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UAS LTE II – Assessing Creativity

Proboningrum- K2215047

1. Creativity is the utilization of imagination and new ideas to be more effective
and successful (Ghonsooly, Shoqi, 2012).
2. According to Sternberg (2001), creativity is the potential to produce novel
ideas that are task-appropriate and high in quality.
3. Plucker, Beghetto and Dow (2004) define creativity as the interaction among
aptitude, process, and environment by which an individual or group produces
a perceptible product that is both novel and useful as defined within a social
4. Creativity is the power of the imagination to break away from perceptual set
so as to restructure or structure a new ideas, thoughts, and feelings into novel
and associative bonds (Khatena & Torrance, 1973, p. 28).
5. Creativity involves the process by which ideas already in one's mind are
associated in unusual but original ways to form new ideas (Sarnoff A.
6. Creativity can be defined as a complex, mental process employing numerous
areas in the brain that produces a product, often thought to be novel in nature.
7. A product is considered creative to the extent that it is both a novel and
appropriate, useful, correct, or valuable response to an open-ended task
(Hennessey, Amabile, and Mueller, 2011).

Creativity is a complex, mental process in the brain in which the imagination is
broken away from perceptual set to restructure or structure a new ideas, thoughts, and
feelings into novel and associative bonds that are task-appropriate and high in quality
to be more effective and successful.


1. Creativity was operationally defined by four of its factors: fluency, flexibility,
originality, and elaboration (Lawler, 2017).
2. The Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT), one of the most widely used
creativity measures, provide verbal and performance tasks based on divergent
thinking elements: fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration (Torrance,
3. The TTCT adopt Guilford’s definitions of fluency as the number of relevant
responses, originality as the number of unusual and relevant responses
determined by statistical infrequency, and elaboration as the number of details
used to extend a response (Torrance, 1974; Guilford, 1950).
4. Elaboration, fluency, and originality are three different components identified
as assisting in developing creative ideas (Torrance, 1974; Plucker & Runco,
5. Creative production involves fluency, originality, and elaboration of ideas
(Mouchiroud & Lubart, 2001; Wu & Chiou, 2008). All of these skills are
necessary for vocabulary development and increased communication between
students and their peers, as well as between students and teachers (Graves,

Fluency Originality Elaboration Flexibility
(Lawler, 2017) V V V V
(Torrance, 1974) V V V V
(Torrance, 1974;
Guilford, 1950)
(Torrance, 1974;
Plucker & Runco, 1998)
(Mouchiroud & Lubart,
2001; Wu & Chiou, V V V


There are some definitions of indicators by Torrace (1974):
1. Elaboration refers to the number of details used to extend a response.
2. Flexibility refers to the number of different categories to which responses could
belong. Flexibility represents a change in thought (Torrance, 1974).
3. Fluency refers to the number of relevant responses.
4. Originality refers to the number of unusual, but relevant ideas as measured by the
statistical infrequency of the idea.


These tests invite examinees to draw and give a title to their drawings (pictures) or to
write questions, reasons, consequences and different uses for objects (words).
Published in two equivalent forms, Forms A and B, the Figural and Verbal TTCT can
be used for pre- and posttesting.
- Figural TTCT (thinking creatively with pictures)
Thinking Creatively with Pictures is appropriate at all levels, kindergarten through
adult. It uses three picture-based exercises to assess five mental characteristics:
fluency, elaboration, originality, resistance to premature closure, and abstractness
of titles.
- Verbal TTCT (thinking creatively with words)
Appropriate for first graders through adults, the Verbal TTCT: Thinking
Creatively with Words uses six word-based exercises to assess three mental
characteristics: fluency, flexibility, and originality. These exercises provide
opportunities to ask questions, to improve products, and to “just suppose.”

- Figural test
Name of test Description Creative Factors
Activity 1 The person constructs a Originality, elaboration
Picture Construction picture using a pear shape
or jelly-bean shape as a
stimulus on the page. The
shape must be an integral
part of the composition
Activity 2 This activity requires a Fluency, originality,
Picture Completion person to use 10 elaboration
incomplete figures to
make and to name an
object or pictures.
Activity 3 This activity consists of Fluency, originality,
Lines and Circles three pages of lines and elaboration
circles; the person makes
object or pictures using
the lines or circles and
adds tittles or names at
the bottom of each

- Verbal
Name of tests Description Creative Factors
Activity 1 This activity requires the Fluency, flexibility,
Ask and guess
person to ask questions based originality
on drawings on a page
Activity 2/3 These activities requires the
Guessing Causes
person to make guesses about
and Guessing
Consequences causes and consequenses of
happenings related to a
Activity 4 The person thinks of as many Fluency, flexibility,
ways as possible to change a originality
activity toy animal to make it more fun
to play with.
Activity 5 The person devises as many as Fluency, flexibility,
Unusual Uses
possible for objects such as originality
thin cans or cardboard.

Fluency skor diperoleh dari jumlah keseluruhan jawaban yang dihasilkan
peserta tes. Jika terdapat jawaban yang sama maka jumlah
keseluruhan jawaban dikurangi jumlah yang sama.
Flexibility Kategori yang berbeda. 1 kategori 1 poin. Jika siswa dapat
menyebutkan jawaban dengan variasi kategori maka akan
mendapat nilai lebih tinggi.
Originality Jika siswa memiliki jawaban dengan prosentase jawaban 5%
dari jawaban keseluruhan siswa maka akan mendapat 1 poin.
Jika siswa memiliki jawaban dengan prosentase jawaban 1%
dari jawaban keseluruhan siswa maka akan mendapat 2 poin.
(semakin sedikit jawaban yang sama, semakin tinggi nilai.
Semakin banyak jawaban yang sama, semakin rendah nilai)
Elaboration Detail dari jawaban siswa.
- Tidak menjawab secara detail= 0
- Menjawab dengan detail pendek= 1 poin

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