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Vocabulary is very important in language. When we learn the language it means that

we learn the words of the language. Vocabulary can be defined, toughly as, the words as

a phrase or combination of the words. However, a new term of vocabulary may be more

a single word, which is made up of two or three words but express a single idea.

( accesed on 20th

November 2016).

Vocabulary is one of the language components that can affect macro skills. Some

definition of vocabulary is proposed by some experts. Nunan (1999: 101) states that

vocabulary is a list of target language words. Furthermore, Jackson and Amvela (2000:

11) say that the terms vocabulary, lexis, and lexicon are synonymous. In addition,

Richards and Schmidt (2002: 580) state that vocabulary is a set of lexeme, including

single words, compound words, and idioms.

According to Vocabulary is basic element inlearning English. Many language

students cannot communicate well because they havelimited vocabulary. The students

shouldhave many vocabularies so they can speakEnglish well and they can express what

theywant. According to Richards (2002:255), vocabulary is the core component of

language proficiency and provides much of the basis for how well learners speak, listen,

read, and write. Jackson and Amvela (2000:11) say that the terms of vocabulary, lexis,

and lexicon are synonymous.

A good command of vocabulary is one of the most important aspects in learning

foreign language, like English, because the ability of the language learners to read and

comprehend the subject is relatively determined by their vocabulary command. A large

vocabulary can the people to express the ideas precisely. Because of the reason the

students must be learn about the way how they can make their vocabulary ability will be

increasing. One of the way to teaching vocabulary is use the media to teach it, as like

media cartoon movie.

Movies, also known as films, are a type of visual communication which

use moving pictures and sound to tell stories or inform (help people to learn). People in

every part of the world watch movies as a type of entertainment, a way to have fun. For

some people, fun movies can mean movies that make them laugh, while for others it can

mean movies that make them cry, or feel afraid. Most movies are made so that they can

be shown on big screens at movie theatres. After movies are shown on movie screens for

a period of time (ranging from a few weeks to several months), movies are shown on pay

television or cable television, and sold or rented on DVD disks or videocassette tapes, so

that people can watch the movies at home. You can also download or stream movies.

Later movies are shown on television stations. (

accesed on 27th November 2016) .

Cartoon is the one of type from movie. Cartoon is the movie that used computer by

drawn with some tools in computer. According to oxford dictionary online that cartoons

is a film using animation techniques to photograph a sequence of drawings rather than

real people or objects ( accesed on

20th October 2016). A cartoon is a type of two-dimensional illustration. While the

specific definition has changed over time, modern usage refers to (a) a typically non-

realistic or semi-realistic artistic style of drawing or painting, (b) an image or series of

images intended for satire, caricature, or humor, or (c) a motion picture that relies on a

sequence of illustrations for its animation. An artist who creates cartoons is called

a cartoonist ( accesed on 26th November 2016).

Margono (2010:3) defines thatmovie is a good alternative media forteaching

vocabulary. It is an interestingwhich given audio visual examples through the acting in

the scenes.Media such as a movie has a verysignificant role to motivate the student tolearn

vocabulary and to make theatmosphere of teaching and learning moreinteresting. They

will feel something newand different from what they usually get intheir class. By using

cartoon movies, theywill learn new vocabulary as well as thevisual images to help their


Based on the description above the researcher conducts a research untitled “The

influences of cartoon movies as the media to teach vocabulary for the seventh grade

students” because the researcher want to know the media to make the learning process

more interesting for students. By using media, teacher can make teaching learning process

run well, either can get the goal of teaching also make learning process effective and

efficient. So the writer choose cartoon films as the media.


The identification of problem is to identify how the influence of cartoon films toward

teach vocabulary for junior hight school at 7th degree in SMP 6 Kota Serang.


This study is focused on the media cartoon film to learn new vocabulay and the

effectiveness the use of cartoon film media in teaching vocabulary in SMP 6 Kota Serang.


From the background of study above the researcher formulate the problems of this

research as follows:

 There is any influence of cartoon films toward teach vocabulary?


From the statement of the problem above the researcher formulate the problems of this

research as follows:

 To find out whether there is any influences of cartoon films as the media to

teach vocabulary for seventh grade students.


The main purpose of this research is to investigate how far watching cartoon

movie activities influence students’ vocabuary. By the result of this research, the

researcher wishes it would give motivation to the teacher to use pre-reading activities in

their reading class.


Definition of key terms is necessary to be given, in order to avoid

misunderstanding. The researcher gives the definition key terms based on the title of the

paper as follow:

a. According to KBBI (2005:849) The influence is the power to have an effect on

people or things, or a person or thing that is able to do.

b. Cartoon movies is the one of movie type that made by the design computer.

c. Media is the intremediary for spread, carry or convey something t the recipient of

message and ideas. Teaching media cn be broadly defined as follows : “Any

person, materials, equipment or events that estabish the condition of the students

acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes. In this sense, teachers, books, computers,

image, and environment are the media. (Hamer : 2016 : 1)

d. According to Richards (2002:255), vocabulary is the core component of language

proficiency and provides much of the basis for how well learners speak, listen,

read, and write.


Chapter 1

This chapter discusses the background of this study, Identification of the problem,

limitation of problem, formulation of the research problems, objective of research, uses

of the research, operatinal definition, and organization of the study.

Chapter 2

This chapter discusses about the important background information to support the study

and the discussion of the findings. It is divided into three subtopics: (1) Vocabuary, (2)

Media, (3) Movie.

Chapter 3

This chapter discusses about method of the research, population and sample, and

instrument of research.




2.1.1 Definition of Vocabulary

There are some definitions ofEnglish vocabulary. According toFinnochiario (2010)

vocabulary is thecontent and function words of languagewhich are learned so thoroughly

that theycan be used in the performance of anycommunication act.According to Hornby

(2005:1707),gives definition that vocabulary is as a collection or list of words with brief

explanations of their meanings. Vocabularyis very crucial in language learning and oneof

the important factors in learning Englishespecially in teaching elementary schoolstudents.

Therefore, it is important forteacher to study methods and techniques inimproving

students vocabulary so that theycan learn as effectively as possible.

Vocabulary is the total number of words in a language; all the words known to a

person or used in a particular book, subject, etc; a list of words with their meaning,

especially one that accompanies a textbook (Hornby, 8 1995: 1331). Those definitions

show that vocabulary is the first element that the English learners should learn in order to

master English well besides the other English components and skills. The vocabulary of

language always changes and grows. As life become more complex, people devise or

borrow new words to describe man‟s activities. No one knows exact numbers of words

in the English vocabulary today. From the interpretation above, we can conclude that

vocabulary is the core component of language proficiency that consists of a set of lexeme,

including single words, compound words, idioms; provides much of the basis for how

well learners speak, read, listen,and write; and has similarities with the term „lexis‟ and

„lexicon‟. In language learning, vocabulary takes place in building the language

proficiency. The objective of the vocabulary mastery is to make the students have a good

language proficiency in the language skills. It depends on the quality and quantity of the

vocabulary that they have mastered. The richer the vocabulary that can be mastered by

the students, they will get the better skill that can be reached in using language. Talking

about vocabulary, Lehr, Osborn, and Hiebert (in Kamil and Hiebert, 2005: 2-3) define

vocabulary as knowledge of words and words meaning in both oral and print language

and in productive and receptive forms. More specifically, they use it to refer to “the kind

of word that students must know to read increasingly demanding text with

comprehension.” 9 Harmer (1991: 158) summarizes that knowing a word (vocabulary)

means knowing about meaning, word use, word formation, and word grammar.

Vocabulary is as unique to a content area as unique of finger prints are to human

being. A content area is distinguishable by its language, particularly the special and

technical terms that label the concepts under girding the subject matter (Hornby,

2000:482). So teachers know they must do something with the language of their content

areas and provides much of the basis for how well learners speak, listen, read and write.

It is also stated that “vocabulary is the total of words in a language”.

Vocabulary includes of words that are used in communication through language,

whether using language in the manner of spoken or written (Djiwandono, 1996:42). It can

be inferred that vocabulary is the total of words in a language.

Advanced learners can generally communicate well, having learnt all the basic

structure of the language. However, they need to broaden their vocabulary to express

themselves more clearly and appropriately in a wide range of situations.

The students might even have receptive knowledge of wider range of vocabulary,

which means they can recognize the item and recognize its meaning. Nevertheless, their

productive use of a wide range of vocabulary is normally limited and this is one of the

areas that greater attention.

2.1.2 Kinds of Vocabulary

One classification involves the three types of reading vocabulary found in textbooks

(Richard, 1999:314);

a. The first type general vocabulary, it consists of everyday words with

widely acknowledge meanings in common usage.

b. The second type, special vocabulary, it is made of words from everyday

vocabulary that take on specialized meanings in a particular content area.

c. The third type, technical vocabulary, it consists of words that are used only

in a particular area.

Besides that it can be distinguished into four kinds of vocabulary in Djiwandono

(2009:14-15) are as follows :

a. High-Frequency words

There is a small group of high frequency which very important because these

words cover a very large proportion of the running words in spoken and written texts and

occur in all kinds of uses of the language.

b. Academic words

The text is from an academic textbook and contains many words that are common in

different kinds of academic text: policy, phase, adjusted, sustained. Typically these words

make up about 9% of the running words in the text.

c. Technical words

The text contains some words that are very closely related to the topic and subject of the

text. These words include indigenous, regeneration, Pod carp, beech, rimy and timber.

These words are reasonably common in this topic area but not so common elsewhere. As

soon as it can be seen that the learners know that topic is being dealt with. Technical

words like these typically cover about 5% of the running words in a text.

d. Low-frequency words

This group included words like zoned, pioneering, and perpetuity, aired and pastoral.

They make up over 5% of the words in an academic text. There are thousands of them in

the language, by far the biggest group of words. They consist of technical words for other

subject areas, proper nouns, words that almost got the high-frequency list and words that

learner rarely meet in our use of the language.

Based on the explanation above, it can be said that the kinds of vocabulary are: high

frequency word, academic word, technical word and low frequency word. In other words,

it can be said that by knowing the kinds of vocabulary the learners to understand the text.

Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary Online has applied a meaning of vocabulary as


1. all the words that a person knows or uses.

2. all the words in a particular language.

3. the words that people use when they are talking about a particular subject.

4. a list of words with their meanings, especially in a book for learning a foreign

language. (Oxford Dictionary Online accessed on 25 November 2016).

According to Harmer, there are two kinds of vocabulary (Harmer, 1991:159) :

a. Active vocabulary

Active vocabulary is used in oral and written expression by the students. The words that

the students understand well enough they use the words effectively in both speaking and


b. Passive vocabulary

Passive vocabulary is deals with words the students will recognize understand in a context

that helps them recall the word meaning. The students usually apply passive vocabulary

in listening and reading materials.

From the explanation above, the types of vocabulary can be classified into two these are

active and passive vocabulary. Active vocabulary used in speaking and writing skills.

Then passive vocabulary used in listening and reading skills.

2.1.3 The Importance of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one element of the language that should be learnt and taught. It will be

hard to master the language without mastering or understanding a certain number of

vocabularies. Vocabulary is the first step to be taught before states that vocabulary is

central to language and critical importance to the typical language learner. McCharty

(1990: Viii) states that the importance of vocabulary in language learning is as follows:

“no matter how successfully sounds of L2 are mastered, without words to express a wider

range of meanings, communication in an L2 just cannot happen in any meaningful way.

According to Burns and Broman (1975: 295) the position of an individual in society may

be determined by the extent of his knowledge of words and how to use them in manner

appropriate to a particular place, time, and situation. teaching other aspects of language.

Zimmerman in Coady and Huckin (1997: 5) In every language, vocabulary is important

to convey meaning, to express wane desires and feelings, and to communicate with others.

Vocabulary is one at the components which supports the speaker in communication,

whenever we want to communicate with other people using a language. We should have

mastered a stock of words (vocabulary) related to the topic spoken so vocabulary is very

crucial to convey communication.

According to Brett (2012), there are some benefits of building vocabulary:

1. Gives you the ability to say what you mean. This increases your chances of having

other people understand what you wish to express.

2. Helps you understand other people. Just as learning a second language can help you

understand people from other countries, increasing your working vocabulary allows you

to understand those who may share your mother tongue but also have a special “dialect”

of their own.

3. Helps you understand what you read. Vocabulary not only aids you in understanding

other people, it is also essential in comprehending the books and articles you read.

4. Assists you in becoming a more informed and involved citizen. The

better able you become to understand news and currents events.

5. Bolsters your ability to grasp ideas and think more logically and incisively. While we

often think of our thoughts as shaping our words, it works the other way around as well.

6. Allows you to communicate effectively. A masterful command of words, and the

ability to select just the right ones to express a specific idea.

7. Helps you make a good impression on others. How articulate you are constitutes a big

part of the impression you make on others.

Based on the theories above, it seems that the study of vocabulary is one of important

thing in teaching foreign language. Students often instinctively recognize the importance

of vocabulary to their language learning.


2.2.1 Definition of Media

Media in a process of teaching is not a new thing for the teacher. Most of the teachers

use media to help them giving particular information to the students. Media itself

according to Azhar (2011:4) is a tool that to convey or deliver the message of learning.

He also said that media is a component of learning resource or physical vehicle that

contain instructional material on students’ environment that can stimulate student to learn.

2.2.2 Kinds of Media

There are a lot of media in teaching and learning processes. Nasution (2005:102)

classify media into 5 type:

1. Blackboard

This teaching tool is very populer, used by traditional or modern school and can be

combined with other teaching tools such as radio, TV. Tool is used in every method of

teaching. Blackboard can be used for writing that makes pictures, graphs, diagrams, maps

and so on with white or colored chalk.

2. Picture

Picture can be collected from various sources such as calendars, magazines,

newspapers, pamphlets from travel agents, and etc.

3. Model

Models can be an imitation of real objects such as model cars, trains, houses, animals,


4. Collection

Various collections can be organized as a variety of textiles, stones, dry leaves,

currency, stamps, etc.

5. Map and Globe

Geography and history lessons will be crippled without a map. kinds of maps shall be

provided on each part of the world, also our economy, population, and so forth.

While Azhar (2011:33) divide a media into two categori:

1. Traditional media

a. A visual silence that projected.

- Opaque projection (invisibility)

- Overhead projection

- Slides

- Filmstrips

b. A visual that not projected

- Picture, poster

- Photo

- Charts, graphs, diagrams

- Exhibition, information boards

c. Audio

- Recording disc

- Cassette tape, reel, cartridge

d. Multimedia presentation

- Slide plus noise (tape)

- Multi-image

e. A dynamic visual which is projected

- Film

- Television

- Video

f. Print

- Textbooks

- Module, Programmed texts

- Scientific magazines, period

- Loose-leaf

g. Game

- Puzzle

- Simulation

- Board game

h. Realia

- Model

- Specimen (sample)

- Manipulative (maps, dolls)

2. The latest media technology

a. Media based on technology

- Tekeconference

- Distance schools

b. Media based on microprocessor

- Computer-assisted instruction

- Computer game

- Intelligence tutor system

- Interactive

- Hypermedia

- Compact (video) disc


2.3.1 Definition of Movie

In this study, the researcher use movie as media of teaching English vocabulary. A

movie is one of the visual aids that can be used in a class, it makes lessons more fun.

But movies or film can also teach people about history, science, human behavior and

any other subjects. Some films combine entertainment with instruction, makes the

learning process more enjoyable. In all its forms, cinema is an art as well as a business,

and those who make motion pictures take great pride in their creation ( Mery:2011).

An opinion movie given by Summer (1992: 476), film is:

a. A roll of material which is sensitive to light and which is used in camera for

taking photographs or moving pictures for the cinema,

b. A story, play, etc. recorded on film to be shown in the cinema, on television,


Meanwhile, Azhar (2011:49) define movie as picture in a frame where frame by frame

is projected through the projector lens mechanically so that the pictures in the screen looks

alive. Jesse (2007) states that movie is a photographic record of an artistic performance,

but not an artform in it’s own right.

Based on the definition of movie I can conclude that movie is a photographic record

of history, science, and human behaviour that projected through the projecter lens and

shown in the cinema or television.

2.3.2 Advantages and Disadvantages Using English Movie

a. Advantages using English movie

Nasution (2005:104) states that the advantages of using movie in teaching and

learning process are:

1) Movie is very good in describing a process, if necessary by using a “slow


2) Each student can learn something from the movie, from the clever one or less


3) Movies can take a child from one country to another country and from one

period to another period.

4) Movie can be repeated if necessary to add clarity.

b. Disadvantages using English movie

According to Azhar (2011:50), he states that the disadvantages of using movie in

teaching and learning process are:

1) Procument of English movie generally is expensive and cost a lot of time.

2) When the movie showed, the pictures will keep changing making all students

are not able follow the information given through the movie.

3) Movies not always approriate with the needs and desired learning objective.

This is the reason why the writer is interested in taking up the title of the research,

because movie gives a new enjoyable atmosphere when they are learning in class.

Altough this procument movie has disadvantages, the writer has some planning to

overcome the problem by doing strategic stopping and rewind giving student a chance to

receive the information given from the movie and remove some approriate scene shown

in the movie so the students’ concetration will not wane if they watch for too long.

2.4. Learning Through Movie

classrooms that use movie as a medium of education, usually hold a number of 40-50

students. With that number of students, it is still possible to observe the movie properly.

This means it will not disturb the learning process. To help students study through English

movie, message content, format, and technical presentation, in planning an educational

program, seriously considered. in addition, the teacher factor in the media also plays a

very important role, because it is very influential in communicating with children and

success or failure of the program depends entirely on the person who brought the show

(darwanto 2007:135-136).




The method of research is quantitative research method. According to Wikipedia

online (2016) that quantitative method is This type of research methods requires

quantifiable data involving numerical and statistical explanations. Quantitative

Research is used to quantify the problem by way of generating numerical data or data

that can be transformed into usable statistics. It is used to quantify attitudes, opinions,

behaviors, and other defined variables – and generalize results from a larger sample

population. Quantitative Research uses measurable data to formulate facts and

uncover patterns in research. Quantitative data collection methhelloys, face-to-face

interviews, telephone interviews, longitudinal studies, website interceptors, online

polls, and systematic observations.

According to Louis, Lawren & Keith (2007: 501) that quantitative method is

powerful research form, emanating in part frokm the positivist tradition. It is often

associated with large scale research, but can also smaller scale investigations, with

case studies, action research, correlation research and experimental.

The researcher use this type because to know about the way to improve vocabulary

mastery in seventh grade students. The researcher used Class Action Research or

CAR design that this method to identify about the any freal problem before using

CAR design method. According to Michael J. Wallace that Class Action Research is

the a type of classroom research carried out by the teacher in order to solve problems

or to find answer toward context –specific issues. 1


3.2.1 Population

According to Wikipedia that a population is a set of similar items or events which

is of interest for some question or experiment. A statistical population can be a group

of actually existing objects (e.g. the set of all stars within the Milky Way galaxy) or a

hypothetical and potentially infinite group of objects conceived as a generalization

from experience (e.g. the set of all possible hands in a game of poker). A common

aim of statistical analysis is to produce information about some chosen population.

In this case, the population is the entire of the first grade students of SMP 7 Kota

Serang .The number of population is at least 40 students per class.

3.2.2 Sample

According to Wikipedia In statistics and quantitative research methodology, a data

sample is a set of data collected and/or selected from a statistical population by a defined

procedure. The elements of a sample are known as sample points, sampling units or


Typically, the population is very large, making a census or a

complete enumeration of all the values in the population is either impractical or

Micahel J. Wallace, Action Research of Language Teachers, (Cambridge: Cambridge University press,
2006) p. 5

impossible. The sample usually represents a subset of manageable size. Samples are

collected and statistics are calculated from the samples so that one can

make inferences or extrapolations from the sample to the population. The data sample

may be drawn from a population without replacement, in which case it is a subset of

a population; or with replacement, in which case it is a multisubset

In this case the sample of population is use 1 class of the first grade students of 6

SMP Kota Serang.


The instruments of research that the researcher will used are:

a. Test or pre test

According to Wikipedia that

(2007) in its article it said that In education, certification, counseling, and many other

fields, a test or exam (short for examination) was a tool or technique intended to

measure students' expression of knowledge, skills and/or abilities. A test had more

questions of greater difficulty and requires more time for completion than a quiz. It

was usually divided into two or more sections, each covering a different area of the

domain or taking a different approach to assessing the same aspects.

In completing this study the test should be based on an achievement test which is

the result later use as data. In order to get an enough data the researcher divide the

test into two: they are pre test and post-test. The purpose of giving the classroom

tests is to measuring the skills, knowledge of intelligence, ability or talent possessed

by individuals or groups (Arikunto 2010:193). This is the reason why the role of pre

and post-test are important toward this study which it would determine whether the

use of movie is effective or not to apply to students.

2. Questionnaire

Oxford university press (2007) in its article said that a questionnaire is a research

instrument consisting of a series of questions and other prompts for the purpose of

gathering information from respondents. Although they are often design for statistical

analysis of the responses, this not always the case.

3. Interview

Interview is a flexible tool for data collection, enabling multi-sensory channel to

be used : verbal, non-verbal, spoken and heard. Interview to express how they regard

the situations from their own point of view.2

3.4 Method of data collection

The technique use in this research is questionnaire and tests. The aim of

using questionnaire in this research is to know how the students’ respond about the

teaching strategy applied and the tests method is use to know whether students are

successful or not in teaching vocabulary using movie.

This study is undertaken through three activities. At first is a pre-test, second is the

post-test which to measure students’ achievement, and third applying the questionnaire

Louis, Lawren & Keith, Research Method in Education, ( London and New York, Routledge Taylor and
Francis Group, 2007) p. 349

to know students’ respond on strategy use by researcher. To give a clear understanding,

the three steps of the activities will be explain as follows:

1. Pre-test

Pre-test consists of 10 items in the form of multiple choices. In pre test researcher

take the question from a narrative story of Alibaba and the Forty Thieves.

2. Post-test

Post-Test is done after pre-test are conducted. The aim is to measure the students’

achievement and to compare the result between pre and post-test that would be processed

into data. The test consist of 10 items same with pre test but the question take from movie

of Alibaba and the Forty Thieves.

3. Questionaire

The questionaire will be conducted after the two activities aboveare completely

done. The purpose only to gain data from the students’ response about the teaching

strategy applied. The questionnaire consist of five questions and it is in the form of

multiple choices.

The students’ success and failure in doing the activities plan above will be assessed

by referring to the criterion issued by department of education and culture. The criterion

said that a student could be said to pass the test if he/she could solve 65% of the whole


5. Data analysis

The data analysis is use to draw the conclusion of the research data. This study

consists of three activities in which it use a method of quantitative to process the data.

Then the researcher would compare them, in order to know the result of this study,

whether or not, the increase in the students’ results happen in this study. Below is the

formula to get valid result, the researcher use to process the data gained:

P = R X 100 %


P = Percentage

R = Score Achieved

N = Number


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Muttahidah Neaty. 2011. Improving Students Vocabulary Through Vocabulary Card.

Pitriana Desi & Jufri. 2012. The Use Of Cartoon Movie As A Media In Teaching

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Syamsir Asrul, 2013. The Use Of English Movie To Improve Students’ Vocabulary

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An Introduction To Second Language Vocabulary. Retrieved from

Wikipedia (2016) retrieved from

Wikipedia (2016) retrieved from

Wikipedia (2016) retrieved from

Wikipedia (2016) retrieved from


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