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Introduction and Need of the study

Recruitment and selection is an important operation in HRM, in short

recruitment and selection is the process of sourcing, screening, short
listing, and selecting the right candidates for the filling the required
vacant positions.
The benefit to the study for the research that it helps to gain knowledge
and experience and also provide opportunity to study and understand the
prevent recruitment and selection procedure with the basis of

Statement of the problem

Every organization needs to have effective human resource function,
which include recruitment, selection, placement, and induction etc,
while forecasting the manpower recruitment by different methods. And
if recruitment process is not developed to the new technology updated it
also one of the problem in the organization Now this study reveals the
procedure of recruitment and selection process in Rathna enterprises pvt
ltd. In this study my job will be evaluate the present recruitment and
selection process by using new technology

 Impact of recruitment and selection on employees
 Analysis of factore contributing to recruitment and selection
 To understand the internal recruitment process at Rathna
enterprises pvt ltd.
 To give the suitable recommendation to streamline the hiring
 To find out the various recruitment sources used by the Rathna
enterprises pvt ltd
Sample size
“50” sample size will be selected for this study
Research design
The research design I have used the descriptive research design.
Sources of data collection
Primary data : primary data collected through face to face interaction
with the employees and staffs and observation
Secondary data: secondary data collected through the
 Websites
 Previous project analysis

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