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A passion for science and teaching children has led Jennifer Rojo to pursue a career in education.

Currently a Master Teacher II at the Neogan Elementary School—a meek barrio school situated at the
fringes of bustling Tagaytay City—this same passion for teaching is what fuels her to continuously be a
visionary in her craft, developing various learning initiatives beyond what the textbook can offer.

To sow early interest in science onto her students’ hearts and minds, she authored in 2015 the JenSci–
Voc (Joyful Enrichment in Science Vocabulary), a compilation of scientific vocabulary worksheets in the
form of puzzles and games. Used until this day, the JenSci-Voc has helped students, especially those
struggling in English, comprehend highfalutin scientific ideas and jargon in an enjoyable way.

Rojo knows children learn best when they use their imagination in hands-on activities. With this, she
developed the Mobile Sci–Hub/Lab—a house-inspired instructional material meant to simplify into visuals
some hard-to-grasp scientific concepts, such as astronomy and electricity generation. The exteriors of the
Hub feature concept maps of plants and animals, while its interiors feature a mini science laboratory and
various illustrations of electric circuits, constellations, and earth cycles. The Hub is foldable and designed
with wheels, making it suitable for schools without laboratory rooms or prone to floods.

As part of the implementation of the K to 12 curriculum, she served as a writer of instructional materials
and lesson plan guides for Grades 3 and 4 Science, incorporating practical examples and everyday
situations in the lessons so that learners can easily relate with it. These materials eventually served as
the main reference resources produced by DepEd.

In addition to being a writer of these materials, Rojo served as a K to 12 National Trainer, lecturing in front
of other teachers regarding the proper use of materials and implementation of the curriculum.

A recipient of the Regional Gawad Patnugot Outstanding Elementary Teacher Award from DepEd-Region
IVA in 2016, Rojo is a devoted wife and mother to two children. She received her bachelor’s degree in
Elementary Education from the Philippine Normal University and her Masters in Education Major in
Administration and Supervision from Philippine Christian University

For Edgar Elago of the Magallanes National High School in Agusan del Norte, there is no such thing as a
four-walled classroom. The role of a teacher does not stop once the classroom doors are shut.

From formulating culture-based instructional materials, mentoring students in various cultural

competitions, to helping scholars continue their college education, Elago has constantly looked for ways
to extend his art and culture advocacy beyond the classroom and into the larger community.

To foster this love for Filipino art and culture among students and teachers nationwide, Elago authored a
comprehensive action research on cultural awareness as part of his scholarship under the National
Commission for the Culture and the Arts (NCCA). The resulting framework, comprised of culture-based
lesson modules and localized instructional materials, now serves as a guideline for other teachers to

Additionally, under his NCCA scholarship, Elago served as a resource speaker in various national
trainings and seminars, helping other teachers integrate lessons in culture and arts, specifically on
performing arts and cultural activities, into different subject areas. Teachers were trained to develop
culture-based lesson exemplars and modules, localized visual arts, culture-based song compositions,
ethnic dances, and dance drama-theater arts—leading to the overall enhancement of their strategies and
teaching pedagogies.

Beyond his advocacy for culture and arts, Mr. Elago is a staunch advocate of accessible education for all.
In 2011, Elago developed ‘Project Scholar’—an initiative that aims to help high school graduates who
come from financially challenged households to continue their college education. Under Project Scholar,
Mr.Elago has taken it upon himself to facilitate the students’ college applications and help them look for
scholarships, using his own resources and meager salary.

To gather extra funding for the scholars, Elago established Art Shop, a social enterprise that rents out
Filipino costumes which he designs himself. Part of the earnings from the art shop is used to fund his
college scholarship program. Further, he employs his scholars on a “cash for work” arrangement, letting
them do costume production and delivery jobs.

To date, Elago’s efforts have benefitted over 60 scholars—ranging from indigenous peoples, out-of-
school-youth, former drug addicts, and children in conflict with the law—significantly reducing incidences
of early marriages, drug addiction, and other forms of crimes among these youth.

Elago is the recipient of the 2017 National Outstanding Teacher in Performing Arts (National Level) from
the Philippine Arts and Culture Educators Society (PACES). He earned his Bachelor’s Degree in
Industrial Education from Caraga State University; and his Master of Arts in Education Major in
Educational Management from Saint Joseph Institute of Technology. He also has a Graduate Diploma in
Cultural Education from Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan.
empower every learner and ignite within every Filipino the aspiration to achieve greatness—not only for
themselves but also for others.

“We applaud the unwavering hard work of our educators in igniting the passion of each Filipino learner,”
Education Secretary Br. Armin Luistro FSC said. He emphasized the important role of educators in waging the
“battle against ignorance.”

Luistro added, “Each day you stand in front of the students in the classroom is another day of taking on the
challenge of eliminating illiteracy and ignorance among the minds of the Filipino youth.” He emphasized the
every educator is a community leader.

“Our 2014 Metrobank Outstanding Teacher awardees have dedicated their lives not only in teaching our young
learners but also in empowering the communities in which they serve,” Luistro said. He added that they
“represent the best during the worst of times—not only during the extraordinary moments but in the daily
engagement with students.”

Anna Bella F. Abellera, English teacher at Naga Central School I and one of the 2014 SOT awardees, said,
“Teaching is akin to a calling. It is an opportunity to reach out to more people in need. Stepping out of the
classroom and applying the same dreams I had with my own students simply gives unparalleled gratification.”
Abellera developed an award-winning reading program entitled “LEAP (Love for Extensive Academic
Progress through Reading)” that aims to increase the number of “independent readers”. She also co-authored a
compilation of lesson plans and workbooks for the English subject from Grades 1 to 6.

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