Physiology Today Cotton

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Newsletter of the Cotton Physiology Education Program — NATIONAL COTTON COUNCIL

Technical Services, May 1990

Leaf Physiology and Management Three dominant types of leaves occur on the plant,
cotyledons or seed leaves, main-stem leaves and sub-
Derrick Oosterhuis, Tom Kerby and tending leaves. Cotyledons are mainly storage tissues
Kater Hake with minimal photosynthetic capability. Main-stem
leaves feed the developing terminal, branches and
Cotton producers have placed tremendous em- bolls. While the subtending leaves (those attached to
phasis on the physiology of fruit development during fruiting branches) are critical for boll set and filling.
the last decade. We "plant map" fruit and base manage-
ment decisions on the number and location of squares Subtending Leaves
and bolls. At the same time, we should not overlook
the importance of leaves in crop productivity. Leaves
should be thought of as the basic building blocks of cot-
ton production. We need to consider the effect manage-
ment practices have on both fruit and leaves.
In this issue, we hope to leave you with an under-
standing of the management decisions that influence
leaves and how yield and quality benefit when we sus-
tain healthy young leaves. An associated article in this
issue will cover Herbicide Injury to Leaves.
Leaf Structure
Leaves are an elegant solution to two common plant
problems, (1) the need to maximize sunlight absorption Cotyledon Main-stem leaf Main-stem leaf
to fuel the inefficient light harvesting mechanism of (Seed Leaves) on lower nodes or subtending
photosynthesis and (2) the need to minimize water loss leaf on mid-
while maximizing CO2 uptake. Cotton leaves solve the upper nodes
light harvesting problem by their large flat surfaces
and their dense stacking of the light harvesting pig- Leaf Function
ment (chlorophyll) in the upper half of the leaf. Water The structure of leaves allows them to perform their
conservation is achieved by controlling air movement most critical task, photosynthesis, the capture and
in and out of the leaf through small pores, stomata,lo- storage of light energy. This two-stage process of ener-
cated predominately on the lower leaf surface. Since gy capture and storage allows the plant to fill bolls on
stomata open during the day to allow CO2 to diffuse bright sunny days and keeps the plant growing at
into the leaf, unavoidably, water vapor diffuses out- night. Photosynthesis traps light energy in sugar (car-
ward. However, some benefit does derive from this bohydrate) molecules, which are used to build the leaf
water loss; the plant cools itself during the day to keep or transported out for growth elsewhere. Cotton leaves
leaf temperature below the damaging level of 100'F. that produce carbohydrates in excess of their needs are
Additionally, the flow of water vapor out of the leaf called "sources", as compared to plant "sinks" that
pulls soil water into the root, bringing with it dissolved receive nutrients from leaves. "Sinks" can be either
nutrients such as nitrate. bolls, roots or immature stems and leaves. "Sources"
Leaf Cross Section on the other hand, are usually leaves. Not all leaves are
"sources". In fact, only middle aged leaves are "sour-
stomata ces", and capable of supporting boll development.
The strongest "source" is a fully illuminated recently
expanded leaf, while the strongest "sink" is a 20 to 30

Also In This Issue

Herbicide Injury to Leaves 5
About the Authors 5
Ph ysiology Field Seminars Planned 6
Cotton Physiology Binders Available 6

epidermis 1
day old boll experiencing its most rapid dry weight mapping. Late-set bolls are invariably first position
gain. Bracts and boll walls provide much less photosyn- bolls, because when a 1st position square appears in
thate than leaves. the terminal, 2 young leaves, are also developed, the
Even though we seldom hear these terms, main-stern leaf and that squares subtending leaf. Other
successful management practices are directed toward positions on the fruiting branch only corne with 1 new
maintaining the balance between "sinks" and "sour- leaf, the subtending leaf. Thus by its very nature, first
ces". Plant growth regulators, irrigation, and fertiliza- position squares have a greater "source" of new young
tion are used to keep "sources" strong at the same leaves for boll filling even if the terminal does not
time that the plant builds "sinks" in the form of produce another leaf above.
developing bolls. A management decision that Many plant researchers have sought an illusive en-
typifies the use of the "source / sink" concept is hancement in photosynthetic efficiency, or "source"
regrowth control. Whether to control regrowth or let strength, because crops only capture a small percent of
the plant green up and produce new leaves that might the light energy they receive. The most efficient crop
help fill late set bolls is a question producers are faced plants, which include com and sorghum, can trap 3.5%
with. Young regrowth will require at least 2 to 3 weeks of the light energy. Cotton by comparison only traps
before the leaves are capable of becoming "sources" by 1.3% of the light energy. Although we have not been
exporting carbohydrates. Additionally before car- able to increase photosynthesis other than to enrich the
bohydrate is available to support the initiation of air around the crop with CO2, we can avoid decreasing
regrowth boll demand or "sinks" must alread y be low. photosynthesis or "source" strength by maintaining
Clearly, allowing the plant to regrow would be of no healthy young non-stressed leaves.
benefit for late set bolls and only risks aggrevating in-
sect populations and lint stain. Leaf Contribution to Early Vegetative Growth
Prior to squaring, the only leaves on the plant are
Leaf Growth main-stem leaves and cotyledons. These are directly
The growth of leaves is largely hidden from the eye. linked with the main-stem and thus feed the develop-
By the time we can see leaves, they're already in the ing shoot tip and root system. Loss of both cotyledons
last stage of development and only need to expand. within the first week after emergence severely delays
The day after planting, the first true leaf can be seen maturity, because these storage organs have not had
with a microscope, starting to develop in the shoot tip time to transfer out their stored nutrients. Young
between the folded cotyledons in the seed, but it takes cotyledons are also a source of photosynthetic car-
an additional 3 to 4 weeks before that leaf is visible to bohydrate. Damage to older cotyledons or early main-
the naked eye. In the terminal, cotton leaves develop stem leaves is less detrimental because the growing
through cell division, elongation and differentiation points limit plant development and not leaf area or
into miniature normal shaped leaves that only require stored nutrients. In fact, prior to squaring, healthy
expansion to push out into the sunshine. Leaves that leaves generally produce more carbohydrates than the
develop on fruiting branches form in a similar manner plant needs. They store the rest as starch or protein.
but start from a branch bud. Thrips feed on leaves Once the plant develops more "sinks" (fruit, branches,
when they are small and buried in the terminal. For and roots) and the temperature warms, the plant can
this reason, even minimal thrip feeding can cause a utilize the carbohydrate produced from a larger leaf
dramatic decrease in leaf area. area. In short season production systems, the tolerance
to early leaf damage is less, because a slight delay in
Leaf Age and Photosynthesis maturity from early leaf damage often results in lost
Cotton leaves have a limited productive life, just yield. Once bolls are set on the plant, leaf damage is of
like an athlete, but leaf productivity is measured in greater concern regardless of the growing season, be-
days instead of years. For the first 16 days after a leaf cause boll growth is often limited by the ability of
begins to unfurl, carbohydrates produced by the leaves to fill them and any additional stress to the
photosynthetic machinery are directed towards growth leaves can decrease yield. The table below displays the
of the new leaf. But as soon as that leaf is near full size relative yield sensitivity of leaves to damage for a short
(80% expanded), this 16 to 18 day old leaf hits its prime and long growing season.
carbohydrate exporting capability. And by the time a
leaf is 25 days old, it starts a downhill slide until age 60 Sensitivity to Leaf Damage
to 65 when it no longer exports carbohydrates to fill Boll
bolls. During mid-season, the most active main-stem Cotyledon Pre-square Squaring Bloom Ope mng
leaf is approximately 5 nodes from the top, while the
leaf 13 nodes from the top has already aged to the Short
point where it is non-functional. Season High Moderate Mod-high High Low
One of the most important management factors to Long
derive from leaf aging studies is that maturation of late Season High Low Moderate High Low
set bolls requires healthy late season leaves. If we cut
short new leaf development, we do not set and mature
late bolls. This has been clearly pointed out by plant

Leaf Contribution to Boll Filling During the boll filling period, not only are the
Cotton plants are perennial in nature and designed to leaves rapidly aging but also the day length, air quality
grow for 10 years, not just one. Like any other shrub, they and temperature are deteriorating, further reducing the
readily build leaves, stem and roots, but are inefficient at supply of carbohydrates to fill bolls. Management prac-
building fruit. Many of our management practices and tices are aimed at bringing boll demand into better
breeding efforts have been aimed at encouraging the synchrony with leaf output. This is accomplished by
plant to partition more carbohydrate into bolls and less both maintaining healthy leaves and promoting earli-
into vegetation. These management practices attempt to ness of boll retention. The following table from studies
overcome several deficiencies in the way cotton grows. by Wullschleger and Oosterhuis shows the percent of
Squares can support themselves with carbohydrates from the total leaf surface that is exporting carbohydrates at
the bracts, but once a boll reaches 10 days old it has a different stages of crop development.
voracious appetite for mineral nutrients and car- Leaf Age at Various Days after Planting
bohydrates. The young boll derives most of its food from
the subtending leaf. If this leaf is shaded, for example due Leaf Age Leaf --Days After Planting--
to doudy weather or dense growth, this young 4 to 7- (days after Activity 60 90 120
day old boll will shed. The following figure shows a fruits unfolding) 1st Square Bloom Boll Fill
weight gain and it's subtending leaf's photosynthetic 0-14 "Sink" 36% 11% 3%
capacity during their development.
15-28 Stong "Source" 38% 21% 11%
+29 Declining "Source" 26% 68% 87%
High This same lack of synchrony with individual leaves
••••••••••- ............... ;:~~••~~.:::.~~ t
and bolls is summed up by the timing of fruit develop-
,..... ment versus average leaf age. In the following
diagram, average leaf age increases rapidly when the
plant needs healthy young leaves to fill bolls.
Sub tending Leaf
Bloom Activity if;
Zero ro 80
o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Q) Squares
Leaf Age (days) bl)
60 per acre
(Wullschleger and Oosterhuis, 1990) '-+-<
Research in California and Arkansas has shown that ~ 40
of the total dry weight in a first position boll, the sub- Q)
tending leaf provides about 50%, the nearest main-stem ro
Q) 20
leaf 35% and the remainder comes from leaves else- ;>
where on the plant, including leaves futher out on the ~
fruiting branch. By the time a boll reaches its peak car- 0
bohydrate demand, it is usually buried in the canopy 0 25 50 75 100 125 150
and the leaves surrounding it are in dense shade. Thus, Days After Planting
as the boll ages it must rely on leaves further away at
the top of the plant.
The Plant Canopy is More Than its Leaves
Carbohydrate Sources to a 1st Position Fruit Although we focus on individual leaves to learn
1st Position Major Food Function Function how to maintain their nutrient output, it is the distribu-
Fruit Stage Sources' of Main-stem of Subtending tion and location of leaves in the plant canopy that
Leaf Leaf determine whether bolls get filled. Just like any well
designed organization, the cotton plant can do fine
Pinhead Square Bracts Unfurling Microscopic without anyone specific leaf. The plant will accom-
Large Square Bracts + "Source" Unfurling modate by moving nutrients from other leaves. Two ex-
Main-stem Leaf ceptions to this include the cotyledons during early
seedling growth and the subtending leaf during early
Small Boll Bracts + "Source" "Source" boll growth. The sub tending leaf provides most of the
Main-stem +
nutrients to the young boll and if this leaf is shaded or
Subtending Leaves
damaged, that young boll will shed.
Medium Boll Bracts + Declining "Source" The total sum of leaves, or plant canopy, on the
Sub tending Leaf other hand, ~ highly significant. To sustain boll produc-
Large Boll Leaves at Declining Declining tion cotton needs a plant canopy where young healthy
Top of Plant + leaves are illuminated. For this reason it is important to
Subtending Leaf keep in mind the effect of management on the plant

canopy and not just individual leaves. For example, if a photosynthetic mechanism. On the other hand, potas-
post-directed herbicide injures lower canopy leaves, sium deficiency does decrease photosynthetic ability.
this would be much less detrimental than the same When K levels in the petiole drop below 1.5%, that leaf
amount of injury caused by an "over the top" herbicide is no longer a "source" of carbohydrates. This occurs
that affected young active leaves and stunted develop- when a heavy boll load exceeds the soil's ability to
ment of new leaves. supply K and causes premature fiber termination and
thus reduced micronaire in late set bolls.
Water Stress Injures Leaves
Since cotton's peak leaf ou tpu t and boll demand Smog Decreases Photosynthesis
occur at different times, for maximum yield it is im- Cotton is one of the most sensitive crops to ozone
perative that we avoid further separation of boll damage due partially to its open stomates when ozone
demand from leaf output. Avoiding a delay in boll set- levels peak during the afternoon. Current lint yield loss
ting is one critical management practice (discussed in in high ozone areas, such as the San Joaquin Valley, ran-
next month's newsletter "Earliness and Shortseason". ges from 10 to 20 percent. Ozone damages cotton
Likewise, avoiding practices that decrease leaf function leaves by eating away at the photosynthetic machinery
will contribute to maximum yield. Water stress during disrupting its function and consuming energy in its
boll filling is a Beltwide problem that decreases leaf repair. Ozone damaged leaves also age prematurely,
function in multiple ways. turning yellow and flecked, due to their stressful en-
• Water stress shortens the useful life of a leaf and vironment.
lowers its maximum output or "source" strength. Managing Sources/Sinks in Short-Seasons
• Water stress causes the plant to cease developing A critical management concept for both long and
new leaves, making the developing boll load totally short-season cotton producers is the need to balance
dependent on the aging leaves. "sinks" with "sources" during boll filling. The op-
• And finally, water stress restricts leaf size. In arid timum balance of "sinks" to "sources" will derive from
climates, where humidity is low, even well-watered adjusting leaf area to yield potential. Let's look at this
fields will produce leaves with only half the surface concept for a short production season, such as the
compared to the humid Mid-South. In fact, excess Texas High Plains, where yields range from less than
leaf size is a problem in the Mid-South that requires half a bale to over 2 bales per acre. When planting is
close attention to fertilization. (see below) delayed, Texas producers need to produce a canopy
that can support and mature a 1 to 1.5 bale yield. They
Clouds Decrease Photosynthesis don't need a 4 to 5 foot plant. Management is focused
On overcast days when light levels seem adequate on rapid leaf and fruit growth. Loss of early leaf area is
for humans, plants actually are starving for light. Low almost as detrimental as loss of early fruit, and cutout
cumulus clouds especially restrict light more than high rarely occurs before the temperature runs out. Under
cirrus clouds. Clouds can be especially detrimental these conditions, plant height in excess of 36 inches is
during warm weather because the plant respires more, seldom beneficial. Management of late planted fields in
burning more energy just to stay alive. Because of the warmer regions is also focused on early boll set and
importance of cloud cover the GOSSYM cotton model containment of plant height, however rapid canopy
incorporates light intensity into its photosynthetic cal- development is seldom a problem in these fields.
culation. Dave Albers of the GOSSYM COMAX Infor-
mation Unit has calculated that cloudy overcast days, Managing Source/Sinks in Long-Season Regions.
even without rain, can cut cotton's dry weight gain by Fields that are planted early and get off to a
40%. When cloudy weather sets in during bloom, shed vigorous start in warm growing regions also need to
of small bolls is right around the corner. balance "sinks" with "sources", but the optimum
balance occurs at a greater leaf area and with taller
Nutrient Deficiency Decreases Photosynthesis plants. For these production regions, managing cutout
Nutrient levels, especially Nand K, can influence is critical to top yield, because cotton will cutout or
leaf size and photosynthesis. Nitrogen availability con- cease vegetative growth when the "sinks" consume all
trols leaf size and the plants ability to produce new of the nutrients produced by the "sources". If "sinks"
leaves. High N levels result in large leaves, especially if are few and / or "sources" strong, cutout is delayed.
the humidity is high and the plant well-watered. Scien- This happens when few bolls are set on the plant or
tists in Arkansas recommend keeping N availa-bility at when producers maintain strong "sources" by minimiz-
a moderate level pre-bloom, and then fertilizing for ing nutrient and water stress during boll filling. On the
boll filling. This practice avoids large leaves that shade other hand, if many bolls are set and/or leaves are
young bolls resulting in shed. While in the arid damaged, the plant will cutout prematurely without
climates, where premature cutout is the problem (not producing a top crop or adequately filling late set bolls.
large leaves), producers often apply the bulk of their N In these long growing regions, producers assess the
either pre-plant or soon after planting. boll load or "sinks" and compare it to the "source"
The deleterious effect of N deficiency on "source" strength. If the boll load is strong compared to the
strength under commercial practices, is on leaf size and "sources" they maintain healthy leaves by insuring
new leaf producti.on, and apparently not on the ample nitrogen and water. On the other hand, if boll

load is slight, they avoid pushing "source" strength fur- direct effects, including membrane leakage, also con-
ther and instead restrain leaf expansion while increas- tribute to the loss of cellular integrity that leads to
ing fruit set with plant growth regulators. plant tissue death.
Plant map data from 65 locations in the San Joaquin These physiological disruptions can be observed in
Valley was sorted to look at boll retention and plant cotton when insufficient herbicide application precau-
height in the highest, lowest and average yielding tions have been taken. Delayed development is com-
fields. The highest yielding fields set a normal crop in monly observed following initial herbicide injury. This
the lower and middle zones, but sustained retention for delay may result from several causes and may lead to
3 extra nodes in the top of the plant. Although boll size delayed maturity. In our work with fluometuron
was not measured in these trials, from other work we (cotoran), "over the top" sprays delayed the onset and
can surmise that since retention was sustained longer, prolonged the boll-loading period. Plant mapping data
boll size was also sustained and the normal decrease in indicated that the development of fruiting branches
boll size with plant age was delayed. A strong clue to had been delayed. The leaf injury from this "over the
the management of these top yielding fields lies in their top" application reduced the active leaf area restricting
plant height. They were 8 inches taller than the average the total plant energy supplies available for plant
yielders due to ample fertility and irrigation, which growth. Alternately, research on MSMA suggested that
kept top leaves from aging prematurel y. another mechanism was delaying maturity, reduced
boll set at the lower main stem nodes.
The delayed maturity can have further consequen-
WRAP-UP ces. In addi tion to exposing the crop to increased insect
It is unfortunate that cotton has its greatest need for pressure, thereby increasing production costs, delays in
a vigorous canopy to fill and rna ture bolls when the maturity can reduce yield and quality. Yield can be
plant and environment is deteriorating due to leaf dramatically reduced in the northern regions of the cot-
aging, day length, air quality, nutrient availability and ton belt by autumn frosts. Herbicide-induced maturity
often low temperature. Regardless of the length of the delays heighten this danger. Additionally, boll develop-
growing season, maximum yield is associated with ment under cooler temperatures affects lint maturity
management practices that provide young healthy and quality.
leaves during this critical boll filling period. These in- The most difficult weed management challenge con-
clude sufficient mid-season nutrition, and avoidance of fronting cotton producers is the avoidance of cotton in-
water stress, insect and chemical damage to critical jury during early post-directed herbicide treatments.
upper canopy leaves. As we continue to improve Some leaf injury is unavoidable. Fortunately, crop
varieties and production technology, maintenance of recovery is usually rapid if the cotton terminal is unaf-
healthy young leaves during bloom and boll filling will fected. The lowest leaves on the plant are not crucial to
become even more critical to the yield increases that early boll set. Herbicide contact on leaves destined to
these advancements provide. feed bolls, those leaves in the middle and top of the
canopy, is more troublesome and should be avoided.
Herbicide Injury to Leaves If cotton sustains herbicide injury, production prac-
Dave Guthrie and Alan York tices should be modified to alleviate the resul ting
developmental delays. Plant height may rebound fol-
Post-emergence herbicides provide extended protec- lowing herbicide injury. This may result from
tion to cotton and supplement soil-applied treatments. decreased boll load or "sink" strength. If herbicide ap-
Compared to com or soybeans, relatively few post- plications delay boll set, it is important to avoid further
emergence herbicides are available to control broadleaf boll shed due to shading. Insect management should
weeds and nutsedges in cotton. Additionally, young be heightened. Fertilizer nitrogen may need to be
cotton is less competitive than other crops. To compen- reduced to avoid rank growth which further delays
sate for this limited arsenal of cotton herbicides and maturity.
cotton's poor early season competitive growth, precise Herbicide injury to cotton does not necessarily
and timely procedures must be followed to afford maxi- mean reduced yield. Results from published reports in-
mum weed control and minimum crop injury. Her- dicate acceptable, albeit delayed, yield development fol-
bicide injury to cotton leaves can have season-long lowing herbicide injury if growing condi tions are
effects resulting in delayed maturity, reduced yield and favorable and management strategies are adjusted.
Herbicide injury in sensitive species is related to the About the Authors
physiological mode of action of the specific materials.
Derrick Oosterhuis and Tom Kerby have been
Some herbicides, such as the triazines and ureas, inter-
regular contribu tors to "Cotton Physiology Today".
fere with the process of photosynthesis while others,
Derrick and Tom are cotton physiologists associated
such as the arsenicals, prevent efficient respiration.
Phenoxy herbicides, such as 2,40, disrupt the normal with The University of Arkansas, Department of
coordination of cellular growth and result in the charac· Agronomy and University of California, Cooperative
teristic malformed and twisted tissue. Additional in- Extension, respectively. Dave Guthrie is the Cotton Ex-
tension Specialist for North Carolina and currently

leading the resurgence of cotton to his state now that Louisiana,June 18,9:30 to noon, at the N.E. Re-
the boll weevil has been eradicated. Alan York is on the search Station, located 1 mile south of Winnsboro.
faculty at North Carolina State University. Alan has Topics: Plant Mapping to Identify Field Problems,
worked in cotton as both the former Extension Cotton Physiology and Entomology of Current Crop Status,
Specialist and currently weed control researcher. Speakers: Torn Burch, Jack Baldwin and Kater Hake.
Texas, June 19, afternoon, at the Stiles Farm Field
Day, on Hwy 79 in Thrall Texas.
Cotton Physiology Field Seminars Tennesse, June 21, Please contact your local County
Planned Agent for details.
In cooperation with various Extension Specialists South Carolina, June 25-26, Please contact your
we are planning field seminars to train producers in local County Agent for details.
cotton plant mapping and cover specific cotton physiol-
ogy topics of local concern. These field days are open Cotton Physiology Binders Available
to the public, but are designed specially to address Several of you have asked that we develop a
producer and consultant questions about plant map- Physiology Binder to store newsletters and special
ping, and how to use a knowledge about cotton projects being developed by Cotton Physiology Educa-
development in their management practices. For tion Program. We now have 3 ring binders available at
detailed information about each seminar, please con- no cost. If you would like a binder wi th a copy of the
tact us at the National Cotton Council or your local Ex- publications, "Beginning Plant Mapping" and "Cotton
tension Agent. Growth and Development for Production Agruicul-
ture", please write to us at the National Cotton Council
in Memphis.

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