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Registered Office
K. R. Circle, Bangalore 560 001

The Statistics of Electrical accidents in BESCOM presents a very grim picture

showing no signs of reduction, and on the other hand there has been a steady
rise in no. of accidents for the last few years. Analysis of the statistics of
accidents clearly indicates that the majority of accidents are due to non
adherence of safety procedures. This is a cause of great concern to the
organization. Further, the CEA have issued guidelines on Safety for electrical
industries in the country.
Keeping the above in view BESCOM have initiated action based on the
guidelines of CEA. The policy on safety aims to tackle electrical accidents by
creating safety organizations duly assigning the responsibilities for the
employees at various levels, providing the requisite safety gadgets and imparting
training to all the employees.
I am sure that this is only the basic requirement of ‘Safety’ whereas if we have to
really achieve the desired results the complacent attitude of the employees has
to change. They should realize that no phase of operations is of greater
importance than accident prevention. The degree of safety and the results
accomplished are directly proportional to the efforts put in to control the
conditions, practices and human actions that are responsible for accidents. In the
interest of safeguarding the precious lives it is imperative that non adherence of
safety rules and procedures be dealt seriously which may even call for
disciplinary action. Unless the safety procedures rules and instructions are
observed religiously by everyone it is not possible to achieve the results.
It is hoped that the Manual on Safety will go a long way in educating the
employees on safety aspects and thus the Manual has been updated and revised
to make it more comprehensive and to accomplish highest standards of safety.

Managing Director, BESCOM

Safety Policy

Create safe working environment for the

employees, create awareness among the
public on electrical safety to avoid electrical
accidents and thereby save the lives and
property and make BESCOM an accident
free organization.








Sl. Page
Chapter No. Description
No. No.
Chapter – I Terminology
Chapter – II Fundamentals of Safety
Chapter - III Responsibility for Safety
Chapter - IV Safety Organization in BESCOM Additional
Chapter - V Accidents
Chapter - VI First Aid
Chapter - VII Permit to Work
Chapter - VIII Safety Precautions
Chapter - IX Safety Devices
Chapter - X List of Safety equipments to be Additional
maintained by Linemen and
Section Officers
Chapter - XI Accident Investigation System Additional
Appendix - I Indian Electricity Rules on Safety Additional
Appendix - II CEA Guidelines Additional
Appendix - III Work Permit Form Additional
Appendix - IV Sample Permit Form (Line Clear
Appendix - V Application for Pre-arranged
Appendix - VI Accident Report Telephone
Appendix - VII Form for reporting electrical
Chapter – I

A danger foreseen, an accident prevented

The terms used in this manual shall be interpreted in the most commonly
accepted sense consistent with electrical industry.
Authorized Person: One who is properly authorized to perform specific duties
under certain conditions or who is carrying out order from competent authority
and as defined under rule 3 of IE Rules of 1956.
Unauthorized person: One who is not permitted to work on electrical apparatus
except under the personal supervision of an authorized person.
Clearance: (for work) Authorization to perform specified work or permission to
enter a restricted area.
Clearance: (between objects). The clear distance between two objects
measured surface-to-surface.
Dead: Dead means at or about earth potential and disconnected from any live
system. Provided that the apparatus separated from a live conductor by a spark
gap shall not be deemed to be DEAD.
Note: The term Dead is used only with reference to current carrying parts, when
these parts are not alive.
De-Energized: Free from any electrical connection to a source of potential
difference and from electric charge; not having a potential different from that of
the earth.
Disconnected: Disconnected from any energy source.
Earth: Earth means conducting mass of earth or of any conductor in direct
electrical connection therewith.
Earthed: earthed means connected to earth in such a manner as it will ensure
immediate discharge of electrical energy without danger at all times.
Effectively Grounded: Intentionally connected to earth though a ground
connection or connections of sufficiently low impedance and having sufficient
current-carrying capacity to prevent the buildup of voltages that may result in
undue hazard to connected equipment or to persons.
Emergency: Emergency for the purpose of this code means an unusual
condition which exists that endangers life and/ or property.
Energized (also Alive or Live): Electrically connected to a source of potential
difference or electrically charged so as to have a potential different from that of
the earth or different from that of adjacent conductors or equipment.
Foreman: Forman or supervisor shall mean Assistant Engineer/ Junior
Engineer/the authorized employee directly in charge of workmen doing the work
regardless of title.
Ground (noun): The connection, established either intentionally or accidentally,
of an electric circuit or equipment with reference ground through a conductor, or
other conducting object or substance.
Ground (reference): That conductive body, usually earth, to which an electric
potential is referenced.
Ground: (verb) Connecting or establishing a connection, either intentionally or
accidentally, of an electric circuit or equipment to reference ground. Connect to
earth or some conducting body that serves in place of earth.
Grounding Electrode (Ground Electrode): A conductor embedded in the
earth, used for maintaining ground potential on conductors connected to it and
for dissipating into the earth current conducted to it.
Grounded System: A system of conductors in which at least one conductor or
point (usually the middle wire or neutral point of transformer or generator
winding) is intentionally grounded, either solidly or through a current-limiting
device (not a current-interrupting device).
Guarded: Protected by personnel, or covered, fenced, or enclosed by means of
suitable casings, barrier rails, screens, mats, platforms, or other suitable devices
in accordance with standard barricading technique designed to prevent
dangerous approach or contact by persons or objects. (Wires that are insulated
but not otherwise protected are not considered guarded.)
Live: Live means electrically charged
Permit issuing Officer: Permit issuing officer is a person who is authorized for
ensuring that a controlling switches and circuits have been isolated, made dead
and inoperative and that adjacent circuits have been made safe for the work to
be carried out and who is authorized to issue the ‘Permit to work’.
Permit to work: Permit to work means a form of declaration signed by and given
by one authorized person to another authorized person in charge of work to be
carried out on or adjacent to any electrical apparatus, mains or service lines, for
the purpose of making known to such latter person exactly what apparatus,
mains or service lines are made dead and earthed and safe for working.
Protective devices: Protective devices means devices such as rubber gloves,
rubber gauntlets, line hose, rubber boots, or other insulating devices, which are
especially designed for the protection of workmen,
Low Voltage: Where the normal voltage is not greater than 250 Volts but in no
circumstances exceeds 263 Volts.
Medium voltage: Where the normal voltage exceeds 250 volts but is not greater
than 650 volts and in no circumstances exceeds 683 Volts.
High Voltage: Where the normal voltage exceeds 650 Volts but is not greater
than 33,000 Volts and in no circumstances exceeds 37,125 volts.
Extra High Voltage: Where the voltage exceeds 33,000 Volts under normal
conditions subject to 12.5% variation.
Unsafe Conditions: Used to indicate dangerous conditions, hazardous
conditions, defective conditions, or unusual conditions that could be conducive to
Chapter – II
Fundamentals of Safety
Always be careful


Safety is the proper planning of work, proper usage of safety tools, following
safety procedures and exercise of good judgment and intelligent supervision.
Experience proves that majority of the accidents are preventable.

Fundamentals of Safety
Prevention of accidents requires the whole hearted cooperation of all employees
of the organization A capable mentally alert employee will avoid accidents.
A careless man is a liability to the Organization. He is dangerous to himself, his
fellow workers, the public and the Organization.
Accidents do not just happen. Accidents are the result of unsafe acts or unsafe
conditions or a combination of both.

Unsafe Acts:
Accidents, which occur due to
– Non-adherence of the safety rules
– Non usage of proper safety gadgets for the specific work,
These are due to the fault of the persons engaged in the work which may cause
accidents. Such as
1. Opening and closing of switches without authority or warning, operating
hoists ant trucks without warning, failure to place warning signs or signals
where needed.
2. Working unsafely such as throwing materials or tools, at another worker,
jumping from vehicles and platforms or unnecessary haste
3. Making safety devices inoperative
4. Using unsafe equipment, wrong tools for the job, or using hands instead of
hand tools.
5. Working on live electrical equipment that could conveniently be de-
6. Taking unsafe poison or posture too close to opening and lifting while in
awkward position (riding on running boards or other unsafe places of
7. Distracting, teasing practical joking, horseplay, quarrelling or annoying.
8. Failure to use safe clothing or protective equipment such as failure to use
rubber gloves, helmet or energized equipment.

Unsafe Conditions:
Which may result in accidents and include the following:
1. Unguarded floor openings and excavations, exposed live circuits
2. Improper illumination such as insufficient light or unsuitable location
producing glare or objectionable shadows.
3. Unsafe design and construction, such as poor scaffolding, and structure,
structures like platforms should have large safety factors, and their
construction and design in general should incorporate safety features.
4. All anticipated hazards should be pointed out to workers.

General Instructions for Safety

Responsibility of Individuals:
Definite responsibility of individuals is to act so as to provide
1. Safety to himself
2. Safety to his fellow employees
3. Protection to the public
4. Protection to the Organization property.
Every employee is expected to shall carefully study the Safety Manual,
familiarize himself with its contents and apply them to work, more specifically the
rules applicable to their assigned duties. Ignorance of Rules and Regulations will
result in accidents to himself and his co-workers.
Every employee shall ensure complete compliance with the safety rules and
procedures contravention of which may call for disciplinary action.

Whenever in doubt regarding any rules and regulations, or inadequacy of

facilities considering the nature of the hazard, he should consult his Foreman or
Supervisor. However, the decision of the Supervisor will be final in the matter.

The Manual deals with the requirement considering the average conditions. The
extremities can always be there and the employees shall use good judgment in
dealing with such extraordinary conditions.

Before attempting any work under conditions that he considers to be unsafe, he

is required to bring them to the attention of the person in charge of the work and
seek his advice.

Every employee is expected to understand the work completely before the

commencement of the work and communication from the supervisor should be
complete and fully understood by the employee.

Taking Chances
Before commencing any work that may be hazardous, care shall be taken to
establish a safe procedure. When more than one employee is engaged in the
same job, all employees concerned shall understand the procedures to be
followed (tailboard conference).
Under no circumstances shall safety be sacrificed for speed.
Employees shall always try to place themselves in a safe and secure position.

It will be the duty of every employee to report promptly to his Foreman or

Supervisors any dangerous or improper condition of equipment he notices.
Personal Conduct:
Use of Alcoholic Beverages and Drugs
Use of intoxicating liquor while on job is strictly prohibited. No employee shall
report for work while he is under the influence of liquor and no foreman or
supervisor shall knowingly permit a man to go to work while he is under the
influence of liquor. Such acts call for strict disciplinary action without any
prejudices. If it is as per the advice of physician and if it can pose problems in
discharging the duties in safe manner, it should be brought to the knowledge of
the Supervisor concerned.

Smoking is strictly prohibited in the areas where it may cause fire hazards.
Specifically, in the areas like battery rooms, and locations where the flammable
liquid/materials are stored and used or other areas where combustible materials
are kept, Absence of “No Smoking” signs shall not excuse smoking in dangerous

Dress codes:
The clothing of the employees is as decided by the management from time to
time considering the safety aspects and nature of work to be performed by the
All the metallic parts should be removed before commencing work in the vicinity
of the exposed energized parts of the line or equipment. The metallic parts like
key bunches, watch chains, rings, bracelets, arm bands etc may become the
cause for inadvertent contact with the live line or lead to shock hazard due to
induction effect or they may obstruct the normal working while attending on a
pole or structure etc.
Even while wearing the gloves the metal articles like rings, watches, bracelets,
and other objects should be removed from the hand as they may damage the
gloves and defeat the purpose of the wearing of the gloves.
Joking, Teasing:
Practical joking and horseplay while on the job is strictly prohibited as it may lead
to distraction of mind and may lead to accident or may compromise the safety of
employees or the public.

No employee shall distract the attention of another worker from his job unless he
thinks that the worker is doing something, which is dangerous to his person,
other workman or to the equipment.

Any employee who endangers his own or other’s safety by violating the foregoing
requirements of personal conduct shall render himself liable to disciplinary action.

Always Be Careful (ABC):

The workman should place himself in a safe position while working to avoid
falling, stumbling, or moving backwards against live parts.
The workman should satisfy himself regarding the safe working conditions before
starting the work. The care exercised by others should be checked.

House Keeping:
Workmen are frequently injured by tripping, stumbling, stepping on or bumping
into tools, material and other objects left lying around or by carelessly placed
objects falling from above.
To ensure good housekeeping following precautions should be observed. Every
employee should contribute to good house keeping.
• The place of work both within the building and around the work area in the
outside yard should be kept neat and clean.
• Handling and usage of flammable liquids, oils, cleaning solvents should be
carried out as per the prescribed manner so that they will not become the
potential source of fire hazard.
• The storage area should be neatly maintained and the materials should be
stored systematically and in an orderly manner to prevent their falling or
spreading and to eliminate tripping and stumbling hazards.
• Clothing or any other type of material should never be hanged behind the
space of the panels or on the poles or structures, switchboards etc.
• Growth of Vegetation/Weeds should never be allowed to grow in or
around the neighborhood of substations, pole yards, buildings, oil tanks, or
other structures.
• Pathways, aisles, stairways, fire escapes surrounding area near the
distribution boards, control panels etc and all other passage ways shall be
kept clear of all obstructions.
• Tools and materials should not be placed where they may cause tripping
or stumbling hazards or where they may fall and strike any one below.
• Puddles of oil and water create a slipping hazard and should be cleaned
up promptly.
• Nails in boards, such as those removed from scaffolds, forms and packing
boxes, constitute a hazard and should be removed. The boards should be
carefully stacked or stored.
• Dirty and oily waste rags should be disposed off as soon as practicable to
avoid fire hazard
• Broken light bulbs, glass, metal scrap and other sharp objects should be
dumped in places provided specially for them.
• Discarded fluorescent and other gas filled tubs shall be disposed off

Supports and Scaffolds

a) Structures like poles, scaffold, ladder, walkway, or portion of tree or any
other elevated structure like crane or derrick etc should not be used as the
support for men, material or equipment unless it is ensured that they are
firmly secured and adequate enough to take the load.
b) Scaffolding should be checked before use to ensure that it is of sufficient
strength and rigidity to safely support the weight of the persons and
material to which it will be subjected.

c) Employees shall not use a scaffold from 4 to 10 feet in height having a

minimum horizontal dimension of less than 45 inches unless proper
guardrails are present to provide adequate employee protection.

d) Scaffolds over 10 feet height should be provided with adequate employee

protection with midrail or toe board etc.

e) Scaffold planks shall not extend too much over their end supports which
may lead to danger to the personnel using such scaffolds

f) Scaffolds should not be moved without first removing all loose tools,
materials, and equipment resting on the scaffold deck.

g) All scaffolds shall be sufficiently secured and braced.

h) The footing and anchorage points for scaffolds shall be sound, rigid, and
capable of carrying the maximum intended load without settling or
displacement. Unstable objects such as barrels, boxes, loose brick, or
concrete blocks shall not be used to support scaffolds or planks.

i) Scaffolds shall not be altered or moved horizontally while being used or

occupied except when specifically designed for such use. Movable
scaffolds shall have the casters or wheels locked to prevent movement.

j) The width of all scaffolds, ramps, and platforms shall be sufficient to

prevent congestion of persons, materials, or equipment.
k) Employees working on suspended scaffolds shall be protected by an
independent lifeline, body harness, and a lanyard.

l) Safe access shall be provided for all scaffolds. Structural members

should not be used as a means of access.

Handling of heavy objects and Storage

a) Employees shall not attempt to lift beyond their capacity. Necessary
assistance should be obtained if it is inevitable or use equipment like
crane, lifting shackles, pulley blocks etc.

b) Extra care should be exercised during lowering and lifting when two or
more persons carry a heavy

c) It is always necessary that the persons carrying the load should face the
direction in which the object is being moved when two or more persons
are carrying an object.

d) Employees should avoid twisting or excessive bending when lifting or

setting down loads.

e) Pushing should be resorted when moving a load horizontally, rather than

pulling it.

f) Gripping, grasping, and lifting with just the thumb and index finger should
be avoided and whole hand and all the fingers should be used.

g) Storage of materials and equipment closer to energized lines or exposed

energized parts of equipment should be avoided. If it becomes necessary,
it should be stored in keeping the safe clearance taking into account the
system voltage, sag, side swing etc. so that at no circumstances there will
be any chance of the stored material coming into contact with the live

Failure to comply with safety precautions is an offence and is punishable

Chapter - III
Responsibility for Safety

A little care makes mishap rare

Foreman /Supervisor have the definite responsibility of ensuring the following:

a. Safe working condition

b. Necessary equipment and its use
c. Properly maintained tools and equipment.
d. Properly planned work performed in safe manner
e. Application of the general and special safety instructions by their workmen
f. Assignment of employees to jobs, which they are capable of doing safely
g. Immediate steps to correct any violation of safety rules observed or
reported to them
h. Foeman/Supervisor will be held responsible for seeing that work under
them is done in safe manner.
i. Each Foreman/Supervisor shall make certain that his men understand the
1. Work to be done
2. Hazards that may be encountered
3. Proper procedure for doing the work safely
j. Frequent periodic inspection of construction, operation and maintenance
equipment, work areas, conditions and methods should be made by
Foreman/ Supervisor as a part of their routine duty. Such inspections are
essential to prevent fires and accidents.

Employees Responsibility:
This is fully covered under the clause No. 2.2 relating to general Instructions for
Employer’s Responsibility
The employer has a definite responsibility of providing proper safety tools and
equipment and proper on the job training.

Responsibilities of Supervisor
Supervisor is responsible for the safety of all the personnel working under him
apart from his own safety. He shall have complete knowledge of the potential
hazards that may lead to accident and he shall take all the corrective actions
needed to avoid accidents. He shall also have the complete knowledge of his
personnel and their capabilities, strengths and weaknesses. Accordingly
Supervisor has to brief the work depending on the capability of the person to
whom he assigns the work.
Chapter – IV

Safety Organization in BESCOM

Having understood the gravity of the situation BESCOM has taken initiative to
control the accidents in its area of operation. To ensure effective implementation
of the steps taken to reduce the accidents and also to have close monitoring of
the accidents and avoid recurrence of the same the Safety Committees are
formed in three levels viz.

Central Level or Corporate Level

This is the Policy making body and responsible for entire Safety activities in the
Company. Can upgrade the stipulated norms time to time and take corrective
actions that are needed in accomplishing the expected results in consultation wih
the competent authorities.

Zonal Level
Responsible for implementation of the Safety norms in the respective Zones and
monitor the progress and give necessary feed back to the Central Safety
Committee. Can also recommend time to time the observations made by them
while implementing the recommendations and results thereon.

Divisional Level
The responsibility of effective implementation of the policies and norms of the
Company in the operating level and monitoring the effect of such implementation
solely lies with the Divisional level committees.
Constituents of Safety committees:

Central Safety committee:

Chairman – Director (Tech)
Chief Safety Commissioner
Members- Chief General Managers (Ele) (C O & M) of the
Safety Commissioners Zones
Convener Communication & Reforms Coordinating Officer,
Corporate office
Member One representative from KPTCL Employees Union
Member One representative from KEB Engineers’

Zonal Safety Committee:

Chairman Chief General Manager (Ele.)
Members General Managers (Ele.) of O&M Circles
Convener Executive Engineer (Ele.) (Zonal Office)
Member One representative from KPTCL Employees Union
Member One representative from KEB Engineers’ Association

Divisional Safety Committee:

Chairman Executive Engineer (Ele.)
Convener and Safety Audit Assistant Executive Engineer (Ele.) ( Office)
Member One representative from KPTCL Employees
Member One representative from KEB Engineers’
Terms of reference for Safety Committees:
• Safety Committees shall meet once in a month to review the adoption of
safety practice at all field work levels
• Safety Committees shall analyze the causes for the accidents that have
taken place, if any, in their jurisdiction and suggest means to avoid
recurrence of such incidents.
• Safety Committees shall ensure availability of all safety equipment / tools
with the linemen and Section Officers.
• Safety Committees shall ensure availability of Safety Manuals in all the
• Safety Committees shall ensure strict adherence of implementing ‘Work
Permit’ practices in the field. The respective General Managers (Elect.)
shall get the Work Permit formats printed and supplied to the field with
instructions to adopt within two weeks.
• The Safety Committees shall ensure imparting Safety Training to all the
• The Safety Committees shall also review whether periodical testing of
safety equipments is done or not and ensure that working condition of the
safety equipments
• Safety Committees shall review the identification of hazardous and
dangerous installations, Division wise and rectification works carried out
as per the corporate letter No BESCOM BC-9/317/2002-03 dated 7th
August 2008
• The Central Committee shall hold discussion with the Employees Union
for adoption of 100% cotton uniform for the Linemen and ensure 100%
cotton uniform is made available
• Safety Audit Officers shall ensure inspection of safety equipment / tools
available with the Linemen / Section Officers for up keeping working
condition of the same.
• Safety Audit Officer shall maintain an “Accident Register” and enter the
details of accidents as and when takes place in the division duly formatting
to enter, containing the details such as
o Serial Number
o Date of Accident / Time
o Person involved
o Electrical / Mechanical
o Fatal / Non fatal
o Departmental / Non departmental
o Cause of accident
o Report sent on etc.
And responsibilities entrusted to the safety wing vide BESCOM order No.
BESCOM / BC-BC-19/F-1029/CYS-50, dated 7th June 2008 shall be adhered
strictly by all the Safety Commissioners, Safety Audit Officers and Safety Officers
The respective General Mangers (Elecl) C, O & M shall ensure procurement of
safety equipment /tools as prescribed within 2 months.
The Zonal Chief Engineer (Elecl) Com. O&M shall send monthly report to the
Central Committee, Member Convener, about the number of accidents occurred
in his Zone, Division wise duly analyzed and causes for the accident sand the
remedial measures taken to avoid reoccurrence of such accidents.
However, the present system of statutory reporting of the accidents in
accordance with the regulations shall continue within stipulated time followed by
detailed report.

Roles and responsibilities:

Chief Safety Commissioner:
The Director Technical BESCOM is nominated as the Chief Safety
Commissioner of BESCOM.
• The Safety Commissioner BMAZ will be the convener of the meeting
• Review of activities of Safety Commissioner, Deputy Safety Commissioner
& Executive Engineer (HRD) once in three months.
Safety Commissioner:
The Chief General Manager CO & M Zone is nominated as the Safety
Commissioner (SC).
• Scheduling of HRD Training programme to DSC, SAO & SO,s on safety in
consultation with HRD Centre.
• Arrange to supply safety training programme materials (Soft & Hard Copy
such as presentations, course material etc.
• Review of activities of DSC,s & SAO,s once in two months & submission
of monthly progress of Safety activities of the Zone to Chief Safety
• The DGM (Office) of CO & M Zone will be the conveners of Respective
• Inspection of at least one sub division in each of the division once in a
• Feedback on updation of the Safety Manual & Course material to HRD
• Report on occurrence of all accidents to Chief Safety Commissioner.
• Attend Safety Committee meetings conducted by O & M Zone & Circles.

Deputy Safety Commissioner:

The General Manager CO & M Circle is nominated as the Deputy Safety
Commissioner (DSC)
• Monthly review of activities of SAO’s & monthly submission of progress &
activities of Circle to Safety Commissioner.
• The DGM (Office), CO & M Circle will be the convener.
• Inspection of at least two subdivisions in each division once in a year
• Report on occurrence of all accidents to Safety Commissioner.
• Attend Safety committee meetings conducted by O &M Divisions.
Safety Audit Officer:
The Asst General Manager, CO & M Division is nominated as the Safety Audit
Officer (SAO)
• Carry out audit of all safety aspects as per the Safety Manual of Central
Electricity Authority (CEA).
• Monitor the remedial measures taken to prevent accidents
• Inspect al the O& M Units in the Division once a year to verify that all the
safety equipments are existing in sufficient numbers and in good condition
in each O &M Unit and to issue safety certificate.
• To analyze and report accidents and near- miss cases of accidents cases.
• Report within 24 hours of occurrence all Electrical /Mechanical, Fatal/ Non
fatal Departmental/ Non departmental, Human/ animal through telephone
/Fax, followed by a detailed report as per IE Act /rules to Corporate Office
& Deputy Safety Commissioner
• To take action for procurement of Safety Materials required for division.
• To arrange for periodical testing of safety equipments
• To prepare Safety Budget and Training schedule
• To impart training to field staff on safety practices and procedures at
section /sub divisional level & to arrange demonstrations on safety
• To conduct monthly meetings with Safety Officers.

Safety Officers:
The Manager, CO & Sub -division is nominated as the Safety Officer (SO)
SO should maintain the following data base
• Safety training attended by each of the field officers and personnel
• Safety equipments availability, condition and requirement.
• List of deteriorated poles and lines without proper clearances and action
taken to rectify the same
• Accidents and near -miss cases
• Complaints received from field personnel and public related to safety
• Apart from the above he Safety Officer will also ensure
• To implement Line Clear Formats in all O& M Units
• To ensure that all the employees (Lineman staff) wear 100% Cotton
Uniforms and Safety slogan Badges before they proceed to work.
• The safety officer should ensure that Accident Register is maintained at
each of the O& M Units and circulating of safety Magazine, circulars etc to
all field personnel.
• The SO must facilitate conducting safety meetings and awareness &
training programmes at sub division and divisional level as per the
direction of Safety audit Officer.
• The SO must report within 24 hrs of occurrence all Electrical /mechanical
fatal /non fatal, departmental/ non department, human /animal through
telephone fax followed by a detailed report as per IE Act/ Rules to SAO.

HRD Centre:
• The HRD Centre BESCOM shall impart safety training to all Safety
Commissioners, Deputy Safety Commissioners, Safety Audit Officers &
Safety Officers within one month.
• Further, arrangements are to be made to supply presentation course
material (soft & hardcopy) & copies of the safety manual and relevant
standards to all above officers.
• Updating of safety manual & course material incorporating feed back from
the Safety Commissioners.
• To arrange field demonstration of safety equipment & practices.
Chapter – V

Accidents begin where safety ends.

An accident may be defined as a sudden mishap that interrupts the operation of
an activity

Resulting generally from any of the following causes:

I. Any person or animal coming in accidental contact with snapped overhead


II. Any person or animal coming in contact with a metallic line support, stay
wire, unauthorized energisation of fencing, frame of electrical apparatus,
etc. through which there is leakage of current due to failure of insulation
damaged insulators etc.

III. Coming in contact with live overhead conductors during renewal of blown
out fuses, replacing street lamps, cutting across live underground cable or
touching live overhead conductors with metallic rods etc.

IV. Climbing up poles or towers and coming in contact with live overhead
electrical conductors, maliciously, out of ignorance or with the deliberate
intention of committing suicide.

Mechanical injury resulting form an electrical shock, such as person being thrown
off line support due to electrical shock sustained.
Non electrical:
Non Electrical injury due to reasons as fall from a pole structure, tower or roof
trusses, etc., hurt caused while handling heavy machinery, while driving vehicles

Other causes such as fires, drowning, explosions, etc.

Causes of accidents:
a) Those over which we have little control like floods, landslides,
earthquakes, fires, lightning and other act of nature.
b) Those due to improper or defective equipment and failure to provide
adequate protective devices.
c) The human elements or ‘Human Factor’ is by far the greatest cause for
serious accidents.

Statistics prove that more than ninety percent of industrial accidents are not due
to defective equipment but due to failure on the part of workmen and those in
authority to observe safety rules and adopt safety devices for accident

Failure under Human Factor can be more clearly divided into the following

a) Failure on the part of workmen to observe safety rules made for their
b) Failure on the part of Foremen or others, having responsibility over
workmen to properly instruct those under their supervision as to their
duties and insistence upon workmen to observe safety rules.
Accident Reports, records and Investigations:
a) Accident records are essential aids to the prevention of accidents. They
show the type of accidents most frequently encountered, where they occur
and their relative severity. A study of these records will emphasize
common hazards and permits a better understanding of the causes of
accidents and most effective methods of preventing them.
b) All accidents which result in injury or not, shall promptly be reported to the
Foreman or supervisor. Many injury free accidents, which are not
reported, recur with serious consequences.
c) Every accident should be investigated to determine the cause and what
steps are needed to prevent recurrence. It shall be the responsibility of the
person in charge of the job to get a complete detailed cause of the
accident as soon as possible after its occurrence.

Reporting of Accidents:
Every employee should report to the officer about the accidents, however minor it
is, including the near miss cases.
This is required to take preventive measures and corrective actions and also to
render suitable medical aid to the patient depending on the seriousness of the

Reporting of Hazardous Conditions

When a hazardous condition that likely to cause injury or damage to property or
interfere with services is observed, regardless of the department in which the
condition exists, the employee shall report it promptly to a proper authority and,
when necessary, guard the area.
An employee who receives a report of any hazardous /emergency condition shall
obtain the name of the informant, the exact location, and the nature of the
trouble. The employee shall immediately refer this information to the person
having responsibility for such matters.

Non - Electrical Accidents:

Foreman or supervisor in charge of work should furnish immediate information to
proper authorities on the occasion of every serious accident and in the case of
death on the spot they should not allow the body to be removed till an enquiry
has been held. Fatal accidents to departmental workmen should be reported
promptly by the Assistant Executive Engineer / Executive Engineer to the Chief
Engineer Elect (Gen)(?) and a copy of the report should be sent to the
Superintending Engineer and the zonal Chief Engineer in duplicate.(?)
Information should also be immediately furnished to the District Superintendent
of Police and concerned Inspector or Sub Inspector of Police
Non Fatal accidents should also be reported to the Superintending Engineer, the
Zonal Chief Engineer, Chief Engineer Electricity (Gen),(?) duly indicating the
circumstances leading to the accident.

Electrical Accidents:
Under Section 33 of the Indian Electricity (Amendment) act, 1992, all electrical
accidents including mechanical injury caused due to electrical shock should be
reported by the concerned, within 24 hours to the Electrical Inspector and in case
of death, the notice should be sent by telegram or telephone confirmed on the
same day in writing. The telephone message should be in the standard form as
under Appendix I. The telephone message should also be conveyed to the
Superintending Engineer and the Chief Engineer of the zone and the Chief
Engineer Elect (Gen),(?) also on the same day. A detailed report shall be
submitted to the Chief Electrical Inspector as in Appendix II within 48 hours.
Information should be furnished to the District Superintendent of Police and
concerned Inspector or Sub Inspector of Police
1) Correspondence regarding compensation payable and wages due will be
dealt at Corporate Office of BESCOM.

2) Failure to comply with the above instruction regarding accidents, electrical

or non electrical, fatal and non fatal is an offence punishable under the
Indian Electricity Act of 1910(?) and Workmen’s Compensation Act and
the Act makes no distinction between the corporation and a Private
Chapter – VI

First Aid
Act at once-- delay is fatal

Treatment for electric shock, asphyxiation (Suffocation) and drowning

The most of the cases of electric shock and collapse, it is the lungs and the
diaphragm (the thin sheet of muscles which lies below the lungs) that have
stopped working and there is a very good chance of revival by applying artificial
respiration quickly.

In case of severe shock, respiration is seldom established under one hour while
three to four hours or more might be found necessary to restore normal
breathing. It is therefore essential that in all cases of electric shock where the
condition of the patient is doubtful or the patient is unconscious or not breathing,
artificial resuscitation should be continued until the patient breathes normally or
until the doctor has pronounced life extinct.

Resuscitation Drill:
Every employee shall qualify himself by practical study and drill in the treatment
for electrical shock according to the instructions contained in this chapter, and
those given in the Resuscitation Cards hung up at all the Receiving Stations, Sub
stations, Switching Stations etc. of the Corporations.

Removal from Contact:

If the person is still in contact with the apparatus that has given the shock, switch
off the electric circuit at once if there is switch, fuse or circuit breaker close at
hand, if not, lose no time from proceeding to remove the body from contact with
the live conductor.
Do not touch the victim’s body with bare hands, but if rubber gloves are not at
hand, pull him off the live conductor by his coat, shirt, etc., if they are not wet or
fold your coat, or some dry article such as a news paper into three or more
folds/thickness, and using this as a pad, take hold of the body and pull it away
from the circuit. An operating rod or a broom handle may be used to raise the
body or to detach the wires from it. A good plan is to stand on a dry board or
stool or on a few layers of thick newspaper or bundle of dry sacking and remove
the victim away from the live apparatus.

Extinguish any sparks if the patient’s clothes are smouldering. Ascertain if he is

breathing, and send for a doctor at once. If apparently not breathing, proceed as
detailed hereunder:

Immediate Action to Recover the Patient:

When a man has received a severe electric shock or been subjected to
poisonous gases, or has been removed from the water in a drowning condition,
his breathing has usually stopped. In accidents of this kind, speed may save the
injured man’s life, hence do not waste a second. Send for a doctor at once but do
no neglect the patient in doing so.

The first thing to do is to get the injured man to a suitable place where you can
work on him. This may necessitate lowering from a pole, or raising him form a
man hole. This work usually involves considerable danger to the rescuer,
because a man hole may be full of poisonous gases, or the injured man may be
in contact with the dangerous circuit on the pole. You must, therefore, work very

Avoid so placing the patient as to bring pressure on the burns he has sustained,
if any. Do not expose the patient to cold. Stimulants should not be administered
unless recommended by a doctor. Cold water may be given in small quantities in
cases of electric fire or asphyxiation cases and smelling salts may also be
administered in moderation.

Continue artificial respiration without interruption (if necessary for four hours) until
breathing is restored. Cases are on record of success after 3+ hours or more of
effort. Ordinary tests for death are inconclusive in cases of electric shocks and
Doctor’s pointed attention must be drawn to this when necessary.

Resuscitation should be carried on at the nearest possible place where the

patient received his injuries. He should not be removed from this place until he is
found breathing, normally and then also moved only in lying position. Should it be
necessary due to extreme weather conditions, etc. to move the patient before he
is breathing normally, he should be kept in a prone position and placed on the
hard surface (door or shutter) or on the floor of a conveyance, resuscitation being
carried on during the time that he is being removed.

A brief return of spontaneous respiration is not a certain indication for terminating

the treatment. Not infrequently, the patient, after a temporary recovery of
respiration stops breathing again. The patient must be watched and if normal
breathing stops, artificial respiration should be resumed at once.

Upon Recovery:
When the patient revives, he should be kept lying down and not allowed to get up
or be raised under any circumstances, unless on the advice of a doctor. If the
Doctor has not arrived by the time the patient has revived, he should be given
some stimulant, or a drink of hot ginger, tea or coffee. The patient should then
have any other injuries attended to and be kept warm, being placed in the most
comfortable position.
First Care of Burns:

Burns, if serious, should be treated with a proper dressing.

A raw or blistered surface should be protected from the air, If clothing sticks, do
not peel it off but cut around it. The adherent cloth or a dressing of cotton or other
soft material applied to burnt surface should be saturated with picric acid (0.5%).
If this is not at hand, use a solution of baking soda (one teaspoonful to a pint of
water), or the wound may be coated with a paste of flour and water, or it may be
protected with Vaseline, carron oil, olive oil, castor oil or machine oil, if clean.
Cover the dressing with cotton gauze, linen, clean waste, handkerchief, or other
soft cloth, held tightly in place by bandage. The same coverings should be tightly
bandaged over a dry, charred burn, but without wetting the burnt region or by
applying oil to it. Do not open blisters.

First Aid in case of Electric Shock:

Direct Artificial Respiration:

Direct artificial respiration is the method whereby a person ventilates the lungs of
an unconscious non-breathing victim by blowing to his own breath directly into
the mount or nose of the victim

Expired air is not dead air. It has been proved more than adequate for artificial
respiration. The atmosphere contains 21% oxygen while expired air contains 14-
18% oxygen.

Direct month-to-mouth breathing is by far the most effective method of artificial

respiration, as proven by comparative studies conducted by research groups in
the United States.
“These studies have indicated the unequivocal superiority of the mouth-to-mouth
resuscitation over all manual methods in all age groups. Mouth-to –mouth
breathing is the only technique which assures adequate ventilation in all cases.
With the manual push-pull methods and manual rocking, complete obstruction of
the airway occurred in a significant number of subject; partial airway obstruction
was noted in all of the other cases”.

Direct Artificial Respiration is approved as a standard for resuscitation by the

National Academy of Sciences (U.S), the National Research Council (U.S.) and
the American Medical Association, and has been adopted by the American
National Red Cross and U.S; Army.

It has been clearly established that direct artificial respiration is superior to

indirect artificial respiration (manual methods), in all age groups and in all

Indirect manual methods of artificial respiration cannot be applied in many

situations when emergency resuscitation is urgently required.

For example, in case of severe chest and spinal injuries, indirect manual
methods cannot be used. Furthermore, a victim may be partially buried in a cave
in trapped behind a steering wheel or located in cramped quarters as would be
the case in small craft, aero planes and other places.

In all these instances, the patient’s survival will depend on direct artificial

Direct Artificial Respiration (mouth-to mouth method):

a) Place the victim on back immediately.
b) Clear throat of water, mucus, toys, coins, or food
c) Tilt head back as for as possible
d) Lift jaw up to keep tongue out of air passage.
e) Pinch nostrils to prevent air leakage when you blow
f) Blow until you see the chest rise.
g) Listen for snoring and gurgling signs of throat obstruction
h) Repeat blowing 10-20 times a minute.

In case of infants and small children tilt the head fully back, surround the mouth
and nose completely with your mouth. Blow with only enough force to produce a
visible rise in the victim’s chest and no more. Repeat every 3 seconds (See also
see 5.11C).
Continue direct artificial respiration until victim breathes for himself, or until expert
help is obtained.
The method is fully described hereunder;
Step (1)
Lay the victim flat on his/her back and place a roll of clothing under the shoulders
to ensure that his head is thrown well back. Tilt the victim’s head back so that the
chin points straight upward.
Step (2)
Grasp the victim’s jaw as in the Figure 1A, and raise it upward until the lower
teeth are higher than the upper teeth; or place finger on both sides of the jaw,
near the ear lobes, and pull upward. Maintain jaw position throughout artificial
respiration to prevent the tongue from blocking the air passage.
Step (3)
Take a deep breath and place your mouth over the victim’s mouth as in Figure
1A. Making airtight contact, pinch the victim’s nose shut with thumb and
forefinger. If you dislike direct contact, place a porous cloth between you and the
victim’s mouth. For an infant, place your mouth over its mouth and nose.
Step (4)
Blow into the victim’s mouth (gently in the case of an infant) until his chest rises.
Remove your mouth, & release the hold on his nose, to let him exhale, turning
your head to hear the out rush of air. The first eight to ten breaths should be as
rapid as the victim responds. Thereafter the rate should be slowed to abut 12
times a minute (20 times for an infant)

Note: (a) If air cannot be blown in, check the position of the victim’s head an jaw
and recheck the mouth for obstructions then try again more forcefully. If the chest
still does not rise, turn the victim’s face down and strike his back sharply to
dislodge obstructions.

(b) Sometimes air enters the victim’s stomach, as evidenced by a swelling

stomach. Expel air by gently pressing the stomach during the exhalation period:

In any case where external cardiac compression and artificial respiration are
being administered Pressure -Cycling mechanical resuscitators shall not be used
in lieu of mouth- to- mouth or other approved artificial respiration, because they
may not be effective in adequately ventilating the lungs with air ( oxygen).

Medical research has shown that properly administered mouth- to- mouth
resuscitation is at east as effective as mechanical resuscitator; also MMR can be
performed effectively without the use of airways of any kind. The time delay in
waiting for a mechanical resuscitator or an airway to be made available and
place in operation could materially reduce or preclude the victim’s chance of

Treatment for electric burn:

If, as a result of electric shock the patient is suffering from burns, the following
treatment should be given without hindrance to artificial respiration:

a) Remove clothing locally to enable the burn to be treated but do not break
b) Saturate burns with warm solution of one dessert spoonful of bicarbonate
of soda to a pint of warm water or a teaspoonful of salt to a pint of warm
c) Cover twit lint soaked in a similar solution and bandage (lightly if blisters
have formed)
d) If the above solutions are not available, cover with sterile dressing.
e) Warm, weak sweet tea may be given when the patient is able to swallow.

Care for the Unconscious:

Oxygen is the element most vital for survival. Permanent brain damage or death
may result within a few minutes from lack of air or oxygen. Therefore a victim’s
breathing requirements must receive your first attention.

The case of unconsciousness may be obvious, as in the case of drowning,

electric shock, smoke or gas inhalation, strangulation, severe injuries etc.

The cause of unconsciousness may be obscure, as in the case of poisoning,

overdose of drugs, alcoholism, heart disease, brain disease, diabetes, uremia,
epilepsy etc,

An unconscious person may be breathing or not breathing.

In either case an open air passage to the lungs must be maintained. The human
tongue is as large as a quarter pound beefsteak. The muscles of the tongue relax
with loss of consciousness. In certain positions the tongue may fall back,
obstructing the throat and cutting off the air passage.

The unconscious person who is breathing:

Many accident victims, especially those sustaining head injuries (common in
home and traffic accidents) suffer temporary shock and loss of consciousness.
this may lead to death by suffocation.
Accidental death may be avoided in such cases by first taking a simple

Place the victim on his side or abdomen with his head turned to one side, and
tilted back.

In this position there is less danger of obstruction b the tongue or aspiration of

vomitus into the lungs.

The unconscious person who is not breathing:

In such cases the unconscious victim requires immediate artificial respiration.
Direct artificial respiration is the most positive and efficient means of ventilating
his lungs.

The indirect or manual chest compressing methods of artificial respiration (Holger

Neilsen, Schafer etc.,) depend on negative pressure, and are unsatisfactory
unless provision has been made to establish and maintain an open air passage
to the lungs.

The Unconscious person whose breathing is very slow or shallow:

The victim may be assisted by direct artificial respiration, timing the air inflation
with the patient’s breathing efforts.

Special Care Situations:

Direct artificial respiration must be started as soon as the victim’s head can be
kept above the water.
Do not waste valuable time waiting to bring the victim ashore or by attempting to
drain the stomach or throat before hand. This may be done after artificial
respiration has been started.

If the stomach is distended, lower and turn the victims head to the side and then
apply moderate pressure with the palm of the hand over the distended stomach.
Any air or water in the stomach will be then belched up.

Inhalation of foreign bodies:

If the victim is a child, turn him over your knees in the spanking position with his
head lower than his hips, slap, him between shoulder blades in an attempt to
dislodge the foreign body by causing him to cough it out. If the object is not
dislodged and the child is in distress, quickly clean the throat with the fingers and
begin direct artificial respiration.

Infant and child victims:

The technique of direct artificial respiration is essentially the same in cases
involving children and adults. However, in the case of infants and children:

Only a small volume of air is required to inflate the lungs. Over inflation may
produce damage. Short puffs of air are all that are required, sufficient to produce
a noticeable rise in the infant’s chest with each inflation.

The inflation rate should be at least every 3 seconds, twenty times per minute.

An over-distended stomach in infants interferes with ventilation as well as normal

heart action. This may be reduced by applying pressure over the infant’s
abdomen, care being taken to avoid aspiration of the fluid brought up in this
manner by turning the head to one side.
Chapter – VII

Permit to Work
Provide safe working conditions, protect precious lives.

Work on live Apparatus and Mains:

No employee shall carry out or attempt any work on live apparatus and mains
except under authorization from the Asst. Executive Engineer, Asst. Engineer,
Junior Engineer, who is on duty in power station /Sub Station or in charge of the
overhead or under ground distribution taken on a ‘Permit to work’ form vide
Appendix III and under the direct supervision of an authorized person termed

Where in the interest of continuity of supply it is necessary after taking due

precautions, to work on live electrical equipment for cleaning and repair work,
particularly in receiving Stations and Sub Stations, such work shall be carried out
only under the personal supervision of an officer.

Application for Pre-arranged shutdown:

Except for emergencies, all work for repairs, maintenance and construction on or
in close proximity to live apparatus and mains shall be prearranged and
programmed. Accordingly, applications for prearranged shutdowns shall be
submitted by the Supervisor to the Officer in charge, in the prescribed form, vide
Appendix V which when duly approved, will be presented to the concerned
Permit Issuing Officer for switching out the apparatus and issue of Permit –to-
work. These applications shall be made sufficiently in advance to enable the
permit Issuing Officer to carry out necessary load transfers, if any and other
operations sin connection with the work. The duration and nature of work must
be clearly explained to the Permit Issuing Officer before getting a permit.
An Authorized person shall be:
A Permit Issuing Officer not below the rank of a Supervisor. A competent
employee authorized in writing by a responsible Officer not below the rank of an
Executive Engineer / Assistant Executive Engineer, to carry out specific duties
incidental to the position held by him.

No person shall be deemed to be authorized unless the same has been entered
in the list maintained at the Office of the authorizing Officer and the entry has
been attested by the person so authorized.

A list of authorized persons shall be maintained at the office of the respective

Executive Engineers (Elecl) and at each center of activity by the respective
Assistant Executive Engineers (Elecl). The list shall clearly define the extent of all
such authorization. Such list shall be furnished to respective Deputy Electrical

Duties to be performed only by an Authorized person are:

1. Issue and receipt of permit for working on transmission lines, distribution

lines, service lines, underground cable, and all equipment installed in the
Generating Stations, Receiving Stations, Sub stations, Distribution System
2. Discharge permits issued under (1) above.
3. Operating air break switches when alive
4. Renewal of fuses on HT sides of transformers
5. Work on live equipments, or live lines, where the voltage to earth does not
exceed 250 volts AC or DC like renewal of street bulb, renewal of aerial
fuse, cut outs, fuses and consumer fuses, renewal of LT fuses of
transformer and LT feeders.
6. Testing consumer’s installations and effecting service of LV installations.
7. Repairing or connecting LT equipment such as meters, time switches etc.
8. Possession of keys/ switches/ kiosks / RMU /Isolators and equipment
9. Inspection, testing and maintenance work,

Issue of permit to work:

a) Before any work or testing is carried out on live mains and apparatus
connected to distribution system, a “Permit to work” in the prescribed form
covering the apparatus and mains to be worked on or tested must be issued,
except in extenuating circumstances such as for the purpose of saving life or
plant in the event of any emergency. In such cases, the action taken be
reported to the concerned Power Station or the Executive Engineer without
the least delay.

b) The staff authorizing the work shall issue to the Supervisor necessary
authorization in the prescribed form and this will only become valid after the
Permit Issuing Officer, who is responsible for the power supply to the
Distribution system has signed on the form and returned if to the Supervisor.

c) The issue of the ‘Permit to work’ form by the ‘Permit Issuing Officer’ to the
authorized person gives the line clear and authority for the Supervisor to
proceed with the work. The Supervisors shall keep in his possession the
‘Permit to Work’ form throughout the duration of the work.

d) If, for any reasons, the pre arranged shutdown work cannot be completed
within the period applied for, intimation will be given to the permit issuing
officer and duration of permit, extended suitably on the permit Form.

e) In the case of work on consumer’s installation the consumers should be

advised of such extensions, sufficiently in advice to avoid inconvenience.
f) When written permits cannot be given line clear should be given and taken
over the Phone. In such cases substances thereof shall be repeated by the
person who receives the line clear message and shall be confirmed by the
sender to ensure that both parties are quite clear as to its purpose. Such
instructions shall be recorded only in the line clear permit books at both
sending and receiving ends. The issue of line clear over phone should be
confirmed by some other Board employee to the Supervisor over phone and
the name of the person who confirms issue of line clear /permit to work
should be recorded in the line clear permit Book.

g) Duplicate copies of the line clear should be sent by post as soon as possible
for record at either end after duly canceling the same.

Special Instructions to Permit Issuing Officers

The Permit Issuing Officer shall no issue the permit before:-

a) The switches/ circuit breakers/ isolators or switches have been opened and
are completely isolated on both sides; links and fuses opened, apparatus and
mains discharged and earthed, and all adjacent live parts adequately
protected. Where possible the switches/ isolators shall be locked out and
keys kept in safe custody. Isolators /switch at control panels shall also be
fixed with “HOLD” “LINE CLEAR ISSUED” boards.

b) “HOLD BOARDS” and “MEN ON LINE” boards should be attached to

c) An entry is made in the log sheet or Register to the effect that the apparatus
and mains under the permit have been made dead, on no account shall the
apparatus and mains again be made alive until the return by the Supervisor of
the “Permit-to- Work”.
d) Where Sub permits are issued by the Supervisors to competent persons
working in different sections, such Sub permits should only be accepted for
cancellation by the Supervisor and under no circumstances should the Permit
Issuing Office of the original permit, accept Sub permit for cancellation.

The Permit Issuing Officer shall, take necessary steps in the circumstances, to
ensure that in the event of any tripping of automatic switch/circuit breaker, when
the section is switched in such switch/circuit breaker shall not be re-closed until
the section /apparatus is thoroughly checked.

Special Instructions to Supervisors:

a) No employee shall be ordered or permitted t carry out any work, other
than that for which he is specially authorized in writing by the Executive
Engineer Elec., Assistant Executive Engineer Elec. /Section Officer.

b) The authorized person termed the Supervisor in charge of a working party

(employees) shall keep with him a complete list of all persons who are
detailed to work on the particular job. All other persons shall be warned to
keep away form the area and no one shall be allowed to enter the area
unless under a permit. This list shall be kept o record for any further

c) The Supervisor, before allowing any Workmen to commence work on the

lines, mains or apparatus shall:

1) Explain to the workmen the nature of work and the precautions taken
by the Permit Issuing Office, to ensure the safety of the workmen and
also the precautions to be taken by them during the whole time, when
the work is in progress.

2) Satisfy himself that the switch or switches Isolators controlling the

mains and apparatus have been isolated, discharged, properly earthed
where possible and tested for pressure with a discharge rod and that
caution or Danger Notice have been placed at conspicuous places.

3) Warn the workmen and the public of the danger that exist in the vicinity
of the area covered by the “Permit to work”.

4) Create a safety zone by short circuiting together all the conductors and
adequately earthing on either sides of the place of work.

Transfer of Permit to Work Form:

a) Transfer of permit to work from one Supervisor to another, is strictly
prohibited. If there are more than one working parties, separate
permits should be issued to the Supervisor in charge of each working
party and a written record should be kept of the number of such
permits issued for each work.

b) If work is of such a nature and duration that it has to be carried out

continuously, but under the supervision of more than one Supervisor
on shift duty, the “Permit to work” form shall be endorsed by the Permit
Issuing Officer canceling the name of the supervisor to whom it was
originally issued and substituting the name of the second or
subsequent Supervisor to whom the permit will now become valid. The
time of each endorsement should be noted on the “Permit to work”
form and its duplicate.

Issue and Receipt of “Permit to Work” by the same person.

In cases where the same person who has to issue the permit, has also to carry
out the work covered by the permit, a “Permit to Work” form shall be issued on
himself before he undertakes the work and the form should be subsequently
cancelled after the work is completed.
Cancellation of “Permit to Work Forms”
a) “Permit to Work” form issued to the Supervisor shall be returned to Permit
Issuing Officer only after all the works are complete, and earth removed so
that the apparatus, mains and overhead lines are safe in all respects for
charging and after all the workmen are withdrawn from the working area
and are suitably warned that it is no longer safe to touch or approach the
apparatus within the said area.

b) Under no circumstances shall any work be attempted after the return of

the “Permit to work” form duly discharged. A fresh permit shall be obtained
for completing the balance of work subsequently.

c) The return of the “Permit to work” form duly discharged, will authorize the
Permit Issuing Officer, to resume normal operation.

d) The Supervisor will not allow his staff to disperse before the Permit Issuing
Officer has tested the apparatus and advise the supervisor that he has
found the apparatus/ line is satisfactory for commissioning, so as to avoid
any unforeseen difficulties in re-commissioning the apparatus and lines.

Maintenance of “Permit –to- work” and Application for Prearranged shut

down Books.

a) A duplicate of every “Permit to work” and application for “Prearranged

shutdown” shall be retained in the Office of the Permit Issuing Officer for
at least three months after issue.

b) The books should be treated as important record. The sheet and the
books themselves should be serially numbered. No page should be
detached or used for any but bonafide work.
c) If any paper is inadvertently detached or found to be missing, a detailed
and initialed statement must be then and there recorded in the book by the
Permit Issuing Officer.

Register of Message:

a) All messages and instructions to issue of permit to work, the operation of

switches, and other important communication shall be recorded in the
strict sequence in the log sheet and Register of messages maintained by
the person responsible for the operation of power supply to the
transmission or distribution system.

b) The Supervisor responsible for the execution of the work shall also
likewise record all messages and instruction relating to the operation of
switches /circuit break/ isolator and other important communication
concerning the work, in a register of message maintained by him for the

c) The final issue or return of permit shall be logged in the book in ink
underlined when change of shift occur during the pendency of permit, the
outgoing permit issuing officer shall inform his reliever about the existence
of all permits, and show him the relevant entries. The incoming Permit
Issuing Officer shall also sign in the log book while taking over charge to
acknowledge that he has noted the pendency of the permits.
Chapter – VIII

Safety Precautions

Prevention of accidents call for extreme discipline.

This is divided into the following groups:

• General Safety Precautions

• Safety precautions for work on overhead lines, mains, service lines and
Telephone lines.
• Safety precautions for work on underground mains / cables.
• Temporary earthing.

General Safety Precautions:

a) All voltages shall be considered dangerous even though it may not be high
enough to produce serious shock.
b) All electrical circuits are to be treated as live and no work (maintenance,
repairs, cleaning) is to be carried out on any part of electrical apparatus or
circuit unless such parts are:
1) Dead
2) Isolated and all practicable steps taken to lock off from live conductors.
3) Efficiently connected to earth between such points and points of work.
4) Released for work by issue of permit
5) By checking that equipment for its de-energized condition.

c) Working conditions requiring more than one workman

I. On some hazardous work it is not desirable for one man to work alone.
The Foreman / Supervisor shall determine when additional men are
needed to protect workmen against accidents or to render assistance in
case of unforeseen circumstances.
II. On especially hazardous jobs where close clearance or difficult working
conditions are encountered, an observer may be required. On any job
which in the opinion of the Foreman /Supervisor, requires an observer, the
Foreman/ Supervisor or a man appointed by him will act as an observer.
The observer should not engage in any activity that the Foreman
/Supervisor considers will interfere with the duty of the observer.

d) Under no circumstance shall an employee hurry or take unnecessary

chances when working under hazardous conditions, neither shall he
attempt to perform hazardous work when extremely tired or exhausted

e) Employee must use the standard protective equipment intended for each

f) Only experienced persons shall be permitted to go behind guardrails or to

clean around energized or moving equipment.

g) Employees working in an elevated position should use a suitable safety

belt or other adequate means to guard against falling.

h) Circuits should be tagged, marked or lettered unless clear identification by

other means exist.

i) As per IE Rules 1956, the minimum clearance required between a live and
section for safe working is 2.6 mtrs. for 11 kV.

j) However no employee should go or take any conduction objects within the

distance given below from any exposed live part at the voltages specified
11 kV------2.6 mtrs.
k) Telephone conductors and ground wires of lightning arresters though they
may be at or near ground potential are liable to develop high induced
voltage under fault conditions. Suitable precautions should be taken when
working on or near such circuits.

l) When fighting fires near exposed live parts, employees should avoid using
fire extinguishing liquids, which are not insulating. If necessary, all
neighboring equipment may be killed or made dead.

m) Do not depend upon ripping of circuit breaker for isolation of lines and
equipment for supply mains. The isolation must be in air media by an air
break switch or isolator preferably visible.

n) No signal system like waving hands, flags and whistle should be resorted
to communicate intelligence or convey instructions.

o) Insulation - Adequate isolation should be provided where any part of the

body is likely to come in contact with.
1. Live lines or equipment.
2. Part of equipment or apparatus, which may develop dangerous
potential due to surges, arcs or insulation failure though such parts
may normally be at or near ground potential.

p) Do not use bare fingers or hands to determine whether a circuit is live.

q) Do not depend upon insulation of cables for safe working.

r) In handling portable apparatus or lamps, first make sure that the extended
metal frame is not live by contact with or leakage from live parts within.
Have such portable equipment inspected at least once daily during the
period of their use. Do not attempt to make any alterations or adjustments
in portable equipment without cutting off supply.

The guards are provided for the safety of the personnel and also of the
equipment. At no occasion it shall be removed from any machine or piece of
equipment except to performing maintenance activities.

Immediately after the maintenance activities the guards shall be replaced

immediately, before handing over the equipment for regular use and the
equipment shall not be operated while the guards are removed.

Before starting work on any circuit or equipment, including that is supposed to be
dead, employees shall assure themselves that the apparatus is physically
rendered inoperative and that a standard Warning Board/Hold Card/ Tag/ Danger
Board and/or lockout device is properly attached to the equipment control.

No switch, or any other device used to put a circuit into service shall be operated
while such a danger board/ warning board/Hold Card or similar device is
attached to it.

A Hold Card/danger board/warning board or similar device, that has been placed
for the protection of workers shall be removed only by authorization of the person
in whose name it was placed, and then only after the work has been completed
and workers and tools are cleared.

Any warning signs from anybody around the work spot shall be heeded and
attended. When the persons are seen in a dangerous situation they shall be
warned without creating panic to the person leading to accident.
Unconcerned employees who are not required to be near potentially dangerous
places shall keep away from them.

Safety precautions for work on overhead mains, service lines and

telephone lines.

Working on Dead line and equipment: No person shall work on line supports or
conductors unless they are discharged and earthed as follows:

a The circuit or conductor to be worked on shall be made dead by switching

off or opening the isolator links or fuses and by locking isolator/links in the
off position. A danger notice board with the works “DO NOT CLOSE”
“MEN ON LINE” should be fixed securely, below the switch or

b After switching off the supply before touching the lines, every one of the
conductors shall be tested for pressure (voltage) by discharge rod. The
discharge wires should be kept at least two feet away from the body. The
procedure is necessary in order to make sure that the line to be worked on
is actually the line that has been isolated. Rubber gloves or preferably
gauntlets should be used on both hands.

c All the conductors shall then be short circuited together and adequately
earthed; this shall be done at the points on each side of the place thereby
creating a safety zone where the work is carried out. Rubber groves or
gauntlets shall be used while doing this work. Poles on which work is
actually to be carried out should also be earthed.

d A working section at either end of which the conductors are earthed shall
not exceed 1.5 km in length.
In the case of lines meeting or crossing at any pole which forms the site of
work, all the lines crossing or ending at that pole shall be earthed as
stated above unless work on the one line with any or all the remaining
lines alive is otherwise permissible and so specified in the permit to work.

e Ensure that there is no possibility of back feed

f All phases shall be earthed even if work is to be carried out on one phase

g When work is to be carried out on lines of all insulated conductors where

grounding points are not provided at point of work, temporary grounds shall
be connected at point of work to an efficient portable earth straight driven into
the ground. The line shall also be grounded at the nearest line grounding
point on either side of the point of work.

h Where two or more crews are working independently on the same line or
equipment, each crew shall properly be protected themselves by placing their
own temporary grounds.

Working on Capacitors
While dealing with capacitors extra care should be exercised. They must be
treated as live till they are disconnected from the line and terminals are
discharged to ground. The discharging of capacitors should be carried out using
hand gloves. No person shall touch the capacitor terminals with bare hands. The
terminals of the capacitors should be shorted while storing them.

Working on lines and equipment adjacent to live equipment or lines:

a. When working near live lines or apparatus, each man should plan his moves
and take extreme care in moving form one position to another
b. Where impractical to erect barriers between men at work and live parts within
reach of their hands and objects being handled, continuous watch shall be
kept by the Forman/Supervisor or someone specifically designated by him for
that purpose.

c. When a truck is used near live parts, all workmen, except the driver, should
stay away from the truck, Driver should see that truck is clear from live lines
before leaving and entering the truck.

Work on Double Circuit Overhead lines with one circuit alive shall not be
carried out.

Repair work on HT lines and equipment:

a. Handling and working on live electric circuits are hazardous occupations and
shall be done only by workmen who are qualified by training an experience to
do the work safely and only after authorization.

b. Repair work on HT lines on poles where LT is also running under HT should

be carried out only after switching off the LT effectively. Work on the LT line
should not be carried out unless there is an efficient earth screen between HT
and LT lines or in the absence of such a screen, unless the HT line is
switched off or in the opinion of the Supervisor, the work is otherwise safe.

c. Any line wherein the pressure does not exceed 250 V to earth may be worked
on live line by an authorized person provided the person
1. Uses a safety belt.
2. Wears rubber gloves or gauntlets
3. Has not to push any part of the body, except that portion of the arms
protected by the gauntlets or groves through any conductor other
than that worked upon.
4. Is accompanied by an assistant with an effective torch light if working
at night
5. Before a lineman undertakes any work on a pole or any other line
support, he should first make a complete inspection from the ground
of the position of all live wires, in order to determine the amount of
precautions to be adopted and should inspect his insulating
equipment and operating tools and tackles for their good condition
before he attempts to do the actual work.

Telephone lines:
Work on telephone lines whether run on same supports as HT lines or on
separate supports should be carried out only after taking necessary permits and
discharging and earthing the same as per regulations for HT Lines.

Work on Poles and Towers:

a. Before climbing an elevated structure every employee shall first assure
himself that the structure is strong enough o sustain his weight safely.
b. If poles or cross arms are apparently unsafe because of decay or
unbalanced tensions of wires on them, they shall be properly braced or
guyed before they are climbed.
c. In choosing the climbing side, the side of the pole where the ground wire
is attached should not be used.
d. The workman should avoid using conductor, insulators, pins and so forth
as hand holds and should not rest on street light fixtures or other
apparatus on the poles or structures.
e. Linemen shall wear their safety belts while working on the poles and
f. Wire hooks shall not be attached to linemen’s’ belts or safety straps
g. Safety straps should be placed above the top cross arm when it is at the
top of the pole.
h. When two or more men are ascending a pole the second man should not
start climbing until the first man is in s safe position or when descending
until the first man is on the ground.
i. On arriving at the working position, the lineman should put his safety belt
around the pole or some other suitable supports and make sure that the
belt is properly secured. Care should be taken to prevent the straps on
safety belt coming in contact with anything that may open the snap and
thus release the safety belt. Safety belts should not be attached to
insulator pins, span wires, guy wires etc.
j. Linemen’s tools should be so secured that they will not fall out of the tool
belts. A lineman should carry only the minimum number tools in his belt.
All other tools should be kept on the ground until they are required and
then raised by means of a material bag attached to a hand line
k. Ordinarily no lineman should work vertically below another lineman on the
same pole except under emergencies. When this condition is necessary,
extreme care should be taken to prevent tools or other objects being
dropped upon the man below.
l. When transferring wires and equipment from an old pole to a new pole,
the old pole should ether be locked to the new pole or guyed or both, as
the condition may demand.
m. Before a lineman cuts an overhead conductor he should make sure that it
will fall clear. Where there is a possibility of the falling line coming in
contact with another wire or doing other damage it should be lowered with
a rope.
n. All light equipment and tools to be used aloft should be raised and lowered
by means of a hand line and canvas bucket, or other suitable container.
Men on the ground should stand clear of overhead work to prevent being
struck by falling objects.
o. Tools and materials should not be thrown from the ground to a lineman
working aloft, nor should lineman throw tools and materials from working
place to the ground
p. No man shall work in such a manner that his arms or any tools extend
beyond the body of tower when working on the live side.
q. Broken insulators or other sharp edged material shall not be left in vacant
lots, along the right of way or in the location where the hazard of cutting
feet could be caused for men or animals.
r. When stringing wires across streets and highways, avoid interfering with
traffic or causing injury to workmen or pedestrians. Danger signs should
be erected on both sides of the work location and where conditions
warrant, flag-men should be stationed.
s. Hand line, materials, tools or equipment must not be scattered around
streets, side walks, highways, etc. but must be kept in a neat and orderly
manner where they will not be liable to cause accidents.
t. In handling wires on a pole, they should be raised or lowered with a dry
hand line and extreme care should be exercised.
u. A leather belt should be used when working on overhead locations, In its
absence, belts of flexible hemp or manila rope may be permitted round the
waists of the workman and tied to cross arm or pole as an alternative to
the use of leather belt, under exceptional circumstances. The ropes
should be kept in good condition and scrapped when not safe. It is
necessary that the rope is twisted round the pole once or twice in order
that release of tension on the pole may not cause it to slip down the pole.
v. Use ladders of suitable lengths to go up the poles to renew fuses or to
carry out other minor works on feeders and wherever possible or
necessary dry hickory rod should also be used.

Construction works on Lines:

Hauling Poles:
Poles must be securely held on trucks to assure that the binders will not be
released in rough going.
The speed of trucks hauling poles must be restricted to a point assuring safety to
the operators of trucks and the traveling public.
A red flag by day and red light by night must be attached to the end of poles
being hauled. The red light must be visible in any direction.

Pole storage:
When poles are stored on pole racks they shall be properly blocked to keep them
intact on the rack. Poles of different sizes should not be mixed but stored
When poles are stacked temporarily near a road, they should be placed as close
as possible to the edge of road. They should not be stored at points in the road
where there are short turns. Poles stored on the high ways should not have cross
arms attached.

Excavation of Pole Pits:

The pole pits should not be excavated much in advance of erection as the pits
cannot be left without being back-filled immediately.
Within town and village limits the pits excavated should be covered with planks
so that no one accidentally falls into it.. Danger lamps should also be put up
during night time.
In distribution as far as possible, the pit is to be excavated without resorting to
blasting as it is dangerous to the adjacent buildings and roads where there is a
traffic. If blasting is un-avoidable, special precautions should be taken by
covering the pit with bamboos and planks carrying out blasting at ttime when
there is no traffic on the road.

Erection of Poles:
I. This should be done under direct supervision of Foreman /Supervisor.
II. Care should be taken to see that the ropes used are in sound condition
and they are tied securely to the pole and tackle.
III. When side guys are used in the setting of poles or structures, they shall
be attached to crow bars driven into the ground.
IV. The Supervisor shall not assist in the setting of poles, but must give his
entire attention to the Supervision to assure that the work is being safely
V. In obstructing a highway during the erection of poles, suitable signs or
warnings shall be used on each side of the work to advise approaching
traffic of the obstruction. Where traffic is heavy flag men should be used
for this purpose. Signs or signals must be moved along as the work

Installation of Guy Wires:

I. When insulators are used they should be connected into the guy wire line
before the guy wire is set in place. Rubber gloves should be worn while
installing guy wires through live circuits.
II. In new work, guys should generally be installed before line wires are
strung. In reconstruction work guys should be installed before any
changes are made in the line wires and care must be taken not to place
excessive pulls on the pole and wires already in a position.
III. Guys should be so installed as not to interfere any more than necessary
with the climbing space and should clear all high tension wires as far as
IV. Guy strain insulators should be provided wherever necessary to secure
the required amount of insulation.
V. Guys should be carefully installed on poles to prevent them from
becoming loose. Where necessary a guy hook may be used to prevent the
guy from slipping down the pole. These hooks should not interfere with
climbing and should be so placed that they will not be used as steps.
Where guys are liable to cut into the surface of pole, the pole should be
protected at the point where the guy is attached by a guy plate. The guy
plate must be well secured to the pole to prevent the possibility of injury to
a lineman climbing up or down the pole.
VI. All guys which are anchored should be installed so that the guy does not
interfere with street or highway traffic. Where these guys are located near
street or highway, they should be equipped with traffic guards (traffic
guards are sometimes called anchor shields).
VII. Guy wire should be so installed that it will not rub against any messenger
or signal cable carried under supply lines.
VIII. Guy wire, containing snarls or kinks should not be used for line work. Guy
wires should not contain any more splices than absolutely necessary.
Standard guy clamps or other positive clamping device should be used in
making all stiff steel guy wire splices.

Removal of Guys:
Before wires and guys are removed, the condition of the pole must be
determined. If he pole is found to be weak, it should be securely braced before
any changes in pole stain are made.

Foreign Wire attachments:

Foreign wire attachments, such as signal lines, signal equipment and so forth,
should be considered live and should be avoided at all times unless otherwise
protected. While a lineman is working on high tension lines, he should be careful
not to disturb foreign lines and equipment which may be attached to the same

Back Filling:
Side guy, etc., should not be removed until sufficient stamping has been done to
prevent the falling of the pole.

Dismantling Poles:
All poles must be guyed at least three ways by means of guy ropes before any
other work proceeds on the pole. This can be done by:
1. Make two turns around the pole with a sling and tie securely.
2. Tie three guy lines around the sling at the proper angles
3. Insert a pike pole under two sides of the sling and work the sling well
up the pole.
4. Snub off securely by means of crow bars driven into solid ground on
any other substantial snub.
5. Lineman may then climb up the pole safely and release all conductors
and other equipment and the pole may then be slowly brought down.

Stringing Wires:
1. In stringing of wires care must be taken not to put kinks into any
part. Kinks reduce the strength of the wire and may result in
snapping of wire later on.
2. In handling and stringing of weather proof covered wires, care must
be taken not to injure the weather proof covering.
3. A lineman must not change the strains on a pole by adding wires
until he is satisfied that the poles will safely stand the altered strain.

Tree Trimming:
1. The public shall be protected against hazards of tree trimming
along pubic street and highways by placing danger signals and
2. Before climbing, the limbs or braches should be carefully inspected
to make sure that they will hold the trimmers weight. Dead or
decayed limbs are not safe to support any weight.
3. Axes shall not be used aloft. Always use saws or bill hooks. Tools
should be raised and lowered by hand line only.
4. Part of trees in contact with live wires should be handled as
live wire.
5. Before cutting down a tree, all limbs should be cut off for a sufficient
height to avoid striking electric lines. Where there is danger that the
tree may strike and damage property block and tackle should be
used to control the direction of fall.
6. Felling operation, once started, should be finished before the crew
leaves for the night or lunch hour.
Right of Way Clearing and Trimming:
1. When walking through slush, use ankle high canvas boots to
prevent injury to feet from broken insulators thorny undergrowth,
shells, etc.
2. Trees should be carefully felled to prevent them falling on
transmission lines or adjacent buildings.

Avoid starting grass fires or forest fires.

Patrolling lines:
1. Emergency line patrol, trouble shooting on transmission lines and
similar work should always be done with the greatest caution.
Patrol men should be particularly alert at night to avoid walking into
the fallen wires or metal fences which may be energized by fallen
2. Be careful with lighted cigarettes and matches, which may cause a
fire along transmission line right of way. Break matches and crush
cigarettes butts into earth on discarding.
3. Patrolmen should be alert from stumbling hazards and from
poisonous plants and snakes.

Line Work under Adverse Weather Conditions:

In the event of the near approach of lightning storm all work on overhead
lines shall cease immediately.
Safety Precautions for work on Underground Main/Cables:
Work on live low voltage Mains:
Only, competent, experienced and authorized persons may work on live low
voltage mains and testing apparatus.

Use of Insulating Guards:

Any employee shall not work on low voltage main with live conductors (UG
Cable) alongside him until all those conductors are insulated for a distance at
least 900 mm on each side of his body with the insulating hose or mats provided
for the purpose.
The neutral shall be regarded as a live conductor.

Work on Dead Low Voltage Mains:

Unless an employee is authorized to work on live low voltage mains and testing
apparatus, all low voltage mains testing apparatus to be worked upon, shall be
isolated from all sources of supply, proved dead, and measures shall be taken
against the inadvertent energizing of the mains and apparatus.

Testing Low Voltage:

An employee shall not apply low voltage, for test purpose, to any mains unless
he has received a permit to work from and warned all persons working on the
mains of the proposed applications of low voltage for test. Where any part of the
mains which will then become live is posed, the Supervisor in-charge of the test
shall arrange for an employee to stand by at the exposed part during the whole
period of the tests.

Work on High Voltage Mains:

While working on High Voltage underground mains, the following shall be
compiled with:
The dead cable should first be identified by approved means.
Before working on underground cable, all its conductors shall be effectively
discharged and earthed at both ends and the earthing switches wherever
installed shall be locked up.
The neighboring cables if any, should be adequately protected.
Before cutting the dead cable, a steel wedge shall be carefully driven through it
at the point where it is to be cut.

Minimum Working Distance:

No employee shall work within the minimum working distance, which is normally,
4’ / 1.2 Mts. from the exposed live high voltage mains.
Under certain conditions, for special work and in an emergency, an employee
may work within the minimum safe working distance where the work is directly
and specifically sanctioned by the Supervisor responsible for the work and
employee is fully experienced and aware of the dangers that exist.
In all such cases, the employee shall be accompanied by another employee who
is also aware of the dangers which exist and who is capable of rendering First
Aid and Artificial Respiration.

Devices for proving Dead High Voltage Mains:

Only devices approved and issued for the purpose shall be used:
The High Voltage Neon Lamp contact indicator rod may be used for proving dead
exposed high voltage mains. Each rod is fitted with an indicating Neon tube
which should glow when the contact end of the rod is applied to exposed live
high voltage mains. Each rod is clearly marked for the maximum voltage on
which it may be safely used and must not, under any circumstances, be used on
higher voltages.
High Voltage contact phasing rods are provided for phasing and proving dead
exposed high voltage mains. A set consists of two rods connected in series by a
length of insulated cable. Both rods are fitted with contact tips and indicating
tubes. When the contact tip of one rod is applied to exposed live high voltage
mains and that of the other to earth or to other exposed live high voltage mains
and when there is a sufficient difference of potential from that to which the first
rod applied, the indicating tubes should glow.
Each set of rods is normally marked for the maximum voltage on which it may be
used and must not, under any circumstances be used on higher voltages.

Use of high Voltage Contact Indicator and Phasing Rods:

While using the high voltage contact indicator and phasing rods, the following
shall be complied with:
a) Ensure that the rod is clean and dry.
b) Check the rod by applying it to known live mains of the correct voltage -
the indicating tube must glow.
c) Apply the rod to each phase of the mains to be proved dead. The
indicating tube must not glow. Be very careful to be in the position to see
the glow in the indicating tube. If any, should appear.
d) Again, check the rod by applying it to live mains as in (b) above, Again,
the indicating tube must glow.

All the above operations shall be carried out, at the same place and time.
If no live high voltage mains or apparatus are available on the site, rods up to 11
kV may be tested by applying them to the top of a spark plug in running motor
car engine,. If the rod is in order, the indicating tube will glow each time the plug
sparks. Therefore, the glow will be intermittent, but the indicating tube must glow
on this test or the rod is useless as a means of proving dead. Remember, to test
the Rod before and after use.

Work on Cubicle type high voltage panes:

If draw out cubicles are the switching off circuit breakers, and the draw out
panels effectively discharged before any work is done over the same.
Safety Procedures to be observed while working on ring Main Units (RMU):
While working on ODs (in comers), it has to be ensured that the OD cables are
completely dead (isolated). All the VLs (outgoing) are also to be kept in open
condition. All the ODs ad VLs shall be earthed and the cables are be discharged
using proper earthing device to avoid shock due to static charges in the cable.
The GOS provided for cable (if any) shall be kept open, duly ensuring that all the
blades are opened out.
The conventional oil circuit breakers have been replaced by VCBs in most of the
RMUs. If not, the operating handle of the oil switch shall be carefully used with all
interlocks to avoid inadvertent operation.

While working on a VL the concerned cable shall be isolated from the bus and
shall be earthed after opening at either end of the cable.
After the OD/VL are opened for line clear purposes, the breaker of OD/VCL: shall
be invariably lowed and placed in earth position before any work is taken up on
such cable or terminations

Temporary Earthing:
This covers the detailed procedures for providing temporary earths while carrying
out operation and maintenance works on the already existing lines or
construction of new lines for the protection of workmen and property

Temporary earths:
Temporary earths are those applied at the actual location of the work
during repair or construction of installations for the protection of workmen
and property.
Following feature of temporary earthing equipment shall be kept in view by
persons using it:
Earthing devices shall be of approved types, comprising properly designed
clamps attached to insulated sticks of sufficient lengths to enable the clamps to
be securely clamped to the conductors being earthed without an employee’s
hand approaching closer than the minimum safe working distances. Each such
line clamp is to be connected by a flexible copper earthing lead or of equivalent
copper section of aluminium cable to an adequate earth clamp or other device for
attaching to permanent connection or to a temporary earthing spike.
All earthing jumpers shall be of annealed bare and stranded copper equivalent
aluminium conductor. Earthing leads for use at substations and lines shall have a
cross section of at least 0.645 sq. cm (0.1 sq. inch) copper equivalent.
Earthing connections shall be continuous.
Electrodes for installation of temporary earths shall be of iron or steel rods at
least 1.905 cm (3/4”) in diameter and 1.524 mtrs. /(5ft.) in length. These shall
have clear metal surfaces free from rust or any coating of paint or any other poor
conducting material and be driven to a depth of at least 0.914 metres (3ft) in a
spot considered to give good earth.
Chain (?) used for earthing shall be examined by the employees every time
before use.

General Precautions to be taken in connection with the application of

temporary earths:
1. No electric apparatus or line shall be earthed until all reasonable
precautions have been taken to ensure that it has been disconnected from
all sources of supply.
2. The connections for earthing of an apparatus or line shall be applied or
removed only by competent persons.
3. Earthing leads shall be connected to the system before being secured to
the conductors.
4. Earthing leads shall not be applied in any cell or compartment in which
there is an exposed live conductor.
5. When it is necessary to cut a line, bus bar or loop or to repair a broken
conductor or damaged loop, earths shall be placed on both sides of the
6. Before working on underground cables, they shall be disconnected from
the source of energy, discharged and then earthed. To discharge them
use an earthed wire and make contact with it to each terminal in turn
7. When removing earthing leads they shall be disconnected from the line
conductor first and the earth system last. The removal shall be carried out
in a reverse order to that adopted for the connection of various conductors
to earth.
8. All works on dead circuits shall be done between two sets of temporary
9. Earths shall never be attached or removed with bare hands. Rubber
gloves, gauntlets or approved protective equipment shall always be used.
10. In so far practicable, the person applying the earths on poles and
structures shall maintain his position below the level of conductor to be
earthed in order to keep the body away from any arc that may occur when
the earthing device is applied.
11. Employees shall keep off the earth wire.
12. No temporary earths shall be removed from the equipment while the work
is in progress.
13. Employees shall not touch any conductors from which protective earths
have been removed.
14. Earthing of one conductor does not render other conductors safe for work.
All phases shall be earthed even if work is to be carried out only on one
15. Temporary earth connections should not be connected to neutral wire, guy
/stay wire or any other metal parts of the structure.
16. The meaning of temporary earth is that it is done for the purpose of
carrying out the specific work by creating a safety zone for the protection
of working personnel from electric shock..
17. The temporary earthing connection to the lines should be as close to the
point of work as possible.
Chapter – IX

Safety Devices
Do not take chances with your life use safety devices.

Care Maintenance & Use of workman’s safety Devices & Tools

The following are the minimum requirements of safety devices and special tools:
1. Rubber Gloves, Gauntlets and Rubber Mats
2. Safety Belts
3. Leather Protective Gloves
4. Hand lines
5. Ladders
6. Ropes
7. Hand Tools
8. Helmet

Workmen’s Safety Devices;

i. Rubber gauntlets, gloves, mats boots and galoshes, insulated platforms
and stools, safety belts, hand lines, tower wagons and other special
insulated devices shall be used as required by employees working on
electrical apparatus, underground mains and overhead lines as precaution
against accidental electric shock.
ii. Pliers and other tools insulated with brittle materials or otherwise liable to
have the insulation damaged when in use, shall no be used.
iii. The supervisor in charge of the work will be responsible to test and ensure
proper use of the safety equipment, supplied to the gang of workmen
under him and see that it is maintained at all times in efficient condition
and must immediately bring to the notice of his superior officer any
equipment which is liable to be broken in use, when arrangements will be
made immediately for their replacement.
Lineman’s, Fitter’s or Cable Jointer’s clothing:
Lineman while working on lines shall avoid wearing loose clothing, rings, metal
chains, etc., which may contact a live portion and cause hazard. They shall use
rubber gloves, safety shoes, head gear, goggles wherever available.

Inspection of Safety Equipment:

All safety equipment shall be thoroughly inspected:
i. Monthly, by the T&P holder
ii. Quarterly, by the Assistant executive Engineer,
iii. Once in six months, by the Division Officer for tits being in good condition.

Responsibility in using Safety Devices:

It is the responsibility of the employee to make use of safety devices properly.

Rubber Gloves and Gauntlets:

Rubber gloves should not be rough handled as to be damaged. After the work
they should be cleaned, and powdered with French chalk and stored in a safe

Testing Rubber Gloves and Gauntlets:

Before using the gloves should be checked for cut, weak spots, pin holes, by an
Air Test. This is done by rolling the gloves tightly from the gauntlet and noticing if
any air escapes. If air leaks, the gloves should be discarded. If the right hand
glove, if found to be unserviceable, the pair itself should be discarded. A left hand
glove should not be used on right hand.

Care of Rubber Equipment:

Rubber equipment should be kept clean and fee from oil. They should not be
stored near a source of heat, or exposed unnecessarily to sun’s heat. They are
best stored in protective container, and should not be tied by cords or threads
which may cut it.
Use of rubber gloves should be insisted on
I. When inspecting the Transformer or its HT &LT leads
II. When connecting wire near a live conductor or equipment
III. While removing or replacing fuses of HT installations.
IV. A combination of gloves and hickory rod or fuse pole rods should be used
where the voltage exceeds 5000 Volts.
V. While opening and closing isolators.

Care of safety belts:

Safety belt should be properly handled, and periodically treated with oil to
prevent its becoming hard. Care should be taken to see that sharp tools or edges
do not cut dents and holes in it. Extra holes should not be punched as it weakens
the belt. It is best preserved in a separate case.

Leather protecting gloves:

Protective leather gloves may be worn over rubber gauntlets when wires are
being spliced or when solder or hot compound are being handled when it is
necessary for the person to move about a lot during working, or when line wires
are being tied on to insulators or when any other work is being done which might
render the gauntlet liable to tear and consequent danger to the wearer.

Eye and Face Protection

Necessary eye protection should be used while operating the switches on load to
avoid injury to the eyes due to sparking.
The eye protection should be used during handling molten solder, handling the
acids and electrolytes in the battery rooms
The eye and face protection should be inspected at frequent intervals by the user
and also by the supervisor and should be replaced immediately when the first
sign of damage is observed.
Head Protection
Safety head gear shall be worn by the employees whenever there is a hazard of
falling objects, or electrical contact or any other cause which may lead to head
Hair should not pose any obstruction to work and also should not lead to any
accident during the work.
Head protective gear should also be subjected for inspection very frequently and
should be replaced immediately when the sign of damage or deterioration is

Hand lines:
Hand lines should have minimum diameter of + ‘’’ and should be twice as the
height where work is being done. They should always be kept clean and dry, free
from grease, solder, oil, etc. Ends should be tied to prevent unraveling of the
strands. Hand lines should not have metal reinforcement. When jointing the hand
lines a splice should be made. No metallic clamps or wire should be used for
joining. Hand line should be carried up a pole, uncoiled and attached to the body
belt. The hand line must be strong enough to carry the weight of a person. Hand
lines should not be allowed to become wet, and should be dried before being
stored. A spare hand line should always be available in an emergency. Hand line
should be kept away from street and vehicle traffic.

a) Ladders must be of strength to carry double the strain of the heaviest load
that would be placed upon them.
b) Defective ladders must never be used.
c) Wooden ladders shall not be painted so as to obscure a defect in the
wood; only a clear, nonconductive finish shall be used.
d) A clearance space of not less than 12“ must be provided between ladder
rungs. A minimum clearance space of 36”/90 cms must be provided in
front of ladders where space permits.
e) When straight portable ladders are used on hard surfaces, they must be
held or firmly locked in addition, anti slip shoes must be used where
f) A ladder shall not be placed against an unsafe support.
g) Ladders must be kept free from dirt, grease, and paint spots.
h) Ladders must be stored upon brackets and in sheltered locations.
i) Ladders should never be left in place when employees leave the worksite
for an extended period of time. They shall be laid on the ground or floor in
a safe location or kept in the storage position.
j) Ladders must not be placed in front of doors opening towards the ladder
or against window sashes unless the door is open, locked, or guarded.
k) Step ladders must be fully opened before being used.
l) Two ladders must not be spliced together.
m) Employees must face ladders when ascending or descending over the,
and must have both hands free.
n) Employees must not slide down or try stunts on ladders.
Ladders must be periodically inspected; when found defective; they must be
repaired or disposed off. Ladders with weakened, broken, or missing steps,
broken side rails, or other defects shall be repaired or removed from service.
o) Straight, portable ladders must be placed at safe angle abut 75 degrees
with the horizontal. In other words, place the foot of a 12’/4 mtrs ladder
3’/1 mtr from the object it leans against.
p) Straight ladders shall not be climbed beyond the third step from the top.
q) Employees shall use the safety belt tied to the ladder whenever both
hands must be used for the job or a possibility of the employee falling from
an elevated position exists.
r) As far as possible portable metal ladders shall not be used in the vicinity
of exposed energized lines and equipment.
s) Only one employee shall work from a ladder at one time. If two
employees are required, a second ladder shall be used.
t) Ladders are not meant to be used as scaffolding platforms.
u) Other makeshift arrangements for the purpose of ladders like using boxes,
chairs, etc., shall not be resorted to.
v) Use of step ladders above 20 feet is prohibited and the use of extension
ladders above 24 feet is discouraged.
w) Step ladder legs shall be fully spread and the spreading bars locked in
x) Step ladders shall not be used as straight ladders.
y) When an employee is working on a step ladder more than 10 feet high the
ladder shall be held by another person.

a) Fibre ropes are made principally of manila fibre, sisal fibre and hemp.
Frequent inspections are required in the use of rope as the interior fibers
may be broken or ground to powder, while the exterior fibres may indicate
that the rope is little worn.
b) Pure manila rope is the strongest and most reliable of fibres ropes. It is of
yellowish colour with silvery or pearlish luster and has a silky feel when
drawn through the hand. Rope with brown or black fibre is of inferior
Sisal rope has about 6.7% of the strength of manila rope. It is yellowish
white, sometimes with a greenish tint. The fibres are hard and stiff, with a
tendency to splinter.
Hemp rope is nearly as strong as manila and is slightly more resistant to
atmospheric deterioration. It is of dark grey colour and is much softer than
manila rope.
c) Rope must be so uncoiled as to avoid kinking, since even a moderate
strain on a rope in which there is a kink may over stress the fibres at the
Wet rope deteriorates rapidly unless dried properly. It should be hung up
in loose coils so that dry air can be circulated through them. Heat should
never be applied as it dries out the oil and thus shortens the life of the
rope. Wet rope has a tendency to form kinks. No load should be applied
until all kinks are removed.
All ropes are easily damaged by acids an alkalis. Any rope known to have
been exposed to acids or alkalis (sometimes indicated by discoloration or
strains) should be used with caution.
d) In making a rope fast, an object with a smooth round surface should be
selected. When rope is running over a sheave or pulley internal wear is
caused by friction. The life of the rope is greatly prolonged by using blocks
with sheaves of large diameter.
e) Fibre rope should always be cleaned before being placed in storage and
shall be stored in a dry, airy place. It should never be stored in the same
room with acid or caustics.

Hand Tools:
a) All tools shall be of an approved type
b) Tools shall be inspected at frequent intervals and disposed off as soon as
the sign of damage is observed.
c) Using hand tools improperly, neglecting to keep them in safe working
condition and carelessly leaving them around where they may endanger
persons to trip or stumble are frequent causes of accidents. Proper tools
should always be used for the work.
d) All tools shall be maintained in good working conditions. Burred heads
shall be promptly redressed. Broken, cracked or otherwise damaged
handles shall be replaced. All tools with sharp edges should be kept in
sheaths, shields, tool chests or other containers, when not in actual use.
e) A screw driver should never be used as a chisel. Screw drivers with full
length metal tong or shank through handle must not be used for electrical
work. Other tools such as pliers, wrenches, etc. whether insulated or not
insulated shall not be used without rubber gloves while working near live
parts of any voltage.
f) All files shall be fitted with substantial handle; workmen should keep files
cleaned as this reduces the slipping hazard and prevents skinned hands.
g) Never use metal tapes, rulers, cloth tapes with metal strands, wood rulers
with metal ferrules or joints near energized equipment.
h) Hammers with metal handles shall not be used on or near energized
electrical circuits or equipment.
i) Avoid use of long saws among wires as a short circuit may be caused.
j) Belt tools must be well secured to the belt. Only pliers, hammers, wrench
and connectors should be carried. All other tools should remain below until
needed and then hoisted in bag/ tool buckets or firmly attached to hand
k) Tools shall not be thrown from place to place or from person to person;
l) Tools shall never be placed unsecured on elevated places.
m) Chisels, drills, punches, ground rods, and pipes shall be held with suitable
holders or tongs (not with the hands) while being struck by another
n) Shims shall not be used to make a wrench fit.
o) Wrenches with sprung or damaged jaws shall not be used.
p) Pipe shall not be used to extend a wrench handle for added leverage
unless the wrench was designed for such use.
q) Wooden handles that are loose, cracked, or splintered shall be replaced.
The handle shall not be taped or lashed with wire.
r) All cutting tools such as saws, wood chisels, drawknives, or axes shall be
kept in suitable guards or in special compartments.
s) The insulation on hand tools shall not be depended upon to protect users
from electric shock.
t) When using such tools as screwdrivers and wrenches, employees should
avoid using their wrists in a bent (flexed), extended, or twisted position for
long periods of time. Employees should maintain their wrists in a neutral
(straight) position.
Portable Electric Tools
All portable electric power tools such as drills, saws, and grinders should have an
earth conductor connected effectively with the earth when energized. The power
supply cord should be inspected at regular intervals. They must be used to their
capacity in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Electric tools should
not be used in areas where there is a flammable atmosphere.
All portable power supply systems like vehicle mounted generators shall be
protected by an Earth leakage protection.
Chapter - X
List of Safety equipments to be maintained by Linemen
and Section Officers
(Wholly owned Government of Karnataka Undertaking)

List of Safety Tools/Equipments

To be maintained by Lineman To be maintained by Section Officer
Sl. No Material Name Quantity Sl. No Material Name Quantity
1 GOS Rod (11 kV 1 No. 1 Telescopic Earthing 2 Sets
insulated) Rod (or 6 Nos.)
2 Rubber Hand Gloves ( 1 pair 2 Fibre ladder 2 Nos.
11 kV Class) Good
quality suitable to work
on live wire
3 Insulated Cutting Plier 12 1 No. 3 Chargeable hand torch 1 No.
“ (Taparia Make)
4 Screw Driver 4 Rubber Hand Gloves 1 Pair
Size 6” 1 No. ( 11 kV Class)
Size 12” 1 No.
5 LT line tester 1 No. 5 11 kV line tester 2 Nos.
6 Helmet 1 No. 6 Helmet 1 No.
7 Safety Belt 1 No. 7 Rain Coat (light 1 No.
8 Adjustable screw 1 No. 8 Rubber Mat Size 2’ x 2 Nos.
spanner 3’
9 Rain Coat (light Weight) 1 No.
10 Chargeable hand torch 1 No.
11 Goggles 1 No.
Chapter – XI

Accident Investigation System

Investigating Procedures:
An accident is any unplanned event that results in personal injury or damage of
property. Accidents not only cause loss of production hours but also disruption of
work or service. Thousands of accidents occur every day for various reasons.
The failure of people, equipment, supplies, or surroundings to behave or react as
expected causes most of the accidents. Proper investigation of the accidents
reveal the cause of such accidents and thereby helps to prevent similar or
perhaps more disastrous accidents. The approach for accident investigation
should be an effort of ‘FACT FINDING’, and not ‘FAULT FINDING’.
Generally the accidents require skilled investigations to arrive at the cause of
accidents. The accidents result in loss of lives and/or damage of property.
The accidents result in
Injury to employees:
• Major – requires treatment greater than first aid and may be even fatal.
• Minor – requires first aid treatment only
Injury to Public:
• Personal Injury – injury to general public
Injury to animals:
• Animals like cows, buffalos, elephants come in touch with the snapped
lines or leaking lines and get electrocuted.
Property Damage:
• Departmental property:
o Departmental property like transformers, cables, lines, poles etc
may be damaged
• Public property:
o Damage to the properties at the consumer premises due to
supply abnormalities
Near Miss accidents:
These are accidents which could have caused serious damages but missed
narrowly. Though there is no damage as such, the potential for a serious
accident is quite obvious and therefore calls for investigation and recommending
remedial measures.

The main purpose of an Accident Investigation is to determine the CHANGE OR

DEVIATION that produced an ERROR that in turn resulted in an accident. By
uncovering the reasons for the accident, subsequent accidents of similar or more
serious in nature may be prevented by improving the mechanical system, better
supervision or employee training and public awareness programs.
Investigation Kit:
For investigating purpose the investigating person should have some basic
equipment and facilities. The kit should contain the basic equipment required for
carrying out an effective investigation. Additional equipment may be necessary
based on the type and scope of the incident to be investigated. Some of the
important items that are needed for successful investigation are as follows:
• Camera
• Tape recorder
• Telephone or any other mode of communication
• Codes/Standards for operation such as Indian Standards, Indian
Electricity Rules, Standard procedure laid down by the competent
agencies engaged in such activities, International standards relevant to
area of operation such as OSHA, NESC, NEC and also the Company’s
Safety Manual.
• Personal protection equipment (PPE) (hard hat, safety glasses, hand
gloves etc.)
• Warning signs
• Caution tapes/boards
• Lighting (flashlight, portable lights, etc.)
• Compass
• Thermometer (inside & outside temps)
• Anemometer (checking wind speed)
• First Aid & Bloodborne Pathogens kits
• Hammer, other tools as needed
• Measuring tapes
• Flagging tape
• Duct tape, scotch tape, masking tape
• Marking paint/chalk
• Evidence containers (small & large zip-lock bags and/or manila
• Indentifying tags/stickers
• Pens, pencils, colored markers, etc.
• Clipboard(s)
• Sketch pad (graph paper) & note pad
• Company forms/letter heads
• Reporting formats
• Straight edge & protractor

Investigation generally involves four Steps

• Controlling the Scene
• Gathering the Data
• Analyzing the Data
• Writing the Report

Control the Scene:

It is quite common that when an accident takes place the area is crowded by the
people who are unconcerned and this not only causes the hurdles in providing
necessary assistance for the injured but also destroys the necessary data that
may be available at accident site which are vital for accident investigation. As
such the first and foremost job is to control the area and offer necessary medical
aid for the suffering people. Therefore the activities can be grouped as follows:
• First Aid
• Transport for Medical Care
• On Scene Evaluation
• Control/contain existing hazards
• Prevent further injuries
• Get more help if needed
• Preserve evidence

The Accident investigating team should make sure that it is safe for them to enter
the accident scene. Necessary care should be availed if needed in such cases.
First and foremost for an investigating team is to control the scene. Next, isolate
the scene by whatever means as necessary (signs, cones, barriers, caution tape,
etc.) so that the there is no entry of unauthorized persons and also there is no
chance of destroying of evidences. When the scene is safe and isolated, begin
with the basics of accident investigation. Preserve the accident scene site.

Gather Data
• Photos of accident scene
• Drawings & sketches & measurements
• Data collection
• Details of the Persons involved
• Date, time, location
• Activities at time of accident
• Equipment involved
• List of witnesses
. The contributing factors like weather conditions, noise levels, lighting,
housekeeping, safety equipment used or lack of them. PPE being used or not etc
should be noted. The statements from the victims should be recorded and
wherever possible necessary information and statements from witnesses are
also should be recorded. Close observations should be carried out on the parts,
tools or equipments involved in the accident by looking for wear, missing pieces,
misalignment or out of adjustment, or any previous damage. All safety devices
like guards etc. are to be observed whether they are in place and functional or
not. All loose evidences should be gathered and tagged. Date, time and location
are to be recorded on the bag or tag. Nothing should be thrown away and all the
evidence should be kept in one location till the findings are made and concluded.

Important points for taking photographs

It is necessary to take photographs from various positions and angles so as to
cover entire scene and without leaving anything for assumptions on a later date.
Photos should reveal and document the conditions. Photos of marks and debris
are also should be taken. If possible, photo of the nearest sign/landmark etc.
(street corner sign/house) is need to be taken to indicate location. Photos should
be taken from all angles. It is always advisable to use a ruler, etc. next to the
object to provide an accurate scale for close-ups photographs. Keep a photo log
and include details of each photograph taken. Indicate where photo were taken
on a sketch. The photos should also contain date and time.

Sketches & Measurements

All measurements of essential information should be indicated in a sketch.
Measurements are to be taken before any evidence is moved or removed.
Sketches should be made indicating the location and position of people,
equipment, materials and facilities

Paper Evidence
The following records will also give some insight into the reasons for accidents:
• Training Records of the persons involved in the accident.
• Maintenance Log books of the equipment where the person was engaged
in the work and caused accidents.
• Schedules for check up, maintenance etc.
• Job Procedures, work instructions
• Job Briefing records like work permits etc.
• Inspection Reports of the equipment where the accident took place.

Information Interviews
This is the method of collecting the information directly from the persons who
were available at the scene at the time of the accident. This information helps to
pin point the cause of accidents.

Hints for conducting interviews:

• Gather just the facts… make no judgments or statements
• Conduct interviews one on one
• Be friendly but professional
• Conduct interviews near the scene in private
• Interview all supervisors
• The interviews with witnesses should be carried out as soon as possible,
while the details of the incident are fresh in their minds.

Details of the witnesses

Name, address, phone number
The answers to the questions like “What did you see” “What did you hear”
“Where were you standing/sitting” “What do you think caused the accident” “Was
there anything different today” would be able to throw light on the cause of the

Typical Questions to be asked to Supervisors

• What is normal procedure for activities involved in the accident
• What type of training persons involved in accident have had.
• What, if anything was different today
• What they think caused the accident
• What could have prevented the accident
Analyze Data
• Gather all photos, drawings, interview material and other information
collected at the scene.
• Determine a clear picture of what happened
• Formally document sequence of events
• The analysis of facts concerning accidents is the process of identifying the
cause of an accident from the facts that have been gathered by the
investigation. An analysis will then classify the accident facts (causal
factors) and develop recommendations for changes of those causal
factors in order to prevent re-occurrence of the accident in the future.

Classification of data of Analysis and Causes

• Unsafe Acts – what activities contributed to the accident
• Unsafe conditions – what material conditions, environmental conditions
and equipment conditions contributed to the accident

Analysis about the Contribution of Safety Controls such as

• Engineering Controls - machine guards, safety controls, isolation of
hazardous areas, monitoring devices, etc.
• Administrative Controls - procedures, assessments, inspection, records to
monitor and ensure safe practices and environments are maintained.
• Training Controls - initial new hire safety orientation, job specific safety
training and periodic refresher training.

Identification of the controls that have failed:

List the specific engineering, administrative and training controls that failed and
how these failures contributed to the accident.
Identification of the controls that have worked properly:
List any controls that prevented a more serious accident or minimized collateral
damage or injuries.

• What was not normal before the accident
• Where the abnormality occurred
• When it was first noted
• How it occurred.
Unsafe Acts
List all unsafe acts involved in the accident
• Examples of unsafe acts
• Unauthorized operation of equipment
• Running - Horse Play
• Not following procedures
• By-passing safety devices
• Not using protective equipment
• Under influence of drugs or alcohol
• Taking short-cuts

Unsafe conditions
List all unsafe conditions involved in the accident
• Prevailing unsafe conditions
• Ergonomic Hazards
• Environmental hazards
• Inadequate housekeeping
• Blocked walkways
• Improper or damaged PPE
• Inadequate machine guarding
• Define the problem (What happened?).
• Establish the norm (What should have happened?).
• Identify, locate, and describe the change than the ideal one(What, where,
when, to what extent).
• Specify what was and what was not affected.
• Identify the distinctive features of the change.
• List the possible causes.
• Select the most likely causes.

What needs to change or be improved to prevent similar accidents in the future?
• Engineering Controls
• Administrative Controls
• Training Controls

Final Report
• Background Information – where, when, who & what
• List of those involved & other witnesses
• Account of the Accident - sequence of events, extent of damage, accident
type, source

Identification of Causes
• Analysis of the Accident – HOW & WHY
• Direct causes (energy sources; hazardous materials)
• Indirect causes (unsafe acts and conditions)
• Basic causes (management policies; personal or environmental factors)

Segregation of causes:
• Basic causes
• Indirect causes
• Direct causes
• Remedial actions

As a result of the finding there is a need to make changes to:
• Employee training
• Changes to be incorporated in the equipment
• Policies or procedures

Final Report
After developing a formal report, forward it for review & action by the competent
Preserve the report and complete records/data/photographs/sketches pertaining
to the investigation in a single file
Appendix - I
Excerpts from Indian Electricity Rules on Safety
Construction, installation, protection, operation and maintenance of
electric supply
29. Lines and apparatus:
All electric supply lines and apparatus shall be of
(1) Sufficient ratings for power, insulation and estimated fault current and of
sufficient Mechanical strength, for the duty which they may be required to
perform under the Environmental conditions of installation, and shall be
constructed, installed, protected, worked and maintained in such a manner as to
ensure safety of human beings, animals and property.
(2) The relevant code of practice of the Bureau of Indian Standards including
National Electrical Code if any, may be followed to carry out the purposes of this
rule and in the event of any inconsistency, the provisions of these rules shall
(3) The material and apparatus used shall conform to the relevant specifications
of the Bureau of Indian Standards, where such specifications have already been
laid down.
30. Service lines and apparatus on consumer’s premises
(1) The supplier shall ensure that all electric supply lines, wires, fittings and
apparatus belonging to him or under his control, which are on a consumer’s
premises, are in a safe-condition and in all respects fit for supplying energy and
the supplier shall take due precautions to avoid danger arising on such premises
from such supply lines, wires, fittings and apparatus.
(2) Service-lines placed by the supplier on the premises of a consumer which are
underground or which are accessible shall be so insulated and protected by the
supplier as to be secured under all ordinary conditions against electrical,
mechanical, chemical or other injury to the insulation.
(3) The consumer shall, as far as circumstances permit, take precautions for the
safe custody of the equipment on his premises belonging to the supplier.
(4) The consumer shall also ensure that the installation under his control is
maintained in a safe condition.
31. Cut-out on consumer’s premises-
(1) The supplier shall provide a suitable cut-out in each conductor of every
service-line other than an earthed or earthed neutral conductor or the earthed
external conductor of a concentric cable within a consumer’ s premises, in an
accessible position. Such cut-out shall be contained within an adequately
enclosed fireproof receptacle.
Where more than one consumer is supplied through a common service-line,
each such consumer shall be provided with an independent cut-out at the point of
junction to the common service.
(2) Every electric supply line other than the earth or earthed neutral conductor of
any system or the earthed external conductor of a concentric cable shall be
protected by a suitable cut-out by its owner.
32. Identification of earthed and earthed neutral conductors and position of
switches and cut-outs therein
Where the conductors include an earthed conductor of a two-wire system or an
earthed neutral conductor of a multi-wire system or a conductor which is to be
connected thereto, the following conditions shall be complied with
(1) An indication of a permanent nature shall be provided by the owner of the
earthed or earthed neutral conductor, or the conductor which is to be connected
thereto, to enable such conductor to be distinguished from any live conductor.
Such indication shall be provided-
(a) Where the earthed or earthed neutral conductor is the property of the
supplier, at or near the point of commencement of supply;
(b) Where a conductor forming, part of a consumer’s system is to be connected
to the supplier’ s earthed or earthed neutral conductor, at the point where such
connection is to be made;
(c) In all other cases, at a point corresponding to the point of commencement of
supply or at such other points as may be approved by an Inspector or any officer
appointed to assist the Inspector and authorized under sub-rule(2) of rule 4A.
(2) No cut-out, link or switch other than a linked switch arranged to operate
simultaneously on the earthed or earthed neutral conductor and live conductors
shall be inserted or remain inserted in any earthed or earthed neutral conductor
of a two wire-system or in any earthed or earthed neutral conductor of a multi-
wire system or in any conductor connected thereto with the following exceptions:-
(a) A link for testing purposes, or
(b) A switch for use in controlling a generator or transformer.
33. Earthed terminal on consumer’s premises:-
(1) The supplier shall provide and maintain on the consumer’s premises for the
consumer’ s use, a suitable earthed terminal in an accessible position at or near
the point of commencement of supply as defined under rule 58
Provided that in the case of medium, high or extra-high voltage installation the
Shall, in addition to the aforementioned earthing arrangement, provide his own
earthing system with an independent electrode.
Provided further that the supplier may not provide any earthed terminal in the
case of installations already connected to his system on or before the date to be
specified by the State Government in this behalf if he is satisfied that the
consumer’ s earthing arrangement is efficient.
(2)The consumer shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent mechanical
damage to the earthed terminal and its lead belonging to the supplier.
(3)The supplier may recover from the consumer the cost of installation on the
basis of schedule of charges notified in advance and where such schedule of
charges is not notified, the procedure prescribed, in sub-rule(5) of rule 82 will
34. Accessibility of bare conductors
Where bare conductors are used in a building, the owner of such conductors
shall –
(a) Ensure that they are inaccessible;
(b) Provide switches for rendering them dead whenever necessary; in readily
accessible position and
(c) Take such other safety measures as are considered necessary by the
35. Danger Notices
The owner of every medium, high and extra-high voltage installation shall affix
permanently in a conspicuous position a danger notice in Hindi or English and
the local language of the district, with a sign of skull and bones of a design as per
the relevant ISS No.2551 on
(a) Every motor, generator, transformer and other electrical plant and equipment
together with apparatus used for controlling or regulating the same;
(b) All supports of high and extra-high voltage overhead lines which can be easily
climbed-upon without the aid of ladder or special appliances;
Explanation- Rails, tubular poles, wooden supports, reinforced cement concrete
poles without steps, I-sections and channels, shall be deemed as supports which
cannot be easily climbed upon for the purposes of this clause;
(c) Luminous tube sign requiring high voltage supply, X-ray and similar high
frequency installations:
Provided that where it is not possible to affix such notices or any generator,
motor, transformer or other apparatus, they shall be affixed as near as possible
thereto, or the word ‘danger’ and the voltage of apparatus concerned shall be
permanently painted on it
Provided further that where the generator, motor, transformer or other apparatus
is within an enclosure one notice affixed to the said enclosure shall be sufficient
for the purposes of this rule.
36. Handling of electric supply lines and apparatus:
(1) Before any conductor or apparatus is handled adequate precautions shall be
taken, by earthing or other suitable means, to discharge electrically such
conductor or apparatus, and any adjacent conductor or apparatus if there is
danger therefrom, and to prevent any conductor or apparatus from being
accidentally or inadvertently electrically charged when persons are working
Every person who is working on an electric supply line or apparatus or both shall
be provided with tools and devices such as gloves, rubber shoes, safety belts,
ladders, earthing devices, helmets, line testers, hand lines and the like for
protecting him from mechanical and electrical injury. Such tools and devices shall
always be maintained in sound and efficient working conditions
(2) No person shall work on any live electric supply line or apparatus and no
person shall assist such person on such work, unless he is authorized in that
behalf, and takes the safety measures approved by the Inspector.
(3) Every telecommunication line on supports carrying a high or extra-high
voltage line shall, for the purpose of working thereon, be deemed to be a high
voltage line.
37. Supply to vehicles, cranes, etc.
Every person owning a vehicle, traveling crane, or the like to which energy is
supplied from an external source shall ensure that it is efficiently controlled by a
suitable switch enabling all voltage to be cut off in one operation and, where such
vehicle, traveling crane or the like runs on metal rails, the owner shall ensure that
the rails are electrically continuous and earthed.
38. Cables for portable or transportable apparatus
(1). Flexible cables shall not be used for portable or transportable motors,
generators, transformer rectifiers, electric drills, electric sprayers, welding sets or
any other portable or transportable apparatus unless they are heavily insulated
and adequately protected from mechanical injury.
(2) Where the protection is by means of metallic covering the covering shall be in
metallic connection with the frame of any such apparatus and earth.
(3)The cables shall be three core type and four core type for portable and
transportable apparatus working on single phase and three phase supply
respectively and the wire meant to be used for ground connection shall be easily
39. Cables protected by bituminous materials
(a) Where the supplier or the owner has brought into use an electric supply
line(other than an overhead line) which is not completely enclosed in a
continuous metallic covering connected with earth and is insulated or protected in
situ by composition or material of a bituminous character
(i) Any pipe, conduit, or the like into which such electric supply line may have
been drawn or placed shall, unless other arrangements are approved by the
Inspector in any particular case, be effectively sealed at its point of entry into any
street box so as to prevent any flow of gas to or from the street box and
(ii) Such electric supply line shall be periodically inspected and tested where
accessible, and the result of each such inspection and test shall be duly recorded
by the supplier or the owner.
(b) It shall not be permissible for the supplier or the owner after the coming into
force of these rules, to bring into use any further electric supply line as aforesaid
which is insulated or protected in situ by any composition or material known to be
liable to produce noxious or explosive gases on excessive heating.
40. Street boxes:
(1) Street boxes shall not contain gas pipes, and precautions shall be taken to
prevent, as far as reasonably possible, any influx of water or gas.
(2) Where electric supply lines forming part of different systems pass through the
same street box, they shall be readily distinguishable from one another and all
electric supply lines at high or extra-high voltage in street boxes shall be
adequately supported and protected so as to prevent risk of damage to or danger
from adjacent electric supply lines.
(3) All street boxes shall be regularly inspected for the purpose of detecting the
presence of gas and if any influx or accumulation is discovered, the owner shall
give immediate notice to any authority or company who have gas mains in the
neighborhood of the street box and in cases where a street box is large enough
to admit the entrance of a person after the electric supply lines or apparatus
therein have been placed in position, ample provision shall be made.
(a) To ensure that any gas which may by accident have obtained access to the
box shall escape before a person is allowed to enter and
(b) For the prevention of danger from sparking.
(4)The owners of all street boxes or pillars containing circuits or apparatus shall
ensure that their covers and doors are so provided that they can be opened only
by means of a key or a special appliance.
41. Distinction of different circuits:
The owner of every generating station, sub-station, junction-box or pillar in which
there are any circuits or apparatus, whether intended for operation at different
voltages or at the same voltage, shall ensure by means of indication of a
permanent nature that the respective circuits are readily distinguishable from one
41A. Distinction of the installations having more than one feed:
The owner of the every installation including sub-station, double pole structure,
four pole structure or any other structure having more than one feed, shall ensure
by means of indication of a permanent nature, that the installation is readily
distinguishable from other installations
42. Accidental Charge
The owners of all circuits and apparatus shall so arrange them that there shall be
no danger of any part thereof becoming accidentally charged to any voltage
beyond the limits of voltage for which they are intended. Where A.C.and D.C
circuits are installed on the same support they shall be so arranged and
protected that they shall not come into contract with each other when live.
43. Provisions applicable to protective equipment:
(1) Fire buckets filled with clean dry sand and ready for immediate use for
extinguishing fires, in addition to fire extinguishers suitable for dealing with
electric fires, shall be conspicuously marked and kept in all generating stations,
enclosed sub-stations and switch stations in convenient situation. The fire
extinguishers shall be tested for satisfactory operation at least once a year and
record of such tests shall be maintained.
(2) First-aid boxes or cupboards conspicuously marked and equipped with such
contents as the State Government may specify shall be provided and maintained
in every generating station, enclosed sub-station and enclosed switch station so
as to be readily accessible during all working hours. All such boxes and
cupboards shall, except in the case of unattended substations and switch
stations, be kept in charge of responsible persons who are trained in first aid
treatment and one of such person shall be available during working hours.
(3) Two or more gas masks shall be provided conspicuously and installed and
maintained it accessible places in every generating station with capacity of 5MW
and above and enclosed sub-station with transformation capacity of 5 MVA and
above for use in the event of fire or smoke;
Provided that where more than one generator with capacity of 5 MW and above
is installed in a power station, each generator would be provided with at least two
separate gas masks in accessible and conspicuous position;
Provided further that adequate number of gas masks would be provided by the
Owner of every generating station and enclosed sub-station with capacity less
than 5 MW and 5MVA respectively, if so desired by the Inspector.
44. Instructions for restoration of persons suffering from electric shock:
(1) Instructions, in English or Hindi and the local language of the District and
where Hindi is the local language, in English and Hindi for the restoration of
persons suffering from electric shock, shall be affixed by the owner in a
conspicuous place in every generating station, enclosed sub-station, enclosed
switch-station and in every factory as defined in clause(m) of Section 2 of the
Factories Act,1948(63 of 1948) in which electricity is used and in such other
premises where electricity is used as the Inspector or any officer appointed to
assist the Inspector may, by notice in writing served on the owner, direct.
(2) Copies of the instructions shall be supplied on demand by an officer or
officers appointed by the Central or the State Government in this behalf at a price
to be fixed by the Central or the State Government.
(3) The owner of every generating station, enclosed sub-station, enclosed switch-
station and every factory or other premises to which this rule applies, shall
ensure that all authorized persons employed by him are acquainted with and are
competent to apply the instructions referred to in sub-rule(1).
(4) In every manned high voltage or extra-high voltage generating station, sub-
station or switch station, an artificial respirator shall be provided and kept in good
working condition.
44A. Intimation of Accident-
If any accident occurs in connection with the generation, transmission, supply or
use of energy in or in connection with, any part of the electric supply lines or
other works of any person and the accident results in or is likely to have resulted
in loss of human or animal life or in any injury to a human being or an animal,
such person or any authorized person of the State Electricity Board/Supplier, not
below the rank of a Junior Engineer or equivalent shall send to the Inspector a
telegraphic report within 24 hours of the knowledge of the occurrence of the fatal
accident and a written report in the form set out in Annexure XIII within 48 hours
of the knowledge of occurrence of fatal and all other accidents. Where
practicable a telephonic message should also be given to the Inspector
immediately the accident comes to the knowledge of the authorized officer of the
State Electricity Board/Supplier or other person concerned.
45. Precautions to be adopted by consumers, Owners, occupiers, electrical
contractors, electrical workmen and suppliers
(1) No electrical installation work, including additions, alterations, repairs and
adjustments to existing installations, except such replacement of lamps, fans,
fuses, switches, low voltage domestic appliances and fittings as in no way alters
its capacity or character, shall be carried out upon the premises of or on behalf of
any consumer, supplier, owner or occupier for the purpose of supply to such
consumer, supplier, owner or occupier] except by an electrical contractor
licensed in this behalf by the State Government and under the direct supervision
of a person holding a certificate of competency and by a person holding a permit
issued or recognized by the State Government.
Provided that in the case of works executed for or on behalf of the Central
Government and in the case of installations in mines, oil fields and railways, the
Central Government and in other cases the State Government, may, by
notification in the Official Gazette, exempt on such conditions as it may impose,
any such work described therein either generally or in the case of any specified
class of consumers, suppliers, owners or occupiers from so much of this sub-rule
as requires such work to be carried out by an electrical contractor licensed by the
State Government in this behalf.
(2) No electrical installation work which has been carried out in contravention of
sub rule (1) shall either be energized or connected to the works of any supplier
46. Periodical inspection and testing of installation-
(1) (a)Where an installation is already connected to the supply system of the
supplier, every such installation shall be periodically inspected and tested at
intervals not exceeding five years either by the Inspector or any officer appointed
to assist the Inspector or by the supplier as may be directed by the State
Government in this behalf or in the case of installations belonging to, or under the
control of the Central Government, and in the case of installation in mines,
oilfields and railways by the Central Government.
(b) Where the supplier is directed by the Central or the State Government as the
case may be to inspect and test the installation he shall report on the condition of
the installation to the consumer concerned in a form approved by the Inspector
and shall submit a copy of such report to the Inspector or to any officer appointed
to assist the Inspector and authorized under sub-rule (2) of rule 4A.
(c) Subject to the approval of the Inspector, the forms of inspection report
contained in
Annexure IX-A may, with such variations as the circumstances of each case
require, be used for the purposes of this sub-rule.
(2) (a)The fees for such inspection and test shall be determined by the Central or
the State Government, as the case may be, in the case of each class of
consumers and shall be payable by the consumer in advance.
(b) In the event of the failure of any consumer to pay the fees on or before the
date specified in the fee-notice, supply to the installation of such consumer shall
be liable to be disconnected under the direction of the Inspector. Such
disconnection, however, shall not be made by the supplier without giving to the
consumer seven clear days notice in writing of his intention so to do.
(c) In the event of the failure of the owner of any installation to rectify the defects
in his installation pointed out by the Inspector or by any officer appointed to assist
him and authorized under sub-rule (2) of rule 4-A in the form set out in Annexure
IX and within the time indicated therein, such installation shall be liable to be
disconnected 6[under the directions of the Inspector] after serving the owner of
such installation with a notice. Provided that the installation shall not be
disconnected in case an appeal is made under rule 6 and the appellate authority
has stayed the orders of disconnection;
Provided further that the time indicated in the notice shall not be less than 48
hours in any case;
Provided also that nothing contained in this clause shall have any effect on the
application of rule 49.
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of this rule, the consumer shall at all times be
solely responsible for the maintenance of his installation in such condition as to
be free from danger.
Testing of consumer’s installation
47. (1)Upon receipt of an application for a new or additional supply of energy and
before connecting the supply or reconnecting the same after a period of six
months, the supplier shall inspect and test the applicant’s installation.
The supplier shall maintain a record of test results obtained at each supply point
to a consumer, in a form to be approved by the Inspector.
(2) If a result of such inspection and test, the supplier is satisfied that the
installation is likely to constitute danger, he shall serve on the applicant a notice
in writing requiring him to make such modifications as are necessary to render
the installation safe. The supplier may refuse to connect or reconnect the supply
until the required modifications have been completed and he has been notified by
the applicant.
47A Installation and testing of generating units:
Where any consumer or occupier installs a generating plant, he shall give a thirty
days’ notice of this intention to commission the plant to the supplier as well as the
Provided that no consumer or occupier shall commission his generating plant of
a capacity exceeding 10 kW without the approval in writing of the Inspector.
48. Precautions against leakage before connection
(1) The supplier shall not connect with his works the installation or apparatus on
the premises of any applicant for supply unless he is reasonably satisfied that the
connection will not, at the time of making the connection, cause a leakage from
the installation or apparatus of a magnitude detrimental to safety. Compliance
with the rule shall be checked by measuring the insulation resistance as provided
(i) All the electrical equipments shall have the IR values as stipulated in the
relevant Indian Standards.
(ii) At a pressure of 500 V DC applied between each live conductor and earth for
a period of one minute, the insulation résistance of low voltage and medium
voltage equipments shall be at least 1 Mega Ohm or as specified in the relevant
Indian Standard.
(iii) At a pressure of 2.5 kV DC applied between each live conductor and earth for
a period of one minute, the insulation resistance off high voltage equipments
shall be at least 5 Mega Ohm or as specified in the relevant Indian Standard
(2) If the supplier declines to make a connection under the provisions of sub rule
(1), he shall serve upon the applicant a notice in writing stating his reason for so
49. Leakage on Consumer’s premises
(1) If the Inspector or any officer appointed to assist the inspector and
(authorized under sub rule (2) of rule 4A) or the supplier has reason to believe
that there is in the system of a consumer leakage which is likely to affect
injuriously the use of energy by the supplier or by other person, or which is likely
to cause danger he may give the consumer reasonable notice in writing that he
desires to inspect and test the consumer’s installation.
(2) If on such notice being given
(a) The consumer does not give all reasonable facilities for inspection and testing
of this installation, or
(b) when an insulation resistance at the consumer’s installation is so low as to
prevent safe use of energy
The supplier may, and if directed so to do by the Inspector, shall discontinue the
supply of energy to the installation but only after giving to the consumer 48 hours’
notice in writing of disconnection of supply and shall not recommence the supply
until he or the Inspector is satisfied that the cause of the leakage has been
50. Supply and use of energy;
(1) The energy shall not be supplied, transformed, converted or used or
continued to be supplied, transformed, converted or used unless provision as set
out below are observed
(a) The following controls of requisite capacity to carry and break the current are
place after the point of commencement of supply as defined in Rule 58, so as to
be readily accessible and capable of being easily operated to completely isolate
the supply to the installation, such equipment being in addition to any equipment
installed for controlling individual circuits or apparatus:
(i) a linked switch with fuse(s) or a circuit breaker by low and medium voltage
(ii) a linked switch with fuse(s) or a circuit breaker by HV consumers having
aggregate installed transformer/apparatus capacity upto 1000 kVA to be supplied
at voltage upto to 11 kV and 2500 kVA at higher voltages (above 11kV and not
exceeding 33 kV)
(iii) a circuit breaker by HV consumers having an aggregate installed transformer
/apparatus capacity above 1000 kVA and supplied at 11 kV and above 2500 kVA
supplied at higher voltages (above 11kV and not exceeding 33 kV)
(iv) a circuit breaker by EHV consumer;
Provided that where the point of commencement of supply and the consumer
apparatus are near each other one linked switch with fuse(s) or circuit breaker
near the point of commencement of supply as required by this clause shall be
considered sufficient for the purpose of this rule.
(b) In case of every transformer the following shall be provided:
(i) On the primary side of transformers a linked switch with fuses(s) or circuit
breaker of adequate capacity:
Provided that the link switch on the primary side for the transformer may be of
such capacity as to carry the full load current and to break only the magnetizing
current of the transformer
Provided further that for all transformers
(A) Having a capacity of 5000 kVA and above and installed before the
commencement of Electricity (1st Amendment) Rules, 2000 and
(B) Having a capacity of 1000 kVA and above and installed on or after the
commencement of Indian Electricity (1st Amendment) Rules 2000, a circuit
breaker shall be provided.
(ii) In respect of all transformers installed on or after the commencement of the
Indian Electricity (1st amendment ) Rules 2000, on the secondary side of
transformers HV to EHV, MV or LV circuit breaker of adequate rating shall be
Provided that for suppliers’ transformers of capacity up to 630 kVA, a linked
switch with fuse or circuit breaker of adequate rating shall be installed on the
secondary side
(c)Except in the case of composite control gear designed as a unit every distinct
circuit is protected against excess energy by means of suitable cut out or a circuit
breaker of adequate breaking capacity suitably located and so constructed are to
prevent danger from overheating, arcing or scattering of hot metal when it comes
into operation and to permit for ready renewal of the fusible metal of the cutout
without danger
(d) The supply of energy to each motor or a group of motors or other apparatus
meant for operating one particular machine is controlled by a suitable linked
switch of or a circuit breaker or an emergency tripping device with manual reset
of requisite capacity placed in such a position as to be adjacent to the motor or a
group of motors or other apparatus readily accessible to and easily operated by
the person in charge and so connected in the circuit that by its means all supply
of energy can be cut off from the motor or group of motors or apparatus and from
any regulating switch, resistance of other device associated therewith;
(e) all insulating materials are chosen with special regard to the circumstances of
its proposed use and their mechanical strength is sufficient for its purpose and so
far as it practicable of such a character or so protected as to maintain adequately
its insulating property under all working conditions in respect of temperature and
moisture; and
(f) adequate precautions shall be taken to ensure that no live parts are so
exposed as to cause danger.
(2) Where energy is being supplied, transformed, converted or used, the
consumer, supplier or the owner of the concerned installation shall be
responsible for the continuous observance of the provisions of sub rule (1) in
respect of his installations.
(3) Every consumer shall use all reasonable means to ensure that where energy
is supplied by a supplier no person other than the supplier shall interfere with the
service lines and apparatus placed by the supplier on the premises of the
50A additional provisions for supply and use of energy in multi-storeyed
buildings (more than 15 meters in height)
(1)Before making an application for commencement of supply or
recommencement of supply after an installation has been disconnected for a
period of six months or more the owner/occupier of a multi storeyed building shall
give not less than 30 days notice in writing to the Inspector together with
particulars. The supply of energy shall not be commenced or recommenced
within this period, without the approval or otherwise in writing of the Inspector.
(2) The supplier/owner of the installation shall provide at the point of
commencement of supply a suitable insulation device with cutout or breaker to
operate on all phases except neutral in the three phase four wire circuit and fixed
in a conspicuous position at not more than 2.75 metres above the ground so as
to completely isolate the supply to the building in case of emergency.
(3) The owner/ occupier of a multi-storeyed building shall ensure that electrical
installations/works inside the building are carried out and maintained in such a
manner as to prevent danger due to shock and fire hazards and the installation is
carried out in accordance with the relevant code of practices.
(4) No other service pies shall be taken along the ducts provided for laying power
cables. Al ducts provided for power cables and other services shall be provided
with fire barrier at each floor crossing.
51 Provisions applicable to medium, high or extra high voltage
The following provisions shall be observed where energy at medium, high or
extra high voltage is supplied, converted, transformed or used.
(1)(a)All conductors (other than those of overhead lines) shall be completely
enclosed in mechanically strong metal casing or metallic covering which is
electrically and mechanically continuous and adequately protected against
mechanical damage unless the said conductor are accessible only o an
authorized person or are installed and protected to the satisfaction of the
Inspector so as to prevent danger.
Provided that non metallic conduits conforming to the relevant Indian Standard
Specifications may be used for medium voltage installation , subject to such
conditions as the Inspector or Officer appointed to assist an Inspector may think
fit to impose.
(b)All metal works, enclosing, supporting or associated with the installation, other
than that designed to serve as a conductor shall be connected with an earthing
system as per standards laid down in the Indian standards in this regard and also
in accordance with rule 61(4)
(c)Every switchboard shall comply with the following provision namely
(i) a clear space of not less than 1 metre in width shall be provide in front of the
(ii)if there are any attachments or bare connections at the back of the
switchboard, the space (if any) behind the switchboard shall be either less than
20 centimetres or more than 75 centimetres in width, measured from the farthest
outstanding part of any attachment or conductor.
(iii)If the space behind the switchboard exceeds 75 centimeters in width there
shall be a passage way from either end of the switchboard clear to a height of 1.8
(d) In case of installation provided in premises where inflammable materials
including gases and /or chemicals are produced, handled or stored, the electrical
installations, equipment and apparatus shall comply with the requirements of
flame proof , dust tight totally enclosed or any other suitable type of electrical
fittings depending upon the hazardous zones as per the relevant Indian Standard
60. Test for resistance of insulation –
(1) Where any electric supply line for use at low or medium voltage has been
disconnected from a system for the purpose of addition, alteration or repair, such
electric supply line shall not be reconnected to the system until the supplier or the
owner has applied the test prescribed under rule 48.
(2) The provision of sub-rule (1) shall not apply to overhead lines except,
overhead insulated cables unless the Inspector otherwise directs in any particular
61. Connection with earth:–
(1) The following provisions shall apply to the connection with earth of systems at
low voltage in cases where the voltage normally exceeds 125 volts and of
systems at medium voltage:-
(a) Neutral conductor of a 3 phase, 4 wire system and the middle conductor of a
2 phase, 3-wire system shall be earthed by not less than two separate and
distinct connections with a minimum of two different earth electrodes or such
large number as may be necessary to bring the earth resistance to a satisfactory
value both at the generating station and at the sub-station. The earth electrodes
so provided, may be inter-connected to reduce earth resistance. It may also be
earthed at one or more points along the distribution system or service line in
addition to any connection with earth which may be at the consumer’ s premises.
(b) In the case of a system comprising electric supply lines having concentric
cables, the external conductor of such cables shall be earthed by two separate
and distinct connections with earth.
(c) The connection with earth may include a link by means of which the
connection may be temporarily interrupted for the purpose of testing or for
locating a fault.
(d) (i) In a direct current three wire system the middle conductor shall be earthed
at the generating station only, and the current from the middle conductor to earth
shall be continuously recorded by means of a recording ammeter, and if any time
the current exceeds one-thousandth part of the maximum supply current
immediate steps shall be taken to improve the insulation of the system.
(ii) Where the middle conductor is earthed by means of a circuit-breaker with a
resistance connected in parallel, the resistance shall not exceed 10 Ohms and on
the opening of the circuit-breaker, immediate steps shall be taken to improve the
insulation of the system, and the circuit-breaker shall be re-closed as soon as
(iii) The resistance shall be used only as a protection for the ammeter in case of
earths on the system and until such earths are removed. Immediate steps shall
be taken to locate and remove the earth.
(e) In the case of an alternating current system, there shall not be inserted in the
connection with earth any impedance (other than that required solely for the
operation of switch-gear or instruments), cut-out or circuit-breaker, and the result
of any test made to ascertain whether the current (if any) passing through the
connection with earth is normal, shall be duly recorded by the supplier.
(f) No person shall make connection with earth by the aid of, nor shall he keep it
in contact with, any water main not belonging to him except with the consent of
the owner thereof and of the Inspector.
(g) Alternating current systems which are connected with earth as aforesaid may
be electrically interconnected:
Provided that each connection with earth is bonded to the metal sheathing and
metallic armouring (if any) of the electric supply lines concerned.
(2) The frame of every generator, stationary motor, portable motor, and the
metallic parts (not intended as conductors) of all transformers and any other
apparatus used for regulating or controlling energy and all medium voltage
energy consuming apparatus shall be earthed by the owner by two separate and
distinct connections with earth.
(3) All metal casings or metallic coverings containing or protecting any electric
supply-line or apparatus shall be connected with earth and shall be so joined and
connected across all junction boxes and other openings as to make good
mechanical and electrical connection throughout their whole length; Provided that
where the supply is at low voltage, this sub-rule shall not apply to wall tubes or to
brackets, electroliers, switches, ceiling fans or other fittings(other than portable
hand lamps and portable and transportable apparatus)unless provided with earth
terminal and to class-II apparatus/appliances;
Provided further that where the supply is at low voltage and where the
installations are either new or renovated all plug sockets shall be of the three-pin
type, and the third pin shall be permanently and efficiently earthed. Explanation-
The words “Class-II apparatus/appliance” will have the same meaning as
assigned to these words in the relevant ISS
(4) All earthing system shall -
(a) Consist of equipotential bonding conductors capable of carrying the
prospective earth fault current and a group of pipe/rod/plate electrodes for
dissipating the current to the general mass of earth without exceeding the
allowable temperature limits as per relevant Indian Standards in order to maintain
all non-current carrying metal works reasonably at earth potential and to avoid
dangerous contact potentials being developed on such metal works;
(b) Limit earth resistance sufficiently low to permit adequate fault current for the
operation of protective devices in time and to reduce neutral shifting;
(c) Be mechanically strong, withstand corrosion and retain electrical continuity
during the life of the installation. All earthing systems shall be tested to ensure
efficient earthing, before the electric supply lines or apparatus are energized.
(5) All earthing systems belonging to the supplier shall in addition, be tested for
resistance on dry day during the dry season not less than once every two years.
(6) A record of every earth test made and the result thereof shall be kept by the
supplier for a period of not less than two years after the day of testing and shall
be available to the Inspector or any officer appointed to assist the Inspector and
authorised under sub-rule(2) of rule 4-A when required.
61. A. Earth leakage protective device:-
The supply of Energy to every electrical installation other than low voltage
installation below 5 KW and those low voltage installations which do not attract
provisions of section 30 of the Indian Electricity Act, 1910, shall be controlled by
an earth leakage protective device so as to disconnect the supply instantly on the
occurrence of earth fault or leakage of current:
Provided that the above shall not apply to overhead supply lines having
protective devices which are effectively bonded to the neutral of supply
transformers and conforming to rule 91 of I.E.Rules,1956.
62. Systems at medium voltage-
Where a medium voltage supply system is employed, the voltage between earth
and any conductor forming part of the same system shall not, under normal
conditions, exceed low voltage.
63. Approval by Inspector-
the following minimum safety working clearances shall be maintained for the bare
conductors or live parts of any apparatus in out-door sub-stations, excluding
overhead lines, of HV and EHV installations:-

Voltage (KV) Clearance (Metres)

12 2.6
36 2.8
72. 5 3.1
145 3.7
245 4.3
420 6.4
800 10.3

(1) The above values are valid for altitude not exceeding 1000 Metres (m.). A
correction factor of 1.25 per cent per 100m. is to be applied for increasing the
clearance for altitudes more than 1000m. and up to 3000m.
(2) The above safety working clearances are based on an insulation height of
2.44m. which is the height of lowest point on the insulator (where it meets the
earthed metal) from the ground.
(3) “Safety Working Clearance” is the minimum clearance to be maintained in air
between the live part of the equipment on one hand and earth or another piece of
equipment or conductor on which it is necessary to carry out the work, on the
(4) The “Highest System Voltage” is defined as the highest rms phase to phase
voltage which occurs under normal operating conditions at any time and at any
point of the system. It excludes voltage transients (such as those due to system
switching) and temporary voltage variations due to abnormal system conditions
(such as those due to fault conditions or the sudden disconnection of large
(b) The windings of motors or other apparatus within reach from any position in
which a person may require to be, shall be suitably protected so as to prevent
(c) Where transformer or transformers are used, suitable provision shall be
made, either by connecting with earth a point of the circuit at the lower voltage or
otherwise, to guard against danger by reason of the said circuit becoming
accidentally charged above its normal voltage by leakage from or contact with
the circuit at the higher voltage.
(d) A sub-station or a switch station with apparatus having more than 2000 litres
of oil shall not be located in the basement where proper oil draining arrangement
cannot be provided.
(e) Where a sub-station or a switch station with apparatus having more than
2000 litres of oil is installed, whether indoor or out-doors, the following measures
shall be taken namely:-
(i) The baffle walls of 4 Hours fire rating shall be provided between the apparatus
in the following cases:-
A. single phase banks in the switch-yards of generating stations and sub-
B. on the consumer premises;
C. where adequate clearance between the units is not available.
(ii) Provisions shall be made for suitable oil soak pit and where use of more than
9000 litres of oil in any one oil tank, receptacle or chamber is involved, provision
shall be made for the draining away or removal of any oil which may leak or
escape from the tanks receptacles or chambers containing the same, special
precautions shall be taken to prevent the spread of any fire resulting from the
ignition of the oil from any cause and adequate provision shall be made for
extinguishing any fire which may occur. Spare oil shall not be stored in any such
sub-station or switch station.
(iii) All the transformers and switchgears shall be maintained in accordance with
the maintenance schedule given in the relevant code of practices of BIS and the
authorized person shall keep a record thereof as required under rule 3(6).
(iv) Notwithstanding anything contained in rule 64(2)(d) & 64(2) (f) (ii), only dry
types of transformers shall be used for installations inside the
residential/commercial buildings.
(f) (i) Without prejudice to the above measures, adequate fire protection
arrangement shall be provided for quenching the fire in the apparatus;
(ii) Where it is necessary to locate the sub-station / switch station in the
basement following measures shall be taken:-
(a) The room shall necessarily be in the first basement at the periphery of the
(b) The entrances to the room shall be provided with fire resisting doors of 2 hour
fire rating. A curb (sill) of a suitable height shall be provided at the entrance in
order to prevent the flow of oil from a ruptured transformer into other parts of the
basement. Direct access to the transformer room shall be provided from outside.
(c) The transformer shall be protected by an automatic high velocity water spray
system or by carbon dioxide or BCF (Bromochloro-difluromethane) or BTM
(Bromo-trifluromethane) fixed installation system or Nitrogen injection and drain
(iii) Oil filled transformers installed indoors shall not be on any floor above the
ground or below the first basement.
(g) Cable trenches inside the sub-stations and switch stations containing cables
shall be filled with sand, pebbles or similar non-inflammable materials or
completely covered with non-inflammable slabs;
(h) Unless the conditions are such that all the conductors and apparatus may be
made dead at the same time for the purpose of cleaning or for other work, the
said conductors and apparatus shall be so arranged that these may be made
dead in sections, and that work on any such section may be carried on by an
authorized person without danger.
(i) Only persons authorized under sub-rule (1) of rule 3, shall carry out the work
on live lines and apparatus,
(3) All EHV apparatus shall be protected against lightning as well as against
switching over voltages. The equipment used for protection and switching shall
be adequately coordinated with the protected apparatus to ensure safe operation
as well as to maintain the stability of the inter-connected units of the power
64A. Additional provisions for use of energy at high and extra-high
The following additional provisions shall be observed where energy at high or
extra-high voltage is supplied, converted, transferred or used, namely:-
(1) Inter-locks – Suitable inter-locks shall be provided in the following cases:-
(a) Isolators and the controlling circuit breakers shall be inter-locked so that the
isolators cannot be operated unless the corresponding breaker is in open
(b) Isolators and the corresponding earthing switches shall be inter-locked so that
no earthing switch can be closed unless and until the corresponding isolator is in
open position;
(c) Where two or more supplies are not intended to be operated in parallel, the
respective circuit breakers or linked switches controlling the supplies shall be
inter-locked to prevent possibility of any inadvertent paralleling or feedback;
(d) When two or more transformers are operated in parallel, the system shall be
so arranged as to trip the secondary breaker of a transformer in case the primary
breaker of that transformer trips;
(e) All gates or doors which give access to live parts of an installation shall be
interlocked in such a way that these cannot be opened unless the live parts are
made dead. Proper discharging and earthing of these parts should be ensured
before any person comes in close proximity of such parts;
(f) Where two or more generators operate in parallel and neutral switching is
adopted, inter-lock shall be provided to ensure that generator breaker cannot be
closed unless one of the neutrals is connected to the earthing system.
(2) Protection – All systems and circuits shall be so protected as to automatically
disconnect the supply under abnormal conditions.
The following protection shall be provided namely:-
(a) Over current protection to disconnect the supply automatically if the rated
current of the equipment, cable or supply line is exceeded for a time which the
equipment, cable or supply line is not designed to withstand;
(b) Earth-fault / earth leakage protection to disconnect the supply automatically if
the earth fault current exceeds the limit of current for keeping the contact
potential within the reasonable values;
(c) Gas pressure type and winding and oil temperature protection to give alarm
and tripping shall be provided on all transformers of ratings 1000 KVA and
(d) Transformers of capacity 10 MVA and above shall be protected against
incipient faults by differential protection; and
(e) All generators with rating of 100 KVA and above shall be protected against
earth fault / leakage. All generators of rating 1000 KVA and above shall be
protected against faults within the generator winding using restricted earth fault
protection or differential protection or by both.
(f) High speed bus bar differential protection along with local breaker back up
protection shall be commissioned and shall always be available at all 220 KV and
above voltage sub-stations and switchyards and generating stations connected
with the grid:
Provided that in respect of existing 220 KV sub-stations and switchyard having
more than one incoming feeders, the high speed bus bar differential protection
along with local breaker back up protection, shall be commissioned and shall
always be available:
Provided further that the provisions contained in this sub-rule shall have effect in
respect of the existing installations from the date to be specified by the
appropriate Government but such a date shall not be later than a period of three
(3) years from the date this rule comes into force.
65. Testing, Operation and Maintenance. –
(1) Before approval is accorded by the Inspector under rule 63, the manufacturer’
s test certificates shall, if required, be produced for all the routine tests as
required under the relevant Indian Standard.
(2) No new HV or EHV apparatus, cable or supply line shall be commissioned
unless such apparatus, cable or supply line are subjected to site tests as per
relevant code of practice of the Bureau of Indian Standards.
(3) No HV or EHV apparatus, cable or supply line which has been kept
disconnected, for a period of 6 months or more, from the system for alterations or
repair shall be connected to the system until such apparatus, cable or supply line
are subjected to the relevant tests as per code of practice of Bureau of Indian
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-rules (1) to (3) (both inclusive), the
Inspector may require certain additional tests to be carried out before charging
the installations or subsequently.
(5) All apparatus, cables and supply lines shall be maintained in healthy
conditions and tests shall be carried out periodically as per the relevant codes of
practice of the [Bureau of Indian Standards.
(6) Records of all tests, trippings, maintenance works and repairs of all
equipment, cables and supply lines shall be duly kept in such a way that these
records can be compared with earlier ones.
(7) It shall be the responsibility of the owner of all HV and EHV installations to
maintain and operate the installations in a condition free from danger and as
recommended by the manufacturer and / or by the relevant codes of practice of
the Bureau of Indian Standards and / or by the Inspector.
(8) Failures of transformers and reactors of 20 MVA and higher capacity shall be
reported by the consumers and the suppliers of electricity within 48 hours of the
occurrence of the failure, to the electrical inspector and Central Electricity Board.
The reasons for failure and measures to be taken to avoid recurrence of failure
shall be sent to the electrical inspector and Central Electricity Board within one
month of the occurrence in the format given in Annexure XV.
66. Metal sheathed electric supply lines. Precautions against excess
(1) The following provisions shall apply to electric supply lines other than
overhead lines for use at high or extra-high voltage:-
(a) The conductors shall be enclosed in metal sheathing which shall be
electrically continuous and connected with earth, and the conductivity of the
metal sheathing shall be maintained and reasonable precautions taken where
necessary to avoid corrosion of the sheathing:
Provided that in the case of thermoplastic insulated and sheathed cables with
metallic armour the metallic wire or tape armour shall be considered as metal
sheathing for the purpose of this rule:
Provided further that this rule shall not apply to cable with thermoplastic
insulation without any metallic screen or armour.
(b) The resistance of the earth connection with metallic sheath shall be kept low
enough to permit the controlling circuit breaker or cut-out to operate in the event
of any failure of insulation between the metallic sheath and the conductor.
(c) Where an electric supply-line as aforesaid has concentric cables and the
external conductor is insulated from an outer metal sheathing and connected with
earth, the external conductor may be regarded as the metal sheathing for the
purposes of this rule provided that the foregoing provisions as to conductivity are
complied with.
(2) Nothing in the provisions of sub-rule (1) shall preclude the employment in
generating stations, sub-stations and switch-stations (including outdoor sub-
stations and outdoor switch stations) of conductors for use at high or extra-high
voltages which are not enclosed in metal sheathing or preclude the use of
electric supply lines laid before the prescribed date to which the provisions of
these rules apply.
67. Connection with earth.-
(1) All non-current carrying metal parts associated with HV/EHV installation shall
be effectively earthed to a grounding system or mat which will:-
(a) Limit the touch and step potential to tolerable values;
(b) Limit the ground potential rise to tolerable values so as to prevent danger due
to transfer of potential through ground, earth wires, cable sheath, fences, pipe
lines, etc.’
(c) Maintain the resistance of the earth connection to such a value as to make
operation of the protective device effective.
(1A) In the case of star-connected system with earthed neutrals or delta
connected system with earthed artificial neutral point:-
(a) The neutral point of every generator and transformer shall be earthed by
connecting it to the earthing system as defined in Rule 61(4) and hereinabove by
not less than two separate and distinct connections:
Provided that the neutral point of a generator may be connected to the earthing
system through an impedance to limit the fault current to the earth:
Provided further that in the case of multi-machine system, neutral switching may
be resorted to, for limiting the injurious effect of harmonic current circulation in
the system;
(b) In the event of an appreciable harmonic current flowing in the neutral
connection so as to cause interference, with communication circuits, the
generator or transformer neutral, shall be earthed through a suitable impedance.
(c) In case of the delta connected system the neutral point shall be obtained by
the insertion of a grounding transformer and current limiting resistance or
Impedance wherever considered necessary at the commencement of such a
(2) Single-phase high or extra-high voltage systems shall be earthed in a manner
approved by the Inspector.
(3) In the case of a system comprising electric supply lines having concentric
cables, the external conductor shall be the one to be connected with earth.
(4) Where a supplier proposes to connect with earth an existing system for use at
high or extra-high voltage which has not hitherto been so connected with earth
he shall give not less than fourteen days’ notice in writing together with
particulars to the telegraph-authority of the proposed connection with earth.
(5)(a) Where the earthing lead and earth connection are used only in connection
with earthing guards erected under high or extra-high voltage overhead lines
where they cross a telecommunication line or a railway line, and where such
lines are equipped with earth leakage relays of a type and setting approved by
the Inspector, the resistance shall not exceed 25 ohms.
(b) Every earthing system belonging to either the supplier or the consumer shall
be tested for its resistance to earth on a dry day during dry season not less than
once a year. Records of such tests shall be maintained and shall be produced, if
required before the Inspector or any officer appointed to assist him and
authorized under sub rule (2) of rule 4A.
(6) In so far as the provisions of rule 61 are consistent with the provisions of this
rule, all connections with earth shall also comply with the provisions of that rule.
68. General conditions as to transformation and control of energy:
(1) Where energy at high or extra-high voltage is transformed, converted,
regulated or otherwise controlled in sub-stations or switch-stations (including
outdoor sub-stations and out-door switch stations) or in street boxes constructed
underground, the following provisions shall have effect:-
(a) Sub-stations and switch-stations shall preferably be erected above ground,
but where necessarily constructed underground due provisions for ventilation and
drainage shall be made and any space housing switchgear shall not be used for
storage of any materials especially inflammable and combustible materials or
(b) Outdoor sub-stations except pole type sub-stations and outdoor switch-
stations shall unless the apparatus is completely enclosed in a metal covering
connected with earth, the said apparatus also being connected with the system
by armoured cables be efficiently protected by fencing not less than 1.8 metres in
height or other means so as to prevent access to the electric-supply lines and
apparatus therein by an unauthorized person.
(c) Underground street boxes (other than sub-stations) which contain
transformers shall not contain switches or other apparatus, and switches, cut-
outs or other apparatus required for controlling or other purposes shall be fixed in
separate receptacles above ground wherever practicable.
(2)Where energy is transformed, suitable provisions shall be made either by
connecting with earth a point of the system at the lower voltage or otherwise to
guard against danger by reason of the said system becoming accidentally
charged above its normal voltage by leakage from a contact with the system at
the higher voltage.
69. Pole type sub-stations:
Where platform type construction is used for a pole type sub-station and
sufficient space for a person to stand on the platform is provided a substantial
hand rail shall be built around the said platform and if the hand rail is of metal, it
shall be connected with earth:
Provided that in the case of pole type sub-station on wooden supports and
wooden platform the metal hand-rail shall not be connected with earth.
70. Condensers:
Suitable provision shall be made for immediate and automatic discharge of every
static condenser on disconnection of supply.
71. Additional provisions for supply to high voltage luminous tube sign
(1) Any person who proposes to use or who is using energy for the purpose of
operating a luminous tube sign installation, or who proposes to transform or who
is transforming energy to a high voltage for any such purpose shall comply with
the following conditions:-
(a) All live parts of the installation (including all apparatus and live conductors in
the secondary circuit, but excluding the tubes except in the neighbourhood of
their terminals shall be inaccessible to unauthorized persons and such parts shall
be effectively screened.
(b) Irrespective of the method of obtaining the voltage of the circuit which feeds
the luminous discharge tube sign, no part of any conductor of such circuit shall
be in metallic connection (except in respect of its connection with earth) with any
conductor of the supply system or with the primary winding of the transformer.
(c) All live parts of an exterior installation shall be so disposed as to protect them
against the effects of the weather and such installation shall be so arranged and
separated from the surroundings as to limit, as far as possible, the spreading of
(d) The secondary circuit shall be permanently earthed at the transformer and the
core of every transformer shall be earthed.
(e) Where the conductors of the primary circuit are not in metallic connection with
the supply conductors, (e.g., where a motor-generator or a double-wound
converter is used), one phase of such primary circuit shall be permanently
earthed at the motor generator or converter, or at the transformer.
(ee)An earth leakage circuit breaker of sufficient rating shall be provided on the
low voltage side to detect the leakage in such luminous tube sign installations.
(f) A final sub-circuit which forms the primary circuit of a fixed luminous discharge
tube sign installation shall be reserved solely for such purpose.
(g) A separate primary final sub-circuit shall be provided for each transformer or
each group of transformers having an aggregate input not exceeding 1,000 volt-
amperes, of a fixed luminous-discharge-tube sign installation.
(h) An interior installation shall be provided with suitable adjacent means for
disconnecting all phases of the supply except the “neutral” in a three-phase four
wire circuit.
(i) For installations on the exterior of a building a suitable emergency fire-proof
linked switch to operate on all phases except the neutral in a three phase four
wire circuit shall be provided and fixed in a conspicuous position at not more than
2.75 metres above the ground.
(j) A special “caution” notice shall be affixed in a conspicuous place on the door
of every high voltage enclosure to the effect that the low voltage supply must be
cut off before the enclosure is opened.
(k) Where static condensers are used, they shall be installed on the load side of
the fuses and the primary (low voltage) side of the transformers.
(l) Where static condensers are used on primary side, means shall be provided
for a Provided that static condensers or any circuit interrupting devices on the
high or extra high voltage side shall not be used without the approval in writing of
the Inspector.
(2) The owner or user of any luminous tube sign or similar high voltage
installation shall not bring the same into use without giving to the Inspector not
less than 14 days notice in writing of his intention so to do.
72. Additional provisions for supply to high voltage electrode boilers:
(1) Where a system having a point connected with earth is used for supply of
energy at high or extra-high voltage to an electrode boiler which is also
connected with earth, the following conditions shall apply:-
(a) The metal work of the electrode boiler shall be efficiently connected to the
metal sheathing and metallic armouring (if any) of the high voltage electric supply
line whereby energy is supplied to the electrode boiler.
(b) The supply of energy at high or extra-high voltage to the electrode boiler shall
be controlled by a suitable circuit-breaker so set as to operate in the event of the
phase currents becoming unbalanced to the extent of 10 per cent of the rated
current consumption of the electrode boiler under normal conditions of operation:
Provided that if in any case a higher setting is essential to ensure stability of
operation of the electrode boiler, the setting may be increased so as not to
exceed 15 per cent of the rated current consumption of the electrode boiler under
normal conditions of operation.
(c) An inverse time element device may be used in conjunction with the aforesaid
circuit breaker to prevent the operation thereof unnecessarily on the occurrence
of unbalanced phase currents of momentary or short duration.
(d) The supplier shall serve a notice in writing on the telegraph-authority at least
seven days prior to the date on which such supply of energy is to be afforded
specifying the location of every point (including the earth connection of the
electrode boiler) at which the system is connected with earth.
(2) The owner or user of any high or extra-high voltage electrode boiler shall not
bring the same into use without giving the Inspector not less than 14 days’ notice
in writing of his intention so to do.
73. Supply to X-ray and high frequency installation:
(1) Any person who proposes to employ or who is employing energy for the
purpose of operating an X-ray or similar high-frequency installation, shall comply
with the following conditions:-
(a) Mechanical barriers shall be provided to prevent too close an approach to any
high-voltage parts of the X-ray apparatus, except the X-ray tube and its leads,
unless such high-voltage parts have been rendered shock-proof by being
shielded by earthed metal or adequate insulating material.
(b) Where extra-high voltage generators operating at 300 peak KV or more are
used, such generators shall be installed in rooms separate from those containing
the other equipment and any step-up transformer employed shall be so installed
and protected as to prevent danger.
(c) A suitable switch shall be provided to control the circuit supplying a generator,
and shall be so arranged as to be open except while the door of the room
housing the generator is locked from the outside.
(d) X-ray tubes used in therapy shall be mounted in an earthed metal enclosure.
(e) Every X-ray machine shall be provided with a milli-ammeter or other suitable
measuring instrument, readily visible from the control position and connected, if
practicable, in the earthed lead, but guarded if connected in the high-voltage
(ee) Notwithstanding the provisions of clause (e), earth leakage circuit breaker of
sufficient rating shall be provided on the low voltage side to detect the leakage in
such X-ray installations.
(f) This sub-rule shall not apply to shock-proof portable units or shock-proof self
contained and stationary units.
Note: The expression “shock proof”, as applied to X-Ray and high-frequency
equipment, shall mean that such equipment is guarded with earthed metal so
that no person may come into contact with any live part.
(2)(a) In the case of non-shock-proof equipment, overhead high-voltage
conductors, unless suitably guarded against personal contact, shall be
adequately spaced and high voltage leads on tilting tables and fluoroscopes shall
be adequately insulated or so surrounded by barriers as to prevent inadvertent
(b) The low voltage circuit of the step up transformer shall contain a manually
operated control device having overload protection, in addition to the over-current
device for circuit protection, and these devices shall have no exposed live parts
and for diagnostic work there shall be an additional switch in the said circuit,
which shall be of one of the following types:-
(i) A switch with a spring or other mechanism that will open automatically except
while held close by the operator, or
(ii) A time switch which will open automatically after a definite period of time for
which it has been set.
(c) If more than one piece of apparatus be operated from the same high or extra-
high voltage source each shall be provided with a high or extra-high voltage
switch to give independent control.
(d) Low frequency current-carrying parts of a machine of the quenched-gap or
open gap type shall be so insulated or guarded that they cannot be touched
during operation, the high frequency circuit proper which delivers high-frequency
current normally for the therapeutic purposes, being exempted.
(e) All X-ray generators having capacitors shall have suitable means for
discharging the capacitors manually.
(f) Except in the case of self-contained units, all 200 peak KV or higher, X-ray
generators shall have a sphere gap installed in the high-voltage system adjusted
so that it will break down on over-voltage surges.
(3)(a)All non-current carrying metal parts of tube stands, fluroscopes and other
apparatus shall be properly earthed and insulating floors, mats or platforms shall
be provided for operator in proximity to high or extra-high voltage parts unless
such parts have been rendered shock proof.
(b) Where short wave therapy machines are used, the treatment tables and
examining chairs shall be wholly non-metallic.
(4) The owner of any X-ray installation or similar high frequency apparatus shall
not bring the same into use without giving to the Inspector not less than 14 days’
notice in writing of his intention to do so:
Provided that the aforesaid notice shall not be necessary in the case of shock-
proof portable X-ray and high-frequency equipment which have been inspected
before the commencement of their use and periodically, thereafter.
74. Material and strength. –
(1) All conductors of overhead lines other than those specified in sub-rule (1) of
rule 86 shall have a breaking strength of not less than 350 kg.
(2) Where the voltage is low and the span is of less than 15 metres and is on the
owner’s or consumer’ s premises, a conductor having an actual breaking strength
of not less than
150 kg may be used.
75. Joints.
-Joints between conductors of overhead lines shall be mechanically and
electrically secure under the conditions of operation. The ultimate strength of the
joint shall not be less than 95 per cent of that of the conductor, and the electrical
conductivity not less than that of the conductor:
Provided that no conductor of an overhead line shall have more than two joints in
a span.
76. Maximum stresses: Factors of safety:
(1)(a) The owner of every overhead line shall ensure that it has the following
minimum factors of safety:-
(i) For metal supports - 1.5
(ii) For mechanically processed concrete supports - 2.0
(iii) For hand-moulded concrete supports - 2.5
(iv) For wood supports - 3.0
The minimum factors of safety shall be based on such load as would cause
failure of the support to perform its function (assuming that the foundation and
other components of the structure are intact).
The aforesaid load shall be -
(i) Equivalent to the yield point stress or the modulus of rupture, as the case may
be, for supports subject to bending and vertical loads.
(ii) The crippling load for supports used struts.
The said owner shall also ensure that the strength of the supports in the direction
of the line is not less than one-fourth of the strength required in the direction
transverse to the line:
Provided that in the case of latticed steel or other compound structures, factors of
safety shall not be less than 1.5 under such broken wire conditions as may be
specified by the State Government in this behalf.
(b) The minimum factor of safety for stay-wires, guard-wires or bearer-wires shall
be 2.5 based on the ultimate tensile strength of the wire.
(c) The minimum factor of safety for conductors shall be 2, based on their
ultimate tensile strength. In addition, the conductor’s tension at 320 C, without
external load, shall not exceed the following percentages of the ultimate tensile
strength of the conductor:-
Initial unloaded tension …….. 35 per cent
Final unloaded tension …….. 25 per cent
Provided that in the case of conductors having a cross section of a generally
triangular shape, such as conductors composed of 3-wires, the final unloaded
tension at 320 C shall not exceed 30 per cent of the ultimate tensile strength of
such conductor.
(2) For the purpose of calculating the factors of safety prescribed in sub-rule (1)
(a) the maximum wind pressure shall be such as the State Government may
specify in each case;
(b) For cylindrical bodies the effective area shall be taken as two-thirds of the
projected area exposed to wind pressure;
(c) For latticed steel or other compound structures the wind pressure on the lee
side members shall be taken as one-half of the wind pressure on the windward
side members and the factors of safety shall be calculated on the crippling load
of struts and upon the elastic limit of tension members;
(d) The maximum and minimum temperatures shall be such as the State
Government may specify in each case.
(8) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rules (1) and (2), in localities
where overhead lines are liable to accumulations of ice or snow the State
Government may, by order in writing, specify the loading conditions for the
purpose of calculating the factor of safety.
77. Clearance above ground of the lowest conductor.-
(1) No conductor of an overhead line, including service lines, erected across a
street shall at any part thereof be at a height of less than-
(a) For low and medium voltage lines 5.8 metres
(b) For high voltage lines 6.1 metres
(2) No conductor of an overhead line, including service lines, erected along any
street shall at any part thereof be at a height less than-
(a) For low and medium voltage lines 5.5 metres
(b) For high voltage lines 5.8 metres
(3) No conductor of an overhead line including service lines, erected elsewhere
than along or across any street shall be at a height less than -
(a) For low, medium and high voltages lines upto and including 11,000 volts, if
bare 4.6 metres
(b) For low, medium and high voltage lines upto and including 11,000 volts, if
insulated 4.0 metres
(c) For high voltage lines above 11,000 volts 5.2 metres
(9) For extra-high voltage lines the clearance above ground shall not be less than
5.2 metres plus 0.3 metre for every 33,000 volts or part thereof by which the
voltage of the line exceeds 33,000 volts;
Provided that the minimum clearance along or across any street shall not be less
than 6.1 metres.
78. Clearance between conductors and trolley wires:
(1) No conductor of an overhead line crossing a tramway or trolley bus route
using trolley wires shall have less than the following clearances above any trolley
(a) Low and medium voltage lines 1.2 metres Provided that where an insulated
conductor suspended from a bearer wire crosses over a trolley wire the minimum
clearance for such insulated conductor shall be 0.6 metre.
(b) High voltage lines up to and including 11,000 volts 1.8 metres
(c) High voltage lines above 11,000 volts 2.5 metres
(d) Extra-high voltage lines 3.0 metres
2[(2) In any case of a crossing referred to in sub-rule (1), whoever lays his line
later in time, shall provide the clearance between his own line and the line which
will be crossed in accordance with the provisions of said sub-rule;
Provided that if the later entrant is the owner of the lower line and is not able to
provide adequate clearance, he should bear the cost for modification of the upper
line so as to comply with this rule.
79. Clearance from buildings of low and medium voltage lines and service
(1)Where a low or medium voltage, overhead line passes above or adjacent to or
terminates on any building, the following minimum clearances from any
accessible point, on the basis of maximum sag, shall be observed:-
(a) For any flat roof, open balcony, verandah roof and lean-to-roof-
(i) When the line passes above the building a vertical clearance of 2.5 metres
from the highest point, and
(ii) When the line passes adjacent to the building a horizontal clearance of 1.2
metres from the nearest point, and
(b) For pitched roof-
(i) When the line passes above the building a vertical clearance of 2.5 metres
immediately under the lines, and
(ii) When the line passes adjacent to the building a horizontal clearance of 1.2
(2)Any conductor so situated as to have a clearance less than that specified in
sub-rule (1) shall be adequately insulated and shall be attached at suitable
intervals to a bare earthed bearer wire having a breaking strength of not less
than 350 kg.
(3) The horizontal clearance shall be measured when the line is at a maximum
deflection from the vertical due to wind pressure.
80. Clearances from buildings of high and extra-high voltage lines:
(1) Where a high or extra-high voltage overhead line passes above or adjacent to
any building or part of a building it shall have on the basis of maximum sag a
vertical clearance above the highest part of the building immediately under such
line, of not less than-
(a) For high voltage lines upto and including 33,000 volts 3.7 metres
(b) For extra-high voltage lines 3.7 metres plus 0.30 metre for every additional
33,000 volts or part thereof.
(2) The horizontal clearance between the nearest conductor and any part of such
building shall, on the basis of maximum deflection due to wind pressure, be not
less than-
(a) For high voltage lines upto and including 11,000 volts 1.2 metres
(b) For high voltage lines above 11,000 volts and up to and including 33,000 volts
2.0 metres
(c) For extra-high voltage lines 2.o metres plus 0.3 metre for every additional
33,000 volts for part thereof.
Explanation-For the purpose of this rule express” building” shall be deemed to
include any structure, whether permanent or temporary.
81. Conductors at different voltages on same supports:
Where conductors forming parts of systems at different voltages are erected on
the same supports, the owner shall make adequate provision to guard against
danger to linesman and others from the lower voltage system being charged
above its normal working voltage by leakage from or contact with the higher
voltage system and the methods of construction and the clearances between the
conductors of the two systems shall be subject to prior approval
82. Erection of or alteration to buildings, structures, flood banks and
elevation of roads:
(1) If at any time subsequent to the erection of an overhead line (whether
covered with insulating material or bare), any person proposes to erect a new
building or structure or flood bank or to raise any road level or to carry out any
other type of work whether permanent or temporary or to make in or upon any
building, or structure or flood bank or road, any permanent or temporary addition
or alteration, he and the contractor when he employs to carry out the erection,
addition or alteration, shall if such work, building, structure, flood bank, road or
additions and alterations, thereto, would, during or after the construction result in
contravention of any of the provisions of rule 77,79 or 80, give notice in writing of
his intention to the supplier and to the Inspector and shall furnish therewith a
scale drawing showing the proposed building, structure, flood bank, road, any
addition or alteration and scaffolding required during the construction.
(2)(a) On receipt of the notice referred to in sub-rule (1) or otherwise, the supplier
shall examine whether the line under reference was lawfully laid and whether the
person was liable to pay the cost of alteration and if so, send a notice without
undue delay, to such person together with an estimate of the cost of the
expenditure likely to be incurred to so alter the overhead line and require him to
deposit, within 30 days of the receipt of the notice with the supplier, the amount
of the estimated cost.
(b) If the person referred to in sub-rule (1) disputes the suppliers estimated cost
of alteration of the overhead line or even the responsibility to pay such cost the
dispute may be referred to the Inspector by either of the parties whereupon the
same shall be decided by the Inspector.
(3) No work upon such building, structure, flood bank, road and addition or
alteration thereto shall be commenced or continued until the Inspector has
certified that the provisions of rule 77, 79 or 80 are not likely to be contravened
either during or after the aforesaid construction:
Provided that the Inspector may, if he is satisfied that the overhead line has been
so guarded as to secure the protection of persons or property from injury, or risk
of injury, permit the work to be executed prior to the alteration of the overhead
line or in the case of temporary addition or alteration, without alteration of the
overhead line. (4) On receipt of the deposit, the supplier shall alter the overhead
line within one month of the date of deposit or within such longer period as the
Inspector may allow and ensure that it shall not contravene the provisions of rule
77, 79 or 80 either during or after such construction.
(5)In the absence of an agreement to the contrary between the parties
concerned, the cost of such alteration of the overhead line laid down shall be
estimated on the following basis, namely:-
(a) The cost of additional material used on the alteration giving due credit for the
depreciated cost of the material which would be available from the existing line;
(b) The wages of Labour employed in affecting the alteration;
(c) Supervision charges to the extent of 15 per cent of the wages mentioned in
clause (b); and
(d) Any charges incurred by the supplier in complying with the provisions of
section 16 of the Act in respect of such alterations.
(6) Where the estimated cost of the alteration of the overhead line is not
deposited the supplier shall be considered as an aggrieved party for the purpose
of this rule.
82A. Transporting and Storing of material near overhead lines:
(1) No rods, pipes or similar materials shall be taken below or in the vicinity of
any bare overhead conductors or lines if they are likely to infringe the provisions
for clearances under rules 79 and 80, unless such materials are transported
under the direct supervision of a competent person authorized in this behalf by
the owner of such overhead conductors or lines.
(2) Under no circumstances rods, pipes or other similar materials shall be
brought within the flash over distance of bare live conductors or lines; and
(3) No material or earth work or agricultural produce shall be dumped or stored or
trees grown below or in the vicinity of bare overhead conductors / lines so as to
reduce the requisite safety clearances specified under rules 79 and 80.
83. Clearances: General.-
For the purpose of computing the vertical clearance of an overhead line, the
maximum sag of any conductor shall be calculated on the basis of the maximum
sag in still air and the maximum temperature as specified by the State
Government under rule 76(2)(d). Similarly, for the purpose of computing any
horizontal clearance of an overhead line the maximum deflection of any
conductor shall be calculated on the basis of the wind pressure specified by the
State Government under rule 76(2)(a) or may be taken as 350, whichever is
84. Routes: Proximity to aerodromes:
Overhead lines shall not be erected in the vicinity of aerodromes until the
aerodrome authorities have approved in writing the route of the proposed lines.
85. Maximum interval between supports:
All conductors shall be attached to supports at intervals not exceeding the safe
limits based on the ultimate tensile strength of the conductor and the factor of
safety prescribed in rule 76:
Provided that in the case of overhead lines carrying low or medium voltage
conductors, when erected in, over, along or across any street, the interval shall
not, without the consent in writing of the Inspector, exceed 65 metres.
86. Conditions to apply where telecommunication lines and power lines are
carried on same supports:
(1) Every overhead telecommunication line erected on supports carrying a power
line shall consist of conductors each having a breaking strength of not less than
270 kg.
(2) Every telephone used on a telecommunication line erected on supports
carrying a power line shall be suitably guarded against lightning and shall be
protected by cut-outs.
(3) Where a telecommunication line is erected on supports carrying a high or
extra-high voltage power line, arrangement shall be made to safeguard any
person using the telephone against injury resulting from contact, leakage or
induction between such power and telecommunication lines.
87. Lines crossing or approaching each other:
(1) Where an overhead line crosses or is in proximity to any telecommunication
line, either the owner of the overhead line or the telecommunication line, whoever
lays his line later, shall arrange to provide for protective devices or guarding
arrangements, in a manner laid down in the Code of Practice or the guidelines
prepared by the Power and Telecommunication Coordination Committee and
subject to the provisions of the following sub-rules:-
(2) When it is intended to erect a telecommunication line or an overhead line
which will cross or be in proximity to an overhead line or a telecommunication
line, as the case may be, the person proposing to erect such line shall give one
month’s notice of his intention so to do along with the relevant details of
protection and drawings to the owner of the existing line.
(3) Where an overhead line crosses or is in proximity to another over head line,
guarding arrangements shall be provided so to guard against the possibility of
their coming into contact with each other.
Where an overhead line crosses another overhead line, clearances shall be as
Minimum clearances in metres between lines crossing each other,
Sl. Nominal 11-66 kV 110-132 kV 220 kV 400 kV 800 kV
No. System
1 Low and 2.44 3.05 4.58 5.49 7.94
2 11-66 kV 2.44 3.05 4.58 5.49 7.94
3 110-132 kV 3.05 3.05 4.58 5.49 7.94
4 220 kV 4.58 4.58 4.58 5.49 7.94
5 400 kV 5.49 5.49 5.49 5.49 7.94
6 800 kV 7.94 7.94 7.94 7.94 7.94

Provided that no guarding is required when an extra high voltage line crosses
over another extra-high voltage, high voltage, medium or low voltage line or a
road or a tram subject to the condition that adequate clearances are provided
between the lowest conductor of the extra-high voltage line and the top most
conductor of the overhead line crossing underneath the extra-high voltage line
and the clearances as stipulated in rule 77 from the topmost surface of the road
is maintained (4) A person erecting or proposing to erect a line which may cross
or be in proximity with an existing line, may normally provide guarding
arrangements on his own line or require the owner of the other overhead line to
provide guarding arrangements as referred to in sub-rule (3).
(5) In all cases referred to in the preceding sub-rules the expenses of providing
the guarding arrangements or protective devices shall be borne by the person
whose line was last erected.
(6) Where two lines cross, the crossing shall be made as nearly at right angles as
the nature of the case admits and as near the support of the lines as practicable,
and the support of the lower line shall not be erected below the upper line.
(7) The guarding arrangements shall ordinarily be carried out by the owner of the
supports on which it is made and he shall be responsible for its efficient
(8) All work required to be done by or under this rule shall be carried out to the
Satisfaction of the Inspector.
88. Guarding:
(1) Where guarding is required under these rules the provisions of sub rules (2)
to (4) shall apply.
(2)Every guard-wire shall be connected with earth at each point at which its
Electrical continuity is broken.
(3) Every guard-wire shall have an actual breaking strength of not less than 635
kg and if made of iron or steel, shall be galvanized.
(4)Every guard-wire or cross-connected systems of guard-wires shall have
sufficient Current-carrying capacity to ensure the rendering dead, without risk of
fusing of the Guard-wire or wires till the contact of any live wire has been
(5) Lines-crossing trolley-wires-In the case of a crossing over a trolley-wire the
Guarding shall fulfill the following conditions, namely:-
(a) Where there is only one trolley-wire, two guard-wires shall be erected as in
diagram A;
(b) Where there are two trolley –wires and the distance between them does not
exceed 40 cms, two guard-wires shall be erected as in diagram B;
(c) Where there are two trolley wires and the distance between them exceeds 40
cms but does not exceed 1.2 metres, three guard-wires shall be erected as in
diagram C;
(d) Where there are two trolley-wires and the distance between them exceeds
1.2 Metres, each trolley-wire shall be separately guarded as in diagram D;
(e) The rise of trolley boom shall be so limited that the trolley leaves the trolley-
wire, it shall not foul the guard-wires; and
(f) Where a telegraph-line is liable to fall or be blown down upon an arm, stay-
wire or span-wire and so slide-down upon a trolley-wire, guard hooks shall be
provided to prevent such sliding.
89. Service-lines from Overhead lines:
No Service-line or tapping shall be taken off an overhead line except at a point of
Provided that the number of tappings per conductor shall not be more than four
in case of low and medium voltage connections.
90. Earthing:
(1) All metal supports and all reinforced and pre-stressed cement concrete
supports of overhead lines and metallic fittings attached thereto shall be
permanently and efficiently earthed. For this purpose, a continuous earth wire
shall be provided and securely fastened to each pole and connected with earth
ordinarily at three points in every km, the spacing between the points being as
nearly equidistance as possible. Alternatively, each support and the metallic
fitting attached thereto shall be efficiently earthed.
(1A) Metallic bearer wire used for supporting insulated wire of low and medium
Voltage overhead service lines shall be efficiently earthed or insulated.
(2)Each stay-wire shall be similarly earthed unless insulator has been placed in it
at a height not less than 3.0 metres from the ground.
91. Safety and protective devices:
(1) Every overhead line, (not being suspended from a dead bearer wire and not
being covered with insulating material and not being a trolley wire) erected over
any part of street or other public place or in any factory or mine or on any
consumer’s premises shall be protected with a device approved by the Inspector
for rendering the line electrically harmless in case it breaks.
(2) An Inspector may by notice in writing require the owner of any such overhead
line wherever it may be erected to protect it in the manner specified in sub-rule(1)
(3) The owner of every high and extra-high voltage overhead line shall make
adequate arrangements to the satisfaction of the Inspector to prevent
unauthorized persons from ascending any of the supports of such overhead lines
which can be easily climbed upon without the help of a ladder to special
appliances, Rails, reinforced cement concrete poles and pre-stressed cement
concrete poles without steps, tubular poles, wooden supports without steps, I-
sections and channels shall be deemed as supports which cannot be easily
climbed upon for the purpose of this rule.
92. Protection against lightning:
(1)The owner of every overhead line 1[sub-station or generating station] which is
so exposed as to be liable to injury from lightning shall adopted efficient means
for diverting to earth any electrical surges due to lightning.
(2) The earthing lead for any lightning arrestor shall not pass through any iron or
steel pipe, but shall be taken as directly as possible from the lightning-arrestor to
a separate earth electrode and/or junction of the earth mat already provided for
the high and extra high voltage sub-station subject to the avoidance of bends
wherever practicable. Note-A vertical ground electrode shall be connected to this
junction of the earth mat.
93. Unused overhead lines-
(1) Where an overhead line ceases to be used as an electric supply line, the
owner shall maintain it in a safe mechanical condition in accordance with rule 76
or shall remove it. (2) Where any overhead line ceases to be used as an electric
supply line, an Inspector, may by a notice in writing served on the owner, require
him to maintain it in a safe mechanical condition or to remove it within fifteen
days of the receipt of the notice.

CEA Guidelines

Some of the important recommendations of CEA on Safety:

• Formulation of Policy on Safety
• Defining and documenting responsibilities for all levels of functionaries
• Preparing safety manuals
• Establishing procedures to identify hazards
• Providing adequate resources
• Providing training for accident reporting, analysis, investigation and
recommendation of corrective actions
• Establishing system for proper communication, documentation and record
• Establishing procedure for auditing of safety system
• Establishing system for periodic monitoring and review of the safety
system by the management
• Overseeing the performance of Contractors
Appendix - III
Work Permit Form
(Wholly owned Government of Karnataka Undertaking))


Form to be filled up by the linemen before commencing 11 kV work
Date: Time:
O&M Unit: Station: Feeder No.:
o.: DTC Location:
of work:
Status of work: New / Emergency / Routine
Have the details about the work informed Yes / No
Hazardous items about taking up the work a) Double Circuit
b) Near EHT line
c) Close to building
d) If Others (detail)
Method of execution of work Opening of all sources of supply
Special safety precautions Traffic Control
Public Control
Close to public places such as School Market
Energy Source Control Line Clear
Switching off the V.L
Opening of GOS
Protective equipment given Rubber hand Gloves
Safety Belts
Grounding set
f) Cutting Pliers
g) Helmet

Signature of Employee Signature of Co-workers


Signature of Supervisor
Appendix IV
A Sample Permit Form (Line Clear Form)

Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited

Permit to work on 11 kV distribution system.

I, hereby declare that the following Electrical Equipment /line is dead and isolated
from conductors.
A caution notice has been affixed t the controlling Device
(Here state exactly the Electrical equipment /line on which it is safe to work)
Signature with date, time and designation when permit is issued over phone, the
name of the authorized person at opposite end must be recorded


Serial Number of the permit:
(When permit is issued over phone) (Sending end receiving end)
1. This card after being signed by an authorized person for the work to
proceed is to be handed to the person in charge of the work and retained
by that person until the work is completed or stopped by an authorized
2. The Electrical equipment mentioned hereon must not be again made live
until this has been signed and returned by the person in charge of the
work to an authorized person.
I herby declare that all men, earthing and materials under charge have cleared
the equipment /line and men have been warned that it is no longer safe to work
on the electrical equipment specified on this card.
Appendix V
Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Ltd.,
Application for Prearranged Shutdowns

1 Name of the Applicant

2 Designation and address
3 Section of line or feeder or
equipment on which shutdown
is required
4 Time, date and duration of
5 Purpose of shutdown
6 Consumers affected by
7 Whether concurrence of
competent authority obtained or
8 Nearest contact No.

Signature of applicant recommending:

Signature of BESCOM Officer recommending:

Approved by Officer in - charge of station:

1. The applicant shall not be below the rank of a Junior Engineer.

2. The application duly approved by Officer in - charge of Station will be
forwarded to the concerned operator on duty for shutdown and this form
will be retained by him as a record.
Appendix VI
Telephone Message
Accident Report.

1 Name of the Section/Sub-section

2 Date and time of occurrence
3 Name of the casualty, address, sex
and age
4 Fatal/non Fatal (if non fatal state
5 Departmental or non departmental
(if departmental, details of Ch. No.
and designation etc., to be
6 Voltage, name of the feeder and
place of accident
7 State of the occurrence if brief
8 Date and time of reporting.
Appendix – VII

Form for reporting Electrical Accidents

1 Date and time of accident

2 Place of accident
(Village/town/taluk/District and
3 System and voltage of supply,
(Whether EHV/HV/LV line, Sub
station /consumer’s installation
/service mains/other installations)
4 Designation of the officer in
charge of the supplier in whose
jurisdiction the accident occurred.
5 Name of the owner/user of
energy in whose premises the
accident occurred
6 Details of Victim(s):

(a) Human
Sl.No. Name of Father’s Sex of Full Postal Approx Fatal/Non-
the name the address age fatal
victims(s) victim
(b) Animal
Sl.No. Description Numbers Names of Address of the Fatal/Non-
of the owner(s) fatal
animal(s) owner(s)

1 In case of the victims(s) is / are employees(s) of supplier:

a) Designation of such person(s)
b) Brief description of the job undertaken, if any
c) Whether such person/ persons was/ were allowed to work on the job
2 In case the victim(s) is/are employees(s) of a licensed contractor
a) Did the victim(s) possess any electrical workmen’s permit(s) supervisor’s
certificate of competency issued under rule 45? If yes give number and
date of issue and the name of issuing authority.
b) Name and designation of the person who assigned the duties of the
3 In case of accident in the supplier’s system was the permit to work (PT/W)
a) Describe fully the nature and extent of injuries, e.g. Fatal/ disablement
(permanent or temporary) or any portion of the body or burns or other
b) In case of fatal accident, was the post mortem performed?
4 Detailed causes leading to the accident (to be given in a separate sheet
annexed to this form)
5 Action taken regarding first aid, medical attendance etc, immediately after the
occurrence of the accident (give details).
6 Whether District Magistrate and police station concerned have been notified of
the accident (if so, give details)
7 Steps taken to preserve the evidence in connection with the accident to the
extent possible.
8 Name and designation(s) of the person(s) assisting, supervising the person(s)
killed or injured.
9 What safety equipment were given to and used by the person(s) who met with
this accident (e.g. rubber gloves, rubber mats, safety belts and ladders etc.)?
10 Whether isolating switches and other sectionalizing devices were employed to
deaden the sections for working on the same? Whether working section was
earthed at the site of work?
11 Whether the work on the live lines was undertaken by authorized person(s)?,
if so, the name and the designation of such person(s) may be given.
12 Whether artificial resuscitation treatment was given to the person(s) who met
with the electrical accident? If yes, how long was it continued before its
13 Name and designation of the persons present at and witnessed the accident.
14 Any other information/remarks.


Address of the person
Signature Designation
(Date and time)

I hereby declare this card cancelled

Signature Designation
(Date and time)
Appendix- VIII

Electricity Safety Rules - Do’s

1. Do obey safety instructions given by the person in charge
2. Do insulate yourself from earth by standing on rubber mat while
attempting to get the person who is in contact with live line or apparatus.
3. Do remove the casualty from the cause, render first said and send for
doctor or take the casualty to the nearest hospital.
4. Do break the circuit by opening the power switch and release the victim
5. Do preach and practice safety at all times
6. Do eliminate all short cuts while on duty
7. Do use correct size and quality of fuse wire while renewing the blown out
8. Do turn your face away whenever an arc or flash occurs
9. Do ensure controlling switches are opened & locked or fuse holders are
withdrawn before working on lines.
10. Do disconnect the supply immediately in case of fire on or near electrical
11. Do keep away inflammables from electrical apparatus
12. Do report all accidents whether minor or major, fatal or non fatal
departmental or non departmental immediately to the person in charge.
Appendix- IX

Electricity Safety Rules - Don’ts

1. DO NOT renew a blown fuse until you are satisfied as to the cause and you
have rectified the irregularity.
2. DONOT disconnect a plug by pulling flexible cable when the switch is on.
3. DO NOT use wire with poor insulation.
4. DO NOT close any Switch /GOS /Breaker unless you are familiar with the
circuit, which it controls and know the reason for its being kept open
5. DO NOT work on energized circuits without taking extra precautions, such as
use of rubber gloves and gauntlets.
6. DO NOT touch or tamper with any electrical equipment or conductor unless
you have made sure that it is DEAD AND EARTHED.
7. DO NOT work n the live circuit without the specific orders of the supervisor
and make certain that all safety precautions have been taken.
8. DO NOT disconnect earthing connection or render ineffective the safety
gadgets installed on mains and apparatus.
9. DO NOT open or close switch or fuse slowly or hesitatingly.
10. DO NOT touch an electric circuit when your hands are wet or bleeding from a
cut or an abrasion.
11. DO NOT use fire extinguisher on electrical equipment unless it is clearly
marked for that purpose.
12. DO NOT throw water on live electrical equipment in case of fire.
13. DO NOT attempt to disengage a person in contact with a live apparatus,
which you cannot switch off immediately.
14. DO NOT touch his body; push him with a piece of dry wood.
15. DO NOT discontinue artificial respiration until recovery or death is confirmed
by the DOCTOR.
16. DO NOT allow visitors and unauthorized persons to touch or handle electrical
apparatus or come within the danger zone of HV apparatus.
17. DONOT test circuit with bare fingers.
18. DO NOT trust luck, but trust safety.
19. DO NOT joke, joke begins in fun, and ends in death.
20. DO NOT shorten your life, life is short and precious.

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