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TPG4160 Reservoir Simulation 2018 page 1 of 1

Exercise 5

Modification of the Eclipse system in Exercises 4 and 5 to use horizontal wells

As a continuation of Exercises 4 and 5, make the following modifications to the input file ODEH.DATA:
• Redefine the injection well to be horizontal, perforating gridblocks I=1, J=1,...,20, K=1
• Redefine the production well to be horizontal, perforating gridblocks I=20, J=1,...,20, K=30

1. Make the same run as before, with the no-resolution option (DRDST=0)
2. Make plots of GOR vs. time and production rate for the old system and the new system
3. Discuss the results

Norwegian University of Science and Technology Professor Jon Kleppe

Department of Petroleum Engineering and Applied Geophysics 1/2/18

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