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H Hickman Analytics, Inc.

Honest Accurate Insight

TO: Interested Parties
FROM: Hickman Analytics, Inc
RE: Summary of recent poll results
DATE: May 14, 2019

Jim Hood currently enjoys a large lead in the Democratic primary and a solid lead in the general election
against Lt. Governor Tate Reeves. Hood has an excellent chance of being elected Governor of Mississippi
later this year. He is better known and more popular than Reeves and leads the Republican 45%-40%.
Hood’s advantage over Reeves has expanded in the wake of the first weeks of Reeves’ television
advertising campaign that includes attacks on Hood.

Key Findings

Democratic and Republican primaries. Among likely Democratic primary voters, Hood enjoys a large lead
with over 60% support. None of Hood’s primary opponents has more than 7% of the vote. Hood’s current
standing in the Democratic primary is substantially stronger than Reeves’ position in the Republican one.
Hood leads his nearest competitor by over 50 points, while Reeves’ has strong competition from former
Supreme Court Justice William Waller, Jr.

General election. Hood’s 45%-40% lead among likely voters in the current gubernatorial horserace is built
on a strong showing among Democrats and Independents, and a significant share of Republican defectors.
The early weeks of Reeves’ advertising campaign shows little positive impact for Reeves outside of the
Republican base. The partisan and ideological hectoring of Hood in Reeves’ advertising has increased
Hood’s popularity among Democrats. In our poll, the vast majority of Mississippi voters do not change
their preferences after hearing Reeves’ attacks on Hood. In fact, after hearing Reeves’ attacks and Hood’s
responses to those claims Hood’s support increases to a majority of likely voters and his advantage over
Reeves expands to double digits.

Name recognition and personal popularity. The two leading candidates enjoy similar levels of name
recognition. Hood’s name is recognized by 88% of likely 2019 voters while Reeves’ is recognized by about
80%. The difference is in the candidates’ popularity. Hood’s personal popularity rating is 41% favorable,
24% neutral, and only 18% unfavorable. Despite his advertising, Reeves’ favorable rating is 13 points
lower, and his unfavorable rating is 6 points higher. Reeves’ neutral rating is the same as Hood’s.

Conclusion. By any measure, Hood is in a strong position to be elected governor this year.

TECHNICAL NOTE: This memo is based on a survey of 604 likely 2019 Mississippi voters. Telephone interviewing was
conducted by live interviewers May 5-9, 2019. Interviews were conducted with respondents reached by both landline
and mobile devices. All polls are subject to errors caused by interviewing a sample of persons, rather than the entire
population. In 95 cases out of 100, the responses to this survey should be within plus or minus 4.0 percentage points
of those that would have been obtained from interviewing all likely voters.

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