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AAPS Pharmsci 2000; 2 (3) article 31 (http://www.pharmsci.


Mathematical Modeling of Surface-Active and Non-Surface-Active Drug

Transport in Emulsion Systems
Submitted: June 29, 2000; Accepted: September 8, 2000; Published: September 20, 2000.

Nachiappan Chidambaram and Diane J. Burgess

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT

ABSTRACT Mathematical models were developed INTRODUCTION

for the prediction of surface-active and non surface-
active drug transport in triphasic (oil, water, and The phenomenon of mass transport has been
micellar) emulsion systems as a function of micellar extensively reviewed and is important in the
concentration. These models were evaluated by understanding of drug transport processes (1-3).
comparing experimental and simulated data. Fick’s Drug transport through membranes may be described
first law of diffusion with association of the surface- by Fick's first law of diffusion (4). The permeability
active or complexation nature of the drug with the coefficient of a permeant through a membrane can be
surfactant was used to derive a transport model for affected by micelle formation, complex formation,
surface-active drugs. This transport model assumes and the presence of cosolvents because they can
that the oil/water (O/W) partitioning process was fast affect the thermodynamic activity of the permeant
compared with membrane transport and therefore either in the medium or in the barrier (5-7). If the
drug transport was limited by the membrane. permeant has no affinity for the micelle, the micellar
Consecutive rate equations were used to model phase has no significant effect on membrane
transport of non surface-active drugs in emulsion transport. As the affinity of the permeant for the
systems assuming that the O/W interface acts as a micellar phase increases, the fraction of unassociated
diffusing species will be depleted and the flux will
barrier to drug transport. Phenobarbital (PB) and
barbital (B) were selected as surface-active model decrease proportionally. When the permeant has high
micellar affinity, transport is limited by the rate of
drugs. Phenylazoaniline (PAA) and benzocaine (BZ)
were selected as non surface-active model drugs. micellar diffusion and/or the driving force to transfer
the diffusant from the micellar phase and into the
Transport studies at pH 7.0 were conducted using
side-by-side diffusion cells and bulk equilibrium
reverse dialysis bag techniques. According to the The simplest theoretical model for drug transport in
surface-active drug model, an increase in micellar emulsion systems was developed by Madan (8). This
concentration is expected to decrease drug-transport model was based on the drug partition coefficient
rates. Using the Microsoft EXCEL program, the between the two phases and used mass balance to
non surface-active drug model was fitted to the determine the drug concentration in the two phases.
experimental data for the cumulative amount of the Three other theoretical models have been developed
model drug that disappeared from the donor by Goldberg et al (9), Ghanem et al (10-12), and
chamber. The oil/continuous phase partitioning rates Lostritto et al. (13). These models include the effect
(k1 ) and the membrane transport rates (k2 ) were of interfacial film characteristics on emulsion
estimated. The predicted data were consistent with transport. Goldberg et al. (9) derived a theoretical
the experimental data for both the surface-active and model for interfacial transport between an aqueous
non surface-active models. and oil environment based on Fick's first law of
diffusion. They included the effects of interfacial
Corresponding author: Nachiappan Chidambaram, U-92,
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of area, interfacial charge, and continuous phase ionic
Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269; telephone: (860) 486- strength on drug transport in oil/water (O/W)
0640; fax: (860) 486-4998; emulsion systems. Ghanem et al. (10,11) studied the effect of interfacial barriers on transport in emulsion
systems. They also reported that the transport rates of
AAPS Pharmsci 2000; 2 (3) article 31 (

diethyl phthalate and cholesterol were increased in

the presence of surfactants such as sodium lauryl dQ A
sulfate and dodecylpyridinium chloride and were = -k 1C A + k -1C B (1)
decreased by electrolytes (12). These researchers
developed a theoretical model for drug transport in
emulsions, which included the effect of an adsorbed dQB
= k1C A - k -1C B + k -3C M - k3 C B + k -2 C R - k 2 C B
gelatin interfacial film. Bikhazi and Higuchi (14) dt
reported that the transport of cholesterol in O/W (2)
emulsion systems decreased because of the dQR
interfacial barrier. The effect of interfacial = k 2 C B - k - 2C R - k 4 C M + k - 4 C R (3)
interactions between drugs and surfactants on drug dt
transport in emulsion systems was investigated by
Lostritto et al. (13), who developed a theoretical dQM
= k 3 CB - k -3 CM - k -4 CR + k 4 CM (4)
model assuming monolayer surfactant coverage at dt
the interface.

Yoon and Burgess (15) were the first to consider the Where QA, QB, QM, and QR are the amounts of the
effect of the micellar phase on drug transport in drug in the oil, aqueous, micellar, and receiver
emulsion systems. However, their model did not phases, respectively and CA, CB, CM, and CR are the
include the effect of the micellar phase on surface- concentrations of the drug in the oil, aqueous,
active model drugs, where the drug may compete micellar, and receiver phases, respectively.
with the surfactant for the interface and consequently Subscripts 1, 2, 3, and 4 represent rate constants for
can affect emulsion stability and the transport transfer from oil to the aqueous phase in the donor
phenomenon of the model drug. The model proposed chamber, from the continuous aqueous phase in the
in this research is an extension of the Yoon and donor chamber to the receiver, from the aqueous
Burgess model (15) to surface-active model drugs. In phase in the donor chamber to the micelles in the
addition, the Yoon and Burgess model and other donor chamber, and from the micelles in the donor
previous models are limited because they are based chamber to the receiver phases, respectively. The
on the use of side-by-side diffusion cell technique to positive and negative signs represent the forward and
determine the release rates of the model drugs from reverse transport processes. Two mathematical
the emulsion systems. It has been shown that the models were developed based on model drug
side-by-side diffusion cell technique can lead to lipophilicity.
violation of sink conditions because of the limited
membrane surface area available for transport Mathematical Model for Hydrophilic Drug
compared with the interfacial area (16). Transport in Triphasic Systems

Theory Most hydrophilic drugs will reside in the continuous

phase because of low O/W partition coefficients, and
Model drug transport in emulsion systems can be therefore resistance across the O/W interface can be
affected by the presence of excess surfactant, as neglected. Consequently, the proposed physical
described elsewhere (16-18). The effective model is based on the hypothesis that drug release
permeability coefficients of model drugs in emulsion rates from emulsion systems are limited by
systems are controlled by several mechanisms, such membrane transport. A major difference between this
as the partitioning process between the oil, water, model and previous models is that the micellar phase
and micellar phases and membrane transport. A and surface-active nature of the model drugs are
physical model of this transport process is shown accounted for in this model. The transport rates of
schematically in Figure 1. The rate equation for each model drugs using the molecular weight (MW)
phase (oil, aqueous, micelle, and receiver phases) can cutoff of 1 kd membrane depend on the
be expressed using the following equations: concentration of free drug available to the aqueous

AAPS Pharmsci 2000; 2 (3) article 31 (

Figure 1. Schematic diagram for drug transport in where Ce and Ve are the drug concentrations in the
triphasic emulsion systems. emulsion droplets and the volume of the oil phase,
phase because micelles are unable to permeate this
membrane. The transport rates of model drugs using Qw (the amount of the drug in the aqueous phase) is
an MW cutoff of 50 kd membrane depend on the expressed as
concentration of free drug available in the aqueous
phase and on the concentration of drug trapped in the Q W = C W VW (8)
micellar phase. Therefore, Equation 3 can be
expressed by Fick’s first law equation.
where CW and VW are the drug concentrations in the
Kinetic Analysis for Drug Transport aqueous phase and volume of the aqueous phase.
This analysis is applicable for hydrophilic model Drug complexation to the surfactants at the interface
drugs. The quasi steady-state rate of appearance of and the interfacial activity of the drug may play a
drug mass into the receiver compartment (Q R) from a significant role on drug release from submicron-sized
submicron emulsion donor compartment separated emulsion systems due to their large interfacial area.
by a semipermeable membrane (such as an MW Therefore, the amount of drug located at the oil
cutoff 1 kd dialysis membrane) may be defined using droplet/water interface is related to drug–surfactant
Fick’s first law as complexation and the interfacial activity of the free
dQ R (5) Qi (the amount of drug at the O/W interface) is
= A m Pd C W expressed as
Q i = Q id + Q as (9)
where Am is the area of membrane available for
diffusion, Pd is the permeability coefficient of the
drug, and Cw is the drug concentration in the aqueous where Qid and Qas are the amount of the drug at the
phase of the donor compartment at a specific time, t. O/W interface due to the interfacial activity of the
Cw depends on the O/W and micelle/water free drug and the amount of the drug complexed to
partitioning processes as well as O/W interfacial the surfactant at the O/W interface, respectively.
adsorption in the donor compartment.
The interfacial activity of the free drug can be
Mass balance of the drug in the donor compartment expressed as
(Qd) is expressed as
Q d = Q e + Q W + Q i + Qm
and Ki is expressed as
where Qd, Qe, QW , Qi, and Qm are the amount of drug
in the donor compartment, the emulsion droplets, the Ci
aqueous phase, the O/W interface, and the micellar Ki = (11)
phase, respectively.

Qe (the amount of drug in the emulsion droplets) is

expressed as where Ci and kI are the drug concentration at the
O/W interface and the interfacial activity of drug
Q e = C e Ve oriented at the O/W interface due to the free energy,

AAPS Pharmsci 2000; 2 (3) article 31 (

Qid (the amount of drug at the O/W interface due to By substituting Equations 7, 8, 16, and 17 into
interfacial activity of free drug) can be expressed as Equation 6, Qd can be expressed by

Q id  A s k i C w (12) Q d = C e Ve + C W Vw + C W A s (k i + k 0 S i )+ C m Vm (18)

where As is the total interfacial area in the donor Ke (the partition coefficient of drug between the oil
emulsion. and water phases) can be expressed by
Complexation of drug with surfactant at the O/W Ce
interface is dependent on the characteristics of both Ke = (19)
the drug and the surfactant. However, for preliminary CW
data analysis, one-to-one complexation of drug with
surfactant is assumed. The complexation equation Micellar solubilization of drug can be expressed as
can be modified for each drug. Complexation of drug Equation 19a:
with surfactants at the O/W interface (assuming one-
to-one complexation) can be expressed as

where SAA is the amount of micellar phase in the

emulsion and Km is the partition coefficient of drug
and K0 is expressed as between the micellar and water phases.

C is By substituting Equation 19 and 4 into Equation 18,

K0 = (14) Equation 18 can be rewritten as
C W Si
Q d = K e C W Ve + C W Vw + C W A s (k i + k 0 S i ) + K m [ SAA ]C W Vm
where SI is the surfactant concentration at the O/W
interface, Cis is the concentration of drug bound to (20)
surfactant at the O/W interface, and K0 is the In the above equation, CW is the only time-dependent
equilibrium distribution coefficient of drug bound to
variable. The other variables (Ve, VW , Vm, Ke, Km,
surfactant. [SAA], As, ki, k0 , and Si) are independent of time
Qas (the amount of drug complexed to the surfactant because the volume of the oil, micellar, and water
film at the O/W interface) can be expressed as phases and the emulsion droplet size are kept
constant during the experiments.
Q as = A sk 0 S i C w (15) By rearrangement of Equation 20, Qd is expressed as

Q d = C W (K e Ve + Vw + A s (k i + k 0 S i ) + K m [SAA ] Vm )
By substituting Equations 12 and 15 into Equation 9,
Equation 16 is obtained: (21)

Q i = C W A s (k i + k 0 S i )
If Zn is defined as the total apparent volume of drug
distributed between different phases in the donor
compartment, this can be expressed by
Qm (the amount of drug in the micellar phase) can be
expressed by Z n = K e Ve + Vw + A s (k i + k 0 S i )+ K m [ SAA ] Vm
Q m = Cm Vm (17)
Then Equation 21 can be rewritten as
where Cm is the drug concentration in the micellar
phase and Vm is the volume of the micellar phase.

AAPS Pharmsci 2000; 2 (3) article 31 (

Q d Q 0 - QR Using the initial condition (Q R = 0 at t = t1 ) and the

CW = = (23) Eq. 23
quasi–steady-state approximation, the solution of
Zn Zn
Equation 27 is obtained as follows:
where Qd and Q0 represent the initial amount of drug A m (Pd + PmK m [SAA ])
in the donor and receiver compartments. ln(Q d ) = ln(Q 0 ) (t - t1 ) (28)
By substituting Equation 5, Equation 24 is obtained
as follows: As mentioned above, Equation 28 is used in the
calculation of Zn , and Zn can be used to determine
dQ d dQ r A mPd
= = (Q 0 - Q R ) (24) the effect of individual parameters on the drug
dt dt Zn release.

Using the initial condition (Q R = 0 at t = t1 , where t1 Mathematical Model for Hydrophobic Drug
Transport in Emulsions
is the lag time) and quasi steady-state
approximation, the solution of Equation 24 is Hydrophobic drugs have O/W partition coefficients
resulting in a low driving force from the
A mPd discontinuous oil phase to the continuous phase in an
ln(Q d ) = ln(Q 0 ) (t - t1 ) (25)
Zn O/W emulsion. Consecutive rate equations were used
to develop the mathematical model for hydrophobic
From the above equation, we can calculate the Zn drug transport. The model is based on the assumption
value from the slope of ln(Qd) versus time (t – t1 ) that the O/W interface behaves as a membrane-to-
when the values of Am and Pd are given. We can drug transport. In this model it is assumed that drug
determine the effect of individual parameters on drug transport through the O/W interface is governed by
release from analysis of the Zn parameter. the concentration gradient of drug across the
interface. There is essentially no reverse transport
Using a dialysis membrane with an MW cutoff of 50 from the continuous phase to the dispersed phase
kd, both free drug in the aqueous phase and drug because of the low concentration of hydrophobic
trapped in the micellar phase can diffuse across the drug in the aqueous phase (Figure 1). The transport
membrane. The quasi–steady-state rate of of hydrophobic model drugs in emulsions can be
appearance of drug mass into the receiver considered to be a consecutive first order process.
compartment (Q R) from a submicron emulsion donor
compartment may be defined using Fick’s first law The rate equation for each phase can be expressed as
as follows: follows:

dQ R dQ A
= A m (Pd + PmK m [ SAA ] )C W (26) (29)
= k1app C A
dt dt

where Pm is the permeability coefficient of micelles dQ B (30)

= k 1appC A - k 2app C B
through the MW cutoff 50 kdD membrane, Km is the dt
equilibrium distribution coefficient between the
micellar and aqueous phases, and [SAA] is the dQ R
amount of micellar phase in the emulsion. = k 2 app C B (31)
By substituting Equation 23 into Equation 26,
Equation 26 can be rewritten as where QA, QB, and QR represent the amount of drug
in the oil, continuous, and receiver phases,
dQ R A m (Pd + PmK m [SAA]) respectively; CA, CB, and CR are the concentrations
= (Q0 - Q R ) (27)
dt Zn of drug in the oil, continuous, and receiver phases,
AAPS Pharmsci 2000; 2 (3) article 31 (

respectively; and k1app is the apparent rate constant dQ A k1S 0 Q A (35)

from the oil phase to the continuous phase, and k2app =
dt K s VA
is the apparent rate constant from the continuous
phase to the receiver phase. The rate equation from the donor phase (phase B) to
the receiver phase (phase C) can be expressed by
The transport rate between the phases is proportional
Equation 36, which is
to the partition coefficient and the interfacial area
according to our model of the O/W interface at a dQ BT k1S 0 Q A k 2 S mQ BT
transport barrier, similar to a membrane. Thus = - (36)
dt K s VA VB (1 + K m [SAA ])
Equations 29–31 can be modified to account for the
micellar concentration in the continuous phase and
the interfacial area (which is relatively large for The rate equation for drug appearance in the receiver
emulsion systems). phase (phase C) can be expressed by

At surfactant concentrations above the critical dQ R k 2 S mQ BT

= (37)
micelle concentration (CMC), it is assumed that dt VB (1 + K m [ SAA])
micellar solubilization of drug is faster than drug
transport from the oil to the continuous phase, and Upon integration of Equations 35–37 with respect to
therefore free drug and micelle-solubilized drug will time, they can be written as
be in equilibrium in the continuous phase. This was
described in Equations 19a and 19b as follows: k 1S 0 t (38)
Q A = Q 0 exp
K s VA

(19a) k1 S 0 Q 0 k S t k 2 Sm t
[C m ] QB = exp 1 0 exp E
k 2 Sm k 1S o K s VS VB (1 + K m [SAA]
Km = K s Va
[ C w ][SAA] (19b) VB (1 + K m [SAA]) K s VA
The total bulk concentration of the drug (C BT ) and
the surface concentration of the drug (C BST ) in the 1 k 2S m k S t k 1S 0 k S t
aqueous compartment can be written as Equation Q R = Q 0 1+ exp 1 0 exp 2 m
k 1S 0 k 2S m VB W K s VA K sV A VB W
19c: K s VA VB W

(19c) (40)
C BT = C W + C m = C W (1+ K m [ SAA ])
Q BT Q B + Q M Q B respectively, where
= = (1+ K m [SAA ])
VB VB VB (32)
W = 1+ K m [ SAA ] (41)
C BST = C BS + C MS = C BS (1+ K m [ SAA ])
(33) Equations 35, 36, and 37 can be correlated to Fick’s
first law of diffusion. Transport rates are dependent
Q BST Q BS + Q MS Q BS on the thickness of the diffusion layer and the
= = (1 + K m [SAA]) (34) membrane. It is important that these parameters do
not vary. Variations in stirring speed can affect the
CBT is assumed to be identical to CBST when the diffusion layer thickness, and therefore the same
effect of the aqueous diffusion layer on transport is stirring rate was used for all experimental work. It is
neglected. The rate equation from the oil (phase A) assumed that the drug is homogeneously dispersed
to the continuous phase (phase B) in the presence of within the oil droplets and that drug diffusion within
the micellar phase is expressed by Equation 35, the oil droplets is much faster than its interfacial
which is transport from the oil to the continuous phase.
AAPS Pharmsci 2000; 2 (3) article 31 (

Therefore, the concentration gradient in phase A is and 46 contain a large number of unknown
the rate-determining step. Accordingly, Equation 35 parameters compared with Equations 35, 36, and 37,
can be written as it is more statistically acceptable to use Equations 35,
36, and 37 to calculate the values of k1 and k2 . The k1
dQ A DS 0 dQ A and k2 values must be obtained to evaluate whether
= (42)
dt VA dl the rate-determining step is the partitioning process
or membrane transport.
where D is the diffusivity of the drug through the MATERIALS AND METHODS
interfacial barrier and dQA/VAdl is the concentration
gradient of the solute. Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB; CMC
value in buffer: 21.1 mg/L) was purchased from
If sink conditions are maintained in phase B (reverse
Eastman Kodak (Rochester, NY). Polyoxyethylene-
dialysis bag method), Equation 42 can be written as
10-oleyl-ether (Brij 97, CMC value in buffer: 15.4
dQ A DS 0 DS 0 Q A Q B DS 0Q A 1 mg/L) was a gift from ICI (Rochester, NY). Mineral
= ÄQ A = = 1- oil, sodium chloride, sodium phosphate monobasic,
dt VA l l VA VB VAl K0
and hydrophilic Spectrapor 7 dialysis membranes
(43) and dialysis bags (MW cutoffs 1 kd and 50 kd) were
purchased from Fisher Scientific (Springfield, NJ).
where l is the thickness of the interfacial barrier, K0
Phenylazoaniline (PAA) was purchased from
is the oil/water partition coefficient, VA is the volume
Aldrich Chemical Company, Inc (Milwaukee, WI).
of phase A, and VB is the volume of phase B.
Benzocaine (BZ), phenobarbital (PB), and barbital
Equation 36 can be written as (B) were purchased from Sigma (St Louis, MO). All
chemicals were used as received without further
dQ B DS 0 Q A 1 QB QR purification. Deionized water obtained from a
= 1 S mPapp NANO-pure ultrapure water system (D4700,
dt l VA K0 VB VR Barnstead, Dubuque, IA) was used for all
(44) experiments.
where Sm is the diffusional area of the membrane and Emulsion Preparation
Papp is the apparent permeability coefficient of the
drug through the membrane. Papp is influenced by the Emulsions were prepared with initial surfactant
diffusivity of the drug through the aqueous diffusion concentration of either 6.2% wt/vol Brij 97 or 2%
layer, the diffusivity of the drug through the wt/vol CTAB (17,18). Emulsions were collected and
membrane, the aqueous diffusion layer thickness, immediately used in stability and transport studies.
and the membrane thickness. If sink conditions are Emulsions were diluted 1:1 with buffer or
maintained for phase C, Equation 44 can be written surfactant/buffer solutions prior to the stability and
as transport studies. Emulsions containing CTAB
concentrations higher than 1% wt/vol were prepared
dQ B DS 0 Q A 1 QB by addition of extra CTAB dissolved in buffer
= 1 S mPapp (45) following emulsification, resulting in a 1:1 dilution.
dt l VA K0 VB
Emulsion systems, where no excess surfactant was
added, were diluted 1:1 with buffer only.
and Equation 37 can be written as
Consequently, all final emulsions contained 10%
dQ R QB vol/vol oil phase.
= S mPeff (46)
dt VB Model Drug Solubility

Therefore, Equations 35, 36, and 37 are related to Model drug solubilities were measured in phosphate
Equations 43, 45, and 46. Because Equations 43, 45, buffer U.S.P. (0.05 mol/L, ionic strength 0.2, pH 7.0)

AAPS Pharmsci 2000; 2 (3) article 31 (

at 37 C. CTAB or Brij 97 was added to the buffer in mounted with dialysis membranes (MW cutoffs: 1
concentrations of 0%–2% wt/vol to determine the kd or 50 kd) were used for kinetic studies of model
effect of the micellar phase on solubility. The model drug release from emulsions (16). Samples were
drug (PAA and BZ)/surfactant buffer suspensions withdrawn from the receiver cells (2 mL) and
were equilibrated at 37 C for 48 hours, then filtered analyzed spectrophotometrically at given intervals as
and analyzed spectrophotometrically using a described elsewhere (17,18) (surfactant solution
Spectronic 3000 Array (Milton Roy, Rochester, NY). PAA: 398 nm, BZ: 294 nm; Buffer solution PAA:
Buffer solution and CTAB or Brij 97 buffer solutions 377 nm, BZ: 286 nm). PB and B were analyzed by
were used as reference solutions in the absence and HPLC as described elsewhere (17,18). The same
presence of CTAB or Brij 97, respectively. The volume of buffer or surfactant solution as withdrawn
maximum absorbance for solutions of PAA and BZ for each sample was replaced into the receiver cells
occurred at 377 nm and 286 nm, respectively, in the to maintain volume and sink conditions.
absence of CTAB or Brij 97 solutions, and at 398 nm
and 296 nm, respectively, in the presence of CTAB Control Studies
or Brij 97 solutions. PB and B were analyzed as
(i) Transport study of model drugs from buffer
described elsewhere (17) using high-performance
solution to buffer solution ⎯ Model drugs in buffer
liquid chromatography (HPLC) with an ultraviolet
solution were placed in the donor cells and buffer
(UV) detector. All solubility determinations were
solutions placed in the receiver cells. Sampling and
repeated 3 times. Mean values and standard
assays were performed as previously described
deviations were calculated.
elsewhere (17,18). This study allows determination
Oil/Buffer Partition Coefficient Determination of the permeability coefficients of model drugs
through the dialysis membranes.
Two mL of oil containing model drug was kept in
contact with 2 mL of pH 7.0 phosphate buffer (ii) Transport study of model drugs from surfactant
solution in a 5 mL vial at 37 C 0.10 C for 48 hours solution to surfactant solution ⎯ Model drugs in
to allow equilibration. Preliminary experiments were surfactant solution were placed in the donor cells and
conducted to determine the time to reach surfactant solutions placed in the receiver cells.
equilibrium. Samples were analyzed at 24 hours, 48 Sampling and assays were performed as previously
hours, 72 hours, and 168 hours, and it was described (17,18). This study allows determination of
determined that equilibrium was achieved within 48 micellar effect on permeability coefficients of model
hours. After equilibrium, the two phases were drugs through the dialysis membranes. Both control
separated, collected, and analyzed for model drug studies were repeated 3 times. Mean values and
content. Aqueous samples were assayed for drug standard deviations were calculated.
content using UV and HPLC. These experiments Bulk Equilibrium Reverse Dialysis Bag Technique
were repeated 3 times. Mean values and standard
deviations were calculated. Briefly, dialysis bags containing the continuous
Model Drug Transport phase (receiver phase) alone are suspended in a
vessel containing the donor phase (diluted emulsion),
Model drug transport rates in emulsion systems were and the system is stirred. At predetermined time
investigated using the bulk equilibrium reverse intervals, each dialysis bag is removed and the
dialysis bag and side-by-side diffusion cells contents are analyzed for released drug. The model
technique described elsewhere (16). drug submicron-sized emulsions (5 mL) were
directly placed into 500 mL of a stirred sink solution
Side-by-Side Diffusion Cell Technique where numerous dialysis sacs containing 2 mL of the
same sink solution were previously immersed. The
Briefly, water-jacketed side-by-side diffusion cells dialysis sacs were equilibrated with the sink
(glass chambers with a 4 mL volume and an 11-mm- solutions for about 30 minutes before
diameter circular opening available for diffusion) experimentation. At predetermined time intervals,
AAPS Pharmsci 2000; 2 (3) article 31 (

the dialysis bags were withdrawn and the contents

Table 1. The Ke, Km, Ve, VW , As and (Ki + K0Si ) values
assayed spectrophotometrically for model drug of phenobarital, barbital, benzocaine and
concentration. The release studies were performed at phehylazoaniline determined experimentally for
a fixed temperature of 37 C  0.10 C under constant Brij 97 and CTAB emulsion systems (pH 7.0, I = 0.2
stirring. Measurements were conducted 3 times per M, at 37 C).
sample; mean values and standard deviations were Pheno Barbital Phenylazo Benzo
calculated. barbital aniline caine
Brij 97 CTABBrij 97 CTABBrij 97 CTAB Brij 97 CTAB
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Ke 0.9 0.9 0.6 0.6 120 120 1.2 1.2
3 -1
Data Analysis for Hydrophilic (Surface-Active) (cm g 0.24 0.51 0.10 0.11 57 109 0.24 5.51
Model Drug )x10
Ve (cm ) 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
Drug transport in emulsion systems is rate-limited by Vw (cm ) 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360
2 2.18 x 1.36 x 2.18 x 1.36 x 2.18 x 1.36 x 2.18 x 1.36 x
As (cm ) 5
membrane transport due to instantaneous 10 105 105 105 105 105 105 105
equilibration of drug partitioning between the oil and Ki + K0Si 0.27 4.81 1.12 6.93 0.03 0.05 0.01 0.02

continuous phases. The effective permeability Table 2. The effective permeability coefficients (Peff)
coefficient (Peff) for hydrophilic drugs is related to of phenobarbital (PB) and barbital (B) predicted
the total apparent volume of drug distributed using the surface-active hydrophilic model and
determined experimentally in emulsion systems at
between different phases in the donor compartment pH 7.0 at 37° C.
(Zn ) as follows:
Micellar Effective permeability coefficients
P Pd -1
Concen (cm h ) using 1KD membrane
Peff = d =
Z n K e Ve + A s (k i + k 0S i ) + (1+ K m [ SAA ]) VW Surfactant
Phenobarbital Barbital
(46) (%wt/vol)
Predicted Experimental Predicted Experimental
PB and B at pH 7.0 are relatively hydrophilic and value value value value
surface-active in nature compared with the other Polyoxyeth
0 0.058 0.060  0.001 0.041 0.039  0.001
model drugs. According to Equation 46, the effective ylene-10- 1 0.064 0.062  0.001 0.043 0.042  0.002
permeability coefficients (Peff) of PB and B obtained oleyl-ether
(Brij 97) 2 0.059 0.060  0.001 0.042 0.042  0.001
experimentally (17,18) can be calculated using the
following parameters: model drug permeability Cetyltrimet
0 0.021 0.022  0.001 0.048 0.046  0.002
coefficient values (Pd), model drug partition hyl- 0.5 0.034 0.036  0.001 0.049 0.048  0.001
coefficient values between the oil and water phases ammonium
(K m), volumes of the oil and water phases (Ve and (CTAB)
1.0 0.022 0.022  0.001 0.048 0.046  0.002
Vw), O/W interfacial area (As ), the interfacial
interaction between the model drug and surfactant
(k0 SI), and the model drug interfacial activity (kI). compared with that of free PB and B because of
The Pd, Ke, Km, Ve, VW , and As values for PB, B, hindered diffusion of micelles through the
PAA, and BZ are listed in Table 1. membrane.

The permeability coefficient (Pd) of PB and B in the The effective permeability coefficients calculated
buffer system was used in the calculation of the Peff using Equation 46 were compared with the
for samples measured using the MW cutoff 1 kd experimental values for side-by-side diffusion cell
dialysis membrane, because micelles could not pass techniques in Table 2. The predicted amounts of PB
through this membrane. Although micelles can pass and B in receiver cells (Q R) were calculated from Peff
through the MW cutoff 50 kd dialysis membrane, the values. The predicted data and the experimental data
PB and B permeability coefficients (Pd ) were used of PB and B in emulsion systems are compared for
instead of Pd + Pm[SAA] in the calculation of Peff the bulk equilibrium reverse dialysis bag technique
because the permeability of micelles was low in Figure 2. The experimental effective permeability
AAPS Pharmsci 2000; 2 (3) article 31 (
Table 3. The calculated partitioning rates (k1 ) and the
membrane permeability coefficients (k2) of PAA and
BZ through molecular weight cutoff 1kd and 50kd
membranes in polyoxyethylene-10-oleyl-ether (Brij
97) and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB)
emulsion systems using the EXCEL program. Conc
= concentration, PAA = phenylazoaniline, BZ =
benzocaine, Pd = permeability coefficient, MW =
molecular weight, kd = kilodalton.


Conc Partitioning rates permeability
Surfactant (% wt/vol)
(k1, cm h -1) coefficient
(k2, P d, cm h- )

MW 1 kd MW 50 kd MW 1 kd MW 50 kd

Figure 2. Comparison of predicted and experimental 0.5 0.0101 0.0105 0.069 0.092
data for the ln (rate of disappearance of PB, B, PAA, Brij 97 1.0 0.0112 0.0110 0.158 0.212
and BZ ) from the donor chamber using 1kd
membrane. Lines represent predicted data, and 2.0 0.0113 0.0118 0.223 0.388
symbols represent experimental data. Donor chamber
contains 0.5% CTAB emulsions, and receiver chamber 0.1 0.0115 0.0118 0.016 0.072
contains 0.5% CTAB buffer. Brij 97 = polyoxyethylene-
0.5 0.0125 0.0127 0.115 0.138
10-oleyl-ether, CTAB = cetyltrimethylammonium CTAB
bromide, PAA = phenylazoaniline, BZ = benzocaine, Pd 1.0 0.0120 0.0154 0.120 0.183
= permeability coefficient, kd = kilodalton.
3.0 0.0185 0.0198 0.372 0.542

coefficients of PB and B in both the Brij 97 and

CTAB emulsion systems decreased with increase in Therefore, the k1 and k2 values can be obtained by
micellar concentration (17,18). The predicted data fitting the hydrophobic drug model to the
are in good agreement with the experimental data. experimental data (cumulative amount of drug
The solubility of B was not influenced by the disappeared in the donor cells versus time).
presence of Brij 97 or CTAB, and therefore the The transport rates of PAA and BZ in Brij 97 and
micellar distribution coefficients of B are zero for CTAB emulsion systems were predicted using this
both Brij 97 and CTAB (17,18). Based on Equation model. PAA and BZ are relatively hydrophobic
46, the calculated Peff of B was not affected by either compared with the other model drugs (PB and B)
Brij 97 or CTAB micellar phase; this is in agreement (17,18). The values of the constants (the initial
with the experimental data (17,18). This model does amount of drug [Q 0 ], total O/W interfacial area [S0 ],
not take into account the effects of the permeability membrane area [Sm], volume of the oil phase [VA],
of model drug–surfactant complexes and micellar and volume of the continuous phase [VB]) used in
shape changes on the transport process. this model are listed in Table 1. The predicted values
Data Analysis for Hydrophobic Model Drug of k1 and k2 represent the O/W interfacial barrier for
drug transport and the drug permeability coefficient
The appearance rate of hydrophobic drugs in the through the membrane (Table 3). However, the
receiver cells is dependent on the partitioning rates calculated k1 values are approximate because a
(k1 ) of hydrophobic drugs between the oil and the limitation of the model is that the drug concentration
continuous phases and membrane transport rates (k2 ), in the continuous phase cannot be determined
because the drug partitioning process from the oil experimentally. The predicted amount of PAA and
and the continuous phase is not instantaneous. BZ disappearance from the donor cells was

AAPS Pharmsci 2000; 2 (3) article 31 (

calculated using the values of k1 and k2 and

compared with the experimental data of PAA and BZ
in emulsion systems. The effective permeability
coefficients of PAA and BZ increased with increase
in surfactant concentration up to 1% wt/vol of Brij
97 and 0.5% wt/vol CTAB and decreased at higher
surfactant concentrations. The predicted data are in
good agreement with the experimental data
(deviation of about 5%). In Brij 97 and CTAB
emulsion systems, the O/W interfacial barrier (k1 )
did not depend on the MW cutoff of the membranes,
because the calculated k1 values for MW cutoff 1 kd
membranes are similar to those for MW cutoff 50 kd Figure 3. Comparison of predicted and experimental
membranes. The O/W interfacial barrier (k1 ) data for the ln (rate of disappearance of PB, B, PAA and
increased slightly with increase in Brij 97 and CTAB BZ ) from the donor chamber using 1 kd membrane.
micellar concentrations (Table 3). This may be a Lines represent predicted data and symbls represent
experimental data. Donor chamber contains 1% Brij 97
result of an alteration of the interfacial film emulsions and receiver chamber contains 1% Brij 97
characteristics caused by micellar adsorption. buffer.


The effect of change in micellar shape on calculated using parameters such as drug/membrane
partitioning and membrane transport processes is not permeability and partition coefficient values, were
included in this model. Therefore, decrease in consistent with the experimental data, thus validating
transport rate with increase in Brij 97 (beyond 1% the model. An exception was that the model could
wt/vol) or CTAB (beyond 0.5% wt/vol) did not fit not predict the decrease in the permeability
the experimental value. Predicted data are in good coefficient beyond 0.5% CTAB and 1% Brij 97,
agreement with the experimental data (deviation of precisely. This was considered to be due to change in
about 5%) (Figures 2 and 3) until 1% wt/vol Brij 97 the micellar shape. The effect of change in micellar
or 0.5% wt/vol CTAB within the study period of 2 shape on partitioning and membrane transport
hours. Beyond the study period of 2 hours, the processes is not included in this model. Lipophilic
experimental data did not follow the predicted drug transport calculated using partitioning, O/W
logarithmic linear pattern with time. interfacial barrier, and membrane transport rates was
consistent with the lipophilic model.
Mathematical models were developed according to
model drug lipophilicity and surface activity. The The authors wish to thank Boerhinger Ingelheim
model developed for the surface-active hydrophilic Pharmaceuticals, Inc, and the Parenteral Drug
model drugs is based on Fick’s first law. This model Association Foundation for partial support of this
was developed with the assumption that the research and Dr Kyung Ae Yoon for technical
partitioning rates of surface-active hydrophilic drugs assistance.
are much faster than membrane diffusion and
consequently the drug concentration is in equilibrium REFERENCES
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