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The visual content of the infographic, it is not hard to see how creative this project turned

out to be. It created a scenario representing facts and information about depression. Analyzing

their infographics you can see colors being used, the graphics used in designing the infographic

has also a meaning and impact to the reader. Using visual elements to communicate your data to

the reader will give it extra impact. The visual of the infographic have a positive and negative side.

Although the author didn’t use the three color scheme, but we can see that he played close

attention to the number of colors used (Black & Yellow). By choosing the patterns of Black and

Yellow the author found a way to call the attention of the reader and also he did make it too full

of “strong” colors. As the negative side, the scheme was off-putting and hard on the eyes. If that’s

the case, people will just scroll on by. They must leave plenty of white space. The contrast of Black

and Yellow scheme of the infographics did not contrast to each other. The author may use Black

because it is a serious color that evokes strong emotions and authority and the color Black is also

associated with intelligence to share a powerful awareness to those people who experienced

depression. . The author may also use Yellow because it is the color of confidence and optimism

that can lift our spirits and self-esteem to show that we can conquer and overcome the depression

by using this color.

The headline is just simple, it gives the main topic and clear idea of what the infographics

is about. But the down side of it, they must use a catchy headline to get the reader’s attention. The

main text is strategically located at the center of the work and it has a border for the main text to

give emphasize on it while the illustrations are at the side of the text. The fonts being used is just

also simple and it didn’t use a lot of different fonts which is good to avoid disharmony. The
smallest type (font size) that was being used is also legible.The illustrations and icons that was

being used shows simplicity and it interprets the idea of the topic.

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