Backward Design Activity

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Backward Design Activity

What will our final project look like?

What do we need to know?
What activities, sequence, and resources are best suited to accomplish our goals?
Whether you are planning a wedding, party or presentation, it is valuable to develop a plan that will help give vision to your project. Understanding by
Design (UBD) or BACKWARDS DESIGN is best described as PLANNING WITH THE END IN MIND. We begin by first clarifying the learning we seek—the final
results (Stage 1). Then, we think about the assessment evidence needed to show that we have achieved that desired learning (Stage 2). Finally, plan the
means to the end—the activities and resources we must complete to achieve our goals (Stage 3). We have found that backward design, whether applied
by individuals or committees, helps avoid the twin sins of creative freedom-inefficiency and lack of purpose. Begin by completing the activities in this

Stage 1—Identify Desired Results

What should we know & understand? What should we be able to do? What will it look like?

TASK 1: What is your vision/mission statement?

AS a group, develop a vision/mission statement that identifies the intent/purpose of your presentation. Inquiry activity:

AS you work on your project, revisit your mission statement and revise as you wish. What is a mission /vision statement?

Go online and explore more than 2 understandings of

 March 25th, 2019
Our mission statement on ______________:
enter date here these terms. Then complete the following sentences:

-We need to develop a community that people A vision statement is… a statement that outlines
choose to be a part of. and describes what an
individual or organization
wants to do in the present

 Our mission statement on ______________:

May 3rd, 2019 A mission statement is… a statement that outlines
enter date here and describes what a group
or organization wants to do
-We need to create a culture that people feel in the future.
like they are a part of without being part of a

 Our mission statement on ______________:

May 8th, 2019
enter date here

-We need to start an organic culture that

people, unforcedly, want to be a part of.

 May 13th, 2019

Our FINAL mission statement on ______________:
enter date here

-We need to produce a feeling where a

cultured community is created based on
students that want change.
TASK 2: What will your final project “look” like?
Imagine it is SHOWCASE DAY. You are about to “have a conversation” about your presentation with the mayor of Lethbridge. What will this conversation
look like? To prepare, answer the questions below:

What should we know & understand?

1. Begin by “wondering” about your topic and recording any questions you have.
- How can we change people’s perspectives on school spirit?
- How do new bring students together without forcing them to become a part of something?
- How do we make it a feeling rather than a club or organization?
- How do we make it student-based rather than teacher-based?

2. Using your questions for inspiration, IDEATE an exhaustive list of possible information you should know. Then narrow your ideas
down into ESSENTIAL UNDERSTANDINGS in the space below.
ESSENTIAL UNDERSTANDINGS you think you should know:

- Chinook High School is a group where our student body is in Maintenance Mode. We do not have
a strong sense of belonging for anyone outside of our grade level, and that becomes a problem
when we try to accomplish school-wide goals, because we cannot work together. We need to
establish respect for each other, and that can only be done when we create a feeling of
organic culture in our school.

What should we be able to do?

- Being a part of a community with culture will be a want, not a need, in order to be healthy and
growing. This must be established by the students.

What will our presentation look like? (HOW will you present it?)

- We will take interviews from the student body, and the questions will be answered by an equal
amount of students from each grade in order to get perspective. Students and faculty from Finland
will help us establish a placement of where to start our culture.
Stage 2—Determine Assessment Evidence
How will we know if we have achieved our desired results? Complete the sentence below by identifying the criteria you will use to measure if your
presentation matches your vision. (you should have more than one criteria…)

Our presentation is successful if:

- We raise awareness of a culture, and nurture it. Everyone should really feel like they belong, and this
organic community should carry on with and throughout the students.

Are there any of your REQURED SKILL activities that can help you with Stage 2? If so, list them below, then complete the activities you’ve identified.

- If we collaborate and talk to a variety of people, this project will be easier, because the more
perspective we have, the more diverse it can be.
Stage 3—Plan Activities & Resources
Scope & Sequence Time Management Activity
What activities, sequence, and resources are best suited to accomplish our goals?
Outline a SCOPE & SEQUENCE of how you will complete your project. SCOPE is a reference to WHAT activities you will do, SEQUENCE identifies
WHEN you will do it. In order to help you complete your SCOPE & SEQUENCE, complete the activities below:

TASK 1: What tasks need to be completed and in what order will you complete them?
As a group, identify ALL of the TASKS/activities that will have to be completed by your group. Then, number them in the sequence or order in which you
will complete them. Finally, assign each task to a group member.

SEQUENCE SCOPE: Project Task Member ________ ________________________________________

1 ________________________________________
Website Creation _________
Nicole ________ ________________________________________ _________

2 ________________________________________
Survey Questions _________
Jelena ________ ________________________________________ _________

________ AskSurvey Questions
Questions for Video Jelena
All ________ ________________________________________ _________
1 Nicole Website Creation Nicole
________ Website
Complete Creation
Inquiry Activities Nicole
Nicole ________ ________________________________________ _________
________ Website Creation
________________________________________ Nicole
_________ ________ ________________________________________ _________
5 Upload Evidence to Website Nicole
________ Website
Video Nicole
Nicole ________ ________________________________________ _________
________ Website Creation
________________________________________ Nicole
_________ ________ ________________________________________ _________
________ ________________________________________ _________ ________ ________________________________________ _________

________ ________________________________________ _________ ________ ________________________________________ _________

________ ________________________________________ _________ ________ ________________________________________ _________

TASK 2: In what order will you complete your skills?

As a group, discuss when you will complete each activity identified below and number them in the sequence or order in which you will complete them.

SEQUENCE SCOPE: Skill Activities

_________ Collaboration What does it mean to be an “active listener”?
1 Website Creation What is theNicole
value of “listening for potential?”
1 Working with Purpose: What will your final project look like?
1 Backward DesignCreation
Website & What do you need to know?
Time Management What activities, sequence, and resources are best suited to accomplish our goals?
2 Presentation: What medium will you present it in?
e4 1
_________ DevelopWebsite
Empathy:Creation Nicole
Who are the stakeholders in your community?
Nicol Collaboration: What makes a great team mate?
6 Presentation: What makes an engaging (or interactive) presentation?
_________ Presentation: How do you engage an audience in a discussion?
TASK 3: What resources will you need to complete your project?
Using the prompts below, create a list of resources you will need to access as you complete your presentation.
 Books

- Online Information

 Websites

- Video Maker/ Portrayer

 Media

- Video Sharing

 Technology

- Phones for Video/ Camera

- Computer Editing

 People

- Equal Selection of the Student Body

 Materials

- Big Question: How Do We Create a Community?

TASK 4: WHEN will you complete your tasks and activities? When will you access your resources?
What will you do to ensure you complete your project on time?

Creative Design 9-Long Term Project Plan

March 2019
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
4 5 6 7 8

11 12 13 14 15

18 19 20 21 22

21 Classes Left
25 26 27 28 29

20 Classes Left 19 Classes Left

April 2019
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
1 2 3 4 5


18 Classes Left 17 Classes Left

8 9 10 11 12

16 Classes Left 15 Classes Left

15 16 17 18 19


14 Classes Left 13 Classes Left

22 23 24 25 26


29 30

12 Classes Left
May 2019
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
1 2 3

11 Classes Left 10 Classes Left

6 7 8 9 10

9 Classes Left 8 Classes Left

13 14 15 16 17

7 Classes Left 6 Classes Left 5 Classes Left

20 21 22 23 24


4 Classes Left

27 28 29 30 31

Building Community Inquiry

Presentation DUE
(end of period)

3 Classes Left 2 Classes Left

1 Class Left
June 2019
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
3 4 5 6 7

Showcase Trial Run Showcase Trial Reflection

10 11 12 13 14

SHOWCASE Showcase Debrief


17 18 19 20 21

Last Day of Classes / Yote


24 25 26 27 28

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