Passives 2 - KEY

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i time 2 surely 3 twinkling 4 next

check 5 immemorial 6 nick 7 kill 8 time-
a fixed plans 1 arrangements consuming 9 long-standing 10 matter
b a personal intention 2 a J b%
3 a J b J 0
an unalterable arrangement or fact
an immediate decision 4 a% b J (circle:) (1) m (2) scanning
5 a J b J (3) devoted (4) territorp (5) releasing
e an action that will happen because it is (6) get home (7)r&f (8) ga12
regular or decided 6 a/ b J
7 a J b J (9) bearines (lo) (1 1) wav
8 a%
9 a J
b J
b J
(underline:) 1 a 2b 3b 4d 5d 6a
O 10aJ b J 7a 8c
(tick:) a she's going to
b a e(1) 1 particularly dislike Exam practice 1
c I'm goinp to be (2) J (or: we have been studying)
d a (3) am beginning 1
e am leaving (4) have had a feel at home here until aíter a few weeks
f m (5) feel 1 until a few weeks have gone by.
g would b we leave he will 1 he'll almost certainly
(6) J
h will be doing have leít.
(7) J
i will have qone (8) was thinking c has heard of Lucas for a week.
j m d to meet as infuriating a person (or: such
(9) J
(1) due (2) just (3) point (4) unless
(1 1)
didn't know
an infuriating person) as Theo.
e the first time I've seen Anita's hair (or:
Anita with her hair) in such a mess.
(5) be (6) to (7) left 1gone (12) was talking
f the more modern 306 was produced,
(8) leaving 1 going 1 off (9) be (13) J this type of car hasn't sold so well.
(10) move (14) J g seem to have sent us the wrong
(15) consisted information.
Q (16) don't think h seem to have made a mistake.
a on the point of (or: thinking of 1 toying (17) had read i were clearly felt by the President not to
with the idea of) (18) J have acted swiítly enough.
b would d o his (19) would have sounded j have got out of there - it was hell.
c as we've paid (20) J
d is going to have (or: will have) an 2
e will have been studying 0 a will have leítlgone
f to be taken a 1 suppose 1 could (always) ask Richard b will have finished (or: stopped, etc.)
to help me out. c to have been 1become
Q b It sounds as if the honeymooners are d he had come (or: he had been directed)
1 years 1 from now enjoying themselves. e have been taken
2 about 1to become c I'm depending o n your help to finish 3
3 J this work. (1) conjure (2) are 1 have been
4 J d The new receptionist certainly doesn't (3) running (4) distant (5) belonging
5 have 1gone out lack confidence. (6) just 1 merely 1 simply (7) described
6 There 1 is little e My young niece was always tired (8) is (9) paid (lo) broken (1 1) having
7 will 1 have disappeared because she was found to be lacking (12) had (13) were (14) cheering 1
8 J in iron. clapping 1 rooting (15) tried (16) put
9 this 1will affect (17) been (18) begunlstarted (19) be
10 we 1 have left Q (20) have
i i grandchildren 1 will be (tick:)lb 2 b 3c 4d 5d 6a 7c
12 still 1 be talking 8 c 9 c loa
13 J
14 they 1 are feeling SECTION 6
SECTION 5 Pre-practice
(circle:) 1 d
2 b, c ..................................................
31a 2b 3c
Unit 2
Entry test
O 1
(underline:) 1 b 2 a 3a 4b 5b 6b
7 a 8 b 9 a 10b a was completely destroyed by the car
b was awarded second prize.

c was refused permission to appeal against Why wasn't a refund offered to the f is widely assumed to have been
the decision. customers? wrongly accused.
d has earned them several million pounds. d Not every participant was guaranteed a g to be cleaned until they shine.
e were recornrnended (to try) a new free lunch. h not to be crossed under any
rnethod of checking how rnuch we A free lunch wasn't guaranteed to circumstances.
were spending. every participant.
2 e The incident was reported to the Q
police. a She wants to be seen to be fair.
a forced to / obliged to
f It was suggested to us that the Internet b He is often heard to say how much of
b to be
would be a good source of his success is down to you.
c not havinglthat we hadn'ttthat no
one had information. c She is supposed to have fallen
d to have been (formal: The Internet was suggested overboard at night and drowned.
e to have (or: going to have) to us as (being) a good source of d We certainly don't want such a
information.) ridiculous spectacle to be repeated ever
3 again.
a having itlgetting itlgoing to have itl g We were promised full compensation if
the scheme fe11 through. e The building was originally due to be
going to get it completed by June.
b get sorneone Full compensation was promised (to)
us if the scheme fe11 through. f When 1 was a child, my family 1
c to get used (or: to get accustomed) parents never let me play with the
d had my (or: got my) h The boxing match was declared a draw
by the referee. children next door.
e taken
a has faded in the sun.
i The new members of staff will be
given al1 the help they need.
a being knocked down by a motorbike.
b sailing (or: being sailed) into the harbour. Al1 the help the new members of staff b laughed at is never very nice.
c when I dropped ¡t. need will be given (to) them. c been criticised for his extravagance,
d thickened when I added flour. j He earned the reputation of being Stewart was more careful (afterwards).
e is selling a lot of copies. (or: is selling unreliable through that incident. d being pushed (or: having been pushed)
\ weii.) a
(1) was (2) being (3) kicked 1-thrown1
into giving a speech.
e been told it was quicker, 1 naturally
took the mountain road.
SECTION 1 booted (4) were (5) had
f having been given f 100,000 (before), 1
(6) followed 1pursued (7) been
check can't te11 you what it feels like.
(8) be (9) housed 1 accommodated 1
a They were pronounced man and wife. installed (lo) worked 1 thought / sorted
b 1 was told (or: They explained (to me)) (1 1) being (12) being 1 closely SECTION 3
what 1 had to do.
c He was forgiven his previous SECTION 2 check
misdemeanours. 3 4
d He earned a lot of money from his check
betting. i are believed 2 is thoueht, have been
e We were recommended a good s m u p ~ l e d 3 were seen 4
restaurant for lunch. 5 was cleaned, to be seen O
(1) had (2) was (3) had (4) been
(5) had (6) been (7) had (8) have
(9) had (10) have (11) been (12) has
O O (13) been (14) have (15) had
could soon befitted, being considered
being caused
a were / (are). . .to a
a really going to have 1get my sofa
c were charged c to ...been delivered today?
d has finally been elected d was b one of the others to post my letters for
e to be printed, is expected, is auctioned e to .. . done 1 said me. (or: my letters posted by one of
f has been held, is deemed f having ... taken the others.)
g being found c supposed to be having my two front
h not known 1 thought / expected to be teeth capped this morning.

Q 8 d need to (or: must get 1 must have) my

car serviced.
a The victim was shown a picture of a was made to te11 them everything 1
knew. e get them to sign the receipt (or: get the
the susuect receipt signed) before you let them go?
A picture of the suspect was shown to b was not 1 never allowed to study the
piano at school. (or: before they left?)
the victim. (or: was shown the victim.)
b The tourists used to be sold fake c is often said never to have revised
anything he wrote.
antiques. a to have 1get my eyes
Fake antiques used to be sold to the d was once thought that' there were b are 1 get called
tourists. canals o n Mars. c had a 1 my photo(graph) (or: some
c Why weren't the customers offered a e understood / thought to have been an photo(graphs)
refund? attack last night in the vicinity of the
d was sat 1 had been sat 1 was stood 1 had c But then you seem to change started laughing.
been stood everything. (or: But then everything g The secret recipe is handed down from
e hadn't had (or: wouldn't have) his s e e k s to change.) generation to generation.
hair 1 it cut d Melodrama replaces real drama, h The surrounding buildings are dwarfed
f have to get
- used doesn't it? by the Trade Centre.
e Why does the first act close with only a i he government's fiscal policy was
O vague suspicion of murder in the air? pilloried in 1 by the press.
a My sister had her flat redecorated by f Why doesn't the second act open with j Al1 this information cannot easily be
the whole of her class last weekend. the actual killing? subsumed under one heading.
b We got lost in the woods. g And why d o you end the third act on
c Do you think there's any chance (that) l
this new party will get elected?
such an anti-climax?
h It's difficult to see tickets selling for a
d 1 can't say 1 enjoy having my work read play like this.
out in front of the class.
e It's quite simple to have 1 get one 01 O
more of your keys copied(by a a fallen b contracted c changed
locksmith). d widened e folded f dried
g intemified h expanded i grown
a you ever had your house broken into
and any of your belongings SECTION 5
b you have had your fingerprints put o n
police files you can never Pre-practice Q
c have just got to get something done i a was deemed a was approached
about this b be iailed b was reached
d for your help 1 would not have got my c been strewn c was filled
passport d was.. .bajled d was entered
e of us can get everything organised al1 e been earmarked e was evacuated
at the same 2 a for b with c under d fo~
f must take care not to get your family
involved in any such dangerous (underline:) i a 2b 3c 4d 5c
g will almost certainly be arrested if you
don't get your car taxed and
a students at the sports centre are
h government never seems to be able to presented with a certificate of
get interest rates brought under attendance when they leave.
b pressurised into making a decision.
Q c are not included in the price.
SECTION A (1) dogged (2) bufeted (3) haunted
(4) Locked (5) hounded d was really shocked by the way the
check (6) handicapped (7) doomed managing director behaved last night.
c (The photograph was destroyed (8) blessed (9) touched (10) earmarked e was approached and congratulated 1
because of the light.) (1 1) destined (12) possessed with congratulations by severa1 people
f (The hot air balloon rose quickly into f brought up in a little village o n the
the sky) O Scottish border.
a was overcome g printed with your name on.
b is shrouded h wasn't reported to the police until it
c have been inundated was far too late.
d is 1 was dwarfed
O e is scheduled
i of severa1 hundred pounds by an old
2 b I( (in the wind) 4 a I( (is washed)
6 a I( (were compensated) 8 a I( (has f were bajled j is placed on government guidelines on
increased) 9 b I( (expands) g has been 1 is 1 was deemed the importance of starting education
h was dubbed early.
Q i have been 1 not have been short-listed
a The lights dimmed during the last j were 1 had been strewn O
dance. a An awful lot has been left out of the
b Darren's performance in the 100 Q
- final draft agreement.
metres improved by a tenth of a a Since the advertisement, we've been b The beach was packed with
second. swamped with applications. sunbathers.
c The Titanic sank in 1911. b Do you think it's wrong that this site c An honorary doctorate in law was
d His eyes filled with tears. has been earmarked for redevelopment? conferred o n our founder by
e The plan gradually developed. c The interviewer was really taken aback Edinburgh University.
by the Minister's response. d My uncle was operated o n (or: They
O d The protest march was rained off. operated on my uncle) for five hours
a Initially, 1 think the plot unfolds e The office is staffed twenty-four hours to remove the growth that had been
convincingly a day diagnosed. (or:for the growth that had
b The tension increases in the third f 1 was (rather 1 somewhat 1 really) been diagnosed to be removed.)
scene. disconcerted when the bereaved woman e i was robbed of my watch and
traveller's cheques while 1 was abroad. clothes. (or: The rnodel's clothes were

f The accused claimed he was / had been strewn al1 over the floor.)
provoked into hitting the police officer. d Our new Director wants to be addressed O
g The contract was t o r n u p b y both as 'Madarn'. i J 2 J 3 J 4 W i l l I ...
parties. e I can't say I enjoy having rny writing torn 5 You will.. . 6 7 8
h Many o f us were shocked when a to pieces in front of me. 9 ...he will.. . 10 .. .smokers won't.. .
former actor was sworn in as President
o f the United States.
f A decision will have to be rnade by the
end of the week, won't it? a
a 6 (a tooth)
i 1 was completely taken aback by the g The possibility of the hotel needing new
staff in the surnrner can9t/cannot/ b 8 (the wait or delay)
shouldn't / should not be ruled out. c 4 (rain)
j Trading activities in the war-stricken d' 5 (the wind)
area have been scaled down. h Surely nobody likes being rnade fun of
in public. e 1 (the verdict)
i It should be borne in rnind that the f 3 (a hotel room)
Exam practice 2 custorner is always right. g 2 (your last drink)
j This school-leaver is not sufficiently h 7 (your intonation 1 spoken language)
(circle:) 1 A 2 C 3 D 4 B 5 B qualified for such a dernanding job, is
he / she?
6 A 7 A 8 D 9 A 10C 11C a He'll no doubt be
I Z A 13D 14C 15D b $he will
2 c mav as well/ m i ~ h as
t well
(1) under (2) been (3) for d m
(4) known (5) be (6) being (7) by
(8) levelled (9) even (10) rnade
Unit 3 eoupht to /&
f d
(1 1) reduced (1 2) by Ithrough g&
(1 3) with (1 4) at (1 5) taken /
Entry test h won't definitely (= I'm not sure) /
borrowed (1 6) were (1 7) with 1 definitelv won't (= I'm certain 1 won't)
(1 8 ) in (1 9) ever (20) havelwere a (probably / certainly / definitely) won't be /
3 are unlikely to be
a 1 don't suppose he w i l l have / he'll have
a to be switched off if/when the screen b will be/may be/might be/should be/
the common sense t o ask for
shows 'Ready for Shutdown'. ought to be
b hasn't been seen for over a year. c will belrnay be/ rnight be/could be
b 1 (very much) doubt if / whether the
c can Ishould be sent off to shareholders d rnind could
package w i l l be here before Friday
yet. e won't have /shouldn't have
c 1 think that's asking (or: that would be
d would have been cornpletely baffled by f won't be
asking) too much o f him.
the calculation if it had not been for 2 d 1 suppose she could conceivably break
your help. a rnaylrnight the world record at the next meeting.
e only be done, (or: carried out,) it rnust b have heard e 1 think they ought t o be able t o achieve
(also) be seen to be done. (or: carried c should be/ought to be (or: should have
the task. (or: 1 don't think the task
out.) beenlought to have been; unlikely:
f a photograph of rny children used in an ought t o be insurmountable for them.)
could be)
advertisernent. f 1 think attitudes towards sunbathing
d can't be Icouldn't be
g convicted several times previously, the rnay well have t o change soon.
e can't havelcouldn't have
driver was fined especially heavily g Would you (perhaps) like us t o pay the
f rnust have
h were often rnade to stay behind after deposit for you?
g rnight have/could have Ishould have /
closing time (by the rnanageress) to do h 1 don't 1 can't think (that) there w i l l be
ought to have told
extra work. any major problems.
i in the fue1 lines is thought (by the
a shouldn't worry / needn't thinkl needn't
investigators) to have caused the crash.
worry /don? need to worry SECTION 2
j has had to be faxed three times for
b have to get check
a decision.
c shouldn'tl needn't have been
4 d rnust take / rnust have d (predicting)
a are shrouded e needn't have / shouldn't have
b was (or: has been) taken f didn't need / didn't have
c hasn't been given g to report / go to
d been dubbed / nicknarnedIcalled O
e has been l is 1 gets handed a J b J c% d J e% f% h%
f have let/ have allowed yourself to (or:
have agreed to)
(tick:) (1) shouldn't
5 (2) rnay well 1 might well
a emphasising that 1 a m certain
a The accused was overcorne with ernotion. (3) could / rnay 1 might
b in m y opinion.. .
b Natuhlly, you will be penalised (by
c emphasising that it is just possible (4) could 1 rnay
having points deducted) if you arrive late.
d predicting what would happen ( 5 ) should
c The floor was strewn with the rnodel's
e asking for a prediction (6) can't / shouldn't
(7) rnay 1 might
(8) rnay / can

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