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Appendix 1: Lesson Plan (template)

LESSON PLAN Subject: Math

Trainee: Salama Topic or Theme: Subtract Decimals.


Class: 4 A Date & Duration: Monday, March 11, 2019

Trainee Personal Goals

I am working on:

 Modelling the lesson skill for the students Which is subtracting decimals.
 Modelling (do) the activity centres for the students before sending them to do it.

Lesson Focus:

 Students will be able to subtract decimal numbers.

Lesson Outcomes

Students will be able to:

 Subtract decimal numbers using base-Ten blocks.

Links to Prior Learning:

 In the previous lesson, Students learn how to add decimal numbers using base-Ten blocks.

21st Century Skills

 Collaboration: I choose this skill for this lesson because I want to teach the students how to work
together in a group. Also, to develop the sense of responsibility in each student.

Key vocabulary:

Decimal numbers, Subtract, place value, take a way, how many left and borrowing.

Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

 Behaviour problem during the  Use counters to manage the student’s

lesson. behaviours.
 Remembering the place values.  Provide place value chart for each group.
 Misunderstanding of the centre  Make sure to model the activities for the
activities. students before they start by themselves.

Resources/equipment needed:

 Place value charts

 Small whiteboard
 Markers
 Base-Ten blocks
 Class dojo
 Small counters two colours (Read and green) To manage student’s behaviour in the class.
 Computer
 Smart board
 A3 Paper to play the subtraction game.
 Dice
 Dominoes

& Time
Teacher will: Students will:

1. Today, we are going to learn about 2. Students will have to share ideas I will set
subtracting decimal numbers. Turn and
a timer for 2 minutes.
talk to your friend in your group. What
3. Students will answer: Decimal numbers
is a decimal number?
4. So, boys and girls today we will learn are smaller that 1 whole.
about how to subtract decimal
8. Students will answer: Line the numbers
5. So let see, if we have 5.3-2.3. first, we
have to line up the numbers _ 5.3 10. Students have to answer 19.15.
13. Students will have 2 min to talk in their
group. Then they have to share answers.
6. We have to start from the right to
the left when we read out question. For instance, they will answer: No, we can’t
7. If the question is 19.15-10.87 what is take 7 from the 5 because the 5 is smaller
my first step?
than the 7.

16. Students will have 2 minutes to share

9. correct, we are going to line the
numbers up. Which number goes first? ideas. Then they will answer: we take one

from the other number to make the

11. So, let’s start as you said we have to
subtraction easier.
line our numbers first, let’s line them up
20. Students will answer: yes because 15 is
_ bigger than the 7.
10.87 So, let’s start we will look at
23. Students have to answer: No, we can’t

our number. because 1 is smaller than 8.

25. Students will answer: we have to

12.So let’s see we have to take 7 from
borrow from next door. So, the 1 will be a
the 5. Can we do that? What do you
think turn and talk to your friend? 10 and the 9 will be an 8.

28. Students have to answer: 2

14.Correct, So, today we will learn
30. Students will say the 8 will stay the
something we call it borrowing. So, we
can solve this problem. same 8 because it’s a zero.

33. So, the student how is selected to solve

15. Turn and talk in your group what do
the problem in the board to show the steps
you think borrowing is?
of the problem. Students must follow the
17. So, this question we have to borrow
steps of solving the problem. First line up
to find the answer
the numbers
_ 3.2 . Then, student must see
18.let’s see we have a 5 we will look 1.4
next door we have a 1 we will brow the numbers can we take 4 from the 2?
from the one then the 5 will become 15.
34. No we can’t. so, what is our first step.

We will take from the 3 so the 2 will be 12

19. can we subtract the 15 from the 7 and the 3 will be 1. so now 12- 4 is 8 and 2-
1 is 1.
21. Yes correct so our answer will be 8.
36. Our final answer is = 1.8
22. now let’s see our next number we
have 1-8. Can we take 8 from the 1?
24. So what is our first step?
27. correct, now we can subtract
because we are subtracting a big
number from a smaller number (10-
8).so what is the answer?
29. Then we have to but our decimal
point. Then look at our next number
which is 8 so what is 8-0.
31. So out final answer is = 8.28.
32. Then teacher will write another
example on the board 3.2-1.4. Then I
will use class dojo to select random
student to come to the front to solve
the question while the other students
are solving the same problem in their
35. Teacher then will say so what is our
final answer.
37. Teacher, then will say to the rest of
the class show me your answer raise
your board. We will check the students
answers by looking at them.

Main activities (Active engagement)
& Time
Teacher will: Students will:

1.First in small activity I want all of you 4. Students must listen to the instruction
in your groups to work together as a before they start to solve the question. If
team. One of you in the group is the they don’t, I will take away points from
writer and the other have to help them whole table.
to remembering the steps of solving the 6. Students, must solve the question with
question. Each group will use only one the steps. They have 6 min to finish.
board. 9. Students will have to raise their board.
2.Then, Teacher will choose a leader 13. Yes miss
from each group to write then answer 15. Students will have 6 min to finish the
with the steps in the board. question.
3. Ok, everyone we will start now put 16. When the timer is finish students must
your markers and boards down first and share their answers. Who have a correct
eyes up look at the question on the answer will give the group points.
5. Teacher will write the first question
(7.435-0.550). Make sure to follow the
steps that I showed you in the
beginning of the lesson.
7. Teacher will set a timer for 6 min.
8. When the timer goes off Teacher will
Say: Stop close your markers and raise
your boards.
10. Teacher will check students answers
with the steps. The answer should be
11. Ok let’s do one final example before
we start out activities.
12. Ok everybody cleans your boards I
will give you a challenging question are
you ready?
14. Ok, eyes on the board put
everything down. Our question is 26.35
– 6.18.

Differentiation activities (Support) Canter activities

Master Students:

 Students will have dominoes and small whiteboard.

 All of the dominos will be backwords.
 Students will play by taking turns.
 One student will pick one domino for instance:
 Then, he will write the decimal number that appears it will be (5.1).
 Than another student will choose another one (2.1) Then they will use the whiteboard to
subtract the numbers and find the answer.

Developing students:

 Students will play a game called subtraction race.

 Each pair of students in the group will be a team.
 Students will have a A3 sheet that have a model of the game.
 Students must create their own number before they start to subtract by using a dice.
 Also, the students will have a sheet to record the questions and answers that they did.
 For example: All of the teams will start at the same time. The pair who solve more questions and
it is correct will win and they will get a point.

Emerging Students:

 Students will have cards with different questions about subtracting decimals. Students must use
a place value chart to place the numbers in the questions using base-Ten blocks.
 Students first must read the question on the card. Then they have to use base ten blocks to
represent the question on the place value charts.
 Then, they have to answer the question by using base ten blocks to represent the answer. Then
write the answer in the chart using a marker.
& Time Plenary/Conclusion

Teacher will Student will

1. Recap on the lesson and solve one 4. Students have to came to the front of
question with the students. For the class to solve a question. (3.85-2.19)
example ( 2.71 -1.9). Ask the students 7. Students will have 12 minutes to solve
to guide me how to solve it. the problem.
2. So, boys and girls today we learn 8. The students who will solve the problem
how to subtract decimal numbers. in the front of the class must follow the
3.Teacher will select random students steps and find the answer.
using class dojo. 10. When the students are finishes, we will
5. Teacher will say ok class 1, 2 students check the answer together as a class.
must clap to get their attention. 12. Students will share what they learn
6. I want everyone in the class to solve today with the class.
this problem using your whiteboard.
Then we will check our answers
together start.
9. I will guide the student in the front of
the class to remind them about the
11. So, boys and girls who what to
share with us what they did or learn
Homework Students must complete the practice in the book P. 750.

Assessment Students must solve questions on the book P.747. From question 3 to 8. Then
Strategies: students must swap their books to check each other answers.

☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral questioning ☐ Peer assessment


☐ Quiz ☐ Student presentation ☐ Written work and ☐ Verbal feedback


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