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John B. Kelly, P.E.
Chief Engineer
Construction Products Corp.
Lafayette, Indiana

Kenneth J. Pike, P.E.

Division Sales Manager
Featherlite Precast Corp.
Lexington, Kentucky

Bleacher seat units, like any other unsymmetrical

section, may develop unexpected stress
concentrations if the design does not consider that
the applied loads are not perpendicular to the
bending planes.
This paper presents a suggested technique for
computing stresses realistically, and for locating the
prestress forces to handle these stresses. It also
describes the manufacture, handling, shipping and
erection of the units.

The purpose of this paper is to discuss Spans ranged from 6 to 38 ft, with
the design, manufacture, shipment, and spans less than 11 ft being precast.
erection of precast and prestressed con- Dead loads varied from 35 to 100 lb
crete L-shaped bleacher units for a per sq ft and included the dead load
college amphitheater. Fig. 1 shGws the of the unit itself and all superimposed
general plan of one quadrant of the dead loads such as seats and hung ceil-
amphitheater and Fig. 2 shows a typi- ings.
cal secticn through several bleacher Before the design of the section was
units. begun much thought was given to the
There were two basic shapes of sec- various possible methods of producing,
tions (see Fig. 3). The physical dimen- handling, and erecting these segments.
sions and service loads were estab- Because all of these bleacher units were
lished by the architect. The service required to have a very smooth and
loads were: consistent walking surface and many
Vertical = 100 lb per sq ft of them would be exposed to view on
Transverse = 10 lb per linear ft the bottom, it was decided to cast these
Longitudinal = 24 lb per linear ft un'ts in the inverted position. The units

PCI Journal/September-October 1973ҟ 73

10 5 10 20 30 40
SCALE I"= 20

Fig. 1. Plan of typical quadrant of amphitheater.

would be stripped from the bed by f = 6000 psi

using a vacuum lifter, rotated into their Prestressing steel
shipping and erected position, and then 1/2 -in. diameter strand with an ulti-
stored in that position. Erecting loops mate strength of 270 ksi.
of galvanized aircraft cable were cast Mild steel reinforcement: Grade 60
in the end of each piece. This method
would ensure that no lifting or inserts Stresses at transfer
would have to be burned off and Compression: 0.6 (4500) = 2700 psi
patched causing undesirable blemishes Tension (during rotation):
in the units. 7.5/4500 = 503 psi
Tension (after rotation):
The design was based on ACI 318- Stresses after all losses
71, Building Code Requirements for Compression: 0.45 (6000) = 2700 psi
Reinforced Concrete. Flexure, shear, Tension: 6i/6000 = 465 psi
and torsion were investigated. The de- In designing the sections for flexure,
sign criteria for materials used were as stresses were checked in the inverted
follows: and upright position considering a 25
f ci = 4500 psi percent dead load impact factor and

Fig. 2. Detail showing units bearing on seat angles at steel bents.

initial prestress. Stresses were also dead load in the manufactured and
checked for in-place service loads with erected positions.
effective prestress. Three critical points 2. Compute the bending moments
(Points a, b, and c) were selected for and the resulting stresses at Points a,
the stress analysis (see Fig. 4). b, and c due to live loads (in-service
Design steps 3. Determine the stresses at Points
The detailed analysis was done using a, b, and c due to prestress forces at
the following steps: each of the 25 possible strand locations
1. Calculate the bending moments and designated A through Y. The location
stresses at Points a, h, and c due to of the strand is determined by the

3 3/4"
Fig. 3. Typical cross section of bleacher units.

PCX Journal/September-October 1973ҟ 75


IT Spa. At 2"
Fig. 4. Cross section of bleacher unit showing strand location and points where
stresses are determined.

position of the form relative to the should provide some resistance to the
stressing header blocks. See Fig. 4 for deflection of the analyzed unit under
the locus of strands A through Y. service loads. In Section B of Fig. 1,
4. Calculate the range of prestress when all the units are the same length
required at the critical points (Points a, it is improbable that all the units will
b, and c) for each condition of applied be subjected to maximum loads at the
loads. The sum of prestress and applied same time. Therefore, some resistance
stress should not exceed the allowable to the free deflection of the unit being
stresses. From Item 3, above, select the analyzed will probably be provided
strand combination which will meet all In the longer bleacher units, handling
prestress range requirements. points for stripping the products from
5. By finding the principle axis, check the form had to be moved in from the
the ultimate moment criteria. end of the member to approximately
The calculations for Steps 1, 2, and 0.2L to control stresses in all positions.
4 above are summarized in Table 1. Analysis of shear reinforcement was
See Table 2 for a summary of the cal- conservative in that the worst case was
culations described in Item 3 above. considered for design of all members.
It was assumed for purposes of A 38 ft long Type I unit was selected
simplifying the analysis that the bleach- and loaded with 100 lb per sq ft live
er unit is able to freely deflect under load. The member was designed as if
service loads and is only supported at only the vertical leg of the section was
the bent lines. This should be some- carrying the shear load. As can be seen
what conservative since in Section A in the sample problem, only minimum
of Fig. 1 the unit below the one being shear reinforcement was required.
analyzed will be somewhat stiffer and Analysis of torsional reinforcement


Table 1. Summary of stresses (psi) in 25-ft span Type I bleacher unit.

Stripping and turning Handling after turning In service

a b c a b c a b c
0 DL(1.25) —704 +518 —298 DL +563 —414 +238 DL+LL+SDL +1248 —918 +528
Trans. LL +ҟ 4 — 8 + 9
ti Longit. LL
w Total applied +1252 —926 +537
— 503 — 503 — 503 — 201 —. 201 — 201 — 465 —465
Allowable +2700 +2700 +2700 —465
Allowable +2700 +2700 +2700 Allowable +2700 +2700 +2700
Prestress + 201 —1021 — 205 Prestress — 764 + 213 — 439 Prestress
Range +3404 —1717 +461 —1002
+2182 +2998 Range +2137 +3414 +2462 Range +1448 +3626 +2163
Prestress pattern
V +307 +134 — 59 +307 +134 — 59 +273 +119 — 53
—290 —290 —258
B -239 +536 +590 +47
+121 +536 +590 +107 77 +525
U x-170 -}-236 —117 +170 +236 —117 +151 -1210 —104
+359 +682 +124 +359 +682 +124 +318 +607 +110

0.85 fc' = 5100 p.s.i.

a/2 C



Fig. 5. Stress block and orientation of unsymmetric Type I bleacher unit.

was based on those conservative as- Section properties

sumptions made in the flexural analysis The section properties of this unit
and checking the worst possible case, are:
i.e., maximum span and maximum load.
Y^. = 5.277 in.
It can be seen in the same problem
Yy = 14.06 in.
that the torsional stress is less than
I, = 6780.48 in.
1.5V- a criterion given for conven- I, = 33505.25 in.4
tionally reinforced concrete members. I5 , = —8564.84 in.4
I^y/16, = .1.263
I'Y/IY = 0.256
DESIGN EXAMPLE (I.y)2/I5 = 10818.775 in.4
(I"y)2/Iy = 2189.403 in.4
The following design example is for The following sign convention (see
a 24 ft long Type I bleacher unit. Fig. 6) was adopted for calculating the
However, the shear and torsion in- moment:
vestigation was based on a 38 ft long Any moment causing compression in
Type I bleacher unit. a positive quadrant is positive. If M,
causes compression above the x-axis,
where y values are positive, then M,
is positive.
For calculating the stress it was as-
sumed that positive values denote com-
x ^ pression while negative values indicate
The general expression for calculat-
Fig. 6. Diagram showing sign conven- ing stress at a point in an unsymmetri-
tion for calculating moment. cal section is:

Table 2. Summary of stresses (psi) at Points a, b, and c (see Fig. 4) for various
strand locations (A. through Y) in 25-ft span Type I bleacher unit..

Strand a b c
location tbi Ifni it It f* fEn1 tilt tbt* tfni tf{t
A +158 +142 +126 —302 —272 —242 +717 +645 +574
B +134 +121 +107 —249 —224 —199 +656 +590 +525
C +108 + 97 + 86 —196 —176 —157
D + 84 + 76 + 67 + 5 95 +536 +476
—143 —129 —114 + 534 +481 +427
E + 58 + 52 + 46 — 90 — 81 — 72
F + 34 + 31 + 27 + 47 3 +426 +378
— 38 — 34 — 30 +412 +371 +330
+ 15 + 14 + 12 +351 +316 +281
H — 16 — 14 -F 13 + 68 + 61 + 54 +289 +260 +231
1 — 42 — 38 — 34 +121 +109 + 97 +227 +204 +182
J — 66 — 59 — 53 +174 +157 +139 +166 +149 +133
K — 92 - 83 — 74 +227 +204 +182 +105 + 95 + 84
L —116 —104 — 93 +279 +251 +223 + 44 + 40 + 35
M —142 —128 —114 +332 +299 +266 — 17 — 15 — 14
N —166 —149 —133 +335 +347 +308 — 78 — 70 — 62
O —192 —173 —154 +433 +394 +350 —139 —125 —111
P —216 —194 —173 +491 +442 +393 —200 —180 —160
Q —241 —217 —193 +543 +489 +434 —261 —235 —209
R —266 —239 —213 +596 +536 +477 —322 —290 —258
S —114 —103 — 91 +485 +437 +388 —258 —232 —206
T + 37 + 33 + 30 +373 +336 +298 —194 —175 —155
U +189 +170 +151 +262 +236 +210 —130 —117 —104
V. +341 +307 +273 +149 +134 +119 — 66 — 59 — 53
W +493 +444 +394 + 38 + 34 + 30 —ҟ 1 —ҟ 1 —ҟ 1
X +644 +580 +515 — 74 — 67 — 59 + 62 + 56 + 50
Y {-797 +717 +638 —185 —167 —148 +127 +114 +102
* Stress calculated using Eq. (1) before losses.
j- Stress after initial losses (about 10 percent).
t Stress after final losses (about 21 percent).

f= A+ was calculated for each of the possible

strand locations (see Table 2). More
discussion of the stress calculations is
Ixv given under "Design Considerations."
Mx—Ms(Iv For production convenience, strand
I (I^v) 2 patterns were selected that would be
suitable for a wide range of span
a,— Iv
lengths. When the span lengths were
increased to a point that a new pat-
tern had to be devised, every effort
M." — M. i jam) x
was made to arrive at one that would
(1) match up with an existing pattern,
I y_
— (I with the unneeded strands being blan-
keted. For spans over 30 ft, it was
The stresses are then checked at necessary that bond be broken to pre-
Points a, b, and c (see Fig.. 4) due to vent overstress in the end regions.
dead load in the manufactured condi-
tion, and dead load plus all live loads Strength
in the final, or erected position. These The ultimate moment capacity was
stresses are summarized in Table 1. checked. For this particular example it
The effect of the prestressing strands was found that the section had an ulti-

PCI Journal/September-October 1973ҟ 79

mate moment capacity equal to 978 of 0.02 in. After the member was cast,
in.-kips. This was greater than the load a careful physical measurement of the
factored moment of: camber verified these calculations by
yielding "zero" readings. This was es-
1.4 D + 1.7 L = 737 in.-kips pecially important because "zero" cam-
and also greater than 1.2 times the ber and sweep were considered a nec-
cracking moment. essary architectural feature.
Camber Shear reinforcement
Camber was investigated. The sec- The design was checked for vertical
tion under dead load and prestress in shear reinforcement.
the final position was calculated to The maximum end reaction occurs
have a sweep of 0.02 in. and a camber in a 38 ft span Type I bleacher unit.

100 psf x 2.83 = 283 lb/ft.

■-- 5 1/2 in


5.28 In

4in r

Fig. 8. Loadings for torsion analysis.

Vu = 1.4 (2.75 x 100) + Horizontal leg 42 X 34 = 544 in.3
1.7 (2.75 x 100) Vertical leg 5.52 X 19.3 = 584 in.3
= 16,198 lb 1128 in ,3
By Section 11 -16 of ACI 318-71:
It was decided . to use deformed wire _ 3(27,288)
fabric for shear reinforcement. The bars V t" 0.85(1128)
are spaced on 3-in. centers. = 85 psi
If we assumed that the vertical leg By Section 11.7.1 of ACI 318-71:
only takes the shear:
1.5/6000 = 116 psi
_ 16,198 This stress is greater than 85 psi,
Vu — 0.85 (5%) (15.45) Therefore, effects of torsion may be
= 224 psi neglected.
Using the PCI Design Handbook, The above analysis was done assum-
this 'end shear is less than 250 psi. ing the section was nonprestressed.
Therefore; only a minimum A„ is re- Thus, the application of prestressing
quired for shear reinforcement. would make . the torsion analysis even
From page 5-51 of the PCI Design more conservative.
BD = 5.5 (15.45)
= 84.98 sq in.
Ap , f3,,, — 8 (0.153) (270) As was mentioned earlier, the design
f^ҟ60 had to account for stresses resulting
= 5.51 from the manufacturing techniques that
Use A„ = 0.05 sq in. every 3 in: were devised to provide the specified
Use D 5/6 deformed wire fabric as appearance. As bridge beam and dou=
ble tee producers we were rarely con-
shown in Fig. 7.
cerned with turning over a prestressed
concrete product that had to be manu-
Torsion factured upside down, or with locating
Torsion was investigated for the lifting devices so as to minimize the
longest span (38 ft) used on the project. necessity of job site patching.
The torsion-producing load was ap- The first problem, stripping without
plied as shown in. Fig. 8. Since the using loops or inserts, was solved easily.
front edge of the walking surface is A two-pad vacuum lifter (see Fig. 9)
always supported by the adjacent unit, removed the products efficiently and
it was assumed that loads imposed in economically.
this region would be delivered to the Next came a tougher problem, i.e.,
supporting unit and so would not in- how to turn precast and prestressed
duce torsion. The calculations are as beams (that vary from 6 to 38 ft in
follows: length) through 180 deg 'and be con-
.fident of not damaging them. Many
M = 283 (17 — 14.06) + 10 (5.28-4)
ideas involving vacuum lifters, motors,
= 844.8 in.-lb per ft belts, pulleys, sand beds, and compli-

cated machines were advanced, but all
T,, = 1.7 (844.8) were discarded as being expensive,
= 27,288 in.-lb slow or uncontrollable. The method de-
veloped consisted of using two two-part
Summation of x2y: wheels that are clamped on the prod-

PCI Journal/September-October 1973ҟ 81

uct. The entire assembly was then
rolled over, with the beam acting as
an axle.
Fig. 9 shows the vacuum lifter hold-
ing the product as it is being lifted
from the form. The Travelift then car-
ries the lifter and product to the site
of the roll-over process and sets the
product (see Fig. 10) into the lower
halves of the wheels. The upper halves
Fig. 9. Two-pad vacuum lifter remov-
of the wheels are clamped in place and
ing units. the vacuum lifter is released to return
to the bed to strip the next piece.
In Fig. 11 the beam wheel assembly
is rolled 180 degrees. In this case the
wheels were located at the ends of
the product, but the longer pieces re-
quired that the wheels be located at
the one-fifth points to reduce bending
stresses. The rolling was done with
relative ease and the assembly was
balanced throughout the turn. This was
assured by locating the centroid of the
Fig. 10. Unit being placed into roll-over product at the radius center of the
assembly. wheel. With the product upright a
second Travelift (see Fig. 12) hooked
into the lifting loops, the wheel was
unclamped and the product was car-
ried to the storage area and stacked on
Concealed pick up points were pro-
vided by flexible lifting loops. The lift-
ing loops were made of galvanized air-
craft cable and were used for all sub-
sequent handling and for erecting. Fig.
13 shows end details before concrete is
Fig. 11. Beam-wheel assembly being
placed. The lifting loops are tied to
rolled. the shear steel and exit over the header
at what will be the bottom of the
product. Note the header arrangement
for making a skewed end. The lifting
loops were concealed by a caulked
joint when erected.
Fig. 14 shows the placing operation.
Concrete was delivered by ready-mix
trucks and compacted with internal vi-
brators. The uniformed surface was
given a troweled finish and then steam
Fig. 12. Unit being lifted with second curing was applied.
lifter prior to being stored. The form was 220 ft long and pro-

duced am average of nine pieces per
day. The stripping operation took 11/a
hours and the entire daily process took
from 8 to 10 hours. The project had a
total of 17,200 lineal ft of product
(740 pieces) and was completed in 80
production days. There were over 250
different mark numbers required for the
job, so repetition was not common.
Careful attention to dimensional and
tolerance requirements resulted in a
nearly flawless job. Only two pieces Fig. 13. Reinforcement details prior to
had to be remade and both resulted, concreting.
from shipping or handling damage. A
few inserts had to be corrected in the
field, but this only took one man-day
for the whole job. Credit for this per-
formance belongs to the detailers, the
bed leadman, and the quality control

Fig. 15 shows products being loaded Fig. 14. Concreting operation.
for truck delivery. Timber bearings
were made to allow the products to
nest together without touching. In Fig.
16 we see a complete load tied down
and ready for shipment. Note the lift-
ing loops in the ends of the products.
Delivery was made at a rate of four
truck loads per day carrying a maxi-
mum weight of 42,000 lb of product.
Loading time was 30 to 45 minutes
per load. Drivers commented that the
method of stacking made a very stable Fig. 15. Units being loaded for truck
load. delivery.


Erecting proceeded without any ma-

jor difficulty. The erecting subcon-
tractor would unload and erect four
truck loads (24 to 28 pieces) in 3 to 4
hours, with welding and removal of
lifting loops being done concurrently.
The job site was limited on storage
space so erecting was generally done Fig. 16. Stacked units ready for ship-
directly from the delivery truck. ment.

PCI Journal/September-October 1973 83

desk calculator. Thus, it is possible
CONCLUSION that other more sophisticated methods
of analysis might be available today..
At the time of the design of this However, it should be mentioned
project the authors were unaware of that since the amphitheater was con-
any literature that dealt with the de- structed, the bleacher units have shown
sign of L-shaped bleacher units. Also, no cracking or any other distress. Also,
they did not have access to a com- the camber and deflection were as pre-
puter but relied on the accuracy of a dicted in the calculations.

Discussion of this paper is invited.

Please forward your discussion to PCI Headquarters
by February 1, 1974, to permit publication in the
March April 1974 PCI JOURNAL.

More complete details of the Numerical Example
are available from PCI Headquarters at cost of
reproduction and handling at time of request.


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