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M.V.Karandikar, S.B.Sarase P.G.Lele & S.A.Khadilkar

ACC Ltd.
Quality & Product Development Division
ACC Thane Complex,
L.B.S. Marg, Thane 400 604, India

The natural biopolymers from plants and natural sources have been used in with the construction
materials during the historic and pre historic period world over and many of these structures are even
today rare in good shape confirming the durability of these structures which used natural biopolymers,
vegetables, selected plant & fruit extracts.
These natural biopolymers are organic materials available from selected plants, seeds, fruit
extracts which are chemically carbohydrates, proteins, oils and fats and their derived and hydrolysed
products, plant latexes, gums starches and natural carboxylic acids / esters and their salts and even blood
(animal ), milk and eggs, which had properties similar to the present day synthetic admixtures in terms of
reducing the water content of the binding materials, which accelerates the hardening processes of the
binders providing water retentivity, renderability and compaction desirable to produce a durable
compacted hardened structure as desired to bind the stones and aggregates used in these historic and
prehistoric structures .
These natural biopolymeric additives / admixtures improve the properties of construction
material formulations (i.e mortars, plasters mixes used) in fresh (green) as well as in hardened state and
also improved the resistance of the structures to the deterioration processes in nature thereby enhancing
the durability of the structures, these biopolymeric additions also exhibited biocidal and insecticidal
properties leading to resistance of the constructed structure to bio-corrosion as well as termite resistance.
Many of these usage of biopolymers, in the ancient period were used according to their local
availability and compatibility with local construction materials and due to lack of sharing and lesser
communicational possibility these expertise wither disappeared or some of these in small percentages are
still practiced in rural constructions by the knowledge passed from one generation to another (hereditary).
The paper attempts to review the different types of the available natural biopolymers and the
effects of these additions on the fresh and hardened properties of Mortar and Concrete.
The paper further discusses the experimental data generated at the author’s laboratory as a part of
exploratory work carried out, on use of natural polymers and its impact on the properties of Cements,
mortars and concretes in terms of increased early strengths, Air entraining effect, better Adhesiveness,
Anti microbiological agent, improvement in plasticity & workability of the mortars and concrete,
comparing the results of the natural biopolymeric additions with the commercially available additives/
admixtures used to induce similar properties in mortar and concrete.
The paper concludes that the observed effects of use of these biopolymeric additions on the
properties of Mortar and Concrete would inspire more researches in these areas which would further add
sustainability of the Concrete Constructions.

1.0 Introduction:
Chemical admixture additions of both organic and inorganic forms have been used in the
ancient period along with mortar. The organic additions were natural, mostly of plants/animal origin
and the inorganic ones were the natural and artificial pozzolanic materials. Thus the roots of the
today’s chemical admixture addition during construction are from the ancient period. The difference
is that in the ancient period the materials used were in the natural form whereas the present day
materials are man made synthetic materials are used. The materials used in the ancient period were
enviro friendly , stable in a wider range of environmental conditions whereas the present synthetic
materials are stable within the specified conditions, this could be one of the possible reasons why
ancient structures are still in good shape, confirming the durability of these structures which used
natural biopolymers from selected plant & fruit extracts.
In the ancient times, the clays of different varieties, lime, pozzolana were mainly used to bind
the stones. The lime being produced from different raw materials depending upon their availability
like sea shales and conch were used in the places close to sea, whereas Kankar was used in places
where there was good quality clay and limestone, the pozzolanic materials used were mainly natural
The natural biopolymers were used to improve the properties of plasters, mortars and clays in
the fresh as well as hardened state to improve the durability of the structures, these biopolymeric
additions also exhibited biocidal and insecticidal properties leading to increased resistance of the
constructed structure to bio-corrosion/termite resistance and other environmental deteriorating
There are some excerpts in the mythological books like Mansoullas (1) for the natural
polymers and in Chitrasutra of Vishnu Dharmotra (2), the method of their application. According to
the Mansoullas, the plasters to be applied on the wall consisted of natural biopolymers like Katha,
Linsers (green and black gram),molasses, boiled bananas, sugar, oils, eggs, milk products etc. Natural
biopolymers were not only used in India to enhance the strength and durability properties of low
strength lime and clay based materials, but these were used worldwide. Historic structures like Taj
Mahal was built up with marble stone (makarana) and different kind of bricks, Gaj-i-Shirin (sweet
limestone), Khaprel or tiles, Qulba or Spouts to lead off water, San, Gum, Sirish-i-Kahli or reed glue,
Gul-i-Surkh or red clay, Simgil (silver clay) and glass. The ingredients such as molasses; batashe
(sugar-bubbles), belgiri-water, urd-pulse, curd, jute and Kankar (pieces of fossilized soil) were mixed
with lime mortar to make it an ideal cementing material (3).The lime mortar of special composition
was used in marble mausoleum of Sheikh Salim Chist, (Fatehpur Sikri) which includes 1 part lime:2
part marble dust alongwith 1/16 rumi mastagi:1/16 parts of urad ki dal and 1/16 part Batasha (4).
Polished glutinous rice (5) was cooked so as to form a paste. This was mixed and stuck with dry lime
powder to form dense, sticky lime mortar to lay heavy brick blocks in constructing the huge masonry
wall (the great china wall)
In India depending upon the places, climatic conditions and material availability locally, different
materials were used Ajanta caves (Aurangabad district of Maharashtra) : the plaster contained of
clay, cow dung, stone powder , rice husk and lime. Sirgiria Caves(srilanka) : the plaster contained
tempered clay (kaolin). Rice husk, coconut fibres and lime. Bagh caves (Dhar district in Madhya
Pradesh ) : The plaster contained red clay, maurang (unique Guitti), lime and jute
In Africa latex from rubber plants was used as a ater proofing paint at adobe (6). In Peru, a glue fluid
obtained from cactus plants was mixed with lime and was used for painting adobe walls (4). The
ancients have used Arabic gum, animal glue from Rhodes, the blood of the hippopotamus and milky
juice of figs mixed with yellow of the eggs. (7).
2.0 Results and discussions:
2.1 : Selection of Natural Biopolymer :
To understand the effect of natural biopolymer on OPC and PPC properties various natural
biopolymers were added during intergrinding of clinker gypsum and clinker gypsum and fly ash at
different dosage levels and the results of the same are presented below The change in the water
requirement as tested by Normal consistency test for all OPC and PPC samples with natural
biopolymers is shown in Fig. 1 & 2
Fig.1:Effect of Natural Biopolymer on Fig.2:Effect of Natural Biopolymer on
Normal consistency of OPC Normal consistency of PPC
The reduction in water requirement in OPC and PPC with use of all natural biopolymers were
observed except Wheat extract in OPC. The results of the compressive strength data for OPC and
PPC with Natural biopolymers is shown in Fig. -3a,b,c &d & 4 a&b

Fig 3a: Effect of Natural Biopolymer on Fig 3b: Effect of Natural Biopolymer on
Compressive strength of OPC Compressive strength of OPC

Fig 3c: Effect of Natural Biopolymer on Fig 3d: Effect of Natural Biopolymer on
Compressive strength of OPC Compressive strength of OPC

Thus from the above graphs it clearly indicates that Bhendi extract, urad dal extract , tomato
extract and barley extract shows the best results when compared with respective control samples,
so these four natural biopolymers along with control cement (OPC and PPC) were studied in details
and compared with commercially available additives -1 &2, the effect on strength of OPC and PPC
is given in Fig.5 & 6. The effect of natural biopolymer on mortar flow of OPC and PPC tested as per
flow test is shown in Fig. 7 & 8.
Fig 4a: Effect of Natural Biopolymer on Fig 4b: Effect of Natural Biopolymer on
Compressive strength of PPC Compressive strength of PPC

Fig.6:Effect of Natural Biopolymer on

Fig.5:Effect of Natural Biopolymer on
Compressive strength of PPC
Compressive strength of OPC

Fig.8: Effect of natural biopolymer on Mortar flow of

Fig.7: Effect of natural biopolymer on Mortar PPC as per in house method
flow of OPC as per inhouse method

The Fig.5 & 6 clearly indicates that strengths of OPC and PPC with natural bio-materials (natural
biopolymers) is better at all ages as compared with OPC and PPC control and an improvement in the
mortar flow of OPC and PPC was observed with use of natural biopolymer in OPC and PPC.
2.2 Application of OPC and PPC in plastering with natural bio-materials:
The above selected OPC and PPC with natural bio-materials (bio polymers) , the air content and
water retention as per IS: 3466-1988 was checked for the above cements and are given in Table -1.
The PPC samples with natural biopolymers and commercially available additive -3 were applied on
the brick wall at cement to sand ratio of 1:5 and the application photographs alongwith observations
are given in Fig. 9 & Table -2
Table-1: Air content and Water Retention of OPC and PPC with Natural Biopolymers and
commercially available additives
OPC with OPC with OPC with OPC with OPC with Requirement as
OPC Bhendi Urad Dal Tomato Barley Commercially per IS: 3466-
Control extract extract extract extract available additive-3 1988
Air Content (%) 4.13 5.58 5.87 5.9 5.36 8.2 6% Min.
60% of original
Water Retention (%) 69.4 77.9 72.8 68.2 78.7 85
flow Min.
PPC with PPC with PPC with PPC with PPC with
PPC Bhendi Urad Dal Tomato Barley Commercially
Control extract extract extract extract available additive-3
Air Content (%) 3.98 4.85 4.93 4.9 4.67 7.3 6% Min.
60% of original
Water Retention (%) 80 74 74 71.9 79.6 83
flow Min..

PPC -Control PPC with Bhindi extract PPC with Tomato extract

PPC with commercially PPC with Ural Dal extract PPC with Barley extract
available additive-3

Fig.9: Plastering Application photographs of PPC with Natural biopolymers

Table -2: observations on plastering application
PPC with PPC with PPC with PPC with PPC with
PPC Bhindi Black Gram Tomato Barley Commercially
Control extract extract extract extract available additive-3
Thickness (mm) 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5
Rebound Loss More Very Less Very Less Very Less Very Less Less
Stickyness 5 1 3 2 4 6
Finishing 5 1 3 2 4 6
Time taken to cover area (mins.) 15 10-15 10-15 10 10-12 15
Crack development after
1 Day Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
3 Days Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
7 Days Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
28 Days Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Mason’s comments with ranking 5 1 3 2 4 6
2.3 Use of Neem extract /Turmeric and Asafoetida (Hing) for anti algal&antifungal properties
The OPC Mortar cubes with selected natural biopolymers [Neem extract /Turmeric and Asafetida
(Hing) ] and for comparison a commercially available biocide was cast as per consistency water and
after 1 day they were de moulded and kept in water for 7 days. After 7 days the cubes were subjected
to algal and fungal growth studies in humid conditions (Rainy season). The visual observation made
on the cubes after different interval of time is given in Table - 3 and the photograph of the cubes after
2 month of exposure to humid conditions is given in Fig.10 a to Fig.10e.
Table -3:Visual Observation of Algal and fungal Growth
7 14 28 45 60
Days Days Days Days Days
OPC –Control + + ++ +++ +++
OPC with Neem Extract    + ++
OPC with Turmeric     +
Fig.10a: OPC -Control Fig.10b: OPC with Neem Fig.10c: OPC with
OPC with Asafetida   extract Turmeric
+ ++ +++
OPC with commercially
available biocide     
: No microbial growth observed
+ : Mild microbial growth observed
++ : Moderate microbial growth observed
+++ : Heavy microbial growth observed Fig.10e: OPC with commercially
Fig.10d: OPC with Asafetida
(Hing) available biocide
Thus with use of Turmeric the growth of alge and fungi is lowest, followed by Neem extract.
Asafetida (Hing) show similar algal and fungal growth to control sample whereas OPC with
commercially available biocide does not show any algal and fungal growth. Use of natural
biopolymeric materials would also somewhat help the Cement & concrete to prevent growth of
fouling algae and fungi on structures, in water Tanks, Lakes, Canals and water bodies there by help in
maintaining cleaner water storage and transport and prevent Bio-corrosion of concrete .
The paper attempts to bring forward the importance of understanding of natural biopolymeric
Materials taking guidance from the reported use of biomaterials in construction of historic / pre-
historic structures. The studies carried out on comparison of Cement Mortar properties with
biomaterials and with the modern commercially available additives, clearly demonstrates that the
natural biopolymeric materials exhibit comparable or even improved Cement Mortar & concrete
properties compared with the modern chemical additives/admixtures.
The better understanding of the use of these natural biopolymeric materials in the modern
construction practices could help improve the durability of present day Modern Cement Concrete
Use of some of these biomaterials could also help prevent bio corrosion of concrete as the materials
would prevent growth of fouling algae and fungi on structures , in water Tanks , Lakes , Canals and
water bodies there by help in maintaining cleaner water storage and transport .
This review paper would inspire researchers & research institutions to look at developing processes
for extracting, useful bio extracts for use as natural admixtures in modern concrete constructions. In
many vegetable & food markets a good quantity of food materials get wasted, which could be
channelized for commercial extraction of active bio-constituents from such waste foods.
1. Shamasastry R., 1976,Abhilashitasht Chintamani (Mansoulas),Mysore, India
2. Sivarammurty C.,1978, Chitrasutra of Vishnu Dharmotra, New Delhi, India
4. Chandra S., “History of Architecture and Ancient Building Materials in India Part- I & II”, book
published by Tech Books International,2003
5. Xinhua News Agency (27 February 2005). "Sticky porridge used to cement ancient walls".
6. Preservation of historic adobe structures : [microform] :a status report / James R. Clifton ;
prepared for U.S. Dept. of the Interior, National Park Service, Washington, D.C.
7. Neuberger A., The Technical Arts and Science of the Ancients, Trans. Henry L.Ross., Methuen

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