Alpha Plus - Award Story

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The Carnegie Herald

p p p
Two teachers honored for progress
2019 The state’s only data- the 2019 state tests will not reading classes were recog-
driven teacher and class be available until later this nized for highest growth in
awards have been decided, month, Alpha Plus data has their schools.
0002 according to Alpha Plus historically been an ac- Local teachers from Carn-
Clip CEO Jan Barrick. curate predictor of student egie awarded were Cad-
60% The 2019 Success with success. do County Model Teacher
OAS Awards recognize The awards being distrib- - Tonia Lodes, Carnegie
h students and teachers for uted this week include: Elementary School, 4th
s their achievements under • Alpha Plus Model and 5th grade and Greatest
the Oklahoma Academic Teachers were selected from OAS Growth Award Win-
Standards (OAS) in math- each school administering ner, Carnegie Elementary
ematics and reading. both formative and summa- School, Mandie Kuykendall,
“Our data allows us tive assessments in Grades Math 3 and Reading 3.
to monitor in real time 3-8 this school year accord-
student progress under ing to the Alpha Plus Model
the new, more-rigorous of School Improvement.
Oklahoma Academic Stan- Only teachers meeting
dards,” Barrick said minimum criteria in terms
“For these awards, we of data and evidence of ef-
evaluated math and read- fectiveness were eligible for
ing formative and sum- recognition. More than 400
mative data. This year’s teachers statewide were eli-
honorees have made gible as of April 15, yet only
tremendous progress.” 57 teachers were chosen for
While student scores on awards.
the 2019 state tests will • Greatest OAS Growth
not be available until later Math Class and Greatest
this month, Alpha Plus OAS Growth Reading Class
data has historically been awards recognize classes
an accurate predictor of with the highest academic
student success. growth between the fall
To choose the honorees, baseline and spring summa-
Barrick says her Oklahoma tive benchmarks. A mirror
City-based team analyzed of the state tests, these
current school-year assess- assessments help teachers
ment data through April know each student level
15 from schools statewide of mastery at key points
that use Alpha Plus tools. in the year. Alpha Plus
Awards are being sent to benchmarks provide a true
- 65 schools this week, and growth model for ensuring
many are being presented progress of each student
in school assemblies. throughout the year. Fifty-
While student scores on six math classes and 46


Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
Coalgate Record-Register


Students, Coal County Teachers Honored S

for Progress with Oklahoma Standards
The state’s only data- dence of effectiveness teacher, Alpha Plus cur-
driven teacher and class were eligible for recogni- riculum and teaching
awards have been decid- tion. More than 400 tools are aligned solely
May ed, according to Alpha teachers statewide were to Oklahoma Academic
Plus CEO Jan Barrick. eligible as of April 15, Standards. More infor-
15 yet only 57 teachers were mation, including a full
The 2019 Success with
OAS Awards recognize chosen for awards. list of this year’s honor-
2019 students and teachers for Greatest OAS Growth ees, is available at www.
their achievements un- Math Class and Greatest
der the Oklahoma Aca- OAS Growth Reading Coalgate - Coal Coun-
Page demic Standards (OAS) Class awards recognize ty
B005 in mathematics and read- classes with the high- Greatest OAS Growth
Clip ing. est academic growth be- Award Winner -
resized To choose the hon- tween the fall baseline Emerson Elementary
36% orees, Barrick says her and spring summative School
Oklahoma City-based benchmarks. A mirror of Shipley, Math 3
team analyzed current the state tests, these as- Rogers, Reading 5
school-year assessment sessments help teachers
104 West Oh
data through April 15 know each student level
of mastery at key points

from schools statewide
that use Alpha Plus tools. in the year. Alpha
Awards are being sent to Plus benchmarks pro-
vide a true growth model

65 schools this week, and
many are being presented for ensuring progress of
in school assemblies. each student throughout
“Our data allows us the year. Fifty-six math
to monitor in real time classes and 46 reading
student progress under classes were recognized
the new, more-rigorous for highest growth in
Oklahoma Academic their schools.
Standards,” Barrick said. Success with OAS
“For these awards, we Goals Met Awards honor
evaluated math and read- each class that covered
ing formative and sum- the subject matter re-
mative data. This year’s quired in state and fed-
honorees have made tre- eral law by completing Rossi - .22 Bolt
mendous progress.”
While student scores
all formative quizzes
aligned to the OAS ob-
Mossberg 308
on the 2019 state tests jectives. These awards Rossi - 410 Sing
will not be available until recognize teachers and
later this month, Alpha students who work at Savage 22 - 25 B
Plus data has historically a steady pace from La-
been an accurate predic- bor Day to Spring Break
Heritage - 22LR Pea
tor of student success. each year. Statewide, 355
“Teachers who use classes using common Black Hawk Rifle C
our data are able to iden- formative assessments
tify the specific skills achieved their OAS goals Allen Hand Gun C
they need to address for for the year.
each student,” Barrick “This year, we were Allen Locking Ha
said. “The granular level honored to work with
of our data helps teachers more than 500 educators Bull Dog Hard Sid
better prepare students to serving 10,500 students
succeed.” to improve teaching and Remington 22 LR -
The awards being learning of the OAS,”
distributed this week in- Barrick said. “We thank Remington .22 Sho
clude: all of the great teachers
Alpha Plus Model who live and work in
Teachers were selected communities across our
from each school admin- state. We are pleased to RO
istering both formative recognize these educa-
and summative assess- tors for going above and Dungarees
ments in Grades 3-8 this beyond for Oklahoma
school year according kids.” ATT
to the Alpha Plus Model Alpha Plus provides Due to NEW RESTR
of School Improvement. training, assessments prescription medicatio
Only teachers meet- and resources for schools
statewide. Founded in
ing minimum criteria in
terms of data and evi- 1990 by an Oklahoma

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.

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