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At first , the fear felt by the Master Rakhim when he was about to perform the morning prayer in the

prayer room not far from his home . He felt there was a big figure higher beings who oversee her
movements began when he took off sandals , took ablutions , and perform prayer and remembrance .

Rakhim teachers felt that fleeting breath sounds but firmly on his neck . This indicates that there is a
figure other than himself who was in the prayer room . He suddenly felt anxious perhaps this is when the
angel of death came to pick up his life . However , there is also thought that the figure is perceived
presence with a clear breath sounds ditengkuknya it just spirits commonly called mere lelembut .

Teachers Rakhim stop remembrance and ventured to ask someone who does not want to be visited by
turning the head to the side , afraid he was surprised to see a sudden realization. Because of the stories
of people , the embodiment lelembut diverse , and most people see is the embodiment of creepy .

" Greetings . If I may know who you are following all my gestures during a prayer room in it? "

Who asked not immediately answer , but once again the voice of Master Rakhim feel breath on his neck
firmly . After that, then there is a voice teacher Rakhim feel someone who directly enter into the realm
of mind .

Rakhim teachers who do not get a lot of words he heard with his ears , but he really could understand it
all . The words that make the figure very frightened at the heart of Master Rakhim . And because of that
fear , rush Teacher Rakhim leave the prayer room with running to get to his house .

Nyi Mirah Ati , wife of Master Rakhim get the story after teacher Rakhim home from musala .
Throughout Nyi Rakhim know Master Teacher , he is an honest man . Therefore Nyi Ati Mirah believe
that Master Rakhim indeed met with the sound of his breathing sounded figure firmly in her nape .

Similarly, the sayings of the figure that had penetrated into the mind of Master Rakhim . In fact not only
that , Nyi Mirah Ati can feel the presence of someone who is by Guru Rakhim when they were discussing
the events experienced by Master Rakhim in the morning . Likewise Nyi Ati Mirah could feel the same
fear as experienced by Master Rakhim when hearing the words that expressly breathing figure .

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