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Educational assessment in Pakistan has been greatly influenced by the years of British
colonization and has been designed to measure students’ ability to learn, which improves the
learning outcomes, to advance further in the system of education (Khattak, 2012).
There are definitely critical, high-stakes examinations at the matriculate and intermediate levels
that widely impact to determine the career options of the students. Such assessments are
conducted across the different provinces of the country, through the Boards of Intermediate
and Secondary Examinations (BISE).
The languages used in these assessments vary in different provinces, though the most
commonly used languages, which are Urdu, English, Pastho, and Sindhi. Most assessments are
non-standardized and not significant measures of learning quality, as they measure rote and
superficial learning and selective study rather than any analytical and critical type of thinking
(Ministry of Education, 2007). Assessments for upper elementary grades (5-8) are still in the
process of being developed at the provincial level and have yet to be implemented in some
provinces, because of the poor quality of the assessment system in Pakistan. In this regard
National Educational Assessment System (NEAS) was established in 2002, along with
Provincial Educational Assessment Centres (PEACs) and Kashmir Educational Assessment
Centre (KEAC) to supervise, monitor and collect the information on students` learning and has
a key role to improve the measurement of student learning outcomes, the Education Sector
Reform (2001- 2005).
Later on the National Educational Policy 2009 indicated the need to raise assessment capacity
at the schools, provincial and federal levels, for the achievement of this particular goal the
National Educational Assessment System (NEAS) was highly focused.

1.1.1. National Educational Policy 2017

National educational policy 2017 has set some policies and procedures about formative
assessment, which is a dire need of time and highly be focused during the teaching and learning
process, in which students` report card maintenance and students` portfolio in public sector
schools will be brought into the existence.
In this it is also elaborated that there will be a regular feedback with students, parents and
school administration about the performance of the students at school level which will increase
the communication between parents and school administration. The problems faced by teachers
and parents in the perception of lack of communication will easily be addressed.
It is also described in this respective policy that the students` promotions will be based on both
formative assessment during the teaching and learning process and the summative tests in the
end of the term.
The students` Report card maintenance and students` portfolios` existence will directly effect
on students` performance in increasing the students` level of interests. It is an established fact
that, where the level of interest is found high the results are always greater than expected
thoughts. These types of tools can lead assessors to assess the individuals properly by
measuring all the aspects of students learning outcomes and this will also be effective in
removing the gaps which exist during the teaching and learning outcomes.
The regular feedback with students, parents and school administration about the students`
performance at school level will definitely bring the positive change in respect of students`
motivation and awareness of parents about the regular activities of the students, either
curricular or co-curricular.
The students` feedback will be helpful to grasp over the gaps that create hurdles in their
teaching and learning process. The motivational skills will be used to flourish the students`
mental approaches that will lead them towards success. The parents will also be able to know
the strengths and weaknesses of the children in their respective areas. This will also help the
parents to have the quick remedies to grasp over the situation which will result in definite
The educational policy 2017 has highlighted the prime need of assessment during the teaching
and learning process, which is an authentic source of detecting out the gaps which pertain in
the teaching and learning process. It is also focused that the promotions of students in next
stage will be based on both formative assessments during the academic year and the summative
tests in the end of the term.
These promotions based on the both formative assessment and summative assessment will be
helpful to implement the formative assessment positively, which is lacking behind for a long
time in Sindh province and especially in District Badin. It will also strengthen the students`
learning to learn and the abilities and interests of the students will also be detected out easily,
to establish the future strategies. The students` capabilities will be drawn easily to lead their
success, in this particular way of assessment.

The administration and management side should be made responsible to implement the
respective policy positively, so that the betterment in education system may be brought easily
into the existence, which the whole of the country is lacking behind. This is the dire need of
every individual and that must be availed by each and every person to show his/her identity,
not only that but also every individual may be able to serve for the nation to get the real, speedy
and substantial progress.

1.1.2. Educational Assessment in Sindh Province: Policies and Practices

School Education and literacy department has introduced a formative and summative
assessment and examination system. Students are assessed through course work, class
participation, and terminal examinations as formative assessment. However, promotion from
one grade to another is automatic. Examination is conducted by the boards at the end of session
as summative assessment. It consists of question papers comprising different sections:
objective questions, short answer questions and long answer questions. The final mark is
determined by the final set of examinations IX,X. Those who fail their final Board
examinations at the first or "Annual" sitting by three subjects or less are able to retake the failed
subjects, usually for a maximum of two "Supplementary" sittings. If no subjects are passed
after the third and final supplementary, the entire set of examinations must be repeated.

The Problem which is the reason for the research study is to investigate the current and existing
policies and practices of formative assessment in public secondary schools in District Badin
Sindh. It is an established fact that assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning
processes in not only judging student performance at the end but also to gauge how their
learning improves as they go through various processes of learning actively in and outside the
classrooms. While the main goal of classroom formative assessment is to inform instructional
practices and to help in improving both students` performance in the areas of the curriculum
and teacher adaptation of their instructional methods to meet students’ needs, reforms in the
field of educational management, monitoring and evaluation, standards-based curriculum
development, and teacher professional training.
Although the measurement of student learning outcomes is increasingly recognized as
paramount to improve teaching and learning process,

1. To examine the current formative assessment practices applied at public secondary

2. To know the role of formative assessment in students’ performance at public secondary
3. To find out the problems faced by the teachers in applying formative assessment at
public secondary schools.

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