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Performance Range Advanced Grade Adult Date in 1 Minutes 51

Theme/Topic Conducting a Market Survey and Resume Writing.

Essential Question How to conduct a market survey in Chinese?

Daily topic: Communicate/greet in a professional manner.


Which modes of Learners can:
What are the Communication communication will 1.1 在初次商务会面时,正确的使用敬语。例
communicative and be addressed?
and ☒ Interpersonal 如:幸会,鄙人,多多关照等。
cultural objectives for
the lesson? Cultures ☒ Interpretive 1.2 进行简单正式的自我介绍以及公司介绍。
☒ Presentational
Associate the etiquette behavior to the history and reasoning to develop
If applicable, indicate critical thinking.
how this lesson Compare the similarities and differences between greetings in different
connects to other cultures.
standards. Use the target language to reflect on the reasons behind the etiquette
differences in students’ own community.
Time* Materials/Resources/
How Technology
Activity/Activities many Be specific. What
Lesson Sequence What will learners do? minutes materials will you
What does the teacher do? will this develop? What materials
segment will you bring in from
take? other sources?
• Raise a question regarding how to conduct self-
Gain Attention /
introduction (which is prior knowledge).
Activate Prior 5
• Ask the student to brain storm how would an
introduction in professional situation like.
• Teacher provide authentic text regarding a Text 1A – See appendix.
conversation in first professional meeting.
• Introduce key vocabularies: 您好,幸会,鄙人,
Provide Input 10
• Students should read after the teacher.
• 讲解词意以及如何准确的使用,与使用的时机

• Teacher provide feedbacks regarding pronunciation

and perform spot check on the understanding of the
• 讲解句式:V+于+Place Word。例句:陈先生毕
Elicit Performance / 业于北京大学。
• 我是来自 XX 公司的+职位+名字。 10
Provide Feedback
• 介绍职位类型词汇:经理,项目经理,总经
• 请几位学生造句,并纠正语法及发音上的错
• 老师提供人物以及公司背景给学生。 Text 1B – See appendix.
Provide Input • 学生分组进行模拟情境练习。学生完成商务正 5
• The teacher joins discussion with students and
conducts informal assessment of student’s
Elicit Performance / interpersonal and presentational communication.
Provide Feedback • Students volunteer to present to class their works
and answers. The teacher also takes chances to
correct student’s pronunciation.
• The teacher reinforces today’s vocabulary and
Closure sentence structure in Chinese.
Enhance Retention • The teacher assigns homework and readings. 6
& Transfer • Ask the students to share and practice with their
friends about the introduction learned today.

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