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Being Persuasive

How Do You Persuade Someone?

Your goal is to convince your audience that your ideas are valid. Please consider the question below, then create a list of criteria that you can use as a
checklist to reflect on your work.

What makes a presentation PERSUASIVE?

A presentation is persuasive if:
o It contains information that affects your life
o There are equal uses of ethos (ethics), pathos (emotion), and logos (logic)
o It involves activities that are appealing to an audience
o Offers oppurtunity to make a difference
o Lets personal opinion make an entrance

What makes a presentation ENGAGING?

You will be meeting with various members of our community in order to try to convince them that your idea could positively impact our community.
Your group must create a presentation to help you convince your audience. FIRST, complete the activities below as a group.

Create a list of criteria that you can use as a checklist to reflect on your work. (Sometimes it helps to think about what makes a Speaker/Media
presentation NOT engaging/boring).
A SPEAKER is engaging if: A MEDIA presentation is engaging if:
o They use actions to explain their topic o It touches the whole community
o They ask and answer questions o Symbolism is present
o They have visuals o It uses visuals and examples
o Create a safe environment o Offers space to relfect
o Involve the audience o Gives oppurtunity to grow

Practice Presentation & Reflection!

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