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Big number of people gathered

On the streets

In a demonstration

Resist an authority government

They have flags on their hands

It’s a manifestation whit a lot of protesters

What this situation shows us?


Venezuelans have gathered for mass protests after opposition leader Juan Guaidó called for fresh demonstrations.

Se han reunido /gaderd/

accumulated; collected; concentrated; massed; reunited /riunatid/

Maduro said he had stopped an "attempted coup" by the opposition.

Intento de golpe de Estado /kúu/

Attempt = try = effort

Coup = plot = conspiracy = secret plan

- An airplane burst into flames

- There is a big cloud of dark smoke

- There are firemen working on the street

- The news said that a lot of people died

- It occurs/happened/took place/arose in Moscow

Forty-one people were killed after a Russian plane made an emergency landing and burst [explode] into flames in an
airport in Moscow.
Catch fire / Burn down
Videos on social media show passengers using emergency exit slides [move down; move smoothly] to escape the
burning aircraft.

Two children and a flight attendant were among the dead, Russian media reports.

Crew; team working on a flight; group

One witness [observer; person giving evidence] said it was a "miracle" anyone escaped the jet, which was carrying 73
passengers and five crew. "There are 37 survivors - 33 passengers and four members of the crew," said an investigative
committee official, Yelena Markovskaya. Five people are in hospital.

Aeroflot, Russia's national carrier, said the plane was forced to return to the airport "for technical reasons", but did not
elaborate. Some flights have been diverted []to other airports.

What happened to the plane?

The aircraft, a Sukhoi Superjet-100, departed Sheremetyevo airport at 18:02 local time (15:02 GMT) for the city of
Murmansk. The crew issued a distress signal when "malfunctions" occurred shortly after departure. After making an
emergency landing at the airport, the plane's engines caught fire on the runway, Aeroflot said in a statement. The crew
"did everything to save the passengers," who were evacuated in 55 seconds, the airline said.

Aeroflot published a list of survivors (in Russian) who have been identified so far, adding [say as well; supplement; make
further comment] that it will continue to be updated as new information comes to light.
- There is a lot of apps in which people know and meet each other: the online dating.


- Some specialist says that, behind this apps, there are lots of new problems
- First of all you have to create a new profile, in which you put one or more personal pictures. Then you expose
yourself: other people can see you and, if they like you, then you can speak.
- I think it’s dangerous, because you are talking with some people who are unknown, and maybe the other person
could be strange and dangerous
- In general, a room has four walls.
- There is a bed, one desk and one chair.
- In the background there is a window with curtains. Maybe there is a balcony with flowers.
- On top there is the roof or the ceiling.
- Generally, on the floor there is a carpet.
- On the left we can see a bookshelf with some books, and a blackboard
- When you want to plug in a lamp, you must use the socket [holes for electrical plug]
- If you want to turn off the light you must use the switch [on-off control]
- To acclimate the bedroom, you may use the aircon
- Here we can see a hat and a cap, which are used to protect our head and face from the sun
- There is one shoe or slipper
- If you want to know what hour it’s, you have to use a watch.
- If you want you can use a belt to fit your pants
- If you want to protect your eyes, you can use a glasses
- You also can use a scarf to protect your neck

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