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Observation Feedback Form

Trainee’s name: Timetable:

School: Date:
Course: Class N°:

Teaching point: Topic:

Domains Professional Competency Excellent Good N.I. N. O.

Teacher’s explanations:
Explains class materials and activities in a clear and understandable way
Focusing students’ attention:
Important points are stressed by using gestures (pointing) or through words (watch this/listen carefully etc.)
Classroom Management

Teacher uses a range of students’ interaction: T-Wh. G. , T – St., St. – St., St. G. – St. G.
Use of board:
Teacher uses board in an effective and organized way
Teacher encourages teamwork and involves students on an individual and group basis
Giving Instructions:
Teacher gives clear and concise instructions which students are able to carry out
Students’ behavior:
Teacher appropriately manages students’ behavior
Class atmosphere:
Teacher creates positive learning environment
Teacher’s initiative:
Teacher exhibits initiative , enthusiasm and self-confidence
Teacher’s method of introducing the lesson is appropriate and helps students become interested in the main part

of the lesson
Main activities are appropriately linked, graded, sequenced, varied and contribute to the achievement of lesson
Teachers’ method of ending the lesson is appropriate and reinforced students’ interest in the lesson (had a
cognitive or social link with the main part of the lesson), or created a sense of achievement
Presentation of teaching point:
Vocabulary, grammar structures and/or topic are appropriately presented
All skills are addressed in a balanced way during the lesson
Lesson planning presentation:
Lesson plan is presented on time following a specific format
Teacher uses varied resources appropriate for students’ age and level

Visual aids:
Uses a variety of visual aids: posters, flashcards, realia etc. to enhance learning and motivate students

Multimedia resources:
Integrates video, audio, digital presentations and/or IC tools at appropriate points in the lesson

Teacher’s voice:
Voice and Body Language

Varies his/her volume/pace and expressiveness of speaking according to classroom situations

Teacher’s movement:
At appropriate points in the lesson he/she moves around the classroom

Uses gestures and mimicking to convey extra meaning

Makes eye contact with students
Teacher’s dressing:
Teacher dresses appropriately according to school and training college rules
Monitoring of students’ learning:
Teacher circulates to monitor student learning and offers feedback

Feedback to students:
Provides constructive input on student work; ways to improve are provided
Assessment procedures:
Designs and conducts appropriate formative, summative and self assessment procedures
Teacher’s use of English:



Teacher uses vocabulary, correct pronunciation and appropriate language when speaking to students
Teacher uses English whenever is appropriate and possible in order to provide students with enough language

Rating scale:

1- Excellent (10): Student –teacher meets all or nearly all Teaching Practice I objectives with outstanding quality, performance exceeds expectations
2- Very Good (9-8): Student – teacher meets all or nearly all Teaching Practice I performance objectives with high quality, performance consistently
meets expectations
3- Good (7-6-5): Student-teacher nearly meets all Teaching Practice I performance objectives with acceptable quality.
4- Needs Improvement (4): Student – teacher meets fewer than half of Teaching Practice I performance objectives, or most indicators but with poor
5- Not Observable (3-2-1): An assessment of the student – Teacher cannot be made due to lack of work or evidence

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