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Unit Vocabulary Communication and Project work

Topic and pronunciation skills development and culture focus

I'm ...
Names Reading, listening, speaking and
H~l.I.o writing
My name's ...
p4 Greetings and introductions
Whats your name?

Workbook p2 I'm from ...

Where are you from?

Whats this? It's a ...

Numbers 0-100 Reading, listening, speaking and
t!:ULTUR£ pAII£ P74
This is ... Useful words writing
Hello and goodbye
Articles: alan; the Adjectives Telephone numbers
Imperatives Colours Counting
Possessive's Classroom instructions Identifying objects
Whose ... ? Spelling Classroom instructions
Prepositions: in, on, The alphabet
Saying the alphabet
under Parts of the body
Asking for spelling and meaning
Plural nouns: regular
Pronunciation Describing position of objects
and irregular
Plural nouns
Theres/are ... SONtf p15
The alphabet
Head and shoulders
to be Prices Reading and speaking p19
Possessive adjectives Family Postcards and dialogue completion Communication
Personal information Writing p19
Progress diary p25
Age Writing a postcard t!:Uf,TUR£ PAtf£ p75
Favourite things Handwriting
Listening p21
English in the world
Pronunciation Radio phone-in - birthday requests
li:1 and III Writing p21
151 and 191 Birthday requests
Intonation - statements Listening, speaking and writing p23
laul and 101 Personal information
Is this the end for Birdman?
SONtf p25
Song for Sandy
Revision 1 p26 Revision of Hello. Units 1 & 2
to have got Pets Speaking p29
this/these Days of the week Buying something in a shop
My world
Plural nouns School Speaking p31
Asking and answering - personal details t!:ULTUR£ PAtf£ p76
Progress diary p37 Pronunciation
Speaking and writing p33 Schools
lrel and 10:1
Intonation - yes/no questions Spot the difference
IdJ and It! Speaking p35
ItJI and Id;) Asking and answering - school
Listening p35
Mandy's timetable
Writing p35
Your timetable
The animal pictures
SONtf p37
My favourite day

Unit Vocabulary
Communication and Project work
Topic and pronunciation
skills development and culture focus

Telling the time Time Listening p39

Present simple Daily routine Times, activities and days
Free time
Free time activities Speaking and writing p39
Progress diary p47
Asking and answering - times, activities ~UI.TURI'. PA41'. p77
and days Times
hI! - words
I~ul and lu:1
Writing and speaking p41
Weak forms Daily routine
Intonation - wh- questions Listening, speaking and writing p43
Personal information
Speaking and writing p45
Survey of daily routine and free time

Millie and the Time Machine

dAMI'. p73
Land on a word

SON4 p47
Free time

Revision 2 p48 Revision of Units 3 & 4

can The house - rooms and Speaking and writing p51

There is/are ... furniture Asking and answering - ability Places in my life
Prepositions of place Places and buildings in a Reading and writing p51
must town Code messages ~UI.TURI'. PA41'. p78
Let's . Listening p53 Houses
Progress diary p59 IhI Where's Rebecca?
IDI and 1:>:1 Speaking and listening p53
lSI and ItSI Asking and answering about objects in a
I~I - sentences room
Reading p55
Labelling a map
Listening and speaking p57
Ordering in a restaurant

dAME. p56
The Sherwood Forest Game

SON4 p59
Our town

Describing people Physical descriptions Listening p61

Present continuous Adjectives Drawing people People
Present simple v Housework Writing p61
present continuous Clothes Describing a horror family ~UI.TURE. PA4E. P79
Listening p63 People
Progress diary p69 Pronunciation
What is Jane doing?
Reading, writing and speaking p65
Intonation - revision
lsi and Iz/ Jane's and Tony's housework rota
13:1 Listening p67
Buying clothes in a shop
Speaking and writing p67
Shop dialogues

Mickey's talking T-shirt

POI'.M p69
Boots have tongues

Revision 3 p70 Revision of Units 5 & 6

Grammar summary Workbook p65 Wordlist Workbook p74

b Listen again and repeat.

2 Ask and answer. b III 3 Listen. Where are these people from?

Ben Peter Olivia


• Who 5 this?
o Stephen Wright
Courtney Maria Michael

3 III 2 Listen. Who do you hear?

1 Ben and Jane. 6 a Listen to Peter and Marla again. Complete
the dialogue.
4 Talk to people in your class. Peter Hi. I'm What's your name?
Example Maria My name's .
• Hello. I'm Whats your name? Peter Where are you from, 7
o My names . Maria I'm from And you?
Peter I'm from .
5a Match the flags to the countries.
b Work with a partner. Read the dialogue.
C Use the dialogue. Introduce yourself to
Australia people in the class.

Britain • Hi.


Canada • I'm ...

My name's ...

Whats your name?

Ireland • I'm from ...

Where are you from?

New Zealand

the USA

o NUMIJE,RS f)-I f)f)

1 .l4' Listen and repeat
5 FIV.
() Oil (ZI.R.O) 6 SIX
ION. 7 S.V.N
~ TWO 8 ./411T
3 TIIR•• 9 NIN.
4 FOUR If) T.N
2 a .'~ Listen. Write the telephone numbers. b Look. Can you continue the numbers?
20 twenty
b Use the telephone numbers. Ask and
21 twenty-one
22 twenty-two

• Whats your telephone number? 23 twenty-three

o Its four seven two nine six nine. 24."

C Say the numbers.

3a .:~, Listen and repeat.
29 32 46 51 65 74 83 98
11 eleven 30 thirty
12 twelve 40 forty 4 Play Fizz Buzz. Work in a group and count.
For all 'five' numbers (5,10,15,20 ".) say
13 thirteen 50 fifty 'fizz'. For all 'seven' numbers (7, 14,21,
14 fourteen 60 sixty 28 .,,), say 'buzz'.
15 fifteen 70 seventy Example
16 sixteen 80 eighty one two three four fizz six buzz eight
17 seventeen 90 ninety nine fizz eleven, twelve thirteen buzz
fizz sixteen ...
18 eighteen 100 a hundred
19 nineteen
Look. Be careful!
20 twenty
• •

Uni 1

5a Read the numbers. b III 7 Listen. Which number do you hear?

~~ [99 p T-­
[]] •
5 'tW 746q2q ~ f>30G24 '& 7406<12 '& b3406g
- - -

~ ~ ~ ~ ~~. ~

• Numbers 0-100
• Whats your telephone number? W~~;:::"


1 .1J1 Listen and repeat. an exercise book

a book ~._-_._.

an apple ~apen "'~'" ~'~ . '". t

~::::,.,.~,::- ~"''"-··d
I ~ "U'" -=.IJ
- ......... ~

a pencil
A~6~~' :~~~~'~'
an orange an egg an umbrella
a man a woman
a girl a boy
a door
a desk a chair a board a window a picture
2 1II:1J Listen. Point to the 3 Ask and answer with a partner.
word that you hear. Examples


Why is it a book,
Whats this? €Win~ but an apple?
p Whats this?
Its an apple.

(3 ADJE,~TIVE,S Unit 1

III@) Listen and repeat the words.

What's your favourite colour?

ct•••" .j,A~1( WD:JOftB
ORA". 8 ..0WII

big small

thick thin

old new

2 Listen again. Point to things in the picture or

in your classroom.
Example • What's this?
• a/an
This is a yellow pencil. • Colours
• Adjectives
• This is a yellow pencil.

1 .~1) Look at the instructions. Listen and repeat. 2 .~I Listen and follow the new instructions.
Say 'hello'.
Come here.


3 Make instructions for the pictures. Use the

words in the boxes.
Don't look at the window.

Give me
Don't open your book.
Open your bag.
Close this.
Don't close the apple.
Pick up the window.
Don't look at the board.

Pick up
your pen.


,\ ...~
. . . . . . . . .;r

4 Give a partner some instructions.

Now you know ...
• Instructions
• Look. Don't look.
• the

1 mI@ Listen and repeat. 4a Spell the words.

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk 11 Mm girl yellow woman
Nn 00 Pp Qq Rr 5s Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz red door house
2 IIILHl Listen and sing. b Spell your name.
5a Complete the sentences.
...~ ;:'1"\
Let's sing the ABC.

Sing the letters, sing with me.

A.~D What do you
call this in English?

~ . . . =S

TUV How do you

WX YandZ. 2 ('
. say , .In


Let's sing the ABC.

Sing the letters, sing with me.

It's 'the USA
{~l; i,'
3 mlii~ Listen and write the words.
Example 1 foot
What does


How do you
spell ' .'?
It's A double-P L E.
b Ask and answer with a
partner. Use the
questions in 5a. Ask
about things in this book
and in your classroom .

o WIIDSS IS TillS? Unit 1

1 Look. 3 a 11116 Listen to the game. Connect the

things to the people.

Richard Sarah
This is a book. It's Ben's book.

This is a cat. It's Mandy's cat.

2 Whose is this?



b Work in a group. Play the game from 3a.

• The alphabet
• Parts of the body
• Useful expressions
• Whose cat is this? It's Mandy's cat.


1 11'-11' Listen and repeat. 1 Look.
- ~~.
Singular Plural
The mouse is in the box.
a dog (I two dogs
The box is on the table. [Ij
The cat is under the table.
a girl Ii! three girls
four books
2 Work with a partner. Ask and answer.
Where is the mouse?
Where is the cat? 2 How many of these things are there in your
Example classroom?
• Where is the cat in picture one? Example
o It's on the chair There are twelve boys.
Be careful with
boys windows desks chairs these plurals.
• .r-­
girls doors pictures bags
Y/IO G 3 .[~! Listen and repeat.
Singular Plural
an orange @] two oranges
a watch fAil three watches
a glass I [C II two glasses '''.:;.
a box II"-. j I I two boxes
three toothbrushes ill[]
a man I V I I two men
a woman two women [[
() o g
a child (IJ three children &81
a foot b
QI) two feet
3 Write two sentences about each picture.
a tooth ~>'.
~l two teeth

1 The cat is on the chair

The mouse is ...

a mouse F;loAl I two mice ~

Unit 1

4 What's in the picture?

Example There's a girl. There are two boys.
.19 Listen and sing.

Head and shoulders

Head and shoulders, knees
and toes, knees and toes.
Head and shoulders, knees
and toes, knees and toes.
Ears and eyes and mouth
and nose.
Head and shoulders, knees
and toes, knees and toes.

• in, on, under

• Plurals
cat cats
watch watches
mouse mice
• There's a/ an ...
• There are ...
Ben iaylor. I'm from
London. "' • > I 4
o TAlK/Nil
Com rehension
1 III~ Read and listen. Make true
Ben ~ in the garden.
Mrs Hill on the phone.
Mr Hill a dog.
Tony is at the door.
Jane ~ in the kitchen.
Bruce atTony's house.

Unit 2
• to be
• Possessive adjectives

It's grammar

2 Copy and complete the table. Use He and She.

4 a Copy the table.

Questions with he, she

in the kitchen.
~he from Australia?
in the garden.
No. He~from Britain.
's from London.
, f r o m London.
is at the door.
Is Ben from London?
on the phone.

atTony's house.

b Make the questions.

3 Look at the pictures. Is Jane in the garden?
a Where are the people? b Ask and answer with a partner. 1 Jane's in the garden.
Example Example 2 Ben's from Britain.
Mr Taylor is at the door. Wheres MrTaylor?
3 Courtney's from the USA.
He 5 at the door.
4 Mrs Hill's on the phone.
MrTaylor 5 Mandy's in.
6 Bruce is a dog.
7 Mrs Taylor's in the garden.
8 MrTaylor's in London.

5 Look at the pictures in 3.

Make dialogues.
MrsTaylor Ben
• Hello, MrTaylor.
Is Mandy in?
o Yes, she is. She's in
the garden. Come in.

li:1 III
he's IS
she's In

b Say the sentences.

Is Mandy in?
Yes, she's in the kitchen .

() Til. PDSTt:ARD
~om prehension Grammar
1 .~ Read and listen. Are the sentences true 2 a Copy and complete the
orfalse? sentences from the story.
1 The letter is for Mr and Mrs Taylor. I fine, thanks.
2 ThepostcardisforBen. ~ It from Jane and Tony.
3 It's from Jane and Tony. We in Budapest now.
4 They're on holiday.
b Copy and complete the table. Use s, 'm, 're.
5 They're in Spain.
to be- affirmative
Here's a
on holiday.
letter for your

mum and t;lad

He fine.
and here's a
postcard for
you. It
in Budapest.
You from Poland.
C Use the table. Make ten sentences.
d Copy and complete.
Short forms Long forms
They're in America. They are in America.

We're in Paris. We in Paris.

You ....... silly. You are silly.

She's from London. She ....... from London.

I ....... Ben Taylor. I am Ben Taylor.

e Now add the long forms to your table in b.
De"'-l'". Be" cvd Mcvdy,
We're i" Bt.e.d~t
r\ow. It's ~ 3re~t c.ity.
Hope. yo....'re well. Be" cvd Mcvdy T ~yJor­
See yo.... Soo" 4-5, G-~ito" ROCld
Love J~e cvd TOr'\y S~IO SG-T
41) ~~~-,.....

Unit 2

3 Complete the sentences. Use long forms.

1 I in the garden. Bruce .. : here, too. o THE WHITE HOUSE
2 Tony in the kitchen. He with Jane.
Dea,r JolI,fl- a,fl-d afl-fl- J
3 Mr and Mrs Taylor........ on holiday. They ..

Here we a,re ifl- t:M

in America. (/eal We/ye ifl­ Mr. a,?Il-d MrS. Ta,(1/0Y
4 We in the classroom. This an Wa,SNfl-gt:Ofl- t:oda,y. <!:' t:3a,yyj:co'n- ~oa,d

English lesson INS is a, pict:a Ye o~ °

/-0 II/D 11/
t:M wMt:e Hoase . siNO ~t:3T
5 Here a parcel. It for your mum.
Hope yoa/re well. (//<
6 Mandy here. She atthe door.
7 • Ben! Tony on the phone. Where .. eest: WiSMS J

eill a,fl-d pa,m.

o I in the kitchen.

Reading and speaking

4 a Look at Ben and Mandy's postcard in 1.
Complete the dialogue.
• Who's this for?
o It's for and .
• Who's it 7
o It's from Jane ....... Tony.

• Where they?
Flipper the dolphin
o They . 2046

b Read the postcards. Make dialogues.

5 You are on holiday. Write a
postcard to a friend.

M·,.s.s M. ifAyloY'
4l:> GfAy-y-i+OVI f?..oM
5£.\0 l:>Gi

this three
with thanks
they thirteen
OeCl.(" Andrew Cl.nd 13e ....,..:w. .. '
, C~YJ there think

:r WI in Sydney ~OdCl.y. :r~'.s

Wly fCl.V00(j~e Cj~y. Andrew Cl.nd 13e,....

........y ':>. ,L
'>V';Le(" b Say the sentences.

see y00 .soon. '" .sc..~LCl.nd ~d Who's this parcel for?

Love OCl.d 13s 3NQ Thanks for the postcard.

Sydney Opera House

~ Til. RADIO
Comprehension Grammar
1 l1li24 Read and listen. 2 a Copy and complete.
a Answer the questions.
1 It's for sister.
1 Who is the man in the photo?
2 And now here's the song
for Ben and sister.
2 How old is Ben?

3 How old is Mandy?

3 It's birthday today.
4 Whose birthday is ittoday?
4 And here's first
caller today.
5 What is the song?

5 And who's song for?

b Read the dialogue with a partner. 6 song is 'Our House'.
OJ Hi. This is Dave Turner, your DJ on the Radio One Show. And
here's our first caller today. Hello. What's your name?
Ben Ben Taylor.
These are

OJ Hi, Ben. How old are you? possessIve

Ben I'm thirteen. adjectives.

OJ And who's your song for?

Ben It's for my sister. It's her birthday today.
OJ What's her name?
Ben Mandy.
OJ And how old is she?
Ben She's twelve. b Make pairs.
OJ Well, happy birthday, Mandy, from your brother, Ben. OK,
Ben. Thank you and goodbye.
I~her his
Ben Bye. she my
OJ And now here's the song for Ben and his sister, Mandy. it your
Their song is 'Our House' byThe Heeby Jeebies. we their
you its



Unit 2

3 Complete the sentences. Listening

1 Here's a song from Tony. It's for mum.
6 a Copy the table.
2 Jane's song is for dad. It's ..
birthday. b . 2 5 Listen to dialogues 2 and 3.

Complete the table.

3 This song is for Ben. It's from friend,

Tony. irth ay requests
4 My song is for Jane. It's birthday 1 2 3
today Name Ben Taylor
5 It's ......... birthday today We're twelve.
Age 13
6 This song is for Maria and Simon. It's . Song for sister
birthday today.
Name Mandy
7 It's birthday today I'm thirteen.
Agetoday 12
8 Ken and I are ten today song is 'Blue
Song Our House
9 0 Is it birthday today?
• Yes, it is. I'm thirteen. C Use the table. Act the dialogues with
a partner.
10 Here's a song for Courtney and Jack ..
song is 'I love you: d Make your own dialogues.
4 Copy and complete the table.
to be - questions
You are thirteen 7 a Complete the DJ's text.
... ~...... thirteen? Our caller Ben Taylor thirteen.
She is twelve. The song is for sister name's
Make the
... ~........ twelve?
Mandy and it's her today .
They're in the garden . twelve song is 'Our House'.
.. .~ ....... in the garden? b Write texts for Jane, Simon and you.
It's her birthday.
.~ ....... her birthday?

5 Write the DJ's questions. Use is or are.

1 How old you? ------
Listen and repeat.

This song's for Mandy.

2 your sister there? It's her birthday today.
3 How old your brother?
4 Where
you from?
your sister thirteen too?
you from London?
it your birthday?
She's twelve.

The song's from her brother.

His name's Ben.

8 What your name?

a Find the names in the story.
This is This is . This is their dog, And this is .
b 11127, Read and listen. C Read the story with a partner.
Unit 2

Grammar Listening, speaking

2 Copy and complete the table. Use isn't, is not, aren't, are not. ':Ina writing
to be - negative
This is the
5 a 11129 Listen to the radio
programme 'Who am 17'
am not negative of /
'm not to be. • Hello and welcome to
a boy. 'Who am I?' Ourfirst caller,
please. Are you from
She a girl.

from Britain.
o Yes, I am.
We • Are you from New York?
in the kitchen.
You o No, I'm not.
They • Are you from San


3 Make true sentences. o Yes, I am.

1 Bruce a boy. 7 Ben thirteen • How old are you? Are you
2 I a boy 8 Ben and Mandy from London.
o No, I'm not.
3 I a girl. 9 They from the USA.
4 I with my friend. 10 We at school. • Are you thirteen?
5 We stupid. 11 We in the garden. o Yes, I am.

6 Millie my sister. 12 The DJ's name Dave Turnip.

b Now write about the
4 a Copy and complete the story. Use 're, are, aren't, 'm not, callers.
is, 'm. Example

The first caller is a girl.

She's from San Francisco.

She's thirteen.

C Play the game 'Who am 17'

Work with three friends.
Remember you can only
answer Yes or No.

6 Listen and repeat.

/:;)U/ /0/
old dog
radio not
hello strong
OK comic

b 11128 Now listen and check.

Make yo ur own
pr oje ct on
co mm un ica tio n. W II A T T D D D
o Find pic tu re s of fa m ou
s people. Stick th em
yo ur project. W rit e sp in
eech bu bb les .
o Introduce yourself and your favourite thing
M~ ~vourL~ c.OML
I..k . fv\~ f\otf\e.·s Ls~~'.
6e .f\ -ro.~\o(. 1\'(\ ffo
LoNiOf\ L.f\ 6fLLo.L.f\·
\ \
M~ ~vourL~ TV
f' lO f! ~
Ls 'Top of ~ Po
\ ps'.
M~ f~vourL~ ~"
Ls M ~ ~Ll
::.~d. \
~~ "r ~ ~1 ~L
S D N tI
In tro du ce a fri en d. 1 Co mp let e th e so ng .

ct in a 2 Listen an d check.

You can do yo ur pr oje 1:1 31

on a poster.

sc ra pb oo k like thi s, or
So ng jo rS an dy
Hello Daniel.
Am I on th e radio?
I'm Du bl in . 's c\" L"l.e.rvLe."-.) Yes, it's a gr ea t city; I knOw
~lh ~ frLe.I"Id.
My so ng is a friend.
She's se ve nt ee n today.
Pl ay a
for Sa nd y-
You're ou r favourite DJ!

She isn't wi th m e no w ­

.......... ho m e is in LA.

Bu t pl ay a so ng for Sa nd
." USA.

An d he r friends in .... '"

Play so ng for Sandy.

e da y ...
Me Wh at's yo ur name? Ho pe I se e he r ag ain on
Jan e Jan e Hill.

Me Wh ere are you from?

Jan e
I'm from London.

Me Ho w old are you?

Jan e I'm twelve.

Me Wh at's you r favourite


Jan e
It's 'Big Time'.

Me And what's you r

favourite TV

pro gra mm e?

Jan e
It's 'Top of the Pops'.

'Top of the Pops' is my
favourite programm e,

too. Thank you, Jane.

No w do the Progress
check in the Workboo

Listening and writing
J:::9==:::: ...J What can you a 111132 Listen and find the information about
remember? these people.
Short forms
1 We are in the garden. Name: Name:
2 I am on holiday. From: From:

3 Mandy is not in. Age: Age:
4 They are not from Canada.
5 He is our teacher.
6 I am not fourteen.
7 It is my birthday today.
8 Where is Bruce?
~. Short forms and
~ possessive adjectives
Name: Name:
Complete the sentences with his, her, their, he's,
she's or they're. From: From:
Age: Age:
1 This card is for my brother. It's birthday
today th irteen.
2 There's Mrs Smith with three dogs. b Write about each person.
.......... all black. Example
1 This is He's from He's .
3 • Where's Ben?
o in the garden with friends.

4 • Are they Mandy's bags! Numbers

oNo bags are in the car Jane's

a Say these numbers.
27 32 13 50 81 18 49 15 30 4 100 60
5 Ben and Mandy are on holiday with ..
parents in Spain.
b lllGi Listen. Which numbers do you hear?
6 This is Jane from London twelve.

Bruce is dog. Instructions

.., ...
7 This is a photo of Courtney with mum and
11134 Listen and follow the instructions.
dad in garden.

Revision 1 _

Questions with Plurals

to be Whafs in the pictures?

Complete the dialogues with Example a table and three chairs

1· ..... ? 1
o My name's Pierre Dupont.
•. .?
o I'm from France.
• . .?
o I'm sixteen

2 • My song is for my sister.

o ?
• Maria.
o ?
• She's twelve.

3 • This is a photo of my
o ......... ?

• John.
o ?
• He's thirteen.

Happy birthday,

Happy birthday,
Tick the pairs with the same sound.
Happy birthday,
1 blue you V 5 red head 9 chair their
2 one phone 6 book door 10 box dog
3 arm are 7 eight they 11 your our
4 4 five eye 8 watch bag 12 where here
Happy birthday,
Jane. b 11135 Listen and check.
Hello. I'm Mandy
Taylor. Welcome to
v UJJJ my world!
1 Look at the pictures. Where is
Mandy?Who is she with?
The Colossal Oranges

are my favourite group. They're

great. We're at their 6how


Grammar Unit 3
• Plural nouns

2a 11136 Read and listen to the dialogue. 5 a Complete the sentences in the table.
Assistant Can I help you?
Mandy How much is this poster?
Assistant It's £5.20.
Mandy Oh, it's expensive. How much How much is How much are
are these badges? .......... poster? .......... badges?
Assistant They're 99p each.
Mandy OK. Can I have two badges, b Write Singular and Plural in the table.
C Write this or these.

Assistant That's £1.98 altogether.

1 sweatshirts are expensive.

Mandy Here you are.

2 mug is £3.60.

Assistant Thank you. That's 2p change.

3 How much is ......... T-shirt!

Mandy Thank you.

4 Are your books?

b How much are these things?

5 pens are £2.50 each.

the posters the badges

6 Is your pen?

C Act the dialogue with a partner. d Ask and answer about the picture.
• How much is this T-shirt?
Grammar o It's £15.

3 a Complete the table with words from 1 and • How much are these postcards?
2. How do we make plurals? o Thev're 85p each.

a mug three mugs

aT-shirt two T-shirts

6 Look at Mandy's dialogue. Act new dialogues
a CD four ..
with a partner.You buy two things then your
a poster SiX ..
partner buys two things.
an orange two ..

a badge four ..

Be careful about these!

1 man 2 men

1 woman 2 women
lrel 10:1
1 child 2 children

badge garden

b 11137 Listen and repeat. What do y

cat class

with the plurals ofthese words?

thanks car

orange badge
apple postcard

4 Look at the picture again. What do you see?

Example ten COs
This is to
~om prehen6ion '"
1 Look at the letter. 3a Complete the sentences from the letter.
a Who is it from? to have got-long and short forms
b Who is it to? . I have got a pet. long form
I a cat. short form
2 11139. Read and listen to the letter and look at Ben a pet. long form
the photograph.
He a hamster. short form
a Who or what are these?
b Match the subjects and the verbs.
Ben is Mandy's brother.

Ben Jane .,,'.a.~.r.

Fluffy The Colossal Oranges
Ann Coco you we they he she it
Courtney John
b Who is in the photograph?
C Complete the sentences. Use have got or
4S ~tIl""""i+O'l R..d has got (long forms).
Lor,do'l Example
S£IO S(fT Mandy has got a pen friend
Deqr COVr+'>e y , £'l.!JltIl'ld
2. sep+e.~6e.,... 1 Mandy a penfriend.

-"> ....- 's -"'''''Y T.ylo,. z'~ ~ "".~ oM 2 Courtney a brother.

"''''d I'~ r,...o~ LO'ldo'l.'s "I ;:>Ao+o or ~e "I'ld 3 I ........ two sisters.

'"'y rtll~lly. I've .Jo+ 0'7e 6"'"o+Aer. Ifis '7<1~e. 's Be",.
If"lve you ,yo+ "I'ly 6"'"o+Aers Or sis+e,...s.? 4 Mr and Mrs Hill a new car.

If"lVe yov .Jo+ "I ;:>e+.? I've,yo+ "I

~+. Ifer '7<1~e 5 We a good teacher.

1:S f=1vf7y. S),e's ,'''' +),e ;:>),0+0. Be", ~s !)O+ "I

6 Tony a dog.

?e+ I +00. Jte's.JO+ til ~~s+er. I+s '7<1~ 1:S COc.o.

7 you my books.

My 6e.s+ r""ie"'d 1:S J'''''''e. Ifill, "''''d 01.1,... r",vou""i+e

.J""ov;:> is TAe. CO/ess",1 O""",'l.!Jes. "T'ky're .Jre....+.

d Now say the sentences with short forms.
We've !)O+ ",II +Aei,... CPs "''ld J'","Je. .JO+ til

;:>OSi-e,... Or +J,e.-, ," Ae,... +00. If",ve. )/01.1
6e.d,...oo~, n;s
!)O+ '" r"lVour;'fe. .J""ou;:>.? WA",+ 's you,... r"'Vouri+e.
'Bye For '10....,.
Love, n;s is ~y tI~tI.
M~"oIy His '1~~e's 1'0)0,'1.
nis ""0~~'1 is ~y ~v~.
Her '1~~e'05 A'I'I.
nis is ovr ~~r. _ .... ~re ~y !Jr~'1t1p~re'l+s.

Unit 3

4 What have they got? 5 eaking

Example Ben's got two books.
7 Ask and answer with a partner.
Ben rr==~i=======t===M rs Taylor Example
• Have you got a penfriend?
Mandy's o Yes, I have./No, I haven't.
and 1 a penfriend

rr:'===== gra ndpa 2 a brother

3 a sister

4 a favourite group

5 a pet

Mickey and Millie l!=J{==#======Tany 6 a garden

7 a best friend

8 a computer

8 Play the game 'What have I got in

my bag?'
• What have I got in my bag

beginning with B?

Mr Hill =======17 "'========= Jane and Tony o Have you got a book?
• No, I haven't.
5 Look at the letter. Complete the table. o Have you got a badge?
to have got- questions How do we make • Yes, I have.
You have got a pet. questions with have
.............................. a pet?
got and has got?

He has got a hamster.

.............................. a hamster?

Listen and repeat.

6 Look at the puzzle in 4. Have you got a pet?

Ask and answer with a partner. ----.
• Has Ben got three books?
o No, he hasn't. He's got two books.
• Have Mickey and Millie got a radio?
I've got a hamster.

Is she from America?

She's from Australia.
o Yes, they have. b Say the sentences.
1 Ben/three books 7 Cou rtney /two pens Have you got a brother?
2 Mickey and Millie/a radio 8 Mickey/three badges Is it your birthday today?
3 Jane andTony/aTV 9 Tony/two CDs My sister's name is Mandy.
4 Mr Hill/a parcel 10 Mandy's grandma and Has Ben got a watch?
5 Mrs Taylor/three postcards grandpa/a car This is Tony's CD.
6 Jane/two mugs

Comprehension Animal picture€>. Free

in packets of Crunchy
1 11141 Read and listen.
a True or false?
1 The animal pictures are free with
Crunchy Flakes.
2 Mum hasn't got a packet of Crunchy Flakes.
3 The Crunchy Flakes are for breakfast.
4 Mickey has got the pictures in his mouth.
b Work with three friends. Act the dialogue.

Unit 3

Grammar Speaking and writing

2 a Copy and complete the table. Use got, 4 What's in the pictures?
haven't, hasn't.
a Work with a partner.You cover one picture.
to have got - negative Your partner covers the other picture. Now
ask and answer.
• Has Mickev got a cap in your picture?
We a book.
o Yes, he has.INo, he hasn't.
They a stereo.
a pet.

This is the
negative of to
have got.

b Complete the sentences. Use haven't got

or hasn't got.
1 I a pentriend.
2 Mickey a brother.
3 Mickey and Millie a cat.
4 Millie a hamster.
5 You a postcard. b Now write about the differences.
6 We a pet. Example
Mickey's got a cap in picture A, but he hasn't
3 Write true sentences about yourself. got a cap in picture B.

I've got a sister. II haven't got a sister.

1 a sister
2 a hamster
3 two cats
4 a brother
good got

5 a pentriend
dad that

6 a packet of Crunchy Flakes

dog two

7 a Colossal Oranges poster

double turn

8 a computer
London photo

9 a personal stereo
garden poster

10 a Birdman comic
e MYSCNOOt schoo l
n d y 's ti m e ta
b le w it h YOur y?
C o m p a re M a Wh
3 v o u ri te day?
h a t is YOur fa
peat. ti m e ta b le . W
1 .~ Listen a n d re
Tuesday Wednesday
Monday unday
Saturday S
b le .

a n d y 's ti m e ta
ic tu re s a n d M
2 lo o k a t th e p
listen. A n s w
e r the

a q.ue~stioRneas.d
is Mandy in?
1 W h a t class
r favourite da
y? Why?

2 W h a t is he aturday?

t lessons on S
3 Has she go ean?

4 What do P
E, RS and IT m
ic tu re s?
s are in th e p
b W h a t lesson
This is "'y

tYov6/e pe,../o
W e ''Ve:]O+ '" CA.1

~ Mo~tY"'y, P e Is P},ySl
o r M",+hs o
.JlooI - 8e~J
T h is IS ov,.. Sc s
Z + 's ro ,.. 6 0 y
H/;)}, S~/. ~,..S
O~ II +0 18
"'~tY !JI, rl"' e~ Is
U "' " 8e. 8
o/tY. Z "'~ I~ .
I~ (I ", " 9k
JY _
~",+lo ~ Teu.~/O!
I T IS z~ro"' e +},p,+.
~o~eI"' S "'~tY +},I'>fjs IIk.

Unit 3

4 Ask and answer with a partner.
• Has Mandy got English on Wednesday?
o Yes, she has.
• Have we got English on Wednesday?
o No, we haven't.

1 English/Wednesday

2 Maths/Tuesday

3 History/Monday

4 Art/Friday

5 IT/Thursday

6 Chemistry/Monday

7 Music/Friday

8 PE/Tuesday

9 Games/Thursday

10 Geography/Wednesday

5 111[45)Look at Mandy's timetable. Listen. What
day is it?

These "",e ~riting

+k boys
A,~rI 3ir/s i~ 6 Write your timetable in English.
~y c./A,ss.

Th':s is ovr FrencJa 7

+eA,c.her, Miss [)vpo~+.
Itfl I~
watch badge

teacher project

picture orange

b Say the sentence.

Jane's got two badges, a

picture and three oranges.

You've got a new

penfriend. Tell him or her
about your world. Make a
4S ~~,.,.ito'l R.,'/
project for him or her. Here SEIO S~T
are some ideas. 2.~kr
De.,- COVrT-""-y
My "."..",'s M~",Iy T~ylbr. .t'", ~ yeAr-S old
..."d :t'.... Fr-o", LondO'>. I+..,...·s ~ pN:>+o oF """ ~f>tI
my -fllA,m.iiy. I've ~ Of)e 6ro+he-r. Itis ~ts 8e..n·
If v", yo<' F Fly 6ro+hers 0" sis+er-s?
I+ ve yo<' F ~+? .t·v", F ... CA+. Iter- """"'"

is rtvHy. S},e's i" +},e pN:>+o. 8"", N>.S F ~

pe.t, f1:;>o. H-e's F '" Mht&+e,r· Lts ,.,.",.,e ;s Coc.a.

My f,..ieJ"KI is jAI')e. Hill, AI')d our .,..vovrr+e

!Jrovp is The ColoSU./ o,.~~s. They',... !J'"""'+'

W",'ve F ,./1 +h1U,. CPs ~nd j~".. N>.S F

~ oF +~ ,n her 6edr-oo"" too· I+~ve yo<'

F ... F~v"",,,i+<. !Jrovp? WN>.+'s yo<''' F...v<:Y-J"i+<.

8ye -Fo,. f'IOW.
)( )( )(
WIIA., .,0 "0 nis is ",y cI...cI.
His r....",e'S ToM.
Write a letter to your penfriend.
o Write about these things:
nis wo"'...r. is ",y
your family and friends
"",,,,. He,.. r....",e's
your pets A..r.n.
your favourite group or sports team
things you have got
your school and your school timetable
TJ,ese ...,..e ",y !J,..... r.cI"...,-er.+ s .
Find some pictures of the ovr CA.".
a people and things in your letter. friday
Write labels for them.
a Put your letter, pictures, and timetable 9.15-9.50

together on a poster or in a scrapbook. 9.54}-\0.25

o Add a picture of yourself to introduce
the project.
" \.40-2.\5

1 Complete the song. The words are all in Mandy's

2 11147 Listen and check. Then listen and repeat.

My favourite day
Hip hooray! Hip hooray!
It's my favourite day today.
Verse 1
We haven't got E h, we haven't got F h,
We haven't got A _ t or H y.
We haven't got M s, we haven't got G s,
We haven't got M cor G y.
in ""y c./4\55. Chorus
Verse 2
We haven't got R _, we haven't got Craft,
We haven't got P sorC y.
We haven't got 1_, we haven't got P _,
We haven't got b k or a y.
Verse 3
So what's today? Well, it isn't M y,
T y,W y, T yorF yo
What's today? It's my favourite day.
No school today. It's Satur~d:a~y~! ~~~........

What do you know about

these things? Find examples
in Mandy's unit.

,._ .. _---~- Now do the

.-'-----. Progress check in

the Workbook.
o 'llIIAT"S TilE, TIME,,, PI.E,ASE, ?
. ~omprehension
1 .~ Look at the watches. Listen and repeat. It's six 0' clock.
It's five to seven .. '. It's five past nine.
It's ten to one.
It's quarter It's quarter
to twelve. past eleven.
It's twenty to three. It's twenty past two.
It's twenty-five past eight.
It's half past ten.
2 a Write the times. Use the words in the box.
quarter past ten to ten past five to twenty past quarter to half past ~
'11 11. l'
'10 1-'
-~ 3­
.8 4.
,1 f 5,
rVY~'!.~Y-/~,(f!.P?~UI(V.~ 2..... 3..... 4
5 6 7 8 ..
b Write this with the correct punctuation.

Grammar Unit 4

~ ~i5tening d Listen again. Complete

the table.
11149 Listen. Write the time you hear.
on, at
Example ten to three
.......... Monday
4a Look at the chart below. Point to a clock. Ask and answer with .......... quarter to three
a partner. . Friday
Example .......... half past eight

• Whats the time, please?

o Its ten past six.

b .~I Listen to the dialogues. Connect the things and days. Is it on or

C Listen again. Connect the days and times.

~peaking and writing

Monday 5 Ask and answer with a
Andrew's karate • When is Andrews karate
lesson Tuesday lesson?
o Its on Thursday at ten past
The pop concert six.

Wednesday 6 Write the day and the time.

Sarah's piano lesson Andrews karate lesson is on
Thursday at ten past six.


Frank's party

Friday e
The football match
picture breakfast
woman o'clock
seven quarter
The school play America today

altogether karate
b Listen again. Find the /';)/
Lucy's dance exam
sound(s) in each word.

I!lIi!!J Read and listen to Andrew's day. Put the things in the correct order.
bus dinner homework lunch book breakfast TV shower
k;1&lI[} r--_ ':L.II
0/ get" ap a-t- t"1Ve-n-t"f! pa-st" @ / Jr..a-ve brea-Ha-st" a-t­ @) / go t-o scAool a-t" qaa-rt-er
seve-n- a-nd / a- sAolVer. t-1Ve-n-t"{I-rive t"o eigJr..t". / pa-st" eigJr..t". / meet- mf!
list"e-n- t-o t"M radio 1VJr..e-n- / rrie-n-ds a-t" t-M bas stoop a-nd mf! brea-Ha-st-. lVe t"a-ke t-M bas t-o scAool.
'~~ .
. ~::' ,
T ";..-~.
'''I,. .'
I.'," ~' ...... IIil
.• f' . ~,
~ . 1,'''' #
- ,.';.
~;~.' .
;;; ,.,
~'~"'~ ~~
t k
st"a-rt- a-t"
(f) I-essons ®We lancJr.. a-t" scAool @We rinisJr.. scAool a-t- Jr..a-Ir
nine olclock a-t" Jr..a-Ir pa-st" t-lVelve. pa-st- t"Jr..ree a-nd go Mme.
~ .....
'.'"'~i'-':; .It)
~ ,~
,. .:l!'..
I ~•
(2) / do mf! MmelVork rrom •• @ / dinner a-t" Jr..a-Ir pa-st" & 11Va-t"cJr.. TV rrom qaa-rt"er /
Jr..a-Ir pa-st- roar t"o si)' olclock si)' lVit-Jr.. mf! mam a-nd dad pa-st" seve-n- t"o nine olclock
a-nd mf! lit-t"le sist-er, I'Jeckf!.
WJr..e-n- do f!Oa get- apf'

Do {loa ea-ke t"M bas t"o sc.Aoolf'

WJr..e-n- do f!oar lessons st"a-ref'

Do f!oa Jr..a-ve IancJr.. a-t" scAool

or do f!Oa go Mme ror lancJr..f'

® I go t-o bed a-t" Jr..a-Ir pa-st"

nine. / read ror t-1Ve-n-t-{I
minaces a-nd t"Jr..e-n- / go
t"o sleep.

This is the present Unit 4
simple Wnse.
b Make the questions.
Example When do you have breakfast?
1 When/have breakfast
2 When/go to school

I get up at twenty past seven 3 Where/have lunch

We take the bus to school. 4 When/go home

Lessons start at nine o'clock. 5 Where/do your homework

6 When/watch TV

b Complete the sentences.

Example I have breakfast in the kitchen. Writing and speaking

1 I breakfast in the kitchen.

2 My mum and dad .......... to bed at half past

5 a Complete the questions.

eleven. Example
You When do you get up?
3 I books and comics in bed.
You When up?

4 At the weekend I up at half past

Andrew At twenty past seven.

You Where .......... breakfast?
5 Becky and I TV on Saturday morning.

Andrew In the kitchen.

6 OnThursday I a karate lesson.

You to the radio?

C Write about your day. Andrew Yes, I listen to Radio One.

You Where .......... your friends 7
3 Complete the table.
Andrew At the bus stop.
Present simple - questions you the bus to school?

When get up? Andrew Yes, we do.

.......... take the bus to school?

You When ?
Andrew At half past nine.
How do we
make b Make five more questions and answers.
questions? go home watch TV
do your homework read
have dinner
4a Complete the questions.
C Act Andrew's interview with a partner.

Do you have breakfast in the kitchen?

6 Interview a partner about his/her day.

1 breakfast in the kitchen 7 have
2 to Radio One? listen
3 your friends at the bus stop? meet
4 the bus to school? take
5 lunch at school? have
6 school at half past three? finish
go home do school
7 TV after dinner? watch
phone photo two soon
8 in bed? read

~omprehen5ion o What do you do in your

free time? My friends and I
1 .~I Read and listen to Andrew. Write the do lots of things.
names in the spaces.
I .. c:VV
~ ..
a .
4 .. ?~ ~
11 .. ~~
\.J ~
Do you playa musical

Michael plays
instrument? [ play the guitar. Molly

football. He goes skiing

plays the piano and Michael plays

too. He likes sport. [

!.he saxophone.

play football too but

I'm not very good.

What doe6 Oliver

do in his free time?

Does he play sport6?

Doe6 he playa mU6icai

instrument? Does he

collect things? No. Oliver

Do you collect things?

watches TV and plays

I collect stamps. I've got stamps

computer games.

from lots of countrie6. Hannah

collects badges.
---- --

What is the Unit 4

Listening, speaking

2 What does Andrew say? Complete the sentences.

and writing

I the guitar. Molly the piano. 6 a Look at the information.

b Match the subjects and the verbs. Name Amanda Baker
From Liverpool
,­ Works shop
I you we they he she it ,I
Free time plays tennis

goes swimming

C Look at the chart in 1. What do the people do?
b .~ Listen and find the
information about three
Michael plays football. He goes skiing. He plays the saxophone.

other people. Here are some

words to help you.
3 Look at Andrew's day on page 40 again. Write about it. shop hospital bank

post office

Andrew gets up at twenty past seven and he has a shower.

He has his breakfast at ....

C Ask and answer with a
partner. Use your information.
4 a Complete the table. Example
• Where is Amanda Baker from?
Present simple - questions with do/does o She's from Liverpool.
.......... you
• Where does she work?
playa musical instrument? How do we
.......... he
o She works in ....
make questions
with he and she?
.......... they
.......... she

I collect things?
d Write about the people.
Amanda Baker is from
b Write Do or Does.
Liverpool. She works in a shop.
In her free time she plays
1 you collect stamps?
tennis and goes swimming.
2 Oliver go skiing?

3 Michael play tennis?

4 Molly and Hannah play football?

Pronunciation. co"..::s
5 Hannah collect things?
7 Weak forms {-,

6 Andrew play computer games?

Listen and repeat.

5 Look at Andrew's day again. Complete the questions. Do you like English?

Example When does he get up?

When does she go home?

1 When up? A ttwenty past seven.

Does Andrew play tennis?

2 Where his breakfast? In the kitchen.

Where do you come from?

3 to the radio? Yes, he listens to Radio One.

Does he work here?

4 the bus to school? Yes, he does.

5 When home? At 330

6 in bed? Yes, he does. He reads books.



1a Find the people and things in the story.
the Master the Time Machine
the wheel the Professor
Millie Mut
Jim my the robot
b .I~? Read and listen .

Unit 4

Grammar Speaking and writing

Find the missing words in the story. 5 Look at the chart.
Complete the table.

1 play the drums

2 get up at six 0' clock

You . He . 3 watch TV in the morning

about the wheel. about the wheel. 4 have Crunchy Flakes for


This is the 5 play computer games

negative of the 6 go skiing

present simple.
7 collect badges

b Write don't or doesn't. 8 write a lot of letters

1 I get up at six o'clock.

a Do you do these things?Write """or. for Me.
2 Millie collect stamps.
3 Molly and Hannah play football. b Ask and answer with a partner. Write v or
4 Andrew play the piano. • for My partner.

5 Mut go to school. Example

6 Mr Hill work in a shop. • Do you play the drums?

o Yes, I do./No, I don't.
7 Millie and Mut like the Master.
C Write about yourself and your partner.
3 .~ Listen. What does the robot say?
1 I play/don't play the drums. My partner
1 Millie knows about the wheel.
plays/doesn't play the drums.
Robot The Master doesn't know about
the wheel.
2 Millie goes to school.
6 Play the game 'Land on a word' on page 73.
Robot The Master doesn't go to school.

4 Play the game 'I don't like ...'

She doesn't like milk Intonation - wh- questions
and I don't like cats.
Listen and repeat.

What do you want?

What sports do you play?

Where's my book?
What's the time?
.:&q Here are some useful words
for your project. Add more words
to each group .
clarine t
€) Put your results in graphs.
""A T TO liD
o Make a questi onnair e. What do people in our school

do in their free time?


\ No 1 Do you playa

1 Do you playa musical musical instrum ent?

insn-ument'? t/
10 recorder

What do you play? The'liolln q

2 Do you watd\ TV? a.. 7 inst rum ents
What programmes do a.. 6
you watch? 0
s- 5
.Q It
Here are some more ideas: ::J 3

play sports 2

collect things 1

write letters

s- o c s­
watch sports l\1 c I\)
-i- l\1 0
':; 'a.. ':;: s­
tlO 0
a Ask studen ts and teachers in <J
your school the questi ons. s­
Do you playa

o Write about your graph s.

mU6icai in6trum ent? Example

In our survey nine people play

a musica l instrument. Five

people play the guitar. Two

people play the piano, One

person plays the violin and one

person plays the recorder.

() Put your questi onnair e,

graph s and texts togeth er.
Add some pictures.
go windsurfing

SON4 ~x:::::::=~

1 What are the missing words? Complete

the sentences with these words.
piano badges saxophone

tennis postcards volleyball

2 111 61 Listen and check.


Free time
Stamps and and too.

Do you collect things?


No, I don't.

Yes, I do.

.. .... .... and football, .......... too.

Do you playa sport?

Yes, we do.

badminton No, we don't.

Yes, we do.

.... ...... , .......... and violin too.

Do you play an instrument?

SpOrt6 Yes,ldo.

No, I don't.

Yes, I do.

go snowboarding make models

What do you know

about these things?

Find examples in
d\at~ Andrew's unit.
:,..,.;;..-" _.-_--~-_...--­ ---.,
-------.~.--- 8 ---~--.~~- ~----
--_.. -- "'he t-)J:n.... -- 6 ------- ... \"e

of' \un0-·v ---- • L.. tirn~ -..----- ~rn'~"'--------

.~ - I.e - an.a_~1i ..Wjt{\ .. ' _-------::.. ~·T"!--~i",~----
.011. itn~\EL---- _:::Jl~0~---~ _..­
take photographs ., 6en"(,,~-
.~__ J.rJt- _.... _-- _----' 8 6t\()X1~-
-=-,(.\.\.1 --.... ._

------- ----
. ::....-----------=---------- - -'--------------_.­

It's time to do the

Progress check in the

Workbook. ·CD
... --='-----­
--_ .. .-'
What can you Listening, writing and
remember? ~ speaking

a .~ Listen and complete the chart about

Present si mpie ­
affirmative and negative
a Complete the sentences. Use these verbs:
be work have got do go play

Mike has got two brothers and a sister.

Telephone number L L..1 I I I I I I I I I

1 Mike two brothers and a sister.
2 We basketball at school. Brothers and sisters C ]
3 It my birthday today. [ .~. . - ]
4 I very good at Maths. School [ _
5 Sarah skiing in France.
Favourite subjects ==.==========;
6 We a blue car.
I _. .. _ --J
7 My friends on holiday.
S MrWest in a bank. Free time [ ---..-J
9 My parents to bed at 10.30.
10 Mandy her homework in the kitchen.
Musical instrument
b Make the sentences negative.
,.~~ b Now complete the text.
Present simple - questions
"V Peter comes from He's .
Make questions. years old. His phone number He a
brother, but he Her name Peter
Are you from Australia?

.......... to High School. His are

1 You're from Australia. .. and In his free time he , he
2 Mickey likes Birdman comics. .. and he He a musical
3 It's my turn. instrument, but his sister .
4 We have lunch at one 0' clock.
C Write a text about yourself.
5 The Master's got the Time Machine.
6 They like football. d Use the chart in 3a. Interview a friend.
7 I'm in this photograph.
8 Peter takes the bus to school.
9 Mr and Mrs Johnson have got a new computer.
10 Jane finishes school at 3.15.

Revision 2

Writing Speaking
_inda Riley works in a sports shop. Look at the Complete the dialogue and read it with a

ictures. Write about her day. partner.

Assistant .......... I you?

She gets up at twenty-five past seven.

Girl How is pen?

. atch television start work have dinner get up Assistant .......... £4.30.

lave breakfast go to work go to bed go home Girl And much these

Assistant They're 95p .
Girl Can I .......... the pen and a badge,
......... .?

Assistant ........ £5.25 altogether.

Girl you are

Assistant Thank you. That's 75p .

Girl Thank .

a Write down these things.
The days of the week
6 school subjects
4 musical instruments

5 countries

5 sports or activities

b Write these numbers in words.

2 12 28 3 13 35
4 14 40 5 15 51

Tick the words with the same sound.
1 come home 6 what cat
2 work girl ..... 7 half past
3 goes does 8 here where
4 read great 9 brave have
5 two do 10 day they

b 11163 Listen and check.

o RS.S~~A7S PR()JS~T
~omprehen5ion Grammar
1 111'641 Read and listen. Now complete the sentences. 2a Look at the table.
Write Rebecca or Stephen.
1 can't do the project. 5 can draw.
I I I ski.
2 hasn't got a camera. 6 has got a camera.
3 can help with the project. 7 can't draw. I draw.
She can
4 can take good photographs.
It dance.
We can't
Ge.£.f}(~t=h1 £rQje.d:.. They I I swim.
whe-re do ;)O<J
~ L Wri r f ow,r 'f",r boI ,se.
~. b Make six true sentences
~ 2. D~i...c.l:..ures of I:..he- rQ()r<"lS. about you and a partner.
~ 3> I(#e phol:..o~rOf'hS of 'j.our 1:..QWt\.
~ Example

4- Wri...t..e o,boul:.. I:..he- people o,l"\d I:..he- bui...\di..."e,S. I can swim. Sarah can't swim.

Look at the dialogue. Find


3 a
the questions with these
I've got a project for

homework. But I can't do it. I can't draw

and I haven't got a camera. What can I

you draw can
do? Ah! Stephen!
you come my can to house
How do we
make questions ~
Stephen Hello. 659274.
with can? (" ~
Rebecca Hello, Stephen. It's Rebecca.

Have you got a camera 7 b Make the questions.

Stephen Yes, I have. Why7 Example
Can Rebecca do her project?
Rebecca Can you take good photographs 7
1 do project her Rebecca can
Stephen Yes, I can.
2 play golf you can
Rebecca And can you draw, to07
3 you me help my homework
Stephen Yes, I can. But what ... 7
with can
Rebecca Can you come to my house on Saturday?
4 borrow pen can your I
Stephen Yes, OK. But ...
5 we have lunch can here
Rebecca Oh, good. You can help me with
6 I can home go
my project. Bye, Stephen.
See you on Saturday.
Stephen Bye, Rebecca. Hey ...
just a minute ...

• can
• -here is/are.
• must
• Let's ...
Unit 5
• Prepositions of place

I 5f'eaking and writing Reading and writing

Look at the pictures.
5 Look at the code language.
a Ask and answer with a partner.

• Can you draw a dinosaur?

:' Yes, I can. /No, I can't.

IJ dance
1 draw a dinosaur

2 spell gour '"fllle ill £"9 Ii5it

Every letter has got a number.
3 read tltis: ,.. ".~~

A is 11 Gis 23 Q is 51

a Can you break this code?

7- plAgtAble te""is Answer the questions.

8 SAg: Titis is stepite" witit 71436152 42114121?
itis t/tree sisfers.
244363 433414
.. write your plto ne number ~ speak Frenclt 115221 714361'[
witlt a pencil in your moutlt
_---:6--1 6324215221 1443
714361 3431G221?

b Now write a message in

code for a partner.

b Write what your partner can and can't do.

Example 1 He/She can't draw a dinosaur. Hannah's house is on a hill.
Harry and Horace are on
holiday in Holland.
~omprehen5ion "Thi..s i..s our h~. Our ~ess i..s eaz. Hospd:.a,I Roo.d. DN z.z. 'NU.
1 .~ Read and listen. Label the rooms in Our h~ ha.s 801:. sevel'\ rcx::>MS. "There a,re I:.hree rcx::>Ms
Rebecca's house. _ . .".....-
.•. _ ..-.
__ ~
do.Nr\ - I:.he. ki..lche.l'\. lhe.'\8 rcx::>M. o.l'\d I:.he
~ - -~- di..I'\i..1'\8 rcx::>M. There i..s 0. I:.o.ble LI'\ lhe dLl'\i..1'\8 rcx::>M o.l'\d four
~ -'­
~ .:h,c-
~ . . ~-~-.. ::-=---=-­ We di..l'\l'\er We wo,lch TV i..1'\ lhe.'\8
rcx::>M. i..s 0. bo.lhrcx::>M o.l'\d lhere I:.hre.e.
bedrcx::>Ms. M.:l IY\UI'Y) o.l'\d do.d 801:. one bedrcx::>M. I've
801:. one 0.1\d brol:.he.r "J" ha.s 801:. one.
/... ~
11'\ ~ rcx::>M'S 0. bed. 0. wo,rdrobe 0.1\d 0. of
dro.wers. I do ~ homeWQ(j( here. SO's 0. desk. C\I'\d 0.
c.ho,i..r. leo. I've 801:. 0. CD plc;>'.:ler. II:.'s on ~ desk. I
Ii..slel'\ lo CDs whe.n I 'IY\ l.1'\ IY\:J rcx::>M. M:J CDs i..1'\ 0.
box.. under I:.he desk. M:J doe. Wo.ller. ofl:.en sleeps i..1'\ ~
room. Hi..s bed i..s l.1'\ I:.he ho.ll ~I'\ bvl he. Ii..kes lo
sleep under IY1:J desk.

CD -..

Unit 5

Answer the questions.

Sp-eaking and listening
1 What number is Rebecca's house?

7 Look at the picture.

2 Where do Rebecca and her family have dinner?

3 Where do they watch TV?

4 Where does Walter sleep?

5 How many chairs are there in the dining room?

6 Is there a table in the kitchen?

7 Does Rebecca listen to the radio in her room?

8 Are the CDs in the wardrobe?

We use there is
and there are to
describe places.
a Complete the table.

There a bathroom upstairs.

There three rooms downstairs.

b Translate the sentences into your own

language. Use these
a Ask and answer with a partner. prepositions.
4 Write There is or There are. Example
• What's this?
1 four people in Rebecca's house. o It's a bag.
2 a television in the Jiving room. under
• What are these?
3 four chairs in the dining room. o They're disks.
4 a desk in Rebecca's room. • Where is the computer?
5 four beds in Rebecca's house. o It's on the desk.
6 a telephone in the hall.
b 111:68' Close your book. Listen and answer
S How many of these things are there in the the questions.
picture in Rebecca's house?
C Open your book. Listen again and check
your answers.
There are two children in the picture.

children desks showers

posters pictures tables
magazines animals lamps
chairs bags books

101 l:xl
Listening dog draw

watch four

6 11167 Look at the picture of Rebecca's house.

what wardrobe

Listen. Say where Rebecca is.

comic hall

Example She's in the bedroom.

clock quarter

1 .17~ Look at the map and the pictures. Read and listen to the texts.
Are the sentences true or false?
1 Retford is a big town. 5 You can rent videos at the post office.
2 There is a cinema in the town. 6 Rebecca doesn't go to the high school.
3 The town has got a station. 7 She plays in the park.
4 Rebecca's favourite place is the sports shop. 8 You can take the train from Retford to Birmingham.
u 1 \
o I 'Lve. LI\ {<, It. LSI\'I:.. 0. ver~ bLS lOWl"\. ( ) M:J house Ls oppos<.-le I:..he hLSh o.boul:.. forl:J shops LI\ I:..he l~1\ o.I\d school. I So ~ for lur\eh. I eo.l\ see ~
...... lhere lwe bLS superr<'oG\rkel5. '""fhere'5 0. posl:.. house from .......:J d0.5srootv'1. '""fhere'5 0. po.ti'.
'" offLee loo. 0.1\d lhen1. ore fovr bo.f\k5. You eM be.hLI\d ~ house. We plD.:J lel\I\L5 0.1\d
see some of I:..he b'-JLIdLl\eS 01\ I:..hLs rYID.p."
€) '"There's 0.
eLI\<2.r<'oG\ LI\ t<.elford
o.I\d ~ou eo.r'I rer'll ~
vLdeos o.l I:..he
vLdeo shop. '""fhere'5
0. SMG\II lheo.lre.
C\<2.",l 1:..0 lhe eo.l\O,'
b'-Jl Lsr'l'l 0.
bowILne o.IIe:J LI\ lhe
I:..OWI"\ . We. SO 1:..0
NoI:..lLr'lSho........ Lo.>hel\
Lo.>e. So bowlLne·
Q t<.eUord LS g t< ho.s eat:.. 0. ---- 0
ThLs LS ~ fo.vouri...1:..e.
C\eo.r Sherwood sl:.oJ::..Lm. Tro.i...I\s f:f fro......, here. Il's LovedD.:J'5 eo.fe.. - lhe 1:..0 Lo.c:b-I ~ NoI:..l~'no.r<I. 11:..'5 LI\ ChMce.r:J WD.:J
honIe of ~bi...1\ 11\ fro,t:.. of l:.he sI:..o.l:..LOI\ I be.b...~.e.1\ l:.he 5pOIi:.s shop
CD Hood' \ 0 lhu"rt =< po<I<. I J Md lh< -Usl's.
How do we Unit 5

make questions
, , with there is?
,2 a Look at the table. 5 Read the text. Label the buildings.
there is - questions
There's a video shop in Albert road.
Is there a video shop in Albert road?

b Make the question.

There are four banks in Retford

.................... four banks in Retford?

3 Ask and answer with a partner.

• Is there a post office in Retford?
o Yes, there is./No, there isn't.
• Are there three banks in Retford?
o Yes, there are./No, there aren't.

1 a post office 7 fifty shops

2 three banks 8 a bowling alley
3 a police station 9 a supermarket
4 two schools 10 four factories
5 an ice rink 11 a dentist's In this picture there are seven buildings - a
6 a bus station 12 two car parks cinema, a video shop, a library, a post
office, a supermarket a cafe, and a bank.
4a Match the words and pictures. The post office is between the supermarket
and the video shop. The library isn't next to


opposite between

the cinema. There's a car park behind the

supermarket. The bank isn't next to the
cinema. The post office is opposite the cafe.
There's a bus stop in front of the library. The
cinema isn't opposite the video shop.
behind next to

in front of

b Where are these things?

151~ 6
Pronunciation. co/,>:s
Listen and repeat.
. Cb
, '

station lunch
Rebecca 5 house is opposite the high school. shop church
machine kitchen
1 Rebecca's house 5 the video shop
finish French
2 the park 6 the museum
she chair
3 the cafe 7 the sports shop
show teacher
4 the bookshop 8 the police station
1a .~I Read and listen.

Unit 5
Grammar Listening and speaking
2 a Look at the table. 4 a 11173 Mickey and Millie are at a fast food
restaurant. Listen. What do they order?
You speak English.
have a rest. Brilliant Burgers!
hamburger 90p
b Translate the sentences into your own £1.10
C What must the people do? Use these words. 75p
French iries
small lar~e
have a drink go to the dentist's
77p 92p
have a rest go to the bank orange juice
get up go to the toilet 70p 90p
75p 88p
Example cola
I must have a rest.

b Complete the dialogue.

Waitress .......... , please?

Mickey Can I have a and an

1 . 2 .
. , please?
Waitress Small or ?
Mickey Large, .
Millie And I have a and
3 . .. , please?
Waitress .......... you want anything to
.......... ?

Millie A small please.

5 . 6 . Waitress Thank .

3 Look at the table. Write to or at.

C Make your own dialogues. Use the menu.
to and at

5 Listen and repeat.

1 I must go the shops. I can swim.

2 Let's go the cinema. He's from London.

3 You can buy postcards the bookshop. We leave at ten to nine.

4 Where's Stephen? He's the post office. She can paint.

Are you from New York?

5 Can we go the cafe, Mum?
Let's go to the shop.

6 We've got two computers our school.

o Draw a map of your town. Label the

a Draw pictures or take photographs of the
places in your town. Put them around your
map and write about them.
Describe your dream house. Draw a plan
a of the rooms and furniture and write about
the house and the rooms.
Remember to use
T'h . I are I there is/are!
'1 erels
USSFUL LANtlUAtis There's a park near my house.

1 .175 Here are some more words about towns. There isn't a station in our town.

Can '¥ou label any other things in the picture? There are two sports shops here.


2 . 7 6 Here are some words for things in a

house. Can you label any other things in
this house? SDNII f:7...j):::...::x'

/ \

1 Complete the song. Choose from these
opposite behind can't park front
village factory museum police can
town road bookshop next

2 .77 Listen and check.

Our town
Verse 1

There's a supermarket next to the ,

And the church is to the clothes shop.

In of the doctor's there's a bus stop.

Welcome to our town.

Our town, our town. Come and walk around.

Our town, our town. Come and walk around.

Our town, our town. Come and walk around.

Oh we love our town.

Verse 2

Take a look at the map and you see

There's a and a school and a library,

A hotel, a bank and a .

Welcome to our town.

Verse 3

In the middle of the is the bus station.

.......... the cafe there's a fire station.

Next to the shops is the station.

Welcome to our town.

What do you know about

".,af"1 these things? Find examples

...- a 1'1
r eSS~S~

-''--.. .--.~----------------=--
-- --------
..'..- -
in Rebecca's unit.

-- -.--.-. --."
• I - • \'\6 01 [. - ..
__-- ­
--. ~re~E.~~-- -- _...--­
. _-.-----.- -­
. -_......
....-.-~ ..... t11 u6t --,- --~.-_ . .
__ ----------- Now let's do the __ ,,-­
.'-- Progress check i n .__·
------- the Workbook. ... ~-_.--
------..- --­
---­ _..--... ..­

_-------- . --.-~: CD
------ ----- --_ . .-....---­
Hi! Do you remember me?

I'm Jane Hill. Can you remember my

brother'e name and my friende' namee?

My project ie about people.

1 111118Read and listen. Answer
the questions.
Whose nose is this?

• escribing people
• Present continuous
Unit 6
• Present simple v present continuous

2 What colour are these? Listening

Example Dracula's hair is black,
1 Dracula's hair 4 Angela's hair 7 Angela's eyes
4 a . 7 9 Listen and draw the

2 Carla's eyes 5 Hermann's eyes 8 Carla's hair

3 Dracula's eyes 6 Dracula's teeth b Compare pictures with

your friends.
, ,
3a Match the words and pictures.
brown hair black hair fair hair short hair

5 Make you r own horror family.

long hair bald a beard blue eyes

green eyes brown eyes slim

a Cut pictures from
fat magazines or comics or
tall short draw them.

b Label the people and

describe them.

a How many syllables

has each word got?
homework - 2 syllables
games programmes
boxes downstairs
office altogether
lakes Geography
table expensive

o nose

b Look at the tables.

cafe lovely
green eyes, tall. b Listen and check.
He short dark hair. He short
's got fair hair. 's fat.
She a beard, She slim,
glasses. bald.

C Now describe the people in 3a.


1 He isn't very tall. He's got short brown hair and blue eyes.

1 .[81' Read and listen. Answer the questions.
1 What time of day is it? 5 What is Mrs Hill putting in the washing machine?
2 Are Mr and Mrs Hill having breakfast? 6 What isTony looking for?
3 What is Jane doing? 7 Where are they?
4 Where is Tony?
'Tony! What are you
doing in there1


Unit 6

~~'~!!~'~--J This
is the present
continuous tense.
C Make true sentences.
2 a Complete the table. We aren't having a French lesson now We're
Use ~, 'm, 're, is, am, are. having an English lesson.
.. . 1 We/have/a French lesson/now.

2 In the story/ Jane/ clean/her teeth.

3 Mr and Mrs Hill/have/lunch.

having breakfast.
4 In picture 7/Tony/get dressed.

5 I/watch/TV/now.

She washing up. 6 We/sit/in the garden/now.

4a Look at the sentences. How do we make
We waiting.
questions in the present continuous?

Is he having a shower?

Are you getting dressed?

b Complete the sentences. Use listen, wait, b Make questions.

look, wash up, do, put, have, clean. are what you doing

Example Tony teeth his cleaning is

In picture 1, Mr and Mrs Hill are having their they homework are doing

1 In picture 1, Mr and Mrs Hill . C Do a mime.Your partner asks what you are
doing.Take turns.
2 They to the radio.
3 In picture 2, Jane her homework.
4 In picture 4, Mr Hill .
5 In picture 4, Mrs Hill clothes in the Example
washing machine. • Are you cleaning the car?
o No, I'm not.
6 In picture 6, Mr and Mrs Hill .......... for Tony.
• Are you writing on the blackboard?
7 In picture 6, Tony his teeth.
o Yes, I am.
8 In picture 7, Tony for his clothes.

3 a Complete these sentences from the story. Listening

Tony his homework. He's in the
bathroom. 5 111[82; Listen. What is Jane doing?Where is she?
I a shower. I'm cleaning my teeth.

b Make this sentence negative.

They are getting dressed.

Listen and repeat.
How do we make the
present continuous What are you doing? Is Jane getting dressed?
negative? IsTony ready? We're waiting for you.
He's having a shower. Why are you doing that?

1a Read about Quazar. Answer b Look at the pictures. Who is doing these things?
the questions. Example
1 What is Quazar? Mrs Brown is washing up. Quazar is washing up.
2 What does he do? 1 washing up 2 hoovering the floors
3 What are the names of the 3 ironing the clothes 4 having a rest
four people? 5 sleeping 6 going to the cinema
• washes up
THE ROBOT FOR YOUR HOME • irons the clothes
• hoovers the floors
Do you like housework? No? • makes the beds
Then you need . .. • sets the table
• cooks the food
• washes the car
LOOK! It's Saturday morning. The Browns and the Greens are starting their housework.
It's nine o'clock. It's four o'clock. Mrs Brown is
Mrs Brown is washing up. ironing the clothes, and
Mr Brown is cooking the dinner.
I'm tired.
CD Have a rest, Mr and Mrs Brown. Get Quaza
The present simple - every day, all the time.

The present continuous - now, at the moment. Unit 6

b Now look at the pictures. What day is it?

2 Complete the table.

Present simille
1 I hoover the floors every Saturday morning

2 Quasar irons our clothes.

3 We go to the cinema every week.

Present continuous In this picture Jane is setting the table.

1 I'm hoovering the floors. Jane sets the table on Tuesdays, so this
2 He my dress at the moment. is Tuesday.
3 We to the cinema now.

3 Complete the sentences.


1 Jane plays tennis every Thursday.

2 I can't do it now I'm having my lunch.

1 Jane tennis every Thursday. play

2 I can't do it now. I my lunch. have

3 My brother TV all the time. watch

4 Jane's upstairs. She dressed. get

5 We to school at half past eight. go

6 I English at the moment. write

7 Tony a shower every morning. have

8 Ben can't hear you. He the radio.

listen to

Reading, writing and speaking

4a Ask and answer with a partner.
• What does Tony do on Mondays?
o He washes up.

5 Listen. Do you hear lsi or Iz/?

Tony Jane Example
make the beds books -lsi drums -/z/
Mon wash up
set the table stamps friends leaves goes
rues (free)
make the beds (free) rooms sports hills helps
set the table wash up takes Maths things
Fri (free) b Listen again and repeat.
cook the lunch
Sat go to the shops
wash the car
Sun wash the car
e M/~I<E,Y"S TAl.l<lNti T-SIIIRT

1 111185\ Read and listen. Number the e Mickey isn't wearing the T-shirt because it's dirty and old.

sentences in the correct order. f He's dancing with a girl from France.

a He's leaving the shop with the T-shirt. g He's looking at the T-shirts.

b Mickey is cleaning the car with the T-shirt. h He's playing football.

c Mickey is looking at some jeans. He's buying the T-shirt.

d The T-shirt has got a hole in it.

Unit 6
What difference
Grammar can you see?
2a Complete the table. 4 a .86 Listen. What do the people buy? What
do the things cost? Complete the chart.

• How much jeans? I:)uys costs

o £45. 1 shirt £16.50
• How much T-shirt?
o £7.50.
b Check your answers in the story. 4

3 These clothes are These clothes are

always plural. singular.
b Complete the dialogue.
Assistant I help you?
Customer How are these shorts,
.......... ?

Assistant .......... £19.

jacket Customer 1 11 .......... them.

Assistant Do you want else?

Customer Yes, can I this T-shirt,
Assistant ......... £26 altogether.
Customer Here are.
Assistant ......... you.

C Act the dialogues with a partner. Use the

chart in a.
a Complete the dialogues.
1 • How much .......... jacket?
o £50.95. Speaking and writing
2 • How much trousers? 5 a Work with a partner. Make new dialogues
o £29. to buy the things in 3.
3 • How much .......... shorts 7
o £16.99.

b Write one dialogue.

4 • How much shirt?

o £21.50.

5 • How much top?

o .......... £18.45.
6 • How much jeans?
o £33.49. word skirt work shirt
turn church bird girl
b Read the dialogues with a partner.
That'6 the end of my
project. Now it'6 your turn.
Make a project about
Find or draw some pictures of famous
people. Write about each person.
• What is his/her name?
• Where does he/she come from?
• Describe him/her.
• What does he/she do?
• What is he/she doing in the picture?
1 Look at the pictures. Describe the people.
Louisa's got short dark hair.
Alec's very tall.
Sally's attractive.
Tim's good-looking.
She's .
He's .
2 What are the people doing? Here are some
words to help you.
looking at something c
eating co
buying something

1a Match the words.
eyes walk
legs hug
tongues see
arms talk

b Use the words. Complete the poem.

2 .88 Listen and check.

Boots h Qve .

But cannot .

NeQdles hove .
But cannot _ .

This chQir has .

But ;t can't me.


What do you know about

these things? Find examples
in Jane's unit.

- ...-----.-- .._--.- Don't forget the last ~~'

. ' ....-----. ,.--' Progress check in the -- ., .. "
._., -- -- Workbook!
_--- .. L.-_ _- - - -...."..

..­ .-~.-
.-.. .

--- ----~--------- ,.­ ..~ ... .-­

a Look at the pictures. What are Daniel and b l1li189 Listen. Some ofthe pictures are wrong.
Anna doing? Ask and answer with a partner. Example
Picture 1 is wrong. Daniel and Anna aren't
Picture 1
playing football. They're playing table tennis.
• What are Daniel and Anna doing here?
o They're playing football.
o o
o g Q ~
""~ Present simple or present continuous?
Complete the sentences with the correct tense. 4 My dad a suit to work. {wear}
Example We get up late on Sundays. 5 I .......... the car every week. {clean!
1 We late on Sundays. {get up} 6 Sue Is Chloe in the living room?
2 Mother Come on, Jane. It's eight o'clock. Mother Yes, she a magazine. {read!
Jane All right. I now. {get up} 7 Tony .......... to the shops on Saturdays. [go!
3 Father Why you those old 8 Bye, Mum. We to school now. {go!
trainers, Tony? {wear} 9 I to the radio at the moment. [listen]
Tony I like them. I ......... them every 10 I to it every morning. {listen]
Saturday. {wear}

Revision 3
.. 3 Singular and plural Speaking
Complete the dialogues and read them with a
Can I have a hamburger, please?
1 Customer How much ..........

trousers please? ...........7

Assistant .......... £28, Customer Yes, I'll have a lemonade, please

Customer OK. I'll take ....... Waitress .. ,.. ,.,.,?

Customer Small, please.

2 Customer How much .......... ,...... , shirt,

Waitress .
." ....... £16.

OK, 1')1 take ..........

b .90Listen and check. Now read the

dialogue with a partner.

. Writing
Look at the map. Use the words in the box. Write ten sentences.
Examples Th eres
' ... In opposite
There's a museum next to the river Th ere "
Isnt ... next to behind
There isn't a video shop in the town. Th ere are ... between in front of
There are two pubs in Lower Street.

=f., V\
~ \\
~ ~

~(\l CAR PA'P.k

,.., Listening and writing ~ ___

----.......01&.." • _~--......-_ . _ _.
"V v
a 1IIl® Listen and tick the correct items. Write eight words in each column.
~ 13 14
3 ~ ...,
4 Pronunciation
HIGH a Find the word in each list with a different
~ SCHOOL sound.
t~~ 1 ear here @~9
2 food look good
3 cow know now

4 fat that what

5 four our door

6 can't tall large

7 catch wash watch
8 your blue you
9 sit fish bird
10 some drum don't

7 11 white give mice

12 short work walk

b 1IIl@ Listen and check. Now listen and repeat.

Well done!
/' Bye for now!
b Write about Emily.

Emily lives in Manchester. She ...

.' ..... O' •~

. .. ~ . " .
0., •
I '. '

Land 9" -a word ..

. '.. ....." .. "',.
Take turns to throw tt"le.dice:Writ~<;lo\.vnthe"
words you land on_.Tr¥~p, ike a senferl"ce '
with you r wolds. ThEtfir:~tpersoh to, ~,a,ke, a
correct sentence wiih:atleast four words is ,­
the winner.'lf.yo~.,maKe~niitmng
•... .. , . , sentel1ce, ",
you must miss a turn. .
'. ,'"
I Look at the greetings.

~ What do you say in your language?

~ &.,,,,,...00".
..... ~eone for fl) \\t'9 someone You
..... t;O e~.
~~Q; '''~r ~
:t o ~.
~ _ ~0 ~l?


I Read the sentences.

~ Write the sentences in your own

handwriting. Compare the letters.

Here are some examples

of British children's

Hi. I',..,..,


English is the main language in over sixty
countries in the world. Here are some of
the countries.
$I:IIOOI.S .J{l6
, Read the information.
Most schools start at about 9 0' clock and finish at about
~ Compare it to your own country. 3.30. Children don't go to school on Saturdays and Sunda~ s
A lot of secondary schools have sports matches on
Saturday mornings or after school.
In Britain children start school when they In most schools, pupils wear a school uniform. These are
are five years old. They go to primary typical uniforms for boys and girls:
When they are eleven, they go to
secondary school. They can leave school
when they are sixteen or they can do two
more years in the sixth form.
\ 5-6
_ - - - -------4
2 6-7 c.-­

3 7-3 -0
_~l --'

4 3-9 1 ~
Pupils in British schools usually call female
5 9-\0 ~--~-
-----.----\ teachers 'Miss'. They call male teachers 'Sir'.
6 \0-\ \

7 \\-\2
-......-- -
----- 3 \2-\3
1 OIl

\0 \4-\5 1
----- ,~--
\\ \5-\6 -­
\2 \6-\7 i:­
\3 \7-\3


I Read the information.

~ Match the things to the times.

shops 8.00 -10.00
football matches 9.30 - 4.30
offices 9.00 - 5.30
supermarkets 9.00 - 5.00
banks 3.00 - 4.45

Banks are usually open

In Britain most from half past nine to
shops open at half past four from
nine o'clock and Monday to Friday.
they close at half
past five. They are People in offices usually
open from work from nine o'clock
Monday to to five 0' clock.
Saturday. Some
big shops open on
Sundays, too,
from ten 0' clock to
four o'clock. Most football matches
are on Saturday
afternoon. They start
at three 0' clock.

A lot of supermarkets open from eight o'clock in the

morning to nine or ten o'clock at night and some
supermarkets open for 24 hours.

a Write about times for these things in your






Football matches

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I Read the information.

~ Describe some typical houses or flats in your
country. Most
houses have a living
room, a dining room and a kitchen
downstairs. Upstairs there are usually two
Most people in Britain live in houses, although in or three bedrooms and a bathroom.
cities a lot of people live in flats. Children usually have their own bedroom or
they share a room with a brother or sister. A
These are typical houses: lot of houses have a garden, too. In some
countries a lot of people have a flat in a
town and a house in the country, but this is
not very common in Britain.


a semi-detached house a detached house

I Read the information.

~ Are there people from other places in your country?

a Do many people from your country live abroad?

People from Britain live and

work in other countries, too.
A lot of families have got
relatives in Australia, New
Zealand, South Africa,
Canada and the USA.

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