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Forward Planning Document

ED3619/5619 Principles of Primary Religious Education 2

Unit Title: Principles of Religious Education 2 Student Number: 32004703

Date of Submission: 15/05/2019 Student Name: Josefina Desouza

Year Level Unit Title Human development topic Jesus Topic
4 Coming to Your Table Wondering at our bodies which Eucharist
are different
Overview – explanation of the content of the unit and how it explores the Salvation Topic and development of the Human Person
Coming to Your Table is focused on the Sacrament of the Eucharist and preparing students to receive Holy Communion for the first time. The unit of work
focuses on God the creator as the one who created each one us uniquely and differently, the promise of salvation through Jesus through His Body and
Blood and how the Sacrament draws us closer to God and how it allows us to live like Jesus through receiving the Eucharist.
The unit focuses on the development of the Human Person by wondering about the differences in people’s bodies. Learning about how everyone is different
and how our bodies change as we get older, allows students to learn about the physical differences of human development. The unit also focuses on how
these differences effect our way of life, and hence focuses on other attributes of differences. This helps develop the cultural and social development of
students so they learn about how even though everyone is different, judgements shouldn’t be made based on these differences. This is focused on through
the Salvation topic of the Eucharist. Learning about Jesus and how He taught everyone to love one another just as they love themselves. This further
develops students love, understanding of people and their differences. Through the Salvation Topic of the Eucharist, students learn that they receive the
body and blood of Jesus Christ through receiving the Eucharist. People are drawn closer to God through the Eucharist and thus after this unit of work and
the students receiving their first Holy Communion, they should feel closer to God.
Key Understandings and Learning Points
Human person Jesus Church

B1 Jesus loved everyone regardless of physical C1 Catholics celebrate the Eucharist
A1 Wondering at our bodies which are different differences
C1.1 Compares the symbolism of the bread and
A1.1 Express wonder at the differences in peoples B1.1 Describes ways in which Jesus showed love wine to many people form in gone body.
bodies. regardless of physical differences.
C2 God’s family celebrates the Eucharist
A2 Wondering at God who created our bodies B2 Jesus draws members of God’s family close
different to him through the Eucharist C2.1 Names the elements in the Liturgy of the
Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
A2.1 Expresses wonder at God who created B2.1 Explains a meaning of John 6:56.
bodies different. C2.2 Memorises responses, gestures and prayers
B2.2 Reports how the world would be different if used during the Mass.
A3 Attribute: God loves each of us personally people drew closer to Jesus by receiving him in
Holy Communion. C2.3 States:
A3.1 Celebrates God who loves each of us • the words of the priest at the Consecration.
personally • the words said before receiving Holy Communion
C3 Christians are called to love everyone as
‘another self’
C3.1 Identifies ways in which Christians love
everyone as ‘another self’.
C3.2 States ways in which people fail to behave
as Jesus taught.

C4 Continuing to wonder at how Jesus

strengthens his followers to love every human
individual regardless of physical differences
C4.1 Reviews and expresses the main ideas of
the unit

Links to General Capabilities

Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical behaviour Personal Intercultural
Creative Thinking Competency Understanding

Religious Capabilities Spiritual Capabilities

Faith Hope Charity Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance

Catholic World View and Teacher Witness (See Teacher Note) Link with Key Understandings and Learning Points by highlighting
- Purpose of this step is to develop students religious awareness. Students wonder about their bodies and how everyone is made
differently. This focuses on the Catholic world view that God made each one of us differently and uniquely yet loves us all the same.
Wondering leads to questioning and exploring about the topic in more detail. Teacher can express their witness and personal
experience about how they’ve noticed differences in people and how that shouldn’t mean we judge people because they are different.
For example never judge a book by its cover. Teacher witness about how its important to love yourself and be happy with who you are.
Jesus made us all with our own special qualities and loves us all personally.
- Catholic world view of how Jesus offered us salvation through modelling to us how to live in a good human way. Students learn how
Jesus died on the cross for our sins and we remember this every time we celebrate the Eucharist. Through the Eucharist we receive the
body and blood of Jesus Christ and thus we are able to draw closer to Him and try and be more like Him. Students learn how Jesus
models truly human behaviour which we would all aim to follow. Teacher witness – tell students own personal experience how the
teacher tries to be more like Jesus – volunteering with different organisations and aiming to be more like Jesus by receiving Holy
Communion every week at Sunday mass.
- Catholic world view through Evangelisation about Jesus. Students learn how receiving the Eucharist draws them closer to Jesus and
how that should also help them to be more like Jesus. In this way they are to be Christian witnesses to all the world and evangelise.
Students prepare for receiving Holy Communion for the first time. Teacher can tell their own personal experience of receiving Holy
Communion for the first time and what it meant to them at the time and what it means to them now.


Evaluation and
Week Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5
1. Anecdotal notes
1 A1.1 Wondering at how A1.1 Wondering at how A1.2 Wondering at God A1.3 Attribute: God loves Recap prior lesson about from observations
our bodies are different – our bodies are different – who created our bodies each of us personally how God loves each of students in
expresses wonder at the expresses wonder at the different – express wonder student personally and classroom
differences in peoples differences in peoples at God who created bodies Recall previous lessons created us all uniquely discussion and
bodies. bodies. different about how our bodies are with our differences that participation in
different and How God make us all special. group activity
Introduce the topic to the Recap prior lesson and MEDITATION: What would created each one of us 2. Teacher will collect
students and a brief differences students be like if our bodies were differently. Students draw an image of poplet brainstorm
overview of what will be discussed through the the same? themselves – highlighting and assess
covered in this unit. characters in I’m Australian Who planned us to be Read Psalm 150 to their differences and students work
too. different? students. praising God for these 3. Teacher
Read to the students: I’m differences. Highlighting observations of
Australian too by Mem Students will create a Students write a short Students are to compose how these differences students in class
Fox. brainstorm using Poplet story about a day in the life their own psalm praising make them unique and discussion
Discuss with students the about the differences in of a world where people and celebrating God who special. (ARTS) Marking rubric
differences they noticed in our bodies – physical were the same. (ENGLISH) loves them personally. guide – short story
the book between the appearance, sense, These images will be about the day in
different cultures. different bodies at Why do you think God Students will then create a displayed in the classroom the life of person
What differences are different ages and physical made us different? poster using Canva to representing each unique where everyone in
apparent? What other abilities. (HEALTH) display their psalm. (ICT) student. the world were the
factors make us different What must God be like? same.
from each other? Come together as a class to Each student draws a 4. Anecdotal notes
physical appearance, discuss students picture of what they think from the work
senses, different bodies at brainstorm. God looks like. sample (Canva
different ages, and physical Come together as a class to poster of a psalm
abilities. (ENGLISH, HASS) Students write a discuss, with emphasise on praising and
thanksgiving prayer about the different ideas celebrating God)
Students divided into their body. presented. 5. Anecdotal notes
groups and choose 2 from work sample
characters from the book – of images created
do a comparison chart by each individual
about the 2 characters

Come together as a group

to discuss.

2 B1.1 Jesus loved everyone B1.1 Jesus loved everyone B1.1 Jesus loved everyone B1.1 Jesus loved everyone B1.1 Jesus loved everyone 1. Teacher
regardless of physical regardless of physical regardless of physical regardless of physical regardless of physical observation and
differences - Describes differences - Describes differences - Describes differences - Describes differences - Describes anecdotal notes of
ways in which Jesus ways in which Jesus ways in which Jesus ways in which Jesus ways in which Jesus student
showed love regardless of showed love regardless of showed love regardless of showed love regardless of showed love regardless of participation and
physical differences. physical differences. physical differences. physical differences. physical differences. attention in Godly
Play and discussion
GODLY PLAY – Healing of In groups of 3 students are Recap prior lesson about Recap prior lesson about Students divided into 2. Review students’
the blind man. to research a few gospel the different gospel the comic strip students groups and create a play ideas about gospel
stories (QR Codes with readings of Jesus showing created about Jesus gospel with a scenario in which a stories- did they
Discuss with the students different bible stories will love and respect for story. person needs help. How understand the
who did Jesus show love be displayed across the others. would Jesus help the story?
towards? classroom). Jesus shows Students will write the person? Play representing 3. Marking rubric
How the person who was love and respect for others Students choose one of the gospel story taking the this scenario. guide detailing the
shown love was physically regardless of their physical gospel stories from last interpretation of the (DRAMA) comic strip and
different? differences. lesson to create a comic person being helped out by how Jesus showed
In what way did Jesus Students must identify in strip showing how Jesus Jesus: love and respect to
show His love? each story: showed his love and - How did the others
- Who did Jesus respect to others. person feel before 4. Anecdotal notes
Teacher explains how Jesus show love Jesus helped reading the
loves us no matter what towards? Draft out a comic strip and them? students
our physical differences - How the person then using Storyboard That - How did they feel interpretation of
and we have to be like was physically to create a digital comic as Jesus helped the other person in
Jesus and love everyone different? strip representing a gospel them? on the gospel
too regardless of - In what way did story. (ICT, ENGLISH) - How did they feel stories
differences. Jesus show His towards Jesus? 5. Observation and
love? (ENGLISH) anecdotal notes
from the student
3 B2.1 Jesus loved everyone B2.1 Jesus loved everyone B2.2 Report how the world B2.2 Report how the world B2.2 Report how the world 1. Teacher
regardless of physical regardless of physical would be different if would be different if would be different if observation of
differences - Explains a differences - Explains a people drew closer to people drew closer to people drew closer to student
meaning of John 6:56. meaning of John 6:56. Jesus by receiving Him in Jesus by receiving Him in Jesus by receiving Him in participation in
Holy Communion. Holy Communion. Holy Communion. group discussions
How do we show love to MEDITATION – Meditation 2. Teacher can read
family members and other about how Jesus gives Teacher discusses how the How is God calling each students lists of
people we love? Himself to us through Holy world would be different if “I live in everyone who person to live? love
How do you think Jesus Communion. people drew closer to receives me in Holy 3. Anecdotal notes on
shows His love to us? Jesus through receiving Communion” Students research world journal entry – did
After meditation: Him in Holy Communion. issues occurring in the students
Brainstorm ideas about Why do you think Jesus did Students draw an image world right now – for understand how
how we show love to this? Brainstorm ideas about and brainstorm their example: poverty, Jesus gives Himself
others? how the world would be understanding of this education, human rights. through the
How do you think you feel different with Jesus and sentence. Eucharist
Students to create their after receiving Holy receiving Holy Communion Recap from previous In groups of 3 students are 4. Marking rubric on
own list of love Communion? – Draw an outline of their lesson about how the to create a bill of rights on persuasive text –
- Ways they can hand and then write in it world would be different a topic. (HASS, ENGLISH) where students
show love to their Students write a journal one way the world would by drawing closer to Jesus able to express the
family and friends reflection about Holy be different if people drew through Holy Communion. Present to the class and importance of
Communion and how Jesus closer to Jesus. discuss with the class the receiving Holy
gives himself to us through Bring the completed hand Students to write a different ideas and how it Communion
this Sacrament. to a prayer circle, with persuasive text detailing is linked to Jesus teachings. 5. Anecdotal notes
each student sharing their why they think receiving (DEBATE) and observations
idea. (ART) Holy Communion is of bill of rights and
important and how it discussion
would make a difference in
the world today.

4 C1.1 Catholics celebrate C1.1 Catholics celebrate C2.1Gods family celebrates C2.1Gods family celebrates C2.2 Memorises responses, 1. Anecdotal notes
the Eucharist – Compares the Eucharist – Compares the Eucharist – Name the the Eucharist – Name the gestures and prayers used and observations
the symbolism of the the symbolism of the elements in the Liturgy of elements in the Liturgy of during the Mass. from the tableau
bread and wine to many bread and wine to many the Word and Liturgy of the Word and Liturgy of 2. Checklist for the
people forming one body people forming one body the Eucharist. the Eucharist. Teach students about the recipe/procedural
gestures and prayers used writing
Review The Last Supper Students to create a Students learn about the Students learn about the in mass. Work sample –
with the students. recipe/procedural writing Liturgy of the Word and Liturgy of the Eucharist journal reflection
how to make bread and the different parts involved through Godly Play. 3 activity tables where review by the
how to make wine. in this section. students rotate in groups: teacher
Students are to form the How does the making of Students are given Students are given Fish game with words by 3. Observation and
tableau as a prayer for bread and wine like to elements of the Liturgy of elements of the Liturgy of the priest and response anecdotal notes
other classes. forming of one the Word and must put the Liturgy and must put spoken. from students
(DRAMA, ENGLISH) congregation? them in order, explaining them in order, explaining In pairs one student reads ordering the
what each part means. what each part means. the priest words and the Liturgy of the Word
Follow the recipes other students responds 4. Observation and
students can make the Start creating mass booklet Continue creating mass anecdotal notes
bread and grape juice. including Liturgy of the booklet including Liturgy of PRAYERS: from students
(HEALTH) Word. the Eucharist. Cloze activity with the ordering the
prayer Liturgy of the
In their RE books- journal Kahoot quiz on the Jumbled phrases that the Eucharist
reflection on how the different elements on students have to put back 5. Kahoot quiz
bread and wine is the Liturgy of the Word and together 6. Observation and
symbolism connected to Liturgy of the Eucharist. anecdotal notes
the forming of one body. GESTURES: from students’
Students mime responses, prayers,
appropriate gestures and and gestures
the other students guess 7. Mass booklet

5 C2.3 States: The words of C3.1 Christians are called C3.2 State ways in which C3.2 State ways in which C4.1 Continuing to wonder 1. Anecdotal notes
the priest at the to love everyone as people fail to behave as people fail to behave as at how Jesus strengthens and observations
consecration and the ‘another self’ – Identifies Jesus taught. Jesus taught. His followers to love every of student’s
words said before ways in which Christians human individual discussion with
receiving Holy Communion love everyone as ‘another Student collect and attach Mediation – reflection regardless of physical parish priest.
self’. to the class graffiti wall – time where students led differences – Review and 2. Marking rubric on
Parish priest comes in to pictures or headlines from through an Examination of express the main ideas of advertising poster
discuss with the students Teacher discusses with magazines or newspapers conscience. the unit – ways in which we
about actions, symbols and students about Jesus two that show how people are - Reflect on times can follow Jesus
words used during the great commandments to treated unjustly. they failed to love commandments to
Consecration. His followers. As a class discuss these others Eucharist mass review: love one another
injustices and how people Liturgy of the Word and 3. Anecdotal notes
Students are to create Discuss how do we love are treated unfairly and Write a prayer expressing Liturgy of the Eucharist, and observations
their own hand designed and serve others? how they could be treated their sorrow and asking Gestures, prayers and of classroom
poster with the words How do we fail to serve better. God to help them to love responses discussion about
“Lord I am not worthy to others? (ENGLISH, ART, HEALTH, their neighbour as how we fail to
receive you but only say HASS) themselves. Journal reflection on the behave as Jesus
the word and my soul shall Students create an unit - what they have taught – through
be healed” advertising poster with learnt through the unit? injustices & ways
Decorate the poster with ways we can follow Jesus What they have learnt we could improve
the signs and symbols commandment to love about Eucharist? 4. Students personal
relative to the Eucharist. your neighbour as yourself. prayer
(ICT, ART) (ENGLISH, ART) Class circle: Prayer 5. Journal reflection
thanking God and each and observation
student says one thing through review and
they have learnt through class discussion
this unit of work.

PLANNED ASSESSMENT - 1 formal assessment that links to a key understanding or learning point, develops higher order thinking skills and comprehensively assesses
student learning. Include how you would record the student achievement and how you would use this information for future teaching.

Assessments and evaluations of students will be done on a daily basis depending on the lesson. Some lessons involve activities that will have
marking rubric guides to assess their work. Other lessons will just involve anecdotal notes through observations or through a checklist or rating
scale to assess.
At the end of each week students will upload their Religion work for the week and do a daily reflection about what they learnt during the week
and how they feel they went in the class activities. (This will be uploaded on Seesaw for parents to access and for the teacher to leave a
comment about their progress of work). Seesaw provides an online portfolio including all the work samples from this unit of work to be all
accessible through one portal.
Through looking at the weekly work samples and reflection, the teacher will be able to assess how the students are progressing with the unit of
topic. Teacher will also be able to assess their own teaching strategies and implement any changes that would further improve the learning for
the students.

Linked to key learning: Gospel stories where Jesus showed His love and respect for others


Name: _______________________________

Description Excellent Good Fair Poor Comments

Choose correct Gospel Story that

shows Jesus showing love and
respect for others

Correctly identifies the person

who receives the love and
respect from Jesus

Correctly shows how Jesus

expressed his love and respect
for this person

Creativity of the comic strip

(colour, design, creativity)

How Jesus and the person felt

are expressed through the comic

Feedback and general comments:


Canva. (2019). Design anything. Publish anywhere. Retrieved from

CEWA. (2019) Catholic Education Western Australia – Our Schools. Retrieved from

Fox, M., & Ghosh, R. (2018). I'm Australian too. Gosford, NSW: Omnibus Books, an imprint of Scholastic Australia Pty Ltd.

Religious Education Archdiocese of Perth. (2015). Coming to Your Table. Retrieved from

Storyboard That. (2019). Create your own Storyboard That. Retrieved from

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