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Rian Solan

Master Landau


March 4, 2019

The Outsiders/Yummy Compare and Contrast

Both the Outsiders and Yummy deal with gang violence and someone young dies. These

books are very close in relation to each other.

In ​The Outsiders,​ there are gangs. Some ​S.E. Hinton ​describes include, ​Tim Shepard​’s,

the Socs, and the ​Curtis ​brothers’ gang. The Greasers and Socs are very different. Greasers are

poorer, and long “greasy” hair. The Socs are rich, have fancy cars, and short slick hair. They

rival each other when they cross the “borders” in the city.

In the Curtis brothers’ gang, consists of Ponyboy Curtis, Sodapop Curtis, Darry Curtis,

Johnny Cade, Dallas Winston, Steve Randle, and Two-Bit Mathews. Ponyboy, Johnny, and

Dally went out to the movies. Dally tried to hook-up with a redhead and her friend, but got a

Coke ot the face. Two- Bit then later came to make some wise-cracks. After a night at the

movies, Two-Bit tried to take the girls home, but then was busted by their boyfriends. Johnny

and Pony then went to the lot and fell asleep. When they woke up, it was well past midnight and

the boys set out for home. Pony was slapped by Darry, so Pony ran away and took Johnny with

him. They were then cornered by the Socs who picked up the girls and were beaten up. Ponyboy

was being drowned in the fountain, and Johnny murdered a Soc. They then went to Windrixville

and hid in an old, vacant church for some time.


In Yummy, there was an eleven year old boy who killed a girl with a gun. His nickname

was “Yummy” coming from his love for sweets, made him sound all innocent. He was short,

even for an eleven year old and wanted to prove himself. So he joined a gang, and then became

very dangerous. One day, he was fed up with being teased. He pulled out a gun and the trigger,

then the rogue bullet was let loose. It was never meant to kill anyone, but it doesn’t go as

expected. After killing young Shavon Dean, he went on the run. For three days, he was unheard

of. His gang then decided Yummy was causing too much trouble, and murdered him

Gang violence are both present in these novels. People also smoke, do drugs, and other

such things. A young person with potential was also killed. Sadly, these types of environments

still are present in many childhoods around the globe. Some differences include the community

characteristics. In Yummy, it talks about more of a dangerous or shady neighborhood. G. Neri

also describes the culture of the people. It sounds like there are many Black and Christian people.

Everyone really fends for themselves, and is weary. In The Outsiders, everyone know pretty

much everyone and is not as isolated or sketchy. The gangs look out for each other, but in

Yummy they are rather violent. The Outsiders and Yummy are similar in different ways. They

relate to some degree, but are still almost polar opposites.

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