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Captain Marvel

The film is about Vers, a woman who lost her memory and who currently lives in a world called Kree
where she meets Rogg who is her mentor and helps her control her abilities. Vers in his dreams sees
a woman telling him to keep his emotions under control.

During a mission to rescue a Kree agent a "Villain" Skrull infiltrates the group and they manage to
kidnap Vers, when they took her to her lair she is subjected to a passage inside her memory where
she is reminded of many things from her past although she does not believe that this past is true, after
making a great fight against the Skrulls she manages to escape and without looking for it she falls on
the planet earth crashing in a building where after a few hours Agent Fury of the Shield agency
appears, Fury Agent must do the investigation about what happens with Vers and he runs into a Skrull
who is posing as a Shield agent, Coulson Agent.

Fury realizes that Vers is a good person and helps her get the information she needs to return to her
planet, when searching for information Vers realizes that she tried an experimental airplane created by
the person she sees in her dreams, Dr. Wendy, also finds out that she had a friend on the planet earth
called Maria, whom she will look for more information about the accident that left her without memory.

The Skrulls pursue the agent Fury and Vers to the house of his friend Maria where Vers realizes that
his real name is Carol and is originally from the planet Earth, a Skrull reproduces the sounds of the
black box of the plane that pilot Vers before of losing consciousness and discovers that her mentor
Rogg deceived, manipulated and used her for her purposes, besides that Dr. Wendy was a Skrull.
Fury Agent the Teseracto which is what Rogg was looking for and hides it since it is a source of the
energy core.

Rogg's team arrives where Vers is and captures her where they induce her in a dream of artificial
intelligence and make her fight with Dr. Wendy who only appears in her memory through Rogg's plan
to subdue her, Vers where she achieves overcome this test and completely release all his powers,
thanks to this she manages to beat the Rogg team.

Ronan's group arrives on the ground after being called by Rogg to help him kill the Skrull, realizing this
Vers leaves the surface of the earth and destroys some Ronan spaceships, realizing the power that
has Vers, Ronan decides to return to his place of origin.

Vers returns to the earth in search of Rogg to finish his work, to beat Rogg she decides to send him to
his planet with a message of the atrocities he did so that he has his punishment.

After Vers decides to help the Skrulls find a peaceful place to live and says goodbye to their friends on
earth leaving Fury Agent a transmitting device to be used when the help of Vers is needed.
Iron Man
The film is about Tony Stark, the president of the Stark Industries, when visiting soldiers in the Middle
East, he is attacked by terrorists who throw a bomb of his own company and exploits him nearby,
causing damage to his chest, after this Tony is captured by the terrorist group.

Later Tony regains consciousness in a cave and realizes that his chest is connected to an electronic
device which keeps him alive, Tony's prisoner and companion named Yinsen explains that he had to
operate so that he would not die by connecting him heart to a car battery.

The terrorists ask Tony to make a high-impact missile in exchange for his freedom and he refuses,
explaining to Yinsen about the problem that Tony has, he decides to tell the terrorists to make the
missile but in fact he will be making a suit of armor. will use to get out of that cave.

During the construction of the armor Tony creates a small device called the Arc reactor, which is an
energy generator, simplifying the one that was built in the Stark Industries.

When making the escape, Tony kills the terrorists and realizes that these wounded Yinsen death who
asks Tony to go out and make this a measure to not waste his life, the armor is ruined and Tony walks
through the In the desert, looking for help, a couple of helicopters discover and rescue him.

Tony finally returns to the United States and Tony asks his assistant Pepper to buy him a hamburger
and prepare a press conference, when Tony appears at the press conference he announces the
closure of the company which caused controversy with his partner Obadiah.

Obadiah asks Tony to take some time off and he takes the opportunity to create a better Arc reactor,
after a few weeks Tony discovers that Obadiah wants him out of the company's management and that
he was the one who sent the terrorists to kill him .

Tony decides to create a new project called Mark 1 where he intends to improve the robot he used for
his escape from the terrorists, while they search through the desert for the armor that Tony built to
recreate it and make it stronger by asking Obadiah for help who does not agree and it only kills all the
terrorists and takes the armor so that the engineers of the Stark industries begin with the manufacture
of a super armor. Unable to build an Arc reactor as Tony built, Obadiah decides to go to Tony's house
and remove the one he used on his chest to put on his new Robot.

Tony badly wounded uses the old Arc reactor and goes in search of Obadiah to confront him, where
upon arriving at Stark Industries, Tony instructs Pepper on what he must do to destroy Obadiah while
he fights with Tony, each with his armor, almost defeated Tony receives the help of Pepper and
manages to destroy Obadiah.

Days later the military agent Rhodey offers a press conference where he would explain what
happened in the company Stark Industries, when Tony begins to speak a reporter interrupts him and
asks him what Tony ends up saying "I am Iron Man".
The film begins with Eddie as an aspiring writer who for medical reasons suffers from a chronic
blockage at the time he tries to write something, in addition to this problem he suffers the breakup of
his partner Lyndy.

His life takes an unexpected turn when his ex-brother-in-law Vernon introduces him to a drug called
NZT, which is a revolutionary drug that allows him to exploit his intelligence and achieve many scopes
in a professional manner.

By using this medically Eddie can remember everything that has happened with his life, including
events from when he was a child, so much is the potential that is generated that when he takes these
medically is able to learn a language just by listening.

Very quickly begins to have rewards to be using the drug and conquer Wall Street with all the exploits
you get thanks to his great intelligence and realizes that when you stop using this medically becomes a
normal person, he tries to get more of this medically and during his journey he is involved in passages
of his life where he is a lucid person and others where he is a dirty junkie person who walks the streets

Eddie is involved in a police investigation event thanks to the consumption of this medically, but at the
same time a great businessman invites him to be part of a company, the largest in the history of Wall
Street, this as a majority partner.

During his search for more medication Eddie realizes that this is being discontinued and that the
demand of people who consume it is greater causing emotional conflicts and harming their
performance in their new great job.

At the end he stops consuming the medication and returns to his ordinary life, just as he was before
consuming any medication.
Inside Out
The film tells the story of Riley, an 11-year-old girl who has to move to another city. The biggest plot of
the film happens in your mind where you find 5 emotions which are the general functioning of what
Riley calls and does; Sadness, Joy, Fear, Disgust and Fury.

These 5 emotions are responsible for directing the behavior of Riley, also these thoughts should
always be concerned with examining the memory storage system since this depends on the mental
state that Riley shows people.

The memory that Riley must remember as good passages are marked by spheres but when touched
by emotion “sadness” lose their value of happiness and pleasure and becomes a sad memory.

"Sadness" when touching some memories causes emotional damage in Riley and in addition to trying
to repair all this the emotion of "Joy" suffers an accident in conjunction with "Sadness" and fall into the
mind of Riley, these emotions must return to the central control and not doing so Riley could suffer
emotional afflictions, to make this journey Riley is losing the desire to do various activities and with
them causes the destruction of some dreams and skills that Riley had.

When trying to return to the command center the emotions "Fear, Disgust and Fury" take the control
provoking instability in Riley and they generate several problems to him.

During the return to the "Joy and Sadness" command center they meet Riley's imaginary childhood
friend “Bing Bong” who helps them return to the command center and during their journey they know
many parts of Riley's mind that helps them return to the command center.

During the journey "Joy" realizes that not everything in life is happiness, you also need sadness to be
happy, that is stabilize all emotions so that Riley is an emotionally ordered woman.

Upon returning to the command center "Alegría" asks "Sadness" to be her who with her sad memories
helps Riley overcome the emotional stage she is going through, causing a bad memory to become
happily sad and with this recovering I complete the control of Riley as well as her emotions and the
islands of dreams and abilities that Riley had, in addition to creating new ones.

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