child
classified as an adult. This indicates that wo- Abuse Victims Protection of Banyumas Regency
men and children are riskier becoming victims (PPT-PKBGA), because it is seen as related insti-
than men and adults. Most victims experienced tutions which have capacity in legal protection
sexual exploitation. Indeed, the data above are of human trafficking victims. Purposive Sam-
only some of the cases revealed there are still pling is done to get representative sample.
many cases of human trafficking in Banyumas
which have not been revealed. Therefore, it is Discussion
not surprising to be "iceberg phenomenon". Vic- Legal protection to women and childrenas Hu-
tims and witnesses Reports are the determinant man Trafficking Victim in Banyumas Regency
of starting point to disclose a case; because of According to Victimology Perspective
the characteristics of human trafficking is or- Victim protection in positive law is an ab-
ganized. stract or indirect protection. As a result, victim
The lack of legal protection based on vic- protection is not direct and in concreto.5 Based
timology perspective is the main problem. Vic- on that matter, the existence of Law Number 21
timology is a science of victims which does not Year 27 on Eliminating Criminal Act of Human
only aim to create policies to reduce victims’ Trafficking, Law Number 43 Year 2014 on
suffering, but also it analyzes various losses of Changes of Law Number 23 Year 2002 on Chil-
victims and looks for the causes of victimiza- dren’s Protection and Law Number 31 Year 2014
tion.2 Through this point of view, the study does on Changes of Law Number 13 Year 2006 on Wit-
not only find a form of legal protection in ac- ness and Victim Protection; those regulations
cordance with victims’ needs, but also it discov- basically are legal protection in abstracto as
ers factors which tend to affect the implement- well as aim to realize the third goal of victimlo-
ation of victims legal protection. gy which is “to develop a system of measure for
Based on the above explanation, there are reducing human suffering.”
two problems discussed in this article. first, The concept of protection for criminal
how is the legal protection to women and chil- victim according to Barda Nawawi Arief can be
drenas human trafficking victims in Banyumas seen from two meanings, which have two char-
Regency through victimology perspective? Se- acteristics of protection that can be given dir-
cond, what factors which tend to hamper the ectly through law. First, preventive, in legal
implementation of legal protection to women protection, aims to protect the people in order
and childrenas human trafficking victims in Ba-
nyumas Regency through victimology perspect- Rahadi Wasi Bintoro, “Implementasi Mediasi Litigasi Di
Lingkungan Yurisdiksi Pengadilan Negeri Purwokerto”,
ive are. Jurnal Dinamika Hukum, Vol. 14 No. 1, January 2014, p.
Zulfadli Barus, “Analisis Filosofis Tentang Peta Konsep-
Research Method tual Penelitian Hukum Normatif dan Penelitian Hukum
Sosiologis”, Jurnal Dinamika Hukum, Vol. 13 No. 2, May
2013, p. 312.
J. Hattu, “Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Korban Keja-
2 Iswanto and Angkasa, 2011, Viktimologi, Purwokerto: hatan Ekonomi Di Bidang Perbankan”, Jurnal Sasi, Vol.
Faculty of Law Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, p.15. 16 No. 4, October- December 2010, p. 39.
Legal Protection to Women and Children as Human Trafficking Victims… 283

to avoid becoming a victim. Second, repressive Banyumas Police to victims of human trafficking
is a protection to earn assurance or/legal com- where those preventions aim to fulfill the rights
pensation above one’s suffering or/loss after of human trafficking victim as regulated in Law
becoming a criminal victim.6 Number 21 Year 2017. The law stated about the
Based on the result of interview with re- confidentiality of victims and families identity
search informants from Banyumas Police Offi- (Article 44-46), rights to receive protection
cials, we can understand that in this issue, Ba- from threats which may endanger themselves,
nyumas Police provide legal protection which is their soul and/or properties (Article 47), and
preventive in form of socialization as a way to right to receive physical rehabilitation, social
avoid any creation of criminals and victims. rehabilitation, repatriating and social reintegra-
Moreover, legal protection given by PPT-PKBGA tion from government (Article 51-53). The rights
is more repressive because according to re- of victims also regulated in Law Number 31 year
search informants from PPT PKBGA officials that 2014. Even though this is the responsibility of
they prefer to handle the victim from reporting LPSK, Banyumas Police and PPT-PKBGA also
until to summoning to court. This could be criti- need to fulfill the rights of victims as mentioned
cized because legal protection does not provide in Article 5 Paragraph (1) and Article 6.
the peoples need in order to prevent any poten- Related to restitution as regulated in Art-
tial doer or victim. icle 48 Law Number 21 Year 2007, based on re-
Looking from Victimology perspective, search informants’ information from Banyumas
the matter above basically associated with the Resort Police, states that Resort Police only
first purpose of victimology; namely, “to ana- gave unwritten recommendation to public pro-
lyze the manifold aspect of the victim’s pro- secutor (JPU), and it has never been practiced
blem” and the second purpose which is “to ex- yet. Based on the interview result with the re-
plain the causes for victimization”.7 Discussing search informant from PPT-PKBGA, it is ob-
about victims suffering or lost, according to in- tained information that restitution also has not
formants from Banyumas Police Officials, there been done by PPT-PKBGA, which the compensa-
are two types of victims of human trafficking. tion from the perpetrator to victim is more
The first is the real victim of human trafficking likely non-litigation handling. In provision of so-
(feeling like a victim), therefore the lost experi- cial habitation is not in the step of giving skill or
enced by them are physic, physical, sexual and economic needs yet, therefore PPT-PKBGA tries
economy suffering. Second, voluntarily human to cooperate with social services so the victim
trafficking victim (does not feel like a victim), can get help in form of working’s equipment ca-
where victims agree to be the object of human pital.
trafficking; therefore, the victims do not feel This thing should be criticized as the pro-
any suffering. vision is material in form of restitution, 8 initiat-
Based on these types of victim, it shows ive and submission of restitution by the victim
that human trafficking is very dangerous be- are really need, however the victim of human
cause there is voluntarily victim with various trafficking needs to get information and guid-
motivations behind them. With this matter, le- ance in submitting restitution. Moreover, psy-
gal protection is a preventive protection which cho-social rehabilitation is still not optimal,
is essential for the people for “early detection whether it is a formal education or informal
and early warning”. (job skills), it will dissociate children to grow
The form of legal protection which is re- and develop properly. Along with the existence
pressive has been applied by PPT-PKBGA and of human trafficking victim that is pregnant and

See also La Jamaa, “Perlindungan Korban Kekerasan Da-
lam Rumah Tangga Dalam Hukum Pidana Indonesia”,
Jurnal Cita Hukum, Vol. I No. 2, December 2014, pp. 8 Sudaryono, “Kekerasan Pada Anak: Bentuk, Penanggu-
252-253. langan, dan Perlindungan Pada Anak Korban Kekerasan”,
Iswanto and Angkasa, loc.cit. Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, Vol. 10 No. 1, March 2007, p. 95.
284 Jurnal Dinamika Hukum
Vol. 17 No. 3, September 2017

giving birth, it is certainly needed woman’s in- Police Banyumas, this type of victim is usually
dependency in financial. children that they are so innocent so it makes
Repressive law protection, in this case them easy to be deceived, trapped or forced.
talks about implementation from the third aim Refer to typology of victim from Mendelsohn.
of Victimology that is “to develop a system of This is the first type which called as “The com-
measure for reducing human suffering”, it can pletely innocent victim”. According to Mendel-
be achieved optimally if it is referring to the sohn,9 that the first type “the completely inno-
first aim of Victimology. It can be interpreted cent victim”, these individuals are in no way re-
that implementation of legal policy for human sponsible for their own victimization. Instead,
trafficking victim should be based on analysis of these individuals are victimized simply because
the victim’s needs according to the problem and of the nature of who they are (i.e., a child).
the loss. Refer to that case, so that the third This victim is considered as ideal victim, it
aim of Victimology is not optimally achieved tends to happen to children and they are also
yet. not aware that they are the victims.10
Secondly, it is “victim because of their
Factors in Victimology Perspective that Tend ignorance or victim with minor guilt”. Based on
to Inhibit the Implementation of Legal Protec- the interview with research informant from Po-
tion to Women and Children as Human Traf- lice Resort of Banyumas, this victim is little bit
ficking Victim in Banyumas same with victim’s type above. Yet, there are
It is a logic matter of women and chil- fault from the victim, they are easily trust peo-
dren’s biological weaknesses (physically and ple, ignorance, and a behavior that indicated
psychologically) and women’s level as ‘subor- openness. Even it’s possible that the victim wil-
dinate’ in patriarchy system that make them ling to use fake document to searching for a job
having more risk as human trafficking victim but they did not know being a target of human
than man and adult. The existence of civiliza- trafficking.11According to victim typology from
tion and development do not change those Mendelsohn, the second type called as “the vic-
weaknesses significantly. Yet the desire of eco- tim with minor guilt and the victim due to his
nomic improvement, the social status achieve- ignorance”.12 Moreover, according to Mendel-
ment and lifestyle can trigger woman and chil- sohn that “second category” is the “victim with
dren as human trafficking victim. minor guilt”. This victimization is perpetrated
Behaviour and perspective of victim in in some part due to ignorance. Simply, the vic-
handling human trafficking are the main factors tim inadvertently placed himself in harms’
that tend to influence the success implementa- way”.13 Compare with Stephen Schafer’s typol-
tion of law protection for human trafficking vic- ogy, when there is guilt in victim’s behavior,
tim. The result of the research shows that, this type included as “precipitative victims”. In
there is a correlation between implementation his opinion these victims did something inappro-
of it and the role or mistakes of the victim in priate because of where they were, how they
human trafficking. This thing indicates the ana- were dressed, the way they acted, or what they
lysis of victim’s mistakes in the occurrence of
crime, which based on second aim of Victimol-
ogy “to explain the causes for victimization”,
cannot be avoided. 9
Tammy Garland, 2009, Mendelsohn’s Typologies, in Ja-
Some of the research informants tend to net K Wilson, “The Praeger Handbook of Victimology”,
Santa Barbara California: ABC-CLIO, LLC, p. 167.
give answers that there are types of woman and 10
Iswanto and Angkasa, op.cit., p. 28.
children that cause the human trafficking. 11
See also Yohanes Suhardin, “Tinjauan Yuridis Mengenai
Perdagangan Orang Dari Perspektif Hak Asasi Manusia”,
Firstly, “the innocent one”, in this case the
Jurnal Mimbar Hukum, Vol. 20 No. 3, October 2008, p.
victim has no role in human trafficking. Based 477.
Iswanto and Angkasa, loc.cit.
on an interview with the informant from Resort 13
Tammy Garland, loc.cit.
Legal Protection to Women and Children as Human Trafficking Victims… 285

said; thus, their responsibility was only negli- Referring to type 3 and type 4 of the vic-
gible”.14 tim, there is a correlation of the victim’s mis-
Based on types of the first and second take and the enforcement of legal protection
victim, there is a correlation between victim’s for himself. According to a research informant
guilt and the application of law security toward from the element of Banyumas Resort Police,
them. By looking at the information from re- the victim does not feel harmed so it is hardly
search informant of Banyumas Police Resort possible if the victim would reveal the case or
that stated the victim does not want to be a fight for the right to get the legal pretection.
victim, so there is tendencies in wanting law The mentality of the victim is hard to be devel-
security. The victim here could cooperate in in- oped, uncooperative, and potential to be per-
vestigating human trafficking issue and the ap- manent victim which means that he/she will be
plication of law security for them. the victim of human trafficking. This is more
Thirdly, it is “voluntary victim”. Ac- obvious as it is cleared in the interview of the
cording to the interview with research infor- research informant from PPT-PKBGA. According
mant from Banyumas Police Resort, there are to the interview, in certain cases, the victim
mistake from this type of victim where they are makes peace with the offender without his gui-
agree to be in human trafficking cycle con- dance parties accompanying. Thus, it makes the
sciously. Refer to victim typology by Mendel- process is inhibited.
sohn, the third type in his typology called as There is another factor influencing the
“The victim as guilty as the offender and enforcement of legal protection. According to
voluntary victim”.15 In his opinion “The Lawrence Mayr Friedman,18 there are three
third category holds that victimization is components required in legal system. They are
“voluntary”, these victims are as guilty as
the offender. They, in essence, assisted structural, substantive, and cultural compon-
in the creation of their own victimization ents. Related to them, there is still the weak-
(i.e., a suicide pact)”.16 ness within it. First, based on the result of the
interview with the PPT-PKBGA element, there is
Furthermore refer to Stephen Schafer’s typol- a limitation number of the PPT-PKBGA person-
ogy which is “self-victimizing victims”. In his nel; the limitation of budget, facilities and in-
opinion these victims engaged in deviant and frastructure in PPT-PKBGA; there is no coopera-
criminal behaviors in which they were partners tion between PPT-PKBGA and The Indonesian
with the offenders; thus, these victims were Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) in
totally responsible. Examples are prostitutes, Faculty of Law Universitas Jenderal Soedirman.
drug users, drunks, and gamblers.17 Fourth, It is in line with the statement of the informant
“victim who completely innocent and because from Banyumas Resort Police which informs that
of victim’s ignorance they become voluntary the police do not have the Information Technol-
victim”. This is often happen in human traffick- ogy Facility (ITF) to do the tracking of human
ing in form of sexual exploitation cases. From trafficking offender. It will result in the reveal
the interview with research informant from Ba- of human trafficking case in which the role of
nyumas Police Resort that at first the victim is The Regional Police is needed.
classified as first and second type but as time Second, the PPT-PKBGA, Banyumas Resort
goes by the victim accept the reality and they Police and Public Prosecutor do not attempt to
start to take the benefit; thus, they don’t feel give the concrete guidance in submitting the
suffer or harm. restitution. Third, referring to the data collec-
14 ted, there is differentiation between the data
John Dussich, 2009, Schafer’s Typologies, in Janet K
Wilson, Op.Cit, p. 238. recapitulation of human trafficking case hand-
Iswanto and Angkasa, Loc.Cit.
Tammy Garland, 2009, Mendelsohn’s Typologies, in Ja-
net K Wilson, loc.cit. Rani Hendriana, “Perlindungan Hukum Tindak Pidana
John Dussich, 2009, Schafer’s Typologies, in Janet K Terorisme: Antara Desiderata dan Realita”, Jurnal Kos-
Wilson, loc.cit. mik Hukum, Vol. 16 No. 1, January 2016, p. 34.
286 Jurnal Dinamika Hukum
Vol. 17 No. 3, September 2017

led by the Banyumas Resort Police and the data lates about the victims of human trafficking. 21
recapitulation handled by the PPT-PKBG partic- Legal culture of society surrounding the victims
ularly about the number of cases and victims. It also becomes the obstacle. Based on interview
indicates that the recapitulations have not been with the informant from Banyumas Regional Po-
conducted comprehensively among those insti- lice, there is still tendency of society to give
tutions. negative labelling to women and children who
Fourth, the weakness of the law enforce- become the victims of human trafficking rather
ment, which does not stand with the justice for than participate in reintegrating and rehabilita-
the victim, can be seen in the public prosec- ting them socially.
utor’s charge and the judge’s verdict. According
to Table 1, on the case in 2005, the judge’s ver- Conclusions
dict is lower than the public prosecutor’s There are several conclusions based on
charge. It shows the lack of judge commitment the discussion above. First, legal protection for
to wipe out the human trafficking. It also hap- women and children as the victims of human
pened in case occurred in 2006. The public pro- trafficking in Banyumas Regency has not been
secutor’s charge is lower than the judge’s ver- stood on Victimology perspective that is ori-
dict. The matter in which the public prosecutor ented to the victims’ needs. It can be seen that
and the judge do not employ the maximum there is still lack of preventive legal protection.
criminal punishment, as what it should be ac- The aid of social or psycho-social rehabilitation
cording to Law Number 21 Year 2007 and Law has not been optimal yet and there has not
Number 35 year 2014,19 is also necessary to be been accompaniment of restitution submission.
criticized. It absolutely contrasts to the torture Second, the behavior of victims in responding to
suffered by the victims who are women and legal protection toward them becomes the main
children. factor that obstructs the success of legal pro-
Related to the substantive component, tection implementation. Another obstructing
the researchers find the substantive weakness. factor is that there is still weakness either in le-
First, Government Regulation Number 44 Year gal structure, legal substance, or legal culture
2008 on Giving Compensation, Restitution and of society.
Aids still has not been updated yet. This matter
needs to be criticized since the regulation on Suggestions
medical and psycho-social aids is limited for the First, legal protection which is prevent-
victims of severe violation of Human Rights so ive needs to be conducted comprehensively and
that it does not cover the victims of human traf- continuously toward women and children that
ficking. Second, Law Number 35 Year 2014 does are possible to be the victims. Second, the com-
not mention specifically how the detailed expla- mitment of related institution which relies on
nation regarding the protection of children who the victims’ needs must be increased such as
become the victims of kidnapping or human accompaniment of restitution submission, so-
trafficking.20 Third, Banyumas Regency has not cial/psycho-social rehabilitation (formal and
had Regional Regulation which specifically regu- non-formal education), continuous internal
founding of the victims, law enforcement that is
oriented to victims’ justice and socialization to

19 Compare with Yohanes Suhardin, Op.Cit, p. 477-479; Compare with M. Ulil. Absor, “Advokasi Penanganan Kor-
see also Ahmad Syaufi, “Perlindungan Hukum terhadap ban Tracfficking Perempuan dan Anak Lesson Learnt da-
Perempuan dan Anak Korban Tindak Pidana Perdagangan lam Advokasi Kebijakan di Kabupaten Banyuwangi Jawa
Orang”, Muwazah, Jurnal Kajian Gender, Vol. 3 No. 2 Timur”, Welfare, Jurnal Kesejahteraan Sosial, Vol. 1,
December 2011, pp. 458-459. No. 2 December 2012, pp. 256-257; See also Noer Indri-
I Nelsa Fadila, “Upaya Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap A- ati, “Pengembangan Model Perlindungan Hukum Terha-
nak Sebagai Korban Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Orang”, dap Anak Sebagai Korban Pedagangan di Indonesia”,
Jurnal Hukum dan Peradilan, Vol. 5 No. 2, July 2015, p. Jurnal Dinamika Hukum, Vol. 14 No. 3, September 2014,
192. p. 406.
Legal Protection to Women and Children as Human Trafficking Victims… 287

society not to give negative label-ling to the Hendriana, Rani. “Perlindungan Hukum Tindak
victims of human trafficking. Third, any re- Pidana Terorisme: Antara Desiderata dan
source in PPT-PKBGA and Banyumas Sub-re- Realita”. Jurnal Kosmik Hukum. Vol. 16
No. 1 January 2016. Pp. 30-41;
gional Police must be maximized, building co-
Hidayat, Maslihati Nur. “Upaya Pemberantasan
operation with LPSK Unsoed. Fourth, there
dan Pencegahan Perdagangan Orang Mela-
should be regulation which organizes legal pro- lui Hukum Internasional dan Hukum Posi-
tection toward children as the victim of human tif Indonesia”. Jurnal Al-Azhar Indonesia
trafficking, implementer regulation as the sub- Seri Pranata Sosial. Vol. 1 No. 3. March
stitution of Government Regulation Number 44 2013. Pp. 163 – 175;
Year 2008 must be issued soon, and there Indriati, Noer. “Pengembangan Model Perlin-
should be Regional Regulation of Banyumas Re- dungan Hukum Terhadap Anak Sebagai
Korban Pedagangan di Indonesia”. Jurnal
gency that regulates legal protection of the vic-
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tims of human trafficking. ber 2014. Pp. 406-418. DOI: 10.20884/1.
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