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Molecular Ecology (1998) 7, 933Ð944

Microsatellite analysis of demographic genetic structure

in fragmented populations of the tropical tree
Symphonia globulifera
P R E S T O N R . A L D R I C H , * à J . L . H A M R I C K , PA U L C H AVA R R I A G A , * a n d G A RY K O C H E RT *
*Botany Department, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30605, USA, Botany and Genetics Departments, University of Georgia,
Athens, GA 30605, USA


We developed genetic markers for three microsatellite loci in the tropical tree Symphonia
globulifera and used them to examine the demographic genetic consequences of forest
fragmentation. High levels of genetic variation were revealed in samples of adults,
saplings, and seedlings. The more-variable loci exhibited less stability in allelic composi-
tion across sites and stages. The number of alleles per hectare (ha) of forest was similar
when continuous forest plots were compared to plots from fragmented forest for all three
stages. This pattern also held for the number of unique multilocus adult and sapling
genotypes, but the number of unique seedling genotypes per ha of fragmented forest
greatly exceeded expectations based on continuous forest data, probably due to the con-
centration of seeds into remnant forest patches by foraging bats. Significant inbreeding
and genetic differentiation were most often associated with the fragmented forest and the
seedlings. Finally, principal component analysis reaffirmed that a bottleneck, acting in
concert with pre-existing genetic structure in the adults, had led to enhanced and rapid
divergence in the seedlings following deforestation, a result that is of central interest for
landscape management.
Keywords: demography, fragmentation, genetic diversity, genetic structure, microsatellites,
tropical trees

Received 9 September 1997; revision received 7 January 1998; accepted 7 January 1998

Introduction maintain substantial amounts of genetic variation, most

of which resides within, rather than among, populations.
Numerous studies have documented the influence of
More recently, a few studies have sought to determine
tropical deforestation on community and ecosystem pro-
the influence of forest fragmentation on tropical tree
cesses (Laurance & Bierregaard 1997). A smaller amount
genetic structure. For example, Hall et al. (1994) found
of empirical evidence exists regarding the genetic conse-
indirect evidence for limited gene flow in Pentaclethra
quences of fragmentation for populations in the physiog-
macroloba among sites in a fragmented terrain, and Prober
nomically dominant portion of tropical forests, the trees
& Brown (1994) linked levels of genetic variation to patch
(reviewed by Nason et al. 1997). Until recently, research on
size in Eucalyptus albens. If the time since deforestation is
the genetics of tropical trees was confined largely to
much less than the lifespan of the tree species, however,
allozyme studies of the genetic structure of adults in con-
data from adult cohorts will reveal less about current rates
tinuous forest (e.g. Hamrick & Loveless 1989; Hamrick &
of differentiation and more about pre-existing genetic
Murawski 1991). These indicated that tropical tree species
structure. Nonetheless, this may prove critical in deter-
mining population genetic trajectories (Nason et al. 1997).
Correspondence: P. R. Aldrich. The influence of fragmentation on genetic structure at
the gametophytic stage has been addressed through
àPresent address: Botany Department, NHB-166, National
Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, mating-system studies (e.g. Murawski et al. 1994; James
D.C. 20560, USA. Fax: +01-202-786-2563; E-mail: aldrich.preston@ et al. 1998) and through estimates of pollen dispersal (e.g. Nason et al. 1996). These studies are sensitive to short-term

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perturbations in the pollination system, a critical portion could be a significant factor in the loss and redistribution
of the life cycle. However, the estimates fail to incorporate of genetic variation following fragmentation of plant pop-
the influence of seed dispersal and may misrepresent long- ulations. Changes in genetic composition during a severe
term patterns of effective fecundity, inbreeding, and gene bottleneck event could have pervasive, long-lasting
flow in a population (Aldrich 1997; Aldrich & Hamrick effects on a population even if it rebounded shortly after
1998). fragmentation, although evidence is limited.
Very few studies have explored the genetic structure of The present study provides a detailed view of the
tropical tree populations from a multistage, demographic demographic genetic structure of a tropical tree species
perspective involving adults as well as advanced recruit- following forest fragmentation. We developed microsatel-
ment (seedlings and saplings). The existing research lite markers for the tropical tree Symphonia globulifera and
reveals that genetic structure can develop as dispersal used them to examine the development of spatial genetic
interacts with population structure, such as adult density, structure within and among fragmented and continuous
or forest structure, such as light gaps. Hamrick et al. (1993) forest, and temporal genetic structure within and among
examined multiple stage classes of several species in con- four stage classes: adults, saplings, and two size-classes of
tinuous forest revealing that adult density and mode of seedlings. This study is part of a larger effort to under-
seed dispersal interacted to determine levels of allozyme stand the fragmentation biology of S. globulifera (Aldrich
genetic structure in seedlings (low density and limited 1997; P. R. Aldrich and J. L. Hamrick, unpublished). These
dispersal produced the most structure). This genetic additional data include natural-history information on
structure was most pronounced in the young stages and landscape-level patterns of fecundity, gene flow by pollen
decayed in the adults for Platypodium elegans and Alseis and seed, mating system, effective population size, and
blackiana. Swartzia simplex var. ochnacea, which occurred at population dynamics, providing an unprecedented con-
higher densities and had a more-even size distribution text within which to interpret results.
(i.e. presumably a lower mortality rate), departed from
this pattern. The authors concluded that random mortal-
ity was a sufficient explanation for the signal reduction in Materials and methods
the two species. Forest structure also can be important. Species
For example, patchy recruitment in gaps appeared to
influence the partitioning of allozyme genetic variation in Symphonia globulifera L. (Clusiaceae) is a canopy tree
the gap-colonizing species Cecropia obtusifolia (Alvarez- characteristic of primary tropical forests throughout the
Buylla et al. 1996), although, as Hamrick et al. (1993) Neotropics (Croat 1978; Hartshorn 1983) and Africa,
found, genetic structure decreased in the older cohorts. although its 17 congeners are restricted to Madagascar.
This level of demographic genetic resolution has not The species is hermaphroditic with bright red flowers that
been attained for tropical trees in fragmented landscapes. are visited by monkeys and bananaquits (Leck 1983;
Although evidence exists that deforestation can reduce Garber 1988), although it is pollinated primarily by
levels of genetic diversity (e.g. Prober & Brown 1994), the hummingbirds (Croat 1978; Bawa et al. 1985; Kress &
relative importance of different causal processes remains Beach 1994; Bittrich & Amaral 1996). Although individu-
largely unexplored. Most evidence relates to the direct als typically outcross in undisturbed forests, selfing rates
loss of genotypes during deforestation which depends on increase with forest fragmentation (Aldrich & Hamrick
an interaction between the scale of fragmentation and that 1998) despite elevated abortion rates which can be associ-
of pre-existing genetic structure (Nason et al. 1997). More ated with self-pollinations (Bittrich & Amaral 1996). At
ambiguous is the relative importance of a fragmentation- our site, bats appear to be the primary dispersal agent for
induced bottleneck vs. subsequent cycles of genetic drift. the 4Ð5 cm diameter, single-seeded, green fruits (Aldrich
Gene flow among remnant forest populations could miti- 1997), although birds, monkeys, and even ruminants have
gate the effects of physical isolation, as revealed by been reported as potential vectors elsewhere (Gautier-
microsatellite analysis of pollen movement in fragmented Hion et al. 1985).
populations of Pithecellobium elegans (Chase et al. 1996b)
and Gliricidia sepium (Dawson et al. 1997). Three temperate
Field site
fragmentation studies (Fore et al. 1992; Young et al. 1993;
Ballal et al. 1994) on Acer saccharum revealed diminished Field research was conducted in premontane rainforest in
allozyme genetic differentiation among patches relative to the Coto Brus region of southern Costa Rica, an area expe-
continuous forest, suggesting that deforestation may riencing extensive deforestation over the past several
facilitate gene flow via wind dispersal of pollen. Young decades. The 235-ha Las Cruces Reserve (LCR) of the
et al. (1996) postulated that the creation of genetic bottle- Organization for Tropical Studies is one of the few
necks, as opposed to the continued action of genetic drift, remaining protected areas in the vicinity and was selected

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M I C R O S AT E L L I T E D E M O G R A P H Y O F F R A G M E N T E D T R O P I C A L T R E E P O P U L AT I O N S 935

as a control site for remnant continuous forest. A series of mapped in the PDP and both LCR plots. Each stage-class
smaller (1Ð20 ha) remnant forest patches formed in the is probably a composite of numerous cohorts due to the
past 10Ð30 years (Gomez 1995) extends for about 1 km longevity of many tropical tree species and the ability of
from the LCRÕs edge. These patches have been the focus individuals to persist in the understory for several years
of recent research on fragmentation effects on insect (Lieberman et al. 1985). Diameters at breast height (d.b.h.)
diversity (Daily & Ehrlich 1995) and bird population were taken for the > 2 m class; the smallest flowering
dynamics (Borgella 1995), and several of these patches adult in the study (8.5 cm) formed the cut-off between the
were selected to assess short-term effects of fragmentation adults and saplings. Leaf tissue was collected from each
on the demographic genetics of tree species. specimen, although for a few large adults bark tissue was
From 1993 to 1996 we established study plots in the substituted, because it is more accessible and yields suffi-
fragmented and continuous forest at this site. The Patch cient DNA for PCR-based genotyping (Terauchi 1994).
Dynamics Plot (PDP; Fig. 1) is a 38.5-ha circular plot (350- Tissue samples were lyophyllised for 2 days at the field
m radius) encompassing three 1-ha remnant forest station, sealed in freezer bags with desiccant, and shipped
patches (UGS, LGS, and LOB), several thin riparian corri- to the University of Georgia, USA. Collecting some speci-
dors (UVC, LGC, and LRC), and pasture. Non-native mens in duplicate (leaf and bark tissue) and eliminating
grasses dominate the pasture, which also contains occa- the lyophyllization phase for a subset of these samples
sional remnant forest trees that are integral to S. globulifera tested the robustness of this protocol.
recruitment in the area (Aldrich & Hamrick 1998). Two Seedlings were mapped, leaf tissue was collected, and
control plots, LCR1 (3.2 ha) and LCR2 (1 ha), were estab- individuals were aged. New seedlings had a swollen
lished in the continuous forest of the Las Cruces Reserve. hypocotyl (P. Stevens, personal communication) that per-
Although the total area of the PDP (38.5 ha) greatly sisted for the first year or two; older seedlings lacked this
exceeded the combined area of the two LCR plots (4.2 ha), character. Surveys were conducted in the two LCR plots
the area of the PDP in remnant forest (patches and corri- (a 1-ha core area was sampled in the larger LCR1 plot), in
dors, 4.3 ha) was quite similar. each patch of the PDP, and along 10-m-wide belt transects
along the interior of each riparian corridor. Seedlings
were also subsampled in a cumulative area of 0.5 ha of
pasture, including four 20 × 20 m plots in open pasture,
All stems of S. globulifera > 2 m in height (adults and six 10 × 10 m plots including an adult S. globulifera, and
saplings) and < 30 cm (seedlings) were located and 3.5-m-wide belt transects along either side of each corri-
dor 5 m into pasture.

Microsatellite development
Nuclear DNA was extracted for library construction using
a modification of Murray & Thompson (1980). Leaf tissue
(20 g) was homogenized with sodium bisulphite (0.57 g)
and chilled extraction buffer (150 mL) (0.5 M Tris-HCl,
0.03 M EDTA, 9 mM sorbitol, pH 7.5). The homogenate was
filtered, centrifuged (2000 rpm, 15 min), and the pellet
resuspended in extraction buffer (5 mL), nuclei lysis
buffer (5 mL) (NLB; 5 M Tris-HCl, 1.13 M EDTA, 50 M NaCl,
0.27 M CTAB, pH 7.5), and 10% sarkosyl (1 mL), and incu-
bated (60 ¡C, 20 min). DNA was purified with chloro-
form/isoamyl alcohol (24:1) and precipitated with chilled
isopropanol. DNA was restricted with Sau3AI and size
fractioned. Fragments (400Ð800 bp) were excised, purified
(Qiaquick Gel Extraction Columns, Qiagen), and ligated
into the BamHI site of a lambda vector (ZAP Express,
Stratagene). The library was plated onto host XL1-Blue
Fig. 1 Map of the Patch Dynamics Plot (PDP) encompassing
MRF' (Stratagene) and grown (37 ¡C, 24 h). Plaques were
38.5 ha of recently disturbed premontane rainforest. The 350-m-
transferred to nitrocellulose membranes (Protran), which
radius circular plot encompasses pasture with free-standing pri-
mary forest trees (trees not shown), three ≈ 1-ha remnant forest were processed for 5 min in the following solutions: 5×
patches (UGS, LGS, and LOB), thin riparian corridors emanating SSC; 0.5 M NaOH, 1.5 M NaCl; 0.5 M Tris-HCl, 1.5 M NaCl,
from each patch (UVC, LGC, and LRC), and a seasonal swamp. pH 8.0; and 0.2 M Tris-HCl, 2× SSC, pH 7.5. Filters were

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baked (2 h, 90 ¡C) and prehybridized (2Ð3 h, 50 ¡C, 6× SSC, F-statistics for sites and stages
0.1% SDS, 50 rpm). Oligonucleotide probes (GA)10 were 5'
F-statistics were calculated according to the formula of
end-labelled with [γ32P]-ATP using T4 polynucleotide
Weir & Cockerham (1984), that measures genetic structure
kinase, purified on Sephadex columns, and hybridized to
by partitioning variation in an analysis of variance frame-
filters overnight. Filters were washed once (50 ¡C, 6× SSC,
work. Analogous to FST (Wright 1951), θ measures diver-
0.1% SDS, 200 rpm, 15 min) and exposed to film. Positive
gence in allele frequencies among populations, whereas f
clones were selected, and the screening process was
(similar to FIS) and F (similar to FIT) measure heterozygote
repeated at higher stringency (56 ¡C, 2× SSC). Positive
excess (< 0) and deficit (> 0) relative to HardyÐWeinberg
clones were isolated, and inserts were PCR-amplified
expectations in the local populations and the total set of
using M13 primers. Amplification product was purified
populations, respectively. Estimates were obtained using
(Qiaquick PCR Purification Columns) and sequences were
the program F S TAT (Goudet 1995), which provides stan-
generated at the Molecular Genetics Instrumentation
dard deviations by jackknifing across loci (250 replicates
Facility (MGIF), University of Georgia, USA. Unique
were generated). Estimates were obtained across study
primers were selected from sequence data using the pro-
sites (e.g. UGS vs. LGS vs. LOB patches) for each life
gram PRIMER (version 0.5, Whitehead Institute of
stage, sample size permitting, and across life stages for
Biomedical Research) and synthesized at the MGIF.
the broadest spatial scales (LCR and PDP). Similar to θ,
Sample DNAs were extracted for PCR amplification as
RST (Slatkin 1995) was also calculated among sites and
follows: tissue (20Ð40 mg) was pulverized with liquid
stages. It is the fraction of the total variance of allele size
nitrogen, incubated (1 h, 65 ¡C) in NLB (750 µL) and 10%
occurring among populations. RST estimates were
sarkosyl (100 µL), purified with chloroform/isoamyl alco-
obtained using the program M I C R O S AT (Minch et al.
hol (600 µL), and precipitated with chilled isopropanol
1996), which provides standard deviations by bootstrap-
(500 µL). Recalcitrant samples were repurified using
ping over loci (250 replicates).
Qiaquick PCR Purification Columns. PCR conditions
involved 20 cycles of 94 ¡C for 1 min, 58 ¡C for 45 s, and
72 ¡C for 30 s. PCR reactions had 10 µL final volumes con- Ordination of gene pools
taining template DNA (1Ð10 ng/µL) PCR Buffer (1×,
An ordination technique was applied to assess the overall
Perkin Elmer), MgCl2 (1.2 mM), dNTPs (0.2 mM for dATP,
genetic similarity of the different geographical and life-
dCTP, dGTP, dTTP), Amplitaq DNA polymerase
stage gene pools. Principal component analysis was con-
(0.1 U/µl, Perkin Elmer), 3' primer (0.3 pM), and 5' primer
ducted using SAS (SAS Institute) and was based on the
(0.3 pM) labelled separately with [γ32P]-dATP. Data bands
varianceÐcovariance matrix of allele frequencies for all
were resolved in 7.6% acrylamide gels run at 45 ¡C.
three loci in 19 site stages.

Diversity within loci, sites, and stages

Patterns of allelic diversity at each locus were examined
in each of the stage classes (adults, saplings, seedlings) in
each site and at the broader spatial scale (LCR, PDP). The In total, 74 adults (LCR1, 23; LCR2, 8; PDP, 43), 152
observed number of alleles (AO), the effective number of saplings (LCR1, 69; LCR2, 15; PDP, 68), and 688 seedlings
alleles (AE = 1/Σ pi2 where pi is the frequency of the ith (old seedlings: LCR1, 38; LCR2, 5; PDP, 375; new
allele), and the three most common alleles occurring in seedlings: LCR1, 7; LCR2, 0; PDP, 263) were mapped, col-
each sample were calculated for the three loci, separately. lected, and genotyped for the three loci. It is noteworthy
Estimates of genetic diversity within life stages and that, although the PDP pasture held 22 adults, the pasture
study sites were made by averaging across the three loci. plots and casual observations over the course of the study
Statistics estimated included the mean number of alleles revealed only two seedlings and no saplings in the pas-
observed per locus (AOL) and per locus per ha (AOL/ha), tures (Aldrich & Hamrick 1998).
the number of distinct multilocus genotypes observed
(GO), and the number observed per ha (GO/ha). The
Microsatellite development
probability of sampling a distinct multilocus genotype
was estimated as the cumulative frequency of the Screens of ≈ 10 000 recombinant plaques for (GA)n repeats
observed distinct genotypic classes. Observed (HO) and revealed 72 positives. Of these, 20 were sequenced in both
expected (HE) heterozygosities averaged over loci also directions using T3 and T7 primers to obtain both flank-
were estimated, and sources of heterozygote deficiency ing sequences and, in the case of locus sgC4 which resided
were evaluated on a per-sample and per-locus basis, on a large insert, an additional internal primer was con-
measured as FIS = 1 Ð HO/HE. structed. Unique primers were constructed for 10 loci, of

© 1998 Blackwell Science Ltd, Molecular Ecology, 7, 933Ð944

M I C R O S AT E L L I T E D E M O G R A P H Y O F F R A G M E N T E D T R O P I C A L T R E E P O P U L AT I O N S 937

which one proved monomorphic in sample tissue and remaining genotypes were characterized as follows: one
three were selected for use (sgC4, sgI9, and sgF7; Table 1) seed resulted from diploid gene flow from off the plot,
based on the ease of scoring and number of alleles while the remaining 93% was consistent with having been
(Table 2). Amplification products for sgC4 and sgI9 produced by matings involving at least one (two seeds,
involved one or two bands separated by 2-bp steps inter- 14%) or two (11 seeds, 79%) adults residing in the PDP.
preted as distinct alleles. The most variable locus, sgF7, Such seed shadow contamination is consistent with the
produced one or two dark bands associated with lighter dispersal syndrome (Aldrich 1997) wherein bats remove
stutter bands at 2-bp intervals. Typically these dark bands Symphonia globulifera seeds from the parent tree and carry
were resolved easily and scored as alleles, except for them away before consumption.
longer repeats (GA38 to GA53) which were assigned to five Leaf and bark tissue proved equally appropriate for
separate bins, three-repeats wide. genotyping, revealing identical genotypes at each locus for
Direct examination of marker inheritance was hindered tissue collected from the same individual. Similarly, no dif-
by use of dispersed progeny (seedlings and saplings) with ference was noted in the ability to resolve bands in tissue
uncertain parentage; seeds were uncommon in canopies that had not been lyophyllized prior to sealing material in
due to low pollination, high abortion rates (Aldrich & freezer bags with desiccant compared to lyophyllized tis-
Hamrick 1998), and rapid removal by frugivores (Aldrich sue. This was true for a 1Ð2-month time span; longer peri-
1997). Instead, seeds were collected from seed shadows of ods of storage might provide different results.
two pasture trees (n1 = 30, n2 = 5 seeds) in the PDP, and
progeny genotypes were compared to the putative par-
Diversity within loci
ents. Inheritance patterns were consistent with Mendelian
transmission, given the biology of the system. Seeds car- Altogether, the three loci carried 55 alleles in the total
ried at least one allele of the putative parent at each locus sample (Table 2). The most variable locus was sgF7
in 16 (53%) and five (100%) of the cases, respectively. The (AO = 22), followed closely by sgC4 (AO = 20), and more

Table 1 Locus names, primer sequences

Repeat Size range
listed 5′ to 3′, repeat sequences of clones,
Locus Primer sequences (5' to 3') Sequence (bp)
and size ranges (bp) of observed
amplification products

Table 2 Patterns of allelic diversity at each locus over major life stages and spatially separated study sites. Sample size (n) and the
observed (AO) and effective (AE) number of alleles per locus are reported, as are the three most common alleles at each locus in order to
gauge compositional changes across the different site stages. Alleles were assigned letters according to their relative frequency in the total
sample, ordered from most to least abundant

AO AE Three most common alleles

Site stage (n) sgC4 sgF7 sgI9 sgC4 sgF7 sgI9 sgC4 sgF7 sgI9

All Samples (914) 20 22 13 6.46 11.02 3.15 a, b, c a, b, c a, b, c

LCR (165) 17 20 10 7.88 9.31 3.96 g, b, c i, h, e a, b, e
Adults (31) 11 16 9 6.16 12.16 3.97 b, g, i h, f, m a, b, e
Saplings (84) 16 18 10 8.51 7.50 3.48 g, b, e i, h, n a, b, e
Seedlings (50) 12 14 9 7.13 7.31 4.72 g, c, b b, i, e a, b, c
PDP (749) 17 22 11 5.42 9.05 2.93 a, b, c a, c, b b, a, c
Adults (43) 12 20 7 7.27 10.48 3.81 a, b, c e, b, c b, a, c
Saplings (68) 13 18 8 6.23 9.24 3.67 b, a, h b, a, c b, a, c
Seedlings (638) 16 21 11 5.11 8.42 2.77 a, b, c a, d, c a, b, d

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938 P. R . A L D R I C H E T A L .

distantly by sgI9 (AO = 13). The sgF7 locus had the largest and sgI9-b alleles occurred as two of the three most com-
effective number of alleles in the total sample (AE = 11.02) mon alleles in all of the site stages surveyed, although
and in adults of both the LCR (AE = 12.16) and the PDP they switched in dominance between the LCR and the
(AE = 10.48) (Table 2). The saplings and seedlings were not PDP (Table 2). In contrast, the allelic composition of the
a simple subset of the adults, however, when allelic com- two most-variable loci changed substantially between site
position was considered at the two sites. In the LCR, stages. Only one allele, sgC4-b, occupied one of the top
saplings had the largest number of alleles at all three loci three positions in all site stages, and at sgF7, only sgF7-c
(16, 18, and 10 alleles, respectively) whereas seedlings had was abundant in adults, saplings, and seedlings of the
the most alleles at each locus in the PDP (16, 21, and 11 PDP, though not in LCR specimens (Table 2).
alleles, respectively), although seedlings also had the low-
est AE estimates for all loci in the PDP (5.11, 8.42, and 2.77
Diversity within sites and stages
alleles, respectively).
The three most common alleles accounted for more of The observed number of alleles averaged over loci (AOL)
the genetic composition at the least-variable locus (sgI9, was compared for different sites (Table 3). Of particular
cumulative frequency = 0.80) compared to the other more interest are comparisons (Fig. 2) between the LCR plots
variable loci (sgC4, 0.58; sgF7, 0.48) (Table 2). Both sgI9-a (4.2 ha) and the PDP at the scale of forested area (4.3 ha)

Table 3 Levels of genetic diversity within life stages and sites. Area of habitat (ha) and sample size (n) are reported for each site-stage as
are the following diversity statistics: the mean observed number of alleles per locus (AOL) and per locus per ha (AOL/ha); the observed
number of unique multilocus genotypes (GO) and the observed number per ha (GO/ha); the probability of sampling a unique multilocus
genotype (P(GO)); and the observed (HO) and expected (HE) heterozygosities, averaged over loci

Stage site Area n AOL AOL/ha GO GO/ha P(GO) HO HE

Adults 42.7 74 14.667 0.343 74 1.733 1.000 0.797 0.854

LCR 4.2 31 12 2.857 31 7.381 1.000 0.774 0.834
LCR1 + B 3.2 23 10.667 3.333 23 7.188 1.000 0.754 0.813
LCR2 1 8 7.333 7.333 8 8 1.000 0.833 0.800
PDP 38.5 43 13 0.338 43 1.117 1.000 0.814 0.835
Forest 4.3 21 11.667 2.713 21 4.884 1.000 0.794 0.819
UGS 1.0 5 6.333 6.333 5 5 1.000 0.867 0.800
LGS 1.3 5 6 4.615 5 3.846 1.000 0.867 0.807
LOB 1.1 5 4.667 4.243 5 4.545 1.000 0.800 0.740
Corridors 0.9 6 5 5.556 6 6.667 1.000 0.667 0.718
Pasture 34.2 22 11.667 0.341 22 0.643 1.000 0.833 0.827

Saplings 42.7 152 16.333 0.383 152 3.56 1.000 0.732 0.848
LCR 4.2 84 14.667 3.492 84 20 1.000 0.726 0.821
LCR1 1 69 14 14 69 69 1.000 0.739 0.815
LCR2 1 15 10.333 10.333 15 15 1.000 0.667 0.813
PDP 38.5 68 13 0.338 68 1.766 1.000 0.740 0.820
Forest 4.3 66 13 3.023 66 15.349 1.000 0.748 0.823
UGS 1.0 34 9.333 9.333 34 34 1.000 0.784 0.804
LGS 1.3 13 8 6.154 13 10 1.000 0.667 0.792
LOB 1.1 14 9.667 8.788 14 12.727 1.000 0.738 0.806
Corridors 0.9 5 5.667 6.297 5 5.556 1.000 0.733 0.760

Seedlings 42.7 688 16.667 0.390 500 11.71 0.727 0.620 0.788
LCR 4.2 50 11.667 2.778 49 11.667 0.980 0.733 0.837
LCR1 1.0 45 11 11 44 44 0.978 0.741 0.830
LCR2 1.0 5 3.667 3.667 5 5 1.000 0.667 0.667
PDP 38.5 638 16 0.416 451 11.714 0.707 0.611 0.775
Forest 4.3 638 16 3.721 451 104.884 0.707 0.611 0.775
UGS 1.0 220 12.667 12.667 150 150 0.682 0.602 0.697
LGS 1.3 131 10.667 8.205 93 71.538 0.710 0.527 0.707
LOB 1.1 212 14.333 13.030 199 180.909 0.939 0.675 0.807
Corridors 0.9 75 10.333 11.481 66 73.333 0.880 0.604 0.775

© 1998 Blackwell Science Ltd, Molecular Ecology, 7, 933Ð944

M I C R O S AT E L L I T E D E M O G R A P H Y O F F R A G M E N T E D T R O P I C A L T R E E P O P U L AT I O N S 939

respectively). This trend was somewhat more pronounced

in the PDP (0.61, 0.74, 0.81, respectively). This reflects a gen-
eral deficit of heterozygotes relative to HardyÐWeinberg
expectations in all stage classes, with the mean inbreeding
coefficient (FIS) over loci ranging from 0.02 to 0.20 for the
primary site-stage categories. Considering the total sample,
the heterozygote deficit was most pronounced at the most
variable locus (sgF7, FIS = 0.39) while FIS for sgC4 (0.10) was
greater than for sgI9 (0.06). This ordering also reflects the
rank of loci by variability.

Evaluating F-statistics across geographical regions, the
most pronounced genetic structure occurred between the
Fig. 2 Allelic and genotypic diversity in the seedlings, saplings,
PDP and the LCR (Fig. 3, Table 4). A significant level of
and adults of the LCR and PDP. The mean number of unique alle-
les observed per locus and the observed number of unique multi-
inbreeding was detected only in the seedlings at this level
locus genotypes are reported for each site stage on a per-ha of of comparison (F = 0.270), but all stage classes exhibited
forest and per-ha of plot basis. significant genetic differentiation between the LCR and

and total plot area (38.5 ha). There was generally little dif-
ference in AOL when comparisons were made per ha of for-
est area surveyed for the PDP (adult AOL/ha = 2.71, sapling
AOL/ha = 3.02, and seedling AOL/ha = 3.72, respectively)
and LCR (2.86, 3.49, and 2.78, respectively). When total plot
area was used, however, AOL/ha in the LCR (2.86, 3.49, and
2.78, respectively) was consistently greater than in the PDP
(0.34, 0.34, and 0.42, respectively) for all life stages.
Similar comparisons of the numbers of unique multilo-
cus genotypes (GO) revealed markedly different results
(Fig. 2). The PDP held a similar number of distinct sapling
(15.35) and adult (4.88) genotypes per ha of forest com-
pared to the LCR (20.00 and 7.38, respectively), but 9.2-
times as many seedling genotypes per ha of forest (PDP,
104.88; LCR, 11.67). When GO was estimated against total
plot area, however, the pattern of relative abundance was
reversed, and the numbers of unique multilocus seedling
genotypes per ha of total plot were nearly identical
between the PDP (11.67) and LCR (11.71). On the other
hand, the LCR had greater diversity at this level of com-
parison for saplings (LCR, 20.00; PDP, 1.77) and adults
(LCR, 7.38; PDP, 1.12).
All of the multilocus genotypes in the adults and
saplings were distinct (Table 3). Only in the seedlings
were there multilocus genotypes that occurred in more
than one individual. This redundancy was less common
in the LCR, where 98.0% of the seedling genotypes were
unique vs. 70.7% of the PDP seedlings.
Fig. 3 Plots of spatial genetic structure between the LCR and
Expected heterozygosities did not vary much over the
PDP seedlings, saplings, and adults. Estimates of genetic differ-
primary categories of adults, saplings and seedlings in the
entiation (RST and θ) and local (f) and total (F) inbreeding are
LCR and PDP (0.78Ð0.85, Table 3). There was a tendency, reported (heavy line) as are 95% confidence intervals (thin lines)
however, for observed heterozygosity to increase from the generated by bootstrapping over loci (RST; M I C R O S AT program)
seedling to the adult stage in the LCR (0.73, 0.73, 0.77, and jackknifing over loci (θ, f, F; F S TAT program).

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940 P. R . A L D R I C H E T A L .

Table 4 Spatial genetic structure within and among sites for the different life stages of Symphonia globulifera as revealed by the three
microsatellite loci. F-statistics are calculated according to Weir & Cockerham (1984) using the program F S TAT (Goudet 1995), which pro-
vides standard deviations (SD) by jackknifing over loci. The RST statistic, which assesses among-population differentiation in allele size,
was calculated using the program M I C R O S AT (Minch et al. 1996), which provides standard deviations by bootstrapping over loci. Values
that are significantly different from zero are indicated at the 0.05 (*) and 0.01 (**) alpha levels. RST estimates of patch differentiation are
reported as three values, as the M I C R O S AT program generates as many tests for three-way comparisons

Site by stage F ± SD f ± SD θ ± SD RST ± SD


Adults 0.091 ± 0.052 0.061 ± 0.053 Ð 0.031 ± 0.007 ** Ð 0.056 ± 0.010 **
Saplings 0.169 ± 0.112 0.117 ± 0.111 Ð 0.058 ± 0.008 ** Ð 0.038 ± 0.020
Seedlings 0.270 ± 0.108 * 0.214 ± 0.117 Ð 0.071 ± 0.003 ** Ð 0.238 ± 0.037 **

LCR1 vs. LCR2 in LCR

Adults 0.054 ± 0.084 0.023 ± 0.066 Ð 0.031 ± 0.021 Ð 0.027 ± 0.013 *
Saplings 0.124 ± 0.099 0.124 ± 0.099 Ð 0.000 ± 0.005 Ð 0.024 ± 0.014

Pasture vs. Forest in PDP

Adults 0.091 ± 0.052 0.061 ± 0.053 Ð 0.031 ± 0.007 ** Ð 0.017 ± 0.002 **

UGS vs. LGS vs. LOB Patches

Adults 0.019 ± 0.105 0.033 ± 0.081 Ð 0.016 ± 0.025 Ð 0.044 (*, ns, ns)
Saplings 0.105 ± 0.128 0.095 ± 0.129 Ð 0.011 ± 0.002 ** Ð 0.066 (**, **, **)
Old Seedlings 0.231 ± 0.102 * 0.195 ± 0.096 * Ð 0.044 ± 0.013 ** Ð 0.024 (*, ns, ns)
New Seedlings 0.190 ± 0.143 0.161 ± 0.134 Ð 0.033 ± 0.016 * Ð 0.097 (**, **, ns)

the PDP. Adults showed small, but significant, differentia- saplings at either site except for a small, negative RST
tion both in allele state (θ = 0.031) and allele size value (Ð 0.007) in the PDP. Adults and saplings were sig-
(RST = 0.056). Saplings in the LCR were significantly dif- nificantly different from seedlings in the PDP (θ = 0.015,
ferentiated from the PDP saplings according to θ (0.058), RST = 0.114 and θ = 0.024, respectively) but again this was
although not according to RST. Unlike adults, differentia- not found in the LCR. Finally, θ (0.052) among old and
tion between the LCR and PDP seedling gene pools was new seedlings was significantly > 0 in the PDP; RST was
significantly > 0 (θ = 0.071, RST = 0.238). not significant and sample sizes precluded a similar com-
Other levels of spatial comparisons also revealed parison within the seedlings of the LCR.
genetic structure. The two LCR plots did not exhibit sig-
nificant inbreeding or genetic differentiation in allelic
Ordination of gene pools
state, but they did show a small but significantly negative
RST value (Ð 0.027; Table 4) in the adults. A small, negative Principal component analysis (Fig. 4) is presented with the
RST value (Ð 0.017) was also found for the comparison of first two axes explaining 54.7% of the variation in allele fre-
adults in pasture vs. forested areas in the PDP, samples quencies and separating the 19 site stages into three distinct
that were also significantly different in allelic state (θ = groups. The first principal component, explaining 39.2% of
0.031). Considering the three remnant patches, adults the variation, separates the PDP samples from the LCR
exhibited no significant inbreeding or genetic differentia- samples, the latter of which clustered in the upper left of
tion, whereas saplings were significantly differentiated the plot. The second principal component explains 15.5%
among patches (θ = 0.011, RST = 0.066). Older seedlings and separates the PDP into two groups. In the lower centre
had inbreeding values (F = 0.231 and f = 0.195) signifi- of the plot were all of the older cohorts in the PDP, includ-
cantly > 0 and were differentiated among patches ing adults from remnant forest and corridors (FOR), adults
(θ = 0.044), whereas newer seedlings were primarily dif- from pasture (PAS), and the saplings from the three patches
ferentiated among patches (θ = 0.033, mean RST = 0.097). that fall between the adult samples on the plot. The
Levels of genetic differentiation were also calculated seedling samples in the lower centre are the new and old
across life stages (Table 5) in the PDP and LCR. Significant collections from the LOB patch and its adjacent corridor
differentiation (θ = 0.020, RST = 0.210) was detected in the (LRC). The third group is comprised entirely of old and
PDP when considering all three stages, but not in the new PDP seedlings originating in the two other patches
LCR. Adults were not significantly differentiated from (UGS, LGS) and their adjacent corridors (UVC, LGC).

© 1998 Blackwell Science Ltd, Molecular Ecology, 7, 933Ð944

M I C R O S AT E L L I T E D E M O G R A P H Y O F F R A G M E N T E D T R O P I C A L T R E E P O P U L AT I O N S 941

Table 5 Temporal genetic structure

Stage by Site θ ± SD RST ± SD
among life stages of Syphonia globulifera
within the LCR and PDP. Genetic
Adults vs. Saplings vs. Seedlings
differentiation as measured by θ and RST is
LCR 0.008 ± 0.006 Ð 0.005 (ns, ns, ns)
reported, along with standard deviations
PDP 0.020 ± 0.003 ** Ð 0.210 (**, *, *)
generated by jackknifing (θ, F S TAT ) and
Adults vs. Saplings bootstrapping (RST, M I C R O S AT ) over loci
LCR 0.004 ± 0.006 Ð 0.004 ± 0.008
PDP 0.004 ± 0.004 Ð 0.007 ± 0.001 **
Adults vs. Seedlings
LCR 0.010 ± 0.008 Ð 0.015 ± 0.010
PDP 0.015 ± 0.006 * Ð 0.114 ± 0.048 *
Saplings vs. Seedlings
LCR 0.009 ± 0.007 Ð 0.004 ± 0.002
PDP 0.024 ± 0.004 ** Ð 0.103 ± 0.054
Old Seedlings vs. New Seedlings
PDP 0.052 ± 0.016 ** Ð 0.026 ± 0.018

gene flow. In the LCR, the saplings had more alleles than
the other life stages because saplings were numerically
the most abundant (n = 84), were comprised of numerous
size cohorts, and had historically experienced appreciable
rates of gene flow into the large LCR plot (m > 0.5, Aldrich
& Hamrick 1998). In the PDP, the seedlings had the most
alleles, probably because they were locally most abundant
(n = 638) and had experienced moderate rates of gene
flow (m > 0.1). The evenness of allelic diversity was typi-
cally very low in the PDP seedlings, however, probably
due to the highly skewed distribution of adult fecundities
in the PDP (Aldrich & Hamrick 1998).
Much less continuity in allelic composition was
observed across sites and life stages for the more variable
two loci vs. the least variable locus. This pattern is unlike
that revealed by most allozyme loci in plant species,
which typically involve a single most-common allele pre-
sent at each locus across broad geographical and temporal
Fig. 4 First two axes from a principal component analysis of allele scales (Hamrick & Godt 1990; Aldrich et al. 1992).
frequency composition for 19 site stages of Symphonia globulifera in
The mean number of alleles per locus per ha of forested
the study area. Symbol shape indicates life stage: rectangle
area was not substantially different in the PDP compared
(adults), triangle (saplings), oval (old seedlings), circle (new
seedlings), and oval + circle (old and new seedlings). Dark-shaded to the LCR forest. The large deficit in AOL/ha of total plot
symbols indicate samples taken from LCR plots; light-shaded area, however, probably reflects a diminishing return of
symbols indicate PDP samples. Plot names are as follows: Las alleles per ha of forest surveyed, although a loss of alleles
Cruces Reserve Plots (LCR1, LCR2), PDP pasture (PAS), PDP commensurate with fragmentation is also possible
forested area (FOR), PDP remnant forest patches (UGS, LGS, LOB) (Nason et al. 1997). A similar pattern was observed regard-
and their adjacent corridors (UVC, LGC, LRC, respectively).
ing the abundance of unique multilocus sapling and adult
In contrast, the number of distinct multilocus seedling
Discussion genotypes in the PDP was much greater than expected
per ha of forest based on LCR data, but it matched the
Diversity within loci, sites and stages
LCR expectations almost precisely when total plot area
The sapling and seedling gene pools were not a simple was considered. This result is not unlikely, given that
subset of the adult pool of alleles, a pattern that can be Aldrich (1997) provided evidence that bats preferentially
explained by sample size differences and high rates of deposit fruits from pasture trees into remnant forest. This

© 1998 Blackwell Science Ltd, Molecular Ecology, 7, 933Ð944

942 P. R . A L D R I C H E T A L .

mechanism of concentrating recruitment from pasture which were differentiated for θ, although not RST, as
trees would result in remnant forest receiving a broad many saplings probably predated fragmentation (Aldrich
spectrum of seed genotypes; in this case, practically the & Hamrick 1998). Genetic differences between the LCR
full spectrum of genotypes expected from 38.5 ha of for- and the PDP (θ, RST) were greatest in the seedlings which
est. Still, a greater proportion of the PDP seedlings had were differentiated significantly beyond the structure
redundant genotypes (1 Ð P(GO) = 0.293, Table (3) com- revealed in adults. Only minor differences between θ and
pared to the LCR seedlings (1 Ð P(GO) = 0.02). RST were noted throughout, suggesting that allele state
Observed heterozygosities tended to increase with and size had not diverged substantially at this spatial and
class age which corroborates several studies of allozyme temporal scale.
variation in trees (Mitton & Grant 1984). This was not At a smaller geographical scale, however, less spatial
matched by any apparent increase in expected heterozy- and temporal genetic structure was detected within the
gosity; the younger size classes exhibited the largest het- LCR than within the PDP, suggesting a fragmentation
erozygote deficits in the PDP seedlings (FIS = 0.196). This response, although differences in the scale of sampling at
is expected for this site stage, as the PDP seedlings result the two sites might also be a factor. Both LCR plots failed
from a high selfing rate (Aldrich & Hamrick 1998) and to reveal significant inbreeding or genetic differentiation.
incorporate a spatial Wahlund effect between patches This agrees with other data (Aldrich & Hamrick 1998)
and a temporal Wahlund effect between the old and indicating that S. globulifera in these plots have remained
young seedlings, all of which should generate a heterozy- largely outcrossed and that genetic drift has played a less-
gote deficit. dominant role than has gene flow.
The inbreeding coefficient was typically larger for the Within the PDP, saplings exhibited significant genetic
more variable loci. This could result from an increased differentiation (θ, RST) among patches, which may reflect
propensity to score heterozygotes as homozygotes when pre-existing genetic structure contained in seed shadows,
alleles are close in size and confused with stutter bands or if fragmentation occurred at or below this spatial scale
are not distinguished as falling into separate bins, as (Hamrick et al. 1993; Nason et al. 1997). Aldrich &
might occur with the sgF7 locus. The more-variable loci Hamrick (1998) also found that more recent recruitment
may also have contained null alleles that would reduce in each patch typically is dominated by a different subset
the observed heterozygosities, although it was not possi- of adults, which would have led to further differentiation
ble to detect segregation distortion with the dispersed among patches for saplings produced subsequent to frag-
progeny, as one might with seeds of known maternal ori- mentation. An inbreeding effect was not detected in the
gin, and progeny arrays were small. Nonetheless, the saplings, which is consistent with many of the saplings
magnitudes of departure from HardyÐWeinberg expecta- having been produced prior to fragmentation when the
tions are comparable to those observed at other breeding structure within the PDP was more similar to
microsatellite loci developed for tropical trees (e.g. Chase that currently observed in the LCR. This lack of inbreed-
et al. 1996a), and their direction of deviation is consistent ing also may be due to inbreeding depression, which may
with the natural history of this species at this site (e.g. self- have eliminated many selfed saplings produced follow-
ing and Wahlund effects). ing fragmentation. The selfing rate estimated from the
PDP seedlings was higher than that estimated from PDP
saplings, and saplings were numerically less abundant in
Spatial and temporal genetic structure
remnant forest of the PDP compared to the LCR (P. R.
Most of the heterozygote deficit detected in Symphonia Aldrich, unpublished).
globulifera at the various geographical levels of comparison The seedlings consistently showed the most genetic
was not significant according to jackknife estimates of the structure in comparisons within and among sites and life
variance. The exception was the PDP seedlings, in which stages within the PDP. The older seedlings were signifi-
local and total inbreeding (f and F, respectively) was sub- cantly differentiated among patches (θ) and carried a sig-
stantial in magnitude and significance. This was not sur- nificant inbreeding effect (F, f), which may result from
prising as a large proportion of the PDP seedlings resulted substantial spatial and temporal Wahlund effects. The
from selfing (s = 0.246), whereas the LCR seedlings younger seedlings were primarily differentiated among
(s = 0.098) along with other site stages incorporated much patches (θ, RST), but lacked a significant inbreeding
less selfing (Aldrich & Hamrick 1998). effect, which might be due to a diminished temporal
As fragmentation in the PDP is fairly recent, genetic dif- Wahlund effect, if the new seedlings included fewer
ferentiation among sites in the adults (θ, RST) probably cohorts than the old seedlings.
results from pre-existing genetic structure (in both allele A negative θ, or RST, may arise through error in estima-
state and size) developed over an extended time period. tion when θ is small and positive. If the true value is nega-
This also may be true, to a lesser extent, of the saplings tive, it represents a negative intraclass correlation,

© 1998 Blackwell Science Ltd, Molecular Ecology, 7, 933Ð944

M I C R O S AT E L L I T E D E M O G R A P H Y O F F R A G M E N T E D T R O P I C A L T R E E P O P U L AT I O N S 943

indicating that alleles are more related between individu- small population size is sufficient but not necessary for the
als than within individuals (Weir 1996). This may arise in development of significant changes in the genetic composi-
mating systems involving an avoidance of self-matings tion of fragmented tropical tree populations.
(Cockerham 1973). All significantly negative estimates of
θ and RST revealed in this study were small in magnitude Acknowledgements
and involved the adults which had the smallest sample
size and were most likely to have experienced prolonged We thank P. Chavarriaga and G. Kochert for assistance in SSR
development and J. Burke, M. Jimenez, A. Jones, and S. Kresovich
periods of outcrossing in the LCR and in the PDP prior to
for technical advice; D. Hinrichs, L. Rieseberg, R. Wyatt, and two
fragmentation. anonymous reviewers for comments; and V. Apsit, M. Arnold, C.
Finally, principal component analysis revealed the com- R. Carroll, J. Doebley, and J. Nason for discussions. Logistical sup-
bined effects of a genetic bottleneck superimposed upon port in the field was graciously provided by Luis Diego Gomez,
pre-existing genetic structure in the adults. In the LCR, Gail Hewson, Las Cruces, the Organization for Tropical Studies
seedlings and saplings were genetically similar to the and the Stanford Center for Conservation, as well as R. Menjivar,
adults, whereas all saplings but only the seedlings from D. Biggs, and D. Hinrichs. Financial support was provided by an
NSF Training Grant and an NSF Doctoral Dissertation
one patch clustered with adults in the PDP. These
Improvement Grant awarded to P.R.A, as well as grants from
seedlings, from the LOB and its adjacent corridor, derive Sigma Xi, OTS, and the UGA Botany Department.
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Hamrick 1998) thus largely conforming to the overall
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© 1998 Blackwell Science Ltd, Molecular Ecology, 7, 933Ð944

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