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ee Popular Machine Learning Algorithms a ‘SithanKanna (Faticw) ep 208-7 mintead The word of AV Machine Learnings evolving fas. youe lke me keeping up with the ltest developments can sem like tying to reach @| 1 Sone tend a Woe Moe Pep Machneanning Ngee {estinaton wale walking on a treadmill. Sometimes t's worth ito jst «sep off, pause and look back atte origins of many ofthe paradigms and algorithms that go uso where ATistoday. We are very fortunate that many but, sadly, not ll, ofthe inventors ‘who shaped Al are alive today Itcen be inspiring (ifsomerimes ‘nimidatng) ro hear abou pvorl moments inche field from the very people who made chem s significant. T that end, Tv included the following seven videos (taken fom past interviews ard als) because ‘of what ve can learn from these luminaries of ou profession. "Together, the videos shine alight on he history ofthese algorithms, Pariulely on specifi problems these researchers were ying 0 salve. ‘Ther solurionsevenrvallled tothe invention ofthe algorithms ‘themseves, This glnce at he pst provides a deeper understanding of ‘the methods and sukabiity ofthe algorithms for differen aplication. ‘The vidos aso give us glimpse ino the though: processes behind these inventions. An understanding of these mental proceses might, in ‘ur, help us apply thes similar processes io solve the problems our field currently oes. Finally the videos provide i entertaining history of the development ‘ofthe algorithms, analogous wo the way the “origin stores” in comic ‘books help esders understand the “backstory” of popular heroes and heroines. ‘The Seven Stories epimeaum ontegpanma attention mat papitata ST ISEE WS is sinazoe 1 Sone tend a Woe Moe Pep Machneanning Ngee 1. Decision Trees ‘Thelate Leo Breiman wos instrumental in developing several ee- based methods. nthisrare video snippet, he aks about the problem ‘of classifying ships from radar signal. Breiman explainshov he ‘covered the wall of hi office with ta fom the adars prio to his “aha moment on Decision Tees. His dedication to penetrating the fog ‘ofdata is Teson to usa This embedded content is from a site that does not comply with the Do Not Track DNT) setting now enabled on your browser. Please note, if you click through and view it by the website hosting the embed. | Learn More about Medium's DNT policy “The one thing Ive learnt in my conaitng, i that you have to getto know your data" epimeaum ontegpanma attention mat papitata ST ISEE WS

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