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Ozamiz City
College of Engineering & Technology

CERTIFIED : ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System-Det Norske Veritas, The Netherlands
ACCREDITED: Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (PACUCOA)


Date: April 16-21, 2018

Name: Alclint P. Calib-og Course: BSCE - 5

Company: Monocrete Construction Phil. Inc.

Department/Section Assigned: Podium Formworks

No. of
Date Daily Work Activities Working
 Attended the toolbox meeting.
Day 1  Meet and greet together with the co-ojts from University of Cebu. 8 hours
April 16,  Attended the safety orientation with sir Margo
 Meeting with our Engr. in charge, Engr. Jephone.
 Study the Key Plan and Specs of Podium from 1st to 4th floor.
 Paper works/ getting the signatures from other Engrs from different dept.
for final pouring for pressure slab at ground floor.

 Attended the toolbox meeting.

Day 2  Site monitoring at podium with Sir Jephone and Sir Erwin. 8 hours
April 17, 2018  Witnessed the line and grading works.
 Witnessed precast works, formworks and rebar works.
 Metting with our PM Engr. Wennie Jay Elmedolan together with other
 Paper works.
 Attended the toolbox meeting. 12 hours
Day 3  Site monitoring with sir Jephone
April 18, 2018  Paper works for ITWR ( Inspector Testing Work Request)
 Formwork Estimates for Installation of Beams & Girders at 4th floor
Podium using CAD 4th and Microsoft excel.
 Monitored concrete pouring for suspension slab at Podium ground floor.
 Attended the toolbox meeting. 8 hours
Day 4  Continued the Formwork Estimates.
April 19, 2018  Formwork Estimates for fire exit stairs at podium 2nd floor.
 Paper woks.

Day 5  Attended the toolbox meeting. 10 hours

April 20, 2018  Continued the Formwork Estimates
 Officeworks.
 Print out the Formwork Estimates.
Ozamiz City
College of Engineering & Technology

CERTIFIED : ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System-Det Norske Veritas, The Netherlands
ACCREDITED: Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (PACUCOA)

Day 6  Attended the toolbox meeting. 8 hours

April 21, 2018  Site monitoring at 9th Tower 2 with Engr. Jesley.
 Witnessed a Monowall and table form installation.
 Formwork Estimates for beams and Girders at Upper Second Floor
 Attended the Orientation together with all the OJTs form Monocrete
Company with the HR from Manila.

Certified by:
(Signature Over Printed Name)
Ozamiz City
College of Engineering & Technology

CERTIFIED : ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System-Det Norske Veritas, The Netherlands
ACCREDITED: Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (PACUCOA)

Weekly Performance Evaluation

Date: April 16-21, 2018

Name: Alclint P. Calib-og Course: BSCE - 5

Company: Monocrete Construction Phil. Inc.

Department/Section Assigned: Podium Formworks

Summary of Tasks Accomplished:

From day 1 to day 6, I learned a lot especially during our site monitoring at Podium with
Engr. Jephone and Engr. Erwin. In the office I learned to estimate Formworks in beams, girders
and stairs with the help of Engr. Elmer and Engr. Jason. I learned some of their daily routine jobs
and hopefully it will increase for my remaining weeks in OJT.

Insights and Learning Experiences:

1. Background of the company and the project.

2. Dos and DONTs inside the Site.
3. The purpose of line and grading is to check the elevation.
4. I saw bigger sizes of bars for reinforcements and stirrups.
5. Pressure slab can resist uplift force of the sea and suspension slab are slabs that are hanging and not
touching on the ground like 2nd floor and so on.
6. They used ink and thread for line and grading during daytime and Laser during night time.
7. Form batching plant, running volume of the concrete mix is 153m3 while during pouring it is 120m3.
8. In painting, they used 3 coatings. The first coating is lighter stokes usually it is white, Second coating and
third coating for the final color of the area.
9. Some of the beams and girders are cranking (bali) because they are not of the same elevation.
10. Abang is a circular hole in the pavement in order to pass the drainage system.
11. Spacer is used to avoid sag of the reinforcement. Ex. Concrete spacer for bottom bars and Plastic Spacer for
top bars.
12. For shear bar, they cut L/3 from face of the support
13. Diaphragm is a connection pipe for concrete pouring.
14. Productivity rates.
15. They teach me how to estimate for formworks using Microsoft Excel to get the amount for the budget and
get its hard copy for compilation.
16. I noticed that the bars of the beam at podium upper second floor are visible. I ask sir Jephone why and he
said that they forgot to put concrete spacer. It should be finished to avoid rust.
17. Some workers are not wearing safety harness when its 3 feet above the ground. So I told them and they
Ozamiz City
College of Engineering & Technology

CERTIFIED : ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System-Det Norske Veritas, The Netherlands
ACCREDITED: Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (PACUCOA)

18. Some areas are messy and slippery.

19. Steel stairs along tower 2 was broken.
20. I saw a damaged precast wall going to second floor of Podium. Sir Jephone said that it was stacked up
while it was lifted on the crane. They need to broke it to get it out from the crane and the precast Engr. paid
the damaged.
21. Engineer Jephone said that they lack machines like cranes that’s why they are always delayed.
22. In the architectural plan, we noticed that some of the beams doesn’t have schedules or questionable so civil
engineers make some revisions that is fit from the code and from what they’ve learned in school, according
to them.

Self-Evaluation (Please Check) Instructor’s Evaluation

__√__ 5 Excellent _____ 5 Excellent
_____ 4 Very Good _____ 4 Very Good
_____ 3 Good _____ 3 Good
_____ 2 Fair _____ 2 Fair
_____ 1 Poor _____ 1 Poor

Instructor’s Remark: ____________________________________________________

Trainee’s Signature: ALCLINT P. CALIB-OG

Signature over printed name

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