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JT Open Program

technology The JT Open Toolkit is a read/write

toolkit that enables consistent access to
JT file content. Any vendor or corporate
entity can join the JT Open Program and
gain access to the toolkit, as well as the
series of executable utility applications
Providing participating members of the JT Open provided for immediate use in testing
and validating JT implementations and
Program with level playing field access to applications.

JT technology The JT Open File Format Reference

provides a full description of the JT file
format. Publication of the reference was
made in direct response to a request
Benefits Summary
from JT Open Program members. The
• Build JT applications, based on the The JT Open Program is a unique com-
File Format Reference is available free
industry standard JT Open Toolkit, munity of corporate, academic and
of charge, from
that can read and write virtually any individual adopters of JT™ technology
JT file ever produced committed to the widespread utilization The JT File Format Reference was
of JT as the lightweight 3D format of accepted by the International Standard
• Leverage the full content of the JT
choice for visualization, collaboration Organization (ISO) in December 2012 as
File Format in a broad range of indus-
and data sharing. the world’s first International Standard
try workflows
(IS) for viewing and sharing lightweight
All JT Open Program members are
• Produce JT data complaint with the 3D product information in the PLM
provided with equal access to the
ISO International Standard JT File domain. ISO IS14306:2012 provides a
industry standard JT Open Toolkit (also
Format Specification detailed and comprehensive description
known as JTTK). The JT Open Toolkit is
of the JT data format enabling corpora-
the single most widely-used application
tions and software vendors with the
programming interface (API) for devel-
ability to further leverage JT in their
opers of JT-enabled software. For more
PLM workflow and software applica-
information about JT Open itself, see
tions. JT acceptance was coordinated
our JT Open Fact Sheet.
through TC 184 / SC4, the ISO body
responsible for Industrial Data, through
JT Open Program technology
a global ballot process.
Siemens PLM Software plays a key role
in facilitating JT openness by providing
a comprehensive JT Open Toolkit, as
well as the JT File Format Reference.

JT Open Program technology

JT Open Toolkit software, JT PMI can be read directly In addition to C++ API for JT files, JT
The JT Open Toolkit (the toolkit) is an into CAD models as live data. JT PMI Open Toolkit members receive PLM XML
object oriented C++ application pro- content is compliant with the published APIs. The PLM XML API provides a class
gramming interface. By using JTTK, PLM XML schema for annotation. The structure defined by the PLM XML
programmers have full access to all PLM XML schema provides full visibility schema. Additional functionalities are
aspects of the JT file for read and write, of supported content as XML elements. provided in the PLM XML API to create
including the following capabilities. PMI content in a JT file can be extracted data adapters and perform convenient
and represented as PLM XML with PMI XML tasks on content compliant with
Reading and writing XT B-rep Data
content. JT files include both semantic the schema. An example PLM XML JT
through extended XT B-Rep classes.
data and graphical representations. Adapter is provided that creates XML
The XT B-Rep API allows for the con- output from the properties and product
Full product structure definition and
struction of Parasolid® compliant XT structure in a JT file with URL connec-
topology and geometry that accurately tions to JT geometry retained in JT
defines solid bodies. XT content is used Configuration file support to externally format.
by the JT toolkit to created tessellated control specific JTTK functions in a
The JT Open Toolkit also includes a
shape data as levels of detail. XT geom- deployed application
series of example programs to help
etry enables precise measurement and
Extensive property capabilities support- programmers get to know the toolkit.
associations to product manufacturing
ing the creation of properties as named Users have reported development times
information (PMI) in the JT file as well
value pairs associated with nearly any as low as one week to adopt the toolkit
as persistent geometry identifiers
data entity available in a JT file (results vary, depending on the level of
(modeling functions require the addi-
support planned for a JT application).
tional purchase of Parasolid toolkit.) Numerous capabilities that support 3D
visualization use cases, including: In addition to the APIs provided with JT
Tessellation of individual geometry
Open Program membership, members
definitions, bodies or complete parts • Creation of attributes for defining
have access to JT Utilities, which are
and assemblies. materials, color, lighting and textures
command line executable programs
similar to, but not limited to, features
The JT tessellation engine helps devel- provided for supported platforms. These
of OpenGL
opers create multiple tessellated data utilities include simple tools for tasks
sets or levels of detail (LODs). It can be • An API-driven glyph definition capa- such as setting properties, constructing
used to create unique associations that bility that enables the creation and assemblies and modifying JT file LOD
retain connectivity to the geometry that storage of CAD specific symbols and structures, as well as for obtaining
was used to generate the faceted fonts in a JT file information on a JT file’s content.
shapes. Applications such as 3D viewers
• The ability to define image stamps The JT Open Toolkit supports all ver-
can be used to select facetted faces,
that can be persistently displayed in sions of JT available on the market
edges or vertices to facilitate user
compliant viewers, such as JT2Go and today. By using the toolkit, companies
interaction. When created as analytic
Teamcenter® software’s lifecycle visu- ensure that their applications will read
geometry, shapes can be tessellated on
alization suit, as “watermarks” and write JT files compliant with the JT
the fly through their analytic descrip-
File Format Specification.
tions in viewing applications. Analytic • Construction of CAE reporting color
geometry may also be selected based bars within the JT file that can be dis-
on their features, such as the centerline played by supporting viewing tools
of a cylinder. Tessellated data can be such as the Teamcenter lifecycle visu-
used for general measurement of dis- alization suite
tances between edges and faces and to
Layers and layer filters
query analytic parameters like the
radius of a circle. Creation of an ultra lightweight precise
Product Manufacturing Information (ULP) data segment. ULP is a data seg-
(PMI). ment tessellated on the fly by support-
ing applications such as Teamcenter®
The JT toolkit API helps users manage
software lifecycle visualization suite and
PMI in JT files using a comprehensive
JT2Go. ULP is utilized in specific work-
set of classes. Assembly level PMI as
flows where extremely small data files
well as part level PMI is supported. With
are preferred over load performance.
supporting systems such, as NX™

Platform support

Platform OS Compiler

Windows 32-bits Windows 7 (Service Pack 1), Visual C++ 2013

Windows 8 or Windows 10
Visual C++ 2015
Windows 64 bit Windows 7 (Service Pack 1), Visual C++ 2013
Windows 8 or Windows 10
Visual C++ 2015
Linux 64 bit CentOS Linux 7 gcc 4.8.2
MAC 64 bit Intel Mac OS X 10.10.5 clang 700.1.81

Siemens PLM Software

Americas +1 314 264 8499

Europe +44 (0) 1276 413200
Asia-Pacific +852 2230 3308

© 2017 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management

Software Inc. Siemens, the Siemens logo and
SIMATIC IT are registered trademarks of Siemens
AG. Camstar, D-Cubed, Femap, Fibersim, Geolus,
I-deas, JT, NX, Omneo, Parasolid, Polarion, Solid
Edge, Syncrofit, Teamcenter and Tecnomatix are
trademarks or registered trademarks of Siemens
Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. or
its subsidiaries in the United States and in other
countries. All other trademarks, registered
trademarks or service marks belong to their
respective holders.
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