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Case Study | Nova Scotia Community College

Novia Scotia Community College

• Provide high-density Wi-Fi to 20,000 students and the surrounding community
• In just eight months, the team deployed over 750 APs across 13 campuses
• Network visibility and analytics help drive business and technology decisions

As the province’s only community province, a new wireless solution that could be managed remotely
college system, Nova Scotia with minimal support and allow students and guests self-service
Community College (NSCC) is focused access to the network was critical.
on helping to build the economy and
quality of life of the province through Removing hardware with a cloud-managed solution
education and innovation. With this
goal in mind, NSCC aims to prepare As NSCC’s controller-based, legacy infrastructure approached end-
approximately 20,000 students of-life, Jim Kirk, Digital Innovation and Technology Director, Dale
annually to enter the workforce. To Facey, Digital Innovation and Technology Manager, and Stephen
live this mission and ensure student success, it is critical that the Harris, Core Services Administrator, knew it was time for an upgrade.
community is supported with leading-edge, innovative learning and Their on-premises solution was difficult to maintain and keep up-to-
teaching technology to provide a flexible and quality educational date; they often had hardware running old firmware versions due
experience, engaging students wherever they are. With 13 to challenges with upgrades. In addition, they wanted to replace all
campuses, NSCC serves as more than just a place of learning, but of their controllers and have fewer physical assets sitting on their
also as a common space for members of the community to gather network. They recognized that it was also difficult for community
and collaborate. These internal and community needs require members and guests to use the wireless, since there was no self-
reliable and easily accessible Wi-Fi across all sites. With a centralized service guest network configured. Plus, with a 69% increase in peak
IT team responsible for technology service delivery across the Wi-Fi connections in a four-year period, the team knew it needed
to future-proof the network as the increase in technical devices “There’s better stability and uptime with
brought to campuses by students, staff and visitors was only going to
continue to grow. Therefore, the team decided to look for a cloud- Meraki access points. The self-serve guest
based solution that was easier to manage and could provide users
with the access they needed. After evaluating a few vendors, they wireless was a big hit, people really like it.
decided to deploy Cisco Meraki MR42 and MR52 wireless access
points (APs) across the campuses due to their superior design, high-
Even community members that come in and
density, and intuitive manageability. aren’t familiar with the set up can get on
In just eight months, the team deployed over 750 APs across the 13 the Wi-Fi right away.”
campuses. This was no small feat; being able to accomplish such an -- Stephen Harris, Core Services Administrator
aggressive timeline was made possible with the ease of installation
provided by Meraki. In some cases, the team was able to deploy With their new cloud-managed wireless solution, the team has
50+ APs in one day by pre-configuring hardware in the Meraki increased network reliability, up-time, and visibility. Previously,
dashboard before deployment. Harris added, “The installation was they would have around five APs down at any given time because
pretty seamless. I loved the onboarding. You just input the sales they were running the wrong software version. Now, with Meraki,
order and it dropped all of the access points right into the inventory the team can easily push firmware upgrades remotely overnight,
system so you didn’t have to manually scan any barcodes or serial ensuring all of their APs are always up to date. This not only
numbers.” Due to the magnitude of the deployment, some campuses increases network security, but reduces downtime and headaches
had a phased rollout, where the legacy system and new system for the IT team. They also take advantage of the increased visibility
were running side-by-side. Normally, this would have been an issue, through the Meraki dashboard, which shows application layer,
since APs in close proximity normally compete with each other. device, and client visibility, so they can easily identify who their
However, the team was surprised to find that by editing the radio users are and their Wi-Fi usage. Harris added, “The reporting tools
settings in the Meraki dashboard, the disparate systems were able to and the maintenance of the system is a lot better. Before, we had
cohabitate until the installation was complete. a really hard time finding out how many gigs a client had used in a
two hour period. With Meraki, it’s in the dashboard and I can see it
Meraki APs now rest in classrooms, common rooms, cafeterias, in five seconds.” For example, the team now knows that 70% of their
auditoriums, residence halls, hallways, and stairwells. There are four students have an iPhone, which was a big surprise for a community
main SSIDs: Eduroam, NSCC Guest NSCC 180 (a hidden SSID for college system. Insights like this drive business decisions for the
college-managed devices), and IoT. Eduroam, a global Wi-Fi roaming college. Kirk added, “That data is very informative for us as we plan,
service, allows students from any academic institution to securely design, and develop new services and applications for students
connect to the internet using their school username and password. going forward.” The team also uses Wireless Health, a feature in the
Eighty percent of NSCC traffic comes from Eduroam, primarily from Meraki dashboard, to see where there are failed connections and to
student and staff personal devices. The guest network is accessible help troubleshoot clients that are having problems connecting.
through a splash page, requires SMS authentication to log onto the
internet, has a four-hour expiration, and limits the bandwidth to 2mbp With a drop in network complaints since the new system was
per client to deter students from choosing this SSID over Eduroam. installed, the IT team concludes that students and guests are very
Neither the Eduroam or guest SSIDs have access to the college happy with the new network. Facey added, “Prior to the migration,
network; that is reserved for the NSCC 180 SSID. College-owned the feedback I received was generally negative, especially around
devices automatically connect to this SSID through a group policy performance. Not hearing that anymore tells me that it’s working
and have full access to the college network with no traffic shaping much better.” This has ensured students have a better experience
and filtering. Only the 2,000+ college employees can access this on campus and can focus on attending class and completing
network. Lastly, their IoT network uses a pre-shared key for devices assignments, not on connecting to the network.
that cannot get onto an 802.1x network, such as HVAC systems
and other facility devices. Having these separate and secure SSIDs
has allowed all users to easily access the network, with self-service
access for guests, and offer seamless roaming for students between
campuses, which was not possible with their previous solution.

2 Cisco Systems, Inc. | 500 Terry A. Francois Blvd, San Francisco, CA 94158 | (415) 432-1000 |
Giving Back to the Community with Public Wi-Fi

“We are viewed as an asset in the

communities we serve around the province.
Community members can walk in and
access our libraries and use our cafeterias,
so why shouldn’t we give them free access
to the internet? Meraki has enabled us to do
-- Jim Kirk, Director of Digital Innovation and Technology

While NSCC’s primary goal is to serve its student population, it also

recognizes that as a community college, the campus spaces are
available to a much broader audience. From high school students,
to private partners, to neighbors, their campuses are a part of the
community. Being able to provide those communities with free
internet access has opened the door to new possibilities for visitors
and positioned NSCC as an extremely valuable resource across the
province. The NSCC IT team is committed to supporting the current
and future technology needs of the college to ensure its students
graduate with the technological skills they need to succeed and that
contribute to the broader sense of community. Kirk explained, “From
a business point of view, like everybody else in higher education,
Wi-Fi is the service we provide that is highest in demand. We want
to stay ahead of that exponential demand curve by continuing to
chase whatever the leading edge technology is at the time. For this
business solution, Cisco Meraki has enabled that for NSCC.”

3 Cisco Systems, Inc. | 500 Terry A. Francois Blvd, San Francisco, CA 94158 | (415) 432-1000 |

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