5 Year Plan

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5 Year Plan

When I graduate I will be attending school still, but it’s going to be a trade school

for truck driving in Merced, CA. The school's name is Advanced Career Institute located

on ​1741 Ashby Rd suite b. ​I´ve heard a lot of good things from this trucking school

because they send actual truck drivers from some big companies out to the school to

speak to the students about what to do after they graduate from the school and the

good things that come with being a truck driver. I chose this trade school because it’s

the closest to home, so I won’t have to pay a ton of money by moving out to another

area and taking care of a bunch of bills like rent and electricity, etc. Since the beginning

of senior year I’ve been eager to get into truck driving such as working for a company

like Werner, Northern, and Swift because I´ve had multiple friends tell me about truck

driving and the great benefits you can receive by working with a well known company.

Multiple of my uncles are truck drivers with good companies that offer health, dental,

eye insurance, 401k and good pay. While I am attending this trade in Merced, I plan on

keeping my same job I have right now which is at Hampton Inn & Suites in Merced

where I do maintenance work. I plan to work and go to school because I want to be able

to pay my tuition for school if I don’t work. I don´t believe it´ll be too difficult to go to

school and work at the same time because my last two years of high school I have been

working, going to school, and playing soccer. I´d most likely have to start working night

shifts, so I can be able to go to school during the day and then go to work at night.

When I am done with school which is only about four weeks long, I will immediately start

submitting job applications. When I graduate from the trucking school I´d like to get a
trucking job maybe a month after because I really don't want to waste anytime, I like to

be one step ahead of the game all the time. I would like to get as much experience as I

can while I am working for people. I want to get experience in trucking oil, food, gas, etc.

It'd be great to receive experience in trucking all kinds of loads, so when I am ready to

open my own trucking business it´ll be something I am use to already. When I open my

own trucking business I´d like it to be all around, so we can be able to pull any kind of

load. More people would get in contact with us because I´d have multiple truckers that

can pull a load that is difficult or a load that is easy. As I am working for people´s

companies I will be saving money for my own company later in the future. Once I open

up my own company I don't think I will be driving the trucks as often anymore, I will

most likely just oversee all the operations and keep track of how much money I am

making. I would like to make more and more money every month and yearly. I would

like to expand my company throughout California and eventually throughout all the

United States. Opening a trucking company of my own is my future goal and something

that I want to exceed. Hard work and dedication will lead me to getting my own

company later in the future when I am ready. I would like to have my company for as

long as I can and then eventually hand it over to my son. While I have my company I

would like it to be my family and myself running the company. I would allow my

nephews, son, uncles, and cousins to work for me and I would expect them to work

hard. I wouldn't want my family to get comfortable and to just stop being hard workers

because they know I own the company. Firing one of my family members would be
tough, but I would do it if they didn't want to take work serious and get the job done

when it's needed. I would offer health, dental, and eye insurance along with 401K.

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