Amanda Questionnaire 2

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PCS Junior/ Senior Bible Class [Amanda Velázquez]

Baseline ST test
1. What do you mean by “the Bible is the Word of God?” Why do you believe this?
God, through people he reveal, gave us His Word. We can trust this by External evidence
and internal evidence which is by proving the copies, the time they were made, etc. But
the main one is by knowing that Jesus look It as an authority.
Tell me more about the external and internal evidences. How do they help you believe in
the Bible as the Word of God? How do you see that Jesus looked at it as an authority?
There are external evidences as other copies, or historical facts that can be compared to
the Bible, also as internal evidence is the fact that every book in the Bible is related and
does not contradicts. Jesus saw the scriptures as authority because he many time cites
them or even to fight against Satan he used them.
2. How would you describe or define God?
God has many characteristics as being just, pure, eternal, holy, jealous, etc.
But God can be define as three persons (Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit)
You mention five attributes of God, what do they mean, how do you see them in Him?
Tell me more about the Trinity, how do we know God is one yet three persons?
To be just means that he will always do what is right; pure, that he is the same since the
beginning; eternal, because he has existed always, and he will exist forever; holy, that he
has never sin so he is clean; jealous, that once we believe in him we will always be form
him and he will help us to stay like that.
When we talk about the Trinity, we know they are three different beings because they do
things separately, but also they are one because of their same characteristics.
3. What does it mean that Christ is fully God and fully man? Has it always been so?
That as God is 3 persons at the same time, but different ones, 2 of those persons are Jesus
(man) and God and that means He is both persons fully.
He has been this always.
If I understand you correctly, you say that out of the three persons in the Trinity, two of
those are Jesus? Who is the third one? You say Jesus has always been fully God and
fully man, even before the Incarnation?
No, the three persons are God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
And yes, Jesus has been always God a man, it is the way he was created
4. Did Jesus have to die? Why, or why not?
Yes, it was necessary a sacrifice (as before they did with the lambs) so all the sins of the
world could be forgiven.
But why were sacrifices necessary? Who determined this? Could there have been
another way?
Once we decided to sin, the sacrifices became necessary, because God says that sin led to
death and that the only way to change this is with a perfect sacrifice. No, there is not
another way
5. Describe or define the Holy Spirit.
Is the third person of God wich is presented as a Spirit and is at the same time God.
So, He is a Spirit? Is God the Father a Spirit also? What would be the difference? What
does the Holy Spirit do?
Yes, it is an spirit; but God isn´t. The difference is how they are, maybe we don´t know
exactly how God is but the Holy Spirit can be with us in a way God or Jesus can´t. He
help us to understand God´s purpose and to do it right.
6. What does it mean, to be a Christian? How is the life of a Christian different from
that of a non-Christian?
To be a Christian means that we have accepted the gift of God through Jesus to save us.
It is different from a non-Christian as we know what God wants us to do.
How is this gift “accepted”? So, the difference between a Christian and a non-christian
is whether we know what God wants us to do? Do all Christians know what God wants
them to do? Do they do it?
It is accepted when we believe in the sacrifice God has done. Many times as Christians
we don´t know is purpose for us because we don´t want to know it or because we are lazy
to look at it. But also sometimes we know it but we prefer to ignore it.
7. What does it mean that humans are made in the image of God?
That God gave through us how He is.
Do you mean to say that God reveals who He is, or what He is like, through us? How is
this, what do we reveal about God?
Yes, we are sinners, but we still have many of the characteristics of God that can be
reflected as being humble or honest.
8. What is the Church? How does one become part of it?
The church can be the physical which is a building and where many people can go but
also it is the church in heaven that is of all the people who truly believed in Him as
Good distinction between the church as a building and the church as people. You talk
about the church in heaven, how about people on earth? Can they be part of the church?
If so, how?
People on earth can go to any church here, but once they are converted they have the
responsibility to join to more people like them to learn more about God.
9. What do you believe about “the End Times?”
That it will happen, the day is only known by God and that it will be the last time for
everyone to be saved.
Do you know how it will happen, what are the events of these end times? What do you
mean when you say it will be the last time for everyone to be saved?
I don´t know what will happen then, but Revelations tell some events as destructions and
catastrophes that may happen at those times. It means that once God destroys everything,
there will not be any more possibilities for people to be saved.
10. What or who are angels? What role do they play in the life of humans?

They are creation from God created to be messengers of God and as all His creation to
praise Him.
Ok, what kind of messengers? How do they praise God? Is that all they do? How about

fallen angels?

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