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The experiment was done to analyse volumetric measurement using variable area,
orifice and electromagnetic flowmeter. The experiment was done by firstly making sure that
all of the equipment followed the Start-up Checklist and Preliminary Exercise. Next, the
flowrate was set to 1.1 𝑚3 / Hr. The reading showed on all three flow meter: FI32 (variable
area flow meter), FE31/FT31 (Orifices- Differential Method), FT32 (Electromagnetic flow
meter) was recorded in Table 1A. And lastly, for the shutdown, it did followed the standard
shutdown procedures. Based on the result obtained, the value of channel 2 is bigger than the
value in channel 3. As the flowrate decreases, the value for both channel also decreases. The
pressure drop showed an increase trend. In conclusion, the experiment was successfully done
and the objective of the experiment was able to achieve.


The section 'Start-Up Read the volumetric flow rates as

Check List and follow:
Preliminary Exercise The various FI31: Variable area flow rate
has refered and flow meters
followedthe was located FE31/ FT31: Orifice-Differential
procedures from 1 to Pressure
10 FT32: Electromagnetic flow meter

The flow rate FE31 measured by FT31

reduced by FE31/FT31 is used to verify to
gradually - The pump P31 manual verify the orifice/ dp flow
shutting the discharge valve fully meter principle that the flow
pump P31 opened rate is proportional to the
manual - The reading of flow rate square root of the pressure
discharge and pressure drop have drop
valve taken

Procedure 6 was repeated at two

other flow rates at approximately 1.0 The procedures were repeated with
m3/hr (33.3%) and 0.8m3/hr increasing flow rates and the reading
(26.71%) of the full scale flow rate has recorded the reading in table 1 A
of 3m3/hr

Shut down the plant :

- The pump P31, P32 at the front panel/ cubicle switched off
- The recorder (LFR) chart drive by pressing its RCD pushbutton with its swing cover
opened has switced off.
- The controller LIC31 to Manual (M) mode with its output MV=0%
- The pump manual by-pass valve BV32 fully opened
- The manual valve for instrument air supply (IAS) fully shut. No need to regulate its
air regulator

Figure 1: Procedure of the experiment

Table 1A
Reading Flow At FI31 At the recorder LFR31, panel Calculate the %
no. rate FE31/FT31 FT32 At FT31 local indicator Deviation from
𝑚3 /Hr FI31 Green Channel Blue Pen Channel H Fv=𝑘1 √ℎ Compare PT31
Pen 2 3 with
𝑚3 /Hr % 𝑚3 /Hr % 𝑚3 /Hr mmH2 𝑚 /Hr 3 2 For FI31 For
1 1.1 1.1 38.667 1.16 38.000 1.14 1524.3 1.171 Not -5.172 -1.724
2 1.0 1.05 37.000 1.11 36.333 1.09 1394.0 1.120 Not -5.405 -1.802
3 0.8 0.85 30.000 0.90 29.333 0.88 908.4 0.904 Same -5.556 -2.222
4 0.6 0.65 20.000 0.63 21.000 0.63 512.66 0.679 Not 3.175 0.000
5 0.4 0.50 16.667 0.50 15.667 0.47 288.05 0.509 Same 0.000 -6.000
6 0.6 0.65 23.000 0.69 21.667 0.65 521.14 0.684 Not -5.797 -5.797
7 0.8 0.80 28.333 0.85 27.667 0.83 800.38 0.848 Same -5.882 -2.353
8 1.0 0.95 34.667 1.04 34.000 1.02 1202.9 1.040 Same -8.654 -1.923
9 1.1(max) 1.1 38.667 1.16 38.000 1.14 1519.9 1.169 Same -5.172 -1.724


Figure 1: Graph of the result

Since the experiment is done directly on the control panel located at the equipment which
manual controller is used to control the system, therefore the flow control system is undergoing
the open loop control system. Based on the blocks diagram, it is determined that one of the
block is disconnected from the rest of the block and thus the process is controlled manually.
From the experiment, we use a manual controller that only use P + I mode for flow of water.
This is because P + I mode of control is used for fast process response and noisy processes like
flow, pressure and liquid level control. In an open loop system, a process can be either a self-
regulating or non-self-regulating process. A self-regulating process, such as flow, temperature,
pH and pressure is a process whereby the process moves to a new steady position after making
an open loop test.

From the results, first we set the MV up to 100% and set the Flowrate at 1.1 m3 / Hr.
Manually, adjust MV1 so that PV1 approaches SV1 and change the set point at every
experiment until the maximum Flowrate 1.1 m3 / Hr. From the graph, when Flowrate is 1.1 m3
/ Hr, the rise time increases but there is less oscillation. This is also occur at set point 1.0 m 3 /
Hr. But, at set point starting 0.8 m3 / Hr until 1.1 m3 / Hr the oscillation starting to takes place

because the factor of more disturbance that disturbs the system. In a meantime, at 0.8 m 3 / Hr
the oscillation is decrease until it is stable.

Next, the MV at the same value and starting with set point 1.1 m3 / Hr. From Table 1, at
Flowrate 1.1 m3/Hr, the volumetric Flowrate reading for FE31/FT31 was 1.16 m3/Hr and at
FT31 Local Indicator was 1.171 m3/Hr. From the graph, there is a less oscillation between that
volumetric point. But starting Flowrate at 0.6 m3 / Hr more oscillation occur and from set point
0.8 m 3 / Hr until 1.1 (Max) m3 / Hr less oscillation takes place. The oscillation in the graph
occur when the vibration of the machine effect the flowrate of the water, so different value
acquired at Channel 2 FE31/FT31 and FT31 Local Indicator.

After that, the percent deviation from PT31 for FI31 and FT32 also were affected by the
oscillation. The most obvious different like been shown in Table 1 at Flowrate 1.0 m3/Hr where
the percent deviation from PT31 for FI31 at -8.654 while for FT32 at -1.923. There were also
deviation at 0 for both FI31 and FT32, at Flowrate 0.6 m3/Hr, the deviation from PT31 for
FT32 was 0 and at Flowrate 0.4 m3/Hr, the deviation from PT31 for FI31 was 0.

Random (or indeterminate) errors are caused by uncontrollable fluctuations in

variables that affect experimental results. A sufficient number of measurements result in evenly
distributed data scattered around an average value or mean. This positive and negative
scattering of data is characteristic of random errors. The estimated standard deviation (the
error range for a data set) is often reported with measurements because random errors are
difficult to eliminate.

Random errors can be reduced with good instrumentation and knowledge about the
measurement. Systematic errors on the other hand are not found without traceability. To gain
confidence in a measurement, traceable calibration measurements are needed. Otherwise
inconsistent or even wrong measurements may result. In feed water flows are known to cause
deposits leading to deviations of 1% of pressure differential flow instruments.


The experiment was successful as we got the three reading of the volumetric flow rate.
There were three flow measurement used which were variable area, orifice and
electromagnetic. Variable area was used by the rotameter that was measuring flow rate by
allowing the cross sectional area that the fluid are travels through to vary. The orifice meter is
reducing pressure or for restricting flow. The electromagnetic flowmeter is using the electronic
transmitter processing the voltage signal to the channel. For the deviation calculation from
PT31, it was calculated for FI31 and FT32. The total value is negative. The negative value
showed that the amount of flow passing through the meter from the element downstream to the
element upstream. For reservoirs, a negative volume represents water emptying the reservoir.
For junctions, a negative volume represents volume of water entering the junction as a negative
demand. When the reading of the channel 2 increase, the reading of the channel 3 increase. The
trend for the pressure drop of this experiment is increase. It is because, the pressure drop occurs
when frictional forces caused by the resistance to flow, act on a fluid as it flows through the
tube. The objective is analyse volumetric flow measurement using variable area, orifice and
electromagnetic flowmeter. The objective was achieved.


1. The system can change to auto system when to the flowrate reading got the constant
reading. It is because, it will disturb the process if the conductor not to change the
number of flowrate.

2. The problem arising from the fluctuating flow of water can solved by repeating the
experiment and obtaining an average of the measurements.

3. To make sure the experiment is more valid, the time must be taken. To increase the
accuracy, use digital stopwatch rather than analog stopwatch or other methods.



From the result;

To find the % of the green pen and blue pen, use this equation:

% Reading x 3 𝑚3 /Hr = reading in 𝑚3 /Hr

Example at flow rate 1.1𝑚3 /Hr:

%= X 100

%= X 100 = 38.667%

%= X 100

%= X 100 = 38.00%

*repeat the calculation with different flow rate at green pen and blue pen

To find the F131 level indicator, use equation:

F(𝑚3 /Hr) = 0.03√ℎ(mmH20)

Example at flow rate 1.1𝑚3 /Hr:

F(𝑚3 /Hr) = 0.03√1524.3

= 1.171 *repeat the calculation with the different flow rate and h.

To calculate the % deviation from PT31, use equation:

%= X 100

Example at flow rate 1.1𝑚3 /Hr:

%= x 100

%= -5.172%

*repeat the calculation with different flow rate for FI31

To calculate the % deviation from FT32, use equation:

%= X 100

%= x 100




1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0955598612000507
2. https://www.academia.edu/24688515/CHE239_Manual_Control_Flow_Measurement


1. Designing Control Loops For Linear and Switching Power Supply, page 222 - 253,
Christophe Basso, 2012, Artech House
2. Industrial Control Industry, page 169 - 182, Peng Zhang, 2008, William Andrew

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