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The Officer Commanding,

PAF Hospital,

MM Alam Air Base Mianwali.

Subject: Application for the post of Clinical Psychologist.

Respected Sir,

It is respectfully stated that I have completed MSc. in Psychology from University

of Sargodha (Session 2012-2-14) and MS. in Clinical Psychology (Session 2014-2016)
from (IIUI) International Islamic University Islamabad with extraordinary academic record.

I am working in clinical setting since 2015. I furnished myself during my MS

internship and right after work with Dr. Tahir Khalily. This supervised work makes me a
skilled clinical Psychologist. I engaged with different type of psychopathologies its gives
me expertise with practical experience and enables me to practice evidences base
psychotherapies with context to our Pakistani culture.

With intellectual experience and supervision of Dr. Muhammad Tahir khalily (The
president academics IIUI). I develop may own approach with context to Pakistan and in
the light of existing evidence based knowledge in field of psychotherapy. May Rahber
Healing approach is working well I intervene psychopathologies in well manner with
context to Pakistan further I am working on my Ph.D. based on this approach to furnish it
and give the status of an evidence approach for different psychopathologies.

This is my passion to work in Air forces institute because its command will furnish
my organizational and management skills and shape me more disciplined. I am sure that
you will provide me this golden chance I am ensure that I will work with enthusiasm
discipline and in managed way. I am enlisting my comprehensive resume along with cover
letter and request for your kind consideration.

Yours faithfully

Sami Ullah Khan

Consultant Clinical Psychologist

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