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A Junior High School Research Paper on Socio-Cultural Issues

Tomas Cabili National High School
Tomas Cabili, Iligan City


In Partial Fulfilment
Of the Requirements English 10



Jocelyn Duhaylungsod Torino

Jacqui Lou Servano Turado

February, 2019
Chapter I


Can we solve this issues about cybercrime? Nowadays, we need to double our care

because not only in the road, home or anywhere else the crime, but it is now in the social media

which has more victim and this crime is called cyber-crime. According to the Merriam-

Webster, “criminal activity (such as fraud, theft, or distribution of child pornography)

committed using a computer especially to illegally access, transmit, or manipulate data”. It

is the crime where the age or gender is not required if you became a victim of it.

The person who spreading this issues called cybercriminals. Cybercriminals are

individuals or teams of people who use technology to commit malicious activities on digital

systems or networks with the intention of stealing sensitive company information or personal

data, and generating profit. Through the Internet, “has grown in importance as the computer

has become central to commerce, entertainment, and government”. Some of the victims of

those Cybercriminals are the students.

Cybercrime, also called computer crime, the use of a computer as an instrument to

further illegal ends, such as committing fraud, trafficking in child pornography and intellectual

property, stealing identities, or violating privacy. This can be seen across the various forms of

cybercrime, including high-tech crimes, data breaches and sexual extortion. Like other forms

of bullying, serious consequences like depression and suicidal thoughts and behaviour have

been linked to cyberbullying.

The Philippine National Police (PNP) says that “Nine out of 10 Filipino Internet
Users fell victim to cybercrime due to lack of awareness on security features of social

Networks”. Many researchers believed that cybercrime is the one of the reason of the death of

some people without proper internet usage. So, this type of criminals attack by using

technologies were more dangerous than attacking in personal.

Debarati Halder and K. Jaishankar further define “cybercrime” from the ‘perspective

of gender’ and defined 'cybercrime against women' as “on online crimes targeting teenage

girls and women”. It shows how they become soft targets of trolling, online grooming, privacy

infringement, bullying, pornography, sexual defamation, morphing, spoofing and so on.

Crimes targeted against women with a motive to intentionally harass the victim psychologically

and physically, using modern telecommunication networks such as internet and mobile phones.

There are some of phobias that we might encounter if we experienced cyber-crime. One

is they become more complex as technology continues to evolve called Technophobia, and

another is people who have Cyber phobia are afraid or not able to learn new technologies. In

my research at Wikipedia, “Cyber phobia is a fear of working with computers” and

Technophobia is a fear or dislike of advanced technology or complex devices, especially


Approximately $1.5 billion was lost in 2012 to online credit and debit card fraud in the

US. Cyber-crime cost the global economy about $445 billion year, because of the early and

widespread adoption of computers and the Internet in the United States, they are the earliest

victims and villains of cyber-crime. New technologies create new criminal opportunities but

few new types of crime. “Cybercrime is a tax on innovation and slows the pace of global

innovation by reducing the rate of return to innovators and investors,” Jim Lewis of CSIS said

in a statement.
In many cases the perpetrators are based overseas, but are able to gain access to peoples’

bank accounts remotely by conning them into revealing personal details and passwords. The

victims are sometimes not even aware they have been targeted until they realise their savings

have been raided, by which point it is often too late.

A report by Verizon into data breach investigations has shown that “23% of people

open phishing emails”. According to fraud protection agency Cifas, “the number of victims

rose by 31 per cent to 32,058 in the first three months of 2015”. In a Verizon study of

security breaches there were “285 million data exposures, which works out to about 9 records

exposed every second. 26% of these attacks were executed internally within organizations”. It

is estimated that 90% of all data records that were used in a crime was a result of hackers

employed by organized crime. Over half of adolescents and teens have been bullied online,

while “73% of adult users have seen someone harassed in some way online and 40% have

experienced it”.

By engaging into this research prevention will be discussed which can help to Tomas

Cabili Students to be aware about the cybercrime and avoid to become a victim of cybercrime.

1.1 Statement of the Problem

Cybercrime involves activities like cyber-bullying and cyber-pornography and so much

more. Computer crime or cybercrime, is crime that involves computer network. The computer

may have been used in the commission of a crime, or it may be the target.
A students who are totally attached to the computer has a possibility to become a victim

of cybercrime. Many of the students in Tomas Cabili National High School are not aware to

prevent the cybercrime that’s why we are here to give an awareness in my own school.

This research purposes to provide the awareness and to give the spiritual and emotional

affects to the students of Tomas Cabili National High school.

This research is supervise to find out the answers to the following questions:

1. How can we take action against cyber-attacks?

2. What are the criminology effects of cybercrime?

3. Who do you think you should blame for having a cybercrime?

4. Why should there is cybercrime and what are the reason behind this?

1.2 Significance of the Study

In fact, this research are concern of the researchers, the research adviser and the students

of Tomas Cabili National High School. In this research, we can produce an information and
can give an awareness from our study about cybercrimes. Especially, this study will contribute

to the following:

Students/Children: This research or study will help the student or children to be aware

about the cybercrime. It will also help them to avoid become a cyber-victim and also to protect

the other feature of their lives, most important is the Communication to other.

Parents: This study will give to the parents a realization that they need to guide the

children especially if they have a gadgets that will children have the opportunity to learn how

to use the internet. Furthermore, it also helps the parents to open their minds that they need to

limit their children to computer usage.

Teachers: It will help the teachers to have another idea about cybercrime that she/he

can also teach to her/his students. It can also help the teachers to understand the situation of

their student who experience as a victim of cybercrime.

Future Researcher: The result of this research can help to control the usage of social

media or internet. It also help the researcher to have more information about cybercrimes.

1.3 Scope and Limitation

This investigation was conducted to give awareness to the School of Tomas Cabili

National High School with the cooperation of their students during the school year 2018-2019.

The aspects looked about the effects of cybercrime and the different kinds of cybercrime

1.4 Definition of Terms

To had a better understanding in the test, the following terms are defined as conceptually and

Term Conceptual Operational

is a fear of working with computers Frighten of

Cyber phobia
social media

criminal activity or a crime that involve

Cybercrime a crime by
the Internet, a computer system, or computer technology


is an unlawful act punishable Unacceptable


an individual’s

felt insecurities
Cybercriminals team of people commit malicious activities using


Irrational fear of specific object afraid of


Technophobia fear or dislike of advanced technology


technology of

Chapter II
Review of Related Literature and Studies

This portion present the pieces of the foreign and local literature and studies that were

related to our chosen study. The researcher gaining more information with this review.

The scope of this literature review is to gather information about cybercrime, its effects

to our society especially to the students. Furthermore, this review will discuss related issues

about cybercrime and how can it affects our entire life.

2.1 Related Literature

In a report, cyber security Kasperksy Lab found that the “Philippines was one of the

most frequent victims of cyber-attacks so far in 2018”. The network recorded 10.8 million web

malware infection in Philippines in just the second quarter of 2018 making it in the ninth most

attacked country for that period. According to Kasperksy, 39.4 percent of the web infections

were detected from home networks while 11.2 percent came from business networks.

Only 3.1 million attacks were recorded in the second quarter of 2017, meaning the

number of attacks grew three-fold over the course of a year. The Philippines is no stranger to

cyber-attacks. A report in 2014 found that the Philippines was the most targeted country in

South East Asia. About $81 million was diverted to the Philippines’ banking system after

hackers tapped into the network of the Bangladesh Central Bank to rob a total of $951 million.

The incident among the biggest cyber heists in history. Oyewole and Obeta (2002), state that

the internet is the inter connection of computer across the world thereby creating unlimited

opportunities for mankind

According to the Norton cybercrime report, “cybercrime has affected 431 million

people globally in one year and lead to huge financial losses in the tunes of US $388 billion

and time wasting in efforts aimed at recovering stolen money and addressing the vice (EPOC

Messe Frankfurt GmbH, 2013; Hanif, 2013)”. It is estimated that 14 persons become victims

of cybercrime every second, which translates to over one million in each day.

According to the United States Department of Justice, computer crimes include "any

violations of criminal law that involve a knowledge of computer technology for their

perpetration, investigation, or prosecution."

2.2 Related Studies

According to the Research report of Dr. Mike McGuire (University of Surrey) and

Samantha Dowling (Home Office Science), “the internet also presents opportunities to cyber

criminals”. The nature of some ‘traditional’ crime types has been transformed by the use of

computers and other information communications technology (ICT) in terms of its scale and

reach, with risks extending to many aspects of social life, such as:

• Financial transactions

• Sexual offending

• Harassment and threatening behaviour; and

• Commercial damage and disorder.

New forms of criminal activity have also been developed, targeting the integrity of

computers and computer networks such as the spread of malware and hacking. Threats exist

not just to individuals and businesses, but to national security and infrastructure. Sometimes

this crime can affect someone’s sense.

Cyber-crime is an umbrella term used to describe two distinct, but closely related

criminal activities: cyber-dependent and cyber-enabled crimes. In this review the use of ‘cyber-

crime’ refers to both forms of criminal activity, and we distinguish between them as outlined


 Cyber-dependent crimes are primarily acts directed against computers or

network resources, although there may be secondary outcomes from the attacks,

such as fraud.

 Cyber-enabled crimes are traditional crimes that are increased in their scale or

reach by the use of computers, computer networks or other ICT. Unlike cyber

dependent crimes, they can still be committed without the use of ICT. For the
purposes of this review the following types of cyber-enabled crimes are


 fraud (including mass-marketing frauds, ‘phishing’ e-mails and

other scams; online banking and e-commerce frauds);

 theft (including theft of personal information and identification-

related data); and

 Sexual offending against children (including grooming, and the

possession, creation and/or distribution of sexual imagery).

A study on cybercrime of Jammu & Kashmir, when crimes are committed via computer

networks such as the internet, they are said to be cybercrimes [ 1]. Cybercrimes refer to

offences that are committed against individuals or groups of individuals with a criminal motive

to intentionally harm the reputation of the victim or cause physical or mental harm to the victim

directly or indirectly, using modern telecommunication networks such as Internet (Chat rooms,

emails, notice boards and groups) and mobile phones [2]. While expressing worry over the

insecurity of computer networks and the increasing dependence on them [3] emphasized the

need to secure applications over the Internet as the interconnectivity of the emerging digital

world would bring new opportunities and threats to both the private and public sectors.

Cybercriminal groups are well funded. In some cases, funders are governments. As technology

brings us a convenient and efficient life style, it also brings us potential threat. Government

around the world also modernize their system with technology. However, it also makes

government system more vulnerable than before. Countless sensitive government information

is digitalized and become target for hackers who work for other governments. The most

infamous incident is known as PRISM project. U.S government agency NSA conducted (may

still be conducting) illegal surveillance on global scale in the name of counter-terrorism.

Allegedly, many U.S enterprises are involved in this project working aside with NSA.
Although they denied involvement of this PRISM project, former NSA contractor Edward

Snowden presented rather convincing evidences. U.S government collects a large amount of

personal data from everyone in the world include high ranking government officials around the

world. U.S has already build its own army for cyber warfare called United State Cyber


Sitting behind the computer, Internet users` identities are nothing but number and

letters. These identities can be easily masked and altered. This feature gives people courage to

do whatever they are afraid of doing in real life. Those who are bullied in real life are most

likely to conduct extremely behavior in cyber world to unleash their anger and unsatisfaction.

Identities give people a responsibility to their behavior. However, once the identity is hidden,

the sense of responsibility drops, and people is able to conduct behavior that holds them

responsible in real life. The typical example is the online racism. We can find a lot of racists`

comment in online media like YouTube, but seldom in real life. In Chinese proverb: If you

have nothing to lose, why shall you be afraid. Because people are afraid of losing their reputation

and wellbeing in real life. Our name is tight to our reputation. Certain behavior like racism will damage

that. However, once our behavior is no longer link to our identity or who we are, we become much


Agba (2002), is of the view that internet is the most technologically advanced medium of

interaction. It is the information revolution that has turned the world into a global village.

According to Vladimir (2005) internet is a global network which unites millions of computer

located in different countries and open broad opportunities to obtain and exchange information

but it is now been used for criminal purposes due to the economic factors.

According to Sutherland (1939), criminal behaviour is learned. Criminal behaviour is

learned in interaction with other persons in a process of communication. This would mean an
individual is influenced to participate in criminal behaviour through watching and interacting

with other individuals who are engaging in the criminal behaviour. The principal part of the

learning of criminal behaviour occurs within intimate personal ground.

Chapter III

This Chapter presents the different research components that will be interrogated in this

study. This will include the Research design, Research Method, Methods in gathering data,

Statistical Treatment.
3.1 Research Design

This study uses descriptive research in coming up the analysis of the data in order to

answer the problem raised in Chapter 1. This design adopted to collect the data to describe

the characteristics or behavior of the respondents. The Descriptive design will allow the

researcher to describe the characteristic of cybercrime and also help to describe the effect of

cybercrime in everyone. With this design, it helps the researchers to easily gather the


3.2 Research Methods

In this study, the Researcher used questionnaire and it helps the researchers to gather

data about the awareness of the students about cyber-crime and the possible cause of

cybercrime in their health and in their social interaction.

3.3 Methods in gathering Data

This study will be conducted at Tomas Cabili National High School (Main) at Barangay

Tominobo, Iligan City. The Researcher will make a letter of approval to the principal of the

Tomas Cabili National High School to continue their study and begin their survey. The

questionnaire consisting two parts, the respondent’s profile consisting their names, grade and

section, and their age. The questionnaire will be distributed to the respondents after getting

the an approval from the Head of the School.

3.4 Development of the Research Instrument

The researcher used questionnaire as our Research instrument for us to collect of

certain kinds of information about our study.

3.5 Statistical Treatment

The researcher decided to pick up students of junior Tomas Cabili National

Highschool. The researcher used the random sampling on picked up students from junior high

school level. The researchers was used the descriptive method to know the frequency and


Frequency and percentage

Frequency and percentage was determined the propotion of the responses to a particular

questions towards the respondents.

%=f/n (100)

Where; f= frequency of the respondents

n= number of the respondents

100= constant

%= percentage



In this chapter, it presented the result and discussion of the data gathered in our questionnaire.

Table 4.1 distribution of the respondent according whi has a victim of cybercrime
Section Frequency Percentage

Acacia 6 30%

Narra 3 15%

Mahogany 1 5%

Gemilina 3 15%

Earth 3 15%

Mercury 2 10%

Vanila 2 10%

It showed that, most of our respondents are from acacia which had 30% of the

resondents while less respondents are from mahonagy which had 5% of the respondents.
Figure 4.1 The awareness of cybercrime

Very well

I know about it


Not well

Don't know

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

The bar graph showed the percentage of awareness of cybercrime to the respondents.

Majority of 50% of the respondent are very well aware about cybercrime and it’s a good

result because we can avoid threats of cybercrime. And followed by the same percentage the

“not well” and “i know about it” with the same 25%.
Figure 4.2 Times of Becoming a Victim


more than 5 times

2-3 times

1 time


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

It showed that how many times the respondent became a victim of cybercrime. The

highiest are “never” with 35% of respondents answered. And 15% is the lowest which is the

more than 5 times who became a victim of cybercrime.

Figure 4.3 common cause of cybercrime

Series 4

For pleasure

Competitive edge

Series 4


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

The graph above showed the coomon cause why there’s a cybercrime. Majority of

70% of our respondents answered “insecurities” is the reason why there’s a cybercrime. 15%

of respondents answered the cause “for pleasure” and “money” and no one answers

competitive edge.
Figure 4.4 Who should blame for having cybercrime

People Blame

who created technology

The graph showed about the people who sould according the respondents. Base on

the graph about the highest is the color blue which is “ourselves” with 50% followed by the

color orange which is “who created technology” with 40% and the lowest is the color gray

which is the “parents” with 5%.

Figure 4.5 Knowing Cybersecurity



The bar graph showed the percentage of how our respondent knows about cybersecurity.

50% of my respondents answers yes followed by no with 40% of our respondents answers it

and 10% for maybe.

Figure 4.6 student and children prone to be a victim of cybercrime


The graph showed the answers of our respondents to the questions, do you think that

the students and children are more prone to be a victim of cybercrime?. 50% of them

answered yes, 45% of maybe, and 5% for no.

Chapter V



According the result of the study, we therefore conclude that some students or

childrens are not aware about cybercime, its cause and effect. We, teenaagers are the major

target of cybercrime especially if we are too attached to our gadgets and if we public our

personal life in social media. We are in the 21st century and I know technology for us is a

must. But we should our limitations to avoid cyber threats. Victim or not we should know the

possible outcome of being too attached to all gadgets. we should how to prevent this kind of



Being too attached with our gadgets can bring us into a crime, called cybercrime.

Safety is a must for us especially to those who really love social media. We conducted a

survey to gather a data and form again with another information. Recommend this to future

researcher who wants to know more about cybercrime.

For parents, please always look after your children. Cybercrime is everywhere. Age is

not a reason to avoid your children to be victimized. Limit them in using their gadgets. spen

your extra time to them and always ask what happenings in their day.

For teachers, this topic is a good lesson for all students especially right now where we

are in the 21st century where gadgets are needed everywhere. Teach how to prevent this crime

and what is the posible effects to ourselves.

And for Students, this crime is also our fault. Adults are not lack in reminding us what

is wrong and what is right. We should apply it to ourselves. Being victim is not easy as you

think. And suicide is not a solution to every problem. Limit yourself in using your gadgets

and spend more time with your family. Always remember to our safety first.

Summary and Findings

This study was covered with 20 students of Tomas Cabili National Highschool s.y.

2018-2019. From the gathered data, the followings are the findings of the study

 Most of our respondents are attached to their gadgets

 Are questionnaire were distributed not equally in every section and grade

 Most of our respondents are girls

 Most of them are aware about cybercrime.

Approval Sheet

In Partial Fulfilment of the Fourth Grading requirements in English 10 this G-10 research

paper_______________ prepared and submitted by_______________ in partial fulfilment of

the requirements, G-10 English and for Junior High School moving up, S.Y. 2018-2019 was

successfully defended and approval_______________, 2019 with a rating of 75.001.

_______________ _______________ _______________





The English Department of Tomas Cabili National High School endorser the acceptance of this

Junior High School research paper as partial fulfilment of the requirements for G-10 English

and for Junior High School moving up, S.Y. 2018-2019.

Feliciano L. Cagas


This Junior High School research paper is nearby officially accepted in fulfil of the

requirements for G-10, English and for JHS moving up.

Josephine B. Badlon


This research is entitle “Cybercrime; A peril behind the Screen”. It was conducted to

Tomas Cabili National Highschool. That’s why we are so grateful to those people who really

help and support us in making this research paper. First, we would like to thank god for

everything. For gaving us strength, for staying in our side while we are struggling in doing

this. Thank you for giving us strength when we are going to give up. Second to our family,

we are thankful for understand us when we are not at home when you come. We are so much

thankful for supporting us especially in financially. Third to our classmates and adviser, we

are thankful to have you guys. Making this research is not easy for us especially if we have a

personal problem. Thank you for being there and continue supporting us. To our adviser,

thank you for understanding us when we have a strength to cooperate sometime still you

understand us. A so much thank you ma’am. And lastly to ourselves, to my partner in making

this research, thank you. I know we have some arguments while making this research because

of our idea still we find ways to make our idea one. Thank you for letting me to be your

partner. Thank you for not giving up and now we finished it. Thank you everyone without

you, we can’t finish our research paper. Thank you for your love and support.
1. How are you aware about cybercrime?
o Very Well
o I know about it
o Not well
o Don’t know

2. How many have you been a victim of cyber crime?

o Never
o 1 time
o 2-3 times
o More than 5 times

3. Do you think that students and children are more prone to be a victim of cyber
o Maybe
o Yes
o No
4. Which is the most common cause of cyber crime?

o Insecurities
o Money
o Competitive edge
o For pleasure

5. Who do you think you should blame for having a cyber crime? Why?

o The parents
o The one who created technology
o ourselves
6. Do you know what cybersecurity is?

o Yes
o No
o Maybe

Dedication…………………………………………………………………………………. i


Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………………..iii

List of Figure……………………………………………………………………………….iv

List of Table………………………………………………………………………………



I INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………. 1

1.1 Statement of the Problem…………………………………………………. 5

1.2 Significance of the Study…………………………………………………… 6

1.3 Scope and Limitation………………………………………………………. 7

1.4 Definition of Terms……………………………………………………… 8


2.1 Related Literature…………………………………………………………..10

2.2 Related Studies……………………………………………………………. 12

III METHODOLOGY ………………………………………………………………… 16

3.1 Research Design…………………………………………………………….. 16

3.2 Research Method………………………………………………………….. 16

3.3 Method in Gathering Data…………………………………………………. 16

3.4 Statistical Treatment………………………………………………………17

IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION …………………………………………………….. 18


REFERENCES ……………………………………………………………………………. 27

APPENDICES…………………………………………………………………. …………. 29

A. Cover Letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……. 29

B. Letter to the Respondents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……30
C. Questionnaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …….. 31

Table PAGE

Table 4.1 distribution of the respondent according which has a

victim of cybercrime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Figure PAGE

Figure 4.1 The awareness of cybercrime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Figure 4.2 Times of Becoming a Victim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Figure 4.3 common cause of cybercrime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Figure 4.4 Who should blame for having cybercrime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Figure 4.5 Knowing Cybersecurity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Figure 4.6 student and children prone to be a victim of cybercrime . . . . . . . . . . 24


We cannot finished this research study without the help of almighty god, my family,

my classmates and adviser, and also without ourselves. Their help is sincerely appreciated

and gratefully acknowledged. . we also dedicate this study to future researchers who will also

picked up this study.

Approval Sheet

In Partial Fulfilment of the Fourth Grading requirements in English 10 this G-10 research

paper_______________ prepared and submitted by_______________ in partial fulfilment of

the requirements, G-10 English and for Junior High School moving up, S.Y. 2018-2019 was

successfully defended and approval_______________, 2019 with a rating of 75.001.

_______________ _______________ _______________





The English Department of Tomas Cabili National High School endorser the acceptance of this

Junior High School research paper as partial fulfilment of the requirements for G-10 English

and for Junior High School moving up, S.Y. 2018-2019.

Feliciano L. Cagas


This Junior High School research paper is nearby officially accepted in fulfil of the

requirements for G-10, English and for JHS moving up.

Josephine B. Badlon



 Merriam-Webster, 1828.

“criminal activity (such as fraud, theft, or distribution of child pornography) committed

using a computer especially to illegally access, transmit, or manipulate data”.

"Definition of "Technophobia"". Retrieved 2008-07-2


 Sachin Rastogi. May 26, 2018. What is cyber-crime?


“has grown in importance as the computer has become central to commerce, entertainment,
and government”.

 Bebot Sison Jr., Cecille Suerte Felipe. March 19, 2014. 9 of 10 Pinoys are cyber

“Nine out of 10 Filipino Internet

Users fell victim to cybercrime due to lack of awareness on security features of social

 Jim Lewis of CSIS. June 9, 2014. Cyber-crime costs global economy $445 billion a
year: report.

“Cyber-crime is a tax on innovation and slows the pace of global innovation by reducing the
rate of return to innovators and investors,”

 Wikipedia. 2017. United States Cyber Command. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 19 June 2017].

 David Shoemaker. Dec 20 2005. Personal Identity and Ethics. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 19 June 2017].
 Oyewole and Obeta (2002), An Introduction to Cyber Crime. Retrieved September 2011
from http// the internet is the inter
connection of computer across the world thereby creating unlimited opportunities for

 Agba,P.C. (2002), International Communication Principles, Concepts and Issues. In

Okunna,C.S. (ed) Techniques of Mass Communication: A Multi-dimentional Approach.
Enugu: New Generation Books.

 Vladimir, G.(2005), International Cooperation in Fighting Cyber

 Sutherland, E.(1939), Principles of Criminology. Fourth edition

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